diff --git a/cryptoTools b/cryptoTools
index f866671..57f867b 160000
--- a/cryptoTools
+++ b/cryptoTools
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit f866671ad8d08527314ff4c97325cc26366d615b
+Subproject commit 57f867b984ada934caca08a257b252b1fcd64ae1
diff --git a/libOTe/Tools/Tools.cpp b/libOTe/Tools/Tools.cpp
index 05ca004..d11c644 100644
--- a/libOTe/Tools/Tools.cpp
+++ b/libOTe/Tools/Tools.cpp
@@ -22,1039 +22,1168 @@ using std::array;
namespace osuCrypto {
- //bool gUseBgicksPprf(true);
+ //bool gUseBgicksPprf(true);
//using namespace std;
// Utility function to do modular exponentiation.
// It returns (x^y) % p
- u64 power(u64 x, u64 y, u64 p)
- {
- u64 res = 1; // Initialize result
- x = x % p; // Update x if it is more than or
- // equal to p
- while (y > 0)
- {
- // If y is odd, multiply x with result
- if (y & 1)
- res = (res * x) % p;
- // y must be even now
- y = y >> 1; // y = y/2
- x = (x * x) % p;
- }
- return res;
- }
- // This function is called for all k trials. It returns
- // false if n is composite and returns false if n is
- // probably prime.
- // d is an odd number such that d*2r = n-1
- // for some r >= 1
- bool millerTest(u64 d, PRNG& prng, u64 n)
- {
- // Pick a random number in [2..n-2]
- // Corner cases make sure that n > 4
- u64 a = 2 + prng.get() % (n - 4);
- // Compute a^d % n
- u64 x = power(a, d, n);
- if (x == 1 || x == n - 1)
- return true;
- // Keep squaring x while one of the following doesn't
- // happen
- // (i) d does not reach n-1
- // (ii) (x^2) % n is not 1
- // (iii) (x^2) % n is not n-1
- while (d != n - 1)
- {
- x = (x * x) % n;
- d *= 2;
- if (x == 1) return false;
- if (x == n - 1) return true;
- }
- // Return composite
- return false;
- }
- // It returns false if n is composite and returns true if n
- // is probably prime. k is an input parameter that determines
- // accuracy level. Higher value of k indicates more accuracy.
- bool isPrime(u64 n, PRNG& prng, u64 k)
- {
- // Corner cases
- if (n <= 1 || n == 4) return false;
- if (n <= 3) return true;
- // Find r such that n = 2^d * r + 1 for some r >= 1
- u64 d = n - 1;
- while (d % 2 == 0)
- d /= 2;
- // Iterate given nber of 'k' times
- for (u64 i = 0; i < k; i++)
- if (!millerTest(d, prng, n))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- bool isPrime(u64 n)
- {
- PRNG prng(ZeroBlock);
- return isPrime(n, prng);
- }
- u64 nextPrime(u64 n)
- {
- PRNG prng(ZeroBlock);
- while (isPrime(n, prng) == false)
- ++n;
- return n;
- }
- void print(array& inOut)
- {
- BitVector temp(128);
- for (u64 i = 0; i < 128; ++i)
- {
- temp.assign(inOut[i]);
- std::cout << temp << std::endl;
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- }
- u8 getBit(array& inOut, u64 i, u64 j)
- {
- BitVector temp(128);
- temp.assign(inOut[i]);
- return temp[j];
- }
- void eklundh_transpose128(block* inOut)
- {
- const static u64 TRANSPOSE_MASKS128[7][2] = {
- { 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF },
- { 0x00000000FFFFFFFF, 0x00000000FFFFFFFF },
- { 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF },
- { 0x00FF00FF00FF00FF, 0x00FF00FF00FF00FF },
- { 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F, 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F },
- { 0x3333333333333333, 0x3333333333333333 },
- { 0x5555555555555555, 0x5555555555555555 }
- };
- u32 width = 64;
- u32 logn = 7, nswaps = 1;
+ u64 power(u64 x, u64 y, u64 p)
+ {
+ u64 res = 1; // Initialize result
+ x = x % p; // Update x if it is more than or
+ // equal to p
+ while (y > 0)
+ {
+ // If y is odd, multiply x with result
+ if (y & 1)
+ res = (res * x) % p;
+ // y must be even now
+ y = y >> 1; // y = y/2
+ x = (x * x) % p;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ // This function is called for all k trials. It returns
+ // false if n is composite and returns false if n is
+ // probably prime.
+ // d is an odd number such that d*2r = n-1
+ // for some r >= 1
+ bool millerTest(u64 d, PRNG& prng, u64 n)
+ {
+ // Pick a random number in [2..n-2]
+ // Corner cases make sure that n > 4
+ u64 a = 2 + prng.get() % (n - 4);
+ // Compute a^d % n
+ u64 x = power(a, d, n);
+ if (x == 1 || x == n - 1)
+ return true;
+ // Keep squaring x while one of the following doesn't
+ // happen
+ // (i) d does not reach n-1
+ // (ii) (x^2) % n is not 1
+ // (iii) (x^2) % n is not n-1
+ while (d != n - 1)
+ {
+ x = (x * x) % n;
+ d *= 2;
+ if (x == 1) return false;
+ if (x == n - 1) return true;
+ }
+ // Return composite
+ return false;
+ }
+ // It returns false if n is composite and returns true if n
+ // is probably prime. k is an input parameter that determines
+ // accuracy level. Higher value of k indicates more accuracy.
+ bool isPrime(u64 n, PRNG& prng, u64 k)
+ {
+ // Corner cases
+ if (n <= 1 || n == 4) return false;
+ if (n <= 3) return true;
+ // Find r such that n = 2^d * r + 1 for some r >= 1
+ u64 d = n - 1;
+ while (d % 2 == 0)
+ d /= 2;
+ // Iterate given nber of 'k' times
+ for (u64 i = 0; i < k; i++)
+ if (!millerTest(d, prng, n))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool isPrime(u64 n)
+ {
+ PRNG prng(ZeroBlock);
+ return isPrime(n, prng);
+ }
+ u64 nextPrime(u64 n)
+ {
+ PRNG prng(ZeroBlock);
+ while (isPrime(n, prng) == false)
+ ++n;
+ return n;
+ }
+ void print(array& inOut)
+ {
+ BitVector temp(128);
+ for (u64 i = 0; i < 128; ++i)
+ {
+ temp.assign(inOut[i]);
+ std::cout << temp << std::endl;
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ u8 getBit(array& inOut, u64 i, u64 j)
+ {
+ BitVector temp(128);
+ temp.assign(inOut[i]);
+ return temp[j];
+ }
+ void eklundh_transpose128(block* inOut)
+ {
+ const static u64 TRANSPOSE_MASKS128[7][2] = {
+ { 0x0000000000000000, 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF },
+ { 0x00000000FFFFFFFF, 0x00000000FFFFFFFF },
+ { 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF, 0x0000FFFF0000FFFF },
+ { 0x00FF00FF00FF00FF, 0x00FF00FF00FF00FF },
+ { 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F, 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0F },
+ { 0x3333333333333333, 0x3333333333333333 },
+ { 0x5555555555555555, 0x5555555555555555 }
+ };
+ u32 width = 64;
+ u32 logn = 7, nswaps = 1;
- stringstream input_ss[128];
- stringstream output_ss[128];
+ stringstream input_ss[128];
+ stringstream output_ss[128];
- // now transpose output a-place
- for (u32 i = 0; i < logn; i++)
- {
- u64 mask1 = TRANSPOSE_MASKS128[i][1], mask2 = TRANSPOSE_MASKS128[i][0];
- u64 inv_mask1 = ~mask1, inv_mask2 = ~mask2;
- // for width >= 64, shift is undefined so treat as h special case
- // (and avoid branching a inner loop)
- if (width < 64)
- {
- for (u32 j = 0; j < nswaps; j++)
- {
- for (u32 k = 0; k < width; k++)
- {
- u32 i1 = k + 2 * width*j;
- u32 i2 = k + width + 2 * width*j;
- // t1 is lower 64 bits, t2 is upper 64 bits
- // (remember we're transposing a little-endian format)
- u64& d1 = ((u64*)&inOut[i1])[0];
- u64& d2 = ((u64*)&inOut[i1])[1];
- u64& dd1 = ((u64*)&inOut[i2])[0];
- u64& dd2 = ((u64*)&inOut[i2])[1];
- u64 t1 = d1;
- u64 t2 = d2;
- u64 tt1 = dd1;
- u64 tt2 = dd2;
- // swap operations due to little endian-ness
- d1 = (t1 & mask1) ^ ((tt1 & mask1) << width);
- d2 = (t2 & mask2) ^
- ((tt2 & mask2) << width) ^
- ((tt1 & mask1) >> (64 - width));
- dd1 = (tt1 & inv_mask1) ^
- ((t1 & inv_mask1) >> width) ^
- ((t2 & inv_mask2)) << (64 - width);
- dd2 = (tt2 & inv_mask2) ^
- ((t2 & inv_mask2) >> width);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (u32 j = 0; j < nswaps; j++)
- {
- for (u32 k = 0; k < width; k++)
- {
- u32 i1 = k + 2 * width*j;
- u32 i2 = k + width + 2 * width*j;
- // t1 is lower 64 bits, t2 is upper 64 bits
- // (remember we're transposing a little-endian format)
- u64& d1 = ((u64*)&inOut[i1])[0];
- u64& d2 = ((u64*)&inOut[i1])[1];
- u64& dd1 = ((u64*)&inOut[i2])[0];
- u64& dd2 = ((u64*)&inOut[i2])[1];
- //u64 t1 = d1;
- u64 t2 = d2;
- //u64 tt1 = dd1;
- //u64 tt2 = dd2;
- d1 &= mask1;
- d2 = (t2 & mask2) ^
- ((dd1 & mask1) >> (64 - width));
