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HOME > EN > Log

SRS Log System

SRS can log to console or file, with level, session oriented log and tracable log.


The tank is the container for log, to where write log:

There are two tank of SRS log, config the srs_log_tank to:

  • console: Write log to console. Before config parsed, write log to console too.
  • file: Default. Write log to file, and the srs_log_file specified the path of log file, which default to ./objs/srs.log

The log specified config:

# the log tank, console or file.
# if console, print log to console.
# if file, write log to file. requires srs_log_file if log to file.
# default: file.
srs_log_tank        file;


The level is specified by srs_log_level and control which level of log to print:

  • verbose: Lots of log, which hurts performance. SRS default to disable it when compile.
  • info:Detail log, which huts performance. SRS default to disable it when compile.
  • trace: Important log, less and SRS enable it as default level.
  • warn: Warning log, without debug log.
  • error: Error level.

The level in config file:

# the log level, for all log tanks.
# can be: verbose, info, trace, warn, error
# defualt: trace
srs_log_level       trace;


  • Enable all high level, for example, enable trace/warn/error when set level to trace.
  • The verbose and info level is disabled when compile. Modify the srs_kernel_log.hpp when need to enable this.
  • Recomment to use trace level.

Log of tools

The feature Transcode/Ingest use external tools, for instance, FFMPEG. SRS use isolate log file for the external tools.

Set the tools log to /dev/null to disable the log:

# the logs dir.
# if enabled ffmpeg, each stracoding stream will create a log file.
# "/dev/null" to disable the log.
# default: ./objs
ff_log_dir          ./objs;

Log Format

SRS provides session oriented log, to enalbe us to grep specified connection log:

[2014-04-04 11:21:29.183][trace][2837][104][11] rtmp get peer ip success. ip=

The log format is:

  • [2014-04-04 11:21:29.183] Date of log. The ms is set by the time cache of SRS_TIME_RESOLUTION_MS to avoid performance issue.
  • [trace] Level of log. Trace is ok, warn and error maybe something is wrong.
  • [2837] The pid of process(SrsPid). The session id maybe duplicated for multiple process.
  • [104] The session id(SrsId), unique for the same process. So the pid+session-id is used to identify a connection.
  • [11] The errno of system, optional for warn and error.
  • rtmp get peer ip success. The description of log.

The following descript how to analysis the log of SRS.

Tracable Log

SRS can get the whole log when we got something, for example, the ip of client, or the stream for client and time to play, the page url.

Event for the cluster, SRS can find the session oriented directly. We can get the session of server, and the source id for the session, and the upnode session log util the origin server and the publish id.

The client also can get the pid and session-id of the connection on server. For example:

A client play stream: rtmp://dev:1935/live/livestream All id for client We can get the server ip, the pid 9131 and session id 117. We can grep on this server directly by keyword "[9131][117]":

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ grep -ina "\[12665\]\[114\]" objs/edge.log
1307:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.276][trace][12665][114] serve client, peer ip=
1308:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.284][trace][12665][114] complex handshake with client success
1309:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.284][trace][12665][114] rtmp connect app success. tcUrl=rtmp://dev:1935/live, pageUrl=, swfUrl=, schema=rtmp, vhost=__defaultVhost__, port=1935, app=live
1310:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.486][trace][12665][114] set ack window size to 2500000
1311:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.486][trace][12665][114] identify ignore messages except AMF0/AMF3 command message. type=0x5
1312:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.501][trace][12665][114] ignored. set buffer length to 800
1313:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.501][trace][12665][114] identify ignore messages except AMF0/AMF3 command message. type=0x4
1314:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.518][trace][12665][114] identity client type=play, stream_name=livestream, duration=-1.00
1315:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.518][trace][12665][114] identify client success. type=Play, stream_name=livestream, duration=-1.00
1316:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.518][trace][12665][114] set output chunk size to 4096
1317:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.518][trace][12665][114] source url=__defaultVhost__/live/livestream, ip=, cache=1, is_edge=1, id=-1
1318:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.518][trace][12665][114] dispatch cached gop success. count=0, duration=0
1319:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.518][trace][12665][114] create consumer, queue_size=30.00, tba=0, tbv=0
1322:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.518][trace][12665][114] ignored. set buffer length to 800
1333:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.718][trace][12665][114] update source_id=115
1334:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.922][trace][12665][114] -> PLA time=301, msgs=12, okbps=1072,0,0, ikbps=48,0,0

