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Fork from, patched for SRS.


For original ST without any changes, checkout the ST master branch.


state-threads is licenced under MPL or GPLv2.

Linux: Usage

Get code:

git clone -b srs

For Linux:

make linux-debug

For Linux aarch64, which fail with Unknown CPU architecture:

make linux-debug EXTRA_CFLAGS="-D__aarch64__"

Note: For more CPU architectures, please see #22

Linux with valgrind:

make linux-debug EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DMD_VALGRIND"

Remark: User must install valgrind, for instance, in centos6 sudo yum install -y valgrind valgrind-devel.

Linux with valgrind and epoll:


Mac: Usage

Get code:

git clone -b srs

For OSX:

make darwin-debug

For OSX, user must specifies the valgrind header files:

make darwin-debug EXTRA_CFLAGS="-DMD_HAVE_KQUEUE -DMD_VALGRIND -I/usr/local/include"

Remark: M1 is unsupported by ST, please use docker to run, please read SRS#2747.

Windows: Usage

Get code:

git clone -b srs

For Cygwin(Windows):

make cygwin64-debug

Remark: Windows native build is unsupported right now.

Branch SRS

The branch srs was patched and refined:

  • ARM: Patch st.arm.patch, for ARM.
  • OSX: Patch st.osx.kqueue.patch, for osx.
  • Linux: Patch st.disable.examples.patch, for ubuntu.
  • System: Refine TAB of code.
  • ARM: Merge from michaeltalyansky and xzh3836598, support ARM.
  • Valgrind: Merge from toffaletti, support valgrind for ST.
  • OSX: Patch, for osx 10.14 build.
  • ARM: Support macro MD_ST_NO_ASM to disable ASM, #8.
  • AARCH64: Merge patch srs#1282 to support aarch64, #9.
  • OSX: Support OSX for Apple Darwin, macOS, #11.
  • System: Refine performance for sleep or epoll_wait(0), #17.
  • System: Support utest by gtest and coverage by gcov/gocvr.
  • System: Only support for Linux and Darwin. #19, srs#2188.
  • System: Improve the performance of timer. 9fe8cfe5b, 7879c2b, 387cddb
  • Windows: Support Windows 64bits. #20.
  • MIPS: Support Linux/MIPS for OpenWRT, #21.
  • LOONGARCH: Support loongarch for loongson CPU, #24.
  • System: Support Multiple Threads for Linux and Darwin. #19, srs#2188.
  • RISCV: Support RISCV for RISCV CPU, #24.
  • MIPS: Support Linux/MIPS64 for loongson 3A4000/3B3000, #21.
  • AppleM1: Support Apple Silicon M1(aarch64), #30.
  • IDE: Support CLion for debugging and learning.
  • Define and use a new jmpbuf, because the structure is different.
  • Check capability for backtrack.
  • Support set specifics for any thread.
  • Support st_destroy to free resources for asan.
  • Support free the stack, #38.
  • System: Support sendmmsg for UDP, #12.

GDB Tools


How to debug with gdb under valgrind, read valgrind manual.

About startup parameters, read valgrind cli.

Important cli options:

  1. --undef-value-errors=<yes|no> [default: yes], Controls whether Memcheck reports uses of undefined value errors. Set this to no if you don't want to see undefined value errors. It also has the side effect of speeding up Memcheck somewhat.
  2. --leak-check=<no|summary|yes|full> [default: summary], When enabled, search for memory leaks when the client program finishes. If set to summary, it says how many leaks occurred. If set to full or yes, each individual leak will be shown in detail and/or counted as an error, as specified by the options --show-leak-kinds and --errors-for-leak-kinds.
  3. --track-origins=<yes|no> [default: no], Controls whether Memcheck tracks the origin of uninitialised values. By default, it does not, which means that although it can tell you that an uninitialised value is being used in a dangerous way, it cannot tell you where the uninitialised value came from. This often makes it difficult to track down the root problem.
  4. --show-reachable=<yes|no> , --show-possibly-lost=<yes|no>, to show the using memory.

Linux: UTest

Note: We use Google test in utest/gtest-fit.

To make ST with utest and run it:

make linux-debug-utest && ./obj/st_utest

Note that the gcc(4.8) of CentOS is too old, please use docker(ossrs/srs:dev-gcc7) to run:

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/state-threads -w /state-threads \ \
    bash -c 'make linux-debug-utest && ./obj/st_utest'

Mac: UTest

Note: We use Google test in utest/gtest-fit.

To make ST with utest and run it:

make darwin-debug-utest && ./obj/st_utest

Linux: Coverage

Note: We use Google test in utest/gtest-fit.

To make ST with utest and run it:

make linux-debug-gcov && ./obj/st_utest

Note that the gcc(4.8) of CentOS is too old, please use docker(ossrs/srs:dev-gcc7) to run:

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/state-threads -w /state-threads \ \
    bash -c 'make linux-debug-gcov && ./obj/st_utest'

Then, install gcovr for coverage:

yum install -y python2-pip &&
pip install lxml && pip install gcovr

Finally, run test and get the report:

bash auto/

Mac: Coverage

Note: We use Google test in utest/gtest-fit.

To make ST with utest and run it:

make darwin-debug-gcov && ./obj/st_utest

Then, install gcovr for coverage:

pip install gcovr

Finally, run test and get the report:

bash auto/

Docs & Analysis


Use CLion to open directory state-threads.

Then, open ide/st_clion/CMakeLists.txt and click Load CMake project.

Finally, select a configuration to run or debug.

Winlin 2016