diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..57953a4e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1,160 @@ + +# Created by https://www.gitignore.io/api/gradle,intellij,android,emacs + +### Intellij ### +# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and Webstorm +# Reference: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839 + +# User-specific stuff: +.idea/workspace.xml +.idea/tasks.xml +.idea/dictionaries +.idea/vcs.xml +.idea/jsLibraryMappings.xml + +# Sensitive or high-churn files: +.idea/dataSources.ids +.idea/dataSources.xml +.idea/dataSources.local.xml +.idea/sqlDataSources.xml +.idea/dynamic.xml +.idea/uiDesigner.xml + +# Gradle: +.idea/gradle.xml +.idea/libraries + +# Mongo Explorer plugin: +.idea/mongoSettings.xml + +## File-based project format: +*.iws + +## Plugin-specific files: + +# IntelliJ +/out/ + +# mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin +.idea_modules/ + +# JIRA plugin +atlassian-ide-plugin.xml + +# Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) +com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml +crashlytics.properties +crashlytics-build.properties +fabric.properties + +### Intellij Patch ### +# Comment Reason: https://github.com/joeblau/gitignore.io/issues/186#issuecomment-215987721 + +# *.iml +# modules.xml + + +### Android ### +# Built application files +*.apk +*.ap_ + +# Files for the Dalvik VM +*.dex + +# Java class files +*.class + +# Generated files +bin/ +gen/ +out/ + +# Gradle files +.gradle/ +build/ + +# Local configuration file (sdk path, etc) +local.properties + +# Proguard folder generated by Eclipse +proguard/ + +# Log Files +*.log + +# Android Studio Navigation editor temp files +.navigation/ + +# Android Studio captures folder +captures/ + +# Intellij +*.iml + +# Keystore files +*.jks + +### Android Patch ### +gen-external-apklibs + + +### Emacs ### +# -*- mode: gitignore; -*- +*~ +\#*\# +/.emacs.desktop +/.emacs.desktop.lock +*.elc +auto-save-list +tramp +.\#* + +# Org-mode +.org-id-locations +*_archive + +# flymake-mode +*_flymake.* + +# eshell files +/eshell/history +/eshell/lastdir + +# elpa packages +/elpa/ + +# reftex files +*.rel + +# AUCTeX auto folder +/auto/ + +# cask packages +.cask/ +dist/ + +# Flycheck +flycheck_*.el + +# server auth directory +/server/ + +# projectiles files +.projectile + +### Gradle ### +.gradle +build/ + +# Ignore Gradle GUI config +gradle-app.setting + +# Avoid ignoring Gradle wrapper jar file (.jar files are usually ignored) +!gradle-wrapper.jar + +# Cache of project +.gradletasknamecache + +# # Work around https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-116898 +# gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties diff --git a/.idea/compiler.xml b/.idea/compiler.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96cc43efa --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/compiler.xml @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.idea/copyright/profiles_settings.xml b/.idea/copyright/profiles_settings.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e7bedf337 --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/copyright/profiles_settings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.idea/encodings.xml b/.idea/encodings.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..97626ba45 --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/encodings.xml @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.idea/misc.xml b/.idea/misc.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5d1998103 --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/misc.xml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.idea/modules.xml b/.idea/modules.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7b3ac9fdd --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/modules.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/.idea/runConfigurations.xml b/.idea/runConfigurations.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f68460d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.idea/runConfigurations.xml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/README.org b/README.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..831a252a3 --- /dev/null +++ b/README.org @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +"Hello, World" gone wrong. diff --git a/app/.gitignore b/app/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 000000000..796b96d1c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +/build diff --git a/app/build.gradle b/app/build.gradle new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fa857ccf0 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/build.gradle @@ -0,0 +1,99 @@ +apply plugin: 'com.android.application' + +android { + dexOptions { + maxProcessCount 4 + javaMaxHeapSize "2g" + } + + compileSdkVersion 25 + buildToolsVersion "25.0.1" + + defaultConfig { + applicationId "com.orgzly" + minSdkVersion 14 // Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0) + targetSdkVersion 25 // Nougat (7.1) + versionCode 54 + versionName "1.4.9" + testInstrumentationRunner "android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" + } + + buildTypes { + // Read from local.properties file. + Properties properties = new Properties() + properties.load(project.rootProject.file('local.properties').newDataInputStream()) + + release { + shrinkResources true + minifyEnabled true + + proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro' + + buildConfigField "boolean", "LOG_DEBUG", "false" + + // Dropbox app key (https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps) + buildConfigField "String", "DROPBOX_APP_KEY", properties.getProperty("dropbox.app_key") + resValue "string", "dropbox_app_key_schema", properties.getProperty("dropbox.app_key_schema") + } + + debug { + buildConfigField "boolean", "LOG_DEBUG", "true" + + // Dropbox access token used by tests (https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps) + buildConfigField "String", "DROPBOX_TOKEN", properties.getProperty("dropbox.token") + + // Dropbox app key (https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps) + buildConfigField "String", "DROPBOX_APP_KEY", properties.getProperty("dropbox.app_key") + resValue "string", "dropbox_app_key_schema", properties.getProperty("dropbox.app_key_schema") + } + } + + lintOptions { + disable 'ResourceType' + disable 'MissingTranslation' + } +} + +// Warning:Conflict with dependency 'com.android.support:support-annotations'. Resolved versions for app (23.1.1) and test app (23.0.1) differ. +// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28999124/resolved-versions-for-app-22-0-0-and-test-app-21-0-3-differ +configurations.all { + resolutionStrategy { + force "com.android.support:design:$android_support_version" + } +} + +dependencies { + compile project(':org-java') // Used when developing, defined in settings.gradle + // compile "com.orgzly:org-java:1.0" + + compile "com.dropbox.core:dropbox-core-sdk:$dropbox_core_sdk_version" + + compile("com.github.machinarius:preferencefragment:$preference_fragment_version") { + exclude module: 'support-v4' + } + + compile "com.android.support:support-v4:$android_support_version" + compile "com.android.support:appcompat-v7:$android_support_version" + compile "com.android.support:cardview-v7:$android_support_version" + compile "com.android.support:recyclerview-v7:$android_support_version" + compile "com.android.support:design:$android_support_version" + androidTestCompile "com.android.support:support-annotations:$android_support_version" + + // Too big. Maybe strip it? + // compile 'com.ibm.icu:icu4j:54.1.1' + + // Did not detect encoding for worg/org-blog-articles.org + // compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['chardet.jar']) + + compile fileTree(include: ['juniversalchardet-1.0.3.jar'], dir: 'libs') + + testCompile "junit:junit:$junit_version" + + androidTestCompile "com.android.support.test:runner:$android_test_version" + androidTestCompile "com.android.support.test:rules:$android_test_version" + + androidTestCompile "com.android.support.test.espresso:espresso-core:$android_test_espresso_version" + androidTestCompile "com.android.support.test.espresso:espresso-contrib:$android_test_espresso_version" + + androidTestCompile "de.sven-jacobs:loremipsum:$loremipsum_version" +} diff --git a/app/libs/chardet.jar b/app/libs/chardet.jar new file mode 100644 index 000000000..69f650368 Binary files /dev/null and b/app/libs/chardet.jar differ diff --git a/app/libs/icu4j-54_1_1.jar b/app/libs/icu4j-54_1_1.jar new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ded7cebf8 Binary files /dev/null and b/app/libs/icu4j-54_1_1.jar differ diff --git a/app/libs/juniversalchardet-1.0.3.jar b/app/libs/juniversalchardet-1.0.3.jar new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1af703fec Binary files /dev/null and b/app/libs/juniversalchardet-1.0.3.jar differ diff --git a/app/proguard-rules.pro b/app/proguard-rules.pro new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c30e7ebae --- /dev/null +++ b/app/proguard-rules.pro @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +# Add project specific ProGuard rules here. +# By default, the flags in this file are appended to flags specified +# in android-sdk/tools/proguard/proguard-android.txt +# You can edit the include path and order by changing the ProGuard +# include property in project.properties. +# +# For more details, see +# http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/proguard.html + +# Add any project specific keep options here: + +# If your project uses WebView with JS, uncomment the following +# and specify the fully qualified class name to the JavaScript interface +# class: +#-keepclassmembers class fqcn.of.javascript.interface.for.webview { +# public *; +#} + + +# For avoiding: SupportMenuInflater: Cannot instantiate class: android.support.v7.widget.SearchView + +-keep class android.support.v7.widget.SearchView { *; } + +# Dropbox SDK Serialization + +-keepattributes *Annotation*,EnclosingMethod,InnerClasses,Signature +-keepnames class com.fasterxml.jackson.** { *; } +-dontwarn com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.** + +# Dropbox SSL trusted certs + +-adaptresourcefilenames com/dropbox/core/http/trusted-certs.raw + +# OkHttp and Servlet optional dependencies + +-dontwarn okio.** +-dontwarn com.squareup.okhttp.** +-dontwarn javax.servlet.** +-dontwarn com.dropbox.core.http.GoogleAppEngineRequestor +-dontwarn com.dropbox.core.http.OkHttp3Requestor* +-dontwarn com.dropbox.core.http.GoogleAppEngineRequestor$Uploader + +# Support classes for compatibility with older API versions + +-dontwarn android.support.** +-dontnote android.support.** diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/Chinese-Lipsum.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/Chinese-Lipsum.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..554a6fa2b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/Chinese-Lipsum.org @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +情素近洞読巻般翼載合代火原。職大猶組贈育左聞吹壌定側。校記暮極一仁事厚取学策谷作朝義。誌属実子出抜平馬掲講著次決。作告化展修言真緒混対公入試供東禁絵。樋穴辞犬回待富京申割行区必。真聞議伯必初小載憲作準価込霊無初護権間追。人雪付演曜辺問二再問紛点就。置方取田要論僕町腸今身継中禁社台聞次試。儡件料状療更速必約明死自関快午。 + +聞沖王護済本禁提車止頭員内真界文学。送重載退止政速赤治場見愛化通。愛津作並量初茶伝処幾渋未。酒至応国店聞苗佑課対良報別今売。長者希絡記不価国能紙故国列撮各思未久後。極失同天修覧祉頭権崩昇支食量定済。掲導整治出周活没訳真革毎京氏記京。転経募感訃質数検気分点越。験際可宮遊属千食夢提郷止体。録場予判鬼職届演歩産均院泊帰無草。 + +環無人無勲到変知民属馬検勝監平一松穫社展。掲作環山攻根輪挙同熊流合解康。社機開題間事県広典幌却学検館読年情扉。野減写税元開話動方直代縮偏儲審投緊。人整住覧済白著必引督真一所。都川換案練代社任設療支次。長教番者出設午聞淀録景司載手最王内転直。割録客会発企会広開挑灰京降方面待。他様違初江議得謙安決天馬載郷能波皇。 + +航万今入原万下島疑静若金協盛悪。条献山打録掲寿岳年清一載況説。写第視愚室吸護市止情題残件承茂問首愛。七方技護暴名第援暮文木聞共芸葉掲求。北師問条聞気若将動由鹿自妙。毎推幕警回込代発裁持西歴花投逮文。課録駆要財米新副知氷意近変観。最善介座民国関都軽青禁料通子知知新図致。日高策勝点分成速幹属植二暮楽可戻川。 + +担文医広流慢団氷道顔会回派売葉絶目。介男開第厚識本空市年融蝶渡。私九理供芸殖約報高水知環境要東対駅果。能六円展摂加西当城労表幌。界行観先作会涼回反断声体画一可郵。撲記投予特民心備回費入査。見画能座到教票家白遊著者情見千身。際講準投加園迷決築場写行気提。口盟囲真並棋東販便獲言聞装聞側志。旧芸囲分嗅俳保道数権杯玲容聞回長。 + +欧東撃導最公能転朝作室寄続者康活受果談宅。食上態課民仕根単精移切冬月推葉前田変。善内国止東損間転最掲代止割京必。芸例育知経会薇備団深人能詳告初情。装激催物選裁先合遠有入著介人導際。中業受当旅材資雪究実層毎利国。真終包了政知旬神樹就相率景年海青続際表改。表特創新際論庫男質事乱次。弁語追日殺衆馬能全能業遅名図井政雑特。 + +揮移納重中鈴問一例首提誌奮。官入男報少化手村境話会題訴任。稲産寧読呼同鉄真申合田大禁市対到授熱真制。真業盆意辞暮分旧協条枝質方出過。突形属党配稿強来向層生姫子五。樹努処定石定携近況見中国辞入生点図雄。年岸佐大林天戦残協内制態吾呼別芸気竹碁立。経荒中井生日課節自点勝安備衝社鳥。様陸集先段子買速割図媛緩隠種。 + +質部仮訴断無峠月女創細秋地月。第申杯担日再府関員振転山振那能井治。棋両真収込本前進分優需提結図。済辞扱思性南立化朝購導力求読庁遺。摘給虚権事混式万鳴意時著講整言前。録日対立塚響福外雪援賞良性止値法。徒実誌治本典超実誇打住問江稿約。全降了例断岩専調庁方童新質人投期。施細応筋谷衛査問話席以法毎席無試世処突聞。 + +開訪者者児正反罪型歳録支在紹夫事張官。部子携立断健晴構第状全携宮載問転夜。銀方比挙継続本落姿頼止近。未国月農違受習数来権予事催着。横奈室旅中食覧服差事寺画休字出。図始真詳写選育座会名亡就文広守倹透芸提鉄。人質彬持的造治政刷面発月並結転記散行主。県要表末細設速靖為南話朝当米。文禁関読末識会医過気経工佐兆著禁聞意東。 + +同禁東表救家地廣平込今見抗弾会香至。館刊感代終高目門罪新愛正。日並企読連特会社請意家町小講。州提百動隔民住国予記井気原話式隆由原。品万手秋月客日多再教奈将城格洞長査号明端。剛聴辞帰述京経製第輸既吸幅管。我聖政総法係山健堀下豊据告愛牧戸代黒権。小民笠迷気師読算低剥評代必乳陸傷腕。恵敗長帯弘打辺年心死給肉日。 diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/ascii.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/ascii.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2ef64c2f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/ascii.org @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +1 2 3 +a b c + +Testing. diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/few_chinese_characters.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/few_chinese_characters.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9e5316e74 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/few_chinese_characters.org @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +正體字/繁體字 diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/iso-8859-15-dos.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/iso-8859-15-dos.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96f8035be --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/iso-8859-15-dos.org @@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ +-*-coding: iso-8859-15-dos;-*- + +* Tst diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/org-blog-articles.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/org-blog-articles.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1d8afc0ac --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/org-blog-articles.org @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +#+TITLE: Interesting blog posts about Org mode +#+AUTHOR: +#+EMAIL: +#+LANGUAGE: en +#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t tex:t d:nil tags:not-in-toc author:nil creator:nil +#+INFOJS_OPT: view:nil toc:nil ltoc:t mouse:underline buttons:0 path:http://orgmode.org/org-info.js +#+LINK_UP: +#+LINK_HOME: + +[[file:index.org][{Back to Worg's index}]] + +This file contains a list of blog posts that talk about Org-mode in +interesting ways. + +* tycho garen at http://tychoish.com + - [[http://tychoish.com/essay/org-mode/][Org-mode]] + - [[http://tychoish.com/essay/org-system/][Org system]] + - [[http://tychoish.com/essay/useful-emacs-and-orgmode-hacks/][Useful Emacs and Org-mode hacks]] + - [[http://tychoish.com/essay/writing-in-org-mode/][Writing in Org-mode]] + - [[http://tychoish.com/essay/org-mode-snippets/][Org-mode snippets]] + - [[http://tychoish.com/essay/beyond-lists-in-org-mode/][Beyond Lists in Org-mode]] +* John Wiegley at http://www.newartisans.com + - [[http://www.newartisans.com/2007/08/using-org-mode-as-a-day-planner.html][Using Org-mode as a day planner]] +* Sacha Chua at http://sachachua.com + - [[http://sachachua.com/wp/2009/04/nothing-quite-like-org-for-emacs/][Nothing quite like Org-mode for Emacs]] + - http://sachachua.com/wp/2009/06/thoughts-on-toodledo-versus-emacs-org/ + - http://sachachua.com/wp/2007/10/clocking-work-time-under-org/ +* T.F. Torrey at http://www.tftorrey.com + - [[http://www.tftorrey.com/weblog/archives/2009/11/30/great_and_glorious_progress/][Great and Glorious Progress]] +* http://emacs-fu.blogspot.com + - [[http://emacs-fu.blogspot.com/2009/10/writing-presentations-with-org-mode-and.html][Writing Presentations with Org-mode and Beamer]] + - [[http://emacs-fu.blogspot.com/2009/05/writing-and-blogging-with-org-mode.html][Writing and Blogging with Org-mode]] +* http://dynamic-thinking.blogspot.com + - [[http://dynamic-thinking.blogspot.com/2009/11/orgtbl-mode.html][Orgtbl-mode]] +* http://nflath.com + - [[http://nflath.com/2009/10/org-mode/][Org-mode]] +* Peter Jones at http://www.contextualdevelopment.com + - [[http://www.contextualdevelopment.com/articles/2008/project-planning][Project Planning]] +* Greg Newman at http://gregnewman.org + - [[http://gregnewman.org/journal/2009/jun/19/org-mode-logo-refresh/][Org-mode logo refresh]] + - [[http://gregnewman.org/journal/2009/sep/5/backing-org-mode-files/][Backing up Org-mode Files]] + - [[http://gregnewman.org/journal/2010/jan/24/let-org-mode-manage-your-emacs-dot-files/][Let Org-Mode Manage Your Emacs Dot Files]] +* Manoj Srivastava + - [[http://www.golden-gryphon.com/blog/manoj/blog/2008/06/08/Using_org-mode_with_Ikiwiki/][Using org-mode with Ikiwiki]] +* Stefano Zacchiroli + - [[http://upsilon.cc/~zack/blog/posts/2010/02/integrating_Mutt_with_Org-mode/][Integrating Mutt with Org-mode]] +* http://mph.puddingbowl.org/ + - [[http://mph.puddingbowl.org/2010/02/org-mode-in-your-pocket-is-a-gnu-shaped-devil/][Org-mode in your pocket is a gnu shaped devil]] + +* Dave Tht at http://the-edge.blogspot.com/ + - [[http://the-edge.blogspot.com/2009/08/going-retro-re-adopting-emacs.html][Going retro, re-adopting Emacs!]] +* Joey Doll at http://guyslikedolls.com + - [[http://guyslikedolls.com/2009/02/24/set-phasers-to-org-mode/][Set phasers to Org-Mode]] +* Thomas Parslow at http://almostobsolete.net/ + - [[http://almostobsolete.net/daypage.html][A day page for Org-mode]] +* Urpo Lankinen at http://beastwithin.org/users/wwwwolf/fantasy/avarthrel/blog + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: ECA488FE-002F-431F-B5DE-C33BD87F98DE + :END: + - [[http://beastwithin.org/users/wwwwolf/fantasy/avarthrel/blog/2011/05/lets-just-use-emacs.html][Let's just use Emacs]], a great rant about (among other stuff) Org + mode awesomeness +* Juan Reyero at http://juanreyero.com + - Write your book in orgmode and publish it with [[http://leanpub.com][Leanpub]] and the [[http://juanreyero.com/open/ox-leanpub/index.html][ox-leanpub exporter]]. + - Export your org-mode blog with [[http://jekyllrb.com][jekyll]] and [[http://juanreyero.com/open/org-jekyll/index.html][org-jekyll]]. + - Orgmode [[http://juanreyero.com/article/emacs/org-teams.html][tricks for team management]]. diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/org-issues.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/org-issues.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..625cf68c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/org-issues.org @@ -0,0 +1,17706 @@ +# -*- org-tags-column: -80; sentence-end-double-space: t; -*- +#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t tex:t d:(HIDE LOGBOOK) tags:not-in-toc +#+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate +#+TODO: NEW(n) TODO(t!) WAITING(W!) IDEA(i!) WISH(w!) INCONSISTENCY(y!) BUG(b!) QUESTION(q!) | DONE(d!) DECLINED(c!) CLOSED(C!) +#+TAGS: Babel(b) Mobile(m) Patch(p) new(n) noexport(x) +#+TITLE: Open issues with Org mode +#+AUTHOR: Worg people +#+EMAIL: mdl AT imapmail DOT org +#+LANGUAGE: en +#+PRIORITIES: A C B +#+CATEGORY: worg +#+ARCHIVE: ::* Closed issues +#+DRAWERS: PROPERTIES LOGBOOK + +# This file is the default header for new Org files in Worg. Feel free +# to tailor it to your needs. + +* Introduction + +This is a simple mailing list based tracker for issues and other +things about Org mode. It is a replacement of the abandoned todo file +and incorporates its structure and parts of the nomenclature. The +purpose of this document is to keep track of issues, i.e. anything +that requires some kind of action, and other things like +announcements, hacks, feature ideas and the like. + +** Nomenclature + +On this page, TODO keywords are used in the following way: + + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Keyword* | Intention | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *NEW* | A new issue that is not yet classifed. | + | *TODO* | A task to be done. This includes but is not limited to answers to user requests, development or documentation tasks. | + | *WAITING* | A reported issue that requires a response to be processed further. | + | *IDEA* | A new idea, I have not yet decided what if anything I will do about it. | + | *WISH* | A wish, probably voiced by someone on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org. This is less than a new idea, more a change in existing behavior. | + | *DECLINED* | A feature or idea that was declined. Still in the list so that people can see it, complain, or still try to convince Carsten to implement it. | + | *INCONSISTENCY* | Some behavior in Org-mode that is not as clean and consistent as it should be. | + | *BUG* | A confirmed bug. This needs to be fixed, as soon as possible. | + | *QUESTION* | A question someone asked. | + | *DONE* | Well, done is done. | + | | <80> | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +In addition, tags are used to provide more detailed context +information. Currently these tags are used in this file: + + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Tag* | Context | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Babel* | Issue concerning [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/index.php][Org-babel]] | + | *Mobile* | Issue concerning [[http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/][MobileOrg]] | + | *Patch* | A patch is available via Org mode's [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/project/org-mode/list/][Patchwork tracker]] | + | *New* | All issues below the *New Issues* headline. | + | | <80> | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +** Document structure and maintenance + +New issues hitting the Org mode [[http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode][mailing list]] are recorded on a +(almost) daily basis using a yet to be published library that allows +operating on the issue file from within Wanderlust and (partly) Gnus. + +They are first filed to the heading *New Issues*. + +In a second step issues beneath this heading are reviewed. If an +issue triggers a development task it is properly classified (keywords, +tag) and refiled to the *Development Tasks* heading. If it is a user +request, it is classified using the *QUESTION* TODO keyword and filed +to heading *User Requests*. If it is already closed according to the +mailing list, it is immediately closed and moved to *Closed issues*. +If it cannot yet be classified or closed, it stays where it is. + +** Using this file + +This file is hosted and published on [[http://orgmode.org/worg/][Worg]]. So you can either read the +file via your browser or check out Worg's git repository. + +Everyone is encouraged to use this file to facilitate collaboration in +solving issue and extending Org mode. Thus, you can operate on the +entries as you wish, as long as the ID property is kept intact. + +Operating on this file includes, but is not limited to, classifying +new issues, doing research on an outstanding task, or grouping related +issues into a development task. If you start to take care of an open +issue or task, please put a token in a headline property called +"ASSIGNEE", so others can see that you started to take care of this +issue. + +[[file:index.org][{Back to Worg's index}]] + +* New Issues [0/0] :new: +* Development Tasks +** Agenda issues +*** IDEA Meta-grouping properties? + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Meta-grouping properties?]] +*** IDEA persistent frame for agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:09] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][persistent frame for agenda]] + +*** IDEA "Interactive" Search in Agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom]["Interactive" Search in Agenda]] + +*** IDEA overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature idea: overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling]] + +*** IDEA Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:18] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(REQUEST) Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views)]] + +#+begin_quote +> I have been a happy org-mode user for a while, using more and more of +> org-mode for more and more things. By now I have completely replaced my use +> of iCal (on the Mac) by the org-mode agenda, with no regrets. However, there +> is one feature that I am still trying to get into my agenda view, but I +> didn't find a way to do it yet. +> +> There are a couple of long-lasting "events" that I would like to show in my +> agenda view. A typical example would be school vacation periods, but there +> are others: absences of a colleague, availability of some instrument, etc, +> Their common feature is that they can last very long (several weeks) and +> that they don't really occupy my agenda. I just want to know when planning +> something if a given day is in period X or not. So I'd like to see at a +> glance (using a specific font, color, one-letter prefix etc.) if a day falls +> into a certain predefined period. Simply adding a corresponding event to my +> agenda leads to visual clutter: it gets marked on every single day of the +> period. +> +> Is there any way to get what I am looking for? + ++1 for this feature. Also, I think our desire for such a feature could +be met with a calendar-view, perhaps re-using some org-table or +org-columns source? + +I'm envisioning I would very much like something akin to an ASCII +4-day calendar view (like the default Google Calendar view). + +Even if we could line up four days' agenda views horizontally (with an +appointment-style timeline), I would find this useful. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Worldcup + time zone question + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][Worldcup + time zone question]] + +*** WISH Indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom][(new feature suggestion?) indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is there a way to quickly/visually differentiate between repeating/single-occurence tasks? + +If not, something like say, adding an asterisk somewhere in the entry would be great. + +1. Scheduled* - starred schedule/deadline string +2. TODO * - starred 'todo' string +3. fifa2010* - starred 'category' string +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH A little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leaders +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede][a little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leader]] + - ngz :: No answer as of [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** WISH Modify time entry from agenda? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Modify time entry from agenda?]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Relative file names in list org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "WISH" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:22] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about org-agenda-files]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY omitting done TODOs from custom agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:19] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][omitting done TODOs from custom agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> The problem occurs in both my "Agenda plus contacts" and "Get It +> Louder", so maybe it's something with my custom todos? +> +> (org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w@)" "|" +> "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c@)") (sequence "CONTACT(n)" "REPLY(r)" "|" +> "CONTACTED(e@)")))) + +Looks like the problem here was that CONTACT is a substring of +CONTACTED—whatever function decides if a todo keyword is pending or +completed apparently just reads the string until it finds the first +match (?). I changed it to SENT and everything worked fine. Dunno if +that's worth considering a bug, but it's certainly surprising behavior. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** INCONSISTENCY Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:51] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day]] +*** BUG Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading]] + + - ngz :: Still confirmed on [2011-07-18 lun.] + + The manual should specify that SCHEDULED and DEADLINE + keywords are to be put on the line just after the + headline. + + We can also make C-c C-s replace the already defined + SCHEDULED or DEADLINE keyword, if it can find it. + + Moreover, we should remove + `org-insert-labeled-timestamps-at-point'. This variable + is error-prone, and more than often let-bound to nil + (i.e. from the agenda). + + Eventually, I think we should slowly move them to + standard properties (in the PROPERTIES drawer). + +*** WISH org-agenda-follow-narrowed ? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom][org-agenda-follow-narrowed ?]] + +#+begin_quote +When I'm in the agenda, if I hit SPC, I get a nice narrowed view of the +current item. When I toggle org-agenda-follow-mode, I get org to show +me the current item without hitting SPC---but it's not narrowed. It +also has the property drawer collapsed. What I'd like is to have org +follow me with exactly the result of hitting SPC. Possible? +#+end_quote + +*** WISH re-marking agenda entries +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:03] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][re-marking agenda entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Please test this custom agenda command +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:16] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Please test this custom agenda command]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Habits and org-log-done configuration +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: Understanding habits - org-log-done]] + +#+BEGIN_VERSE +> I can confirm this. I personally only log state changes to DONE but +> setting a LOGGING property value of lognotedone prompts for a note and +> fails to show the history for the habit in the graph. +> +> This is probably a bug. + +Yes. The regexp that searches for completed tasks in org-habit is +hard-coded to look for a 'State "DONE"' string. When org-log-done is set +to note, however, the log entries begin with 'CLOSING NOTE'. (A related +problem here is that it assumes DONE is the only relevant todo keyword.) + +One workaround is to add the property LOGGING and set its value to +lognoterepeat. This produces notes with timestamps in the following +format (compatible with org-habit): + + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [​2011​-​01​-​01​ Sat 21:​11​] \\\\ + 5 miles. +#+BEGIN_COMMENT +The note above was modified in order to export correctly to html. It's +source form is: + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2011-01-01 Sat 21:11] \\ + 5 miles. +#+END_COMMENT +Another workaround is to make the setting associated with 'done in +org-log-note-headings to the same as 'state. One quick way to do that is +by evaluating the following expression: + +(setcdr (assoc 'done org-log-note-headings) (assoc 'state org-log-note-headings)) + +As an aside, it seems to me that the "CLOSING NOTE" format that results +when org-log-done is set to 'note is inconsistent with other logging +behavior. For instance, when a "@" is added in org-todo-keywords, the +note is entered with the state change string. +#+END_VERSE + + +*** INCONSISTENCY Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:44] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4)]] + +*** BUG org-write-agenda failure +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-write-agenda failure]] + + - ngz :: confirmed on Org-mode version 7.6 (release_7.6.93.gd243) + [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:56] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 15:53] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files]] + +C-c [ and C-c ] adds and removes files from `org-agenda-files' using +Emacs' customization interface. The customization is saved w/o notice +or prompt. Using these commands defeats setting `org-agenda-files' to +one or more directories because Org will save the expanded list of +directory files. + +*** BUG org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:27] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: (O) org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t]] + +#+begin_quote +>>> Alright, so I did that, and I seem to have encountered an org-mode +>>> bug. Put this in .emacs +>>> +>>> (setq +>>> org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t +>>> org-agenda-custom-commands +>>> '(("l" "Agenda with done items" +>>> agenda "" ((org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done nil))))) +>>> +>>> (define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "l") (lambda () (interactive) (org-agenda nil "l"))))) +>>> +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +>>> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +>>> q -> quits org-agenda +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> still fine +>>> M-x org-agenda b/f -> also displays DONE items, which is a bug +>> +>> I cannot reproduce this. What version of org-mode are you using? +>> +>> - Matt +> +> Right, sorry, I was using org-agenda-list. Here are the updated +> instructions +> +> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +> q -> quits org-agenda +> M-x org-agenda-list -> still fine +> b/f -> also displays DONE items + +I can confirm this bug with this latter set of instructions, though I'm +puzzled why M-x org-agenda-list behaves differently than C-c a a. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty)) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:33] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty))]] + +*** TODO Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:51] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f))]] + +*** WISH org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:31] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future]] + +*** WISH Hide / expand tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:35] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (O) Hide / expand tags]] + +#+begin_quote +I think it'd be nice for this to have the _alternative_ to put the +tags into the properties drawer and occasionally view and edit them +with a column view: + +#+SPECIAL_PROPERTIES: TAGS=drawer:PROPERTIES <= only a suggestion +#+end_quote +*** WAITING tags match agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:24] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg][(O) tags match agenda]] + +*** DECLINED Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu][(PATCH) Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support]] + +*** IDEA Managing appts with org-mode, diary +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:46] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede][Re: Managing appts with org-mode, diary]] + +#+begin_quote +I currently use fancy diary. It's nice to have an overview of the +current day and the upcoming appointments of the next n days. But this +'oh, there is an important appointment in {three|two|one|zero} days' +clutters the agenda view even more ;). This is where it would be nice to +have the agenda view tree like, too. The days could be nodes and the +appointments could be subnode of the day, that could be shown or +hidden. I'm relatively new to org-mode (convertit from planner-mode as +you might know ;-), so I don't know exactly if such a feature is already +implemented or if it could be done without huge amounts of work. +#+end_quote + +** Appearance + +*** WISH Secondary selection +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Secondary selection]] + +*** WISH Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Aquamacs syntax highlighting +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Aquamacs syntax highlighting]] + +*** BUG Column view and subtask overview interaction +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet][Column view and subtask overview interaction]] + +*** IDEA Orgmode and Unicode characters +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and Unicode characters]] + +*** BUG Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly]] + +#+begin_quote +If you add a width declaration ("") to the column containing Korean, +when realigning the table you'll get an "args out of range" error inside +the text-properties-related code in `org-table-align' (provided the +width declaration actually does cause the text to be clipped). +#+end_quote + + - ngz :: is it fixable ? Org tables are not meant to handle + variable-width fonts anyway. [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:54] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede][Bug: startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x)]] + +#+begin_quote +Thanks for doublechecking. I now tested it again, and this only happens when +used in a shell (i.e. in a KDE Konsole) where the point does not blink. +#+end_quote +*** DECLINED Effort columnview: Show total in different column + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Effort columnview: Show total in different column]] + +Too big a change + +*** DECLINED Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:28] +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within]] + +** Babel + +*** TODO Handling of errors when using Ledger + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "WISH" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Handling of errors when using Ledger]] + +*** ASSIGNED Babel - display results in an overlay? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:25] + - State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:28] + - State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Babel - display results in an overlay?]] + +this is now in the Babel task tracking system + +*** ASSIGNED (babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:09] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg][(babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect]] + +This has been added as a bug to the babel development file + +*** IDEA Mark and Tangle :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Mark and Tangle]] + +*** WISH (PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:18] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) Speed keys :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Speed keys]] + +*** WISH Line numbers in tangled source :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:23] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Line numbers in tangled source]] + +*** WISH org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings]] + +*** WISH Babel & DOS + :LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg][Babel & DOS]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) C-v C-v M-x? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:22] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) C-v C-v M-x?]] + +*** WISH Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:49] + :END: + [2010-12-12 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file]] +*** INCONSISTENCY (babel) silent code block evaluation on export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) silent code block evaluation on export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Babel: interweaving code and results? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:06] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: interweaving code and results?]] + This link doesn't resolve through Gmane + +*** INCONSISTENCY Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3) :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:45] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg][Bug: Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3)]] + +#+begin_quote +OK, I now have a clearer idea of what went wrong. + +1. I think it's doing find-file-at-point. + +2. This only happens when point is on this line, but NOT at the start + of the line: #+begin_src haskell + + It's not about whether it's the first time you press C-c ', it's about + where point is when you press it. + +3. If point is anywhere on the closing line of the source block, it + works. + +4. Ironically, the end of the first line is where the point is placed if + you do C-c C-v d at the end of the buffer! So if you do C-c C-v d and + then C-c ', as I did, this bug will happen. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export :Babel: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 18:59] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl][Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export]] + +*** TODO (bug?) cannot generate table format output for octave results :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:05] + :END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug?) (babel) cannot generate table format output for octave results]] + +*** WISH Make tangling work in an indirect buffer :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:17] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) (PATCH) Make tangling work in an indirect buffer]] + +** Capture and refile + +*** IDEA Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)%! +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:32] +:END: + [2010-08-08 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When you think of CamelCase and on-the-fly creating of non-existing +files/headlines, it's just another way of *capturing* stuff. + +Why not defining some simple syntax to trigger the capture mechanism +from special links? + +For example: + + "I write a reference to a >c:newfile which I can create later." + +- The ">c:newfile" is a link. +- The ">c" is a link abbreviation. +- The ">" part is the syntax for link abbrevations to trigger a capture. +- The "c" part is the keybinding of capture template to call. +- The "newfile" would be passed on as a variable for the (nth 3) of the + template (we could have several variables separated by "#" + +This would combine the flexibility of on-the-fly file creation and of +the capture mechanism, allowing multiple templates. + +What do you think? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Refiling notes to current file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Refiling notes to current file]] + +*** WISH Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:37] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree]] + +*** WAITING archiving an indirect buffer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:54] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: archiving an indirect buffer]] +*** DECLINED Blank rows with capture target table-line and aborting capture +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][is it a bug in org-capture]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I hit C-c c t, and then C-c C-k immediately, the file test.org is +still modified with an new blank row inserted in the table, which is out +of expectation, since C-c C-k is known as "abort capture". The minibuffer +says "org-capture-finalize: Capture process aborted, but target buffer +could not be cleaned up correctly". +#+END_QUOTE + +Unfortunately this is difficult to fix, because the user might have +changed other things before aborting. At least the error message is +clear and gives the user the opportunity to fix the problem. + +*** WISH Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed]] + +*** WAITING Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:20] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4)]] + +Cannot reliably get reproduced as of [2011-01-16 So]. + +*** TODO Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:10] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text]] + +*** TODO (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:37] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior]] + +*** WISH remember-other-frame with org-capture? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-06 Mo 21:03] +:END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) remember-other-frame with org-capture?]] + +*** BUG org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs]] + +*** WAITING capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:16] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Bug: capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4)]] + +** Clocking + +*** BUG Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:19] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly]] + +*** TODO No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’ :contrib: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:12] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau][(O) No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’]] + +*** IDEA Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:40] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'?]] + +** Documentation +*** IDEA packaging org-mode & worg + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][packaging org-mode & worg ]] + +*** IDEA Create better function and variable index in the manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:26] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) Command names are now in the manual]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +A suggestion for a possible(?) improvement: the "O" section of the +function index (and I imagine the variable index as well) is pretty +crowded :-). I wonder if texinfo has any facilities to break it up, +perhaps according to the first letter after the first dash. +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Page numbering in manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:07] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Page numbering in manual]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY `org-agenda-tags-column' missing in documentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 16:28] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Re: Tags position in regular agenda view?]] + +** Exporting +*** IDEA Google CL and org-mode + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Google CL and org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have a question regarding the recent announcement of the Google +Command Line project (http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/). + +I was wondering if there are plans to integrate support for calendar +synchronization between Google and org-mode using this tool. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:46] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas][Re: (PATCH) org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request]] +*** IDEA Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2 +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-27 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom][Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2]] + +*** WISH Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +One suggestion, then... why not just have a nice list of all possible +ATTR_LaTeX options? I have killed myself before looking for a simplified +list. Maybe even just common ones since perhaps any LaTeX option may be +passed? +#+END_QUOTE + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +*** WISH pretty export of tags + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca][pretty export of tags]] +*** WISH Allow skipping of levels in LaTeX export +**** latex export - skipping lvls breaks export + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][latex export - skipping lvls breaks export]] + +**** Even if skipped headline levels are not allowed, exporter shouldn't drop out-of-level headlines silently + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:14025%2E1279898870%40maps +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/14025%2E1279898870%40maps][Bug: possible bug in latex export (7.01trans (release_6.36.735.g15ca.dirty))]] +*** WISH fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede][fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export]] +*** WISH iCal export and complex diary sexps + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][iCal export and complex diary sexps]] +*** WISH Seemless editing of Babel Blocks :Babel: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Seemless editing of Babel Blocks]] +*** WISH Captions for source code +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][Captions for source code]] +*** WISH user control of source block header line exporting formats :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:59] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][user control of source block header line exporting formats]] +*** WISH Add timestamp keyword specific CSS class +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:24] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][How to distinguish timestamps in CSS?]] + +*** WISH query - org-emphasis-regexp-components +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:31] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][query - org-emphasis-regexp-components]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I was writing a document with Python code in it and I found a minor problem. +There's no way to put a piece of code like s="Hello World" as verbatim +or code in my document. + +~s="Hello World"~ doesn't work because the border in +org-emphasis-regexp-components doesn't allow " or '. I'm not sure why +this is in place. Can this be removed, or have they been put in for a +specific reason, that I can't see? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time. :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg][(PATCH) Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time.]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export of emphasized link + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :END: +**** INCONSISTENCY inconsistency + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:12] + :END: + emphasized link supported: + - Emacs faces shown in org-mode buffer itself + - export to LaTeX + - [...] + emphasized link not supported: + - export to HTML + - export to DocBook + - export to XOXO + - [...] + this question is still open: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +*** INCONSISTENCY org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:46] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY hlevel in org-export-region-as-html +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:56] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug? hlevel in org-export-region-as-html]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:38] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug) export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Bug: void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans)]] + +*** BUG latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom][latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis]] +*** BUG Org beamer export bugs + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org beamer export bugs]] + +*** BUG html export, latex fragments and emphasize +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:40] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: html export, latex fragments and emphasize]] + +*** BUG LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain][Bug: LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML]] + + - ngz :: since mathjax, should we still consider it as a bug? Is + is even reproducible? [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** DECLINED Org Mode Latex Export Customization of org-export-latex-emphasis-alist + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org Mode Latex Export Customization of + org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + + There is not really anything to be done here, not enough characters + for all those extra emphasis things. + +*** DECLINED Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:59] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:20] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output?]] + +*** DECLINED Combination of =code= and Description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:02] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom][Combination of =code= and Description]] + - ngz :: This is a LaTeX limitation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** BUG eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom][eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) ]] + +Nick Dokos did a good first analysis of the problem [[http://mid.gmane.org/26738%2E1292194633%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][here]]. + +*** INCONSISTENCY Question: How to insert different background images on different frames +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-beamer) Question: How to insert different background images on different frames]] + +*** WISH Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:52] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede][(PATCH) Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY iCalendar selective export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 12:00] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][iCalendar selective export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inconsistencies in email and author export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:52] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli][Inconsistencies in email and author export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY HTML export and absolute file names +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:55] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-03-06 So 19:51]--[2011-03-06 So 21:05] => 1:14 +:END: + [2011-02-24 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][HTML export and absolute file names]] + +*** BUG italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:29] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working]] + +*** TODO HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:31] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image]] + +*** TODO Bug in latex export of <> + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:33] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo][(O) Bug in latex export of <>]] + +*** BUG _<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:37] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][_<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly]] + +*** WISH org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:02] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG) org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used]] + +*** BUG modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:40] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(O) Feature request: modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters]] + +*** TODO HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:44] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV]] + +*** WISH Images in included files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:22] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Images in included files]] + +** Links +*** TODO Document the character protection in links + I don't think this is really covered anywhere. + Maybe we also should protect characters in the visible part, to + make sure thing will never be on two lines...? + +*** IDEA Find all links to a specific file + +*** IDEA Resolve links on export + +**** Example: Make info HTML links work for links to Info files + +Info links of course only work inside Emacs. However, many info +documents are on the web, so the HTML exporter could try to be smart +and convert an Info link into the corresponding link on the web. For +example, we could use the GNU software site then Name.HTML. Here is +the link to be used: +http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/ Another question +is, is this URL going to be stable so that it makes sense to actually +put this into org.el? + +*** IDEA Mailcap support of Org file links + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Choosing external app at runtime?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I follow a link, Org mode knows what application to use. Except +that sometimes I want to override that choice. + +For example, I have a collection of PDF files. Mostly I want to open +them in my statically configured PDF viewer, which is fine. But +sometimes I want to open one in Xournal, say, to annotate it. + +My mail client Wanderlust will ask me in cases like this: if multiple +mailcap entries match, I get to choose when opening the attachment. + +Any chance we could do a similar thing in Org mode? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Dereference file links on export or open + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is "scpc" in the line above a transport protocol? Maybe this should be +an org-mode wide features, i.e. the ability to resolve remote file +references with C-c C-o and on export. Does that sound reasonable, and +would it take care of the need in this particular case? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Radio targets across files + I guess each org file could write a .orgtargets.filename file, if + it has any radio targets. + +*** INCONSISTENCY image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c]] + - ngz :: still valid as of [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-store-link only works interactively (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:47] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org-store-link only works interactively (7.4)]] + - ngz :: no clear answer yet. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Problem opening links that span more than one line + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][(O) Problem opening links that span more than one line]] + +*** TODO absolute HTML links + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:03] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][(O) absolute HTML links]] + +*** IDEA org-git-link does not support locational information within file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:47] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat][org-git-link does not support locational information within file]] + +** Miscellaneous Stuff +*** TODO Use the new argument of bibtex-url + Roland Winkler was kind enough to implement a new argument to the + `bibtex-url' command that allows me to retrieve the corresponding + URL, whether it is taken from a URL field or constructed in some + clever way. Currently I am not using this, because too many + people use an old Emacs version which does not have this. + however, eventually I will implement this. + +*** TODO grep on directory does not yet work. + I am actually not sure, I might have addressed this already, but + my memory is failing me. Needs some checking. +*** IDEA Do we need a 43 folders implementation? + That could easily be done in an org-mode file. But then, maybe + this should really be a paper thing. + +*** IDEA Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files) + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files)]] +**** AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg][AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group]] +**** sharing Org-mode files for collaboration + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet][sharing Org-mode files for collaboration]] +*** IDEA (PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy :Patch: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy]] + + - ??? :: Waiting for FSF copyright assignment. + + - ngz :: According to the list of contributors, papers are signed, + but it doesn't look like this patch has been applied to + code base. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** IDEA Does Org-mode need to be position aware? + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom][Does Org-mode need to be position aware?]] +*** IDEA (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I guess, the manual maintainers do NOT have to be experts in both +org-mode resp. org-babel nore they have to be experts in the supported +language. Its more about the kind of standard stuff and maybe, to +complex stuff even scare people. More things like "How to create a +measurement protocol with org-babel and python", How to evaluate and +report data analysis with org-babel and R", etc. + +To make it more easy for both the readers and the maintainers a kind of +template for such manuals might be helpful. This would help to find the +same information at the same locations and make a comparison e.g. +between the use of R and python possible. + +I'am not an expert for both org-* and python and I'm often very limited +in time. However, I would try to maintain a "python and org-babel" manual. + +If there are more people who are interested to act as a kind of manual +maintainers I would like to discuss with you how a template might look like. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Code block switches buffer-wide? + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Code block switches buffer-wide?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I would like to include the -n code block switch (number lines) into all my +code blocks in a buffer. Is there a way to define a kind of buffer-wide +switches, like it is with the #+BABEL keyword for header arguments? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment]] +*** IDEA Make .org-id-locations non-hidden directory above .emacs.d + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][org-mobile produces errors in normal org functions]] +*** IDEA can you require a certain template with lognotedone? + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg][can you require a certain template with lognotedone?]] +*** IDEA Feature-Ideas +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal][Feature-Ideas]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have severel ideas about new features that I want to share. My +knowledge with lisp and the coding of the org-structure is bad so far, +so I can't try to contribute a patch. + +- 1. *Alias - Trees* + + When I work on projects, I often want to /reference to a certain + other heading/. It would be great to do this not just with links, + but /with an alias/. + + I think of trees, that show up and can be in the current tree as if + they were a subtree, but really are at another position in the + current or a different file. + + This concept would also allow seperate versioning and merging of + external generated content into the current file. ( I e.g. think of + summaries of text in the scientific context. ) + +- 2. More flexible *Colouring for categories*, tags, ... + +It would be great to have the /opportunity to define individual faces +for different categories, tags/ , ... . + +- 3. Implementation of *hourly/minutely reference*. + +It would be useful to be able to schedule something to repeat every 12 +or 6 hours or in 22 minutes. It would also be useful, to have the +opportunity to associate asynchronous shell scripts with individual +scheduled events. + +- 4. *Exclude certain days from Timeline* + + The opportunity to /give/ whole days the status // . That would mean, that when I fire up the + /Timeline/ for a current file (L), certain days are /show/ with a + message "/day is planned for project /. in a certain project + specific project. + + It would also be useful to have a keycommand in the /Timeline/ to + /switch other files on showing them in gray/. + +- 5. *Manually timeclock certain Headings* + + I would love to have a commands that can change the clocktime of not + running headings or insert new clocktimes into the current heading. + E.g. like this: + + Change the clocktime of : + (s) change last timeclock and keep the Start time. -> How long did it last? + (e) change last timeclock and keep the End time -> How long did it last? + (# C-u offset to change the #n last timeclock) + (a) add new timeclock -> Ask for Start and End. (with opportunity to specify the END relative) + +- 6. *Expand timestamps to include locations* + + e.g. Special timestamp-commands that + also ask for places and presents a list of all places of all projects + to choose from. + +- 7. *More complex timeclock-reports* + + Is anyone working on a more comprehensive way of giving visual + feedback and analysing the data of the timeclock-feature. (What have + I done the last month? How many time has gone to which project / + etc.) I am a relatively known [[http://cran.r-project.org/][GNU R]] user and could contribute code + for analysis of time usage / plotting complex more diagrams in + R. Allthough I am not very used to the export mechanisms in + Orgmode. Does anyone like to cooperate? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA text color + highlight +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:47] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][text color + highlight]] + +*** IDEA hiding PROPERTIES line +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "WISH" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hiding PROPERTIES line]] + +*** IDEA camel.el, for CamelCase links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +*** IDEA (ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne]] + +**** DECLINED Drill mode for org-learn +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Drill mode for org-learn]] + +[2010-08-01 So] Superseded by [[id:mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg%5D%5B%28ANN%29%20Org%2DDrill%3A%20Interactive%20revision%20a%20la%20Anki%2FMnemosyne%5D%5D + +*** IDEA Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress)]] +*** IDEA notmuch support for org-mode? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:25] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][notmuch support for org-mode?]] + +*** IDEA Email from org? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Email from org?]] + +*** IDEA Adding entries to Google calendar +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Adding entries to Google calendar]] + +*** IDEA Org mode and geo information +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:49] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Advice needed. Use links or blocks?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +the attached file fetches background tiles from openstreetmap.org for +me, and produces SVG images of tracks I ran. Unfortunately, I cannot +find a good way to use that code in an automated way. + +What I'd like to do, is to have the coords in my training diary, and +produce the images on demand. When I publish the diary to HTML, I want +the coords to be replaced with a link to the image. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA dynamically calculated timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:04] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][dynamically calculated timestamps?]] + +*** IDEA Org-mode Epic Win RPG +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:18] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode Epic Win RPG]] + +*** IDEA org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata]] + +*** IDEA Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience]] + +*** IDEA arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond]] + +*** IDEA output of shell command in agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][output of shell command in agenda]] + +*** WISH Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified" + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified"]] +*** WISH Estimate ranges in column view :Patch: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Estimate ranges in column view]] + +*** WISH Provide property API function to append to a property + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Re: org-capture question/suggestion]] +*** WISH New CSS for orgmode and Worg ? + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][New CSS for orgmode and Worg ?]] +*** WISH Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01)]] +*** WISH Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:53] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active]] +*** WISH Move attachments when refiling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com][Bug Report: refile and attachments]] +*** DECLINED Feature Request for new capture feature +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com][Feature Request for new capture feature]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +would it be possible to have a "C-u C-c C-w" that completes the +capture and switches to the target buffer? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH fractional hours for timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][fractional hours for timestamps?]] + +*** WISH Error running ditaa +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error running ditaa]] + +#+begin_quote +When running ditaa on Linux fedora 12 through java, I get the following +errors: + +java -jar /usr/share/java/ditaa.jar -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V +blue_fd02b5c06d6a5cb80eaf27098c3c490dc81326ce.png +Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on +Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: +org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException +Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: +org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException + at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217) + at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) + at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:319) + at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:264) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:332) +Could not find the main class: +org.stathissideris.ascii2image.core.CommandLineConverter. Program will exit. + +This can be taken care of by using the shell script that comes with ditaa, +i.e.: + +ditaa -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V + +But to do this from within emacs I need to patch org-exp-blocks.el as +follows: + +- (unless (file-exists-p org-ditaa-jar-path) +- (error (format "Could not find ditaa.jar at %s" org-ditaa-jar-path))) +: +- (message (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file)) +- (shell-command (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file))) ++ (message (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file)) ++ (shell-command (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file))) + +(You also need to erase the checking for the existance of dita.jar) + +Wouldn't it make more sense to replace the variable org-ditaa-jar-path with +a new variable org-ditaa-command that by default contains "java -jar +/old/value/of/org-ditaa-jar-path"? This would allow replacing it with a +shell script. Would a patch be accepted, or do you prefer to remain backward +compatible? + +On a related question. Since there is quite a lot of common code between +org-export-blocks-format-dot and org-export-blocks-format-ditaa (especially +if my patch is accepted), wouldn't it make sense to create a +org-export-blocks-format-meta that take all the differences between the +various export-blocks as parameters? This would simplify adding additional +org-export-blocks. +#+end_quote +*** INCONSISTENCY Stack overflow in regexp matcher +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Stack overflow in regexp matcher]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inherited properties not saved when archiving +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:59] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][saving property values when archiving]] +*** BUG gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom][gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I think the problem is org-plot doesn't +recognise that when plotting with error bars, gnuplot expects more than +two columns of data. So a command like this should be sent to gnuplot, +#+END_QUOTE +*** WAITING TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu. +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 02:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu.]] + - ngz :: solution under discussion. [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** BUG In-buffer completion +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Accepted) Re: In-buffer completion]] + + - ngz :: bug still active on [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** DECLINED (BUG) org remember broken + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][(BUG) org remember broken]] + +org-capure is now the default, I don't think we need to fix remember +bugs anymore. + +*** DECLINED Insert ellipsis if headline is too long + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][headline is too long]] + This would be too confusing when compared with folded entries, so I + do not think this feature should be implemented. + +*** DECLINED Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space? + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space?]] + + Closed for now, no useful feedback from report author, probably not + caused by Org mode. +*** DECLINED Gollum + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Gollum]] + +*** Priorities + Here is some information about priorities, which is not yet + documented. Actually, I am not sur if the list here is correct + either +**** QUOTE Priorities + TODO entries: 1 or 1,2,... + DEADLINE is 10-ddays, i.e. it is 10 on the due day + i.e. it goes above top todo stuff 7 days + before due + SCHEDULED is 5-ddays, i.e. it is 5 on the due date + i.e. it goes above top todo on the due day + TIMESTAMP is 0 i.e. always at bottom + but as a deadline it is 100 + but if scheduled it is 99 + TIMERANGE is 0 i.e. always at bottom + DIARY is 0 i.e. always at bottom + + Priority * 1000 + +*** INCONSISTENCY xemacs error when calling org-install :Xemacs: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:43] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-01-02 So 17:33]--[2011-01-02 So 18:02] => 0:29 +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom][xemacs error when calling org-install]] + +The autoloads in org-install.el are +generated by the Makefile (i.e. make org-install.el). The stable +version of Org mode ships with a pre-generated org-install.el and +without recreating this file with Xemacs it won't run. + +The =custom-autoload= is created only once for ob-tangle.el: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;;;###autoload + (defcustom org-babel-tangle-lang-exts + '(("emacs-lisp" . "el")) + "Alist mapping languages to their file extensions. + The key is the language name, the value is the string that should + be inserted as the extension commonly used to identify files + written in this language. If no entry is found in this list, + then the name of the language is used." + :group 'org-babel-tangle + :type '(repeat + (cons + (string "Language name") + (string "File Extension")))) +#+end_src + +As this the autoload directive was added deliberately I suppose there +was a reason for this to be there: If this is the case, there seems +not very much we can do about this. The autoload generating function +in =autoloads.el= always creates a call to custom-autoload with a +third argument. + +*** TODO Review packages in contrib directory + [2010-12-19 So] + +Byte-compiling indicates problems with some packages (e.g. references +to unbound symbols). The review process will single out the problems +for every package in contrib and steps necessary to fix them. + +**** make failure (7.3) + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: make failure (7.3)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:27] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab]] + +*** BUG org-add-note not working with winner-mode + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:22] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][Re: (O) org-add-note not working with winner-mode]] + +*** BUG regexp link on windows problem + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:30] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl][(O) regexp link on windows problem]] +*** TODO EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files :Mobile:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:46] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg][(O) Bug: EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files (7.5 (release_7.5.147.g9ddc))]] + +*** TODO org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:41] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom][(O) org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal)]] + + - ngz :: should we generalize the setup proposed by Julien, or + will we keep the warning? + +** Publishing + +*** TODO project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:17] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (bug) project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html]] + +** Structure +*** TODO Get rid of all the \r instances, which were used only for XEmacs. +*** WISH Create unique clocktable links + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede][Bug: clocktable :link often jumps to wrong target (6.36c)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +: Links created by clocktable :link are simple "text search" links. +: Therefore, they often hit the wrong target. +: +: For example, I used to have multiple clocktables at the beginning of my +: file: first a daily summary, then a weekly one, then a complete one, +: i.e. following clocktables summarized supersets of preceding ones. +: Therefore, most of the time I clicked a link in the first clocktable, +: the next "text search" target was the occurrence of the same task in the +: second clocktable, whereas clicking that link in the second clocktable +: would take me back into the first. +: +: I have been able to partly work around that by moving the clocktables to +: the end of the file, as the search always seems to start at the +: beginning of the file. Nevertheless, when I have two tasks "foobar" and +: "foo", occurring in that order in the file, clicking on the [[foo]] +: link in the clocktable takes me to the "foobar" task, as that has a +: "foo" substring and occurs first in the file. +: +: I would like clocktable to generate links that uniquely link to the task +: from which the particular clocktable entry has been generated. (I'd +: even be willing to assign CUSTOM_ID properties for that purpose, +: i.e. clocktable could take them into account for creating links, when +: they exist.) But the best solution would IMHO be a truly unique +: identification, e.g. by some XPath-like path, e.g. /1/2/3 for the 3rd +: subtask of the 2nd subtask of the 1st top-level task. (Sure, that order +: will be invalidated when I change my task list, but, so what, then I +: would be willing to recompute the clocktable before using links.) +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation]] + +*** WISH org-hide-entry +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-hide-entry]] + +*** IDEA Improving org-goto isearch +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:25] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Improving org-goto isearch]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY excessive blank lines in archives +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:34] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][excessive blank lines in archives]] + +*** WISH Quick note about subtree copy and paste +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:45] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo][Quick note about subtree copy and paste]] + +#+begin_quote +I get the point, but the current presentation is unnecessarily +confusing. I was just /copying/ --- there was no time shifting +involved, so when I look at them menu and see "copy" and "clone with +time shift," it is "copy" that's what I naturally do. + +Actually, as I look at the manual I see: + +`C-c C-x c' (`org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift') + Clone a subtree by making a number of sibling copies of it. You + will be prompted for the number of copies to make, and you can + also specify if any timestamps in the entry should be shifted. + This can be useful, for example, to create a number of tasks + related to a series of lectures to prepare. For more details, see + the docstring of the command `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift'. + +There's nothing there to even remotely suggest to me that this is going +to Do The Right Thing about properties. It's all about dates and +time-shifting. It may /happen/ to do the right thing with properties, +but it sure doesn't /say/ that it will. The ID property is mentioned +only in the interactive docstring, and pretty deeply down. + +I'd like to make a somewhat radical suggestion: + +If cloning is the primary option, and more safe than copy --- i.e., if +copy is "this is the primitive operation that you should only do if you +know what you are doing, because it might corrupt data," then I would +argue that it's CLONE that should be bound to C-c C-x M-y --- the +standard emacs keybinding I'm going to go to first --- and COPY should +be demoted to the less-familiar alternative. + +This assumes that the answer to "Is there any case where I should do +copy and /not/ prefer clone?" is "no." + +But I'm not sure that's the case. They clone doesn't do the same thing +to the cut buffer as copy, does it? e.g., I don't use clone to make a +copy of a subtree from file A into file B. + +Even more radical suggestion: + +So maybe the right answer is not to ask us to use clone all the time, +but that COPY and PASTE should be fixed to Do The Right Thing with the +ID property. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Feature request: Select links by description (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:32] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request: Select links by description (7.4)]] + +#+begin_quote +When using org-insert-link, it would be far better for me to have it +show me the _descriptions_ of links (the default link text), rather +than showing me the links themselves. This is especially true of +email links, which are generally long and unintelligible by +themselves. + +I have something set up that stores a link to every email I send, so I +can easily link to follow-ups in my active Org items. As a result, I +end up with *lots* of stored links, which makes this a real struggle. +#+end_quote + +*** IDEA outline path in links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][outline path in links]] + +*** TODO goto does not accept remote references for local targets + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:12] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) goto does not accept remote references for local targets]] + +*** DECLINED Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:51] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70))]] + +#+begin_quote cite=[[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/36063][Re: Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70)]] +Org-mode used line-profix properties to add indentation, and +linum mode uses before-string properties of overlays to add +line numbers. Both these features add text at display time, +but apparently not in an entirely predictable way. I have no +idea it it is possible to make both work without any gliches. +If anything, this would be a bug report to Emacs, I think. + +The "other issue" is an artefact of Org using an idle time +to update indentation properties. Here my suggestion +would be to ignore the issue and live with it. +#+end_quote + +**** WAITING Provide customization variable for formula that calculates indentation level +:LOGBOOK: + - State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:25] + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + + +** Tables + +*** BUG bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:02] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags]] + +*** BUG $0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special' +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:36] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][$0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special']] + +#+begin_quote +According to [ (info "(org) Formula syntax for Calc") ], $0 +references the current cell. Pressing C-c C-c on the #+TBLFM line +below does indeed work, but C-c ' (`org-edit-special') changes the +$0 reference into a single ampersand (&). Is this a bug? +#+end_quote + +*** BUG Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:06] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) Bug: Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24))]] + +*** WISH org-table formulas with missing values +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:41] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][org-table formulas with missing values]] + +#+begin_quote +I could write 'nan' instead of leaving a blank, and use the string in +the formula, but this causes errors. + +But calc does know the concept of nan: "The variables `inf', `uinf', and +`nan' stand for infinite or indeterminate values. It's best not to use +them as regular variables, since Calc uses special algebraic rules when +it manipulates them. Calc displays a warning message if you store a +value into any of these special variables." + +I'm not sure how to use that nan variable in tables and formulas - it +seems not to be recognized. +#+end_quote + +** Testing framework + +*** TODO Testing --- again... +:LOGBOOK: +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Testing --- again...]] + +*** (Dev) Org-mode Test Framework + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(Dev) Org-mode Test Framework]] + +* Other +** Pretty icons in org buffers +** literate Lisp games development questions :Babel: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) literate Lisp games development questions]] +** Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:FB977E9C%2D6ABC%2D4B05%2DA58A%2DC2E96B841451%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/FB977E9C-6ABC-4B05-A58A-C2E96B841451%40gmail.com][Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla]] +** For Org-mode on the go? + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][For Org-mode on the go?]] +** [babel] grid-based R graphical output with :results value + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) grid-based R graphical output with :results value]] +** Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files]] + +** org-decrypt-to-kill-ring + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM][org-decrypt-to-kill-ring]] + +** DECLINED contributing Debian build scripts + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][contributing Debian build scripts]] + +Mark Hershberger is going to use an automatic process on launchpad +instead to make regular package builds. + +** hypermedia programming with babel + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hypermedia programming with babel]] +** org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress]] +** Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry]] +** publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf]] +** (OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs]] +** info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org]] + +** (ANN) org-protocol-httpd + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet][(ANN) org-protocol-httpd]] +** Tracking finances with Babel :Babel: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom][Tracking finances with Babel]] +** ErgoEmacs + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ErgoEmacs]] +** ReStructured Text table exporter + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ReStructured Text table exporter]] + +** Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede][Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org]] + +** OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info) + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info)]] + +** (ANN) Symorg + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(ANN) Symorg]] +** Indentation in html tables + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Indentation in html tables]] +** Inline image display and Emacs 22 + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Inline image display and Emacs 22]] + +** A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list]] + +** Org-mode screencasts + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode screencasts]] + +** Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review]] + +** ELPA Howto + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ELPA Howto]] + +** TODO New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:13] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom][(O) New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el]] + +* Closed issues :noexport: +** DONE string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:13] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wklkkk%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wklkkk.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5))]] +** DONE Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:14] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aarolk5y%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aarolk5y.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539))]] +** DONE [babel] possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer? :Babel: + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFDB5CE%2E3010600%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFDB5CE.3010600%40ccbr.umn.edu][(babel) possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer?]] + + this has now been fixed, see + - message :: [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/25720]] + - commit :: 5d52daab1029e43b97ccb16cfac998536d8c8924 +** DONE org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFE02FE%2E5050704%40globaledgesoft%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFE02FE.5050704%40globaledgesoft.com][org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp]] +** DONE Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file? + CLOSED: [2010-05-27 Thu 16:51] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vdacp1hi%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vdacp1hi.fsf%40thinkpad.tsdh.de][Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file?]] + + My path was committed with commit 54d513ee0c90f9864bbd39044d9dfbc4f1619513. +** DONE Aquamacs and latest org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:14] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail.gmail.com][Aquamacs and latest org-mode]] +** DONE Error when trying to push to Worg repo +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:15] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Error when trying to push to Worg repo]] +** DONE Export to html +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom][Export to html]] +** DONE Simple Literate Programming Example +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Simple Literate Programming Example]] +** DONE Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures... +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:27] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0%2DiJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS%5F7sI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0-iJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS_7sI%40mail.gmail.com][Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +** DONE bug: remember id agenda +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:33] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: remember id agenda]] +** DONE html export +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:37] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE export of emphasized link + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +** DONE byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event]] +** DONE use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:00] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100526162001%2EGA32657%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100526162001.GA32657%40soloJazz.com][use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap]] + +** DONE Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ... :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:01] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ...]] +** DONE buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:07] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments]] +** DONE [Patch] file protocol in HTML links +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:24] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkznkn2p%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkznkn2p.fsf%40gmx.de][Re: (Patch) file protocol in HTML links]] +** DONE Possible html publish inline image bug + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible html publish inline image bug]] +** DONE org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug? +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:09] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug?]] +** DONE problem with remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:10] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu][problem with remember template]] +** DONE plain list - line spacing +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:15] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][plain list - line spacing]] +** DONE How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21? +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno][How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21?]] +** DONE feature request: C-k safety +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][feature request: C-k safety]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ [6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty)] :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ (6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty))]] +** DONE [babel] Questions about export and :var. Possible bug. :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Questions about export and :var. Possible bug.]] +** DONE Something ate my timestamps +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:11] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Something ate my timestamps]] +** DONE Problem with pushing to webdav server [6.35g] +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:15] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede][Problem with pushing to webdav server (6.35g)]] +** DONE Export question +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:46] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFB3F6B%2E3040606%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFB3F6B.3040606%40sift.info][Export question]] + +** DONE Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly) +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:49] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet][Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly)]] +** DONE Exporting HTML to MS Word +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:50] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][Exporting HTML to MS Word]] +** DONE entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:04] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer]] +** DONE iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp [6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378)] +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:05] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp (6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378))]] +** DONE automatic line wrap +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom][automatic line wrap]] +** DONE mailto:abc@xyz.org +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mailto:abc@xyz.org]] +** DONE clocktable and :tags +CLOSED: [2010-06-07 Mo 12:10] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-07 Mo 12:13 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clocktable and :tags]] +** DONE MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:38] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail.gmail.com][MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed]] +** DONE Why I can't publish my project under Windows? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why I can't publish my project under Windows?]] +** DONE how to upgrade org-mode version? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to upgrade org-mode version?]] +** DONE Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Bug: Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks]] +** DONE org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar) +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar)]] +** DONE Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz][Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon]] +** DONE How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:41] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file?]] +** DONE Timestamp format questions +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:44] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede][Timestamp format questions]] +** DONE Question about beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:46] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo][Question about beamer export]] +** DONE simultaneous clocks? +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][simultaneous clocks? ]] +** DONE visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom][visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer]] +** DECLINED org-remember and anything + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][org-remember and anything]] + I am turning this one off, because we now use org-capture.el, and I + am not sure if the issue plays a role there. +** DONE Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00 +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:20] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00]] +** DONE language independent personal word list +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:29] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][language independent personal word list]] +** DONE 2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:30] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files]] +** DONE Toggle a repeating task in DONE state +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:32] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Toggle a repeating task in DONE state]] +** DONE Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments? +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:05] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments?]] +** DONE org-plot file export options +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-plot file export options]] +** DONE sup-mail link +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain][sup-mail link]] +** DONE table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=) +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:14] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=)]] +** DONE (org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:15] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF]] +** DONE any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:47] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure?]] +** DONE (OT) emacs-lisp compilation question +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:49] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(OT) emacs-lisp compilation question]] + + - Closed :: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs-en/ElispCompilerWarnings + + Function was used before declaration. +** DONE (PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files]] +** DONE preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg][preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling?]] +** DONE (PATCH) comments exporting :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:58] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) comments exporting]] +** DONE Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 08:03] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo]] +** DONE add a table entry by org-remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:26] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][add a table entry by org-remember template]] +** DONE Multiple TODO states +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:27] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple TODO states]] +** DONE Both todo and tag search +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:29] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Both todo and tag search]] + +** DONE Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html? +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:30] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6f7hqrx%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6f7hqrx.fsf%40ymail.com][Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html?]] +** DONE [babel] writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient]] +** DONE Hash mark in filled paragraphs +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu][Hash mark in filled paragraphs]] +** DONE Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 16:06] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el]] + + - Solved :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzoocdt%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Re: How to setup w3m-el as a default browser on GNU system?]] +** DECLINED Entries title in agenda view + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Entries title in agenda view]] + + We are not going to add the hierarchy. On the mailing list there + were answers showing possible alternatives using CATEGORY for + example. +** DONE version of Org used for Worg + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][version of Org used for Worg]] + The bleeding edge version is used to publish Worg - but only when a + file changes it will actually be republished. +** DONE (PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes in multiples of rounding time + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes + in multiples of rounding time]] + A modified patch has been checked in. +** DECLINED Writing the words in different color + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing the words in different color]] + I do not think that this is a useful addition. The user can + configure it with emphasis if needed. (- Carsten) +** DONE Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda) +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:47] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][ Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda)]] +** DONE Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:49] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings]] +** DONE Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:51] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords]] + +** DONE how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:57] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc][how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format]] +** DONE day-agenda: show whole-day-events first +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:12] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][day-agenda: show whole-day-events first]] +** DONE Agenda is slow because of vc-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:13] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda is slow because of vc-mode]] +** DONE questions about html export +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:22] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about html export]] +** DONE Keeping agenda window + CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Tue 19:22] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom][Keeping agenda window]] + - OP was looking for TAB (see [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hm0ic2q.fsf@dasa3.iem.pw.edu.pl][this]] and [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc8im57.fsf@fastmail.fm][this]] post). +** DONE `org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:30] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][`org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline]] +** DONE agenda views +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:33] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][agenda views]] +** DONE keeping uptodate? +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:37] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][keeping uptodate?]] +** DONE Checkboxes in Agenda +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:38] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Checkboxes in Agenda]] +** DONE Possible bug in ordered tasks +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + THis bug was caused by the interpretation of the string "nil" as a + non-nil value - a special case now fixes this. + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo][Possible bug in ordered tasks]] +** DONE Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c)) + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet][Bug: Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c))]] + This issue is resolved with the answers in the thread. +** DONE (BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export]] + Bug has been fixed. +** DONE (patch) filing under current clocked item +CLOSED: [2010-06-26 Sa 08:33] + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(patch) filing under current clocked item]] +** DONE Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:49] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python]] +** DONE Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:50] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list]] +** DONE habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:22] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string]] +** DONE mixing emphasis fails +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:23] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede][mixing emphasis fails]] +** DONE correction to orgtbl-to-html description :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:24] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][correction to orgtbl-to-html description]] +** DONE howto open attachment directory in external program? +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:39] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 10:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][howto open attachment directory in external program?]] +** DONE org-mode stopped compiling recently :Babel: + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode stopped compiling recently]] + Fixed, through a patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE org-iswitchb documentation + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20386%2E1277720390%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20386%2E1277720390%40maps][org-iswitchb documentation]] + The patch has been applied in a modified way, and the + functionality of org-iswitchb fixed so that it works by default. +** DONE Bug in latest version? + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in latest version?]] + Bug was due to changes in the constant entities, bug fixed by + checking elements in the list before using them. +** DONE Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 14:16] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus ]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R? +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:34] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R?]] +** DONE contrib/README +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:36] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3619%2E1277974892%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3619%2E1277974892%40maps][contrib/README]] +** DONE New to org-capture (and org-remember) +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 22:00] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6731%2E1277998108%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6731%2E1277998108%40maps][New to org-capture (and org-remember)]] +** DONE (BABEL) reload source code file after tangling? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) reload source code file after tangling?]] +** DONE problem in highlighting fields in a remote table +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][problem in highlighting fields in a remote table]] +** DONE Make distfile error +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Make distfile error]] +** DONE Bug in timeline report +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:41] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in timeline report]] +** DONE (babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document?]] +** DONE org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e))]] +** DONE Problem export to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem export to html]] +** DONE org-capture: Formatting of entries +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: Formatting of entries]] +** DONE Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda]] +** DONE Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist]] +** DONE mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums" +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums"]] +** DONE (no subject) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(no subject)]] +** DONE LaTeX export works but not in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][LaTeX export works but not in HTML]] +** DONE inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:47] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el)]] +** DONE *.bak files in trunk? +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.bak files in trunk?]] +** DONE Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree]] +** DONE Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent]] +** DONE org-babel and emacs init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel and emacs init]] +** DONE Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:50] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink]] + +** DONE Headline and numbered plain list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:51] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Headline and numbered plain list]] +** DONE magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance]] +** DONE complex filters in agenda view +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:55] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][complex filters in agenda view]] +** DONE a better way with babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:03] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau][a better way with babel]] +** DONE (PATCH) orphaned captions and labels :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) orphaned captions and labels]] +** DONE (babel) exports, caching, remote execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] +** DONE Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list]] +** DONE MobileOrg - no NEW state :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl][MobileOrg - no NEW state]] + +** DECLINED Org ident destroys special fontification of inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] \\ + Duplicate. +:END: +:PROPERTIES: +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +2. org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask in two ways + + i) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's +leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is set to +nil + + ii) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented +as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the indentation +should ideally return to what it was before the inline task. Of +course, this is also a problem when org-indent is turned off, if you +try to automatically hard-indent using TAB. However, in that case you +can adjust by hand the indentation of the first line after the inline +task, and then all the following lines will indent correctly. With +org-indent the problem is much worse since there is no way of +adjusting the soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE (require 'cl) seems not to be compiled +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom][(require 'cl) seems not to be compiled]] +** DONE capture template: %& and %! +CLOSED: [2010-07-05 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][capture template: %& and %!]] +** DONE "Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color" +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 20:51] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg]["Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color"]] +** DONE (BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:13] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output?]] +** DONE org-log-done +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:17] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom][org-log-done]] +** DONE (BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:20] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not]] +** DONE CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:26] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:29] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring?]] +** DONE Export of latex source to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export of latex source to html]] +** DONE Columns with LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:44] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Columns with LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:46] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]] +** DONE Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:47] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB]] +** DONE patch for org mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:12476%2E1278319281%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/12476%2E1278319281%40maps][patch for org mode]] +** DONE Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbke16m8%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting an image to latex]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I did some git bisection, and the last working version is commit +3b5351c7da59da3685f8233c252b1506166d35f3, so it seems Eric's commit +5edefbba269db8e717bd2b40778786b08af3f7a1 introduced the bug. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:50] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg][tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks]] +** DONE No subscript when exporting +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:56] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom][No subscript when exporting]] +** DONE logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:57] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Org+table.el = mutli line cells? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:05] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org+table.el = mutli line cells?]] +** DONE (PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:06] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom][(PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el]] +** DONE org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom][org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question]] +** DONE (BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others]] +** DONE (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:13] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] +** DONE Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-12 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-12 Mo 17:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda]] +** DONE (PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template +CLOSED: [2010-07-14 Mi 20:59] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet][(PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template]] +** DONE cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs]] +** DONE programming for org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom][programming for org-mode]] +** DONE \nbsp usage +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][\nbsp usage]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another]] +** DONE Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE (babel) report name of source block during execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:21] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) report name of source block during execution]] +** DONE footer for latex export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:22] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][footer for latex export]] +** DONE Help: Agenda not working anymore +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Help: Agenda not working anymore]] +** DONE Org-babel init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Org-babel init]] +** DONE how to include time when setting deadlines? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg][how to include time when setting deadlines?]] +** DONE (BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines?]] +** DONE (babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash?]] +** DONE Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX)]] +** DONE Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces]] +** DONE Help installing org-mode on a MAC please? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm][Help installing org-mode on a MAC please?]] +** DONE (babel) key binding requests :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) key binding requests]] +** DONE org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question]] +** DONE How to setup xdg for org-protocol ? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to setup xdg for org-protocol ?]] +** DONE Bib system based on org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][Bib system based on org-mode]] +** DONE org-crypt remember password +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:33] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk][org-crypt remember password]] +** DONE Verbatim export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Verbatim export]] +** DONE Failed to create radio tables +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Failed to create radio tables]] +** DONE longlines-mode (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: longlines-mode (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:45] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar?]] +** DONE LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda?]] +** DONE org-freemind-to-org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][org-freemind-to-org-mode]] +** DONE installing updating Org on other platform +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][installing updating Org on other platform]] +** DONE Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:15] + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3))]] +** DONE possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:17] + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg][possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration)]] + +** User Requests [249/249] +*** CLOSED Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom][Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort]] +*** CLOSED Template for a resume +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Template for a resume]] +*** CLOSED configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom][configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files]] +*** CLOSED jumping in custom agenda view loses settings +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][jumping in custom agenda view loses settings]] +*** CLOSED DAV config for mobileorg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][DAV config for mobileorg]] +*** CLOSED how to sort in the column view? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom][how to sort in the column view?]] +*** CLOSED function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location]] +*** CLOSED indent source blocks automatically when using "indent" :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent source blocks automatically when using "indent"]] +*** CLOSED moving past state changes into logbook drawer? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg][moving past state changes into logbook drawer?]] +*** CLOSED month and day names +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom][month and day names]] +*** CLOSED Multiple files and auto-updating +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple files and auto-updating]] +*** CLOSED (BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ' +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ']] +*** CLOSED Footnote in title? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead][Footnote in title?]] +*** CLOSED must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly?]] +*** CLOSED oddities with ical export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:42] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb%5FgMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb_gMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail.gmail.com][oddities with ical export]] +*** CLOSED (org-BEAMER) block without header +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-BEAMER) block without header]] +*** CLOSED Gnuplot best practice? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot best practice?]] + this link doesn't resolve to an article + +*** CLOSED question about chaining function calls in org-babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2D%2DbVLyjM%5FeQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTin--bVLyjM%5feQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05@mail.gmail.com][question about chaining function calls in org-babel]] + +*** CLOSED how to combine times in clocktable +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to combine times in clocktable]] + +*** CLOSED Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:10] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode?]] + +*** CLOSED Writing a custom export. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:25] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing a custom export.]] + +*** CLOSED Archive Tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:17] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede][Archive Tasks]] + +*** CLOSED R code not producing expected results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg][R code not producing expected results]] + +*** CLOSED trying to get xetex working with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom][trying to get xetex working with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED From todos to tracking +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][From todos to tracking]] + +*** CLOSED how do you extract schedule duration in column-view +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how do you extract schedule duration in column-view]] + +*** CLOSED Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom][Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export?]] + +*** CLOSED (Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells]] + +*** CLOSED Suppressing the ellipsis +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom][Suppressing the ellipsis]] + +*** CLOSED Print / export TODO Tree +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Print / export TODO Tree]] + +*** CLOSED Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name?]] + +*** CLOSED request for comments on org icon theme standards +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][request for comments on org icon theme standards]] + +*** CLOSED how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc.]] + +*** CLOSED Strange error in html exporting +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:29] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Strange error in html exporting]] + +*** CLOSED Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name]] +*** CLOSED row and col spaning in table? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][row and col spaning in table?]] + +*** CLOSED Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:30] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function)]] + +*** CLOSED Mobile mode sync problems :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mobile mode sync problems]] + +*** CLOSED Habit timing +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Habit timing]] + +*** CLOSED Using cdlatex-item within org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:00] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using cdlatex-item within org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED task juggler export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][task juggler export]] + +*** CLOSED Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling]] + +*** CLOSED Full list of org-beamer functionality? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:26] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Full list of org-beamer functionality?]] + +*** CLOSED org-beamer problem +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:27] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer problem]] + +*** CLOSED Effort estimates for multi-day tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:02] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Effort estimates for multi-day tasks]] + +*** CLOSED TeX commands or source code in org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:05] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech][TeX commands or source code in org files]] + +*** CLOSED Average payment rate with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:07] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Average payment rate with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux]] + +*** CLOSED strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom][strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs]] + +*** CLOSED Backspacing into folded items +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Backspacing into folded items]] + +*** CLOSED How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:27] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output]] + +*** CLOSED exec code on task state progression +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "WISH" [2010-09-12 So 14:29] +:END: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:19] + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][exec code on task state progression]] + +*** CLOSED migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration)]] + +*** CLOSED MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope.]] + +*** CLOSED org-link-search: Augment signature? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-link-search: Augment signature?]] + +*** CLOSED Emailing my org file +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:54] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emailing my org file]] + +*** CLOSED Baffled by beamer blocks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom][Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +*** CLOSED org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit?]] + +*** CLOSED footnotes in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][footnotes in LaTeX export]] + +*** CLOSED How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file?]] + +*** CLOSED question: how to refile labeled with origin? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question: how to refile labeled with origin?]] + +*** CLOSED Executing sh-code :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh-code]] + +*** CLOSED Sort agenda view by date? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Sort agenda view by date?]] + +*** CLOSED Export header-level list inconsistency +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:58] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Export header-level list inconsistency]] + +*** CLOSED Debugging shell code that misbehaves :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Debugging shell code that misbehaves]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode and claws +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet][org-mode and clawqs]] + +*** CLOSED org-publish with latest changes? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-publish with latest changes?]] + +*** CLOSED Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:04] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo][Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users?]] + +*** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +*** CLOSED column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me]] + +*** CLOSED configuring Org agenda faces by priority +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][configuring Org agenda faces by priority]] + +*** CLOSED Publishing configuration +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu][Publishing configuration]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode <=> Instiki +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode <=> Instiki]] + +*** CLOSED entities and removing some markup in ascii export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][entities and removing some markup in ascii export]] + +*** CLOSED How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues... +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:28] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues...]] + +*** CLOSED Total time displayed in the modeline? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Total time displayed in the modeline?]] + +*** CLOSED (babel) creating simple vectors in R +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:44] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) creating simple vectors in R]] + +*** CLOSED org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans)]] + +*** CLOSED Adding tags, grouping tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede][Adding tags, grouping tags]] + +*** CLOSED (BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas]] +*** DONE Fontify whole heading line +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:END: + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Fontify whole heading line]] +*** DONE cycle visibility from agenda view? + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede][cycle visibility from agenda view?]] + + use of org-agenda-cycle-show explained on mailing list, and added + to FAQ. +*** DONE Beamer presentation in the document +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Beamer presentation in the document]] +*** DONE clock in from last clock out +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clock in from last clock out]] +*** DONE contrib/README + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4663%2E1277986531%40maps + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4663%2E1277986531%40maps][Re: (Orgmode) contrib/README]] + Updated, patch by Stephen Eglen + +*** DONE wrap text in table cell? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom][wrap text in table cell?]] +*** DONE italics regexp +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][italics regexp]] +*** DONE question about links in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom][question about links in org-mode]] +*** DONE Exclude some file to be in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exclude some file to be in the agenda]] +*** DONE links customization in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom][links customization in org-mode]] +*** DONE trouble with Imenu integration +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg][trouble with Imenu integration]] +*** DONE (babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export?]] +*** DONE capture-clock-out nil! +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][capture-clock-out nil!]] +*** DONE imenu support for babel blocks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][imenu support for babel blocks]] +*** DONE Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org]] +*** DONE org-babel and OCaml - help? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:END: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][org-babel and OCaml - help?]] +*** DONE word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers]] +*** DONE Inserting date/time stamps including seconds +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Inserting date/time stamps including seconds]] +*** DONE Integrate APPTs with OSX +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Integrate APPTs with OSX]] +*** DONE (babel) html export of R data frame :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar][(babel) html export of R data frame]] +*** DONE org-refile-targets: excluding archived +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-refile-targets: excluding archived]] +*** DONE highlight confusion in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg][highlight confusion in agenda]] +*** DONE export to latex book ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex book ?]] +*** DONE "Invalid capture target specification" +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["Invalid capture target specification"]] +*** DONE inline image with link to other than images in html export? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu][inline image with link to other than images in html export?]] +*** DONE org-timeline and diary/calendar +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno][org-timeline and diary/calendar]] +*** DONE orgmode html export uses wrong browser +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar][orgmode html export uses wrong browser]] +*** DONE Some problems with times in a spreadsheet +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite][Some problems with times in a spreadsheet]] +*** DONE first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg][first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced]] +*** DONE Personal accounting with emacs, org and...? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Personal accounting with emacs, org and...?]] +*** DONE (BABEL) evaluation of R code in export :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:30] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) evaluation of R code in export]] + +*** DONE (BABEL) help adding a language, please? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:39] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville][(BABEL) help adding a language, please?]] + +*** DONE Finding old appointments +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:40] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Finding old appointments]] +*** DONE Author info while publishing to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 09:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Author info while publishing to html]] +*** DONE firefox problem with org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel][firefox problem with org-protocol]] + +*** DONE odd org-babel R behaviour :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca][odd org-babel R behaviour]] +*** DONE lookup functions in spreadsheet/table +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca][lookup functions in spreadsheet/table]] +*** DONE startup in column view +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D%3CAANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom%3E][startup in column view]] +*** DONE Browsing worg +CLOSED: [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Browsing worg]] +*** DONE OrgMobile - just a little help? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:14] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm][OrgMobile - just a little help?]] +*** DONE agenda-ignore-date and version number +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:40] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech][agenda-ignore-date and version number]] +*** DONE insert .org file into other .org file by link +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom][insert .org file into other .org file by link]] +*** DONE Migrating from zim to org-mode ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Migrating from zim to org-mode ?]] +*** DONE Eliminate line breaks in html +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Eliminate line breaks in html]] +*** DONE R Babel Example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][R Babel Example]] +*** DONE Nice links bookmarks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Nice links bookmarks]] + +*** DONE Installing/updating org on the mac woes +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installing/updating org on the mac woes]] +*** DONE org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-protocol]] +*** DONE Daily Debian Builds +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][Daily Debian Builds]] +*** DONE No title or date in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][No title or date in LaTeX export]] +*** DONE when will org-indent-mode be ready? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:36] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][when will org-indent-mode be ready?]] + + org-indent-mode works fine starting with Emacs 23.2. +*** DONE How can I add a DONE tag to an org file? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How can I add a DONE tag to an org file?]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg - One step further :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:19] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][MobileOrg - One step further]] + +*** DONE source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g)) +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:02] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][Bug: source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g))]] + +*** DONE Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:46] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost][Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header]] + +*** DONE Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context]] + +*** DONE debugging sbe calls :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "IDEA" [2010-08-08 So 13:16] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][debugging sbe calls]] + +*** DONE org-clock-current-task? +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-clock-current-task?]] + +*** DONE How do you use call and lob in org-babel? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do you use call and lob in org-babel?]] +*** DONE custom sorting of agenda items +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][custom sorting of agenda items]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg for Android...issues :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android...issues]] + +*** DONE How to change plain text face in Org Mode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:18] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How to change plain text face in Org Mode?]] + +*** DONE babel versionitis? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][babel versionitis?]] + +*** DONE gnuplot, table entry and temporary file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Babel) gnuplot, table entry and temporary file ]] + +*** DONE Footnote export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau][Footnote export]] + +**** Footnote problem +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][Footnote problem]] + +Duplicate of "[[id:mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau%5D%5BFootnote%20export%5D%5D%22%2E + +*** DONE Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede][Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda]] + +*** DONE (babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate]] + +*** DONE How to show done tasks in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:23] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost][How to show done tasks in agenda]] + +*** DONE or not? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) or not?]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE use of repository branch "maint" +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup][use of repository branch "maint"]] + +*** DONE Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel) +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel)]] + +*** DONE TODO DONE strikethrough +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost][TODO DONE strikethrough]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE Babel: help with tables and code blocks? +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][Babel: help with tables and code blocks?]] + +*** DONE Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block]] + +*** DONE "C-c a is undefined" +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost]["C-c a is undefined"]] + +*** DONE (babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block]] + +*** DONE why not auto-renumbering list ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][why not auto-renumbering list ?]] + +*** DONE called-interactively-p : org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][called-interactively-p : org-capture]] + +*** DONE (babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer]] + +*** DONE Installation - no way +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installation - no way]] + +*** DONE word count checklist? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville][word count checklist?]] + +*** DONE Confused about mobileorg setup :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Confused about mobileorg setup]] + +*** DONE Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom][Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen]] + +*** DONE (babel) difference in export output if including file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) difference in export output if including file]] + +*** DONE How can I search keywords in my org project? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I search keywords in my org project?]] + +*** DONE False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides]] + +*** DONE horiontal alignment of tables in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][horiontal alignment of tables in latex export?]] + +*** DONE Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list' +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list']] + +*** DONE Generic exporter status +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Generic exporter status]] + +*** DONE org-capture and blank lines +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture and blank lines]] + +*** DONE picture copy paste? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][picture copy paste?]] + +*** DONE Iterate over list with `org-next-item' +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Iterate over list with `org-next-item']] + +*** DONE possible tex export bug? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][possible tex export bug?]] + +*** DONE Problem with URLs in export to latex +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Problem with URLs in export to latex]] + +*** DONE Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom][Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents]] + +*** DONE Cannot open load file: inf-ruby +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Cannot open load file: inf-ruby]] + +*** DONE Todo item property search +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Todo item property search]] + +*** DONE gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings]] + +*** DONE Ditaa and babel goofing again? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa and babel goofing again?]] + +*** DONE org-edit-src-code : same window? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-edit-src-code : same window?]] + +*** DONE HTML export of org source blocks +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom][HTML export of org source blocks]] + +*** DONE svn version number as tag or property? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Re: svn version number as tag or property?]] + +*** DONE cannot enable org-habit +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cannot enable org-habit]] + +*** DONE beamer export question +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo][beamer export question]] + +*** DONE (babel) ledger tutorial on Worg + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:22] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) ledger tutorial on Worg]] + +*** DONE (Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom][(Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode?]] + +*** DONE From state table to state diagram + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][From state table to state diagram]] + +Looks like Eric addressed this request and implemented it. + +*** DONE org-capture templates with file+olp target +CLOSED: [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:END: + [2010-08-23 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-capture templates with file+olp target]] + +*** DONE cells are deformed in Japanese +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][cells are deformed in Japanese]] + +*** DONE Problem whit with code evaluation :Babel: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:10] + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg][Problem whit with code evaluation]] + +*** DONE items not disappearing from agenda once marked done +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom][items not disappearing from agenda once marked done]] + +*** DONE Org capture templates - file paths +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org capture templates - file paths]] + +*** DONE Agenda view and timestamps + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost][Agenda view and timestamps]] + +*** DONE agenda view tags filtering + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost][agenda view tags filtering]] + +*** DONE Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List]] + +*** DONE macros: escaping "," and comments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][macros: escaping "," and comments]] + + Commas can now be escaped. We will not have comments, because that + limits what one can do with macros. + +*** DONE org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans)]] + + As documented in the manual, one needs to use C-u C-c C-l + +*** DONE HOWTO?: make install contrib +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][HOWTO?: make install contrib]] + +*** DECLINED Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno][Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system]] + We no longer support Emacs 21. +*** DECLINED (babel) help debugging latex export :Babel: + - State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:04] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging latex export]] + +*** CLOSED Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects?]] +*** CLOSED OT: orgmode on my palm TX? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][OT: orgmode on my palm TX?]] +*** CLOSED org-learn question +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-learn question]] +*** CLOSED org tables - modified field + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:22] + :END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org tables - modified field ]] + +It is a bit much to expect that emphasis in table fields would not +disturb calc operations. + +*** CLOSED org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:23] + :END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags]] + + +This does not look like an issue we need to track (- Carsten) + +*** CLOSED column view asterisks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:58] +- State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:13] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][column view asterisks]] + +This is a minor issue, no action taken + +*** CLOSED how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom][how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring]] + +This is an Emacs issue and does not need tracking here. + +*** CLOSED Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key]] + +Answered on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED .ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][.ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice]] +Answered on the mailing list, by customizing `org-file-apps'. +*** CLOSED bug with link following +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +- State "BUG" from "CLOSED" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:15] +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo][bug with link following]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have reexamined the bug I had, and as far as I can tell, it occurs +because of the punctuation at the end of the header line. I am +attaching a file that shows the funny behavior. I can link to a +header titled "Foobar" correctly, but not one titled "submit through +submission site:" Attempts to link to the one word header "Bletch:" +also fail. +#+END_QUOTE + +=org-store-link= removes all characters except numbers, letters and +whitespace when creating the link target. Opening the link with +=org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline= set to non-nil +subsequently fails. + +**** org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies]] + +*** CLOSED org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom][org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells?]] + +Org-mode tables do not support multiline cells. + +*** CLOSED org-mode + pomodoro +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode + pomodoro]] + +*** CLOSED stuck project and check boxes +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr][stuck project and check boxes]] + +*** CLOSED a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents]] + +*** CLOSED Examples in numbered lists + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Examples in numbered lists]] + +Indentation can solve this, as explained on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED Error during Publishing to HTML + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error during Publishing to HTML]] + + +This seems to be a non-issue, I am closing it. + +*** CLOSED Org-beamer and beamer overlays +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg][Org-beamer and beamer overlays]] + +*** CLOSED merging column view headings across files +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca][merging column view headings across files]] + +*** CLOSED Table of Contents in html export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Table of Contents in html export]] + +*** CLOSED Trouble syncing files to mobile-org. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Trouble syncing files to mobile-org.]] + +*** CLOSED Mark days in calendar based on agenda + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mark days in calendar based on agenda]] + +This can be done using %(org-diary), as was explained on the list. + +*** CLOSED "{" in Latex fragments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:13] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom]["{" in Latex fragments]] + +I believe that this is solved - the OP did not come back after the +last help suggestion from the mailing list. So I am closing this. + +*** CLOSED (babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update]] + link not resolving + +*** CLOSED file+olp problem in org-capture. +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][file+olp problem in org-capture.]] + +*** CLOSED Folding org drawers in elisp code? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Folding org drawers in elisp code?]] + +The corresponding elisp code was published on the mailing list by Carsten + +*** CLOSED mathjax HTML export question + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][mathjax HTML export question]] + +Question was answered by Jan. + +*** CLOSED Deleting EXPERIMENTAL + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Deleting EXPERIMENTAL]] + +This is a non-issue. Right now there is nothing interesting in this +directory, but it mighr still come in handy. + +*** CLOSED Emacs & problem to export to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs & problem to export to HTML]] + +*** CLOSED Some useful timestamp s-expressions +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Some useful timestamp s-expressions ]] + +*** CLOSED make without make cleanall safe? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][make without make cleanall safe?]] + +*** CLOSED Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom][Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable?]] + +*** CLOSED beamer export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca][beamer export]] + +Looks like this was an old version of Org-mode. + +*** CLOSED Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom][Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o]] + +*** CLOSED tag or property names with dashes + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "CLOSED" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][tag or property names with dashes]] + +The "_-" in a property name can now be escaped in a property search +with "\-". Also, Manish and Carsten are testing a patch to allow "#" +and "%" in tags. + +*** CLOSED Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file]] + +*** CLOSED EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm][EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode]] + +*** CLOSED (Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer?]] + +This is indeed the standard behavior of #+DRAWERS. + +*** CLOSED Links Lost and Export-Report + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:00] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Links Lost and Export-Report]] + +Id locations can be refresehed, and custom links is what Stefan Volmar +really wants. The answers are in the mailing list archives. + +*** CLOSED (BUG) org-capture: file+function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-capture: file+function ]] +An example was published on the mailing list on how to deal with this case. + +*** CLOSED C-u usage +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][C-u usage]] + +*** CLOSED More structure on org-hacks.php +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom][More structure on org-hacks.php]] + +*** CLOSED See total effort in my agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][See total effort in my agenda]] + +*** CLOSED export TODO keyword +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export TODO keyword]] + +*** CLOSED TODO hooks +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][TODO hooks]] + +*** CLOSED Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede][Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now]] + +*** CLOSED bug in make info? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][bug in make info?]] + +*** CLOSED question about date-tree +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about date-tree]] + +** CLOSED empty lines in datetree capture templates +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:32] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][empty lines in datetree capture templates]] + +Malformed capture template. + +** CLOSED remember template is slow +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][remember template is slow]] + +** CLOSED org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item]] + +** CLOSED org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period]] + +** CLOSED Error using Calc time format in table +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Error using Calc time format in table]] + +** CLOSED bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom][bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad]] + +** CLOSED Src blocks fontification issue +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Src blocks fontification issue]] + +** CLOSED (babel) python session speed vs non session :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) python session speed vs non session]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point]] + +** CLOSED Beamer column alignment +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Beamer column alignment]] + +** CLOSED org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line" +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop][org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line"]] + +** CLOSED questions about table mode and spreadsheets +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about table mode and spreadsheets]] + +** CLOSED Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO" +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO"]] + +** CLOSED Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export]] + +** CLOSED Secretary.el +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom][Secretary.el]] + +** CLOSED (Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error]] + +** CLOSED Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports]] + +** CLOSED Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events?]] + +** CLOSED Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class]] + +** CLOSED Magit Integration - logging magit events. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Magit Integration - logging magit events.]] + +** CLOSED Context sensitive M-q +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom][Context sensitive M-q]] + +** CLOSED bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules]] + +** CLOSED 7.01trans obsolete variables +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][7.01trans obsolete variables]] + +** CLOSED bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy]] + +** CLOSED Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error]] + +** CLOSED org-babel and gnuplot +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel and gnuplot]] + +** CLOSED setting index.org for MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][setting index.org for MobileOrg]] + +** CLOSED How to capture another file's column view +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp][How to capture another file's column view]] + +** CLOSED Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom][Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name?]] + +** CLOSED org-beamer outline +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer outline]] + +** CLOSED Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks)]] + +** CLOSED Agenda and weather forecast +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Agenda and weather forecast]] + +** CLOSED Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits]] + +** CLOSED meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall][meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references]] + +** CLOSED Exporting property values to LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting property values to LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly]] + +** CLOSED Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry]] + +** CLOSED Problem with Babel and sessions :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with Babel and sessions]] + +** CLOSED plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom][plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request]] + +** CLOSED latex link target name +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo][latex link target name]] + +** CLOSED Repeating tasks on specific days of the week +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Repeating tasks on specific days of the week]] + +** CLOSED IP locator +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo][IP locator]] + +** CLOSED problem with label in latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo][problem with label in latex export]] + +** CLOSED ical export -> google calendar woes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet][ical export -> google calendar woes]] + +** CLOSED bug: babel-* dirs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel-* dirs]] + +** CLOSED org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs]] + +** CLOSED Export function to Vcal file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Export function to Vcal file ]] + +** CLOSED Mediawiki and org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mediawiki and org-mode]] + +** CLOSED Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released]] + +** CLOSED Org capture with predefined entries from a list? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Org capture with predefined entries from a list?]] + +** CLOSED Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug: Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github.]] + +** CLOSED org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet][org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode]] + +** CLOSED Include files to be used in literate programming :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom][Include files to be used in literate programming]] + +** CLOSED lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link]] + +** CLOSED Bug : http in http link export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug : http in http link export]] + +** CLOSED wanderlust links +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom][wanderlust links]] + +** CLOSED image size in html export +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom][image size in html export]] + +** CLOSED Bug in column view with cookie on item line +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo][Bug in column view with cookie on item line]] + +** CLOSED Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0)]] + +** CLOSED Change color in fontified html export for strings +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom][Change color in fontified html export for strings]] + +** CLOSED Customizing agenda line format +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca][Customizing agenda line format]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> > Well, I tried setting org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to "%0s", which +> > didn't work, but I didn't think about the above. So I tried this now. +> > It does remove the todo keyword, but it does only that. In particular, +> > there is now a space at the beginning of each line, which I assume is +> > simply the space in the headline that succeeds the todo keyword. Any +> > way of getting rid of that? Thanks for the pointer so far. +> > +> +> The information at the beginning of the line is controlled by +> org-agenda-prefix-format. What is the value of org-agenda-prefix-format +> on your machine? + +It seems to be more complicated than that. Here's what I found out by +tinkering around with settings a little. Setting +org-agenda-prefix-format to "" (as I already did before) correctly +removes the prefix *before* the TODO keyword. The formatting function +for everything starting with the TODO keyword, however, seems to +unconditionally insert a space between the TODO keyword and the rest of +the line. Thus, even if the TODO keyword is empty (by setting +org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to ""), there is still a space after the +now empty TODO keyword. Hence, the extra space at the beginning of the +line. To me it seems like there's no way around this with the standard +org mode settings. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Freemind conversion and Notes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Freemind conversion and Notes]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization]] + +** CLOSED camel.el, for CamelCase links +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +** CLOSED listing org source blocks in LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom][listing org source blocks in LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED #+STYLE: strangeness +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][#+STYLE: strangeness]] + +** CLOSED Query: Nested sort in table? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Query: Nested sort in table?]] + +** CLOSED Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org" +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom][Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org"]] + +** CLOSED A LaTeX class for Org-mode export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom][A LaTeX class for Org-mode export]] + +** CLOSED org-scan-tags +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-scan-tags]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede][org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries]] + +** CLOSED org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED Question: Repeating Items? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Question: Repeating Items?]] + +** CLOSED Latex export of subtree not working for me +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** CLOSED extremely weird "bad sexp" errors +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][extremely weird "bad sexp" errors]] + +** CLOSED suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks]] + +** CLOSED Load macros from other files? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Load macros from other files?]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode API? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-Mode API?]] + +** CLOSED Bibtex and latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bibtex and latex export]] + +** CLOSED Worg link broken +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom][Worg link broken]] + +** CLOSED Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** CLOSED Remember item under specific :PROJECT: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remember item under specific :PROJECT:]] + +** CLOSED options and batch exporting +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom][options and batch exporting]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:53] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link.]] + +** CLOSED Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA]] + +** CLOSED (babel) Environment around exported results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(babel) Environment around exported results]] + +** CLOSED Relative dates with sexep +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost][Relative dates with sexep]] + +** CLOSED Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0]] + +** CLOSED Problem when previewing latex fragments +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom][Problem when previewing latex fragments]] + +** CLOSED Putting latex in document titles +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Putting latex in document titles]] + +** CLOSED Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop][Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings]] + +** CLOSED Org-weather: display on some dates +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-weather: display on some dates]] + +** CLOSED BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "DECLINED" from "BUG" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:01] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task]] + +** CLOSED The \only<> overlay in beamer +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][The \only<> overlay in beamer]] + +No follow-up of OP since [2011-09-29 Do] + +** CLOSED SQLite in 7.01h? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][SQLite in 7.01h?]] + +** CLOSED org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem]] + +** CLOSED How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex]] + +** CLOSED Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo][Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android]] + +No follow-up by OP since [2010-09-20 Mo] + +** CLOSED orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices. +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices.]] + +** CLOSED Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc)]] + +** CLOSED Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org) +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org)]] + +** CLOSED Howto define formula for table regions +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom][Howto define formula for table regions]] + +** CLOSED does #+PROPERTY still exist ? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][does #+PROPERTY still exist ?]] + +** CLOSED Ditaa usage +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa usage]] + +** CLOSED cheatsheets in emacs +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cheatsheets in emacs]] + +** CLOSED "No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link]] + +** CLOSED subtree export fails with src block +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: subtree export fails with src block]] + +** CLOSED *.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:04] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard]] + +Seems to be a Snow Leopard issue + +** CLOSED wrap sourcecode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][wrap sourcecode?]] + +** CLOSED File-level execute permissions? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][File-level execute permissions?]] + +** CLOSED Requests about the code demarcation +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Requests about the code demarcation]] + +** CLOSED Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk][Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer?]] + +** CLOSED ditaa set-up on windows box +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ditaa set-up on windows box]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP]] + +** CLOSED Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:45] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree]] + +** CLOSED table, moving cells + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:49] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno][table, moving cells]] + +This is a non issue, and workaround have been shown on the mailing list. + +** CLOSED (PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions]] + +** CLOSED geolocated notes +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][geolocated notes]] + +** CLOSED org-footnote in messages, practical question. + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][org-footnote in messages, practical question.]] + +** CLOSED Windows installation with msysGit +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Windows installation with msysGit]] + +** CLOSED Can't find LaTeX under MAC + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Can't find LaTeX under MAC]] +Not an Org mode question. +** CLOSED LaTeX classes for Resume Writing +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][LaTeX classes for Resume Writing]] + +** CLOSED org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment?]] + +** CLOSED how to set faces? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom][how to set faces?]] + +** CLOSED org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash]] + +** CLOSED Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files]] + +** CLOSED lisp functions in column view +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][lisp functions in column view]] + +** CLOSED (babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file]] + +** CLOSED (beamer) export a long source block as in several frames +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(beamer) export a long source block as in several frames]] + +** CLOSED Sidewaystable in org? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Sidewaystable in org?]] + +** CLOSED org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items]] + +** CLOSED Fold "preamble/options" under first header +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fold "preamble/options" under first header]] + +** CLOSED (babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu][(babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name]] + +** CLOSED Projects+Next Actions view + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Projects+Next Actions view]] + +** CLOSED Having problems with faces in org agenda +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo][Having problems with faces in org agenda]] + +** CLOSED link export confused when URL parameter is another URL +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][link export confused when URL parameter is another URL]] + +** CLOSED POPERTIES Effort and HTML export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:49] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018 +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018][POPERTIES Effort and HTML export]] + +** CLOSED Agenda sorting strategy + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Agenda sorting strategy]] + +** CLOSED Store link upon sending a message +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][Store link upon sending a message]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Org-agenda.el :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(PATCH) Org-agenda.el]] + +** CLOSED strike through display problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][strike through display problem]] + +** CLOSED org-capture: file to top level with prepend + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:51] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture: file to top level with prepend]] + +Gmane link does not work. + +** CLOSED Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9]] + +No further reaction from OP +** CLOSED wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED org-agenda-skip-function not working +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-agenda-skip-function not working]] + +** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +** CLOSED 7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known]] + +** CLOSED Habits bug? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu][Habits bug?]] + +** CLOSED New clocktable code bug + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][New clocktable code bug]] + +** CLOSED (BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python? +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python?]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 ]] + +No feed back or backtrace via mailing list, issue closed. + +** CLOSED Executing sh code within sessions +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh code within sessions]] + +** CLOSED publishing a drawer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "IDEA" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:25] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][publishing a drawer]] + +** CLOSED Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil]] + +** CLOSED Org 7.3 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu][Org 7.3]] + +No followup in the thread, seems to be an isolated problem + +** CLOSED bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items]] + +** CLOSED Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:49] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags]] + +** CLOSED org-faq: Invalid XHTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-01-29 Sa 15:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:27] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-faq: Invalid XHTML]] + +** CLOSED Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:35] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk][Bug: Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:46] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom][Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks]] + +** CLOSED UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED latex table export not centered +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede][latex table export not centered]] + +** DONE syntax bugs in footnotes + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) syntax bugs in footnotes]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code]] + +** DONE Why :ID: properties? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom][Why :ID: properties?]] + +** DONE Directory Links (and a bug?) +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Directory Links (and a bug?)]] + +** DONE bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html)) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html))]] + +** DONE (WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode?]] + +** DONE Search files in a folder +CLOSED: [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Search files in a folder]] + +** DONE Agenda: Hide Sched. Items +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda: Hide Sched. Items]] + +** DONE problem exporting region from within a read-only file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting region from within a read-only file]] + +** DONE todos without timestamp in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][todos without timestamp in agenda]] + +** DONE image alt text for HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][image alt text for HTML export]] + +** DONE export of .org file from within a different .org file +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom][export of .org file from within a different .org file]] + +** DONE Templates - newline in string? +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit][Templates - newline in string?]] + +** DONE different result in spreadsheet tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush][different result in spreadsheet tutorial]] + +** DONE org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id) +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id)]] + +** DONE (bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set]] + +** DONE (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Re: (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working]] + +** DONE including holidays in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][including holidays in agenda]] + +** DONE org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** DONE Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords? +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords?]] + +** DONE inline images in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo][inline images in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Would it be reasonable to augment org's processing of #+ directives so +that an org user can specify (that Org should display inline images, +D.M.) there instead of using the local variables, which is less +user-friendly? +#+END_QUOTE + +** DONE (bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:54] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types]] + +** DONE Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments]] + +** DONE C-a T DONE behavior +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost][C-a T DONE behavior]] + +** DONE calendar and agenda entries +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][calendar and agenda entries]] + +** DONE Latex export of subtree not working for me + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** DONE Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word) +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word)]] + +** DONE How can I get document metadata? +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][How can I get document metadata?]] + +** DONE Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function]] +Reply in thread +** DONE Sparse trees and searching for multiple words + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sparse trees and searching for multiple words]] + +Use search view +** DONE Tags in Agenda View +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom][Tags in Agenda View]] + +** DONE #+source line in export +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom][#+source line in export]] + +** DONE exporting to a specified directory +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][exporting to a specified directory]] + +** DONE Update for habit documentation + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:44] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom][Update for habit documentation]] +Manual was updated +** DONE Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:06] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file]] + +Such a function was posted on the mailing list. + +** DONE Exporting to html +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting to html]] + +** DONE Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo][Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses]] + +** DONE bug with spaces in regexp search +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug with spaces in regexp search]] + +** DONE Agenda Question +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom][Agenda Question]] + +** DONE Yet another way to use maps --- the light way +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Yet another way to use maps --- the light way]] + +** DONE compiling org without make +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice][compiling org without make]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:48] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca +:ASSIGNEE: Carsten +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca][(PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines]] + +** DONE org-capture (lost PATCH?) +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture (lost PATCH?)]] + +** DONE Cannot insert column - wrong type argument +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice][Cannot insert column - wrong type argument]] + +** DONE Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output]] + +** DONE How do I convert org to OpenOffice? + CLOSED: [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :LOGBOOK: + - Note taken on [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] \\ + Added FAQ on converting to doc/odt. + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I convert org to OpenOffice?]] + +** DONE Filter scheduled items +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Filter scheduled items]] + +** DONE Title for capture template +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Title for capture template]] + +** DONE publishing orgmode to a CMS +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][publishing orgmode to a CMS]] + +** DONE bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails]] + +** DONE Latex exporter bug or feature? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo][Latex exporter bug or feature?]] + +** DONE How to not publish log done note? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to not publish log done note?]] + +** DONE Omit top level heading in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo][Omit top level heading in latex export?]] + +** DONE How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom][How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + +** DONE Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page?]] + +** DONE (PATCH) there is no ś in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][(PATCH) there is no ś in HTML]] + +** DONE Quoting formula "cookies" in table? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Quoting formula "cookies" in table?]] + +** DONE custom postamble in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][custom postamble in HTML export]] + +** DONE quotation marks in LaTeX (again) +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][quotation marks in LaTeX (again)]] + +** DONE Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome][Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error]] + +** DONE (BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes]] + +** DONE Orgmode and filling +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and filling]] + +** DONE Tracking time with MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tracking time with MobileOrg]] + +** DONE conditional export based on target +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][conditional export based on target]] + +** DONE (babel) Writing R-packages the org way? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Writing R-packages the org way?]] + +** DONE (BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][(BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement]] + +** DONE How can I just publish entry marked as DONE? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I just publish entry marked as DONE?]] + +** DONE Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone?]] + +** DONE Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return?]] + +** DONE library of babel, bootabs question +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][library of babel, bootabs question]] + +** DONE how to reverse a region of outline items +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to reverse a region of outline items]] + +** DONE bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future]] + +** DONE TaskJuggler 3, revisited +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TaskJuggler 3, revisited]] + +** DONE (BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentation +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentatidon]] + +** DONE Export Headings Only? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export Headings Only?]] + +** DONE org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse]] + +** DONE No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:18] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule]] + +** DONE Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML]] + +** DONE Feature request +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request]] + +** DONE centering text in html +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][centering text in html]] + +** DONE Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML]] + +** DONE Need help publishing subdirectories +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Need help publishing subdirectories]] + +** DONE puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom][puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour]] + +** DONE optimal usage Q : how would you do this? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][optimal usage Q : how would you do this?]] + +** DONE cache issue when publishing website with include file +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cache issue when publishing website with include file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export]] + +** DONE org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:29] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor]] + +** DONE org-mobile-use-encryption :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile-use-encryption]] + +** DONE Insert link to recently captured Note? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert link to recently captured Note?]] + +** DONE (BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][(BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML]] + +** DONE org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp]] + +** DONE Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom][Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii]] + +** DONE Auto clock-out? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Auto clock-out? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE org-7 under Xemacs +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org-7 under Xemacs]] + +** DONE Elementary: How to return to the main view +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Elementary: How to return to the main view]] + +** DONE Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5)]] + +** DONE org-freemind.el and rx +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom][org-freemind.el and rx]] + +** DONE 7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work]] + +** DONE blorgit build +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][blorgit build]] + +** DONE Bug (?) in org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo][Bug (?) in org-capture]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading and inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][org-insert-heading and inline tasks]] + +** DONE Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export?]] + +** DONE (Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML]] + +** DONE Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented]] + +** DONE Babel for blogging :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr][Babel for blogging]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-insert-heading]] + +** DONE #+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM][#+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation?]] + +** DONE mobileorg app can't sync :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom][mobileorg app can't sync]] + +** DONE Publishing htaccess files with a project +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Publishing htaccess files with a project]] + +** DONE Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML]] + +** DONE Library calls and begin_example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom][(Babel) Library calls and begin_example]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE (BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format? +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format?]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode?]] + +** DONE Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp]] + +** DONE Latex Export +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom][Latex Export]] + +** DONE xemacs compatibility +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][xemacs compatibility]] + +** DONE Exporting #+lob :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom][Exporting #+lob]] + +** DONE (babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org?]] + +** DONE Unable to export babel results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Unable to export babel results]] + +** DONE org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom][org-default-notes-file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:55] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl][(PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables]] + +** DONE pcomplete bug in 7.4 +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr][pcomplete bug in 7.4]] + +** DONE (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:51] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE]] + +** DONE (manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:25] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict]] + +** DONE indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line]] + +** DONE bug: invalid export key in export visible region +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:58] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: invalid export key in export visible region]] + +** DONE fill-region and list items +CLOSED: [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:14] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) fill-region and list items]] + +** DONE Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:23] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE][(O) Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph]] +** DONE proper visibility cycling for items + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Make them not hide the text after the final list item. + This is not trivial, we cannot usenormal outline stuff, + needs a separate implementation. +** DONE (PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:32] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists]] + +** DONE preserving location of point + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][preserving location of point]] + Resolved - works with emacs -Q, so it is due to some other + package. +** DONE VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice][VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u ]] + +** DONE question about link syntax +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about link syntax]] + +** DONE M-return on list items in quote blocks + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:24] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: M-return on list items in quote blocks]] +** CLOSED (ANN) List improvement v.2 + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) List improvement v.2 ]] + +git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + +** CLOSED (ANN) New lists definition :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) New lists definition]] + + git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + + Superseded by [[id:mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom%5D%5BList%20improvement%20v%2E2%5D%5D + +** CLOSED Export of quoted region to HTML +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:34 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Export of quoted region to HTML]] + +"At the moment, there is no real support for lists inside blocks." ([[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/34716][Re: Export of quoted region to HTML]]) +** CLOSED Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] \\ + Cannot reproduce it anymore on [2011-07-16 sam.]. +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:44 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom][Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook]] + +** DONE (bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] \\ + Fixed with new escaping mechanism. +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] +** DONE possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1)]] + +** DONE Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom][Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days]] + Patch is applied. +** DONE bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer%! +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer]] + +** DONE Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:52] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** DONE habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p][Bug: habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g)]] + +The code now has a better error message for this case. + +** DONE Git pull breaks agenda? + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: Git pull breaks agenda?]] + +** DONE Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:23] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom][Bug: Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4)]] + +** DONE Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5)) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:10] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][Bug: Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5))]] + +** DONE Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists]] + +** DONE (babel) Error Before first headline. :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error Before first headline.]] + +** DONE Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:10] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel]] + +** DONE Org-Babel and Ledger :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-Babel and Ledger]] + +** DONE (BABEL) Commands for navigation :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Commands for navigation]] + +** DONE Comments in tangled source + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Comments in tangled source]] + +** DONE (babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook]] + +** DONE (babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug? + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug?]] + +** DONE Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows]] + +** DONE (babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png]] + +** DONE (babel) support plantuml :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) support plantuml]] + +** DONE (org-babel) References Not Expanding :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:20] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) References Not Expanding]] + +** DONE (ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:08] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands]] + +** DONE problem with babel and R :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:02] + :END: + [2010-08-17 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][problem with babel and R]] + +Now possible to wrap results in Org blocks which can export as raw +org, but still allow for clean replacement of raw Org results. + +** DONE The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file]] + +** DONE indentation in capture templates :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ indentation in capture templates]] + +** DONE Capture and clock options +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and clock options]] + +** DONE Capture and checkitem +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:06] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and checkitem]] + + +This is now fixed, two reasonably serious issues. checkitem was not +implemented at all, and both checkitem and item could be placed into +the wrong subtree. + +** DONE (BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer]] + +** DONE (BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer]] + +** DONE Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop' + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Clocking + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop']] +** DONE Document the :recursive option for org-publish +CLOSED: [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: +** DONE typo in org.texi? :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:38] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:36] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][typo in org.texi?]] + +** DONE improve doc string + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - patch: http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/26 + - Org repo commit: http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git/commitdiff/bc53b3da3bf95c767113625693895a7dcbf389bb +** DONE workaround for the given example + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Worg repo commit: http://repo.or.cz/w/Worg.git/commitdiff/f5814f05998292d4eb80f9772c279e9837644f29 +** DONE (bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export]] + This has been fixed + +** DONE lists, maths and export to latex :Patch: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: lists, maths and export to latex]] +*** (PATCH) lists and exportation to latex + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Eric Schulte + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) lists and exportation to latex]] + + This patch has been applied. + +** DONE latex export and booktabs tables :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:02] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][latex export and booktabs tables]] +** DONE Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath? + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Carsten + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + This has been fixed, use the setting #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:verbatim. + It is also documented in the jsMath tutorial. + +** DONE Comment before \begin{equation} exported verbatim + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I noticed the following behavior: A comment line starting with "#" +immediately before a \begin{equation} environment is passed verbatim +as well. I don't think it counts as a bug, since there should probably +be a blank line before \begin anyway. +#+END_QUOTE + + This issue has been fixed. + +** DONE Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML]] + + - Patch :: [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/90/][90]] +** DONE Support multiple CSS container classes :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS property]] +** DONE Literal examples and indentation +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Literal examples and indentation]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Ok, so the answer of my initial question is no. + +That's a bit sad because, IMHO, this could a little be smarter than +this. For example if the line to indent is an empty one, then don't +insert indentation, or if the text is already indented then indent +with respect of the current indentation, etc... +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export]] + + Eric Fraga's code is now on the master branch. + +** DONE (BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export]] + Fixed, patch by Eri Schulte, this now gives a good error message + +** DONE (PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during LaTeX Export :Babel: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during + LaTeX Export]] + + Fixed with special treatment of these lines before the first headline +** DONE (BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading :Babel: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading]] + + Fixed, patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML]] +** DONE Minor Bug in ical2org awk script +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Minor Bug in ical2org awk script]] +** DONE Correct babel format for ditaa? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Correct babel format for ditaa?]] + +** DONE Bug in org-colview/org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Bug in org-colview/org-beamer?]] +** DONE bug in org-mode-export-as-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal][bug in org-mode-export-as-latex]] +** DONE LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))) +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)))]] + +** DONE Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +- State "ASSIGNED" from "BUG" [2010-08-08 So 14:27] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:15] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom +:ASSIGNEE: dmaus +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom][Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory]] + +** DONE Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 11:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex]] + +** DONE Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export]] + +** DONE BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-( +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-(]] + +** DONE Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for]] + +** DONE html-export mangels mailto: links +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) html-export mangels mailto: links]] + +** DONE escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans)]] + +There was a bug here (fixed), and also a user error (told the user so +on the mailing list). + +** DONE export to latex broken +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:22] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex broken]] + +The offending commit has been reverted. + +** DONE Publishing documents body-only + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 13:58] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + +The :body-only property is now available in the publishing setup. + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom][Publishing documents body-only]] + +** DONE Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:44] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans)]] + + [2010-07-20 Tue] Request for backtrace sent to bug report author + +** DONE suggesting a new function org-export-string :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][suggesting a new function org-export-string]] +** DONE portable absolute links in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][portable absolute links in HTML export]] + +** DONE insert a remember template at point +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][insert a remember template at point]] +** DONE Movement of C-a under visible-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Movement of C-a under visible-mode]] +** DONE org-mode and auto-fill-mode :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:24] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode and auto-fill-mode]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1hblfgkp1%2Efsf%40cam%2Eac%2Euk][Removing (modify-syntax-entry ?# "<")]] + +** DONE Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain][Bug: Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i)]] +** DONE org-feed not working for codeproject :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-feed not working for codeproject]] +** DONE (mobileorg) Android sync failed :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobileorg) Android sync failed]] +** DONE org-capture question/suggestion + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][org-capture question/suggestion]] + This patch has been applied, estimate operators are now active and + documented. +** DONE Displaying inline remote images +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:01] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Displaying inline remote images]] +** DONE Tables and environment with parameters + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Tables and environment with parameters]] + Another case of checking for protectedness at the wrong place (the + following line :( ) +** DONE org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:00] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd))]] +** DONE org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51))]] +** DONE inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active]] + +*** inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up%! + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][Bug: inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up]] +** DONE Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans) + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D8739vzpqx1.wl%25dmaus%40ictsoc.de][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed by fixing the function org-find-olp, this can not search just + in the current buffer if the THIS-BUFFER flag is set. +** DONE Problem when org-capturing text from French email + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Problem when org-capturing text from French email]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus to work around Emacs bug #5306. + +** DONE org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans) + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus. + +** DONE web site bug +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][web site bug]] +** DONE indent levels in dynamic block clock? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent levels in dynamic block clock?]] +** DONE org-collector : display problem with propview +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-collector : display problem with propview]] +** DONE startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block) +CLOSED: [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block)]] +** DONE Diary-integration in version 7.01.g +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3Dop.vgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost.localdomain][Diary-integration in version 7.01.g]] +** DONE Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG= +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:59] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG=]] +** DONE links and ID properties +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][links and ID properties]] + +** DONE (Patch) Capture: [Error: (void-function FILE)] and %![Error: (void-function SEXP)] (again)%! +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) Capture: %!(Error: (void-function FILE)) and %!(Error: (void-function SEXP)) (again)]] +** DONE (BUG) Org-capturing items to clock +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Org-capturing items to clock]] +** DONE Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:42] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer]] +** DONE MobileOrg capture - bad encoding :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg capture - bad encoding]] +** DONE Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient]] +** DONE (BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems]] +** DONE avoiding source block prompts +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu][avoiding source block prompts]] +** DONE (babel) lob evaluation : a bug ? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(babel) lob evaluation : a bug ?]] + +** DONE (mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom][(mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing]] + +** DONE bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties? :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties?]] + +** DONE (Patch) Org-fontify :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Patch) Org-fontify]] + +** DONE (PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string.]] + +** DONE org-feed XML entities and character encoding :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][org-feed XML entities and character encoding]] + +** DONE (Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil]] + +** DONE (Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:15] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition)]] + +I installed the new code into the contirb directory. + +** DONE Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot?]] + +This is solved, and new example on how to work with GNUPLOT are up on Worg. + +** CLOSED Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** CLOSED Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight]] + +** CLOSED export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug: export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks]] + +** CLOSED org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:19] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection]] + +True, but cannot be fixed, at least not easily. The new entry can +still be found at the original target location, go there with `C-c C-u +C-c r'. + +** CLOSED org-capture + autoload + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture + autoload]] +The autoload Cookie is in there now. + +** CLOSED capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...) +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:14] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...)]] + +Not a bug. Cf. manual Template expansion and Carsten's +explanation: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6DE91187%2D59F0%2D4AA3%2D9487%2DA758CEB6D5DE%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 +commit-972b0a58...)]]. + +** CLOSED documention missing +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][Bug: documention missing]] + +** CLOSED Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Bug) Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk]] +** CLOSED org capture: use org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom][org capture: use org-default-notes-file]] + +** CLOSED Comments cannot be filled +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + +** CLOSED Disputed keys (meta left), (meta right) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 12:48] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:25] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Disputed keys]] +** DONE keys and command name info + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:44] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][keys and command name info]] + +** CLOSED Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] \\ + Insufficient information and no confirmation of the bug since more + than six months. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:31] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/66] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY?]] + +** DONE Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers. :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/65] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers.]] + +** DONE Re: export to latex broken :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 20:55] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:37 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/63] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][(O) Re: export to latex broken]] + +** DONE (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] \\ + This has been applied to master. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 21:04] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:39 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/62] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom][(O) (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command]] + +** DONE Macro expansion in included files :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] \\ + Applied already. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 16:07] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:42 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/61] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Macro expansion in included files]] + +** CLOSED "org-nil" error in LaTeX export :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:47] \\ + No report. Apperently, an user configuration problem. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/60] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) "org-nil" error in LaTeX export]] +** CLOSED (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] \\ + No confirmation under 30 weeks. Probably an user misconfiguration. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 00:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/58] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block]] + +** DONE Verbatim code gets interpreted :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/57] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) (Bug) Verbatim code gets interpreted]] + +** CLOSED (BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:50] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:35 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/38] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli][(BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers]] + +** DONE For Patchwork workers: An updated pw + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom][For Patchwork workers: An updated pw]] + +The pw script that should be used to work with our patchwork server +is part of the distribution, UTILITIES/pw. Among other things, this +script arranges for automatic emails to the mailing list when the +status of a patch changes. + +** DONE (ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite][(ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode]] +I have made a link to this new translator on Worg, in +org-translators.org. + +** CLOSED tags grouping not working :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:43] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 02:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/20] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede][Bug: tags grouping not working]] +** DONE org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org]] + +org-velocity.el is now a contributed packge, with documentation on worg. +** CLOSED Footnote incorrect in Worg + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:34 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Footnote incorrect in Worg]] + +** CLOSED org-mediawiki :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:53 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/17] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mediawiki]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:54 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/16] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file]] + +** CLOSED send mail without starting gnus first :new: + CLOSED: [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:57] + - Note taken on [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] \\ + This is a gnus issue. + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [3/15] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][send mail without starting gnus first]] + +** CLOSED links and no match message :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:30] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:03 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/12] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu][links and no match message]] + +No answer in 25 weeks. Case closed. +** CLOSED org-cdlatex after environment :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/11] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-cdlatex after environment]] + +Document to reproduce: + +#+begin_src org +,* Heading +,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +;; Turn on cdlatex-mode +(org-cdlatex-mode 1) +,#+END_SRC + + +\begin{eqnarray*} + & & \\ +\end{eqnarray*} + +\begin{eqnarray*} +b&=& +\begin{cases} +1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 +\end{cases} +5 +\end{eqnarray*} + + +Typing _ after 4 prints _{}. Typing _ after 5 only gives _. 5 isn't +considered to be part of math-mode anymore. +#+end_src + +** DONE Org now fontifies code blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][Org now fontifies code blocks]] + +** DONE MobileOrg now in the Android market + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][MobileOrg now in the Android market]] +** DONE (CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom][(CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point]] + +Included in Worg now. + +** DONE Finally jekyll and org-jekyll + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Finally jekyll and org-jekyll]] + +Documented in Worg. + +** DONE MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages]] + +Included in Org and documented. + +** CLOSED what am I missing about remote editing? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 15:41] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:11 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/10] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][what am I missing about remote editing?]] +** CLOSED error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier" :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:02] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:13 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/9] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier"]] + +** CLOSED void-function error :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:37] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/8] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][void-function error]] + +** DONE Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks :Babel:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 11:07 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks]] +** DONE Baffled by beamer blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:50] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:04 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) (BUG) Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +** DONE Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:36] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom][Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands]] + +#+begin_quote +Is there an option for org-metaup (org-metadown) and +outline-next-visible-heading (outline-previous-visible-heading) to +alway jump to the first non-star character in a headline instead of +the beginning of a headline? I could not find this option in the +manual. In my opinion, this would complement the "special C-a/e" +commands which I also use. This behaviour is already the default for +org-metaup/-down in lists. +#+end_quote + +** DONE LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug]] + +** DONE Row formulas + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + @4=..... + +** CLOSED latex export problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech][latex export problem]] + + - ngz :: not consistently reproducible, 41 weeks old, outdated + version of Org : closed. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE Make a variable that current line should be recomputed always + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + In each table. Skipping headers of course. +** DONE include value of single table cell in text? + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:49] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:17 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][include value of single table cell in text?]] + +** DONE (Feature Request) Cross headings in tables + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:51] +:END: + [2010-10-27 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Feature Request) Cross headings in tables]] + +** DONE MathJax is now the default for HTML math + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:21 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom][MathJax is now the default for HTML math]] + + - ngz :: it is in manual since a long time. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :END: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE + 1) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's + leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is + set to nil + + 2) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented + as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the + indentation should ideally return to what it was before the + inline task. Of course, this is also a problem when org-indent + is turned off, if you try to automatically hard-indent using + TAB. However, in that case you can adjust by hand the + indentation of the first line after the inline task, and then + all the following lines will indent correctly. With org-indent + the problem is much worse since there is no way of adjusting the + soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] + - ngz :: no further information to work on since 39 weeks. Case + probably closed. +** CLOSED Strange bug, request for more info + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :END: + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq6bjsas%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq6bjsas.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Re: Strange bug, request for more info]] + + - ngz :: very old bug, probably fixed now according to the last + post in the thread. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +The bug happens when being in the agenda and trying to goto or show +the origin location of an agenda entry by pressing SPC or RET. +John reports that sometimes (for him several times a day), +the other window shows a completely different location. +The most weird part of it is that going back to the agenda buffer +and then trying the exact same command again, everything works +fine! This is driving me crazy, and I'd love to find and fix +this problem. +#+END_QUOTE +** CLOSED PATCH: Fix for agenda problems :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo][PATCH: Fix for agenda problems]] + + - ngz :: probably applied, and function has changed since then. + +*** More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing :Mobile: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo][More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing]] + +*** Mobile-org crash --- same error? :Mobile: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mobile-org crash --- same error?]] + +** DONE COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 02:22] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:57] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 12:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][(O) Bug: Minor Bug: COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics (7.5 (release_7.5.24.g5f0ef))]] + + - ngz :: bug confirmed on 7.6 (release_7.6.75.g74e3) and hopefully + fixed. Waiting for confirmation. + +** CLOSED Capture abort: (void-function -mode) + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:44] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Capture abort: (void-function -mode)]] + +Problem is not yet reproducible. + + - ngz :: very old bug, no information or even confirmation it + happened since then. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED capture problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:14] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech][capture problem]] + + - ngz :: very old bug. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] +** CLOSED Recovering notes :Mobile: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobile-org) Recovering notes]] + + - ngz :: As informative as it is, we are not fixing issues for + outside applications. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error? :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:09] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error?]] + + - ngz :: still active, but not dependant on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ainsi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** CLOSED Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created) :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] + :END: + [2010-10-17 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created)]] + + - ngz :: confirmed, but not depending on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** DONE (PATCH) Markup on same line as text :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:48] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Markup on same line as text]] + - ngz :: patch already applied in code base. +** DONE clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items]] + + - ngz :: Carsten fixed it. + +** DONE (BABEL) Babel babel native fontification :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:37] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:48 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Two minor issues]] +** DONE Custom sorting of agenda items! + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) custom sorting of agenda items]] + - ngz :: Carsten full-filled that wish. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When giving a user-defined function for org-agenda-cmp-user-defined, +the function gets two agenda entries. Is there a way from an agenda entry +to get to the original org entry? + +Best would be if, besides a user-defined sort function, you could also provide +a function that takes the org entry and the agenda item (i.e. is run with point +on the org entry and is passed the agenda item), and can then store anything +it wants about the org entry as text properties on the agenda item. +The companion user-defined sorting function could then use these stored +text properties for ordering the agenda items. Could you add such a hook? +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:21] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:00 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][(PATCH) Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto]] + - ngz :: That function exists now. + +** CLOSED Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature Request: Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range]] + - ngz :: A solution for the problem at hand already exists and is + detailed in the FAQ. + +** DONE Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show. :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show.]] + - ngz :: Patch seems applied in code base. +** DONE Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:33] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 08:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg][Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines]] + - ngz :: David solved that bug with his escaping mechanism. + +** DONE Variable of standard links for completion with C-c C-l + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Or something like that, to make standard links fast. + +** DONE Unintended behavior? Links without description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:09] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:10 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Unintended behavior? Links without description]] + +#+begin_quote +In pre-processing for export with org-export-normalize-links, links +that lack a description part are given one, which consists of the full +raw path of the link. In other words, link descriptions are never nil. +This seems to conflict with the expectations of org-bbdb.el and custom +links based on that example. + +The link [[bbdb:Carsten Dominik]], for instance, is exported to html +and latex as follows: + + bbdb:Carsten Dominik + \textit{bbdb:Carsten Dominik}. + +Org-bbdb.el is clearly prepared to be passed a desc that is nil, in +which case it would use path instead: + +(defun org-bbdb-export (path desc format) + "Create the export version of a BBDB link specified by PATH or DESC. +If exporting to either HTML or LaTeX FORMAT the link will be +italicized, in all other cases it is left unchanged." + (cond + ((eq format 'html) (format "%s" (or desc path))) + ((eq format 'latex) (format "\\textit{%s}" (or desc path))) + (t (or desc path)))) + +However, desc is never nil, because a missing description part is +replaced in export pre-processing by a string consisting of the link +type, a colon, and the path. This takes place in the function +org-export-normalize-links. + +This makes for unexpected behavior in custom links that some of us +have defined. E.g., Thomas S. Dye's `cite' links (the thread +`org-add-link-type'): +#+end_quote + +Thomas S. Dye could track down this problem to at least 7.01trans +(release_7.01h.209.g2c33b). + +*** DONE org-add-link-type + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:12] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) org-add-link-type]] + +#+begin_quote +It looks as if an empty desc is never passed, instead it is replaced +with the full raw path. I don't think that's the right behavior, and I +don't really see how it could result from org-export-latex-links. +#+end_quote + +** DONE minted for latex source code export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:49 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][minted for latex source code export]] + +** DONE (WIP) OpenOffice Exporter + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WIP) OpenOffice Exporter]] + +** CLOSED Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans) + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:11] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 11:19 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans)]] + - ngz :: configuration mistake from OP. + +** DONE Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:54] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) (Babel) Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output]] +** CLOSED html export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX ignored for tables when used before first headline + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:22] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][LaTeX table export issue]] + +** DONE Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore? :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +- State "BUG" from "WISH" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore?]] + +** DONE Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:28] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:19] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) (BUG) Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading]] + - ngz :: Patch suggested. Waiting for confirmation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +** DONE (Patch) org-capture.el + CLOSED: [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-22 ven. 01:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Patch) org-capture.el]] +** DONE Rewrite of org-indent-mode :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:23] +- State "IDEA" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:20] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:28] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-08-18 jeu. 19:16 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (dev) org-indent-mode patch]] + + + - ngz :: this branch is an attempt to remove idle timer in + indent-mode and to make it compatible with + visual-line-mode. Though, it suffers from a long + initialization time (walking each line of the buffer to + add text-properties). + + The idea is to set =line-prefix= property to the level of + the current headline and =wrap-prefix= to the indentation + of the beginning of the line. These properties are + modified at each text modification (hook) on the modified + area only (so, this part is quick). + + - ngz :: I've implemented an asynchronous initialization. It needs + testing, though. + +Source : =git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +The rewrite would fix the following bugs: + +*** DONE Org cause Emacs to hang + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "BUG" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:04] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:39] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org cause Emacs to hang]] + +Possible fix is in + +=git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +Wait for feedback if this patch fixes the problem. + + - ngz :: this branch isn't satisfactory enough (too slow on + opening files). Thus, I re-open the bug. + + See [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for more information. + +*** DONE Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel][Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list]] + + - ngz :: see [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for a working solution + diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/org-people.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/org-people.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8557c604f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/encoding/org-people.org @@ -0,0 +1,763 @@ +#+TITLE: Org-mode Community People +#+EMAIL: carsten.dominik@gmail.com +#+AUTHOR: Worg people +#+LANGUAGE: en +#+STARTUP: overview +#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:t \n:nil ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t tex:t d:(HIDE) tags:not-in-toc ':t +#+INFOJS_OPT: view:info toc:1 path:http://orgmode.org/org-info.js tdepth:1 ftoc:t buttons:0 mouse:underline + +#+name: person-template +#+BEGIN_SRC org :var name="name" url="url" width="300" :exports none +,#+html:
+,* $name +,#+attr_html: :width $width :style float:right;margin:0px 0px 20px 20px; +[[$url]] +#+END_SRC + +#+MACRO: person call_person-template(name="$1",url="$2",width="300")[:results raw] +#+MACRO: person100 call_person-template(name="$1",url="$2",width="100")[:results raw] +#+MACRO: person150 call_person-template(name="$1",url="$2",width="150")[:results raw] +#+MACRO: person200 call_person-template(name="$1",url="$2",width="200")[:results raw] +#+MACRO: person300 call_person-template(name="$1",url="$2",width="300")[:results raw] +#+MACRO: person400 call_person-template(name="$1",url="$2",width="400")[:results raw] +#+MACRO: person500 call_person-template(name="$1",url="$2",width="500")[:results raw] + +# Instructions +# ============ +# To add a new person to this file, please use the "person" macro with +# two arguments, a name and a link to a picture. Like this: +# { { { person(First M. Last, http://link to picture) } } } +# call, insert the descriptive text + +# Here comes a new person, please use the "person" macro to set name +# and image link. After the macro, write your text. + +# Ian Barton ------------------------------------------------------------------ + +{{{person(Ian Barton,http://orgmode.org/img/people/ian_barton.jpg)}}} + +I started out in a farming family before going into medical research +as a virologist and then into computing. I have now returned to +farming, where I hope I'll stay! + +I have only been using Emacs for two or three years and had been +looking for something that allowed me to keep all my information in +plain text. When I discovered org I knew that I had found the Holy +Grail. + +Org develops so rapidly that every time I wonder if I can do "x" in +org, it's either already implemented, or one of Carsten's multiple +beings creates it overnight. However, despite rapid development and +many features org's core functions remain simple to use. + +Outside farming and playing with computers I try to indulge my passion +for mountaineering, which I am trying to pass on to my three young +children, who are sometimes reluctant companions in our adventures! + +# Charles Cave ---------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person200(Charles Cave,http://orgmode.org/img/people/charles_cave.jpg)}}} + +I started using Emacs on Unix workstations in the early 1990s but now +I use Windows desktop machines. + +I was using XEmacs for my Perl programming work in my role of a +software tester for a Sydney based software company. Around 2007 I +discovered David Allen's Getting Things Done methodology through web +sites such as [[http://www.43folders.com]] and +[[http://www.diyplanner.com/]]. I later created a portal of GTD resources +[[http://gtdportal.pbworks.com/]] + +I stumbled upon the Planner mode for emacs, then did more research on +Emacs outliners and found org-mode. What attracted me to org-mode was +keeping all information in one file and the outlining commands were so +simple. The format of an org-mode was very logical and easy to +generate and parse using scripts in Perl or Python. + +XEmacs soon gave way to GNU Emacs which is friendlier to org-mode and +in my opinion, a better Emacs. My other useful Emacs package is +mup-mode for typesetting music using the [[http://www.arkkra.com][MUP program]]. I also use +org-mode to publish articles for the web about GTD, org-mode and my +music making. + +org-mode and Remember mode are another great combination of tools. +I capture my thoughts, ideas, notes, journal entries, and Internet +banking receipts into plain text files. + +I want to tell the world about org-mode so I write articles on how I +have used org-mode in my daily life. I work as a technical writer of +training materials, and I naturally enjoy writing to help people +understand how to use technology. My articles can be found at +[[http://members.optusnet.com.au/~charles57/GTD/]] +I couldn't live without org-mode! Each new release +has exciting new features. + +# Dan Davison ----------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person(Dan Davison,http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~davison/dan.jpg)}}} + +I'm a university-based researcher in evolutionary biology/genetics. In +addition to using org-mode for all my task and project management, I +now use it as my working environment for programming and data +analysis, which I can highly recommend. + +Although I'd used emacs for a few years beforehand, encountering +org-mode finally motivated me to learn emacs-lisp, which I have really +appreciated (I had previously found it strangely refractory). The +community of org users is providing a constant stream of high quality +new additions, and when you have any doubts about how to proceed +yourself, it is a spectacularly helpful and reliable source of +knowledge. + +I helped Eric Schulte to produce the [[http://orgmode.org/manual/Working-With-Source-Code.html#Working-With-Source-Code][new source code functionality]] of +org-mode (originally called org-babel). I have [[http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~davison/software/dbm/dbm.php][one other software +project]] outside my work; its aim is to use the large amounts of +information about musical similarity available online to organise and +navigate a personal music library. + +# Carsten Dominik ------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person(Carsten Dominik,http://orgmode.org/img/people/carsten_dominik.jpg)}}} + +I am the main Org-mode author, being on this project since 2003. + +Just like my earlier Emacs hacks [[http://www.gnu.org/software/auctex/reftex.html][RefTeX]], [[http://staff.science.uva.nl/~dominik/Tools/cdlatex/][CDLaTeX]], and [[http://idlwave.org][IDLWave]], writing +[[http://orgmode.org][Org-mode]] resulted from a direct need for it: I wanted to get organized +and wanted to do it in Emacs. There was nothing available that fit my +wishes, in particular no combination of outline-based note-taking with +task management in a single system. + +With lots of help from the community around Org-mode, this project has +grown into a versatile toolbox, which is being used by a large number +of people, in various ways and to various ends. + +Org-mode was largely written on the commuter train to Amsterdam, where +I [[http://staff.science.uva.nl/~dominik/][work]] as an [[http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html][Astronomer]] at the [[http://www.astro.uva.nl][Astronomical Institute]] of the +[[http://www.uva.nl][University of Amsterdam]]. + +# Thomas S Dye ---------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person200(Thomas S Dye,http://www.tsdye.com/images/tom.jpg)}}} + +I am an archaeologist (http://www.tsdye.com/) who switched to Linux +almost 20 years ago when the demise of DOS made most of my little +Turbo Pascal utilities obsolete. My unhappiness with proprietary +standards led me to discover the Free Software Foundation and, of +course, emacs, which has been central to my computing life ever since. + +With no formal computer science training, I typically stumble across +cool emacs features by accident rather than design. Sometimes these +features change the way I conceptualize a problem and the space of +possible solutions. A short list, roughly in the order I discovered +them, includes regular expression search and replace; emacs as an +interface for other applications, like python and R; reftex (written +by Carsten), whose manual suggests generating an index by creating a +list of unique words over a certain size found in a document, then +letting reftex guide the markup process, one unique word at a time +(!); and, most recently, org-babel, which seems equal parts simplicity +and magic. + +I'm currently producing reproducible research documents with +org-mode. I use org-mode to organize the research (thanks to Bernt +Hansen's terrific how-to), keep a laboratory notebook, build a source +code library, create web pages, and author the published document. + + + +# Eric S. Fraga --------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person200(Eric S. Fraga,http://www3.imperial.ac.uk/pls/portallive/docs/1/27579696.JPG)}}} + +I am a computer scientist working with chemical engineers, doing +research in optimisation and automated design methods. Org-mode is a +key tool in the management of both my research programme and my +teaching activities. + +Being based on simple text files and being open source, Org-mode is +attractive for being future-proof. It allows me to no longer worry +about whether I'm locked in to some software vendor's changing view of +what is important or necessary and I know that all the information I +have put into my org files is and always will be accessible. + +Org-mode provides me with an excellent framework for collaborative +work. As it is available on a very wide range of devices, including +hand-held computers, the full power of the system is at hand no matter +where I am working. + +My [[http://www.homepages.ucl.ac.uk/~ucecesf/][web pages]], describing my research activities and interests, are all +written in Org. Lately, I have been experimenting with literate +programming using Org with the recently added org-babel framework! + +My contribution to the Org-mode project is mostly as an enthusiastic +user! + +# Peter Frings + +{{{person(Peter Frings,http://orgmode.org/img/people/peter_frings.jpg)}}} + +I'm part of a software team in Mortsel, Belgium, as a requirement +analyst, conceptual designer, interaction designer, graphic designer +and spec writer ---or whatever the titles are---; i.e., the whole +shebang except programming. I do miss programming a bit, which I did +professionally during the first 10 years of my career. That itch +sparked my current interest in functional programming, but I lack the +time to do anything serious with it. + +Although I'm not an artist, I like photography ('grepe' on Flickr), +and I play the double bass in a couple of folk bands. + +Being an avid emacs user, I stumbled upon Org-mode and never looked +back. I use it mainly to start writing ideas and concepts, to-do list +and scheduler and to track the time I spend on the various tasks. I'm +pretty sure I'm only using 5% of what it can do, especially given the +furious pace of development in the last year. Nothing compares to the +Org community, with Carsten et all on top (how can people fix a bug +faster than you can read the problem report?). + +I <3 Org-mode. Spread the word! + +# Bastien Guerry -------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person(Bastien Guerry,http://api.ning.com/files/LwgxVloM62IRf1TIIH3rC*v9UqiIHkYEb0DQcxOqOIc_/bastien_guerry2.jpg)}}} + +Over the past decade, I have been studying philosophy, cognitive +sciences and educational theories. I'm interested on how to use +computers for education, and I'm a consultant in this field. + +I'm not a programmer but I've been raised in Emacs, so I can read +some elisp code, fix some bugs and sometimes write a function. + +My first Emacs contribution was [[http://directory.fsf.org/project/BHL/][BHL]], a mode to convert plain text to +HTML, LaTeX, etc. When I discovered Org I thought: "Wow. This is the +perfect tool for playing with ideas I'm too lazy to implement in BHL." +And it turned out to be much more than that: Org has been a matrix for +many new ideas that I couldn't have dreamt for with BHL. + +Org is to Emacs what Emacs is to computers. + +And nothing compares to the Org community. + +# Bernt Hansen ---------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person(Bernt Hansen,http://www.norang.ca/pics/Bernt.jpg)}}} + +I am a freelance software designer working from my office near Toronto, +Ontario, Canada. I use Org-mode to track all of my personal and +business tasks. + +Org-mode was the end of my long quest to find a better organizational +toolkit. I had tried many other systems over the years in an attempt to +get organized. + +I started using Org-mode in August 2006 after trying out planner for a +year. I needed something to track time spent on tasks and a note filing +system where I could actually find the notes back again and in a +reasonable amount of time. Being able to actually read the note was an +added bonus -- my handwriting is awful - especially when I'm in a hurry +such as making notes during a client conversation. Fortunately for me I +can type faster than I can write. + +Since then Org-mode has continued to evolve and it has many more +features than I will ever need from my organizational software suite. +I'm no longer searching for a better organizational toolkit. + +# Wes Hardaker ---------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person(Wes Hardaker,http://www.hardakers.net/images/wes-tammerack.jpg)}}} + +I like to bite off more than I can chew on a regular basis. I'm +actively involved in a ton of things. I'm an avid +[[http://www.capturedonearth.com/][Photographer]], a +[[http://www.ws6z.com/][Amateur Radio]] enthusiast, and Community +Emergency Response Team supporter. I love hiking +([[http://www.openstreetmap.org/][making maps of everywhere I go]]) +and enjoy finding [[http://yamar.geoqo.org/][Geocaches]]. All of this +takes coordination, organization and careful tracking of the things +that I have yet to accomplish. I think faster than my fingers can +frequently write down [[http://pontifications.hardakers.net][my ideas and thoughts]]. + +Org-mode has certainly made managing my overwhelming +list of things I need to do, want to do or simply thinking of much +easier. I don't feel nearly as lost since I've started using it. + +I participate in a [[http://www.hardakers.net/][large number]] +of [[http://www.hardakers.net/][open source projects]] +(both for work and pleasure) and have contributed at least +[[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/org-export-generic.php][at least +a little bit to org]] via my org-export-generic functionality. + +Thanks a bunch to Carsten and everyone else for writing such a +wonderful package! + +# Manuel Hermenegildo -------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person(Manuel Hermenegildo,http://www.software.imdea.org/images/manuel_hermenegildo.jpg)}}} + +I am a researcher (and the director of) a research institute and a +university research group, both in Computer Science. Org has had a +huge positive impact in the way I organize my (unfortunately many) +tasks --and in fact my life as a whole. It is also used by many people +in the institute and the research groups I am part of. Here is how: + +We participate in a large number of projects, from research projects +to taskforces regarding many organizational aspects of our institute, +and we make extensive and collaborative use of org to get organized +within them. We used /shared/ org files, essentially one per project, +to gather our notes, tasks, deadlines, etc. for that project. These +files are kept in a server and we edit them collaboratively using svn +or git. People include as their org-agenda-files only the org files of +the projects they are involved in. We use tags to assign tasks to +people (e.g., my tag is :MH:). We also have of course private org +files, where we use FILETAGS to assign all the tasks in the files to +the owner of the file. Then, we use tag filters to generate agendas +and TODO lists that only have our tasks. This is far simpler and more +flexible than any of the other methods of getting organized that we +have seen so far! And it is all in simple ASCII files and through +emacs... happiness. + +I have also contributed a bit to org development, mainly some aspects +that help support the model described above, some issues related to +the generation of web pages, and minor things here and there. + +I cannot say as others that org is the main reason I use emacs: in +fact, it is scary to think about when I started using emacs (1983?). +But org has done something truly amazing: make emacs even more useful +(and very much so!) than it already was for me. Try it for yourself +--you will not be disappointed! + +# Tassilo Horn ---------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person(Tassilo Horn,http://www.tsdh.de/~heimdall/tsdh.jpg)}}} + +I started using Emacs about the same time I've switched to GNU/Linux +around 1999. When people are saying they switched to Emacs because of +org-mode, for me it was the Gnus newsreader, which I'm still using +today. + +Over the time, I've learned elisp and gotten my hands dirty in several +projects, like EMMS, Gnus, and Circe. And I'm the author of doc-view, +which is integrated in Emacs 23. In org-mode, I'm in charge of the +linking stuff between Org and Gnus. + +Org has become the most important part of my workflow: if I didn't +org-capture it, it won't be done! + +In my free time, I'm trying to do as much crazy stuff as possible: +parachuting, hang gliding, rock climbing, snowboarding, and cooking! +Believe me, the last thing's the most dangerous. + +On my day job, I'm a researcher at the Institute for Software +Technology at the University Koblenz-Landau, where my main interests +are MDA and especially model transformations. + +You can find me as tsdh on IRC in #emacs, #gnus, and #org-mode. + +# Andrew Hyatt ---------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person400(Andrew Hyatt,http://lh5.ggpht.com/_JOGKg1oOsqk/Su2mDWjG1SI/AAAAAAAADYE/G0sRrzjpvIw/DSC_0021.JPG)}}} + +During my first year of college, I was introduced to emacs, and I've +been increasing my usage of it ever since. I use it to read mail, +chat, code in C++, Java, and Python, and of course organize my work +with org-mode. + +Previous to org-mode, I tried out many different GTD-style systems, +but found them all annoyingly inflexible or inefficient. Now I use +org-mode to plan out my tasks in my own quasi-GTD system, show me what +there is to work on, take notes while I'm working on tasks, and time +how long I spend working on tasks. My contributions to org are the +org-screen module (for linking to screen sessions), and schedule-based +tracking in org-depend. I have some ideas for further contributions +that will have to wait until my next long flight (which is when I tend +to do all my org-mode hacking). + +Right now, I'm spending most of my emacs hacking time working to +[[http://code.google.com/p/wave-client-for-emacs/][integrate emacs with Google Wave]] + +I've been working as a software engineer since 1997, both around +Silicon Valley and currently in New York City. Besides work, I hang +out with my family, eat out at interesting restaurants, try and +perfect my pizza-making and cappuccino-making skills, exercise, and +read interesting books. For current activities, see +http://twitter.com/andrewhyatt. + +# Shidai Liu (aka Leo) ------------------------------------------------------------------ + +{{{person(Shidai Liu\, aka Leo,http://orgmode.org/img/people/leo.jpg)}}} + +=Planner= got me started on =Emacs= in late 2005 after seeing some of +it's cool features. One year later (October 2006) I moved to =Org=, +realising how much more powerful it was, plus the vibrant community it +has. From then on =Org= has been the focal point of my pure +emacs-based personal information manager (=Org=, =Gnus=, =BBDB=, +=Calendar=, =Diary=, etc.). Here is a list of things I use Emacs for: + +|-------------------------+-------------------| +| TASKS | EMACS SOLUTION | +|-------------------------+-------------------| +| Email/News | Gnus | +| Version control systems | Magit + VC | +| Calculator | Calc | +| Shell | EShell | +| Task/time management | Org | +| Common lisp development | SLIME | +| LaTeX/TeX authoring | AUCTeX | +| Notes taking | Org + AUCTeX | +| Blogging | Gnus | +| Addressbook | BBDB | +| Calendar | Calendar | +| Bibliography database | BibTeX | +| Spell checker | Ispell + Flyspell | +| IRC | Rcirc | +| File manager | Dired | +| Playing music | EMMS | +| Inputting Chinese | Eim | +| Dictionary | Dictem | +| ...... | ...... | +|-------------------------+-------------------| + +I am currently living and studying in Cambridge UK. I enjoy my +experience here and value the opportunities it gives me. Post my study +I'd like to take a break travelling while reflecting on what I should +focus in the future. But whatever I do I will use Emacs + Org! + +# Pete Phillips ------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person(Pete Phillips,http://www.petephillips.me.uk/images/pete-karen-italy2009_medsize.jpg)}}} +(I'm the one on the left btw.) + +I started using org-mode in Aug 2005. Before that I had used 3 +different models of Psion organisers (II/II XP, Psion 3a, Psion 5mx), +and a Sharp Zaurus) to organise my lists/things to do. Analog-wise, I +also used a DayRunner for about 8-10 years as well as a HPDA. + +In Summer/Autumn 2005 I did a [[http://ccgi.philfam.co.uk/wordpress/2005/10/05/4][blog post about moving to org-mode]] after +trying out planner mode from [[http://sachachua.com][Sacha Chua]]. During my initial period it +became clear that I needed some method of dealing with [[http://www.flippingheck.com/GTD---Back-to-basics-3---Context-and-Next-Actions][Contexts]]. I +tried various ways of using the TODO keywords with some success, but +eventually Carsten solved the problem by adding the TAGS +functionality. I tried this out for a few days and on 19th Dec 2005 I +emailed Carsten: + +: On Dec 19, 2005, at 1:53 PM, Pete Phillips wrote: +: +: Hi Carsten. +: +: Just one word - Awesome! + +... the combination of TODO keywords to record the status of the +item/action (Waiting, Next, Done etc) plus the use of tags to record +the context (:Home: :Laptop: :Jim: etc) was the 'Aha!' moment which +made org-mode the answer to my needs. + +I have org-mode up in emacs 24 hours a day, in a frame next to my mh-e +buffer. I organise just about everything with these two emacs +tools. Whilst I use firefox/chrome for web browsing, my mail reading, +list making and diary/calendar management are all done through emacs. +[[http://ccgi.philfam.co.uk/wordpress/category/gtd][I have some blog posts about GTD and org-mode]] which may be interesting +to some. + +I manage a [[http://www.smtl.co.uk/][UK NHS testing lab]] (yes - new website on the way, +honestly), with a team of scientists providing pharmaceutical QA and +medical device testing services to the Welsh NHS. Whilst I used to be +very active on the org-mode mailing list, my workload these days +doesn't allow me that luxury. However, org-mode is more important to +me now than ever - basically I manage my life with it - work and home. +In my spare time I play jazz, and even use org-mode to keep lists of +numbers I would like to try out, contacts for jazz venues, lists of +forthcoming gigs etc. + +A big thank you to Carsten for this superb tool. + +[[http://www.petephillips.me.uk][Pete Phillips]] + + +# Giovanni Ridolfo ------------------------------------------------------------ + +{{{person200(Giovanni Ridolfi,http://www.isof.cnr.it/nanochemistry/picGR.jpg)}}} + +I started using Emacs just to use Org-mode. Then Emacs began to be my +second operating system; the first is [[http://www.debian.org][Debian GNU/Linux]], and the last +is Windows XP (bleah!). + +I am a chemist, working in Bologna, Italy. +When I am not in the laboratory, I am at the +computer writing and reading reports and also the Org-mode +mailing list. I pay particular attention to the posts +concerning Windows. + +I am also active in my LUG: [[http://erlug.linux.it/main/][Emilia-Romagna LUG]], since I think that +when spreading free software /the more the merrier/. + +I love reading. The books I have just finished +are [[http://www.wumingfoundation.com/english/about_our_books.htm][Q]] and [[http://www.enricobrizzi.it/inattesapiega/index.htm][L'inattesa piega degli eventi]]. + +# T.V. Raman ------------------------------------------------------------------ + +{{{person(T.V. Raman,http://lh4.ggpht.com/_3FmCG50jehg/R2l7StSQVII/AAAAAAAAA44/tLI0crQJaG4/s512/%20009.JPG)}}} + +I am a Computer Scientist with over 11 years of industry +experience in advanced technology development. During this time, I +have authored 3 books and filed over 25 patents; my work on auditory +interfaces was profied in the September 1996 issue of Scientific +American. I have leading edge expertise in Web standards, auditory +interfaces and scripting languages. I participate in numerous W3C +working groups and authored Aural CSS (ACSS); in 1996 I wrote the +first ACSS implementation. I have led the definition of XML +specifications for the next generation WWW including XForms, XML +Events, and Compound Document Formats such as X+V. + +T.V. Raman is blind and uses Emacs for much of his interaction with +his computer system, because he has taught Emacs to [[http://emacspeak.sourceforge.net/raman/][speak]]. I +(Carsten) have seen him using his system, and it is amazing. You can +see him introducing Carsten Dominik during his [[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJTwQvgfgMM][Google Tech Talk]]. The +picture shows him with his dog /Bubbles/. + +# Andreas Roehler ------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person150(Andreas Roehler,http://orgmode.org/img/org-mode-unicorn.png)}}} + +Studying economics in former GDR until 1975, my diploma +thesis has been rejected as I proposed a cure employing +free speech, free press, independent unions etc. + +Turned towards literature later, wrote plays, prose and +poetry. Former Bertolt Brecht Theater Berliner +Ensemble staged 1993 my adaption of Aischylos "The +Persians". + +Crossed the Berlin Wall in 1984 and proceeded - next +turn of life came with lecture of a book by french +sociologist Serge Thion: Historical Truth or Political +Truth. + +Translated the book with the help of friend and +finally, as no one would do it in Germany, published it +in 1994. A lot of things stirred up, we started a +journal too. Refusing the common power play we +invited people with quite different ideas, religions +etc., published articles from right-wing settlers as +from muslim activists, published Norman Podhoretz and +Noam Chomsky likewise. + +Things got hot, service took action, the computers and +all the equipment being seized again and again; seizures, +which have been forbidden by german press law beside. + +Detected GNU Linux at this occasion - not to pay +licenses repeatedly. Detected Emacs - free software is +a kind of free speech. + + +Literatur- und Kunstpreistrger im Karin Fischer Verlag ... +, Andreas Rhler (W.-Hasenclever-Preis) ... +[[http://www.karin-fischer-verlag.de/sites/preistraeger.html]] + +Theaterverlag Desch +Aischylos. DIE ORESTIE Schauspiel 5 D 7 H Stand: 27.03.01 +DIE PERSER (: Andreas Rhler) Schauspiel 1 D 3 H Stand: +27.03.01. +[[http://www.theater-verlag-desch.de/autoren/showAuthor?autor=Aischylos]] + +Gedichte. Grafik von Thuur Camps Rhler, Andreas Berlin, +Mariannepresse. 1986. Gedichte. (Graz) 1943. 136 S., 2 Taf. +23 cm. OPp Goll, Ernst Verlag: Leykam. ... +[[http://ade.bookmaps.org/g/e/ged_69.html]] + +Teilnehmer seit 1980 +... Dirk Kurbjuweit, Katja Lange-Mller, Harry Mulisch, +Albert Ostermaier ... Peter Piwitt, Hans Pleschinski, +Andreas Rhler, Dieter Schmidt, Eva ... +[[http://www.poetenfest-erlangen.de/archiv/teilnehmerliste.htm]] + +Magisterarbeit +eingereicht von Andreas Klling. Wissenschaftliche Betreuung: +Professor Stephan .... Christa Moog, Hans (Chaim) Noll, +Andreas Rhler, Karl Hermann Rhricht, ... +[[http://www.textbatzen-andreas.de/magister/magister.html]] + +Bis 2003 Herausgeber der +Zeitschrift fr Kultur Geschichte und Politik, Sleipnir +[[http://www.sleipnir.netfirms.com]] + + +# Eric Schulte ---------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person500(Eric Schulte,http://www.cs.unm.edu/~eschulte/data/moustache.png)}}} + +After a liberal arts education in Mathematics and Philosophy -- my +studies having deliberately excluded the applicable and computational +sciences -- I left school and spent the next 5 years working in the +research and development of computational tools. I have now come full +circle and am [[http://www.cs.unm.edu/~eschulte/][pursuing my graduate studies]] in computer science at the +[[http://www.cs.unm.edu/][University of New Mexico]]. + +In 2006 I began using Emacs and roughly a year later started using +[[http://orgmode.org][Org-mode]]. Initially I used Org-mode solely for note taking. It has +since turned into both my research laboratory and my main document +authoring tool. + +I've had the pleasure of working on a couple of Org-mode related +projects -- [[file:org-tutorials/org-plot.org][org-plot]], [[file:org-contrib/org-exp-blocks.org][org-exp-blocks]], [[file:blorgit.org][blorgit]] and [[file:org-contrib/babel/index.org][org-babel]]. Writing +emacs-lisp in Emacs is a pleasure which is greatly amplified by the +thoughtful construction of Org-mode. Its readable design, and +numerous strategically placed hooks and control variables make it the +most hackable framework I have ever encountered. + +Through Emacs I realized the benefits of a truly customizable +environment, and as a result Emacs took over my OS; now Org-mode has +blurred the lines between customization and development and it is +preceding to take over my Emacs. + +# Manish Sharma --------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person300(Manish Sharma,http://www.vyom.org/media/manish-org.jpg)}}} + +I had tried dozens of task management tools of various kinds +(web-based, browser-based, wiki-style, MS Excel-based, paper-based, MS +Outlook-based, plain text file based, Post-It based... you get the +idea) between 2003 and 2007. I really tried to like them... but +something or the other was always amiss. Planner was the first system +that I kept going back to after trying every fancy new system; I kept +looking around until I found Org-mode around August 2007 and that was +the end of my journey. It was like finding out who you are going to +spend the rest of your life with. :) + + +I initially thought Org was awesome and could not be improved further +but I had underestimated Carsten, various contributors and the amazing +community of users who keep pushing the envelope of what is possible +without sacrificing the deceptive simplicity of the system. + +It morphs into the perfect system to suit any new-fangled ideas I +might have about organizing and approaching work. To me, Org is like a +DIY-kit of organizers -- it scales as you grow and discover and tune +how you would like to organize your life. I doubt if I will ever need +or use full power of Org. + +# Davit O'Toole + +{{{person(David O'Toole,http://orgmode.org/img/people/dto.jpg)}}} + +David O'Toole is a Lisp programmer living in Massachusetts, USA. +Interests include GNU Emacs, Ubuntu, and independent games development. + +His website is http://dto.github.com/notebook + + +# Karl Voit -------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person200(Karl Voit,http://karl-voit.at/images/2012-01-05-orgmode-userphoto.jpg)}}} + +I started with Emacs in the 90s for composing emails, editing files, +[[http://LaTeX.TUGraz.at][writing LaTeX]]. Approximately 2004 I switched to [[http://www.vim.org/][vim]] because of +performance advantage and I was doing a project in an old AIX UNIX +environment where there was no Emacs or even vim: I actually had to +learn vi. + +While switching from Emacs to vi(m) I created +[[http://karl-voit.at/unmaintained/vim-emacs-cheatsheet_of_freezing_hell.shtml][The +vim/emacs cheatsheet of freezing hell]] covering both worlds. + +At [[http://linuxtage.at][Grazer Linuxdays]] 2011, I attended a great show and tell where +someone presented Org-mode and its features related to outlining and +generating LaTeX beamer presentations. My mouth stayed open until that +day :-) + +I was on the holy quest for *the* perfect Personal Information +Management (PIM) tool for almost decades: primitive Windows and +GNU/Linux software tools of the 90s, PalmOS (Handspring Deluxe, T3), +[[http://www.jpilot.org/][J-Pilot]], [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharp_Zaurus][Sharp Zaurus]], Outlook, Desktop-Wikis like [[http://zim-wiki.org/][Zim]] or +[[http://www.thebrain.com/][Personal Brain]], [[http://freemind.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Main_Page][FreeMind]], and many +more. Some of them I used pretty intense, some of them I tested only a +short period of time. + +From 2009--2012 I was writing [[http://tagstore.org/en/papers][my PhD thesis]] in the field of PIM and +Information Architecture. You probably have heard of [[http://tagstore.org][tagstore]] which is +a research software from my project. Some basic ideas of my PhD thesis +are that the desktop metaphor (e.g. file system hierarchy) should be +replaced by more agile technology. And the re-presentation of +information should not depend on the storage method/process but rather +on the re-find/retrieval method/process alone. Tagging seems very +promising to me. + +I am also interested in having something that represents +[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memex][the old idea of a Memex]] which +visualizes much of my data in a useful way. Therefore I started an +extension of Org-mode which is called [[https://github.com/novoid/Memacs][Memacs]]. Please visit the project +page when you want something easy that integrates *lots* of different +data sources such as SMS, emails, bookmarks, tweets, and many more +into your Org-mode agenda. + +When I adopted [[http://julien.danjou.info/software/org-contacts.el][org-contacts]], I faced the problem that there is no +common directory or taxonomy where common properties are listed. So I +had to invent [[http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/47478][my own property style]] for my contacts. In January +2012, [[http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/50636][Sebastien +Vauban also mentioned the need for a standard for properties]]. This +is when I started to commit to Worg :-) I hope that I can add a small +piece so that people do not have to re-invent the wheel all over +again. + +You can visit [[http://github.com/n0v0id][my github page]] where I host several projects (not only) +related to Org-mode: Org-mode workshop, Reproducible Research with +Org-mode, extract PDF annotations to Org, ACM template for Org-mode +export, and much more. + +# Stefan Vollmar -------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person200(Stefan Vollmar,http://www.nf.mpg.de/cv/images/stefan-vollmar.jpg)}}} + +I started using Emacs on large Unix systems when I was still a physics +student, but I confess to have strayed from the Path in later years, +as I had been disappointed with its lack of integration into the other +platforms I needed to use for my [[http://www.nf.mpg.de/cv/stefan-vollmar.html][work]] at the +[[http://www.nf.mpg.de/index.php?L%3D1][Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research Cologne]]. + +This has changed with [[http://aquamacs.org/][Aquamacs Emacs]] and +newer versions of Emacs in general. Org-mode is a very (very) good +reason on its own to re-consider Emacs - in my case, it was "love on +first sight" with Org-mode's conceptual beauty, even before I found out about +the astonishing Org community and the torrent of continuous +improvements. + +Org-mode was instrumental for planning our +[[http://www.nf.mpg.de/kinderuni/kinderuni_en.html][Looking into Brains]] project, +also for generating its [[http://www.nf.mpg.de/kinderuni][HTML]] documentation. We have started to use +Org-mode for the software documentation of my group's +platform-independent [[http://www.nf.mpg.de/vhist][VHIST]] and +[[http://www.nf.mpg.de/vinci3][VINCI]] projects and are working on an +integration with their [[http://qt.nokia.com/][Qt]]-based frameworks. + +Staff members of our instiute may have a personal page for CV-related information. We found that +Org-mode works very well for this purpose when a suitable template is provided - instructions and all +template files are [[http://www.nf.mpg.de/cv-howto/cv-en.html][online]]. + +Carsten Dominik gave a guest talk at our institute about [[http://www.nf.mpg.de/orgmode/guest-talk-dominik.html][Organizing a Scientist's Life and Work]] - very convincing. + +My only remaining problem with Org-mode is to communicate properly +my very own list of favorite features: it just takes too long to +list them all... + +# Andrew Young ---------------------------------------------------------------- + +{{{person(Andrew Young,http://orgmode.org/img/org-mode-unicorn.png)}}} + +As of 2012, I am a 5th year Software Engineering and Management +student at McMaster University (Hamilton Ontario, Canada). + +I have been using org-mode since 2009, where I started using it to +create class notes during my studies. I now use it for anything and +everything I write, such as; code, planning, logging, brainstorming, +webpages, and anything that could use a touch of organization. + +I became involved with org-mode development and the community through +Google Summer of Code during 2012, where I created a specialized [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/gsoc2012/student-projects/git-merge-tool/index.html][merge +driver]]. + +I am really excited about org-mode, and can't wait to see what the future +brings. + +# Keep the following line at the end of the buffer +@@html:
@@ + + diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/html/dv.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/html/dv.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..76b737ff2 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/html/dv.org @@ -0,0 +1,433 @@ + + + + +ސީނީ - ވިކިޕީޑިއާ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + +


ވިކިޕީޑިއާ އިން
+ ފުންމަވާ: ސަމުގާ, ހޯއްދަވާ +
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ސީނީ، 汉语, 中文 , Hànyǔ, Zhōngwén, Chinese
ވާހަކަދައްކާ ސަރަހައްދު:އިރުމަތީ އޭޝިޔާ
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+ + + + + +

Navigation menu

+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + + + + diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/html/zh.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/html/zh.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..46d514e3d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/html/zh.org @@ -0,0 +1,2241 @@ + + + + +汉语 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + +


+ 跳转至: 导航搜索 +
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Hanyu trad simp.svg
語系 +
汉藏语系 + +
作为官方语言 +


+ +

+ 新加坡
+緬甸 佤邦, 缅甸

+ 联合国
承认少数语言 +

+ 马来西亚

+ 美國
管理机构中华人民共和国 国家语言文字工作委员会
+中華民國 教育部終身教育司第四科
+新加坡 推广华语理事会
+马来西亚 华语规范理事会
+香港 語文教育及研究常務委員會
ISO 639-1zh
ISO 639-2chi (B)
+zho (T)
ISO 639-3分別為:
+zho – 現代標準漢語
+cdo – 閩東話
+cjy – 晋语
+cmn – 官话
+czh – 徽语
+gan – 赣语
+hak – 客家語
+hsn – 湘语
+nan – 闽语
+wuu – 吴语
+yue – 粤语
+wxa – 鄉話
+lzh – 文言文
+och – 上古汉语 (周朝)
+ltc – 中古汉语 (唐朝)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+Map of sinitic dialect(Simplified Chinese).svg +


+ + +

漢語,又称中文华语东南亚)、国语中國)、中國語(日本、韩国等),其他名稱有汉文(通常指文言文)、华文唐文唐話中國話[註 1],是属汉藏语系分析语,具有声调。汉语的文字系统——汉字是一种意音文字,表意的同時也具一定的表音功能。漢語包含書面語以及口語兩部分,古代書面汉语称为文言文,现代书面汉语一般指使用現代標準漢語語法,詞彙的中文通行文体。目前全球有六分之一人口使用漢語作為母語。漢語口語有官話粵語吳語湘語贛語客家語閩語等七種主要漢語言(也有人认为晋语和(或)徽語和(或)平話(廣西平話)也应为独立漢語言,也有其他人認為閩語其實是一個語族,下轄閩南語閩東語閩中語閩北語以及莆仙語國際標準化組織即持此觀點,部分資料將其中的一至六種也算成單獨的漢語言,這就是八至十三種漢語言的由來)。


+ +





+ +








+ +

在2007年的国际认证 ISO 639-3 国际语种代号的编制中,国际标准化组织把汉语分为13种方言,mdf – 闽东方言,jin – 晋方言,gua – 官方言,pux – 莆仙方言,hui – 徽方言,mzf – 闽中方言,gan – 赣方言,kej – 客家方言,xia – 湘方言,mbf – 闽北方言,mnf – 闽南方言,wuf – 吴方言,yue – 粤方言。







+官話: 847.8 百萬 (70.9%) +晉語: 45 百萬 (3.8%) +吳語: 77.2 百萬 (6.5%) +徽語: 4.6 百萬 (0.4%) +贛語: 20.6 百萬 (1.7%) +湘語: 36 百萬 (3.0%) +闽語: 71.8 百萬 (6.0%) +客語: 30.1 百萬 (2.5%) +粵語和平話: 62.2 百萬 (5.2%)Circle frame.svg
  •   官話: 847.8 百萬 (70.9%)
  • +
  •   晉語: 45 百萬 (3.8%)
  • +
  •   吳語: 77.2 百萬 (6.5%)
  • +
  •   徽語: 4.6 百萬 (0.4%)
  • +
  •   贛語: 20.6 百萬 (1.7%)
  • +
  •   湘語: 36 百萬 (3.0%)
  • +
  •   闽語: 71.8 百萬 (6.0%)
  • +
  •   客語: 30.1 百萬 (2.5%)
  • +
  •   粵語和平話: 62.2 百萬 (5.2%)
  • +














+ +






+ +








+ +

近代汉语是古代汉语与现代汉语之间以早期白话文献为代表的汉语。 《水浒传》《西游记》等书所用语言即为近代汉语。[來源請求]





+ +































其中,闽南语有 −p,−t,−k,,和模糊入声都有,证明闽南语历史上受到不同时期汉语音韵的多次重叠覆盖,可认为是较多的保留了上古并中古汉语音韵。 粤语中有−p,−t,−k,部分粤语方言甚至保留了混合入声,内爆浊音以及全浊音,例如勾漏方言,还有非常完整的保留有极少见的“长入”和“短入”之分,并保留了中古汉语音韵。















+ +





中國大陸將漢字筆劃參考異體字行書草書加以省簡,於1956年1月28日審訂通過《簡化字總表》,在中國大陸使用至今,后被马来西亚、新加坡等华人聚集地采用 [3],臺灣、香港和澳門則一直使用傳統漢字(臺湾亦稱正體中文)。



+ +



因为没有屈折变化,汉语与欧洲语言,如罗曼语族语言相比,语法看似简单。然而,汉语语法中由词序、助词等所构成的句法复杂程度却又大大地超过了以拉丁语为例的屈折性语言。例如,汉语中存在“体”用于表达不同的时间发生的动作及其状态(目前这种看法存在分歧)。如“了”或“过”常用于表示已经发生的动作,但二者存在差别:第一个是指「完成式」,表示完成某件事,例如“我做完了這項工作”(I have finished this task),另一个却意味着「過去式」表示曾經做過某件事,并不与目前相关,例如“我做過這項工作”(I have done this task before)。汉语还有一套复杂的系统用于区分方向、可能以及动作是否成功,例如“走”及“走上来”、“打”及“打碎”、“看”及“看不懂”、“找”及“找到”。最后,现代标准汉语的名词与数词在连接时通常要求有量词。因此必须说“兩條麵包”(two loaves of bread)而不是“兩麵包”(*two breads)。其中的“條”是一个量词。在汉语中有大量的量词,而且在现代标准汉语中每一个量词都对应一定的名词使用。









+ +
  • 实词,词汇中含有实际意义的词语 +
    • 名詞:表示人或事物(包括具體事物、抽象事物、時間、處所、方位等)的名稱。
    • +
    • 動詞:表示動作行為、發展變化、心理活動、可能意願等意義。
    • +
    • 形容詞:表示事物的形狀、性質、狀態等。
    • +
    • 數詞:表示數目(包括確數、概數和序數)
    • +
    • 量詞:表示事物或動作、行為的單位。
    • +
    • 代詞:代替人和事物,或起區別指示作用,或用來提問。
    • +
  • +
  • 虚词,词汇中没有实际意义的词 +
    • 副詞:用來修飾、限制動詞或形容詞,表示時間、頻率、範圍、語氣、程度等。
    • +
    • 介詞:用在名詞、代詞或名詞性短語前,同這些詞或短語一起表示時間、處所、方向、對象等。
    • +
    • 連詞:用來連接詞、短語或句子,表示前後有並列、遞進、轉折、因果、假設等關係。
    • +
    • 助詞:用來表示詞語之間的某種結構關係,或動作行為的狀態,或表示某種語氣。
    • +
    • 嘆詞:表示感歎、呼喚、應答等聲音。
    • +
    • 擬聲詞:模擬人或事物發出的聲音。
    • +
  • +


  • 並列短語:由兩個或兩個以上的名詞,動詞或形容片語合而成,詞與詞之間是並列關係,中間常用頓號或“和、及、又、與、並”等連詞。
  • +

報紙雜誌 老師和同學 改革開放 聽、說、讀、寫 雄偉壯麗 聰明、美麗又善良

  • 偏正短語:由名詞、動詞或形容詞與它們前頭起修飾作用的片語组合而成,其中名詞、動詞、形容詞是中心語,名詞前頭的修飾成分是定語,動詞、形容詞前頭的修飾成分是狀語。
  • +

我的老師 一位顧客 恭敬地鞠躬 完全相信 非常堅強 多麼可愛

  • 動賓短語:由動詞與後面受動詞支配的成分組合而成,受動詞支配的成分是賓語。
  • +

敬畏生命 熱愛工作 上中學 登泰山 蓋房子 包餃子

  • 動補短語:由動詞或形容詞與後面起補充作用的成分組合而成,常用“得”字表示,起補充作用的成分是補語。
  • +

洗得乾淨 打量一番 急得團團轉 休息一會兒 紅得發紫 好極了

  • 主謂短語:由表示陳述和被陳述關係的兩個成分組合而成,表示被陳述物件的是主語,用來陳述的是謂語。
  • +

老師講課 精力充沛 露珠晶瑩 心情愉快 大家唱歌 我們回去



  • 主語:句子中的陳述物件,說明是誰或什麼。
  • +


  • 謂語:對句子的主語作陳述的成分,說明主語是說明或怎麼樣。
  • +


  • 賓語:謂語動詞的支配成分,表示動作行為的物件,結果、處所、工具等。
  • +


  • 補語:謂語動詞的補充成分,補充說明動作行為的情況、結果、處所、數量、時間等。補語的標誌是“得”字。
  • +

+樹葉綠得發亮 (補充綠的程度)
+我和母親走在前面 (補充走的處所)

  • 定語:句子中名詞中心語前頭的修飾成分,說明事物的性質、狀態、或限定事物的領屬、質料、數量等。定語的標誌是“的”字。
  • +


  • 狀語:句子中動詞或形容詞中心語前頭的修飾成分,表示動作行為的方式、狀態、時間、處所或性狀的程度等。狀語的標誌是“地”字。
  • +






  1. 語素是構成語言的最小單位,能獨立表達意義。分成單音節語素(例如:山、水、來、去等),和雙音節(如:蟋蟀、蚱蜢、沙發等不能分開的表達意義的詞),及多音節語素(如拖拉機等外來詞語)。
  2. +
  3. 詞分成實詞(名詞、動詞、形容詞、代詞、數詞、量詞)和虛詞(副詞、介詞、助詞、擬聲詞、嘆詞、連詞)。
  4. +
  5. 短語分成主謂短語、偏正短語、動宾短語、動補短語、並列短語。
  6. +
  7. 句子分成單句(主謂句和非主謂句)和複句(單重複句和多重複句)。 +
    1. 主謂句是由主謂短語構成的。根據謂語的不同構成情況,主謂句分為: +
      1. 動詞謂語句(由動詞和動詞性短語做謂語,如:“你改悔罢!”(鲁迅《藤野先生》)“我就往仙台的醫學專修學校去。”(鲁迅《藤野先生》))
      2. +
      3. 形容詞謂語句(由形容詞或形容詞性短語做謂語,如:“我母親的氣量大。”(胡适《我的母亲》)“我母親心裡又氣又急。”(胡适《我的母亲》))
      4. +
      5. 名詞謂語句(由名詞或名詞性短語做謂語,如:“每人一盞燈籠。”(胡适《我的母亲》))
      6. +
      7. 主謂謂語句(由主謂短語做謂語,如:“我的講義,你能抄下來麼?”(鲁迅《藤野先生》))
      8. +
    2. +
    3. 非主謂句是由單個詞或主謂短語以外的短語構成的。非主謂句分為: +
      1. 動詞非主謂句(由動詞或動詞性短語構成的,如:“站住!”)
      2. +
      3. 形容詞非主謂句(由名詞或名詞性短語構成的,如:“好!”“實在標緻極了。”(鲁迅《藤野先生》))
      4. +
      5. 名詞非主謂短語(由名詞或名詞性短語構成的,如:“飛機!”“多美的景色呀!”)
      6. +
    4. +
    5. 複句是由兩個或兩個以上的單句構成的,根據分句之間的關係可分為:並列關係複句、遞進關係複句、選擇關係複句、轉折關係複句、假設關係複句和條件關係複句。
    6. +
  8. +


















+ +




+ + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + +
上古汉语 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
闽语 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

















闽南语 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
泉漳片 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +




















琼文 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +










中古汉语 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +




官话 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +



























吴语 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +




+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +









湘语 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +








粵客赣 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +




客家語 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +





























粤语 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

























+ +








+ +

吴语,或称吴方言:主要通行於中國江蘇南部、安徽南部、上海、浙江大部分地區、江西東北部和福建西北角,以及香港、日本九州島、美國三藩市等地說吳語的部分移民中間。典型的吳語以苏州话為代表。其中安徽东南部受贛語江淮官话影响,浙江南部保留了较多古代百越語百越族語言)特征,以至不能和作为典型吴语太湖片通话,使用人數大約為總人口的8.4%。最重要的特徵是中古全濁聲母仍保留濁音音位,比如「凍」、「痛」、「洞」的聲母分別[t]、[tʰ]、[d](普通話「痛」的聲母清化為[t]),北部吳語儘管全濁聲母在起首或單唸時通常清化,即清音濁流,只在詞或語句中維持濁音,在南部吳語中濁音的表現形式一般為濁音濁流。吳語中的濁音聲母基本保留了中古漢語的特點,個數為8到11個,但受到北方官話的影響,吳語的聲母個數是漢語方言中最多的,一般為30個左右,而聲母最少的閩南話僅為16 個,粵語17個;吳語是以單元音為主體的方言。普通話中,ai,ei,ao,ou等都是雙元音韻母,發音的時候聲音拖得很長,而且口部很鬆,而吳語恰好相反,一般來說,對應普通話ai,ei,ao,ou的音,在吳語中分別是ɛ/ø,e,ɔ,o,都是單元音,並且發音的時候口形是比較緊的。絕大多數地區保留入聲韻(除甌江片金衢片的部分地區外,均收喉塞音[ʔ])。



+ +




+ +





閩南語保留“−m,−n,−ng,−p,−t,−k,−ʔ”七種輔音韻尾,閩東語則出現“入声弱化”,[−p̚/−t̚/−k̚] 全部變成 [ʔ]。閩語漢語中聲調较複雜的方言之一,閩東语有七個聲調(不含輕聲調和語流音變聲調)。閩東語極為發達的語流音變現象,是其顯著特徵和學習難點之一。而閩東語的分支福州話,當地人將之稱為平話。闽南语泉州音有八個聲調(不含轻声),漳州音、厦门音、臺湾音通常有七個声调(不含轻声調、高聲調)。泉州音和漳州音是其它支系的祖语,閩(南)臺片的閩南語内部较为一致。广义的闽南方言还包括海南話雷州話潮州話浙南閩语等。



+ +

粵语:以廣州話為標準,在廣東香港澳門廣西的東部和海外華人中使用,中國的一些少數民族京族、部分壯族也使用粵語。粵語是漢語眾多分支中聲調最複雜的一種。標準粵語有九個声调,某些方言如勾漏方言、桂南平話方言具有十个声调。粵語完整保留了中古漢語的 −p、−t、−k、−m、−n、−ng 六種輔音韻尾。[來源請求] 粤语没有混合入声,普遍认为粤语中保留的古汉语成分最為接近隋唐時期的官話。粵語有一套自己的書面的白話文表示方式,參見粵語白話文。标准粤语对现代汉语白话文中的常用汉字作了比较完整的审音配字工作。相比之下,吴语、闽南语和客家語皆未完成汉字审音配字的标准化工作。粵语內部具有多種方言,但是内部高度统一,大多广西越粤语方言可以与广东粤语方言直接无障碍沟通。詳細請參看粵語方言。使用粵语的漢族人口大約為漢族人口總數的9%。海外華人特別是美洲、澳洲華人社區已經成為使用人數最多的漢語。



+ +

湘语,或称湘方言:使用者主要分布在湖南大部分地区,即湘江及其支系流域。湘语内部又可以按是否保留中浊声母分类,可分为老湘新湘兩類,其中新湘語的全浊声母已基本清化。新湘语形成的时间不太长,其中受到过赣语以及北方移民的影响,在语音体系上体现出明显靠近官话的特征[11]。新湘语只有少数一些地方保留了全浊声母,而老湘语全浊声母保留相对完整,比如邵阳(蔡桥)方言共有33个声母,包括完整的浊擦音,浊塞音,浊塞擦音[12]。娄底方言:波[p],坡[pʰ],婆[b] 不同音。湘语分别以長沙話(新)及雙峰話(老)為代表,使用者約占總人口的5%。根据湘语主要城市人口统计湘语使用人口3596万,湖南总人口6440万,约占该省人口的56%[13]



+ +

客家語,或稱客家话、客語:在臺灣東南亞中國南方客家人和絕大多數畲族廣泛使用,臺灣桃竹苗花東縱谷高雄屏東六堆一帶,東南亞包含馬來西亞等國的部分華人移民、中國南方則包括廣東東部(粵東)、北部(粵北)、福建西部(閩西)、江西南部、廣西東南部等地,以廣東梅縣話為代表。 雖然是一種南方漢語族方言,但客家語是在中國北方移民南下影響中形成的。客家語因而保留了一些中古中原話的特點。客家方言的特點是上聲,去聲不分陰陽,但平聲,入聲分陰陽。





  • 晋语:在山西绝大部分以及陕西北部、河北西部、河南西北部、内蒙古河套地区等地使用,以太原话为代表,有入声韵—— [−ʔ](在入聲 [−p̚/−t̚/−k̚] 消失之前,先發生‘入声弱化’,[−p̚/−t̚/−k̚] 全部變成 [−ʔ])。其白读系统官话截然不同。以前(及现在的不少语言学学者)将其归于官话
  • +
  • 平话:在广西中部和南部的部分地区使用。傳統上將桂南平话归于粤语,但與粵語仍有較大差異。近年來有人主張將桂北平话当成孤立的土语存在。
  • +
  • 徽語:在安徽南部及赣浙部分毗邻地区使用。以前(及现在的部分语言学学者)将其归于吳語
  • +
  • 瓦鄉話:分佈在湖南西部以沅陵縣城為中心、沿沅水和酉水呈放射狀分佈的武陵山區,也稱為鄉話瓦鄉話處在周邊的西南官話、苗語湘西方言以及湘語的包圍之中,但與周邊各個方言都差別巨大,同時又保存了大量的古漢語音韻以及詞彙。聲母保留了全濁音,有知组读端,轻唇读重唇,来母部分读擦音和塞擦音,以母读擦音和塞擦音,定母部分读边音或塞擦音。韵母保留支旨之三分,支微入鱼,元音高化链,四等读洪音
  • +
  • 粵北土話:分佈在廣東北部的樂昌、仁化、乳源、曲江、南雄、湞江、武江、連州、連南等地;也稱“韶州土話”,當地人稱為虱乸話。由於近年來廣東北部的粵語和普通話的強勢,現在粵北土話在很多地方瀕臨失傳。
  • +
  • 湘南土話:分佈在湖南南部的郴州和永州的大部分地區,主要在鄉鎮和農村使用,古老而獨特,且內部差異較大。湘南土話粵北土話語音特點大致相同,與粵北土話應歸為同一種語言。
  • +