While the source id is 115(source_id=115), then find this session:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ grep -ina "\[12665\]\[115\]" objs/edge.log
1320:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.518][trace][12665][115] edge connected, can_publish=1, url=rtmp://dev:1935/live/livestream, server=
1321:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.518][trace][12665][115] connect to server success. server=, ip=, port=19350
1323:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.519][trace][12665][115] complex handshake with server success.
1324:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.561][trace][12665][115] set ack window size to 2500000
1325:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.602][trace][12665][115] drop unknown message, type=6
1326:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.602][trace][12665][115] connected, version=0.9.119, ip=, pid=12633, id=141
1327:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.602][trace][12665][115] set output chunk size to 60000
1328:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.602][trace][12665][115] edge change from 100 to state 101 (ingest connected).
1329:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.603][trace][12665][115] set input chunk size to 60000
1330:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.603][trace][12665][115] dispatch metadata success.
1331:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.603][trace][12665][115] update video sequence header success. size=46
1332:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.603][trace][12665][115] update audio sequence header success. size=4
1335:[2014-05-27 19:21:37.653][trace][12665][115] <- EIG time=10163, okbps=0,0,0, ikbps=234,254,231

We can finger out the upnode server session info connected, version=0.9.119, ip=, pid=12633, id=141, then to grep on the upnode server:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ grep -ina "\[12633\]\[141\]" objs/srs.log
783:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.518][trace][12633][141] serve client, peer ip=
784:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.519][trace][12633][141] complex handshake with client success
785:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.561][trace][12633][141] rtmp connect app success. tcUrl=rtmp://dev:1935/live, pageUrl=, swfUrl=, schema=rtmp, vhost=__defaultVhost__, port=1935, app=live
786:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.561][trace][12633][141] set ack window size to 2500000
787:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.561][trace][12633][141] identify ignore messages except AMF0/AMF3 command message. type=0x5
788:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.602][trace][12633][141] identity client type=play, stream_name=livestream, duration=-1.00
789:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.602][trace][12633][141] identify client success. type=Play, stream_name=livestream, duration=-1.00
790:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.602][trace][12633][141] set output chunk size to 60000
791:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.602][trace][12633][141] source url=__defaultVhost__/live/livestream, ip=, cache=1, is_edge=0, id=131
792:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.602][trace][12633][141] dispatch cached gop success. count=241, duration=3638
793:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.602][trace][12633][141] create consumer, queue_size=30.00, tba=44100, tbv=1000
794:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.602][trace][12633][141] ignored. set buffer length to 65564526
795:[2014-05-27 19:21:27.604][trace][12633][141] set input chunk size to 60000
798:[2014-05-27 19:21:32.420][trace][12633][141] -> PLA time=4809, msgs=14, okbps=307,0,0, ikbps=5,0,0
848:[2014-05-27 19:22:54.414][trace][12633][141] -> PLA time=86703, msgs=12, okbps=262,262,0, ikbps=0,0,0
867:[2014-05-27 19:22:57.225][trace][12633][141] update source_id=149

And the source id 149(source_id=149), that is the session id of encoder:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ grep -ina "\[12633\]\[149\]" objs/srs.log
857:[2014-05-27 19:22:56.919][trace][12633][149] serve client, peer ip=
858:[2014-05-27 19:22:56.921][trace][12633][149] complex handshake with client success
859:[2014-05-27 19:22:56.960][trace][12633][149] rtmp connect app success. tcUrl=rtmp://, pageUrl=, swfUrl=, schema=rtmp, vhost=__defaultVhost__, port=19350, app=live
860:[2014-05-27 19:22:57.040][trace][12633][149] identify client success. type=publish(FMLEPublish), stream_name=livestream, duration=-1.00
861:[2014-05-27 19:22:57.040][trace][12633][149] set output chunk size to 60000
862:[2014-05-27 19:22:57.040][trace][12633][149] source url=__defaultVhost__/live/livestream, ip=, cache=1, is_edge=0, id=-1
863:[2014-05-27 19:22:57.123][trace][12633][149] set input chunk size to 60000
864:[2014-05-27 19:22:57.210][trace][12633][149] dispatch metadata success.
865:[2014-05-27 19:22:57.210][trace][12633][149] update video sequence header success. size=46
866:[2014-05-27 19:22:57.210][trace][12633][149] update audio sequence header success. size=4
870:[2014-05-27 19:23:04.970][trace][12633][149] <- CPB time=8117, okbps=4,0,0, ikbps=320,0,0

