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How can we query seamlessly data from different databases seamlessly as if it were in one big global database? How can we establish links between data of different databases and how should we manage them? Similar questions have already been solved for documents by the World Wide Web. But what about data? The Web has radically changed how we find and consume information in the form of documents. The next step in this evolution is a Web of data.", + "to enable the Web of data. OSLC provides open standards to achieve a uniform interface to different data sources (e.g. different databases, repositories, applications, files) and enable the connectivity of data between different data sources.", + "such as IBM, Mentor Graphics, PTC, Tasktop, Kovair, Sodius, Maplessoft, smartfacts, and many more. These solutions amongst others radically improve requirements traceability and collaboration in the design of complex systems.", + "everything about existing and upcoming OSLC solutions, open-source projects and standards. In contrast to a traditional conference, this unconference will facilitate the informal exchange of information and ideas between participants!", + "The inaugural OSLCFest will take place November 5 – 6, 2018 at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden - get your tickets today!" +] + +whoIcon = [ + "fas fa-code", + "fas fa-user-cog", + "far fa-lightbulb", + "fas fa-power-off" +] +whoTitle = [ + "Developers", + "Product Managers", + "Innovation Leaders", + "Tech Enthusiasts" +] +whoDescription = [ + "Engineers, Programmers, Architects, Analysts", + "UI/UX researchers and designers", + "CTOs, CIOs, Innovation Directors", + "Startups, Students, Investors, Thought leaders" +] + + +keynoteName = [ + "John Wiegand", + "Mike Amundsen", + "Prof. Soeren Auer" +] +keynoteTitle = [ + "Distinguished Engineer and Rational Chief Architect at IBM (retired)", + "Lead API Architect, API Academy, CA Technologies", + "Director of the German National Library of Science and Technology" +] +keynoteImage = [ + "/images/speakers/john_wiegand.jpg", + "/images/speakers/mike_amundsen.png", + "/images/speakers/soeren_auer.jpg" +] +keynoteBio = [ + "johnW", + "mikeA", + "soerenA" +] +speakersName = [ + "Jim Amsden", + "Nick Crossley", + "Axel Reichwein", + "Bill Chown", + "Wesley Coelho", + "Andrew Berezowsky", + "Jad El-Khoury", + "Frederic Loiret", + "Frank Patz-Brockmann", + "Holger Papajewski", + "Stephen Denman", + "Philip Coates", + "Dr. Jose Maria Alvarez Rodriguez", + "Dr. Ruben Verborgh", + "Sebastien Boucard", + "Christian Bühler", + "Yash Khatri", + "Peter Gerber", + "Rainer Ersch", + "Celine Sauvaget" +] +speakersTitle = [ + "IBM", + "IBM", + "Koneksys", + "Mentor Graphics", + "Tasktop", + "KTH", + "KTH", + "KTH", + "Contact-Software", + "pure-systems GmbH", + "Stephen D. Denman Consulting", + "Semantic Integration", + "Universidad Carlos III de Madrid", + "Ghent University", + "Sodius", + "PROSTEP", + "Scania", + "Schaeffler Technologies", + "Siemens", + "Airbus" +] +speakersImage = [ + "/images/speakers/jim_amsden.jpg", + "/images/speakers/nick_crossley.jpg", + "/images/speakers/axel.png", + "/images/speakers/bill_chown.jpg", + "/images/speakers/wesley_coelho.jpg", + "/images/speakers/andrew_berezovskyi.jpg", + "/images/speakers/jad_el.jpg", + "/images/speakers/frederic_loiret.png", + "/images/speakers/frank-patz.png", + "/images/speakers/holger_papajewski.jpg", + "/images/speakers/stephen_denman.png", + "/images/speakers/philip_coates.jpg", + "/images/speakers/jose_maria.png", + "/images/speakers/ruben_verborgh.jpg", + "/images/speakers/sebastien_boucard.jpg", + "/images/speakers/christian_buehler.jpg", + "/images/speakers/yash_khatri.png", + "/images/speakers/peter_gerber.jpg", + "/images/speakers/rainer_ersch.jpg", + "/images/speakers/celine_sauvaget.jpg" +] +speakersBio = [ + "jimA", + "nickC", + "axelR", + "billC", + "wesleyC", + "andrewB", + "jadE", + "fredericL", + "frankP", + "holgerP", + "stephenD", + "philipC", + "joseM", + "rubenV", + "sebastienB", + "christianB", + "yashK", + "peterG", + "rainerE", + "celineS" +] + +program= [] + +sponsors = [ + "/images/sodius_logo.png", + "/images/tasktop_logo.png", + "/images/contact_software-logo.png" +] +sponsorsLink = [ + "https://www.sodius.com/", + "https://www.tasktop.com/", + "https://www.contact-software.com/en/" +] +sponsorsClass = [ + "", + "", + "" +] +partners = [ + "/images/ARTEMIS-IA_logo.png" +] +partnersLink = [ + "https://artemis-ia.eu/" +] +partnersClass = [ + "circle", +] +organizers = [ + "/images/KTH_logo.png", + "/images/KONEKSYS_logo.png", + "/images/oasis_logo-new.png", + "/images/ICES_logo.png", + "/images/oslc_logo.png" +] +organizersLink = [ + "https://www.kth.se/en", + "https://koneksys.com/", + "https://www.oasis-open.org/", + "http://www.ices.kth.se/", + "https://open-services.net/" +] +organizersClass = [ + "circle", + "", + "", + "circle", + "circle" +] + +related = [ + "The 2nd European Conference on Interoperability for Embedded Systems Development Environments (Dec 2013)", + "The 3rd European Conference on Interoperability for Embedded Systems Development Environments (Oct 2014)", + "ProSTEP iViP – OASIS OSLC Conference, Held jointly with the 4th European Interoperability Conference (Oct 2015)", + "The CRYSTAL - Final dissemination event, held jointly with the 5th European Interoperability Conference (Jun 2016)" +] +relatedLink = [ + "http://www.ices.kth.se/events.aspx?pid=3&evtKeyId=ddc69da50a444a56b8eb6cafb692ca2b", + "http://www.crystal-artemis.eu/events/3rd-european-conference-on-interoperability.html", + "http://www.crystal-artemis.eu/fileadmin/user_upload/Other/ProSTEP-iViP_OSLC_150916.pdf", + "http://www.crystal-artemis.eu/events/final-dissemination-event.html", +] + +legendTitle = [ + "Keynote", + "Technical Talk", + "Break/Networking", + "Panel Discussion", + "Vendor Demo", +] +legendStyle = [ + "keynote", + "techtalk", + "break", + "discussion", + "vendor", +] +day1 = "Day 1# November 5, 2018" +start1 = [ + "8:30", + "9:00", + "9:45", + "10:30", + "11:00", + "11:45", + "12:30", + "13:30", + "14:00", + "14:30", + "15:00", + "15:30", + "16:00", + "16:45", + "17:30", +] +duration1 = [ + "30min", + "45min", + "45min", + "30min", + "45min", + "45min", + "1h", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "45min", + "45min", + "1h 30min", +] +title1 = [ + "Welcome and Conference Overview", + "OSLC through the formative years", + "Open Services, Interoperability, and Hypermedia: A possible Future", + "Coffee Break", + "From Linked Data to Cognitive Data", + "Challenges & Success Stories in Adopting Standards in Large Organizations", + "Lunch Break", + "Search & Browse and Lyo Validation", + "Extending OSLC to the IoT (Remotely)", + "Lifecycle Integration Patterns", + "Coffee Break", + "OSLC and configuration-aware links between ALM and PLM systems", + "Cross-Discipline Lifecycle Collaboration Forum - a linked Systems Engineering approach", + "Building on OSLC for Federated Data", + "Reception" +] +authors1 = [ + "Frederic Loiret (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)", + "John Wiegand (IBM, retired)", + "Mike Amundsen (CA Technologies)", + "", + "Prof. Soeren Auer (German National Library of Science and Technology)", + "Celine Sauvaget (Airbus), Prof. Soeren Auer (German National Library of Science and Technology), Mike Amundsen (CA Technologies), moderated by John Wiegand (IBM, retired)", + "", + "Yash Khatri (Scania)", + "Jim Amsden (IBM)", + "Wesley Coelho (Tasktop)", + "", + "Stephen Denman (Stephen D. Denman Consulting)", + "Peter Gerber (Schaeffler), Christian Bühler (PROSTEP AG) and Reiner (Siemens)", + "Bill Chown (Mentor Graphics)", + "", +] +type1 = [ + "break", + "keynote", + "keynote", + "break", + "keynote", + "discussion", + "break", + "techtalk", + "techtalk", + "techtalk", + "break", + "techtalk", + "techtalk", + "discussion", + "break", +] +presentationLink1 = [ + "", + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1k2gv7AvG5y2kJYriC03yLYenxs4X5VJV/view", + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FwrmdM7zjwj1LpcUXeEH1N2hkpJoCRvw/view", + "", + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fQe7ULamGMx4ZypS40WUqpZ4wyNvqHLR/view", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jKv9vH7V4qMw0Z7dSHCim7XLCSNhjg-M/view", + "", + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-t0qNdqanymP-XdNtn0rN5itclwl1Yqx/view", + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h0ocIyV00-3EJvXHXOf-oeX9OeC7kTzr/view", + "", + "", +] +videoLink1 = [ + "", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/2143823665682429/", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/256955201661906/", + "", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/2261640397437958/", + "", + "", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/341299103101554/", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/249150459292804/", + "", + "", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/265791763975262/", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/471951849878625/", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/420802201784715/", + "", +] +panelVariable1 = [ + "", + "PjohnW", + "PmikeA", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "PyashK", + "", + "PwesleyC", + "", + "PstephenD", + "PpeterG", + "", + "" +] + +day2 = "Day 2# November 6, 2018" +start2 = [ + "9:00", + "9:30", + "9:45", + "10:15", + "10:45", + "11:15", + "11:45", + "12:15", + "13:15", + "13:45", + "14:15", + "15:00", + "15:30", + "16:00", + "16:30", + "17:00" +] +duration2 = [ + "30min", + "15min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "1h", + "30min", + "30min", + "45min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min" +] +title2 = [ + "Tool Vendor Demo - Sodius", + "Tool Vendor Demo - Contact-Software", + "Solid and OSLC: similar stack, similar goals?", + "Break", + "Q&A with OSLC Steering Committee", + "OSLC KM: elevating the meaning of data and operations within the toolchain", + "How Product Line Engineering can benefit from OSLC", + "Lunch Break", + "\"Bridging the Graphs\": An approach to using GraphQL to join RDF stores agnostically", + "Benefits of Standard APIs", + "Communities and Bridges Between Them", + "Coffee Break", + "Eclipse Lyo 2.4.0 and beyond", + "What can OSLC Configuration Management do for me? (Remotely)", + "OSLC4JS Open Source JavaScript Client and Server Components (Remotely)", + "Summary, Closing Remarks, Feedback for Next OSLCFest" +] +authors2 = [ + "Sebastien Boucard (Sodius)", + "Frank Patz-Brockmann (Contact-Software)", + "Ruben Verborgh (Ghent University)", + "", + "Moderated by Bill Chown (Mentor Graphics)", + "Dr. Jose Maria (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)", + "Holger Papajewski (pure-systems GmbH)", + "", + "Philip Coates (Semantic Integration)", + "Axel Reichwein (Koneksys)", + "Mike Amundsen (CA Technologies), Prof. Soeren Auer (TIB), Dr. Ruben Verborgh (Ghent University), moderated by Axel Reichwein (Koneksys)", + "", + "Andrew Berezowsky (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Jad El-Khoury (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)", + "Nick Crossley (IBM)", + "Jim Amsden (IBM)", + "Moderated by Frederic Loiret (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)" +] +type2 = [ + "vendor", + "vendor", + "techtalk", + "break", + "discussion", + "techtalk", + "techtalk", + "break", + "techtalk", + "techtalk", + "discussion", + "break", + "techtalk", + "techtalk", + "techtalk", + "discussion" +] +presentationLink2 = [ + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R1iMB7PrWkkQE_JDJsBcgc0pnVAv8_-2/view", + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lscnCDfn2oq1TUtsxhv-GMNHKqAHn2zf/view", + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YZmfzOK4iZ2TrHIpsOdpM4EEkR236Mg9/view", + "", + "", + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xzuGCj2RbIZUMXgkRI4lR-kvJKR-hC4O/view", + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1R3MqECcg7lrZgtiETxb1vSxO3erinKRv/view", + "", + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J0Hv9J-QlmAG1Jxej7a7hV_uo9Tuu9_y/view", + "", + "", + "", + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vI9qejLBQz9Fi2fTzZYnIKhySFWfnVEL/view", + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1azt9-y34jkQfyBGgKk73KnqMbGuO7eZ7/view", + "https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xvxECENpiu3-u5HhQm5HgHNLmM5wIWa4/view", + "" +] +videoLink2 = [ + "", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/2086628194981802/", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/1101762343333459/", + "", + "", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/306504296615584/", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/1904841009824718/", + "", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/338991346834844/", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/318383285418382/", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/721557294866440/", + "", + "https://www.facebook.com/oslcfest/videos/449904115536068/", + "", + "", + "" +] +panelVariable2 = [ + "", + "", + "PrubenV", + "", + "", + "PjoseM", + "PholgerP", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "PandrewB", + "PnickC", + "PjimA", + "", +] ++++ diff --git a/oslc-fest/content/2020/_index.md b/oslc-fest/content/2020/_index.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..78011638 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/content/2020/_index.md @@ -0,0 +1,443 @@ ++++ +bannerOverlay = "bg-overlay2" +bannerTitle1 = "OSLC FEST" +bannerTitle2 = "" +bannerTitle3 = "May 18 - 20, 2020" +bannerTitle4 = "Virtual Conference" + + +header = [ + "About", + "Speakers", + "Program", + "Organizers", + "OSLCFest 2018", + "OSLCFest 2021", + "OSLCFest 2022" +] + +headerLinks = [ + "#about", + "#speakers", + "#program", + "#organizers", + "2018", + "2021", + "" +] + +dayList = [ + "Watch Day 1", + "Watch Day 2", + "Watch Day 3", +] +dayListLink = [ + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxMAyHqEay8", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz35ecvqLlQ", + "https://youtu.be/t1AJg8HAEn4" +] +dayListClass = [ + "youtube", + "youtube", + "youtube", +] +timeLabel = "Each Day From 3PM to 5:20PM Central European Summer Time (CEST)" +bannerActionText = "" +bannerActionLink = "" +bannerActionFAIcon = "" +bannerSideImage = "/images/connections-new.svg" +bannerBackgroundImage = "" +bannerSaveTheDate = "" + +aboutParagraphsBold = [ + "Organizations are using OSLC to eliminate data silos by connecting data across their business to achieve the digital thread.", + "Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) is an initiative to standardize the backbone for the Web of data.", + "Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) merges concepts of Linked Data and Hypermedia REST APIs", + "OSLC is supported by products of many vendors", + "The OSLCFest is the place to learn first hand from OSLC experts", + "The OSLCFest is the #1 meeting of the year related to OSLC." +] +aboutParagraphs = [ + "OSLC has been used to support Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), integrated Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).", + "How can we achieve a Google for data? How can we query seamlessly data from different databases seamlessly as if it were in one big global database? How can we establish links between data of different databases and how should we manage them? Similar questions have already been solved for documents by the World Wide Web. But what about data? The Web has radically changed how we find and consume information in the form of documents. The next step in this evolution is a Web of data.", + "to enable the Web of data. OSLC provides open standards to achieve a uniform interface to different data sources (e.g. different databases, repositories, applications, files) and enable the connectivity of data between different data sources.", + "such as IBM, Mentor Graphics, PTC, Tasktop, Kovair, Sodius, Maplessoft, smartfacts, and many more. These solutions amongst others radically improve requirements traceability and collaboration in the design of complex systems.", + "everything about existing and upcoming OSLC solutions, open-source projects and standards. In contrast to a traditional conference, this conference will facilitate the informal exchange of information and ideas between participants!", + "The 2nd OSLCFest will take place virtually on May 18-20, 2020. The event will be broadcast on YouTubeLive. More info about the broadcast will be shared soon." +] + +whoIcon = [ + "fas fa-code", + "fas fa-user-cog", + "far fa-lightbulb", + "fas fa-power-off" +] +whoTitle = [ + "Developers", + "Product Managers", + "Innovation Leaders", + "Tech Enthusiasts" +] +whoDescription = [ + "Engineers, Programmers, Architects, Analysts", + "UI/UX researchers and designers", + "CTOs, CIOs, Innovation Directors", + "Startups, Students, Investors, Thought leaders" +] + +keynoteName = [ + "Juan Sequeda", +] +keynoteTitle = [ + "Principal Scientist at data.world", +] +keynoteImage = [ + "/images/speakers/juan_s.jpg", +] +keynoteBio = [ + "juanS", +] + + +speakersName = [ + "Jad El-khoury", + "Ruben Taelman", + "Andy Lapping", + "Lutz Laemmer", + "Ahmed EL-BERDHI", + "Robert Baillargeon", + "Horst Kargl", + "Peter Lieber", + "Nicolas Figay", + "Mike Amundsen", + "Andrew Berezovskyi", + "Christoph Bergner", + "Erik Herzog", + "Åsa Nordling Larsson", + "Luis Ramirez", + "Mario Carrasco", + "Christian Muggeo", + "Leonid Mokrushin", + "Andreas Korff", + "Jim Amsden", + "Robert Hellebrand", +] +speakersTitle = [ + "KTH Royal Institute of Technology", + "Ghent University", + "IBM UK", + "ProSTEP", + "SII Group", + "SodiusWillert", + "Sparx Systems", + "Sparx Systems", + "Airbus", + "Lead API Architect, API Academy, CA Technologies", + "KTH Royal Institute of Technology", + "MID GmbH", + "Saab Aeronautics", + "Saab Aeronautics", + "Koneksys", + "Koneksys", + "CONTACT Software", + "Ericsson Research", + "PTC", + "IBM", + "pure-systems", +] +speakersImage = [ + "/images/speakers/jad_el.jpg", + "/images/speakers/ruben_t.jpg", + "/images/speakers/andy_l.jpg", + "/images/speakers/lutz_l.jpg", + "/images/speakers/ahmed.jpg", + "/images/speakers/robert_b.jpg", + "/images/speakers/horst_k.jpg", + "/images/speakers/peter_l.jpg", + "/images/speakers/nicolas_f.jpg", + "/images/speakers/mike_amundsen.png", + "/images/speakers/andrew_berezovskyi.jpg", + "/images/speakers/christoph_b.png", + 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"20min", + "20min", +] +title1 = [ + "Knowledge Graphs: History of the Main Ideas", + "State of OSLC support in commercial applications", + "Using OSLC to gain Insight into your Connected Engineering Data", + "Enabling the Federated Single Source of truth using OSLC as standard in between Engineering tools", + "OSLC the silver bullet for modelling interoperability?", + "Bridging to PLM with OSLC", +] +authors1 = [ + "Juan Sequeda (data.world)", + "Jad El-khoury (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)", + "Andy Lapping (IBM UK)", + "Andreas Korff (PTC)", + "Peter Lieber (Sparx Systems), Horst Kargl (Sparx Systems)", + "Robert Baillargeon (SodiusWillert)", +] +type1 = [ + "keynote", + "techtalk", + "vendor", + "vendor", + "vendor", + "vendor", +] +presentationLink1 = [ + "http://knowledgegraph.today/paper.html", + "", + "/presentations/Andy_Lapping-Presentation.pptx", + "", + "", + "/presentations/Bridging_ALM-PLM_-OSLCFEST-Baillargeon.pdf", +] +videoLink1 = [ + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxMAyHqEay8&t=185s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxMAyHqEay8&t=2560s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxMAyHqEay8&t=4048s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxMAyHqEay8&t=4850s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxMAyHqEay8&t=6111s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxMAyHqEay8&t=7173s", +] +panelVariable1 = [ + "PJuanS", + "PJad1", + "PAndyL", + "PAndreasK", + "Psparx", + "ProbertB", +] +day2 = "Day 2# May 19, 2020" +start2 = [ + "15:00", + "15:20", + "15:40", + "16:00", + "16:20", + "16:40", + "17:00", +] +duration2 = [ + "20min", + "20min", + "20min", + "20min", + "20min", + "20min", + "20min", +] +title2 = [ + "OSLC Open Project status", + "Eclipse Lyo Introduction", + "Lyo Designer Introduction", + "OpenAPI Extensions for OSLC", + "PyOSLC the Python SDK for OSLC APIs", + "Beyond linking artifacts: “Federated Authoring” and “Dashboards” based on OSLC", + "OSLC as enabler for seamless application integration", +] +authors2 = [ + "Jim Amsden (IBM), Andrew Berezovskyi (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)", + "Jad El-khoury (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)", + "Jad El-khoury (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)", + "Luis Ramirez (Koneksys)", + "Christian Muggeo (Contact Software), Mario Carrasco (Koneksys)", + "Christoph Bergner (MID)", + "Lutz Laemmer (ProSTEP)", +] +type2 = [ + "techtalk", + "techtalk", + "techtalk", + "techtalk", + "vendor", + "vendor", + "vendor", +] +presentationLink2 = [ + "", + "", + "", + "https://1drv.ms/p/s!AnMSa6KFnUYAlmT6H1V8s2yoepvh", + "https://www.slideshare.net/isccarrasco/pyoslc-sdk-oslcfest", + "", + "/presentations/PROSTEP_oslcfest_2020.pdf", +] +videoLink2 = [ + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz35ecvqLlQ&t=202s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz35ecvqLlQ&t=1129s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz35ecvqLlQ&t=2459s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz35ecvqLlQ&t=3593s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz35ecvqLlQ&t=4860s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz35ecvqLlQ&t=6181s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tz35ecvqLlQ&t=7354s", +] +panelVariable2 = [ + "PAndrewJim", + "PJad2", + "PJad3", + "PKoneksys", + "PMarioC", + "PChristophB", + "PLutzL", +] +day3 = "Day 3# May 20, 2020" +start3 = [ + "15:00", + "15:20", + "15:40", + "16:00", + "16:20", + "16:40", + "17:00", +] +duration3 = [ + "20min", + "20min", + "20min", + "20min", + "20min", + "20min", + "20min", +] +title3 = [ + "Prolog OSLC SDK", + "The Role of OSLC in the Enterprise PLM Landscape", + "Establishing Digital Continuity for End to End Collaboration", + "Hypermedia Made Easy", + "Proof of Concept: Capella & IBM Jazz Integration based on OSLC", + "A Technical View on the Solid Ecosystem", + "OSLC-enabled Product Line Engineering with pure::variants 5.0", +] +authors3 = [ + "Leonid Mokrushin (Ericsson Research)", + "Erik Herzog and Åsa Nordling Larsson (Saab Aeronautics)", + "Nicolas Figay (Airbus)", + "Mike Amundsen (CA Technologies)", + "Ahmed EL-BERDHI (SII Group)", + "Ruben Taelman (Ghent University)", + "Robert Hellebrand (pure-systems)", +] +type3 = [ + "techtalk", + "discussion", + "discussion", + "techtalk", + "discussion", + "techtalk", + "vendor", + "vendor", +] +presentationLink3 = [ + "", + "", + "", + "http://amundsen.com/talks/2020-05-oslcfest/2020-05-oslcfest.pdf", + "", + "", + "", +] +videoLink3 = [ + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1AJg8HAEn4&t=93s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1AJg8HAEn4&t=1555s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1AJg8HAEn4&t=2700s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1AJg8HAEn4&t=4185s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1AJg8HAEn4&t=5615s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1AJg8HAEn4&t=6709s", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1AJg8HAEn4&t=8029s", +] +altVideoLink3 = [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m_ap9_BkqfU", + "", + "", +] +panelVariable3 = [ + "PLeoM", + "PErikH", + "PNicolasF", + "PMikeA2020", + "Pahmed", + "PRubenT", + "PRobertH", +] + + +organizers = [ + "/images/oasis_logo-new.png", + "/images/oslc_logo_labled.png", +] +organizersLink = [ + "https://www.oasis-open.org/", + "https://open-services.net/", +] +organizersClass = [ + "", +] ++++ diff --git a/oslc-fest/content/2021/_index.md b/oslc-fest/content/2021/_index.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..440bc65c --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/content/2021/_index.md @@ -0,0 +1,482 @@ ++++ +header = [ + "About", + "Speakers", + "Program", + "Organizers", + "OSLCFest 2018", + "OSLCFest 2020", + "OSLCFest 2022" +] + +headerLinks = [ + "#about", + "#speakers", + "#program", + "#organizers", + "2018", + "2020", + "" +] + + +bannerOverlay = "bg-overlay2" +bannerTitle1 = "OSLC FEST" +bannerTitle2 = "" +bannerTitle3 = "November 2-4, 2021" +bannerTitle4 = "Virtual Conference" +dayList = [ +] +dayListLink = [ +] +dayListClass = [ +] +timeLabel = "" +bannerActionText = "Check videos and presentations" +bannerActionLink = "#program" +bannerActionFAIcon = "" +bannerSideImage = "/images/connections-new.svg" +bannerBackgroundImage = "" +bannerSaveTheDate = "" + +aboutParagraphsBold = [ + "Organizations are using OSLC to eliminate data silos by connecting data across their business to achieve the digital thread as part of a digital engineering transformation.", + "Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) is an initiative to standardize the backbone for the Web of data.", + "Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) merges concepts of Linked Data and Hypermedia REST APIs", + "OSLC is supported by products of many vendors", + "The OSLCFest is the place to learn first hand from OSLC experts", + "The OSLCFest is the #1 meeting of the year related to OSLC." +] +aboutParagraphs = [ + "OSLC has been used to support the integration of engineering domains such as Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), integrated Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).", + "How can we achieve a Google for data? How can we query seamlessly data from different databases seamlessly as if it were in one big global database? How can we establish links between data of different databases and how should we manage them? Similar questions have already been solved for documents by the World Wide Web. But what about data? The Web has radically changed how we find and consume information in the form of documents. The next step in this evolution is a Web of data.", + "to enable the Web of data. OSLC provides open standards to achieve a uniform interface to different data sources (e.g. different databases, repositories, applications, files) and enable the connectivity of data between different data sources.", + "such as IBM, Siemens, PTC, Tasktop, Kovair, Sodius, Maplessoft, MID, pure-systems, and many more. These solutions amongst others radically improve requirements traceability and collaboration in the design of complex systems.", + "everything about existing and upcoming OSLC solutions, open-source projects and standards. In contrast to a traditional conference, this conference will facilitate the informal exchange of information and ideas between participants!", + "The 3nd OSLCFest will take place virtually on Nov 2-4, 2021. The event will be broadcast on YouTubeLive. More info about the broadcast will be shared soon." +] + +whoIcon = [ + "fas fa-code", + "fas fa-user-cog", + "far fa-lightbulb", + "fas fa-power-off" +] +whoTitle = [ + "Developers", + "Product Managers", + "Innovation Leaders", + "Tech Enthusiasts" +] +whoDescription = [ + "Engineers, Programmers, Architects, Analysts", + "UI/UX researchers and designers", + "CTOs, CIOs, Innovation Directors", + "Startups, Students, Investors, Thought leaders" +] + +speakersName = [ + "Jad El-khoury", + "Andrew Berezovskyi", + "Christoph Bergner", + "Erik Herzog", + "Jim Amsden", + "Eran Gery", + "Axel Reichwein", + "Andy Lapping", + "Robert Baillargeon", + "Horst Kargl", + "Åsa Nordling Larsson", + "Mario Carrasco", + "Andreas Korff", + "Robert Hellebrand", + "Frank Patz-Brockmann", + "Juan Quintanar Gómez", + "Kenny MacKenzie", + "Ryan Wisnesky", + "Laurent Delaigue", + "Guillermo Garcia Grao", + "Damir Nešić", + "Graham Bleakley", + "Thomas Zimmermann", + "Sunil Kaklij", + "Sean McGervey", + "Tamara Hambrick", + "Celia Tseng", + "Terri Chan" +] +speakersTitle = [ + "KTH Royal Institute of Technology", + "KTH Royal Institute of Technology", + "MID GmbH", + "Saab Aeronautics", + "IBM", + "IBM", + "Koneksys", + "IBM UK", + "SodiusWillert", + "Sparx Systems", + "Saab Aeronautics", + "Koneksys", + "PTC", + "pure-systems GmbH", + "Contact-Software GmbH", + "Koneksys", + "Conexus AI", + "Conexus AI", + "Obeo", + "Technical University of Madrid", + "Scania CV AB", + "Costain UK Ltd.", + "Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology", + "Scania CV AB", + "DEIXWG", + "DEIXWG", + "DEIXWG", + "DEIXWG" +] +speakersImage = [ + "/images/speakers/jad_el.jpg", + "/images/speakers/andrew_berezovskyi.jpg", + "/images/speakers/christoph_b.png", + "/images/speakers/erik_h.png", + "/images/speakers/jim_amsden.jpg", + "/images/speakers/eran_g.jpg", + "/images/speakers/axel.png", + "/images/speakers/andy_l.jpg", + "/images/speakers/robert_b.jpg", + 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[ + "Business Value", + "New tools/Domains", + "OSLC in action", + "Extended technology", + "OSLC data model" +] +legendStyle = [ + "keynote", + "techtalk", + "vendor", + "discussion", + "break", +] +time = "All times are in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)" + +day1 = "Day 1# Nov 02, 2021" +start1 = [ + "14:00", + "14:30", + "15:00", + "15:30", + "16:00", + "16:30", + "17:00", + "17:30", +] +duration1 = [ + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min" +] +title1 = [ + "OSLC as a backbone for digital engineering", + "State of the OSLC Open Project", + "MBSE in the Digital Thread with Capella Models Exposed to OSLC-compliant ALM and Requirements Management Tools", + "Cross lifecycle analytics and reporting based on OSLC TRS", + "Latest PyOSLC Improvements", + "Developing an OSLC client with the OSLC API from Sparx Systems", + "Extending OSLC into the Digital Thread", + "OSLC from the Perspective of a Data Integrator", +] +authors1 = [ + "Eran Gery", + "Andrii Berezovskyi and Jim Amsden", + "Laurent Delaigue", + "Andy Lapping", + "Frank Patz-Brockmann and Mario Jiménez Carrasco", + "Horst Kargl", + "Moti Berovin, Joseph Sorci and David Vredenburgh", + "Torbjörn Holm and Nigel Shaw", +] +type1 = [ + "keynote", + "", + "techtalk", + "vendor", + "discussion", + "techtalk", + "vendor", + "break", +] +presentationLink1 = [ + "/presentation/OSLC_as_a_backboke_for_digital_engineering.pdf", + "/presentations/OSLCfest-OP.pdf", + "/presentations/Exposing_Capella_Models_to_OSLC_Consumers.pdf", + "", + "/presentations/PyOSLC_SDK.pdf", + "/presentations/developing_an_oslc_client_with_the_oslc_api_from_sparx_systems.pdf", + "", + "" +] +videoLink1 = [ + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjSDOL7k2EI&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=1", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHZsvL7FI2s&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=2", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPiGgNoD8Xo&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=3", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtQVGDQHPmQ&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=4", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_Xqq5zK2Do&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=5", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D04bODoJzg4&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=6", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEoBfwlKlgU&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=7", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFqYWZk-pKU&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=8" +] +panelVariable1 = [ + "PEranG2021", + "PAndrewJim2021", + "PLaurentD", + "PAndyL2021", + "PFrankP2021", + "PHorstK2021", + "PMotiB2021", + "PTorbjornH2021" +] +day2 = "Day 2# Nov 03, 2021" +start2 = [ + "14:00", + "14:30", + "15:00", + "15:30", + "16:00", + "16:30", + "17:00", + "17:30", +] +duration2 = [ + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min" +] +title2 = [ + "Keeping up with the pace of opportunity", + "Using OSLC for managing traceability into the details of a software project", + "Leveraging OSLC and Linked Data for the Creation of Assurance Cases", + "Navigating Versions in the Enterprise", + "Deploying OSLC In the Enterprise", + "Using OSLC for a Closed-Loop Digital Twin Demonstrator", + "Knowledge graph for Multi brand engineering collaboration", + "OSLC for DevOps event-based automation", +] +authors2 = [ + "Erik Herzog and Åsa Nordling Larsson", + "Christoph Bergner", + "Damir Nesic", + "Robert Baillargeon", + "Robert Baillargeon, Sébastien Boucard", + "Thomas Zimmermann", + "Sunil Kaklij", + "Guillermo Garcia Grao", +] +type2 = [ + "keynote", + "techtalk", + "vendor", + "keynote", + "discussion", + "vendor", + "break", + "keynote" +] +presentationLink2 = [ + "/presentations/keeping_up_with_the_pace_of_opportunity.pdf", + "/presentations/managing_traceability.pdf", + "/presentations/Leveraging-OSLC-and-Linked-Data-for-the-Creation-of-Assurance-Cases.pptx", + "/presentations/20211103_OSLCFest-Configurations.pdf", + "/presentations/20211103_OSLCFest-Enterprise.pdf", + "/presentations/using_oslc_for_a_closed-loop_digital_twin_demonstrator.pptx", + "/presentations/Knowledge_graph_for_ Multi_brand_engineering_collaboration.pdf", + "/presentations/OSLC_for_DevOps_event-based_automation.pdf" +] +videoLink2 = [ + "", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIVi3mn4fIo&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=9", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwgbyZaNSZY&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=10", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_I20ycpfFY&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=11", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDFChkqZPgA&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=12", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_gdHcib9jc&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=13", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrFQlQrUC3w&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=14", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zxw0Yve1K0&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=15" +] +panelVariable2 = [ + "PErikH2021", + "PChristophB2021", + "PDamirN", + "PRobertB2021", + "PRobertH2021", + "PThomasZ", + "PSunilK", + "PGarciaG2021" +] +day3 = "Day 3# Nov 04, 2021" +start3 = [ + "14:00", + "14:30", + "15:00", + "15:30", + "16:00", + "16:30", + "17:00", + "17:30", +] +duration3 = [ + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min" +] +title3 = [ + "INCOSE Digital Engineering Information Exchange Working Group", + "OSLC Reference Implementation: From zero to 4 OSLC servers in 20 minutes", + "How to use OSLC Links Bidirectionally", + "Coatl: an OSLC API generation framework based on OpenAPI", + "The challenges of connecting data in the world of Infrastructure", + "Applied Category Theory for Scalable Data Integration and Semantic Interoperability", + "Global Configurations in Product Line Engineering", + "Fundamental OSLC Concepts for Distributed Link Creation", +] +authors3 = [ + "Sean McGervey, Tamara Hambrick, Celia Tseng, Terri Chan", + "Andrii Berezovskyi and Jad El-Khoury", + "Andreas Korff", + "Juan Quintanar", + "Graham Bleakley", + "Kenny MacKenzie and Ryan Wisnesky", + "Robert Hellebrand", + "Axel Reichwein", +] +type3 = [ + "keynote", + "vendor", + "techtalk", + "discussion", + "keynote", + "break", + "techtalk", + "vendor", +] +presentationLink3 = [ + "", + "/presentations/OSLCfest-Lyo.pdf", + "", + "/presentations/Coatl.pdf", + "/presentations/Integration_Challenges_in_Infrastructure.pdf", + "/presentations/Category_Theory_for_Semantic Data_Interoperability.pdf", + "/presentations/Global_Configurations.pptx", + "/presentations/Fundamental_OSLC_Concepts_for_Distributed_Link_Creation.pdf" +] +videoLink3 = [ + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYMIHHV2wUM&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=16", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJ7FunqW0rE&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=17", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cg4fjaiAWTo&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=18", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPmkeYoWnXs&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=19", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZe9VPhXXUY&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=20", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_K6oLQSyfw&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=21", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN-vs5nA-5M&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=22", + "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0384qsHEq60&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=23" +] +altVideoLink3 = [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "" +] +panelVariable3 = [ + "PSeanM", + "PAndrewJad2021", + "PAndreasK2021", + "PJuanQ", + "PGrahamB", + "PKennyM2021", + "PRobertHellebrand2021", + "PAxelR2021" +] + + +organizers = [ + "/images/oasis_logo-new.png", + "/images/oslc_logo_labled.png", +] +organizersLink = [ + "https://www.oasis-open.org/", + "https://open-services.net/", +] +organizersClass = [ + "", + "circle" +] ++++ diff --git a/oslc-fest/content/_index.md b/oslc-fest/content/_index.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6534a7be --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/content/_index.md @@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ ++++ +headerLinks = [ + "#about", + "#speakers", + "#program", + "#organizers", + "2018", + "2020", + "2021" +] + +header = [ + "About", + "Speakers", + "Program", + "Organizers", + "OSLCFest 2018", + "OSLCFest 2020", + "OSLCFest 2021" +] + +bannerOverlay = "bg-overlay2" +bannerTitle1 = "OSLC FEST 2022" +bannerTitle2 = "Making digital threads real!" +bannerTitle3 = "November 15-17" +bannerTitle4 = "Virtual Conference" +dayList = [ +] +dayListLink = [ +] +dayListClass = [ +] +timeLabel = "" +linkTimeLabel = "https://kth-se.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5UldeyspzMuGdZmOrEzSIkuQxCNgR1uP54S" +bannerActionText = "Check presentations and videos" +bannerActionLink = "" +bannerActionFAIcon = "" +bannerSideImage = "/images/connections-new.svg" +bannerBackgroundImage = "" +bannerSaveTheDate = "" + +aboutParagraphsBold = [ + "Organizations are using OSLC to eliminate data silos by connecting data across their business to achieve the digital thread as part of a digital engineering transformation.", + "Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) is an initiative to standardize the backbone for the Web of data.", + "Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) merges concepts of Linked Data and Hypermedia REST APIs", + "OSLC is supported by products of many vendors", + "The OSLCFest is the place to learn first hand from OSLC experts", + "The OSLCFest is the #1 meeting of the year related to OSLC." +] +aboutParagraphs = [ + "OSLC has been used to support the integration of engineering domains such as Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), integrated Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).", + "How can we achieve a Google for data? How can we query seamlessly data from different databases seamlessly as if it were in one big global database? How can we establish links between data of different databases and how should we manage them? Similar questions have already been solved for documents by the World Wide Web. But what about data? The Web has radically changed how we find and consume information in the form of documents. The next step in this evolution is a Web of data.", + "to enable the Web of data. OSLC provides open standards to achieve a uniform interface to different data sources (e.g. different databases, repositories, applications, files) and enable the connectivity of data between different data sources.", + "such as IBM, Siemens, PTC, Tasktop, Kovair, Sodius, Maplessoft, MID, pure-systems, and many more. These solutions amongst others radically improve requirements traceability and collaboration in the design of complex systems.", + "everything about existing and upcoming OSLC solutions, open-source projects and standards. In contrast to a traditional conference, this conference will facilitate the informal exchange of information and ideas between participants!", + "The 4th OSLCFest will take place virtually on Nov 15-17, 2022. The event will be broadcast on YouTubeLive. More info about the broadcast will be shared soon." +] + +whoIcon = [ + "fas fa-code", + "fas fa-user-cog", + "far fa-lightbulb", + "fas fa-power-off" +] +whoTitle = [ + "Developers", + "Product Managers", + "Innovation Leaders", + "Tech Enthusiasts" +] +whoDescription = [ + "Engineers, Programmers, Architects, Analysts", + "UI/UX researchers and designers", + "CTOs, CIOs, Innovation Directors", + "Startups, Students, Investors, Thought leaders" +] + +speakersName = [ + "Carina Monique Schaefer", + "Hanns Schulz-Mirbach", + "Jayakumar Palanivel", + "Eran Gery", + "Martin Ulrich", + "Erik Herzog", + "Jens Krueger", + "Tim Weilkiens", + "Patrick Ollerton", + "Ed Gentry", + "Robert Baillargeon", + "Jim Tung", + "Juan Quintanar Gómez", + "Rui Chen", + "Jan Fiedor", + "Ondřej Vašíček", + "Bruno Marcelo Soares Ferreira", + "Hemlata M Sharma", +] +speakersTitle = [ + "Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA", + "Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA", + "Wipro Limited", + "IBM", + "Robert Bosch GmbH", + "Saab Aeronautics", + "NTT DATA", + "OOSE Innovative Informatik", + "PTC", + "MID", + "SodiusWillert", + "MathWorks", + "Koneksys", + "School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology", + "Honeywell, Brno University of Technology", + "Brno University of Technology & Honeywell International", + "Federal University of Pampa", + "Koneksys", +] +speakersImage = [ + "/images/speakers/CarinaSchaefer.jpg", + "/images/speakers/SchulzMirbach.jpg", + "/images/speakers/jayakumar.jpg", + "/images/speakers/eran_g.jpg", + "/images/speakers/MartinUlrich.jpg", + "/images/speakers/erik_h.png", + "/images/speakers/JensKrueger.jpg", + "/images/speakers/TimWeilkiens.jpg", + "/images/speakers/pollerton.jpg", + "/images/speakers/edgentry.jpg", + "/images/speakers/robert_b.jpg", + "/images/speakers/improved_tungjim.jpg", + "/images/speakers/juan.png", + "/images/speakers/RuiChen.jpg", + "/images/speakers/janfiedor.png", + "/images/speakers/ondrej.jpg", + "/images/speakers/BrunoMarcelo.jpg", + "/images/speakers/hemlata.png", +] +speakersBio = [ + "carinaS", + "hannsS", + "jayakumarP", + "eranG", + "martinU", + "erikH", + "jensK", + "timW", + "patrickO", + "edG", + "robertB", + "jimT", + "juanQ", + "ruiC", + "janF", + "ondrejV", + "brunoM", + "hemlataS", +] + +legendTitle = [ + "Business Value", + "New tools/Domains", + "OSLC in action", + "Extended technology", + "OSLC data model" +] +legendStyle = [ + "keynote", + "techtalk", + "vendor", + "discussion", + "break", +] +time = "All times are in the Central European Time (CET)" + +day1 = "Day 1# Nov 15, 2022" +start1 = [ + "15:00", + "15:30", + "16:00", + "16:30", + "17:00", + "17:30", +] +duration1 = [ + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", +] +title1 = [ + "Enterprise Data Dependency Management", + "OSLC Profiles", + "Cross Domain Configuration Management – A New Way to Think PLM in Engineering", + "Clearly OSLC is the Answer - But what are the Questions?", + "Integration Architecture for the Automotive Digital Thread", + "SysML v2 to Go", +] +authors1 = [ + "Hanns Schulz-Mirbach, Carina Schaefer and Jayakumar Palanivel (Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA, Wipro Limited)", + "Eran Gery (IBM)", + "Martin Ulrich (Robert Bosch GbmH)", + "Erik Herzog (Saab Aeronautics)", + "Jens Krueger (NTT DATA)", + "Tim Weilkiens (OOSE Inovative Informatik)", +] +type1 = [ + # "techtalk", + # "vendor", + # "keynote", + # "vendor", + # "vendor", + # "discussion", + # "vendor", + # "break", +] +presentationLink1 = [ + "/presentations/EDDM_OSLC-Fest-2022.pdf", + "/presentations/linking_profiles_for_oslcfest_2022.pdf", + "/presentations/CDCM_OSLCFest-2022.pptx", + "/presentations/clearly_oslc_is_the_answer_but_what_are_the_questions.pdf", + "/presentations/integration_architecture_for_the_automotive_digital_thread.pdf", + "/presentations/sysml_v2_to_go.pdf", +] +videoLink1 = [ + "https://youtu.be/qVyXNHmIp7Y", + "https://youtu.be/OHdU_gntKc8", + "https://youtu.be/XiH0_YfMYA8", + "https://youtu.be/znE_Wjf4eg8", + "https://youtu.be/X4bIPnWeHjY", + "https://youtu.be/OZSusDBvE9k", +] +panelVariable1 = [ + "PHansS", + "PEranG2022", + "PMartinU", + "PErikH2022", + "PJensK", + "PTimW", +] +day2 = "Day 2# Nov 16, 2022" +start2 = [ + "15:00", + "15:30", + "16:00", + "16:30", + "17:00", + "17:30", +] +duration2 = [ + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", +] +title2 = [ + "Stitching a Product Digital Thread with OSLC", + "Enabling the Digital Engineering Thread at PTC", + "Accelerating OSLC Integrations with genOSLC", + "When to Link and why we might not want to Sync", + "Digital Thread for the Evolution of Model-Based Design", + "OSLC APIs Generated by Koatl", +] +authors2 = [ + "Gray Bachelor and Fabrice Mendes (IBM)", + "Patrick Ollerton (PTC)", + "Ed Gentry (MID)", + "Robert Baillargeon (SodiusWillert)", + "Jim Tung (MathWorks)", + "Juan Quintanar (Koneksys)", +] +type2 = [ + # "keynote", + # "discussion", + # "techtalk", + # "keynote", + # "discussion", + # "vendor", + # "break", + # "keynote" +] +presentationLink2 = [ + "", + "", + "", + "", + "", + "/presentations/koatl_generated oslc_apis_oslc_fest_2022.pdf", +] +videoLink2 = [ + + "https://youtu.be/nuBSLlq98uE", + "https://youtu.be/e2auZQwAwSI", + "https://youtu.be/Q0wDCb4Yp44", + "https://youtu.be/4zBS9WWfqYg", + "https://youtu.be/WrhW0o7KNe4", + "https://youtu.be/TNCCoJDuWSQ", +] +panelVariable2 = [ + "PGrayB", + "PPatrickO", + "PEdG", + "ProbertB2022", + "PJimT", + "PJuanQ2022", + # "PErikH2021", + # "PChristophB2021", + # "PDamirN", + # "PRobertB2021", + # "PRobertH2021", + # "PThomasZ", + # "PSunilK", + # "PGarciaG2021" +] +day3 = "Day 3# Nov 17, 2022" +start3 = [ + "15:00", + "15:30", + "16:00", + "16:30", + "17:00", + "17:30", +] +duration3 = [ + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", + "30min", +] +title3 = [ + "OSLC Supports Model Integration in Model-Based Systems Engineering: KARMA Approach", + "Making Analysis Tools More Accessible Using an OSLC-based Service-Oriented Architecture", + "How is the OSLC Research Building the Semantic Web of Software Assets as Linked Data?", + "OSCL for Cognitive Cross-Checking of System Models", + "Connecting REST API Resources with Kiwi", + "OSLC as an Enabler of Systems Lifecycle Management" +] +authors3 = [ + "Chen Rui, Lu Jinzhi, Wang Guoxin and Wu Shouxuan (Beijing Institute of Technology)", + "Jan Fiedor and Ondřej Vašíček (Brno University of Technology & Honeywell International)", + "Bruno Marcelo Ferreira, Rafael Torres, Fábio Basso, Rafael Z. Frantz, Diego Kreutz, Elder Rodrigues and Maicon Bernardino (Federal University of Pampa)", + "Carlos Insaurralde", + "Hemlata Sharma (Koneksys)", + "Yogish Kode (Tripudio Technologies)", +] +type3 = [ + # "keynote", + # "vendor", + # "techtalk", + # "discussion", + # "techtalk", + # "break", + # "techtalk", + # "vendor", +] +presentationLink3 = [ + "", + "", + "", + "/presentations/oslc_for_cognitive_cross_checking_of_system_models.pdf", + "/presentations/oslc_fest_kiwi.pdf", + "", +] +videoLink3 = [ + "https://youtu.be/tmdLA9RPNto", + "https://youtu.be/0eLtzFNAkKQ", + "https://youtu.be/FHdpqnVncWE", + "https://youtu.be/ZgNIWDqUUNw", + "https://youtu.be/ZCwRtVQJoqQ", + # "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_K6oLQSyfw&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=21", + # "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IN-vs5nA-5M&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=22", + # "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0384qsHEq60&list=PLpqpu1CS6Rj4JHr8YkcLbWL6j8lw7w8pr&index=23" +] +altVideoLink3 = [ + # "", + # "", + # "", + # "", + # "", + # "", + # "", + # "" +] +panelVariable3 = [ + "PRuiC", + "PJanF", + "PBrunoM", + "PCarlosI", + "PHemlataS", + "PYogishK" + # "PSeanM", + # "PAndrewJad2021", + # "PAndreasK2021", + # "PJuanQ", + # "PGrahamB", + # "PKennyM2021", + # "PRobertHellebrand2021", + # "PAxelR2021" +] + + +organizers = [ + "/images/oasis_logo-new.png", + "/images/oslc_logo_labled.png", +] +organizersLink = [ + "https://www.oasis-open.org/", + "https://open-services.net/", +] +organizersClass = [ + "", + "circle" +] ++++ diff --git a/oslc-fest/content/call-for-presentations/_index.md b/oslc-fest/content/call-for-presentations/_index.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e69de29b diff --git a/oslc-fest/deploy.sh b/oslc-fest/deploy.sh new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4220a236 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/deploy.sh @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +#!/bin/bash + +echo "Starting Deployment" + +git checkout master +git pull origin master +git push origin master + +echo "Switch to Production" +git checkout production + +echo "Updating Production branch" +git pull origin production + +echo "Merging changes from Master" +git pull --no-edit origin master + +echo "Generate Hugo site" +rm -rf public/ +hugo + +echo "Commiting changes" +git add -A +git commit -m 'Updating Production Branch' + +echo "Pushing changes to repository" +git push origin production + +echo "Updating server code" +SCRIPT="cd ../var/www/oslcfest.org; git pull; exit" +ssh -A root@ "${SCRIPT}" + +echo "Switching to master" +git checkout master diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/2018/index.html b/oslc-fest/public/2018/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2fd16aea --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/2018/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,1865 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + OSLC Fest + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +


+ + +

Organizations are using OSLC to eliminate data silos by connecting data across their business to achieve the digital thread. OSLC has been used to support Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), integrated Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).

+ + +

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) is an initiative to standardize the backbone for the Web of data. How can we achieve a Google for data? How can we query seamlessly data from different databases seamlessly as if it were in one big global database? How can we establish links between data of different databases and how should we manage them? Similar questions have already been solved for documents by the World Wide Web. But what about data? The Web has radically changed how we find and consume information in the form of documents. The next step in this evolution is a Web of data.

+ + +

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) merges concepts of Linked Data and Hypermedia REST APIs to enable the Web of data. OSLC provides open standards to achieve a uniform interface to different data sources (e.g. different databases, repositories, applications, files) and enable the connectivity of data between different data sources.

+ + +

OSLC is supported by products of many vendors such as IBM, Mentor Graphics, PTC, Tasktop, Kovair, Sodius, Maplessoft, smartfacts, and many more. These solutions amongst others radically improve requirements traceability and collaboration in the design of complex systems.

+ + +

The OSLC and Linked Data Unconference is the place to learn first hand from OSLC experts everything about existing and upcoming OSLC solutions, open-source projects and standards. In contrast to a traditional conference, this unconference will facilitate the informal exchange of information and ideas between participants!

+ + +

The OSLC and Linked Data Unconference is the #1 meeting of the year related to OSLC. The inaugural OSLCFest will take place November 5 – 6, 2018 at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden - get your tickets today!

+ +

Who should join?

+ +
+ + +

Keynote Speakers

+ +
+ +


+ +
+ + +
+ +



Color Code

+ + +


+ + +

Technical Talk

+ + +


+ + +

Panel Discussion

+ + +

Vendor Demo

+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Welcome and Conference Overview

+ +

Frederic Loiret (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

OSLC through the formative years

+ +

John Wiegand (IBM, retired)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Open Services, Interoperability, and Hypermedia: A possible Future

+ +

Mike Amundsen (CA Technologies)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Coffee Break

+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

From Linked Data to Cognitive Data

+ +

Prof. Soeren Auer (German National Library of Science and Technology)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Challenges & Success Stories in Adopting Standards in Large Organizations

+ +

Celine Sauvaget (Airbus), Prof. Soeren Auer (German National Library of Science and Technology), Mike Amundsen (CA Technologies), moderated by John Wiegand (IBM, retired)

+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Lunch Break

+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Search & Browse and Lyo Validation

+ +

Yash Khatri (Scania)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Extending OSLC to the IoT (Remotely)

+ +

Jim Amsden (IBM)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Lifecycle Integration Patterns

+ +

Wesley Coelho (Tasktop)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Coffee Break

+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

OSLC and configuration-aware links between ALM and PLM systems

+ +

Stephen Denman (Stephen D. Denman Consulting)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Cross-Discipline Lifecycle Collaboration Forum - a linked Systems Engineering approach

+ +

Peter Gerber (Schaeffler), Christian Bühler (PROSTEP AG) and Reiner (Siemens)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Building on OSLC for Federated Data

+ +

Bill Chown (Mentor Graphics)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +



1h 30min

+ +
+ +


+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Tool Vendor Demo - Sodius

+ +

Sebastien Boucard (Sodius)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Tool Vendor Demo - Contact-Software

+ +

Frank Patz-Brockmann (Contact-Software)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Solid and OSLC: similar stack, similar goals?

+ +

Ruben Verborgh (Ghent University)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +


+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Q&A with OSLC Steering Committee

+ +

Moderated by Bill Chown (Mentor Graphics)

+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

OSLC KM: elevating the meaning of data and operations within the toolchain

+ +

Dr. Jose Maria (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

How Product Line Engineering can benefit from OSLC

+ +

Holger Papajewski (pure-systems GmbH)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Lunch Break

+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

"Bridging the Graphs": An approach to using GraphQL to join RDF stores agnostically

+ +

Philip Coates (Semantic Integration)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Benefits of Standard APIs

+ +

Axel Reichwein (Koneksys)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Communities and Bridges Between Them

+ +

Mike Amundsen (CA Technologies), Prof. Soeren Auer (TIB), Dr. Ruben Verborgh (Ghent University), moderated by Axel Reichwein (Koneksys)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Coffee Break

+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Eclipse Lyo 2.4.0 and beyond

+ +

Andrew Berezowsky (KTH Royal Institute of Technology) Jad El-Khoury (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

What can OSLC Configuration Management do for me? (Remotely)

+ +

Nick Crossley (IBM)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

OSLC4JS Open Source JavaScript Client and Server Components (Remotely)

+ +

Jim Amsden (IBM)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Summary, Closing Remarks, Feedback for Next OSLCFest

+ +

Moderated by Frederic Loiret (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + +
+ +

+ + +
+ +


+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +


+ +
+ + + + + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/2018/index.xml b/oslc-fest/public/2018/index.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4d5ea35e --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/2018/index.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + OSLC Fest + /2018/ + Recent content on OSLC Fest + Hugo -- gohugo.io + en-us + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/2020/index.html b/oslc-fest/public/2020/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c79f892a --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/2020/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,1601 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + OSLC Fest + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +


+ + +

Organizations are using OSLC to eliminate data silos by connecting data across their business to achieve the digital thread. OSLC has been used to support Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), integrated Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).

+ + +

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) is an initiative to standardize the backbone for the Web of data. How can we achieve a Google for data? How can we query seamlessly data from different databases seamlessly as if it were in one big global database? How can we establish links between data of different databases and how should we manage them? Similar questions have already been solved for documents by the World Wide Web. But what about data? The Web has radically changed how we find and consume information in the form of documents. The next step in this evolution is a Web of data.

+ + +

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) merges concepts of Linked Data and Hypermedia REST APIs to enable the Web of data. OSLC provides open standards to achieve a uniform interface to different data sources (e.g. different databases, repositories, applications, files) and enable the connectivity of data between different data sources.

+ + +

OSLC is supported by products of many vendors such as IBM, Mentor Graphics, PTC, Tasktop, Kovair, Sodius, Maplessoft, smartfacts, and many more. These solutions amongst others radically improve requirements traceability and collaboration in the design of complex systems.

+ + +

The OSLCFest is the place to learn first hand from OSLC experts everything about existing and upcoming OSLC solutions, open-source projects and standards. In contrast to a traditional conference, this conference will facilitate the informal exchange of information and ideas between participants!

+ + +

The OSLCFest is the #1 meeting of the year related to OSLC. The 2nd OSLCFest will take place virtually on May 18-20, 2020. The event will be broadcast on YouTubeLive. More info about the broadcast will be shared soon.

+ +

Who should join?

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+ + +

Keynote Speakers

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+ + +
+ +



Color Code

+ + +


+ + +

Technical Talk

+ + +

End User Organization

+ + +

Vendor Demo

+ +
+ + +

All times are in the Central European Summer Time (CEST)

+ + + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

Knowledge Graphs: History of the Main Ideas

+ +

Juan Sequeda (data.world)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




+ +
+ +

State of OSLC support in commercial applications

+ +

Jad El-khoury (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




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+ +

Using OSLC to gain Insight into your Connected Engineering Data

+ +

Andy Lapping (IBM UK)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




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+ +

Enabling the Federated Single Source of truth using OSLC as standard in between Engineering tools

+ +

Andreas Korff (PTC)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




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+ +

OSLC the silver bullet for modelling interoperability?

+ +

Peter Lieber (Sparx Systems), Horst Kargl (Sparx Systems)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




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+ +

Bridging to PLM with OSLC

+ +

Robert Baillargeon (SodiusWillert)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + +

All times are in the Central European Summer Time (CEST)

+ + + + + + + + + +




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+ +

OSLC Open Project status

+ +

Jim Amsden (IBM), Andrew Berezovskyi (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




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Eclipse Lyo Introduction

+ +

Jad El-khoury (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




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Lyo Designer Introduction

+ +

Jad El-khoury (KTH Royal Institute of Technology)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




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OpenAPI Extensions for OSLC

+ +

Luis Ramirez (Koneksys)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




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+ +

PyOSLC the Python SDK for OSLC APIs

+ +

Christian Muggeo (Contact Software), Mario Carrasco (Koneksys)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




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+ +

Beyond linking artifacts: “Federated Authoring” and “Dashboards” based on OSLC

+ +

Christoph Bergner (MID)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




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+ +

OSLC as enabler for seamless application integration

+ +

Lutz Laemmer (ProSTEP)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + +
+ + +

All times are in the Central European Summer Time (CEST)

+ + + + + + + + + + +




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+ +

Leonid Mokrushin (Ericsson Research)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + +




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The Role of OSLC in the Enterprise PLM Landscape

+ +

Erik Herzog and Åsa Nordling Larsson (Saab Aeronautics)

+ +
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+ + +
+ + Video +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + +




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Establishing Digital Continuity for End to End Collaboration

+ +

Nicolas Figay (Airbus)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + +




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Hypermedia Made Easy

+ +

Mike Amundsen (CA Technologies)

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + +




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+ +

Proof of Concept: Capella & IBM Jazz Integration based on OSLC

+ +

Ahmed EL-BERDHI (SII Group)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + +




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A Technical View on the Solid Ecosystem

+ +

Ruben Taelman (Ghent University)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + + +




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OSLC-enabled Product Line Engineering with pure::variants 5.0

+ +

Robert Hellebrand (pure-systems)

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ + +
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+ +
+ +
+ +

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Associated Partners

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+ + +


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+ + + + +
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+ +
+ + + + + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/2020/index.xml b/oslc-fest/public/2020/index.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ba0af47a --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/2020/index.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + OSLC Fest + /2020/ + Recent content on OSLC Fest + Hugo -- gohugo.io + en-us + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/call-for-presentations/index.html b/oslc-fest/public/call-for-presentations/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c401332c --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/call-for-presentations/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + + + + Call for presentations + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + OSLC FEST | Stockholm, Sweden | 2-4 November 2021 + +

Call for presentations


The OSLCFest 2021 will take place virtually on November 2-4, with 2-hour slots each day starting at 14:00 UTC. This will be the 3rd edition of the OSLCFest following the successful event in 2018 and in 2020. Each session is expected to last 20 minutes: 15 minutes for the presentation with 5 minutes for Q&A. Exceptions for longer sessions may be granted. +


Submissions for presentations are now accepted! We welcome and appreciate your contribution related to, but not limited to, following topics:


• Industrial use cases and experiences using OSLC


• OSLC in action: demonstration of tools integrations to extend the OSLC ecosystem


• OSLC as a backbone for digital engineering


• Applying OSLC to new domains


• Tools and automation to implement OSLC connectors


• New OSLC language SDKs


• Advanced OSLC topics such as global configurations and TRS


• Calls for extending OSLC


Submissions for presentations consist of an abstract of no more than 300 words.


Key Dates


• Deadline: October 15, 2021


• Acceptance Notification: October 22, 2021


The submission should include following elements:


• Overview of the topic


• Benefits the audience will take away from the presentation


• Background on the presenter and his/her qualifications to provide the talk


Please send your submission to Easychair.


This call was originally posted on the OSLC Forum.


You can also register for free here.


We appreciate your participation.


OSLC Open Project contributors

+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/call-for-presentations/index.xml b/oslc-fest/public/call-for-presentations/index.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7e696d15 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/call-for-presentations/index.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + OSLC Fest + /call-for-presentations/ + Recent content on OSLC Fest + Hugo -- gohugo.io + en-us + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/categories/index.xml b/oslc-fest/public/categories/index.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8e4eb10d --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/categories/index.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + Categories on OSLC Fest + /categories/ + Recent content in Categories on OSLC Fest + Hugo -- gohugo.io + en-us + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/css/oslcfest-2021.css b/oslc-fest/public/css/oslcfest-2021.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae8354a2 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/css/oslcfest-2021.css @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +body{margin:0;background:#FFF;transition:all 450ms 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+ + +

Organizations are using OSLC to eliminate data silos by connecting data across their business to achieve the digital thread as part of a digital engineering transformation. OSLC has been used to support the integration of engineering domains such as Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), integrated Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM).

+ + +

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) is an initiative to standardize the backbone for the Web of data. How can we achieve a Google for data? How can we query seamlessly data from different databases seamlessly as if it were in one big global database? How can we establish links between data of different databases and how should we manage them? Similar questions have already been solved for documents by the World Wide Web. But what about data? The Web has radically changed how we find and consume information in the form of documents. The next step in this evolution is a Web of data.

+ + +

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) merges concepts of Linked Data and Hypermedia REST APIs to enable the Web of data. OSLC provides open standards to achieve a uniform interface to different data sources (e.g. different databases, repositories, applications, files) and enable the connectivity of data between different data sources.

+ + +

OSLC is supported by products of many vendors such as IBM, Siemens, PTC, Tasktop, Kovair, Sodius, Maplessoft, MID, pure-systems, and many more. These solutions amongst others radically improve requirements traceability and collaboration in the design of complex systems.

+ + +

The OSLCFest is the place to learn first hand from OSLC experts everything about existing and upcoming OSLC solutions, open-source projects and standards. In contrast to a traditional conference, this conference will facilitate the informal exchange of information and ideas between participants!

+ + +

The OSLCFest is the #1 meeting of the year related to OSLC. The 3nd OSLCFest will take place virtually on Nov 2-4, 2021. The event will be broadcast on YouTubeLive. More info about the broadcast will be shared soon.

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Who should join?

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Color Code

+ + +

Business Value

+ + +

New tools/Domains

+ + +

OSLC in action

+ + +

Extended technology

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OSLC data model

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All times are in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

+ + + + + + + + + +




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OSLC as a backbone for digital engineering

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Eran Gery

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+ + Presentation +
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+ + Video +
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+ + + + + + + + +




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State of the OSLC Open Project

+ +

Andrii Berezovskyi and Jim Amsden

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +




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+ +

MBSE in the Digital Thread with Capella Models Exposed to OSLC-compliant ALM and Requirements Management Tools

+ +

Laurent Delaigue

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
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+ + + + + + + + +




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Cross lifecycle analytics and reporting based on OSLC TRS

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Andy Lapping

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+ + +
+ + Video +
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Latest PyOSLC Improvements

+ +

Frank Patz-Brockmann and Mario Jiménez Carrasco

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+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
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+ + + + + + + + +




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Developing an OSLC client with the OSLC API from Sparx Systems

+ +

Horst Kargl

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
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+ + + + + + + + +




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+ +

Extending OSLC into the Digital Thread

+ +

Moti Berovin, Joseph Sorci and David Vredenburgh

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+ + +
+ + Video +
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+ + + + + + + + +




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OSLC from the Perspective of a Data Integrator

+ +

Torbjörn Holm and Nigel Shaw

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+ + Video +
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All times are in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

+ + + + + + + + + +




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Keeping up with the pace of opportunity

+ +

Erik Herzog and Åsa Nordling Larsson

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+ + Presentation +
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Using OSLC for managing traceability into the details of a software project

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Christoph Bergner

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+ + Presentation +
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+ + Video +
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+ + + + + + + + +




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Leveraging OSLC and Linked Data for the Creation of Assurance Cases

+ +

Damir Nesic

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+ + Presentation +
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+ + Video +
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+ + + + + + + + +




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Navigating Versions in the Enterprise

+ +

Robert Baillargeon

+ +
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+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
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+ + + + + + + + +




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Deploying OSLC In the Enterprise

+ +

Robert Baillargeon, Sébastien Boucard

+ +
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+ +
+ + Presentation +
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+ + Video +
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Using OSLC for a Closed-Loop Digital Twin Demonstrator

+ +

Thomas Zimmermann

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+ + Presentation +
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+ + Video +
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Knowledge graph for Multi brand engineering collaboration

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Sunil Kaklij

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+ + Presentation +
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+ + Video +
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OSLC for DevOps event-based automation

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Guillermo Garcia Grao

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+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
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+ + + +
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All times are in the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

+ + + + + + + + + + +




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INCOSE Digital Engineering Information Exchange Working Group

+ +

Sean McGervey, Tamara Hambrick, Celia Tseng, Terri Chan

+ +
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+ + +
+ + Video +
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+ + + + + + + + + +




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OSLC Reference Implementation: From zero to 4 OSLC servers in 20 minutes

+ +

Andrii Berezovskyi and Jad El-Khoury

+ +
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+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ + +
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+ + + + + + + + + +




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How to use OSLC Links Bidirectionally

+ +

Andreas Korff

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+ + +
+ + Video +
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Coatl: an OSLC API generation framework based on OpenAPI

+ +

Juan Quintanar

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ + +
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+ + + + + + + + + +




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The challenges of connecting data in the world of Infrastructure

+ +

Graham Bleakley

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
+ + +
+ + Video +
+ + +
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+ + + + + + + + + +




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Applied Category Theory for Scalable Data Integration and Semantic Interoperability

+ +

Kenny MacKenzie and Ryan Wisnesky

+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + Presentation +
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+ + Video +
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Global Configurations in Product Line Engineering

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Robert Hellebrand

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+ + Presentation +
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+ + Video +
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Fundamental OSLC Concepts for Distributed Link Creation