- dd1 = (dd1 & inv_mask1) ^
- ((t2 & inv_mask2)) << (64 - width);
- dd2 &= inv_mask2;
- }
- }
- }
- nswaps *= 2;
- width /= 2;
- }
+ // now transpose output a-place
+ for (u32 i = 0; i < logn; i++)
+ {
+ u64 mask1 = TRANSPOSE_MASKS128[i][1], mask2 = TRANSPOSE_MASKS128[i][0];
+ u64 inv_mask1 = ~mask1, inv_mask2 = ~mask2;
+ // for width >= 64, shift is undefined so treat as h special case
+ // (and avoid branching a inner loop)
+ if (width < 64)
+ {
+ for (u32 j = 0; j < nswaps; j++)
+ {
+ for (u32 k = 0; k < width; k++)
+ {
+ u32 i1 = k + 2 * width * j;
+ u32 i2 = k + width + 2 * width * j;
+ // t1 is lower 64 bits, t2 is upper 64 bits
+ // (remember we're transposing a little-endian format)
+ u64& d1 = ((u64*)&inOut[i1])[0];
+ u64& d2 = ((u64*)&inOut[i1])[1];
+ u64& dd1 = ((u64*)&inOut[i2])[0];
+ u64& dd2 = ((u64*)&inOut[i2])[1];
+ u64 t1 = d1;
+ u64 t2 = d2;
+ u64 tt1 = dd1;
+ u64 tt2 = dd2;
+ // swap operations due to little endian-ness
+ d1 = (t1 & mask1) ^ ((tt1 & mask1) << width);
+ d2 = (t2 & mask2) ^
+ ((tt2 & mask2) << width) ^
+ ((tt1 & mask1) >> (64 - width));
+ dd1 = (tt1 & inv_mask1) ^
+ ((t1 & inv_mask1) >> width) ^
+ ((t2 & inv_mask2)) << (64 - width);
+ dd2 = (tt2 & inv_mask2) ^
+ ((t2 & inv_mask2) >> width);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (u32 j = 0; j < nswaps; j++)
+ {
+ for (u32 k = 0; k < width; k++)
+ {
+ u32 i1 = k + 2 * width * j;
+ u32 i2 = k + width + 2 * width * j;
+ // t1 is lower 64 bits, t2 is upper 64 bits
+ // (remember we're transposing a little-endian format)
+ u64& d1 = ((u64*)&inOut[i1])[0];
+ u64& d2 = ((u64*)&inOut[i1])[1];
+ u64& dd1 = ((u64*)&inOut[i2])[0];
+ u64& dd2 = ((u64*)&inOut[i2])[1];
+ //u64 t1 = d1;
+ u64 t2 = d2;
+ //u64 tt1 = dd1;
+ //u64 tt2 = dd2;
+ d1 &= mask1;
+ d2 = (t2 & mask2) ^
+ ((dd1 & mask1) >> (64 - width));
+ dd1 = (dd1 & inv_mask1) ^
+ ((t2 & inv_mask2)) << (64 - width);
+ dd2 &= inv_mask2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nswaps *= 2;
+ width /= 2;
+ }
- for (u32 k = 0; k < 128; k++)
- {
- for (u32 blkIdx = 0; blkIdx < 128; blkIdx++)
- {
- output_ss[blkIdx] << inOut[offset + blkIdx].get_bit(k);
- }
- }
- for (u32 k = 0; k < 128; k++)
- {
- if (output_ss[k].str().compare(input_ss[k].str()) != 0)
- {
- cerr << "String " << k << " failed. offset = " << offset << endl;
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- std::cout << "\ttranspose with offset " << offset << " ok\n";
+ for (u32 k = 0; k < 128; k++)
+ {
+ for (u32 blkIdx = 0; blkIdx < 128; blkIdx++)
+ {
+ output_ss[blkIdx] << inOut[offset + blkIdx].get_bit(k);
+ }
+ }
+ for (u32 k = 0; k < 128; k++)
+ {
+ if (output_ss[k].str().compare(input_ss[k].str()) != 0)
+ {
+ cerr << "String " << k << " failed. offset = " << offset << endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ std::cout << "\ttranspose with offset " << offset << " ok\n";
- }
+ }
- void eklundh_transpose128x1024(std::array, 128>& inOut)
- {
+ void eklundh_transpose128x1024(std::array, 128>& inOut)
+ {
- for (u64 i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
- {
- std::array sub;
- for (u64 j = 0; j < 128; ++j)
- sub[j] = inOut[j][i];
+ for (u64 i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ {
+ std::array sub;
+ for (u64 j = 0; j < 128; ++j)
+ sub[j] = inOut[j][i];
- eklundh_transpose128(sub.data());
+ eklundh_transpose128(sub.data());
- for (u64 j = 0; j < 128; ++j)
- inOut[j][i] = sub[j];
- }
+ for (u64 j = 0; j < 128; ++j)
+ inOut[j][i] = sub[j];
+ }
- }
+ }
- // load column w,w+1 (byte index)
- // __________________
- // | |
- // | |
- // | |
- // | |
- // row 16*h, | #.# |
- // ..., | ... |
- // row 16*(h+1) | #.# | into u16OutView column wise
- // | |
- // | |
- // ------------------
- //
- // note: u16OutView is a 16x16 bit matrix = 16 rows of 2 bytes each.
- // u16OutView[0] stores the first column of 16 bytes,
- // u16OutView[1] stores the second column of 16 bytes.
- void sse_loadSubSquare(block* in, array& out, u64 x, u64 y)
- {
- static_assert(sizeof(array, 2>) == sizeof(array), "");
- static_assert(sizeof(array, 128>) == sizeof(array), "");
- array, 2>& outByteView = *(array, 2>*)&out;
- array* inByteView = (array*)in;
- for (int l = 0; l < 16; l++)
- {
- outByteView[0][l] = inByteView[16 * x + l][2 * y];
- outByteView[1][l] = inByteView[16 * x + l][2 * y + 1];
- }
- }
- // given a 16x16 sub square, place its transpose into u16OutView at
- // rows 16*h, ..., 16 *(h+1) a byte columns w, w+1.
- void sse_transposeSubSquare(block* out, array& in, u64 x, u64 y)
- {
- static_assert(sizeof(array, 128>) == sizeof(array), "");
- array* outU16View = (array*)out;
- for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
- {
- outU16View[16 * x + 7 - j][y] = in[0].movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[16 * x + 15 - j][y] = in[1].movemask_epi8();
- in[0] = (in[0] << 1);
- in[1] = (in[1] << 1);
- }
- }
- void transpose(const MatrixView& in, const MatrixView& out)
- {
- MatrixView inn((u8*)in.data(), in.bounds()[0], in.stride() * sizeof(block));
- MatrixView outt((u8*)out.data(), out.bounds()[0], out.stride() * sizeof(block));
- transpose(inn, outt);
- }
- void transpose(const MatrixView& in, const MatrixView& out)
- {
- // the amount of work that we use to vectorize (hard code do not change)
- static const u64 chunkSize = 8;
- // the number of input columns
- int bitWidth = static_cast(in.bounds()[0]);
- // In the main loop, we tranpose things in subBlocks. This is how many we have.
- // a subblock is 16 (bits) columns wide and 64 bits tall
- int subBlockWidth = bitWidth / 16;
- int subBlockHight = static_cast(out.bounds()[0]) / (8 * chunkSize);
- // since we allows arbitrary sized inputs, we have to deal with the left overs
- int leftOverHeight = static_cast(out.bounds()[0]) % (chunkSize * 8);
- int leftOverWidth = static_cast(in.bounds()[0]) % 16;
- // make sure that the output can hold the input.
- if (static_cast(out.stride()) < (bitWidth + 7) / 8)
- throw std::runtime_error(LOCATION);
- // we can handle the case that the output should be truncated, but
- // not the case that the input is too small. (simple call this function
- // with a smaller out.bounds()[0], since thats "free" to do.)
- if (out.bounds()[0] > in.stride() * 8)
- throw std::runtime_error(LOCATION);
- union TempObj
- {
- //array blks;
- block blks[chunkSize];
- //array < array, chunkSize> bytes;
- u8 bytes[chunkSize][16];
- };
- TempObj t;
- // some useful constants that we will use
- auto wStep = 16 * in.stride();
- auto eightOutSize1 = 8 * out.stride();
- auto outStart = out.data() + (7) * out.stride();
- auto step = in.stride();
- auto
- step01 = step * 1,
- step02 = step * 2,
- step03 = step * 3,
- step04 = step * 4,
- step05 = step * 5,
- step06 = step * 6,
- step07 = step * 7,
- step08 = step * 8,
- step09 = step * 9,
- step10 = step * 10,
- step11 = step * 11,
- step12 = step * 12,
- step13 = step * 13,
- step14 = step * 14,
- step15 = step * 15;
- // this is the main loop that gets the best performance (highly vectorized).
- for (int h = 0; h < subBlockHight; ++h)
- {
- // we are concerned with the output rows a range [16 * h, 16 * h + 15]
- for (int w = 0; w < subBlockWidth; ++w)
- {
- // we are concerned with the w'th section of 16 bits for the 16 output rows above.
- auto start = in.data() + h * chunkSize + w * wStep;
- auto src00 = start;
- auto src01 = start + step01;
- auto src02 = start + step02;
- auto src03 = start + step03;
- auto src04 = start + step04;
- auto src05 = start + step05;
- auto src06 = start + step06;
- auto src07 = start + step07;
- auto src08 = start + step08;
- auto src09 = start + step09;
- auto src10 = start + step10;
- auto src11 = start + step11;
- auto src12 = start + step12;
- auto src13 = start + step13;
- auto src14 = start + step14;
- auto src15 = start + step15;
- // perform the transpose on the byte level. We will then use
- // sse instrucitions to get it on the bit level. t.bytes is the
- // same as a but in a 2D byte view.
