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File metadata and controls

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How do I document my code?

Programming is inherently a social activity. It's made by humans, and produces things for humans to use. It's essential that all of these people understand the project. This is a communication problem, where several kinds of approaches have to be employed. This article discusses communication between programmers, mainly through documentation.


This document is a work in progress. Information may be missing, and no section has been reviewed. Issues about this document should be reported on the issue tracker.

Table of Contents

Why do we need documentation?

“Thus, programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.”

— Abelson and Sussman, in Structure and Interpretations of Computer Programs

Given that programming is a social activity, we'll have different people working in the same code base, and different people using the artifacts produced by this code. With more things being open source, this is truer than ever. These people need to, somehow, communicate expectations and intent to each other such that they may collaborate.

In a program, we're usually interested in communicating the following ideas:

  • What is it?
    — A program is made out of several abstract concepts, and these concepts compose to express an idea. In order for one to understand the idea, they must first understand the concepts. This question can be asked while trying to understand both, and is ideally answered by the code itself.

    Code that clearly signals the ideas they're expressing is easier to follow, and thus easier to understand. That is, it succeeds at communicating the ideas that it aims to. This is achieved by using the right abstraction for the solution being described.

    In some cases, however, people may not be familiar with the concept being expressed, even if the concept is clearly expressed in the program. In this case, they can either try to build a conceptual understanding by understanding how it works — so they try to come up with their own mental model for this concept based on how it works, — or they can be provided with a conceptual documentation that explains the concept to them, such that its implementation (how it works) becomes irrelevant to effectively communicate the idea.

  • What does it do?
    — Sometimes we're not interested only in the conceptual understanding of the ideas expressed in the program, but also in how the computer will effectively execute the program. We ask these questions when we need to optimise a particular piece of code, for example, and it is also ideally answered through the code itself.

    In pretty much all cases we're interested in an answer to this question, we'll be dealing with how the machine understands our code. And sometimes we might want to provide higher-level descriptions of that to help programmers to get in the right mindset. We'll call this execution documentation.

  • Why does it exist?
    — Besides understanding what a concept is, it's often important to understand the motivation behind that concept. These motivations allow us to decide when a concept should or shouldn't be used, and also to evaluate alternatives to that concept.

    This kind of intent is impractical to express in code itself (although things like dependent types bring us closer to that), so they're described in natural language itself. We'll call this intent documentation.

  • How do I use it?
    — We need to understand how to use a particular concept in our programs. This question is partly addressed by language features, such as function signatures, interfaces, and types, and as much as possible we should try to rely on those features to answer this question. Sometimes, certain aspects of a concept can't be captured by the features the language offers, and for these we're again left with high-level, natural language descriptions. We'll call this usage documentation.

  • What are the effects of using it?
    — Last, but equally important, we need to set people's expectations about some piece of functionality. Any observable effect or limitation needs to be properly communicated to the programmer, such that they can understand, in context, whether they should use it or not. Most languages have a pretty bad support for specifying expectations, with types being the usual way of doing it. When we can't specify these expectations in the code itself, we need to provide a natural language description of them. We'll call these expectations documentation.

Knowing which questions we need to provide answers for makes it much easier to document our code, but we still need to know how to do that. The rest of this document describes the specific approach to documentation used in Origami Tower's JavaScript projects. Note that they are not a general approach that can be applied to any other language, even if the principles can be useful for them.

Metadata with Meta:Magical

Most of the different kinds of documentation described in the previous section (and more) are attached to JavaScript objects using the Meta:Magical, and then queried in different ways through the Meta:Magical browser.

Meta:Magical is a project that allows one to attach arbitrary meta-data to JavaScript objects, and query that meta-data later at runtime. So one would be able to look at particular pieces of documentation from the REPL, for example.

Documentation may be provided as Meta:Magical doc comments by using the Meta:Magical Babel plugin, or by assigning an object to the Symbol.for('@@meta:magical') property.

// Using the Babel plugin for doc comments

 * Composes two functions.
 * The compose operation allows function composition. For example, if
 * you have two functions, `inc` and `double`, you can compose them
 * such that you get a new function which has the characteristics of
 * both.
 *     const inc    = (x) => x + 1
 *     const double = (x) => x * 2
 *     const incDouble = compose(double, inc)
 *     incDouble(3)
 *     // => double(inc(3))
 *     // => 8
 * > **NOTE**  
 * > Composition is done from right to left, rather than left to right.
 * ---
 * signature: compose(f, g)(value)
 * type: (β -> γ, α -> β) -> α -> γ
 * category: Combinators
 * tags: ["Lambda Calculus"]
 * stability: stable
 * platforms: ["ECMAScript"]
 * licence: MIT
const compose = (f, g) => (value) => f(g(value))

Social meta-data

Social meta-data describes the social aspects related to code ownership and distribution. They're important in that they tell people if they can use or rely on a particular piece of code.