+ +

Axel Reichwein

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+ + Presentation +
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+ + Video +
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+ + + + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/index.xml b/oslc-fest/public/index.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ada76d4d --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/index.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + OSLC Fest + / + Recent content on OSLC Fest + Hugo -- gohugo.io + en-us + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/js/bio-21-5.js b/oslc-fest/public/js/bio-21-5.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c3fccbf5 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/js/bio-21-5.js @@ -0,0 +1,875 @@ +var bio = { + eranG: { + 'name': 'Eran Gery', + 'title': 'Global Industry solutions lead, IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/eran_g.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'Eran Gery is a Global lead for IBM Engineering Lifecycle Solutions. Eran leads the engineering practices and solution architectures applying IBM ELM to industrial domains, mostly Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, and Medical Devices. Eran’s expertise includes Systems and Software Engineering practices, Engineering Lifecycle Management, Model Based Engineering, and Product Line Engineering. Eran’s current focus is implementation of Digital Engineering Leveraging the OSLC standard.', + 'Eran has over 25 years of experience within the complex systems domain. Eran was also the the principal architect of the Rhapsody MBSE product at IBM, after 5 years as an embedded systems developer in a defense company. Eran is also an active member of the SysML V2 specification teams in the OMG.'], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:eran.gery@il.ibm.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + mikeA: { + 'name': 'Mike Amundsen', + 'title': 'Lead API Architect, API Academy, CA Technologies', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/mike_amundsen.png', + 'bio': [ + 'An internationally known author and speaker, Mike Amundsen consults with organizations around the world on network architecture, Web development, and the intersection of technology & society. He works with companies large and small to help them capitalize on the opportunities provided by APIs, Microservices, and Digital Transformation.', + 'Amundsen has authored numerous books and papers. He contributed to the O\'Reilly book, "Continuous API Management" (2018). His "RESTful Web Clients", was published by O\'Reilly in February 2017 and he co-authored "Microservice Architecture" (June 2016). His latest book -- "Design and Build Great APIs" -- for Pragmatic Publishing is scheduled for release in early 2020. '], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:mca@amundsen.com', + 'icon': '' + }, + { + 'link': 'https://twitter.com/mamund', + 'icon': '' + }, + { + 'link': 'https://www.facebook.com/mcaTravels', + 'icon': '' + }, + { + 'link': 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/mamund/', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + soerenA: { + 'name': 'Prof. Soeren Auer', + 'title': 'Director of the German National Library of Science and Technology', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/soeren_auer.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'After stations at the universities of Leipzig, Pennsylvania, Bonn and Fraunhofer Society, Sören was appointed as professor for Data Science and Digital Libraries at Leibniz University of Hannover and director of TIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology. Sören has made substantial contributions to semantic technologies, knowledge engineering, software engineering, as well as information systems. Sören is author (respectively co-author) of over 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications. He received several awards, such as the ESWC 7-year best paper award or the OpenCourseware Innovation award. He led / is leading several large-scale collaborative research projects such as the European Union’s H2020 flagship project BigDataEurope. Sören is co-founder of high-impact research and community projects such as the Wikipedia semantification project DBpedia, the OpenCourseWare authoring platform SlideWiki.org as well as the innovative technology start-up company eccenca.com.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:auer@tib.eu', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + johnW: { + 'name': 'John Wiegand', + 'title': 'Distinguished Engineer and Rational Chief Architect at IBM (retired)', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/john_wiegand.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'John Wiegand has more than 25 years of experience in software development environments. Currently John spends his time mentoring individuals and teams, helping them grow as part of healthy and effective organizations. His interests occupy the intersection between evolutionary architectures and fluid organizations. Previously, John served as an IBM Distinguished Engineer, where he had responsibility for the open tooling architecture of the Jazz platform. He was the first chairman of the OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) steering committee, and has been active in OSLC from its inception. John was the principal architect for the Eclipse Platform infrastructure and was a founding member of the Eclipse Foundation Board, playing a key leadership role in establishing Eclipse as a successful open source project.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:john.wiegand@comcast.net', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + nickC: { + 'name': 'Nick Crossley', + 'title': 'Senior Technical Staff at IBM', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/nick_crossley.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'Nick Crossley is a Senior Technical Staff Member at Persistent, responsible for the architecture of product line engineering, version and variant management, configuration management, and cross-domain baselining in the IBM CLM solution. Nick leads the OSLC standardization work on Configuration Management, and has over 40 years of experience with software tools and development.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:nick_crossley@us.ibm.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + jimA: { + 'name': 'Jim Amsden', + 'title': 'Senior Technical Staff at IBM', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/jim_amsden.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'Jim Amsden is an IBM Senior Technical Staff Member in IBM Watson IoT. Jim has worked on a broad range of solutions incorporating IBM products for strategic planning; solution analysis, design and construction; continuous delivery; and quality management - tying these together into a comprehensive offerings, accessible through the Cloud and applicable to a wide range of industries. Jim is currently the technical lead for Open-Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) development, focused on enabling and supporting lifecycle tool integration.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:jamsden@us.ibm.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + andrewB: { + 'name': 'Andrew Berezovskyi', + 'title': 'PhD Student, KTH Royal Institute of Technology', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/andrew_berezovskyi.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'Andrew Berezovskyi is a PhD student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. His research is centred around using linked data to enable interoperability and autonomy of Cyber-Phisical Systems. Andrew is a project lead of Eclipse Lyo that provides OSLC4J SDK for developing OSLC applications, Lyo Designer environment for model-based engineering of OSLC systems, and complementary libraries. He is also a voting member of the OSLC Core & Domains TCs.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:andriib@kth.se', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + fredericL: { + 'name': 'Frederic Loiret', + 'title': 'Senior Researcher, KTH', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/frederic_loiret.png', + 'bio': [ + 'Frédéric Loiret is a senior researcher and cooperative R&D project manager at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). His interests are focused on providing tailored tools, design methods and development environments in order to increase the efficiency of software development processes for Software-Intensive Systems Engineering.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:floiret@kth.se', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + billC: { + 'name': 'Bill Chown', + 'title': 'Product Line Director, Mentor Graphics', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/bill_chown.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'Bill Chown is product line director for the System Level Engineering division at Mentor Graphics, working on new tools for systems life cycle management, and responsible for OSLC-based integrated tool solutions for electronic system design, and more. A thirty-plus year EDA industry veteran, Bill specializes in system-level design and analysis across technology disciplines and has a particular interest in standards for systems engineering and design. He is currently also CIO of INCOSE, and Chair of the OASIS OSLC Steering Committee.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:bill_chown@mentor.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + axelR: { + 'name': 'Axel Reichwein', + 'title': 'OSLC and Linked Data Consultant, Koneksys', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/axel.png', + 'bio': [ + 'Developer of multiple data integration solutions based on Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) and CEO of Koneksys, helping organizations create data integration solutions using Linked Data, Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC), big data frameworks and graph databases. Axel Reichwein was Co-chair of the OMG OSLC4MBSE working group, where he investigated how OSLC can be used for Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). He received a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, and performed postdoctoral research at the Georgia Institute of Technology in system architecture modeling and multidisciplinary data integration.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:axel.reichwein@koneksys.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + frankP: { + 'name': 'Frank Patz-Brockmann', + 'title': 'Director R&D, Contact Software GmbH', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/frankpatz.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Frank Patz-Brockmann is Director R&D at Contact Software. Frank is leading the team responsible for Contact's Elements technology-platform, and the PLM and IoT-solutions based on it. He looks back on more than 25 years of experience in enterprise and engineering software, helping to define Contact's product strategy and advising key customers in automotive and other industries." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:fp@contact.de', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + holgerP: { + 'name': 'Holger Papajewski', + 'title': 'CTO at pure-systems GmbH', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/holger_papajewski.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Holger Papajewski is CTO of pure-systems GmbH. pure-systems is a software company specialized in services and tool development for the application of product line technologies in embedded software intensive systems. He started to work in the field of embedded operating systems and software families by the end of 90's at the University of Magdeburg.", + "He was one of the founder of pure-systems in 2001. At pure-systems he is responsible for the development of the pure::variants variant management suite." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:holger.papajewski@pure-systems.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + stephenD: { + 'name': 'Stephen Denman', + 'title': 'Owner/Consultant at Stephen D. Denman Consulting', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/stephen_denman.png', + 'bio': [ + "Steve Denman is a freelance consultant working with organizations to bring the systems, hardware, and software engineering practices together by addressing the gaps in their respective processes and supporting tool platforms. He has 35 years of experience working in systems, software, and hardware engineering, with a recurring focus on engineering process and tool improvement, including tool chain optimization and integration.", + "Steve began his professional life in the early ‘80s as an electrical engineer, focused on digital systems and large-scale integrated circuit architecture and design approaches. Like some other EE’s, he soon found his way into software development and initially worked on a custom tool for integrated circuit layout. This began his long-standing interest and focus on engineering tools and processes. Since then, he has worked at: Texas Instruments; Sandia National Laboratories; Rational Software Corporation; the Emphasys group, a consulting firm he founded; MKS; PTC; IBM; and has most recently started yet another consulting firm (it’s true that some people don’t learn from experience), where he is focusing on systems and requirements engineering, holistic product configuration management, ALM-PLM integration, digital transformation, digital twin, digital thread, and cognitive engineering.", + "Steve holds Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University and is active in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), and the OSLC community." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:stephen@sddenmanconsulting.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + philipC: { + 'name': 'Philip Coates', + 'title': 'Co-founder and Director of Semantic Integration', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/philip_coates.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Phil Coates is one of the founders of Semantic Integration, a software consultancy specialising in Semantic Web and Linked Data solutions, where he has worked on a number of large-scale data integration projects and provided R&D and architectural expertise for a range of clients, within the fields of finance, life sciences, publishing and media.", + "Prior to this, he had many years in industry working in various software engineering roles for companies ranging from tiny start-ups to massive multinationals, gaining a lot of insight into building production-quality systems and the practical and industrial applications of academic computer science research." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:philip.coates@semanticintegration.co.uk', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + joseM: { + 'name': 'Dr. Jose Maria Alvarez Rodriguez', + 'title': 'Associate Professor within the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/jose_maria.png', + 'bio': [ + "Associate Professor within the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. His main research interests are semantic-based technologies, linked (open) data, knowledge engineering, software reuse, large scale architectures and graph analysis techniques applied to Systems and Software Engineering, the Media sector or e-Procurement. He has participated in more than 30 research projects in different competitive programs. He is also the author of more than 60 publications and other research works in the main international venues and impact factor journals in which he also participates as reviewer, editorial board member and guest editor. Currently, he is leading the Interoperability, Linked Data and Big Data cluster within the Knowledge Reuse research group lead by Prof. Juan Llorens and participating as associate researcher within The Reuse Company. Finally, he is member of INCOSE, AEIS, OMG, ISO (Big Data Blockchain) and OSLC RM (Requirements Management." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:josemaria.alvarez@uc3m.es', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + rubenV: { + 'name': 'Dr. Ruben Verborgh', + 'title': 'Professor at Ghent University – imec, research affiliate at Decentralized Information Group at MIT', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/ruben_verborgh.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Ruben Verborgh is a professor of Semantic Web technology at Ghent University – imec and a research affiliate at the Decentralized Information Group at MIT. He aims to build a more intelligent generation of clients for a decentralized Web at the intersection of Linked Data and hypermedia-driven Web APIs." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Ruben.Verborgh@UGent.be', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + sebastienB: { + 'name': 'Sebastien Boucard', + 'title': 'Director of R&D at Sodius', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/sebastien_boucard.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Sebastien Boucard is Director R&D at Sodius, leading development of OSLC-based products for integrating engineering data, for automotive and defense customers. He has 20 years of experience developing solutions for automating engineering flows and integrating applications and is an OSLC enthusiast for 7 years." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:sboucard@sodius.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + peterG: { + 'name': 'Peter Gerber', + 'title': 'Head of External Data Exchange at Schaeffler Technologies', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/peter_gerber.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Peter Gerber started as a consultant for optimization of business processes. He engaged in standardization bodies and supported many small and medium-sized enterprises to prepare for quality and environment certification.", + "At Schaeffler Group, Peter Gerber was responsible for the standardization of products, the harmonization of design standards and the technical merger of the Schaeffler brands INA, LuK and FAG and was also responsible for development and implementation of Engineering Methods.", + "Today, he is the Head of External Data Exchange for Schaeffler and the Engineering Data Management. He is Chairman of the prostep IVIP CDLC (Cross Discipline Lifecycle Collaboration) and the SysML Workflow Forum." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:gerbepte@schaeffler.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + christianB: { + 'name': 'Christian Bühler', + 'title': 'Consultant at PROSTEP', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/christian_buehler.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Christian Bühler is a consultant working for PROSTEP AG in the field of autonomous driving. Christian is also part of the PROSTEP ivip Cross-Discipline Lifecycle Collaboration Forum working group aiming on engineering collaboration and the traceability of artefacts created during an engineering change process. Besides the Cross-Discipline Lifecycle Collaboration Forum he is involved in further PROSTEP ivip projects focussing on the use of SysML during different product lifecycle stages to support a MBSE approach." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Christian.Buehler@PROSTEP.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + yashK: { + 'name': 'Yash Khatri', + 'title': 'Consultant Research and Development Engineer at Scania', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/yash_khatri.png', + 'bio': [ + "Yash is a Software Developer currently working as a Research and Development Engineer at Scania. Yash has worked with large set of technologies with major focus on Java. In last few months he has been working with Eclipse RCP applications. Yash is also a committer at Eclipse Lyo, that provides OSLC4J SDK for developing OSLC applications. He is actively involved in Eclipse Lyo Designer (environment for model-based engineering of OSLC systems) and Lyo Validation." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:yash.khatri@scania.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + rainerE: { + 'name': 'Rainer Ersch', + 'title': 'Senior Research Scientist at Siemens', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/rainer_ersch.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Rainer Ersch is a Senior Research Scientist for Siemens, where he has worked for over 33 years. He has worked as a director of SW Development Tools Enterpise Communications as well as serving as a consultant and coach for System and Software Development Environments. He has been active with the OSLC community as a member of the Steering Committee for over two years and as the workgroup lead of the ALM-PLM Interoperability Workgroup." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:rainer.ersch@siemens.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + celineS: { + 'name': 'Céline Sauvaget', + 'title': 'Project Lead and R&T at Airbus', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/celine_sauvaget.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Céline Sauvaget is working for Methods and Tools for Systems at Airbus Operations. After 10 years within design office on different A/C programs, she joined Methods and Tools to make best use of her experience as a system designer for developing platforms of the future. As project leader, she is accountable for providing integrated and interoperable Multi-Systems Modelling and Simulation frameworks. Her participation to Crystal project led her to interoperability standards and to OSLC. She is now promoting the deployment of those Engineering Platforms based on OSLC and linked data concepts for the Systems Community at Airbus." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:celine.sauvaget@airbus.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + wesleyC: { + 'name': 'Wesley Coelho', + 'title': 'Senior Director of Business Development at Tasktop Technologies', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/wesley_coelho.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Wesley Coelho is the Senior Director of Business Development at Tasktop Technologies. At Tasktop, Wesley has taken a leading role in creating an extensive network of ALM integration partners including ten OEM distribution partnerships with companies such as IBM, HP, and CA Technologies. In this role, Wesley is deeply involved in addressing the challenges of delivering interoperability across the diverse technologies of more than 20 organizations. Prior to Tasktop, Wesley led a software development team pioneering a new generation of e-commerce technology at Elastic Path Software. Wesley holds an undergraduate degree in Commerce from the University of Victoria and an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of British Columbia, Canada." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:wesley.coelho@tasktop.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + jadE: { + 'name': 'Jad El-Khoury', + 'title': 'Consultant and Researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/jad_el.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Jad works as a consultant and researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. His research deals with tool interoperability, and integrated development environments for embedded systems. Topics of interest also include model-based development and systems engineering.", + "Jad is a committer and contributor to Eclipse Lyo. He is behind Lyo Designer – the environment for model-based engineering of OSLC systems. He is an active member of the OASIS OSLC Technical Committees." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:jad@kth.se', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + lutzL: { + 'name': 'Lutz Laemmer', + 'title': 'Head of BU PLM Projects and Solutions', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/lutz_l.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Lutz Lämmer is Head of Business Unit Product Lifecycle Management Projects and Solutions and for more than 20 years with PROSTEP AG. Currently, Lutz is leading the team in charge of developing and implementing PROSTEP's leading PLM, ALM and ERP integration solutions OpenDPM and GlobalX/OpenDXM. He started his PLM career with assignments in STEP OMG harmonization initiative and implementing web-based product data management solutions. He helped shaping the OMG PLM services specification. He has experience in implementing PLM data exchange and federation solutions for large automotive and aerospace customers. He holds an PhD in computer science in civil engineering from TU Dresden and TU Darmstadt." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Lutz.Laemmer@PROSTEP.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + juanS: { + 'name': 'Juan Sequeda', + 'title': 'Principal Scientist at data.world', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/juan_s.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Juan F. Sequeda is the Principal Scientist at data.world. He joined through the acquisition of Capsenta, a company he founded as a spin-off from his research. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from The University of Texas at Austin.", + "Juan is the recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, received 2nd Place in the 2013 Semantic Web Challenge for his work on ConstituteProject.org, Best Student Research Paper at the 2014 International Semantic Web Conference and the 2015 Best Transfer and Innovation Project awarded by the Institute for Applied Informatics. Juan is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Web Semantics, member of multiple program committees (ISWC, ESWC, WWW, AAAI, IJCAI). He was the General Chair of AMW2018, PC chair of ISWC 2017 In-Use track, co-creator of COLD workshop (7 years co-located at ISWC). He has served as a bridge between academia and industry as the current chair of the Property Graph Schema Working Group, member of the Graph Query Languages task force of the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) and past invited expert member and standards editor at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).", + "Wearing his scientific hat, Juan's goal is to reliably create knowledge from inscrutable data. His research interests are on the intersection of Logic and Data for (ontology-based) data integration and semantic/graph data management, and what now is called Knowledge Graphs.", + "Wearing his business hat, Juan is a product manager, does business development and strategy, technical sales and works with customers to understand their problems to translated back to R&D." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:juan@data.world', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + ahmedE: { + 'name': 'Ahmed EL-BERDHI', + 'title': 'MBSE Practice Engineer at SII France', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/ahmed.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Ahmed is a freshly graduated engineer from the University of Lorraine, who works as an MBSE practice engineer at SII.", + "During his internship at Safran Landing Systems, he joined the Methods and Tools department, he developed an OSLC-based plug-in for Capella, to integrate it with IBM Jazz." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:ahmed.el-berdhi@sii.fr', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + robertB: { + 'name': 'Robert Baillargeon', + 'title': 'Chief Product Officer at SodiusWillert', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/robert_b.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Robert Baillargeon is the Chief Product Officer at SodiusWillert, where they make compelling interoperability tools for engineers. Before his role at SodiusWillert, Robert has led engineering and research teams developing systems and deploying tools in the Automotive industry. Robert is a provisional ASPICE assessor and has a Masters of Science degree in Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:rbaillargeon@sodius.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + horstK: { + 'name': 'Horst Kargl', + 'title': 'Principal Trainer and Consultant, Sparx Systems Central Europe', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/horst_k.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Dr. Horst Kargl has been involved in OO modelling since 2000. Before joining SparxSystems in 2008, he was a research assistant at the Vienna University of Technology and was involved in research projects on the topics of e-learning, semantic web and model-driven software development. In this context, he wrote his doctoral thesis and worked on the automatic integration of modelling languages.", + "His focus is on software architecture, code generation and the customisation and extension possibilities of Enterprise Architect. He is the author of several professional articles, regularly gives talks on Model Driven Software Development and works in industry as well as in research projects.", + "At SparxSystems he is Principal Trainer & Consultant and responsible for the trainings. In customer projects, he develops modelling approaches using the Enterprise Architect modelling platform. For this, he uses all interfaces of Enterprise Architect to implement customer-specific methods in the best possible way." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:horst.kargl@sparxsystems.eu', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + peterL: { + 'name': 'Peter Lieber', + 'title': 'Business Owner of Sparx Systems Central Europe', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/peter_l.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'Peter Lieber is a Serial Entrepreneur in Software Industry www.sparxsystems.eu www.sparxsystems.de www.lieberlieber.com and president of the Austrian Association of Software Industry (www.voesi.or.at) His focus is model based systems and software engineering.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Peter.Lieber@sparxsystems.eu', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + nicolasF: { + 'name': 'Nicolas Figay', + 'title': 'System Architect at Airbus', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/nicolas_f.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Nicolas Figay is an expert in the area of interoperability for PLM and MOM and an advanced engineering enterprise architect at Airbus Defence & Space, France. He received the engineering degree in Sciences for Information processing in 1990 (E.I.S.T.I., France) and was graduated PhD in Computer Sciences in 2009.", + "He has been involved as an international expert as well in standardization community (ISO SC4 TC184, ASD Strategic Standardization Group, liaison OSLC ISO TC184 SC4) than in research within the area of Product Data Exchange and Sharing (RISESTEP, SAVE), Interoperability of Technical Enterprise Application for Networked Collaborative Product Development (ATHENA), Model Driven Architecture/Model Driven Engineering (OpenDevFactory) or Dynamic Manufacturing Network (IMAGINE). He is also involved in the set-up of an open test bed platform on the Cloud for assessment of manufacturing standard and their implementation as project leader at SIP@SystemX. A more complete profile is available on LinkedIn. He can be reached at nicolas.figay@airbus.com" + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:nicolas.figay@airbus.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + rubenT: { + 'name': 'Ruben Taelman', + 'title': 'Post-doctoral Web Researcher at IDLab, Ghent University – imec', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/ruben_t.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Ruben Taelman is a Postdoctoral Researcher at IDLab, Ghent University – imec, Belgium. His research concerns the decentralized publication and querying of Linked Data on the Web, and investigating the trade-offs that exist between server and client." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:ruben.taelman@ugent.be', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + andyL: { + 'name': 'Andy Lapping', + 'title': ' Technical Enablement Specialist at IBM', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/andy_l.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Andy Lapping is an IBM Technical Enablement Specialist and has over 20 years experience in Model-Based Systems and Software Engineering. A subject matter expert in UML and SysML, he is an official content developer for the OMG SysML OSCMP Certification examinations. He is an expert in the application and customization of IBM’s Engineering portfolio and more recently the IBM Watson IoT Platform. He holds a BEng Hons degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Prior to joining IBM via Telelogic and I-Logix he spent 12 years testing and commissioning railway signalling systems. He is an excellent public speaker but also a very modest chap. Seriously - if there was a prize for modesty he would definitely win it." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:andy.lapping@uk.ibm.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + christophB: { + 'name': 'Christoph Bergner', + 'title': ' Owner MID GmbH, Germany', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/christoph_b.png', + 'bio': [ + "Christoph Bergner owner of MID GmbH Nuremberg, a midsize company (140 employees), that focusses on model-driven technologies. MID has recently published products that enable tool interoperability at scale (Smartfacts, Jira OSLC, Confluence OSLC) and model migration (Toolbus). Christoph engages in various initiatives for tool interoperability and is a frequent speaker at events. He is Co-Founder of various startups, among these the secure collaboration platform Stackfield." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:c.bergner@mid.de', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + erikH: { + 'name': 'Erik Herzog', + 'title': 'Technical Fellow at Saab Aeronautics', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/erik_h.png', + 'bio': [ + "Erik Herzog is a Technical Fellow at Saab Aeronautics. He received his Ph.D. at the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Linköping University, Sweden. His professional interests include development and introduction of Systems engineering processes, specification methods, information modelling, tool integration techniques and change leadership." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:erik.herzog@saabgroup.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + asaL: { + 'name': 'Åsa Nordling Larsson', + 'title': 'Business Development in System Engineering Methodology at Saab Aeronautics', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/asa_l.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Åsa Nordling Larsson has worked professionally with education for over 20 years. At Saab Aeronautics her professional profile is business development in System Engineering Methodology. She has a special interest in Configuration Management, Product data management, Integrated Logistics support and Change Leadership. She has a bachelor degree in Systems Analysis from Linköping University." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Asa.Nordling-Larsson@saabgroup.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + jonasW: { + 'name': 'Jonas Westman', + 'title': ' Information Architect, Scania', + 'picturePath': '/images/img-placeholder.png', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:jonas.westman@scania.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + luisR: { + 'name': 'Luis Ramirez', + 'title': ' Full-Stack Software Engineer at Koneksys', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/luis_r.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Luis is a Software Engineer with over eight years of experience in the field. He works at Koneksys, where he has developed web API projects that involve technologies such as OSLC, OpenAPI and Swagger and integration with the IBM Jazz CLM platform applications.", + "In 2013 Luis co-founded SISU Technologies, a software consultancy company based in Mexico City, where he assumed the role of Technical Lead. During his tenure, he developed and managed several projects across multiple industries: pharmaceutical, financial, marketing and startups. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science and Technology from Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education. In his spare time, Luis likes to research topics related to cryptocurrencies and cybersecurity and play bullet hell shooters and FPS games." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:luis.ramirez@koneksys.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + marioC: { + 'name': 'Mario Carrasco', + 'title': ' Senior Developer, Koneksys', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/mario.png', + 'bio': [ + "The main contributor to the open-source PyOSLC project. Senior software engineer at Koneksys with twenty years of software development experience. As an OSLC expert, I have developed several data integration solutions to connect domain-specific applications in Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:mario.carrasco@koneksys.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + tarikM: { + 'name': 'Tarik Mlahi', + 'title': ' Solution Architect at Persistent', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/tarik_m.png', + 'bio': [ + "Tarik Mlahi joined Persistent Systems as a solution architect at the start of 2018 to help grow customer engagement in France. He is engaging with clients and leveraging Persistent’s deep technical expertise to provide tailored solutions for clients as well as helping them improve efficiency and control in ELM areas and integrations.", + "Prior to this he spent 3 years at Rational Software and 17 years at IBM working directly with clients in across a range of industries such as automotive, aerospace and defense, energy & utilities, insurance and finance." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:tarik.mlahi@persistent.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + leoM: { + 'name': 'Leonid Mokrushin', + 'title': ' Principal Researcher at Ericsson', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/leo_m.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Leonid Mokrushin is a Principal Researcher at Ericsson specializing in the area of cognitive systems. His current focus is on investigating new opportunities artificial intelligence can bring to telecom industry. He joined Ericsson Research in 2007 after postgraduate studies at Uppsala University in Sweden, with background in formal methods and real-time systems. He has Master of Science degree in software engineering from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in Russia." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:leonid.mokrushin@ericsson.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + andreasK: { + 'name': 'Andreas Korff', + 'title': ' Director Business Development and Lead for Systems and Software Engineering (SSE) at PTC', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/andreas_k.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Andreas Korff has over 25 years of experience in the development of complex, real-time, safety- and mission-critical systems. Within PTC, his role as Director Business Development and Lead for Systems and Software Engineering (SSE) in Central Europe involves him in the successful coordination of market trends, customer needs and the capabilities of PTC products and staff about SSB. Being member of OMG, GI, and other standards bodies, he has written numerous articles, submissions, books and book contributions about UML, SysML, PLE and modelling methodologies like SPES." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:akorff@ptc.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + christianM: { + 'name': 'Christian Muggeo', + 'title': ' Product Manager, Teamlead Engineering Transformation at CONTACT Software', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/christian_m.png', + 'bio': [ + "Christian is Product Manager and PLM Consultant at CONTACT Software. He is leading the Engineering Transformation Team, which adopts future trends as well as public-funded research results for the CONTACT Elements Platform. Besides this, Christian is Co-Chairing OMG ManTis DTF and is active member at GfSE (INCOSE Germany) with focus on PLM / MBSE Integration." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Christian.Muggeo@contact-software.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + robertH: { + 'name': 'Robert Hellebrand', + 'title': 'Senior Field Application Engineer, pure-systems GmbH', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/robert_h.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Robert Hellebrand is a Senior Field Application Engineer at pure-systems GmbH. In presentations, webinars, trainings and workshops he shares his knowledge about systematic reuse of engineering assets with customers of various domains, helping them with their challenges in efficiently reusing engineering assets and making the transition from project-oriented development towards feature model-based product line engineering with pure::variants." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:robert.hellebrand@pure-systems.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + torbjornH: { + 'name': 'Torbjörn Holm', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + }, + nigelS: { + 'name': 'Nigel Shaw', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + }, + damirN: { + 'name': 'Damir Nešić', + 'title': 'Method Developer, Scania CV AB', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/damir.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "I currently hold the position of a method developer in Scania CV AB in the group responsible for the digital thread and management systems (e.g. for safety, cybersecurity, etc.) that support the development of embedded systems. Prior to this position I was on a position of a method developer within the central safety group. Prior to Scania CV AB, between 2015 and 2020, I was a PhD at KTH (mechatronics division) with the topic revolving around safety of highly-configurable systems. Before the PhD studies I spent several years on the position of an R&D engineer for embedded systems within the medical domain. I got my masters in embedded systems in 2012 from the University of Nis, Serbia." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:damir.nesic@scania.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + juanQ: { + 'name': 'Juan Quintanar', + 'title': 'Python Backend Developer, Koneksys', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/juan.png', + 'bio': [ + "Experience as a researcher, mainly working on the development of embedded systems and Artificial Intelligence models for industrial and medical applications, web applications and REST services for the medical sector, recently working at Koneksys for the development of OSLC based solutions. Also working on applications like DNG, RQM, using OSLC. Currently working on OSLC wrappers for REST APIs implemented through Swagger and Python tools." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:juan.quintanar@koneksys.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + grahamB: { + 'name': 'Graham Bleakley', + 'title': 'Systems Engineering Technical Director, Costain UK Ltd.', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/graham.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Graham Bleakley Ph.D. is the Systems Engineering Technical Director at Costain where he helps them develop their systems engineering capability as part of the Digital Engineering team. Since joining Costain he has been involved helping major Rail and Infrastructure projects to develop digital ways of working based on Systems Engineering processes and technologies. Prior to joining Costain he worked for IBM for 12 years deploying MBSE and the supporting tool infrastructure across large organizations." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:graham.bleakley@costain.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + seanM: { + 'name': 'Sean McGervey', + 'title': 'DEIXWG Chairperson', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/seanM.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Sean McGervey is a Systems Engineer at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, where he was Architecture Lead on a Major Defense Acquisition Program (ACAT-1) for the US Navy and is a key contributor to efforts supporting the Digital Engineering Transformation of APL’s DoD Sponsors. Sean founded and leads the APL MBSE Community of Practice, teaches three courses in MBSE at APL, and teaches the “Applied Analytics for MBSE” course for JHU’s graduate program in Systems Engineering. Sean is also Chairperson of the INCOSE Digital Engineering Information Exchange Working Group (DEIXWG), a key element of the broader effort to drive forward OSD’s Digital Engineering initiative. Prior to joining APL, Sean worked for 15 years in the Systems Engineering Department at Northrop Grumman Mission Systems in Baltimore, Maryland. While there, Sean practiced MBSE on multiple programs and founded the Northrop Grumman Corporate Model-Based Engineering (MBE) Community of Practice." + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + }, + tamara: { + 'name': 'Tamara Hambrick', + 'title': 'DEIXWG Co-Chair Digital Viewpoint Model (DVM) Lead', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/tamara.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Tamara Hambrick serves as Systems Engineering Control director within the Systems Engineering and Integration Integrated Product Team for the Strategic Deterrent Systems Division of Northrop Grumman Space Systems. In this role, Hambrick is responsible for leading engineers and managers in the implementation of model-based systems engineering for architecture models, integration approach, readiness assessments, and product quality metrics development and monitoring. Hambrick is a leader in driving technical innovation, influencing change and developing the next generation of thought leaders, advocates and practitioners in model based systems engineering for the last 15 years. She has held model-based advisory and IPT leadership roles for radar, open electronic warfare, avionics, cyber, space, and missile defense programs. Hambrick holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering science from Pennsylvania State University, as well as a master’s certificate in systems engineering from Johns Hopkins University, and a graduate certificate in architecture and systems engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology." + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + }, + celia: { + 'name': 'Celia Tseng', + 'title': 'DEIXWG Co-Chair Standards Framework Lead', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/celia.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Celia is a systems engineer with 16 years of experience in missile defense, radar systems and command and control systems. She has a masters degree in systems engineering from Cornell University (2004) and is a certified systems engineering professional (INCOSE CSEP), certified system modeling professional (OMG OCSMP), and certified agile scrum master (SAFe). Celia had experience throughout the development lifecycle in the capacity of system qualification lead, system IPT lead, systems modeling lead, and cost account manager. Celia is also co-chair of the joint INCOSE/ NDIA Digital Engineering Information Exchange Working group and work across industries on MBSE adoption best practices. She is currently a systems engineer in Raytheon Technologies." + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + }, + terri: { + 'name': 'Terri Chan', + 'title': 'DEIXWG Technical Lead', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/terri.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Terri Chan is a Sr. Systems Engineer in the Boeing Commercial Airplane Product Development organization, focusing on Architecture Integration across the lifecycle with dynamic functional modeling. She has over twenty years of experience, beginning at JPL on the Cassini: Mission to Saturn program and future network architecture integrator of the Air Force Satellite Control Network. Terri has worked across the product lifecycle on military programs from conceptual design through integration/testing and operations. She has also consulted executive leadership as a competitive intelligence analyst, where the benchmarking of model capabilities for the enterprise played a pivotal role in the current MBE transformation strategy. In 2020, Terri was invited to join the University of Washington Masters of Industrial and Systems Engineering Executive Advisory Board, transforming the MISE program to meet current and future needs especially for technology employers in the Puget Sound area." + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + }, + kennyM: { + 'name': 'Kenny MacKenzie', + 'title': 'Product & Marketing, Conexus AI', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/kennyM.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Kenny is responsible for ensuring that new Conexus products developed from Categorical Mathematics align with market needs. He has a history of founding, building and investing in technology startups with an emphasis on developing product-market fit. In 2014 he was the lead architect and designer of Vandrico's Wearables Database, a knowledge graph of emerging wearable technology at the time. His professional interests revolve around systems and patterns of human behavior and motivation, and building AI products that propagate knowledge." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:kenny@conexus.com', + 'icon': '' + }, + { + 'link': 'https://www.conexus.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + ryanM: { + 'name': 'Ryan Wisnesky', + 'title': 'CTO, Conexus AI', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/ryan.jpeg', + 'bio': [ + 'Ryan Wisnesky obtained B.S. and M.S. degrees in mathematics and computer science from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in computer science from Harvard University, where he studied the design and implementation of provably correct software systems. Previously, he was a postdoctoral associate in the MIT department of mathematics, where he developed the CQL query language based on category theory. He currently leads open-source and commercial development of CQL as CTO of Conexus AI. He maintains an active collaboration with the information-integration department of IBM Research, where he contributed to the Clio, Orchid, and HIL projects.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:ryan@conexus.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + garciaG: { + 'name': 'Guillermo Garcia Grao', + 'title': 'PhD student at the Technical University of Madrid', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/garcia.jpeg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:g.ggrao@upm.es', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + thomasZ: { + 'name': 'Thomas Zimmermann', + 'title': 'Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/thomas.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Thomas C. Zimmermann, studied Aerospace Engineering at the TU Berlin and Systems Engineering at the Stevens Institute of Tech. in Hoboken, NJ, USA and then worked for several years in the aerospace industry in the field of systems development. Since 2018, he has been working as a research associate in the Virtual Product Development business unit at the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK Berlin in the Model-Based Development department. His research focuses on model-based systems engineering, behavior modeling, simulation, and system testing." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Thomas.zimmermann@ipk.fraunhofer.de', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + sunilK: { + 'name': 'Sunil Kaklij', + 'title': 'Lead Architect, Product Development IT', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/sunil.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Sunil Kaklij is an enterprise solution architect with 14+ years of strong professional background as a software development engineer & technical consultant. He is a visionary, passionate and skilled strategic leader working with a wide spectrum of tools and technologies such as Product Configuration, ALM / PLM / ERP tools, Cloud, Security, networking, open-source, Java / .Net solutions, APIs, IoT, Streaming, RDF / OSLC, etc. He has a high degree of international relations and working experience with customers & partner companies. He is focused on improving Business efficiency in particular within the product development context to support innovation, modularity, and safety. Digital Thread, Digital Twin, and Digital Trust are key drivers for his work. He is currently engaged in the development of global enterprise solutions for common product configuration and multi-brand engineering data exchange within the TRATON group. He works in close collaboration with business domain experts, partners, vendors, and solution engineering teams. Excited and motivated by emerging technologies and new business opportunities." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Sunil.kaklij@scania.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + laurentD: { + 'name': 'Laurent Delaigue', + 'title': 'MBSE Product Lead, Obeo', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/laurent.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'Laurent is product lead at Obeo, the model-driven company that makes visual tools for designing innovations, where he is in charge of two MBSE products. He has a strong background as a software engineer, and has been working on model-driven engineering for the last 15 years. Currently he\'s devoting most of his time to Model-Based Systems Engineering, especially in the Capella ecosystem.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:laurent.delaigue@obeo.fr', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + motiB: { + 'name': 'Moti Berovin', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + }, + josephS: { + 'name': 'Joseph Sorci', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + }, + davidV: { + 'name': 'David Vredenburgh', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + } +}; diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/js/lazy-load.js b/oslc-fest/public/js/lazy-load.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..67e05fec --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/js/lazy-load.js @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('img[data-src]'), function(img) { + img.setAttribute('src', img.getAttribute('data-src')); + img.onload = function() { + img.removeAttribute('data-src'); + }; +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/js/main.js b/oslc-fest/public/js/main.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e3df6c26 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/js/main.js @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +scrollToggle(); + +$(window).scroll(function () { + scrollToggle(); +}); + +//Helper +function scrollToggle() { + if (pageYOffset > 100 && innerWidth > 768) { + $('.main-header').addClass('scrolled'); + } + else if (pageYOffset > 0 && innerWidth <= 768) { + $('.main-header').addClass('scrolled'); + } + else { + $('.main-header').removeClass('scrolled'); + } + +} +//END Helper + +function openInfo(source) { + presenter = $(source).attr('data-bio'); + $('#infoCard img').attr('src', bio[presenter].picturePath); + $('#infoCard .item-title').html(bio[presenter].name); + $('#infoCard .titles').html(bio[presenter].title); + $('#infoCard .info--bio').children().remove(); + for (i = 0; i < bio[presenter].bio.length; i++) { + $('#infoCard .info--bio').append('

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10 years ago, OSLC was just coming into existence. This presentation will explore the dynamics that led to OSLC’s formation, discussing the threads of technology and community, and how they wove together to deliver key elements of an open product lifecycle integration solution. We’ll then travel along OSLC’s evolution, remembering (or perhaps discovering) some of the steps along the way, with the goal of understanding OSLC’s contributions while absorbing lessons for the continuing journey.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.johnW + ] + }, + PmikeA: { + 'title': 'Open Services, Interoperability, and Hypermedia: A possible Future', + 'description': [ + '

This talk will focus on what it means to design and support “Open Services” and the role hypermedia might play in advancing open systems. Author, speaker, and trainer Mike Amundsen will pose a series of questions aimed at identifying characteristics of open, collaborative ecosystems. For example, what are the pillars of open, interoperable systems and what can the last 20 years of the WWW teach us about what works – and what does not work – when creating specifications for an open, collaborative system?

', + '

Drawing from a history of over forty years of software architecture and design, and from more recent experience in creating loosely-coupled, reusable services, this talk explores the reasons why some specifications have lasted decades without substantial change while still successfully supporting unanticipated uses and why have other specifications, while well-thought out and carefully executed, have foundered without long-term positive impact.

', + '

The talk will also focus on the design elements that enable easy connection, sharing, & interop and explores what it takes to design-in support for evolvability and adaptability. Finally, we’ll zero in on a small set of properties that successful collaborative systems share and seek to identify what it is that OSLC can do today to better assure success in creating a community of interoperability that can safely evolve and adapt well into the future.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.mikeA + ] + }, + PyashK: { + 'title': 'Search & Browse and Lyo Validation', + 'description': [ + '

Search and Browse is a cross domain data exploration web application for searching and exploring linked data. The main purposes of S&B is to textually and graphically explore data, view results of automated data analysis done on Linked data layer (eg. safety case exploration, progress monitoring, data quality etc), defining custom pages for merging use cases based on Linked Data etc. Lyo Validation is a Java based library that is used for validating RDF resources against constraints defined either in OSLC or SHACL Resource shapes.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.yashK + ] + }, + PwesleyC: { + 'title': 'Lifecycle Integration Patterns', + 'description': [ + '

Have you ever wanted to see how the community is using OSLC in practice to address a given integration problem? The OSLC community is creating a new library of integration patterns to demonstrate how OSLC can be applied as a solution to common integration challenges. Join this talk to learn about the Lifecycle Integration Pattern Catalog including templates and examples. Learn how to define and contribute your own patterns and help the community demonstrate how to benefit from OSLC-based integration approaches.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.wesleyC + ] + }, + PstephenD: { + 'title': 'OSLC and configuration-aware links between ALM and PLM systems', + 'description': [ + '

OSLC has gained a strong position in the integration of systems, platforms, and tools in the ALM space, but ALM is not an island in industries that manufacture and construct physical products and systems. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems remain the standard for managing the hardware engineering lifecycle, and the two, ALM and PLM, simply do not communicate well, if at all, in nearly every one of those organizations. Engineering, manufacturing, service, and operations organizations have tolerated the engineering domains being isolated in different practitioner tools and lifecycle management systems for many years but strong evidence is emerging that this tolerance is evaporating and being replaced by a range of emotions that tend to frighten ALM and PLM vendors alike, as well they should. In short, we integrators are now faced with quite a challenge.

', + '

This challenge arises from the fact that ALM and PLM systems approach configuration management from two radically different perspectives and thus using very different CM models and approaches. Many attempts to resolve these differences have been attempted over the years with very little success. Whether the approach is to try to use one system, usually PLM, to manage the entire lifecycle and all associated domains, or to integrate the systems, countless projects have failed to accomplish the task. At the root of these failures lies the significantly different CM models of the two systems. If OSLC is to be the best means of integrating ALM and PLM, and it certainly has that potential, the OSLC standard must be enhanced to address not only one of the two CM models (the majority of the effort today seems focused on the ALM model), but both models and in such a way that ALM and PLM assets may be linked in a configuration-aware manner without error or loss of fidelity.

', + '

This will not be a trivial task for the OSLC community and working groups. It has been tried many times before in one form or another and the challenge has always been fatally underestimated. Arguably, though, now is the right time to finally address and solve this challenge. The OSLC community can make large contributions to this effort, though such contributions will require much deeper understanding of the challenge and collaboration with the PLM community to succeed.

', + '

In this presentation, we will briefly examine a few of the root causes of this challenge and some proposed approaches that may be used to address it.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.stephenD + ] + }, + PpeterG: { + 'title': 'Cross-Discipline Lifecycle Collaboration Forum – a linked Systems Engineering approach', + 'description': [ + '

Today’s challenge is to ensure efficient collaborative development processes while always keeping track of all dependencies within a product. Interdependencies between different engineering disciplines are increasing as products become smarter, more interconnected and feature complex yet individually configurable functions. Pure component-oriented development has been augmented by a functional orientation, where functional aspects of a product are the focal point regardless of whether they are implemented by mechanical, electrical/electronic or software components. Secure cross-discipline collaboration is of key importance for successful product engineering.

', + '

While collaboration works well, and artefacts are linked within a given domain, the situation looks different across domain borders: Many data-exchange standards have been evolved to make engineering information exchangeable between engineers of different departments and organizations. Nevertheless, links between artefacts are missing at the system level and collaboration must be enhanced. The prostep ivip Cross-Discipline Lifecycle Collaboration (CDLC) Forum is combining the efforts of users, vendors and research institutes to face today’s cross-discipline collaboration challenges.

', + '

The CDLC Forum is analyzing promising methods and technologies in this context by identifying key principles and best practices for cross-discipline engineering collaboration, based on industrial use cases. The use cases discussed are: Engineering Collaboration – focusing on the communication between engineers; Functional Safety – life and history of cross-discipline traceability to easily meet ISO 26262 for functional safety of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) functions; Manage Trace Information – checking traces to ensure completeness, actuality and accuracy, and also to store traces that allow relevant attributes, flexible tool landscapes, baselines, variants and configurations. Based on the above mentioned industrial use cases the following questions are in focus: How can Model-based Systems Engineering ensure interoperability between engineers? How can Linked Technologies help to connect the relevant information artefacts throughout the product lifecycle? What do we need for a successful interdisciplinary Enterprise Change Management?

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.rainerE, + bio.peterG, + bio.christianB + ] + }, + PrubenV: { + 'title': 'Solid and OSLC: similar stack, similar goals?', + 'description': [ + '

Solid is an ecosystem in which people can store data wherever they choose, while still using the applications they want. Such a decentralized approach requires interoperability, which in turn requires standards. Like OSLC, Solid has adopted the Linked Data Platform. An important question is how much we need to standardize, and how much freedom the network gets. Interestingly, Solid and OSLC share the same background and standards, but do we also share the same goals?

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.rubenV + ] + }, + PjoseM: { + 'title': 'OSLC KM: elevating the meaning of data and operations within the toolchain', + 'description': [ + '

The use of different techniques and tools is a common practice to cover all stages in the systems development lifecycle, generating a very good number of system artefacts. Moreover, these artefacts are commonly encoded in different formats and can only be accessed, in most cases, through proprietary and non-standard protocols. In this context, the OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) initiative pursues the creation of public specifications (data shapes) to exchange any artefact generated during the development lifecycle. In this talk, authors present the OSLC KM (Knowledge Management) specification as a solution with a two-folded objective: 1) representation and management of any kind of system artefact and 2) extension of OSLC mechanisms to support the notion of delegated operation. In this manner, it is possible to enhance the exchange of data items and to reuse existing operations within the toolchain. Some practical examples of application developed in conjunction with The Reuse Company will be shown to demonstrate the viability and value of the proposed approach.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.joseM + ] + }, + PholgerP: { + 'title': 'How Product Line Engineering can benefit from OSLC', + 'description': [ + '

Strategic variant management based on Product Line Engineering has to manage variability information across all (engineering) artifacts. As variability information is highly distributed throughout these artifacts in various engineering tools on one hand, but on the other hand is there is a high dependence between this information, there is a need to easily connect the bits and pieces in an easy way. OSLC provides a general concept of links between artifacts and also defines support concepts to provide the necessary user interface for link management.

