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winlinvip edited this page Jan 3, 2015 · 38 revisions


SRS does not support server-side script, but support http-callback, read ServerSide script.


Use --with-http-callback to enable HttpCallback, while --without-http-callback to disable it.

For more information, read Build

Config SRS

The config of http hooks is:

    http_hooks {
        # whether the http hooks enalbe.
        # default off.
        enabled         on;
        # when client connect to vhost/app, call the hook,
        # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_connect",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "tcUrl": "rtmp://",
        #           "pageUrl": ""
        #       }
        # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response
        # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # support multiple api hooks, format:
        #       on_connect http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_connect http://localhost:8085/api/v1/clients;
        # when client close/disconnect to vhost/app/stream, call the hook,
        # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_close",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live"
        #       }
        # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response
        # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # support multiple api hooks, format:
        #       on_close http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_close http://localhost:8085/api/v1/clients;
        # when client(encoder) publish to vhost/app/stream, call the hook,
        # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_publish",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream"
        #       }
        # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response
        # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # support multiple api hooks, format:
        #       on_publish http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_publish http://localhost:8085/api/v1/streams;
        # when client(encoder) stop publish to vhost/app/stream, call the hook,
        # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_unpublish",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream"
        #       }
        # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response
        # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # support multiple api hooks, format:
        #       on_unpublish http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_unpublish http://localhost:8085/api/v1/streams;
        # when client start to play vhost/app/stream, call the hook,
        # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_play",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream"
        #       }
        # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response
        # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # support multiple api hooks, format:
        #       on_play http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_play http://localhost:8085/api/v1/sessions;
        # when client stop to play vhost/app/stream, call the hook,
        # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_stop",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream"
        #       }
        # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response
        # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        # support multiple api hooks, format:
        #       on_stop http://xxx/api0 http://xxx/api1 http://xxx/apiN
        on_stop http://localhost:8085/api/v1/sessions;
        # when srs reap a dvr file, call the hook,
        # the request in the POST data string is a object encode by json:
        #       {
        #           "action": "on_dvr",
        #           "client_id": 1985,
        #           "ip": "", "vhost": "", "app": "live",
        #           "stream": "livestream",
        #           "cwd": "/usr/local/srs",
        #           "file": "./objs/nginx/html/live/livestream.1420254068776.flv"
        #       }
        # if valid, the hook must return HTTP code 200(Stauts OK) and response
        # an int value specifies the error code(0 corresponding to success):
        #       0
        on_dvr http://localhost:8085/api/v1/dvrs;

Note: For more information, read conf/full.conf the section

HTTP callback events

SRS can call the http callback, for events:

Event Data Description
    "action": "on_connect",
    "client_id": 1985,
    "ip": "", 
    "vhost": "", 
    "app": "live",
    "tcUrl": "rtmp://x/x?key=xxx",
    "pageUrl": "http://x/x.html"
When client connected at the specified vhost and app.
    "action": "on_close",
    "client_id": 1985,
    "ip": "", 
    "vhost": "", 
    "app": "live"
When client close connection, or server disconnect the connection.
    "action": "on_publish",
    "client_id": 1985,
    "ip": "", 
    "vhost": "", 
    "app": "live",
    "stream": "livestream"
When client publish stream, for example, use flash or FMLE publish stream to server.
    "action": "on_unpublish",
    "client_id": 1985,
    "ip": "", 
    "vhost": "", 
    "app": "live",
    "stream": "livestream"
When client stop publish stream.
    "action": "on_play",
    "client_id": 1985,
    "ip": "", 
    "vhost": "", 
    "app": "live",
    "stream": "livestream"
When client start play stream.
    "action": "on_stop",
    "client_id": 1985,
    "ip": "", 
    "vhost": "", 
    "app": "live",
    "stream": "livestream"
When client stop play.
    "action": "on_dvr",
    "client_id": 1985,
    "ip": "", 
    "vhost": "", 
    "app": "live",
    "stream": "livestream",
    "cwd": "/opt",
    "file": "./"
When reap a dvr file.


  • Event: When this event occur, callback the specified HTTP url.
  • HTTP url: Can be multiple urls, splits by space, SRS will notice all one by one.
  • Data: SRS will POST the data to specified HTTP api.
  • Return Code: SRS requires the response is an int, indicates the error, 0 is success. SRS will disconnect the connection when response is not 0, or http status is not 200.

SRS HTTP callback Server

SRS provides a default HTTP callback server, use cherrypy.

To start it: python research/api-server/ 8085

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ python research/api-server/ 8085
[2014-02-27 09:42:25][trace] api server listen at port: 8085, static_dir: /home/winlin/git/simple-rtmp-server/trunk/research/api-server/static-dir
[2014-02-27 09:42:25][trace] start cherrypy server
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Listening for SIGHUP.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Listening for SIGTERM.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Listening for SIGUSR1.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Bus STARTING
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Started monitor thread '_TimeoutMonitor'.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Started monitor thread 'Autoreloader'.
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Serving on
[27/Feb/2014:09:42:25] ENGINE Bus STARTED

Publish and Play

Publish stream to SRS, SRS will call the http callback:

[2014-02-27 09:41:33][trace] post to clients, req={"action":"on_connect","client_id":4,"ip":"","vhost":"__defaultVhost__","app":"live","pageUrl":""}
[2014-02-27 09:41:33][trace] srs on_connect: client id=4, ip=, vhost=__defaultVhost__, app=live, pageUrl= - - [27/Feb/2014:09:41:33] "POST /api/v1/clients HTTP/1.1" 200 1 "" "srs(simple rtmp server)0.9.2"

Play stream on SRS, SRS will call the http callback:

[2014-02-27 09:41:50][trace] post to clients, req={"action":"on_connect","client_id":5,"ip":"","vhost":"__defaultVhost__","app":"live","pageUrl":""}
[2014-02-27 09:41:50][trace] srs on_connect: client id=5, ip=, vhost=__defaultVhost__, app=live, pageUrl= - - [27/Feb/2014:09:41:50] "POST /api/v1/clients HTTP/1.1" 200 1 "" "srs(simple rtmp server)0.9.2"

Winlin 2015.1

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