  • authors : Array<Author/String> (inheritable)
    — Provides a list of authors for the documented functionality. In general this will be just the name of the author, but it might also contain an email and/or website, formatted as "Author Name <[email protected]> (".

  • licence : SPDX/String (inheritable)
    — Describes which licence the code is released under. These will ideally be SPDX licence indexes, such as "MIT".

  • since : SemVer/String (inheritable)
    — Describes which version introduced the functionality. While less useful when interacting with Meta:Magical through a REPL, this could be useful for documentation generated from the annotations and presented elsewhere. Should ideally be a version string conforming to Semantic Versioning

  • deprecated : String
    — Provides the reasoning by which the functionality was deprecated, and ideally explains how the user should migrate their application to newly provided alternatives, if they exist.

  • repository : URL/String (inheritable)
    — Provides an URL for the repository containing the source for the functionality.

  • stability : StabilityIndex/String (inheritable)
    — The stability index tells people how much they can rely on the functionality. Meta:Magical just uses Node.js's stability index, where names are provided in lower case, e.g.: "stable".

Execution meta-data

Execution meta-data describes expectations about the execution of the code in the machine.

  • platforms : Array<String> (inheritable)
    — A list of platforms where the functionality works, like ["Node.js 4+", "Chrome 40+"].

  • portability : String (inheritable)
    — Describes whether the functionality is portable ("portable"), and if not why it isn't portable ("not portable. Relies on v8's special support for stack trace objects.").

  • complexity : String
    — Describes the algorithimic complexity of the functionality. Ideally all functionality that does not have trivial complexity should describe which complexity it runs on, for example: "O(n), n is the number of elements in the array.". Where it matters, also provide the complexity for trivial functions (e.g.: those that aren't usually constant time).

Organisation meta-data

Organisation meta-data allows Meta:Magical to organise the output of meta-data queries better, and also support filtering.

  • category : String
    — Categorises the functionality such that similar functionality can be grouped together. Common categories used in JavaScript code are described later in this document. Each functionality has a single category, but it may have many associated tags.

  • tags : Array<String>
    — Provides keywords that can be associated with the functionality. Meta:Magical uses these to help users search for functionality, but they have no bearing on how information is displayed.

  • name : String
    — The name to display when showing data about the functionality.

  • module : String
    — Describes which module this functionality belongs to. This is the path to the module, from the root of the package, including the package name — in other words, the same thing people would put in their require() calls.

  • belongsTo : Object
    — When provided, tells Meta:Magical where the functionality is defined. This is used by Meta:Magical to support inheriting meta-data from other objects, so you don't need to repeat things like licence, authors, etc. in all methods of an object.

Usage meta-data

Usage meta-data documents how to use a particular piece of code, and what to expect from using that code.

  • signature : String
    — Provides a signature for the functionality. These are similar to how you define or invoke the functionality. Common examples:

    • Function: compose(f, g)(value)
    • Function with defaults: read(fileName[, encoding = 'utf8'])
    • Method: .match(pattern)
    • Constructor: new Point(x, y)
    • Class: class Branch extends Tree
    • Object: List :> Collection
  • type : String
    — Describes the type of the functionality. The type notation is not specified yet, and Meta:Magical treats it as an arbitrary String. Eventually it might settle on something similar to RDL and support type queries, like Hoogle.

  • throws : { String -> String }
    — Describes under which situations the functionality throws exceptions. The value is an object where the key is the kind of exception thrown, and the value a description of when it's thrown and why.

Common categories

A few standard categories to use when describing your objects:

  • Refining, the function constructs a new object that's similar to some object provided as argument, but with some new characteristics.

  • Constructing, the function constructs a new object from scratch.

  • Inspecting, the function is meant for debugging/runtime reflection.

  • Comparing and testing, the function allows one to compare different objects, or test some property in a particular object. isFoo functions always fall in this category.

  • Extracting information, retrieves part of a compound object.

  • Converting to other types, allows converting from one type to another (like toString).

  • Transforming, allows transforming some of the data represented by the object.

  • Combining, allows combining different objects to yield a new one.

  • Handling errors, allows handling errors that may be represented by/stored in the object.

How to write documentation

This section is a stub and needs to be improved.

Your documentation should look something like:

[short descriptive summary of what the object/message does]

## Why?

[detailed description of WHY the object exists. This should provide
 compelling arguments on why someone might use the object.]

## Drawbacks

[if applicable, provide a description of the problems people might
 run into by using this object, because of some design trade-off
 you made (maybe your API is easy to use and consistent, but not
 very efficient? Detail that here)]

## Architecture

[For objects/modules, describe the general architecture, so people
 know how each piece fits together, and can better reason about
 its behaviour/contribute]

Where possible, examples of how to use an object/method/function should be provided. Examples are great for people to start playing around with.