+ +




+ +










+ +


  1. ^ 傳統華人社會習慣稱之為「漢語」,本文一律以漢族慣稱「漢語」來表示,國際間常稱中文。其他稱呼僅限特定人群使用,請另見相關條目。
  2. +


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Wurm 等人 (1987).
  2. +
  3. ^ Lewis,Simons & Fennig (2013).
  4. +
  5. ^ 教育部2011年第1次新闻发布会. 中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室. 2011年5月23日. 
  6. +
  7. ^ 由於澳門長期受到香港文化影響,而且香港與澳門關係及交流密切,而且兩地文化相近,所以香港的用語絕大部份都通用於澳門
  8. +
  9. ^ Language Speed Versus Efficiency: Is Faster Better?. ScienceDaily. 2011年9月2日. 
  10. +
  11. ^ François Pellegrino, Christophe Coupé and Egidio Marsico. A cross-language perspective on speech information rate. Laboratoire Dynamique Du Langage, Université de Lyon, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. 
  12. +
  13. ^ Lu, Xuehong; Zhang, Jie. Reading Efficiency: A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Orthographies. 
  14. +
  15. ^ 李敬忠. 语言演变论. 广州: 广州出版社. 1994. ISBN 7-80592-204-7. 
  16. +
  17. ^ 我国汉语七大方言区. 江山文艺广场. 2007-10-3 [2010-10-9] (简体中文). 
  18. +
  19. ^ | url = http://www.ling.sinica.edu.tw/eip/FILES/publish/2011.02.01.566102.933343.pdf | url =http://www.uijin.idv.tw/tlls/jtll/abstract/7.1-4.pdf
  20. +
  21. ^ 湖南移民史[查证请求]
  22. +
  23. ^ 张玉国. 邵阳(蔡桥)方言研究. [查证请求]
  24. +
  25. ^ 《湖南省的汉语方言》
  26. +
  27. ^ 语言定理:1786年威廉·琼斯爵士于提出,某些语言有着词汇、语法、构词法和语音使用上的相似性,因此它们必定是来自一个共同的祖语。现在流行的学术观念认为,…中国人也由非洲经中东印度越南经海上二三万年前到达,一二万年前已经遍布大陆,并越过白令海峡进入美洲。所以印度语言数量比中国的丰富,中国南方语言数量比北方的丰富。…这可以解释汉藏语系同源,汉语方言同源。语言进化论用树状图来理解、定位各语言的关系。
  28. +
  29. ^ 隔离下:语言进化论又告诉我们,随着时间的流逝,那些成为分隔的词形就会越来越彼此趋异,从而在词汇中出现新词。如果从未发生过语言替换,则趋异就是语言变化的主要原因,而语言地图就会呈现出语言小单元的镶嵌图的形式。这种镶嵌形式在澳大利亚北部的士著语言中很显著(Colin Renfrew《世界的语言多样性》)。…这可以解释中国南方山区方言的格局,也可解释华夏文明初期,中华大地方国部落有如群星灿烂。
  30. +
  31. ^ 交流下:会产生所谓语言联盟,即同一地区或毗邻地区通行的数种没有亲属关系的语言,由于长期接触,互相影响而获得语法、语音等方面的许多相似或共同特征。甚至音位和形态系统的相互渗透并无界限可言。如不同语系的数种巴尔干国家的语言,由于拜占庭文化在这个地区显示出的较强凝聚力和各语言间的相互影响、渗透,在长达几个世纪的接触中,不仅表现在词汇平面上,也表现在音位和形态、句法平面上,获得了被世人称为 "巴尔干语言特点" 的许多共同特征。…这可以解释汉字汉文化同质化了中国语言,同类化了日韩越语言。即使假定一些方言原本不是汉语也会汉化,如一种观念认为,客家话是选择了汉字才成为汉语的。
  32. +
  33. ^ 语言替换:例如,奥塔戈大学的 C.F.W.Higham提出,(1)农业扩展带来语言替换的原因,…汉藏语系诸语言的扩展看来最初也是同黄河流域的粟和其它谷类植物的驯化有关,只是在更晚的时候才同稻的驯化有关。(2)在高度等级化的社会中,入侵的少数民族控制了权力杠杆并且以贵族自居,它赋予了它的语言以显赫的威望,以致诱导本地人宁愿采用征服者的语言而不愿使用其母语。在华南,…汉语仅仅在历史时期由于秦帝国的军事扩展才开始使用。阿尔泰语言,特别是突厥诸语言,是在更晚的时候由骑在马背上的游牧部族的精英统治带到遥远的地方的(Colin Renfrew《世界的语言多样性》)。…这可以解释今天多数中国人都觉得北京话好听,其实汉唐却是西京话、宋代是东京话、明代是南京话,因为它们相差很远,所以并非存在“好听”,只是“感觉”。[來源請求]
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+ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/images/IMG_2932.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/images/IMG_2932.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f2b3f659c Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/androidTest/assets/images/IMG_2932.org differ diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/images/lion-wide.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/images/lion-wide.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9ca17655f Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/androidTest/assets/images/lion-wide.org differ diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/images/logo11w.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/images/logo11w.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1974f3188 Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/androidTest/assets/images/logo11w.org differ diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Arabic-Lipsum.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Arabic-Lipsum.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb975e3b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Arabic-Lipsum.org @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +لقهر ماشاء المشتّتون عن كلّ. البلطيق الخنادق مع وضم. يبق ان بلاده دوجلاس وبالرغم. دحر تعداد فهرست وتقهقر مع. بحث جحافل لألمانيا الإحتلال لم, في إعلان منتصف لألمانيا أسر. + +أرغم واحدة استبدال عن يكن, قام طائرات الحربي، عن. كل محاولات اتفاقية استطاعوا وتم. بوابة تكبّد لمحاكم قصف عل, ساعة والقرى تلك إذ. جوي باستحداث الأمامية الأثناء، ما, يتم إيطاليا الكونجرس كل. عدد من أمام العام، استسلام, حاول وصافرات وبالتحديد، فقد في. مكن هو دأبوا أراضي. من مما الذود لإنعدام, لم دول أوزار وكسبت المنتصر. + +أخذ عل فمرّ الحكم, هذا الأمم والمعدات ما, بعد في لبولندا بالهجوم. تم عقبت اسبوعين الرئيسية أخر, دحر الأرض الأرضية وانتهاءً أن, يطول الخاطفة الإستسلام مع لها. تكبّد الجنوب بعض بـ. كل به، برلين واستمر الضحايا, بل نقطة نتيجة ويكيبيديا، وصل, كلّ مع ثانية الساحة. بل تُصب قررت انتصارهم مما, التخطيط المشتّتون ان فصل. ان تعد بغزو الضحايا. + +ببعض يرتبط بانتحار سقط بل, تم والجنود استطاعوا أسر, بل النفط التبرعات بحث. بين وقبل والنفيس من. حتى و المجتمع الجنوبي أنجلو-فرنسية. كان من أراضي الأسيوي, ويعزى للأراضي التاريخ، في عرض, أحكم الدّفاع ٣٠ حول. + +ولم يتعلّق تكاليف ان, وقد في وحزبه قُدُماً. ان إحكام مكارثر وايرلندا بحق, جديدة وبلجيكا، باستحداث لم دون, ومن ٠٨٠٤ التاريخ، إذ. غرّة، الثالث استعملت بال من, لعدم إبّان الشرقية بـ حيث. أن لها وقام لمحاكم, هذا سكان بالعمل وحرمان عن, وتنصيب شموليةً عل هذا. أن مدن الجيش أوروبا, أخر جنوب الأمريكي، أم. + +قد وجزر وبحلول فصل, من مكن استبدال الألمان القاذفات. من الصفحة برلين، حيث, دارت التاريخ، الى قد. السيء الأمامية إذ دنو, عل كان النازي الأوربيين. لم أمدها الياباني، الدولارات بها, جهة ان الأرض استطاعوا. دنو جحافل واعتلاء المدنيون ما, تغييرات الإمبراطوري مكن إذ, ثم سابق ليبين أوزار حتى. + +جهة تشرشل وتقهقر و. عن الى تعداد الحزب وبحلول. أخر هو الألوف سنغافورة. سقطت النفط الخنادق ما حول, ٣٠ النازي التنازلي حرب. + +عل أكثر الشتاء وإيطالي عدم. من الأراضي بالإنزال أخر. الحرة أثره، ويعزى ٣٠ حشد, ليتسنّى الحربية و فعل. يكن الإتحاد الاندونيسية ما, هو لها دفّة جسيمة بلديهما, جهة إحتار مليارات الرئيسية ٣٠. + +حشد الحرة الحلفاء من. بها تنفّس تسمّى اليابان عن, تحرير فرنسية الفرنسية جُل بل. الهزائم التقليدي إذ إيو. الجو إتفاقية حتى بـ, مع جهة لإعادة وإعلان بالحرب, عل يتم الآلاف للمجهود بالدبابات. عن تكتيكاً الشّعبين انه. قصف مع استرجاع سنغافورة, النفط بولندا و عدم. + +من غير قادة العمليات ماليزيا،. هو بهيئة وفرنسا الحيلولة دون. يتم غضون هيروشيما العمليات هو, يكن التخطيط الألماني ما, كلا تُصب تجهيز وفرنسا كل. بحث إذ وصغار الجنود الوزراء. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Chinese-Lipsum.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Chinese-Lipsum.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..554a6fa2b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Chinese-Lipsum.org @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +情素近洞読巻般翼載合代火原。職大猶組贈育左聞吹壌定側。校記暮極一仁事厚取学策谷作朝義。誌属実子出抜平馬掲講著次決。作告化展修言真緒混対公入試供東禁絵。樋穴辞犬回待富京申割行区必。真聞議伯必初小載憲作準価込霊無初護権間追。人雪付演曜辺問二再問紛点就。置方取田要論僕町腸今身継中禁社台聞次試。儡件料状療更速必約明死自関快午。 + +聞沖王護済本禁提車止頭員内真界文学。送重載退止政速赤治場見愛化通。愛津作並量初茶伝処幾渋未。酒至応国店聞苗佑課対良報別今売。長者希絡記不価国能紙故国列撮各思未久後。極失同天修覧祉頭権崩昇支食量定済。掲導整治出周活没訳真革毎京氏記京。転経募感訃質数検気分点越。験際可宮遊属千食夢提郷止体。録場予判鬼職届演歩産均院泊帰無草。 + +環無人無勲到変知民属馬検勝監平一松穫社展。掲作環山攻根輪挙同熊流合解康。社機開題間事県広典幌却学検館読年情扉。野減写税元開話動方直代縮偏儲審投緊。人整住覧済白著必引督真一所。都川換案練代社任設療支次。長教番者出設午聞淀録景司載手最王内転直。割録客会発企会広開挑灰京降方面待。他様違初江議得謙安決天馬載郷能波皇。 + +航万今入原万下島疑静若金協盛悪。条献山打録掲寿岳年清一載況説。写第視愚室吸護市止情題残件承茂問首愛。七方技護暴名第援暮文木聞共芸葉掲求。北師問条聞気若将動由鹿自妙。毎推幕警回込代発裁持西歴花投逮文。課録駆要財米新副知氷意近変観。最善介座民国関都軽青禁料通子知知新図致。日高策勝点分成速幹属植二暮楽可戻川。 + +担文医広流慢団氷道顔会回派売葉絶目。介男開第厚識本空市年融蝶渡。私九理供芸殖約報高水知環境要東対駅果。能六円展摂加西当城労表幌。界行観先作会涼回反断声体画一可郵。撲記投予特民心備回費入査。見画能座到教票家白遊著者情見千身。際講準投加園迷決築場写行気提。口盟囲真並棋東販便獲言聞装聞側志。旧芸囲分嗅俳保道数権杯玲容聞回長。 + +欧東撃導最公能転朝作室寄続者康活受果談宅。食上態課民仕根単精移切冬月推葉前田変。善内国止東損間転最掲代止割京必。芸例育知経会薇備団深人能詳告初情。装激催物選裁先合遠有入著介人導際。中業受当旅材資雪究実層毎利国。真終包了政知旬神樹就相率景年海青続際表改。表特創新際論庫男質事乱次。弁語追日殺衆馬能全能業遅名図井政雑特。 + +揮移納重中鈴問一例首提誌奮。官入男報少化手村境話会題訴任。稲産寧読呼同鉄真申合田大禁市対到授熱真制。真業盆意辞暮分旧協条枝質方出過。突形属党配稿強来向層生姫子五。樹努処定石定携近況見中国辞入生点図雄。年岸佐大林天戦残協内制態吾呼別芸気竹碁立。経荒中井生日課節自点勝安備衝社鳥。様陸集先段子買速割図媛緩隠種。 + +質部仮訴断無峠月女創細秋地月。第申杯担日再府関員振転山振那能井治。棋両真収込本前進分優需提結図。済辞扱思性南立化朝購導力求読庁遺。摘給虚権事混式万鳴意時著講整言前。録日対立塚響福外雪援賞良性止値法。徒実誌治本典超実誇打住問江稿約。全降了例断岩専調庁方童新質人投期。施細応筋谷衛査問話席以法毎席無試世処突聞。 + +開訪者者児正反罪型歳録支在紹夫事張官。部子携立断健晴構第状全携宮載問転夜。銀方比挙継続本落姿頼止近。未国月農違受習数来権予事催着。横奈室旅中食覧服差事寺画休字出。図始真詳写選育座会名亡就文広守倹透芸提鉄。人質彬持的造治政刷面発月並結転記散行主。県要表末細設速靖為南話朝当米。文禁関読末識会医過気経工佐兆著禁聞意東。 + +同禁東表救家地廣平込今見抗弾会香至。館刊感代終高目門罪新愛正。日並企読連特会社請意家町小講。州提百動隔民住国予記井気原話式隆由原。品万手秋月客日多再教奈将城格洞長査号明端。剛聴辞帰述京経製第輸既吸幅管。我聖政総法係山健堀下豊据告愛牧戸代黒権。小民笠迷気師読算低剥評代必乳陸傷腕。恵敗長帯弘打辺年心死給肉日。 diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Greek-Lipsum.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Greek-Lipsum.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..857a618ad --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Greek-Lipsum.org @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +Κυωτ αλιενυμ φολυπθυα σεα νε, αυτεμ υτιναμ μαλορυμ ιυς υθ, εως αν σαπερεθ φαβελλας εφφισιενδι. Κυο δυις υβικυε μωλεστιαε εα, σεθερο οβλικυε φασιλισις σεδ νε, δελενιτι πχαεδρυμ φιμ εξ. Ευ μεα ρεβυμ λεγενδως, συ εως μωλεστιαε τεμποριβυς, νιβχ μινιμ ιυς ιδ. Νο κυι νυλλα δεφινιτιωνες, εξ σιθ ιυδισο εκυιδεμ. Ει ηις ετιαμ λεγερε, συμ θε οδιο σαλε ασυμσαν, συ φιμ παρτεμ παθριοκυε. Αν ρεσυσαβο ινθελλεγατ πρι. + +Ηας αν γραεσις σωνσεκυαθ, περ σολυμ μαζιμ συ. Σενσιβυς μωλεστιαε χενδρεριτ εα σιθ, ναμ εξ φιφενδω ινσωρρυπτε σωνσλυδαθυρκυε. Απεριαμ ινδοστυμ ινσωρρυπτε πρι εα, σεα αν αεκυε σεμπερ ποσιμ. Εα μαλις συμμο υσυ, ινφενιρε αργυμενθυμ νο εως, φελ νε δυις κυανδο λυσιλιυς. Συμ ετ στετ δισαμ αππετερε, μυτατ νυλλαμ κυιδαμ ει εως. + +Υθ σιθ φισι αλικυαμ. Μαγνα συμμο σομπρεχενσαμ ετ εως. Ιυφαρεθ εκυιδεμ ει φις, ειυς μελιυς ηις ετ. Συ δισαντ μενθιτυμ σονσεκυυντυρ εσθ. Νο συμ ελιγενδι λυσιλιυς, κυι νο ιλλυδ πραεσενθ. + +Πεθενθιυμ νεγλεγενθυρ εξ ευμ, λαορεεθ φοσιβυς ηας εα. Περ αθκυι αλικυιπ ει. Νονυμες δεφινιθιονεμ ιν ευμ, εσθ ιν φερθερεμ περπετυα φολυπθατιβυς, μεα υλλυμ εξπεθενδις εξ. Μυτατ ραθιονιβυς αδιπισινγ κυι εα, εα ετιαμ σεντεντιαε μελ. Φελιτ μυνερε ριδενς ετ ευμ. + +Σεα ερος τινσιδυνθ σριβενθυρ εα, ευμ κυαεκυε αδωλεσενς περσεκυερις νο. Φελ σινγυλις ινδοστυμ δεφινιθιονεμ θε, ηας αλβυσιυς ινδοστυμ ιδ, δισαμ νωμιναφι νολυισε κυι εα. Σεδ αυδιαμ ρεφερρεντυρ νε, φις αγαμ μεδιοσριθαθεμ εξ, ευ νυλλα δισαντ μελιυς περ. Αν εριπυιτ δεφινιτιωνες μεα, ατ δυο δυις σομπλεσθιθυρ, ετ πλαθονεμ λαβωραμυς ποσιδονιυμ πρω. Πραεσενθ φολυπταθυμ εσθ υθ, φιμ πρωβατυς φασιλισις νε. Νωμιναφι ινφιδυντ αδ φιξ, ηις μελιυς δολορεμ αππελλανθυρ ετ, φις ελιτ σωνσεθεθυρ δισεντιυνθ ατ. + +Εσθ νο φιδε γλοριαθυρ σριβενθυρ, δυο δομινγ περσιυς εξ. Νες διαμ σαεπε σοπιωσαε αν, ευμ υθ τωλλιτ δισερετ, πωσθεα δισθας πρινσιπες υθ κυι. Ευ φις λαορεεθ τρασθατος, νο ηας αμετ διστα σαδιψσινγ, μει ιν αγαμ εραντ. Κυο ιδ ιμπεθυς φιδισε, υλλυμ σομμοδο ρεγιονε νο πρι. Κυι ετ εκυιδεμ περπετυα. + +Ναμ φιδερερ ευισμοδ φιθυπερατοριβυς συ, θε νοσθρω μελιυς περσεκυερις φιμ. Εξ δισθας οπωρθερε φελ. Συ εαμ λαορεεθ αθωμωρυμ, φιξ τωλλιτ δισεντιας υθ. Ναμ εα αυτεμ ελεστραμ. Υσυ ιν σωνσυλ σομπρεχενσαμ. Νο δυο θαλε σλιτα μινιμυμ, φοσιβυς ασυμσαν νε πρι, ρεπριμικυε σαδιψσινγ νο ηας. + +Ευ ηομερω γραεσις μολεστιε κυι. Φελ αυδιαμ εφφισιανθυρ ιν. Φιμ εα αππαρεατ φασιλισι. Κυο ορατιο δεφινιτιωνες συ, υθ εως υβικυε απεριαμ, αδ ηας φασιλισι σιμιλικυε. Συμ φαλλι περπετυα θε. Ιυς εξ μαλις φιρις, εως πλασεραθ κυαεστιο νο. + +Σεδ ιδ ιριυρε ποσιδονιυμ, ατ ρεκυε φασεθε αλικυαμ συμ. Αμετ σαεφολα σονσυλατυ περ θε. Δυο υτιναμ ερυδιθι σιφιβυς συ. Κυι υτιναμ φευγιαθ εξ, νονυμυ δολορεμ αδ ιυς, θε φεριθυς φιερενθ ασεντιορ περ. Νο κυαεκυε γυβεργρεν αδφερσαριυμ εαμ. Νε κυο μαλις αλβυσιυς περσεκυερις. + +Δολορ ινιμισυς ρεφερρεντυρ ιδ φιξ, θε ηας σλιτα δολωρυμ δεβιθις. Ετ μελ δελεσθυς ασυσαθα, υθ δετρασθο ρεπυδιανδαε μεδιοσριθαθεμ φιμ. Φασιλις υλλαμσορπερ θε νες, ιδ θαθιων σοντεντιωνες φελ. Σιθ υθ δεσωρε λαορεεθ φωλυπθαρια, αδχυς δεβετ ρεπυδιαρε ιδ φελ, κυι ιν οβλικυε σοντεντιωνες. Μει λιβερ λοβωρτις σαπιενθεμ νο. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Hebrew-Lipsum.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Hebrew-Lipsum.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed104e66d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Hebrew-Lipsum.org @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +תחבורה קצרמרים מה כלל, צ'ט הראשי הגרפים הקנאים מה. מה תקשורת מונחונים בקר, אם מדעי העמוד ויש. אם עזה מיוחדים המקושרים, על קרן זקוק ריקוד. מלא של בארגז האטמוספירה. מה לעריכת למתחילים אנא, שכל העזרה מרצועת אם. + +לערך הארץ הראשי חפש של, את אנא שונה טיפול אגרונומיה. מלא מפתח שנורו אווירונאוטיקה דת, שער לחבר לרפובליקה אם, את עוד לערך תרבות ליצירתה. חפש יידיש ביולי הספרות מה, שכל החלה יוני גרמנית מה. ב למאמרים ומהימנה סדר, לחיבור אנציקלופדיה בה אנא. ב אחד ובמתן העברית, ויש המלחמה יוצרים שימושי על. + +מה כניסה אחרות לוח, שתי ביוני מרצועת קרימינולוגיה גם. כלשהו מיזמים הסביבה בה זאת, מיזמי שדרות ביוטכנולוגיה היא את. היא הארץ היסטוריה את, כלשהו רקטות של שמו. אם הגרפים אנגלית אגרונומיה שער. מה זאת הטבע אחרונים לימודים, מדינות התפתחות עוד על. חפש ריקוד בישול ב, בה ליום בהיסטוריה בקר. על שכל בידור ויקימדיה. + +מה היא יוני כלכלה מדויקים. מתוך ישראל התוכן כלל גם. כלל ולחבר וכמקובל על, את משפטים ארכיאולוגיה בדף. כניסה מיזמי ארכיאולוגיה כדי ב, כניסה לעריכת אם אחר, אל תנך בקלות פוליטיקה. מיותר למתחילים דת עזה. אודות תחבורה אינטרנט אתה מה. הטבע תוכל אתה גם. + +בשפה ישראל העמוד אם בקר, אתה גם לציין לערוך. אם צעד דפים יוצרים, כלל לחבר שנתי גם. ויקי אתנולוגיה אנתרופולוגיה מה ארץ, הראשי בישול ממונרכיה מה תנך. כתב ב בהשחתה בעברית שימושי, גם כדור חופשית אחרונים צ'ט. עזה הרוח מועמדים אל, או ניווט נבחרים רומנית ארץ. + +טכניים מיוחדים זכר גם. לאחרונה בהתייחסות מלא ב. הבהרה המלחמה חבריכם שמו של. אחר בגרסה פסיכולוגיה דת. הטבע קסאם מאמרשיחהצפה של קרן, ב מאמר אינטרנט אחד. מתן אחרים משחקים ופיתוחה מה, ספרות לתרום קרן ב, מיותר לחיבור מבוקשים רבה את. + +ייִדיש אירועים ארץ או. שתפו צרפתית ארץ או, מדע גם רקטות משחקים. עוד עסקים לחיבור על. בהבנה חופשית למתחילים אל לוח, זקוק צרפתית ייִדיש או מתן. קודמות והנדסה לעריכה ארץ של, ב חשמל צילום שיתופית כלל. + +את שער לאחרונה אנציקלופדיה. קודמות שימושיים תאולוגיה ארץ בה. בה עיצוב ערבית מיתולוגיה מתן. בדף לערך תחבורה מונחונים על. רבה מיותר ארכיאולוגיה אם, את חפש רקטות בדפים משופרות, משחקים העריכהגירסאות תנך או. כלל את תורת עסקים מדריכים, לוח מוגש שינויים או. + +החול המלחמה דת מתן, מה אנא היום הבהרה בגרסה. דת בדף אקראי יוצרים החופשית, של ומהימנה ותשובות אנא, בלשנות ואלקטרוניקה על רבה. תורת בידור והגולשים צ'ט דת, של אחר רביעי ביולי האנציקלופדיה, אל מאמר הסביבה אחד. ברית פיסיקה והנדסה גם אנא. ארץ דת שנורו תיקונים, זכר דת להפוך אודות, החלל גרמנית פילוסופיה בה אחד. אינו קבלו תנך אל, גם בקר גרמנית אירועים למתחילים, זקוק מיזמי המקושרים רבה אל. + +אל ציור פיסיקה כתב, בקר קצרמרים אגרונומיה אל, ויש על מיזם אחרונים ממונרכיה. גרמנית מדריכים של זכר. היא את בשפה חינוך, החברה מדינות צעד או. אספרנטו פסיכולוגיה מה שכל. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Hindi-Lipsum.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Hindi-Lipsum.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..db167d8b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Hindi-Lipsum.org @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +विकास रचना आधुनिक वास्तविक चाहे दौरान उपेक्ष असक्षम विचरविमर्श बनाना संपादक निर्माण अपने कोहम पहोच। उदेशीत विनिमय उन्हे अधिक मुश्किले प्रौध्योगिकी चिदंश सम्पर्क लाभान्वित स्वतंत्रता एकएस दिशामे सारांश उपेक्ष समाजो किया जैसी तकरीबन नयेलिए है।अभी डाले। लेकिन लक्ष्य विश्लेषण विषय देकर एसलिये किएलोग हमारी सकते व्यवहार केन्द्रिय बढाता + +आपको आवश्यकत भोगोलिक प्रतिबध्दता लेकिन विवरण उदेशीत दर्शाता भेदनक्षमता अतित गयेगया कम्प्युटर बनाने यधपि माध्यम अनुवाद विकासक्षमता खरिदे अपने करता। खयालात खरिदने मानव ध्येय उदेश सभीकुछ भोगोलिक मुक्त प्रमान माध्यम खण्ड कराना शुरुआत अधिकार आजपर सहित सहयोग अनुवाद प्रतिबध्दता + +एछित बाटते लचकनहि व्याख्यान पहेला अत्यंत कार्यकर्ता लोगो काम सीमित प्रतिबध प्राथमिक भेदनक्षमता द्वारा तकनिकल सुचनाचलचित्र जिसे देखने व्यवहार निर्माण विश्वव्यापि भारत ध्येय बिन्दुओ विचारशिलता आंतरकार्यक्षमता पढाए तरीके विचारशिलता विकेन्द्रियकरण बनाति पढने कीसे सारांश निरपेक्ष उन्हे + +विवरन शुरुआत बेंगलूर पढाए ब्रौशर मर्यादित हार्डवेर रखति दौरान लिये परिवहन स्वतंत्र विकासक्षमता उन्हे सुना हिंदी एकत्रित विश्वास सुचना सुनत ज्यादा अमितकुमार सक्षम भारत अनुकूल बिन्दुओ संपादक माध्यम सोफ़तवेर भारत सुचना बाटते दोषसके प्रतिबध भेदनक्षमता आजपर + +बाजार गटकउसि करेसाथ लोगो विकास बिना पत्रिका स्थापित उन्हे प्रतिबध करके(विशेष सेऔर दिशामे पहोचने चिदंश भाषा लोगो विश्व विज्ञान भोगोलिक यन्त्रालय जैसे बनाना संपादक प्राथमिक सादगि सकता पत्रिका कार्यलय कम्प्युटर अधिकांश विभाजनक्षमता प्राण लिए। + +उद्योग तरहथा। बीसबतेबोध भाषा देखने वर्णन भाषए निर्देश उपलब्धता भेदनक्षमता जानते विश्लेषण स्वतंत्र देते बदले पुस्तक यायेका उपयोगकर्ता चुनने पहोचने नयेलिए मुख्यतह दौरान भाति चुनने पेदा दुनिया प्रव्रुति संस्क्रुति असक्षम सोफ़तवेर मजबुत हैं। + +ढांचा दर्शाता करके(विशेष जाने जाने जिसकी शुरुआत दिशामे निर्देश मुख्य पढाए सोफ़तवेर सुचनाचलचित्र विश्व आपको दिनांक बेंगलूर क्षमता। भारतीय आधुनिक सादगि वहहर तरीके कोहम मेंभटृ विभाजन पुर्णता ऎसाजीस व्रुद्धि हार्डवेर विवरन आपको कैसे डाले। निर्देश प्रोत्साहित निर्माण उपयोगकर्ता होसके लगती + +बढाता उदेशीत अनुकूल व्याख्या मुखय पहोच। अन्य बिन्दुओ अधिकांश मुश्किले होभर संदेश गयेगया स्वतंत्र बनाना और्४५० विस्तरणक्षमता पढाए उसके सोफ़तवेर सुस्पश्ट प्रतिबध्दता बढाता + +खरिदने भोगोलिक सिद्धांत जिसकी संभव व्यवहार सोफ़तवेर विस्तरणक्षमता चिदंश अथवा ध्वनि कारन अधिकांश परिभाषित भेदनक्षमता सुनत परिवहन एसेएवं वास्तविक लक्षण उनका आंतरजाल भोगोलिक स्वतंत्रता मुख्य उसके कुशलता ब्रौशर विचारशिलता जानते उनका विवरण आशाआपस शारिरिक सम्पर्क अतित बनाति हमेहो। प्रौध्योगिकी + +उन्हे पेदा प्रेरना दस्तावेज संस्क्रुति मुख्यतह विचरविमर्श चिदंश करते व्यवहार संपुर्ण व्रुद्धि तरीके वहहर ध्येय अनुकूल स्वतंत्र वर्ष प्रति कैसे प्रदान क्षमता। माहितीवानीज्य लक्षण उसीएक् प्रतिबध व्याख्या लगती प्रदान मानसिक पुष्टिकर्ता सक्षम बदले प्रदान सार्वजनिक देते जिसकी भारतीय अंतर्गत शीघ्र सेऔर सुचना पडता वास्तविक परिभाषित \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Japanese-Lipsum.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Japanese-Lipsum.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..70d9381fd --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Japanese-Lipsum.org @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +平ろむ情崎フ由見分よぼく京報クあ移聴オメウホ供速は打来イネマ文夕メホタ地査月ご方更ム村何ユヲヤ洞厚ル権術ム初9町トク在攻哲控魅と。汽ぼ惜突ほしぜ幕空ー辞日5料いべむ事止じ浜刈んすそ内来傳ユヌ販2向ヒル一見すしフ大聞レルヤヨ泡水行ぱ四確おえぜ作伊記ヤチマ集融わくう。 + +応ヤ懐立レ存沖づ学東でよ禁天ごせ意記ウハユ著速大ぱじー参可記初重くまれず日究ニクネ辞朝域施ッわで。掲モ投応ヌセカロ意頼ト効曜黒ーた島経ラトもか肉傑い状改ぴリをゆ質3劇ヨムソ投検でけど試入すばゆラ権本ず治想康ふびなか整納運新申イごすぴ。第ん能長属ょ警育リソ常国ごク将会テ急町ヘヱネ流24光17光3横市ニケタ稿知ソ瀬太フメヨヌ調化航ラト地87開マクヌ言持院刈拒スあ。 + +策きぞぶふ化洋ろーゅト新女ナキカマ並互らぱあん生50梨ノ入立語力時談マウ権聞をっ来権っそあ率起つじを報挑発えおじる。文ヨチム権最対ミスチ情軍ナハレ日治たルあね町断フタ護店ア体71王ヱス品車カ来元み埼全底文ぐ市無アツ芸第ソヌイヤ足用こト浜効ょごめ敵4評定説号ぶしをほ。島むび謝億よげ城作独くえ系経づに制題ょと読来やゆン公2過フゆよ昇国チメサヘ読87小ヒ挑宝ス捕属負く。 + +拠ワセヤコ今読ねスうク伺76水処27症ごれぜス賞相あべゅげ失23売かぼド興用らかっフ補今もドで墓患督ドねッす布前答徴んひわ覧盤主達をくや。定しぴじ展各メキ役手ヤノシカ中理サヱ並突憾わ樹動ケ聞周葉フき回懸モホ名産条ヤ先大メヘ報票ょ入王予図ゅばぐ必彼精争効べひ。棋サロ移由ヨ急逢ッ悟策ウクハヘ作裁そ載却トサ以4読マヘ利弘げすほが聞右4通ゅ属振アラオ留寄ワウケナ底宅ぎでわ枝億ゃ。 + +拠ルぶ意市コニレ革88形ラ和霧サ企紀ろぐ連業りぶろ齢勝ゃラびづ乱利ソナタア法野ホイ売伸矛ればとお思6集12質よそ似既杉賢路ほー。賀モ属風のぶたご支送ヨロレウ野台にてばも思断くはめ温47拠ヒト石弾ゆすほ通量べへ選団反はまほ後前キ臓人本り合個る対描レオ各丹庄こずだの。新メ臓年札ね協職夫球んめさフ集意ンイか陣賞ルト局察京ソウヒ馬覧ルサヘメ北形クヨ雪経スつじや会週卒ゃ。 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/L33tspeak-Lipsum.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/L33tspeak-Lipsum.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fd9024064 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/L33tspeak-Lipsum.org @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +W3b 5O n33d p4g3,, l1||k c0mpu73|2, 4z 1PH, 47 1n70 m47(h 93t. 5O Th@t f1|3 c0nT3nT, BuT. K@n 7h15 l@r9e 70, 47 aLL 250m 8utt0||. 4s MOr3 c0mpu73|2, pr3f3|23nc35 No+. @R3 15 p4g3 7|24n5|473d. +h3 d4 l1nx kvv3r33,. + +P@g3 f1|3z 1+ 4r3, (0py 51m1L4R 1F 8Ut, n0w Th@t 1nf0 vv0rx y4. 51m1l4r 5umm4|213z INfOrM@+I0N, 93t Up, t0 iTz tH4T De@l., 5IM1LaR tHUm841|_ pdf 1F. W1tH f1||d r33zUltz c@N @$, l3tz 0p710n k0pYr1t3d w3b y0, @R3 t0 p4g3, 53rv3s. F0r l3tz f0|2 |_@n9U493 |7, Up N3vv 8@rr13r kvv3r33, n0w. B3 @nD alz0 k0nt@kt 3x4|/|3||3d, f0r 0n pR0g 534|2ch L0Ok1NG. + +K@n 0R yOU, d0wn|04d. |7 l1||k |-|@v3 M@Y, 533 +IMe 4cc355 3ng|335h +o. IN 3n4b|3d, 3|53wh3r3 8@d, pHor |-|@v3 n0n-3N9l1sh 4nd @R. ALL f1|3z 51T3$. Ph13LD, 47, h7m| r33zUltz y0 pdf, iz 4r3 Wh3|| 51m1L4R. F0|2 |-|@v3 c@N 15, 70p 70 5It35 51m1l4r |3tz0rz. 4rE @$ b33n w1+hOUT. + +P4g3, r1tez INfOrM@+I0N, vve 4z, 83 1nt0 @8ou+ 93t, g00g13 r3zUltz iz (1f. ||0t 5||4p5)-(07 INfOrM@+I0N, d4 z33. 1nc|ud3z0r h1ghl1gh73d iTz b3. P1x MOr3 5(0u7s //3b |7, 1T 73rm5 p@g3z +h3. MOr3 4|50 d@t, u5 1PH, 4|50 f00l! 1+ 1PH. 1n f4m1|14r Re@rcH1Ng j00, +o 0u7 v3ry r35u|7z. + +@R BuT M4NY d@t, 3n4b|3d,, (0py p@gE$ l1||k 0f f0r. 937 pHinD 4lvvAyz iz, N3vv f1|3z j00'|| pdf 1T. ALL m0|23 (4(h3d h1ghl1gh73d d@, p@gE$ f4m1|14r 1+ h@x, f0r u5 L0Ok1NG 0t|-|3r. @$ y0: 1iNx k4cH3d, |7 7h3 1n70 k0nt@kt, 4|50 w1|| 45 aLL. (4(]-[3z r33zUltz b3 4nd, @R 1nf0 vv1t v3r510n CaN. + +0R t3xt 4b0u7 s7|21pz0r3d 8Ut, Iph (pdf) c@ch3d 4z, g0t0 vv0rx 7he 1n. D0 m4y h7m| //3b 4v41|4b|3, 0R c|1ck 0p710n g3t. U5Ed b|00 r1tez h@x 1n. Pdf 7h3y p@g3z t0. @R w1|| INFoRm4T10N 4rE, 94g3 4lvvAyz 1nDeX3D, u/ 5O. + +0u7 s7|21pz0r3d 7|24n5|473d INfOrM@+I0N, @R, p493 h34d3r @R3 iz. 93t b4(| vv1t M155In9 17, 45 7he kn0w 34513r 0vvn3r, HELp |23p|4c3d d0 n0w. Y0: y4 7h3y kn0w, 7h15 h7m| w1+hOUT iN No+. 7h3 1F g00g13 c0mm4ndz C0MP3+1+iv3, u5 533 f1|3 73rm5, c4n y4 4|50 p49E$. Up M@Y 1753lf c0nT3nT,. BuT 1nf0 f0|2 rE50Urc3S Up, 1F Iph 4lvvAyz 3x4|/|3||3d. + +(1f be F1lt3r (ra//1z. 0f73n 4u70m471(4lly 8Ut be, N0+ +3's kl1k INt3r35+3d y0. Y@ p@93 91ve 534|2ch 8@d, r33dz0r r3l3v4||7 pdf d0. Y0: kl1x m47(h r33dz0r be. F0|2 p@g3 h34d3r 4r3 @$. + +U5 w4n7 74|<3z 4||, y@ 4rE HAV3 w4nN@ (83t4). 0n d@t, d0wn|04d k@n, 0R +HE (0py 534|2ch, z33 @8ou+ v3|2510n |235u|7z d@. 47 73h 717|3 F1lt3r 5(0u7s. Iph 5O (l1(k m0|23 m1-|-3, d@t, u$. c0n741n Iph |7. 94g3 k0nt@kt 4s w3b. Phr0|/| tR@nz|_4t3d fOr 17. + +M0r3 4||d 5||4p5)-(07 8@d be. Y@ p4g3 73x7 p|33z c4n. H45 |7 @8ou+ p@gE$ 4pp33|2z0rz, 1+ (1f c|1ck v3|2510n KWIckLy,, (1f 45 5peNDInG s7|21pz0r3d. Be (l1(k 4cc355 M@Y, 83 d0nT p@g3 INFoRm4T10N fOr. R3m1||d3r 5||4p5)-(07 4z BuT, 0R +IMe v3ry r3l3v4||7 7he. ITz y0 z3aRc|-| h1gh-qu4|17y, BuT k4cH3d 3n4b|3 8utt0|| @R, p@gE$ r3m1||d3r 0n Iph. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Russian-Lipsum.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Russian-Lipsum.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f49d75df --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/lipsum/Russian-Lipsum.org @@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ +Кончэтытюр компльыктётюр но шэа. Вэртырэм лобортис квюо йн, волютпат пырикюлёз векж ку. Вёжи тымпор ад векж, ут ельлюд ножтрюд пэржыкюти мэя, йн хабэо молыжтйаы зюжкепиантюр векж. Дэлььынётё жкряпшэрит зкрипторэм эож но, квуй амэт мальорум номинатй но, кюм ед мовэт фэюгаят фиэрэнт. Ыт квуй факэр экшырки праэчынт, мэль йн фюйзчыт ентырпрытаряш зигнёфэрумквюы. + +Нам оптёон ентэгры ед, кэтэро пырикульа модыратиюз ку ючю. Йн порро номинатй интэллэгат эжт. Одео зючкёпит ку ыюм. Вим дыкоры пырикюлёз ку. Мыа декта пробатуж ад. + +Ножтрюд консэквюат модыратиюз эжт ыт. Пэр но ыёрмод дежпютатионй. Ёнэрмйщ корпора пэркёпитюр ат мэль. Вим нэ харюм пондэрюм дигнижжим. Йн эож алёа квюот ёнвидюнт, шэа ыт модыратиюз жкрибэнтур. + +Нык дэтракто эюрйпйдяч нэ. Номинави оффэндйт кюм ад, ут квюальизквюэ торквюатоз мэль. Экз нюлльа пожтэа мэя, ыюм ат аюдирэ элььэефэнд дэлььякатезшимя. Ку вокынт фэугяат ыам, нык еллум ипзум аугюэ эю. Жят хабэо хонэзтатёз эа, зыд ыльит витюпэраторебуз ку, ан еюж аккюмзан альиквуандо. Вяш ед малйж альяквюам инзтруктеор, мэя чент долорэм конкльюдатюрквюэ йн. Витаэ дэльэнйт ючю йн, съюммо витюпэраторебуз квюо эю, мюнырэ зючкёпит хэндрэрет ючю ан. + +Дёко тамквюам прё эю, ючю ку фабулаз продыжщэт. Витаэ луптатум дуо ат. Эпикюре ометтантур про ед, вэл одео незл рыбюм ут, вим ат ырант аппарэат. Нык факэр попюльо квюоджё ад, эю ножтрюд фэюгаят пыртенакж ыам, квуй ут мюкиуж адипижкй янвыняры. Ут квюо омнеж коммюны. + +Экз пошжим адепйжкйнг ентырпрытаряш жят, ат копиожаы жкаывола пэр. Импэрдеэт пэржыкюти векж ыт. Экз мыа кхоро конгуы такематыш. Дуо эю эрепюят шынчебюз констятюам, ютенам мюнырэ ножтрюм ат мэль. Эрож толлйт лэгыры мэя ед, ку векж факэр квуёдам кончэктэтюыр. + +Рыквюы еллум мацим ат мэль, омниюм ентэгры интыллыгам нэ кюм. Вэл кибо молэчтёэ рыпудяары эа. Жят ат дытракжйт дэлььиката интыллыгам, про юллюм конгуы дыфяниэбаж ты. Магна шынчебюз инзтруктеор нык нэ, ыт эож нонумй долорэж волютпат, дуо ыт ыёюз модыратиюз. + +Ажжюм обльйквюэ лыгимуз эож ат. Фиэрэнт номинави хаж ты, ат факилиз тхэопхражтуз мыа, эи льаорыыт губэргрэн хёз. Эа пожтэа адвыржаряюм про, но пожжэ дектаж ножтрюм вяш. Зыд ку хабымуч дэниквюы. Ед прё алёа волуптюа дыфинитеоным, пльакырат хэндрэрет ан эжт. + +Йн кэтэро ийжквюы квуй. Ад пэр фабыллас зальутанде. Пондэрюм тэмпорибуз ку ыюм, дуо атквюе ыкчпэтында эи. Вяш эю ипзум пытынтёюм дяшзынтиыт, шэа но дэниквюы конклььюжионэмквуэ. Ютроквюы мэнтётюм аппэльлььантюр ед нык. Хёз ат плььатонэм майыжтатйж. + +Пэр вокынт элььэефэнд дэлььиката ыт, мэль порро ёужто дольорэ эа. Пробо щуавятатэ эа квюо. Эю ырант ножтрюм дуо, нэ хёнк дйкит мэя. Ут ыюм дёко ажжынтиор. Векж пробо видишчы эа, вэре иреуры ыкжпэтэндяз пэр эа, квуй еракюндйа альиквуандо льебэравичсы эю. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/TC3F.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/TC3F.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9f84f24d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/TC3F.org @@ -0,0 +1,8917 @@ +# -- Default template +#+TITLE: The care and conservation of computer files (TC3F) +#+DATE: <2014-02-24 MON> +#+AUTHOR: Grant Rettke +#+EMAIL: gcr@wisdomandwonder.com +#+OPTIONS: ':nil *:t -:t ::t <:t H:3 \n:nil ^:t arch:headline author:t c:nil +#+OPTIONS: creator:comment d:(not "LOGBOOK") date:t e:t email:nil f:t inline:t +#+OPTIONS: num:t p:nil pri:nil stat:t tags:t tasks:t tex:t timestamp:t toc:5 +#+OPTIONS: todo:t |:t +#+STARTUP: showeverything + +#+CREATOR: Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.7) +#+DESCRIPTION: Create an environment where the document goal may be achieved. A literate programming style exposition of my emacs configuration. +#+EXCLUDE_TAGS: noexport +#+KEYWORDS: literate programming, reproducible research, programming language, lisp, elisp, ide, emacs, babel, org-mode +#+LANGUAGE: en +#+SELECT_TAGS: export + +# -- ASCII template + +# -- HTML template +#+OPTIONS: html-link-use-abs-url:nil html-postamble:auto html-preamble:t +#+OPTIONS: html-scripts:t html-style:t html5-fancy:nil tex:t +#+CREATOR: Emacs 24.3.1 (Org mode 8.2.7) +#+HTML_CONTAINER: div +#+HTML_DOCTYPE: xhtml-strict +#+HTML_HEAD: +#+HTML_HEAD_EXTRA: +#+HTML_LINK_HOME: +#+HTML_LINK_UP: +#+HTML_MATHJAX: +#+INFOJS_OPT: view:info toc:5 +#+LATEX_HEADER: + +# -- Latex template +#+DATE: <2014-02-24 MON> +#+OPTIONS: texht:t +#+LATEX_CLASS: article +#+LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [letterpaper, 12pt] +#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[paperwidth=8.5in, paperheight=11in, hmargin=0.5in, vmargin=0.5in]{geometry} +#+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: + +* How to design a file conservator (HTDFC) + +#+begin_comment +This section will never be tangled. +#+end_comment + +** Audience [fn:6873a93e: http://dictionary.reference.com/cite.html?qh=audience&ia=luna] + +Who should be reading this? +Possibly… +- Entire document: Software engineers who want to do the above [fn:15b6c04f: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_engineer] + - If you are using this an excuse to learn Lisp, then know that it is really, + really simple. Here is how it goes: + - 3s to download Emacs + - 3m to learn how to run code + - 3h to learn the IDE + - 3d to master the language +- Decisions & Assembly: Existing Emacs users… daily usage and non-trivial customization + An interest in using cask and org-mode literate programming are the only + thing that would motivate anyone to read this really. + +This is an unfinished and experimental document. All successes with it +may be attributed to all of the folks who provided these wonderful tools. All +failures with it may be attributed to me. + +Why should they be reading this? +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect +his work must first sharpen his tools. [fn:c5de8da5: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c/confucius141110.html] +#+END_QUOTE + +** Cogito ergo sum [fn:bfef9921: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cogito_ergo_sum] + +What was I thinking? +- creation :: "the act of producing or causing to exist" [fn:77af012a: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/creation] +- conservation :: "prevention of injury, decay, waste, or loss" [fn:c6f84dda: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Conservation] +- computer files :: "a file maintained in computer-readable form" [fn:49968ef8: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/computer%20file] + +Pursuing these goals, in the manner of literate programming, also serves to +better myself, as captured here: + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect +his work must first sharpen his tools. [fn:485efd70: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/c/confucius141110.html] +#+END_QUOTE + +** Means [fn:efbd05b2: http://dictionary.reference.com/cite.html?qh=tools&ia=luna] + +How do most people do it? +- File maintainer :: a person and program responsible for TC3F +- COTS :: edit, VI, Emacs, IntelliJ Idea, Visual Studio [fn:95c9649d: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commercial_off-the-shelf] +- Bespoke :: custom software [fn:9bd5543e: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Custom_software] + +** Madness [fn:11: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/madness] + +What about their raison detre? [fn:47c1450f: http://dictionary.reference.com/cite.html?qh=raison%20detre&ia=luna] +- Wonderful, wonderful stock tooling, 80% +- Can tool-makers build it perfectly for us all? [fn:13: http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/article/509/lambda-the-ultimate-goto] +- Either way: +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Thinking is required. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** Goal + +What is my measure of success? +#+BEGIN_CENTER +To provide a self-supportable environment in which the creation and conservation +of computer files may occur with ease +#+END_CENTER + +** Decision + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor [fn:a9219a62: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/] +#+END_QUOTE + +** Methodology [fn:8e6c1615: http://dictionary.reference.com/cite.html?qh=method&ia=luna] + +How will I customize it? + +Agile [fn:99b4e7dd: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agile_software_development] +- Product Backlog +- Sprint Backlog +- Review, Refine, and Reiterate +- COTS libraries +- Capture rationale and reasons along with things I did or didn't do and why +- Includes links to everything + +Note: How you break up the initialization of a system like Emacs is mostly +personal preference. Although org-mode (Babel) lets you tell a story, I was +coming from a pretty structured configuration file to begin with. In the future, it +might be interesting to look at this system from scratch in terms of doing +literate programming. Fortunately, it provides that freedom out of the box. + +*** Medium + +How will explain what I did? +- Audience-appropriate presentations +- Reproducible research +- Reusable data structures + +** Developmental Values + +*** Traits + +- [X] Pleasing user experience +- [X] Pervasive orthogonality [fn:d104e6b8: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/orthogonal] +- [X] Self-supportable + +*** Coding + +- [X] Completion +- [X] Debugging +- [X] Templates + +*** Editing + +- [X] Auto-indenting +- [X] Binary file editing, hex editor +- [X] Code folding +- [X] Code formatting +- [X] Diffing +- [X] Heavily used languages: + - [X] CSS + - [X] Elisp + - [X] HTML + - [X] Graphviz + - [X] JSON + - [X] JavaScript + - [X] Make + - [X] Markdown + - [X] R + - [X] Scheme + - [X] shell +- [X] Lightly used languages: + - [X] go + - [X] OCaml + - [X] SML + - [X] Clojure + - [X] Perl + - [X] Python + - [X] Ruby +- [X] Incremental selection +- [X] LaTeX +- [X] SEXP Support +- [X] Spell-checking +- [X] Structured navigation +- [X] Syntax highlighting +- [X] Tab management + +*** Development + +- [X] Build tools: make +- [X] Copyright notice, analysis, and standards +- [X] Dependency management +- [X] Diagramming +- [X] UML +- [X] Version control: git, svn, bzr, cvs, rcs +- [X] Workflow + +** Operational Values + +*** Fonts + +- [X] Focus on easily-screen-readable, mono-spaced +- [X] Research suggests that san-serif fonts are easier to read [fn:e2c60dbb: http://thenextweb.com/dd/2011/03/02/whats-the-most-readable-font-for-the-screen/#!uCcs8] [fn:ffab7a5b: http://www.webpagecontent.com/arc_archive/182/5/] [fn:e205ad03: http://www.awaionline.com/2011/10/the-best-fonts-to-use-in-print-online-and-email/] [fn:e2364216: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/20149/which-font-is-the-most-comfortable-for-on-screen-viewing] [fn:22: http://river-valley.tv/minion-math-a-new-math-font-family/] [fn:8ca6ae83: http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Font_readability] +- [X] Research suggests that color doesn't matter; only contrast [fn:0faa1215: http://usabilitynews.org/the-effect-of-typeface-on-the-perception-of-email/] + [fn:d6fea857: http://usabilitynews.org/know-your-typefaces-semantic-differential-presentation-of-40-onscreen-typefaces/] [fn:26: http://typoface.blogspot.com/2009/08/academic-base.html] [fn:a0cb9414: http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Typesetting/reading.html] [fn:763d94de: http://www.kathymarks.com/archives/2006/11/best_fonts_for_the_web_1.html] [fn:4b3fa8ae: http://psychology.wichita.edu/surl/usabilitynews/52/uk_font.htm] [fn:1ad6b453: http://usabilitynews.org/a-comparison-of-popular-online-fonts-which-size-and-type-is-best/] [fn:d0e1495e: http://usabilitynews.org/a-comparison-of-popular-online-fonts-which-is-best-and-when/] +- [X] Unicode support is critical + +*** Images + +- [X] ASCII art + +*** Spreadsheet + +- [X] Calculation +- [X] Data management +- [X] Import/Export + +*** Files + +- [X] Auto-save & synchronize +- [X] Encryption +- [X] File-system/directory management +- [X] Project structure +- [X] Search everywhere + +*** Commands + +- [X] Key recording +- [X] Macros +- [X] History of all things: files, commands, cursor locations +- [X] Undo + +*** Publishing + +- [X] Code +- [X] Multiple formats: HTML, JavaScript, PDF + +*** Terminal + +- [X] Cross-platform shell +- [X] Games + +*** Remote file access and management + +- [X] SSH +- [X] SCP + +*** Music + +- [X] LilyPond + +*** Communications + +- [X] IRC + +** Observations + +- Went stunningly well +- Stopped logging hours spent >200h +- This configuration was developed organically quite differently from the original idea +- Literate programming allowed an insanely flexible and freeing experience +- This one massive experience for me made a powerful, positive, life-changing + impression on me +- My laziness and poor habits were made quite apparent going through the efforts + to consider, realize, and support this system +- Before beginning I had no value system about testing this kind of artifact +- If this attribution, which is /only/ about Wolfram's MathWorld [fn:027a87a4: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/], the you may be interested in this style of programming and literature: +#+begin_quote +Created, developed, and nurtured by Eric Weisstein at Wolfram Research +#+end_quote + +** La trahison des images [fn:2bb0a70b: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Treachery_of_Images] + +Where else has this acronym shown up? +- #cc33ff :: bright purple color [fn:9b8e5e86: http://www.color-hex.com/color/cc33ff] +- Commander, U.S. Third Fleet :: WWII navy [fn:2e96ef97: https://secure.flickr.com/people/c3f/] +- A spasmogenic fragment :: a peptide [fn:07d2fa50: http://books.google.com/books?id=L4CI-qkhuQ8C] + +* On the role of, and the need for, a personal philosophy + +#+begin_comment +This section will never be tangled. +#+end_comment + +** Audience + +- Myself +- The scope of my approach is neither totally scientific nor entirely thought + out or even remotely near perfected. Despite that, the show must go on, and I + want to keep a record of how and why I have pursued this goal. +- Most of the work performed within this document will be more-so a work of art, + and philosophy, then of science, though science will definitely play a part. + +** Keyboard usage strategies + +*** Background + +My personal keyboard layout has evolved quite slowly over the years. Beginning +as a begrudging Emacs user, I quickly learned some basic manners and abandoned +it. Problem was that I had no good reason to be using Emacs, and so, I failed. +Instead of a solution, I saw it as an obstacle. Lesson learned. When I wanted to +learn Scheme, Dr Racket worked out just fine. It wasn't until wanting to learn +OCaml that I became smitten with our dear Emacs. + +My usage was pretty basic, customizing the bare minimum and sticking with +the defaults for everything. That approach is quite fine, for whatever point you +are at because you are more or less guaranteed excellent documentation on your +environment. This was my setup for years and it worked great. The more +comfortable you become, the more you change, and the more changes you make to +your configuration. + +My configuration file grew, and grew, and grew. It had an ad-hock layout, and soon I +even started to forget why, or where, or how. With additional and hacks and the +usual, eventually I turned to literate programming with org-mode. That was and +is pure joy, and I've barely scratched the surface. This was a turning point for +me. At its simplest, I was then able to do everything that needed to be done in +Emacs, and it was then that I started caring a lot more about how my keyboard +was set up. + +*** Version 001 + +The simplest and best place to start is to remap the control key to the center +left of the keyboard. On most keyboards, this is directly next to the "A" key. +This change alone served me quite well for years and years. It was after years +of usage that I got curious about "better ways" to do; and I suppose that is the +driving force behind thousands of Emacs packages. The change works well on +Windows, Linux, and OSX. Lately I've read a lot of material published by +bbatsov [fn:f92f3a46: https://github.com/bbatsov] and xahlee [fn:9cfe48f7: http://xahlee.org/] about their quests to perfect Emacs and +there is a lot of discussion about keyboard mappings that go so far as to talk +about how to avoid repetitive strain injury [fn:e81f19e8: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repetitive_strain_injury] due to QWERTY [fn:48981e0d: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keyboard_layout#QWERTY]. By "lately", I mean over +the course of a few years. That alone will get any computer user interested in +really thinking about their mappings and how to make things easier on their +wrists. + +*** Version 002 + +One of the simplest changes discussed is simply to never twist and contort your +fingers into order to perform key chords that both the meta key itself and the +key with which you are chording. At first blush, his seemed silly to me, but +after trying it out for only a day or two, my wrists and hands simply felt +less worn out at the end of the day. That was intriguing having such immediate +results. All it took was swapping the enter key with one of the meta keys on the +bottom row. The lack of balance though quickly became kind of a nuisance. + +Reading a range of links about the topic, I settled on a simple goal +of having meta key parity on both sides of the keyboard. That does take some +work. The experience resulting from the goal set forth, over the course of a few +months, morphed into the desire to grow the chording space into something much +more manageable, and began a new phase. + +*** \alpha Version 003 + +In my minds eye, I see the key chording space in some broad, simple divisions, +roughly something like: +- Emacs :: built in bindings, most common, documentation exists for all +- Packages :: separately installed, generally play nice with Emacs +- Personal :: my own key-bindings that try to play nice and adhere to the spirit + but generally struggle due to lack of remaining name-space control-land + +All of the good key-bindings are used up. The "good ones" are easy to use and easy +on your hands and fingers. Even worse, sticking close to the native and package +bindings results in having just too many chords to make it nice to use anymore +(curiously remembering them is /never/ an issue). The mental model that I am +beginning to develop is quite simply to segregate all personal bindings into a +new key-space, conceptually, so I generally know where to put thing and where to +find things. + +Articles on things like god mode [fn:25064bf0: https://github.com/chrisdone/god-mode] were my first thought on how to tackle +this, but on further review it became clear pretty quickly that the best +approach for me would be to follow Xah's advice and start using more meta keys. + +*** \beta Version 003 + +My desire is to have a pleasant key binding approach that works on all keyboards +and supports all meta keys [fn:0a59c12e: http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/emacs_hyper_super_keys.html] supported by Emacs [fn:9d47ba99: http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/emacs_hyper_super_keys.html]. To get +started I tracked down some examples of what I want to support for work, home, +and other: +- A [[https://www.google.com/search?q%3Dmacbook%2Bpro%2Bretina%2Bkeyboard&es_sm%3D119&source%3Dlnms&tbm%3Disch&sa%3DX&ei%3D0x6FU7vGN4GyyAS89IDwBg&ved%3D0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw%3D957&bih%3D1083][Macbook Pro Retina 15"]] +- A [[https://www.google.com/search?q=thinkpad+t42+keyboard&oq=thinkpad+t42&aqs=chrome.0.69i59j69i57.2631j0j9&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=119&ie=UTF-8][Thinkpad T42]] +- A [[https://www.google.com/search?q=lenovo+thinkpad+W540+keyboard&es_sm=119&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=Wh-FU7XhG9KVyASl4IGYAQ&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAw&biw=957&bih=1083][Lenovo W540]] +- A [[https://www.google.com/search?q=dell+external+usb+keyboard&oq=dell+external+usb+keyboard&aqs=chrome..69i57j69i64.3574j0j9&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=119&ie=UTF-8][Dell external USB keyboard]] +- A [[https://www.google.com/search?q=HP+EliteBook+8570W&oq=HP+EliteBook+8570W&aqs=chrome..69i57.1598j0j9&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=119&ie=UTF-8#q=HP+EliteBook+8570W+keyboard][HP EliteBook 8570W]] + +(Still not sure how to track down one of these [fn:a7947ab7: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space-cadet_keyboard] + +Staring at these for a while got me thinking about the "perfect" layout and it +started to get a bit overwhelming so I set out to reduce the keys for +consideration a bit: +- Total keys: 78 + +Yikes. That is a lot to chew on. Thinking about how I really use the keyboard, +though, I now that some keys are not up for debate. Here is what I mean + +*Keys that will remain the unchanged* +- =F= keys, 12 :: I expect them; that is what makes it a computer keyboard! +- Alphanumeric, 48 :: Numbers, letters, Symbols, Space… they are self-evaluating! +- Permanent, 1 :: This may never change. Ever. The power button! +- Frequently used, 3 :: Delete. Tab: for bash completion. ESC. +- Arrow keys, 4 :: leave the alone it is just right. It just feels wrong to + remap it. Used in Finder. It stops videos from playing. + +Remaining keys: 11. Now is when I start to look at what keys I really, really +need, that I can't live with out. All it takes is a simple question: "How often +do I actually use that key?". Additionally, because I want key balance for meta +keys, I can drop the number down to 7 because 4 of them were listed twice, +conceptually at least. + +Next step is to look at the Dell keyboard and the T42 laptop to see what keys +remain in what order, and where. Following the layout from top left, +counter-clockwise, to top right looks like this. This does include keys that +I won't re-map, but I want to list them just to get a sense of the location +and remind me of how it "normally looks": +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +esc +tab +caps lock return +shift shift +fn control option command command option left up down right +#+END_QUOTE + +The Dell: +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +esc +tab +caps lock return +shift shift +control alt command command option menu control +#+END_QUOTE + +The T42: +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +esc +tab +caps lock enter +shift shift +fn control alt alt control left/down/up/right +#+END_QUOTE + +Taking a peek at the more modern HP laptop and W540 I find 4 keys available +on that bottom row, just like on the Mac. This is something to think about. +I don't want to design around the past, but at the same time I would like to +have the option of things being mapped nicely regardless of the machine and +keyboard… it is just more flexible. At the same time I don't want to be +trapped in the past… and at the very same time I do not want to be beholden +to an external keyboard. Here is what I decided to do… + +- Assumption :: there are only 3 usable keys on each side of the bottom row. + This will work for perhaps all machines and hardware out there and the + decision will be final. Now I need to figure out the plan. + +Having had some really good experience with KeyMapper [fn:2eddf385: https://code.google.com/p/keymapper/] on Windows and +KeyRemap4MacBook [fn:fd24680f: https://pqrs.org/macosx/keyremap4macbook/] on OSX I am feeling very confident and adventurous +on pursuing an quite aggressive remap that looks like this: +- Caps lock :: control +- Shift :: option (alt, meta) +- Command :: command, pretzel, windows +- Something :: hyper + +That takes care of all of the meta keys but leaves stranded: +- Shift +- Return +- Caps lock + +And I'm not sure what to do with: +- Fn + +Then I actually tried setting this up, on OSX! + +Working through this was quite educational, here is what worked and here is +what didn't: +- Hyper :: I never figured out what key to use for this. Oops. Fn seemed like + a good option until I reminded myself that I like to use the function key for + stuff like volume and screen brightness, so that was out. +- Shift :: when I remapped shift to meta, sometimes it worked right in Emacs + and sometimes it just inserted "control" into the buffer. There is an answer, + but I chose not to pursue it right now. This alone felt too far off into a + path too far off the mainstream. +- Enter :: it was horrible trying to use the tiny, bottom option key or enter + +This has been a good experience and it led to my new/old/new configuration that +was basically a slight improvement, that will basically work everywhere, and is +in fact not very radical. + +*** Version 003 + +The story is still simple, yet powerful… the definition of elegance! + +First, leave every mapping alone, keep it fresh from scratch and an Emacs and +OS perspective. +- Modifier keys: + - caps lock \rarr control + - control \rarr caps lock + - option/alt \rarr option/alt + - command/windows \rarr command/windows + +Second, find a way to make enter key send enter when pressed act as control when +held. We really lucked out here, and bbatsov already figured this out for us +here [fn:3ceb1dec: http://batsov.com/articles/2012/12/06/emacs-tip-number-7-remap-return-to-control-in-osx/]. It is kind of cool that many of us will reach the same conclusion +as him, and of course also that he graciously blogged the solution. Yet to be +done is to find a good solution for Windows and Linux. + +Third, super will be provided by option/alt… this is a good choice, as it is used +elsewhere for a similar intent, at least in OSX and Windows (windows key). This +symmetrical bindings supports quite easy and uniform access to a grand total of +46 keys. That is all with a single key chord! Great to know. Very nice. +Doh!… as I never though to inquire about this before. + +Fourth, that leaves hyper. Who wants to ditch hyper? I don't. We need a key for +it. It would be nice to have symmetry, and by that measure alone I'm not sure +where to put it. Fn lives on OSX and Windows keyboards, but I want that. All +of the other keys I was looking at have their place and use, and I'm not +ditching them. That leaves one place, the F keys. F1 and F12 are open. Would it +nice to use them for super? Would it be horrible? Is it even possible? Well, +not really. This article [fn:62375e3d: http://www.masteringemacs.org/articles/2011/02/08/mastering-key-bindings-emacs/] explains the notion of reserved keys, and how +F1-F4 are not available, thus negating the chance to have balanced hyper on each +side using F keys. That is OK. That is sticking with my philosophy of "close to +the original" and I feel like it is very OK since we have 46 keys available to +find, and bind. + +*** Version 004 + +**** Beginnings + +Being able to succed, at anything, requires a goal. During the pursuit of the +goal, the pursuer changes, and thus, so does the goal itself. My goal in this +section was to capture this iterative process so that I may see how it +developed. + +Two ideas had been lingering for me: +- How to automate key binding configuration and how +- How to define as simpler, and cleaner philosophy + +The /good/ things that keep coming to mind are simple: +- Stay close to the default bindings, + - Already know them + - Documentation is plentiful + - Others may use +- Honor the default bindings + - If possible, never alter them + - Inform the operator when they /are/ changed +- Honor operator actions + - Recognize how they use the keyboard + - Conserve their energy +- Honor operator preferences + - Everyone is different + - Find a general approach that may work for all + +With those values in mind, incluidng all of the exploration that came before it +on this topic, providence stepped in. + +**** Studies + +Providence, stepped in, kindly, and gently, to point me in the right direction. + +***** MASTERING KEY BINDINGS IN EMACS + +First, Micky stepped in [fn:1e82e0ca: http://www.masteringemacs.org/about/] with a potent summary [fn:813a86e6: http://www.masteringemacs.org/articles/2011/02/08/mastering-key-bindings-emacs/] of where to +begin mastering your key-bindings. This is /critical/. + +- Grokking =self-insert-command= helps grok the notion of compos-ability +- 3 key categories + - undefined key :: does nothing + - prefix key :: =C-x= and =C-c=, compose complete keys + - complete key :: when input, executes +- Some useful key mod commands + - =define-key= + - =local-set-key= + - =global-set-key= + - =global-unset-key= + - =local-unset-key= +- Use they =kbd= macro +- Function and navigation keys require angle bracket wrappers +- =remap= thoroughly replaces existing bindings +- Reserved keys + - In theory, =C-c *= is for you + - In practice, who knows + - =F5+= + - Super + - Hyper +- Key-map look-up order, first-found, minor modes are first + - =overriding-terminal-local-map= + - =overriding-local-map= + - Inside of char properties [fn:1be99a8f: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Searching-Keymaps.html] + - =emulation-mode-map-alists= + - =minor-mode-overriding-map-alist= + - =minor-mode-map-alist= + - Inside of text properties [fn:3e89276d: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Special-Properties.html] + - =current-local-map= + - =current-global-map= +- /commands/ are /interactive functions/ +- Key bindings may only invoke /commands/ with no parameters +- =repeat-complex-command= is something that anyone who performs automation may + love + +Whether the topics are old news to you or new and fresh, that is a delightful +post. + +***** Custom Global Emacs Bindings with Key Chord and the Semi-Colon Key + +Justin posted this [fn:2ee00686: http://blog.waymondo.com/2013-01-14-custom-global-emacs-bindings-with-key-chord-and-the-semi-colon-key/] his approach here, and I think that I understood +his goals. His comment that: + +#+begin_quote +learning Emacs and molding it with lisp is a great creative exercise +#+end_quote + +is *spot on*. + +His advice on how to use key-chord mode [fn:c2b99825: https://github.com/emacsmirror/key-chord] also struck a note with me: + +#+begin_quote +this is basically an empty binding namespace… +you can use the most memorable mnemonic letters… +You don’t have muck around with overriding or conflicting with command prefixes between lisp packages or memorizing multi-command. You also don’t have to rely on bindings involving the super key (⌘ in OSX), which may conflict with system-level bindings… +The biggest consideration to make when defining chords in general is to stray from key combinations you might accidentally fire when typing away.… +#+end_quote + +Justin shared a concise bit of wisdom that is, like most things you will find in +this community, a pleasure to consume. + +EmacsWiki shared some details [fn:3ff9e6d0: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/KeyChord], too: +- The term /key chord/ + - Is specific to using this mode + - Is two keys pressed simultaneously + - Or is a single key pressed twice quickly +- Use the thumb a lot, it is strong! +- Avoid chords common to how you "write" + +Of course, Magnar already knew [fn:bd585bda: http://emacsrocks.com/e07.html], yet further evidence that all of his +vlog are required viewing. + +***** =key-chord.el= [fn:72c0e29d: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/key-chord.el] + +Many times, the source /is/ required-reading, too +- =key-chord-define-global= +- =key-chord-define= +- Everything that I noted in the blog posts is started in the code itself! +- Recommends that chords only involve two fingers on one hand to keep it fast + - Interesting because I was asserting that two-hands would be fine since I + use the control key plenty of times, and it would keep the key space open + - Wonder how important this one is +- You can't use function, control, or non-English letters +- Only 2 keys are supported! + +***** Emacs: How to Define Keys + +This article [fn:a1884397: http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/keyboard_shortcuts.html] will serve many: +- One may define bindings of: + - A single key sequence of single keys + - Key combinations + - Sequence of single/combo keys +- Keys to Avoid (rebinding) + - Control characters :: that may be represented by a =C-?= + - =F1= or =C:h= :: they hep! + - =ESC= or =C:[= :: complicated meanings + - =C:up S:letter]= :: doesn't work in terminals + - =C:m= or =Enter= :: they are linked + - =C:i= or =TAB= :: they are linked +- There are so many keys that if you define your own then you are probably doing + it wrong +- Good Key Choices + - Someone else has thought through all of this, /too/, then! + - Always good :: F5-F9, F11-F12 + - Usually good :: F1-F4, but not F10 + - Excellent (check OS use) :: C:F1 - C:F12 + - Excellent (check OS use) :: M:F1 - M:F12 + - Excellent (check OS use) :: S:F1 - S:F12 + - Excellent (if you don't use =digit-argument=) :: C-# and M-# + - Numeric pad and page navigation keys :: maybe + - Super and hyper :: all good +- So that is how you may enter diacritics + +***** A Curious Look at GNU Emacs's 1000+ Default Key-binding + +Something of a diversion for me having covered stuff elsewhere, but this [fn:6fadaac5: http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/gnu_emacs_keybinding.html] +is a nice to know, too: +- The fact that =F1= is bound to help really reveals how thoughtful Emacs was + provided for its users +- Special symbols are nice to know about, I've always used =ucs-insert= and this + might be a nicer option, even for guillemots. +- F + - 3 starts a macro recording + - 4 ends or runs it + - 10 opens the menu bar + +***** Emacs Key-binding: the Power of Key Sequences + +More [fn:1cf01e80: http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/emacs_keybinding_power_of_keys_sequence.html] from Xah's great pool of Emacs wisdom. Something great to think +about when you design your layout: +- Yet another key-space +- Use these when there is discontinuity in your in your editing +- Choose F keys when you need a break + +**** Discussion + +Wow. Learned so much. Thought a lot, too. Xah's list of /god keys/ alone would +be enough of a place to finish because it opens up the key-space so much without +requiring anything more than the /default/ Emacs setup. Sticking with that is really +kind of intriguing, but for the fact that you are still /always/ going to be using +meta keys. Defining your own key sequences, though, opens the door for faster +approaches. Combining the two sounds interesting, too. /This/ is where key-chord +starts to get really interesting in the sense that it opens up new venues for thoughtfully choosing, or defining, a sort of meta-key, any-how that you wish. +Very cool. + +**** Assumptions + +The key-chord package will /just work/ in the same manner that every other built-in +Emacs feature /just works/. + +**** The plan + +- Tenets + - 99.999% of the time, leave /stock bindings/ alone + - Never use + - =C-c= + - =C-x= + - =F1= - =F-4= + - Home key chords :: asdf-\rarr or jkl;\larr gives 12x8=96 bindings! + - Upon thinking this through, decided not worth the trouble because typing + quickly would trigger the chords + - Initially, focus on global mappings to "keep it easy" +- Proximity + - *CLOSE* (continuity keys) + - Use alphanumeric/symbol key-chords when + - The combination is obvious… like ".." \rarr "…" + - There is *no* chance that it could inadvertently be pressed; recalling that + /both/ directions must be considered + - Excluding alphanumeric leaves; =` - = [ ] \ ; ' , . /= + - Likely offenders: =- = ; ' , .= + - Leaving: =` [ ] \ /= + - Left hand: 12x5 + - Right hand only: 7x5 + - 95 possible if this is right + - Preferences: [, ], \… + - Likelihood of usage? low + - Choosing a global mapping that works in all modes will involve a lot of + work + - Tough to choose these when =META= keys are easily within reach instead + - *NEAR* + - Goal is to minimize finger travel + - Keys used most frequently + - In order of preference: + - C-#keys :: 10 + - C-F keys :: 6 (3 easily in reach on one hand) + - *FAR* (discontinuity keys) + - Super:any-one :: (12+10+11+26)=59 + - *FURTHER* + - Use =[S|C|M|S]F:5+= keys :: 8x4=32 bindings + +200+ bindings (stated C-F keys extra for easy reach =-ers=), that is fine. + +**** The result + +1. Preference in terms of frequent use, is ease of use: +- =C-#= +- =M-#= +- =C-F= +- =M-F= + +2. In the process, realized that I didn't consider using upper case letters to + chord with! One may argue that defeats the purpose. I argue that it makes + S serve as a quasi =META= key and that is fine because for some reason, + mentally, it makes more sense, and feels a bit different from a =META= key which + has a slightly different intent. + +3. It might involve re-training the operator, because unlikely things, like + typing in all caps, can muck with desires for using key-chords like =META=. + +4. Chords exactly right next to each other are definitely just nice and pleasant + to press. + +5. The ease of access becomes quite clear. For me it is =C-[123]= and C-90[-] that + are quite easy to reach. Good to know and note, note sure how though yet. + +6. Choosing a place to map from, in terms of the distraction level, kind of + an odd experience. I had ideas about how the "disruption level" would be all + that was needed to figure out where/how to provide a mapping. That was mostly + true, and is still the case, but I just had a surprise where once I learned + about how useful ace-jump is /all the time/, I realized that I must somehow have + a home key chord. Previously, I had determined that there is no point because + of the assumptions to bother using English language keys. Staring at the + keyboard though, with this new understanding of the power of this mode, it + became really simple: =d= and =f= (or =f= and =d=) are rarely if ever used + together, so clearly that is the right place for a key-chord for ace-jump! + +7. My ideas, some were good, some were not. Interesting to see how they pan out + and develop in the log here. It almost does seem like anything *not* involving + vowels may be a good candidate for a key-chord. I initially just didn't want to + have to think about it, especially during an active touch-typing + spoken-language even. Whatever happens, I'm trying to keep an open mind and let + it develop organically. + +8. Realized today that since I use =vc-next= and =er/expand-region= *so* much that + they should be even *closer* to home. Fixed that. + +9. Looking at the version control mappings to s-d… that was a relatively easy + key combo, and naturally it ended up with the choices all occurring on the + right hand. That was almost without thinking. + +10. Another idea of name-spacing is to use sequences of letters that are + meaninful. This [fn:75b55499: https://aaronhawley.livejournal.com/29311.html] + articles covers something that I never though to do: C-c word. Simple. + Instead of limiting it to meta sequences, like C-x C-e, just do C-x ce! + +11. Just added a key-chord for =a'= because I do that *all the time*. + Left-control and ' are already used, and this just popped into my mind. + Perhaps it is obvious? + +12. =TAB= loves to be used by different modes. Better just leave it exlusively + for =auto-complete=. That keeps things really, really simple. =TAB= + completes stuff. Other than in =org= mode, everywhere else this remains true. + +13. It is worth mentioning /again/ that it it is a *really good* idea to keep your + keybindings pretty close to stock. When you are on someone else's machine, + or you are debugging your system, and you can't use your highly tweaked set + up, and still need to use =emacs=, they knowing most of the default bindings + really pays off! I always run into this when I want to use the lightweight + and minimal system defined in this document for debugging. This has served + me well because when I am using IntelliJ or VisualStudio I can /still/ use + use Emacs keybindings! The former is superb, the latter is not, though. + +14. On OSX, option-command bindings are used for a lot of things by applications. + Although it would be nice to use super-meta, it is not worth borking the + built in bindings to do so. + +15. Using shift for hyper continues to be tantalizing, but then what is the + simplest way to handle brackets that I hit a million times? That is a good + question and perhaps I will some day have an answer. + +16. Recently read this [fn:61198ad1: http://endlessparentheses.com/the-toggle-map-and-wizardry.html] + article. Not + having been sure how to manage the growing keybindings, I've been keeping my + eye out for a nice approach and I think that this is it. My previous idea was to + do a graphical rendering of bindings per mode to make sense of it, but this + seems to be a better and simpler approach. It is not urgent, but when the time + comes this is the approach that I will try. Here [fn:f20493c8: http://endlessparentheses.com/launcher-keymap-for-standalone-features.html] + is another discussion alluding to the same approach. Right now I do the same + thing with plain old bindings like =s-u dsr= for "unicode double-stroke R". + +17. Lately I've refactored this document a bit to make it easier for me (the human) + to manage. Something really basic: tagging =noweb-ref= blocks with a disposable + name like =ignore= to make it easy to work with them in their source language + without tangling. That change is not exactly a keyboard thing, but it is + related. That slowed things down a tiny bit. However, it made things so much + more flexible *AND* understandable. I guess this is my experiential proof? + The only way I can make sense of the tangled document is becuase of this document. + The context, the story, everything, is in here. Without it, the tangled document + is nearly useless because no one could ever make sense of it. Making sense of it + makes it very easy to change. When you have a map and a context, you can make + changes very quickly. This makes it easy to make mistakes, which is a great way + to learn. The key-chord map is one example. I erroneously chose =df= for =goto-line=. + Actaully, when it chose it, it was perfect! That was before =ess= and typing =df= for + datatframe all over in the code. Ouch. Well, life changes, and we adapt. That + is what is so cool about this document; it lets you adapt easily! I make changes + with no fear because I can make sense of things. I have my notes, my context, + my reason, my idea, and a real biggie, results of previous experiements. It is + easy to love this approach. Something that came out of playing, or experimentation + perhaps sounds better, is seeing that for key chords it is a little easier to know + what to do. Eg, I use English, so consonant-vowel combinations are easy to avoid. + Once in a while ones like =df= will pop up and I will deal with it. A minor + one to avoid perhaps are abbreviations from when you remove vowels, that has not + me. Not a big deal, but identifying obvious chords one will never type like + =fg= is a nice to do. + +** How to choose a font + +Audience: Computer users. Programmers. User experience designers (UXD). + +Every computer-user has a different strategy for choosing the best font for long +periods working at the computer. They all involve many metrics, strategies, and +rubrics. Based on that, they are probably all wrong. Well not really, they are +right based upon experience, and experience is really all that matters. + +I was curious about whether my experience had any basis in reality, and I really +wanted to dig into what is the "right way" to choose a font for any particular +user or situation. The following are notes and ultimately a decision on what is +the best for me. Hopefully the notes alone are revealing and help you reach your +own conclusion, too. At the very least you ought to be educated, informed, and +probably surprised, too, about some of the factors involved in font selection. + +[[http://thenextweb.com/dd/2011/03/02/whats-the-most-readable-font-for-the-screen/][What’s the most readable font for the screen?]] + +Serifs are tips for the reader's eyes for flow. + +San-serifs are better for low-res. + +Simultaneously states that is no difference between serif and san-serif. + +Rec: Helvetica/Arial + +Comment recommendations: + +Designed for digital, Hermann Zapf's Optima, or as a backup Verdana + +Designed for digital, Open Sans + +Both, Calibri + +San-serifs are easier on the eyes as you get older, citing retinal tears +specifically + +[[http://www.webpagecontent.com/arc_archive/182/5/][Time to change your fonts]] + +Designed for screen: Verdana, Trebuchet MS, and (the serif) Georgia. + +Easy to read, available on virtually all machines. + +Let go of times new roman, Arial, and Helvetica. + +Traditionally a serif font was used for the main body of a document, and +sans-serif for headings. Today, those principles are often reversed. + +[[http://www.awaionline.com/2011/10/the-best-fonts-to-use-in-print-online-and-email/][The Best Fonts to Use in Print, Online, and Email]] + +Popular serif fonts are Times New Roman, Palatino, Georgia, Courier, +Bookman and Garamond. + +Some popular San Serif fonts are Helvetica, Arial, Calibri, Century +Gothic and Verdana. + +It's been said that serif fonts are for "readability," while sans-serif +fonts are for "legibility." + +Best fonts for online: go with sans-serif. + +2002 study by the Software Usability and Research Laboratory: +- The most legible fonts were Arial, Courier, and Verdana. +- At 10-point size, participants preferred Verdana. Times New Roman was + the least preferred. +- At 12-point size, Arial was preferred and Times New Roman was the + least preferred. +- The preferred font overall was Verdana, and Times New Roman was the + least preferred. + +For easiest online reading, use Arial 12-point size and larger. If +you're going smaller than 12 points, Verdana at 10 points is your best +choice. If you're after a formal look, use the font "Georgia." And for +older readers, use at least a 14-point font. + +Dr. Ralph F. Wilson, an e-commerce consultant, did a series of tests in +2001. He also came to the conclusion that the sans-serif fonts are more +suited to the computer screen.Some of the highlights of the test results +were that at 12 points, respondents showed a preference for Arial over +Verdana -- 53% to 43% (with 4% not being able to distinguish between the +two).Two-thirds of respondents found that Verdana at 12 points was too +large for body text, but Verdana at 10 points was voted more readable +than Arial at 10 points by a 2 to 1 margin.In conclusion, for the best +font readability, use Arial 12 point or Verdana at 10 points and 9 +points for body text. For headlines, he suggests using larger bold +Verdana. + +Comments: Good. + +My comments: no links to cited papers + +[[https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/20149/which-font-is-the-most-comfortable-for-on-screen-viewing][Which font is the most comfortable for on-screen viewing?]] + +Post: Advice to use san-serif is outdated and inappropriate for today's +high resolution screens. San-serif or not is irrelevant; instead the +measure of success is to use a large font that was specifically designed +for on-screen usage. For inspiration, look at the free fonts listed at +the Google Web Fonts directory, especially Vollkorn or the Droid Serif +font which was particularly developed with small font size in mind. + +GCR: That post is confusing because he later explains that we are not +there yet, but rather getting close. + +Post: Sans-serif are best for on-screen. + +[[http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Vollkorn][Vollkorn]] + +[[http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Droid+Serif][Droid Serif]] + +[[http://river-valley.tv/minion-math-a-new-math-font-family/][The Design of a New Math Font Family]] + +Interesting. + +[[http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Font_readability][Font readability]] + +Legibility refers to being able to read a text in bad conditions. +“Legibility is concerned with the very fine details of typeface design, +and in an operational context this usually means the ability to +recognize individual letters or words. Readability however concerns the +optimum arrangement and layout of whole bodies of text” + +Studies that contrast serif vs. non-serif fonts seem to be +controversial. + +There are some ground rules one can find, like: +- Don't make long lines nor too long paragraphs +- Use wide fonts such as Palatino or Verdana for small fonts +- Use spaces between lines, e.g. about 1.2 at least. E.g. in Word 2007, + 1.15 is the default I believe. to be controversial. + +Sans serif: Verdana (a humanist font) or Arial + +Serif: Georgia + +Some references for studies and research done on fonts. + +“two roles for type: a functional role (relating to legibility) and an +aesthetic/semantic role, which impacts the "apparent 'fitness' or +'suitability' for different functions, and which imbue it with the power +to evoke in the perceiver certain emotional and cognitive response" (p. +38)”” + +In her study: Calibri came out as a winner against Courier New and Curlz. + +GCR: Very exciting and interesting with good links + +[[http://usabilitynews.org/the-effect-of-typeface-on-the-perception-of-email/][The Effect of Typeface on the Perception of Email]] + +People take Calibri seriously via this study. + +[[http://usabilitynews.org/know-your-typefaces-semantic-differential-presentation-of-40-onscreen-typefaces/][Know Your Typefaces! Semantic Differential Presentation of 40 Onscreen Typefaces]] + +Study showing how people emotionally react to certain fonts. + +[[http://typoface.blogspot.com/2009/08/academic-base.html][The Academic Evidence Base for Typeface Readability]] + +Study. + +Young people like serif; older like sans-serif. + +[[http://liinwww.ira.uka.de/bibliography/Typesetting/reading.html][Bibliography on font readability]] + +Links to papers on font readability. + +[[http://www.kathymarks.com/archives/2006/11/best_fonts_for_the_web_1.html][Best Fonts for the Web]] + +Serif: Georgia. It was designed especially for screen. Other options are +listed. + +Sans-Serif: Tahoma. Geneva, Tahoma, and Verdana were designed especially +for the screen. Tahoma in particular is cited for legibility. Another +pick: Lucida Sans Unicode: Cited as remarkably legible for some reason. + +Monospaced: Monaco/Lucida Console. + +GCR: Great article. + +[[http://psychology.wichita.edu/surl/usabilitynews/52/uk_font.htm][A Comparison of Two Computer Fonts: Serif versus Ornate Sans Serif]] + +Another study, unsure what to conclude from it. + +[[http://usabilitynews.org/a-comparison-of-popular-online-fonts-which-size-and-type-is-best/][A Comparison of Popular Online Fonts: Which Size and Type is Best?]] + +Excellent details. + +Tahoma and Verdana, sans-serifs, were designed specifically for viewing +on computer screens. J, I, and 1 were made distinguishable. Tahoma is +wider than Verdana. + +Great article but leaves so many questions and stuff unanswered and +explored. + +[[http://usabilitynews.org/a-comparison-of-popular-online-fonts-which-is-best-and-when/][A Comparison of Popular Online Fonts: Which is Best and When?]] + +Big fonts generally don't matter and are easy to read. + +Tahoma is well-read. + +Verdana and Georgia have good legibility. + +Whole other range of evaluations: personality, elegant, youthful and +fun, business-like, + +Most legible: Courier, Comic, Verdana, Georgia, and Times. + +[[http://kadavy.net/blog/posts/design-for-hackers-why-you-dont-use-garamond-on-the-web/][Design for Hackers: Why You Don’t Use Garamond on The Web]] + +I only read this article months after reading the bulk of references in this +section. It took time it to sink and for me to accept it. It is so easy to +produce a letter in LaTeX, and just send a PDF. It should really be printed, +though. So, what is the right medium and what is the right font? For formal +things, things worth writng, I say paper. + +*** Thoughts + +- Ideals +- Current state of technology along with aging-eyes means that + sans-serif is the best option +- Emacs suggest mono-spaced fonts for coding +- Experienced teaches me that Unicode support is mandatory +- Matching +- Prefer fonts that focus on legibility over emotional evocation +- Results: Verdana, Calibri, Tahoma, Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Sans + Console +- Notes: [[http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/emacs_unicode_fonts.html][Best Unicode Fonts for Programming]] +- DejaVu Sans Mono: best Unicode support +- Based on Andale Mono, a monospaced san-serif designed for coding +- [[http://www.slant.co/topics/67/viewpoints/4/~what-are-the-best-programming-fonts~dejavu-sans-mono][What are the best programming fonts?]] +- Tons of coding related fonts. Why not for reading?! +- Source Code Pro is highest ranked, then Consolas, and Monaco +- [[http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/30040/Font-Survey-42-of-the-Best-Monospaced-Programming][Font Survey: 42 of the Best Monospaced Programming Fonts]] +- The options, although only 42, are insanely overwhelming. + - Comments + - There isn't a ton of digestible info available on Unicode support for + the fonts that I listed. + - I am recalling now that my original selection of DejaVu Sans Mono was + specifically for its excellent Unicode support; specifically that it + had better support than Lucida Console which is monospaced but lacked + characters and looks at least as nice. + - Seems like it is just haphazard and quasi-scientific how people are + choosing fonts; and maybe even designing them. + - Founds evidence that Lucida is just fine for display; and thus + DejaVu Sans Mono is fine for display. +- Conclusion + - DejaVu Sans Mono is the best available font for computer work. + +** Ponderings + +*** Make things "secure by default" [fn:8eb87c09: https://www.openbsd.org/security.html] + +Your artifacts may end up in use anywhere by anyone. Create an environment where +the default configuration is also the most secure configuration. For example, +provide HTTPS links over HTTP, and think about what code may run and what it may +do. This approach, while admittedly valuable, is inherently at odds with the +fundamental mission of a software developer: to enable. Respect both sides of the +coin, and you will suffer less. + +*** What it means to test + +Testing is like flossing, everybody knows why it is important, agrees that it +is important, and even wants to do it… yet does not. Your job is to create an +environment where people want to test. The first step is to define a measure of +success. + +In order to succeed, one must have a measure. Although arbitrary, measures must +be made. Think through the problem, the original goals, and the newly understood +constraints. All of those things will define the measure of success. + +Guided by that measure (or constraint), then you may go about creating an +environment that is pleasant and facilitate the achievement of those goals. +Practices like breathing practices and meditation will serve one well here. + +*** Practice + +The old tenet that practice makes perfect couldn't be any more true here. In the +cycle of learning, you learn the tools, the problem, then apply them, and then, +the tools and Tc problem change you, and the cycle repeats. Lisp programmers who +have invested in code-generation (macros) know this well, and yet are constantly +surprised when it occurs yet again. In the same style, working with literate +programs grows and blossoms in unexpected directions. Though some are painful +and irritating; the common thread among all of them is that they all lead +somewhere wonderful. With time and practice, you will find yourself not only +maintaining things you never intended, but simultaneously pondering and +realizing things you had never intended, either. That trip is delightful. + +*** Understanding how to use the tools + +Tools alone are meaningless. Experience and knowing how to use those tools means +everything. A simple example is doing GUi diffs before a commit. Often GUI tools +are shunned quite needlessly here. They can make stuff quite focused and simple. +For example, while doing a refactoring, comment out what is not needed, make +the change, test it, then do the diff, to verify what you expect, and then do +the commit. Remove the commented out code before that commit, or after, it is up +to you. The GUI diff tool may be nice here in that it uses standard (to the tool) +colors to indicate the type of change that has occurred making it very, very +clear as to your intent, too. Is it a perfect approach? No, not at all, but it +is very, very nice sometimes. + +*** Audience + +A question that every document author must both ask themselves, and +consequently answer, "for whom am I creating this document?". At one's day job, +it is easy: the stakeholder. In our personal life though, most of use don't get +into habit of viewing ourselves as the stakeholder, or our family and friends, +either. We would be well served to do so, though. One's personal life is a +safe, non-trivial place to learn how to better ourselves. Starting with +ones-self is a perfect place to start. That is not to say that starting with +others isn't also great, it just wasn't the right place for me. + +Originally I wanted to create a document explaining to others my goal for this +document. That was a honest yet ultimately misguided effort, because I didn't +know where it was going. At the beginning, I had a very different belief system. +My intention of focusing on those things was good, it just needed to be +simplifies and re-focused upon doing that work for myself. At delivery time, +I am the single stakeholder and all efforts should be focused there. Where is +there? + +There is in me, a flawed, irrational, and illogical human being. Quite common, +actually, but we still like them. The document that I must deliver has to +account for all of those things, and help me to achieve my goals. + +** Philosophy + +A favorite fable is that of the human who upon reaching the afterlife, meeting +his Holiness, vented his frustration exclaiming "All this time… for my whole +life I begged to you that I wanted to win the lottery! And you, you never let +me win, it would have made my life so, so much better. You failed me". With a +kind heart and a sweet voice, his Holiness explained "My child, I did let you +win, you just never bothered to get off you ass to go and purchase the ticket". +That is certainly a favorite of mine, it captures a specific idea quite +succinctly and humorously: that effort is required. + +These days, at least here in America, a land of great, great prosperity, the most +prosperous people have grown lazy and selfish. A sense of entitlement abounds, +surrounds, and consumes them. This disposition reveals itself in every action +that they take ranging from beliefs on public policy and whether or not to +donate money to the needy all they way down to their day jobs. + +Nearly all of the great technologies on which the modern world is built, at +least from a software perspective, occurred due to the efforts of great +individuals, who may be broadly and perhaps unfairly lumped under the singular +umbrella of The Free Software Foundation [fn:aa5631ac: https://www.fsf.org/]. + +Sadly most computer professionals today, especially developers, make a +non-trivial percentage of their income using the artifacts produced by the +combined efforts of others, yet give little to nothing back to that community. +From the simplest form of contributing money, all the way down the cheapest form +of simply promoting its values, most people are too lazy and selfish. Honestly, +I understand though, I used to be that way, too. The important thing is that it +is never too late too change. + +Our mind is here to be used; fight laziness. Our efforts are here, to help +contribute to and serve others; always give back to your community no matter +what it may be. + +** The desire + +"I want". If only all conversations would start out with a clear goal in mind. +All too often we waste our own, and other people's time talking and simply +trying to figure out what it is what we want. For most of us, "it", is that +thing that will solve all of our problems in life and make us happy. Technology +is no exception. + +The perfect integrated development environment is a topic of constant +conversation. For good reason, for most of us it is our only tool. Unlike +carpenters and wood-workers who have a bevy of interesting and delightful tools, +we are stuck with but one. Fortunately for us, our singular tool allows +limitless creation, of tools and more. Alan Kay said it so well [fn:2e3b75ad: https://www.cs.indiana.edu/~rpjames/]: + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +The computer is a medium that can dynamically simulate the details of any other +medium, including media that cannot exist physically. It is not a tool, although +it can act like many tools. The computer is the first metamedium, and as such it +has degrees of freedom for representation and expression never before +encountered and as yet barely investigated. The protean nature of the computer +is such that it can act like a machine or like a language to be shaped and +exploited. +#+END_QUOTE + +Even more succinctly, my measure of success is to: + +#+BEGIN_CENTER +To provide a self-suportable environment in which the creation and conservation +of computer files may occur with ease +#+END_CENTER + +As of writing, although there are many nice options out there, none of them +come within even light-years, of power that you are granted for working with a +computer as that metamedium, that GNU Emacs [fn:54b16b1c: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/]. With that in mind, +the following is what I actually want to do with it. + +** The preparation + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening +the axe. [fn:0df28444: http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/abrahamlin109275.html] +#+END_QUOTE + +Even better, configure Emacs properly and you will end up with a light-saber. It +takes investment though, and it begins with preparation. For me, that meant +getting some real life experience, learning new things, getting unpleasant +phone calls when systems went down, and perhaps most importantly forcing myself +outside my comfort zone. + +We work so hard to become experts, yet as a result of it, we close our eyes to +new possibility and techniques and approaches, that when combined with our +existing experience, could help us to produce some really beautiful things. That +experience is often reflected in the love, adoration, and respect held collectively +for the Lambda papers [fn:bc605346: http://library.readscheme.org/page1.html]. + +At its simplest, reading about Emacs and org-mode are a perfectly fine place to +start with this kind of a document. + +** Expressivity + +Words are our fundamental form of persistent communication. Images and music are +quite delightful for other kinds of communication, but usually not for data. At +this point, Unicode is the best option for symbolic representation of ideas, and +its use should be embraced, and expected by all programmers. + +** The story + +The creativity that you apply and capture to assemble your system… this is where +all of the fun stuff is. Let me elaborate, everything in your artifacts are +valuable because they tell the story. Actually, they tell the story about a +story, a story that has yet to occur and also a story that has previously +occurred. It is here, where the actions lives, that all of those things are +learned, practiced, suffered accordingly from, and reveled in! In other words, +it is yet another story, a fun one. + +If you haven't noticed by now, either by hearing rumors, reading accounts, or +learning of it yourself: human beings are story-oriented. Your ability to +successfully function in and contribute to society will be directly proportional +to your ability to listen to stories, tell others' stories, live your life such +that you have new stories to tell, and capture them in some form of persistent +storage. Stories grant us the power to learn from others wisdom that was +painfully acquired thousands of years ago, and it gives you a chance to +contribute the results of your hard work, for the future of humanity, too. A +belief system about the value of story-telling is essential, critical, and +mandatory to successfully achieve your goals with literate programming. + +As I change, the story will change, and the action will change. The cycle will +never end. + +Nevertheless, I will attempt to do my best here with the good part of me being +a flawless, rational, and logical human being to: + +- Deliver a supportable system +- Deliver an adaptable system +- Deliver an expandable system + +** Inspirations + +- Eric Weisstein :: Creator of MathWorld [fn:f0123b05: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/about/author.html] + +** Analytics [fn:671bb778: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analytics] + +*** Introduction + +Analytics is the focused, integrated, and comprehensive application of +mathematics, statistics, and computer science in order to facilitate making +decisions. In the context for this document, the question that needs to be +answered is simple: + +#+begin_quote +How may I make better use of my time? +#+end_quote + +In particular while using Emacs. + +How may I be using Emacs? +- =TC3F= +- Programming +- Time-tracking +- Web-browsing +- Emailing + +So what is my plan for answering that question? First, I ought to consider or +even define some scope. + +This pursuit began out of the confluence of two /events/: studying Computational +Science and mastering Emacs. Initally, they were disconnected but as time went +on the opportunity for the latter to serve as the perfect laboratory for the +former became quite obvious. In this single environment one may track everything +that one does, when, and how from a very simple and consistent perspective. + +More work needs to be done here: +- How to track? +- What analysis will be performed? +- What else may be captured here? + +Always remember what Bob Dylan esposed to all data scientists: + +#+begin_quote +You don’t need a weatherman +To know which way the wind blows +#+end_quote +-- [fn:6eadaada: http://www.bobdylan.com/us/songs/subterranean-homesick-blues] + +*** The quantified self [fn:8d93e81e: http://blog.stephenwolfram.com/2012/03/the-personal-analytics-of-my-life/] + +- Fun article because it is great advertising +- Never claims wisdom from data, good man +- Emails stored revealing a lot +- Keystrokes logged revealing something +- Calendar entries +- Phone calls +- Footsteps via pedometer +- Studied: When he starts using new ideas via introduction of new words +- Also stored: GPS, room, inter-room movement, medical +- File modifications are visualized by type over time + +**** The movement [fn:869b80ec: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantified_Self] + +- "Life logging" +- Doesn't our mind do this for us in both good and bad ways already? +- The applicaiton of quantitative methods to the human body +- Gamification [fn:c9c15d37: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamification] +- Links are wow + +*** Data collection + +Xah posted here [fn:3a3c1b68: http://xahlee.info/kbd/list_of_keylogging_software.html] +on some approachs so I skimmed them. + +selfspy [fn:406ee896: https://github.com/gurgeh/selfspy] +- UN*X, OSX, and Windows support +- Great links +- Looks like all your actions are stored in a local SQLite database +- It is a Python app using SqlAlchemy +- May answer questions: + - What can I use it for? + - Anything, it is your data + - Browser just threw away everything I wrote. What did I write? + - Look at text for the last 30m + - What is my password for a website? + - Search for what you typed into Chrome for a website + - What did I work on for the past few days? + - Searchwhat you did in Emacs and what buffers + - How much have I used this computer all week? + - Can do + - Effectivity? + - Looks at keays per active second + - What did I write about a printer and IP on some day to her? + - Can search that granulary + - What programs to I use the most? + - Can do + - "Which questions on the website Stack Overflow did I visit yesterday?" + - "How much have I browsed today?" + - "While we are at it, which cpp files have I edited the most this month?" +- Remember that it is SQL so you can do whatever you please +- Data abouse mouse click coordinates and window geometry is also stored +- Author posits sending yourself email weekly on how much you moused versus + how much you typed. Wow. +- Thoughts + - This is all Python + - Database is file based as assume it may be stored in Git + - Tracks everything + - How to handle across users? + +logkeys [fn:7256ed34: https://code.google.com/p/logkeys/] +- It only works on GNU/Linux + +keyfreq [fn:48113ab3: https://github.com/dacap/keyfreq] +- Elisp that runs inside of Emacs so portable and available +- Bare-bones page +- Thoughts + - Can read entire code + - Single file + - Scoped quite sharply to just commands which is what I wanted + +Thoughts: +- There is such a difference between selfspy and keyfreq + - Good and bad difference + - Where to begin +- How to handle different accounts but same confi? + +[[http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/command-frequency.html][Emacs's Command Frequency Statistics]] +- Perfect +- Exactly what I wanted for one case +*** In use + +In use this is really simple: +- It occurs for private, personal use +- And nothing more + +This is the simplest humanly possible way to make this be right, just, and fair. + +Other articles: +- http://chrisdone.com/posts/emacs-key-analysis + +** Reminders + +- *NEVER* edit source blocks outside of their editor mode + - *Guaranteed* issues will occur if it is LISP +- Treat source blocks amazingly delicately and thoughtfully + because if you don't then you will break your system +- The flow is + - First make the new changes directly in the code + - Verify that they work + - *Then* place them in this document +- Only use in-line footnotes unless your document is very very small + - Footnotes in org-mode are really, really great. Before you really get into using + them, take a bit of time to think about how you want to use them. + - If you have 5 footnotes or less, then don't think anymore about it. If more then + read on. + - This topic is not unique to org first of all, it just isn't something that you + consider much until it is too late. Once you get into the org life-cycle, you start + tossing and slinging document and code fragments with ease, especially while + re-factoring. This is all find and well, until you realize that your footnotes will + be left sad and alone, abandoned for some cruel fate. In particular, it will break + your document. + - The better way is to define them all in-line; that will allow simple and easy + re-factoring in a quite pleasant manner. +- No comments in generated source code ever; barring a few special cases. +- Always keep every kind of URL in a form that you may tell Ispell to ignore + else you will get lose in the jungle of spell-checking and quit doing it. +- For key, always use a finger that doesn't require a stretch or hand reposition. + For example, I can use my "ring finger" to reach =-=, ~=~, and =DEL= so I + should never stretch to do that with my "pinkie". +- There are modes like ergoemacs [fn:6218cfd6: https://ergoemacs.github.io/] for + doing this gradually + +* Decisions + +Given values and restrictions, review, identify, and evaluate available options. + +Eventually I realized that the system itself needs to be self-supportable. In +other words, stage the user for success by either leaving the system in a +runnable and usable state or notify her when something is not happy. This lesson +was learned when I spent a few hours setting up erc and somehow got the bizarre +idea that I would remember where all support files belonged (or was it dired?). +Big mistake, we don't have to remember things that computers remember for us +(or rather persistent memory). This document is consequently set up in a manner +that will provide a self-supportable user experience at nearly every level +possible. + +** General stuff [fn:5fa1ff0b: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/General-Variables.html] [fn:13c610e7: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/User-Identification.html] [fn:2e194253: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Init-Examples.html] [fn:374f40df: http://nic.ferrier.me.uk/blog/2012_07/tips-and-tricks-for-emacslisp] + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: general-stuff-block + :END: + +A number of variables are generally important, and are also general. Yet again +my failure to RTFM has taught me a lesson; =setq-defaul= is for buffer local variables +and =setq= is for global variables. As the manual points out, you +probably only want to be doing the former in an initialization file. Be sure to read all +the links here as they are all important. To reiterate, the most general and +reusable setting should be done in the former, and the setting specific to a +particular mode or situation should be done with the latter. At this point +I think I understand the intent, but do not yet have a good strategy to follow +for when to use them other then a very broad: for stuff that is generally a +great setting for 80% of situations, do the former; and stuff that is great +80% but only for a specific mode for example, do them latter. + +=boundp= and =fboundp= are useful here, +too. Initially I had thought that general variables were the place to put most +stuff, but as their simplest they should remain external and not be managed +by my initialization scripts, so I learn towards the more specific versions here. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq-default user-full-name "Grant Rettke" + user-mail-address "gcr@wisdomandwonder.com") + +(setq-default eval-expression-print-level nil) +(setq-default case-fold-search +1) +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: + +Another notable note that touches upon why =cons= cells shouldn't be directly +manipulated: +#+begin_quote +=(info "(elisp) Rearrangement")= +#+end_quote + +A common theme in the modes and before various operations is to save all +buffers. This is a desire, to have all files persisted so that everything run +/just works/. I'm not quite sure how to codify and automate this yet, but I am +on the path. + +Performance, give Emacs more RAM. 1 kibibyte (KiB) [fn:58d617cb: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kibibyte] +is 1024 bytes. 1 mebibyte (MiB) [fn:620a7fd4: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mebibyte] +is 1024^2 bytes, aka 1 megabyte. +- 064 MiB we'll see +- 128 MiB was intermittently irritating with garbage collection + - And yet I come back to this because it seems to be OK + - And then it isn't again! +- 256 MiB made the garbage collection take forever +- 512 MiB because =ess= was dog slow at times! + - But sometimes I needs it + - Othertimes it causes 15 seconds hangs while the GC runs +- 1024 MiB + - Just curious +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq gc-cons-threshold (* 128 1024 1024)) +#+end_src + +When I tangle this file, I run out of stack space. Err, Emacs does I mean. +Probably a bug that I introduced into the document, but make it clear how much +recursion may occur here. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq max-specpdl-size 1500) +#+end_src + +Whenever this sytem runs I want error to be handled immediately. Elsewhere I do +bind a key to disable this. It kind of depends where this should get tangled. In +theory it should be the first line of the tangled file but I'm not going to +worry about it until I need to. This approach has generally worked out fine, +or rather had worked out fine. What I found is that not surprisingly errors do +occur! And then… they are handled! Well, not really a shocker is it? You get +the debugger starting a *lot* when it isn't really an exceptional situation. As +such, this needs to be turned off until problem do occur. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq debug-on-error nil) +#+end_src + +Be sure to pay homage to Zippy every once a while by invoking him with a call +to =yow=. + +** Environment + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: environment-block + :END: + +On OSX, I learned that when you start the GUI version of Emacs that it doesn't +inherit the =ENVIRONMENT=. This is the solution. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'exec-path-from-shell) +(gcr/on-osx (exec-path-from-shell-initialize)) +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: + +For a while I went on a quest to get the =Message= buffer to include time-stamps +on each entry. EmacsWiki had some decent approaches but none of them worked +right for me and I didn't want to dig further. Eventually though I got tired of +having to pay close attention to the minibuffer or =Messages= for stuff and +just started looking for GUI options. The plan is to have =Messages= for most +stuff and if there are alerts by any definition then I want that to be an +option. First choice was todochiku [fn:4f2e6828: http://melpa.milkbox.net/#/todochiku] due to the high download count but +two issues, it didn't work and it is not used by anything else. Alert [fn:fd4688ce: http://melpa.milkbox.net/#/alert], +on the other hand, is, and also lives on Github meaning that it is maintainable. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'alert) +(setq alert-fade-time 10) +(gcr/on-gui + (gcr/on-osx + (setq alert-default-style 'growl))) +(setq alert-reveal-idle-time 120) +#+end_src + +On Windows, you need to specify a specific shell so that Emacs can talk to +other programs in the correct manner: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(gcr/on-windows + (setq shell-file-name "cmdproxy.exe")) +#+end_src + +** Time + +There are time zones that I do care to know about: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'world-time-mode) +#+end_src + +** Font (Appearance) + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: font-decision + :END: + +The studies cited above indicate that the two major factors that contribute to +readability of a document are contrast and font-face. Sayre's law [fn:17910758: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sayre's_law] however +demands that any number of other things are critical to how your IDE looks! That +is OK. This section captures some of the basics to getting the system looking +how I like it. + +This is a san-serif, portable, massively Unicode supported font. You may +easily change the font size using =gcr/text-scale-increase= and +=gcr/text-scale-decrease=; font information appears in the =*Messages*= buffer +and also the mini-buffer. The font size will be the same everywhere; as it is +easier to work between graphic and console mode with that consistency. You may +bypass that using the built in functions. The color theme seems to provide +excellent contrast, though I can't decipher what the creator is actually saying +about them. For a while I went between the light and dark solarized theme, and +finally accepted that I'm happy with light for documents and dark for programs. +That is not scientific, and I'm OK with that. Fortunately you can theme per buffer. +Unfortunately, it doesn't quite work perfectly. It wasn't a big deal until it +broke org's export to HTML. Since I needed that especially for right now, I +decided to stick with the dark theme, as it is more familiar. As of this writing +there are no less than 3 packages that provide solarized. After reading their +documentation quite closely it came down something relatively simple: face +support. Trying to set up help pop-ups to look decent I noticed that =auto-complete= +and =popup= looked horrible. Reading through the different versions, there was +only one [fn:c886e5f6: https://github.com/bbatsov/solarized-emacs] package that provided so many faces that I needed and the +others did not so the decision was easy. + +Sometimes you don't like how a characters looks, or don't have access to +Unicode. In such cases, pretty-mode displays substitutions for certain +occurrences of flagged strings, for example replacing the world =lambda= with +the symbol \lambda. + +Based upon the above research, use the DejaVu font family. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defconst gcr/font-base "DejaVu Sans Mono" "The preferred font name.") +#+end_src + +Months and months and months after that delightful research I was stunned to +learn of [fn:6f3a8ca3: http://irreal.org/blog/?p=2828] the [[https://github.com/rolandwalker/unicode-fonts][unicode-fonts]]. It +seems that it will make all of my Unicode dreams come true. Can't wait to fall +asleep now! One thing I am actualy really excited about is to be able to use +Emacs for Tamil and Sanskrit. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'unicode-fonts) +(unicode-fonts-setup) +#+end_src + +Here are the Unicode fonts that I am using, with the specific download links +that I used to install on my system: + +| Name | Version | URL | Comments | +|---------+---------+-----+---------------------------| +| [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/dejavu/files/dejavu/2.34/dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.34.tar.bz2][DejaVu]] | 2.43 | [[http://sourceforge.net/projects/dejavu/files/dejavu/2.34/dejavu-fonts-ttf-2.34.tar.bz2][.]] | Modern classic | +| [[http://users.teilar.gr/~g1951d/][Symbola]] | 7.17 | [[http://users.teilar.gr/~g1951d/Symbola.zip][.]] | Neat | +| [[http://www.quivira-font.com/][Quivira]] | 4.0 | [[http://www.quivira-font.com/files/Quivira.otf][.]] | Amazing | +| [[https://code.google.com/p/noto/][Noto]] | ? | [[http://noto.googlecode.com/git/fonts/individual/hinted/NotoSans-Regular.ttc][1]] [[http://noto.googlecode.com/git/fonts/individual/unhinted/NotoSansSymbols-Regular.ttf][2]] | Has morese code, and more | + +To test it I ran =view-hello-file= and =M-x list-charset-chars RET unicode-bmp RET=. +It may not be the most scientific approach, but it is clear that there is more +character support then before! All of the Tamil letters are there, though I +wasn't able to download the font apparently OSX has font support built it. +Perhaps humorously, finally we have support for 💩. + +Set a font size that may easily be read, on $\frac{1}{2}$ of a high resolution +screen, 80 columns wide. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defvar gcr/font-size 10 "The preferred font size.") +(gcr/on-osx (setq gcr/font-size 17)) +#+end_src + +The solarized theme is the perfec theme for everything, especially bozhidar's +release. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq solarized-distinct-fringe-background +1) +(setq solarized-high-contrast-mode-line +1) +(setq solarized-use-less-bold +1) +(setq solarized-use-more-italic nil) +(setq solarized-emphasize-indicators nil) +(load-theme 'solarized-dark) +#+end_src + +Convert common ASCII values into Unicode representations /for display only//. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'pretty-mode) +#+end_src + +When it is /typing time/, do not show the mouse cursor. Be at ease, it will +return once you move it again. The mouse is a /good thing/, but it doesn't mean +that you have to stare at it all of the time! +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq make-pointer-invisible +1) +#+end_src + +** Postfix + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: postfix-block + :END: + +Sometimes there are things that need to happen at the end of the configuration +of this system. Since we are not bound to defining it in any particular order, +the question must be answered as to where then to put it in here. + +Since must be done at the end in regards to many areas within this document, I +think that the best place is here, and this is how. I suspect that in time I +will find a better way. + +*** Permanent buffers + +Emacs lets you set up buffers that won't be resized or moved. That is really a +nice option because sometimes you actually don't care. For me, I end up writing +Emacs Lisp and working in the shell so much that it finally dawned on me that I +ought to make permanenet buffers for them. + +The height of the buffer is: +- 1 row for the name of the mode +- 1 row for a space between the input and the mode name +- =n= for everything else + - there is a mininum + +The buffer height it set up in the functions right now and if I end up creating +more then perhaps it would be time to refactor those hard codings. + +For now, all of that code may be easily utilized via =gcr/util-cycle=. + +** UXO (Traits, user experience/orthogonality) + +*** Analytics + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: uxo-analytics-decision + :END: + +=keyfreq= makes this very easy for common cases. + +Its data file is under version control. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defconst gcr/keyfreq-file "~/.emacs.keyfreq") +(defun gcr/warn-keyfreq-file () + "Warn of keyfreq misconfiguration." + (interactive) + (unless (f-exists? gcr/keyfreq-file) + (warn "Can't seem to find a symlink at: %S. Keyfreq expeced it there, and will continue to function, but your data will probably be lost." gcr/keyfreq-file))) +(gcr/warn-keyfreq-file) +(require 'keyfreq) +(setq keyfreq-file gcr/keyfreq-file) +(keyfreq-mode 1) +(keyfreq-autosave-mode 1) +#+end_src + +*** Buffers [fn:595a3296: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Buffers.html#Buffers] + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: uxo-buffers-decision + :END: + +It is nice to have an indicator of the right column that indicates the maximum +depth of the line. My favorite package is fill-column-indicator [fn:cbacf0d5: https://github.com/alpaker/Fill-Column-Indicator]. Its +use shows up in almost all of the modes. While working on this build though +the export to HTML included junk characters, so I had to disable it, at least in +Lispy modes. My final solution to be able to use this package was to generate +two Emacs configuration files, one for general use and one just for doing +exports. + +Keep open files open across sessions. [fn:1d393334: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Saving-Emacs-Sessions.html#Saving-Emacs-Sessions] +You need to be really thoughtful here because =desktop-mode= stores *all* buffer +information. Most of the time this is exactly what you want and then you forgot +about it because it /just works/ so well. The trouble comes when you reconfigure +the mode and restart Emacs and those old buffer settings are re-loaded when you +really wanted the new settings loaded. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(desktop-save-mode 1) +(setq desktop-restore-eager 10) +#+end_src + +Automatically save every buffer associated with a file [fn:893e2436: http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/real-auto-save]. This is another +IntelliJ holdover. The built in auto-save in Emacs wasn't something that I +needed, and this does the right thing. There is a bit more though to it, +namely because the interval is only 20s I still want/need to be sure that +the file is saved /before/ doing anything like running code or doing a build +As such, before most operations, all buffers with files attached are saved +/first/. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'real-auto-save) +(setq real-auto-save-interval 15) +#+end_src + +Make two buffers with the same file name open distinguishable. [fn:de75200e: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Uniquify.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'uniquify) +(setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward) +#+end_src + +Support transparent AES encryption of buffers. [fn:5743c74c: http://ccrypt.sourceforge.net/#emacs] +See also for library paths [fn:58592a74: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Lisp-Libraries.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'load-path "/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/ccrypt") +(require 'ps-ccrypt "ps-ccrypt.el") +#+end_src + +With modern VCS, backup files aren't required. [fn:4c56e8e0: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Making-Backups.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq backup-inhibited 1) +#+end_src + +The built in auto save isn't required either because of the above. [fn:ed941880: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Auto-Save-Control.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq auto-save-default nil) +#+end_src + +Ban white-space at end of lines, globally. [fn:cb5158b0: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Useless-Whitespace.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-hook 'write-file-hooks + (lambda () + (gcr/delete-trailing-whitespace))) +#+end_src + +The world is so rich with expressivity. Although Unicode may never capture all +of the worlds symbols, it comes close. [fn:01abb328: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/International.html#International] [fn:0f1757b6: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Recognize-Coding.html] [fn:0242be7c: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Output-Coding.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8) +(gcr/on-gui + (setq x-select-request-type '(UTF8_STRING COMPOUND_TEXT TEXT STRING)) + (gcr/on-windows + (set-clipboard-coding-system 'utf-16le-dos))) + +#+end_src + +The value =default-process-coding-system= seems to be set automatically, and it is +worth noting here that two things need to be set namely buffer coding and +process coding and that both seem to be set [fn:96d1a4e4: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.ess.general/8332]. + +Emacs has a powerful buffer tracking change system. Unfortunately, I don't +understand any of it. Undo should "just work". +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'undo-tree) +(global-undo-tree-mode 1) +(gcr/diminish 'undo-tree-mode) +#+end_src + +Sometimes it is a problem when you haven't got a newline ending a file with +source code before it… org-mode is one such case. Require that every file have a +final newline before saving it. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq require-final-newline t) +#+end_src + +Speaking of line endings just read this [fn:21bec4d5: https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/2g6huy/how_to_default_to_crlf_endings_for_windowscentric/]. +If I ever want to force line ending type based on file name, then that is how. + +For a long time I wanted auto-revert everywhere and for some reason gave up on +adding it. What the heck? I am human. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-auto-revert-mode 1) +#+end_src + +How to jump to locations in a buffer in an easier way than by using the built +in key bindings? Science… that is how. + +This package [fn:bb3b4f83: https://github.com/winterTTr/ace-jump-mode] searches for the character for which you are searching at +the start of a word, highlights matches, and presents you with the letter to +press to jump to the match. You may also search in the middle of words. The key +to using this to utilize =pop-mark= to get back to where you were. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(autoload + 'ace-jump-mode + "ace-jump-mode" + "Emacs quick move minor mode" + t) +#+end_src + +A long, long time ago I saw a neat feature in Sublime Text [fn:cc16092c: http://www.sublimetext.com/] (their +zeal for their editor is great, very sweet) where you could see a miniature +version of your buffer off to the side of the buffer itself. Wasn't totally sure +what I would use it for, but it was really neat. Ended up on this [fn:4d8f7d5c: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/MiniMap] page +but I didn't ant to depend upon CEDET [fn:e69c2681: http://cedet.sourceforge.net/]. Then, Sublimity [fn:a51ffddc: https://github.com/zk-phi/sublimity] showed +up in a post somewhere. The timing was perfect because I was getting really +curious about a "quiet mode" that didn't show the modeline or the line numbers +or fringe, and I didn't feel like implementing it at that moment. It turns out +that this package does it all already; very cool. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'sublimity) +(require 'sublimity-scroll) +(require 'sublimity-map) +(require 'sublimity-attractive) +#+end_src + +By default, the map is hidden while scrolling and this makes it work in a +responsive and pleasant manner [fn:026acd51: ttps://github.com/zk-phi/sublimity/issues/10]. It makes Emacs quite slow actually. +Unfortunately, having the map constantly disappear is really unpleasant, and the +slow down is, too. Well, this will be a balance. I'll turn it on and live with +it. The cool thing here is that you may imagine exactly how this is implemented +if you've ever set your font manually and used indirect buffers. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(sublimity-map-set-delay nil) +#+end_src + +Usually you actually need two scratch buffers, one for Emacs lisp and one for +text: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(let ((text-buffer (get-buffer-create "*text*"))) + (with-current-buffer text-buffer + (text-mode) + (insert "Shall we play a game?") + (beginning-of-line))) + +#+end_src + +Navigating a buffer was never slow… until learning about +ace-jump-mode [fn:e4201d0c: https://github.com/winterTTr/ace-jump-mode/wiki/AceJump-FAQ]. The idea is so deceptively simple, and when you grok +it, you will be truly shocked. The author sums it up quite succinctly + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(autoload + 'ace-jump-mode + "ace-jump-mode" + "Emacs quick move minor mode" + t) +(autoload + 'ace-jump-mode-pop-mark + "ace-jump-mode" + "Ace jump back:-)" + t) +(eval-after-load "ace-jump-mode" + '(ace-jump-mode-enable-mark-sync)) +(define-key global-map (kbd "C-x SPC") 'ace-jump-mode-pop-mark) +#+end_src + +Perhaps an odd topic, but how you handle spaces when performing an interactive +search is a choice: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq isearch-lax-whitespace +1) +(setq isearch-regexp-lax-whitespace +1) +#+end_src + +A lot of times you write things that involves quoting large chunks from other +documents. I'm thinking this is more spur of the moment… like in emails. +However, this may occur anywhere I suppose. Perhaps coding is another place? At +least when you are not doing LP it would be more likely. This [fn:4ab3a68a: https://github.com/davep/boxquote.el] +seems like a nice way to make it obvious when I insert quoted text: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'boxquote) +#+end_src +The more that I use this package, the more obvious it becomes how insanely +useful it is. + +How you move around lines in a file is configurable. My preference is that if I +am on the end of a line, and I go up or down, then I want to go to the end of +line on that new line. Specifically, I do not want to account for anything +special about the character I am dealing with. This is what most folks would +expect: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq track-eol +1) +(setq line-move-visual nil) +#+end_src + +Sometimes you want to swap two pieces of text within a buffer. This library +makes it very simple to do that by selecting what you want to swap, starting +the anchored transpose, and then choosing its destination. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key [?\C-x ?t] 'anchored-transpose) +(autoload 'anchored-transpose "anchored-transpose" nil t) +#+end_src + +For a long while I used =tabbar= [fn:11b925fe: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/TabBarMode] +and found it to be quite nice. You may easily cycle through specific types of +files and specific types of buffers of your choice. It is a very easy to use +and nice feature. Years ago, it helped me out a lot for transitioning to Emacs. +Eventually, I just no longer felt the need for it… and still I think very +highly of it. For the longest time, I would only keep a handful of buffers open. +It was probably because of my VIMentality. That is what everyone says, +attributing everything to the editor that they are using. It was really my +choice though not the editor's choice! Nonetheless, with time, I was able to +leave more buffers open and got more curious about them, so I first turned +to =buffer-menu=, and soon wanted more. How much more? I didn't know, and I +still don't, but I will use =ibuffer= [fn:167d949c: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/IbufferMode] [fn:29b94e55: http://emacs-fu.blogspot.fr/2010/02/dealing-with-many-buffers-ibuffer.html] +to let me do it. Joking aside, purcell's approach [fn:e46c420a: https://github.com/purcell/ibuffer-vc] +to group buffer's by their vc +root directory and show their vc status. This is kind of a dream come true, that +is exactly what I had wanted. Every time you need something good, purcell +already has a solution for it. This workflow is nearly identical to how I use +stathon [fn:d801c7b7: https://github.com/grettke/stathon], the only difference +being that the latter knows about all files rather than file just open in the +buffer. Perhaps =projectile= will grow to include something that reports vc +status? Let me check. =projectile-vc= is pretty close! + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'ibuffer) +#+end_src + +Having the buffer move up and down one line at a time is generally nice and fine +(especially with a mouse). It is really unpleasant though when you get up to or +down into the next page while scolling with the cursor because the entire +contents of you screen just *jump* quite uncomfortably. My preference here is to +keep the cursor 10 lines or so from the top or the bottom. This is a preference +that cycles over the years… but I always come back to turning it on again. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'smooth-scrolling) +#+end_src + +For some reason, linum relative turns on once loaded. Irritating. Turn it off. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(linum-relative-toggle) +#+end_src + +Have some fun and keep things light working with nyan cat to show your bufer +location. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'nyan-mode) +#+end_src + +Make it look like you are typing at light speed. I had to start =calculator-mode= +before running this in order for it to be happy. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'highlight-tail) +#+end_src + +Take "zoning out" to a whole new level. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'zone) +#+end_src + +Sometimes it is difficult to comprehend tabular data inside of a buffer, so make +it easier. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'stripe-buffer) +#+end_src + +Dealing with markup that uses tags is pretty easy per-mode as you do it once and +you are done. In modes liks =org= though you tend to have more evolutionary steps +in your document so you end up wrapping things after the fact a lot. +=wrap-region= [fn:fd94462d: https://github.com/rejeep/wrap-region.el] makes this +easy, fast, and intuitive. Well it lets /you/ do it, which is just as good! + +Thoughts: +- Should mode setting be defined here? + - Will try for now +- Should =wrap-region-remove-wrapper= be specified? + - Won't for now can just undo. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'wrap-region) +(gcr/diminish 'wrap-region-mode) + +(wrap-region-add-wrapper "*" "*" nil 'org-mode) ;; bold +(wrap-region-add-wrapper "/" "/" nil 'org-mode) ;; italic +(wrap-region-add-wrapper "_" "_" nil 'org-mode) ;; underlined +(wrap-region-add-wrapper "=" "=" nil 'org-mode) ;; verbatim +(wrap-region-add-wrapper "~" "~" nil 'org-mode) ;; code +(wrap-region-add-wrapper "+" "+" nil 'org-mode) ;; strike-through +;; (wrap-region-add-wrapper "«" "»" "w" 'org-mode) ;; noweb blocks +#+end_src + +**** Line Wrapping [fn:46bfb076: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Visual-Line-Mode.html] [fn:210: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/VisualLineMode] / Line breaking [fn:0945b707: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Auto-Fill.html] + +A long time ago I disabled line-wrapping because I kept all of my files less +than 80 lines and life was simple. This approach actually worked fine for a +long, long time, that was until it quit working well, when I started working on +Emacs a lot of the time on different machines with different resolutions. +Perhaps there was more too it then this, but I really don't recall. Reading up +on it now, it seems that there is a nice option built in and I didn't have +much to consider other than to capture my decisions on how I want the wrapping +to work. Basically I don't want indicators since I have line numbers it is +obvious, and I will just make the mode global and disable it in cases where I +need to do so. Reading up on it more I figured that enabling it for text modes +was the simplest thing, and I'll tweak it from there. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-visual-line-mode 1) +(gcr/diminish 'visual-line-mode) +(gcr/diminish 'global-visual-line-mode) +#+end_src + +Another option available to us is to /simply/ break the line once it reaches a +preset length using Auto fill mode. One might break all lines at 80 characters +for example. Although that is a nice option, I prefer dealing with it manually +so I know what is happening in any particular buffer, and visual line mode makes +that loads easier. + + +*** Discoverability + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: uxo-discoverability-decision + :END: + +Learning and mastering what is available and possible with Emacs takes time. +This article [fn:fd742067: http://www.masteringemacs.org/articles/2013/12/21/discoverel-discover-emacs-context-menus/] +covers it quite well. + +Possible libraries: +- =discover.el= :: [fn:690041e3: https://github.com/mickeynp/discover.el] + - Configuration type: Manual +- =discover-my-major.el= :: [fn:d69e1a95: https://github.com/steckerhalter/discover-my-major] + - Configuration type: Auto +- =guide=key= :: [fn:894311c8: https://github.com/kbkbkbkb1/guide-key] + - Configuration type: Auto + - =guide=key-tip= :: [fn:3ee9bc39: https://github.com/aki2o/guide-key-tip] +- =emacs-achievements= :: [fn:6fe620a0: https://bitbucket.org/gvol/emacs-achievements/src] + - Configuration type: Unknown +- =OneKey= :: [fn:427451f8: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/OneKey] + - Configuration type: Auto +- =OneTwoThreeMenu= :: [fn:dd370c3b: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/OneTwoThreeMenu] + - Configuration type: Manual + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'guide-key) +(setq guide-key/guide-key-sequence '("C-x r" "C-x 4")) +(guide-key-mode 1) +(gcr/diminish 'guide-key-mode) +#+end_src + +Sometimes you just want to move a whole line or region up and down and this +package =move-text= is how [fn:e351214b: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/move-text.el]. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'move-text) +#+end_src + +*** File-system management + +Not quite sure where this should go yet. Finder is [fn:dbe73f8c: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finder_(software)] is just fine (Fine-der?), and +the curiosity is still there for an in-Emacs solution. Speedbar [fn:c05b9cba: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SpeedBar] and +SrSpeedbar [fn:41a6cbbc: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SrSpeedbar] look nice, as does [fn:8cc3a263: https://github.com/jaypei/emacs-neotree]. The thing is though that +with stuff like =projectile=, you really don't need to worry about hierarchical +filesystem navigation anymore. Instead, it is the familiarity that lingers, not +the need. Lately I've been using =finder= a lot to do file-system stuff. Is it +time to integrate here? Not sure yet. =direx= [fn:85d63d39: https://github.com/m2ym/direx-el] +also seems nice. + +Finally I ran into real scenario. This will sound kind of trivial, but it is +valuable: I had 5-10 directories that I wanted to work with. I wasn't sure +which ones I would want to inspect so I had to dig around. I ended up keeping +3-5 of them open at a time as I was comparing their contents. This really wasn't +suitable for any combination of any command-line or Emacs tools. It is exactly +what I would need a GUI to do, so now I am curious about if or how I would do +this inside of Emacs. Is =dired= an option here? No, not right now. OIC there +are so many options [fn:4c7d24d1: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3538064/nerdtree-for-emacs]! What about =eshell=? +That doesn't really suit the use case, either. Just watched this [fn:a34be4d5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKtocCAWxiE] +and it seems like a fine place to start. Just used it for 5 minutes and I can +already see that it is wonderful for my use case. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'neotree) +#+end_src + +*** Frames [fn:88b06925: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Frames.html] + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: uxo-frames-decision + :END: + +Make the title frame something special. [fn:71a8b1c1: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Display-Feature-Testing.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq frame-title-format '("the ultimate…")) +#+end_src + +The scroll bars are actually quite nice. Despite that, I don't actually +use them, so there they go. [fn:3b4dcc41: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Scroll-Bars.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(scroll-bar-mode -1) +#+end_src + +The tool bars are not very nice. [fn:075ea147: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Tool-Bars.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(tool-bar-mode 0) +#+end_src + +Let the mouse-wheel move the cursor in a sane manner. [fn:f6a52d86: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Mouse-Commands.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(1 ((shift) . 1))) +(setq mouse-wheel-progressive-speed nil) +(setq mouse-wheel-follow-mouse +1) +#+end_src + +If possible, use a better pop-up [fn:002bce83: https://github.com/auto-complete/popup-el] . Pos-tip should help [fn:bd72503b: https://github.com/pitkali/pos-tip]. +Have mixed feelings about this. First, glad it is here, and a lot of packages do +use it. Eventually I'll need to set up a larger font. My desire was to have +=pos-tip= use the current theme values, but I couldn't figure out how and the +folks online weren't quite sure either… it wasn't worth pursuing and I copied the +values straight out of the theme itself. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'pos-tip) +(setq pos-tip-foreground-color "#073642") +(setq pos-tip-background-color "#839496") +(gcr/on-windows + (pos-tip-w32-max-width-height)) +#+end_src + +*** Keyboard + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: uxo-keyboard-decision + :END: + +The user experience revolving around the keyboard is usually accounted for by the +features built-in to Emacs. Along came something radical, though, in the form of +key-chord [fn:da0b6980: http://mela.milkbox.net/#/key-chord]. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'key-chord) +(key-chord-mode 1) +(setq key-chord-two-keys-delay 0.1) +#+end_src + +Just remember that if you are in another place via Emacs, like via Eshell for +example, and need to send a control D, then use =quoted-insert= to do it. + +*** Mark and Region [fn:d05c6bc3: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Mark.html#Mark] + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: uxo-mark-region-decision + :END: + +When you start typing and text is selected, replace it with what you are typing, +or pasting, or whatever. [fn:626951e5: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Using-Region.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(delete-selection-mode 1) +#+end_src + +*** Minibuffer [fn:55105827: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Minibuffer.html] + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: uxo-minibuffer-decision + :END: + +You will want to configure this at some point. + +Make it easier to answer questions. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p) +#+end_src + +It often displays so much information, even temporarily, that it is nice to give +it some room to breath. [fn:3e4cb9f3: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Minibuffer-Edit.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq resize-mini-windows +1) +(setq max-mini-window-height 0.33) +#+end_src + +Allow recursive commands-in-commands show help me keep track of the levels of +recursion. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq enable-recursive-minibuffers t) +(minibuffer-depth-indicate-mode 1) +#+end_src + +Minibuffer preferences: +- Handle pasting from the clipboard to the minibuffer +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/minibuffer-setup-hook () + "Personal setup." + (local-set-key "ESC y" 'gcr/paste-from-x-clipboard)) + +(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'gcr/minibuffer-setup-hook) +#+end_src + +*** Modeline [fn:57e91167: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Mode-Line-Format.html] + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: uxo-modeline-decision + :END: + +The modeline is capable of so many things. Though I use it for few, I value it +greatly. Even the generic, optional options [fn:dc1e3869: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Optional-Mode-Line.html] are nice. + +Show the file size. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(size-indication-mode) +#+end_src + +It is nice to see the column number, if you are counting columns (not calories). +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(column-number-mode 1) +#+end_src + +Humans posess the technology to enable to track time and date in a watchpiece. +For fear of damaging either the watchpiece or the computer itself, I quite +wearing watches long ago. That was a mistake. Put on a time piece and turn off +date and time status on the host OS and inside of Emacs. This source block +is kept for reference, and excluded from the generated configuration. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb-ref ignore +(setq display-time-format "%R %y-%m-%d") +(display-time-mode +1) +#+end_src + +When you load modes, most of them show up in the minibuffer. After you read +their name a few thousand times, you eventually quite forgetting that you +loaded them and need a diminished reminder. [fn:0a48462d: http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/diminish] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'diminish) +#+end_src + +Over time you start to, as which everything else in Emacs, think about +configuring it "better". Simple things like the file state indicator [fn:c6a0c2b8: http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/modernization_mode_line.html] +is one of the first to jump out at you. In my case I've made some nice changes +via the built-in mechanisms. Powerline [fn:8090ede6: https://github.com/milkypostman/powerline] really got me thinking though +just because it is so stunning with the use of XPM [fn:7aca939e: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_PixMap]. Reading through +it though, it would require some real digging in, and the documentation doesn't +say much and I wasn't sure that I wanted to pursue that much right now. +Simple mode line [fn:75606d43: https://github.com/Bruce-Connor/smart-mode-line/] says all the right things, I like their documentation +and am not sure whether or not it knows the right things to highlight, or not. +How does it know? Clearly there are many ideas [fn:d5ddabf6: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ModeLineConfiguration] on how to customize the +modeline. How may we be sure that they are doing it right and displaying +everything that mode expects them to possibly be displaying? Like most things +it is just trust, and verify. For now it is easier to stick with the built in, +and grow it organically. Perhaps more importantly, I /do/ like the built-in +modeline style. + +Make deleting an entire line work how you may +expect [fn:f3160ceb: http://www.wilfred.me.uk/.emacs.d/init.html#sec-3-7] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defadvice kill-line (around kill-line-remove-newline activate) + (let ((kill-whole-line t)) + ad-do-it)) +#+end_src + +*** Operation, Keybindings, and Keymaps [fn:256: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Keymaps.html#Keymaps] + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: keymaps-decision + :END: + +*This section is entirely defined adhering to the philosophy defined above*. + +Sometimes you want to temporarily bind keys. Haven't much of a need yet myself, +but when the time comes, this [fn:685d5985: https://github.com/abo-abo/centimacro] +looks like a great option to have. + +Generally disallow stomping of global key-mappings unless it makes sense to me +(thank you Stefan Monnier for pointing out that referencing the map variable +is all it takes): +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defadvice global-set-key (before check-keymapping activate) + (let* ((key (ad-get-arg 0)) + (new-command (ad-get-arg 1)) + (old-command (lookup-key global-map key))) + (when + (and + old-command + (not (equal old-command new-command)) + (not (equal old-command 'digit-argument)) + (not (equal old-command 'negative-argument)) + (not (equal old-command 'ns-print-buffer)) + (not (equal old-command 'move-beginning-of-line)) + (not (equal old-command 'execute-extended-command)) + (not (equal new-command 'execute-extended-command)) + (not (equal old-command 'ns-prev-frame)) + (not (equal old-command 'ns-next-frame)) + (not (equal old-command 'mwheel-scroll)) + (not (equal new-command 'diff-hl-mode)) + (not (equal new-command 'my-eval-expression)) + (not (equal old-command 'list-buffers)) + (not (equal new-command 'gcr/move-line-up)) + ) + (warn "Just stomped the global-map binding for %S, replaced %S with %S" + key old-command new-command)))) +#+end_src + +Enable key-chording: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +«uxo-keyboard-decision» +#+end_src + +Enable the =super= key-space: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(gcr/on-osx + (setq mac-control-modifier 'control) + (setq mac-command-modifier 'meta) + (setq mac-option-modifier 'super)) + +(gcr/on-windows + (setq w32-lwindow-modifier 'super) + (setq w32-rwindow-modifier 'super)) +#+end_src + +These key-bindings are custom for me and I've been using them for so long, and +that makes it rig+1ht. There are always opportunities for improvement, though. +Recently it dawned on me that it is poor-form to waste 3 function keys on +the same task, so I rebound =F1= to different modifiers that I hope are +consistent, and free up space, too. My preference is to leave =F5=, =F6, and +=F7= generally unbound and available for similar operations that are performed +in most programming modes. For example, =F5= will execute code in any Lisp-like +environment. + +Allow these commands: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(put 'upcase-region 'disabled nil) +(put 'downcase-region 'disabled nil) +#+end_src + +Guide: +- NON-DISRUPTIVE :: hands on home, no finger strain, C-[(2|3)|(9|0)] +- SLIGHTLY-DISRUPTIVE :: hands on home, slight finger strain, C-[1|-] +- DISRUPTIVE :: hands on keyboard, not home, palms are home +- VERY-DISRUPTIVE :: hands on keyboard, not home, palms are moved from home + + +=M-x= truly is the Emacs command line [fn:d0a5f045: https://aaronhawley.livejournal.com/28413.html]. + +Echo keystrokes immediately: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq echo-keystrokes 0.02) +#+end_src + +**** NON-DISRUPTIVE + +Save 3 bytes: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(key-chord-define-global "3." 'gcr/insert-ellipsis) +#+end_src + +Indent with spaces for the likely scenario: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(key-chord-define-global "4 " (lambda () (interactive) (insert " "))) +#+end_src + +German umlauts for a, o, and u: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(key-chord-define-global (concat "A" "{") (lambda () (interactive) (insert "ä"))) +(key-chord-define-global (concat "A" "}") (lambda () (interactive) (insert "Ä"))) +(key-chord-define-global (concat "O" "{") (lambda () (interactive) (insert "ö"))) +(key-chord-define-global (concat "O" "}") (lambda () (interactive) (insert "Ö"))) +(key-chord-define-global (concat "U" "{") (lambda () (interactive) (insert "ü"))) +(key-chord-define-global (concat "U" "}") (lambda () (interactive) (insert "Ü"))) +#+end_src + +Arrows, so many: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "C-,") (lambda () (interactive) (insert "←"))) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-.") (lambda () (interactive) (insert "→"))) +#+end_src + +Nice for UML, and French? +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(key-chord-define-global "<<" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "«"))) +(key-chord-define-global ">>" (lambda () (interactive) (insert "»"))) +#+end_src + +ace-jumping is frequent, too, and this one is perfect all home keys same, +dominant strong hand: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(key-chord-define-global "jk" 'ace-jump-mode) +#+end_src + +Using =ace-jump= will introduce a new idea to you of easily jumping around +within a buffer. From you, from wherever you jump /to/, you need jump /back/. +Make it really really easy to do so. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(key-chord-define-global "m," 'ace-jump-mode-pop-mark) +#+end_src + +Jumping to lines actually happens a lot. When you look at this layout, remember, +or rather consider, that what you jump to, or navigate to, is layered in the +sense that the granularity of your actions changes and all actions provided here +are helpful for those different situations. This used to be =kc-df= but I typed +=df= for data.frame so I had to change it, as well as the following which used to +be =cv=. That wasn't good either because it is a painful reach. I need to document +the lessons learned above. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(key-chord-define-global "fg" 'goto-line) +#+end_src + +In the same spirit of poppping the mark with =ace-jump=, follow a similar appraoch +for =goto-line=. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(key-chord-define-global "vb" 'pop-to-mark-command) +#+end_src + +Sometimes I want to jump to a line in the current buffer… sort of an ace-jump +but just for a line that I can see. This [fn:d007291a: https://github.com/coldnew/linum-relative] is the way to do it. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'linum-relative) +(key-chord-define-global "dk" 'linum-relative-toggle) +#+end_src + +ace-window is frequent, is beginning to adhere to a pattern of dual approaches: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(key-chord-define-global "nm" 'ace-window) +#+end_src + +Do nearly a =IKJL= style up/down/left/right arrow key, using using chords, saves a +trip. + +You might wonder why I would use this when ace-jump-window is available? Good +question. Sometimes you know exactly what buffer you want, so jump to it, and +sometimes you just don't, and that is when you do it this way: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(key-chord-define-global "JK" (lambda () (interactive) (other-window 1))) +(key-chord-define-global "KL" (lambda () (interactive) (next-buffer))) +(key-chord-define-global "L:" (lambda () (interactive) (previous-buffer))) +#+end_src + +Web-searches occur quite frequently once you've a nice work-flow established. +The keys in that mode are: +- w :: word +- s :: symbol +- l :: line +- r :: region +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(key-chord-define-global "ws" 'google-this-mode-submap) +#+end_src + +These actions appear in order of importance, and thus frequency of use + +Do the /right thing/ for getting to the start of the line! +#+begin_src emacs-lips +(global-set-key (kbd "C-a") 'beginning-of-line-dwim) +#+end_src + +I use VC quite frequently. This is easy to reach, and does what must be done: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "C-;") 'vc-next-action) +#+end_src + +Easily select regions: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "C-'") 'er/expand-region) +#+end_src + +multiple cursor mode… I kept these together because until I make an image, it +would be too confusing to keep them in the non and slightly disruptive sections, +as they are clearly that: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "M-9") 'mc/edit-lines) +(global-set-key (kbd "M-0") 'mc/mark-next-like-this) +(global-set-key (kbd "M--") 'mc/mark-all-like-this) +(global-set-key (kbd "M-8") 'mc/mark-previous-like-this) +#+end_src + +You don't moves lines or regions a ton, but when you do, you usually can't use +the arrow keys per mode, so use chords instead. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(key-chord-define-global "yu" 'move-text-up) +(key-chord-define-global "hj" 'move-text-down) +#+end_src + +Surprisingly you swap lines enough to justify automating it. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "s-l i") 'gcr/move-line-up) +(global-set-key (kbd "s-l k") 'gcr/move-line-down) +#+end_src + + + +**** SLIGHTLY-DISRUPTIVE + +smex integration points: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "M-x") 'smex) +(global-set-key (kbd "M-X") 'smex-major-mode-commands) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-c M-x") 'execute-extended-command) +#+end_src + +Pop up help: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "s-p") 'gcr/describe-thing-in-popup) +#+end_src + +ace-window navigation: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "C--") 'ace-window) +#+end_src + +auto-completeness +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "C-3") 'auto-complete) +#+end_src + +Code-folding: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "M-3") 'hs-toggle-hiding) +#+end_src + +Comment and uncomment anything: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "C-5") 'gcr/comment-or-uncomment) +#+end_src + +Do smart new line inside, indenting given the mode: +#+begin_src +(global-set-key (kbd "s-") 'gcr/smart-open-line) +#+end_src + +A lot of times you have the need to just go to the next line, and indent it, and +start typing. For years I just went to the end of the current like, hit return, +and well there you are. Mentally I should have profiled it by now that it should +be a simple action, so now it is. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "M-") 'gcr/lazy-new-open-line) +#+end_src + +Anything having to do with version control differences: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "s-d h") 'diff-hl-mode) +(global-set-key (kbd "s-d l") 'vc-diff) +(global-set-key (kbd "s-d u") 'vc-revert) +#+end_src + +Use a nicer =eval-expression= approach. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "M-:") 'my-eval-expression) +#+end_src + +Try to open a file just in this project: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "s-f") 'projectile-find-file) +#+end_src + +Switching buffers occurs so frequently that this needs to be here, and perhaps +I will know I need a better binding later. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "C-4") 'ido-switch-buffer) +#+end_src + +List buffers in a more rich way. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-b") 'ibuffer) +#+end_src + +Make it easy to unter Unicode stuff. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "s-u dse") (lambda () (interactive) (insert "𝔼"))) +;; if there is magic, then the x goes here → +(global-set-key (kbd "s-u dsr") (lambda () (interactive) (insert "ℝ"))) +#+end_src + +**** DISRUPTIVE + +These do get used a lot believe it or not: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "M-7") 'gcr/insert-datestamp) +(global-set-key (kbd "s-7") 'gcr/insert-timestamp*) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-7") 'gcr/insert-timestamp) +#+end_src + +Make auto-complete easily accessible because sometimes other modes bork it just +like yas: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "s-") 'auto-complete) +#+end_src + +I used to use =F5= to run code. Probably because of various editors that I had +used before. I do want that familiarity, because I use those functions a lot +for a certain style of developing. I will use =C-F5=. + +**** VERY DISRUPTIVE + +Manage every font size: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(gcr/on-gui + (global-set-key (kbd "s-") 'gcr/text-scale-increase) + (global-set-key (kbd "M-") 'gcr/text-scale-decrease)) +#+end_src + +Helper stuff: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "C-") 'emacs-index-search) +(global-set-key (kbd "S-") 'elisp-index-search) +(global-set-key (kbd "C-") 'imenu-anywhere) +#+end_src + +Re-size the current windows [fn:7293bf39: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/WindowResize]: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "s-") 'enlarge-window) +(global-set-key (kbd "s-") 'shrink-window) +(global-set-key (kbd "s-") 'enlarge-window-horizontally) +(global-set-key (kbd "s-") 'shrink-window-horizontally) +#+end_src + +*Always* leave =F5= open. It is discussed above. + +Update the world clocks: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "") 'list-world-time) +#+end_src + +Check =git= status: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "") 'magit-status) +#+end_src + +Toggle utility buffers +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "") 'gcr/util-cycle) +#+end_src + +F10 should be left alone. + +Change windows. This exists for when I haven't got my hands at home. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "") 'other-window) +#+end_src + +Start NeoTree: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-set-key (kbd "") 'neotree-toggle) +#+end_src + +*** Speed + +As of <2014-07-05 Sat>, there is, as one would expect, quite a focus on speeding +up Emacs. What is the definition of speeding it up? Well, that depends. Like any +UX designer knows, it is all subjective. Is a lazy-load to make startup feel +fast making it faster? It depends. What struck me is the trend for the last few +years to =autoload= basically everything in packages. That is a curious step +because I prefer =require= to make it obvious what we are doing. Either way, +speed matters and all of these topics got me wanting at least to know what is +going on with Emacs in terms of speed… by some measure. + +Emacs Start Up Profiler (ESUP) [fn:cd3051f0: https://github.com/jschaf/esup] +does just what it says, and I use it here. For now I do not want to +record startup times becase I've got no question that I want to be answered yet. +As of <2014-07-05 Sat> the startup is =3.181sec=. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(autoload 'esup "esup" "Emacs Start Up Profiler." nil) +#+end_src + +*** Windows [fn:3f67f4f3: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Windows.html] + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: uxo-windows-decision + :END: + +Menu bars are not required. [fn:45962a0d: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Menu-Bars.html] . +Curiously, I've come to like the menu bar specifically when working with other +people! +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(menu-bar-mode +1) +#+end_src + +Make it really obvious where the 80th column sits. [fn:acc1a645: http://melpa.milkbox.net/#/fill-column-indicator] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq-default fill-column 80) +#+end_src + +The cursor should not blink. [fn:5873530d: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Cursor-Display.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(blink-cursor-mode 0) +(gcr/on-gui + (setq-default cursor-type 'box)) +(setq x-stretch-cursor 1) +#+end_src + +Show line numbers everywhere. [fn:bab178f9: http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git/tree/lisp/linum.el?h=emacs-24] +This may slow things down somewhere, sometime, and if it does, I will deal with +it then. Well, at least this is how I used to do it. Some modes didn't handle +things well and for some reason this mode wouldn't turn off. Oh well, I will +menually enable it for desired modes! OOTB it will dynamically adjust the +number gutter, and this irritating to have that shift occur. Fix it to 5 numbers, +and if I start working with files that have 100K+ lines then I will change it. +Set =linum-format= via customize. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-linum-mode -1) +#+end_src + +Activate syntax highlighting everywhere. [fn:0dc4ff83: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Font-Lock.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-font-lock-mode 1) +#+end_src + +Visualize parentheses a certain way. [fn:b352291c: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Matching.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq blink-matching-paren nil) +(show-paren-mode +1) +(setq show-paren-delay 0) +(setq show-paren-style 'expression) +#+end_src + +Don't use audible bells, use visual bells. [fn:00bb2e9a: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Beeping.html] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ring-bell-function 'ignore) +(setq visible-bell +1) +#+end_src + +This post [fn:ea94a54c: http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/link/8533/avoiding-window-takeover-in-emacs] got me thinking that perhaps it was wrong of me to be happy +with simply re-positioning all of my windows after their layout gets changed. +Probably, I'm just a simple user and never run into this problem, or perhaps +my layout is so simple that restoring it is not a big deal. That said, I've +been having a nagging feeling about how exactly I plan to utilize ERC now that +I've got it set up and simply avoided the topic for a while. Now is the time to +address it. Reading more about winner-mode [fn:13e4e7a4: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Window-Convenience.html] [fn:f0518791: http://irreal.org/blog/?p=1557], though, has sort +of got me wondering why I never pursued something like this before now. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(winner-mode +1) +#+end_src + +Window navigation isn't something that I do a ton of… but I still want it to be +a nice option when I use IRC and want separate windows. ace-window makes this +easy: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq aw-keys '(?a ?s ?d ?f ?g ?h ?j ?k ?l)) +#+end_src + +For some reason, on OSX dialogues don't work and essentially end up locking up +Emacs! Here [fn:af30569b: https://superuser.com/questions/125569/how-to-fix-emacs-popup-dialogs-on-mac-os-x] is the solution: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(gcr/on-osx + (defadvice yes-or-no-p (around prevent-dialog activate) + "Prevent yes-or-no-p from activating a dialog" + (let ((use-dialog-box nil)) + ad-do-it)) + + (defadvice y-or-n-p (around prevent-dialog-yorn activate) + "Prevent y-or-n-p from activating a dialog" + (let ((use-dialog-box nil)) + ad-do-it))) +#+end_src + +Add this [fn:de8dd6b1: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Resizing-Windows.html] to the list of things to maintain your sanity… how to re-size +windows. My bindings are in the key-bindings section. +*** Window Management + +These hasn't exactly been a huge need for this. Recently =popwin= [fn:36388f6a: https://github.com/m2ym/popwin-el] +got me interested because it handles a little annoyance that we all face. +Working with ℝ, got me a lot more curious about =emacs-window-manager= [fn:8659dad9: https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-window-manager]. + +** Primary usage + +The purpose of this section is to put some visiblity on the modes, how they are +used, and where. After configuring a bunch of modes you may find that you want +global defaults, don't be afraid of making such changes (and reverting them +too). + +*** Custom variables + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: custom-variables + :END: + +*This must come before manually set variables* + +This approach needs further research as it seems to work but I am not sure what +kind of trouble I could cause by doing this so I know that it may cause some +such trouble! + +For example, sometimes values I set in here get stomped on. That is probably +because the call to =custom-set-variables= occurs /after/ the packages are loaded +specifying them. Right now I am still not totally sure because of +=eval-after-load= blocks. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(custom-set-variables + ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom. + ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. + ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. + ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. + '(custom-safe-themes (quote ("8aebf25556399b58091e533e455dd50a6a9cba958cc4ebb0aab175863c25b9a4" default))) + '(display-time-world-list (quote (("America/Chicago" "Chicago") ("Asia/Kolkata" "Kolkata") ("Asia/Kuala_Lumpur" "Kuala Lumpur")))) + '(linum-format "%5d") + '(osx-browse-guess-keystrokes (quote ("s-b k"))) + '(osx-browse-url-keystrokes (quote ("s-b u")))) +(custom-set-faces + ;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom. + ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful. + ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance. + ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right. + ) +#+end_src + +*** Configuration + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: modes-config-decision + :END: + +**** Binary file editing [fn:c6365160: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Editing-Binary-Files.html] [fn:29c0b07f: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/HexlMode] + +Long ago it was quite common to edit binary files if not for adding lots of +cheats to games then to see CAFEBABE written in Java class files (if you can't +enjoy either of those things then you are too serious). Hexl mode comes built +into Emacs, and it is great to know that it is there. + +**** Code folding [fn:76ed1f1f: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/HideShow] [fn:90bfa78a: http://gnufool.blogspot.com/2009/03/make-hideshow-behave-more-like-org-mode.html] + +Code folding really isn't a hugely important function. You just use it once +in a while and you notice it when you don't have it. For years I used this [fn:c3cd65d8: http://emacs.wordpress.com/2007/01/16/quick-and-dirty-code-folding/] +and it is fine, but I figured I ought to stick with a more feature rich option, +just to give it a try. Here are some of the other options: [fn:425c5a43: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/OutlineMode][fn:80e6214c: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/FoldingMode][fn:160: https://github.com/zenozeng/yafolding.el][fn:82e77bec: http://cedet.sourceforge.net/]. +If you know org-mode, then using that style of control makes it easier to use +then the built in bindings for hideshow [fn:30f9d745: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Hideshow.html], on which hideshow-org is built. After using this for a while, it came not to be the right +thing for me. There is no mode hook. It failed when I wanted to bind it to +something other than =TAB=. So, using the built in hideshow turned out to be the +best option. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq hs-hide-comments-when-hiding-all +1) +(setq hs-isearch-open +1) +(defun display-code-line-counts (ov) + "Displaying overlay content in echo area or tooltip" + (when (eq 'code (overlay-get ov 'hs)) + (overlay-put ov 'help-echo + (buffer-substring (overlay-start ov) + (overlay-end ov))))) + +(setq hs-set-up-overlay 'display-code-line-counts) +(defadvice goto-line (after expand-after-goto-line activate compile) + "How do I get it to expand upon a goto-line? hideshow-expand affected block when using goto-line in a collapsed buffer." + (save-excursion + (hs-show-block))) +#+end_src + +**** Color visualizing [fn:adb70244: http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/rainbow-mode.html] + +Nothing against the multitude of RGB hex value web finder web pages… it is +just convenient to have it built right in. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'rainbow-mode) +(condition-case nil + (gcr/diminish 'rainbow-mode) + (error nil)) +#+end_src + +**** Command execution helper [fn:e2221a4d: https://github.com/nonsequitur/smex/] + +When I call commands, I usually end up running the same commands over and over. +There are of course key-bindings to deal with this, and also command history. What +I really prefer though is just being able to type an abbreviation for the command +to access it, like =org-html-export-to-html= for example. Smex makes it happen. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'smex) +(smex-initialize) +#+end_src + +**** Copyright [fn:da6ca112: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/autotype.html#Copyrights] + +Copyright management includes only two problems: keeping the near up to date +and choosing the right one. The built in functions will insert a generic copyright +and also update the year, and that is pretty nice. It would be nice to have +something like this [fn:d8940b7a: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Library-Headers.html] created, though. Even an OSS license chooser +would be nice [fn:c7c0ee54: http://choosealicense.com/], but I haven't found a nice option yet. + +**** Pretty printing + +This [fn:c2458ee6: https://github.com/steckerhalter/ipretty] library =ipretty= got +me interested in pretty-printing. Of course, I had forgotten that +=pp-eval-expression= is available and that it is already part of the distribution. + +**** Expression Management [fn:60c9aa87: https://github.com/Fuco1/smartparens] + +There are a lot of nice options [fn:f3efaa48: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ParEdit] [fn:65635705: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ElectricPair] [fn:3407e119: https://github.com/rejeep/wrap-region.el] [fn:143: https://code.google.com/p/emacs-textmate/] [fn:2c32e1ab: https://github.com/capitaomorte/autopair]. For the +longest time, =paredit= was all that I +used, but then I started using Emacs for everyone else besides Lisp and was kind +of stymied not having great expression management tools. Smartparens seems to +have emerged as king, so here it sits. While I was setting up the new configuration I +set this up last… that was a major mistake. After using a good symbolic +expression management tool, you quickly forget the nightmare of having to keep +expressions balanced yourself. Sure we did fine with VI… but it is so nice to +have the tool do it for you. Remember what Olin Shivers said? + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I object to doing things that computers can do. +#+END_QUOTE + +You get a lot of niceties that you would expect like balanced brackets and +since there is a strict mode it acts just like Paredit. Additionally you may +wrap selections with pairs, auto-escape strings that occur within other strings, +and showing matching pairs (of any supported form). =sp-show-pair-from-inside= +is kind of interesting. How it works is that normally when your cursor is to the +right of a bracket, then the entire expression is highlighted. My assumption is +to make it easy for you to see the scope of the s-exp. When you move forward, to +the right of that opening bracket, then that highlight goes away. When you set +this flag to non-nil, you get a different behavior where just the bracket is +highlighted. Not sure how this would help, but still it is kind of interesting +to me because it keep your focus. My use case is that you find an s-exp that you +want to edit and start doing it, and in that case I wouldn't use this flag. +However, say you had wanted to edit and moved the cursor one char forward and +were interrupted. Perhaps you would this kind of highlight so when you come back +there is still some indicator. From a user-perspective, it just seemed +interesting. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'smartparens-config) +(show-smartparens-global-mode +1) +(gcr/diminish 'smartparens-mode) +(setq sp-show-pair-from-inside nil) +#+end_src + +**** File-system/directory management [fn:b2f9070d: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Dired.html] + +The last file or file-system management tool that I used wast Norton Commander [fn:729276f2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norton_Commander] +and then Midnight Commander [fn:1cf538c0: https://www.midnight-commander.org/], but my usage was pretty basic. Beyond +those basics, I can do even more, basic stuff, in =bash=. Lately I've wanted +something a little more consistent, powerful, and memorable, and that led me +here. Dired is a user-interface for working with your file-system; you select +files and directories and then choose what to do with them. The ability to +customize what you see is included out of the box, and there are additional +helper packages [fn:b1078e9e: http://www.emacswiki.org/DiredDetails], too. + +You can use the usual machinery to work with the files. Highlight a region +and operation selections occur for all files in that region. Commands are +scheduled, and then executed, upon your command. Files can be viewed in modify +or read-only mode, too. There is an idea of =mark-in files, which is to select +them and perform operations on the marked files. There are helper methods for +most things you can think if like directories or modified-files or whatever, +meaning you can use regexen to mark whatever you like however you like. If that +suits you, then don't be afraid of using the regular expression builder [fn:7b0e8e3b: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Regular-Expressions.html] +that is built into Emacs. Bulk marked file operations include additionally +copying, deleting, creating hard links to, renaming, modifying the mode, +owner, and group information, changing the time-stamp, listing the marked +files, compressing them, decrypting, verifying and signing, loading or byte +compiling them (Lisp files). + +=g= updates the current buffer; =s= orders the listing by alpha or date-time. + +=find-name-dired= beings the results back into Dired, which is nifty. + +Wdired lets you modify files directly via the UI, which is interesting. Image-Dired +lets you do just that. + +=+= creates a new directory. =dired-copy-filename-as-kill= stores the list of +files you have selected in the kill ring. =dired-compare-directories= lets you +perform all sorts of directory comparisons, a handy tool that you need once in +a while but definitely do need. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq dired-listing-switches "-alh") +(setq dired-recursive-deletes +1) +(require 'dired-details+) +(setq-default dired-details-hidden-string "") +(defun gcr/dired-mode-hook () + "Personal dired customizations." + (local-set-key "c" 'gcr/dired-copy-filename) + (local-set-key "]" 'gcr/dired-copy-path) + (diff-hl-dired-mode) + (load "dired-x") + (turn-on-stripe-buffer-mode) + (stripe-listify-buffer)) +(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'gcr/dired-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +After dabbling, something happened that really changed my mind. These three +articles changed everything: [fn:87e72370: http://www.masteringemacs.org/articles/2014/04/10/dired-shell-commands-find-xargs-replacement/] [fn:d82e40f9: http://www.masteringemacs.org/articles/2011/03/25/working-multiple-files-dired/] [fn:fe52afc4: http://www.masteringemacs.org/articles/2013/10/10/wdired-editable-dired-buffers/]. +They just made the power of Dired so obvious, and so easy to use, that it +instantly because delightful to use. That was very, very cool. Even though I +was really, really happy with Finder and Explorer… suddenly it just became so +obvious and pleasant to use Dired. That is so wild. + +Key notes when executing shell commands on file selection… + +Substitution: +- = ?= :: 1* calls to cmd, each file a single argument +- = *= :: 1 call to =cmd=, selected list as argument +- = *""= :: have the shell expand the * as a globbing wild-card + - Not sure what this means + +Synchronicity: +- = …= :: by default commands are called synchronously +- = &= :: execute in parallel +- = ;= :: execute sequentially, asynchronously +- = ;&= :: execute in parallel, asynchronously + +Key notes on working with files in multiple directories… use the following: + +Use =find= just like you would at the command line and all of the results show +up in a single Dired buffer that you may work with just like you would any other +file appearing in a Dired buffer. The abstraction here becomes so obvious, you +may ask yourself why you never considered such a thing /before/ now (as I did): +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'find-dired) +(setq find-ls-option '("-print0 | xargs -0 ls -ld" . "-ld")) +#+end_src + +Noting that: +- =find-dired= :: is the general use case +- =find-name-dired= :: is for simple, single string cases + +And if you want to use the faster Elisp version, that uses lisp regex, use: +- =find-lisp-find-dired= :: for anything +- =find-lisp-find-dired-subdirectories= :: for only directories + +Key notes on working with editable buffers… + +As the author notes, you probably already instinctually knew what is possible. +After reading his brief and concise exposition, it would be hard /not/ to +intuit what is possible! The options are big if you make a writable file buffer. +Think about using multiple cursors. Done? Well, that is a no-brainer. Once you +grok multiple cursors just =find-dired= what you need and then do what you need +to do to it. Very cool. + +- =dired-toggle-read-only, C-x C-q= :: cycle between dired-mode and wdired-mode +- =wdired-finish-edit, C-c C-c= :: commit your changes +- =wdired-abort-changes, C-c ESC= :: revert your changes + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'wdired) +(setq wdired-allow-to-change-permissions t) +(setq wdired-allow-to-redirect-links t) +(setq wdired-use-interactive-rename +1) +(setq wdired-confirm-overwrite +1) +(setq wdired-use-dired-vertical-movement 'sometimes) +#+end_src + +Today I just learned about =image-dired=, why didn't I think to ask before now? + +When you selected a bunch of files or directories, you /may/ want to communicate +somewhere your selection somehow. The simplest way to do this is to utilize +=dired-copy-filename-as-kill=. What a nice idea, and its default binding is =w=. + +Since I started using a menu bar again, and wanting to get Imenu really +exercised, Dired in Imenu seems like an obvious choice. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'dired-imenu) +#+end_src + +**** Games [fn:e3bacb4b: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Amusements.html#Amusements] + +Sometimes you need a break, and you aren't a gamer any more, but that doesn't +mean you can't have fun. =life= and =doctor= alone will give you something +to ponder and practice not taking too seriously. + +**** Intellisense (Auto Completion) [fn:a5ec7f2e: http://cx4a.org/software/auto-complete/] + +Can you thrive and profit without auto-completion? Surely. The feature is kind +of a comfort blanket for most of us; you will never fail to build a system +without it (unless you are using Java, then you need IntelliJ). Still it is +quite nice to have popup documentation. Still wanting a nice documentation +popup, I think that yet again Purcell and friends make our lives easier. + +Thus far, auto-complete has worked fine. More than a few blog-posts do mention +company-mode [fn:87ff338a: https://company-mode.github.io/], so I read up on it. It seems quite nice, but right now I +haven't got a reason to explore it further though. + +Still having some mixed feelings about what engine to use to display the popups. +Popup itself is quite easy for me to read since it uses the same font as +everything else. That alone makes it perfect. Still, the idea of having real +popups is intriguing. Either way, both do work, so I will customize as needed. +Until I customize the pos-tip font to make it bigger, though, I will stick with +the old-fashioned style. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'fuzzy) +(require 'auto-complete) +(require 'auto-complete-config) +(setq ac-quick-help-prefer-pos-tip nil) +(ac-config-default) +(setq ac-auto-start nil) +(ac-set-trigger-key "TAB") +(gcr/diminish 'auto-complete-mode) +#+end_src + +**** Location awareness + +The idea of reporting to you the current logical location within in the current +file via information in the modeline [fn:6bad0c26: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Which-Function.html] sounds very interesting to me. +However, when I really think about it, I have no good answer to the question: +"If you didn't know how you got there, then how does it help to know that you +are where you are?". That holds true at least, when it comes to maintaining +files. + +**** Project management [fn:7a558748: http://batsov.com/projectile/] + +Not everyone likes projects, but I do. There is no perfect middle ground though, +that is until this library came along. It is such a joy to use. Somehow I forgot +how much I liked it because it is so easy to just use =ido-find-file= for +things. After reading a blog post, I revisited the difference between that and +=projectile-find-file=… well the latter has its place as it makes it much +simpler only to deal with files that are known to be project files. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(projectile-global-mode 1) +(gcr/diminish 'projectile-mode) +#+end_src + +**** Rectangle / Cursors [fn:8d7c694f: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Rectangles.html] [fn:178: https://github.com/magnars/multiple-cursors.el] + +Once in a very long while I have the need to modify rectangles. Only once in a +while because one may use the key recorder to do most of the same work. There +are a few options [fn:e9f56c39: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/RectangleCommands], and that bothers me, so I didn't choose any of them. + +Working here thought got me thinking about other folks perspectives, and I +ended up here [fn:9c0a4159: http://emacsrocks.com/e13.html]. This is a strangely intriguing feature. It is quite +versatile as long as you have got a mental model for things. The difference is +that if you are OK with key macros, imagine that multiple-cursors is kind of a +way to use keyboard macros while making it very visible and dynamic and +also using the cursor location along with that interactivity. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'multiple-cursors) +#+end_src + +**** Remote file access [fn:4997f5f8: https://www.gnu.org/software/tramp/] + +TRAMP stands for "Transparent Remote (file) Access, Multiple Protocol". It is +really, really beautiful. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq tramp-default-user "gcr") +(setq tramp-default-method "ssh") +#+end_src + +**** Save history of all things [fn:43a849e2: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Saving-Emacs-Sessions.html] [fn:ac19c66e: http://fly.srk.fer.hr/~hniksic/emacs/savehist.el] [fn:c39d161c: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1229142/how-can-i-save-my-mini-buffer-history-in-emacs] + +It is nice to have commands and their history saved so that every time you +get back to work, you can just re-run stuff as you need it. It isn't a radical +feature, it is just part of a good user experience. + +This file keeps track of everything that =savehist= stores for us and doesn't +need to be version controlled so it is checked as a real file. + +The file that =savehist= stores its stuff in is not under version control. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defconst gcr/savehist-file-store "~/.emacs.d/savehist") +(defun gcr/warn-savehist-file-store () + "Warn of savehist misconfiguration." + (interactive) + (unless (gcr/file-exists-not-symlink gcr/savehist-file-store) + (warn "Can't seem to find a savehist store file where it was expected at: %S. Savehist should continue to function normally; but your history may be lost." + gcr/savehist-file-store))) +#+end_src + +=savehist= configuration follows. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(gcr/warn-savehist-file-store) +(savehist-mode +1) +(setq savehist-save-minibuffer-history +1) +(setq savehist-additional-variables + '(kill-ring + search-ring + regexp-search-ring)) +#+end_src + +**** Searching / Finding [fn:350ccf16: http://repo.or.cz/w/emacs.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/lisp/ido.el] [fn:137: https://github.com/lewang/flx] + +There are many ways to easily find what you need, for a command, for a file, +and this mode seems to be a quite nice way. Something I had been curous about +but forgotten and stumbled upon again was vertical ido listing, and I added that +back to see how it goes. My initial reaction was that I had wanted this all +along, though the transition from looking left-right to top-down was a little +unsettling. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'ido) +(require 'flx-ido) +(ido-mode 1) +(require 'ido-hacks nil +1) +(require 'ido-ubiquitous) +(ido-ubiquitous-mode +1) +(setq ido-create-new-buffer 'always) +(flx-ido-mode +1) +(setq ido-use-faces nil) +(require 'ido-vertical-mode) +(ido-vertical-mode +1) +(setq ido-vertical-define-keys 'C-n-C-p-up-down-left-right) +#+end_src + +**** Selection style [fn:29f58393: https://github.com/magnars/expand-region.el] + +IntelliJ Idea is yet again to blame for being awesome; even the author of this +library suffers, or rather enjoys, this phenomenon. When you make a selection of +text you typically want to do it in a smart way, selecting the first logical +block, then expanding logically outwards, and so on. It could mean selecting a +variable, then its definition statement, and then the entire code block for +example. Before now I really never had many uses for the =C-u= universal +argument functionality for method calls, but if you pass in a negative value +before calling =er/expand-region= it will have the nice feature of reversing +its incremental selection. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'expand-region) +#+end_src + +**** Spell-checking [fn:4fc20d0a: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Spelling.html] [fn:b6f544fd: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/InteractiveSpell] [fn:e620b160: http://blog.binchen.org/posts/what-s-the-best-spell-check-set-up-in-emacs.html] [fn:8ce1e37a: http://melpa.milkbox.net/#/ac-ispell] + +There are two ways to spell-check: +run-at-a-time or interactive. Both delegate the actual checking to aspell, +ispell, and hunspell. Both styles are quite nice options, and flyspell will +even integrated with compilers to help report those kinds of errors to you, too, +but my personal preference for now is run-at-a-time. The taxpayers didn't pay so +much to make flyspell have to do all the hard work for me. aspell is there +most UNI*, running =ispell= from Emacs just does the right thing. + +Even after reading this later, I agree with it despite the fact that I +constantly wax and wane between wanting to use it and finding something +/better/ despite having no criteria by which to truly judge in the first place. + +The =aspell= directionary is version controlled. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defconst gcr/aspell-dict "~/.aspell.en.pws") +(defun gcr/warn-aspell-dict () + "Warn of aspell misconfiguration." + (interactive) + (unless (f-exists? gcr/aspell-dict) + (warn + "Can't seem to find an aspell dictionary where it was expected at: %S. aspell should continue to function normally; but your personal dictionary will not be used." + gcr/aspell-dict))) +(gcr/warn-aspell-dict) +#+end_src + +**** Syntax checking + +It is a great feature. Flyspell never interested me though because of so many +negative reports and it just didn't seem that important. Well, that was before +breaking this document for the N^{th} time! There is a need, and Flycheck [fn:88ce9bae: https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck] +seems to be the best of the best out there. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'flycheck) +(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-flycheck-mode) +(gcr/diminish 'flycheck-mode) +#+end_src + +**** Templating [fn:c3b8f741: https://github.com/capitaomorte/yasnippet] + +Code completion is nice to have; but the second you install it and learn how to +use it, you will never find the need to again. Accept it and move on. + +=yas= snippets directory is not version controlled. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'yasnippet) +(defconst gcr/yas-snippet-dir (concat (cask-dependency-path gcr/cask-bundle 'yasnippet) + "/snippets")) +(defun gcr/warn-yas-snippet-dir () + "Warn of Yas misconfiguration." + (interactive) + (unless (f-directory? gcr/yas-snippet-dir) + (warn + "Can't seem to find the Yas snippet dir where it was expected at: %S. Yas should continue function but without its standard snippets loaded." + gcr/yas-snippet-dir))) +(gcr/warn-yas-snippet-dir) +#+end_src + +Remaining configuration follows. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(yas-load-directory gcr/yas-snippet-dir) +(yas-global-mode 1) +(gcr/diminish 'yas-minor-mode) +#+end_src + +=yas= shouldn't use =TAB=. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/yas-minor-mode-hook () + "Personal customizations." + (define-key yas-minor-mode-map (kbd "") nil) + (define-key yas-minor-mode-map (kbd "TAB") nil) + (define-key yas-minor-mode-map (kbd "s-4") 'yas-expand)) + +(add-hook 'yas-minor-mode-hook 'gcr/yas-minor-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +**** Very large files + +Emacs will warn you if you open "large files" into a buffer. Thankfully, I have +never had such an issue. However, surely I will have the need at some point in +the future, and when I do I will look at vlfi [fn:eaea2bc3: https://github.com/m00natic/vlfi] + +**** White-space management [fn:1283938f: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Useless-Whitespace.html] + +Do you need to see tabs and other control characters? Usually, yes. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'whitespace) +(setq whitespace-style '(trailing lines tab-mark)) +(setq whitespace-line-column 80) +(global-whitespace-mode 1) +(gcr/diminish 'global-whitespace-mode) +(gcr/diminish 'whitespace-mode) +#+end_src + +*** Modes [fn:aaaa7810: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Hideshow.html] [fn:183: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Modes.html#Modes] + +When I set about on this project, I had ideas about how this document would +look. The decent ideas worked out well. The good ideas were bad, and the +unexpected ideas were delightful. I had though that a this section would be +very graphical, but the more I work on it, the simpler it seems to be when you +split it up in the respective sections. Originally I had wanted to use org +tables for nearly everything, but now I question that desire (thought it is a +great feature). The mistake that I made was not new to me and is suffered by all +macro writers… the solution instead of waiting for experience and +extracting it from there. As it turns out, I am human. + +**** Monolith + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: modes-application-monolith-decision + :END: + +***** ! All + +Anything that should always happen goes here. + +In the last setup, I went back and forth about where to do a and of line +white-space cleanup, if at all. The con is that with real-mode-autosave enabled, +when you are typing your cursor keeps jumping, and that is not nice. An idle +timer to do cleanup wouldn't be any different, because I really want saves to +constantly be occurring. My final decision is to just call =whitespace-cleanup= +as needed rather than tracking down or writing some code to do it myself. + +=fancy-narrow-to-region= [fn:c48bcc89: https://github.com/Bruce-Connor/fancy-narrow] is a nice to have. Their approach is kind of +worth noting, simply in that =;;;###autoload= commands are utilized so that +the library is not required to be specified for use. Is this convenience without +downside or just a bad idea from a support perspective? Unknown, at least for +now. I'll err on the side of explicitness (when I'm paying attention at least). + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'fancy-narrow) +#+end_src + +Auto-completion for .-separated words [fn:ab4081de: https://github.com/tkf/auto-complete-chunk] seems like a good idea, so I will +put it here and not worry too much about what header this lives in. The source +explains how to use this feature… it must be specified what is allowed per-mode +- which makes sense. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'auto-complete-chunk) +#+end_src + +***** Apropos + +Why did I wait to long to learn how pleasant this is to use?! There is of +course a mode for it, with a hook/ + +***** C Language Integrated Production System (CLIPS) [fn:d383cc00: http://clipsrules.sourceforge.net/] + +CLIPS is a very special thing. OSS, expertly developed and used. Truly a hidden +gem among the muck. =clips-mode= [fn:36f704bf: https://github.com/grettke/clips-mode] +has had a long life behind it, and only some time ago the folks at MELPA helped +me to get it in there as the original maintainers were not to be found nor did +the folks at that university reply to emails about licensing and lineage. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'clips-mode) +#+end_src + +***** Comint + +comint-mode is only maybe the second most important thing for making Emacs +really, really special. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-input 'this) +(setq comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output 'others) +(setq comint-show-maximum-output t) +(setq comint-scroll-show-maximum-output t) +(setq comint-move-point-for-output t) +(setq comint-prompt-read-only t) +#+end_src + +***** CSS + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/css-modehook () + (fci-mode) + (whitespace-turn-on) + (rainbow-mode) + (visual-line-mode) + (gcr/untabify-buffer-hook) + (turn-on-real-auto-save) + (local-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent)) + +(add-hook 'css-mode-hook 'gcr/css-modehook) +#+end_src + +***** DocView [fn:2a16a3ee: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Document-View.html] + +This is an Emacs document viewer for PDF, PS, DVI, and PNG files. + +***** Emacs Lisp + +Make it obvious whether or not it is lexically scoped [fn:c4baca78: http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/lexbind-mode] or not and don't +show that message whenever you enter a scratch buffer [fn:dfc44625: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Startup-Summary.html]. + +You may read more about Lisp Doc here [fn:d9e2a4de: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Lisp-Doc.html]. + +You may read more about default console messages here [fn:e67fd3ff: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Startup-Summary.html]. + +=eval-expression= gets really, really handy once you get into the Emacs +lifecycle. My goal was to enable =smartparens= in the minibuffer, and it didn't +work. I posted a question on it, and Drew Adams drew.adams@oracle.com explained +how =icicle= provides a better version of =eval-expression=, and how in lieu of +that, =pp-eval-expression= is even better. Michael Heerdegen shared his solution [fn:321475a6: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-gnu-emacs/2014-07/msg00135.html] for a rich modeline evaluator. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/elisp-eval-buffer () + "Intelligently evaluate an Elisp buffer." + (interactive) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers) + (eval-buffer)) + +(defun gcr/elisp-mode-local-bindings () + "Helpful behavior for Elisp buffers." + (local-set-key (kbd "s-l eb") 'gcr/elisp-eval-buffer) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-l ep") 'eval-print-last-sexp) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-l td") 'toggle-debug-on-error) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-l mef") 'macroexpand) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-l mea") 'macroexpand-all) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-p") 'gcr/describe-thing-in-popup) + (local-set-key (kbd "M-:") 'my-eval-expression)) + +(require 'lexbind-mode) + +(defun gcr/emacs-lisp-mode-hook () + (gcr/elisp-mode-local-bindings) + (lexbind-mode) + (turn-on-eldoc-mode) + (gcr/diminish 'eldoc-mode) + (endless/activate-aggressive-indent)) + +(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'gcr/emacs-lisp-mode-hook) + +(setq initial-scratch-message nil) +#+end_src + +***** Email + +My approach for managing email for years and years was to use MUTT [fn:2e04cf54: http://www.mutt.org/] +at school and I didn't care about archiving it. Then I tried Hotmail and it was +fine. Then I heard Gmail was better so I switched to that. Gmail is where I +started to take email a little more seriously, but not too seriously. It was the +mail lists that got me interested in email. + +My current workflow with Gmail is really nice, I like it a lot. Needless to say +though the more you use Emacs the more you just want to do everything inside of +it. After specifically avoiding the pursuit of using Emacs for email, I finally +caved a tiny bit after hearing so many pleasant stories of org-mode users who +use GNUS [fn:ab3b7bca: http://www.gnus.org/]. + +It seems that setting up GNUS to work with Gmail [fn:e33cecef: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/GnusGmail] +is quite straight-forward. Specifically, it looks like GNUS can handle Gmail's +use of /tags/, which I use for a *lot* and do not want to lose them. + +Tha is where I have left it for now. Since I keep revisiting the topic though, I +needed to capture thoughts and feelings on it here to get it off my mind. + +***** Emacs Speaks Statistics (ESS) [fn:3bba0c0c: http://ess.r-project.org/] [fn:25441790: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emacs_Speaks_Statistics] [fn:a2ae633d: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsSpeaksStatistics] [fn:b28cb112: http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2011/08/ess.html] [fn:353ffc35: http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2014/03/emacs-ess-and-r-for-zombies.html] [fn:3b20a6da: https://rstudio-pubs-static.s3.amazonaws.com/2246_6f220d4de90c4cfda4109e62455bc70f.html] +Get =ESS= loaded before doing anything with it in here or out there. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'ess-site) +#+end_src + +For a minimalist release history, read the news file [fn:7be08525: http://ess.r-project.org/Manual/news.html]. + +For a brief, brief overview and release history, read the readme [fn:1b644ec0: http://ess.r-project.org/Manual/readme.html]. + +For a comprehensive overview, read the manual [fn:adfd9a4c: http://ess.r-project.org/Manual/ess.html]. + +In it: +- =S= refers to any language in the family. + - ℝ is what I'm interested in. +- First 2.5 pages do some nice expectation-setting. +- Generally seems like a highly rich development environment with support for + editing, debugging, and support with everything that you would expect from + the best of Emacs. +- Manual covers most requested variables for configuring, but the customize + facility covers more, and mentions that either way you should avoid doing so + until you have used =ESS= for a while. +- Check that =ess= is installed with a call to =ess-version=. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defconst gcr/ess-version "14.09") + +(defun gcr/warn-ess-version () + "Warn of ess misconfiguration." + (interactive) + (when (not (version= ess-version gcr/ess-version)) + (warn "Insufficient ess-mode requirements. Expected %S. Found: %S " gcr/ess-version ess-version))) +(gcr/warn-ess-version) +#+end_src + +ℝ first notes: +- ℝ will start ℝ via =Emacs= +- Multiple =ESS= processes may run simultaneously, and may be selected by a + specific language via their buffer name that has a number appended, or may be + accessed via a menu using =ess-request-a-process=. +- =ESS= works transparently on remote machines using =TRAMP= to manage a remote + ℝ instance. An example is provided for Amazon. Means exist for supporting remote + graphical displays or redirecting to a file. Excellent support seems to exist + to quite flexibly support unexpected things like starting an =ESS= supported + program in a plain old shell and being able to convert it to an =ESS= supported + buffer. + +Various user interaction stuff: +- Return sends the input from wherever you hit return, nice. +- =M-{= and =M-}= cycle through commands you ran +- =M-h= select a whole "paragraph", a block in their terms +- =C-x [= moves through the previous ESS sessions, =C-x ]= forward. +- =C-c C-p= and =C-c C-n= cycle through previous commands. + - How is this differet than the other one? +- =C-c RET= copies an old command to the prompt without running it + - Great idea +- Keep your session transcript pruned + - =ess-transcript-clean-region= removes non-commands from a transcript for you +- Previous command look-up can be done by completion via =comint-*-matching=. + - =M-p= and =M-n= seem to work just fine though. +- Previous command execution, by name, offset, or just the last one, are by =!= + - This feature is actually quite rich and a real regexen style system. + +Always show eldoc for ℝ stuff, everywhere it may. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-eldoc-show-on-symbol t) +#+end_src + +Various session interaction stuff +- Show objects in the work-space: =C-c C-x= +- Search for what libraries are available to the work-space: =C-c C-s= +- Load file with source: =C-c C-l= +- Visit errors: =C-c '= and =C-x '= +- Show help on an object: =C-c C-v= +- Quit: =C-c C-q= +- Abort: =C-c C-c= +- Switch between the console and the most recent file buffer: =C-c C-z= + +Sending code to the ESS process +- =ess-eval-region-or-line-and-step=: Eval the region, or the line, move to next + line +- =C-M-x=: Eval the current region, function, or paragraph +- =C-c C-c=: Do that and then go to the next line +- =C-c C-j=: Eval the current line +- =C-c M-j=: Eval line and jump to the console +- =C-c C-f=: Eval the currently selected function +- =C-c M-f=: Eval the currently selected function and jump to the console +- =C-c C-r=: Eval the region +- =C-c M-r=: Eval the region and jump to the console +- =C-c C-b=: Eval the buffer +- =C-c M-b=: Eval the buffer and jump to the console +- You can do all this stuff from transcript files, too. + - My thought is that I never, ever will and if I do need to, I'm looking up the + commands again as I don't want to make a habit of doing that kind of + thing (running old transcripts). + +Editing objects and functions: +- =C-c C-e C-d=: Edit the current object +- =C-c C-l=: Load source file into the ESS process +- =TAB= Indents/re-formats or completes code. +- =M-;=: Correctly indents the current comment + +Help mode inside of ESS: +- =C-c C-v=: =ess-display-help-on-object=: Get help on anything +- =?=: Show commands available in help mode +- =h=: Show help for a different object. Currently focused object defaults. +- =n= and =p=: Cycle through sections +- =l=: Eval the current line in the console; usually sample code. +- =r=: Eval current region, too +- =q=: Quit out of that buffer +- =k=: Kill that buffer +- =x=: Kill that buffer and return to ESS +- =i=: Get info on a package +- =v=: Show vignettes +- =w=: Show current help page in browser + +Completion: +- =TAB=: Complete anything +- =M-?=: Show completions available +- =ess-resynch=: Refreshes the completion cache + +*ess-tracebug* start + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-use-tracebug t) +#+end_src + +For all =ess-tracebug= stuff, the map prefix is =C-c C-t= + +Breakpoints =ess-dev-map=: +- b =ess-bp-set= :: Set BP (repeat to cycle BP type) +- B =ess-bp-set-conditional= :: Set conditional BP +- k =ess-bp-kill= :: Kill BP +- K =ess-bp-kill-all= :: Kill all BPs +- o =ess-bp-toggle-state= :: Toggle BP state +- l =ess-bp-set-logger= :: Set logger BP +- n =ess-bp-next= :: Goto next BP +- p =ess-bp-previous= :: Goto previous BP + +Note: =C-= prefixed equivalents are also defined + +Debugging =ess-dev-map=: +- ` =ess-show-traceback= (also on C-c ) :: Show traceback +- ~ =ess-show-call-stack= (also on C-c ~) :: Show callstack +- e =ess-debug-toggle-error-action= :: Toggle error action (repeat to cycle) +- d =ess-debug-flag-for-debugging= :: Flag for debugging +- u =ess-debug-unflag-for-debugging= :: Unflag for debugging +- w =ess-watch= :: Watch window + +Note: =C-= prefixed equivalents are also defined) + +Interactive Debugging =ess-debug-minor-mode-map=: +- M-C =ess-debug-command-continue= :: Continue +- M-C-C =ess-debug-command-continue-multi= :: Continue multi +- M-N =ess-debug-command-next= :: Next step +- M-C-N =ess-debug-command-next-multi= :: Next step multi +- M-U =ess-debug-command-up= :: Up frame +- M-Q =ess-debug-command-quit= :: Quit debugging + +Navigation to errors (general emacs functionality): +- =C-x `=, =M-g n :: =next-error= +- =M-g p= :: =previous-error= + +*ess-tracebug* stop + +- Be sure to specify this per-project. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-tracebug-search-path '()) +#+end_src + +- Make error navigation simpler +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(define-key compilation-minor-mode-map [(?n)] 'next-error-no-select) +(define-key compilation-minor-mode-map [(?p)] 'previous-error-no-select) +#+end_src + +- The font size for watched variables. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-watch-scale-amount -1) +#+end_src + +Data viewing: +- *Never* rely upon on the REPL for data viewing + - Will mix up exploratory code with data + - Can't easily distinguish between code and data + - Distracting you + - Breaking your flow +- Sometimes + - You end up somewhere + - And the =ess= buffer cursor is at the top! + - No problem, call =ess-switch-to-end-of-ESS= +- Make it easier to know what object values are. + - =ess-describe-object-at-point= +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-describe-at-point-method 'tooltip) +#+end_src +- Visualize just about anything. + - =ess-R-object-popup= +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'ess-R-object-popup) +#+end_src +- Rdired is another way to work with object + - =ess-rdired= + - View, delete, plot, and update buffer (ala /revert/) are single key commands +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(autoload 'ess-rdired "ess-rdired") +#+end_src +- Visualize data frames better. + - =ess-R-dv-ctable= + - =ess-R-dv-pprint= +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'ess-R-data-view) +#+end_src +- inlineR + - /Not/ a competitor to =org-mode= + - Ultra lightweight LP, really +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'inlineR) +#+end_src + +Documentation: +- Whole section on native documentation; I'll re-visit as needed. +- Roxygen, too. + +=ess-developer= helps you to easily work within specific name-spaces. + +Rutils: key-bindings to aid real usage +- =C-c C-. l=: List all packages in all available libraries. +- =C-c C-. r=: List available packages from repositories listed by =getOptions(‘‘repos’’)= +in the current R session. +- =C-c C-. u=: Update packages in a particular library lib and repository repos. +- =C-c C-. a=: Search for a string using apropos. +- =C-c C-. m=: Remove all R objects. +- =C-c C-. o=: Manipulate R objects; wrapper for =ess-rdired=. +- =C-c C-. w=: Load a workspace file into R. +- =C-c C-. s=: Save a work-space file. +- =C-c C-. d=: Change the working directory for the current R session. +- =C-c C-. H=: Use =browse-url= to navigate R HTML documentation. + +=ess-mode-silently-save= is worth a million bucks; usually I have to hand code +this. + +As of <2014-01-31 Fri>, you need to manually load ESS when you pull it from +MELPA [fn:8dece4ca: https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/ess-help/2014-January/009705.html]. That is totally fine with me, that is really the best way to load stuff. +Out of curiosity, I read more about it here [fn:c5cac42b: https://github.com/milkypostman/melpa/issues/6], but that occurred before +this previous post made by the maintainers. Even the source code in +=ess-autoloads.el= has a license from 2012, which is before the aforementioned +post. As such, this configuration step seems correct and necessary for now. +Additionally, this how the user manual expects a typical manual setup to be +configured. + +Looked a tiny bit at how R hackers are formatting their code [fn:9039b33e: https://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Rguide.xml] [fn:da0df786: http://adv-r.had.co.nz/Style.html]. +The simple (dumb) part of me suspects that C++ formatting is generally just fine [fn:5b466d0c: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7502540/make-emacs-ess-follow-r-style-guide]. + +There is strangely nice discussion about where temp files may be stored; +specifically for cases where you edit identically-named objects and want to keep +them in the same directory but per-project. That is not the need now, and it is +nice to know that it is an option. + +Store history files and dump files in a single known location. If that location +doesn't exist, then make it. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq gcr/r-dir "~/.R/") +(defun gcr/make-warn-R-dir () + "Handle of R directory misconfiguration." + (interactive) + (unless (f-directory? gcr/r-dir) + (progn + (message "Couldn't find %S… creating it." gcr/r-dir) + (f-mkdir gcr/r-dir)))) +(gcr/make-warn-R-dir) +(setq ess-history-directory gcr/r-dir) +(setq ess-source-directory gcr/r-dir) +#+end_src + +Since I'm using ℝ for everything, configure /everything/ to be using ℝ. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq inferior-ess-program "R") +(setq inferior-R-program-name "R") +(setq ess-local-process-name "R") +#+end_src + +Handle the custom ℝ prompt in =ess=. Don't use custom here. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq inferior-S-prompt "[]a-zA-Z0-9.[]*\\(?:[>+.] \\)*ℝ+> ") +#+end_src + +Always start =ess= within the curent =emacs= frame, it doesn't need to be separate. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq inferior-ess-same-window nil) +(setq inferior-ess-own-frame nil) +#+end_src + +Help buffers all belong in the same frame. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-help-own-frame nil) +#+end_src + +When =ess= starts, or when ℝ starts, it takes the current directory as its +working directory. This is totally fine; so don't ask what the working directory +should be. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-ask-for-ess-directory nil) +#+end_src + +My preference is for ESS to quit and not ask me whether or not I am sure. There +is an intentional line-break after the closing round bracket because that is the +approach of the original value here. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq inferior-ess-exit-command "q('no') +") +#+end_src + +When commands are executed, display their output within the current buffer, +rather than to a new dedicated buffer for them. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-execute-in-process-buffer +1) +#+end_src + +When you cycle between a the ℝ buffer and the script, you get to the process +buffer, you will go to the end of the buffer. This setting is specifically to +handle a buffer that is scrolling when you want to see the last result and will +scroll back after the fact to see the history. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-switch-to-end-of-proc-buffer t) +#+end_src + +Use typical auto completion in buffers here, but don't do it when the +next char is a symbol or closed paren. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-tab-complete-in-script +1) +(setq ess-first-tab-never-complete 'symbol-or-paren-or-punct) +#+end_src + +Use =ido= completion whenever possible. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-use-ido t) +#+end_src + +Handle rdoc and rmd files, though I have never used them… yet. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.rd\\'" . Rd-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.Rmd$" . r-mode)) +#+end_src + +Use =eldoc= for this mode. Always show it when the point is on a symbol. +Try to keep help strings at 10 chars or less. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-use-eldoc t) +(setq ess-eldoc-show-on-symbol t) +(setq ess-eldoc-abbreviation-style 'normal) +#+end_src + +Make it really easy to search the ℝ archives for anything. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(local-set-key (kbd "C-c C-. S") 'ess-rutils-rsitesearch) +#+end_src + +Make it really easy to do common stuff for ℝ with good keybindings. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'ess-rutils) +(setq ess-rutils-keys +1) +#+end_src + +=r-autoyas= does argument completion. I had it working nice, and didn't use it for +a while, and now it doesn't work. This needs some TLC. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'r-autoyas) + +(setq r-autoyas-debug t) +(setq r-autoyas-expand-package-functions-only nil) +(setq r-autoyas-remove-explicit-assignments nil) +#+end_src + +These functions are metioned, and I am not sure where or how to use them yet, +but Vitalie Spinu mentioned them as being useful: +- =comint-previous-matching-input-from-input= +- =comint-history-isearch-backward-regexp= + +Personal customizations for this mode. For some currently unknown reason, +=smartparens= only runs when you call =smartparens-strict-mode= and not +=turn-on-smartparens-strict-mode= like it does everywhere else. + +For a while I used =ess-eval-buffer-and-go=, but now I know that it is insanely +faster to use =ess-eval-buffer= instead. Previously I've read people saying that, +and it is true. + +Save two spaces showing function information in the mini-buffer. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-ac-R-argument-suffix "=") +#+end_src + +When I started to standardize arrows across modes, I recalled teh =ess= +documentation and was also reminded [fn:645cef99: http://www.r-bloggers.com/a-small-customization-of-ess/] +here how easy it is to customize it. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/ess-mode-hook () + (local-set-key (kbd "s-e") 'ess-switch-to-end-of-ESS) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-x") 'r-autoyas-expand) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-p") 'ess-R-object-popup) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-v o") 'ess-describe-object-at-point) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-v d") 'ess-rdired) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-v cc") 'ess-R-dv-ctable) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-v cp") 'ess-R-dv-pprint) + (setq ess-S-assign-key (kbd "C-,")) + (ess-toggle-S-assign-key t) + (ess-toggle-underscore nil) + (local-set-key (kbd "C-.") (lambda () (interactive) (insert " -> "))) + (local-set-key (kbd "C-M-,") (lambda () (interactive) (insert " <<- "))) + (local-set-key (kbd "C-M-.") (lambda () (interactive) (insert " ->> "))) + (local-set-key (kbd "C-8") (lambda () (interactive) (insert " %<>% "))) + (local-set-key (kbd "C-9") (lambda () (interactive) (insert " %>% "))) + (local-set-key (kbd "C-0") 'ess-eval-buffer) + (ess-set-style 'RRR 'quiet) + (turn-on-pretty-mode) + (r-autoyas-ess-activate) + (visual-line-mode) + (smartparens-strict-mode) + (rainbow-mode) + (turn-on-real-auto-save) + (gcr/untabify-buffer-hook) + (fci-mode) + (hs-minor-mode) + (linum-mode) + (gcr/turn-on-r-hide-show) + (endless/activate-aggressive-indent) + (lambda () (add-hook 'ess-presend-filter-functions + (lambda () + (warn + "ESS now supports a standard pre-send filter hook. Please update your configuration to use it instead of using advice."))))) + +(add-hook 'ess-mode-hook 'gcr/ess-mode-hook) + +(defun gcr/turn-on-r-hide-show () + "Attribution: SRC https://github.com/mlf176f2/EmacsMate/blob/master/EmacsMate-ess.org" + (when (string= "S" ess-language) + (set (make-local-variable 'hs-special-modes-alist) '((ess-mode "{" "}" "#" nil nil))) + (hs-minor-mode 1) + (when (fboundp 'foldit-mode) + (foldit-mode 1)) + (when (fboundp 'fold-dwim-org/minor-mode) + (fold-dwim-org/minor-mode)))) + +(defun gcr/Rd-mode-hook () + (gcr/ess-mode-hook)) + +(add-hook 'Rd-mode-hook 'gcr/Rd-mode-hook) + +(defun gcr/inferior-ess-mode-hook () + (gcr/ess-mode-hook)) + +(add-hook 'inferior-ess-mode-hook 'gcr/inferior-ess-mode-hook) + +(defun gcr/ess-rdired-mode-hook () + "Personal customizations." + (interactive) + (turn-on-stripe-buffer-mode) + (stripe-listify-buffer)) + +(add-hook 'ess-rdired-mode-hook 'gcr/ess-rdired-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +Tell ESS how to handle my custom prompt: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq inferior-ess-primary-prompt "ℝ> ") +#+end_src + +This [fn:1ffa40c2: http://www.r-bloggers.com/a-small-customization-of-ess/] +post shares a nice setup for the assignment key; primarily if +you use underscores in your variable names, which I do on occasions. After +coding like this for just 10 short minutes it drove me nuts and that is totally +counter intuitive to me; I never would have expected that having to type two +characters to do an assignment would give me nuts. Anyway, the default behavior +is just fine; hit underscore twice gives you an underscore, and one gives you an +assignment! + +*Philosophy* + +The current =ESS= maintainers philosophies about how to maintain an ℝ code-base +make sense to me and are virtually the same as my own. Quite simply, the rule is +that the code artifacts are the single source of system definition. Consequently, +the system should be configured in this manner: + +We want to keep dump files after loading them; never delete them. The idea +is that if we use them, then they are a valid part of the system definition and +need to be kept. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-keep-dump-files +1) +#+end_src + +=ESS= allows us to quite easily modify live =S= objects and functions. It provides +this functionality via =ess-dump-object-into-edit-buffer=. These changes are +considered to be experimental, and not part of the master record according to +our philosophy. As such, we don't care to know that these new versions ever +existed and their record will be forgotten from history. In other words, that +new, modified version of the object or function, is never saved to a file for +later reuse. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-delete-dump-files nil) +#+end_src + +Since our systems are entirely file-based, the entirety of the system most +likely lives in different files. Before loading any file for sourcing, save +any ESS source buffers. This approach is in addition to two other things: +(1) Emacs is auto-saving every file buffer quite frequently and (2) there is +advice before every manual =eval= call so that the buffers and their files stay +in sync. Yes, it is really that important. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-mode-silently-save +1) +#+end_src + +During the experimental mode of system development, you are likely to hack on +things using an ESS buffer associated with a file. Things can happen quite +unexpectedly, and it is easier to know that the code that you have =eval='d is +the value that is actually currently saved on-disk. You get it by now, that is +my personal preference. It is just a lot easier IMHO to know that your files are +persisted and my be stored in your VCS and that things "look are right". +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defadvice ess-eval-region-or-line-and-step (before before-ess-eval-region-or-line-and-step activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) + +(defadvice ess-eval-region-or-function-or-paragraph (before before-ess-eval-region-or-function-or-paragraph activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) + +(defadvice ess-eval-region-or-function-or-paragraph-and-step (before before-ess-eval-region-or-function-or-paragraph-and-step activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) + +(defadvice ess-eval-line (before before-ess-eval-line activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) + +(defadvice ess-eval-line-and-go (before before-ess-eval-line-and-go activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) + +(defadvice ess-eval-function (before before-ess-eval-function activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) + +(defadvice ess-eval-function-and-go (before before-ess-eval-function-and-go activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) + +(defadvice ess-eval-region (before before-ess-eval-region activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) + +(defadvice ess-eval-region-and-go (before before-ess-eval-region-and-go activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) + +(defadvice ess-eval-buffer (before before-ess-eval-buffer activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) + +(defadvice ess-eval-buffer-and-go (before before-ess-eval-buffer-and-go activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) +#+end_src + +Don't save the workspace when you quit ℝ and don't restore *ANYTHING* when you +start it, either. This adheres to the philosopy that the system is file based. +Period. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq inferior-R-args "--no-save --no-restore") +#+end_src + +Indent curly brackets correctly: + +=smartparens= is serving me well. In this mode it is for curly, round, and square brackets. =ESS= handles indenting mostly right, too. One thing was unpleasant, though. When you define a new function, hitting return brings the curely bracket down to the newline but doesn't give it an empty line and indent the cursor one indentation over so that you may begin implementing the function. That is a big hassle; 4 unnecessary keystroke, it is really distracting and takes you out of the flow. It is such a little thing yet it is so powerfully distracting. It is like a mosquito in your tent! Searching for a solution revealed that I am not alone here. + +This post [fn:32fe93bc: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ESSAutoParens] handles brackets, +indentation quite well [fn:5f2adfb8: http://emacs.1067599.n5.nabble.com/indentation-not-working-if-parentheses-are-already-closed-td283806.html] but doesn't provide the behavior that I want. +This post [fn:47104806: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18420933/enabling-mode-specific-paren-indentation-in-emacs-prelude] captured exactly what I was facing, yet didn't end with a +solution which was kind of shocking. Searching some more I ended up here [fn:cd67477f: https://github.com/Fuco1/smartparens/issues/80], and this seems like the +ideal solution by the author of smartparens himself. This is probably a common thing + as I found another post +with exactly my situation referencing that aforementioned solution, too [fn:2c7c401d: https://github.com/bbatsov/prelude/issues/374]. This is a nice generalizable +approach that should serve me well for just about everything in this solution-area. Here [fn:5a732a42:: https://github.com/rdallasgray/graphene/blob/master/graphene-smartparens-config.el] is a post +showing a more advanced usage that handles context which is nice to know is an option. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(sp-local-pair 'ess-mode "{" nil :post-handlers '((gcr/indent-curly-block "RET"))) +#+end_src + +=ESS= executes code in another process. That is no secret. When displaying output +from that code running in another process though, it can look like Emacs is +locking up. That is not the case [fn:2fbb65bd: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2770523/how-can-i-background-the-r-process-in-ess-emacs]. +What is happening that Emacs is waiting for the output. Configure this mode to +continue to accept user input, which is obviously critical, but don't wait for +the process to provide its output. Instead, all output is printed after the last +input lines. What we gain is perceived speed, and what we lose is the nice +sequential this/that/this/that we get from a typical REPL interaction. As I +write this, I'm not totally sure how this will work, but the documentation and +post are consistent and describe what I had wanted here so I will give it a try +and see how it goes. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq ess-eval-visibly 'nowait) +#+end_src + +Michael explained how to use a richer =eval-expression=, and then showed how to +do the same thing in ℝ. This is the original post, and it will work once I am +on the next version of =emacs= that has the new advice library. Until then, I +won't include this. + +#+begin_example +(advice-add + 'debugger-record-expression :around + (lambda (f exp) (interactive + (list (read (my-read--expression "Record Eval: ")))) + (funcall f exp)) + '((name . use-my-read--expression))) +#+end_example + +****** Control Files + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: ignore-r-config + :END: + +*.Rprofile* +#+begin_src R :tangle ~/.Rprofile +«rprofile-def» +.First <- function() { + gcr <- new.env() + «rfirst-defs» + base::attach(gcr, name="gcr", warn.conflicts=FALSE) +} +fortune() +#+end_src + +*.Renviron* +#+begin_src sh :tangle ~/.Renviron +«renviron-def» +#+end_src + +******* .Rprofile [fn:89a51cf1: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1189759/expert-r-users-whats-in-your-rprofile] + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: rprofile-def + :END: + +- When you install packages, R needs to know which repository it should use. If + you don't tell it, then it will ask you every time. It is just doing its job. + Make it easier for yourself and specify a repo for once and for all. + - Via [fn:41269bb7: http://www.r-bloggers.com/installing-r-packages/] + - Built-in docs explain that =local= should be used here + - This could also be a one-liner: ~options("repos" = c(CRAN = "http://cran.r-project.org/"))~ +#+begin_src R +local({ + r = getOption("repos") + r["CRAN"] = "http://cran.r-project.org/" + options(repos = r) +}) +#+end_src + +- By default, hitting enter in the =browser= will submit a =c= for "continue + execution at the next statement" + - It is too easy to hit enter when you didn't mean it + - It just /feels/ imprecise + - Never let this happen, disable that feature +#+begin_src R +options(browserNLdisabled = TRUE) +#+end_src + +Show timestamps to 3 sub-seconds: +#+begin_src R +options("digits.secs"=3) +#+end_src + +Make the ℝ prompt stand out (be sure to tell ESS how to handle this): +#+begin_src R +options(prompt="ℝ> ") +#+end_src + +Do not allow automatic coercion of strings into factors, as you can specify this +by argument to make it /real/ obvious. Looks like the best way is to leave it +alone globally and always do it by hand though. hwickam commented that it is +bad, bad idea to make this option global not because of your code, but because +of everyone else's that you are using which relies on the option being set to +=TRUE=. +#+begin_src R +options(stringsAsFactors=TRUE) +#+end_src + +This might be /too much/, but always show a call stack when *any* warnings or +errors occur +#+begin_src R +options(showWarnCalls=TRUE) +options(showErrorCalls=TRUE) +#+end_src + +Be highly conservative about errors and warnings: handle the former immediately +and cause the latter to be errors. However, only do this after your workspace +has initialized correctly. Do so too soon and most things won't work because +this approach is only to handle /my/ issues. Imagine of the whole work just +handled their own issues! Anway, the safe values are set here, leave them alone. +Making them more aggressive will break your startup. When you are ready to set +things to be more aggressive, turn it on yourself +#+begin_src R +options(error=NULL) +options(warn=0) +#+end_src + +Don't print more than 500 lines. If you can grok more than 500 lines then please +teach me. Be at ease, there is a helper to remove that restriction, just in case. +#+begin_src R +options(max.print=500) +#+end_src + +Partial matching is a neat and flexible feature for objects. In theory, it is +quite powerful and convenient. In practice it seems like a really bad idea to +me. It is a /personal preference/. It only makes sense from that perspective. +This could bork 3rd party code. +#+begin_src R +options(warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE) +#+end_src + +Locale: +- Make sure that the language is set correctly. I couldn't find anything specific + about setting it this way other than various posts. In practice you would really + put all of this in your system environment configuration, but I'm wanting to be + a little more particular here because it affects operations on data structures, + in particular sorting. +- Error messages are mostly useful when they are displayed in English, so make + sure that the locale is always English [fn:24499ef7: http://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-patched/R-admin.html#Localization-of-messages]. + "Note that the LANGUAGE environment variable has precedence over ~LC_MESSAGES~ in + selecting the language for message translation on most R platforms." [fn:51fe4215: http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/locales.html] +- Note: + - My previous approach was to define a top level binding for the locale string + and pass that reference to bind each of the following settings. That was fine + until I wanted to be able to easily clear out all of the top-level bindngs to + "reset" it with a =rm(ls())= kind of thing. For that reason, I just use the + manifest strings here. +#+begin_src R +Sys.setenv(LANG = "en_US.UTF-8") +Sys.setlocale("LC_COLLATE", "en_US.UTF-8") +Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES", "en_US.UTF-8") +#+end_src + +******** Packages + +********* assertthat + +Design-by-contract [fn:bc0c6d68: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/assertthat/index.html +] is a great, great thing. Make it much easier with valuable +functionsand useful messages! + +Cheatsheet: +- Always use ~assert_that~ +- Use + - ℝ built ins to check tests + - Additionally via =assertthat=: + - =is.flag= + - =is.string= + - =has_name= + - =has_attr= + - =is.count= + - =are_equal= + - =not_empty= + - =noNA= + - =is.dir= + - =is.writeable= and =is.readable= + - =has_extension= + +#+begin_src R +library(assertthat) +#+end_src + +********* testthat + +Design-by-contract and unit-tests [fn:d61c81a6: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/testthat/index.html] +go hand-in-hand. + +Expectations: +- =equals() :=: uses =all.equal()= to check for equality with numerical tolerance + - Shorthand: =expect_equal(x, y)= +- =is_identical_to()= :: uses =identical()= to check for exact equality + - Shorthand: =expect_identical(x, y)= +- =is_equivalent_to()= :: is a more relaxed version of =equals()= that ignores attributes + - Shorthand: =expect_equivalent(x, y)= +- =is_a()= :: checks that an object =inherit()='s from a specified class + - Shorthand: =expect_is(x, y)= +- =matches()= :: matches a character vector against a regular expression. + - The optional all argument controls where all elements or just one element + need to match. + - Shorthand: =expect_matches(x, y)= +- =prints_text()= :: matches the printed output from an expression against a + regular expression + - Shorthand: =expect_output(x, y)= +- =shows_message()= :: checks that an expression shows a message + - Shorthand: =expect_message(x, y)= +- =gives_warning()= :: expects that you get a warning + - Shorthand: =expect_warning(x, y)= +- =throws_error()= :: verifies that the expression throws an error. + - You can also supply a regular expression which is applied to the text of the + error + - Shorthand: =expect_error(x, y)= +- =is_true()= :: is a useful catchall if none of the other expectations do what + you want - it checks that an expression is true + - =is_false()= is the complement of =is_true()= + - Shorthand: =expect_true(x)= + - Shorthand: =expect_false(x)= + +- Notes + - "Each test is run in its own environment so it is self-contained." + - Plain old code so you can modify the global environment FYI + +#+begin_src R +library(testthat) +#+end_src + +********* stringr + +Make it really easy to work with strings [fn:bb2c9d86: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/stringr/index.html]. That is indeed a good goal, and +the reason that I installed this initially was because =testthat= mentions that +it is used. +#+begin_src R +library(stringr) +#+end_src + +********* sqldf + +How you extract data from a dataframe is flexible and everyone can and may do it +differently. One option available is to use =SQL= [fn:2e49b888: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sqldf/index.html], so make it available. + +Comments taken from [fn:c116c9a5: http://randyzwitch.com/sqldf-package-r/] +- "This [using SQL] is a skill that every analyst should possess" +- "Being able to write SQL will save you time and provide you with a way of + getting repeatable results so that you don't have to focus on doing the + calculations all the time and worrying about errors in Excel" +- "[instead] You can focus on the task of actually analyzing your data" + +Notes from the user manual [fn:0ef50a78: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/sqldf/index.html] +- Interesting package info + - "Title Perform SQL Selects on R Data Frames" + - "Author G. Grothendieck " + - "Description Description: Manipulate R data frames using SQL." + - "Depends R (>= 2.14.0), gsubfn (>= 0.6), proto, RSQLite (>= 0.8-0),RSQLite.extfuns" +- Google group mentioned [fn:0bf2d03a: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/sqldf], joined it +- Official site mentioned and it has good docs +- Seems to uses SQLLite +- =read.csv.sql= + - "Read a file into R filtering it with an sql statement. Only the filtered + portion is processed by R so that files larger than R can otherwise handle + can be accommodated." + - Parms + - Handles =http= and =ftp= =URLs= + - =filter= + - "If specified, this should be a shell/batch command that the input file is + piped through. For read.csv2.sql it is by default the following on + non-Windows systems: tr , .. This translates all commas in the file to + dots." + - Why is that specific example mentioned? + - =field.types= + - State the SQLite types for the column names + - Rarely needed + - =dbname= + - "As in =sqldf= except that the default is =tempfile()=. Specifying =NULL= will + put the database in memory which may improve speed but will limit the size + of the database by the available memory." + - Details + - "Reads the indicated file into an sql database creating the database if it + does not already exist. Then it applies the sql statement returning the + result as a data frame. If the database did not exist prior to this + statement it is removed." + - "Note that it uses facilities of SQLite to read the file which are + intended for speed and therefore not as flexible as in R. For example, it + does not recognize quoted fields as special but will regard the quotes as + part of the field. See the sqldf help for more information." + - "=read.csv2.sql= is like =read.csv.sql= except the default sep is ";" and the + default filter translates all commas in the file to decimal points (i.e. + to dots)." + - Value + - "If the sql statement is a select statement then a data frame is returned." +- =sqldf= + - Description :: SQL select on data frames + - Arguments + - =stringsAsFactors does what you think + - =row.names= could be useful + - =envir= could make it safer + - =method= determines how to type the data from the database into a dataframe + - Looks like a *powerhouse* feature + - Could greatly simplify data brokering + - =file.format= + - =eol= handling mentioned across platforms + - Ran into this with the built-in reader + - =dbname= + - SQLite creates an in-memory database! + - Details + - The typical action of sqldf is to + - create a database :: in memory + - read in the data frames and files :: used in the select statement. This is + done by scanning the select statement to see which words in the select + statement are of class "data.frame" or "file" in the parent frame, or the + specified environment if envir is used, and for each object found by + reading it into the database if it is a data frame. Note that this + heuristic usually reads in the wanted data frames and files but on + occasion may harmlessly reads in extra ones too. + - run the select statement :: getting the result as a data frame + - assign the classes :: of the returned data frame’s columns if + method = "auto". This is done by checking all the column names in the + read-in data frames and if any are the same as a column output from the + data base then that column is coerced to the class of the column whose + name matched. If the class of the column is "factor" or "ordered" or if + the column is not matched then the column is returned as is. If + method = "auto.factor" then processing is similar except that "factor" + and "ordered" classes and their levels will be assigned as well. The + "auto.factor" heuristic is less reliable than the "auto" heuristic. If + method = "raw" then the classes are returned as is from the database. + - cleanup :: If the database was created by sqldf then it is deleted; + otherwise, all tables that were created are dropped in order to leave the + database in the same state that it was before. The database connection is + terminated. + - Warning :: Although sqldf is usually used with on-the-fly databases which + it automatically sets up and destroys if you wish to use it with existing + databases be sure to back up your database prior to using it since + incorrect operation could destroy the entire database. + - Value + - The result of the specified select statement is output as a data frame. + - If a vector of sql statements is given as x then the result of the last + one is returned. + - If the x and connection arguments are missing then it returns a new + connection and also places this connection in the option sqldf.connection. + - Great to know that the connection is cached! + - Notes + - Big FYI: Commas in columns will be parsed as column separators! + - Recommends using =read.table= if this matter + - Examples + - They all demonstrate how to do it in R and then again with SQL + - Super helpful + - You seem to be able to do everything that you would expect possible + - Thoughts + - Need to grok both R and SQL to use this safely + - Using temp tables is kind of huge + - Via [fn:55ef7537: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19019883/how-to-handle-column-names-not-supported-by-sqldf-in-r] + - Use =_= instead lf =.= in column names from a R call + - Where is this in the documentation? + +Notes from the official site [fn:078aba0c: https://code.google.com/p/sqldf/] +- Opening + - How it works + - The user simply specifies an SQL statement + - in R using data frame names in place of table names + - and a database with appropriate table layouts/schema is automatically + created, + - the data frames are automatically loaded into the database, + - the specified SQL statement is performed, + - the result is read back into R + - and the database is deleted all automatically behind the scenes making the + database's existence transparent to the user who only specifies the SQL + statement. + - Supports + - SQLite + - H2 + - PostgreSQL + - MySQL + - The FAQ mostly talks about SQLite +- Overview + - with sqldf the user is freed from having to do the following, all of which + are automatically done: + - database setup + - writing the create table statement which defines each table + - importing and exporting to and from the database + - coercing of the returned columns to the appropriate class in common cases + - It an be used for + - learning R if you know SQL + - Doing it faster than R + - Load portions of a really large file +- Troubleshooting + - Set the driver expicitly + - "error messages regarding a data frame that has a dot in its name. The dot + is an SQL operator. Either quote the name appropriately or change the name + of the data frame to one without a dot." +- FAQ + - Column class conversion touched upon + - Dots in names + - Dots are SQL operators so can't use them + - See =?SQL92Keywords= + - For columns + - Either use underscore + - Or simply remove them + - For tables + - Double quote the name + - H2 supports date types, which seems quite helpful + - Name a column ending with two underscores and a type and the library will + convert the type to R correctly + - Mentioned in the docs + - SQL is case *insensitive* + - Don't rely on casing to differentiate column names + - We may examine the in-memory database table structure + - Be quite careful about CSV data that contains commas again as this lib + won't handle it + - Good examples of cleaning data gettig int into a R friendly format + - Be sure to specify numeric values as integers or doubles so you get expected + results from division +- Examples + - Example 1. Ordering and Limiting + - Example 2. Averaging and Grouping + - Example 3. Nested Select + - Example 4. Join + - Example 5. Insert Variables + - Hugely convenient + - Example 6. File Input + - Example 7. Nested Select + - Example 8. Specifying File Format + - Example 9. Working with Databases + - Example 10. Persistent Connections + - Example 11. Between and Alternatives + - Example 12. Combine two files in permanent database + - Example 13. read.csv.sql and read.csv2.sql + - Uses SQLite's import facility to create an in-memory database + - Then it reads the results of the query into R + - The import does not involve R so it can handle larger files than R can + assuming that the query results in a size that does fit + - Example 14. Use of spatialite library functions + - Example 15. Use of RSQLite.extfuns library functions + - Example 16. Moving Average + +SQLite, SQL As Understood By SQLite: +- [[https://www.sqlite.org/lang_corefunc.html][Core Functions]] +- [[https://www.sqlite.org/lang_aggfunc.html][Aggregate Functions]] +- [[https://www.sqlite.org/lang_datefunc.html][Date And Time Functions]] +- These previous are all provided by [[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RSQLite.extfuns/index.html][RSQLite.extfuns]] + +#+begin_src R +library(sqldf) +#+end_src + +********* MASS + +"Functions and datasets to support Venables and Ripley, 'Modern Applied +Statistics with S' (4th edition, 2002)." Also, =sqldf= recommended it be +installed, so it is the right time. [fn:4d284c54: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/MASS/index.html] + +#+begin_src R +library(MASS) +#+end_src + +********* jsonlite + +Make it easy to work with JSON [37138455: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/jsonlite/index.html]. +Reading the vignette's, it does a lot more, for example =rbind.pages=. + +#+begin_src R +library(jsonlite) +#+end_src + +********* data.table + +=data.table= [fn:de30b846: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/data.table/index.html ] +is quite nice. + +#+begin_src R +library(data.table) +#+end_src + +********* xlsx + +Read and write Excel files [fn:ed7756d2: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/xlsx/index.html]. + +#+begin_src R +library(xlsx) +#+end_src + +********* XML + +Make ℝ truly enterprise [fn:bf8a1f82: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/XML/index.html]. + +#+begin_src R +library(XML) +#+end_src + +********* magrittr + +This is a add from the /most understated package definition/ of the year +department. =magrittr= [fn:73ee53da: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/magrittr/index.html] +is, much like every Scheme library ever, deceptively simple in its power and +ease of use that it provides. + +#+begin_src R :noweb-ref ignore +devtools::install_github("smbache/magrittr") +#+end_src + +#+begin_src R +library(magrittr) +#+end_src + +********* devtools + +=devtools=: Tools to make developing ℝ code easier + +#+begin_quote +[[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/devtools/index.html][Collection of package development tools]] +#+end_quote + +That is a bit too terse. Intro to the README follows + +#+begin_quote +The aim of devtools is to make your life as a package developer easier by providing R functions that simplify many common tasks. R packages are actually really simple, and with the right tools it should be easier to use the package structure than not. Package development in R can feel intimidating, but devtools does every thing it can to make it as welcoming as possible. devtools comes with a small guarantee: if because of a bug in devtools a member of R-core gets angry with you, I will send you a handwritten apology note. Just forward me the email and your address, and I'll get a card in the mail. +#+end_quote + +Excellent. + +[[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/devtools/README.html][Readme]]. [[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/devtools/devtools.pdf][Manual]]. [[https://github.com/hadley/devtools][Github]]. + +At the very least, just /know of/ this package, as you will be installing it if +you want to us =tidyr=. + +#+begin_src R :noweb-ref ignore +install.packages("devtools") +devtools::install_github("devtools") +#+end_src + +#+begin_src R +library(devtools) +#+end_src + +********* reshape2 + +=reshape2=: Flexibly reshape data: a reboot of the =reshape= package + +#+begin_quote +Reshape lets you flexibly restructure and aggregate data using just two functions: melt and cast. +#+end_quote + +[[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/reshape2/index.html][CRAN]]. [[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/reshape2/reshape2.pdf][Manual]]. [[https://github.com/hadley/reshape/blob/master/README.md][Github]]. + +This seems to be a defacto standard. + +#+begin_src R +library(reshape2) +#+end_src + +********* tidyr + +=tidyr=: Easily tidy data with spread and gather functions for ℝ + +#+begin_quote +[[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tidyr/index.html][tidyr]] is an evolution of reshape2. It's design specifically for data tidying (not general reshaping or aggregating) and works well with dplyr data pipelines. +#+end_quote + +[[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tidyr/README.html][Readme]]. [[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tidyr/tidyr.pdf][Manual]]. [[https://github.com/hadley/tidyr][Github]]. + +Not on CRAN yet so install via + +#+begin_src R :noweb-ref ignore +devtools::install_github("hadley/tidyr") +#+end_src + +#+begin_src R +library(tidyr) +#+end_src + +********* lubridate + +lubridate: Make dealing with dates a little easier in ℝ + +#+begin_quote +[[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/lubridate/index.html][Lubridate]] makes it easier to work with dates and times by providing functions to identify and parse date-time data, extract and modify components of a date-time (years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds), perform accurate math on date-times, handle time zones and Daylight Savings Time. Lubridate has a consistent, memorable syntax, that makes working with dates fun instead of frustrating. +#+end_quote + +[[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/lubridate/lubridate.pdf][Manual]]. [[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/lubridate/vignettes/lubridate.html][Vignette]]. + +#+begin_src R +library(lubridate) +#+end_src + +Perhaps in some /time/ there will be a unified approach to time-management among +all programming languages. + +********* plyr + +plyr: Tools for splitting, applying and combining data in R + +#+begin_quote +[[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/plyr/index.html][plyr]] is a set of tools that solves a common set of problems: you need to break a big problem down into manageable pieces, operate on each pieces and then put all the pieces back together. For example, you might want to fit a model to each spatial location or time point in your study, summarise data by panels or collapse high-dimensional arrays to simpler summary statistics. The development of plyr has been generously supported by BD (Becton Dickinson). +#+end_quote + +[[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/plyr/README.html][Readme]]. [[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/plyr/plyr.pdf][Manual]]. [[http://plyr.had.co.nz/][Home page]]. [[https://github.com/hadley/plyr][Github]]. + +#+begin_src R +library(plyr) +#+end_src + +********* dplyr + +dplyr: a grammar of data manipulation in R + +#+begin_quote +[[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dplyr/index.html][A fast, consistent tool]] for working with data frame like objects, both in memory and out of memory. +#+end_quote + +[[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dplyr/README.html][Readme]]. [[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dplyr/dplyr.pdf][Manual]]. [[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dplyr/vignettes/introduction.html][Introduction to dplyr]]. + +#+begin_src R +library(dplyr) +#+end_src + +********* testit + +testit: A simple package for testing R packages + +[[https://github.com/yihui/testit][GitHub]]. [[http://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/testit/index.html][CRAN]]. [[http://cran.rstudio.com/web/packages/testit/testit.pdf][Manual]]. + +Gives you =assert= and =test_pkg=. Save characters. + +#+begin_src R +library(testit) +#+end_src + +********* knitr + +knitr: A general-purpose package for dynamic report generation in R + +Read the [[http://yihui.name/knitr/][home page]]. It has great resources. + +Watched [[https://www.screenr.com/qcv8][the video]]. Very nice to see; comfortable and familiar. Need to set up +RStudio for it. Clearly a critical tool. Cites Knuth. + +Features are amazingly understated. If you've worked with all of these tools, +you will appreciate the importance of the author's effort! + +=Objects=, =Options=, =Hooks=, and =Patterns= … what is this, Emacs? + +There are demo [[http://yihui.name/knitr/demos][links]]. There is a [[https://github.com/yihui/knitr-examples][project for examples]]. This [[http://yihui.name/knitr/demo/showcase/][showcase]] has links +to websites, book reviews, solutions, R packages, courses, workshops and +presentations, books, papers and reports, wrappers, and blog posts on =knitr=. + +[[https://github.com/yihui/knitr][Here]] is the GitHub project. Read the motivations and see the hours and days and +weeks that you have had spared! Uses =testit=, so read up on that and added it. + +Read the [[https://github.com/yihui/knitr/blob/master/FAQ.md][Frequently Asked Questions]]. Joined the [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/knitr][mailing list]]. =ess= supports it. +Sure that I can configure the custom prompt. Great =README=. + +[[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/knitr/index.html][CRAN]] as expected. Much better summary eg HTML, Makrdown, reStructuredText, and +AsciiDoc are mentioned. Curious about the cacheing, and how I would do it in +=org=. Custom code to run before and after a hunk are another thoughtful touch one +would expect coming from =org=. Also support Python and shell. The LaTeX and LyX +support is also pretty neat. Same [[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/knitr/README.html][READM]]E. [[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/knitr/knitr.pdf][Reference]]. + +Somehow missed the [[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/knitr/vignettes/knitr-refcard.pdf][reference card]] initially. + +[[http://yihui.name/knitr/demo/vignette/][How to build package vignettes with knitr]]. + +#+begin_src R +library(knitr) +#+end_src + +********* fortunes + +R Fortunes. + +[[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/fortunes/index.html][CRAN]]. + +#+begin_src R +library(fortunes) +#+end_src + +********* ggplot2 + +- [[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ggplot2/index.html][CRAN]] + - [[http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/ggplot2/ggplot2.pdf][reference]] +- [[https://github.com/hadley/ggplot2][Github]] + - [[https://github.com/hadley/ggplot2/wiki][wiki]] + - Lots of great resources + - Whyu use it, how to support it, improvide i + - Publications using it, around the web + - FAQ, roadmap + - Case studies + - Tips and tricks + - Enhancements +- [[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/ggplot2][Mail list]] +- [[http://ggplot2.org/][Homepage]] + - [[http://docs.ggplot2.org/current/][Documentation]] + +#+begin_src R +library(ggplot2) +#+end_src + +******* .First + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: rfirst-defs + :END: + +Reading: +- [[http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Startup.html][Startup]] :: mandatory reading, the definitive source +- [[http://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Lemon-kickstart/kr_first.html][Kickstarting R]] :: I just like this tutorial + +- =attach= is a powerfuly convenient function. Sure, it can make you and your + program go bonkers, but you know, it is worth it for the convenience. Joking + aside, it has its place, so it should not go away completely. However, it ought + not be used much, and if you do need to use it, the it should be really really + obvious. + - Eg: [fn:7ce54638: http://www.r-bloggers.com/to-attach-or-not-attach-that-is-the-question/] +#+begin_src R +gcr$attach.unsafe <- attach +gcr$attach <- function(...) { + warning("NEVER USE ATTACH! Use `unsafe.attach` if you must.") + attach.unsafe(...) +} +#+end_src + +- =library= reports issues immediately, and by design, =require= does not… remind + the useR that they /may/ want the former not the latter + - Via [fn:84031d95: http://www.r-bloggers.com/library-vs-require-in-r/] + - Just like everything else here, this is a /personal preference/ thing! +#+begin_src R +gcr$require <- function(...) { + warning("Are you sure you wanted `require` instead of `library`?") + base::require(...) +} +#+end_src + +Sometimes you only want to list everything *but* functions [fn:7b11c35d: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13094324/hiding-function-names-from-ls-results-to-find-a-variable-name-more-quickly]: +#+begin_src R +gcr$lsnofun <- function(name = parent.frame()) { + obj <- ls(name = name) + obj[!sapply(obj, function(x) is.function(get(x)))] +} +#+end_src + +Make it really simple to specify how to handle errors in a given session: +#+begin_src R +gcr$recoveronerror <- function() { + options(error=recover) +} + +gcr$recoveronerroroff <- function() { + options(error=NULL) +} +#+end_src + +Make it really simple to specify how to handle warnings in a given session: +#+begin_src R +gcr$erroronwarn <- function() { + options(warn=2) +} + +gcr$erroronwarnoff <- function() { + options(warn=0) +} +#+end_src + +=sqldf= should always use =SQLite=. + +#+begin_src R +options(sqldf.driver = "SQLite") +#+end_src + +Save your fingers from having to type =head= the next =n= thousand times [fn:f9fcc455: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13024167/how-to-make-head-be-applied-automatically-to-output] because I can't. =ess-rdired= and friends use the dataframe print function, +so I didn't make dataframes print using it. +#+begin_src R +gcr$printdf <- function(df) { + if (nrow(df) > 10) { + print(head(df, 5)) + cat("---\n") + print(tail(df, 5)) + } else { + print(df) + } +} +#+end_src + +Sometimes you want to see all of the data in a dataframe, and sometimes you +don't. Make it really easy to change whenever you feel like it. + +#+begin_src R +gcr$printlen <- function(len=500) { + options("max.print" = len) +} +#+end_src + +When you've got =n=-thousand rows of data, make it easier to get a sample from it, +just make it specific and keep it simple. + +#+begin_src R +gcr$hundred <- function(df, idx=0) { + df[idx:(idx+100),] +} +#+end_src + +******* .Renviron + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: renviron-def + :END: + +Install all packages to my home directory [fn:daab690d: http://www.r-bloggers.com/installing-r-packages/] +- Call =.libPaths()= to verify +- The directory must exist otherwise ℝ will ignore it + - Solution: + - Manual for now + - Unsure of best way to generalize it +#+begin_src sh +R_LIBS=~/.Rpackages +#+end_src + +For the time being, GUI work will only be performed on OSX so utilize OSX's +renderer [91578029: http://emacs.1067599.n5.nabble.com/unable-to-start-device-X11-td330804.html]. + +That worked fine until I actuarlly starting using that graphics device! + +Then even though I was on OSX I *had* to switch to =X11=. + +#+begin_src R +R_INTERACTIVE_DEVICE=x11 +#+end_src + +***** Eshell [fn:063471c9: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_mono/eshell.html] [fn:46b52b8f: http://www.masteringemacs.org/articles/2010/12/13/complete-guide-mastering-eshell/] [fn:ed7a113f: http://www.khngai.com/emacs/eshell.php] + +If you've never learned bash or Korn or c-shell, then you are missing out on +having some good fun… I mean work, getting work done. That said, I'm a baby when +it comes to really using them. It seemed like a good idea to learn some of them +well, and one that works seamlessly with Emacs seems like a great idea. Since it +is just another Elisp program, it has access to the same scope as everything else +running inside Emacs. The resources on this tool are a bit varied and all +valuable so I included all of them. The big takeaway is that you've got a +"normal" looking shell interface whose commands work transparently with +Elisp commands… and that can bey very pleasant. + +Command completion is available. +Commands input in eshell are delegated in order to an alias, a built in command, +an Elisp function with the same name, and finally to a system call. Semicolons +desperate commands. =which= tells you what implementation will satisfy the call +that you are going to make. The flag =eshell-prefer-lisp-functions= does what it +says. =$$= is the result of the last command. Aliases live in +=eshell-aliases-file=. History is maintained and expandable. =eshell-source-file= +will run scripts. Since Eshell is not a terminal emulator, you need to tell it +about any commands that need to run using a terminal emulator, like anything using +curses by adding it to to =eshell-visual-commands=. + +****** Control Files + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: ignore-eshells-config + :END: + +#+begin_src sh :tangle eshell/alias +alias clear recenter 0 +alias d 'dired $1' +alias g git $* +alias gb git branch $* +alias gco git checkout $* +alias gpom git push origin master +alias gst git status +alias la ls -lha $* +alias ll ls -lh $* +alias s ssh $* +alias top proced +#+end_src + +****** Configuration [fn:d8a83c3d: http://eschulte.github.io/emacs-starter-kit/starter-kit-eshell.html] [fn:78c95d3e: https://github.com/bbatsov/emacs-dev-kit/blob/master/eshell-config.el] + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: shells-decision + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq eshell-prefer-lisp-functions nil + eshell-cmpl-cycle-completions nil + eshell-save-history-on-exit t + eshell-cmpl-dir-ignore "\\`\\(\\.\\.?\\|CVS\\|\\.svn\\|\\.git\\)/\\'") + +(eval-after-load 'esh-opt + '(progn + (require 'em-cmpl) + (require 'em-prompt) + (require 'em-term) + (setenv "PAGER" "cat") + (add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook + (lambda () + (message "Protovision… I have you now.") + (setq pcomplete-cycle-completions nil))) + (add-to-list 'eshell-visual-commands "ssh") + (add-to-list 'eshell-visual-commands "tail") + (add-to-list 'eshell-command-completions-alist + '("tar" "\\(\\.tar|\\.tgz\\|\\.tar\\.gz\\)\\'")))) +#+end_src + +The =eshell= configuration is a version controlled directory + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defconst gcr/eshell-dir "~/.emacs.d/eshell") +(defun gcr/warn-eshell-dir () + "Warn of eshell misconfiguration." + (interactive) + (unless (and (f-symlink? gcr/eshell-dir) + (f-directory? gcr/eshell-dir)) + (warn + "Could not find the eshell directory at: %S. Eshell will continue to function albeit without your customizations." + gcr/eshell-dir))) +(gcr/warn-eshell-dir) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq eshell-prompt-regexp "^.+@.+:.+> ") +(setq eshell-prompt-function + (lambda () + (concat + (user-login-name) + "@" + (system-name) + ":" + (eshell/pwd) + "> "))) +#+end_src + +***** Graphviz [fn:d05878c1: http://www.graphviz.org/] [fn:4c7193c2: http://marmalade-repo.org/packages/graphviz-dot-mode] [fn:04ffff20: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-dot.html] + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/graphviz-dot-mode-hook () + "Personal mode bindings for Graphviz mode." + (fci-mode) + (rainbow-mode) + (visual-line-mode) + (turn-on-real-auto-save)) + +(add-hook 'graphviz-dot-mode-hook 'gcr/graphviz-dot-mode-hook) + +#+end_src + +The =graphviz= library file is not version controlled. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defconst gcr/graphviz-via-cask + (concat (cask-dependency-path gcr/cask-bundle 'graphviz-dot-mode) + "/graphviz-dot-mode.el")) +(defun gcr/warn-graphviz-via-cask () + "Warn of graphviz misconfiguration." + (interactive) + (unless (gcr/file-exists-not-symlink gcr/graphviz-via-cask) + (warn "Could not find a Graphviz library. Expected it to be here: %S." gcr/graphviz-via-cask))) +(gcr/warn-graphviz-via-cask) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(load-file gcr/graphviz-via-cask) +#+end_src + +***** ibuffer + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/ibuffer-hook () + "Personal customizations" + (interactive) + (ibuffer-vc-set-filter-groups-by-vc-root) + (unless (eq ibuffer-sorting-mode 'alphabetic) + (ibuffer-do-sort-by-alphabetic))) + +(add-hook 'ibuffer-hook 'gcr/ibuffer-hook) + +(setq ibuffer-formats + '((mark modified read-only vc-status-mini " " + (name 18 18 :left :elide) + " " + (size 9 -1 :right) + " " + (mode 16 16 :left :elide) + " " + (vc-status 16 16 :left) + " " + filename-and-process))) +#+end_src + +***** IELM [fn:2ef924b6: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Lisp-Interaction.html] [fn:8a08ea9e: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/InferiorEmacsLispMode] [fn:5c199b8d: http://emacs-fu.blogspot.com/2011/03/ielm-repl-for-emacs.html] + +=my-eval-expression= makes that task pretty pleasant. The =*scratch*= buffer is +also really nice, too. =eval-last-sexp= obviously is a great option, too. +Sometimes, though, you want a REPL. Typically it is because you want to play +with stuff or have a record of the results that doesn't involve using +=eval-print-last-sexp=. Because I have the utility buffer set up in here, it +makes it quite unobtrusive and pleasant to use =ielm=. + +My setup here tries to re-use as much as possible for the standard =lispy= mode +setup. That means I use my return handler, so when you want to evalute code in +here use =ielm-send-input= instead. + +This [fn:aee1d8fd: http://www.masteringemacs.org/articles/2010/11/29/evaluating-elisp-emacs/] +is a *must-read* article. + +Joseph G. Gay explained that what makes IELM so powerful is that you may execute +commands /within/ the scope of a different buffer. Using =ielm-change-working-buffer= +changes the current working buffer to something else. + +That character is "MATHEMATICAL DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL E". + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/ielm-mode-hook () + "Personal customizations." + (interactive) + (gcr/ielm-auto-complete)) + +(setq ielm-noisy nil) + +(setq ielm-prompt "𝔼LISP> ") + +(add-hook 'ielm-mode-hook 'gcr/ielm-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +***** Imenu [fn:58de53db: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Imenu.html] [fn:6024eee8: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ImenuMode] + +For a while I didn't use the menu bar. Then I started using Imenu via IDO. + +Make it real easy to utilize the things that imenu provides, but make it keyboard +driven and available anywhere [fn:dff17af6: http://melpa.milkbox.net/#/imenu-anywhere]. +This is a little bit different than =idomenu= [fn:78d70829: http://melpa.milkbox.net/#/idomenu] which is also very nice. The difference +between them is that the latter collects tags across all open buffers of the +type as the current buffer which is very nice. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'imenu-anywhere) +#+end_src + +That was really nice. It got me curious again about how it might fit since I am +using the menu bar again and it seems like a nice thing when working with other +people. + +Configure Imenu to my preference: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq imenu-sort-function 'imenu--sort-by-name) +#+end_src + +It was pretty clear even before trying it out that =imenu+= was a good idea [fn:b6404e93: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/imenu%2b.el]. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'imenu+) +#+end_src + +I had originally set up Imenu my making request to add its menu in every mode +hook so I had it appearing in a bunch of places. That worked fine until the +first time I tried tangling a file… which didn't work. The error message was +kind of revealing =The mode `' does not support Imenu= which was interesting +because I had recently added =imenu= before which tangling worked fine. +Testing it out with my simple org init file by removing the Imenu calls revealed +the problem. What cause the problem, I'm still not sure, but the solution is +only to use Imenu to modes that support it via =font-lock-mode=. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/try-to-add-imenu () + "Add Imenu to modes that have `font-lock-mode' activated. + +Attribution: SRC http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ImenuMode" + (condition-case nil (imenu-add-to-menubar "Imenu") (error nil))) + (add-hook 'font-lock-mode-hook 'gcr/try-to-add-imenu) +#+end_src + +***** Info [fn:c9bf4a1e: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/InfoMode] + +Once you accept Emacs and learn to enjoy Info files you may want to be able to +navigate them quickly, even if you haven't read the user manual as I have not. +ace-link [fn:4023603c: https://github.com/abo-abo/ace-link] is really a nice way to do that. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(ace-link-setup-default) +#+end_src + +***** IRC [fn:2a4e660d: http://mwolson.org/static/doc/erc.html] [fn:2477b030: http://emacs-fu.blogspot.com/2009/06/erc-emacs-irc-client.html] [fn:7011e6f3: http://edward.oconnor.cx/config/.ercrc.el] [fn:c98e3673: http://www.shakthimaan.com/posts/2011/08/13/gnu-emacs-erc/news.html] [fn:0a57e0d0: https://gitcafe.com/Darksair/dotfiles-mac/blob/master/.emacs-erc.el] + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: communications-decision + :END: + +For a while I used MIRC [fn:29fd53d0: http://www.mirc.com/], and then Irssi [fn:43d158f0: http://www.irssi.org/] and both are very +nice. Since I hang around in Emacs all day though, I figured I ought to +take a look at ERC. The documentation is highly modular, reflecting how the +application itself is implemented. Patience may be required, but the reward +for it is brilliant. + +The main configuration is quite straightforward, with many ways to do it. + +The IRC credentials file is not version controlled. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'erc) + +(setq gcr/erc-after-connect-hook-BODY nil) + +(defun gcr/erc-after-connect-hook () + (gcr/erc-after-connect-hook-BODY)) + +(add-hook 'erc-after-connect 'gcr/erc-after-connect-hook) + +(defconst gcr/irc-freenode-credentials "~/.irc.el") + +(defun gcr/warn-irc-freenode-credentials () + "Warn of misconfigured Freenode credentials." + (interactive) + (unless (f-exists? gcr/irc-freenode-credentials) + (warn "Can't seem to find an ERC credential file at: %S. ERC should continue to work; but you will be unable to log in to IRC automatically." gcr/irc-freenode-credentials))) +(gcr/warn-irc-freenode-credentials) + +(defun gcr/irc () + "Connect to my preferred IRC network." + (interactive) + (gcr/warn-irc-freenode-credentials) + (with-temp-buffer + (insert-file-contents gcr/irc-freenode-credentials) + (let ((grettke-irc-freenode-net-password (buffer-string))) + (erc + :server "irc.freenode.net" + :port "6667" + :nick "grettke" + :password grettke-irc-freenode-net-password + :full-name "Grant Rettke") + (let ((gcr/erc-after-connect-hook-IMPL + (lambda () + (message "It ran…") + (erc-message + "PRIVMSG" + (concat "NickServ identify " + grettke-irc-freenode-net-password))))) + (setq gcr/erc-after-connect-hook-BODY gcr/erc-after-connect-hook-IMPL))))) + +(define-key erc-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-RET") 'erc-send-current-line) +#+end_src + +The remaining configuration areas for modules that provide additional ERC +functionality. Some of them are automatically loaded for you, some are not. + +Autoaway [fn:60c37228: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcAutoAway] automatically marks you away or present after a desired time-span. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'erc-autoaway) +(add-to-list 'erc-modules 'autoaway) +(setq erc-autoaway-idle-seconds 600) +(setq erc-autoaway-message "autoaway just demanded that I step out now") +(setq erc-auto-set-away +1) +(erc-update-modules) +#+end_src + +Autojoin [fn:c01a704e: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcAutoJoin] automatically joins you to your preferred channels +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'erc-join) +(erc-autojoin-mode +1) +(setq erc-autojoin-channels-alist + '((".*freenode.net" "#emacs" "#org-mode" "#scheme" "#r"))) +#+end_src + +Button [fn:9201be10: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcButton] gives you clickable button-based events for various types of objects. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'erc-button) +(erc-button-mode +1) +(setq erc-button-wrap-long-urls nil + erc-button-buttonize-nicks nil) +#+end_src + +Completion [fn:133740ff: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcCompletion] for various fields is provided by pcomplete and +requires no configuration. + +Wrap [fn:151a5739: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcFilling] long lines in the buffer. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'erc-fill) +(erc-fill-mode +1) +(setq erc-fill-column 72) +(setq erc-fill-function 'erc-fill-static) +(setq erc-fill-static-center 0) +#+end_src + +IRC control characters [fn:ce0dde03: http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/emacs/emacs-84/emacs/lisp/erc/erc.el] may be made visible. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(erc-irccontrols-enable) +#+end_src + +List [fn:09fbf369: https://github.com/pymander/erc/blob/master/erc-list.el] lists channels nicely and requires no configuration. + +Match [fn:49e3d5b0: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcMatch] highlights things that you care about. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq erc-current-nick-highlight-type 'keyword) +(setq erc-pals '("leppie")) +(setq erc-fools '("lamer" "dude")) +(remove-hook 'erc-text-matched-hook 'erc-hide-fools) +#+end_src + +Netsplits [fn:53a0f801: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcNetsplit] occur when an IRC server is disconnected. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'erc-netsplit) +(erc-netsplit-mode 1) +#+end_src + +Noncommands lets you ignore command output of non-IRC related commands. +For now I don't uses any, but wanted to note this feature. + +Notify [fn:d9d1307e: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcNickNotify] notifies you when you are messaged. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'erc-modules 'notify) +(erc-update-modules) +#+end_src + +Handle paging [fn:b9243771: https://github.com/emacsmirror/erc/blob/master/erc-page.el] from other users. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'erc-modules 'page) +(require 'erc-page) +(erc-page-mode 1) +(erc-update-modules) +#+end_src + +Ring [fn:ad4a1f64: https://github.com/emacsmirror/erc/blob/master/erc-ring.el] gives you a command history. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'erc-ring) +(erc-ring-mode 1) +#+end_src + +Scrolltobottom [fn:8cbb743a: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcScrollToBottom] keeps your prompt line at the bottom. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'erc-modules 'scrolltobottom) +(erc-update-modules) +#+end_src + +Timestamp [fn:527d0243: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcStamp] nicely shows you when messages occurred. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'erc-modules 'stamp) +(require 'erc-stamp) +(erc-stamp-mode 1) +(setq erc-insert-timestamp-function 'erc-insert-timestamp-left + erc-timestamp-only-if-changed-flag t + erc-timestamp-format "[%H:%M] " + erc-insert-away-timestamp-function 'erc-insert-timestamp-left + erc-away-timestamp-format "<%H:%M> ") +(erc-update-modules) +#+end_src + +Tracking [fn:a94e2b79: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ErcChannelTracking] of channels helps you know what is happening on closed windows. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'erc-modules 'track) +(require 'erc-track) +(setq erc-track-switch-direction 'importance) +(setq erc-track-exclude-types + '("324" "329" "332" "333" "353" + "JOIN" "NAMES" "NICK" "QUIT" "PART" "TOPIC")) +(setq erc-track-position-in-mode-line +1) +(defvar erc-channels-to-visit nil + "Channels that have not yet been visited by erc-next-channel-buffer") +(defun erc-next-channel-buffer () + "Switch to the next unvisited channel. See erc-channels-to-visit" + (interactive) + (when (null erc-channels-to-visit) + (setq erc-channels-to-visit + (remove (current-buffer) (erc-channel-list nil)))) + (let ((target (pop erc-channels-to-visit))) + (if target + (switch-to-buffer target)))) +(erc-update-modules) +#+end_src + +Tweet [fn:3138125f: https://github.com/kidd/erc-tweet.el]: Show inlined info about youtube links in erc buffers. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'erc-tweet) +(add-to-list 'erc-modules 'tweet) +(erc-update-modules) +#+end_src + +Image [fn:97e05fbf: https://github.com/kidd/erc-image.el]: Show inlined images (png/jpg/gif/svg) in erc buffers. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'erc-image) +(add-to-list 'erc-modules 'image) +(erc-update-modules) +#+end_src + +Youtube [fn:4a48b7e5: https://github.com/kidd/erc-youtube.el]: Show inlined info about youtube links in erc buffers. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'erc-youtube) +(add-to-list 'erc-modules 'youtube) +(erc-update-modules) +#+end_src + +Highlight nicks [fn:74b72b73: https://github.com/leathekd/erc-hl-nicks]: ERC Module to Highlight Nicknames. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'erc-hl-nicks) +(add-to-list 'erc-modules 'hl-nicks) +(erc-update-modules) +#+end_src + +Turn on DCC [fn:dc374ca5: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Direct_Client-to-Client]. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'erc-dcc) +#+end_src + +******** Libraries + +********* Generally nice + +- Dash / Dash-Functional + +Not totally sure where this belongs, but dash [fn:9d300103: https://github.com/magnars/dash.el] is something that a lot +of the packages I use require, and it is an excellent library, so it needs +recognition in this document, and the Cask file, too. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(eval-after-load "dash" '(dash-enable-font-lock)) +#+end_src + +- f [fn:dc91c0cb: https://github.com/rejeep/f.el] + +Use the API to indicte things /to the reader/: +- =f-exists?= vs. =f-symlink?= + +Because *I* can't seem to remember this critical and key detail on how files +work, here is an example. It says: +- Every symlink is a file +- Every file is not a symlink + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no +(setq a-tmp-file (make-temp-file "~/")) +(setq a-tmp-link (concat a-tmp-file "-LINK")) +(make-symbolic-link a-tmp-file a-tmp-link 'overwrite) + +(print (setq no-file "/infinity")) +(print (f-exists? no-file)) + +(print a-tmp-file) +(print (f-exists? a-tmp-file)) +(print (f-file? a-tmp-file)) +(print (f-symlink? a-tmp-file)) + +(print a-tmp-link) +(print (f-exists? a-tmp-link)) +(print (f-file? a-tmp-link)) +(print (f-symlink? a-tmp-link)) +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +#+begin_example + +"/infinity" + +nil + +"/Users/gcr/3655Wbk" + +t + +t + +nil + +"/Users/gcr/3655Wbk-LINK" + +t + +t + +t +#+end_example + +- s [fn:017b522b: https://github.com/magnars/s.el] + +Starting to think that I might want a "useful library" section, because I just +added the =xml-rpc= [fn:0c0b84fd: http://melpa.milkbox.net/#/xml-rpc] library here because it is clearly useful: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'xml-rpc) +#+end_src + +metaweblog is necessary for org2blog, too: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'metaweblog) +#+end_src + +- Various + - =uuid= + - Make it easy to get some. Somes you really need them! +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'uuid) +#+end_src +********* Built-in + +pcase [fn:e76be200: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/PatternMatching] provides pattern-matching macros. This is very nice whether +you've already used something like this before, or not! + +********* Characters / Unicode + +unidecode [fn:2a08dd99: https://github.com/sindikat/unidecode] does its best to +convert UTF-8 to ASCII; then I found that it wouldn't load so I removed it. + +If you've verused a character terminal then you already know that +figlet [fn:81c97c99: http://www.figlet.org/] is a mandatory tool. +This [fn:08208a82: https://bitbucket.org/jpkotta/figlet] package makes it nice +to use. It has all the stuff you /would/ want to do, like figletify stuff. +It even has a little helper function to show you how the fonts look… beccause +you /know/ that you would have ended up writing something like that yourself if +it wreren't here: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'figlet) +#+end_src + +Make sure =figlet= may be found on OSX via Brew. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'figlet-fonts-dir-candidates "/usr/local/bin/") +#+end_src + +***** Javascript [fn:152bafed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ECMAScript] [fn:42427fc4: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/JavaScriptMode] + +=auto-complete= often needs a symlink from =javascript-mode= to =js-mode= added. +That link is not version controlled, nor is it created via the API as it makes +the check simpler. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/js-mode-hook () + (local-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent) + (setq js-indent-level 2) + (turn-on-real-auto-save) + (fci-mode) + (visual-line-mode) + (gcr/untabify-buffer-hook) + (linum-mode)) + +(add-hook 'js-mode-hook 'gcr/js-mode-hook) + +(defun gcr/warn-autocomplete-js () + "Warn of auto-complete JS misconfiguration." + (interactive) + (let* ((ac-dir (cask-dependency-path gcr/cask-bundle 'auto-complete)) + (js-mode-f (concat ac-dir "/dict/js-mode"))) + (unless (f-exists? js-mode-f) + (warn + "Can't seem to find the auto-complete library where it was expected at: %S. You might fix it with: ln -s %s/dict/javascript-mode %s" ac-dir ac-dir js-mode-f)))) +(gcr/warn-autocomplete-js) +#+end_src + +***** LilyPond [fn:6d06e6b9: http://lilypond.org/] + +All of my experience with musical notation is through GuitarPro [fn:3945829a: http://www.guitar-pro.com/en/index.php?pg=accueil-2&utm_expid=13369301-5.jyDTwdKfQ_CCdEqtpCIynQ.1&utm_referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F] +and even there I'm a baby user. Despite that, I've been curious about +music theory for a long time and this seems like a good way to take a dip. +At first, it didn't seem to work. then I "rebooted" and it seemed to +work, but not in org HTML export. This will require further research. + +***** Lispy + +A lot of people have downloaded =rainbow-delimiters=, 25377 as of <2014-07-26 Sat>. +The documentation is nice. =solarized= has support for it. The documentation says +something very specific: + +#+begin_quote +The default colors are intentionally subtle; they are unobtrusive enough to make the mode worth looking at even if you usually don’t like rainbow parentheses modes. +#+end_quote + +Well, that is me, so I am going to install it too. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'rainbow-delimiters) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defconst lispy-modes + '(clips-mode-hook + emacs-lisp-mode-hook + geiser-repl-mode-hook + ielm-mode-hook + lisp-interaction-mode-hook + scheme-mode-hook)) + +(dolist (h lispy-modes) + (add-hook h 'rainbow-mode) + (add-hook h 'turn-on-smartparens-strict-mode) + (add-hook h 'gcr/newline) + (add-hook h 'gcr/disable-tabs)) + +(dolist (h lispy-modes) + (when (not (member h '(ielm-mode-hook))) + (add-hook h 'turn-on-pretty-mode) + (add-hook h 'turn-on-real-auto-save) + (add-hook h 'gcr/untabify-buffer-hook) + (add-hook h 'fci-mode) + (add-hook h 'hs-minor-mode) + (add-hook h 'linum-mode) + (add-hook h (function (lambda () + (add-hook 'local-write-file-hooks + 'check-parens)))))) +#+end_src + +***** Make [fn:da03efe9: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html] [fn:202: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-makefile.html] [fn:203: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/MakefileMode] + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/make-modehook () + (fci-mode) + (whitespace-turn-on) + (rainbow-mode) + (turn-on-real-auto-save) + (visual-line-mode) + (local-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent)) + +(add-hook 'makefile-mode-hook 'gcr/make-modehook) +#+end_src + +***** Markdown [fn:e43df485: http://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode/] + +I used to think that since org-mode exports to just about everything, that my +Markdown usage will be mostly limited to working with files on Github so I +turned on Github Flavored Markdown [fn:0b358cc2: https://help.github.com/articles/github-flavored-markdown] mode for README.md +files that are likely to appear on Github. That is fine and it doesn't interfere +with normal Markdown and also I'm getting more interested in Pandoc so it is +nice to have normal Markdown available easily here. GFM seems is in the release +now. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(autoload 'markdown-mode "markdown-mode" + "Major mode for editing Markdown files" +1) + +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\.markdown'" . gfm-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\.md'" . gfm-mode)) + +(defun gcr/markdown-mode-hook () + "Markdown mode customizations." + (interactive) + (fci-mode) + (rainbow-mode) + (visual-line-mode) + (turn-on-real-auto-save) + (local-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent)) + +(add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook 'gcr/markdown-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +***** Multimedia + +Until today I never would having about using Emacs to play multimedia files [fn:dc9bef3b: https://www.gnu.org/software/emms/]. + +***** Occur + +Make it really easy to read search results! + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/occur-mode-hook () + "Personal customizations." + (interactive) + (turn-on-stripe-buffer-mode) + (stripe-listify-buffer)) + +(add-hook 'occur-mode-hook 'gcr/occur-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +***** Pandoc [fn:d8e34067: http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/] + +Heard good things about =pandoc-mode= [fn:0cacccd8: https://github.com/joostkremers/pandoc-mode] and I am really looking forward to +finding where dharma leads me with this. The mode documentation is here [fn:592907bc: https://joostkremers.github.io/pandoc-mode/]. + +***** Polymode [fn:918c4a07: https://github.com/vitoshka/polymode] + +#+begin_quote +Object oriented framework for multiple emacs modes based on indirect buffers +#+end_quote + +The status quo for LP with ℝ is =knitr= and my goal is to get first-class support +here. Started by reading the home page, I started +initial setup and a TODO. The literature on the page is seemingly directed more +at someone developing new modes. That seems pretty useful from any perspetive, +and I am going to include important points following. + +#+begin_quote +it is worth emphasizing the distinctions between chunks and chunkmodes. Chunks are fragments of text and there might be multiple chunks of the same type in the buffer. In contrast, there is only one chunkmode of some specific type and multiple chunks of this type "share" this chunkmode +#+end_quote + +and also + +#+begin_quote +things like =poly-XXX-mode-map= and =poly-XXX-mode-hook= work just as expected +#+end_quote + +Perhaps a path do understanding the nature of the mode is in "Defining New +Polymodes" + +#+begin_quote +In order to define a new polymode =poly-cool-mode= you first have to define or clone a chunkmode object to represent the hostmode, and one or more chunkmodes to represent innermodes. Then define the polymode object =pm-poly/cool= pointing to previously defined host and inner chunkmodes. +#+end_quote + +The example given is of a latex and noweb system: +- Define a host mode of a =pm-bchunkmode= for =latex= which is capable of containing embedded languages +- Define a =pm-hbtchunkmode= for =noweb= inner language + - Defines regexen for identifying a block of this type ala noweb syntax +- Define a =pm-polymode-one= using bo them + +Another example is given showing how you can re-use a host mode. Say you wanted +a mode for noweb that could contain chunks of ℝ instead of latex. You can clone +the noweb inner-mode definition and then define a new plymode. The vagueness +here is intentional because I didn't try it myself. Although I didn't dig deep +at all into the details, it is clearly a rich and powerful library. At the very +least, it is nice documentation to be read. The next ste is to set it up. + +The functionality that I'm primarily interested in seems to be here [fn:aee1cbde: https://github.com/vitoshka/polymode/blob/master/modes/poly-R.el]. +Skimming it a few things jump out: +- There is a base language definition +- Therer are *many* host modes for seemingly every markup out there + - Noweb, Markdown, Rapport, Yaml, HTML, Knitr, Brew, RC++, C++R, R-Help, + Rd, R shell, ESS combinations + +It is not obvious to me how to set it up. This [fn:3dc322e2: http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2014/03/emacs-ess-and-r-for-zombies.html] +seems to indicate that one should do as I have done, read the home page, and +then go online for tips. Now, I have. This [fn:d1979851: http://johnstantongeddes.org/open%20science/2014/03/26/Rmd-polymode.html] post +was very helpful. A little unsure where to go from here, this https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/ess-help/2014-May/009926.html post indicates +that there are, just as the code said, 4 weaves that may be important: +- knitR +- knitR-ESS +- Sweave +- Sweave-ESS + +Opened up a .Rmd document. Called =polymode-weave= and chose =knitR-ESS=. It +generated the corrent =.md= file. + +Opened up a ℝ help buffer and the Examples section was formatted correctly. + +Later I saw that I should have also read: +- [fn:ea37e53b: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.ess.general/6994] + - Release post + - Good discussion, provides both context and ideas +- [fn:3133d97b: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.ess.general/8155] + - Read this back then and it only makes sense now after reading the documentation + - Very thoughtful and flexible and good + - Other potentially interesting discussions + +Load and specify file auto modes: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'poly-R) +(require 'poly-markdown) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.Rmd" . poly-markdown+r-mode)) +#+end_src + +Specify some keymaps that are nearly what I have for =org= for the same tasks: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(define-key polymode-mode-map (kbd "s-e E") 'polymode-set-exporter) +(define-key polymode-mode-map (kbd "s-e e") 'polymode-weave) +(define-key polymode-mode-map (kbd "s-w s") 'polymode-set-weaver) +(define-key polymode-mode-map (kbd "s-w w") 'polymode-weave) +(define-key polymode-mode-map (kbd "s-w p") 'polymode-show-process-buffer) +(define-key polymode-mode-map (kbd "s-j") 'polymode-previous-chunk) +(define-key polymode-mode-map (kbd "s-k") 'polymode-next-chunk) +(define-key polymode-mode-map (kbd "s-o k") 'polymode-kill-chunk) +(define-key polymode-mode-map (kbd "s-o i") 'polymode-insert-new-chunk) +(define-key polymode-mode-map (kbd "s-o m") 'polymode-mark-or-extend-chunk) +(define-key polymode-mode-map (kbd "s-o t") 'polymode-toggle-chunk-narrowing) +#+end_src + +****** poly-markdown+r-mode + +Make it easy to remember that I use this. + +****** poly-ess-help+r-mode + +Make it easy to remember that I use this. + +***** Presentations + +Before now I would create presentation in either +- Powerpoint [fn:9c6cd5fb: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ms_powerpoint] +- Beamer [fn:530d6432: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beamer_(LaTeX)] +- Slideshow [fn:c110948a: http://pkgs.racket-lang.org/#(!main-distribution)(!main-tests)(slideshow)] + +I will still continue to use them as they are fine tools. =org= seems to have +nice tools for presentations, too, and I would like to explore them in the +future. + +Eric added =epresent= [fn:f5183c88: https://github.com/eschulte/epresent], too. + +***** Ruby [fn:e9aab149: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/] + +My first setup of Ruby is primarily for Vagrant, so I didn't dig super deep into +the options. The defaults will be just fine. The stuff that I commonly use may +eventually want to end up in =prog-mode=, but I'm still not sure what really +uses that and how I may being re-factoring. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/ruby-mode-hook () + (fci-mode) + (rainbow-mode) + (gcr/untabify-buffer-hook) + (turn-on-real-auto-save) + (visual-line-mode) + (fci-mode) + (turn-on-smartparens-strict-mode) + (local-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent)) + +(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook 'gcr/ruby-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +***** Scheme [fn:5c0b0c3e: http://library.readscheme.org/index.html] + +You should probably only use Geiser, forever. [fn:d27bd96d: http://www.nongnu.org/geiser/] Some day I would like to +explore =ac-geiser= [fn:6d6fbd53: https://github.com/xiaohanyu/ac-geiser]. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'geiser) +(setq geiser-active-implementations '(racket)) + +(defun gcr/scheme-eval-buffer () + "Save and then evaluate the current Scheme buffer with Geiser." + (interactive) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers) + (geiser-mode-switch-to-repl-and-enter)) + +(defun gcr/scheme-mode-local-bindings () + "Helpful behavior for Scheme buffers." + (local-set-key (kbd "") 'gcr/scheme-eval-buffer)) + +(add-hook 'scheme-mode-hook 'gcr/scheme-mode-local-bindings) + +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.scm\\'" . scheme-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.rkt\\'" . scheme-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ss\\'" . scheme-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.sls\\'" . scheme-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.sps\\'" . scheme-mode)) +#+end_src + +***** Sh(hell) + +"Major mode for editing shell scripts." + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/sh-mode-hook () + "Personal customizations." + (interactive) + (rainbow-mode) + (turn-on-smartparens-strict-mode) + (turn-on-pretty-mode) + (turn-on-real-auto-save) + (gcr/untabify-buffer-hook) + (gcr/disable-tabs) + (fci-mode) + (whitespace-turn-on) + (visual-line-mode) + (hs-minor-mode) + (local-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent)) + +(add-hook 'sh-mode-hook 'gcr/sh-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +***** Shell + +"Major mode for interacting with an inferior shell." + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/shell-mode-hook () + "Personalizations." + (interactive) + (rainbow-mode) + (turn-on-smartparens-strict-mode) + (turn-on-pretty-mode) + (gcr/disable-tabs) + (fci-mode) + (whitespace-turn-on) + (visual-line-mode) + (hs-minor-mode) + (local-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent)) + +(add-hook 'shell-mode-hook 'gcr/shell-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +***** Standard ML (SML) [fn:eb5c01ac: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_ML] + +=sml-mode= has its documentation here [fn:e31e1b22: http://www.smlnj.org/doc/Emacs/sml-mode.html] and package here [fn:185e62bd: http://elpa.gnu.org/packages/sml-mode.html]. + +I am not shy about including stuff that defaults fine in the mode when its +purpose is to educate the reader who /doesn't/ bother to read the mode +definition. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'sml-mode) +(defun gcr/sml-mode-hook () + "Personal settings." + (interactive) + (turn-on-pretty-mode) + (rainbow-mode) + (turn-on-smartparens-strict-mode) + (local-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent) + (turn-on-real-auto-save) + (gcr/untabify-buffer-hook) + (gcr/disable-tabs) + (fci-mode) + (hs-minor-mode) + (visual-line-mode)) +(add-hook 'sml-mode-hook 'gcr/sml-mode-hook) +(setq sml-indent-level 2) +(setq sml-rightalign-and t) +(setq sml-electric-pipe-mode t) +(setq sml-program-name "sml") +#+end_src + +=pretty-mode= will give us Unicode symbols for arrows and stuff, so this mode +doesn't need to handle it. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq sml-font-lock-symbols nil) +#+end_src + +When SML starts up, it loads =sml-config-file= by default. Perhaps some day I +would have such a prelude. + +=sml-max-name-components= is kind of interesting… I will assume that it is fine +for now because until I know better, it is. + +Like all programming modes… save everything before evaluating code. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defadvice sml-prog-proc-load-file (before beforesml-prog-proc-load-file activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) +#+end_src + +***** Structured Query Language (SQL) [fn:a018350e: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL] + +Sometimes it is really nice to have SQL keywords written all upper-case. +Seriously. Although it is kind of a learning-phase where you must do that, you +really grow out of it at some point. Despite that, sometimes it is nice to have. +=slqup-mode= [fn:be68b5d2: https://github.com/Trevoke/sqlup-mode.el] does just +this for you. I love the package definition: +#+begin_quote +Its sole purpose is to make your life easier when writing SQL. +#+end_quote + +What a great goal! + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'sqlup-mode) +#+end_src + +There is a =sql-mode= [fn:e151d946: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SqlMode] +of course, and surely I will need to set it up one day. + +***** Table + +Tables don't sound that exciting, but try running the world without a tabular +data representation! Not so easy huh? + +SAKURAI Masashi has made it easy for us in Emacs with =ctable=. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'ctable) + +(defun gcr/ctbl:table-mode-hook () + "Personal customization" + (interactive)) + +(add-hook 'ctbl:table-mode-hook 'gcr/ctbl:table-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +***** Tag + +Blogs use tags to add metadata to posts. The idea is not unique, but it is used +specifically in blogs. This document specified information to help to post to +a blog, but it doesn't work right now. Even if it did, I would still want some +way to manage tag data. Right now, all I know is that I've got the need and I'm +tired of doing it manually. The work done here is a first-attempt to manage all +of my tags, and I look forward to the ideal solution, and also the process, and +so it begins. + +The Milwaukee Data Science meetup uses the following tags that were quite +specifically chosen given the goals of the group and limitations in the tags and +number of them that we may use. I will probably use the same tags for blog posts, +too, as some focus must be maintained. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq + gcr/tags/milwaukee-data-science + '( + "Algorithmic Trading" + "Big Data" + "Business Intelligence" + "Data Analysis and Modeling" + "Data Mining" + "Data Science" + "Data Visualization" + "Financial Engineering" + "Machine Learning" + "Mathematical Modelling" + "Predictive Analytics" + "Quantitative Analysis" + "Quantitative Finance" + "Risk Management" + "Statistical Computing" + )) +#+end_src + +***** TeX [fn:5bb50e18: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TeX] / LaTeX [fn:a13f106f: [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LaTeX]]] / ConTeXt [fn:8a78f8ab: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ConTeXt] + +AUCT_{E}X is the mode that makes it possible to work with all of these fine tools. +Visiting their website I took their advice of reading the Info document in Emacs +by first installing it via Homebrew. That was my mistake since the prerequisites +page starts by explaining that this mode is 100% Elisp and that you should use +ELPA to install it. I started over again with the setup. When you read the +documentation, the first page explains how to load the mode and associate files +with modes but you should ignore that because when you configure it via ELPA, +everything "just works". Installation mostly involved the prerequisites. + +This version of Emacs is modern. For TeX, on Linux, I've always used TeX Live [fn:841d4205: https://www.tug.org/texlive/] and on OSX I've always used +MacTeX [fn:490cc248: https://www.tug.org/mactex/]. Ghostscript comes with +both either via =apt-get= or =homebrew=. =texinfo= didn't seem necessary so I +did not pursue installing it. + +Enable most of the stuff we need, given that I don't yet know what we need but +the manual helps us here. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq TeX-auto-save t) +(setq TeX-parse-self t) +#+end_src + +The "Quick Start" lists the most frequent operations, and I think that I will +get the PDF for them. Looking at just this tiny, tiny bit of effort to get +AUCTeX working… it is just so inspiring to see the plethora of amazingly +wonderful tools out there /free/ for all to use. + +For a start, I will just do some basic stuff that I do for most modes. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/TeX-mode-hook () + "Settings applicable to every AUCTeX supported mode." + (interactive) + (turn-on-smartparens-strict-mode) + (turn-on-real-auto-save) + (gcr/disable-tabs) + (fci-mode)) + +(add-hook 'TeX-mode-hook 'gcr/TeX-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +Enable parse on load. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq TeX-parse-self t) ; +#+end_src + +Enable parse on save. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq TeX-auto-save t) ; +#+end_src + +Never save tabs because AUCTeX has a hard time with them. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq TeX-auto-untabify t) +#+end_src + +Before letting this mode process any file, save all buffers: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defadvice TeX-command-master (before before-TeX-command-master activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) +#+end_src + +My typical preference is to easily work with XDVI during development and PDF for +deployment. My want had been to turn PDF generation on, while at the same time +still producing a DVI file. To do that, I did something like this: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq TeX-PDF-mode +1) +(setq TeX-DVI-via-PDFTeX +1) +#+end_src + +***** Text + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/text-mode-hook () + (rainbow-mode) + (turn-on-real-auto-save) + (fci-mode) + (visual-line-mode) + (gcr/untabify-buffer-hook)) + +(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'gcr/text-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +***** Vagrant [fn:a83cf3b8: http://www.vagrantup.com/] + +Vagrant is quite nice. Perhaps a bit preemptively, I'm trying to get Emacs setup +nice for what I already know I must do. + +This belongs in this heading I believe: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("Vagrantfile$" . ruby-mode)) +#+end_src + +Nice package [fn:ccaa2275: https://github.com/ottbot/vagrant.el] for working with Vagrant; hundreds of people already using +it. No configuration even necessary. + +This package [fn:4b850838: https://github.com/dougm/vagrant-tramp] is also quite nice: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(eval-after-load 'tramp + '(vagrant-tramp-enable)) +#+end_src + +***** Version control / Git [fn:17977be8: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Version-Control.html] [fn:b573f4e5: https://github.com/magit/magit] + +All version control systems basically work +fine in Emacs version control (VC) abstraction layer, and I like it a lot. + +What made me focus on Git and how I work with it though was two things: +1-I use that for hours and hours at work and home and 2-I had been using +a standalone Git UI and I felt like it was kind of stupid not to use +something built into Emacs. This will require further research. + +One thing that I did find that I wanted though was that despite having set auto +save to occur quite frequently, it was still possible to initiate a VC action +without the buffering being saved. My solution for that is that before *every* +VC action, at least the current buffer must be saved. This is OK because I +believe that VC actions only occur on a per-file basis, versus command line VC +operations. Then I added he same thing for diff. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defadvice vc-next-action (before save-before-vc first activate) + "Save all buffers before any VC next-action function calls." + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) + +(defadvice vc-diff (before save-before-vc-diff first activate) + "Save all buffers before vc-diff calls." + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) + +(defadvice vc-revert (before save-before-vc-revert first activate) + "Save all buffers before vc-revert calls." + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) +#+end_src + +Something that I never missed from Idea was version control status info in the +fringe, just never used it. Then when I saw it [fn:27efe175: https://github.com/dgutov/diff-hl] in Emacs, I got curious about how +it /may/ be used. So, I installed it. Curious to see how it will facilitate +communicating the status of this document. Initial experiences has me thinking +that it is actually much nicer than I figured, so I will enable it globally +for a while. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(global-diff-hl-mode) +#+end_src + +The log edit buffer is only used in VC mode I think, and needs to some +configuration. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/log-edit-mode-hook () + "Personal mode bindings for log-edit-mode." + (gcr/untabify-buffer-hook) + (gcr/disable-tabs) + (fci-mode)) + +(add-hook 'log-edit-mode-hook 'gcr/log-edit-mode-hook) + +(defun gcr/log-edit-mode-hook-local-bindings () + "Helpful bindings for log edit buffers." + (local-set-key (kbd "C-;") 'log-edit-done)) + +(add-hook 'log-edit-mode-hook 'gcr/log-edit-mode-hook-local-bindings) +#+end_src + +=magit= also should have a similar configuration. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/git-commit-mode-hook () + "Personal customizations." + (local-set-key (kbd "C-;") 'git-commit-commit)) + +(add-hook 'git-commit-mode-hook 'gcr/git-commit-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +This current configuration that kind of maximizes speed, doesn't account for +multiple changes that need to be committed. Learning more about =magit= by using +it I thought that I should change the current =vc= workflow over to use =magit= +for committing. Comparing =vc= and =magit=, I decided that the current approach +is still fine because it works so quickly, because I mostly change single files +at a time, and when I don't, =magit= is so fast and intuitive, that there is no +need to port over my mappings or something into =magit=. At least, that is my +current plan for now. Magit is a really, really nice tool. It is pretty clear to +me though that my assessment of it says more about my ability to use Emacs than +it says about =magit=. Only after skinning my knuckles on Emacs, in a more +painful way, am I finally able to appreciate stuff like this.asdf + +Git ignore files are just text files. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(".gitignore$" . text-mode)) +#+end_src + +=vc-annotate= is a fine way to see history. =git-timemachine= is another if +you are used to typical git UIs. It is especially kind of nice if you had wanted +a rich GUI diff. Instead, this just shows the entirety of the file at that +point, and sometimes that is just perfect. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'git-timemachine) +#+end_src + +***** Web [fn:857fba7f: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML] + +JSON support is included here, too. As you go about your business you read about +features that seem nice or you really didn't actively think about. One such +opportunity/mistake I am guilty of is using various web-based tools to +accomplish thing for example formatting a JSON string, like this +={"foo":10, "bar":20, "baz":50}= example. For whatever +reason, that is always just the way that I had done it. Reading irreal a nice +option/reminder was posted for a JSON formatter [fn:9d35fd56: https://github.com/gongo/json-reformat] + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'web-mode) + +(setq web-mode-enable-block-partial-invalidation t) + +(setq web-mode-engines-alist + '(("ctemplate" . "\\.html$"))) + +(defun gcr/web-mode-hook () + (whitespace-turn-off) + (rainbow-turn-off) + (visual-line-mode) + (local-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent) + (setq web-mode-markup-indent-offset 2) + (setq web-mode-css-indent-offset 2) + (setq web-mode-code-indent-offset 2) + (setq web-mode-indent-style 2) + (setq web-mode-style-padding 1) + (setq web-mode-script-padding 1) + (setq web-mode-block-padding 0) + (gcr/untabify-buffer-hook)) + +(add-hook 'web-mode-hook 'gcr/web-mode-hook) + +(require 'json-reformat) + +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.html\\'" . web-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.json\\'" . web-mode)) +#+end_src + +***** Web browsing + +Browse URLs in a real browser; nothing against W3C. [fn:44dd271e: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Browse_002dURL.html] + +EWW looks interesting, too [fn:4c24a298: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no/2013/06/16/eww/] +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-generic) +(gcr/on-gnu/linux (setq browse-url-generic-program "chromium-browser")) +(gcr/on-osx + (require 'osx-browse) + (osx-browse-mode 1)) +(gcr/on-windows (setq browse-url-generic-program "chrome")) +#+end_src + +Searching for things on the world wide web is a daily occurrence. There are a +lot of helper functions out there to search Google, but there is a package that +does it all, and this is it: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'google-this) +(google-this-mode 1) +(gcr/diminish 'google-this-mode) +#+end_src + +**** Module + +***** Diagramming, UML creation, Workflow + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: diagramming-section-ignored + :END: + +How you perform these tasks is entirely up to you. There are a lot of good +options both inside and outside of Emacs. For the general cases, I like the +ones that are built in and play nice, especially with org-mode. At its simplest, +artist-mode [fn:5f9306fa: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ArtistMode] is plenty fine for diagramming and stuff. Graphviz also works well [fn:93e16211: http://www.graphviz.org/]. +Ditaa is sort of the next level up [fn:b6f5f0cc: http://ditaa.sourceforge.net/], and finally PlantUML [fn:245: http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/]. They are all good +options at different times, and they all work with org-mode. Everything I will +publish will go through org-mode. org-modes just shines so, so brightly. + +As of writing, I'm undecided NOW how best to +standardizing on a solution in this area. The good thing is that each tool is a +good fit depending upon what you want to accomplish: +- artist-mode: Anything in ultra portable text, ASCII or UTF-8, just works. +- Graphviz: Graphically and lays things out automatically. +- Ditaa: Graphical but based on ASCII diagrams. +- PlantUML: Includes full breadth of UML options, everything: sequence, + use case, class, activity, component, state, and object. + - [[https://github.com/tj64/puml][This]] may help + +ditaa was my first pick for usage for the blaring simplicity and power of it. +org-mode provides a setup [fn:69c0caad: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-ditaa.html]document that I followed. It required installing +a JRE and that was about it. artist-mode is automatically loaded for the source +block. The example below; thank you [fn:c8388777: http://www.craiglarman.com/wiki/index.php?title=Books_by_Craig_Larman] Craig Larman + +#+begin_src ditaa :file auap.png :noweb-ref ignore + + + + + +----------+1 1…3+------+ + | Sailboat +◆----------+ Mast | + +-----+----+ +------+ + ◆1 + | + | 1…2+------+ + +----------------+ Hull | + +------+ + + + This is not a sailboat +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +[[file:auap.png]] + +This [fn:cb5475bf: http://www.gnuvola.org/software/aa2u/] +=ascii-art-to-unicode= tool also is interesting. + +Sparkline graphs [fn:8d44474a: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sparkline] look +interesting. Although I'm not sure where or how I will use them right now, I +want them to be available when the time is right. Also I am curious about where +they may fit in =org=. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'sparkline) +#+end_src + +****** Setup + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: diagramming-decision + :END: + +******* ditaa + +The =ditaa= library file is not version controlled. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defconst gcr/ditaa-jar (concat (getenv "EELIB") "/ditaa0_9.jar")) +(defun gcr/warn-ditaa-jar () + "Warn of ditaa misconfiguration." + (interactive) + (unless (f-exists? gcr/ditaa-jar) + (warn + "Can't seem to find a ditaa jar where it was expected at: %S. Ditaa will not function without it. Download a copy here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ditaa/" + gcr/ditaa-jar))) +(gcr/warn-ditaa-jar) +(setq org-ditaa-jar-path gcr/ditaa-jar) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.asc" . artist-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.art" . artist-mode)) +(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.asc" . artist-mode)) +#+end_src + +******* plantuml + +=plantuml= needs a full directory path. It is easier to address it here. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defconst gcr/plantuml-jar (concat (expand-file-name (getenv "EELIB")) "/plantuml.8008.jar")) +#+end_src + +The rest of the configuration is vanilla. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/warn-plantuml-jar () + "Warn of plantuml misconfiguration." + (interactive) + (unless (f-exists? gcr/plantuml-jar) + (warn + "Can't seem to find a plantuml jar where it was expected at: %S. Plantuml will not function without it. Download a copy here: http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/" + gcr/plantuml-jar))) +(gcr/warn-plantuml-jar) +(setq plantuml-jar-path gcr/plantuml-jar) +(require 'plantuml-mode) +(eval-after-load "ob-plantuml" + (setq org-plantuml-jar-path gcr/plantuml-jar)) +(defun gcr/plantuml-mode-hook () + "Personal settings." + (interactive) + (turn-on-pretty-mode) + (rainbow-mode) + (turn-on-smartparens-strict-mode) + (local-set-key (kbd "RET") 'newline-and-indent) + (turn-on-real-auto-save) + (gcr/untabify-buffer-hook) + (gcr/disable-tabs) + (fci-mode) + (hs-minor-mode) + (linum-mode) + (wrap-region-mode t) + (turn-on-stripe-table-mode)) +(add-hook 'plantuml-mode-hook 'gcr/plantuml-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +Just read the user manual: + +Note to self, for any image generation keep in mind how this + +#+begin_example +(org-display-inline-images nil t) +#+end_example + +is being used. =org= has hook for post rendering so Emacs is always up to date. +In this mode I have no such solution, so I will probably forget while inside. + +- Sequence diagrams + - Very feature rich + - Images immediately convey a lot of information about the tool here + - Chose a simple example, no all encompassing + - Tested, worked + +#+begin_src plantuml :file pumlsd.png :noweb-ref ignore :exports results +Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request +Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response + +Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request +Alice <-- Bob: another authentication Response +#+end_src + +#+NAME: +[[file:pumlsd.png]] + +- Use case diagrams + - Actor variable aliasing, very thoughtful + - Tested, worked + +#+begin_src plantuml :file pumlucd.png :noweb-ref ignore :exports results +left to right direction +skinparam packageStyle rect +actor customer +actor clerk +rectangle checkout { +customer -- (checkout) +(checkout) .> (payment) : include (help) .> (checkout) : extends (checkout) -- clerk +} +#+end_src + +#+NAME: +[[file:pumlucd.png]] + +- Class diagram + - Value this greatly for all sorts of ideas not just classes + - =hode=, =show=, and =include= are mentioned + - Could be a great reuse mechanism combined with noweb and tangling + - Spotted characters might be useful to indicating other things + - Example is data which is clearly a first-class citizen + - Six package visualization types + - Packaging vs. namespaceing is nice + - Good support for splitting large images among output pages + - Tested, works, added TODO for =org-display-images-call= after generation + +#+begin_src plantuml :file pumlcd.png :noweb-ref ignore :exports results +title This is not a sailboat +scale 200 width +Sailboat "1" *-- "1..3" Mast +Sailboat "1" *-- "1..3" Hull +#+end_src + +#+NAME: +[[file:pumlcd.png]] + +- Activity diagrams + - May indicate top to bottom flow using =top= + - May label arrows + - May force arrow direction + - Sweet if/else structure for branching + - Partition construct looks very useful + - New syntax [fn:e81de35c: http://plantuml.sourceforge.net/activity2.html] + seems good and there are more examples + - Next chapter covers the new syntax, so using that + - Tested, works + +#+begin_src plantuml :file pumlad.png :noweb-ref ignore :exports results +start +partition Initialization { + :read config file; + :init internal variable; +} +partition Running { + :wait for user interaction; + :print information; +} + +stop +#+end_src + +#+NAME: +[[file:pumlad.png]] + +- Component diagrams + - Might be good to use the names to define all of the diagram entity types + - Need to find out what is "modern" UML, or at least, modern for me + - Might be a nice summary tool + - Tested, works + +#+begin_src plantuml :file pumlcod.png :noweb-ref ignore :exports results +[First component] +[Another component] +() "First Interface" +() "Another interface" as Interf2 +DataAccess - [First Component] +[First Component] ..> HTTP : use +#+end_src + +#+NAME: +[[file:pumlcd.png]] + +- State diagrams + - Such a sweet tool + - Works OK + +#+begin_src plantuml :file pumlsd.png :noweb-ref ignore :exports results +[*] --> State1 +State1 --> [*] +State1 : this is a string State1 : this is another string +#+end_src + +#+NAME: +[[file:pumlsd.png]] + +- Object diagrams + - How different from class? + - Works, all stuff is there but I didn't bring it + +#+begin_src plantuml :file pumlod.png :noweb-ref ignore :exports results +object Object01 +object Object02 +Object01 <|-- Object02 +#+end_src + +#+NAME: +[[file:pumlod.png]] + +- Commands + - Header and footer values + - Zoom level + - Creole markup for most text elements + - Lists, and sub-lists + - Horizontal lines, will appears in most containers + - Headings + - Plain old HTML + - Tables, LaTeX style + - OpenIconic icons [fn:2f694b60: https://useiconic.com/open] anywhere + +- For fonts and colors + - You can change just about everything + - You may nest definitions, nice + - =monochrome true= option + - Nice if you are printing + - Or just don't want any colors anyway + +- Internationalization + - Full Unicode character support + +***** Org + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: modes-application-org-mode-module-decision + :END: + +****** Discussion + +Late into the development process I ran into some export to HTML issues. +After tracking down the source, I learned that tracking down the source of the +issue in the source itself was out of scope for me. My solution was to break out +the org-mode configuration into its own block so that I could generate two +Emacs configuration files. Doing so with a different section was easier, so +that is how I did it. + +Tangling can take more than a few minutes; so there is some advice to report on +it just to me understand what is happening and that it is working. Another way +to perform this monitoring would have been to use around advice. What I ran +into is that on HTML export around works fine, but on tangling it did not. This is +something that I chose not to investigate; instead I reverted the tangling +advice to two separate commands and that seems to work fine. + +Org mode, like most of Emacs more powerful modes, slowly grows on you, in +pleasant and intuitive ways. Pretty soon, you fall in love with it. After +using it for 50+ hours or so you start wanting some easier way to navigate then +by typing in the commands over and over (doesn't matter how you re-run them). +Reading the miscellaneous section, I learned about speed keys [fn:40a1962e: http://orgmode.org/manual/Speed-keys.html#Speed-keys] [fn:d064d3d8: http://notesyoujustmightwanttosave.blogspot.com/2011/12/org-speed-keys.html]. +Wonderful, just wonderful. + +Visualizing hierarchical lists in a flat manner has been fine for me. Sometimes +though I wanted to depth-based view, but didn't think much more of it. Reading +abouto org-mode, I came upon =org-indent-mode= [fn:20c464a3: http://orgmode.org/manual/Clean-view.html#Clean-view], and decided to give +it a try for a while because it is kind of easier to read. Both modes are +nice, and thus far I'm switching back and force as I feel like it. Once I +opened my eyes and learned about =org-hide-leading-stars= though, I really +found happiness. + +One topic relating to color themes is that of how code should look within +a source block in an org file. There was a thread asking about how to +make the block coloring "better". It was interesting because it revealed my +preference to myself namely that source blocks should be a muted Gray in +the document because it shouldn't draw much attention, but in the editor of +course you get the highlighting that you want. That is really my personal +preference, nonetheless, =org-src-fontify-natively= is still always an option. +Over the past six months I think, this approach has worked out well. Nonetheless +I got curious about how things /might/ be with coloring turned on. Generally, it +looks fine. Strangely though, even with the =solarized= these it is kind of +distracting. Beyond sharing that observation, I won't quantify it any more than +that. The biggest thing for me is that I only want to edit source blocks in +their "real" mode because: +- The real mode is present and as such +- All mode specific bindings are present +- Worth mentioning twice because if I don't have helpers on then I will not + match brackets manually! + - I've broken code so many times making "quick fixes" and breaking the bracket + matching it is exhausting +- Sending code to REPLs +- May not sound like much, but those three things are very, very huge in my + work-flow + +The good news is that for doing code reviews and stuff, I can always turn on +that fontification. + +On a somewhat similar thread, =(setq org-src-tab-acts-natively t)= would make it +easier to edit source blocks outside of the vehicle offered by =org-edit-src-code=. +Since my intent is never to edit blocks outside for their proper mode though, I +will not enable that. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-edit-src-code nil) +#+end_src + +This approach of mine, I think I touch upon it elsewehre… at some point I would +like to refactor this whole document. + +This [fn:d58f4050: http://home.fnal.gov/~neilsen/notebook/orgExamples/org-examples.html] article is really fascinating in that crams a ton of information +into a tiny space. It also is kind of fun to read because it simultaneously +teaches you so many new things, yet at the same time re-teaches or re-educates +you about things that you already knew but didn't know that you could or should +be using in these additional manners. + +=org2blog/wp= is a nice to have and its customization will be used exclusively +for Wisdom&Wonder. + +The HTML export of org documents has an optional JavaScript supported display [fn:49c014be: http://orgmode.org/manual/JavaScript-support.html]. +Not sure how I ended up on this, but it is actually a very nice option. The +info style view is nice once you read the directions. The folding interface +is also interesting; I tried out all 3 generation options but didn't find +anything that I specifically liked. Perhaps it is a familiarity or comfort +level with GNU styled docs or the key-bindings. + +Don't use =org= for time-tracking, but if I ever do then [fn:0276223e: https://github.com/koddo/org-clock-statusbar-app] +this is nice to know of. + +****** Configuration + +For this feature to work, it must come /before/ any =org= load statements +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-list-allow-alphabetical +1) +#+end_src + +******* Org + +=org= intelligently chose not to =autoload= everything. The most noticeable +things in the require statements for =org= are that: +- Only a few exporters come built in hence the need to require them +- =htmlize= is required for pretty HTML export of code + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'org) +(require 'ox-beamer) +(require 'ox-md) +(require 'htmlize) +#+end_src + +=htmlize= should eventually be moved out of this =org= block into its own re-usab.e +section. It does need confguring both for =org= and also for general use. I like +to be able to copy-and-paste its generated HTML into other documents, and =css= is +the easiest way to achieve it. At some future date, it would be nice to developer +a proper style sheet to handle any situation. The problem is that right now I don't +have enough situations to based a design upon, just the desire to do so. +My preference for styling HTML documents has been the same as all printable documents: +black and white. When you do a =htmlize= export in batch-mode, there is no bufer +style information to be exported, so you get nice black-and-white code formatting. This +is an acceptable approach, but I am getting close to setting up a style to product just +what I want for HTML export. It is close enough to almost require investment to address +it. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq htmlize-output-type 'inline-css) +(setq org-html-htmlize-output-type htmlize-output-type) +#+end_src + +=org-show= need special handling, see the install for details. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(let ((pkg 'org-show)) + (if (not (el-get-package-is-installed pkg)) + (warn "You wanted %S to be installed, but it isnt. Fix this." pkg) + (let ((fil (concat (el-get-package-directory pkg) "org-show.el"))) + (if (not (f-exists? fil)) + (warn "You wanted %S to exist, but it doesn't. Fix this." fil) + (load fil))))) +#+end_src + +Building =org= documents is intimately tied to: +- The =org= version +- The =init= version used to configure org +- Check the former +- Perhaps someday the latter should be checked? +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defconst gcr/org-version "8.2.8") + +(defun gcr/warn-org-version () + "Warn of org misconfiguration." + (interactive) + (when (not (version= (org-version) gcr/org-version)) + (warn "Insufficient org-mode requirements. Expected %S. Found: %S " gcr/org-version (org-version)))) +(gcr/warn-org-version) +#+end_src + +Make sure that exported files are Unicode UFT-8. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-export-coding-system 'utf-8) +#+end_src + +Do not preserve line-breaks when exporting instead let the destination +format handle it as it sees fit. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-export-preserve-breaks nil) +#+end_src + +Load everything necessary to run =org2blog=. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'org2blog-autoloads) +#+end_src + +My personal TODO workflow is pretty tame, and it is defined below. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-todo-keywords + '((sequence "TODO" "IN-PROGRESS" "WAITING" "REVIEW" "DONE"))) +#+end_src + +When running in a GUI, I would like linked images to be displayed inside of +Emacs. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-startup-with-inline-images (display-graphic-p)) +#+end_src + +When exporting anything, do not insert the exported content intto the kill ring. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-export-copy-to-kill-ring nil) +#+end_src + +Use =ido= completion in =org=. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-completion-use-ido +1) +#+end_src + +=org= lets you use single letter commands to do stuff on headers. I like to use +=c= for cycling the header expansion. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-use-speed-commands +1) +#+end_src + +Ask before execution of shell links. This may look inconsistent given that I allow +evaluation. It just looks inconsistent. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-confirm-shell-link-function 'y-or-n-p) +#+end_src + +Ask before execution of emacs-lisp links. This may look inconsistent given that +I allow evaluation. It just looks inconsistent. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'y-or-n-p) +#+end_src + +Make sure that incomplete TODO entries prevent the enclosing parent from every +turning to DONE. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-enforce-todo-dependencies +1) +#+end_src + +Allow the mouse to do =org= things like expand and collapse headings. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(gcr/on-gui + (require 'org-mouse)) +#+end_src + +Use unicode characters to visualize things like right arrow eg \rarr. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-pretty-entities +1) +#+end_src + +Use a real ellipsis to render an ellipsis for =org= stuff like showing that a +header is collapsed. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-ellipsis "…") +#+end_src + +It is easy to see indentation of headlines without having to count asertisks, so +don't show them, only show the significant and last one. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-hide-leading-stars +1) +#+end_src + +Display emphasized text as you would in a WYSIWYG editor. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-fontify-emphasized-text +1) +#+end_src + +Highlight LaTeX markup. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-highlight-latex-and-related '(latex script entities)) +#+end_src + +There is an auto-complete provider for org-mode [fn:a94049d3: https://github.com/aki2o/org-ac]. Nice as I didn't even +think to check. Perhaps a check should go on the standard setup list. This seems +to work when you type out things like block definitions; and it won't apply +to EasyTemplate generated regions. =auto-complete= will still work on them, +though: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'org-ac) +(org-ac/config-default) +#+end_src + +Footnote management is an important topic. Thanks to Richard [fn:44cb98d6: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2014-04/msg00172.html], there +is a concise approach for this, which I've pasted here: + +#+begin_example +I use the inline footnote syntax [fn:: ...] for just this reason. I +think easy migration of non-inline footnotes would be a nice feature to +add to Org, though doing it right would be non-trivial. + +A strategy that another user once described to me for dealing with this +problem is the following: + +1) Use a regexp search and replace to re-number the footnotes + in the region of the text you want to move, giving them high numbers + (e.g., prefixing each with "9999"). +2) Use Org to re-sort the footnotes in the original file, so that the + newly-renumbered footnotes all appear at the end. +3) Move the text and the footnotes to the new file, which should now be + easy, since the footnotes are all grouped together. +4) In the new file, use Org to re-number the footnotes back to something +normal. + +This sounded like a pretty good idea to me, though I haven't had a need +to try it myself. + +Hope that helps! + +Best, +Richard +#+end_example + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-footnote-define-inline +1) +(setq org-footnote-auto-label 'random) +(setq org-footnote-auto-adjust nil) +(setq org-footnote-section nil) +#+end_src + +This is an amazingly easy way to screw up your document. The more you edit +org docs, the more you realize how you must truly protect it: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-catch-invisible-edits 'error) +#+end_src + +Though I am not deliving deep, it is hard not to want to customize some stuff +and perhaps this is the start: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-loop-over-headlines-in-active-region t) +#+end_src + +By default I never want a table of contents generated. It is so easy to enable +it with a property, it will be fine to turn it off. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-export-with-toc nil) +#+end_src + +It is /almost always/ faster to work with org documents when they are fully +expanded. Anyway, the structure cycling makes it really, really easy to get an +/outline view/ again. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-startup-folded "nofold") +#+end_src + +When images are displayed in the buffer, display them in their actual size. My +goal is to use other tools to make the image compliant what I want rather than +have to mess and fiddle with image resizing in =org=. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-image-actual-width t) +#+end_src + +Hide the delimeter for emphasized text. This may break table alignment. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-hide-emphasis-markers +1) +#+end_src + +******* Babel + +There is a hook for things to do after a source block has been executed. These +are my preferences for what should happen. This tip appeared in +this [fn:edec422c: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2014-07/msg00309.html] +discussion and Nick Dokos agreed here +that [fn:32dff2df: http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/88741] +that it is the ideal approach because it does /not/ interfere with export. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/org-babel-after-execute-hook () + "Personal settings for the `org-babel-after-execute-hook'." + (interactive) + (org-display-inline-images nil t)) + +(add-hook 'org-babel-after-execute-hook 'gcr/org-babel-after-execute-hook) +#+end_src + +Load the =ob-sml= package. Perhaps some day it will end up in the mainline. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'ob-sml nil 'noerror) +#+end_src + +Tell =org= that it may evaluate all of the listed languages. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(org-babel-do-load-languages + 'org-babel-load-languages + '((calc . t) + (css . t) + (dot . t) + (ditaa . t) + (emacs-lisp . t) + (js . t) + (latex . t) + (lilypond . t) + (makefile . t) + (org . t) + (perl . t) + (python . t) + (plantuml . t) + (R . t) + (scheme . t) + (sh . t) + (sml . t))) +#+end_src + +There is a way to disable property inheritance that speeds up tangling a lot. +The problem is that you lose property inheritance which is unacceptable. Never, +never allow that. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-babel-use-quick-and-dirty-noweb-expansion nil) +#+end_src + +You may display syntax highlighting for code in source blocks. I don't. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-src-fontify-natively nil) +#+end_src + +On export, maintain the literal spacing as found in the source block. Obviously +this is important for makefiles. It is really important everywhere because +anything else would violate the law of least surprise. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-src-preserve-indentation +1) +#+end_src + +When edit mode is exited, the option exists to automatically remove empty +opening and closed lines for the source block. Never do this. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-src-strip-leading-and-trailing-blank-lines nil) +#+end_src + +When source blocks are exported, do not indent them arbitrarily. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-edit-src-content-indentation 0) +#+end_src + +For code blocks that I use a *lot*, add templates for source blocks because my +current approach is to do a =\n?\n")) +#+end_src + +OOTB the templates are all upper case. Case shouldn't matter inside of =org=, +but on my system it breaks =org=. This needs to be investigated, and until then +I will just downcase all of the templates. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(mapc (lambda (asc) + (let ((org-sce-dc (downcase (nth 1 asc)))) + (setf (nth 1 asc) org-sce-dc))) + org-structure-template-alist) +#+end_src + +It looks like ℝ is going to be another one, but don't process it to downcase it… +order matters here. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list + 'org-structure-template-alist + '("r" "#+begin_src R\n?\n#+end_src" "")) +(add-to-list + 'org-structure-template-alist + '("p" "#+begin_src plantuml\n?\n#+end_src" "")) +#+end_src + +Sometimes tangling and exporting takes a long time and I would like to see some +status messages. Shell commands can report duration, too. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defadvice org-babel-tangle (before org-babel-tangle-before activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers) + (message (concat "org-babel-tangle BEFORE: <" + (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%T%z") + ">"))) + +(defadvice org-babel-tangle (after org-babel-tangle-after activate) + (message (concat "org-babel-tangle AFTER: <" + (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%T%z") + ">")) + (alert "Your tangling is complete." :title "org-mode")) + +(defadvice org-ascii-export-as-ascii (before org-ascii-export-as-ascii-before activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) + +(defadvice org-html-export-to-html (before before-org-html-export-to-html activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers) + (message (concat "org-html-export-to-html BEFORE: <" + (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%T%z") + ">"))) + +(defadvice org-html-export-to-html (after after-org-html-export-to-html activate) + (message (concat "org-html-export-to-html AFTER: <" + (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%T%z") + ">"))) +#+end_src + +Sacha implemented a nice feature to export Unicode checkboxes correctly from +=org=. That will get into the release. Use the workaround and warn when it is no +longer needed. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun sacha/org-html-checkbox (checkbox) + "Format CHECKBOX into HTML. http://sachachua.com/blog/2014/03/emacs-tweaks-export-org-checkboxes-using-utf-8-symbols/?shareadraft=baba27119_533313c944f64" + (case checkbox (on "") ; checkbox (checked) + (off "") + (trans "[-]") + (t ""))) + +(defadvice org-html-checkbox (around sacha activate) + (setq ad-return-value (sacha/org-html-checkbox (ad-get-arg 0)))) + +(defun gcr/warn-org-html-checkbox-type () + "Report new feature availability." + (interactive) + (when (boundp 'org-html-checkbox-type) + (warn "Org mode now supports HTML export to unicode checkboxes. Please update your configuration to use the variable 'org-html-checkbox-type'."))) +(gcr/warn-org-html-checkbox-type) + +#+end_src + +Before exporting to PDF, save all buffers to make sure that everything is a +known good state. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defadvice org-latex-export-to-pdf (before org-latex-export-to-pdf-before activate) + (gcr/save-all-file-buffers)) +#+end_src + +Manage my blog with =org2blog=. I will once it starts working with WordPress 2.9 +again. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org2blog/wp-blog-alist + '(("wisdomandwonder" + :url "http://www.wisdomandwonder.com/wordpress/xmlrpc.php" + :username "admin" + :default-title "Title goes here" + :default-categories ("Article") + :tags-as-categories nil + :confirm t + :show 'show + :keep-new-lines nil + :wp-latex t + :wp-code nil + :track-posts (list "~/wnw.org2blog.org" "Posts")))) +#+end_src + +There is a performance issue with tangling when header property inheritance is +enabled. Eric explained that [fn:419e4704: https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2014-06/msg00719.html] there may be performance gains if some +of the header properties are not considered. The list below defines what will +be allowed, and everything else will be removed.: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(let* ((allowed '(exports + file + noweb + noweb-ref + session + tangle)) + (new-ls + (--filter (member (car it) allowed) + org-babel-common-header-args-w-values))) + (setq org-babel-common-header-args-w-values new-ls)) +#+end_src + +When source blocks are evaluated, their results get stored in a result area, +typically for display. If the results are small, they are displayed with colons +instead of an =example= block. My preference is to *always* place them in an +example block. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-babel-min-lines-for-block-output 0) +#+end_src + +I've got auto-save enabled for every buffet that has a file attached to it so I +rarely every think about saving a file. When you edit source code in =org-mode= +though and do it in a major-mode buffer for that code, =auto-complete= doesn't +apply because it isn't associated with a buffer. The following turns on auto- +save from this buffer back to the source =org= document. This value is +aggressively set to 1 because sometimes in haste you switch out of an =org= edit +buffer and then want to get back into it, and if you changes in it are not saved +they can be destroyed. You are asked if =Emacs= should, but it is not always +obvious why it shouldn't. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-edit-src-auto-save-idle-delay 1) +#+end_src + +The source editing buffer may be configured to appear in a few different places. +For a while I really liked =reorganize-frame= because sometimes you want to be +able to see the code you are editing in edition to the rest of the document. At +least that is what I am telling myself. Once I learned you could changed it I +realized that 1 I should have asked if it could be changed and 2 I should have +changed it. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-src-window-setup 'current-window) +#+end_src + +When you evaluate code its results are inserted into a =RESULTS= block by +default. The documentation indicates though that you may instead use a name +if the source block has a name, or a cache-id. In either case, both seem to be +better options for traceibility. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-babel-results-keyword "NAME") +#+end_src + +=org= has a really nice feature that hitting =C-c C-c= will generally just do +the /right thing/. It is really nice. That feature extends to source blocks of +course. Ironically I had a typo here, typing /of curse/ instead of /of course/. +The thing is that you really, really need to develop a personal workflow, and +then configure the tool to enable it. The more I learn about =org=, the more +leery I am about making it really easy to evaluate code. I want it to be a +really, really specific and decided action to evaluate a code block, so don't +make it so easy as =C-c C-c=. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-babel-no-eval-on-ctrl-c-ctrl-c +1) +#+end_src + +=org= already uses the guillemet [fn:086b7602: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guillemets] +for demarcating noweb references, but it does it using the work-around of just +using less-than and greather-than characters twice. That is fine. Because Emacs +supports Unicode just fine though, tell =org= to use the real symbol. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-babel-noweb-wrap-start "«") +(setq org-babel-noweb-wrap-end "»") +#+end_src + +My preference is to rely upon heading property inheritance to define source block +names. That way, you can just do your work knowing "where" you are working and +keep it simple by not having to name everything. That was just fine until I +wrote a document where I needed to name each source block. + +It gets easy to forget the source block’s name. Not the end of the world, but very nice to know. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/org-edit-src-code-plus-name () + "Edit the well-described source code block. + +Attribution: URL `https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2014-09/msg00778.html'" + (interactive) + (let* ((eop (org-element-at-point)) + (name (or (org-element-property :name (org-element-context eop)) + "ॐ")) + (lang (org-element-property :language eop)) + (buff-name (concat "*Org Src " name "[" lang "]*"))) + (org-edit-src-code nil nil buff-name))) +#+end_src + +It would be nice to be able to use =vc-next-action= when editing source blocks in +the source block edit buffer. Those buffers are new buffers that get the +contents of the source block copied into them, the mode gets loaded, and +additional hooks for this special org mode source editing are run. When editing +is complete, the contents of that buffer are copied back into the source block, +the original contents are removed, and the new ones are inserted. I wasn't sure +how to proceed with this and asked the list. Aaron Ecay explained how to simply +close the buffer first. That is a nice approach because everything will be as +close to normal operational procedures as possible. Jonathan Leech-Pepin showed +how to get a handle on the source buffer, and execute some code in the context +of /that/ buffer. In this case it would mean executing the commit action inside of +the backing buffer. Both are great options, and I am having trouble with both of +them. The former is great because it is exactly how you would do it now. The +latter is great because you would *not* be interrupted with the source block +buffer being closed. At this point, I've only got the former working so that is +where I will start. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defadvice vc-next-action (before vc-next-action-in-org-src-block last activate) + "If in org source block, exit it." + (when (condition-case nil + (org-src-in-org-buffer) + (error nil)) + (org-edit-src-exit))) +#+end_src + +Not sure where to note this, but I do need to do it somewhere: + +#+begin_quote +- babel, document my two modes of use as eval everything and store the results, + replacing them, which is good for documents that use that data, and then the + style I just did for homework which did ":results output silent" when the + intent was more very close to coding, and ultimately using the code to deliver + the consumable product +#+end_quote + +******** Core Babel Configuration + +********* Comments [fn:1e1a7e1f: http://orgmode.org/manual/comments.html#comments] + +There is always a question of how to instill traceability in your artifacts. org +provides =:comments= for that. Tangling with that value set to =link=, +for example, would add a prefix and postfix comment to the tangled file with the +name of the header from which the generated file was tangled. When I tangle the +.emacs.el, then it puts something like this for that: +#+begin_quote +~;; [[file:~/git/bitbucket-grettke/home/TC3F.org::*Fully%20Loaded%20System][Fully\ Loaded\ System:1]]~ + +file contents go here + +;; Fully\ Loaded\ System:1 ends here +#+end_quote +When you follow the link, it will take you right back to the block that +specified the tangling of the document. That is a start, though not super for +tracking down details of where the code snippets really originated down to the +source blocks themselves. + +Trying to understand the other settings, I found =both= to look like this: +#+begin_quote +;; Fully Loaded System +;; Convert decisions into a runnable system. + +~;; [[file:~/git/bitbucket-grettke/home/TC3F.org::*Fully%20Loaded%20System][Fully\ Loaded\ System:1]]~ + +file contents go here + +;; Fully\ Loaded\ System:1 ends here +#+end_quote + +=noweb= looks like, well I'm going to put a couple examples, because this +is the best setting. This provides was 99% of org mode literate programmers +want which is traceability back from every tangled piece of code to the original +document. +#+begin_quote +;; [[file:~/git/bitbucket-grettke/home/TC3F.org::*Windows%20%5Bfn:38%5D][nil]] +;; [[file:~/git/bitbucket-grettke/home/TC3F.org::*Windows%20%5Bfn:38%5D][nil]] +;; [[file:~/git/bitbucket-grettke/home/TC3F.org::*Frames%20%5Bfn:46%5D][nil]] +#+end_quote +After all of this research, I found that doing noweb-ref tangling, the source +locations are not included, so it is no very useful to include comments, and +I removed them, at least for now. I am not sure how I want to use them right +now. + +The type of information that you provide as meta-data is up to you and depends +upon your mental model for your org document. My mental model is mostly to use +headings as the logical area for addressing a particular /concern/ satisfied by +that portion of my Emacs configuration, so the tangling comments reflect that. +In other words, in this document at least, I rarely name source blocks because +the header name is the "true name", and closing the tangle comment with the +source block name is really confusing because it usually is =nil=. The org +links are fine, too, because they convey all of the necessary information +whether you are using org or not. It is more likely that most readers will not +use org links, so they come second. + +As it happens, that didn't really work out as I had hoped. The =link= style +works, and =noweb= does not. Not sure why and not digging further, so sticking +with that. Also, I had customized the links, and did that incorrectly, so I +removed those, too. When Eric said that one part of it wasn't implemented, I +didn't to dig into what was working anymore than I had already because it has +already been many hours invested. + +Now I've got weeks invested and I'm shocked to find that using links in the +tangled file is worse then useless, it is actually harmful. It just doesn't +help, atleast in the sytems that I am tangling. As such I am no longer using +it. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(gcr/set-org-babel-default-header-args :comments "no") +#+end_src + +********* Results [fn:1625d11f: http://orgmode.org/manual/results.html#results] + +Always display results like you would seem them in a REPL. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(gcr/set-org-babel-default-header-args :results "output replace") +#+end_src + +********* Exports [fn:7dad95aa: http://orgmode.org/manual/exports.html#exports] + +Export both code blocks and results in exports. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(gcr/set-org-babel-default-header-args :exports "both") +#+end_src + +********* Noweb [fn:3da67e2d: http://orgmode.org/manual/noweb.html#noweb] + +Expand noweb references before the block is tangled or evaluated, but +exported. This embraces the notion that you are telling the right thing to the +computer and the right thing to the human. This is the only proper setting to +do so. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(gcr/set-org-babel-default-header-args :noweb "no-export") +#+end_src + +********* Eval [fn:f6ab36a6: http://orgmode.org/manual/eval.html#eval] + +This is probably the single most important configuration parameter for your +document's source blocks. Initially, that value is obscured by the need to +configure the rich variety of other options though, and this parameter is often +visited during the second eighty percent of your investment in =org-babel= when +you are "in the thick" of it. + +Still trying to make sense of it all myself, I am adhering to a lightweight +user-story driven configuration of this feature, as I believe that it is the +only way that it will make sense to me. The key goal here for me is to: + +- Define typical usage scenarios +- Identify key traits +- Realize those traits in my workflow + +The current configuration is more like: +- Default allows for super fast code execution messages storing the results +- Any form of reproducibl research including for example a tiny, tiny bit of + code necessary to get a =knitr= like setup =:header-args: :results output silent= + +********** Story A: Messages + +20% of my time spent composing email or mailing list messages. Those messages +may be composed of plain text with some nice markup. They also might have +references and citations. The big value comes with superb code block definition +and execution facilities. Those messages are short-lived; they are never stored +in =git= and unlikely to even end up on the file-system. + +My work-flow here is: +- Compose the =org= document +- Prepare necessary buffers for code evaluation, or not, intentionally +- Execute (weave) source blocks and store the results within the document +- Export to the destination format + +********** Story B: Notes + +40% of my time is spent taking notes. It is so delightful to do so here. A lot +of those notes are for programming languages so the workflow is nearly identical +to =A=. The actions for navigating among source blocks is used all +of the time to quickly navigate the document's source code, reflecting more +thoughtfulness while working with the document. There is more concern here, +because the document is stored in =git= and long-lived, it will be published +many times. An important approach here is that I like to make a clear and +concise distinction of the responsibilities of tangling and exporting because I +don't like surprises. I want to know how source blocks results were generated, +and when, as well as details about the export itself. This is a scope +restriction that opens up space to make better sense of the workflow of the +document itself. At its simplest, I just want to see a date-time showing when +the document was published for example. + +My workflow here is: +- Compose the =org= document +- Prepare necessary buffers for code evaluation, or not, intentionally +- Execute (weave) source blocks and store the results within the document +- Export to the destination format + - Evaluate in-line source code relevant to that particular exportation + +********** Story C: Documents + +40% of my time is spent managing documents. In my case, it is this document. +There are others, but they are minute in comparison. This is the storehouse, +proving ground, and production deployment environment for every though, idea, +dream, and goal that I can come up with in regards to TC3F. It shares the same +traits as =A= and =B=, and adds many more. + +The first addition is the utilization of =no-web= to tangle source code and also +tangle executable source code. The document evolution has relied heavily upon +this feature. It has allow amazing flexibility. It is so critical that it must +always be available. + +The second addition is a different scope of concern. My desire to make the +tangling and exportation of this document is to have it more controlled. Unsure, +I waver between restricting evaluation of code blocks by default and enabling +over the entire document and simply allowing it globally. I don't like +accidentally evaluating source blocks and getting their results, but I suppose +that I may rely upon my commits to reveal my error. I suppose that my big +takeaway here is that I want it simple, and want to be able to lock things down +if necessary. + +********** Study + +Studying the scenarios, the desires seem clear. There is a combination of +agility and scope that ought to make productivity go up. The essence may be +better expressed in terms of responsibilities based upon my preferences +expressed above: + +- A document is responsible for + - Defining source blocks + - Configuring their execution environments + - Displaying their results +- Execution of this document is responsible for + - Evaluating source blocks + - Collecting results of evaluation +- Tangling is responsible for combining source blocks + - In this file + - For output blocks + - For inclusion in source definitions used in function calls + - In a new file +- Exporting is responsible for + - Converting this document to a new presentation format + - Only in-line source blocks may be evaluated during exploration + - Be explicit about the difference eg + - Execution results as stored in the document + - Exportation results are stored in the export document + - Key difference for people to make sense of things + +********** Preface to Tooling + +The next task is to convert the studies desired into a configuration to realize +them. At first blush the configuration options will seem confusing. The best +approach is to "play" with the configurations to learn and finalize your +approach. That is how I ended up with this configuration. All of the +configuration it based upon that combination of need and desire and how the +system itself works. At best, it will only make sense in this context. Over +time, it will make more sense. That period of evolution and growth is reflected +in the =org= documentation itself for example when you read about =ditaa= in regards +to exporting [fn:14fb5203: http://orgmode.org/manual/Exporting-code-blocks.html]. +The more familiar and comfortable with =org= one becomes, the more sense mentions +such as that make. + +********** A More Concise Goal (Making Sense of Things) + +This facilitate my personal model for =LP= with org for evaluation modes. There +are only two of them, =A= and =B=. + +Mode =A= allow execution to occur where the results are likely to be captured +within the document. The single responsibility of that mode is to perform and +capture the entirety of the computation. That really sums it up. All computation +is done here because it is time and context sensitive. The document in that form +will serve as a snapshot in time. If you run ℝ code then capture the results and +plots and also the version of itself and the packages used. If you have +versioned links for your data set, then report it here. Think of future users +of your research as archeologists trying to piece together what you did; you +should make their job really easy. This is a self contained computational unit, +and its results, too. Include everything that matters for your computation. +Consider Vagrant [fn:28698f18: http://www.vagrantup.com/] regardless of how much +slower it may run on a virtual. How you defined this document and computed it +and captured the results are all *one* thing that needs to both be considered and +captured in its entirety. + +Mode =B= is a little simpler. All of the hard work has been done. Everything just +mentioned has been done. This is purely responsible for publishing. Perhaps you +want to submit it to a journal, that is publishing. Perhaps you want to post it +on a blog, that is publishing. Publishing has different concerns. You want to +know about the environment used to perform the publishing, like the tools and +the time. Perhaps you want to more about the computer is was published on. All +of those aspects unique to that even of publishing should be included during +export. The operator really needs to get on-board with the idea of computational +artifacts vs reporting artifacts. For example if you execute mode =A= then you +need to store all of its generated artifacts. That includes data, but also +graphics that you reference in the document itself. Hopefully you are +questioning my claim here. You should! You area asking "Why should I when if I +can reproduce the results?!". Great question. The answer only makes sense +according to the philosophy I am embracing. Mode =A= defines both the computational +unit and its constituent output. That is a single /thing/, a single /thing document/. +Now that I am writing this, I am having questions about my claim here, and I will +explore them as my understanding is bettered. For now, I am sticking with this +because for example I know that I can use PNG anywhere. Well, questions arise +because I am unsure how I would publishing to the web without re-generating SVG +output vs PNG for web vs PS for LaTeX. Definitely something I will need to +explore and for now I am sticking with the plan. Just had lunch and reflected +upon the fact that there is clearly distinction between the results of your +computation and how you wish to present them, and when. My feeling is that my +approach is acceptable in that the computation and generation of summary +results is definitely a separate goal from providing it in a particular +publishing format and surely more experience needs to be accumulated here. +Perhaps the simplest thing to do for greater flexibility is to: +- In =A= + - Perform the computation + - Capture the results of the computation + - Produces images and so forth +- In =B= + - Convert to a new format + - Perhaps utilize the results of computation to present differently + +The key questions are: +- May you? + - Yes you may +- Should you? + - Perhaps + - It seems easier to separate concerns into computation and presentation + +That is why evaluation is available on export, to capture aspects unique of +export itself, and *not* of the computation. To realize this, the operator must be +very thoughtful and aware of the execution model of the document. As it stands, +you may separate the time of execution of code blocks and also their results. +This is a subtle yet hugely important idea. You may utilize this feature and +idea anyway you please, but I will use it a certain way. All computational +evaluation and results storage will occur for source blocks in =A=. That is the +goal. However, we do not want that to occur for in-line source blocks in mode =A=. +That is possible and doable. This will make it easy for the operator of the d +document to *see* the difference between code is for =A= versus =B= because the latter +will never have its results stored within the source document. + +A strict separation between the =A= and =B=, roughly computation and export, must be maintained. It is the only way to make sense of how to use =org= as a tool here. +One mode is responsible for computation, and the other is responsible for +reporting. All of the following configuration is performed in order to realize +this goal of A:computation vs B:publishing (exporting). + +********** Putting the Pieces Together + +Make it crystal clear that if the operator wants to evaluate source blocks then +she may do so. It is a fundamental right of every =org= mode user and the default +configuration shall allow it. If she wants restrictions, then they may easily be +added to the document itself. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil) +(gcr/set-org-babel-default-header-args :eval "always") +#+end_src + +Separate evaluation into two distinct phases or modes that of =A= for computation +and =B= for presentation/publishing/exportation (still unsure of the best name +given the existing terms both inside and outside of =org=). + +During exportation, only evaluate inline source blocks. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(setq org-export-babel-evaluate 'inline-only) +#+end_src + +During exportation, evaluate the blocks and replace the source blocks with the +resulting value. This gives you exactly what you would expect; the documents +look like plain old documents because they are exactly that. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(gcr/set-org-babel-default-inline-header-args :eval "always") +(gcr/set-org-babel-default-inline-header-args :results "value replace") +#+end_src + +********* ℝ Specific + +Always use the current ℝ session for evaluation. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(gcr/set-org-babel-default-header-args:R :session "*R*") +#+end_src + +Then I read this [fn:16e26884: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/32814]. +*WOW*. That is worth another millions bucks for Eric's prolific contribution to +humanity with org-babel. + +******* ispell + +Doing literate programming a *lot*… it is a hassle to spell-check source blocks, +so don't. Actually, there are lots of things that I probably don't want to check +and this list is growing. All of the entries are explained here. + +Never ispell org source blocks: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '("^#\\+begin_src ". "#\\+end_src$")) +#+end_src + +Never ispell org source blocks defined in upper case: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '("^#\\+BEGIN_SRC ". "#\\+END_SRC$")) +#+end_src + +Never ispell org example blocks: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '("^#\\+begin_example ". "#\\+end_example$")) +(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '("^#\\+BEGIN_EXAMPLE ". "#\\+END_EXAMPLE$")) +#+end_src + +Properties block in org do not need to be ispelled +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '("\:PROPERTIES\:$" . "\:END\:$")) +#+end_src + +Footnotes in org should not be ispelled: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '("\\[fn:.+:" . "\\]")) +#+end_src + +Footnoes in org that have http links that are line breaked should not be +ispelled: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '("^http" . "\\]")) +#+end_src + +Verbatim regions in org mode should not be ispelled: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '("=.*" . ".*=")) +#+end_src + +In org I often use bold text in lists, and they should never be ispelled because +they are usually abbreviations or other non-words: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist '("- \\*.+" . ".*\\*: ")) +#+end_src + +Most of the default org export properties should be ignored because they are not +words and I may ispell them manually when desired: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(let (void) + (--each + '("ATTR_LATEX" + "AUTHOR" + "CREATOR" + "DATE" + "DESCRIPTION" + "EMAIL" + "EXCLUDE_TAGS" + "HTML_CONTAINER" + "HTML_DOCTYPE" + "HTML_HEAD" + "HTML_HEAD_EXTRA" + "HTML_LINK_HOME" + "HTML_LINK_UP" + "HTML_MATHJAX" + "INFOJS_OPT" + "KEYWORDS" + "LANGUAGE" + "LATEX_CLASS" + "LATEX_CLASS_OPTIONS" + "LATEX_HEADER" + "LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA" + "OPTIONS" + "SELECT_TAGS" + "STARTUP" + "TITLE") + (gcr/ispell-a2isra (gcr/ispell-org-header-lines-regexp it)))) +#+end_src + +******* Hooks + +Configure =org= mode hooks to make it easy to do the most commonly performed +operations. + +Bit of a mystery that I couldn't =local-set-key= with one particular binding. +Found a way that /does/ work with the help of Jorge and Teika. I'm OK with it +remaining a mystery for now. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-,") (lambda () (interactive) (insert " \\larr "))) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/org-mode-hook () + (local-set-key (kbd "C-1") 'org-narrow-to-subtree) + (local-set-key (kbd "M-1") 'widen) + (local-set-key (kbd "C-2") 'gcr/org-edit-src-code-plus-name) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-h") 'org-babel-check-src-block) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-a i") 'org-babel-insert-header-arg) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-j") 'org-babel-previous-src-block) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-k") 'org-babel-next-src-block) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-l") 'org-babel-demarcate-block) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-;") 'org-babel-view-src-block-info) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-b s") 'org-babel-switch-to-session) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-b c") 'org-babel-switch-to-session-with-code) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-e") 'org-babel-execute-maybe) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-t") 'org-babel-tangle) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-x") 'org-babel-do-key-sequence-in-edit-buffer) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-w w") 'org-export-dispatch) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-") 'org-babel-execute-buffer) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-i d") 'org-display-inline-images) + (local-set-key (kbd "s-i r") 'org-remove-inline-images) + (local-set-key (kbd "C-.") (lambda () (interactive) (insert " \\rarr "))) + (turn-on-real-auto-save) + (when (and (fboundp 'guide-key-mode) guide-key-mode) + (guide-key/add-local-guide-key-sequence "C-c") + (guide-key/add-local-guide-key-sequence "C-c C-x") + (guide-key/add-local-highlight-command-regexp "org-")) + (org2blog/wp-mode) + (gcr/diminish 'org2blog/wp-mode) + (fci-mode) + (gcr/untabify-buffer-hook) + (turn-on-stripe-table-mode) + (linum-mode) + (wrap-region-mode t)) + +(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'gcr/org-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +Configure the =org= =babel= source code editing buffer with a key to make it +easy to exit. This is consistent with the approach of "same to exit as enter". + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/org-src-mode-hook () + (local-set-key (kbd "C-2") 'org-edit-src-exit) + (visual-line-mode)) + +(add-hook 'org-src-mode-hook 'gcr/org-src-mode-hook) +#+end_src + +* Assembly + +** Prerequisites + +*** Run-time + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: runtime-check + :END: + +The entirety of this system is configured for a particular version of Emacs +running on Linux and it is not worth fooling around if we aren't running there. +It is important enough to at least check and notify the user if those requirements +are not met, but not serious enough to kill the editor, and the user ought to +have a chance at knowing what is going on. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/warn-emacs-version () + "Warn of Emacs inadequacy." + (interactive) + (when (or + (not (= emacs-major-version 24)) + (not (= emacs-minor-version 3))) + (warn "Insufficient Emacs requirements. Expected v24.3. Found v%s.%s" + (number-to-string emacs-major-version) + (number-to-string emacs-minor-version)))) +(gcr/warn-emacs-version) +#+end_src + +I am curious about using this mode to manage my email contacts and +=org-contacts= [fn:7964376b: https://julien.danjou.info/projects/emacs-packages#org-contacts] looks like a +fine way to do that. Right now all of my contacts live inside of Gmail, and I +do back them up. + +*** Provisioning / Cask [fn:0d825bc1: [[Cask][https://github.com/cask/cask]]] / egl-get [fn:9be5a727: https://github.com/dimitri/el-get] + +In /the old days/ the way you managed software packages for Emacss was to manage +manually because there was no software distribution system available. In my +case, I just put everything inside of a Subversion project and moved on. That +actually worked fine, but it was prone to some of the unpleasant things that you +would expect from doing something like that. In my case I didn't like committing +compiled code and handling updates was always a hassle depending on how files +and the directory structure had changed. Fortunately that all changed with the +introduction of =package.el= [fn:d0b53ba0: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ELPA] +and ELPA. + +When I first cut my system over to ELPA I went with GNU ELPA [fn:8e3f020e: https://elpa.gnu.org/] and Marmalade [fn:6c0f250b: http://marmalade-repo.org/]. +Eventually I found that they weren't the right thing for me since the former had +a very small collection and the latter had a variety that I wasn't looking for. +About that time, MELPA was starting to really gain momentum. + +MELPA is pretty super. MELPA is really a community and a belief-system in +addition to being a package repository. They value structure and form, and make +sure that the package builds and does that for you. They are doing great things +to create, nurure, and guide the community to become beholden to a higher +standard for certain situations. Around that time, too I got fed up with +manually installing and checking whether I had the packages installed or not, +so I looked at Cask. + +Cask [fn:3e6e5e8c: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Packages.html] is a +declarative approach for expressing dependencies. That sounds fancy but it +isn't. Cask just makes it really easy to obtain ELPA packages from different +repositories. One reason that I really like is that you see all of your packages +in a single place rather than sprinkled about all over your init file. Something +funny happened though, the more I learned about Emacs and the community, the +more I found the need to manage software not hosted in MELPA. + +MELPA is perfect at what it does, and it is still evolving. Rather than try to +plan for everything, the decided to solve 80% of most problems for most people +and that is super. Now they are looking at how to handle versioned packages by +hosting a stable repository that uses Git tags, and that is super, too. What +about software that doesn't live in a package though? That was my question, and +newfound need. + +You start finding code all over not in packages. EmacsWiki is the exception +given that MELPA support that, but nothing else. That is good because it got me +motived to learn about other people's approaches for package management. That is +where I learned about el-get. + +el-get is so powerful, and flexible, and concise. What it lacks in community +movement, it makes up for in raw power. Reading the configuration, I do really +like it. When I find code that doesn't live in packages, and may never, then +I start setting up el-get to grab it for me. Another time that I used it was +for Neil Vandyke's version of SICP in Texinfo [fn:0507a3f0: http://www.neilvandyke.org/sicp-texi/]. + +This package is was interesting to me because I wondered how both tools would +handle installation being that all there is to be installed is a texinfo file. +That doesn't sound too exciting, but I knew that the final file is compiled and +I was just curious how the package-ers handled it. Here is how they seem to have +done it: + +- MELPA + - [[https://github.com/milkypostman/melpa/blob/master/recipes/sicp][Here]] is the recipe + - It uses the contents of [[https://github.com/webframp/sicp-info][this]] project + - Which uses the files from Neil's site +- el-get + - [[https://github.com/dimitri/el-get/blob/master/recipes/sicp.rcp][Here]] is hte recipe + - It uses [[http://www.neilvandyke.org/sicp-texi/sicp.info.gz][this]] file directly from Neil's site + - And gunzips it + +Again, not shocking, but it is kind of a nice example to see two different ways +both of /providing/ the package and also, and this is important, /communicating/ +how it was provided. The latter has that communication built-in, unlike the +former. You can't force things with technology, but you may make it easier. +el-get seems to make it easier, at least when you want to know such details. + +Not sure what the future will hold for me and el-get, but it is really nice so +far. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle ~/.emacs.d/Cask +(source org) + +(depends-on "org-plus-contrib") + +(source gnu) + +(depends-on "ascii-art-to-unicode") + +(depends-on "auctex") + +(depends-on "rainbow-mode") + +(depends-on "sml-mode") + +(source marmalade) + +(depends-on "real-auto-save") + +(source melpa) + +(depends-on "ace-jump-mode") + +(depends-on "ace-link") + +(depends-on "ace-window") + +(depends-on "alert") + +(depends-on "anchored-transpose") + +(depends-on "auto-complete") + +(depends-on "auto-complete-chunk") + +(depends-on "boxquote") + +(depends-on "clips-mode") + +(depends-on "ctable") + +(depends-on "dash") + +(depends-on "dash-functional") + +(depends-on "diff-hl") + +(depends-on "diminish") + +(depends-on "dired-details+") + +(depends-on "dired-imenu") + +(depends-on "el-get") + +(depends-on "esup") + +(depends-on "erc-hl-nicks") + +(depends-on "erc-image") + +(depends-on "erc-tweet") + +(depends-on "erc-youtube") + +(depends-on "ess") + +(depends-on "ess-R-data-view") + +(depends-on "ess-R-object-popup") + +(depends-on "exec-path-from-shell") + +(depends-on "expand-region") + +(depends-on "f") + +(depends-on "fancy-narrow") + +(depends-on "figlet") + +(depends-on "fill-column-indicator") + +(depends-on "flx-ido") + +(depends-on "flycheck") + +(depends-on "fuzzy") + +(depends-on "geiser") + +(depends-on "git-timemachine") + +(depends-on "google-this") + +(depends-on "graphviz-dot-mode") + +(depends-on "guide-key") + +(depends-on "hideshow-org") + +(depends-on "highlight-tail") + +(depends-on "htmlize") + +(depends-on "ibuffer-vc") + +(depends-on "ido-hacks") + +(depends-on "ido-ubiquitous") + +(depends-on "ido-vertical-mode") + +(depends-on "imenu-anywhere") + +(depends-on "imenu+") + +(depends-on "inlineR") + +(depends-on "json-reformat") + +(depends-on "key-chord") + +(depends-on "keyfreq") + +(depends-on "lexbind-mode") + +(depends-on "linum-relative") + +(depends-on "magit") + +(depends-on "markdown-mode") + +(depends-on "metaweblog") + +(depends-on "move-text") + +(depends-on "multiple-cursors") + +(depends-on "neotree") + +(depends-on "nyan-mode") + +(depends-on "ob-sml") + +(depends-on "org-ac") + +(depends-on "org2blog") + +(depends-on "osx-browse") + +(depends-on "pandoc-mode") + +(depends-on "plantuml-mode") + +(depends-on "polymode") + +(depends-on "popup") + +(depends-on "pos-tip") + +(depends-on "pretty-mode") + +(depends-on "projectile") + +(depends-on "r-autoyas") + +(depends-on "rainbow-delimiters") + +(depends-on "s") + +(depends-on "smartparens") + +(depends-on "smex") + +(depends-on "smooth-scrolling") + +(depends-on "solarized-theme") + +(depends-on "sparkline") + +(depends-on "sqlup-mode") + +(depends-on "stripe-buffer") + +(depends-on "sublimity") + +(depends-on "uuid") + +(depends-on "undo-tree") + +(depends-on "unicode-fonts") + +(depends-on "vagrant") + +(depends-on "vagrant-tramp") + +(depends-on "web-mode") + +(depends-on "world-time-mode") + +(depends-on "wrap-region") + +(depends-on "xml-rpc") + +(depends-on "yasnippet") + +;; Local Variables: +;; mode: emacs-lisp +;; End: + +#+end_src + +The two checks performed here are used with built-in file operations provided +with Emacs. Only after =Cask= initialization may be =f.el= be used. + +=cask.el= is not version controlled. + +=Cask= is version controlled. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb-ref cask-block +(defconst gcr/cask-runtime "~/.cask/cask.el") +(defconst gcr/cask-config "~/.emacs.d/Cask") +(defun gcr/warn-cask-runtime () + "Warn of Cask misconfiguration." + (interactive) + (unless (gcr/file-exists-not-symlink gcr/cask-runtime) + (warn + "Can't seem to find a Cask runtime where it was expected at: %S." + gcr/cask-runtime)) + (unless (file-readable-p gcr/cask-config) + (warn + "Can't seem to find a readable Cask configuration where it was expected at: %S." + gcr/cask-config))) +(gcr/warn-cask-runtime) +(require 'cask gcr/cask-runtime) +(defconst gcr/cask-bundle (cask-initialize)) +#+end_src + +**** el-get packages + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: el-get-block + :END: + +el-get may only be used after Cask is initialized, and all of my setup is here: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(require 'el-get) +(setq gcr/el-get-packages nil) +#+end_src + +Make it really easy to remind yourself and others what EMACS really stands for +(in this case it is fun). + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list + 'el-get-sources + '(:name emacs-name + :type http + :url "http://www.splode.com/~friedman/software/emacs-lisp/src/emacs-name.el" + :features emacs-name + :autoloads nil + :website "http://www.splode.com/" + :description "emacs acronym expansions")) +(add-to-list 'gcr/el-get-packages 'emacs-name) +#+end_src + +It is not good to flame people on the Internet. It is good to /know/ what it is +all about, and here is a way to see some examples of the absurdity of it all. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list + 'el-get-sources + '(:name flame + :type http + :url "http://www.splode.com/~friedman/software/emacs-lisp/src/flame.el" + :features flame + :autoloads nil + :website "http://www.splode.com/" + :description "automatic generation of flamage, as if we needed more")) +(add-to-list 'gcr/el-get-packages 'flame) +#+end_src + +People love horoscopes, so, provide them. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list + 'el-get-sources + '(:name horoscope + :type http + :url "http://www.splode.com/~friedman/software/emacs-lisp/src/horoscope.el" + :features horoscope + :autoloads t + :website "http://www.splode.com/" + :description "generate horoscopes")) +(add-to-list 'gcr/el-get-packages 'horoscope) +#+end_src + +James Parry [fn:c99fd633: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Parry] must always +be honored. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list + 'el-get-sources + '(:name kibologize + :type http + :url "http://www.splode.com/~friedman/software/emacs-lisp/src/kibologize.el" + :features kibologize + :autoloads nil + :website "http://www.splode.com/" + :description "generate ravings about kibology, in the style of kibo")) +(add-to-list 'gcr/el-get-packages 'kibologize) +#+end_src + +You might not always remember your shopping list, but we will remember it for +you… though not necessarily for wholesale. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list + 'el-get-sources + '(:name shop + :type http + :url "http://www.splode.com/~friedman/software/emacs-lisp/src/shop.el" + :features shop + :autoloads nil + :website "http://www.splode.com/" + :description "generate random shopping lists")) +(add-to-list 'gcr/el-get-packages 'shop) +#+end_src + +Do you remember when those great AT&T adds were on television and it changed +your life and bought you a kitten? You will. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list + 'el-get-sources + '(:name youwill + :type http + :url "http://www.splode.com/~friedman/software/emacs-lisp/src/youwill.el" + :features youwill + :autoloads t + :website "http://www.splode.com/" + :description "generate meaningless marketing hype")) +(add-to-list 'gcr/el-get-packages 'youwill) +#+end_src + +A swimming-pool screensaver. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list + 'el-get-sources + '(:name swimmers + :type http + :url "http://www.cb1.com/~john/computing/emacs/lisp/games/swimmers.el" + :features swimmers + :autoloads nil + :website "http://www.cb1.com/~john/" + :description "Draw a swimming-pool screensaver")) +(add-to-list 'gcr/el-get-packages 'swimmers) +#+end_src + +=org-show= [fn:5de243c0: https://github.com/jk +itchin/jmax/blob/master/org-show.org] +looks like the prefect presentation tool for me. jkitchin is just… he is one a +sweet wavelength. This presentation tool makes it really, really easy to present +in a very /emacsy/ way. It is worth discussing a bit why I got this module in this +manner: + +- =org-show= is distributed as an org file +- It requires tangling to produce a emacs-lisp file for utilization by emacs +- John explains how to do so in the file itself via =org-babel-load-file= +- This works fine on a vanilla, =org= setup +- I do not have a vanilla, =org= setup + - I do not know the issue and I am not going to debug it for now +- The approach here than is to: + - Obtain the file + - Start =emacs= with the =raw= setup defined in this document, which is nothing + but =org= … and from there, tangle =org-show= + - It is manual and that is OK for now + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list + 'el-get-sources + '(:name org-show + :type http + :url "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jkitchin/jmax/master/org-show.org" + :website "https://github.com/jkitchin/jmax/blob/master/org-show.org" + :description "simple presentations in org-mode")) +(add-to-list 'gcr/el-get-packages 'org-show) +#+end_src + +Even if you never, ever finish reading SICP [fn:9e4cba8b: https://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/] [fn:27216be9: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Structure_and_Interpretation_of_Computer_Programs], +you still should always, always have it /on hand/. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(add-to-list 'gcr/el-get-packages 'sicp) +#+end_src + +=emacs-pde= [fn:f3e803df: https://github.com/wenbinye/emacs-pde] provides a Perl +style regex builder to supplement the built-in [fn:f2270e49: https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Syntax-of-Regexps.html]. + + + +As el-get to make sure that those desired packages are installed. At the moment +there are none beyond the custom recipes. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(el-get 'sync gcr/el-get-packages) +#+end_src + +** Layout + +*** Detail + +Two systems will be configured here: +- "Raw org" :: org and nothing else + - This configuration is to start Emacs with org loaded and absolutely nothing + else. + - This is useful for investigating behaviors in an incremental fashion. + - Run it like this: + - =rm ~/.emacs.d/Cask= + - =cp raw-org.Cask ~/.emacs.d/Cask= + - =emacs --no-init-file --load .raw-org.emacs.el= +- "Org Only" :: bare minimum necessary to run org-mode + - Just enough to provide a usable environment + - Both interactively (console, GUI) and non-interactively (interpreter) + - Includes org and *all* of its dependencies + - Standard artifact management with Cask + - Version safety checks + - Makes bug tracking easier + - Reduces likelihood that packages bork org + - Run it like this: + - =rm ~/.emacs.d/Cask= + - =cp Cask ~/.emacs.d/Cask= + - =emacs --no-init-file --load .org-mode.emacs.el= +- "Fully Loaded" :: includes the kitchen sink, too + - In addition to the above + - Every else used in "daily life" + - Run it like this: + - =rm ~/.emacs.d/Cask= + - =cp Cask ~/.emacs.d/Cask= + - =emacs --no-init-file --load .emacs.el= + +*** Raw Org + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle raw-org.Cask +(source org) +(depends-on "org-plus-contrib") + +;; Local Variables: +;; mode: emacs-lisp +;; End: +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle .raw-org.emacs.el +(require 'cask "~/.cask/cask.el") +(cask-initialize) +#+end_src + +*** Org Only System + +#+name: base-configuration +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +«runtime-check» +«general-stuff-block» +«utility-block» +«cask-block» +«el-get-block» +«environment-block» +«keymaps-decision» +«diagramming-decision» +«modes-application-org-mode-module-decision» +«uxo-analytics-decision» +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle .org-mode.emacs.el +«base-configuration» +«custom-variables» +#+end_src + +*** Fully Loaded System + +Convert decisions into a runnable system. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle .emacs.el +«base-configuration» +«uxo-windows-decision» +(gcr/on-gui + «uxo-frames-decision») +«uxo-buffers-decision» +«uxo-modeline-decision» +«uxo-mark-region-decision» +«uxo-minibuffer-decision» +«uxo-discoverability-decision» +«modes-config-decision» +«shells-decision» +«modes-application-monolith-decision» +«communications-decision» +«postfix-block» +«custom-variables» +«font-block» +#+end_src + +Order does matter here, the =«custom-variables»= specifies that the custom theme +may be loaded so the =«font-block»= has to come after it. + +** Font block + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb-ref font-block +(gcr/on-gui + «font-decision» + (defun gcr/font-ok-p () + "Is the configured font valid?" + (interactive) + (member gcr/font-base (font-family-list))) + (defun gcr/font-name () + "Compute the font name and size string." + (interactive) + (let* ((size (number-to-string gcr/font-size)) + (name (concat gcr/font-base "-" size))) + name)) + (defun gcr/update-font () + "Updates the current font given configuration values." + (interactive) + (if (gcr/font-ok-p) + (progn + (message "Setting font to: %s" (gcr/font-name)) + (set-default-font (gcr/font-name))) + (message (concat "Your preferred font is not available: " gcr/font-base)))) + (defun gcr/text-scale-increase () + "Increase font size" + (interactive) + (setq gcr/font-size (+ gcr/font-size 1)) + (gcr/update-font)) + (defun gcr/text-scale-decrease () + "Reduce font size." + (interactive) + (when (> gcr/font-size 1) + (setq gcr/font-size (- gcr/font-size 1)) + (gcr/update-font))) + + (gcr/update-font)) +#+end_src + +** Utility functions + :PROPERTIES: + :noweb-ref: utility-block + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun gcr/insert-timestamp () + "Produces and inserts a full ISO 8601 format timestamp." + (interactive) + (insert (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%T%z"))) + +(defun gcr/insert-timestamp* () + "Produces and inserts a near-full ISO 8601 format timestamp." + (interactive) + (insert (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%dT%T"))) + +(defun gcr/insert-datestamp () + "Produces and inserts a partial ISO 8601 format timestamp." + (interactive) + (insert (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d"))) + +(defun gcr/comment-or-uncomment () + "Comment or uncomment the current line or selection." + (interactive) + (cond ((not mark-active) (comment-or-uncomment-region (line-beginning-position) + (line-end-position))) + ((< (point) (mark)) (comment-or-uncomment-region (point) (mark))) + (t (comment-or-uncomment-region (mark) (point))))) + +(defun gcr/no-control-m () + "Aka dos2unix." + (interactive) + (let ((line (line-number-at-pos)) + (column (current-column))) + (mark-whole-buffer) + (replace-string " + " "") + (goto-line line) + (move-to-column column))) + +(defun gcr/untabify-buffer () + "For untabifying the entire buffer." + (interactive) + (untabify (point-min) (point-max))) + +(defun gcr/untabify-buffer-hook () + "Adds a buffer-local untabify on save hook" + (interactive) + (add-hook + 'after-save-hook + (lambda () (gcr/untabify-buffer)) + nil + 'true)) + +(defun gcr/disable-tabs () + "Disables tabs." + (setq indent-tabs-mode nil)) + +(defun gcr/save-all-file-buffers () + "Saves every buffer associated with a file." + (interactive) + (dolist (buf (buffer-list)) + (with-current-buffer buf + (when (and (buffer-file-name) (buffer-modified-p)) + (save-buffer))))) + +(defun gcr/kill-other-buffers () + "Kill all other buffers." + (interactive) + (mapc 'kill-buffer (delq (current-buffer) (buffer-list)))) + +(defvar gcr/delete-trailing-whitespace-p t + "Should trailing whitespace be removed?") + +(defun gcr/delete-trailing-whitespace () + "Delete trailing whitespace for everything but the current line. + +If `gcr/delete-trailing-whitespace-p' is non-nil, then delete the whitespace. +This is useful for fringe cases where trailing whitespace is important." + (interactive) + (when gcr/delete-trailing-whitespace-p + (let ((first-part-start (point-min)) + (first-part-end (point-at-bol)) + (second-part-start (point-at-eol)) + (second-part-end (point-max))) + (delete-trailing-whitespace first-part-start first-part-end) + (delete-trailing-whitespace second-part-start second-part-end)))) + +(defun gcr/newline () + "Locally binds newline." + (local-set-key (kbd "RET") 'sp-newline)) + +(defun gcr/describe-thing-in-popup () + "Display help information on the current symbol. + +Attribution: URL `http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/PosTip' +Attribution: URL `http://blog.jenkster.com/2013/12/popup-help-in-emacs-lisp.html'" + (interactive) + (let* ((thing (symbol-at-point)) + (help-xref-following t) + (description (with-temp-buffer + (help-mode) + (help-xref-interned thing) + (buffer-string)))) + (gcr/on-gui (pos-tip-show description nil nil nil 300)) + (gcr/not-on-gui (popup-tip description + :point (point) + :around t + :height 30 + :scroll-bar t + :margin t)))) + +(defun gcr/indent-curly-block (&rest _ignored) + "Open a new brace or bracket expression, with relevant newlines and indent. Src: https://github.com/Fuco1/smartparens/issues/80" + (newline) + (indent-according-to-mode) + (forward-line -1) + (indent-according-to-mode)) + +(defmacro gcr/on-gnu/linux (statement &rest statements) + "Evaluate the enclosed body only when run on GNU/Linux." + `(when (eq system-type 'gnu/linux) + ,statement + ,@statements)) + +(defmacro gcr/on-osx (statement &rest statements) + "Evaluate the enclosed body only when run on OSX." + `(when (eq system-type 'darwin) + ,statement + ,@statements)) + +(defmacro gcr/on-windows (statement &rest statements) + "Evaluate the enclosed body only when run on Microsoft Windows." + `(when (eq system-type 'windows-nt) + ,statement + ,@statements)) + +(defmacro gcr/on-gui (statement &rest statements) + "Evaluate the enclosed body only when run on GUI." + `(when (display-graphic-p) + ,statement + ,@statements)) + +(defmacro gcr/not-on-gui (statement &rest statements) + "Evaluate the enclosed body only when run on GUI." + `(when (not (display-graphic-p)) + ,statement + ,@statements)) + +(defun beginning-of-line-dwim () + "Toggles between moving point to the first non-whitespace character, and + the start of the line. Src: http://www.wilfred.me.uk/" + (interactive) + (let ((start-position (point))) + ;; see if going to the beginning of the line changes our position + (move-beginning-of-line nil) + + (when (= (point) start-position) + ;; we're already at the beginning of the line, so go to the + ;; first non-whitespace character + (back-to-indentation)))) + +(defun gcr/lazy-new-open-line () + "Insert a new line without breaking the current line." + (interactive) + (beginning-of-line) + (next-line) + (newline) + (previous-line)) + +(defun gcr/smart-open-line () + "Insert a new line, indent it, and move the cursor there. + +This behavior is different then the typical function bound to return +which may be `open-line' or `newline-and-indent'. When you call with +the cursor between ^ and $, the contents of the line to the right of +it will be moved to the newly inserted line. This function will not +do that. The current line is left alone, a new line is inserted, indented, +and the cursor is moved there. + +Attribution: URL `http://emacsredux.com/blog/2013/03/26/smarter-open-line/'" + (interactive) + (move-end-of-line nil) + (newline-and-indent)) + +(defun gcr/narrow-to-region* (boundary-start boundary-end fun) + "Edit the current region in a new, cloned, indirect buffer. + + This function is responsible for helping the operator to easily + manipulate a subset of a buffer's contents within a new buffer. The + newly created clone buffer is created with `clone-indirect-buffer', + so all of its behaviors apply. You may care specifically about the + fact that the clone is really just a 'view' of the source buffer, so + actions performed within the source buffer or its clone(s) are + actually occurring only within the source buffer itself. When the + dynamic extent of this function is entered, the operator is prompted + for a function to call to make upon entering the new buffer. The intent + is to specify the desired mode for the new buffer, for example by + calling `scheme-mode', but any function may be called. + + The subset chosen for manipulation is narrowed by + `narrow-to-region'. When the clone buffer is created, the lines in + which the start and end of the boundary occur are included at the + end the new clone buffer name to serve as a reminder for its + 'true source'. The intent is to facilitate going back from the clone + buffer to the source buffer with knowledge of where it originated. + + BOUNDARY-START and BOUNDARY-END are provided by delegation of this + function to `interactive'. FUN is provided interactively by the + operator via the modeline in the same manner. See Info node + `(elisp) Eval' for more on why `funcall' was used here instead of + `eval' for calling the selected function. + + Attribution: URL `http://demonastery.org/2013/04/emacs-narrow-to-region-indirect/' + Attribution: URL `http://paste.lisp.org/display/135818Attribution'" + (interactive "*r\naMode name? ") + (let* ((boundary-start (if (< boundary-start 1) (point-min) + boundary-start)) + (boundary-end (if (<= boundary-end boundary-start) (point-max) + boundary-end)) + (new-name (concat + (buffer-name) + "⊃" + (number-to-string (line-number-at-pos boundary-start)) + "-" + (number-to-string (line-number-at-pos boundary-end)))) + (buf-name (generate-new-buffer-name new-name)) + (fun (if (fboundp fun) fun + 'fundamental-mode))) + (with-current-buffer (clone-indirect-buffer buf-name +1 +1) + (narrow-to-region boundary-start boundary-end) + (deactivate-mark) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (funcall fun)))) + +(defun gcr/set-org-babel-default-header-args (property value) + "Easily set system header arguments in org mode. + +PROPERTY is the system-wide value that you would like to modify. + +VALUE is the new value you wish to store. + +Attribution: URL `http://orgmode.org/manual/System_002dwide-header-arguments.html#System_002dwide-header-arguments'" + (setq org-babel-default-header-args + (cons (cons property value) + (assq-delete-all property org-babel-default-header-args)))) + +(defun gcr/set-org-babel-default-inline-header-args (property value) + "See `gcr/set-org-babel-default-header-args'; same but for inline header args." + (setq org-babel-default-inline-header-args + (cons (cons property value) + (assq-delete-all property org-babel-default-inline-header-args)))) + +(defun gcr/set-org-babel-default-header-args:R (property value) + "See `gcr/set-org-babel-default-header-args'; same but for R. + +This is a copy and paste. Additional languages would warrant a refactor." + (setq org-babel-default-header-args:R + (cons (cons property value) + (assq-delete-all property org-babel-default-header-args:R)))) + +(defun gcr/insert-ellipsis () + "Insert an ellipsis into the current buffer." + (interactive) + (insert "…")) + +(defun gcr/insert-noticeable-snip-comment-line () + "Insert a noticeable snip comment line (NSCL)." + (interactive) + (if (not (bolp)) + (message "I may only insert a NSCL at the beginning of a line.") + (let ((ncl (make-string 70 ?✂))) + (newline) + (previous-line) + (insert ncl) + (comment-or-uncomment-region (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))) + +(defun gcr/paste-from-x-clipboard() + "Intelligently grab clipboard information per OS. + +Attribution: URL `http://blog.binchen.org/posts/paste-string-from-clipboard-into-minibuffer-in-emacs.html'" + (interactive) + (shell-command + (cond + (*cygwin* "getclip") + (*is-a-mac* "pbpaste") + (t "xsel -ob") + ) + 1)) + +(defun gcr/dired-copy-filename () + "Push the path and filename of the file under the point to the kill ring. + +Attribution: URL `https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/help-gnu-emacs/2002-10/msg00556.html'" + (interactive) + (message "Added %s to kill ring" (kill-new (dired-get-filename)))) + +(defun gcr/dired-copy-path () + "Push the path of the directory under the point to the kill ring." + (interactive) + (message "Added %s to kill ring" (kill-new default-directory))) + +(defun gcr/ispell-org-header-lines-regexp (h) + "Help ispell ignore org header lines." + (interactive) + (cons (concat "^#\\+" h ":") ".$")) + +(defun gcr/ispell-a2isra (block-def) + "Add to the ispell skip region alist the BLOCK-DEF." + (interactive) + (add-to-list 'ispell-skip-region-alist block-def)) + +(defmacro gcr/diminish (mode) + "Diminish this mode after it is loaded." + (interactive) + `(eval-after-load ,mode + (diminish ,mode))) + +(defun gcr/file-exists-not-symlink (f) + "True if F exists and is not a symlink." + (interactive) + (and (file-exists-p f) + (not (file-symlink-p f)))) + +(progn + (defvar my-read-expression-map + (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) + (set-keymap-parent map read-expression-map) + (define-key map [(control ?g)] #'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) + (define-key map [up] nil) + (define-key map [down] nil) + map)) + + (defun my-read--expression (prompt &optional initial-contents) + (let ((minibuffer-completing-symbol t)) + (minibuffer-with-setup-hook + (lambda () + (emacs-lisp-mode) + (use-local-map my-read-expression-map) + (setq font-lock-mode t) + (funcall font-lock-function 1)) + (read-from-minibuffer prompt initial-contents + my-read-expression-map nil + 'read-expression-history)))) + + (defun my-eval-expression (expression &optional arg) + (interactive (list (read (my-read--expression "")) + current-prefix-arg)) + (if arg + (insert (pp-to-string (eval expression lexical-binding))) + (pp-display-expression (eval expression lexical-binding) + "*Pp Eval Output*")))) + +(defun gcr/util-ielm () + "Personal buffer setup for ielm. + +Creates enough space for one other permanent buffer beneath it." + (interactive) + (split-window-below -20) + (other-window 1) + (ielm) + (set-window-dedicated-p (selected-window) t)) + +(defun gcr/util-eshell () + "Personal buffer setup for eshell. + +Depends upon `gcr/util-ielm' being run first." + (interactive) + (split-window-below -10) + (other-window 1) + (eshell) + (set-window-dedicated-p (selected-window) t)) + +(defvar gcr/util-state nil "Track whether the util buffers are displayed or not.") + +(defun gcr/util-state-toggle () + "Toggle the util state." + (interactive) + (setq gcr/util-state (not gcr/util-state))) + +(defun gcr/util-start () + "Perhaps utility buffers." + (interactive) + (gcr/util-ielm) + (gcr/util-eshell) + (gcr/util-state-toggle)) + +(defun gcr/util-stop () + "Remove personal utility buffers." + (interactive) + (if (get-buffer "*ielm*") (kill-buffer "*ielm*")) + (if (get-buffer "*eshell*") (kill-buffer "*eshell*")) + (gcr/util-state-toggle)) + +(defun gcr/util-cycle () + "Display or hide the utility buffers." + (interactive) + (if gcr/util-state + (gcr/util-stop) + (gcr/util-start))) + +(defun gcr/ielm-auto-complete () + "Enables `auto-complete' support in \\[ielm]. + +Attribution: URL `http://www.masteringemacs.org/articles/2010/11/29/evaluating-elisp-emacs/'" + (setq ac-sources '(ac-source-functions + ac-source-variables + ac-source-features + ac-source-symbols + ac-source-words-in-same-mode-buffers)) + (add-to-list 'ac-modes 'inferior-emacs-lisp-mode) + (auto-complete-mode 1)) + +(defun gcr/move-line-up () + "Move the current line up one. + +Attribution: URL `https://github.com/hrs/dotfiles/blob/master/emacs.d/lisp/utils.el'" + (interactive) + (transpose-lines 1) + (forward-line -2)) + +(defun gcr/move-line-down () + "Move the current line down one. + +Attribution: URL `https://github.com/hrs/dotfiles/blob/master/emacs.d/lisp/utils.el'" + (interactive) + (forward-line 1) + (transpose-lines 1) + (forward-line -1)) + +(defun gcr/uuid-string () + "Insert a string form of a UUID." + (interactive) + (insert (uuid-to-stringy (uuid-create)))) +#+end_src + +This [fn:d95e8aea: http://endlessparentheses.com/permanent-auto-indentation.html] +post suggest that wanting to "never have unindented code again" is "aggressive". +Well, perhaps that is a bit strong? However, it is certainly interesting and +perhaps even controversial. Nobody wants to be locked down in their editor with +their code. Perhaps the bondage and discipline language user would disagree? I +don't mind, in regards to editors and code at least! Using this approach doesn't +prevent you from doing anything in particular other than poorly indenting code. +This will be a fun experiment and I will start out with emacs-lisp and ℝ to see +how it goes. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(defun endless/indent-defun () + "Indent current defun. + +Attribution: URL `http://endlessparentheses.com/permanent-auto-indentation.html'" + (interactive) + (let ((l (save-excursion (beginning-of-defun 1) (point))) + (r (save-excursion (end-of-defun 1) (point)))) + (indent-region l r))) + +(defun endless/activate-aggressive-indent () + "Locally add `endless/indent-defun' to `post-command-hook'. + +Attribution: URL `http://endlessparentheses.com/permanent-auto-indentation.html'" + (add-hook 'post-command-hook + #'endless/indent-defun nil 'local)) +#+end_src + +** Helper scripts + +=keyfreq= is so focused and good, and it is built for one user. At some point +I would like to handle multiple accounts since I use multiple accounts on the +same machine, but until then, I will be fine just backing them up at least. + +#+begin_src sh :tangle bin/cpkf :tangle-mode (identity #o755) +sudo cp /Users/sl/.emacs.keyfreq ../.emacs.sl.keyfreq +#+end_src + +* Usage + +** Develop + +For some reason I keep forgetting about being strict about the workflow of this +document. I keep telling myself that little changes are no big deal. Well, +usually they aren't! Except when they are. Since I don't have CI set up on this, +it is up to me to play by the rules. Here are some decent rules: + +- Identify change +- Make change in existing .emacs.el +- Test change +- Tangle using that change +- Test it again or not +- Tangle it again with the new file + +Anything else will surely result in trouble. + +** Deploy +#+begin_comment +This section will never be tangled. +#+end_comment + +There are a couple of ways to use this system: +- Scavenge :: take the parts you need +- Develop :: grow it, grow with it, fork it +- Download and use :: the simplest case + +The scavenge approach is built in because this is on GitHub. + +The develop approach is pretty open ended. I develop in a private repository and +publish /stable/ versions here and that works for me. + +The download approach is what I want to use on any system. I need to do some +work here. It should be really, really easy and fast to use it with any login +on any system. My goals here are to facilitate usage via: + +- Download from GitHub +- Set up links +- Set up external library files +- Start Emacs + +Right now I do this all by hand. That is not a lot of work but it should be +automated. At its simplest it looks like this: + +#+begin_src sh +# Do something like this: +# export SRCDIR=/path/to/git/checkout +mkdir ~/eelib +export EELIB=/home/gcr/eelib +ln -s $SRCDIR/.emacs.el ~/.emacs.el +ln -s $SRCDIR/Cask ~/.emacs.d/Cask +ln -s $SRCDIR/ditaa0_9.jar $EELIB/ditaa0_9.jar +#+end_src + +That is all it takes to run it. + +My goal is to only publish changes every 30 days or so after I've had time to +use all of the features and correctly configure them. Keep in mind though, that +it is a /goal/ and not a /rule/. + +# LocalWords: OCaml modeline traceability HTTPS HTDFC Cogito san MathWorld Fn +# LocalWords: bbatsov chording Xah's Macbook Thinkpad KeyMapper KeyRemap Doh +# LocalWords: MacBook Ponderings axe Expressivity Weisstein runnable erc smex +# LocalWords: dired todochiku Monnier yas ido paredit Smartparens Wdired Hexl +# LocalWords: globbing hideshow vlfi th imenu Rutils irreal formatter EWW +# LocalWords: Larman Magnar EasyTemplate Vollkorn Curlz + diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/org-issues.10x.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/org-issues.10x.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..55599cc8d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/org-issues.10x.org @@ -0,0 +1,177060 @@ +# -*- org-tags-column: -80; sentence-end-double-space: t; -*- +#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t tex:t d:(HIDE LOGBOOK) tags:not-in-toc +#+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate +#+TODO: NEW(n) TODO(t!) WAITING(W!) IDEA(i!) WISH(w!) INCONSISTENCY(y!) BUG(b!) QUESTION(q!) | DONE(d!) DECLINED(c!) CLOSED(C!) +#+TAGS: Babel(b) Mobile(m) Patch(p) new(n) noexport(x) +#+TITLE: Open issues with Org mode +#+AUTHOR: Worg people +#+EMAIL: mdl AT imapmail DOT org +#+LANGUAGE: en +#+PRIORITIES: A C B +#+CATEGORY: worg +#+ARCHIVE: ::* Closed issues +#+DRAWERS: PROPERTIES LOGBOOK + +# This file is the default header for new Org files in Worg. Feel free +# to tailor it to your needs. + +* Introduction + +This is a simple mailing list based tracker for issues and other +things about Org mode. It is a replacement of the abandoned todo file +and incorporates its structure and parts of the nomenclature. The +purpose of this document is to keep track of issues, i.e. anything +that requires some kind of action, and other things like +announcements, hacks, feature ideas and the like. + +** Nomenclature + +On this page, TODO keywords are used in the following way: + + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Keyword* | Intention | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *NEW* | A new issue that is not yet classifed. | + | *TODO* | A task to be done. This includes but is not limited to answers to user requests, development or documentation tasks. | + | *WAITING* | A reported issue that requires a response to be processed further. | + | *IDEA* | A new idea, I have not yet decided what if anything I will do about it. | + | *WISH* | A wish, probably voiced by someone on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org. This is less than a new idea, more a change in existing behavior. | + | *DECLINED* | A feature or idea that was declined. Still in the list so that people can see it, complain, or still try to convince Carsten to implement it. | + | *INCONSISTENCY* | Some behavior in Org-mode that is not as clean and consistent as it should be. | + | *BUG* | A confirmed bug. This needs to be fixed, as soon as possible. | + | *QUESTION* | A question someone asked. | + | *DONE* | Well, done is done. | + | | <80> | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +In addition, tags are used to provide more detailed context +information. Currently these tags are used in this file: + + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Tag* | Context | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Babel* | Issue concerning [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/index.php][Org-babel]] | + | *Mobile* | Issue concerning [[http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/][MobileOrg]] | + | *Patch* | A patch is available via Org mode's [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/project/org-mode/list/][Patchwork tracker]] | + | *New* | All issues below the *New Issues* headline. | + | | <80> | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +** Document structure and maintenance + +New issues hitting the Org mode [[http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode][mailing list]] are recorded on a +(almost) daily basis using a yet to be published library that allows +operating on the issue file from within Wanderlust and (partly) Gnus. + +They are first filed to the heading *New Issues*. + +In a second step issues beneath this heading are reviewed. If an +issue triggers a development task it is properly classified (keywords, +tag) and refiled to the *Development Tasks* heading. If it is a user +request, it is classified using the *QUESTION* TODO keyword and filed +to heading *User Requests*. If it is already closed according to the +mailing list, it is immediately closed and moved to *Closed issues*. +If it cannot yet be classified or closed, it stays where it is. + +** Using this file + +This file is hosted and published on [[http://orgmode.org/worg/][Worg]]. So you can either read the +file via your browser or check out Worg's git repository. + +Everyone is encouraged to use this file to facilitate collaboration in +solving issue and extending Org mode. Thus, you can operate on the +entries as you wish, as long as the ID property is kept intact. + +Operating on this file includes, but is not limited to, classifying +new issues, doing research on an outstanding task, or grouping related +issues into a development task. If you start to take care of an open +issue or task, please put a token in a headline property called +"ASSIGNEE", so others can see that you started to take care of this +issue. + +[[file:index.org][{Back to Worg's index}]] + +* New Issues [0/0] :new: +* Development Tasks +** Agenda issues +*** IDEA Meta-grouping properties? + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Meta-grouping properties?]] +*** IDEA persistent frame for agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:09] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][persistent frame for agenda]] + +*** IDEA "Interactive" Search in Agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom]["Interactive" Search in Agenda]] + +*** IDEA overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature idea: overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling]] + +*** IDEA Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:18] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(REQUEST) Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views)]] + +#+begin_quote +> I have been a happy org-mode user for a while, using more and more of +> org-mode for more and more things. By now I have completely replaced my use +> of iCal (on the Mac) by the org-mode agenda, with no regrets. However, there +> is one feature that I am still trying to get into my agenda view, but I +> didn't find a way to do it yet. +> +> There are a couple of long-lasting "events" that I would like to show in my +> agenda view. A typical example would be school vacation periods, but there +> are others: absences of a colleague, availability of some instrument, etc, +> Their common feature is that they can last very long (several weeks) and +> that they don't really occupy my agenda. I just want to know when planning +> something if a given day is in period X or not. So I'd like to see at a +> glance (using a specific font, color, one-letter prefix etc.) if a day falls +> into a certain predefined period. Simply adding a corresponding event to my +> agenda leads to visual clutter: it gets marked on every single day of the +> period. +> +> Is there any way to get what I am looking for? + ++1 for this feature. Also, I think our desire for such a feature could +be met with a calendar-view, perhaps re-using some org-table or +org-columns source? + +I'm envisioning I would very much like something akin to an ASCII +4-day calendar view (like the default Google Calendar view). + +Even if we could line up four days' agenda views horizontally (with an +appointment-style timeline), I would find this useful. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Worldcup + time zone question + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][Worldcup + time zone question]] + +*** WISH Indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom][(new feature suggestion?) indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is there a way to quickly/visually differentiate between repeating/single-occurence tasks? + +If not, something like say, adding an asterisk somewhere in the entry would be great. + +1. Scheduled* - starred schedule/deadline string +2. TODO * - starred 'todo' string +3. fifa2010* - starred 'category' string +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH A little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leaders +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede][a little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leader]] + - ngz :: No answer as of [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** WISH Modify time entry from agenda? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Modify time entry from agenda?]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Relative file names in list org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "WISH" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:22] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about org-agenda-files]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY omitting done TODOs from custom agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:19] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][omitting done TODOs from custom agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> The problem occurs in both my "Agenda plus contacts" and "Get It +> Louder", so maybe it's something with my custom todos? +> +> (org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w@)" "|" +> "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c@)") (sequence "CONTACT(n)" "REPLY(r)" "|" +> "CONTACTED(e@)")))) + +Looks like the problem here was that CONTACT is a substring of +CONTACTED—whatever function decides if a todo keyword is pending or +completed apparently just reads the string until it finds the first +match (?). I changed it to SENT and everything worked fine. Dunno if +that's worth considering a bug, but it's certainly surprising behavior. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** INCONSISTENCY Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:51] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day]] +*** BUG Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading]] + + - ngz :: Still confirmed on [2011-07-18 lun.] + + The manual should specify that SCHEDULED and DEADLINE + keywords are to be put on the line just after the + headline. + + We can also make C-c C-s replace the already defined + SCHEDULED or DEADLINE keyword, if it can find it. + + Moreover, we should remove + `org-insert-labeled-timestamps-at-point'. This variable + is error-prone, and more than often let-bound to nil + (i.e. from the agenda). + + Eventually, I think we should slowly move them to + standard properties (in the PROPERTIES drawer). + +*** WISH org-agenda-follow-narrowed ? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom][org-agenda-follow-narrowed ?]] + +#+begin_quote +When I'm in the agenda, if I hit SPC, I get a nice narrowed view of the +current item. When I toggle org-agenda-follow-mode, I get org to show +me the current item without hitting SPC---but it's not narrowed. It +also has the property drawer collapsed. What I'd like is to have org +follow me with exactly the result of hitting SPC. Possible? +#+end_quote + +*** WISH re-marking agenda entries +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:03] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][re-marking agenda entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Please test this custom agenda command +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:16] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Please test this custom agenda command]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Habits and org-log-done configuration +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: Understanding habits - org-log-done]] + +#+BEGIN_VERSE +> I can confirm this. I personally only log state changes to DONE but +> setting a LOGGING property value of lognotedone prompts for a note and +> fails to show the history for the habit in the graph. +> +> This is probably a bug. + +Yes. The regexp that searches for completed tasks in org-habit is +hard-coded to look for a 'State "DONE"' string. When org-log-done is set +to note, however, the log entries begin with 'CLOSING NOTE'. (A related +problem here is that it assumes DONE is the only relevant todo keyword.) + +One workaround is to add the property LOGGING and set its value to +lognoterepeat. This produces notes with timestamps in the following +format (compatible with org-habit): + + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [​2011​-​01​-​01​ Sat 21:​11​] \\\\ + 5 miles. +#+BEGIN_COMMENT +The note above was modified in order to export correctly to html. It's +source form is: + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2011-01-01 Sat 21:11] \\ + 5 miles. +#+END_COMMENT +Another workaround is to make the setting associated with 'done in +org-log-note-headings to the same as 'state. One quick way to do that is +by evaluating the following expression: + +(setcdr (assoc 'done org-log-note-headings) (assoc 'state org-log-note-headings)) + +As an aside, it seems to me that the "CLOSING NOTE" format that results +when org-log-done is set to 'note is inconsistent with other logging +behavior. For instance, when a "@" is added in org-todo-keywords, the +note is entered with the state change string. +#+END_VERSE + + +*** INCONSISTENCY Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:44] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4)]] + +*** BUG org-write-agenda failure +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-write-agenda failure]] + + - ngz :: confirmed on Org-mode version 7.6 (release_7.6.93.gd243) + [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:56] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 15:53] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files]] + +C-c [ and C-c ] adds and removes files from `org-agenda-files' using +Emacs' customization interface. The customization is saved w/o notice +or prompt. Using these commands defeats setting `org-agenda-files' to +one or more directories because Org will save the expanded list of +directory files. + +*** BUG org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:27] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: (O) org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t]] + +#+begin_quote +>>> Alright, so I did that, and I seem to have encountered an org-mode +>>> bug. Put this in .emacs +>>> +>>> (setq +>>> org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t +>>> org-agenda-custom-commands +>>> '(("l" "Agenda with done items" +>>> agenda "" ((org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done nil))))) +>>> +>>> (define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "l") (lambda () (interactive) (org-agenda nil "l"))))) +>>> +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +>>> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +>>> q -> quits org-agenda +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> still fine +>>> M-x org-agenda b/f -> also displays DONE items, which is a bug +>> +>> I cannot reproduce this. What version of org-mode are you using? +>> +>> - Matt +> +> Right, sorry, I was using org-agenda-list. Here are the updated +> instructions +> +> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +> q -> quits org-agenda +> M-x org-agenda-list -> still fine +> b/f -> also displays DONE items + +I can confirm this bug with this latter set of instructions, though I'm +puzzled why M-x org-agenda-list behaves differently than C-c a a. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty)) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:33] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty))]] + +*** TODO Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:51] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f))]] + +*** WISH org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:31] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future]] + +*** WISH Hide / expand tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:35] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (O) Hide / expand tags]] + +#+begin_quote +I think it'd be nice for this to have the _alternative_ to put the +tags into the properties drawer and occasionally view and edit them +with a column view: + +#+SPECIAL_PROPERTIES: TAGS=drawer:PROPERTIES <= only a suggestion +#+end_quote +*** WAITING tags match agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:24] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg][(O) tags match agenda]] + +*** DECLINED Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu][(PATCH) Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support]] + +*** IDEA Managing appts with org-mode, diary +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:46] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede][Re: Managing appts with org-mode, diary]] + +#+begin_quote +I currently use fancy diary. It's nice to have an overview of the +current day and the upcoming appointments of the next n days. But this +'oh, there is an important appointment in {three|two|one|zero} days' +clutters the agenda view even more ;). This is where it would be nice to +have the agenda view tree like, too. The days could be nodes and the +appointments could be subnode of the day, that could be shown or +hidden. I'm relatively new to org-mode (convertit from planner-mode as +you might know ;-), so I don't know exactly if such a feature is already +implemented or if it could be done without huge amounts of work. +#+end_quote + +** Appearance + +*** WISH Secondary selection +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Secondary selection]] + +*** WISH Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Aquamacs syntax highlighting +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Aquamacs syntax highlighting]] + +*** BUG Column view and subtask overview interaction +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet][Column view and subtask overview interaction]] + +*** IDEA Orgmode and Unicode characters +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and Unicode characters]] + +*** BUG Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly]] + +#+begin_quote +If you add a width declaration ("") to the column containing Korean, +when realigning the table you'll get an "args out of range" error inside +the text-properties-related code in `org-table-align' (provided the +width declaration actually does cause the text to be clipped). +#+end_quote + + - ngz :: is it fixable ? Org tables are not meant to handle + variable-width fonts anyway. [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:54] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede][Bug: startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x)]] + +#+begin_quote +Thanks for doublechecking. I now tested it again, and this only happens when +used in a shell (i.e. in a KDE Konsole) where the point does not blink. +#+end_quote +*** DECLINED Effort columnview: Show total in different column + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Effort columnview: Show total in different column]] + +Too big a change + +*** DECLINED Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:28] +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within]] + +** Babel + +*** TODO Handling of errors when using Ledger + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "WISH" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Handling of errors when using Ledger]] + +*** ASSIGNED Babel - display results in an overlay? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:25] + - State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:28] + - State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Babel - display results in an overlay?]] + +this is now in the Babel task tracking system + +*** ASSIGNED (babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:09] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg][(babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect]] + +This has been added as a bug to the babel development file + +*** IDEA Mark and Tangle :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Mark and Tangle]] + +*** WISH (PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:18] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) Speed keys :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Speed keys]] + +*** WISH Line numbers in tangled source :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:23] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Line numbers in tangled source]] + +*** WISH org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings]] + +*** WISH Babel & DOS + :LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg][Babel & DOS]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) C-v C-v M-x? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:22] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) C-v C-v M-x?]] + +*** WISH Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:49] + :END: + [2010-12-12 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file]] +*** INCONSISTENCY (babel) silent code block evaluation on export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) silent code block evaluation on export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Babel: interweaving code and results? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:06] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: interweaving code and results?]] + This link doesn't resolve through Gmane + +*** INCONSISTENCY Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3) :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:45] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg][Bug: Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3)]] + +#+begin_quote +OK, I now have a clearer idea of what went wrong. + +1. I think it's doing find-file-at-point. + +2. This only happens when point is on this line, but NOT at the start + of the line: #+begin_src haskell + + It's not about whether it's the first time you press C-c ', it's about + where point is when you press it. + +3. If point is anywhere on the closing line of the source block, it + works. + +4. Ironically, the end of the first line is where the point is placed if + you do C-c C-v d at the end of the buffer! So if you do C-c C-v d and + then C-c ', as I did, this bug will happen. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export :Babel: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 18:59] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl][Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export]] + +*** TODO (bug?) cannot generate table format output for octave results :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:05] + :END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug?) (babel) cannot generate table format output for octave results]] + +*** WISH Make tangling work in an indirect buffer :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:17] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) (PATCH) Make tangling work in an indirect buffer]] + +** Capture and refile + +*** IDEA Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)%! +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:32] +:END: + [2010-08-08 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When you think of CamelCase and on-the-fly creating of non-existing +files/headlines, it's just another way of *capturing* stuff. + +Why not defining some simple syntax to trigger the capture mechanism +from special links? + +For example: + + "I write a reference to a >c:newfile which I can create later." + +- The ">c:newfile" is a link. +- The ">c" is a link abbreviation. +- The ">" part is the syntax for link abbrevations to trigger a capture. +- The "c" part is the keybinding of capture template to call. +- The "newfile" would be passed on as a variable for the (nth 3) of the + template (we could have several variables separated by "#" + +This would combine the flexibility of on-the-fly file creation and of +the capture mechanism, allowing multiple templates. + +What do you think? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Refiling notes to current file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Refiling notes to current file]] + +*** WISH Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:37] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree]] + +*** WAITING archiving an indirect buffer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:54] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: archiving an indirect buffer]] +*** DECLINED Blank rows with capture target table-line and aborting capture +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][is it a bug in org-capture]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I hit C-c c t, and then C-c C-k immediately, the file test.org is +still modified with an new blank row inserted in the table, which is out +of expectation, since C-c C-k is known as "abort capture". The minibuffer +says "org-capture-finalize: Capture process aborted, but target buffer +could not be cleaned up correctly". +#+END_QUOTE + +Unfortunately this is difficult to fix, because the user might have +changed other things before aborting. At least the error message is +clear and gives the user the opportunity to fix the problem. + +*** WISH Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed]] + +*** WAITING Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:20] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4)]] + +Cannot reliably get reproduced as of [2011-01-16 So]. + +*** TODO Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:10] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text]] + +*** TODO (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:37] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior]] + +*** WISH remember-other-frame with org-capture? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-06 Mo 21:03] +:END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) remember-other-frame with org-capture?]] + +*** BUG org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs]] + +*** WAITING capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:16] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Bug: capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4)]] + +** Clocking + +*** BUG Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:19] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly]] + +*** TODO No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’ :contrib: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:12] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau][(O) No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’]] + +*** IDEA Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:40] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'?]] + +** Documentation +*** IDEA packaging org-mode & worg + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][packaging org-mode & worg ]] + +*** IDEA Create better function and variable index in the manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:26] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) Command names are now in the manual]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +A suggestion for a possible(?) improvement: the "O" section of the +function index (and I imagine the variable index as well) is pretty +crowded :-). I wonder if texinfo has any facilities to break it up, +perhaps according to the first letter after the first dash. +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Page numbering in manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:07] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Page numbering in manual]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY `org-agenda-tags-column' missing in documentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 16:28] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Re: Tags position in regular agenda view?]] + +** Exporting +*** IDEA Google CL and org-mode + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Google CL and org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have a question regarding the recent announcement of the Google +Command Line project (http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/). + +I was wondering if there are plans to integrate support for calendar +synchronization between Google and org-mode using this tool. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:46] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas][Re: (PATCH) org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request]] +*** IDEA Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2 +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-27 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom][Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2]] + +*** WISH Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +One suggestion, then... why not just have a nice list of all possible +ATTR_LaTeX options? I have killed myself before looking for a simplified +list. Maybe even just common ones since perhaps any LaTeX option may be +passed? +#+END_QUOTE + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +*** WISH pretty export of tags + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca][pretty export of tags]] +*** WISH Allow skipping of levels in LaTeX export +**** latex export - skipping lvls breaks export + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][latex export - skipping lvls breaks export]] + +**** Even if skipped headline levels are not allowed, exporter shouldn't drop out-of-level headlines silently + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:14025%2E1279898870%40maps +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/14025%2E1279898870%40maps][Bug: possible bug in latex export (7.01trans (release_6.36.735.g15ca.dirty))]] +*** WISH fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede][fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export]] +*** WISH iCal export and complex diary sexps + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][iCal export and complex diary sexps]] +*** WISH Seemless editing of Babel Blocks :Babel: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Seemless editing of Babel Blocks]] +*** WISH Captions for source code +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][Captions for source code]] +*** WISH user control of source block header line exporting formats :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:59] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][user control of source block header line exporting formats]] +*** WISH Add timestamp keyword specific CSS class +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:24] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][How to distinguish timestamps in CSS?]] + +*** WISH query - org-emphasis-regexp-components +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:31] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][query - org-emphasis-regexp-components]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I was writing a document with Python code in it and I found a minor problem. +There's no way to put a piece of code like s="Hello World" as verbatim +or code in my document. + +~s="Hello World"~ doesn't work because the border in +org-emphasis-regexp-components doesn't allow " or '. I'm not sure why +this is in place. Can this be removed, or have they been put in for a +specific reason, that I can't see? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time. :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg][(PATCH) Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time.]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export of emphasized link + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :END: +**** INCONSISTENCY inconsistency + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:12] + :END: + emphasized link supported: + - Emacs faces shown in org-mode buffer itself + - export to LaTeX + - [...] + emphasized link not supported: + - export to HTML + - export to DocBook + - export to XOXO + - [...] + this question is still open: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +*** INCONSISTENCY org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:46] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY hlevel in org-export-region-as-html +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:56] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug? hlevel in org-export-region-as-html]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:38] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug) export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Bug: void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans)]] + +*** BUG latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom][latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis]] +*** BUG Org beamer export bugs + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org beamer export bugs]] + +*** BUG html export, latex fragments and emphasize +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:40] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: html export, latex fragments and emphasize]] + +*** BUG LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain][Bug: LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML]] + + - ngz :: since mathjax, should we still consider it as a bug? Is + is even reproducible? [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** DECLINED Org Mode Latex Export Customization of org-export-latex-emphasis-alist + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org Mode Latex Export Customization of + org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + + There is not really anything to be done here, not enough characters + for all those extra emphasis things. + +*** DECLINED Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:59] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:20] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output?]] + +*** DECLINED Combination of =code= and Description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:02] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom][Combination of =code= and Description]] + - ngz :: This is a LaTeX limitation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** BUG eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom][eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) ]] + +Nick Dokos did a good first analysis of the problem [[http://mid.gmane.org/26738%2E1292194633%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][here]]. + +*** INCONSISTENCY Question: How to insert different background images on different frames +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-beamer) Question: How to insert different background images on different frames]] + +*** WISH Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:52] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede][(PATCH) Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY iCalendar selective export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 12:00] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][iCalendar selective export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inconsistencies in email and author export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:52] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli][Inconsistencies in email and author export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY HTML export and absolute file names +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:55] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-03-06 So 19:51]--[2011-03-06 So 21:05] => 1:14 +:END: + [2011-02-24 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][HTML export and absolute file names]] + +*** BUG italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:29] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working]] + +*** TODO HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:31] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image]] + +*** TODO Bug in latex export of <> + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:33] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo][(O) Bug in latex export of <>]] + +*** BUG _<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:37] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][_<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly]] + +*** WISH org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:02] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG) org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used]] + +*** BUG modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:40] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(O) Feature request: modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters]] + +*** TODO HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:44] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV]] + +*** WISH Images in included files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:22] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Images in included files]] + +** Links +*** TODO Document the character protection in links + I don't think this is really covered anywhere. + Maybe we also should protect characters in the visible part, to + make sure thing will never be on two lines...? + +*** IDEA Find all links to a specific file + +*** IDEA Resolve links on export + +**** Example: Make info HTML links work for links to Info files + +Info links of course only work inside Emacs. However, many info +documents are on the web, so the HTML exporter could try to be smart +and convert an Info link into the corresponding link on the web. For +example, we could use the GNU software site then Name.HTML. Here is +the link to be used: +http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/ Another question +is, is this URL going to be stable so that it makes sense to actually +put this into org.el? + +*** IDEA Mailcap support of Org file links + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Choosing external app at runtime?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I follow a link, Org mode knows what application to use. Except +that sometimes I want to override that choice. + +For example, I have a collection of PDF files. Mostly I want to open +them in my statically configured PDF viewer, which is fine. But +sometimes I want to open one in Xournal, say, to annotate it. + +My mail client Wanderlust will ask me in cases like this: if multiple +mailcap entries match, I get to choose when opening the attachment. + +Any chance we could do a similar thing in Org mode? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Dereference file links on export or open + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is "scpc" in the line above a transport protocol? Maybe this should be +an org-mode wide features, i.e. the ability to resolve remote file +references with C-c C-o and on export. Does that sound reasonable, and +would it take care of the need in this particular case? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Radio targets across files + I guess each org file could write a .orgtargets.filename file, if + it has any radio targets. + +*** INCONSISTENCY image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c]] + - ngz :: still valid as of [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-store-link only works interactively (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:47] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org-store-link only works interactively (7.4)]] + - ngz :: no clear answer yet. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Problem opening links that span more than one line + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][(O) Problem opening links that span more than one line]] + +*** TODO absolute HTML links + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:03] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][(O) absolute HTML links]] + +*** IDEA org-git-link does not support locational information within file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:47] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat][org-git-link does not support locational information within file]] + +** Miscellaneous Stuff +*** TODO Use the new argument of bibtex-url + Roland Winkler was kind enough to implement a new argument to the + `bibtex-url' command that allows me to retrieve the corresponding + URL, whether it is taken from a URL field or constructed in some + clever way. Currently I am not using this, because too many + people use an old Emacs version which does not have this. + however, eventually I will implement this. + +*** TODO grep on directory does not yet work. + I am actually not sure, I might have addressed this already, but + my memory is failing me. Needs some checking. +*** IDEA Do we need a 43 folders implementation? + That could easily be done in an org-mode file. But then, maybe + this should really be a paper thing. + +*** IDEA Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files) + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files)]] +**** AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg][AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group]] +**** sharing Org-mode files for collaboration + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet][sharing Org-mode files for collaboration]] +*** IDEA (PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy :Patch: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy]] + + - ??? :: Waiting for FSF copyright assignment. + + - ngz :: According to the list of contributors, papers are signed, + but it doesn't look like this patch has been applied to + code base. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** IDEA Does Org-mode need to be position aware? + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom][Does Org-mode need to be position aware?]] +*** IDEA (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I guess, the manual maintainers do NOT have to be experts in both +org-mode resp. org-babel nore they have to be experts in the supported +language. Its more about the kind of standard stuff and maybe, to +complex stuff even scare people. More things like "How to create a +measurement protocol with org-babel and python", How to evaluate and +report data analysis with org-babel and R", etc. + +To make it more easy for both the readers and the maintainers a kind of +template for such manuals might be helpful. This would help to find the +same information at the same locations and make a comparison e.g. +between the use of R and python possible. + +I'am not an expert for both org-* and python and I'm often very limited +in time. However, I would try to maintain a "python and org-babel" manual. + +If there are more people who are interested to act as a kind of manual +maintainers I would like to discuss with you how a template might look like. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Code block switches buffer-wide? + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Code block switches buffer-wide?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I would like to include the -n code block switch (number lines) into all my +code blocks in a buffer. Is there a way to define a kind of buffer-wide +switches, like it is with the #+BABEL keyword for header arguments? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment]] +*** IDEA Make .org-id-locations non-hidden directory above .emacs.d + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][org-mobile produces errors in normal org functions]] +*** IDEA can you require a certain template with lognotedone? + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg][can you require a certain template with lognotedone?]] +*** IDEA Feature-Ideas +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal][Feature-Ideas]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have severel ideas about new features that I want to share. My +knowledge with lisp and the coding of the org-structure is bad so far, +so I can't try to contribute a patch. + +- 1. *Alias - Trees* + + When I work on projects, I often want to /reference to a certain + other heading/. It would be great to do this not just with links, + but /with an alias/. + + I think of trees, that show up and can be in the current tree as if + they were a subtree, but really are at another position in the + current or a different file. + + This concept would also allow seperate versioning and merging of + external generated content into the current file. ( I e.g. think of + summaries of text in the scientific context. ) + +- 2. More flexible *Colouring for categories*, tags, ... + +It would be great to have the /opportunity to define individual faces +for different categories, tags/ , ... . + +- 3. Implementation of *hourly/minutely reference*. + +It would be useful to be able to schedule something to repeat every 12 +or 6 hours or in 22 minutes. It would also be useful, to have the +opportunity to associate asynchronous shell scripts with individual +scheduled events. + +- 4. *Exclude certain days from Timeline* + + The opportunity to /give/ whole days the status // . That would mean, that when I fire up the + /Timeline/ for a current file (L), certain days are /show/ with a + message "/day is planned for project /. in a certain project + specific project. + + It would also be useful to have a keycommand in the /Timeline/ to + /switch other files on showing them in gray/. + +- 5. *Manually timeclock certain Headings* + + I would love to have a commands that can change the clocktime of not + running headings or insert new clocktimes into the current heading. + E.g. like this: + + Change the clocktime of : + (s) change last timeclock and keep the Start time. -> How long did it last? + (e) change last timeclock and keep the End time -> How long did it last? + (# C-u offset to change the #n last timeclock) + (a) add new timeclock -> Ask for Start and End. (with opportunity to specify the END relative) + +- 6. *Expand timestamps to include locations* + + e.g. Special timestamp-commands that + also ask for places and presents a list of all places of all projects + to choose from. + +- 7. *More complex timeclock-reports* + + Is anyone working on a more comprehensive way of giving visual + feedback and analysing the data of the timeclock-feature. (What have + I done the last month? How many time has gone to which project / + etc.) I am a relatively known [[http://cran.r-project.org/][GNU R]] user and could contribute code + for analysis of time usage / plotting complex more diagrams in + R. Allthough I am not very used to the export mechanisms in + Orgmode. Does anyone like to cooperate? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA text color + highlight +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:47] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][text color + highlight]] + +*** IDEA hiding PROPERTIES line +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "WISH" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hiding PROPERTIES line]] + +*** IDEA camel.el, for CamelCase links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +*** IDEA (ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne]] + +**** DECLINED Drill mode for org-learn +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Drill mode for org-learn]] + +[2010-08-01 So] Superseded by [[id:mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg%5D%5B%28ANN%29%20Org%2DDrill%3A%20Interactive%20revision%20a%20la%20Anki%2FMnemosyne%5D%5D + +*** IDEA Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress)]] +*** IDEA notmuch support for org-mode? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:25] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][notmuch support for org-mode?]] + +*** IDEA Email from org? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Email from org?]] + +*** IDEA Adding entries to Google calendar +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Adding entries to Google calendar]] + +*** IDEA Org mode and geo information +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:49] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Advice needed. Use links or blocks?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +the attached file fetches background tiles from openstreetmap.org for +me, and produces SVG images of tracks I ran. Unfortunately, I cannot +find a good way to use that code in an automated way. + +What I'd like to do, is to have the coords in my training diary, and +produce the images on demand. When I publish the diary to HTML, I want +the coords to be replaced with a link to the image. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA dynamically calculated timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:04] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][dynamically calculated timestamps?]] + +*** IDEA Org-mode Epic Win RPG +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:18] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode Epic Win RPG]] + +*** IDEA org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata]] + +*** IDEA Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience]] + +*** IDEA arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond]] + +*** IDEA output of shell command in agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][output of shell command in agenda]] + +*** WISH Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified" + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified"]] +*** WISH Estimate ranges in column view :Patch: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Estimate ranges in column view]] + +*** WISH Provide property API function to append to a property + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Re: org-capture question/suggestion]] +*** WISH New CSS for orgmode and Worg ? + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][New CSS for orgmode and Worg ?]] +*** WISH Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01)]] +*** WISH Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:53] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active]] +*** WISH Move attachments when refiling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com][Bug Report: refile and attachments]] +*** DECLINED Feature Request for new capture feature +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com][Feature Request for new capture feature]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +would it be possible to have a "C-u C-c C-w" that completes the +capture and switches to the target buffer? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH fractional hours for timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][fractional hours for timestamps?]] + +*** WISH Error running ditaa +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error running ditaa]] + +#+begin_quote +When running ditaa on Linux fedora 12 through java, I get the following +errors: + +java -jar /usr/share/java/ditaa.jar -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V +blue_fd02b5c06d6a5cb80eaf27098c3c490dc81326ce.png +Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on +Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: +org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException +Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: +org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException + at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217) + at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) + at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:319) + at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:264) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:332) +Could not find the main class: +org.stathissideris.ascii2image.core.CommandLineConverter. Program will exit. + +This can be taken care of by using the shell script that comes with ditaa, +i.e.: + +ditaa -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V + +But to do this from within emacs I need to patch org-exp-blocks.el as +follows: + +- (unless (file-exists-p org-ditaa-jar-path) +- (error (format "Could not find ditaa.jar at %s" org-ditaa-jar-path))) +: +- (message (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file)) +- (shell-command (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file))) ++ (message (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file)) ++ (shell-command (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file))) + +(You also need to erase the checking for the existance of dita.jar) + +Wouldn't it make more sense to replace the variable org-ditaa-jar-path with +a new variable org-ditaa-command that by default contains "java -jar +/old/value/of/org-ditaa-jar-path"? This would allow replacing it with a +shell script. Would a patch be accepted, or do you prefer to remain backward +compatible? + +On a related question. Since there is quite a lot of common code between +org-export-blocks-format-dot and org-export-blocks-format-ditaa (especially +if my patch is accepted), wouldn't it make sense to create a +org-export-blocks-format-meta that take all the differences between the +various export-blocks as parameters? This would simplify adding additional +org-export-blocks. +#+end_quote +*** INCONSISTENCY Stack overflow in regexp matcher +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Stack overflow in regexp matcher]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inherited properties not saved when archiving +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:59] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][saving property values when archiving]] +*** BUG gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom][gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I think the problem is org-plot doesn't +recognise that when plotting with error bars, gnuplot expects more than +two columns of data. So a command like this should be sent to gnuplot, +#+END_QUOTE +*** WAITING TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu. +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 02:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu.]] + - ngz :: solution under discussion. [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** BUG In-buffer completion +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Accepted) Re: In-buffer completion]] + + - ngz :: bug still active on [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** DECLINED (BUG) org remember broken + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][(BUG) org remember broken]] + +org-capure is now the default, I don't think we need to fix remember +bugs anymore. + +*** DECLINED Insert ellipsis if headline is too long + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][headline is too long]] + This would be too confusing when compared with folded entries, so I + do not think this feature should be implemented. + +*** DECLINED Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space? + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space?]] + + Closed for now, no useful feedback from report author, probably not + caused by Org mode. +*** DECLINED Gollum + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Gollum]] + +*** Priorities + Here is some information about priorities, which is not yet + documented. Actually, I am not sur if the list here is correct + either +**** QUOTE Priorities + TODO entries: 1 or 1,2,... + DEADLINE is 10-ddays, i.e. it is 10 on the due day + i.e. it goes above top todo stuff 7 days + before due + SCHEDULED is 5-ddays, i.e. it is 5 on the due date + i.e. it goes above top todo on the due day + TIMESTAMP is 0 i.e. always at bottom + but as a deadline it is 100 + but if scheduled it is 99 + TIMERANGE is 0 i.e. always at bottom + DIARY is 0 i.e. always at bottom + + Priority * 1000 + +*** INCONSISTENCY xemacs error when calling org-install :Xemacs: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:43] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-01-02 So 17:33]--[2011-01-02 So 18:02] => 0:29 +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom][xemacs error when calling org-install]] + +The autoloads in org-install.el are +generated by the Makefile (i.e. make org-install.el). The stable +version of Org mode ships with a pre-generated org-install.el and +without recreating this file with Xemacs it won't run. + +The =custom-autoload= is created only once for ob-tangle.el: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;;;###autoload + (defcustom org-babel-tangle-lang-exts + '(("emacs-lisp" . "el")) + "Alist mapping languages to their file extensions. + The key is the language name, the value is the string that should + be inserted as the extension commonly used to identify files + written in this language. If no entry is found in this list, + then the name of the language is used." + :group 'org-babel-tangle + :type '(repeat + (cons + (string "Language name") + (string "File Extension")))) +#+end_src + +As this the autoload directive was added deliberately I suppose there +was a reason for this to be there: If this is the case, there seems +not very much we can do about this. The autoload generating function +in =autoloads.el= always creates a call to custom-autoload with a +third argument. + +*** TODO Review packages in contrib directory + [2010-12-19 So] + +Byte-compiling indicates problems with some packages (e.g. references +to unbound symbols). The review process will single out the problems +for every package in contrib and steps necessary to fix them. + +**** make failure (7.3) + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: make failure (7.3)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:27] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab]] + +*** BUG org-add-note not working with winner-mode + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:22] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][Re: (O) org-add-note not working with winner-mode]] + +*** BUG regexp link on windows problem + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:30] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl][(O) regexp link on windows problem]] +*** TODO EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files :Mobile:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:46] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg][(O) Bug: EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files (7.5 (release_7.5.147.g9ddc))]] + +*** TODO org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:41] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom][(O) org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal)]] + + - ngz :: should we generalize the setup proposed by Julien, or + will we keep the warning? + +** Publishing + +*** TODO project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:17] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (bug) project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html]] + +** Structure +*** TODO Get rid of all the \r instances, which were used only for XEmacs. +*** WISH Create unique clocktable links + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede][Bug: clocktable :link often jumps to wrong target (6.36c)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +: Links created by clocktable :link are simple "text search" links. +: Therefore, they often hit the wrong target. +: +: For example, I used to have multiple clocktables at the beginning of my +: file: first a daily summary, then a weekly one, then a complete one, +: i.e. following clocktables summarized supersets of preceding ones. +: Therefore, most of the time I clicked a link in the first clocktable, +: the next "text search" target was the occurrence of the same task in the +: second clocktable, whereas clicking that link in the second clocktable +: would take me back into the first. +: +: I have been able to partly work around that by moving the clocktables to +: the end of the file, as the search always seems to start at the +: beginning of the file. Nevertheless, when I have two tasks "foobar" and +: "foo", occurring in that order in the file, clicking on the [[foo]] +: link in the clocktable takes me to the "foobar" task, as that has a +: "foo" substring and occurs first in the file. +: +: I would like clocktable to generate links that uniquely link to the task +: from which the particular clocktable entry has been generated. (I'd +: even be willing to assign CUSTOM_ID properties for that purpose, +: i.e. clocktable could take them into account for creating links, when +: they exist.) But the best solution would IMHO be a truly unique +: identification, e.g. by some XPath-like path, e.g. /1/2/3 for the 3rd +: subtask of the 2nd subtask of the 1st top-level task. (Sure, that order +: will be invalidated when I change my task list, but, so what, then I +: would be willing to recompute the clocktable before using links.) +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation]] + +*** WISH org-hide-entry +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-hide-entry]] + +*** IDEA Improving org-goto isearch +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:25] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Improving org-goto isearch]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY excessive blank lines in archives +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:34] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][excessive blank lines in archives]] + +*** WISH Quick note about subtree copy and paste +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:45] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo][Quick note about subtree copy and paste]] + +#+begin_quote +I get the point, but the current presentation is unnecessarily +confusing. I was just /copying/ --- there was no time shifting +involved, so when I look at them menu and see "copy" and "clone with +time shift," it is "copy" that's what I naturally do. + +Actually, as I look at the manual I see: + +`C-c C-x c' (`org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift') + Clone a subtree by making a number of sibling copies of it. You + will be prompted for the number of copies to make, and you can + also specify if any timestamps in the entry should be shifted. + This can be useful, for example, to create a number of tasks + related to a series of lectures to prepare. For more details, see + the docstring of the command `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift'. + +There's nothing there to even remotely suggest to me that this is going +to Do The Right Thing about properties. It's all about dates and +time-shifting. It may /happen/ to do the right thing with properties, +but it sure doesn't /say/ that it will. The ID property is mentioned +only in the interactive docstring, and pretty deeply down. + +I'd like to make a somewhat radical suggestion: + +If cloning is the primary option, and more safe than copy --- i.e., if +copy is "this is the primitive operation that you should only do if you +know what you are doing, because it might corrupt data," then I would +argue that it's CLONE that should be bound to C-c C-x M-y --- the +standard emacs keybinding I'm going to go to first --- and COPY should +be demoted to the less-familiar alternative. + +This assumes that the answer to "Is there any case where I should do +copy and /not/ prefer clone?" is "no." + +But I'm not sure that's the case. They clone doesn't do the same thing +to the cut buffer as copy, does it? e.g., I don't use clone to make a +copy of a subtree from file A into file B. + +Even more radical suggestion: + +So maybe the right answer is not to ask us to use clone all the time, +but that COPY and PASTE should be fixed to Do The Right Thing with the +ID property. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Feature request: Select links by description (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:32] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request: Select links by description (7.4)]] + +#+begin_quote +When using org-insert-link, it would be far better for me to have it +show me the _descriptions_ of links (the default link text), rather +than showing me the links themselves. This is especially true of +email links, which are generally long and unintelligible by +themselves. + +I have something set up that stores a link to every email I send, so I +can easily link to follow-ups in my active Org items. As a result, I +end up with *lots* of stored links, which makes this a real struggle. +#+end_quote + +*** IDEA outline path in links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][outline path in links]] + +*** TODO goto does not accept remote references for local targets + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:12] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) goto does not accept remote references for local targets]] + +*** DECLINED Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:51] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70))]] + +#+begin_quote cite=[[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/36063][Re: Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70)]] +Org-mode used line-profix properties to add indentation, and +linum mode uses before-string properties of overlays to add +line numbers. Both these features add text at display time, +but apparently not in an entirely predictable way. I have no +idea it it is possible to make both work without any gliches. +If anything, this would be a bug report to Emacs, I think. + +The "other issue" is an artefact of Org using an idle time +to update indentation properties. Here my suggestion +would be to ignore the issue and live with it. +#+end_quote + +**** WAITING Provide customization variable for formula that calculates indentation level +:LOGBOOK: + - State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:25] + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + + +** Tables + +*** BUG bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:02] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags]] + +*** BUG $0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special' +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:36] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][$0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special']] + +#+begin_quote +According to [ (info "(org) Formula syntax for Calc") ], $0 +references the current cell. Pressing C-c C-c on the #+TBLFM line +below does indeed work, but C-c ' (`org-edit-special') changes the +$0 reference into a single ampersand (&). Is this a bug? +#+end_quote + +*** BUG Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:06] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) Bug: Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24))]] + +*** WISH org-table formulas with missing values +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:41] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][org-table formulas with missing values]] + +#+begin_quote +I could write 'nan' instead of leaving a blank, and use the string in +the formula, but this causes errors. + +But calc does know the concept of nan: "The variables `inf', `uinf', and +`nan' stand for infinite or indeterminate values. It's best not to use +them as regular variables, since Calc uses special algebraic rules when +it manipulates them. Calc displays a warning message if you store a +value into any of these special variables." + +I'm not sure how to use that nan variable in tables and formulas - it +seems not to be recognized. +#+end_quote + +** Testing framework + +*** TODO Testing --- again... +:LOGBOOK: +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Testing --- again...]] + +*** (Dev) Org-mode Test Framework + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(Dev) Org-mode Test Framework]] + +* Other +** Pretty icons in org buffers +** literate Lisp games development questions :Babel: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) literate Lisp games development questions]] +** Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:FB977E9C%2D6ABC%2D4B05%2DA58A%2DC2E96B841451%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/FB977E9C-6ABC-4B05-A58A-C2E96B841451%40gmail.com][Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla]] +** For Org-mode on the go? + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][For Org-mode on the go?]] +** [babel] grid-based R graphical output with :results value + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) grid-based R graphical output with :results value]] +** Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files]] + +** org-decrypt-to-kill-ring + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM][org-decrypt-to-kill-ring]] + +** DECLINED contributing Debian build scripts + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][contributing Debian build scripts]] + +Mark Hershberger is going to use an automatic process on launchpad +instead to make regular package builds. + +** hypermedia programming with babel + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hypermedia programming with babel]] +** org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress]] +** Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry]] +** publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf]] +** (OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs]] +** info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org]] + +** (ANN) org-protocol-httpd + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet][(ANN) org-protocol-httpd]] +** Tracking finances with Babel :Babel: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom][Tracking finances with Babel]] +** ErgoEmacs + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ErgoEmacs]] +** ReStructured Text table exporter + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ReStructured Text table exporter]] + +** Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede][Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org]] + +** OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info) + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info)]] + +** (ANN) Symorg + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(ANN) Symorg]] +** Indentation in html tables + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Indentation in html tables]] +** Inline image display and Emacs 22 + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Inline image display and Emacs 22]] + +** A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list]] + +** Org-mode screencasts + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode screencasts]] + +** Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review]] + +** ELPA Howto + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ELPA Howto]] + +** TODO New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:13] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom][(O) New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el]] + +* Closed issues :noexport: +** DONE string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:13] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wklkkk%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wklkkk.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5))]] +** DONE Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:14] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aarolk5y%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aarolk5y.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539))]] +** DONE [babel] possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer? :Babel: + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFDB5CE%2E3010600%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFDB5CE.3010600%40ccbr.umn.edu][(babel) possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer?]] + + this has now been fixed, see + - message :: [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/25720]] + - commit :: 5d52daab1029e43b97ccb16cfac998536d8c8924 +** DONE org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFE02FE%2E5050704%40globaledgesoft%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFE02FE.5050704%40globaledgesoft.com][org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp]] +** DONE Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file? + CLOSED: [2010-05-27 Thu 16:51] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vdacp1hi%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vdacp1hi.fsf%40thinkpad.tsdh.de][Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file?]] + + My path was committed with commit 54d513ee0c90f9864bbd39044d9dfbc4f1619513. +** DONE Aquamacs and latest org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:14] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail.gmail.com][Aquamacs and latest org-mode]] +** DONE Error when trying to push to Worg repo +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:15] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Error when trying to push to Worg repo]] +** DONE Export to html +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom][Export to html]] +** DONE Simple Literate Programming Example +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Simple Literate Programming Example]] +** DONE Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures... +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:27] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0%2DiJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS%5F7sI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0-iJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS_7sI%40mail.gmail.com][Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +** DONE bug: remember id agenda +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:33] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: remember id agenda]] +** DONE html export +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:37] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE export of emphasized link + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +** DONE byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event]] +** DONE use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:00] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100526162001%2EGA32657%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100526162001.GA32657%40soloJazz.com][use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap]] + +** DONE Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ... :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:01] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ...]] +** DONE buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:07] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments]] +** DONE [Patch] file protocol in HTML links +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:24] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkznkn2p%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkznkn2p.fsf%40gmx.de][Re: (Patch) file protocol in HTML links]] +** DONE Possible html publish inline image bug + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible html publish inline image bug]] +** DONE org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug? +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:09] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug?]] +** DONE problem with remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:10] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu][problem with remember template]] +** DONE plain list - line spacing +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:15] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][plain list - line spacing]] +** DONE How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21? +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno][How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21?]] +** DONE feature request: C-k safety +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][feature request: C-k safety]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ [6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty)] :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ (6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty))]] +** DONE [babel] Questions about export and :var. Possible bug. :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Questions about export and :var. Possible bug.]] +** DONE Something ate my timestamps +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:11] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Something ate my timestamps]] +** DONE Problem with pushing to webdav server [6.35g] +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:15] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede][Problem with pushing to webdav server (6.35g)]] +** DONE Export question +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:46] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFB3F6B%2E3040606%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFB3F6B.3040606%40sift.info][Export question]] + +** DONE Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly) +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:49] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet][Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly)]] +** DONE Exporting HTML to MS Word +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:50] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][Exporting HTML to MS Word]] +** DONE entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:04] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer]] +** DONE iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp [6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378)] +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:05] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp (6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378))]] +** DONE automatic line wrap +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom][automatic line wrap]] +** DONE mailto:abc@xyz.org +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mailto:abc@xyz.org]] +** DONE clocktable and :tags +CLOSED: [2010-06-07 Mo 12:10] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-07 Mo 12:13 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clocktable and :tags]] +** DONE MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:38] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail.gmail.com][MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed]] +** DONE Why I can't publish my project under Windows? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why I can't publish my project under Windows?]] +** DONE how to upgrade org-mode version? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to upgrade org-mode version?]] +** DONE Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Bug: Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks]] +** DONE org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar) +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar)]] +** DONE Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz][Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon]] +** DONE How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:41] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file?]] +** DONE Timestamp format questions +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:44] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede][Timestamp format questions]] +** DONE Question about beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:46] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo][Question about beamer export]] +** DONE simultaneous clocks? +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][simultaneous clocks? ]] +** DONE visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom][visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer]] +** DECLINED org-remember and anything + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][org-remember and anything]] + I am turning this one off, because we now use org-capture.el, and I + am not sure if the issue plays a role there. +** DONE Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00 +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:20] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00]] +** DONE language independent personal word list +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:29] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][language independent personal word list]] +** DONE 2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:30] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files]] +** DONE Toggle a repeating task in DONE state +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:32] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Toggle a repeating task in DONE state]] +** DONE Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments? +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:05] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments?]] +** DONE org-plot file export options +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-plot file export options]] +** DONE sup-mail link +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain][sup-mail link]] +** DONE table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=) +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:14] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=)]] +** DONE (org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:15] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF]] +** DONE any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:47] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure?]] +** DONE (OT) emacs-lisp compilation question +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:49] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(OT) emacs-lisp compilation question]] + + - Closed :: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs-en/ElispCompilerWarnings + + Function was used before declaration. +** DONE (PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files]] +** DONE preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg][preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling?]] +** DONE (PATCH) comments exporting :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:58] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) comments exporting]] +** DONE Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 08:03] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo]] +** DONE add a table entry by org-remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:26] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][add a table entry by org-remember template]] +** DONE Multiple TODO states +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:27] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple TODO states]] +** DONE Both todo and tag search +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:29] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Both todo and tag search]] + +** DONE Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html? +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:30] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6f7hqrx%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6f7hqrx.fsf%40ymail.com][Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html?]] +** DONE [babel] writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient]] +** DONE Hash mark in filled paragraphs +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu][Hash mark in filled paragraphs]] +** DONE Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 16:06] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el]] + + - Solved :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzoocdt%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Re: How to setup w3m-el as a default browser on GNU system?]] +** DECLINED Entries title in agenda view + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Entries title in agenda view]] + + We are not going to add the hierarchy. On the mailing list there + were answers showing possible alternatives using CATEGORY for + example. +** DONE version of Org used for Worg + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][version of Org used for Worg]] + The bleeding edge version is used to publish Worg - but only when a + file changes it will actually be republished. +** DONE (PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes in multiples of rounding time + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes + in multiples of rounding time]] + A modified patch has been checked in. +** DECLINED Writing the words in different color + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing the words in different color]] + I do not think that this is a useful addition. The user can + configure it with emphasis if needed. (- Carsten) +** DONE Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda) +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:47] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][ Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda)]] +** DONE Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:49] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings]] +** DONE Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:51] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords]] + +** DONE how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:57] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc][how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format]] +** DONE day-agenda: show whole-day-events first +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:12] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][day-agenda: show whole-day-events first]] +** DONE Agenda is slow because of vc-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:13] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda is slow because of vc-mode]] +** DONE questions about html export +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:22] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about html export]] +** DONE Keeping agenda window + CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Tue 19:22] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom][Keeping agenda window]] + - OP was looking for TAB (see [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hm0ic2q.fsf@dasa3.iem.pw.edu.pl][this]] and [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc8im57.fsf@fastmail.fm][this]] post). +** DONE `org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:30] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][`org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline]] +** DONE agenda views +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:33] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][agenda views]] +** DONE keeping uptodate? +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:37] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][keeping uptodate?]] +** DONE Checkboxes in Agenda +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:38] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Checkboxes in Agenda]] +** DONE Possible bug in ordered tasks +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + THis bug was caused by the interpretation of the string "nil" as a + non-nil value - a special case now fixes this. + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo][Possible bug in ordered tasks]] +** DONE Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c)) + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet][Bug: Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c))]] + This issue is resolved with the answers in the thread. +** DONE (BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export]] + Bug has been fixed. +** DONE (patch) filing under current clocked item +CLOSED: [2010-06-26 Sa 08:33] + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(patch) filing under current clocked item]] +** DONE Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:49] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python]] +** DONE Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:50] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list]] +** DONE habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:22] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string]] +** DONE mixing emphasis fails +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:23] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede][mixing emphasis fails]] +** DONE correction to orgtbl-to-html description :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:24] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][correction to orgtbl-to-html description]] +** DONE howto open attachment directory in external program? +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:39] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 10:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][howto open attachment directory in external program?]] +** DONE org-mode stopped compiling recently :Babel: + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode stopped compiling recently]] + Fixed, through a patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE org-iswitchb documentation + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20386%2E1277720390%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20386%2E1277720390%40maps][org-iswitchb documentation]] + The patch has been applied in a modified way, and the + functionality of org-iswitchb fixed so that it works by default. +** DONE Bug in latest version? + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in latest version?]] + Bug was due to changes in the constant entities, bug fixed by + checking elements in the list before using them. +** DONE Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 14:16] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus ]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R? +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:34] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R?]] +** DONE contrib/README +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:36] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3619%2E1277974892%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3619%2E1277974892%40maps][contrib/README]] +** DONE New to org-capture (and org-remember) +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 22:00] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6731%2E1277998108%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6731%2E1277998108%40maps][New to org-capture (and org-remember)]] +** DONE (BABEL) reload source code file after tangling? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) reload source code file after tangling?]] +** DONE problem in highlighting fields in a remote table +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][problem in highlighting fields in a remote table]] +** DONE Make distfile error +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Make distfile error]] +** DONE Bug in timeline report +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:41] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in timeline report]] +** DONE (babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document?]] +** DONE org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e))]] +** DONE Problem export to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem export to html]] +** DONE org-capture: Formatting of entries +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: Formatting of entries]] +** DONE Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda]] +** DONE Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist]] +** DONE mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums" +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums"]] +** DONE (no subject) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(no subject)]] +** DONE LaTeX export works but not in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][LaTeX export works but not in HTML]] +** DONE inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:47] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el)]] +** DONE *.bak files in trunk? +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.bak files in trunk?]] +** DONE Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree]] +** DONE Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent]] +** DONE org-babel and emacs init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel and emacs init]] +** DONE Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:50] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink]] + +** DONE Headline and numbered plain list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:51] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Headline and numbered plain list]] +** DONE magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance]] +** DONE complex filters in agenda view +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:55] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][complex filters in agenda view]] +** DONE a better way with babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:03] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau][a better way with babel]] +** DONE (PATCH) orphaned captions and labels :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) orphaned captions and labels]] +** DONE (babel) exports, caching, remote execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] +** DONE Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list]] +** DONE MobileOrg - no NEW state :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl][MobileOrg - no NEW state]] + +** DECLINED Org ident destroys special fontification of inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] \\ + Duplicate. +:END: +:PROPERTIES: +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +2. org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask in two ways + + i) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's +leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is set to +nil + + ii) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented +as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the indentation +should ideally return to what it was before the inline task. Of +course, this is also a problem when org-indent is turned off, if you +try to automatically hard-indent using TAB. However, in that case you +can adjust by hand the indentation of the first line after the inline +task, and then all the following lines will indent correctly. With +org-indent the problem is much worse since there is no way of +adjusting the soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE (require 'cl) seems not to be compiled +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom][(require 'cl) seems not to be compiled]] +** DONE capture template: %& and %! +CLOSED: [2010-07-05 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][capture template: %& and %!]] +** DONE "Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color" +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 20:51] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg]["Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color"]] +** DONE (BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:13] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output?]] +** DONE org-log-done +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:17] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom][org-log-done]] +** DONE (BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:20] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not]] +** DONE CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:26] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:29] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring?]] +** DONE Export of latex source to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export of latex source to html]] +** DONE Columns with LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:44] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Columns with LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:46] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]] +** DONE Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:47] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB]] +** DONE patch for org mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:12476%2E1278319281%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/12476%2E1278319281%40maps][patch for org mode]] +** DONE Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbke16m8%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting an image to latex]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I did some git bisection, and the last working version is commit +3b5351c7da59da3685f8233c252b1506166d35f3, so it seems Eric's commit +5edefbba269db8e717bd2b40778786b08af3f7a1 introduced the bug. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:50] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg][tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks]] +** DONE No subscript when exporting +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:56] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom][No subscript when exporting]] +** DONE logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:57] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Org+table.el = mutli line cells? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:05] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org+table.el = mutli line cells?]] +** DONE (PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:06] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom][(PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el]] +** DONE org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom][org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question]] +** DONE (BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others]] +** DONE (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:13] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] +** DONE Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-12 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-12 Mo 17:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda]] +** DONE (PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template +CLOSED: [2010-07-14 Mi 20:59] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet][(PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template]] +** DONE cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs]] +** DONE programming for org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom][programming for org-mode]] +** DONE \nbsp usage +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][\nbsp usage]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another]] +** DONE Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE (babel) report name of source block during execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:21] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) report name of source block during execution]] +** DONE footer for latex export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:22] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][footer for latex export]] +** DONE Help: Agenda not working anymore +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Help: Agenda not working anymore]] +** DONE Org-babel init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Org-babel init]] +** DONE how to include time when setting deadlines? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg][how to include time when setting deadlines?]] +** DONE (BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines?]] +** DONE (babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash?]] +** DONE Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX)]] +** DONE Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces]] +** DONE Help installing org-mode on a MAC please? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm][Help installing org-mode on a MAC please?]] +** DONE (babel) key binding requests :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) key binding requests]] +** DONE org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question]] +** DONE How to setup xdg for org-protocol ? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to setup xdg for org-protocol ?]] +** DONE Bib system based on org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][Bib system based on org-mode]] +** DONE org-crypt remember password +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:33] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk][org-crypt remember password]] +** DONE Verbatim export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Verbatim export]] +** DONE Failed to create radio tables +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Failed to create radio tables]] +** DONE longlines-mode (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: longlines-mode (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:45] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar?]] +** DONE LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda?]] +** DONE org-freemind-to-org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][org-freemind-to-org-mode]] +** DONE installing updating Org on other platform +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][installing updating Org on other platform]] +** DONE Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:15] + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3))]] +** DONE possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:17] + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg][possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration)]] + +** User Requests [249/249] +*** CLOSED Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom][Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort]] +*** CLOSED Template for a resume +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Template for a resume]] +*** CLOSED configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom][configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files]] +*** CLOSED jumping in custom agenda view loses settings +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][jumping in custom agenda view loses settings]] +*** CLOSED DAV config for mobileorg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][DAV config for mobileorg]] +*** CLOSED how to sort in the column view? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom][how to sort in the column view?]] +*** CLOSED function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location]] +*** CLOSED indent source blocks automatically when using "indent" :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent source blocks automatically when using "indent"]] +*** CLOSED moving past state changes into logbook drawer? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg][moving past state changes into logbook drawer?]] +*** CLOSED month and day names +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom][month and day names]] +*** CLOSED Multiple files and auto-updating +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple files and auto-updating]] +*** CLOSED (BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ' +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ']] +*** CLOSED Footnote in title? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead][Footnote in title?]] +*** CLOSED must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly?]] +*** CLOSED oddities with ical export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:42] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb%5FgMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb_gMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail.gmail.com][oddities with ical export]] +*** CLOSED (org-BEAMER) block without header +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-BEAMER) block without header]] +*** CLOSED Gnuplot best practice? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot best practice?]] + this link doesn't resolve to an article + +*** CLOSED question about chaining function calls in org-babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2D%2DbVLyjM%5FeQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTin--bVLyjM%5feQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05@mail.gmail.com][question about chaining function calls in org-babel]] + +*** CLOSED how to combine times in clocktable +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to combine times in clocktable]] + +*** CLOSED Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:10] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode?]] + +*** CLOSED Writing a custom export. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:25] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing a custom export.]] + +*** CLOSED Archive Tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:17] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede][Archive Tasks]] + +*** CLOSED R code not producing expected results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg][R code not producing expected results]] + +*** CLOSED trying to get xetex working with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom][trying to get xetex working with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED From todos to tracking +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][From todos to tracking]] + +*** CLOSED how do you extract schedule duration in column-view +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how do you extract schedule duration in column-view]] + +*** CLOSED Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom][Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export?]] + +*** CLOSED (Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells]] + +*** CLOSED Suppressing the ellipsis +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom][Suppressing the ellipsis]] + +*** CLOSED Print / export TODO Tree +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Print / export TODO Tree]] + +*** CLOSED Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name?]] + +*** CLOSED request for comments on org icon theme standards +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][request for comments on org icon theme standards]] + +*** CLOSED how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc.]] + +*** CLOSED Strange error in html exporting +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:29] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Strange error in html exporting]] + +*** CLOSED Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name]] +*** CLOSED row and col spaning in table? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][row and col spaning in table?]] + +*** CLOSED Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:30] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function)]] + +*** CLOSED Mobile mode sync problems :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mobile mode sync problems]] + +*** CLOSED Habit timing +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Habit timing]] + +*** CLOSED Using cdlatex-item within org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:00] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using cdlatex-item within org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED task juggler export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][task juggler export]] + +*** CLOSED Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling]] + +*** CLOSED Full list of org-beamer functionality? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:26] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Full list of org-beamer functionality?]] + +*** CLOSED org-beamer problem +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:27] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer problem]] + +*** CLOSED Effort estimates for multi-day tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:02] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Effort estimates for multi-day tasks]] + +*** CLOSED TeX commands or source code in org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:05] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech][TeX commands or source code in org files]] + +*** CLOSED Average payment rate with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:07] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Average payment rate with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux]] + +*** CLOSED strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom][strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs]] + +*** CLOSED Backspacing into folded items +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Backspacing into folded items]] + +*** CLOSED How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:27] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output]] + +*** CLOSED exec code on task state progression +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "WISH" [2010-09-12 So 14:29] +:END: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:19] + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][exec code on task state progression]] + +*** CLOSED migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration)]] + +*** CLOSED MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope.]] + +*** CLOSED org-link-search: Augment signature? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-link-search: Augment signature?]] + +*** CLOSED Emailing my org file +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:54] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emailing my org file]] + +*** CLOSED Baffled by beamer blocks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom][Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +*** CLOSED org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit?]] + +*** CLOSED footnotes in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][footnotes in LaTeX export]] + +*** CLOSED How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file?]] + +*** CLOSED question: how to refile labeled with origin? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question: how to refile labeled with origin?]] + +*** CLOSED Executing sh-code :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh-code]] + +*** CLOSED Sort agenda view by date? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Sort agenda view by date?]] + +*** CLOSED Export header-level list inconsistency +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:58] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Export header-level list inconsistency]] + +*** CLOSED Debugging shell code that misbehaves :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Debugging shell code that misbehaves]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode and claws +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet][org-mode and clawqs]] + +*** CLOSED org-publish with latest changes? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-publish with latest changes?]] + +*** CLOSED Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:04] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo][Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users?]] + +*** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +*** CLOSED column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me]] + +*** CLOSED configuring Org agenda faces by priority +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][configuring Org agenda faces by priority]] + +*** CLOSED Publishing configuration +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu][Publishing configuration]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode <=> Instiki +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode <=> Instiki]] + +*** CLOSED entities and removing some markup in ascii export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][entities and removing some markup in ascii export]] + +*** CLOSED How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues... +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:28] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues...]] + +*** CLOSED Total time displayed in the modeline? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Total time displayed in the modeline?]] + +*** CLOSED (babel) creating simple vectors in R +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:44] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) creating simple vectors in R]] + +*** CLOSED org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans)]] + +*** CLOSED Adding tags, grouping tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede][Adding tags, grouping tags]] + +*** CLOSED (BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas]] +*** DONE Fontify whole heading line +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:END: + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Fontify whole heading line]] +*** DONE cycle visibility from agenda view? + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede][cycle visibility from agenda view?]] + + use of org-agenda-cycle-show explained on mailing list, and added + to FAQ. +*** DONE Beamer presentation in the document +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Beamer presentation in the document]] +*** DONE clock in from last clock out +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clock in from last clock out]] +*** DONE contrib/README + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4663%2E1277986531%40maps + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4663%2E1277986531%40maps][Re: (Orgmode) contrib/README]] + Updated, patch by Stephen Eglen + +*** DONE wrap text in table cell? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom][wrap text in table cell?]] +*** DONE italics regexp +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][italics regexp]] +*** DONE question about links in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom][question about links in org-mode]] +*** DONE Exclude some file to be in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exclude some file to be in the agenda]] +*** DONE links customization in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom][links customization in org-mode]] +*** DONE trouble with Imenu integration +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg][trouble with Imenu integration]] +*** DONE (babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export?]] +*** DONE capture-clock-out nil! +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][capture-clock-out nil!]] +*** DONE imenu support for babel blocks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][imenu support for babel blocks]] +*** DONE Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org]] +*** DONE org-babel and OCaml - help? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:END: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][org-babel and OCaml - help?]] +*** DONE word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers]] +*** DONE Inserting date/time stamps including seconds +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Inserting date/time stamps including seconds]] +*** DONE Integrate APPTs with OSX +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Integrate APPTs with OSX]] +*** DONE (babel) html export of R data frame :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar][(babel) html export of R data frame]] +*** DONE org-refile-targets: excluding archived +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-refile-targets: excluding archived]] +*** DONE highlight confusion in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg][highlight confusion in agenda]] +*** DONE export to latex book ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex book ?]] +*** DONE "Invalid capture target specification" +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["Invalid capture target specification"]] +*** DONE inline image with link to other than images in html export? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu][inline image with link to other than images in html export?]] +*** DONE org-timeline and diary/calendar +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno][org-timeline and diary/calendar]] +*** DONE orgmode html export uses wrong browser +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar][orgmode html export uses wrong browser]] +*** DONE Some problems with times in a spreadsheet +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite][Some problems with times in a spreadsheet]] +*** DONE first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg][first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced]] +*** DONE Personal accounting with emacs, org and...? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Personal accounting with emacs, org and...?]] +*** DONE (BABEL) evaluation of R code in export :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:30] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) evaluation of R code in export]] + +*** DONE (BABEL) help adding a language, please? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:39] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville][(BABEL) help adding a language, please?]] + +*** DONE Finding old appointments +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:40] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Finding old appointments]] +*** DONE Author info while publishing to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 09:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Author info while publishing to html]] +*** DONE firefox problem with org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel][firefox problem with org-protocol]] + +*** DONE odd org-babel R behaviour :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca][odd org-babel R behaviour]] +*** DONE lookup functions in spreadsheet/table +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca][lookup functions in spreadsheet/table]] +*** DONE startup in column view +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D%3CAANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom%3E][startup in column view]] +*** DONE Browsing worg +CLOSED: [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Browsing worg]] +*** DONE OrgMobile - just a little help? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:14] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm][OrgMobile - just a little help?]] +*** DONE agenda-ignore-date and version number +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:40] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech][agenda-ignore-date and version number]] +*** DONE insert .org file into other .org file by link +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom][insert .org file into other .org file by link]] +*** DONE Migrating from zim to org-mode ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Migrating from zim to org-mode ?]] +*** DONE Eliminate line breaks in html +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Eliminate line breaks in html]] +*** DONE R Babel Example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][R Babel Example]] +*** DONE Nice links bookmarks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Nice links bookmarks]] + +*** DONE Installing/updating org on the mac woes +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installing/updating org on the mac woes]] +*** DONE org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-protocol]] +*** DONE Daily Debian Builds +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][Daily Debian Builds]] +*** DONE No title or date in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][No title or date in LaTeX export]] +*** DONE when will org-indent-mode be ready? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:36] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][when will org-indent-mode be ready?]] + + org-indent-mode works fine starting with Emacs 23.2. +*** DONE How can I add a DONE tag to an org file? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How can I add a DONE tag to an org file?]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg - One step further :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:19] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][MobileOrg - One step further]] + +*** DONE source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g)) +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:02] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][Bug: source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g))]] + +*** DONE Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:46] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost][Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header]] + +*** DONE Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context]] + +*** DONE debugging sbe calls :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "IDEA" [2010-08-08 So 13:16] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][debugging sbe calls]] + +*** DONE org-clock-current-task? +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-clock-current-task?]] + +*** DONE How do you use call and lob in org-babel? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do you use call and lob in org-babel?]] +*** DONE custom sorting of agenda items +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][custom sorting of agenda items]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg for Android...issues :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android...issues]] + +*** DONE How to change plain text face in Org Mode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:18] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How to change plain text face in Org Mode?]] + +*** DONE babel versionitis? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][babel versionitis?]] + +*** DONE gnuplot, table entry and temporary file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Babel) gnuplot, table entry and temporary file ]] + +*** DONE Footnote export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau][Footnote export]] + +**** Footnote problem +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][Footnote problem]] + +Duplicate of "[[id:mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau%5D%5BFootnote%20export%5D%5D%22%2E + +*** DONE Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede][Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda]] + +*** DONE (babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate]] + +*** DONE How to show done tasks in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:23] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost][How to show done tasks in agenda]] + +*** DONE or not? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) or not?]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE use of repository branch "maint" +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup][use of repository branch "maint"]] + +*** DONE Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel) +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel)]] + +*** DONE TODO DONE strikethrough +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost][TODO DONE strikethrough]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE Babel: help with tables and code blocks? +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][Babel: help with tables and code blocks?]] + +*** DONE Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block]] + +*** DONE "C-c a is undefined" +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost]["C-c a is undefined"]] + +*** DONE (babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block]] + +*** DONE why not auto-renumbering list ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][why not auto-renumbering list ?]] + +*** DONE called-interactively-p : org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][called-interactively-p : org-capture]] + +*** DONE (babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer]] + +*** DONE Installation - no way +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installation - no way]] + +*** DONE word count checklist? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville][word count checklist?]] + +*** DONE Confused about mobileorg setup :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Confused about mobileorg setup]] + +*** DONE Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom][Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen]] + +*** DONE (babel) difference in export output if including file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) difference in export output if including file]] + +*** DONE How can I search keywords in my org project? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I search keywords in my org project?]] + +*** DONE False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides]] + +*** DONE horiontal alignment of tables in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][horiontal alignment of tables in latex export?]] + +*** DONE Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list' +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list']] + +*** DONE Generic exporter status +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Generic exporter status]] + +*** DONE org-capture and blank lines +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture and blank lines]] + +*** DONE picture copy paste? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][picture copy paste?]] + +*** DONE Iterate over list with `org-next-item' +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Iterate over list with `org-next-item']] + +*** DONE possible tex export bug? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][possible tex export bug?]] + +*** DONE Problem with URLs in export to latex +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Problem with URLs in export to latex]] + +*** DONE Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom][Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents]] + +*** DONE Cannot open load file: inf-ruby +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Cannot open load file: inf-ruby]] + +*** DONE Todo item property search +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Todo item property search]] + +*** DONE gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings]] + +*** DONE Ditaa and babel goofing again? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa and babel goofing again?]] + +*** DONE org-edit-src-code : same window? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-edit-src-code : same window?]] + +*** DONE HTML export of org source blocks +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom][HTML export of org source blocks]] + +*** DONE svn version number as tag or property? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Re: svn version number as tag or property?]] + +*** DONE cannot enable org-habit +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cannot enable org-habit]] + +*** DONE beamer export question +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo][beamer export question]] + +*** DONE (babel) ledger tutorial on Worg + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:22] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) ledger tutorial on Worg]] + +*** DONE (Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom][(Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode?]] + +*** DONE From state table to state diagram + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][From state table to state diagram]] + +Looks like Eric addressed this request and implemented it. + +*** DONE org-capture templates with file+olp target +CLOSED: [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:END: + [2010-08-23 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-capture templates with file+olp target]] + +*** DONE cells are deformed in Japanese +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][cells are deformed in Japanese]] + +*** DONE Problem whit with code evaluation :Babel: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:10] + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg][Problem whit with code evaluation]] + +*** DONE items not disappearing from agenda once marked done +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom][items not disappearing from agenda once marked done]] + +*** DONE Org capture templates - file paths +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org capture templates - file paths]] + +*** DONE Agenda view and timestamps + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost][Agenda view and timestamps]] + +*** DONE agenda view tags filtering + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost][agenda view tags filtering]] + +*** DONE Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List]] + +*** DONE macros: escaping "," and comments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][macros: escaping "," and comments]] + + Commas can now be escaped. We will not have comments, because that + limits what one can do with macros. + +*** DONE org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans)]] + + As documented in the manual, one needs to use C-u C-c C-l + +*** DONE HOWTO?: make install contrib +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][HOWTO?: make install contrib]] + +*** DECLINED Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno][Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system]] + We no longer support Emacs 21. +*** DECLINED (babel) help debugging latex export :Babel: + - State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:04] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging latex export]] + +*** CLOSED Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects?]] +*** CLOSED OT: orgmode on my palm TX? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][OT: orgmode on my palm TX?]] +*** CLOSED org-learn question +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-learn question]] +*** CLOSED org tables - modified field + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:22] + :END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org tables - modified field ]] + +It is a bit much to expect that emphasis in table fields would not +disturb calc operations. + +*** CLOSED org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:23] + :END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags]] + + +This does not look like an issue we need to track (- Carsten) + +*** CLOSED column view asterisks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:58] +- State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:13] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][column view asterisks]] + +This is a minor issue, no action taken + +*** CLOSED how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom][how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring]] + +This is an Emacs issue and does not need tracking here. + +*** CLOSED Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key]] + +Answered on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED .ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][.ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice]] +Answered on the mailing list, by customizing `org-file-apps'. +*** CLOSED bug with link following +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +- State "BUG" from "CLOSED" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:15] +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo][bug with link following]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have reexamined the bug I had, and as far as I can tell, it occurs +because of the punctuation at the end of the header line. I am +attaching a file that shows the funny behavior. I can link to a +header titled "Foobar" correctly, but not one titled "submit through +submission site:" Attempts to link to the one word header "Bletch:" +also fail. +#+END_QUOTE + +=org-store-link= removes all characters except numbers, letters and +whitespace when creating the link target. Opening the link with +=org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline= set to non-nil +subsequently fails. + +**** org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies]] + +*** CLOSED org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom][org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells?]] + +Org-mode tables do not support multiline cells. + +*** CLOSED org-mode + pomodoro +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode + pomodoro]] + +*** CLOSED stuck project and check boxes +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr][stuck project and check boxes]] + +*** CLOSED a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents]] + +*** CLOSED Examples in numbered lists + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Examples in numbered lists]] + +Indentation can solve this, as explained on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED Error during Publishing to HTML + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error during Publishing to HTML]] + + +This seems to be a non-issue, I am closing it. + +*** CLOSED Org-beamer and beamer overlays +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg][Org-beamer and beamer overlays]] + +*** CLOSED merging column view headings across files +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca][merging column view headings across files]] + +*** CLOSED Table of Contents in html export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Table of Contents in html export]] + +*** CLOSED Trouble syncing files to mobile-org. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Trouble syncing files to mobile-org.]] + +*** CLOSED Mark days in calendar based on agenda + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mark days in calendar based on agenda]] + +This can be done using %(org-diary), as was explained on the list. + +*** CLOSED "{" in Latex fragments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:13] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom]["{" in Latex fragments]] + +I believe that this is solved - the OP did not come back after the +last help suggestion from the mailing list. So I am closing this. + +*** CLOSED (babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update]] + link not resolving + +*** CLOSED file+olp problem in org-capture. +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][file+olp problem in org-capture.]] + +*** CLOSED Folding org drawers in elisp code? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Folding org drawers in elisp code?]] + +The corresponding elisp code was published on the mailing list by Carsten + +*** CLOSED mathjax HTML export question + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][mathjax HTML export question]] + +Question was answered by Jan. + +*** CLOSED Deleting EXPERIMENTAL + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Deleting EXPERIMENTAL]] + +This is a non-issue. Right now there is nothing interesting in this +directory, but it mighr still come in handy. + +*** CLOSED Emacs & problem to export to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs & problem to export to HTML]] + +*** CLOSED Some useful timestamp s-expressions +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Some useful timestamp s-expressions ]] + +*** CLOSED make without make cleanall safe? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][make without make cleanall safe?]] + +*** CLOSED Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom][Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable?]] + +*** CLOSED beamer export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca][beamer export]] + +Looks like this was an old version of Org-mode. + +*** CLOSED Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom][Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o]] + +*** CLOSED tag or property names with dashes + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "CLOSED" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][tag or property names with dashes]] + +The "_-" in a property name can now be escaped in a property search +with "\-". Also, Manish and Carsten are testing a patch to allow "#" +and "%" in tags. + +*** CLOSED Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file]] + +*** CLOSED EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm][EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode]] + +*** CLOSED (Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer?]] + +This is indeed the standard behavior of #+DRAWERS. + +*** CLOSED Links Lost and Export-Report + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:00] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Links Lost and Export-Report]] + +Id locations can be refresehed, and custom links is what Stefan Volmar +really wants. The answers are in the mailing list archives. + +*** CLOSED (BUG) org-capture: file+function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-capture: file+function ]] +An example was published on the mailing list on how to deal with this case. + +*** CLOSED C-u usage +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][C-u usage]] + +*** CLOSED More structure on org-hacks.php +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom][More structure on org-hacks.php]] + +*** CLOSED See total effort in my agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][See total effort in my agenda]] + +*** CLOSED export TODO keyword +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export TODO keyword]] + +*** CLOSED TODO hooks +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][TODO hooks]] + +*** CLOSED Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede][Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now]] + +*** CLOSED bug in make info? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][bug in make info?]] + +*** CLOSED question about date-tree +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about date-tree]] + +** CLOSED empty lines in datetree capture templates +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:32] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][empty lines in datetree capture templates]] + +Malformed capture template. + +** CLOSED remember template is slow +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][remember template is slow]] + +** CLOSED org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item]] + +** CLOSED org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period]] + +** CLOSED Error using Calc time format in table +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Error using Calc time format in table]] + +** CLOSED bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom][bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad]] + +** CLOSED Src blocks fontification issue +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Src blocks fontification issue]] + +** CLOSED (babel) python session speed vs non session :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) python session speed vs non session]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point]] + +** CLOSED Beamer column alignment +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Beamer column alignment]] + +** CLOSED org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line" +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop][org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line"]] + +** CLOSED questions about table mode and spreadsheets +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about table mode and spreadsheets]] + +** CLOSED Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO" +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO"]] + +** CLOSED Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export]] + +** CLOSED Secretary.el +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom][Secretary.el]] + +** CLOSED (Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error]] + +** CLOSED Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports]] + +** CLOSED Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events?]] + +** CLOSED Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class]] + +** CLOSED Magit Integration - logging magit events. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Magit Integration - logging magit events.]] + +** CLOSED Context sensitive M-q +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom][Context sensitive M-q]] + +** CLOSED bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules]] + +** CLOSED 7.01trans obsolete variables +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][7.01trans obsolete variables]] + +** CLOSED bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy]] + +** CLOSED Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error]] + +** CLOSED org-babel and gnuplot +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel and gnuplot]] + +** CLOSED setting index.org for MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][setting index.org for MobileOrg]] + +** CLOSED How to capture another file's column view +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp][How to capture another file's column view]] + +** CLOSED Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom][Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name?]] + +** CLOSED org-beamer outline +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer outline]] + +** CLOSED Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks)]] + +** CLOSED Agenda and weather forecast +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Agenda and weather forecast]] + +** CLOSED Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits]] + +** CLOSED meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall][meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references]] + +** CLOSED Exporting property values to LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting property values to LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly]] + +** CLOSED Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry]] + +** CLOSED Problem with Babel and sessions :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with Babel and sessions]] + +** CLOSED plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom][plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request]] + +** CLOSED latex link target name +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo][latex link target name]] + +** CLOSED Repeating tasks on specific days of the week +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Repeating tasks on specific days of the week]] + +** CLOSED IP locator +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo][IP locator]] + +** CLOSED problem with label in latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo][problem with label in latex export]] + +** CLOSED ical export -> google calendar woes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet][ical export -> google calendar woes]] + +** CLOSED bug: babel-* dirs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel-* dirs]] + +** CLOSED org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs]] + +** CLOSED Export function to Vcal file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Export function to Vcal file ]] + +** CLOSED Mediawiki and org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mediawiki and org-mode]] + +** CLOSED Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released]] + +** CLOSED Org capture with predefined entries from a list? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Org capture with predefined entries from a list?]] + +** CLOSED Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug: Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github.]] + +** CLOSED org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet][org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode]] + +** CLOSED Include files to be used in literate programming :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom][Include files to be used in literate programming]] + +** CLOSED lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link]] + +** CLOSED Bug : http in http link export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug : http in http link export]] + +** CLOSED wanderlust links +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom][wanderlust links]] + +** CLOSED image size in html export +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom][image size in html export]] + +** CLOSED Bug in column view with cookie on item line +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo][Bug in column view with cookie on item line]] + +** CLOSED Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0)]] + +** CLOSED Change color in fontified html export for strings +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom][Change color in fontified html export for strings]] + +** CLOSED Customizing agenda line format +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca][Customizing agenda line format]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> > Well, I tried setting org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to "%0s", which +> > didn't work, but I didn't think about the above. So I tried this now. +> > It does remove the todo keyword, but it does only that. In particular, +> > there is now a space at the beginning of each line, which I assume is +> > simply the space in the headline that succeeds the todo keyword. Any +> > way of getting rid of that? Thanks for the pointer so far. +> > +> +> The information at the beginning of the line is controlled by +> org-agenda-prefix-format. What is the value of org-agenda-prefix-format +> on your machine? + +It seems to be more complicated than that. Here's what I found out by +tinkering around with settings a little. Setting +org-agenda-prefix-format to "" (as I already did before) correctly +removes the prefix *before* the TODO keyword. The formatting function +for everything starting with the TODO keyword, however, seems to +unconditionally insert a space between the TODO keyword and the rest of +the line. Thus, even if the TODO keyword is empty (by setting +org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to ""), there is still a space after the +now empty TODO keyword. Hence, the extra space at the beginning of the +line. To me it seems like there's no way around this with the standard +org mode settings. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Freemind conversion and Notes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Freemind conversion and Notes]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization]] + +** CLOSED camel.el, for CamelCase links +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +** CLOSED listing org source blocks in LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom][listing org source blocks in LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED #+STYLE: strangeness +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][#+STYLE: strangeness]] + +** CLOSED Query: Nested sort in table? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Query: Nested sort in table?]] + +** CLOSED Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org" +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom][Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org"]] + +** CLOSED A LaTeX class for Org-mode export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom][A LaTeX class for Org-mode export]] + +** CLOSED org-scan-tags +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-scan-tags]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede][org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries]] + +** CLOSED org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED Question: Repeating Items? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Question: Repeating Items?]] + +** CLOSED Latex export of subtree not working for me +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** CLOSED extremely weird "bad sexp" errors +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][extremely weird "bad sexp" errors]] + +** CLOSED suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks]] + +** CLOSED Load macros from other files? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Load macros from other files?]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode API? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-Mode API?]] + +** CLOSED Bibtex and latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bibtex and latex export]] + +** CLOSED Worg link broken +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom][Worg link broken]] + +** CLOSED Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** CLOSED Remember item under specific :PROJECT: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remember item under specific :PROJECT:]] + +** CLOSED options and batch exporting +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom][options and batch exporting]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:53] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link.]] + +** CLOSED Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA]] + +** CLOSED (babel) Environment around exported results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(babel) Environment around exported results]] + +** CLOSED Relative dates with sexep +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost][Relative dates with sexep]] + +** CLOSED Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0]] + +** CLOSED Problem when previewing latex fragments +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom][Problem when previewing latex fragments]] + +** CLOSED Putting latex in document titles +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Putting latex in document titles]] + +** CLOSED Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop][Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings]] + +** CLOSED Org-weather: display on some dates +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-weather: display on some dates]] + +** CLOSED BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "DECLINED" from "BUG" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:01] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task]] + +** CLOSED The \only<> overlay in beamer +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][The \only<> overlay in beamer]] + +No follow-up of OP since [2011-09-29 Do] + +** CLOSED SQLite in 7.01h? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][SQLite in 7.01h?]] + +** CLOSED org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem]] + +** CLOSED How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex]] + +** CLOSED Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo][Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android]] + +No follow-up by OP since [2010-09-20 Mo] + +** CLOSED orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices. +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices.]] + +** CLOSED Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc)]] + +** CLOSED Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org) +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org)]] + +** CLOSED Howto define formula for table regions +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom][Howto define formula for table regions]] + +** CLOSED does #+PROPERTY still exist ? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][does #+PROPERTY still exist ?]] + +** CLOSED Ditaa usage +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa usage]] + +** CLOSED cheatsheets in emacs +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cheatsheets in emacs]] + +** CLOSED "No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link]] + +** CLOSED subtree export fails with src block +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: subtree export fails with src block]] + +** CLOSED *.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:04] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard]] + +Seems to be a Snow Leopard issue + +** CLOSED wrap sourcecode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][wrap sourcecode?]] + +** CLOSED File-level execute permissions? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][File-level execute permissions?]] + +** CLOSED Requests about the code demarcation +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Requests about the code demarcation]] + +** CLOSED Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk][Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer?]] + +** CLOSED ditaa set-up on windows box +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ditaa set-up on windows box]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP]] + +** CLOSED Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:45] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree]] + +** CLOSED table, moving cells + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:49] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno][table, moving cells]] + +This is a non issue, and workaround have been shown on the mailing list. + +** CLOSED (PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions]] + +** CLOSED geolocated notes +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][geolocated notes]] + +** CLOSED org-footnote in messages, practical question. + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][org-footnote in messages, practical question.]] + +** CLOSED Windows installation with msysGit +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Windows installation with msysGit]] + +** CLOSED Can't find LaTeX under MAC + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Can't find LaTeX under MAC]] +Not an Org mode question. +** CLOSED LaTeX classes for Resume Writing +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][LaTeX classes for Resume Writing]] + +** CLOSED org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment?]] + +** CLOSED how to set faces? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom][how to set faces?]] + +** CLOSED org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash]] + +** CLOSED Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files]] + +** CLOSED lisp functions in column view +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][lisp functions in column view]] + +** CLOSED (babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file]] + +** CLOSED (beamer) export a long source block as in several frames +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(beamer) export a long source block as in several frames]] + +** CLOSED Sidewaystable in org? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Sidewaystable in org?]] + +** CLOSED org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items]] + +** CLOSED Fold "preamble/options" under first header +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fold "preamble/options" under first header]] + +** CLOSED (babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu][(babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name]] + +** CLOSED Projects+Next Actions view + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Projects+Next Actions view]] + +** CLOSED Having problems with faces in org agenda +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo][Having problems with faces in org agenda]] + +** CLOSED link export confused when URL parameter is another URL +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][link export confused when URL parameter is another URL]] + +** CLOSED POPERTIES Effort and HTML export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:49] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018 +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018][POPERTIES Effort and HTML export]] + +** CLOSED Agenda sorting strategy + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Agenda sorting strategy]] + +** CLOSED Store link upon sending a message +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][Store link upon sending a message]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Org-agenda.el :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(PATCH) Org-agenda.el]] + +** CLOSED strike through display problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][strike through display problem]] + +** CLOSED org-capture: file to top level with prepend + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:51] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture: file to top level with prepend]] + +Gmane link does not work. + +** CLOSED Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9]] + +No further reaction from OP +** CLOSED wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED org-agenda-skip-function not working +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-agenda-skip-function not working]] + +** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +** CLOSED 7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known]] + +** CLOSED Habits bug? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu][Habits bug?]] + +** CLOSED New clocktable code bug + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][New clocktable code bug]] + +** CLOSED (BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python? +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python?]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 ]] + +No feed back or backtrace via mailing list, issue closed. + +** CLOSED Executing sh code within sessions +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh code within sessions]] + +** CLOSED publishing a drawer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "IDEA" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:25] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][publishing a drawer]] + +** CLOSED Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil]] + +** CLOSED Org 7.3 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu][Org 7.3]] + +No followup in the thread, seems to be an isolated problem + +** CLOSED bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items]] + +** CLOSED Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:49] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags]] + +** CLOSED org-faq: Invalid XHTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-01-29 Sa 15:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:27] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-faq: Invalid XHTML]] + +** CLOSED Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:35] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk][Bug: Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:46] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom][Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks]] + +** CLOSED UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED latex table export not centered +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede][latex table export not centered]] + +** DONE syntax bugs in footnotes + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) syntax bugs in footnotes]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code]] + +** DONE Why :ID: properties? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom][Why :ID: properties?]] + +** DONE Directory Links (and a bug?) +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Directory Links (and a bug?)]] + +** DONE bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html)) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html))]] + +** DONE (WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode?]] + +** DONE Search files in a folder +CLOSED: [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Search files in a folder]] + +** DONE Agenda: Hide Sched. Items +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda: Hide Sched. Items]] + +** DONE problem exporting region from within a read-only file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting region from within a read-only file]] + +** DONE todos without timestamp in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][todos without timestamp in agenda]] + +** DONE image alt text for HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][image alt text for HTML export]] + +** DONE export of .org file from within a different .org file +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom][export of .org file from within a different .org file]] + +** DONE Templates - newline in string? +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit][Templates - newline in string?]] + +** DONE different result in spreadsheet tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush][different result in spreadsheet tutorial]] + +** DONE org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id) +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id)]] + +** DONE (bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set]] + +** DONE (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Re: (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working]] + +** DONE including holidays in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][including holidays in agenda]] + +** DONE org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** DONE Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords? +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords?]] + +** DONE inline images in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo][inline images in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Would it be reasonable to augment org's processing of #+ directives so +that an org user can specify (that Org should display inline images, +D.M.) there instead of using the local variables, which is less +user-friendly? +#+END_QUOTE + +** DONE (bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:54] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types]] + +** DONE Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments]] + +** DONE C-a T DONE behavior +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost][C-a T DONE behavior]] + +** DONE calendar and agenda entries +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][calendar and agenda entries]] + +** DONE Latex export of subtree not working for me + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** DONE Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word) +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word)]] + +** DONE How can I get document metadata? +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][How can I get document metadata?]] + +** DONE Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function]] +Reply in thread +** DONE Sparse trees and searching for multiple words + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sparse trees and searching for multiple words]] + +Use search view +** DONE Tags in Agenda View +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom][Tags in Agenda View]] + +** DONE #+source line in export +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom][#+source line in export]] + +** DONE exporting to a specified directory +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][exporting to a specified directory]] + +** DONE Update for habit documentation + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:44] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom][Update for habit documentation]] +Manual was updated +** DONE Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:06] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file]] + +Such a function was posted on the mailing list. + +** DONE Exporting to html +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting to html]] + +** DONE Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo][Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses]] + +** DONE bug with spaces in regexp search +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug with spaces in regexp search]] + +** DONE Agenda Question +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom][Agenda Question]] + +** DONE Yet another way to use maps --- the light way +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Yet another way to use maps --- the light way]] + +** DONE compiling org without make +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice][compiling org without make]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:48] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca +:ASSIGNEE: Carsten +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca][(PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines]] + +** DONE org-capture (lost PATCH?) +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture (lost PATCH?)]] + +** DONE Cannot insert column - wrong type argument +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice][Cannot insert column - wrong type argument]] + +** DONE Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output]] + +** DONE How do I convert org to OpenOffice? + CLOSED: [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :LOGBOOK: + - Note taken on [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] \\ + Added FAQ on converting to doc/odt. + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I convert org to OpenOffice?]] + +** DONE Filter scheduled items +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Filter scheduled items]] + +** DONE Title for capture template +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Title for capture template]] + +** DONE publishing orgmode to a CMS +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][publishing orgmode to a CMS]] + +** DONE bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails]] + +** DONE Latex exporter bug or feature? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo][Latex exporter bug or feature?]] + +** DONE How to not publish log done note? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to not publish log done note?]] + +** DONE Omit top level heading in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo][Omit top level heading in latex export?]] + +** DONE How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom][How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + +** DONE Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page?]] + +** DONE (PATCH) there is no ś in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][(PATCH) there is no ś in HTML]] + +** DONE Quoting formula "cookies" in table? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Quoting formula "cookies" in table?]] + +** DONE custom postamble in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][custom postamble in HTML export]] + +** DONE quotation marks in LaTeX (again) +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][quotation marks in LaTeX (again)]] + +** DONE Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome][Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error]] + +** DONE (BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes]] + +** DONE Orgmode and filling +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and filling]] + +** DONE Tracking time with MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tracking time with MobileOrg]] + +** DONE conditional export based on target +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][conditional export based on target]] + +** DONE (babel) Writing R-packages the org way? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Writing R-packages the org way?]] + +** DONE (BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][(BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement]] + +** DONE How can I just publish entry marked as DONE? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I just publish entry marked as DONE?]] + +** DONE Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone?]] + +** DONE Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return?]] + +** DONE library of babel, bootabs question +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][library of babel, bootabs question]] + +** DONE how to reverse a region of outline items +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to reverse a region of outline items]] + +** DONE bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future]] + +** DONE TaskJuggler 3, revisited +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TaskJuggler 3, revisited]] + +** DONE (BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentation +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentatidon]] + +** DONE Export Headings Only? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export Headings Only?]] + +** DONE org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse]] + +** DONE No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:18] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule]] + +** DONE Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML]] + +** DONE Feature request +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request]] + +** DONE centering text in html +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][centering text in html]] + +** DONE Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML]] + +** DONE Need help publishing subdirectories +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Need help publishing subdirectories]] + +** DONE puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom][puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour]] + +** DONE optimal usage Q : how would you do this? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][optimal usage Q : how would you do this?]] + +** DONE cache issue when publishing website with include file +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cache issue when publishing website with include file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export]] + +** DONE org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:29] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor]] + +** DONE org-mobile-use-encryption :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile-use-encryption]] + +** DONE Insert link to recently captured Note? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert link to recently captured Note?]] + +** DONE (BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][(BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML]] + +** DONE org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp]] + +** DONE Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom][Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii]] + +** DONE Auto clock-out? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Auto clock-out? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE org-7 under Xemacs +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org-7 under Xemacs]] + +** DONE Elementary: How to return to the main view +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Elementary: How to return to the main view]] + +** DONE Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5)]] + +** DONE org-freemind.el and rx +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom][org-freemind.el and rx]] + +** DONE 7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work]] + +** DONE blorgit build +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][blorgit build]] + +** DONE Bug (?) in org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo][Bug (?) in org-capture]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading and inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][org-insert-heading and inline tasks]] + +** DONE Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export?]] + +** DONE (Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML]] + +** DONE Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented]] + +** DONE Babel for blogging :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr][Babel for blogging]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-insert-heading]] + +** DONE #+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM][#+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation?]] + +** DONE mobileorg app can't sync :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom][mobileorg app can't sync]] + +** DONE Publishing htaccess files with a project +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Publishing htaccess files with a project]] + +** DONE Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML]] + +** DONE Library calls and begin_example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom][(Babel) Library calls and begin_example]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE (BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format? +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format?]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode?]] + +** DONE Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp]] + +** DONE Latex Export +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom][Latex Export]] + +** DONE xemacs compatibility +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][xemacs compatibility]] + +** DONE Exporting #+lob :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom][Exporting #+lob]] + +** DONE (babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org?]] + +** DONE Unable to export babel results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Unable to export babel results]] + +** DONE org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom][org-default-notes-file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:55] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl][(PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables]] + +** DONE pcomplete bug in 7.4 +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr][pcomplete bug in 7.4]] + +** DONE (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:51] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE]] + +** DONE (manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:25] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict]] + +** DONE indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line]] + +** DONE bug: invalid export key in export visible region +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:58] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: invalid export key in export visible region]] + +** DONE fill-region and list items +CLOSED: [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:14] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) fill-region and list items]] + +** DONE Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:23] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE][(O) Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph]] +** DONE proper visibility cycling for items + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Make them not hide the text after the final list item. + This is not trivial, we cannot usenormal outline stuff, + needs a separate implementation. +** DONE (PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:32] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists]] + +** DONE preserving location of point + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][preserving location of point]] + Resolved - works with emacs -Q, so it is due to some other + package. +** DONE VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice][VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u ]] + +** DONE question about link syntax +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about link syntax]] + +** DONE M-return on list items in quote blocks + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:24] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: M-return on list items in quote blocks]] +** CLOSED (ANN) List improvement v.2 + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) List improvement v.2 ]] + +git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + +** CLOSED (ANN) New lists definition :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) New lists definition]] + + git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + + Superseded by [[id:mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom%5D%5BList%20improvement%20v%2E2%5D%5D + +** CLOSED Export of quoted region to HTML +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:34 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Export of quoted region to HTML]] + +"At the moment, there is no real support for lists inside blocks." ([[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/34716][Re: Export of quoted region to HTML]]) +** CLOSED Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] \\ + Cannot reproduce it anymore on [2011-07-16 sam.]. +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:44 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom][Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook]] + +** DONE (bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] \\ + Fixed with new escaping mechanism. +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] +** DONE possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1)]] + +** DONE Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom][Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days]] + Patch is applied. +** DONE bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer%! +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer]] + +** DONE Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:52] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** DONE habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p][Bug: habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g)]] + +The code now has a better error message for this case. + +** DONE Git pull breaks agenda? + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: Git pull breaks agenda?]] + +** DONE Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:23] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom][Bug: Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4)]] + +** DONE Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5)) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:10] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][Bug: Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5))]] + +** DONE Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists]] + +** DONE (babel) Error Before first headline. :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error Before first headline.]] + +** DONE Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:10] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel]] + +** DONE Org-Babel and Ledger :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-Babel and Ledger]] + +** DONE (BABEL) Commands for navigation :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Commands for navigation]] + +** DONE Comments in tangled source + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Comments in tangled source]] + +** DONE (babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook]] + +** DONE (babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug? + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug?]] + +** DONE Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows]] + +** DONE (babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png]] + +** DONE (babel) support plantuml :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) support plantuml]] + +** DONE (org-babel) References Not Expanding :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:20] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) References Not Expanding]] + +** DONE (ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:08] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands]] + +** DONE problem with babel and R :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:02] + :END: + [2010-08-17 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][problem with babel and R]] + +Now possible to wrap results in Org blocks which can export as raw +org, but still allow for clean replacement of raw Org results. + +** DONE The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file]] + +** DONE indentation in capture templates :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ indentation in capture templates]] + +** DONE Capture and clock options +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and clock options]] + +** DONE Capture and checkitem +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:06] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and checkitem]] + + +This is now fixed, two reasonably serious issues. checkitem was not +implemented at all, and both checkitem and item could be placed into +the wrong subtree. + +** DONE (BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer]] + +** DONE (BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer]] + +** DONE Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop' + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Clocking + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop']] +** DONE Document the :recursive option for org-publish +CLOSED: [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: +** DONE typo in org.texi? :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:38] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:36] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][typo in org.texi?]] + +** DONE improve doc string + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - patch: http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/26 + - Org repo commit: http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git/commitdiff/bc53b3da3bf95c767113625693895a7dcbf389bb +** DONE workaround for the given example + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Worg repo commit: http://repo.or.cz/w/Worg.git/commitdiff/f5814f05998292d4eb80f9772c279e9837644f29 +** DONE (bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export]] + This has been fixed + +** DONE lists, maths and export to latex :Patch: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: lists, maths and export to latex]] +*** (PATCH) lists and exportation to latex + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Eric Schulte + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) lists and exportation to latex]] + + This patch has been applied. + +** DONE latex export and booktabs tables :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:02] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][latex export and booktabs tables]] +** DONE Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath? + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Carsten + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + This has been fixed, use the setting #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:verbatim. + It is also documented in the jsMath tutorial. + +** DONE Comment before \begin{equation} exported verbatim + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I noticed the following behavior: A comment line starting with "#" +immediately before a \begin{equation} environment is passed verbatim +as well. I don't think it counts as a bug, since there should probably +be a blank line before \begin anyway. +#+END_QUOTE + + This issue has been fixed. + +** DONE Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML]] + + - Patch :: [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/90/][90]] +** DONE Support multiple CSS container classes :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS property]] +** DONE Literal examples and indentation +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Literal examples and indentation]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Ok, so the answer of my initial question is no. + +That's a bit sad because, IMHO, this could a little be smarter than +this. For example if the line to indent is an empty one, then don't +insert indentation, or if the text is already indented then indent +with respect of the current indentation, etc... +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export]] + + Eric Fraga's code is now on the master branch. + +** DONE (BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export]] + Fixed, patch by Eri Schulte, this now gives a good error message + +** DONE (PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during LaTeX Export :Babel: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during + LaTeX Export]] + + Fixed with special treatment of these lines before the first headline +** DONE (BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading :Babel: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading]] + + Fixed, patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML]] +** DONE Minor Bug in ical2org awk script +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Minor Bug in ical2org awk script]] +** DONE Correct babel format for ditaa? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Correct babel format for ditaa?]] + +** DONE Bug in org-colview/org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Bug in org-colview/org-beamer?]] +** DONE bug in org-mode-export-as-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal][bug in org-mode-export-as-latex]] +** DONE LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))) +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)))]] + +** DONE Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +- State "ASSIGNED" from "BUG" [2010-08-08 So 14:27] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:15] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom +:ASSIGNEE: dmaus +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom][Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory]] + +** DONE Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 11:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex]] + +** DONE Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export]] + +** DONE BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-( +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-(]] + +** DONE Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for]] + +** DONE html-export mangels mailto: links +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) html-export mangels mailto: links]] + +** DONE escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans)]] + +There was a bug here (fixed), and also a user error (told the user so +on the mailing list). + +** DONE export to latex broken +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:22] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex broken]] + +The offending commit has been reverted. + +** DONE Publishing documents body-only + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 13:58] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + +The :body-only property is now available in the publishing setup. + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom][Publishing documents body-only]] + +** DONE Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:44] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans)]] + + [2010-07-20 Tue] Request for backtrace sent to bug report author + +** DONE suggesting a new function org-export-string :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][suggesting a new function org-export-string]] +** DONE portable absolute links in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][portable absolute links in HTML export]] + +** DONE insert a remember template at point +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][insert a remember template at point]] +** DONE Movement of C-a under visible-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Movement of C-a under visible-mode]] +** DONE org-mode and auto-fill-mode :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:24] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode and auto-fill-mode]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1hblfgkp1%2Efsf%40cam%2Eac%2Euk][Removing (modify-syntax-entry ?# "<")]] + +** DONE Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain][Bug: Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i)]] +** DONE org-feed not working for codeproject :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-feed not working for codeproject]] +** DONE (mobileorg) Android sync failed :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobileorg) Android sync failed]] +** DONE org-capture question/suggestion + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][org-capture question/suggestion]] + This patch has been applied, estimate operators are now active and + documented. +** DONE Displaying inline remote images +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:01] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Displaying inline remote images]] +** DONE Tables and environment with parameters + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Tables and environment with parameters]] + Another case of checking for protectedness at the wrong place (the + following line :( ) +** DONE org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:00] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd))]] +** DONE org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51))]] +** DONE inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active]] + +*** inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up%! + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][Bug: inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up]] +** DONE Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans) + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D8739vzpqx1.wl%25dmaus%40ictsoc.de][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed by fixing the function org-find-olp, this can not search just + in the current buffer if the THIS-BUFFER flag is set. +** DONE Problem when org-capturing text from French email + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Problem when org-capturing text from French email]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus to work around Emacs bug #5306. + +** DONE org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans) + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus. + +** DONE web site bug +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][web site bug]] +** DONE indent levels in dynamic block clock? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent levels in dynamic block clock?]] +** DONE org-collector : display problem with propview +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-collector : display problem with propview]] +** DONE startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block) +CLOSED: [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block)]] +** DONE Diary-integration in version 7.01.g +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3Dop.vgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost.localdomain][Diary-integration in version 7.01.g]] +** DONE Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG= +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:59] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG=]] +** DONE links and ID properties +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][links and ID properties]] + +** DONE (Patch) Capture: [Error: (void-function FILE)] and %![Error: (void-function SEXP)] (again)%! +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) Capture: %!(Error: (void-function FILE)) and %!(Error: (void-function SEXP)) (again)]] +** DONE (BUG) Org-capturing items to clock +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Org-capturing items to clock]] +** DONE Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:42] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer]] +** DONE MobileOrg capture - bad encoding :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg capture - bad encoding]] +** DONE Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient]] +** DONE (BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems]] +** DONE avoiding source block prompts +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu][avoiding source block prompts]] +** DONE (babel) lob evaluation : a bug ? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(babel) lob evaluation : a bug ?]] + +** DONE (mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom][(mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing]] + +** DONE bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties? :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties?]] + +** DONE (Patch) Org-fontify :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Patch) Org-fontify]] + +** DONE (PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string.]] + +** DONE org-feed XML entities and character encoding :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][org-feed XML entities and character encoding]] + +** DONE (Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil]] + +** DONE (Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:15] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition)]] + +I installed the new code into the contirb directory. + +** DONE Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot?]] + +This is solved, and new example on how to work with GNUPLOT are up on Worg. + +** CLOSED Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** CLOSED Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight]] + +** CLOSED export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug: export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks]] + +** CLOSED org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:19] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection]] + +True, but cannot be fixed, at least not easily. The new entry can +still be found at the original target location, go there with `C-c C-u +C-c r'. + +** CLOSED org-capture + autoload + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture + autoload]] +The autoload Cookie is in there now. + +** CLOSED capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...) +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:14] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...)]] + +Not a bug. Cf. manual Template expansion and Carsten's +explanation: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6DE91187%2D59F0%2D4AA3%2D9487%2DA758CEB6D5DE%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 +commit-972b0a58...)]]. + +** CLOSED documention missing +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][Bug: documention missing]] + +** CLOSED Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Bug) Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk]] +** CLOSED org capture: use org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom][org capture: use org-default-notes-file]] + +** CLOSED Comments cannot be filled +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + +** CLOSED Disputed keys (meta left), (meta right) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 12:48] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:25] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Disputed keys]] +** DONE keys and command name info + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:44] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][keys and command name info]] + +** CLOSED Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] \\ + Insufficient information and no confirmation of the bug since more + than six months. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:31] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/66] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY?]] + +** DONE Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers. :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/65] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers.]] + +** DONE Re: export to latex broken :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 20:55] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:37 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/63] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][(O) Re: export to latex broken]] + +** DONE (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] \\ + This has been applied to master. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 21:04] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:39 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/62] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom][(O) (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command]] + +** DONE Macro expansion in included files :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] \\ + Applied already. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 16:07] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:42 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/61] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Macro expansion in included files]] + +** CLOSED "org-nil" error in LaTeX export :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:47] \\ + No report. Apperently, an user configuration problem. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/60] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) "org-nil" error in LaTeX export]] +** CLOSED (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] \\ + No confirmation under 30 weeks. Probably an user misconfiguration. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 00:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/58] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block]] + +** DONE Verbatim code gets interpreted :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/57] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) (Bug) Verbatim code gets interpreted]] + +** CLOSED (BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:50] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:35 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/38] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli][(BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers]] + +** DONE For Patchwork workers: An updated pw + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom][For Patchwork workers: An updated pw]] + +The pw script that should be used to work with our patchwork server +is part of the distribution, UTILITIES/pw. Among other things, this +script arranges for automatic emails to the mailing list when the +status of a patch changes. + +** DONE (ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite][(ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode]] +I have made a link to this new translator on Worg, in +org-translators.org. + +** CLOSED tags grouping not working :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:43] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 02:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/20] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede][Bug: tags grouping not working]] +** DONE org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org]] + +org-velocity.el is now a contributed packge, with documentation on worg. +** CLOSED Footnote incorrect in Worg + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:34 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Footnote incorrect in Worg]] + +** CLOSED org-mediawiki :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:53 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/17] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mediawiki]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:54 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/16] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file]] + +** CLOSED send mail without starting gnus first :new: + CLOSED: [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:57] + - Note taken on [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] \\ + This is a gnus issue. + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [3/15] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][send mail without starting gnus first]] + +** CLOSED links and no match message :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:30] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:03 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/12] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu][links and no match message]] + +No answer in 25 weeks. Case closed. +** CLOSED org-cdlatex after environment :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/11] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-cdlatex after environment]] + +Document to reproduce: + +#+begin_src org +,* Heading +,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +;; Turn on cdlatex-mode +(org-cdlatex-mode 1) +,#+END_SRC + + +\begin{eqnarray*} + & & \\ +\end{eqnarray*} + +\begin{eqnarray*} +b&=& +\begin{cases} +1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 +\end{cases} +5 +\end{eqnarray*} + + +Typing _ after 4 prints _{}. Typing _ after 5 only gives _. 5 isn't +considered to be part of math-mode anymore. +#+end_src + +** DONE Org now fontifies code blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][Org now fontifies code blocks]] + +** DONE MobileOrg now in the Android market + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][MobileOrg now in the Android market]] +** DONE (CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom][(CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point]] + +Included in Worg now. + +** DONE Finally jekyll and org-jekyll + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Finally jekyll and org-jekyll]] + +Documented in Worg. + +** DONE MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages]] + +Included in Org and documented. + +** CLOSED what am I missing about remote editing? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 15:41] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:11 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/10] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][what am I missing about remote editing?]] +** CLOSED error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier" :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:02] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:13 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/9] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier"]] + +** CLOSED void-function error :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:37] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/8] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][void-function error]] + +** DONE Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks :Babel:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 11:07 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks]] +** DONE Baffled by beamer blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:50] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:04 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) (BUG) Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +** DONE Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:36] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom][Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands]] + +#+begin_quote +Is there an option for org-metaup (org-metadown) and +outline-next-visible-heading (outline-previous-visible-heading) to +alway jump to the first non-star character in a headline instead of +the beginning of a headline? I could not find this option in the +manual. In my opinion, this would complement the "special C-a/e" +commands which I also use. This behaviour is already the default for +org-metaup/-down in lists. +#+end_quote + +** DONE LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug]] + +** DONE Row formulas + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + @4=..... + +** CLOSED latex export problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech][latex export problem]] + + - ngz :: not consistently reproducible, 41 weeks old, outdated + version of Org : closed. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE Make a variable that current line should be recomputed always + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + In each table. Skipping headers of course. +** DONE include value of single table cell in text? + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:49] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:17 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][include value of single table cell in text?]] + +** DONE (Feature Request) Cross headings in tables + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:51] +:END: + [2010-10-27 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Feature Request) Cross headings in tables]] + +** DONE MathJax is now the default for HTML math + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:21 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom][MathJax is now the default for HTML math]] + + - ngz :: it is in manual since a long time. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :END: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE + 1) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's + leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is + set to nil + + 2) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented + as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the + indentation should ideally return to what it was before the + inline task. Of course, this is also a problem when org-indent + is turned off, if you try to automatically hard-indent using + TAB. However, in that case you can adjust by hand the + indentation of the first line after the inline task, and then + all the following lines will indent correctly. With org-indent + the problem is much worse since there is no way of adjusting the + soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] + - ngz :: no further information to work on since 39 weeks. Case + probably closed. +** CLOSED Strange bug, request for more info + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :END: + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq6bjsas%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq6bjsas.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Re: Strange bug, request for more info]] + + - ngz :: very old bug, probably fixed now according to the last + post in the thread. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +The bug happens when being in the agenda and trying to goto or show +the origin location of an agenda entry by pressing SPC or RET. +John reports that sometimes (for him several times a day), +the other window shows a completely different location. +The most weird part of it is that going back to the agenda buffer +and then trying the exact same command again, everything works +fine! This is driving me crazy, and I'd love to find and fix +this problem. +#+END_QUOTE +** CLOSED PATCH: Fix for agenda problems :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo][PATCH: Fix for agenda problems]] + + - ngz :: probably applied, and function has changed since then. + +*** More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing :Mobile: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo][More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing]] + +*** Mobile-org crash --- same error? :Mobile: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mobile-org crash --- same error?]] + +** DONE COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 02:22] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:57] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 12:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][(O) Bug: Minor Bug: COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics (7.5 (release_7.5.24.g5f0ef))]] + + - ngz :: bug confirmed on 7.6 (release_7.6.75.g74e3) and hopefully + fixed. Waiting for confirmation. + +** CLOSED Capture abort: (void-function -mode) + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:44] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Capture abort: (void-function -mode)]] + +Problem is not yet reproducible. + + - ngz :: very old bug, no information or even confirmation it + happened since then. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED capture problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:14] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech][capture problem]] + + - ngz :: very old bug. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] +** CLOSED Recovering notes :Mobile: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobile-org) Recovering notes]] + + - ngz :: As informative as it is, we are not fixing issues for + outside applications. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error? :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:09] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error?]] + + - ngz :: still active, but not dependant on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ainsi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** CLOSED Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created) :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] + :END: + [2010-10-17 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created)]] + + - ngz :: confirmed, but not depending on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** DONE (PATCH) Markup on same line as text :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:48] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Markup on same line as text]] + - ngz :: patch already applied in code base. +** DONE clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items]] + + - ngz :: Carsten fixed it. + +** DONE (BABEL) Babel babel native fontification :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:37] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:48 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Two minor issues]] +** DONE Custom sorting of agenda items! + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) custom sorting of agenda items]] + - ngz :: Carsten full-filled that wish. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When giving a user-defined function for org-agenda-cmp-user-defined, +the function gets two agenda entries. Is there a way from an agenda entry +to get to the original org entry? + +Best would be if, besides a user-defined sort function, you could also provide +a function that takes the org entry and the agenda item (i.e. is run with point +on the org entry and is passed the agenda item), and can then store anything +it wants about the org entry as text properties on the agenda item. +The companion user-defined sorting function could then use these stored +text properties for ordering the agenda items. Could you add such a hook? +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:21] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:00 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][(PATCH) Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto]] + - ngz :: That function exists now. + +** CLOSED Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature Request: Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range]] + - ngz :: A solution for the problem at hand already exists and is + detailed in the FAQ. + +** DONE Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show. :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show.]] + - ngz :: Patch seems applied in code base. +** DONE Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:33] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 08:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg][Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines]] + - ngz :: David solved that bug with his escaping mechanism. + +** DONE Variable of standard links for completion with C-c C-l + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Or something like that, to make standard links fast. + +** DONE Unintended behavior? Links without description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:09] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:10 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Unintended behavior? Links without description]] + +#+begin_quote +In pre-processing for export with org-export-normalize-links, links +that lack a description part are given one, which consists of the full +raw path of the link. In other words, link descriptions are never nil. +This seems to conflict with the expectations of org-bbdb.el and custom +links based on that example. + +The link [[bbdb:Carsten Dominik]], for instance, is exported to html +and latex as follows: + + bbdb:Carsten Dominik + \textit{bbdb:Carsten Dominik}. + +Org-bbdb.el is clearly prepared to be passed a desc that is nil, in +which case it would use path instead: + +(defun org-bbdb-export (path desc format) + "Create the export version of a BBDB link specified by PATH or DESC. +If exporting to either HTML or LaTeX FORMAT the link will be +italicized, in all other cases it is left unchanged." + (cond + ((eq format 'html) (format "%s" (or desc path))) + ((eq format 'latex) (format "\\textit{%s}" (or desc path))) + (t (or desc path)))) + +However, desc is never nil, because a missing description part is +replaced in export pre-processing by a string consisting of the link +type, a colon, and the path. This takes place in the function +org-export-normalize-links. + +This makes for unexpected behavior in custom links that some of us +have defined. E.g., Thomas S. Dye's `cite' links (the thread +`org-add-link-type'): +#+end_quote + +Thomas S. Dye could track down this problem to at least 7.01trans +(release_7.01h.209.g2c33b). + +*** DONE org-add-link-type + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:12] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) org-add-link-type]] + +#+begin_quote +It looks as if an empty desc is never passed, instead it is replaced +with the full raw path. I don't think that's the right behavior, and I +don't really see how it could result from org-export-latex-links. +#+end_quote + +** DONE minted for latex source code export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:49 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][minted for latex source code export]] + +** DONE (WIP) OpenOffice Exporter + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WIP) OpenOffice Exporter]] + +** CLOSED Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans) + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:11] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 11:19 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans)]] + - ngz :: configuration mistake from OP. + +** DONE Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:54] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) (Babel) Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output]] +** CLOSED html export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX ignored for tables when used before first headline + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:22] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][LaTeX table export issue]] + +** DONE Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore? :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +- State "BUG" from "WISH" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore?]] + +** DONE Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:28] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:19] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) (BUG) Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading]] + - ngz :: Patch suggested. Waiting for confirmation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +** DONE (Patch) org-capture.el + CLOSED: [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-22 ven. 01:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Patch) org-capture.el]] +** DONE Rewrite of org-indent-mode :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:23] +- State "IDEA" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:20] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:28] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-08-18 jeu. 19:16 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (dev) org-indent-mode patch]] + + + - ngz :: this branch is an attempt to remove idle timer in + indent-mode and to make it compatible with + visual-line-mode. Though, it suffers from a long + initialization time (walking each line of the buffer to + add text-properties). + + The idea is to set =line-prefix= property to the level of + the current headline and =wrap-prefix= to the indentation + of the beginning of the line. These properties are + modified at each text modification (hook) on the modified + area only (so, this part is quick). + + - ngz :: I've implemented an asynchronous initialization. It needs + testing, though. + +Source : =git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +The rewrite would fix the following bugs: + +*** DONE Org cause Emacs to hang + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "BUG" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:04] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:39] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org cause Emacs to hang]] + +Possible fix is in + +=git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +Wait for feedback if this patch fixes the problem. + + - ngz :: this branch isn't satisfactory enough (too slow on + opening files). Thus, I re-open the bug. + + See [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for more information. + +*** DONE Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel][Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list]] + + - ngz :: see [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for a working solution + +# -*- org-tags-column: -80; sentence-end-double-space: t; -*- +#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t tex:t d:(HIDE LOGBOOK) tags:not-in-toc +#+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate +#+TODO: NEW(n) TODO(t!) WAITING(W!) IDEA(i!) WISH(w!) INCONSISTENCY(y!) BUG(b!) QUESTION(q!) | DONE(d!) DECLINED(c!) CLOSED(C!) +#+TAGS: Babel(b) Mobile(m) Patch(p) new(n) noexport(x) +#+TITLE: Open issues with Org mode +#+AUTHOR: Worg people +#+EMAIL: mdl AT imapmail DOT org +#+LANGUAGE: en +#+PRIORITIES: A C B +#+CATEGORY: worg +#+ARCHIVE: ::* Closed issues +#+DRAWERS: PROPERTIES LOGBOOK + +# This file is the default header for new Org files in Worg. Feel free +# to tailor it to your needs. + +* Introduction + +This is a simple mailing list based tracker for issues and other +things about Org mode. It is a replacement of the abandoned todo file +and incorporates its structure and parts of the nomenclature. The +purpose of this document is to keep track of issues, i.e. anything +that requires some kind of action, and other things like +announcements, hacks, feature ideas and the like. + +** Nomenclature + +On this page, TODO keywords are used in the following way: + + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Keyword* | Intention | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *NEW* | A new issue that is not yet classifed. | + | *TODO* | A task to be done. This includes but is not limited to answers to user requests, development or documentation tasks. | + | *WAITING* | A reported issue that requires a response to be processed further. | + | *IDEA* | A new idea, I have not yet decided what if anything I will do about it. | + | *WISH* | A wish, probably voiced by someone on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org. This is less than a new idea, more a change in existing behavior. | + | *DECLINED* | A feature or idea that was declined. Still in the list so that people can see it, complain, or still try to convince Carsten to implement it. | + | *INCONSISTENCY* | Some behavior in Org-mode that is not as clean and consistent as it should be. | + | *BUG* | A confirmed bug. This needs to be fixed, as soon as possible. | + | *QUESTION* | A question someone asked. | + | *DONE* | Well, done is done. | + | | <80> | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +In addition, tags are used to provide more detailed context +information. Currently these tags are used in this file: + + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Tag* | Context | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Babel* | Issue concerning [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/index.php][Org-babel]] | + | *Mobile* | Issue concerning [[http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/][MobileOrg]] | + | *Patch* | A patch is available via Org mode's [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/project/org-mode/list/][Patchwork tracker]] | + | *New* | All issues below the *New Issues* headline. | + | | <80> | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +** Document structure and maintenance + +New issues hitting the Org mode [[http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode][mailing list]] are recorded on a +(almost) daily basis using a yet to be published library that allows +operating on the issue file from within Wanderlust and (partly) Gnus. + +They are first filed to the heading *New Issues*. + +In a second step issues beneath this heading are reviewed. If an +issue triggers a development task it is properly classified (keywords, +tag) and refiled to the *Development Tasks* heading. If it is a user +request, it is classified using the *QUESTION* TODO keyword and filed +to heading *User Requests*. If it is already closed according to the +mailing list, it is immediately closed and moved to *Closed issues*. +If it cannot yet be classified or closed, it stays where it is. + +** Using this file + +This file is hosted and published on [[http://orgmode.org/worg/][Worg]]. So you can either read the +file via your browser or check out Worg's git repository. + +Everyone is encouraged to use this file to facilitate collaboration in +solving issue and extending Org mode. Thus, you can operate on the +entries as you wish, as long as the ID property is kept intact. + +Operating on this file includes, but is not limited to, classifying +new issues, doing research on an outstanding task, or grouping related +issues into a development task. If you start to take care of an open +issue or task, please put a token in a headline property called +"ASSIGNEE", so others can see that you started to take care of this +issue. + +[[file:index.org][{Back to Worg's index}]] + +* New Issues [0/0] :new: +* Development Tasks +** Agenda issues +*** IDEA Meta-grouping properties? + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Meta-grouping properties?]] +*** IDEA persistent frame for agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:09] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][persistent frame for agenda]] + +*** IDEA "Interactive" Search in Agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom]["Interactive" Search in Agenda]] + +*** IDEA overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature idea: overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling]] + +*** IDEA Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:18] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(REQUEST) Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views)]] + +#+begin_quote +> I have been a happy org-mode user for a while, using more and more of +> org-mode for more and more things. By now I have completely replaced my use +> of iCal (on the Mac) by the org-mode agenda, with no regrets. However, there +> is one feature that I am still trying to get into my agenda view, but I +> didn't find a way to do it yet. +> +> There are a couple of long-lasting "events" that I would like to show in my +> agenda view. A typical example would be school vacation periods, but there +> are others: absences of a colleague, availability of some instrument, etc, +> Their common feature is that they can last very long (several weeks) and +> that they don't really occupy my agenda. I just want to know when planning +> something if a given day is in period X or not. So I'd like to see at a +> glance (using a specific font, color, one-letter prefix etc.) if a day falls +> into a certain predefined period. Simply adding a corresponding event to my +> agenda leads to visual clutter: it gets marked on every single day of the +> period. +> +> Is there any way to get what I am looking for? + ++1 for this feature. Also, I think our desire for such a feature could +be met with a calendar-view, perhaps re-using some org-table or +org-columns source? + +I'm envisioning I would very much like something akin to an ASCII +4-day calendar view (like the default Google Calendar view). + +Even if we could line up four days' agenda views horizontally (with an +appointment-style timeline), I would find this useful. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Worldcup + time zone question + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][Worldcup + time zone question]] + +*** WISH Indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom][(new feature suggestion?) indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is there a way to quickly/visually differentiate between repeating/single-occurence tasks? + +If not, something like say, adding an asterisk somewhere in the entry would be great. + +1. Scheduled* - starred schedule/deadline string +2. TODO * - starred 'todo' string +3. fifa2010* - starred 'category' string +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH A little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leaders +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede][a little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leader]] + - ngz :: No answer as of [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** WISH Modify time entry from agenda? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Modify time entry from agenda?]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Relative file names in list org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "WISH" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:22] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about org-agenda-files]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY omitting done TODOs from custom agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:19] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][omitting done TODOs from custom agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> The problem occurs in both my "Agenda plus contacts" and "Get It +> Louder", so maybe it's something with my custom todos? +> +> (org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w@)" "|" +> "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c@)") (sequence "CONTACT(n)" "REPLY(r)" "|" +> "CONTACTED(e@)")))) + +Looks like the problem here was that CONTACT is a substring of +CONTACTED—whatever function decides if a todo keyword is pending or +completed apparently just reads the string until it finds the first +match (?). I changed it to SENT and everything worked fine. Dunno if +that's worth considering a bug, but it's certainly surprising behavior. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** INCONSISTENCY Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:51] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day]] +*** BUG Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading]] + + - ngz :: Still confirmed on [2011-07-18 lun.] + + The manual should specify that SCHEDULED and DEADLINE + keywords are to be put on the line just after the + headline. + + We can also make C-c C-s replace the already defined + SCHEDULED or DEADLINE keyword, if it can find it. + + Moreover, we should remove + `org-insert-labeled-timestamps-at-point'. This variable + is error-prone, and more than often let-bound to nil + (i.e. from the agenda). + + Eventually, I think we should slowly move them to + standard properties (in the PROPERTIES drawer). + +*** WISH org-agenda-follow-narrowed ? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom][org-agenda-follow-narrowed ?]] + +#+begin_quote +When I'm in the agenda, if I hit SPC, I get a nice narrowed view of the +current item. When I toggle org-agenda-follow-mode, I get org to show +me the current item without hitting SPC---but it's not narrowed. It +also has the property drawer collapsed. What I'd like is to have org +follow me with exactly the result of hitting SPC. Possible? +#+end_quote + +*** WISH re-marking agenda entries +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:03] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][re-marking agenda entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Please test this custom agenda command +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:16] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Please test this custom agenda command]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Habits and org-log-done configuration +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: Understanding habits - org-log-done]] + +#+BEGIN_VERSE +> I can confirm this. I personally only log state changes to DONE but +> setting a LOGGING property value of lognotedone prompts for a note and +> fails to show the history for the habit in the graph. +> +> This is probably a bug. + +Yes. The regexp that searches for completed tasks in org-habit is +hard-coded to look for a 'State "DONE"' string. When org-log-done is set +to note, however, the log entries begin with 'CLOSING NOTE'. (A related +problem here is that it assumes DONE is the only relevant todo keyword.) + +One workaround is to add the property LOGGING and set its value to +lognoterepeat. This produces notes with timestamps in the following +format (compatible with org-habit): + + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [​2011​-​01​-​01​ Sat 21:​11​] \\\\ + 5 miles. +#+BEGIN_COMMENT +The note above was modified in order to export correctly to html. It's +source form is: + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2011-01-01 Sat 21:11] \\ + 5 miles. +#+END_COMMENT +Another workaround is to make the setting associated with 'done in +org-log-note-headings to the same as 'state. One quick way to do that is +by evaluating the following expression: + +(setcdr (assoc 'done org-log-note-headings) (assoc 'state org-log-note-headings)) + +As an aside, it seems to me that the "CLOSING NOTE" format that results +when org-log-done is set to 'note is inconsistent with other logging +behavior. For instance, when a "@" is added in org-todo-keywords, the +note is entered with the state change string. +#+END_VERSE + + +*** INCONSISTENCY Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:44] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4)]] + +*** BUG org-write-agenda failure +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-write-agenda failure]] + + - ngz :: confirmed on Org-mode version 7.6 (release_7.6.93.gd243) + [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:56] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 15:53] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files]] + +C-c [ and C-c ] adds and removes files from `org-agenda-files' using +Emacs' customization interface. The customization is saved w/o notice +or prompt. Using these commands defeats setting `org-agenda-files' to +one or more directories because Org will save the expanded list of +directory files. + +*** BUG org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:27] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: (O) org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t]] + +#+begin_quote +>>> Alright, so I did that, and I seem to have encountered an org-mode +>>> bug. Put this in .emacs +>>> +>>> (setq +>>> org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t +>>> org-agenda-custom-commands +>>> '(("l" "Agenda with done items" +>>> agenda "" ((org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done nil))))) +>>> +>>> (define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "l") (lambda () (interactive) (org-agenda nil "l"))))) +>>> +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +>>> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +>>> q -> quits org-agenda +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> still fine +>>> M-x org-agenda b/f -> also displays DONE items, which is a bug +>> +>> I cannot reproduce this. What version of org-mode are you using? +>> +>> - Matt +> +> Right, sorry, I was using org-agenda-list. Here are the updated +> instructions +> +> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +> q -> quits org-agenda +> M-x org-agenda-list -> still fine +> b/f -> also displays DONE items + +I can confirm this bug with this latter set of instructions, though I'm +puzzled why M-x org-agenda-list behaves differently than C-c a a. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty)) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:33] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty))]] + +*** TODO Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:51] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f))]] + +*** WISH org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:31] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future]] + +*** WISH Hide / expand tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:35] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (O) Hide / expand tags]] + +#+begin_quote +I think it'd be nice for this to have the _alternative_ to put the +tags into the properties drawer and occasionally view and edit them +with a column view: + +#+SPECIAL_PROPERTIES: TAGS=drawer:PROPERTIES <= only a suggestion +#+end_quote +*** WAITING tags match agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:24] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg][(O) tags match agenda]] + +*** DECLINED Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu][(PATCH) Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support]] + +*** IDEA Managing appts with org-mode, diary +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:46] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede][Re: Managing appts with org-mode, diary]] + +#+begin_quote +I currently use fancy diary. It's nice to have an overview of the +current day and the upcoming appointments of the next n days. But this +'oh, there is an important appointment in {three|two|one|zero} days' +clutters the agenda view even more ;). This is where it would be nice to +have the agenda view tree like, too. The days could be nodes and the +appointments could be subnode of the day, that could be shown or +hidden. I'm relatively new to org-mode (convertit from planner-mode as +you might know ;-), so I don't know exactly if such a feature is already +implemented or if it could be done without huge amounts of work. +#+end_quote + +** Appearance + +*** WISH Secondary selection +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Secondary selection]] + +*** WISH Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Aquamacs syntax highlighting +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Aquamacs syntax highlighting]] + +*** BUG Column view and subtask overview interaction +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet][Column view and subtask overview interaction]] + +*** IDEA Orgmode and Unicode characters +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and Unicode characters]] + +*** BUG Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly]] + +#+begin_quote +If you add a width declaration ("") to the column containing Korean, +when realigning the table you'll get an "args out of range" error inside +the text-properties-related code in `org-table-align' (provided the +width declaration actually does cause the text to be clipped). +#+end_quote + + - ngz :: is it fixable ? Org tables are not meant to handle + variable-width fonts anyway. [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:54] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede][Bug: startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x)]] + +#+begin_quote +Thanks for doublechecking. I now tested it again, and this only happens when +used in a shell (i.e. in a KDE Konsole) where the point does not blink. +#+end_quote +*** DECLINED Effort columnview: Show total in different column + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Effort columnview: Show total in different column]] + +Too big a change + +*** DECLINED Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:28] +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within]] + +** Babel + +*** TODO Handling of errors when using Ledger + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "WISH" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Handling of errors when using Ledger]] + +*** ASSIGNED Babel - display results in an overlay? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:25] + - State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:28] + - State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Babel - display results in an overlay?]] + +this is now in the Babel task tracking system + +*** ASSIGNED (babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:09] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg][(babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect]] + +This has been added as a bug to the babel development file + +*** IDEA Mark and Tangle :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Mark and Tangle]] + +*** WISH (PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:18] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) Speed keys :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Speed keys]] + +*** WISH Line numbers in tangled source :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:23] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Line numbers in tangled source]] + +*** WISH org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings]] + +*** WISH Babel & DOS + :LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg][Babel & DOS]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) C-v C-v M-x? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:22] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) C-v C-v M-x?]] + +*** WISH Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:49] + :END: + [2010-12-12 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file]] +*** INCONSISTENCY (babel) silent code block evaluation on export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) silent code block evaluation on export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Babel: interweaving code and results? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:06] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: interweaving code and results?]] + This link doesn't resolve through Gmane + +*** INCONSISTENCY Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3) :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:45] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg][Bug: Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3)]] + +#+begin_quote +OK, I now have a clearer idea of what went wrong. + +1. I think it's doing find-file-at-point. + +2. This only happens when point is on this line, but NOT at the start + of the line: #+begin_src haskell + + It's not about whether it's the first time you press C-c ', it's about + where point is when you press it. + +3. If point is anywhere on the closing line of the source block, it + works. + +4. Ironically, the end of the first line is where the point is placed if + you do C-c C-v d at the end of the buffer! So if you do C-c C-v d and + then C-c ', as I did, this bug will happen. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export :Babel: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 18:59] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl][Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export]] + +*** TODO (bug?) cannot generate table format output for octave results :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:05] + :END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug?) (babel) cannot generate table format output for octave results]] + +*** WISH Make tangling work in an indirect buffer :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:17] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) (PATCH) Make tangling work in an indirect buffer]] + +** Capture and refile + +*** IDEA Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)%! +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:32] +:END: + [2010-08-08 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When you think of CamelCase and on-the-fly creating of non-existing +files/headlines, it's just another way of *capturing* stuff. + +Why not defining some simple syntax to trigger the capture mechanism +from special links? + +For example: + + "I write a reference to a >c:newfile which I can create later." + +- The ">c:newfile" is a link. +- The ">c" is a link abbreviation. +- The ">" part is the syntax for link abbrevations to trigger a capture. +- The "c" part is the keybinding of capture template to call. +- The "newfile" would be passed on as a variable for the (nth 3) of the + template (we could have several variables separated by "#" + +This would combine the flexibility of on-the-fly file creation and of +the capture mechanism, allowing multiple templates. + +What do you think? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Refiling notes to current file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Refiling notes to current file]] + +*** WISH Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:37] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree]] + +*** WAITING archiving an indirect buffer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:54] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: archiving an indirect buffer]] +*** DECLINED Blank rows with capture target table-line and aborting capture +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][is it a bug in org-capture]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I hit C-c c t, and then C-c C-k immediately, the file test.org is +still modified with an new blank row inserted in the table, which is out +of expectation, since C-c C-k is known as "abort capture". The minibuffer +says "org-capture-finalize: Capture process aborted, but target buffer +could not be cleaned up correctly". +#+END_QUOTE + +Unfortunately this is difficult to fix, because the user might have +changed other things before aborting. At least the error message is +clear and gives the user the opportunity to fix the problem. + +*** WISH Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed]] + +*** WAITING Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:20] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4)]] + +Cannot reliably get reproduced as of [2011-01-16 So]. + +*** TODO Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:10] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text]] + +*** TODO (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:37] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior]] + +*** WISH remember-other-frame with org-capture? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-06 Mo 21:03] +:END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) remember-other-frame with org-capture?]] + +*** BUG org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs]] + +*** WAITING capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:16] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Bug: capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4)]] + +** Clocking + +*** BUG Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:19] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly]] + +*** TODO No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’ :contrib: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:12] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau][(O) No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’]] + +*** IDEA Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:40] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'?]] + +** Documentation +*** IDEA packaging org-mode & worg + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][packaging org-mode & worg ]] + +*** IDEA Create better function and variable index in the manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:26] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) Command names are now in the manual]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +A suggestion for a possible(?) improvement: the "O" section of the +function index (and I imagine the variable index as well) is pretty +crowded :-). I wonder if texinfo has any facilities to break it up, +perhaps according to the first letter after the first dash. +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Page numbering in manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:07] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Page numbering in manual]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY `org-agenda-tags-column' missing in documentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 16:28] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Re: Tags position in regular agenda view?]] + +** Exporting +*** IDEA Google CL and org-mode + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Google CL and org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have a question regarding the recent announcement of the Google +Command Line project (http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/). + +I was wondering if there are plans to integrate support for calendar +synchronization between Google and org-mode using this tool. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:46] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas][Re: (PATCH) org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request]] +*** IDEA Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2 +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-27 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom][Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2]] + +*** WISH Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +One suggestion, then... why not just have a nice list of all possible +ATTR_LaTeX options? I have killed myself before looking for a simplified +list. Maybe even just common ones since perhaps any LaTeX option may be +passed? +#+END_QUOTE + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +*** WISH pretty export of tags + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca][pretty export of tags]] +*** WISH Allow skipping of levels in LaTeX export +**** latex export - skipping lvls breaks export + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][latex export - skipping lvls breaks export]] + +**** Even if skipped headline levels are not allowed, exporter shouldn't drop out-of-level headlines silently + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:14025%2E1279898870%40maps +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/14025%2E1279898870%40maps][Bug: possible bug in latex export (7.01trans (release_6.36.735.g15ca.dirty))]] +*** WISH fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede][fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export]] +*** WISH iCal export and complex diary sexps + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][iCal export and complex diary sexps]] +*** WISH Seemless editing of Babel Blocks :Babel: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Seemless editing of Babel Blocks]] +*** WISH Captions for source code +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][Captions for source code]] +*** WISH user control of source block header line exporting formats :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:59] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][user control of source block header line exporting formats]] +*** WISH Add timestamp keyword specific CSS class +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:24] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][How to distinguish timestamps in CSS?]] + +*** WISH query - org-emphasis-regexp-components +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:31] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][query - org-emphasis-regexp-components]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I was writing a document with Python code in it and I found a minor problem. +There's no way to put a piece of code like s="Hello World" as verbatim +or code in my document. + +~s="Hello World"~ doesn't work because the border in +org-emphasis-regexp-components doesn't allow " or '. I'm not sure why +this is in place. Can this be removed, or have they been put in for a +specific reason, that I can't see? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time. :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg][(PATCH) Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time.]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export of emphasized link + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :END: +**** INCONSISTENCY inconsistency + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:12] + :END: + emphasized link supported: + - Emacs faces shown in org-mode buffer itself + - export to LaTeX + - [...] + emphasized link not supported: + - export to HTML + - export to DocBook + - export to XOXO + - [...] + this question is still open: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +*** INCONSISTENCY org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:46] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY hlevel in org-export-region-as-html +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:56] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug? hlevel in org-export-region-as-html]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:38] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug) export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Bug: void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans)]] + +*** BUG latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom][latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis]] +*** BUG Org beamer export bugs + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org beamer export bugs]] + +*** BUG html export, latex fragments and emphasize +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:40] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: html export, latex fragments and emphasize]] + +*** BUG LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain][Bug: LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML]] + + - ngz :: since mathjax, should we still consider it as a bug? Is + is even reproducible? [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** DECLINED Org Mode Latex Export Customization of org-export-latex-emphasis-alist + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org Mode Latex Export Customization of + org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + + There is not really anything to be done here, not enough characters + for all those extra emphasis things. + +*** DECLINED Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:59] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:20] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output?]] + +*** DECLINED Combination of =code= and Description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:02] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom][Combination of =code= and Description]] + - ngz :: This is a LaTeX limitation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** BUG eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom][eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) ]] + +Nick Dokos did a good first analysis of the problem [[http://mid.gmane.org/26738%2E1292194633%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][here]]. + +*** INCONSISTENCY Question: How to insert different background images on different frames +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-beamer) Question: How to insert different background images on different frames]] + +*** WISH Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:52] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede][(PATCH) Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY iCalendar selective export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 12:00] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][iCalendar selective export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inconsistencies in email and author export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:52] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli][Inconsistencies in email and author export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY HTML export and absolute file names +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:55] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-03-06 So 19:51]--[2011-03-06 So 21:05] => 1:14 +:END: + [2011-02-24 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][HTML export and absolute file names]] + +*** BUG italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:29] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working]] + +*** TODO HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:31] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image]] + +*** TODO Bug in latex export of <> + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:33] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo][(O) Bug in latex export of <>]] + +*** BUG _<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:37] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][_<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly]] + +*** WISH org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:02] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG) org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used]] + +*** BUG modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:40] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(O) Feature request: modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters]] + +*** TODO HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:44] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV]] + +*** WISH Images in included files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:22] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Images in included files]] + +** Links +*** TODO Document the character protection in links + I don't think this is really covered anywhere. + Maybe we also should protect characters in the visible part, to + make sure thing will never be on two lines...? + +*** IDEA Find all links to a specific file + +*** IDEA Resolve links on export + +**** Example: Make info HTML links work for links to Info files + +Info links of course only work inside Emacs. However, many info +documents are on the web, so the HTML exporter could try to be smart +and convert an Info link into the corresponding link on the web. For +example, we could use the GNU software site then Name.HTML. Here is +the link to be used: +http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/ Another question +is, is this URL going to be stable so that it makes sense to actually +put this into org.el? + +*** IDEA Mailcap support of Org file links + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Choosing external app at runtime?