Akili is a component-based javascript framework. It includes a powerful system of components, router, store to save and distribute data, functions to make ajax requests and some useful utils.
- very easy for learning, using and testing
- without any additional dependencies
- can be used without javascript compilation in all modern browsers
- pure, lightweight, expandable and powerful framework
- supports server-side rendering
- javascript way, without magic
class HelloWorld extends Akili.Component {
created() {
this.scope.count = 0;
this.scope.title = 'Hello World';
Akili.component('hello-world', HelloWorld);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
Akili.init().catch(err => console.error(err));
<div on-click="${ this.count++ }">
${ this.title }: ${ this.count }
More simple examples are on the site.
And you can see the complete example of architecture and get the source code.
You can install it via npm
npm install akili --save
or download and include as a script
<script src="/akili.js"></script>
Documentation is here.
Akili is MIT licensed.