- this project adheres to Semantic Versioning
v0.9.1 - 2024-02-06
add ipa-hlt-chk and ipa-hlt-gui to check Network, DNS, NTP, SSSD, KRB5 and others dependencies to determine health of IPA
- update Unreleased, add v0.9.0
- get pylint version
- improve getting python version
- run lsb_release in before_script to get OS information
- show python version in before_script
- workaround to avoid executing dig on invalid NS in get_ptr function
- send output to syslog using logger when LOGGER=1 (default PRIORITY=user.info)
- send stderr to /dev/null in get_add and get_sss_cnf functions
- define PS4 with EPOCHREALTIME, LINENO and FUNCNAME when BASH_DEBUG is enabled
- fix errors reported by shellcheck (SC2016|SC2034|SC2086|SC2126|SC2155|SC2162|SC2181)
- check Network, DNS, NTP, SSSD, KRB5 and others dependencies to determine health of IPA
- fix indentation in dialog function
- make sure the dialog exits with 0 to prevent zenity from exiting with error or entering a loop
- replace autoclose with timeout (default 3 seconds) to ensure dialog is displayed before autoclose
- fix errors reported by shellcheck SC2086 and SC2034 (add DATE to output message)
- add the run directory to a PATH environment
- use zenity to graphical show results of ipa-hlt-chk
v0.9.0 - 2023-06-28
add ipa-sss-err for filter SynLog of sAMAccountName with at least one sync error (error!=0), add ipa-sss-exp for filter SynLog when record date match with accountExpires date and add ipa-sss-nsy for filter SynLog of sAMAccountName with at least one no sync (sss_cache=0)
- update Unreleased, add Release v0.7.3
- get pylint version
- get python version
- add function success to show message and exit 0
- refactor parameters and backup previous log
- define OUT log file with third parameter when it is not empty
- add script for Filter SynLog of sAMAccountName with at least one sync error (error!=0)
- add script for Filter SynLog when record date match with accountExpires date
- exit without error when input log file is empty
- set OUT only when undefined to allow it to be set as an environment variable
- exit without error when sss_cache=0 records not found
- add script for Filter SynLog of sAMAccountName with at least one no sync (sss_cache=0)
- execute set -x when BASH_DEBUG is enabled
v0.8.0 - 2023-04-25
add /resyn in ipa-api-syn to run ipa-sss-syn with IPA_SSS_SYN_LAST=1 to skip error=2 validation
- change python files permissions from 644 to 755
- fix typo, replace recived with received
- add resync.py to resync
- add column action in query.py
- add column action in sync.py
- import ReSync and map route /resyn
- add column action with sync as default in process.db
- add column action with sync as default in tosync.db
- add column action in ipa-api-syn.py, define IPA_SSS_SYN_LAST=0 when action = resyn
- exit with error 2 when sAMAccountName was processed in the last minute, only when IPA_SSS_SYN_LAST=1 (default)
v0.7.3 - 2023-04-05
ipa-sss-plt: plot syn errors with error code in label
- update Unreleased, add Releases v0.7.0, v0.7.1 and v0.7.2
- collect syn errors in YYYY-MM-DD-syn-err.dat
- enable set -x when BASH_DEBUG is defined
- plot syn errors with error code in label
v0.7.2 - 2023-03-07
replace date -d with date $UTC and accountExpires=0 or dataExpireTimestamp=1 with 1970-01-01 00:00 in ipa-sss-syn
- when dataExpireTimestamp = 1 replace with 1970-01-01 00:00
- replace date -d with date $UTC and date = 0 with 1970-01-01 00:00
v0.7.1 - 2023-03-07
force invalidate cache when dataExpireTimestamp <= NOW in ipa-sss-syn
- force invalidate cache when dataExpireTimestamp <= NOW
v0.7.0 - 2023-03-06
report errors (40,41,42,43) when failed syn and add wait after invalidate and populate (Default 0s) in ipa-sss-syn
- add v0.6.1 and update Unreleased
- update ChangeLog from v0.5.0 to v0.6.0
- add align2col dependency to align 2 strings columns
- set V (value) with whitespace when V is empty to fix Markdown syntax
- report errors (40,41,42,43) when failed syn
- add wait after invalidate and populate (Default 0s)
- replace USERNAME with USERFQDN to prevent errors
- define filetype bash in shell-lint hooks config
v0.6.1 - 2023-02-27
fix format date in filter function for ipa-srv-mon.log in ipa-sss-dat