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I follow a link, Org mode knows what application to use. Except +that sometimes I want to override that choice. + +For example, I have a collection of PDF files. Mostly I want to open +them in my statically configured PDF viewer, which is fine. But +sometimes I want to open one in Xournal, say, to annotate it. + +My mail client Wanderlust will ask me in cases like this: if multiple +mailcap entries match, I get to choose when opening the attachment. + +Any chance we could do a similar thing in Org mode? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Dereference file links on export or open + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is "scpc" in the line above a transport protocol? Maybe this should be +an org-mode wide features, i.e. the ability to resolve remote file +references with C-c C-o and on export. Does that sound reasonable, and +would it take care of the need in this particular case? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Radio targets across files + I guess each org file could write a .orgtargets.filename file, if + it has any radio targets. + +*** INCONSISTENCY image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c]] + - ngz :: still valid as of [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-store-link only works interactively (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:47] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org-store-link only works interactively (7.4)]] + - ngz :: no clear answer yet. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Problem opening links that span more than one line + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][(O) Problem opening links that span more than one line]] + +*** TODO absolute HTML links + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:03] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][(O) absolute HTML links]] + +*** IDEA org-git-link does not support locational information within file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:47] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat][org-git-link does not support locational information within file]] + +** Miscellaneous Stuff +*** TODO Use the new argument of bibtex-url + Roland Winkler was kind enough to implement a new argument to the + `bibtex-url' command that allows me to retrieve the corresponding + URL, whether it is taken from a URL field or constructed in some + clever way. Currently I am not using this, because too many + people use an old Emacs version which does not have this. + however, eventually I will implement this. + +*** TODO grep on directory does not yet work. + I am actually not sure, I might have addressed this already, but + my memory is failing me. Needs some checking. +*** IDEA Do we need a 43 folders implementation? + That could easily be done in an org-mode file. But then, maybe + this should really be a paper thing. + +*** IDEA Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files) + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files)]] +**** AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg][AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group]] +**** sharing Org-mode files for collaboration + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet][sharing Org-mode files for collaboration]] +*** IDEA (PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy :Patch: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy]] + + - ??? :: Waiting for FSF copyright assignment. + + - ngz :: According to the list of contributors, papers are signed, + but it doesn't look like this patch has been applied to + code base. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** IDEA Does Org-mode need to be position aware? + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom][Does Org-mode need to be position aware?]] +*** IDEA (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I guess, the manual maintainers do NOT have to be experts in both +org-mode resp. org-babel nore they have to be experts in the supported +language. Its more about the kind of standard stuff and maybe, to +complex stuff even scare people. More things like "How to create a +measurement protocol with org-babel and python", How to evaluate and +report data analysis with org-babel and R", etc. + +To make it more easy for both the readers and the maintainers a kind of +template for such manuals might be helpful. This would help to find the +same information at the same locations and make a comparison e.g. +between the use of R and python possible. + +I'am not an expert for both org-* and python and I'm often very limited +in time. However, I would try to maintain a "python and org-babel" manual. + +If there are more people who are interested to act as a kind of manual +maintainers I would like to discuss with you how a template might look like. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Code block switches buffer-wide? + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Code block switches buffer-wide?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I would like to include the -n code block switch (number lines) into all my +code blocks in a buffer. Is there a way to define a kind of buffer-wide +switches, like it is with the #+BABEL keyword for header arguments? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment]] +*** IDEA Make .org-id-locations non-hidden directory above .emacs.d + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][org-mobile produces errors in normal org functions]] +*** IDEA can you require a certain template with lognotedone? + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg][can you require a certain template with lognotedone?]] +*** IDEA Feature-Ideas +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal][Feature-Ideas]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have severel ideas about new features that I want to share. My +knowledge with lisp and the coding of the org-structure is bad so far, +so I can't try to contribute a patch. + +- 1. *Alias - Trees* + + When I work on projects, I often want to /reference to a certain + other heading/. It would be great to do this not just with links, + but /with an alias/. + + I think of trees, that show up and can be in the current tree as if + they were a subtree, but really are at another position in the + current or a different file. + + This concept would also allow seperate versioning and merging of + external generated content into the current file. ( I e.g. think of + summaries of text in the scientific context. ) + +- 2. More flexible *Colouring for categories*, tags, ... + +It would be great to have the /opportunity to define individual faces +for different categories, tags/ , ... . + +- 3. Implementation of *hourly/minutely reference*. + +It would be useful to be able to schedule something to repeat every 12 +or 6 hours or in 22 minutes. It would also be useful, to have the +opportunity to associate asynchronous shell scripts with individual +scheduled events. + +- 4. *Exclude certain days from Timeline* + + The opportunity to /give/ whole days the status // . That would mean, that when I fire up the + /Timeline/ for a current file (L), certain days are /show/ with a + message "/day is planned for project /. in a certain project + specific project. + + It would also be useful to have a keycommand in the /Timeline/ to + /switch other files on showing them in gray/. + +- 5. *Manually timeclock certain Headings* + + I would love to have a commands that can change the clocktime of not + running headings or insert new clocktimes into the current heading. + E.g. like this: + + Change the clocktime of : + (s) change last timeclock and keep the Start time. -> How long did it last? + (e) change last timeclock and keep the End time -> How long did it last? + (# C-u offset to change the #n last timeclock) + (a) add new timeclock -> Ask for Start and End. (with opportunity to specify the END relative) + +- 6. *Expand timestamps to include locations* + + e.g. Special timestamp-commands that + also ask for places and presents a list of all places of all projects + to choose from. + +- 7. *More complex timeclock-reports* + + Is anyone working on a more comprehensive way of giving visual + feedback and analysing the data of the timeclock-feature. (What have + I done the last month? How many time has gone to which project / + etc.) I am a relatively known [[http://cran.r-project.org/][GNU R]] user and could contribute code + for analysis of time usage / plotting complex more diagrams in + R. Allthough I am not very used to the export mechanisms in + Orgmode. Does anyone like to cooperate? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA text color + highlight +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:47] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][text color + highlight]] + +*** IDEA hiding PROPERTIES line +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "WISH" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hiding PROPERTIES line]] + +*** IDEA camel.el, for CamelCase links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +*** IDEA (ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne]] + +**** DECLINED Drill mode for org-learn +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Drill mode for org-learn]] + +[2010-08-01 So] Superseded by [[id:mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg%5D%5B%28ANN%29%20Org%2DDrill%3A%20Interactive%20revision%20a%20la%20Anki%2FMnemosyne%5D%5D + +*** IDEA Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress)]] +*** IDEA notmuch support for org-mode? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:25] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][notmuch support for org-mode?]] + +*** IDEA Email from org? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Email from org?]] + +*** IDEA Adding entries to Google calendar +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Adding entries to Google calendar]] + +*** IDEA Org mode and geo information +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:49] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Advice needed. Use links or blocks?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +the attached file fetches background tiles from openstreetmap.org for +me, and produces SVG images of tracks I ran. Unfortunately, I cannot +find a good way to use that code in an automated way. + +What I'd like to do, is to have the coords in my training diary, and +produce the images on demand. When I publish the diary to HTML, I want +the coords to be replaced with a link to the image. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA dynamically calculated timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:04] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][dynamically calculated timestamps?]] + +*** IDEA Org-mode Epic Win RPG +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:18] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode Epic Win RPG]] + +*** IDEA org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata]] + +*** IDEA Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience]] + +*** IDEA arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond]] + +*** IDEA output of shell command in agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][output of shell command in agenda]] + +*** WISH Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified" + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified"]] +*** WISH Estimate ranges in column view :Patch: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Estimate ranges in column view]] + +*** WISH Provide property API function to append to a property + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Re: org-capture question/suggestion]] +*** WISH New CSS for orgmode and Worg ? + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][New CSS for orgmode and Worg ?]] +*** WISH Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01)]] +*** WISH Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:53] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active]] +*** WISH Move attachments when refiling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com][Bug Report: refile and attachments]] +*** DECLINED Feature Request for new capture feature +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com][Feature Request for new capture feature]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +would it be possible to have a "C-u C-c C-w" that completes the +capture and switches to the target buffer? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH fractional hours for timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][fractional hours for timestamps?]] + +*** WISH Error running ditaa +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error running ditaa]] + +#+begin_quote +When running ditaa on Linux fedora 12 through java, I get the following +errors: + +java -jar /usr/share/java/ditaa.jar -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V +blue_fd02b5c06d6a5cb80eaf27098c3c490dc81326ce.png +Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on +Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: +org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException +Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: +org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException + at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217) + at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) + at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:319) + at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:264) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:332) +Could not find the main class: +org.stathissideris.ascii2image.core.CommandLineConverter. Program will exit. + +This can be taken care of by using the shell script that comes with ditaa, +i.e.: + +ditaa -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V + +But to do this from within emacs I need to patch org-exp-blocks.el as +follows: + +- (unless (file-exists-p org-ditaa-jar-path) +- (error (format "Could not find ditaa.jar at %s" org-ditaa-jar-path))) +: +- (message (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file)) +- (shell-command (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file))) ++ (message (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file)) ++ (shell-command (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file))) + +(You also need to erase the checking for the existance of dita.jar) + +Wouldn't it make more sense to replace the variable org-ditaa-jar-path with +a new variable org-ditaa-command that by default contains "java -jar +/old/value/of/org-ditaa-jar-path"? This would allow replacing it with a +shell script. Would a patch be accepted, or do you prefer to remain backward +compatible? + +On a related question. Since there is quite a lot of common code between +org-export-blocks-format-dot and org-export-blocks-format-ditaa (especially +if my patch is accepted), wouldn't it make sense to create a +org-export-blocks-format-meta that take all the differences between the +various export-blocks as parameters? This would simplify adding additional +org-export-blocks. +#+end_quote +*** INCONSISTENCY Stack overflow in regexp matcher +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Stack overflow in regexp matcher]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inherited properties not saved when archiving +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:59] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][saving property values when archiving]] +*** BUG gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom][gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I think the problem is org-plot doesn't +recognise that when plotting with error bars, gnuplot expects more than +two columns of data. So a command like this should be sent to gnuplot, +#+END_QUOTE +*** WAITING TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu. +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 02:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu.]] + - ngz :: solution under discussion. [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** BUG In-buffer completion +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Accepted) Re: In-buffer completion]] + + - ngz :: bug still active on [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** DECLINED (BUG) org remember broken + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][(BUG) org remember broken]] + +org-capure is now the default, I don't think we need to fix remember +bugs anymore. + +*** DECLINED Insert ellipsis if headline is too long + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][headline is too long]] + This would be too confusing when compared with folded entries, so I + do not think this feature should be implemented. + +*** DECLINED Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space? + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space?]] + + Closed for now, no useful feedback from report author, probably not + caused by Org mode. +*** DECLINED Gollum + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Gollum]] + +*** Priorities + Here is some information about priorities, which is not yet + documented. Actually, I am not sur if the list here is correct + either +**** QUOTE Priorities + TODO entries: 1 or 1,2,... + DEADLINE is 10-ddays, i.e. it is 10 on the due day + i.e. it goes above top todo stuff 7 days + before due + SCHEDULED is 5-ddays, i.e. it is 5 on the due date + i.e. it goes above top todo on the due day + TIMESTAMP is 0 i.e. always at bottom + but as a deadline it is 100 + but if scheduled it is 99 + TIMERANGE is 0 i.e. always at bottom + DIARY is 0 i.e. always at bottom + + Priority * 1000 + +*** INCONSISTENCY xemacs error when calling org-install :Xemacs: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:43] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-01-02 So 17:33]--[2011-01-02 So 18:02] => 0:29 +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom][xemacs error when calling org-install]] + +The autoloads in org-install.el are +generated by the Makefile (i.e. make org-install.el). The stable +version of Org mode ships with a pre-generated org-install.el and +without recreating this file with Xemacs it won't run. + +The =custom-autoload= is created only once for ob-tangle.el: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;;;###autoload + (defcustom org-babel-tangle-lang-exts + '(("emacs-lisp" . "el")) + "Alist mapping languages to their file extensions. + The key is the language name, the value is the string that should + be inserted as the extension commonly used to identify files + written in this language. If no entry is found in this list, + then the name of the language is used." + :group 'org-babel-tangle + :type '(repeat + (cons + (string "Language name") + (string "File Extension")))) +#+end_src + +As this the autoload directive was added deliberately I suppose there +was a reason for this to be there: If this is the case, there seems +not very much we can do about this. The autoload generating function +in =autoloads.el= always creates a call to custom-autoload with a +third argument. + +*** TODO Review packages in contrib directory + [2010-12-19 So] + +Byte-compiling indicates problems with some packages (e.g. references +to unbound symbols). The review process will single out the problems +for every package in contrib and steps necessary to fix them. + +**** make failure (7.3) + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: make failure (7.3)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:27] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab]] + +*** BUG org-add-note not working with winner-mode + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:22] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][Re: (O) org-add-note not working with winner-mode]] + +*** BUG regexp link on windows problem + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:30] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl][(O) regexp link on windows problem]] +*** TODO EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files :Mobile:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:46] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg][(O) Bug: EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files (7.5 (release_7.5.147.g9ddc))]] + +*** TODO org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:41] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom][(O) org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal)]] + + - ngz :: should we generalize the setup proposed by Julien, or + will we keep the warning? + +** Publishing + +*** TODO project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:17] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (bug) project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html]] + +** Structure +*** TODO Get rid of all the \r instances, which were used only for XEmacs. +*** WISH Create unique clocktable links + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede][Bug: clocktable :link often jumps to wrong target (6.36c)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +: Links created by clocktable :link are simple "text search" links. +: Therefore, they often hit the wrong target. +: +: For example, I used to have multiple clocktables at the beginning of my +: file: first a daily summary, then a weekly one, then a complete one, +: i.e. following clocktables summarized supersets of preceding ones. +: Therefore, most of the time I clicked a link in the first clocktable, +: the next "text search" target was the occurrence of the same task in the +: second clocktable, whereas clicking that link in the second clocktable +: would take me back into the first. +: +: I have been able to partly work around that by moving the clocktables to +: the end of the file, as the search always seems to start at the +: beginning of the file. Nevertheless, when I have two tasks "foobar" and +: "foo", occurring in that order in the file, clicking on the [[foo]] +: link in the clocktable takes me to the "foobar" task, as that has a +: "foo" substring and occurs first in the file. +: +: I would like clocktable to generate links that uniquely link to the task +: from which the particular clocktable entry has been generated. (I'd +: even be willing to assign CUSTOM_ID properties for that purpose, +: i.e. clocktable could take them into account for creating links, when +: they exist.) But the best solution would IMHO be a truly unique +: identification, e.g. by some XPath-like path, e.g. /1/2/3 for the 3rd +: subtask of the 2nd subtask of the 1st top-level task. (Sure, that order +: will be invalidated when I change my task list, but, so what, then I +: would be willing to recompute the clocktable before using links.) +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation]] + +*** WISH org-hide-entry +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-hide-entry]] + +*** IDEA Improving org-goto isearch +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:25] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Improving org-goto isearch]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY excessive blank lines in archives +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:34] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][excessive blank lines in archives]] + +*** WISH Quick note about subtree copy and paste +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:45] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo][Quick note about subtree copy and paste]] + +#+begin_quote +I get the point, but the current presentation is unnecessarily +confusing. I was just /copying/ --- there was no time shifting +involved, so when I look at them menu and see "copy" and "clone with +time shift," it is "copy" that's what I naturally do. + +Actually, as I look at the manual I see: + +`C-c C-x c' (`org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift') + Clone a subtree by making a number of sibling copies of it. You + will be prompted for the number of copies to make, and you can + also specify if any timestamps in the entry should be shifted. + This can be useful, for example, to create a number of tasks + related to a series of lectures to prepare. For more details, see + the docstring of the command `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift'. + +There's nothing there to even remotely suggest to me that this is going +to Do The Right Thing about properties. It's all about dates and +time-shifting. It may /happen/ to do the right thing with properties, +but it sure doesn't /say/ that it will. The ID property is mentioned +only in the interactive docstring, and pretty deeply down. + +I'd like to make a somewhat radical suggestion: + +If cloning is the primary option, and more safe than copy --- i.e., if +copy is "this is the primitive operation that you should only do if you +know what you are doing, because it might corrupt data," then I would +argue that it's CLONE that should be bound to C-c C-x M-y --- the +standard emacs keybinding I'm going to go to first --- and COPY should +be demoted to the less-familiar alternative. + +This assumes that the answer to "Is there any case where I should do +copy and /not/ prefer clone?" is "no." + +But I'm not sure that's the case. They clone doesn't do the same thing +to the cut buffer as copy, does it? e.g., I don't use clone to make a +copy of a subtree from file A into file B. + +Even more radical suggestion: + +So maybe the right answer is not to ask us to use clone all the time, +but that COPY and PASTE should be fixed to Do The Right Thing with the +ID property. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Feature request: Select links by description (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:32] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request: Select links by description (7.4)]] + +#+begin_quote +When using org-insert-link, it would be far better for me to have it +show me the _descriptions_ of links (the default link text), rather +than showing me the links themselves. This is especially true of +email links, which are generally long and unintelligible by +themselves. + +I have something set up that stores a link to every email I send, so I +can easily link to follow-ups in my active Org items. As a result, I +end up with *lots* of stored links, which makes this a real struggle. +#+end_quote + +*** IDEA outline path in links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][outline path in links]] + +*** TODO goto does not accept remote references for local targets + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:12] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) goto does not accept remote references for local targets]] + +*** DECLINED Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:51] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70))]] + +#+begin_quote cite=[[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/36063][Re: Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70)]] +Org-mode used line-profix properties to add indentation, and +linum mode uses before-string properties of overlays to add +line numbers. Both these features add text at display time, +but apparently not in an entirely predictable way. I have no +idea it it is possible to make both work without any gliches. +If anything, this would be a bug report to Emacs, I think. + +The "other issue" is an artefact of Org using an idle time +to update indentation properties. Here my suggestion +would be to ignore the issue and live with it. +#+end_quote + +**** WAITING Provide customization variable for formula that calculates indentation level +:LOGBOOK: + - State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:25] + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + + +** Tables + +*** BUG bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:02] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags]] + +*** BUG $0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special' +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:36] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][$0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special']] + +#+begin_quote +According to [ (info "(org) Formula syntax for Calc") ], $0 +references the current cell. Pressing C-c C-c on the #+TBLFM line +below does indeed work, but C-c ' (`org-edit-special') changes the +$0 reference into a single ampersand (&). Is this a bug? +#+end_quote + +*** BUG Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:06] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) Bug: Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24))]] + +*** WISH org-table formulas with missing values +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:41] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][org-table formulas with missing values]] + +#+begin_quote +I could write 'nan' instead of leaving a blank, and use the string in +the formula, but this causes errors. + +But calc does know the concept of nan: "The variables `inf', `uinf', and +`nan' stand for infinite or indeterminate values. It's best not to use +them as regular variables, since Calc uses special algebraic rules when +it manipulates them. Calc displays a warning message if you store a +value into any of these special variables." + +I'm not sure how to use that nan variable in tables and formulas - it +seems not to be recognized. +#+end_quote + +** Testing framework + +*** TODO Testing --- again... +:LOGBOOK: +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Testing --- again...]] + +*** (Dev) Org-mode Test Framework + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(Dev) Org-mode Test Framework]] + +* Other +** Pretty icons in org buffers +** literate Lisp games development questions :Babel: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) literate Lisp games development questions]] +** Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:FB977E9C%2D6ABC%2D4B05%2DA58A%2DC2E96B841451%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/FB977E9C-6ABC-4B05-A58A-C2E96B841451%40gmail.com][Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla]] +** For Org-mode on the go? + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][For Org-mode on the go?]] +** [babel] grid-based R graphical output with :results value + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) grid-based R graphical output with :results value]] +** Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files]] + +** org-decrypt-to-kill-ring + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM][org-decrypt-to-kill-ring]] + +** DECLINED contributing Debian build scripts + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][contributing Debian build scripts]] + +Mark Hershberger is going to use an automatic process on launchpad +instead to make regular package builds. + +** hypermedia programming with babel + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hypermedia programming with babel]] +** org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress]] +** Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry]] +** publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf]] +** (OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs]] +** info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org]] + +** (ANN) org-protocol-httpd + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet][(ANN) org-protocol-httpd]] +** Tracking finances with Babel :Babel: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom][Tracking finances with Babel]] +** ErgoEmacs + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ErgoEmacs]] +** ReStructured Text table exporter + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ReStructured Text table exporter]] + +** Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede][Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org]] + +** OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info) + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info)]] + +** (ANN) Symorg + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(ANN) Symorg]] +** Indentation in html tables + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Indentation in html tables]] +** Inline image display and Emacs 22 + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Inline image display and Emacs 22]] + +** A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list]] + +** Org-mode screencasts + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode screencasts]] + +** Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review]] + +** ELPA Howto + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ELPA Howto]] + +** TODO New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:13] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom][(O) New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el]] + +* Closed issues :noexport: +** DONE string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:13] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wklkkk%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wklkkk.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5))]] +** DONE Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:14] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aarolk5y%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aarolk5y.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539))]] +** DONE [babel] possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer? :Babel: + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFDB5CE%2E3010600%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFDB5CE.3010600%40ccbr.umn.edu][(babel) possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer?]] + + this has now been fixed, see + - message :: [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/25720]] + - commit :: 5d52daab1029e43b97ccb16cfac998536d8c8924 +** DONE org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFE02FE%2E5050704%40globaledgesoft%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFE02FE.5050704%40globaledgesoft.com][org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp]] +** DONE Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file? + CLOSED: [2010-05-27 Thu 16:51] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vdacp1hi%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vdacp1hi.fsf%40thinkpad.tsdh.de][Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file?]] + + My path was committed with commit 54d513ee0c90f9864bbd39044d9dfbc4f1619513. +** DONE Aquamacs and latest org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:14] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail.gmail.com][Aquamacs and latest org-mode]] +** DONE Error when trying to push to Worg repo +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:15] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Error when trying to push to Worg repo]] +** DONE Export to html +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom][Export to html]] +** DONE Simple Literate Programming Example +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Simple Literate Programming Example]] +** DONE Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures... +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:27] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0%2DiJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS%5F7sI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0-iJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS_7sI%40mail.gmail.com][Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +** DONE bug: remember id agenda +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:33] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: remember id agenda]] +** DONE html export +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:37] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE export of emphasized link + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +** DONE byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event]] +** DONE use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:00] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100526162001%2EGA32657%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100526162001.GA32657%40soloJazz.com][use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap]] + +** DONE Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ... :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:01] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ...]] +** DONE buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:07] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments]] +** DONE [Patch] file protocol in HTML links +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:24] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkznkn2p%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkznkn2p.fsf%40gmx.de][Re: (Patch) file protocol in HTML links]] +** DONE Possible html publish inline image bug + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible html publish inline image bug]] +** DONE org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug? +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:09] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug?]] +** DONE problem with remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:10] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu][problem with remember template]] +** DONE plain list - line spacing +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:15] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][plain list - line spacing]] +** DONE How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21? +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno][How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21?]] +** DONE feature request: C-k safety +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][feature request: C-k safety]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ [6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty)] :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ (6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty))]] +** DONE [babel] Questions about export and :var. Possible bug. :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Questions about export and :var. Possible bug.]] +** DONE Something ate my timestamps +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:11] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Something ate my timestamps]] +** DONE Problem with pushing to webdav server [6.35g] +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:15] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede][Problem with pushing to webdav server (6.35g)]] +** DONE Export question +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:46] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFB3F6B%2E3040606%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFB3F6B.3040606%40sift.info][Export question]] + +** DONE Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly) +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:49] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet][Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly)]] +** DONE Exporting HTML to MS Word +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:50] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][Exporting HTML to MS Word]] +** DONE entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:04] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer]] +** DONE iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp [6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378)] +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:05] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp (6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378))]] +** DONE automatic line wrap +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom][automatic line wrap]] +** DONE mailto:abc@xyz.org +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mailto:abc@xyz.org]] +** DONE clocktable and :tags +CLOSED: [2010-06-07 Mo 12:10] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-07 Mo 12:13 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clocktable and :tags]] +** DONE MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:38] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail.gmail.com][MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed]] +** DONE Why I can't publish my project under Windows? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why I can't publish my project under Windows?]] +** DONE how to upgrade org-mode version? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to upgrade org-mode version?]] +** DONE Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Bug: Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks]] +** DONE org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar) +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar)]] +** DONE Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz][Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon]] +** DONE How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:41] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file?]] +** DONE Timestamp format questions +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:44] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede][Timestamp format questions]] +** DONE Question about beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:46] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo][Question about beamer export]] +** DONE simultaneous clocks? +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][simultaneous clocks? ]] +** DONE visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom][visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer]] +** DECLINED org-remember and anything + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][org-remember and anything]] + I am turning this one off, because we now use org-capture.el, and I + am not sure if the issue plays a role there. +** DONE Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00 +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:20] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00]] +** DONE language independent personal word list +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:29] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][language independent personal word list]] +** DONE 2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:30] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files]] +** DONE Toggle a repeating task in DONE state +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:32] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Toggle a repeating task in DONE state]] +** DONE Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments? +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:05] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments?]] +** DONE org-plot file export options +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-plot file export options]] +** DONE sup-mail link +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain][sup-mail link]] +** DONE table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=) +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:14] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=)]] +** DONE (org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:15] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF]] +** DONE any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:47] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure?]] +** DONE (OT) emacs-lisp compilation question +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:49] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(OT) emacs-lisp compilation question]] + + - Closed :: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs-en/ElispCompilerWarnings + + Function was used before declaration. +** DONE (PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files]] +** DONE preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg][preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling?]] +** DONE (PATCH) comments exporting :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:58] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) comments exporting]] +** DONE Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 08:03] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo]] +** DONE add a table entry by org-remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:26] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][add a table entry by org-remember template]] +** DONE Multiple TODO states +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:27] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple TODO states]] +** DONE Both todo and tag search +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:29] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Both todo and tag search]] + +** DONE Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html? +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:30] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6f7hqrx%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6f7hqrx.fsf%40ymail.com][Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html?]] +** DONE [babel] writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient]] +** DONE Hash mark in filled paragraphs +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu][Hash mark in filled paragraphs]] +** DONE Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 16:06] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el]] + + - Solved :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzoocdt%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Re: How to setup w3m-el as a default browser on GNU system?]] +** DECLINED Entries title in agenda view + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Entries title in agenda view]] + + We are not going to add the hierarchy. On the mailing list there + were answers showing possible alternatives using CATEGORY for + example. +** DONE version of Org used for Worg + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][version of Org used for Worg]] + The bleeding edge version is used to publish Worg - but only when a + file changes it will actually be republished. +** DONE (PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes in multiples of rounding time + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes + in multiples of rounding time]] + A modified patch has been checked in. +** DECLINED Writing the words in different color + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing the words in different color]] + I do not think that this is a useful addition. The user can + configure it with emphasis if needed. (- Carsten) +** DONE Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda) +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:47] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][ Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda)]] +** DONE Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:49] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings]] +** DONE Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:51] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords]] + +** DONE how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:57] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc][how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format]] +** DONE day-agenda: show whole-day-events first +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:12] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][day-agenda: show whole-day-events first]] +** DONE Agenda is slow because of vc-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:13] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda is slow because of vc-mode]] +** DONE questions about html export +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:22] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about html export]] +** DONE Keeping agenda window + CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Tue 19:22] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom][Keeping agenda window]] + - OP was looking for TAB (see [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hm0ic2q.fsf@dasa3.iem.pw.edu.pl][this]] and [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc8im57.fsf@fastmail.fm][this]] post). +** DONE `org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:30] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][`org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline]] +** DONE agenda views +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:33] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][agenda views]] +** DONE keeping uptodate? +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:37] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][keeping uptodate?]] +** DONE Checkboxes in Agenda +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:38] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Checkboxes in Agenda]] +** DONE Possible bug in ordered tasks +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + THis bug was caused by the interpretation of the string "nil" as a + non-nil value - a special case now fixes this. + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo][Possible bug in ordered tasks]] +** DONE Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c)) + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet][Bug: Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c))]] + This issue is resolved with the answers in the thread. +** DONE (BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export]] + Bug has been fixed. +** DONE (patch) filing under current clocked item +CLOSED: [2010-06-26 Sa 08:33] + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(patch) filing under current clocked item]] +** DONE Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:49] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python]] +** DONE Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:50] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list]] +** DONE habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:22] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string]] +** DONE mixing emphasis fails +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:23] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede][mixing emphasis fails]] +** DONE correction to orgtbl-to-html description :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:24] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][correction to orgtbl-to-html description]] +** DONE howto open attachment directory in external program? +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:39] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 10:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][howto open attachment directory in external program?]] +** DONE org-mode stopped compiling recently :Babel: + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode stopped compiling recently]] + Fixed, through a patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE org-iswitchb documentation + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20386%2E1277720390%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20386%2E1277720390%40maps][org-iswitchb documentation]] + The patch has been applied in a modified way, and the + functionality of org-iswitchb fixed so that it works by default. +** DONE Bug in latest version? + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in latest version?]] + Bug was due to changes in the constant entities, bug fixed by + checking elements in the list before using them. +** DONE Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 14:16] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus ]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R? +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:34] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R?]] +** DONE contrib/README +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:36] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3619%2E1277974892%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3619%2E1277974892%40maps][contrib/README]] +** DONE New to org-capture (and org-remember) +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 22:00] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6731%2E1277998108%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6731%2E1277998108%40maps][New to org-capture (and org-remember)]] +** DONE (BABEL) reload source code file after tangling? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) reload source code file after tangling?]] +** DONE problem in highlighting fields in a remote table +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][problem in highlighting fields in a remote table]] +** DONE Make distfile error +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Make distfile error]] +** DONE Bug in timeline report +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:41] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in timeline report]] +** DONE (babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document?]] +** DONE org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e))]] +** DONE Problem export to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem export to html]] +** DONE org-capture: Formatting of entries +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: Formatting of entries]] +** DONE Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda]] +** DONE Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist]] +** DONE mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums" +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums"]] +** DONE (no subject) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(no subject)]] +** DONE LaTeX export works but not in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][LaTeX export works but not in HTML]] +** DONE inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:47] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el)]] +** DONE *.bak files in trunk? +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.bak files in trunk?]] +** DONE Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree]] +** DONE Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent]] +** DONE org-babel and emacs init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel and emacs init]] +** DONE Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:50] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink]] + +** DONE Headline and numbered plain list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:51] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Headline and numbered plain list]] +** DONE magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance]] +** DONE complex filters in agenda view +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:55] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][complex filters in agenda view]] +** DONE a better way with babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:03] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau][a better way with babel]] +** DONE (PATCH) orphaned captions and labels :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) orphaned captions and labels]] +** DONE (babel) exports, caching, remote execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] +** DONE Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list]] +** DONE MobileOrg - no NEW state :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl][MobileOrg - no NEW state]] + +** DECLINED Org ident destroys special fontification of inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] \\ + Duplicate. +:END: +:PROPERTIES: +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +2. org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask in two ways + + i) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's +leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is set to +nil + + ii) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented +as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the indentation +should ideally return to what it was before the inline task. Of +course, this is also a problem when org-indent is turned off, if you +try to automatically hard-indent using TAB. However, in that case you +can adjust by hand the indentation of the first line after the inline +task, and then all the following lines will indent correctly. With +org-indent the problem is much worse since there is no way of +adjusting the soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE (require 'cl) seems not to be compiled +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom][(require 'cl) seems not to be compiled]] +** DONE capture template: %& and %! +CLOSED: [2010-07-05 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][capture template: %& and %!]] +** DONE "Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color" +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 20:51] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg]["Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color"]] +** DONE (BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:13] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output?]] +** DONE org-log-done +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:17] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom][org-log-done]] +** DONE (BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:20] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not]] +** DONE CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:26] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:29] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring?]] +** DONE Export of latex source to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export of latex source to html]] +** DONE Columns with LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:44] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Columns with LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:46] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]] +** DONE Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:47] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB]] +** DONE patch for org mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:12476%2E1278319281%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/12476%2E1278319281%40maps][patch for org mode]] +** DONE Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbke16m8%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting an image to latex]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I did some git bisection, and the last working version is commit +3b5351c7da59da3685f8233c252b1506166d35f3, so it seems Eric's commit +5edefbba269db8e717bd2b40778786b08af3f7a1 introduced the bug. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:50] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg][tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks]] +** DONE No subscript when exporting +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:56] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom][No subscript when exporting]] +** DONE logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:57] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Org+table.el = mutli line cells? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:05] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org+table.el = mutli line cells?]] +** DONE (PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:06] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom][(PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el]] +** DONE org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom][org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question]] +** DONE (BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others]] +** DONE (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:13] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] +** DONE Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-12 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-12 Mo 17:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda]] +** DONE (PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template +CLOSED: [2010-07-14 Mi 20:59] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet][(PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template]] +** DONE cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs]] +** DONE programming for org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom][programming for org-mode]] +** DONE \nbsp usage +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][\nbsp usage]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another]] +** DONE Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE (babel) report name of source block during execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:21] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) report name of source block during execution]] +** DONE footer for latex export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:22] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][footer for latex export]] +** DONE Help: Agenda not working anymore +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Help: Agenda not working anymore]] +** DONE Org-babel init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Org-babel init]] +** DONE how to include time when setting deadlines? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg][how to include time when setting deadlines?]] +** DONE (BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines?]] +** DONE (babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash?]] +** DONE Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX)]] +** DONE Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces]] +** DONE Help installing org-mode on a MAC please? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm][Help installing org-mode on a MAC please?]] +** DONE (babel) key binding requests :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) key binding requests]] +** DONE org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question]] +** DONE How to setup xdg for org-protocol ? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to setup xdg for org-protocol ?]] +** DONE Bib system based on org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][Bib system based on org-mode]] +** DONE org-crypt remember password +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:33] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk][org-crypt remember password]] +** DONE Verbatim export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Verbatim export]] +** DONE Failed to create radio tables +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Failed to create radio tables]] +** DONE longlines-mode (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: longlines-mode (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:45] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar?]] +** DONE LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda?]] +** DONE org-freemind-to-org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][org-freemind-to-org-mode]] +** DONE installing updating Org on other platform +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][installing updating Org on other platform]] +** DONE Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:15] + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3))]] +** DONE possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:17] + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg][possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration)]] + +** User Requests [249/249] +*** CLOSED Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom][Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort]] +*** CLOSED Template for a resume +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Template for a resume]] +*** CLOSED configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom][configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files]] +*** CLOSED jumping in custom agenda view loses settings +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][jumping in custom agenda view loses settings]] +*** CLOSED DAV config for mobileorg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][DAV config for mobileorg]] +*** CLOSED how to sort in the column view? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom][how to sort in the column view?]] +*** CLOSED function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location]] +*** CLOSED indent source blocks automatically when using "indent" :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent source blocks automatically when using "indent"]] +*** CLOSED moving past state changes into logbook drawer? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg][moving past state changes into logbook drawer?]] +*** CLOSED month and day names +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom][month and day names]] +*** CLOSED Multiple files and auto-updating +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple files and auto-updating]] +*** CLOSED (BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ' +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ']] +*** CLOSED Footnote in title? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead][Footnote in title?]] +*** CLOSED must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly?]] +*** CLOSED oddities with ical export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:42] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb%5FgMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb_gMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail.gmail.com][oddities with ical export]] +*** CLOSED (org-BEAMER) block without header +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-BEAMER) block without header]] +*** CLOSED Gnuplot best practice? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot best practice?]] + this link doesn't resolve to an article + +*** CLOSED question about chaining function calls in org-babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2D%2DbVLyjM%5FeQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTin--bVLyjM%5feQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05@mail.gmail.com][question about chaining function calls in org-babel]] + +*** CLOSED how to combine times in clocktable +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to combine times in clocktable]] + +*** CLOSED Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:10] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode?]] + +*** CLOSED Writing a custom export. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:25] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing a custom export.]] + +*** CLOSED Archive Tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:17] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede][Archive Tasks]] + +*** CLOSED R code not producing expected results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg][R code not producing expected results]] + +*** CLOSED trying to get xetex working with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom][trying to get xetex working with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED From todos to tracking +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][From todos to tracking]] + +*** CLOSED how do you extract schedule duration in column-view +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how do you extract schedule duration in column-view]] + +*** CLOSED Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom][Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export?]] + +*** CLOSED (Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells]] + +*** CLOSED Suppressing the ellipsis +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom][Suppressing the ellipsis]] + +*** CLOSED Print / export TODO Tree +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Print / export TODO Tree]] + +*** CLOSED Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name?]] + +*** CLOSED request for comments on org icon theme standards +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][request for comments on org icon theme standards]] + +*** CLOSED how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc.]] + +*** CLOSED Strange error in html exporting +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:29] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Strange error in html exporting]] + +*** CLOSED Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name]] +*** CLOSED row and col spaning in table? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][row and col spaning in table?]] + +*** CLOSED Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:30] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function)]] + +*** CLOSED Mobile mode sync problems :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mobile mode sync problems]] + +*** CLOSED Habit timing +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Habit timing]] + +*** CLOSED Using cdlatex-item within org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:00] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using cdlatex-item within org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED task juggler export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][task juggler export]] + +*** CLOSED Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling]] + +*** CLOSED Full list of org-beamer functionality? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:26] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Full list of org-beamer functionality?]] + +*** CLOSED org-beamer problem +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:27] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer problem]] + +*** CLOSED Effort estimates for multi-day tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:02] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Effort estimates for multi-day tasks]] + +*** CLOSED TeX commands or source code in org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:05] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech][TeX commands or source code in org files]] + +*** CLOSED Average payment rate with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:07] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Average payment rate with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux]] + +*** CLOSED strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom][strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs]] + +*** CLOSED Backspacing into folded items +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Backspacing into folded items]] + +*** CLOSED How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:27] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output]] + +*** CLOSED exec code on task state progression +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "WISH" [2010-09-12 So 14:29] +:END: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:19] + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][exec code on task state progression]] + +*** CLOSED migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration)]] + +*** CLOSED MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope.]] + +*** CLOSED org-link-search: Augment signature? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-link-search: Augment signature?]] + +*** CLOSED Emailing my org file +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:54] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emailing my org file]] + +*** CLOSED Baffled by beamer blocks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom][Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +*** CLOSED org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit?]] + +*** CLOSED footnotes in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][footnotes in LaTeX export]] + +*** CLOSED How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file?]] + +*** CLOSED question: how to refile labeled with origin? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question: how to refile labeled with origin?]] + +*** CLOSED Executing sh-code :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh-code]] + +*** CLOSED Sort agenda view by date? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Sort agenda view by date?]] + +*** CLOSED Export header-level list inconsistency +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:58] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Export header-level list inconsistency]] + +*** CLOSED Debugging shell code that misbehaves :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Debugging shell code that misbehaves]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode and claws +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet][org-mode and clawqs]] + +*** CLOSED org-publish with latest changes? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-publish with latest changes?]] + +*** CLOSED Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:04] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo][Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users?]] + +*** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +*** CLOSED column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me]] + +*** CLOSED configuring Org agenda faces by priority +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][configuring Org agenda faces by priority]] + +*** CLOSED Publishing configuration +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu][Publishing configuration]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode <=> Instiki +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode <=> Instiki]] + +*** CLOSED entities and removing some markup in ascii export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][entities and removing some markup in ascii export]] + +*** CLOSED How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues... +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:28] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues...]] + +*** CLOSED Total time displayed in the modeline? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Total time displayed in the modeline?]] + +*** CLOSED (babel) creating simple vectors in R +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:44] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) creating simple vectors in R]] + +*** CLOSED org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans)]] + +*** CLOSED Adding tags, grouping tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede][Adding tags, grouping tags]] + +*** CLOSED (BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas]] +*** DONE Fontify whole heading line +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:END: + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Fontify whole heading line]] +*** DONE cycle visibility from agenda view? + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede][cycle visibility from agenda view?]] + + use of org-agenda-cycle-show explained on mailing list, and added + to FAQ. +*** DONE Beamer presentation in the document +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Beamer presentation in the document]] +*** DONE clock in from last clock out +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clock in from last clock out]] +*** DONE contrib/README + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4663%2E1277986531%40maps + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4663%2E1277986531%40maps][Re: (Orgmode) contrib/README]] + Updated, patch by Stephen Eglen + +*** DONE wrap text in table cell? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom][wrap text in table cell?]] +*** DONE italics regexp +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][italics regexp]] +*** DONE question about links in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom][question about links in org-mode]] +*** DONE Exclude some file to be in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exclude some file to be in the agenda]] +*** DONE links customization in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom][links customization in org-mode]] +*** DONE trouble with Imenu integration +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg][trouble with Imenu integration]] +*** DONE (babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export?]] +*** DONE capture-clock-out nil! +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][capture-clock-out nil!]] +*** DONE imenu support for babel blocks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][imenu support for babel blocks]] +*** DONE Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org]] +*** DONE org-babel and OCaml - help? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:END: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][org-babel and OCaml - help?]] +*** DONE word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers]] +*** DONE Inserting date/time stamps including seconds +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Inserting date/time stamps including seconds]] +*** DONE Integrate APPTs with OSX +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Integrate APPTs with OSX]] +*** DONE (babel) html export of R data frame :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar][(babel) html export of R data frame]] +*** DONE org-refile-targets: excluding archived +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-refile-targets: excluding archived]] +*** DONE highlight confusion in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg][highlight confusion in agenda]] +*** DONE export to latex book ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex book ?]] +*** DONE "Invalid capture target specification" +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["Invalid capture target specification"]] +*** DONE inline image with link to other than images in html export? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu][inline image with link to other than images in html export?]] +*** DONE org-timeline and diary/calendar +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno][org-timeline and diary/calendar]] +*** DONE orgmode html export uses wrong browser +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar][orgmode html export uses wrong browser]] +*** DONE Some problems with times in a spreadsheet +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite][Some problems with times in a spreadsheet]] +*** DONE first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg][first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced]] +*** DONE Personal accounting with emacs, org and...? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Personal accounting with emacs, org and...?]] +*** DONE (BABEL) evaluation of R code in export :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:30] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) evaluation of R code in export]] + +*** DONE (BABEL) help adding a language, please? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:39] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville][(BABEL) help adding a language, please?]] + +*** DONE Finding old appointments +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:40] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Finding old appointments]] +*** DONE Author info while publishing to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 09:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Author info while publishing to html]] +*** DONE firefox problem with org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel][firefox problem with org-protocol]] + +*** DONE odd org-babel R behaviour :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca][odd org-babel R behaviour]] +*** DONE lookup functions in spreadsheet/table +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca][lookup functions in spreadsheet/table]] +*** DONE startup in column view +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D%3CAANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom%3E][startup in column view]] +*** DONE Browsing worg +CLOSED: [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Browsing worg]] +*** DONE OrgMobile - just a little help? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:14] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm][OrgMobile - just a little help?]] +*** DONE agenda-ignore-date and version number +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:40] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech][agenda-ignore-date and version number]] +*** DONE insert .org file into other .org file by link +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom][insert .org file into other .org file by link]] +*** DONE Migrating from zim to org-mode ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Migrating from zim to org-mode ?]] +*** DONE Eliminate line breaks in html +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Eliminate line breaks in html]] +*** DONE R Babel Example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][R Babel Example]] +*** DONE Nice links bookmarks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Nice links bookmarks]] + +*** DONE Installing/updating org on the mac woes +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installing/updating org on the mac woes]] +*** DONE org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-protocol]] +*** DONE Daily Debian Builds +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][Daily Debian Builds]] +*** DONE No title or date in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][No title or date in LaTeX export]] +*** DONE when will org-indent-mode be ready? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:36] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][when will org-indent-mode be ready?]] + + org-indent-mode works fine starting with Emacs 23.2. +*** DONE How can I add a DONE tag to an org file? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How can I add a DONE tag to an org file?]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg - One step further :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:19] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][MobileOrg - One step further]] + +*** DONE source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g)) +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:02] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][Bug: source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g))]] + +*** DONE Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:46] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost][Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header]] + +*** DONE Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context]] + +*** DONE debugging sbe calls :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "IDEA" [2010-08-08 So 13:16] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][debugging sbe calls]] + +*** DONE org-clock-current-task? +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-clock-current-task?]] + +*** DONE How do you use call and lob in org-babel? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do you use call and lob in org-babel?]] +*** DONE custom sorting of agenda items +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][custom sorting of agenda items]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg for Android...issues :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android...issues]] + +*** DONE How to change plain text face in Org Mode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:18] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How to change plain text face in Org Mode?]] + +*** DONE babel versionitis? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][babel versionitis?]] + +*** DONE gnuplot, table entry and temporary file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Babel) gnuplot, table entry and temporary file ]] + +*** DONE Footnote export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau][Footnote export]] + +**** Footnote problem +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][Footnote problem]] + +Duplicate of "[[id:mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau%5D%5BFootnote%20export%5D%5D%22%2E + +*** DONE Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede][Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda]] + +*** DONE (babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate]] + +*** DONE How to show done tasks in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:23] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost][How to show done tasks in agenda]] + +*** DONE or not? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) or not?]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE use of repository branch "maint" +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup][use of repository branch "maint"]] + +*** DONE Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel) +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel)]] + +*** DONE TODO DONE strikethrough +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost][TODO DONE strikethrough]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE Babel: help with tables and code blocks? +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][Babel: help with tables and code blocks?]] + +*** DONE Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block]] + +*** DONE "C-c a is undefined" +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost]["C-c a is undefined"]] + +*** DONE (babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block]] + +*** DONE why not auto-renumbering list ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][why not auto-renumbering list ?]] + +*** DONE called-interactively-p : org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][called-interactively-p : org-capture]] + +*** DONE (babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer]] + +*** DONE Installation - no way +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installation - no way]] + +*** DONE word count checklist? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville][word count checklist?]] + +*** DONE Confused about mobileorg setup :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Confused about mobileorg setup]] + +*** DONE Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom][Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen]] + +*** DONE (babel) difference in export output if including file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) difference in export output if including file]] + +*** DONE How can I search keywords in my org project? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I search keywords in my org project?]] + +*** DONE False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides]] + +*** DONE horiontal alignment of tables in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][horiontal alignment of tables in latex export?]] + +*** DONE Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list' +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list']] + +*** DONE Generic exporter status +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Generic exporter status]] + +*** DONE org-capture and blank lines +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture and blank lines]] + +*** DONE picture copy paste? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][picture copy paste?]] + +*** DONE Iterate over list with `org-next-item' +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Iterate over list with `org-next-item']] + +*** DONE possible tex export bug? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][possible tex export bug?]] + +*** DONE Problem with URLs in export to latex +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Problem with URLs in export to latex]] + +*** DONE Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom][Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents]] + +*** DONE Cannot open load file: inf-ruby +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Cannot open load file: inf-ruby]] + +*** DONE Todo item property search +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Todo item property search]] + +*** DONE gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings]] + +*** DONE Ditaa and babel goofing again? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa and babel goofing again?]] + +*** DONE org-edit-src-code : same window? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-edit-src-code : same window?]] + +*** DONE HTML export of org source blocks +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom][HTML export of org source blocks]] + +*** DONE svn version number as tag or property? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Re: svn version number as tag or property?]] + +*** DONE cannot enable org-habit +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cannot enable org-habit]] + +*** DONE beamer export question +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo][beamer export question]] + +*** DONE (babel) ledger tutorial on Worg + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:22] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) ledger tutorial on Worg]] + +*** DONE (Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom][(Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode?]] + +*** DONE From state table to state diagram + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][From state table to state diagram]] + +Looks like Eric addressed this request and implemented it. + +*** DONE org-capture templates with file+olp target +CLOSED: [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:END: + [2010-08-23 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-capture templates with file+olp target]] + +*** DONE cells are deformed in Japanese +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][cells are deformed in Japanese]] + +*** DONE Problem whit with code evaluation :Babel: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:10] + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg][Problem whit with code evaluation]] + +*** DONE items not disappearing from agenda once marked done +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom][items not disappearing from agenda once marked done]] + +*** DONE Org capture templates - file paths +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org capture templates - file paths]] + +*** DONE Agenda view and timestamps + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost][Agenda view and timestamps]] + +*** DONE agenda view tags filtering + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost][agenda view tags filtering]] + +*** DONE Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List]] + +*** DONE macros: escaping "," and comments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][macros: escaping "," and comments]] + + Commas can now be escaped. We will not have comments, because that + limits what one can do with macros. + +*** DONE org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans)]] + + As documented in the manual, one needs to use C-u C-c C-l + +*** DONE HOWTO?: make install contrib +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][HOWTO?: make install contrib]] + +*** DECLINED Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno][Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system]] + We no longer support Emacs 21. +*** DECLINED (babel) help debugging latex export :Babel: + - State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:04] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging latex export]] + +*** CLOSED Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects?]] +*** CLOSED OT: orgmode on my palm TX? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][OT: orgmode on my palm TX?]] +*** CLOSED org-learn question +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-learn question]] +*** CLOSED org tables - modified field + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:22] + :END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org tables - modified field ]] + +It is a bit much to expect that emphasis in table fields would not +disturb calc operations. + +*** CLOSED org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:23] + :END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags]] + + +This does not look like an issue we need to track (- Carsten) + +*** CLOSED column view asterisks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:58] +- State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:13] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][column view asterisks]] + +This is a minor issue, no action taken + +*** CLOSED how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom][how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring]] + +This is an Emacs issue and does not need tracking here. + +*** CLOSED Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key]] + +Answered on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED .ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][.ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice]] +Answered on the mailing list, by customizing `org-file-apps'. +*** CLOSED bug with link following +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +- State "BUG" from "CLOSED" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:15] +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo][bug with link following]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have reexamined the bug I had, and as far as I can tell, it occurs +because of the punctuation at the end of the header line. I am +attaching a file that shows the funny behavior. I can link to a +header titled "Foobar" correctly, but not one titled "submit through +submission site:" Attempts to link to the one word header "Bletch:" +also fail. +#+END_QUOTE + +=org-store-link= removes all characters except numbers, letters and +whitespace when creating the link target. Opening the link with +=org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline= set to non-nil +subsequently fails. + +**** org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies]] + +*** CLOSED org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom][org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells?]] + +Org-mode tables do not support multiline cells. + +*** CLOSED org-mode + pomodoro +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode + pomodoro]] + +*** CLOSED stuck project and check boxes +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr][stuck project and check boxes]] + +*** CLOSED a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents]] + +*** CLOSED Examples in numbered lists + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Examples in numbered lists]] + +Indentation can solve this, as explained on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED Error during Publishing to HTML + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error during Publishing to HTML]] + + +This seems to be a non-issue, I am closing it. + +*** CLOSED Org-beamer and beamer overlays +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg][Org-beamer and beamer overlays]] + +*** CLOSED merging column view headings across files +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca][merging column view headings across files]] + +*** CLOSED Table of Contents in html export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Table of Contents in html export]] + +*** CLOSED Trouble syncing files to mobile-org. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Trouble syncing files to mobile-org.]] + +*** CLOSED Mark days in calendar based on agenda + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mark days in calendar based on agenda]] + +This can be done using %(org-diary), as was explained on the list. + +*** CLOSED "{" in Latex fragments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:13] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom]["{" in Latex fragments]] + +I believe that this is solved - the OP did not come back after the +last help suggestion from the mailing list. So I am closing this. + +*** CLOSED (babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update]] + link not resolving + +*** CLOSED file+olp problem in org-capture. +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][file+olp problem in org-capture.]] + +*** CLOSED Folding org drawers in elisp code? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Folding org drawers in elisp code?]] + +The corresponding elisp code was published on the mailing list by Carsten + +*** CLOSED mathjax HTML export question + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][mathjax HTML export question]] + +Question was answered by Jan. + +*** CLOSED Deleting EXPERIMENTAL + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Deleting EXPERIMENTAL]] + +This is a non-issue. Right now there is nothing interesting in this +directory, but it mighr still come in handy. + +*** CLOSED Emacs & problem to export to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs & problem to export to HTML]] + +*** CLOSED Some useful timestamp s-expressions +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Some useful timestamp s-expressions ]] + +*** CLOSED make without make cleanall safe? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][make without make cleanall safe?]] + +*** CLOSED Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom][Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable?]] + +*** CLOSED beamer export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca][beamer export]] + +Looks like this was an old version of Org-mode. + +*** CLOSED Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom][Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o]] + +*** CLOSED tag or property names with dashes + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "CLOSED" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][tag or property names with dashes]] + +The "_-" in a property name can now be escaped in a property search +with "\-". Also, Manish and Carsten are testing a patch to allow "#" +and "%" in tags. + +*** CLOSED Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file]] + +*** CLOSED EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm][EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode]] + +*** CLOSED (Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer?]] + +This is indeed the standard behavior of #+DRAWERS. + +*** CLOSED Links Lost and Export-Report + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:00] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Links Lost and Export-Report]] + +Id locations can be refresehed, and custom links is what Stefan Volmar +really wants. The answers are in the mailing list archives. + +*** CLOSED (BUG) org-capture: file+function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-capture: file+function ]] +An example was published on the mailing list on how to deal with this case. + +*** CLOSED C-u usage +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][C-u usage]] + +*** CLOSED More structure on org-hacks.php +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom][More structure on org-hacks.php]] + +*** CLOSED See total effort in my agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][See total effort in my agenda]] + +*** CLOSED export TODO keyword +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export TODO keyword]] + +*** CLOSED TODO hooks +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][TODO hooks]] + +*** CLOSED Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede][Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now]] + +*** CLOSED bug in make info? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][bug in make info?]] + +*** CLOSED question about date-tree +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about date-tree]] + +** CLOSED empty lines in datetree capture templates +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:32] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][empty lines in datetree capture templates]] + +Malformed capture template. + +** CLOSED remember template is slow +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][remember template is slow]] + +** CLOSED org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item]] + +** CLOSED org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period]] + +** CLOSED Error using Calc time format in table +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Error using Calc time format in table]] + +** CLOSED bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom][bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad]] + +** CLOSED Src blocks fontification issue +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Src blocks fontification issue]] + +** CLOSED (babel) python session speed vs non session :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) python session speed vs non session]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point]] + +** CLOSED Beamer column alignment +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Beamer column alignment]] + +** CLOSED org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line" +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop][org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line"]] + +** CLOSED questions about table mode and spreadsheets +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about table mode and spreadsheets]] + +** CLOSED Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO" +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO"]] + +** CLOSED Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export]] + +** CLOSED Secretary.el +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom][Secretary.el]] + +** CLOSED (Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error]] + +** CLOSED Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports]] + +** CLOSED Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events?]] + +** CLOSED Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class]] + +** CLOSED Magit Integration - logging magit events. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Magit Integration - logging magit events.]] + +** CLOSED Context sensitive M-q +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom][Context sensitive M-q]] + +** CLOSED bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules]] + +** CLOSED 7.01trans obsolete variables +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][7.01trans obsolete variables]] + +** CLOSED bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy]] + +** CLOSED Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error]] + +** CLOSED org-babel and gnuplot +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel and gnuplot]] + +** CLOSED setting index.org for MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][setting index.org for MobileOrg]] + +** CLOSED How to capture another file's column view +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp][How to capture another file's column view]] + +** CLOSED Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom][Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name?]] + +** CLOSED org-beamer outline +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer outline]] + +** CLOSED Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks)]] + +** CLOSED Agenda and weather forecast +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Agenda and weather forecast]] + +** CLOSED Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits]] + +** CLOSED meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall][meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references]] + +** CLOSED Exporting property values to LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting property values to LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly]] + +** CLOSED Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry]] + +** CLOSED Problem with Babel and sessions :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with Babel and sessions]] + +** CLOSED plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom][plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request]] + +** CLOSED latex link target name +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo][latex link target name]] + +** CLOSED Repeating tasks on specific days of the week +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Repeating tasks on specific days of the week]] + +** CLOSED IP locator +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo][IP locator]] + +** CLOSED problem with label in latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo][problem with label in latex export]] + +** CLOSED ical export -> google calendar woes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet][ical export -> google calendar woes]] + +** CLOSED bug: babel-* dirs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel-* dirs]] + +** CLOSED org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs]] + +** CLOSED Export function to Vcal file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Export function to Vcal file ]] + +** CLOSED Mediawiki and org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mediawiki and org-mode]] + +** CLOSED Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released]] + +** CLOSED Org capture with predefined entries from a list? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Org capture with predefined entries from a list?]] + +** CLOSED Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug: Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github.]] + +** CLOSED org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet][org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode]] + +** CLOSED Include files to be used in literate programming :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom][Include files to be used in literate programming]] + +** CLOSED lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link]] + +** CLOSED Bug : http in http link export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug : http in http link export]] + +** CLOSED wanderlust links +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom][wanderlust links]] + +** CLOSED image size in html export +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom][image size in html export]] + +** CLOSED Bug in column view with cookie on item line +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo][Bug in column view with cookie on item line]] + +** CLOSED Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0)]] + +** CLOSED Change color in fontified html export for strings +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom][Change color in fontified html export for strings]] + +** CLOSED Customizing agenda line format +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca][Customizing agenda line format]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> > Well, I tried setting org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to "%0s", which +> > didn't work, but I didn't think about the above. So I tried this now. +> > It does remove the todo keyword, but it does only that. In particular, +> > there is now a space at the beginning of each line, which I assume is +> > simply the space in the headline that succeeds the todo keyword. Any +> > way of getting rid of that? Thanks for the pointer so far. +> > +> +> The information at the beginning of the line is controlled by +> org-agenda-prefix-format. What is the value of org-agenda-prefix-format +> on your machine? + +It seems to be more complicated than that. Here's what I found out by +tinkering around with settings a little. Setting +org-agenda-prefix-format to "" (as I already did before) correctly +removes the prefix *before* the TODO keyword. The formatting function +for everything starting with the TODO keyword, however, seems to +unconditionally insert a space between the TODO keyword and the rest of +the line. Thus, even if the TODO keyword is empty (by setting +org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to ""), there is still a space after the +now empty TODO keyword. Hence, the extra space at the beginning of the +line. To me it seems like there's no way around this with the standard +org mode settings. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Freemind conversion and Notes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Freemind conversion and Notes]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization]] + +** CLOSED camel.el, for CamelCase links +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +** CLOSED listing org source blocks in LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom][listing org source blocks in LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED #+STYLE: strangeness +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][#+STYLE: strangeness]] + +** CLOSED Query: Nested sort in table? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Query: Nested sort in table?]] + +** CLOSED Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org" +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom][Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org"]] + +** CLOSED A LaTeX class for Org-mode export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom][A LaTeX class for Org-mode export]] + +** CLOSED org-scan-tags +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-scan-tags]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede][org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries]] + +** CLOSED org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED Question: Repeating Items? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Question: Repeating Items?]] + +** CLOSED Latex export of subtree not working for me +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** CLOSED extremely weird "bad sexp" errors +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][extremely weird "bad sexp" errors]] + +** CLOSED suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks]] + +** CLOSED Load macros from other files? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Load macros from other files?]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode API? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-Mode API?]] + +** CLOSED Bibtex and latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bibtex and latex export]] + +** CLOSED Worg link broken +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom][Worg link broken]] + +** CLOSED Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** CLOSED Remember item under specific :PROJECT: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remember item under specific :PROJECT:]] + +** CLOSED options and batch exporting +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom][options and batch exporting]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:53] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link.]] + +** CLOSED Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA]] + +** CLOSED (babel) Environment around exported results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(babel) Environment around exported results]] + +** CLOSED Relative dates with sexep +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost][Relative dates with sexep]] + +** CLOSED Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0]] + +** CLOSED Problem when previewing latex fragments +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom][Problem when previewing latex fragments]] + +** CLOSED Putting latex in document titles +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Putting latex in document titles]] + +** CLOSED Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop][Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings]] + +** CLOSED Org-weather: display on some dates +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-weather: display on some dates]] + +** CLOSED BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "DECLINED" from "BUG" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:01] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task]] + +** CLOSED The \only<> overlay in beamer +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][The \only<> overlay in beamer]] + +No follow-up of OP since [2011-09-29 Do] + +** CLOSED SQLite in 7.01h? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][SQLite in 7.01h?]] + +** CLOSED org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem]] + +** CLOSED How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex]] + +** CLOSED Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo][Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android]] + +No follow-up by OP since [2010-09-20 Mo] + +** CLOSED orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices. +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices.]] + +** CLOSED Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc)]] + +** CLOSED Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org) +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org)]] + +** CLOSED Howto define formula for table regions +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom][Howto define formula for table regions]] + +** CLOSED does #+PROPERTY still exist ? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][does #+PROPERTY still exist ?]] + +** CLOSED Ditaa usage +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa usage]] + +** CLOSED cheatsheets in emacs +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cheatsheets in emacs]] + +** CLOSED "No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link]] + +** CLOSED subtree export fails with src block +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: subtree export fails with src block]] + +** CLOSED *.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:04] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard]] + +Seems to be a Snow Leopard issue + +** CLOSED wrap sourcecode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][wrap sourcecode?]] + +** CLOSED File-level execute permissions? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][File-level execute permissions?]] + +** CLOSED Requests about the code demarcation +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Requests about the code demarcation]] + +** CLOSED Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk][Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer?]] + +** CLOSED ditaa set-up on windows box +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ditaa set-up on windows box]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP]] + +** CLOSED Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:45] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree]] + +** CLOSED table, moving cells + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:49] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno][table, moving cells]] + +This is a non issue, and workaround have been shown on the mailing list. + +** CLOSED (PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions]] + +** CLOSED geolocated notes +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][geolocated notes]] + +** CLOSED org-footnote in messages, practical question. + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][org-footnote in messages, practical question.]] + +** CLOSED Windows installation with msysGit +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Windows installation with msysGit]] + +** CLOSED Can't find LaTeX under MAC + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Can't find LaTeX under MAC]] +Not an Org mode question. +** CLOSED LaTeX classes for Resume Writing +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][LaTeX classes for Resume Writing]] + +** CLOSED org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment?]] + +** CLOSED how to set faces? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom][how to set faces?]] + +** CLOSED org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash]] + +** CLOSED Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files]] + +** CLOSED lisp functions in column view +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][lisp functions in column view]] + +** CLOSED (babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file]] + +** CLOSED (beamer) export a long source block as in several frames +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(beamer) export a long source block as in several frames]] + +** CLOSED Sidewaystable in org? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Sidewaystable in org?]] + +** CLOSED org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items]] + +** CLOSED Fold "preamble/options" under first header +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fold "preamble/options" under first header]] + +** CLOSED (babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu][(babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name]] + +** CLOSED Projects+Next Actions view + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Projects+Next Actions view]] + +** CLOSED Having problems with faces in org agenda +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo][Having problems with faces in org agenda]] + +** CLOSED link export confused when URL parameter is another URL +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][link export confused when URL parameter is another URL]] + +** CLOSED POPERTIES Effort and HTML export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:49] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018 +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018][POPERTIES Effort and HTML export]] + +** CLOSED Agenda sorting strategy + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Agenda sorting strategy]] + +** CLOSED Store link upon sending a message +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][Store link upon sending a message]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Org-agenda.el :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(PATCH) Org-agenda.el]] + +** CLOSED strike through display problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][strike through display problem]] + +** CLOSED org-capture: file to top level with prepend + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:51] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture: file to top level with prepend]] + +Gmane link does not work. + +** CLOSED Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9]] + +No further reaction from OP +** CLOSED wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED org-agenda-skip-function not working +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-agenda-skip-function not working]] + +** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +** CLOSED 7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known]] + +** CLOSED Habits bug? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu][Habits bug?]] + +** CLOSED New clocktable code bug + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][New clocktable code bug]] + +** CLOSED (BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python? +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python?]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 ]] + +No feed back or backtrace via mailing list, issue closed. + +** CLOSED Executing sh code within sessions +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh code within sessions]] + +** CLOSED publishing a drawer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "IDEA" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:25] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][publishing a drawer]] + +** CLOSED Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil]] + +** CLOSED Org 7.3 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu][Org 7.3]] + +No followup in the thread, seems to be an isolated problem + +** CLOSED bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items]] + +** CLOSED Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:49] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags]] + +** CLOSED org-faq: Invalid XHTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-01-29 Sa 15:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:27] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-faq: Invalid XHTML]] + +** CLOSED Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:35] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk][Bug: Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:46] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom][Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks]] + +** CLOSED UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED latex table export not centered +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede][latex table export not centered]] + +** DONE syntax bugs in footnotes + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) syntax bugs in footnotes]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code]] + +** DONE Why :ID: properties? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom][Why :ID: properties?]] + +** DONE Directory Links (and a bug?) +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Directory Links (and a bug?)]] + +** DONE bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html)) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html))]] + +** DONE (WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode?]] + +** DONE Search files in a folder +CLOSED: [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Search files in a folder]] + +** DONE Agenda: Hide Sched. Items +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda: Hide Sched. Items]] + +** DONE problem exporting region from within a read-only file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting region from within a read-only file]] + +** DONE todos without timestamp in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][todos without timestamp in agenda]] + +** DONE image alt text for HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][image alt text for HTML export]] + +** DONE export of .org file from within a different .org file +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom][export of .org file from within a different .org file]] + +** DONE Templates - newline in string? +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit][Templates - newline in string?]] + +** DONE different result in spreadsheet tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush][different result in spreadsheet tutorial]] + +** DONE org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id) +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id)]] + +** DONE (bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set]] + +** DONE (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Re: (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working]] + +** DONE including holidays in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][including holidays in agenda]] + +** DONE org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** DONE Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords? +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords?]] + +** DONE inline images in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo][inline images in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Would it be reasonable to augment org's processing of #+ directives so +that an org user can specify (that Org should display inline images, +D.M.) there instead of using the local variables, which is less +user-friendly? +#+END_QUOTE + +** DONE (bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:54] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types]] + +** DONE Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments]] + +** DONE C-a T DONE behavior +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost][C-a T DONE behavior]] + +** DONE calendar and agenda entries +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][calendar and agenda entries]] + +** DONE Latex export of subtree not working for me + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** DONE Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word) +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word)]] + +** DONE How can I get document metadata? +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][How can I get document metadata?]] + +** DONE Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function]] +Reply in thread +** DONE Sparse trees and searching for multiple words + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sparse trees and searching for multiple words]] + +Use search view +** DONE Tags in Agenda View +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom][Tags in Agenda View]] + +** DONE #+source line in export +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom][#+source line in export]] + +** DONE exporting to a specified directory +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][exporting to a specified directory]] + +** DONE Update for habit documentation + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:44] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom][Update for habit documentation]] +Manual was updated +** DONE Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:06] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file]] + +Such a function was posted on the mailing list. + +** DONE Exporting to html +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting to html]] + +** DONE Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo][Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses]] + +** DONE bug with spaces in regexp search +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug with spaces in regexp search]] + +** DONE Agenda Question +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom][Agenda Question]] + +** DONE Yet another way to use maps --- the light way +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Yet another way to use maps --- the light way]] + +** DONE compiling org without make +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice][compiling org without make]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:48] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca +:ASSIGNEE: Carsten +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca][(PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines]] + +** DONE org-capture (lost PATCH?) +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture (lost PATCH?)]] + +** DONE Cannot insert column - wrong type argument +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice][Cannot insert column - wrong type argument]] + +** DONE Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output]] + +** DONE How do I convert org to OpenOffice? + CLOSED: [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :LOGBOOK: + - Note taken on [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] \\ + Added FAQ on converting to doc/odt. + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I convert org to OpenOffice?]] + +** DONE Filter scheduled items +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Filter scheduled items]] + +** DONE Title for capture template +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Title for capture template]] + +** DONE publishing orgmode to a CMS +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][publishing orgmode to a CMS]] + +** DONE bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails]] + +** DONE Latex exporter bug or feature? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo][Latex exporter bug or feature?]] + +** DONE How to not publish log done note? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to not publish log done note?]] + +** DONE Omit top level heading in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo][Omit top level heading in latex export?]] + +** DONE How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom][How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + +** DONE Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page?]] + +** DONE (PATCH) there is no ś in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][(PATCH) there is no ś in HTML]] + +** DONE Quoting formula "cookies" in table? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Quoting formula "cookies" in table?]] + +** DONE custom postamble in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][custom postamble in HTML export]] + +** DONE quotation marks in LaTeX (again) +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][quotation marks in LaTeX (again)]] + +** DONE Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome][Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error]] + +** DONE (BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes]] + +** DONE Orgmode and filling +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and filling]] + +** DONE Tracking time with MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tracking time with MobileOrg]] + +** DONE conditional export based on target +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][conditional export based on target]] + +** DONE (babel) Writing R-packages the org way? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Writing R-packages the org way?]] + +** DONE (BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][(BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement]] + +** DONE How can I just publish entry marked as DONE? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I just publish entry marked as DONE?]] + +** DONE Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone?]] + +** DONE Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return?]] + +** DONE library of babel, bootabs question +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][library of babel, bootabs question]] + +** DONE how to reverse a region of outline items +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to reverse a region of outline items]] + +** DONE bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future]] + +** DONE TaskJuggler 3, revisited +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TaskJuggler 3, revisited]] + +** DONE (BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentation +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentatidon]] + +** DONE Export Headings Only? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export Headings Only?]] + +** DONE org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse]] + +** DONE No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:18] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule]] + +** DONE Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML]] + +** DONE Feature request +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request]] + +** DONE centering text in html +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][centering text in html]] + +** DONE Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML]] + +** DONE Need help publishing subdirectories +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Need help publishing subdirectories]] + +** DONE puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom][puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour]] + +** DONE optimal usage Q : how would you do this? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][optimal usage Q : how would you do this?]] + +** DONE cache issue when publishing website with include file +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cache issue when publishing website with include file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export]] + +** DONE org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:29] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor]] + +** DONE org-mobile-use-encryption :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile-use-encryption]] + +** DONE Insert link to recently captured Note? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert link to recently captured Note?]] + +** DONE (BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][(BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML]] + +** DONE org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp]] + +** DONE Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom][Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii]] + +** DONE Auto clock-out? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Auto clock-out? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE org-7 under Xemacs +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org-7 under Xemacs]] + +** DONE Elementary: How to return to the main view +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Elementary: How to return to the main view]] + +** DONE Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5)]] + +** DONE org-freemind.el and rx +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom][org-freemind.el and rx]] + +** DONE 7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work]] + +** DONE blorgit build +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][blorgit build]] + +** DONE Bug (?) in org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo][Bug (?) in org-capture]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading and inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][org-insert-heading and inline tasks]] + +** DONE Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export?]] + +** DONE (Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML]] + +** DONE Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented]] + +** DONE Babel for blogging :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr][Babel for blogging]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-insert-heading]] + +** DONE #+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM][#+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation?]] + +** DONE mobileorg app can't sync :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom][mobileorg app can't sync]] + +** DONE Publishing htaccess files with a project +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Publishing htaccess files with a project]] + +** DONE Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML]] + +** DONE Library calls and begin_example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom][(Babel) Library calls and begin_example]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE (BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format? +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format?]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode?]] + +** DONE Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp]] + +** DONE Latex Export +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom][Latex Export]] + +** DONE xemacs compatibility +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][xemacs compatibility]] + +** DONE Exporting #+lob :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom][Exporting #+lob]] + +** DONE (babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org?]] + +** DONE Unable to export babel results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Unable to export babel results]] + +** DONE org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom][org-default-notes-file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:55] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl][(PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables]] + +** DONE pcomplete bug in 7.4 +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr][pcomplete bug in 7.4]] + +** DONE (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:51] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE]] + +** DONE (manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:25] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict]] + +** DONE indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line]] + +** DONE bug: invalid export key in export visible region +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:58] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: invalid export key in export visible region]] + +** DONE fill-region and list items +CLOSED: [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:14] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) fill-region and list items]] + +** DONE Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:23] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE][(O) Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph]] +** DONE proper visibility cycling for items + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Make them not hide the text after the final list item. + This is not trivial, we cannot usenormal outline stuff, + needs a separate implementation. +** DONE (PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:32] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists]] + +** DONE preserving location of point + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][preserving location of point]] + Resolved - works with emacs -Q, so it is due to some other + package. +** DONE VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice][VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u ]] + +** DONE question about link syntax +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about link syntax]] + +** DONE M-return on list items in quote blocks + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:24] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: M-return on list items in quote blocks]] +** CLOSED (ANN) List improvement v.2 + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) List improvement v.2 ]] + +git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + +** CLOSED (ANN) New lists definition :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) New lists definition]] + + git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + + Superseded by [[id:mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom%5D%5BList%20improvement%20v%2E2%5D%5D + +** CLOSED Export of quoted region to HTML +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:34 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Export of quoted region to HTML]] + +"At the moment, there is no real support for lists inside blocks." ([[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/34716][Re: Export of quoted region to HTML]]) +** CLOSED Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] \\ + Cannot reproduce it anymore on [2011-07-16 sam.]. +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:44 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom][Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook]] + +** DONE (bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] \\ + Fixed with new escaping mechanism. +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] +** DONE possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1)]] + +** DONE Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom][Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days]] + Patch is applied. +** DONE bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer%! +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer]] + +** DONE Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:52] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** DONE habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p][Bug: habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g)]] + +The code now has a better error message for this case. + +** DONE Git pull breaks agenda? + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: Git pull breaks agenda?]] + +** DONE Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:23] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom][Bug: Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4)]] + +** DONE Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5)) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:10] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][Bug: Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5))]] + +** DONE Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists]] + +** DONE (babel) Error Before first headline. :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error Before first headline.]] + +** DONE Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:10] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel]] + +** DONE Org-Babel and Ledger :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-Babel and Ledger]] + +** DONE (BABEL) Commands for navigation :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Commands for navigation]] + +** DONE Comments in tangled source + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Comments in tangled source]] + +** DONE (babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook]] + +** DONE (babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug? + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug?]] + +** DONE Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows]] + +** DONE (babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png]] + +** DONE (babel) support plantuml :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) support plantuml]] + +** DONE (org-babel) References Not Expanding :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:20] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) References Not Expanding]] + +** DONE (ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:08] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands]] + +** DONE problem with babel and R :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:02] + :END: + [2010-08-17 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][problem with babel and R]] + +Now possible to wrap results in Org blocks which can export as raw +org, but still allow for clean replacement of raw Org results. + +** DONE The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file]] + +** DONE indentation in capture templates :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ indentation in capture templates]] + +** DONE Capture and clock options +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and clock options]] + +** DONE Capture and checkitem +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:06] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and checkitem]] + + +This is now fixed, two reasonably serious issues. checkitem was not +implemented at all, and both checkitem and item could be placed into +the wrong subtree. + +** DONE (BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer]] + +** DONE (BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer]] + +** DONE Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop' + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Clocking + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop']] +** DONE Document the :recursive option for org-publish +CLOSED: [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: +** DONE typo in org.texi? :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:38] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:36] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][typo in org.texi?]] + +** DONE improve doc string + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - patch: http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/26 + - Org repo commit: http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git/commitdiff/bc53b3da3bf95c767113625693895a7dcbf389bb +** DONE workaround for the given example + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Worg repo commit: http://repo.or.cz/w/Worg.git/commitdiff/f5814f05998292d4eb80f9772c279e9837644f29 +** DONE (bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export]] + This has been fixed + +** DONE lists, maths and export to latex :Patch: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: lists, maths and export to latex]] +*** (PATCH) lists and exportation to latex + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Eric Schulte + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) lists and exportation to latex]] + + This patch has been applied. + +** DONE latex export and booktabs tables :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:02] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][latex export and booktabs tables]] +** DONE Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath? + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Carsten + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + This has been fixed, use the setting #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:verbatim. + It is also documented in the jsMath tutorial. + +** DONE Comment before \begin{equation} exported verbatim + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I noticed the following behavior: A comment line starting with "#" +immediately before a \begin{equation} environment is passed verbatim +as well. I don't think it counts as a bug, since there should probably +be a blank line before \begin anyway. +#+END_QUOTE + + This issue has been fixed. + +** DONE Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML]] + + - Patch :: [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/90/][90]] +** DONE Support multiple CSS container classes :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS property]] +** DONE Literal examples and indentation +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Literal examples and indentation]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Ok, so the answer of my initial question is no. + +That's a bit sad because, IMHO, this could a little be smarter than +this. For example if the line to indent is an empty one, then don't +insert indentation, or if the text is already indented then indent +with respect of the current indentation, etc... +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export]] + + Eric Fraga's code is now on the master branch. + +** DONE (BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export]] + Fixed, patch by Eri Schulte, this now gives a good error message + +** DONE (PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during LaTeX Export :Babel: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during + LaTeX Export]] + + Fixed with special treatment of these lines before the first headline +** DONE (BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading :Babel: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading]] + + Fixed, patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML]] +** DONE Minor Bug in ical2org awk script +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Minor Bug in ical2org awk script]] +** DONE Correct babel format for ditaa? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Correct babel format for ditaa?]] + +** DONE Bug in org-colview/org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Bug in org-colview/org-beamer?]] +** DONE bug in org-mode-export-as-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal][bug in org-mode-export-as-latex]] +** DONE LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))) +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)))]] + +** DONE Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +- State "ASSIGNED" from "BUG" [2010-08-08 So 14:27] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:15] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom +:ASSIGNEE: dmaus +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom][Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory]] + +** DONE Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 11:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex]] + +** DONE Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export]] + +** DONE BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-( +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-(]] + +** DONE Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for]] + +** DONE html-export mangels mailto: links +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) html-export mangels mailto: links]] + +** DONE escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans)]] + +There was a bug here (fixed), and also a user error (told the user so +on the mailing list). + +** DONE export to latex broken +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:22] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex broken]] + +The offending commit has been reverted. + +** DONE Publishing documents body-only + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 13:58] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + +The :body-only property is now available in the publishing setup. + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom][Publishing documents body-only]] + +** DONE Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:44] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans)]] + + [2010-07-20 Tue] Request for backtrace sent to bug report author + +** DONE suggesting a new function org-export-string :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][suggesting a new function org-export-string]] +** DONE portable absolute links in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][portable absolute links in HTML export]] + +** DONE insert a remember template at point +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][insert a remember template at point]] +** DONE Movement of C-a under visible-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Movement of C-a under visible-mode]] +** DONE org-mode and auto-fill-mode :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:24] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode and auto-fill-mode]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1hblfgkp1%2Efsf%40cam%2Eac%2Euk][Removing (modify-syntax-entry ?# "<")]] + +** DONE Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain][Bug: Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i)]] +** DONE org-feed not working for codeproject :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-feed not working for codeproject]] +** DONE (mobileorg) Android sync failed :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobileorg) Android sync failed]] +** DONE org-capture question/suggestion + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][org-capture question/suggestion]] + This patch has been applied, estimate operators are now active and + documented. +** DONE Displaying inline remote images +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:01] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Displaying inline remote images]] +** DONE Tables and environment with parameters + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Tables and environment with parameters]] + Another case of checking for protectedness at the wrong place (the + following line :( ) +** DONE org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:00] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd))]] +** DONE org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51))]] +** DONE inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active]] + +*** inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up%! + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][Bug: inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up]] +** DONE Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans) + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D8739vzpqx1.wl%25dmaus%40ictsoc.de][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed by fixing the function org-find-olp, this can not search just + in the current buffer if the THIS-BUFFER flag is set. +** DONE Problem when org-capturing text from French email + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Problem when org-capturing text from French email]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus to work around Emacs bug #5306. + +** DONE org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans) + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus. + +** DONE web site bug +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][web site bug]] +** DONE indent levels in dynamic block clock? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent levels in dynamic block clock?]] +** DONE org-collector : display problem with propview +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-collector : display problem with propview]] +** DONE startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block) +CLOSED: [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block)]] +** DONE Diary-integration in version 7.01.g +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3Dop.vgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost.localdomain][Diary-integration in version 7.01.g]] +** DONE Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG= +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:59] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG=]] +** DONE links and ID properties +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][links and ID properties]] + +** DONE (Patch) Capture: [Error: (void-function FILE)] and %![Error: (void-function SEXP)] (again)%! +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) Capture: %!(Error: (void-function FILE)) and %!(Error: (void-function SEXP)) (again)]] +** DONE (BUG) Org-capturing items to clock +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Org-capturing items to clock]] +** DONE Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:42] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer]] +** DONE MobileOrg capture - bad encoding :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg capture - bad encoding]] +** DONE Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient]] +** DONE (BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems]] +** DONE avoiding source block prompts +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu][avoiding source block prompts]] +** DONE (babel) lob evaluation : a bug ? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(babel) lob evaluation : a bug ?]] + +** DONE (mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom][(mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing]] + +** DONE bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties? :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties?]] + +** DONE (Patch) Org-fontify :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Patch) Org-fontify]] + +** DONE (PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string.]] + +** DONE org-feed XML entities and character encoding :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][org-feed XML entities and character encoding]] + +** DONE (Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil]] + +** DONE (Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:15] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition)]] + +I installed the new code into the contirb directory. + +** DONE Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot?]] + +This is solved, and new example on how to work with GNUPLOT are up on Worg. + +** CLOSED Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** CLOSED Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight]] + +** CLOSED export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug: export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks]] + +** CLOSED org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:19] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection]] + +True, but cannot be fixed, at least not easily. The new entry can +still be found at the original target location, go there with `C-c C-u +C-c r'. + +** CLOSED org-capture + autoload + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture + autoload]] +The autoload Cookie is in there now. + +** CLOSED capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...) +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:14] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...)]] + +Not a bug. Cf. manual Template expansion and Carsten's +explanation: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6DE91187%2D59F0%2D4AA3%2D9487%2DA758CEB6D5DE%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 +commit-972b0a58...)]]. + +** CLOSED documention missing +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][Bug: documention missing]] + +** CLOSED Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Bug) Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk]] +** CLOSED org capture: use org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom][org capture: use org-default-notes-file]] + +** CLOSED Comments cannot be filled +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + +** CLOSED Disputed keys (meta left), (meta right) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 12:48] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:25] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Disputed keys]] +** DONE keys and command name info + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:44] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][keys and command name info]] + +** CLOSED Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] \\ + Insufficient information and no confirmation of the bug since more + than six months. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:31] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/66] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY?]] + +** DONE Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers. :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/65] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers.]] + +** DONE Re: export to latex broken :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 20:55] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:37 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/63] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][(O) Re: export to latex broken]] + +** DONE (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] \\ + This has been applied to master. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 21:04] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:39 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/62] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom][(O) (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command]] + +** DONE Macro expansion in included files :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] \\ + Applied already. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 16:07] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:42 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/61] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Macro expansion in included files]] + +** CLOSED "org-nil" error in LaTeX export :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:47] \\ + No report. Apperently, an user configuration problem. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/60] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) "org-nil" error in LaTeX export]] +** CLOSED (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] \\ + No confirmation under 30 weeks. Probably an user misconfiguration. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 00:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/58] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block]] + +** DONE Verbatim code gets interpreted :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/57] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) (Bug) Verbatim code gets interpreted]] + +** CLOSED (BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:50] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:35 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/38] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli][(BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers]] + +** DONE For Patchwork workers: An updated pw + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom][For Patchwork workers: An updated pw]] + +The pw script that should be used to work with our patchwork server +is part of the distribution, UTILITIES/pw. Among other things, this +script arranges for automatic emails to the mailing list when the +status of a patch changes. + +** DONE (ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite][(ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode]] +I have made a link to this new translator on Worg, in +org-translators.org. + +** CLOSED tags grouping not working :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:43] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 02:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/20] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede][Bug: tags grouping not working]] +** DONE org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org]] + +org-velocity.el is now a contributed packge, with documentation on worg. +** CLOSED Footnote incorrect in Worg + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:34 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Footnote incorrect in Worg]] + +** CLOSED org-mediawiki :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:53 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/17] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mediawiki]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:54 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/16] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file]] + +** CLOSED send mail without starting gnus first :new: + CLOSED: [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:57] + - Note taken on [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] \\ + This is a gnus issue. + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [3/15] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][send mail without starting gnus first]] + +** CLOSED links and no match message :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:30] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:03 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/12] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu][links and no match message]] + +No answer in 25 weeks. Case closed. +** CLOSED org-cdlatex after environment :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/11] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-cdlatex after environment]] + +Document to reproduce: + +#+begin_src org +,* Heading +,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +;; Turn on cdlatex-mode +(org-cdlatex-mode 1) +,#+END_SRC + + +\begin{eqnarray*} + & & \\ +\end{eqnarray*} + +\begin{eqnarray*} +b&=& +\begin{cases} +1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 +\end{cases} +5 +\end{eqnarray*} + + +Typing _ after 4 prints _{}. Typing _ after 5 only gives _. 5 isn't +considered to be part of math-mode anymore. +#+end_src + +** DONE Org now fontifies code blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][Org now fontifies code blocks]] + +** DONE MobileOrg now in the Android market + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][MobileOrg now in the Android market]] +** DONE (CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom][(CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point]] + +Included in Worg now. + +** DONE Finally jekyll and org-jekyll + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Finally jekyll and org-jekyll]] + +Documented in Worg. + +** DONE MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages]] + +Included in Org and documented. + +** CLOSED what am I missing about remote editing? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 15:41] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:11 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/10] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][what am I missing about remote editing?]] +** CLOSED error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier" :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:02] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:13 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/9] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier"]] + +** CLOSED void-function error :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:37] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/8] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][void-function error]] + +** DONE Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks :Babel:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 11:07 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks]] +** DONE Baffled by beamer blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:50] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:04 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) (BUG) Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +** DONE Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:36] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom][Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands]] + +#+begin_quote +Is there an option for org-metaup (org-metadown) and +outline-next-visible-heading (outline-previous-visible-heading) to +alway jump to the first non-star character in a headline instead of +the beginning of a headline? I could not find this option in the +manual. In my opinion, this would complement the "special C-a/e" +commands which I also use. This behaviour is already the default for +org-metaup/-down in lists. +#+end_quote + +** DONE LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug]] + +** DONE Row formulas + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + @4=..... + +** CLOSED latex export problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech][latex export problem]] + + - ngz :: not consistently reproducible, 41 weeks old, outdated + version of Org : closed. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE Make a variable that current line should be recomputed always + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + In each table. Skipping headers of course. +** DONE include value of single table cell in text? + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:49] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:17 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][include value of single table cell in text?]] + +** DONE (Feature Request) Cross headings in tables + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:51] +:END: + [2010-10-27 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Feature Request) Cross headings in tables]] + +** DONE MathJax is now the default for HTML math + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:21 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom][MathJax is now the default for HTML math]] + + - ngz :: it is in manual since a long time. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :END: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE + 1) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's + leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is + set to nil + + 2) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented + as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the + indentation should ideally return to what it was before the + inline task. Of course, this is also a problem when org-indent + is turned off, if you try to automatically hard-indent using + TAB. However, in that case you can adjust by hand the + indentation of the first line after the inline task, and then + all the following lines will indent correctly. With org-indent + the problem is much worse since there is no way of adjusting the + soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] + - ngz :: no further information to work on since 39 weeks. Case + probably closed. +** CLOSED Strange bug, request for more info + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :END: + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq6bjsas%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq6bjsas.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Re: Strange bug, request for more info]] + + - ngz :: very old bug, probably fixed now according to the last + post in the thread. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +The bug happens when being in the agenda and trying to goto or show +the origin location of an agenda entry by pressing SPC or RET. +John reports that sometimes (for him several times a day), +the other window shows a completely different location. +The most weird part of it is that going back to the agenda buffer +and then trying the exact same command again, everything works +fine! This is driving me crazy, and I'd love to find and fix +this problem. +#+END_QUOTE +** CLOSED PATCH: Fix for agenda problems :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo][PATCH: Fix for agenda problems]] + + - ngz :: probably applied, and function has changed since then. + +*** More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing :Mobile: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo][More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing]] + +*** Mobile-org crash --- same error? :Mobile: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mobile-org crash --- same error?]] + +** DONE COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 02:22] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:57] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 12:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][(O) Bug: Minor Bug: COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics (7.5 (release_7.5.24.g5f0ef))]] + + - ngz :: bug confirmed on 7.6 (release_7.6.75.g74e3) and hopefully + fixed. Waiting for confirmation. + +** CLOSED Capture abort: (void-function -mode) + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:44] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Capture abort: (void-function -mode)]] + +Problem is not yet reproducible. + + - ngz :: very old bug, no information or even confirmation it + happened since then. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED capture problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:14] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech][capture problem]] + + - ngz :: very old bug. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] +** CLOSED Recovering notes :Mobile: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobile-org) Recovering notes]] + + - ngz :: As informative as it is, we are not fixing issues for + outside applications. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error? :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:09] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error?]] + + - ngz :: still active, but not dependant on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ainsi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** CLOSED Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created) :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] + :END: + [2010-10-17 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created)]] + + - ngz :: confirmed, but not depending on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** DONE (PATCH) Markup on same line as text :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:48] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Markup on same line as text]] + - ngz :: patch already applied in code base. +** DONE clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items]] + + - ngz :: Carsten fixed it. + +** DONE (BABEL) Babel babel native fontification :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:37] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:48 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Two minor issues]] +** DONE Custom sorting of agenda items! + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) custom sorting of agenda items]] + - ngz :: Carsten full-filled that wish. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When giving a user-defined function for org-agenda-cmp-user-defined, +the function gets two agenda entries. Is there a way from an agenda entry +to get to the original org entry? + +Best would be if, besides a user-defined sort function, you could also provide +a function that takes the org entry and the agenda item (i.e. is run with point +on the org entry and is passed the agenda item), and can then store anything +it wants about the org entry as text properties on the agenda item. +The companion user-defined sorting function could then use these stored +text properties for ordering the agenda items. Could you add such a hook? +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:21] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:00 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][(PATCH) Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto]] + - ngz :: That function exists now. + +** CLOSED Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature Request: Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range]] + - ngz :: A solution for the problem at hand already exists and is + detailed in the FAQ. + +** DONE Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show. :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show.]] + - ngz :: Patch seems applied in code base. +** DONE Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:33] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 08:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg][Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines]] + - ngz :: David solved that bug with his escaping mechanism. + +** DONE Variable of standard links for completion with C-c C-l + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Or something like that, to make standard links fast. + +** DONE Unintended behavior? Links without description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:09] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:10 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Unintended behavior? Links without description]] + +#+begin_quote +In pre-processing for export with org-export-normalize-links, links +that lack a description part are given one, which consists of the full +raw path of the link. In other words, link descriptions are never nil. +This seems to conflict with the expectations of org-bbdb.el and custom +links based on that example. + +The link [[bbdb:Carsten Dominik]], for instance, is exported to html +and latex as follows: + + bbdb:Carsten Dominik + \textit{bbdb:Carsten Dominik}. + +Org-bbdb.el is clearly prepared to be passed a desc that is nil, in +which case it would use path instead: + +(defun org-bbdb-export (path desc format) + "Create the export version of a BBDB link specified by PATH or DESC. +If exporting to either HTML or LaTeX FORMAT the link will be +italicized, in all other cases it is left unchanged." + (cond + ((eq format 'html) (format "%s" (or desc path))) + ((eq format 'latex) (format "\\textit{%s}" (or desc path))) + (t (or desc path)))) + +However, desc is never nil, because a missing description part is +replaced in export pre-processing by a string consisting of the link +type, a colon, and the path. This takes place in the function +org-export-normalize-links. + +This makes for unexpected behavior in custom links that some of us +have defined. E.g., Thomas S. Dye's `cite' links (the thread +`org-add-link-type'): +#+end_quote + +Thomas S. Dye could track down this problem to at least 7.01trans +(release_7.01h.209.g2c33b). + +*** DONE org-add-link-type + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:12] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) org-add-link-type]] + +#+begin_quote +It looks as if an empty desc is never passed, instead it is replaced +with the full raw path. I don't think that's the right behavior, and I +don't really see how it could result from org-export-latex-links. +#+end_quote + +** DONE minted for latex source code export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:49 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][minted for latex source code export]] + +** DONE (WIP) OpenOffice Exporter + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WIP) OpenOffice Exporter]] + +** CLOSED Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans) + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:11] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 11:19 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans)]] + - ngz :: configuration mistake from OP. + +** DONE Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:54] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) (Babel) Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output]] +** CLOSED html export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX ignored for tables when used before first headline + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:22] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][LaTeX table export issue]] + +** DONE Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore? :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +- State "BUG" from "WISH" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore?]] + +** DONE Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:28] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:19] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) (BUG) Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading]] + - ngz :: Patch suggested. Waiting for confirmation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +** DONE (Patch) org-capture.el + CLOSED: [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-22 ven. 01:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Patch) org-capture.el]] +** DONE Rewrite of org-indent-mode :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:23] +- State "IDEA" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:20] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:28] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-08-18 jeu. 19:16 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (dev) org-indent-mode patch]] + + + - ngz :: this branch is an attempt to remove idle timer in + indent-mode and to make it compatible with + visual-line-mode. Though, it suffers from a long + initialization time (walking each line of the buffer to + add text-properties). + + The idea is to set =line-prefix= property to the level of + the current headline and =wrap-prefix= to the indentation + of the beginning of the line. These properties are + modified at each text modification (hook) on the modified + area only (so, this part is quick). + + - ngz :: I've implemented an asynchronous initialization. It needs + testing, though. + +Source : =git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +The rewrite would fix the following bugs: + +*** DONE Org cause Emacs to hang + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "BUG" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:04] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:39] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org cause Emacs to hang]] + +Possible fix is in + +=git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +Wait for feedback if this patch fixes the problem. + + - ngz :: this branch isn't satisfactory enough (too slow on + opening files). Thus, I re-open the bug. + + See [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for more information. + +*** DONE Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel][Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list]] + + - ngz :: see [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for a working solution + +# -*- org-tags-column: -80; sentence-end-double-space: t; -*- +#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t tex:t d:(HIDE LOGBOOK) tags:not-in-toc +#+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate +#+TODO: NEW(n) TODO(t!) WAITING(W!) IDEA(i!) WISH(w!) INCONSISTENCY(y!) BUG(b!) QUESTION(q!) | DONE(d!) DECLINED(c!) CLOSED(C!) +#+TAGS: Babel(b) Mobile(m) Patch(p) new(n) noexport(x) +#+TITLE: Open issues with Org mode +#+AUTHOR: Worg people +#+EMAIL: mdl AT imapmail DOT org +#+LANGUAGE: en +#+PRIORITIES: A C B +#+CATEGORY: worg +#+ARCHIVE: ::* Closed issues +#+DRAWERS: PROPERTIES LOGBOOK + +# This file is the default header for new Org files in Worg. Feel free +# to tailor it to your needs. + +* Introduction + +This is a simple mailing list based tracker for issues and other +things about Org mode. It is a replacement of the abandoned todo file +and incorporates its structure and parts of the nomenclature. The +purpose of this document is to keep track of issues, i.e. anything +that requires some kind of action, and other things like +announcements, hacks, feature ideas and the like. + +** Nomenclature + +On this page, TODO keywords are used in the following way: + + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Keyword* | Intention | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *NEW* | A new issue that is not yet classifed. | + | *TODO* | A task to be done. This includes but is not limited to answers to user requests, development or documentation tasks. | + | *WAITING* | A reported issue that requires a response to be processed further. | + | *IDEA* | A new idea, I have not yet decided what if anything I will do about it. | + | *WISH* | A wish, probably voiced by someone on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org. This is less than a new idea, more a change in existing behavior. | + | *DECLINED* | A feature or idea that was declined. Still in the list so that people can see it, complain, or still try to convince Carsten to implement it. | + | *INCONSISTENCY* | Some behavior in Org-mode that is not as clean and consistent as it should be. | + | *BUG* | A confirmed bug. This needs to be fixed, as soon as possible. | + | *QUESTION* | A question someone asked. | + | *DONE* | Well, done is done. | + | | <80> | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +In addition, tags are used to provide more detailed context +information. Currently these tags are used in this file: + + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Tag* | Context | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Babel* | Issue concerning [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/index.php][Org-babel]] | + | *Mobile* | Issue concerning [[http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/][MobileOrg]] | + | *Patch* | A patch is available via Org mode's [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/project/org-mode/list/][Patchwork tracker]] | + | *New* | All issues below the *New Issues* headline. | + | | <80> | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +** Document structure and maintenance + +New issues hitting the Org mode [[http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode][mailing list]] are recorded on a +(almost) daily basis using a yet to be published library that allows +operating on the issue file from within Wanderlust and (partly) Gnus. + +They are first filed to the heading *New Issues*. + +In a second step issues beneath this heading are reviewed. If an +issue triggers a development task it is properly classified (keywords, +tag) and refiled to the *Development Tasks* heading. If it is a user +request, it is classified using the *QUESTION* TODO keyword and filed +to heading *User Requests*. If it is already closed according to the +mailing list, it is immediately closed and moved to *Closed issues*. +If it cannot yet be classified or closed, it stays where it is. + +** Using this file + +This file is hosted and published on [[http://orgmode.org/worg/][Worg]]. So you can either read the +file via your browser or check out Worg's git repository. + +Everyone is encouraged to use this file to facilitate collaboration in +solving issue and extending Org mode. Thus, you can operate on the +entries as you wish, as long as the ID property is kept intact. + +Operating on this file includes, but is not limited to, classifying +new issues, doing research on an outstanding task, or grouping related +issues into a development task. If you start to take care of an open +issue or task, please put a token in a headline property called +"ASSIGNEE", so others can see that you started to take care of this +issue. + +[[file:index.org][{Back to Worg's index}]] + +* New Issues [0/0] :new: +* Development Tasks +** Agenda issues +*** IDEA Meta-grouping properties? + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Meta-grouping properties?]] +*** IDEA persistent frame for agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:09] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][persistent frame for agenda]] + +*** IDEA "Interactive" Search in Agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom]["Interactive" Search in Agenda]] + +*** IDEA overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature idea: overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling]] + +*** IDEA Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:18] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(REQUEST) Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views)]] + +#+begin_quote +> I have been a happy org-mode user for a while, using more and more of +> org-mode for more and more things. By now I have completely replaced my use +> of iCal (on the Mac) by the org-mode agenda, with no regrets. However, there +> is one feature that I am still trying to get into my agenda view, but I +> didn't find a way to do it yet. +> +> There are a couple of long-lasting "events" that I would like to show in my +> agenda view. A typical example would be school vacation periods, but there +> are others: absences of a colleague, availability of some instrument, etc, +> Their common feature is that they can last very long (several weeks) and +> that they don't really occupy my agenda. I just want to know when planning +> something if a given day is in period X or not. So I'd like to see at a +> glance (using a specific font, color, one-letter prefix etc.) if a day falls +> into a certain predefined period. Simply adding a corresponding event to my +> agenda leads to visual clutter: it gets marked on every single day of the +> period. +> +> Is there any way to get what I am looking for? + ++1 for this feature. Also, I think our desire for such a feature could +be met with a calendar-view, perhaps re-using some org-table or +org-columns source? + +I'm envisioning I would very much like something akin to an ASCII +4-day calendar view (like the default Google Calendar view). + +Even if we could line up four days' agenda views horizontally (with an +appointment-style timeline), I would find this useful. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Worldcup + time zone question + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][Worldcup + time zone question]] + +*** WISH Indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom][(new feature suggestion?) indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is there a way to quickly/visually differentiate between repeating/single-occurence tasks? + +If not, something like say, adding an asterisk somewhere in the entry would be great. + +1. Scheduled* - starred schedule/deadline string +2. TODO * - starred 'todo' string +3. fifa2010* - starred 'category' string +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH A little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leaders +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede][a little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leader]] + - ngz :: No answer as of [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** WISH Modify time entry from agenda? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Modify time entry from agenda?]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Relative file names in list org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "WISH" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:22] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about org-agenda-files]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY omitting done TODOs from custom agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:19] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][omitting done TODOs from custom agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> The problem occurs in both my "Agenda plus contacts" and "Get It +> Louder", so maybe it's something with my custom todos? +> +> (org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w@)" "|" +> "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c@)") (sequence "CONTACT(n)" "REPLY(r)" "|" +> "CONTACTED(e@)")))) + +Looks like the problem here was that CONTACT is a substring of +CONTACTED—whatever function decides if a todo keyword is pending or +completed apparently just reads the string until it finds the first +match (?). I changed it to SENT and everything worked fine. Dunno if +that's worth considering a bug, but it's certainly surprising behavior. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** INCONSISTENCY Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:51] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day]] +*** BUG Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading]] + + - ngz :: Still confirmed on [2011-07-18 lun.] + + The manual should specify that SCHEDULED and DEADLINE + keywords are to be put on the line just after the + headline. + + We can also make C-c C-s replace the already defined + SCHEDULED or DEADLINE keyword, if it can find it. + + Moreover, we should remove + `org-insert-labeled-timestamps-at-point'. This variable + is error-prone, and more than often let-bound to nil + (i.e. from the agenda). + + Eventually, I think we should slowly move them to + standard properties (in the PROPERTIES drawer). + +*** WISH org-agenda-follow-narrowed ? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom][org-agenda-follow-narrowed ?]] + +#+begin_quote +When I'm in the agenda, if I hit SPC, I get a nice narrowed view of the +current item. When I toggle org-agenda-follow-mode, I get org to show +me the current item without hitting SPC---but it's not narrowed. It +also has the property drawer collapsed. What I'd like is to have org +follow me with exactly the result of hitting SPC. Possible? +#+end_quote + +*** WISH re-marking agenda entries +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:03] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][re-marking agenda entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Please test this custom agenda command +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:16] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Please test this custom agenda command]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Habits and org-log-done configuration +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: Understanding habits - org-log-done]] + +#+BEGIN_VERSE +> I can confirm this. I personally only log state changes to DONE but +> setting a LOGGING property value of lognotedone prompts for a note and +> fails to show the history for the habit in the graph. +> +> This is probably a bug. + +Yes. The regexp that searches for completed tasks in org-habit is +hard-coded to look for a 'State "DONE"' string. When org-log-done is set +to note, however, the log entries begin with 'CLOSING NOTE'. (A related +problem here is that it assumes DONE is the only relevant todo keyword.) + +One workaround is to add the property LOGGING and set its value to +lognoterepeat. This produces notes with timestamps in the following +format (compatible with org-habit): + + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [​2011​-​01​-​01​ Sat 21:​11​] \\\\ + 5 miles. +#+BEGIN_COMMENT +The note above was modified in order to export correctly to html. It's +source form is: + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2011-01-01 Sat 21:11] \\ + 5 miles. +#+END_COMMENT +Another workaround is to make the setting associated with 'done in +org-log-note-headings to the same as 'state. One quick way to do that is +by evaluating the following expression: + +(setcdr (assoc 'done org-log-note-headings) (assoc 'state org-log-note-headings)) + +As an aside, it seems to me that the "CLOSING NOTE" format that results +when org-log-done is set to 'note is inconsistent with other logging +behavior. For instance, when a "@" is added in org-todo-keywords, the +note is entered with the state change string. +#+END_VERSE + + +*** INCONSISTENCY Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:44] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4)]] + +*** BUG org-write-agenda failure +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-write-agenda failure]] + + - ngz :: confirmed on Org-mode version 7.6 (release_7.6.93.gd243) + [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:56] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 15:53] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files]] + +C-c [ and C-c ] adds and removes files from `org-agenda-files' using +Emacs' customization interface. The customization is saved w/o notice +or prompt. Using these commands defeats setting `org-agenda-files' to +one or more directories because Org will save the expanded list of +directory files. + +*** BUG org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:27] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: (O) org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t]] + +#+begin_quote +>>> Alright, so I did that, and I seem to have encountered an org-mode +>>> bug. Put this in .emacs +>>> +>>> (setq +>>> org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t +>>> org-agenda-custom-commands +>>> '(("l" "Agenda with done items" +>>> agenda "" ((org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done nil))))) +>>> +>>> (define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "l") (lambda () (interactive) (org-agenda nil "l"))))) +>>> +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +>>> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +>>> q -> quits org-agenda +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> still fine +>>> M-x org-agenda b/f -> also displays DONE items, which is a bug +>> +>> I cannot reproduce this. What version of org-mode are you using? +>> +>> - Matt +> +> Right, sorry, I was using org-agenda-list. Here are the updated +> instructions +> +> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +> q -> quits org-agenda +> M-x org-agenda-list -> still fine +> b/f -> also displays DONE items + +I can confirm this bug with this latter set of instructions, though I'm +puzzled why M-x org-agenda-list behaves differently than C-c a a. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty)) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:33] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty))]] + +*** TODO Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:51] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f))]] + +*** WISH org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:31] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future]] + +*** WISH Hide / expand tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:35] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (O) Hide / expand tags]] + +#+begin_quote +I think it'd be nice for this to have the _alternative_ to put the +tags into the properties drawer and occasionally view and edit them +with a column view: + +#+SPECIAL_PROPERTIES: TAGS=drawer:PROPERTIES <= only a suggestion +#+end_quote +*** WAITING tags match agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:24] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg][(O) tags match agenda]] + +*** DECLINED Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu][(PATCH) Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support]] + +*** IDEA Managing appts with org-mode, diary +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:46] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede][Re: Managing appts with org-mode, diary]] + +#+begin_quote +I currently use fancy diary. It's nice to have an overview of the +current day and the upcoming appointments of the next n days. But this +'oh, there is an important appointment in {three|two|one|zero} days' +clutters the agenda view even more ;). This is where it would be nice to +have the agenda view tree like, too. The days could be nodes and the +appointments could be subnode of the day, that could be shown or +hidden. I'm relatively new to org-mode (convertit from planner-mode as +you might know ;-), so I don't know exactly if such a feature is already +implemented or if it could be done without huge amounts of work. +#+end_quote + +** Appearance + +*** WISH Secondary selection +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Secondary selection]] + +*** WISH Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Aquamacs syntax highlighting +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Aquamacs syntax highlighting]] + +*** BUG Column view and subtask overview interaction +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet][Column view and subtask overview interaction]] + +*** IDEA Orgmode and Unicode characters +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and Unicode characters]] + +*** BUG Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly]] + +#+begin_quote +If you add a width declaration ("") to the column containing Korean, +when realigning the table you'll get an "args out of range" error inside +the text-properties-related code in `org-table-align' (provided the +width declaration actually does cause the text to be clipped). +#+end_quote + + - ngz :: is it fixable ? Org tables are not meant to handle + variable-width fonts anyway. [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:54] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede][Bug: startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x)]] + +#+begin_quote +Thanks for doublechecking. I now tested it again, and this only happens when +used in a shell (i.e. in a KDE Konsole) where the point does not blink. +#+end_quote +*** DECLINED Effort columnview: Show total in different column + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Effort columnview: Show total in different column]] + +Too big a change + +*** DECLINED Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:28] +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within]] + +** Babel + +*** TODO Handling of errors when using Ledger + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "WISH" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Handling of errors when using Ledger]] + +*** ASSIGNED Babel - display results in an overlay? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:25] + - State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:28] + - State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Babel - display results in an overlay?]] + +this is now in the Babel task tracking system + +*** ASSIGNED (babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:09] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg][(babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect]] + +This has been added as a bug to the babel development file + +*** IDEA Mark and Tangle :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Mark and Tangle]] + +*** WISH (PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:18] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) Speed keys :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Speed keys]] + +*** WISH Line numbers in tangled source :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:23] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Line numbers in tangled source]] + +*** WISH org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings]] + +*** WISH Babel & DOS + :LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg][Babel & DOS]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) C-v C-v M-x? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:22] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) C-v C-v M-x?]] + +*** WISH Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:49] + :END: + [2010-12-12 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file]] +*** INCONSISTENCY (babel) silent code block evaluation on export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) silent code block evaluation on export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Babel: interweaving code and results? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:06] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: interweaving code and results?]] + This link doesn't resolve through Gmane + +*** INCONSISTENCY Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3) :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:45] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg][Bug: Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3)]] + +#+begin_quote +OK, I now have a clearer idea of what went wrong. + +1. I think it's doing find-file-at-point. + +2. This only happens when point is on this line, but NOT at the start + of the line: #+begin_src haskell + + It's not about whether it's the first time you press C-c ', it's about + where point is when you press it. + +3. If point is anywhere on the closing line of the source block, it + works. + +4. Ironically, the end of the first line is where the point is placed if + you do C-c C-v d at the end of the buffer! So if you do C-c C-v d and + then C-c ', as I did, this bug will happen. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export :Babel: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 18:59] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl][Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export]] + +*** TODO (bug?) cannot generate table format output for octave results :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:05] + :END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug?) (babel) cannot generate table format output for octave results]] + +*** WISH Make tangling work in an indirect buffer :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:17] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) (PATCH) Make tangling work in an indirect buffer]] + +** Capture and refile + +*** IDEA Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)%! +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:32] +:END: + [2010-08-08 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When you think of CamelCase and on-the-fly creating of non-existing +files/headlines, it's just another way of *capturing* stuff. + +Why not defining some simple syntax to trigger the capture mechanism +from special links? + +For example: + + "I write a reference to a >c:newfile which I can create later." + +- The ">c:newfile" is a link. +- The ">c" is a link abbreviation. +- The ">" part is the syntax for link abbrevations to trigger a capture. +- The "c" part is the keybinding of capture template to call. +- The "newfile" would be passed on as a variable for the (nth 3) of the + template (we could have several variables separated by "#" + +This would combine the flexibility of on-the-fly file creation and of +the capture mechanism, allowing multiple templates. + +What do you think? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Refiling notes to current file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Refiling notes to current file]] + +*** WISH Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:37] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree]] + +*** WAITING archiving an indirect buffer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:54] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: archiving an indirect buffer]] +*** DECLINED Blank rows with capture target table-line and aborting capture +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][is it a bug in org-capture]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I hit C-c c t, and then C-c C-k immediately, the file test.org is +still modified with an new blank row inserted in the table, which is out +of expectation, since C-c C-k is known as "abort capture". The minibuffer +says "org-capture-finalize: Capture process aborted, but target buffer +could not be cleaned up correctly". +#+END_QUOTE + +Unfortunately this is difficult to fix, because the user might have +changed other things before aborting. At least the error message is +clear and gives the user the opportunity to fix the problem. + +*** WISH Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed]] + +*** WAITING Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:20] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4)]] + +Cannot reliably get reproduced as of [2011-01-16 So]. + +*** TODO Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:10] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text]] + +*** TODO (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:37] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior]] + +*** WISH remember-other-frame with org-capture? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-06 Mo 21:03] +:END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) remember-other-frame with org-capture?]] + +*** BUG org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs]] + +*** WAITING capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:16] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Bug: capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4)]] + +** Clocking + +*** BUG Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:19] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly]] + +*** TODO No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’ :contrib: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:12] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau][(O) No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’]] + +*** IDEA Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:40] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'?]] + +** Documentation +*** IDEA packaging org-mode & worg + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][packaging org-mode & worg ]] + +*** IDEA Create better function and variable index in the manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:26] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) Command names are now in the manual]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +A suggestion for a possible(?) improvement: the "O" section of the +function index (and I imagine the variable index as well) is pretty +crowded :-). I wonder if texinfo has any facilities to break it up, +perhaps according to the first letter after the first dash. +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Page numbering in manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:07] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Page numbering in manual]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY `org-agenda-tags-column' missing in documentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 16:28] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Re: Tags position in regular agenda view?]] + +** Exporting +*** IDEA Google CL and org-mode + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Google CL and org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have a question regarding the recent announcement of the Google +Command Line project (http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/). + +I was wondering if there are plans to integrate support for calendar +synchronization between Google and org-mode using this tool. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:46] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas][Re: (PATCH) org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request]] +*** IDEA Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2 +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-27 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom][Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2]] + +*** WISH Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +One suggestion, then... why not just have a nice list of all possible +ATTR_LaTeX options? I have killed myself before looking for a simplified +list. Maybe even just common ones since perhaps any LaTeX option may be +passed? +#+END_QUOTE + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +*** WISH pretty export of tags + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca][pretty export of tags]] +*** WISH Allow skipping of levels in LaTeX export +**** latex export - skipping lvls breaks export + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][latex export - skipping lvls breaks export]] + +**** Even if skipped headline levels are not allowed, exporter shouldn't drop out-of-level headlines silently + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:14025%2E1279898870%40maps +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/14025%2E1279898870%40maps][Bug: possible bug in latex export (7.01trans (release_6.36.735.g15ca.dirty))]] +*** WISH fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede][fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export]] +*** WISH iCal export and complex diary sexps + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][iCal export and complex diary sexps]] +*** WISH Seemless editing of Babel Blocks :Babel: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Seemless editing of Babel Blocks]] +*** WISH Captions for source code +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][Captions for source code]] +*** WISH user control of source block header line exporting formats :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:59] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][user control of source block header line exporting formats]] +*** WISH Add timestamp keyword specific CSS class +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:24] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][How to distinguish timestamps in CSS?]] + +*** WISH query - org-emphasis-regexp-components +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:31] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][query - org-emphasis-regexp-components]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I was writing a document with Python code in it and I found a minor problem. +There's no way to put a piece of code like s="Hello World" as verbatim +or code in my document. + +~s="Hello World"~ doesn't work because the border in +org-emphasis-regexp-components doesn't allow " or '. I'm not sure why +this is in place. Can this be removed, or have they been put in for a +specific reason, that I can't see? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time. :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg][(PATCH) Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time.]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export of emphasized link + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :END: +**** INCONSISTENCY inconsistency + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:12] + :END: + emphasized link supported: + - Emacs faces shown in org-mode buffer itself + - export to LaTeX + - [...] + emphasized link not supported: + - export to HTML + - export to DocBook + - export to XOXO + - [...] + this question is still open: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +*** INCONSISTENCY org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:46] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY hlevel in org-export-region-as-html +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:56] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug? hlevel in org-export-region-as-html]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:38] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug) export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Bug: void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans)]] + +*** BUG latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom][latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis]] +*** BUG Org beamer export bugs + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org beamer export bugs]] + +*** BUG html export, latex fragments and emphasize +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:40] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: html export, latex fragments and emphasize]] + +*** BUG LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain][Bug: LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML]] + + - ngz :: since mathjax, should we still consider it as a bug? Is + is even reproducible? [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** DECLINED Org Mode Latex Export Customization of org-export-latex-emphasis-alist + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org Mode Latex Export Customization of + org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + + There is not really anything to be done here, not enough characters + for all those extra emphasis things. + +*** DECLINED Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:59] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:20] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output?]] + +*** DECLINED Combination of =code= and Description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:02] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom][Combination of =code= and Description]] + - ngz :: This is a LaTeX limitation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** BUG eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom][eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) ]] + +Nick Dokos did a good first analysis of the problem [[http://mid.gmane.org/26738%2E1292194633%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][here]]. + +*** INCONSISTENCY Question: How to insert different background images on different frames +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-beamer) Question: How to insert different background images on different frames]] + +*** WISH Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:52] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede][(PATCH) Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY iCalendar selective export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 12:00] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][iCalendar selective export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inconsistencies in email and author export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:52] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli][Inconsistencies in email and author export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY HTML export and absolute file names +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:55] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-03-06 So 19:51]--[2011-03-06 So 21:05] => 1:14 +:END: + [2011-02-24 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][HTML export and absolute file names]] + +*** BUG italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:29] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working]] + +*** TODO HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:31] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image]] + +*** TODO Bug in latex export of <> + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:33] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo][(O) Bug in latex export of <>]] + +*** BUG _<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:37] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][_<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly]] + +*** WISH org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:02] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG) org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used]] + +*** BUG modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:40] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(O) Feature request: modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters]] + +*** TODO HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:44] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV]] + +*** WISH Images in included files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:22] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Images in included files]] + +** Links +*** TODO Document the character protection in links + I don't think this is really covered anywhere. + Maybe we also should protect characters in the visible part, to + make sure thing will never be on two lines...? + +*** IDEA Find all links to a specific file + +*** IDEA Resolve links on export + +**** Example: Make info HTML links work for links to Info files + +Info links of course only work inside Emacs. However, many info +documents are on the web, so the HTML exporter could try to be smart +and convert an Info link into the corresponding link on the web. For +example, we could use the GNU software site then Name.HTML. Here is +the link to be used: +http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/ Another question +is, is this URL going to be stable so that it makes sense to actually +put this into org.el? + +*** IDEA Mailcap support of Org file links + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Choosing external app at runtime?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I follow a link, Org mode knows what application to use. Except +that sometimes I want to override that choice. + +For example, I have a collection of PDF files. Mostly I want to open +them in my statically configured PDF viewer, which is fine. But +sometimes I want to open one in Xournal, say, to annotate it. + +My mail client Wanderlust will ask me in cases like this: if multiple +mailcap entries match, I get to choose when opening the attachment. + +Any chance we could do a similar thing in Org mode? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Dereference file links on export or open + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is "scpc" in the line above a transport protocol? Maybe this should be +an org-mode wide features, i.e. the ability to resolve remote file +references with C-c C-o and on export. Does that sound reasonable, and +would it take care of the need in this particular case? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Radio targets across files + I guess each org file could write a .orgtargets.filename file, if + it has any radio targets. + +*** INCONSISTENCY image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c]] + - ngz :: still valid as of [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-store-link only works interactively (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:47] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org-store-link only works interactively (7.4)]] + - ngz :: no clear answer yet. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Problem opening links that span more than one line + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][(O) Problem opening links that span more than one line]] + +*** TODO absolute HTML links + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:03] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][(O) absolute HTML links]] + +*** IDEA org-git-link does not support locational information within file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:47] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat][org-git-link does not support locational information within file]] + +** Miscellaneous Stuff +*** TODO Use the new argument of bibtex-url + Roland Winkler was kind enough to implement a new argument to the + `bibtex-url' command that allows me to retrieve the corresponding + URL, whether it is taken from a URL field or constructed in some + clever way. Currently I am not using this, because too many + people use an old Emacs version which does not have this. + however, eventually I will implement this. + +*** TODO grep on directory does not yet work. + I am actually not sure, I might have addressed this already, but + my memory is failing me. Needs some checking. +*** IDEA Do we need a 43 folders implementation? + That could easily be done in an org-mode file. But then, maybe + this should really be a paper thing. + +*** IDEA Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files) + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files)]] +**** AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg][AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group]] +**** sharing Org-mode files for collaboration + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet][sharing Org-mode files for collaboration]] +*** IDEA (PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy :Patch: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy]] + + - ??? :: Waiting for FSF copyright assignment. + + - ngz :: According to the list of contributors, papers are signed, + but it doesn't look like this patch has been applied to + code base. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** IDEA Does Org-mode need to be position aware? + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom][Does Org-mode need to be position aware?]] +*** IDEA (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I guess, the manual maintainers do NOT have to be experts in both +org-mode resp. org-babel nore they have to be experts in the supported +language. Its more about the kind of standard stuff and maybe, to +complex stuff even scare people. More things like "How to create a +measurement protocol with org-babel and python", How to evaluate and +report data analysis with org-babel and R", etc. + +To make it more easy for both the readers and the maintainers a kind of +template for such manuals might be helpful. This would help to find the +same information at the same locations and make a comparison e.g. +between the use of R and python possible. + +I'am not an expert for both org-* and python and I'm often very limited +in time. However, I would try to maintain a "python and org-babel" manual. + +If there are more people who are interested to act as a kind of manual +maintainers I would like to discuss with you how a template might look like. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Code block switches buffer-wide? + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Code block switches buffer-wide?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I would like to include the -n code block switch (number lines) into all my +code blocks in a buffer. Is there a way to define a kind of buffer-wide +switches, like it is with the #+BABEL keyword for header arguments? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment]] +*** IDEA Make .org-id-locations non-hidden directory above .emacs.d + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][org-mobile produces errors in normal org functions]] +*** IDEA can you require a certain template with lognotedone? + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg][can you require a certain template with lognotedone?]] +*** IDEA Feature-Ideas +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal][Feature-Ideas]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have severel ideas about new features that I want to share. My +knowledge with lisp and the coding of the org-structure is bad so far, +so I can't try to contribute a patch. + +- 1. *Alias - Trees* + + When I work on projects, I often want to /reference to a certain + other heading/. It would be great to do this not just with links, + but /with an alias/. + + I think of trees, that show up and can be in the current tree as if + they were a subtree, but really are at another position in the + current or a different file. + + This concept would also allow seperate versioning and merging of + external generated content into the current file. ( I e.g. think of + summaries of text in the scientific context. ) + +- 2. More flexible *Colouring for categories*, tags, ... + +It would be great to have the /opportunity to define individual faces +for different categories, tags/ , ... . + +- 3. Implementation of *hourly/minutely reference*. + +It would be useful to be able to schedule something to repeat every 12 +or 6 hours or in 22 minutes. It would also be useful, to have the +opportunity to associate asynchronous shell scripts with individual +scheduled events. + +- 4. *Exclude certain days from Timeline* + + The opportunity to /give/ whole days the status // . That would mean, that when I fire up the + /Timeline/ for a current file (L), certain days are /show/ with a + message "/day is planned for project /. in a certain project + specific project. + + It would also be useful to have a keycommand in the /Timeline/ to + /switch other files on showing them in gray/. + +- 5. *Manually timeclock certain Headings* + + I would love to have a commands that can change the clocktime of not + running headings or insert new clocktimes into the current heading. + E.g. like this: + + Change the clocktime of : + (s) change last timeclock and keep the Start time. -> How long did it last? + (e) change last timeclock and keep the End time -> How long did it last? + (# C-u offset to change the #n last timeclock) + (a) add new timeclock -> Ask for Start and End. (with opportunity to specify the END relative) + +- 6. *Expand timestamps to include locations* + + e.g. Special timestamp-commands that + also ask for places and presents a list of all places of all projects + to choose from. + +- 7. *More complex timeclock-reports* + + Is anyone working on a more comprehensive way of giving visual + feedback and analysing the data of the timeclock-feature. (What have + I done the last month? How many time has gone to which project / + etc.) I am a relatively known [[http://cran.r-project.org/][GNU R]] user and could contribute code + for analysis of time usage / plotting complex more diagrams in + R. Allthough I am not very used to the export mechanisms in + Orgmode. Does anyone like to cooperate? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA text color + highlight +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:47] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][text color + highlight]] + +*** IDEA hiding PROPERTIES line +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "WISH" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hiding PROPERTIES line]] + +*** IDEA camel.el, for CamelCase links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +*** IDEA (ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne]] + +**** DECLINED Drill mode for org-learn +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Drill mode for org-learn]] + +[2010-08-01 So] Superseded by [[id:mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg%5D%5B%28ANN%29%20Org%2DDrill%3A%20Interactive%20revision%20a%20la%20Anki%2FMnemosyne%5D%5D + +*** IDEA Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress)]] +*** IDEA notmuch support for org-mode? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:25] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][notmuch support for org-mode?]] + +*** IDEA Email from org? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Email from org?]] + +*** IDEA Adding entries to Google calendar +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Adding entries to Google calendar]] + +*** IDEA Org mode and geo information +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:49] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Advice needed. Use links or blocks?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +the attached file fetches background tiles from openstreetmap.org for +me, and produces SVG images of tracks I ran. Unfortunately, I cannot +find a good way to use that code in an automated way. + +What I'd like to do, is to have the coords in my training diary, and +produce the images on demand. When I publish the diary to HTML, I want +the coords to be replaced with a link to the image. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA dynamically calculated timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:04] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][dynamically calculated timestamps?]] + +*** IDEA Org-mode Epic Win RPG +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:18] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode Epic Win RPG]] + +*** IDEA org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata]] + +*** IDEA Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience]] + +*** IDEA arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond]] + +*** IDEA output of shell command in agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][output of shell command in agenda]] + +*** WISH Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified" + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified"]] +*** WISH Estimate ranges in column view :Patch: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Estimate ranges in column view]] + +*** WISH Provide property API function to append to a property + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Re: org-capture question/suggestion]] +*** WISH New CSS for orgmode and Worg ? + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][New CSS for orgmode and Worg ?]] +*** WISH Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01)]] +*** WISH Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:53] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active]] +*** WISH Move attachments when refiling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com][Bug Report: refile and attachments]] +*** DECLINED Feature Request for new capture feature +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com][Feature Request for new capture feature]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +would it be possible to have a "C-u C-c C-w" that completes the +capture and switches to the target buffer? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH fractional hours for timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][fractional hours for timestamps?]] + +*** WISH Error running ditaa +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error running ditaa]] + +#+begin_quote +When running ditaa on Linux fedora 12 through java, I get the following +errors: + +java -jar /usr/share/java/ditaa.jar -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V +blue_fd02b5c06d6a5cb80eaf27098c3c490dc81326ce.png +Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on +Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: +org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException +Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: +org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException + at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217) + at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) + at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:319) + at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:264) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:332) +Could not find the main class: +org.stathissideris.ascii2image.core.CommandLineConverter. Program will exit. + +This can be taken care of by using the shell script that comes with ditaa, +i.e.: + +ditaa -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V + +But to do this from within emacs I need to patch org-exp-blocks.el as +follows: + +- (unless (file-exists-p org-ditaa-jar-path) +- (error (format "Could not find ditaa.jar at %s" org-ditaa-jar-path))) +: +- (message (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file)) +- (shell-command (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file))) ++ (message (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file)) ++ (shell-command (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file))) + +(You also need to erase the checking for the existance of dita.jar) + +Wouldn't it make more sense to replace the variable org-ditaa-jar-path with +a new variable org-ditaa-command that by default contains "java -jar +/old/value/of/org-ditaa-jar-path"? This would allow replacing it with a +shell script. Would a patch be accepted, or do you prefer to remain backward +compatible? + +On a related question. Since there is quite a lot of common code between +org-export-blocks-format-dot and org-export-blocks-format-ditaa (especially +if my patch is accepted), wouldn't it make sense to create a +org-export-blocks-format-meta that take all the differences between the +various export-blocks as parameters? This would simplify adding additional +org-export-blocks. +#+end_quote +*** INCONSISTENCY Stack overflow in regexp matcher +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Stack overflow in regexp matcher]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inherited properties not saved when archiving +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:59] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][saving property values when archiving]] +*** BUG gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom][gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I think the problem is org-plot doesn't +recognise that when plotting with error bars, gnuplot expects more than +two columns of data. So a command like this should be sent to gnuplot, +#+END_QUOTE +*** WAITING TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu. +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 02:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu.]] + - ngz :: solution under discussion. [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** BUG In-buffer completion +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Accepted) Re: In-buffer completion]] + + - ngz :: bug still active on [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** DECLINED (BUG) org remember broken + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][(BUG) org remember broken]] + +org-capure is now the default, I don't think we need to fix remember +bugs anymore. + +*** DECLINED Insert ellipsis if headline is too long + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][headline is too long]] + This would be too confusing when compared with folded entries, so I + do not think this feature should be implemented. + +*** DECLINED Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space? + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space?]] + + Closed for now, no useful feedback from report author, probably not + caused by Org mode. +*** DECLINED Gollum + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Gollum]] + +*** Priorities + Here is some information about priorities, which is not yet + documented. Actually, I am not sur if the list here is correct + either +**** QUOTE Priorities + TODO entries: 1 or 1,2,... + DEADLINE is 10-ddays, i.e. it is 10 on the due day + i.e. it goes above top todo stuff 7 days + before due + SCHEDULED is 5-ddays, i.e. it is 5 on the due date + i.e. it goes above top todo on the due day + TIMESTAMP is 0 i.e. always at bottom + but as a deadline it is 100 + but if scheduled it is 99 + TIMERANGE is 0 i.e. always at bottom + DIARY is 0 i.e. always at bottom + + Priority * 1000 + +*** INCONSISTENCY xemacs error when calling org-install :Xemacs: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:43] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-01-02 So 17:33]--[2011-01-02 So 18:02] => 0:29 +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom][xemacs error when calling org-install]] + +The autoloads in org-install.el are +generated by the Makefile (i.e. make org-install.el). The stable +version of Org mode ships with a pre-generated org-install.el and +without recreating this file with Xemacs it won't run. + +The =custom-autoload= is created only once for ob-tangle.el: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;;;###autoload + (defcustom org-babel-tangle-lang-exts + '(("emacs-lisp" . "el")) + "Alist mapping languages to their file extensions. + The key is the language name, the value is the string that should + be inserted as the extension commonly used to identify files + written in this language. If no entry is found in this list, + then the name of the language is used." + :group 'org-babel-tangle + :type '(repeat + (cons + (string "Language name") + (string "File Extension")))) +#+end_src + +As this the autoload directive was added deliberately I suppose there +was a reason for this to be there: If this is the case, there seems +not very much we can do about this. The autoload generating function +in =autoloads.el= always creates a call to custom-autoload with a +third argument. + +*** TODO Review packages in contrib directory + [2010-12-19 So] + +Byte-compiling indicates problems with some packages (e.g. references +to unbound symbols). The review process will single out the problems +for every package in contrib and steps necessary to fix them. + +**** make failure (7.3) + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: make failure (7.3)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:27] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab]] + +*** BUG org-add-note not working with winner-mode + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:22] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][Re: (O) org-add-note not working with winner-mode]] + +*** BUG regexp link on windows problem + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:30] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl][(O) regexp link on windows problem]] +*** TODO EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files :Mobile:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:46] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg][(O) Bug: EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files (7.5 (release_7.5.147.g9ddc))]] + +*** TODO org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:41] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom][(O) org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal)]] + + - ngz :: should we generalize the setup proposed by Julien, or + will we keep the warning? + +** Publishing + +*** TODO project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:17] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (bug) project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html]] + +** Structure +*** TODO Get rid of all the \r instances, which were used only for XEmacs. +*** WISH Create unique clocktable links + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede][Bug: clocktable :link often jumps to wrong target (6.36c)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +: Links created by clocktable :link are simple "text search" links. +: Therefore, they often hit the wrong target. +: +: For example, I used to have multiple clocktables at the beginning of my +: file: first a daily summary, then a weekly one, then a complete one, +: i.e. following clocktables summarized supersets of preceding ones. +: Therefore, most of the time I clicked a link in the first clocktable, +: the next "text search" target was the occurrence of the same task in the +: second clocktable, whereas clicking that link in the second clocktable +: would take me back into the first. +: +: I have been able to partly work around that by moving the clocktables to +: the end of the file, as the search always seems to start at the +: beginning of the file. Nevertheless, when I have two tasks "foobar" and +: "foo", occurring in that order in the file, clicking on the [[foo]] +: link in the clocktable takes me to the "foobar" task, as that has a +: "foo" substring and occurs first in the file. +: +: I would like clocktable to generate links that uniquely link to the task +: from which the particular clocktable entry has been generated. (I'd +: even be willing to assign CUSTOM_ID properties for that purpose, +: i.e. clocktable could take them into account for creating links, when +: they exist.) But the best solution would IMHO be a truly unique +: identification, e.g. by some XPath-like path, e.g. /1/2/3 for the 3rd +: subtask of the 2nd subtask of the 1st top-level task. (Sure, that order +: will be invalidated when I change my task list, but, so what, then I +: would be willing to recompute the clocktable before using links.) +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation]] + +*** WISH org-hide-entry +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-hide-entry]] + +*** IDEA Improving org-goto isearch +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:25] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Improving org-goto isearch]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY excessive blank lines in archives +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:34] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][excessive blank lines in archives]] + +*** WISH Quick note about subtree copy and paste +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:45] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo][Quick note about subtree copy and paste]] + +#+begin_quote +I get the point, but the current presentation is unnecessarily +confusing. I was just /copying/ --- there was no time shifting +involved, so when I look at them menu and see "copy" and "clone with +time shift," it is "copy" that's what I naturally do. + +Actually, as I look at the manual I see: + +`C-c C-x c' (`org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift') + Clone a subtree by making a number of sibling copies of it. You + will be prompted for the number of copies to make, and you can + also specify if any timestamps in the entry should be shifted. + This can be useful, for example, to create a number of tasks + related to a series of lectures to prepare. For more details, see + the docstring of the command `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift'. + +There's nothing there to even remotely suggest to me that this is going +to Do The Right Thing about properties. It's all about dates and +time-shifting. It may /happen/ to do the right thing with properties, +but it sure doesn't /say/ that it will. The ID property is mentioned +only in the interactive docstring, and pretty deeply down. + +I'd like to make a somewhat radical suggestion: + +If cloning is the primary option, and more safe than copy --- i.e., if +copy is "this is the primitive operation that you should only do if you +know what you are doing, because it might corrupt data," then I would +argue that it's CLONE that should be bound to C-c C-x M-y --- the +standard emacs keybinding I'm going to go to first --- and COPY should +be demoted to the less-familiar alternative. + +This assumes that the answer to "Is there any case where I should do +copy and /not/ prefer clone?" is "no." + +But I'm not sure that's the case. They clone doesn't do the same thing +to the cut buffer as copy, does it? e.g., I don't use clone to make a +copy of a subtree from file A into file B. + +Even more radical suggestion: + +So maybe the right answer is not to ask us to use clone all the time, +but that COPY and PASTE should be fixed to Do The Right Thing with the +ID property. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Feature request: Select links by description (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:32] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request: Select links by description (7.4)]] + +#+begin_quote +When using org-insert-link, it would be far better for me to have it +show me the _descriptions_ of links (the default link text), rather +than showing me the links themselves. This is especially true of +email links, which are generally long and unintelligible by +themselves. + +I have something set up that stores a link to every email I send, so I +can easily link to follow-ups in my active Org items. As a result, I +end up with *lots* of stored links, which makes this a real struggle. +#+end_quote + +*** IDEA outline path in links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][outline path in links]] + +*** TODO goto does not accept remote references for local targets + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:12] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) goto does not accept remote references for local targets]] + +*** DECLINED Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:51] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70))]] + +#+begin_quote cite=[[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/36063][Re: Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70)]] +Org-mode used line-profix properties to add indentation, and +linum mode uses before-string properties of overlays to add +line numbers. Both these features add text at display time, +but apparently not in an entirely predictable way. I have no +idea it it is possible to make both work without any gliches. +If anything, this would be a bug report to Emacs, I think. + +The "other issue" is an artefact of Org using an idle time +to update indentation properties. Here my suggestion +would be to ignore the issue and live with it. +#+end_quote + +**** WAITING Provide customization variable for formula that calculates indentation level +:LOGBOOK: + - State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:25] + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + + +** Tables + +*** BUG bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:02] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags]] + +*** BUG $0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special' +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:36] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][$0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special']] + +#+begin_quote +According to [ (info "(org) Formula syntax for Calc") ], $0 +references the current cell. Pressing C-c C-c on the #+TBLFM line +below does indeed work, but C-c ' (`org-edit-special') changes the +$0 reference into a single ampersand (&). Is this a bug? +#+end_quote + +*** BUG Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:06] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) Bug: Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24))]] + +*** WISH org-table formulas with missing values +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:41] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][org-table formulas with missing values]] + +#+begin_quote +I could write 'nan' instead of leaving a blank, and use the string in +the formula, but this causes errors. + +But calc does know the concept of nan: "The variables `inf', `uinf', and +`nan' stand for infinite or indeterminate values. It's best not to use +them as regular variables, since Calc uses special algebraic rules when +it manipulates them. Calc displays a warning message if you store a +value into any of these special variables." + +I'm not sure how to use that nan variable in tables and formulas - it +seems not to be recognized. +#+end_quote + +** Testing framework + +*** TODO Testing --- again... +:LOGBOOK: +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Testing --- again...]] + +*** (Dev) Org-mode Test Framework + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(Dev) Org-mode Test Framework]] + +* Other +** Pretty icons in org buffers +** literate Lisp games development questions :Babel: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) literate Lisp games development questions]] +** Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:FB977E9C%2D6ABC%2D4B05%2DA58A%2DC2E96B841451%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/FB977E9C-6ABC-4B05-A58A-C2E96B841451%40gmail.com][Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla]] +** For Org-mode on the go? + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][For Org-mode on the go?]] +** [babel] grid-based R graphical output with :results value + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) grid-based R graphical output with :results value]] +** Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files]] + +** org-decrypt-to-kill-ring + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM][org-decrypt-to-kill-ring]] + +** DECLINED contributing Debian build scripts + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][contributing Debian build scripts]] + +Mark Hershberger is going to use an automatic process on launchpad +instead to make regular package builds. + +** hypermedia programming with babel + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hypermedia programming with babel]] +** org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress]] +** Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry]] +** publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf]] +** (OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs]] +** info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org]] + +** (ANN) org-protocol-httpd + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet][(ANN) org-protocol-httpd]] +** Tracking finances with Babel :Babel: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom][Tracking finances with Babel]] +** ErgoEmacs + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ErgoEmacs]] +** ReStructured Text table exporter + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ReStructured Text table exporter]] + +** Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede][Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org]] + +** OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info) + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info)]] + +** (ANN) Symorg + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(ANN) Symorg]] +** Indentation in html tables + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Indentation in html tables]] +** Inline image display and Emacs 22 + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Inline image display and Emacs 22]] + +** A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list]] + +** Org-mode screencasts + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode screencasts]] + +** Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review]] + +** ELPA Howto + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ELPA Howto]] + +** TODO New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:13] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom][(O) New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el]] + +* Closed issues :noexport: +** DONE string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:13] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wklkkk%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wklkkk.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5))]] +** DONE Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:14] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aarolk5y%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aarolk5y.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539))]] +** DONE [babel] possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer? :Babel: + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFDB5CE%2E3010600%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFDB5CE.3010600%40ccbr.umn.edu][(babel) possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer?]] + + this has now been fixed, see + - message :: [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/25720]] + - commit :: 5d52daab1029e43b97ccb16cfac998536d8c8924 +** DONE org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFE02FE%2E5050704%40globaledgesoft%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFE02FE.5050704%40globaledgesoft.com][org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp]] +** DONE Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file? + CLOSED: [2010-05-27 Thu 16:51] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vdacp1hi%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vdacp1hi.fsf%40thinkpad.tsdh.de][Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file?]] + + My path was committed with commit 54d513ee0c90f9864bbd39044d9dfbc4f1619513. +** DONE Aquamacs and latest org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:14] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail.gmail.com][Aquamacs and latest org-mode]] +** DONE Error when trying to push to Worg repo +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:15] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Error when trying to push to Worg repo]] +** DONE Export to html +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom][Export to html]] +** DONE Simple Literate Programming Example +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Simple Literate Programming Example]] +** DONE Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures... +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:27] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0%2DiJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS%5F7sI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0-iJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS_7sI%40mail.gmail.com][Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +** DONE bug: remember id agenda +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:33] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: remember id agenda]] +** DONE html export +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:37] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE export of emphasized link + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +** DONE byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event]] +** DONE use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:00] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100526162001%2EGA32657%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100526162001.GA32657%40soloJazz.com][use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap]] + +** DONE Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ... :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:01] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ...]] +** DONE buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:07] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments]] +** DONE [Patch] file protocol in HTML links +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:24] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkznkn2p%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkznkn2p.fsf%40gmx.de][Re: (Patch) file protocol in HTML links]] +** DONE Possible html publish inline image bug + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible html publish inline image bug]] +** DONE org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug? +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:09] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug?]] +** DONE problem with remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:10] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu][problem with remember template]] +** DONE plain list - line spacing +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:15] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][plain list - line spacing]] +** DONE How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21? +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno][How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21?]] +** DONE feature request: C-k safety +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][feature request: C-k safety]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ [6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty)] :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ (6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty))]] +** DONE [babel] Questions about export and :var. Possible bug. :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Questions about export and :var. Possible bug.]] +** DONE Something ate my timestamps +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:11] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Something ate my timestamps]] +** DONE Problem with pushing to webdav server [6.35g] +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:15] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede][Problem with pushing to webdav server (6.35g)]] +** DONE Export question +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:46] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFB3F6B%2E3040606%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFB3F6B.3040606%40sift.info][Export question]] + +** DONE Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly) +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:49] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet][Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly)]] +** DONE Exporting HTML to MS Word +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:50] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][Exporting HTML to MS Word]] +** DONE entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:04] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer]] +** DONE iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp [6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378)] +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:05] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp (6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378))]] +** DONE automatic line wrap +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom][automatic line wrap]] +** DONE mailto:abc@xyz.org +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mailto:abc@xyz.org]] +** DONE clocktable and :tags +CLOSED: [2010-06-07 Mo 12:10] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-07 Mo 12:13 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clocktable and :tags]] +** DONE MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:38] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail.gmail.com][MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed]] +** DONE Why I can't publish my project under Windows? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why I can't publish my project under Windows?]] +** DONE how to upgrade org-mode version? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to upgrade org-mode version?]] +** DONE Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Bug: Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks]] +** DONE org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar) +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar)]] +** DONE Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz][Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon]] +** DONE How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:41] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file?]] +** DONE Timestamp format questions +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:44] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede][Timestamp format questions]] +** DONE Question about beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:46] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo][Question about beamer export]] +** DONE simultaneous clocks? +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][simultaneous clocks? ]] +** DONE visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom][visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer]] +** DECLINED org-remember and anything + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][org-remember and anything]] + I am turning this one off, because we now use org-capture.el, and I + am not sure if the issue plays a role there. +** DONE Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00 +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:20] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00]] +** DONE language independent personal word list +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:29] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][language independent personal word list]] +** DONE 2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:30] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files]] +** DONE Toggle a repeating task in DONE state +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:32] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Toggle a repeating task in DONE state]] +** DONE Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments? +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:05] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments?]] +** DONE org-plot file export options +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-plot file export options]] +** DONE sup-mail link +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain][sup-mail link]] +** DONE table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=) +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:14] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=)]] +** DONE (org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:15] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF]] +** DONE any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:47] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure?]] +** DONE (OT) emacs-lisp compilation question +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:49] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(OT) emacs-lisp compilation question]] + + - Closed :: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs-en/ElispCompilerWarnings + + Function was used before declaration. +** DONE (PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files]] +** DONE preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg][preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling?]] +** DONE (PATCH) comments exporting :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:58] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) comments exporting]] +** DONE Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 08:03] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo]] +** DONE add a table entry by org-remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:26] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][add a table entry by org-remember template]] +** DONE Multiple TODO states +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:27] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple TODO states]] +** DONE Both todo and tag search +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:29] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Both todo and tag search]] + +** DONE Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html? +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:30] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6f7hqrx%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6f7hqrx.fsf%40ymail.com][Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html?]] +** DONE [babel] writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient]] +** DONE Hash mark in filled paragraphs +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu][Hash mark in filled paragraphs]] +** DONE Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 16:06] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el]] + + - Solved :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzoocdt%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Re: How to setup w3m-el as a default browser on GNU system?]] +** DECLINED Entries title in agenda view + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Entries title in agenda view]] + + We are not going to add the hierarchy. On the mailing list there + were answers showing possible alternatives using CATEGORY for + example. +** DONE version of Org used for Worg + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][version of Org used for Worg]] + The bleeding edge version is used to publish Worg - but only when a + file changes it will actually be republished. +** DONE (PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes in multiples of rounding time + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes + in multiples of rounding time]] + A modified patch has been checked in. +** DECLINED Writing the words in different color + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing the words in different color]] + I do not think that this is a useful addition. The user can + configure it with emphasis if needed. (- Carsten) +** DONE Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda) +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:47] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][ Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda)]] +** DONE Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:49] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings]] +** DONE Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:51] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords]] + +** DONE how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:57] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc][how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format]] +** DONE day-agenda: show whole-day-events first +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:12] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][day-agenda: show whole-day-events first]] +** DONE Agenda is slow because of vc-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:13] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda is slow because of vc-mode]] +** DONE questions about html export +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:22] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about html export]] +** DONE Keeping agenda window + CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Tue 19:22] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom][Keeping agenda window]] + - OP was looking for TAB (see [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hm0ic2q.fsf@dasa3.iem.pw.edu.pl][this]] and [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc8im57.fsf@fastmail.fm][this]] post). +** DONE `org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:30] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][`org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline]] +** DONE agenda views +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:33] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][agenda views]] +** DONE keeping uptodate? +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:37] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][keeping uptodate?]] +** DONE Checkboxes in Agenda +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:38] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Checkboxes in Agenda]] +** DONE Possible bug in ordered tasks +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + THis bug was caused by the interpretation of the string "nil" as a + non-nil value - a special case now fixes this. + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo][Possible bug in ordered tasks]] +** DONE Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c)) + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet][Bug: Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c))]] + This issue is resolved with the answers in the thread. +** DONE (BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export]] + Bug has been fixed. +** DONE (patch) filing under current clocked item +CLOSED: [2010-06-26 Sa 08:33] + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(patch) filing under current clocked item]] +** DONE Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:49] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python]] +** DONE Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:50] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list]] +** DONE habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:22] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string]] +** DONE mixing emphasis fails +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:23] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede][mixing emphasis fails]] +** DONE correction to orgtbl-to-html description :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:24] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][correction to orgtbl-to-html description]] +** DONE howto open attachment directory in external program? +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:39] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 10:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][howto open attachment directory in external program?]] +** DONE org-mode stopped compiling recently :Babel: + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode stopped compiling recently]] + Fixed, through a patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE org-iswitchb documentation + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20386%2E1277720390%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20386%2E1277720390%40maps][org-iswitchb documentation]] + The patch has been applied in a modified way, and the + functionality of org-iswitchb fixed so that it works by default. +** DONE Bug in latest version? + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in latest version?]] + Bug was due to changes in the constant entities, bug fixed by + checking elements in the list before using them. +** DONE Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 14:16] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus ]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R? +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:34] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R?]] +** DONE contrib/README +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:36] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3619%2E1277974892%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3619%2E1277974892%40maps][contrib/README]] +** DONE New to org-capture (and org-remember) +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 22:00] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6731%2E1277998108%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6731%2E1277998108%40maps][New to org-capture (and org-remember)]] +** DONE (BABEL) reload source code file after tangling? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) reload source code file after tangling?]] +** DONE problem in highlighting fields in a remote table +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][problem in highlighting fields in a remote table]] +** DONE Make distfile error +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Make distfile error]] +** DONE Bug in timeline report +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:41] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in timeline report]] +** DONE (babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document?]] +** DONE org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e))]] +** DONE Problem export to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem export to html]] +** DONE org-capture: Formatting of entries +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: Formatting of entries]] +** DONE Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda]] +** DONE Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist]] +** DONE mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums" +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums"]] +** DONE (no subject) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(no subject)]] +** DONE LaTeX export works but not in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][LaTeX export works but not in HTML]] +** DONE inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:47] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el)]] +** DONE *.bak files in trunk? +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.bak files in trunk?]] +** DONE Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree]] +** DONE Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent]] +** DONE org-babel and emacs init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel and emacs init]] +** DONE Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:50] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink]] + +** DONE Headline and numbered plain list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:51] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Headline and numbered plain list]] +** DONE magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance]] +** DONE complex filters in agenda view +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:55] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][complex filters in agenda view]] +** DONE a better way with babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:03] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau][a better way with babel]] +** DONE (PATCH) orphaned captions and labels :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) orphaned captions and labels]] +** DONE (babel) exports, caching, remote execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] +** DONE Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list]] +** DONE MobileOrg - no NEW state :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl][MobileOrg - no NEW state]] + +** DECLINED Org ident destroys special fontification of inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] \\ + Duplicate. +:END: +:PROPERTIES: +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +2. org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask in two ways + + i) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's +leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is set to +nil + + ii) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented +as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the indentation +should ideally return to what it was before the inline task. Of +course, this is also a problem when org-indent is turned off, if you +try to automatically hard-indent using TAB. However, in that case you +can adjust by hand the indentation of the first line after the inline +task, and then all the following lines will indent correctly. With +org-indent the problem is much worse since there is no way of +adjusting the soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE (require 'cl) seems not to be compiled +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom][(require 'cl) seems not to be compiled]] +** DONE capture template: %& and %! +CLOSED: [2010-07-05 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][capture template: %& and %!]] +** DONE "Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color" +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 20:51] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg]["Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color"]] +** DONE (BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:13] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output?]] +** DONE org-log-done +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:17] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom][org-log-done]] +** DONE (BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:20] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not]] +** DONE CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:26] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:29] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring?]] +** DONE Export of latex source to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export of latex source to html]] +** DONE Columns with LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:44] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Columns with LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:46] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]] +** DONE Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:47] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB]] +** DONE patch for org mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:12476%2E1278319281%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/12476%2E1278319281%40maps][patch for org mode]] +** DONE Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbke16m8%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting an image to latex]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I did some git bisection, and the last working version is commit +3b5351c7da59da3685f8233c252b1506166d35f3, so it seems Eric's commit +5edefbba269db8e717bd2b40778786b08af3f7a1 introduced the bug. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:50] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg][tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks]] +** DONE No subscript when exporting +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:56] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom][No subscript when exporting]] +** DONE logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:57] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Org+table.el = mutli line cells? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:05] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org+table.el = mutli line cells?]] +** DONE (PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:06] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom][(PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el]] +** DONE org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom][org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question]] +** DONE (BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others]] +** DONE (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:13] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] +** DONE Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-12 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-12 Mo 17:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda]] +** DONE (PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template +CLOSED: [2010-07-14 Mi 20:59] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet][(PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template]] +** DONE cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs]] +** DONE programming for org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom][programming for org-mode]] +** DONE \nbsp usage +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][\nbsp usage]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another]] +** DONE Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE (babel) report name of source block during execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:21] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) report name of source block during execution]] +** DONE footer for latex export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:22] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][footer for latex export]] +** DONE Help: Agenda not working anymore +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Help: Agenda not working anymore]] +** DONE Org-babel init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Org-babel init]] +** DONE how to include time when setting deadlines? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg][how to include time when setting deadlines?]] +** DONE (BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines?]] +** DONE (babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash?]] +** DONE Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX)]] +** DONE Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces]] +** DONE Help installing org-mode on a MAC please? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm][Help installing org-mode on a MAC please?]] +** DONE (babel) key binding requests :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) key binding requests]] +** DONE org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question]] +** DONE How to setup xdg for org-protocol ? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to setup xdg for org-protocol ?]] +** DONE Bib system based on org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][Bib system based on org-mode]] +** DONE org-crypt remember password +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:33] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk][org-crypt remember password]] +** DONE Verbatim export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Verbatim export]] +** DONE Failed to create radio tables +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Failed to create radio tables]] +** DONE longlines-mode (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: longlines-mode (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:45] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar?]] +** DONE LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda?]] +** DONE org-freemind-to-org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][org-freemind-to-org-mode]] +** DONE installing updating Org on other platform +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][installing updating Org on other platform]] +** DONE Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:15] + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3))]] +** DONE possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:17] + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg][possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration)]] + +** User Requests [249/249] +*** CLOSED Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom][Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort]] +*** CLOSED Template for a resume +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Template for a resume]] +*** CLOSED configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom][configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files]] +*** CLOSED jumping in custom agenda view loses settings +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][jumping in custom agenda view loses settings]] +*** CLOSED DAV config for mobileorg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][DAV config for mobileorg]] +*** CLOSED how to sort in the column view? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom][how to sort in the column view?]] +*** CLOSED function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location]] +*** CLOSED indent source blocks automatically when using "indent" :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent source blocks automatically when using "indent"]] +*** CLOSED moving past state changes into logbook drawer? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg][moving past state changes into logbook drawer?]] +*** CLOSED month and day names +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom][month and day names]] +*** CLOSED Multiple files and auto-updating +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple files and auto-updating]] +*** CLOSED (BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ' +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ']] +*** CLOSED Footnote in title? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead][Footnote in title?]] +*** CLOSED must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly?]] +*** CLOSED oddities with ical export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:42] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb%5FgMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb_gMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail.gmail.com][oddities with ical export]] +*** CLOSED (org-BEAMER) block without header +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-BEAMER) block without header]] +*** CLOSED Gnuplot best practice? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot best practice?]] + this link doesn't resolve to an article + +*** CLOSED question about chaining function calls in org-babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2D%2DbVLyjM%5FeQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTin--bVLyjM%5feQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05@mail.gmail.com][question about chaining function calls in org-babel]] + +*** CLOSED how to combine times in clocktable +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to combine times in clocktable]] + +*** CLOSED Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:10] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode?]] + +*** CLOSED Writing a custom export. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:25] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing a custom export.]] + +*** CLOSED Archive Tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:17] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede][Archive Tasks]] + +*** CLOSED R code not producing expected results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg][R code not producing expected results]] + +*** CLOSED trying to get xetex working with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom][trying to get xetex working with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED From todos to tracking +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][From todos to tracking]] + +*** CLOSED how do you extract schedule duration in column-view +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how do you extract schedule duration in column-view]] + +*** CLOSED Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom][Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export?]] + +*** CLOSED (Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells]] + +*** CLOSED Suppressing the ellipsis +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom][Suppressing the ellipsis]] + +*** CLOSED Print / export TODO Tree +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Print / export TODO Tree]] + +*** CLOSED Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name?]] + +*** CLOSED request for comments on org icon theme standards +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][request for comments on org icon theme standards]] + +*** CLOSED how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc.]] + +*** CLOSED Strange error in html exporting +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:29] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Strange error in html exporting]] + +*** CLOSED Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name]] +*** CLOSED row and col spaning in table? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][row and col spaning in table?]] + +*** CLOSED Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:30] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function)]] + +*** CLOSED Mobile mode sync problems :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mobile mode sync problems]] + +*** CLOSED Habit timing +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Habit timing]] + +*** CLOSED Using cdlatex-item within org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:00] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using cdlatex-item within org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED task juggler export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][task juggler export]] + +*** CLOSED Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling]] + +*** CLOSED Full list of org-beamer functionality? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:26] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Full list of org-beamer functionality?]] + +*** CLOSED org-beamer problem +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:27] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer problem]] + +*** CLOSED Effort estimates for multi-day tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:02] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Effort estimates for multi-day tasks]] + +*** CLOSED TeX commands or source code in org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:05] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech][TeX commands or source code in org files]] + +*** CLOSED Average payment rate with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:07] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Average payment rate with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux]] + +*** CLOSED strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom][strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs]] + +*** CLOSED Backspacing into folded items +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Backspacing into folded items]] + +*** CLOSED How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:27] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output]] + +*** CLOSED exec code on task state progression +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "WISH" [2010-09-12 So 14:29] +:END: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:19] + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][exec code on task state progression]] + +*** CLOSED migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration)]] + +*** CLOSED MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope.]] + +*** CLOSED org-link-search: Augment signature? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-link-search: Augment signature?]] + +*** CLOSED Emailing my org file +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:54] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emailing my org file]] + +*** CLOSED Baffled by beamer blocks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom][Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +*** CLOSED org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit?]] + +*** CLOSED footnotes in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][footnotes in LaTeX export]] + +*** CLOSED How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file?]] + +*** CLOSED question: how to refile labeled with origin? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question: how to refile labeled with origin?]] + +*** CLOSED Executing sh-code :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh-code]] + +*** CLOSED Sort agenda view by date? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Sort agenda view by date?]] + +*** CLOSED Export header-level list inconsistency +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:58] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Export header-level list inconsistency]] + +*** CLOSED Debugging shell code that misbehaves :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Debugging shell code that misbehaves]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode and claws +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet][org-mode and clawqs]] + +*** CLOSED org-publish with latest changes? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-publish with latest changes?]] + +*** CLOSED Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:04] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo][Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users?]] + +*** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +*** CLOSED column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me]] + +*** CLOSED configuring Org agenda faces by priority +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][configuring Org agenda faces by priority]] + +*** CLOSED Publishing configuration +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu][Publishing configuration]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode <=> Instiki +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode <=> Instiki]] + +*** CLOSED entities and removing some markup in ascii export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][entities and removing some markup in ascii export]] + +*** CLOSED How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues... +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:28] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues...]] + +*** CLOSED Total time displayed in the modeline? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Total time displayed in the modeline?]] + +*** CLOSED (babel) creating simple vectors in R +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:44] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) creating simple vectors in R]] + +*** CLOSED org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans)]] + +*** CLOSED Adding tags, grouping tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede][Adding tags, grouping tags]] + +*** CLOSED (BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas]] +*** DONE Fontify whole heading line +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:END: + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Fontify whole heading line]] +*** DONE cycle visibility from agenda view? + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede][cycle visibility from agenda view?]] + + use of org-agenda-cycle-show explained on mailing list, and added + to FAQ. +*** DONE Beamer presentation in the document +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Beamer presentation in the document]] +*** DONE clock in from last clock out +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clock in from last clock out]] +*** DONE contrib/README + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4663%2E1277986531%40maps + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4663%2E1277986531%40maps][Re: (Orgmode) contrib/README]] + Updated, patch by Stephen Eglen + +*** DONE wrap text in table cell? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom][wrap text in table cell?]] +*** DONE italics regexp +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][italics regexp]] +*** DONE question about links in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom][question about links in org-mode]] +*** DONE Exclude some file to be in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exclude some file to be in the agenda]] +*** DONE links customization in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom][links customization in org-mode]] +*** DONE trouble with Imenu integration +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg][trouble with Imenu integration]] +*** DONE (babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export?]] +*** DONE capture-clock-out nil! +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][capture-clock-out nil!]] +*** DONE imenu support for babel blocks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][imenu support for babel blocks]] +*** DONE Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org]] +*** DONE org-babel and OCaml - help? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:END: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][org-babel and OCaml - help?]] +*** DONE word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers]] +*** DONE Inserting date/time stamps including seconds +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Inserting date/time stamps including seconds]] +*** DONE Integrate APPTs with OSX +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Integrate APPTs with OSX]] +*** DONE (babel) html export of R data frame :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar][(babel) html export of R data frame]] +*** DONE org-refile-targets: excluding archived +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-refile-targets: excluding archived]] +*** DONE highlight confusion in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg][highlight confusion in agenda]] +*** DONE export to latex book ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex book ?]] +*** DONE "Invalid capture target specification" +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["Invalid capture target specification"]] +*** DONE inline image with link to other than images in html export? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu][inline image with link to other than images in html export?]] +*** DONE org-timeline and diary/calendar +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno][org-timeline and diary/calendar]] +*** DONE orgmode html export uses wrong browser +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar][orgmode html export uses wrong browser]] +*** DONE Some problems with times in a spreadsheet +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite][Some problems with times in a spreadsheet]] +*** DONE first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg][first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced]] +*** DONE Personal accounting with emacs, org and...? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Personal accounting with emacs, org and...?]] +*** DONE (BABEL) evaluation of R code in export :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:30] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) evaluation of R code in export]] + +*** DONE (BABEL) help adding a language, please? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:39] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville][(BABEL) help adding a language, please?]] + +*** DONE Finding old appointments +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:40] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Finding old appointments]] +*** DONE Author info while publishing to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 09:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Author info while publishing to html]] +*** DONE firefox problem with org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel][firefox problem with org-protocol]] + +*** DONE odd org-babel R behaviour :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca][odd org-babel R behaviour]] +*** DONE lookup functions in spreadsheet/table +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca][lookup functions in spreadsheet/table]] +*** DONE startup in column view +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D%3CAANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom%3E][startup in column view]] +*** DONE Browsing worg +CLOSED: [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Browsing worg]] +*** DONE OrgMobile - just a little help? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:14] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm][OrgMobile - just a little help?]] +*** DONE agenda-ignore-date and version number +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:40] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech][agenda-ignore-date and version number]] +*** DONE insert .org file into other .org file by link +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom][insert .org file into other .org file by link]] +*** DONE Migrating from zim to org-mode ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Migrating from zim to org-mode ?]] +*** DONE Eliminate line breaks in html +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Eliminate line breaks in html]] +*** DONE R Babel Example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][R Babel Example]] +*** DONE Nice links bookmarks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Nice links bookmarks]] + +*** DONE Installing/updating org on the mac woes +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installing/updating org on the mac woes]] +*** DONE org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-protocol]] +*** DONE Daily Debian Builds +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][Daily Debian Builds]] +*** DONE No title or date in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][No title or date in LaTeX export]] +*** DONE when will org-indent-mode be ready? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:36] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][when will org-indent-mode be ready?]] + + org-indent-mode works fine starting with Emacs 23.2. +*** DONE How can I add a DONE tag to an org file? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How can I add a DONE tag to an org file?]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg - One step further :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:19] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][MobileOrg - One step further]] + +*** DONE source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g)) +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:02] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][Bug: source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g))]] + +*** DONE Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:46] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost][Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header]] + +*** DONE Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context]] + +*** DONE debugging sbe calls :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "IDEA" [2010-08-08 So 13:16] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][debugging sbe calls]] + +*** DONE org-clock-current-task? +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-clock-current-task?]] + +*** DONE How do you use call and lob in org-babel? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do you use call and lob in org-babel?]] +*** DONE custom sorting of agenda items +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][custom sorting of agenda items]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg for Android...issues :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android...issues]] + +*** DONE How to change plain text face in Org Mode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:18] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How to change plain text face in Org Mode?]] + +*** DONE babel versionitis? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][babel versionitis?]] + +*** DONE gnuplot, table entry and temporary file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Babel) gnuplot, table entry and temporary file ]] + +*** DONE Footnote export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau][Footnote export]] + +**** Footnote problem +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][Footnote problem]] + +Duplicate of "[[id:mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau%5D%5BFootnote%20export%5D%5D%22%2E + +*** DONE Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede][Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda]] + +*** DONE (babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate]] + +*** DONE How to show done tasks in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:23] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost][How to show done tasks in agenda]] + +*** DONE or not? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) or not?]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE use of repository branch "maint" +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup][use of repository branch "maint"]] + +*** DONE Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel) +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel)]] + +*** DONE TODO DONE strikethrough +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost][TODO DONE strikethrough]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE Babel: help with tables and code blocks? +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][Babel: help with tables and code blocks?]] + +*** DONE Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block]] + +*** DONE "C-c a is undefined" +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost]["C-c a is undefined"]] + +*** DONE (babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block]] + +*** DONE why not auto-renumbering list ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][why not auto-renumbering list ?]] + +*** DONE called-interactively-p : org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][called-interactively-p : org-capture]] + +*** DONE (babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer]] + +*** DONE Installation - no way +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installation - no way]] + +*** DONE word count checklist? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville][word count checklist?]] + +*** DONE Confused about mobileorg setup :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Confused about mobileorg setup]] + +*** DONE Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom][Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen]] + +*** DONE (babel) difference in export output if including file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) difference in export output if including file]] + +*** DONE How can I search keywords in my org project? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I search keywords in my org project?]] + +*** DONE False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides]] + +*** DONE horiontal alignment of tables in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][horiontal alignment of tables in latex export?]] + +*** DONE Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list' +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list']] + +*** DONE Generic exporter status +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Generic exporter status]] + +*** DONE org-capture and blank lines +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture and blank lines]] + +*** DONE picture copy paste? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][picture copy paste?]] + +*** DONE Iterate over list with `org-next-item' +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Iterate over list with `org-next-item']] + +*** DONE possible tex export bug? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][possible tex export bug?]] + +*** DONE Problem with URLs in export to latex +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Problem with URLs in export to latex]] + +*** DONE Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom][Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents]] + +*** DONE Cannot open load file: inf-ruby +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Cannot open load file: inf-ruby]] + +*** DONE Todo item property search +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Todo item property search]] + +*** DONE gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings]] + +*** DONE Ditaa and babel goofing again? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa and babel goofing again?]] + +*** DONE org-edit-src-code : same window? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-edit-src-code : same window?]] + +*** DONE HTML export of org source blocks +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom][HTML export of org source blocks]] + +*** DONE svn version number as tag or property? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Re: svn version number as tag or property?]] + +*** DONE cannot enable org-habit +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cannot enable org-habit]] + +*** DONE beamer export question +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo][beamer export question]] + +*** DONE (babel) ledger tutorial on Worg + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:22] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) ledger tutorial on Worg]] + +*** DONE (Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom][(Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode?]] + +*** DONE From state table to state diagram + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][From state table to state diagram]] + +Looks like Eric addressed this request and implemented it. + +*** DONE org-capture templates with file+olp target +CLOSED: [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:END: + [2010-08-23 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-capture templates with file+olp target]] + +*** DONE cells are deformed in Japanese +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][cells are deformed in Japanese]] + +*** DONE Problem whit with code evaluation :Babel: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:10] + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg][Problem whit with code evaluation]] + +*** DONE items not disappearing from agenda once marked done +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom][items not disappearing from agenda once marked done]] + +*** DONE Org capture templates - file paths +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org capture templates - file paths]] + +*** DONE Agenda view and timestamps + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost][Agenda view and timestamps]] + +*** DONE agenda view tags filtering + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost][agenda view tags filtering]] + +*** DONE Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List]] + +*** DONE macros: escaping "," and comments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][macros: escaping "," and comments]] + + Commas can now be escaped. We will not have comments, because that + limits what one can do with macros. + +*** DONE org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans)]] + + As documented in the manual, one needs to use C-u C-c C-l + +*** DONE HOWTO?: make install contrib +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][HOWTO?: make install contrib]] + +*** DECLINED Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno][Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system]] + We no longer support Emacs 21. +*** DECLINED (babel) help debugging latex export :Babel: + - State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:04] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging latex export]] + +*** CLOSED Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects?]] +*** CLOSED OT: orgmode on my palm TX? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][OT: orgmode on my palm TX?]] +*** CLOSED org-learn question +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-learn question]] +*** CLOSED org tables - modified field + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:22] + :END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org tables - modified field ]] + +It is a bit much to expect that emphasis in table fields would not +disturb calc operations. + +*** CLOSED org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:23] + :END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags]] + + +This does not look like an issue we need to track (- Carsten) + +*** CLOSED column view asterisks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:58] +- State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:13] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][column view asterisks]] + +This is a minor issue, no action taken + +*** CLOSED how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom][how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring]] + +This is an Emacs issue and does not need tracking here. + +*** CLOSED Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key]] + +Answered on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED .ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][.ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice]] +Answered on the mailing list, by customizing `org-file-apps'. +*** CLOSED bug with link following +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +- State "BUG" from "CLOSED" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:15] +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo][bug with link following]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have reexamined the bug I had, and as far as I can tell, it occurs +because of the punctuation at the end of the header line. I am +attaching a file that shows the funny behavior. I can link to a +header titled "Foobar" correctly, but not one titled "submit through +submission site:" Attempts to link to the one word header "Bletch:" +also fail. +#+END_QUOTE + +=org-store-link= removes all characters except numbers, letters and +whitespace when creating the link target. Opening the link with +=org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline= set to non-nil +subsequently fails. + +**** org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies]] + +*** CLOSED org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom][org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells?]] + +Org-mode tables do not support multiline cells. + +*** CLOSED org-mode + pomodoro +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode + pomodoro]] + +*** CLOSED stuck project and check boxes +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr][stuck project and check boxes]] + +*** CLOSED a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents]] + +*** CLOSED Examples in numbered lists + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Examples in numbered lists]] + +Indentation can solve this, as explained on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED Error during Publishing to HTML + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error during Publishing to HTML]] + + +This seems to be a non-issue, I am closing it. + +*** CLOSED Org-beamer and beamer overlays +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg][Org-beamer and beamer overlays]] + +*** CLOSED merging column view headings across files +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca][merging column view headings across files]] + +*** CLOSED Table of Contents in html export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Table of Contents in html export]] + +*** CLOSED Trouble syncing files to mobile-org. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Trouble syncing files to mobile-org.]] + +*** CLOSED Mark days in calendar based on agenda + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mark days in calendar based on agenda]] + +This can be done using %(org-diary), as was explained on the list. + +*** CLOSED "{" in Latex fragments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:13] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom]["{" in Latex fragments]] + +I believe that this is solved - the OP did not come back after the +last help suggestion from the mailing list. So I am closing this. + +*** CLOSED (babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update]] + link not resolving + +*** CLOSED file+olp problem in org-capture. +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][file+olp problem in org-capture.]] + +*** CLOSED Folding org drawers in elisp code? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Folding org drawers in elisp code?]] + +The corresponding elisp code was published on the mailing list by Carsten + +*** CLOSED mathjax HTML export question + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][mathjax HTML export question]] + +Question was answered by Jan. + +*** CLOSED Deleting EXPERIMENTAL + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Deleting EXPERIMENTAL]] + +This is a non-issue. Right now there is nothing interesting in this +directory, but it mighr still come in handy. + +*** CLOSED Emacs & problem to export to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs & problem to export to HTML]] + +*** CLOSED Some useful timestamp s-expressions +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Some useful timestamp s-expressions ]] + +*** CLOSED make without make cleanall safe? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][make without make cleanall safe?]] + +*** CLOSED Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom][Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable?]] + +*** CLOSED beamer export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca][beamer export]] + +Looks like this was an old version of Org-mode. + +*** CLOSED Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom][Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o]] + +*** CLOSED tag or property names with dashes + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "CLOSED" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][tag or property names with dashes]] + +The "_-" in a property name can now be escaped in a property search +with "\-". Also, Manish and Carsten are testing a patch to allow "#" +and "%" in tags. + +*** CLOSED Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file]] + +*** CLOSED EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm][EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode]] + +*** CLOSED (Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer?]] + +This is indeed the standard behavior of #+DRAWERS. + +*** CLOSED Links Lost and Export-Report + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:00] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Links Lost and Export-Report]] + +Id locations can be refresehed, and custom links is what Stefan Volmar +really wants. The answers are in the mailing list archives. + +*** CLOSED (BUG) org-capture: file+function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-capture: file+function ]] +An example was published on the mailing list on how to deal with this case. + +*** CLOSED C-u usage +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][C-u usage]] + +*** CLOSED More structure on org-hacks.php +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom][More structure on org-hacks.php]] + +*** CLOSED See total effort in my agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][See total effort in my agenda]] + +*** CLOSED export TODO keyword +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export TODO keyword]] + +*** CLOSED TODO hooks +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][TODO hooks]] + +*** CLOSED Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede][Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now]] + +*** CLOSED bug in make info? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][bug in make info?]] + +*** CLOSED question about date-tree +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about date-tree]] + +** CLOSED empty lines in datetree capture templates +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:32] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][empty lines in datetree capture templates]] + +Malformed capture template. + +** CLOSED remember template is slow +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][remember template is slow]] + +** CLOSED org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item]] + +** CLOSED org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period]] + +** CLOSED Error using Calc time format in table +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Error using Calc time format in table]] + +** CLOSED bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom][bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad]] + +** CLOSED Src blocks fontification issue +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Src blocks fontification issue]] + +** CLOSED (babel) python session speed vs non session :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) python session speed vs non session]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point]] + +** CLOSED Beamer column alignment +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Beamer column alignment]] + +** CLOSED org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line" +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop][org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line"]] + +** CLOSED questions about table mode and spreadsheets +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about table mode and spreadsheets]] + +** CLOSED Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO" +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO"]] + +** CLOSED Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export]] + +** CLOSED Secretary.el +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom][Secretary.el]] + +** CLOSED (Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error]] + +** CLOSED Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports]] + +** CLOSED Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events?]] + +** CLOSED Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class]] + +** CLOSED Magit Integration - logging magit events. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Magit Integration - logging magit events.]] + +** CLOSED Context sensitive M-q +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom][Context sensitive M-q]] + +** CLOSED bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules]] + +** CLOSED 7.01trans obsolete variables +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][7.01trans obsolete variables]] + +** CLOSED bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy]] + +** CLOSED Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error]] + +** CLOSED org-babel and gnuplot +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel and gnuplot]] + +** CLOSED setting index.org for MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][setting index.org for MobileOrg]] + +** CLOSED How to capture another file's column view +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp][How to capture another file's column view]] + +** CLOSED Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom][Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name?]] + +** CLOSED org-beamer outline +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer outline]] + +** CLOSED Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks)]] + +** CLOSED Agenda and weather forecast +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Agenda and weather forecast]] + +** CLOSED Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits]] + +** CLOSED meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall][meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references]] + +** CLOSED Exporting property values to LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting property values to LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly]] + +** CLOSED Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry]] + +** CLOSED Problem with Babel and sessions :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with Babel and sessions]] + +** CLOSED plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom][plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request]] + +** CLOSED latex link target name +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo][latex link target name]] + +** CLOSED Repeating tasks on specific days of the week +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Repeating tasks on specific days of the week]] + +** CLOSED IP locator +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo][IP locator]] + +** CLOSED problem with label in latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo][problem with label in latex export]] + +** CLOSED ical export -> google calendar woes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet][ical export -> google calendar woes]] + +** CLOSED bug: babel-* dirs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel-* dirs]] + +** CLOSED org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs]] + +** CLOSED Export function to Vcal file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Export function to Vcal file ]] + +** CLOSED Mediawiki and org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mediawiki and org-mode]] + +** CLOSED Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released]] + +** CLOSED Org capture with predefined entries from a list? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Org capture with predefined entries from a list?]] + +** CLOSED Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug: Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github.]] + +** CLOSED org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet][org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode]] + +** CLOSED Include files to be used in literate programming :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom][Include files to be used in literate programming]] + +** CLOSED lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link]] + +** CLOSED Bug : http in http link export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug : http in http link export]] + +** CLOSED wanderlust links +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom][wanderlust links]] + +** CLOSED image size in html export +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom][image size in html export]] + +** CLOSED Bug in column view with cookie on item line +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo][Bug in column view with cookie on item line]] + +** CLOSED Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0)]] + +** CLOSED Change color in fontified html export for strings +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom][Change color in fontified html export for strings]] + +** CLOSED Customizing agenda line format +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca][Customizing agenda line format]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> > Well, I tried setting org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to "%0s", which +> > didn't work, but I didn't think about the above. So I tried this now. +> > It does remove the todo keyword, but it does only that. In particular, +> > there is now a space at the beginning of each line, which I assume is +> > simply the space in the headline that succeeds the todo keyword. Any +> > way of getting rid of that? Thanks for the pointer so far. +> > +> +> The information at the beginning of the line is controlled by +> org-agenda-prefix-format. What is the value of org-agenda-prefix-format +> on your machine? + +It seems to be more complicated than that. Here's what I found out by +tinkering around with settings a little. Setting +org-agenda-prefix-format to "" (as I already did before) correctly +removes the prefix *before* the TODO keyword. The formatting function +for everything starting with the TODO keyword, however, seems to +unconditionally insert a space between the TODO keyword and the rest of +the line. Thus, even if the TODO keyword is empty (by setting +org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to ""), there is still a space after the +now empty TODO keyword. Hence, the extra space at the beginning of the +line. To me it seems like there's no way around this with the standard +org mode settings. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Freemind conversion and Notes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Freemind conversion and Notes]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization]] + +** CLOSED camel.el, for CamelCase links +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +** CLOSED listing org source blocks in LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom][listing org source blocks in LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED #+STYLE: strangeness +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][#+STYLE: strangeness]] + +** CLOSED Query: Nested sort in table? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Query: Nested sort in table?]] + +** CLOSED Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org" +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom][Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org"]] + +** CLOSED A LaTeX class for Org-mode export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom][A LaTeX class for Org-mode export]] + +** CLOSED org-scan-tags +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-scan-tags]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede][org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries]] + +** CLOSED org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED Question: Repeating Items? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Question: Repeating Items?]] + +** CLOSED Latex export of subtree not working for me +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** CLOSED extremely weird "bad sexp" errors +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][extremely weird "bad sexp" errors]] + +** CLOSED suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks]] + +** CLOSED Load macros from other files? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Load macros from other files?]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode API? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-Mode API?]] + +** CLOSED Bibtex and latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bibtex and latex export]] + +** CLOSED Worg link broken +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom][Worg link broken]] + +** CLOSED Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** CLOSED Remember item under specific :PROJECT: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remember item under specific :PROJECT:]] + +** CLOSED options and batch exporting +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom][options and batch exporting]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:53] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link.]] + +** CLOSED Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA]] + +** CLOSED (babel) Environment around exported results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(babel) Environment around exported results]] + +** CLOSED Relative dates with sexep +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost][Relative dates with sexep]] + +** CLOSED Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0]] + +** CLOSED Problem when previewing latex fragments +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom][Problem when previewing latex fragments]] + +** CLOSED Putting latex in document titles +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Putting latex in document titles]] + +** CLOSED Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop][Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings]] + +** CLOSED Org-weather: display on some dates +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-weather: display on some dates]] + +** CLOSED BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "DECLINED" from "BUG" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:01] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task]] + +** CLOSED The \only<> overlay in beamer +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][The \only<> overlay in beamer]] + +No follow-up of OP since [2011-09-29 Do] + +** CLOSED SQLite in 7.01h? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][SQLite in 7.01h?]] + +** CLOSED org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem]] + +** CLOSED How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex]] + +** CLOSED Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo][Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android]] + +No follow-up by OP since [2010-09-20 Mo] + +** CLOSED orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices. +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices.]] + +** CLOSED Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc)]] + +** CLOSED Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org) +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org)]] + +** CLOSED Howto define formula for table regions +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom][Howto define formula for table regions]] + +** CLOSED does #+PROPERTY still exist ? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][does #+PROPERTY still exist ?]] + +** CLOSED Ditaa usage +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa usage]] + +** CLOSED cheatsheets in emacs +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cheatsheets in emacs]] + +** CLOSED "No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link]] + +** CLOSED subtree export fails with src block +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: subtree export fails with src block]] + +** CLOSED *.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:04] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard]] + +Seems to be a Snow Leopard issue + +** CLOSED wrap sourcecode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][wrap sourcecode?]] + +** CLOSED File-level execute permissions? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][File-level execute permissions?]] + +** CLOSED Requests about the code demarcation +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Requests about the code demarcation]] + +** CLOSED Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk][Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer?]] + +** CLOSED ditaa set-up on windows box +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ditaa set-up on windows box]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP]] + +** CLOSED Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:45] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree]] + +** CLOSED table, moving cells + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:49] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno][table, moving cells]] + +This is a non issue, and workaround have been shown on the mailing list. + +** CLOSED (PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions]] + +** CLOSED geolocated notes +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][geolocated notes]] + +** CLOSED org-footnote in messages, practical question. + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][org-footnote in messages, practical question.]] + +** CLOSED Windows installation with msysGit +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Windows installation with msysGit]] + +** CLOSED Can't find LaTeX under MAC + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Can't find LaTeX under MAC]] +Not an Org mode question. +** CLOSED LaTeX classes for Resume Writing +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][LaTeX classes for Resume Writing]] + +** CLOSED org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment?]] + +** CLOSED how to set faces? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom][how to set faces?]] + +** CLOSED org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash]] + +** CLOSED Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files]] + +** CLOSED lisp functions in column view +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][lisp functions in column view]] + +** CLOSED (babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file]] + +** CLOSED (beamer) export a long source block as in several frames +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(beamer) export a long source block as in several frames]] + +** CLOSED Sidewaystable in org? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Sidewaystable in org?]] + +** CLOSED org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items]] + +** CLOSED Fold "preamble/options" under first header +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fold "preamble/options" under first header]] + +** CLOSED (babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu][(babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name]] + +** CLOSED Projects+Next Actions view + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Projects+Next Actions view]] + +** CLOSED Having problems with faces in org agenda +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo][Having problems with faces in org agenda]] + +** CLOSED link export confused when URL parameter is another URL +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][link export confused when URL parameter is another URL]] + +** CLOSED POPERTIES Effort and HTML export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:49] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018 +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018][POPERTIES Effort and HTML export]] + +** CLOSED Agenda sorting strategy + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Agenda sorting strategy]] + +** CLOSED Store link upon sending a message +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][Store link upon sending a message]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Org-agenda.el :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(PATCH) Org-agenda.el]] + +** CLOSED strike through display problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][strike through display problem]] + +** CLOSED org-capture: file to top level with prepend + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:51] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture: file to top level with prepend]] + +Gmane link does not work. + +** CLOSED Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9]] + +No further reaction from OP +** CLOSED wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED org-agenda-skip-function not working +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-agenda-skip-function not working]] + +** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +** CLOSED 7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known]] + +** CLOSED Habits bug? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu][Habits bug?]] + +** CLOSED New clocktable code bug + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][New clocktable code bug]] + +** CLOSED (BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python? +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python?]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 ]] + +No feed back or backtrace via mailing list, issue closed. + +** CLOSED Executing sh code within sessions +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh code within sessions]] + +** CLOSED publishing a drawer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "IDEA" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:25] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][publishing a drawer]] + +** CLOSED Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil]] + +** CLOSED Org 7.3 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu][Org 7.3]] + +No followup in the thread, seems to be an isolated problem + +** CLOSED bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items]] + +** CLOSED Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:49] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags]] + +** CLOSED org-faq: Invalid XHTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-01-29 Sa 15:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:27] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-faq: Invalid XHTML]] + +** CLOSED Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:35] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk][Bug: Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:46] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom][Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks]] + +** CLOSED UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED latex table export not centered +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede][latex table export not centered]] + +** DONE syntax bugs in footnotes + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) syntax bugs in footnotes]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code]] + +** DONE Why :ID: properties? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom][Why :ID: properties?]] + +** DONE Directory Links (and a bug?) +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Directory Links (and a bug?)]] + +** DONE bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html)) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html))]] + +** DONE (WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode?]] + +** DONE Search files in a folder +CLOSED: [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Search files in a folder]] + +** DONE Agenda: Hide Sched. Items +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda: Hide Sched. Items]] + +** DONE problem exporting region from within a read-only file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting region from within a read-only file]] + +** DONE todos without timestamp in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][todos without timestamp in agenda]] + +** DONE image alt text for HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][image alt text for HTML export]] + +** DONE export of .org file from within a different .org file +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom][export of .org file from within a different .org file]] + +** DONE Templates - newline in string? +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit][Templates - newline in string?]] + +** DONE different result in spreadsheet tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush][different result in spreadsheet tutorial]] + +** DONE org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id) +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id)]] + +** DONE (bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set]] + +** DONE (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Re: (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working]] + +** DONE including holidays in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][including holidays in agenda]] + +** DONE org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** DONE Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords? +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords?]] + +** DONE inline images in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo][inline images in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Would it be reasonable to augment org's processing of #+ directives so +that an org user can specify (that Org should display inline images, +D.M.) there instead of using the local variables, which is less +user-friendly? +#+END_QUOTE + +** DONE (bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:54] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types]] + +** DONE Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments]] + +** DONE C-a T DONE behavior +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost][C-a T DONE behavior]] + +** DONE calendar and agenda entries +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][calendar and agenda entries]] + +** DONE Latex export of subtree not working for me + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** DONE Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word) +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word)]] + +** DONE How can I get document metadata? +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][How can I get document metadata?]] + +** DONE Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function]] +Reply in thread +** DONE Sparse trees and searching for multiple words + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sparse trees and searching for multiple words]] + +Use search view +** DONE Tags in Agenda View +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom][Tags in Agenda View]] + +** DONE #+source line in export +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom][#+source line in export]] + +** DONE exporting to a specified directory +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][exporting to a specified directory]] + +** DONE Update for habit documentation + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:44] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom][Update for habit documentation]] +Manual was updated +** DONE Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:06] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file]] + +Such a function was posted on the mailing list. + +** DONE Exporting to html +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting to html]] + +** DONE Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo][Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses]] + +** DONE bug with spaces in regexp search +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug with spaces in regexp search]] + +** DONE Agenda Question +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom][Agenda Question]] + +** DONE Yet another way to use maps --- the light way +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Yet another way to use maps --- the light way]] + +** DONE compiling org without make +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice][compiling org without make]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:48] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca +:ASSIGNEE: Carsten +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca][(PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines]] + +** DONE org-capture (lost PATCH?) +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture (lost PATCH?)]] + +** DONE Cannot insert column - wrong type argument +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice][Cannot insert column - wrong type argument]] + +** DONE Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output]] + +** DONE How do I convert org to OpenOffice? + CLOSED: [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :LOGBOOK: + - Note taken on [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] \\ + Added FAQ on converting to doc/odt. + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I convert org to OpenOffice?]] + +** DONE Filter scheduled items +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Filter scheduled items]] + +** DONE Title for capture template +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Title for capture template]] + +** DONE publishing orgmode to a CMS +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][publishing orgmode to a CMS]] + +** DONE bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails]] + +** DONE Latex exporter bug or feature? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo][Latex exporter bug or feature?]] + +** DONE How to not publish log done note? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to not publish log done note?]] + +** DONE Omit top level heading in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo][Omit top level heading in latex export?]] + +** DONE How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom][How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + +** DONE Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page?]] + +** DONE (PATCH) there is no ś in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][(PATCH) there is no ś in HTML]] + +** DONE Quoting formula "cookies" in table? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Quoting formula "cookies" in table?]] + +** DONE custom postamble in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][custom postamble in HTML export]] + +** DONE quotation marks in LaTeX (again) +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][quotation marks in LaTeX (again)]] + +** DONE Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome][Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error]] + +** DONE (BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes]] + +** DONE Orgmode and filling +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and filling]] + +** DONE Tracking time with MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tracking time with MobileOrg]] + +** DONE conditional export based on target +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][conditional export based on target]] + +** DONE (babel) Writing R-packages the org way? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Writing R-packages the org way?]] + +** DONE (BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][(BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement]] + +** DONE How can I just publish entry marked as DONE? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I just publish entry marked as DONE?]] + +** DONE Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone?]] + +** DONE Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return?]] + +** DONE library of babel, bootabs question +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][library of babel, bootabs question]] + +** DONE how to reverse a region of outline items +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to reverse a region of outline items]] + +** DONE bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future]] + +** DONE TaskJuggler 3, revisited +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TaskJuggler 3, revisited]] + +** DONE (BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentation +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentatidon]] + +** DONE Export Headings Only? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export Headings Only?]] + +** DONE org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse]] + +** DONE No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:18] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule]] + +** DONE Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML]] + +** DONE Feature request +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request]] + +** DONE centering text in html +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][centering text in html]] + +** DONE Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML]] + +** DONE Need help publishing subdirectories +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Need help publishing subdirectories]] + +** DONE puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom][puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour]] + +** DONE optimal usage Q : how would you do this? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][optimal usage Q : how would you do this?]] + +** DONE cache issue when publishing website with include file +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cache issue when publishing website with include file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export]] + +** DONE org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:29] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor]] + +** DONE org-mobile-use-encryption :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile-use-encryption]] + +** DONE Insert link to recently captured Note? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert link to recently captured Note?]] + +** DONE (BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][(BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML]] + +** DONE org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp]] + +** DONE Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom][Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii]] + +** DONE Auto clock-out? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Auto clock-out? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE org-7 under Xemacs +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org-7 under Xemacs]] + +** DONE Elementary: How to return to the main view +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Elementary: How to return to the main view]] + +** DONE Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5)]] + +** DONE org-freemind.el and rx +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom][org-freemind.el and rx]] + +** DONE 7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work]] + +** DONE blorgit build +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][blorgit build]] + +** DONE Bug (?) in org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo][Bug (?) in org-capture]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading and inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][org-insert-heading and inline tasks]] + +** DONE Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export?]] + +** DONE (Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML]] + +** DONE Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented]] + +** DONE Babel for blogging :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr][Babel for blogging]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-insert-heading]] + +** DONE #+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM][#+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation?]] + +** DONE mobileorg app can't sync :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom][mobileorg app can't sync]] + +** DONE Publishing htaccess files with a project +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Publishing htaccess files with a project]] + +** DONE Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML]] + +** DONE Library calls and begin_example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom][(Babel) Library calls and begin_example]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE (BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format? +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format?]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode?]] + +** DONE Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp]] + +** DONE Latex Export +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom][Latex Export]] + +** DONE xemacs compatibility +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][xemacs compatibility]] + +** DONE Exporting #+lob :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom][Exporting #+lob]] + +** DONE (babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org?]] + +** DONE Unable to export babel results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Unable to export babel results]] + +** DONE org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom][org-default-notes-file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:55] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl][(PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables]] + +** DONE pcomplete bug in 7.4 +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr][pcomplete bug in 7.4]] + +** DONE (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:51] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE]] + +** DONE (manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:25] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict]] + +** DONE indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line]] + +** DONE bug: invalid export key in export visible region +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:58] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: invalid export key in export visible region]] + +** DONE fill-region and list items +CLOSED: [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:14] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) fill-region and list items]] + +** DONE Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:23] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE][(O) Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph]] +** DONE proper visibility cycling for items + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Make them not hide the text after the final list item. + This is not trivial, we cannot usenormal outline stuff, + needs a separate implementation. +** DONE (PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:32] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists]] + +** DONE preserving location of point + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][preserving location of point]] + Resolved - works with emacs -Q, so it is due to some other + package. +** DONE VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice][VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u ]] + +** DONE question about link syntax +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about link syntax]] + +** DONE M-return on list items in quote blocks + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:24] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: M-return on list items in quote blocks]] +** CLOSED (ANN) List improvement v.2 + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) List improvement v.2 ]] + +git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + +** CLOSED (ANN) New lists definition :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) New lists definition]] + + git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + + Superseded by [[id:mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom%5D%5BList%20improvement%20v%2E2%5D%5D + +** CLOSED Export of quoted region to HTML +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:34 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Export of quoted region to HTML]] + +"At the moment, there is no real support for lists inside blocks." ([[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/34716][Re: Export of quoted region to HTML]]) +** CLOSED Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] \\ + Cannot reproduce it anymore on [2011-07-16 sam.]. +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:44 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom][Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook]] + +** DONE (bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] \\ + Fixed with new escaping mechanism. +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] +** DONE possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1)]] + +** DONE Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom][Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days]] + Patch is applied. +** DONE bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer%! +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer]] + +** DONE Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:52] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** DONE habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p][Bug: habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g)]] + +The code now has a better error message for this case. + +** DONE Git pull breaks agenda? + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: Git pull breaks agenda?]] + +** DONE Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:23] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom][Bug: Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4)]] + +** DONE Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5)) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:10] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][Bug: Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5))]] + +** DONE Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists]] + +** DONE (babel) Error Before first headline. :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error Before first headline.]] + +** DONE Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:10] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel]] + +** DONE Org-Babel and Ledger :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-Babel and Ledger]] + +** DONE (BABEL) Commands for navigation :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Commands for navigation]] + +** DONE Comments in tangled source + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Comments in tangled source]] + +** DONE (babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook]] + +** DONE (babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug? + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug?]] + +** DONE Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows]] + +** DONE (babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png]] + +** DONE (babel) support plantuml :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) support plantuml]] + +** DONE (org-babel) References Not Expanding :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:20] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) References Not Expanding]] + +** DONE (ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:08] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands]] + +** DONE problem with babel and R :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:02] + :END: + [2010-08-17 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][problem with babel and R]] + +Now possible to wrap results in Org blocks which can export as raw +org, but still allow for clean replacement of raw Org results. + +** DONE The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file]] + +** DONE indentation in capture templates :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ indentation in capture templates]] + +** DONE Capture and clock options +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and clock options]] + +** DONE Capture and checkitem +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:06] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and checkitem]] + + +This is now fixed, two reasonably serious issues. checkitem was not +implemented at all, and both checkitem and item could be placed into +the wrong subtree. + +** DONE (BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer]] + +** DONE (BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer]] + +** DONE Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop' + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Clocking + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop']] +** DONE Document the :recursive option for org-publish +CLOSED: [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: +** DONE typo in org.texi? :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:38] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:36] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][typo in org.texi?]] + +** DONE improve doc string + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - patch: http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/26 + - Org repo commit: http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git/commitdiff/bc53b3da3bf95c767113625693895a7dcbf389bb +** DONE workaround for the given example + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Worg repo commit: http://repo.or.cz/w/Worg.git/commitdiff/f5814f05998292d4eb80f9772c279e9837644f29 +** DONE (bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export]] + This has been fixed + +** DONE lists, maths and export to latex :Patch: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: lists, maths and export to latex]] +*** (PATCH) lists and exportation to latex + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Eric Schulte + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) lists and exportation to latex]] + + This patch has been applied. + +** DONE latex export and booktabs tables :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:02] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][latex export and booktabs tables]] +** DONE Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath? + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Carsten + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + This has been fixed, use the setting #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:verbatim. + It is also documented in the jsMath tutorial. + +** DONE Comment before \begin{equation} exported verbatim + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I noticed the following behavior: A comment line starting with "#" +immediately before a \begin{equation} environment is passed verbatim +as well. I don't think it counts as a bug, since there should probably +be a blank line before \begin anyway. +#+END_QUOTE + + This issue has been fixed. + +** DONE Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML]] + + - Patch :: [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/90/][90]] +** DONE Support multiple CSS container classes :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS property]] +** DONE Literal examples and indentation +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Literal examples and indentation]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Ok, so the answer of my initial question is no. + +That's a bit sad because, IMHO, this could a little be smarter than +this. For example if the line to indent is an empty one, then don't +insert indentation, or if the text is already indented then indent +with respect of the current indentation, etc... +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export]] + + Eric Fraga's code is now on the master branch. + +** DONE (BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export]] + Fixed, patch by Eri Schulte, this now gives a good error message + +** DONE (PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during LaTeX Export :Babel: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during + LaTeX Export]] + + Fixed with special treatment of these lines before the first headline +** DONE (BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading :Babel: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading]] + + Fixed, patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML]] +** DONE Minor Bug in ical2org awk script +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Minor Bug in ical2org awk script]] +** DONE Correct babel format for ditaa? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Correct babel format for ditaa?]] + +** DONE Bug in org-colview/org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Bug in org-colview/org-beamer?]] +** DONE bug in org-mode-export-as-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal][bug in org-mode-export-as-latex]] +** DONE LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))) +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)))]] + +** DONE Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +- State "ASSIGNED" from "BUG" [2010-08-08 So 14:27] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:15] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom +:ASSIGNEE: dmaus +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom][Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory]] + +** DONE Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 11:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex]] + +** DONE Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export]] + +** DONE BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-( +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-(]] + +** DONE Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for]] + +** DONE html-export mangels mailto: links +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) html-export mangels mailto: links]] + +** DONE escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans)]] + +There was a bug here (fixed), and also a user error (told the user so +on the mailing list). + +** DONE export to latex broken +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:22] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex broken]] + +The offending commit has been reverted. + +** DONE Publishing documents body-only + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 13:58] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + +The :body-only property is now available in the publishing setup. + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom][Publishing documents body-only]] + +** DONE Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:44] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans)]] + + [2010-07-20 Tue] Request for backtrace sent to bug report author + +** DONE suggesting a new function org-export-string :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][suggesting a new function org-export-string]] +** DONE portable absolute links in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][portable absolute links in HTML export]] + +** DONE insert a remember template at point +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][insert a remember template at point]] +** DONE Movement of C-a under visible-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Movement of C-a under visible-mode]] +** DONE org-mode and auto-fill-mode :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:24] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode and auto-fill-mode]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1hblfgkp1%2Efsf%40cam%2Eac%2Euk][Removing (modify-syntax-entry ?# "<")]] + +** DONE Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain][Bug: Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i)]] +** DONE org-feed not working for codeproject :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-feed not working for codeproject]] +** DONE (mobileorg) Android sync failed :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobileorg) Android sync failed]] +** DONE org-capture question/suggestion + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][org-capture question/suggestion]] + This patch has been applied, estimate operators are now active and + documented. +** DONE Displaying inline remote images +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:01] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Displaying inline remote images]] +** DONE Tables and environment with parameters + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Tables and environment with parameters]] + Another case of checking for protectedness at the wrong place (the + following line :( ) +** DONE org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:00] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd))]] +** DONE org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51))]] +** DONE inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active]] + +*** inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up%! + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][Bug: inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up]] +** DONE Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans) + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D8739vzpqx1.wl%25dmaus%40ictsoc.de][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed by fixing the function org-find-olp, this can not search just + in the current buffer if the THIS-BUFFER flag is set. +** DONE Problem when org-capturing text from French email + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Problem when org-capturing text from French email]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus to work around Emacs bug #5306. + +** DONE org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans) + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus. + +** DONE web site bug +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][web site bug]] +** DONE indent levels in dynamic block clock? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent levels in dynamic block clock?]] +** DONE org-collector : display problem with propview +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-collector : display problem with propview]] +** DONE startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block) +CLOSED: [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block)]] +** DONE Diary-integration in version 7.01.g +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3Dop.vgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost.localdomain][Diary-integration in version 7.01.g]] +** DONE Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG= +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:59] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG=]] +** DONE links and ID properties +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][links and ID properties]] + +** DONE (Patch) Capture: [Error: (void-function FILE)] and %![Error: (void-function SEXP)] (again)%! +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) Capture: %!(Error: (void-function FILE)) and %!(Error: (void-function SEXP)) (again)]] +** DONE (BUG) Org-capturing items to clock +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Org-capturing items to clock]] +** DONE Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:42] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer]] +** DONE MobileOrg capture - bad encoding :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg capture - bad encoding]] +** DONE Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient]] +** DONE (BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems]] +** DONE avoiding source block prompts +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu][avoiding source block prompts]] +** DONE (babel) lob evaluation : a bug ? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(babel) lob evaluation : a bug ?]] + +** DONE (mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom][(mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing]] + +** DONE bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties? :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties?]] + +** DONE (Patch) Org-fontify :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Patch) Org-fontify]] + +** DONE (PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string.]] + +** DONE org-feed XML entities and character encoding :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][org-feed XML entities and character encoding]] + +** DONE (Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil]] + +** DONE (Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:15] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition)]] + +I installed the new code into the contirb directory. + +** DONE Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot?]] + +This is solved, and new example on how to work with GNUPLOT are up on Worg. + +** CLOSED Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** CLOSED Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight]] + +** CLOSED export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug: export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks]] + +** CLOSED org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:19] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection]] + +True, but cannot be fixed, at least not easily. The new entry can +still be found at the original target location, go there with `C-c C-u +C-c r'. + +** CLOSED org-capture + autoload + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture + autoload]] +The autoload Cookie is in there now. + +** CLOSED capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...) +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:14] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...)]] + +Not a bug. Cf. manual Template expansion and Carsten's +explanation: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6DE91187%2D59F0%2D4AA3%2D9487%2DA758CEB6D5DE%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 +commit-972b0a58...)]]. + +** CLOSED documention missing +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][Bug: documention missing]] + +** CLOSED Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Bug) Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk]] +** CLOSED org capture: use org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom][org capture: use org-default-notes-file]] + +** CLOSED Comments cannot be filled +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + +** CLOSED Disputed keys (meta left), (meta right) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 12:48] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:25] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Disputed keys]] +** DONE keys and command name info + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:44] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][keys and command name info]] + +** CLOSED Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] \\ + Insufficient information and no confirmation of the bug since more + than six months. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:31] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/66] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY?]] + +** DONE Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers. :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/65] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers.]] + +** DONE Re: export to latex broken :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 20:55] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:37 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/63] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][(O) Re: export to latex broken]] + +** DONE (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] \\ + This has been applied to master. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 21:04] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:39 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/62] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom][(O) (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command]] + +** DONE Macro expansion in included files :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] \\ + Applied already. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 16:07] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:42 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/61] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Macro expansion in included files]] + +** CLOSED "org-nil" error in LaTeX export :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:47] \\ + No report. Apperently, an user configuration problem. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/60] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) "org-nil" error in LaTeX export]] +** CLOSED (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] \\ + No confirmation under 30 weeks. Probably an user misconfiguration. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 00:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/58] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block]] + +** DONE Verbatim code gets interpreted :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/57] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) (Bug) Verbatim code gets interpreted]] + +** CLOSED (BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:50] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:35 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/38] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli][(BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers]] + +** DONE For Patchwork workers: An updated pw + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom][For Patchwork workers: An updated pw]] + +The pw script that should be used to work with our patchwork server +is part of the distribution, UTILITIES/pw. Among other things, this +script arranges for automatic emails to the mailing list when the +status of a patch changes. + +** DONE (ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite][(ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode]] +I have made a link to this new translator on Worg, in +org-translators.org. + +** CLOSED tags grouping not working :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:43] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 02:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/20] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede][Bug: tags grouping not working]] +** DONE org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org]] + +org-velocity.el is now a contributed packge, with documentation on worg. +** CLOSED Footnote incorrect in Worg + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:34 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Footnote incorrect in Worg]] + +** CLOSED org-mediawiki :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:53 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/17] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mediawiki]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:54 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/16] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file]] + +** CLOSED send mail without starting gnus first :new: + CLOSED: [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:57] + - Note taken on [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] \\ + This is a gnus issue. + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [3/15] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][send mail without starting gnus first]] + +** CLOSED links and no match message :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:30] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:03 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/12] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu][links and no match message]] + +No answer in 25 weeks. Case closed. +** CLOSED org-cdlatex after environment :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/11] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-cdlatex after environment]] + +Document to reproduce: + +#+begin_src org +,* Heading +,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +;; Turn on cdlatex-mode +(org-cdlatex-mode 1) +,#+END_SRC + + +\begin{eqnarray*} + & & \\ +\end{eqnarray*} + +\begin{eqnarray*} +b&=& +\begin{cases} +1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 +\end{cases} +5 +\end{eqnarray*} + + +Typing _ after 4 prints _{}. Typing _ after 5 only gives _. 5 isn't +considered to be part of math-mode anymore. +#+end_src + +** DONE Org now fontifies code blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][Org now fontifies code blocks]] + +** DONE MobileOrg now in the Android market + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][MobileOrg now in the Android market]] +** DONE (CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom][(CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point]] + +Included in Worg now. + +** DONE Finally jekyll and org-jekyll + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Finally jekyll and org-jekyll]] + +Documented in Worg. + +** DONE MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages]] + +Included in Org and documented. + +** CLOSED what am I missing about remote editing? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 15:41] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:11 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/10] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][what am I missing about remote editing?]] +** CLOSED error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier" :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:02] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:13 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/9] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier"]] + +** CLOSED void-function error :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:37] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/8] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][void-function error]] + +** DONE Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks :Babel:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 11:07 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks]] +** DONE Baffled by beamer blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:50] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:04 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) (BUG) Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +** DONE Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:36] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom][Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands]] + +#+begin_quote +Is there an option for org-metaup (org-metadown) and +outline-next-visible-heading (outline-previous-visible-heading) to +alway jump to the first non-star character in a headline instead of +the beginning of a headline? I could not find this option in the +manual. In my opinion, this would complement the "special C-a/e" +commands which I also use. This behaviour is already the default for +org-metaup/-down in lists. +#+end_quote + +** DONE LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug]] + +** DONE Row formulas + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + @4=..... + +** CLOSED latex export problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech][latex export problem]] + + - ngz :: not consistently reproducible, 41 weeks old, outdated + version of Org : closed. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE Make a variable that current line should be recomputed always + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + In each table. Skipping headers of course. +** DONE include value of single table cell in text? + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:49] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:17 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][include value of single table cell in text?]] + +** DONE (Feature Request) Cross headings in tables + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:51] +:END: + [2010-10-27 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Feature Request) Cross headings in tables]] + +** DONE MathJax is now the default for HTML math + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:21 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom][MathJax is now the default for HTML math]] + + - ngz :: it is in manual since a long time. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :END: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE + 1) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's + leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is + set to nil + + 2) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented + as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the + indentation should ideally return to what it was before the + inline task. Of course, this is also a problem when org-indent + is turned off, if you try to automatically hard-indent using + TAB. However, in that case you can adjust by hand the + indentation of the first line after the inline task, and then + all the following lines will indent correctly. With org-indent + the problem is much worse since there is no way of adjusting the + soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] + - ngz :: no further information to work on since 39 weeks. Case + probably closed. +** CLOSED Strange bug, request for more info + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :END: + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq6bjsas%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq6bjsas.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Re: Strange bug, request for more info]] + + - ngz :: very old bug, probably fixed now according to the last + post in the thread. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +The bug happens when being in the agenda and trying to goto or show +the origin location of an agenda entry by pressing SPC or RET. +John reports that sometimes (for him several times a day), +the other window shows a completely different location. +The most weird part of it is that going back to the agenda buffer +and then trying the exact same command again, everything works +fine! This is driving me crazy, and I'd love to find and fix +this problem. +#+END_QUOTE +** CLOSED PATCH: Fix for agenda problems :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo][PATCH: Fix for agenda problems]] + + - ngz :: probably applied, and function has changed since then. + +*** More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing :Mobile: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo][More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing]] + +*** Mobile-org crash --- same error? :Mobile: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mobile-org crash --- same error?]] + +** DONE COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 02:22] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:57] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 12:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][(O) Bug: Minor Bug: COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics (7.5 (release_7.5.24.g5f0ef))]] + + - ngz :: bug confirmed on 7.6 (release_7.6.75.g74e3) and hopefully + fixed. Waiting for confirmation. + +** CLOSED Capture abort: (void-function -mode) + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:44] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Capture abort: (void-function -mode)]] + +Problem is not yet reproducible. + + - ngz :: very old bug, no information or even confirmation it + happened since then. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED capture problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:14] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech][capture problem]] + + - ngz :: very old bug. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] +** CLOSED Recovering notes :Mobile: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobile-org) Recovering notes]] + + - ngz :: As informative as it is, we are not fixing issues for + outside applications. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error? :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:09] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error?]] + + - ngz :: still active, but not dependant on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ainsi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** CLOSED Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created) :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] + :END: + [2010-10-17 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created)]] + + - ngz :: confirmed, but not depending on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** DONE (PATCH) Markup on same line as text :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:48] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Markup on same line as text]] + - ngz :: patch already applied in code base. +** DONE clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items]] + + - ngz :: Carsten fixed it. + +** DONE (BABEL) Babel babel native fontification :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:37] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:48 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Two minor issues]] +** DONE Custom sorting of agenda items! + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) custom sorting of agenda items]] + - ngz :: Carsten full-filled that wish. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When giving a user-defined function for org-agenda-cmp-user-defined, +the function gets two agenda entries. Is there a way from an agenda entry +to get to the original org entry? + +Best would be if, besides a user-defined sort function, you could also provide +a function that takes the org entry and the agenda item (i.e. is run with point +on the org entry and is passed the agenda item), and can then store anything +it wants about the org entry as text properties on the agenda item. +The companion user-defined sorting function could then use these stored +text properties for ordering the agenda items. Could you add such a hook? +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:21] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:00 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][(PATCH) Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto]] + - ngz :: That function exists now. + +** CLOSED Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature Request: Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range]] + - ngz :: A solution for the problem at hand already exists and is + detailed in the FAQ. + +** DONE Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show. :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show.]] + - ngz :: Patch seems applied in code base. +** DONE Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:33] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 08:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg][Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines]] + - ngz :: David solved that bug with his escaping mechanism. + +** DONE Variable of standard links for completion with C-c C-l + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Or something like that, to make standard links fast. + +** DONE Unintended behavior? Links without description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:09] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:10 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Unintended behavior? Links without description]] + +#+begin_quote +In pre-processing for export with org-export-normalize-links, links +that lack a description part are given one, which consists of the full +raw path of the link. In other words, link descriptions are never nil. +This seems to conflict with the expectations of org-bbdb.el and custom +links based on that example. + +The link [[bbdb:Carsten Dominik]], for instance, is exported to html +and latex as follows: + + bbdb:Carsten Dominik + \textit{bbdb:Carsten Dominik}. + +Org-bbdb.el is clearly prepared to be passed a desc that is nil, in +which case it would use path instead: + +(defun org-bbdb-export (path desc format) + "Create the export version of a BBDB link specified by PATH or DESC. +If exporting to either HTML or LaTeX FORMAT the link will be +italicized, in all other cases it is left unchanged." + (cond + ((eq format 'html) (format "%s" (or desc path))) + ((eq format 'latex) (format "\\textit{%s}" (or desc path))) + (t (or desc path)))) + +However, desc is never nil, because a missing description part is +replaced in export pre-processing by a string consisting of the link +type, a colon, and the path. This takes place in the function +org-export-normalize-links. + +This makes for unexpected behavior in custom links that some of us +have defined. E.g., Thomas S. Dye's `cite' links (the thread +`org-add-link-type'): +#+end_quote + +Thomas S. Dye could track down this problem to at least 7.01trans +(release_7.01h.209.g2c33b). + +*** DONE org-add-link-type + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:12] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) org-add-link-type]] + +#+begin_quote +It looks as if an empty desc is never passed, instead it is replaced +with the full raw path. I don't think that's the right behavior, and I +don't really see how it could result from org-export-latex-links. +#+end_quote + +** DONE minted for latex source code export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:49 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][minted for latex source code export]] + +** DONE (WIP) OpenOffice Exporter + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WIP) OpenOffice Exporter]] + +** CLOSED Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans) + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:11] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 11:19 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans)]] + - ngz :: configuration mistake from OP. + +** DONE Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:54] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) (Babel) Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output]] +** CLOSED html export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX ignored for tables when used before first headline + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:22] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][LaTeX table export issue]] + +** DONE Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore? :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +- State "BUG" from "WISH" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore?]] + +** DONE Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:28] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:19] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) (BUG) Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading]] + - ngz :: Patch suggested. Waiting for confirmation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +** DONE (Patch) org-capture.el + CLOSED: [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-22 ven. 01:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Patch) org-capture.el]] +** DONE Rewrite of org-indent-mode :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:23] +- State "IDEA" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:20] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:28] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-08-18 jeu. 19:16 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (dev) org-indent-mode patch]] + + + - ngz :: this branch is an attempt to remove idle timer in + indent-mode and to make it compatible with + visual-line-mode. Though, it suffers from a long + initialization time (walking each line of the buffer to + add text-properties). + + The idea is to set =line-prefix= property to the level of + the current headline and =wrap-prefix= to the indentation + of the beginning of the line. These properties are + modified at each text modification (hook) on the modified + area only (so, this part is quick). + + - ngz :: I've implemented an asynchronous initialization. It needs + testing, though. + +Source : =git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +The rewrite would fix the following bugs: + +*** DONE Org cause Emacs to hang + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "BUG" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:04] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:39] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org cause Emacs to hang]] + +Possible fix is in + +=git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +Wait for feedback if this patch fixes the problem. + + - ngz :: this branch isn't satisfactory enough (too slow on + opening files). Thus, I re-open the bug. + + See [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for more information. + +*** DONE Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel][Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list]] + + - ngz :: see [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for a working solution + +# -*- org-tags-column: -80; sentence-end-double-space: t; -*- +#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t tex:t d:(HIDE LOGBOOK) tags:not-in-toc +#+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate +#+TODO: NEW(n) TODO(t!) WAITING(W!) IDEA(i!) WISH(w!) INCONSISTENCY(y!) BUG(b!) QUESTION(q!) | DONE(d!) DECLINED(c!) CLOSED(C!) +#+TAGS: Babel(b) Mobile(m) Patch(p) new(n) noexport(x) +#+TITLE: Open issues with Org mode +#+AUTHOR: Worg people +#+EMAIL: mdl AT imapmail DOT org +#+LANGUAGE: en +#+PRIORITIES: A C B +#+CATEGORY: worg +#+ARCHIVE: ::* Closed issues +#+DRAWERS: PROPERTIES LOGBOOK + +# This file is the default header for new Org files in Worg. Feel free +# to tailor it to your needs. + +* Introduction + +This is a simple mailing list based tracker for issues and other +things about Org mode. It is a replacement of the abandoned todo file +and incorporates its structure and parts of the nomenclature. The +purpose of this document is to keep track of issues, i.e. anything +that requires some kind of action, and other things like +announcements, hacks, feature ideas and the like. + +** Nomenclature + +On this page, TODO keywords are used in the following way: + + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Keyword* | Intention | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *NEW* | A new issue that is not yet classifed. | + | *TODO* | A task to be done. This includes but is not limited to answers to user requests, development or documentation tasks. | + | *WAITING* | A reported issue that requires a response to be processed further. | + | *IDEA* | A new idea, I have not yet decided what if anything I will do about it. | + | *WISH* | A wish, probably voiced by someone on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org. This is less than a new idea, more a change in existing behavior. | + | *DECLINED* | A feature or idea that was declined. Still in the list so that people can see it, complain, or still try to convince Carsten to implement it. | + | *INCONSISTENCY* | Some behavior in Org-mode that is not as clean and consistent as it should be. | + | *BUG* | A confirmed bug. This needs to be fixed, as soon as possible. | + | *QUESTION* | A question someone asked. | + | *DONE* | Well, done is done. | + | | <80> | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +In addition, tags are used to provide more detailed context +information. Currently these tags are used in this file: + + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Tag* | Context | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Babel* | Issue concerning [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/index.php][Org-babel]] | + | *Mobile* | Issue concerning [[http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/][MobileOrg]] | + | *Patch* | A patch is available via Org mode's [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/project/org-mode/list/][Patchwork tracker]] | + | *New* | All issues below the *New Issues* headline. | + | | <80> | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +** Document structure and maintenance + +New issues hitting the Org mode [[http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode][mailing list]] are recorded on a +(almost) daily basis using a yet to be published library that allows +operating on the issue file from within Wanderlust and (partly) Gnus. + +They are first filed to the heading *New Issues*. + +In a second step issues beneath this heading are reviewed. If an +issue triggers a development task it is properly classified (keywords, +tag) and refiled to the *Development Tasks* heading. If it is a user +request, it is classified using the *QUESTION* TODO keyword and filed +to heading *User Requests*. If it is already closed according to the +mailing list, it is immediately closed and moved to *Closed issues*. +If it cannot yet be classified or closed, it stays where it is. + +** Using this file + +This file is hosted and published on [[http://orgmode.org/worg/][Worg]]. So you can either read the +file via your browser or check out Worg's git repository. + +Everyone is encouraged to use this file to facilitate collaboration in +solving issue and extending Org mode. Thus, you can operate on the +entries as you wish, as long as the ID property is kept intact. + +Operating on this file includes, but is not limited to, classifying +new issues, doing research on an outstanding task, or grouping related +issues into a development task. If you start to take care of an open +issue or task, please put a token in a headline property called +"ASSIGNEE", so others can see that you started to take care of this +issue. + +[[file:index.org][{Back to Worg's index}]] + +* New Issues [0/0] :new: +* Development Tasks +** Agenda issues +*** IDEA Meta-grouping properties? + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Meta-grouping properties?]] +*** IDEA persistent frame for agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:09] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][persistent frame for agenda]] + +*** IDEA "Interactive" Search in Agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom]["Interactive" Search in Agenda]] + +*** IDEA overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature idea: overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling]] + +*** IDEA Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:18] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(REQUEST) Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views)]] + +#+begin_quote +> I have been a happy org-mode user for a while, using more and more of +> org-mode for more and more things. By now I have completely replaced my use +> of iCal (on the Mac) by the org-mode agenda, with no regrets. However, there +> is one feature that I am still trying to get into my agenda view, but I +> didn't find a way to do it yet. +> +> There are a couple of long-lasting "events" that I would like to show in my +> agenda view. A typical example would be school vacation periods, but there +> are others: absences of a colleague, availability of some instrument, etc, +> Their common feature is that they can last very long (several weeks) and +> that they don't really occupy my agenda. I just want to know when planning +> something if a given day is in period X or not. So I'd like to see at a +> glance (using a specific font, color, one-letter prefix etc.) if a day falls +> into a certain predefined period. Simply adding a corresponding event to my +> agenda leads to visual clutter: it gets marked on every single day of the +> period. +> +> Is there any way to get what I am looking for? + ++1 for this feature. Also, I think our desire for such a feature could +be met with a calendar-view, perhaps re-using some org-table or +org-columns source? + +I'm envisioning I would very much like something akin to an ASCII +4-day calendar view (like the default Google Calendar view). + +Even if we could line up four days' agenda views horizontally (with an +appointment-style timeline), I would find this useful. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Worldcup + time zone question + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][Worldcup + time zone question]] + +*** WISH Indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom][(new feature suggestion?) indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is there a way to quickly/visually differentiate between repeating/single-occurence tasks? + +If not, something like say, adding an asterisk somewhere in the entry would be great. + +1. Scheduled* - starred schedule/deadline string +2. TODO * - starred 'todo' string +3. fifa2010* - starred 'category' string +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH A little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leaders +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede][a little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leader]] + - ngz :: No answer as of [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** WISH Modify time entry from agenda? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Modify time entry from agenda?]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Relative file names in list org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "WISH" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:22] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about org-agenda-files]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY omitting done TODOs from custom agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:19] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][omitting done TODOs from custom agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> The problem occurs in both my "Agenda plus contacts" and "Get It +> Louder", so maybe it's something with my custom todos? +> +> (org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w@)" "|" +> "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c@)") (sequence "CONTACT(n)" "REPLY(r)" "|" +> "CONTACTED(e@)")))) + +Looks like the problem here was that CONTACT is a substring of +CONTACTED—whatever function decides if a todo keyword is pending or +completed apparently just reads the string until it finds the first +match (?). I changed it to SENT and everything worked fine. Dunno if +that's worth considering a bug, but it's certainly surprising behavior. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** INCONSISTENCY Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:51] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day]] +*** BUG Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading]] + + - ngz :: Still confirmed on [2011-07-18 lun.] + + The manual should specify that SCHEDULED and DEADLINE + keywords are to be put on the line just after the + headline. + + We can also make C-c C-s replace the already defined + SCHEDULED or DEADLINE keyword, if it can find it. + + Moreover, we should remove + `org-insert-labeled-timestamps-at-point'. This variable + is error-prone, and more than often let-bound to nil + (i.e. from the agenda). + + Eventually, I think we should slowly move them to + standard properties (in the PROPERTIES drawer). + +*** WISH org-agenda-follow-narrowed ? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom][org-agenda-follow-narrowed ?]] + +#+begin_quote +When I'm in the agenda, if I hit SPC, I get a nice narrowed view of the +current item. When I toggle org-agenda-follow-mode, I get org to show +me the current item without hitting SPC---but it's not narrowed. It +also has the property drawer collapsed. What I'd like is to have org +follow me with exactly the result of hitting SPC. Possible? +#+end_quote + +*** WISH re-marking agenda entries +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:03] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][re-marking agenda entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Please test this custom agenda command +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:16] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Please test this custom agenda command]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Habits and org-log-done configuration +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: Understanding habits - org-log-done]] + +#+BEGIN_VERSE +> I can confirm this. I personally only log state changes to DONE but +> setting a LOGGING property value of lognotedone prompts for a note and +> fails to show the history for the habit in the graph. +> +> This is probably a bug. + +Yes. The regexp that searches for completed tasks in org-habit is +hard-coded to look for a 'State "DONE"' string. When org-log-done is set +to note, however, the log entries begin with 'CLOSING NOTE'. (A related +problem here is that it assumes DONE is the only relevant todo keyword.) + +One workaround is to add the property LOGGING and set its value to +lognoterepeat. This produces notes with timestamps in the following +format (compatible with org-habit): + + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [​2011​-​01​-​01​ Sat 21:​11​] \\\\ + 5 miles. +#+BEGIN_COMMENT +The note above was modified in order to export correctly to html. It's +source form is: + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2011-01-01 Sat 21:11] \\ + 5 miles. +#+END_COMMENT +Another workaround is to make the setting associated with 'done in +org-log-note-headings to the same as 'state. One quick way to do that is +by evaluating the following expression: + +(setcdr (assoc 'done org-log-note-headings) (assoc 'state org-log-note-headings)) + +As an aside, it seems to me that the "CLOSING NOTE" format that results +when org-log-done is set to 'note is inconsistent with other logging +behavior. For instance, when a "@" is added in org-todo-keywords, the +note is entered with the state change string. +#+END_VERSE + + +*** INCONSISTENCY Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:44] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4)]] + +*** BUG org-write-agenda failure +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-write-agenda failure]] + + - ngz :: confirmed on Org-mode version 7.6 (release_7.6.93.gd243) + [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:56] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 15:53] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files]] + +C-c [ and C-c ] adds and removes files from `org-agenda-files' using +Emacs' customization interface. The customization is saved w/o notice +or prompt. Using these commands defeats setting `org-agenda-files' to +one or more directories because Org will save the expanded list of +directory files. + +*** BUG org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:27] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: (O) org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t]] + +#+begin_quote +>>> Alright, so I did that, and I seem to have encountered an org-mode +>>> bug. Put this in .emacs +>>> +>>> (setq +>>> org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t +>>> org-agenda-custom-commands +>>> '(("l" "Agenda with done items" +>>> agenda "" ((org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done nil))))) +>>> +>>> (define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "l") (lambda () (interactive) (org-agenda nil "l"))))) +>>> +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +>>> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +>>> q -> quits org-agenda +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> still fine +>>> M-x org-agenda b/f -> also displays DONE items, which is a bug +>> +>> I cannot reproduce this. What version of org-mode are you using? +>> +>> - Matt +> +> Right, sorry, I was using org-agenda-list. Here are the updated +> instructions +> +> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +> q -> quits org-agenda +> M-x org-agenda-list -> still fine +> b/f -> also displays DONE items + +I can confirm this bug with this latter set of instructions, though I'm +puzzled why M-x org-agenda-list behaves differently than C-c a a. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty)) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:33] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty))]] + +*** TODO Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:51] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f))]] + +*** WISH org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:31] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future]] + +*** WISH Hide / expand tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:35] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (O) Hide / expand tags]] + +#+begin_quote +I think it'd be nice for this to have the _alternative_ to put the +tags into the properties drawer and occasionally view and edit them +with a column view: + +#+SPECIAL_PROPERTIES: TAGS=drawer:PROPERTIES <= only a suggestion +#+end_quote +*** WAITING tags match agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:24] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg][(O) tags match agenda]] + +*** DECLINED Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu][(PATCH) Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support]] + +*** IDEA Managing appts with org-mode, diary +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:46] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede][Re: Managing appts with org-mode, diary]] + +#+begin_quote +I currently use fancy diary. It's nice to have an overview of the +current day and the upcoming appointments of the next n days. But this +'oh, there is an important appointment in {three|two|one|zero} days' +clutters the agenda view even more ;). This is where it would be nice to +have the agenda view tree like, too. The days could be nodes and the +appointments could be subnode of the day, that could be shown or +hidden. I'm relatively new to org-mode (convertit from planner-mode as +you might know ;-), so I don't know exactly if such a feature is already +implemented or if it could be done without huge amounts of work. +#+end_quote + +** Appearance + +*** WISH Secondary selection +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Secondary selection]] + +*** WISH Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Aquamacs syntax highlighting +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Aquamacs syntax highlighting]] + +*** BUG Column view and subtask overview interaction +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet][Column view and subtask overview interaction]] + +*** IDEA Orgmode and Unicode characters +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and Unicode characters]] + +*** BUG Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly]] + +#+begin_quote +If you add a width declaration ("") to the column containing Korean, +when realigning the table you'll get an "args out of range" error inside +the text-properties-related code in `org-table-align' (provided the +width declaration actually does cause the text to be clipped). +#+end_quote + + - ngz :: is it fixable ? Org tables are not meant to handle + variable-width fonts anyway. [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:54] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede][Bug: startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x)]] + +#+begin_quote +Thanks for doublechecking. I now tested it again, and this only happens when +used in a shell (i.e. in a KDE Konsole) where the point does not blink. +#+end_quote +*** DECLINED Effort columnview: Show total in different column + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Effort columnview: Show total in different column]] + +Too big a change + +*** DECLINED Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:28] +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within]] + +** Babel + +*** TODO Handling of errors when using Ledger + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "WISH" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Handling of errors when using Ledger]] + +*** ASSIGNED Babel - display results in an overlay? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:25] + - State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:28] + - State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Babel - display results in an overlay?]] + +this is now in the Babel task tracking system + +*** ASSIGNED (babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:09] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg][(babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect]] + +This has been added as a bug to the babel development file + +*** IDEA Mark and Tangle :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Mark and Tangle]] + +*** WISH (PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:18] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) Speed keys :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Speed keys]] + +*** WISH Line numbers in tangled source :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:23] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Line numbers in tangled source]] + +*** WISH org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings]] + +*** WISH Babel & DOS + :LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg][Babel & DOS]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) C-v C-v M-x? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:22] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) C-v C-v M-x?]] + +*** WISH Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:49] + :END: + [2010-12-12 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file]] +*** INCONSISTENCY (babel) silent code block evaluation on export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) silent code block evaluation on export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Babel: interweaving code and results? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:06] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: interweaving code and results?]] + This link doesn't resolve through Gmane + +*** INCONSISTENCY Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3) :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:45] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg][Bug: Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3)]] + +#+begin_quote +OK, I now have a clearer idea of what went wrong. + +1. I think it's doing find-file-at-point. + +2. This only happens when point is on this line, but NOT at the start + of the line: #+begin_src haskell + + It's not about whether it's the first time you press C-c ', it's about + where point is when you press it. + +3. If point is anywhere on the closing line of the source block, it + works. + +4. Ironically, the end of the first line is where the point is placed if + you do C-c C-v d at the end of the buffer! So if you do C-c C-v d and + then C-c ', as I did, this bug will happen. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export :Babel: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 18:59] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl][Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export]] + +*** TODO (bug?) cannot generate table format output for octave results :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:05] + :END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug?) (babel) cannot generate table format output for octave results]] + +*** WISH Make tangling work in an indirect buffer :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:17] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) (PATCH) Make tangling work in an indirect buffer]] + +** Capture and refile + +*** IDEA Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)%! +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:32] +:END: + [2010-08-08 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When you think of CamelCase and on-the-fly creating of non-existing +files/headlines, it's just another way of *capturing* stuff. + +Why not defining some simple syntax to trigger the capture mechanism +from special links? + +For example: + + "I write a reference to a >c:newfile which I can create later." + +- The ">c:newfile" is a link. +- The ">c" is a link abbreviation. +- The ">" part is the syntax for link abbrevations to trigger a capture. +- The "c" part is the keybinding of capture template to call. +- The "newfile" would be passed on as a variable for the (nth 3) of the + template (we could have several variables separated by "#" + +This would combine the flexibility of on-the-fly file creation and of +the capture mechanism, allowing multiple templates. + +What do you think? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Refiling notes to current file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Refiling notes to current file]] + +*** WISH Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:37] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree]] + +*** WAITING archiving an indirect buffer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:54] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: archiving an indirect buffer]] +*** DECLINED Blank rows with capture target table-line and aborting capture +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][is it a bug in org-capture]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I hit C-c c t, and then C-c C-k immediately, the file test.org is +still modified with an new blank row inserted in the table, which is out +of expectation, since C-c C-k is known as "abort capture". The minibuffer +says "org-capture-finalize: Capture process aborted, but target buffer +could not be cleaned up correctly". +#+END_QUOTE + +Unfortunately this is difficult to fix, because the user might have +changed other things before aborting. At least the error message is +clear and gives the user the opportunity to fix the problem. + +*** WISH Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed]] + +*** WAITING Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:20] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4)]] + +Cannot reliably get reproduced as of [2011-01-16 So]. + +*** TODO Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:10] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text]] + +*** TODO (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:37] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior]] + +*** WISH remember-other-frame with org-capture? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-06 Mo 21:03] +:END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) remember-other-frame with org-capture?]] + +*** BUG org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs]] + +*** WAITING capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:16] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Bug: capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4)]] + +** Clocking + +*** BUG Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:19] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly]] + +*** TODO No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’ :contrib: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:12] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau][(O) No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’]] + +*** IDEA Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:40] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'?]] + +** Documentation +*** IDEA packaging org-mode & worg + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][packaging org-mode & worg ]] + +*** IDEA Create better function and variable index in the manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:26] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) Command names are now in the manual]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +A suggestion for a possible(?) improvement: the "O" section of the +function index (and I imagine the variable index as well) is pretty +crowded :-). I wonder if texinfo has any facilities to break it up, +perhaps according to the first letter after the first dash. +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Page numbering in manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:07] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Page numbering in manual]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY `org-agenda-tags-column' missing in documentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 16:28] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Re: Tags position in regular agenda view?]] + +** Exporting +*** IDEA Google CL and org-mode + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Google CL and org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have a question regarding the recent announcement of the Google +Command Line project (http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/). + +I was wondering if there are plans to integrate support for calendar +synchronization between Google and org-mode using this tool. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:46] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas][Re: (PATCH) org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request]] +*** IDEA Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2 +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-27 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom][Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2]] + +*** WISH Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +One suggestion, then... why not just have a nice list of all possible +ATTR_LaTeX options? I have killed myself before looking for a simplified +list. Maybe even just common ones since perhaps any LaTeX option may be +passed? +#+END_QUOTE + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +*** WISH pretty export of tags + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca][pretty export of tags]] +*** WISH Allow skipping of levels in LaTeX export +**** latex export - skipping lvls breaks export + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][latex export - skipping lvls breaks export]] + +**** Even if skipped headline levels are not allowed, exporter shouldn't drop out-of-level headlines silently + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:14025%2E1279898870%40maps +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/14025%2E1279898870%40maps][Bug: possible bug in latex export (7.01trans (release_6.36.735.g15ca.dirty))]] +*** WISH fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede][fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export]] +*** WISH iCal export and complex diary sexps + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][iCal export and complex diary sexps]] +*** WISH Seemless editing of Babel Blocks :Babel: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Seemless editing of Babel Blocks]] +*** WISH Captions for source code +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][Captions for source code]] +*** WISH user control of source block header line exporting formats :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:59] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][user control of source block header line exporting formats]] +*** WISH Add timestamp keyword specific CSS class +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:24] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][How to distinguish timestamps in CSS?]] + +*** WISH query - org-emphasis-regexp-components +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:31] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][query - org-emphasis-regexp-components]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I was writing a document with Python code in it and I found a minor problem. +There's no way to put a piece of code like s="Hello World" as verbatim +or code in my document. + +~s="Hello World"~ doesn't work because the border in +org-emphasis-regexp-components doesn't allow " or '. I'm not sure why +this is in place. Can this be removed, or have they been put in for a +specific reason, that I can't see? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time. :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg][(PATCH) Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time.]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export of emphasized link + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :END: +**** INCONSISTENCY inconsistency + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:12] + :END: + emphasized link supported: + - Emacs faces shown in org-mode buffer itself + - export to LaTeX + - [...] + emphasized link not supported: + - export to HTML + - export to DocBook + - export to XOXO + - [...] + this question is still open: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +*** INCONSISTENCY org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:46] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY hlevel in org-export-region-as-html +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:56] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug? hlevel in org-export-region-as-html]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:38] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug) export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Bug: void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans)]] + +*** BUG latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom][latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis]] +*** BUG Org beamer export bugs + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org beamer export bugs]] + +*** BUG html export, latex fragments and emphasize +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:40] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: html export, latex fragments and emphasize]] + +*** BUG LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain][Bug: LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML]] + + - ngz :: since mathjax, should we still consider it as a bug? Is + is even reproducible? [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** DECLINED Org Mode Latex Export Customization of org-export-latex-emphasis-alist + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org Mode Latex Export Customization of + org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + + There is not really anything to be done here, not enough characters + for all those extra emphasis things. + +*** DECLINED Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:59] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:20] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output?]] + +*** DECLINED Combination of =code= and Description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:02] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom][Combination of =code= and Description]] + - ngz :: This is a LaTeX limitation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** BUG eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom][eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) ]] + +Nick Dokos did a good first analysis of the problem [[http://mid.gmane.org/26738%2E1292194633%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][here]]. + +*** INCONSISTENCY Question: How to insert different background images on different frames +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-beamer) Question: How to insert different background images on different frames]] + +*** WISH Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:52] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede][(PATCH) Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY iCalendar selective export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 12:00] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][iCalendar selective export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inconsistencies in email and author export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:52] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli][Inconsistencies in email and author export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY HTML export and absolute file names +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:55] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-03-06 So 19:51]--[2011-03-06 So 21:05] => 1:14 +:END: + [2011-02-24 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][HTML export and absolute file names]] + +*** BUG italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:29] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working]] + +*** TODO HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:31] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image]] + +*** TODO Bug in latex export of <> + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:33] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo][(O) Bug in latex export of <>]] + +*** BUG _<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:37] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][_<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly]] + +*** WISH org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:02] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG) org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used]] + +*** BUG modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:40] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(O) Feature request: modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters]] + +*** TODO HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:44] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV]] + +*** WISH Images in included files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:22] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Images in included files]] + +** Links +*** TODO Document the character protection in links + I don't think this is really covered anywhere. + Maybe we also should protect characters in the visible part, to + make sure thing will never be on two lines...? + +*** IDEA Find all links to a specific file + +*** IDEA Resolve links on export + +**** Example: Make info HTML links work for links to Info files + +Info links of course only work inside Emacs. However, many info +documents are on the web, so the HTML exporter could try to be smart +and convert an Info link into the corresponding link on the web. For +example, we could use the GNU software site then Name.HTML. Here is +the link to be used: +http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/ Another question +is, is this URL going to be stable so that it makes sense to actually +put this into org.el? + +*** IDEA Mailcap support of Org file links + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Choosing external app at runtime?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I follow a link, Org mode knows what application to use. Except +that sometimes I want to override that choice. + +For example, I have a collection of PDF files. Mostly I want to open +them in my statically configured PDF viewer, which is fine. But +sometimes I want to open one in Xournal, say, to annotate it. + +My mail client Wanderlust will ask me in cases like this: if multiple +mailcap entries match, I get to choose when opening the attachment. + +Any chance we could do a similar thing in Org mode? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Dereference file links on export or open + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is "scpc" in the line above a transport protocol? Maybe this should be +an org-mode wide features, i.e. the ability to resolve remote file +references with C-c C-o and on export. Does that sound reasonable, and +would it take care of the need in this particular case? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Radio targets across files + I guess each org file could write a .orgtargets.filename file, if + it has any radio targets. + +*** INCONSISTENCY image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c]] + - ngz :: still valid as of [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-store-link only works interactively (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:47] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org-store-link only works interactively (7.4)]] + - ngz :: no clear answer yet. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Problem opening links that span more than one line + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][(O) Problem opening links that span more than one line]] + +*** TODO absolute HTML links + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:03] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][(O) absolute HTML links]] + +*** IDEA org-git-link does not support locational information within file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:47] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat][org-git-link does not support locational information within file]] + +** Miscellaneous Stuff +*** TODO Use the new argument of bibtex-url + Roland Winkler was kind enough to implement a new argument to the + `bibtex-url' command that allows me to retrieve the corresponding + URL, whether it is taken from a URL field or constructed in some + clever way. Currently I am not using this, because too many + people use an old Emacs version which does not have this. + however, eventually I will implement this. + +*** TODO grep on directory does not yet work. + I am actually not sure, I might have addressed this already, but + my memory is failing me. Needs some checking. +*** IDEA Do we need a 43 folders implementation? + That could easily be done in an org-mode file. But then, maybe + this should really be a paper thing. + +*** IDEA Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files) + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files)]] +**** AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg][AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group]] +**** sharing Org-mode files for collaboration + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet][sharing Org-mode files for collaboration]] +*** IDEA (PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy :Patch: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy]] + + - ??? :: Waiting for FSF copyright assignment. + + - ngz :: According to the list of contributors, papers are signed, + but it doesn't look like this patch has been applied to + code base. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** IDEA Does Org-mode need to be position aware? + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom][Does Org-mode need to be position aware?]] +*** IDEA (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I guess, the manual maintainers do NOT have to be experts in both +org-mode resp. org-babel nore they have to be experts in the supported +language. Its more about the kind of standard stuff and maybe, to +complex stuff even scare people. More things like "How to create a +measurement protocol with org-babel and python", How to evaluate and +report data analysis with org-babel and R", etc. + +To make it more easy for both the readers and the maintainers a kind of +template for such manuals might be helpful. This would help to find the +same information at the same locations and make a comparison e.g. +between the use of R and python possible. + +I'am not an expert for both org-* and python and I'm often very limited +in time. However, I would try to maintain a "python and org-babel" manual. + +If there are more people who are interested to act as a kind of manual +maintainers I would like to discuss with you how a template might look like. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Code block switches buffer-wide? + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Code block switches buffer-wide?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I would like to include the -n code block switch (number lines) into all my +code blocks in a buffer. Is there a way to define a kind of buffer-wide +switches, like it is with the #+BABEL keyword for header arguments? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment]] +*** IDEA Make .org-id-locations non-hidden directory above .emacs.d + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][org-mobile produces errors in normal org functions]] +*** IDEA can you require a certain template with lognotedone? + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg][can you require a certain template with lognotedone?]] +*** IDEA Feature-Ideas +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal][Feature-Ideas]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have severel ideas about new features that I want to share. My +knowledge with lisp and the coding of the org-structure is bad so far, +so I can't try to contribute a patch. + +- 1. *Alias - Trees* + + When I work on projects, I often want to /reference to a certain + other heading/. It would be great to do this not just with links, + but /with an alias/. + + I think of trees, that show up and can be in the current tree as if + they were a subtree, but really are at another position in the + current or a different file. + + This concept would also allow seperate versioning and merging of + external generated content into the current file. ( I e.g. think of + summaries of text in the scientific context. ) + +- 2. More flexible *Colouring for categories*, tags, ... + +It would be great to have the /opportunity to define individual faces +for different categories, tags/ , ... . + +- 3. Implementation of *hourly/minutely reference*. + +It would be useful to be able to schedule something to repeat every 12 +or 6 hours or in 22 minutes. It would also be useful, to have the +opportunity to associate asynchronous shell scripts with individual +scheduled events. + +- 4. *Exclude certain days from Timeline* + + The opportunity to /give/ whole days the status // . That would mean, that when I fire up the + /Timeline/ for a current file (L), certain days are /show/ with a + message "/day is planned for project /. in a certain project + specific project. + + It would also be useful to have a keycommand in the /Timeline/ to + /switch other files on showing them in gray/. + +- 5. *Manually timeclock certain Headings* + + I would love to have a commands that can change the clocktime of not + running headings or insert new clocktimes into the current heading. + E.g. like this: + + Change the clocktime of : + (s) change last timeclock and keep the Start time. -> How long did it last? + (e) change last timeclock and keep the End time -> How long did it last? + (# C-u offset to change the #n last timeclock) + (a) add new timeclock -> Ask for Start and End. (with opportunity to specify the END relative) + +- 6. *Expand timestamps to include locations* + + e.g. Special timestamp-commands that + also ask for places and presents a list of all places of all projects + to choose from. + +- 7. *More complex timeclock-reports* + + Is anyone working on a more comprehensive way of giving visual + feedback and analysing the data of the timeclock-feature. (What have + I done the last month? How many time has gone to which project / + etc.) I am a relatively known [[http://cran.r-project.org/][GNU R]] user and could contribute code + for analysis of time usage / plotting complex more diagrams in + R. Allthough I am not very used to the export mechanisms in + Orgmode. Does anyone like to cooperate? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA text color + highlight +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:47] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][text color + highlight]] + +*** IDEA hiding PROPERTIES line +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "WISH" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hiding PROPERTIES line]] + +*** IDEA camel.el, for CamelCase links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +*** IDEA (ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne]] + +**** DECLINED Drill mode for org-learn +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Drill mode for org-learn]] + +[2010-08-01 So] Superseded by [[id:mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg%5D%5B%28ANN%29%20Org%2DDrill%3A%20Interactive%20revision%20a%20la%20Anki%2FMnemosyne%5D%5D + +*** IDEA Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress)]] +*** IDEA notmuch support for org-mode? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:25] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][notmuch support for org-mode?]] + +*** IDEA Email from org? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Email from org?]] + +*** IDEA Adding entries to Google calendar +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Adding entries to Google calendar]] + +*** IDEA Org mode and geo information +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:49] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Advice needed. Use links or blocks?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +the attached file fetches background tiles from openstreetmap.org for +me, and produces SVG images of tracks I ran. Unfortunately, I cannot +find a good way to use that code in an automated way. + +What I'd like to do, is to have the coords in my training diary, and +produce the images on demand. When I publish the diary to HTML, I want +the coords to be replaced with a link to the image. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA dynamically calculated timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:04] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][dynamically calculated timestamps?]] + +*** IDEA Org-mode Epic Win RPG +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:18] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode Epic Win RPG]] + +*** IDEA org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata]] + +*** IDEA Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience]] + +*** IDEA arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond]] + +*** IDEA output of shell command in agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][output of shell command in agenda]] + +*** WISH Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified" + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified"]] +*** WISH Estimate ranges in column view :Patch: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Estimate ranges in column view]] + +*** WISH Provide property API function to append to a property + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Re: org-capture question/suggestion]] +*** WISH New CSS for orgmode and Worg ? + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][New CSS for orgmode and Worg ?]] +*** WISH Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01)]] +*** WISH Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:53] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active]] +*** WISH Move attachments when refiling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com][Bug Report: refile and attachments]] +*** DECLINED Feature Request for new capture feature +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com][Feature Request for new capture feature]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +would it be possible to have a "C-u C-c C-w" that completes the +capture and switches to the target buffer? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH fractional hours for timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][fractional hours for timestamps?]] + +*** WISH Error running ditaa +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error running ditaa]] + +#+begin_quote +When running ditaa on Linux fedora 12 through java, I get the following +errors: + +java -jar /usr/share/java/ditaa.jar -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V +blue_fd02b5c06d6a5cb80eaf27098c3c490dc81326ce.png +Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on +Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: +org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException +Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: +org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException + at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217) + at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) + at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:319) + at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:264) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:332) +Could not find the main class: +org.stathissideris.ascii2image.core.CommandLineConverter. Program will exit. + +This can be taken care of by using the shell script that comes with ditaa, +i.e.: + +ditaa -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V + +But to do this from within emacs I need to patch org-exp-blocks.el as +follows: + +- (unless (file-exists-p org-ditaa-jar-path) +- (error (format "Could not find ditaa.jar at %s" org-ditaa-jar-path))) +: +- (message (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file)) +- (shell-command (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file))) ++ (message (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file)) ++ (shell-command (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file))) + +(You also need to erase the checking for the existance of dita.jar) + +Wouldn't it make more sense to replace the variable org-ditaa-jar-path with +a new variable org-ditaa-command that by default contains "java -jar +/old/value/of/org-ditaa-jar-path"? This would allow replacing it with a +shell script. Would a patch be accepted, or do you prefer to remain backward +compatible? + +On a related question. Since there is quite a lot of common code between +org-export-blocks-format-dot and org-export-blocks-format-ditaa (especially +if my patch is accepted), wouldn't it make sense to create a +org-export-blocks-format-meta that take all the differences between the +various export-blocks as parameters? This would simplify adding additional +org-export-blocks. +#+end_quote +*** INCONSISTENCY Stack overflow in regexp matcher +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Stack overflow in regexp matcher]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inherited properties not saved when archiving +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:59] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][saving property values when archiving]] +*** BUG gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom][gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I think the problem is org-plot doesn't +recognise that when plotting with error bars, gnuplot expects more than +two columns of data. So a command like this should be sent to gnuplot, +#+END_QUOTE +*** WAITING TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu. +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 02:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu.]] + - ngz :: solution under discussion. [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** BUG In-buffer completion +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Accepted) Re: In-buffer completion]] + + - ngz :: bug still active on [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** DECLINED (BUG) org remember broken + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][(BUG) org remember broken]] + +org-capure is now the default, I don't think we need to fix remember +bugs anymore. + +*** DECLINED Insert ellipsis if headline is too long + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][headline is too long]] + This would be too confusing when compared with folded entries, so I + do not think this feature should be implemented. + +*** DECLINED Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space? + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space?]] + + Closed for now, no useful feedback from report author, probably not + caused by Org mode. +*** DECLINED Gollum + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Gollum]] + +*** Priorities + Here is some information about priorities, which is not yet + documented. Actually, I am not sur if the list here is correct + either +**** QUOTE Priorities + TODO entries: 1 or 1,2,... + DEADLINE is 10-ddays, i.e. it is 10 on the due day + i.e. it goes above top todo stuff 7 days + before due + SCHEDULED is 5-ddays, i.e. it is 5 on the due date + i.e. it goes above top todo on the due day + TIMESTAMP is 0 i.e. always at bottom + but as a deadline it is 100 + but if scheduled it is 99 + TIMERANGE is 0 i.e. always at bottom + DIARY is 0 i.e. always at bottom + + Priority * 1000 + +*** INCONSISTENCY xemacs error when calling org-install :Xemacs: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:43] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-01-02 So 17:33]--[2011-01-02 So 18:02] => 0:29 +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom][xemacs error when calling org-install]] + +The autoloads in org-install.el are +generated by the Makefile (i.e. make org-install.el). The stable +version of Org mode ships with a pre-generated org-install.el and +without recreating this file with Xemacs it won't run. + +The =custom-autoload= is created only once for ob-tangle.el: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;;;###autoload + (defcustom org-babel-tangle-lang-exts + '(("emacs-lisp" . "el")) + "Alist mapping languages to their file extensions. + The key is the language name, the value is the string that should + be inserted as the extension commonly used to identify files + written in this language. If no entry is found in this list, + then the name of the language is used." + :group 'org-babel-tangle + :type '(repeat + (cons + (string "Language name") + (string "File Extension")))) +#+end_src + +As this the autoload directive was added deliberately I suppose there +was a reason for this to be there: If this is the case, there seems +not very much we can do about this. The autoload generating function +in =autoloads.el= always creates a call to custom-autoload with a +third argument. + +*** TODO Review packages in contrib directory + [2010-12-19 So] + +Byte-compiling indicates problems with some packages (e.g. references +to unbound symbols). The review process will single out the problems +for every package in contrib and steps necessary to fix them. + +**** make failure (7.3) + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: make failure (7.3)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:27] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab]] + +*** BUG org-add-note not working with winner-mode + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:22] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][Re: (O) org-add-note not working with winner-mode]] + +*** BUG regexp link on windows problem + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:30] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl][(O) regexp link on windows problem]] +*** TODO EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files :Mobile:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:46] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg][(O) Bug: EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files (7.5 (release_7.5.147.g9ddc))]] + +*** TODO org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:41] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom][(O) org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal)]] + + - ngz :: should we generalize the setup proposed by Julien, or + will we keep the warning? + +** Publishing + +*** TODO project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:17] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (bug) project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html]] + +** Structure +*** TODO Get rid of all the \r instances, which were used only for XEmacs. +*** WISH Create unique clocktable links + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede][Bug: clocktable :link often jumps to wrong target (6.36c)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +: Links created by clocktable :link are simple "text search" links. +: Therefore, they often hit the wrong target. +: +: For example, I used to have multiple clocktables at the beginning of my +: file: first a daily summary, then a weekly one, then a complete one, +: i.e. following clocktables summarized supersets of preceding ones. +: Therefore, most of the time I clicked a link in the first clocktable, +: the next "text search" target was the occurrence of the same task in the +: second clocktable, whereas clicking that link in the second clocktable +: would take me back into the first. +: +: I have been able to partly work around that by moving the clocktables to +: the end of the file, as the search always seems to start at the +: beginning of the file. Nevertheless, when I have two tasks "foobar" and +: "foo", occurring in that order in the file, clicking on the [[foo]] +: link in the clocktable takes me to the "foobar" task, as that has a +: "foo" substring and occurs first in the file. +: +: I would like clocktable to generate links that uniquely link to the task +: from which the particular clocktable entry has been generated. (I'd +: even be willing to assign CUSTOM_ID properties for that purpose, +: i.e. clocktable could take them into account for creating links, when +: they exist.) But the best solution would IMHO be a truly unique +: identification, e.g. by some XPath-like path, e.g. /1/2/3 for the 3rd +: subtask of the 2nd subtask of the 1st top-level task. (Sure, that order +: will be invalidated when I change my task list, but, so what, then I +: would be willing to recompute the clocktable before using links.) +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation]] + +*** WISH org-hide-entry +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-hide-entry]] + +*** IDEA Improving org-goto isearch +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:25] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Improving org-goto isearch]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY excessive blank lines in archives +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:34] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][excessive blank lines in archives]] + +*** WISH Quick note about subtree copy and paste +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:45] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo][Quick note about subtree copy and paste]] + +#+begin_quote +I get the point, but the current presentation is unnecessarily +confusing. I was just /copying/ --- there was no time shifting +involved, so when I look at them menu and see "copy" and "clone with +time shift," it is "copy" that's what I naturally do. + +Actually, as I look at the manual I see: + +`C-c C-x c' (`org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift') + Clone a subtree by making a number of sibling copies of it. You + will be prompted for the number of copies to make, and you can + also specify if any timestamps in the entry should be shifted. + This can be useful, for example, to create a number of tasks + related to a series of lectures to prepare. For more details, see + the docstring of the command `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift'. + +There's nothing there to even remotely suggest to me that this is going +to Do The Right Thing about properties. It's all about dates and +time-shifting. It may /happen/ to do the right thing with properties, +but it sure doesn't /say/ that it will. The ID property is mentioned +only in the interactive docstring, and pretty deeply down. + +I'd like to make a somewhat radical suggestion: + +If cloning is the primary option, and more safe than copy --- i.e., if +copy is "this is the primitive operation that you should only do if you +know what you are doing, because it might corrupt data," then I would +argue that it's CLONE that should be bound to C-c C-x M-y --- the +standard emacs keybinding I'm going to go to first --- and COPY should +be demoted to the less-familiar alternative. + +This assumes that the answer to "Is there any case where I should do +copy and /not/ prefer clone?" is "no." + +But I'm not sure that's the case. They clone doesn't do the same thing +to the cut buffer as copy, does it? e.g., I don't use clone to make a +copy of a subtree from file A into file B. + +Even more radical suggestion: + +So maybe the right answer is not to ask us to use clone all the time, +but that COPY and PASTE should be fixed to Do The Right Thing with the +ID property. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Feature request: Select links by description (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:32] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request: Select links by description (7.4)]] + +#+begin_quote +When using org-insert-link, it would be far better for me to have it +show me the _descriptions_ of links (the default link text), rather +than showing me the links themselves. This is especially true of +email links, which are generally long and unintelligible by +themselves. + +I have something set up that stores a link to every email I send, so I +can easily link to follow-ups in my active Org items. As a result, I +end up with *lots* of stored links, which makes this a real struggle. +#+end_quote + +*** IDEA outline path in links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][outline path in links]] + +*** TODO goto does not accept remote references for local targets + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:12] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) goto does not accept remote references for local targets]] + +*** DECLINED Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:51] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70))]] + +#+begin_quote cite=[[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/36063][Re: Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70)]] +Org-mode used line-profix properties to add indentation, and +linum mode uses before-string properties of overlays to add +line numbers. Both these features add text at display time, +but apparently not in an entirely predictable way. I have no +idea it it is possible to make both work without any gliches. +If anything, this would be a bug report to Emacs, I think. + +The "other issue" is an artefact of Org using an idle time +to update indentation properties. Here my suggestion +would be to ignore the issue and live with it. +#+end_quote + +**** WAITING Provide customization variable for formula that calculates indentation level +:LOGBOOK: + - State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:25] + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + + +** Tables + +*** BUG bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:02] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags]] + +*** BUG $0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special' +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:36] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][$0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special']] + +#+begin_quote +According to [ (info "(org) Formula syntax for Calc") ], $0 +references the current cell. Pressing C-c C-c on the #+TBLFM line +below does indeed work, but C-c ' (`org-edit-special') changes the +$0 reference into a single ampersand (&). Is this a bug? +#+end_quote + +*** BUG Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:06] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) Bug: Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24))]] + +*** WISH org-table formulas with missing values +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:41] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][org-table formulas with missing values]] + +#+begin_quote +I could write 'nan' instead of leaving a blank, and use the string in +the formula, but this causes errors. + +But calc does know the concept of nan: "The variables `inf', `uinf', and +`nan' stand for infinite or indeterminate values. It's best not to use +them as regular variables, since Calc uses special algebraic rules when +it manipulates them. Calc displays a warning message if you store a +value into any of these special variables." + +I'm not sure how to use that nan variable in tables and formulas - it +seems not to be recognized. +#+end_quote + +** Testing framework + +*** TODO Testing --- again... +:LOGBOOK: +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Testing --- again...]] + +*** (Dev) Org-mode Test Framework + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(Dev) Org-mode Test Framework]] + +* Other +** Pretty icons in org buffers +** literate Lisp games development questions :Babel: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) literate Lisp games development questions]] +** Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:FB977E9C%2D6ABC%2D4B05%2DA58A%2DC2E96B841451%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/FB977E9C-6ABC-4B05-A58A-C2E96B841451%40gmail.com][Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla]] +** For Org-mode on the go? + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][For Org-mode on the go?]] +** [babel] grid-based R graphical output with :results value + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) grid-based R graphical output with :results value]] +** Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files]] + +** org-decrypt-to-kill-ring + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM][org-decrypt-to-kill-ring]] + +** DECLINED contributing Debian build scripts + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][contributing Debian build scripts]] + +Mark Hershberger is going to use an automatic process on launchpad +instead to make regular package builds. + +** hypermedia programming with babel + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hypermedia programming with babel]] +** org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress]] +** Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry]] +** publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf]] +** (OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs]] +** info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org]] + +** (ANN) org-protocol-httpd + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet][(ANN) org-protocol-httpd]] +** Tracking finances with Babel :Babel: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom][Tracking finances with Babel]] +** ErgoEmacs + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ErgoEmacs]] +** ReStructured Text table exporter + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ReStructured Text table exporter]] + +** Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede][Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org]] + +** OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info) + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info)]] + +** (ANN) Symorg + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(ANN) Symorg]] +** Indentation in html tables + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Indentation in html tables]] +** Inline image display and Emacs 22 + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Inline image display and Emacs 22]] + +** A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list]] + +** Org-mode screencasts + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode screencasts]] + +** Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review]] + +** ELPA Howto + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ELPA Howto]] + +** TODO New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:13] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom][(O) New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el]] + +* Closed issues :noexport: +** DONE string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:13] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wklkkk%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wklkkk.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5))]] +** DONE Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:14] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aarolk5y%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aarolk5y.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539))]] +** DONE [babel] possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer? :Babel: + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFDB5CE%2E3010600%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFDB5CE.3010600%40ccbr.umn.edu][(babel) possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer?]] + + this has now been fixed, see + - message :: [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/25720]] + - commit :: 5d52daab1029e43b97ccb16cfac998536d8c8924 +** DONE org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFE02FE%2E5050704%40globaledgesoft%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFE02FE.5050704%40globaledgesoft.com][org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp]] +** DONE Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file? + CLOSED: [2010-05-27 Thu 16:51] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vdacp1hi%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vdacp1hi.fsf%40thinkpad.tsdh.de][Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file?]] + + My path was committed with commit 54d513ee0c90f9864bbd39044d9dfbc4f1619513. +** DONE Aquamacs and latest org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:14] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail.gmail.com][Aquamacs and latest org-mode]] +** DONE Error when trying to push to Worg repo +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:15] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Error when trying to push to Worg repo]] +** DONE Export to html +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom][Export to html]] +** DONE Simple Literate Programming Example +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Simple Literate Programming Example]] +** DONE Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures... +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:27] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0%2DiJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS%5F7sI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0-iJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS_7sI%40mail.gmail.com][Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +** DONE bug: remember id agenda +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:33] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: remember id agenda]] +** DONE html export +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:37] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE export of emphasized link + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +** DONE byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event]] +** DONE use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:00] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100526162001%2EGA32657%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100526162001.GA32657%40soloJazz.com][use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap]] + +** DONE Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ... :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:01] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ...]] +** DONE buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:07] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments]] +** DONE [Patch] file protocol in HTML links +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:24] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkznkn2p%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkznkn2p.fsf%40gmx.de][Re: (Patch) file protocol in HTML links]] +** DONE Possible html publish inline image bug + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible html publish inline image bug]] +** DONE org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug? +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:09] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug?]] +** DONE problem with remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:10] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu][problem with remember template]] +** DONE plain list - line spacing +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:15] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][plain list - line spacing]] +** DONE How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21? +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno][How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21?]] +** DONE feature request: C-k safety +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][feature request: C-k safety]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ [6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty)] :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ (6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty))]] +** DONE [babel] Questions about export and :var. Possible bug. :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Questions about export and :var. Possible bug.]] +** DONE Something ate my timestamps +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:11] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Something ate my timestamps]] +** DONE Problem with pushing to webdav server [6.35g] +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:15] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede][Problem with pushing to webdav server (6.35g)]] +** DONE Export question +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:46] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFB3F6B%2E3040606%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFB3F6B.3040606%40sift.info][Export question]] + +** DONE Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly) +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:49] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet][Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly)]] +** DONE Exporting HTML to MS Word +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:50] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][Exporting HTML to MS Word]] +** DONE entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:04] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer]] +** DONE iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp [6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378)] +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:05] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp (6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378))]] +** DONE automatic line wrap +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom][automatic line wrap]] +** DONE mailto:abc@xyz.org +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mailto:abc@xyz.org]] +** DONE clocktable and :tags +CLOSED: [2010-06-07 Mo 12:10] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-07 Mo 12:13 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clocktable and :tags]] +** DONE MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:38] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail.gmail.com][MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed]] +** DONE Why I can't publish my project under Windows? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why I can't publish my project under Windows?]] +** DONE how to upgrade org-mode version? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to upgrade org-mode version?]] +** DONE Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Bug: Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks]] +** DONE org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar) +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar)]] +** DONE Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz][Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon]] +** DONE How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:41] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file?]] +** DONE Timestamp format questions +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:44] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede][Timestamp format questions]] +** DONE Question about beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:46] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo][Question about beamer export]] +** DONE simultaneous clocks? +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][simultaneous clocks? ]] +** DONE visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom][visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer]] +** DECLINED org-remember and anything + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][org-remember and anything]] + I am turning this one off, because we now use org-capture.el, and I + am not sure if the issue plays a role there. +** DONE Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00 +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:20] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00]] +** DONE language independent personal word list +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:29] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][language independent personal word list]] +** DONE 2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:30] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files]] +** DONE Toggle a repeating task in DONE state +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:32] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Toggle a repeating task in DONE state]] +** DONE Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments? +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:05] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments?]] +** DONE org-plot file export options +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-plot file export options]] +** DONE sup-mail link +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain][sup-mail link]] +** DONE table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=) +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:14] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=)]] +** DONE (org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:15] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF]] +** DONE any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:47] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure?]] +** DONE (OT) emacs-lisp compilation question +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:49] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(OT) emacs-lisp compilation question]] + + - Closed :: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs-en/ElispCompilerWarnings + + Function was used before declaration. +** DONE (PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files]] +** DONE preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg][preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling?]] +** DONE (PATCH) comments exporting :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:58] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) comments exporting]] +** DONE Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 08:03] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo]] +** DONE add a table entry by org-remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:26] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][add a table entry by org-remember template]] +** DONE Multiple TODO states +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:27] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple TODO states]] +** DONE Both todo and tag search +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:29] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Both todo and tag search]] + +** DONE Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html? +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:30] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6f7hqrx%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6f7hqrx.fsf%40ymail.com][Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html?]] +** DONE [babel] writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient]] +** DONE Hash mark in filled paragraphs +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu][Hash mark in filled paragraphs]] +** DONE Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 16:06] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el]] + + - Solved :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzoocdt%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Re: How to setup w3m-el as a default browser on GNU system?]] +** DECLINED Entries title in agenda view + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Entries title in agenda view]] + + We are not going to add the hierarchy. On the mailing list there + were answers showing possible alternatives using CATEGORY for + example. +** DONE version of Org used for Worg + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][version of Org used for Worg]] + The bleeding edge version is used to publish Worg - but only when a + file changes it will actually be republished. +** DONE (PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes in multiples of rounding time + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes + in multiples of rounding time]] + A modified patch has been checked in. +** DECLINED Writing the words in different color + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing the words in different color]] + I do not think that this is a useful addition. The user can + configure it with emphasis if needed. (- Carsten) +** DONE Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda) +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:47] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][ Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda)]] +** DONE Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:49] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings]] +** DONE Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:51] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords]] + +** DONE how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:57] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc][how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format]] +** DONE day-agenda: show whole-day-events first +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:12] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][day-agenda: show whole-day-events first]] +** DONE Agenda is slow because of vc-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:13] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda is slow because of vc-mode]] +** DONE questions about html export +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:22] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about html export]] +** DONE Keeping agenda window + CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Tue 19:22] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom][Keeping agenda window]] + - OP was looking for TAB (see [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hm0ic2q.fsf@dasa3.iem.pw.edu.pl][this]] and [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc8im57.fsf@fastmail.fm][this]] post). +** DONE `org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:30] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][`org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline]] +** DONE agenda views +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:33] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][agenda views]] +** DONE keeping uptodate? +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:37] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][keeping uptodate?]] +** DONE Checkboxes in Agenda +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:38] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Checkboxes in Agenda]] +** DONE Possible bug in ordered tasks +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + THis bug was caused by the interpretation of the string "nil" as a + non-nil value - a special case now fixes this. + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo][Possible bug in ordered tasks]] +** DONE Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c)) + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet][Bug: Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c))]] + This issue is resolved with the answers in the thread. +** DONE (BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export]] + Bug has been fixed. +** DONE (patch) filing under current clocked item +CLOSED: [2010-06-26 Sa 08:33] + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(patch) filing under current clocked item]] +** DONE Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:49] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python]] +** DONE Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:50] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list]] +** DONE habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:22] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string]] +** DONE mixing emphasis fails +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:23] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede][mixing emphasis fails]] +** DONE correction to orgtbl-to-html description :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:24] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][correction to orgtbl-to-html description]] +** DONE howto open attachment directory in external program? +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:39] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 10:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][howto open attachment directory in external program?]] +** DONE org-mode stopped compiling recently :Babel: + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode stopped compiling recently]] + Fixed, through a patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE org-iswitchb documentation + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20386%2E1277720390%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20386%2E1277720390%40maps][org-iswitchb documentation]] + The patch has been applied in a modified way, and the + functionality of org-iswitchb fixed so that it works by default. +** DONE Bug in latest version? + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in latest version?]] + Bug was due to changes in the constant entities, bug fixed by + checking elements in the list before using them. +** DONE Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 14:16] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus ]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R? +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:34] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R?]] +** DONE contrib/README +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:36] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3619%2E1277974892%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3619%2E1277974892%40maps][contrib/README]] +** DONE New to org-capture (and org-remember) +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 22:00] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6731%2E1277998108%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6731%2E1277998108%40maps][New to org-capture (and org-remember)]] +** DONE (BABEL) reload source code file after tangling? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) reload source code file after tangling?]] +** DONE problem in highlighting fields in a remote table +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][problem in highlighting fields in a remote table]] +** DONE Make distfile error +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Make distfile error]] +** DONE Bug in timeline report +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:41] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in timeline report]] +** DONE (babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document?]] +** DONE org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e))]] +** DONE Problem export to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem export to html]] +** DONE org-capture: Formatting of entries +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: Formatting of entries]] +** DONE Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda]] +** DONE Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist]] +** DONE mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums" +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums"]] +** DONE (no subject) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(no subject)]] +** DONE LaTeX export works but not in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][LaTeX export works but not in HTML]] +** DONE inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:47] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el)]] +** DONE *.bak files in trunk? +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.bak files in trunk?]] +** DONE Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree]] +** DONE Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent]] +** DONE org-babel and emacs init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel and emacs init]] +** DONE Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:50] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink]] + +** DONE Headline and numbered plain list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:51] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Headline and numbered plain list]] +** DONE magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance]] +** DONE complex filters in agenda view +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:55] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][complex filters in agenda view]] +** DONE a better way with babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:03] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau][a better way with babel]] +** DONE (PATCH) orphaned captions and labels :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) orphaned captions and labels]] +** DONE (babel) exports, caching, remote execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] +** DONE Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list]] +** DONE MobileOrg - no NEW state :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl][MobileOrg - no NEW state]] + +** DECLINED Org ident destroys special fontification of inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] \\ + Duplicate. +:END: +:PROPERTIES: +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +2. org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask in two ways + + i) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's +leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is set to +nil + + ii) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented +as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the indentation +should ideally return to what it was before the inline task. Of +course, this is also a problem when org-indent is turned off, if you +try to automatically hard-indent using TAB. However, in that case you +can adjust by hand the indentation of the first line after the inline +task, and then all the following lines will indent correctly. With +org-indent the problem is much worse since there is no way of +adjusting the soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE (require 'cl) seems not to be compiled +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom][(require 'cl) seems not to be compiled]] +** DONE capture template: %& and %! +CLOSED: [2010-07-05 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][capture template: %& and %!]] +** DONE "Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color" +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 20:51] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg]["Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color"]] +** DONE (BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:13] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output?]] +** DONE org-log-done +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:17] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom][org-log-done]] +** DONE (BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:20] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not]] +** DONE CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:26] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:29] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring?]] +** DONE Export of latex source to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export of latex source to html]] +** DONE Columns with LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:44] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Columns with LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:46] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]] +** DONE Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:47] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB]] +** DONE patch for org mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:12476%2E1278319281%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/12476%2E1278319281%40maps][patch for org mode]] +** DONE Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbke16m8%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting an image to latex]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I did some git bisection, and the last working version is commit +3b5351c7da59da3685f8233c252b1506166d35f3, so it seems Eric's commit +5edefbba269db8e717bd2b40778786b08af3f7a1 introduced the bug. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:50] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg][tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks]] +** DONE No subscript when exporting +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:56] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom][No subscript when exporting]] +** DONE logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:57] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Org+table.el = mutli line cells? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:05] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org+table.el = mutli line cells?]] +** DONE (PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:06] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom][(PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el]] +** DONE org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom][org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question]] +** DONE (BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others]] +** DONE (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:13] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] +** DONE Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-12 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-12 Mo 17:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda]] +** DONE (PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template +CLOSED: [2010-07-14 Mi 20:59] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet][(PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template]] +** DONE cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs]] +** DONE programming for org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom][programming for org-mode]] +** DONE \nbsp usage +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][\nbsp usage]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another]] +** DONE Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE (babel) report name of source block during execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:21] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) report name of source block during execution]] +** DONE footer for latex export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:22] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][footer for latex export]] +** DONE Help: Agenda not working anymore +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Help: Agenda not working anymore]] +** DONE Org-babel init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Org-babel init]] +** DONE how to include time when setting deadlines? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg][how to include time when setting deadlines?]] +** DONE (BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines?]] +** DONE (babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash?]] +** DONE Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX)]] +** DONE Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces]] +** DONE Help installing org-mode on a MAC please? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm][Help installing org-mode on a MAC please?]] +** DONE (babel) key binding requests :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) key binding requests]] +** DONE org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question]] +** DONE How to setup xdg for org-protocol ? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to setup xdg for org-protocol ?]] +** DONE Bib system based on org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][Bib system based on org-mode]] +** DONE org-crypt remember password +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:33] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk][org-crypt remember password]] +** DONE Verbatim export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Verbatim export]] +** DONE Failed to create radio tables +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Failed to create radio tables]] +** DONE longlines-mode (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: longlines-mode (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:45] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar?]] +** DONE LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda?]] +** DONE org-freemind-to-org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][org-freemind-to-org-mode]] +** DONE installing updating Org on other platform +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][installing updating Org on other platform]] +** DONE Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:15] + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3))]] +** DONE possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:17] + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg][possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration)]] + +** User Requests [249/249] +*** CLOSED Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom][Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort]] +*** CLOSED Template for a resume +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Template for a resume]] +*** CLOSED configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom][configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files]] +*** CLOSED jumping in custom agenda view loses settings +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][jumping in custom agenda view loses settings]] +*** CLOSED DAV config for mobileorg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][DAV config for mobileorg]] +*** CLOSED how to sort in the column view? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom][how to sort in the column view?]] +*** CLOSED function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location]] +*** CLOSED indent source blocks automatically when using "indent" :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent source blocks automatically when using "indent"]] +*** CLOSED moving past state changes into logbook drawer? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg][moving past state changes into logbook drawer?]] +*** CLOSED month and day names +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom][month and day names]] +*** CLOSED Multiple files and auto-updating +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple files and auto-updating]] +*** CLOSED (BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ' +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ']] +*** CLOSED Footnote in title? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead][Footnote in title?]] +*** CLOSED must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly?]] +*** CLOSED oddities with ical export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:42] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb%5FgMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb_gMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail.gmail.com][oddities with ical export]] +*** CLOSED (org-BEAMER) block without header +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-BEAMER) block without header]] +*** CLOSED Gnuplot best practice? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot best practice?]] + this link doesn't resolve to an article + +*** CLOSED question about chaining function calls in org-babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2D%2DbVLyjM%5FeQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTin--bVLyjM%5feQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05@mail.gmail.com][question about chaining function calls in org-babel]] + +*** CLOSED how to combine times in clocktable +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to combine times in clocktable]] + +*** CLOSED Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:10] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode?]] + +*** CLOSED Writing a custom export. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:25] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing a custom export.]] + +*** CLOSED Archive Tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:17] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede][Archive Tasks]] + +*** CLOSED R code not producing expected results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg][R code not producing expected results]] + +*** CLOSED trying to get xetex working with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom][trying to get xetex working with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED From todos to tracking +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][From todos to tracking]] + +*** CLOSED how do you extract schedule duration in column-view +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how do you extract schedule duration in column-view]] + +*** CLOSED Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom][Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export?]] + +*** CLOSED (Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells]] + +*** CLOSED Suppressing the ellipsis +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom][Suppressing the ellipsis]] + +*** CLOSED Print / export TODO Tree +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Print / export TODO Tree]] + +*** CLOSED Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name?]] + +*** CLOSED request for comments on org icon theme standards +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][request for comments on org icon theme standards]] + +*** CLOSED how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc.]] + +*** CLOSED Strange error in html exporting +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:29] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Strange error in html exporting]] + +*** CLOSED Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name]] +*** CLOSED row and col spaning in table? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][row and col spaning in table?]] + +*** CLOSED Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:30] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function)]] + +*** CLOSED Mobile mode sync problems :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mobile mode sync problems]] + +*** CLOSED Habit timing +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Habit timing]] + +*** CLOSED Using cdlatex-item within org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:00] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using cdlatex-item within org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED task juggler export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][task juggler export]] + +*** CLOSED Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling]] + +*** CLOSED Full list of org-beamer functionality? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:26] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Full list of org-beamer functionality?]] + +*** CLOSED org-beamer problem +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:27] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer problem]] + +*** CLOSED Effort estimates for multi-day tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:02] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Effort estimates for multi-day tasks]] + +*** CLOSED TeX commands or source code in org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:05] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech][TeX commands or source code in org files]] + +*** CLOSED Average payment rate with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:07] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Average payment rate with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux]] + +*** CLOSED strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom][strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs]] + +*** CLOSED Backspacing into folded items +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Backspacing into folded items]] + +*** CLOSED How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:27] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output]] + +*** CLOSED exec code on task state progression +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "WISH" [2010-09-12 So 14:29] +:END: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:19] + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][exec code on task state progression]] + +*** CLOSED migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration)]] + +*** CLOSED MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope.]] + +*** CLOSED org-link-search: Augment signature? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-link-search: Augment signature?]] + +*** CLOSED Emailing my org file +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:54] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emailing my org file]] + +*** CLOSED Baffled by beamer blocks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom][Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +*** CLOSED org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit?]] + +*** CLOSED footnotes in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][footnotes in LaTeX export]] + +*** CLOSED How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file?]] + +*** CLOSED question: how to refile labeled with origin? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question: how to refile labeled with origin?]] + +*** CLOSED Executing sh-code :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh-code]] + +*** CLOSED Sort agenda view by date? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Sort agenda view by date?]] + +*** CLOSED Export header-level list inconsistency +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:58] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Export header-level list inconsistency]] + +*** CLOSED Debugging shell code that misbehaves :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Debugging shell code that misbehaves]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode and claws +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet][org-mode and clawqs]] + +*** CLOSED org-publish with latest changes? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-publish with latest changes?]] + +*** CLOSED Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:04] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo][Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users?]] + +*** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +*** CLOSED column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me]] + +*** CLOSED configuring Org agenda faces by priority +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][configuring Org agenda faces by priority]] + +*** CLOSED Publishing configuration +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu][Publishing configuration]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode <=> Instiki +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode <=> Instiki]] + +*** CLOSED entities and removing some markup in ascii export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][entities and removing some markup in ascii export]] + +*** CLOSED How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues... +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:28] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues...]] + +*** CLOSED Total time displayed in the modeline? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Total time displayed in the modeline?]] + +*** CLOSED (babel) creating simple vectors in R +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:44] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) creating simple vectors in R]] + +*** CLOSED org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans)]] + +*** CLOSED Adding tags, grouping tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede][Adding tags, grouping tags]] + +*** CLOSED (BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas]] +*** DONE Fontify whole heading line +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:END: + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Fontify whole heading line]] +*** DONE cycle visibility from agenda view? + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede][cycle visibility from agenda view?]] + + use of org-agenda-cycle-show explained on mailing list, and added + to FAQ. +*** DONE Beamer presentation in the document +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Beamer presentation in the document]] +*** DONE clock in from last clock out +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clock in from last clock out]] +*** DONE contrib/README + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4663%2E1277986531%40maps + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4663%2E1277986531%40maps][Re: (Orgmode) contrib/README]] + Updated, patch by Stephen Eglen + +*** DONE wrap text in table cell? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom][wrap text in table cell?]] +*** DONE italics regexp +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][italics regexp]] +*** DONE question about links in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom][question about links in org-mode]] +*** DONE Exclude some file to be in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exclude some file to be in the agenda]] +*** DONE links customization in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom][links customization in org-mode]] +*** DONE trouble with Imenu integration +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg][trouble with Imenu integration]] +*** DONE (babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export?]] +*** DONE capture-clock-out nil! +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][capture-clock-out nil!]] +*** DONE imenu support for babel blocks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][imenu support for babel blocks]] +*** DONE Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org]] +*** DONE org-babel and OCaml - help? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:END: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][org-babel and OCaml - help?]] +*** DONE word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers]] +*** DONE Inserting date/time stamps including seconds +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Inserting date/time stamps including seconds]] +*** DONE Integrate APPTs with OSX +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Integrate APPTs with OSX]] +*** DONE (babel) html export of R data frame :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar][(babel) html export of R data frame]] +*** DONE org-refile-targets: excluding archived +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-refile-targets: excluding archived]] +*** DONE highlight confusion in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg][highlight confusion in agenda]] +*** DONE export to latex book ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex book ?]] +*** DONE "Invalid capture target specification" +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["Invalid capture target specification"]] +*** DONE inline image with link to other than images in html export? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu][inline image with link to other than images in html export?]] +*** DONE org-timeline and diary/calendar +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno][org-timeline and diary/calendar]] +*** DONE orgmode html export uses wrong browser +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar][orgmode html export uses wrong browser]] +*** DONE Some problems with times in a spreadsheet +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite][Some problems with times in a spreadsheet]] +*** DONE first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg][first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced]] +*** DONE Personal accounting with emacs, org and...? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Personal accounting with emacs, org and...?]] +*** DONE (BABEL) evaluation of R code in export :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:30] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) evaluation of R code in export]] + +*** DONE (BABEL) help adding a language, please? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:39] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville][(BABEL) help adding a language, please?]] + +*** DONE Finding old appointments +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:40] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Finding old appointments]] +*** DONE Author info while publishing to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 09:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Author info while publishing to html]] +*** DONE firefox problem with org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel][firefox problem with org-protocol]] + +*** DONE odd org-babel R behaviour :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca][odd org-babel R behaviour]] +*** DONE lookup functions in spreadsheet/table +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca][lookup functions in spreadsheet/table]] +*** DONE startup in column view +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D%3CAANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom%3E][startup in column view]] +*** DONE Browsing worg +CLOSED: [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Browsing worg]] +*** DONE OrgMobile - just a little help? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:14] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm][OrgMobile - just a little help?]] +*** DONE agenda-ignore-date and version number +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:40] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech][agenda-ignore-date and version number]] +*** DONE insert .org file into other .org file by link +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom][insert .org file into other .org file by link]] +*** DONE Migrating from zim to org-mode ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Migrating from zim to org-mode ?]] +*** DONE Eliminate line breaks in html +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Eliminate line breaks in html]] +*** DONE R Babel Example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][R Babel Example]] +*** DONE Nice links bookmarks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Nice links bookmarks]] + +*** DONE Installing/updating org on the mac woes +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installing/updating org on the mac woes]] +*** DONE org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-protocol]] +*** DONE Daily Debian Builds +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][Daily Debian Builds]] +*** DONE No title or date in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][No title or date in LaTeX export]] +*** DONE when will org-indent-mode be ready? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:36] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][when will org-indent-mode be ready?]] + + org-indent-mode works fine starting with Emacs 23.2. +*** DONE How can I add a DONE tag to an org file? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How can I add a DONE tag to an org file?]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg - One step further :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:19] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][MobileOrg - One step further]] + +*** DONE source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g)) +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:02] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][Bug: source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g))]] + +*** DONE Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:46] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost][Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header]] + +*** DONE Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context]] + +*** DONE debugging sbe calls :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "IDEA" [2010-08-08 So 13:16] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][debugging sbe calls]] + +*** DONE org-clock-current-task? +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-clock-current-task?]] + +*** DONE How do you use call and lob in org-babel? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do you use call and lob in org-babel?]] +*** DONE custom sorting of agenda items +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][custom sorting of agenda items]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg for Android...issues :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android...issues]] + +*** DONE How to change plain text face in Org Mode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:18] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How to change plain text face in Org Mode?]] + +*** DONE babel versionitis? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][babel versionitis?]] + +*** DONE gnuplot, table entry and temporary file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Babel) gnuplot, table entry and temporary file ]] + +*** DONE Footnote export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau][Footnote export]] + +**** Footnote problem +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][Footnote problem]] + +Duplicate of "[[id:mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau%5D%5BFootnote%20export%5D%5D%22%2E + +*** DONE Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede][Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda]] + +*** DONE (babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate]] + +*** DONE How to show done tasks in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:23] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost][How to show done tasks in agenda]] + +*** DONE or not? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) or not?]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE use of repository branch "maint" +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup][use of repository branch "maint"]] + +*** DONE Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel) +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel)]] + +*** DONE TODO DONE strikethrough +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost][TODO DONE strikethrough]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE Babel: help with tables and code blocks? +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][Babel: help with tables and code blocks?]] + +*** DONE Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block]] + +*** DONE "C-c a is undefined" +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost]["C-c a is undefined"]] + +*** DONE (babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block]] + +*** DONE why not auto-renumbering list ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][why not auto-renumbering list ?]] + +*** DONE called-interactively-p : org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][called-interactively-p : org-capture]] + +*** DONE (babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer]] + +*** DONE Installation - no way +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installation - no way]] + +*** DONE word count checklist? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville][word count checklist?]] + +*** DONE Confused about mobileorg setup :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Confused about mobileorg setup]] + +*** DONE Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom][Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen]] + +*** DONE (babel) difference in export output if including file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) difference in export output if including file]] + +*** DONE How can I search keywords in my org project? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I search keywords in my org project?]] + +*** DONE False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides]] + +*** DONE horiontal alignment of tables in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][horiontal alignment of tables in latex export?]] + +*** DONE Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list' +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list']] + +*** DONE Generic exporter status +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Generic exporter status]] + +*** DONE org-capture and blank lines +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture and blank lines]] + +*** DONE picture copy paste? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][picture copy paste?]] + +*** DONE Iterate over list with `org-next-item' +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Iterate over list with `org-next-item']] + +*** DONE possible tex export bug? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][possible tex export bug?]] + +*** DONE Problem with URLs in export to latex +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Problem with URLs in export to latex]] + +*** DONE Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom][Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents]] + +*** DONE Cannot open load file: inf-ruby +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Cannot open load file: inf-ruby]] + +*** DONE Todo item property search +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Todo item property search]] + +*** DONE gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings]] + +*** DONE Ditaa and babel goofing again? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa and babel goofing again?]] + +*** DONE org-edit-src-code : same window? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-edit-src-code : same window?]] + +*** DONE HTML export of org source blocks +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom][HTML export of org source blocks]] + +*** DONE svn version number as tag or property? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Re: svn version number as tag or property?]] + +*** DONE cannot enable org-habit +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cannot enable org-habit]] + +*** DONE beamer export question +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo][beamer export question]] + +*** DONE (babel) ledger tutorial on Worg + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:22] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) ledger tutorial on Worg]] + +*** DONE (Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom][(Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode?]] + +*** DONE From state table to state diagram + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][From state table to state diagram]] + +Looks like Eric addressed this request and implemented it. + +*** DONE org-capture templates with file+olp target +CLOSED: [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:END: + [2010-08-23 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-capture templates with file+olp target]] + +*** DONE cells are deformed in Japanese +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][cells are deformed in Japanese]] + +*** DONE Problem whit with code evaluation :Babel: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:10] + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg][Problem whit with code evaluation]] + +*** DONE items not disappearing from agenda once marked done +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom][items not disappearing from agenda once marked done]] + +*** DONE Org capture templates - file paths +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org capture templates - file paths]] + +*** DONE Agenda view and timestamps + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost][Agenda view and timestamps]] + +*** DONE agenda view tags filtering + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost][agenda view tags filtering]] + +*** DONE Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List]] + +*** DONE macros: escaping "," and comments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][macros: escaping "," and comments]] + + Commas can now be escaped. We will not have comments, because that + limits what one can do with macros. + +*** DONE org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans)]] + + As documented in the manual, one needs to use C-u C-c C-l + +*** DONE HOWTO?: make install contrib +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][HOWTO?: make install contrib]] + +*** DECLINED Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno][Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system]] + We no longer support Emacs 21. +*** DECLINED (babel) help debugging latex export :Babel: + - State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:04] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging latex export]] + +*** CLOSED Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects?]] +*** CLOSED OT: orgmode on my palm TX? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][OT: orgmode on my palm TX?]] +*** CLOSED org-learn question +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-learn question]] +*** CLOSED org tables - modified field + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:22] + :END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org tables - modified field ]] + +It is a bit much to expect that emphasis in table fields would not +disturb calc operations. + +*** CLOSED org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:23] + :END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags]] + + +This does not look like an issue we need to track (- Carsten) + +*** CLOSED column view asterisks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:58] +- State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:13] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][column view asterisks]] + +This is a minor issue, no action taken + +*** CLOSED how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom][how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring]] + +This is an Emacs issue and does not need tracking here. + +*** CLOSED Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key]] + +Answered on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED .ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][.ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice]] +Answered on the mailing list, by customizing `org-file-apps'. +*** CLOSED bug with link following +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +- State "BUG" from "CLOSED" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:15] +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo][bug with link following]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have reexamined the bug I had, and as far as I can tell, it occurs +because of the punctuation at the end of the header line. I am +attaching a file that shows the funny behavior. I can link to a +header titled "Foobar" correctly, but not one titled "submit through +submission site:" Attempts to link to the one word header "Bletch:" +also fail. +#+END_QUOTE + +=org-store-link= removes all characters except numbers, letters and +whitespace when creating the link target. Opening the link with +=org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline= set to non-nil +subsequently fails. + +**** org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies]] + +*** CLOSED org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom][org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells?]] + +Org-mode tables do not support multiline cells. + +*** CLOSED org-mode + pomodoro +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode + pomodoro]] + +*** CLOSED stuck project and check boxes +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr][stuck project and check boxes]] + +*** CLOSED a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents]] + +*** CLOSED Examples in numbered lists + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Examples in numbered lists]] + +Indentation can solve this, as explained on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED Error during Publishing to HTML + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error during Publishing to HTML]] + + +This seems to be a non-issue, I am closing it. + +*** CLOSED Org-beamer and beamer overlays +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg][Org-beamer and beamer overlays]] + +*** CLOSED merging column view headings across files +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca][merging column view headings across files]] + +*** CLOSED Table of Contents in html export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Table of Contents in html export]] + +*** CLOSED Trouble syncing files to mobile-org. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Trouble syncing files to mobile-org.]] + +*** CLOSED Mark days in calendar based on agenda + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mark days in calendar based on agenda]] + +This can be done using %(org-diary), as was explained on the list. + +*** CLOSED "{" in Latex fragments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:13] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom]["{" in Latex fragments]] + +I believe that this is solved - the OP did not come back after the +last help suggestion from the mailing list. So I am closing this. + +*** CLOSED (babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update]] + link not resolving + +*** CLOSED file+olp problem in org-capture. +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][file+olp problem in org-capture.]] + +*** CLOSED Folding org drawers in elisp code? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Folding org drawers in elisp code?]] + +The corresponding elisp code was published on the mailing list by Carsten + +*** CLOSED mathjax HTML export question + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][mathjax HTML export question]] + +Question was answered by Jan. + +*** CLOSED Deleting EXPERIMENTAL + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Deleting EXPERIMENTAL]] + +This is a non-issue. Right now there is nothing interesting in this +directory, but it mighr still come in handy. + +*** CLOSED Emacs & problem to export to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs & problem to export to HTML]] + +*** CLOSED Some useful timestamp s-expressions +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Some useful timestamp s-expressions ]] + +*** CLOSED make without make cleanall safe? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][make without make cleanall safe?]] + +*** CLOSED Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom][Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable?]] + +*** CLOSED beamer export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca][beamer export]] + +Looks like this was an old version of Org-mode. + +*** CLOSED Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom][Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o]] + +*** CLOSED tag or property names with dashes + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "CLOSED" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][tag or property names with dashes]] + +The "_-" in a property name can now be escaped in a property search +with "\-". Also, Manish and Carsten are testing a patch to allow "#" +and "%" in tags. + +*** CLOSED Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file]] + +*** CLOSED EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm][EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode]] + +*** CLOSED (Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer?]] + +This is indeed the standard behavior of #+DRAWERS. + +*** CLOSED Links Lost and Export-Report + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:00] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Links Lost and Export-Report]] + +Id locations can be refresehed, and custom links is what Stefan Volmar +really wants. The answers are in the mailing list archives. + +*** CLOSED (BUG) org-capture: file+function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-capture: file+function ]] +An example was published on the mailing list on how to deal with this case. + +*** CLOSED C-u usage +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][C-u usage]] + +*** CLOSED More structure on org-hacks.php +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom][More structure on org-hacks.php]] + +*** CLOSED See total effort in my agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][See total effort in my agenda]] + +*** CLOSED export TODO keyword +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export TODO keyword]] + +*** CLOSED TODO hooks +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][TODO hooks]] + +*** CLOSED Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede][Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now]] + +*** CLOSED bug in make info? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][bug in make info?]] + +*** CLOSED question about date-tree +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about date-tree]] + +** CLOSED empty lines in datetree capture templates +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:32] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][empty lines in datetree capture templates]] + +Malformed capture template. + +** CLOSED remember template is slow +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][remember template is slow]] + +** CLOSED org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item]] + +** CLOSED org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period]] + +** CLOSED Error using Calc time format in table +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Error using Calc time format in table]] + +** CLOSED bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom][bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad]] + +** CLOSED Src blocks fontification issue +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Src blocks fontification issue]] + +** CLOSED (babel) python session speed vs non session :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) python session speed vs non session]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point]] + +** CLOSED Beamer column alignment +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Beamer column alignment]] + +** CLOSED org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line" +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop][org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line"]] + +** CLOSED questions about table mode and spreadsheets +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about table mode and spreadsheets]] + +** CLOSED Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO" +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO"]] + +** CLOSED Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export]] + +** CLOSED Secretary.el +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom][Secretary.el]] + +** CLOSED (Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error]] + +** CLOSED Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports]] + +** CLOSED Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events?]] + +** CLOSED Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class]] + +** CLOSED Magit Integration - logging magit events. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Magit Integration - logging magit events.]] + +** CLOSED Context sensitive M-q +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom][Context sensitive M-q]] + +** CLOSED bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules]] + +** CLOSED 7.01trans obsolete variables +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][7.01trans obsolete variables]] + +** CLOSED bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy]] + +** CLOSED Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error]] + +** CLOSED org-babel and gnuplot +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel and gnuplot]] + +** CLOSED setting index.org for MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][setting index.org for MobileOrg]] + +** CLOSED How to capture another file's column view +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp][How to capture another file's column view]] + +** CLOSED Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom][Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name?]] + +** CLOSED org-beamer outline +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer outline]] + +** CLOSED Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks)]] + +** CLOSED Agenda and weather forecast +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Agenda and weather forecast]] + +** CLOSED Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits]] + +** CLOSED meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall][meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references]] + +** CLOSED Exporting property values to LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting property values to LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly]] + +** CLOSED Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry]] + +** CLOSED Problem with Babel and sessions :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with Babel and sessions]] + +** CLOSED plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom][plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request]] + +** CLOSED latex link target name +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo][latex link target name]] + +** CLOSED Repeating tasks on specific days of the week +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Repeating tasks on specific days of the week]] + +** CLOSED IP locator +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo][IP locator]] + +** CLOSED problem with label in latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo][problem with label in latex export]] + +** CLOSED ical export -> google calendar woes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet][ical export -> google calendar woes]] + +** CLOSED bug: babel-* dirs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel-* dirs]] + +** CLOSED org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs]] + +** CLOSED Export function to Vcal file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Export function to Vcal file ]] + +** CLOSED Mediawiki and org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mediawiki and org-mode]] + +** CLOSED Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released]] + +** CLOSED Org capture with predefined entries from a list? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Org capture with predefined entries from a list?]] + +** CLOSED Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug: Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github.]] + +** CLOSED org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet][org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode]] + +** CLOSED Include files to be used in literate programming :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom][Include files to be used in literate programming]] + +** CLOSED lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link]] + +** CLOSED Bug : http in http link export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug : http in http link export]] + +** CLOSED wanderlust links +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom][wanderlust links]] + +** CLOSED image size in html export +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom][image size in html export]] + +** CLOSED Bug in column view with cookie on item line +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo][Bug in column view with cookie on item line]] + +** CLOSED Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0)]] + +** CLOSED Change color in fontified html export for strings +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom][Change color in fontified html export for strings]] + +** CLOSED Customizing agenda line format +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca][Customizing agenda line format]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> > Well, I tried setting org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to "%0s", which +> > didn't work, but I didn't think about the above. So I tried this now. +> > It does remove the todo keyword, but it does only that. In particular, +> > there is now a space at the beginning of each line, which I assume is +> > simply the space in the headline that succeeds the todo keyword. Any +> > way of getting rid of that? Thanks for the pointer so far. +> > +> +> The information at the beginning of the line is controlled by +> org-agenda-prefix-format. What is the value of org-agenda-prefix-format +> on your machine? + +It seems to be more complicated than that. Here's what I found out by +tinkering around with settings a little. Setting +org-agenda-prefix-format to "" (as I already did before) correctly +removes the prefix *before* the TODO keyword. The formatting function +for everything starting with the TODO keyword, however, seems to +unconditionally insert a space between the TODO keyword and the rest of +the line. Thus, even if the TODO keyword is empty (by setting +org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to ""), there is still a space after the +now empty TODO keyword. Hence, the extra space at the beginning of the +line. To me it seems like there's no way around this with the standard +org mode settings. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Freemind conversion and Notes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Freemind conversion and Notes]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization]] + +** CLOSED camel.el, for CamelCase links +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +** CLOSED listing org source blocks in LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom][listing org source blocks in LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED #+STYLE: strangeness +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][#+STYLE: strangeness]] + +** CLOSED Query: Nested sort in table? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Query: Nested sort in table?]] + +** CLOSED Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org" +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom][Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org"]] + +** CLOSED A LaTeX class for Org-mode export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom][A LaTeX class for Org-mode export]] + +** CLOSED org-scan-tags +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-scan-tags]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede][org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries]] + +** CLOSED org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED Question: Repeating Items? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Question: Repeating Items?]] + +** CLOSED Latex export of subtree not working for me +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** CLOSED extremely weird "bad sexp" errors +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][extremely weird "bad sexp" errors]] + +** CLOSED suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks]] + +** CLOSED Load macros from other files? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Load macros from other files?]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode API? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-Mode API?]] + +** CLOSED Bibtex and latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bibtex and latex export]] + +** CLOSED Worg link broken +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom][Worg link broken]] + +** CLOSED Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** CLOSED Remember item under specific :PROJECT: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remember item under specific :PROJECT:]] + +** CLOSED options and batch exporting +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom][options and batch exporting]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:53] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link.]] + +** CLOSED Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA]] + +** CLOSED (babel) Environment around exported results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(babel) Environment around exported results]] + +** CLOSED Relative dates with sexep +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost][Relative dates with sexep]] + +** CLOSED Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0]] + +** CLOSED Problem when previewing latex fragments +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom][Problem when previewing latex fragments]] + +** CLOSED Putting latex in document titles +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Putting latex in document titles]] + +** CLOSED Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop][Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings]] + +** CLOSED Org-weather: display on some dates +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-weather: display on some dates]] + +** CLOSED BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "DECLINED" from "BUG" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:01] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task]] + +** CLOSED The \only<> overlay in beamer +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][The \only<> overlay in beamer]] + +No follow-up of OP since [2011-09-29 Do] + +** CLOSED SQLite in 7.01h? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][SQLite in 7.01h?]] + +** CLOSED org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem]] + +** CLOSED How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex]] + +** CLOSED Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo][Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android]] + +No follow-up by OP since [2010-09-20 Mo] + +** CLOSED orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices. +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices.]] + +** CLOSED Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc)]] + +** CLOSED Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org) +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org)]] + +** CLOSED Howto define formula for table regions +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom][Howto define formula for table regions]] + +** CLOSED does #+PROPERTY still exist ? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][does #+PROPERTY still exist ?]] + +** CLOSED Ditaa usage +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa usage]] + +** CLOSED cheatsheets in emacs +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cheatsheets in emacs]] + +** CLOSED "No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link]] + +** CLOSED subtree export fails with src block +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: subtree export fails with src block]] + +** CLOSED *.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:04] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard]] + +Seems to be a Snow Leopard issue + +** CLOSED wrap sourcecode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][wrap sourcecode?]] + +** CLOSED File-level execute permissions? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][File-level execute permissions?]] + +** CLOSED Requests about the code demarcation +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Requests about the code demarcation]] + +** CLOSED Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk][Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer?]] + +** CLOSED ditaa set-up on windows box +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ditaa set-up on windows box]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP]] + +** CLOSED Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:45] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree]] + +** CLOSED table, moving cells + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:49] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno][table, moving cells]] + +This is a non issue, and workaround have been shown on the mailing list. + +** CLOSED (PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions]] + +** CLOSED geolocated notes +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][geolocated notes]] + +** CLOSED org-footnote in messages, practical question. + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][org-footnote in messages, practical question.]] + +** CLOSED Windows installation with msysGit +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Windows installation with msysGit]] + +** CLOSED Can't find LaTeX under MAC + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Can't find LaTeX under MAC]] +Not an Org mode question. +** CLOSED LaTeX classes for Resume Writing +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][LaTeX classes for Resume Writing]] + +** CLOSED org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment?]] + +** CLOSED how to set faces? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom][how to set faces?]] + +** CLOSED org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash]] + +** CLOSED Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files]] + +** CLOSED lisp functions in column view +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][lisp functions in column view]] + +** CLOSED (babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file]] + +** CLOSED (beamer) export a long source block as in several frames +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(beamer) export a long source block as in several frames]] + +** CLOSED Sidewaystable in org? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Sidewaystable in org?]] + +** CLOSED org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items]] + +** CLOSED Fold "preamble/options" under first header +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fold "preamble/options" under first header]] + +** CLOSED (babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu][(babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name]] + +** CLOSED Projects+Next Actions view + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Projects+Next Actions view]] + +** CLOSED Having problems with faces in org agenda +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo][Having problems with faces in org agenda]] + +** CLOSED link export confused when URL parameter is another URL +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][link export confused when URL parameter is another URL]] + +** CLOSED POPERTIES Effort and HTML export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:49] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018 +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018][POPERTIES Effort and HTML export]] + +** CLOSED Agenda sorting strategy + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Agenda sorting strategy]] + +** CLOSED Store link upon sending a message +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][Store link upon sending a message]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Org-agenda.el :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(PATCH) Org-agenda.el]] + +** CLOSED strike through display problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][strike through display problem]] + +** CLOSED org-capture: file to top level with prepend + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:51] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture: file to top level with prepend]] + +Gmane link does not work. + +** CLOSED Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9]] + +No further reaction from OP +** CLOSED wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED org-agenda-skip-function not working +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-agenda-skip-function not working]] + +** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +** CLOSED 7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known]] + +** CLOSED Habits bug? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu][Habits bug?]] + +** CLOSED New clocktable code bug + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][New clocktable code bug]] + +** CLOSED (BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python? +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python?]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 ]] + +No feed back or backtrace via mailing list, issue closed. + +** CLOSED Executing sh code within sessions +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh code within sessions]] + +** CLOSED publishing a drawer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "IDEA" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:25] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][publishing a drawer]] + +** CLOSED Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil]] + +** CLOSED Org 7.3 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu][Org 7.3]] + +No followup in the thread, seems to be an isolated problem + +** CLOSED bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items]] + +** CLOSED Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:49] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags]] + +** CLOSED org-faq: Invalid XHTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-01-29 Sa 15:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:27] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-faq: Invalid XHTML]] + +** CLOSED Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:35] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk][Bug: Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:46] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom][Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks]] + +** CLOSED UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED latex table export not centered +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede][latex table export not centered]] + +** DONE syntax bugs in footnotes + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) syntax bugs in footnotes]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code]] + +** DONE Why :ID: properties? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom][Why :ID: properties?]] + +** DONE Directory Links (and a bug?) +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Directory Links (and a bug?)]] + +** DONE bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html)) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html))]] + +** DONE (WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode?]] + +** DONE Search files in a folder +CLOSED: [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Search files in a folder]] + +** DONE Agenda: Hide Sched. Items +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda: Hide Sched. Items]] + +** DONE problem exporting region from within a read-only file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting region from within a read-only file]] + +** DONE todos without timestamp in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][todos without timestamp in agenda]] + +** DONE image alt text for HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][image alt text for HTML export]] + +** DONE export of .org file from within a different .org file +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom][export of .org file from within a different .org file]] + +** DONE Templates - newline in string? +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit][Templates - newline in string?]] + +** DONE different result in spreadsheet tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush][different result in spreadsheet tutorial]] + +** DONE org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id) +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id)]] + +** DONE (bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set]] + +** DONE (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Re: (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working]] + +** DONE including holidays in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][including holidays in agenda]] + +** DONE org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** DONE Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords? +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords?]] + +** DONE inline images in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo][inline images in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Would it be reasonable to augment org's processing of #+ directives so +that an org user can specify (that Org should display inline images, +D.M.) there instead of using the local variables, which is less +user-friendly? +#+END_QUOTE + +** DONE (bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:54] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types]] + +** DONE Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments]] + +** DONE C-a T DONE behavior +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost][C-a T DONE behavior]] + +** DONE calendar and agenda entries +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][calendar and agenda entries]] + +** DONE Latex export of subtree not working for me + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** DONE Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word) +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word)]] + +** DONE How can I get document metadata? +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][How can I get document metadata?]] + +** DONE Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function]] +Reply in thread +** DONE Sparse trees and searching for multiple words + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sparse trees and searching for multiple words]] + +Use search view +** DONE Tags in Agenda View +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom][Tags in Agenda View]] + +** DONE #+source line in export +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom][#+source line in export]] + +** DONE exporting to a specified directory +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][exporting to a specified directory]] + +** DONE Update for habit documentation + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:44] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom][Update for habit documentation]] +Manual was updated +** DONE Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:06] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file]] + +Such a function was posted on the mailing list. + +** DONE Exporting to html +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting to html]] + +** DONE Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo][Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses]] + +** DONE bug with spaces in regexp search +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug with spaces in regexp search]] + +** DONE Agenda Question +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom][Agenda Question]] + +** DONE Yet another way to use maps --- the light way +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Yet another way to use maps --- the light way]] + +** DONE compiling org without make +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice][compiling org without make]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:48] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca +:ASSIGNEE: Carsten +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca][(PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines]] + +** DONE org-capture (lost PATCH?) +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture (lost PATCH?)]] + +** DONE Cannot insert column - wrong type argument +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice][Cannot insert column - wrong type argument]] + +** DONE Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output]] + +** DONE How do I convert org to OpenOffice? + CLOSED: [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :LOGBOOK: + - Note taken on [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] \\ + Added FAQ on converting to doc/odt. + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I convert org to OpenOffice?]] + +** DONE Filter scheduled items +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Filter scheduled items]] + +** DONE Title for capture template +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Title for capture template]] + +** DONE publishing orgmode to a CMS +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][publishing orgmode to a CMS]] + +** DONE bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails]] + +** DONE Latex exporter bug or feature? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo][Latex exporter bug or feature?]] + +** DONE How to not publish log done note? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to not publish log done note?]] + +** DONE Omit top level heading in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo][Omit top level heading in latex export?]] + +** DONE How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom][How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + +** DONE Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page?]] + +** DONE (PATCH) there is no ś in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][(PATCH) there is no ś in HTML]] + +** DONE Quoting formula "cookies" in table? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Quoting formula "cookies" in table?]] + +** DONE custom postamble in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][custom postamble in HTML export]] + +** DONE quotation marks in LaTeX (again) +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][quotation marks in LaTeX (again)]] + +** DONE Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome][Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error]] + +** DONE (BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes]] + +** DONE Orgmode and filling +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and filling]] + +** DONE Tracking time with MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tracking time with MobileOrg]] + +** DONE conditional export based on target +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][conditional export based on target]] + +** DONE (babel) Writing R-packages the org way? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Writing R-packages the org way?]] + +** DONE (BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][(BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement]] + +** DONE How can I just publish entry marked as DONE? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I just publish entry marked as DONE?]] + +** DONE Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone?]] + +** DONE Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return?]] + +** DONE library of babel, bootabs question +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][library of babel, bootabs question]] + +** DONE how to reverse a region of outline items +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to reverse a region of outline items]] + +** DONE bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future]] + +** DONE TaskJuggler 3, revisited +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TaskJuggler 3, revisited]] + +** DONE (BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentation +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentatidon]] + +** DONE Export Headings Only? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export Headings Only?]] + +** DONE org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse]] + +** DONE No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:18] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule]] + +** DONE Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML]] + +** DONE Feature request +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request]] + +** DONE centering text in html +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][centering text in html]] + +** DONE Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML]] + +** DONE Need help publishing subdirectories +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Need help publishing subdirectories]] + +** DONE puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom][puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour]] + +** DONE optimal usage Q : how would you do this? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][optimal usage Q : how would you do this?]] + +** DONE cache issue when publishing website with include file +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cache issue when publishing website with include file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export]] + +** DONE org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:29] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor]] + +** DONE org-mobile-use-encryption :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile-use-encryption]] + +** DONE Insert link to recently captured Note? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert link to recently captured Note?]] + +** DONE (BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][(BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML]] + +** DONE org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp]] + +** DONE Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom][Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii]] + +** DONE Auto clock-out? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Auto clock-out? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE org-7 under Xemacs +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org-7 under Xemacs]] + +** DONE Elementary: How to return to the main view +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Elementary: How to return to the main view]] + +** DONE Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5)]] + +** DONE org-freemind.el and rx +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom][org-freemind.el and rx]] + +** DONE 7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work]] + +** DONE blorgit build +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][blorgit build]] + +** DONE Bug (?) in org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo][Bug (?) in org-capture]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading and inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][org-insert-heading and inline tasks]] + +** DONE Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export?]] + +** DONE (Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML]] + +** DONE Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented]] + +** DONE Babel for blogging :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr][Babel for blogging]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-insert-heading]] + +** DONE #+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM][#+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation?]] + +** DONE mobileorg app can't sync :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom][mobileorg app can't sync]] + +** DONE Publishing htaccess files with a project +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Publishing htaccess files with a project]] + +** DONE Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML]] + +** DONE Library calls and begin_example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom][(Babel) Library calls and begin_example]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE (BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format? +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format?]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode?]] + +** DONE Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp]] + +** DONE Latex Export +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom][Latex Export]] + +** DONE xemacs compatibility +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][xemacs compatibility]] + +** DONE Exporting #+lob :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom][Exporting #+lob]] + +** DONE (babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org?]] + +** DONE Unable to export babel results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Unable to export babel results]] + +** DONE org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom][org-default-notes-file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:55] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl][(PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables]] + +** DONE pcomplete bug in 7.4 +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr][pcomplete bug in 7.4]] + +** DONE (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:51] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE]] + +** DONE (manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:25] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict]] + +** DONE indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line]] + +** DONE bug: invalid export key in export visible region +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:58] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: invalid export key in export visible region]] + +** DONE fill-region and list items +CLOSED: [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:14] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) fill-region and list items]] + +** DONE Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:23] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE][(O) Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph]] +** DONE proper visibility cycling for items + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Make them not hide the text after the final list item. + This is not trivial, we cannot usenormal outline stuff, + needs a separate implementation. +** DONE (PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:32] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists]] + +** DONE preserving location of point + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][preserving location of point]] + Resolved - works with emacs -Q, so it is due to some other + package. +** DONE VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice][VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u ]] + +** DONE question about link syntax +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about link syntax]] + +** DONE M-return on list items in quote blocks + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:24] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: M-return on list items in quote blocks]] +** CLOSED (ANN) List improvement v.2 + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) List improvement v.2 ]] + +git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + +** CLOSED (ANN) New lists definition :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) New lists definition]] + + git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + + Superseded by [[id:mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom%5D%5BList%20improvement%20v%2E2%5D%5D + +** CLOSED Export of quoted region to HTML +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:34 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Export of quoted region to HTML]] + +"At the moment, there is no real support for lists inside blocks." ([[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/34716][Re: Export of quoted region to HTML]]) +** CLOSED Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] \\ + Cannot reproduce it anymore on [2011-07-16 sam.]. +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:44 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom][Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook]] + +** DONE (bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] \\ + Fixed with new escaping mechanism. +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] +** DONE possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1)]] + +** DONE Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom][Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days]] + Patch is applied. +** DONE bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer%! +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer]] + +** DONE Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:52] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** DONE habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p][Bug: habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g)]] + +The code now has a better error message for this case. + +** DONE Git pull breaks agenda? + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: Git pull breaks agenda?]] + +** DONE Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:23] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom][Bug: Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4)]] + +** DONE Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5)) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:10] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][Bug: Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5))]] + +** DONE Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists]] + +** DONE (babel) Error Before first headline. :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error Before first headline.]] + +** DONE Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:10] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel]] + +** DONE Org-Babel and Ledger :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-Babel and Ledger]] + +** DONE (BABEL) Commands for navigation :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Commands for navigation]] + +** DONE Comments in tangled source + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Comments in tangled source]] + +** DONE (babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook]] + +** DONE (babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug? + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug?]] + +** DONE Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows]] + +** DONE (babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png]] + +** DONE (babel) support plantuml :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) support plantuml]] + +** DONE (org-babel) References Not Expanding :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:20] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) References Not Expanding]] + +** DONE (ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:08] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands]] + +** DONE problem with babel and R :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:02] + :END: + [2010-08-17 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][problem with babel and R]] + +Now possible to wrap results in Org blocks which can export as raw +org, but still allow for clean replacement of raw Org results. + +** DONE The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file]] + +** DONE indentation in capture templates :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ indentation in capture templates]] + +** DONE Capture and clock options +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and clock options]] + +** DONE Capture and checkitem +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:06] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and checkitem]] + + +This is now fixed, two reasonably serious issues. checkitem was not +implemented at all, and both checkitem and item could be placed into +the wrong subtree. + +** DONE (BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer]] + +** DONE (BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer]] + +** DONE Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop' + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Clocking + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop']] +** DONE Document the :recursive option for org-publish +CLOSED: [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: +** DONE typo in org.texi? :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:38] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:36] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][typo in org.texi?]] + +** DONE improve doc string + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - patch: http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/26 + - Org repo commit: http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git/commitdiff/bc53b3da3bf95c767113625693895a7dcbf389bb +** DONE workaround for the given example + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Worg repo commit: http://repo.or.cz/w/Worg.git/commitdiff/f5814f05998292d4eb80f9772c279e9837644f29 +** DONE (bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export]] + This has been fixed + +** DONE lists, maths and export to latex :Patch: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: lists, maths and export to latex]] +*** (PATCH) lists and exportation to latex + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Eric Schulte + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) lists and exportation to latex]] + + This patch has been applied. + +** DONE latex export and booktabs tables :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:02] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][latex export and booktabs tables]] +** DONE Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath? + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Carsten + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + This has been fixed, use the setting #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:verbatim. + It is also documented in the jsMath tutorial. + +** DONE Comment before \begin{equation} exported verbatim + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I noticed the following behavior: A comment line starting with "#" +immediately before a \begin{equation} environment is passed verbatim +as well. I don't think it counts as a bug, since there should probably +be a blank line before \begin anyway. +#+END_QUOTE + + This issue has been fixed. + +** DONE Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML]] + + - Patch :: [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/90/][90]] +** DONE Support multiple CSS container classes :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS property]] +** DONE Literal examples and indentation +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Literal examples and indentation]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Ok, so the answer of my initial question is no. + +That's a bit sad because, IMHO, this could a little be smarter than +this. For example if the line to indent is an empty one, then don't +insert indentation, or if the text is already indented then indent +with respect of the current indentation, etc... +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export]] + + Eric Fraga's code is now on the master branch. + +** DONE (BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export]] + Fixed, patch by Eri Schulte, this now gives a good error message + +** DONE (PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during LaTeX Export :Babel: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during + LaTeX Export]] + + Fixed with special treatment of these lines before the first headline +** DONE (BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading :Babel: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading]] + + Fixed, patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML]] +** DONE Minor Bug in ical2org awk script +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Minor Bug in ical2org awk script]] +** DONE Correct babel format for ditaa? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Correct babel format for ditaa?]] + +** DONE Bug in org-colview/org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Bug in org-colview/org-beamer?]] +** DONE bug in org-mode-export-as-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal][bug in org-mode-export-as-latex]] +** DONE LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))) +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)))]] + +** DONE Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +- State "ASSIGNED" from "BUG" [2010-08-08 So 14:27] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:15] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom +:ASSIGNEE: dmaus +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom][Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory]] + +** DONE Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 11:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex]] + +** DONE Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export]] + +** DONE BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-( +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-(]] + +** DONE Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for]] + +** DONE html-export mangels mailto: links +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) html-export mangels mailto: links]] + +** DONE escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans)]] + +There was a bug here (fixed), and also a user error (told the user so +on the mailing list). + +** DONE export to latex broken +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:22] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex broken]] + +The offending commit has been reverted. + +** DONE Publishing documents body-only + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 13:58] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + +The :body-only property is now available in the publishing setup. + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom][Publishing documents body-only]] + +** DONE Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:44] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans)]] + + [2010-07-20 Tue] Request for backtrace sent to bug report author + +** DONE suggesting a new function org-export-string :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][suggesting a new function org-export-string]] +** DONE portable absolute links in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][portable absolute links in HTML export]] + +** DONE insert a remember template at point +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][insert a remember template at point]] +** DONE Movement of C-a under visible-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Movement of C-a under visible-mode]] +** DONE org-mode and auto-fill-mode :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:24] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode and auto-fill-mode]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1hblfgkp1%2Efsf%40cam%2Eac%2Euk][Removing (modify-syntax-entry ?# "<")]] + +** DONE Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain][Bug: Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i)]] +** DONE org-feed not working for codeproject :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-feed not working for codeproject]] +** DONE (mobileorg) Android sync failed :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobileorg) Android sync failed]] +** DONE org-capture question/suggestion + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][org-capture question/suggestion]] + This patch has been applied, estimate operators are now active and + documented. +** DONE Displaying inline remote images +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:01] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Displaying inline remote images]] +** DONE Tables and environment with parameters + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Tables and environment with parameters]] + Another case of checking for protectedness at the wrong place (the + following line :( ) +** DONE org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:00] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd))]] +** DONE org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51))]] +** DONE inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active]] + +*** inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up%! + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][Bug: inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up]] +** DONE Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans) + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D8739vzpqx1.wl%25dmaus%40ictsoc.de][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed by fixing the function org-find-olp, this can not search just + in the current buffer if the THIS-BUFFER flag is set. +** DONE Problem when org-capturing text from French email + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Problem when org-capturing text from French email]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus to work around Emacs bug #5306. + +** DONE org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans) + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus. + +** DONE web site bug +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][web site bug]] +** DONE indent levels in dynamic block clock? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent levels in dynamic block clock?]] +** DONE org-collector : display problem with propview +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-collector : display problem with propview]] +** DONE startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block) +CLOSED: [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block)]] +** DONE Diary-integration in version 7.01.g +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3Dop.vgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost.localdomain][Diary-integration in version 7.01.g]] +** DONE Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG= +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:59] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG=]] +** DONE links and ID properties +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][links and ID properties]] + +** DONE (Patch) Capture: [Error: (void-function FILE)] and %![Error: (void-function SEXP)] (again)%! +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) Capture: %!(Error: (void-function FILE)) and %!(Error: (void-function SEXP)) (again)]] +** DONE (BUG) Org-capturing items to clock +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Org-capturing items to clock]] +** DONE Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:42] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer]] +** DONE MobileOrg capture - bad encoding :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg capture - bad encoding]] +** DONE Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient]] +** DONE (BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems]] +** DONE avoiding source block prompts +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu][avoiding source block prompts]] +** DONE (babel) lob evaluation : a bug ? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(babel) lob evaluation : a bug ?]] + +** DONE (mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom][(mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing]] + +** DONE bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties? :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties?]] + +** DONE (Patch) Org-fontify :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Patch) Org-fontify]] + +** DONE (PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string.]] + +** DONE org-feed XML entities and character encoding :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][org-feed XML entities and character encoding]] + +** DONE (Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil]] + +** DONE (Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:15] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition)]] + +I installed the new code into the contirb directory. + +** DONE Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot?]] + +This is solved, and new example on how to work with GNUPLOT are up on Worg. + +** CLOSED Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** CLOSED Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight]] + +** CLOSED export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug: export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks]] + +** CLOSED org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:19] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection]] + +True, but cannot be fixed, at least not easily. The new entry can +still be found at the original target location, go there with `C-c C-u +C-c r'. + +** CLOSED org-capture + autoload + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture + autoload]] +The autoload Cookie is in there now. + +** CLOSED capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...) +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:14] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...)]] + +Not a bug. Cf. manual Template expansion and Carsten's +explanation: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6DE91187%2D59F0%2D4AA3%2D9487%2DA758CEB6D5DE%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 +commit-972b0a58...)]]. + +** CLOSED documention missing +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][Bug: documention missing]] + +** CLOSED Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Bug) Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk]] +** CLOSED org capture: use org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom][org capture: use org-default-notes-file]] + +** CLOSED Comments cannot be filled +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + +** CLOSED Disputed keys (meta left), (meta right) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 12:48] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:25] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Disputed keys]] +** DONE keys and command name info + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:44] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][keys and command name info]] + +** CLOSED Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] \\ + Insufficient information and no confirmation of the bug since more + than six months. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:31] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/66] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY?]] + +** DONE Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers. :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/65] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers.]] + +** DONE Re: export to latex broken :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 20:55] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:37 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/63] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][(O) Re: export to latex broken]] + +** DONE (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] \\ + This has been applied to master. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 21:04] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:39 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/62] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom][(O) (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command]] + +** DONE Macro expansion in included files :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] \\ + Applied already. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 16:07] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:42 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/61] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Macro expansion in included files]] + +** CLOSED "org-nil" error in LaTeX export :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:47] \\ + No report. Apperently, an user configuration problem. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/60] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) "org-nil" error in LaTeX export]] +** CLOSED (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] \\ + No confirmation under 30 weeks. Probably an user misconfiguration. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 00:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/58] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block]] + +** DONE Verbatim code gets interpreted :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/57] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) (Bug) Verbatim code gets interpreted]] + +** CLOSED (BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:50] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:35 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/38] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli][(BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers]] + +** DONE For Patchwork workers: An updated pw + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom][For Patchwork workers: An updated pw]] + +The pw script that should be used to work with our patchwork server +is part of the distribution, UTILITIES/pw. Among other things, this +script arranges for automatic emails to the mailing list when the +status of a patch changes. + +** DONE (ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite][(ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode]] +I have made a link to this new translator on Worg, in +org-translators.org. + +** CLOSED tags grouping not working :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:43] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 02:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/20] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede][Bug: tags grouping not working]] +** DONE org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org]] + +org-velocity.el is now a contributed packge, with documentation on worg. +** CLOSED Footnote incorrect in Worg + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:34 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Footnote incorrect in Worg]] + +** CLOSED org-mediawiki :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:53 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/17] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mediawiki]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:54 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/16] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file]] + +** CLOSED send mail without starting gnus first :new: + CLOSED: [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:57] + - Note taken on [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] \\ + This is a gnus issue. + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [3/15] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][send mail without starting gnus first]] + +** CLOSED links and no match message :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:30] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:03 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/12] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu][links and no match message]] + +No answer in 25 weeks. Case closed. +** CLOSED org-cdlatex after environment :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/11] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-cdlatex after environment]] + +Document to reproduce: + +#+begin_src org +,* Heading +,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +;; Turn on cdlatex-mode +(org-cdlatex-mode 1) +,#+END_SRC + + +\begin{eqnarray*} + & & \\ +\end{eqnarray*} + +\begin{eqnarray*} +b&=& +\begin{cases} +1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 +\end{cases} +5 +\end{eqnarray*} + + +Typing _ after 4 prints _{}. Typing _ after 5 only gives _. 5 isn't +considered to be part of math-mode anymore. +#+end_src + +** DONE Org now fontifies code blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][Org now fontifies code blocks]] + +** DONE MobileOrg now in the Android market + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][MobileOrg now in the Android market]] +** DONE (CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom][(CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point]] + +Included in Worg now. + +** DONE Finally jekyll and org-jekyll + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Finally jekyll and org-jekyll]] + +Documented in Worg. + +** DONE MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages]] + +Included in Org and documented. + +** CLOSED what am I missing about remote editing? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 15:41] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:11 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/10] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][what am I missing about remote editing?]] +** CLOSED error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier" :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:02] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:13 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/9] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier"]] + +** CLOSED void-function error :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:37] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/8] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][void-function error]] + +** DONE Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks :Babel:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 11:07 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks]] +** DONE Baffled by beamer blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:50] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:04 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) (BUG) Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +** DONE Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:36] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom][Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands]] + +#+begin_quote +Is there an option for org-metaup (org-metadown) and +outline-next-visible-heading (outline-previous-visible-heading) to +alway jump to the first non-star character in a headline instead of +the beginning of a headline? I could not find this option in the +manual. In my opinion, this would complement the "special C-a/e" +commands which I also use. This behaviour is already the default for +org-metaup/-down in lists. +#+end_quote + +** DONE LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug]] + +** DONE Row formulas + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + @4=..... + +** CLOSED latex export problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech][latex export problem]] + + - ngz :: not consistently reproducible, 41 weeks old, outdated + version of Org : closed. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE Make a variable that current line should be recomputed always + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + In each table. Skipping headers of course. +** DONE include value of single table cell in text? + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:49] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:17 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][include value of single table cell in text?]] + +** DONE (Feature Request) Cross headings in tables + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:51] +:END: + [2010-10-27 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Feature Request) Cross headings in tables]] + +** DONE MathJax is now the default for HTML math + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:21 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom][MathJax is now the default for HTML math]] + + - ngz :: it is in manual since a long time. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :END: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE + 1) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's + leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is + set to nil + + 2) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented + as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the + indentation should ideally return to what it was before the + inline task. Of course, this is also a problem when org-indent + is turned off, if you try to automatically hard-indent using + TAB. However, in that case you can adjust by hand the + indentation of the first line after the inline task, and then + all the following lines will indent correctly. With org-indent + the problem is much worse since there is no way of adjusting the + soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] + - ngz :: no further information to work on since 39 weeks. Case + probably closed. +** CLOSED Strange bug, request for more info + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :END: + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq6bjsas%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq6bjsas.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Re: Strange bug, request for more info]] + + - ngz :: very old bug, probably fixed now according to the last + post in the thread. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +The bug happens when being in the agenda and trying to goto or show +the origin location of an agenda entry by pressing SPC or RET. +John reports that sometimes (for him several times a day), +the other window shows a completely different location. +The most weird part of it is that going back to the agenda buffer +and then trying the exact same command again, everything works +fine! This is driving me crazy, and I'd love to find and fix +this problem. +#+END_QUOTE +** CLOSED PATCH: Fix for agenda problems :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo][PATCH: Fix for agenda problems]] + + - ngz :: probably applied, and function has changed since then. + +*** More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing :Mobile: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo][More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing]] + +*** Mobile-org crash --- same error? :Mobile: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mobile-org crash --- same error?]] + +** DONE COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 02:22] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:57] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 12:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][(O) Bug: Minor Bug: COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics (7.5 (release_7.5.24.g5f0ef))]] + + - ngz :: bug confirmed on 7.6 (release_7.6.75.g74e3) and hopefully + fixed. Waiting for confirmation. + +** CLOSED Capture abort: (void-function -mode) + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:44] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Capture abort: (void-function -mode)]] + +Problem is not yet reproducible. + + - ngz :: very old bug, no information or even confirmation it + happened since then. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED capture problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:14] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech][capture problem]] + + - ngz :: very old bug. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] +** CLOSED Recovering notes :Mobile: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobile-org) Recovering notes]] + + - ngz :: As informative as it is, we are not fixing issues for + outside applications. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error? :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:09] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error?]] + + - ngz :: still active, but not dependant on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ainsi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** CLOSED Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created) :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] + :END: + [2010-10-17 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created)]] + + - ngz :: confirmed, but not depending on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** DONE (PATCH) Markup on same line as text :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:48] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Markup on same line as text]] + - ngz :: patch already applied in code base. +** DONE clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items]] + + - ngz :: Carsten fixed it. + +** DONE (BABEL) Babel babel native fontification :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:37] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:48 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Two minor issues]] +** DONE Custom sorting of agenda items! + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) custom sorting of agenda items]] + - ngz :: Carsten full-filled that wish. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When giving a user-defined function for org-agenda-cmp-user-defined, +the function gets two agenda entries. Is there a way from an agenda entry +to get to the original org entry? + +Best would be if, besides a user-defined sort function, you could also provide +a function that takes the org entry and the agenda item (i.e. is run with point +on the org entry and is passed the agenda item), and can then store anything +it wants about the org entry as text properties on the agenda item. +The companion user-defined sorting function could then use these stored +text properties for ordering the agenda items. Could you add such a hook? +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:21] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:00 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][(PATCH) Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto]] + - ngz :: That function exists now. + +** CLOSED Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature Request: Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range]] + - ngz :: A solution for the problem at hand already exists and is + detailed in the FAQ. + +** DONE Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show. :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show.]] + - ngz :: Patch seems applied in code base. +** DONE Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:33] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 08:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg][Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines]] + - ngz :: David solved that bug with his escaping mechanism. + +** DONE Variable of standard links for completion with C-c C-l + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Or something like that, to make standard links fast. + +** DONE Unintended behavior? Links without description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:09] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:10 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Unintended behavior? Links without description]] + +#+begin_quote +In pre-processing for export with org-export-normalize-links, links +that lack a description part are given one, which consists of the full +raw path of the link. In other words, link descriptions are never nil. +This seems to conflict with the expectations of org-bbdb.el and custom +links based on that example. + +The link [[bbdb:Carsten Dominik]], for instance, is exported to html +and latex as follows: + + bbdb:Carsten Dominik + \textit{bbdb:Carsten Dominik}. + +Org-bbdb.el is clearly prepared to be passed a desc that is nil, in +which case it would use path instead: + +(defun org-bbdb-export (path desc format) + "Create the export version of a BBDB link specified by PATH or DESC. +If exporting to either HTML or LaTeX FORMAT the link will be +italicized, in all other cases it is left unchanged." + (cond + ((eq format 'html) (format "%s" (or desc path))) + ((eq format 'latex) (format "\\textit{%s}" (or desc path))) + (t (or desc path)))) + +However, desc is never nil, because a missing description part is +replaced in export pre-processing by a string consisting of the link +type, a colon, and the path. This takes place in the function +org-export-normalize-links. + +This makes for unexpected behavior in custom links that some of us +have defined. E.g., Thomas S. Dye's `cite' links (the thread +`org-add-link-type'): +#+end_quote + +Thomas S. Dye could track down this problem to at least 7.01trans +(release_7.01h.209.g2c33b). + +*** DONE org-add-link-type + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:12] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) org-add-link-type]] + +#+begin_quote +It looks as if an empty desc is never passed, instead it is replaced +with the full raw path. I don't think that's the right behavior, and I +don't really see how it could result from org-export-latex-links. +#+end_quote + +** DONE minted for latex source code export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:49 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][minted for latex source code export]] + +** DONE (WIP) OpenOffice Exporter + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WIP) OpenOffice Exporter]] + +** CLOSED Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans) + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:11] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 11:19 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans)]] + - ngz :: configuration mistake from OP. + +** DONE Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:54] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) (Babel) Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output]] +** CLOSED html export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX ignored for tables when used before first headline + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:22] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][LaTeX table export issue]] + +** DONE Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore? :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +- State "BUG" from "WISH" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore?]] + +** DONE Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:28] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:19] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) (BUG) Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading]] + - ngz :: Patch suggested. Waiting for confirmation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +** DONE (Patch) org-capture.el + CLOSED: [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-22 ven. 01:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Patch) org-capture.el]] +** DONE Rewrite of org-indent-mode :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:23] +- State "IDEA" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:20] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:28] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-08-18 jeu. 19:16 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (dev) org-indent-mode patch]] + + + - ngz :: this branch is an attempt to remove idle timer in + indent-mode and to make it compatible with + visual-line-mode. Though, it suffers from a long + initialization time (walking each line of the buffer to + add text-properties). + + The idea is to set =line-prefix= property to the level of + the current headline and =wrap-prefix= to the indentation + of the beginning of the line. These properties are + modified at each text modification (hook) on the modified + area only (so, this part is quick). + + - ngz :: I've implemented an asynchronous initialization. It needs + testing, though. + +Source : =git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +The rewrite would fix the following bugs: + +*** DONE Org cause Emacs to hang + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "BUG" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:04] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:39] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org cause Emacs to hang]] + +Possible fix is in + +=git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +Wait for feedback if this patch fixes the problem. + + - ngz :: this branch isn't satisfactory enough (too slow on + opening files). Thus, I re-open the bug. + + See [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for more information. + +*** DONE Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel][Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list]] + + - ngz :: see [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for a working solution + +# -*- org-tags-column: -80; sentence-end-double-space: t; -*- +#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t tex:t d:(HIDE LOGBOOK) tags:not-in-toc +#+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate +#+TODO: NEW(n) TODO(t!) WAITING(W!) IDEA(i!) WISH(w!) INCONSISTENCY(y!) BUG(b!) QUESTION(q!) | DONE(d!) DECLINED(c!) CLOSED(C!) +#+TAGS: Babel(b) Mobile(m) Patch(p) new(n) noexport(x) +#+TITLE: Open issues with Org mode +#+AUTHOR: Worg people +#+EMAIL: mdl AT imapmail DOT org +#+LANGUAGE: en +#+PRIORITIES: A C B +#+CATEGORY: worg +#+ARCHIVE: ::* Closed issues +#+DRAWERS: PROPERTIES LOGBOOK + +# This file is the default header for new Org files in Worg. Feel free +# to tailor it to your needs. + +* Introduction + +This is a simple mailing list based tracker for issues and other +things about Org mode. It is a replacement of the abandoned todo file +and incorporates its structure and parts of the nomenclature. The +purpose of this document is to keep track of issues, i.e. anything +that requires some kind of action, and other things like +announcements, hacks, feature ideas and the like. + +** Nomenclature + +On this page, TODO keywords are used in the following way: + + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Keyword* | Intention | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *NEW* | A new issue that is not yet classifed. | + | *TODO* | A task to be done. This includes but is not limited to answers to user requests, development or documentation tasks. | + | *WAITING* | A reported issue that requires a response to be processed further. | + | *IDEA* | A new idea, I have not yet decided what if anything I will do about it. | + | *WISH* | A wish, probably voiced by someone on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org. This is less than a new idea, more a change in existing behavior. | + | *DECLINED* | A feature or idea that was declined. Still in the list so that people can see it, complain, or still try to convince Carsten to implement it. | + | *INCONSISTENCY* | Some behavior in Org-mode that is not as clean and consistent as it should be. | + | *BUG* | A confirmed bug. This needs to be fixed, as soon as possible. | + | *QUESTION* | A question someone asked. | + | *DONE* | Well, done is done. | + | | <80> | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +In addition, tags are used to provide more detailed context +information. Currently these tags are used in this file: + + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Tag* | Context | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Babel* | Issue concerning [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/index.php][Org-babel]] | + | *Mobile* | Issue concerning [[http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/][MobileOrg]] | + | *Patch* | A patch is available via Org mode's [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/project/org-mode/list/][Patchwork tracker]] | + | *New* | All issues below the *New Issues* headline. | + | | <80> | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +** Document structure and maintenance + +New issues hitting the Org mode [[http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode][mailing list]] are recorded on a +(almost) daily basis using a yet to be published library that allows +operating on the issue file from within Wanderlust and (partly) Gnus. + +They are first filed to the heading *New Issues*. + +In a second step issues beneath this heading are reviewed. If an +issue triggers a development task it is properly classified (keywords, +tag) and refiled to the *Development Tasks* heading. If it is a user +request, it is classified using the *QUESTION* TODO keyword and filed +to heading *User Requests*. If it is already closed according to the +mailing list, it is immediately closed and moved to *Closed issues*. +If it cannot yet be classified or closed, it stays where it is. + +** Using this file + +This file is hosted and published on [[http://orgmode.org/worg/][Worg]]. So you can either read the +file via your browser or check out Worg's git repository. + +Everyone is encouraged to use this file to facilitate collaboration in +solving issue and extending Org mode. Thus, you can operate on the +entries as you wish, as long as the ID property is kept intact. + +Operating on this file includes, but is not limited to, classifying +new issues, doing research on an outstanding task, or grouping related +issues into a development task. If you start to take care of an open +issue or task, please put a token in a headline property called +"ASSIGNEE", so others can see that you started to take care of this +issue. + +[[file:index.org][{Back to Worg's index}]] + +* New Issues [0/0] :new: +* Development Tasks +** Agenda issues +*** IDEA Meta-grouping properties? + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Meta-grouping properties?]] +*** IDEA persistent frame for agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:09] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][persistent frame for agenda]] + +*** IDEA "Interactive" Search in Agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom]["Interactive" Search in Agenda]] + +*** IDEA overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature idea: overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling]] + +*** IDEA Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:18] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(REQUEST) Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views)]] + +#+begin_quote +> I have been a happy org-mode user for a while, using more and more of +> org-mode for more and more things. By now I have completely replaced my use +> of iCal (on the Mac) by the org-mode agenda, with no regrets. However, there +> is one feature that I am still trying to get into my agenda view, but I +> didn't find a way to do it yet. +> +> There are a couple of long-lasting "events" that I would like to show in my +> agenda view. A typical example would be school vacation periods, but there +> are others: absences of a colleague, availability of some instrument, etc, +> Their common feature is that they can last very long (several weeks) and +> that they don't really occupy my agenda. I just want to know when planning +> something if a given day is in period X or not. So I'd like to see at a +> glance (using a specific font, color, one-letter prefix etc.) if a day falls +> into a certain predefined period. Simply adding a corresponding event to my +> agenda leads to visual clutter: it gets marked on every single day of the +> period. +> +> Is there any way to get what I am looking for? + ++1 for this feature. Also, I think our desire for such a feature could +be met with a calendar-view, perhaps re-using some org-table or +org-columns source? + +I'm envisioning I would very much like something akin to an ASCII +4-day calendar view (like the default Google Calendar view). + +Even if we could line up four days' agenda views horizontally (with an +appointment-style timeline), I would find this useful. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Worldcup + time zone question + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][Worldcup + time zone question]] + +*** WISH Indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom][(new feature suggestion?) indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is there a way to quickly/visually differentiate between repeating/single-occurence tasks? + +If not, something like say, adding an asterisk somewhere in the entry would be great. + +1. Scheduled* - starred schedule/deadline string +2. TODO * - starred 'todo' string +3. fifa2010* - starred 'category' string +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH A little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leaders +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede][a little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leader]] + - ngz :: No answer as of [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** WISH Modify time entry from agenda? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Modify time entry from agenda?]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Relative file names in list org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "WISH" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:22] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about org-agenda-files]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY omitting done TODOs from custom agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:19] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][omitting done TODOs from custom agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> The problem occurs in both my "Agenda plus contacts" and "Get It +> Louder", so maybe it's something with my custom todos? +> +> (org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w@)" "|" +> "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c@)") (sequence "CONTACT(n)" "REPLY(r)" "|" +> "CONTACTED(e@)")))) + +Looks like the problem here was that CONTACT is a substring of +CONTACTED—whatever function decides if a todo keyword is pending or +completed apparently just reads the string until it finds the first +match (?). I changed it to SENT and everything worked fine. Dunno if +that's worth considering a bug, but it's certainly surprising behavior. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** INCONSISTENCY Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:51] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day]] +*** BUG Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading]] + + - ngz :: Still confirmed on [2011-07-18 lun.] + + The manual should specify that SCHEDULED and DEADLINE + keywords are to be put on the line just after the + headline. + + We can also make C-c C-s replace the already defined + SCHEDULED or DEADLINE keyword, if it can find it. + + Moreover, we should remove + `org-insert-labeled-timestamps-at-point'. This variable + is error-prone, and more than often let-bound to nil + (i.e. from the agenda). + + Eventually, I think we should slowly move them to + standard properties (in the PROPERTIES drawer). + +*** WISH org-agenda-follow-narrowed ? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom][org-agenda-follow-narrowed ?]] + +#+begin_quote +When I'm in the agenda, if I hit SPC, I get a nice narrowed view of the +current item. When I toggle org-agenda-follow-mode, I get org to show +me the current item without hitting SPC---but it's not narrowed. It +also has the property drawer collapsed. What I'd like is to have org +follow me with exactly the result of hitting SPC. Possible? +#+end_quote + +*** WISH re-marking agenda entries +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:03] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][re-marking agenda entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Please test this custom agenda command +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:16] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Please test this custom agenda command]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Habits and org-log-done configuration +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: Understanding habits - org-log-done]] + +#+BEGIN_VERSE +> I can confirm this. I personally only log state changes to DONE but +> setting a LOGGING property value of lognotedone prompts for a note and +> fails to show the history for the habit in the graph. +> +> This is probably a bug. + +Yes. The regexp that searches for completed tasks in org-habit is +hard-coded to look for a 'State "DONE"' string. When org-log-done is set +to note, however, the log entries begin with 'CLOSING NOTE'. (A related +problem here is that it assumes DONE is the only relevant todo keyword.) + +One workaround is to add the property LOGGING and set its value to +lognoterepeat. This produces notes with timestamps in the following +format (compatible with org-habit): + + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [​2011​-​01​-​01​ Sat 21:​11​] \\\\ + 5 miles. +#+BEGIN_COMMENT +The note above was modified in order to export correctly to html. It's +source form is: + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2011-01-01 Sat 21:11] \\ + 5 miles. +#+END_COMMENT +Another workaround is to make the setting associated with 'done in +org-log-note-headings to the same as 'state. One quick way to do that is +by evaluating the following expression: + +(setcdr (assoc 'done org-log-note-headings) (assoc 'state org-log-note-headings)) + +As an aside, it seems to me that the "CLOSING NOTE" format that results +when org-log-done is set to 'note is inconsistent with other logging +behavior. For instance, when a "@" is added in org-todo-keywords, the +note is entered with the state change string. +#+END_VERSE + + +*** INCONSISTENCY Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:44] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4)]] + +*** BUG org-write-agenda failure +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-write-agenda failure]] + + - ngz :: confirmed on Org-mode version 7.6 (release_7.6.93.gd243) + [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:56] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 15:53] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files]] + +C-c [ and C-c ] adds and removes files from `org-agenda-files' using +Emacs' customization interface. The customization is saved w/o notice +or prompt. Using these commands defeats setting `org-agenda-files' to +one or more directories because Org will save the expanded list of +directory files. + +*** BUG org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:27] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: (O) org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t]] + +#+begin_quote +>>> Alright, so I did that, and I seem to have encountered an org-mode +>>> bug. Put this in .emacs +>>> +>>> (setq +>>> org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t +>>> org-agenda-custom-commands +>>> '(("l" "Agenda with done items" +>>> agenda "" ((org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done nil))))) +>>> +>>> (define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "l") (lambda () (interactive) (org-agenda nil "l"))))) +>>> +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +>>> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +>>> q -> quits org-agenda +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> still fine +>>> M-x org-agenda b/f -> also displays DONE items, which is a bug +>> +>> I cannot reproduce this. What version of org-mode are you using? +>> +>> - Matt +> +> Right, sorry, I was using org-agenda-list. Here are the updated +> instructions +> +> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +> q -> quits org-agenda +> M-x org-agenda-list -> still fine +> b/f -> also displays DONE items + +I can confirm this bug with this latter set of instructions, though I'm +puzzled why M-x org-agenda-list behaves differently than C-c a a. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty)) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:33] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty))]] + +*** TODO Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:51] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f))]] + +*** WISH org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:31] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future]] + +*** WISH Hide / expand tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:35] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (O) Hide / expand tags]] + +#+begin_quote +I think it'd be nice for this to have the _alternative_ to put the +tags into the properties drawer and occasionally view and edit them +with a column view: + +#+SPECIAL_PROPERTIES: TAGS=drawer:PROPERTIES <= only a suggestion +#+end_quote +*** WAITING tags match agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:24] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg][(O) tags match agenda]] + +*** DECLINED Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu][(PATCH) Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support]] + +*** IDEA Managing appts with org-mode, diary +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:46] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede][Re: Managing appts with org-mode, diary]] + +#+begin_quote +I currently use fancy diary. It's nice to have an overview of the +current day and the upcoming appointments of the next n days. But this +'oh, there is an important appointment in {three|two|one|zero} days' +clutters the agenda view even more ;). This is where it would be nice to +have the agenda view tree like, too. The days could be nodes and the +appointments could be subnode of the day, that could be shown or +hidden. I'm relatively new to org-mode (convertit from planner-mode as +you might know ;-), so I don't know exactly if such a feature is already +implemented or if it could be done without huge amounts of work. +#+end_quote + +** Appearance + +*** WISH Secondary selection +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Secondary selection]] + +*** WISH Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Aquamacs syntax highlighting +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Aquamacs syntax highlighting]] + +*** BUG Column view and subtask overview interaction +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet][Column view and subtask overview interaction]] + +*** IDEA Orgmode and Unicode characters +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and Unicode characters]] + +*** BUG Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly]] + +#+begin_quote +If you add a width declaration ("") to the column containing Korean, +when realigning the table you'll get an "args out of range" error inside +the text-properties-related code in `org-table-align' (provided the +width declaration actually does cause the text to be clipped). +#+end_quote + + - ngz :: is it fixable ? Org tables are not meant to handle + variable-width fonts anyway. [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:54] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede][Bug: startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x)]] + +#+begin_quote +Thanks for doublechecking. I now tested it again, and this only happens when +used in a shell (i.e. in a KDE Konsole) where the point does not blink. +#+end_quote +*** DECLINED Effort columnview: Show total in different column + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Effort columnview: Show total in different column]] + +Too big a change + +*** DECLINED Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:28] +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within]] + +** Babel + +*** TODO Handling of errors when using Ledger + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "WISH" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Handling of errors when using Ledger]] + +*** ASSIGNED Babel - display results in an overlay? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:25] + - State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:28] + - State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Babel - display results in an overlay?]] + +this is now in the Babel task tracking system + +*** ASSIGNED (babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:09] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg][(babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect]] + +This has been added as a bug to the babel development file + +*** IDEA Mark and Tangle :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Mark and Tangle]] + +*** WISH (PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:18] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) Speed keys :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Speed keys]] + +*** WISH Line numbers in tangled source :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:23] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Line numbers in tangled source]] + +*** WISH org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings]] + +*** WISH Babel & DOS + :LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg][Babel & DOS]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) C-v C-v M-x? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:22] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) C-v C-v M-x?]] + +*** WISH Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:49] + :END: + [2010-12-12 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file]] +*** INCONSISTENCY (babel) silent code block evaluation on export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) silent code block evaluation on export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Babel: interweaving code and results? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:06] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: interweaving code and results?]] + This link doesn't resolve through Gmane + +*** INCONSISTENCY Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3) :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:45] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg][Bug: Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3)]] + +#+begin_quote +OK, I now have a clearer idea of what went wrong. + +1. I think it's doing find-file-at-point. + +2. This only happens when point is on this line, but NOT at the start + of the line: #+begin_src haskell + + It's not about whether it's the first time you press C-c ', it's about + where point is when you press it. + +3. If point is anywhere on the closing line of the source block, it + works. + +4. Ironically, the end of the first line is where the point is placed if + you do C-c C-v d at the end of the buffer! So if you do C-c C-v d and + then C-c ', as I did, this bug will happen. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export :Babel: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 18:59] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl][Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export]] + +*** TODO (bug?) cannot generate table format output for octave results :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:05] + :END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug?) (babel) cannot generate table format output for octave results]] + +*** WISH Make tangling work in an indirect buffer :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:17] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) (PATCH) Make tangling work in an indirect buffer]] + +** Capture and refile + +*** IDEA Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)%! +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:32] +:END: + [2010-08-08 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When you think of CamelCase and on-the-fly creating of non-existing +files/headlines, it's just another way of *capturing* stuff. + +Why not defining some simple syntax to trigger the capture mechanism +from special links? + +For example: + + "I write a reference to a >c:newfile which I can create later." + +- The ">c:newfile" is a link. +- The ">c" is a link abbreviation. +- The ">" part is the syntax for link abbrevations to trigger a capture. +- The "c" part is the keybinding of capture template to call. +- The "newfile" would be passed on as a variable for the (nth 3) of the + template (we could have several variables separated by "#" + +This would combine the flexibility of on-the-fly file creation and of +the capture mechanism, allowing multiple templates. + +What do you think? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Refiling notes to current file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Refiling notes to current file]] + +*** WISH Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:37] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree]] + +*** WAITING archiving an indirect buffer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:54] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: archiving an indirect buffer]] +*** DECLINED Blank rows with capture target table-line and aborting capture +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][is it a bug in org-capture]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I hit C-c c t, and then C-c C-k immediately, the file test.org is +still modified with an new blank row inserted in the table, which is out +of expectation, since C-c C-k is known as "abort capture". The minibuffer +says "org-capture-finalize: Capture process aborted, but target buffer +could not be cleaned up correctly". +#+END_QUOTE + +Unfortunately this is difficult to fix, because the user might have +changed other things before aborting. At least the error message is +clear and gives the user the opportunity to fix the problem. + +*** WISH Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed]] + +*** WAITING Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:20] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4)]] + +Cannot reliably get reproduced as of [2011-01-16 So]. + +*** TODO Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:10] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text]] + +*** TODO (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:37] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior]] + +*** WISH remember-other-frame with org-capture? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-06 Mo 21:03] +:END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) remember-other-frame with org-capture?]] + +*** BUG org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs]] + +*** WAITING capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:16] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Bug: capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4)]] + +** Clocking + +*** BUG Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:19] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly]] + +*** TODO No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’ :contrib: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:12] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau][(O) No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’]] + +*** IDEA Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:40] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'?]] + +** Documentation +*** IDEA packaging org-mode & worg + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][packaging org-mode & worg ]] + +*** IDEA Create better function and variable index in the manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:26] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) Command names are now in the manual]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +A suggestion for a possible(?) improvement: the "O" section of the +function index (and I imagine the variable index as well) is pretty +crowded :-). I wonder if texinfo has any facilities to break it up, +perhaps according to the first letter after the first dash. +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Page numbering in manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:07] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Page numbering in manual]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY `org-agenda-tags-column' missing in documentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 16:28] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Re: Tags position in regular agenda view?]] + +** Exporting +*** IDEA Google CL and org-mode + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Google CL and org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have a question regarding the recent announcement of the Google +Command Line project (http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/). + +I was wondering if there are plans to integrate support for calendar +synchronization between Google and org-mode using this tool. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:46] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas][Re: (PATCH) org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request]] +*** IDEA Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2 +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-27 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom][Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2]] + +*** WISH Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +One suggestion, then... why not just have a nice list of all possible +ATTR_LaTeX options? I have killed myself before looking for a simplified +list. Maybe even just common ones since perhaps any LaTeX option may be +passed? +#+END_QUOTE + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +*** WISH pretty export of tags + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca][pretty export of tags]] +*** WISH Allow skipping of levels in LaTeX export +**** latex export - skipping lvls breaks export + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][latex export - skipping lvls breaks export]] + +**** Even if skipped headline levels are not allowed, exporter shouldn't drop out-of-level headlines silently + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:14025%2E1279898870%40maps +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/14025%2E1279898870%40maps][Bug: possible bug in latex export (7.01trans (release_6.36.735.g15ca.dirty))]] +*** WISH fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede][fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export]] +*** WISH iCal export and complex diary sexps + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][iCal export and complex diary sexps]] +*** WISH Seemless editing of Babel Blocks :Babel: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Seemless editing of Babel Blocks]] +*** WISH Captions for source code +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][Captions for source code]] +*** WISH user control of source block header line exporting formats :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:59] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][user control of source block header line exporting formats]] +*** WISH Add timestamp keyword specific CSS class +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:24] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][How to distinguish timestamps in CSS?]] + +*** WISH query - org-emphasis-regexp-components +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:31] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][query - org-emphasis-regexp-components]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I was writing a document with Python code in it and I found a minor problem. +There's no way to put a piece of code like s="Hello World" as verbatim +or code in my document. + +~s="Hello World"~ doesn't work because the border in +org-emphasis-regexp-components doesn't allow " or '. I'm not sure why +this is in place. Can this be removed, or have they been put in for a +specific reason, that I can't see? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time. :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg][(PATCH) Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time.]