- t.bytes[0][0] = src00[0]; t.bytes[1][0] = src00[1]; t.bytes[2][0] = src00[2]; t.bytes[3][0] = src00[3]; t.bytes[4][0] = src00[4]; t.bytes[5][0] = src00[5]; t.bytes[6][0] = src00[6]; t.bytes[7][0] = src00[7];
- t.bytes[0][1] = src01[0]; t.bytes[1][1] = src01[1]; t.bytes[2][1] = src01[2]; t.bytes[3][1] = src01[3]; t.bytes[4][1] = src01[4]; t.bytes[5][1] = src01[5]; t.bytes[6][1] = src01[6]; t.bytes[7][1] = src01[7];
- t.bytes[0][2] = src02[0]; t.bytes[1][2] = src02[1]; t.bytes[2][2] = src02[2]; t.bytes[3][2] = src02[3]; t.bytes[4][2] = src02[4]; t.bytes[5][2] = src02[5]; t.bytes[6][2] = src02[6]; t.bytes[7][2] = src02[7];
- t.bytes[0][3] = src03[0]; t.bytes[1][3] = src03[1]; t.bytes[2][3] = src03[2]; t.bytes[3][3] = src03[3]; t.bytes[4][3] = src03[4]; t.bytes[5][3] = src03[5]; t.bytes[6][3] = src03[6]; t.bytes[7][3] = src03[7];
- t.bytes[0][4] = src04[0]; t.bytes[1][4] = src04[1]; t.bytes[2][4] = src04[2]; t.bytes[3][4] = src04[3]; t.bytes[4][4] = src04[4]; t.bytes[5][4] = src04[5]; t.bytes[6][4] = src04[6]; t.bytes[7][4] = src04[7];
- t.bytes[0][5] = src05[0]; t.bytes[1][5] = src05[1]; t.bytes[2][5] = src05[2]; t.bytes[3][5] = src05[3]; t.bytes[4][5] = src05[4]; t.bytes[5][5] = src05[5]; t.bytes[6][5] = src05[6]; t.bytes[7][5] = src05[7];
- t.bytes[0][6] = src06[0]; t.bytes[1][6] = src06[1]; t.bytes[2][6] = src06[2]; t.bytes[3][6] = src06[3]; t.bytes[4][6] = src06[4]; t.bytes[5][6] = src06[5]; t.bytes[6][6] = src06[6]; t.bytes[7][6] = src06[7];
- t.bytes[0][7] = src07[0]; t.bytes[1][7] = src07[1]; t.bytes[2][7] = src07[2]; t.bytes[3][7] = src07[3]; t.bytes[4][7] = src07[4]; t.bytes[5][7] = src07[5]; t.bytes[6][7] = src07[6]; t.bytes[7][7] = src07[7];
- t.bytes[0][8] = src08[0]; t.bytes[1][8] = src08[1]; t.bytes[2][8] = src08[2]; t.bytes[3][8] = src08[3]; t.bytes[4][8] = src08[4]; t.bytes[5][8] = src08[5]; t.bytes[6][8] = src08[6]; t.bytes[7][8] = src08[7];
- t.bytes[0][9] = src09[0]; t.bytes[1][9] = src09[1]; t.bytes[2][9] = src09[2]; t.bytes[3][9] = src09[3]; t.bytes[4][9] = src09[4]; t.bytes[5][9] = src09[5]; t.bytes[6][9] = src09[6]; t.bytes[7][9] = src09[7];
- t.bytes[0][10] = src10[0]; t.bytes[1][10] = src10[1]; t.bytes[2][10] = src10[2]; t.bytes[3][10] = src10[3]; t.bytes[4][10] = src10[4]; t.bytes[5][10] = src10[5]; t.bytes[6][10] = src10[6]; t.bytes[7][10] = src10[7];
- t.bytes[0][11] = src11[0]; t.bytes[1][11] = src11[1]; t.bytes[2][11] = src11[2]; t.bytes[3][11] = src11[3]; t.bytes[4][11] = src11[4]; t.bytes[5][11] = src11[5]; t.bytes[6][11] = src11[6]; t.bytes[7][11] = src11[7];
- t.bytes[0][12] = src12[0]; t.bytes[1][12] = src12[1]; t.bytes[2][12] = src12[2]; t.bytes[3][12] = src12[3]; t.bytes[4][12] = src12[4]; t.bytes[5][12] = src12[5]; t.bytes[6][12] = src12[6]; t.bytes[7][12] = src12[7];
- t.bytes[0][13] = src13[0]; t.bytes[1][13] = src13[1]; t.bytes[2][13] = src13[2]; t.bytes[3][13] = src13[3]; t.bytes[4][13] = src13[4]; t.bytes[5][13] = src13[5]; t.bytes[6][13] = src13[6]; t.bytes[7][13] = src13[7];
- t.bytes[0][14] = src14[0]; t.bytes[1][14] = src14[1]; t.bytes[2][14] = src14[2]; t.bytes[3][14] = src14[3]; t.bytes[4][14] = src14[4]; t.bytes[5][14] = src14[5]; t.bytes[6][14] = src14[6]; t.bytes[7][14] = src14[7];
- t.bytes[0][15] = src15[0]; t.bytes[1][15] = src15[1]; t.bytes[2][15] = src15[2]; t.bytes[3][15] = src15[3]; t.bytes[4][15] = src15[4]; t.bytes[5][15] = src15[5]; t.bytes[6][15] = src15[6]; t.bytes[7][15] = src15[7];
- // get pointers to the output.
- auto out0 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 0) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
- auto out1 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 1) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
- auto out2 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 2) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
- auto out3 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 3) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
- auto out4 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 4) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
- auto out5 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 5) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
- auto out6 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 6) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
- auto out7 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 7) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
- for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
- {
- // use the special movemask_epi8 to perform the final step of that bit-wise tranpose.
- // this instruction takes ever 8'th bit (start at idx 7) and moves them into a single
- // 16 bit output. Its like shaving off the top bit of each of the 16 bytes.
- *(u16*)out0 = t.blks[0].movemask_epi8();
- *(u16*)out1 = t.blks[1].movemask_epi8();
- *(u16*)out2 = t.blks[2].movemask_epi8();
- *(u16*)out3 = t.blks[3].movemask_epi8();
- *(u16*)out4 = t.blks[4].movemask_epi8();
- *(u16*)out5 = t.blks[5].movemask_epi8();
- *(u16*)out6 = t.blks[6].movemask_epi8();
- *(u16*)out7 = t.blks[7].movemask_epi8();
- // step each of out 8 pointer over to the next output row.
- out0 -= out.stride();
- out1 -= out.stride();
- out2 -= out.stride();
- out3 -= out.stride();
- out4 -= out.stride();
- out5 -= out.stride();
- out6 -= out.stride();
- out7 -= out.stride();
- // shift the 128 values so that the top bit is now the next one.
- t.blks[0] = (t.blks[0] << 1);
- t.blks[1] = (t.blks[1] << 1);
- t.blks[2] = (t.blks[2] << 1);
- t.blks[3] = (t.blks[3] << 1);
- t.blks[4] = (t.blks[4] << 1);
- t.blks[5] = (t.blks[5] << 1);
- t.blks[6] = (t.blks[6] << 1);
- t.blks[7] = (t.blks[7] << 1);
- }
- }
- }
- // this is a special case there we dont have chunkSize bytes of input column left.
- // because of this, the vectorized code above does not work and we instead so thing
- // one byte as a time.
- // hhEnd denotes how many bytes are left [0,8).
- auto hhEnd = (leftOverHeight + 7) / 8;
- // the last byte might be only part of a byte, so we also account for this
- auto lastSkip = (8 - leftOverHeight % 8) % 8;
- for (int hh = 0; hh < hhEnd; ++hh)
- {
- // compute those parameters that determine if this is the last byte
- // and that its a partial byte meaning that the last so mant output
- // rows should not be written to.
- auto skip = hh == (hhEnd - 1) ? lastSkip : 0;
- auto rem = 8 - skip;
- for (int w = 0; w < subBlockWidth; ++w)
- {
- auto start = in.data() + subBlockHight * chunkSize + hh + w * wStep;
- t.bytes[0][0] = *(start);
- t.bytes[0][1] = *(start + step01);
- t.bytes[0][2] = *(start + step02);
- t.bytes[0][3] = *(start + step03);
- t.bytes[0][4] = *(start + step04);
- t.bytes[0][5] = *(start + step05);
- t.bytes[0][6] = *(start + step06);
- t.bytes[0][7] = *(start + step07);
- t.bytes[0][8] = *(start + step08);
- t.bytes[0][9] = *(start + step09);
- t.bytes[0][10] = *(start + step10);
- t.bytes[0][11] = *(start + step11);
- t.bytes[0][12] = *(start + step12);
- t.bytes[0][13] = *(start + step13);
- t.bytes[0][14] = *(start + step14);
- t.bytes[0][15] = *(start + step15);
- auto out0 = outStart + (chunkSize * subBlockHight + hh) * 8 * out.stride() + w * 2;
- out0 -= out.stride() * skip;
- t.blks[0] = (t.blks[0] << int( skip));
- for (int j = 0; j < rem; j++)
- {
- *(u16*)out0 = t.blks[0].movemask_epi8();
- out0 -= out.stride();
- t.blks[0] = (t.blks[0] << 1);
- }
- }
- }
- // this is a special case where the input column count was not a multiple of 16.
- // For this case, we use
- if (leftOverWidth)
- {
- for (int h = 0; h < subBlockHight; ++h)
- {
- // we are concerned with the output rows a range [16 * h, 16 * h + 15]
- auto start = in.data() + h * chunkSize + subBlockWidth * wStep;
- std::array src {
- start, start + step01, start + step02, start + step03, start + step04, start + step05,
- start + step06, start + step07, start + step08, start + step09, start + step10,
- start + step11, start + step12, start + step13, start + step14, start + step15
- };
- memset(t.blks, 0,sizeof(t));
- for (int i = 0; i < leftOverWidth; ++i)
- {
- t.bytes[0][i] = src[i][0];
- t.bytes[1][i] = src[i][1];
- t.bytes[2][i] = src[i][2];
- t.bytes[3][i] = src[i][3];
- t.bytes[4][i] = src[i][4];
- t.bytes[5][i] = src[i][5];
- t.bytes[6][i] = src[i][6];
- t.bytes[7][i] = src[i][7];
- }
- auto out0 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 0) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
- auto out1 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 1) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
- auto out2 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 2) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
- auto out3 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 3) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
- auto out4 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 4) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
- auto out5 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 5) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
- auto out6 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 6) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
- auto out7 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 7) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
- if (leftOverWidth <= 8)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
- {
- *out0 = t.blks[0].movemask_epi8();
- *out1 = t.blks[1].movemask_epi8();
- *out2 = t.blks[2].movemask_epi8();
- *out3 = t.blks[3].movemask_epi8();
- *out4 = t.blks[4].movemask_epi8();
- *out5 = t.blks[5].movemask_epi8();
- *out6 = t.blks[6].movemask_epi8();
- *out7 = t.blks[7].movemask_epi8();
- out0 -= out.stride();
- out1 -= out.stride();
- out2 -= out.stride();
- out3 -= out.stride();
- out4 -= out.stride();
- out5 -= out.stride();
- out6 -= out.stride();
- out7 -= out.stride();
- t.blks[0] = (t.blks[0] << 1);
- t.blks[1] = (t.blks[1] << 1);
- t.blks[2] = (t.blks[2] << 1);
- t.blks[3] = (t.blks[3] << 1);
- t.blks[4] = (t.blks[4] << 1);
- t.blks[5] = (t.blks[5] << 1);
- t.blks[6] = (t.blks[6] << 1);
- t.blks[7] = (t.blks[7] << 1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
- {
- *(u16*)out0 = t.blks[0].movemask_epi8();
- *(u16*)out1 = t.blks[1].movemask_epi8();
- *(u16*)out2 = t.blks[2].movemask_epi8();
- *(u16*)out3 = t.blks[3].movemask_epi8();
- *(u16*)out4 = t.blks[4].movemask_epi8();
- *(u16*)out5 = t.blks[5].movemask_epi8();
- *(u16*)out6 = t.blks[6].movemask_epi8();
- *(u16*)out7 = t.blks[7].movemask_epi8();
- out0 -= out.stride();
- out1 -= out.stride();
- out2 -= out.stride();
- out3 -= out.stride();
- out4 -= out.stride();
- out5 -= out.stride();
- out6 -= out.stride();
- out7 -= out.stride();
- t.blks[0] = (t.blks[0] << 1);
- t.blks[1] = (t.blks[1] << 1);