Encoder => Origin => Edge => Player, the whole link log we got directly!

Reverse Tracable Log

The tracable is finger log from the player to the origin. The reverse tracable log is from the origin to the edge and player.

For example, there is a origin and a edge, to grep the log on origin by keyword edge-srs:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ grep -ina "edge-srs" objs/srs.origin.log 
30:[2014-08-06 09:41:31.649][trace][21433][107] edge-srs ip=, version=0.9.189, pid=21435, id=108

We get all edge srs which connectted to this origin, this edge ip is, pid is 21435, session id is 108. Then grep the log on the edge:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ grep --color -ina "\[108\]" objs/srs.log 
29:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.579][trace][22314][108] edge pull connected, can_publish=1, url=rtmp://dev:1935/live/livestream, server=
30:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.591][trace][22314][108] complex handshake success.
31:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.671][trace][22314][108] connected, version=0.9.190, ip=, pid=22288, id=107
32:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22314][108] out chunk size to 60000
33:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22314][108] ignore the disabled transcode: 
34:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22314][108] edge change from 100 to state 101 (pull).
35:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22314][108] input chunk size to 60000
36:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22314][108] got metadata, width=768, height=320, vcodec=7, acodec=10
37:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22314][108] 46B video sh, codec(7, profile=100, level=32, 0x0, 0kbps, 0fps, 0s)
38:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22314][108] 4B audio sh, codec(10, profile=1, 2channels, 0kbps, 44100HZ), flv(16bits, 2channels, 44100HZ)
39:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.779][trace][22314][107] update source_id=108[108]
46:[2014-08-06 10:09:36.853][trace][22314][110] source url=__defaultVhost__/live/livestream, ip=, cache=1, is_edge=1, source_id=108[108]
50:[2014-08-06 10:09:44.949][trace][22314][108] <- EIG time=10293, okbps=3,0,0, ikbps=441,0,0
53:[2014-08-06 10:09:47.805][warn][22314][108][4] origin disconnected, retry. ret=1007

On this edge, we finger out there is 2 connections which connected on the source, by keyword source_id=108:

39:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.779][trace][22314][107] update source_id=108[108]
46:[2014-08-06 10:09:36.853][trace][22314][110] source url=__defaultVhost__/live/livestream, ip=, cache=1, is_edge=1, source_id=108[108]

There are 2 connections connected on this source, 107 and 110.

Any Tracable Log

For SRS support tracalbe and reverse tracable log, so we can got the whold stream delivery log at any point.

For example, a cluster has a origin and an edge, origin ingest stream.

When I know the stream name, or any information, for example, we can grep the keyword type=Play for all client to play stream on origin server:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ grep -ina "type=Play" objs/srs.origin.log 
31:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.671][trace][22288][107] client identified, type=Play, stream_name=livestream, duration=-1.00

We got session id 107 which play the stream on origin:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ grep -ina "\[107\]" objs/srs.origin.log 
27:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.589][trace][22288][107] RTMP client ip=
28:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.591][trace][22288][107] complex handshake success
29:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.631][trace][22288][107] connect app, tcUrl=rtmp://dev:1935/live, pageUrl=, swfUrl=, schema=rtmp, vhost=__defaultVhost__, port=1935, app=live, args=(obj)
30:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.631][trace][22288][107] edge-srs ip=, version=0.9.190, pid=22314, id=108
31:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.671][trace][22288][107] client identified, type=Play, stream_name=livestream, duration=-1.00
32:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.671][trace][22288][107] out chunk size to 60000
33:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.671][trace][22288][107] source url=__defaultVhost__/live/livestream, ip=, cache=1, is_edge=0, source_id=105[105]
34:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22288][107] dispatch cached gop success. count=307, duration=4515
35:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22288][107] create consumer, queue_size=30.00, tba=44100, tbv=25
36:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22288][107] ignored. set buffer length to 1000
37:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.673][trace][22288][107] input chunk size to 60000
40:[2014-08-06 10:09:44.748][trace][22288][107] -> PLA time=10007, msgs=0, okbps=464,0,0, ikbps=3,0,0
41:[2014-08-06 10:09:47.805][warn][22288][107][104] client disconnect peer. ret=1004