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export of emphasized link + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :END: +**** INCONSISTENCY inconsistency + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:12] + :END: + emphasized link supported: + - Emacs faces shown in org-mode buffer itself + - export to LaTeX + - [...] + emphasized link not supported: + - export to HTML + - export to DocBook + - export to XOXO + - [...] + this question is still open: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +*** INCONSISTENCY org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:46] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY hlevel in org-export-region-as-html +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:56] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug? hlevel in org-export-region-as-html]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:38] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug) export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Bug: void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans)]] + +*** BUG latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom][latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis]] +*** BUG Org beamer export bugs + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org beamer export bugs]] + +*** BUG html export, latex fragments and emphasize +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:40] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: html export, latex fragments and emphasize]] + +*** BUG LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain][Bug: LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML]] + + - ngz :: since mathjax, should we still consider it as a bug? Is + is even reproducible? [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** DECLINED Org Mode Latex Export Customization of org-export-latex-emphasis-alist + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org Mode Latex Export Customization of + org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + + There is not really anything to be done here, not enough characters + for all those extra emphasis things. + +*** DECLINED Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:59] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:20] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output?]] + +*** DECLINED Combination of =code= and Description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:02] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom][Combination of =code= and Description]] + - ngz :: This is a LaTeX limitation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** BUG eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom][eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) ]] + +Nick Dokos did a good first analysis of the problem [[http://mid.gmane.org/26738%2E1292194633%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][here]]. + +*** INCONSISTENCY Question: How to insert different background images on different frames +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-beamer) Question: How to insert different background images on different frames]] + +*** WISH Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:52] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede][(PATCH) Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY iCalendar selective export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 12:00] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][iCalendar selective export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inconsistencies in email and author export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:52] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli][Inconsistencies in email and author export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY HTML export and absolute file names +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:55] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-03-06 So 19:51]--[2011-03-06 So 21:05] => 1:14 +:END: + [2011-02-24 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][HTML export and absolute file names]] + +*** BUG italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:29] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working]] + +*** TODO HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:31] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image]] + +*** TODO Bug in latex export of <> + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:33] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo][(O) Bug in latex export of <>]] + +*** BUG _<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:37] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][_<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly]] + +*** WISH org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:02] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG) org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used]] + +*** BUG modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:40] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(O) Feature request: modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters]] + +*** TODO HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:44] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV]] + +*** WISH Images in included files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:22] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Images in included files]] + +** Links +*** TODO Document the character protection in links + I don't think this is really covered anywhere. + Maybe we also should protect characters in the visible part, to + make sure thing will never be on two lines...? + +*** IDEA Find all links to a specific file + +*** IDEA Resolve links on export + +**** Example: Make info HTML links work for links to Info files + +Info links of course only work inside Emacs. However, many info +documents are on the web, so the HTML exporter could try to be smart +and convert an Info link into the corresponding link on the web. For +example, we could use the GNU software site then Name.HTML. Here is +the link to be used: +http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/ Another question +is, is this URL going to be stable so that it makes sense to actually +put this into org.el? + +*** IDEA Mailcap support of Org file links + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Choosing external app at runtime?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I follow a link, Org mode knows what application to use. Except +that sometimes I want to override that choice. + +For example, I have a collection of PDF files. Mostly I want to open +them in my statically configured PDF viewer, which is fine. But +sometimes I want to open one in Xournal, say, to annotate it. + +My mail client Wanderlust will ask me in cases like this: if multiple +mailcap entries match, I get to choose when opening the attachment. + +Any chance we could do a similar thing in Org mode? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Dereference file links on export or open + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is "scpc" in the line above a transport protocol? Maybe this should be +an org-mode wide features, i.e. the ability to resolve remote file +references with C-c C-o and on export. Does that sound reasonable, and +would it take care of the need in this particular case? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Radio targets across files + I guess each org file could write a .orgtargets.filename file, if + it has any radio targets. + +*** INCONSISTENCY image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c]] + - ngz :: still valid as of [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-store-link only works interactively (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:47] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org-store-link only works interactively (7.4)]] + - ngz :: no clear answer yet. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Problem opening links that span more than one line + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][(O) Problem opening links that span more than one line]] + +*** TODO absolute HTML links + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:03] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][(O) absolute HTML links]] + +*** IDEA org-git-link does not support locational information within file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:47] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat][org-git-link does not support locational information within file]] + +** Miscellaneous Stuff +*** TODO Use the new argument of bibtex-url + Roland Winkler was kind enough to implement a new argument to the + `bibtex-url' command that allows me to retrieve the corresponding + URL, whether it is taken from a URL field or constructed in some + clever way. Currently I am not using this, because too many + people use an old Emacs version which does not have this. + however, eventually I will implement this. + +*** TODO grep on directory does not yet work. + I am actually not sure, I might have addressed this already, but + my memory is failing me. Needs some checking. +*** IDEA Do we need a 43 folders implementation? + That could easily be done in an org-mode file. But then, maybe + this should really be a paper thing. + +*** IDEA Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files) + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files)]] +**** AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg][AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group]] +**** sharing Org-mode files for collaboration + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet][sharing Org-mode files for collaboration]] +*** IDEA (PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy :Patch: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy]] + + - ??? :: Waiting for FSF copyright assignment. + + - ngz :: According to the list of contributors, papers are signed, + but it doesn't look like this patch has been applied to + code base. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** IDEA Does Org-mode need to be position aware? + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom][Does Org-mode need to be position aware?]] +*** IDEA (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I guess, the manual maintainers do NOT have to be experts in both +org-mode resp. org-babel nore they have to be experts in the supported +language. Its more about the kind of standard stuff and maybe, to +complex stuff even scare people. More things like "How to create a +measurement protocol with org-babel and python", How to evaluate and +report data analysis with org-babel and R", etc. + +To make it more easy for both the readers and the maintainers a kind of +template for such manuals might be helpful. This would help to find the +same information at the same locations and make a comparison e.g. +between the use of R and python possible. + +I'am not an expert for both org-* and python and I'm often very limited +in time. However, I would try to maintain a "python and org-babel" manual. + +If there are more people who are interested to act as a kind of manual +maintainers I would like to discuss with you how a template might look like. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Code block switches buffer-wide? + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Code block switches buffer-wide?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I would like to include the -n code block switch (number lines) into all my +code blocks in a buffer. Is there a way to define a kind of buffer-wide +switches, like it is with the #+BABEL keyword for header arguments? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment]] +*** IDEA Make .org-id-locations non-hidden directory above .emacs.d + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][org-mobile produces errors in normal org functions]] +*** IDEA can you require a certain template with lognotedone? + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg][can you require a certain template with lognotedone?]] +*** IDEA Feature-Ideas +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal][Feature-Ideas]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have severel ideas about new features that I want to share. My +knowledge with lisp and the coding of the org-structure is bad so far, +so I can't try to contribute a patch. + +- 1. *Alias - Trees* + + When I work on projects, I often want to /reference to a certain + other heading/. It would be great to do this not just with links, + but /with an alias/. + + I think of trees, that show up and can be in the current tree as if + they were a subtree, but really are at another position in the + current or a different file. + + This concept would also allow seperate versioning and merging of + external generated content into the current file. ( I e.g. think of + summaries of text in the scientific context. ) + +- 2. More flexible *Colouring for categories*, tags, ... + +It would be great to have the /opportunity to define individual faces +for different categories, tags/ , ... . + +- 3. Implementation of *hourly/minutely reference*. + +It would be useful to be able to schedule something to repeat every 12 +or 6 hours or in 22 minutes. It would also be useful, to have the +opportunity to associate asynchronous shell scripts with individual +scheduled events. + +- 4. *Exclude certain days from Timeline* + + The opportunity to /give/ whole days the status // . That would mean, that when I fire up the + /Timeline/ for a current file (L), certain days are /show/ with a + message "/day is planned for project /. in a certain project + specific project. + + It would also be useful to have a keycommand in the /Timeline/ to + /switch other files on showing them in gray/. + +- 5. *Manually timeclock certain Headings* + + I would love to have a commands that can change the clocktime of not + running headings or insert new clocktimes into the current heading. + E.g. like this: + + Change the clocktime of : + (s) change last timeclock and keep the Start time. -> How long did it last? + (e) change last timeclock and keep the End time -> How long did it last? + (# C-u offset to change the #n last timeclock) + (a) add new timeclock -> Ask for Start and End. (with opportunity to specify the END relative) + +- 6. *Expand timestamps to include locations* + + e.g. Special timestamp-commands that + also ask for places and presents a list of all places of all projects + to choose from. + +- 7. *More complex timeclock-reports* + + Is anyone working on a more comprehensive way of giving visual + feedback and analysing the data of the timeclock-feature. (What have + I done the last month? How many time has gone to which project / + etc.) I am a relatively known [[http://cran.r-project.org/][GNU R]] user and could contribute code + for analysis of time usage / plotting complex more diagrams in + R. Allthough I am not very used to the export mechanisms in + Orgmode. Does anyone like to cooperate? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA text color + highlight +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:47] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][text color + highlight]] + +*** IDEA hiding PROPERTIES line +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "WISH" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hiding PROPERTIES line]] + +*** IDEA camel.el, for CamelCase links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +*** IDEA (ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne]] + +**** DECLINED Drill mode for org-learn +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Drill mode for org-learn]] + +[2010-08-01 So] Superseded by [[id:mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg%5D%5B%28ANN%29%20Org%2DDrill%3A%20Interactive%20revision%20a%20la%20Anki%2FMnemosyne%5D%5D + +*** IDEA Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress)]] +*** IDEA notmuch support for org-mode? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:25] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][notmuch support for org-mode?]] + +*** IDEA Email from org? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Email from org?]] + +*** IDEA Adding entries to Google calendar +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Adding entries to Google calendar]] + +*** IDEA Org mode and geo information +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:49] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Advice needed. Use links or blocks?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +the attached file fetches background tiles from openstreetmap.org for +me, and produces SVG images of tracks I ran. Unfortunately, I cannot +find a good way to use that code in an automated way. + +What I'd like to do, is to have the coords in my training diary, and +produce the images on demand. When I publish the diary to HTML, I want +the coords to be replaced with a link to the image. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA dynamically calculated timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:04] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][dynamically calculated timestamps?]] + +*** IDEA Org-mode Epic Win RPG +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:18] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode Epic Win RPG]] + +*** IDEA org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata]] + +*** IDEA Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience]] + +*** IDEA arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond]] + +*** IDEA output of shell command in agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][output of shell command in agenda]] + +*** WISH Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified" + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified"]] +*** WISH Estimate ranges in column view :Patch: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Estimate ranges in column view]] + +*** WISH Provide property API function to append to a property + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Re: org-capture question/suggestion]] +*** WISH New CSS for orgmode and Worg ? + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][New CSS for orgmode and Worg ?]] +*** WISH Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01)]] +*** WISH Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:53] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active]] +*** WISH Move attachments when refiling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com][Bug Report: refile and attachments]] +*** DECLINED Feature Request for new capture feature +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com][Feature Request for new capture feature]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +would it be possible to have a "C-u C-c C-w" that completes the +capture and switches to the target buffer? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH fractional hours for timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][fractional hours for timestamps?]] + +*** WISH Error running ditaa +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error running ditaa]] + +#+begin_quote +When running ditaa on Linux fedora 12 through java, I get the following +errors: + +java -jar /usr/share/java/ditaa.jar -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V +blue_fd02b5c06d6a5cb80eaf27098c3c490dc81326ce.png +Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on +Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: +org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException +Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: +org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException + at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217) + at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) + at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:319) + at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:264) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:332) +Could not find the main class: +org.stathissideris.ascii2image.core.CommandLineConverter. Program will exit. + +This can be taken care of by using the shell script that comes with ditaa, +i.e.: + +ditaa -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V + +But to do this from within emacs I need to patch org-exp-blocks.el as +follows: + +- (unless (file-exists-p org-ditaa-jar-path) +- (error (format "Could not find ditaa.jar at %s" org-ditaa-jar-path))) +: +- (message (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file)) +- (shell-command (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file))) ++ (message (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file)) ++ (shell-command (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file))) + +(You also need to erase the checking for the existance of dita.jar) + +Wouldn't it make more sense to replace the variable org-ditaa-jar-path with +a new variable org-ditaa-command that by default contains "java -jar +/old/value/of/org-ditaa-jar-path"? This would allow replacing it with a +shell script. Would a patch be accepted, or do you prefer to remain backward +compatible? + +On a related question. Since there is quite a lot of common code between +org-export-blocks-format-dot and org-export-blocks-format-ditaa (especially +if my patch is accepted), wouldn't it make sense to create a +org-export-blocks-format-meta that take all the differences between the +various export-blocks as parameters? This would simplify adding additional +org-export-blocks. +#+end_quote +*** INCONSISTENCY Stack overflow in regexp matcher +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Stack overflow in regexp matcher]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inherited properties not saved when archiving +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:59] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][saving property values when archiving]] +*** BUG gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom][gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I think the problem is org-plot doesn't +recognise that when plotting with error bars, gnuplot expects more than +two columns of data. So a command like this should be sent to gnuplot, +#+END_QUOTE +*** WAITING TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu. +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 02:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu.]] + - ngz :: solution under discussion. [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** BUG In-buffer completion +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Accepted) Re: In-buffer completion]] + + - ngz :: bug still active on [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** DECLINED (BUG) org remember broken + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][(BUG) org remember broken]] + +org-capure is now the default, I don't think we need to fix remember +bugs anymore. + +*** DECLINED Insert ellipsis if headline is too long + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][headline is too long]] + This would be too confusing when compared with folded entries, so I + do not think this feature should be implemented. + +*** DECLINED Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space? + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space?]] + + Closed for now, no useful feedback from report author, probably not + caused by Org mode. +*** DECLINED Gollum + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Gollum]] + +*** Priorities + Here is some information about priorities, which is not yet + documented. Actually, I am not sur if the list here is correct + either +**** QUOTE Priorities + TODO entries: 1 or 1,2,... + DEADLINE is 10-ddays, i.e. it is 10 on the due day + i.e. it goes above top todo stuff 7 days + before due + SCHEDULED is 5-ddays, i.e. it is 5 on the due date + i.e. it goes above top todo on the due day + TIMESTAMP is 0 i.e. always at bottom + but as a deadline it is 100 + but if scheduled it is 99 + TIMERANGE is 0 i.e. always at bottom + DIARY is 0 i.e. always at bottom + + Priority * 1000 + +*** INCONSISTENCY xemacs error when calling org-install :Xemacs: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:43] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-01-02 So 17:33]--[2011-01-02 So 18:02] => 0:29 +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom][xemacs error when calling org-install]] + +The autoloads in org-install.el are +generated by the Makefile (i.e. make org-install.el). The stable +version of Org mode ships with a pre-generated org-install.el and +without recreating this file with Xemacs it won't run. + +The =custom-autoload= is created only once for ob-tangle.el: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;;;###autoload + (defcustom org-babel-tangle-lang-exts + '(("emacs-lisp" . "el")) + "Alist mapping languages to their file extensions. + The key is the language name, the value is the string that should + be inserted as the extension commonly used to identify files + written in this language. If no entry is found in this list, + then the name of the language is used." + :group 'org-babel-tangle + :type '(repeat + (cons + (string "Language name") + (string "File Extension")))) +#+end_src + +As this the autoload directive was added deliberately I suppose there +was a reason for this to be there: If this is the case, there seems +not very much we can do about this. The autoload generating function +in =autoloads.el= always creates a call to custom-autoload with a +third argument. + +*** TODO Review packages in contrib directory + [2010-12-19 So] + +Byte-compiling indicates problems with some packages (e.g. references +to unbound symbols). The review process will single out the problems +for every package in contrib and steps necessary to fix them. + +**** make failure (7.3) + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: make failure (7.3)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:27] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab]] + +*** BUG org-add-note not working with winner-mode + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:22] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][Re: (O) org-add-note not working with winner-mode]] + +*** BUG regexp link on windows problem + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:30] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl][(O) regexp link on windows problem]] +*** TODO EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files :Mobile:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:46] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg][(O) Bug: EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files (7.5 (release_7.5.147.g9ddc))]] + +*** TODO org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:41] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom][(O) org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal)]] + + - ngz :: should we generalize the setup proposed by Julien, or + will we keep the warning? + +** Publishing + +*** TODO project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:17] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (bug) project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html]] + +** Structure +*** TODO Get rid of all the \r instances, which were used only for XEmacs. +*** WISH Create unique clocktable links + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede][Bug: clocktable :link often jumps to wrong target (6.36c)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +: Links created by clocktable :link are simple "text search" links. +: Therefore, they often hit the wrong target. +: +: For example, I used to have multiple clocktables at the beginning of my +: file: first a daily summary, then a weekly one, then a complete one, +: i.e. following clocktables summarized supersets of preceding ones. +: Therefore, most of the time I clicked a link in the first clocktable, +: the next "text search" target was the occurrence of the same task in the +: second clocktable, whereas clicking that link in the second clocktable +: would take me back into the first. +: +: I have been able to partly work around that by moving the clocktables to +: the end of the file, as the search always seems to start at the +: beginning of the file. Nevertheless, when I have two tasks "foobar" and +: "foo", occurring in that order in the file, clicking on the [[foo]] +: link in the clocktable takes me to the "foobar" task, as that has a +: "foo" substring and occurs first in the file. +: +: I would like clocktable to generate links that uniquely link to the task +: from which the particular clocktable entry has been generated. (I'd +: even be willing to assign CUSTOM_ID properties for that purpose, +: i.e. clocktable could take them into account for creating links, when +: they exist.) But the best solution would IMHO be a truly unique +: identification, e.g. by some XPath-like path, e.g. /1/2/3 for the 3rd +: subtask of the 2nd subtask of the 1st top-level task. (Sure, that order +: will be invalidated when I change my task list, but, so what, then I +: would be willing to recompute the clocktable before using links.) +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation]] + +*** WISH org-hide-entry +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-hide-entry]] + +*** IDEA Improving org-goto isearch +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:25] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Improving org-goto isearch]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY excessive blank lines in archives +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:34] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][excessive blank lines in archives]] + +*** WISH Quick note about subtree copy and paste +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:45] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo][Quick note about subtree copy and paste]] + +#+begin_quote +I get the point, but the current presentation is unnecessarily +confusing. I was just /copying/ --- there was no time shifting +involved, so when I look at them menu and see "copy" and "clone with +time shift," it is "copy" that's what I naturally do. + +Actually, as I look at the manual I see: + +`C-c C-x c' (`org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift') + Clone a subtree by making a number of sibling copies of it. You + will be prompted for the number of copies to make, and you can + also specify if any timestamps in the entry should be shifted. + This can be useful, for example, to create a number of tasks + related to a series of lectures to prepare. For more details, see + the docstring of the command `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift'. + +There's nothing there to even remotely suggest to me that this is going +to Do The Right Thing about properties. It's all about dates and +time-shifting. It may /happen/ to do the right thing with properties, +but it sure doesn't /say/ that it will. The ID property is mentioned +only in the interactive docstring, and pretty deeply down. + +I'd like to make a somewhat radical suggestion: + +If cloning is the primary option, and more safe than copy --- i.e., if +copy is "this is the primitive operation that you should only do if you +know what you are doing, because it might corrupt data," then I would +argue that it's CLONE that should be bound to C-c C-x M-y --- the +standard emacs keybinding I'm going to go to first --- and COPY should +be demoted to the less-familiar alternative. + +This assumes that the answer to "Is there any case where I should do +copy and /not/ prefer clone?" is "no." + +But I'm not sure that's the case. They clone doesn't do the same thing +to the cut buffer as copy, does it? e.g., I don't use clone to make a +copy of a subtree from file A into file B. + +Even more radical suggestion: + +So maybe the right answer is not to ask us to use clone all the time, +but that COPY and PASTE should be fixed to Do The Right Thing with the +ID property. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Feature request: Select links by description (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:32] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request: Select links by description (7.4)]] + +#+begin_quote +When using org-insert-link, it would be far better for me to have it +show me the _descriptions_ of links (the default link text), rather +than showing me the links themselves. This is especially true of +email links, which are generally long and unintelligible by +themselves. + +I have something set up that stores a link to every email I send, so I +can easily link to follow-ups in my active Org items. As a result, I +end up with *lots* of stored links, which makes this a real struggle. +#+end_quote + +*** IDEA outline path in links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][outline path in links]] + +*** TODO goto does not accept remote references for local targets + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:12] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) goto does not accept remote references for local targets]] + +*** DECLINED Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:51] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70))]] + +#+begin_quote cite=[[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/36063][Re: Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70)]] +Org-mode used line-profix properties to add indentation, and +linum mode uses before-string properties of overlays to add +line numbers. Both these features add text at display time, +but apparently not in an entirely predictable way. I have no +idea it it is possible to make both work without any gliches. +If anything, this would be a bug report to Emacs, I think. + +The "other issue" is an artefact of Org using an idle time +to update indentation properties. Here my suggestion +would be to ignore the issue and live with it. +#+end_quote + +**** WAITING Provide customization variable for formula that calculates indentation level +:LOGBOOK: + - State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:25] + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + + +** Tables + +*** BUG bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:02] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags]] + +*** BUG $0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special' +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:36] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][$0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special']] + +#+begin_quote +According to [ (info "(org) Formula syntax for Calc") ], $0 +references the current cell. Pressing C-c C-c on the #+TBLFM line +below does indeed work, but C-c ' (`org-edit-special') changes the +$0 reference into a single ampersand (&). Is this a bug? +#+end_quote + +*** BUG Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:06] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) Bug: Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24))]] + +*** WISH org-table formulas with missing values +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:41] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][org-table formulas with missing values]] + +#+begin_quote +I could write 'nan' instead of leaving a blank, and use the string in +the formula, but this causes errors. + +But calc does know the concept of nan: "The variables `inf', `uinf', and +`nan' stand for infinite or indeterminate values. It's best not to use +them as regular variables, since Calc uses special algebraic rules when +it manipulates them. Calc displays a warning message if you store a +value into any of these special variables." + +I'm not sure how to use that nan variable in tables and formulas - it +seems not to be recognized. +#+end_quote + +** Testing framework + +*** TODO Testing --- again... +:LOGBOOK: +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Testing --- again...]] + +*** (Dev) Org-mode Test Framework + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(Dev) Org-mode Test Framework]] + +* Other +** Pretty icons in org buffers +** literate Lisp games development questions :Babel: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) literate Lisp games development questions]] +** Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:FB977E9C%2D6ABC%2D4B05%2DA58A%2DC2E96B841451%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/FB977E9C-6ABC-4B05-A58A-C2E96B841451%40gmail.com][Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla]] +** For Org-mode on the go? + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][For Org-mode on the go?]] +** [babel] grid-based R graphical output with :results value + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) grid-based R graphical output with :results value]] +** Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files]] + +** org-decrypt-to-kill-ring + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM][org-decrypt-to-kill-ring]] + +** DECLINED contributing Debian build scripts + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][contributing Debian build scripts]] + +Mark Hershberger is going to use an automatic process on launchpad +instead to make regular package builds. + +** hypermedia programming with babel + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hypermedia programming with babel]] +** org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress]] +** Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry]] +** publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf]] +** (OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs]] +** info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org]] + +** (ANN) org-protocol-httpd + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet][(ANN) org-protocol-httpd]] +** Tracking finances with Babel :Babel: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom][Tracking finances with Babel]] +** ErgoEmacs + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ErgoEmacs]] +** ReStructured Text table exporter + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ReStructured Text table exporter]] + +** Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede][Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org]] + +** OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info) + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info)]] + +** (ANN) Symorg + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(ANN) Symorg]] +** Indentation in html tables + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Indentation in html tables]] +** Inline image display and Emacs 22 + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Inline image display and Emacs 22]] + +** A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list]] + +** Org-mode screencasts + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode screencasts]] + +** Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review]] + +** ELPA Howto + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ELPA Howto]] + +** TODO New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:13] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom][(O) New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el]] + +* Closed issues :noexport: +** DONE string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:13] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wklkkk%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wklkkk.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5))]] +** DONE Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:14] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aarolk5y%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aarolk5y.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539))]] +** DONE [babel] possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer? :Babel: + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFDB5CE%2E3010600%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFDB5CE.3010600%40ccbr.umn.edu][(babel) possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer?]] + + this has now been fixed, see + - message :: [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/25720]] + - commit :: 5d52daab1029e43b97ccb16cfac998536d8c8924 +** DONE org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFE02FE%2E5050704%40globaledgesoft%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFE02FE.5050704%40globaledgesoft.com][org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp]] +** DONE Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file? + CLOSED: [2010-05-27 Thu 16:51] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vdacp1hi%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vdacp1hi.fsf%40thinkpad.tsdh.de][Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file?]] + + My path was committed with commit 54d513ee0c90f9864bbd39044d9dfbc4f1619513. +** DONE Aquamacs and latest org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:14] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail.gmail.com][Aquamacs and latest org-mode]] +** DONE Error when trying to push to Worg repo +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:15] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Error when trying to push to Worg repo]] +** DONE Export to html +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom][Export to html]] +** DONE Simple Literate Programming Example +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Simple Literate Programming Example]] +** DONE Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures... +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:27] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0%2DiJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS%5F7sI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0-iJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS_7sI%40mail.gmail.com][Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +** DONE bug: remember id agenda +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:33] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: remember id agenda]] +** DONE html export +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:37] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE export of emphasized link + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +** DONE byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event]] +** DONE use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:00] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100526162001%2EGA32657%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100526162001.GA32657%40soloJazz.com][use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap]] + +** DONE Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ... :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:01] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ...]] +** DONE buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:07] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments]] +** DONE [Patch] file protocol in HTML links +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:24] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkznkn2p%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkznkn2p.fsf%40gmx.de][Re: (Patch) file protocol in HTML links]] +** DONE Possible html publish inline image bug + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible html publish inline image bug]] +** DONE org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug? +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:09] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug?]] +** DONE problem with remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:10] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu][problem with remember template]] +** DONE plain list - line spacing +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:15] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][plain list - line spacing]] +** DONE How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21? +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno][How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21?]] +** DONE feature request: C-k safety +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][feature request: C-k safety]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ [6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty)] :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ (6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty))]] +** DONE [babel] Questions about export and :var. Possible bug. :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Questions about export and :var. Possible bug.]] +** DONE Something ate my timestamps +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:11] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Something ate my timestamps]] +** DONE Problem with pushing to webdav server [6.35g] +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:15] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede][Problem with pushing to webdav server (6.35g)]] +** DONE Export question +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:46] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFB3F6B%2E3040606%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFB3F6B.3040606%40sift.info][Export question]] + +** DONE Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly) +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:49] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet][Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly)]] +** DONE Exporting HTML to MS Word +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:50] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][Exporting HTML to MS Word]] +** DONE entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:04] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer]] +** DONE iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp [6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378)] +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:05] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp (6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378))]] +** DONE automatic line wrap +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom][automatic line wrap]] +** DONE mailto:abc@xyz.org +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mailto:abc@xyz.org]] +** DONE clocktable and :tags +CLOSED: [2010-06-07 Mo 12:10] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-07 Mo 12:13 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clocktable and :tags]] +** DONE MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:38] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail.gmail.com][MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed]] +** DONE Why I can't publish my project under Windows? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why I can't publish my project under Windows?]] +** DONE how to upgrade org-mode version? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to upgrade org-mode version?]] +** DONE Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Bug: Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks]] +** DONE org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar) +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar)]] +** DONE Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz][Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon]] +** DONE How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:41] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file?]] +** DONE Timestamp format questions +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:44] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede][Timestamp format questions]] +** DONE Question about beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:46] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo][Question about beamer export]] +** DONE simultaneous clocks? +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][simultaneous clocks? ]] +** DONE visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom][visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer]] +** DECLINED org-remember and anything + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][org-remember and anything]] + I am turning this one off, because we now use org-capture.el, and I + am not sure if the issue plays a role there. +** DONE Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00 +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:20] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00]] +** DONE language independent personal word list +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:29] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][language independent personal word list]] +** DONE 2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:30] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files]] +** DONE Toggle a repeating task in DONE state +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:32] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Toggle a repeating task in DONE state]] +** DONE Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments? +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:05] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments?]] +** DONE org-plot file export options +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-plot file export options]] +** DONE sup-mail link +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain][sup-mail link]] +** DONE table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=) +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:14] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=)]] +** DONE (org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:15] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF]] +** DONE any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:47] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure?]] +** DONE (OT) emacs-lisp compilation question +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:49] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(OT) emacs-lisp compilation question]] + + - Closed :: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs-en/ElispCompilerWarnings + + Function was used before declaration. +** DONE (PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files]] +** DONE preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg][preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling?]] +** DONE (PATCH) comments exporting :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:58] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) comments exporting]] +** DONE Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 08:03] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo]] +** DONE add a table entry by org-remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:26] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][add a table entry by org-remember template]] +** DONE Multiple TODO states +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:27] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple TODO states]] +** DONE Both todo and tag search +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:29] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Both todo and tag search]] + +** DONE Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html? +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:30] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6f7hqrx%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6f7hqrx.fsf%40ymail.com][Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html?]] +** DONE [babel] writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient]] +** DONE Hash mark in filled paragraphs +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu][Hash mark in filled paragraphs]] +** DONE Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 16:06] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el]] + + - Solved :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzoocdt%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Re: How to setup w3m-el as a default browser on GNU system?]] +** DECLINED Entries title in agenda view + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Entries title in agenda view]] + + We are not going to add the hierarchy. On the mailing list there + were answers showing possible alternatives using CATEGORY for + example. +** DONE version of Org used for Worg + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][version of Org used for Worg]] + The bleeding edge version is used to publish Worg - but only when a + file changes it will actually be republished. +** DONE (PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes in multiples of rounding time + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes + in multiples of rounding time]] + A modified patch has been checked in. +** DECLINED Writing the words in different color + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing the words in different color]] + I do not think that this is a useful addition. The user can + configure it with emphasis if needed. (- Carsten) +** DONE Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda) +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:47] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][ Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda)]] +** DONE Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:49] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings]] +** DONE Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:51] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords]] + +** DONE how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:57] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc][how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format]] +** DONE day-agenda: show whole-day-events first +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:12] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][day-agenda: show whole-day-events first]] +** DONE Agenda is slow because of vc-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:13] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda is slow because of vc-mode]] +** DONE questions about html export +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:22] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about html export]] +** DONE Keeping agenda window + CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Tue 19:22] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom][Keeping agenda window]] + - OP was looking for TAB (see [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hm0ic2q.fsf@dasa3.iem.pw.edu.pl][this]] and [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc8im57.fsf@fastmail.fm][this]] post). +** DONE `org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:30] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][`org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline]] +** DONE agenda views +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:33] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][agenda views]] +** DONE keeping uptodate? +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:37] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][keeping uptodate?]] +** DONE Checkboxes in Agenda +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:38] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Checkboxes in Agenda]] +** DONE Possible bug in ordered tasks +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + THis bug was caused by the interpretation of the string "nil" as a + non-nil value - a special case now fixes this. + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo][Possible bug in ordered tasks]] +** DONE Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c)) + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet][Bug: Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c))]] + This issue is resolved with the answers in the thread. +** DONE (BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export]] + Bug has been fixed. +** DONE (patch) filing under current clocked item +CLOSED: [2010-06-26 Sa 08:33] + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(patch) filing under current clocked item]] +** DONE Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:49] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python]] +** DONE Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:50] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list]] +** DONE habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:22] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string]] +** DONE mixing emphasis fails +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:23] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede][mixing emphasis fails]] +** DONE correction to orgtbl-to-html description :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:24] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][correction to orgtbl-to-html description]] +** DONE howto open attachment directory in external program? +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:39] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 10:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][howto open attachment directory in external program?]] +** DONE org-mode stopped compiling recently :Babel: + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode stopped compiling recently]] + Fixed, through a patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE org-iswitchb documentation + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20386%2E1277720390%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20386%2E1277720390%40maps][org-iswitchb documentation]] + The patch has been applied in a modified way, and the + functionality of org-iswitchb fixed so that it works by default. +** DONE Bug in latest version? + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in latest version?]] + Bug was due to changes in the constant entities, bug fixed by + checking elements in the list before using them. +** DONE Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 14:16] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus ]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R? +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:34] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R?]] +** DONE contrib/README +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:36] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3619%2E1277974892%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3619%2E1277974892%40maps][contrib/README]] +** DONE New to org-capture (and org-remember) +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 22:00] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6731%2E1277998108%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6731%2E1277998108%40maps][New to org-capture (and org-remember)]] +** DONE (BABEL) reload source code file after tangling? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) reload source code file after tangling?]] +** DONE problem in highlighting fields in a remote table +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][problem in highlighting fields in a remote table]] +** DONE Make distfile error +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Make distfile error]] +** DONE Bug in timeline report +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:41] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in timeline report]] +** DONE (babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document?]] +** DONE org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e))]] +** DONE Problem export to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem export to html]] +** DONE org-capture: Formatting of entries +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: Formatting of entries]] +** DONE Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda]] +** DONE Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist]] +** DONE mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums" +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums"]] +** DONE (no subject) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(no subject)]] +** DONE LaTeX export works but not in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][LaTeX export works but not in HTML]] +** DONE inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:47] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el)]] +** DONE *.bak files in trunk? +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.bak files in trunk?]] +** DONE Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree]] +** DONE Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent]] +** DONE org-babel and emacs init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel and emacs init]] +** DONE Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:50] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink]] + +** DONE Headline and numbered plain list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:51] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Headline and numbered plain list]] +** DONE magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance]] +** DONE complex filters in agenda view +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:55] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][complex filters in agenda view]] +** DONE a better way with babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:03] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau][a better way with babel]] +** DONE (PATCH) orphaned captions and labels :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) orphaned captions and labels]] +** DONE (babel) exports, caching, remote execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] +** DONE Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list]] +** DONE MobileOrg - no NEW state :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl][MobileOrg - no NEW state]] + +** DECLINED Org ident destroys special fontification of inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] \\ + Duplicate. +:END: +:PROPERTIES: +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +2. org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask in two ways + + i) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's +leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is set to +nil + + ii) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented +as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the indentation +should ideally return to what it was before the inline task. Of +course, this is also a problem when org-indent is turned off, if you +try to automatically hard-indent using TAB. However, in that case you +can adjust by hand the indentation of the first line after the inline +task, and then all the following lines will indent correctly. With +org-indent the problem is much worse since there is no way of +adjusting the soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE (require 'cl) seems not to be compiled +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom][(require 'cl) seems not to be compiled]] +** DONE capture template: %& and %! +CLOSED: [2010-07-05 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][capture template: %& and %!]] +** DONE "Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color" +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 20:51] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg]["Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color"]] +** DONE (BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:13] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output?]] +** DONE org-log-done +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:17] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom][org-log-done]] +** DONE (BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:20] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not]] +** DONE CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:26] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:29] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring?]] +** DONE Export of latex source to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export of latex source to html]] +** DONE Columns with LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:44] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Columns with LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:46] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]] +** DONE Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:47] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB]] +** DONE patch for org mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:12476%2E1278319281%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/12476%2E1278319281%40maps][patch for org mode]] +** DONE Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbke16m8%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting an image to latex]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I did some git bisection, and the last working version is commit +3b5351c7da59da3685f8233c252b1506166d35f3, so it seems Eric's commit +5edefbba269db8e717bd2b40778786b08af3f7a1 introduced the bug. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:50] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg][tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks]] +** DONE No subscript when exporting +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:56] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom][No subscript when exporting]] +** DONE logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:57] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Org+table.el = mutli line cells? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:05] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org+table.el = mutli line cells?]] +** DONE (PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:06] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom][(PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el]] +** DONE org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom][org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question]] +** DONE (BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others]] +** DONE (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:13] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] +** DONE Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-12 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-12 Mo 17:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda]] +** DONE (PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template +CLOSED: [2010-07-14 Mi 20:59] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet][(PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template]] +** DONE cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs]] +** DONE programming for org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom][programming for org-mode]] +** DONE \nbsp usage +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][\nbsp usage]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another]] +** DONE Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE (babel) report name of source block during execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:21] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) report name of source block during execution]] +** DONE footer for latex export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:22] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][footer for latex export]] +** DONE Help: Agenda not working anymore +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Help: Agenda not working anymore]] +** DONE Org-babel init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Org-babel init]] +** DONE how to include time when setting deadlines? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg][how to include time when setting deadlines?]] +** DONE (BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines?]] +** DONE (babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash?]] +** DONE Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX)]] +** DONE Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces]] +** DONE Help installing org-mode on a MAC please? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm][Help installing org-mode on a MAC please?]] +** DONE (babel) key binding requests :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) key binding requests]] +** DONE org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question]] +** DONE How to setup xdg for org-protocol ? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to setup xdg for org-protocol ?]] +** DONE Bib system based on org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][Bib system based on org-mode]] +** DONE org-crypt remember password +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:33] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk][org-crypt remember password]] +** DONE Verbatim export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Verbatim export]] +** DONE Failed to create radio tables +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Failed to create radio tables]] +** DONE longlines-mode (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: longlines-mode (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:45] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar?]] +** DONE LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda?]] +** DONE org-freemind-to-org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][org-freemind-to-org-mode]] +** DONE installing updating Org on other platform +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][installing updating Org on other platform]] +** DONE Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:15] + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3))]] +** DONE possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:17] + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg][possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration)]] + +** User Requests [249/249] +*** CLOSED Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom][Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort]] +*** CLOSED Template for a resume +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Template for a resume]] +*** CLOSED configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom][configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files]] +*** CLOSED jumping in custom agenda view loses settings +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][jumping in custom agenda view loses settings]] +*** CLOSED DAV config for mobileorg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][DAV config for mobileorg]] +*** CLOSED how to sort in the column view? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom][how to sort in the column view?]] +*** CLOSED function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location]] +*** CLOSED indent source blocks automatically when using "indent" :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent source blocks automatically when using "indent"]] +*** CLOSED moving past state changes into logbook drawer? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg][moving past state changes into logbook drawer?]] +*** CLOSED month and day names +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom][month and day names]] +*** CLOSED Multiple files and auto-updating +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple files and auto-updating]] +*** CLOSED (BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ' +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ']] +*** CLOSED Footnote in title? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead][Footnote in title?]] +*** CLOSED must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly?]] +*** CLOSED oddities with ical export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:42] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb%5FgMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb_gMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail.gmail.com][oddities with ical export]] +*** CLOSED (org-BEAMER) block without header +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-BEAMER) block without header]] +*** CLOSED Gnuplot best practice? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot best practice?]] + this link doesn't resolve to an article + +*** CLOSED question about chaining function calls in org-babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2D%2DbVLyjM%5FeQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTin--bVLyjM%5feQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05@mail.gmail.com][question about chaining function calls in org-babel]] + +*** CLOSED how to combine times in clocktable +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to combine times in clocktable]] + +*** CLOSED Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:10] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode?]] + +*** CLOSED Writing a custom export. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:25] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing a custom export.]] + +*** CLOSED Archive Tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:17] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede][Archive Tasks]] + +*** CLOSED R code not producing expected results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg][R code not producing expected results]] + +*** CLOSED trying to get xetex working with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom][trying to get xetex working with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED From todos to tracking +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][From todos to tracking]] + +*** CLOSED how do you extract schedule duration in column-view +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how do you extract schedule duration in column-view]] + +*** CLOSED Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom][Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export?]] + +*** CLOSED (Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells]] + +*** CLOSED Suppressing the ellipsis +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom][Suppressing the ellipsis]] + +*** CLOSED Print / export TODO Tree +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Print / export TODO Tree]] + +*** CLOSED Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name?]] + +*** CLOSED request for comments on org icon theme standards +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][request for comments on org icon theme standards]] + +*** CLOSED how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc.]] + +*** CLOSED Strange error in html exporting +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:29] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Strange error in html exporting]] + +*** CLOSED Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name]] +*** CLOSED row and col spaning in table? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][row and col spaning in table?]] + +*** CLOSED Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:30] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function)]] + +*** CLOSED Mobile mode sync problems :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mobile mode sync problems]] + +*** CLOSED Habit timing +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Habit timing]] + +*** CLOSED Using cdlatex-item within org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:00] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using cdlatex-item within org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED task juggler export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][task juggler export]] + +*** CLOSED Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling]] + +*** CLOSED Full list of org-beamer functionality? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:26] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Full list of org-beamer functionality?]] + +*** CLOSED org-beamer problem +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:27] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer problem]] + +*** CLOSED Effort estimates for multi-day tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:02] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Effort estimates for multi-day tasks]] + +*** CLOSED TeX commands or source code in org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:05] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech][TeX commands or source code in org files]] + +*** CLOSED Average payment rate with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:07] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Average payment rate with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux]] + +*** CLOSED strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom][strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs]] + +*** CLOSED Backspacing into folded items +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Backspacing into folded items]] + +*** CLOSED How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:27] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output]] + +*** CLOSED exec code on task state progression +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "WISH" [2010-09-12 So 14:29] +:END: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:19] + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][exec code on task state progression]] + +*** CLOSED migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration)]] + +*** CLOSED MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope.]] + +*** CLOSED org-link-search: Augment signature? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-link-search: Augment signature?]] + +*** CLOSED Emailing my org file +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:54] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emailing my org file]] + +*** CLOSED Baffled by beamer blocks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom][Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +*** CLOSED org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit?]] + +*** CLOSED footnotes in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][footnotes in LaTeX export]] + +*** CLOSED How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file?]] + +*** CLOSED question: how to refile labeled with origin? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question: how to refile labeled with origin?]] + +*** CLOSED Executing sh-code :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh-code]] + +*** CLOSED Sort agenda view by date? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Sort agenda view by date?]] + +*** CLOSED Export header-level list inconsistency +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:58] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Export header-level list inconsistency]] + +*** CLOSED Debugging shell code that misbehaves :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Debugging shell code that misbehaves]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode and claws +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet][org-mode and clawqs]] + +*** CLOSED org-publish with latest changes? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-publish with latest changes?]] + +*** CLOSED Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:04] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo][Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users?]] + +*** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +*** CLOSED column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me]] + +*** CLOSED configuring Org agenda faces by priority +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][configuring Org agenda faces by priority]] + +*** CLOSED Publishing configuration +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu][Publishing configuration]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode <=> Instiki +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode <=> Instiki]] + +*** CLOSED entities and removing some markup in ascii export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][entities and removing some markup in ascii export]] + +*** CLOSED How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues... +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:28] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues...]] + +*** CLOSED Total time displayed in the modeline? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Total time displayed in the modeline?]] + +*** CLOSED (babel) creating simple vectors in R +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:44] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) creating simple vectors in R]] + +*** CLOSED org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans)]] + +*** CLOSED Adding tags, grouping tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede][Adding tags, grouping tags]] + +*** CLOSED (BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas]] +*** DONE Fontify whole heading line +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:END: + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Fontify whole heading line]] +*** DONE cycle visibility from agenda view? + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede][cycle visibility from agenda view?]] + + use of org-agenda-cycle-show explained on mailing list, and added + to FAQ. +*** DONE Beamer presentation in the document +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Beamer presentation in the document]] +*** DONE clock in from last clock out +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clock in from last clock out]] +*** DONE contrib/README + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4663%2E1277986531%40maps + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4663%2E1277986531%40maps][Re: (Orgmode) contrib/README]] + Updated, patch by Stephen Eglen + +*** DONE wrap text in table cell? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom][wrap text in table cell?]] +*** DONE italics regexp +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][italics regexp]] +*** DONE question about links in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom][question about links in org-mode]] +*** DONE Exclude some file to be in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exclude some file to be in the agenda]] +*** DONE links customization in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom][links customization in org-mode]] +*** DONE trouble with Imenu integration +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg][trouble with Imenu integration]] +*** DONE (babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export?]] +*** DONE capture-clock-out nil! +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][capture-clock-out nil!]] +*** DONE imenu support for babel blocks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][imenu support for babel blocks]] +*** DONE Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org]] +*** DONE org-babel and OCaml - help? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:END: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][org-babel and OCaml - help?]] +*** DONE word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers]] +*** DONE Inserting date/time stamps including seconds +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Inserting date/time stamps including seconds]] +*** DONE Integrate APPTs with OSX +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Integrate APPTs with OSX]] +*** DONE (babel) html export of R data frame :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar][(babel) html export of R data frame]] +*** DONE org-refile-targets: excluding archived +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-refile-targets: excluding archived]] +*** DONE highlight confusion in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg][highlight confusion in agenda]] +*** DONE export to latex book ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex book ?]] +*** DONE "Invalid capture target specification" +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["Invalid capture target specification"]] +*** DONE inline image with link to other than images in html export? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu][inline image with link to other than images in html export?]] +*** DONE org-timeline and diary/calendar +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno][org-timeline and diary/calendar]] +*** DONE orgmode html export uses wrong browser +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar][orgmode html export uses wrong browser]] +*** DONE Some problems with times in a spreadsheet +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite][Some problems with times in a spreadsheet]] +*** DONE first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg][first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced]] +*** DONE Personal accounting with emacs, org and...? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Personal accounting with emacs, org and...?]] +*** DONE (BABEL) evaluation of R code in export :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:30] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) evaluation of R code in export]] + +*** DONE (BABEL) help adding a language, please? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:39] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville][(BABEL) help adding a language, please?]] + +*** DONE Finding old appointments +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:40] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Finding old appointments]] +*** DONE Author info while publishing to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 09:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Author info while publishing to html]] +*** DONE firefox problem with org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel][firefox problem with org-protocol]] + +*** DONE odd org-babel R behaviour :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca][odd org-babel R behaviour]] +*** DONE lookup functions in spreadsheet/table +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca][lookup functions in spreadsheet/table]] +*** DONE startup in column view +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D%3CAANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom%3E][startup in column view]] +*** DONE Browsing worg +CLOSED: [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Browsing worg]] +*** DONE OrgMobile - just a little help? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:14] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm][OrgMobile - just a little help?]] +*** DONE agenda-ignore-date and version number +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:40] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech][agenda-ignore-date and version number]] +*** DONE insert .org file into other .org file by link +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom][insert .org file into other .org file by link]] +*** DONE Migrating from zim to org-mode ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Migrating from zim to org-mode ?]] +*** DONE Eliminate line breaks in html +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Eliminate line breaks in html]] +*** DONE R Babel Example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][R Babel Example]] +*** DONE Nice links bookmarks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Nice links bookmarks]] + +*** DONE Installing/updating org on the mac woes +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installing/updating org on the mac woes]] +*** DONE org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-protocol]] +*** DONE Daily Debian Builds +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][Daily Debian Builds]] +*** DONE No title or date in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][No title or date in LaTeX export]] +*** DONE when will org-indent-mode be ready? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:36] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][when will org-indent-mode be ready?]] + + org-indent-mode works fine starting with Emacs 23.2. +*** DONE How can I add a DONE tag to an org file? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How can I add a DONE tag to an org file?]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg - One step further :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:19] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][MobileOrg - One step further]] + +*** DONE source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g)) +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:02] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][Bug: source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g))]] + +*** DONE Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:46] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost][Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header]] + +*** DONE Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context]] + +*** DONE debugging sbe calls :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "IDEA" [2010-08-08 So 13:16] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][debugging sbe calls]] + +*** DONE org-clock-current-task? +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-clock-current-task?]] + +*** DONE How do you use call and lob in org-babel? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do you use call and lob in org-babel?]] +*** DONE custom sorting of agenda items +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][custom sorting of agenda items]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg for Android...issues :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android...issues]] + +*** DONE How to change plain text face in Org Mode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:18] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How to change plain text face in Org Mode?]] + +*** DONE babel versionitis? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][babel versionitis?]] + +*** DONE gnuplot, table entry and temporary file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Babel) gnuplot, table entry and temporary file ]] + +*** DONE Footnote export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau][Footnote export]] + +**** Footnote problem +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][Footnote problem]] + +Duplicate of "[[id:mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau%5D%5BFootnote%20export%5D%5D%22%2E + +*** DONE Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede][Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda]] + +*** DONE (babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate]] + +*** DONE How to show done tasks in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:23] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost][How to show done tasks in agenda]] + +*** DONE or not? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) or not?]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE use of repository branch "maint" +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup][use of repository branch "maint"]] + +*** DONE Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel) +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel)]] + +*** DONE TODO DONE strikethrough +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost][TODO DONE strikethrough]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE Babel: help with tables and code blocks? +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][Babel: help with tables and code blocks?]] + +*** DONE Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block]] + +*** DONE "C-c a is undefined" +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost]["C-c a is undefined"]] + +*** DONE (babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block]] + +*** DONE why not auto-renumbering list ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][why not auto-renumbering list ?]] + +*** DONE called-interactively-p : org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][called-interactively-p : org-capture]] + +*** DONE (babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer]] + +*** DONE Installation - no way +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installation - no way]] + +*** DONE word count checklist? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville][word count checklist?]] + +*** DONE Confused about mobileorg setup :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Confused about mobileorg setup]] + +*** DONE Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom][Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen]] + +*** DONE (babel) difference in export output if including file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) difference in export output if including file]] + +*** DONE How can I search keywords in my org project? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I search keywords in my org project?]] + +*** DONE False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides]] + +*** DONE horiontal alignment of tables in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][horiontal alignment of tables in latex export?]] + +*** DONE Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list' +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list']] + +*** DONE Generic exporter status +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Generic exporter status]] + +*** DONE org-capture and blank lines +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture and blank lines]] + +*** DONE picture copy paste? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][picture copy paste?]] + +*** DONE Iterate over list with `org-next-item' +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Iterate over list with `org-next-item']] + +*** DONE possible tex export bug? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][possible tex export bug?]] + +*** DONE Problem with URLs in export to latex +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Problem with URLs in export to latex]] + +*** DONE Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom][Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents]] + +*** DONE Cannot open load file: inf-ruby +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Cannot open load file: inf-ruby]] + +*** DONE Todo item property search +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Todo item property search]] + +*** DONE gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings]] + +*** DONE Ditaa and babel goofing again? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa and babel goofing again?]] + +*** DONE org-edit-src-code : same window? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-edit-src-code : same window?]] + +*** DONE HTML export of org source blocks +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom][HTML export of org source blocks]] + +*** DONE svn version number as tag or property? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Re: svn version number as tag or property?]] + +*** DONE cannot enable org-habit +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cannot enable org-habit]] + +*** DONE beamer export question +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo][beamer export question]] + +*** DONE (babel) ledger tutorial on Worg + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:22] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) ledger tutorial on Worg]] + +*** DONE (Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom][(Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode?]] + +*** DONE From state table to state diagram + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][From state table to state diagram]] + +Looks like Eric addressed this request and implemented it. + +*** DONE org-capture templates with file+olp target +CLOSED: [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:END: + [2010-08-23 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-capture templates with file+olp target]] + +*** DONE cells are deformed in Japanese +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][cells are deformed in Japanese]] + +*** DONE Problem whit with code evaluation :Babel: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:10] + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg][Problem whit with code evaluation]] + +*** DONE items not disappearing from agenda once marked done +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom][items not disappearing from agenda once marked done]] + +*** DONE Org capture templates - file paths +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org capture templates - file paths]] + +*** DONE Agenda view and timestamps + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost][Agenda view and timestamps]] + +*** DONE agenda view tags filtering + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost][agenda view tags filtering]] + +*** DONE Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List]] + +*** DONE macros: escaping "," and comments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][macros: escaping "," and comments]] + + Commas can now be escaped. We will not have comments, because that + limits what one can do with macros. + +*** DONE org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans)]] + + As documented in the manual, one needs to use C-u C-c C-l + +*** DONE HOWTO?: make install contrib +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][HOWTO?: make install contrib]] + +*** DECLINED Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno][Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system]] + We no longer support Emacs 21. +*** DECLINED (babel) help debugging latex export :Babel: + - State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:04] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging latex export]] + +*** CLOSED Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects?]] +*** CLOSED OT: orgmode on my palm TX? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][OT: orgmode on my palm TX?]] +*** CLOSED org-learn question +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-learn question]] +*** CLOSED org tables - modified field + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:22] + :END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org tables - modified field ]] + +It is a bit much to expect that emphasis in table fields would not +disturb calc operations. + +*** CLOSED org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:23] + :END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags]] + + +This does not look like an issue we need to track (- Carsten) + +*** CLOSED column view asterisks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:58] +- State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:13] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][column view asterisks]] + +This is a minor issue, no action taken + +*** CLOSED how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom][how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring]] + +This is an Emacs issue and does not need tracking here. + +*** CLOSED Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key]] + +Answered on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED .ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][.ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice]] +Answered on the mailing list, by customizing `org-file-apps'. +*** CLOSED bug with link following +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +- State "BUG" from "CLOSED" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:15] +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo][bug with link following]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have reexamined the bug I had, and as far as I can tell, it occurs +because of the punctuation at the end of the header line. I am +attaching a file that shows the funny behavior. I can link to a +header titled "Foobar" correctly, but not one titled "submit through +submission site:" Attempts to link to the one word header "Bletch:" +also fail. +#+END_QUOTE + +=org-store-link= removes all characters except numbers, letters and +whitespace when creating the link target. Opening the link with +=org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline= set to non-nil +subsequently fails. + +**** org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies]] + +*** CLOSED org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom][org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells?]] + +Org-mode tables do not support multiline cells. + +*** CLOSED org-mode + pomodoro +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode + pomodoro]] + +*** CLOSED stuck project and check boxes +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr][stuck project and check boxes]] + +*** CLOSED a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents]] + +*** CLOSED Examples in numbered lists + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Examples in numbered lists]] + +Indentation can solve this, as explained on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED Error during Publishing to HTML + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error during Publishing to HTML]] + + +This seems to be a non-issue, I am closing it. + +*** CLOSED Org-beamer and beamer overlays +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg][Org-beamer and beamer overlays]] + +*** CLOSED merging column view headings across files +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca][merging column view headings across files]] + +*** CLOSED Table of Contents in html export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Table of Contents in html export]] + +*** CLOSED Trouble syncing files to mobile-org. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Trouble syncing files to mobile-org.]] + +*** CLOSED Mark days in calendar based on agenda + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mark days in calendar based on agenda]] + +This can be done using %(org-diary), as was explained on the list. + +*** CLOSED "{" in Latex fragments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:13] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom]["{" in Latex fragments]] + +I believe that this is solved - the OP did not come back after the +last help suggestion from the mailing list. So I am closing this. + +*** CLOSED (babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update]] + link not resolving + +*** CLOSED file+olp problem in org-capture. +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][file+olp problem in org-capture.]] + +*** CLOSED Folding org drawers in elisp code? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Folding org drawers in elisp code?]] + +The corresponding elisp code was published on the mailing list by Carsten + +*** CLOSED mathjax HTML export question + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][mathjax HTML export question]] + +Question was answered by Jan. + +*** CLOSED Deleting EXPERIMENTAL + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Deleting EXPERIMENTAL]] + +This is a non-issue. Right now there is nothing interesting in this +directory, but it mighr still come in handy. + +*** CLOSED Emacs & problem to export to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs & problem to export to HTML]] + +*** CLOSED Some useful timestamp s-expressions +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Some useful timestamp s-expressions ]] + +*** CLOSED make without make cleanall safe? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][make without make cleanall safe?]] + +*** CLOSED Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom][Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable?]] + +*** CLOSED beamer export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca][beamer export]] + +Looks like this was an old version of Org-mode. + +*** CLOSED Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom][Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o]] + +*** CLOSED tag or property names with dashes + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "CLOSED" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][tag or property names with dashes]] + +The "_-" in a property name can now be escaped in a property search +with "\-". Also, Manish and Carsten are testing a patch to allow "#" +and "%" in tags. + +*** CLOSED Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file]] + +*** CLOSED EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm][EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode]] + +*** CLOSED (Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer?]] + +This is indeed the standard behavior of #+DRAWERS. + +*** CLOSED Links Lost and Export-Report + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:00] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Links Lost and Export-Report]] + +Id locations can be refresehed, and custom links is what Stefan Volmar +really wants. The answers are in the mailing list archives. + +*** CLOSED (BUG) org-capture: file+function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-capture: file+function ]] +An example was published on the mailing list on how to deal with this case. + +*** CLOSED C-u usage +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][C-u usage]] + +*** CLOSED More structure on org-hacks.php +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom][More structure on org-hacks.php]] + +*** CLOSED See total effort in my agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][See total effort in my agenda]] + +*** CLOSED export TODO keyword +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export TODO keyword]] + +*** CLOSED TODO hooks +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][TODO hooks]] + +*** CLOSED Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede][Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now]] + +*** CLOSED bug in make info? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][bug in make info?]] + +*** CLOSED question about date-tree +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about date-tree]] + +** CLOSED empty lines in datetree capture templates +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:32] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][empty lines in datetree capture templates]] + +Malformed capture template. + +** CLOSED remember template is slow +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][remember template is slow]] + +** CLOSED org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item]] + +** CLOSED org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period]] + +** CLOSED Error using Calc time format in table +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Error using Calc time format in table]] + +** CLOSED bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom][bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad]] + +** CLOSED Src blocks fontification issue +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Src blocks fontification issue]] + +** CLOSED (babel) python session speed vs non session :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) python session speed vs non session]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point]] + +** CLOSED Beamer column alignment +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Beamer column alignment]] + +** CLOSED org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line" +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop][org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line"]] + +** CLOSED questions about table mode and spreadsheets +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about table mode and spreadsheets]] + +** CLOSED Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO" +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO"]] + +** CLOSED Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export]] + +** CLOSED Secretary.el +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom][Secretary.el]] + +** CLOSED (Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error]] + +** CLOSED Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports]] + +** CLOSED Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events?]] + +** CLOSED Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class]] + +** CLOSED Magit Integration - logging magit events. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Magit Integration - logging magit events.]] + +** CLOSED Context sensitive M-q +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom][Context sensitive M-q]] + +** CLOSED bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules]] + +** CLOSED 7.01trans obsolete variables +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][7.01trans obsolete variables]] + +** CLOSED bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy]] + +** CLOSED Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error]] + +** CLOSED org-babel and gnuplot +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel and gnuplot]] + +** CLOSED setting index.org for MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][setting index.org for MobileOrg]] + +** CLOSED How to capture another file's column view +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp][How to capture another file's column view]] + +** CLOSED Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom][Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name?]] + +** CLOSED org-beamer outline +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer outline]] + +** CLOSED Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks)]] + +** CLOSED Agenda and weather forecast +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Agenda and weather forecast]] + +** CLOSED Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits]] + +** CLOSED meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall][meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references]] + +** CLOSED Exporting property values to LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting property values to LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly]] + +** CLOSED Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry]] + +** CLOSED Problem with Babel and sessions :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with Babel and sessions]] + +** CLOSED plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom][plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request]] + +** CLOSED latex link target name +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo][latex link target name]] + +** CLOSED Repeating tasks on specific days of the week +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Repeating tasks on specific days of the week]] + +** CLOSED IP locator +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo][IP locator]] + +** CLOSED problem with label in latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo][problem with label in latex export]] + +** CLOSED ical export -> google calendar woes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet][ical export -> google calendar woes]] + +** CLOSED bug: babel-* dirs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel-* dirs]] + +** CLOSED org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs]] + +** CLOSED Export function to Vcal file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Export function to Vcal file ]] + +** CLOSED Mediawiki and org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mediawiki and org-mode]] + +** CLOSED Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released]] + +** CLOSED Org capture with predefined entries from a list? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Org capture with predefined entries from a list?]] + +** CLOSED Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug: Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github.]] + +** CLOSED org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet][org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode]] + +** CLOSED Include files to be used in literate programming :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom][Include files to be used in literate programming]] + +** CLOSED lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link]] + +** CLOSED Bug : http in http link export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug : http in http link export]] + +** CLOSED wanderlust links +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom][wanderlust links]] + +** CLOSED image size in html export +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom][image size in html export]] + +** CLOSED Bug in column view with cookie on item line +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo][Bug in column view with cookie on item line]] + +** CLOSED Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0)]] + +** CLOSED Change color in fontified html export for strings +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom][Change color in fontified html export for strings]] + +** CLOSED Customizing agenda line format +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca][Customizing agenda line format]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> > Well, I tried setting org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to "%0s", which +> > didn't work, but I didn't think about the above. So I tried this now. +> > It does remove the todo keyword, but it does only that. In particular, +> > there is now a space at the beginning of each line, which I assume is +> > simply the space in the headline that succeeds the todo keyword. Any +> > way of getting rid of that? Thanks for the pointer so far. +> > +> +> The information at the beginning of the line is controlled by +> org-agenda-prefix-format. What is the value of org-agenda-prefix-format +> on your machine? + +It seems to be more complicated than that. Here's what I found out by +tinkering around with settings a little. Setting +org-agenda-prefix-format to "" (as I already did before) correctly +removes the prefix *before* the TODO keyword. The formatting function +for everything starting with the TODO keyword, however, seems to +unconditionally insert a space between the TODO keyword and the rest of +the line. Thus, even if the TODO keyword is empty (by setting +org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to ""), there is still a space after the +now empty TODO keyword. Hence, the extra space at the beginning of the +line. To me it seems like there's no way around this with the standard +org mode settings. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Freemind conversion and Notes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Freemind conversion and Notes]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization]] + +** CLOSED camel.el, for CamelCase links +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +** CLOSED listing org source blocks in LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom][listing org source blocks in LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED #+STYLE: strangeness +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][#+STYLE: strangeness]] + +** CLOSED Query: Nested sort in table? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Query: Nested sort in table?]] + +** CLOSED Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org" +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom][Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org"]] + +** CLOSED A LaTeX class for Org-mode export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom][A LaTeX class for Org-mode export]] + +** CLOSED org-scan-tags +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-scan-tags]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede][org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries]] + +** CLOSED org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED Question: Repeating Items? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Question: Repeating Items?]] + +** CLOSED Latex export of subtree not working for me +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** CLOSED extremely weird "bad sexp" errors +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][extremely weird "bad sexp" errors]] + +** CLOSED suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks]] + +** CLOSED Load macros from other files? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Load macros from other files?]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode API? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-Mode API?]] + +** CLOSED Bibtex and latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bibtex and latex export]] + +** CLOSED Worg link broken +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom][Worg link broken]] + +** CLOSED Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** CLOSED Remember item under specific :PROJECT: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remember item under specific :PROJECT:]] + +** CLOSED options and batch exporting +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom][options and batch exporting]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:53] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link.]] + +** CLOSED Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA]] + +** CLOSED (babel) Environment around exported results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(babel) Environment around exported results]] + +** CLOSED Relative dates with sexep +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost][Relative dates with sexep]] + +** CLOSED Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0]] + +** CLOSED Problem when previewing latex fragments +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom][Problem when previewing latex fragments]] + +** CLOSED Putting latex in document titles +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Putting latex in document titles]] + +** CLOSED Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop][Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings]] + +** CLOSED Org-weather: display on some dates +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-weather: display on some dates]] + +** CLOSED BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "DECLINED" from "BUG" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:01] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task]] + +** CLOSED The \only<> overlay in beamer +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][The \only<> overlay in beamer]] + +No follow-up of OP since [2011-09-29 Do] + +** CLOSED SQLite in 7.01h? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][SQLite in 7.01h?]] + +** CLOSED org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem]] + +** CLOSED How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex]] + +** CLOSED Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo][Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android]] + +No follow-up by OP since [2010-09-20 Mo] + +** CLOSED orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices. +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices.]] + +** CLOSED Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc)]] + +** CLOSED Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org) +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org)]] + +** CLOSED Howto define formula for table regions +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom][Howto define formula for table regions]] + +** CLOSED does #+PROPERTY still exist ? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][does #+PROPERTY still exist ?]] + +** CLOSED Ditaa usage +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa usage]] + +** CLOSED cheatsheets in emacs +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cheatsheets in emacs]] + +** CLOSED "No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link]] + +** CLOSED subtree export fails with src block +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: subtree export fails with src block]] + +** CLOSED *.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:04] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard]] + +Seems to be a Snow Leopard issue + +** CLOSED wrap sourcecode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][wrap sourcecode?]] + +** CLOSED File-level execute permissions? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][File-level execute permissions?]] + +** CLOSED Requests about the code demarcation +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Requests about the code demarcation]] + +** CLOSED Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk][Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer?]] + +** CLOSED ditaa set-up on windows box +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ditaa set-up on windows box]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP]] + +** CLOSED Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:45] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree]] + +** CLOSED table, moving cells + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:49] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno][table, moving cells]] + +This is a non issue, and workaround have been shown on the mailing list. + +** CLOSED (PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions]] + +** CLOSED geolocated notes +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][geolocated notes]] + +** CLOSED org-footnote in messages, practical question. + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][org-footnote in messages, practical question.]] + +** CLOSED Windows installation with msysGit +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Windows installation with msysGit]] + +** CLOSED Can't find LaTeX under MAC + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Can't find LaTeX under MAC]] +Not an Org mode question. +** CLOSED LaTeX classes for Resume Writing +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][LaTeX classes for Resume Writing]] + +** CLOSED org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment?]] + +** CLOSED how to set faces? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom][how to set faces?]] + +** CLOSED org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash]] + +** CLOSED Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files]] + +** CLOSED lisp functions in column view +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][lisp functions in column view]] + +** CLOSED (babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file]] + +** CLOSED (beamer) export a long source block as in several frames +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(beamer) export a long source block as in several frames]] + +** CLOSED Sidewaystable in org? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Sidewaystable in org?]] + +** CLOSED org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items]] + +** CLOSED Fold "preamble/options" under first header +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fold "preamble/options" under first header]] + +** CLOSED (babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu][(babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name]] + +** CLOSED Projects+Next Actions view + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Projects+Next Actions view]] + +** CLOSED Having problems with faces in org agenda +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo][Having problems with faces in org agenda]] + +** CLOSED link export confused when URL parameter is another URL +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][link export confused when URL parameter is another URL]] + +** CLOSED POPERTIES Effort and HTML export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:49] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018 +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018][POPERTIES Effort and HTML export]] + +** CLOSED Agenda sorting strategy + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Agenda sorting strategy]] + +** CLOSED Store link upon sending a message +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][Store link upon sending a message]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Org-agenda.el :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(PATCH) Org-agenda.el]] + +** CLOSED strike through display problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][strike through display problem]] + +** CLOSED org-capture: file to top level with prepend + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:51] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture: file to top level with prepend]] + +Gmane link does not work. + +** CLOSED Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9]] + +No further reaction from OP +** CLOSED wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED org-agenda-skip-function not working +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-agenda-skip-function not working]] + +** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +** CLOSED 7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known]] + +** CLOSED Habits bug? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu][Habits bug?]] + +** CLOSED New clocktable code bug + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][New clocktable code bug]] + +** CLOSED (BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python? +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python?]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 ]] + +No feed back or backtrace via mailing list, issue closed. + +** CLOSED Executing sh code within sessions +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh code within sessions]] + +** CLOSED publishing a drawer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "IDEA" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:25] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][publishing a drawer]] + +** CLOSED Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil]] + +** CLOSED Org 7.3 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu][Org 7.3]] + +No followup in the thread, seems to be an isolated problem + +** CLOSED bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items]] + +** CLOSED Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:49] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags]] + +** CLOSED org-faq: Invalid XHTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-01-29 Sa 15:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:27] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-faq: Invalid XHTML]] + +** CLOSED Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:35] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk][Bug: Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:46] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom][Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks]] + +** CLOSED UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED latex table export not centered +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede][latex table export not centered]] + +** DONE syntax bugs in footnotes + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) syntax bugs in footnotes]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code]] + +** DONE Why :ID: properties? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom][Why :ID: properties?]] + +** DONE Directory Links (and a bug?) +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Directory Links (and a bug?)]] + +** DONE bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html)) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html))]] + +** DONE (WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode?]] + +** DONE Search files in a folder +CLOSED: [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Search files in a folder]] + +** DONE Agenda: Hide Sched. Items +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda: Hide Sched. Items]] + +** DONE problem exporting region from within a read-only file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting region from within a read-only file]] + +** DONE todos without timestamp in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][todos without timestamp in agenda]] + +** DONE image alt text for HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][image alt text for HTML export]] + +** DONE export of .org file from within a different .org file +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom][export of .org file from within a different .org file]] + +** DONE Templates - newline in string? +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit][Templates - newline in string?]] + +** DONE different result in spreadsheet tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush][different result in spreadsheet tutorial]] + +** DONE org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id) +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id)]] + +** DONE (bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set]] + +** DONE (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Re: (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working]] + +** DONE including holidays in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][including holidays in agenda]] + +** DONE org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** DONE Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords? +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords?]] + +** DONE inline images in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo][inline images in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Would it be reasonable to augment org's processing of #+ directives so +that an org user can specify (that Org should display inline images, +D.M.) there instead of using the local variables, which is less +user-friendly? +#+END_QUOTE + +** DONE (bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:54] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types]] + +** DONE Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments]] + +** DONE C-a T DONE behavior +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost][C-a T DONE behavior]] + +** DONE calendar and agenda entries +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][calendar and agenda entries]] + +** DONE Latex export of subtree not working for me + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** DONE Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word) +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word)]] + +** DONE How can I get document metadata? +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][How can I get document metadata?]] + +** DONE Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function]] +Reply in thread +** DONE Sparse trees and searching for multiple words + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sparse trees and searching for multiple words]] + +Use search view +** DONE Tags in Agenda View +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom][Tags in Agenda View]] + +** DONE #+source line in export +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom][#+source line in export]] + +** DONE exporting to a specified directory +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][exporting to a specified directory]] + +** DONE Update for habit documentation + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:44] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom][Update for habit documentation]] +Manual was updated +** DONE Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:06] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file]] + +Such a function was posted on the mailing list. + +** DONE Exporting to html +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting to html]] + +** DONE Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo][Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses]] + +** DONE bug with spaces in regexp search +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug with spaces in regexp search]] + +** DONE Agenda Question +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom][Agenda Question]] + +** DONE Yet another way to use maps --- the light way +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Yet another way to use maps --- the light way]] + +** DONE compiling org without make +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice][compiling org without make]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:48] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca +:ASSIGNEE: Carsten +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca][(PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines]] + +** DONE org-capture (lost PATCH?) +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture (lost PATCH?)]] + +** DONE Cannot insert column - wrong type argument +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice][Cannot insert column - wrong type argument]] + +** DONE Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output]] + +** DONE How do I convert org to OpenOffice? + CLOSED: [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :LOGBOOK: + - Note taken on [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] \\ + Added FAQ on converting to doc/odt. + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I convert org to OpenOffice?]] + +** DONE Filter scheduled items +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Filter scheduled items]] + +** DONE Title for capture template +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Title for capture template]] + +** DONE publishing orgmode to a CMS +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][publishing orgmode to a CMS]] + +** DONE bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails]] + +** DONE Latex exporter bug or feature? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo][Latex exporter bug or feature?]] + +** DONE How to not publish log done note? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to not publish log done note?]] + +** DONE Omit top level heading in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo][Omit top level heading in latex export?]] + +** DONE How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom][How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + +** DONE Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page?]] + +** DONE (PATCH) there is no ś in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][(PATCH) there is no ś in HTML]] + +** DONE Quoting formula "cookies" in table? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Quoting formula "cookies" in table?]] + +** DONE custom postamble in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][custom postamble in HTML export]] + +** DONE quotation marks in LaTeX (again) +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][quotation marks in LaTeX (again)]] + +** DONE Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome][Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error]] + +** DONE (BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes]] + +** DONE Orgmode and filling +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and filling]] + +** DONE Tracking time with MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tracking time with MobileOrg]] + +** DONE conditional export based on target +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][conditional export based on target]] + +** DONE (babel) Writing R-packages the org way? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Writing R-packages the org way?]] + +** DONE (BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][(BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement]] + +** DONE How can I just publish entry marked as DONE? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I just publish entry marked as DONE?]] + +** DONE Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone?]] + +** DONE Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return?]] + +** DONE library of babel, bootabs question +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][library of babel, bootabs question]] + +** DONE how to reverse a region of outline items +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to reverse a region of outline items]] + +** DONE bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future]] + +** DONE TaskJuggler 3, revisited +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TaskJuggler 3, revisited]] + +** DONE (BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentation +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentatidon]] + +** DONE Export Headings Only? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export Headings Only?]] + +** DONE org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse]] + +** DONE No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:18] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule]] + +** DONE Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML]] + +** DONE Feature request +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request]] + +** DONE centering text in html +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][centering text in html]] + +** DONE Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML]] + +** DONE Need help publishing subdirectories +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Need help publishing subdirectories]] + +** DONE puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom][puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour]] + +** DONE optimal usage Q : how would you do this? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][optimal usage Q : how would you do this?]] + +** DONE cache issue when publishing website with include file +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cache issue when publishing website with include file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export]] + +** DONE org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:29] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor]] + +** DONE org-mobile-use-encryption :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile-use-encryption]] + +** DONE Insert link to recently captured Note? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert link to recently captured Note?]] + +** DONE (BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][(BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML]] + +** DONE org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp]] + +** DONE Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom][Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii]] + +** DONE Auto clock-out? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Auto clock-out? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE org-7 under Xemacs +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org-7 under Xemacs]] + +** DONE Elementary: How to return to the main view +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Elementary: How to return to the main view]] + +** DONE Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5)]] + +** DONE org-freemind.el and rx +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom][org-freemind.el and rx]] + +** DONE 7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work]] + +** DONE blorgit build +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][blorgit build]] + +** DONE Bug (?) in org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo][Bug (?) in org-capture]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading and inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][org-insert-heading and inline tasks]] + +** DONE Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export?]] + +** DONE (Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML]] + +** DONE Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented]] + +** DONE Babel for blogging :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr][Babel for blogging]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-insert-heading]] + +** DONE #+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM][#+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation?]] + +** DONE mobileorg app can't sync :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom][mobileorg app can't sync]] + +** DONE Publishing htaccess files with a project +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Publishing htaccess files with a project]] + +** DONE Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML]] + +** DONE Library calls and begin_example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom][(Babel) Library calls and begin_example]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE (BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format? +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format?]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode?]] + +** DONE Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp]] + +** DONE Latex Export +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom][Latex Export]] + +** DONE xemacs compatibility +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][xemacs compatibility]] + +** DONE Exporting #+lob :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom][Exporting #+lob]] + +** DONE (babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org?]] + +** DONE Unable to export babel results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Unable to export babel results]] + +** DONE org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom][org-default-notes-file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:55] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl][(PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables]] + +** DONE pcomplete bug in 7.4 +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr][pcomplete bug in 7.4]] + +** DONE (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:51] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE]] + +** DONE (manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:25] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict]] + +** DONE indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line]] + +** DONE bug: invalid export key in export visible region +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:58] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: invalid export key in export visible region]] + +** DONE fill-region and list items +CLOSED: [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:14] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) fill-region and list items]] + +** DONE Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:23] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE][(O) Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph]] +** DONE proper visibility cycling for items + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Make them not hide the text after the final list item. + This is not trivial, we cannot usenormal outline stuff, + needs a separate implementation. +** DONE (PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:32] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists]] + +** DONE preserving location of point + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][preserving location of point]] + Resolved - works with emacs -Q, so it is due to some other + package. +** DONE VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice][VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u ]] + +** DONE question about link syntax +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about link syntax]] + +** DONE M-return on list items in quote blocks + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:24] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: M-return on list items in quote blocks]] +** CLOSED (ANN) List improvement v.2 + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) List improvement v.2 ]] + +git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + +** CLOSED (ANN) New lists definition :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) New lists definition]] + + git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + + Superseded by [[id:mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom%5D%5BList%20improvement%20v%2E2%5D%5D + +** CLOSED Export of quoted region to HTML +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:34 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Export of quoted region to HTML]] + +"At the moment, there is no real support for lists inside blocks." ([[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/34716][Re: Export of quoted region to HTML]]) +** CLOSED Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] \\ + Cannot reproduce it anymore on [2011-07-16 sam.]. +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:44 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom][Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook]] + +** DONE (bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] \\ + Fixed with new escaping mechanism. +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] +** DONE possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1)]] + +** DONE Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom][Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days]] + Patch is applied. +** DONE bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer%! +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer]] + +** DONE Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:52] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** DONE habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p][Bug: habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g)]] + +The code now has a better error message for this case. + +** DONE Git pull breaks agenda? + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: Git pull breaks agenda?]] + +** DONE Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:23] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom][Bug: Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4)]] + +** DONE Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5)) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:10] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][Bug: Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5))]] + +** DONE Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists]] + +** DONE (babel) Error Before first headline. :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error Before first headline.]] + +** DONE Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:10] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel]] + +** DONE Org-Babel and Ledger :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-Babel and Ledger]] + +** DONE (BABEL) Commands for navigation :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Commands for navigation]] + +** DONE Comments in tangled source + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Comments in tangled source]] + +** DONE (babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook]] + +** DONE (babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug? + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug?]] + +** DONE Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows]] + +** DONE (babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png]] + +** DONE (babel) support plantuml :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) support plantuml]] + +** DONE (org-babel) References Not Expanding :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:20] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) References Not Expanding]] + +** DONE (ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:08] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands]] + +** DONE problem with babel and R :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:02] + :END: + [2010-08-17 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][problem with babel and R]] + +Now possible to wrap results in Org blocks which can export as raw +org, but still allow for clean replacement of raw Org results. + +** DONE The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file]] + +** DONE indentation in capture templates :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ indentation in capture templates]] + +** DONE Capture and clock options +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and clock options]] + +** DONE Capture and checkitem +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:06] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and checkitem]] + + +This is now fixed, two reasonably serious issues. checkitem was not +implemented at all, and both checkitem and item could be placed into +the wrong subtree. + +** DONE (BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer]] + +** DONE (BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer]] + +** DONE Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop' + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Clocking + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop']] +** DONE Document the :recursive option for org-publish +CLOSED: [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: +** DONE typo in org.texi? :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:38] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:36] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][typo in org.texi?]] + +** DONE improve doc string + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - patch: http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/26 + - Org repo commit: http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git/commitdiff/bc53b3da3bf95c767113625693895a7dcbf389bb +** DONE workaround for the given example + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Worg repo commit: http://repo.or.cz/w/Worg.git/commitdiff/f5814f05998292d4eb80f9772c279e9837644f29 +** DONE (bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export]] + This has been fixed + +** DONE lists, maths and export to latex :Patch: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: lists, maths and export to latex]] +*** (PATCH) lists and exportation to latex + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Eric Schulte + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) lists and exportation to latex]] + + This patch has been applied. + +** DONE latex export and booktabs tables :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:02] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][latex export and booktabs tables]] +** DONE Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath? + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Carsten + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + This has been fixed, use the setting #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:verbatim. + It is also documented in the jsMath tutorial. + +** DONE Comment before \begin{equation} exported verbatim + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I noticed the following behavior: A comment line starting with "#" +immediately before a \begin{equation} environment is passed verbatim +as well. I don't think it counts as a bug, since there should probably +be a blank line before \begin anyway. +#+END_QUOTE + + This issue has been fixed. + +** DONE Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML]] + + - Patch :: [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/90/][90]] +** DONE Support multiple CSS container classes :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS property]] +** DONE Literal examples and indentation +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Literal examples and indentation]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Ok, so the answer of my initial question is no. + +That's a bit sad because, IMHO, this could a little be smarter than +this. For example if the line to indent is an empty one, then don't +insert indentation, or if the text is already indented then indent +with respect of the current indentation, etc... +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export]] + + Eric Fraga's code is now on the master branch. + +** DONE (BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export]] + Fixed, patch by Eri Schulte, this now gives a good error message + +** DONE (PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during LaTeX Export :Babel: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during + LaTeX Export]] + + Fixed with special treatment of these lines before the first headline +** DONE (BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading :Babel: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading]] + + Fixed, patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML]] +** DONE Minor Bug in ical2org awk script +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Minor Bug in ical2org awk script]] +** DONE Correct babel format for ditaa? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Correct babel format for ditaa?]] + +** DONE Bug in org-colview/org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Bug in org-colview/org-beamer?]] +** DONE bug in org-mode-export-as-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal][bug in org-mode-export-as-latex]] +** DONE LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))) +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)))]] + +** DONE Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +- State "ASSIGNED" from "BUG" [2010-08-08 So 14:27] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:15] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom +:ASSIGNEE: dmaus +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom][Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory]] + +** DONE Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 11:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex]] + +** DONE Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export]] + +** DONE BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-( +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-(]] + +** DONE Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for]] + +** DONE html-export mangels mailto: links +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) html-export mangels mailto: links]] + +** DONE escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans)]] + +There was a bug here (fixed), and also a user error (told the user so +on the mailing list). + +** DONE export to latex broken +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:22] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex broken]] + +The offending commit has been reverted. + +** DONE Publishing documents body-only + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 13:58] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + +The :body-only property is now available in the publishing setup. + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom][Publishing documents body-only]] + +** DONE Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:44] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans)]] + + [2010-07-20 Tue] Request for backtrace sent to bug report author + +** DONE suggesting a new function org-export-string :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][suggesting a new function org-export-string]] +** DONE portable absolute links in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][portable absolute links in HTML export]] + +** DONE insert a remember template at point +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][insert a remember template at point]] +** DONE Movement of C-a under visible-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Movement of C-a under visible-mode]] +** DONE org-mode and auto-fill-mode :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:24] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode and auto-fill-mode]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1hblfgkp1%2Efsf%40cam%2Eac%2Euk][Removing (modify-syntax-entry ?# "<")]] + +** DONE Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain][Bug: Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i)]] +** DONE org-feed not working for codeproject :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-feed not working for codeproject]] +** DONE (mobileorg) Android sync failed :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobileorg) Android sync failed]] +** DONE org-capture question/suggestion + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][org-capture question/suggestion]] + This patch has been applied, estimate operators are now active and + documented. +** DONE Displaying inline remote images +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:01] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Displaying inline remote images]] +** DONE Tables and environment with parameters + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Tables and environment with parameters]] + Another case of checking for protectedness at the wrong place (the + following line :( ) +** DONE org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:00] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd))]] +** DONE org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51))]] +** DONE inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active]] + +*** inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up%! + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][Bug: inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up]] +** DONE Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans) + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D8739vzpqx1.wl%25dmaus%40ictsoc.de][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed by fixing the function org-find-olp, this can not search just + in the current buffer if the THIS-BUFFER flag is set. +** DONE Problem when org-capturing text from French email + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Problem when org-capturing text from French email]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus to work around Emacs bug #5306. + +** DONE org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans) + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus. + +** DONE web site bug +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][web site bug]] +** DONE indent levels in dynamic block clock? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent levels in dynamic block clock?]] +** DONE org-collector : display problem with propview +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-collector : display problem with propview]] +** DONE startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block) +CLOSED: [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block)]] +** DONE Diary-integration in version 7.01.g +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3Dop.vgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost.localdomain][Diary-integration in version 7.01.g]] +** DONE Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG= +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:59] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG=]] +** DONE links and ID properties +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][links and ID properties]] + +** DONE (Patch) Capture: [Error: (void-function FILE)] and %![Error: (void-function SEXP)] (again)%! +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) Capture: %!(Error: (void-function FILE)) and %!(Error: (void-function SEXP)) (again)]] +** DONE (BUG) Org-capturing items to clock +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Org-capturing items to clock]] +** DONE Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:42] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer]] +** DONE MobileOrg capture - bad encoding :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg capture - bad encoding]] +** DONE Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient]] +** DONE (BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems]] +** DONE avoiding source block prompts +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu][avoiding source block prompts]] +** DONE (babel) lob evaluation : a bug ? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(babel) lob evaluation : a bug ?]] + +** DONE (mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom][(mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing]] + +** DONE bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties? :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties?]] + +** DONE (Patch) Org-fontify :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Patch) Org-fontify]] + +** DONE (PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string.]] + +** DONE org-feed XML entities and character encoding :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][org-feed XML entities and character encoding]] + +** DONE (Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil]] + +** DONE (Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:15] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition)]] + +I installed the new code into the contirb directory. + +** DONE Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot?]] + +This is solved, and new example on how to work with GNUPLOT are up on Worg. + +** CLOSED Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** CLOSED Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight]] + +** CLOSED export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug: export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks]] + +** CLOSED org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:19] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection]] + +True, but cannot be fixed, at least not easily. The new entry can +still be found at the original target location, go there with `C-c C-u +C-c r'. + +** CLOSED org-capture + autoload + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture + autoload]] +The autoload Cookie is in there now. + +** CLOSED capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...) +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:14] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...)]] + +Not a bug. Cf. manual Template expansion and Carsten's +explanation: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6DE91187%2D59F0%2D4AA3%2D9487%2DA758CEB6D5DE%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 +commit-972b0a58...)]]. + +** CLOSED documention missing +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][Bug: documention missing]] + +** CLOSED Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Bug) Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk]] +** CLOSED org capture: use org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom][org capture: use org-default-notes-file]] + +** CLOSED Comments cannot be filled +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + +** CLOSED Disputed keys (meta left), (meta right) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 12:48] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:25] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Disputed keys]] +** DONE keys and command name info + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:44] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][keys and command name info]] + +** CLOSED Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] \\ + Insufficient information and no confirmation of the bug since more + than six months. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:31] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/66] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY?]] + +** DONE Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers. :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/65] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers.]] + +** DONE Re: export to latex broken :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 20:55] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:37 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/63] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][(O) Re: export to latex broken]] + +** DONE (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] \\ + This has been applied to master. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 21:04] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:39 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/62] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom][(O) (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command]] + +** DONE Macro expansion in included files :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] \\ + Applied already. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 16:07] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:42 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/61] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Macro expansion in included files]] + +** CLOSED "org-nil" error in LaTeX export :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:47] \\ + No report. Apperently, an user configuration problem. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/60] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) "org-nil" error in LaTeX export]] +** CLOSED (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] \\ + No confirmation under 30 weeks. Probably an user misconfiguration. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 00:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/58] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block]] + +** DONE Verbatim code gets interpreted :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/57] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) (Bug) Verbatim code gets interpreted]] + +** CLOSED (BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:50] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:35 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/38] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli][(BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers]] + +** DONE For Patchwork workers: An updated pw + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom][For Patchwork workers: An updated pw]] + +The pw script that should be used to work with our patchwork server +is part of the distribution, UTILITIES/pw. Among other things, this +script arranges for automatic emails to the mailing list when the +status of a patch changes. + +** DONE (ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite][(ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode]] +I have made a link to this new translator on Worg, in +org-translators.org. + +** CLOSED tags grouping not working :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:43] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 02:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/20] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede][Bug: tags grouping not working]] +** DONE org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org]] + +org-velocity.el is now a contributed packge, with documentation on worg. +** CLOSED Footnote incorrect in Worg + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:34 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Footnote incorrect in Worg]] + +** CLOSED org-mediawiki :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:53 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/17] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mediawiki]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:54 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/16] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file]] + +** CLOSED send mail without starting gnus first :new: + CLOSED: [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:57] + - Note taken on [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] \\ + This is a gnus issue. + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [3/15] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][send mail without starting gnus first]] + +** CLOSED links and no match message :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:30] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:03 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/12] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu][links and no match message]] + +No answer in 25 weeks. Case closed. +** CLOSED org-cdlatex after environment :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/11] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-cdlatex after environment]] + +Document to reproduce: + +#+begin_src org +,* Heading +,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +;; Turn on cdlatex-mode +(org-cdlatex-mode 1) +,#+END_SRC + + +\begin{eqnarray*} + & & \\ +\end{eqnarray*} + +\begin{eqnarray*} +b&=& +\begin{cases} +1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 +\end{cases} +5 +\end{eqnarray*} + + +Typing _ after 4 prints _{}. Typing _ after 5 only gives _. 5 isn't +considered to be part of math-mode anymore. +#+end_src + +** DONE Org now fontifies code blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][Org now fontifies code blocks]] + +** DONE MobileOrg now in the Android market + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][MobileOrg now in the Android market]] +** DONE (CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom][(CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point]] + +Included in Worg now. + +** DONE Finally jekyll and org-jekyll + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Finally jekyll and org-jekyll]] + +Documented in Worg. + +** DONE MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages]] + +Included in Org and documented. + +** CLOSED what am I missing about remote editing? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 15:41] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:11 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/10] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][what am I missing about remote editing?]] +** CLOSED error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier" :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:02] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:13 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/9] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier"]] + +** CLOSED void-function error :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:37] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/8] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][void-function error]] + +** DONE Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks :Babel:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 11:07 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks]] +** DONE Baffled by beamer blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:50] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:04 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) (BUG) Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +** DONE Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:36] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom][Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands]] + +#+begin_quote +Is there an option for org-metaup (org-metadown) and +outline-next-visible-heading (outline-previous-visible-heading) to +alway jump to the first non-star character in a headline instead of +the beginning of a headline? I could not find this option in the +manual. In my opinion, this would complement the "special C-a/e" +commands which I also use. This behaviour is already the default for +org-metaup/-down in lists. +#+end_quote + +** DONE LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug]] + +** DONE Row formulas + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + @4=..... + +** CLOSED latex export problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech][latex export problem]] + + - ngz :: not consistently reproducible, 41 weeks old, outdated + version of Org : closed. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE Make a variable that current line should be recomputed always + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + In each table. Skipping headers of course. +** DONE include value of single table cell in text? + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:49] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:17 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][include value of single table cell in text?]] + +** DONE (Feature Request) Cross headings in tables + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:51] +:END: + [2010-10-27 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Feature Request) Cross headings in tables]] + +** DONE MathJax is now the default for HTML math + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:21 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom][MathJax is now the default for HTML math]] + + - ngz :: it is in manual since a long time. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :END: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE + 1) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's + leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is + set to nil + + 2) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented + as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the + indentation should ideally return to what it was before the + inline task. Of course, this is also a problem when org-indent + is turned off, if you try to automatically hard-indent using + TAB. However, in that case you can adjust by hand the + indentation of the first line after the inline task, and then + all the following lines will indent correctly. With org-indent + the problem is much worse since there is no way of adjusting the + soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] + - ngz :: no further information to work on since 39 weeks. Case + probably closed. +** CLOSED Strange bug, request for more info + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :END: + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq6bjsas%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq6bjsas.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Re: Strange bug, request for more info]] + + - ngz :: very old bug, probably fixed now according to the last + post in the thread. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +The bug happens when being in the agenda and trying to goto or show +the origin location of an agenda entry by pressing SPC or RET. +John reports that sometimes (for him several times a day), +the other window shows a completely different location. +The most weird part of it is that going back to the agenda buffer +and then trying the exact same command again, everything works +fine! This is driving me crazy, and I'd love to find and fix +this problem. +#+END_QUOTE +** CLOSED PATCH: Fix for agenda problems :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo][PATCH: Fix for agenda problems]] + + - ngz :: probably applied, and function has changed since then. + +*** More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing :Mobile: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo][More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing]] + +*** Mobile-org crash --- same error? :Mobile: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mobile-org crash --- same error?]] + +** DONE COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 02:22] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:57] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 12:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][(O) Bug: Minor Bug: COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics (7.5 (release_7.5.24.g5f0ef))]] + + - ngz :: bug confirmed on 7.6 (release_7.6.75.g74e3) and hopefully + fixed. Waiting for confirmation. + +** CLOSED Capture abort: (void-function -mode) + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:44] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Capture abort: (void-function -mode)]] + +Problem is not yet reproducible. + + - ngz :: very old bug, no information or even confirmation it + happened since then. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED capture problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:14] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech][capture problem]] + + - ngz :: very old bug. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] +** CLOSED Recovering notes :Mobile: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobile-org) Recovering notes]] + + - ngz :: As informative as it is, we are not fixing issues for + outside applications. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error? :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:09] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error?]] + + - ngz :: still active, but not dependant on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ainsi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** CLOSED Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created) :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] + :END: + [2010-10-17 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created)]] + + - ngz :: confirmed, but not depending on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** DONE (PATCH) Markup on same line as text :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:48] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Markup on same line as text]] + - ngz :: patch already applied in code base. +** DONE clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items]] + + - ngz :: Carsten fixed it. + +** DONE (BABEL) Babel babel native fontification :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:37] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:48 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Two minor issues]] +** DONE Custom sorting of agenda items! + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) custom sorting of agenda items]] + - ngz :: Carsten full-filled that wish. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When giving a user-defined function for org-agenda-cmp-user-defined, +the function gets two agenda entries. Is there a way from an agenda entry +to get to the original org entry? + +Best would be if, besides a user-defined sort function, you could also provide +a function that takes the org entry and the agenda item (i.e. is run with point +on the org entry and is passed the agenda item), and can then store anything +it wants about the org entry as text properties on the agenda item. +The companion user-defined sorting function could then use these stored +text properties for ordering the agenda items. Could you add such a hook? +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:21] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:00 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][(PATCH) Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto]] + - ngz :: That function exists now. + +** CLOSED Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature Request: Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range]] + - ngz :: A solution for the problem at hand already exists and is + detailed in the FAQ. + +** DONE Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show. :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show.]] + - ngz :: Patch seems applied in code base. +** DONE Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:33] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 08:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg][Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines]] + - ngz :: David solved that bug with his escaping mechanism. + +** DONE Variable of standard links for completion with C-c C-l + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Or something like that, to make standard links fast. + +** DONE Unintended behavior? Links without description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:09] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:10 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Unintended behavior? Links without description]] + +#+begin_quote +In pre-processing for export with org-export-normalize-links, links +that lack a description part are given one, which consists of the full +raw path of the link. In other words, link descriptions are never nil. +This seems to conflict with the expectations of org-bbdb.el and custom +links based on that example. + +The link [[bbdb:Carsten Dominik]], for instance, is exported to html +and latex as follows: + + bbdb:Carsten Dominik + \textit{bbdb:Carsten Dominik}. + +Org-bbdb.el is clearly prepared to be passed a desc that is nil, in +which case it would use path instead: + +(defun org-bbdb-export (path desc format) + "Create the export version of a BBDB link specified by PATH or DESC. +If exporting to either HTML or LaTeX FORMAT the link will be +italicized, in all other cases it is left unchanged." + (cond + ((eq format 'html) (format "%s" (or desc path))) + ((eq format 'latex) (format "\\textit{%s}" (or desc path))) + (t (or desc path)))) + +However, desc is never nil, because a missing description part is +replaced in export pre-processing by a string consisting of the link +type, a colon, and the path. This takes place in the function +org-export-normalize-links. + +This makes for unexpected behavior in custom links that some of us +have defined. E.g., Thomas S. Dye's `cite' links (the thread +`org-add-link-type'): +#+end_quote + +Thomas S. Dye could track down this problem to at least 7.01trans +(release_7.01h.209.g2c33b). + +*** DONE org-add-link-type + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:12] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) org-add-link-type]] + +#+begin_quote +It looks as if an empty desc is never passed, instead it is replaced +with the full raw path. I don't think that's the right behavior, and I +don't really see how it could result from org-export-latex-links. +#+end_quote + +** DONE minted for latex source code export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:49 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][minted for latex source code export]] + +** DONE (WIP) OpenOffice Exporter + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WIP) OpenOffice Exporter]] + +** CLOSED Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans) + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:11] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 11:19 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans)]] + - ngz :: configuration mistake from OP. + +** DONE Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:54] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) (Babel) Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output]] +** CLOSED html export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX ignored for tables when used before first headline + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:22] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][LaTeX table export issue]] + +** DONE Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore? :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +- State "BUG" from "WISH" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore?]] + +** DONE Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:28] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:19] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) (BUG) Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading]] + - ngz :: Patch suggested. Waiting for confirmation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +** DONE (Patch) org-capture.el + CLOSED: [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-22 ven. 01:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Patch) org-capture.el]] +** DONE Rewrite of org-indent-mode :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:23] +- State "IDEA" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:20] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:28] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-08-18 jeu. 19:16 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (dev) org-indent-mode patch]] + + + - ngz :: this branch is an attempt to remove idle timer in + indent-mode and to make it compatible with + visual-line-mode. Though, it suffers from a long + initialization time (walking each line of the buffer to + add text-properties). + + The idea is to set =line-prefix= property to the level of + the current headline and =wrap-prefix= to the indentation + of the beginning of the line. These properties are + modified at each text modification (hook) on the modified + area only (so, this part is quick). + + - ngz :: I've implemented an asynchronous initialization. It needs + testing, though. + +Source : =git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +The rewrite would fix the following bugs: + +*** DONE Org cause Emacs to hang + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "BUG" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:04] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:39] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org cause Emacs to hang]] + +Possible fix is in + +=git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +Wait for feedback if this patch fixes the problem. + + - ngz :: this branch isn't satisfactory enough (too slow on + opening files). Thus, I re-open the bug. + + See [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for more information. + +*** DONE Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel][Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list]] + + - ngz :: see [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for a working solution + +# -*- org-tags-column: -80; sentence-end-double-space: t; -*- +#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t tex:t d:(HIDE LOGBOOK) tags:not-in-toc +#+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate +#+TODO: NEW(n) TODO(t!) WAITING(W!) IDEA(i!) WISH(w!) INCONSISTENCY(y!) BUG(b!) QUESTION(q!) | DONE(d!) DECLINED(c!) CLOSED(C!) +#+TAGS: Babel(b) Mobile(m) Patch(p) new(n) noexport(x) +#+TITLE: Open issues with Org mode +#+AUTHOR: Worg people +#+EMAIL: mdl AT imapmail DOT org +#+LANGUAGE: en +#+PRIORITIES: A C B +#+CATEGORY: worg +#+ARCHIVE: ::* Closed issues +#+DRAWERS: PROPERTIES LOGBOOK + +# This file is the default header for new Org files in Worg. Feel free +# to tailor it to your needs. + +* Introduction + +This is a simple mailing list based tracker for issues and other +things about Org mode. It is a replacement of the abandoned todo file +and incorporates its structure and parts of the nomenclature. The +purpose of this document is to keep track of issues, i.e. anything +that requires some kind of action, and other things like +announcements, hacks, feature ideas and the like. + +** Nomenclature + +On this page, TODO keywords are used in the following way: + + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Keyword* | Intention | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *NEW* | A new issue that is not yet classifed. | + | *TODO* | A task to be done. This includes but is not limited to answers to user requests, development or documentation tasks. | + | *WAITING* | A reported issue that requires a response to be processed further. | + | *IDEA* | A new idea, I have not yet decided what if anything I will do about it. | + | *WISH* | A wish, probably voiced by someone on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org. This is less than a new idea, more a change in existing behavior. | + | *DECLINED* | A feature or idea that was declined. Still in the list so that people can see it, complain, or still try to convince Carsten to implement it. | + | *INCONSISTENCY* | Some behavior in Org-mode that is not as clean and consistent as it should be. | + | *BUG* | A confirmed bug. This needs to be fixed, as soon as possible. | + | *QUESTION* | A question someone asked. | + | *DONE* | Well, done is done. | + | | <80> | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +In addition, tags are used to provide more detailed context +information. Currently these tags are used in this file: + + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Tag* | Context | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Babel* | Issue concerning [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/index.php][Org-babel]] | + | *Mobile* | Issue concerning [[http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/][MobileOrg]] | + | *Patch* | A patch is available via Org mode's [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/project/org-mode/list/][Patchwork tracker]] | + | *New* | All issues below the *New Issues* headline. | + | | <80> | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +** Document structure and maintenance + +New issues hitting the Org mode [[http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode][mailing list]] are recorded on a +(almost) daily basis using a yet to be published library that allows +operating on the issue file from within Wanderlust and (partly) Gnus. + +They are first filed to the heading *New Issues*. + +In a second step issues beneath this heading are reviewed. If an +issue triggers a development task it is properly classified (keywords, +tag) and refiled to the *Development Tasks* heading. If it is a user +request, it is classified using the *QUESTION* TODO keyword and filed +to heading *User Requests*. If it is already closed according to the +mailing list, it is immediately closed and moved to *Closed issues*. +If it cannot yet be classified or closed, it stays where it is. + +** Using this file + +This file is hosted and published on [[http://orgmode.org/worg/][Worg]]. So you can either read the +file via your browser or check out Worg's git repository. + +Everyone is encouraged to use this file to facilitate collaboration in +solving issue and extending Org mode. Thus, you can operate on the +entries as you wish, as long as the ID property is kept intact. + +Operating on this file includes, but is not limited to, classifying +new issues, doing research on an outstanding task, or grouping related +issues into a development task. If you start to take care of an open +issue or task, please put a token in a headline property called +"ASSIGNEE", so others can see that you started to take care of this +issue. + +[[file:index.org][{Back to Worg's index}]] + +* New Issues [0/0] :new: +* Development Tasks +** Agenda issues +*** IDEA Meta-grouping properties? + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Meta-grouping properties?]] +*** IDEA persistent frame for agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:09] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][persistent frame for agenda]] + +*** IDEA "Interactive" Search in Agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom]["Interactive" Search in Agenda]] + +*** IDEA overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature idea: overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling]] + +*** IDEA Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:18] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(REQUEST) Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views)]] + +#+begin_quote +> I have been a happy org-mode user for a while, using more and more of +> org-mode for more and more things. By now I have completely replaced my use +> of iCal (on the Mac) by the org-mode agenda, with no regrets. However, there +> is one feature that I am still trying to get into my agenda view, but I +> didn't find a way to do it yet. +> +> There are a couple of long-lasting "events" that I would like to show in my +> agenda view. A typical example would be school vacation periods, but there +> are others: absences of a colleague, availability of some instrument, etc, +> Their common feature is that they can last very long (several weeks) and +> that they don't really occupy my agenda. I just want to know when planning +> something if a given day is in period X or not. So I'd like to see at a +> glance (using a specific font, color, one-letter prefix etc.) if a day falls +> into a certain predefined period. Simply adding a corresponding event to my +> agenda leads to visual clutter: it gets marked on every single day of the +> period. +> +> Is there any way to get what I am looking for? + ++1 for this feature. Also, I think our desire for such a feature could +be met with a calendar-view, perhaps re-using some org-table or +org-columns source? + +I'm envisioning I would very much like something akin to an ASCII +4-day calendar view (like the default Google Calendar view). + +Even if we could line up four days' agenda views horizontally (with an +appointment-style timeline), I would find this useful. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Worldcup + time zone question + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][Worldcup + time zone question]] + +*** WISH Indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom][(new feature suggestion?) indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is there a way to quickly/visually differentiate between repeating/single-occurence tasks? + +If not, something like say, adding an asterisk somewhere in the entry would be great. + +1. Scheduled* - starred schedule/deadline string +2. TODO * - starred 'todo' string +3. fifa2010* - starred 'category' string +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH A little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leaders +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede][a little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leader]] + - ngz :: No answer as of [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** WISH Modify time entry from agenda? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Modify time entry from agenda?]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Relative file names in list org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "WISH" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:22] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about org-agenda-files]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY omitting done TODOs from custom agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:19] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][omitting done TODOs from custom agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> The problem occurs in both my "Agenda plus contacts" and "Get It +> Louder", so maybe it's something with my custom todos? +> +> (org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w@)" "|" +> "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c@)") (sequence "CONTACT(n)" "REPLY(r)" "|" +> "CONTACTED(e@)")))) + +Looks like the problem here was that CONTACT is a substring of +CONTACTED—whatever function decides if a todo keyword is pending or +completed apparently just reads the string until it finds the first +match (?). I changed it to SENT and everything worked fine. Dunno if +that's worth considering a bug, but it's certainly surprising behavior. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** INCONSISTENCY Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:51] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day]] +*** BUG Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading]] + + - ngz :: Still confirmed on [2011-07-18 lun.] + + The manual should specify that SCHEDULED and DEADLINE + keywords are to be put on the line just after the + headline. + + We can also make C-c C-s replace the already defined + SCHEDULED or DEADLINE keyword, if it can find it. + + Moreover, we should remove + `org-insert-labeled-timestamps-at-point'. This variable + is error-prone, and more than often let-bound to nil + (i.e. from the agenda). + + Eventually, I think we should slowly move them to + standard properties (in the PROPERTIES drawer). + +*** WISH org-agenda-follow-narrowed ? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom][org-agenda-follow-narrowed ?]] + +#+begin_quote +When I'm in the agenda, if I hit SPC, I get a nice narrowed view of the +current item. When I toggle org-agenda-follow-mode, I get org to show +me the current item without hitting SPC---but it's not narrowed. It +also has the property drawer collapsed. What I'd like is to have org +follow me with exactly the result of hitting SPC. Possible? +#+end_quote + +*** WISH re-marking agenda entries +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:03] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][re-marking agenda entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Please test this custom agenda command +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:16] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Please test this custom agenda command]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Habits and org-log-done configuration +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: Understanding habits - org-log-done]] + +#+BEGIN_VERSE +> I can confirm this. I personally only log state changes to DONE but +> setting a LOGGING property value of lognotedone prompts for a note and +> fails to show the history for the habit in the graph. +> +> This is probably a bug. + +Yes. The regexp that searches for completed tasks in org-habit is +hard-coded to look for a 'State "DONE"' string. When org-log-done is set +to note, however, the log entries begin with 'CLOSING NOTE'. (A related +problem here is that it assumes DONE is the only relevant todo keyword.) + +One workaround is to add the property LOGGING and set its value to +lognoterepeat. This produces notes with timestamps in the following +format (compatible with org-habit): + + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [​2011​-​01​-​01​ Sat 21:​11​] \\\\ + 5 miles. +#+BEGIN_COMMENT +The note above was modified in order to export correctly to html. It's +source form is: + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2011-01-01 Sat 21:11] \\ + 5 miles. +#+END_COMMENT +Another workaround is to make the setting associated with 'done in +org-log-note-headings to the same as 'state. One quick way to do that is +by evaluating the following expression: + +(setcdr (assoc 'done org-log-note-headings) (assoc 'state org-log-note-headings)) + +As an aside, it seems to me that the "CLOSING NOTE" format that results +when org-log-done is set to 'note is inconsistent with other logging +behavior. For instance, when a "@" is added in org-todo-keywords, the +note is entered with the state change string. +#+END_VERSE + + +*** INCONSISTENCY Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:44] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4)]] + +*** BUG org-write-agenda failure +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-write-agenda failure]] + + - ngz :: confirmed on Org-mode version 7.6 (release_7.6.93.gd243) + [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:56] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 15:53] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files]] + +C-c [ and C-c ] adds and removes files from `org-agenda-files' using +Emacs' customization interface. The customization is saved w/o notice +or prompt. Using these commands defeats setting `org-agenda-files' to +one or more directories because Org will save the expanded list of +directory files. + +*** BUG org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:27] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: (O) org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t]] + +#+begin_quote +>>> Alright, so I did that, and I seem to have encountered an org-mode +>>> bug. Put this in .emacs +>>> +>>> (setq +>>> org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t +>>> org-agenda-custom-commands +>>> '(("l" "Agenda with done items" +>>> agenda "" ((org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done nil))))) +>>> +>>> (define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "l") (lambda () (interactive) (org-agenda nil "l"))))) +>>> +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +>>> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +>>> q -> quits org-agenda +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> still fine +>>> M-x org-agenda b/f -> also displays DONE items, which is a bug +>> +>> I cannot reproduce this. What version of org-mode are you using? +>> +>> - Matt +> +> Right, sorry, I was using org-agenda-list. Here are the updated +> instructions +> +> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +> q -> quits org-agenda +> M-x org-agenda-list -> still fine +> b/f -> also displays DONE items + +I can confirm this bug with this latter set of instructions, though I'm +puzzled why M-x org-agenda-list behaves differently than C-c a a. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty)) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:33] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty))]] + +*** TODO Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:51] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f))]] + +*** WISH org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:31] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future]] + +*** WISH Hide / expand tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:35] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (O) Hide / expand tags]] + +#+begin_quote +I think it'd be nice for this to have the _alternative_ to put the +tags into the properties drawer and occasionally view and edit them +with a column view: + +#+SPECIAL_PROPERTIES: TAGS=drawer:PROPERTIES <= only a suggestion +#+end_quote +*** WAITING tags match agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:24] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg][(O) tags match agenda]] + +*** DECLINED Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu][(PATCH) Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support]] + +*** IDEA Managing appts with org-mode, diary +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:46] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede][Re: Managing appts with org-mode, diary]] + +#+begin_quote +I currently use fancy diary. It's nice to have an overview of the +current day and the upcoming appointments of the next n days. But this +'oh, there is an important appointment in {three|two|one|zero} days' +clutters the agenda view even more ;). This is where it would be nice to +have the agenda view tree like, too. The days could be nodes and the +appointments could be subnode of the day, that could be shown or +hidden. I'm relatively new to org-mode (convertit from planner-mode as +you might know ;-), so I don't know exactly if such a feature is already +implemented or if it could be done without huge amounts of work. +#+end_quote + +** Appearance + +*** WISH Secondary selection +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Secondary selection]] + +*** WISH Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Aquamacs syntax highlighting +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Aquamacs syntax highlighting]] + +*** BUG Column view and subtask overview interaction +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet][Column view and subtask overview interaction]] + +*** IDEA Orgmode and Unicode characters +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and Unicode characters]] + +*** BUG Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly]] + +#+begin_quote +If you add a width declaration ("") to the column containing Korean, +when realigning the table you'll get an "args out of range" error inside +the text-properties-related code in `org-table-align' (provided the +width declaration actually does cause the text to be clipped). +#+end_quote + + - ngz :: is it fixable ? Org tables are not meant to handle + variable-width fonts anyway. [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:54] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede][Bug: startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x)]] + +#+begin_quote +Thanks for doublechecking. I now tested it again, and this only happens when +used in a shell (i.e. in a KDE Konsole) where the point does not blink. +#+end_quote +*** DECLINED Effort columnview: Show total in different column + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Effort columnview: Show total in different column]] + +Too big a change + +*** DECLINED Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:28] +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within]] + +** Babel + +*** TODO Handling of errors when using Ledger + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "WISH" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Handling of errors when using Ledger]] + +*** ASSIGNED Babel - display results in an overlay? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:25] + - State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:28] + - State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Babel - display results in an overlay?]] + +this is now in the Babel task tracking system + +*** ASSIGNED (babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:09] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg][(babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect]] + +This has been added as a bug to the babel development file + +*** IDEA Mark and Tangle :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Mark and Tangle]] + +*** WISH (PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:18] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) Speed keys :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Speed keys]] + +*** WISH Line numbers in tangled source :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:23] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Line numbers in tangled source]] + +*** WISH org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings]] + +*** WISH Babel & DOS + :LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg][Babel & DOS]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) C-v C-v M-x? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:22] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) C-v C-v M-x?]] + +*** WISH Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:49] + :END: + [2010-12-12 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file]] +*** INCONSISTENCY (babel) silent code block evaluation on export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) silent code block evaluation on export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Babel: interweaving code and results? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:06] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: interweaving code and results?]] + This link doesn't resolve through Gmane + +*** INCONSISTENCY Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3) :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:45] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg][Bug: Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3)]] + +#+begin_quote +OK, I now have a clearer idea of what went wrong. + +1. I think it's doing find-file-at-point. + +2. This only happens when point is on this line, but NOT at the start + of the line: #+begin_src haskell + + It's not about whether it's the first time you press C-c ', it's about + where point is when you press it. + +3. If point is anywhere on the closing line of the source block, it + works. + +4. Ironically, the end of the first line is where the point is placed if + you do C-c C-v d at the end of the buffer! So if you do C-c C-v d and + then C-c ', as I did, this bug will happen. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export :Babel: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 18:59] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl][Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export]] + +*** TODO (bug?) cannot generate table format output for octave results :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:05] + :END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug?) (babel) cannot generate table format output for octave results]] + +*** WISH Make tangling work in an indirect buffer :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:17] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) (PATCH) Make tangling work in an indirect buffer]] + +** Capture and refile + +*** IDEA Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)%! +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:32] +:END: + [2010-08-08 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When you think of CamelCase and on-the-fly creating of non-existing +files/headlines, it's just another way of *capturing* stuff. + +Why not defining some simple syntax to trigger the capture mechanism +from special links? + +For example: + + "I write a reference to a >c:newfile which I can create later." + +- The ">c:newfile" is a link. +- The ">c" is a link abbreviation. +- The ">" part is the syntax for link abbrevations to trigger a capture. +- The "c" part is the keybinding of capture template to call. +- The "newfile" would be passed on as a variable for the (nth 3) of the + template (we could have several variables separated by "#" + +This would combine the flexibility of on-the-fly file creation and of +the capture mechanism, allowing multiple templates. + +What do you think? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Refiling notes to current file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Refiling notes to current file]] + +*** WISH Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:37] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree]] + +*** WAITING archiving an indirect buffer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:54] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: archiving an indirect buffer]] +*** DECLINED Blank rows with capture target table-line and aborting capture +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][is it a bug in org-capture]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I hit C-c c t, and then C-c C-k immediately, the file test.org is +still modified with an new blank row inserted in the table, which is out +of expectation, since C-c C-k is known as "abort capture". The minibuffer +says "org-capture-finalize: Capture process aborted, but target buffer +could not be cleaned up correctly". +#+END_QUOTE + +Unfortunately this is difficult to fix, because the user might have +changed other things before aborting. At least the error message is +clear and gives the user the opportunity to fix the problem. + +*** WISH Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed]] + +*** WAITING Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:20] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4)]] + +Cannot reliably get reproduced as of [2011-01-16 So]. + +*** TODO Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:10] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text]] + +*** TODO (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:37] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior]] + +*** WISH remember-other-frame with org-capture? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-06 Mo 21:03] +:END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) remember-other-frame with org-capture?]] + +*** BUG org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs]] + +*** WAITING capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:16] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Bug: capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4)]] + +** Clocking + +*** BUG Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:19] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly]] + +*** TODO No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’ :contrib: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:12] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau][(O) No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’]] + +*** IDEA Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:40] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'?]] + +** Documentation +*** IDEA packaging org-mode & worg + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][packaging org-mode & worg ]] + +*** IDEA Create better function and variable index in the manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:26] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) Command names are now in the manual]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +A suggestion for a possible(?) improvement: the "O" section of the +function index (and I imagine the variable index as well) is pretty +crowded :-). I wonder if texinfo has any facilities to break it up, +perhaps according to the first letter after the first dash. +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Page numbering in manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:07] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Page numbering in manual]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY `org-agenda-tags-column' missing in documentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 16:28] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Re: Tags position in regular agenda view?]] + +** Exporting +*** IDEA Google CL and org-mode + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Google CL and org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have a question regarding the recent announcement of the Google +Command Line project (http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/). + +I was wondering if there are plans to integrate support for calendar +synchronization between Google and org-mode using this tool. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:46] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas][Re: (PATCH) org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request]] +*** IDEA Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2 +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-27 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom][Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2]] + +*** WISH Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +One suggestion, then... why not just have a nice list of all possible +ATTR_LaTeX options? I have killed myself before looking for a simplified +list. Maybe even just common ones since perhaps any LaTeX option may be +passed? +#+END_QUOTE + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +*** WISH pretty export of tags + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca][pretty export of tags]] +*** WISH Allow skipping of levels in LaTeX export +**** latex export - skipping lvls breaks export + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][latex export - skipping lvls breaks export]] + +**** Even if skipped headline levels are not allowed, exporter shouldn't drop out-of-level headlines silently + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:14025%2E1279898870%40maps +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/14025%2E1279898870%40maps][Bug: possible bug in latex export (7.01trans (release_6.36.735.g15ca.dirty))]] +*** WISH fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede][fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export]] +*** WISH iCal export and complex diary sexps + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][iCal export and complex diary sexps]] +*** WISH Seemless editing of Babel Blocks :Babel: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Seemless editing of Babel Blocks]] +*** WISH Captions for source code +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][Captions for source code]] +*** WISH user control of source block header line exporting formats :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:59] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][user control of source block header line exporting formats]] +*** WISH Add timestamp keyword specific CSS class +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:24] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][How to distinguish timestamps in CSS?]] + +*** WISH query - org-emphasis-regexp-components +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:31] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][query - org-emphasis-regexp-components]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I was writing a document with Python code in it and I found a minor problem. +There's no way to put a piece of code like s="Hello World" as verbatim +or code in my document. + +~s="Hello World"~ doesn't work because the border in +org-emphasis-regexp-components doesn't allow " or '. I'm not sure why +this is in place. Can this be removed, or have they been put in for a +specific reason, that I can't see? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time. :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg][(PATCH) Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time.]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export of emphasized link + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :END: +**** INCONSISTENCY inconsistency + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:12] + :END: + emphasized link supported: + - Emacs faces shown in org-mode buffer itself + - export to LaTeX + - [...] + emphasized link not supported: + - export to HTML + - export to DocBook + - export to XOXO + - [...] + this question is still open: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +*** INCONSISTENCY org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:46] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY hlevel in org-export-region-as-html +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:56] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug? hlevel in org-export-region-as-html]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:38] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug) export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Bug: void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans)]] + +*** BUG latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom][latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis]] +*** BUG Org beamer export bugs + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org beamer export bugs]] + +*** BUG html export, latex fragments and emphasize +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:40] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: html export, latex fragments and emphasize]] + +*** BUG LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain][Bug: LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML]] + + - ngz :: since mathjax, should we still consider it as a bug? Is + is even reproducible? [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** DECLINED Org Mode Latex Export Customization of org-export-latex-emphasis-alist + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org Mode Latex Export Customization of + org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + + There is not really anything to be done here, not enough characters + for all those extra emphasis things. + +*** DECLINED Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:59] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:20] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output?]] + +*** DECLINED Combination of =code= and Description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:02] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom][Combination of =code= and Description]] + - ngz :: This is a LaTeX limitation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** BUG eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom][eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) ]] + +Nick Dokos did a good first analysis of the problem [[http://mid.gmane.org/26738%2E1292194633%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][here]]. + +*** INCONSISTENCY Question: How to insert different background images on different frames +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-beamer) Question: How to insert different background images on different frames]] + +*** WISH Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:52] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede][(PATCH) Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY iCalendar selective export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 12:00] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][iCalendar selective export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inconsistencies in email and author export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:52] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli][Inconsistencies in email and author export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY HTML export and absolute file names +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:55] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-03-06 So 19:51]--[2011-03-06 So 21:05] => 1:14 +:END: + [2011-02-24 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][HTML export and absolute file names]] + +*** BUG italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:29] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working]] + +*** TODO HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:31] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image]] + +*** TODO Bug in latex export of <> + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:33] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo][(O) Bug in latex export of <>]] + +*** BUG _<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:37] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][_<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly]] + +*** WISH org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:02] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG) org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used]] + +*** BUG modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:40] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(O) Feature request: modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters]] + +*** TODO HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:44] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV]] + +*** WISH Images in included files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:22] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Images in included files]] + +** Links +*** TODO Document the character protection in links + I don't think this is really covered anywhere. + Maybe we also should protect characters in the visible part, to + make sure thing will never be on two lines...? + +*** IDEA Find all links to a specific file + +*** IDEA Resolve links on export + +**** Example: Make info HTML links work for links to Info files + +Info links of course only work inside Emacs. However, many info +documents are on the web, so the HTML exporter could try to be smart +and convert an Info link into the corresponding link on the web. For +example, we could use the GNU software site then Name.HTML. Here is +the link to be used: +http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/ Another question +is, is this URL going to be stable so that it makes sense to actually +put this into org.el? + +*** IDEA Mailcap support of Org file links + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Choosing external app at runtime?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I follow a link, Org mode knows what application to use. Except +that sometimes I want to override that choice. + +For example, I have a collection of PDF files. Mostly I want to open +them in my statically configured PDF viewer, which is fine. But +sometimes I want to open one in Xournal, say, to annotate it. + +My mail client Wanderlust will ask me in cases like this: if multiple +mailcap entries match, I get to choose when opening the attachment. + +Any chance we could do a similar thing in Org mode? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Dereference file links on export or open + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is "scpc" in the line above a transport protocol? Maybe this should be +an org-mode wide features, i.e. the ability to resolve remote file +references with C-c C-o and on export. Does that sound reasonable, and +would it take care of the need in this particular case? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Radio targets across files + I guess each org file could write a .orgtargets.filename file, if + it has any radio targets. + +*** INCONSISTENCY image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c]] + - ngz :: still valid as of [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-store-link only works interactively (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:47] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org-store-link only works interactively (7.4)]] + - ngz :: no clear answer yet. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Problem opening links that span more than one line + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][(O) Problem opening links that span more than one line]] + +*** TODO absolute HTML links + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:03] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][(O) absolute HTML links]] + +*** IDEA org-git-link does not support locational information within file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:47] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat][org-git-link does not support locational information within file]] + +** Miscellaneous Stuff +*** TODO Use the new argument of bibtex-url + Roland Winkler was kind enough to implement a new argument to the + `bibtex-url' command that allows me to retrieve the corresponding + URL, whether it is taken from a URL field or constructed in some + clever way. Currently I am not using this, because too many + people use an old Emacs version which does not have this. + however, eventually I will implement this. + +*** TODO grep on directory does not yet work. + I am actually not sure, I might have addressed this already, but + my memory is failing me. Needs some checking. +*** IDEA Do we need a 43 folders implementation? + That could easily be done in an org-mode file. But then, maybe + this should really be a paper thing. + +*** IDEA Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files) + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files)]] +**** AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg][AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group]] +**** sharing Org-mode files for collaboration + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet][sharing Org-mode files for collaboration]] +*** IDEA (PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy :Patch: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy]] + + - ??? :: Waiting for FSF copyright assignment. + + - ngz :: According to the list of contributors, papers are signed, + but it doesn't look like this patch has been applied to + code base. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** IDEA Does Org-mode need to be position aware? + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom][Does Org-mode need to be position aware?]] +*** IDEA (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I guess, the manual maintainers do NOT have to be experts in both +org-mode resp. org-babel nore they have to be experts in the supported +language. Its more about the kind of standard stuff and maybe, to +complex stuff even scare people. More things like "How to create a +measurement protocol with org-babel and python", How to evaluate and +report data analysis with org-babel and R", etc. + +To make it more easy for both the readers and the maintainers a kind of +template for such manuals might be helpful. This would help to find the +same information at the same locations and make a comparison e.g. +between the use of R and python possible. + +I'am not an expert for both org-* and python and I'm often very limited +in time. However, I would try to maintain a "python and org-babel" manual. + +If there are more people who are interested to act as a kind of manual +maintainers I would like to discuss with you how a template might look like. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Code block switches buffer-wide? + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Code block switches buffer-wide?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I would like to include the -n code block switch (number lines) into all my +code blocks in a buffer. Is there a way to define a kind of buffer-wide +switches, like it is with the #+BABEL keyword for header arguments? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment]] +*** IDEA Make .org-id-locations non-hidden directory above .emacs.d + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][org-mobile produces errors in normal org functions]] +*** IDEA can you require a certain template with lognotedone? + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg][can you require a certain template with lognotedone?]] +*** IDEA Feature-Ideas +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal][Feature-Ideas]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have severel ideas about new features that I want to share. My +knowledge with lisp and the coding of the org-structure is bad so far, +so I can't try to contribute a patch. + +- 1. *Alias - Trees* + + When I work on projects, I often want to /reference to a certain + other heading/. It would be great to do this not just with links, + but /with an alias/. + + I think of trees, that show up and can be in the current tree as if + they were a subtree, but really are at another position in the + current or a different file. + + This concept would also allow seperate versioning and merging of + external generated content into the current file. ( I e.g. think of + summaries of text in the scientific context. ) + +- 2. More flexible *Colouring for categories*, tags, ... + +It would be great to have the /opportunity to define individual faces +for different categories, tags/ , ... . + +- 3. Implementation of *hourly/minutely reference*. + +It would be useful to be able to schedule something to repeat every 12 +or 6 hours or in 22 minutes. It would also be useful, to have the +opportunity to associate asynchronous shell scripts with individual +scheduled events. + +- 4. *Exclude certain days from Timeline* + + The opportunity to /give/ whole days the status // . That would mean, that when I fire up the + /Timeline/ for a current file (L), certain days are /show/ with a + message "/day is planned for project /. in a certain project + specific project. + + It would also be useful to have a keycommand in the /Timeline/ to + /switch other files on showing them in gray/. + +- 5. *Manually timeclock certain Headings* + + I would love to have a commands that can change the clocktime of not + running headings or insert new clocktimes into the current heading. + E.g. like this: + + Change the clocktime of : + (s) change last timeclock and keep the Start time. -> How long did it last? + (e) change last timeclock and keep the End time -> How long did it last? + (# C-u offset to change the #n last timeclock) + (a) add new timeclock -> Ask for Start and End. (with opportunity to specify the END relative) + +- 6. *Expand timestamps to include locations* + + e.g. Special timestamp-commands that + also ask for places and presents a list of all places of all projects + to choose from. + +- 7. *More complex timeclock-reports* + + Is anyone working on a more comprehensive way of giving visual + feedback and analysing the data of the timeclock-feature. (What have + I done the last month? How many time has gone to which project / + etc.) I am a relatively known [[http://cran.r-project.org/][GNU R]] user and could contribute code + for analysis of time usage / plotting complex more diagrams in + R. Allthough I am not very used to the export mechanisms in + Orgmode. Does anyone like to cooperate? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA text color + highlight +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:47] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][text color + highlight]] + +*** IDEA hiding PROPERTIES line +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "WISH" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hiding PROPERTIES line]] + +*** IDEA camel.el, for CamelCase links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +*** IDEA (ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne]] + +**** DECLINED Drill mode for org-learn +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Drill mode for org-learn]] + +[2010-08-01 So] Superseded by [[id:mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg%5D%5B%28ANN%29%20Org%2DDrill%3A%20Interactive%20revision%20a%20la%20Anki%2FMnemosyne%5D%5D + +*** IDEA Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress)]] +*** IDEA notmuch support for org-mode? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:25] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][notmuch support for org-mode?]] + +*** IDEA Email from org? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Email from org?]] + +*** IDEA Adding entries to Google calendar +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Adding entries to Google calendar]] + +*** IDEA Org mode and geo information +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:49] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Advice needed. Use links or blocks?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +the attached file fetches background tiles from openstreetmap.org for +me, and produces SVG images of tracks I ran. Unfortunately, I cannot +find a good way to use that code in an automated way. + +What I'd like to do, is to have the coords in my training diary, and +produce the images on demand. When I publish the diary to HTML, I want +the coords to be replaced with a link to the image. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA dynamically calculated timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:04] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][dynamically calculated timestamps?]] + +*** IDEA Org-mode Epic Win RPG +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:18] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode Epic Win RPG]] + +*** IDEA org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata]] + +*** IDEA Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience]] + +*** IDEA arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond]] + +*** IDEA output of shell command in agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][output of shell command in agenda]] + +*** WISH Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified" + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified"]] +*** WISH Estimate ranges in column view :Patch: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Estimate ranges in column view]] + +*** WISH Provide property API function to append to a property + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Re: org-capture question/suggestion]] +*** WISH New CSS for orgmode and Worg ? + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][New CSS for orgmode and Worg ?]] +*** WISH Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01)]] +*** WISH Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:53] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active]] +*** WISH Move attachments when refiling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com][Bug Report: refile and attachments]] +*** DECLINED Feature Request for new capture feature +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com][Feature Request for new capture feature]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +would it be possible to have a "C-u C-c C-w" that completes the +capture and switches to the target buffer? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH fractional hours for timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][fractional hours for timestamps?]] + +*** WISH Error running ditaa +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error running ditaa]] + +#+begin_quote +When running ditaa on Linux fedora 12 through java, I get the following +errors: + +java -jar /usr/share/java/ditaa.jar -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V +blue_fd02b5c06d6a5cb80eaf27098c3c490dc81326ce.png +Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on +Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: +org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException +Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: +org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException + at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217) + at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) + at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:319) + at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:264) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:332) +Could not find the main class: +org.stathissideris.ascii2image.core.CommandLineConverter. Program will exit. + +This can be taken care of by using the shell script that comes with ditaa, +i.e.: + +ditaa -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V + +But to do this from within emacs I need to patch org-exp-blocks.el as +follows: + +- (unless (file-exists-p org-ditaa-jar-path) +- (error (format "Could not find ditaa.jar at %s" org-ditaa-jar-path))) +: +- (message (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file)) +- (shell-command (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file))) ++ (message (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file)) ++ (shell-command (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file))) + +(You also need to erase the checking for the existance of dita.jar) + +Wouldn't it make more sense to replace the variable org-ditaa-jar-path with +a new variable org-ditaa-command that by default contains "java -jar +/old/value/of/org-ditaa-jar-path"? This would allow replacing it with a +shell script. Would a patch be accepted, or do you prefer to remain backward +compatible? + +On a related question. Since there is quite a lot of common code between +org-export-blocks-format-dot and org-export-blocks-format-ditaa (especially +if my patch is accepted), wouldn't it make sense to create a +org-export-blocks-format-meta that take all the differences between the +various export-blocks as parameters? This would simplify adding additional +org-export-blocks. +#+end_quote +*** INCONSISTENCY Stack overflow in regexp matcher +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Stack overflow in regexp matcher]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inherited properties not saved when archiving +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:59] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][saving property values when archiving]] +*** BUG gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom][gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I think the problem is org-plot doesn't +recognise that when plotting with error bars, gnuplot expects more than +two columns of data. So a command like this should be sent to gnuplot, +#+END_QUOTE +*** WAITING TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu. +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 02:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu.]] + - ngz :: solution under discussion. [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** BUG In-buffer completion +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Accepted) Re: In-buffer completion]] + + - ngz :: bug still active on [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** DECLINED (BUG) org remember broken + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][(BUG) org remember broken]] + +org-capure is now the default, I don't think we need to fix remember +bugs anymore. + +*** DECLINED Insert ellipsis if headline is too long + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][headline is too long]] + This would be too confusing when compared with folded entries, so I + do not think this feature should be implemented. + +*** DECLINED Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space? + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space?]] + + Closed for now, no useful feedback from report author, probably not + caused by Org mode. +*** DECLINED Gollum + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Gollum]] + +*** Priorities + Here is some information about priorities, which is not yet + documented. Actually, I am not sur if the list here is correct + either +**** QUOTE Priorities + TODO entries: 1 or 1,2,... + DEADLINE is 10-ddays, i.e. it is 10 on the due day + i.e. it goes above top todo stuff 7 days + before due + SCHEDULED is 5-ddays, i.e. it is 5 on the due date + i.e. it goes above top todo on the due day + TIMESTAMP is 0 i.e. always at bottom + but as a deadline it is 100 + but if scheduled it is 99 + TIMERANGE is 0 i.e. always at bottom + DIARY is 0 i.e. always at bottom + + Priority * 1000 + +*** INCONSISTENCY xemacs error when calling org-install :Xemacs: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:43] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-01-02 So 17:33]--[2011-01-02 So 18:02] => 0:29 +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom][xemacs error when calling org-install]] + +The autoloads in org-install.el are +generated by the Makefile (i.e. make org-install.el). The stable +version of Org mode ships with a pre-generated org-install.el and +without recreating this file with Xemacs it won't run. + +The =custom-autoload= is created only once for ob-tangle.el: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;;;###autoload + (defcustom org-babel-tangle-lang-exts + '(("emacs-lisp" . "el")) + "Alist mapping languages to their file extensions. + The key is the language name, the value is the string that should + be inserted as the extension commonly used to identify files + written in this language. If no entry is found in this list, + then the name of the language is used." + :group 'org-babel-tangle + :type '(repeat + (cons + (string "Language name") + (string "File Extension")))) +#+end_src + +As this the autoload directive was added deliberately I suppose there +was a reason for this to be there: If this is the case, there seems +not very much we can do about this. The autoload generating function +in =autoloads.el= always creates a call to custom-autoload with a +third argument. + +*** TODO Review packages in contrib directory + [2010-12-19 So] + +Byte-compiling indicates problems with some packages (e.g. references +to unbound symbols). The review process will single out the problems +for every package in contrib and steps necessary to fix them. + +**** make failure (7.3) + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: make failure (7.3)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:27] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab]] + +*** BUG org-add-note not working with winner-mode + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:22] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][Re: (O) org-add-note not working with winner-mode]] + +*** BUG regexp link on windows problem + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:30] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl][(O) regexp link on windows problem]] +*** TODO EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files :Mobile:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:46] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg][(O) Bug: EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files (7.5 (release_7.5.147.g9ddc))]] + +*** TODO org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:41] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom][(O) org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal)]] + + - ngz :: should we generalize the setup proposed by Julien, or + will we keep the warning? + +** Publishing + +*** TODO project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:17] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (bug) project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html]] + +** Structure +*** TODO Get rid of all the \r instances, which were used only for XEmacs. +*** WISH Create unique clocktable links + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede][Bug: clocktable :link often jumps to wrong target (6.36c)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +: Links created by clocktable :link are simple "text search" links. +: Therefore, they often hit the wrong target. +: +: For example, I used to have multiple clocktables at the beginning of my +: file: first a daily summary, then a weekly one, then a complete one, +: i.e. following clocktables summarized supersets of preceding ones. +: Therefore, most of the time I clicked a link in the first clocktable, +: the next "text search" target was the occurrence of the same task in the +: second clocktable, whereas clicking that link in the second clocktable +: would take me back into the first. +: +: I have been able to partly work around that by moving the clocktables to +: the end of the file, as the search always seems to start at the +: beginning of the file. Nevertheless, when I have two tasks "foobar" and +: "foo", occurring in that order in the file, clicking on the [[foo]] +: link in the clocktable takes me to the "foobar" task, as that has a +: "foo" substring and occurs first in the file. +: +: I would like clocktable to generate links that uniquely link to the task +: from which the particular clocktable entry has been generated. (I'd +: even be willing to assign CUSTOM_ID properties for that purpose, +: i.e. clocktable could take them into account for creating links, when +: they exist.) But the best solution would IMHO be a truly unique +: identification, e.g. by some XPath-like path, e.g. /1/2/3 for the 3rd +: subtask of the 2nd subtask of the 1st top-level task. (Sure, that order +: will be invalidated when I change my task list, but, so what, then I +: would be willing to recompute the clocktable before using links.) +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation]] + +*** WISH org-hide-entry +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-hide-entry]] + +*** IDEA Improving org-goto isearch +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:25] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Improving org-goto isearch]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY excessive blank lines in archives +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:34] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][excessive blank lines in archives]] + +*** WISH Quick note about subtree copy and paste +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:45] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo][Quick note about subtree copy and paste]] + +#+begin_quote +I get the point, but the current presentation is unnecessarily +confusing. I was just /copying/ --- there was no time shifting +involved, so when I look at them menu and see "copy" and "clone with +time shift," it is "copy" that's what I naturally do. + +Actually, as I look at the manual I see: + +`C-c C-x c' (`org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift') + Clone a subtree by making a number of sibling copies of it. You + will be prompted for the number of copies to make, and you can + also specify if any timestamps in the entry should be shifted. + This can be useful, for example, to create a number of tasks + related to a series of lectures to prepare. For more details, see + the docstring of the command `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift'. + +There's nothing there to even remotely suggest to me that this is going +to Do The Right Thing about properties. It's all about dates and +time-shifting. It may /happen/ to do the right thing with properties, +but it sure doesn't /say/ that it will. The ID property is mentioned +only in the interactive docstring, and pretty deeply down. + +I'd like to make a somewhat radical suggestion: + +If cloning is the primary option, and more safe than copy --- i.e., if +copy is "this is the primitive operation that you should only do if you +know what you are doing, because it might corrupt data," then I would +argue that it's CLONE that should be bound to C-c C-x M-y --- the +standard emacs keybinding I'm going to go to first --- and COPY should +be demoted to the less-familiar alternative. + +This assumes that the answer to "Is there any case where I should do +copy and /not/ prefer clone?" is "no." + +But I'm not sure that's the case. They clone doesn't do the same thing +to the cut buffer as copy, does it? e.g., I don't use clone to make a +copy of a subtree from file A into file B. + +Even more radical suggestion: + +So maybe the right answer is not to ask us to use clone all the time, +but that COPY and PASTE should be fixed to Do The Right Thing with the +ID property. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Feature request: Select links by description (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:32] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request: Select links by description (7.4)]] + +#+begin_quote +When using org-insert-link, it would be far better for me to have it +show me the _descriptions_ of links (the default link text), rather +than showing me the links themselves. This is especially true of +email links, which are generally long and unintelligible by +themselves. + +I have something set up that stores a link to every email I send, so I +can easily link to follow-ups in my active Org items. As a result, I +end up with *lots* of stored links, which makes this a real struggle. +#+end_quote + +*** IDEA outline path in links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][outline path in links]] + +*** TODO goto does not accept remote references for local targets + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:12] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) goto does not accept remote references for local targets]] + +*** DECLINED Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:51] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70))]] + +#+begin_quote cite=[[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/36063][Re: Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70)]] +Org-mode used line-profix properties to add indentation, and +linum mode uses before-string properties of overlays to add +line numbers. Both these features add text at display time, +but apparently not in an entirely predictable way. I have no +idea it it is possible to make both work without any gliches. +If anything, this would be a bug report to Emacs, I think. + +The "other issue" is an artefact of Org using an idle time +to update indentation properties. Here my suggestion +would be to ignore the issue and live with it. +#+end_quote + +**** WAITING Provide customization variable for formula that calculates indentation level +:LOGBOOK: + - State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:25] + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + + +** Tables + +*** BUG bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:02] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags]] + +*** BUG $0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special' +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:36] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][$0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special']] + +#+begin_quote +According to [ (info "(org) Formula syntax for Calc") ], $0 +references the current cell. Pressing C-c C-c on the #+TBLFM line +below does indeed work, but C-c ' (`org-edit-special') changes the +$0 reference into a single ampersand (&). Is this a bug? +#+end_quote + +*** BUG Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:06] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) Bug: Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24))]] + +*** WISH org-table formulas with missing values +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:41] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][org-table formulas with missing values]] + +#+begin_quote +I could write 'nan' instead of leaving a blank, and use the string in +the formula, but this causes errors. + +But calc does know the concept of nan: "The variables `inf', `uinf', and +`nan' stand for infinite or indeterminate values. It's best not to use +them as regular variables, since Calc uses special algebraic rules when +it manipulates them. Calc displays a warning message if you store a +value into any of these special variables." + +I'm not sure how to use that nan variable in tables and formulas - it +seems not to be recognized. +#+end_quote + +** Testing framework + +*** TODO Testing --- again... +:LOGBOOK: +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Testing --- again...]] + +*** (Dev) Org-mode Test Framework + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(Dev) Org-mode Test Framework]] + +* Other +** Pretty icons in org buffers +** literate Lisp games development questions :Babel: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) literate Lisp games development questions]] +** Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:FB977E9C%2D6ABC%2D4B05%2DA58A%2DC2E96B841451%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/FB977E9C-6ABC-4B05-A58A-C2E96B841451%40gmail.com][Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla]] +** For Org-mode on the go? + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][For Org-mode on the go?]] +** [babel] grid-based R graphical output with :results value + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) grid-based R graphical output with :results value]] +** Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files]] + +** org-decrypt-to-kill-ring + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM][org-decrypt-to-kill-ring]] + +** DECLINED contributing Debian build scripts + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][contributing Debian build scripts]] + +Mark Hershberger is going to use an automatic process on launchpad +instead to make regular package builds. + +** hypermedia programming with babel + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hypermedia programming with babel]] +** org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress]] +** Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry]] +** publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf]] +** (OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs]] +** info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org]] + +** (ANN) org-protocol-httpd + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet][(ANN) org-protocol-httpd]] +** Tracking finances with Babel :Babel: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom][Tracking finances with Babel]] +** ErgoEmacs + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ErgoEmacs]] +** ReStructured Text table exporter + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ReStructured Text table exporter]] + +** Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede][Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org]] + +** OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info) + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info)]] + +** (ANN) Symorg + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(ANN) Symorg]] +** Indentation in html tables + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Indentation in html tables]] +** Inline image display and Emacs 22 + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Inline image display and Emacs 22]] + +** A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list]] + +** Org-mode screencasts + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode screencasts]] + +** Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review]] + +** ELPA Howto + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ELPA Howto]] + +** TODO New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:13] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom][(O) New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el]] + +* Closed issues :noexport: +** DONE string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:13] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wklkkk%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wklkkk.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5))]] +** DONE Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:14] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aarolk5y%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aarolk5y.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539))]] +** DONE [babel] possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer? :Babel: + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFDB5CE%2E3010600%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFDB5CE.3010600%40ccbr.umn.edu][(babel) possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer?]] + + this has now been fixed, see + - message :: [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/25720]] + - commit :: 5d52daab1029e43b97ccb16cfac998536d8c8924 +** DONE org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFE02FE%2E5050704%40globaledgesoft%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFE02FE.5050704%40globaledgesoft.com][org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp]] +** DONE Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file? + CLOSED: [2010-05-27 Thu 16:51] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vdacp1hi%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vdacp1hi.fsf%40thinkpad.tsdh.de][Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file?]] + + My path was committed with commit 54d513ee0c90f9864bbd39044d9dfbc4f1619513. +** DONE Aquamacs and latest org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:14] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail.gmail.com][Aquamacs and latest org-mode]] +** DONE Error when trying to push to Worg repo +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:15] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Error when trying to push to Worg repo]] +** DONE Export to html +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom][Export to html]] +** DONE Simple Literate Programming Example +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Simple Literate Programming Example]] +** DONE Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures... +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:27] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0%2DiJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS%5F7sI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0-iJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS_7sI%40mail.gmail.com][Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +** DONE bug: remember id agenda +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:33] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: remember id agenda]] +** DONE html export +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:37] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE export of emphasized link + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +** DONE byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event]] +** DONE use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:00] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100526162001%2EGA32657%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100526162001.GA32657%40soloJazz.com][use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap]] + +** DONE Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ... :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:01] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ...]] +** DONE buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:07] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments]] +** DONE [Patch] file protocol in HTML links +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:24] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkznkn2p%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkznkn2p.fsf%40gmx.de][Re: (Patch) file protocol in HTML links]] +** DONE Possible html publish inline image bug + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible html publish inline image bug]] +** DONE org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug? +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:09] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug?]] +** DONE problem with remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:10] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu][problem with remember template]] +** DONE plain list - line spacing +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:15] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][plain list - line spacing]] +** DONE How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21? +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno][How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21?]] +** DONE feature request: C-k safety +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][feature request: C-k safety]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ [6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty)] :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ (6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty))]] +** DONE [babel] Questions about export and :var. Possible bug. :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Questions about export and :var. Possible bug.]] +** DONE Something ate my timestamps +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:11] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Something ate my timestamps]] +** DONE Problem with pushing to webdav server [6.35g] +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:15] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede][Problem with pushing to webdav server (6.35g)]] +** DONE Export question +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:46] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFB3F6B%2E3040606%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFB3F6B.3040606%40sift.info][Export question]] + +** DONE Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly) +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:49] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet][Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly)]] +** DONE Exporting HTML to MS Word +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:50] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][Exporting HTML to MS Word]] +** DONE entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:04] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer]] +** DONE iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp [6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378)] +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:05] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp (6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378))]] +** DONE automatic line wrap +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom][automatic line wrap]] +** DONE mailto:abc@xyz.org +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mailto:abc@xyz.org]] +** DONE clocktable and :tags +CLOSED: [2010-06-07 Mo 12:10] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-07 Mo 12:13 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clocktable and :tags]] +** DONE MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:38] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail.gmail.com][MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed]] +** DONE Why I can't publish my project under Windows? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why I can't publish my project under Windows?]] +** DONE how to upgrade org-mode version? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to upgrade org-mode version?]] +** DONE Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Bug: Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks]] +** DONE org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar) +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar)]] +** DONE Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz][Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon]] +** DONE How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:41] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file?]] +** DONE Timestamp format questions +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:44] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede][Timestamp format questions]] +** DONE Question about beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:46] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo][Question about beamer export]] +** DONE simultaneous clocks? +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][simultaneous clocks? ]] +** DONE visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom][visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer]] +** DECLINED org-remember and anything + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][org-remember and anything]] + I am turning this one off, because we now use org-capture.el, and I + am not sure if the issue plays a role there. +** DONE Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00 +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:20] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00]] +** DONE language independent personal word list +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:29] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][language independent personal word list]] +** DONE 2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:30] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files]] +** DONE Toggle a repeating task in DONE state +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:32] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Toggle a repeating task in DONE state]] +** DONE Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments? +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:05] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments?]] +** DONE org-plot file export options +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-plot file export options]] +** DONE sup-mail link +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain][sup-mail link]] +** DONE table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=) +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:14] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=)]] +** DONE (org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:15] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF]] +** DONE any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:47] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure?]] +** DONE (OT) emacs-lisp compilation question +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:49] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(OT) emacs-lisp compilation question]] + + - Closed :: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs-en/ElispCompilerWarnings + + Function was used before declaration. +** DONE (PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files]] +** DONE preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg][preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling?]] +** DONE (PATCH) comments exporting :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:58] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) comments exporting]] +** DONE Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 08:03] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo]] +** DONE add a table entry by org-remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:26] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][add a table entry by org-remember template]] +** DONE Multiple TODO states +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:27] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple TODO states]] +** DONE Both todo and tag search +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:29] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Both todo and tag search]] + +** DONE Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html? +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:30] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6f7hqrx%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6f7hqrx.fsf%40ymail.com][Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html?]] +** DONE [babel] writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient]] +** DONE Hash mark in filled paragraphs +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu][Hash mark in filled paragraphs]] +** DONE Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 16:06] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el]] + + - Solved :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzoocdt%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Re: How to setup w3m-el as a default browser on GNU system?]] +** DECLINED Entries title in agenda view + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Entries title in agenda view]] + + We are not going to add the hierarchy. On the mailing list there + were answers showing possible alternatives using CATEGORY for + example. +** DONE version of Org used for Worg + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][version of Org used for Worg]] + The bleeding edge version is used to publish Worg - but only when a + file changes it will actually be republished. +** DONE (PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes in multiples of rounding time + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes + in multiples of rounding time]] + A modified patch has been checked in. +** DECLINED Writing the words in different color + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing the words in different color]] + I do not think that this is a useful addition. The user can + configure it with emphasis if needed. (- Carsten) +** DONE Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda) +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:47] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][ Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda)]] +** DONE Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:49] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings]] +** DONE Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:51] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords]] + +** DONE how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:57] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc][how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format]] +** DONE day-agenda: show whole-day-events first +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:12] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][day-agenda: show whole-day-events first]] +** DONE Agenda is slow because of vc-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:13] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda is slow because of vc-mode]] +** DONE questions about html export +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:22] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about html export]] +** DONE Keeping agenda window + CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Tue 19:22] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom][Keeping agenda window]] + - OP was looking for TAB (see [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hm0ic2q.fsf@dasa3.iem.pw.edu.pl][this]] and [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc8im57.fsf@fastmail.fm][this]] post). +** DONE `org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:30] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][`org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline]] +** DONE agenda views +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:33] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][agenda views]] +** DONE keeping uptodate? +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:37] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][keeping uptodate?]] +** DONE Checkboxes in Agenda +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:38] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Checkboxes in Agenda]] +** DONE Possible bug in ordered tasks +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + THis bug was caused by the interpretation of the string "nil" as a + non-nil value - a special case now fixes this. + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo][Possible bug in ordered tasks]] +** DONE Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c)) + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet][Bug: Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c))]] + This issue is resolved with the answers in the thread. +** DONE (BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export]] + Bug has been fixed. +** DONE (patch) filing under current clocked item +CLOSED: [2010-06-26 Sa 08:33] + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(patch) filing under current clocked item]] +** DONE Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:49] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python]] +** DONE Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:50] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list]] +** DONE habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:22] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string]] +** DONE mixing emphasis fails +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:23] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede][mixing emphasis fails]] +** DONE correction to orgtbl-to-html description :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:24] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][correction to orgtbl-to-html description]] +** DONE howto open attachment directory in external program? +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:39] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 10:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][howto open attachment directory in external program?]] +** DONE org-mode stopped compiling recently :Babel: + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode stopped compiling recently]] + Fixed, through a patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE org-iswitchb documentation + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20386%2E1277720390%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20386%2E1277720390%40maps][org-iswitchb documentation]] + The patch has been applied in a modified way, and the + functionality of org-iswitchb fixed so that it works by default. +** DONE Bug in latest version? + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in latest version?]] + Bug was due to changes in the constant entities, bug fixed by + checking elements in the list before using them. +** DONE Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 14:16] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus ]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R? +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:34] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R?]] +** DONE contrib/README +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:36] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3619%2E1277974892%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3619%2E1277974892%40maps][contrib/README]] +** DONE New to org-capture (and org-remember) +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 22:00] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6731%2E1277998108%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6731%2E1277998108%40maps][New to org-capture (and org-remember)]] +** DONE (BABEL) reload source code file after tangling? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) reload source code file after tangling?]] +** DONE problem in highlighting fields in a remote table +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][problem in highlighting fields in a remote table]] +** DONE Make distfile error +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Make distfile error]] +** DONE Bug in timeline report +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:41] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in timeline report]] +** DONE (babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document?]] +** DONE org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e))]] +** DONE Problem export to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem export to html]] +** DONE org-capture: Formatting of entries +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: Formatting of entries]] +** DONE Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda]] +** DONE Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist]] +** DONE mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums" +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums"]] +** DONE (no subject) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(no subject)]] +** DONE LaTeX export works but not in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][LaTeX export works but not in HTML]] +** DONE inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:47] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el)]] +** DONE *.bak files in trunk? +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.bak files in trunk?]] +** DONE Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree]] +** DONE Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent]] +** DONE org-babel and emacs init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel and emacs init]] +** DONE Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:50] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink]] + +** DONE Headline and numbered plain list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:51] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Headline and numbered plain list]] +** DONE magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance]] +** DONE complex filters in agenda view +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:55] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][complex filters in agenda view]] +** DONE a better way with babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:03] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau][a better way with babel]] +** DONE (PATCH) orphaned captions and labels :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) orphaned captions and labels]] +** DONE (babel) exports, caching, remote execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] +** DONE Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list]] +** DONE MobileOrg - no NEW state :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl][MobileOrg - no NEW state]] + +** DECLINED Org ident destroys special fontification of inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] \\ + Duplicate. +:END: +:PROPERTIES: +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +2. org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask in two ways + + i) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's +leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is set to +nil + + ii) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented +as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the indentation +should ideally return to what it was before the inline task. Of +course, this is also a problem when org-indent is turned off, if you +try to automatically hard-indent using TAB. However, in that case you +can adjust by hand the indentation of the first line after the inline +task, and then all the following lines will indent correctly. With +org-indent the problem is much worse since there is no way of +adjusting the soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE (require 'cl) seems not to be compiled +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom][(require 'cl) seems not to be compiled]] +** DONE capture template: %& and %! +CLOSED: [2010-07-05 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][capture template: %& and %!]] +** DONE "Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color" +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 20:51] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg]["Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color"]] +** DONE (BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:13] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output?]] +** DONE org-log-done +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:17] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom][org-log-done]] +** DONE (BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:20] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not]] +** DONE CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:26] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:29] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring?]] +** DONE Export of latex source to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export of latex source to html]] +** DONE Columns with LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:44] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Columns with LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:46] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]] +** DONE Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:47] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB]] +** DONE patch for org mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:12476%2E1278319281%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/12476%2E1278319281%40maps][patch for org mode]] +** DONE Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbke16m8%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting an image to latex]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I did some git bisection, and the last working version is commit +3b5351c7da59da3685f8233c252b1506166d35f3, so it seems Eric's commit +5edefbba269db8e717bd2b40778786b08af3f7a1 introduced the bug. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:50] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg][tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks]] +** DONE No subscript when exporting +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:56] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom][No subscript when exporting]] +** DONE logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:57] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Org+table.el = mutli line cells? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:05] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org+table.el = mutli line cells?]] +** DONE (PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:06] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom][(PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el]] +** DONE org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom][org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question]] +** DONE (BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others]] +** DONE (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:13] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] +** DONE Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-12 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-12 Mo 17:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda]] +** DONE (PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template +CLOSED: [2010-07-14 Mi 20:59] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet][(PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template]] +** DONE cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs]] +** DONE programming for org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom][programming for org-mode]] +** DONE \nbsp usage +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][\nbsp usage]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another]] +** DONE Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE (babel) report name of source block during execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:21] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) report name of source block during execution]] +** DONE footer for latex export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:22] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][footer for latex export]] +** DONE Help: Agenda not working anymore +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Help: Agenda not working anymore]] +** DONE Org-babel init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Org-babel init]] +** DONE how to include time when setting deadlines? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg][how to include time when setting deadlines?]] +** DONE (BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines?]] +** DONE (babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash?]] +** DONE Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX)]] +** DONE Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces]] +** DONE Help installing org-mode on a MAC please? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm][Help installing org-mode on a MAC please?]] +** DONE (babel) key binding requests :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) key binding requests]] +** DONE org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question]] +** DONE How to setup xdg for org-protocol ? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to setup xdg for org-protocol ?]] +** DONE Bib system based on org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][Bib system based on org-mode]] +** DONE org-crypt remember password +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:33] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk][org-crypt remember password]] +** DONE Verbatim export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Verbatim export]] +** DONE Failed to create radio tables +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Failed to create radio tables]] +** DONE longlines-mode (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: longlines-mode (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:45] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar?]] +** DONE LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda?]] +** DONE org-freemind-to-org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][org-freemind-to-org-mode]] +** DONE installing updating Org on other platform +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][installing updating Org on other platform]] +** DONE Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:15] + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3))]] +** DONE possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:17] + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg][possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration)]] + +** User Requests [249/249] +*** CLOSED Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom][Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort]] +*** CLOSED Template for a resume +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Template for a resume]] +*** CLOSED configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom][configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files]] +*** CLOSED jumping in custom agenda view loses settings +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][jumping in custom agenda view loses settings]] +*** CLOSED DAV config for mobileorg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][DAV config for mobileorg]] +*** CLOSED how to sort in the column view? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom][how to sort in the column view?]] +*** CLOSED function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location]] +*** CLOSED indent source blocks automatically when using "indent" :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent source blocks automatically when using "indent"]] +*** CLOSED moving past state changes into logbook drawer? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg][moving past state changes into logbook drawer?]] +*** CLOSED month and day names +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom][month and day names]] +*** CLOSED Multiple files and auto-updating +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple files and auto-updating]] +*** CLOSED (BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ' +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ']] +*** CLOSED Footnote in title? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead][Footnote in title?]] +*** CLOSED must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly?]] +*** CLOSED oddities with ical export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:42] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb%5FgMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb_gMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail.gmail.com][oddities with ical export]] +*** CLOSED (org-BEAMER) block without header +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-BEAMER) block without header]] +*** CLOSED Gnuplot best practice? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot best practice?]] + this link doesn't resolve to an article + +*** CLOSED question about chaining function calls in org-babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2D%2DbVLyjM%5FeQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTin--bVLyjM%5feQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05@mail.gmail.com][question about chaining function calls in org-babel]] + +*** CLOSED how to combine times in clocktable +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to combine times in clocktable]] + +*** CLOSED Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:10] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode?]] + +*** CLOSED Writing a custom export. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:25] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing a custom export.]] + +*** CLOSED Archive Tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:17] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede][Archive Tasks]] + +*** CLOSED R code not producing expected results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg][R code not producing expected results]] + +*** CLOSED trying to get xetex working with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom][trying to get xetex working with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED From todos to tracking +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][From todos to tracking]] + +*** CLOSED how do you extract schedule duration in column-view +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how do you extract schedule duration in column-view]] + +*** CLOSED Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom][Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export?]] + +*** CLOSED (Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells]] + +*** CLOSED Suppressing the ellipsis +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom][Suppressing the ellipsis]] + +*** CLOSED Print / export TODO Tree +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Print / export TODO Tree]] + +*** CLOSED Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name?]] + +*** CLOSED request for comments on org icon theme standards +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][request for comments on org icon theme standards]] + +*** CLOSED how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc.]] + +*** CLOSED Strange error in html exporting +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:29] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Strange error in html exporting]] + +*** CLOSED Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name]] +*** CLOSED row and col spaning in table? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][row and col spaning in table?]] + +*** CLOSED Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:30] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function)]] + +*** CLOSED Mobile mode sync problems :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mobile mode sync problems]] + +*** CLOSED Habit timing +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Habit timing]] + +*** CLOSED Using cdlatex-item within org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:00] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using cdlatex-item within org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED task juggler export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][task juggler export]] + +*** CLOSED Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling]] + +*** CLOSED Full list of org-beamer functionality? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:26] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Full list of org-beamer functionality?]] + +*** CLOSED org-beamer problem +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:27] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer problem]] + +*** CLOSED Effort estimates for multi-day tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:02] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Effort estimates for multi-day tasks]] + +*** CLOSED TeX commands or source code in org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:05] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech][TeX commands or source code in org files]] + +*** CLOSED Average payment rate with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:07] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Average payment rate with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux]] + +*** CLOSED strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom][strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs]] + +*** CLOSED Backspacing into folded items +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Backspacing into folded items]] + +*** CLOSED How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:27] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output]] + +*** CLOSED exec code on task state progression +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "WISH" [2010-09-12 So 14:29] +:END: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:19] + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][exec code on task state progression]] + +*** CLOSED migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration)]] + +*** CLOSED MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope.]] + +*** CLOSED org-link-search: Augment signature? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-link-search: Augment signature?]] + +*** CLOSED Emailing my org file +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:54] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emailing my org file]] + +*** CLOSED Baffled by beamer blocks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom][Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +*** CLOSED org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit?]] + +*** CLOSED footnotes in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][footnotes in LaTeX export]] + +*** CLOSED How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file?]] + +*** CLOSED question: how to refile labeled with origin? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question: how to refile labeled with origin?]] + +*** CLOSED Executing sh-code :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh-code]] + +*** CLOSED Sort agenda view by date? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Sort agenda view by date?]] + +*** CLOSED Export header-level list inconsistency +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:58] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Export header-level list inconsistency]] + +*** CLOSED Debugging shell code that misbehaves :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Debugging shell code that misbehaves]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode and claws +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet][org-mode and clawqs]] + +*** CLOSED org-publish with latest changes? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-publish with latest changes?]] + +*** CLOSED Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:04] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo][Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users?]] + +*** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +*** CLOSED column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me]] + +*** CLOSED configuring Org agenda faces by priority +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][configuring Org agenda faces by priority]] + +*** CLOSED Publishing configuration +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu][Publishing configuration]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode <=> Instiki +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode <=> Instiki]] + +*** CLOSED entities and removing some markup in ascii export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][entities and removing some markup in ascii export]] + +*** CLOSED How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues... +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:28] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues...]] + +*** CLOSED Total time displayed in the modeline? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Total time displayed in the modeline?]] + +*** CLOSED (babel) creating simple vectors in R +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:44] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) creating simple vectors in R]] + +*** CLOSED org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans)]] + +*** CLOSED Adding tags, grouping tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede][Adding tags, grouping tags]] + +*** CLOSED (BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas]] +*** DONE Fontify whole heading line +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:END: + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Fontify whole heading line]] +*** DONE cycle visibility from agenda view? + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede][cycle visibility from agenda view?]] + + use of org-agenda-cycle-show explained on mailing list, and added + to FAQ. +*** DONE Beamer presentation in the document +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Beamer presentation in the document]] +*** DONE clock in from last clock out +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clock in from last clock out]] +*** DONE contrib/README + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4663%2E1277986531%40maps + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4663%2E1277986531%40maps][Re: (Orgmode) contrib/README]] + Updated, patch by Stephen Eglen + +*** DONE wrap text in table cell? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom][wrap text in table cell?]] +*** DONE italics regexp +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][italics regexp]] +*** DONE question about links in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom][question about links in org-mode]] +*** DONE Exclude some file to be in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exclude some file to be in the agenda]] +*** DONE links customization in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom][links customization in org-mode]] +*** DONE trouble with Imenu integration +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg][trouble with Imenu integration]] +*** DONE (babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export?]] +*** DONE capture-clock-out nil! +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][capture-clock-out nil!]] +*** DONE imenu support for babel blocks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][imenu support for babel blocks]] +*** DONE Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org]] +*** DONE org-babel and OCaml - help? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:END: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][org-babel and OCaml - help?]] +*** DONE word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers]] +*** DONE Inserting date/time stamps including seconds +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Inserting date/time stamps including seconds]] +*** DONE Integrate APPTs with OSX +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Integrate APPTs with OSX]] +*** DONE (babel) html export of R data frame :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar][(babel) html export of R data frame]] +*** DONE org-refile-targets: excluding archived +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-refile-targets: excluding archived]] +*** DONE highlight confusion in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg][highlight confusion in agenda]] +*** DONE export to latex book ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex book ?]] +*** DONE "Invalid capture target specification" +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["Invalid capture target specification"]] +*** DONE inline image with link to other than images in html export? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu][inline image with link to other than images in html export?]] +*** DONE org-timeline and diary/calendar +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno][org-timeline and diary/calendar]] +*** DONE orgmode html export uses wrong browser +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar][orgmode html export uses wrong browser]] +*** DONE Some problems with times in a spreadsheet +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite][Some problems with times in a spreadsheet]] +*** DONE first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg][first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced]] +*** DONE Personal accounting with emacs, org and...? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Personal accounting with emacs, org and...?]] +*** DONE (BABEL) evaluation of R code in export :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:30] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) evaluation of R code in export]] + +*** DONE (BABEL) help adding a language, please? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:39] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville][(BABEL) help adding a language, please?]] + +*** DONE Finding old appointments +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:40] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Finding old appointments]] +*** DONE Author info while publishing to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 09:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Author info while publishing to html]] +*** DONE firefox problem with org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel][firefox problem with org-protocol]] + +*** DONE odd org-babel R behaviour :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca][odd org-babel R behaviour]] +*** DONE lookup functions in spreadsheet/table +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca][lookup functions in spreadsheet/table]] +*** DONE startup in column view +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D%3CAANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom%3E][startup in column view]] +*** DONE Browsing worg +CLOSED: [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Browsing worg]] +*** DONE OrgMobile - just a little help? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:14] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm][OrgMobile - just a little help?]] +*** DONE agenda-ignore-date and version number +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:40] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech][agenda-ignore-date and version number]] +*** DONE insert .org file into other .org file by link +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom][insert .org file into other .org file by link]] +*** DONE Migrating from zim to org-mode ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Migrating from zim to org-mode ?]] +*** DONE Eliminate line breaks in html +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Eliminate line breaks in html]] +*** DONE R Babel Example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][R Babel Example]] +*** DONE Nice links bookmarks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Nice links bookmarks]] + +*** DONE Installing/updating org on the mac woes +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installing/updating org on the mac woes]] +*** DONE org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-protocol]] +*** DONE Daily Debian Builds +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][Daily Debian Builds]] +*** DONE No title or date in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][No title or date in LaTeX export]] +*** DONE when will org-indent-mode be ready? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:36] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][when will org-indent-mode be ready?]] + + org-indent-mode works fine starting with Emacs 23.2. +*** DONE How can I add a DONE tag to an org file? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How can I add a DONE tag to an org file?]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg - One step further :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:19] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][MobileOrg - One step further]] + +*** DONE source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g)) +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:02] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][Bug: source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g))]] + +*** DONE Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:46] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost][Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header]] + +*** DONE Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context]] + +*** DONE debugging sbe calls :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "IDEA" [2010-08-08 So 13:16] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][debugging sbe calls]] + +*** DONE org-clock-current-task? +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-clock-current-task?]] + +*** DONE How do you use call and lob in org-babel? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do you use call and lob in org-babel?]] +*** DONE custom sorting of agenda items +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][custom sorting of agenda items]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg for Android...issues :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android...issues]] + +*** DONE How to change plain text face in Org Mode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:18] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How to change plain text face in Org Mode?]] + +*** DONE babel versionitis? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][babel versionitis?]] + +*** DONE gnuplot, table entry and temporary file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Babel) gnuplot, table entry and temporary file ]] + +*** DONE Footnote export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau][Footnote export]] + +**** Footnote problem +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][Footnote problem]] + +Duplicate of "[[id:mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau%5D%5BFootnote%20export%5D%5D%22%2E + +*** DONE Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede][Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda]] + +*** DONE (babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate]] + +*** DONE How to show done tasks in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:23] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost][How to show done tasks in agenda]] + +*** DONE or not? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) or not?]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE use of repository branch "maint" +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup][use of repository branch "maint"]] + +*** DONE Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel) +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel)]] + +*** DONE TODO DONE strikethrough +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost][TODO DONE strikethrough]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE Babel: help with tables and code blocks? +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][Babel: help with tables and code blocks?]] + +*** DONE Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block]] + +*** DONE "C-c a is undefined" +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost]["C-c a is undefined"]] + +*** DONE (babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block]] + +*** DONE why not auto-renumbering list ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][why not auto-renumbering list ?]] + +*** DONE called-interactively-p : org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][called-interactively-p : org-capture]] + +*** DONE (babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer]] + +*** DONE Installation - no way +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installation - no way]] + +*** DONE word count checklist? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville][word count checklist?]] + +*** DONE Confused about mobileorg setup :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Confused about mobileorg setup]] + +*** DONE Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom][Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen]] + +*** DONE (babel) difference in export output if including file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) difference in export output if including file]] + +*** DONE How can I search keywords in my org project? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I search keywords in my org project?]] + +*** DONE False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides]] + +*** DONE horiontal alignment of tables in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][horiontal alignment of tables in latex export?]] + +*** DONE Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list' +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list']] + +*** DONE Generic exporter status +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Generic exporter status]] + +*** DONE org-capture and blank lines +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture and blank lines]] + +*** DONE picture copy paste? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][picture copy paste?]] + +*** DONE Iterate over list with `org-next-item' +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Iterate over list with `org-next-item']] + +*** DONE possible tex export bug? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][possible tex export bug?]] + +*** DONE Problem with URLs in export to latex +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Problem with URLs in export to latex]] + +*** DONE Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom][Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents]] + +*** DONE Cannot open load file: inf-ruby +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Cannot open load file: inf-ruby]] + +*** DONE Todo item property search +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Todo item property search]] + +*** DONE gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings]] + +*** DONE Ditaa and babel goofing again? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa and babel goofing again?]] + +*** DONE org-edit-src-code : same window? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-edit-src-code : same window?]] + +*** DONE HTML export of org source blocks +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom][HTML export of org source blocks]] + +*** DONE svn version number as tag or property? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Re: svn version number as tag or property?]] + +*** DONE cannot enable org-habit +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cannot enable org-habit]] + +*** DONE beamer export question +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo][beamer export question]] + +*** DONE (babel) ledger tutorial on Worg + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:22] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) ledger tutorial on Worg]] + +*** DONE (Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom][(Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode?]] + +*** DONE From state table to state diagram + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][From state table to state diagram]] + +Looks like Eric addressed this request and implemented it. + +*** DONE org-capture templates with file+olp target +CLOSED: [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:END: + [2010-08-23 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-capture templates with file+olp target]] + +*** DONE cells are deformed in Japanese +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][cells are deformed in Japanese]] + +*** DONE Problem whit with code evaluation :Babel: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:10] + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg][Problem whit with code evaluation]] + +*** DONE items not disappearing from agenda once marked done +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom][items not disappearing from agenda once marked done]] + +*** DONE Org capture templates - file paths +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org capture templates - file paths]] + +*** DONE Agenda view and timestamps + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost][Agenda view and timestamps]] + +*** DONE agenda view tags filtering + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost][agenda view tags filtering]] + +*** DONE Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List]] + +*** DONE macros: escaping "," and comments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][macros: escaping "," and comments]] + + Commas can now be escaped. We will not have comments, because that + limits what one can do with macros. + +*** DONE org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans)]] + + As documented in the manual, one needs to use C-u C-c C-l + +*** DONE HOWTO?: make install contrib +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][HOWTO?: make install contrib]] + +*** DECLINED Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno][Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system]] + We no longer support Emacs 21. +*** DECLINED (babel) help debugging latex export :Babel: + - State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:04] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging latex export]] + +*** CLOSED Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects?]] +*** CLOSED OT: orgmode on my palm TX? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][OT: orgmode on my palm TX?]] +*** CLOSED org-learn question +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-learn question]] +*** CLOSED org tables - modified field + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:22] + :END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org tables - modified field ]] + +It is a bit much to expect that emphasis in table fields would not +disturb calc operations. + +*** CLOSED org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:23] + :END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags]] + + +This does not look like an issue we need to track (- Carsten) + +*** CLOSED column view asterisks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:58] +- State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:13] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][column view asterisks]] + +This is a minor issue, no action taken + +*** CLOSED how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom][how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring]] + +This is an Emacs issue and does not need tracking here. + +*** CLOSED Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key]] + +Answered on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED .ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][.ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice]] +Answered on the mailing list, by customizing `org-file-apps'. +*** CLOSED bug with link following +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +- State "BUG" from "CLOSED" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:15] +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo][bug with link following]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have reexamined the bug I had, and as far as I can tell, it occurs +because of the punctuation at the end of the header line. I am +attaching a file that shows the funny behavior. I can link to a +header titled "Foobar" correctly, but not one titled "submit through +submission site:" Attempts to link to the one word header "Bletch:" +also fail. +#+END_QUOTE + +=org-store-link= removes all characters except numbers, letters and +whitespace when creating the link target. Opening the link with +=org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline= set to non-nil +subsequently fails. + +**** org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies]] + +*** CLOSED org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom][org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells?]] + +Org-mode tables do not support multiline cells. + +*** CLOSED org-mode + pomodoro +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode + pomodoro]] + +*** CLOSED stuck project and check boxes +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr][stuck project and check boxes]] + +*** CLOSED a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents]] + +*** CLOSED Examples in numbered lists + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Examples in numbered lists]] + +Indentation can solve this, as explained on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED Error during Publishing to HTML + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error during Publishing to HTML]] + + +This seems to be a non-issue, I am closing it. + +*** CLOSED Org-beamer and beamer overlays +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg][Org-beamer and beamer overlays]] + +*** CLOSED merging column view headings across files +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca][merging column view headings across files]] + +*** CLOSED Table of Contents in html export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Table of Contents in html export]] + +*** CLOSED Trouble syncing files to mobile-org. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Trouble syncing files to mobile-org.]] + +*** CLOSED Mark days in calendar based on agenda + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mark days in calendar based on agenda]] + +This can be done using %(org-diary), as was explained on the list. + +*** CLOSED "{" in Latex fragments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:13] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom]["{" in Latex fragments]] + +I believe that this is solved - the OP did not come back after the +last help suggestion from the mailing list. So I am closing this. + +*** CLOSED (babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update]] + link not resolving + +*** CLOSED file+olp problem in org-capture. +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][file+olp problem in org-capture.]] + +*** CLOSED Folding org drawers in elisp code? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Folding org drawers in elisp code?]] + +The corresponding elisp code was published on the mailing list by Carsten + +*** CLOSED mathjax HTML export question + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][mathjax HTML export question]] + +Question was answered by Jan. + +*** CLOSED Deleting EXPERIMENTAL + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Deleting EXPERIMENTAL]] + +This is a non-issue. Right now there is nothing interesting in this +directory, but it mighr still come in handy. + +*** CLOSED Emacs & problem to export to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs & problem to export to HTML]] + +*** CLOSED Some useful timestamp s-expressions +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Some useful timestamp s-expressions ]] + +*** CLOSED make without make cleanall safe? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][make without make cleanall safe?]] + +*** CLOSED Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom][Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable?]] + +*** CLOSED beamer export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca][beamer export]] + +Looks like this was an old version of Org-mode. + +*** CLOSED Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom][Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o]] + +*** CLOSED tag or property names with dashes + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "CLOSED" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][tag or property names with dashes]] + +The "_-" in a property name can now be escaped in a property search +with "\-". Also, Manish and Carsten are testing a patch to allow "#" +and "%" in tags. + +*** CLOSED Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file]] + +*** CLOSED EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm][EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode]] + +*** CLOSED (Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer?]] + +This is indeed the standard behavior of #+DRAWERS. + +*** CLOSED Links Lost and Export-Report + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:00] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Links Lost and Export-Report]] + +Id locations can be refresehed, and custom links is what Stefan Volmar +really wants. The answers are in the mailing list archives. + +*** CLOSED (BUG) org-capture: file+function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-capture: file+function ]] +An example was published on the mailing list on how to deal with this case. + +*** CLOSED C-u usage +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][C-u usage]] + +*** CLOSED More structure on org-hacks.php +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom][More structure on org-hacks.php]] + +*** CLOSED See total effort in my agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][See total effort in my agenda]] + +*** CLOSED export TODO keyword +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export TODO keyword]] + +*** CLOSED TODO hooks +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][TODO hooks]] + +*** CLOSED Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede][Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now]] + +*** CLOSED bug in make info? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][bug in make info?]] + +*** CLOSED question about date-tree +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about date-tree]] + +** CLOSED empty lines in datetree capture templates +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:32] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][empty lines in datetree capture templates]] + +Malformed capture template. + +** CLOSED remember template is slow +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][remember template is slow]] + +** CLOSED org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item]] + +** CLOSED org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period]] + +** CLOSED Error using Calc time format in table +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Error using Calc time format in table]] + +** CLOSED bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom][bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad]] + +** CLOSED Src blocks fontification issue +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Src blocks fontification issue]] + +** CLOSED (babel) python session speed vs non session :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) python session speed vs non session]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point]] + +** CLOSED Beamer column alignment +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Beamer column alignment]] + +** CLOSED org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line" +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop][org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line"]] + +** CLOSED questions about table mode and spreadsheets +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about table mode and spreadsheets]] + +** CLOSED Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO" +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO"]] + +** CLOSED Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export]] + +** CLOSED Secretary.el +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom][Secretary.el]] + +** CLOSED (Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error]] + +** CLOSED Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports]] + +** CLOSED Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events?]] + +** CLOSED Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class]] + +** CLOSED Magit Integration - logging magit events. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Magit Integration - logging magit events.]] + +** CLOSED Context sensitive M-q +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom][Context sensitive M-q]] + +** CLOSED bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules]] + +** CLOSED 7.01trans obsolete variables +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][7.01trans obsolete variables]] + +** CLOSED bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy]] + +** CLOSED Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error]] + +** CLOSED org-babel and gnuplot +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel and gnuplot]] + +** CLOSED setting index.org for MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][setting index.org for MobileOrg]] + +** CLOSED How to capture another file's column view +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp][How to capture another file's column view]] + +** CLOSED Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom][Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name?]] + +** CLOSED org-beamer outline +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer outline]] + +** CLOSED Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks)]] + +** CLOSED Agenda and weather forecast +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Agenda and weather forecast]] + +** CLOSED Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits]] + +** CLOSED meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall][meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references]] + +** CLOSED Exporting property values to LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting property values to LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly]] + +** CLOSED Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry]] + +** CLOSED Problem with Babel and sessions :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with Babel and sessions]] + +** CLOSED plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom][plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request]] + +** CLOSED latex link target name +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo][latex link target name]] + +** CLOSED Repeating tasks on specific days of the week +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Repeating tasks on specific days of the week]] + +** CLOSED IP locator +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo][IP locator]] + +** CLOSED problem with label in latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo][problem with label in latex export]] + +** CLOSED ical export -> google calendar woes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet][ical export -> google calendar woes]] + +** CLOSED bug: babel-* dirs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel-* dirs]] + +** CLOSED org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs]] + +** CLOSED Export function to Vcal file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Export function to Vcal file ]] + +** CLOSED Mediawiki and org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mediawiki and org-mode]] + +** CLOSED Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released]] + +** CLOSED Org capture with predefined entries from a list? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Org capture with predefined entries from a list?]] + +** CLOSED Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug: Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github.]] + +** CLOSED org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet][org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode]] + +** CLOSED Include files to be used in literate programming :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom][Include files to be used in literate programming]] + +** CLOSED lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link]] + +** CLOSED Bug : http in http link export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug : http in http link export]] + +** CLOSED wanderlust links +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom][wanderlust links]] + +** CLOSED image size in html export +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom][image size in html export]] + +** CLOSED Bug in column view with cookie on item line +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo][Bug in column view with cookie on item line]] + +** CLOSED Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0)]] + +** CLOSED Change color in fontified html export for strings +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom][Change color in fontified html export for strings]] + +** CLOSED Customizing agenda line format +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca][Customizing agenda line format]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> > Well, I tried setting org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to "%0s", which +> > didn't work, but I didn't think about the above. So I tried this now. +> > It does remove the todo keyword, but it does only that. In particular, +> > there is now a space at the beginning of each line, which I assume is +> > simply the space in the headline that succeeds the todo keyword. Any +> > way of getting rid of that? Thanks for the pointer so far. +> > +> +> The information at the beginning of the line is controlled by +> org-agenda-prefix-format. What is the value of org-agenda-prefix-format +> on your machine? + +It seems to be more complicated than that. Here's what I found out by +tinkering around with settings a little. Setting +org-agenda-prefix-format to "" (as I already did before) correctly +removes the prefix *before* the TODO keyword. The formatting function +for everything starting with the TODO keyword, however, seems to +unconditionally insert a space between the TODO keyword and the rest of +the line. Thus, even if the TODO keyword is empty (by setting +org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to ""), there is still a space after the +now empty TODO keyword. Hence, the extra space at the beginning of the +line. To me it seems like there's no way around this with the standard +org mode settings. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Freemind conversion and Notes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Freemind conversion and Notes]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization]] + +** CLOSED camel.el, for CamelCase links +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +** CLOSED listing org source blocks in LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom][listing org source blocks in LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED #+STYLE: strangeness +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][#+STYLE: strangeness]] + +** CLOSED Query: Nested sort in table? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Query: Nested sort in table?]] + +** CLOSED Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org" +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom][Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org"]] + +** CLOSED A LaTeX class for Org-mode export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom][A LaTeX class for Org-mode export]] + +** CLOSED org-scan-tags +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-scan-tags]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede][org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries]] + +** CLOSED org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED Question: Repeating Items? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Question: Repeating Items?]] + +** CLOSED Latex export of subtree not working for me +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** CLOSED extremely weird "bad sexp" errors +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][extremely weird "bad sexp" errors]] + +** CLOSED suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks]] + +** CLOSED Load macros from other files? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Load macros from other files?]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode API? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-Mode API?]] + +** CLOSED Bibtex and latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bibtex and latex export]] + +** CLOSED Worg link broken +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom][Worg link broken]] + +** CLOSED Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** CLOSED Remember item under specific :PROJECT: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remember item under specific :PROJECT:]] + +** CLOSED options and batch exporting +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom][options and batch exporting]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:53] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link.]] + +** CLOSED Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA]] + +** CLOSED (babel) Environment around exported results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(babel) Environment around exported results]] + +** CLOSED Relative dates with sexep +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost][Relative dates with sexep]] + +** CLOSED Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0]] + +** CLOSED Problem when previewing latex fragments +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom][Problem when previewing latex fragments]] + +** CLOSED Putting latex in document titles +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Putting latex in document titles]] + +** CLOSED Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop][Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings]] + +** CLOSED Org-weather: display on some dates +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-weather: display on some dates]] + +** CLOSED BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "DECLINED" from "BUG" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:01] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task]] + +** CLOSED The \only<> overlay in beamer +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][The \only<> overlay in beamer]] + +No follow-up of OP since [2011-09-29 Do] + +** CLOSED SQLite in 7.01h? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][SQLite in 7.01h?]] + +** CLOSED org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem]] + +** CLOSED How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex]] + +** CLOSED Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo][Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android]] + +No follow-up by OP since [2010-09-20 Mo] + +** CLOSED orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices. +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices.]] + +** CLOSED Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc)]] + +** CLOSED Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org) +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org)]] + +** CLOSED Howto define formula for table regions +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom][Howto define formula for table regions]] + +** CLOSED does #+PROPERTY still exist ? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][does #+PROPERTY still exist ?]] + +** CLOSED Ditaa usage +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa usage]] + +** CLOSED cheatsheets in emacs +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cheatsheets in emacs]] + +** CLOSED "No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link]] + +** CLOSED subtree export fails with src block +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: subtree export fails with src block]] + +** CLOSED *.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:04] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard]] + +Seems to be a Snow Leopard issue + +** CLOSED wrap sourcecode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][wrap sourcecode?]] + +** CLOSED File-level execute permissions? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][File-level execute permissions?]] + +** CLOSED Requests about the code demarcation +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Requests about the code demarcation]] + +** CLOSED Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk][Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer?]] + +** CLOSED ditaa set-up on windows box +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ditaa set-up on windows box]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP]] + +** CLOSED Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:45] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree]] + +** CLOSED table, moving cells + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:49] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno][table, moving cells]] + +This is a non issue, and workaround have been shown on the mailing list. + +** CLOSED (PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions]] + +** CLOSED geolocated notes +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][geolocated notes]] + +** CLOSED org-footnote in messages, practical question. + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][org-footnote in messages, practical question.]] + +** CLOSED Windows installation with msysGit +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Windows installation with msysGit]] + +** CLOSED Can't find LaTeX under MAC + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Can't find LaTeX under MAC]] +Not an Org mode question. +** CLOSED LaTeX classes for Resume Writing +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][LaTeX classes for Resume Writing]] + +** CLOSED org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment?]] + +** CLOSED how to set faces? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom][how to set faces?]] + +** CLOSED org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash]] + +** CLOSED Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files]] + +** CLOSED lisp functions in column view +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][lisp functions in column view]] + +** CLOSED (babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file]] + +** CLOSED (beamer) export a long source block as in several frames +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(beamer) export a long source block as in several frames]] + +** CLOSED Sidewaystable in org? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Sidewaystable in org?]] + +** CLOSED org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items]] + +** CLOSED Fold "preamble/options" under first header +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fold "preamble/options" under first header]] + +** CLOSED (babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu][(babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name]] + +** CLOSED Projects+Next Actions view + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Projects+Next Actions view]] + +** CLOSED Having problems with faces in org agenda +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo][Having problems with faces in org agenda]] + +** CLOSED link export confused when URL parameter is another URL +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][link export confused when URL parameter is another URL]] + +** CLOSED POPERTIES Effort and HTML export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:49] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018 +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018][POPERTIES Effort and HTML export]] + +** CLOSED Agenda sorting strategy + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Agenda sorting strategy]] + +** CLOSED Store link upon sending a message +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][Store link upon sending a message]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Org-agenda.el :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(PATCH) Org-agenda.el]] + +** CLOSED strike through display problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][strike through display problem]] + +** CLOSED org-capture: file to top level with prepend + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:51] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture: file to top level with prepend]] + +Gmane link does not work. + +** CLOSED Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9]] + +No further reaction from OP +** CLOSED wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED org-agenda-skip-function not working +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-agenda-skip-function not working]] + +** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +** CLOSED 7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known]] + +** CLOSED Habits bug? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu][Habits bug?]] + +** CLOSED New clocktable code bug + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][New clocktable code bug]] + +** CLOSED (BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python? +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python?]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 ]] + +No feed back or backtrace via mailing list, issue closed. + +** CLOSED Executing sh code within sessions +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh code within sessions]] + +** CLOSED publishing a drawer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "IDEA" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:25] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][publishing a drawer]] + +** CLOSED Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil]] + +** CLOSED Org 7.3 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu][Org 7.3]] + +No followup in the thread, seems to be an isolated problem + +** CLOSED bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items]] + +** CLOSED Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:49] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags]] + +** CLOSED org-faq: Invalid XHTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-01-29 Sa 15:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:27] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-faq: Invalid XHTML]] + +** CLOSED Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:35] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk][Bug: Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:46] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom][Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks]] + +** CLOSED UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED latex table export not centered +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede][latex table export not centered]] + +** DONE syntax bugs in footnotes + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) syntax bugs in footnotes]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code]] + +** DONE Why :ID: properties? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom][Why :ID: properties?]] + +** DONE Directory Links (and a bug?) +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Directory Links (and a bug?)]] + +** DONE bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html)) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html))]] + +** DONE (WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode?]] + +** DONE Search files in a folder +CLOSED: [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Search files in a folder]] + +** DONE Agenda: Hide Sched. Items +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda: Hide Sched. Items]] + +** DONE problem exporting region from within a read-only file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting region from within a read-only file]] + +** DONE todos without timestamp in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][todos without timestamp in agenda]] + +** DONE image alt text for HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][image alt text for HTML export]] + +** DONE export of .org file from within a different .org file +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom][export of .org file from within a different .org file]] + +** DONE Templates - newline in string? +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit][Templates - newline in string?]] + +** DONE different result in spreadsheet tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush][different result in spreadsheet tutorial]] + +** DONE org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id) +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id)]] + +** DONE (bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set]] + +** DONE (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Re: (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working]] + +** DONE including holidays in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][including holidays in agenda]] + +** DONE org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** DONE Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords? +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords?]] + +** DONE inline images in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo][inline images in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Would it be reasonable to augment org's processing of #+ directives so +that an org user can specify (that Org should display inline images, +D.M.) there instead of using the local variables, which is less +user-friendly? +#+END_QUOTE + +** DONE (bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:54] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types]] + +** DONE Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments]] + +** DONE C-a T DONE behavior +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost][C-a T DONE behavior]] + +** DONE calendar and agenda entries +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][calendar and agenda entries]] + +** DONE Latex export of subtree not working for me + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** DONE Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word) +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word)]] + +** DONE How can I get document metadata? +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][How can I get document metadata?]] + +** DONE Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function]] +Reply in thread +** DONE Sparse trees and searching for multiple words + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sparse trees and searching for multiple words]] + +Use search view +** DONE Tags in Agenda View +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom][Tags in Agenda View]] + +** DONE #+source line in export +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom][#+source line in export]] + +** DONE exporting to a specified directory +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][exporting to a specified directory]] + +** DONE Update for habit documentation + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:44] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom][Update for habit documentation]] +Manual was updated +** DONE Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:06] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file]] + +Such a function was posted on the mailing list. + +** DONE Exporting to html +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting to html]] + +** DONE Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo][Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses]] + +** DONE bug with spaces in regexp search +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug with spaces in regexp search]] + +** DONE Agenda Question +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom][Agenda Question]] + +** DONE Yet another way to use maps --- the light way +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Yet another way to use maps --- the light way]] + +** DONE compiling org without make +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice][compiling org without make]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:48] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca +:ASSIGNEE: Carsten +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca][(PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines]] + +** DONE org-capture (lost PATCH?) +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture (lost PATCH?)]] + +** DONE Cannot insert column - wrong type argument +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice][Cannot insert column - wrong type argument]] + +** DONE Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output]] + +** DONE How do I convert org to OpenOffice? + CLOSED: [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :LOGBOOK: + - Note taken on [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] \\ + Added FAQ on converting to doc/odt. + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I convert org to OpenOffice?]] + +** DONE Filter scheduled items +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Filter scheduled items]] + +** DONE Title for capture template +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Title for capture template]] + +** DONE publishing orgmode to a CMS +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][publishing orgmode to a CMS]] + +** DONE bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails]] + +** DONE Latex exporter bug or feature? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo][Latex exporter bug or feature?]] + +** DONE How to not publish log done note? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to not publish log done note?]] + +** DONE Omit top level heading in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo][Omit top level heading in latex export?]] + +** DONE How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom][How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + +** DONE Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page?]] + +** DONE (PATCH) there is no ś in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][(PATCH) there is no ś in HTML]] + +** DONE Quoting formula "cookies" in table? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Quoting formula "cookies" in table?]] + +** DONE custom postamble in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][custom postamble in HTML export]] + +** DONE quotation marks in LaTeX (again) +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][quotation marks in LaTeX (again)]] + +** DONE Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome][Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error]] + +** DONE (BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes]] + +** DONE Orgmode and filling +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and filling]] + +** DONE Tracking time with MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tracking time with MobileOrg]] + +** DONE conditional export based on target +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][conditional export based on target]] + +** DONE (babel) Writing R-packages the org way? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Writing R-packages the org way?]] + +** DONE (BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][(BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement]] + +** DONE How can I just publish entry marked as DONE? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I just publish entry marked as DONE?]] + +** DONE Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone?]] + +** DONE Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return?]] + +** DONE library of babel, bootabs question +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][library of babel, bootabs question]] + +** DONE how to reverse a region of outline items +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to reverse a region of outline items]] + +** DONE bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future]] + +** DONE TaskJuggler 3, revisited +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TaskJuggler 3, revisited]] + +** DONE (BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentation +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentatidon]] + +** DONE Export Headings Only? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export Headings Only?]] + +** DONE org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse]] + +** DONE No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:18] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule]] + +** DONE Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML]] + +** DONE Feature request +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request]] + +** DONE centering text in html +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][centering text in html]] + +** DONE Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML]] + +** DONE Need help publishing subdirectories +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Need help publishing subdirectories]] + +** DONE puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom][puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour]] + +** DONE optimal usage Q : how would you do this? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][optimal usage Q : how would you do this?]] + +** DONE cache issue when publishing website with include file +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cache issue when publishing website with include file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export]] + +** DONE org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:29] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor]] + +** DONE org-mobile-use-encryption :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile-use-encryption]] + +** DONE Insert link to recently captured Note? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert link to recently captured Note?]] + +** DONE (BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][(BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML]] + +** DONE org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp]] + +** DONE Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom][Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii]] + +** DONE Auto clock-out? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Auto clock-out? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE org-7 under Xemacs +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org-7 under Xemacs]] + +** DONE Elementary: How to return to the main view +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Elementary: How to return to the main view]] + +** DONE Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5)]] + +** DONE org-freemind.el and rx +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom][org-freemind.el and rx]] + +** DONE 7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work]] + +** DONE blorgit build +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][blorgit build]] + +** DONE Bug (?) in org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo][Bug (?) in org-capture]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading and inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][org-insert-heading and inline tasks]] + +** DONE Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export?]] + +** DONE (Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML]] + +** DONE Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented]] + +** DONE Babel for blogging :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr][Babel for blogging]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-insert-heading]] + +** DONE #+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM][#+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation?]] + +** DONE mobileorg app can't sync :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom][mobileorg app can't sync]] + +** DONE Publishing htaccess files with a project +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Publishing htaccess files with a project]] + +** DONE Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML]] + +** DONE Library calls and begin_example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom][(Babel) Library calls and begin_example]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE (BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format? +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format?]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode?]] + +** DONE Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp]] + +** DONE Latex Export +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom][Latex Export]] + +** DONE xemacs compatibility +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][xemacs compatibility]] + +** DONE Exporting #+lob :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom][Exporting #+lob]] + +** DONE (babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org?]] + +** DONE Unable to export babel results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Unable to export babel results]] + +** DONE org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom][org-default-notes-file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:55] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl][(PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables]] + +** DONE pcomplete bug in 7.4 +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr][pcomplete bug in 7.4]] + +** DONE (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:51] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE]] + +** DONE (manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:25] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict]] + +** DONE indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line]] + +** DONE bug: invalid export key in export visible region +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:58] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: invalid export key in export visible region]] + +** DONE fill-region and list items +CLOSED: [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:14] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) fill-region and list items]] + +** DONE Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:23] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE][(O) Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph]] +** DONE proper visibility cycling for items + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Make them not hide the text after the final list item. + This is not trivial, we cannot usenormal outline stuff, + needs a separate implementation. +** DONE (PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:32] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists]] + +** DONE preserving location of point + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][preserving location of point]] + Resolved - works with emacs -Q, so it is due to some other + package. +** DONE VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice][VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u ]] + +** DONE question about link syntax +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about link syntax]] + +** DONE M-return on list items in quote blocks + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:24] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: M-return on list items in quote blocks]] +** CLOSED (ANN) List improvement v.2 + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) List improvement v.2 ]] + +git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + +** CLOSED (ANN) New lists definition :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) New lists definition]] + + git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + + Superseded by [[id:mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom%5D%5BList%20improvement%20v%2E2%5D%5D + +** CLOSED Export of quoted region to HTML +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:34 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Export of quoted region to HTML]] + +"At the moment, there is no real support for lists inside blocks." ([[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/34716][Re: Export of quoted region to HTML]]) +** CLOSED Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] \\ + Cannot reproduce it anymore on [2011-07-16 sam.]. +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:44 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom][Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook]] + +** DONE (bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] \\ + Fixed with new escaping mechanism. +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] +** DONE possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1)]] + +** DONE Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom][Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days]] + Patch is applied. +** DONE bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer%! +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer]] + +** DONE Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:52] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** DONE habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p][Bug: habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g)]] + +The code now has a better error message for this case. + +** DONE Git pull breaks agenda? + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: Git pull breaks agenda?]] + +** DONE Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:23] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom][Bug: Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4)]] + +** DONE Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5)) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:10] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][Bug: Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5))]] + +** DONE Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists]] + +** DONE (babel) Error Before first headline. :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error Before first headline.]] + +** DONE Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:10] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel]] + +** DONE Org-Babel and Ledger :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-Babel and Ledger]] + +** DONE (BABEL) Commands for navigation :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Commands for navigation]] + +** DONE Comments in tangled source + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Comments in tangled source]] + +** DONE (babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook]] + +** DONE (babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug? + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug?]] + +** DONE Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows]] + +** DONE (babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png]] + +** DONE (babel) support plantuml :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) support plantuml]] + +** DONE (org-babel) References Not Expanding :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:20] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) References Not Expanding]] + +** DONE (ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:08] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands]] + +** DONE problem with babel and R :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:02] + :END: + [2010-08-17 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][problem with babel and R]] + +Now possible to wrap results in Org blocks which can export as raw +org, but still allow for clean replacement of raw Org results. + +** DONE The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file]] + +** DONE indentation in capture templates :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ indentation in capture templates]] + +** DONE Capture and clock options +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and clock options]] + +** DONE Capture and checkitem +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:06] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and checkitem]] + + +This is now fixed, two reasonably serious issues. checkitem was not +implemented at all, and both checkitem and item could be placed into +the wrong subtree. + +** DONE (BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer]] + +** DONE (BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer]] + +** DONE Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop' + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Clocking + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop']] +** DONE Document the :recursive option for org-publish +CLOSED: [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: +** DONE typo in org.texi? :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:38] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:36] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][typo in org.texi?]] + +** DONE improve doc string + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - patch: http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/26 + - Org repo commit: http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git/commitdiff/bc53b3da3bf95c767113625693895a7dcbf389bb +** DONE workaround for the given example + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Worg repo commit: http://repo.or.cz/w/Worg.git/commitdiff/f5814f05998292d4eb80f9772c279e9837644f29 +** DONE (bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export]] + This has been fixed + +** DONE lists, maths and export to latex :Patch: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: lists, maths and export to latex]] +*** (PATCH) lists and exportation to latex + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Eric Schulte + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) lists and exportation to latex]] + + This patch has been applied. + +** DONE latex export and booktabs tables :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:02] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][latex export and booktabs tables]] +** DONE Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath? + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Carsten + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + This has been fixed, use the setting #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:verbatim. + It is also documented in the jsMath tutorial. + +** DONE Comment before \begin{equation} exported verbatim + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I noticed the following behavior: A comment line starting with "#" +immediately before a \begin{equation} environment is passed verbatim +as well. I don't think it counts as a bug, since there should probably +be a blank line before \begin anyway. +#+END_QUOTE + + This issue has been fixed. + +** DONE Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML]] + + - Patch :: [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/90/][90]] +** DONE Support multiple CSS container classes :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS property]] +** DONE Literal examples and indentation +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Literal examples and indentation]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Ok, so the answer of my initial question is no. + +That's a bit sad because, IMHO, this could a little be smarter than +this. For example if the line to indent is an empty one, then don't +insert indentation, or if the text is already indented then indent +with respect of the current indentation, etc... +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export]] + + Eric Fraga's code is now on the master branch. + +** DONE (BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export]] + Fixed, patch by Eri Schulte, this now gives a good error message + +** DONE (PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during LaTeX Export :Babel: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during + LaTeX Export]] + + Fixed with special treatment of these lines before the first headline +** DONE (BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading :Babel: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading]] + + Fixed, patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML]] +** DONE Minor Bug in ical2org awk script +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Minor Bug in ical2org awk script]] +** DONE Correct babel format for ditaa? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Correct babel format for ditaa?]] + +** DONE Bug in org-colview/org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Bug in org-colview/org-beamer?]] +** DONE bug in org-mode-export-as-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal][bug in org-mode-export-as-latex]] +** DONE LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))) +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)))]] + +** DONE Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +- State "ASSIGNED" from "BUG" [2010-08-08 So 14:27] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:15] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom +:ASSIGNEE: dmaus +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom][Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory]] + +** DONE Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 11:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex]] + +** DONE Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export]] + +** DONE BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-( +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-(]] + +** DONE Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for]] + +** DONE html-export mangels mailto: links +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) html-export mangels mailto: links]] + +** DONE escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans)]] + +There was a bug here (fixed), and also a user error (told the user so +on the mailing list). + +** DONE export to latex broken +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:22] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex broken]] + +The offending commit has been reverted. + +** DONE Publishing documents body-only + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 13:58] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + +The :body-only property is now available in the publishing setup. + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom][Publishing documents body-only]] + +** DONE Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:44] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans)]] + + [2010-07-20 Tue] Request for backtrace sent to bug report author + +** DONE suggesting a new function org-export-string :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][suggesting a new function org-export-string]] +** DONE portable absolute links in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][portable absolute links in HTML export]] + +** DONE insert a remember template at point +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][insert a remember template at point]] +** DONE Movement of C-a under visible-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Movement of C-a under visible-mode]] +** DONE org-mode and auto-fill-mode :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:24] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode and auto-fill-mode]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1hblfgkp1%2Efsf%40cam%2Eac%2Euk][Removing (modify-syntax-entry ?# "<")]] + +** DONE Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain][Bug: Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i)]] +** DONE org-feed not working for codeproject :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-feed not working for codeproject]] +** DONE (mobileorg) Android sync failed :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobileorg) Android sync failed]] +** DONE org-capture question/suggestion + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][org-capture question/suggestion]] + This patch has been applied, estimate operators are now active and + documented. +** DONE Displaying inline remote images +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:01] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Displaying inline remote images]] +** DONE Tables and environment with parameters + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Tables and environment with parameters]] + Another case of checking for protectedness at the wrong place (the + following line :( ) +** DONE org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:00] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd))]] +** DONE org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51))]] +** DONE inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active]] + +*** inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up%! + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][Bug: inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up]] +** DONE Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans) + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D8739vzpqx1.wl%25dmaus%40ictsoc.de][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed by fixing the function org-find-olp, this can not search just + in the current buffer if the THIS-BUFFER flag is set. +** DONE Problem when org-capturing text from French email + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Problem when org-capturing text from French email]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus to work around Emacs bug #5306. + +** DONE org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans) + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus. + +** DONE web site bug +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][web site bug]] +** DONE indent levels in dynamic block clock? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent levels in dynamic block clock?]] +** DONE org-collector : display problem with propview +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-collector : display problem with propview]] +** DONE startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block) +CLOSED: [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block)]] +** DONE Diary-integration in version 7.01.g +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3Dop.vgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost.localdomain][Diary-integration in version 7.01.g]] +** DONE Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG= +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:59] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG=]] +** DONE links and ID properties +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][links and ID properties]] + +** DONE (Patch) Capture: [Error: (void-function FILE)] and %![Error: (void-function SEXP)] (again)%! +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) Capture: %!(Error: (void-function FILE)) and %!(Error: (void-function SEXP)) (again)]] +** DONE (BUG) Org-capturing items to clock +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Org-capturing items to clock]] +** DONE Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:42] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer]] +** DONE MobileOrg capture - bad encoding :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg capture - bad encoding]] +** DONE Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient]] +** DONE (BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems]] +** DONE avoiding source block prompts +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu][avoiding source block prompts]] +** DONE (babel) lob evaluation : a bug ? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(babel) lob evaluation : a bug ?]] + +** DONE (mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom][(mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing]] + +** DONE bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties? :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties?]] + +** DONE (Patch) Org-fontify :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Patch) Org-fontify]] + +** DONE (PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string.]] + +** DONE org-feed XML entities and character encoding :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][org-feed XML entities and character encoding]] + +** DONE (Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil]] + +** DONE (Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:15] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition)]] + +I installed the new code into the contirb directory. + +** DONE Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot?]] + +This is solved, and new example on how to work with GNUPLOT are up on Worg. + +** CLOSED Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** CLOSED Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight]] + +** CLOSED export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug: export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks]] + +** CLOSED org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:19] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection]] + +True, but cannot be fixed, at least not easily. The new entry can +still be found at the original target location, go there with `C-c C-u +C-c r'. + +** CLOSED org-capture + autoload + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture + autoload]] +The autoload Cookie is in there now. + +** CLOSED capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...) +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:14] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...)]] + +Not a bug. Cf. manual Template expansion and Carsten's +explanation: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6DE91187%2D59F0%2D4AA3%2D9487%2DA758CEB6D5DE%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 +commit-972b0a58...)]]. + +** CLOSED documention missing +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][Bug: documention missing]] + +** CLOSED Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Bug) Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk]] +** CLOSED org capture: use org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom][org capture: use org-default-notes-file]] + +** CLOSED Comments cannot be filled +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + +** CLOSED Disputed keys (meta left), (meta right) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 12:48] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:25] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Disputed keys]] +** DONE keys and command name info + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:44] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][keys and command name info]] + +** CLOSED Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] \\ + Insufficient information and no confirmation of the bug since more + than six months. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:31] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/66] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY?]] + +** DONE Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers. :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/65] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers.]] + +** DONE Re: export to latex broken :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 20:55] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:37 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/63] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][(O) Re: export to latex broken]] + +** DONE (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] \\ + This has been applied to master. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 21:04] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:39 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/62] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom][(O) (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command]] + +** DONE Macro expansion in included files :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] \\ + Applied already. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 16:07] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:42 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/61] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Macro expansion in included files]] + +** CLOSED "org-nil" error in LaTeX export :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:47] \\ + No report. Apperently, an user configuration problem. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/60] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) "org-nil" error in LaTeX export]] +** CLOSED (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] \\ + No confirmation under 30 weeks. Probably an user misconfiguration. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 00:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/58] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block]] + +** DONE Verbatim code gets interpreted :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/57] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) (Bug) Verbatim code gets interpreted]] + +** CLOSED (BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:50] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:35 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/38] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli][(BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers]] + +** DONE For Patchwork workers: An updated pw + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom][For Patchwork workers: An updated pw]] + +The pw script that should be used to work with our patchwork server +is part of the distribution, UTILITIES/pw. Among other things, this +script arranges for automatic emails to the mailing list when the +status of a patch changes. + +** DONE (ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite][(ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode]] +I have made a link to this new translator on Worg, in +org-translators.org. + +** CLOSED tags grouping not working :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:43] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 02:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/20] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede][Bug: tags grouping not working]] +** DONE org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org]] + +org-velocity.el is now a contributed packge, with documentation on worg. +** CLOSED Footnote incorrect in Worg + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:34 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Footnote incorrect in Worg]] + +** CLOSED org-mediawiki :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:53 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/17] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mediawiki]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:54 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/16] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file]] + +** CLOSED send mail without starting gnus first :new: + CLOSED: [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:57] + - Note taken on [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] \\ + This is a gnus issue. + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [3/15] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][send mail without starting gnus first]] + +** CLOSED links and no match message :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:30] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:03 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/12] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu][links and no match message]] + +No answer in 25 weeks. Case closed. +** CLOSED org-cdlatex after environment :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/11] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-cdlatex after environment]] + +Document to reproduce: + +#+begin_src org +,* Heading +,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +;; Turn on cdlatex-mode +(org-cdlatex-mode 1) +,#+END_SRC + + +\begin{eqnarray*} + & & \\ +\end{eqnarray*} + +\begin{eqnarray*} +b&=& +\begin{cases} +1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 +\end{cases} +5 +\end{eqnarray*} + + +Typing _ after 4 prints _{}. Typing _ after 5 only gives _. 5 isn't +considered to be part of math-mode anymore. +#+end_src + +** DONE Org now fontifies code blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][Org now fontifies code blocks]] + +** DONE MobileOrg now in the Android market + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][MobileOrg now in the Android market]] +** DONE (CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom][(CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point]] + +Included in Worg now. + +** DONE Finally jekyll and org-jekyll + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Finally jekyll and org-jekyll]] + +Documented in Worg. + +** DONE MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages]] + +Included in Org and documented. + +** CLOSED what am I missing about remote editing? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 15:41] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:11 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/10] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][what am I missing about remote editing?]] +** CLOSED error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier" :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:02] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:13 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/9] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier"]] + +** CLOSED void-function error :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:37] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/8] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][void-function error]] + +** DONE Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks :Babel:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 11:07 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks]] +** DONE Baffled by beamer blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:50] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:04 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) (BUG) Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +** DONE Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:36] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom][Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands]] + +#+begin_quote +Is there an option for org-metaup (org-metadown) and +outline-next-visible-heading (outline-previous-visible-heading) to +alway jump to the first non-star character in a headline instead of +the beginning of a headline? I could not find this option in the +manual. In my opinion, this would complement the "special C-a/e" +commands which I also use. This behaviour is already the default for +org-metaup/-down in lists. +#+end_quote + +** DONE LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug]] + +** DONE Row formulas + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + @4=..... + +** CLOSED latex export problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech][latex export problem]] + + - ngz :: not consistently reproducible, 41 weeks old, outdated + version of Org : closed. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE Make a variable that current line should be recomputed always + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + In each table. Skipping headers of course. +** DONE include value of single table cell in text? + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:49] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:17 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][include value of single table cell in text?]] + +** DONE (Feature Request) Cross headings in tables + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:51] +:END: + [2010-10-27 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Feature Request) Cross headings in tables]] + +** DONE MathJax is now the default for HTML math + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:21 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom][MathJax is now the default for HTML math]] + + - ngz :: it is in manual since a long time. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :END: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE + 1) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's + leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is + set to nil + + 2) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented + as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the + indentation should ideally return to what it was before the + inline task. Of course, this is also a problem when org-indent + is turned off, if you try to automatically hard-indent using + TAB. However, in that case you can adjust by hand the + indentation of the first line after the inline task, and then + all the following lines will indent correctly. With org-indent + the problem is much worse since there is no way of adjusting the + soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] + - ngz :: no further information to work on since 39 weeks. Case + probably closed. +** CLOSED Strange bug, request for more info + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :END: + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq6bjsas%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq6bjsas.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Re: Strange bug, request for more info]] + + - ngz :: very old bug, probably fixed now according to the last + post in the thread. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +The bug happens when being in the agenda and trying to goto or show +the origin location of an agenda entry by pressing SPC or RET. +John reports that sometimes (for him several times a day), +the other window shows a completely different location. +The most weird part of it is that going back to the agenda buffer +and then trying the exact same command again, everything works +fine! This is driving me crazy, and I'd love to find and fix +this problem. +#+END_QUOTE +** CLOSED PATCH: Fix for agenda problems :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo][PATCH: Fix for agenda problems]] + + - ngz :: probably applied, and function has changed since then. + +*** More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing :Mobile: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo][More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing]] + +*** Mobile-org crash --- same error? :Mobile: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mobile-org crash --- same error?]] + +** DONE COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 02:22] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:57] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 12:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][(O) Bug: Minor Bug: COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics (7.5 (release_7.5.24.g5f0ef))]] + + - ngz :: bug confirmed on 7.6 (release_7.6.75.g74e3) and hopefully + fixed. Waiting for confirmation. + +** CLOSED Capture abort: (void-function -mode) + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:44] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Capture abort: (void-function -mode)]] + +Problem is not yet reproducible. + + - ngz :: very old bug, no information or even confirmation it + happened since then. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED capture problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:14] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech][capture problem]] + + - ngz :: very old bug. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] +** CLOSED Recovering notes :Mobile: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobile-org) Recovering notes]] + + - ngz :: As informative as it is, we are not fixing issues for + outside applications. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error? :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:09] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error?]] + + - ngz :: still active, but not dependant on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ainsi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** CLOSED Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created) :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] + :END: + [2010-10-17 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created)]] + + - ngz :: confirmed, but not depending on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** DONE (PATCH) Markup on same line as text :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:48] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Markup on same line as text]] + - ngz :: patch already applied in code base. +** DONE clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items]] + + - ngz :: Carsten fixed it. + +** DONE (BABEL) Babel babel native fontification :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:37] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:48 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Two minor issues]] +** DONE Custom sorting of agenda items! + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) custom sorting of agenda items]] + - ngz :: Carsten full-filled that wish. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When giving a user-defined function for org-agenda-cmp-user-defined, +the function gets two agenda entries. Is there a way from an agenda entry +to get to the original org entry? + +Best would be if, besides a user-defined sort function, you could also provide +a function that takes the org entry and the agenda item (i.e. is run with point +on the org entry and is passed the agenda item), and can then store anything +it wants about the org entry as text properties on the agenda item. +The companion user-defined sorting function could then use these stored +text properties for ordering the agenda items. Could you add such a hook? +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:21] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:00 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][(PATCH) Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto]] + - ngz :: That function exists now. + +** CLOSED Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature Request: Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range]] + - ngz :: A solution for the problem at hand already exists and is + detailed in the FAQ. + +** DONE Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show. :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show.]] + - ngz :: Patch seems applied in code base. +** DONE Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:33] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 08:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg][Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines]] + - ngz :: David solved that bug with his escaping mechanism. + +** DONE Variable of standard links for completion with C-c C-l + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Or something like that, to make standard links fast. + +** DONE Unintended behavior? Links without description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:09] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:10 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Unintended behavior? Links without description]] + +#+begin_quote +In pre-processing for export with org-export-normalize-links, links +that lack a description part are given one, which consists of the full +raw path of the link. In other words, link descriptions are never nil. +This seems to conflict with the expectations of org-bbdb.el and custom +links based on that example. + +The link [[bbdb:Carsten Dominik]], for instance, is exported to html +and latex as follows: + + bbdb:Carsten Dominik + \textit{bbdb:Carsten Dominik}. + +Org-bbdb.el is clearly prepared to be passed a desc that is nil, in +which case it would use path instead: + +(defun org-bbdb-export (path desc format) + "Create the export version of a BBDB link specified by PATH or DESC. +If exporting to either HTML or LaTeX FORMAT the link will be +italicized, in all other cases it is left unchanged." + (cond + ((eq format 'html) (format "%s" (or desc path))) + ((eq format 'latex) (format "\\textit{%s}" (or desc path))) + (t (or desc path)))) + +However, desc is never nil, because a missing description part is +replaced in export pre-processing by a string consisting of the link +type, a colon, and the path. This takes place in the function +org-export-normalize-links. + +This makes for unexpected behavior in custom links that some of us +have defined. E.g., Thomas S. Dye's `cite' links (the thread +`org-add-link-type'): +#+end_quote + +Thomas S. Dye could track down this problem to at least 7.01trans +(release_7.01h.209.g2c33b). + +*** DONE org-add-link-type + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:12] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) org-add-link-type]] + +#+begin_quote +It looks as if an empty desc is never passed, instead it is replaced +with the full raw path. I don't think that's the right behavior, and I +don't really see how it could result from org-export-latex-links. +#+end_quote + +** DONE minted for latex source code export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:49 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][minted for latex source code export]] + +** DONE (WIP) OpenOffice Exporter + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WIP) OpenOffice Exporter]] + +** CLOSED Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans) + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:11] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 11:19 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans)]] + - ngz :: configuration mistake from OP. + +** DONE Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:54] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) (Babel) Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output]] +** CLOSED html export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX ignored for tables when used before first headline + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:22] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][LaTeX table export issue]] + +** DONE Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore? :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +- State "BUG" from "WISH" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore?]] + +** DONE Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:28] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:19] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) (BUG) Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading]] + - ngz :: Patch suggested. Waiting for confirmation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +** DONE (Patch) org-capture.el + CLOSED: [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-22 ven. 01:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Patch) org-capture.el]] +** DONE Rewrite of org-indent-mode :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:23] +- State "IDEA" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:20] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:28] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-08-18 jeu. 19:16 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (dev) org-indent-mode patch]] + + + - ngz :: this branch is an attempt to remove idle timer in + indent-mode and to make it compatible with + visual-line-mode. Though, it suffers from a long + initialization time (walking each line of the buffer to + add text-properties). + + The idea is to set =line-prefix= property to the level of + the current headline and =wrap-prefix= to the indentation + of the beginning of the line. These properties are + modified at each text modification (hook) on the modified + area only (so, this part is quick). + + - ngz :: I've implemented an asynchronous initialization. It needs + testing, though. + +Source : =git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +The rewrite would fix the following bugs: + +*** DONE Org cause Emacs to hang + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "BUG" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:04] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:39] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org cause Emacs to hang]] + +Possible fix is in + +=git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +Wait for feedback if this patch fixes the problem. + + - ngz :: this branch isn't satisfactory enough (too slow on + opening files). Thus, I re-open the bug. + + See [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for more information. + +*** DONE Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel][Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list]] + + - ngz :: see [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for a working solution + +# -*- org-tags-column: -80; sentence-end-double-space: t; -*- +#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t tex:t d:(HIDE LOGBOOK) tags:not-in-toc +#+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate +#+TODO: NEW(n) TODO(t!) WAITING(W!) IDEA(i!) WISH(w!) INCONSISTENCY(y!) BUG(b!) QUESTION(q!) | DONE(d!) DECLINED(c!) CLOSED(C!) +#+TAGS: Babel(b) Mobile(m) Patch(p) new(n) noexport(x) +#+TITLE: Open issues with Org mode +#+AUTHOR: Worg people +#+EMAIL: mdl AT imapmail DOT org +#+LANGUAGE: en +#+PRIORITIES: A C B +#+CATEGORY: worg +#+ARCHIVE: ::* Closed issues +#+DRAWERS: PROPERTIES LOGBOOK + +# This file is the default header for new Org files in Worg. Feel free +# to tailor it to your needs. + +* Introduction + +This is a simple mailing list based tracker for issues and other +things about Org mode. It is a replacement of the abandoned todo file +and incorporates its structure and parts of the nomenclature. The +purpose of this document is to keep track of issues, i.e. anything +that requires some kind of action, and other things like +announcements, hacks, feature ideas and the like. + +** Nomenclature + +On this page, TODO keywords are used in the following way: + + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Keyword* | Intention | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *NEW* | A new issue that is not yet classifed. | + | *TODO* | A task to be done. This includes but is not limited to answers to user requests, development or documentation tasks. | + | *WAITING* | A reported issue that requires a response to be processed further. | + | *IDEA* | A new idea, I have not yet decided what if anything I will do about it. | + | *WISH* | A wish, probably voiced by someone on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org. This is less than a new idea, more a change in existing behavior. | + | *DECLINED* | A feature or idea that was declined. Still in the list so that people can see it, complain, or still try to convince Carsten to implement it. | + | *INCONSISTENCY* | Some behavior in Org-mode that is not as clean and consistent as it should be. | + | *BUG* | A confirmed bug. This needs to be fixed, as soon as possible. | + | *QUESTION* | A question someone asked. | + | *DONE* | Well, done is done. | + | | <80> | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +In addition, tags are used to provide more detailed context +information. Currently these tags are used in this file: + + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Tag* | Context | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Babel* | Issue concerning [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/index.php][Org-babel]] | + | *Mobile* | Issue concerning [[http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/][MobileOrg]] | + | *Patch* | A patch is available via Org mode's [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/project/org-mode/list/][Patchwork tracker]] | + | *New* | All issues below the *New Issues* headline. | + | | <80> | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +** Document structure and maintenance + +New issues hitting the Org mode [[http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode][mailing list]] are recorded on a +(almost) daily basis using a yet to be published library that allows +operating on the issue file from within Wanderlust and (partly) Gnus. + +They are first filed to the heading *New Issues*. + +In a second step issues beneath this heading are reviewed. If an +issue triggers a development task it is properly classified (keywords, +tag) and refiled to the *Development Tasks* heading. If it is a user +request, it is classified using the *QUESTION* TODO keyword and filed +to heading *User Requests*. If it is already closed according to the +mailing list, it is immediately closed and moved to *Closed issues*. +If it cannot yet be classified or closed, it stays where it is. + +** Using this file + +This file is hosted and published on [[http://orgmode.org/worg/][Worg]]. So you can either read the +file via your browser or check out Worg's git repository. + +Everyone is encouraged to use this file to facilitate collaboration in +solving issue and extending Org mode. Thus, you can operate on the +entries as you wish, as long as the ID property is kept intact. + +Operating on this file includes, but is not limited to, classifying +new issues, doing research on an outstanding task, or grouping related +issues into a development task. If you start to take care of an open +issue or task, please put a token in a headline property called +"ASSIGNEE", so others can see that you started to take care of this +issue. + +[[file:index.org][{Back to Worg's index}]] + +* New Issues [0/0] :new: +* Development Tasks +** Agenda issues +*** IDEA Meta-grouping properties? + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Meta-grouping properties?]] +*** IDEA persistent frame for agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:09] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][persistent frame for agenda]] + +*** IDEA "Interactive" Search in Agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom]["Interactive" Search in Agenda]] + +*** IDEA overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature idea: overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling]] + +*** IDEA Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:18] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(REQUEST) Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views)]] + +#+begin_quote +> I have been a happy org-mode user for a while, using more and more of +> org-mode for more and more things. By now I have completely replaced my use +> of iCal (on the Mac) by the org-mode agenda, with no regrets. However, there +> is one feature that I am still trying to get into my agenda view, but I +> didn't find a way to do it yet. +> +> There are a couple of long-lasting "events" that I would like to show in my +> agenda view. A typical example would be school vacation periods, but there +> are others: absences of a colleague, availability of some instrument, etc, +> Their common feature is that they can last very long (several weeks) and +> that they don't really occupy my agenda. I just want to know when planning +> something if a given day is in period X or not. So I'd like to see at a +> glance (using a specific font, color, one-letter prefix etc.) if a day falls +> into a certain predefined period. Simply adding a corresponding event to my +> agenda leads to visual clutter: it gets marked on every single day of the +> period. +> +> Is there any way to get what I am looking for? + ++1 for this feature. Also, I think our desire for such a feature could +be met with a calendar-view, perhaps re-using some org-table or +org-columns source? + +I'm envisioning I would very much like something akin to an ASCII +4-day calendar view (like the default Google Calendar view). + +Even if we could line up four days' agenda views horizontally (with an +appointment-style timeline), I would find this useful. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Worldcup + time zone question + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][Worldcup + time zone question]] + +*** WISH Indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom][(new feature suggestion?) indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is there a way to quickly/visually differentiate between repeating/single-occurence tasks? + +If not, something like say, adding an asterisk somewhere in the entry would be great. + +1. Scheduled* - starred schedule/deadline string +2. TODO * - starred 'todo' string +3. fifa2010* - starred 'category' string +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH A little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leaders +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede][a little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leader]] + - ngz :: No answer as of [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** WISH Modify time entry from agenda? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Modify time entry from agenda?]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Relative file names in list org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "WISH" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:22] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about org-agenda-files]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY omitting done TODOs from custom agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:19] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][omitting done TODOs from custom agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> The problem occurs in both my "Agenda plus contacts" and "Get It +> Louder", so maybe it's something with my custom todos? +> +> (org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w@)" "|" +> "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c@)") (sequence "CONTACT(n)" "REPLY(r)" "|" +> "CONTACTED(e@)")))) + +Looks like the problem here was that CONTACT is a substring of +CONTACTED—whatever function decides if a todo keyword is pending or +completed apparently just reads the string until it finds the first +match (?). I changed it to SENT and everything worked fine. Dunno if +that's worth considering a bug, but it's certainly surprising behavior. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** INCONSISTENCY Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:51] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day]] +*** BUG Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading]] + + - ngz :: Still confirmed on [2011-07-18 lun.] + + The manual should specify that SCHEDULED and DEADLINE + keywords are to be put on the line just after the + headline. + + We can also make C-c C-s replace the already defined + SCHEDULED or DEADLINE keyword, if it can find it. + + Moreover, we should remove + `org-insert-labeled-timestamps-at-point'. This variable + is error-prone, and more than often let-bound to nil + (i.e. from the agenda). + + Eventually, I think we should slowly move them to + standard properties (in the PROPERTIES drawer). + +*** WISH org-agenda-follow-narrowed ? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom][org-agenda-follow-narrowed ?]] + +#+begin_quote +When I'm in the agenda, if I hit SPC, I get a nice narrowed view of the +current item. When I toggle org-agenda-follow-mode, I get org to show +me the current item without hitting SPC---but it's not narrowed. It +also has the property drawer collapsed. What I'd like is to have org +follow me with exactly the result of hitting SPC. Possible? +#+end_quote + +*** WISH re-marking agenda entries +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:03] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][re-marking agenda entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Please test this custom agenda command +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:16] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Please test this custom agenda command]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Habits and org-log-done configuration +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: Understanding habits - org-log-done]] + +#+BEGIN_VERSE +> I can confirm this. I personally only log state changes to DONE but +> setting a LOGGING property value of lognotedone prompts for a note and +> fails to show the history for the habit in the graph. +> +> This is probably a bug. + +Yes. The regexp that searches for completed tasks in org-habit is +hard-coded to look for a 'State "DONE"' string. When org-log-done is set +to note, however, the log entries begin with 'CLOSING NOTE'. (A related +problem here is that it assumes DONE is the only relevant todo keyword.) + +One workaround is to add the property LOGGING and set its value to +lognoterepeat. This produces notes with timestamps in the following +format (compatible with org-habit): + + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [​2011​-​01​-​01​ Sat 21:​11​] \\\\ + 5 miles. +#+BEGIN_COMMENT +The note above was modified in order to export correctly to html. It's +source form is: + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2011-01-01 Sat 21:11] \\ + 5 miles. +#+END_COMMENT +Another workaround is to make the setting associated with 'done in +org-log-note-headings to the same as 'state. One quick way to do that is +by evaluating the following expression: + +(setcdr (assoc 'done org-log-note-headings) (assoc 'state org-log-note-headings)) + +As an aside, it seems to me that the "CLOSING NOTE" format that results +when org-log-done is set to 'note is inconsistent with other logging +behavior. For instance, when a "@" is added in org-todo-keywords, the +note is entered with the state change string. +#+END_VERSE + + +*** INCONSISTENCY Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:44] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4)]] + +*** BUG org-write-agenda failure +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-write-agenda failure]] + + - ngz :: confirmed on Org-mode version 7.6 (release_7.6.93.gd243) + [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:56] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 15:53] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files]] + +C-c [ and C-c ] adds and removes files from `org-agenda-files' using +Emacs' customization interface. The customization is saved w/o notice +or prompt. Using these commands defeats setting `org-agenda-files' to +one or more directories because Org will save the expanded list of +directory files. + +*** BUG org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:27] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: (O) org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t]] + +#+begin_quote +>>> Alright, so I did that, and I seem to have encountered an org-mode +>>> bug. Put this in .emacs +>>> +>>> (setq +>>> org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t +>>> org-agenda-custom-commands +>>> '(("l" "Agenda with done items" +>>> agenda "" ((org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done nil))))) +>>> +>>> (define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "l") (lambda () (interactive) (org-agenda nil "l"))))) +>>> +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +>>> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +>>> q -> quits org-agenda +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> still fine +>>> M-x org-agenda b/f -> also displays DONE items, which is a bug +>> +>> I cannot reproduce this. What version of org-mode are you using? +>> +>> - Matt +> +> Right, sorry, I was using org-agenda-list. Here are the updated +> instructions +> +> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +> q -> quits org-agenda +> M-x org-agenda-list -> still fine +> b/f -> also displays DONE items + +I can confirm this bug with this latter set of instructions, though I'm +puzzled why M-x org-agenda-list behaves differently than C-c a a. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty)) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:33] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty))]] + +*** TODO Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:51] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f))]] + +*** WISH org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:31] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future]] + +*** WISH Hide / expand tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:35] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (O) Hide / expand tags]] + +#+begin_quote +I think it'd be nice for this to have the _alternative_ to put the +tags into the properties drawer and occasionally view and edit them +with a column view: + +#+SPECIAL_PROPERTIES: TAGS=drawer:PROPERTIES <= only a suggestion +#+end_quote +*** WAITING tags match agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:24] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg][(O) tags match agenda]] + +*** DECLINED Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu][(PATCH) Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support]] + +*** IDEA Managing appts with org-mode, diary +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:46] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede][Re: Managing appts with org-mode, diary]] + +#+begin_quote +I currently use fancy diary. It's nice to have an overview of the +current day and the upcoming appointments of the next n days. But this +'oh, there is an important appointment in {three|two|one|zero} days' +clutters the agenda view even more ;). This is where it would be nice to +have the agenda view tree like, too. The days could be nodes and the +appointments could be subnode of the day, that could be shown or +hidden. I'm relatively new to org-mode (convertit from planner-mode as +you might know ;-), so I don't know exactly if such a feature is already +implemented or if it could be done without huge amounts of work. +#+end_quote + +** Appearance + +*** WISH Secondary selection +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Secondary selection]] + +*** WISH Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Aquamacs syntax highlighting +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Aquamacs syntax highlighting]] + +*** BUG Column view and subtask overview interaction +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet][Column view and subtask overview interaction]] + +*** IDEA Orgmode and Unicode characters +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and Unicode characters]] + +*** BUG Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly]] + +#+begin_quote +If you add a width declaration ("") to the column containing Korean, +when realigning the table you'll get an "args out of range" error inside +the text-properties-related code in `org-table-align' (provided the +width declaration actually does cause the text to be clipped). +#+end_quote + + - ngz :: is it fixable ? Org tables are not meant to handle + variable-width fonts anyway. [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:54] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede][Bug: startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x)]] + +#+begin_quote +Thanks for doublechecking. I now tested it again, and this only happens when +used in a shell (i.e. in a KDE Konsole) where the point does not blink. +#+end_quote +*** DECLINED Effort columnview: Show total in different column + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Effort columnview: Show total in different column]] + +Too big a change + +*** DECLINED Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:28] +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within]] + +** Babel + +*** TODO Handling of errors when using Ledger + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "WISH" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Handling of errors when using Ledger]] + +*** ASSIGNED Babel - display results in an overlay? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:25] + - State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:28] + - State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Babel - display results in an overlay?]] + +this is now in the Babel task tracking system + +*** ASSIGNED (babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:09] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg][(babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect]] + +This has been added as a bug to the babel development file + +*** IDEA Mark and Tangle :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Mark and Tangle]] + +*** WISH (PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:18] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) Speed keys :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Speed keys]] + +*** WISH Line numbers in tangled source :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:23] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Line numbers in tangled source]] + +*** WISH org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings]] + +*** WISH Babel & DOS + :LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg][Babel & DOS]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) C-v C-v M-x? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:22] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) C-v C-v M-x?]] + +*** WISH Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:49] + :END: + [2010-12-12 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file]] +*** INCONSISTENCY (babel) silent code block evaluation on export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) silent code block evaluation on export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Babel: interweaving code and results? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:06] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: interweaving code and results?]] + This link doesn't resolve through Gmane + +*** INCONSISTENCY Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3) :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:45] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg][Bug: Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3)]] + +#+begin_quote +OK, I now have a clearer idea of what went wrong. + +1. I think it's doing find-file-at-point. + +2. This only happens when point is on this line, but NOT at the start + of the line: #+begin_src haskell + + It's not about whether it's the first time you press C-c ', it's about + where point is when you press it. + +3. If point is anywhere on the closing line of the source block, it + works. + +4. Ironically, the end of the first line is where the point is placed if + you do C-c C-v d at the end of the buffer! So if you do C-c C-v d and + then C-c ', as I did, this bug will happen. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export :Babel: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 18:59] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl][Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export]] + +*** TODO (bug?) cannot generate table format output for octave results :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:05] + :END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug?) (babel) cannot generate table format output for octave results]] + +*** WISH Make tangling work in an indirect buffer :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:17] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) (PATCH) Make tangling work in an indirect buffer]] + +** Capture and refile + +*** IDEA Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)%! +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:32] +:END: + [2010-08-08 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When you think of CamelCase and on-the-fly creating of non-existing +files/headlines, it's just another way of *capturing* stuff. + +Why not defining some simple syntax to trigger the capture mechanism +from special links? + +For example: + + "I write a reference to a >c:newfile which I can create later." + +- The ">c:newfile" is a link. +- The ">c" is a link abbreviation. +- The ">" part is the syntax for link abbrevations to trigger a capture. +- The "c" part is the keybinding of capture template to call. +- The "newfile" would be passed on as a variable for the (nth 3) of the + template (we could have several variables separated by "#" + +This would combine the flexibility of on-the-fly file creation and of +the capture mechanism, allowing multiple templates. + +What do you think? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Refiling notes to current file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Refiling notes to current file]] + +*** WISH Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:37] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree]] + +*** WAITING archiving an indirect buffer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:54] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: archiving an indirect buffer]] +*** DECLINED Blank rows with capture target table-line and aborting capture +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][is it a bug in org-capture]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I hit C-c c t, and then C-c C-k immediately, the file test.org is +still modified with an new blank row inserted in the table, which is out +of expectation, since C-c C-k is known as "abort capture". The minibuffer +says "org-capture-finalize: Capture process aborted, but target buffer +could not be cleaned up correctly". +#+END_QUOTE + +Unfortunately this is difficult to fix, because the user might have +changed other things before aborting. At least the error message is +clear and gives the user the opportunity to fix the problem. + +*** WISH Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed]] + +*** WAITING Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:20] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4)]] + +Cannot reliably get reproduced as of [2011-01-16 So]. + +*** TODO Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:10] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text]] + +*** TODO (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:37] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior]] + +*** WISH remember-other-frame with org-capture? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-06 Mo 21:03] +:END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) remember-other-frame with org-capture?]] + +*** BUG org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs]] + +*** WAITING capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:16] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Bug: capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4)]] + +** Clocking + +*** BUG Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:19] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly]] + +*** TODO No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’ :contrib: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:12] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau][(O) No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’]] + +*** IDEA Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:40] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'?]] + +** Documentation +*** IDEA packaging org-mode & worg + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][packaging org-mode & worg ]] + +*** IDEA Create better function and variable index in the manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:26] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) Command names are now in the manual]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +A suggestion for a possible(?) improvement: the "O" section of the +function index (and I imagine the variable index as well) is pretty +crowded :-). I wonder if texinfo has any facilities to break it up, +perhaps according to the first letter after the first dash. +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Page numbering in manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:07] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Page numbering in manual]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY `org-agenda-tags-column' missing in documentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 16:28] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Re: Tags position in regular agenda view?]] + +** Exporting +*** IDEA Google CL and org-mode + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Google CL and org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have a question regarding the recent announcement of the Google +Command Line project (http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/). + +I was wondering if there are plans to integrate support for calendar +synchronization between Google and org-mode using this tool. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:46] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas][Re: (PATCH) org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request]] +*** IDEA Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2 +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-27 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom][Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2]] + +*** WISH Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +One suggestion, then... why not just have a nice list of all possible +ATTR_LaTeX options? I have killed myself before looking for a simplified +list. Maybe even just common ones since perhaps any LaTeX option may be +passed? +#+END_QUOTE + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +*** WISH pretty export of tags + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca][pretty export of tags]] +*** WISH Allow skipping of levels in LaTeX export +**** latex export - skipping lvls breaks export + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][latex export - skipping lvls breaks export]] + +**** Even if skipped headline levels are not allowed, exporter shouldn't drop out-of-level headlines silently + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:14025%2E1279898870%40maps +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/14025%2E1279898870%40maps][Bug: possible bug in latex export (7.01trans (release_6.36.735.g15ca.dirty))]] +*** WISH fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede][fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export]] +*** WISH iCal export and complex diary sexps + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][iCal export and complex diary sexps]] +*** WISH Seemless editing of Babel Blocks :Babel: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Seemless editing of Babel Blocks]] +*** WISH Captions for source code +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][Captions for source code]] +*** WISH user control of source block header line exporting formats :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:59] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][user control of source block header line exporting formats]] +*** WISH Add timestamp keyword specific CSS class +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:24] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][How to distinguish timestamps in CSS?]] + +*** WISH query - org-emphasis-regexp-components +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:31] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][query - org-emphasis-regexp-components]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I was writing a document with Python code in it and I found a minor problem. +There's no way to put a piece of code like s="Hello World" as verbatim +or code in my document. + +~s="Hello World"~ doesn't work because the border in +org-emphasis-regexp-components doesn't allow " or '. I'm not sure why +this is in place. Can this be removed, or have they been put in for a +specific reason, that I can't see? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time. :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg][(PATCH) Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time.]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export of emphasized link + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :END: +**** INCONSISTENCY inconsistency + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:12] + :END: + emphasized link supported: + - Emacs faces shown in org-mode buffer itself + - export to LaTeX + - [...] + emphasized link not supported: + - export to HTML + - export to DocBook + - export to XOXO + - [...] + this question is still open: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +*** INCONSISTENCY org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:46] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY hlevel in org-export-region-as-html +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:56] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug? hlevel in org-export-region-as-html]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:38] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug) export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Bug: void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans)]] + +*** BUG latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom][latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis]] +*** BUG Org beamer export bugs + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org beamer export bugs]] + +*** BUG html export, latex fragments and emphasize +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:40] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: html export, latex fragments and emphasize]] + +*** BUG LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain][Bug: LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML]] + + - ngz :: since mathjax, should we still consider it as a bug? Is + is even reproducible? [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** DECLINED Org Mode Latex Export Customization of org-export-latex-emphasis-alist + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org Mode Latex Export Customization of + org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + + There is not really anything to be done here, not enough characters + for all those extra emphasis things. + +*** DECLINED Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:59] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:20] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output?]] + +*** DECLINED Combination of =code= and Description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:02] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom][Combination of =code= and Description]] + - ngz :: This is a LaTeX limitation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** BUG eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom][eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) ]] + +Nick Dokos did a good first analysis of the problem [[http://mid.gmane.org/26738%2E1292194633%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][here]]. + +*** INCONSISTENCY Question: How to insert different background images on different frames +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-beamer) Question: How to insert different background images on different frames]] + +*** WISH Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:52] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede][(PATCH) Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY iCalendar selective export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 12:00] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][iCalendar selective export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inconsistencies in email and author export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:52] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli][Inconsistencies in email and author export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY HTML export and absolute file names +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:55] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-03-06 So 19:51]--[2011-03-06 So 21:05] => 1:14 +:END: + [2011-02-24 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][HTML export and absolute file names]] + +*** BUG italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:29] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working]] + +*** TODO HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:31] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image]] + +*** TODO Bug in latex export of <> + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:33] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo][(O) Bug in latex export of <>]] + +*** BUG _<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:37] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][_<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly]] + +*** WISH org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:02] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG) org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used]] + +*** BUG modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:40] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(O) Feature request: modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters]] + +*** TODO HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:44] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV]] + +*** WISH Images in included files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:22] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Images in included files]] + +** Links +*** TODO Document the character protection in links + I don't think this is really covered anywhere. + Maybe we also should protect characters in the visible part, to + make sure thing will never be on two lines...? + +*** IDEA Find all links to a specific file + +*** IDEA Resolve links on export + +**** Example: Make info HTML links work for links to Info files + +Info links of course only work inside Emacs. However, many info +documents are on the web, so the HTML exporter could try to be smart +and convert an Info link into the corresponding link on the web. For +example, we could use the GNU software site then Name.HTML. Here is +the link to be used: +http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/ Another question +is, is this URL going to be stable so that it makes sense to actually +put this into org.el? + +*** IDEA Mailcap support of Org file links + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Choosing external app at runtime?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I follow a link, Org mode knows what application to use. Except +that sometimes I want to override that choice. + +For example, I have a collection of PDF files. Mostly I want to open +them in my statically configured PDF viewer, which is fine. But +sometimes I want to open one in Xournal, say, to annotate it. + +My mail client Wanderlust will ask me in cases like this: if multiple +mailcap entries match, I get to choose when opening the attachment. + +Any chance we could do a similar thing in Org mode? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Dereference file links on export or open + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is "scpc" in the line above a transport protocol? Maybe this should be +an org-mode wide features, i.e. the ability to resolve remote file +references with C-c C-o and on export. Does that sound reasonable, and +would it take care of the need in this particular case? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Radio targets across files + I guess each org file could write a .orgtargets.filename file, if + it has any radio targets. + +*** INCONSISTENCY image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c]] + - ngz :: still valid as of [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-store-link only works interactively (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:47] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org-store-link only works interactively (7.4)]] + - ngz :: no clear answer yet. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Problem opening links that span more than one line + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][(O) Problem opening links that span more than one line]] + +*** TODO absolute HTML links + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:03] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][(O) absolute HTML links]] + +*** IDEA org-git-link does not support locational information within file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:47] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat][org-git-link does not support locational information within file]] + +** Miscellaneous Stuff +*** TODO Use the new argument of bibtex-url + Roland Winkler was kind enough to implement a new argument to the + `bibtex-url' command that allows me to retrieve the corresponding + URL, whether it is taken from a URL field or constructed in some + clever way. Currently I am not using this, because too many + people use an old Emacs version which does not have this. + however, eventually I will implement this. + +*** TODO grep on directory does not yet work. + I am actually not sure, I might have addressed this already, but + my memory is failing me. Needs some checking. +*** IDEA Do we need a 43 folders implementation? + That could easily be done in an org-mode file. But then, maybe + this should really be a paper thing. + +*** IDEA Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files) + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files)]] +**** AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg][AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group]] +**** sharing Org-mode files for collaboration + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet][sharing Org-mode files for collaboration]] +*** IDEA (PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy :Patch: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy]] + + - ??? :: Waiting for FSF copyright assignment. + + - ngz :: According to the list of contributors, papers are signed, + but it doesn't look like this patch has been applied to + code base. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** IDEA Does Org-mode need to be position aware? + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom][Does Org-mode need to be position aware?]] +*** IDEA (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I guess, the manual maintainers do NOT have to be experts in both +org-mode resp. org-babel nore they have to be experts in the supported +language. Its more about the kind of standard stuff and maybe, to +complex stuff even scare people. More things like "How to create a +measurement protocol with org-babel and python", How to evaluate and +report data analysis with org-babel and R", etc. + +To make it more easy for both the readers and the maintainers a kind of +template for such manuals might be helpful. This would help to find the +same information at the same locations and make a comparison e.g. +between the use of R and python possible. + +I'am not an expert for both org-* and python and I'm often very limited +in time. However, I would try to maintain a "python and org-babel" manual. + +If there are more people who are interested to act as a kind of manual +maintainers I would like to discuss with you how a template might look like. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Code block switches buffer-wide? + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Code block switches buffer-wide?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I would like to include the -n code block switch (number lines) into all my +code blocks in a buffer. Is there a way to define a kind of buffer-wide +switches, like it is with the #+BABEL keyword for header arguments? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment]] +*** IDEA Make .org-id-locations non-hidden directory above .emacs.d + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][org-mobile produces errors in normal org functions]] +*** IDEA can you require a certain template with lognotedone? + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg][can you require a certain template with lognotedone?]] +*** IDEA Feature-Ideas +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal][Feature-Ideas]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have severel ideas about new features that I want to share. My +knowledge with lisp and the coding of the org-structure is bad so far, +so I can't try to contribute a patch. + +- 1. *Alias - Trees* + + When I work on projects, I often want to /reference to a certain + other heading/. It would be great to do this not just with links, + but /with an alias/. + + I think of trees, that show up and can be in the current tree as if + they were a subtree, but really are at another position in the + current or a different file. + + This concept would also allow seperate versioning and merging of + external generated content into the current file. ( I e.g. think of + summaries of text in the scientific context. ) + +- 2. More flexible *Colouring for categories*, tags, ... + +It would be great to have the /opportunity to define individual faces +for different categories, tags/ , ... . + +- 3. Implementation of *hourly/minutely reference*. + +It would be useful to be able to schedule something to repeat every 12 +or 6 hours or in 22 minutes. It would also be useful, to have the +opportunity to associate asynchronous shell scripts with individual +scheduled events. + +- 4. *Exclude certain days from Timeline* + + The opportunity to /give/ whole days the status // . That would mean, that when I fire up the + /Timeline/ for a current file (L), certain days are /show/ with a + message "/day is planned for project /. in a certain project + specific project. + + It would also be useful to have a keycommand in the /Timeline/ to + /switch other files on showing them in gray/. + +- 5. *Manually timeclock certain Headings* + + I would love to have a commands that can change the clocktime of not + running headings or insert new clocktimes into the current heading. + E.g. like this: + + Change the clocktime of : + (s) change last timeclock and keep the Start time. -> How long did it last? + (e) change last timeclock and keep the End time -> How long did it last? + (# C-u offset to change the #n last timeclock) + (a) add new timeclock -> Ask for Start and End. (with opportunity to specify the END relative) + +- 6. *Expand timestamps to include locations* + + e.g. Special timestamp-commands that + also ask for places and presents a list of all places of all projects + to choose from. + +- 7. *More complex timeclock-reports* + + Is anyone working on a more comprehensive way of giving visual + feedback and analysing the data of the timeclock-feature. (What have + I done the last month? How many time has gone to which project / + etc.) I am a relatively known [[http://cran.r-project.org/][GNU R]] user and could contribute code + for analysis of time usage / plotting complex more diagrams in + R. Allthough I am not very used to the export mechanisms in + Orgmode. Does anyone like to cooperate? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA text color + highlight +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:47] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][text color + highlight]] + +*** IDEA hiding PROPERTIES line +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "WISH" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hiding PROPERTIES line]] + +*** IDEA camel.el, for CamelCase links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +*** IDEA (ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne]] + +**** DECLINED Drill mode for org-learn +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Drill mode for org-learn]] + +[2010-08-01 So] Superseded by [[id:mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg%5D%5B%28ANN%29%20Org%2DDrill%3A%20Interactive%20revision%20a%20la%20Anki%2FMnemosyne%5D%5D + +*** IDEA Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress)]] +*** IDEA notmuch support for org-mode? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:25] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][notmuch support for org-mode?]] + +*** IDEA Email from org? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Email from org?]] + +*** IDEA Adding entries to Google calendar +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Adding entries to Google calendar]] + +*** IDEA Org mode and geo information +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:49] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Advice needed. Use links or blocks?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +the attached file fetches background tiles from openstreetmap.org for +me, and produces SVG images of tracks I ran. Unfortunately, I cannot +find a good way to use that code in an automated way. + +What I'd like to do, is to have the coords in my training diary, and +produce the images on demand. When I publish the diary to HTML, I want +the coords to be replaced with a link to the image. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA dynamically calculated timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:04] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][dynamically calculated timestamps?]] + +*** IDEA Org-mode Epic Win RPG +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:18] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode Epic Win RPG]] + +*** IDEA org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata]] + +*** IDEA Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience]] + +*** IDEA arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond]] + +*** IDEA output of shell command in agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][output of shell command in agenda]] + +*** WISH Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified" + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified"]] +*** WISH Estimate ranges in column view :Patch: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Estimate ranges in column view]] + +*** WISH Provide property API function to append to a property + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Re: org-capture question/suggestion]] +*** WISH New CSS for orgmode and Worg ? + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][New CSS for orgmode and Worg ?]] +*** WISH Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01)]] +*** WISH Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:53] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active]] +*** WISH Move attachments when refiling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com][Bug Report: refile and attachments]] +*** DECLINED Feature Request for new capture feature +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com][Feature Request for new capture feature]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +would it be possible to have a "C-u C-c C-w" that completes the +capture and switches to the target buffer? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH fractional hours for timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][fractional hours for timestamps?]] + +*** WISH Error running ditaa +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error running ditaa]] + +#+begin_quote +When running ditaa on Linux fedora 12 through java, I get the following +errors: + +java -jar /usr/share/java/ditaa.jar -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V +blue_fd02b5c06d6a5cb80eaf27098c3c490dc81326ce.png +Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on +Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: +org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException +Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: +org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException + at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217) + at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) + at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:319) + at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:264) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:332) +Could not find the main class: +org.stathissideris.ascii2image.core.CommandLineConverter. Program will exit. + +This can be taken care of by using the shell script that comes with ditaa, +i.e.: + +ditaa -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V + +But to do this from within emacs I need to patch org-exp-blocks.el as +follows: + +- (unless (file-exists-p org-ditaa-jar-path) +- (error (format "Could not find ditaa.jar at %s" org-ditaa-jar-path))) +: +- (message (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file)) +- (shell-command (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file))) ++ (message (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file)) ++ (shell-command (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file))) + +(You also need to erase the checking for the existance of dita.jar) + +Wouldn't it make more sense to replace the variable org-ditaa-jar-path with +a new variable org-ditaa-command that by default contains "java -jar +/old/value/of/org-ditaa-jar-path"? This would allow replacing it with a +shell script. Would a patch be accepted, or do you prefer to remain backward +compatible? + +On a related question. Since there is quite a lot of common code between +org-export-blocks-format-dot and org-export-blocks-format-ditaa (especially +if my patch is accepted), wouldn't it make sense to create a +org-export-blocks-format-meta that take all the differences between the +various export-blocks as parameters? This would simplify adding additional +org-export-blocks. +#+end_quote +*** INCONSISTENCY Stack overflow in regexp matcher +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Stack overflow in regexp matcher]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inherited properties not saved when archiving +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:59] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][saving property values when archiving]] +*** BUG gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom][gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I think the problem is org-plot doesn't +recognise that when plotting with error bars, gnuplot expects more than +two columns of data. So a command like this should be sent to gnuplot, +#+END_QUOTE +*** WAITING TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu. +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 02:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu.]] + - ngz :: solution under discussion. [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** BUG In-buffer completion +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Accepted) Re: In-buffer completion]] + + - ngz :: bug still active on [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** DECLINED (BUG) org remember broken + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][(BUG) org remember broken]] + +org-capure is now the default, I don't think we need to fix remember +bugs anymore. + +*** DECLINED Insert ellipsis if headline is too long + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][headline is too long]] + This would be too confusing when compared with folded entries, so I + do not think this feature should be implemented. + +*** DECLINED Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space? + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space?]] + + Closed for now, no useful feedback from report author, probably not + caused by Org mode. +*** DECLINED Gollum + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Gollum]] + +*** Priorities + Here is some information about priorities, which is not yet + documented. Actually, I am not sur if the list here is correct + either +**** QUOTE Priorities + TODO entries: 1 or 1,2,... + DEADLINE is 10-ddays, i.e. it is 10 on the due day + i.e. it goes above top todo stuff 7 days + before due + SCHEDULED is 5-ddays, i.e. it is 5 on the due date + i.e. it goes above top todo on the due day + TIMESTAMP is 0 i.e. always at bottom + but as a deadline it is 100 + but if scheduled it is 99 + TIMERANGE is 0 i.e. always at bottom + DIARY is 0 i.e. always at bottom + + Priority * 1000 + +*** INCONSISTENCY xemacs error when calling org-install :Xemacs: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:43] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-01-02 So 17:33]--[2011-01-02 So 18:02] => 0:29 +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom][xemacs error when calling org-install]] + +The autoloads in org-install.el are +generated by the Makefile (i.e. make org-install.el). The stable +version of Org mode ships with a pre-generated org-install.el and +without recreating this file with Xemacs it won't run. + +The =custom-autoload= is created only once for ob-tangle.el: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;;;###autoload + (defcustom org-babel-tangle-lang-exts + '(("emacs-lisp" . "el")) + "Alist mapping languages to their file extensions. + The key is the language name, the value is the string that should + be inserted as the extension commonly used to identify files + written in this language. If no entry is found in this list, + then the name of the language is used." + :group 'org-babel-tangle + :type '(repeat + (cons + (string "Language name") + (string "File Extension")))) +#+end_src + +As this the autoload directive was added deliberately I suppose there +was a reason for this to be there: If this is the case, there seems +not very much we can do about this. The autoload generating function +in =autoloads.el= always creates a call to custom-autoload with a +third argument. + +*** TODO Review packages in contrib directory + [2010-12-19 So] + +Byte-compiling indicates problems with some packages (e.g. references +to unbound symbols). The review process will single out the problems +for every package in contrib and steps necessary to fix them. + +**** make failure (7.3) + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: make failure (7.3)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:27] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab]] + +*** BUG org-add-note not working with winner-mode + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:22] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][Re: (O) org-add-note not working with winner-mode]] + +*** BUG regexp link on windows problem + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:30] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl][(O) regexp link on windows problem]] +*** TODO EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files :Mobile:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:46] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg][(O) Bug: EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files (7.5 (release_7.5.147.g9ddc))]] + +*** TODO org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:41] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom][(O) org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal)]] + + - ngz :: should we generalize the setup proposed by Julien, or + will we keep the warning? + +** Publishing + +*** TODO project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:17] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (bug) project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html]] + +** Structure +*** TODO Get rid of all the \r instances, which were used only for XEmacs. +*** WISH Create unique clocktable links + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede][Bug: clocktable :link often jumps to wrong target (6.36c)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +: Links created by clocktable :link are simple "text search" links. +: Therefore, they often hit the wrong target. +: +: For example, I used to have multiple clocktables at the beginning of my +: file: first a daily summary, then a weekly one, then a complete one, +: i.e. following clocktables summarized supersets of preceding ones. +: Therefore, most of the time I clicked a link in the first clocktable, +: the next "text search" target was the occurrence of the same task in the +: second clocktable, whereas clicking that link in the second clocktable +: would take me back into the first. +: +: I have been able to partly work around that by moving the clocktables to +: the end of the file, as the search always seems to start at the +: beginning of the file. Nevertheless, when I have two tasks "foobar" and +: "foo", occurring in that order in the file, clicking on the [[foo]] +: link in the clocktable takes me to the "foobar" task, as that has a +: "foo" substring and occurs first in the file. +: +: I would like clocktable to generate links that uniquely link to the task +: from which the particular clocktable entry has been generated. (I'd +: even be willing to assign CUSTOM_ID properties for that purpose, +: i.e. clocktable could take them into account for creating links, when +: they exist.) But the best solution would IMHO be a truly unique +: identification, e.g. by some XPath-like path, e.g. /1/2/3 for the 3rd +: subtask of the 2nd subtask of the 1st top-level task. (Sure, that order +: will be invalidated when I change my task list, but, so what, then I +: would be willing to recompute the clocktable before using links.) +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation]] + +*** WISH org-hide-entry +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-hide-entry]] + +*** IDEA Improving org-goto isearch +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:25] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Improving org-goto isearch]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY excessive blank lines in archives +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:34] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][excessive blank lines in archives]] + +*** WISH Quick note about subtree copy and paste +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:45] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo][Quick note about subtree copy and paste]] + +#+begin_quote +I get the point, but the current presentation is unnecessarily +confusing. I was just /copying/ --- there was no time shifting +involved, so when I look at them menu and see "copy" and "clone with +time shift," it is "copy" that's what I naturally do. + +Actually, as I look at the manual I see: + +`C-c C-x c' (`org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift') + Clone a subtree by making a number of sibling copies of it. You + will be prompted for the number of copies to make, and you can + also specify if any timestamps in the entry should be shifted. + This can be useful, for example, to create a number of tasks + related to a series of lectures to prepare. For more details, see + the docstring of the command `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift'. + +There's nothing there to even remotely suggest to me that this is going +to Do The Right Thing about properties. It's all about dates and +time-shifting. It may /happen/ to do the right thing with properties, +but it sure doesn't /say/ that it will. The ID property is mentioned +only in the interactive docstring, and pretty deeply down. + +I'd like to make a somewhat radical suggestion: + +If cloning is the primary option, and more safe than copy --- i.e., if +copy is "this is the primitive operation that you should only do if you +know what you are doing, because it might corrupt data," then I would +argue that it's CLONE that should be bound to C-c C-x M-y --- the +standard emacs keybinding I'm going to go to first --- and COPY should +be demoted to the less-familiar alternative. + +This assumes that the answer to "Is there any case where I should do +copy and /not/ prefer clone?" is "no." + +But I'm not sure that's the case. They clone doesn't do the same thing +to the cut buffer as copy, does it? e.g., I don't use clone to make a +copy of a subtree from file A into file B. + +Even more radical suggestion: + +So maybe the right answer is not to ask us to use clone all the time, +but that COPY and PASTE should be fixed to Do The Right Thing with the +ID property. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Feature request: Select links by description (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:32] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request: Select links by description (7.4)]] + +#+begin_quote +When using org-insert-link, it would be far better for me to have it +show me the _descriptions_ of links (the default link text), rather +than showing me the links themselves. This is especially true of +email links, which are generally long and unintelligible by +themselves. + +I have something set up that stores a link to every email I send, so I +can easily link to follow-ups in my active Org items. As a result, I +end up with *lots* of stored links, which makes this a real struggle. +#+end_quote + +*** IDEA outline path in links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][outline path in links]] + +*** TODO goto does not accept remote references for local targets + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:12] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) goto does not accept remote references for local targets]] + +*** DECLINED Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:51] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70))]] + +#+begin_quote cite=[[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/36063][Re: Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70)]] +Org-mode used line-profix properties to add indentation, and +linum mode uses before-string properties of overlays to add +line numbers. Both these features add text at display time, +but apparently not in an entirely predictable way. I have no +idea it it is possible to make both work without any gliches. +If anything, this would be a bug report to Emacs, I think. + +The "other issue" is an artefact of Org using an idle time +to update indentation properties. Here my suggestion +would be to ignore the issue and live with it. +#+end_quote + +**** WAITING Provide customization variable for formula that calculates indentation level +:LOGBOOK: + - State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:25] + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + + +** Tables + +*** BUG bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:02] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags]] + +*** BUG $0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special' +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:36] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][$0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special']] + +#+begin_quote +According to [ (info "(org) Formula syntax for Calc") ], $0 +references the current cell. Pressing C-c C-c on the #+TBLFM line +below does indeed work, but C-c ' (`org-edit-special') changes the +$0 reference into a single ampersand (&). Is this a bug? +#+end_quote + +*** BUG Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:06] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) Bug: Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24))]] + +*** WISH org-table formulas with missing values +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:41] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][org-table formulas with missing values]] + +#+begin_quote +I could write 'nan' instead of leaving a blank, and use the string in +the formula, but this causes errors. + +But calc does know the concept of nan: "The variables `inf', `uinf', and +`nan' stand for infinite or indeterminate values. It's best not to use +them as regular variables, since Calc uses special algebraic rules when +it manipulates them. Calc displays a warning message if you store a +value into any of these special variables." + +I'm not sure how to use that nan variable in tables and formulas - it +seems not to be recognized. +#+end_quote + +** Testing framework + +*** TODO Testing --- again... +:LOGBOOK: +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Testing --- again...]] + +*** (Dev) Org-mode Test Framework + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(Dev) Org-mode Test Framework]] + +* Other +** Pretty icons in org buffers +** literate Lisp games development questions :Babel: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) literate Lisp games development questions]] +** Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:FB977E9C%2D6ABC%2D4B05%2DA58A%2DC2E96B841451%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/FB977E9C-6ABC-4B05-A58A-C2E96B841451%40gmail.com][Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla]] +** For Org-mode on the go? + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][For Org-mode on the go?]] +** [babel] grid-based R graphical output with :results value + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) grid-based R graphical output with :results value]] +** Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files]] + +** org-decrypt-to-kill-ring + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM][org-decrypt-to-kill-ring]] + +** DECLINED contributing Debian build scripts + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][contributing Debian build scripts]] + +Mark Hershberger is going to use an automatic process on launchpad +instead to make regular package builds. + +** hypermedia programming with babel + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hypermedia programming with babel]] +** org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress]] +** Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry]] +** publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf]] +** (OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs]] +** info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org]] + +** (ANN) org-protocol-httpd + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet][(ANN) org-protocol-httpd]] +** Tracking finances with Babel :Babel: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom][Tracking finances with Babel]] +** ErgoEmacs + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ErgoEmacs]] +** ReStructured Text table exporter + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ReStructured Text table exporter]] + +** Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede][Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org]] + +** OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info) + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info)]] + +** (ANN) Symorg + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(ANN) Symorg]] +** Indentation in html tables + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Indentation in html tables]] +** Inline image display and Emacs 22 + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Inline image display and Emacs 22]] + +** A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list]] + +** Org-mode screencasts + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode screencasts]] + +** Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review]] + +** ELPA Howto + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ELPA Howto]] + +** TODO New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:13] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom][(O) New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el]] + +* Closed issues :noexport: +** DONE string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:13] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wklkkk%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wklkkk.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5))]] +** DONE Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:14] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aarolk5y%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aarolk5y.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539))]] +** DONE [babel] possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer? :Babel: + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFDB5CE%2E3010600%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFDB5CE.3010600%40ccbr.umn.edu][(babel) possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer?]] + + this has now been fixed, see + - message :: [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/25720]] + - commit :: 5d52daab1029e43b97ccb16cfac998536d8c8924 +** DONE org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFE02FE%2E5050704%40globaledgesoft%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFE02FE.5050704%40globaledgesoft.com][org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp]] +** DONE Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file? + CLOSED: [2010-05-27 Thu 16:51] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vdacp1hi%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vdacp1hi.fsf%40thinkpad.tsdh.de][Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file?]] + + My path was committed with commit 54d513ee0c90f9864bbd39044d9dfbc4f1619513. +** DONE Aquamacs and latest org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:14] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail.gmail.com][Aquamacs and latest org-mode]] +** DONE Error when trying to push to Worg repo +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:15] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Error when trying to push to Worg repo]] +** DONE Export to html +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom][Export to html]] +** DONE Simple Literate Programming Example +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Simple Literate Programming Example]] +** DONE Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures... +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:27] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0%2DiJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS%5F7sI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0-iJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS_7sI%40mail.gmail.com][Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +** DONE bug: remember id agenda +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:33] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: remember id agenda]] +** DONE html export +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:37] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE export of emphasized link + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +** DONE byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event]] +** DONE use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:00] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100526162001%2EGA32657%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100526162001.GA32657%40soloJazz.com][use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap]] + +** DONE Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ... :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:01] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ...]] +** DONE buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:07] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments]] +** DONE [Patch] file protocol in HTML links +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:24] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkznkn2p%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkznkn2p.fsf%40gmx.de][Re: (Patch) file protocol in HTML links]] +** DONE Possible html publish inline image bug + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible html publish inline image bug]] +** DONE org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug? +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:09] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug?]] +** DONE problem with remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:10] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu][problem with remember template]] +** DONE plain list - line spacing +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:15] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][plain list - line spacing]] +** DONE How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21? +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno][How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21?]] +** DONE feature request: C-k safety +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][feature request: C-k safety]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ [6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty)] :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ (6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty))]] +** DONE [babel] Questions about export and :var. Possible bug. :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Questions about export and :var. Possible bug.]] +** DONE Something ate my timestamps +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:11] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Something ate my timestamps]] +** DONE Problem with pushing to webdav server [6.35g] +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:15] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede][Problem with pushing to webdav server (6.35g)]] +** DONE Export question +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:46] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFB3F6B%2E3040606%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFB3F6B.3040606%40sift.info][Export question]] + +** DONE Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly) +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:49] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet][Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly)]] +** DONE Exporting HTML to MS Word +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:50] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][Exporting HTML to MS Word]] +** DONE entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:04] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer]] +** DONE iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp [6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378)] +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:05] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp (6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378))]] +** DONE automatic line wrap +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom][automatic line wrap]] +** DONE mailto:abc@xyz.org +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mailto:abc@xyz.org]] +** DONE clocktable and :tags +CLOSED: [2010-06-07 Mo 12:10] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-07 Mo 12:13 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clocktable and :tags]] +** DONE MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:38] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail.gmail.com][MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed]] +** DONE Why I can't publish my project under Windows? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why I can't publish my project under Windows?]] +** DONE how to upgrade org-mode version? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to upgrade org-mode version?]] +** DONE Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Bug: Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks]] +** DONE org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar) +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar)]] +** DONE Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz][Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon]] +** DONE How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:41] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file?]] +** DONE Timestamp format questions +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:44] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede][Timestamp format questions]] +** DONE Question about beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:46] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo][Question about beamer export]] +** DONE simultaneous clocks? +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][simultaneous clocks? ]] +** DONE visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom][visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer]] +** DECLINED org-remember and anything + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][org-remember and anything]] + I am turning this one off, because we now use org-capture.el, and I + am not sure if the issue plays a role there. +** DONE Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00 +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:20] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00]] +** DONE language independent personal word list +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:29] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][language independent personal word list]] +** DONE 2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:30] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files]] +** DONE Toggle a repeating task in DONE state +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:32] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Toggle a repeating task in DONE state]] +** DONE Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments? +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:05] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments?]] +** DONE org-plot file export options +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-plot file export options]] +** DONE sup-mail link +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain][sup-mail link]] +** DONE table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=) +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:14] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=)]] +** DONE (org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:15] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF]] +** DONE any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:47] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure?]] +** DONE (OT) emacs-lisp compilation question +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:49] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(OT) emacs-lisp compilation question]] + + - Closed :: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs-en/ElispCompilerWarnings + + Function was used before declaration. +** DONE (PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files]] +** DONE preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg][preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling?]] +** DONE (PATCH) comments exporting :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:58] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) comments exporting]] +** DONE Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 08:03] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo]] +** DONE add a table entry by org-remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:26] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][add a table entry by org-remember template]] +** DONE Multiple TODO states +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:27] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple TODO states]] +** DONE Both todo and tag search +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:29] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Both todo and tag search]] + +** DONE Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html? +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:30] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6f7hqrx%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6f7hqrx.fsf%40ymail.com][Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html?]] +** DONE [babel] writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient]] +** DONE Hash mark in filled paragraphs +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu][Hash mark in filled paragraphs]] +** DONE Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 16:06] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el]] + + - Solved :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzoocdt%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Re: How to setup w3m-el as a default browser on GNU system?]] +** DECLINED Entries title in agenda view + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Entries title in agenda view]] + + We are not going to add the hierarchy. On the mailing list there + were answers showing possible alternatives using CATEGORY for + example. +** DONE version of Org used for Worg + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][version of Org used for Worg]] + The bleeding edge version is used to publish Worg - but only when a + file changes it will actually be republished. +** DONE (PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes in multiples of rounding time + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes + in multiples of rounding time]] + A modified patch has been checked in. +** DECLINED Writing the words in different color + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing the words in different color]] + I do not think that this is a useful addition. The user can + configure it with emphasis if needed. (- Carsten) +** DONE Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda) +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:47] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][ Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda)]] +** DONE Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:49] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings]] +** DONE Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:51] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords]] + +** DONE how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:57] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc][how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format]] +** DONE day-agenda: show whole-day-events first +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:12] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][day-agenda: show whole-day-events first]] +** DONE Agenda is slow because of vc-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:13] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda is slow because of vc-mode]] +** DONE questions about html export +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:22] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about html export]] +** DONE Keeping agenda window + CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Tue 19:22] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom][Keeping agenda window]] + - OP was looking for TAB (see [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hm0ic2q.fsf@dasa3.iem.pw.edu.pl][this]] and [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc8im57.fsf@fastmail.fm][this]] post). +** DONE `org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:30] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][`org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline]] +** DONE agenda views +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:33] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][agenda views]] +** DONE keeping uptodate? +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:37] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][keeping uptodate?]] +** DONE Checkboxes in Agenda +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:38] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Checkboxes in Agenda]] +** DONE Possible bug in ordered tasks +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + THis bug was caused by the interpretation of the string "nil" as a + non-nil value - a special case now fixes this. + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo][Possible bug in ordered tasks]] +** DONE Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c)) + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet][Bug: Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c))]] + This issue is resolved with the answers in the thread. +** DONE (BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export]] + Bug has been fixed. +** DONE (patch) filing under current clocked item +CLOSED: [2010-06-26 Sa 08:33] + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(patch) filing under current clocked item]] +** DONE Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:49] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python]] +** DONE Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:50] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list]] +** DONE habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:22] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string]] +** DONE mixing emphasis fails +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:23] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede][mixing emphasis fails]] +** DONE correction to orgtbl-to-html description :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:24] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][correction to orgtbl-to-html description]] +** DONE howto open attachment directory in external program? +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:39] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 10:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][howto open attachment directory in external program?]] +** DONE org-mode stopped compiling recently :Babel: + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode stopped compiling recently]] + Fixed, through a patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE org-iswitchb documentation + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20386%2E1277720390%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20386%2E1277720390%40maps][org-iswitchb documentation]] + The patch has been applied in a modified way, and the + functionality of org-iswitchb fixed so that it works by default. +** DONE Bug in latest version? + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in latest version?]] + Bug was due to changes in the constant entities, bug fixed by + checking elements in the list before using them. +** DONE Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 14:16] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus ]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R? +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:34] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R?]] +** DONE contrib/README +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:36] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3619%2E1277974892%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3619%2E1277974892%40maps][contrib/README]] +** DONE New to org-capture (and org-remember) +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 22:00] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6731%2E1277998108%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6731%2E1277998108%40maps][New to org-capture (and org-remember)]] +** DONE (BABEL) reload source code file after tangling? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) reload source code file after tangling?]] +** DONE problem in highlighting fields in a remote table +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][problem in highlighting fields in a remote table]] +** DONE Make distfile error +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Make distfile error]] +** DONE Bug in timeline report +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:41] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in timeline report]] +** DONE (babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document?]] +** DONE org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e))]] +** DONE Problem export to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem export to html]] +** DONE org-capture: Formatting of entries +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: Formatting of entries]] +** DONE Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda]] +** DONE Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist]] +** DONE mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums" +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums"]] +** DONE (no subject) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(no subject)]] +** DONE LaTeX export works but not in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][LaTeX export works but not in HTML]] +** DONE inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:47] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el)]] +** DONE *.bak files in trunk? +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.bak files in trunk?]] +** DONE Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree]] +** DONE Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent]] +** DONE org-babel and emacs init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel and emacs init]] +** DONE Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:50] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink]] + +** DONE Headline and numbered plain list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:51] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Headline and numbered plain list]] +** DONE magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance]] +** DONE complex filters in agenda view +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:55] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][complex filters in agenda view]] +** DONE a better way with babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:03] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau][a better way with babel]] +** DONE (PATCH) orphaned captions and labels :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) orphaned captions and labels]] +** DONE (babel) exports, caching, remote execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] +** DONE Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list]] +** DONE MobileOrg - no NEW state :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl][MobileOrg - no NEW state]] + +** DECLINED Org ident destroys special fontification of inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] \\ + Duplicate. +:END: +:PROPERTIES: +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +2. org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask in two ways + + i) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's +leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is set to +nil + + ii) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented +as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the indentation +should ideally return to what it was before the inline task. Of +course, this is also a problem when org-indent is turned off, if you +try to automatically hard-indent using TAB. However, in that case you +can adjust by hand the indentation of the first line after the inline +task, and then all the following lines will indent correctly. With +org-indent the problem is much worse since there is no way of +adjusting the soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE (require 'cl) seems not to be compiled +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom][(require 'cl) seems not to be compiled]] +** DONE capture template: %& and %! +CLOSED: [2010-07-05 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][capture template: %& and %!]] +** DONE "Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color" +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 20:51] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg]["Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color"]] +** DONE (BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:13] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output?]] +** DONE org-log-done +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:17] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom][org-log-done]] +** DONE (BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:20] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not]] +** DONE CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:26] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:29] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring?]] +** DONE Export of latex source to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export of latex source to html]] +** DONE Columns with LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:44] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Columns with LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:46] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]] +** DONE Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:47] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB]] +** DONE patch for org mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:12476%2E1278319281%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/12476%2E1278319281%40maps][patch for org mode]] +** DONE Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbke16m8%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting an image to latex]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I did some git bisection, and the last working version is commit +3b5351c7da59da3685f8233c252b1506166d35f3, so it seems Eric's commit +5edefbba269db8e717bd2b40778786b08af3f7a1 introduced the bug. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:50] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg][tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks]] +** DONE No subscript when exporting +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:56] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom][No subscript when exporting]] +** DONE logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:57] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Org+table.el = mutli line cells? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:05] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org+table.el = mutli line cells?]] +** DONE (PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:06] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom][(PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el]] +** DONE org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom][org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question]] +** DONE (BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others]] +** DONE (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:13] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] +** DONE Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-12 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-12 Mo 17:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda]] +** DONE (PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template +CLOSED: [2010-07-14 Mi 20:59] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet][(PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template]] +** DONE cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs]] +** DONE programming for org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom][programming for org-mode]] +** DONE \nbsp usage +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][\nbsp usage]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another]] +** DONE Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE (babel) report name of source block during execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:21] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) report name of source block during execution]] +** DONE footer for latex export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:22] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][footer for latex export]] +** DONE Help: Agenda not working anymore +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Help: Agenda not working anymore]] +** DONE Org-babel init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Org-babel init]] +** DONE how to include time when setting deadlines? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg][how to include time when setting deadlines?]] +** DONE (BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines?]] +** DONE (babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash?]] +** DONE Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX)]] +** DONE Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces]] +** DONE Help installing org-mode on a MAC please? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm][Help installing org-mode on a MAC please?]] +** DONE (babel) key binding requests :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) key binding requests]] +** DONE org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question]] +** DONE How to setup xdg for org-protocol ? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to setup xdg for org-protocol ?]] +** DONE Bib system based on org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][Bib system based on org-mode]] +** DONE org-crypt remember password +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:33] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk][org-crypt remember password]] +** DONE Verbatim export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Verbatim export]] +** DONE Failed to create radio tables +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Failed to create radio tables]] +** DONE longlines-mode (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: longlines-mode (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:45] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar?]] +** DONE LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda?]] +** DONE org-freemind-to-org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][org-freemind-to-org-mode]] +** DONE installing updating Org on other platform +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][installing updating Org on other platform]] +** DONE Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:15] + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3))]] +** DONE possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:17] + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg][possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration)]] + +** User Requests [249/249] +*** CLOSED Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom][Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort]] +*** CLOSED Template for a resume +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Template for a resume]] +*** CLOSED configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom][configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files]] +*** CLOSED jumping in custom agenda view loses settings +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][jumping in custom agenda view loses settings]] +*** CLOSED DAV config for mobileorg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][DAV config for mobileorg]] +*** CLOSED how to sort in the column view? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom][how to sort in the column view?]] +*** CLOSED function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location]] +*** CLOSED indent source blocks automatically when using "indent" :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent source blocks automatically when using "indent"]] +*** CLOSED moving past state changes into logbook drawer? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg][moving past state changes into logbook drawer?]] +*** CLOSED month and day names +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom][month and day names]] +*** CLOSED Multiple files and auto-updating +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple files and auto-updating]] +*** CLOSED (BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ' +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ']] +*** CLOSED Footnote in title? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead][Footnote in title?]] +*** CLOSED must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly?]] +*** CLOSED oddities with ical export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:42] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb%5FgMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb_gMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail.gmail.com][oddities with ical export]] +*** CLOSED (org-BEAMER) block without header +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-BEAMER) block without header]] +*** CLOSED Gnuplot best practice? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot best practice?]] + this link doesn't resolve to an article + +*** CLOSED question about chaining function calls in org-babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2D%2DbVLyjM%5FeQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTin--bVLyjM%5feQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05@mail.gmail.com][question about chaining function calls in org-babel]] + +*** CLOSED how to combine times in clocktable +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to combine times in clocktable]] + +*** CLOSED Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:10] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode?]] + +*** CLOSED Writing a custom export. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:25] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing a custom export.]] + +*** CLOSED Archive Tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:17] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede][Archive Tasks]] + +*** CLOSED R code not producing expected results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg][R code not producing expected results]] + +*** CLOSED trying to get xetex working with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom][trying to get xetex working with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED From todos to tracking +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][From todos to tracking]] + +*** CLOSED how do you extract schedule duration in column-view +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how do you extract schedule duration in column-view]] + +*** CLOSED Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom][Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export?]] + +*** CLOSED (Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells]] + +*** CLOSED Suppressing the ellipsis +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom][Suppressing the ellipsis]] + +*** CLOSED Print / export TODO Tree +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Print / export TODO Tree]] + +*** CLOSED Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name?]] + +*** CLOSED request for comments on org icon theme standards +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][request for comments on org icon theme standards]] + +*** CLOSED how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc.]] + +*** CLOSED Strange error in html exporting +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:29] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Strange error in html exporting]] + +*** CLOSED Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name]] +*** CLOSED row and col spaning in table? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][row and col spaning in table?]] + +*** CLOSED Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:30] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function)]] + +*** CLOSED Mobile mode sync problems :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mobile mode sync problems]] + +*** CLOSED Habit timing +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Habit timing]] + +*** CLOSED Using cdlatex-item within org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:00] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using cdlatex-item within org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED task juggler export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][task juggler export]] + +*** CLOSED Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling]] + +*** CLOSED Full list of org-beamer functionality? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:26] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Full list of org-beamer functionality?]] + +*** CLOSED org-beamer problem +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:27] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer problem]] + +*** CLOSED Effort estimates for multi-day tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:02] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Effort estimates for multi-day tasks]] + +*** CLOSED TeX commands or source code in org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:05] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech][TeX commands or source code in org files]] + +*** CLOSED Average payment rate with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:07] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Average payment rate with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux]] + +*** CLOSED strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom][strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs]] + +*** CLOSED Backspacing into folded items +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Backspacing into folded items]] + +*** CLOSED How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:27] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output]] + +*** CLOSED exec code on task state progression +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "WISH" [2010-09-12 So 14:29] +:END: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:19] + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][exec code on task state progression]] + +*** CLOSED migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration)]] + +*** CLOSED MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope.]] + +*** CLOSED org-link-search: Augment signature? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-link-search: Augment signature?]] + +*** CLOSED Emailing my org file +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:54] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emailing my org file]] + +*** CLOSED Baffled by beamer blocks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom][Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +*** CLOSED org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit?]] + +*** CLOSED footnotes in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][footnotes in LaTeX export]] + +*** CLOSED How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file?]] + +*** CLOSED question: how to refile labeled with origin? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question: how to refile labeled with origin?]] + +*** CLOSED Executing sh-code :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh-code]] + +*** CLOSED Sort agenda view by date? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Sort agenda view by date?]] + +*** CLOSED Export header-level list inconsistency +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:58] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Export header-level list inconsistency]] + +*** CLOSED Debugging shell code that misbehaves :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Debugging shell code that misbehaves]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode and claws +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet][org-mode and clawqs]] + +*** CLOSED org-publish with latest changes? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-publish with latest changes?]] + +*** CLOSED Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:04] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo][Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users?]] + +*** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +*** CLOSED column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me]] + +*** CLOSED configuring Org agenda faces by priority +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][configuring Org agenda faces by priority]] + +*** CLOSED Publishing configuration +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu][Publishing configuration]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode <=> Instiki +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode <=> Instiki]] + +*** CLOSED entities and removing some markup in ascii export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][entities and removing some markup in ascii export]] + +*** CLOSED How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues... +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:28] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues...]] + +*** CLOSED Total time displayed in the modeline? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Total time displayed in the modeline?]] + +*** CLOSED (babel) creating simple vectors in R +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:44] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) creating simple vectors in R]] + +*** CLOSED org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans)]] + +*** CLOSED Adding tags, grouping tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede][Adding tags, grouping tags]] + +*** CLOSED (BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas]] +*** DONE Fontify whole heading line +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:END: + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Fontify whole heading line]] +*** DONE cycle visibility from agenda view? + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede][cycle visibility from agenda view?]] + + use of org-agenda-cycle-show explained on mailing list, and added + to FAQ. +*** DONE Beamer presentation in the document +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Beamer presentation in the document]] +*** DONE clock in from last clock out +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clock in from last clock out]] +*** DONE contrib/README + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4663%2E1277986531%40maps + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4663%2E1277986531%40maps][Re: (Orgmode) contrib/README]] + Updated, patch by Stephen Eglen + +*** DONE wrap text in table cell? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom][wrap text in table cell?]] +*** DONE italics regexp +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][italics regexp]] +*** DONE question about links in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom][question about links in org-mode]] +*** DONE Exclude some file to be in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exclude some file to be in the agenda]] +*** DONE links customization in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom][links customization in org-mode]] +*** DONE trouble with Imenu integration +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg][trouble with Imenu integration]] +*** DONE (babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export?]] +*** DONE capture-clock-out nil! +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][capture-clock-out nil!]] +*** DONE imenu support for babel blocks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][imenu support for babel blocks]] +*** DONE Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org]] +*** DONE org-babel and OCaml - help? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:END: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][org-babel and OCaml - help?]] +*** DONE word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers]] +*** DONE Inserting date/time stamps including seconds +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Inserting date/time stamps including seconds]] +*** DONE Integrate APPTs with OSX +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Integrate APPTs with OSX]] +*** DONE (babel) html export of R data frame :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar][(babel) html export of R data frame]] +*** DONE org-refile-targets: excluding archived +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-refile-targets: excluding archived]] +*** DONE highlight confusion in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg][highlight confusion in agenda]] +*** DONE export to latex book ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex book ?]] +*** DONE "Invalid capture target specification" +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["Invalid capture target specification"]] +*** DONE inline image with link to other than images in html export? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu][inline image with link to other than images in html export?]] +*** DONE org-timeline and diary/calendar +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno][org-timeline and diary/calendar]] +*** DONE orgmode html export uses wrong browser +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar][orgmode html export uses wrong browser]] +*** DONE Some problems with times in a spreadsheet +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite][Some problems with times in a spreadsheet]] +*** DONE first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg][first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced]] +*** DONE Personal accounting with emacs, org and...? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Personal accounting with emacs, org and...?]] +*** DONE (BABEL) evaluation of R code in export :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:30] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) evaluation of R code in export]] + +*** DONE (BABEL) help adding a language, please? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:39] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville][(BABEL) help adding a language, please?]] + +*** DONE Finding old appointments +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:40] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Finding old appointments]] +*** DONE Author info while publishing to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 09:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Author info while publishing to html]] +*** DONE firefox problem with org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel][firefox problem with org-protocol]] + +*** DONE odd org-babel R behaviour :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca][odd org-babel R behaviour]] +*** DONE lookup functions in spreadsheet/table +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca][lookup functions in spreadsheet/table]] +*** DONE startup in column view +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D%3CAANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom%3E][startup in column view]] +*** DONE Browsing worg +CLOSED: [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Browsing worg]] +*** DONE OrgMobile - just a little help? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:14] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm][OrgMobile - just a little help?]] +*** DONE agenda-ignore-date and version number +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:40] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech][agenda-ignore-date and version number]] +*** DONE insert .org file into other .org file by link +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom][insert .org file into other .org file by link]] +*** DONE Migrating from zim to org-mode ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Migrating from zim to org-mode ?]] +*** DONE Eliminate line breaks in html +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Eliminate line breaks in html]] +*** DONE R Babel Example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][R Babel Example]] +*** DONE Nice links bookmarks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Nice links bookmarks]] + +*** DONE Installing/updating org on the mac woes +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installing/updating org on the mac woes]] +*** DONE org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-protocol]] +*** DONE Daily Debian Builds +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][Daily Debian Builds]] +*** DONE No title or date in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][No title or date in LaTeX export]] +*** DONE when will org-indent-mode be ready? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:36] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][when will org-indent-mode be ready?]] + + org-indent-mode works fine starting with Emacs 23.2. +*** DONE How can I add a DONE tag to an org file? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How can I add a DONE tag to an org file?]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg - One step further :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:19] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][MobileOrg - One step further]] + +*** DONE source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g)) +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:02] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][Bug: source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g))]] + +*** DONE Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:46] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost][Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header]] + +*** DONE Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context]] + +*** DONE debugging sbe calls :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "IDEA" [2010-08-08 So 13:16] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][debugging sbe calls]] + +*** DONE org-clock-current-task? +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-clock-current-task?]] + +*** DONE How do you use call and lob in org-babel? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do you use call and lob in org-babel?]] +*** DONE custom sorting of agenda items +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][custom sorting of agenda items]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg for Android...issues :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android...issues]] + +*** DONE How to change plain text face in Org Mode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:18] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How to change plain text face in Org Mode?]] + +*** DONE babel versionitis? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][babel versionitis?]] + +*** DONE gnuplot, table entry and temporary file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Babel) gnuplot, table entry and temporary file ]] + +*** DONE Footnote export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau][Footnote export]] + +**** Footnote problem +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][Footnote problem]] + +Duplicate of "[[id:mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau%5D%5BFootnote%20export%5D%5D%22%2E + +*** DONE Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede][Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda]] + +*** DONE (babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate]] + +*** DONE How to show done tasks in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:23] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost][How to show done tasks in agenda]] + +*** DONE or not? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) or not?]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE use of repository branch "maint" +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup][use of repository branch "maint"]] + +*** DONE Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel) +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel)]] + +*** DONE TODO DONE strikethrough +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost][TODO DONE strikethrough]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE Babel: help with tables and code blocks? +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][Babel: help with tables and code blocks?]] + +*** DONE Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block]] + +*** DONE "C-c a is undefined" +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost]["C-c a is undefined"]] + +*** DONE (babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block]] + +*** DONE why not auto-renumbering list ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][why not auto-renumbering list ?]] + +*** DONE called-interactively-p : org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][called-interactively-p : org-capture]] + +*** DONE (babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer]] + +*** DONE Installation - no way +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installation - no way]] + +*** DONE word count checklist? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville][word count checklist?]] + +*** DONE Confused about mobileorg setup :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Confused about mobileorg setup]] + +*** DONE Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom][Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen]] + +*** DONE (babel) difference in export output if including file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) difference in export output if including file]] + +*** DONE How can I search keywords in my org project? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I search keywords in my org project?]] + +*** DONE False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides]] + +*** DONE horiontal alignment of tables in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][horiontal alignment of tables in latex export?]] + +*** DONE Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list' +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list']] + +*** DONE Generic exporter status +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Generic exporter status]] + +*** DONE org-capture and blank lines +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture and blank lines]] + +*** DONE picture copy paste? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][picture copy paste?]] + +*** DONE Iterate over list with `org-next-item' +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Iterate over list with `org-next-item']] + +*** DONE possible tex export bug? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][possible tex export bug?]] + +*** DONE Problem with URLs in export to latex +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Problem with URLs in export to latex]] + +*** DONE Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom][Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents]] + +*** DONE Cannot open load file: inf-ruby +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Cannot open load file: inf-ruby]] + +*** DONE Todo item property search +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Todo item property search]] + +*** DONE gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings]] + +*** DONE Ditaa and babel goofing again? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa and babel goofing again?]] + +*** DONE org-edit-src-code : same window? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-edit-src-code : same window?]] + +*** DONE HTML export of org source blocks +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom][HTML export of org source blocks]] + +*** DONE svn version number as tag or property? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Re: svn version number as tag or property?]] + +*** DONE cannot enable org-habit +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cannot enable org-habit]] + +*** DONE beamer export question +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo][beamer export question]] + +*** DONE (babel) ledger tutorial on Worg + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:22] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) ledger tutorial on Worg]] + +*** DONE (Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom][(Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode?]] + +*** DONE From state table to state diagram + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][From state table to state diagram]] + +Looks like Eric addressed this request and implemented it. + +*** DONE org-capture templates with file+olp target +CLOSED: [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:END: + [2010-08-23 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-capture templates with file+olp target]] + +*** DONE cells are deformed in Japanese +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][cells are deformed in Japanese]] + +*** DONE Problem whit with code evaluation :Babel: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:10] + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg][Problem whit with code evaluation]] + +*** DONE items not disappearing from agenda once marked done +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom][items not disappearing from agenda once marked done]] + +*** DONE Org capture templates - file paths +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org capture templates - file paths]] + +*** DONE Agenda view and timestamps + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost][Agenda view and timestamps]] + +*** DONE agenda view tags filtering + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost][agenda view tags filtering]] + +*** DONE Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List]] + +*** DONE macros: escaping "," and comments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][macros: escaping "," and comments]] + + Commas can now be escaped. We will not have comments, because that + limits what one can do with macros. + +*** DONE org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans)]] + + As documented in the manual, one needs to use C-u C-c C-l + +*** DONE HOWTO?: make install contrib +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][HOWTO?: make install contrib]] + +*** DECLINED Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno][Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system]] + We no longer support Emacs 21. +*** DECLINED (babel) help debugging latex export :Babel: + - State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:04] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging latex export]] + +*** CLOSED Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects?]] +*** CLOSED OT: orgmode on my palm TX? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][OT: orgmode on my palm TX?]] +*** CLOSED org-learn question +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-learn question]] +*** CLOSED org tables - modified field + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:22] + :END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org tables - modified field ]] + +It is a bit much to expect that emphasis in table fields would not +disturb calc operations. + +*** CLOSED org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:23] + :END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags]] + + +This does not look like an issue we need to track (- Carsten) + +*** CLOSED column view asterisks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:58] +- State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:13] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][column view asterisks]] + +This is a minor issue, no action taken + +*** CLOSED how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom][how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring]] + +This is an Emacs issue and does not need tracking here. + +*** CLOSED Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key]] + +Answered on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED .ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][.ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice]] +Answered on the mailing list, by customizing `org-file-apps'. +*** CLOSED bug with link following +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +- State "BUG" from "CLOSED" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:15] +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo][bug with link following]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have reexamined the bug I had, and as far as I can tell, it occurs +because of the punctuation at the end of the header line. I am +attaching a file that shows the funny behavior. I can link to a +header titled "Foobar" correctly, but not one titled "submit through +submission site:" Attempts to link to the one word header "Bletch:" +also fail. +#+END_QUOTE + +=org-store-link= removes all characters except numbers, letters and +whitespace when creating the link target. Opening the link with +=org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline= set to non-nil +subsequently fails. + +**** org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies]] + +*** CLOSED org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom][org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells?]] + +Org-mode tables do not support multiline cells. + +*** CLOSED org-mode + pomodoro +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode + pomodoro]] + +*** CLOSED stuck project and check boxes +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr][stuck project and check boxes]] + +*** CLOSED a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents]] + +*** CLOSED Examples in numbered lists + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Examples in numbered lists]] + +Indentation can solve this, as explained on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED Error during Publishing to HTML + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error during Publishing to HTML]] + + +This seems to be a non-issue, I am closing it. + +*** CLOSED Org-beamer and beamer overlays +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg][Org-beamer and beamer overlays]] + +*** CLOSED merging column view headings across files +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca][merging column view headings across files]] + +*** CLOSED Table of Contents in html export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Table of Contents in html export]] + +*** CLOSED Trouble syncing files to mobile-org. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Trouble syncing files to mobile-org.]] + +*** CLOSED Mark days in calendar based on agenda + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mark days in calendar based on agenda]] + +This can be done using %(org-diary), as was explained on the list. + +*** CLOSED "{" in Latex fragments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:13] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom]["{" in Latex fragments]] + +I believe that this is solved - the OP did not come back after the +last help suggestion from the mailing list. So I am closing this. + +*** CLOSED (babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update]] + link not resolving + +*** CLOSED file+olp problem in org-capture. +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][file+olp problem in org-capture.]] + +*** CLOSED Folding org drawers in elisp code? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Folding org drawers in elisp code?]] + +The corresponding elisp code was published on the mailing list by Carsten + +*** CLOSED mathjax HTML export question + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][mathjax HTML export question]] + +Question was answered by Jan. + +*** CLOSED Deleting EXPERIMENTAL + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Deleting EXPERIMENTAL]] + +This is a non-issue. Right now there is nothing interesting in this +directory, but it mighr still come in handy. + +*** CLOSED Emacs & problem to export to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs & problem to export to HTML]] + +*** CLOSED Some useful timestamp s-expressions +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Some useful timestamp s-expressions ]] + +*** CLOSED make without make cleanall safe? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][make without make cleanall safe?]] + +*** CLOSED Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom][Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable?]] + +*** CLOSED beamer export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca][beamer export]] + +Looks like this was an old version of Org-mode. + +*** CLOSED Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom][Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o]] + +*** CLOSED tag or property names with dashes + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "CLOSED" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][tag or property names with dashes]] + +The "_-" in a property name can now be escaped in a property search +with "\-". Also, Manish and Carsten are testing a patch to allow "#" +and "%" in tags. + +*** CLOSED Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file]] + +*** CLOSED EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm][EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode]] + +*** CLOSED (Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer?]] + +This is indeed the standard behavior of #+DRAWERS. + +*** CLOSED Links Lost and Export-Report + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:00] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Links Lost and Export-Report]] + +Id locations can be refresehed, and custom links is what Stefan Volmar +really wants. The answers are in the mailing list archives. + +*** CLOSED (BUG) org-capture: file+function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-capture: file+function ]] +An example was published on the mailing list on how to deal with this case. + +*** CLOSED C-u usage +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][C-u usage]] + +*** CLOSED More structure on org-hacks.php +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom][More structure on org-hacks.php]] + +*** CLOSED See total effort in my agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][See total effort in my agenda]] + +*** CLOSED export TODO keyword +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export TODO keyword]] + +*** CLOSED TODO hooks +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][TODO hooks]] + +*** CLOSED Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede][Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now]] + +*** CLOSED bug in make info? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][bug in make info?]] + +*** CLOSED question about date-tree +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about date-tree]] + +** CLOSED empty lines in datetree capture templates +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:32] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][empty lines in datetree capture templates]] + +Malformed capture template. + +** CLOSED remember template is slow +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][remember template is slow]] + +** CLOSED org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item]] + +** CLOSED org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period]] + +** CLOSED Error using Calc time format in table +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Error using Calc time format in table]] + +** CLOSED bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom][bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad]] + +** CLOSED Src blocks fontification issue +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Src blocks fontification issue]] + +** CLOSED (babel) python session speed vs non session :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) python session speed vs non session]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point]] + +** CLOSED Beamer column alignment +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Beamer column alignment]] + +** CLOSED org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line" +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop][org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line"]] + +** CLOSED questions about table mode and spreadsheets +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about table mode and spreadsheets]] + +** CLOSED Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO" +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO"]] + +** CLOSED Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export]] + +** CLOSED Secretary.el +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom][Secretary.el]] + +** CLOSED (Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error]] + +** CLOSED Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports]] + +** CLOSED Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events?]] + +** CLOSED Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class]] + +** CLOSED Magit Integration - logging magit events. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Magit Integration - logging magit events.]] + +** CLOSED Context sensitive M-q +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom][Context sensitive M-q]] + +** CLOSED bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules]] + +** CLOSED 7.01trans obsolete variables +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][7.01trans obsolete variables]] + +** CLOSED bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy]] + +** CLOSED Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error]] + +** CLOSED org-babel and gnuplot +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel and gnuplot]] + +** CLOSED setting index.org for MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][setting index.org for MobileOrg]] + +** CLOSED How to capture another file's column view +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp][How to capture another file's column view]] + +** CLOSED Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom][Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name?]] + +** CLOSED org-beamer outline +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer outline]] + +** CLOSED Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks)]] + +** CLOSED Agenda and weather forecast +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Agenda and weather forecast]] + +** CLOSED Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits]] + +** CLOSED meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall][meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references]] + +** CLOSED Exporting property values to LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting property values to LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly]] + +** CLOSED Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry]] + +** CLOSED Problem with Babel and sessions :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with Babel and sessions]] + +** CLOSED plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom][plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request]] + +** CLOSED latex link target name +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo][latex link target name]] + +** CLOSED Repeating tasks on specific days of the week +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Repeating tasks on specific days of the week]] + +** CLOSED IP locator +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo][IP locator]] + +** CLOSED problem with label in latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo][problem with label in latex export]] + +** CLOSED ical export -> google calendar woes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet][ical export -> google calendar woes]] + +** CLOSED bug: babel-* dirs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel-* dirs]] + +** CLOSED org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs]] + +** CLOSED Export function to Vcal file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Export function to Vcal file ]] + +** CLOSED Mediawiki and org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mediawiki and org-mode]] + +** CLOSED Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released]] + +** CLOSED Org capture with predefined entries from a list? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Org capture with predefined entries from a list?]] + +** CLOSED Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug: Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github.]] + +** CLOSED org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet][org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode]] + +** CLOSED Include files to be used in literate programming :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom][Include files to be used in literate programming]] + +** CLOSED lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link]] + +** CLOSED Bug : http in http link export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug : http in http link export]] + +** CLOSED wanderlust links +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom][wanderlust links]] + +** CLOSED image size in html export +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom][image size in html export]] + +** CLOSED Bug in column view with cookie on item line +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo][Bug in column view with cookie on item line]] + +** CLOSED Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0)]] + +** CLOSED Change color in fontified html export for strings +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom][Change color in fontified html export for strings]] + +** CLOSED Customizing agenda line format +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca][Customizing agenda line format]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> > Well, I tried setting org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to "%0s", which +> > didn't work, but I didn't think about the above. So I tried this now. +> > It does remove the todo keyword, but it does only that. In particular, +> > there is now a space at the beginning of each line, which I assume is +> > simply the space in the headline that succeeds the todo keyword. Any +> > way of getting rid of that? Thanks for the pointer so far. +> > +> +> The information at the beginning of the line is controlled by +> org-agenda-prefix-format. What is the value of org-agenda-prefix-format +> on your machine? + +It seems to be more complicated than that. Here's what I found out by +tinkering around with settings a little. Setting +org-agenda-prefix-format to "" (as I already did before) correctly +removes the prefix *before* the TODO keyword. The formatting function +for everything starting with the TODO keyword, however, seems to +unconditionally insert a space between the TODO keyword and the rest of +the line. Thus, even if the TODO keyword is empty (by setting +org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to ""), there is still a space after the +now empty TODO keyword. Hence, the extra space at the beginning of the +line. To me it seems like there's no way around this with the standard +org mode settings. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Freemind conversion and Notes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Freemind conversion and Notes]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization]] + +** CLOSED camel.el, for CamelCase links +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +** CLOSED listing org source blocks in LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom][listing org source blocks in LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED #+STYLE: strangeness +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][#+STYLE: strangeness]] + +** CLOSED Query: Nested sort in table? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Query: Nested sort in table?]] + +** CLOSED Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org" +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom][Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org"]] + +** CLOSED A LaTeX class for Org-mode export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom][A LaTeX class for Org-mode export]] + +** CLOSED org-scan-tags +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-scan-tags]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede][org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries]] + +** CLOSED org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED Question: Repeating Items? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Question: Repeating Items?]] + +** CLOSED Latex export of subtree not working for me +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** CLOSED extremely weird "bad sexp" errors +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][extremely weird "bad sexp" errors]] + +** CLOSED suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks]] + +** CLOSED Load macros from other files? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Load macros from other files?]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode API? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-Mode API?]] + +** CLOSED Bibtex and latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bibtex and latex export]] + +** CLOSED Worg link broken +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom][Worg link broken]] + +** CLOSED Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** CLOSED Remember item under specific :PROJECT: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remember item under specific :PROJECT:]] + +** CLOSED options and batch exporting +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom][options and batch exporting]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:53] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link.]] + +** CLOSED Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA]] + +** CLOSED (babel) Environment around exported results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(babel) Environment around exported results]] + +** CLOSED Relative dates with sexep +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost][Relative dates with sexep]] + +** CLOSED Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0]] + +** CLOSED Problem when previewing latex fragments +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom][Problem when previewing latex fragments]] + +** CLOSED Putting latex in document titles +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Putting latex in document titles]] + +** CLOSED Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop][Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings]] + +** CLOSED Org-weather: display on some dates +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-weather: display on some dates]] + +** CLOSED BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "DECLINED" from "BUG" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:01] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task]] + +** CLOSED The \only<> overlay in beamer +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][The \only<> overlay in beamer]] + +No follow-up of OP since [2011-09-29 Do] + +** CLOSED SQLite in 7.01h? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][SQLite in 7.01h?]] + +** CLOSED org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem]] + +** CLOSED How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex]] + +** CLOSED Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo][Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android]] + +No follow-up by OP since [2010-09-20 Mo] + +** CLOSED orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices. +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices.]] + +** CLOSED Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc)]] + +** CLOSED Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org) +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org)]] + +** CLOSED Howto define formula for table regions +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom][Howto define formula for table regions]] + +** CLOSED does #+PROPERTY still exist ? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][does #+PROPERTY still exist ?]] + +** CLOSED Ditaa usage +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa usage]] + +** CLOSED cheatsheets in emacs +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cheatsheets in emacs]] + +** CLOSED "No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link]] + +** CLOSED subtree export fails with src block +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: subtree export fails with src block]] + +** CLOSED *.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:04] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard]] + +Seems to be a Snow Leopard issue + +** CLOSED wrap sourcecode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][wrap sourcecode?]] + +** CLOSED File-level execute permissions? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][File-level execute permissions?]] + +** CLOSED Requests about the code demarcation +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Requests about the code demarcation]] + +** CLOSED Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk][Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer?]] + +** CLOSED ditaa set-up on windows box +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ditaa set-up on windows box]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP]] + +** CLOSED Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:45] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree]] + +** CLOSED table, moving cells + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:49] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno][table, moving cells]] + +This is a non issue, and workaround have been shown on the mailing list. + +** CLOSED (PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions]] + +** CLOSED geolocated notes +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][geolocated notes]] + +** CLOSED org-footnote in messages, practical question. + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][org-footnote in messages, practical question.]] + +** CLOSED Windows installation with msysGit +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Windows installation with msysGit]] + +** CLOSED Can't find LaTeX under MAC + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Can't find LaTeX under MAC]] +Not an Org mode question. +** CLOSED LaTeX classes for Resume Writing +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][LaTeX classes for Resume Writing]] + +** CLOSED org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment?]] + +** CLOSED how to set faces? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom][how to set faces?]] + +** CLOSED org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash]] + +** CLOSED Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files]] + +** CLOSED lisp functions in column view +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][lisp functions in column view]] + +** CLOSED (babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file]] + +** CLOSED (beamer) export a long source block as in several frames +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(beamer) export a long source block as in several frames]] + +** CLOSED Sidewaystable in org? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Sidewaystable in org?]] + +** CLOSED org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items]] + +** CLOSED Fold "preamble/options" under first header +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fold "preamble/options" under first header]] + +** CLOSED (babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu][(babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name]] + +** CLOSED Projects+Next Actions view + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Projects+Next Actions view]] + +** CLOSED Having problems with faces in org agenda +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo][Having problems with faces in org agenda]] + +** CLOSED link export confused when URL parameter is another URL +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][link export confused when URL parameter is another URL]] + +** CLOSED POPERTIES Effort and HTML export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:49] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018 +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018][POPERTIES Effort and HTML export]] + +** CLOSED Agenda sorting strategy + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Agenda sorting strategy]] + +** CLOSED Store link upon sending a message +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][Store link upon sending a message]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Org-agenda.el :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(PATCH) Org-agenda.el]] + +** CLOSED strike through display problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][strike through display problem]] + +** CLOSED org-capture: file to top level with prepend + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:51] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture: file to top level with prepend]] + +Gmane link does not work. + +** CLOSED Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9]] + +No further reaction from OP +** CLOSED wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED org-agenda-skip-function not working +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-agenda-skip-function not working]] + +** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +** CLOSED 7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known]] + +** CLOSED Habits bug? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu][Habits bug?]] + +** CLOSED New clocktable code bug + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][New clocktable code bug]] + +** CLOSED (BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python? +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python?]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 ]] + +No feed back or backtrace via mailing list, issue closed. + +** CLOSED Executing sh code within sessions +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh code within sessions]] + +** CLOSED publishing a drawer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "IDEA" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:25] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][publishing a drawer]] + +** CLOSED Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil]] + +** CLOSED Org 7.3 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu][Org 7.3]] + +No followup in the thread, seems to be an isolated problem + +** CLOSED bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items]] + +** CLOSED Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:49] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags]] + +** CLOSED org-faq: Invalid XHTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-01-29 Sa 15:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:27] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-faq: Invalid XHTML]] + +** CLOSED Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:35] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk][Bug: Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:46] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom][Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks]] + +** CLOSED UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED latex table export not centered +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede][latex table export not centered]] + +** DONE syntax bugs in footnotes + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) syntax bugs in footnotes]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code]] + +** DONE Why :ID: properties? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom][Why :ID: properties?]] + +** DONE Directory Links (and a bug?) +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Directory Links (and a bug?)]] + +** DONE bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html)) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html))]] + +** DONE (WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode?]] + +** DONE Search files in a folder +CLOSED: [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Search files in a folder]] + +** DONE Agenda: Hide Sched. Items +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda: Hide Sched. Items]] + +** DONE problem exporting region from within a read-only file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting region from within a read-only file]] + +** DONE todos without timestamp in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][todos without timestamp in agenda]] + +** DONE image alt text for HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][image alt text for HTML export]] + +** DONE export of .org file from within a different .org file +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom][export of .org file from within a different .org file]] + +** DONE Templates - newline in string? +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit][Templates - newline in string?]] + +** DONE different result in spreadsheet tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush][different result in spreadsheet tutorial]] + +** DONE org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id) +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id)]] + +** DONE (bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set]] + +** DONE (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Re: (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working]] + +** DONE including holidays in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][including holidays in agenda]] + +** DONE org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** DONE Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords? +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords?]] + +** DONE inline images in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo][inline images in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Would it be reasonable to augment org's processing of #+ directives so +that an org user can specify (that Org should display inline images, +D.M.) there instead of using the local variables, which is less +user-friendly? +#+END_QUOTE + +** DONE (bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:54] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types]] + +** DONE Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments]] + +** DONE C-a T DONE behavior +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost][C-a T DONE behavior]] + +** DONE calendar and agenda entries +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][calendar and agenda entries]] + +** DONE Latex export of subtree not working for me + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** DONE Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word) +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word)]] + +** DONE How can I get document metadata? +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][How can I get document metadata?]] + +** DONE Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function]] +Reply in thread +** DONE Sparse trees and searching for multiple words + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sparse trees and searching for multiple words]] + +Use search view +** DONE Tags in Agenda View +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom][Tags in Agenda View]] + +** DONE #+source line in export +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom][#+source line in export]] + +** DONE exporting to a specified directory +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][exporting to a specified directory]] + +** DONE Update for habit documentation + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:44] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom][Update for habit documentation]] +Manual was updated +** DONE Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:06] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file]] + +Such a function was posted on the mailing list. + +** DONE Exporting to html +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting to html]] + +** DONE Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo][Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses]] + +** DONE bug with spaces in regexp search +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug with spaces in regexp search]] + +** DONE Agenda Question +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom][Agenda Question]] + +** DONE Yet another way to use maps --- the light way +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Yet another way to use maps --- the light way]] + +** DONE compiling org without make +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice][compiling org without make]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:48] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca +:ASSIGNEE: Carsten +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca][(PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines]] + +** DONE org-capture (lost PATCH?) +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture (lost PATCH?)]] + +** DONE Cannot insert column - wrong type argument +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice][Cannot insert column - wrong type argument]] + +** DONE Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output]] + +** DONE How do I convert org to OpenOffice? + CLOSED: [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :LOGBOOK: + - Note taken on [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] \\ + Added FAQ on converting to doc/odt. + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I convert org to OpenOffice?]] + +** DONE Filter scheduled items +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Filter scheduled items]] + +** DONE Title for capture template +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Title for capture template]] + +** DONE publishing orgmode to a CMS +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][publishing orgmode to a CMS]] + +** DONE bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails]] + +** DONE Latex exporter bug or feature? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo][Latex exporter bug or feature?]] + +** DONE How to not publish log done note? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to not publish log done note?]] + +** DONE Omit top level heading in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo][Omit top level heading in latex export?]] + +** DONE How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom][How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + +** DONE Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page?]] + +** DONE (PATCH) there is no ś in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][(PATCH) there is no ś in HTML]] + +** DONE Quoting formula "cookies" in table? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Quoting formula "cookies" in table?]] + +** DONE custom postamble in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][custom postamble in HTML export]] + +** DONE quotation marks in LaTeX (again) +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][quotation marks in LaTeX (again)]] + +** DONE Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome][Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error]] + +** DONE (BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes]] + +** DONE Orgmode and filling +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and filling]] + +** DONE Tracking time with MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tracking time with MobileOrg]] + +** DONE conditional export based on target +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][conditional export based on target]] + +** DONE (babel) Writing R-packages the org way? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Writing R-packages the org way?]] + +** DONE (BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][(BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement]] + +** DONE How can I just publish entry marked as DONE? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I just publish entry marked as DONE?]] + +** DONE Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone?]] + +** DONE Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return?]] + +** DONE library of babel, bootabs question +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][library of babel, bootabs question]] + +** DONE how to reverse a region of outline items +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to reverse a region of outline items]] + +** DONE bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future]] + +** DONE TaskJuggler 3, revisited +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TaskJuggler 3, revisited]] + +** DONE (BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentation +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentatidon]] + +** DONE Export Headings Only? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export Headings Only?]] + +** DONE org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse]] + +** DONE No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:18] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule]] + +** DONE Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML]] + +** DONE Feature request +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request]] + +** DONE centering text in html +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][centering text in html]] + +** DONE Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML]] + +** DONE Need help publishing subdirectories +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Need help publishing subdirectories]] + +** DONE puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom][puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour]] + +** DONE optimal usage Q : how would you do this? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][optimal usage Q : how would you do this?]] + +** DONE cache issue when publishing website with include file +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cache issue when publishing website with include file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export]] + +** DONE org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:29] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor]] + +** DONE org-mobile-use-encryption :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile-use-encryption]] + +** DONE Insert link to recently captured Note? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert link to recently captured Note?]] + +** DONE (BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][(BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML]] + +** DONE org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp]] + +** DONE Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom][Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii]] + +** DONE Auto clock-out? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Auto clock-out? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE org-7 under Xemacs +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org-7 under Xemacs]] + +** DONE Elementary: How to return to the main view +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Elementary: How to return to the main view]] + +** DONE Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5)]] + +** DONE org-freemind.el and rx +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom][org-freemind.el and rx]] + +** DONE 7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work]] + +** DONE blorgit build +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][blorgit build]] + +** DONE Bug (?) in org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo][Bug (?) in org-capture]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading and inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][org-insert-heading and inline tasks]] + +** DONE Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export?]] + +** DONE (Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML]] + +** DONE Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented]] + +** DONE Babel for blogging :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr][Babel for blogging]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-insert-heading]] + +** DONE #+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM][#+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation?]] + +** DONE mobileorg app can't sync :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom][mobileorg app can't sync]] + +** DONE Publishing htaccess files with a project +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Publishing htaccess files with a project]] + +** DONE Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML]] + +** DONE Library calls and begin_example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom][(Babel) Library calls and begin_example]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE (BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format? +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format?]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode?]] + +** DONE Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp]] + +** DONE Latex Export +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom][Latex Export]] + +** DONE xemacs compatibility +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][xemacs compatibility]] + +** DONE Exporting #+lob :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom][Exporting #+lob]] + +** DONE (babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org?]] + +** DONE Unable to export babel results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Unable to export babel results]] + +** DONE org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom][org-default-notes-file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:55] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl][(PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables]] + +** DONE pcomplete bug in 7.4 +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr][pcomplete bug in 7.4]] + +** DONE (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:51] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE]] + +** DONE (manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:25] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict]] + +** DONE indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line]] + +** DONE bug: invalid export key in export visible region +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:58] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: invalid export key in export visible region]] + +** DONE fill-region and list items +CLOSED: [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:14] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) fill-region and list items]] + +** DONE Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:23] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE][(O) Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph]] +** DONE proper visibility cycling for items + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Make them not hide the text after the final list item. + This is not trivial, we cannot usenormal outline stuff, + needs a separate implementation. +** DONE (PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:32] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists]] + +** DONE preserving location of point + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][preserving location of point]] + Resolved - works with emacs -Q, so it is due to some other + package. +** DONE VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice][VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u ]] + +** DONE question about link syntax +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about link syntax]] + +** DONE M-return on list items in quote blocks + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:24] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: M-return on list items in quote blocks]] +** CLOSED (ANN) List improvement v.2 + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) List improvement v.2 ]] + +git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + +** CLOSED (ANN) New lists definition :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) New lists definition]] + + git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + + Superseded by [[id:mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom%5D%5BList%20improvement%20v%2E2%5D%5D + +** CLOSED Export of quoted region to HTML +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:34 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Export of quoted region to HTML]] + +"At the moment, there is no real support for lists inside blocks." ([[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/34716][Re: Export of quoted region to HTML]]) +** CLOSED Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] \\ + Cannot reproduce it anymore on [2011-07-16 sam.]. +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:44 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom][Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook]] + +** DONE (bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] \\ + Fixed with new escaping mechanism. +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] +** DONE possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1)]] + +** DONE Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom][Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days]] + Patch is applied. +** DONE bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer%! +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer]] + +** DONE Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:52] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** DONE habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p][Bug: habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g)]] + +The code now has a better error message for this case. + +** DONE Git pull breaks agenda? + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: Git pull breaks agenda?]] + +** DONE Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:23] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom][Bug: Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4)]] + +** DONE Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5)) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:10] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][Bug: Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5))]] + +** DONE Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists]] + +** DONE (babel) Error Before first headline. :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error Before first headline.]] + +** DONE Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:10] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel]] + +** DONE Org-Babel and Ledger :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-Babel and Ledger]] + +** DONE (BABEL) Commands for navigation :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Commands for navigation]] + +** DONE Comments in tangled source + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Comments in tangled source]] + +** DONE (babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook]] + +** DONE (babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug? + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug?]] + +** DONE Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows]] + +** DONE (babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png]] + +** DONE (babel) support plantuml :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) support plantuml]] + +** DONE (org-babel) References Not Expanding :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:20] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) References Not Expanding]] + +** DONE (ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:08] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands]] + +** DONE problem with babel and R :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:02] + :END: + [2010-08-17 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][problem with babel and R]] + +Now possible to wrap results in Org blocks which can export as raw +org, but still allow for clean replacement of raw Org results. + +** DONE The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file]] + +** DONE indentation in capture templates :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ indentation in capture templates]] + +** DONE Capture and clock options +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and clock options]] + +** DONE Capture and checkitem +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:06] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and checkitem]] + + +This is now fixed, two reasonably serious issues. checkitem was not +implemented at all, and both checkitem and item could be placed into +the wrong subtree. + +** DONE (BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer]] + +** DONE (BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer]] + +** DONE Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop' + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Clocking + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop']] +** DONE Document the :recursive option for org-publish +CLOSED: [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: +** DONE typo in org.texi? :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:38] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:36] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][typo in org.texi?]] + +** DONE improve doc string + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - patch: http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/26 + - Org repo commit: http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git/commitdiff/bc53b3da3bf95c767113625693895a7dcbf389bb +** DONE workaround for the given example + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Worg repo commit: http://repo.or.cz/w/Worg.git/commitdiff/f5814f05998292d4eb80f9772c279e9837644f29 +** DONE (bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export]] + This has been fixed + +** DONE lists, maths and export to latex :Patch: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: lists, maths and export to latex]] +*** (PATCH) lists and exportation to latex + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Eric Schulte + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) lists and exportation to latex]] + + This patch has been applied. + +** DONE latex export and booktabs tables :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:02] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][latex export and booktabs tables]] +** DONE Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath? + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Carsten + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + This has been fixed, use the setting #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:verbatim. + It is also documented in the jsMath tutorial. + +** DONE Comment before \begin{equation} exported verbatim + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I noticed the following behavior: A comment line starting with "#" +immediately before a \begin{equation} environment is passed verbatim +as well. I don't think it counts as a bug, since there should probably +be a blank line before \begin anyway. +#+END_QUOTE + + This issue has been fixed. + +** DONE Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML]] + + - Patch :: [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/90/][90]] +** DONE Support multiple CSS container classes :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS property]] +** DONE Literal examples and indentation +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Literal examples and indentation]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Ok, so the answer of my initial question is no. + +That's a bit sad because, IMHO, this could a little be smarter than +this. For example if the line to indent is an empty one, then don't +insert indentation, or if the text is already indented then indent +with respect of the current indentation, etc... +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export]] + + Eric Fraga's code is now on the master branch. + +** DONE (BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export]] + Fixed, patch by Eri Schulte, this now gives a good error message + +** DONE (PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during LaTeX Export :Babel: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during + LaTeX Export]] + + Fixed with special treatment of these lines before the first headline +** DONE (BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading :Babel: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading]] + + Fixed, patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML]] +** DONE Minor Bug in ical2org awk script +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Minor Bug in ical2org awk script]] +** DONE Correct babel format for ditaa? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Correct babel format for ditaa?]] + +** DONE Bug in org-colview/org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Bug in org-colview/org-beamer?]] +** DONE bug in org-mode-export-as-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal][bug in org-mode-export-as-latex]] +** DONE LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))) +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)))]] + +** DONE Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +- State "ASSIGNED" from "BUG" [2010-08-08 So 14:27] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:15] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom +:ASSIGNEE: dmaus +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom][Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory]] + +** DONE Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 11:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex]] + +** DONE Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export]] + +** DONE BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-( +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-(]] + +** DONE Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for]] + +** DONE html-export mangels mailto: links +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) html-export mangels mailto: links]] + +** DONE escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans)]] + +There was a bug here (fixed), and also a user error (told the user so +on the mailing list). + +** DONE export to latex broken +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:22] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex broken]] + +The offending commit has been reverted. + +** DONE Publishing documents body-only + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 13:58] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + +The :body-only property is now available in the publishing setup. + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom][Publishing documents body-only]] + +** DONE Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:44] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans)]] + + [2010-07-20 Tue] Request for backtrace sent to bug report author + +** DONE suggesting a new function org-export-string :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][suggesting a new function org-export-string]] +** DONE portable absolute links in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][portable absolute links in HTML export]] + +** DONE insert a remember template at point +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][insert a remember template at point]] +** DONE Movement of C-a under visible-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Movement of C-a under visible-mode]] +** DONE org-mode and auto-fill-mode :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:24] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode and auto-fill-mode]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1hblfgkp1%2Efsf%40cam%2Eac%2Euk][Removing (modify-syntax-entry ?# "<")]] + +** DONE Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain][Bug: Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i)]] +** DONE org-feed not working for codeproject :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-feed not working for codeproject]] +** DONE (mobileorg) Android sync failed :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobileorg) Android sync failed]] +** DONE org-capture question/suggestion + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][org-capture question/suggestion]] + This patch has been applied, estimate operators are now active and + documented. +** DONE Displaying inline remote images +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:01] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Displaying inline remote images]] +** DONE Tables and environment with parameters + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Tables and environment with parameters]] + Another case of checking for protectedness at the wrong place (the + following line :( ) +** DONE org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:00] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd))]] +** DONE org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51))]] +** DONE inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active]] + +*** inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up%! + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][Bug: inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up]] +** DONE Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans) + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D8739vzpqx1.wl%25dmaus%40ictsoc.de][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed by fixing the function org-find-olp, this can not search just + in the current buffer if the THIS-BUFFER flag is set. +** DONE Problem when org-capturing text from French email + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Problem when org-capturing text from French email]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus to work around Emacs bug #5306. + +** DONE org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans) + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus. + +** DONE web site bug +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][web site bug]] +** DONE indent levels in dynamic block clock? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent levels in dynamic block clock?]] +** DONE org-collector : display problem with propview +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-collector : display problem with propview]] +** DONE startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block) +CLOSED: [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block)]] +** DONE Diary-integration in version 7.01.g +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3Dop.vgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost.localdomain][Diary-integration in version 7.01.g]] +** DONE Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG= +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:59] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG=]] +** DONE links and ID properties +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][links and ID properties]] + +** DONE (Patch) Capture: [Error: (void-function FILE)] and %![Error: (void-function SEXP)] (again)%! +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) Capture: %!(Error: (void-function FILE)) and %!(Error: (void-function SEXP)) (again)]] +** DONE (BUG) Org-capturing items to clock +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Org-capturing items to clock]] +** DONE Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:42] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer]] +** DONE MobileOrg capture - bad encoding :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg capture - bad encoding]] +** DONE Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient]] +** DONE (BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems]] +** DONE avoiding source block prompts +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu][avoiding source block prompts]] +** DONE (babel) lob evaluation : a bug ? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(babel) lob evaluation : a bug ?]] + +** DONE (mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom][(mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing]] + +** DONE bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties? :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties?]] + +** DONE (Patch) Org-fontify :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Patch) Org-fontify]] + +** DONE (PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string.]] + +** DONE org-feed XML entities and character encoding :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][org-feed XML entities and character encoding]] + +** DONE (Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil]] + +** DONE (Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:15] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition)]] + +I installed the new code into the contirb directory. + +** DONE Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot?]] + +This is solved, and new example on how to work with GNUPLOT are up on Worg. + +** CLOSED Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** CLOSED Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight]] + +** CLOSED export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug: export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks]] + +** CLOSED org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:19] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection]] + +True, but cannot be fixed, at least not easily. The new entry can +still be found at the original target location, go there with `C-c C-u +C-c r'. + +** CLOSED org-capture + autoload + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture + autoload]] +The autoload Cookie is in there now. + +** CLOSED capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...) +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:14] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...)]] + +Not a bug. Cf. manual Template expansion and Carsten's +explanation: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6DE91187%2D59F0%2D4AA3%2D9487%2DA758CEB6D5DE%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 +commit-972b0a58...)]]. + +** CLOSED documention missing +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][Bug: documention missing]] + +** CLOSED Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Bug) Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk]] +** CLOSED org capture: use org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom][org capture: use org-default-notes-file]] + +** CLOSED Comments cannot be filled +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + +** CLOSED Disputed keys (meta left), (meta right) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 12:48] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:25] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Disputed keys]] +** DONE keys and command name info + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:44] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][keys and command name info]] + +** CLOSED Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] \\ + Insufficient information and no confirmation of the bug since more + than six months. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:31] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/66] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY?]] + +** DONE Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers. :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/65] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers.]] + +** DONE Re: export to latex broken :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 20:55] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:37 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/63] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][(O) Re: export to latex broken]] + +** DONE (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] \\ + This has been applied to master. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 21:04] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:39 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/62] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom][(O) (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command]] + +** DONE Macro expansion in included files :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] \\ + Applied already. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 16:07] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:42 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/61] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Macro expansion in included files]] + +** CLOSED "org-nil" error in LaTeX export :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:47] \\ + No report. Apperently, an user configuration problem. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/60] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) "org-nil" error in LaTeX export]] +** CLOSED (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] \\ + No confirmation under 30 weeks. Probably an user misconfiguration. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 00:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/58] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block]] + +** DONE Verbatim code gets interpreted :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/57] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) (Bug) Verbatim code gets interpreted]] + +** CLOSED (BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:50] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:35 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/38] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli][(BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers]] + +** DONE For Patchwork workers: An updated pw + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom][For Patchwork workers: An updated pw]] + +The pw script that should be used to work with our patchwork server +is part of the distribution, UTILITIES/pw. Among other things, this +script arranges for automatic emails to the mailing list when the +status of a patch changes. + +** DONE (ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite][(ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode]] +I have made a link to this new translator on Worg, in +org-translators.org. + +** CLOSED tags grouping not working :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:43] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 02:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/20] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede][Bug: tags grouping not working]] +** DONE org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org]] + +org-velocity.el is now a contributed packge, with documentation on worg. +** CLOSED Footnote incorrect in Worg + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:34 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Footnote incorrect in Worg]] + +** CLOSED org-mediawiki :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:53 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/17] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mediawiki]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:54 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/16] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file]] + +** CLOSED send mail without starting gnus first :new: + CLOSED: [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:57] + - Note taken on [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] \\ + This is a gnus issue. + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [3/15] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][send mail without starting gnus first]] + +** CLOSED links and no match message :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:30] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:03 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/12] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu][links and no match message]] + +No answer in 25 weeks. Case closed. +** CLOSED org-cdlatex after environment :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/11] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-cdlatex after environment]] + +Document to reproduce: + +#+begin_src org +,* Heading +,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +;; Turn on cdlatex-mode +(org-cdlatex-mode 1) +,#+END_SRC + + +\begin{eqnarray*} + & & \\ +\end{eqnarray*} + +\begin{eqnarray*} +b&=& +\begin{cases} +1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 +\end{cases} +5 +\end{eqnarray*} + + +Typing _ after 4 prints _{}. Typing _ after 5 only gives _. 5 isn't +considered to be part of math-mode anymore. +#+end_src + +** DONE Org now fontifies code blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][Org now fontifies code blocks]] + +** DONE MobileOrg now in the Android market + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][MobileOrg now in the Android market]] +** DONE (CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom][(CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point]] + +Included in Worg now. + +** DONE Finally jekyll and org-jekyll + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Finally jekyll and org-jekyll]] + +Documented in Worg. + +** DONE MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages]] + +Included in Org and documented. + +** CLOSED what am I missing about remote editing? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 15:41] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:11 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/10] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][what am I missing about remote editing?]] +** CLOSED error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier" :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:02] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:13 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/9] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier"]] + +** CLOSED void-function error :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:37] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/8] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][void-function error]] + +** DONE Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks :Babel:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 11:07 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks]] +** DONE Baffled by beamer blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:50] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:04 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) (BUG) Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +** DONE Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:36] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom][Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands]] + +#+begin_quote +Is there an option for org-metaup (org-metadown) and +outline-next-visible-heading (outline-previous-visible-heading) to +alway jump to the first non-star character in a headline instead of +the beginning of a headline? I could not find this option in the +manual. In my opinion, this would complement the "special C-a/e" +commands which I also use. This behaviour is already the default for +org-metaup/-down in lists. +#+end_quote + +** DONE LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug]] + +** DONE Row formulas + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + @4=..... + +** CLOSED latex export problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech][latex export problem]] + + - ngz :: not consistently reproducible, 41 weeks old, outdated + version of Org : closed. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE Make a variable that current line should be recomputed always + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + In each table. Skipping headers of course. +** DONE include value of single table cell in text? + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:49] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:17 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][include value of single table cell in text?]] + +** DONE (Feature Request) Cross headings in tables + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:51] +:END: + [2010-10-27 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Feature Request) Cross headings in tables]] + +** DONE MathJax is now the default for HTML math + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:21 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom][MathJax is now the default for HTML math]] + + - ngz :: it is in manual since a long time. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :END: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE + 1) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's + leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is + set to nil + + 2) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented + as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the + indentation should ideally return to what it was before the + inline task. Of course, this is also a problem when org-indent + is turned off, if you try to automatically hard-indent using + TAB. However, in that case you can adjust by hand the + indentation of the first line after the inline task, and then + all the following lines will indent correctly. With org-indent + the problem is much worse since there is no way of adjusting the + soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] + - ngz :: no further information to work on since 39 weeks. Case + probably closed. +** CLOSED Strange bug, request for more info + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :END: + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq6bjsas%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq6bjsas.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Re: Strange bug, request for more info]] + + - ngz :: very old bug, probably fixed now according to the last + post in the thread. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +The bug happens when being in the agenda and trying to goto or show +the origin location of an agenda entry by pressing SPC or RET. +John reports that sometimes (for him several times a day), +the other window shows a completely different location. +The most weird part of it is that going back to the agenda buffer +and then trying the exact same command again, everything works +fine! This is driving me crazy, and I'd love to find and fix +this problem. +#+END_QUOTE +** CLOSED PATCH: Fix for agenda problems :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo][PATCH: Fix for agenda problems]] + + - ngz :: probably applied, and function has changed since then. + +*** More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing :Mobile: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo][More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing]] + +*** Mobile-org crash --- same error? :Mobile: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mobile-org crash --- same error?]] + +** DONE COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 02:22] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:57] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 12:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][(O) Bug: Minor Bug: COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics (7.5 (release_7.5.24.g5f0ef))]] + + - ngz :: bug confirmed on 7.6 (release_7.6.75.g74e3) and hopefully + fixed. Waiting for confirmation. + +** CLOSED Capture abort: (void-function -mode) + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:44] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Capture abort: (void-function -mode)]] + +Problem is not yet reproducible. + + - ngz :: very old bug, no information or even confirmation it + happened since then. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED capture problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:14] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech][capture problem]] + + - ngz :: very old bug. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] +** CLOSED Recovering notes :Mobile: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobile-org) Recovering notes]] + + - ngz :: As informative as it is, we are not fixing issues for + outside applications. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error? :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:09] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error?]] + + - ngz :: still active, but not dependant on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ainsi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** CLOSED Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created) :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] + :END: + [2010-10-17 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created)]] + + - ngz :: confirmed, but not depending on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** DONE (PATCH) Markup on same line as text :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:48] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Markup on same line as text]] + - ngz :: patch already applied in code base. +** DONE clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items]] + + - ngz :: Carsten fixed it. + +** DONE (BABEL) Babel babel native fontification :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:37] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:48 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Two minor issues]] +** DONE Custom sorting of agenda items! + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) custom sorting of agenda items]] + - ngz :: Carsten full-filled that wish. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When giving a user-defined function for org-agenda-cmp-user-defined, +the function gets two agenda entries. Is there a way from an agenda entry +to get to the original org entry? + +Best would be if, besides a user-defined sort function, you could also provide +a function that takes the org entry and the agenda item (i.e. is run with point +on the org entry and is passed the agenda item), and can then store anything +it wants about the org entry as text properties on the agenda item. +The companion user-defined sorting function could then use these stored +text properties for ordering the agenda items. Could you add such a hook? +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:21] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:00 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][(PATCH) Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto]] + - ngz :: That function exists now. + +** CLOSED Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature Request: Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range]] + - ngz :: A solution for the problem at hand already exists and is + detailed in the FAQ. + +** DONE Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show. :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show.]] + - ngz :: Patch seems applied in code base. +** DONE Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:33] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 08:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg][Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines]] + - ngz :: David solved that bug with his escaping mechanism. + +** DONE Variable of standard links for completion with C-c C-l + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Or something like that, to make standard links fast. + +** DONE Unintended behavior? Links without description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:09] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:10 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Unintended behavior? Links without description]] + +#+begin_quote +In pre-processing for export with org-export-normalize-links, links +that lack a description part are given one, which consists of the full +raw path of the link. In other words, link descriptions are never nil. +This seems to conflict with the expectations of org-bbdb.el and custom +links based on that example. + +The link [[bbdb:Carsten Dominik]], for instance, is exported to html +and latex as follows: + + bbdb:Carsten Dominik + \textit{bbdb:Carsten Dominik}. + +Org-bbdb.el is clearly prepared to be passed a desc that is nil, in +which case it would use path instead: + +(defun org-bbdb-export (path desc format) + "Create the export version of a BBDB link specified by PATH or DESC. +If exporting to either HTML or LaTeX FORMAT the link will be +italicized, in all other cases it is left unchanged." + (cond + ((eq format 'html) (format "%s" (or desc path))) + ((eq format 'latex) (format "\\textit{%s}" (or desc path))) + (t (or desc path)))) + +However, desc is never nil, because a missing description part is +replaced in export pre-processing by a string consisting of the link +type, a colon, and the path. This takes place in the function +org-export-normalize-links. + +This makes for unexpected behavior in custom links that some of us +have defined. E.g., Thomas S. Dye's `cite' links (the thread +`org-add-link-type'): +#+end_quote + +Thomas S. Dye could track down this problem to at least 7.01trans +(release_7.01h.209.g2c33b). + +*** DONE org-add-link-type + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:12] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) org-add-link-type]] + +#+begin_quote +It looks as if an empty desc is never passed, instead it is replaced +with the full raw path. I don't think that's the right behavior, and I +don't really see how it could result from org-export-latex-links. +#+end_quote + +** DONE minted for latex source code export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:49 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][minted for latex source code export]] + +** DONE (WIP) OpenOffice Exporter + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WIP) OpenOffice Exporter]] + +** CLOSED Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans) + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:11] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 11:19 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans)]] + - ngz :: configuration mistake from OP. + +** DONE Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:54] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) (Babel) Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output]] +** CLOSED html export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX ignored for tables when used before first headline + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:22] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][LaTeX table export issue]] + +** DONE Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore? :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +- State "BUG" from "WISH" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore?]] + +** DONE Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:28] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:19] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) (BUG) Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading]] + - ngz :: Patch suggested. Waiting for confirmation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +** DONE (Patch) org-capture.el + CLOSED: [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-22 ven. 01:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Patch) org-capture.el]] +** DONE Rewrite of org-indent-mode :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:23] +- State "IDEA" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:20] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:28] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-08-18 jeu. 19:16 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (dev) org-indent-mode patch]] + + + - ngz :: this branch is an attempt to remove idle timer in + indent-mode and to make it compatible with + visual-line-mode. Though, it suffers from a long + initialization time (walking each line of the buffer to + add text-properties). + + The idea is to set =line-prefix= property to the level of + the current headline and =wrap-prefix= to the indentation + of the beginning of the line. These properties are + modified at each text modification (hook) on the modified + area only (so, this part is quick). + + - ngz :: I've implemented an asynchronous initialization. It needs + testing, though. + +Source : =git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +The rewrite would fix the following bugs: + +*** DONE Org cause Emacs to hang + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "BUG" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:04] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:39] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org cause Emacs to hang]] + +Possible fix is in + +=git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +Wait for feedback if this patch fixes the problem. + + - ngz :: this branch isn't satisfactory enough (too slow on + opening files). Thus, I re-open the bug. + + See [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for more information. + +*** DONE Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel][Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list]] + + - ngz :: see [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for a working solution + +# -*- org-tags-column: -80; sentence-end-double-space: t; -*- +#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t tex:t d:(HIDE LOGBOOK) tags:not-in-toc +#+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate +#+TODO: NEW(n) TODO(t!) WAITING(W!) IDEA(i!) WISH(w!) INCONSISTENCY(y!) BUG(b!) QUESTION(q!) | DONE(d!) DECLINED(c!) CLOSED(C!) +#+TAGS: Babel(b) Mobile(m) Patch(p) new(n) noexport(x) +#+TITLE: Open issues with Org mode +#+AUTHOR: Worg people +#+EMAIL: mdl AT imapmail DOT org +#+LANGUAGE: en +#+PRIORITIES: A C B +#+CATEGORY: worg +#+ARCHIVE: ::* Closed issues +#+DRAWERS: PROPERTIES LOGBOOK + +# This file is the default header for new Org files in Worg. Feel free +# to tailor it to your needs. + +* Introduction + +This is a simple mailing list based tracker for issues and other +things about Org mode. It is a replacement of the abandoned todo file +and incorporates its structure and parts of the nomenclature. The +purpose of this document is to keep track of issues, i.e. anything +that requires some kind of action, and other things like +announcements, hacks, feature ideas and the like. + +** Nomenclature + +On this page, TODO keywords are used in the following way: + + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Keyword* | Intention | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *NEW* | A new issue that is not yet classifed. | + | *TODO* | A task to be done. This includes but is not limited to answers to user requests, development or documentation tasks. | + | *WAITING* | A reported issue that requires a response to be processed further. | + | *IDEA* | A new idea, I have not yet decided what if anything I will do about it. | + | *WISH* | A wish, probably voiced by someone on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org. This is less than a new idea, more a change in existing behavior. | + | *DECLINED* | A feature or idea that was declined. Still in the list so that people can see it, complain, or still try to convince Carsten to implement it. | + | *INCONSISTENCY* | Some behavior in Org-mode that is not as clean and consistent as it should be. | + | *BUG* | A confirmed bug. This needs to be fixed, as soon as possible. | + | *QUESTION* | A question someone asked. | + | *DONE* | Well, done is done. | + | | <80> | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +In addition, tags are used to provide more detailed context +information. Currently these tags are used in this file: + + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Tag* | Context | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Babel* | Issue concerning [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/index.php][Org-babel]] | + | *Mobile* | Issue concerning [[http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/][MobileOrg]] | + | *Patch* | A patch is available via Org mode's [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/project/org-mode/list/][Patchwork tracker]] | + | *New* | All issues below the *New Issues* headline. | + | | <80> | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +** Document structure and maintenance + +New issues hitting the Org mode [[http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode][mailing list]] are recorded on a +(almost) daily basis using a yet to be published library that allows +operating on the issue file from within Wanderlust and (partly) Gnus. + +They are first filed to the heading *New Issues*. + +In a second step issues beneath this heading are reviewed. If an +issue triggers a development task it is properly classified (keywords, +tag) and refiled to the *Development Tasks* heading. If it is a user +request, it is classified using the *QUESTION* TODO keyword and filed +to heading *User Requests*. If it is already closed according to the +mailing list, it is immediately closed and moved to *Closed issues*. +If it cannot yet be classified or closed, it stays where it is. + +** Using this file + +This file is hosted and published on [[http://orgmode.org/worg/][Worg]]. So you can either read the +file via your browser or check out Worg's git repository. + +Everyone is encouraged to use this file to facilitate collaboration in +solving issue and extending Org mode. Thus, you can operate on the +entries as you wish, as long as the ID property is kept intact. + +Operating on this file includes, but is not limited to, classifying +new issues, doing research on an outstanding task, or grouping related +issues into a development task. If you start to take care of an open +issue or task, please put a token in a headline property called +"ASSIGNEE", so others can see that you started to take care of this +issue. + +[[file:index.org][{Back to Worg's index}]] + +* New Issues [0/0] :new: +* Development Tasks +** Agenda issues +*** IDEA Meta-grouping properties? + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Meta-grouping properties?]] +*** IDEA persistent frame for agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:09] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][persistent frame for agenda]] + +*** IDEA "Interactive" Search in Agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom]["Interactive" Search in Agenda]] + +*** IDEA overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature idea: overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling]] + +*** IDEA Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:18] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(REQUEST) Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views)]] + +#+begin_quote +> I have been a happy org-mode user for a while, using more and more of +> org-mode for more and more things. By now I have completely replaced my use +> of iCal (on the Mac) by the org-mode agenda, with no regrets. However, there +> is one feature that I am still trying to get into my agenda view, but I +> didn't find a way to do it yet. +> +> There are a couple of long-lasting "events" that I would like to show in my +> agenda view. A typical example would be school vacation periods, but there +> are others: absences of a colleague, availability of some instrument, etc, +> Their common feature is that they can last very long (several weeks) and +> that they don't really occupy my agenda. I just want to know when planning +> something if a given day is in period X or not. So I'd like to see at a +> glance (using a specific font, color, one-letter prefix etc.) if a day falls +> into a certain predefined period. Simply adding a corresponding event to my +> agenda leads to visual clutter: it gets marked on every single day of the +> period. +> +> Is there any way to get what I am looking for? + ++1 for this feature. Also, I think our desire for such a feature could +be met with a calendar-view, perhaps re-using some org-table or +org-columns source? + +I'm envisioning I would very much like something akin to an ASCII +4-day calendar view (like the default Google Calendar view). + +Even if we could line up four days' agenda views horizontally (with an +appointment-style timeline), I would find this useful. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Worldcup + time zone question + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][Worldcup + time zone question]] + +*** WISH Indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom][(new feature suggestion?) indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is there a way to quickly/visually differentiate between repeating/single-occurence tasks? + +If not, something like say, adding an asterisk somewhere in the entry would be great. + +1. Scheduled* - starred schedule/deadline string +2. TODO * - starred 'todo' string +3. fifa2010* - starred 'category' string +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH A little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leaders +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede][a little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leader]] + - ngz :: No answer as of [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** WISH Modify time entry from agenda? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Modify time entry from agenda?]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Relative file names in list org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "WISH" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:22] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about org-agenda-files]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY omitting done TODOs from custom agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:19] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][omitting done TODOs from custom agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> The problem occurs in both my "Agenda plus contacts" and "Get It +> Louder", so maybe it's something with my custom todos? +> +> (org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w@)" "|" +> "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c@)") (sequence "CONTACT(n)" "REPLY(r)" "|" +> "CONTACTED(e@)")))) + +Looks like the problem here was that CONTACT is a substring of +CONTACTED—whatever function decides if a todo keyword is pending or +completed apparently just reads the string until it finds the first +match (?). I changed it to SENT and everything worked fine. Dunno if +that's worth considering a bug, but it's certainly surprising behavior. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** INCONSISTENCY Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:51] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day]] +*** BUG Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading]] + + - ngz :: Still confirmed on [2011-07-18 lun.] + + The manual should specify that SCHEDULED and DEADLINE + keywords are to be put on the line just after the + headline. + + We can also make C-c C-s replace the already defined + SCHEDULED or DEADLINE keyword, if it can find it. + + Moreover, we should remove + `org-insert-labeled-timestamps-at-point'. This variable + is error-prone, and more than often let-bound to nil + (i.e. from the agenda). + + Eventually, I think we should slowly move them to + standard properties (in the PROPERTIES drawer). + +*** WISH org-agenda-follow-narrowed ? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom][org-agenda-follow-narrowed ?]] + +#+begin_quote +When I'm in the agenda, if I hit SPC, I get a nice narrowed view of the +current item. When I toggle org-agenda-follow-mode, I get org to show +me the current item without hitting SPC---but it's not narrowed. It +also has the property drawer collapsed. What I'd like is to have org +follow me with exactly the result of hitting SPC. Possible? +#+end_quote + +*** WISH re-marking agenda entries +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:03] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][re-marking agenda entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Please test this custom agenda command +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:16] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Please test this custom agenda command]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Habits and org-log-done configuration +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: Understanding habits - org-log-done]] + +#+BEGIN_VERSE +> I can confirm this. I personally only log state changes to DONE but +> setting a LOGGING property value of lognotedone prompts for a note and +> fails to show the history for the habit in the graph. +> +> This is probably a bug. + +Yes. The regexp that searches for completed tasks in org-habit is +hard-coded to look for a 'State "DONE"' string. When org-log-done is set +to note, however, the log entries begin with 'CLOSING NOTE'. (A related +problem here is that it assumes DONE is the only relevant todo keyword.) + +One workaround is to add the property LOGGING and set its value to +lognoterepeat. This produces notes with timestamps in the following +format (compatible with org-habit): + + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [​2011​-​01​-​01​ Sat 21:​11​] \\\\ + 5 miles. +#+BEGIN_COMMENT +The note above was modified in order to export correctly to html. It's +source form is: + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2011-01-01 Sat 21:11] \\ + 5 miles. +#+END_COMMENT +Another workaround is to make the setting associated with 'done in +org-log-note-headings to the same as 'state. One quick way to do that is +by evaluating the following expression: + +(setcdr (assoc 'done org-log-note-headings) (assoc 'state org-log-note-headings)) + +As an aside, it seems to me that the "CLOSING NOTE" format that results +when org-log-done is set to 'note is inconsistent with other logging +behavior. For instance, when a "@" is added in org-todo-keywords, the +note is entered with the state change string. +#+END_VERSE + + +*** INCONSISTENCY Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:44] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4)]] + +*** BUG org-write-agenda failure +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-write-agenda failure]] + + - ngz :: confirmed on Org-mode version 7.6 (release_7.6.93.gd243) + [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:56] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 15:53] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files]] + +C-c [ and C-c ] adds and removes files from `org-agenda-files' using +Emacs' customization interface. The customization is saved w/o notice +or prompt. Using these commands defeats setting `org-agenda-files' to +one or more directories because Org will save the expanded list of +directory files. + +*** BUG org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:27] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: (O) org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t]] + +#+begin_quote +>>> Alright, so I did that, and I seem to have encountered an org-mode +>>> bug. Put this in .emacs +>>> +>>> (setq +>>> org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t +>>> org-agenda-custom-commands +>>> '(("l" "Agenda with done items" +>>> agenda "" ((org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done nil))))) +>>> +>>> (define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "l") (lambda () (interactive) (org-agenda nil "l"))))) +>>> +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +>>> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +>>> q -> quits org-agenda +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> still fine +>>> M-x org-agenda b/f -> also displays DONE items, which is a bug +>> +>> I cannot reproduce this. What version of org-mode are you using? +>> +>> - Matt +> +> Right, sorry, I was using org-agenda-list. Here are the updated +> instructions +> +> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +> q -> quits org-agenda +> M-x org-agenda-list -> still fine +> b/f -> also displays DONE items + +I can confirm this bug with this latter set of instructions, though I'm +puzzled why M-x org-agenda-list behaves differently than C-c a a. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty)) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:33] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty))]] + +*** TODO Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:51] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f))]] + +*** WISH org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:31] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future]] + +*** WISH Hide / expand tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:35] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (O) Hide / expand tags]] + +#+begin_quote +I think it'd be nice for this to have the _alternative_ to put the +tags into the properties drawer and occasionally view and edit them +with a column view: + +#+SPECIAL_PROPERTIES: TAGS=drawer:PROPERTIES <= only a suggestion +#+end_quote +*** WAITING tags match agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:24] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg][(O) tags match agenda]] + +*** DECLINED Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu][(PATCH) Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support]] + +*** IDEA Managing appts with org-mode, diary +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:46] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede][Re: Managing appts with org-mode, diary]] + +#+begin_quote +I currently use fancy diary. It's nice to have an overview of the +current day and the upcoming appointments of the next n days. But this +'oh, there is an important appointment in {three|two|one|zero} days' +clutters the agenda view even more ;). This is where it would be nice to +have the agenda view tree like, too. The days could be nodes and the +appointments could be subnode of the day, that could be shown or +hidden. I'm relatively new to org-mode (convertit from planner-mode as +you might know ;-), so I don't know exactly if such a feature is already +implemented or if it could be done without huge amounts of work. +#+end_quote + +** Appearance + +*** WISH Secondary selection +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Secondary selection]] + +*** WISH Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Aquamacs syntax highlighting +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Aquamacs syntax highlighting]] + +*** BUG Column view and subtask overview interaction +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet][Column view and subtask overview interaction]] + +*** IDEA Orgmode and Unicode characters +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and Unicode characters]] + +*** BUG Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly]] + +#+begin_quote +If you add a width declaration ("") to the column containing Korean, +when realigning the table you'll get an "args out of range" error inside +the text-properties-related code in `org-table-align' (provided the +width declaration actually does cause the text to be clipped). +#+end_quote + + - ngz :: is it fixable ? Org tables are not meant to handle + variable-width fonts anyway. [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:54] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede][Bug: startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x)]] + +#+begin_quote +Thanks for doublechecking. I now tested it again, and this only happens when +used in a shell (i.e. in a KDE Konsole) where the point does not blink. +#+end_quote +*** DECLINED Effort columnview: Show total in different column + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Effort columnview: Show total in different column]] + +Too big a change + +*** DECLINED Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:28] +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within]] + +** Babel + +*** TODO Handling of errors when using Ledger + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "WISH" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Handling of errors when using Ledger]] + +*** ASSIGNED Babel - display results in an overlay? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:25] + - State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:28] + - State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Babel - display results in an overlay?]] + +this is now in the Babel task tracking system + +*** ASSIGNED (babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:09] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg][(babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect]] + +This has been added as a bug to the babel development file + +*** IDEA Mark and Tangle :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Mark and Tangle]] + +*** WISH (PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:18] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) Speed keys :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Speed keys]] + +*** WISH Line numbers in tangled source :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:23] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Line numbers in tangled source]] + +*** WISH org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings]] + +*** WISH Babel & DOS + :LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg][Babel & DOS]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) C-v C-v M-x? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:22] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) C-v C-v M-x?]] + +*** WISH Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:49] + :END: + [2010-12-12 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file]] +*** INCONSISTENCY (babel) silent code block evaluation on export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) silent code block evaluation on export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Babel: interweaving code and results? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:06] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: interweaving code and results?]] + This link doesn't resolve through Gmane + +*** INCONSISTENCY Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3) :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:45] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg][Bug: Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3)]] + +#+begin_quote +OK, I now have a clearer idea of what went wrong. + +1. I think it's doing find-file-at-point. + +2. This only happens when point is on this line, but NOT at the start + of the line: #+begin_src haskell + + It's not about whether it's the first time you press C-c ', it's about + where point is when you press it. + +3. If point is anywhere on the closing line of the source block, it + works. + +4. Ironically, the end of the first line is where the point is placed if + you do C-c C-v d at the end of the buffer! So if you do C-c C-v d and + then C-c ', as I did, this bug will happen. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export :Babel: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 18:59] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl][Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export]] + +*** TODO (bug?) cannot generate table format output for octave results :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:05] + :END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug?) (babel) cannot generate table format output for octave results]] + +*** WISH Make tangling work in an indirect buffer :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:17] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) (PATCH) Make tangling work in an indirect buffer]] + +** Capture and refile + +*** IDEA Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)%! +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:32] +:END: + [2010-08-08 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When you think of CamelCase and on-the-fly creating of non-existing +files/headlines, it's just another way of *capturing* stuff. + +Why not defining some simple syntax to trigger the capture mechanism +from special links? + +For example: + + "I write a reference to a >c:newfile which I can create later." + +- The ">c:newfile" is a link. +- The ">c" is a link abbreviation. +- The ">" part is the syntax for link abbrevations to trigger a capture. +- The "c" part is the keybinding of capture template to call. +- The "newfile" would be passed on as a variable for the (nth 3) of the + template (we could have several variables separated by "#" + +This would combine the flexibility of on-the-fly file creation and of +the capture mechanism, allowing multiple templates. + +What do you think? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Refiling notes to current file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Refiling notes to current file]] + +*** WISH Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:37] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree]] + +*** WAITING archiving an indirect buffer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:54] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: archiving an indirect buffer]] +*** DECLINED Blank rows with capture target table-line and aborting capture +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][is it a bug in org-capture]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I hit C-c c t, and then C-c C-k immediately, the file test.org is +still modified with an new blank row inserted in the table, which is out +of expectation, since C-c C-k is known as "abort capture". The minibuffer +says "org-capture-finalize: Capture process aborted, but target buffer +could not be cleaned up correctly". +#+END_QUOTE + +Unfortunately this is difficult to fix, because the user might have +changed other things before aborting. At least the error message is +clear and gives the user the opportunity to fix the problem. + +*** WISH Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed]] + +*** WAITING Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:20] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4)]] + +Cannot reliably get reproduced as of [2011-01-16 So]. + +*** TODO Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:10] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text]] + +*** TODO (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:37] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior]] + +*** WISH remember-other-frame with org-capture? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-06 Mo 21:03] +:END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) remember-other-frame with org-capture?]] + +*** BUG org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs]] + +*** WAITING capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:16] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Bug: capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4)]] + +** Clocking + +*** BUG Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:19] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly]] + +*** TODO No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’ :contrib: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:12] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau][(O) No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’]] + +*** IDEA Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:40] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'?]] + +** Documentation +*** IDEA packaging org-mode & worg + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][packaging org-mode & worg ]] + +*** IDEA Create better function and variable index in the manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:26] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) Command names are now in the manual]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +A suggestion for a possible(?) improvement: the "O" section of the +function index (and I imagine the variable index as well) is pretty +crowded :-). I wonder if texinfo has any facilities to break it up, +perhaps according to the first letter after the first dash. +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Page numbering in manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:07] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Page numbering in manual]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY `org-agenda-tags-column' missing in documentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 16:28] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Re: Tags position in regular agenda view?]] + +** Exporting +*** IDEA Google CL and org-mode + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Google CL and org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have a question regarding the recent announcement of the Google +Command Line project (http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/). + +I was wondering if there are plans to integrate support for calendar +synchronization between Google and org-mode using this tool. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:46] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas][Re: (PATCH) org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request]] +*** IDEA Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2 +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-27 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom][Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2]] + +*** WISH Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +One suggestion, then... why not just have a nice list of all possible +ATTR_LaTeX options? I have killed myself before looking for a simplified +list. Maybe even just common ones since perhaps any LaTeX option may be +passed? +#+END_QUOTE + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +*** WISH pretty export of tags + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca][pretty export of tags]] +*** WISH Allow skipping of levels in LaTeX export +**** latex export - skipping lvls breaks export + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][latex export - skipping lvls breaks export]] + +**** Even if skipped headline levels are not allowed, exporter shouldn't drop out-of-level headlines silently + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:14025%2E1279898870%40maps +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/14025%2E1279898870%40maps][Bug: possible bug in latex export (7.01trans (release_6.36.735.g15ca.dirty))]] +*** WISH fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede][fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export]] +*** WISH iCal export and complex diary sexps + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][iCal export and complex diary sexps]] +*** WISH Seemless editing of Babel Blocks :Babel: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Seemless editing of Babel Blocks]] +*** WISH Captions for source code +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][Captions for source code]] +*** WISH user control of source block header line exporting formats :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:59] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][user control of source block header line exporting formats]] +*** WISH Add timestamp keyword specific CSS class +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:24] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][How to distinguish timestamps in CSS?]] + +*** WISH query - org-emphasis-regexp-components +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:31] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][query - org-emphasis-regexp-components]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I was writing a document with Python code in it and I found a minor problem. +There's no way to put a piece of code like s="Hello World" as verbatim +or code in my document. + +~s="Hello World"~ doesn't work because the border in +org-emphasis-regexp-components doesn't allow " or '. I'm not sure why +this is in place. Can this be removed, or have they been put in for a +specific reason, that I can't see? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time. :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg][(PATCH) Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time.]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export of emphasized link + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :END: +**** INCONSISTENCY inconsistency + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:12] + :END: + emphasized link supported: + - Emacs faces shown in org-mode buffer itself + - export to LaTeX + - [...] + emphasized link not supported: + - export to HTML + - export to DocBook + - export to XOXO + - [...] + this question is still open: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +*** INCONSISTENCY org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:46] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY hlevel in org-export-region-as-html +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:56] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug? hlevel in org-export-region-as-html]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:38] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug) export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Bug: void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans)]] + +*** BUG latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom][latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis]] +*** BUG Org beamer export bugs + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org beamer export bugs]] + +*** BUG html export, latex fragments and emphasize +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:40] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: html export, latex fragments and emphasize]] + +*** BUG LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain][Bug: LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML]] + + - ngz :: since mathjax, should we still consider it as a bug? Is + is even reproducible? [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** DECLINED Org Mode Latex Export Customization of org-export-latex-emphasis-alist + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org Mode Latex Export Customization of + org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + + There is not really anything to be done here, not enough characters + for all those extra emphasis things. + +*** DECLINED Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:59] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:20] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output?]] + +*** DECLINED Combination of =code= and Description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:02] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom][Combination of =code= and Description]] + - ngz :: This is a LaTeX limitation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** BUG eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom][eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) ]] + +Nick Dokos did a good first analysis of the problem [[http://mid.gmane.org/26738%2E1292194633%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][here]]. + +*** INCONSISTENCY Question: How to insert different background images on different frames +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-beamer) Question: How to insert different background images on different frames]] + +*** WISH Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:52] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede][(PATCH) Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY iCalendar selective export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 12:00] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][iCalendar selective export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inconsistencies in email and author export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:52] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli][Inconsistencies in email and author export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY HTML export and absolute file names +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:55] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-03-06 So 19:51]--[2011-03-06 So 21:05] => 1:14 +:END: + [2011-02-24 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][HTML export and absolute file names]] + +*** BUG italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:29] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working]] + +*** TODO HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:31] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image]] + +*** TODO Bug in latex export of <> + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:33] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo][(O) Bug in latex export of <>]] + +*** BUG _<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:37] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][_<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly]] + +*** WISH org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:02] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG) org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used]] + +*** BUG modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:40] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(O) Feature request: modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters]] + +*** TODO HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:44] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV]] + +*** WISH Images in included files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:22] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Images in included files]] + +** Links +*** TODO Document the character protection in links + I don't think this is really covered anywhere. + Maybe we also should protect characters in the visible part, to + make sure thing will never be on two lines...? + +*** IDEA Find all links to a specific file + +*** IDEA Resolve links on export + +**** Example: Make info HTML links work for links to Info files + +Info links of course only work inside Emacs. However, many info +documents are on the web, so the HTML exporter could try to be smart +and convert an Info link into the corresponding link on the web. For +example, we could use the GNU software site then Name.HTML. Here is +the link to be used: +http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/ Another question +is, is this URL going to be stable so that it makes sense to actually +put this into org.el? + +*** IDEA Mailcap support of Org file links + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Choosing external app at runtime?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I follow a link, Org mode knows what application to use. Except +that sometimes I want to override that choice. + +For example, I have a collection of PDF files. Mostly I want to open +them in my statically configured PDF viewer, which is fine. But +sometimes I want to open one in Xournal, say, to annotate it. + +My mail client Wanderlust will ask me in cases like this: if multiple +mailcap entries match, I get to choose when opening the attachment. + +Any chance we could do a similar thing in Org mode? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Dereference file links on export or open + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is "scpc" in the line above a transport protocol? Maybe this should be +an org-mode wide features, i.e. the ability to resolve remote file +references with C-c C-o and on export. Does that sound reasonable, and +would it take care of the need in this particular case? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Radio targets across files + I guess each org file could write a .orgtargets.filename file, if + it has any radio targets. + +*** INCONSISTENCY image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c]] + - ngz :: still valid as of [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-store-link only works interactively (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:47] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org-store-link only works interactively (7.4)]] + - ngz :: no clear answer yet. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Problem opening links that span more than one line + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][(O) Problem opening links that span more than one line]] + +*** TODO absolute HTML links + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:03] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][(O) absolute HTML links]] + +*** IDEA org-git-link does not support locational information within file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:47] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat][org-git-link does not support locational information within file]] + +** Miscellaneous Stuff +*** TODO Use the new argument of bibtex-url + Roland Winkler was kind enough to implement a new argument to the + `bibtex-url' command that allows me to retrieve the corresponding + URL, whether it is taken from a URL field or constructed in some + clever way. Currently I am not using this, because too many + people use an old Emacs version which does not have this. + however, eventually I will implement this. + +*** TODO grep on directory does not yet work. + I am actually not sure, I might have addressed this already, but + my memory is failing me. Needs some checking. +*** IDEA Do we need a 43 folders implementation? + That could easily be done in an org-mode file. But then, maybe + this should really be a paper thing. + +*** IDEA Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files) + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files)]] +**** AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg][AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group]] +**** sharing Org-mode files for collaboration + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet][sharing Org-mode files for collaboration]] +*** IDEA (PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy :Patch: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy]] + + - ??? :: Waiting for FSF copyright assignment. + + - ngz :: According to the list of contributors, papers are signed, + but it doesn't look like this patch has been applied to + code base. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** IDEA Does Org-mode need to be position aware? + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom][Does Org-mode need to be position aware?]] +*** IDEA (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I guess, the manual maintainers do NOT have to be experts in both +org-mode resp. org-babel nore they have to be experts in the supported +language. Its more about the kind of standard stuff and maybe, to +complex stuff even scare people. More things like "How to create a +measurement protocol with org-babel and python", How to evaluate and +report data analysis with org-babel and R", etc. + +To make it more easy for both the readers and the maintainers a kind of +template for such manuals might be helpful. This would help to find the +same information at the same locations and make a comparison e.g. +between the use of R and python possible. + +I'am not an expert for both org-* and python and I'm often very limited +in time. However, I would try to maintain a "python and org-babel" manual. + +If there are more people who are interested to act as a kind of manual +maintainers I would like to discuss with you how a template might look like. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Code block switches buffer-wide? + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Code block switches buffer-wide?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I would like to include the -n code block switch (number lines) into all my +code blocks in a buffer. Is there a way to define a kind of buffer-wide +switches, like it is with the #+BABEL keyword for header arguments? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment]] +*** IDEA Make .org-id-locations non-hidden directory above .emacs.d + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][org-mobile produces errors in normal org functions]] +*** IDEA can you require a certain template with lognotedone? + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg][can you require a certain template with lognotedone?]] +*** IDEA Feature-Ideas +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal][Feature-Ideas]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have severel ideas about new features that I want to share. My +knowledge with lisp and the coding of the org-structure is bad so far, +so I can't try to contribute a patch. + +- 1. *Alias - Trees* + + When I work on projects, I often want to /reference to a certain + other heading/. It would be great to do this not just with links, + but /with an alias/. + + I think of trees, that show up and can be in the current tree as if + they were a subtree, but really are at another position in the + current or a different file. + + This concept would also allow seperate versioning and merging of + external generated content into the current file. ( I e.g. think of + summaries of text in the scientific context. ) + +- 2. More flexible *Colouring for categories*, tags, ... + +It would be great to have the /opportunity to define individual faces +for different categories, tags/ , ... . + +- 3. Implementation of *hourly/minutely reference*. + +It would be useful to be able to schedule something to repeat every 12 +or 6 hours or in 22 minutes. It would also be useful, to have the +opportunity to associate asynchronous shell scripts with individual +scheduled events. + +- 4. *Exclude certain days from Timeline* + + The opportunity to /give/ whole days the status // . That would mean, that when I fire up the + /Timeline/ for a current file (L), certain days are /show/ with a + message "/day is planned for project /. in a certain project + specific project. + + It would also be useful to have a keycommand in the /Timeline/ to + /switch other files on showing them in gray/. + +- 5. *Manually timeclock certain Headings* + + I would love to have a commands that can change the clocktime of not + running headings or insert new clocktimes into the current heading. + E.g. like this: + + Change the clocktime of : + (s) change last timeclock and keep the Start time. -> How long did it last? + (e) change last timeclock and keep the End time -> How long did it last? + (# C-u offset to change the #n last timeclock) + (a) add new timeclock -> Ask for Start and End. (with opportunity to specify the END relative) + +- 6. *Expand timestamps to include locations* + + e.g. Special timestamp-commands that + also ask for places and presents a list of all places of all projects + to choose from. + +- 7. *More complex timeclock-reports* + + Is anyone working on a more comprehensive way of giving visual + feedback and analysing the data of the timeclock-feature. (What have + I done the last month? How many time has gone to which project / + etc.) I am a relatively known [[http://cran.r-project.org/][GNU R]] user and could contribute code + for analysis of time usage / plotting complex more diagrams in + R. Allthough I am not very used to the export mechanisms in + Orgmode. Does anyone like to cooperate? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA text color + highlight +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:47] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][text color + highlight]] + +*** IDEA hiding PROPERTIES line +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "WISH" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hiding PROPERTIES line]] + +*** IDEA camel.el, for CamelCase links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +*** IDEA (ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne]] + +**** DECLINED Drill mode for org-learn +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Drill mode for org-learn]] + +[2010-08-01 So] Superseded by [[id:mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg%5D%5B%28ANN%29%20Org%2DDrill%3A%20Interactive%20revision%20a%20la%20Anki%2FMnemosyne%5D%5D + +*** IDEA Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress)]] +*** IDEA notmuch support for org-mode? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:25] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][notmuch support for org-mode?]] + +*** IDEA Email from org? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Email from org?]] + +*** IDEA Adding entries to Google calendar +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Adding entries to Google calendar]] + +*** IDEA Org mode and geo information +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:49] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Advice needed. Use links or blocks?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +the attached file fetches background tiles from openstreetmap.org for +me, and produces SVG images of tracks I ran. Unfortunately, I cannot +find a good way to use that code in an automated way. + +What I'd like to do, is to have the coords in my training diary, and +produce the images on demand. When I publish the diary to HTML, I want +the coords to be replaced with a link to the image. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA dynamically calculated timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:04] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][dynamically calculated timestamps?]] + +*** IDEA Org-mode Epic Win RPG +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:18] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode Epic Win RPG]] + +*** IDEA org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata]] + +*** IDEA Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience]] + +*** IDEA arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond]] + +*** IDEA output of shell command in agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][output of shell command in agenda]] + +*** WISH Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified" + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified"]] +*** WISH Estimate ranges in column view :Patch: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Estimate ranges in column view]] + +*** WISH Provide property API function to append to a property + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Re: org-capture question/suggestion]] +*** WISH New CSS for orgmode and Worg ? + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][New CSS for orgmode and Worg ?]] +*** WISH Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01)]] +*** WISH Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:53] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active]] +*** WISH Move attachments when refiling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com][Bug Report: refile and attachments]] +*** DECLINED Feature Request for new capture feature +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com][Feature Request for new capture feature]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +would it be possible to have a "C-u C-c C-w" that completes the +capture and switches to the target buffer? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH fractional hours for timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][fractional hours for timestamps?]] + +*** WISH Error running ditaa +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error running ditaa]] + +#+begin_quote +When running ditaa on Linux fedora 12 through java, I get the following +errors: + +java -jar /usr/share/java/ditaa.jar -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V +blue_fd02b5c06d6a5cb80eaf27098c3c490dc81326ce.png +Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on +Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: +org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException +Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: +org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException + at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217) + at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) + at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:319) + at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:264) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:332) +Could not find the main class: +org.stathissideris.ascii2image.core.CommandLineConverter. Program will exit. + +This can be taken care of by using the shell script that comes with ditaa, +i.e.: + +ditaa -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V + +But to do this from within emacs I need to patch org-exp-blocks.el as +follows: + +- (unless (file-exists-p org-ditaa-jar-path) +- (error (format "Could not find ditaa.jar at %s" org-ditaa-jar-path))) +: +- (message (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file)) +- (shell-command (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file))) ++ (message (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file)) ++ (shell-command (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file))) + +(You also need to erase the checking for the existance of dita.jar) + +Wouldn't it make more sense to replace the variable org-ditaa-jar-path with +a new variable org-ditaa-command that by default contains "java -jar +/old/value/of/org-ditaa-jar-path"? This would allow replacing it with a +shell script. Would a patch be accepted, or do you prefer to remain backward +compatible? + +On a related question. Since there is quite a lot of common code between +org-export-blocks-format-dot and org-export-blocks-format-ditaa (especially +if my patch is accepted), wouldn't it make sense to create a +org-export-blocks-format-meta that take all the differences between the +various export-blocks as parameters? This would simplify adding additional +org-export-blocks. +#+end_quote +*** INCONSISTENCY Stack overflow in regexp matcher +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Stack overflow in regexp matcher]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inherited properties not saved when archiving +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:59] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][saving property values when archiving]] +*** BUG gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom][gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I think the problem is org-plot doesn't +recognise that when plotting with error bars, gnuplot expects more than +two columns of data. So a command like this should be sent to gnuplot, +#+END_QUOTE +*** WAITING TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu. +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 02:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu.]] + - ngz :: solution under discussion. [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** BUG In-buffer completion +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Accepted) Re: In-buffer completion]] + + - ngz :: bug still active on [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** DECLINED (BUG) org remember broken + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][(BUG) org remember broken]] + +org-capure is now the default, I don't think we need to fix remember +bugs anymore. + +*** DECLINED Insert ellipsis if headline is too long + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][headline is too long]] + This would be too confusing when compared with folded entries, so I + do not think this feature should be implemented. + +*** DECLINED Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space? + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space?]] + + Closed for now, no useful feedback from report author, probably not + caused by Org mode. +*** DECLINED Gollum + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Gollum]] + +*** Priorities + Here is some information about priorities, which is not yet + documented. Actually, I am not sur if the list here is correct + either +**** QUOTE Priorities + TODO entries: 1 or 1,2,... + DEADLINE is 10-ddays, i.e. it is 10 on the due day + i.e. it goes above top todo stuff 7 days + before due + SCHEDULED is 5-ddays, i.e. it is 5 on the due date + i.e. it goes above top todo on the due day + TIMESTAMP is 0 i.e. always at bottom + but as a deadline it is 100 + but if scheduled it is 99 + TIMERANGE is 0 i.e. always at bottom + DIARY is 0 i.e. always at bottom + + Priority * 1000 + +*** INCONSISTENCY xemacs error when calling org-install :Xemacs: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:43] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-01-02 So 17:33]--[2011-01-02 So 18:02] => 0:29 +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom][xemacs error when calling org-install]] + +The autoloads in org-install.el are +generated by the Makefile (i.e. make org-install.el). The stable +version of Org mode ships with a pre-generated org-install.el and +without recreating this file with Xemacs it won't run. + +The =custom-autoload= is created only once for ob-tangle.el: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;;;###autoload + (defcustom org-babel-tangle-lang-exts + '(("emacs-lisp" . "el")) + "Alist mapping languages to their file extensions. + The key is the language name, the value is the string that should + be inserted as the extension commonly used to identify files + written in this language. If no entry is found in this list, + then the name of the language is used." + :group 'org-babel-tangle + :type '(repeat + (cons + (string "Language name") + (string "File Extension")))) +#+end_src + +As this the autoload directive was added deliberately I suppose there +was a reason for this to be there: If this is the case, there seems +not very much we can do about this. The autoload generating function +in =autoloads.el= always creates a call to custom-autoload with a +third argument. + +*** TODO Review packages in contrib directory + [2010-12-19 So] + +Byte-compiling indicates problems with some packages (e.g. references +to unbound symbols). The review process will single out the problems +for every package in contrib and steps necessary to fix them. + +**** make failure (7.3) + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: make failure (7.3)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:27] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab]] + +*** BUG org-add-note not working with winner-mode + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:22] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][Re: (O) org-add-note not working with winner-mode]] + +*** BUG regexp link on windows problem + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:30] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl][(O) regexp link on windows problem]] +*** TODO EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files :Mobile:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:46] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg][(O) Bug: EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files (7.5 (release_7.5.147.g9ddc))]] + +*** TODO org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:41] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom][(O) org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal)]] + + - ngz :: should we generalize the setup proposed by Julien, or + will we keep the warning? + +** Publishing + +*** TODO project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:17] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (bug) project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html]] + +** Structure +*** TODO Get rid of all the \r instances, which were used only for XEmacs. +*** WISH Create unique clocktable links + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede][Bug: clocktable :link often jumps to wrong target (6.36c)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +: Links created by clocktable :link are simple "text search" links. +: Therefore, they often hit the wrong target. +: +: For example, I used to have multiple clocktables at the beginning of my +: file: first a daily summary, then a weekly one, then a complete one, +: i.e. following clocktables summarized supersets of preceding ones. +: Therefore, most of the time I clicked a link in the first clocktable, +: the next "text search" target was the occurrence of the same task in the +: second clocktable, whereas clicking that link in the second clocktable +: would take me back into the first. +: +: I have been able to partly work around that by moving the clocktables to +: the end of the file, as the search always seems to start at the +: beginning of the file. Nevertheless, when I have two tasks "foobar" and +: "foo", occurring in that order in the file, clicking on the [[foo]] +: link in the clocktable takes me to the "foobar" task, as that has a +: "foo" substring and occurs first in the file. +: +: I would like clocktable to generate links that uniquely link to the task +: from which the particular clocktable entry has been generated. (I'd +: even be willing to assign CUSTOM_ID properties for that purpose, +: i.e. clocktable could take them into account for creating links, when +: they exist.) But the best solution would IMHO be a truly unique +: identification, e.g. by some XPath-like path, e.g. /1/2/3 for the 3rd +: subtask of the 2nd subtask of the 1st top-level task. (Sure, that order +: will be invalidated when I change my task list, but, so what, then I +: would be willing to recompute the clocktable before using links.) +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation]] + +*** WISH org-hide-entry +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-hide-entry]] + +*** IDEA Improving org-goto isearch +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:25] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Improving org-goto isearch]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY excessive blank lines in archives +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:34] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][excessive blank lines in archives]] + +*** WISH Quick note about subtree copy and paste +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:45] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo][Quick note about subtree copy and paste]] + +#+begin_quote +I get the point, but the current presentation is unnecessarily +confusing. I was just /copying/ --- there was no time shifting +involved, so when I look at them menu and see "copy" and "clone with +time shift," it is "copy" that's what I naturally do. + +Actually, as I look at the manual I see: + +`C-c C-x c' (`org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift') + Clone a subtree by making a number of sibling copies of it. You + will be prompted for the number of copies to make, and you can + also specify if any timestamps in the entry should be shifted. + This can be useful, for example, to create a number of tasks + related to a series of lectures to prepare. For more details, see + the docstring of the command `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift'. + +There's nothing there to even remotely suggest to me that this is going +to Do The Right Thing about properties. It's all about dates and +time-shifting. It may /happen/ to do the right thing with properties, +but it sure doesn't /say/ that it will. The ID property is mentioned +only in the interactive docstring, and pretty deeply down. + +I'd like to make a somewhat radical suggestion: + +If cloning is the primary option, and more safe than copy --- i.e., if +copy is "this is the primitive operation that you should only do if you +know what you are doing, because it might corrupt data," then I would +argue that it's CLONE that should be bound to C-c C-x M-y --- the +standard emacs keybinding I'm going to go to first --- and COPY should +be demoted to the less-familiar alternative. + +This assumes that the answer to "Is there any case where I should do +copy and /not/ prefer clone?" is "no." + +But I'm not sure that's the case. They clone doesn't do the same thing +to the cut buffer as copy, does it? e.g., I don't use clone to make a +copy of a subtree from file A into file B. + +Even more radical suggestion: + +So maybe the right answer is not to ask us to use clone all the time, +but that COPY and PASTE should be fixed to Do The Right Thing with the +ID property. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Feature request: Select links by description (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:32] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request: Select links by description (7.4)]] + +#+begin_quote +When using org-insert-link, it would be far better for me to have it +show me the _descriptions_ of links (the default link text), rather +than showing me the links themselves. This is especially true of +email links, which are generally long and unintelligible by +themselves. + +I have something set up that stores a link to every email I send, so I +can easily link to follow-ups in my active Org items. As a result, I +end up with *lots* of stored links, which makes this a real struggle. +#+end_quote + +*** IDEA outline path in links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][outline path in links]] + +*** TODO goto does not accept remote references for local targets + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:12] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) goto does not accept remote references for local targets]] + +*** DECLINED Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:51] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70))]] + +#+begin_quote cite=[[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/36063][Re: Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70)]] +Org-mode used line-profix properties to add indentation, and +linum mode uses before-string properties of overlays to add +line numbers. Both these features add text at display time, +but apparently not in an entirely predictable way. I have no +idea it it is possible to make both work without any gliches. +If anything, this would be a bug report to Emacs, I think. + +The "other issue" is an artefact of Org using an idle time +to update indentation properties. Here my suggestion +would be to ignore the issue and live with it. +#+end_quote + +**** WAITING Provide customization variable for formula that calculates indentation level +:LOGBOOK: + - State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:25] + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + + +** Tables + +*** BUG bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:02] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags]] + +*** BUG $0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special' +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:36] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][$0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special']] + +#+begin_quote +According to [ (info "(org) Formula syntax for Calc") ], $0 +references the current cell. Pressing C-c C-c on the #+TBLFM line +below does indeed work, but C-c ' (`org-edit-special') changes the +$0 reference into a single ampersand (&). Is this a bug? +#+end_quote + +*** BUG Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:06] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) Bug: Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24))]] + +*** WISH org-table formulas with missing values +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:41] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][org-table formulas with missing values]] + +#+begin_quote +I could write 'nan' instead of leaving a blank, and use the string in +the formula, but this causes errors. + +But calc does know the concept of nan: "The variables `inf', `uinf', and +`nan' stand for infinite or indeterminate values. It's best not to use +them as regular variables, since Calc uses special algebraic rules when +it manipulates them. Calc displays a warning message if you store a +value into any of these special variables." + +I'm not sure how to use that nan variable in tables and formulas - it +seems not to be recognized. +#+end_quote + +** Testing framework + +*** TODO Testing --- again... +:LOGBOOK: +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Testing --- again...]] + +*** (Dev) Org-mode Test Framework + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(Dev) Org-mode Test Framework]] + +* Other +** Pretty icons in org buffers +** literate Lisp games development questions :Babel: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) literate Lisp games development questions]] +** Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:FB977E9C%2D6ABC%2D4B05%2DA58A%2DC2E96B841451%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/FB977E9C-6ABC-4B05-A58A-C2E96B841451%40gmail.com][Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla]] +** For Org-mode on the go? + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][For Org-mode on the go?]] +** [babel] grid-based R graphical output with :results value + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) grid-based R graphical output with :results value]] +** Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files]] + +** org-decrypt-to-kill-ring + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM][org-decrypt-to-kill-ring]] + +** DECLINED contributing Debian build scripts + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][contributing Debian build scripts]] + +Mark Hershberger is going to use an automatic process on launchpad +instead to make regular package builds. + +** hypermedia programming with babel + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hypermedia programming with babel]] +** org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress]] +** Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry]] +** publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf]] +** (OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs]] +** info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org]] + +** (ANN) org-protocol-httpd + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet][(ANN) org-protocol-httpd]] +** Tracking finances with Babel :Babel: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom][Tracking finances with Babel]] +** ErgoEmacs + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ErgoEmacs]] +** ReStructured Text table exporter + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ReStructured Text table exporter]] + +** Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede][Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org]] + +** OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info) + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info)]] + +** (ANN) Symorg + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(ANN) Symorg]] +** Indentation in html tables + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Indentation in html tables]] +** Inline image display and Emacs 22 + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Inline image display and Emacs 22]] + +** A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list]] + +** Org-mode screencasts + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode screencasts]] + +** Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review]] + +** ELPA Howto + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ELPA Howto]] + +** TODO New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:13] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom][(O) New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el]] + +* Closed issues :noexport: +** DONE string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:13] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wklkkk%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wklkkk.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5))]] +** DONE Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:14] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aarolk5y%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aarolk5y.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539))]] +** DONE [babel] possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer? :Babel: + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFDB5CE%2E3010600%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFDB5CE.3010600%40ccbr.umn.edu][(babel) possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer?]] + + this has now been fixed, see + - message :: [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/25720]] + - commit :: 5d52daab1029e43b97ccb16cfac998536d8c8924 +** DONE org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFE02FE%2E5050704%40globaledgesoft%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFE02FE.5050704%40globaledgesoft.com][org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp]] +** DONE Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file? + CLOSED: [2010-05-27 Thu 16:51] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vdacp1hi%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vdacp1hi.fsf%40thinkpad.tsdh.de][Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file?]] + + My path was committed with commit 54d513ee0c90f9864bbd39044d9dfbc4f1619513. +** DONE Aquamacs and latest org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:14] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail.gmail.com][Aquamacs and latest org-mode]] +** DONE Error when trying to push to Worg repo +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:15] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Error when trying to push to Worg repo]] +** DONE Export to html +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom][Export to html]] +** DONE Simple Literate Programming Example +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Simple Literate Programming Example]] +** DONE Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures... +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:27] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0%2DiJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS%5F7sI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0-iJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS_7sI%40mail.gmail.com][Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +** DONE bug: remember id agenda +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:33] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: remember id agenda]] +** DONE html export +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:37] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE export of emphasized link + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +** DONE byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event]] +** DONE use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:00] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100526162001%2EGA32657%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100526162001.GA32657%40soloJazz.com][use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap]] + +** DONE Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ... :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:01] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ...]] +** DONE buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:07] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments]] +** DONE [Patch] file protocol in HTML links +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:24] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkznkn2p%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkznkn2p.fsf%40gmx.de][Re: (Patch) file protocol in HTML links]] +** DONE Possible html publish inline image bug + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible html publish inline image bug]] +** DONE org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug? +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:09] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug?]] +** DONE problem with remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:10] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu][problem with remember template]] +** DONE plain list - line spacing +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:15] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][plain list - line spacing]] +** DONE How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21? +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno][How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21?]] +** DONE feature request: C-k safety +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][feature request: C-k safety]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ [6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty)] :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ (6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty))]] +** DONE [babel] Questions about export and :var. Possible bug. :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Questions about export and :var. Possible bug.]] +** DONE Something ate my timestamps +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:11] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Something ate my timestamps]] +** DONE Problem with pushing to webdav server [6.35g] +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:15] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede][Problem with pushing to webdav server (6.35g)]] +** DONE Export question +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:46] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFB3F6B%2E3040606%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFB3F6B.3040606%40sift.info][Export question]] + +** DONE Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly) +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:49] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet][Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly)]] +** DONE Exporting HTML to MS Word +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:50] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][Exporting HTML to MS Word]] +** DONE entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:04] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer]] +** DONE iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp [6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378)] +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:05] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp (6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378))]] +** DONE automatic line wrap +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom][automatic line wrap]] +** DONE mailto:abc@xyz.org +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mailto:abc@xyz.org]] +** DONE clocktable and :tags +CLOSED: [2010-06-07 Mo 12:10] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-07 Mo 12:13 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clocktable and :tags]] +** DONE MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:38] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail.gmail.com][MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed]] +** DONE Why I can't publish my project under Windows? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why I can't publish my project under Windows?]] +** DONE how to upgrade org-mode version? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to upgrade org-mode version?]] +** DONE Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Bug: Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks]] +** DONE org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar) +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar)]] +** DONE Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz][Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon]] +** DONE How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:41] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file?]] +** DONE Timestamp format questions +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:44] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede][Timestamp format questions]] +** DONE Question about beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:46] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo][Question about beamer export]] +** DONE simultaneous clocks? +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][simultaneous clocks? ]] +** DONE visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom][visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer]] +** DECLINED org-remember and anything + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][org-remember and anything]] + I am turning this one off, because we now use org-capture.el, and I + am not sure if the issue plays a role there. +** DONE Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00 +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:20] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00]] +** DONE language independent personal word list +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:29] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][language independent personal word list]] +** DONE 2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:30] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files]] +** DONE Toggle a repeating task in DONE state +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:32] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Toggle a repeating task in DONE state]] +** DONE Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments? +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:05] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments?]] +** DONE org-plot file export options +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-plot file export options]] +** DONE sup-mail link +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain][sup-mail link]] +** DONE table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=) +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:14] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=)]] +** DONE (org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:15] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF]] +** DONE any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:47] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure?]] +** DONE (OT) emacs-lisp compilation question +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:49] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(OT) emacs-lisp compilation question]] + + - Closed :: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs-en/ElispCompilerWarnings + + Function was used before declaration. +** DONE (PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files]] +** DONE preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg][preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling?]] +** DONE (PATCH) comments exporting :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:58] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) comments exporting]] +** DONE Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 08:03] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo]] +** DONE add a table entry by org-remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:26] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][add a table entry by org-remember template]] +** DONE Multiple TODO states +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:27] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple TODO states]] +** DONE Both todo and tag search +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:29] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Both todo and tag search]] + +** DONE Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html? +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:30] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6f7hqrx%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6f7hqrx.fsf%40ymail.com][Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html?]] +** DONE [babel] writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient]] +** DONE Hash mark in filled paragraphs +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu][Hash mark in filled paragraphs]] +** DONE Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 16:06] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el]] + + - Solved :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzoocdt%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Re: How to setup w3m-el as a default browser on GNU system?]] +** DECLINED Entries title in agenda view + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Entries title in agenda view]] + + We are not going to add the hierarchy. On the mailing list there + were answers showing possible alternatives using CATEGORY for + example. +** DONE version of Org used for Worg + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][version of Org used for Worg]] + The bleeding edge version is used to publish Worg - but only when a + file changes it will actually be republished. +** DONE (PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes in multiples of rounding time + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes + in multiples of rounding time]] + A modified patch has been checked in. +** DECLINED Writing the words in different color + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing the words in different color]] + I do not think that this is a useful addition. The user can + configure it with emphasis if needed. (- Carsten) +** DONE Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda) +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:47] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][ Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda)]] +** DONE Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:49] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings]] +** DONE Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:51] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords]] + +** DONE how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:57] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc][how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format]] +** DONE day-agenda: show whole-day-events first +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:12] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][day-agenda: show whole-day-events first]] +** DONE Agenda is slow because of vc-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:13] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda is slow because of vc-mode]] +** DONE questions about html export +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:22] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about html export]] +** DONE Keeping agenda window + CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Tue 19:22] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom][Keeping agenda window]] + - OP was looking for TAB (see [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hm0ic2q.fsf@dasa3.iem.pw.edu.pl][this]] and [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc8im57.fsf@fastmail.fm][this]] post). +** DONE `org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:30] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][`org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline]] +** DONE agenda views +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:33] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][agenda views]] +** DONE keeping uptodate? +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:37] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][keeping uptodate?]] +** DONE Checkboxes in Agenda +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:38] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Checkboxes in Agenda]] +** DONE Possible bug in ordered tasks +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + THis bug was caused by the interpretation of the string "nil" as a + non-nil value - a special case now fixes this. + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo][Possible bug in ordered tasks]] +** DONE Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c)) + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet][Bug: Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c))]] + This issue is resolved with the answers in the thread. +** DONE (BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export]] + Bug has been fixed. +** DONE (patch) filing under current clocked item +CLOSED: [2010-06-26 Sa 08:33] + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(patch) filing under current clocked item]] +** DONE Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:49] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python]] +** DONE Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:50] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list]] +** DONE habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:22] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string]] +** DONE mixing emphasis fails +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:23] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede][mixing emphasis fails]] +** DONE correction to orgtbl-to-html description :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:24] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][correction to orgtbl-to-html description]] +** DONE howto open attachment directory in external program? +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:39] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 10:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][howto open attachment directory in external program?]] +** DONE org-mode stopped compiling recently :Babel: + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode stopped compiling recently]] + Fixed, through a patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE org-iswitchb documentation + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20386%2E1277720390%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20386%2E1277720390%40maps][org-iswitchb documentation]] + The patch has been applied in a modified way, and the + functionality of org-iswitchb fixed so that it works by default. +** DONE Bug in latest version? + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in latest version?]] + Bug was due to changes in the constant entities, bug fixed by + checking elements in the list before using them. +** DONE Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 14:16] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus ]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R? +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:34] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R?]] +** DONE contrib/README +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:36] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3619%2E1277974892%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3619%2E1277974892%40maps][contrib/README]] +** DONE New to org-capture (and org-remember) +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 22:00] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6731%2E1277998108%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6731%2E1277998108%40maps][New to org-capture (and org-remember)]] +** DONE (BABEL) reload source code file after tangling? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) reload source code file after tangling?]] +** DONE problem in highlighting fields in a remote table +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][problem in highlighting fields in a remote table]] +** DONE Make distfile error +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Make distfile error]] +** DONE Bug in timeline report +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:41] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in timeline report]] +** DONE (babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document?]] +** DONE org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e))]] +** DONE Problem export to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem export to html]] +** DONE org-capture: Formatting of entries +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: Formatting of entries]] +** DONE Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda]] +** DONE Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist]] +** DONE mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums" +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums"]] +** DONE (no subject) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(no subject)]] +** DONE LaTeX export works but not in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][LaTeX export works but not in HTML]] +** DONE inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:47] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el)]] +** DONE *.bak files in trunk? +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.bak files in trunk?]] +** DONE Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree]] +** DONE Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent]] +** DONE org-babel and emacs init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel and emacs init]] +** DONE Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:50] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink]] + +** DONE Headline and numbered plain list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:51] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Headline and numbered plain list]] +** DONE magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance]] +** DONE complex filters in agenda view +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:55] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][complex filters in agenda view]] +** DONE a better way with babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:03] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau][a better way with babel]] +** DONE (PATCH) orphaned captions and labels :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) orphaned captions and labels]] +** DONE (babel) exports, caching, remote execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] +** DONE Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list]] +** DONE MobileOrg - no NEW state :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl][MobileOrg - no NEW state]] + +** DECLINED Org ident destroys special fontification of inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] \\ + Duplicate. +:END: +:PROPERTIES: +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +2. org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask in two ways + + i) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's +leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is set to +nil + + ii) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented +as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the indentation +should ideally return to what it was before the inline task. Of +course, this is also a problem when org-indent is turned off, if you +try to automatically hard-indent using TAB. However, in that case you +can adjust by hand the indentation of the first line after the inline +task, and then all the following lines will indent correctly. With +org-indent the problem is much worse since there is no way of +adjusting the soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE (require 'cl) seems not to be compiled +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom][(require 'cl) seems not to be compiled]] +** DONE capture template: %& and %! +CLOSED: [2010-07-05 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][capture template: %& and %!]] +** DONE "Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color" +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 20:51] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg]["Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color"]] +** DONE (BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:13] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output?]] +** DONE org-log-done +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:17] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom][org-log-done]] +** DONE (BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:20] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not]] +** DONE CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:26] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:29] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring?]] +** DONE Export of latex source to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export of latex source to html]] +** DONE Columns with LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:44] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Columns with LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:46] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]] +** DONE Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:47] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB]] +** DONE patch for org mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:12476%2E1278319281%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/12476%2E1278319281%40maps][patch for org mode]] +** DONE Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbke16m8%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting an image to latex]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I did some git bisection, and the last working version is commit +3b5351c7da59da3685f8233c252b1506166d35f3, so it seems Eric's commit +5edefbba269db8e717bd2b40778786b08af3f7a1 introduced the bug. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:50] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg][tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks]] +** DONE No subscript when exporting +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:56] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom][No subscript when exporting]] +** DONE logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:57] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Org+table.el = mutli line cells? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:05] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org+table.el = mutli line cells?]] +** DONE (PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:06] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom][(PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el]] +** DONE org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom][org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question]] +** DONE (BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others]] +** DONE (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:13] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] +** DONE Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-12 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-12 Mo 17:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda]] +** DONE (PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template +CLOSED: [2010-07-14 Mi 20:59] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet][(PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template]] +** DONE cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs]] +** DONE programming for org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom][programming for org-mode]] +** DONE \nbsp usage +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][\nbsp usage]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another]] +** DONE Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE (babel) report name of source block during execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:21] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) report name of source block during execution]] +** DONE footer for latex export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:22] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][footer for latex export]] +** DONE Help: Agenda not working anymore +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Help: Agenda not working anymore]] +** DONE Org-babel init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Org-babel init]] +** DONE how to include time when setting deadlines? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg][how to include time when setting deadlines?]] +** DONE (BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines?]] +** DONE (babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash?]] +** DONE Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX)]] +** DONE Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces]] +** DONE Help installing org-mode on a MAC please? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm][Help installing org-mode on a MAC please?]] +** DONE (babel) key binding requests :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) key binding requests]] +** DONE org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question]] +** DONE How to setup xdg for org-protocol ? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to setup xdg for org-protocol ?]] +** DONE Bib system based on org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][Bib system based on org-mode]] +** DONE org-crypt remember password +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:33] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk][org-crypt remember password]] +** DONE Verbatim export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Verbatim export]] +** DONE Failed to create radio tables +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Failed to create radio tables]] +** DONE longlines-mode (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: longlines-mode (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:45] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar?]] +** DONE LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda?]] +** DONE org-freemind-to-org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][org-freemind-to-org-mode]] +** DONE installing updating Org on other platform +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][installing updating Org on other platform]] +** DONE Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:15] + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3))]] +** DONE possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:17] + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg][possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration)]] + +** User Requests [249/249] +*** CLOSED Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom][Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort]] +*** CLOSED Template for a resume +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Template for a resume]] +*** CLOSED configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom][configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files]] +*** CLOSED jumping in custom agenda view loses settings +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][jumping in custom agenda view loses settings]] +*** CLOSED DAV config for mobileorg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][DAV config for mobileorg]] +*** CLOSED how to sort in the column view? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom][how to sort in the column view?]] +*** CLOSED function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location]] +*** CLOSED indent source blocks automatically when using "indent" :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent source blocks automatically when using "indent"]] +*** CLOSED moving past state changes into logbook drawer? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg][moving past state changes into logbook drawer?]] +*** CLOSED month and day names +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom][month and day names]] +*** CLOSED Multiple files and auto-updating +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple files and auto-updating]] +*** CLOSED (BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ' +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ']] +*** CLOSED Footnote in title? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead][Footnote in title?]] +*** CLOSED must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly?]] +*** CLOSED oddities with ical export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:42] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb%5FgMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb_gMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail.gmail.com][oddities with ical export]] +*** CLOSED (org-BEAMER) block without header +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-BEAMER) block without header]] +*** CLOSED Gnuplot best practice? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot best practice?]] + this link doesn't resolve to an article + +*** CLOSED question about chaining function calls in org-babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2D%2DbVLyjM%5FeQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTin--bVLyjM%5feQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05@mail.gmail.com][question about chaining function calls in org-babel]] + +*** CLOSED how to combine times in clocktable +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to combine times in clocktable]] + +*** CLOSED Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:10] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode?]] + +*** CLOSED Writing a custom export. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:25] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing a custom export.]] + +*** CLOSED Archive Tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:17] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede][Archive Tasks]] + +*** CLOSED R code not producing expected results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg][R code not producing expected results]] + +*** CLOSED trying to get xetex working with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom][trying to get xetex working with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED From todos to tracking +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][From todos to tracking]] + +*** CLOSED how do you extract schedule duration in column-view +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how do you extract schedule duration in column-view]] + +*** CLOSED Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom][Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export?]] + +*** CLOSED (Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells]] + +*** CLOSED Suppressing the ellipsis +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom][Suppressing the ellipsis]] + +*** CLOSED Print / export TODO Tree +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Print / export TODO Tree]] + +*** CLOSED Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name?]] + +*** CLOSED request for comments on org icon theme standards +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][request for comments on org icon theme standards]] + +*** CLOSED how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc.]] + +*** CLOSED Strange error in html exporting +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:29] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Strange error in html exporting]] + +*** CLOSED Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name]] +*** CLOSED row and col spaning in table? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][row and col spaning in table?]] + +*** CLOSED Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:30] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function)]] + +*** CLOSED Mobile mode sync problems :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mobile mode sync problems]] + +*** CLOSED Habit timing +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Habit timing]] + +*** CLOSED Using cdlatex-item within org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:00] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using cdlatex-item within org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED task juggler export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][task juggler export]] + +*** CLOSED Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling]] + +*** CLOSED Full list of org-beamer functionality? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:26] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Full list of org-beamer functionality?]] + +*** CLOSED org-beamer problem +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:27] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer problem]] + +*** CLOSED Effort estimates for multi-day tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:02] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Effort estimates for multi-day tasks]] + +*** CLOSED TeX commands or source code in org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:05] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech][TeX commands or source code in org files]] + +*** CLOSED Average payment rate with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:07] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Average payment rate with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux]] + +*** CLOSED strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom][strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs]] + +*** CLOSED Backspacing into folded items +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Backspacing into folded items]] + +*** CLOSED How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:27] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output]] + +*** CLOSED exec code on task state progression +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "WISH" [2010-09-12 So 14:29] +:END: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:19] + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][exec code on task state progression]] + +*** CLOSED migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration)]] + +*** CLOSED MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope.]] + +*** CLOSED org-link-search: Augment signature? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-link-search: Augment signature?]] + +*** CLOSED Emailing my org file +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:54] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emailing my org file]] + +*** CLOSED Baffled by beamer blocks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom][Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +*** CLOSED org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit?]] + +*** CLOSED footnotes in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][footnotes in LaTeX export]] + +*** CLOSED How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file?]] + +*** CLOSED question: how to refile labeled with origin? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question: how to refile labeled with origin?]] + +*** CLOSED Executing sh-code :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh-code]] + +*** CLOSED Sort agenda view by date? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Sort agenda view by date?]] + +*** CLOSED Export header-level list inconsistency +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:58] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Export header-level list inconsistency]] + +*** CLOSED Debugging shell code that misbehaves :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Debugging shell code that misbehaves]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode and claws +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet][org-mode and clawqs]] + +*** CLOSED org-publish with latest changes? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-publish with latest changes?]] + +*** CLOSED Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:04] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo][Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users?]] + +*** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +*** CLOSED column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me]] + +*** CLOSED configuring Org agenda faces by priority +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][configuring Org agenda faces by priority]] + +*** CLOSED Publishing configuration +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu][Publishing configuration]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode <=> Instiki +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode <=> Instiki]] + +*** CLOSED entities and removing some markup in ascii export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][entities and removing some markup in ascii export]] + +*** CLOSED How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues... +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:28] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues...]] + +*** CLOSED Total time displayed in the modeline? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Total time displayed in the modeline?]] + +*** CLOSED (babel) creating simple vectors in R +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:44] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) creating simple vectors in R]] + +*** CLOSED org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans)]] + +*** CLOSED Adding tags, grouping tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede][Adding tags, grouping tags]] + +*** CLOSED (BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas]] +*** DONE Fontify whole heading line +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:END: + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Fontify whole heading line]] +*** DONE cycle visibility from agenda view? + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede][cycle visibility from agenda view?]] + + use of org-agenda-cycle-show explained on mailing list, and added + to FAQ. +*** DONE Beamer presentation in the document +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Beamer presentation in the document]] +*** DONE clock in from last clock out +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clock in from last clock out]] +*** DONE contrib/README + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4663%2E1277986531%40maps + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4663%2E1277986531%40maps][Re: (Orgmode) contrib/README]] + Updated, patch by Stephen Eglen + +*** DONE wrap text in table cell? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom][wrap text in table cell?]] +*** DONE italics regexp +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][italics regexp]] +*** DONE question about links in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom][question about links in org-mode]] +*** DONE Exclude some file to be in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exclude some file to be in the agenda]] +*** DONE links customization in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom][links customization in org-mode]] +*** DONE trouble with Imenu integration +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg][trouble with Imenu integration]] +*** DONE (babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export?]] +*** DONE capture-clock-out nil! +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][capture-clock-out nil!]] +*** DONE imenu support for babel blocks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][imenu support for babel blocks]] +*** DONE Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org]] +*** DONE org-babel and OCaml - help? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:END: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][org-babel and OCaml - help?]] +*** DONE word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers]] +*** DONE Inserting date/time stamps including seconds +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Inserting date/time stamps including seconds]] +*** DONE Integrate APPTs with OSX +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Integrate APPTs with OSX]] +*** DONE (babel) html export of R data frame :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar][(babel) html export of R data frame]] +*** DONE org-refile-targets: excluding archived +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-refile-targets: excluding archived]] +*** DONE highlight confusion in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg][highlight confusion in agenda]] +*** DONE export to latex book ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex book ?]] +*** DONE "Invalid capture target specification" +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["Invalid capture target specification"]] +*** DONE inline image with link to other than images in html export? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu][inline image with link to other than images in html export?]] +*** DONE org-timeline and diary/calendar +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno][org-timeline and diary/calendar]] +*** DONE orgmode html export uses wrong browser +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar][orgmode html export uses wrong browser]] +*** DONE Some problems with times in a spreadsheet +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite][Some problems with times in a spreadsheet]] +*** DONE first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg][first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced]] +*** DONE Personal accounting with emacs, org and...? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Personal accounting with emacs, org and...?]] +*** DONE (BABEL) evaluation of R code in export :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:30] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) evaluation of R code in export]] + +*** DONE (BABEL) help adding a language, please? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:39] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville][(BABEL) help adding a language, please?]] + +*** DONE Finding old appointments +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:40] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Finding old appointments]] +*** DONE Author info while publishing to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 09:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Author info while publishing to html]] +*** DONE firefox problem with org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel][firefox problem with org-protocol]] + +*** DONE odd org-babel R behaviour :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca][odd org-babel R behaviour]] +*** DONE lookup functions in spreadsheet/table +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca][lookup functions in spreadsheet/table]] +*** DONE startup in column view +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D%3CAANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom%3E][startup in column view]] +*** DONE Browsing worg +CLOSED: [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Browsing worg]] +*** DONE OrgMobile - just a little help? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:14] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm][OrgMobile - just a little help?]] +*** DONE agenda-ignore-date and version number +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:40] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech][agenda-ignore-date and version number]] +*** DONE insert .org file into other .org file by link +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom][insert .org file into other .org file by link]] +*** DONE Migrating from zim to org-mode ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Migrating from zim to org-mode ?]] +*** DONE Eliminate line breaks in html +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Eliminate line breaks in html]] +*** DONE R Babel Example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][R Babel Example]] +*** DONE Nice links bookmarks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Nice links bookmarks]] + +*** DONE Installing/updating org on the mac woes +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installing/updating org on the mac woes]] +*** DONE org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-protocol]] +*** DONE Daily Debian Builds +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][Daily Debian Builds]] +*** DONE No title or date in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][No title or date in LaTeX export]] +*** DONE when will org-indent-mode be ready? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:36] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][when will org-indent-mode be ready?]] + + org-indent-mode works fine starting with Emacs 23.2. +*** DONE How can I add a DONE tag to an org file? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How can I add a DONE tag to an org file?]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg - One step further :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:19] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][MobileOrg - One step further]] + +*** DONE source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g)) +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:02] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][Bug: source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g))]] + +*** DONE Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:46] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost][Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header]] + +*** DONE Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context]] + +*** DONE debugging sbe calls :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "IDEA" [2010-08-08 So 13:16] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][debugging sbe calls]] + +*** DONE org-clock-current-task? +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-clock-current-task?]] + +*** DONE How do you use call and lob in org-babel? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do you use call and lob in org-babel?]] +*** DONE custom sorting of agenda items +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][custom sorting of agenda items]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg for Android...issues :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android...issues]] + +*** DONE How to change plain text face in Org Mode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:18] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How to change plain text face in Org Mode?]] + +*** DONE babel versionitis? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][babel versionitis?]] + +*** DONE gnuplot, table entry and temporary file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Babel) gnuplot, table entry and temporary file ]] + +*** DONE Footnote export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau][Footnote export]] + +**** Footnote problem +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][Footnote problem]] + +Duplicate of "[[id:mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau%5D%5BFootnote%20export%5D%5D%22%2E + +*** DONE Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede][Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda]] + +*** DONE (babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate]] + +*** DONE How to show done tasks in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:23] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost][How to show done tasks in agenda]] + +*** DONE or not? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) or not?]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE use of repository branch "maint" +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup][use of repository branch "maint"]] + +*** DONE Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel) +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel)]] + +*** DONE TODO DONE strikethrough +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost][TODO DONE strikethrough]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE Babel: help with tables and code blocks? +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][Babel: help with tables and code blocks?]] + +*** DONE Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block]] + +*** DONE "C-c a is undefined" +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost]["C-c a is undefined"]] + +*** DONE (babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block]] + +*** DONE why not auto-renumbering list ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][why not auto-renumbering list ?]] + +*** DONE called-interactively-p : org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][called-interactively-p : org-capture]] + +*** DONE (babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer]] + +*** DONE Installation - no way +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installation - no way]] + +*** DONE word count checklist? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville][word count checklist?]] + +*** DONE Confused about mobileorg setup :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Confused about mobileorg setup]] + +*** DONE Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom][Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen]] + +*** DONE (babel) difference in export output if including file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) difference in export output if including file]] + +*** DONE How can I search keywords in my org project? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I search keywords in my org project?]] + +*** DONE False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides]] + +*** DONE horiontal alignment of tables in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][horiontal alignment of tables in latex export?]] + +*** DONE Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list' +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list']] + +*** DONE Generic exporter status +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Generic exporter status]] + +*** DONE org-capture and blank lines +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture and blank lines]] + +*** DONE picture copy paste? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][picture copy paste?]] + +*** DONE Iterate over list with `org-next-item' +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Iterate over list with `org-next-item']] + +*** DONE possible tex export bug? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][possible tex export bug?]] + +*** DONE Problem with URLs in export to latex +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Problem with URLs in export to latex]] + +*** DONE Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom][Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents]] + +*** DONE Cannot open load file: inf-ruby +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Cannot open load file: inf-ruby]] + +*** DONE Todo item property search +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Todo item property search]] + +*** DONE gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings]] + +*** DONE Ditaa and babel goofing again? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa and babel goofing again?]] + +*** DONE org-edit-src-code : same window? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-edit-src-code : same window?]] + +*** DONE HTML export of org source blocks +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom][HTML export of org source blocks]] + +*** DONE svn version number as tag or property? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Re: svn version number as tag or property?]] + +*** DONE cannot enable org-habit +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cannot enable org-habit]] + +*** DONE beamer export question +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo][beamer export question]] + +*** DONE (babel) ledger tutorial on Worg + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:22] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) ledger tutorial on Worg]] + +*** DONE (Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom][(Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode?]] + +*** DONE From state table to state diagram + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][From state table to state diagram]] + +Looks like Eric addressed this request and implemented it. + +*** DONE org-capture templates with file+olp target +CLOSED: [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:END: + [2010-08-23 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-capture templates with file+olp target]] + +*** DONE cells are deformed in Japanese +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][cells are deformed in Japanese]] + +*** DONE Problem whit with code evaluation :Babel: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:10] + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg][Problem whit with code evaluation]] + +*** DONE items not disappearing from agenda once marked done +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom][items not disappearing from agenda once marked done]] + +*** DONE Org capture templates - file paths +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org capture templates - file paths]] + +*** DONE Agenda view and timestamps + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost][Agenda view and timestamps]] + +*** DONE agenda view tags filtering + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost][agenda view tags filtering]] + +*** DONE Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List]] + +*** DONE macros: escaping "," and comments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][macros: escaping "," and comments]] + + Commas can now be escaped. We will not have comments, because that + limits what one can do with macros. + +*** DONE org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans)]] + + As documented in the manual, one needs to use C-u C-c C-l + +*** DONE HOWTO?: make install contrib +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][HOWTO?: make install contrib]] + +*** DECLINED Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno][Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system]] + We no longer support Emacs 21. +*** DECLINED (babel) help debugging latex export :Babel: + - State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:04] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging latex export]] + +*** CLOSED Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects?]] +*** CLOSED OT: orgmode on my palm TX? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][OT: orgmode on my palm TX?]] +*** CLOSED org-learn question +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-learn question]] +*** CLOSED org tables - modified field + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:22] + :END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org tables - modified field ]] + +It is a bit much to expect that emphasis in table fields would not +disturb calc operations. + +*** CLOSED org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:23] + :END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags]] + + +This does not look like an issue we need to track (- Carsten) + +*** CLOSED column view asterisks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:58] +- State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:13] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][column view asterisks]] + +This is a minor issue, no action taken + +*** CLOSED how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom][how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring]] + +This is an Emacs issue and does not need tracking here. + +*** CLOSED Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key]] + +Answered on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED .ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][.ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice]] +Answered on the mailing list, by customizing `org-file-apps'. +*** CLOSED bug with link following +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +- State "BUG" from "CLOSED" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:15] +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo][bug with link following]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have reexamined the bug I had, and as far as I can tell, it occurs +because of the punctuation at the end of the header line. I am +attaching a file that shows the funny behavior. I can link to a +header titled "Foobar" correctly, but not one titled "submit through +submission site:" Attempts to link to the one word header "Bletch:" +also fail. +#+END_QUOTE + +=org-store-link= removes all characters except numbers, letters and +whitespace when creating the link target. Opening the link with +=org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline= set to non-nil +subsequently fails. + +**** org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies]] + +*** CLOSED org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom][org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells?]] + +Org-mode tables do not support multiline cells. + +*** CLOSED org-mode + pomodoro +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode + pomodoro]] + +*** CLOSED stuck project and check boxes +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr][stuck project and check boxes]] + +*** CLOSED a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents]] + +*** CLOSED Examples in numbered lists + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Examples in numbered lists]] + +Indentation can solve this, as explained on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED Error during Publishing to HTML + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error during Publishing to HTML]] + + +This seems to be a non-issue, I am closing it. + +*** CLOSED Org-beamer and beamer overlays +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg][Org-beamer and beamer overlays]] + +*** CLOSED merging column view headings across files +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca][merging column view headings across files]] + +*** CLOSED Table of Contents in html export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Table of Contents in html export]] + +*** CLOSED Trouble syncing files to mobile-org. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Trouble syncing files to mobile-org.]] + +*** CLOSED Mark days in calendar based on agenda + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mark days in calendar based on agenda]] + +This can be done using %(org-diary), as was explained on the list. + +*** CLOSED "{" in Latex fragments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:13] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom]["{" in Latex fragments]] + +I believe that this is solved - the OP did not come back after the +last help suggestion from the mailing list. So I am closing this. + +*** CLOSED (babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update]] + link not resolving + +*** CLOSED file+olp problem in org-capture. +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][file+olp problem in org-capture.]] + +*** CLOSED Folding org drawers in elisp code? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Folding org drawers in elisp code?]] + +The corresponding elisp code was published on the mailing list by Carsten + +*** CLOSED mathjax HTML export question + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][mathjax HTML export question]] + +Question was answered by Jan. + +*** CLOSED Deleting EXPERIMENTAL + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Deleting EXPERIMENTAL]] + +This is a non-issue. Right now there is nothing interesting in this +directory, but it mighr still come in handy. + +*** CLOSED Emacs & problem to export to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs & problem to export to HTML]] + +*** CLOSED Some useful timestamp s-expressions +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Some useful timestamp s-expressions ]] + +*** CLOSED make without make cleanall safe? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][make without make cleanall safe?]] + +*** CLOSED Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom][Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable?]] + +*** CLOSED beamer export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca][beamer export]] + +Looks like this was an old version of Org-mode. + +*** CLOSED Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom][Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o]] + +*** CLOSED tag or property names with dashes + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "CLOSED" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][tag or property names with dashes]] + +The "_-" in a property name can now be escaped in a property search +with "\-". Also, Manish and Carsten are testing a patch to allow "#" +and "%" in tags. + +*** CLOSED Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file]] + +*** CLOSED EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm][EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode]] + +*** CLOSED (Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer?]] + +This is indeed the standard behavior of #+DRAWERS. + +*** CLOSED Links Lost and Export-Report + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:00] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Links Lost and Export-Report]] + +Id locations can be refresehed, and custom links is what Stefan Volmar +really wants. The answers are in the mailing list archives. + +*** CLOSED (BUG) org-capture: file+function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-capture: file+function ]] +An example was published on the mailing list on how to deal with this case. + +*** CLOSED C-u usage +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][C-u usage]] + +*** CLOSED More structure on org-hacks.php +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom][More structure on org-hacks.php]] + +*** CLOSED See total effort in my agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][See total effort in my agenda]] + +*** CLOSED export TODO keyword +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export TODO keyword]] + +*** CLOSED TODO hooks +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][TODO hooks]] + +*** CLOSED Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede][Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now]] + +*** CLOSED bug in make info? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][bug in make info?]] + +*** CLOSED question about date-tree +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about date-tree]] + +** CLOSED empty lines in datetree capture templates +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:32] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][empty lines in datetree capture templates]] + +Malformed capture template. + +** CLOSED remember template is slow +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][remember template is slow]] + +** CLOSED org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item]] + +** CLOSED org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period]] + +** CLOSED Error using Calc time format in table +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Error using Calc time format in table]] + +** CLOSED bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom][bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad]] + +** CLOSED Src blocks fontification issue +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Src blocks fontification issue]] + +** CLOSED (babel) python session speed vs non session :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) python session speed vs non session]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point]] + +** CLOSED Beamer column alignment +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Beamer column alignment]] + +** CLOSED org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line" +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop][org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line"]] + +** CLOSED questions about table mode and spreadsheets +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about table mode and spreadsheets]] + +** CLOSED Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO" +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO"]] + +** CLOSED Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export]] + +** CLOSED Secretary.el +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom][Secretary.el]] + +** CLOSED (Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error]] + +** CLOSED Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports]] + +** CLOSED Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events?]] + +** CLOSED Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class]] + +** CLOSED Magit Integration - logging magit events. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Magit Integration - logging magit events.]] + +** CLOSED Context sensitive M-q +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom][Context sensitive M-q]] + +** CLOSED bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules]] + +** CLOSED 7.01trans obsolete variables +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][7.01trans obsolete variables]] + +** CLOSED bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy]] + +** CLOSED Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error]] + +** CLOSED org-babel and gnuplot +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel and gnuplot]] + +** CLOSED setting index.org for MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][setting index.org for MobileOrg]] + +** CLOSED How to capture another file's column view +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp][How to capture another file's column view]] + +** CLOSED Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom][Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name?]] + +** CLOSED org-beamer outline +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer outline]] + +** CLOSED Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks)]] + +** CLOSED Agenda and weather forecast +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Agenda and weather forecast]] + +** CLOSED Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits]] + +** CLOSED meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall][meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references]] + +** CLOSED Exporting property values to LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting property values to LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly]] + +** CLOSED Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry]] + +** CLOSED Problem with Babel and sessions :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with Babel and sessions]] + +** CLOSED plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom][plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request]] + +** CLOSED latex link target name +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo][latex link target name]] + +** CLOSED Repeating tasks on specific days of the week +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Repeating tasks on specific days of the week]] + +** CLOSED IP locator +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo][IP locator]] + +** CLOSED problem with label in latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo][problem with label in latex export]] + +** CLOSED ical export -> google calendar woes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet][ical export -> google calendar woes]] + +** CLOSED bug: babel-* dirs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel-* dirs]] + +** CLOSED org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs]] + +** CLOSED Export function to Vcal file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Export function to Vcal file ]] + +** CLOSED Mediawiki and org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mediawiki and org-mode]] + +** CLOSED Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released]] + +** CLOSED Org capture with predefined entries from a list? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Org capture with predefined entries from a list?]] + +** CLOSED Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug: Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github.]] + +** CLOSED org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet][org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode]] + +** CLOSED Include files to be used in literate programming :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom][Include files to be used in literate programming]] + +** CLOSED lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link]] + +** CLOSED Bug : http in http link export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug : http in http link export]] + +** CLOSED wanderlust links +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom][wanderlust links]] + +** CLOSED image size in html export +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom][image size in html export]] + +** CLOSED Bug in column view with cookie on item line +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo][Bug in column view with cookie on item line]] + +** CLOSED Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0)]] + +** CLOSED Change color in fontified html export for strings +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom][Change color in fontified html export for strings]] + +** CLOSED Customizing agenda line format +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca][Customizing agenda line format]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> > Well, I tried setting org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to "%0s", which +> > didn't work, but I didn't think about the above. So I tried this now. +> > It does remove the todo keyword, but it does only that. In particular, +> > there is now a space at the beginning of each line, which I assume is +> > simply the space in the headline that succeeds the todo keyword. Any +> > way of getting rid of that? Thanks for the pointer so far. +> > +> +> The information at the beginning of the line is controlled by +> org-agenda-prefix-format. What is the value of org-agenda-prefix-format +> on your machine? + +It seems to be more complicated than that. Here's what I found out by +tinkering around with settings a little. Setting +org-agenda-prefix-format to "" (as I already did before) correctly +removes the prefix *before* the TODO keyword. The formatting function +for everything starting with the TODO keyword, however, seems to +unconditionally insert a space between the TODO keyword and the rest of +the line. Thus, even if the TODO keyword is empty (by setting +org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to ""), there is still a space after the +now empty TODO keyword. Hence, the extra space at the beginning of the +line. To me it seems like there's no way around this with the standard +org mode settings. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Freemind conversion and Notes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Freemind conversion and Notes]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization]] + +** CLOSED camel.el, for CamelCase links +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +** CLOSED listing org source blocks in LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom][listing org source blocks in LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED #+STYLE: strangeness +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][#+STYLE: strangeness]] + +** CLOSED Query: Nested sort in table? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Query: Nested sort in table?]] + +** CLOSED Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org" +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom][Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org"]] + +** CLOSED A LaTeX class for Org-mode export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom][A LaTeX class for Org-mode export]] + +** CLOSED org-scan-tags +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-scan-tags]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede][org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries]] + +** CLOSED org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED Question: Repeating Items? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Question: Repeating Items?]] + +** CLOSED Latex export of subtree not working for me +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** CLOSED extremely weird "bad sexp" errors +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][extremely weird "bad sexp" errors]] + +** CLOSED suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks]] + +** CLOSED Load macros from other files? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Load macros from other files?]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode API? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-Mode API?]] + +** CLOSED Bibtex and latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bibtex and latex export]] + +** CLOSED Worg link broken +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom][Worg link broken]] + +** CLOSED Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** CLOSED Remember item under specific :PROJECT: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remember item under specific :PROJECT:]] + +** CLOSED options and batch exporting +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom][options and batch exporting]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:53] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link.]] + +** CLOSED Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA]] + +** CLOSED (babel) Environment around exported results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(babel) Environment around exported results]] + +** CLOSED Relative dates with sexep +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost][Relative dates with sexep]] + +** CLOSED Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0]] + +** CLOSED Problem when previewing latex fragments +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom][Problem when previewing latex fragments]] + +** CLOSED Putting latex in document titles +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Putting latex in document titles]] + +** CLOSED Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop][Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings]] + +** CLOSED Org-weather: display on some dates +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-weather: display on some dates]] + +** CLOSED BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "DECLINED" from "BUG" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:01] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task]] + +** CLOSED The \only<> overlay in beamer +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][The \only<> overlay in beamer]] + +No follow-up of OP since [2011-09-29 Do] + +** CLOSED SQLite in 7.01h? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][SQLite in 7.01h?]] + +** CLOSED org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem]] + +** CLOSED How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex]] + +** CLOSED Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo][Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android]] + +No follow-up by OP since [2010-09-20 Mo] + +** CLOSED orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices. +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices.]] + +** CLOSED Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc)]] + +** CLOSED Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org) +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org)]] + +** CLOSED Howto define formula for table regions +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom][Howto define formula for table regions]] + +** CLOSED does #+PROPERTY still exist ? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][does #+PROPERTY still exist ?]] + +** CLOSED Ditaa usage +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa usage]] + +** CLOSED cheatsheets in emacs +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cheatsheets in emacs]] + +** CLOSED "No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link]] + +** CLOSED subtree export fails with src block +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: subtree export fails with src block]] + +** CLOSED *.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:04] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard]] + +Seems to be a Snow Leopard issue + +** CLOSED wrap sourcecode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][wrap sourcecode?]] + +** CLOSED File-level execute permissions? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][File-level execute permissions?]] + +** CLOSED Requests about the code demarcation +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Requests about the code demarcation]] + +** CLOSED Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk][Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer?]] + +** CLOSED ditaa set-up on windows box +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ditaa set-up on windows box]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP]] + +** CLOSED Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:45] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree]] + +** CLOSED table, moving cells + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:49] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno][table, moving cells]] + +This is a non issue, and workaround have been shown on the mailing list. + +** CLOSED (PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions]] + +** CLOSED geolocated notes +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][geolocated notes]] + +** CLOSED org-footnote in messages, practical question. + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][org-footnote in messages, practical question.]] + +** CLOSED Windows installation with msysGit +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Windows installation with msysGit]] + +** CLOSED Can't find LaTeX under MAC + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Can't find LaTeX under MAC]] +Not an Org mode question. +** CLOSED LaTeX classes for Resume Writing +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][LaTeX classes for Resume Writing]] + +** CLOSED org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment?]] + +** CLOSED how to set faces? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom][how to set faces?]] + +** CLOSED org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash]] + +** CLOSED Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files]] + +** CLOSED lisp functions in column view +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][lisp functions in column view]] + +** CLOSED (babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file]] + +** CLOSED (beamer) export a long source block as in several frames +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(beamer) export a long source block as in several frames]] + +** CLOSED Sidewaystable in org? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Sidewaystable in org?]] + +** CLOSED org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items]] + +** CLOSED Fold "preamble/options" under first header +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fold "preamble/options" under first header]] + +** CLOSED (babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu][(babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name]] + +** CLOSED Projects+Next Actions view + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Projects+Next Actions view]] + +** CLOSED Having problems with faces in org agenda +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo][Having problems with faces in org agenda]] + +** CLOSED link export confused when URL parameter is another URL +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][link export confused when URL parameter is another URL]] + +** CLOSED POPERTIES Effort and HTML export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:49] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018 +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018][POPERTIES Effort and HTML export]] + +** CLOSED Agenda sorting strategy + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Agenda sorting strategy]] + +** CLOSED Store link upon sending a message +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][Store link upon sending a message]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Org-agenda.el :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(PATCH) Org-agenda.el]] + +** CLOSED strike through display problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][strike through display problem]] + +** CLOSED org-capture: file to top level with prepend + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:51] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture: file to top level with prepend]] + +Gmane link does not work. + +** CLOSED Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9]] + +No further reaction from OP +** CLOSED wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED org-agenda-skip-function not working +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-agenda-skip-function not working]] + +** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +** CLOSED 7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known]] + +** CLOSED Habits bug? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu][Habits bug?]] + +** CLOSED New clocktable code bug + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][New clocktable code bug]] + +** CLOSED (BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python? +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python?]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 ]] + +No feed back or backtrace via mailing list, issue closed. + +** CLOSED Executing sh code within sessions +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh code within sessions]] + +** CLOSED publishing a drawer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "IDEA" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:25] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][publishing a drawer]] + +** CLOSED Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil]] + +** CLOSED Org 7.3 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu][Org 7.3]] + +No followup in the thread, seems to be an isolated problem + +** CLOSED bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items]] + +** CLOSED Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:49] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags]] + +** CLOSED org-faq: Invalid XHTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-01-29 Sa 15:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:27] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-faq: Invalid XHTML]] + +** CLOSED Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:35] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk][Bug: Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:46] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom][Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks]] + +** CLOSED UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED latex table export not centered +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede][latex table export not centered]] + +** DONE syntax bugs in footnotes + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) syntax bugs in footnotes]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code]] + +** DONE Why :ID: properties? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom][Why :ID: properties?]] + +** DONE Directory Links (and a bug?) +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Directory Links (and a bug?)]] + +** DONE bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html)) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html))]] + +** DONE (WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode?]] + +** DONE Search files in a folder +CLOSED: [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Search files in a folder]] + +** DONE Agenda: Hide Sched. Items +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda: Hide Sched. Items]] + +** DONE problem exporting region from within a read-only file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting region from within a read-only file]] + +** DONE todos without timestamp in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][todos without timestamp in agenda]] + +** DONE image alt text for HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][image alt text for HTML export]] + +** DONE export of .org file from within a different .org file +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom][export of .org file from within a different .org file]] + +** DONE Templates - newline in string? +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit][Templates - newline in string?]] + +** DONE different result in spreadsheet tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush][different result in spreadsheet tutorial]] + +** DONE org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id) +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id)]] + +** DONE (bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set]] + +** DONE (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Re: (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working]] + +** DONE including holidays in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][including holidays in agenda]] + +** DONE org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** DONE Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords? +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords?]] + +** DONE inline images in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo][inline images in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Would it be reasonable to augment org's processing of #+ directives so +that an org user can specify (that Org should display inline images, +D.M.) there instead of using the local variables, which is less +user-friendly? +#+END_QUOTE + +** DONE (bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:54] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types]] + +** DONE Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments]] + +** DONE C-a T DONE behavior +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost][C-a T DONE behavior]] + +** DONE calendar and agenda entries +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][calendar and agenda entries]] + +** DONE Latex export of subtree not working for me + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** DONE Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word) +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word)]] + +** DONE How can I get document metadata? +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][How can I get document metadata?]] + +** DONE Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function]] +Reply in thread +** DONE Sparse trees and searching for multiple words + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sparse trees and searching for multiple words]] + +Use search view +** DONE Tags in Agenda View +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom][Tags in Agenda View]] + +** DONE #+source line in export +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom][#+source line in export]] + +** DONE exporting to a specified directory +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][exporting to a specified directory]] + +** DONE Update for habit documentation + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:44] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom][Update for habit documentation]] +Manual was updated +** DONE Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:06] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file]] + +Such a function was posted on the mailing list. + +** DONE Exporting to html +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting to html]] + +** DONE Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo][Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses]] + +** DONE bug with spaces in regexp search +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug with spaces in regexp search]] + +** DONE Agenda Question +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom][Agenda Question]] + +** DONE Yet another way to use maps --- the light way +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Yet another way to use maps --- the light way]] + +** DONE compiling org without make +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice][compiling org without make]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:48] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca +:ASSIGNEE: Carsten +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca][(PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines]] + +** DONE org-capture (lost PATCH?) +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture (lost PATCH?)]] + +** DONE Cannot insert column - wrong type argument +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice][Cannot insert column - wrong type argument]] + +** DONE Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output]] + +** DONE How do I convert org to OpenOffice? + CLOSED: [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :LOGBOOK: + - Note taken on [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] \\ + Added FAQ on converting to doc/odt. + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I convert org to OpenOffice?]] + +** DONE Filter scheduled items +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Filter scheduled items]] + +** DONE Title for capture template +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Title for capture template]] + +** DONE publishing orgmode to a CMS +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][publishing orgmode to a CMS]] + +** DONE bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails]] + +** DONE Latex exporter bug or feature? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo][Latex exporter bug or feature?]] + +** DONE How to not publish log done note? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to not publish log done note?]] + +** DONE Omit top level heading in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo][Omit top level heading in latex export?]] + +** DONE How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom][How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + +** DONE Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page?]] + +** DONE (PATCH) there is no ś in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][(PATCH) there is no ś in HTML]] + +** DONE Quoting formula "cookies" in table? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Quoting formula "cookies" in table?]] + +** DONE custom postamble in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][custom postamble in HTML export]] + +** DONE quotation marks in LaTeX (again) +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][quotation marks in LaTeX (again)]] + +** DONE Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome][Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error]] + +** DONE (BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes]] + +** DONE Orgmode and filling +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and filling]] + +** DONE Tracking time with MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tracking time with MobileOrg]] + +** DONE conditional export based on target +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][conditional export based on target]] + +** DONE (babel) Writing R-packages the org way? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Writing R-packages the org way?]] + +** DONE (BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][(BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement]] + +** DONE How can I just publish entry marked as DONE? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I just publish entry marked as DONE?]] + +** DONE Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone?]] + +** DONE Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return?]] + +** DONE library of babel, bootabs question +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][library of babel, bootabs question]] + +** DONE how to reverse a region of outline items +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to reverse a region of outline items]] + +** DONE bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future]] + +** DONE TaskJuggler 3, revisited +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TaskJuggler 3, revisited]] + +** DONE (BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentation +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentatidon]] + +** DONE Export Headings Only? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export Headings Only?]] + +** DONE org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse]] + +** DONE No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:18] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule]] + +** DONE Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML]] + +** DONE Feature request +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request]] + +** DONE centering text in html +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][centering text in html]] + +** DONE Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML]] + +** DONE Need help publishing subdirectories +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Need help publishing subdirectories]] + +** DONE puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom][puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour]] + +** DONE optimal usage Q : how would you do this? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][optimal usage Q : how would you do this?]] + +** DONE cache issue when publishing website with include file +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cache issue when publishing website with include file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export]] + +** DONE org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:29] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor]] + +** DONE org-mobile-use-encryption :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile-use-encryption]] + +** DONE Insert link to recently captured Note? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert link to recently captured Note?]] + +** DONE (BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][(BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML]] + +** DONE org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp]] + +** DONE Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom][Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii]] + +** DONE Auto clock-out? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Auto clock-out? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE org-7 under Xemacs +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org-7 under Xemacs]] + +** DONE Elementary: How to return to the main view +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Elementary: How to return to the main view]] + +** DONE Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5)]] + +** DONE org-freemind.el and rx +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom][org-freemind.el and rx]] + +** DONE 7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work]] + +** DONE blorgit build +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][blorgit build]] + +** DONE Bug (?) in org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo][Bug (?) in org-capture]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading and inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][org-insert-heading and inline tasks]] + +** DONE Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export?]] + +** DONE (Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML]] + +** DONE Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented]] + +** DONE Babel for blogging :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr][Babel for blogging]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-insert-heading]] + +** DONE #+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM][#+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation?]] + +** DONE mobileorg app can't sync :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom][mobileorg app can't sync]] + +** DONE Publishing htaccess files with a project +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Publishing htaccess files with a project]] + +** DONE Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML]] + +** DONE Library calls and begin_example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom][(Babel) Library calls and begin_example]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE (BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format? +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format?]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode?]] + +** DONE Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp]] + +** DONE Latex Export +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom][Latex Export]] + +** DONE xemacs compatibility +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][xemacs compatibility]] + +** DONE Exporting #+lob :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom][Exporting #+lob]] + +** DONE (babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org?]] + +** DONE Unable to export babel results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Unable to export babel results]] + +** DONE org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom][org-default-notes-file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:55] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl][(PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables]] + +** DONE pcomplete bug in 7.4 +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr][pcomplete bug in 7.4]] + +** DONE (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:51] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE]] + +** DONE (manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:25] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict]] + +** DONE indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line]] + +** DONE bug: invalid export key in export visible region +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:58] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: invalid export key in export visible region]] + +** DONE fill-region and list items +CLOSED: [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:14] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) fill-region and list items]] + +** DONE Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:23] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE][(O) Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph]] +** DONE proper visibility cycling for items + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Make them not hide the text after the final list item. + This is not trivial, we cannot usenormal outline stuff, + needs a separate implementation. +** DONE (PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:32] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists]] + +** DONE preserving location of point + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][preserving location of point]] + Resolved - works with emacs -Q, so it is due to some other + package. +** DONE VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice][VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u ]] + +** DONE question about link syntax +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about link syntax]] + +** DONE M-return on list items in quote blocks + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:24] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: M-return on list items in quote blocks]] +** CLOSED (ANN) List improvement v.2 + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) List improvement v.2 ]] + +git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + +** CLOSED (ANN) New lists definition :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) New lists definition]] + + git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + + Superseded by [[id:mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom%5D%5BList%20improvement%20v%2E2%5D%5D + +** CLOSED Export of quoted region to HTML +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:34 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Export of quoted region to HTML]] + +"At the moment, there is no real support for lists inside blocks." ([[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/34716][Re: Export of quoted region to HTML]]) +** CLOSED Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] \\ + Cannot reproduce it anymore on [2011-07-16 sam.]. +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:44 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom][Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook]] + +** DONE (bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] \\ + Fixed with new escaping mechanism. +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] +** DONE possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1)]] + +** DONE Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom][Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days]] + Patch is applied. +** DONE bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer%! +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer]] + +** DONE Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:52] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** DONE habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p][Bug: habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g)]] + +The code now has a better error message for this case. + +** DONE Git pull breaks agenda? + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: Git pull breaks agenda?]] + +** DONE Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:23] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom][Bug: Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4)]] + +** DONE Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5)) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:10] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][Bug: Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5))]] + +** DONE Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists]] + +** DONE (babel) Error Before first headline. :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error Before first headline.]] + +** DONE Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:10] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel]] + +** DONE Org-Babel and Ledger :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-Babel and Ledger]] + +** DONE (BABEL) Commands for navigation :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Commands for navigation]] + +** DONE Comments in tangled source + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Comments in tangled source]] + +** DONE (babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook]] + +** DONE (babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug? + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug?]] + +** DONE Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows]] + +** DONE (babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png]] + +** DONE (babel) support plantuml :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) support plantuml]] + +** DONE (org-babel) References Not Expanding :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:20] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) References Not Expanding]] + +** DONE (ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:08] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands]] + +** DONE problem with babel and R :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:02] + :END: + [2010-08-17 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][problem with babel and R]] + +Now possible to wrap results in Org blocks which can export as raw +org, but still allow for clean replacement of raw Org results. + +** DONE The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file]] + +** DONE indentation in capture templates :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ indentation in capture templates]] + +** DONE Capture and clock options +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and clock options]] + +** DONE Capture and checkitem +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:06] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and checkitem]] + + +This is now fixed, two reasonably serious issues. checkitem was not +implemented at all, and both checkitem and item could be placed into +the wrong subtree. + +** DONE (BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer]] + +** DONE (BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer]] + +** DONE Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop' + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Clocking + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop']] +** DONE Document the :recursive option for org-publish +CLOSED: [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: +** DONE typo in org.texi? :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:38] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:36] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][typo in org.texi?]] + +** DONE improve doc string + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - patch: http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/26 + - Org repo commit: http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git/commitdiff/bc53b3da3bf95c767113625693895a7dcbf389bb +** DONE workaround for the given example + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Worg repo commit: http://repo.or.cz/w/Worg.git/commitdiff/f5814f05998292d4eb80f9772c279e9837644f29 +** DONE (bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export]] + This has been fixed + +** DONE lists, maths and export to latex :Patch: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: lists, maths and export to latex]] +*** (PATCH) lists and exportation to latex + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Eric Schulte + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) lists and exportation to latex]] + + This patch has been applied. + +** DONE latex export and booktabs tables :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:02] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][latex export and booktabs tables]] +** DONE Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath? + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Carsten + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + This has been fixed, use the setting #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:verbatim. + It is also documented in the jsMath tutorial. + +** DONE Comment before \begin{equation} exported verbatim + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I noticed the following behavior: A comment line starting with "#" +immediately before a \begin{equation} environment is passed verbatim +as well. I don't think it counts as a bug, since there should probably +be a blank line before \begin anyway. +#+END_QUOTE + + This issue has been fixed. + +** DONE Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML]] + + - Patch :: [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/90/][90]] +** DONE Support multiple CSS container classes :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS property]] +** DONE Literal examples and indentation +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Literal examples and indentation]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Ok, so the answer of my initial question is no. + +That's a bit sad because, IMHO, this could a little be smarter than +this. For example if the line to indent is an empty one, then don't +insert indentation, or if the text is already indented then indent +with respect of the current indentation, etc... +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export]] + + Eric Fraga's code is now on the master branch. + +** DONE (BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export]] + Fixed, patch by Eri Schulte, this now gives a good error message + +** DONE (PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during LaTeX Export :Babel: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during + LaTeX Export]] + + Fixed with special treatment of these lines before the first headline +** DONE (BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading :Babel: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading]] + + Fixed, patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML]] +** DONE Minor Bug in ical2org awk script +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Minor Bug in ical2org awk script]] +** DONE Correct babel format for ditaa? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Correct babel format for ditaa?]] + +** DONE Bug in org-colview/org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Bug in org-colview/org-beamer?]] +** DONE bug in org-mode-export-as-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal][bug in org-mode-export-as-latex]] +** DONE LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))) +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)))]] + +** DONE Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +- State "ASSIGNED" from "BUG" [2010-08-08 So 14:27] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:15] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom +:ASSIGNEE: dmaus +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom][Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory]] + +** DONE Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 11:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex]] + +** DONE Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export]] + +** DONE BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-( +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-(]] + +** DONE Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for]] + +** DONE html-export mangels mailto: links +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) html-export mangels mailto: links]] + +** DONE escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans)]] + +There was a bug here (fixed), and also a user error (told the user so +on the mailing list). + +** DONE export to latex broken +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:22] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex broken]] + +The offending commit has been reverted. + +** DONE Publishing documents body-only + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 13:58] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + +The :body-only property is now available in the publishing setup. + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom][Publishing documents body-only]] + +** DONE Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:44] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans)]] + + [2010-07-20 Tue] Request for backtrace sent to bug report author + +** DONE suggesting a new function org-export-string :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][suggesting a new function org-export-string]] +** DONE portable absolute links in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][portable absolute links in HTML export]] + +** DONE insert a remember template at point +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][insert a remember template at point]] +** DONE Movement of C-a under visible-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Movement of C-a under visible-mode]] +** DONE org-mode and auto-fill-mode :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:24] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode and auto-fill-mode]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1hblfgkp1%2Efsf%40cam%2Eac%2Euk][Removing (modify-syntax-entry ?# "<")]] + +** DONE Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain][Bug: Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i)]] +** DONE org-feed not working for codeproject :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-feed not working for codeproject]] +** DONE (mobileorg) Android sync failed :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobileorg) Android sync failed]] +** DONE org-capture question/suggestion + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][org-capture question/suggestion]] + This patch has been applied, estimate operators are now active and + documented. +** DONE Displaying inline remote images +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:01] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Displaying inline remote images]] +** DONE Tables and environment with parameters + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Tables and environment with parameters]] + Another case of checking for protectedness at the wrong place (the + following line :( ) +** DONE org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:00] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd))]] +** DONE org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51))]] +** DONE inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active]] + +*** inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up%! + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][Bug: inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up]] +** DONE Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans) + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D8739vzpqx1.wl%25dmaus%40ictsoc.de][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed by fixing the function org-find-olp, this can not search just + in the current buffer if the THIS-BUFFER flag is set. +** DONE Problem when org-capturing text from French email + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Problem when org-capturing text from French email]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus to work around Emacs bug #5306. + +** DONE org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans) + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus. + +** DONE web site bug +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][web site bug]] +** DONE indent levels in dynamic block clock? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent levels in dynamic block clock?]] +** DONE org-collector : display problem with propview +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-collector : display problem with propview]] +** DONE startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block) +CLOSED: [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block)]] +** DONE Diary-integration in version 7.01.g +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3Dop.vgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost.localdomain][Diary-integration in version 7.01.g]] +** DONE Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG= +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:59] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG=]] +** DONE links and ID properties +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][links and ID properties]] + +** DONE (Patch) Capture: [Error: (void-function FILE)] and %![Error: (void-function SEXP)] (again)%! +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) Capture: %!(Error: (void-function FILE)) and %!(Error: (void-function SEXP)) (again)]] +** DONE (BUG) Org-capturing items to clock +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Org-capturing items to clock]] +** DONE Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:42] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer]] +** DONE MobileOrg capture - bad encoding :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg capture - bad encoding]] +** DONE Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient]] +** DONE (BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems]] +** DONE avoiding source block prompts +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu][avoiding source block prompts]] +** DONE (babel) lob evaluation : a bug ? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(babel) lob evaluation : a bug ?]] + +** DONE (mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom][(mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing]] + +** DONE bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties? :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties?]] + +** DONE (Patch) Org-fontify :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Patch) Org-fontify]] + +** DONE (PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string.]] + +** DONE org-feed XML entities and character encoding :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][org-feed XML entities and character encoding]] + +** DONE (Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil]] + +** DONE (Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:15] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition)]] + +I installed the new code into the contirb directory. + +** DONE Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot?]] + +This is solved, and new example on how to work with GNUPLOT are up on Worg. + +** CLOSED Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** CLOSED Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight]] + +** CLOSED export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug: export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks]] + +** CLOSED org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:19] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection]] + +True, but cannot be fixed, at least not easily. The new entry can +still be found at the original target location, go there with `C-c C-u +C-c r'. + +** CLOSED org-capture + autoload + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture + autoload]] +The autoload Cookie is in there now. + +** CLOSED capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...) +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:14] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...)]] + +Not a bug. Cf. manual Template expansion and Carsten's +explanation: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6DE91187%2D59F0%2D4AA3%2D9487%2DA758CEB6D5DE%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 +commit-972b0a58...)]]. + +** CLOSED documention missing +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][Bug: documention missing]] + +** CLOSED Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Bug) Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk]] +** CLOSED org capture: use org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom][org capture: use org-default-notes-file]] + +** CLOSED Comments cannot be filled +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + +** CLOSED Disputed keys (meta left), (meta right) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 12:48] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:25] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Disputed keys]] +** DONE keys and command name info + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:44] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][keys and command name info]] + +** CLOSED Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] \\ + Insufficient information and no confirmation of the bug since more + than six months. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:31] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/66] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY?]] + +** DONE Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers. :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/65] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers.]] + +** DONE Re: export to latex broken :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 20:55] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:37 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/63] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][(O) Re: export to latex broken]] + +** DONE (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] \\ + This has been applied to master. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 21:04] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:39 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/62] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom][(O) (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command]] + +** DONE Macro expansion in included files :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] \\ + Applied already. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 16:07] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:42 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/61] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Macro expansion in included files]] + +** CLOSED "org-nil" error in LaTeX export :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:47] \\ + No report. Apperently, an user configuration problem. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/60] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) "org-nil" error in LaTeX export]] +** CLOSED (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] \\ + No confirmation under 30 weeks. Probably an user misconfiguration. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 00:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/58] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block]] + +** DONE Verbatim code gets interpreted :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/57] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) (Bug) Verbatim code gets interpreted]] + +** CLOSED (BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:50] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:35 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/38] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli][(BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers]] + +** DONE For Patchwork workers: An updated pw + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom][For Patchwork workers: An updated pw]] + +The pw script that should be used to work with our patchwork server +is part of the distribution, UTILITIES/pw. Among other things, this +script arranges for automatic emails to the mailing list when the +status of a patch changes. + +** DONE (ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite][(ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode]] +I have made a link to this new translator on Worg, in +org-translators.org. + +** CLOSED tags grouping not working :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:43] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 02:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/20] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede][Bug: tags grouping not working]] +** DONE org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org]] + +org-velocity.el is now a contributed packge, with documentation on worg. +** CLOSED Footnote incorrect in Worg + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:34 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Footnote incorrect in Worg]] + +** CLOSED org-mediawiki :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:53 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/17] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mediawiki]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:54 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/16] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file]] + +** CLOSED send mail without starting gnus first :new: + CLOSED: [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:57] + - Note taken on [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] \\ + This is a gnus issue. + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [3/15] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][send mail without starting gnus first]] + +** CLOSED links and no match message :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:30] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:03 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/12] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu][links and no match message]] + +No answer in 25 weeks. Case closed. +** CLOSED org-cdlatex after environment :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/11] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-cdlatex after environment]] + +Document to reproduce: + +#+begin_src org +,* Heading +,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +;; Turn on cdlatex-mode +(org-cdlatex-mode 1) +,#+END_SRC + + +\begin{eqnarray*} + & & \\ +\end{eqnarray*} + +\begin{eqnarray*} +b&=& +\begin{cases} +1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 +\end{cases} +5 +\end{eqnarray*} + + +Typing _ after 4 prints _{}. Typing _ after 5 only gives _. 5 isn't +considered to be part of math-mode anymore. +#+end_src + +** DONE Org now fontifies code blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][Org now fontifies code blocks]] + +** DONE MobileOrg now in the Android market + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][MobileOrg now in the Android market]] +** DONE (CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom][(CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point]] + +Included in Worg now. + +** DONE Finally jekyll and org-jekyll + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Finally jekyll and org-jekyll]] + +Documented in Worg. + +** DONE MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages]] + +Included in Org and documented. + +** CLOSED what am I missing about remote editing? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 15:41] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:11 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/10] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][what am I missing about remote editing?]] +** CLOSED error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier" :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:02] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:13 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/9] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier"]] + +** CLOSED void-function error :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:37] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/8] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][void-function error]] + +** DONE Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks :Babel:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 11:07 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks]] +** DONE Baffled by beamer blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:50] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:04 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) (BUG) Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +** DONE Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:36] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom][Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands]] + +#+begin_quote +Is there an option for org-metaup (org-metadown) and +outline-next-visible-heading (outline-previous-visible-heading) to +alway jump to the first non-star character in a headline instead of +the beginning of a headline? I could not find this option in the +manual. In my opinion, this would complement the "special C-a/e" +commands which I also use. This behaviour is already the default for +org-metaup/-down in lists. +#+end_quote + +** DONE LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug]] + +** DONE Row formulas + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + @4=..... + +** CLOSED latex export problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech][latex export problem]] + + - ngz :: not consistently reproducible, 41 weeks old, outdated + version of Org : closed. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE Make a variable that current line should be recomputed always + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + In each table. Skipping headers of course. +** DONE include value of single table cell in text? + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:49] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:17 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][include value of single table cell in text?]] + +** DONE (Feature Request) Cross headings in tables + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:51] +:END: + [2010-10-27 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Feature Request) Cross headings in tables]] + +** DONE MathJax is now the default for HTML math + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:21 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom][MathJax is now the default for HTML math]] + + - ngz :: it is in manual since a long time. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :END: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE + 1) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's + leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is + set to nil + + 2) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented + as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the + indentation should ideally return to what it was before the + inline task. Of course, this is also a problem when org-indent + is turned off, if you try to automatically hard-indent using + TAB. However, in that case you can adjust by hand the + indentation of the first line after the inline task, and then + all the following lines will indent correctly. With org-indent + the problem is much worse since there is no way of adjusting the + soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] + - ngz :: no further information to work on since 39 weeks. Case + probably closed. +** CLOSED Strange bug, request for more info + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :END: + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq6bjsas%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq6bjsas.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Re: Strange bug, request for more info]] + + - ngz :: very old bug, probably fixed now according to the last + post in the thread. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +The bug happens when being in the agenda and trying to goto or show +the origin location of an agenda entry by pressing SPC or RET. +John reports that sometimes (for him several times a day), +the other window shows a completely different location. +The most weird part of it is that going back to the agenda buffer +and then trying the exact same command again, everything works +fine! This is driving me crazy, and I'd love to find and fix +this problem. +#+END_QUOTE +** CLOSED PATCH: Fix for agenda problems :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo][PATCH: Fix for agenda problems]] + + - ngz :: probably applied, and function has changed since then. + +*** More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing :Mobile: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo][More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing]] + +*** Mobile-org crash --- same error? :Mobile: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mobile-org crash --- same error?]] + +** DONE COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 02:22] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:57] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 12:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][(O) Bug: Minor Bug: COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics (7.5 (release_7.5.24.g5f0ef))]] + + - ngz :: bug confirmed on 7.6 (release_7.6.75.g74e3) and hopefully + fixed. Waiting for confirmation. + +** CLOSED Capture abort: (void-function -mode) + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:44] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Capture abort: (void-function -mode)]] + +Problem is not yet reproducible. + + - ngz :: very old bug, no information or even confirmation it + happened since then. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED capture problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:14] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech][capture problem]] + + - ngz :: very old bug. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] +** CLOSED Recovering notes :Mobile: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobile-org) Recovering notes]] + + - ngz :: As informative as it is, we are not fixing issues for + outside applications. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error? :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:09] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error?]] + + - ngz :: still active, but not dependant on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ainsi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** CLOSED Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created) :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] + :END: + [2010-10-17 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created)]] + + - ngz :: confirmed, but not depending on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** DONE (PATCH) Markup on same line as text :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:48] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Markup on same line as text]] + - ngz :: patch already applied in code base. +** DONE clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items]] + + - ngz :: Carsten fixed it. + +** DONE (BABEL) Babel babel native fontification :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:37] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:48 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Two minor issues]] +** DONE Custom sorting of agenda items! + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) custom sorting of agenda items]] + - ngz :: Carsten full-filled that wish. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When giving a user-defined function for org-agenda-cmp-user-defined, +the function gets two agenda entries. Is there a way from an agenda entry +to get to the original org entry? + +Best would be if, besides a user-defined sort function, you could also provide +a function that takes the org entry and the agenda item (i.e. is run with point +on the org entry and is passed the agenda item), and can then store anything +it wants about the org entry as text properties on the agenda item. +The companion user-defined sorting function could then use these stored +text properties for ordering the agenda items. Could you add such a hook? +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:21] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:00 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][(PATCH) Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto]] + - ngz :: That function exists now. + +** CLOSED Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature Request: Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range]] + - ngz :: A solution for the problem at hand already exists and is + detailed in the FAQ. + +** DONE Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show. :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show.]] + - ngz :: Patch seems applied in code base. +** DONE Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:33] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 08:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg][Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines]] + - ngz :: David solved that bug with his escaping mechanism. + +** DONE Variable of standard links for completion with C-c C-l + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Or something like that, to make standard links fast. + +** DONE Unintended behavior? Links without description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:09] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:10 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Unintended behavior? Links without description]] + +#+begin_quote +In pre-processing for export with org-export-normalize-links, links +that lack a description part are given one, which consists of the full +raw path of the link. In other words, link descriptions are never nil. +This seems to conflict with the expectations of org-bbdb.el and custom +links based on that example. + +The link [[bbdb:Carsten Dominik]], for instance, is exported to html +and latex as follows: + + bbdb:Carsten Dominik + \textit{bbdb:Carsten Dominik}. + +Org-bbdb.el is clearly prepared to be passed a desc that is nil, in +which case it would use path instead: + +(defun org-bbdb-export (path desc format) + "Create the export version of a BBDB link specified by PATH or DESC. +If exporting to either HTML or LaTeX FORMAT the link will be +italicized, in all other cases it is left unchanged." + (cond + ((eq format 'html) (format "%s" (or desc path))) + ((eq format 'latex) (format "\\textit{%s}" (or desc path))) + (t (or desc path)))) + +However, desc is never nil, because a missing description part is +replaced in export pre-processing by a string consisting of the link +type, a colon, and the path. This takes place in the function +org-export-normalize-links. + +This makes for unexpected behavior in custom links that some of us +have defined. E.g., Thomas S. Dye's `cite' links (the thread +`org-add-link-type'): +#+end_quote + +Thomas S. Dye could track down this problem to at least 7.01trans +(release_7.01h.209.g2c33b). + +*** DONE org-add-link-type + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:12] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) org-add-link-type]] + +#+begin_quote +It looks as if an empty desc is never passed, instead it is replaced +with the full raw path. I don't think that's the right behavior, and I +don't really see how it could result from org-export-latex-links. +#+end_quote + +** DONE minted for latex source code export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:49 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][minted for latex source code export]] + +** DONE (WIP) OpenOffice Exporter + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WIP) OpenOffice Exporter]] + +** CLOSED Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans) + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:11] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 11:19 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans)]] + - ngz :: configuration mistake from OP. + +** DONE Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:54] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) (Babel) Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output]] +** CLOSED html export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX ignored for tables when used before first headline + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:22] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][LaTeX table export issue]] + +** DONE Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore? :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +- State "BUG" from "WISH" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore?]] + +** DONE Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:28] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:19] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) (BUG) Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading]] + - ngz :: Patch suggested. Waiting for confirmation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +** DONE (Patch) org-capture.el + CLOSED: [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-22 ven. 01:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Patch) org-capture.el]] +** DONE Rewrite of org-indent-mode :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:23] +- State "IDEA" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:20] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:28] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-08-18 jeu. 19:16 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (dev) org-indent-mode patch]] + + + - ngz :: this branch is an attempt to remove idle timer in + indent-mode and to make it compatible with + visual-line-mode. Though, it suffers from a long + initialization time (walking each line of the buffer to + add text-properties). + + The idea is to set =line-prefix= property to the level of + the current headline and =wrap-prefix= to the indentation + of the beginning of the line. These properties are + modified at each text modification (hook) on the modified + area only (so, this part is quick). + + - ngz :: I've implemented an asynchronous initialization. It needs + testing, though. + +Source : =git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +The rewrite would fix the following bugs: + +*** DONE Org cause Emacs to hang + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "BUG" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:04] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:39] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org cause Emacs to hang]] + +Possible fix is in + +=git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +Wait for feedback if this patch fixes the problem. + + - ngz :: this branch isn't satisfactory enough (too slow on + opening files). Thus, I re-open the bug. + + See [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for more information. + +*** DONE Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel][Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list]] + + - ngz :: see [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for a working solution + +# -*- org-tags-column: -80; sentence-end-double-space: t; -*- +#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t tex:t d:(HIDE LOGBOOK) tags:not-in-toc +#+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate +#+TODO: NEW(n) TODO(t!) WAITING(W!) IDEA(i!) WISH(w!) INCONSISTENCY(y!) BUG(b!) QUESTION(q!) | DONE(d!) DECLINED(c!) CLOSED(C!) +#+TAGS: Babel(b) Mobile(m) Patch(p) new(n) noexport(x) +#+TITLE: Open issues with Org mode +#+AUTHOR: Worg people +#+EMAIL: mdl AT imapmail DOT org +#+LANGUAGE: en +#+PRIORITIES: A C B +#+CATEGORY: worg +#+ARCHIVE: ::* Closed issues +#+DRAWERS: PROPERTIES LOGBOOK + +# This file is the default header for new Org files in Worg. Feel free +# to tailor it to your needs. + +* Introduction + +This is a simple mailing list based tracker for issues and other +things about Org mode. It is a replacement of the abandoned todo file +and incorporates its structure and parts of the nomenclature. The +purpose of this document is to keep track of issues, i.e. anything +that requires some kind of action, and other things like +announcements, hacks, feature ideas and the like. + +** Nomenclature + +On this page, TODO keywords are used in the following way: + + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Keyword* | Intention | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *NEW* | A new issue that is not yet classifed. | + | *TODO* | A task to be done. This includes but is not limited to answers to user requests, development or documentation tasks. | + | *WAITING* | A reported issue that requires a response to be processed further. | + | *IDEA* | A new idea, I have not yet decided what if anything I will do about it. | + | *WISH* | A wish, probably voiced by someone on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org. This is less than a new idea, more a change in existing behavior. | + | *DECLINED* | A feature or idea that was declined. Still in the list so that people can see it, complain, or still try to convince Carsten to implement it. | + | *INCONSISTENCY* | Some behavior in Org-mode that is not as clean and consistent as it should be. | + | *BUG* | A confirmed bug. This needs to be fixed, as soon as possible. | + | *QUESTION* | A question someone asked. | + | *DONE* | Well, done is done. | + | | <80> | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +In addition, tags are used to provide more detailed context +information. Currently these tags are used in this file: + + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Tag* | Context | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Babel* | Issue concerning [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/index.php][Org-babel]] | + | *Mobile* | Issue concerning [[http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/][MobileOrg]] | + | *Patch* | A patch is available via Org mode's [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/project/org-mode/list/][Patchwork tracker]] | + | *New* | All issues below the *New Issues* headline. | + | | <80> | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +** Document structure and maintenance + +New issues hitting the Org mode [[http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode][mailing list]] are recorded on a +(almost) daily basis using a yet to be published library that allows +operating on the issue file from within Wanderlust and (partly) Gnus. + +They are first filed to the heading *New Issues*. + +In a second step issues beneath this heading are reviewed. If an +issue triggers a development task it is properly classified (keywords, +tag) and refiled to the *Development Tasks* heading. If it is a user +request, it is classified using the *QUESTION* TODO keyword and filed +to heading *User Requests*. If it is already closed according to the +mailing list, it is immediately closed and moved to *Closed issues*. +If it cannot yet be classified or closed, it stays where it is. + +** Using this file + +This file is hosted and published on [[http://orgmode.org/worg/][Worg]]. So you can either read the +file via your browser or check out Worg's git repository. + +Everyone is encouraged to use this file to facilitate collaboration in +solving issue and extending Org mode. Thus, you can operate on the +entries as you wish, as long as the ID property is kept intact. + +Operating on this file includes, but is not limited to, classifying +new issues, doing research on an outstanding task, or grouping related +issues into a development task. If you start to take care of an open +issue or task, please put a token in a headline property called +"ASSIGNEE", so others can see that you started to take care of this +issue. + +[[file:index.org][{Back to Worg's index}]] + +* New Issues [0/0] :new: +* Development Tasks +** Agenda issues +*** IDEA Meta-grouping properties? + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Meta-grouping properties?]] +*** IDEA persistent frame for agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:09] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][persistent frame for agenda]] + +*** IDEA "Interactive" Search in Agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom]["Interactive" Search in Agenda]] + +*** IDEA overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature idea: overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling]] + +*** IDEA Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:18] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(REQUEST) Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views)]] + +#+begin_quote +> I have been a happy org-mode user for a while, using more and more of +> org-mode for more and more things. By now I have completely replaced my use +> of iCal (on the Mac) by the org-mode agenda, with no regrets. However, there +> is one feature that I am still trying to get into my agenda view, but I +> didn't find a way to do it yet. +> +> There are a couple of long-lasting "events" that I would like to show in my +> agenda view. A typical example would be school vacation periods, but there +> are others: absences of a colleague, availability of some instrument, etc, +> Their common feature is that they can last very long (several weeks) and +> that they don't really occupy my agenda. I just want to know when planning +> something if a given day is in period X or not. So I'd like to see at a +> glance (using a specific font, color, one-letter prefix etc.) if a day falls +> into a certain predefined period. Simply adding a corresponding event to my +> agenda leads to visual clutter: it gets marked on every single day of the +> period. +> +> Is there any way to get what I am looking for? + ++1 for this feature. Also, I think our desire for such a feature could +be met with a calendar-view, perhaps re-using some org-table or +org-columns source? + +I'm envisioning I would very much like something akin to an ASCII +4-day calendar view (like the default Google Calendar view). + +Even if we could line up four days' agenda views horizontally (with an +appointment-style timeline), I would find this useful. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Worldcup + time zone question + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][Worldcup + time zone question]] + +*** WISH Indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom][(new feature suggestion?) indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is there a way to quickly/visually differentiate between repeating/single-occurence tasks? + +If not, something like say, adding an asterisk somewhere in the entry would be great. + +1. Scheduled* - starred schedule/deadline string +2. TODO * - starred 'todo' string +3. fifa2010* - starred 'category' string +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH A little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leaders +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede][a little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leader]] + - ngz :: No answer as of [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** WISH Modify time entry from agenda? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Modify time entry from agenda?]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Relative file names in list org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "WISH" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:22] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about org-agenda-files]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY omitting done TODOs from custom agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:19] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][omitting done TODOs from custom agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> The problem occurs in both my "Agenda plus contacts" and "Get It +> Louder", so maybe it's something with my custom todos? +> +> (org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w@)" "|" +> "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c@)") (sequence "CONTACT(n)" "REPLY(r)" "|" +> "CONTACTED(e@)")))) + +Looks like the problem here was that CONTACT is a substring of +CONTACTED—whatever function decides if a todo keyword is pending or +completed apparently just reads the string until it finds the first +match (?). I changed it to SENT and everything worked fine. Dunno if +that's worth considering a bug, but it's certainly surprising behavior. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** INCONSISTENCY Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:51] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day]] +*** BUG Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading]] + + - ngz :: Still confirmed on [2011-07-18 lun.] + + The manual should specify that SCHEDULED and DEADLINE + keywords are to be put on the line just after the + headline. + + We can also make C-c C-s replace the already defined + SCHEDULED or DEADLINE keyword, if it can find it. + + Moreover, we should remove + `org-insert-labeled-timestamps-at-point'. This variable + is error-prone, and more than often let-bound to nil + (i.e. from the agenda). + + Eventually, I think we should slowly move them to + standard properties (in the PROPERTIES drawer). + +*** WISH org-agenda-follow-narrowed ? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom][org-agenda-follow-narrowed ?]] + +#+begin_quote +When I'm in the agenda, if I hit SPC, I get a nice narrowed view of the +current item. When I toggle org-agenda-follow-mode, I get org to show +me the current item without hitting SPC---but it's not narrowed. It +also has the property drawer collapsed. What I'd like is to have org +follow me with exactly the result of hitting SPC. Possible? +#+end_quote + +*** WISH re-marking agenda entries +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:03] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][re-marking agenda entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Please test this custom agenda command +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:16] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Please test this custom agenda command]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Habits and org-log-done configuration +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: Understanding habits - org-log-done]] + +#+BEGIN_VERSE +> I can confirm this. I personally only log state changes to DONE but +> setting a LOGGING property value of lognotedone prompts for a note and +> fails to show the history for the habit in the graph. +> +> This is probably a bug. + +Yes. The regexp that searches for completed tasks in org-habit is +hard-coded to look for a 'State "DONE"' string. When org-log-done is set +to note, however, the log entries begin with 'CLOSING NOTE'. (A related +problem here is that it assumes DONE is the only relevant todo keyword.) + +One workaround is to add the property LOGGING and set its value to +lognoterepeat. This produces notes with timestamps in the following +format (compatible with org-habit): + + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [​2011​-​01​-​01​ Sat 21:​11​] \\\\ + 5 miles. +#+BEGIN_COMMENT +The note above was modified in order to export correctly to html. It's +source form is: + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2011-01-01 Sat 21:11] \\ + 5 miles. +#+END_COMMENT +Another workaround is to make the setting associated with 'done in +org-log-note-headings to the same as 'state. One quick way to do that is +by evaluating the following expression: + +(setcdr (assoc 'done org-log-note-headings) (assoc 'state org-log-note-headings)) + +As an aside, it seems to me that the "CLOSING NOTE" format that results +when org-log-done is set to 'note is inconsistent with other logging +behavior. For instance, when a "@" is added in org-todo-keywords, the +note is entered with the state change string. +#+END_VERSE + + +*** INCONSISTENCY Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:44] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4)]] + +*** BUG org-write-agenda failure +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-write-agenda failure]] + + - ngz :: confirmed on Org-mode version 7.6 (release_7.6.93.gd243) + [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:56] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 15:53] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files]] + +C-c [ and C-c ] adds and removes files from `org-agenda-files' using +Emacs' customization interface. The customization is saved w/o notice +or prompt. Using these commands defeats setting `org-agenda-files' to +one or more directories because Org will save the expanded list of +directory files. + +*** BUG org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:27] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: (O) org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t]] + +#+begin_quote +>>> Alright, so I did that, and I seem to have encountered an org-mode +>>> bug. Put this in .emacs +>>> +>>> (setq +>>> org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t +>>> org-agenda-custom-commands +>>> '(("l" "Agenda with done items" +>>> agenda "" ((org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done nil))))) +>>> +>>> (define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "l") (lambda () (interactive) (org-agenda nil "l"))))) +>>> +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +>>> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +>>> q -> quits org-agenda +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> still fine +>>> M-x org-agenda b/f -> also displays DONE items, which is a bug +>> +>> I cannot reproduce this. What version of org-mode are you using? +>> +>> - Matt +> +> Right, sorry, I was using org-agenda-list. Here are the updated +> instructions +> +> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +> q -> quits org-agenda +> M-x org-agenda-list -> still fine +> b/f -> also displays DONE items + +I can confirm this bug with this latter set of instructions, though I'm +puzzled why M-x org-agenda-list behaves differently than C-c a a. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty)) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:33] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty))]] + +*** TODO Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:51] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f))]] + +*** WISH org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:31] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future]] + +*** WISH Hide / expand tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:35] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (O) Hide / expand tags]] + +#+begin_quote +I think it'd be nice for this to have the _alternative_ to put the +tags into the properties drawer and occasionally view and edit them +with a column view: + +#+SPECIAL_PROPERTIES: TAGS=drawer:PROPERTIES <= only a suggestion +#+end_quote +*** WAITING tags match agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:24] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg][(O) tags match agenda]] + +*** DECLINED Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu][(PATCH) Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support]] + +*** IDEA Managing appts with org-mode, diary +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:46] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede][Re: Managing appts with org-mode, diary]] + +#+begin_quote +I currently use fancy diary. It's nice to have an overview of the +current day and the upcoming appointments of the next n days. But this +'oh, there is an important appointment in {three|two|one|zero} days' +clutters the agenda view even more ;). This is where it would be nice to +have the agenda view tree like, too. The days could be nodes and the +appointments could be subnode of the day, that could be shown or +hidden. I'm relatively new to org-mode (convertit from planner-mode as +you might know ;-), so I don't know exactly if such a feature is already +implemented or if it could be done without huge amounts of work. +#+end_quote + +** Appearance + +*** WISH Secondary selection +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Secondary selection]] + +*** WISH Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Aquamacs syntax highlighting +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Aquamacs syntax highlighting]] + +*** BUG Column view and subtask overview interaction +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet][Column view and subtask overview interaction]] + +*** IDEA Orgmode and Unicode characters +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and Unicode characters]] + +*** BUG Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly]] + +#+begin_quote +If you add a width declaration ("") to the column containing Korean, +when realigning the table you'll get an "args out of range" error inside +the text-properties-related code in `org-table-align' (provided the +width declaration actually does cause the text to be clipped). +#+end_quote + + - ngz :: is it fixable ? Org tables are not meant to handle + variable-width fonts anyway. [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:54] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede][Bug: startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x)]] + +#+begin_quote +Thanks for doublechecking. I now tested it again, and this only happens when +used in a shell (i.e. in a KDE Konsole) where the point does not blink. +#+end_quote +*** DECLINED Effort columnview: Show total in different column + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Effort columnview: Show total in different column]] + +Too big a change + +*** DECLINED Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:28] +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within]] + +** Babel + +*** TODO Handling of errors when using Ledger + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "WISH" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Handling of errors when using Ledger]] + +*** ASSIGNED Babel - display results in an overlay? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:25] + - State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:28] + - State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Babel - display results in an overlay?]] + +this is now in the Babel task tracking system + +*** ASSIGNED (babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:09] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg][(babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect]] + +This has been added as a bug to the babel development file + +*** IDEA Mark and Tangle :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Mark and Tangle]] + +*** WISH (PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:18] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) Speed keys :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Speed keys]] + +*** WISH Line numbers in tangled source :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:23] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Line numbers in tangled source]] + +*** WISH org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings]] + +*** WISH Babel & DOS + :LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg][Babel & DOS]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) C-v C-v M-x? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:22] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) C-v C-v M-x?]] + +*** WISH Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:49] + :END: + [2010-12-12 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file]] +*** INCONSISTENCY (babel) silent code block evaluation on export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) silent code block evaluation on export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Babel: interweaving code and results? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:06] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: interweaving code and results?]] + This link doesn't resolve through Gmane + +*** INCONSISTENCY Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3) :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:45] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg][Bug: Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3)]] + +#+begin_quote +OK, I now have a clearer idea of what went wrong. + +1. I think it's doing find-file-at-point. + +2. This only happens when point is on this line, but NOT at the start + of the line: #+begin_src haskell + + It's not about whether it's the first time you press C-c ', it's about + where point is when you press it. + +3. If point is anywhere on the closing line of the source block, it + works. + +4. Ironically, the end of the first line is where the point is placed if + you do C-c C-v d at the end of the buffer! So if you do C-c C-v d and + then C-c ', as I did, this bug will happen. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export :Babel: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 18:59] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl][Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export]] + +*** TODO (bug?) cannot generate table format output for octave results :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:05] + :END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug?) (babel) cannot generate table format output for octave results]] + +*** WISH Make tangling work in an indirect buffer :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:17] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) (PATCH) Make tangling work in an indirect buffer]] + +** Capture and refile + +*** IDEA Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)%! +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:32] +:END: + [2010-08-08 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When you think of CamelCase and on-the-fly creating of non-existing +files/headlines, it's just another way of *capturing* stuff. + +Why not defining some simple syntax to trigger the capture mechanism +from special links? + +For example: + + "I write a reference to a >c:newfile which I can create later." + +- The ">c:newfile" is a link. +- The ">c" is a link abbreviation. +- The ">" part is the syntax for link abbrevations to trigger a capture. +- The "c" part is the keybinding of capture template to call. +- The "newfile" would be passed on as a variable for the (nth 3) of the + template (we could have several variables separated by "#" + +This would combine the flexibility of on-the-fly file creation and of +the capture mechanism, allowing multiple templates. + +What do you think? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Refiling notes to current file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Refiling notes to current file]] + +*** WISH Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:37] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree]] + +*** WAITING archiving an indirect buffer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:54] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: archiving an indirect buffer]] +*** DECLINED Blank rows with capture target table-line and aborting capture +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][is it a bug in org-capture]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I hit C-c c t, and then C-c C-k immediately, the file test.org is +still modified with an new blank row inserted in the table, which is out +of expectation, since C-c C-k is known as "abort capture". The minibuffer +says "org-capture-finalize: Capture process aborted, but target buffer +could not be cleaned up correctly". +#+END_QUOTE + +Unfortunately this is difficult to fix, because the user might have +changed other things before aborting. At least the error message is +clear and gives the user the opportunity to fix the problem. + +*** WISH Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed]] + +*** WAITING Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:20] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4)]] + +Cannot reliably get reproduced as of [2011-01-16 So]. + +*** TODO Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:10] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text]] + +*** TODO (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:37] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior]] + +*** WISH remember-other-frame with org-capture? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-06 Mo 21:03] +:END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) remember-other-frame with org-capture?]] + +*** BUG org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs]] + +*** WAITING capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:16] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Bug: capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4)]] + +** Clocking + +*** BUG Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:19] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly]] + +*** TODO No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’ :contrib: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:12] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau][(O) No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’]] + +*** IDEA Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:40] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'?]] + +** Documentation +*** IDEA packaging org-mode & worg + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][packaging org-mode & worg ]] + +*** IDEA Create better function and variable index in the manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:26] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) Command names are now in the manual]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +A suggestion for a possible(?) improvement: the "O" section of the +function index (and I imagine the variable index as well) is pretty +crowded :-). I wonder if texinfo has any facilities to break it up, +perhaps according to the first letter after the first dash. +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Page numbering in manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:07] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Page numbering in manual]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY `org-agenda-tags-column' missing in documentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 16:28] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Re: Tags position in regular agenda view?]] + +** Exporting +*** IDEA Google CL and org-mode + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Google CL and org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have a question regarding the recent announcement of the Google +Command Line project (http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/). + +I was wondering if there are plans to integrate support for calendar +synchronization between Google and org-mode using this tool. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:46] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas][Re: (PATCH) org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request]] +*** IDEA Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2 +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-27 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom][Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2]] + +*** WISH Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +One suggestion, then... why not just have a nice list of all possible +ATTR_LaTeX options? I have killed myself before looking for a simplified +list. Maybe even just common ones since perhaps any LaTeX option may be +passed? +#+END_QUOTE + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +*** WISH pretty export of tags + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca][pretty export of tags]] +*** WISH Allow skipping of levels in LaTeX export +**** latex export - skipping lvls breaks export + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][latex export - skipping lvls breaks export]] + +**** Even if skipped headline levels are not allowed, exporter shouldn't drop out-of-level headlines silently + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:14025%2E1279898870%40maps +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/14025%2E1279898870%40maps][Bug: possible bug in latex export (7.01trans (release_6.36.735.g15ca.dirty))]] +*** WISH fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede][fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export]] +*** WISH iCal export and complex diary sexps + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][iCal export and complex diary sexps]] +*** WISH Seemless editing of Babel Blocks :Babel: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Seemless editing of Babel Blocks]] +*** WISH Captions for source code +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][Captions for source code]] +*** WISH user control of source block header line exporting formats :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:59] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][user control of source block header line exporting formats]] +*** WISH Add timestamp keyword specific CSS class +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:24] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][How to distinguish timestamps in CSS?]] + +*** WISH query - org-emphasis-regexp-components +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:31] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][query - org-emphasis-regexp-components]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I was writing a document with Python code in it and I found a minor problem. +There's no way to put a piece of code like s="Hello World" as verbatim +or code in my document. + +~s="Hello World"~ doesn't work because the border in +org-emphasis-regexp-components doesn't allow " or '. I'm not sure why +this is in place. Can this be removed, or have they been put in for a +specific reason, that I can't see? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time. :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg][(PATCH) Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time.]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export of emphasized link + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :END: +**** INCONSISTENCY inconsistency + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:12] + :END: + emphasized link supported: + - Emacs faces shown in org-mode buffer itself + - export to LaTeX + - [...] + emphasized link not supported: + - export to HTML + - export to DocBook + - export to XOXO + - [...] + this question is still open: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +*** INCONSISTENCY org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:46] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY hlevel in org-export-region-as-html +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:56] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug? hlevel in org-export-region-as-html]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:38] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug) export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Bug: void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans)]] + +*** BUG latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom][latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis]] +*** BUG Org beamer export bugs + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org beamer export bugs]] + +*** BUG html export, latex fragments and emphasize +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:40] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: html export, latex fragments and emphasize]] + +*** BUG LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain][Bug: LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML]] + + - ngz :: since mathjax, should we still consider it as a bug? Is + is even reproducible? [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** DECLINED Org Mode Latex Export Customization of org-export-latex-emphasis-alist + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org Mode Latex Export Customization of + org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + + There is not really anything to be done here, not enough characters + for all those extra emphasis things. + +*** DECLINED Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:59] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:20] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output?]] + +*** DECLINED Combination of =code= and Description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:02] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom][Combination of =code= and Description]] + - ngz :: This is a LaTeX limitation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** BUG eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom][eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) ]] + +Nick Dokos did a good first analysis of the problem [[http://mid.gmane.org/26738%2E1292194633%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][here]]. + +*** INCONSISTENCY Question: How to insert different background images on different frames +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-beamer) Question: How to insert different background images on different frames]] + +*** WISH Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:52] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede][(PATCH) Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY iCalendar selective export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 12:00] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][iCalendar selective export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inconsistencies in email and author export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:52] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli][Inconsistencies in email and author export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY HTML export and absolute file names +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:55] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-03-06 So 19:51]--[2011-03-06 So 21:05] => 1:14 +:END: + [2011-02-24 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][HTML export and absolute file names]] + +*** BUG italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:29] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working]] + +*** TODO HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:31] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image]] + +*** TODO Bug in latex export of <> + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:33] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo][(O) Bug in latex export of <>]] + +*** BUG _<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:37] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][_<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly]] + +*** WISH org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:02] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG) org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used]] + +*** BUG modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:40] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(O) Feature request: modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters]] + +*** TODO HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:44] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV]] + +*** WISH Images in included files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:22] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Images in included files]] + +** Links +*** TODO Document the character protection in links + I don't think this is really covered anywhere. + Maybe we also should protect characters in the visible part, to + make sure thing will never be on two lines...? + +*** IDEA Find all links to a specific file + +*** IDEA Resolve links on export + +**** Example: Make info HTML links work for links to Info files + +Info links of course only work inside Emacs. However, many info +documents are on the web, so the HTML exporter could try to be smart +and convert an Info link into the corresponding link on the web. For +example, we could use the GNU software site then Name.HTML. Here is +the link to be used: +http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/ Another question +is, is this URL going to be stable so that it makes sense to actually +put this into org.el? + +*** IDEA Mailcap support of Org file links + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Choosing external app at runtime?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I follow a link, Org mode knows what application to use. Except +that sometimes I want to override that choice. + +For example, I have a collection of PDF files. Mostly I want to open +them in my statically configured PDF viewer, which is fine. But +sometimes I want to open one in Xournal, say, to annotate it. + +My mail client Wanderlust will ask me in cases like this: if multiple +mailcap entries match, I get to choose when opening the attachment. + +Any chance we could do a similar thing in Org mode? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Dereference file links on export or open + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is "scpc" in the line above a transport protocol? Maybe this should be +an org-mode wide features, i.e. the ability to resolve remote file +references with C-c C-o and on export. Does that sound reasonable, and +would it take care of the need in this particular case? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Radio targets across files + I guess each org file could write a .orgtargets.filename file, if + it has any radio targets. + +*** INCONSISTENCY image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c]] + - ngz :: still valid as of [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-store-link only works interactively (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:47] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org-store-link only works interactively (7.4)]] + - ngz :: no clear answer yet. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Problem opening links that span more than one line + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][(O) Problem opening links that span more than one line]] + +*** TODO absolute HTML links + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:03] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][(O) absolute HTML links]] + +*** IDEA org-git-link does not support locational information within file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:47] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat][org-git-link does not support locational information within file]] + +** Miscellaneous Stuff +*** TODO Use the new argument of bibtex-url + Roland Winkler was kind enough to implement a new argument to the + `bibtex-url' command that allows me to retrieve the corresponding + URL, whether it is taken from a URL field or constructed in some + clever way. Currently I am not using this, because too many + people use an old Emacs version which does not have this. + however, eventually I will implement this. + +*** TODO grep on directory does not yet work. + I am actually not sure, I might have addressed this already, but + my memory is failing me. Needs some checking. +*** IDEA Do we need a 43 folders implementation? + That could easily be done in an org-mode file. But then, maybe + this should really be a paper thing. + +*** IDEA Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files) + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files)]] +**** AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg][AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group]] +**** sharing Org-mode files for collaboration + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet][sharing Org-mode files for collaboration]] +*** IDEA (PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy :Patch: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy]] + + - ??? :: Waiting for FSF copyright assignment. + + - ngz :: According to the list of contributors, papers are signed, + but it doesn't look like this patch has been applied to + code base. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** IDEA Does Org-mode need to be position aware? + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom][Does Org-mode need to be position aware?]] +*** IDEA (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I guess, the manual maintainers do NOT have to be experts in both +org-mode resp. org-babel nore they have to be experts in the supported +language. Its more about the kind of standard stuff and maybe, to +complex stuff even scare people. More things like "How to create a +measurement protocol with org-babel and python", How to evaluate and +report data analysis with org-babel and R", etc. + +To make it more easy for both the readers and the maintainers a kind of +template for such manuals might be helpful. This would help to find the +same information at the same locations and make a comparison e.g. +between the use of R and python possible. + +I'am not an expert for both org-* and python and I'm often very limited +in time. However, I would try to maintain a "python and org-babel" manual. + +If there are more people who are interested to act as a kind of manual +maintainers I would like to discuss with you how a template might look like. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Code block switches buffer-wide? + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Code block switches buffer-wide?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I would like to include the -n code block switch (number lines) into all my +code blocks in a buffer. Is there a way to define a kind of buffer-wide +switches, like it is with the #+BABEL keyword for header arguments? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment]] +*** IDEA Make .org-id-locations non-hidden directory above .emacs.d + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][org-mobile produces errors in normal org functions]] +*** IDEA can you require a certain template with lognotedone? + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg][can you require a certain template with lognotedone?]] +*** IDEA Feature-Ideas +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal][Feature-Ideas]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have severel ideas about new features that I want to share. My +knowledge with lisp and the coding of the org-structure is bad so far, +so I can't try to contribute a patch. + +- 1. *Alias - Trees* + + When I work on projects, I often want to /reference to a certain + other heading/. It would be great to do this not just with links, + but /with an alias/. + + I think of trees, that show up and can be in the current tree as if + they were a subtree, but really are at another position in the + current or a different file. + + This concept would also allow seperate versioning and merging of + external generated content into the current file. ( I e.g. think of + summaries of text in the scientific context. ) + +- 2. More flexible *Colouring for categories*, tags, ... + +It would be great to have the /opportunity to define individual faces +for different categories, tags/ , ... . + +- 3. Implementation of *hourly/minutely reference*. + +It would be useful to be able to schedule something to repeat every 12 +or 6 hours or in 22 minutes. It would also be useful, to have the +opportunity to associate asynchronous shell scripts with individual +scheduled events. + +- 4. *Exclude certain days from Timeline* + + The opportunity to /give/ whole days the status // . That would mean, that when I fire up the + /Timeline/ for a current file (L), certain days are /show/ with a + message "/day is planned for project /. in a certain project + specific project. + + It would also be useful to have a keycommand in the /Timeline/ to + /switch other files on showing them in gray/. + +- 5. *Manually timeclock certain Headings* + + I would love to have a commands that can change the clocktime of not + running headings or insert new clocktimes into the current heading. + E.g. like this: + + Change the clocktime of : + (s) change last timeclock and keep the Start time. -> How long did it last? + (e) change last timeclock and keep the End time -> How long did it last? + (# C-u offset to change the #n last timeclock) + (a) add new timeclock -> Ask for Start and End. (with opportunity to specify the END relative) + +- 6. *Expand timestamps to include locations* + + e.g. Special timestamp-commands that + also ask for places and presents a list of all places of all projects + to choose from. + +- 7. *More complex timeclock-reports* + + Is anyone working on a more comprehensive way of giving visual + feedback and analysing the data of the timeclock-feature. (What have + I done the last month? How many time has gone to which project / + etc.) I am a relatively known [[http://cran.r-project.org/][GNU R]] user and could contribute code + for analysis of time usage / plotting complex more diagrams in + R. Allthough I am not very used to the export mechanisms in + Orgmode. Does anyone like to cooperate? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA text color + highlight +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:47] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][text color + highlight]] + +*** IDEA hiding PROPERTIES line +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "WISH" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hiding PROPERTIES line]] + +*** IDEA camel.el, for CamelCase links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +*** IDEA (ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne]] + +**** DECLINED Drill mode for org-learn +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Drill mode for org-learn]] + +[2010-08-01 So] Superseded by [[id:mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg%5D%5B%28ANN%29%20Org%2DDrill%3A%20Interactive%20revision%20a%20la%20Anki%2FMnemosyne%5D%5D + +*** IDEA Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress)]] +*** IDEA notmuch support for org-mode? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:25] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][notmuch support for org-mode?]] + +*** IDEA Email from org? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Email from org?]] + +*** IDEA Adding entries to Google calendar +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Adding entries to Google calendar]] + +*** IDEA Org mode and geo information +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:49] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Advice needed. Use links or blocks?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +the attached file fetches background tiles from openstreetmap.org for +me, and produces SVG images of tracks I ran. Unfortunately, I cannot +find a good way to use that code in an automated way. + +What I'd like to do, is to have the coords in my training diary, and +produce the images on demand. When I publish the diary to HTML, I want +the coords to be replaced with a link to the image. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA dynamically calculated timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:04] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][dynamically calculated timestamps?]] + +*** IDEA Org-mode Epic Win RPG +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:18] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode Epic Win RPG]] + +*** IDEA org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata]] + +*** IDEA Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience]] + +*** IDEA arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond]] + +*** IDEA output of shell command in agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][output of shell command in agenda]] + +*** WISH Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified" + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified"]] +*** WISH Estimate ranges in column view :Patch: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Estimate ranges in column view]] + +*** WISH Provide property API function to append to a property + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Re: org-capture question/suggestion]] +*** WISH New CSS for orgmode and Worg ? + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][New CSS for orgmode and Worg ?]] +*** WISH Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01)]] +*** WISH Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:53] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active]] +*** WISH Move attachments when refiling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com][Bug Report: refile and attachments]] +*** DECLINED Feature Request for new capture feature +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com][Feature Request for new capture feature]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +would it be possible to have a "C-u C-c C-w" that completes the +capture and switches to the target buffer? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH fractional hours for timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][fractional hours for timestamps?]] + +*** WISH Error running ditaa +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error running ditaa]] + +#+begin_quote +When running ditaa on Linux fedora 12 through java, I get the following +errors: + +java -jar /usr/share/java/ditaa.jar -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V +blue_fd02b5c06d6a5cb80eaf27098c3c490dc81326ce.png +Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on +Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: +org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException +Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: +org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException + at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217) + at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) + at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:319) + at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:264) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:332) +Could not find the main class: +org.stathissideris.ascii2image.core.CommandLineConverter. Program will exit. + +This can be taken care of by using the shell script that comes with ditaa, +i.e.: + +ditaa -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V + +But to do this from within emacs I need to patch org-exp-blocks.el as +follows: + +- (unless (file-exists-p org-ditaa-jar-path) +- (error (format "Could not find ditaa.jar at %s" org-ditaa-jar-path))) +: +- (message (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file)) +- (shell-command (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file))) ++ (message (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file)) ++ (shell-command (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file))) + +(You also need to erase the checking for the existance of dita.jar) + +Wouldn't it make more sense to replace the variable org-ditaa-jar-path with +a new variable org-ditaa-command that by default contains "java -jar +/old/value/of/org-ditaa-jar-path"? This would allow replacing it with a +shell script. Would a patch be accepted, or do you prefer to remain backward +compatible? + +On a related question. Since there is quite a lot of common code between +org-export-blocks-format-dot and org-export-blocks-format-ditaa (especially +if my patch is accepted), wouldn't it make sense to create a +org-export-blocks-format-meta that take all the differences between the +various export-blocks as parameters? This would simplify adding additional +org-export-blocks. +#+end_quote +*** INCONSISTENCY Stack overflow in regexp matcher +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Stack overflow in regexp matcher]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inherited properties not saved when archiving +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:59] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][saving property values when archiving]] +*** BUG gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom][gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I think the problem is org-plot doesn't +recognise that when plotting with error bars, gnuplot expects more than +two columns of data. So a command like this should be sent to gnuplot, +#+END_QUOTE +*** WAITING TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu. +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 02:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu.]] + - ngz :: solution under discussion. [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** BUG In-buffer completion +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Accepted) Re: In-buffer completion]] + + - ngz :: bug still active on [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** DECLINED (BUG) org remember broken + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][(BUG) org remember broken]] + +org-capure is now the default, I don't think we need to fix remember +bugs anymore. + +*** DECLINED Insert ellipsis if headline is too long + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][headline is too long]] + This would be too confusing when compared with folded entries, so I + do not think this feature should be implemented. + +*** DECLINED Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space? + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space?]] + + Closed for now, no useful feedback from report author, probably not + caused by Org mode. +*** DECLINED Gollum + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Gollum]] + +*** Priorities + Here is some information about priorities, which is not yet + documented. Actually, I am not sur if the list here is correct + either +**** QUOTE Priorities + TODO entries: 1 or 1,2,... + DEADLINE is 10-ddays, i.e. it is 10 on the due day + i.e. it goes above top todo stuff 7 days + before due + SCHEDULED is 5-ddays, i.e. it is 5 on the due date + i.e. it goes above top todo on the due day + TIMESTAMP is 0 i.e. always at bottom + but as a deadline it is 100 + but if scheduled it is 99 + TIMERANGE is 0 i.e. always at bottom + DIARY is 0 i.e. always at bottom + + Priority * 1000 + +*** INCONSISTENCY xemacs error when calling org-install :Xemacs: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:43] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-01-02 So 17:33]--[2011-01-02 So 18:02] => 0:29 +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom][xemacs error when calling org-install]] + +The autoloads in org-install.el are +generated by the Makefile (i.e. make org-install.el). The stable +version of Org mode ships with a pre-generated org-install.el and +without recreating this file with Xemacs it won't run. + +The =custom-autoload= is created only once for ob-tangle.el: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;;;###autoload + (defcustom org-babel-tangle-lang-exts + '(("emacs-lisp" . "el")) + "Alist mapping languages to their file extensions. + The key is the language name, the value is the string that should + be inserted as the extension commonly used to identify files + written in this language. If no entry is found in this list, + then the name of the language is used." + :group 'org-babel-tangle + :type '(repeat + (cons + (string "Language name") + (string "File Extension")))) +#+end_src + +As this the autoload directive was added deliberately I suppose there +was a reason for this to be there: If this is the case, there seems +not very much we can do about this. The autoload generating function +in =autoloads.el= always creates a call to custom-autoload with a +third argument. + +*** TODO Review packages in contrib directory + [2010-12-19 So] + +Byte-compiling indicates problems with some packages (e.g. references +to unbound symbols). The review process will single out the problems +for every package in contrib and steps necessary to fix them. + +**** make failure (7.3) + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: make failure (7.3)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:27] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab]] + +*** BUG org-add-note not working with winner-mode + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:22] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][Re: (O) org-add-note not working with winner-mode]] + +*** BUG regexp link on windows problem + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:30] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl][(O) regexp link on windows problem]] +*** TODO EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files :Mobile:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:46] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg][(O) Bug: EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files (7.5 (release_7.5.147.g9ddc))]] + +*** TODO org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:41] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom][(O) org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal)]] + + - ngz :: should we generalize the setup proposed by Julien, or + will we keep the warning? + +** Publishing + +*** TODO project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:17] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (bug) project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html]] + +** Structure +*** TODO Get rid of all the \r instances, which were used only for XEmacs. +*** WISH Create unique clocktable links + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede][Bug: clocktable :link often jumps to wrong target (6.36c)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +: Links created by clocktable :link are simple "text search" links. +: Therefore, they often hit the wrong target. +: +: For example, I used to have multiple clocktables at the beginning of my +: file: first a daily summary, then a weekly one, then a complete one, +: i.e. following clocktables summarized supersets of preceding ones. +: Therefore, most of the time I clicked a link in the first clocktable, +: the next "text search" target was the occurrence of the same task in the +: second clocktable, whereas clicking that link in the second clocktable +: would take me back into the first. +: +: I have been able to partly work around that by moving the clocktables to +: the end of the file, as the search always seems to start at the +: beginning of the file. Nevertheless, when I have two tasks "foobar" and +: "foo", occurring in that order in the file, clicking on the [[foo]] +: link in the clocktable takes me to the "foobar" task, as that has a +: "foo" substring and occurs first in the file. +: +: I would like clocktable to generate links that uniquely link to the task +: from which the particular clocktable entry has been generated. (I'd +: even be willing to assign CUSTOM_ID properties for that purpose, +: i.e. clocktable could take them into account for creating links, when +: they exist.) But the best solution would IMHO be a truly unique +: identification, e.g. by some XPath-like path, e.g. /1/2/3 for the 3rd +: subtask of the 2nd subtask of the 1st top-level task. (Sure, that order +: will be invalidated when I change my task list, but, so what, then I +: would be willing to recompute the clocktable before using links.) +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation]] + +*** WISH org-hide-entry +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-hide-entry]] + +*** IDEA Improving org-goto isearch +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:25] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Improving org-goto isearch]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY excessive blank lines in archives +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:34] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][excessive blank lines in archives]] + +*** WISH Quick note about subtree copy and paste +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:45] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo][Quick note about subtree copy and paste]] + +#+begin_quote +I get the point, but the current presentation is unnecessarily +confusing. I was just /copying/ --- there was no time shifting +involved, so when I look at them menu and see "copy" and "clone with +time shift," it is "copy" that's what I naturally do. + +Actually, as I look at the manual I see: + +`C-c C-x c' (`org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift') + Clone a subtree by making a number of sibling copies of it. You + will be prompted for the number of copies to make, and you can + also specify if any timestamps in the entry should be shifted. + This can be useful, for example, to create a number of tasks + related to a series of lectures to prepare. For more details, see + the docstring of the command `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift'. + +There's nothing there to even remotely suggest to me that this is going +to Do The Right Thing about properties. It's all about dates and +time-shifting. It may /happen/ to do the right thing with properties, +but it sure doesn't /say/ that it will. The ID property is mentioned +only in the interactive docstring, and pretty deeply down. + +I'd like to make a somewhat radical suggestion: + +If cloning is the primary option, and more safe than copy --- i.e., if +copy is "this is the primitive operation that you should only do if you +know what you are doing, because it might corrupt data," then I would +argue that it's CLONE that should be bound to C-c C-x M-y --- the +standard emacs keybinding I'm going to go to first --- and COPY should +be demoted to the less-familiar alternative. + +This assumes that the answer to "Is there any case where I should do +copy and /not/ prefer clone?" is "no." + +But I'm not sure that's the case. They clone doesn't do the same thing +to the cut buffer as copy, does it? e.g., I don't use clone to make a +copy of a subtree from file A into file B. + +Even more radical suggestion: + +So maybe the right answer is not to ask us to use clone all the time, +but that COPY and PASTE should be fixed to Do The Right Thing with the +ID property. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Feature request: Select links by description (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:32] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request: Select links by description (7.4)]] + +#+begin_quote +When using org-insert-link, it would be far better for me to have it +show me the _descriptions_ of links (the default link text), rather +than showing me the links themselves. This is especially true of +email links, which are generally long and unintelligible by +themselves. + +I have something set up that stores a link to every email I send, so I +can easily link to follow-ups in my active Org items. As a result, I +end up with *lots* of stored links, which makes this a real struggle. +#+end_quote + +*** IDEA outline path in links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][outline path in links]] + +*** TODO goto does not accept remote references for local targets + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:12] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) goto does not accept remote references for local targets]] + +*** DECLINED Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:51] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70))]] + +#+begin_quote cite=[[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/36063][Re: Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70)]] +Org-mode used line-profix properties to add indentation, and +linum mode uses before-string properties of overlays to add +line numbers. Both these features add text at display time, +but apparently not in an entirely predictable way. I have no +idea it it is possible to make both work without any gliches. +If anything, this would be a bug report to Emacs, I think. + +The "other issue" is an artefact of Org using an idle time +to update indentation properties. Here my suggestion +would be to ignore the issue and live with it. +#+end_quote + +**** WAITING Provide customization variable for formula that calculates indentation level +:LOGBOOK: + - State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:25] + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + + +** Tables + +*** BUG bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:02] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags]] + +*** BUG $0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special' +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:36] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][$0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special']] + +#+begin_quote +According to [ (info "(org) Formula syntax for Calc") ], $0 +references the current cell. Pressing C-c C-c on the #+TBLFM line +below does indeed work, but C-c ' (`org-edit-special') changes the +$0 reference into a single ampersand (&). Is this a bug? +#+end_quote + +*** BUG Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:06] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) Bug: Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24))]] + +*** WISH org-table formulas with missing values +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:41] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][org-table formulas with missing values]] + +#+begin_quote +I could write 'nan' instead of leaving a blank, and use the string in +the formula, but this causes errors. + +But calc does know the concept of nan: "The variables `inf', `uinf', and +`nan' stand for infinite or indeterminate values. It's best not to use +them as regular variables, since Calc uses special algebraic rules when +it manipulates them. Calc displays a warning message if you store a +value into any of these special variables." + +I'm not sure how to use that nan variable in tables and formulas - it +seems not to be recognized. +#+end_quote + +** Testing framework + +*** TODO Testing --- again... +:LOGBOOK: +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Testing --- again...]] + +*** (Dev) Org-mode Test Framework + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(Dev) Org-mode Test Framework]] + +* Other +** Pretty icons in org buffers +** literate Lisp games development questions :Babel: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) literate Lisp games development questions]] +** Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:FB977E9C%2D6ABC%2D4B05%2DA58A%2DC2E96B841451%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/FB977E9C-6ABC-4B05-A58A-C2E96B841451%40gmail.com][Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla]] +** For Org-mode on the go? + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][For Org-mode on the go?]] +** [babel] grid-based R graphical output with :results value + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) grid-based R graphical output with :results value]] +** Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files]] + +** org-decrypt-to-kill-ring + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM][org-decrypt-to-kill-ring]] + +** DECLINED contributing Debian build scripts + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][contributing Debian build scripts]] + +Mark Hershberger is going to use an automatic process on launchpad +instead to make regular package builds. + +** hypermedia programming with babel + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hypermedia programming with babel]] +** org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress]] +** Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry]] +** publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf]] +** (OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs]] +** info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org]] + +** (ANN) org-protocol-httpd + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet][(ANN) org-protocol-httpd]] +** Tracking finances with Babel :Babel: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom][Tracking finances with Babel]] +** ErgoEmacs + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ErgoEmacs]] +** ReStructured Text table exporter + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ReStructured Text table exporter]] + +** Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede][Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org]] + +** OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info) + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info)]] + +** (ANN) Symorg + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(ANN) Symorg]] +** Indentation in html tables + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Indentation in html tables]] +** Inline image display and Emacs 22 + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Inline image display and Emacs 22]] + +** A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list]] + +** Org-mode screencasts + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode screencasts]] + +** Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review]] + +** ELPA Howto + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ELPA Howto]] + +** TODO New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:13] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom][(O) New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el]] + +* Closed issues :noexport: +** DONE string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:13] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wklkkk%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wklkkk.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5))]] +** DONE Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:14] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aarolk5y%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aarolk5y.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539))]] +** DONE [babel] possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer? :Babel: + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFDB5CE%2E3010600%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFDB5CE.3010600%40ccbr.umn.edu][(babel) possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer?]] + + this has now been fixed, see + - message :: [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/25720]] + - commit :: 5d52daab1029e43b97ccb16cfac998536d8c8924 +** DONE org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFE02FE%2E5050704%40globaledgesoft%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFE02FE.5050704%40globaledgesoft.com][org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp]] +** DONE Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file? + CLOSED: [2010-05-27 Thu 16:51] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vdacp1hi%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vdacp1hi.fsf%40thinkpad.tsdh.de][Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file?]] + + My path was committed with commit 54d513ee0c90f9864bbd39044d9dfbc4f1619513. +** DONE Aquamacs and latest org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:14] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail.gmail.com][Aquamacs and latest org-mode]] +** DONE Error when trying to push to Worg repo +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:15] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Error when trying to push to Worg repo]] +** DONE Export to html +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom][Export to html]] +** DONE Simple Literate Programming Example +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Simple Literate Programming Example]] +** DONE Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures... +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:27] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0%2DiJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS%5F7sI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0-iJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS_7sI%40mail.gmail.com][Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +** DONE bug: remember id agenda +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:33] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: remember id agenda]] +** DONE html export +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:37] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE export of emphasized link + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +** DONE byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event]] +** DONE use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:00] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100526162001%2EGA32657%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100526162001.GA32657%40soloJazz.com][use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap]] + +** DONE Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ... :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:01] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ...]] +** DONE buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:07] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments]] +** DONE [Patch] file protocol in HTML links +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:24] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkznkn2p%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkznkn2p.fsf%40gmx.de][Re: (Patch) file protocol in HTML links]] +** DONE Possible html publish inline image bug + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible html publish inline image bug]] +** DONE org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug? +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:09] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug?]] +** DONE problem with remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:10] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu][problem with remember template]] +** DONE plain list - line spacing +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:15] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][plain list - line spacing]] +** DONE How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21? +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno][How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21?]] +** DONE feature request: C-k safety +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][feature request: C-k safety]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ [6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty)] :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ (6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty))]] +** DONE [babel] Questions about export and :var. Possible bug. :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Questions about export and :var. Possible bug.]] +** DONE Something ate my timestamps +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:11] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Something ate my timestamps]] +** DONE Problem with pushing to webdav server [6.35g] +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:15] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede][Problem with pushing to webdav server (6.35g)]] +** DONE Export question +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:46] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFB3F6B%2E3040606%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFB3F6B.3040606%40sift.info][Export question]] + +** DONE Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly) +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:49] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet][Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly)]] +** DONE Exporting HTML to MS Word +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:50] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][Exporting HTML to MS Word]] +** DONE entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:04] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer]] +** DONE iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp [6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378)] +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:05] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp (6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378))]] +** DONE automatic line wrap +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom][automatic line wrap]] +** DONE mailto:abc@xyz.org +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mailto:abc@xyz.org]] +** DONE clocktable and :tags +CLOSED: [2010-06-07 Mo 12:10] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-07 Mo 12:13 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clocktable and :tags]] +** DONE MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:38] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail.gmail.com][MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed]] +** DONE Why I can't publish my project under Windows? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why I can't publish my project under Windows?]] +** DONE how to upgrade org-mode version? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to upgrade org-mode version?]] +** DONE Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Bug: Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks]] +** DONE org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar) +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar)]] +** DONE Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz][Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon]] +** DONE How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:41] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file?]] +** DONE Timestamp format questions +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:44] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede][Timestamp format questions]] +** DONE Question about beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:46] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo][Question about beamer export]] +** DONE simultaneous clocks? +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][simultaneous clocks? ]] +** DONE visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom][visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer]] +** DECLINED org-remember and anything + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][org-remember and anything]] + I am turning this one off, because we now use org-capture.el, and I + am not sure if the issue plays a role there. +** DONE Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00 +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:20] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00]] +** DONE language independent personal word list +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:29] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][language independent personal word list]] +** DONE 2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:30] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files]] +** DONE Toggle a repeating task in DONE state +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:32] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Toggle a repeating task in DONE state]] +** DONE Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments? +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:05] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments?]] +** DONE org-plot file export options +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-plot file export options]] +** DONE sup-mail link +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain][sup-mail link]] +** DONE table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=) +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:14] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=)]] +** DONE (org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:15] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF]] +** DONE any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:47] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure?]] +** DONE (OT) emacs-lisp compilation question +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:49] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(OT) emacs-lisp compilation question]] + + - Closed :: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs-en/ElispCompilerWarnings + + Function was used before declaration. +** DONE (PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files]] +** DONE preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg][preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling?]] +** DONE (PATCH) comments exporting :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:58] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) comments exporting]] +** DONE Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 08:03] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo]] +** DONE add a table entry by org-remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:26] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][add a table entry by org-remember template]] +** DONE Multiple TODO states +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:27] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple TODO states]] +** DONE Both todo and tag search +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:29] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Both todo and tag search]] + +** DONE Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html? +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:30] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6f7hqrx%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6f7hqrx.fsf%40ymail.com][Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html?]] +** DONE [babel] writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient]] +** DONE Hash mark in filled paragraphs +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu][Hash mark in filled paragraphs]] +** DONE Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 16:06] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el]] + + - Solved :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzoocdt%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Re: How to setup w3m-el as a default browser on GNU system?]] +** DECLINED Entries title in agenda view + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Entries title in agenda view]] + + We are not going to add the hierarchy. On the mailing list there + were answers showing possible alternatives using CATEGORY for + example. +** DONE version of Org used for Worg + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][version of Org used for Worg]] + The bleeding edge version is used to publish Worg - but only when a + file changes it will actually be republished. +** DONE (PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes in multiples of rounding time + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes + in multiples of rounding time]] + A modified patch has been checked in. +** DECLINED Writing the words in different color + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing the words in different color]] + I do not think that this is a useful addition. The user can + configure it with emphasis if needed. (- Carsten) +** DONE Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda) +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:47] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][ Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda)]] +** DONE Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:49] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings]] +** DONE Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:51] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords]] + +** DONE how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:57] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc][how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format]] +** DONE day-agenda: show whole-day-events first +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:12] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][day-agenda: show whole-day-events first]] +** DONE Agenda is slow because of vc-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:13] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda is slow because of vc-mode]] +** DONE questions about html export +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:22] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about html export]] +** DONE Keeping agenda window + CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Tue 19:22] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom][Keeping agenda window]] + - OP was looking for TAB (see [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hm0ic2q.fsf@dasa3.iem.pw.edu.pl][this]] and [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc8im57.fsf@fastmail.fm][this]] post). +** DONE `org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:30] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][`org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline]] +** DONE agenda views +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:33] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][agenda views]] +** DONE keeping uptodate? +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:37] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][keeping uptodate?]] +** DONE Checkboxes in Agenda +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:38] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Checkboxes in Agenda]] +** DONE Possible bug in ordered tasks +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + THis bug was caused by the interpretation of the string "nil" as a + non-nil value - a special case now fixes this. + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo][Possible bug in ordered tasks]] +** DONE Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c)) + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet][Bug: Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c))]] + This issue is resolved with the answers in the thread. +** DONE (BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export]] + Bug has been fixed. +** DONE (patch) filing under current clocked item +CLOSED: [2010-06-26 Sa 08:33] + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(patch) filing under current clocked item]] +** DONE Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:49] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python]] +** DONE Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:50] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list]] +** DONE habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:22] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string]] +** DONE mixing emphasis fails +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:23] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede][mixing emphasis fails]] +** DONE correction to orgtbl-to-html description :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:24] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][correction to orgtbl-to-html description]] +** DONE howto open attachment directory in external program? +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:39] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 10:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][howto open attachment directory in external program?]] +** DONE org-mode stopped compiling recently :Babel: + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode stopped compiling recently]] + Fixed, through a patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE org-iswitchb documentation + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20386%2E1277720390%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20386%2E1277720390%40maps][org-iswitchb documentation]] + The patch has been applied in a modified way, and the + functionality of org-iswitchb fixed so that it works by default. +** DONE Bug in latest version? + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in latest version?]] + Bug was due to changes in the constant entities, bug fixed by + checking elements in the list before using them. +** DONE Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 14:16] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus ]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R? +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:34] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R?]] +** DONE contrib/README +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:36] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3619%2E1277974892%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3619%2E1277974892%40maps][contrib/README]] +** DONE New to org-capture (and org-remember) +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 22:00] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6731%2E1277998108%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6731%2E1277998108%40maps][New to org-capture (and org-remember)]] +** DONE (BABEL) reload source code file after tangling? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) reload source code file after tangling?]] +** DONE problem in highlighting fields in a remote table +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][problem in highlighting fields in a remote table]] +** DONE Make distfile error +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Make distfile error]] +** DONE Bug in timeline report +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:41] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in timeline report]] +** DONE (babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document?]] +** DONE org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e))]] +** DONE Problem export to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem export to html]] +** DONE org-capture: Formatting of entries +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: Formatting of entries]] +** DONE Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda]] +** DONE Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist]] +** DONE mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums" +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums"]] +** DONE (no subject) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(no subject)]] +** DONE LaTeX export works but not in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][LaTeX export works but not in HTML]] +** DONE inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:47] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el)]] +** DONE *.bak files in trunk? +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.bak files in trunk?]] +** DONE Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree]] +** DONE Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent]] +** DONE org-babel and emacs init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel and emacs init]] +** DONE Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:50] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink]] + +** DONE Headline and numbered plain list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:51] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Headline and numbered plain list]] +** DONE magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance]] +** DONE complex filters in agenda view +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:55] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][complex filters in agenda view]] +** DONE a better way with babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:03] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau][a better way with babel]] +** DONE (PATCH) orphaned captions and labels :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) orphaned captions and labels]] +** DONE (babel) exports, caching, remote execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] +** DONE Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list]] +** DONE MobileOrg - no NEW state :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl][MobileOrg - no NEW state]] + +** DECLINED Org ident destroys special fontification of inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] \\ + Duplicate. +:END: +:PROPERTIES: +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +2. org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask in two ways + + i) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's +leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is set to +nil + + ii) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented +as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the indentation +should ideally return to what it was before the inline task. Of +course, this is also a problem when org-indent is turned off, if you +try to automatically hard-indent using TAB. However, in that case you +can adjust by hand the indentation of the first line after the inline +task, and then all the following lines will indent correctly. With +org-indent the problem is much worse since there is no way of +adjusting the soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE (require 'cl) seems not to be compiled +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom][(require 'cl) seems not to be compiled]] +** DONE capture template: %& and %! +CLOSED: [2010-07-05 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][capture template: %& and %!]] +** DONE "Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color" +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 20:51] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg]["Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color"]] +** DONE (BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:13] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output?]] +** DONE org-log-done +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:17] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom][org-log-done]] +** DONE (BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:20] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not]] +** DONE CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:26] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:29] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring?]] +** DONE Export of latex source to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export of latex source to html]] +** DONE Columns with LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:44] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Columns with LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:46] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]] +** DONE Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:47] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB]] +** DONE patch for org mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:12476%2E1278319281%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/12476%2E1278319281%40maps][patch for org mode]] +** DONE Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbke16m8%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting an image to latex]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I did some git bisection, and the last working version is commit +3b5351c7da59da3685f8233c252b1506166d35f3, so it seems Eric's commit +5edefbba269db8e717bd2b40778786b08af3f7a1 introduced the bug. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:50] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg][tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks]] +** DONE No subscript when exporting +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:56] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom][No subscript when exporting]] +** DONE logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:57] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Org+table.el = mutli line cells? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:05] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org+table.el = mutli line cells?]] +** DONE (PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:06] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom][(PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el]] +** DONE org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom][org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question]] +** DONE (BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others]] +** DONE (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:13] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] +** DONE Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-12 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-12 Mo 17:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda]] +** DONE (PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template +CLOSED: [2010-07-14 Mi 20:59] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet][(PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template]] +** DONE cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs]] +** DONE programming for org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom][programming for org-mode]] +** DONE \nbsp usage +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][\nbsp usage]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another]] +** DONE Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE (babel) report name of source block during execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:21] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) report name of source block during execution]] +** DONE footer for latex export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:22] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][footer for latex export]] +** DONE Help: Agenda not working anymore +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Help: Agenda not working anymore]] +** DONE Org-babel init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Org-babel init]] +** DONE how to include time when setting deadlines? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg][how to include time when setting deadlines?]] +** DONE (BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines?]] +** DONE (babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash?]] +** DONE Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX)]] +** DONE Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces]] +** DONE Help installing org-mode on a MAC please? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm][Help installing org-mode on a MAC please?]] +** DONE (babel) key binding requests :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) key binding requests]] +** DONE org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question]] +** DONE How to setup xdg for org-protocol ? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to setup xdg for org-protocol ?]] +** DONE Bib system based on org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][Bib system based on org-mode]] +** DONE org-crypt remember password +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:33] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk][org-crypt remember password]] +** DONE Verbatim export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Verbatim export]] +** DONE Failed to create radio tables +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Failed to create radio tables]] +** DONE longlines-mode (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: longlines-mode (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:45] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar?]] +** DONE LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda?]] +** DONE org-freemind-to-org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][org-freemind-to-org-mode]] +** DONE installing updating Org on other platform +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][installing updating Org on other platform]] +** DONE Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:15] + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3))]] +** DONE possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:17] + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg][possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration)]] + +** User Requests [249/249] +*** CLOSED Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom][Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort]] +*** CLOSED Template for a resume +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Template for a resume]] +*** CLOSED configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom][configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files]] +*** CLOSED jumping in custom agenda view loses settings +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][jumping in custom agenda view loses settings]] +*** CLOSED DAV config for mobileorg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][DAV config for mobileorg]] +*** CLOSED how to sort in the column view? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom][how to sort in the column view?]] +*** CLOSED function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location]] +*** CLOSED indent source blocks automatically when using "indent" :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent source blocks automatically when using "indent"]] +*** CLOSED moving past state changes into logbook drawer? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg][moving past state changes into logbook drawer?]] +*** CLOSED month and day names +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom][month and day names]] +*** CLOSED Multiple files and auto-updating +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple files and auto-updating]] +*** CLOSED (BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ' +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ']] +*** CLOSED Footnote in title? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead][Footnote in title?]] +*** CLOSED must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly?]] +*** CLOSED oddities with ical export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:42] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb%5FgMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb_gMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail.gmail.com][oddities with ical export]] +*** CLOSED (org-BEAMER) block without header +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-BEAMER) block without header]] +*** CLOSED Gnuplot best practice? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot best practice?]] + this link doesn't resolve to an article + +*** CLOSED question about chaining function calls in org-babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2D%2DbVLyjM%5FeQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTin--bVLyjM%5feQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05@mail.gmail.com][question about chaining function calls in org-babel]] + +*** CLOSED how to combine times in clocktable +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to combine times in clocktable]] + +*** CLOSED Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:10] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode?]] + +*** CLOSED Writing a custom export. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:25] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing a custom export.]] + +*** CLOSED Archive Tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:17] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede][Archive Tasks]] + +*** CLOSED R code not producing expected results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg][R code not producing expected results]] + +*** CLOSED trying to get xetex working with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom][trying to get xetex working with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED From todos to tracking +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][From todos to tracking]] + +*** CLOSED how do you extract schedule duration in column-view +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how do you extract schedule duration in column-view]] + +*** CLOSED Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom][Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export?]] + +*** CLOSED (Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells]] + +*** CLOSED Suppressing the ellipsis +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom][Suppressing the ellipsis]] + +*** CLOSED Print / export TODO Tree +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Print / export TODO Tree]] + +*** CLOSED Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name?]] + +*** CLOSED request for comments on org icon theme standards +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][request for comments on org icon theme standards]] + +*** CLOSED how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc.]] + +*** CLOSED Strange error in html exporting +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:29] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Strange error in html exporting]] + +*** CLOSED Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name]] +*** CLOSED row and col spaning in table? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][row and col spaning in table?]] + +*** CLOSED Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:30] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function)]] + +*** CLOSED Mobile mode sync problems :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mobile mode sync problems]] + +*** CLOSED Habit timing +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Habit timing]] + +*** CLOSED Using cdlatex-item within org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:00] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using cdlatex-item within org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED task juggler export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][task juggler export]] + +*** CLOSED Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling]] + +*** CLOSED Full list of org-beamer functionality? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:26] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Full list of org-beamer functionality?]] + +*** CLOSED org-beamer problem +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:27] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer problem]] + +*** CLOSED Effort estimates for multi-day tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:02] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Effort estimates for multi-day tasks]] + +*** CLOSED TeX commands or source code in org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:05] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech][TeX commands or source code in org files]] + +*** CLOSED Average payment rate with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:07] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Average payment rate with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux]] + +*** CLOSED strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom][strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs]] + +*** CLOSED Backspacing into folded items +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Backspacing into folded items]] + +*** CLOSED How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:27] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output]] + +*** CLOSED exec code on task state progression +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "WISH" [2010-09-12 So 14:29] +:END: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:19] + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][exec code on task state progression]] + +*** CLOSED migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration)]] + +*** CLOSED MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope.]] + +*** CLOSED org-link-search: Augment signature? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-link-search: Augment signature?]] + +*** CLOSED Emailing my org file +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:54] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emailing my org file]] + +*** CLOSED Baffled by beamer blocks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom][Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +*** CLOSED org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit?]] + +*** CLOSED footnotes in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][footnotes in LaTeX export]] + +*** CLOSED How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file?]] + +*** CLOSED question: how to refile labeled with origin? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question: how to refile labeled with origin?]] + +*** CLOSED Executing sh-code :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh-code]] + +*** CLOSED Sort agenda view by date? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Sort agenda view by date?]] + +*** CLOSED Export header-level list inconsistency +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:58] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Export header-level list inconsistency]] + +*** CLOSED Debugging shell code that misbehaves :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Debugging shell code that misbehaves]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode and claws +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet][org-mode and clawqs]] + +*** CLOSED org-publish with latest changes? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-publish with latest changes?]] + +*** CLOSED Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:04] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo][Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users?]] + +*** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +*** CLOSED column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me]] + +*** CLOSED configuring Org agenda faces by priority +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][configuring Org agenda faces by priority]] + +*** CLOSED Publishing configuration +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu][Publishing configuration]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode <=> Instiki +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode <=> Instiki]] + +*** CLOSED entities and removing some markup in ascii export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][entities and removing some markup in ascii export]] + +*** CLOSED How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues... +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:28] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues...]] + +*** CLOSED Total time displayed in the modeline? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Total time displayed in the modeline?]] + +*** CLOSED (babel) creating simple vectors in R +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:44] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) creating simple vectors in R]] + +*** CLOSED org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans)]] + +*** CLOSED Adding tags, grouping tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede][Adding tags, grouping tags]] + +*** CLOSED (BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas]] +*** DONE Fontify whole heading line +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:END: + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Fontify whole heading line]] +*** DONE cycle visibility from agenda view? + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede][cycle visibility from agenda view?]] + + use of org-agenda-cycle-show explained on mailing list, and added + to FAQ. +*** DONE Beamer presentation in the document +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Beamer presentation in the document]] +*** DONE clock in from last clock out +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clock in from last clock out]] +*** DONE contrib/README + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4663%2E1277986531%40maps + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4663%2E1277986531%40maps][Re: (Orgmode) contrib/README]] + Updated, patch by Stephen Eglen + +*** DONE wrap text in table cell? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom][wrap text in table cell?]] +*** DONE italics regexp +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][italics regexp]] +*** DONE question about links in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom][question about links in org-mode]] +*** DONE Exclude some file to be in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exclude some file to be in the agenda]] +*** DONE links customization in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom][links customization in org-mode]] +*** DONE trouble with Imenu integration +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg][trouble with Imenu integration]] +*** DONE (babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export?]] +*** DONE capture-clock-out nil! +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][capture-clock-out nil!]] +*** DONE imenu support for babel blocks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][imenu support for babel blocks]] +*** DONE Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org]] +*** DONE org-babel and OCaml - help? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:END: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][org-babel and OCaml - help?]] +*** DONE word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers]] +*** DONE Inserting date/time stamps including seconds +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Inserting date/time stamps including seconds]] +*** DONE Integrate APPTs with OSX +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Integrate APPTs with OSX]] +*** DONE (babel) html export of R data frame :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar][(babel) html export of R data frame]] +*** DONE org-refile-targets: excluding archived +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-refile-targets: excluding archived]] +*** DONE highlight confusion in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg][highlight confusion in agenda]] +*** DONE export to latex book ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex book ?]] +*** DONE "Invalid capture target specification" +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["Invalid capture target specification"]] +*** DONE inline image with link to other than images in html export? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu][inline image with link to other than images in html export?]] +*** DONE org-timeline and diary/calendar +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno][org-timeline and diary/calendar]] +*** DONE orgmode html export uses wrong browser +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar][orgmode html export uses wrong browser]] +*** DONE Some problems with times in a spreadsheet +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite][Some problems with times in a spreadsheet]] +*** DONE first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg][first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced]] +*** DONE Personal accounting with emacs, org and...? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Personal accounting with emacs, org and...?]] +*** DONE (BABEL) evaluation of R code in export :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:30] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) evaluation of R code in export]] + +*** DONE (BABEL) help adding a language, please? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:39] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville][(BABEL) help adding a language, please?]] + +*** DONE Finding old appointments +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:40] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Finding old appointments]] +*** DONE Author info while publishing to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 09:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Author info while publishing to html]] +*** DONE firefox problem with org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel][firefox problem with org-protocol]] + +*** DONE odd org-babel R behaviour :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca][odd org-babel R behaviour]] +*** DONE lookup functions in spreadsheet/table +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca][lookup functions in spreadsheet/table]] +*** DONE startup in column view +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D%3CAANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom%3E][startup in column view]] +*** DONE Browsing worg +CLOSED: [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Browsing worg]] +*** DONE OrgMobile - just a little help? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:14] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm][OrgMobile - just a little help?]] +*** DONE agenda-ignore-date and version number +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:40] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech][agenda-ignore-date and version number]] +*** DONE insert .org file into other .org file by link +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom][insert .org file into other .org file by link]] +*** DONE Migrating from zim to org-mode ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Migrating from zim to org-mode ?]] +*** DONE Eliminate line breaks in html +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Eliminate line breaks in html]] +*** DONE R Babel Example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][R Babel Example]] +*** DONE Nice links bookmarks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Nice links bookmarks]] + +*** DONE Installing/updating org on the mac woes +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installing/updating org on the mac woes]] +*** DONE org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-protocol]] +*** DONE Daily Debian Builds +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][Daily Debian Builds]] +*** DONE No title or date in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][No title or date in LaTeX export]] +*** DONE when will org-indent-mode be ready? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:36] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][when will org-indent-mode be ready?]] + + org-indent-mode works fine starting with Emacs 23.2. +*** DONE How can I add a DONE tag to an org file? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How can I add a DONE tag to an org file?]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg - One step further :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:19] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][MobileOrg - One step further]] + +*** DONE source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g)) +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:02] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][Bug: source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g))]] + +*** DONE Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:46] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost][Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header]] + +*** DONE Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context]] + +*** DONE debugging sbe calls :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "IDEA" [2010-08-08 So 13:16] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][debugging sbe calls]] + +*** DONE org-clock-current-task? +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-clock-current-task?]] + +*** DONE How do you use call and lob in org-babel? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do you use call and lob in org-babel?]] +*** DONE custom sorting of agenda items +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][custom sorting of agenda items]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg for Android...issues :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android...issues]] + +*** DONE How to change plain text face in Org Mode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:18] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How to change plain text face in Org Mode?]] + +*** DONE babel versionitis? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][babel versionitis?]] + +*** DONE gnuplot, table entry and temporary file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Babel) gnuplot, table entry and temporary file ]] + +*** DONE Footnote export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau][Footnote export]] + +**** Footnote problem +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][Footnote problem]] + +Duplicate of "[[id:mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau%5D%5BFootnote%20export%5D%5D%22%2E + +*** DONE Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede][Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda]] + +*** DONE (babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate]] + +*** DONE How to show done tasks in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:23] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost][How to show done tasks in agenda]] + +*** DONE or not? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) or not?]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE use of repository branch "maint" +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup][use of repository branch "maint"]] + +*** DONE Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel) +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel)]] + +*** DONE TODO DONE strikethrough +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost][TODO DONE strikethrough]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE Babel: help with tables and code blocks? +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][Babel: help with tables and code blocks?]] + +*** DONE Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block]] + +*** DONE "C-c a is undefined" +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost]["C-c a is undefined"]] + +*** DONE (babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block]] + +*** DONE why not auto-renumbering list ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][why not auto-renumbering list ?]] + +*** DONE called-interactively-p : org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][called-interactively-p : org-capture]] + +*** DONE (babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer]] + +*** DONE Installation - no way +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installation - no way]] + +*** DONE word count checklist? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville][word count checklist?]] + +*** DONE Confused about mobileorg setup :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Confused about mobileorg setup]] + +*** DONE Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom][Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen]] + +*** DONE (babel) difference in export output if including file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) difference in export output if including file]] + +*** DONE How can I search keywords in my org project? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I search keywords in my org project?]] + +*** DONE False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides]] + +*** DONE horiontal alignment of tables in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][horiontal alignment of tables in latex export?]] + +*** DONE Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list' +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list']] + +*** DONE Generic exporter status +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Generic exporter status]] + +*** DONE org-capture and blank lines +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture and blank lines]] + +*** DONE picture copy paste? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][picture copy paste?]] + +*** DONE Iterate over list with `org-next-item' +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Iterate over list with `org-next-item']] + +*** DONE possible tex export bug? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][possible tex export bug?]] + +*** DONE Problem with URLs in export to latex +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Problem with URLs in export to latex]] + +*** DONE Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom][Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents]] + +*** DONE Cannot open load file: inf-ruby +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Cannot open load file: inf-ruby]] + +*** DONE Todo item property search +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Todo item property search]] + +*** DONE gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings]] + +*** DONE Ditaa and babel goofing again? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa and babel goofing again?]] + +*** DONE org-edit-src-code : same window? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-edit-src-code : same window?]] + +*** DONE HTML export of org source blocks +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom][HTML export of org source blocks]] + +*** DONE svn version number as tag or property? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Re: svn version number as tag or property?]] + +*** DONE cannot enable org-habit +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cannot enable org-habit]] + +*** DONE beamer export question +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo][beamer export question]] + +*** DONE (babel) ledger tutorial on Worg + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:22] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) ledger tutorial on Worg]] + +*** DONE (Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom][(Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode?]] + +*** DONE From state table to state diagram + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][From state table to state diagram]] + +Looks like Eric addressed this request and implemented it. + +*** DONE org-capture templates with file+olp target +CLOSED: [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:END: + [2010-08-23 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-capture templates with file+olp target]] + +*** DONE cells are deformed in Japanese +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][cells are deformed in Japanese]] + +*** DONE Problem whit with code evaluation :Babel: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:10] + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg][Problem whit with code evaluation]] + +*** DONE items not disappearing from agenda once marked done +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom][items not disappearing from agenda once marked done]] + +*** DONE Org capture templates - file paths +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org capture templates - file paths]] + +*** DONE Agenda view and timestamps + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost][Agenda view and timestamps]] + +*** DONE agenda view tags filtering + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost][agenda view tags filtering]] + +*** DONE Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List]] + +*** DONE macros: escaping "," and comments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][macros: escaping "," and comments]] + + Commas can now be escaped. We will not have comments, because that + limits what one can do with macros. + +*** DONE org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans)]] + + As documented in the manual, one needs to use C-u C-c C-l + +*** DONE HOWTO?: make install contrib +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][HOWTO?: make install contrib]] + +*** DECLINED Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno][Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system]] + We no longer support Emacs 21. +*** DECLINED (babel) help debugging latex export :Babel: + - State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:04] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging latex export]] + +*** CLOSED Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects?]] +*** CLOSED OT: orgmode on my palm TX? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][OT: orgmode on my palm TX?]] +*** CLOSED org-learn question +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-learn question]] +*** CLOSED org tables - modified field + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:22] + :END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org tables - modified field ]] + +It is a bit much to expect that emphasis in table fields would not +disturb calc operations. + +*** CLOSED org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:23] + :END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags]] + + +This does not look like an issue we need to track (- Carsten) + +*** CLOSED column view asterisks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:58] +- State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:13] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][column view asterisks]] + +This is a minor issue, no action taken + +*** CLOSED how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom][how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring]] + +This is an Emacs issue and does not need tracking here. + +*** CLOSED Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key]] + +Answered on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED .ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][.ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice]] +Answered on the mailing list, by customizing `org-file-apps'. +*** CLOSED bug with link following +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +- State "BUG" from "CLOSED" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:15] +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo][bug with link following]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have reexamined the bug I had, and as far as I can tell, it occurs +because of the punctuation at the end of the header line. I am +attaching a file that shows the funny behavior. I can link to a +header titled "Foobar" correctly, but not one titled "submit through +submission site:" Attempts to link to the one word header "Bletch:" +also fail. +#+END_QUOTE + +=org-store-link= removes all characters except numbers, letters and +whitespace when creating the link target. Opening the link with +=org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline= set to non-nil +subsequently fails. + +**** org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies]] + +*** CLOSED org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom][org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells?]] + +Org-mode tables do not support multiline cells. + +*** CLOSED org-mode + pomodoro +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode + pomodoro]] + +*** CLOSED stuck project and check boxes +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr][stuck project and check boxes]] + +*** CLOSED a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents]] + +*** CLOSED Examples in numbered lists + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Examples in numbered lists]] + +Indentation can solve this, as explained on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED Error during Publishing to HTML + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error during Publishing to HTML]] + + +This seems to be a non-issue, I am closing it. + +*** CLOSED Org-beamer and beamer overlays +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg][Org-beamer and beamer overlays]] + +*** CLOSED merging column view headings across files +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca][merging column view headings across files]] + +*** CLOSED Table of Contents in html export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Table of Contents in html export]] + +*** CLOSED Trouble syncing files to mobile-org. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Trouble syncing files to mobile-org.]] + +*** CLOSED Mark days in calendar based on agenda + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mark days in calendar based on agenda]] + +This can be done using %(org-diary), as was explained on the list. + +*** CLOSED "{" in Latex fragments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:13] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom]["{" in Latex fragments]] + +I believe that this is solved - the OP did not come back after the +last help suggestion from the mailing list. So I am closing this. + +*** CLOSED (babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update]] + link not resolving + +*** CLOSED file+olp problem in org-capture. +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][file+olp problem in org-capture.]] + +*** CLOSED Folding org drawers in elisp code? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Folding org drawers in elisp code?]] + +The corresponding elisp code was published on the mailing list by Carsten + +*** CLOSED mathjax HTML export question + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][mathjax HTML export question]] + +Question was answered by Jan. + +*** CLOSED Deleting EXPERIMENTAL + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Deleting EXPERIMENTAL]] + +This is a non-issue. Right now there is nothing interesting in this +directory, but it mighr still come in handy. + +*** CLOSED Emacs & problem to export to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs & problem to export to HTML]] + +*** CLOSED Some useful timestamp s-expressions +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Some useful timestamp s-expressions ]] + +*** CLOSED make without make cleanall safe? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][make without make cleanall safe?]] + +*** CLOSED Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom][Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable?]] + +*** CLOSED beamer export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca][beamer export]] + +Looks like this was an old version of Org-mode. + +*** CLOSED Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom][Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o]] + +*** CLOSED tag or property names with dashes + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "CLOSED" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][tag or property names with dashes]] + +The "_-" in a property name can now be escaped in a property search +with "\-". Also, Manish and Carsten are testing a patch to allow "#" +and "%" in tags. + +*** CLOSED Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file]] + +*** CLOSED EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm][EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode]] + +*** CLOSED (Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer?]] + +This is indeed the standard behavior of #+DRAWERS. + +*** CLOSED Links Lost and Export-Report + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:00] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Links Lost and Export-Report]] + +Id locations can be refresehed, and custom links is what Stefan Volmar +really wants. The answers are in the mailing list archives. + +*** CLOSED (BUG) org-capture: file+function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-capture: file+function ]] +An example was published on the mailing list on how to deal with this case. + +*** CLOSED C-u usage +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][C-u usage]] + +*** CLOSED More structure on org-hacks.php +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom][More structure on org-hacks.php]] + +*** CLOSED See total effort in my agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][See total effort in my agenda]] + +*** CLOSED export TODO keyword +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export TODO keyword]] + +*** CLOSED TODO hooks +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][TODO hooks]] + +*** CLOSED Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede][Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now]] + +*** CLOSED bug in make info? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][bug in make info?]] + +*** CLOSED question about date-tree +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about date-tree]] + +** CLOSED empty lines in datetree capture templates +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:32] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][empty lines in datetree capture templates]] + +Malformed capture template. + +** CLOSED remember template is slow +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][remember template is slow]] + +** CLOSED org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item]] + +** CLOSED org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period]] + +** CLOSED Error using Calc time format in table +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Error using Calc time format in table]] + +** CLOSED bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom][bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad]] + +** CLOSED Src blocks fontification issue +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Src blocks fontification issue]] + +** CLOSED (babel) python session speed vs non session :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) python session speed vs non session]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point]] + +** CLOSED Beamer column alignment +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Beamer column alignment]] + +** CLOSED org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line" +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop][org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line"]] + +** CLOSED questions about table mode and spreadsheets +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about table mode and spreadsheets]] + +** CLOSED Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO" +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO"]] + +** CLOSED Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export]] + +** CLOSED Secretary.el +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom][Secretary.el]] + +** CLOSED (Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error]] + +** CLOSED Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports]] + +** CLOSED Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events?]] + +** CLOSED Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class]] + +** CLOSED Magit Integration - logging magit events. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Magit Integration - logging magit events.]] + +** CLOSED Context sensitive M-q +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom][Context sensitive M-q]] + +** CLOSED bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules]] + +** CLOSED 7.01trans obsolete variables +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][7.01trans obsolete variables]] + +** CLOSED bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy]] + +** CLOSED Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error]] + +** CLOSED org-babel and gnuplot +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel and gnuplot]] + +** CLOSED setting index.org for MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][setting index.org for MobileOrg]] + +** CLOSED How to capture another file's column view +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp][How to capture another file's column view]] + +** CLOSED Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom][Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name?]] + +** CLOSED org-beamer outline +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer outline]] + +** CLOSED Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks)]] + +** CLOSED Agenda and weather forecast +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Agenda and weather forecast]] + +** CLOSED Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits]] + +** CLOSED meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall][meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references]] + +** CLOSED Exporting property values to LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting property values to LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly]] + +** CLOSED Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry]] + +** CLOSED Problem with Babel and sessions :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with Babel and sessions]] + +** CLOSED plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom][plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request]] + +** CLOSED latex link target name +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo][latex link target name]] + +** CLOSED Repeating tasks on specific days of the week +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Repeating tasks on specific days of the week]] + +** CLOSED IP locator +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo][IP locator]] + +** CLOSED problem with label in latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo][problem with label in latex export]] + +** CLOSED ical export -> google calendar woes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet][ical export -> google calendar woes]] + +** CLOSED bug: babel-* dirs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel-* dirs]] + +** CLOSED org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs]] + +** CLOSED Export function to Vcal file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Export function to Vcal file ]] + +** CLOSED Mediawiki and org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mediawiki and org-mode]] + +** CLOSED Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released]] + +** CLOSED Org capture with predefined entries from a list? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Org capture with predefined entries from a list?]] + +** CLOSED Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug: Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github.]] + +** CLOSED org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet][org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode]] + +** CLOSED Include files to be used in literate programming :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom][Include files to be used in literate programming]] + +** CLOSED lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link]] + +** CLOSED Bug : http in http link export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug : http in http link export]] + +** CLOSED wanderlust links +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom][wanderlust links]] + +** CLOSED image size in html export +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom][image size in html export]] + +** CLOSED Bug in column view with cookie on item line +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo][Bug in column view with cookie on item line]] + +** CLOSED Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0)]] + +** CLOSED Change color in fontified html export for strings +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom][Change color in fontified html export for strings]] + +** CLOSED Customizing agenda line format +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca][Customizing agenda line format]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> > Well, I tried setting org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to "%0s", which +> > didn't work, but I didn't think about the above. So I tried this now. +> > It does remove the todo keyword, but it does only that. In particular, +> > there is now a space at the beginning of each line, which I assume is +> > simply the space in the headline that succeeds the todo keyword. Any +> > way of getting rid of that? Thanks for the pointer so far. +> > +> +> The information at the beginning of the line is controlled by +> org-agenda-prefix-format. What is the value of org-agenda-prefix-format +> on your machine? + +It seems to be more complicated than that. Here's what I found out by +tinkering around with settings a little. Setting +org-agenda-prefix-format to "" (as I already did before) correctly +removes the prefix *before* the TODO keyword. The formatting function +for everything starting with the TODO keyword, however, seems to +unconditionally insert a space between the TODO keyword and the rest of +the line. Thus, even if the TODO keyword is empty (by setting +org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to ""), there is still a space after the +now empty TODO keyword. Hence, the extra space at the beginning of the +line. To me it seems like there's no way around this with the standard +org mode settings. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Freemind conversion and Notes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Freemind conversion and Notes]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization]] + +** CLOSED camel.el, for CamelCase links +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +** CLOSED listing org source blocks in LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom][listing org source blocks in LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED #+STYLE: strangeness +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][#+STYLE: strangeness]] + +** CLOSED Query: Nested sort in table? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Query: Nested sort in table?]] + +** CLOSED Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org" +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom][Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org"]] + +** CLOSED A LaTeX class for Org-mode export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom][A LaTeX class for Org-mode export]] + +** CLOSED org-scan-tags +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-scan-tags]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede][org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries]] + +** CLOSED org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED Question: Repeating Items? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Question: Repeating Items?]] + +** CLOSED Latex export of subtree not working for me +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** CLOSED extremely weird "bad sexp" errors +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][extremely weird "bad sexp" errors]] + +** CLOSED suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks]] + +** CLOSED Load macros from other files? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Load macros from other files?]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode API? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-Mode API?]] + +** CLOSED Bibtex and latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bibtex and latex export]] + +** CLOSED Worg link broken +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom][Worg link broken]] + +** CLOSED Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** CLOSED Remember item under specific :PROJECT: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remember item under specific :PROJECT:]] + +** CLOSED options and batch exporting +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom][options and batch exporting]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:53] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link.]] + +** CLOSED Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA]] + +** CLOSED (babel) Environment around exported results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(babel) Environment around exported results]] + +** CLOSED Relative dates with sexep +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost][Relative dates with sexep]] + +** CLOSED Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0]] + +** CLOSED Problem when previewing latex fragments +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom][Problem when previewing latex fragments]] + +** CLOSED Putting latex in document titles +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Putting latex in document titles]] + +** CLOSED Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop][Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings]] + +** CLOSED Org-weather: display on some dates +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-weather: display on some dates]] + +** CLOSED BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "DECLINED" from "BUG" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:01] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task]] + +** CLOSED The \only<> overlay in beamer +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][The \only<> overlay in beamer]] + +No follow-up of OP since [2011-09-29 Do] + +** CLOSED SQLite in 7.01h? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][SQLite in 7.01h?]] + +** CLOSED org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem]] + +** CLOSED How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex]] + +** CLOSED Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo][Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android]] + +No follow-up by OP since [2010-09-20 Mo] + +** CLOSED orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices. +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices.]] + +** CLOSED Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc)]] + +** CLOSED Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org) +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org)]] + +** CLOSED Howto define formula for table regions +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom][Howto define formula for table regions]] + +** CLOSED does #+PROPERTY still exist ? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][does #+PROPERTY still exist ?]] + +** CLOSED Ditaa usage +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa usage]] + +** CLOSED cheatsheets in emacs +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cheatsheets in emacs]] + +** CLOSED "No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link]] + +** CLOSED subtree export fails with src block +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: subtree export fails with src block]] + +** CLOSED *.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:04] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard]] + +Seems to be a Snow Leopard issue + +** CLOSED wrap sourcecode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][wrap sourcecode?]] + +** CLOSED File-level execute permissions? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][File-level execute permissions?]] + +** CLOSED Requests about the code demarcation +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Requests about the code demarcation]] + +** CLOSED Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk][Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer?]] + +** CLOSED ditaa set-up on windows box +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ditaa set-up on windows box]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP]] + +** CLOSED Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:45] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree]] + +** CLOSED table, moving cells + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:49] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno][table, moving cells]] + +This is a non issue, and workaround have been shown on the mailing list. + +** CLOSED (PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions]] + +** CLOSED geolocated notes +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][geolocated notes]] + +** CLOSED org-footnote in messages, practical question. + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][org-footnote in messages, practical question.]] + +** CLOSED Windows installation with msysGit +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Windows installation with msysGit]] + +** CLOSED Can't find LaTeX under MAC + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Can't find LaTeX under MAC]] +Not an Org mode question. +** CLOSED LaTeX classes for Resume Writing +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][LaTeX classes for Resume Writing]] + +** CLOSED org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment?]] + +** CLOSED how to set faces? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom][how to set faces?]] + +** CLOSED org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash]] + +** CLOSED Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files]] + +** CLOSED lisp functions in column view +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][lisp functions in column view]] + +** CLOSED (babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file]] + +** CLOSED (beamer) export a long source block as in several frames +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(beamer) export a long source block as in several frames]] + +** CLOSED Sidewaystable in org? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Sidewaystable in org?]] + +** CLOSED org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items]] + +** CLOSED Fold "preamble/options" under first header +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fold "preamble/options" under first header]] + +** CLOSED (babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu][(babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name]] + +** CLOSED Projects+Next Actions view + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Projects+Next Actions view]] + +** CLOSED Having problems with faces in org agenda +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo][Having problems with faces in org agenda]] + +** CLOSED link export confused when URL parameter is another URL +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][link export confused when URL parameter is another URL]] + +** CLOSED POPERTIES Effort and HTML export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:49] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018 +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018][POPERTIES Effort and HTML export]] + +** CLOSED Agenda sorting strategy + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Agenda sorting strategy]] + +** CLOSED Store link upon sending a message +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][Store link upon sending a message]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Org-agenda.el :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(PATCH) Org-agenda.el]] + +** CLOSED strike through display problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][strike through display problem]] + +** CLOSED org-capture: file to top level with prepend + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:51] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture: file to top level with prepend]] + +Gmane link does not work. + +** CLOSED Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9]] + +No further reaction from OP +** CLOSED wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED org-agenda-skip-function not working +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-agenda-skip-function not working]] + +** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +** CLOSED 7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known]] + +** CLOSED Habits bug? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu][Habits bug?]] + +** CLOSED New clocktable code bug + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][New clocktable code bug]] + +** CLOSED (BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python? +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python?]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 ]] + +No feed back or backtrace via mailing list, issue closed. + +** CLOSED Executing sh code within sessions +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh code within sessions]] + +** CLOSED publishing a drawer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "IDEA" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:25] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][publishing a drawer]] + +** CLOSED Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil]] + +** CLOSED Org 7.3 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu][Org 7.3]] + +No followup in the thread, seems to be an isolated problem + +** CLOSED bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items]] + +** CLOSED Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:49] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags]] + +** CLOSED org-faq: Invalid XHTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-01-29 Sa 15:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:27] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-faq: Invalid XHTML]] + +** CLOSED Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:35] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk][Bug: Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:46] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom][Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks]] + +** CLOSED UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED latex table export not centered +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede][latex table export not centered]] + +** DONE syntax bugs in footnotes + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) syntax bugs in footnotes]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code]] + +** DONE Why :ID: properties? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom][Why :ID: properties?]] + +** DONE Directory Links (and a bug?) +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Directory Links (and a bug?)]] + +** DONE bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html)) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html))]] + +** DONE (WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode?]] + +** DONE Search files in a folder +CLOSED: [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Search files in a folder]] + +** DONE Agenda: Hide Sched. Items +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda: Hide Sched. Items]] + +** DONE problem exporting region from within a read-only file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting region from within a read-only file]] + +** DONE todos without timestamp in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][todos without timestamp in agenda]] + +** DONE image alt text for HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][image alt text for HTML export]] + +** DONE export of .org file from within a different .org file +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom][export of .org file from within a different .org file]] + +** DONE Templates - newline in string? +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit][Templates - newline in string?]] + +** DONE different result in spreadsheet tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush][different result in spreadsheet tutorial]] + +** DONE org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id) +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id)]] + +** DONE (bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set]] + +** DONE (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Re: (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working]] + +** DONE including holidays in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][including holidays in agenda]] + +** DONE org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** DONE Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords? +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords?]] + +** DONE inline images in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo][inline images in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Would it be reasonable to augment org's processing of #+ directives so +that an org user can specify (that Org should display inline images, +D.M.) there instead of using the local variables, which is less +user-friendly? +#+END_QUOTE + +** DONE (bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:54] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types]] + +** DONE Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments]] + +** DONE C-a T DONE behavior +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost][C-a T DONE behavior]] + +** DONE calendar and agenda entries +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][calendar and agenda entries]] + +** DONE Latex export of subtree not working for me + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** DONE Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word) +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word)]] + +** DONE How can I get document metadata? +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][How can I get document metadata?]] + +** DONE Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function]] +Reply in thread +** DONE Sparse trees and searching for multiple words + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sparse trees and searching for multiple words]] + +Use search view +** DONE Tags in Agenda View +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom][Tags in Agenda View]] + +** DONE #+source line in export +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom][#+source line in export]] + +** DONE exporting to a specified directory +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][exporting to a specified directory]] + +** DONE Update for habit documentation + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:44] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom][Update for habit documentation]] +Manual was updated +** DONE Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:06] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file]] + +Such a function was posted on the mailing list. + +** DONE Exporting to html +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting to html]] + +** DONE Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo][Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses]] + +** DONE bug with spaces in regexp search +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug with spaces in regexp search]] + +** DONE Agenda Question +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom][Agenda Question]] + +** DONE Yet another way to use maps --- the light way +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Yet another way to use maps --- the light way]] + +** DONE compiling org without make +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice][compiling org without make]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:48] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca +:ASSIGNEE: Carsten +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca][(PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines]] + +** DONE org-capture (lost PATCH?) +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture (lost PATCH?)]] + +** DONE Cannot insert column - wrong type argument +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice][Cannot insert column - wrong type argument]] + +** DONE Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output]] + +** DONE How do I convert org to OpenOffice? + CLOSED: [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :LOGBOOK: + - Note taken on [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] \\ + Added FAQ on converting to doc/odt. + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I convert org to OpenOffice?]] + +** DONE Filter scheduled items +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Filter scheduled items]] + +** DONE Title for capture template +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Title for capture template]] + +** DONE publishing orgmode to a CMS +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][publishing orgmode to a CMS]] + +** DONE bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails]] + +** DONE Latex exporter bug or feature? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo][Latex exporter bug or feature?]] + +** DONE How to not publish log done note? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to not publish log done note?]] + +** DONE Omit top level heading in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo][Omit top level heading in latex export?]] + +** DONE How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom][How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + +** DONE Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page?]] + +** DONE (PATCH) there is no ś in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][(PATCH) there is no ś in HTML]] + +** DONE Quoting formula "cookies" in table? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Quoting formula "cookies" in table?]] + +** DONE custom postamble in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][custom postamble in HTML export]] + +** DONE quotation marks in LaTeX (again) +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][quotation marks in LaTeX (again)]] + +** DONE Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome][Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error]] + +** DONE (BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes]] + +** DONE Orgmode and filling +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and filling]] + +** DONE Tracking time with MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tracking time with MobileOrg]] + +** DONE conditional export based on target +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][conditional export based on target]] + +** DONE (babel) Writing R-packages the org way? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Writing R-packages the org way?]] + +** DONE (BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][(BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement]] + +** DONE How can I just publish entry marked as DONE? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I just publish entry marked as DONE?]] + +** DONE Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone?]] + +** DONE Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return?]] + +** DONE library of babel, bootabs question +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][library of babel, bootabs question]] + +** DONE how to reverse a region of outline items +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to reverse a region of outline items]] + +** DONE bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future]] + +** DONE TaskJuggler 3, revisited +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TaskJuggler 3, revisited]] + +** DONE (BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentation +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentatidon]] + +** DONE Export Headings Only? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export Headings Only?]] + +** DONE org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse]] + +** DONE No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:18] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule]] + +** DONE Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML]] + +** DONE Feature request +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request]] + +** DONE centering text in html +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][centering text in html]] + +** DONE Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML]] + +** DONE Need help publishing subdirectories +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Need help publishing subdirectories]] + +** DONE puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom][puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour]] + +** DONE optimal usage Q : how would you do this? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][optimal usage Q : how would you do this?]] + +** DONE cache issue when publishing website with include file +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cache issue when publishing website with include file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export]] + +** DONE org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:29] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor]] + +** DONE org-mobile-use-encryption :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile-use-encryption]] + +** DONE Insert link to recently captured Note? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert link to recently captured Note?]] + +** DONE (BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][(BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML]] + +** DONE org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp]] + +** DONE Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom][Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii]] + +** DONE Auto clock-out? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Auto clock-out? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE org-7 under Xemacs +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org-7 under Xemacs]] + +** DONE Elementary: How to return to the main view +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Elementary: How to return to the main view]] + +** DONE Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5)]] + +** DONE org-freemind.el and rx +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom][org-freemind.el and rx]] + +** DONE 7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work]] + +** DONE blorgit build +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][blorgit build]] + +** DONE Bug (?) in org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo][Bug (?) in org-capture]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading and inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][org-insert-heading and inline tasks]] + +** DONE Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export?]] + +** DONE (Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML]] + +** DONE Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented]] + +** DONE Babel for blogging :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr][Babel for blogging]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-insert-heading]] + +** DONE #+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM][#+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation?]] + +** DONE mobileorg app can't sync :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom][mobileorg app can't sync]] + +** DONE Publishing htaccess files with a project +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Publishing htaccess files with a project]] + +** DONE Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML]] + +** DONE Library calls and begin_example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom][(Babel) Library calls and begin_example]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE (BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format? +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format?]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode?]] + +** DONE Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp]] + +** DONE Latex Export +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom][Latex Export]] + +** DONE xemacs compatibility +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][xemacs compatibility]] + +** DONE Exporting #+lob :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom][Exporting #+lob]] + +** DONE (babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org?]] + +** DONE Unable to export babel results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Unable to export babel results]] + +** DONE org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom][org-default-notes-file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:55] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl][(PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables]] + +** DONE pcomplete bug in 7.4 +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr][pcomplete bug in 7.4]] + +** DONE (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:51] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE]] + +** DONE (manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:25] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict]] + +** DONE indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line]] + +** DONE bug: invalid export key in export visible region +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:58] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: invalid export key in export visible region]] + +** DONE fill-region and list items +CLOSED: [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:14] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) fill-region and list items]] + +** DONE Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:23] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE][(O) Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph]] +** DONE proper visibility cycling for items + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Make them not hide the text after the final list item. + This is not trivial, we cannot usenormal outline stuff, + needs a separate implementation. +** DONE (PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:32] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists]] + +** DONE preserving location of point + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][preserving location of point]] + Resolved - works with emacs -Q, so it is due to some other + package. +** DONE VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice][VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u ]] + +** DONE question about link syntax +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about link syntax]] + +** DONE M-return on list items in quote blocks + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:24] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: M-return on list items in quote blocks]] +** CLOSED (ANN) List improvement v.2 + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) List improvement v.2 ]] + +git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + +** CLOSED (ANN) New lists definition :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) New lists definition]] + + git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + + Superseded by [[id:mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom%5D%5BList%20improvement%20v%2E2%5D%5D + +** CLOSED Export of quoted region to HTML +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:34 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Export of quoted region to HTML]] + +"At the moment, there is no real support for lists inside blocks." ([[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/34716][Re: Export of quoted region to HTML]]) +** CLOSED Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] \\ + Cannot reproduce it anymore on [2011-07-16 sam.]. +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:44 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom][Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook]] + +** DONE (bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] \\ + Fixed with new escaping mechanism. +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] +** DONE possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1)]] + +** DONE Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom][Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days]] + Patch is applied. +** DONE bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer%! +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer]] + +** DONE Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:52] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** DONE habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p][Bug: habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g)]] + +The code now has a better error message for this case. + +** DONE Git pull breaks agenda? + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: Git pull breaks agenda?]] + +** DONE Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:23] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom][Bug: Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4)]] + +** DONE Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5)) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:10] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][Bug: Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5))]] + +** DONE Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists]] + +** DONE (babel) Error Before first headline. :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error Before first headline.]] + +** DONE Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:10] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel]] + +** DONE Org-Babel and Ledger :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-Babel and Ledger]] + +** DONE (BABEL) Commands for navigation :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Commands for navigation]] + +** DONE Comments in tangled source + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Comments in tangled source]] + +** DONE (babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook]] + +** DONE (babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug? + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug?]] + +** DONE Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows]] + +** DONE (babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png]] + +** DONE (babel) support plantuml :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) support plantuml]] + +** DONE (org-babel) References Not Expanding :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:20] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) References Not Expanding]] + +** DONE (ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:08] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands]] + +** DONE problem with babel and R :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:02] + :END: + [2010-08-17 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][problem with babel and R]] + +Now possible to wrap results in Org blocks which can export as raw +org, but still allow for clean replacement of raw Org results. + +** DONE The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file]] + +** DONE indentation in capture templates :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ indentation in capture templates]] + +** DONE Capture and clock options +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and clock options]] + +** DONE Capture and checkitem +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:06] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and checkitem]] + + +This is now fixed, two reasonably serious issues. checkitem was not +implemented at all, and both checkitem and item could be placed into +the wrong subtree. + +** DONE (BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer]] + +** DONE (BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer]] + +** DONE Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop' + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Clocking + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop']] +** DONE Document the :recursive option for org-publish +CLOSED: [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: +** DONE typo in org.texi? :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:38] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:36] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][typo in org.texi?]] + +** DONE improve doc string + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - patch: http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/26 + - Org repo commit: http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git/commitdiff/bc53b3da3bf95c767113625693895a7dcbf389bb +** DONE workaround for the given example + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Worg repo commit: http://repo.or.cz/w/Worg.git/commitdiff/f5814f05998292d4eb80f9772c279e9837644f29 +** DONE (bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export]] + This has been fixed + +** DONE lists, maths and export to latex :Patch: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: lists, maths and export to latex]] +*** (PATCH) lists and exportation to latex + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Eric Schulte + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) lists and exportation to latex]] + + This patch has been applied. + +** DONE latex export and booktabs tables :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:02] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][latex export and booktabs tables]] +** DONE Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath? + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Carsten + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + This has been fixed, use the setting #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:verbatim. + It is also documented in the jsMath tutorial. + +** DONE Comment before \begin{equation} exported verbatim + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I noticed the following behavior: A comment line starting with "#" +immediately before a \begin{equation} environment is passed verbatim +as well. I don't think it counts as a bug, since there should probably +be a blank line before \begin anyway. +#+END_QUOTE + + This issue has been fixed. + +** DONE Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML]] + + - Patch :: [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/90/][90]] +** DONE Support multiple CSS container classes :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS property]] +** DONE Literal examples and indentation +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Literal examples and indentation]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Ok, so the answer of my initial question is no. + +That's a bit sad because, IMHO, this could a little be smarter than +this. For example if the line to indent is an empty one, then don't +insert indentation, or if the text is already indented then indent +with respect of the current indentation, etc... +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export]] + + Eric Fraga's code is now on the master branch. + +** DONE (BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export]] + Fixed, patch by Eri Schulte, this now gives a good error message + +** DONE (PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during LaTeX Export :Babel: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during + LaTeX Export]] + + Fixed with special treatment of these lines before the first headline +** DONE (BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading :Babel: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading]] + + Fixed, patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML]] +** DONE Minor Bug in ical2org awk script +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Minor Bug in ical2org awk script]] +** DONE Correct babel format for ditaa? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Correct babel format for ditaa?]] + +** DONE Bug in org-colview/org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Bug in org-colview/org-beamer?]] +** DONE bug in org-mode-export-as-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal][bug in org-mode-export-as-latex]] +** DONE LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))) +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)))]] + +** DONE Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +- State "ASSIGNED" from "BUG" [2010-08-08 So 14:27] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:15] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom +:ASSIGNEE: dmaus +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom][Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory]] + +** DONE Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 11:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex]] + +** DONE Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export]] + +** DONE BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-( +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-(]] + +** DONE Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for]] + +** DONE html-export mangels mailto: links +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) html-export mangels mailto: links]] + +** DONE escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans)]] + +There was a bug here (fixed), and also a user error (told the user so +on the mailing list). + +** DONE export to latex broken +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:22] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex broken]] + +The offending commit has been reverted. + +** DONE Publishing documents body-only + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 13:58] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + +The :body-only property is now available in the publishing setup. + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom][Publishing documents body-only]] + +** DONE Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:44] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans)]] + + [2010-07-20 Tue] Request for backtrace sent to bug report author + +** DONE suggesting a new function org-export-string :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][suggesting a new function org-export-string]] +** DONE portable absolute links in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][portable absolute links in HTML export]] + +** DONE insert a remember template at point +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][insert a remember template at point]] +** DONE Movement of C-a under visible-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Movement of C-a under visible-mode]] +** DONE org-mode and auto-fill-mode :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:24] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode and auto-fill-mode]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1hblfgkp1%2Efsf%40cam%2Eac%2Euk][Removing (modify-syntax-entry ?# "<")]] + +** DONE Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain][Bug: Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i)]] +** DONE org-feed not working for codeproject :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-feed not working for codeproject]] +** DONE (mobileorg) Android sync failed :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobileorg) Android sync failed]] +** DONE org-capture question/suggestion + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][org-capture question/suggestion]] + This patch has been applied, estimate operators are now active and + documented. +** DONE Displaying inline remote images +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:01] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Displaying inline remote images]] +** DONE Tables and environment with parameters + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Tables and environment with parameters]] + Another case of checking for protectedness at the wrong place (the + following line :( ) +** DONE org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:00] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd))]] +** DONE org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51))]] +** DONE inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active]] + +*** inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up%! + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][Bug: inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up]] +** DONE Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans) + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D8739vzpqx1.wl%25dmaus%40ictsoc.de][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed by fixing the function org-find-olp, this can not search just + in the current buffer if the THIS-BUFFER flag is set. +** DONE Problem when org-capturing text from French email + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Problem when org-capturing text from French email]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus to work around Emacs bug #5306. + +** DONE org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans) + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus. + +** DONE web site bug +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][web site bug]] +** DONE indent levels in dynamic block clock? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent levels in dynamic block clock?]] +** DONE org-collector : display problem with propview +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-collector : display problem with propview]] +** DONE startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block) +CLOSED: [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block)]] +** DONE Diary-integration in version 7.01.g +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3Dop.vgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost.localdomain][Diary-integration in version 7.01.g]] +** DONE Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG= +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:59] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG=]] +** DONE links and ID properties +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][links and ID properties]] + +** DONE (Patch) Capture: [Error: (void-function FILE)] and %![Error: (void-function SEXP)] (again)%! +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) Capture: %!(Error: (void-function FILE)) and %!(Error: (void-function SEXP)) (again)]] +** DONE (BUG) Org-capturing items to clock +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Org-capturing items to clock]] +** DONE Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:42] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer]] +** DONE MobileOrg capture - bad encoding :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg capture - bad encoding]] +** DONE Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient]] +** DONE (BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems]] +** DONE avoiding source block prompts +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu][avoiding source block prompts]] +** DONE (babel) lob evaluation : a bug ? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(babel) lob evaluation : a bug ?]] + +** DONE (mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom][(mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing]] + +** DONE bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties? :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties?]] + +** DONE (Patch) Org-fontify :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Patch) Org-fontify]] + +** DONE (PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string.]] + +** DONE org-feed XML entities and character encoding :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][org-feed XML entities and character encoding]] + +** DONE (Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil]] + +** DONE (Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:15] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition)]] + +I installed the new code into the contirb directory. + +** DONE Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot?]] + +This is solved, and new example on how to work with GNUPLOT are up on Worg. + +** CLOSED Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** CLOSED Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight]] + +** CLOSED export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug: export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks]] + +** CLOSED org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:19] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection]] + +True, but cannot be fixed, at least not easily. The new entry can +still be found at the original target location, go there with `C-c C-u +C-c r'. + +** CLOSED org-capture + autoload + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture + autoload]] +The autoload Cookie is in there now. + +** CLOSED capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...) +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:14] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...)]] + +Not a bug. Cf. manual Template expansion and Carsten's +explanation: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6DE91187%2D59F0%2D4AA3%2D9487%2DA758CEB6D5DE%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 +commit-972b0a58...)]]. + +** CLOSED documention missing +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][Bug: documention missing]] + +** CLOSED Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Bug) Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk]] +** CLOSED org capture: use org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom][org capture: use org-default-notes-file]] + +** CLOSED Comments cannot be filled +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + +** CLOSED Disputed keys (meta left), (meta right) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 12:48] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:25] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Disputed keys]] +** DONE keys and command name info + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:44] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][keys and command name info]] + +** CLOSED Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] \\ + Insufficient information and no confirmation of the bug since more + than six months. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:31] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/66] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY?]] + +** DONE Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers. :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/65] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers.]] + +** DONE Re: export to latex broken :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 20:55] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:37 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/63] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][(O) Re: export to latex broken]] + +** DONE (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] \\ + This has been applied to master. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 21:04] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:39 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/62] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom][(O) (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command]] + +** DONE Macro expansion in included files :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] \\ + Applied already. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 16:07] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:42 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/61] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Macro expansion in included files]] + +** CLOSED "org-nil" error in LaTeX export :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:47] \\ + No report. Apperently, an user configuration problem. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/60] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) "org-nil" error in LaTeX export]] +** CLOSED (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] \\ + No confirmation under 30 weeks. Probably an user misconfiguration. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 00:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/58] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block]] + +** DONE Verbatim code gets interpreted :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/57] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) (Bug) Verbatim code gets interpreted]] + +** CLOSED (BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:50] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:35 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/38] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli][(BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers]] + +** DONE For Patchwork workers: An updated pw + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom][For Patchwork workers: An updated pw]] + +The pw script that should be used to work with our patchwork server +is part of the distribution, UTILITIES/pw. Among other things, this +script arranges for automatic emails to the mailing list when the +status of a patch changes. + +** DONE (ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite][(ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode]] +I have made a link to this new translator on Worg, in +org-translators.org. + +** CLOSED tags grouping not working :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:43] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 02:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/20] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede][Bug: tags grouping not working]] +** DONE org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org]] + +org-velocity.el is now a contributed packge, with documentation on worg. +** CLOSED Footnote incorrect in Worg + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:34 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Footnote incorrect in Worg]] + +** CLOSED org-mediawiki :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:53 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/17] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mediawiki]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:54 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/16] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file]] + +** CLOSED send mail without starting gnus first :new: + CLOSED: [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:57] + - Note taken on [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] \\ + This is a gnus issue. + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [3/15] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][send mail without starting gnus first]] + +** CLOSED links and no match message :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:30] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:03 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/12] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu][links and no match message]] + +No answer in 25 weeks. Case closed. +** CLOSED org-cdlatex after environment :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/11] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-cdlatex after environment]] + +Document to reproduce: + +#+begin_src org +,* Heading +,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +;; Turn on cdlatex-mode +(org-cdlatex-mode 1) +,#+END_SRC + + +\begin{eqnarray*} + & & \\ +\end{eqnarray*} + +\begin{eqnarray*} +b&=& +\begin{cases} +1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 +\end{cases} +5 +\end{eqnarray*} + + +Typing _ after 4 prints _{}. Typing _ after 5 only gives _. 5 isn't +considered to be part of math-mode anymore. +#+end_src + +** DONE Org now fontifies code blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][Org now fontifies code blocks]] + +** DONE MobileOrg now in the Android market + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][MobileOrg now in the Android market]] +** DONE (CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom][(CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point]] + +Included in Worg now. + +** DONE Finally jekyll and org-jekyll + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Finally jekyll and org-jekyll]] + +Documented in Worg. + +** DONE MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages]] + +Included in Org and documented. + +** CLOSED what am I missing about remote editing? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 15:41] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:11 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/10] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][what am I missing about remote editing?]] +** CLOSED error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier" :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:02] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:13 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/9] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier"]] + +** CLOSED void-function error :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:37] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/8] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][void-function error]] + +** DONE Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks :Babel:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 11:07 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks]] +** DONE Baffled by beamer blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:50] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:04 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) (BUG) Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +** DONE Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:36] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom][Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands]] + +#+begin_quote +Is there an option for org-metaup (org-metadown) and +outline-next-visible-heading (outline-previous-visible-heading) to +alway jump to the first non-star character in a headline instead of +the beginning of a headline? I could not find this option in the +manual. In my opinion, this would complement the "special C-a/e" +commands which I also use. This behaviour is already the default for +org-metaup/-down in lists. +#+end_quote + +** DONE LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug]] + +** DONE Row formulas + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + @4=..... + +** CLOSED latex export problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech][latex export problem]] + + - ngz :: not consistently reproducible, 41 weeks old, outdated + version of Org : closed. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE Make a variable that current line should be recomputed always + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + In each table. Skipping headers of course. +** DONE include value of single table cell in text? + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:49] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:17 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][include value of single table cell in text?]] + +** DONE (Feature Request) Cross headings in tables + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:51] +:END: + [2010-10-27 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Feature Request) Cross headings in tables]] + +** DONE MathJax is now the default for HTML math + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:21 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom][MathJax is now the default for HTML math]] + + - ngz :: it is in manual since a long time. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :END: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE + 1) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's + leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is + set to nil + + 2) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented + as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the + indentation should ideally return to what it was before the + inline task. Of course, this is also a problem when org-indent + is turned off, if you try to automatically hard-indent using + TAB. However, in that case you can adjust by hand the + indentation of the first line after the inline task, and then + all the following lines will indent correctly. With org-indent + the problem is much worse since there is no way of adjusting the + soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] + - ngz :: no further information to work on since 39 weeks. Case + probably closed. +** CLOSED Strange bug, request for more info + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :END: + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq6bjsas%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq6bjsas.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Re: Strange bug, request for more info]] + + - ngz :: very old bug, probably fixed now according to the last + post in the thread. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +The bug happens when being in the agenda and trying to goto or show +the origin location of an agenda entry by pressing SPC or RET. +John reports that sometimes (for him several times a day), +the other window shows a completely different location. +The most weird part of it is that going back to the agenda buffer +and then trying the exact same command again, everything works +fine! This is driving me crazy, and I'd love to find and fix +this problem. +#+END_QUOTE +** CLOSED PATCH: Fix for agenda problems :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo][PATCH: Fix for agenda problems]] + + - ngz :: probably applied, and function has changed since then. + +*** More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing :Mobile: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo][More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing]] + +*** Mobile-org crash --- same error? :Mobile: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mobile-org crash --- same error?]] + +** DONE COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 02:22] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:57] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 12:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][(O) Bug: Minor Bug: COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics (7.5 (release_7.5.24.g5f0ef))]] + + - ngz :: bug confirmed on 7.6 (release_7.6.75.g74e3) and hopefully + fixed. Waiting for confirmation. + +** CLOSED Capture abort: (void-function -mode) + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:44] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Capture abort: (void-function -mode)]] + +Problem is not yet reproducible. + + - ngz :: very old bug, no information or even confirmation it + happened since then. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED capture problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:14] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech][capture problem]] + + - ngz :: very old bug. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] +** CLOSED Recovering notes :Mobile: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobile-org) Recovering notes]] + + - ngz :: As informative as it is, we are not fixing issues for + outside applications. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error? :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:09] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error?]] + + - ngz :: still active, but not dependant on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ainsi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** CLOSED Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created) :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] + :END: + [2010-10-17 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created)]] + + - ngz :: confirmed, but not depending on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** DONE (PATCH) Markup on same line as text :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:48] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Markup on same line as text]] + - ngz :: patch already applied in code base. +** DONE clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items]] + + - ngz :: Carsten fixed it. + +** DONE (BABEL) Babel babel native fontification :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:37] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:48 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Two minor issues]] +** DONE Custom sorting of agenda items! + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) custom sorting of agenda items]] + - ngz :: Carsten full-filled that wish. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When giving a user-defined function for org-agenda-cmp-user-defined, +the function gets two agenda entries. Is there a way from an agenda entry +to get to the original org entry? + +Best would be if, besides a user-defined sort function, you could also provide +a function that takes the org entry and the agenda item (i.e. is run with point +on the org entry and is passed the agenda item), and can then store anything +it wants about the org entry as text properties on the agenda item. +The companion user-defined sorting function could then use these stored +text properties for ordering the agenda items. Could you add such a hook? +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:21] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:00 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][(PATCH) Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto]] + - ngz :: That function exists now. + +** CLOSED Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature Request: Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range]] + - ngz :: A solution for the problem at hand already exists and is + detailed in the FAQ. + +** DONE Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show. :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show.]] + - ngz :: Patch seems applied in code base. +** DONE Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:33] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 08:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg][Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines]] + - ngz :: David solved that bug with his escaping mechanism. + +** DONE Variable of standard links for completion with C-c C-l + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Or something like that, to make standard links fast. + +** DONE Unintended behavior? Links without description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:09] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:10 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Unintended behavior? Links without description]] + +#+begin_quote +In pre-processing for export with org-export-normalize-links, links +that lack a description part are given one, which consists of the full +raw path of the link. In other words, link descriptions are never nil. +This seems to conflict with the expectations of org-bbdb.el and custom +links based on that example. + +The link [[bbdb:Carsten Dominik]], for instance, is exported to html +and latex as follows: + + bbdb:Carsten Dominik + \textit{bbdb:Carsten Dominik}. + +Org-bbdb.el is clearly prepared to be passed a desc that is nil, in +which case it would use path instead: + +(defun org-bbdb-export (path desc format) + "Create the export version of a BBDB link specified by PATH or DESC. +If exporting to either HTML or LaTeX FORMAT the link will be +italicized, in all other cases it is left unchanged." + (cond + ((eq format 'html) (format "%s" (or desc path))) + ((eq format 'latex) (format "\\textit{%s}" (or desc path))) + (t (or desc path)))) + +However, desc is never nil, because a missing description part is +replaced in export pre-processing by a string consisting of the link +type, a colon, and the path. This takes place in the function +org-export-normalize-links. + +This makes for unexpected behavior in custom links that some of us +have defined. E.g., Thomas S. Dye's `cite' links (the thread +`org-add-link-type'): +#+end_quote + +Thomas S. Dye could track down this problem to at least 7.01trans +(release_7.01h.209.g2c33b). + +*** DONE org-add-link-type + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:12] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) org-add-link-type]] + +#+begin_quote +It looks as if an empty desc is never passed, instead it is replaced +with the full raw path. I don't think that's the right behavior, and I +don't really see how it could result from org-export-latex-links. +#+end_quote + +** DONE minted for latex source code export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:49 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][minted for latex source code export]] + +** DONE (WIP) OpenOffice Exporter + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WIP) OpenOffice Exporter]] + +** CLOSED Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans) + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:11] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 11:19 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans)]] + - ngz :: configuration mistake from OP. + +** DONE Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:54] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) (Babel) Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output]] +** CLOSED html export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX ignored for tables when used before first headline + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:22] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][LaTeX table export issue]] + +** DONE Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore? :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +- State "BUG" from "WISH" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore?]] + +** DONE Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:28] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:19] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) (BUG) Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading]] + - ngz :: Patch suggested. Waiting for confirmation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +** DONE (Patch) org-capture.el + CLOSED: [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-22 ven. 01:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Patch) org-capture.el]] +** DONE Rewrite of org-indent-mode :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:23] +- State "IDEA" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:20] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:28] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-08-18 jeu. 19:16 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (dev) org-indent-mode patch]] + + + - ngz :: this branch is an attempt to remove idle timer in + indent-mode and to make it compatible with + visual-line-mode. Though, it suffers from a long + initialization time (walking each line of the buffer to + add text-properties). + + The idea is to set =line-prefix= property to the level of + the current headline and =wrap-prefix= to the indentation + of the beginning of the line. These properties are + modified at each text modification (hook) on the modified + area only (so, this part is quick). + + - ngz :: I've implemented an asynchronous initialization. It needs + testing, though. + +Source : =git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +The rewrite would fix the following bugs: + +*** DONE Org cause Emacs to hang + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "BUG" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:04] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:39] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org cause Emacs to hang]] + +Possible fix is in + +=git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +Wait for feedback if this patch fixes the problem. + + - ngz :: this branch isn't satisfactory enough (too slow on + opening files). Thus, I re-open the bug. + + See [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for more information. + +*** DONE Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel][Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list]] + + - ngz :: see [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for a working solution + +# -*- org-tags-column: -80; sentence-end-double-space: t; -*- +#+OPTIONS: H:3 num:nil toc:nil \n:nil ::t |:t ^:{} -:t f:t *:t tex:t d:(HIDE LOGBOOK) tags:not-in-toc +#+STARTUP: align fold nodlcheck hidestars oddeven lognotestate +#+TODO: NEW(n) TODO(t!) WAITING(W!) IDEA(i!) WISH(w!) INCONSISTENCY(y!) BUG(b!) QUESTION(q!) | DONE(d!) DECLINED(c!) CLOSED(C!) +#+TAGS: Babel(b) Mobile(m) Patch(p) new(n) noexport(x) +#+TITLE: Open issues with Org mode +#+AUTHOR: Worg people +#+EMAIL: mdl AT imapmail DOT org +#+LANGUAGE: en +#+PRIORITIES: A C B +#+CATEGORY: worg +#+ARCHIVE: ::* Closed issues +#+DRAWERS: PROPERTIES LOGBOOK + +# This file is the default header for new Org files in Worg. Feel free +# to tailor it to your needs. + +* Introduction + +This is a simple mailing list based tracker for issues and other +things about Org mode. It is a replacement of the abandoned todo file +and incorporates its structure and parts of the nomenclature. The +purpose of this document is to keep track of issues, i.e. anything +that requires some kind of action, and other things like +announcements, hacks, feature ideas and the like. + +** Nomenclature + +On this page, TODO keywords are used in the following way: + + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Keyword* | Intention | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *NEW* | A new issue that is not yet classifed. | + | *TODO* | A task to be done. This includes but is not limited to answers to user requests, development or documentation tasks. | + | *WAITING* | A reported issue that requires a response to be processed further. | + | *IDEA* | A new idea, I have not yet decided what if anything I will do about it. | + | *WISH* | A wish, probably voiced by someone on emacs-orgmode@gnu.org. This is less than a new idea, more a change in existing behavior. | + | *DECLINED* | A feature or idea that was declined. Still in the list so that people can see it, complain, or still try to convince Carsten to implement it. | + | *INCONSISTENCY* | Some behavior in Org-mode that is not as clean and consistent as it should be. | + | *BUG* | A confirmed bug. This needs to be fixed, as soon as possible. | + | *QUESTION* | A question someone asked. | + | *DONE* | Well, done is done. | + | | <80> | + |-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +In addition, tags are used to provide more detailed context +information. Currently these tags are used in this file: + + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Tag* | Context | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + | *Babel* | Issue concerning [[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/index.php][Org-babel]] | + | *Mobile* | Issue concerning [[http://mobileorg.ncogni.to/][MobileOrg]] | + | *Patch* | A patch is available via Org mode's [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/project/org-mode/list/][Patchwork tracker]] | + | *New* | All issues below the *New Issues* headline. | + | | <80> | + |----------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| + +** Document structure and maintenance + +New issues hitting the Org mode [[http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/emacs-orgmode][mailing list]] are recorded on a +(almost) daily basis using a yet to be published library that allows +operating on the issue file from within Wanderlust and (partly) Gnus. + +They are first filed to the heading *New Issues*. + +In a second step issues beneath this heading are reviewed. If an +issue triggers a development task it is properly classified (keywords, +tag) and refiled to the *Development Tasks* heading. If it is a user +request, it is classified using the *QUESTION* TODO keyword and filed +to heading *User Requests*. If it is already closed according to the +mailing list, it is immediately closed and moved to *Closed issues*. +If it cannot yet be classified or closed, it stays where it is. + +** Using this file + +This file is hosted and published on [[http://orgmode.org/worg/][Worg]]. So you can either read the +file via your browser or check out Worg's git repository. + +Everyone is encouraged to use this file to facilitate collaboration in +solving issue and extending Org mode. Thus, you can operate on the +entries as you wish, as long as the ID property is kept intact. + +Operating on this file includes, but is not limited to, classifying +new issues, doing research on an outstanding task, or grouping related +issues into a development task. If you start to take care of an open +issue or task, please put a token in a headline property called +"ASSIGNEE", so others can see that you started to take care of this +issue. + +[[file:index.org][{Back to Worg's index}]] + +* New Issues [0/0] :new: +* Development Tasks +** Agenda issues +*** IDEA Meta-grouping properties? + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvdzsa3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Meta-grouping properties?]] +*** IDEA persistent frame for agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:09] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D4T6dPxwg0EXdwQNy70og%3DaVoxRaFfNOdYKNgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][persistent frame for agenda]] + +*** IDEA "Interactive" Search in Agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0veidthuhk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom]["Interactive" Search in Agenda]] + +*** IDEA overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101008T125722%2D255%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature idea: overwrite time at the prompt when rescheduling]] + +*** IDEA Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:18] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaEBLn%5FSDs0zyTf00hmemLw%5FskQc0h9s2fh1fP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(REQUEST) Calendar-view (was: Extended-period events in agenda views)]] + +#+begin_quote +> I have been a happy org-mode user for a while, using more and more of +> org-mode for more and more things. By now I have completely replaced my use +> of iCal (on the Mac) by the org-mode agenda, with no regrets. However, there +> is one feature that I am still trying to get into my agenda view, but I +> didn't find a way to do it yet. +> +> There are a couple of long-lasting "events" that I would like to show in my +> agenda view. A typical example would be school vacation periods, but there +> are others: absences of a colleague, availability of some instrument, etc, +> Their common feature is that they can last very long (several weeks) and +> that they don't really occupy my agenda. I just want to know when planning +> something if a given day is in period X or not. So I'd like to see at a +> glance (using a specific font, color, one-letter prefix etc.) if a day falls +> into a certain predefined period. Simply adding a corresponding event to my +> agenda leads to visual clutter: it gets marked on every single day of the +> period. +> +> Is there any way to get what I am looking for? + ++1 for this feature. Also, I think our desire for such a feature could +be met with a calendar-view, perhaps re-using some org-table or +org-columns source? + +I'm envisioning I would very much like something akin to an ASCII +4-day calendar view (like the default Google Calendar view). + +Even if we could line up four days' agenda views horizontally (with an +appointment-style timeline), I would find this useful. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Worldcup + time zone question + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfmpqtd%2Ewl%25djcb%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][Worldcup + time zone question]] + +*** WISH Indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8738FB76%2D3F91%2D4898%2D8251%2D13DB990540D0%40gmail%2Ecom][(new feature suggestion?) indicate 'repeater' nature in Agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is there a way to quickly/visually differentiate between repeating/single-occurence tasks? + +If not, something like say, adding an asterisk somewhere in the entry would be great. + +1. Scheduled* - starred schedule/deadline string +2. TODO * - starred 'todo' string +3. fifa2010* - starred 'category' string +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH A little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leaders +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/riehbi0o5g3%2Efsf%40alder%2Eacc%2Ebessy%2Ede][a little wish for org-agenda-deadline-leader]] + - ngz :: No answer as of [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** WISH Modify time entry from agenda? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5vAhNqtjZ%2BSkqDT%3DbJb766gOkPPMPQzWehLcR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Modify time entry from agenda?]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Relative file names in list org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "WISH" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:22] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimDW%5FHxn1pknFy7jJA3c%5F4%2Bft5zZxbpm%2Df%3Dyfhh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about org-agenda-files]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY omitting done TODOs from custom agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:19] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hiqj7h3%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][omitting done TODOs from custom agenda]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> The problem occurs in both my "Agenda plus contacts" and "Get It +> Louder", so maybe it's something with my custom todos? +> +> (org-todo-keywords (quote ((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAITING(w@)" "|" +> "DONE(d)" "CANCELLED(c@)") (sequence "CONTACT(n)" "REPLY(r)" "|" +> "CONTACTED(e@)")))) + +Looks like the problem here was that CONTACT is a substring of +CONTACTED—whatever function decides if a todo keyword is pending or +completed apparently just reads the string until it finds the first +match (?). I changed it to SENT and everything worked fine. Dunno if +that's worth considering a bug, but it's certainly surprising behavior. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** INCONSISTENCY Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:51] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8039qpkd70%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Agenda with CLOCK items over more than one day]] +*** BUG Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100611T075155%2D670%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Rescheduling an item works properly only if SCHEDULED is after the heading]] + + - ngz :: Still confirmed on [2011-07-18 lun.] + + The manual should specify that SCHEDULED and DEADLINE + keywords are to be put on the line just after the + headline. + + We can also make C-c C-s replace the already defined + SCHEDULED or DEADLINE keyword, if it can find it. + + Moreover, we should remove + `org-insert-labeled-timestamps-at-point'. This variable + is error-prone, and more than often let-bound to nil + (i.e. from the agenda). + + Eventually, I think we should slowly move them to + standard properties (in the PROPERTIES drawer). + +*** WISH org-agenda-follow-narrowed ? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hfjo2ul%2Efsf%40boostpro%2Ecom][org-agenda-follow-narrowed ?]] + +#+begin_quote +When I'm in the agenda, if I hit SPC, I get a nice narrowed view of the +current item. When I toggle org-agenda-follow-mode, I get org to show +me the current item without hitting SPC---but it's not narrowed. It +also has the property drawer collapsed. What I'd like is to have org +follow me with exactly the result of hitting SPC. Possible? +#+end_quote + +*** WISH re-marking agenda entries +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:03] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3p0ahsn%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][re-marking agenda entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Please test this custom agenda command +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:16] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sjxwazb6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Please test this custom agenda command]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Habits and org-log-done configuration +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipy483oi%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: Understanding habits - org-log-done]] + +#+BEGIN_VERSE +> I can confirm this. I personally only log state changes to DONE but +> setting a LOGGING property value of lognotedone prompts for a note and +> fails to show the history for the habit in the graph. +> +> This is probably a bug. + +Yes. The regexp that searches for completed tasks in org-habit is +hard-coded to look for a 'State "DONE"' string. When org-log-done is set +to note, however, the log entries begin with 'CLOSING NOTE'. (A related +problem here is that it assumes DONE is the only relevant todo keyword.) + +One workaround is to add the property LOGGING and set its value to +lognoterepeat. This produces notes with timestamps in the following +format (compatible with org-habit): + + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [​2011​-​01​-​01​ Sat 21:​11​] \\\\ + 5 miles. +#+BEGIN_COMMENT +The note above was modified in order to export correctly to html. It's +source form is: + - State "DONE" from "TODO" [2011-01-01 Sat 21:11] \\ + 5 miles. +#+END_COMMENT +Another workaround is to make the setting associated with 'done in +org-log-note-headings to the same as 'state. One quick way to do that is +by evaluating the following expression: + +(setcdr (assoc 'done org-log-note-headings) (assoc 'state org-log-note-headings)) + +As an aside, it seems to me that the "CLOSING NOTE" format that results +when org-log-done is set to 'note is inconsistent with other logging +behavior. For instance, when a "@" is added in org-todo-keywords, the +note is entered with the state change string. +#+END_VERSE + + +*** INCONSISTENCY Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:44] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDCe7rsPdVWL72YrthWgrQgKdLe%2Dvg%2B%5FCZ62th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Schedule in agenda gives wrong overdue days (7.4)]] + +*** BUG org-write-agenda failure +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dx%2DCmPeByLynS1sT%2BK0A6hrbJiRo5nTEmwLGs8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-write-agenda failure]] + + - ngz :: confirmed on Org-mode version 7.6 (release_7.6.93.gd243) + [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:56] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinomfkWwwDJ%5FW3475s1S1fpeCnhqegqOHA2n9A%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature request: another Org file for anniversary entries]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 15:53] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v44yk5j%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Minor gotcha with org-agenda-files]] + +C-c [ and C-c ] adds and removes files from `org-agenda-files' using +Emacs' customization interface. The customization is saved w/o notice +or prompt. Using these commands defeats setting `org-agenda-files' to +one or more directories because Org will save the expanded list of +directory files. + +*** BUG org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:27] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei4hksiu%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Re: (O) org-agenda-log-mode doesn't list past scheduled items if org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done is t]] + +#+begin_quote +>>> Alright, so I did that, and I seem to have encountered an org-mode +>>> bug. Put this in .emacs +>>> +>>> (setq +>>> org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done t +>>> org-agenda-custom-commands +>>> '(("l" "Agenda with done items" +>>> agenda "" ((org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done nil))))) +>>> +>>> (define-key org-agenda-mode-map (kbd "l") (lambda () (interactive) (org-agenda nil "l"))))) +>>> +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +>>> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +>>> q -> quits org-agenda +>>> M-x org-agenda a -> still fine +>>> M-x org-agenda b/f -> also displays DONE items, which is a bug +>> +>> I cannot reproduce this. What version of org-mode are you using? +>> +>> - Matt +> +> Right, sorry, I was using org-agenda-list. Here are the updated +> instructions +> +> M-x org-agenda a -> displays only TODO items, which is fine. +> l -> display of DONE items also, which is also fine. +> q -> quits org-agenda +> M-x org-agenda-list -> still fine +> b/f -> also displays DONE items + +I can confirm this bug with this latter set of instructions, though I'm +puzzled why M-x org-agenda-list behaves differently than C-c a a. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty)) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:33] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bp0cznz6%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Backtrace (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f.dirty))]] + +*** TODO Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:51] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwprzaw7%2Efsf%40pluto%2Eluannocracy%2Ecom][(O) Bug: Some bulk operations are slow (7.5 (release_7.5.135.g7021f))]] + +*** WISH org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:31] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110410T144513%2D468%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled should have an option to ignore items with time in the future]] + +*** WISH Hide / expand tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:35] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWpADZFgwwjES79%3DKCOzpmROwgaw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (O) Hide / expand tags]] + +#+begin_quote +I think it'd be nice for this to have the _alternative_ to put the +tags into the properties drawer and occasionally view and edit them +with a column view: + +#+SPECIAL_PROPERTIES: TAGS=drawer:PROPERTIES <= only a suggestion +#+end_quote +*** WAITING tags match agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:24] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/jwpqpz149y%2Efsf%40news%2Eeternal%2Dseptember%2Eorg][(O) tags match agenda]] + +*** DECLINED Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24904%2E1284483999%40iu%2Eedu][(PATCH) Apply patch for hour/minute repeater support]] + +*** IDEA Managing appts with org-mode, diary +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:46] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/b6if18xddc%2Eln2%40news%2Ec0t0d0s0%2Ede][Re: Managing appts with org-mode, diary]] + +#+begin_quote +I currently use fancy diary. It's nice to have an overview of the +current day and the upcoming appointments of the next n days. But this +'oh, there is an important appointment in {three|two|one|zero} days' +clutters the agenda view even more ;). This is where it would be nice to +have the agenda view tree like, too. The days could be nodes and the +appointments could be subnode of the day, that could be shown or +hidden. I'm relatively new to org-mode (convertit from planner-mode as +you might know ;-), so I don't know exactly if such a feature is already +implemented or if it could be done without huge amounts of work. +#+end_quote + +** Appearance + +*** WISH Secondary selection +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80vd4z376y%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Secondary selection]] + +*** WISH Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285484508%2E7317%2E7%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Toolbar buttons for common actions (helping emacs newbees)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Aquamacs syntax highlighting +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikVEzM1n1xmOvdzPH7%3Db%2D6ttgiWBuqKHbjQYd8U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Aquamacs syntax highlighting]] + +*** BUG Column view and subtask overview interaction +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF8797C%2E2020605%40onenet%2Enet][Column view and subtask overview interaction]] + +*** IDEA Orgmode and Unicode characters +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikszEop%3DJ3aiTsOu%2BXTD%2BDEo3LxOukb0jt61txh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and Unicode characters]] + +*** BUG Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:34] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt04qg1%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Table field clipping doesn't handle double-width characters properly]] + +#+begin_quote +If you add a width declaration ("") to the column containing Korean, +when realigning the table you'll get an "args out of range" error inside +the text-properties-related code in `org-table-align' (provided the +width declaration actually does cause the text to be clipped). +#+end_quote + + - ngz :: is it fixable ? Org tables are not meant to handle + variable-width fonts anyway. [2011-07-18 lun.] + +*** WISH Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dh%2BeQ8v2sOgVZ9EK0sd%5FELrgAvTioXjsnchoEv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tab/S-Tab cycling behavior: how to include #+begin_src and #+results blocks]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:54] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aaimyzvj%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Ede][Bug: startup hidestars also hides the point (square at point) (6.33x)]] + +#+begin_quote +Thanks for doublechecking. I now tested it again, and this only happens when +used in a shell (i.e. in a KDE Konsole) where the point does not blink. +#+end_quote +*** DECLINED Effort columnview: Show total in different column + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%5FDu7CE2X1rgSAhG%2D5tKtvkwfptYmXugOTwET%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Effort columnview: Show total in different column]] + +Too big a change + +*** DECLINED Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:28] +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:26] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimVn3pqQvSKQ3A%2DnCmMt%2DsOe57LN8bp%2BOys2%3DG%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Hiding Section dots ("...") when only an Archive Node is present within]] + +** Babel + +*** TODO Handling of errors when using Ledger + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "WISH" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhudxor%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Handling of errors when using Ledger]] + +*** ASSIGNED Babel - display results in an overlay? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:25] + - State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:28] + - State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vafljbr%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Babel - display results in an overlay?]] + +this is now in the Babel task tracking system + +*** ASSIGNED (babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "ASSIGNED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:09] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E1Om8Kt%2D0004SN%2D7c%40eggs%2Egnu%2Eorg][(babel) evaluating shell commands for side effect]] + +This has been added as a bug to the babel development file + +*** IDEA Mark and Tangle :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81vd6l1w9b%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Mark and Tangle]] + +*** WISH (PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:18] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v992xzy%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow code edit buffer to inherit active region]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) Speed keys :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oe53co3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Speed keys]] + +*** WISH Line numbers in tangled source :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:23] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinzivSKWjvGxeKpVNDQKdWd%5FZF2ZoQb3Nfft%2BhO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Line numbers in tangled source]] + +*** WISH org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8ailu%24usa%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel: feature-request: allow table-cells to be passed as strings]] + +*** WISH Babel & DOS + :LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101115203035%2EGA580%40atasdev%2Dmg][Babel & DOS]] + +*** WISH (BABEL) C-v C-v M-x? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:22] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162wkq6up%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) C-v C-v M-x?]] + +*** WISH Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:49] + :END: + [2010-12-12 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80oc9c2vv6%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) Difficult to follow code execution in HTML exported file]] +*** INCONSISTENCY (babel) silent code block evaluation on export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7D4D12%2E1070002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) silent code block evaluation on export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Babel: interweaving code and results? :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:06] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0SjK9mGvf9%2BkorumRefnapS98fyS8R3%5FMpe%3DV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: interweaving code and results?]] + This link doesn't resolve through Gmane + +*** INCONSISTENCY Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3) :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:45] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp5k2k0v%2Ewl%25greenrd%40greenrd%2Eorg][Bug: Initial C-c ' invocation just starts haskell-mode "normally" (7.3)]] + +#+begin_quote +OK, I now have a clearer idea of what went wrong. + +1. I think it's doing find-file-at-point. + +2. This only happens when point is on this line, but NOT at the start + of the line: #+begin_src haskell + + It's not about whether it's the first time you press C-c ', it's about + where point is when you press it. + +3. If point is anywhere on the closing line of the source block, it + works. + +4. Ironically, the end of the first line is where the point is placed if + you do C-c C-v d at the end of the buffer! So if you do C-c C-v d and + then C-c ', as I did, this bug will happen. +#+end_quote + +*** WAITING Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export :Babel: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 18:59] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BLU0%2DSMTP190649725706236E6D0B8D7F5DE0%40phx%2Egbl][Org Babel and R issue with pdf latex export]] + +*** TODO (bug?) cannot generate table format output for octave results :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:05] + :END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762trdelt%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug?) (babel) cannot generate table format output for octave results]] + +*** WISH Make tangling work in an indirect buffer :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:17] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77B173%2E3030904%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) (PATCH) Make tangling work in an indirect buffer]] + +** Capture and refile + +*** IDEA Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)%! +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:32] +:END: + [2010-08-08 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiec8602%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Syntax to trigger org-capture (Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When you think of CamelCase and on-the-fly creating of non-existing +files/headlines, it's just another way of *capturing* stuff. + +Why not defining some simple syntax to trigger the capture mechanism +from special links? + +For example: + + "I write a reference to a >c:newfile which I can create later." + +- The ">c:newfile" is a link. +- The ">c" is a link abbreviation. +- The ">" part is the syntax for link abbrevations to trigger a capture. +- The "c" part is the keybinding of capture template to call. +- The "newfile" would be passed on as a variable for the (nth 3) of the + template (we could have several variables separated by "#" + +This would combine the flexibility of on-the-fly file creation and of +the capture mechanism, allowing multiple templates. + +What do you think? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Refiling notes to current file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8dlf39%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Refiling notes to current file]] + +*** WISH Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:37] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DZEqW87yiKApZSyz7O2A2HPtnq2pg%2D9xhzB33B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Feature-request & documentation request for org-datetree]] + +*** WAITING archiving an indirect buffer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:54] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimOPkkrTQD%5FX%2DjPTbxty2uh1LDxM%2BMwiQ9kGzwT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: archiving an indirect buffer]] +*** DECLINED Blank rows with capture target table-line and aborting capture +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:34] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocdo5oy8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][is it a bug in org-capture]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I hit C-c c t, and then C-c C-k immediately, the file test.org is +still modified with an new blank row inserted in the table, which is out +of expectation, since C-c C-k is known as "abort capture". The minibuffer +says "org-capture-finalize: Capture process aborted, but target buffer +could not be cleaned up correctly". +#+END_QUOTE + +Unfortunately this is difficult to fix, because the user might have +changed other things before aborting. At least the error message is +clear and gives the user the opportunity to fix the problem. + +*** WISH Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3XR7gRHjk6p2s7aqMYWCCRTRObfbL4hwqvOpe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wishlist: let org-refile find buffers that have been renamed]] + +*** WAITING Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:20] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m239pphd0f%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Items with priority not refile targets? (7.4)]] + +Cannot reliably get reproduced as of [2011-01-16 So]. + +*** TODO Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:10] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80ipv8r04r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) Org-capture does not work with "long" extracts of text]] + +*** TODO (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:37] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmLUNJuM5aiOK0pFToX1v4889GXdDNJO6Wguar%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) (Use ?) Capture and Refile behavior]] + +*** WISH remember-other-frame with org-capture? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-06 Mo 21:03] +:END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9078C0%2E1060405%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) remember-other-frame with org-capture?]] + +*** BUG org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikrBCFn02jcmfRBn%2DnhCD2UpYTJPA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) org-kill-line sometimes crashes emacs]] + +*** WAITING capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:16] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAH5F9TsPyvXWeJr7uTQSenrgWACncf0DyOfAA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Bug: capture template target file+datetree+prompt not valid. (7.4)]] + +** Clocking + +*** BUG Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:19] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vpqxq9msk%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Clock history, C-u C-c C-x C-i not working properly]] + +*** TODO No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’ :contrib: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:12] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zko9lbk5%2Efsf%40benfinney%2Eid%2Eau][(O) No property change from ‘org-clock-sum’]] + +*** IDEA Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:40] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimXSpT8j5rf%3DKYpi32rLtmppLO9t8TRKA%5F5MSr9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Something like 'org-clock-in-at-time'?]] + +** Documentation +*** IDEA packaging org-mode & worg + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83mxumuguf%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][packaging org-mode & worg ]] + +*** IDEA Create better function and variable index in the manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:26] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19850%2E1289688193%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) Command names are now in the manual]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +A suggestion for a possible(?) improvement: the "O" section of the +function index (and I imagine the variable index as well) is pretty +crowded :-). I wonder if texinfo has any facilities to break it up, +perhaps according to the first letter after the first dash. +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Page numbering in manual +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:07] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DGewMG5T%5FonO3Jw2wCX%2B%2Bp3%2BmR6sKNc1LSVr%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Page numbering in manual]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY `org-agenda-tags-column' missing in documentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 16:28] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2wrlv1v1k%2Efsf%40verilab%2Ecom][Re: Tags position in regular agenda view?]] + +** Exporting +*** IDEA Google CL and org-mode + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19503%2E26717%2E462263%2E759346%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Google CL and org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have a question regarding the recent announcement of the Google +Command Line project (http://code.google.com/p/googlecl/). + +I was wondering if there are plans to integrate support for calendar +synchronization between Google and org-mode using this tool. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:46] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100723111931%2EGA29930%40tomas][Re: (PATCH) org-export-generic, "text markup" -- and a request]] +*** IDEA Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2 +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-27 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4CA9F8%2E7010006%40gmail%2Ecom][Composing letters using org-mode and scrlttr2]] + +*** WISH Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +One suggestion, then... why not just have a nice list of all possible +ATTR_LaTeX options? I have killed myself before looking for a simplified +list. Maybe even just common ones since perhaps any LaTeX option may be +passed? +#+END_QUOTE + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinxW2VcTHW7jCGjXbijyp5d9hYj1t72PL0VeYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +*** WISH pretty export of tags + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxvgdsrp%2Efsf%40convex%2Dnew%2Ecs%2Eunb%2Eca][pretty export of tags]] +*** WISH Allow skipping of levels in LaTeX export +**** latex export - skipping lvls breaks export + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ogwmfx1%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][latex export - skipping lvls breaks export]] + +**** Even if skipped headline levels are not allowed, exporter shouldn't drop out-of-level headlines silently + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:14025%2E1279898870%40maps +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/14025%2E1279898870%40maps][Bug: possible bug in latex export (7.01trans (release_6.36.735.g15ca.dirty))]] +*** WISH fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3493DA%2E7050600%40freylax%2Ede][fix for error of quoted and emphasized text in LaTeX export]] +*** WISH iCal export and complex diary sexps + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyo1p6j4%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][iCal export and complex diary sexps]] +*** WISH Seemless editing of Babel Blocks :Babel: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C459236%2E3%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Seemless editing of Babel Blocks]] +*** WISH Captions for source code +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf8vhwapn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][Captions for source code]] +*** WISH user control of source block header line exporting formats :Babel:Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:59] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DmW7fnYcS8MRzqkh2%2Dy7N4B2JNAbEYNscb5ipr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][user control of source block header line exporting formats]] +*** WISH Add timestamp keyword specific CSS class +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:24] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbfku7ro%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][How to distinguish timestamps in CSS?]] + +*** WISH query - org-emphasis-regexp-components +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:31] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DX0BDDvE8YW2E7guqLzvaeZKPeojBzQYef%2BO0u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][query - org-emphasis-regexp-components]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I was writing a document with Python code in it and I found a minor problem. +There's no way to put a piece of code like s="Hello World" as verbatim +or code in my document. + +~s="Hello World"~ doesn't work because the border in +org-emphasis-regexp-components doesn't allow " or '. I'm not sure why +this is in place. Can this be removed, or have they been put in for a +specific reason, that I can't see? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time. :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwl4pdk%2Edlv%40debian%2Eorg][(PATCH) Allow iCalendar to use UTC for exported date-time.]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export of emphasized link + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :END: +**** INCONSISTENCY inconsistency + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:12] + :END: + emphasized link supported: + - Emacs faces shown in org-mode buffer itself + - export to LaTeX + - [...] + emphasized link not supported: + - export to HTML + - export to DocBook + - export to XOXO + - [...] + this question is still open: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C053D57%2E2030506%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +*** INCONSISTENCY org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:46] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqxfils9%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish skips the file name in inter-page links]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY hlevel in org-export-region-as-html +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:56] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiku2bHag%2DzQYR1h97gBQGBfHuxGjDVUy3%3DS%2DzQ1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug? hlevel in org-export-region-as-html]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:38] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68p1mgu%2Efsf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(bug) export to latex doesn't process #+include files fully]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:54] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v6apxvf%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Bug: void-function time-to-seconds, gnus-git (7.01trans)]] + +*** BUG latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100531033853%2EGD27574%40soloJazz%2Ecom][latex-export + columnview: misinterpretation of section prefixes as emphasis]] +*** BUG Org beamer export bugs + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig43eq7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org beamer export bugs]] + +*** BUG html export, latex fragments and emphasize +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:40] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y68z2uv1%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: html export, latex fragments and emphasize]] + +*** BUG LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101123094528%2E369d9976amscopub%2Dmail%40yahoo%2Ecom%40dove%2Elocaldomain][Bug: LaTeX fragments export to invalid XHTML]] + + - ngz :: since mathjax, should we still consider it as a bug? Is + is even reproducible? [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** DECLINED Org Mode Latex Export Customization of org-export-latex-emphasis-alist + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimdJAmsUeEfCg1AqY6DZi%5F9l%2DlRA9xBNalSa%2Dmp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org Mode Latex Export Customization of + org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + + There is not really anything to be done here, not enough characters + for all those extra emphasis things. + +*** DECLINED Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "IDEA" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:59] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:20] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/308653%2E38337%2Eqm%40web65503%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Change resolution of LaTeX formulas in HTML output?]] + +*** DECLINED Combination of =code= and Description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:59] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:02] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D01FF4C%2E9080009%40gmail%2Ecom][Combination of =code= and Description]] + - ngz :: This is a LaTeX limitation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** BUG eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ED7B1537%2DA7E8%2D470A%2DA17D%2DA67B57AB4C06%40tsdye%2Ecom][eval: Invalid read syntax: "#"Error during redisplay: (void-function -mode) ]] + +Nick Dokos did a good first analysis of the problem [[http://mid.gmane.org/26738%2E1292194633%40gamaville%2Edokosmarshall%2Eorg][here]]. + +*** INCONSISTENCY Question: How to insert different background images on different frames +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:46] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D8of6a0wfsTGk2abT2RPavnqVihsw2W2ZmobEJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-beamer) Question: How to insert different background images on different frames]] + +*** WISH Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:52] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwt4keyp%2Ewl%25jan%2Eseeger%40thenybble%2Ede][(PATCH) Always add sitemap file to project files if sitemap is requested]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY iCalendar selective export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 12:00] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5S3JPOZKtGym8qAHJHthxQzc2v5DreL%5FwDp4s%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][iCalendar selective export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inconsistencies in email and author export +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:52] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3mxn4j1v9%2Efsf%40gmx%2Eli][Inconsistencies in email and author export]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY HTML export and absolute file names +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:55] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-03-06 So 19:51]--[2011-03-06 So 21:05] => 1:14 +:END: + [2011-02-24 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupn8vyazfon%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][HTML export and absolute file names]] + +*** BUG italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:29] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTik%2D6KRYxv87i7a13LATGUYkCXzAtg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) italics inside quotation marks -> LaTeX not working]] + +*** TODO HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:31] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbab6bl1%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML export > Resizing an activated inline image]] + +*** TODO Bug in latex export of <> + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:33] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4DBB2891%2E80004%40sift%2Einfo][(O) Bug in latex export of <>]] + +*** BUG _<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:37] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCOPOHqry1AeBKFWd7t3J06bF5ih60OHuGZh%3DQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][_<<...>>_ does not seem to export correctly]] + +*** WISH org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:02] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110130T145949%2D271%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG) org-html.el: internal links don't work unless CUSTOM_ID is used]] + +*** BUG modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:40] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/824926%2E32909%2Eqm%40web120711%2Email%2Ene1%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(O) Feature request: modify italic regexp list to include non-breaking space and other characters]] + +*** TODO HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:44] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxj8g0wl%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) HTML Postamble is inside Content DIV]] + +*** WISH Images in included files +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-06-26 So 20:22] +:END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTinki%5FDhOVR%2BFV22Ne8FMLD7Kv9q%2BA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Images in included files]] + +** Links +*** TODO Document the character protection in links + I don't think this is really covered anywhere. + Maybe we also should protect characters in the visible part, to + make sure thing will never be on two lines...? + +*** IDEA Find all links to a specific file + +*** IDEA Resolve links on export + +**** Example: Make info HTML links work for links to Info files + +Info links of course only work inside Emacs. However, many info +documents are on the web, so the HTML exporter could try to be smart +and convert an Info link into the corresponding link on the web. For +example, we could use the GNU software site then Name.HTML. Here is +the link to be used: +http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/ Another question +is, is this URL going to be stable so that it makes sense to actually +put this into org.el? + +*** IDEA Mailcap support of Org file links + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86sk6wx8m8%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Choosing external app at runtime?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When I follow a link, Org mode knows what application to use. Except +that sometimes I want to override that choice. + +For example, I have a collection of PDF files. Mostly I want to open +them in my statically configured PDF viewer, which is fine. But +sometimes I want to open one in Xournal, say, to annotate it. + +My mail client Wanderlust will ask me in cases like this: if multiple +mailcap entries match, I get to choose when opening the attachment. + +Any chance we could do a similar thing in Org mode? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Dereference file links on export or open + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig5en4p%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Is "scpc" in the line above a transport protocol? Maybe this should be +an org-mode wide features, i.e. the ability to resolve remote file +references with C-c C-o and on export. Does that sound reasonable, and +would it take care of the need in this particular case? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH Radio targets across files + I guess each org file could write a .orgtargets.filename file, if + it has any radio targets. + +*** INCONSISTENCY image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BFBC5FFC%2D20E8%2D40FB%2D9C84%2D85A88E845624%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][image link inconsistency in org-mode 6.36c]] + - ngz :: still valid as of [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-store-link only works interactively (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:47] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aak0kes0%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org-store-link only works interactively (7.4)]] + - ngz :: no clear answer yet. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Problem opening links that span more than one line + :LOGBOOK: + - State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:35] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vwpfnqa%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][(O) Problem opening links that span more than one line]] + +*** TODO absolute HTML links + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:03] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei62eynw%2Efsf%40ericabrahamsen%2Enet][(O) absolute HTML links]] + +*** IDEA org-git-link does not support locational information within file +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 18:47] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hdh2m7a%2Efsf%40univie%2Eac%2Eat][org-git-link does not support locational information within file]] + +** Miscellaneous Stuff +*** TODO Use the new argument of bibtex-url + Roland Winkler was kind enough to implement a new argument to the + `bibtex-url' command that allows me to retrieve the corresponding + URL, whether it is taken from a URL field or constructed in some + clever way. Currently I am not using this, because too many + people use an old Emacs version which does not have this. + however, eventually I will implement this. + +*** TODO grep on directory does not yet work. + I am actually not sure, I might have addressed this already, but + my memory is failing me. Needs some checking. +*** IDEA Do we need a 43 folders implementation? + That could easily be done in an org-mode file. But then, maybe + this should really be a paper thing. + +*** IDEA Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files) + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631mxbch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-mode collaborative (multiple users working on the same set of files)]] +**** AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100622211941%2EGF520%40now%2Ecepheide%2Eorg][AutOrg, and practice of GTD in a group]] +**** sharing Org-mode files for collaboration + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100724153206%2E3db546f2%40gmx%2Enet][sharing Org-mode files for collaboration]] +*** IDEA (PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy :Patch: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGqugmEPqNmXcNVnaPGWwNYOaV%5FYvp%5Fkoqg5Pm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) New clocktable-feature: Structure clocktable by tags rather than by hierarchy]] + + - ??? :: Waiting for FSF copyright assignment. + + - ngz :: According to the list of contributors, papers are signed, + but it doesn't look like this patch has been applied to + code base. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +*** IDEA Does Org-mode need to be position aware? + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C23FA7D%2E8090305%40gmail%2Ecom][Does Org-mode need to be position aware?]] +*** IDEA (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2BFF20%2E50706%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I guess, the manual maintainers do NOT have to be experts in both +org-mode resp. org-babel nore they have to be experts in the supported +language. Its more about the kind of standard stuff and maybe, to +complex stuff even scare people. More things like "How to create a +measurement protocol with org-babel and python", How to evaluate and +report data analysis with org-babel and R", etc. + +To make it more easy for both the readers and the maintainers a kind of +template for such manuals might be helpful. This would help to find the +same information at the same locations and make a comparison e.g. +between the use of R and python possible. + +I'am not an expert for both org-* and python and I'm often very limited +in time. However, I would try to maintain a "python and org-babel" manual. + +If there are more people who are interested to act as a kind of manual +maintainers I would like to discuss with you how a template might look like. +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA Code block switches buffer-wide? + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilPywSzdYI6LL23yu9ZWPvt1iIVOl5NbfZueofj%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Code block switches buffer-wide?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I would like to include the -n code block switch (number lines) into all my +code blocks in a buffer. Is there a way to define a kind of buffer-wide +switches, like it is with the #+BABEL keyword for header arguments? +#+END_QUOTE +*** IDEA ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100718104515%2E4C21039C72A%40djcbsoftware%2Enl][ms-exchange invitation --> org-mode appointment]] +*** IDEA Make .org-id-locations non-hidden directory above .emacs.d + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyobhyxb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][org-mobile produces errors in normal org functions]] +*** IDEA can you require a certain template with lognotedone? + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/16C874DD%2DC7B5%2D4B8B%2D9C2B%2DD54D64640FBE%40gilbert%2Eorg][can you require a certain template with lognotedone?]] +*** IDEA Feature-Ideas +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100705070027%2EGE13224%40cityofgold%2Elocal][Feature-Ideas]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have severel ideas about new features that I want to share. My +knowledge with lisp and the coding of the org-structure is bad so far, +so I can't try to contribute a patch. + +- 1. *Alias - Trees* + + When I work on projects, I often want to /reference to a certain + other heading/. It would be great to do this not just with links, + but /with an alias/. + + I think of trees, that show up and can be in the current tree as if + they were a subtree, but really are at another position in the + current or a different file. + + This concept would also allow seperate versioning and merging of + external generated content into the current file. ( I e.g. think of + summaries of text in the scientific context. ) + +- 2. More flexible *Colouring for categories*, tags, ... + +It would be great to have the /opportunity to define individual faces +for different categories, tags/ , ... . + +- 3. Implementation of *hourly/minutely reference*. + +It would be useful to be able to schedule something to repeat every 12 +or 6 hours or in 22 minutes. It would also be useful, to have the +opportunity to associate asynchronous shell scripts with individual +scheduled events. + +- 4. *Exclude certain days from Timeline* + + The opportunity to /give/ whole days the status // . That would mean, that when I fire up the + /Timeline/ for a current file (L), certain days are /show/ with a + message "/day is planned for project /. in a certain project + specific project. + + It would also be useful to have a keycommand in the /Timeline/ to + /switch other files on showing them in gray/. + +- 5. *Manually timeclock certain Headings* + + I would love to have a commands that can change the clocktime of not + running headings or insert new clocktimes into the current heading. + E.g. like this: + + Change the clocktime of : + (s) change last timeclock and keep the Start time. -> How long did it last? + (e) change last timeclock and keep the End time -> How long did it last? + (# C-u offset to change the #n last timeclock) + (a) add new timeclock -> Ask for Start and End. (with opportunity to specify the END relative) + +- 6. *Expand timestamps to include locations* + + e.g. Special timestamp-commands that + also ask for places and presents a list of all places of all projects + to choose from. + +- 7. *More complex timeclock-reports* + + Is anyone working on a more comprehensive way of giving visual + feedback and analysing the data of the timeclock-feature. (What have + I done the last month? How many time has gone to which project / + etc.) I am a relatively known [[http://cran.r-project.org/][GNU R]] user and could contribute code + for analysis of time usage / plotting complex more diagrams in + R. Allthough I am not very used to the export mechanisms in + Orgmode. Does anyone like to cooperate? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA text color + highlight +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:47] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7P3xa5bWrTUdRJkUqtMYS%2B0jy%2Bn7ztHB%2D640Y%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][text color + highlight]] + +*** IDEA hiding PROPERTIES line +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "WISH" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "WISH" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:14] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzVfJ3%2BNkDUGRxms%2D%2DSiHji0XL1Y%2BVbFTLRnBi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hiding PROPERTIES line]] + +*** IDEA camel.el, for CamelCase links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK5SOsdp5B8eC3Y9ue%2B91Q%2Df3ppGC81a28sqqJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +*** IDEA (ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(ANN) Org-Drill: Interactive revision a la Anki/Mnemosyne]] + +**** DECLINED Drill mode for org-learn +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:15] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T071518%2D886%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Drill mode for org-learn]] + +[2010-08-01 So] Superseded by [[id:mid:loom%2E20100801T025508%2D954%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg%5D%5B%28ANN%29%20Org%2DDrill%3A%20Interactive%20revision%20a%20la%20Anki%2FMnemosyne%5D%5D + +*** IDEA Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100224140839%2EGA14639%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][Emacs bindings for remember the milk (work in progress)]] +*** IDEA notmuch support for org-mode? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:25] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874of3icdm%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][notmuch support for org-mode?]] + +*** IDEA Email from org? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100726T210318%2D498%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Email from org?]] + +*** IDEA Adding entries to Google calendar +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tp1tez%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Adding entries to Google calendar]] + +*** IDEA Org mode and geo information +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:49] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3jzn49%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Advice needed. Use links or blocks?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +the attached file fetches background tiles from openstreetmap.org for +me, and produces SVG images of tracks I ran. Unfortunately, I cannot +find a good way to use that code in an automated way. + +What I'd like to do, is to have the coords in my training diary, and +produce the images on demand. When I publish the diary to HTML, I want +the coords to be replaced with a link to the image. +#+END_QUOTE + +*** IDEA dynamically calculated timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:04] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DNRCb0u%5F0oSdL2uHoxE%2DdBmCzzTuHK9AKYTY8H%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][dynamically calculated timestamps?]] + +*** IDEA Org-mode Epic Win RPG +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:18] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DqYz3BtLwGQkGx1d2rsRerFyu1c0dQqJ2ZJnU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode Epic Win RPG]] + +*** IDEA org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T063435%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-feeds, atom, authentication & gdata]] + +*** IDEA Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80k4lj78ui%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Enhancing the Org/Gnus experience]] + +*** IDEA arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/036EDF1C%2D8609%2D475A%2D884D%2DF97C3F5A8807%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][arranging and publishing music with Org-mode and lilypond]] + +*** IDEA output of shell command in agenda +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6d5pv%249p8%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][output of shell command in agenda]] + +*** WISH Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified" + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocfjtjvr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Debate about "One clock per user, but user is identified"]] +*** WISH Estimate ranges in column view :Patch: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100617T213846%2D275%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Estimate ranges in column view]] + +*** WISH Provide property API function to append to a property + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyotyko9%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Re: org-capture question/suggestion]] +*** WISH New CSS for orgmode and Worg ? + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vww8v2%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][New CSS for orgmode and Worg ?]] +*** WISH Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxnja2h%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Development setup (was: Org-mode release 7.01)]] +*** WISH Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:53] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T011817%2D328%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Small patch to restrict syntactic context where ((links)) are active]] +*** WISH Move attachments when refiling +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f8a01cb2a4c%24b7b562b0%2427202810%24%40com][Bug Report: refile and attachments]] +*** DECLINED Feature Request for new capture feature +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0f9301cb2a4d%24294ad6d0%247be08470%24%40com][Feature Request for new capture feature]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +would it be possible to have a "C-u C-c C-w" that completes the +capture and switches to the target buffer? +#+END_QUOTE + +*** WISH fractional hours for timestamps? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi39uk6m42%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][fractional hours for timestamps?]] + +*** WISH Error running ditaa +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FAZvnJh4M3CkZtTH3uPwwn8MMg5KQ0GxXfwWk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error running ditaa]] + +#+begin_quote +When running ditaa on Linux fedora 12 through java, I get the following +errors: + +java -jar /usr/share/java/ditaa.jar -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V +blue_fd02b5c06d6a5cb80eaf27098c3c490dc81326ce.png +Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on +Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: +org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException +Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: +org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException + at java.net.URLClassLoader$1.run(URLClassLoader.java:217) + at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) + at java.net.URLClassLoader.findClass(URLClassLoader.java:205) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:319) + at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:294) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(ClassLoader.java:264) + at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(ClassLoader.java:332) +Could not find the main class: +org.stathissideris.ascii2image.core.CommandLineConverter. Program will exit. + +This can be taken care of by using the shell script that comes with ditaa, +i.e.: + +ditaa -r -S /tmp/org-ditaa27392h-V + +But to do this from within emacs I need to patch org-exp-blocks.el as +follows: + +- (unless (file-exists-p org-ditaa-jar-path) +- (error (format "Could not find ditaa.jar at %s" org-ditaa-jar-path))) +: +- (message (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file)) +- (shell-command (concat "java -jar " org-ditaa-jar-path " " args " " +data-file " " out-file))) ++ (message (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file)) ++ (shell-command (concat "ditaa " args " " data-file " " out-file))) + +(You also need to erase the checking for the existance of dita.jar) + +Wouldn't it make more sense to replace the variable org-ditaa-jar-path with +a new variable org-ditaa-command that by default contains "java -jar +/old/value/of/org-ditaa-jar-path"? This would allow replacing it with a +shell script. Would a patch be accepted, or do you prefer to remain backward +compatible? + +On a related question. Since there is quite a lot of common code between +org-export-blocks-format-dot and org-export-blocks-format-ditaa (especially +if my patch is accepted), wouldn't it make sense to create a +org-export-blocks-format-meta that take all the differences between the +various export-blocks as parameters? This would simplify adding additional +org-export-blocks. +#+end_quote +*** INCONSISTENCY Stack overflow in regexp matcher +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCds0VC%2DGyDk7xkqWZ2UHSuN92sEQOSEhigx0R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Stack overflow in regexp matcher]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY Inherited properties not saved when archiving +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:59] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6ftb%2Dbjtk3pTP1gKWh%5Fjyde%3D5Sz6pyPUs7pwb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][saving property values when archiving]] +*** BUG gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4BBCFD%2E1010406%40gmail%2Ecom][gnuplot with errorbars in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I think the problem is org-plot doesn't +recognise that when plotting with error bars, gnuplot expects more than +two columns of data. So a command like this should be sent to gnuplot, +#+END_QUOTE +*** WAITING TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu. +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 02:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimc5r%2DOxQW6Efhc3tdEvVbqRTg5hkX2T5oklYj4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TODO type problem on speedbar and imenu.]] + - ngz :: solution under discussion. [2011-07-21 jeu.] + +*** BUG In-buffer completion +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbf52ijl%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Accepted) Re: In-buffer completion]] + + - ngz :: bug still active on [2011-07-19 mar.] + +*** DECLINED (BUG) org remember broken + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxzdess%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][(BUG) org remember broken]] + +org-capure is now the default, I don't think we need to fix remember +bugs anymore. + +*** DECLINED Insert ellipsis if headline is too long + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwzo42ke%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][headline is too long]] + This would be too confusing when compared with folded entries, so I + do not think this feature should be implemented. + +*** DECLINED Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space? + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3uSHo%5FvuDOk6MNxP1pP%2DWUN2%2DSJIQhRJfh2f4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fwd: (Orgmode) Re: auto-fill in a body often insert a space?]] + + Closed for now, no useful feedback from report author, probably not + caused by Org mode. +*** DECLINED Gollum + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxsath7u%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Gollum]] + +*** Priorities + Here is some information about priorities, which is not yet + documented. Actually, I am not sur if the list here is correct + either +**** QUOTE Priorities + TODO entries: 1 or 1,2,... + DEADLINE is 10-ddays, i.e. it is 10 on the due day + i.e. it goes above top todo stuff 7 days + before due + SCHEDULED is 5-ddays, i.e. it is 5 on the due date + i.e. it goes above top todo on the due day + TIMESTAMP is 0 i.e. always at bottom + but as a deadline it is 100 + but if scheduled it is 99 + TIMERANGE is 0 i.e. always at bottom + DIARY is 0 i.e. always at bottom + + Priority * 1000 + +*** INCONSISTENCY xemacs error when calling org-install :Xemacs: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:43] +:END: +:CLOCK: +CLOCK: [2011-01-02 So 17:33]--[2011-01-02 So 18:02] => 0:29 +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7zbp4wljlg%2Efsf%40vzell%2Dde%2Ede%2Eoracle%2Ecom][xemacs error when calling org-install]] + +The autoloads in org-install.el are +generated by the Makefile (i.e. make org-install.el). The stable +version of Org mode ships with a pre-generated org-install.el and +without recreating this file with Xemacs it won't run. + +The =custom-autoload= is created only once for ob-tangle.el: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;;;###autoload + (defcustom org-babel-tangle-lang-exts + '(("emacs-lisp" . "el")) + "Alist mapping languages to their file extensions. + The key is the language name, the value is the string that should + be inserted as the extension commonly used to identify files + written in this language. If no entry is found in this list, + then the name of the language is used." + :group 'org-babel-tangle + :type '(repeat + (cons + (string "Language name") + (string "File Extension")))) +#+end_src + +As this the autoload directive was added deliberately I suppose there +was a reason for this to be there: If this is the case, there seems +not very much we can do about this. The autoload generating function +in =autoloads.el= always creates a call to custom-autoload with a +third argument. + +*** TODO Review packages in contrib directory + [2010-12-19 So] + +Byte-compiling indicates problems with some packages (e.g. references +to unbound symbols). The review process will single out the problems +for every package in contrib and steps necessary to fix them. + +**** make failure (7.3) + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2aakebcc1%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: make failure (7.3)]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:27] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101226172224%2E1c8b7c64%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][org-mode keybinding conflicts with user keybinding : C-tab]] + +*** BUG org-add-note not working with winner-mode + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:22] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110414142700%2E79956bfa%40kuru%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][Re: (O) org-add-note not working with winner-mode]] + +*** BUG regexp link on windows problem + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:30] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/dc1f6674edc6f4d1cc905a2a8a35a506%2Eqmail%40home%2Epl][(O) regexp link on windows problem]] +*** TODO EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files :Mobile:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:46] + :END: + [2011-06-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yucoc4ib1g4%2Efsf%40lcms%2Eorg][(O) Bug: EOL needs to be converted to Unix for MobileOrg files (7.5 (release_7.5.147.g9ddc))]] + +*** TODO org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 14:41] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hce7wn3%2Efsf%40pmade%2Ecom][(O) org-crypt.el security problem (From: Milan Zamazal)]] + + - ngz :: should we generalize the setup proposed by Julien, or + will we keep the warning? + +** Publishing + +*** TODO project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:17] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrjcvde3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (bug) project publish :auto-postamble and :postamble broken for html]] + +** Structure +*** TODO Get rid of all the \r instances, which were used only for XEmacs. +*** WISH Create unique clocktable links + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006182124%2E15267%2Ech%2Elange%40jacobs%2Duniversity%2Ede][Bug: clocktable :link often jumps to wrong target (6.36c)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +: Links created by clocktable :link are simple "text search" links. +: Therefore, they often hit the wrong target. +: +: For example, I used to have multiple clocktables at the beginning of my +: file: first a daily summary, then a weekly one, then a complete one, +: i.e. following clocktables summarized supersets of preceding ones. +: Therefore, most of the time I clicked a link in the first clocktable, +: the next "text search" target was the occurrence of the same task in the +: second clocktable, whereas clicking that link in the second clocktable +: would take me back into the first. +: +: I have been able to partly work around that by moving the clocktables to +: the end of the file, as the search always seems to start at the +: beginning of the file. Nevertheless, when I have two tasks "foobar" and +: "foo", occurring in that order in the file, clicking on the [[foo]] +: link in the clocktable takes me to the "foobar" task, as that has a +: "foo" substring and occurs first in the file. +: +: I would like clocktable to generate links that uniquely link to the task +: from which the particular clocktable entry has been generated. (I'd +: even be willing to assign CUSTOM_ID properties for that purpose, +: i.e. clocktable could take them into account for creating links, when +: they exist.) But the best solution would IMHO be a truly unique +: identification, e.g. by some XPath-like path, e.g. /1/2/3 for the 3rd +: subtask of the 2nd subtask of the 1st top-level task. (Sure, that order +: will be invalidated when I change my task list, but, so what, then I +: would be willing to recompute the clocktable before using links.) +#+END_QUOTE +*** WISH Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkkANsfiPDETumXut%5FTdzLnHvT6%2D7nxFz%5Fyujv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Indentation of src blocks with org-adapt-indentation]] + +*** WISH org-hide-entry +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:34] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB75452%2E2000008%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-hide-entry]] + +*** IDEA Improving org-goto isearch +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:25] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0W7VpaHt2QUApHdvnZWu28sj0UHCeTBAkszrC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Improving org-goto isearch]] + +*** INCONSISTENCY excessive blank lines in archives +:LOGBOOK: +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:34] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmioc8itucy%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][excessive blank lines in archives]] + +*** WISH Quick note about subtree copy and paste +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:45] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D25FA8E%2E4040308%40sift%2Einfo][Quick note about subtree copy and paste]] + +#+begin_quote +I get the point, but the current presentation is unnecessarily +confusing. I was just /copying/ --- there was no time shifting +involved, so when I look at them menu and see "copy" and "clone with +time shift," it is "copy" that's what I naturally do. + +Actually, as I look at the manual I see: + +`C-c C-x c' (`org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift') + Clone a subtree by making a number of sibling copies of it. You + will be prompted for the number of copies to make, and you can + also specify if any timestamps in the entry should be shifted. + This can be useful, for example, to create a number of tasks + related to a series of lectures to prepare. For more details, see + the docstring of the command `org-clone-subtree-with-time-shift'. + +There's nothing there to even remotely suggest to me that this is going +to Do The Right Thing about properties. It's all about dates and +time-shifting. It may /happen/ to do the right thing with properties, +but it sure doesn't /say/ that it will. The ID property is mentioned +only in the interactive docstring, and pretty deeply down. + +I'd like to make a somewhat radical suggestion: + +If cloning is the primary option, and more safe than copy --- i.e., if +copy is "this is the primitive operation that you should only do if you +know what you are doing, because it might corrupt data," then I would +argue that it's CLONE that should be bound to C-c C-x M-y --- the +standard emacs keybinding I'm going to go to first --- and COPY should +be demoted to the less-familiar alternative. + +This assumes that the answer to "Is there any case where I should do +copy and /not/ prefer clone?" is "no." + +But I'm not sure that's the case. They clone doesn't do the same thing +to the cut buffer as copy, does it? e.g., I don't use clone to make a +copy of a subtree from file A into file B. + +Even more radical suggestion: + +So maybe the right answer is not to ask us to use clone all the time, +but that COPY and PASTE should be fixed to Do The Right Thing with the +ID property. +#+end_quote + +*** WISH Feature request: Select links by description (7.4) +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:32] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5cjh5xd%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request: Select links by description (7.4)]] + +#+begin_quote +When using org-insert-link, it would be far better for me to have it +show me the _descriptions_ of links (the default link text), rather +than showing me the links themselves. This is especially true of +email links, which are generally long and unintelligible by +themselves. + +I have something set up that stores a link to every email I send, so I +can easily link to follow-ups in my active Org items. As a result, I +end up with *lots* of stored links, which makes this a real struggle. +#+end_quote + +*** IDEA outline path in links +:LOGBOOK: +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLucDWOvnEBVtNs4UxR4K%2DwfR63jtvma7bn4f2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][outline path in links]] + +*** TODO goto does not accept remote references for local targets + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:12] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110308T173520%2D481%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) goto does not accept remote references for local targets]] + +*** DECLINED Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:51] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D2E981C%2E2050607%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70))]] + +#+begin_quote cite=[[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/36063][Re: Bug: Linum-mode + org-indent-mode gives strange graphical refresh bugs (7.4 (release_7.4.41.g96c70)]] +Org-mode used line-profix properties to add indentation, and +linum mode uses before-string properties of overlays to add +line numbers. Both these features add text at display time, +but apparently not in an entirely predictable way. I have no +idea it it is possible to make both work without any gliches. +If anything, this would be a bug report to Emacs, I think. + +The "other issue" is an artefact of Org using an idle time +to update indentation properties. Here my suggestion +would be to ignore the issue and live with it. +#+end_quote + +**** WAITING Provide customization variable for formula that calculates indentation level +:LOGBOOK: + - State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:25] + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + + +** Tables + +*** BUG bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:02] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikSaA%2Bxzk%5FdtdTvpJ%2BaeqSroGNBF%5Fa0JCVJ1UPv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug in dynamic block for clock table using :tags]] + +*** BUG $0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special' +:LOGBOOK: +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:36] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrn66lo0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][$0 replaced with ampersand (&) when invoking `org-edit-special']] + +#+begin_quote +According to [ (info "(org) Formula syntax for Calc") ], $0 +references the current cell. Pressing C-c C-c on the #+TBLFM line +below does indeed work, but C-c ' (`org-edit-special') changes the +$0 reference into a single ampersand (&). Is this a bug? +#+end_quote + +*** BUG Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24)) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:06] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D9461F7%2E1000703%40slugfest%2Edemon%2Eco%2Euk][(O) Bug: Bug in editing table.el tables (7.5 (release_7.5.36.g4e24))]] + +*** WISH org-table formulas with missing values +:LOGBOOK: +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:41] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aahitzny%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][org-table formulas with missing values]] + +#+begin_quote +I could write 'nan' instead of leaving a blank, and use the string in +the formula, but this causes errors. + +But calc does know the concept of nan: "The variables `inf', `uinf', and +`nan' stand for infinite or indeterminate values. It's best not to use +them as regular variables, since Calc uses special algebraic rules when +it manipulates them. Calc displays a warning message if you store a +value into any of these special variables." + +I'm not sure how to use that nan variable in tables and formulas - it +seems not to be recognized. +#+end_quote + +** Testing framework + +*** TODO Testing --- again... +:LOGBOOK: +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5li75s%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Testing --- again...]] + +*** (Dev) Org-mode Test Framework + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3ro9f09%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(Dev) Org-mode Test Framework]] + +* Other +** Pretty icons in org buffers +** literate Lisp games development questions :Babel: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinj2gmC3KmspmWSm4CcOaNwYS2GoL2GAdRz4kjK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) literate Lisp games development questions]] +** Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:FB977E9C%2D6ABC%2D4B05%2DA58A%2DC2E96B841451%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/FB977E9C-6ABC-4B05-A58A-C2E96B841451%40gmail.com][Easier integration of org-mode and Bugzilla]] +** For Org-mode on the go? + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqSe8hhxZt3EVO%2DXzy6iDH%5F8bZFqthTYXD1uUa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][For Org-mode on the go?]] +** [babel] grid-based R graphical output with :results value + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E7EFC%2E9000504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) grid-based R graphical output with :results value]] +** Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100614T003509%2D348%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Orgnode - a Python module for reading Org-mode files]] + +** org-decrypt-to-kill-ring + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/62E0EB638E69B146AE708525ABB775B201D6733C%40PHONONEXCHANGENEW%2EPHONON%2ECOM][org-decrypt-to-kill-ring]] + +** DECLINED contributing Debian build scripts + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wgp96a%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][contributing Debian build scripts]] + +Mark Hershberger is going to use an automatic process on launchpad +instead to make regular package builds. + +** hypermedia programming with babel + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimYCN5fqEO4ZtKSFb19iDjpuH73p9NQ8VeITeP%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][hypermedia programming with babel]] +** org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1nZ5%2Dw%2DvQKsy0cE7oE1lQw5Vb7ZrZTLhjzYRH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org2blog - blog from org-mode to wordpress]] +** Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3y6dykz5d%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Getting a Google Maps' map for an entry]] +** publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6ctip2w%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][publishing pretty code with maths; jsMath -> pdf]] +** (OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4urz63%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(OT) minimalist visual appearance for Emacs]] +** info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2y68zp%2Efsf%40tux%2Ehomenetwork][info:annotation in Emacs bookmarks with org]] + +** (ANN) org-protocol-httpd + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762zr4a8f%2Efsf%40gmx%2Enet][(ANN) org-protocol-httpd]] +** Tracking finances with Babel :Babel: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj8prcvg%2Efsf%40riotblast%2Edunsmor%2Ecom][Tracking finances with Babel]] +** ErgoEmacs + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%3DUtNwLyrvBqh15gGcgpYmG%2DPFyMVz9UGuOAai%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ErgoEmacs]] +** ReStructured Text table exporter + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikDxxxYZtiU%5FLieGv%3Dp9XRET1dAifZri4DMic%5FF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ReStructured Text table exporter]] + +** Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C619B77%2E2090908%40jboecker%2Ede][Tip: How to copy&paste a table from Firefox to Org]] + +** OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info) + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0wrryj4ch%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][OT: smex.el (was Re: keys and command name info)]] + +** (ANN) Symorg + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCyx6f54y%2B%2DCb9Hx2c4VxfKWipnu%3DF%2BsL1mu8D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(ANN) Symorg]] +** Indentation in html tables + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100717T035110%2D168%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Indentation in html tables]] +** Inline image display and Emacs 22 + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5j5fswc%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Inline image display and Emacs 22]] + +** A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj0vslc%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][A few stats and figures about org/worg and the mailing list]] + +** Org-mode screencasts + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2DryP7Rv%5FB1ceHHVp5WW6ovo9derZpp19hQgXO%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-mode screencasts]] + +** Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100913T025049%2D263%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sacha Chua's article about org-mode and publishing a weekly review]] + +** ELPA Howto + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvvofgz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ELPA Howto]] + +** TODO New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el + :LOGBOOK: + - State "TODO" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:13] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20cf3071cac0426e3e04a00a4395%40google%2Ecom][(O) New contribution: Bill-of-materials -- org-bom.el]] + +* Closed issues :noexport: +** DONE string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:13] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wklkkk%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wklkkk.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: string-match-p does not exist in Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.102.g67b5))]] +** DONE Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 [6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539)] +CLOSED: [2010-05-25 Di 22:14] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aarolk5y%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aarolk5y.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Bug: Publish cache files have invalid read syntax for Emacs 22 (6.36trans (release_6.36.98.g15539))]] +** DONE [babel] possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer? :Babel: + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFDB5CE%2E3010600%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFDB5CE.3010600%40ccbr.umn.edu][(babel) possible bug in org-babel-execute-buffer?]] + + this has now been fixed, see + - message :: [[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/25720]] + - commit :: 5d52daab1029e43b97ccb16cfac998536d8c8924 +** DONE org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFE02FE%2E5050704%40globaledgesoft%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFE02FE.5050704%40globaledgesoft.com][org-export-as-pdf: Unable to disable timestamp]] +** DONE Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file? + CLOSED: [2010-05-27 Thu 16:51] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vdacp1hi%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vdacp1hi.fsf%40thinkpad.tsdh.de][Canonical way to check if an org file is an agenda file?]] + + My path was committed with commit 54d513ee0c90f9864bbd39044d9dfbc4f1619513. +** DONE Aquamacs and latest org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:14] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPAO9Cpog2BdpyXdQhgLNrS2a1XcnqSl3ZV97L%40mail.gmail.com][Aquamacs and latest org-mode]] +** DONE Error when trying to push to Worg repo +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:15] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wh75fu%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Error when trying to push to Worg repo]] +** DONE Export to html +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7FBE0CD8%2D67F9%2D41AC%2DB1C1%2D47D2AEB1C2C3%40tsdye%2Ecom][Export to html]] +** DONE Simple Literate Programming Example +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:17] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLo1Sov2epY%5FdS4ppmMEscGjhClthkWpti8FId%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Simple Literate Programming Example]] +** DONE Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures... +CLOSED: [2010-05-28 Fr 09:27] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0%2DiJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS%5F7sI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-28 Fr 23:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTEJo9D5RFP0-iJunPe87PHWggztvVoHbS_7sI%40mail.gmail.com][Latex export bug? Odd behavior with figures...]] +** DONE bug: remember id agenda +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:33] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikhMLlPnwa6ej7Wdm4FYQDyLG%5FUnt6HYRFT1ilu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: remember id agenda]] +** DONE html export +CLOSED: [2010-05-29 Sa 14:37] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-05-29 Sa 14:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9B48CE6%2DB42E%2D44A0%2DA14E%2DE2FDC44865E6%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE export of emphasized link + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C025FCA%2E7080503%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][export of emphasized link]] +** DONE byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event + [2010-05-31 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil5svgAyuXbP3ZhLCkAv30r6CVSk5CnDOmoJT%5Fw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][byte-code: Key sequence contains invalid event]] +** DONE use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:00] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100526162001%2EGA32657%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100526162001.GA32657%40soloJazz.com][use of org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap]] + +** DONE Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ... :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-05-31 Mo 12:01] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilIKIH267lSBI4pqc82Yzz45PQwLDWf12aoMu%5Fy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Tangle multiple sections source blocks into single file without #+source: ...]] +** DONE buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:07] + [2010-05-28 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFEB99F%2E5070202%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) buffer-wide settings for R graphical header arguments]] +** DONE [Patch] file protocol in HTML links +CLOSED: [2010-06-01 Di 09:24] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkznkn2p%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkznkn2p.fsf%40gmx.de][Re: (Patch) file protocol in HTML links]] +** DONE Possible html publish inline image bug + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5FcPeJuJ2TPAm0o%2Dsc42EUKEtz3ZHKIk7iDLVu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible html publish inline image bug]] +** DONE org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug? +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:09] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100601T084302%2D772%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-cycle-agenda-files is not cycling through all my 15 agenda files - bug?]] +** DONE problem with remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-02 Mi 10:10] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq62g8ng%2Efsf%40eku238261%2Eeku%2Eedu][problem with remember template]] +** DONE plain list - line spacing +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:15] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86k4qhlwj0%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][plain list - line spacing]] +** DONE How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21? +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb039x7c82g%2Efsf%40osl2u223%2Eoslo2%2Efast%2Eno][How to get the last version of org-mode supporting emacs21?]] +** DONE feature request: C-k safety +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:16] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimg%2DtiyBvSNbGRzIGJfeAgxijD8Vx%2D9PFpC3kIc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][feature request: C-k safety]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ [6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty)] :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil%2DENym7f3evvaHrEKIJQqyhYWxb5R0zIeGOQYb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-babel-tangle fails when buffer and file name differ (6.36trans (release_6.36.122.g5349.dirty))]] +** DONE [babel] Questions about export and :var. Possible bug. :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-03 Do 08:22] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcvso51%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Questions about export and :var. Possible bug.]] +** DONE Something ate my timestamps +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:11] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilkiB97Vy261RpbMRESejFj9omACmkC9jW4mo7b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Something ate my timestamps]] +** DONE Problem with pushing to webdav server [6.35g] +CLOSED: [2010-06-04 Fr 09:15] + [2010-06-01 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C03A142%2E8000403%40gmx%2Ede][Problem with pushing to webdav server (6.35g)]] +** DONE Export question +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:46] + [2010-05-25 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4BFB3F6B%2E3040606%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4BFB3F6B.3040606%40sift.info][Export question]] + +** DONE Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly) +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:49] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876322hcps%2Ewl%25ded%2Dlaw%40ddoherty%2Enet][Date Prompt Bug (or Anomoly)]] +** DONE Exporting HTML to MS Word +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 12:50] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100602133149%2EGB21592%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][Exporting HTML to MS Word]] +** DONE entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:04] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3w7gbtq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][entity font-locking problem when inserting text in middle of buffer]] +** DONE iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp [6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378)] +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:05] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd9zqou1%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: iCalendar export creates VTODO *and* VEVENT for TODO entries with timestamp (6.36trans (release_6.36.158.g1378))]] +** DONE automatic line wrap +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1788159802%2E20100604211350%40gmail%2Ecom][automatic line wrap]] +** DONE mailto:abc@xyz.org +CLOSED: [2010-06-05 Sa 13:06] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-05 Sa 13:08 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilE2bdhIalPYHU04JNa0hrQtgVI9V4vOQO2bHc7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mailto:abc@xyz.org]] +** DONE clocktable and :tags +CLOSED: [2010-06-07 Mo 12:10] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-07 Mo 12:13 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinx4AglRvKj6G57dw9SyuXSMcWjouJJd4LfLjEs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clocktable and :tags]] +** DONE MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:38] + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik4nGQ1YWNlQKuylOSaVBhXsMBJv9npXSxdl9WS%40mail.gmail.com][MobileOrg + DropBox beta testers needed]] +** DONE Why I can't publish my project under Windows? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8439x42w03%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why I can't publish my project under Windows?]] +** DONE how to upgrade org-mode version? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:39] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilqzzn7RnHF1wOApQYoh%2Da7nRVC6klxv%5FDpmJoM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to upgrade org-mode version?]] +** DONE Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljashxh1%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][Bug: Pretty display of subscripts and hyperlinks]] +** DONE org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar) +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6E3vYpcLT%2DDGqSyfmr3KC%5Fo9Y5608EajyxHbm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-diary-class does not export to .ics (iCalendar)]] +** DONE Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:40] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0B0613%2E2090702%40reflections%2Eco%2Enz][Vertical line anomaly between Example block and lines starting with a colon]] +** DONE How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file? +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:41] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874ohfgnv8%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][How to open external link in Emacs-w3m from .org file?]] +** DONE Timestamp format questions +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:44] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100607121554%2EGA500%40vpn%2D2151%2Egwdg%2Ede][Timestamp format questions]] +** DONE Question about beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-06-09 Mi 08:46] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0E58DD%2E4060501%40sift%2Einfo][Question about beamer export]] +** DONE simultaneous clocks? +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C0FE13B%2E3040002%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][simultaneous clocks? ]] +** DONE visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer +CLOSED: [2010-06-10 Do 15:19] + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-10 Do 15:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AA2CA07CCE4BC64A9772CA6053CCBA39F0089A%40TUS1XCHCLUPIN11%2Eenterprise%2Everitas%2Ecom][visiting the last node filed from Remember buffer]] +** DECLINED org-remember and anything + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631oyybr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gmail%2Ecom][org-remember and anything]] + I am turning this one off, because we now use org-capture.el, and I + am not sure if the issue plays a role there. +** DONE Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00 +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:20] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq5t8861%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Daily Habit in time range 23:00 04:00]] +** DONE language independent personal word list +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:29] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiguzce8%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][language independent personal word list]] +** DONE 2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:30] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimo1f3FakKeCdFbPi1SoJC%2Dk5ZQdQhM3Nf%2DtapG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][2 Way Sync between Google Calendars and org-mode files]] +** DONE Toggle a repeating task in DONE state +CLOSED: [2010-06-13 So 13:32] + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-13 So 13:40 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100604T073732%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Toggle a repeating task in DONE state]] +** DONE Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments? +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:05] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX2aOVL4ReMLVlswb3qmUv9q9FvkiIDOTvgR9b%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Could inline footnotes be made to work with latex commands that have arguments?]] +** DONE org-plot file export options +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTint5XLi1WrnaCXKGIq%5F32dTQ5R1s%2Dk6CF96gmhE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-plot file export options]] +** DONE sup-mail link +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:10] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1276367052%2Dsup%2D5338%40ubuntu%2Eubuntu%2Ddomain][sup-mail link]] +** DONE table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=) +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:14] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6h7u7k%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][table: actualise columns with formulas. (C-num C-c=)]] +** DONE (org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF +CLOSED: [2010-06-15 Di 09:15] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-15 Di 09:16 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9QXblBFbmGLkoUk6Q2W%2DnAIjLgUqfVxcXAZbq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Bug in org-babel-latex when writing to PDF]] +** DONE any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:47] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hv7rjj%2416g%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][any idea how to convert org file to MS WORD an retain text structure?]] +** DONE (OT) emacs-lisp compilation question +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:49] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k9huai%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(OT) emacs-lisp compilation question]] + + - Closed :: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs-en/ElispCompilerWarnings + + Function was used before declaration. +** DONE (PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6izih6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) recursively resolve #+INCLUDE files]] +** DONE preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling? +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:52] + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 07:54 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/D1566158%2D0FED%2D448E%2D9946%2D4C582D4A9D9A%40gilbert%2Eorg][preventing automatic rebuild of agenda on refiling?]] +** DONE (PATCH) comments exporting :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 07:58] + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq5ltm2g%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) comments exporting]] +** DONE Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo +CLOSED: [2010-06-17 Do 08:03] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-17 Do 08:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100528T184703%2D947%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode todo and Lotus Notes ToDo]] +** DONE add a table entry by org-remember template +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:26] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eig6f7mn%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][add a table entry by org-remember template]] +** DONE Multiple TODO states +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:27] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil4heiLhf2jyFL%2D5ZW%2DBAUsIobS1MBt128IJCUY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple TODO states]] +** DONE Both todo and tag search +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:29] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 15:30 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimMrxBrmQbMggCn3O34TdC%2Dmy4bkiv7kPxJ3pmG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Both todo and tag search]] + +** DONE Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html? +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:30] + [2010-05-27 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6f7hqrx%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6f7hqrx.fsf%40ymail.com][Can I show tag in generated sitemap.html?]] +** DONE [babel] writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-02 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C05E841%2E7070003%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) writing my .Rprofile in orgmode, issue with emacsclient]] +** DONE Hash mark in filled paragraphs +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 15:32] + [2010-06-03 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m36321be3u%2Efsf%40chondestes%2Ebio%2Eunc%2Eedu][Hash mark in filled paragraphs]] +** DONE Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el +CLOSED: [2010-06-18 Fr 16:06] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-18 Fr 16:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6f5i95%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Open link file:///path/index.html with w3m-el]] + + - Solved :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzoocdt%2Efsf%40debian%2Dlaptop%2Elocaldomain][Re: How to setup w3m-el as a default browser on GNU system?]] +** DECLINED Entries title in agenda view + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk4gfh2z%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Entries title in agenda view]] + + We are not going to add the hierarchy. On the mailing list there + were answers showing possible alternatives using CATEGORY for + example. +** DONE version of Org used for Worg + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikf1E4bnlBepUmyHIRMsl7dnrYP4N%5FkbpDd%2DLZQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][version of Org used for Worg]] + The bleeding edge version is used to publish Worg - but only when a + file changes it will actually be republished. +** DONE (PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes in multiples of rounding time + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLwPi%5FkLCjXFRWnklui10Si4ppuKh%2DF7JAX%5Ffw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-timestamp-change changes minutes + in multiples of rounding time]] + A modified patch has been checked in. +** DECLINED Writing the words in different color + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikW4iir0tPjaL1DoYpH8ZCxUzT8Tmytm%2DMESgG0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing the words in different color]] + I do not think that this is a useful addition. The user can + configure it with emphasis if needed. (- Carsten) +** DONE Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda) +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:47] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/hvlgtp%24t54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][ Sort headings by priorities (in *.org file, not in agenda)]] +** DONE Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:49] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739wg7kfm%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Remember does not insert a blank line before new headings]] +** DONE Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:51] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0ggdl1%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Confusion about tags-todo matches and TODO keywords]] + +** DONE how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 15:57] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100620094925%2EGA20877%40upsilon%2Ecc][how to customize (inactive) timestamp textual format]] +** DONE day-agenda: show whole-day-events first +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:12] + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739x1yswa%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][day-agenda: show whole-day-events first]] +** DONE Agenda is slow because of vc-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:13] + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilQeIxPEi2xsDZluGK1V3aBwT1FoRo3OGeZChQS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda is slow because of vc-mode]] +** DONE questions about html export +CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Di 16:22] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-22 Di 16:27 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikN56U6XSutFQZqnRZGH8GQUo0fAZP0DzBRJAF8%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about html export]] +** DONE Keeping agenda window + CLOSED: [2010-06-22 Tue 19:22] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C17317B%2E8000807%40gmail%2Ecom][Keeping agenda window]] + - OP was looking for TAB (see [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hm0ic2q.fsf@dasa3.iem.pw.edu.pl][this]] and [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc8im57.fsf@fastmail.fm][this]] post). +** DONE `org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:30] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2hbkx4fwd%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][`org-agenda-get-timestamps' fails on active timestamp before first headline]] +** DONE agenda views +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:33] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8r8w67vxnv%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][agenda views]] +** DONE keeping uptodate? +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:37] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilHHWUkJDuBPQpDsvNBPXsZrMhC7ELOAztkH5OM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][keeping uptodate?]] +** DONE Checkboxes in Agenda +CLOSED: [2010-06-24 Do 14:38] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-24 Do 14:42 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine4G3%5FbvPfqsITu8JoxTEHFh1pSiWSNFFovM4c%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Checkboxes in Agenda]] +** DONE Possible bug in ordered tasks +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + THis bug was caused by the interpretation of the string "nil" as a + non-nil value - a special case now fixes this. + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C1B93D4%2E1050000%40sift%2Einfo][Possible bug in ordered tasks]] +** DONE Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c)) + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BAE6DF93%2D31C1%2D4AF4%2D8576%2D028D3F2EE853%40gaillourdet%2Enet][Bug: Definition of stuck projects (6.36trans (release_6.36.293.g2e73c))]] + This issue is resolved with the answers in the thread. +** DONE (BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/876316cz9g%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) nested blocks aren't protected on export]] + Bug has been fixed. +** DONE (patch) filing under current clocked item +CLOSED: [2010-06-26 Sa 08:33] + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-26 Sa 08:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTAuQlRRsRFi5vYXcM3mWXYvMK87q1gx7pYmjP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(patch) filing under current clocked item]] +** DONE Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:49] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4pl27vv%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][Org-babel `:hlines yes` no longer working for python]] +** DONE Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 08:50] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaxizua%2Efsf%40altern%2Eorg][Conkerors webjumps for Worg and Org mailing list]] +** DONE habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:22] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DCw73sdTrANPVeyWB3YnFVuhZbuISKcD6wtya%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][habits error when using diferent org-scheduled-string]] +** DONE mixing emphasis fails +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:23] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2204FA%2E7070806%40freylax%2Ede][mixing emphasis fails]] +** DONE correction to orgtbl-to-html description :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:24] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 09:59 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilcGmhJVa5XXXLjIAkI%5FlMrX4JrdOQNgi1Am99S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][correction to orgtbl-to-html description]] +** DONE howto open attachment directory in external program? +CLOSED: [2010-06-27 So 09:39] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-06-27 So 10:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZkiZTRgn1RvD3%5FzXJ1BuLy0U%5FcEEcC4kfyoYV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][howto open attachment directory in external program?]] +** DONE org-mode stopped compiling recently :Babel: + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3drYx1a6B2g8YqaFx5DBAs2p1uuvLtwYnW9zI%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode stopped compiling recently]] + Fixed, through a patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE org-iswitchb documentation + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20386%2E1277720390%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20386%2E1277720390%40maps][org-iswitchb documentation]] + The patch has been applied in a modified way, and the + functionality of org-iswitchb fixed so that it works by default. +** DONE Bug in latest version? + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 09:18 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq538cav%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in latest version?]] + Bug was due to changes in the constant entities, bug fixed by + checking elements in the list before using them. +** DONE Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 14:16] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpatnheo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Call org-remember on a "RE:" post raises error in gnus ]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R? +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:34] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGmW5PI%5FUAUg7Vs24qZ4IyD5905tfu%5FoocBqZU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-w-comments has no effect in R?]] +** DONE contrib/README +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 21:36] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3619%2E1277974892%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3619%2E1277974892%40maps][contrib/README]] +** DONE New to org-capture (and org-remember) +CLOSED: [2010-07-01 Do 22:00] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6731%2E1277998108%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-01 Do 22:02 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6731%2E1277998108%40maps][New to org-capture (and org-remember)]] +** DONE (BABEL) reload source code file after tangling? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCxPsdA4cCv%2DCIYH2WnNDttJN83Hu%5Fn5UhOIHe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) reload source code file after tangling?]] +** DONE problem in highlighting fields in a remote table +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100701T160748%2D283%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][problem in highlighting fields in a remote table]] +** DONE Make distfile error +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:26] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpIMh%5F%2DoApLuHY0%5FEjL5x4XqJSHiXqth59AUNK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Make distfile error]] +** DONE Bug in timeline report +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:41] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpasqoo2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Bug in timeline report]] +** DONE (babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmJFzclHobY%2D9o%5FJpFoguEhH88%5F1uGPyK569BR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Evaluating all source blocks in a document?]] +** DONE org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0g2f0%24i3q%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: active timestamp in template doesn't seem to work]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:43] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w5w2w5y%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: #+ATTR_LaTeX broken in LaTeX export (6.36trans (release_6.36.461.g798e))]] +** DONE Problem export to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin0K7Sf02SPsqK9Fl7y5oJT46brvZDjD%2DuN4L5T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem export to html]] +** DONE org-capture: Formatting of entries +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:44] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0e064%24q2t%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-capture: Formatting of entries]] +** DONE Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v95v87%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][Google calendar to org mode script and a feature request for agenda]] +** DONE Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim6trg8dkOrJKlcLMyLB0CABjqo5g6Whf7H4wFM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-jekyll - org-publish-initialize-files-alist]] +** DONE mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums" +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:45] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil0kXTneMciY2HufsqcS5qOph%5FmPrMM2mgDechC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][mobileorg - "No executable found to compute checksums"]] +** DONE (no subject) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/429795%2E23493%2Eqm%40web65508%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][(no subject)]] +** DONE LaTeX export works but not in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:46] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/291097%2E63371%2Eqm%40web65511%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][LaTeX export works but not in HTML]] +** DONE inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:47] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd91dfed%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][inline tasks (org-inlinetask.el)]] +** DONE *.bak files in trunk? +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilnumPoT%5FykXbJTw6bBAxjG3w%5Fhf%5FGhEwnVbFQz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.bak files in trunk?]] +** DONE Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:48] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4ph500o%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Supress Contents frame in LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimniMx3OGz%5F%5Foe%2D5%5FMvH8M1shlvA%5FEtRaHwAExQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Proposed tweak to org-agenda-skip-entry-when-regexp-matches-in-subtree]] +** DONE Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbrcflr%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Org-capture - go to last captured note is not consistent]] +** DONE org-babel and emacs init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:49] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i0alph%24t1p%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel and emacs init]] +** DONE Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:50] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5jrcx9g%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Behavior of Gnus when called from an hyperlink]] + +** DONE Headline and numbered plain list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:51] + [2010-06-28 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimlJAeRFL2bZFiMcvmGMCUVYo%2DmC9tjeKRTUv%5Fk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Headline and numbered plain list]] +** DONE magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGlMH%5FJC6dGPTUlDPmv7Ao%5F2evcC0ERwzCff6E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][magit, revert, folding, normal-mode, performance]] +** DONE complex filters in agenda view +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:55] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikPnoJ7J5t%2DVqJzvmYXOrt6uYRhJrBBf%2D%5FwaR7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][complex filters in agenda view]] +** DONE a better way with babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:03] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201006211803%2E25616%2Erobut%40iinet%2Enet%2Eau][a better way with babel]] +** DONE (PATCH) orphaned captions and labels :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaa997e%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) orphaned captions and labels]] +** DONE (babel) exports, caching, remote execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0typ2jgh5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) exports, caching, remote execution]] +** DONE Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:14] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikCeLD9aGg1WxcqEFAqcM21JjOTOYUNh%2Dhnfu8E%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Automatic move DONE items to the tail of the list]] +** DONE MobileOrg - no NEW state :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-02 Fr 17:19 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/COL112%2DW34C6D78B0500A14D65D17AC3D20%40phx%2Egbl][MobileOrg - no NEW state]] + +** DECLINED Org ident destroys special fontification of inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2010-07-02 Fr 17:26] \\ + Duplicate. +:END: +:PROPERTIES: +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DECLINED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +2. org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask in two ways + + i) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's +leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is set to +nil + + ii) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented +as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the indentation +should ideally return to what it was before the inline task. Of +course, this is also a problem when org-indent is turned off, if you +try to automatically hard-indent using TAB. However, in that case you +can adjust by hand the indentation of the first line after the inline +task, and then all the following lines will indent correctly. With +org-indent the problem is much worse since there is no way of +adjusting the soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE (require 'cl) seems not to be compiled +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/7078%2E192%2E251%2E226%2E206%2E1276191465%2Esquirrel%40lavabit%2Ecom][(require 'cl) seems not to be compiled]] +** DONE capture template: %& and %! +CLOSED: [2010-07-05 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-05 Mo 17:29 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vbigozq%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][capture template: %& and %!]] +** DONE "Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color" +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 20:51] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/380DA41F%2DB047%2D4BC7%2D941B%2D0C4AB49C1CA3%40gilbert%2Eorg]["Symbol's function definition is void: org-face-from-face-or-color"]] +** DONE (BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:13] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqK6kj%2DJUmGuGeoNE3uBz6TNbNuDnR2PEHSTst%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) syntax highlighting in LaTeX output?]] +** DONE org-log-done +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:17] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/644DBED2%2D8DCD%2D42CC%2D8466%2DF5B6FFC8AC15%402bike4%2Ecom][org-log-done]] +** DONE (BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:20] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikc3fy5XOX6mbc%2DCfyo3uYI503DfumNaeUiqUPD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Bugin :session? Export html - works --- export pdf not]] +** DONE CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:26] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007081948%2E12773%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][CSS and Publishing to HTML Tutorial]] +** DONE org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:29] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikB5b4j38wjf7PjIm9issLH5VN43t%5FZ2jTwwKr2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel-tangle-lang-exts must be initialized? how to get syntax coloring?]] +** DONE Export of latex source to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimHtQXjf4f7rI8NIkW9NAnMW2d%5FHDqfxNuljsWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export of latex source to html]] +** DONE Columns with LaTeX beamer export +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:44] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vx6oie%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Columns with LaTeX beamer export]] +** DONE Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:46] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4padxyn%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Items with repeating timestamps don't appear in the agenda (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]] +** DONE Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:47] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7YYCcz9ByfnuyQTnPFLWdiao2Wp7qbLeeRj36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Crash of emacs when using SHIFT-TAB]] +** DONE patch for org mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:12476%2E1278319281%40maps + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/12476%2E1278319281%40maps][patch for org mode]] +** DONE Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:49] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyoee2ev%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbke16m8%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting an image to latex]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I did some git bisection, and the last working version is commit +3b5351c7da59da3685f8233c252b1506166d35f3, so it seems Eric's commit +5edefbba269db8e717bd2b40778786b08af3f7a1 introduced the bug. +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:50] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E70926CE%2DF131%2D4A12%2D8FC2%2D6ECB3B95F5E2%40gilbert%2Eorg][tabular logging of values in habits and other repeating tasks]] +** DONE No subscript when exporting +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:56] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/164465041%2E20100703000447%40gmail%2Ecom][No subscript when exporting]] +** DONE logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 21:57] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83sk426o6w%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: logging & PROPERTIES (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Org+table.el = mutli line cells? +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:05] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTill5zo1j28Ch2IZYxOgKjuQ8h6uuGTsY1ufft0%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org+table.el = mutli line cells?]] +** DONE (PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:06] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/5BF8BAAB%2D4371%2D4AC3%2DBDB6%2D54E4F745B9D7%40yahoo%2Ecom][(PATCH) add firefox/vimperator support to contrib/lisp/org-mac-link-grabber.el]] +** DONE org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100630155357%2EGA19738%40soloJazz%2Ecom][org-capture file+function match (PATCH) + question]] +** DONE (BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:08] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:20 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinW3aIKQOsrjgfp3ZZILMT0dS3jv2WUMILsyf3U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) html export for R not working, but for sh and others]] +** DONE (org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-10 Sa 22:13] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-10 Sa 22:23 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C296DDA%2E1080109%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) Does org-babel needs some simplification?]] +** DONE Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-12 Mo 17:11] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-12 Mo 17:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T101313%2D766%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Hide timestamps for several days time range in agenda]] +** DONE (PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template +CLOSED: [2010-07-14 Mi 20:59] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpaavlpo%2Efsf%40alterecco%2Enet][(PATCH) org-capture - using `file' as template]] +** DONE cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100714T193345%2D694%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][cdlatex, previewing LaTeX, and dollar signs]] +** DONE programming for org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3910304564%2E20100715085202%40gmail%2Ecom][programming for org-mode]] +** DONE \nbsp usage +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1KXY82fUKydHpAHZmTjK6DejgZgUMtNJpJ6KS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][\nbsp usage]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007132135%2E10173%2Emailing%40lombacher%2Enet][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:19] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimxI%2DwpoF0MtXyYUaNI9fGJVdsiPJqGMxrDPMgL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Pull items from another file (by tag) and show them in another]] +** DONE Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3167%2E9070301%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Relative paths in file: links are expanded (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3C3197%2E4010307%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Attempt to export buffer with invalid #+BEGIN_SRC fails with cryptic message (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:20] + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsKfUwF%5F0VZmAWMva4h3LR9P0A9OmGl9UuaP0v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tiny font in org-agenda-columns when using emacs --daemon]] +** DONE (babel) report name of source block during execution :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:21] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0tyo410vz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) report name of source block during execution]] +** DONE footer for latex export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:22] + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinQkjMazTF5mJtJD%5FRMl1vlzVX67u5JDfnh0J9U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][footer for latex export]] +** DONE Help: Agenda not working anymore +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1ffsr%24am2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Help: Agenda not working anymore]] +** DONE Org-babel init :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:27] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/19515%2E16766%2E160745%2E656932%40gargle%2Egargle%2EHOWL][Org-babel init]] +** DONE how to include time when setting deadlines? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6B91C76D%2D44AA%2D4A40%2DA370%2D3DBA9AA97305%40gilbert%2Eorg][how to include time when setting deadlines?]] +** DONE (BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DCHhfvjqeNb47WIqnd4IZYg6mYavNZe84wTCN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) tangling with leaving non-source code lines as empty lines?]] +** DONE (babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:28] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0aapwd90l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) re-hash cached blocks on each execution? or, force re-hash?]] +** DONE Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbWoRmHnIOY6HYe4rUW894H1Uk5FklIQ%2DS9%5Fa7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error: byte-code: Symbol's function definition is void: calendar-current-date (org 6.33x, cocoa emacs 23.2.1 OSX)]] +** DONE Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007121825%2E19096%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][Renumbering of footnotes, and list line spaces]] +** DONE Help installing org-mode on a MAC please? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:29] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C39E69E%2E7070403%40fastmail%2Efm][Help installing org-mode on a MAC please?]] +** DONE (babel) key binding requests :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m07hl3pgbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) key binding requests]] +** DONE org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:30] + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evfohopp32luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][org-export-section-number-format, doc typo and question]] +** DONE How to setup xdg for org-protocol ? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinKc%2DB0ZjqIaoAlwG%2DefvyPYAAlnmeRFFGM0F1q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to setup xdg for org-protocol ?]] +** DONE Bib system based on org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:32] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2vd8ngab3%2Ewl%25Mcknight%40Qiang%2DGuos%2DMacBook%2DPro%2Elocal][Bib system based on org-mode]] +** DONE org-crypt remember password +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:33] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100709145122%2EGA4220%40thewillards%2Eco%2Euk][org-crypt remember password]] +** DONE Verbatim export +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zky1n7o0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Verbatim export]] +** DONE Failed to create radio tables +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:37] + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/447823%2E81910%2Eqm%40web33204%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Failed to create radio tables]] +** DONE longlines-mode (6.36trans) +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:39] + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-16 Fr 19:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C352D92%2E40905%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: longlines-mode (6.36trans)]] +** DONE Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:45] + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278260862%2E8347%2E4%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][Does anybody know how to sync org agenda files with google calendar?]] +** DONE LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda? +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:11 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%5FAlDFi6RKtf%2D7SNTS%5F1oMd2YuA2LIhxAd%5FmIe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][LaTeX calendar from org-mode agenda?]] +** DONE org-freemind-to-org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: User Requests + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/e8rtyokwq8o%2Efsf%40FLM000025LVE9F%2Ecatmktg%2Ecom][org-freemind-to-org-mode]] +** DONE installing updating Org on other platform +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:14] + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/201007160732%2E51106%2Eahcnz%40ihug%2Eco%2Enz][installing updating Org on other platform]] +** DONE Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:15] + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikbTVYwkUBSk4V91lF8FV0BpY5Ap9Rh1djLgZOp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug in org-refile (6.36trans (release_6.36.654.g2cd3))]] +** DONE possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration) +CLOSED: [2010-07-18 So 22:17] + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2010-07-18 So 22:21 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/code/org-mode/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3B9C662E%2D184F%2D4280%2DA06A%2DABB931362067%40gilbert%2Eorg][possible single-quote bug in PDF docs (was: trouble with Imenu integration)]] + +** User Requests [249/249] +*** CLOSED Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-04 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C075DB6%2E7030707%40oracle%2Ecom][Setting total effort of a task vs. the daily effort]] +*** CLOSED Template for a resume +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGR80dYKB5OsSW%5Fg8to31ktxPDpjRglFAsw6my%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Template for a resume]] +*** CLOSED configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C3C28983%2D0C77%2D48E8%2DB0EA%2D080A814FB6EB%40gmail%2Ecom][configure Mac OS X 10.6 to provide QuickLook preview of .org files]] +*** CLOSED jumping in custom agenda view loses settings +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzqjc4n%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][jumping in custom agenda view loses settings]] +*** CLOSED DAV config for mobileorg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmiy6ec34xz%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][DAV config for mobileorg]] +*** CLOSED how to sort in the column view? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100618172513%2E21f3c08f%40hsdev%2Ecom][how to sort in the column view?]] +*** CLOSED function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinCY0b3ULGBRB1zF1xte3bWMReSPyDnc%5Fi%2Dntux%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][function to change TODO status and refile to a predetermined location]] +*** CLOSED indent source blocks automatically when using "indent" :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilYeCmOVy6YXBwnF6s59jhT6nQ%2D8trpucjC3Zs9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent source blocks automatically when using "indent"]] +*** CLOSED moving past state changes into logbook drawer? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/82F748D8%2DA0A5%2D4207%2D9FC6%2D59DDC9B7460F%40gilbert%2Eorg][moving past state changes into logbook drawer?]] +*** CLOSED month and day names +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C348D60%2E5000208%40gmail%2Ecom][month and day names]] +*** CLOSED Multiple files and auto-updating +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJXr%2DzW5V5w0EsjI6PO1L%5FOK8DxypKVTqMjPOy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Multiple files and auto-updating]] +*** CLOSED (BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ' +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-15 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C3EDB0F%2E1020307%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Change "split-ratio" for secnd buffer when using C-c ']] +*** CLOSED Footnote in title? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/088B18F501259347B6C2A0DA153128A90F79F7CF75%40BSDMBX001%2Ecorp%2Esatyam%2Ead][Footnote in title?]] +*** CLOSED must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oganzgq%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][must date+time stamps require the day of the week to be processed correctly?]] +*** CLOSED oddities with ical export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:42] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb%5FgMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTimva7bRuQcEd5Kb_gMwp5mvNyUT5jHAhXAZ40TV%40mail.gmail.com][oddities with ical export]] +*** CLOSED (org-BEAMER) block without header +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:29] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1eiemyn57%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(org-BEAMER) block without header]] +*** CLOSED Gnuplot best practice? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DaSZfcG838YApUioqbU%2D%2BrL1BH0QHA%3DV%2DRfLsQ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot best practice?]] + this link doesn't resolve to an article + +*** CLOSED question about chaining function calls in org-babel :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:26] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2D%2DbVLyjM%5FeQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTin--bVLyjM%5feQH%2B9n3MnHk5ONQCA8YV%2B2OS2C05@mail.gmail.com][question about chaining function calls in org-babel]] + +*** CLOSED how to combine times in clocktable +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik7XSA7HNUGBRie71AH%2Ddu%5FfV3peqaTwa1Nviag%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how to combine times in clocktable]] + +*** CLOSED Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:10] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksEwt%3DdD1ORT3XJkrzVjwT%2DdBbDigJU%2DEvQpfE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export emails from Lotus Notes to org-mode?]] + +*** CLOSED Writing a custom export. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:25] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin5ZhPY6%2D7EG3w7YawzTdTd6jpYoPSZqejHi8a7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Writing a custom export.]] + +*** CLOSED Archive Tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:17] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C667FF4%2E6050600%40gmx%2Ede][Archive Tasks]] + +*** CLOSED R code not producing expected results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C88A3527%2E16634%25mab%40stowers%2Eorg][R code not producing expected results]] + +*** CLOSED trying to get xetex working with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64ED67%2E10700%40gmail%2Ecom][trying to get xetex working with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED From todos to tracking +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1y6cbbvmo%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][From todos to tracking]] + +*** CLOSED how do you extract schedule duration in column-view +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinncvmj75%2DAcisVKsW2W5x3Jij4XmJ%3DRx8sh2uS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][how do you extract schedule duration in column-view]] + +*** CLOSED Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6419BD%2E8030909%40limist%2Ecom][Problem with named footnotes and LaTeX export?]] + +*** CLOSED (Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:55] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871va3hnvj%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Org-Babel) and R... non-numeric cells]] + +*** CLOSED Suppressing the ellipsis +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75B589E8%2D08C5%2D4C36%2D97B2%2D62CFAF25854B%40boostpro%2Ecom][Suppressing the ellipsis]] + +*** CLOSED Print / export TODO Tree +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DMyfuy%5FMC%5FGew2y%5Fex%2BbiqdY4ue60RTbFnRxtB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Print / export TODO Tree]] + +*** CLOSED Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:18] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim2VGYzCi%2BGA0v9xY2mpVbyu1BJgrVS%2Db%2Db%2B3pM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Does new version 7.01 break mail-archive-file-name?]] + +*** CLOSED request for comments on org icon theme standards +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimqrvgbPV35F1%2BaVapWngbmh5%3DLkO%2B7Hi%2D5zbgb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][request for comments on org icon theme standards]] + +*** CLOSED how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc. +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:19] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3bm41%24g7d%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to show all subheadings of "current level +1", then all of "current level +2" etc.]] + +*** CLOSED Strange error in html exporting +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:29] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1fwyyb2gr%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Strange error in html exporting]] + +*** CLOSED Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/3DF4CE84%2DCE89%2D47F4%2D8193%2D79CE0D68E273%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Footnotes: paragraph definition, section name]] +*** CLOSED row and col spaning in table? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikF4Dj7WDbzzKs7RC4%3D8ffGt4%2B90vY9xVWnOX%3Dw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][row and col spaning in table?]] + +*** CLOSED Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:30] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tymwreu6%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Docstrings: Use of `C-u' (was: (OT) Passing universal argument to a function)]] + +*** CLOSED Mobile mode sync problems :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BTXhr6ffu1nMqLp%2BnGSA%2BEYWSnA0STD2%2DvO1j%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mobile mode sync problems]] + +*** CLOSED Habit timing +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m27hj170jw%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Habit timing]] + +*** CLOSED Using cdlatex-item within org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:00] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinbc0urE2a4%3DjBxXg4HS1BJLqEWes7gDtaM9LWU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using cdlatex-item within org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED task juggler export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbi6bbxi%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][task juggler export]] + +*** CLOSED Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:25] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrBTqkw%5FXfAcQPqOPiqaSb9ps2u58v46Yg2HoD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Weekdays vs. weekends scheduling]] + +*** CLOSED Full list of org-beamer functionality? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:26] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DW8JJcuYiHjr895Pu9Hmp0%3DS1La%5FSiGxR9ZmLJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Full list of org-beamer functionality?]] + +*** CLOSED org-beamer problem +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:27] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimKcKTQ%5FiyLMAmv7%5FHfcFX0cYXUb3G2sM4sVJ%3DB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer problem]] + +*** CLOSED Effort estimates for multi-day tasks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:02] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vbp8gknt8%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Effort estimates for multi-day tasks]] + +*** CLOSED TeX commands or source code in org files +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:05] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F7DC2%2E1010600%40unibas%2Ech][TeX commands or source code in org files]] + +*** CLOSED Average payment rate with org-mode +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:07] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLYpQGG57R%5FugLTHJ3KPCxLS4LGRi%3DsmN%2BGr09%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Average payment rate with org-mode]] + +*** CLOSED Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbgeyD%5FC5HW%3DbxkzZKPo%5F%3Dj%5FUeFZbtEsEzS%2Dmb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org-protocol / Chrome on Linux]] + +*** CLOSED strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:09] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27D0FA82%2D5512%2D461E%2DBFA4%2D5CC3A1400543%40arcadyan%2Ecom][strike-through doesn't take effect in Aquamacs]] + +*** CLOSED Backspacing into folded items +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2occrnj1k%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Backspacing into folded items]] + +*** CLOSED How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:27] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinXuWJ3fUw%2BePP31UDCEjds%5FMYX3umHbmHPN4n2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to customize the org-mode's BEGIN_SRC HTML output]] + +*** CLOSED exec code on task state progression +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "WISH" [2010-09-12 So 14:29] +:END: + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:19] + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4njiu%24tt3%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][exec code on task state progression]] + +*** CLOSED migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwya6ovk%2Efsf%40kolob%2Esebmags%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][migrating from planner mode (was: Plannerel migration)]] + +*** CLOSED MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9nhCoW%5FUvjnoCEa%2B0DFFAFrtrfOS0XeyO8MBt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android - Froyo w/SSL == Nope.]] + +*** CLOSED org-link-search: Augment signature? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjm94ta%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-link-search: Augment signature?]] + +*** CLOSED Emailing my org file +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:54] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind3HPtWE%2DLH3ZX%2DGSPi0Sc7X3hODVXavpKzJh5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emailing my org file]] + +*** CLOSED Baffled by beamer blocks +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1282059091%2E18547%2E1390352993%40webmail%2Emessagingengine%2Ecom][Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +*** CLOSED org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/75763D10%2DA3C1%2D4BF1%2DA48D%2D013C9C98847D%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-mobile-create-sumo-agenda might be the culprit?]] + +*** CLOSED footnotes in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hksa7la%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][footnotes in LaTeX export]] + +*** CLOSED How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84mxqcxjzm%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to set todo-dependencies for specific org file?]] + +*** CLOSED question: how to refile labeled with origin? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimd4F4%3DVkdC5soX3GSOcEnJ7%2DCUaicry5UnF0uL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question: how to refile labeled with origin?]] + +*** CLOSED Executing sh-code :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80fww7785n%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh-code]] + +*** CLOSED Sort agenda view by date? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:55] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/223016%2E14221%2Eqm%40web37907%2Email%2Emud%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Sort agenda view by date?]] + +*** CLOSED Export header-level list inconsistency +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:58] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim215mNLqdBgP%3D4ScMFO0GDMsq%2DJYiCV8Eq%3D%2D1S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: Export header-level list inconsistency]] + +*** CLOSED Debugging shell code that misbehaves :Babel: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80zkuhkk67%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Debugging shell code that misbehaves]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode and claws +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB6057F%2E3080808%40sym%2Enet][org-mode and clawqs]] + +*** CLOSED org-publish with latest changes? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTNjGJnCg4fnhkycrajznR9HKtVeThhoqxpto7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-publish with latest changes?]] + +*** CLOSED Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:04] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5287D%2E5090800%40sift%2Einfo][Any other Aquamacs + org-mode users?]] + +*** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +*** CLOSED column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6a4alxl%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][column view: "local" doesn't seem to work for me]] + +*** CLOSED configuring Org agenda faces by priority +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:15] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8v3ua%24v8v%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][configuring Org agenda faces by priority]] + +*** CLOSED Publishing configuration +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd59og1r%2Efsf%40berkeley%2Eedu][Publishing configuration]] + +*** CLOSED org-mode <=> Instiki +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsEj1isA%5FXMMOxrxGUTJyArLSuxgHZ6NAO6y%2DL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode <=> Instiki]] + +*** CLOSED entities and removing some markup in ascii export +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xd2h7h%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][entities and removing some markup in ascii export]] + +*** CLOSED How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues... +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:28] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn4ODKze7T68axhVRTafpXoi%2DiqOY3bAR1aDMC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How to use capture to start relative timer? And some other capture issues...]] + +*** CLOSED Total time displayed in the modeline? +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj6ae49h%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Total time displayed in the modeline?]] + +*** CLOSED (babel) creating simple vectors in R +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:44] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkusxtnn%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) creating simple vectors in R]] + +*** CLOSED org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sk0n2uua%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: org lets me mess things up too easily (7.01trans)]] + +*** CLOSED Adding tags, grouping tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB74A73%2E2090202%40gmx%2Ede][Adding tags, grouping tags]] + +*** CLOSED (BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2011-01-16 So 09:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLsDzjKaxKWLY7h19%2DBH3xuVtFxDaWi%2BgcTMOK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) MobileOrg blocked tasks showing up on agendas]] +*** DONE Fontify whole heading line +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:04] +:END: + [2010-06-05 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk53158o%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Fontify whole heading line]] +*** DONE cycle visibility from agenda view? + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100615135909%2EGD1315%40vpn%2D2139%2Egwdg%2Ede][cycle visibility from agenda view?]] + + use of org-agenda-cycle-show explained on mailing list, and added + to FAQ. +*** DONE Beamer presentation in the document +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vcg1rs0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Beamer presentation in the document]] +*** DONE clock in from last clock out +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:07] +:END: + [2010-06-15 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinMfkrJ4OHzUfzsNOuXq5d9sfIPZcqkcgeV9WMH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][clock in from last clock out]] +*** DONE contrib/README + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4663%2E1277986531%40maps + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4663%2E1277986531%40maps][Re: (Orgmode) contrib/README]] + Updated, patch by Stephen Eglen + +*** DONE wrap text in table cell? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:09] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C33BB78%2E2060900%40therogoffs%2Ecom][wrap text in table cell?]] +*** DONE italics regexp +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:36] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimZtTxgAdrZCsMKGhyUw6ZW62ysR61QDpSYZwJM%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][italics regexp]] +*** DONE question about links in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278537004%2E416000%2D78450574%2D28514%40walla%2Ecom][question about links in org-mode]] +*** DONE Exclude some file to be in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin1zO14eK69KbAle4MmCi%2DOizsPgqBBZ2Jh9oPC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exclude some file to be in the agenda]] +*** DONE links customization in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278662652%2E985000%2D68374623%2D12236%40walla%2Ecom][links customization in org-mode]] +*** DONE trouble with Imenu integration +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9707EA08%2DD22C%2D4BDF%2D98E3%2DCA3A0CFC250C%40gilbert%2Eorg][trouble with Imenu integration]] +*** DONE (babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:11] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0bpafpgpx%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) apply #+TABLEFM lines during export?]] +*** DONE capture-clock-out nil! +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83y6du440v%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][capture-clock-out nil!]] +*** DONE imenu support for babel blocks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:12] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCiay9zkLkB8SKbosrJAL8Ob01%2DaGt79hetnkz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][imenu support for babel blocks]] +*** DONE Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:13] +:END: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTila3Djk8xRJX2g8rjxTqOVQC95mOH0ywLtvvPzT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Wiki-like creating links on the fly for org]] +*** DONE org-babel and OCaml - help? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:14] +:END: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2r5j38nqt%2Efsf%40tyche%2ELNouv%2Ecom][org-babel and OCaml - help?]] +*** DONE word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B512%2E7090809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][word wrap preferences in org-mode buffers]] +*** DONE Inserting date/time stamps including seconds +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/505620%2E36445%2Eqm%40web29012%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Inserting date/time stamps including seconds]] +*** DONE Integrate APPTs with OSX +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinLcJugsE05LX89aHqWQcyWoTbzobQeHvRH0k5X%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Integrate APPTs with OSX]] +*** DONE (babel) html export of R data frame :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100720022748%2EGA4367%40panahar][(babel) html export of R data frame]] +*** DONE org-refile-targets: excluding archived +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:16] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sq9ssk3eioo5%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-refile-targets: excluding archived]] +*** DONE highlight confusion in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BE8E1481%2D791E%2D49DA%2D9769%2DD6F4A55BE804%40gilbert%2Eorg][highlight confusion in agenda]] +*** DONE export to latex book ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikXX8U8fhf2JHgN3X8wOX9LWG%2Djh5LGjvGP2L3r%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex book ?]] +*** DONE "Invalid capture target specification" +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:40] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinm0ehBKFv3Wc6ELF2ZDZ%2DZC52v0GtDr%2DdJG98T%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["Invalid capture target specification"]] +*** DONE inline image with link to other than images in html export? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:41] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8a81r5%2Efsf%40columbia%2Eedu][inline image with link to other than images in html export?]] +*** DONE org-timeline and diary/calendar +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bpa1g8hf%2Efsf%40login%2Eifi%2Euio%2Eno][org-timeline and diary/calendar]] +*** DONE orgmode html export uses wrong browser +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 18:42] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100721061831%2EGA32593%40panahar][orgmode html export uses wrong browser]] +*** DONE Some problems with times in a spreadsheet +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtljf95%2Efsf%40linux%2Dlqcw%2Esite][Some problems with times in a spreadsheet]] +*** DONE first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F37CED73%2DCC2D%2D413C%2D9489%2DC46E08758C14%40gilbert%2Eorg][first time setting up mobile-org -- no files produced]] +*** DONE Personal accounting with emacs, org and...? +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimX6ZFOSammsaHzUHvapz5BXG3dLPiswsnKJLnB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Personal accounting with emacs, org and...?]] +*** DONE (BABEL) evaluation of R code in export :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:30] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C47FF10%2E1020808%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) evaluation of R code in export]] + +*** DONE (BABEL) help adding a language, please? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:39] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100722151308%2E17057f89%40bigblessing%2Etville][(BABEL) help adding a language, please?]] + +*** DONE Finding old appointments +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:40] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxtj4612%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Finding old appointments]] +*** DONE Author info while publishing to html +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-29 Do 14:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 09:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEKg1BxyMKLo9Q8plLW8PwQQKBJAU5uS8s%5FTBH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Author info while publishing to html]] +*** DONE firefox problem with org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:17] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280071631%2Dsup%2D2185%40daniel][firefox problem with org-protocol]] + +*** DONE odd org-babel R behaviour :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A4EECCE0%2DD963%2D4C3A%2DA2DE%2DB132F4FDD536%40ualberta%2Eca][odd org-babel R behaviour]] +*** DONE lookup functions in spreadsheet/table +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/460AB3C0%2D8E5C%2D403F%2DAC3A%2D147357C46306%40ualberta%2Eca][lookup functions in spreadsheet/table]] +*** DONE startup in column view +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D%3CAANLkTikw3%3Ds%2BvHyKcEN5SnEi4J6qMRpQ%5FLVsxLuDsqyy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom%3E][startup in column view]] +*** DONE Browsing worg +CLOSED: [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-31 Sa 09:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnwM9i%3DHg2fY3uM0rZRdRTkRc%2D18zGu7GO%2BqNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Browsing worg]] +*** DONE OrgMobile - just a little help? :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:14] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C52A069%2E1030800%40fastmail%2Efm][OrgMobile - just a little help?]] +*** DONE agenda-ignore-date and version number +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:40] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C513288%2E7040808%40unibas%2Ech][agenda-ignore-date and version number]] +*** DONE insert .org file into other .org file by link +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4FF083%2E9030109%40gmail%2Ecom][insert .org file into other .org file by link]] +*** DONE Migrating from zim to org-mode ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280296840%2E7094%2E4%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Migrating from zim to org-mode ?]] +*** DONE Eliminate line breaks in html +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:46] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DvHyL%2BYT2AEem4WOiKFSh%3D7M7d48vga2LqxA%2Dv%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Eliminate line breaks in html]] +*** DONE R Babel Example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100728004030%2EGI23515%40thinkpad%2Eadamsinfoserv%2Ecom][R Babel Example]] +*** DONE Nice links bookmarks +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m163003axq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Nice links bookmarks]] + +*** DONE Installing/updating org on the mac woes +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:53] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinu3NNpr8mdUDSKD1EHvFY8e4BYYC%2DzgGfb5iup%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installing/updating org on the mac woes]] +*** DONE org-protocol +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:08] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2j8d2%2491c%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-protocol]] +*** DONE Daily Debian Builds +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739v62gaw%2Efsf%40everybody%2Eorg][Daily Debian Builds]] +*** DONE No title or date in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimtUhMpiNot0wFTnqKkMEpBe%2B2MVxoi8iNyu%2D5Z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][No title or date in LaTeX export]] +*** DONE when will org-indent-mode be ready? +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:36] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAPoOD%5F5iXyG4cFd4VQL8JfMb4Rbxay0ECVSxt%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][when will org-indent-mode be ready?]] + + org-indent-mode works fine starting with Emacs 23.2. +*** DONE How can I add a DONE tag to an org file? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 12:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:56] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462zt1h35%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How can I add a DONE tag to an org file?]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg - One step further :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:19] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i33tsk%242hp%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][MobileOrg - One step further]] + +*** DONE source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g)) +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:20] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:02] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100806150746%2E770101431E%40eana%2Ekheb%2Ehomelinux%2Eorg][Bug: source document in latin9, wrong latex export (TAG=7.01g (release_7.01g))]] + +*** DONE Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:46] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100805182557%2EGE29362%40localhost][Export: Using LaTeX "\timestamp" and or customising title header]] + +*** DONE Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2DPNcfbatyrvEChHi%2BY%2Dk8xE118mxJa8TMU1NS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert TODO or plain heading depending on context]] + +*** DONE debugging sbe calls :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "IDEA" [2010-08-08 So 13:16] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DR0G5a8fGFDrShp5Mjn8prjjFddrVaf6gJNcfY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][debugging sbe calls]] + +*** DONE org-clock-current-task? +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E983579F%2DCDAB%2D4A13%2DB743%2D9B55F9DEB467%40gilbert%2Eorg][org-clock-current-task?]] + +*** DONE How do you use call and lob in org-babel? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:19] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5iYxh%5FwKgLSMhhWM%2DbrXQNq0d7JoJgCUcBRGz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do you use call and lob in org-babel?]] +*** DONE custom sorting of agenda items +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 13:40] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpvCvbXJLvTs6Jx8gxH4kweWcsoe%3DF0UnZ8yxs%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][custom sorting of agenda items]] + +*** DONE MobileOrg for Android...issues :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintcp%2DfOtidyOPhMQA5%2BXFJfjDLOrC%2DZbKzhmUr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg for Android...issues]] + +*** DONE How to change plain text face in Org Mode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:08] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:18] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/841vaf11bm%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][How to change plain text face in Org Mode?]] + +*** DONE babel versionitis? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZyb6tsw8Ho%2Bg6v2UEJHNvW9GhBK8bUsMmD%3Dk6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][babel versionitis?]] + +*** DONE gnuplot, table entry and temporary file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:44] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100802T123525%2D774%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Babel) gnuplot, table entry and temporary file ]] + +*** DONE Footnote export +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau][Footnote export]] + +**** Footnote problem +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100731110259%2E229b449f%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][Footnote problem]] + +Duplicate of "[[id:mid:20100731131749%2Ec88f92d2%2Etyphoon%40aanet%2Ecom%2Eau%5D%5BFootnote%20export%5D%5D%22%2E + +*** DONE Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C64FDD8%2E3090001%40jboecker%2Ede][Listing todos which have other todos in the subtree in the agenda]] + +*** DONE (babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5i4ng9m%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) confusion about org-confirm-babel-evaluate]] + +*** DONE How to show done tasks in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 09:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 09:23] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100813221114%2E197ea08b%40localhost][How to show done tasks in agenda]] + +*** DONE or not? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:35] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eie0ri8q%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) or not?]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 15:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:39] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807141245%2E64b84e34%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE use of repository branch "maint" +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100808223812%2EGG20223%40shi%2Eworkgroup][use of repository branch "maint"]] + +*** DONE Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel) +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbj4p0hu%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Refiling troubles with inlined Org (thru Babel)]] + +*** DONE TODO DONE strikethrough +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:26] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100809101549%2EGB20117%40localhost][TODO DONE strikethrough]] + +*** DONE questions about links +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:00] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100807120001%2E55fdd1ec%40bigblessing%2Etville][questions about links]] + +*** DONE Babel: help with tables and code blocks? +CLOSED: [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:18] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w4hcyzz%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][Babel: help with tables and code blocks?]] + +*** DONE Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0RJs7zC%3DArXixPv%2BNPLYe%2BdANEnZHk%2BgwPyqc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mathematical Pseudocode in Source Block]] + +*** DONE "C-c a is undefined" +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:16] +:END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100811201409%2E093ae83a%40localhost]["C-c a is undefined"]] + +*** DONE (babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C606D4C%2E1030904%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(babel) strategies for generating multiple graphics files from same code block]] + +*** DONE why not auto-renumbering list ? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:27] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd7mfvcx%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][why not auto-renumbering list ?]] + +*** DONE called-interactively-p : org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:28] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3e6mf%24n6j%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][called-interactively-p : org-capture]] + +*** DONE (babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m06301obu0%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging org-babel-execute-buffer]] + +*** DONE Installation - no way +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimwqwsEojZ3GEqREOfLJ50vQtcMaH8c8BbO4%3D%2BK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Installation - no way]] + +*** DONE word count checklist? +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100726155303%2E124c6396%40bigblessing%2Etville][word count checklist?]] + +*** DONE Confused about mobileorg setup :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:55] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNT5ra0968Gfe3oVbz0KNDre5EZmGhPK3ib3th%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Confused about mobileorg setup]] + +*** DONE Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:58] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq2k3k10%2Ewl%25yevgeniy%2Eviktorov%40gmail%2Ecom][Select default clocking task by Bernt Hansen]] + +*** DONE (babel) difference in export output if including file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:21] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yl69nw%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) difference in export output if including file]] + +*** DONE How can I search keywords in my org project? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:24] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8462ymjha7%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I search keywords in my org project?]] + +*** DONE False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:23] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYmO1Qauyc8z%3DTup9qFYmmzdL3DDXAqrSfdZB%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][False footnotes in Perlcode for Beamerslides]] + +*** DONE horiontal alignment of tables in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:22] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinX6QwJRWj%3DyLt6gbXrPeEHFxo5%5FJN%5FHSB4e48G%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][horiontal alignment of tables in latex export?]] + +*** DONE Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list' +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:28] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7iu9dk%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Value of `ispell-dictionary-alist' reset by `org-agenda-list']] + +*** DONE Generic exporter status +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739tr4ckq%2Efsf%40hydra%2Evioletti%2Eorg][Generic exporter status]] + +*** DONE org-capture and blank lines +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:12] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3%5F0JW3XOJabw2mUWsUJmOBX%5F0FQ1apzkY22PK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture and blank lines]] + +*** DONE picture copy paste? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimUemisuLyz01qTxFCLEX56H%2B%2DOADQcfKimZSWD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][picture copy paste?]] + +*** DONE Iterate over list with `org-next-item' +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:09] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8wNBXaKnSVtn84RdEfESkTVT80ygXgh%2B7vzNp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Iterate over list with `org-next-item']] + +*** DONE possible tex export bug? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinVpY1wZui%2B3u243cO1mgLChNaGOrdewwzCO1k0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][possible tex export bug?]] + +*** DONE Problem with URLs in export to latex +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:56] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100903T042624%2D995%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Problem with URLs in export to latex]] + +*** DONE Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F9FD3%2E6000308%40gmail%2Ecom][Specifying left/right margin sizes for pdf documents]] + +*** DONE Cannot open load file: inf-ruby +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:52] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinR0q3rLbe8fddx7Znhqq9CQJY%3DVmj4gAQ1gJpU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Cannot open load file: inf-ruby]] + +*** DONE Todo item property search +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:06] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38124%2E40111%2Eqm%40web29612%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Todo item property search]] + +*** DONE gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3q78akAfYCapsWVEaUORbuYUgFuYJtxoxk%3DCK%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][gnash crunch... latex whitespace defaults! + numbering in only some subheadings]] + +*** DONE Ditaa and babel goofing again? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEDZm7wSWCTA0vrNf%2DYsJmRz6iVg4y%2B6YG0upy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa and babel goofing again?]] + +*** DONE org-edit-src-code : same window? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:39] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5m81c%24veu%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-edit-src-code : same window?]] + +*** DONE HTML export of org source blocks +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B7772EF7%2DACFA%2D4517%2D8933%2DD6EE493DBE69%40tsdye%2Ecom][HTML export of org source blocks]] + +*** DONE svn version number as tag or property? +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:34] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n6eknj%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Re: svn version number as tag or property?]] + +*** DONE cannot enable org-habit +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:33] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinJ41H02aWLb02%2B2sZ5H1hdVbWzO8xj%2DB9%5F5faq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cannot enable org-habit]] + +*** DONE beamer export question +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C77DB3D%2E8050004%40sift%2Einfo][beamer export question]] + +*** DONE (babel) ledger tutorial on Worg + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:22] + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v9lm0s3%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][(babel) ledger tutorial on Worg]] + +*** DONE (Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode? +CLOSED: [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-29 So 20:47] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8qmc76ptbr9vni80ec36vv1u5r4k4r63pu%404ax%2Ecom][(Windows) Quick guide on installing Emacs + OrgMode?]] + +*** DONE From state table to state diagram + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i507eo%24squ%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][From state table to state diagram]] + +Looks like Eric addressed this request and implemented it. + +*** DONE org-capture templates with file+olp target +CLOSED: [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-23 Mo 20:55] +:END: + [2010-08-23 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C71F175%2E2040809%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-capture templates with file+olp target]] + +*** DONE cells are deformed in Japanese +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwgbh9f%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][cells are deformed in Japanese]] + +*** DONE Problem whit with code evaluation :Babel: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:10] + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C891E121%2E2DF02%25MAB%40Stowers%2Eorg][Problem whit with code evaluation]] + +*** DONE items not disappearing from agenda once marked done +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:21] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/A51574E6%2D1CEF%2D46B3%2DB6BC%2DD880F1F3AE28%40mac%2Ecom][items not disappearing from agenda once marked done]] + +*** DONE Org capture templates - file paths +CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Do 21:20] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D2G9yp3p%2DJwOadysQRxMh4eymeGOxBrasGhdET%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org capture templates - file paths]] + +*** DONE Agenda view and timestamps + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:59] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982529%2E2342%2E4%2Ecamel%40localhost][Agenda view and timestamps]] + +*** DONE agenda view tags filtering + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:00] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281982647%2E2342%2E6%2Ecamel%40localhost][agenda view tags filtering]] + +*** DONE Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List + CLOSED: [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-20 Fri 00:02] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vmxsmmmua%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Remove WAITING Task from Global TODO List]] + +*** DONE macros: escaping "," and comments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1197F101%2D8BBB%2D4FF8%2D8289%2D47CB2306842A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][macros: escaping "," and comments]] + + Commas can now be escaped. We will not have comments, because that + limits what one can do with macros. + +*** DONE org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:51] + :END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C60F414%2E80304%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: org-insert-link path promt lacks tab-completion (7.01trans)]] + + As documented in the manual, one needs to use C-u C-c C-l + +*** DONE HOWTO?: make install contrib +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:09] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC13147530D8%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][HOWTO?: make install contrib]] + +*** DECLINED Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/yb08w6rm691%2Efsf%40dod%2Eno][Emacs 21 doesn't pick utf-8 as the coding system]] + We no longer support Emacs 21. +*** DECLINED (babel) help debugging latex export :Babel: + - State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:04] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0eiebaird%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) help debugging latex export]] + +*** CLOSED Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:05] +:END: + [2010-06-09 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq5ujb3y%2Efsf%40ymail%2Ecom][Why can't use Chinese folder while publishing projects?]] +*** CLOSED OT: orgmode on my palm TX? +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTiksP78R5CZDrJ5Gf74OUIJwISyYUN7Re2%2Dlfgrw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][OT: orgmode on my palm TX?]] +*** CLOSED org-learn question +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:08] +:END: + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimnrD3u1U2wcVS6abAwYeu2JnCkvwOzKgKs3vuy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-learn question]] +*** CLOSED org tables - modified field + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:22] + :END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100702T101837%2D889%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org tables - modified field ]] + +It is a bit much to expect that emphasis in table fields would not +disturb calc operations. + +*** CLOSED org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:23] + :END: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1278310831%2E24358%2E22%2Ecamel%40p6t%2Eworkgroup][org-publish vs emacs-muse vs txt2tags]] + + +This does not look like an issue we need to track (- Carsten) + +*** CLOSED column view asterisks +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:58] +- State "DECLINED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:13] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinSKuHycsh9wf9Rcoca%2Br1Lakz95%2Bk6MmNH2t1u%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][column view asterisks]] + +This is a minor issue, no action taken + +*** CLOSED how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/446912556%2E20100814141933%40gmail%2Ecom][how to stop delete key putting a region into kill ring]] + +This is an Emacs issue and does not need tracking here. + +*** CLOSED Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:49] +:END: + [2010-08-13 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbizzap7%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Bind C-u C-c C-x C-i to a key]] + +Answered on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED .ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:31] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikZWsSYKZiN%2DH0amXDtp68L7RR3CT%2Drx%3D%2DA0Ds5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][.ods opens file in Emacs, not OpenOffice]] +Answered on the mailing list, by customizing `org-file-apps'. +*** CLOSED bug with link following +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:47] +- State "BUG" from "CLOSED" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:15] +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:17] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7A7E75%2E2000403%40sift%2Einfo][bug with link following]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I have reexamined the bug I had, and as far as I can tell, it occurs +because of the punctuation at the end of the header line. I am +attaching a file that shows the funny behavior. I can link to a +header titled "Foobar" correctly, but not one titled "submit through +submission site:" Attempts to link to the one word header "Bletch:" +also fail. +#+END_QUOTE + +=org-store-link= removes all characters except numbers, letters and +whitespace when creating the link target. Opening the link with +=org-link-search-must-match-exact-headline= set to non-nil +subsequently fails. + +**** org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTup%5FHVGzHoj%2DbCmjLBwyWtrW3RKY%3D6eE0JSvq%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-open-at-point misses org headlines with statistics cookies]] + +*** CLOSED org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C058AEC0%2D7CE5%2D4DFE%2DAB8D%2D672A6551E488%40gmail%2Ecom][org-table: Table Navigation esp. for multi-line cells?]] + +Org-mode tables do not support multiline cells. + +*** CLOSED org-mode + pomodoro +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinZ5u5%2B1%2DSE5ptjoCsYVj0rHDTXx9SbbqKyadee%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode + pomodoro]] + +*** CLOSED stuck project and check boxes +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:19] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp8o7fee%2Efsf%40kanis%2Efr][stuck project and check boxes]] + +*** CLOSED a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C76A590%2E9050800%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][a bit offtopic, fonts in exported PDF documents]] + +*** CLOSED Examples in numbered lists + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5644f%249l%243%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Examples in numbered lists]] + +Indentation can solve this, as explained on the mailing list. + +*** CLOSED Error during Publishing to HTML + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:17] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dcd8pTWLR71ndWZzvW%2D%5Fsv3gNnFu%3D%2BYuajUsE3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error during Publishing to HTML]] + + +This seems to be a non-issue, I am closing it. + +*** CLOSED Org-beamer and beamer overlays +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:21] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6xc039%2Efsf%40nowhere%2Eorg][Org-beamer and beamer overlays]] + +*** CLOSED merging column view headings across files +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/54D31223%2D8642%2D4118%2D82F6%2D170AE39AD0BE%40ualberta%2Eca][merging column view headings across files]] + +*** CLOSED Table of Contents in html export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:22] +:END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i54b2m%249l%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Table of Contents in html export]] + +*** CLOSED Trouble syncing files to mobile-org. :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:24] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:23] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikX4YS3OnMLUk95ktZiBpRqKmoVa%3DWzVr%5F8%3DybF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Trouble syncing files to mobile-org.]] + +*** CLOSED Mark days in calendar based on agenda + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:14] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i53802%24a9m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mark days in calendar based on agenda]] + +This can be done using %(org-diary), as was explained on the list. + +*** CLOSED "{" in Latex fragments + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:13] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C74CA21%2E1090006%40gmail%2Ecom]["{" in Latex fragments]] + +I believe that this is solved - the OP did not come back after the +last help suggestion from the mailing list. So I am closing this. + +*** CLOSED (babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikM2MPrRfR12mrurWFYgdWMhbCuaJffW%2BUycNS%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) "No org-babel-execute function for R!" after update]] + link not resolving + +*** CLOSED file+olp problem in org-capture. +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikR3SG8nj1sBWwG4baLe6UCjfnSXZHitjyg%5FN%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][file+olp problem in org-capture.]] + +*** CLOSED Folding org drawers in elisp code? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100823T212103%2D989%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Folding org drawers in elisp code?]] + +The corresponding elisp code was published on the mailing list by Carsten + +*** CLOSED mathjax HTML export question + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:11] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C72B9FD%2E80602%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][mathjax HTML export question]] + +Question was answered by Jan. + +*** CLOSED Deleting EXPERIMENTAL + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8qShZBtAE9Q3NfywqvVS%3D%2Bz9Qq%3DmvaBQuXxqb%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Deleting EXPERIMENTAL]] + +This is a non-issue. Right now there is nothing interesting in this +directory, but it mighr still come in handy. + +*** CLOSED Emacs & problem to export to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:28] +:END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikQq1%2D%2BjHBAkGPM%3Dm%3Db8f2U3ds%3D6QTzmgVv9V1v%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs & problem to export to HTML]] + +*** CLOSED Some useful timestamp s-expressions +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:34] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100818T220143%2D765%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Some useful timestamp s-expressions ]] + +*** CLOSED make without make cleanall safe? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:47] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimF5EiMQSdr%2BHCgRLypekAbukthjU3QaidqOaMm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][make without make cleanall safe?]] + +*** CLOSED Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100819135730%2E5655c0ce%40hsdev%2Ecom][Counters and percentage are visible in refile targets, is that configurable?]] + +*** CLOSED beamer export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + :END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9275E4D6%2DFB42%2D45DE%2D8593%2DCE7FD51A7A75%40ucalgary%2Eca][beamer export]] + +Looks like this was an old version of Org-mode. + +*** CLOSED Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:49] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/17A93AC0%2D1896%2D481D%2DB2E9%2DE1DA5879A1D0%40gmail%2Ecom][Request for opinions: (ANN) List improvement v.2o]] + +*** CLOSED tag or property names with dashes + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "CLOSED" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:05] + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimivS318NpJMxQ%3DKjBJZQYb8n6o%2BdrqEu%2BUB7OX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][tag or property names with dashes]] + +The "_-" in a property name can now be escaped in a property search +with "\-". Also, Manish and Carsten are testing a patch to allow "#" +and "%" in tags. + +*** CLOSED Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:51] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i4erop%248tt%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Automatically move completed TODO items and checkboxes to another file]] + +*** CLOSED EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:52] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BAF6E%2E2030105%40fastmail%2Efm][EmacsForMacOSX - copy & paste in orgmode]] + +*** CLOSED (Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eidwumjv%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Question) Custom drawers overrule :PROPERTIES: drawer?]] + +This is indeed the standard behavior of #+DRAWERS. + +*** CLOSED Links Lost and Export-Report + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:00] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1CAF6BB4%2D68B6%2D46C0%2DAE9A%2D11984B8DEC3A%40nf%2Empg%2Ede][Links Lost and Export-Report]] + +Id locations can be refresehed, and custom links is what Stefan Volmar +really wants. The answers are in the mailing list archives. + +*** CLOSED (BUG) org-capture: file+function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DONE" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:01] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814oesdqn3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-capture: file+function ]] +An example was published on the mailing list on how to deal with this case. + +*** CLOSED C-u usage +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6A554F%2E4030009%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][C-u usage]] + +*** CLOSED More structure on org-hacks.php +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9DC25FD3%2D0962%2D4FAF%2D827E%2DC1D9EF9A11E3%40gmail%2Ecom][More structure on org-hacks.php]] + +*** CLOSED See total effort in my agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:55] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrrro6af%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][See total effort in my agenda]] + +*** CLOSED export TODO keyword +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikFZbWW%3DXfnZ%5FdWHQj0gGtf5QQsk2rkArHcF%2Bki%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export TODO keyword]] + +*** CLOSED TODO hooks +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1sk2e67wi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][TODO hooks]] + +*** CLOSED Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:56] +:END: + [2010-08-16 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C695E08%2E4010208%40tu%2Ddortmund%2Ede][Help, org-inbuffer-options-extra seems to hate me right now]] + +*** CLOSED bug in make info? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:57] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C528A65%2E7060102%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][bug in make info?]] + +*** CLOSED question about date-tree +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:58] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6SrS5f2eCCV5p%2DIAEXwmzFpjU5v4k84XAB87d%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about date-tree]] + +** CLOSED empty lines in datetree capture templates +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-16 So 10:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:32] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20101228005000%2E1ce74e0f%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][empty lines in datetree capture templates]] + +Malformed capture template. + +** CLOSED remember template is slow +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim5zUT5fh0%5FRD0BUjJiWqR2dj%2DUm6nFKRWw8qgw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][remember template is slow]] + +** CLOSED org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:18] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikpgBIuU8PfW8Gb1nu5%5FNHCXQt%2DbZibNT5FBsEa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode 7.01, error while scheduling item]] + +** CLOSED org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i3gdvg%24mk1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-clock-idle-time resolving dialogues seem to stack up for each passed idle time period]] + +** CLOSED Error using Calc time format in table +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:11] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6FD575%2E4020300%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Error using Calc time format in table]] + +** CLOSED bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C7F849E%2E6030108%40gmail%2Ecom][bug ? invoking display-time causes org mode clocking to go bad]] + +** CLOSED Src blocks fontification issue +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim3YkuA1sybjR%2DjHP9jjvi6VjXWdBVk0XgGva%5Ft%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Src blocks fontification issue]] + +** CLOSED (babel) python session speed vs non session :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:12] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DbXug1xn%3DCAy7q3O%2Drg%2B%3DdkKSNmLXE%2Dd7CNAmw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) python session speed vs non session]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:13] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4n0kskq%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Bug? org.el:org-open-at-point]] + +** CLOSED Beamer column alignment +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikTMi%5FZOaSJrT2cVWmgydzPUmQiRB3%2BWwq%5FVu%2BT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Beamer column alignment]] + +** CLOSED org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line" +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1283759846%2E15821%2E5%2Ecamel%40geert%2Dlaptop][org-capture "unnarrowed" property not working in "org-capture-place-table-line"]] + +** CLOSED questions about table mode and spreadsheets +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DtOw%2DThbhBpFTFA3D6FpARrXRXcs4Cuj6VywMa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][questions about table mode and spreadsheets]] + +** CLOSED Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO" +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinorhws1MJB6m13V9UmN%5FbyjxGQawnprBgn8JT4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Force completed habits to revert to "HABIT" todo keyword instead of "TODO"]] + +** CLOSED Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DV%5Fx2rP0LXNJZ%3DRg%5F1WCjX7LoHPX8TOjq%2Dwqa5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Removing the blank lines between code and results blocks in LaTeX export]] + +** CLOSED Secretary.el +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/34C21479%2D797F%2D459E%2DA7A9%2D317E103CFDDA%40gmail%2Ecom][Secretary.el]] + +** CLOSED (Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimaM0Q6k1T7gRb1VKeWMW5TCdMTpiiTnxCJsy02%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Babel)(BUG) Executing python code fails due to indentation error]] + +** CLOSED Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100907032127%2EGA19261%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Problem with brackets in LaTeX exports]] + +** CLOSED Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:38] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100907T115925%2D748%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Why can't global cycling be simulated with command events?]] + +** CLOSED Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvtn5u7%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Composing letters using Org mode and the LaTeX isodoc class]] + +** CLOSED Magit Integration - logging magit events. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:39] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i65s53%24fvc%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Magit Integration - logging magit events.]] + +** CLOSED Context sensitive M-q +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/38B5DC68%2D38DC%2D4F36%2D8D26%2DF050D4F42036%40tsdye%2Ecom][Context sensitive M-q]] + +** CLOSED bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:40] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6htl8c%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug in export due to org-list-automatic-rules]] + +** CLOSED 7.01trans obsolete variables +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aantxqae%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][7.01trans obsolete variables]] + +** CLOSED bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimSCqNbu2%2BeQ%5F%5Fio3UfFJfN11GxJzTjRMFx3GYS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report - org-agenda-sorting-strategy]] + +** CLOSED Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:41] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1luntu%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Explicitly mention when a language-mode throws an error]] + +** CLOSED org-babel and gnuplot +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik81%2DMnBY1YXk24ZPGbQjUeK%3D2VvDLRh6nvWdro%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-babel and gnuplot]] + +** CLOSED setting index.org for MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeDKTTUaJPBWtKemkpD%2B%2BqTB%5FBAHbWoJpPJqm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][setting index.org for MobileOrg]] + +** CLOSED How to capture another file's column view +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100908081816%2E3089%2Eqmail%40web3415%2Email%2Eogk%2Eyahoo%2Eco%2Ejp][How to capture another file's column view]] + +** CLOSED Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:42] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C875799%2E8000104%40gmail%2Ecom][Version number via inline source in header of exported html and pdf? and Custom export name?]] + +** CLOSED org-beamer outline +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:43] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm2YdZbH%2DEzvJ3UH9BHKWBViCSMKpuv60dX2%2B7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-beamer outline]] + +** CLOSED Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:44] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxrsthz5%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Automate the writing of proposals (by using dynamic blocks)]] + +** CLOSED Agenda and weather forecast +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sn8mmy%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Agenda and weather forecast]] + +** CLOSED Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikRpEZt%3DkAA6GENGTPSzdAnfcXPfYXwd%5FpLq58Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Vague, difficult to trace error on malformed habits]] + +** CLOSED meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909092030%2EGA12903%40atlantic%2Elinksys%2Emoosehall][meaning of ampersand in spreadsheet cell references]] + +** CLOSED Exporting property values to LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik8YYDHf2qCjVKU2Ja%2D%2Bb3ZZmwx4BByKVJ7iW%2D5%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting property values to LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinS04macHUHn%5FkrnWpxN%3DKHgenrcpja%3D6un%2BQwy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Org Exporting LaTeX Description List Incorrectly]] + +** CLOSED Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/g9rbaanrggab%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Define template for org-agenda-diary-entry]] + +** CLOSED Problem with Babel and sessions :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim32fcEKcLMNV%5FR6WaUmL%3DKpojeC8ySaHYyottC%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with Babel and sessions]] + +** CLOSED plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89291C%2E6050001%40gmail%2Ecom][plantuml and svg format instead of png - feature request]] + +** CLOSED latex link target name +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C897AED%2E4090109%40indraneel%2Einfo][latex link target name]] + +** CLOSED Repeating tasks on specific days of the week +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFTm5%2DfMfow0o2sufApccB8%3DmPCUnsE8RtjczN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Repeating tasks on specific days of the week]] + +** CLOSED IP locator +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C89B1D8%2E70909%40indraneel%2Einfo][IP locator]] + +** CLOSED problem with label in latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:49] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A19AA%2E6080504%40indraneel%2Einfo][problem with label in latex export]] + +** CLOSED ical export -> google calendar woes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd6dr5aa%2Efsf%40verizon%2Enet][ical export -> google calendar woes]] + +** CLOSED bug: babel-* dirs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimsh1GL%2DWbXKx28wLxwoy63jRa1pm7qU3t%3DubxN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel-* dirs]] + +** CLOSED org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8A839B%2E6050905%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][org-exp-bibtex and multiple latex runs]] + +** CLOSED Export function to Vcal file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100910T213459%2D707%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Export function to Vcal file ]] + +** CLOSED Mediawiki and org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik6njrbfnLHFWg8T0Dmt1EFuq2M%3DOv%3DnVXL7xHf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Mediawiki and org-mode]] + +** CLOSED Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimmAgTjBsR0VNRDx3%2BPXOF%5FdiyK14UwdLFpDZ3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org, org-plot, and babel+gnuplot on Windows]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinG2VTV%3D4KRraXm94JDsHQM8p2%5FctS52vNM2LFL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg 1.4 for iPhone/iPad released]] + +** CLOSED Org capture with predefined entries from a list? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/70577%2E82396%2Eqm%40web29011%2Email%2Eird%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Org capture with predefined entries from a list?]] + +** CLOSED Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100912002412%2EGA8078%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug: Problem with section 12.5.7 of the Org manual (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github. +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:56] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6ha92%24mv2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Blogging to Blogspot/Blogger from Emacs using GoogleCL - github.]] + +** CLOSED org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8CC884%2E5050000%40dewdrop%2Dworld%2Enet][org-mode breaks buffer indexing in sclang-mode]] + +** CLOSED Include files to be used in literate programming :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4A6B29B6%2D07EA%2D46F0%2D99E9%2D718F93DAE558%40me%2Ecom][Include files to be used in literate programming]] + +** CLOSED lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5gy95f6%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) lisp/org.el (org-link-escape) escapes the type part of a link]] + +** CLOSED Bug : http in http link export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:57] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i6jql7%24l77%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug : http in http link export]] + +** CLOSED wanderlust links +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ybibp82mhgc%2Ewl%25ramestica%40lavabit%2Ecom][wanderlust links]] + +** CLOSED image size in html export +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:24] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913%2E070124%2E2244477084450416670%2Eetimecowboy%40gmail%2Ecom][image size in html export]] + +** CLOSED Bug in column view with cookie on item line +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E04C0%2E5080001%40indraneel%2Einfo][Bug in column view with cookie on item line]] + +** CLOSED Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyltj2tq%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Can't export to LaTeX anymore (args-out-of-range 0 0)]] + +** CLOSED Change color in fontified html export for strings +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:58] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8E21C2%2E80501%40gmail%2Ecom][Change color in fontified html export for strings]] + +** CLOSED Customizing agenda line format +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100913134826%2EGU4640%40cs%2Edal%2Eca][Customizing agenda line format]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +> > Well, I tried setting org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to "%0s", which +> > didn't work, but I didn't think about the above. So I tried this now. +> > It does remove the todo keyword, but it does only that. In particular, +> > there is now a space at the beginning of each line, which I assume is +> > simply the space in the headline that succeeds the todo keyword. Any +> > way of getting rid of that? Thanks for the pointer so far. +> > +> +> The information at the beginning of the line is controlled by +> org-agenda-prefix-format. What is the value of org-agenda-prefix-format +> on your machine? + +It seems to be more complicated than that. Here's what I found out by +tinkering around with settings a little. Setting +org-agenda-prefix-format to "" (as I already did before) correctly +removes the prefix *before* the TODO keyword. The formatting function +for everything starting with the TODO keyword, however, seems to +unconditionally insert a space between the TODO keyword and the rest of +the line. Thus, even if the TODO keyword is empty (by setting +org-agenda-todo-keyword-format to ""), there is still a space after the +now empty TODO keyword. Hence, the extra space at the beginning of the +line. To me it seems like there's no way around this with the standard +org mode settings. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Freemind conversion and Notes +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1divdb%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Freemind conversion and Notes]] + +** CLOSED MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:59] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim9jztJUzSuUXqF9YrbT4wwij9jM6xLRoCF%5Fs1n%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg Android 0.4.1 - Initial support for Dropbox and SDCard Synchronization]] + +** CLOSED camel.el, for CamelCase links +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DLuf%3DEB8NxnFm1X21Op5e4ivvvj%3DHTnJFoYP%2Br%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) camel.el, for CamelCase links]] + +** CLOSED listing org source blocks in LaTeX +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F8263421%2DF644%2D4B20%2DAB35%2D70DA5228FD24%40tsdye%2Ecom][listing org source blocks in LaTeX]] + +** CLOSED #+STYLE: strangeness +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914092443%2E61877ff2%2Ealantyree%40gmail%2Ecom][#+STYLE: strangeness]] + +** CLOSED Query: Nested sort in table? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5219%2E8040906%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Query: Nested sort in table?]] + +** CLOSED Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org" +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F5DD4%2E3080108%40gmail%2Ecom][Nested exports - Exporting a "sub.org" file while exporting "main.org"]] + +** CLOSED A LaTeX class for Org-mode export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:04] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E8B3A768%2D3065%2D4FBF%2DA732%2DC5AF45190D8D%40tsdye%2Ecom][A LaTeX class for Org-mode export]] + +** CLOSED org-scan-tags +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinghT%2DfKTLVR9Mz9a3hrXUNu%2Df%2DXW8GjU8%2D0H9p%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-scan-tags]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100915T093706%2D280%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915095409%2E2f16b506%40gaia%2Ehsu%2Dhh%2Ede][org-drill : automatic recognition of double entries]] + +** CLOSED org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:07] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24331%2E1284476463%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-auto-repeat-maybe only updates first timestamp (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:08] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915021535%2EGA19762%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? Inconsistency with org-publish-attachment]] + +** CLOSED Question: Repeating Items? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinp11fYcHxynvTb%2DyPN62Ym0a35Ygi9AbnTA9vD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Question: Repeating Items?]] + +** CLOSED Latex export of subtree not working for me +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90B1800200003700058B32%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** CLOSED extremely weird "bad sexp" errors +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100915113030%2EGA790%40taupan%2Eath%2Ecx][extremely weird "bad sexp" errors]] + +** CLOSED suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DAx3mQXCag%5Ft6o%2B2pTw9BzJHcGWQd4ZwX3%3Dxfh%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][suggestion/feature-request for dynamic blocks]] + +** CLOSED Load macros from other files? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/702389%2E1018%2Eqm%40web65509%2Email%2Eac4%2Eyahoo%2Ecom][Load macros from other files?]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode API? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhr13vh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-Mode API?]] + +** CLOSED Bibtex and latex export +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim%2BqJyGVww%3DZempP%2DGqre5qTspV%5FQjGhxuofuhi%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bibtex and latex export]] + +** CLOSED Worg link broken +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:10] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/C20E0E3A%2D7342%2D4FB5%2DAB94%2D346BE8ABA262%40tsdye%2Ecom][Worg link broken]] + +** CLOSED Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** CLOSED Remember item under specific :PROJECT: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsvyZA2XuGQ%5F3qdm85bbPvmQx3owCH49A%3D1YFN%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remember item under specific :PROJECT:]] + +** CLOSED options and batch exporting +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:11] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/79198B02%2D06BC%2D46C6%2DB396%2D914DB94F2CB7%40gmail%2Ecom][options and batch exporting]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 20:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:53] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3se9v6m%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Fix bug that erases org buffer when calling agenda via org-agenda-open-link.]] + +** CLOSED Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd66orsd%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Exporting BEAMER_HEADER_EXTRA]] + +** CLOSED (babel) Environment around exported results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvhoh18%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(babel) Environment around exported results]] + +** CLOSED Relative dates with sexep +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284654438%2E7792%2E63%2Ecamel%40localhost][Relative dates with sexep]] + +** CLOSED Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284655509%2E30245%2E28%2Ecamel%40inf%2D8657%2Eint%2Devry%2Efr][Problem in org + beamer on B_frame BEAMER_env for subsections with BEAMER_FRAME_LEVEL: 0]] + +** CLOSED Problem when previewing latex fragments +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4c926d6e%2E2a48960a%2E70de%2Effffba8a%40mx%2Egoogle%2Ecom][Problem when previewing latex fragments]] + +** CLOSED Putting latex in document titles +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimEPy051yq2%2BWMh%5F8dAtbuoHvdkx7tyT0%2Bn%2BeN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Putting latex in document titles]] + +** CLOSED Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284708719%2E2732%2E28%2Ecamel%40sduofa%2Ddesktop][Color of exported R code results using LaTeX listings]] + +** CLOSED Org-weather: display on some dates +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq249376%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Org-weather: display on some dates]] + +** CLOSED BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "DECLINED" from "BUG" [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:01] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp7w3098%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][BUG: Filtering the agenda can cause actions on the wrong task]] + +** CLOSED The \only<> overlay in beamer +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DOoV86xJKt%2DKMA%5F01o42ixB926%2BNLbAD5%5FhH%5FL%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][The \only<> overlay in beamer]] + +No follow-up of OP since [2011-09-29 Do] + +** CLOSED SQLite in 7.01h? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:52] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3sakin2%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][SQLite in 7.01h?]] + +** CLOSED org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i73q4m%24hgi%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-babel - utility to ease chopping src chunks into smaller org entries]] + +** CLOSED Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2010-12-19 So 15:53] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919085838%2EGA7050%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][Bug? org-babel-lob-ingest problem]] + +** CLOSED How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3r5gpajrz%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][How to export =\'= as a table entry in latex]] + +** CLOSED Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:54] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96B233%2E6090506%40sift%2Einfo][Problems with capture on Mobile Org for Android]] + +No follow-up by OP since [2010-09-20 Mo] + +** CLOSED orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices. +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2DeOmmSHMphu%5FB88D%3DEZyiGwi%3D1BA%3D0pmoaR0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][orgmode as a reference system: Storing private/sensitive information and syncing across devices.]] + +** CLOSED Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:56] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhjf1vi%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Generic LaTeX class support (scrlttr2/isodoc)]] + +** CLOSED Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org) +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871v8mhi1k%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Mail merge in isodoc class (with datatool... and Org)]] + +** CLOSED Howto define formula for table regions +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:44] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C996791%2E1070403%40gmail%2Ecom][Howto define formula for table regions]] + +** CLOSED does #+PROPERTY still exist ? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:51] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq1ygxq6%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][does #+PROPERTY still exist ?]] + +** CLOSED Ditaa usage +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:43] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimihWJNUL2nW%5FP9fVodjmtPu8ODiX6DobL4Uj5%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Ditaa usage]] + +** CLOSED cheatsheets in emacs +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:42] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinoxOuG5JY%5F%3DN0YbGo4fnxVvd%3DCgBsaHi4RygJR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cheatsheets in emacs]] + +** CLOSED "No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:41] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimx92faPAi0yqjiL0rVq%3Dtsz5yPJwQQn6StZ4ED%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom]["No link found" error during export of source block when headline has link]] + +** CLOSED subtree export fails with src block +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:40] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9AFE14%2E5080601%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: subtree export fails with src block]] + +** CLOSED *.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:04] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik1gcNht7B0H%2BsKWtM%2D%2B%5Fu1%2DqRF%2DZqmmk7YuQ2S%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][*.org files showing up as "exec" files in Snow Leopard]] + +Seems to be a Snow Leopard issue + +** CLOSED wrap sourcecode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-11-13 Sa 18:39] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLeNHrM486darx%5FOdg5D0uFJu9if%3DXC6yucs3Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][wrap sourcecode?]] + +** CLOSED File-level execute permissions? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv74778%2Efsf%40moenchweiler%2Ebach][File-level execute permissions?]] + +** CLOSED Requests about the code demarcation +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk0zqnpe%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Requests about the code demarcation]] + +** CLOSED Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/t5xlj6ri6st%2Efsf%40rgc%2Edamtp%2Ecam%2Eac%2Euk][Tips for writing lecture notes in org-beamer?]] + +** CLOSED ditaa set-up on windows box +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0vhbher9pp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][ditaa set-up on windows box]] + +** CLOSED Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:57] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100925T051048%2D374%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-Mode as core-modul of an open-source Emacs-ERP]] + +** CLOSED Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:45] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D7YJNTx2PmhdeSvOvtRyqBeLFD%3D%3DCkrPTtrOe%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with PROPERTIES :OPTIONS: when exporting subtree]] + +** CLOSED table, moving cells + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DECLINED" from "DONE" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:50] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:49] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9E1D1A%2E2090700%40ifi%2Euio%2Eno][table, moving cells]] + +This is a non issue, and workaround have been shown on the mailing list. + +** CLOSED (PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 15:58] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylcy6gw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PROPOSAL) Quick and easy installation instructions]] + +** CLOSED geolocated notes +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hi7mo8a%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][geolocated notes]] + +** CLOSED org-footnote in messages, practical question. + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd5rkvd9%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][org-footnote in messages, practical question.]] + +** CLOSED Windows installation with msysGit +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:00] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoPGPivfOtyc%2BcbkVLRkSd6sZidYMU%5Fhxv4YfH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Windows installation with msysGit]] + +** CLOSED Can't find LaTeX under MAC + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTine9VXs21%5FqYUVXtFxpdfQ76rMn7RkypNsWN%2DCU%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Can't find LaTeX under MAC]] +Not an Org mode question. +** CLOSED LaTeX classes for Resume Writing +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81pqvytj01%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][LaTeX classes for Resume Writing]] + +** CLOSED org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:46] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimbjUQ4BEc5M0nxvcKVFp15o%5FHaM23hOA28mby%2B%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture questions: not auto-loaded? no tag-alignment?]] + +** CLOSED how to set faces? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/31340963%2D56A3%2D41FC%2DBF3D%2D2F9F92F00750%40gmail%2Ecom][how to set faces?]] + +** CLOSED org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i7t96j%245oh%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][org and auto-complete faces/overlays clash]] + +** CLOSED Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:47] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w2lso50%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Having (too) many files in org-agenda-files]] + +** CLOSED lisp functions in column view +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwt7yv5%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][lisp functions in column view]] + +** CLOSED (babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dzas0KnqwH7sZrNPTT%5FOGhbuHeTpP%2BRrYTaL2t%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) FEATURE REQUEST: send results into file]] + +** CLOSED (beamer) export a long source block as in several frames +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m362xokf7l%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(beamer) export a long source block as in several frames]] + +** CLOSED Sidewaystable in org? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%2DPhkfqmboYcsKcOry0RHAfb9iaKMvM7L%3DBS0Q%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Sidewaystable in org?]] + +** CLOSED org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTind4R%3DJf%3DunjpSvdAk57x4CkXd%2DYfGgkPqW%3Djx3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org and Things.app - next actions and sorting items]] + +** CLOSED Fold "preamble/options" under first header +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DJi41h5%2BoGLSivNVZF06wQE5ZraV5LFBRzOXF6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Fold "preamble/options" under first header]] + +** CLOSED (babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:02] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0vd5o9mhr%2Efsf%40malibu%2Ehaskins%2Eyale%2Eedu][(babel) with-parsed-tramp-file-name]] + +** CLOSED Projects+Next Actions view + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:48] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikrpp4TV%2Dh0q1tYxR%2BCW07n%2BaADmYamPqtCPq0h%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Projects+Next Actions view]] + +** CLOSED Having problems with faces in org agenda +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4E65C%2E3050000%40sift%2Einfo][Having problems with faces in org agenda]] + +** CLOSED link export confused when URL parameter is another URL +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BD62CBAC4395B94096109020651BE2EC138628DD3E%40EXCHMB%2D02%2Estowers%2Dinstitute%2Eorg][link export confused when URL parameter is another URL]] + +** CLOSED POPERTIES Effort and HTML export + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:49] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018 +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/41EBAFCAD7ADD44C9162A21A19D3BC4E014D0162%40ipipmsg018][POPERTIES Effort and HTML export]] + +** CLOSED Agenda sorting strategy + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrq2pa7c%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Agenda sorting strategy]] + +** CLOSED Store link upon sending a message +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/zf%2Eupnk4m2i8gb%2Efsf%40zeitform%2Ede][Store link upon sending a message]] + +** CLOSED (PATCH) Org-agenda.el :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:50] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aamy40q0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(PATCH) Org-agenda.el]] + +** CLOSED strike through display problem +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:04] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbh5j3zq%2Ewl%25sebhofer%40gmail%2Ecom][strike through display problem]] + +** CLOSED org-capture: file to top level with prepend + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:51] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikV%5F%5FZb3XXNw9x4V0QWfwU1Qzyx%2BG5QK2vdv59%2D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-capture: file to top level with prepend]] + +Gmane link does not work. + +** CLOSED Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3DAANLkTikQY9f6Y9rjNvrioGm9NWZTiAWWUcKTbpcocfjJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Narrow table cells in Aquamacs 1.9]] + +No further reaction from OP +** CLOSED wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqvlhn4a%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: wl: links only work with wl running (7.01trans)]] + +** CLOSED org-agenda-skip-function not working +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikjf0Kt%2BPWaFKf7q%2BSk54EeLVbjJO%2BP7FwrtoyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-agenda-skip-function not working]] + +** CLOSED Latex-Export with custom commands +CLOSED: [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "QUESTION" [2010-12-19 So 16:09] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i929ov%24dpe%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Latex-Export with custom commands]] + +** CLOSED 7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known +CLOSED: [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:26] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd54hpam%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01 & Xemacs 21.4.22: decompose-region is not known]] + +** CLOSED Habits bug? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CD97293%2E2060002%40alum%2Emit%2Eedu][Habits bug?]] + +** CLOSED New clocktable code bug + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:53] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wronkoxc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][New clocktable code bug]] + +** CLOSED (BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python? +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbfxt6zm%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) org-babel :session breaks returning things with python?]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:52] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2sjzh1adv%2Efsf%40girard%2Einformatik%2Euni%2Dkl%2Ede][Bug report: syntax highlighting fails with org-indent-mode and emacs 23.2 ]] + +No feed back or backtrace via mailing list, issue closed. + +** CLOSED Executing sh code within sessions +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:51] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:19] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80tyjxbac3%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Executing sh code within sessions]] + +** CLOSED publishing a drawer +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "IDEA" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 19:25] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqum7hmq%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][publishing a drawer]] + +** CLOSED Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-12-12 So 18:50] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1%3DZmZ6SDTBSrTOWHNSm790iupUhGw1cvQzBvc%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Error when running org-babel-execute-buffer -- Wrong type argument: consp, nil]] + +** CLOSED Org 7.3 + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:54] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90585F1D%2DE456%2D4D5A%2D9FB7%2D4AC66EFC8452%40wustl%2Eedu][Org 7.3]] + +No followup in the thread, seems to be an isolated problem + +** CLOSED bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:21] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/ie7g5l%249na%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the agenda bulk actions for rescheduling several items]] + +** CLOSED Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-09 So 14:59] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 14:49] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T145637%2D70%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Using org-agenda-filter-preset with or'd tags]] + +** CLOSED org-faq: Invalid XHTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-01-29 Sa 15:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:27] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8162tw7714%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-faq: Invalid XHTML]] + +** CLOSED Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:44] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:35] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87mxn7jrq2%2Ewl%25csx239%40coventry%2Eac%2Euk][Bug: Scatter doubles up on SCHEDULED items (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-03-06 So 19:45] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:46] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/260F608F%2DAA9A%2D4B3C%2D9806%2DCB593148BCFE%40me%2Ecom][Hiding deadlines for completed (but not DONE) tasks]] + +** CLOSED UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:47] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%5F%3DnvCufsADqX9aneOiemH2VSrCdBG%3DP%2D6Qq7C%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: UTF-8 characters in #+LINK does not work (7.4)]] + +** CLOSED latex table export not centered +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:49] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D372390%2E7060303%40med%2Euni%2Dgoettingen%2Ede][latex table export not centered]] + +** DONE syntax bugs in footnotes + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:11] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/BANLkTikWRi9sXt%2BH%2DWXiSVJUOpg6DvXkOA%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) syntax bugs in footnotes]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 16:23] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxnn03d%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(PATCH) Allow no stripping of blank lines from code]] + +** DONE Why :ID: properties? +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8647D8%2E1010105%40gmail%2Ecom][Why :ID: properties?]] + +** DONE Directory Links (and a bug?) +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7dxs7k%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Directory Links (and a bug?)]] + +** DONE bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html)) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:08] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tym1thed%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][bug: ((file:something.org)) is exported to ((http:something.html))]] + +** DONE (WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode? +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbhynv05%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WISH) ELPA repo for org-mode?]] + +** DONE Search files in a folder +CLOSED: [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-14 Di 19:14] +:END: + [2010-09-14 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinE%2B%5FNk43r%2B4G9EEbfgrY7BzHLc%3DXdrJhcOmL1g%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Search files in a folder]] + +** DONE Agenda: Hide Sched. Items +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:25] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBDnjTqooH086bC%2DAS2noDohNhFED%2DbEp3Ubqy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Agenda: Hide Sched. Items]] + +** DONE problem exporting region from within a read-only file +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxd8p14%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][problem exporting region from within a read-only file]] + +** DONE todos without timestamp in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86aankg7q3%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][todos without timestamp in agenda]] + +** DONE image alt text for HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:27] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100914070111%2EGA8823%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][image alt text for HTML export]] + +** DONE export of .org file from within a different .org file +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:28] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C8F4412%2E80106%40gmail%2Ecom][export of .org file from within a different .org file]] + +** DONE Templates - newline in string? +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:29] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/9C84E32F%2D70BE%2D4E89%2D991C%2D64D130991B54%40unife%2Eit][Templates - newline in string?]] + +** DONE different result in spreadsheet tutorial +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:30] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp80frlw%2Efsf%40horrorshow%2Ehypnokush][different result in spreadsheet tutorial]] + +** DONE org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id) +CLOSED: [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-15 Mi 11:38] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin8ZJ4cssn%5Fa6GZN1X3Fm1n730FwnkhYb1rEZfe%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug: org-feed customization group is called org-id (can't customize org-id)]] + +** DONE (bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:06] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90142C%2E9030308%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][(bug) small problem with