- t.blks[2] = (t.blks[2] << 1);
- t.blks[3] = (t.blks[3] << 1);
- t.blks[4] = (t.blks[4] << 1);
- t.blks[5] = (t.blks[5] << 1);
- t.blks[6] = (t.blks[6] << 1);
- t.blks[7] = (t.blks[7] << 1);
- }
- }
- }
- //auto hhEnd = (leftOverHeight + 7) / 8;
- //auto lastSkip = (8 - leftOverHeight % 8) % 8;
- for (int hh = 0; hh < hhEnd; ++hh)
- {
- auto skip = hh == (hhEnd - 1) ? lastSkip : 0;
- auto rem = 8 - skip;
- // we are concerned with the output rows a range [16 * h, 16 * h + 15]
- auto w = subBlockWidth;
- auto start = in.data() + subBlockHight * chunkSize + hh + w * wStep;
- std::array src{
- start, start + step01, start + step02, start + step03, start + step04, start + step05,
- start + step06, start + step07, start + step08, start + step09, start + step10,
- start + step11, start + step12, start + step13, start + step14, start + step15
- };
- t.blks[0] = ZeroBlock;
- for (int i = 0; i < leftOverWidth; ++i)
- {
- t.bytes[0][i] = src[i][0];
- }
- auto out0 = outStart + (chunkSize * subBlockHight + hh) * 8 * out.stride() + w * 2;
- out0 -= out.stride() * skip;
- t.blks[0] = (t.blks[0] << int( skip));
- for (int j = 0; j < rem; j++)
- {
- if (leftOverWidth > 8)
- {
- *(u16*)out0 = t.blks[0].movemask_epi8();
- }
- else
- {
- *out0 = t.blks[0].movemask_epi8();
- }
- out0 -= out.stride();
- t.blks[0] = (t.blks[0] << 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void sse_transpose128(block* inOut)
- {
- array a, b;
- for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
- {
- sse_loadSubSquare(inOut, a, j, j);
- sse_transposeSubSquare(inOut, a, j, j);
- for (int k = 0; k < j; k++)
- {
- sse_loadSubSquare(inOut, a, k, j);
- sse_loadSubSquare(inOut, b, j, k);
- sse_transposeSubSquare(inOut, a, j, k);
- sse_transposeSubSquare(inOut, b, k, j);
- }
- }
- }
- inline void sse_loadSubSquarex(array, 128>& in, array& out, u64 x, u64 y, u64 i)
- {
- typedef array, 2> OUT_t;
- typedef array, 128> IN_t;
- static_assert(sizeof(OUT_t) == sizeof(array), "");
- static_assert(sizeof(IN_t) == sizeof(array, 128>), "");
- OUT_t& outByteView = *(OUT_t*)&out;
- IN_t& inByteView = *(IN_t*)∈
- auto x16 = (x * 16);
- auto i16y2 = (i * 16) + 2 * y;
- auto i16y21 = (i * 16) + 2 * y + 1;
- outByteView[0][0] = inByteView[x16 + 0][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][0] = inByteView[x16 + 0][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][1] = inByteView[x16 + 1][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][1] = inByteView[x16 + 1][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][2] = inByteView[x16 + 2][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][2] = inByteView[x16 + 2][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][3] = inByteView[x16 + 3][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][3] = inByteView[x16 + 3][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][4] = inByteView[x16 + 4][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][4] = inByteView[x16 + 4][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][5] = inByteView[x16 + 5][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][5] = inByteView[x16 + 5][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][6] = inByteView[x16 + 6][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][6] = inByteView[x16 + 6][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][7] = inByteView[x16 + 7][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][7] = inByteView[x16 + 7][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][8] = inByteView[x16 + 8][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][8] = inByteView[x16 + 8][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][9] = inByteView[x16 + 9][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][9] = inByteView[x16 + 9][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][10] = inByteView[x16 + 10][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][10] = inByteView[x16 + 10][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][11] = inByteView[x16 + 11][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][11] = inByteView[x16 + 11][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][12] = inByteView[x16 + 12][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][12] = inByteView[x16 + 12][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][13] = inByteView[x16 + 13][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][13] = inByteView[x16 + 13][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][14] = inByteView[x16 + 14][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][14] = inByteView[x16 + 14][i16y21];
- outByteView[0][15] = inByteView[x16 + 15][i16y2];
- outByteView[1][15] = inByteView[x16 + 15][i16y21];
- }
- inline void sse_transposeSubSquarex(array, 128>& out, array& in, u64 x, u64 y, u64 i)
- {
- static_assert(sizeof(array, 128>) == sizeof(array, 128>), "");
- array, 128>& outU16View = *(array, 128>*)&out;
- auto i8y = i * 8 + y;
- auto x16_7 = x * 16 + 7;
- auto x16_15 = x * 16 + 15;
- block b0 = (in[0] << 0);
- block b1 = (in[0] << 1);
- block b2 = (in[0] << 2);
- block b3 = (in[0] << 3);
- block b4 = (in[0] << 4);
- block b5 = (in[0] << 5);
- block b6 = (in[0] << 6);
- block b7 = (in[0] << 7);
- outU16View[x16_7 - 0][i8y] = b0.movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[x16_7 - 1][i8y] = b1.movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[x16_7 - 2][i8y] = b2.movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[x16_7 - 3][i8y] = b3.movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[x16_7 - 4][i8y] = b4.movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[x16_7 - 5][i8y] = b5.movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[x16_7 - 6][i8y] = b6.movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[x16_7 - 7][i8y] = b7.movemask_epi8();
- b0 = (in[1] << 0);
- b1 = (in[1] << 1);
- b2 = (in[1] << 2);
- b3 = (in[1] << 3);
- b4 = (in[1] << 4);
- b5 = (in[1] << 5);
- b6 = (in[1] << 6);
- b7 = (in[1] << 7);
- outU16View[x16_15 - 0][i8y] = b0.movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[x16_15 - 1][i8y] = b1.movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[x16_15 - 2][i8y] = b2.movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[x16_15 - 3][i8y] = b3.movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[x16_15 - 4][i8y] = b4.movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[x16_15 - 5][i8y] = b5.movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[x16_15 - 6][i8y] = b6.movemask_epi8();
- outU16View[x16_15 - 7][i8y] = b7.movemask_epi8();
- }
- // we have long rows of contiguous data data, 128 columns
- void sse_transpose128x1024(array, 128>& inOut)
- {
- array a, b;
- for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
- {
- sse_loadSubSquarex(inOut, a, j, j, i);
- sse_transposeSubSquarex(inOut, a, j, j, i);
- for (int k = 0; k < j; k++)
- {
- sse_loadSubSquarex(inOut, a, k, j, i);
- sse_loadSubSquarex(inOut, b, j, k, i);
- sse_transposeSubSquarex(inOut, a, j, k, i);
- sse_transposeSubSquarex(inOut, b, k, j, i);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ // load column w,w+1 (byte index)
+ // __________________
+ // | |
+ // | |
+ // | |
+ // | |
+ // row 16*h, | #.# |
+ // ..., | ... |
+ // row 16*(h+1) | #.# | into u16OutView column wise
+ // | |
+ // | |
+ // ------------------
+ //
+ // note: u16OutView is a 16x16 bit matrix = 16 rows of 2 bytes each.
+ // u16OutView[0] stores the first column of 16 bytes,
+ // u16OutView[1] stores the second column of 16 bytes.
+ void sse_loadSubSquare(block* in, array& out, u64 x, u64 y)
+ {
+ static_assert(sizeof(array, 2>) == sizeof(array), "");
+ static_assert(sizeof(array, 128>) == sizeof(array), "");
+ array, 2>& outByteView = *(array, 2>*) & out;
+ array* inByteView = (array*)in;
+ for (int l = 0; l < 16; l++)
+ {
+ outByteView[0][l] = inByteView[16 * x + l][2 * y];
+ outByteView[1][l] = inByteView[16 * x + l][2 * y + 1];
+ }
+ }
+ // given a 16x16 sub square, place its transpose into u16OutView at
+ // rows 16*h, ..., 16 *(h+1) a byte columns w, w+1.
+ void sse_transposeSubSquare(block* out, array& in, u64 x, u64 y)
+ {
+ static_assert(sizeof(array, 128>) == sizeof(array), "");
+ array* outU16View = (array*)out;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+ {
+ outU16View[16 * x + 7 - j][y] = in[0].movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[16 * x + 15 - j][y] = in[1].movemask_epi8();
+ in[0] = (in[0] << 1);
+ in[1] = (in[1] << 1);
+ }
+ }
+ void transpose(const MatrixView& in, const MatrixView& out)
+ {
+ MatrixView inn((u8*)in.data(), in.bounds()[0], in.stride() * sizeof(block));
+ MatrixView outt((u8*)out.data(), out.bounds()[0], out.stride() * sizeof(block));
+ transpose(inn, outt);
+ }
+ void transpose(const MatrixView& in, const MatrixView& out)
+ {
+#ifdef ENABLE_AVX
+ avx_transpose(in, out);
+ sse_transpose(in, out);
+ }
+ void sse_transpose(const MatrixView& in, const MatrixView& out)
+ {
+ // the amount of work that we use to vectorize (hard code do not change)
+ static const u64 chunkSize = 8;
+ // the number of input columns
+ int bitWidth = static_cast(in.bounds()[0]);
+ // In the main loop, we tranpose things in subBlocks. This is how many we have.
+ // a subblock is 16 (bits) columns wide and 64 bits tall
+ int subBlockWidth = bitWidth / 16;
+ int subBlockHight = static_cast(out.bounds()[0]) / (8 * chunkSize);
+ // since we allows arbitrary sized inputs, we have to deal with the left overs
+ int leftOverHeight = static_cast(out.bounds()[0]) % (chunkSize * 8);
+ int leftOverWidth = static_cast(in.bounds()[0]) % 16;
+ // make sure that the output can hold the input.
+ if (static_cast(out.stride()) < (bitWidth + 7) / 8)
+ throw std::runtime_error(LOCATION);
+ // we can handle the case that the output should be truncated, but
+ // not the case that the input is too small. (simple call this function
+ // with a smaller out.bounds()[0], since thats "free" to do.)
+ if (out.bounds()[0] > in.stride() * 8)
+ throw std::runtime_error(LOCATION);
+ union TempObj
+ {
+ //array blks;
+ block blks[chunkSize];
+ //array < array, chunkSize> bytes;
+ u8 bytes[chunkSize][16];
+ };
+ TempObj t;
+ // some useful constants that we will use
+ auto wStep = 16 * in.stride();
+ auto eightOutSize1 = 8 * out.stride();
+ auto outStart = out.data() + (7) * out.stride();
+ auto step = in.stride();
+ auto
+ step01 = step * 1,
+ step02 = step * 2,
+ step03 = step * 3,
+ step04 = step * 4,
+ step05 = step * 5,
+ step06 = step * 6,
+ step07 = step * 7,
+ step08 = step * 8,
+ step09 = step * 9,
+ step10 = step * 10,
+ step11 = step * 11,
+ step12 = step * 12,
+ step13 = step * 13,
+ step14 = step * 14,
+ step15 = step * 15;
+ // this is the main loop that gets the best performance (highly vectorized).