', + '

We’ll demonstrate how this helps with the integration of engineering tools and variant management tools (using our variant management tool pure::variants as an example). We also touch on how the OSLC Global Configuration helps to maintain consistent sets of engineering artifacts for related products in a product line.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.holgerP + ] + }, + PandrewB: { + 'title': 'Eclipse Lyo 2.4.0 and beyond', + 'description': [ + '

Eclipse Lyo provides a reference SDK for implementing OSLC Servers and Clients. In the first part of the talk, we will introduce Lyo in general and present its latest components such as:

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In the second part of the talk, we would like to engage with the community regarding the future of Eclipse Lyo:

', + '' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.andrewB + ] + }, + PnickC: { + 'title': 'What can OSLC Configuration Management do for me?', + 'description': [ + '

This talk gives a brief introduction to the scope and status of OSLC Configuration Management, then explains why this is an important specification, why you should push your vendors to adopt it, and the benefits you gain when they do. We will look at some current implementations, and discuss some of the potential areas of improvement.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.nickC + ] + }, + PjimA: { + 'title': 'OSLC4JS Open Source JavaScript Client and Server Components', + 'description': [ + '

OSLC4JS is an open source project that is intended to provide Express.js middleware components to simplify the development of Web applications that utilize OSLC for integration. The project has the following subcomponents:

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This talk will summarize some of the integration challenges you may be facing, how OSLC4JS may help, and the goals and intended outcomes of the project. There will be a demo of the OSLC Browser with a brief discussion of how its React components use the oslc-client.', + '

We’ll wrap up with a summary of the project’s current status, and a call for contribution in order to accelerate development progress.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.jimA + ] + }, + // 2020 Presentation Abstracts add year at end if speaker is the same + PMikeA2020: { + 'title': 'Hypermedia Made Easy', + 'description': [ + '

The success of the Web is due, in large part, to its reliance on hypermedia as the primary way to connect and access arbitrary content on unrelated servers along with two principles established at the start of the Web: up-front agreement plus open-ended standards. The up-front agreement of a message format (HTML) delivered over a standard protocol (HTTP) sparked an exponential growth pattern that has continued over the last thirty years. Both HTML and HTTP are open-ended standards. People are free to add new elements to the format and new methods to the protocol without harming existing implementations.

', + '

While the hyperlinked document web has been a huge success, this has not been the case for the application web. So far, the wide-scale attempts for the application web have relied upon up-front agreement but failed to support open-ended standards that allow creative additions without breaking existing applications.

', + '

However, hypermedia applications are totally possible and, for the most part, quite easy to implement. This short talk will illustrate a working browser-based single-page app (SPA) that uses the Collection+JSON hypermedia format and shows how both servers and clients can "follow the rules" to build loosely-coupled, highly-extensible web applications.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.mikeA + ] + }, + PLutzL: { + 'title': 'OSLC as enabler for seamless application integration', + 'description': [ + '

OSLC capabilities are offered by an increasing number of products. In real life scenarios, the integration of legacy software, usually not OSLC aware but valuable data provider, requires special attention. PROSTEP provides a general solution. Our approach comprises an OSLC provider for OpenPDM, our flagship integration product bundled with OpenPDM integrate and a large number of industry proven PLM, ALM and ERP connectors.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.lutzL + ] + }, + PJuanS: { + 'title': 'Knowledge Graphs: History of the Main Ideas', + 'description': [ + '

Knowledge Graphs can be considered as fulfilling an early vision in Computer Science of creating intelligent systems that integrate knowledge and data at large scale. Stemming from scientific advancements in research areas of Semantic Web, Databases, Knowledge representation, NLP, Machine Learning, among others, Knowledge Graphs have rapidly gained popularity in academia and industry in the past years. The integration of such disparate disciplines and techniques give the richness to Knowledge Graphs, but also present the challenge to practitioners and theoreticians to know how current advances develop from early techniques in order, on one hand, take full advantage of them, and on the other, avoid reinventing the wheel. This talk will provide a historical context on the roots of Knowledge Graphs grounded in the advancements of Logic, Data and the combination thereof.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.juanS + ] + }, + Pahmed: { + 'title': 'Proof of Concept: Capella & IBM Jazz Integration based on OSLC', + 'description': [ + '

The presentation focuses on a prototype of a client-type OSLC connector, which allows traceability from the Capella modeling tool to IBM DNG, in a multi-configuration context.

', + '

This solution consists of allocating a project area on IBM DNG that will be dedicated to containing artefacts (Model Elements) projected from Capella to be able to trace them to the artefacts (Requirements) from Jazz\'s other domains.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.ahmedE + ] + }, + ProbertB: { + 'title': 'Bridging to PLM with OSLC', + 'description': [ + '

OSLC provides a critical foundation for integrating tools in the enterprise without moving data. While Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) tools have traditionally been aggregators/warehouses of assets, a PLM-ALM bridge is critical to realizing the digital thread. We have a pragmatic approach to creating the interoperability of ALM and PLM via OSLC demonstrated with our OSLC Connect for Windchill. In this talk, we present user scenarios and how the OSLC standard enables the linking of enterprise systems.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.robertB + ] + }, + Psparx: { + 'title': 'OSLC the silver bullet for modelling interoperability?', + 'description': [ + '

Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect’s complete middleware named Sparx ProCloud Server is based on OSLC.

', + '

Enterprise Architect complies with these Architecture Management 2.0 base requirements, as specified in the Architecture Management 2.0 specification:

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This will be a deep-tech session to show the capabilities of using OSLC to interact with model repositories on servers.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.peterL, + bio.horstK + ] + }, + PNicolasF: { + 'title': 'Establishing Digital Continuity for End to End Collaboration', + 'description': [ + '

Relying on the experience gained on Airbus strategic governance of PLM standards and applied research on interoperability of technical enterprise applications, Dr Nicolas Figay will describe strengths and weaknesses of OSLC, and discussing opportunities of future evolutions for making it one of the building block supporting the establishing of the digital continuity required for end to end collaboration within the Aeronautic, Space and Defense digital business ecosystem.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.nicolasF + ] + }, + PRubenT: { + 'title': 'A Technical View on the Solid Ecosystem', + 'description': [ + '

Solid is an ecosystem that gives users full control on how and where they want to store their data. The level of decentralization that Solid introduces, requires a different way of building applications. In this talk, an overview will be given on the different standards that Solid makes use of. Furthermore, several tools that implement these standards will be discussed.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.rubenT + ] + }, + PAndyL: { + 'title': 'Using OSLC to gain Insight into your Connected Engineering Data', + 'description': [ + '

In this session Andy will present how OSLC connected engineering data from across the lifecycle may be visualized and analyzed using Engineering Insights, part of the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management suite.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.andyL + ] + }, + PChristophB: { + 'title': 'Beyond linking artifacts: “Federated Authoring” and “Dashboards” based on OSLC', + 'description': [ + '

Many authoring tools in engineering are complex, hard to learn and not web-based while users often have a limited job to do and try to avoid working with heavy weight tools. OSLC can help to provide a focused and simplified web-environment to do certain tasks easily and without having to learn many tools.

', + '

The talk demos a Confluence page referencing various OSLC resources. The focus here is not on linking or consuming OSLC-based information. We want to compile a functional “dashboard” composed from OSLC resources in Confluence. Analysis, reports but also simple authoring functions help to work more efficiently with distributed engineering information.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.christophB + ] + }, + PErikH: { + 'title': 'The Role of OSLC in the Enterprise PLM Landscape', + 'description': [ + '

Building and maintaining an enterprise PLM capability is a strategic undertaking. In this presentation we discuss how Saab Aeronautics view its future PLM Landscape and the role we see for OSLC in realizing the landscape.

', + '

We introduce a PLM landscape model that focuses on exploiting the strengths of engineering discipline specific integrated development environments (e.g., a software or systems engineering development environment) and using linking to enable traceability across engineering disciplines. Four traceability dimensions are identified for enabling product lifecycle support, namely requirements management, configuration item structure, change management, and realisations.

', + '

We discuss the merits of the model and the applicability of OSLC as integration middleware for realizing the desired interoperability.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.erikH, + bio.asaL + ] + }, + PJonasW: { + 'title': 'Journey to be data driven', + 'description': [ + '

One of the main and current focus areas for Scania is on digitalizing the tool-chain supporting the development process. Digitalization is considered to be needed to comply with requirements on traceability from standards such as ISO 262626, but also to manage the increasing system and organizational complexity in general. One of the main challenges is integrating data and information distributed across a heterogeneous landscape of tools and databases. The primary target solution for this challenge for the last couple of year has been, and still is, linked data. In this presentation, I will share Scania’s vision for using linked data and present some major obstacles (both organizational and technical) we have faced when working towards such a vision.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.jonasW + ] + }, + PKoneksys: { + 'title': 'OpenAPI Extensions for OSLC', + 'description': [ + '

OpenAPI is a popular specification for defining Web APIs. The specification originated from Swagger, an open-source set of tools to generate API documentation and code. The customizable nature of the Swagger tools, combined with the capability to extend OpenAPI, provides several opportunities for expanding the code generation capabilities of Lyo Designer and OSLC service documentation. In this presentation, I will talk about these opportunities and propose a set of OpenAPI extensions to support OSLC concepts. I will also show how to add these extensions to an existing OpenAPI specification file and how Swagger Code Generator can process them to generate an OSLC server.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.luisR + ] + }, + PTarikM: { + 'title': 'Persistent UNITE: State of the Art OSLC Integrations', + 'description': [ + '

The Persistent UNITE integration foundation is a family of lightweight integration plugins created for industrial organizations looking to accelerate their digital journeys. UNITE elegantly brings together IBM Enterprise Lifecycle Management (ELM), one of the leading ALM solutions on the market, with a growing portfolio of enterprise development tools, including:

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UNITE leverages Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) to create relationships between artifacts, enabling integrations with IBM ELM tools without data synchronization.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.tarikM + ] + }, + PMarioC: { + 'title': 'PyOSLC the Python SDK for OSLC APIs', + 'description': [ + '

In the last years Python has become so popular among web developers and specifically API developers, the creation of an API is very easy using Python through different frameworks with some extensions. Until now for creating an OSLC API there are some frameworks or libraries mainly for Java, then why not leverage the popularity of Python for creating OSLC APIs?

', + '

The PyOSLC project aim to create a SDK for having the required elements for developing OSLC APIs in Python meeting the OSLC specs and having the capability to extend the features for other specific-domain applications.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.christianM, + bio.marioC + ] + }, + PLeoM: { + 'title': 'Prolog OSLC SDK', + 'description': [ + '

Prolog is an elegant programming language based on classical logic, which can be very powerful at solving many practical problems. Modern SWI-Prolog implementation provides native RDF support, efficient triple store, and convenient stack for building web applications making it an ideal platform for building OSLC services. In this talk I will present an open source OSCL SDK for Prolog created to simplify development of knowledge intensive applications.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.leoM + ] + }, + PAndreasK: { + 'title': 'Enabling the Federated Single Source of truth using OSLC as standard in between Engineering tools', + 'description': [ + '

Complex and connected Systems Engineering requires a lot of people in different domains to collaborate efficiently without losing the details and capabilities of the tools used in these domains. This challenge in the engineering infrastructure can be solved in the same way like connecting systems of systems: The use of standards like OSLC allows to concentrate on one connector per tool or perpective instead of building up and maintaining a interfaces in this n to m setup. At PTC, we have integrated OSLC as base technology for the engineering digital thread, and we will show the usage of in linking requirements, SysML model views and BOM elements using OSLC in an efficient way.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.andreasK + ] + }, + PJad1: { + 'title': 'State of OSLC support in commercial applications', + 'description': [ + '

In this presentation, Jad will present his findings from a recent survey of commercial software applications that provide some support for OSLC capabilities. The implementation trends of the OSLC standard will be discussed, hopefully leading to insights on the necessary development directions of the standard.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.jadE + ] + }, + PJad2: { + 'title': 'Eclipse Lyo Introduction', + 'description': [ + '

Eclipse Lyo is the open-source project that supports Java developers with the development of OSLC servers and clients.

', + '

In this presentation, Jad will provide a walkthrough of Lyo\'s features, and how they can be used in the development of OSLC solutions. In this presentation, focus will be placed on Lyo\'s libraries and SDK. In the presentation that follows, Jad will present the Lyo Designer modelling application.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.jadE + ] + }, + PJad3: { + 'title': 'Lyo Designer Introduction', + 'description': [ + '

Eclipse Lyo is the open-source project that supports Java developers with the development of OSLC servers and clients.

', + '

In this presentation, Jad will provide a walkthrough of Lyo\'s features, and how they can be used in the development of OSLC solutions. Following form the previous presentation on Lyo\'s libraries and SDK, Jad will here continue to present the Lyo Designer modelling application, which provides a model-based approach to building a complete OSLC-based toolchain.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.jadE + ] + }, + PAndrewJim: { + 'title': 'OSLC Open Project status', + 'description': [ + '

In this talk, Andrew and Jim will present the journey the OLSC project undertook since the last OSLCFest to becoming an Open Project with less barriers to contribution. On behalf of the project board, they will share with you the spec progress made so far and open the curtain to what\'s in store for 2020.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.jimA, + bio.andrewB + ] + }, + PRobertH: { + 'title': 'OSLC-enabled Product Line Engineering with pure::variants 5.0', + 'description': [ + '

pure::variants is the leading product line engineering tool that enables its customers from automotive, aerospace & defense, medical, rails & transportation and other industries to increase engineering efficiency with a holistic variant management for their engineering assets.

', + '

With its latest release pure::variants includes a bundle of new OSLC capabilities that increase its connectivity with other engineering tools.

', + '

Join this presentation to get an overview of the new OSLC-related capabilities of pure::variants 5.0.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.robertH + ] + }, + PChristophB2021: { + 'title': 'Using OSLC for managing traceability into the details of a software project', + 'description':[ + '

There is a lot more you can do with OSLC than bidirectional linking of artifacts from the AM, CCM, RM, QM domain.

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The talk shows how to establish robust links between detailed parts of software code (e.g. Java classes, functions, interfaces) and...

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Eclipse, Visual Studio or Jetbrains MPS can be used as IDEs. The links are robust and sustain branching, merging, refactoring of the code.

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As a result you see SysML diagrams, requirements, etc. in your IDE and the linked implemented code of classes, functions and interfaces in your SysML tool.

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You can also generate detailed traceability reports, that show which SysML use cases or requirements are implemented in which Java function in which namespace and are persisted in which physical file.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.christophB + ] + }, + PErikH2021: { + 'title':'Keeping up with the pace of opportunity', + 'description':[ + '

Saab has been in the Aerospace domain since 1937. It has produced a long lineage of state of the art jet powered fighter aircraft, from the J29 Flying barrel, over icons like the J35 Draken, J37 Viggen, to the current JAS 39 Gripen. Traditionally, development has been a close partnership between the Saab and Sweden. Exports has been scarce and international collaboration rarely pursued. Over the last decade this has changed drastically. The Gripen E is being developed in collaboration with Brazil, the GlobalEye AEW maiden customer is the UAE and Saab did partner with Boeing to develop the new T-7 Redhawk trainer. Clearly, international collaboration and exports is the way ahead. This change also mean that there is a change from a highly predictable environment to one of sudden opportunities. To be competitive the organisation need to be aligned with international best practice and able to quickly adopts the latest methods and tools. There is a need for a tool architecture that allow for rapid changes while maintaining low acquisition and maintenance costs. As a result an architectural pattern promoting the adoption of engineering discipline specific development environments with OSLC as the key standard for inter-environment integration. Apart from introducing the architectural pattern the talk will also outline Saab\'s activities demonstrating and promoting the value of OSLC

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.erikH, + bio.asaL + ] + }, + PAndrewJim2021: { + 'title':'State of the OSLC Open Project', + 'description':[ + '

Last year, we announced at OSLCfest the transition of various OSLC activities under Technical Commitees and the Member Section to the OSLC Open Project. This year we will give a status update reporting on the work done, compare the results with the OSLC community expectations gathered last year in a poll, and discuss the status of the project in general. We will present the publication of 4 OASIS Standards, 2 Project Specifications, and 2 Project Specification Drafts.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.andrewB, + bio.jimA + ] + }, + PAndrewJad2021: { + 'title':'OSLC Reference Implementation: From zero to 4 OSLC servers in 20 minutes', + 'description':[ + '

OSLC Open Project provides an open-source reference implementation of a toolchain consisting of 4 OSLC servers implementing the AM, CM, QM, and RM specifications (Architecture Management, Change Management, Quality Management, and Requirements Management respectively). The servers are implemented using the latest versions of the Eclipse Lyo SDK and modelling tool for building OSLC client and server applications. In this talk, we will do a project walk-through, describing the integration scenario, the structure of the codebase and an overview of relevant Eclipse Lyo concepts. We will use an online Gitpod environment that allows you to build and run 4 server applications without installing anything locally, so that you can follow along!

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.andrewB, + bio.jadE + ] + }, + PEranG2021: { + 'title':'OSLC as a backbone for digital engineering', + 'description':[ + '

Digital engineering (DE) promotes usage of digital tools to essentially establish a "document-free" digital fabric where data can be consistently used across different viewpoints and sources. An imminent challenge is how to integrate engineering data coming from different sources and tools, such that digital threads and data consistency are established, and useful viewpoints and insights can be digitally created.

', + '

In this talk we will explain the DE challenges and explain and illustrate how OSLC services can address them.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.eranG + ] + }, + PRobertH2021: { + 'title':'Deploying OSLC In the Enterprise', + 'description':[ + '

OSLC provides the opportunity for connecting repositories in the enterprise. By using standard components of the web, OSLC leverages your browser to be the gateway of accessing data and embedding interfaces across the enterprise.

', + '

The mechanisms we use in OSLC to embed content are also the means for ads, pop-ups, and other security concerns introduced on the internet. Our browsers have become smarter, and they now can interfere with desired OSLC interactions if our repositories are not configured carefully. So how do teams pragmatically deploy OSLC in the enterprise? How do they have a repository be both deeply integrated and secure? We will detail our practical experience integrating OSLC capabilities in the enterprise to connect to diverse tooling. Critically we will explore how the cloud, network devices, and even cookie management are critical in your successful and secure deployment in the enterprise.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.robertB, + bio.sebastienB + ] + }, + PTorbjornH2021: { + 'title':'OSLC from the Perspective of a Data Integrator', + 'description':[ + '

Eurostep has had a focus on data representation and exchange standardisation since the organisation was founded in 1994. This presentation focuses on how OSLC and linking technology compares and extend the traditional information model based representations and outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the respective approach as well as presents the potential in combining the two approaches.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.torbjornH, + bio.nigelS + ] + }, + PDamirN: { + 'title':'Leveraging OSLC and Linked Data for the Creation of Assurance Cases', + 'description':[ + '

Technologies such as intelligent transport systems, or autonomous vehicles, are driving an increase in complexity in the automotive domain. In turn, these developments are placing an increased pressure on assurance activities for properties such as safety or cybersecurity. To that end, existing and upcoming standards and legislation, e.g. ISO26262, ISO 21434, or ISO 5083, are requiring the creation of an assurance case in order to explicitly argue for safety or cybersecurity of a system. Since such argument involves claims about all aspects of the system lifecycle, the information required to produce an assurance case also spans across the whole lifecycle. Coupled with the typical size of an assurance case, i.e. hundreds of interdependent claims with references to concrete engineering artefacts, creation and maintenance of assurance cases without some degree of automation is a daunting task.

', + '

This talk presents the Scania\'s long-term vision, but also the current results, for the creation of assurance cases. The key enabler for the approach is a federated toolchain, based on OSLC principles, that manages the necessary information according to a commonly agreed information model. Given such support, the assurance-case tool allows the users to work in a data-driven way by defining assurance-case patterns directly in terms of the information objects from the common information-model. As a result, the creation of concrete assurance cases becomes the task of automatically instantiating the defined patterns with instances of the common information model, i.e. with concrete engineering artefacts exposed as linked data. Finally, to decide whether the claims of a concrete assurance case are true or false, the assurance-case tool executes a number different analyses over the available engineering artefact, i.e. linked data.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.damirN + ] + }, + PJuanQ: { + 'title':'Coatl: an OSLC API generation framework based on OpenAPI', + 'description':[ + '

Implementing an OSLC API from scratch is complicated; it requires several skills like transforming raw data into RDF format, implementing several OSLC-compliant endpoints, and optionally implementing Jazz-specific resources for integration with IBM ELM. However, as OSLC concepts are standardized, the implementations of OSLC APIs have a lot of common code. Furthermore, many data sources that require OSLC APIs, such as software applications or databases, already have REST APIs.

', + '

Coatl is a framework helping developers add OSLC APIs to data sources that already have REST APIs. Inspired by GraphQL-wrappers for REST APIs, Coatl is an OSLC-wrapper for REST APIs based on an OpenAPI definition describing how existing REST API resources are mapped to the generated OSLC API resources, Coatl uses Swagger Codegen to generate the OSLC API code. For developers with prior knowledge of OSLC concepts and specifications, Coatl would significantly reduce the effort of implementing OSLC APIs.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.juanQ + ] + }, + PGrahamB: { + 'title':'The challenges of connecting data in the world of Infrastructure', + 'description':[ + '

Most people typically think of Infrastructure and civil engineering projects as being about project management and pouring concrete, this could not be further from the truth. Infrastructure and civil engineering are highly digitised, with numerous data sources, such as, Primavera(P6) for project management, Building Information Model data (3,4 and 5D BIM), Geographical Information System data, telemetry data, requirements, and technical assurance evidence etc. This data is invariably in different data formats and the tools are completely federated. This sort of environment provides large challenges to bringing data together to realise the opportunities that the numerous types of Digital Twins (that are expected to be supported) are expected to bring.

', + '

This presentation will describe the challenges faced by infrastructure in bringing this information together and how they manage the situation at present. This author feels that the current state of tools in use in infrastructure today provides an opportunity for the OSLC community to influence and properly support the concepts of single source of truth and data visualization across this domain.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.grahamB + ] + }, + PSeanM: { + 'title':'INCOSE Digital Engineering Information Exchange Working Group', + 'description':[ + '

The INCOSE Digital Engineering Information Exchange Working Group (DEIXWG) has been working closely with the US DoD, industry partners, and academic organizations to advance a critical aspect of Digital Engineering: how to exchange digital work products between organizations in a semantically-meaningful way. Since its inception in late 2017 due to the support of OSD(R&E), the DEIXWG has been modeling a conceptual ontology for describing digital work products and the information they contain. With that ontology in hand, the DEIXWG has been soliciting stakeholder needs from the broader community in the form of desired information exchange scenarios that require combining data from a variety of different digital sources. This presentation will provide an overview of the DEIXWG\'s ongoing activities and a look ahead at future efforts.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.seanM + ] + }, + PHorstK2021: { + 'title':'Developing an OSLC client with the OSLC API from Sparx Systems', + 'description':[ + '

In this demonstration we will show the OSLC implementation of Sparx Systems to integrate tools with the Modelling Tool Enterprise Architect from Sparx Systems. We show how the Restful OSLC API from SparxSystems can be used to retrieve model data and search, create and manipulate the model. A simple application is used as a show case which explains how to build an application based on OSLC as a data backend. The audience will get hands on information about how a OSLC client can be implemented using Sparx Systems Restful OSLC API.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.horstK + ] + }, + PAndyL2021: { + 'title':'Cross lifecycle analytics and reporting based on OSLC TRS', + 'description':[ + '

While OSLC is well known as a cross-applications linking protocol, its capability to enable global analytics and reporting appears to be yet fairly unknown. In this presentation, we explain and demonstrate how OSLC TRS can be leveraged to construct global analytics and reporting across all the OSLC data providers, such as requirements, test and planning. We will demonstrate central reporting and analytics implementations that perform various analytics such as change impact analysis, coverage analysis, and various development KPIs such as readiness indicators.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.andyL + ] + }, + PKennyM2021: { + 'title':'Applied Category Theory for Scalable Data Integration and Semantic Interoperability', + 'description':[ + '

Every engineering organization struggles to exchange data reliably between their many application databases. Attempting to build integrations between all relevant systems is impractical with current mainstream practices, because of the quadratic relationship between applications and the number of integrations between them. To avoid the exploding cost of scaling ad-hoc integrations, organizations may attempt to standardize the application semantics. This approach hasn\'t worked in practice because it\'s impractical to get many people from diverse domains to agree on a single perspective, and nuanced domain-specific meaning is always sacrificed.

', + '

Category Theory is a mathematical language for encoding and computing semantic structures across contexts, and has been used by mathematicians and scientists to formally communicate meaning across domains. Recent developments out of MIT have worked out how to apply the approach to data schemas and are leading to a paradigm shift in semantic data interoperability. There are several benefits, but two key benefits are compositionality and machine verification. Integrations can be added together and checked for integrity, which means that a quadratic number of integrations can be inferred from a linear input with mathematical guarantees that data won\'t be corrupted. A third benefit is that the approach is agnostic to any specific data structure and can interoperate across all of them (SQL, XML, Json, Graph, RDF, etc).

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.kennyM, + bio.ryanM + ] + }, + PGarciaG2021: { + 'title':'OSLC for DevOps event-based automation', + 'description':[ + '

My name is Guillermo García, I\'m a PhD student at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM - https://www.upm.es/), in the Intelligent Systems Research Group (GSI - https://gsi.upm.es/en). For the past few months, I\'ve been working on ways of integrating DevOps with semantic technologies to enable automation of different workflows and processes. I\'ve been studying the OSLC specifications and the possibilities they can bring to the field.

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The idea of my presentation is to give the audience an overview of the challenges faced when implementing DevOps where OSLC could be very beneficial. Two specific issues will be tackled: vendor lock-in and task automation. The first one could be approached by proposing a standard for service interfaces so they can be seamlessly integrated together. A Linked Data specification like OLSC could provide such a standard without sacrificing flexibility. For the challenge of task automation, specifications like TRS and OSLC Automation could be used to model the events and actions provided by a service. This would allow us to create an automation framework where events and actions between services are standardized and independent of the service internal implementation.

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We expect to show the audience new ways of applying OSLC to the DevOps domain and how specifications like OSLC Automation and OSLC Actions could be very useful in this context. We will also provide an example implementation with two services with simple events and actions automated between them. We hope all of this can be of interest and that it helps in expanding the OSLC ecosystem.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.garciaG + ] + }, + PFrankP2021: { + 'title':'Latest PyOSLC Improvements', + 'description':[ + '

PyOSLC is an SDK to implement OSLC APIs in Python. The first version of PyOSLC supported domain-independent OSLC resources for discovery as well as requirements as the only domain-specific resource. The current work on PyOSLC supports the development of OSLC APIs for any domain-specific resources. A developer only needs to have a basic understanding of OSLC concepts to implement some predefined adapter methods which will then be used by PyOSLC to create a complete OSLC API. A developer thereby does not need to modify nor manage any code related to the translation of Python objects into RDF, nor any code related to the REST API endpoints.

', + '

Furthermore, PyOSLC now supports two options to deploy an OSLC API. Initially, the OSLC API could only be deployed on a standalone WSGI-compatible server. Now, as an additional deployment option, OSLC API endpoints created by PyOSLC can be added to an existing REST API by adding a few lines of Python code. Initially, PyOSLC was using the Flask framework for the implementation of REST API endpoints. Now, PyOSLC is a Web framework independent of Flask such that it can be compatible with any WSGI-compatible REST API framework such as Django or Bottle.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.frankP, + bio.marioC + ] + }, + PRobertB2021: { + 'title':'Navigating Versions in the Enterprise', + 'description':[ + '

Configuration Management is an activity attributed to our Software Engineers but is a common need for all engineering disciplines. When linking between artifacts across disciplines, the need for configuration management becomes even more critical. The creation of a digital thread mandates we must compose configurations from these unique disciplines. Rather than copy artifacts to one repository, OSLC enables an enterprise configuration to leverage local configurations from distributed repositories. These collective enterprise configurations allow the navigation of the links; to the correct object and the correct version of the object. This session will focus on the practical application of enterprise configurations and how they enable the digital thread, connect concepts across siloed boundaries, and allow common engineering tasks more robustly.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.robertB + ] + }, + PThomasZ: { + 'title':'Using OSLC for a Closed-Loop Digital Twin Demonstrator', + 'description':[ + '

As part of worldwide efforts towards clean aviation, the development of hybrid-electric propulsion is one of the most popular approaches for regional and short-haul aircraft. Together with industry partners, Fraunhofer IPK is leveraging an existing experimental aircraft architecture to MBSE and demonstrate digital twin usage across the development and manufacturing lifecycle.In order to support the establishment of novel architectures, we leverage co-simulation with open standards to allow for the ad-hoc generation of digital masters utilizing descriptive MBSE models. The digital master contains various system and domain models and provides the digital system representation, which is later merged with real-life data (the "digital shadow") to establish the digital twin. In conjunction with FMI/FMU for co-simulating heterogenious models authored in multiple tools, OSLC provides an open standard supported by various commercial tools, but also open source solutions as well as in-house tools. This way we are able to establish a closed-loop connecting requirements, systems architecting and simulation, in order to enable early virtual systems integration. OSLC already supports various existing concepts, such as configuration management, requirements management etc. This allows for a scalable solution to support the evolving demonstrator environment. The possibility to easily add our own concepts and rely on an extensive community provides a scalable and reliable solution for traceability and linking across various tools, including our own demonstrator components. OSLC complements our FMU/FMI based co-simulation environment and offers the flexibility to add and change functionalities and maintain our vendor-indepenent approach for system modeling and simulation.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.thomasZ + ] + }, + PSunilK: { + 'title':'Knowledge graph for Multi brand engineering collaboration', + 'description':[ + '

Knowledge graph and associated technologies has been an emerging trend and we at Scania are also trying to benefit from it. Scania is a world-leading provider of transport solutions and is part of TRATON GROUP. In one of the initiatives where Scania engineers need to collaborate on R&D Engineering information with its Partner brand engineers such as MAN Truck and Bus and Navistar International, We have developed a solution that uses RDF and OSLC technology. When Scania shares vehicle components and related information with its partners. it is required to share and keep track of technical info such as part numbers , technical documents, product structures including its equivalent information at partner brands. so that information can be traced , cross referenced and used for performing updates. This process requires object referencing. e.g. Scania part number – MAN part number – Navistar Part number and unique relation is described by its specific versions and status. also this relations are extended with unlock for sharing rules and document cross references. Since it is a multi-brand scenario keeping track of such information is needed by all brands and hence we developed a common solution that supports such use cases and provides a single source of truth. We find it very useful to use RDF and Triple store to develop such an information model that is dynamic and connects many information layers and also stores the information accordingly. Earlier we tried a solution with a traditional relational data model and No SQL DB. but soon it became too complex to handle multi-brand scenarios and maintain. We decided to replace the data layer with Graph technology using RDF and are very satisfied with the result so far. Partner engineers are benefited in their daily work, feel more confident and trust the data quality delivered by knowledge graphs and can rely on finding unknown or missing data traces . It helps to perform information analysis, rectify the problem and do needful resolution. We are happy to demonstrate the use case and solution components.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.sunilK + ] + }, + PLaurentD: { + 'title':'MBSE in the Digital Thread with Capella Models Exposed to OSLC-compliant ALM and Requirements Management Tools', + 'description':[ + '

Capella is a widely adopted open-source MBSE solution that allows systems architects to design the architecture of systems, software and hardware.

', + '

Guided by a field-proven methodology, Capella users produce models containing both the design elements and the diagrams that describe a system according to different perspectives : operational, functional and non functional, logical, physical.

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In order to connect these MBSE models to other project artifacts, such as requirements, tasks, issues, change requests, test cases, releases, and so on, Obeo has developed Publication for Capella, a solution that exposes Capella models on a server accessible by OSLC-compliant ALM and requirements management tools.

', + '

Directly from these tools, a user can navigate through the Capella model elements that have been published on the Publication for Capella server, and establish traceability links from work items.

', + '

A demo will show the integration between Publication for Capella and two ALM platforms: Siemens Polarion and IBM Jazz.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.laurentD + ] + }, + PRobertHellebrand2021: { + 'title':'Global Configurations in Product Line Engineering', + 'description':[ + '

pure::variants is the leading product line engineering tool that enables its customers from automotive, aerospace & defense, medical, rails & transportation and other industries to increase engineering efficiency with a holistic variant management for their engineering assets.

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This requires pure::variants to be well-integrated into the whole engineering tool landscape and to interoperate with the engineering data management in place.

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Join this presentation to get an overview of the OSLC capabilities of pure::variants that integrate variant management assets into Global Configurations as well as integrating Global Configurations into a holistic variant management strategy to make evolution of engineering assets across multiple variants manageable.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.robertH + ] + }, + PAndreasK2021: { + 'title':'How to use OSLC Links Bidirectionally', + 'description':[ + '

OSLC Links are, by definition, unidirectional. However, Engineering Process Norms like A-SPICE or Safety Norms like ISO26262 require bi-directional Traceability. The option to use 2 independent links from both directions seems to be simple, but could result in very difficult workflows and means also that the user has to create and maintain them.

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PTC developed and implemented the capability to use unidirectional links also from the reverse direction, called "Reverse Lookup". Basically it is using a query "who is connected to me?" It is available for both Windchill RV&S and Windchill Modeler and is already in practical use in projects.

', + '

We will present this tool capability for both PTC SSE tools in a typical project environment within the SPES System-of-Systems methodology.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.andreasK + ] + }, + PAxelR2021: { + 'title':'Fundamental OSLC Concepts for Distributed Link Creation', + 'description':[ + '

Many different software applications are needed to describe and simulate many different aspects of a complex system. Achieving traceability in a multi-application context requires linking data across applications. However, this cannot be done by engineers in the most user-friendly manner within their familiar software applications without a distributed link creation paradigm. This presentation will address the key ideas of Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) to realize a distributed link creation strategy including embeddable search dialogs, APIs adopting the Open World Assumption, and decoupling of link creation from link analysis.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.axelR + ] + }, + PMotiB2021: { + 'title':'Extending OSLC into the Digital Thread', + 'description':[ + '