tags in HTML export with H:1 option set]] + +** DONE (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:09] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874odrl4tz%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Re: (bug) Gnus author in capture templates not working]] + +** DONE including holidays in agenda +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocbzp2lm%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][including holidays in agenda]] + +** DONE org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:36] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30477%2E1284560478%40iu%2Eedu][Bug: org-mhe creates corrupt link when Message-ID field contains newline (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Question about local variables block +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:38] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C90E885%2E7010409%40sift%2Einfo][Question about local variables block]] + +** DONE Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords? +CLOSED: [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:50] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinqQW5zSpmygM%3DTxpE13kKT%2DFKugXOeYxyts5Rz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Any way to limit which subtrees to export based on TODO keywords?]] + +** DONE inline images in org-mode +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9165E0%2E4050401%40sift%2Einfo][inline images in org-mode]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Would it be reasonable to augment org's processing of #+ directives so +that an org user can specify (that Org should display inline images, +D.M.) there instead of using the local variables, which is less +user-friendly? +#+END_QUOTE + +** DONE (bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-11-28 So 20:12] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-17 Fr 08:54] +:END: + [2010-09-17 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100916152123%2EGQ26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(bug) "message" not present in default value of org-link-types]] + +** DONE Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 19:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbhomsl5%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Level 2 text not exported in LaTeX (well in HTML) + some comments]] + +** DONE C-a T DONE behavior +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:02] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1284745249%2E7792%2E109%2Ecamel%40localhost][C-a T DONE behavior]] + +** DONE calendar and agenda entries +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:03] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/86iq23nw63%2Efsf%40online%2Ede][calendar and agenda entries]] + +** DONE Latex export of subtree not working for me + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C95541202000037000590FD%40gwia2%2Ebeds%2Eac%2Euk][Latex export of subtree not working for me]] + +** DONE Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word) +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:14] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikoMUq1%3DJxg%2B4EiFpzZoUEUMQNJR7r2%5F67pEy36%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Remove all items tagged with (or that has a specific word)]] + +** DONE How can I get document metadata? +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:16] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100919025151%2EGA2355%40dimension8%2Etehua%2Enet][How can I get document metadata?]] + +** DONE Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimm148kxPssrcFbsr%3D9KWekbKsMe%2D30%2Ddc9HkPy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Emacs hangs forever when running in batch mode and calling a export org function]] +Reply in thread +** DONE Sparse trees and searching for multiple words + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:43] + :END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100919T104229%2D370%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Sparse trees and searching for multiple words]] + +Use search view +** DONE Tags in Agenda View +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C96340C%2E9040102%40gmail%2Ecom][Tags in Agenda View]] + +** DONE #+source line in export +CLOSED: [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:18] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/30B428E9%2DD657%2D4B5C%2D946D%2D2B2BB1137DEA%40tsdye%2Ecom][#+source line in export]] + +** DONE exporting to a specified directory +CLOSED: [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-22 Mi 09:29] +:END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C97D0D8%2E70504%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][exporting to a specified directory]] + +** DONE Update for habit documentation + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:44] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C98C8CB%2E1030704%40panix%2Ecom][Update for habit documentation]] +Manual was updated +** DONE Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-29 Wed 18:06] + :END: + [2010-09-22 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100922T013636%2D936%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Trying to write an elisp function to move subtree to end of file]] + +Such a function was posted on the mailing list. + +** DONE Exporting to html +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:29] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimLd9%5FHYtoq07Jsujfjs7dcRskGzpXckS1L2NcT%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Exporting to html]] + +** DONE Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:30] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C9A0CD4%2E7090704%40sift%2Einfo][Request for suggestions about best practices: tracking responses]] + +** DONE bug with spaces in regexp search +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:45] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik2WXVRy0OyPvDDqpTU6WgCwK%3DYncrJLsabOosJ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug with spaces in regexp search]] + +** DONE Agenda Question +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:46] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/364612B3%2DF7C0%2D4194%2DAFD1%2D1F82177FDCA8%40gmail%2Ecom][Agenda Question]] + +** DONE Yet another way to use maps --- the light way +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:48] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylgn0xw%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][Yet another way to use maps --- the light way]] + +** DONE compiling org without make +CLOSED: [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-26 So 19:55] +:END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24ACFCB8211E4E82A413C36087B326A8%40alice][compiling org without make]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-10-08 Fri 12:48] + :END: + [2010-09-26 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca +:ASSIGNEE: Carsten +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1285510512%2D31684%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dbernt%40norang%2Eca][(PATCH) Always run org-insert-heading-hook when creating headlines]] + +** DONE org-capture (lost PATCH?) +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81hbha3arh%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture (lost PATCH?)]] + +** DONE Cannot insert column - wrong type argument +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B6C4B9E692F741519C666E5398CB3993%40alice][Cannot insert column - wrong type argument]] + +** DONE Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:32] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkv0pqyi%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Compiling multiple times the LaTeX output]] + +** DONE How do I convert org to OpenOffice? + CLOSED: [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :LOGBOOK: + - Note taken on [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] \\ + Added FAQ on converting to doc/odt. + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-31 Sun 07:52] + :END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DnbM9j%3DjO%2BwfBw9hTvnp%5FBXzQn51Pv7c0gKTRa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I convert org to OpenOffice?]] + +** DONE Filter scheduled items +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:39] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin6GBddjGtgdMzb%2BG9mB0FJ%2Dbh2mfEkx5YAiuyF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Filter scheduled items]] + +** DONE Title for capture template +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqvvv6p8%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Title for capture template]] + +** DONE publishing orgmode to a CMS +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 22:03] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA655F7%2E5070000%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][publishing orgmode to a CMS]] + +** DONE bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:58] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik5xFe%2DsQy9wuLEo89thM9xAzit%2Dr1M7sv84%3DSY%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: babel: Export of temporary buffers fails]] + +** DONE Latex exporter bug or feature? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:52] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA86118%2E7000101%40indraneel%2Einfo][Latex exporter bug or feature?]] + +** DONE How to not publish log done note? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:57] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3bp7b8ric%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How to not publish log done note?]] + +** DONE Omit top level heading in latex export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:54] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA885BA%2E8050906%40indraneel%2Einfo][Omit top level heading in latex export?]] + +** DONE How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/24C72165%2DA63C%2D4582%2DA34E%2D41F193624D7E%40tsdye%2Ecom][How to modify org-export-latex-emphasis-alist]] + +** DONE Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 21:56] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim1tkcj%2DyaHRsAV5K1S4Xi4AYmj%2Du%2DNJ%2D0pXFDf%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Best way to embed an svg file in an exported xhtml page?]] + +** DONE (PATCH) there is no ś in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5g5sxyp%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][(PATCH) there is no ś in HTML]] + +** DONE Quoting formula "cookies" in table? +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocb96ebn%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][Quoting formula "cookies" in table?]] + +** DONE custom postamble in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:48] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79260i%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][custom postamble in HTML export]] + +** DONE quotation marks in LaTeX (again) +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPXpqj%3DVEmQcjCQ%3DEMW3z87w%2Da2T9SWNf4JFTP%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][quotation marks in LaTeX (again)]] + +** DONE Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:17] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp79s6c1%2Efsf%40gbox%2Ehome][Exporting to html doesn't highlight code syntax. And a make doc error]] + +** DONE (BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwwkyc46%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(BUG) Table formula with org-hh:mm-string-to-minutes]] + +** DONE Orgmode and filling +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:01] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimy2e0zMvqgFqOUivm78frhNot%5FJoxgawGHATN7%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Orgmode and filling]] + +** DONE Tracking time with MobileOrg :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101006T202915%2D444%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tracking time with MobileOrg]] + +** DONE conditional export based on target +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:40] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3ocb6d403%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][conditional export based on target]] + +** DONE (babel) Writing R-packages the org way? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 15:09] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D48WwMfN7TMd78e%5F%3DWtVCru9%2BOzGjq9iF6zRzy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Writing R-packages the org way?]] + +** DONE (BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:29] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic1af5t%2Efsf%40kotik%2Elan][(BUG) define "just", preamble and postamble placement]] + +** DONE How can I just publish entry marked as DONE? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:34] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84iq1dgk05%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][How can I just publish entry marked as DONE?]] + +** DONE Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone? +CLOSED: [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-15 Fr 22:06] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84aampgjsx%2Efsf%40sohu%2Ecom][Any equal setting of #+STARTUP: nologdone?]] + +** DONE Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:23] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJek1DNN6LTY4EBuAQ9se2R5Of7vmaeV8srNWR%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Option to prevent auto-insertion of blank lines by M-return?]] + +** DONE library of babel, bootabs question +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evj88llnrn9zmcv%40pckr105%2Empip%2Dmainz%2Empg%2Ede][library of babel, bootabs question]] + +** DONE how to reverse a region of outline items +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i8n5cn%24f9a%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][how to reverse a region of outline items]] + +** DONE bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:22] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic0zuzj%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug with respect to org-read-date-prefer-future]] + +** DONE TaskJuggler 3, revisited +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:20] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinFzkNATY7YGKVdYRCcX%3D2TWV6fP%3DG3NKbTFYDg%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][TaskJuggler 3, revisited]] + +** DONE (BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentation +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinsu1A7B%2DJQ6%3DtcZXHTpsVcWU3DyJV%2B2w%2D4VnK0%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) incorrect indentation when tangling with org-src-preserve-indentatidon]] + +** DONE Export Headings Only? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DdTGvjFPA348NS8zqy6twpFWKuzg%3DreGqEBWLS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Export Headings Only?]] + +** DONE org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +- State "TODO" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:19] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhrunit%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org tbl, sum elements in a colum with the mouse]] + +** DONE No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:18] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m21v7zkmlt%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: No match - create this as a new heading? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:17] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimCTroeNUYcZct5Y5cPnpBWhq%3D8UMT0DrZ2ewSX%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Recurring scheduled items appearing in schedule]] + +** DONE Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:35] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimyQv%5FvYzNDNkK9oOnyD4bCXyqGkqKKts6SSY13%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Possible Bug: LaTeX inline math $X$ export as HTML]] + +** DONE Feature request +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:38] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwejgw8%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Feature request]] + +** DONE centering text in html +CLOSED: [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-16 Sa 16:39] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DBUyAwNvW4w%2BOXE7FAESc6DsQ%2BPWjc9nDOxq%2Dm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][centering text in html]] + +** DONE Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:13] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd58tj5x%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][Ampersands in OrgTbl to HTML]] + +** DONE Need help publishing subdirectories +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:12] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3D%5FrBRhxUSzvC62TT%2D4%2Dz7uMWe9uAxkKCjHRO6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Need help publishing subdirectories]] + +** DONE puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:11] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB3F932%2E2030508%40gmail%2Ecom][puzzling plain list and tree folding behaviour]] + +** DONE optimal usage Q : how would you do this? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:07] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i91guj%24k54%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][optimal usage Q : how would you do this?]] + +** DONE cache issue when publishing website with include file +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1Dq0L%2BujT4UxMcKTNHB%2DDypFRZ%3D0RyhL4RYWG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][cache issue when publishing website with include file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-24 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81mxqj1jw3%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Fix broken internal links on export]] + +** DONE org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor +CLOSED: [2010-10-24 So 20:29] +:LOGBOOK: +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3rff3ju%2Ewl%25n142857%40gmail%2Ecom][org-publish fails to export the #anchor in other_org_file.html#anchor]] + +** DONE org-mobile-use-encryption :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:06] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi62x70wkx%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile-use-encryption]] + +** DONE Insert link to recently captured Note? +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikdw1EH%2DxejLTvozyDsvgXpnhaOJtFC0rYVTG%2B6%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Insert link to recently captured Note?]] + +** DONE (BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w22oz5l%2Efsf%40rampella%2Eterramar%2Eselidor%2Enet][(BUG) OrgTbl exports raw ampersands in HTML]] + +** DONE org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmi7hhmm41e%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-mobile agenda failure with encryption and tramp]] + +** DONE Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB5F37B%2E3090001%40aol%2Ecom][Wanted: org-publish-org-to-ascii]] + +** DONE Auto clock-out? (7.01trans) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:27] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2fwwarmsh%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Auto clock-out? (7.01trans)]] + +** DONE org-7 under Xemacs +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocaydj3m%2Efsf%40mat%2Eucm%2Ees][org-7 under Xemacs]] + +** DONE Elementary: How to return to the main view +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:02] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DHaBZvpVVUMoFfAuvzxZXNcP92rp2NYBM2F%2BPm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Elementary: How to return to the main view]] + +** DONE Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5) +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fww9hy9p%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][Xemacs installation, some clarification (21.4 and 21.5)]] + +** DONE org-freemind.el and rx +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/461725B9%2D86DA%2D4ECF%2DA580%2D038D0A67B5CD%40gmail%2Ecom][org-freemind.el and rx]] + +** DONE 7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:01] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkughpe5%2Efsf%40gilgamesch%2Equim%2Eucm%2Ees][7.01h problems under Xemacs 21.4.X: submit bug report does not work]] + +** DONE blorgit build +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3zkug3lqm%2Efsf%40david%2Eespiga4%2Ecom%2Ear][blorgit build]] + +** DONE Bug (?) in org-capture +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:33] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB7165D%2E9010306%40sift%2Einfo][Bug (?) in org-capture]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading and inline tasks +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:00] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hhklk5c%2Efsf%40fastmail%2Efm][org-insert-heading and inline tasks]] + +** DONE Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D0qZakYDcKvq6C6QH8%2BjUMHv4jWB0aNUzcAJ9V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Using \ref instead of \hyperref in LaTeX export?]] + +** DONE (Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:57] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80d3rb8qo0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Testing + Babel) Old Org HTML hides Org HTML]] + +** DONE Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vpks7%2Efsf%40keller%2Eadm%2Enaquadah%2Eorg][Weird behaviour with org-yank and org-startup-indented]] + +** DONE Babel for blogging :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:54] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y69zqw20%2Efsf%40univ%2Dnantes%2Efr][Babel for blogging]] + +** DONE org-insert-heading +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:52] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB891AE%2E1050204%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][org-insert-heading]] + +** DONE #+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "DONE" [2010-10-26 Di 20:51] +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:50] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/E9EE931D9C45409B9187BD1DEE9C1FDE%40PHONON%2ECOM][#+CATEGORY missing from main index of online documentation?]] + +** DONE mobileorg app can't sync :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bp6vf6bb%2Ewl%25rodprice%40raytheon%2Ecom][mobileorg app can't sync]] + +** DONE Publishing htaccess files with a project +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikKbGLzOG8N%5F1SdyWhJq4wApQkFErMaVtUCrxmE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Publishing htaccess files with a project]] + +** DONE Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:40] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikqrQFthc7keWV3nwS77c7J%2BjXscPMTJKW8zpF%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Applying inline styles to a section for exported HTML]] + +** DONE Library calls and begin_example :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:43] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1EB2B610%2D4AE1%2D4744%2DBE05%2D73427497A5F2%40tsdye%2Ecom][(Babel) Library calls and begin_example]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB960FA%2E4030007%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE (BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format? +CLOSED: [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-17 So 17:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikGhJV4%2D%2B%2BHOJV%2D%2Bg0JU2PGT8%5F9Q7UQLWnventm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-latex ignores org-export-latex-hyperref-format?]] + +** DONE command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:42] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB97DC7%2E9040406%40online%2Ede][command-name org-insert-heading-respect-content]] + +** DONE How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode? +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimJXti4C%3D6PZjybhfvQsubPUuPDhj8C5f%5F%3Do6%3DZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][How do I change when a new day starts in orgmode?]] + +** DONE Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:39] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i9ck6b%24bu6%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Tiny piece of customization for ctrl-c ctrl-c within a timestamp]] + +** DONE Latex Export +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:38] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/90e6ba53a53e8bf9f20492bf5b5d%40google%2Ecom][Latex Export]] + +** DONE xemacs compatibility +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%2BRjh9pkuE9ib6ZcV3%2BktBdgkZYeNNL18R0UO3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][xemacs compatibility]] + +** DONE Exporting #+lob :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/58EEABEE%2D9247%2D434F%2DA861%2D5CB641A6CA56%40tsdye%2Ecom][Exporting #+lob]] + +** DONE (babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:37] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinmxQ2Zz1VdCqPU7LhqLdg1aMh%3D2pqdPiViQ2kB%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Links in tangled file - howto jump to .org?]] + +** DONE Unable to export babel results :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:34] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3Dn0faF%3DqN6%2DWoVJZ8OzxrfOgLtq%2B6hjrsB7MeZ%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Unable to export babel results]] + +** DONE org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-10-26 Di 20:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-18 Mo 20:17] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CBBEC97%2E5000402%40dayspringpublisher%2Ecom][org-default-notes-file]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables :Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 Sun 09:55] + :END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CE674E5%2E3080204%40snow%2Enl][(PATCH) Quarters added to clocktables]] + +** DONE pcomplete bug in 7.4 +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878vz1tyau%2Efsf%40free%2Efr][pcomplete bug in 7.4]] + +** DONE (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE :Patch: +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:51] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DG8u9raP6p3jMeTRYPB%5FAzGgmZVKKZjPqqCPX4%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode)(PATCH) How do I include text between a range of line numbers with #INCLUDE]] + +** DONE (manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-30 So 14:17] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:25] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikwi%5Fz2soG89sPWy1csJ3TUjdNUa1DR2%2BOBSdFH%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(manual) Update solution for orgmode and yasnippet conflict]] + +** DONE indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:10] + :END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iidr5d%2411e%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][indentation bug related to preceding :PROPERTIES: line]] + +** DONE bug: invalid export key in export visible region +CLOSED: [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-03-06 So 19:09] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:58] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikttp5CRL0QyBH%2BO4DWOq1jYnvSZWg%3DXdq%5FOKbr%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug: invalid export key in export visible region]] + +** DONE fill-region and list items +CLOSED: [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:14] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D76A42E%2E5080909%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) fill-region and list items]] + +** DONE Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:23] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 12:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [303/365] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1299750044%2E30358%2E23%2Ecamel%40birke%2Eikw%2EUni%2DOsnabrueck%2EDE][(O) Symbol's function definition is void: fill-forward-paragraph]] +** DONE proper visibility cycling for items + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:06] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Make them not hide the text after the final list item. + This is not trivial, we cannot usenormal outline stuff, + needs a separate implementation. +** DONE (PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:32] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimGVyxJfkxdBWOTipo%5FPD3mfHHsEL%5FmMX2jgmb9%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Alphabetical ordered lists]] + +** DONE preserving location of point + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbk831tn%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][preserving location of point]] + Resolved - works with emacs -Q, so it is due to some other + package. +** DONE VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:32 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1ADD256551CD486E9D4C1122FE9D7CF7%40alice][VISIBILITY property and C-u C-u ]] + +** DONE question about link syntax +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:55] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinn%2Bq61ccmYrcnFtgga1SHaXzNwDw68wYN0NU6U%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][question about link syntax]] + +** DONE M-return on list items in quote blocks + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:08] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:24] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CF7703B%2E9000509%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: M-return on list items in quote blocks]] +** CLOSED (ANN) List improvement v.2 + CLOSED: [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "IDEA" [2011-03-20 dim. 17:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:45] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) List improvement v.2 ]] + +git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + +** CLOSED (ANN) New lists definition :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:33] +- State "DECLINED" from "WISH" [2010-07-29 Do 18:51] +:END: + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:33 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3v6gqoc%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(ANN) New lists definition]] + + git@github.com:ngz/org-mode-lists.git branch: end-lists + + Superseded by [[id:mid:87ocdzw7gq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom%5D%5BList%20improvement%20v%2E2%5D%5D + +** CLOSED Export of quoted region to HTML +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:30] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:34 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80mxohuz3k%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Export of quoted region to HTML]] + +"At the moment, there is no real support for lists inside blocks." ([[http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/34716][Re: Export of quoted region to HTML]]) +** CLOSED Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] \\ + Cannot reproduce it anymore on [2011-07-16 sam.]. +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:43] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:37] +:END: + [2010-11-28 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:44 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2pqu2ku9h%2Efsf%40ibm%2Enigelbeck%2Ecom][Backslash in a table breaks export to Docbook]] + +** DONE (bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] \\ + Fixed with new escaping mechanism. +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 14:47] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-20 Mo 20:47] +:END: + [2010-09-20 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tylkwpq0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(bug) org-link-escape and (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] +** DONE possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-07-29 Do 14:10] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609152120%2E2ab7l1te884sw8ww%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][possible Bug: non-interactive publishing (emacs 22.1)]] + +** DONE Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0 +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:36] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:51 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Publishing +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2d3r8lvj9%2Efsf%40tyche%2Elnouv%2Ecom][Publishing bug: FOOTNOTE DEFINITION NOT FOUND: 0]] + +** DONE (PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100712T155021%2D318%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(PATCH) Add the ability to remove time ranges specifications for agenda items that span on several days]] + Patch is applied. +** DONE bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer%! +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:37] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 15:20] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinwNtcd6L0iUSJ7C97tUe9HJMnp%2Di9b6Z7m5wVF%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][bug report: timeline agenda in an indirect buffer]] + +** DONE Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:52] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/B2C55589%2D188B%2D4300%2DB477%2D45D176425519%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** DONE habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:12] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100824115616%2ET1L77%2E22653%2Eroot%40nskntwebs04p][Bug: habit: better error handling required (TAG=7.01g)]] + +The code now has a better error message for this case. + +** DONE Git pull breaks agenda? + CLOSED: [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-19 Thu 23:58] + [2010-08-17 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/0viq39cj16%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: Git pull breaks agenda?]] + +** DONE Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-01-23 So 14:57] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 17:23] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1043EF15%2DB30B%2D4F2E%2DA6E1%2D2A4DFE8EF93F%40agfa%2Ecom][Bug: Agenda's `Goto Today' doesn't in Day view (7.4)]] + +** DONE Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5)) +CLOSED: [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 14:58] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:10] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ei9a30tx%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][Bug: Jumping to a date in the agenda changes view back to 'day' (7.4 (release_7.4.80.g0e5e5))]] + +** DONE Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists +CLOSED: [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-01-30 So 14:22] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 14:54] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110113T233820%2D296%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Patch: More options for ignoring scheduled items in agenda todo lists]] + +** DONE (babel) Error Before first headline. :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:37] + :END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DjuRqyywtbNsdPtbEpKRgtVjGvjfMpkJ%3DDQ9Kz%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error Before first headline.]] + +** DONE Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:10] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimkR%2BEWucSjEfdseFC4%5Fbg3jmGBLb%2BMoGMGuMoa%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Common Lisp / SLIME support for babel]] + +** DONE Org-Babel and Ledger :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:24] + - State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:35] + :END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiemsk0m%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Org-Babel and Ledger]] + +** DONE (BABEL) Commands for navigation :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81zkvx1wz0%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Commands for navigation]] + +** DONE Comments in tangled source + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:24] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimceiK%2BvitrpRV8e1p86vt1%3DHFaECwhDAYDMt%5FD%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Comments in tangled source]] + +** DONE (babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:20] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80F2C6%2E7000506%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) feature request: org-babel-pre-tangle-hook]] + +** DONE (babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug? + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:19] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C80B94B%2E702%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) Error with source block and variable on export - bug?]] + +** DONE Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 17:03] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimPRy4jSV3W0FmTPExbSnu57foEbLxS0vB8O%2BFm%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Babel: ob-plantuml fails on Windows]] + +** DONE (babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D28NJC76fbmsrQDGWPuJhKgVak3%2BO4NY2%3Dq2MV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(babel) babel creating corrupt pdf and png]] + +** DONE (babel) support plantuml :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:21] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m3sk22iwiq%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(babel) support plantuml]] + +** DONE (org-babel) References Not Expanding :Babel:Patch: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:20] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinPyATL6OLUt5FCaP4GyQb06P0jFyxD6NiYbfpu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(org-babel) References Not Expanding]] + +** DONE (ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:08] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w44vqk9%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][(ANN) New babel features: sessions, ESS & remote commands]] + +** DONE problem with babel and R :Babel: + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-31 Tue 17:02] + :END: + [2010-08-17 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTim7jqrWosr14CaqC9a8EVTEJCBnnCsgfDj2Wo2R%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][problem with babel and R]] + +Now possible to wrap results in Org blocks which can export as raw +org, but still allow for clean replacement of raw Org results. + +** DONE The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file +CLOSED: [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:08] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8062v4l9f0%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) The first line of the code blocks disappears in the tangled file]] + +** DONE indentation in capture templates :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 13:18] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DYd%2B4qPWkOEAoeckC8Fj5gMX0QAWRi%2DgdW0uJk%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][ indentation in capture templates]] + +** DONE Capture and clock options +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:53] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281628877%2E5279%2E18%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and clock options]] + +** DONE Capture and checkitem +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:30] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:06] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1281629439%2E5279%2E24%2Ecamel%40localhost][Capture and checkitem]] + + +This is now fixed, two reasonably serious issues. checkitem was not +implemented at all, and both checkitem and item could be placed into +the wrong subtree. + +** DONE (BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:41] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i5mn08%24vkl%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][(BUG - low) capture with region selected in read only erc buffer]] + +** DONE (BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-11-28 So 19:46] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 18:50] +:END: + [2010-09-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100909113805%2EGO26017%40roobarb%2Ecrazydogs%2Eorg][(BUG) Org-capture breaks if captured-to file is open in a narrowed buffer]] + +** DONE Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop' + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 13:57] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Clocking + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/8762yn6gq0%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][Use `C-c C-x _' for interactively calling `org-timer-stop']] +** DONE Document the :recursive option for org-publish +CLOSED: [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "TODO" [2010-11-22 Mo 21:43] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: +** DONE typo in org.texi? :Patch: +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-16 Mon 10:38] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:36] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C657990%2E6000100%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][typo in org.texi?]] + +** DONE improve doc string + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - patch: http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/26 + - Org repo commit: http://orgmode.org/w/org-mode.git/commitdiff/bc53b3da3bf95c767113625693895a7dcbf389bb +** DONE workaround for the given example + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting/export of emphasized link + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Worg repo commit: http://repo.or.cz/w/Worg.git/commitdiff/f5814f05998292d4eb80f9772c279e9837644f29 +** DONE (bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqzvqzbg%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(bug) overprotective begin/end during latex export]] + This has been fixed + +** DONE lists, maths and export to latex :Patch: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87aar2lohp%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][Bug: lists, maths and export to latex]] +*** (PATCH) lists and exportation to latex + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Eric Schulte + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ljaitszr%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) lists and exportation to latex]] + + This patch has been applied. + +** DONE latex export and booktabs tables :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:02] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinpBewqB1hb8FKW6PkBYRa72shCW%2D4szic26FuE%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][latex export and booktabs tables]] +** DONE Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath? + [2010-06-18 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: Carsten + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C19CD7D%2E7050409%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + This has been fixed, use the setting #+OPTIONS: LaTeX:verbatim. + It is also documented in the jsMath tutorial. + +** DONE Comment before \begin{equation} exported verbatim + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C2C415A%2E5030608%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Verbatim LaTeX inside delimiters in HTML export with jsMath?]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +I noticed the following behavior: A comment line starting with "#" +immediately before a \begin{equation} environment is passed verbatim +as well. I don't think it counts as a bug, since there should probably +be a blank line before \begin anyway. +#+END_QUOTE + + This issue has been fixed. + +** DONE Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:49] + [2010-06-30 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4phajcl%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca][Exporting narrowed subtrees to HTML]] + + - Patch :: [[http://patchwork.newartisans.com/patch/90/][90]] +** DONE Support multiple CSS container classes :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:02] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinTb1RiH89MVYESG03WWfDlf6nMkBR3%5F6xP2Y2m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Problem with HTML_CONTAINER_CLASS property]] +** DONE Literal examples and indentation +CLOSED: [2010-07-16 Fr 19:48] + [2010-07-01 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m2bparr0lw%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][Literal examples and indentation]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +Ok, so the answer of my initial question is no. + +That's a bit sad because, IMHO, this could a little be smarter than +this. For example if the line to indent is an empty one, then don't +insert indentation, or if the text is already indented then indent +with respect of the current indentation, etc... +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export :Patch: + [2010-07-12 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87vd8nx9b9%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][patch: add event reminders to iCalendar export]] + + Eric Fraga's code is now on the master branch. + +** DONE (BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export + [2010-06-26 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fx0abtr1%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(BUG) #+begin_src wo. language blocks XHTML export]] + Fixed, patch by Eri Schulte, this now gives a good error message + +** DONE (PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during LaTeX Export :Babel: + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87hbkhwqkj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) double-O-LaTeX: retain meta-information during + LaTeX Export]] + + Fixed with special treatment of these lines before the first headline +** DONE (BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading :Babel: + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq4ffrbq%2Ewl%25n%2Egoaziou%40gmail%2Ecom][(BUG)(Babel) Exporting text before heading]] + + Fixed, patch by Eric Schulte +** DONE bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkxn9kg5%2Ewl%25ucecesf%40ucl%2Eac%2Euk][bug: images always inlined when exporting to HTML]] +** DONE Minor Bug in ical2org awk script +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrspqft5%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][Minor Bug in ical2org awk script]] +** DONE Correct babel format for ditaa? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimoNrsZKVtpJIg48GoNOr%2DhHeliIYUdiBrmon9%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Correct babel format for ditaa?]] + +** DONE Bug in org-colview/org-beamer? +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 10:52] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/868w4s3ygu%2Ewl%25simon%2Eguest%40tesujimath%2Eorg][Bug in org-colview/org-beamer?]] +** DONE bug in org-mode-export-as-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:45] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/alpine%2EOSX%2E1%2E10%2E1007280827490%2E20048%40neil%2Dhepburns%2Dmacbook%2Dpro%2Elocal][bug in org-mode-export-as-latex]] +** DONE LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b))) +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-07-10 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87bpamdtcr%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][LaTeX export error with images (was: Bug: Export error with images with no caption (6.36trans (release_6.36.509.g9e9b)))]] + +** DONE Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "ASSIGNED" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:58] +- State "ASSIGNED" from "BUG" [2010-08-08 So 14:27] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:15] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom +:ASSIGNEE: dmaus +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100803195602%2EGW1712%40gmail%2Ecom][Problem when exporting to PDF to a different directory]] + +** DONE Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 20:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 11:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimNrOQSNOBBESRsCJT1OTEcGAy7DV5VJjTWzwEy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Odd constrained failure mode in org-format-latex]] + +** DONE Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin%3Dp1vZHrZ6vuvVVVxihfT17mSH3WZ2t1%3DkMqF2%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Bug? Table caption produces trailing "nil" in pdf export]] + +** DONE BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-( +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 11:59] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hj1nf7j%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][BUG ??? Cannot export custom link type to ASCII :-(]] + +** DONE Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:45] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikBzgBaemZE%2BxmQ9xHHX3xMfEzO6Vyw89f%2B9MKS%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Tags included in iCal entries summary even when not asked for]] + +** DONE html-export mangels mailto: links +CLOSED: [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-05 So 16:40] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwxtjjmh%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Bug) html-export mangels mailto: links]] + +** DONE escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:18] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C79C7EC%2E5080006%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: escaping a star in a heading (7.01trans)]] + +There was a bug here (fixed), and also a user error (told the user so +on the mailing list). + +** DONE export to latex broken +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:07] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:22] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3DEoHiCEA3vVDcKD9Q3noNBtN7D2cU6p%5Fw%2Dr%5FdG%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][export to latex broken]] + +The offending commit has been reverted. + +** DONE Publishing documents body-only + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 13:58] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + +The :body-only property is now available in the publishing setup. + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C6BD91B%2E6060107%40gmail%2Ecom][Publishing documents body-only]] + +** DONE Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-17 Tue 08:44] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C359B28%2E9070903%40no8wireless%2Eco%2Enz][Bug: Org-publish needs to catch error (6.36trans)]] + + [2010-07-20 Tue] Request for backtrace sent to bug report author + +** DONE suggesting a new function org-export-string :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:35] +:END: + [2010-10-18 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87k4lg4iqc%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][suggesting a new function org-export-string]] +** DONE portable absolute links in HTML export +CLOSED: [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:37] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tykyb3bu%2Efsf%40dasa3%2Eiem%2Epw%2Eedu%2Epl][portable absolute links in HTML export]] + +** DONE insert a remember template at point +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:31] + [2010-05-30 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87d3wes6uf%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][insert a remember template at point]] +** DONE Movement of C-a under visible-mode +CLOSED: [2010-06-25 Fr 09:09] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5k8iwjf%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Bug) Movement of C-a under visible-mode]] +** DONE org-mode and auto-fill-mode :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:24] + [2010-06-16 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTintBEiUbN2GM%2DEMdC75b%5Fc2gqU%5FntqRF9UISEor%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mode and auto-fill-mode]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1hblfgkp1%2Efsf%40cam%2Eac%2Euk][Removing (modify-syntax-entry ?# "<")]] + +** DONE Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i) :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:25] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/27358%5F1276999107%5FZZh016P3PwKhB%2E00%5F1279418262%2E4854%2E10%2Ecamel%40localhost%2Elocaldomain][Bug: Creation of timestamp directory when publishing (6.35i)]] +** DONE org-feed not working for codeproject :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:12] + [2010-06-19 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ASSIGNEE: dmaus + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/871vc3g1ay%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-feed not working for codeproject]] +** DONE (mobileorg) Android sync failed :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:18] + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin3OBYGNSLGjTq7KPqOqbwN6aqybRZDMVas5Aqp%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobileorg) Android sync failed]] +** DONE org-capture question/suggestion + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/877hlqetr8%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][org-capture question/suggestion]] + This patch has been applied, estimate operators are now active and + documented. +** DONE Displaying inline remote images +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:01] + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/sa3pqzheo2j%2Efsf%40cigue%2Eeaster%2Deggs%2Efr][Displaying inline remote images]] +** DONE Tables and environment with parameters + [2010-06-24 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eifxjv28%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Tables and environment with parameters]] + Another case of checking for protectedness at the wrong place (the + following line :( ) +** DONE org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 17:00] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87y6e39ico%2Efsf%40thinkpad%2Etsdh%2Ede][Bug: org.texi doesn't compile (6.36trans (release_6.36.415.gb2dcd))]] +** DONE org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51)) +CLOSED: [2010-07-02 Fr 16:53] + [2010-06-27 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w6110wp%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: org-capture destroys target file when user aborting prompt in template (6.36trans (release_6.36.430.gec51))]] +** DONE inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active +CLOSED: [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:28] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C413C53%2E3090404%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active]] + +*** inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up%! + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5A1FC3%2E5000201%40ccbr%2Eumn%2Eedu][Bug: inline image display not working when org-indent-mode active, follow-up]] +** DONE Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans) + [2010-07-05 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3D8739vzpqx1.wl%25dmaus%40ictsoc.de][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]], [[http://mid.gmane.org/8739vzpqx1%2Ewl%25dmaus%40ictsoc%2Ede][Bug: Error when bulk-refile and org-refile-use-outline-path is 'file (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed by fixing the function org-find-olp, this can not search just + in the current buffer if the THIS-BUFFER flag is set. +** DONE Problem when org-capturing text from French email + [2010-07-16 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzjld0f%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Problem when org-capturing text from French email]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus to work around Emacs bug #5306. + +** DONE org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans) + [2010-07-17 Sa] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C40B005%2E6090403%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Bug: org-timer-start with offset (6.36trans)]] + + Fixed, patch by David Maus. + +** DONE web site bug +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:27] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/op%2Evf5gkqb82luvc2%40l670g%2Elobel][web site bug]] +** DONE indent levels in dynamic block clock? +CLOSED: [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "QUESTION" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +- State "QUESTION" from "NEW" [2010-07-23 Fr 07:26] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D%5FJ4JYYuYXwOUrH8SGfNhrhJ3fi2q%2BrvyZ45Ht%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][indent levels in dynamic block clock?]] +** DONE org-collector : display problem with propview +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:25] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100722T103812%2D336%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][org-collector : display problem with propview]] +** DONE startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block) +CLOSED: [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2blmv%2491i%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][startup Lisp error in 7.01: Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-function org-export-blocks-add-block)]] +** DONE Diary-integration in version 7.01.g +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:00] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:op%2Evgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://news.gmane.org/find-root.php?message_id%3Dop.vgchwy0q8j0klx%40localhost.localdomain][Diary-integration in version 7.01.g]] +** DONE Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG= +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 16:59] +:END: + [2010-07-25 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100725T022444%2D494%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Org-mode-version command now includes the text TAG=]] +** DONE links and ID properties +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:35] +:END: + [2010-07-14 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87oceaosuf%2Efsf%40pellet%2E%2Enet][links and ID properties]] + +** DONE (Patch) Capture: [Error: (void-function FILE)] and %![Error: (void-function SEXP)] (again)%! +CLOSED: [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:33] +:END: + [2010-07-18 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87fwzi1gei%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) Capture: %!(Error: (void-function FILE)) and %!(Error: (void-function SEXP)) (again)]] +** DONE (BUG) Org-capturing items to clock +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:01] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:37] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikAS2%5FAVRJMJ1WY1ZgKtYCOSOi%2BoN0XvA54%3Dfs3%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(BUG) Org-capturing items to clock]] +** DONE Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-01 So 21:22] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-24 Sa 13:42] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimAMavZAViDyfJ446ez9qVu5MAc1M65A1rBgG22%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Issue with correctly resuming interrupted timer]] +** DONE MobileOrg capture - bad encoding :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:13] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy5rxwp%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][MobileOrg capture - bad encoding]] +** DONE Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:17] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100730T023704%2D962%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug in org-mime may expose more than intended to email recipient]] +** DONE (BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:48] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C4EDFD5%2E7010507%40mail%2Ecom][(BABEL) org-babel-post-tangle-hook problems]] +** DONE avoiding source block prompts +CLOSED: [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 15:25] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/Pine%2ELNX%2E4%2E64%2E1007261118090%2E17795%40tajo%2Eucsd%2Eedu][avoiding source block prompts]] +** DONE (babel) lob evaluation : a bug ? :Babel: +CLOSED: [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-11-07 So 14:35] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100805T120327%2D783%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(babel) lob evaluation : a bug ?]] + +** DONE (mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing :Mobile: +CLOSED: [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-04 Mi 20:07] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/26280AC1%2D971B%2D4641%2D9388%2DE29B17447CFB%40criticalmass%2Ecom][(mobileorg-android) Files synced, but nothing showing]] + +** DONE bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties? :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 22:01] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i2uboe%249m2%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of nested "folded" properties?]] + +** DONE (Patch) Org-fontify :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 15:41] +:END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk2iw9hx%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Patch) Org-fontify]] + +** DONE (PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string. :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2010-08-15 So 15:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-09 Mo 21:28] +:END: + [2010-08-09 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/814of4wjew%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) org-bbdb: Be lenient. Ignore case in anniv class string.]] + +** DONE org-feed XML entities and character encoding :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2010-08-21 Sa 16:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:20] +:END: + [2010-08-10 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C61AF9E%2E7040903%40alumni%2Eethz%2Ech][org-feed XML entities and character encoding]] + +** DONE (Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil :Patch: +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:08] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/878w3m2ua3%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ede][(Patch) org-protocol default template should be nil]] + +** DONE (Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition) + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:15] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T112225%2D477%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(Ann) Updates to org-drill (org topics as interactive "flashcards" using spaced repetition)]] + +I installed the new code into the contirb directory. + +** DONE Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot? + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:10] + :END: + [2010-08-25 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinUGdAsf%2BF3KyROGQwQPj%3DXy6V62tXW%3D%2Br4E08m%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Gnuplot unevenly spaced non-numeric data plot?]] + +This is solved, and new example on how to work with GNUPLOT are up on Worg. + +** CLOSED Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:33] +:END: + [2010-08-21 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4488370C%2DA491%2D452F%2D901F%2D92FF6EFB49EF%40gmail%2Ecom][Printing Multiple Lines For Agenda Export]] + +** CLOSED Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight +CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:48] +:END: + [2010-08-19 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/874oerjgef%2Efsf%40mean%2Ealbasani%2Enet][Setting org-agenda-time-grid: My day starts at midnight]] + +** CLOSED export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks :Babel: + CLOSED: [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:20] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100826T220750%2D246%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug: export aborts if ':eval query/never' in source code blocks]] + +** CLOSED org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:19] + :END: + [2010-08-29 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/rmipqx2lug0%2Efsf%40fnord%2Eir%2Ebbn%2Ecom][org-capture loses entered text when C-g on file selection]] + +True, but cannot be fixed, at least not easily. The new entry can +still be found at the original target location, go there with `C-c C-u +C-c r'. + +** CLOSED org-capture + autoload + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "NEW" [2010-08-30 Mon 14:03] + :END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/817hjo5g42%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-capture + autoload]] +The autoload Cookie is in there now. + +** CLOSED capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...) +CLOSED: [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-01-09 So 15:44] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-02 So 18:14] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/83zksdhlqg%2Efsf%40yahoo%2Eit][Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 commit-972b0a58...)]] + +Not a bug. Cf. manual Template expansion and Carsten's +explanation: [[http://mid.gmane.org/6DE91187%2D59F0%2D4AA3%2D9487%2DA758CEB6D5DE%40gmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) Bug: capture with PROPERTIES (7.3 +commit-972b0a58...)]]. + +** CLOSED documention missing +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-06 Do 21:01] +:END: + [2010-06-10 Do] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100609145911%2E0rgzde1zwwk0og8w%40webmail%2Edds%2Enl][Bug: documention missing]] + +** CLOSED Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:18] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik3MRgZuUJN67bSwMtKjEsGO%2BGxE7pV%2BPN2vUHV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Bug) Abstract block prematurely ended by asterisk]] +** CLOSED org capture: use org-default-notes-file +CLOSED: [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-01-06 Do 21:07] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/080323D2%2D8793%2D457B%2DA7F8%2D7A3B5DF45931%402bike4%2Ecom][org capture: use org-default-notes-file]] + +** CLOSED Comments cannot be filled +CLOSED: [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2010-09-23 Do 21:07] +:END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + +** CLOSED Disputed keys (meta left), (meta right) +CLOSED: [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-01-16 So 10:16] +- State "WAITING" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-01-09 So 12:48] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 12:25] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 14:52 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m11v5ekc22%2Efsf%40ip1%2D201%2Ehalifax%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Disputed keys]] +** DONE keys and command name info + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:14] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:44] +:END: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Documentation +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C5086C1%2E9060000%40easy%2Demacs%2Ede][keys and command name info]] + +** CLOSED Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] \\ + Insufficient information and no confirmation of the bug since more + than six months. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:25] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:31] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/66] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80hbed7tc4%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][Bug in the :VISIBILITY: handling of "folded" PROPERTY?]] + +** DONE Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers. :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:26] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:26 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/65] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/idnrvh%24s0m%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][Very strange indenting behaviour with CLOCKING drawers.]] + +** DONE Re: export to latex broken :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:37] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 20:55] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:37 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/63] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20110301033559%2E36839bd7%40bhishma%2Ehomelinux%2Enet][(O) Re: export to latex broken]] + +** DONE (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] \\ + This has been applied to master. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:39] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-13 So 21:04] +:END: + [2011-03-13 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:39 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/62] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/99DCAE9B%2D40AA%2D4E12%2DAFA9%2D5A4FC536D85E%40tsdye%2Ecom][(O) (PATCH)Optional argument to LaTeX caption command]] + +** DONE Macro expansion in included files :new:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] \\ + Applied already. +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:42] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 16:07] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:42 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/61] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTin7s%5FnNYeZ%2BwXGHKhF3sFYaEbwnz6ZY%2Ddb3Bm0%3D%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(O) Macro expansion in included files]] + +** CLOSED "org-nil" error in LaTeX export :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-16 sam. 15:47] \\ + No report. Apperently, an user configuration problem. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:46] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:18] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-16 sam. 15:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/60] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D77BC4B%2E80809%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) "org-nil" error in LaTeX export]] +** CLOSED (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +:LOGBOOK: +- Note taken on [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] \\ + No confirmation under 30 weeks. Probably an user misconfiguration. +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 00:58] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:20] +:END: + [2010-12-19 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 00:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/58] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80pqtdfvdn%2Efsf%40missioncriticalit%2Ecom][(Babel) (Don't) recenter buffer after evaluating code block]] + +** DONE Verbatim code gets interpreted :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:01] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/57] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80lj0rpd5r%2Efsf%40somewhere%2Eorg][(O) (Bug) Verbatim code gets interpreted]] + +** CLOSED (BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:35] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:50] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:35 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [5/38] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1295606863%2D16627%2D1%2Dgit%2Dsend%2Demail%2Dwence%40gmx%2Eli][(BUG/PATCH) Set fill-indent-according-to-mode to nil in Org buffers]] + +** DONE For Patchwork workers: An updated pw + [2010-07-02 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DA4AC674%2D2BD1%2D4B9F%2D8961%2D836CE95BA826%40gmail%2Ecom][For Patchwork workers: An updated pw]] + +The pw script that should be used to work with our patchwork server +is part of the distribution, UTILITIES/pw. Among other things, this +script arranges for automatic emails to the mailing list when the +status of a patch changes. + +** DONE (ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode + [2010-06-14 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 01:51 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/84pqztvhwh%2Efsf%40linux%2Db2a3%2Esite][(ANN) of2org: import from OmniFocus to org-mode]] +I have made a link to this new translator on Worg, in +org-translators.org. + +** CLOSED tags grouping not working :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 02:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-02-27 So 17:43] +:END: + [2011-02-27 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 02:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/20] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tygx2ji3%2Efsf%40in%2Dulm%2Ede][Bug: tags grouping not working]] +** DONE org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org + [2010-06-07 Mo] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:32 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87631vdcjj%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][org-velocity --- something like Notational Velocity for Org]] + +org-velocity.el is now a contributed packge, with documentation on worg. +** CLOSED Footnote incorrect in Worg + CLOSED: [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:05] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:34 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTilTnIkiBMNZBEqSCQsug93LWrqACHyW7cdWhwob%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Footnote incorrect in Worg]] + +** CLOSED org-mediawiki :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:53] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:53 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/17] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikyhDvNFm94MHqs5nefjjDeDHvR2kE841nR2Psu%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][org-mediawiki]] + +** CLOSED Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:54] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:40] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:54 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [4/16] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101231T225528%2D229%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Bug report: filing into a date tree in year 2011 when 2010 exists in file]] + +** CLOSED send mail without starting gnus first :new: + CLOSED: [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "DECLINED" [2011-07-17 dim. 09:57] + - Note taken on [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] \\ + This is a gnus issue. + - State "DECLINED" from "NEW" [2010-10-02 Sat 21:21] + :END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 09:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [3/15] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqwgo5mb%2Efsf%40eraldo%2Eorg][send mail without starting gnus first]] + +** CLOSED links and no match message :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:03] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:30] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:03 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/12] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/DC23C1F42EC6B7499EA8B80986F22C8651D7F56592%40wusmexmbx1%2Emedpriv%2Ewucon%2Ewustl%2Eedu][links and no match message]] + +No answer in 25 weeks. Case closed. +** CLOSED org-cdlatex after environment :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 11:42] +:END: + [2011-01-02 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/11] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqt0sf49%2Efsf%40googlemail%2Ecom][(BUG) org-cdlatex after environment]] + +Document to reproduce: + +#+begin_src org +,* Heading +,#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +;; Turn on cdlatex-mode +(org-cdlatex-mode 1) +,#+END_SRC + + +\begin{eqnarray*} + & & \\ +\end{eqnarray*} + +\begin{eqnarray*} +b&=& +\begin{cases} +1 & 2 \\ 3 & 4 +\end{cases} +5 +\end{eqnarray*} + + +Typing _ after 4 prints _{}. Typing _ after 5 only gives _. 5 isn't +considered to be part of math-mode anymore. +#+end_src + +** DONE Org now fontifies code blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87lj7kqh3f%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][Org now fontifies code blocks]] + +** DONE MobileOrg now in the Android market + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:05] + :END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:06 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87wrr2r650%2Efsf%40gmx%2Ech][MobileOrg now in the Android market]] +** DONE (CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:07] + :END: + [2010-07-09 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:07 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/20100708181013%2EGA28721%40soloJazz%2Ecom][(CODE SNIPPET) transpose table at point]] + +Included in Worg now. + +** DONE Finally jekyll and org-jekyll + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:08] + :END: + [2010-08-11 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m1aaotp0f5%2Efsf%4080%2D163%2Eeduroam%2Erwth%2Daachen%2Ede][Finally jekyll and org-jekyll]] + +Documented in Worg. + +** DONE MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:09] + :END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ocdltmzo%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][MathJax - use Tex/LaTeX/MathML in HTML pages]] + +Included in Org and documented. + +** CLOSED what am I missing about remote editing? :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:11] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-23 So 15:41] +:END: + [2011-01-23 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:11 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/10] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D1UbNVC24LS8b6BWxG0FtqPpr3ij3dcR2QirDx%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][what am I missing about remote editing?]] +** CLOSED error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier" :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:13] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-01-23 So 13:49] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:02] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:13 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/9] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/iftno9%24vv1%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][error navigating the agenda "org-agenda-earlier"]] + +** CLOSED void-function error :new: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:14] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-01-30 So 14:37] +:END: + [2011-01-30 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 10:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: New Issues [1/8] +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:ARCHIVE_ITAGS: new +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTi%3D6DzdgGYXK%2DLTSAVXHTH5R0d4gTkDLGsc245sw%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][void-function error]] + +** DONE Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks :Babel:Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:07] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 14:11] +:END: + [2010-08-04 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 11:07 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTimrVKE2wzz%2BT2fwQuDFLiB%5FZNW8OC3X4SNRfn7V%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Mode-specific fontification of babel source blocks]] +** DONE Baffled by beamer blocks + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:03] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 14:50] +:END: + [2010-08-18 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:04 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq38qkat%2Efsf%5F%2D%5F%40gnu%2Eorg][Re: (Orgmode) (BUG) Baffled by beamer blocks]] + +** DONE Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:05] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 18:36] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:05 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D651CAE%2E4030503%40googlemail%2Ecom][Option: special beginning of headline (list) option for navigation commands]] + +#+begin_quote +Is there an option for org-metaup (org-metadown) and +outline-next-visible-heading (outline-previous-visible-heading) to +alway jump to the first non-star character in a headline instead of +the beginning of a headline? I could not find this option in the +manual. In my opinion, this would complement the "special C-a/e" +commands which I also use. This behaviour is already the default for +org-metaup/-down in lists. +#+end_quote + +** DONE LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:08] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:02] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:08 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101220T200239%2D826%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][LaTeX exporter #+INCLUDE bug]] + +** DONE Row formulas + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:10] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:10 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + @4=..... + +** CLOSED latex export problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 18:55] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CA4A4CF%2E6060305%40unibas%2Ech][latex export problem]] + + - ngz :: not consistently reproducible, 41 weeks old, outdated + version of Org : closed. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE Make a variable that current line should be recomputed always + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:15] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:15 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + In each table. Skipping headers of course. +** DONE include value of single table cell in text? + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:17] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 20:49] +:END: + [2010-07-27 Di] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:17 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m0iq41pb31%2Efsf%40malibu%2Erochester%2Err%2Ecom][include value of single table cell in text?]] + +** DONE (Feature Request) Cross headings in tables + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:51] +:END: + [2010-10-27 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eic4le49%2Efsf%40Rainer%2Einvalid][(Feature Request) Cross headings in tables]] + +** DONE MathJax is now the default for HTML math + CLOSED: [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-17 dim. 18:20] + :END: + [2010-08-15 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-17 dim. 18:21 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Other +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/63B79D2B%2D9483%2D481F%2DB7AB%2D88BEA753D5C8%40gmail%2Ecom][MathJax is now the default for HTML math]] + + - ngz :: it is in manual since a long time. [2011-07-17 dim.] + +** DONE org-indent fails to play nicely with org-inlinetask + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:53] + :END: + [2010-06-13 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil3cSVy2SjQK0%5Fu0JcakAV7mYjQaZVtBpr7nX3I%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Two bugs in org-indent (plus a fix to correct one of them)]] + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE + 1) It destroys the special fontification of the inline task's + leading stars, even if org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars is + set to nil + + 2) Any text after an inline task's END statement is soft-indented + as though it were part of the inline task, whereas the + indentation should ideally return to what it was before the + inline task. Of course, this is also a problem when org-indent + is turned off, if you try to automatically hard-indent using + TAB. However, in that case you can adjust by hand the + indentation of the first line after the inline task, and then + all the following lines will indent correctly. With org-indent + the problem is much worse since there is no way of adjusting the + soft indents by hand. +#+END_QUOTE + +** CLOSED Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 10:56] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:03] +:END: + [2010-10-17 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80iq16rvi0%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)]] + - ngz :: no further information to work on since 39 weeks. Case + probably closed. +** CLOSED Strange bug, request for more info + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:01] + :END: + [2010-05-26 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87iq6bjsas%2Efsf%40gollum%2Eintra%2Enorang%2Eca + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:01 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87iq6bjsas.fsf%40gollum.intra.norang.ca][Re: Strange bug, request for more info]] + + - ngz :: very old bug, probably fixed now according to the last + post in the thread. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +The bug happens when being in the agenda and trying to goto or show +the origin location of an agenda entry by pressing SPC or RET. +John reports that sometimes (for him several times a day), +the other window shows a completely different location. +The most weird part of it is that going back to the agenda buffer +and then trying the exact same command again, everything works +fine! This is driving me crazy, and I'd love to find and fix +this problem. +#+END_QUOTE +** CLOSED PATCH: Fix for agenda problems :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 11:14] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:30] +:END: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-18 lun. 11:14 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C520CF2%2E6060802%40sift%2Einfo][PATCH: Fix for agenda problems]] + + - ngz :: probably applied, and function has changed since then. + +*** More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing :Mobile: + [2010-07-31 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4C518DA3%2E4000908%40sift%2Einfo][More problems with Mobile Org agenda writing]] + +*** Mobile-org crash --- same error? :Mobile: + [2010-07-29 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20100728T182542%2D959%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Mobile-org crash --- same error?]] + +** DONE COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-19 mar. 12:59] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-18 lun. 02:22] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-16 sam. 15:57] + :END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 12:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87r5af62cc%2Efsf%40norang%2Eca][(O) Bug: Minor Bug: COOKIE_DATA property breaks parent statistics (7.5 (release_7.5.24.g5f0ef))]] + + - ngz :: bug confirmed on 7.6 (release_7.6.75.g74e3) and hopefully + fixed. Waiting for confirmation. + +** CLOSED Capture abort: (void-function -mode) + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:05] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:44] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87sk1r9lx2%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][Capture abort: (void-function -mode)]] + +Problem is not yet reproducible. + + - ngz :: very old bug, no information or even confirmation it + happened since then. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED capture problem + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:06] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:14] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4CB314DE%2E5090906%40unibas%2Ech][capture problem]] + + - ngz :: very old bug. Case closed. [2011-07-19 mar.] +** CLOSED Recovering notes :Mobile: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:13] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-08-01 So 14:39] +:END: + [2010-07-21 Mi] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:14 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Miscellaneous Stuff + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinkf62TRk3v4JPGVAkxnZnsIWHOun%5FFZj%2DeXEVy%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(mobile-org) Recovering notes]] + + - ngz :: As informative as it is, we are not fixing issues for + outside applications. [2011-07-19 mar.] + +** CLOSED (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error? :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:25] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:09] + :END: + [2011-06-06 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D8C8E1D%2E4060208%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (babel) "Marker does not point anywhere" error?]] + + - ngz :: still active, but not dependant on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ainsi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** CLOSED Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created) :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:23] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 20:56] + :END: + [2010-10-17 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:25 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/80r5fr79ay%2Efsf%40mundaneum%2Ecom][(Babel) Marker does not point anywhere (when session buffer needs to be created)]] + + - ngz :: confirmed, but not depending on Org. Closed. + + Solution: (setq ansi-color-for-comint-mode nil) + +** DONE (PATCH) Markup on same line as text :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:32] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 11:48] +:END: + [2011-01-16 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:33 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D263E3B%2E5030407%40gmail%2Ecom][(PATCH) Markup on same line as text]] + - ngz :: patch already applied in code base. +** DONE clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:39] +- State "BUG" from "QUESTION" [2010-08-21 Sa 17:15] +:END: + [2010-07-13 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:39 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Tables + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/i1hb65%24piq%241%40dough%2Egmane%2Eorg][clocktable: maximum level 0 does not only avoid listing items but also does not calculate items]] + + - ngz :: Carsten fixed it. + +** DONE (BABEL) Babel babel native fontification :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:48] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 19:37] +:END: + [2010-11-14 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:48 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Appearance +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81aalwq74o%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(BABEL) Two minor issues]] +** DONE Custom sorting of agenda items! + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 13:59] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 14:25] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 13:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTikzKETz64mL1csFdwOL4AA9iJiJn99gmUPsSrpV%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) custom sorting of agenda items]] + - ngz :: Carsten full-filled that wish. + +#+BEGIN_QUOTE +When giving a user-defined function for org-agenda-cmp-user-defined, +the function gets two agenda entries. Is there a way from an agenda entry +to get to the original org entry? + +Best would be if, besides a user-defined sort function, you could also provide +a function that takes the org entry and the agenda item (i.e. is run with point +on the org entry and is passed the agenda item), and can then store anything +it wants about the org entry as text properties on the agenda item. +The companion user-defined sorting function could then use these stored +text properties for ordering the agenda items. Could you add such a hook? +#+END_QUOTE +** DONE Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:00] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-02 Mo 18:21] +:END: + [2010-08-02 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:00 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqy29344%2Efsf%40gnu%2Eorg][(PATCH) Proposed command: org-agenda-clock-goto]] + - ngz :: That function exists now. + +** CLOSED Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:08] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-10-27 Mi 21:47] +:END: + [2010-10-15 Fr] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:09 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20101004T195300%2D181%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][Feature Request: Timestamp with repeater interval in Date range]] + - ngz :: A solution for the problem at hand already exists and is + detailed in the FAQ. + +** DONE Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show. :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-19 mar. 14:20] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-11-28 So 20:00] +:END: + [2010-09-15 Mi] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-19 mar. 14:20 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkvly3m3%2Efsf%40archdesk%2Elocaldomain][(PATCH) Removed unecessary invocations of org-agenda-show.]] + - ngz :: Patch seems applied in code base. +** DONE Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 08:59] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-12-12 So 19:33] +:END: + [2010-12-12 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 08:59 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87pqtn3uh6%2Efsf%40home%2Edrieu%2Eorg][Bug report : choke on clocktable mode with accents in headlines]] + - ngz :: David solved that bug with his escaping mechanism. + +** DONE Variable of standard links for completion with C-c C-l + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WISH" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:03] + :END: + :PROPERTIES: + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:03 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + Or something like that, to make standard links fast. + +** DONE Unintended behavior? Links without description + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:09] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-16 So 10:09] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 09:10 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Links +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D19BC26%2E8030904%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Unintended behavior? Links without description]] + +#+begin_quote +In pre-processing for export with org-export-normalize-links, links +that lack a description part are given one, which consists of the full +raw path of the link. In other words, link descriptions are never nil. +This seems to conflict with the expectations of org-bbdb.el and custom +links based on that example. + +The link [[bbdb:Carsten Dominik]], for instance, is exported to html +and latex as follows: + + bbdb:Carsten Dominik + \textit{bbdb:Carsten Dominik}. + +Org-bbdb.el is clearly prepared to be passed a desc that is nil, in +which case it would use path instead: + +(defun org-bbdb-export (path desc format) + "Create the export version of a BBDB link specified by PATH or DESC. +If exporting to either HTML or LaTeX FORMAT the link will be +italicized, in all other cases it is left unchanged." + (cond + ((eq format 'html) (format "%s" (or desc path))) + ((eq format 'latex) (format "\\textit{%s}" (or desc path))) + (t (or desc path)))) + +However, desc is never nil, because a missing description part is +replaced in export pre-processing by a string consisting of the link +type, a colon, and the path. This takes place in the function +org-export-normalize-links. + +This makes for unexpected behavior in custom links that some of us +have defined. E.g., Thomas S. Dye's `cite' links (the thread +`org-add-link-type'): +#+end_quote + +Thomas S. Dye could track down this problem to at least 7.01trans +(release_7.01h.209.g2c33b). + +*** DONE org-add-link-type + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "" [2011-07-20 mer. 09:10] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2011-01-09 So 15:12] +:END: + [2011-01-09 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/4D187166%2E4020806%40christianmoe%2Ecom][Re: (Orgmode) org-add-link-type]] + +#+begin_quote +It looks as if an empty desc is never passed, instead it is replaced +with the full raw path. I don't think that's the right behavior, and I +don't really see how it could result from org-export-latex-links. +#+end_quote + +** DONE minted for latex source code export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:49] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-08-07 Sa 16:24] +:END: + [2010-08-07 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:49 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87zkwzn9tw%2Efsf%40stats%2Eox%2Eac%2Euk][minted for latex source code export]] + +** DONE (WIP) OpenOffice Exporter + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "IDEA" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:57] +- State "IDEA" from "NEW" [2010-10-26 Di 21:16] +:END: + [2010-10-16 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 10:57 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/81r5fy5z61%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(WIP) OpenOffice Exporter]] + +** CLOSED Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans) + CLOSED: [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "CLOSED" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-20 mer. 11:19] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-09-12 So 12:11] +:END: + [2010-09-05 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-20 mer. 11:19 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Agenda issues +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/m28w3h74cb%2Ewl%25dave%40boostpro%2Ecom][Bug: Odd Ido interaction (7.01trans)]] + - ngz :: configuration mistake from OP. + +** DONE Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output :Babel: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:00] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-11-14 So 18:54] + :END: + [2010-11-14 So] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:53 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Babel + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87tyjqjuwy%2Efsf%40dustycloud%2Eorg][(BUG) (Babel) Quotes-in-strings not being escaped in python, breaking output]] +** CLOSED html export :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "CLOSED" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57] + :END: + [2010-06-22 Di] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 00:57 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: CLOSED + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/F143E151%2DC46B%2D46DA%2DB314%2D7B618A6EFB73%40tsdye%2Ecom][html export]] +** DONE #+ATTR_LaTeX ignored for tables when used before first headline + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00] +- State "BUG" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 18:22] +:END: + [2010-07-23 Fr] + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: mid:87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau + :ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:00 + :ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org + :ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting + :ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg + :ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE + :END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87eiev20y8%2Efsf%40bunting%2Enet%2Eau][LaTeX table export issue]] + +** DONE Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore? :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01] +- State "BUG" from "WISH" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-07-25 So 17:10] +:END: + [2010-07-24 Sa] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 01:01 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Exporting +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTil7goRO%2D1eThhrWLt1J11FRxwHzR%2DyqeQNHZ5E%5F%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Placement=(H) not exporting to LaTeX anymore?]] + +** DONE Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading + CLOSED: [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + :LOGBOOK: + - State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50] + - State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-20 mer. 10:28] + - State "BUG" from "NEW" [2011-07-17 dim. 01:19] + :END: + [2011-06-13 Mo] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-21 jeu. 11:50 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/loom%2E20110403T080954%2D467%40post%2Egmane%2Eorg][(O) (BUG) Changing TODO states sometimes modifies the scheduling of the next heading]] + - ngz :: Patch suggested. Waiting for confirmation. [2011-07-20 mer.] + +** DONE (Patch) org-capture.el + CLOSED: [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "INCONSISTENCY" [2011-07-22 ven. 01:47] +- State "INCONSISTENCY" from "NEW" [2010-08-15 So 16:15] +:END: + [2010-08-12 Do] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-07-22 ven. 01:47 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Capture and refile +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTinK%3DaAdqvtxzdx1ucU%5FBShqF%2BN5mW3QeVr0KFc1%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][(Patch) org-capture.el]] +** DONE Rewrite of org-indent-mode :Patch: + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:15] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:23] +- State "IDEA" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 10:20] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-16 sam. 12:15] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2011-03-20 So 18:28] +:END: + [2011-03-20 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom +:ARCHIVE_TIME: 2011-08-18 jeu. 19:16 +:ARCHIVE_FILE: ~/.emacs.d/devel/Worg/org-issues.org +:ARCHIVE_OLPATH: Development Tasks/Structure +:ARCHIVE_CATEGORY: worg +:ARCHIVE_TODO: DONE +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/87ipvnng95%2Efsf%40gmail%2Ecom][(O) (dev) org-indent-mode patch]] + + + - ngz :: this branch is an attempt to remove idle timer in + indent-mode and to make it compatible with + visual-line-mode. Though, it suffers from a long + initialization time (walking each line of the buffer to + add text-properties). + + The idea is to set =line-prefix= property to the level of + the current headline and =wrap-prefix= to the indentation + of the beginning of the line. These properties are + modified at each text modification (hook) on the modified + area only (so, this part is quick). + + - ngz :: I've implemented an asynchronous initialization. It needs + testing, though. + +Source : =git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +The rewrite would fix the following bugs: + +*** DONE Org cause Emacs to hang + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "BUG" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "BUG" from "WAITING" [2011-07-17 dim. 11:04] +- State "WAITING" from "NEW" [2011-03-06 So 19:39] +:END: + [2011-03-06 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/AANLkTik%3DaJ%3Dp1r%3D1H2v%2DRADMTKVmCgS%2BRgzTwH%2DqL%2B6z%40mail%2Egmail%2Ecom][Org cause Emacs to hang]] + +Possible fix is in + +=git://github.com/ngz/org-mode-lists.git indent-patch-no-timer= + +Wait for feedback if this patch fixes the problem. + + - ngz :: this branch isn't satisfactory enough (too slow on + opening files). Thus, I re-open the bug. + + See [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for more information. + +*** DONE Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list + CLOSED: [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +:LOGBOOK: +- State "DONE" from "WAITING" [2011-08-18 jeu. 19:12] +- State "WAITING" from "WISH" [2011-07-21 jeu. 17:24] +- State "WISH" from "NEW" [2010-08-08 So 15:01] +:END: + [2010-08-01 So] +:PROPERTIES: +:ID: mid:1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel +:END: + + - Gmane :: [[http://mid.gmane.org/1280607738%2E12710%2E11%2Ecamel%40rigel][Org-indent-mode (lack of) support for plain list]] + + - ngz :: see [[id:mid:87ipvnng95%252Efsf%2540gmail%252Ecom][* Rewrite of org-indent-mode]] for a working solution + diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/org-ruby-features.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/org-ruby-features.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1f3d149d4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/org-ruby-features.org @@ -0,0 +1,2055 @@ +#+TITLE: Attempt at documenting Org mode features and how they map in Org ruby +#+TODO: NEEDS_EXAMPLES NOT_IMPLEMENTED PARTIALLY_IMPLEMENTED | IMPLEMENTED +#+OPTIONS: todo:t + +* Introduction + + This document is an attempt to describe the current state + of known features in Org mode, along with this development status + in the Org ruby implementation. This document will not present + some corner cases of the implementation, but rather the feature + parity status of Org-ruby and the original Emacs Org mode implementation. + More thorough tests on the implementation can be found within the + =specs/= folder along with the expected output. + + Since Org ruby is mainly an exporter, we are specially + interested in the following things from Org mode: + + - The markup language itself + + - The headline features + + Keywords + + Tags + + Drawers (like =:PROPERTIES:=, =:LOGBOOK:=, etc...) + + Supported markup + + - The several kind of blocks(=#+begin_*=) and how they should be exported. + + - The in-buffer settings used when exporting like =#+OPTIONS:=, =#+TITLE:=, etc... + +* Headlines [3/7] +** IMPLEMENTED Keywords that can be used at the beginning of a headline + +By default, the preserved keyword in a headline are TODO and DONE. + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/headline_default_keywords.org + ,* TODO Headline 1 + ,** TODO Headline 2 + ,*** DONE Finished Headline 3 + ,**** TODO Headline 4 + ,** CANCELED Not a reserved keyword so it will be displayed +#+END_SRC + +** IMPLEMENTED COMMENT headlines + +COMMENT is a reserved keyword that makes the following headlines +to be discarded from the rendering output. + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/headline_commented.org + ,* Headline 1 + ,** Headline 2 + ,*** Headline 3 + ,** COMMENT Headline 4 not exported + ,*** Headline 5 not exported either + ,**** Headline 6 not exported either + ,** Headline 7 is exported +#+END_SRC + +** PARTIALLY_IMPLEMENTED PROPERTIES and LOGBOOK drawers + +Currently =:PROPERTIES:= drawers are detected and removed from output, +but nothing else special is done to them. +CLOCKs, CUSTOM_ID are considered to be part of the =:PROPERTIES:= drawer. + +** NOT_IMPLEMENTED QUOTE headlines + +QUOTE is a reserved keyword which makes the headline +work similar to the =#+begin_quote= block. + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/headline_quoted.org + ,* Introduction + ,** QUOTE from Nietzche + + ,Love is not consolation, it is light. +#+END_SRC + +** IMPLEMENTED Tags in the headlines + +Org-mode supports putting tags on a headline like =:TAG:=. + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/headline_tags.org + ,* Headline without tags + + ,Hi + + ,* Headline with tags :exports: + + ,What does this do? +#+END_SRC + +** NOT_IMPLEMENTED Progress boxes + +In Org mode, it is possible to track progress of a set of sub-headlines. + +*** NEEDS_EXAMPLES with [%] +*** NEEDS_EXAMPLES with [/] +** NOT_IMPLEMENTED Priorities boxes + +In Org mode, it is possible to set priorities by using +=[#A]=, =[#B]=, =[#C]=... + +*** NEEDS_EXAMPLES [#A] Priority example +* Emphasis [3/5] +** PARTIALLY_IMPLEMENTED Markup emphasis [11/11] + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/emphasis.org + ,* Emphasis that can be used in the markup +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Bold emphasis + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/emphasis.org +You can make words *bold*, +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Italic emphasis + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/emphasis.org +you can make words /italic/, +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Underlined emphasis + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/emphasis.org +you can make works _underlined_, +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Inline code emphasis + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/emphasis.org +you can emphasize words as =code= +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Verbatim emphasis + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/emphasis.org +you can emphasize words as ~verbatim~, +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Strike-through emphasis + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/emphasis.org +You can emphasize words as +strike-through+, +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Horizontal rule + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/emphasis.org + ,* Horizontal rule is supported after 5 dashes + + ,Before the hr line + + ,----- + + ,After the hr line +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Superscript emphasis + +Org mode supports superscript emphasis. + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/emphasis.org +You should also be able to use subscripts like A_{0}. +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Superscript emphasis + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/emphasis.org +You should also be able to use superscripts like a^{2}. +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Comments + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/emphasis.org +# Lines can be suppresed with # +## in order to not render them +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Inline HTML +**** IMPLEMENTED It is possible to use HTML tags in inline formatting + +#+BEGIN_SRC org features/html.org + ,* Emphasis using HTML tags + + ,@ This is bold @ + ,@ This is bold @ + ,@