- fix format date in filter function for ipa-srv-mon.log
v0.6.0 - 2023-02-13
add support to convert datetime to local timezone by default in ipa-sss-syn
- add ChangeLog from v0.1.0 to v0.5.0
- update commands help with support for local time zone in ipa-sss-syn
- improve help adding TO_UTC environment variable and datetime conversion example
- show TO_UTC and UTC variables in debug when IPA_SSS_SYN_DEBUG is enabled
- move default TO_UTC=0 from defaults to config function, to allow define TO_UTC in .ipa-config when TO_UTC is not defined as environment variable
- validate LDB_HOST option in config
- return 1970-01-01 00:00 when UNIX time is 0 and use --utc in date convertion using variable UTC define by TO_UTC option
- use 11644473600 as constant to calculate datetime diff between LDAP and UNIX time
- define TO_UTC=0 to convert datetime to local timezone by default
v0.5.1 - 2022-12-22
add config function in ipa-srv-mon to read configuration from .ipa-config
- add config function to read configuration from .ipa-config
v0.5.0 - 2022-12-19
add ipa-sss-ldb to count cache records, add ipa-sss-rsy to backup and ipa-sss-rtr to restore SSSD cache to preserve RAMDISK
- update commands help, add ipa-sss-rtr
- update commands help, add ipa-sss-ldb
- update commands help, add ipa-sss-rsy
- add script for count records of groups and users in LDB cache
- don't sync when LDB_CHK=1 and records count of groups or users are 0
- add script for copy cache files to preserve ramdisk
- fix abort when not found groups or users in SSSD cache
- add script for restore backup of cache files to preserve ramdisk
- add ipa-sss-rtr in Tools Overview
- add ipa-sss-ldb in Tools Overview
- add ipa-sss-rsy in Tools Overview
v0.4.0 - 2022-11-28
update scripts to generate and plot metrics and get and sync users
- add Project Description in .description
- shellcheck disable SC1091
- add ipa-api-syn configs
- update commands help
- update ipa-ss-day help with split hour range
- add script for generate and plot metrics in HTML gallery
- define directory in path of OVW variable
- filter log between hour range with XSTART and XEND variables
- replace tabs with spaces
- add default umask 0022
- plot labels of slow cron per minute syncs
- plot total per minute labels
- change scale of total syn per minute
- add total syns and hour range in title
- allow to overwrite XSTART with environment variable
- replace unnecessary assignment with no-op
- fix invalid log name
- add script for get all users in external LDAP/AD
- check USERLIST file exists before try delete
- add script for sync all usernames defined in file
- passing XSTART and XEND variables to filter hour range with ipa-sss-day
- change default USR from ipaai to root
- add ipa-sss-all, ipa-usr-all and ipa-usr-syn in Tools Overview
v0.3.0 - 2022-05-03
add API to enqueue cache synchronization requests and process them sequentially
- added compiled python file extension
- remove change directory, replace *.py with directory ipa-api-syn
- Added parameter to show errors only
- join ignored-modules lines to prevent whitespace in python-stage
- add flask and flask_restful to ignored-modules in python-stage
- remove scalar before change directory in python-stage
- add && after change directory before execute pylint
- fix change directory before execute pylint en python-stage
- add ignored-modules=api.root,api.sync,api.query in pylint
- Code formated automatically by pyhton-black
- add PyYAML pip dependency in requirements.txt
- add python pip dependencies in requirements.txt
- add python shebang in ipa-que-syn.py
- Added whole freeIPA syncronization API project
- changed get method to accept a new parameter to return the n last records from processed database and return a json list
- added error message when OperationalError arise
- Added docstring to fulfill missing docstring pylint message
- change route definitions to include query listing capabilities
- new parameter to set if priviledge escalation is required to run script
- test_config parameter was not used, use default settings file if none otherwise use the comming from test_config
- Changed comment string to docstring