SBE Vision has leading technology in the Digital Thread arena that enables ontology-first, hub-and-spoke linking and interoperability across the enterprise. OSLC interoperability is a critical element of the Digital Engineering ecosystem. SBE supports the OSLC 3.0 standard with general purpose consumer and provider container microservices. SBE will demonstrate its deep integration of ELM (DOORS Next w/GC) with Siemens Teamcenter, IBM Rhapsody, and Dassault Cameo. This demonstration will highlight SBE\'s strong OSLC support that is seamlessly interwoven with synchronization and transformation capabilities to provide comprehensive coverage of a wide variety of common use cases.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.motiB, + bio.josephS, + bio.davidV + ] + } +}; diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/js/smooth-scroll.js b/oslc-fest/public/js/smooth-scroll.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d21724e --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/js/smooth-scroll.js @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +$(document).ready(function () { + var nav = { items: [] }; + if (!$(".main-header").hasClass("alt")) { + for (i = 0; i < $(".nav--item").length; i++) { + element = $(".nav--item")[i]; + if (element.hash.charAt(0) == "#") { + nav.items.push({ + target: element.hash, + position: $(element.hash + "-anchor").offset().top - 80, + }); + } + } + + if (location.hash) { + for (i = 0; i < nav.items.length; i++) { + if (location.hash == nav.items[i].target) { + scrollTo(location.hash); + } + } + } + + $(".nav--item").click(function (e) { + if (this.hash !== "") { + e.preventDefault(); + + scrollTo(this.hash); + } + }); + + $(".section--button").click(function (e) { + if (this.hash !== "") { + e.preventDefault(); + + 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position: fixed; + top: 0; + width: 100%; + box-sizing: border-box; + + padding: 10px 15px; + + transition: 350ms all ease-in-out; + z-index: 11; + + .logo { + font-size: 26px; + color: $main-white; + font-weight: 500; + } + + .menu { + + ul { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + + li { + margin-right: 40px; + display: flex; + + &.youtube-link { + background: #FFF; + padding: 5px 10px; + border-radius: 4px; + + a { + color: #F00; + } + } + + a { + font-size: 18px; + color: $main-white; + text-decoration: none; + cursor: pointer; + + &:hover { + color: $alt; + } + + &.button { + border-color: $main-white; + color: $main-black; + + &::before { + -webkit-transform: translateX(0); + transform: translateX(0); + border-right: 50px solid transparent; + border-bottom: 56px solid $main-white; + } + + &:hover { + color: $main-white; + + &::before { + -webkit-transform: translateX(-100%); + transform: translateX(-100%); + } + } + } + } + + &:last-child { + margin-right: 0; + } + } + } + } + + .menu-toggle { + display: none; + flex-direction: column; + + &.active { + .bar { + &.top { + transform: translateY(9px) rotate(45deg); + } + + &.middle { + width: 0 + } + + &.bottom { + transform: translateY(-9px) rotate(-45deg) + } + } + } + + .bar { + display: inline-block; + height: 2px; + width: 28px; + border-radius: 2px; + margin-bottom: 7px; + background: $main-white; + transition: all 300ms ease-in-out; + + &:last-child { + margin-bottom: 0 + } + } + } + + &.scrolled, + &.alt { + background-color: $main-white; + box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .25); + + .logo { + color: $main; + } + + .youtube-link { + background: #F00 !important; + + a { + color: #FFF !important; + } + } + + .menu ul li a { + color: $main; + + &.button { + border-color: $oslc-light-blue; + color: $main-white; + + &::before { + border-bottom-color: $oslc-light-blue; + } + + &:hover { + color: $main-black; + border-color: $main-black; + } + } + } + } +} + +@media screen and (min-width: 770px) and (max-width: 1240px) { + .main-header .menu ul li { + margin-right: 25px; + } +} + +@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) { + .main-header { + padding: 10px 16px; + + &.scrolled .menu, + .menu { + display: flex; + justify-content: center; + background: $main; + position: fixed; + top: 50px; + left: 0; + right: 0; + height: 0; + overflow-y: hidden; + transition: 350ms all ease-in-out; + + &.active { + height: 100vh; + + ul { + padding-top: 40px; + } + } + + ul { + flex-direction: column; + padding-top: 10px; + transition: 450ms all ease-in-out; + + li { + text-align: center; + margin-right: 0; + margin-bottom: 25px; + + a { + color: $main-white; + } + } + } + } + + &.scrolled { + .menu-toggle .bar { + background: $main; + } + + .menu ul li a { + + &.button { + border-color: $main-white; + color: $main-black; + + &::before { + border-bottom-color: $main-white; + } + } + } + } + + .menu-toggle { + display: flex; + } + } +} diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/scss/_layout/_info-card.scss b/oslc-fest/public/scss/_layout/_info-card.scss new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cdc4cdd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/scss/_layout/_info-card.scss @@ -0,0 +1,254 @@ +.info-card { + width: 90%; + max-width: 1200px; + max-height: 90vh; + position: fixed; + top: calc(25% + 75px); + left: -300%; + background: white; + z-index: 200; + box-shadow: 0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16); + opacity: 0; + transition: 350ms opacity ease-in-out; + -webkit-font-smoothing: subpixel-antialiased; + + &.program { + overflow-y: auto; + } + + &.active { + left: calc((100vw - 1200px)/2); + opacity: 1; + } + + &.program { + top: 50%; + + .info--titles-wrap { + padding-top: 20px; + padding-bottom: 10px; + } + + .info--bio-wrap { + padding: 0 45px; + } + + .info--authors-wrap { + padding: 10px 0; + } + } + + .info--titles-wrap { + margin: 0 auto; + width: 90%; + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + align-items: center; + + .info--image-wrap { + width: 250px; + margin-top: -125px; + height: 100%; + + img { + box-shadow: 0 2px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.16); + height: 100%; + } + } + + h4 { + margin: 0.6em 0 0.2em; + font-size: 22px; + } + + .titles { + font-size: 20px; + } + } + + .info--bio-wrap { + padding: 40px; + padding-top: 0; + + p { + font-size: 16px; + } + + .social-icons { + margin-top: 30px; + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + + a { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + width: 34px; + height: 34px; + border-radius: 100%; + margin-right: 15px; + background: $main; + + font-size: 20px; + color: $main-white; + + &:last-child { + margin-right: 0; + } + } + } + } + + .info--authors-wrap { + display: flex; + align-items: flex-start; + justify-content: center; + flex-wrap: wrap; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + + .gallery--item { + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + align-items: center; + width: 22%; + margin: 0 3%; + + .info--image-wrap { + display: flex; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + } + + img { + width: 60%; + } + + h4 { + font-size: 16px; + margin-bottom: 0; + margin-top: 10px; + } + + p { + margin-top: 5px; + font-size: 14px; + } + } + } + + .close-btn { + position: absolute; + top: 5px; + right: 5px; + width: 28px; + height: 28px; + padding: 4px; + + &:hover { + cursor: pointer; + } + + .line { + position: absolute; + top: 23px; + left: 2px; + display: inline-block; + height: 2px; + width: 22px; + border-radius: 2px; + background: #6b6b6b; + transform: rotate(-45deg); + + &:first-child { + transform: rotate(45deg) + } + } + } +} + +.overlay { + position: fixed; + top: 0; + left: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; + background: #545454; + opacity: .5; + z-index: 100; + + &:hover { + cursor: pointer; + } +} + +@media (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 1024px) { + .info-card { + .info--authors-wrap { + .gallery--item { + width: 40%; + } + } + } +} + +@media (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 480px) { + .info-card { + top: 50%; + + &.active { + left: calc(100vw - 95%); + } + + .info--titles-wrap { + .info--image-wrap { + display: none; + } + + h4 { + font-size: 18px; + } + + .titles { + font-size: 16px; + margin-bottom: 0; + } + } + + .info--bio-wrap { + padding: 0 20px 15px !important; + + p { + font-size: 14px; + } + + .social-icons { + margin-top: 10px; + + a { + width: 28px; + height: 28px; + font-size: 16px; + } + } + } + + .info--authors-wrap { + .gallery--item { + width: 80%; + } + } + + .close-btn { + .line { + top: 13px; + left: 9px; + height: 3px; + width: 22px; + } + } + } +} diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/scss/_layout/_layout.scss b/oslc-fest/public/scss/_layout/_layout.scss new file mode 100644 index 00000000..db31dd97 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/scss/_layout/_layout.scss @@ -0,0 +1,496 @@ +// TEMPORARY +.faded { + opacity: 0.6; +} + +.content--section--wrapper { + display: flex; + flex-wrap: wrap; + + .content--section { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + box-sizing: border-box; + + .container { + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + justify-content: space-between; + align-items: center; + z-index: 10; + + &.align-left { + align-items: flex-start; + + h3 { + text-align: center; + width: 100%; + } + + ul { + li { + font-size: 18px; + margin: 4px 0; + } + } + } + + .section--title { + font-size: 40px; + margin-bottom: 15px; + text-align: center; + } + + .section--image { + margin-top: 30px; + width: 100%; + } + + .section--gallery { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + flex-wrap: wrap; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + + margin: 80px 0 60px; + + &.smaller--gallery { + &.five { + .gallery--item { + width: 18%; + } + } + + &.logos { + + .gallery--item { + width: 26.5%; + margin: 0 3%; + } + } + + .gallery--item { + width: 22%; + + img { + width: 100%; + } + + .circle { + width: 65%; + } + + a { + width: 85%; + height: 100%; + margin: 20px 0; + text-align: center; + } + } + } + + &.authors--gallery { + margin: 20px 0 0; + align-items: flex-start; + + .gallery--item { + width: 22%; + margin-bottom: 20px; + margin: 0 3%; + + img { + width: 80%; + } + + h4 { + font-size: 18px; + } + + p { + font-size: 16px; + } + } + } + + &.align-top { + align-items: flex-start; + } + + .gallery--item { + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + align-items: center; + width: 30%; + margin: 0 1.6%; + margin-bottom: 30px; + + &.no-margin { + margin: 0 0 0 30px; + } + .hover-wrap { + position: relative; + display: flex; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + + .image-wrap { + width: 70%; + height: auto; + transition: 350ms opacity ease-in-out; + border-radius: 200px; + overflow: hidden; + + .circular-image { + position: relative; + background-size: cover; + border-radius: 50%; + width: 100%; + height: 0; + padding-top: 100%; + box-sizing: border-box; + border: 1px solid white; + } + } + } + + &.has-info { + .hover-wrap { + position: relative; + display: flex; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + + .circular-image { + transition: 350ms all ease-in-out; + } + + .bio-circle { + position: absolute; + width: 70%; + height: 100%; + display: flex; + justify-content: center; + align-items: center; + + span { + opacity: 0; + padding: 10px 20px; + border-radius: 30px; + background: rgba(65, 142, 235, 0.85); + color: white; + font-size: 20px; + transition: 350ms opacity ease-in-out; + } + } + } + + &:hover { + cursor: pointer; + + .hover-wrap { + .image-wrap { + opacity: .8; + + .circular-image { + transform: scale(1.05); + } + } + + span { + opacity: 1; + } + } + } + } + + img { + width: 70%; + height: 70%; + } + + .item-icon { + font-size: 26px; + color: $alt; + } + + .item-title { + text-align: center; + font-size: 20px; + margin-bottom: 0; + } + + .item-text { + font-size: 16px; + text-align: center; + } + + p { + font-size: 16px; + margin-top: 10px; + } + } + } + } + + &:first-child { + &.connected { + &::before { + content: none; + } + } + } + + &:last-child { + &.connected { + &::after { + content: none; + } + } + } + + &.connected { + position: relative; + padding: 20px 0 200px; + + &:first-child { + &::before { + content: none; + } + } + + &::before { + content: ''; + position: absolute; + left: calc(50% - 1px); + top: 0; + + width: 2px; + height: 20px; + + background: $main; + } + + &::after { + content: ''; + position: absolute; + left: calc(50% - 1px); + bottom: 0; + + width: 2px; + height: 160px; + + background: $main; + } + + .container { + position: relative; + padding-top: 20px; + + &::before { + content: ''; + position: absolute; + -webkit-transform: translateX(-10px); + transform: translateX(-10px); + left: 50%; + top: 0; + + height: 20px; + width: 20px; + border: 2px solid $main; + border-radius: 20px; + box-sizing: border-box; + } + + .section--title { + position: relative; + width: 100%; + text-align: center; + margin: 0; + padding: 30px 0 50px; + + &::before, + &::after { + content: ''; + position: absolute; + -webkit-transform: translateX(-1px); + transform: translateX(-1px); + left: 50%; + + width: 2px; + + background: $main; + } + + &::before { + top: 0; + height: 20px; + } + + &::after { + bottom: 0; + height: 40px; + } + } + } + } + + &.full { + width: 100%; + } + + &.half { + width: 50%; + } + } + + p { + width: 100%; + } +} + +@media (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 1024px) { + .content--section--wrapper { + .content--section { + .container { + + .section--title { + font-size: 28px; + } + + .section--gallery { + flex-direction: row; + align-items: baseline; + + &.smaller--gallery { + .gallery--item { + width: 40%; + } + + &.logos { + .gallery--item { + width: 33%; + margin-bottom: 60px; + min-width: 150px; + } + } + + .circle { + display: block; + width: 75% !important; + } + } + + &.align-top { + align-items: center; + } + + .gallery--item { + margin-right: 0; + margin-bottom: 40px; + width: 40%; + + &.no-margin { + margin: 0 0 40px; + } + + a { + display: contents; + } + + img { + width: 80%; + max-width: 280px; + } + + .hover-wrap { + img { + width: 80%; + } + } + } + } + } + + &.half { + width: 100%; + } + } + } +} + +@media (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 480px) { + .content--section--wrapper { + .content--section { + .container { + flex-direction: column; + + .section--title { + font-size: 28px; + } + + .section--gallery { + flex-direction: column; + flex-wrap: nowrap; + + &.smaller--gallery { + .gallery--item { + width: 80%; + } + + &.five { + .gallery--item { + width: 100%; + } + } + + &.logos { + .gallery--item { + width: 40%; + min-width: 150px; + } + } + } + + &.align-top { + align-items: center; + } + + .gallery--item { + margin-right: 0; + margin-bottom: 40px; + width: 80%; + + &.no-margin { + margin: 0 40px 0; + } + + a { + display: contents; + } + + img { + width: 80%; + max-width: 280px; + } + + .hover-wrap { + img { + width: 80%; + } + } + } + } + } + + &.half { + width: 100%; + } + } + } +} diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/scss/_layout/_program-table.scss b/oslc-fest/public/scss/_layout/_program-table.scss new file mode 100644 index 00000000..af880af0 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/scss/_layout/_program-table.scss @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ +.table-legend--title { + font-size: 24px; + font-weight: 300; + margin: 1em 0; +} + +.table-legend--wrap { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + + .program-item { + margin-right: 15px; + + .program-item--inner { + padding: 8px; + -ms-flex-preferred-size: auto; + } + + &:last-child { + margin-right: 0; + } + } +} + +.program-table--wrap { + display: flex; + width: 100%; + max-width: 850px; + margin: 50px 0 30px; + + .column { + flex: 5; + margin-right: 35px; + text-align: center; + + label { + font-size: 22px; + display: block; + margin-bottom: 15px; + } + + &.day { + margin-right: 0; + + label { + margin-bottom: 31px; + font-weight: 300; + } + } + } + + .program-item { + margin: 15px 0; + } +} + +.program-item { + background-color: $program-light-gray; + display: flex; + position: relative; + transition: 300ms opacity ease-in-out; + + .info-wrap { + flex: 1; + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + border-left: 2px solid transparent; + } + + .program-item--time-wrap { + width: 60px; + background: $main-white; + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + flex-direction: column; + + p { + text-align: left; + margin: 0; + } + + .program-duration { + font-size: 14px; + opacity: .5; + + position: absolute; + width: auto; + right: 5px; + bottom: 5px; + } + } + + .program-item--inner { + flex: 1; + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + justify-content: center; + padding: 16px 8px; + + p { + font-size: 18px; + margin: 0; + text-align: left; + font-weight: 500; + + &.talk-speaker { + margin-top: 14px; + font-size: 16px; + font-weight: 300; + opacity: 0.8; + } + } + + &.has-abstract { + &:hover { + cursor: pointer; + opacity: .4; + } + } + } + + .talk-files { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + border-top: 1px solid #e4e4e4; + padding: 6px 10px; + + a { + font-weight: 500; + + :visited { + color: $main-black; + } + + color: $main-black; + } + + .talk-presentation { + margin-right: 20px; + display: flex; + align-items: center; + + i { + color: #e2574c; + font-size: 20px; + margin-right: 6px; + } + } + + .talk-video { + margin-right: 20px; + i { + color: #4d6fa9; + } + } + } + + &.blank { + background-color: transparent; + } + + &.keynote { + .info-wrap { + border-color: $oslc-light-blue; + } + } + + &.techtalk { + .info-wrap { + border-color: $oslc-orange; + } + } + + &.break { + .info-wrap { + border-color: #aaaaaa; + } + } + + &.discussion { + .info-wrap { + border-color: $oslc-green; + } + } + + &.vendor { + .info-wrap { + border-color: #ffbc00; + } + } +} + +@media screen and (max-width: 769px) { + .table-legend--wrap { + flex-wrap: wrap; + + .program-item { + margin-bottom: 15px; + + p { + font-size: 16px; + } + } + } + + .program-table--wrap { + flex-wrap: wrap; + + .column { + margin-bottom: 30px; + + &.day { + width: 100%; + flex: none; + margin-right: 0; + + p { + font-size: 14px; + + &.talk-speaker { + font-size: 15px; + } + } + + + + .program-item { + .program-item--time-wrap { + width: 40px; + + .program-duration { + font-size: 13px; + } + } + + .program-item--inner { + padding: 20px 8px; + } + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/scss/_templates/_home.scss b/oslc-fest/public/scss/_templates/_home.scss new file mode 100644 index 00000000..809e6bb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/scss/_templates/_home.scss @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +.content--section { + &.landing { + height: 100vh; + background-size: cover; + position: relative; + + .container.landing { + width: 90%; + max-width: 1600px; + margin: 0 auto; + flex-direction: row; + align-items: center; + justify-content: space-around; + + .section--image { + width: 52%; + + img { + display: block; + width: 100%; + } + } + + .section--info { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + flex-direction: column; + + h1, h2, h3 { + color: $main-white; + font-weight: normal; + margin: 0; + } + + h1 { + font-size: 100px; + } + + h2 { + font-size: 52px; + } + + h3 { + font-size: 44px; + margin: 20px 0; + } + + .subtitle { + font-size: 30px; + margin-bottom: 30px; + } + + .registration { + margin-top: 55px; + text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); + + &::before { + border-right-width: 50px; + border-bottom-width: 52px; + } + + &:hover { + color: $oslc-dark-blue; + text-shadow: none; + } + } + + .centralized { + display: flex; + justify-content: center; + flex-wrap: wrap; + margin-top: 15px; + + .registration { + margin-right: 5px; + margin-top: 10px; + } + } + + .youtube { + background-color: rgb(230, 72, 72); + border-color:#c99797; + + &::before{ + border-bottom-color:#f00; + } + + &:hover { + border-color:#f00; + color: #FFF; + } + } + } + } + + .bg-overlay1 { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; + left: 0; + + background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(14, 2, 74, 0.7) 0%, rgba(67, 166, 232, 0.7) 100%); + } + + .bg-overlay2 { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; + left: 0; + + background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(74, 120, 206, 1) 0%, rgba(10, 5, 47, 1) 100%); + } + } + + .register-btn { + padding-top: 20px !important; + + &::after { + content: none !important; + } + + .button { + font-size: 44px; + padding: 20px 60px; + + &::before { + border-right-width: 50px; + border-bottom-width: 92px; + } + } + } + + &.call { + + .container { + align-items: flex-start; + } + + p { + a { + text-decoration: underline; + } + } + + ul{ + padding-left: 24px; + + li { + margin-bottom: 16px; + font-weight: 300; + font-size: 18px; + } + } + } +} + + +@media screen and (min-width: 770px) and (max-width: 1240px) { + .content--section { + &.landing { + + .container.landing { + flex-direction: column; + + .section--image { + display: none; + } + + .section--info { + + h1, + h2, + h3 { + text-align: center; + } + + h1 { + font-size: 76px; + } + + h2 { + font-size: 40px; + } + + .subtitle { + font-size: 34px; + } + + h3 { + font-size: 40px; + } + + .registration { + p { + font-size: 24px; + } + } + } + } + } + } +} + + +@media screen and (max-width: 769px) { + .content--section { + &.landing { + + .container.landing { + flex-direction: column; + + .section--image { + display: none; + } + + .section--info { + text-align: center; + padding-top: 25px; + + h1, + h2, + h3 { + text-align: center; + } + + h1 { + font-size: 50px; + margin-bottom: 8px; + } + + h2 { + font-size: 26px; + } + h3 { + font-size: 22px; + } + h4 { + font-size: 14px; + } + + .subtitle { + font-size: 22px; + } + + .registration { + margin-top: 10px; + font-size: 16px; + padding: 10px 18px; + } + } + } + } + + .register-btn { + padding-top: 20px !important; + + &::after { + content: none !important; + } + + .button { + font-size: 28px; + padding: 15px 30px; + + &::before { + border-right-width: 50px; + border-bottom-width: 92px; + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/scss/main.scss b/oslc-fest/public/scss/main.scss new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a8e834bf --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/scss/main.scss @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +//CORE +@import "_core/_colors"; +@import "_core/_reset"; +@import "_core/_typography"; + +//LAYOUT +@import "_layout/_grid"; +@import "_layout/_header"; +@import "_layout/_layout"; +@import "_layout/_buttons"; +@import "_layout/_program-table"; +@import "_layout/_info-card"; + +//TEMPLATES +@import "_templates/_home"; diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/sitemap.xml b/oslc-fest/public/sitemap.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e33bf460 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/sitemap.xml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ + + + + /2018/ + + /2020/ + + / + + /call-for-presentations/ + 0 + + /categories/ + + /tags/ + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/public/tags/index.xml b/oslc-fest/public/tags/index.xml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..00a3dec9 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/public/tags/index.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + Tags on OSLC Fest + /tags/ + Recent content in Tags on OSLC Fest + Hugo -- gohugo.io + en-us + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/LICENSE.md b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/LICENSE.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..624b3f38 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/LICENSE.md @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) 2018 YOUR_NAME_HERE + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of +this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in +the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to +use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of +the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, +subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS +FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR +COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER +IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN +CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/archetypes/default.md b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/archetypes/default.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ac36e062 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/archetypes/default.md @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ ++++ ++++ diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/2018/list.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/2018/list.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..df9ccec7 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/2018/list.html @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ + + + +{{ partial "head.html" . }} + + +
+ {{ partial "header.html" . }} +
+ {{ partial "content/landing.html" . }} +
+ + {{ partial "content/about.html" . }} + + {{ partial "content/keynote.html" . }} + + {{ partial "content/speakers.html" . }} + +
+ {{ partial "program-table.html" . }} +
+ + {{ partial "content/organizers.html" . }} +
+ + {{ partial "content/info-card.html" . }} + + + + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/2020/list.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/2020/list.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..28eb1939 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/2020/list.html @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ + + + +{{ partial "head.html" . }} + + +
+ {{ partial "header.html" . }} +
+ {{ partial "content/landing.html" . }} +
+ + {{ partial "content/about.html" . }} + + {{ partial "content/keynote.html" . }} + + {{ partial "content/speakers.html" . }} + +
+ {{ partial "program-table.html" . }} +
+ + {{ partial "content/sponsors.html" . }} + + {{ partial "content/organizers.html" . }} + + {{ partial "content/related.html" . }} +
+ + {{ partial "content/info-card.html" . }} + + + + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/2021/list.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/2021/list.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6e76f77a --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/2021/list.html @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ + + + +{{ partial "head.html" . }} + + +
+ {{ partial "header.html" . }} +
+ {{ partial "content/landing.html" . }} +
+ + {{ partial "content/about.html" . }} + + {{ partial "content/speakers.html" . }} + +
+ {{ partial "program-table.html" . }} +
+ + {{ partial "content/organizers.html" . }} +
+ + {{ partial "content/info-card.html" . }} + + + + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/404.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/404.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e69de29b diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/_default/list.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/_default/list.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e69de29b diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/_default/single.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/_default/single.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e69de29b diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/call-for-presentations/list.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/call-for-presentations/list.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c401332c --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/call-for-presentations/list.html @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ + + + + Call for presentations + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + OSLC FEST | Stockholm, Sweden | 2-4 November 2021 + +

Call for presentations


The OSLCFest 2021 will take place virtually on November 2-4, with 2-hour slots each day starting at 14:00 UTC. This will be the 3rd edition of the OSLCFest following the successful event in 2018 and in 2020. Each session is expected to last 20 minutes: 15 minutes for the presentation with 5 minutes for Q&A. Exceptions for longer sessions may be granted. +


Submissions for presentations are now accepted! We welcome and appreciate your contribution related to, but not limited to, following topics:


• Industrial use cases and experiences using OSLC


• OSLC in action: demonstration of tools integrations to extend the OSLC ecosystem


• OSLC as a backbone for digital engineering


• Applying OSLC to new domains


• Tools and automation to implement OSLC connectors


• New OSLC language SDKs


• Advanced OSLC topics such as global configurations and TRS


• Calls for extending OSLC


Submissions for presentations consist of an abstract of no more than 300 words.


Key Dates


• Deadline: October 15, 2021


• Acceptance Notification: October 22, 2021


The submission should include following elements:


• Overview of the topic


• Benefits the audience will take away from the presentation


• Background on the presenter and his/her qualifications to provide the talk


Please send your submission to Easychair.


This call was originally posted on the OSLC Forum.


You can also register for free here.


We appreciate your participation.


OSLC Open Project contributors

+ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/index.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..883a8d58 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ + + + +{{ partial "head.html" . }} + + +
+ {{ partial "header.html" . }} +
+ {{ partial "content/landing.html" . }} +
+ + {{ partial "content/about.html" . }} + + + {{ partial "content/speakers.html" . }} + +
+ {{ partial "program-table.html" . }} +
+ + {{ partial "content/organizers.html" . }} +
+ + {{ partial "content/info-card.html" . }} + + + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/old-email/list.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/old-email/list.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..bc88c105 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/old-email/list.html @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@ + + + + + Register Now! + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + +   + + + +
+ +
+ + + + OSLC FEST | Stockholm, Sweden | 2-4 November 2021 + + + +
+ +
+ + + +   + + + +
+ + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + +   + + + +
+ +
+ +

Hello to all OSLC friends around the globe

+ We are glad to invite you to the OSLCFest 2020, which will take place virtually on May 18-20, with 2-hour slots each day starting at 14:00 UTC. We have received a wide range of talk proposals from the enterprise OSLC users, vendors, SDK and spec authors. The finalised schedule will soon be available on OSLCFest website. +
+ The OSLC project has been working hard to engage the community over the last few years. Starting with a successful OSLCFest in 2018, we set out on a course of more open process and a quicker specification development. +
+ Last year we officially migrated from an org structure with multiple committees, a governing board, and a member section with complex membership options to a simple OSLC Open Project where anyone can join and contribute without barriers or complex committee structures to navigate. Since the migration, the project has published three different specification drafts and has even more ambitious goals for 2020! +
+ Please join us for the event on May 18! We will post updates in this forum thread and in the OSLC Open Project mailing list. Sign up on this forum or subscribe to the mailing list to get those updates. +
+ Best regards,
OSLC Open Project contributors
+ +
+ + + +   + + + +
+ + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ + + +   + + + +
+ +
+ + + +   + + + +
+ +
+ + + +   + + + +
+ +
+ + + +   + + + +
+ + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/about.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/about.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..24db3768 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/about.html @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +


+ {{ range $index, $strong := .Params.aboutParagraphsBold }} + {{ $paragraph := index $.Params.aboutParagraphs $index }} +

{{ $strong }} {{ $paragraph }}

+ {{ end }} +

Who should join?

+ +
diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/call.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/call.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2ff6a9b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/call.html @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +

Call for Presentations


+ The OSLCFest is the best place to learn first hand about OSLC solutions, as well as related open-source projects and standards. The 3rd OSLCFest 2021 will take place virtually on November 2-4, with 2-hour slots each day starting at 14:00 UTC. This free event will be broadcast on YouTube Live. This will be the 3rd edition of the OSLCFest following the successful event in 2018 and in 2020. Each session is expected to last 20 minutes: 15 minutes for the presentation with 5 minutes for Q&A. Exceptions for longer sessions may be granted. +


+ Submissions for presentations are now accepted! We welcome and appreciate your contribution related to, but not limited to, following topics: +

+ +

+ Key Dates: +

+ +

+ Submissions for presentations consist of an abstract of no more than 300 words. The submission should include the following elements: +

+ +

Please send your submission to Easychair


This call was originally posted on OSLC Forum

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/info-card.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/info-card.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5720f960 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/info-card.html @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +
+ +


+ +
diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/info-panel.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/info-panel.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7fc2de2b --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/info-panel.html @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +

diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/invited-speakers.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/invited-speakers.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..dfc42933 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/invited-speakers.html @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +

Invited Speakers

+ +
diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/keynote.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/keynote.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f5bfdb57 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/keynote.html @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +

Keynote Speakers

+ +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/landing.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/landing.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..696f81b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/landing.html @@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ +
+ +
+ +
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+ +
diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/register.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/register.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc07bae1 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/register.html @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +

Registration +

diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/related.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/related.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..559d4429 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/related.html @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/speakers.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/speakers.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3b370c3c --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/speakers.html @@ -0,0 +1,30 @@ +


+ +
diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/sponsors.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/sponsors.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9ae6ec5e --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/sponsors.html @@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ +


+ +

Associated Partners

+ +
diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/venue.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/venue.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6b588091 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/content/venue.html @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +



KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden

+ +

Address: KTH Industrial Engineering and Management, Brinellvägen 85 +


Phone Number: +46 8 790 60 00


Campus + Map


Direction from the Arlanda Airport


+ The Arlanda Express train takes about 20 minutes and brings you + into Stockholm Central Station. +


+ There are taxis available at the airport, but please be aware that some are more reliable than others. Good + companies include: Taxi 020 and Taxi Stockholm. If in doubt, + ask the driver for a price in advance. It should cost between 360 and 650 SEK to get from Arlanda to KTH + (depending on the time of day). +


Directions and public transportation from Stockholm


+ From Central Station, take the redline subway towards Mörby Centrum. Get off at "Tekniska högskolan", then + either: +


+ To walk (approx.10-15 mins): exit to Valhallavägen-Drottning Kristinas väg / Roslagsbanan-Östra station. + Turn left along Drottning Kristinas väg until the road forks, then turn right (onto Teknikringen) and then + an immediate left on to Brinellvägen. + Walk to the end of Brinellvägen until you find Building 68. Turn right down the pathway towards Building 85, + then left along until you reach the public entrance via Building 83. +


+ By bus (approx. 10 mins): exit to Körsbärsväg, walk straight ahead until you reach the bus-stop for number + 61 (towards Ruddamen). Get off at the 2nd stop (Ruddammsparken). Walk straight ahead and then take a right + over a railway bridge, up through some trees then turn left. Walk towards the glass and red brick building + and then turn right along until you reach the public entrance via Building 83. +


Directions, by car


+ From Valhallavägen, right onto Drottning Kristinas väg, then right onto Teknikringen and thereafter directly + left onto Brinellvägen. At the end of Brinellvägen lies number 83. +


Hotels near the Department


+ Elite Hotel + Arcadia
(within 5 mins walking distance) +


+ Address: Körsbärsvägen 1
+ Telephone: +46 (0)8 566 215 00
+ email: info.arcadia@elite.se
+ Tunnelbana Station: Tekniska Högskolan (red line from Stockholm Central), exit via Körsbärsvägen. +


+ Stureparken Hotel
(one + tube stop away from KTH on the red line) +


+ Address: Sturegatan 58
+ Telephone: +46 8-662 72 30
+ Email: info@hotelstureparken.se
+ Tunnelbana Station Stadion (red line from Stockholm Central), exit via Vallhallavägen +

diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/footer.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/footer.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e1b96751 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/footer.html @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ + + + + + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/head.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/head.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..035413cb --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/head.html @@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ + + + + + + + + + OSLC Fest + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/header.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/header.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a47ffdd4 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/header.html @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +
+ + + +
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/program-table.html b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/program-table.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7f9e1025 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/layouts/partials/program-table.html @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ + +


+ + +
+ + {{if .Params.time}} +


+ {{end}} + {{ range $index, $time := .Params.start1 }} + {{ $duration := index $.Params.duration1 $index }} + {{ $type := index $.Params.type1 $index }} + {{ $title := index $.Params.title1 $index }} + {{ $authors := index $.Params.authors1 $index }} + {{ $presentation := index $.Params.presentationLink1 $index }} + {{ $video := index $.Params.videoLink1 $index }} + {{ $panel := index $.Params.panelVariable1 $index }} +

{{ $time }}


{{ $duration }}

+ {{with $panel}} +
+ {{else}} +
+ {{end}} +

{{ $title }}

+ {{with $authors}} +

{{ $authors }}

+ {{ end }} +
+ {{with $presentation | or $video}} +
+ {{with $presentation}} +
+ + Presentation +
+ {{ end }} + {{with $video }} +
+ + Video +
+ {{ end }} +
+ {{ end }} +
+ {{ end }} +
+ {{ if .Params.start2 }} +
+ + {{if .Params.time}} +


+ {{end}} + {{ range $index, $time := .Params.start2 }} + {{ $duration := index $.Params.duration2 $index }} + {{ $type := index $.Params.type2 $index }} + {{ $title := index $.Params.title2 $index }} + {{ $authors := index $.Params.authors2 $index }} + {{ $presentation := index $.Params.presentationLink2 $index }} + {{ $video := index $.Params.videoLink2 $index }} + {{ $panel := index $.Params.panelVariable2 $index }} +

{{ $time }}


{{ $duration }}

+ {{with $panel}} +
+ {{else}} +
+ {{end}} +

{{ $title }}

+ {{with $authors}} +

{{ $authors }}

+ {{ end }} +
+ {{with $presentation | or $video}} +
+ {{with $presentation}} +
+ + Presentation +
+ {{ end }} + {{with $video }} +
+ + Video +
+ {{ end }} +
+ {{ end }} +
+ {{ end }} +
+ {{ end }} + + {{ if .Params.start3 }} +
+ + {{if .Params.time}} +


+ {{end}} + {{ range $index, $time := .Params.start3 }} + {{ $duration := index $.Params.duration3 $index }} + {{ $type := index $.Params.type3 $index }} + {{ $title := index $.Params.title3 $index }} + {{ $authors := index $.Params.authors3 $index }} + {{ $presentation := index $.Params.presentationLink3 $index }} + {{ $video := index $.Params.videoLink3 $index }} + {{ $altVideo := index $.Params.altVideoLink3 $index }} + {{ $panel := index $.Params.panelVariable3 $index }} +