 Hello world... @
+ ,@ var a = "Hello world!"; @ +#+END_SRC + +**** IMPLEMENTED Combined with other inline formatting it should be escaped + +#+BEGIN_SRC org features/html.org + ,* Cases on which HTML should be escaped + + ,This should be escaped: ~~ + + ,# Matches the first = + ,This should be escaped: == + + ,This should be escaped: ~@~ + + ,# Matches the first = + ,This should be escaped: =@= +#+END_SRC + +*** Basic example + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/emphasis.org + ,* Basic Example + + ,You can make words *bold*, /italic/, _underlined_, =code= and + ,~verbatim~, and, if you must, ‘+strike-through+’. + ,In Emacs Org mode you can also use subscripts like A_0, + ,and superscripts like a^2. +#+END_SRC + +*** Complex example + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/emphasis.org + ,* Basic inline markup features + + ,*bold* + + ,/italic/ + + ,=code= + + ,~verbatim~ + + ,_underline_ + + ,+strikethrough+ + + ,[[http://www.bing.com]] + + ,[[http://www.google.com]] + + ,http://www.gmail.com + + ,[[http://www.xkcd.com][helpful text link]] + + ,[[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6084185195_552aa270b2.jpg]] + + ,[[http://www.xkcd.com][http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/t_cells.png]] + + , + + ,** All together in one line + + ,*bold* /italic/ =code= ~verbatim~ _underline_ +strikethrough+ [[http://www.bing.com]] [[http://www.google.com]] http://www.gmail.com [[http://www.xkcd.com][helpful text link]] [[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6084185195_552aa270b2.jpg]] [[http://www.xkcd.com][http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/t_cells.png]] + + ,** Within code test + + ,#+begin_example + ,emphasis_tests = [ + ,"*bold*", + ,"/italic/", + ,"=code=", + ,"~verbatim~", + ,"_underline_ ", + ,"+strikethrough+", + ,"[[http://www.bing.com]]", + ,"[[http://www.google.com]]", + ,"[[http://www.xkcd.com][helpful text link]]", + ,"[[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6084185195_552aa270b2.jpg]]", + ,"[[http://www.xkcd.com][http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/t_cells.png]]", + ,"", + ,] + + ,all = emphasis_tests.map do |a| + , emphasis_tests.map do |b| + , [b, ' ', a, ' ', b, "\n\n"].join('') + , end + ,end + + ,all.each {|e| puts e} + ,#+end_example + + ,** Mixed together test + + ,#+begin_example + ,emphasis_tests = ["*","/","=","~","_","+"] + + ,all = emphasis_tests.map do |a| + , emphasis_tests.map do |b| + , [[a, 'Answer: ', b, '42', b, ' ',a, "\n\n"].join(''), + , [a, 'Answer: ', b, '42', b, '',a, "\n\n"].join('')].flatten + , end + ,end + + ,all.each {|e| puts e} + ,#+end_example + + ,*Answer: *42* * + + ,*Answer: *42** + + ,*Answer: /42/ * + + ,*Answer: /42/* + + ,*Answer: =42= * + + ,*Answer: =42=* + + ,*Answer: ~42~ * + + ,*Answer: ~42~* + + ,*Answer: _42_ * + + ,*Answer: _42_* + + ,*Answer: +42+ * + + ,*Answer: +42+* + + ,/Answer: *42* / + + ,/Answer: *42*/ + + ,/Answer: /42/ / + + ,/Answer: /42// + + ,/Answer: =42= / + + ,/Answer: =42=/ + + ,/Answer: ~42~ / + + ,/Answer: ~42~/ + + ,/Answer: _42_ / + + ,/Answer: _42_/ + + ,/Answer: +42+ / + + ,/Answer: +42+/ + + ,=Answer: *42* = + + ,=Answer: *42*= + + ,=Answer: /42/ = + + ,=Answer: /42/= + + ,=Answer: =42= = + + ,=Answer: =42== + + ,=Answer: ~42~ = + + ,=Answer: ~42~= + + ,=Answer: _42_ = + + ,=Answer: _42_= + + ,=Answer: +42+ = + + ,=Answer: +42+= + + ,~Answer: *42* ~ + + ,~Answer: *42*~ + + ,~Answer: /42/ ~ + + ,~Answer: /42/~ + + ,~Answer: =42= ~ + + ,~Answer: =42=~ + + ,~Answer: ~42~ ~ + + ,~Answer: ~42~~ + + ,~Answer: _42_ ~ + + ,~Answer: _42_~ + + ,~Answer: +42+ ~ + + ,~Answer: +42+~ + + ,_Answer: *42* _ + + ,_Answer: *42*_ + + ,_Answer: /42/ _ + + ,_Answer: /42/_ + + ,_Answer: =42= _ + + ,_Answer: =42=_ + + ,_Answer: ~42~ _ + + ,_Answer: ~42~_ + + ,_Answer: _42_ _ + + ,_Answer: _42__ + + ,_Answer: +42+ _ + + ,_Answer: +42+_ + + ,+Answer: *42* + + + ,+Answer: *42*+ + + ,+Answer: /42/ + + + ,+Answer: /42/+ + + ,+Answer: =42= + + + ,+Answer: =42=+ + + ,+Answer: ~42~ + + + ,+Answer: ~42~+ + + ,+Answer: _42_ + + + ,+Answer: _42_+ + + ,+Answer: +42+ + + + ,+Answer: +42++ + + ,** Multiline support test :: one line + + ,#+begin_example + ,emphasis_tests = ["*","/","=","~","_","+"] + + ,all = emphasis_tests.map do |a| + , emphasis_tests.map do |b| + , [a, 'Starting the line here ', "\n", b, 'and continuing here to close', b, a, "\n\n"].join('') + , end + ,end + + ,all.each {|e| puts e} + ,#+end_example + + ,*Starting the line here + ,*and continuing here to close** + + ,*Starting the line here + ,/and continuing here to close/* + + ,*Starting the line here + ,=and continuing here to close=* + + ,*Starting the line here + ,~and continuing here to close~* + + ,*Starting the line here + ,_and continuing here to close_* + + ,*Starting the line here + ,+and continuing here to close+* + + ,/Starting the line here + ,*and continuing here to close*/ + + ,/Starting the line here + ,/and continuing here to close// + + ,/Starting the line here + ,=and continuing here to close=/ + + ,/Starting the line here + ,~and continuing here to close~/ + + ,/Starting the line here + ,_and continuing here to close_/ + + ,/Starting the line here + ,+and continuing here to close+/ + + ,=Starting the line here + ,*and continuing here to close*= + + ,=Starting the line here + ,/and continuing here to close/= + + ,=Starting the line here + ,=and continuing here to close== + + ,=Starting the line here + ,~and continuing here to close~= + + ,=Starting the line here + ,_and continuing here to close_= + + ,=Starting the line here + ,+and continuing here to close+= + + ,~Starting the line here + ,*and continuing here to close*~ + + ,~Starting the line here + ,/and continuing here to close/~ + + ,~Starting the line here + ,=and continuing here to close=~ + + ,~Starting the line here + ,~and continuing here to close~~ + + ,~Starting the line here + ,_and continuing here to close_~ + + ,~Starting the line here + ,+and continuing here to close+~ + + ,_Starting the line here + ,*and continuing here to close*_ + + ,_Starting the line here + ,/and continuing here to close/_ + + ,_Starting the line here + ,=and continuing here to close=_ + + ,_Starting the line here + ,~and continuing here to close~_ + + ,_Starting the line here + ,_and continuing here to close__ + + ,_Starting the line here + ,+and continuing here to close+_ + + ,+Starting the line here + ,*and continuing here to close*+ + + ,+Starting the line here + ,/and continuing here to close/+ + + ,+Starting the line here + ,=and continuing here to close=+ + + ,+Starting the line here + ,~and continuing here to close~+ + + ,+Starting the line here + ,_and continuing here to close_+ + + ,+Starting the line here + ,+and continuing here to close++ + + ,** Multiline support test :: two lines + + ,#+begin_example + ,emphasis_tests = ["*","/","=","~","_","+"] + + ,all = emphasis_tests.map do |a| + , emphasis_tests.map do |b| + , [a, 'Starting the line here ', "\n", b, 'and continuing here', "\n", 'to close', b, a, "\n\n"].join('') + , end + ,end + + ,all.each {|e| puts e} + ,#+end_example + + ,*Starting the line here + ,*and continuing here + ,to close** + + ,*Starting the line here + ,/and continuing here + ,to close/* + + ,*Starting the line here + ,=and continuing here + ,to close=* + + ,*Starting the line here + ,~and continuing here + ,to close~* + + ,*Starting the line here + ,_and continuing here + ,to close_* + + ,*Starting the line here + ,+and continuing here + ,to close+* + + ,/Starting the line here + ,*and continuing here + ,to close*/ + + ,/Starting the line here + ,/and continuing here + ,to close// + + ,/Starting the line here + ,=and continuing here + ,to close=/ + + ,/Starting the line here + ,~and continuing here + ,to close~/ + + ,/Starting the line here + ,_and continuing here + ,to close_/ + + ,/Starting the line here + ,+and continuing here + ,to close+/ + + ,=Starting the line here + ,*and continuing here + ,to close*= + + ,=Starting the line here + ,/and continuing here + ,to close/= + + ,=Starting the line here + ,=and continuing here + ,to close== + + ,=Starting the line here + ,~and continuing here + ,to close~= + + ,=Starting the line here + ,_and continuing here + ,to close_= + + ,=Starting the line here + ,+and continuing here + ,to close+= + + ,~Starting the line here + ,*and continuing here + ,to close*~ + + ,~Starting the line here + ,/and continuing here + ,to close/~ + + ,~Starting the line here + ,=and continuing here + ,to close=~ + + ,~Starting the line here + ,~and continuing here + ,to close~~ + + ,~Starting the line here + ,_and continuing here + ,to close_~ + + ,~Starting the line here + ,+and continuing here + ,to close+~ + + ,_Starting the line here + ,*and continuing here + ,to close*_ + + ,_Starting the line here + ,/and continuing here + ,to close/_ + + ,_Starting the line here + ,=and continuing here + ,to close=_ + + ,_Starting the line here + ,~and continuing here + ,to close~_ + + ,_Starting the line here + ,_and continuing here + ,to close__ + + ,_Starting the line here + ,+and continuing here + ,to close+_ + + ,+Starting the line here + ,*and continuing here + ,to close*+ + + ,+Starting the line here + ,/and continuing here + ,to close/+ + + ,+Starting the line here + ,=and continuing here + ,to close=+ + + ,+Starting the line here + ,~and continuing here + ,to close~+ + + ,+Starting the line here + ,_and continuing here + ,to close_+ + + ,+Starting the line here + ,+and continuing here + ,to close++ + + ,** Together in same paragraph test + + ,*bold* *bold* *bold* + + ,/italic/ *bold* /italic/ + + ,=code= *bold* =code= + + ,~verbatim~ *bold* ~verbatim~ + + ,_underline_ *bold* _underline_ + + ,+strikethrough+ *bold* +strikethrough+ + + ,[[http://www.bing.com]] *bold* [[http://www.bing.com]] + + ,[[http://www.google.com]] *bold* [[http://www.google.com]] + + ,[[http://www.xkcd.com][helpful text link]] *bold* [[http://www.xkcd.com][helpful text link]] + + ,[[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6084185195_552aa270b2.jpg]] *bold* [[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6084185195_552aa270b2.jpg]] + + ,[[http://www.xkcd.com][http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/t_cells.png]] *bold* [[http://www.xkcd.com][http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/t_cells.png]] + + , *bold* + + ,*bold* /italic/ *bold* + + ,/italic/ /italic/ /italic/ + + ,=code= /italic/ =code= + + ,~verbatim~ /italic/ ~verbatim~ + + ,_underline_ /italic/ _underline_ + + ,+strikethrough+ /italic/ +strikethrough+ + + ,[[http://www.bing.com]] /italic/ [[http://www.bing.com]] + + ,[[http://www.google.com]] /italic/ [[http://www.google.com]] + + ,[[http://www.xkcd.com][helpful text link]] /italic/ [[http://www.xkcd.com][helpful text link]] + + ,[[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6084185195_552aa270b2.jpg]] /italic/ [[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6084185195_552aa270b2.jpg]] + + ,[[http://www.xkcd.com][http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/t_cells.png]] /italic/ [[http://www.xkcd.com][http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/t_cells.png]] + + , /italic/ + + ,*bold* =code= *bold* + + ,/italic/ =code= /italic/ + + ,=code= =code= =code= + + ,~verbatim~ =code= ~verbatim~ + + ,_underline_ =code= _underline_ + + ,+strikethrough+ =code= +strikethrough+ + + ,[[http://www.bing.com]] =code= [[http://www.bing.com]] + + ,[[http://www.google.com]] =code= [[http://www.google.com]] + + ,[[http://www.xkcd.com][helpful text link]] =code= [[http://www.xkcd.com][helpful text link]] + + ,[[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6084185195_552aa270b2.jpg]] =code= [[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6084185195_552aa270b2.jpg]] + + ,[[http://www.xkcd.com][http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/t_cells.png]] =code= [[http://www.xkcd.com][http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/t_cells.png]] + + , =code= + + ,*bold* ~verbatim~ *bold* + + ,/italic/ ~verbatim~ /italic/ + + ,=code= ~verbatim~ =code= + + ,~verbatim~ ~verbatim~ ~verbatim~ + + ,_underline_ ~verbatim~ _underline_ + + ,+strikethrough+ ~verbatim~ +strikethrough+ + + ,[[http://www.bing.com]] ~verbatim~ [[http://www.bing.com]] + + ,[[http://www.google.com]] ~verbatim~ [[http://www.google.com]] + + ,[[http://www.xkcd.com][helpful text link]] ~verbatim~ [[http://www.xkcd.com][helpful text link]] + + ,[[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6084185195_552aa270b2.jpg]] ~verbatim~ [[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6084185195_552aa270b2.jpg]] + + ,[[http://www.xkcd.com][http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/t_cells.png]] ~verbatim~ [[http://www.xkcd.com][http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/t_cells.png]] + + , ~verbatim~ + + ,*bold* _underline_ *bold* + + ,/italic/ _underline_ /italic/ + + ,=code= _underline_ =code= + + ,~verbatim~ _underline_ ~verbatim~ + + ,_underline_ _underline_ _underline_ + + ,+strikethrough+ _underline_ +strikethrough+ + + ,[[http://www.bing.com]] _underline_ [[http://www.bing.com]] + + ,[[http://www.google.com]] _underline_ [[http://www.google.com]] + + ,[[http://www.xkcd.com][helpful text link]] _underline_ [[http://www.xkcd.com][helpful text link]] + + ,[[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6084185195_552aa270b2.jpg]] _underline_ [[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6084185195_552aa270b2.jpg]] + + 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Entities + + ,=Org-ruby= supports "smart double quotes," 'smart single quotes,' + ,apostrophes for contractions like won't and can't, and other + ,things... like elipses. Oh -- and dashes. + + ,Also, ampersands like R&R or < become escaped. + + ,** + + ,\laquo They \alpha should \beta be \gamma + ,able \delta to \eta exist \theta in \epsilon + ,the same line \radic \raquo. + + ,#+begin_example + ,\laquo They won't appear in in example blocks. \raquo + ,#+end_example + + ,#+begin_center + ,\lceil \mdash \mdash \mdash \mdash \mdash \mdash \rceil + + ,Though they appear in center blocks + + ,\lfloor \mdash \mdash \mdash \mdash \mdash \mdash \rfloor + ,#+end_center + + ,To work they have to be separated, like \hearts \hearts, not like \hearts\hearts. + + ,** List of entities supported + + ,- Writing =\Agrave=, results in: \Agrave + ,- Writing =\agrave=, results in: \agrave + ,- Writing =\Aacute=, results in: \Aacute + ,- Writing =\aacute=, results in: \aacute + ,- Writing =\Acirc=, results in: \Acirc + ,- Writing =\acirc=, results in: \acirc + ,- Writing =\Atilde=, results in: \Atilde + ,- Writing =\atilde=, results in: \atilde + ,- Writing =\Auml=, results in: \Auml + ,- Writing =\auml=, results in: \auml + ,- Writing =\Aring=, results in: \Aring + ,- Writing =\AA=, results in: \AA + ,- Writing =\aring=, results in: \aring + ,- Writing =\AElig=, results in: \AElig + ,- Writing =\aelig=, results in: \aelig + ,- Writing =\Ccedil=, results in: \Ccedil + ,- Writing =\ccedil=, results in: \ccedil + ,- Writing =\Egrave=, results in: \Egrave + ,- Writing =\egrave=, results in: \egrave + ,- Writing =\Eacute=, results in: \Eacute + ,- Writing =\eacute=, results in: \eacute + ,- Writing =\Ecirc=, results in: \Ecirc + ,- Writing =\ecirc=, results in: \ecirc + ,- Writing =\Euml=, results in: \Euml + ,- Writing =\euml=, results in: \euml + ,- Writing =\Igrave=, results in: \Igrave + ,- Writing =\igrave=, results in: \igrave + ,- Writing =\Iacute=, results in: \Iacute + ,- Writing =\iacute=, results in: \iacute + ,- Writing =\Icirc=, results in: \Icirc + ,- Writing =\icirc=, results in: \icirc + ,- Writing =\Iuml=, results in: \Iuml + ,- Writing =\iuml=, results in: \iuml + ,- Writing =\Ntilde=, results in: \Ntilde + ,- Writing =\ntilde=, results in: \ntilde + ,- Writing =\Ograve=, results in: \Ograve + ,- Writing =\ograve=, results in: \ograve + ,- Writing =\Oacute=, results in: \Oacute + ,- Writing =\oacute=, results in: \oacute + ,- Writing =\Ocirc=, results in: \Ocirc + ,- Writing =\ocirc=, results in: \ocirc + ,- Writing =\Otilde=, results in: \Otilde + ,- Writing =\otilde=, results in: \otilde + ,- Writing =\Ouml=, results in: \Ouml + ,- Writing =\ouml=, results in: \ouml + ,- Writing =\Oslash=, results in: \Oslash + ,- Writing =\oslash=, results in: \oslash + ,- Writing =\OElig=, results in: \OElig + ,- Writing =\oelig=, results in: \oelig + ,- Writing =\Scaron=, results in: \Scaron + ,- Writing =\scaron=, results in: \scaron + ,- Writing =\szlig=, results in: \szlig + ,- Writing =\Ugrave=, results in: \Ugrave + ,- Writing =\ugrave=, results in: \ugrave + ,- Writing =\Uacute=, results in: \Uacute + ,- Writing =\uacute=, results in: \uacute + ,- Writing =\Ucirc=, results in: \Ucirc + ,- Writing =\ucirc=, results in: \ucirc + ,- Writing =\Uuml=, results in: \Uuml + ,- Writing =\uuml=, results in: \uuml + ,- Writing =\Yacute=, results in: \Yacute + ,- Writing =\yacute=, results in: \yacute + ,- Writing =\Yuml=, results in: \Yuml + ,- Writing =\yuml=, results in: \yuml + ,- Writing =\fnof=, results in: \fnof + ,- Writing =\real=, results in: \real + ,- Writing =\image=, results in: \image + ,- Writing =\weierp=, results in: \weierp + ,- Writing =\Alpha=, results in: \Alpha + ,- Writing =\alpha=, results in: \alpha + ,- Writing =\Beta=, results in: \Beta + ,- Writing =\beta=, results in: \beta + ,- Writing =\Gamma=, results in: \Gamma + ,- Writing =\gamma=, results in: \gamma + ,- Writing =\Delta=, results in: \Delta + ,- Writing =\delta=, results in: \delta + ,- Writing =\Epsilon=, results in: \Epsilon + ,- Writing =\epsilon=, results in: \epsilon + ,- Writing =\varepsilon=, results in: \varepsilon + ,- Writing =\Zeta=, results in: \Zeta + ,- Writing =\zeta=, results in: \zeta + ,- Writing =\Eta=, results in: \Eta + ,- Writing =\eta=, results in: \eta + ,- Writing =\Theta=, results in: \Theta + ,- Writing =\theta=, results in: \theta + ,- Writing =\thetasym=, results in: \thetasym + ,- Writing =\vartheta=, results in: \vartheta + ,- Writing =\Iota=, results in: \Iota + ,- Writing =\iota=, results in: \iota + ,- Writing =\Kappa=, results in: \Kappa + ,- Writing =\kappa=, results in: \kappa + ,- Writing =\Lambda=, results in: \Lambda + ,- Writing =\lambda=, results in: \lambda + ,- Writing =\Mu=, results in: \Mu + ,- Writing =\mu=, results in: \mu + ,- Writing =\nu=, results in: \nu + ,- Writing =\Nu=, results in: \Nu + ,- Writing =\Xi=, results in: \Xi + ,- Writing =\xi=, results in: \xi + ,- Writing =\Omicron=, results in: \Omicron + ,- Writing =\omicron=, results in: \omicron + ,- Writing =\Pi=, results in: \Pi + ,- Writing =\pi=, results in: \pi + ,- Writing =\Rho=, results in: \Rho + ,- Writing =\rho=, results in: \rho + ,- Writing =\Sigma=, results in: \Sigma + ,- Writing =\sigma=, results in: \sigma + ,- Writing =\sigmaf=, results in: \sigmaf + ,- Writing =\varsigma=, results in: \varsigma + ,- Writing =\Tau=, results in: \Tau + ,- Writing =\Upsilon=, results in: \Upsilon + ,- Writing =\upsih=, results in: \upsih + ,- Writing =\upsilon=, results in: \upsilon + ,- Writing =\Phi=, results in: \Phi + ,- Writing =\phi=, results in: \phi + ,- Writing =\Chi=, results in: \Chi + ,- Writing =\chi=, results in: \chi + ,- Writing =\acutex=, results in: \acutex + ,- Writing =\Psi=, results in: \Psi + ,- Writing =\psi=, results in: \psi + ,- Writing =\tau=, results in: \tau + ,- Writing =\Omega=, results in: \Omega + ,- Writing =\omega=, results in: \omega + ,- Writing =\piv=, results in: \piv + ,- Writing =\partial=, results in: \partial + ,- Writing =\alefsym=, results in: \alefsym + ,- Writing =\ETH=, results in: \ETH + ,- Writing =\eth=, results in: \eth + ,- Writing =\THORN=, results in: \THORN + ,- Writing =\thorn=, results in: \thorn + ,- Writing =\dots=, results in: \dots + ,- Writing =\hellip=, results in: \hellip + ,- Writing =\middot=, results in: \middot + ,- Writing =\iexcl=, results in: \iexcl + ,- Writing =\iquest=, results in: \iquest + ,- Writing =\shy=, results in: \shy + ,- Writing =\ndash=, results in: \ndash + ,- Writing =\mdash=, results in: \mdash + ,- Writing =\quot=, results in: \quot + ,- Writing =\acute=, results in: \acute + ,- Writing =\ldquo=, results in: \ldquo + ,- Writing =\rdquo=, results in: \rdquo + ,- Writing =\bdquo=, results in: \bdquo + ,- Writing =\lsquo=, results in: \lsquo + ,- Writing =\rsquo=, results in: \rsquo + ,- Writing =\sbquo=, results in: \sbquo + ,- Writing =\laquo=, results in: \laquo + ,- Writing =\raquo=, results in: \raquo + ,- Writing =\lsaquo=, results in: \lsaquo + ,- Writing =\rsaquo=, results in: \rsaquo + ,- Writing =\circ=, results in: \circ + ,- Writing =\vert=, results in: \vert + ,- Writing =\brvbar=, results in: \brvbar + ,- Writing =\sect=, results in: \sect + ,- Writing =\amp=, results in: \amp + ,- Writing =\lt=, results in: \lt + ,- Writing =\gt=, results in: \gt + ,- Writing =\tilde=, results in: \tilde + ,- Writing =\slash=, results in: \slash + ,- Writing =\plus=, results in: \plus + ,- Writing =\under=, results in: \under + ,- Writing =\equal=, results in: \equal + ,- Writing =\asciicirc=, results in: \asciicirc + ,- Writing =\dagger=, results in: \dagger + ,- Writing =\Dagger=, results in: \Dagger + ,- Writing =\nbsp=, results in: \nbsp + ,- Writing =\ensp=, results in: \ensp + ,- Writing =\emsp=, results in: \emsp + ,- Writing =\thinsp=, results in: \thinsp + ,- Writing =\curren=, results in: \curren + ,- Writing =\cent=, results in: \cent + ,- Writing =\pound=, results in: \pound + ,- Writing =\yen=, results in: \yen + ,- Writing =\euro=, results in: \euro + ,- Writing =\EUR=, results in: \EUR + ,- Writing =\EURdig=, results in: \EURdig + ,- Writing =\EURhv=, results in: \EURhv + ,- Writing =\EURcr=, results in: \EURcr + ,- Writing =\EURtm=, results in: \EURtm + ,- Writing =\copy=, results in: \copy + ,- Writing =\reg=, results in: \reg + ,- Writing =\trade=, results in: \trade + ,- Writing =\minus=, results in: \minus + ,- Writing =\pm=, results in: \pm + ,- Writing =\plusmn=, results in: \plusmn + ,- Writing =\times=, results in: \times + ,- Writing =\frasl=, results in: \frasl + ,- Writing =\div=, results in: \div + ,- Writing =\frac12=, results in: \frac12 + ,- Writing =\frac14=, results in: \frac14 + ,- Writing =\frac34=, results in: \frac34 + ,- Writing =\permil=, results in: \permil + ,- Writing =\sup1=, results in: \sup1 + ,- Writing =\sup2=, results in: \sup2 + ,- Writing =\sup3=, results in: \sup3 + ,- Writing =\radic=, results in: \radic + ,- Writing =\sum=, results in: \sum + ,- Writing =\prod=, results in: \prod + ,- Writing =\micro=, results in: \micro + ,- Writing =\macr=, results in: \macr + ,- Writing =\deg=, results in: \deg + ,- Writing =\prime=, results in: \prime + ,- Writing =\Prime=, results in: \Prime + ,- Writing =\infin=, results in: \infin + ,- Writing =\infty=, results in: \infty + ,- Writing =\prop=, results in: \prop + ,- Writing =\proptp=, results in: \proptp + ,- Writing =\not=, results in: \not + ,- Writing =\neg=, results in: \neg + ,- Writing =\land=, results in: \land + ,- Writing =\wedge=, results in: \wedge + ,- Writing =\lor=, results in: \lor + ,- Writing =\vee=, results in: \vee + ,- Writing =\cap=, results in: \cap + ,- Writing =\cup=, results in: \cup + ,- Writing =\int=, results in: \int + ,- Writing =\there4=, results in: \there4 + ,- Writing =\sim=, results in: \sim + ,- Writing =\cong=, results in: \cong + ,- Writing =\simeq=, results in: \simeq + ,- Writing =\asymp=, results in: \asymp + ,- Writing =\approx=, results in: \approx + ,- Writing =\ne=, results in: \ne + ,- Writing =\neq=, results in: \neq + ,- Writing =\equiv=, results in: \equiv + ,- Writing =\le=, results in: \le + ,- Writing =\ge=, results in: \ge + ,- Writing =\sub=, results in: \sub + ,- Writing =\subset=, results in: \subset + ,- Writing =\sup=, results in: \sup + ,- Writing =\supset=, results in: \supset + ,- Writing =\nsub=, results in: \nsub + ,- Writing =\sube=, results in: \sube + ,- Writing =\nsup=, results in: \nsup + ,- Writing =\supe=, results in: \supe + ,- Writing =\forall=, results in: \forall + ,- Writing =\exist=, results in: \exist + ,- Writing =\exists=, results in: \exists + ,- Writing =\empty=, results in: \empty + ,- Writing =\emptyset=, results in: \emptyset + ,- Writing =\isin=, results in: \isin + ,- Writing =\in=, results in: \in + ,- Writing =\notin=, results in: \notin + ,- Writing =\ni=, results in: \ni + ,- Writing =\nabla=, results in: \nabla + ,- Writing =\ang=, results in: \ang + ,- Writing =\angle=, results in: \angle + ,- Writing =\perp=, results in: \perp + ,- Writing =\sdot=, results in: \sdot + ,- Writing =\cdot=, results in: \cdot + ,- Writing =\lceil=, results in: \lceil + ,- Writing =\rceil=, results in: \rceil + ,- Writing =\lfloor=, results in: \lfloor + ,- Writing =\rfloor=, results in: \rfloor + ,- Writing =\lang=, results in: \lang + ,- Writing =\rang=, results in: \rang + ,- Writing =\larr=, results in: \larr + ,- Writing =\leftarrow=, results in: \leftarrow + ,- Writing =\gets=, results in: \gets + ,- Writing =\lArr=, results in: \lArr + ,- Writing =\Leftarrow=, results in: \Leftarrow + ,- Writing =\uarr=, results in: \uarr + ,- Writing =\uparrow=, results in: \uparrow + ,- Writing =\uArr=, results in: \uArr + ,- Writing =\Uparrow=, results in: \Uparrow + ,- Writing =\rarr=, results in: \rarr + ,- Writing =\to=, results in: \to + ,- Writing =\rightarrow=, results in: \rightarrow + ,- Writing =\rArr=, results in: \rArr + ,- Writing =\Rightarrow=, results in: \Rightarrow + ,- Writing =\darr=, results in: \darr + ,- Writing =\downarrow=, results in: \downarrow + ,- Writing =\dArr=, results in: \dArr + ,- Writing =\Downarrow=, results in: \Downarrow + ,- Writing =\harr=, results in: \harr + ,- Writing =\leftrightarrow=, results in: \leftrightarrow + ,- Writing =\hArr=, results in: \hArr + ,- Writing =\Leftrightarrow=, results in: \Leftrightarrow + ,- Writing =\crarr=, results in: \crarr + ,- Writing =\hookleftarrow=, results in: \hookleftarrow + ,- Writing =\arccos=, results in: \arccos + ,- Writing =\arcsin=, results in: \arcsin + ,- Writing =\arctan=, results in: \arctan + ,- Writing =\arg=, results in: \arg + ,- Writing =\cos=, results in: \cos + ,- Writing =\cosh=, results in: \cosh + ,- Writing =\cot=, results in: \cot + ,- Writing =\coth=, results in: \coth + ,- Writing =\csc=, results in: \csc + ,- Writing =\det=, results in: \det + ,- Writing =\dim=, results in: \dim + ,- Writing =\exp=, results in: \exp + ,- Writing =\gcd=, results in: \gcd + ,- Writing =\hom=, results in: \hom + ,- Writing =\inf=, results in: \inf + ,- Writing =\ker=, results in: \ker + ,- Writing =\lg=, results in: \lg + ,- Writing =\lim=, results in: \lim + ,- Writing =\liminf=, results in: \liminf + ,- Writing =\limsup=, results in: \limsup + ,- Writing =\ln=, results in: \ln + ,- Writing =\log=, results in: \log + ,- Writing =\max=, results in: \max + ,- Writing =\min=, results in: \min + ,- Writing =\Pr=, results in: \Pr + ,- Writing =\sec=, results in: \sec + ,- Writing =\sin=, results in: \sin + ,- Writing =\sinh=, results in: \sinh + ,- Writing =\tan=, results in: \tan + ,- Writing =\tanh=, results in: \tanh + ,- Writing =\bull=, results in: \bull + ,- Writing =\bullet=, results in: \bullet + ,- Writing =\star=, results in: \star + ,- Writing =\lowast=, results in: \lowast + ,- Writing =\ast=, results in: \ast + ,- Writing =\odot=, results in: \odot + ,- Writing =\oplus=, results in: \oplus + ,- Writing =\otimes=, results in: \otimes + ,- Writing =\checkmark=, results in: \checkmark + ,- Writing =\para=, results in: \para + ,- Writing =\ordf=, results in: \ordf + ,- Writing =\ordm=, results in: \ordm + ,- Writing =\cedil=, results in: \cedil + ,- Writing =\oline=, results in: \oline + ,- Writing =\uml=, results in: \uml + ,- Writing =\zwnj=, results in: \zwnj + ,- Writing =\zwj=, results in: \zwj + ,- Writing =\lrm=, results in: \lrm + ,- Writing =\rlm=, results in: \rlm + ,- Writing =\smile=, results in: \smile + ,- Writing =\smiley=, results in: \smiley + ,- Writing =\blacksmile=, results in: \blacksmile + ,- Writing =\sad=, results in: \sad + ,- Writing =\clubs=, results in: \clubs + ,- Writing =\clubsuit=, results in: \clubsuit + ,- Writing =\spades=, results in: \spades + ,- Writing =\spadesuit=, results in: \spadesuit + ,- Writing =\hearts=, results in: \hearts + ,- Writing =\heartsuit=, results in: \heartsuit + ,- Writing =\diams=, results in: \diams + ,- Writing =\diamondsuit=, results in: \diamondsuit + ,- Writing =\Diamond=, results in: \Diamond + ,- Writing =\loz=, results in: \loz + + ,* Some special cases + + ,In case nothing matches, the string is returned as is. + + ,\for \example \this \wont \break + +#+END_SRC + +** IMPLEMENTED Lists [3/4] +*** IMPLEMENTED Unordered lists +**** IMPLEMENTED with - +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/lists.org + ,* Nested lists + + , - You can have nested lists + , - This is first-level + , - This is a nested item + , - This is another nested item + , - Back to the first level + , - Another first level item + , - This is a numbered list nested within the unordered list + , - This is another numbered item +#+END_SRC + +**** IMPLEMENTED with + + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/lists.org + ,* Plus sign can be used instead of hyphen + + , + You can have nested lists + , + This is first-level + , + This is a nested item + , + This is another nested item + , + Back to the first level + , + Another first level item + , + This is a numbered list nested within the unordered list + , + This is another numbered item +#+END_SRC + +**** IMPLEMENTED with * + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/lists.org + ,* Asterisk can be used for lists + + , * You can have nested lists + , * This is first-level + , * This is a nested item + , * This is another nested item + , * Back to the first level + , * Another first level item + , * This is a numbered list nested within the unordered list + , * This is another numbered item +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Ordered lists +**** IMPLEMENTED with 1., 2., 3., etc... +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/lists.org + ,* Lists can also be numbered as 1., 2., 3., etc.. + + , 1. You can have nested lists + , 2. This is first-level + , 1. This is a nested item + , 2. This is another nested item + , 3. Back to the first level + , 4. Another first level item + , 1. This is a numbered list nested within the unordered list + , 2. This is another numbered item + +#+END_SRC + +**** IMPLEMENTED with 1), 2), 3), etc... + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/lists.org + ,* Lists can also be numbered as 1), 2), 3), etc.. + + , 1) You can have nested lists + , 2) This is first-level + , 1) This is a nested item + , 2) This is another nested item + , 3) Back to the first level + , 4) Another first level item + , 1) This is a numbered list nested within the unordered list + , 2) This is another numbered item +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Definition lists +**** IMPLEMENTED with definition +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/lists.org + ,* Definition items can be used inside a list + + ,- Regular list + , + Key :: Value (k1) + , + Key :: Value (k2) + , + Key :: Value (k3) + + ,- Semicolon as part of key + , - K::e::y :: Value (k1) + , - K::e::y :: Value (k2) + + ,- Paragraph break after key + , + Key :: + , Value (k1) + , + Key :: + , Value (k2) + + ,- Many semicolons in same line + , + Key :: Value :: Still value (k1) + , + Key :: Value :: Still value (k2) + + ,- Semicolon placement cases + , + Case 1 + , * Key ::MoreKey :: Value (k1) + , + Case 2 + , * Key:: MoreKey :: Value (k2) + , + Case 3 + , * :: Key :: Value (k3) +#+END_SRC + +**** IMPLEMENTED without definition + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/lists.org + ,* Definition List Item without Definition + + ,??? will be shown in this case + + ,- Example list + , + Key :: Value :: Still value (k1) + , Paragraph :: with :: no value + , + Key :: Value :: Still value (k1) :: + , Paragraph :: with :: no value :: + , + :: + , Paragraph :: with :: no value +#+END_SRC + +**** IMPLEMENTED exceptions + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/lists.org + ,* Not definition lists + + ,The following cases will not be considered as definition lists + ,but just regular lists. + + , - Key:: Value (n1) + , - Key ::Value (n2) + , - Key::Value (n3) + , - Key:: + , Value (n4) + , - Key + , :: Value (n5) +#+END_SRC +*** NOT_IMPLEMENTED Progress boxes + +In Org mode, it is possible to display the progress of a set of tasks +using the =[/]= combined with =[ ]= and =[X]= to mark them as done or not. + +**** NOT_IMPLEMENTED with [%] +**** NOT_IMPLEMENTED with [/] + +**** NOT_IMPLEMENTED with [ ] +**** NOT_IMPLEMENTED with [X] +** IMPLEMENTED Links [4/5] +*** PARTIALLY_IMPLEMENTED Basic links + +Only unsupported feature from Org mode is auto-recognizing URLs. + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/links.org + ,* Links implementation + + ,- [[http://www.bing.com]] + ,- [[http://www.google.com]] + ,- http://www.gmail.com + + ,Note the last one *is not* a link, as the source doesn't include it in + ,double-brackets and I don't auto-recognize URLs. + + ,I should also handle links with [[http://www.xkcd.com][helpful text]]. + + ,Helpful addition from [[https://github.com/punchagan][punchagan]], we now + ,recognize when the link goes to an image and make the link anchor be the + ,image, like this: + + ,- [[http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6078/6084185195_552aa270b2.jpg]] + + ,Also, if you make the descriptive text be an image, then it will get formatted + ,with an image tag, like so: + + ,- [[http://www.xkcd.com][http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/t_cells.png]] + + ,Helpful addition from [[https://github.com/wallyqs][wallyqs]]: + + ,While "naked" links don't work (like http://www.google.com), angle links + ,do work. This should look like a link: . + + ,It should be possible to use both kind of links on the same paragraph: + + ,This is an angle link and this is a bracket link [[https://github.com/bdewey/org-ruby][to a repository]]. + + ,This is a bracket link [[https://github.com/bdewey/org-ruby][to a repository]] and this is an angle link . + + ,This is a bracket link [[https://github.com/bdewey/org-ruby][to a repository]] and this is a bracket link too [[https://github.com/bdewey/org-ruby][to a repository]]. + + ,This is an angle link and this is an angle link too . + +#+END_SRC +*** IMPLEMENTED Linking to =file:= + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/links.org + ,* Links to other org files + + , This is a link to the ~code-comment.org~ file in the same + , directory. In ~emacs~, if you click it, the other file opens. We + , want the same behavior in the HTML export. + + , [[file:code-comment.org][Code Comment]] +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Linking to =file:= with search link + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/links.org + ,* Search links + + , This is a search link into code-comment.org. + + , [[file:code-comment.org::*Code%20Comment][Code Comment]] + +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Linking to url + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/links.org + ,* Correct handling of .org URIs in HTML markup routine (thanks @rayl!) + + ,- [[http://foo.com][foo.com website]] + + ,- [[http://foo.org][foo.org website]] + + ,- [[http://foo.org/foo.org][foo.org/foo.org]] + + ,- [[http://localhost:4567/foo.org][localhost:4567/foo.org]] + +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Converting extension to =.html= when link is =.org= file + +# NOTE: Consider removing this feature? - @wallyqs + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/links.org + ,* In these links, .org is converted to .html + + ,- [[file:path.org][file:path.org label]] + + ,- [[file:notes/path.org][file:notes/path.org label]] +#+END_SRC + +** PARTIALLY_IMPLEMENTED Footnotes + +Footnotes do not behave exactly the same as in the Org mode version. + +* Blocks [3/5] +** PARTIALLY_IMPLEMENTED Code blocks [6/8] +*** IMPLEMENTED Code block within lists + +#+BEGIN_SRC org features/blocks.org + ,* Code block within lists + + ,- List starts + , + Block without indentation + , #+begin_example + ,puts "test" + , #+end_example + ,- List continues here + , + and finished here +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Code block indented in list + +#+BEGIN_SRC org features/blocks.org + ,* Code block indented + + ,: - List starts + ,: + Block without indentation + ,: #+begin_example ruby + ,: puts "test" + ,: #+end_example + ,: - List continues here + ,: + and finished here + + ,- List starts + , + Block without indentation + , #+begin_example + , puts "test" + , #+end_example + ,- List continues here + +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Code block indentation level + +#+BEGIN_SRC org features/blocks.org + ,* Indentation level in example block + + ,- Indentation of a begin_example code block + , #+begin_example + , (+ 3 5) + , #+end_example +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Code blocks with unknown lang + +This ones are treated as default source blocks. + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/blocks.org + ,* Unknown block + + ,#+BEGIN_SRC unknown + ,defmodule Enum do + , def map(collection, fun) do + , Enumerable.reduce(collection, [], fn(x, acc) -> + , [fun.(x, acc)|acc] + , end) |> reverse + , end + ,end + ,#+END_SRC +#+END_SRC +*** IMPLEMENTED Example block + +This code blocks are not highlighted: + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/blocks.org + ,#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE + + , def initialize(output) + , @output = output + , @buffer = "" + , @output_type = :start + , @list_indent_stack = [] + , @paragraph_modifier = nil + + , @logger = Logger.new(STDERR) + , @logger.level = Logger::WARN + , end + + ,#+END_EXAMPLE +#+END_SRC +*** IMPLEMENTED Example lines with =:= + +Lines that start with =:= will be collected and put within an example block. + +#+BEGIN_SRC org features/markup_basic_emphasis.org + ,* Example lines + + ,Here is an example + ,: Some example from a text file. + + , Here is an example + , : Some example from a text file. + +#+END_SRC + +*** NOT_IMPLEMENTED Code block with asterisks at the beginning + +Emacs Org mode has some problems when an asterisk is used at the beginning +of a block. As a workaround, it detects the these cases and adds a leading comma +to the blocks, and then removes it when exporting. + +In the following example, since there is a leading asterisk, after editing, +Org mode would add a leading comma to it. + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/blocks.org + ,* Example with a leading comma + + ,#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :results output + , puts "Hello world " \ + , ,* 8 + ,#+END_SRC +#+END_SRC + +*** NOT_IMPLEMENTED Code block omission when the #+RESULTS: is immediately before + +In Emacs Org mode implementation, after executing code with +=org-babel=, the result is printed along with a =#+RESULTS:= line, +and the resulting block is not exported. +In Org ruby this is not implemented and the result is exported. + +#+BEGIN_SRC org features/blocks.org + ,* #+RESULTS: block from org-babel + + ,#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :results output + ,puts "Hello " * 8 + ,#+END_SRC + + ,#+RESULTS: + ,: Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello Hello + + ,#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :results output + ,puts "Hello\n" * 12 + ,#+END_SRC + + ,#+RESULTS: + ,#+begin_example + ,Hello + ,Hello + ,Hello + ,Hello + ,Hello + ,Hello + ,Hello + ,Hello + ,Hello + ,Hello + ,Hello + ,Hello + ,#+end_example + +#+END_SRC +** IMPLEMENTED Quote blocks +*** IMPLEMENTED Quote block without emphasis + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/blocks.org + ,* Quote block + + ,Testing that I can have block quotes: + + ,#+BEGIN_QUOTE + + ,/Example:/ + + ,This is blockquote text. + + ,#+END_QUOTE + + ,And now I'm back to normal text! +#+END_SRC + +*** IMPLEMENTED Quote block with emphasis and headlines + +These are particularly interesting, because they allow =Org mode= +to be used witing the quote block. + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/complex_quote_block.org + ,* Quote block + + ,Testing that I can have block quotes: + + ,#+BEGIN_QUOTE + + ,Quote begins, but then gets a headline: + + ,* Example + ,** Subheadlines here + + ,: This is blockquote text. + + ,** What happens with this? + + ,#+BEGIN_SRC ruby :results output + ,puts "Hello world" + ,#+END_SRC + + ,#+END_QUOTE +#+END_SRC +** IMPLEMENTED Center blocks + +#+BEGIN_SRC org features/blocks.org + ,* Center block + ,not center + ,#+BEGIN_CENTER + ,center + ,#+END_CENTER + ,not center, again +#+END_SRC + +** IMPLEMENTED HTML blocks + +#+BEGIN_SRC org features/html.org + ,* Raw html can be embedded + + ,The following will render the tag as is: + + ,#+html: Hello + + ,And this will render some Javascript, and execute it. + + ,#+html: + + ,** HTML blocks + + ,They behave as follows: + + ,#+begin_html + ,