+ for (int h = 0; h < subBlockHight; ++h)
+ {
+ // we are concerned with the output rows a range [16 * h, 16 * h + 15]
+ for (int w = 0; w < subBlockWidth; ++w)
+ {
+ // we are concerned with the w'th section of 16 bits for the 16 output rows above.
+ auto start = in.data() + h * chunkSize + w * wStep;
+ auto src00 = start;
+ auto src01 = start + step01;
+ auto src02 = start + step02;
+ auto src03 = start + step03;
+ auto src04 = start + step04;
+ auto src05 = start + step05;
+ auto src06 = start + step06;
+ auto src07 = start + step07;
+ auto src08 = start + step08;
+ auto src09 = start + step09;
+ auto src10 = start + step10;
+ auto src11 = start + step11;
+ auto src12 = start + step12;
+ auto src13 = start + step13;
+ auto src14 = start + step14;
+ auto src15 = start + step15;
+ // perform the transpose on the byte level. We will then use
+ // sse instrucitions to get it on the bit level. t.bytes is the
+ // same as a but in a 2D byte view.
+ t.bytes[0][0] = src00[0]; t.bytes[1][0] = src00[1]; t.bytes[2][0] = src00[2]; t.bytes[3][0] = src00[3]; t.bytes[4][0] = src00[4]; t.bytes[5][0] = src00[5]; t.bytes[6][0] = src00[6]; t.bytes[7][0] = src00[7];
+ t.bytes[0][1] = src01[0]; t.bytes[1][1] = src01[1]; t.bytes[2][1] = src01[2]; t.bytes[3][1] = src01[3]; t.bytes[4][1] = src01[4]; t.bytes[5][1] = src01[5]; t.bytes[6][1] = src01[6]; t.bytes[7][1] = src01[7];
+ t.bytes[0][2] = src02[0]; t.bytes[1][2] = src02[1]; t.bytes[2][2] = src02[2]; t.bytes[3][2] = src02[3]; t.bytes[4][2] = src02[4]; t.bytes[5][2] = src02[5]; t.bytes[6][2] = src02[6]; t.bytes[7][2] = src02[7];
+ t.bytes[0][3] = src03[0]; t.bytes[1][3] = src03[1]; t.bytes[2][3] = src03[2]; t.bytes[3][3] = src03[3]; t.bytes[4][3] = src03[4]; t.bytes[5][3] = src03[5]; t.bytes[6][3] = src03[6]; t.bytes[7][3] = src03[7];
+ t.bytes[0][4] = src04[0]; t.bytes[1][4] = src04[1]; t.bytes[2][4] = src04[2]; t.bytes[3][4] = src04[3]; t.bytes[4][4] = src04[4]; t.bytes[5][4] = src04[5]; t.bytes[6][4] = src04[6]; t.bytes[7][4] = src04[7];
+ t.bytes[0][5] = src05[0]; t.bytes[1][5] = src05[1]; t.bytes[2][5] = src05[2]; t.bytes[3][5] = src05[3]; t.bytes[4][5] = src05[4]; t.bytes[5][5] = src05[5]; t.bytes[6][5] = src05[6]; t.bytes[7][5] = src05[7];
+ t.bytes[0][6] = src06[0]; t.bytes[1][6] = src06[1]; t.bytes[2][6] = src06[2]; t.bytes[3][6] = src06[3]; t.bytes[4][6] = src06[4]; t.bytes[5][6] = src06[5]; t.bytes[6][6] = src06[6]; t.bytes[7][6] = src06[7];
+ t.bytes[0][7] = src07[0]; t.bytes[1][7] = src07[1]; t.bytes[2][7] = src07[2]; t.bytes[3][7] = src07[3]; t.bytes[4][7] = src07[4]; t.bytes[5][7] = src07[5]; t.bytes[6][7] = src07[6]; t.bytes[7][7] = src07[7];
+ t.bytes[0][8] = src08[0]; t.bytes[1][8] = src08[1]; t.bytes[2][8] = src08[2]; t.bytes[3][8] = src08[3]; t.bytes[4][8] = src08[4]; t.bytes[5][8] = src08[5]; t.bytes[6][8] = src08[6]; t.bytes[7][8] = src08[7];
+ t.bytes[0][9] = src09[0]; t.bytes[1][9] = src09[1]; t.bytes[2][9] = src09[2]; t.bytes[3][9] = src09[3]; t.bytes[4][9] = src09[4]; t.bytes[5][9] = src09[5]; t.bytes[6][9] = src09[6]; t.bytes[7][9] = src09[7];
+ t.bytes[0][10] = src10[0]; t.bytes[1][10] = src10[1]; t.bytes[2][10] = src10[2]; t.bytes[3][10] = src10[3]; t.bytes[4][10] = src10[4]; t.bytes[5][10] = src10[5]; t.bytes[6][10] = src10[6]; t.bytes[7][10] = src10[7];
+ t.bytes[0][11] = src11[0]; t.bytes[1][11] = src11[1]; t.bytes[2][11] = src11[2]; t.bytes[3][11] = src11[3]; t.bytes[4][11] = src11[4]; t.bytes[5][11] = src11[5]; t.bytes[6][11] = src11[6]; t.bytes[7][11] = src11[7];
+ t.bytes[0][12] = src12[0]; t.bytes[1][12] = src12[1]; t.bytes[2][12] = src12[2]; t.bytes[3][12] = src12[3]; t.bytes[4][12] = src12[4]; t.bytes[5][12] = src12[5]; t.bytes[6][12] = src12[6]; t.bytes[7][12] = src12[7];
+ t.bytes[0][13] = src13[0]; t.bytes[1][13] = src13[1]; t.bytes[2][13] = src13[2]; t.bytes[3][13] = src13[3]; t.bytes[4][13] = src13[4]; t.bytes[5][13] = src13[5]; t.bytes[6][13] = src13[6]; t.bytes[7][13] = src13[7];
+ t.bytes[0][14] = src14[0]; t.bytes[1][14] = src14[1]; t.bytes[2][14] = src14[2]; t.bytes[3][14] = src14[3]; t.bytes[4][14] = src14[4]; t.bytes[5][14] = src14[5]; t.bytes[6][14] = src14[6]; t.bytes[7][14] = src14[7];
+ t.bytes[0][15] = src15[0]; t.bytes[1][15] = src15[1]; t.bytes[2][15] = src15[2]; t.bytes[3][15] = src15[3]; t.bytes[4][15] = src15[4]; t.bytes[5][15] = src15[5]; t.bytes[6][15] = src15[6]; t.bytes[7][15] = src15[7];
+ // get pointers to the output.
+ auto out0 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 0) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
+ auto out1 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 1) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
+ auto out2 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 2) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
+ auto out3 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 3) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
+ auto out4 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 4) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
+ auto out5 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 5) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
+ auto out6 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 6) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
+ auto out7 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 7) * eightOutSize1 + w * 2;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+ {
+ // use the special movemask_epi8 to perform the final step of that bit-wise tranpose.
+ // this instruction takes ever 8'th bit (start at idx 7) and moves them into a single
+ // 16 bit output. Its like shaving off the top bit of each of the 16 bytes.
+ *(u16*)out0 = t.blks[0].movemask_epi8();
+ *(u16*)out1 = t.blks[1].movemask_epi8();
+ *(u16*)out2 = t.blks[2].movemask_epi8();
+ *(u16*)out3 = t.blks[3].movemask_epi8();
+ *(u16*)out4 = t.blks[4].movemask_epi8();
+ *(u16*)out5 = t.blks[5].movemask_epi8();
+ *(u16*)out6 = t.blks[6].movemask_epi8();
+ *(u16*)out7 = t.blks[7].movemask_epi8();
+ // step each of out 8 pointer over to the next output row.
+ out0 -= out.stride();
+ out1 -= out.stride();
+ out2 -= out.stride();
+ out3 -= out.stride();
+ out4 -= out.stride();
+ out5 -= out.stride();
+ out6 -= out.stride();
+ out7 -= out.stride();
+ // shift the 128 values so that the top bit is now the next one.
+ t.blks[0] = (t.blks[0] << 1);
+ t.blks[1] = (t.blks[1] << 1);
+ t.blks[2] = (t.blks[2] << 1);
+ t.blks[3] = (t.blks[3] << 1);
+ t.blks[4] = (t.blks[4] << 1);
+ t.blks[5] = (t.blks[5] << 1);
+ t.blks[6] = (t.blks[6] << 1);
+ t.blks[7] = (t.blks[7] << 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // this is a special case there we dont have chunkSize bytes of input column left.
+ // because of this, the vectorized code above does not work and we instead so thing
+ // one byte as a time.
+ // hhEnd denotes how many bytes are left [0,8).
+ auto hhEnd = (leftOverHeight + 7) / 8;
+ // the last byte might be only part of a byte, so we also account for this
+ auto lastSkip = (8 - leftOverHeight % 8) % 8;
+ for (int hh = 0; hh < hhEnd; ++hh)
+ {
+ // compute those parameters that determine if this is the last byte
+ // and that its a partial byte meaning that the last so mant output
+ // rows should not be written to.
+ auto skip = hh == (hhEnd - 1) ? lastSkip : 0;
+ auto rem = 8 - skip;
+ for (int w = 0; w < subBlockWidth; ++w)
+ {
+ auto start = in.data() + subBlockHight * chunkSize + hh + w * wStep;
+ t.bytes[0][0] = *(start);
+ t.bytes[0][1] = *(start + step01);
+ t.bytes[0][2] = *(start + step02);
+ t.bytes[0][3] = *(start + step03);
+ t.bytes[0][4] = *(start + step04);
+ t.bytes[0][5] = *(start + step05);
+ t.bytes[0][6] = *(start + step06);
+ t.bytes[0][7] = *(start + step07);
+ t.bytes[0][8] = *(start + step08);
+ t.bytes[0][9] = *(start + step09);
+ t.bytes[0][10] = *(start + step10);
+ t.bytes[0][11] = *(start + step11);
+ t.bytes[0][12] = *(start + step12);
+ t.bytes[0][13] = *(start + step13);
+ t.bytes[0][14] = *(start + step14);
+ t.bytes[0][15] = *(start + step15);
+ auto out0 = outStart + (chunkSize * subBlockHight + hh) * 8 * out.stride() + w * 2;
+ out0 -= out.stride() * skip;
+ t.blks[0] = (t.blks[0] << int(skip));
+ for (int j = 0; j < rem; j++)
+ {
+ *(u16*)out0 = t.blks[0].movemask_epi8();
+ out0 -= out.stride();
+ t.blks[0] = (t.blks[0] << 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // this is a special case where the input column count was not a multiple of 16.
