- Trim sources.
- Using sources in media pool or track.
- New tuning method (which will be faster) (for Vegas 16+ only).
- Integrate Staff Visualizer.
- Integrate Select Interval.
- Preview base pitch.
- Auto add pitch-shift plugin presets.
- Save configuration.
- Support YTP.
- Apply visual effects to selected video events.
Suggestions from other friends.
- I18n (5 languages currently).
- Change tune method.
- Tracks legato.
- Compatible with Vegas 13~15.
- Multiple track for video clips option.
- Increase spacing.
- Stacking clips for all tracks.
- Change the parameters to decimal.
- Set fade in / fade out by timecode instead of percent.
- Change the opacity by velocity.
These features were originally scheduled to be released in v5.0, but due to the delay in v5.0, some of them had to be brought into v4.0.
- Replace track events specify separately.
- Generate multiple tracks at once and apply auto layout tracks effects.
- Apply multiple visual effects to clips.
- Sonar Effect.
- Support MIDI files not exported by FL Studio.
- Edit MIDI channel notes.
- Official documentation and tutorial video.
- Refresh UI to WinUI 3 (v5.x).
- Store, to download templates uploaded by other users.
- Lyrics/Karaoke.
- Manual Vocaloid/Sentence Mixing.
- Shupelunker Tactics.
- More languages.
- More video visual effects, video parameters, YTP effects.
- Support After Effects.
- Support Aviutl.
- Stand alone app.
- Android app.
Sorry, I don't know how to add these features.
- Quickly generate kaleidoscope effects.
I'm not quite sure if these features should be added.