The soruce id is 105, specified by source_id=105:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ grep --color -ina "\[105\]" objs/srs.origin.log 
16:[2014-08-06 10:09:30.331][trace][22288][105] RTMP client ip=
17:[2014-08-06 10:09:30.331][trace][22288][105] srand initialized the random.
18:[2014-08-06 10:09:30.332][trace][22288][105] simple handshake success.
19:[2014-08-06 10:09:30.373][trace][22288][105] connect app, tcUrl=rtmp://, pageUrl=, swfUrl=, schema=rtmp, vhost=__defaultVhost__, port=1936, app=live, args=null
21:[2014-08-06 10:09:30.417][trace][22288][105] client identified, type=publish(FMLEPublish), stream_name=livestream, duration=-1.00
22:[2014-08-06 10:09:30.417][trace][22288][105] out chunk size to 60000
23:[2014-08-06 10:09:30.418][trace][22288][105] source url=__defaultVhost__/live/livestream, ip=, cache=1, is_edge=0, source_id=-1[-1]
24:[2014-08-06 10:09:30.466][trace][22288][105] got metadata, width=768, height=320, vcodec=7, acodec=10
25:[2014-08-06 10:09:30.466][trace][22288][105] 46B video sh, codec(7, profile=100, level=32, 0x0, 0kbps, 0fps, 0s)
26:[2014-08-06 10:09:30.466][trace][22288][105] 4B audio sh, codec(10, profile=1, 2channels, 0kbps, 44100HZ), flv(16bits, 2channels, 44100HZ)
33:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.671][trace][22288][107] source url=__defaultVhost__/live/livestream, ip=, cache=1, is_edge=0, source_id=105[105]
38:[2014-08-06 10:09:40.732][trace][22288][105] <- CPB time=10100, okbps=3,0,0, ikbps=332,0,0

This source is the ingest stream source, we got the root source.

And we got 107 which is srs edge connection, by keyword edge-srs:

30:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.631][trace][22288][107] edge-srs ip=, version=0.9.190, pid=22314, id=108

Find the log on edge, the session id is 108:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ grep --color -ina "\[108\]" objs/srs.log 
29:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.579][trace][22314][108] edge pull connected, can_publish=1, url=rtmp://dev:1935/live/livestream, server=
30:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.591][trace][22314][108] complex handshake success.
31:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.671][trace][22314][108] connected, version=0.9.190, ip=, pid=22288, id=107
32:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22314][108] out chunk size to 60000
33:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22314][108] ignore the disabled transcode: 
34:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22314][108] edge change from 100 to state 101 (pull).
35:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22314][108] input chunk size to 60000
36:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22314][108] got metadata, width=768, height=320, vcodec=7, acodec=10
37:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22314][108] 46B video sh, codec(7, profile=100, level=32, 0x0, 0kbps, 0fps, 0s)
38:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.672][trace][22314][108] 4B audio sh, codec(10, profile=1, 2channels, 0kbps, 44100HZ), flv(16bits, 2channels, 44100HZ)
39:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.779][trace][22314][107] update source_id=108[108]
46:[2014-08-06 10:09:36.853][trace][22314][110] source url=__defaultVhost__/live/livestream, ip=, cache=1, is_edge=1, source_id=108[108]
50:[2014-08-06 10:09:44.949][trace][22314][108] <- EIG time=10293, okbps=3,0,0, ikbps=441,0,0
53:[2014-08-06 10:09:47.805][warn][22314][108][4] origin disconnected, retry. ret=1007