+ // For this case, we use
+ if (leftOverWidth)
+ {
+ for (int h = 0; h < subBlockHight; ++h)
+ {
+ // we are concerned with the output rows a range [16 * h, 16 * h + 15]
+ auto start = in.data() + h * chunkSize + subBlockWidth * wStep;
+ std::array src{
+ start, start + step01, start + step02, start + step03, start + step04, start + step05,
+ start + step06, start + step07, start + step08, start + step09, start + step10,
+ start + step11, start + step12, start + step13, start + step14, start + step15
+ };
+ memset(t.blks, 0, sizeof(t));
+ for (int i = 0; i < leftOverWidth; ++i)
+ {
+ t.bytes[0][i] = src[i][0];
+ t.bytes[1][i] = src[i][1];
+ t.bytes[2][i] = src[i][2];
+ t.bytes[3][i] = src[i][3];
+ t.bytes[4][i] = src[i][4];
+ t.bytes[5][i] = src[i][5];
+ t.bytes[6][i] = src[i][6];
+ t.bytes[7][i] = src[i][7];
+ }
+ auto out0 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 0) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
+ auto out1 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 1) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
+ auto out2 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 2) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
+ auto out3 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 3) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
+ auto out4 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 4) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
+ auto out5 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 5) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
+ auto out6 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 6) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
+ auto out7 = outStart + (chunkSize * h + 7) * eightOutSize1 + subBlockWidth * 2;
+ if (leftOverWidth <= 8)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+ {
+ *out0 = t.blks[0].movemask_epi8();
+ *out1 = t.blks[1].movemask_epi8();
+ *out2 = t.blks[2].movemask_epi8();
+ *out3 = t.blks[3].movemask_epi8();
+ *out4 = t.blks[4].movemask_epi8();
+ *out5 = t.blks[5].movemask_epi8();
+ *out6 = t.blks[6].movemask_epi8();
+ *out7 = t.blks[7].movemask_epi8();
+ out0 -= out.stride();
+ out1 -= out.stride();
+ out2 -= out.stride();
+ out3 -= out.stride();
+ out4 -= out.stride();
+ out5 -= out.stride();
+ out6 -= out.stride();
+ out7 -= out.stride();
+ t.blks[0] = (t.blks[0] << 1);
+ t.blks[1] = (t.blks[1] << 1);
+ t.blks[2] = (t.blks[2] << 1);
+ t.blks[3] = (t.blks[3] << 1);
+ t.blks[4] = (t.blks[4] << 1);
+ t.blks[5] = (t.blks[5] << 1);
+ t.blks[6] = (t.blks[6] << 1);
+ t.blks[7] = (t.blks[7] << 1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+ {
+ *(u16*)out0 = t.blks[0].movemask_epi8();
+ *(u16*)out1 = t.blks[1].movemask_epi8();
+ *(u16*)out2 = t.blks[2].movemask_epi8();
+ *(u16*)out3 = t.blks[3].movemask_epi8();
+ *(u16*)out4 = t.blks[4].movemask_epi8();
+ *(u16*)out5 = t.blks[5].movemask_epi8();
+ *(u16*)out6 = t.blks[6].movemask_epi8();
+ *(u16*)out7 = t.blks[7].movemask_epi8();
+ out0 -= out.stride();
+ out1 -= out.stride();
+ out2 -= out.stride();
+ out3 -= out.stride();
+ out4 -= out.stride();
+ out5 -= out.stride();
+ out6 -= out.stride();
+ out7 -= out.stride();
+ t.blks[0] = (t.blks[0] << 1);
+ t.blks[1] = (t.blks[1] << 1);
+ t.blks[2] = (t.blks[2] << 1);
+ t.blks[3] = (t.blks[3] << 1);
+ t.blks[4] = (t.blks[4] << 1);
+ t.blks[5] = (t.blks[5] << 1);
+ t.blks[6] = (t.blks[6] << 1);
+ t.blks[7] = (t.blks[7] << 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //auto hhEnd = (leftOverHeight + 7) / 8;
+ //auto lastSkip = (8 - leftOverHeight % 8) % 8;
+ for (int hh = 0; hh < hhEnd; ++hh)
+ {
+ auto skip = hh == (hhEnd - 1) ? lastSkip : 0;
+ auto rem = 8 - skip;
+ // we are concerned with the output rows a range [16 * h, 16 * h + 15]
+ auto w = subBlockWidth;
+ auto start = in.data() + subBlockHight * chunkSize + hh + w * wStep;
+ std::array src{
+ start, start + step01, start + step02, start + step03, start + step04, start + step05,
+ start + step06, start + step07, start + step08, start + step09, start + step10,
+ start + step11, start + step12, start + step13, start + step14, start + step15
+ };
+ t.blks[0] = ZeroBlock;
+ for (int i = 0; i < leftOverWidth; ++i)
+ {
+ t.bytes[0][i] = src[i][0];
+ }
+ auto out0 = outStart + (chunkSize * subBlockHight + hh) * 8 * out.stride() + w * 2;
+ out0 -= out.stride() * skip;
+ t.blks[0] = (t.blks[0] << int(skip));
+ for (int j = 0; j < rem; j++)
+ {
+ if (leftOverWidth > 8)
+ {
+ *(u16*)out0 = t.blks[0].movemask_epi8();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *out0 = t.blks[0].movemask_epi8();
+ }
+ out0 -= out.stride();
+ t.blks[0] = (t.blks[0] << 1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef ENABLE_AVX
+ void avx_transpose(const MatrixView& in, const MatrixView& out)
+ {
+ AlignedArray buff;
+ auto rBits = std::min(in.rows(), out.cols() * 8);
+ auto cBits = std::min(in.cols() * 8, out.rows());
+ // the number of full 128x128 bit squares.
+ u64 rMain = rBits / 128;
+ u64 cMain = cBits / 128;
+ auto inStride = in.cols();
+ auto outStride = out.cols();
+ auto rRemBits = rBits - rMain * 128;
+ auto cRemBits = cBits - cMain * 128;
+ auto rRemBytes = divCeil(rRemBits, 8);
+ auto cRemBytes = divCeil(cRemBits, 8);
+ for (u64 i = 0; i < rMain; ++i)
+ {
+ // full 128x128 bit squares
+ for (u64 j = 0; j < cMain; ++j)
+ {
+ auto src = in.data(i * 128) + j * sizeof(block);
+ for (u64 k = 0; k < 128; ++k)
+ {
+ assert((u8*)src + sizeof(block) <= in.data() + in.size());
+ memcpy(buff.data() + k, src, sizeof(block));
+ src += inStride;
+ }
+ avx_transpose128(buff.data());
+ auto dst = out.data(j * 128) + i * sizeof(block);
+ for (u64 k = 0; k < 128; ++k)
+ {
+ assert((u8*)dst + sizeof(block) <= out.data() + out.size());
+ memcpy(dst, buff.data() + k, sizeof(block));
+ dst += outStride;
+ }
+ }
+ // partial columns but full set of rows
+ if (cRemBits)
+ {
+ memset(buff.data(), 0, sizeof(buff));
+ auto src = in.data(i * 128) + cMain * sizeof(block);
+ for (u64 k = 0; k < 128; ++k)
+ {
+ assert((u8*)src + cRemBytes <= in.data() + in.size());
+ memcpy(buff.data() + k, src, cRemBytes);
+ src += inStride;
+ }
+ avx_transpose128(buff.data());
+ auto dst = out.data(cMain * 128) + i * sizeof(block);
+ for (u64 k = 0; k < cRemBits; ++k)
+ {
+ assert((u8*)dst + sizeof(block) <= out.data() + out.size());
+ memcpy(dst, buff.data() + k, sizeof(block));
+ dst += outStride;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // partial rows
+ if (rRemBits)
+ {
+ for (u64 j = 0; j < cMain; ++j)
+ {
+ auto src = in.data(rMain * 128) + j * sizeof(block);
+ for (u64 k = 0; k < rRemBits; ++k)
+ {
+ assert((u8*)src + sizeof(block) <= in.data() + in.size());
+ memcpy(buff.data() + k, src, sizeof(block));
+ src += inStride;
+ }
+ memset(buff.data() + rRemBits, 0, (128 - rRemBits) * sizeof(block));
+ avx_transpose128(buff.data());
+ auto dst = out.data(j * 128) + rMain * sizeof(block);
+ for (u64 k = 0; k < 128; ++k)
+ {
+ assert((u8*)dst + rRemBytes <= out.data() + out.size());
+ memcpy(dst, buff.data() + k, rRemBytes);
+ dst += outStride;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cRemBits)
+ {
+ memset(buff.data(), 0, sizeof(buff));
+ auto src = in.data(rMain * 128) + cMain * sizeof(block);
+ for (u64 k = 0; k < rRemBits; ++k)
+ {
+ assert((u8*)src + cRemBytes <= in.data() + in.size());
+ memcpy(buff.data() + k, src, cRemBytes);
+ src += inStride;
+ }
+ memset(buff.data() + rRemBits, 0, (128 - rRemBits) * sizeof(block));
+ avx_transpose128(buff.data());
+ auto dst = out.data(cMain * 128) + rMain * sizeof(block);
+ for (u64 k = 0; k < cRemBits; ++k)
+ {
+ assert((u8*)dst + rRemBytes <= out.data() + out.size());
+ memcpy(dst, buff.data() + k, rRemBytes);
+ dst += outStride;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void sse_transpose128(block* inOut)
+ {
+ array a, b;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+ {
+ sse_loadSubSquare(inOut, a, j, j);
+ sse_transposeSubSquare(inOut, a, j, j);
+ for (int k = 0; k < j; k++)
+ {
+ sse_loadSubSquare(inOut, a, k, j);
+ sse_loadSubSquare(inOut, b, j, k);
+ sse_transposeSubSquare(inOut, a, j, k);
+ sse_transposeSubSquare(inOut, b, k, j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inline void sse_loadSubSquarex(array, 128>& in, array& out, u64 x, u64 y, u64 i)
+ {
+ typedef array, 2> OUT_t;
+ typedef array, 128> IN_t;
+ static_assert(sizeof(OUT_t) == sizeof(array), "");
+ static_assert(sizeof(IN_t) == sizeof(array, 128>), "");
+ OUT_t& outByteView = *(OUT_t*)&out;
+ IN_t& inByteView = *(IN_t*)∈
+ auto x16 = (x * 16);
+ auto i16y2 = (i * 16) + 2 * y;
+ auto i16y21 = (i * 16) + 2 * y + 1;
+ outByteView[0][0] = inByteView[x16 + 0][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][0] = inByteView[x16 + 0][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][1] = inByteView[x16 + 1][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][1] = inByteView[x16 + 1][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][2] = inByteView[x16 + 2][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][2] = inByteView[x16 + 2][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][3] = inByteView[x16 + 3][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][3] = inByteView[x16 + 3][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][4] = inByteView[x16 + 4][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][4] = inByteView[x16 + 4][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][5] = inByteView[x16 + 5][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][5] = inByteView[x16 + 5][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][6] = inByteView[x16 + 6][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][6] = inByteView[x16 + 6][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][7] = inByteView[x16 + 7][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][7] = inByteView[x16 + 7][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][8] = inByteView[x16 + 8][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][8] = inByteView[x16 + 8][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][9] = inByteView[x16 + 9][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][9] = inByteView[x16 + 9][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][10] = inByteView[x16 + 10][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][10] = inByteView[x16 + 10][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][11] = inByteView[x16 + 11][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][11] = inByteView[x16 + 11][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][12] = inByteView[x16 + 12][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][12] = inByteView[x16 + 12][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][13] = inByteView[x16 + 13][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][13] = inByteView[x16 + 13][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][14] = inByteView[x16 + 14][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][14] = inByteView[x16 + 14][i16y21];