- initialize API without assigning the object as it's not being used
- Takes script var initialization outside the main loop to fix #7
- change import order
- added a howto run example in case script is not call correctly
- added proper command's argument handling
- added stdout and stderr as part of the result string stored in database
- change log to include both stderr and and stdout from executed command
- add sudo to script string when escalate priviledge is true
- get config to escalate privileges
- solves syntax error introduced by pylint suggestion
- Solves missing module docstring by adding module documentation
- solves relative import from app as from ipa-api-syn.app
- solves undefined variable appr renaming it as app
- Changed logging format
- Changed wait time from 5s to 1s
- Moved sleep time at main while level
- Added IPA_SSS_SYN_SHOW environment variable when calling syn script
- Changed wait time from 5s to 1s
- Moved sleep time at main while level
- Added IPA_SSS_SYN_SHOW environment variable when calling syn script
- Added account argument to script call
- Cast script return code to string
- Added a sleep time at the end
- Added more log lines
- Added statement to get return code from subprocess
- improve hooks, add black
- Added descendent order to get last record
- Added format to timestamps return values
- logging format improvement
- Fix missing query argument as tuple
- Fix missing query argument
- Added missing userid argument
- Solved syntax errors
- Changed logging format
- Added logic to return latest status for a processed account
- include README-ipa-api-syn.md
- improve README-ipa-api-syn.md with examples and minor fixes
- Added result output examples fix #2
- Added small documentation on API ussage
- added DBPROCS variable to be used on query end-point
- Added log message when account cloud no be queued
- Changed the way the endpoint returns operational results to return and error if account were not processed
- Changed logging format
- Added timestamp to log output format
v0.2.0 - 2022-05-02
added tools to split, filter, analyze and graph log files
- ipa-sss-plt.cfg with gnuplot styles
- add service metrics in ipa-srv-mon.log
- add report of ipa-sss-syn in markdown
- add shellcheck --version
- remove tag shell in shell-check stage to test gitlab-runner
- add tag ansible in shell-check stage to test gitlab-runner
- define DIR_TMP and DIR_PDF
- define PLT_X_TICS_FONT to use in ipa-sss-sum
- define MON_DATE format for ipa-srv-mon
- define common variables for ipa-sss-(dat|plt|htm)
- define HTM variables examples
- add stderror function
- add function cfg to fail on undefined config variables
- add function config to read config options from .ipa-config
- add Common functions and variables
- add output example
- add Check syntax using shellcheck
- update commands help
- add commands Help
- add Generate Markdown Help
- add Generate Markdown Table Overview
- add Verify Syntax of SynLog
- add functions params, validate, filter, defaults, srv2dat, log2dat, totals, main and use DIR_DAT
- add Generate .dat file to plot SynLog
- add Split SynLog by date
- replace empty value with whitespace to prevent markdown format error
- sort commands output
- add functions config, params, log2md and main to redirect output to file
- add Generate report of SynLog
- add functions defaults, params, validate, plot, main and use PLT variables
- add Plot SynLog between hours range
- add functions defaults, params, validate, sum2dat, dat2plt, main and use PLT variables
- add Plot summarized SynLog attribute stats
- remove unnecesary output
- add Split SynLog by user
- add current directory in execution of ipa-src-chk in chk rule
- add htm rule
- indent defaults variables
- add XSTART and XEND variable with defaults to png rule
- add end-of-file-fixer, trailing-whitespace and shell-lint
- add ipa-sss-dff in Tools Overview
- add ipa-srv-mon in tools overview
- add ipa-sss-htm in Tools Overview
- add Tools Overview with link to ipa-src-hlp.md
v0.1.0 - 2022-05-02
first public version of ipa-sss-syn
- add ipa-config.example
- refactor general
- add shell-lint
- fix typo in gcoop-libre.freeipa_sssd_tools repositories