We got the edge source 108, and there are 2 clients connected on this source 107 and 110, specified by keyword source_id=108:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ grep --color -ina "\[107\]" objs/srs.log
18:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.281][trace][22314][107] RTMP client ip=
19:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.282][trace][22314][107] srand initialized the random.
20:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.291][trace][22314][107] complex handshake success
21:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.291][trace][22314][107] connect app, tcUrl=rtmp://dev:1935/live, pageUrl=, swfUrl=, schema=rtmp, vhost=__defaultVhost__, port=1935, app=live, args=null
22:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.532][trace][22314][107] ignored. set buffer length to 800
23:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.568][trace][22314][107] client identified, type=Play, stream_name=livestream, duration=-1.00
24:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.568][trace][22314][107] out chunk size to 60000
25:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.568][trace][22314][107] source url=__defaultVhost__/live/livestream, ip=, cache=1, is_edge=1, source_id=-1[-1]
26:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.579][trace][22314][107] dispatch cached gop success. count=0, duration=0
27:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.579][trace][22314][107] create consumer, queue_size=30.00, tba=0, tbv=0
28:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.579][trace][22314][107] ignored. set buffer length to 800
39:[2014-08-06 10:09:34.779][trace][22314][107] update source_id=108[108]
54:[2014-08-06 10:09:47.805][trace][22314][107] cleanup when unpublish
55:[2014-08-06 10:09:47.805][trace][22314][107] edge change from 101 to state 0 (init).
56:[2014-08-06 10:09:47.805][warn][22314][107][9] client disconnect peer. ret=1004

The 107 is a client which trigger the edge to fetch stream from origin. Find 110:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ grep --color -ina "\[110\]" objs/srs.log
40:[2014-08-06 10:09:36.609][trace][22314][110] RTMP client ip=
41:[2014-08-06 10:09:36.613][trace][22314][110] complex handshake success
42:[2014-08-06 10:09:36.613][trace][22314][110] connect app, tcUrl=rtmp://dev:1935/live, pageUrl=, swfUrl=, schema=rtmp, vhost=__defaultVhost__, port=1935, app=live, args=null
43:[2014-08-06 10:09:36.835][trace][22314][110] ignored. set buffer length to 800
44:[2014-08-06 10:09:36.853][trace][22314][110] client identified, type=Play, stream_name=livestream, duration=-1.00
45:[2014-08-06 10:09:36.853][trace][22314][110] out chunk size to 60000
46:[2014-08-06 10:09:36.853][trace][22314][110] source url=__defaultVhost__/live/livestream, ip=, cache=1, is_edge=1, source_id=108[108]
47:[2014-08-06 10:09:36.853][trace][22314][110] dispatch cached gop success. count=95, duration=1573
48:[2014-08-06 10:09:36.853][trace][22314][110] create consumer, queue_size=30.00, tba=44100, tbv=25
49:[2014-08-06 10:09:36.853][trace][22314][110] ignored. set buffer length to 800
51:[2014-08-06 10:09:45.919][trace][22314][110] -> PLA time=8759, msgs=21, okbps=461,0,0, ikbps=3,0,0
52:[2014-08-06 10:09:46.247][warn][22314][110][104] client disconnect peer. ret=1004

The 110 is a flash player client.

System info.

The system info and port listen at:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ ./objs/srs -c console.conf 
[winlin@dev6 srs]$ cat objs/srs.log 
[2014-04-04 11:39:24.176][trace][0][0] config parsed EOF
[2014-04-04 11:39:24.176][trace][0][0] log file is ./objs/srs.log
[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][0][0] srs 0.9.46
[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][0][0] uname: Linux dev6 2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64 
#1 SMP Fri May 20 03:51:51 BST 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][0][0] build: 2014-04-03 18:38:23, little-endian
[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][0][0] configure:  --dev --with-hls --with-nginx 
--with-ssl --with-ffmpeg --with-http-callback --with-http-server --with-http-api 
--with-librtmp --with-bwtc --with-research --with-utest --without-gperf --without-gmc 
--without-gmp --without-gcp --without-gprof --without-arm-ubuntu12 --jobs=1 
[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][0][0] write pid=4021 to ./objs/ success!
[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][100][16] server started, listen at port=1935, type=0, fd=6
[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][100][16] server started, listen at port=1985, type=1, fd=7
[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][100][16] server started, listen at port=8080, type=2, fd=8
[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][101][16] listen cycle start, port=1935, type=0, fd=6
[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][102][11] listen cycle start, port=1985, type=1, fd=7
[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][103][11] listen cycle start, port=8080, type=2, fd=8
[2014-04-04 11:39:26.799][trace][0][11] get a signal, signo=2
[2014-04-04 11:39:26.799][trace][0][11] user terminate program