+ outByteView[0][15] = inByteView[x16 + 15][i16y2];
+ outByteView[1][15] = inByteView[x16 + 15][i16y21];
+ }
+ inline void sse_transposeSubSquarex(array, 128>& out, array& in, u64 x, u64 y, u64 i)
+ {
+ static_assert(sizeof(array, 128>) == sizeof(array, 128>), "");
+ array, 128>& outU16View = *(array, 128>*) & out;
+ auto i8y = i * 8 + y;
+ auto x16_7 = x * 16 + 7;
+ auto x16_15 = x * 16 + 15;
+ block b0 = (in[0] << 0);
+ block b1 = (in[0] << 1);
+ block b2 = (in[0] << 2);
+ block b3 = (in[0] << 3);
+ block b4 = (in[0] << 4);
+ block b5 = (in[0] << 5);
+ block b6 = (in[0] << 6);
+ block b7 = (in[0] << 7);
+ outU16View[x16_7 - 0][i8y] = b0.movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[x16_7 - 1][i8y] = b1.movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[x16_7 - 2][i8y] = b2.movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[x16_7 - 3][i8y] = b3.movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[x16_7 - 4][i8y] = b4.movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[x16_7 - 5][i8y] = b5.movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[x16_7 - 6][i8y] = b6.movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[x16_7 - 7][i8y] = b7.movemask_epi8();
+ b0 = (in[1] << 0);
+ b1 = (in[1] << 1);
+ b2 = (in[1] << 2);
+ b3 = (in[1] << 3);
+ b4 = (in[1] << 4);
+ b5 = (in[1] << 5);
+ b6 = (in[1] << 6);
+ b7 = (in[1] << 7);
+ outU16View[x16_15 - 0][i8y] = b0.movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[x16_15 - 1][i8y] = b1.movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[x16_15 - 2][i8y] = b2.movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[x16_15 - 3][i8y] = b3.movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[x16_15 - 4][i8y] = b4.movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[x16_15 - 5][i8y] = b5.movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[x16_15 - 6][i8y] = b6.movemask_epi8();
+ outU16View[x16_15 - 7][i8y] = b7.movemask_epi8();
+ }
+ // we have long rows of contiguous data data, 128 columns
+ void sse_transpose128x1024(array, 128>& inOut)
+ {
+ array a, b;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
+ {
+ sse_loadSubSquarex(inOut, a, j, j, i);
+ sse_transposeSubSquarex(inOut, a, j, j, i);
+ for (int k = 0; k < j; k++)
+ {
+ sse_loadSubSquarex(inOut, a, k, j, i);
+ sse_loadSubSquarex(inOut, b, j, k, i);
+ sse_transposeSubSquarex(inOut, a, j, k, i);
+ sse_transposeSubSquarex(inOut, b, k, j, i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- // Templates are used for loop unrolling.
- // Base case for the following function.
- template
- static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if::type
- avx_transpose_block_iter1(__m256i* inOut) {}
- // Transpose the order of the 2^blockSizeShift by 2^blockSizeShift blocks (but not within each
- // block) within each 2^(blockSizeShift+1) by 2^(blockSizeShift+1) matrix in a nRows by 2^7
- // matrix. Only handles the first two rows out of every 2^blockRowsShift rows in each block,
- // starting j * 2^blockRowsShift rows into the block. When blockRowsShift == 1 this does the
- // transposes within the 2 by 2 blocks as well.
- template
- static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if<
- (j < (1 << blockSizeShift)) && (blockSizeShift > 0) && (blockSizeShift < 6) &&
- (blockRowsShift >= 1)
- >::type avx_transpose_block_iter1(__m256i* inOut)
- {
- avx_transpose_block_iter1(inOut);
- // Mask consisting of alternating 2^blockSizeShift 0s and 2^blockSizeShift 1s. Least
- // significant bit is 0.
- u64 mask = ((u64) -1) << 32;
- for (int k = 4; k >= (int) blockSizeShift; --k)
- mask = mask ^ (mask >> (1 << k));
- __m256i& x = inOut[j / 2];
- __m256i& y = inOut[j / 2 + (1 << (blockSizeShift - 1))];
- // Handle the 2x2 blocks as well. Each block is within a single 256-bit vector, so it works
- // differently from the other cases.
- if (blockSizeShift == 1)
- {
- // transpose 256 bit blocks so that two can be done in parallel.
- __m256i u = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(x, y, 0x20);
- __m256i v = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(x, y, 0x31);
- __m256i diff = _mm256_xor_si256(u, _mm256_slli_epi16(v, 1));
- diff = _mm256_and_si256(diff, _mm256_set1_epi16(0xaaaa));
- u = _mm256_xor_si256(u, diff);
- v = _mm256_xor_si256(v, _mm256_srli_epi16(diff, 1));
- // Transpose again to switch back.
- x = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(u, v, 0x20);
- y = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(u, v, 0x31);
- }
- __m256i diff = _mm256_xor_si256(x, _mm256_slli_epi64(y, (u64) 1 << blockSizeShift));
- diff = _mm256_and_si256(diff, _mm256_set1_epi64x(mask));
- x = _mm256_xor_si256(x, diff);
- y = _mm256_xor_si256(y, _mm256_srli_epi64(diff, (u64) 1 << blockSizeShift));
- }
- // Special case to use the unpack* instructions.
- template
- static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if<
- (j < (1 << blockSizeShift)) && (blockSizeShift == 6)
- >::type avx_transpose_block_iter1(__m256i* inOut)
- {
- avx_transpose_block_iter1(inOut);
- __m256i& x = inOut[j / 2];
- __m256i& y = inOut[j / 2 + (1 << (blockSizeShift - 1))];
- __m256i outX = _mm256_unpacklo_epi64(x, y);
- __m256i outY = _mm256_unpackhi_epi64(x, y);
- x = outX;
- y = outY;
- }
- // Base case for the following function.
- template
- static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if::type
- avx_transpose_block_iter2(__m256i* inOut) {}
- // Transpose the order of the 2^blockSizeShift by 2^blockSizeShift blocks (but not within each
- // block) within each 2^(blockSizeShift+1) by 2^(blockSizeShift+1) matrix in a nRows by 2^7
- // matrix. Only handles the first two rows out of every 2^blockRowsShift rows in each block.
- // When blockRowsShift == 1 this does the transposes within the 2 by 2 blocks as well.
- template
- static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if<(nRows > 0)>::type
- avx_transpose_block_iter2(__m256i* inOut)
- {
- constexpr size_t matSize = 1 << (blockSizeShift + 1);
- static_assert(nRows % matSize == 0, "Can't transpose a fractional number of matrices");
- constexpr size_t i = nRows - matSize;
- avx_transpose_block_iter2(inOut);
- avx_transpose_block_iter1(inOut + i / 2);
- }
- // Base case for the following function.
- template
- static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if::type
- avx_transpose_block(__m256i* inOut) {}
- // Transpose the order of the 2^blockSizeShift by 2^blockSizeShift blocks (but not within each
- // block) within each 2^matSizeShift by 2^matSizeShift matrix in a 2^(matSizeShift +
- // matRowsShift) by 2^7 matrix. Only handles the first two rows out of every 2^blockRowsShift
- // rows in each block. When blockRowsShift == 1 this does the transposes within the 2 by 2
- // blocks as well.
- template
- static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if<(blockSizeShift < matSizeShift)>::type
- avx_transpose_block(__m256i* inOut)
- {
- avx_transpose_block_iter2<
- blockSizeShift, blockRowsShift, (1 << (matRowsShift + matSizeShift))>(inOut);
- avx_transpose_block(inOut);
- }
- static constexpr size_t avxBlockShift = 4;
- static constexpr size_t avxBlockSize = 1 << avxBlockShift;
- // Base case for the following function.
- template
- static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if::type
- avx_transpose(__m256i* inOut)
- {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 64; i += avxBlockSize)
- avx_transpose_block<1, iter, 1, avxBlockShift + 1 - iter>(inOut + i);
- }
- // Algorithm roughly from "Extension of Eklundh's matrix transposition algorithm and its
- // application in digital image processing". Transpose each block of size 2^iter by 2^iter
- // inside a 2^7 by 2^7 matrix.
- template
- static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if<(iter > avxBlockShift + 1)>::type
- avx_transpose(__m256i* inOut)
- {
- assert((u64)inOut % 32 == 0);
- avx_transpose(inOut);
- constexpr size_t blockSizeShift = iter - avxBlockShift;
- size_t mask = (1 << (iter - 1)) - (1 << (blockSizeShift - 1));
- if (iter == 7)
- // Simpler (but equivalent) iteration for when iter == 7, which means that it doesn't
- // need to count on both sides of the range of bits specified in mask.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < (1 << (blockSizeShift - 1)); ++i)
- avx_transpose_block(inOut + i);
- else
- // Iteration trick adapted from "Hacker's Delight".
- for (size_t i = 0; i < 64; i = (i + mask + 1) & ~mask)
- avx_transpose_block(inOut + i);
- }
- void avx_transpose128(block* inOut)
- {
- avx_transpose((__m256i*) inOut);
- }
- // input is 128 rows off 8 blocks each.
- void avx_transpose128x1024(block* inOut)
- {
- assert((u64)inOut % 32 == 0);
- AlignedArray buff;
- for (u64 i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
- {
- //AlignedArray sub;
- auto sub = &buff[128 * i];
- for (u64 j = 0; j < 128; ++j)
- {
- sub[j] = inOut[j * 8 + i];
- }
- //for (u64 j = 0; j < 128; ++j)
- //{
- // buff[128 * i + j] = inOut[i + j * 8];
- //}
- avx_transpose128(&buff[128 * i]);
- }
- for (u64 i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
- {
- //AlignedArray sub;
- auto sub = &buff[128 * i];
- for (u64 j = 0; j < 128; ++j)
- {
- inOut[j * 8 + i] = sub[j];
- }
- }
- }
+ // Templates are used for loop unrolling.