{{ $time }}


{{ $duration }}

+ {{with $panel}} +
+ {{else}} +
+ {{end}} +

{{ $title }}

+ {{with $authors}} +

{{ $authors }}

+ {{ end }} +
+ {{with $presentation | or $video}} +
+ {{with $presentation}} +
+ + Presentation +
+ {{ end }} + {{with $video }} +
+ + Video +
+ {{ end }} + {{with $altVideo }} + + {{ end }} +
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Eran leads the engineering practices and solution architectures applying IBM ELM to industrial domains, mostly Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, and Medical Devices. Eran’s expertise includes Systems and Software Engineering practices, Engineering Lifecycle Management, Model Based Engineering, and Product Line Engineering. Eran’s current focus is implementation of Digital Engineering Leveraging the OSLC standard.', + 'Eran has over 25 years of experience within the complex systems domain. Eran was also the the principal architect of the Rhapsody MBSE product at IBM, after 5 years as an embedded systems developer in a defense company. Eran is also an active member of the SysML V2 specification teams in the OMG.'], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:eran.gery@il.ibm.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + mikeA: { + 'name': 'Mike Amundsen', + 'title': 'Lead API Architect, API Academy, CA Technologies', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/mike_amundsen.png', + 'bio': [ + 'An internationally known author and speaker, Mike Amundsen consults with organizations around the world on network architecture, Web development, and the intersection of technology & society. He works with companies large and small to help them capitalize on the opportunities provided by APIs, Microservices, and Digital Transformation.', + 'Amundsen has authored numerous books and papers. He contributed to the O\'Reilly book, "Continuous API Management" (2018). His "RESTful Web Clients", was published by O\'Reilly in February 2017 and he co-authored "Microservice Architecture" (June 2016). His latest book -- "Design and Build Great APIs" -- for Pragmatic Publishing is scheduled for release in early 2020. '], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:mca@amundsen.com', + 'icon': '' + }, + { + 'link': 'https://twitter.com/mamund', + 'icon': '' + }, + { + 'link': 'https://www.facebook.com/mcaTravels', + 'icon': '' + }, + { + 'link': 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/mamund/', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + soerenA: { + 'name': 'Prof. Soeren Auer', + 'title': 'Director of the German National Library of Science and Technology', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/soeren_auer.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'After stations at the universities of Leipzig, Pennsylvania, Bonn and Fraunhofer Society, Sören was appointed as professor for Data Science and Digital Libraries at Leibniz University of Hannover and director of TIB Leibniz Information Centre for Science and Technology. Sören has made substantial contributions to semantic technologies, knowledge engineering, software engineering, as well as information systems. Sören is author (respectively co-author) of over 100 peer-reviewed scientific publications. He received several awards, such as the ESWC 7-year best paper award or the OpenCourseware Innovation award. He led / is leading several large-scale collaborative research projects such as the European Union’s H2020 flagship project BigDataEurope. Sören is co-founder of high-impact research and community projects such as the Wikipedia semantification project DBpedia, the OpenCourseWare authoring platform SlideWiki.org as well as the innovative technology start-up company eccenca.com.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:auer@tib.eu', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + johnW: { + 'name': 'John Wiegand', + 'title': 'Distinguished Engineer and Rational Chief Architect at IBM (retired)', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/john_wiegand.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'John Wiegand has more than 25 years of experience in software development environments. Currently John spends his time mentoring individuals and teams, helping them grow as part of healthy and effective organizations. His interests occupy the intersection between evolutionary architectures and fluid organizations. Previously, John served as an IBM Distinguished Engineer, where he had responsibility for the open tooling architecture of the Jazz platform. He was the first chairman of the OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) steering committee, and has been active in OSLC from its inception. John was the principal architect for the Eclipse Platform infrastructure and was a founding member of the Eclipse Foundation Board, playing a key leadership role in establishing Eclipse as a successful open source project.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:john.wiegand@comcast.net', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + nickC: { + 'name': 'Nick Crossley', + 'title': 'Senior Technical Staff at IBM', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/nick_crossley.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'Nick Crossley is a Senior Technical Staff Member at Persistent, responsible for the architecture of product line engineering, version and variant management, configuration management, and cross-domain baselining in the IBM CLM solution. Nick leads the OSLC standardization work on Configuration Management, and has over 40 years of experience with software tools and development.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:nick_crossley@us.ibm.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + jimA: { + 'name': 'Jim Amsden', + 'title': 'Senior Technical Staff at IBM', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/jim_amsden.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'Jim Amsden is an IBM Senior Technical Staff Member in IBM Watson IoT. Jim has worked on a broad range of solutions incorporating IBM products for strategic planning; solution analysis, design and construction; continuous delivery; and quality management - tying these together into a comprehensive offerings, accessible through the Cloud and applicable to a wide range of industries. Jim is currently the technical lead for Open-Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) development, focused on enabling and supporting lifecycle tool integration.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:jamsden@us.ibm.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + andrewB: { + 'name': 'Andrew Berezovskyi', + 'title': 'PhD Student, KTH Royal Institute of Technology', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/andrew_berezovskyi.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'Andrew Berezovskyi is a PhD student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. His research is centred around using linked data to enable interoperability and autonomy of Cyber-Phisical Systems. Andrew is a project lead of Eclipse Lyo that provides OSLC4J SDK for developing OSLC applications, Lyo Designer environment for model-based engineering of OSLC systems, and complementary libraries. He is also a voting member of the OSLC Core & Domains TCs.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:andriib@kth.se', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + fredericL: { + 'name': 'Frederic Loiret', + 'title': 'Senior Researcher, KTH', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/frederic_loiret.png', + 'bio': [ + 'Frédéric Loiret is a senior researcher and cooperative R&D project manager at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden). His interests are focused on providing tailored tools, design methods and development environments in order to increase the efficiency of software development processes for Software-Intensive Systems Engineering.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:floiret@kth.se', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + billC: { + 'name': 'Bill Chown', + 'title': 'Product Line Director, Mentor Graphics', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/bill_chown.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'Bill Chown is product line director for the System Level Engineering division at Mentor Graphics, working on new tools for systems life cycle management, and responsible for OSLC-based integrated tool solutions for electronic system design, and more. A thirty-plus year EDA industry veteran, Bill specializes in system-level design and analysis across technology disciplines and has a particular interest in standards for systems engineering and design. He is currently also CIO of INCOSE, and Chair of the OASIS OSLC Steering Committee.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:bill_chown@mentor.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + axelR: { + 'name': 'Axel Reichwein', + 'title': 'OSLC and Linked Data Consultant, Koneksys', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/axel.png', + 'bio': [ + 'Developer of multiple data integration solutions based on Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) and CEO of Koneksys, helping organizations create data integration solutions using Linked Data, Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC), big data frameworks and graph databases. Axel Reichwein was Co-chair of the OMG OSLC4MBSE working group, where he investigated how OSLC can be used for Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE). He received a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, and performed postdoctoral research at the Georgia Institute of Technology in system architecture modeling and multidisciplinary data integration.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:axel.reichwein@koneksys.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + frankP: { + 'name': 'Frank Patz-Brockmann', + 'title': 'Director R&D, Contact Software GmbH', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/frankpatz.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Frank Patz-Brockmann is Director R&D at Contact Software. Frank is leading the team responsible for Contact's Elements technology-platform, and the PLM and IoT-solutions based on it. He looks back on more than 25 years of experience in enterprise and engineering software, helping to define Contact's product strategy and advising key customers in automotive and other industries." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:fp@contact.de', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + holgerP: { + 'name': 'Holger Papajewski', + 'title': 'CTO at pure-systems GmbH', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/holger_papajewski.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Holger Papajewski is CTO of pure-systems GmbH. pure-systems is a software company specialized in services and tool development for the application of product line technologies in embedded software intensive systems. He started to work in the field of embedded operating systems and software families by the end of 90's at the University of Magdeburg.", + "He was one of the founder of pure-systems in 2001. At pure-systems he is responsible for the development of the pure::variants variant management suite." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:holger.papajewski@pure-systems.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + stephenD: { + 'name': 'Stephen Denman', + 'title': 'Owner/Consultant at Stephen D. Denman Consulting', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/stephen_denman.png', + 'bio': [ + "Steve Denman is a freelance consultant working with organizations to bring the systems, hardware, and software engineering practices together by addressing the gaps in their respective processes and supporting tool platforms. He has 35 years of experience working in systems, software, and hardware engineering, with a recurring focus on engineering process and tool improvement, including tool chain optimization and integration.", + "Steve began his professional life in the early ‘80s as an electrical engineer, focused on digital systems and large-scale integrated circuit architecture and design approaches. Like some other EE’s, he soon found his way into software development and initially worked on a custom tool for integrated circuit layout. This began his long-standing interest and focus on engineering tools and processes. Since then, he has worked at: Texas Instruments; Sandia National Laboratories; Rational Software Corporation; the Emphasys group, a consulting firm he founded; MKS; PTC; IBM; and has most recently started yet another consulting firm (it’s true that some people don’t learn from experience), where he is focusing on systems and requirements engineering, holistic product configuration management, ALM-PLM integration, digital transformation, digital twin, digital thread, and cognitive engineering.", + "Steve holds Bachelor and Master of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering from Texas A&M University and is active in the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), and the OSLC community." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:stephen@sddenmanconsulting.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + philipC: { + 'name': 'Philip Coates', + 'title': 'Co-founder and Director of Semantic Integration', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/philip_coates.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Phil Coates is one of the founders of Semantic Integration, a software consultancy specialising in Semantic Web and Linked Data solutions, where he has worked on a number of large-scale data integration projects and provided R&D and architectural expertise for a range of clients, within the fields of finance, life sciences, publishing and media.", + "Prior to this, he had many years in industry working in various software engineering roles for companies ranging from tiny start-ups to massive multinationals, gaining a lot of insight into building production-quality systems and the practical and industrial applications of academic computer science research." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:philip.coates@semanticintegration.co.uk', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + joseM: { + 'name': 'Dr. Jose Maria Alvarez Rodriguez', + 'title': 'Associate Professor within the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/jose_maria.png', + 'bio': [ + "Associate Professor within the Computer Science and Engineering Department of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. His main research interests are semantic-based technologies, linked (open) data, knowledge engineering, software reuse, large scale architectures and graph analysis techniques applied to Systems and Software Engineering, the Media sector or e-Procurement. He has participated in more than 30 research projects in different competitive programs. He is also the author of more than 60 publications and other research works in the main international venues and impact factor journals in which he also participates as reviewer, editorial board member and guest editor. Currently, he is leading the Interoperability, Linked Data and Big Data cluster within the Knowledge Reuse research group lead by Prof. Juan Llorens and participating as associate researcher within The Reuse Company. Finally, he is member of INCOSE, AEIS, OMG, ISO (Big Data Blockchain) and OSLC RM (Requirements Management." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:josemaria.alvarez@uc3m.es', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + rubenV: { + 'name': 'Dr. Ruben Verborgh', + 'title': 'Professor at Ghent University – imec, research affiliate at Decentralized Information Group at MIT', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/ruben_verborgh.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Ruben Verborgh is a professor of Semantic Web technology at Ghent University – imec and a research affiliate at the Decentralized Information Group at MIT. He aims to build a more intelligent generation of clients for a decentralized Web at the intersection of Linked Data and hypermedia-driven Web APIs." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Ruben.Verborgh@UGent.be', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + sebastienB: { + 'name': 'Sebastien Boucard', + 'title': 'Director of R&D at Sodius', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/sebastien_boucard.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Sebastien Boucard is Director R&D at Sodius, leading development of OSLC-based products for integrating engineering data, for automotive and defense customers. He has 20 years of experience developing solutions for automating engineering flows and integrating applications and is an OSLC enthusiast for 7 years." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:sboucard@sodius.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + peterG: { + 'name': 'Peter Gerber', + 'title': 'Head of External Data Exchange at Schaeffler Technologies', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/peter_gerber.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Peter Gerber started as a consultant for optimization of business processes. He engaged in standardization bodies and supported many small and medium-sized enterprises to prepare for quality and environment certification.", + "At Schaeffler Group, Peter Gerber was responsible for the standardization of products, the harmonization of design standards and the technical merger of the Schaeffler brands INA, LuK and FAG and was also responsible for development and implementation of Engineering Methods.", + "Today, he is the Head of External Data Exchange for Schaeffler and the Engineering Data Management. He is Chairman of the prostep IVIP CDLC (Cross Discipline Lifecycle Collaboration) and the SysML Workflow Forum." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:gerbepte@schaeffler.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + christianB: { + 'name': 'Christian Bühler', + 'title': 'Consultant at PROSTEP', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/christian_buehler.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Christian Bühler is a consultant working for PROSTEP AG in the field of autonomous driving. Christian is also part of the PROSTEP ivip Cross-Discipline Lifecycle Collaboration Forum working group aiming on engineering collaboration and the traceability of artefacts created during an engineering change process. Besides the Cross-Discipline Lifecycle Collaboration Forum he is involved in further PROSTEP ivip projects focussing on the use of SysML during different product lifecycle stages to support a MBSE approach." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Christian.Buehler@PROSTEP.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + yashK: { + 'name': 'Yash Khatri', + 'title': 'Consultant Research and Development Engineer at Scania', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/yash_khatri.png', + 'bio': [ + "Yash is a Software Developer currently working as a Research and Development Engineer at Scania. Yash has worked with large set of technologies with major focus on Java. In last few months he has been working with Eclipse RCP applications. Yash is also a committer at Eclipse Lyo, that provides OSLC4J SDK for developing OSLC applications. He is actively involved in Eclipse Lyo Designer (environment for model-based engineering of OSLC systems) and Lyo Validation." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:yash.khatri@scania.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + rainerE: { + 'name': 'Rainer Ersch', + 'title': 'Senior Research Scientist at Siemens', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/rainer_ersch.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Rainer Ersch is a Senior Research Scientist for Siemens, where he has worked for over 33 years. He has worked as a director of SW Development Tools Enterpise Communications as well as serving as a consultant and coach for System and Software Development Environments. He has been active with the OSLC community as a member of the Steering Committee for over two years and as the workgroup lead of the ALM-PLM Interoperability Workgroup." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:rainer.ersch@siemens.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + celineS: { + 'name': 'Céline Sauvaget', + 'title': 'Project Lead and R&T at Airbus', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/celine_sauvaget.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Céline Sauvaget is working for Methods and Tools for Systems at Airbus Operations. After 10 years within design office on different A/C programs, she joined Methods and Tools to make best use of her experience as a system designer for developing platforms of the future. As project leader, she is accountable for providing integrated and interoperable Multi-Systems Modelling and Simulation frameworks. Her participation to Crystal project led her to interoperability standards and to OSLC. She is now promoting the deployment of those Engineering Platforms based on OSLC and linked data concepts for the Systems Community at Airbus." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:celine.sauvaget@airbus.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + wesleyC: { + 'name': 'Wesley Coelho', + 'title': 'Senior Director of Business Development at Tasktop Technologies', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/wesley_coelho.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Wesley Coelho is the Senior Director of Business Development at Tasktop Technologies. At Tasktop, Wesley has taken a leading role in creating an extensive network of ALM integration partners including ten OEM distribution partnerships with companies such as IBM, HP, and CA Technologies. In this role, Wesley is deeply involved in addressing the challenges of delivering interoperability across the diverse technologies of more than 20 organizations. Prior to Tasktop, Wesley led a software development team pioneering a new generation of e-commerce technology at Elastic Path Software. Wesley holds an undergraduate degree in Commerce from the University of Victoria and an M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of British Columbia, Canada." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:wesley.coelho@tasktop.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + jadE: { + 'name': 'Jad El-Khoury', + 'title': 'Consultant and Researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/jad_el.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Jad works as a consultant and researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. His research deals with tool interoperability, and integrated development environments for embedded systems. Topics of interest also include model-based development and systems engineering.", + "Jad is a committer and contributor to Eclipse Lyo. He is behind Lyo Designer – the environment for model-based engineering of OSLC systems. He is an active member of the OASIS OSLC Technical Committees." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:jad@kth.se', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + lutzL: { + 'name': 'Lutz Laemmer', + 'title': 'Head of BU PLM Projects and Solutions', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/lutz_l.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Lutz Lämmer is Head of Business Unit Product Lifecycle Management Projects and Solutions and for more than 20 years with PROSTEP AG. Currently, Lutz is leading the team in charge of developing and implementing PROSTEP's leading PLM, ALM and ERP integration solutions OpenDPM and GlobalX/OpenDXM. He started his PLM career with assignments in STEP OMG harmonization initiative and implementing web-based product data management solutions. He helped shaping the OMG PLM services specification. He has experience in implementing PLM data exchange and federation solutions for large automotive and aerospace customers. He holds an PhD in computer science in civil engineering from TU Dresden and TU Darmstadt." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Lutz.Laemmer@PROSTEP.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + juanS: { + 'name': 'Juan Sequeda', + 'title': 'Principal Scientist at data.world', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/juan_s.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Juan F. Sequeda is the Principal Scientist at data.world. He joined through the acquisition of Capsenta, a company he founded as a spin-off from his research. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from The University of Texas at Austin.", + "Juan is the recipient of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, received 2nd Place in the 2013 Semantic Web Challenge for his work on ConstituteProject.org, Best Student Research Paper at the 2014 International Semantic Web Conference and the 2015 Best Transfer and Innovation Project awarded by the Institute for Applied Informatics. Juan is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Web Semantics, member of multiple program committees (ISWC, ESWC, WWW, AAAI, IJCAI). He was the General Chair of AMW2018, PC chair of ISWC 2017 In-Use track, co-creator of COLD workshop (7 years co-located at ISWC). He has served as a bridge between academia and industry as the current chair of the Property Graph Schema Working Group, member of the Graph Query Languages task force of the Linked Data Benchmark Council (LDBC) and past invited expert member and standards editor at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).", + "Wearing his scientific hat, Juan's goal is to reliably create knowledge from inscrutable data. His research interests are on the intersection of Logic and Data for (ontology-based) data integration and semantic/graph data management, and what now is called Knowledge Graphs.", + "Wearing his business hat, Juan is a product manager, does business development and strategy, technical sales and works with customers to understand their problems to translated back to R&D." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:juan@data.world', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + ahmedE: { + 'name': 'Ahmed EL-BERDHI', + 'title': 'MBSE Practice Engineer at SII France', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/ahmed.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Ahmed is a freshly graduated engineer from the University of Lorraine, who works as an MBSE practice engineer at SII.", + "During his internship at Safran Landing Systems, he joined the Methods and Tools department, he developed an OSLC-based plug-in for Capella, to integrate it with IBM Jazz." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:ahmed.el-berdhi@sii.fr', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + robertB: { + 'name': 'Robert Baillargeon', + 'title': 'Chief Product Officer at SodiusWillert', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/robert_b.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Robert Baillargeon is the Chief Product Officer at SodiusWillert, where they make compelling interoperability tools for engineers. Before his role at SodiusWillert, Robert has led engineering and research teams developing systems and deploying tools in the Automotive industry. Robert is a provisional ASPICE assessor and has a Masters of Science degree in Software Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:rbaillargeon@sodius.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + horstK: { + 'name': 'Horst Kargl', + 'title': 'Principal Trainer and Consultant, Sparx Systems Central Europe', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/horst_k.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Dr. Horst Kargl has been involved in OO modelling since 2000. Before joining SparxSystems in 2008, he was a research assistant at the Vienna University of Technology and was involved in research projects on the topics of e-learning, semantic web and model-driven software development. In this context, he wrote his doctoral thesis and worked on the automatic integration of modelling languages.", + "His focus is on software architecture, code generation and the customisation and extension possibilities of Enterprise Architect. He is the author of several professional articles, regularly gives talks on Model Driven Software Development and works in industry as well as in research projects.", + "At SparxSystems he is Principal Trainer & Consultant and responsible for the trainings. In customer projects, he develops modelling approaches using the Enterprise Architect modelling platform. For this, he uses all interfaces of Enterprise Architect to implement customer-specific methods in the best possible way." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:horst.kargl@sparxsystems.eu', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + peterL: { + 'name': 'Peter Lieber', + 'title': 'Business Owner of Sparx Systems Central Europe', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/peter_l.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'Peter Lieber is a Serial Entrepreneur in Software Industry www.sparxsystems.eu www.sparxsystems.de www.lieberlieber.com and president of the Austrian Association of Software Industry (www.voesi.or.at) His focus is model based systems and software engineering.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Peter.Lieber@sparxsystems.eu', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + nicolasF: { + 'name': 'Nicolas Figay', + 'title': 'System Architect at Airbus', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/nicolas_f.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Nicolas Figay is an expert in the area of interoperability for PLM and MOM and an advanced engineering enterprise architect at Airbus Defence & Space, France. He received the engineering degree in Sciences for Information processing in 1990 (E.I.S.T.I., France) and was graduated PhD in Computer Sciences in 2009.", + "He has been involved as an international expert as well in standardization community (ISO SC4 TC184, ASD Strategic Standardization Group, liaison OSLC ISO TC184 SC4) than in research within the area of Product Data Exchange and Sharing (RISESTEP, SAVE), Interoperability of Technical Enterprise Application for Networked Collaborative Product Development (ATHENA), Model Driven Architecture/Model Driven Engineering (OpenDevFactory) or Dynamic Manufacturing Network (IMAGINE). He is also involved in the set-up of an open test bed platform on the Cloud for assessment of manufacturing standard and their implementation as project leader at SIP@SystemX. A more complete profile is available on LinkedIn. He can be reached at nicolas.figay@airbus.com" + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:nicolas.figay@airbus.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + rubenT: { + 'name': 'Ruben Taelman', + 'title': 'Post-doctoral Web Researcher at IDLab, Ghent University – imec', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/ruben_t.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Ruben Taelman is a Postdoctoral Researcher at IDLab, Ghent University – imec, Belgium. His research concerns the decentralized publication and querying of Linked Data on the Web, and investigating the trade-offs that exist between server and client." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:ruben.taelman@ugent.be', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + andyL: { + 'name': 'Andy Lapping', + 'title': ' Technical Enablement Specialist at IBM', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/andy_l.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Andy Lapping is an IBM Technical Enablement Specialist and has over 20 years experience in Model-Based Systems and Software Engineering. A subject matter expert in UML and SysML, he is an official content developer for the OMG SysML OSCMP Certification examinations. He is an expert in the application and customization of IBM’s Engineering portfolio and more recently the IBM Watson IoT Platform. He holds a BEng Hons degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Prior to joining IBM via Telelogic and I-Logix he spent 12 years testing and commissioning railway signalling systems. He is an excellent public speaker but also a very modest chap. Seriously - if there was a prize for modesty he would definitely win it." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:andy.lapping@uk.ibm.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + christophB: { + 'name': 'Christoph Bergner', + 'title': ' Owner MID GmbH, Germany', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/christoph_b.png', + 'bio': [ + "Christoph Bergner owner of MID GmbH Nuremberg, a midsize company (140 employees), that focusses on model-driven technologies. MID has recently published products that enable tool interoperability at scale (Smartfacts, Jira OSLC, Confluence OSLC) and model migration (Toolbus). Christoph engages in various initiatives for tool interoperability and is a frequent speaker at events. He is Co-Founder of various startups, among these the secure collaboration platform Stackfield." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:c.bergner@mid.de', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + erikH: { + 'name': 'Erik Herzog', + 'title': 'Technical Fellow at Saab Aeronautics', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/erik_h.png', + 'bio': [ + "Erik Herzog is a Technical Fellow at Saab Aeronautics. He received his Ph.D. at the Department of Computer and Information Sciences at Linköping University, Sweden. His professional interests include development and introduction of Systems engineering processes, specification methods, information modelling, tool integration techniques and change leadership." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:erik.herzog@saabgroup.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + asaL: { + 'name': 'Åsa Nordling Larsson', + 'title': 'Business Development in System Engineering Methodology at Saab Aeronautics', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/asa_l.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Åsa Nordling Larsson has worked professionally with education for over 20 years. At Saab Aeronautics her professional profile is business development in System Engineering Methodology. She has a special interest in Configuration Management, Product data management, Integrated Logistics support and Change Leadership. She has a bachelor degree in Systems Analysis from Linköping University." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Asa.Nordling-Larsson@saabgroup.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + jonasW: { + 'name': 'Jonas Westman', + 'title': ' Information Architect, Scania', + 'picturePath': '/images/img-placeholder.png', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:jonas.westman@scania.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + luisR: { + 'name': 'Luis Ramirez', + 'title': ' Full-Stack Software Engineer at Koneksys', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/luis_r.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Luis is a Software Engineer with over eight years of experience in the field. He works at Koneksys, where he has developed web API projects that involve technologies such as OSLC, OpenAPI and Swagger and integration with the IBM Jazz CLM platform applications.", + "In 2013 Luis co-founded SISU Technologies, a software consultancy company based in Mexico City, where he assumed the role of Technical Lead. During his tenure, he developed and managed several projects across multiple industries: pharmaceutical, financial, marketing and startups. He holds a B.S. in Computer Science and Technology from Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education. In his spare time, Luis likes to research topics related to cryptocurrencies and cybersecurity and play bullet hell shooters and FPS games." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:luis.ramirez@koneksys.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + marioC: { + 'name': 'Mario Carrasco', + 'title': ' Senior Developer, Koneksys', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/mario.png', + 'bio': [ + "The main contributor to the open-source PyOSLC project. Senior software engineer at Koneksys with twenty years of software development experience. As an OSLC expert, I have developed several data integration solutions to connect domain-specific applications in Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:mario.carrasco@koneksys.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + tarikM: { + 'name': 'Tarik Mlahi', + 'title': ' Solution Architect at Persistent', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/tarik_m.png', + 'bio': [ + "Tarik Mlahi joined Persistent Systems as a solution architect at the start of 2018 to help grow customer engagement in France. He is engaging with clients and leveraging Persistent’s deep technical expertise to provide tailored solutions for clients as well as helping them improve efficiency and control in ELM areas and integrations.", + "Prior to this he spent 3 years at Rational Software and 17 years at IBM working directly with clients in across a range of industries such as automotive, aerospace and defense, energy & utilities, insurance and finance." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:tarik.mlahi@persistent.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + leoM: { + 'name': 'Leonid Mokrushin', + 'title': ' Principal Researcher at Ericsson', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/leo_m.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Leonid Mokrushin is a Principal Researcher at Ericsson specializing in the area of cognitive systems. His current focus is on investigating new opportunities artificial intelligence can bring to telecom industry. He joined Ericsson Research in 2007 after postgraduate studies at Uppsala University in Sweden, with background in formal methods and real-time systems. He has Master of Science degree in software engineering from Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University in Russia." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:leonid.mokrushin@ericsson.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + andreasK: { + 'name': 'Andreas Korff', + 'title': ' Director Business Development and Lead for Systems and Software Engineering (SSE) at PTC', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/andreas_k.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Andreas Korff has over 25 years of experience in the development of complex, real-time, safety- and mission-critical systems. Within PTC, his role as Director Business Development and Lead for Systems and Software Engineering (SSE) in Central Europe involves him in the successful coordination of market trends, customer needs and the capabilities of PTC products and staff about SSB. Being member of OMG, GI, and other standards bodies, he has written numerous articles, submissions, books and book contributions about UML, SysML, PLE and modelling methodologies like SPES." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:akorff@ptc.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + christianM: { + 'name': 'Christian Muggeo', + 'title': ' Product Manager, Teamlead Engineering Transformation at CONTACT Software', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/christian_m.png', + 'bio': [ + "Christian is Product Manager and PLM Consultant at CONTACT Software. He is leading the Engineering Transformation Team, which adopts future trends as well as public-funded research results for the CONTACT Elements Platform. Besides this, Christian is Co-Chairing OMG ManTis DTF and is active member at GfSE (INCOSE Germany) with focus on PLM / MBSE Integration." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Christian.Muggeo@contact-software.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + robertH: { + 'name': 'Robert Hellebrand', + 'title': 'Senior Field Application Engineer, pure-systems GmbH', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/robert_h.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Robert Hellebrand is a Senior Field Application Engineer at pure-systems GmbH. In presentations, webinars, trainings and workshops he shares his knowledge about systematic reuse of engineering assets with customers of various domains, helping them with their challenges in efficiently reusing engineering assets and making the transition from project-oriented development towards feature model-based product line engineering with pure::variants." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:robert.hellebrand@pure-systems.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + torbjornH: { + 'name': 'Torbjörn Holm', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + }, + nigelS: { + 'name': 'Nigel Shaw', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + }, + damirN: { + 'name': 'Damir Nešić', + 'title': 'Method Developer, Scania CV AB', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/damir.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "I currently hold the position of a method developer in Scania CV AB in the group responsible for the digital thread and management systems (e.g. for safety, cybersecurity, etc.) that support the development of embedded systems. Prior to this position I was on a position of a method developer within the central safety group. Prior to Scania CV AB, between 2015 and 2020, I was a PhD at KTH (mechatronics division) with the topic revolving around safety of highly-configurable systems. Before the PhD studies I spent several years on the position of an R&D engineer for embedded systems within the medical domain. I got my masters in embedded systems in 2012 from the University of Nis, Serbia." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:damir.nesic@scania.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + juanQ: { + 'name': 'Juan Quintanar', + 'title': 'Python Backend Developer, Koneksys', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/juan.png', + 'bio': [ + "Experience as a researcher, mainly working on the development of embedded systems and Artificial Intelligence models for industrial and medical applications, web applications and REST services for the medical sector, recently working at Koneksys for the development of OSLC based solutions. Also working on applications like DNG, RQM, using OSLC. Currently working on OSLC wrappers for REST APIs implemented through Swagger and Python tools." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:juan.quintanar@koneksys.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + grahamB: { + 'name': 'Graham Bleakley', + 'title': 'Systems Engineering Technical Director, Costain UK Ltd.', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/graham.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Graham Bleakley Ph.D. is the Systems Engineering Technical Director at Costain where he helps them develop their systems engineering capability as part of the Digital Engineering team. Since joining Costain he has been involved helping major Rail and Infrastructure projects to develop digital ways of working based on Systems Engineering processes and technologies. Prior to joining Costain he worked for IBM for 12 years deploying MBSE and the supporting tool infrastructure across large organizations." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:graham.bleakley@costain.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + seanM: { + 'name': 'Sean McGervey', + 'title': 'DEIXWG Chairperson', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/seanM.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Sean McGervey is a Systems Engineer at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, where he was Architecture Lead on a Major Defense Acquisition Program (ACAT-1) for the US Navy and is a key contributor to efforts supporting the Digital Engineering Transformation of APL’s DoD Sponsors. Sean founded and leads the APL MBSE Community of Practice, teaches three courses in MBSE at APL, and teaches the “Applied Analytics for MBSE” course for JHU’s graduate program in Systems Engineering. Sean is also Chairperson of the INCOSE Digital Engineering Information Exchange Working Group (DEIXWG), a key element of the broader effort to drive forward OSD’s Digital Engineering initiative. Prior to joining APL, Sean worked for 15 years in the Systems Engineering Department at Northrop Grumman Mission Systems in Baltimore, Maryland. While there, Sean practiced MBSE on multiple programs and founded the Northrop Grumman Corporate Model-Based Engineering (MBE) Community of Practice." + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + }, + tamara: { + 'name': 'Tamara Hambrick', + 'title': 'DEIXWG Co-Chair Digital Viewpoint Model (DVM) Lead', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/tamara.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Tamara Hambrick serves as Systems Engineering Control director within the Systems Engineering and Integration Integrated Product Team for the Strategic Deterrent Systems Division of Northrop Grumman Space Systems. In this role, Hambrick is responsible for leading engineers and managers in the implementation of model-based systems engineering for architecture models, integration approach, readiness assessments, and product quality metrics development and monitoring. Hambrick is a leader in driving technical innovation, influencing change and developing the next generation of thought leaders, advocates and practitioners in model based systems engineering for the last 15 years. She has held model-based advisory and IPT leadership roles for radar, open electronic warfare, avionics, cyber, space, and missile defense programs. Hambrick holds a bachelor’s degree in engineering science from Pennsylvania State University, as well as a master’s certificate in systems engineering from Johns Hopkins University, and a graduate certificate in architecture and systems engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology." + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + }, + celia: { + 'name': 'Celia Tseng', + 'title': 'DEIXWG Co-Chair Standards Framework Lead', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/celia.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Celia is a systems engineer with 16 years of experience in missile defense, radar systems and command and control systems. She has a masters degree in systems engineering from Cornell University (2004) and is a certified systems engineering professional (INCOSE CSEP), certified system modeling professional (OMG OCSMP), and certified agile scrum master (SAFe). Celia had experience throughout the development lifecycle in the capacity of system qualification lead, system IPT lead, systems modeling lead, and cost account manager. Celia is also co-chair of the joint INCOSE/ NDIA Digital Engineering Information Exchange Working group and work across industries on MBSE adoption best practices. She is currently a systems engineer in Raytheon Technologies." + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + }, + terri: { + 'name': 'Terri Chan', + 'title': 'DEIXWG Technical Lead', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/terri.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Terri Chan is a Sr. Systems Engineer in the Boeing Commercial Airplane Product Development organization, focusing on Architecture Integration across the lifecycle with dynamic functional modeling. She has over twenty years of experience, beginning at JPL on the Cassini: Mission to Saturn program and future network architecture integrator of the Air Force Satellite Control Network. Terri has worked across the product lifecycle on military programs from conceptual design through integration/testing and operations. She has also consulted executive leadership as a competitive intelligence analyst, where the benchmarking of model capabilities for the enterprise played a pivotal role in the current MBE transformation strategy. In 2020, Terri was invited to join the University of Washington Masters of Industrial and Systems Engineering Executive Advisory Board, transforming the MISE program to meet current and future needs especially for technology employers in the Puget Sound area." + ], + 'contact': [ + + ] + }, + kennyM: { + 'name': 'Kenny MacKenzie', + 'title': 'Product & Marketing, Conexus AI', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/kennyM.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Kenny is responsible for ensuring that new Conexus products developed from Categorical Mathematics align with market needs. He has a history of founding, building and investing in technology startups with an emphasis on developing product-market fit. In 2014 he was the lead architect and designer of Vandrico's Wearables Database, a knowledge graph of emerging wearable technology at the time. His professional interests revolve around systems and patterns of human behavior and motivation, and building AI products that propagate knowledge." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:kenny@conexus.com', + 'icon': '' + }, + { + 'link': 'https://www.conexus.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + ryanM: { + 'name': 'Ryan Wisnesky', + 'title': 'CTO, Conexus AI', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/ryan.jpeg', + 'bio': [ + 'Ryan Wisnesky obtained B.S. and M.S. degrees in mathematics and computer science from Stanford University and a Ph.D. in computer science from Harvard University, where he studied the design and implementation of provably correct software systems. Previously, he was a postdoctoral associate in the MIT department of mathematics, where he developed the CQL query language based on category theory. He currently leads open-source and commercial development of CQL as CTO of Conexus AI. He maintains an active collaboration with the information-integration department of IBM Research, where he contributed to the Clio, Orchid, and HIL projects.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:ryan@conexus.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + garciaG: { + 'name': 'Guillermo Garcia Grao', + 'title': 'PhD student at the Technical University of Madrid', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/garcia.jpeg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:g.ggrao@upm.es', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + thomasZ: { + 'name': 'Thomas Zimmermann', + 'title': 'Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/thomas.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Thomas C. Zimmermann, studied Aerospace Engineering at the TU Berlin and Systems Engineering at the Stevens Institute of Tech. in Hoboken, NJ, USA and then worked for several years in the aerospace industry in the field of systems development. Since 2018, he has been working as a research associate in the Virtual Product Development business unit at the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Systems and Design Technology IPK Berlin in the Model-Based Development department. His research focuses on model-based systems engineering, behavior modeling, simulation, and system testing." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Thomas.zimmermann@ipk.fraunhofer.de', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + sunilK: { + 'name': 'Sunil Kaklij', + 'title': 'Lead Architect, Product Development IT', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/sunil.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Sunil Kaklij is an enterprise solution architect with 14+ years of strong professional background as a software development engineer & technical consultant. He is a visionary, passionate and skilled strategic leader working with a wide spectrum of tools and technologies such as Product Configuration, ALM / PLM / ERP tools, Cloud, Security, networking, open-source, Java / .Net solutions, APIs, IoT, Streaming, RDF / OSLC, etc. He has a high degree of international relations and working experience with customers & partner companies. He is focused on improving Business efficiency in particular within the product development context to support innovation, modularity, and safety. Digital Thread, Digital Twin, and Digital Trust are key drivers for his work. He is currently engaged in the development of global enterprise solutions for common product configuration and multi-brand engineering data exchange within the TRATON group. He works in close collaboration with business domain experts, partners, vendors, and solution engineering teams. Excited and motivated by emerging technologies and new business opportunities." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Sunil.kaklij@scania.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + laurentD: { + 'name': 'Laurent Delaigue', + 'title': 'MBSE Product Lead, Obeo', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/laurent.jpg', + 'bio': [ + 'Laurent is product lead at Obeo, the model-driven company that makes visual tools for designing innovations, where he is in charge of two MBSE products. He has a strong background as a software engineer, and has been working on model-driven engineering for the last 15 years. Currently he\'s devoting most of his time to Model-Based Systems Engineering, especially in the Capella ecosystem.' + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:laurent.delaigue@obeo.fr', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + motiB: { + 'name': 'Moti Berovin', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + josephS: { + 'name': 'Joseph Sorci', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + davidV: { + 'name': 'David Vredenburgh', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + yogishK: { + 'name': 'Yogish Kode', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + carlosI: { + 'name': 'Carlos Insaurralde', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + hemlataS: { + 'name': 'Hemlata Sharma', + 'title': 'Data Scientist and Backend Developer', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/hemlata.png', + 'bio': [ + "Hemlata graduated with a master's degree in computer science from Trinity College Dublin. She is now a data scientist and backend developer at Koneksys. Last year, she became a certified Kubernetes application developer.", + "Her recent efforts include building an application that helps connect data in isolated containerized REST APIs." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:hemlata.sharma@koneksys.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + hannsS: { + 'name': 'Hanns Schulz-Mirbach', + 'title': 'Head of IT Competence Center Product Lifecycle Management', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/SchulzMirbach.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Hanns Schulz-Mirbach ensures together with his team at Dräger the delivery of all IT services utilized in product development. That includes an enterprise PLM platform together with more than 40 IT services for mechanical and electrical engineering and software development. Prior to joining Dräger he held engineering management positions at Philips Healthcare and ABB. He has a masters degree in physics and a PhD in electrical engineering." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:hanns.schulz-mirbach@draeger.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + carinaS: { + 'name': 'Carina Monique Schaefer', + 'title': 'IT Program Manager', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/CarinaSchaefer.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Carina is an experienced project manager. With her passion for technology, she has contributed in the development of technology and products in the financial, healthcare, automotive and IT industries. At Dräger she is the owner of the project management process and the project lead of the Enterprise Data Dependency Management (EDDM) system. Besides ensuring stakeholder satisfaction, organizing teams and coordinating solution of project issues, Carina founded a robotics course where children learn basic mechanics and programming in order to bring their own ideas to life." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:carina.schaefer@draeger.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + jayakumarP: { + 'name': 'Jayakumar Palanivel', + 'title': 'Senior Manager, PLM Solutions Lead', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/jayakumar.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Jayakumar Palanivel has 22 years of experience in PLM domain. His current focus includes Digital Thread Enablement, MBSE and Product Sustainability among other things." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:Jayakumar.Palanivel@wipro.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + jimT: { + 'name': 'Jim Tung', + 'title': 'MathWorks Fellow', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/improved_tungjim.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Jim Tung is a 30-year veteran of MathWorks, focusing on business and technology strategy, and working with key customers and partners. Jim previously held the positions of vice president of marketing and vice president of business development. Prior to joining MathWorks, Jim held management positions at Lotus Development and Keithley DAS, a pioneering manufacturer of PC-based data acquisition systems." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:jim@mathworks.com', + 'icon': '' + }, + ] + }, + janF: { + 'name': 'Jan Fiedor', + 'title': 'Model-based Development Engineer, Researcher', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/janfiedor.png', + 'bio': [ + "Jan Fiedor is a Model-based development engineer at Honeywell International s.r.o. and an external researcher at Brno University of Technology. He obtained his Ph.D. in the area of software safety analysis, focusing on dynamic analysis of concurrent programs, where he is continuing his work in various European projects. At Honeywell, he is broadening his focus to model-based system engineering, applying his knowledge from the software world to the general system context. He strongly believes that the collaboration between academia and industry will move the world forward." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:ifiedor@fit.vutbr.cz', + 'icon': '' + }, + { + 'link': 'mailto:jan.fiedor@honeywell.com', + 'icon': '' + }, + ] + }, + ondrejV: { + 'name': 'Ondřej Vašíček', + 'title': 'Ph.D. Student & Software Engineer', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/ondrej.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Ondřej is a Ph.D. student at the Brno University of Technology in Czech Republic and a part-time Software Engineer at Honeywell International. He is the developer of Unite, an adapter for transforming analysis tools to OSLC-compliant web services, and has experience with developing other OSLC adapters. A paper about Unite was recently accepted at the ESEC/FSE 2022 conference. Apart from OSLC, Ondřej is working on research in the area of validation and verification, MBSE, and requirements specifications." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:ivasicek@fit.vutbr.cz', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + patrickO: { + 'name': 'Patrick Ollerton', + 'title': 'Product Manager for Windchill Modeler', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/pollerton.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Patrick has a Bachelor's degree in Product Design Management and a Masters Degree in Innovative Manufacturing and spent the early part of his career working in design engineering with software tools such as PTC's Windchill PLM, Creo and Pro/ENGINEER CAD. He has been a consultant, trainer, process and product manager for a variety of software products. His current role is Product Manager for Windchill Modeler, PTC's model-based system engineering solution, part of which is driving improvements in their software integrations to enable the digital engineering thread." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:pollerton@ptc.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + timW: { + 'name': 'Tim Weilkiens', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/TimWeilkiens.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Tim is a member of the executive board of the German consulting company oose, an MBSE coach, and an active member of the OMG and INCOSE communities. He is one of the co-leads of the SysML Submission Team, which works on the specification of SysML v2, and is also a co-author of the SysML v1 specification." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:tim.weilkiens@oose.de', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + ruiC: { + 'name': 'Rui Chen', + 'title': 'Master Student', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/RuiChen.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Rui Chen is a master student at School of Mechanical Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology. She received her B.E. degree in Industrial Engineering from Hefei University of Technology, Hefei, China, in 2021. Her research interests include model-based systems engineering tool-chain design and service-oriented data interpretation." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:chenrui200009@gmail.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + luZ: { + 'name': 'Lu Jinzhi', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + wangG: { + 'name': 'Wang Guoxin', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + wuS: { + 'name': 'Wu Shouxuan', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + brunoM: { + 'name': 'Bruno Marcelo Soares Ferreira', + 'title': 'Adjunct Professor', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/BrunoMarcelo.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "I am an MSc student in Software Engineering at Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Software (PPGES), Federal University of Pampa (Unipampa), Brazil. I work as an adjunct professor at Unipampa, and my research investigates tool integration in Continuous Software Engineering using the OSLC standard." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:brunoferreira@unipampa.edu.br', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + rafaelT: { + 'name': 'Rafael Torres', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + fabioB: { + // Rafael Z. Frantz, Diego Kreutz, Elder Rodrigues and Maicon Bernardino (Federal University of Pampa) + 'name': 'Fábio Basso', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + rafaelZ: { + // , Diego Kreutz, Elder Rodrigues and Maicon Bernardino (Federal University of Pampa) + 'name': 'Rafael Z. Frantz', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + diegoK: { + 'name': 'Diego Kreutz', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + elderR: { + 'name': 'Elder Rodrigues', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + maiconB: { + 'name': 'Maicon Bernardino', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + edG: { + 'name': 'Ed Gentry', + 'title': 'Product Owner', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/edgentry.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "With over 20 years of experience in the application lifecycle management industry, he has held senior leadership positions at two major ALM vendors. As a consultant he has supported clients in several industries. Currently, he is product owner of SmartFacts at MID, where he is focused on assisting clients achieve vendor independent cross-domain traceability across their digital landscape." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:e.gentry@mid.de', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + jensK: { + 'name': 'Jens Krueger', + 'title': 'Competence Unit Manager PLM Strategy & Architecture; Head of Global Automotive Engineering Competency', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/JensKrueger.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Studied computer science & business administration with a pre-PDM diploma thesis on „technical databases.", + "Worked for 8 years in the engineering IT of an international tier 1 automotive supplier, the major part as the project manager for the global PDM project.", + "Works since 1998 for NTT DATA (previously known as Softlab / Cirquent) in Munich as a consultant and manager in the competence center Engineering Consulting. Currently, he manages the competence unit “PLM Strategy & Architecture.", + "Focus topics are enterprise architecture incl. integration architecture, systems engineering, ALM and PLM for customers in automotive and aerospace." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:jens.krueger@nttdata.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + martinU: { + 'name': 'Martin Ulrich', + 'title': 'PLM Architect', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/MartinUlrich.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "Martin Ulrich is a PLM architect with over 25 years of experience in the area of PLM. Methods and tools to develop electric/electronics in vehicles, PDM, PLM with a high focus on process support in Product Lifecycle were some of his focus area’s in the past. Martin’s expertise includes Systems and Software Engineering practices, Product Lifecycle Management, Model Based Engineering, and Product Line Engineering." + ], + 'contact': [ + { + 'link': 'mailto:martin.ulrich@de.bosch.com', + 'icon': '' + } + ] + }, + grayB: { + 'name': 'Gray Bachelor', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, + fabriceM: { + 'name': 'Fabrice Mendes', + 'title': '', + 'picturePath': '/images/speakers/placeholder.jpg', + 'bio': [ + "" + ], + 'contact': [ + ] + }, +}; diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/js/lazy-load.js b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/js/lazy-load.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..67e05fec --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/js/lazy-load.js @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +[].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('img[data-src]'), function(img) { + img.setAttribute('src', img.getAttribute('data-src')); + img.onload = function() { + img.removeAttribute('data-src'); + }; +}); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/js/main.js b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/js/main.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e3df6c26 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/js/main.js @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +scrollToggle(); + +$(window).scroll(function () { + scrollToggle(); +}); + +//Helper +function scrollToggle() { + if (pageYOffset > 100 && innerWidth > 768) { + $('.main-header').addClass('scrolled'); + } + else if (pageYOffset > 0 && innerWidth <= 768) { + $('.main-header').addClass('scrolled'); + } + else { + $('.main-header').removeClass('scrolled'); + } + +} +//END Helper + +function openInfo(source) { + presenter = $(source).attr('data-bio'); + $('#infoCard img').attr('src', bio[presenter].picturePath); + $('#infoCard .item-title').html(bio[presenter].name); + $('#infoCard .titles').html(bio[presenter].title); + $('#infoCard .info--bio').children().remove(); + for (i = 0; i < bio[presenter].bio.length; i++) { + $('#infoCard .info--bio').append('

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10 years ago, OSLC was just coming into existence. This presentation will explore the dynamics that led to OSLC’s formation, discussing the threads of technology and community, and how they wove together to deliver key elements of an open product lifecycle integration solution. We’ll then travel along OSLC’s evolution, remembering (or perhaps discovering) some of the steps along the way, with the goal of understanding OSLC’s contributions while absorbing lessons for the continuing journey.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.johnW + ] + }, + PmikeA: { + 'title': 'Open Services, Interoperability, and Hypermedia: A possible Future', + 'description': [ + '

This talk will focus on what it means to design and support “Open Services” and the role hypermedia might play in advancing open systems. Author, speaker, and trainer Mike Amundsen will pose a series of questions aimed at identifying characteristics of open, collaborative ecosystems. For example, what are the pillars of open, interoperable systems and what can the last 20 years of the WWW teach us about what works – and what does not work – when creating specifications for an open, collaborative system?