It means:

  • The log file path:[2014-04-04 11:39:24.176][trace][0][0] log file is ./objs/srs.log
  • SRS version:[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][0][0] srs 0.9.46
  • Compile info:[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][0][0] uname: Linux dev6 2.6.32-71.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri May 20 03:51:51 BST 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • Compile date:[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][0][0] build: 2014-04-03 18:38:23, little-endian
  • Build options:[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][0][0] configure: --dev --with-hls --with-nginx --with-ssl --with-ffmpeg --with-http-callback --with-http-server --with-http-api --with-librtmp --with-bwtc --with-research --with-utest --without-gperf --without-gmc --without-gmp --without-gcp --without-gprof --without-arm-ubuntu12 --jobs=1 --prefix=/usr/local/srs
  • PID file:[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][0][0] write pid=4021 to ./objs/ success!
  • Listen at port 1935(RTMP):[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][100][16] server started, listen at port=1935, type=0, fd=6
  • Listen at port 1985(HTTP接口):[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][100][16] server started, listen at port=1985, type=1, fd=7
  • Listen at port 8080(HTTP服务):[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][100][16] server started, listen at port=8080, type=2, fd=8
  • Ready for connections:[2014-04-04 11:39:24.177][trace][101][16] listen cycle start, port=1935, type=0, fd=6

Session oriented log

SRS provides session oriented log.

For example, SRS running for 365 days, served 10000000 clients, how to find a specified client log?

We need something to grep, for instance, we know the stream url: rtmp://, then we can find the keyword to grep by research the publish log:

[2014-04-04 11:56:06.074][trace][104][11] rtmp get peer ip success. ip=, 
send_to=30000000us, recv_to=30000000us
[2014-04-04 11:56:06.080][trace][104][11] srand initialized the random.
[2014-04-04 11:56:06.082][trace][104][11] simple handshake with client success.
[2014-04-04 11:56:06.083][trace][104][11] rtmp connect app success. 
tcUrl=rtmp://, pageUrl=, swfUrl=rtmp://, 
schema=rtmp, vhost=__defaultVhost__, port=1935, app=live
[2014-04-04 11:56:06.288][trace][104][11] set ack window size to 2500000
[2014-04-04 11:56:06.288][trace][104][11] identify ignore messages except AMF0/AMF3 
command message. type=0x5
[2014-04-04 11:56:06.288][trace][104][11] identify client success. 
type=publish(FMLEPublish), stream_name=livestream

The keyword to grep:

  • Use keyword identify client success, then type=publish, then livestream.
  • Or, use keyword identify client success. type=publish, then livestream.
  • We can grep all identify client success. type=publish, and research the result.

For example:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ cat objs/srs.log|grep -ina "identify client success. type=publish"
20:[2014-04-04 11:56:06.288][trace][104][11] identify client success. type=publish, stream_name=livestream
43:[2014-04-04 11:56:18.138][trace][105][11] identify client success. type=publish, stream_name=winlin
65:[2014-04-04 11:56:29.531][trace][106][11] identify client success. type=publish, stream_name=livestream
86:[2014-04-04 11:56:35.966][trace][107][11] identify client success. type=publish, stream_name=livestream

There are some publish stream, and we can grep specified streamname.