+ // Base case for the following function.
+ template
+ static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if::type
+ avx_transpose_block_iter1(__m256i* inOut) {}
+ // Transpose the order of the 2^blockSizeShift by 2^blockSizeShift blocks (but not within each
+ // block) within each 2^(blockSizeShift+1) by 2^(blockSizeShift+1) matrix in a nRows by 2^7
+ // matrix. Only handles the first two rows out of every 2^blockRowsShift rows in each block,
+ // starting j * 2^blockRowsShift rows into the block. When blockRowsShift == 1 this does the
+ // transposes within the 2 by 2 blocks as well.
+ template
+ static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if<
+ (j < (1 << blockSizeShift)) && (blockSizeShift > 0) && (blockSizeShift < 6) &&
+ (blockRowsShift >= 1)
+ >::type avx_transpose_block_iter1(__m256i* inOut)
+ {
+ avx_transpose_block_iter1(inOut);
+ // Mask consisting of alternating 2^blockSizeShift 0s and 2^blockSizeShift 1s. Least
+ // significant bit is 0.
+ u64 mask = ((u64)-1) << 32;
+ for (int k = 4; k >= (int)blockSizeShift; --k)
+ mask = mask ^ (mask >> (1 << k));
+ __m256i& x = inOut[j / 2];
+ __m256i& y = inOut[j / 2 + (1 << (blockSizeShift - 1))];
+ // Handle the 2x2 blocks as well. Each block is within a single 256-bit vector, so it works
+ // differently from the other cases.
+ if (blockSizeShift == 1)
+ {
+ // transpose 256 bit blocks so that two can be done in parallel.
+ __m256i u = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(x, y, 0x20);
+ __m256i v = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(x, y, 0x31);
+ __m256i diff = _mm256_xor_si256(u, _mm256_slli_epi16(v, 1));
+ diff = _mm256_and_si256(diff, _mm256_set1_epi16(0xaaaa));
+ u = _mm256_xor_si256(u, diff);
+ v = _mm256_xor_si256(v, _mm256_srli_epi16(diff, 1));
+ // Transpose again to switch back.
+ x = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(u, v, 0x20);
+ y = _mm256_permute2x128_si256(u, v, 0x31);
+ }
+ __m256i diff = _mm256_xor_si256(x, _mm256_slli_epi64(y, (u64)1 << blockSizeShift));
+ diff = _mm256_and_si256(diff, _mm256_set1_epi64x(mask));
+ x = _mm256_xor_si256(x, diff);
+ y = _mm256_xor_si256(y, _mm256_srli_epi64(diff, (u64)1 << blockSizeShift));
+ }
+ // Special case to use the unpack* instructions.
+ template
+ static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if<
+ (j < (1 << blockSizeShift)) && (blockSizeShift == 6)
+ >::type avx_transpose_block_iter1(__m256i* inOut)
+ {
+ avx_transpose_block_iter1(inOut);
+ __m256i& x = inOut[j / 2];
+ __m256i& y = inOut[j / 2 + (1 << (blockSizeShift - 1))];
+ __m256i outX = _mm256_unpacklo_epi64(x, y);
+ __m256i outY = _mm256_unpackhi_epi64(x, y);
+ x = outX;
+ y = outY;
+ }
+ // Base case for the following function.
+ template
+ static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if::type
+ avx_transpose_block_iter2(__m256i* inOut) {}
+ // Transpose the order of the 2^blockSizeShift by 2^blockSizeShift blocks (but not within each
+ // block) within each 2^(blockSizeShift+1) by 2^(blockSizeShift+1) matrix in a nRows by 2^7
+ // matrix. Only handles the first two rows out of every 2^blockRowsShift rows in each block.
+ // When blockRowsShift == 1 this does the transposes within the 2 by 2 blocks as well.
+ template
+ static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if<(nRows > 0)>::type
+ avx_transpose_block_iter2(__m256i* inOut)
+ {
+ constexpr size_t matSize = 1 << (blockSizeShift + 1);
+ static_assert(nRows % matSize == 0, "Can't transpose a fractional number of matrices");
+ constexpr size_t i = nRows - matSize;
+ avx_transpose_block_iter2(inOut);
+ avx_transpose_block_iter1(inOut + i / 2);
+ }
+ // Base case for the following function.
+ template
+ static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if::type
+ avx_transpose_block(__m256i* inOut) {}
+ // Transpose the order of the 2^blockSizeShift by 2^blockSizeShift blocks (but not within each
+ // block) within each 2^matSizeShift by 2^matSizeShift matrix in a 2^(matSizeShift +
+ // matRowsShift) by 2^7 matrix. Only handles the first two rows out of every 2^blockRowsShift
+ // rows in each block. When blockRowsShift == 1 this does the transposes within the 2 by 2
+ // blocks as well.
+ template
+ static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if<(blockSizeShift < matSizeShift)>::type
+ avx_transpose_block(__m256i* inOut)
+ {
+ avx_transpose_block_iter2<
+ blockSizeShift, blockRowsShift, (1 << (matRowsShift + matSizeShift))>(inOut);
+ avx_transpose_block(inOut);
+ }
+ static constexpr size_t avxBlockShift = 4;
+ static constexpr size_t avxBlockSize = 1 << avxBlockShift;
+ // Base case for the following function.
+ template
+ static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if::type
+ avx_transpose(__m256i* inOut)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 64; i += avxBlockSize)
+ avx_transpose_block<1, iter, 1, avxBlockShift + 1 - iter>(inOut + i);
+ }
+ // Algorithm roughly from "Extension of Eklundh's matrix transposition algorithm and its
+ // application in digital image processing". Transpose each block of size 2^iter by 2^iter
+ // inside a 2^7 by 2^7 matrix.
+ template
+ static OC_FORCEINLINE typename std::enable_if<(iter > avxBlockShift + 1)>::type
+ avx_transpose(__m256i* inOut)
+ {
+ assert((u64)inOut % 32 == 0);
+ avx_transpose(inOut);
+ constexpr size_t blockSizeShift = iter - avxBlockShift;
+ size_t mask = (1 << (iter - 1)) - (1 << (blockSizeShift - 1));
+ if (iter == 7)
+ // Simpler (but equivalent) iteration for when iter == 7, which means that it doesn't
+ // need to count on both sides of the range of bits specified in mask.
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < (1 << (blockSizeShift - 1)); ++i)
+ avx_transpose_block(inOut + i);
+ else
+ // Iteration trick adapted from "Hacker's Delight".
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < 64; i = (i + mask + 1) & ~mask)
+ avx_transpose_block(inOut + i);
+ }
+ void avx_transpose128(block* inOut)
+ {
+ avx_transpose((__m256i*) inOut);
+ }
+ // input is 128 rows off 8 blocks each.
+ void avx_transpose128x1024(block* inOut)
+ {
+ assert((u64)inOut % 32 == 0);
+ AlignedArray buff;
+ for (u64 i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ {
+ //AlignedArray sub;
+ auto sub = &buff[128 * i];
+ for (u64 j = 0; j < 128; ++j)
+ {
+ sub[j] = inOut[j * 8 + i];
+ }
+ //for (u64 j = 0; j < 128; ++j)
+ //{
+ // buff[128 * i + j] = inOut[i + j * 8];
+ //}
+ avx_transpose128(&buff[128 * i]);
+ }
+ for (u64 i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
+ {
+ //AlignedArray sub;
+ auto sub = &buff[128 * i];
+ for (u64 j = 0; j < 128; ++j)
+ {
+ inOut[j * 8 + i] = sub[j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/libOTe/Tools/Tools.h b/libOTe/Tools/Tools.h
index ea4fae0..ef0722a 100644
--- a/libOTe/Tools/Tools.h
+++ b/libOTe/Tools/Tools.h
@@ -87,12 +87,15 @@ namespace osuCrypto {
void avx_transpose128(block* inOut);
void avx_transpose128x1024(block* inOut);
+ void avx_transpose(const MatrixView& in, const MatrixView& out);
void sse_transpose128(block* inOut);
void sse_transpose128x1024(std::array, 128>& inOut);
inline void sse_transpose128(std::array& inOut) { sse_transpose128(inOut.data()); };
+ void sse_transpose(const MatrixView& in, const MatrixView& out);
void transpose(const MatrixView& in, const MatrixView& out);
void transpose(const MatrixView& in, const MatrixView& out);
diff --git a/libOTe_Tests/OT_Tests.cpp b/libOTe_Tests/OT_Tests.cpp
index 0b5e325..97236fd 100644
--- a/libOTe_Tests/OT_Tests.cpp
+++ b/libOTe_Tests/OT_Tests.cpp
@@ -380,36 +380,18 @@ namespace tests_libOTe
- {
- PRNG prng(ZeroBlock);
- Matrix in(16, 8);
- prng.get((u8*)in.data(), sizeof(u8) * in.bounds()[0] * in.stride());
- Matrix out(63, 2);
- transpose(in, out);
- Matrix out2(64, 2);
- transpose(in, out2);
- for (u64 i = 0; i < out.bounds()[0]; ++i)
- {
- if (memcmp(out[i].data(), out2[i].data(), out[i].size()))
- {
- std::cout << "bad " << i << std::endl;
- throw UnitTestFail();
- }
- }
- }
+ u64 L = 128 * 3;
+ for(u64 b = 1; b < L-1; ++b)
PRNG prng(ZeroBlock);
//std::array, 128>, 2> data;
- Matrix in(25, 9);
- Matrix in2(32, 9);
+ u64 rows = L - b;
+ u64 cols = b;
+ Matrix in(rows, divCeil(cols, 8));
+ Matrix in2(rows, divCeil(cols, 8));
prng.get((u8*)in.data(), sizeof(u8) * in.bounds()[0] * in.stride());
memset(in2.data(), 0, in2.bounds()[0] * in2.stride());
@@ -422,11 +404,11 @@ namespace tests_libOTe
- Matrix out(72, 4);
- Matrix out2(72, 4);
+ Matrix out(cols, divCeil(rows,8));
+ Matrix out2(cols, divCeil(rows, 8));
- transpose(in, out);
- transpose(in2, out2);
+ avx_transpose(in, out);
+ sse_transpose(in2, out2);
for (u64 i = 0; i < out.bounds()[0]; ++i)
@@ -434,7 +416,7 @@ namespace tests_libOTe
if (out[i][j] != out2[i][j])
- std::cout << (u32)out[i][j] << " != " << (u32)out2[i][j] << std::endl;
+ std::cout << i <<" " <