', + '

Drawing from a history of over forty years of software architecture and design, and from more recent experience in creating loosely-coupled, reusable services, this talk explores the reasons why some specifications have lasted decades without substantial change while still successfully supporting unanticipated uses and why have other specifications, while well-thought out and carefully executed, have foundered without long-term positive impact.

', + '

The talk will also focus on the design elements that enable easy connection, sharing, & interop and explores what it takes to design-in support for evolvability and adaptability. Finally, we’ll zero in on a small set of properties that successful collaborative systems share and seek to identify what it is that OSLC can do today to better assure success in creating a community of interoperability that can safely evolve and adapt well into the future.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.mikeA + ] + }, + PyashK: { + 'title': 'Search & Browse and Lyo Validation', + 'description': [ + '

Search and Browse is a cross domain data exploration web application for searching and exploring linked data. The main purposes of S&B is to textually and graphically explore data, view results of automated data analysis done on Linked data layer (eg. safety case exploration, progress monitoring, data quality etc), defining custom pages for merging use cases based on Linked Data etc. Lyo Validation is a Java based library that is used for validating RDF resources against constraints defined either in OSLC or SHACL Resource shapes.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.yashK + ] + }, + PwesleyC: { + 'title': 'Lifecycle Integration Patterns', + 'description': [ + '

Have you ever wanted to see how the community is using OSLC in practice to address a given integration problem? The OSLC community is creating a new library of integration patterns to demonstrate how OSLC can be applied as a solution to common integration challenges. Join this talk to learn about the Lifecycle Integration Pattern Catalog including templates and examples. Learn how to define and contribute your own patterns and help the community demonstrate how to benefit from OSLC-based integration approaches.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.wesleyC + ] + }, + PstephenD: { + 'title': 'OSLC and configuration-aware links between ALM and PLM systems', + 'description': [ + '

OSLC has gained a strong position in the integration of systems, platforms, and tools in the ALM space, but ALM is not an island in industries that manufacture and construct physical products and systems. Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems remain the standard for managing the hardware engineering lifecycle, and the two, ALM and PLM, simply do not communicate well, if at all, in nearly every one of those organizations. Engineering, manufacturing, service, and operations organizations have tolerated the engineering domains being isolated in different practitioner tools and lifecycle management systems for many years but strong evidence is emerging that this tolerance is evaporating and being replaced by a range of emotions that tend to frighten ALM and PLM vendors alike, as well they should. In short, we integrators are now faced with quite a challenge.

', + '

This challenge arises from the fact that ALM and PLM systems approach configuration management from two radically different perspectives and thus using very different CM models and approaches. Many attempts to resolve these differences have been attempted over the years with very little success. Whether the approach is to try to use one system, usually PLM, to manage the entire lifecycle and all associated domains, or to integrate the systems, countless projects have failed to accomplish the task. At the root of these failures lies the significantly different CM models of the two systems. If OSLC is to be the best means of integrating ALM and PLM, and it certainly has that potential, the OSLC standard must be enhanced to address not only one of the two CM models (the majority of the effort today seems focused on the ALM model), but both models and in such a way that ALM and PLM assets may be linked in a configuration-aware manner without error or loss of fidelity.

', + '

This will not be a trivial task for the OSLC community and working groups. It has been tried many times before in one form or another and the challenge has always been fatally underestimated. Arguably, though, now is the right time to finally address and solve this challenge. The OSLC community can make large contributions to this effort, though such contributions will require much deeper understanding of the challenge and collaboration with the PLM community to succeed.

', + '

In this presentation, we will briefly examine a few of the root causes of this challenge and some proposed approaches that may be used to address it.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.stephenD + ] + }, + PpeterG: { + 'title': 'Cross-Discipline Lifecycle Collaboration Forum – a linked Systems Engineering approach', + 'description': [ + '

Today’s challenge is to ensure efficient collaborative development processes while always keeping track of all dependencies within a product. Interdependencies between different engineering disciplines are increasing as products become smarter, more interconnected and feature complex yet individually configurable functions. Pure component-oriented development has been augmented by a functional orientation, where functional aspects of a product are the focal point regardless of whether they are implemented by mechanical, electrical/electronic or software components. Secure cross-discipline collaboration is of key importance for successful product engineering.

', + '

While collaboration works well, and artefacts are linked within a given domain, the situation looks different across domain borders: Many data-exchange standards have been evolved to make engineering information exchangeable between engineers of different departments and organizations. Nevertheless, links between artefacts are missing at the system level and collaboration must be enhanced. The prostep ivip Cross-Discipline Lifecycle Collaboration (CDLC) Forum is combining the efforts of users, vendors and research institutes to face today’s cross-discipline collaboration challenges.

', + '

The CDLC Forum is analyzing promising methods and technologies in this context by identifying key principles and best practices for cross-discipline engineering collaboration, based on industrial use cases. The use cases discussed are: Engineering Collaboration – focusing on the communication between engineers; Functional Safety – life and history of cross-discipline traceability to easily meet ISO 26262 for functional safety of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) functions; Manage Trace Information – checking traces to ensure completeness, actuality and accuracy, and also to store traces that allow relevant attributes, flexible tool landscapes, baselines, variants and configurations. Based on the above mentioned industrial use cases the following questions are in focus: How can Model-based Systems Engineering ensure interoperability between engineers? How can Linked Technologies help to connect the relevant information artefacts throughout the product lifecycle? What do we need for a successful interdisciplinary Enterprise Change Management?

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.rainerE, + bio.peterG, + bio.christianB + ] + }, + PrubenV: { + 'title': 'Solid and OSLC: similar stack, similar goals?', + 'description': [ + '

Solid is an ecosystem in which people can store data wherever they choose, while still using the applications they want. Such a decentralized approach requires interoperability, which in turn requires standards. Like OSLC, Solid has adopted the Linked Data Platform. An important question is how much we need to standardize, and how much freedom the network gets. Interestingly, Solid and OSLC share the same background and standards, but do we also share the same goals?

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.rubenV + ] + }, + PjoseM: { + 'title': 'OSLC KM: elevating the meaning of data and operations within the toolchain', + 'description': [ + '

The use of different techniques and tools is a common practice to cover all stages in the systems development lifecycle, generating a very good number of system artefacts. Moreover, these artefacts are commonly encoded in different formats and can only be accessed, in most cases, through proprietary and non-standard protocols. In this context, the OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration) initiative pursues the creation of public specifications (data shapes) to exchange any artefact generated during the development lifecycle. In this talk, authors present the OSLC KM (Knowledge Management) specification as a solution with a two-folded objective: 1) representation and management of any kind of system artefact and 2) extension of OSLC mechanisms to support the notion of delegated operation. In this manner, it is possible to enhance the exchange of data items and to reuse existing operations within the toolchain. Some practical examples of application developed in conjunction with The Reuse Company will be shown to demonstrate the viability and value of the proposed approach.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.joseM + ] + }, + PholgerP: { + 'title': 'How Product Line Engineering can benefit from OSLC', + 'description': [ + '

Strategic variant management based on Product Line Engineering has to manage variability information across all (engineering) artifacts. As variability information is highly distributed throughout these artifacts in various engineering tools on one hand, but on the other hand is there is a high dependence between this information, there is a need to easily connect the bits and pieces in an easy way. OSLC provides a general concept of links between artifacts and also defines support concepts to provide the necessary user interface for link management.

', + '

We’ll demonstrate how this helps with the integration of engineering tools and variant management tools (using our variant management tool pure::variants as an example). We also touch on how the OSLC Global Configuration helps to maintain consistent sets of engineering artifacts for related products in a product line.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.holgerP + ] + }, + PandrewB: { + 'title': 'Eclipse Lyo 2.4.0 and beyond', + 'description': [ + '

Eclipse Lyo provides a reference SDK for implementing OSLC Servers and Clients. In the first part of the talk, we will introduce Lyo in general and present its latest components such as:

', + '
  • Lyo Designer as a model-based software engineering (MBSE) approach to modelling and generating code of the OSLC-based solutions
  • ', + '
  • Lyo Store, an object-resource mapping (OR*M) framework
  • ', + '
  • Lyo Validation, a library for validating RDF resources according to the OSLC Shapes & SHACL Shapes (presented in detail on Day 1 by Yash Khatri)
  • ', + '
  • Lyo TRS Client & Server to keep resources up-to-date across OSLC Servers
', + '

In the second part of the talk, we would like to engage with the community regarding the future of Eclipse Lyo:

', + '
  • Lyo since 2.1.0
  • ', + '
  • Upcoming Lyo 2.4.0 release
  • ', + '
  • Lyo 2.5.0+ roadmap
' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.andrewB + ] + }, + PnickC: { + 'title': 'What can OSLC Configuration Management do for me?', + 'description': [ + '

This talk gives a brief introduction to the scope and status of OSLC Configuration Management, then explains why this is an important specification, why you should push your vendors to adopt it, and the benefits you gain when they do. We will look at some current implementations, and discuss some of the potential areas of improvement.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.nickC + ] + }, + PjimA: { + 'title': 'OSLC4JS Open Source JavaScript Client and Server Components', + 'description': [ + '

OSLC4JS is an open source project that is intended to provide Express.js middleware components to simplify the development of Web applications that utilize OSLC for integration. The project has the following subcomponents:

', + '
  • OSLC Browser - Multi-column navigator and graphic explorer React Web app to efficiently navigate and explore any OSLC resources
  • ', + '
  • OSLC Client - A JavaScript client API supporting jazz.net apps (rootservices) and OSLC Discovery
  • ', + '
  • OSLC Service - Express middleware component to add OSLC REST API to a Web application
  • ', + '
  • OSLC Server - Sample OSLC server using OSLC Service and LDP Service
  • ', + '
  • LDP Service - Express middleware comnponent to add LDP REST API to a Web application
  • ', + '
  • LDP App - Sample Web application using LDP Service
', + '

This talk will summarize some of the integration challenges you may be facing, how OSLC4JS may help, and the goals and intended outcomes of the project. There will be a demo of the OSLC Browser with a brief discussion of how its React components use the oslc-client.', + '

We’ll wrap up with a summary of the project’s current status, and a call for contribution in order to accelerate development progress.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.jimA + ] + }, + // 2020 Presentation Abstracts add year at end if speaker is the same + PMikeA2020: { + 'title': 'Hypermedia Made Easy', + 'description': [ + '

The success of the Web is due, in large part, to its reliance on hypermedia as the primary way to connect and access arbitrary content on unrelated servers along with two principles established at the start of the Web: up-front agreement plus open-ended standards. The up-front agreement of a message format (HTML) delivered over a standard protocol (HTTP) sparked an exponential growth pattern that has continued over the last thirty years. Both HTML and HTTP are open-ended standards. People are free to add new elements to the format and new methods to the protocol without harming existing implementations.

', + '

While the hyperlinked document web has been a huge success, this has not been the case for the application web. So far, the wide-scale attempts for the application web have relied upon up-front agreement but failed to support open-ended standards that allow creative additions without breaking existing applications.

', + '

However, hypermedia applications are totally possible and, for the most part, quite easy to implement. This short talk will illustrate a working browser-based single-page app (SPA) that uses the Collection+JSON hypermedia format and shows how both servers and clients can "follow the rules" to build loosely-coupled, highly-extensible web applications.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.mikeA + ] + }, + PLutzL: { + 'title': 'OSLC as enabler for seamless application integration', + 'description': [ + '

OSLC capabilities are offered by an increasing number of products. In real life scenarios, the integration of legacy software, usually not OSLC aware but valuable data provider, requires special attention. PROSTEP provides a general solution. Our approach comprises an OSLC provider for OpenPDM, our flagship integration product bundled with OpenPDM integrate and a large number of industry proven PLM, ALM and ERP connectors.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.lutzL + ] + }, + PJuanS: { + 'title': 'Knowledge Graphs: History of the Main Ideas', + 'description': [ + '

Knowledge Graphs can be considered as fulfilling an early vision in Computer Science of creating intelligent systems that integrate knowledge and data at large scale. Stemming from scientific advancements in research areas of Semantic Web, Databases, Knowledge representation, NLP, Machine Learning, among others, Knowledge Graphs have rapidly gained popularity in academia and industry in the past years. The integration of such disparate disciplines and techniques give the richness to Knowledge Graphs, but also present the challenge to practitioners and theoreticians to know how current advances develop from early techniques in order, on one hand, take full advantage of them, and on the other, avoid reinventing the wheel. This talk will provide a historical context on the roots of Knowledge Graphs grounded in the advancements of Logic, Data and the combination thereof.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.juanS + ] + }, + Pahmed: { + 'title': 'Proof of Concept: Capella & IBM Jazz Integration based on OSLC', + 'description': [ + '

The presentation focuses on a prototype of a client-type OSLC connector, which allows traceability from the Capella modeling tool to IBM DNG, in a multi-configuration context.

', + '

This solution consists of allocating a project area on IBM DNG that will be dedicated to containing artefacts (Model Elements) projected from Capella to be able to trace them to the artefacts (Requirements) from Jazz\'s other domains.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.ahmedE + ] + }, + ProbertB: { + 'title': 'Bridging to PLM with OSLC', + 'description': [ + '

OSLC provides a critical foundation for integrating tools in the enterprise without moving data. While Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) tools have traditionally been aggregators/warehouses of assets, a PLM-ALM bridge is critical to realizing the digital thread. We have a pragmatic approach to creating the interoperability of ALM and PLM via OSLC demonstrated with our OSLC Connect for Windchill. In this talk, we present user scenarios and how the OSLC standard enables the linking of enterprise systems.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.robertB + ] + }, + Psparx: { + 'title': 'OSLC the silver bullet for modelling interoperability?', + 'description': [ + '

Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect’s complete middleware named Sparx ProCloud Server is based on OSLC.

', + '

Enterprise Architect complies with these Architecture Management 2.0 base requirements, as specified in the Architecture Management 2.0 specification:

', + '
  • Service Provider Resource
  • ', + '
  • Absolute URIs
  • ', + '
  • RDF/XML Representations
  • ', + '
  • HTTP Rest Services
  • ', + '
  • Resource Creation Factory
  • ', + '
  • Resource Query Capability
  • ', + '
  • Link Type Query Capability
  • ', + '
  • Partial Resource Update
  • ', + '
  • Resource Removal
  • ', + '
  • Selective Properties
  • ', + '
  • Error Responses
  • ', + '
  • Authentication (Form and OAuth (OpenID Connect) Authentication)
', + '

This will be a deep-tech session to show the capabilities of using OSLC to interact with model repositories on servers.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.peterL, + bio.horstK + ] + }, + PNicolasF: { + 'title': 'Establishing Digital Continuity for End to End Collaboration', + 'description': [ + '

Relying on the experience gained on Airbus strategic governance of PLM standards and applied research on interoperability of technical enterprise applications, Dr Nicolas Figay will describe strengths and weaknesses of OSLC, and discussing opportunities of future evolutions for making it one of the building block supporting the establishing of the digital continuity required for end to end collaboration within the Aeronautic, Space and Defense digital business ecosystem.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.nicolasF + ] + }, + PRubenT: { + 'title': 'A Technical View on the Solid Ecosystem', + 'description': [ + '

Solid is an ecosystem that gives users full control on how and where they want to store their data. The level of decentralization that Solid introduces, requires a different way of building applications. In this talk, an overview will be given on the different standards that Solid makes use of. Furthermore, several tools that implement these standards will be discussed.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.rubenT + ] + }, + PAndyL: { + 'title': 'Using OSLC to gain Insight into your Connected Engineering Data', + 'description': [ + '

In this session Andy will present how OSLC connected engineering data from across the lifecycle may be visualized and analyzed using Engineering Insights, part of the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management suite.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.andyL + ] + }, + PChristophB: { + 'title': 'Beyond linking artifacts: “Federated Authoring” and “Dashboards” based on OSLC', + 'description': [ + '

Many authoring tools in engineering are complex, hard to learn and not web-based while users often have a limited job to do and try to avoid working with heavy weight tools. OSLC can help to provide a focused and simplified web-environment to do certain tasks easily and without having to learn many tools.

', + '

The talk demos a Confluence page referencing various OSLC resources. The focus here is not on linking or consuming OSLC-based information. We want to compile a functional “dashboard” composed from OSLC resources in Confluence. Analysis, reports but also simple authoring functions help to work more efficiently with distributed engineering information.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.christophB + ] + }, + PErikH: { + 'title': 'The Role of OSLC in the Enterprise PLM Landscape', + 'description': [ + '

Building and maintaining an enterprise PLM capability is a strategic undertaking. In this presentation we discuss how Saab Aeronautics view its future PLM Landscape and the role we see for OSLC in realizing the landscape.

', + '

We introduce a PLM landscape model that focuses on exploiting the strengths of engineering discipline specific integrated development environments (e.g., a software or systems engineering development environment) and using linking to enable traceability across engineering disciplines. Four traceability dimensions are identified for enabling product lifecycle support, namely requirements management, configuration item structure, change management, and realisations.

', + '

We discuss the merits of the model and the applicability of OSLC as integration middleware for realizing the desired interoperability.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.erikH, + bio.asaL + ] + }, + PJonasW: { + 'title': 'Journey to be data driven', + 'description': [ + '

One of the main and current focus areas for Scania is on digitalizing the tool-chain supporting the development process. Digitalization is considered to be needed to comply with requirements on traceability from standards such as ISO 262626, but also to manage the increasing system and organizational complexity in general. One of the main challenges is integrating data and information distributed across a heterogeneous landscape of tools and databases. The primary target solution for this challenge for the last couple of year has been, and still is, linked data. In this presentation, I will share Scania’s vision for using linked data and present some major obstacles (both organizational and technical) we have faced when working towards such a vision.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.jonasW + ] + }, + PKoneksys: { + 'title': 'OpenAPI Extensions for OSLC', + 'description': [ + '

OpenAPI is a popular specification for defining Web APIs. The specification originated from Swagger, an open-source set of tools to generate API documentation and code. The customizable nature of the Swagger tools, combined with the capability to extend OpenAPI, provides several opportunities for expanding the code generation capabilities of Lyo Designer and OSLC service documentation. In this presentation, I will talk about these opportunities and propose a set of OpenAPI extensions to support OSLC concepts. I will also show how to add these extensions to an existing OpenAPI specification file and how Swagger Code Generator can process them to generate an OSLC server.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.luisR + ] + }, + PTarikM: { + 'title': 'Persistent UNITE: State of the Art OSLC Integrations', + 'description': [ + '

The Persistent UNITE integration foundation is a family of lightweight integration plugins created for industrial organizations looking to accelerate their digital journeys. UNITE elegantly brings together IBM Enterprise Lifecycle Management (ELM), one of the leading ALM solutions on the market, with a growing portfolio of enterprise development tools, including:

', + '
  • UNITE for Jira®
  • ', + '
  • UNITE for Git, including GitLab and BitBucket
  • ', + '
', + '

UNITE leverages Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) to create relationships between artifacts, enabling integrations with IBM ELM tools without data synchronization.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.tarikM + ] + }, + PMarioC: { + 'title': 'PyOSLC the Python SDK for OSLC APIs', + 'description': [ + '

In the last years Python has become so popular among web developers and specifically API developers, the creation of an API is very easy using Python through different frameworks with some extensions. Until now for creating an OSLC API there are some frameworks or libraries mainly for Java, then why not leverage the popularity of Python for creating OSLC APIs?

', + '

The PyOSLC project aim to create a SDK for having the required elements for developing OSLC APIs in Python meeting the OSLC specs and having the capability to extend the features for other specific-domain applications.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.christianM, + bio.marioC + ] + }, + PLeoM: { + 'title': 'Prolog OSLC SDK', + 'description': [ + '

Prolog is an elegant programming language based on classical logic, which can be very powerful at solving many practical problems. Modern SWI-Prolog implementation provides native RDF support, efficient triple store, and convenient stack for building web applications making it an ideal platform for building OSLC services. In this talk I will present an open source OSCL SDK for Prolog created to simplify development of knowledge intensive applications.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.leoM + ] + }, + PAndreasK: { + 'title': 'Enabling the Federated Single Source of truth using OSLC as standard in between Engineering tools', + 'description': [ + '

Complex and connected Systems Engineering requires a lot of people in different domains to collaborate efficiently without losing the details and capabilities of the tools used in these domains. This challenge in the engineering infrastructure can be solved in the same way like connecting systems of systems: The use of standards like OSLC allows to concentrate on one connector per tool or perpective instead of building up and maintaining a interfaces in this n to m setup. At PTC, we have integrated OSLC as base technology for the engineering digital thread, and we will show the usage of in linking requirements, SysML model views and BOM elements using OSLC in an efficient way.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.andreasK + ] + }, + PJad1: { + 'title': 'State of OSLC support in commercial applications', + 'description': [ + '

In this presentation, Jad will present his findings from a recent survey of commercial software applications that provide some support for OSLC capabilities. The implementation trends of the OSLC standard will be discussed, hopefully leading to insights on the necessary development directions of the standard.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.jadE + ] + }, + PJad2: { + 'title': 'Eclipse Lyo Introduction', + 'description': [ + '

Eclipse Lyo is the open-source project that supports Java developers with the development of OSLC servers and clients.

', + '

In this presentation, Jad will provide a walkthrough of Lyo\'s features, and how they can be used in the development of OSLC solutions. In this presentation, focus will be placed on Lyo\'s libraries and SDK. In the presentation that follows, Jad will present the Lyo Designer modelling application.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.jadE + ] + }, + PJad3: { + 'title': 'Lyo Designer Introduction', + 'description': [ + '

Eclipse Lyo is the open-source project that supports Java developers with the development of OSLC servers and clients.

', + '

In this presentation, Jad will provide a walkthrough of Lyo\'s features, and how they can be used in the development of OSLC solutions. Following form the previous presentation on Lyo\'s libraries and SDK, Jad will here continue to present the Lyo Designer modelling application, which provides a model-based approach to building a complete OSLC-based toolchain.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.jadE + ] + }, + PAndrewJim: { + 'title': 'OSLC Open Project status', + 'description': [ + '

In this talk, Andrew and Jim will present the journey the OLSC project undertook since the last OSLCFest to becoming an Open Project with less barriers to contribution. On behalf of the project board, they will share with you the spec progress made so far and open the curtain to what\'s in store for 2020.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.jimA, + bio.andrewB + ] + }, + PRobertH: { + 'title': 'OSLC-enabled Product Line Engineering with pure::variants 5.0', + 'description': [ + '

pure::variants is the leading product line engineering tool that enables its customers from automotive, aerospace & defense, medical, rails & transportation and other industries to increase engineering efficiency with a holistic variant management for their engineering assets.

', + '

With its latest release pure::variants includes a bundle of new OSLC capabilities that increase its connectivity with other engineering tools.

', + '

Join this presentation to get an overview of the new OSLC-related capabilities of pure::variants 5.0.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.robertH + ] + }, + PChristophB2021: { + 'title': 'Using OSLC for managing traceability into the details of a software project', + 'description':[ + '

There is a lot more you can do with OSLC than bidirectional linking of artifacts from the AM, CCM, RM, QM domain.

', + '

The talk shows how to establish robust links between detailed parts of software code (e.g. Java classes, functions, interfaces) and...

', + '
  • Architecture artifacts from Cameo, EA, Rhapsody
  • ', + '
  • Requirements from codeBeamer, DOORS Next, Jama Connect
  • ', + '
  • Test cases from codeBeamer, Engineering Test Management
  • ', + '
  • Issues from Jira
', + '

Eclipse, Visual Studio or Jetbrains MPS can be used as IDEs. The links are robust and sustain branching, merging, refactoring of the code.

', + '

As a result you see SysML diagrams, requirements, etc. in your IDE and the linked implemented code of classes, functions and interfaces in your SysML tool.

', + '

You can also generate detailed traceability reports, that show which SysML use cases or requirements are implemented in which Java function in which namespace and are persisted in which physical file.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.christophB + ] + }, + PErikH2021: { + 'title':'Keeping up with the pace of opportunity', + 'description':[ + '

Saab has been in the Aerospace domain since 1937. It has produced a long lineage of state of the art jet powered fighter aircraft, from the J29 Flying barrel, over icons like the J35 Draken, J37 Viggen, to the current JAS 39 Gripen. Traditionally, development has been a close partnership between the Saab and Sweden. Exports has been scarce and international collaboration rarely pursued. Over the last decade this has changed drastically. The Gripen E is being developed in collaboration with Brazil, the GlobalEye AEW maiden customer is the UAE and Saab did partner with Boeing to develop the new T-7 Redhawk trainer. Clearly, international collaboration and exports is the way ahead. This change also mean that there is a change from a highly predictable environment to one of sudden opportunities. To be competitive the organisation need to be aligned with international best practice and able to quickly adopts the latest methods and tools. There is a need for a tool architecture that allow for rapid changes while maintaining low acquisition and maintenance costs. As a result an architectural pattern promoting the adoption of engineering discipline specific development environments with OSLC as the key standard for inter-environment integration. Apart from introducing the architectural pattern the talk will also outline Saab\'s activities demonstrating and promoting the value of OSLC

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.erikH, + bio.asaL + ] + }, + PAndrewJim2021: { + 'title':'State of the OSLC Open Project', + 'description':[ + '

Last year, we announced at OSLCfest the transition of various OSLC activities under Technical Commitees and the Member Section to the OSLC Open Project. This year we will give a status update reporting on the work done, compare the results with the OSLC community expectations gathered last year in a poll, and discuss the status of the project in general. We will present the publication of 4 OASIS Standards, 2 Project Specifications, and 2 Project Specification Drafts.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.andrewB, + bio.jimA + ] + }, + PAndrewJad2021: { + 'title':'OSLC Reference Implementation: From zero to 4 OSLC servers in 20 minutes', + 'description':[ + '

OSLC Open Project provides an open-source reference implementation of a toolchain consisting of 4 OSLC servers implementing the AM, CM, QM, and RM specifications (Architecture Management, Change Management, Quality Management, and Requirements Management respectively). The servers are implemented using the latest versions of the Eclipse Lyo SDK and modelling tool for building OSLC client and server applications. In this talk, we will do a project walk-through, describing the integration scenario, the structure of the codebase and an overview of relevant Eclipse Lyo concepts. We will use an online Gitpod environment that allows you to build and run 4 server applications without installing anything locally, so that you can follow along!

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.andrewB, + bio.jadE + ] + }, + PEranG2021: { + 'title':'OSLC as a backbone for digital engineering', + 'description':[ + '

Digital engineering (DE) promotes usage of digital tools to essentially establish a "document-free" digital fabric where data can be consistently used across different viewpoints and sources. An imminent challenge is how to integrate engineering data coming from different sources and tools, such that digital threads and data consistency are established, and useful viewpoints and insights can be digitally created.

', + '

In this talk we will explain the DE challenges and explain and illustrate how OSLC services can address them.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.eranG + ] + }, + PEranG2022: { + 'title':'OSLC Profiles', + 'description':[ + '

Linking profiles are non-normative supplement to OSLC specifications, aim to ensure interoperability between OSLC enabled applications for linking use cases. It is important to note that OSLC interoperability is not automatically implied by OSLC specifications, as the specifications allow for high degree of conformance variability. Linking use cases result in establishing OSLC links across OSLC resources in different applications, possibly within the same OSLC domain or across domains. For example, a requirements provider from one vendor establishes traceability links to a requirements provider from another vendor. A cross domain example would be a PLM BOM application establishing traceability links to a requirements application by a different vendor. The cross vendors emphasis is because this is the context for interoperability challenges. Linking use cases may vary in capability as described later in this document, but all linking use cases require to establish connection between the consumer application and the provider application, and ability to select a resource with the provider to link with a resource of the consumer, and storage of the link in one of the applications. From that point onwards there is a variability across the use cases related to bi-directional navigability (are both applications aware of the link) and also behaviors that depend if the application supports configuration management or not. The introduction of the profile comes to help users qualify whether two OSLC applications meet compatibility level to perform a set of use OSLC linking cases, and software vendors on how to build/consume OSLC linking related services that ensure interoperability.

', + '

In this presentation we will provide an overview to the linking profiles. how they are specified. and how they assist in creating inter-operable OSLC implementations for linking

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.eranG + ] + }, + PRobertH2021: { + 'title':'Deploying OSLC In the Enterprise', + 'description':[ + '

OSLC provides the opportunity for connecting repositories in the enterprise. By using standard components of the web, OSLC leverages your browser to be the gateway of accessing data and embedding interfaces across the enterprise.

', + '

The mechanisms we use in OSLC to embed content are also the means for ads, pop-ups, and other security concerns introduced on the internet. Our browsers have become smarter, and they now can interfere with desired OSLC interactions if our repositories are not configured carefully. So how do teams pragmatically deploy OSLC in the enterprise? How do they have a repository be both deeply integrated and secure? We will detail our practical experience integrating OSLC capabilities in the enterprise to connect to diverse tooling. Critically we will explore how the cloud, network devices, and even cookie management are critical in your successful and secure deployment in the enterprise.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.robertB, + bio.sebastienB + ] + }, + PTorbjornH2021: { + 'title':'OSLC from the Perspective of a Data Integrator', + 'description':[ + '

Eurostep has had a focus on data representation and exchange standardisation since the organisation was founded in 1994. This presentation focuses on how OSLC and linking technology compares and extend the traditional information model based representations and outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the respective approach as well as presents the potential in combining the two approaches.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.torbjornH, + bio.nigelS + ] + }, + PDamirN: { + 'title':'Leveraging OSLC and Linked Data for the Creation of Assurance Cases', + 'description':[ + '

Technologies such as intelligent transport systems, or autonomous vehicles, are driving an increase in complexity in the automotive domain. In turn, these developments are placing an increased pressure on assurance activities for properties such as safety or cybersecurity. To that end, existing and upcoming standards and legislation, e.g. ISO26262, ISO 21434, or ISO 5083, are requiring the creation of an assurance case in order to explicitly argue for safety or cybersecurity of a system. Since such argument involves claims about all aspects of the system lifecycle, the information required to produce an assurance case also spans across the whole lifecycle. Coupled with the typical size of an assurance case, i.e. hundreds of interdependent claims with references to concrete engineering artefacts, creation and maintenance of assurance cases without some degree of automation is a daunting task.

', + '

This talk presents the Scania\'s long-term vision, but also the current results, for the creation of assurance cases. The key enabler for the approach is a federated toolchain, based on OSLC principles, that manages the necessary information according to a commonly agreed information model. Given such support, the assurance-case tool allows the users to work in a data-driven way by defining assurance-case patterns directly in terms of the information objects from the common information-model. As a result, the creation of concrete assurance cases becomes the task of automatically instantiating the defined patterns with instances of the common information model, i.e. with concrete engineering artefacts exposed as linked data. Finally, to decide whether the claims of a concrete assurance case are true or false, the assurance-case tool executes a number different analyses over the available engineering artefact, i.e. linked data.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.damirN + ] + }, + PJuanQ: { + 'title':'Coatl: an OSLC API generation framework based on OpenAPI', + 'description':[ + '

Implementing an OSLC API from scratch is complicated; it requires several skills like transforming raw data into RDF format, implementing several OSLC-compliant endpoints, and optionally implementing Jazz-specific resources for integration with IBM ELM. However, as OSLC concepts are standardized, the implementations of OSLC APIs have a lot of common code. Furthermore, many data sources that require OSLC APIs, such as software applications or databases, already have REST APIs.

', + '

Coatl is a framework helping developers add OSLC APIs to data sources that already have REST APIs. Inspired by GraphQL-wrappers for REST APIs, Coatl is an OSLC-wrapper for REST APIs based on an OpenAPI definition describing how existing REST API resources are mapped to the generated OSLC API resources, Coatl uses Swagger Codegen to generate the OSLC API code. For developers with prior knowledge of OSLC concepts and specifications, Coatl would significantly reduce the effort of implementing OSLC APIs.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.juanQ + ] + }, + PGrahamB: { + 'title':'The challenges of connecting data in the world of Infrastructure', + 'description':[ + '

Most people typically think of Infrastructure and civil engineering projects as being about project management and pouring concrete, this could not be further from the truth. Infrastructure and civil engineering are highly digitised, with numerous data sources, such as, Primavera(P6) for project management, Building Information Model data (3,4 and 5D BIM), Geographical Information System data, telemetry data, requirements, and technical assurance evidence etc. This data is invariably in different data formats and the tools are completely federated. This sort of environment provides large challenges to bringing data together to realise the opportunities that the numerous types of Digital Twins (that are expected to be supported) are expected to bring.

', + '

This presentation will describe the challenges faced by infrastructure in bringing this information together and how they manage the situation at present. This author feels that the current state of tools in use in infrastructure today provides an opportunity for the OSLC community to influence and properly support the concepts of single source of truth and data visualization across this domain.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.grahamB + ] + }, + PSeanM: { + 'title':'INCOSE Digital Engineering Information Exchange Working Group', + 'description':[ + '

The INCOSE Digital Engineering Information Exchange Working Group (DEIXWG) has been working closely with the US DoD, industry partners, and academic organizations to advance a critical aspect of Digital Engineering: how to exchange digital work products between organizations in a semantically-meaningful way. Since its inception in late 2017 due to the support of OSD(R&E), the DEIXWG has been modeling a conceptual ontology for describing digital work products and the information they contain. With that ontology in hand, the DEIXWG has been soliciting stakeholder needs from the broader community in the form of desired information exchange scenarios that require combining data from a variety of different digital sources. This presentation will provide an overview of the DEIXWG\'s ongoing activities and a look ahead at future efforts.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.seanM + ] + }, + PHorstK2021: { + 'title':'Developing an OSLC client with the OSLC API from Sparx Systems', + 'description':[ + '

In this demonstration we will show the OSLC implementation of Sparx Systems to integrate tools with the Modelling Tool Enterprise Architect from Sparx Systems. We show how the Restful OSLC API from SparxSystems can be used to retrieve model data and search, create and manipulate the model. A simple application is used as a show case which explains how to build an application based on OSLC as a data backend. The audience will get hands on information about how a OSLC client can be implemented using Sparx Systems Restful OSLC API.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.horstK + ] + }, + PAndyL2021: { + 'title':'Cross lifecycle analytics and reporting based on OSLC TRS', + 'description':[ + '

While OSLC is well known as a cross-applications linking protocol, its capability to enable global analytics and reporting appears to be yet fairly unknown. In this presentation, we explain and demonstrate how OSLC TRS can be leveraged to construct global analytics and reporting across all the OSLC data providers, such as requirements, test and planning. We will demonstrate central reporting and analytics implementations that perform various analytics such as change impact analysis, coverage analysis, and various development KPIs such as readiness indicators.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.andyL + ] + }, + PKennyM2021: { + 'title':'Applied Category Theory for Scalable Data Integration and Semantic Interoperability', + 'description':[ + '

Every engineering organization struggles to exchange data reliably between their many application databases. Attempting to build integrations between all relevant systems is impractical with current mainstream practices, because of the quadratic relationship between applications and the number of integrations between them. To avoid the exploding cost of scaling ad-hoc integrations, organizations may attempt to standardize the application semantics. This approach hasn\'t worked in practice because it\'s impractical to get many people from diverse domains to agree on a single perspective, and nuanced domain-specific meaning is always sacrificed.

', + '

Category Theory is a mathematical language for encoding and computing semantic structures across contexts, and has been used by mathematicians and scientists to formally communicate meaning across domains. Recent developments out of MIT have worked out how to apply the approach to data schemas and are leading to a paradigm shift in semantic data interoperability. There are several benefits, but two key benefits are compositionality and machine verification. Integrations can be added together and checked for integrity, which means that a quadratic number of integrations can be inferred from a linear input with mathematical guarantees that data won\'t be corrupted. A third benefit is that the approach is agnostic to any specific data structure and can interoperate across all of them (SQL, XML, Json, Graph, RDF, etc).

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.kennyM, + bio.ryanM + ] + }, + PGarciaG2021: { + 'title':'OSLC for DevOps event-based automation', + 'description':[ + '

My name is Guillermo García, I\'m a PhD student at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM - https://www.upm.es/), in the Intelligent Systems Research Group (GSI - https://gsi.upm.es/en). For the past few months, I\'ve been working on ways of integrating DevOps with semantic technologies to enable automation of different workflows and processes. I\'ve been studying the OSLC specifications and the possibilities they can bring to the field.