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ cat objs/srs.log|grep -ina "identify client success. type=publish"|grep -a "livestream"
20:[2014-04-04 11:56:06.288][trace][104][11] identify client success. type=publish, stream_name=livestream
65:[2014-04-04 11:56:29.531][trace][106][11] identify client success. type=publish, stream_name=livestream
86:[2014-04-04 11:56:35.966][trace][107][11] identify client success. type=publish, stream_name=livestream

We can filter the result by time, for example, we use session id 104 to grep by keyword \[104\]\[:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ cat objs/srs.log |grep -ina "\[104\]\["
14:[2014-04-04 11:56:06.074][trace][104][11] rtmp get peer ip success. ip=, 
send_to=30000000us, recv_to=30000000us
15:[2014-04-04 11:56:06.080][trace][104][11] srand initialized the random.
16:[2014-04-04 11:56:06.082][trace][104][11] simple handshake with client success.
17:[2014-04-04 11:56:06.083][trace][104][11] rtmp connect app success. 
tcUrl=rtmp://, pageUrl=, swfUrl=rtmp://, 
schema=rtmp, vhost=__defaultVhost__, port=1935, app=live
18:[2014-04-04 11:56:06.288][trace][104][11] set ack window size to 2500000
19:[2014-04-04 11:56:06.288][trace][104][11] identify ignore messages except AMF0/AMF3 
command message. type=0x5
20:[2014-04-04 11:56:06.288][trace][104][11] identify client success. 
type=publish(FMLEPublish), stream_name=livestream
21:[2014-04-04 11:56:06.288][trace][104][11] set output chunk size to 60000
22:[2014-04-04 11:56:06.288][trace][104][11] set chunk_size=60000 success
23:[2014-04-04 11:56:07.397][trace][104][11] <- time=225273, obytes=4168, ibytes=7607, okbps=32, ikbps=59
24:[2014-04-04 11:56:07.398][trace][104][11] dispatch metadata success.
25:[2014-04-04 11:56:07.398][trace][104][11] process onMetaData message success.
26:[2014-04-04 11:56:07.398][trace][104][11] update video sequence header success. size=67
27:[2014-04-04 11:56:08.704][trace][104][11] <- time=226471, obytes=4168, ibytes=36842, okbps=13, ikbps=116
28:[2014-04-04 11:56:09.901][trace][104][11] <- time=227671, obytes=4168, ibytes=67166, okbps=9, ikbps=152
29:[2014-04-04 11:56:11.102][trace][104][11] <- time=228869, obytes=4168, ibytes=97481, okbps=6, ikbps=155
30:[2014-04-04 11:56:11.219][trace][104][11] clear cache/metadata/sequence-headers when unpublish.
31:[2014-04-04 11:56:11.219][trace][104][11] control message(unpublish) accept, retry stream service.
32:[2014-04-04 11:56:11.219][trace][104][11] ignore AMF0/AMF3 command message.
33:[2014-04-04 11:56:11.419][trace][104][11] drop the AMF0/AMF3 command message, command_name=deleteStream
34:[2014-04-04 11:56:11.420][trace][104][11] ignore AMF0/AMF3 command message.
35:[2014-04-04 11:56:12.620][error][104][104] recv client message failed. ret=207(Connection reset by peer)
36:[2014-04-04 11:56:12.620][error][104][104] identify client failed. ret=207(Connection reset by peer)
37:[2014-04-04 11:56:12.620][warn][104][104] client disconnect peer. ret=204
[winlin@dev6 srs]$ 

Then we got the log for this session, and client closed connection by log: 36:[2014-04-04 11:56:12.620][error][104][104] identify client failed. ret=207(Connection reset by peer).


When default SRS only print less log? Because SRS default use conf/srs.conf in daemon mode and print to log file.

When enable daemon, then no need to start by nohup:

# whether start as deamon
# default: on
daemon              on;

Use conf/console.conf to not start in daemon and log to conosle.

# no-daemon and write log to console config for srs.
# @see full.conf for detail config.

listen              1935;
daemon              off;
srs_log_tank        console;
vhost __defaultVhost__ {

Startup command:

./objs/srs -c conf/console.conf 

To startup with default config conf/srs.conf:

[winlin@dev6 srs]$ ./objs/srs -c conf/srs.conf 
[2014-04-14 12:12:57.775][trace][0][0] config parse complete
[2014-04-14 12:12:57.775][trace][0][0] write log to file ./objs/srs.log
[2014-04-14 12:12:57.775][trace][0][0] you can: tailf ./objs/srs.log
[2014-04-14 12:12:57.775][trace][0][0] @see:

Winlin 2014.10

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