Java classes for IOF XML version 2 and 3. Also marshal and unmarshal helper functions for both XML versions.
The folder ./src/main/java contains Java files generated from the XSD files for IOF v2 and v3.
They are generated with the Gradle task addXjcTask
in build.gradle
(can be run with the
task generateSources
Original XSD files that the Java classes are generated from:
- iof_v2.xsd (converted from IOFdata.dtd)
- iof_v3.xsd
See also generated documentation from the source code:
- Javadoc:
- Dokka Kotlin:
Install the project by adding the dependency to your pom.xml or build.gradle file.
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
implementation group: 'io.github.orienteering-oss', name: 'iofXml', version: '1.3.6'
import iofXml.marshallIofV3
import iofXml.unmarshalGenericIofV3
import iofXml.v3.StartTimeAllocationRequest
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Generic unmarshal, Triple with 'Any' type:
val (obj, xmlTypeName, reflectionClass) = unmarshalGenericIofV3(classListExampleXml)
// Specific unmarshal / deserialize:
val classList = unmarshalIofV3ClassList(classListExampleXml)
// prints: Men Open
// Marshal / serialize:
// prints original XML file
// Create object of IOF v3 class:
var classListExampleXml = """
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Class information for a relay event.
<ClassList xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" iofVersion="3.0" createTime="2011-07-20T12:16:31+01:00" creator="Example Software">
<!-- there are 35 teams taking part in this class -->
<Class numberOfCompetitors="35">
<Name>Men Open</Name>
<!-- this class has three legs, each one represented by a Leg element -->
<!-- the first leg is run by one competitor, which means that no minNumberOfCompetitors or maxNumberOfCompetitors are present since they default to 1 -->
<!-- the second leg is run by one to three competitors in parallel -->
<Leg maxNumberOfCompetitors="3"/>
<!-- the third leg is run by one competitor -->
./gradlew run
./gradlew test
./gradlew generateSources
(Remember to put a file
with the required fields (GPG-key and ossrh username and password
see Signing artifacts)
./gradlew publishMavenJavaPublicationToSonatypeRepository
After upload, follow the release process.
- C# classes for IOF XML v3:
- IOF repository for