', + '

The idea of my presentation is to give the audience an overview of the challenges faced when implementing DevOps where OSLC could be very beneficial. Two specific issues will be tackled: vendor lock-in and task automation. The first one could be approached by proposing a standard for service interfaces so they can be seamlessly integrated together. A Linked Data specification like OLSC could provide such a standard without sacrificing flexibility. For the challenge of task automation, specifications like TRS and OSLC Automation could be used to model the events and actions provided by a service. This would allow us to create an automation framework where events and actions between services are standardized and independent of the service internal implementation.

', + '

We expect to show the audience new ways of applying OSLC to the DevOps domain and how specifications like OSLC Automation and OSLC Actions could be very useful in this context. We will also provide an example implementation with two services with simple events and actions automated between them. We hope all of this can be of interest and that it helps in expanding the OSLC ecosystem.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.garciaG + ] + }, + PFrankP2021: { + 'title':'Latest PyOSLC Improvements', + 'description':[ + '

PyOSLC is an SDK to implement OSLC APIs in Python. The first version of PyOSLC supported domain-independent OSLC resources for discovery as well as requirements as the only domain-specific resource. The current work on PyOSLC supports the development of OSLC APIs for any domain-specific resources. A developer only needs to have a basic understanding of OSLC concepts to implement some predefined adapter methods which will then be used by PyOSLC to create a complete OSLC API. A developer thereby does not need to modify nor manage any code related to the translation of Python objects into RDF, nor any code related to the REST API endpoints.

', + '

Furthermore, PyOSLC now supports two options to deploy an OSLC API. Initially, the OSLC API could only be deployed on a standalone WSGI-compatible server. Now, as an additional deployment option, OSLC API endpoints created by PyOSLC can be added to an existing REST API by adding a few lines of Python code. Initially, PyOSLC was using the Flask framework for the implementation of REST API endpoints. Now, PyOSLC is a Web framework independent of Flask such that it can be compatible with any WSGI-compatible REST API framework such as Django or Bottle.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.frankP, + bio.marioC + ] + }, + PRobertB2021: { + 'title':'Navigating Versions in the Enterprise', + 'description':[ + '

Configuration Management is an activity attributed to our Software Engineers but is a common need for all engineering disciplines. When linking between artifacts across disciplines, the need for configuration management becomes even more critical. The creation of a digital thread mandates we must compose configurations from these unique disciplines. Rather than copy artifacts to one repository, OSLC enables an enterprise configuration to leverage local configurations from distributed repositories. These collective enterprise configurations allow the navigation of the links; to the correct object and the correct version of the object. This session will focus on the practical application of enterprise configurations and how they enable the digital thread, connect concepts across siloed boundaries, and allow common engineering tasks more robustly.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.robertB + ] + }, + PThomasZ: { + 'title':'Using OSLC for a Closed-Loop Digital Twin Demonstrator', + 'description':[ + '

As part of worldwide efforts towards clean aviation, the development of hybrid-electric propulsion is one of the most popular approaches for regional and short-haul aircraft. Together with industry partners, Fraunhofer IPK is leveraging an existing experimental aircraft architecture to MBSE and demonstrate digital twin usage across the development and manufacturing lifecycle.In order to support the establishment of novel architectures, we leverage co-simulation with open standards to allow for the ad-hoc generation of digital masters utilizing descriptive MBSE models. The digital master contains various system and domain models and provides the digital system representation, which is later merged with real-life data (the "digital shadow") to establish the digital twin. In conjunction with FMI/FMU for co-simulating heterogenious models authored in multiple tools, OSLC provides an open standard supported by various commercial tools, but also open source solutions as well as in-house tools. This way we are able to establish a closed-loop connecting requirements, systems architecting and simulation, in order to enable early virtual systems integration. OSLC already supports various existing concepts, such as configuration management, requirements management etc. This allows for a scalable solution to support the evolving demonstrator environment. The possibility to easily add our own concepts and rely on an extensive community provides a scalable and reliable solution for traceability and linking across various tools, including our own demonstrator components. OSLC complements our FMU/FMI based co-simulation environment and offers the flexibility to add and change functionalities and maintain our vendor-indepenent approach for system modeling and simulation.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.thomasZ + ] + }, + PSunilK: { + 'title':'Knowledge graph for Multi brand engineering collaboration', + 'description':[ + '

Knowledge graph and associated technologies has been an emerging trend and we at Scania are also trying to benefit from it. Scania is a world-leading provider of transport solutions and is part of TRATON GROUP. In one of the initiatives where Scania engineers need to collaborate on R&D Engineering information with its Partner brand engineers such as MAN Truck and Bus and Navistar International, We have developed a solution that uses RDF and OSLC technology. When Scania shares vehicle components and related information with its partners. it is required to share and keep track of technical info such as part numbers , technical documents, product structures including its equivalent information at partner brands. so that information can be traced , cross referenced and used for performing updates. This process requires object referencing. e.g. Scania part number – MAN part number – Navistar Part number and unique relation is described by its specific versions and status. also this relations are extended with unlock for sharing rules and document cross references. Since it is a multi-brand scenario keeping track of such information is needed by all brands and hence we developed a common solution that supports such use cases and provides a single source of truth. We find it very useful to use RDF and Triple store to develop such an information model that is dynamic and connects many information layers and also stores the information accordingly. Earlier we tried a solution with a traditional relational data model and No SQL DB. but soon it became too complex to handle multi-brand scenarios and maintain. We decided to replace the data layer with Graph technology using RDF and are very satisfied with the result so far. Partner engineers are benefited in their daily work, feel more confident and trust the data quality delivered by knowledge graphs and can rely on finding unknown or missing data traces . It helps to perform information analysis, rectify the problem and do needful resolution. We are happy to demonstrate the use case and solution components.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.sunilK + ] + }, + PLaurentD: { + 'title':'MBSE in the Digital Thread with Capella Models Exposed to OSLC-compliant ALM and Requirements Management Tools', + 'description':[ + '

Capella is a widely adopted open-source MBSE solution that allows systems architects to design the architecture of systems, software and hardware.

', + '

Guided by a field-proven methodology, Capella users produce models containing both the design elements and the diagrams that describe a system according to different perspectives : operational, functional and non functional, logical, physical.

', + '

In order to connect these MBSE models to other project artifacts, such as requirements, tasks, issues, change requests, test cases, releases, and so on, Obeo has developed Publication for Capella, a solution that exposes Capella models on a server accessible by OSLC-compliant ALM and requirements management tools.

', + '

Directly from these tools, a user can navigate through the Capella model elements that have been published on the Publication for Capella server, and establish traceability links from work items.

', + '

A demo will show the integration between Publication for Capella and two ALM platforms: Siemens Polarion and IBM Jazz.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.laurentD + ] + }, + PRobertHellebrand2021: { + 'title':'Global Configurations in Product Line Engineering', + 'description':[ + '

pure::variants is the leading product line engineering tool that enables its customers from automotive, aerospace & defense, medical, rails & transportation and other industries to increase engineering efficiency with a holistic variant management for their engineering assets.

', + '

This requires pure::variants to be well-integrated into the whole engineering tool landscape and to interoperate with the engineering data management in place.

', + '

Join this presentation to get an overview of the OSLC capabilities of pure::variants that integrate variant management assets into Global Configurations as well as integrating Global Configurations into a holistic variant management strategy to make evolution of engineering assets across multiple variants manageable.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.robertH + ] + }, + PAndreasK2021: { + 'title':'How to use OSLC Links Bidirectionally', + 'description':[ + '

OSLC Links are, by definition, unidirectional. However, Engineering Process Norms like A-SPICE or Safety Norms like ISO26262 require bi-directional Traceability. The option to use 2 independent links from both directions seems to be simple, but could result in very difficult workflows and means also that the user has to create and maintain them.

', + '

PTC developed and implemented the capability to use unidirectional links also from the reverse direction, called "Reverse Lookup". Basically it is using a query "who is connected to me?" It is available for both Windchill RV&S and Windchill Modeler and is already in practical use in projects.

', + '

We will present this tool capability for both PTC SSE tools in a typical project environment within the SPES System-of-Systems methodology.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.andreasK + ] + }, + PAxelR2021: { + 'title':'Fundamental OSLC Concepts for Distributed Link Creation', + 'description':[ + '

Many different software applications are needed to describe and simulate many different aspects of a complex system. Achieving traceability in a multi-application context requires linking data across applications. However, this cannot be done by engineers in the most user-friendly manner within their familiar software applications without a distributed link creation paradigm. This presentation will address the key ideas of Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) to realize a distributed link creation strategy including embeddable search dialogs, APIs adopting the Open World Assumption, and decoupling of link creation from link analysis.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.axelR + ] + }, + PMotiB2021: { + 'title':'Extending OSLC into the Digital Thread', + 'description':[ + '

SBE Vision has leading technology in the Digital Thread arena that enables ontology-first, hub-and-spoke linking and interoperability across the enterprise. OSLC interoperability is a critical element of the Digital Engineering ecosystem. SBE supports the OSLC 3.0 standard with general purpose consumer and provider container microservices. SBE will demonstrate its deep integration of ELM (DOORS Next w/GC) with Siemens Teamcenter, IBM Rhapsody, and Dassault Cameo. This demonstration will highlight SBE\'s strong OSLC support that is seamlessly interwoven with synchronization and transformation capabilities to provide comprehensive coverage of a wide variety of common use cases.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.motiB, + bio.josephS, + bio.davidV + ] + }, + // 2022 Presentation Abstracts add year at end if speaker is the same + PYogishK: { + 'title': 'OSLC as an Enabler of Systems Lifecycle Management', + 'description':[ + '

The Information Technology landscape that enables Systems Lifecycle Management can be construed as a System of Systems comprising of several sub-systems - Requirements Management System, MBSE Tools, Verification and Validation System, Product Data Management System, Manufacturing Execution Systems, ERP - to name a few. Customers acquire various subsystems at different points in time resulting in islands of product data. In this talk we provide an overview on how we leverage OSLC in conjunction with Glide to deliver a Systems Lifecycle Management platform.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.yogishK, + ] + }, + PCarlosI: { + 'title': 'OSCL for Cognitive Cross-Checking of System Models', + 'description':[ + '

While multidisciplinary projects of complex engineering systems are rapidly growing the market has had a slack response to provide comprehensive development frameworks and relevant support tools to minimize team downtime and potential problems on design decisions. These drawbacks are mainly due to inefficient and ineffective collaboration among stakeholders from multiple disciplines as they usually use representation models and modelling languages of diverse nature. This undermines the model-based design consistency by making it difficult to integrate the different views of the same system in real time and realize cross-disciplinary impact on models. This presentation shares experience on the use of OSCL to propose a cognitive design framework for the above issue. The proposed approach increases design autonomy in the system development lifecycle by smartly feeding design outputs (from requirements analysis as well as modelling and simulation) from each stakeholder with design inputs from other stakeholders. A case study based on avionics system is presented as application example.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.carlosI, + ] + }, + PHemlataS: { + 'title': 'Connecting REST API Resources with Kiwi', + 'description':[ + '

Kiwi helps seamlessly connect resources that live in isolated, containerized applications. Kiwi enables the connection of data or resources from different organizations or applications that are containerized in different microservices (ex: REST APIs on Kubernetes) without any modification to the micro-services. A graph database stores the connected resources so users can leverage the full potential of linked data to achieve a digital thread.

', + '

Kiwi does this using sidecar proxies. For every REST API, a kiwi-sidecar proxy exists. They act as port-forwarders for their REST APIs. They also provide endpoints for link creation and link discovery. These proxies are containers that can be deployed easily alongside applications running on Kubernetes and require very little configuration.

', + '

This presentation will explain the need for Kiwi and the underlying technologies on which it is built, in addition to a demo showcasing the capabilities of Kiwi.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.hemlataS, + ] + }, + PHansS:{ + 'title': 'Enterprise Data Dependency Management', + 'description':[ + '

Enterprise data dependency management (EDDM) enables the management of data dependencies across an enterprise. EDDM provides the capabilities of linking data, automatically detect changes on the link endpoints and baselining of data link sets.

', + '

EDDM enables end users to utilize data links between business objects, irrespective of the data containers used to manage them. Link endpoint change detection informs users in case of changes of any of the link endpoints after link creation. And EDDM baselines implement immutable and named sets of EDDM links to preserve them for future reference.

', + '

The solution architecture for EDDM consists of a pair of EDDM server and client for each data container and one central EDDM server. The EDDM server of a data container enables querying for business objects and offers preview and delegated user interfaces (UI\'s) for data viewing. The EDDM client is natively embedded in the user interface of the data container and enables the creation and update of EDDM links, it also supports bulk operations on sets of EDDM links. The EDDM central server enables EDDM service discovery, manages the central link repository and handles translations from and to symbolic EDDM links to ensure long term link stability.

', + '

EDDM has been implemented at Dräger within the AWS cloud environment of the Dräger PLM platform and is available for company wide use. The solution architecture utilizes various AWS services (among them the graph database AWS Neptune for the central link repository).

', + '

Currently EDDM is enabled for the Dräger PLM platform (based on Aras Innovator ), the test management system (based on IBM Engineering test management), the requirements management system (based on IBM DOORS Next), the Dräger standard operating procedures management system (based on GBTEC BIC Cloud) and the Dräger FMEA system (based on PLATO e1ns). Other Dräger data containers will be enabled for EDDM to implement the company wide digital thread.

', + '

EDDM uses OSLC in various parts of its solution architecture. Whenever data containers already support OSLC these capabilities are directly used. Otherwise, a custom OSLC adapter is used to provide OSLC capabilities for the data container. We will discuss benefits and limitations of OSLC we have experienced during the implementation of EDDM.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.hannsS, + bio.carinaS, + bio.jayakumarP, + ] + }, + PJimT:{ + 'title': 'Digital Thread for the Evolution of Model-Based Design', + 'description':[ + '

\"Software-defined\" is increasingly becoming the tagline for how organizations across industries describe their offerings, including vehicles, aerospace systems, industrial machines, and more. However, it\'s more than just a phrase; beneath that tagline lies a significant shift in development processes, development tools, and development-team mindset. As Model-Based Design evolves to address these shifts, it must also adapt to different approaches to lifecycle management and maintaining the digital thread. In this talk, Jim Tung will explore some key aspects of this change.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.jimT, + ] + }, + PJanF:{ + 'title': 'Making Analysis Tools More Accessible Using an OSLC-based Service-Oriented Architecture', + 'description':[ + '

In the presentation, we will describe our service-oriented architecture which allows developers to easily introduce new analysis tools to their users and the users to immediately be able to use these tools from their applications.

', + '

The architecture consists of three main components: (1) Unite, a universal OSLC adapter able to transform any non-interactive command line tool into an OSLC-compliant web service, (2) UniC, a Java-based and Eclipse-compatible Client for Unite which can be configured for any tool transformed by Unite due to its flexible and highly extensible architecture, and (3) Eclipse Arrowhead, an IoT framework enabling automatic discovery of services provided by the analysis tools through Unite.

', + '

We will also discuss our experience with deploying this architecture in Honeywell where four different OSLC clients are used to interact with multiple analysis tools transformed by Unite for over a year now.

', + '

The goal of the presentation is to show the audience how they can easily make an OSLC-compliant web service from their own command line tool and quickly connect it with, e.g., Eclipse IDE so any user can easily start using the tool. They will also learn how one can utilize Eclipse Arrowhead so Unite clients can always have an up-to-date list of analysis tools currently available on the network.

', + '

Jan Fiedor is a model-based development engineer at Honeywell, external researcher at FIT BUT, and the developer of UniC, with papers at well-known international research and industrial conferences such as ICST, ISSTA, FSE, or INCOSE IS. Ondrej Vasicek is a Ph.D. student, Honeywell intern, and the developer of Unite whose paper on Unite was recently accepted at ESEC/FSE 2022.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.janF, + bio.ondrejV, + ] + }, + PPatrickO:{ + 'title': 'Enabling the Digital Engineering Thread at PTC', + 'description':[ + '

Most engineering and manufacturing companies today have complex tool chains comprising various applications from multiple vendors, including PTC. As a result, there is huge demand for robust, reliable software integrations that can enable and improve digital engineering and design. This session will describe why and how PTC enabled the digital engineering thread within our own software tools Windchill RV&S, Windchill Modeler and Windchill PLM, as well as implementing integrations with 3rd party software such as IBM DOORS Next.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.patrickO, + ] + }, + PMartinU:{ + 'title': 'Cross Domain Configuration Management – a New Way to Think PLM in Engineering', + 'description':[ + '

The Bosch Group is a leading global supplier of technology and services. The Bosch Group’s strategic objective is to facilitate connected living with products and solutions that either contain artificial intelligence (AI) or have been developed or manufactured with its help. The capability to manage steadily increasing product complexity with higher amount of product decomposition levels is vital to meet these objectives. As a side effect the complexity of the organization will increase, resulting in a higher need to facilitate collaboration, also on cross-domain system level.

', + '

In today’s world work products in engineering are still predominantly document-based. In this talk we will focus on the digitalization of the most important work product in engineering to support the digital thread: the project- and product related configurations. Managing these configurations (engineering BOM) are the core of any PLM-system. We will discuss a new approach to implement a highly modular PLM-system supporting interoperability in a brown field engineering landscape based on OSLC Configuration Management, which we refer to as Cross Domain Configuration Management (CDCM). Beyond others the following aspects will be highlighted: MBSE-support, configuration-aware traceability links, design principles and integration to the digital thread.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.martinU, + ] + }, + ProbertB2022: { + 'title': 'When to Link and why we might not want to Sync', + 'description': [ + '

Too often we talk about linked data we assume that the motivations for this style of integration are understood. This includes both the good values and the challenging points. The alternative to linked data, synchronizing data, has similarly inverted appeal. Pragmatically, we as engineers will use both. It, however, is wickedly valuable to understand linked data\'s, and OSLC in particular, business values so we choose wisely in our methods of connections and compositions.

', + '

In this session we will illustrate the values of OSLC integrations as compared to synchronized solutions. Our goal is to illuminate the options and the values. Performance, data ownership, security, deployment concerns and other architecture values will be discussed with pragmatic engineering team applications to show differences. Some example OSLC solutions will be shown to illustrate specific points.

' + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.robertB + ] + }, + PErikH2022: { + 'title': 'Clearly OSLC is the Answer - But what are the Questions?', + 'description': [ + '

We have all joined OSLC Fest since we convinced that the standard generate unique value, or at least we are a little curious of its capabilities. But, why is OSLC not used everywhere and by everyone? The underlying reasons are of course in part technical, but also social. In this presentation we look at a number of perceived weaknesses in the standard and the standard community with proposals how we as a group can address them.

', + '

The following aspects will be addressed in the presentation:

', + '

    ', + '
  • The lack of visible end-user commitment
  • ', + '
  • A perceived closedness of the standards group
  • ', + '
  • The openness of the standard
  • ', + '
  • Lack of examples turning implementations to an adventure
  • ', + '
  • The small size of the standards group
  • ', + '

', + '

Of course the weaknesses identified shall not be viewed as criticism, rather a call to action. Let\'s make a commitment to address the questions to ensure that users understand the unique value of OSLC and its applicability within the corporate landscape.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.erikH, + ] + }, + PJuanQ2022: { + 'title':'OSLC APIs Generated by Koatl', + 'description':[ + '

Nowadays data interoperability is necessary to maintain proper communication across departments that use different applications within an organization. OSLC specifications can be adopted by vendor tools to achieve the digital thread, for example, REST APIs can combine these specifications with the aim of linking data via OSLC-Enabled capabilities.

', + '

In order to speed up OSLC API creation Koneksys has used a software factory named Koatl to generate OSLC APIs for applications having a REST API. This presentation will introduce the capabilities of these OSLC APIs including support for OSLC Core features, configuration management, Tracked Resource Set, and Authentication. These OSLC APIs are also interoperable with IBM ELM applications including IBM GCM. The presentation will also present how link editors can be created for Web applications as Web browser extensions, in order to provide a high degree of UI customization while also reusing as much as possible a common code base.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.juanQ + ] + }, + PTimW: { + 'title':'SysML v2 to Go', + 'description':[ + '

SysML v2 may not be on everyone\'s lips yet, but it is on many people\'s. It is a big thing on the horizon. In this talk, I will briefly introduce SysML v2, including the SysML v2 API and its current state. You\'ll learn about the making of SysML v2, the architecture of the language, a few special features, and take away how you can easily try SysML v2 today.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.timW + ] + }, + PEdG: { + 'title':'Accelerating OSLC Integrations with genOSLC', + 'description':[ + '

Exposing OSLC interfaces for existing tools is fraught with challenges. Existing solutions offer some support, but much implementation effort is often still required for a fully functional interface. This presentation will introduce genOSLC, a development framework from MID, which dramatically reduces the development effort to realize the OSLC standard. Only requiring the implementation of one Java interface and a resource preview, genOSLC exposes a complete OSLC interface, including local configurations, TRS feeds, and ResourceShapes. It features a dynamic meta-modal, OAuth 1.0A support, and a UI plugin for displaying and creating links.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.edG + ] + }, + PRuiC: { + 'title':'OSLC Supports Model Integration in Model-Based Systems Engineering: KARMA Approach', + 'description':[ + '

When using Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) to develop complex systems, models using different syntax and semantics typically implemented in a heterogeneous environment which leads to difficulties to realize the data integration across the entire lifecycle. Specifically, seamless exchange between models of different modeling tools is needed to support system lifecycle activities such as requirement analysis, system design, verification and validation. To cope with the above situation, we have proposed a service-oriented approach to support model integration for model-based systems engineering, especially between architecture design and system verification. First a set of semantic mapping rules to translate KARMA model architecture, Modelica model architecture and APIs into Open Service of Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) core model. Then OSLC adapter is developed to transform models and APIs into web-based services. The services are deployed by a service discovering plug-in within system modeling tool MetaGraph for model information exchange. We illustrate the approach by a case study on physical architecture modeling and simulation modeling for a six degree of freedom robot (RobotR3) system. The results show that our approach is effective in model and data integration.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.ruiC, + bio.luZ, + bio.wangG, + bio.wuS, + ] + }, + PGrayB: { + 'title':'Stitching a Product Digital Thread with OSLC', + 'description':[ + '

There is new interest in the Community about supporting product lifecycle scenarios with OSLC.

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Here we offer some perspectives from project experience of supporting product related activities with OSLC, including extending digital threads for products and variants. We will show some short demos. In addition we\'ll share some ideas ahead for the renewed OSLC Community workstream.

', + '

We offer this for discussion and to welcome participation in the new workstream.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.grayB, + bio.fabriceM, + ] + }, + PJensK: { + 'title':'Integration Architecture for the Automotive Digital Thread', + 'description':[ + '

Jens will talk of the digital thread using automotive as an example including digital lifecycle management topics such as over-the-air software updates. I would also touch upon integration architecture (incl. OSCL) and how it relates to the digital thread. The audience will understand the business challenges and benefits of OSLC using automotive as an innovative and complex domain.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.jensK, + ] + }, + PBrunoM: { + 'title':'How is the OSLC Research Building the Semantic Web of Software Assets as Linked Data?', + 'description':[ + '

Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC) is an open standard for tool interoperability, which allows data federation throughout Software Engineering (SE) application lifecycles. The OSLC community was founded in 2008, and contributed with a standard for tracing artifacts and tools in geral. In the Software Engineering context, this standard is found on many automation and continuous integration tools such as Jenkins and Github Actions, and also on Continuous Software Engineering environments such as IBM Jazz. Although many research effort have been dedicated to establish OSLC as a standard for linked data to for software lifecycles, the literature misses a study characterizing how these contributions are building a distributed net of linked information about software assets.

', + '

Objective: To provide this characterization, our main goal is to map the state-of-the-art and practice on the adoption of OSLC in SE lifecycles.

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Method: In this paper, we present a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) by analyzing 59 primary studies and addressing integration issues such as SE toolchains.

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Results: Our findings show that OSLC has been mostly applied to the safety-critical industry and often employed in Requirements, Analysis & Design, Change & Configuration Management and Test domains.

', + '

Conclusions: The main advantages of OSLC are related to linked data, involving not only tool adapters for point-to-point integrations, but also proposing solutions for tool replacement in the toolchain, as well as including modifications of OSLC domain specifications and solutions for automated activities for tool integration.

', + ], + 'authors': [ + bio.brunoM, + bio.rafaelT, + bio.fabioB, + bio.rafaelZ, + bio.diegoK, + bio.elderR, + bio.maiconB, + + + ] + }, +}; diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/js/smooth-scroll.js b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/js/smooth-scroll.js new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8d21724e --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/js/smooth-scroll.js @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +$(document).ready(function () { + var nav = { items: [] }; + if (!$(".main-header").hasClass("alt")) { + for (i = 0; i < $(".nav--item").length; i++) { + element = $(".nav--item")[i]; + if (element.hash.charAt(0) == "#") { + nav.items.push({ + target: element.hash, + position: $(element.hash + "-anchor").offset().top - 80, + }); + } + } + + if (location.hash) { + for (i = 0; i < nav.items.length; i++) { + if (location.hash == nav.items[i].target) { + scrollTo(location.hash); + } + } + } + + $(".nav--item").click(function (e) { + if (this.hash !== "") { + e.preventDefault(); 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flex-start; + } + + .gallery--item { + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + align-items: center; + width: 30%; + margin: 0 1.6%; + margin-bottom: 30px; + + &.no-margin { + margin: 0 0 0 30px; + } + .hover-wrap { + position: relative; + display: flex; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + + .image-wrap { + width: 70%; + height: auto; + transition: 350ms opacity ease-in-out; + border-radius: 200px; + overflow: hidden; + + .circular-image { + position: relative; + background-size: cover; + border-radius: 50%; + width: 100%; + height: 0; + padding-top: 100%; + box-sizing: border-box; + border: 1px solid white; + } + } + } + + &.has-info { + .hover-wrap { + position: relative; + display: flex; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + + .circular-image { + transition: 350ms all ease-in-out; + } + + .bio-circle { + position: absolute; + width: 70%; + height: 100%; + display: flex; + justify-content: center; + align-items: center; + + span { + opacity: 0; + padding: 10px 20px; + border-radius: 30px; + background: rgba(65, 142, 235, 0.85); + color: white; + font-size: 20px; + transition: 350ms opacity ease-in-out; + } + } + } + + &:hover { + cursor: pointer; + + .hover-wrap { + .image-wrap { + opacity: .8; + + .circular-image { + transform: scale(1.05); + } + } + + span { + opacity: 1; + } + } + } + } + + img { + width: 70%; + height: 70%; + } + + .item-icon { + font-size: 26px; + color: $alt; + } + + .item-title { + text-align: center; + font-size: 20px; + margin-bottom: 0; + } + + .item-text { + font-size: 16px; + text-align: center; + } + + p { + font-size: 16px; + margin-top: 10px; + } + } + } + } + + &:first-child { + &.connected { + &::before { + content: none; + } + } + } + + &:last-child { + &.connected { + &::after { + content: none; + } + } + } + + &.connected { + position: relative; + padding: 20px 0 200px; + + &:first-child { + &::before { + content: none; + } + } + + &::before { + content: ''; + position: absolute; + left: calc(50% - 1px); + top: 0; + + width: 2px; + height: 20px; + + background: $main; + } + + &::after { + content: ''; + position: absolute; + left: calc(50% - 1px); + bottom: 0; + + width: 2px; + height: 160px; + + background: $main; + } + + .container { + position: relative; + padding-top: 20px; + + &::before { + content: ''; + position: absolute; + -webkit-transform: translateX(-10px); + transform: translateX(-10px); + left: 50%; + top: 0; + + height: 20px; + width: 20px; + border: 2px solid $main; + border-radius: 20px; + box-sizing: border-box; + } + + .section--title { + position: relative; + width: 100%; + text-align: center; + margin: 0; + padding: 30px 0 50px; + + &::before, + &::after { + content: ''; + position: absolute; + -webkit-transform: translateX(-1px); + transform: translateX(-1px); + left: 50%; + + width: 2px; + + background: $main; + } + + &::before { + top: 0; + height: 20px; + } + + &::after { + bottom: 0; + height: 40px; + } + } + } + } + + &.full { + width: 100%; + } + + &.half { + width: 50%; + } + } + + p { + width: 100%; + } +} + +@media (min-width: 481px) and (max-width: 1024px) { + .content--section--wrapper { + .content--section { + .container { + + .section--title { + font-size: 28px; + } + + .section--gallery { + flex-direction: row; + align-items: baseline; + + &.smaller--gallery { + .gallery--item { + width: 40%; + } + + &.logos { + .gallery--item { + width: 33%; + margin-bottom: 60px; + min-width: 150px; + } + } + + .circle { + display: block; + width: 75% !important; + } + } + + &.align-top { + align-items: center; + } + + .gallery--item { + margin-right: 0; + margin-bottom: 40px; + width: 40%; + + &.no-margin { + margin: 0 0 40px; + } + + a { + display: contents; + } + + img { + width: 80%; + max-width: 280px; + } + + .hover-wrap { + img { + width: 80%; + } + } + } + } + } + + &.half { + width: 100%; + } + } + } +} + +@media (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 480px) { + .content--section--wrapper { + .content--section { + .container { + flex-direction: column; + + .section--title { + font-size: 28px; + } + + .section--gallery { + flex-direction: column; + flex-wrap: nowrap; + + &.smaller--gallery { + .gallery--item { + width: 80%; + } + + &.five { + .gallery--item { + width: 100%; + } + } + + &.logos { + .gallery--item { + width: 40%; + min-width: 150px; + } + } + } + + &.align-top { + align-items: center; + } + + .gallery--item { + margin-right: 0; + margin-bottom: 40px; + width: 80%; + + &.no-margin { + margin: 0 40px 0; + } + + a { + display: contents; + } + + img { + width: 80%; + max-width: 280px; + } + + .hover-wrap { + img { + width: 80%; + } + } + } + } + } + + &.half { + width: 100%; + } + } + } +} diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/scss/_layout/_program-table.scss b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/scss/_layout/_program-table.scss new file mode 100644 index 00000000..af880af0 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/scss/_layout/_program-table.scss @@ -0,0 +1,245 @@ +.table-legend--title { + font-size: 24px; + font-weight: 300; + margin: 1em 0; +} + +.table-legend--wrap { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + + .program-item { + margin-right: 15px; + + .program-item--inner { + padding: 8px; + -ms-flex-preferred-size: auto; + } + + &:last-child { + margin-right: 0; + } + } +} + +.program-table--wrap { + display: flex; + width: 100%; + max-width: 850px; + margin: 50px 0 30px; + + .column { + flex: 5; + margin-right: 35px; + text-align: center; + + label { + font-size: 22px; + display: block; + margin-bottom: 15px; + } + + &.day { + margin-right: 0; + + label { + margin-bottom: 31px; + font-weight: 300; + } + } + } + + .program-item { + margin: 15px 0; + } +} + +.program-item { + background-color: $program-light-gray; + display: flex; + position: relative; + transition: 300ms opacity ease-in-out; + + .info-wrap { + flex: 1; + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + border-left: 2px solid transparent; + } + + .program-item--time-wrap { + width: 60px; + background: $main-white; + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + flex-direction: column; + + p { + text-align: left; + margin: 0; + } + + .program-duration { + font-size: 14px; + opacity: .5; + + position: absolute; + width: auto; + right: 5px; + bottom: 5px; + } + } + + .program-item--inner { + flex: 1; + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + justify-content: center; + padding: 16px 8px; + + p { + font-size: 18px; + margin: 0; + text-align: left; + font-weight: 500; + + &.talk-speaker { + margin-top: 14px; + font-size: 16px; + font-weight: 300; + opacity: 0.8; + } + } + + &.has-abstract { + &:hover { + cursor: pointer; + opacity: .4; + } + } + } + + .talk-files { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + border-top: 1px solid #e4e4e4; + padding: 6px 10px; + + a { + font-weight: 500; + + :visited { + color: $main-black; + } + + color: $main-black; + } + + .talk-presentation { + margin-right: 20px; + display: flex; + align-items: center; + + i { + color: #e2574c; + font-size: 20px; + margin-right: 6px; + } + } + + .talk-video { + margin-right: 20px; + i { + color: #4d6fa9; + } + } + } + + &.blank { + background-color: transparent; + } + + &.keynote { + .info-wrap { + border-color: $oslc-light-blue; + } + } + + &.techtalk { + .info-wrap { + border-color: $oslc-orange; + } + } + + &.break { + .info-wrap { + border-color: #aaaaaa; + } + } + + &.discussion { + .info-wrap { + border-color: $oslc-green; + } + } + + &.vendor { + .info-wrap { + border-color: #ffbc00; + } + } +} + +@media screen and (max-width: 769px) { + .table-legend--wrap { + flex-wrap: wrap; + + .program-item { + margin-bottom: 15px; + + p { + font-size: 16px; + } + } + } + + .program-table--wrap { + flex-wrap: wrap; + + .column { + margin-bottom: 30px; + + &.day { + width: 100%; + flex: none; + margin-right: 0; + + p { + font-size: 14px; + + &.talk-speaker { + font-size: 15px; + } + } + + + + .program-item { + .program-item--time-wrap { + width: 40px; + + .program-duration { + font-size: 13px; + } + } + + .program-item--inner { + padding: 20px 8px; + } + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/scss/_templates/_home.scss b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/scss/_templates/_home.scss new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8bd03267 --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/scss/_templates/_home.scss @@ -0,0 +1,275 @@ +.content--section { + &.landing { + height: 100vh; + background-size: cover; + position: relative; + + .container.landing { + width: 90%; + max-width: 1600px; + margin: 0 auto; + flex-direction: row; + align-items: center; + justify-content: space-around; + + .section--image { + width: 52%; + + img { + display: block; + width: 100%; + } + } + + .section--info { + display: flex; + align-items: center; + justify-content: center; + flex-direction: column; + + h1, h2, h3 { + color: $main-white; + font-weight: normal; + margin: 0; + } + + h1 { + font-size: 60px; + } + + h2 { + font-size: 52px; + } + + h3 { + font-size: 44px; + margin: 20px 0; + } + + .subtitle { + font-size: 30px; + margin-bottom: 30px; + } + + .registration { + margin-top: 55px; + text-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5); + + &::before { + border-right-width: 50px; + border-bottom-width: 52px; + } + + &:hover { + color: $oslc-dark-blue; + text-shadow: none; + } + } + + .centralized { + display: flex; + justify-content: center; + flex-wrap: wrap; + margin-top: 15px; + + .registration { + margin-right: 5px; + margin-top: 10px; + } + } + + .youtube { + background-color: rgb(230, 72, 72); + border-color:#c99797; + + &::before{ + border-bottom-color:#f00; + } + + &:hover { + border-color:#f00; + color: #FFF; + } + } + } + } + + .bg-overlay1 { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; + left: 0; + + background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(14, 2, 74, 0.7) 0%, rgba(67, 166, 232, 0.7) 100%); + } + + .bg-overlay2 { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + right: 0; + bottom: 0; + left: 0; + + background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(74, 120, 206, 1) 0%, rgba(10, 5, 47, 1) 100%); + } + } + + .register-btn { + padding-top: 20px !important; + + &::after { + content: none !important; + } + + .button { + font-size: 44px; + padding: 20px 60px; + + &::before { + border-right-width: 50px; + border-bottom-width: 92px; + } + } + } + + &.call { + + .container { + align-items: flex-start; + } + + p { + a { + text-decoration: underline; + } + } + + ul{ + padding-left: 24px; + + li { + margin-bottom: 16px; + font-weight: 300; + font-size: 18px; + } + } + } +} + + +@media screen and (min-width: 770px) and (max-width: 1240px) { + .content--section { + &.landing { + + .container.landing { + flex-direction: column; + + .section--image { + display: none; + } + + .section--info { + + h1, + h2, + h3 { + text-align: center; + } + + h1 { + font-size: 60px; + } + + h2 { + font-size: 40px; + } + + .subtitle { + font-size: 34px; + } + + h3 { + font-size: 40px; + } + + .registration { + p { + font-size: 24px; + } + } + } + } + } + } +} + + +@media screen and (max-width: 769px) { + .content--section { + &.landing { + + .container.landing { + flex-direction: column; + + .section--image { + display: none; + } + + .section--info { + text-align: center; + padding-top: 25px; + + h1, + h2, + h3 { + text-align: center; + } + + h1 { + font-size: 50px; + margin-bottom: 8px; + } + + h2 { + font-size: 26px; + } + h3 { + font-size: 22px; + } + h4 { + font-size: 14px; + } + + .subtitle { + font-size: 22px; + } + + .registration { + margin-top: 10px; + font-size: 16px; + padding: 10px 18px; + } + } + } + } + + .register-btn { + padding-top: 20px !important; + + &::after { + content: none !important; + } + + .button { + font-size: 28px; + padding: 15px 30px; + + &::before { + border-right-width: 50px; + border-bottom-width: 92px; + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/scss/main.scss b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/scss/main.scss new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a8e834bf --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/static/scss/main.scss @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +//CORE +@import "_core/_colors"; +@import "_core/_reset"; +@import "_core/_typography"; + +//LAYOUT +@import "_layout/_grid"; +@import "_layout/_header"; +@import "_layout/_layout"; +@import "_layout/_buttons"; +@import "_layout/_program-table"; +@import "_layout/_info-card"; + +//TEMPLATES +@import "_templates/_home"; diff --git a/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/theme.toml b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/theme.toml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5acf1e3b --- /dev/null +++ b/oslc-fest/themes/oslc-conference/theme.toml @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +# theme.toml template for a Hugo theme +# See https://github.com/gohugoio/hugoThemes#themetoml for an example + +name = "Oslc Conference" +license = "MIT" +licenselink = "https://github.com/yourname/yourtheme/blob/master/LICENSE.md" +description = "" +homepage = "http://example.com/" +tags = [] +features = [] +min_version = "0.30.2" + +[author] + name = "" + homepage = "" + +# If porting an existing theme +[original] + name = "" + homepage = "" + repo = ""