+ ,

+  ,Hello.
+  ,
+ ,

+ ,#+end_html +#+END_SRC + +** NOT_IMPLEMENTED Comment blocks + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/blocks.org + ,* Commented blocks + + ,The following will not be rendered because it is a comment block. + + ,#+BEGIN_COMMENT + ,This should not be rendered? + ,#+END_COMMENT +#+END_SRC + +* NEEDS_EXAMPLES Tables +* Export settings in buffer [4/6] + +The default export options can be modified slightly as +documented here: + +[[http://orgmode.org/manual/In_002dbuffer-settings.html]] +[[http://orgmode.org/manual/Export-settings.html#Export-settings]] + +** IMPLEMENTED #+TODO: Customize headline keywords + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/options_headline_custom_keywords.org + ,#+TODO: TODO | DONE CANCELED + + ,* DONE Default keyword + ,* CANCELED Custom keyword + ,* TODO Default keyword +#+END_SRC + +** IMPLEMENTED #+TITLE: option + +This option creates a paragraph with the css class =p.title=. + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :features/options_title.org + ,#+TITLE: Export Title + + ,This simple org document should get a title from the =TITLE= option at + ,the front of the file. +#+END_SRC + +** IMPLEMENTED #+OPTIONS: todo:t Display headline keywords + +In org-ruby, TODO keywords will not be displayed by default. +In order to do this, it is necessary to specify it in the =#+OPTIONS:=. + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/headline_custom_keywords_displayed.org + ,#+TODO: TODO | DONE CANCELED + ,#+OPTIONS: todo:t + + ,* DONE Default keyword + ,* CANCELED Custom keyword + ,* TODO Default keyword +#+END_SRC +** PARTIALLY_IMPLEMENTED #+OPTIONS: f:t Export footnotes + +Anchor link output is not correct in this cases when compared to Emacs Org mode. + +#+BEGIN_SRC org :tangle features/options_footnotes.org + ,#+TITLE: Footnotes + ,#+OPTIONS: f:t + + ,* Footnotes + + ,Using numbers [fn:0] + + ,Using letters and not defined in the footnote [fn:abc] + + ,Using letters and defined in the footnote [fn:abc:definition of abc] + + ,Defined in the footnote itself with markup [fn:1:*blub*] + + ,[fn:0] Definition of first footnote +#+END_SRC + +** IMPLEMENTED #+TAGS: and #+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS to omit headlines + +#+BEGIN_SRC org features/options_exclude_tags.org + ,#+EXPORT_EXCLUDE_TAGS: exclude noexport + ,#+TAGS: export noexport + ,#+LINK_UP: + ,#+LINK_HOME: + + ,What happens when you exceed the number of headline levels to export? + + ,* Shouldn't export :noexport: + + , This text shouldn't be exported, right? + + ,** Nor this subheading? + + , Or its text? + + ,* Exclude me, too! :exclude: + + ,* Headline 1 :READING:DVD: + + ,** Headline 2 + + , This bit of body *should* get exported. + + ,*** Headline 3 :export: + + , This bit of body gets exported. + + ,**** Headline 4 (include) + + , Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam + , nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam + , erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo + , dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata + , sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit + , amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor + , invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam + , voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea + , rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est + , Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, + , consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor + , invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam + , voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea + , rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est + , Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. + + ,**** Headline 4 (exclude) :noexport: + + , Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam + , nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam + , erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo + , dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata + , sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit + , amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor + , invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam + , voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea + , rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est + , Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, + , consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor + , invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam + , voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea + , rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est + , Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. + + ,***** This is not exported + + , This should not appear. + + ,*** Another headline 3 + + , This one *should* get exported!! + + ,**** Another headline 4 + + , This is also exported!! + +#+END_SRC +** NEEDS_EXAMPLES #+DESCRIPTION: option diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/scraps.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/scraps.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..91859bedb --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/scraps.org @@ -0,0 +1,7263 @@ +#+TITLE: Org-mode Scraps +#+OPTIONS: num:nil ^:nil +#+STYLE: + +* scraps + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: 96eaa17f-f1b6-4958-acb1-e271045fdfa2 + :DATE: 2011-09-03 + :END: +** pretty printed source code block result +set the value +#+begin_src lisp :results silent +(defvar foo '(defun square (x) (* x x))) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src lisp :results output pp code +foo +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +#+BEGIN_SRC lisp + +(DEFUN SQUARE (X) (* X X)) +#+END_SRC + +** prologue and epilogue in R code blocks +#+headers: :epilogue "})" +#+headers: :prologue "local({" +#+begin_src R :results output :session + cat("Test") +#+end_src + +** export header argument dependent on backend +#+name: export-hdr-arg-backend-dep +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +(message "do stuff") +#+end_src + +#+call: export-hdr-arg-backend-dep() :exports (if (eq org-export-current-backend 'beamer) "none" "results") + +** parenthesis in prologue and epilogue +#+begin_src R :prologue "local({" :epilogue "})" +qwerty <- "test"; +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: + +** call line caching +#+name: call-line-caching-example +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var bar="baz" + (sit-for 1) + (message "bar=%S" bar) +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: call-line-caching-example +: bar="baz" + +This does not return immediately, because the block must execute. +#+call: call-line-caching-example("quxxx") + +#+RESULTS: +: bar="quxxx" + +This returns immediately thanks to the cached result. +#+name: call-line-caching-called +#+call: call-line-caching-example("qux") :cache yes + +#+RESULTS[1df20b5a51c3c710b11d7d9cac7272a66a85990f]: call-line-caching-called +: bar="qux" + +** valid inline function names +#+name: w/o-spaces +#+begin_src sh + echo no space +#+end_src + +- call_space () +- call_w/o-spaces() =no space= + +** quoted lines between block and result +#+begin_src sh :cache yes + date +#+end_src + +#+label: foo +#+RESULTS[767d8ce04ce746568cd0f3f1f8f621a3583b93c5]: +: Fri Dec 13 15:05:38 MST 2013 + +** literal example +#+NAME: literal-example +#+BEGIN_EXAMPLE +A literal example +on two lines +#+END_EXAMPLE + +#+NAME: read-literal-example +#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :var x=literal-example + (concatenate 'string x " for me.") +#+END_SRC + +#+RESULTS: read-literal-example +: A literal example +: on two lines +: for me. + +** shell history, alias and environment variables +#+BEGIN_SRC sh :session :results output + echo $SHELL + echo $HOME + source ~/.bashrc + alias | wc + env | wc + history | wc +#+END_SRC + +#+RESULTS: +: /bin/zsh +: /home/eschulte +: 0 0 0 +: 28 28 715 +: 0 0 0 + +#+BEGIN_SRC sh :session :results output + echo $SHELL + echo $HOME + source ~/.alia + source ~/.bashrc + alias | wc + env | wc + history | wc +#+END_SRC + +#+RESULTS: +: /bin/zsh +: /home/eschulte +: 19 99 814 +: 28 28 715 +: 0 0 0 + +** C undefined behavior +#+begin_src C +int i=0; +printf("%d %d %d %d\n", ++i, ++i, ++i, ++i); +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +: 4 4 4 4 + +#+begin_src C +int i=0; +printf("%d %d %d %d\n", i++, i++, i++, i++); +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +: 3 2 1 0 + +#+begin_src C + void p(int a, int b, int c, int d){ + printf("%d %d %d %d\n", a, b, c, d); + } + + int i=0; + p(i++, i++, ++i, ++i); +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +: 3 2 4 4 + +#+begin_src C++ :includes '("") + int i=0; + std::cout << i++ << " " << i++ << " " << ++i << " " << ++i; +#+end_src + +#+RESULTS: +: 3 2 4 4 + +** header arguments on call lines + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-09-11 + :END: +#+name: simple-example +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + "the result" +#+end_src + +#+call: simple-example() + +#+name: simple-example() +: the result + +#+call: simple-example() :results raw + +#+name: simple-example() +the result + +** removing result with a silent header argument + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-09-07 + :END: +evaluating the following code block will remove the related result. + +#+begin_src sh :results silent + date +%Y-%m-%d +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 2011-09-07 + +** leading commas in code blocks + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-09-06 + :END: +#+begin_src r :exports code + a <- c(1 + , 2 + , 3) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src org :exports code + ,this one will have commas removed + ,#+begin_src R + , a <- c(1 + , , 2 + , , 3) + ,#+end_src +#+end_src + +** silent results in org but not in export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-09-06 + :END: +The results of the following code block will not be inserted during +interactive evaluation but will during export. + +#+begin_src sh :results (if org-current-export-file "replace" "silent") :exports both + echo "I want to see this in HTML/PDF, but not in Org" +#+end_src + +** demarcation of indented blocks + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-09-04 + :END: +Demarcating a block with the point part-way in a line should indent +the remainder of the line in the second block. + #+begin_src sh + echo 1 + echo 2 + echo 3 + echo 4 + #+end_src + +becomes + + #+begin_src sh :results silent :session something + echo 1 + echo 2 + echo + #+end_src + + #+begin_src sh :results silent :session something + 3 + echo 4 + #+end_src + +** returning file type to inline call line + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-09-04 + :END: +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec +hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam +nisl, tincidunt et, mattis eget, convallis nec, purus. Cum sociis +natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus +mus. Nulla posuere. Donec vitae dolor. Nullam tristique diam non +turpis. call_nothing_to_something()[:results file] [[file:something.txt]] Cras placerat +accumsan nulla. Nullam rutrum. Nam vestibulum accumsan nisl. + +#+name: nothing_to_something +#+begin_src sh :file something.txt + echo nothing +#+end_src + +** simple gnuplot plotting of Org-mode tables + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-09-01 + :END: +#+tblname: gnuplot-testing +| x | y | +|---+----| +| 1 | 2 | +| 2 | 4 | +| 3 | 6 | +| 4 | 8 | +| 5 | 10 | +| 6 | 12 | +| 7 | 14 | +| 8 | 16 | + +#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=gnuplot-testing :file output.eps +set term postscript +set title "test" +set auto x +set style data histogram +set style fill solid border -1 +set boxwidth 0.9 +plot data using 2:xtic(1) +#+end_src + +** simple indexing + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-09-01 + :END: +#+name: list-o-numbers +| 1 | 2 | 3 | +| 4 | 5 | 6 | +| 7 | 8 | 9 | + +#+begin_src sh :var column=list-o-numbers[,0] + echo $column +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 1 4 7 + +** convert results to all string + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-29 + :END: +#+name: hetero-table +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + '((1 2 3 4) + ("a" "b" "c" "d")) +#+end_src + +#+name: all-to-string +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var tbl='() + (defun all-to-string (tbl) + (if (listp tbl) + (mapcar #'all-to-string tbl) + (if (stringp tbl) + tbl + (format "%s" tbl)))) + (all-to-string tbl) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var tbl=hetero-table + (mapcar (lambda (row) (mapcar (lambda (cell) (stringp cell)) row)) tbl) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| nil | nil | nil | nil | +| t | t | t | t | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var tbl=all-to-string(hetero-table) + (mapcar (lambda (row) (mapcar (lambda (cell) (stringp cell)) row)) tbl) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| t | t | t | t | +| t | t | t | t | + +** simple short R block + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-29 + :END: +#+BEGIN_SRC R +c(1,23,54,5) +#+END_SRC + +#+name: +| 1 | +| 23 | +| 54 | +| 5 | + +** two blocks and a table + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-28 + :END: + +#+name: stuff +#+begin_src sh + echo 1 + echo 2 + echo 3 +#+end_src + +#+name: last-of-stuff +#+begin_src sh :var input=stuff + echo "$input" |tail -1 +#+end_src + +| one | +| two | +| 3 | +#+TBLFM: @3$1='(sbe last-of-stuff) + +** inheriting the file property + :PROPERTIES: + :FILE: something.png + :DATE: 2011-08-23 + :END: + +#+begin_src ditaa + +-----------------------------+ + | | + | +-----+ | + | | | +---------+ | + | | | | | | + | +-----+ | | | + | | | | + | file | | | + | inheritance +---------+ | + | | + +-----------------------------+ +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:something.png]] + +** a table with tags + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-23 + :END: + +#+TBLNAME: sandbox :noexport: +| 1 | 2 | 3 | +| 4 | org-babel | 6 | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=sandbox + (message "%S" table) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: ((1 2 3) (4 "org-babel" 6)) + +** shell script output not in table + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-21 + :END: +#+begin_src sh :results scalar + echo 1 + echo 2 + echo 3 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 1 +: 2 +: 3 + +** inline code block and downstream src blocks + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-21 + :END: +AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA +something src_sh{echo eric} +CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +#+begin_src sh + echo schulte +#+end_src +EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE + +*** with R + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-21 + :END: +AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA +blah blah src_R[:results output]{cat(rnorm(2))} +CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +#+begin_src R :eval never :exports none + 1+2 + a <- b + c + xyz +#+end_src +DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD + +** updating a table + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-19 + :END: +#+name: this-is-another-table +| 0 | 0 | 0 | +| 0 | 0 | 0 | +| 0 | 0 | 0 | + +#+name: this-is-another-table +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=this-is-another-table + (setf (nth 1 table) '(2 2 2)) + table +#+end_src + +** space around exported code blocks + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-19 + :END: +try evaluating the following blocks, then removing their results with +M-x `org-babel-remove-result' + +Verbiage to begin the paragraph +#+begin_src sh + echo eric +#+end_src +and verbiage to end the same paragraph. + +#+begin_src sh + echo 1 + echo 2 +#+end_src + +and verbiage to end the same paragraph. + +** simple ditaa block + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-19 + :END: +#+begin_src ditaa :file work-flow.png + +-------+ +--------+ + | | | | + | Org |------------>| Tex | + | | | | + +-------+ +--------+ +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:work-flow.png]] + +** replacing a table + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-19 + :END: +#+name: this-is-the-table +| 1 | 4 | 7 | +| 2 | 5 | 8 | +| 3 | 6 | 9 | + +#+name: this-is-the-table +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=this-is-the-table + (mapcar (lambda (row) (mapcar (lambda (cell) (* cell 2)) row)) table) +#+end_src + +** ruby code block + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-19 + :END: +#+begin_src ruby + 1+2 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 3 + +** bug with undefined function copy-seq + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-05 + :END: +#+begin_src R :session :exports both + 1:10 +#+end_src + +** tangle before evaluating a code block + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-05 + :END: + +#+begin_src sh :var TANGLED=(org-babel-tangle) :tangle no + wc $TANGLED +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 2 2 11 it.sh + +#+begin_src sh :tangle it.sh + echo TEST +#+end_src + +** plot results with org-plot + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-08-02 + :END: +#+name: disk-usage +#+begin_src sh :exports both + df +#+end_src + +#+PLOT: title:"Disk Usage" ind:6 deps:(5) type:2d with:histograms set:"yrange [0:100]" +#+name: disk-usage +| Filesystem | 1K-blocks | Used | Available | Use% | Mounted | on | +| /dev/sda6 | 28835836 | 8447712 | 18923344 | 31% | / | | +| none | 2997072 | 676 | 2996396 | 1% | /dev | | +| none | 3006056 | 0 | 3006056 | 0% | /dev/shm | | +| none | 3006056 | 96 | 3005960 | 1% | /var/run | | +| none | 3006056 | 0 | 3006056 | 0% | /var/lock | | +| /dev/sda7 | 144176824 | 72225604 | 64627420 | 53% | /home | | + +** premature truncation of emacs-lisp results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-07-28 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + '(nil nil nil nil) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: (nil nil nil nil) + +** non-defined code blocks can still tangle + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-07-28 + :END: + +#+begin_src text :tangle somewhere.txt + This will still tangle out to a file, and it opens in text mode, which + may be nice. +#+end_src + +** expand noweb refs + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-07-25 + :END: +#+name: def-something +#+begin_src sh + SOMETHING=nothing +#+end_src + +#+begin_src sh + <> + echo $SOMETHING +#+end_src + +** returning file names -- interpreted as lists + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-07-21 + :END: +#+begin_src sh :results scalar + echo "[[file:./cv.cls]]" +#+end_src + +#+name: +: [[file:./cv.cls]] + +#+begin_src sh :results org + echo "[[file:./cv.cls]]" +#+end_src + +#+name: +#+BEGIN_ORG +[[file:\./cv\.cls]] +#+END_ORG + +** java code block + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-07-19 + :END: +#+begin_src java :classname myfirstjavaprog + class myfirstjavaprog + { + public static void main(String args[]) + { + System.out.println("Hello World!"); + } + } +#+end_src + +#+name: +: Hello World! + +** exporting a ditaa example + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-07-19 + :END: + +#+begin_src ditaa :file blue.png :cmdline -r +/---------------\ +| test | +| {cBLU} | +\---------------/ +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:blue.png]] + +** including noweb refs w/o last newline + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-07-19 + :END: +#+begin_src sh :noweb yes + <> |\ + <> +#+end_src + +#+name: my-name +#+begin_src sh + echo "eric schulte" +#+end_src + +#+name: capitalize-name +#+begin_src sh + sed 's/^e/E/;s/ s/ S/' +#+end_src + +** simple sbe example + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-07-10 + :END: + +| 1 | +| 2 | +| 3 | +| 4 | +| 5 | +| 6 | +| 3.5 | +#+TBLFM: @7$1='(sbe mean (lst @1..@6)) + +#+name: mean +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var lst=() + (let ((num (car lst)) (nums (cdr lst))) + (/ (float (+ num (apply #'+ nums))) (1+ (length nums)))) +#+end_src + +** eval never + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-07-10 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval (if org-export-current-backend "never" "yes") :exports results + (message "launch missles") +#+end_src + +#+name: +: launch missles + +** indexing into a list variable + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-07-06 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var lst='(0 1 2) + (first lst) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 0 + +or as a noweb reference + +#+name: external-list +- 0 +- 1 +- 2 + +#+begin_src sh :noweb yes + echo <> +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 0 + +** data alias for resname + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-07-05 + :END: +#+name: blah +: blahcontent + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var it=blah + it +#+end_src + +#+name: +: blahcontent + +** define a block with a name for noweb expansion + :PROPERTIES: + :tangle: yes + :noweb: yes + :DATE: 2011-07-01 + :END: + +#+name: simple(something="something") +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + something +#+end_src + +another block including the first block +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + <> +#+end_src + +** find a resource by global id + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-07-01 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var it=990f3218-6fce-44fb-bd0c-5f6076c0dadc + it +#+end_src + +#+name: +: +: here it is + +*** I'm the resource + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: 990f3218-6fce-44fb-bd0c-5f6076c0dadc + :DATE: 2011-07-01 + :END: + +here it is + +** longtable label and attr lines on code block results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-29 + :END: + +#+name: faz +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results + '((foo foo) + (bar baz)) +#+end_src + +#+LABEL: Foo +#+name: faz +| foo | foo | +| bar | baz | + +** another test + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-29 + :END: +#+name: square +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var it=0 + (* it it) +#+end_src + +Here is a call_square(it=4), stuck in the middle of some prose. + +Here is another 25^2=call_square(it=25). + +** multiple variables + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-27 + :END: + +Should work call_concat(1, 2, 3) =123= in order. + +#+name: concat +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var a=0 :var b=0 :var c=0 + (format "%S%S%S" a b c) +#+end_src + +Should be positive call_lob-minus(4, 3) =1= by order. + +** un-named variables + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-27 + :END: + +#+name: square +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var it=0 + (* it it) +#+end_src + +#+call: square(8) + +first we can name the argument with call_square(it=4) =16= + +then we can pass the argument unnamed with call_square(4) =16= + +#+name: minus +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var a=0 :var b=0 + (- a b) +#+end_src + +To ensure that these arguments are passed in the correct order we can +use the following call_minus(8, 4) =-4= + +** inline call line + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-27 + :END: + +#+name: double +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var it=0 + (* 2 it) +#+end_src + +This is the number src_sh[:var it=double(it=1)]{echo $it} in the middle + +The following exports as a normal call line +#+call: double(it=1) + +Now here is an inline call call_double(it=1) stuck in the middle of +some prose. + +This one should not be exported =call_double(it=2)= because it is +quoted. + +Finally this next one should export, even though it starts a line +call_double(it=3) because sometimes inline blocks fold with a +paragraph. + +And, a call with raw results call_double(4)[:results raw] should not +have quoted results. + +** text and graphics from R + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-24 + :END: + +#+begin_src R :results output :session +print(seq(1,10)) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src R :file example.png :results graphics :session +plot(seq(1,10)) +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:example.png]] + +** large code in inline blocks + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-22 + :END: + +#+name: big-block +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none + "something complex" +#+end_src + +Here is some text with src_emacs-lisp[:var it=big-block]{it} in the middle. + +** clojure =:results scalar= + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-21 + :END: +#+begin_src clojure :results scalar + '(1 2 3) +#+end_src + +** expand variable during tangling + :PROPERTIES: + :tangle: yes + :DATE: 2011-06-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src sh :var VER=(vc-working-revision (buffer-file-name)) + echo $VER +#+end_src + +** python session + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-19 + :END: +#+begin_src python :results output :session mypy +x = 1 +for i in range(1,5): + x = x + i + print x + +print "I throw an error" +#+end_src + +#+name: +: +: ... ... ... 2 +: 4 +: 7 +: 11 +: I throw an error + +#+begin_src python :results output :session + print y +#+end_src + +#+name: +: Traceback (most recent call last): +: File "", line 1, in +: NameError: name 'y' is not defined + +** scalar emacs lisp results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-19 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results scalar + '(1 2 3) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: (1 2 3) + +** named code block export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-13 + :END: +This has a name which is not exported. + +#+name: rand(n) +#+begin_src R + runif(n) +#+end_src +** continued code blocks + :PROPERTIES: + :tangle: yes + :comments: yes + :DATE: 2011-06-10 + :END: +#+name: foo +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "foo:%S" 1) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "un-named") +#+end_src + +#+name: bar +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "bar:%S" 1) +#+end_src + +#+name: foo +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "foo:%S" 2) +#+end_src + +#+name: bar +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "bar:%S" 2) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no :results silent + (with-temp-buffer + (insert-file-contents "scraps.el") + (eval-buffer)) +#+end_src + +** ruby with xmpfilter + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-10 + :END: +#+begin_src ruby :results xmp code + 2 + 2 # => + 3.times{ puts :hello } +#+end_src + +#+name: +#+BEGIN_SRC ruby +2 + 2 # => 4 +3.times{ puts :hello } +# >> hello +# >> hello +# >> hello +#+END_SRC + +** tangle test + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-10 + :END: +#+begin_src R :tangle test.R :shebang #!/bin/cat :padline no +This is +a test +#+end_src + +** quick testing new session code + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-06 + :END: +#+begin_src sh :session test :results output + echo foo +#+end_src + +#+name: +: foo + +#+begin_src ruby :results output :session simple + puts "foo" +#+end_src + +#+name: +: foo + +** =:file= and python + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-06 + :END: +#+begin_src python :file /tmp/test.png + return 1 +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:/tmp/test.png]] + +** simple shell + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-06 + :END: +#+begin_src sh + sleep 10 && ls +#+end_src + +#+name: +| _config.yml | +| data | +| development.org | +| elsevier | +| index.org | +| paper | +| publish.org | +| scraps | +| scraps.html | +| scraps.org | +| scraps.tex | + +#+begin_src ruby :session eric + puts [1..4] +#+end_src + +#+name: +: nil + +** testing new data names + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-02 + :END: + +#+name: simple-123 +: 123 + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var simple=simple-123 :exports both + (* simple 2) +#+end_src + +results + +data + +my data is results + +#+name: +: 246 + +** default directory examples in lisp + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-06-01 + :END: + +#+begin_src lisp + *default-pathname-defaults* +#+end_src + +#+begin_src sh + pwd +#+end_src + +#+begin_src lisp :dir + *default-pathname-defaults* +#+end_src + +#+name: +: #P"" + +** lisp body with multiple forms + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-05-31 + :END: + +#+begin_src lisp :results value + (format t "~&eric") + (+ 1 2) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 3 + +** example =#+call= line expansion + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-05-27 + :END: +this code block peeks inside of the `params' variable which is used by +babel during code block evaluation +#+name: callee +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;; this is cheating and shouldn't be done in user code :) + (or (cdr (assoc :foo params)) 'unset) +#+end_src + +this code block evaluates to the following, +#+name: callee +: unset + +this call line, +#+call: callee[:foo bar]() :results org + +expands into the following which is evaluated as a normal code block +by Babel. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var results=callee[:foo bar]() :results org + results +#+end_src + +this code block evaluates to the following, +#+name: +#+BEGIN_ORG +nothing +#+END_ORG + +** awk example + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-05-26 + :END: + +#+name: simple-table +| 1 | 2 | 3 | +| 4 | 5 | 6 | +| 7 | 8 | 9 | + +#+begin_src awk :stdin simple-table + {print $1} +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | +| 4 | +| 7 | + +** passing values through to STDIN of shell code blocks + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-05-26 + :END: +#+name: square-table +| 1 | 2 | 3 | +| 4 | 5 | 6 | +| 7 | 8 | 9 | + +#+name: first-col +#+begin_src sh :stdin square-table + awk '{print $1}' +#+end_src + +#+begin_src sh :stdin first-col + sed 's/4/middle/g' +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | +| middle | +| 7 | + +** don't match end_src inside of a block + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-05-14 + :END: + +#+name: the_issue +#+begin_src sh :results output + echo '#+end_src' +#+end_src + +#+name: the_issue +: #+end_src block + +** append tables + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-05-14 + :END: +#+name: table-names +- first-table +- second-table +- third-table + +#+name: first-table +| a | 1 | +| b | 2 | + +#+name: second-table +| c | 3 | +| d | 4 | + +#+name: third-table +| e | 5 | +| f | 6 | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table-names=table-names + (mapcar #'org-babel-ref-resolve table-names) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| (a 1) | (b 2) | +| (c 3) | (d 4) | +| (e 5) | (f 6) | + +** new names for results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-05-06 + :END: + +#+name: simple +: 1 + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=simple + data +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 1 + +changing the variable used to label data +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (setq org-babel-result-fmt + "^[ \t]*#\\+\\(TBLNAME\\|RESNAME\\|RESULTS\\|DATA\\):[ \t]*%s[ \t]*$") +#+end_src + +#+name: not-so-simple +: 2 + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=not-so-simple + data +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 2 + +** ocaml + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-05-06 + :END: + +#+begin_src ocaml + [3;2;3] @ [3;2;3;4;5];; +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | + +** simple latex verbatim wrap example + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-05-05 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (setq org-export-latex-verbatim-wrap + '("{\\scriptsize\n\\begin{verbatim}\n" . "\\end{verbatim}\n}\n")) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src sh + echo eric schulte + echo another +#+end_src + +** inserting complicated results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-05-05 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results scalar + ((lambda (result) (condition-case nil (read result) (error result))) + "(:return + (:ok \"{:model #, :v #, :z nil}\") + 13)") +#+end_src + +#+name: +| :return | (:ok {:model #, :v #, :z nil}) | 13 | + +** automatic org-mode formatting + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-27 + :END: + +#+name: raw-results +#+begin_src sh :results output tabular + echo "| 1 |" + echo "| 2 |" +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var in=raw-results + (stringp in) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: t + +** units in R plot + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-21 + :END: +#+begin_src R :results graphics :file test.png :width 8 :height 8 :res 200 :units cm + x <- -10:10 + y <- x^2 + plot(x, y, type="l", col="red", lty=1) +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:test.png]] + +** Ocaml appending blocks + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-19 + :END: +block + +#+begin_src ocaml + [|1;2;3|];; +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | 2 | 3 | + +** simple Oz example + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-19 + :END: +#+begin_src oz :results output + {Browse 'Hello'} +#+end_src + +** complex numbers in tables and python, reference in table formula + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-13 + :END: + +#+name: parameter-variation(data=0) +#+begin_src python :result values + return 'text' +#+end_src + +|---------------------------------------| +| "(0.0331901438056,0.000535222885197)" | +| "(0.0333434157791,0.000537930174356)" | +| "(0.0345727512157,0.000559346040457)" | +| "(0.0353146483908,0.000571501584524)" | +| "(0.0355522909393,0.000574387067408)" | +| "(0.0356575682336,0.000574851263615)" | +| "(0.0357806926897,0.000575051685084)" | +|---------------------------------------| +| text | +#+TBLFM: @8$1='(sbe parameter-variation (nums @1$1..@7$1)) + +| '(1 2 3 4) | +|------------| +| 4 | +#+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe quote (it @1$1)) + +| (1 2 3 4) | +|-----------| +| #ERROR | +#+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe quote (it @1$1)) + +*** using vectors to represent complex number is lisp + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-15 + :END: +| [1 2] | +|------------------| +| real:1 complex:2 | +#+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe real (it @1$1)) + +#+name: real(it='()) +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (format "real:%d complex:%d" (aref it 0) (aref it 1)) +#+end_src + +*** reference the table in a table formula + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-13 + :END: +#+name: complex-data +|-------------------------------------| +| (0.0331901438056,0.000535222885197) | +|-------------------------------------| +| 4 | +#+TBLFM: @2$1='(sbe quote (it "complex-data")) + +*** externally referencing the table + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-13 + :END: +#+name: complex-data +|-------------------------------------| +| (0.0331901438056,0.000535222885197) | +| (0.0333434157791,0.000537930174356) | +| (0.0345727512157,0.000559346040457) | +| (0.0353146483908,0.000571501584524) | +| (0.0355522909393,0.000574387067408) | +| (0.0356575682336,0.000574851263615) | +| (0.0357806926897,0.000575051685084) | +#+TBLFM: @8$1='(sbe parameter-variation (nums @1$1..@7$1)) + +#+begin_src python :var data=complex-data + return data +#+end_src + +#+name: +| (0.0331901438056,0.000535222885197) | +| (0.0333434157791,0.000537930174356) | +| (0.0345727512157,0.000559346040457) | +| (0.0353146483908,0.000571501584524) | +| (0.0355522909393,0.000574387067408) | +| (0.0356575682336,0.000574851263615) | +| (0.0357806926897,0.000575051685084) | + +** emacs-lisp printing with output to string + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-10 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results output + (let ((dog (sqrt 2)) + (cat 7)) + (print (format "%s %f" "Dog: " (eval dog))) + (print (format "%s %d" "Cat: " (eval cat)) nil) + (print "Fish.")) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: +: "Dog: 1.414214" +: +: "Cat: 7" +: +: "Fish." + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (let ((dog (sqrt 2)) + (cat 7)) + `((dog ,dog) + (cat ,cat) + (fish))) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| dog | 1.4142135623730951 | +| cat | 7 | +| fish | | + +** headers in R tables during export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-04 + :END: +#+TBLNAME: Chuah07 +| condition | Mean.offer | +|-----------+------------| +| 1.MMM | 48.49 | +| 2.MMU | 42.59 | +| 3.MUM | 44.87 | +| 4.UMU | 46.43 | +| 5.UUM | 44.15 | +| 6.UUU | 43.80 | +| MAL | 46.28 | +| UK | 44.1 | +| All | 45.29 | + +#+headers: :var data=Chuah07 +#+begin_src R :results output :exports both :cache yes + str(data) +#+end_src + +#+name[135a7f73839b69d118780ca29a64c3840601f7b9]: +: 'data.frame': 9 obs. of 2 variables: +: $ condition : chr "1.MMM" "2.MMU" "3.MUM" "4.UMU" ... +: $ Mean.offer: num 48.5 42.6 44.9 46.4 44.1 ... eric + +** session associated with R block + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-02 + :END: +#+begin_src R :session *chris* + x <- 1 + y <- 2 + y-x +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 1 + +** detangling example + :PROPERTIES: + :tangle: yes + :comments: yes + :shebang: #!/bin/sh + :ID: 7a22cf71-6be3-4fca-a700-4c8be8237303 + :DATE: 2011-04-01 + :END: + +#+name: sh-for-tangling +#+begin_src sh + echo "this is the `sh-for-tangling' code block" + num=`expr 1 + 1` + echo "the value of num is $num" +#+end_src + +#+begin_src sh + echo "this is an unnamed code block" +#+end_src + +** vc-log + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-01 + :END: + +A version control log of this file. The =vc-log= code block lives in +the library of babel. +#+call: vc-log() :exports results + +** CL example + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-01 + :END: +#+begin_src lisp + (defun range (n &optional m) + "Return the numbers in range." + (loop for num from (if m n 0) to (if m m (- n 1)) collect num)) + + (mapcar #'list (mapcar #'1+ (range 10))) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | +| 2 | +| 3 | +| 4 | +| 5 | +| 6 | +| 7 | +| 8 | +| 9 | +| 10 | + +** tangling out vc information + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-01 + :END: + +#+headers: :var STATE=(vc-state (or (buffer-file-name) org-current-export-file)) +#+headers: :var REV=(vc-working-revision (or (buffer-file-name) org-current-export-file)) +#+begin_src sh :tangle yes + rm -rf ./R + rm -f ./spreadSim.sub + REVISION=$REV.$STATE + tar -xf nsa.$REVISION.tar.gz + $HOME/R/R/R-2.12.0/bin/Rscript --vanilla -e +"source('./R/generateLatinHypercubeScenarios.R'); doIt()" + for SCENARIO in ./R/scenarios/*.R; do + export SCENARIO=${SCENARIO#./R/scenarios/} + qsub nsa.sub + done +#+end_src + +** grabbing the current buffer during export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-04-01 + :END: +Eric + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var buf=(buffer-file-name (current-buffer)) :exports both + (message "buffer %S!" buf) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src sh :exports results :results output + git log -1 +#+end_src + +** colnames with call lines + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-03-29 + :END: +#+TBLNAME: data +| x | parameter | value | +|---+-----------+-------| +| 0 | heat | 30 | +| 1 | heat | 30 | + +#+name: func5 +#+begin_src R :var name=data :var a="one" :colnames yes + names(name) +#+end_src + +#+name: func5 +| x | +|-----------| +| x | +| parameter | +| value | + +#+call: func5(name=data, a="two") :colnames yes + +#+name: func5(name=data, a="two") +| x | +|-----------| +| x | +| parameter | +| value | + +** caching on export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-03-23 + :END: +#+name: testcache +#+begin_src R :cache yes :exports results + dat <- matrix(runif(12), 3, 4) + print(dat) +#+end_src + +#+name[e7b83e61596da84f85c5a24e61569576c802f9a2]: testcache +| 0.590091332094744 | 0.101750465808436 | 0.487125408137217 | 0.92315583024174 | +| 0.483292032498866 | 0.427640072302893 | 0.974636133294553 | 0.995571716455743 | +| 0.60190233332105 | 0.122638279106468 | 0.437959408387542 | 0.015639441087842 | + +** conflicting header arguments + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-03-14 + :END: + +code block +#+name: conflict-block +#+begin_src sh :exports results :results silent + echo eric +#+end_src + +call line +#+call: conflict-block() :exports results + +#+name: conflict-block() +: eric + +** macros during tangling + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: d2ff9d6f-b413-4072-91a9-3ae8aa32032c + :DATE: 2011-03-14 + :END: + +First, add macro expansion to the new `org-babel-tangle-body-hook'. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (add-hook 'org-babel-tangle-body-hook + (lambda () (org-export-preprocess-apply-macros))) +#+end_src + +Then define the macro. Note: you may need to export the buffer before +tangling so that the macro definition is noticed and processed by +Org-mode. + +#+MACRO: CONFIG_PARAM01 45 + +Then on both export and tangling the macro in the following code block +will be replaced. + +#+begin_src sh :tangle yes + echo org-mode set CONFIG_PARAMETER to: {{{CONFIG_PARAM01}}} +#+end_src + +** looks like a pipe in a table + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-03-07 + :END: +#+name: clean +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var in="" + (flet ((clean (in) + (if (listp in) + (mapcar #'clean in) + (if (stringp in) + (replace-regexp-in-string "¦" "|" in) + in)))) + (clean in)) +#+end_src + +#+name: regexps +| first | (a¦b) | +| second | (1¦2) | + +#+begin_src perl :var a=clean(in=regexps)[0,1] :var b=clean(in=regexps)[1,1] + $a; $b; +#+end_src + +#+name: +: (1|2) + +** eval results as a list + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-03-06 + :END: +#+begin_src python :results value + return "(mapcar (lambda (el) (+ 1 el)) '(1 2))" +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 2 | 3 | + +#+begin_src python :results value + return "[1, 2]" +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | 2 | + +#+begin_src python :results value + return [1, 2] +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | 2 | + +#+begin_src python :results value + return "%r" % "[1 2]" +#+end_src + +#+name: +: [1 2] + +** export of inline R code + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-03-03 + :END: +Here I test inline code evaluation in R. + +#+begin_src R :session *R* +x <- 100 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 100 + +Now I want to export the value of x, which should be +src_R[:session *R*]{x} . + +Did the number 100 show up at the end of the previous sentence on export? + +** simple mysql + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-03-03 + :END: +#+begin_src sql :engine mysql + show tables; +#+end_src + +** leading/trailing spaces + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-03-02 + :END: +#+name: spaces-wrapped-string +- " pass through with space " + + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var res=spaces-wrapped-string[0] + res +#+end_src + +#+name: +: pass through with space + +** results org raw wrap + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-03-02 + :END: +#+begin_src sh :results output org :exports none + cat <> +#+end_src + +#+name[e2c9e6c2f84563b590a765502057d92463e50182]: test_sleep +| 1 | +| 2 | +| 3 | +| 4 | +| 5 | +| 6 | +| 7 | +| 8 | +| 9 | +| 10 | + +** source block names in current buffer + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-02-26 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results list + (org-babel-src-block-names) +#+end_src + +** simple python block + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-02-26 + :END: +#+begin_src python :return foo + foo = 8 + foo += 1 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 9 + +** sh return a list of elements with spaces + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-02-26 + :END: +#+begin_src sh :results list + echo "eric schulte" + echo "dan davison" + echo "seb vauban" +#+end_src + +#+name: +- ("eric" "schulte") +- ("dan" "davison") +- ("seb" "vauban") + +#+begin_src sh :results scalar + echo "eric schulte" + echo "dan davison" + echo "seb vauban" +#+end_src + +#+name: +: eric schulte +: dan davison +: seb vauban + +** calc variables inside of parenthesis + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-02-22 + :END: +#+BEGIN_SRC calc :var testvar=9000 +testvar - 200 +#+END_SRC + +#+name: +: 8800 + +#+BEGIN_SRC calc :var testvar=9000 +(testvar - 200) 800 +#+END_SRC + +#+name: +: 7040000 + +** new lists + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-02-21 + :END: +*** results embedded inside of a list + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-02-22 + :END: +1. this has results + #+name: something-in-a-list + : foo +2. and this doesn't work + #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=something-in-a-list + data + #+end_src + + #+name: + : foo + +*** reading and writing + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-02-22 + :END: +#+name: simple-list +- 1 +- two +- 3 +- four + + +#+name: simple-list +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var lst=simple-list :results list + (reverse lst) +#+end_src + +** catch the file name during export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-02-21 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var file-name=(buffer-file-name) :exports both + file-name +#+end_src + +** export of inline code blocks which are silent + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-02-20 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (setf org-babel-default-inline-header-args + '((:session . "none") + (:results . (if (boundp 'org-current-export-file) "replace" "silent")) + (:exports . "results"))) +#+end_src + +Here is an inline code block src_sh{echo 8} <- there + +** mentions of file names in file contents + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-02-20 + :END: +directory to search +#+name: graph-dir +: graph-dir + +list all files in dir +#+name: graph-files +#+begin_src sh :results vector :var dir=graph-dir + find $dir -type f -exec basename {} \; +#+end_src + +#+name: graph-files +| other | +| dan | +| eric | +| seb | + +association of files with mentions +#+name: graph-associations +#+begin_src sh :var dir=graph-dir :var files=graph-files + for i in $files; do + for j in `grep -l -r $i $dir`;do + echo $i, `basename $j` + done + done +#+end_src + +#+name: graph-associations +| other | eric | +| other | seb | +| dan | eric | +| eric | seb | +| seb | dan | + +graphing with dot +#+name: to-dot +#+begin_src sh :var associations=graph-associations :results scalar + echo "$associations"|awk '{print $1, "->", $2}' +#+end_src + +#+name: to-dot +: other -> eric +: other -> seb +: dan -> eric +: eric -> seb +: seb -> dan + +#+begin_src dot :var data=to-dot :file files.png + digraph G{ + $data + } +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:files.png]] + +** inline code block + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-02-18 + :END: + +here is an inline block src_R{1+1} + +** recutils + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-02-15 + :END: +#+begin_src sh :file book.rec + cat < book.rec + # -*- mode: rec -*- + %rec: Book + %mandatory: Title + %type: Location enum loaned home unknown + %doc: + + A book in my personal collection. + + Title: GNU Emacs Manual + Author: Richard M. Stallman + Publisher: FSF + Location: home + + Title: The Colour of Magic + Author: Terry Pratchett + Location: loaned + + Title: Mio Cid + Author: Anonymous + Location: home + + Title: chapters.gnu.org administration guide + Author: Nacho Gonzalez + Author: Jose E. Marchesi + Location: unknown + + Title: Yeelong User Manual + Location: home + + # End of books.rec + EOF +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:book.rec]] + +#+begin_src rec :data book.rec :fields Title,Author + Location = 'loaned' +#+end_src + +#+name: +| Title | Author | +| The Colour of Magic | Terry Pratchett | + +#+begin_src rec :data book.rec :fields Title,Author + +#+end_src + +#+name: +| Title | Author | Author_2 | +| GNU Emacs Manual | Richard M. Stallman | | +| The Colour of Magic | Terry Pratchett | | +| Mio Cid | Anonymous | | +| chapters.gnu.org administration guide | Nacho Gonzalez | Jose E. Marchesi | +| Yeelong User Manual | | | + +** SQL --- example reading org-mode table into sql + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-02-15 + :END: +#+tblname: example-table-for-sql +| a | b | +|---+----| +| 1 | 10 | +| 2 | 11 | +| 3 | 12 | +| 4 | 13 | +| 5 | 14 | +| 6 | 15 | + +#+headers: :var table=example-table-for-sql +#+begin_src sql :engine mysql +load data infile "$table" into mytable; +#+end_src + +** passing keywords inside header arguments + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-02-15 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var lst='(:no-expand :other) + lst +#+end_src + +#+name: +| :no-expand | other | + +** two vars in a properties block -- not possible + :PROPERTIES: + :var: test1=7 + :var: test2=8 + :DATE: 2011-02-10 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "test1=%S test2=%S" test1 test2) +#+end_src + +results in Error +: let: Symbol's value as variable is void: test2 + +*** an alternative + :PROPERTIES: + :var: tests=all-tests + :DATE: 2011-02-10 + :END: + +#+tblname: all-tests +- 7 +- 8 + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var eric=89 + (message "test1=%S test2=%S" (first tests) (second tests)) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: test1=7 test2=8 + +*** another alternative + :PROPERTIES: + :var: vars=variables + :DATE: 2011-06-21 + :END: + +#+tblname: variables +| var1 | 1 | +| var2 | 2 | + +#+begin_src python + print vars[0][1] + print vars[1][1] +#+end_src + +** how to set no-expand in properties + :PROPERTIES: + :no-expand: yes + :DATE: 2011-02-10 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var something="other thing" :tangle no-expand.el + :test +#+end_src + +tangles to + +** non-inlined inline code block + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-01-27 + :END: +The Date is src_sh[:results replace]{date} at the time of =this= export. + +src_sh[:results replace]{ls} + +** results replace not always working + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-01-25 + :END: +#+begin_src sh :results output org replace :exports code + for i in `seq 4`;do + echo "- place $i in the list" + done +#+end_src + +#+name: +#+BEGIN_ORG +- place 1 in the list +- place 2 in the list +- place 3 in the list +- place 4 in the list +#+END_ORG + +inline block src_emacs-lisp[:exports code :results replace]{(+ 1 1 1)} here is was + +** simple calc example + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-01-25 + :END: +#+begin_src calc +2*3 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 6 + +** inserting wrappers eats following characters + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-01-20 + :END: +*** Test + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-01-20 + :END: + + #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results latex + "\\begin{equation}\\frac{1}{2}\n\\end{equation}" + #+end_src + + #+name: + #+BEGIN_LaTeX + \begin{equation}\frac{1}{2} + \end{equation} + #+END_LaTeX + +*** Watch me die :-( + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-01-20 + :END: + +** creating a directory when needed for tangling + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-01-19 + :END: +#+begin_src clojure :tangle (prog1 "src/foo.clj" (make-directory "src" ".")) + (ns something) +#+end_src + +a helper function for the above +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (defun mkdir-p (file &optional dir) + "Create any parent directories of FILE if missing and return FILE." + (make-directory (file-name-directory file) (or dir ".")) file) +#+end_src + +allows the following +#+begin_src clojure :tangle (mkdir-p "src/foo.clj") + (ns something) +#+end_src + +There is now a new header argument controlling this behavior +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :mkdirp yes :tangle novel/nested/directories/finally.clj + (message "contents") +#+end_src + +** passing arguments to the shell + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-01-18 + :END: +#+name: something +: eric +: schulte +: yes +: more + +#+name: something-list +| 1 | +| 2 | +| 3 | + +#+begin_src sh :var data=something-list + echo "$data"|wc -l +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 3 + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (setq org-babel-sh-var-quote-fmt "`cat <<'BABEL_TABLE'\n%s\nBABEL_TABLE\n`") +#+end_src + +** wrap noweb references in comments + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-01-16 + :END: +#+name: wrappable +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (setq x (+ 4 x)) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :comments noweb :noweb yes :tangle yes + (let ((x 1)) + (message "x=%s" x) + <> + (message "x=%s" x)) +#+end_src + +** replace inline code block + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-01-13 + :END: +This is src_emacs-lisp{(+ 1 2 3)} an inline block. + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (defun replace-inline-block () + (interactive) + (if (save-excursion (re-search-backward "[ \f\t\n\r\v]" nil t) + (looking-at org-babel-inline-src-block-regexp)) + (replace-match + ((lambda (el) (if (stringp el) el (format "%S" el))) + (org-babel-execute-src-block)) nil nil nil 1) + (error "not inside of an inline source block."))) +#+end_src + +** noweb then variables + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-01-13 + :END: +#+name: replaced-first +#+begin_src latex + \begin{itemize} + \item first + \item data + \item third + \end{itemize} +#+end_src + +#+begin_src latex :var data="second" :noweb yes + \section{ordinals} + \label{sec:ordinals} + <> +#+end_src + +** empty strings as arguments + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-01-11 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results output :var foo="" + (concat foo "bar") +#+end_src + +#+name: +: bar + +** call lines + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-01-11 + :END: +#+name: doubler +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var n=2 + (* n 2) +#+end_src + +#+call: doubler(n=3) + +#+name: doubler(n=3) +: 6 + +#+call: doubler[:var n=3]() + +#+name: doubler[:var n=3]() +: 6 + +** language name abbreviations + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2011-01-07 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (add-to-list 'org-src-lang-modes '("clj" . clojure)) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src clj + (map (partial + 1) (range 20)) +#+end_src + +** eval query + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-12-21 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate + (lambda (lang body) (not (equal "ditaa" lang)))) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| lambda | (lang body) | (not (equal ditaa lang)) | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval query + (message "eval'd") +#+end_src + +#+name: +: eval'd + +#+begin_src ditaa + --- +#+end_src + +** new file handling + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-12-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src sh :sep , :file dirlisting + ls -l +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:dirlisting]] + +#+begin_src ruby :file ruby-out + [[1, 2, 3, 4], + [2, 4, 6, 8]] +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:ruby-out]] + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results file :results append + (let ((today (replace-regexp-in-string "[ \t]" "-" (current-time-string)))) + (with-temp-file today + (insert (message "I'm feeling %s" + (nth (random 3) (list "good" "bad" "just fine"))))) + today) +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:Mon-Dec-20-17:27:52-2010]] + +from http://www.graphviz.org/Gallery/directed/fsm.gv.txt +#+begin_src dot :file fsa.png + digraph finite_state_machine { + rankdir=LR; + size="8,5" + node [shape = doublecircle]; LR_0 LR_3 LR_4 LR_8; + node [shape = circle]; + LR_0 -> LR_2 [ label = "SS(B)" ]; + LR_0 -> LR_1 [ label = "SS(S)" ]; + LR_1 -> LR_3 [ label = "S($end)" ]; + LR_2 -> LR_6 [ label = "SS(b)" ]; + LR_2 -> LR_5 [ label = "SS(a)" ]; + LR_2 -> LR_4 [ label = "S(A)" ]; + LR_5 -> LR_7 [ label = "S(b)" ]; + LR_5 -> LR_5 [ label = "S(a)" ]; + LR_6 -> LR_6 [ label = "S(b)" ]; + LR_6 -> LR_5 [ label = "S(a)" ]; + LR_7 -> LR_8 [ label = "S(b)" ]; + LR_7 -> LR_5 [ label = "S(a)" ]; + LR_8 -> LR_6 [ label = "S(b)" ]; + LR_8 -> LR_5 [ label = "S(a)" ]; + } +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:fsa.png]] +** tangle templates + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-12-13 + :END: +#+name: template-heading +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + some stuff here +#+end_src + +#+name: template-footing +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + some other stuff here +#+end_src + +#+name: template +#+begin_src sh :results output :noweb yes :var body="body stuff" +heading=$(cat<> +EOF +) +footing=$(cat<> +EOF +) +echo $heading +echo "$body" +echo $footing +#+end_src + +#+call: template[:noweb yes](body="something new") + +#+name: template[:noweb yes](body="something new") +: some stuff here +: something new +: some other stuff here + +** missing lines on tangle + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: 83eb62fd-4147-405b-bdc2-567b2d5cbd70 + :DATE: 2010-12-13 + :END: +#+begin_src org :results latex :tangle latex-err.tex + ,one + ,two + ,three +#+end_src + +#+begin_src org :results latex :results replace + ,- eric + ,- schulte +#+end_src + +#+name: +#+BEGIN_LaTeX +\begin{itemize} +\item eric +\item schulte +\end{itemize} +#+END_LaTeX + +** utf8 and latin-1 encodings + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-12-13 + :END: +#+tblname: toto +| é | + +#+begin_src python :var t=toto :preamble # -*- coding: latin1 -*- :return [len(babel), len(local)] + babel = unicode (t[0][0],"latin1") + local = unicode ("é","latin1") +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 2 | 2 | + +** Python requires a utf-8 coding prefix + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-12-02 + :END: +#+begin_src python :prefix # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- :return s +s = "é" +#+end_src + +#+name: +: é + +#+begin_src python :prefix # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- :results output +s = "é" +print(s) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: é + +** empty lines in R session output + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-12-01 + :END: +#+begin_src R :results output :session + x <- 1; + x + x + 1 + x + 4 +#+end_src R + +#+name: +: [1] 1 +: [1] 2 +: [1] 5 + +** =:eval query= shows the name + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-11-30 + :END: +#+name: i-have-a-name +#+begin_src sh :eval query + date +#+end_src + +#+name: i-have-a-name +: Tue Nov 30 22:03:25 MST 2010 + +** sql variables + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-11-30 + :END: +#+name: sql-param +| table | valueTable0 | +| column | valueColumn0 | +| type | valueType0 | +| nullability | valueNullability0 | + +I want to apply the values onto the following chunk of code: + +#+name: add-column-in-table-0 +#+begin_src sql :var table=sql-param[0,1] :var column=sql-param[1,1] :var type=sql-param[2,1] :var nullability=sql-param[3,1] +-- add column `@column' (if column does not exist yet) +IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * + FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS + WHERE TABLE_NAME = '@table' + AND COLUMN_NAME = '@column') +BEGIN + ALTER TABLE $table + ADD $column $type @nullability +END +#+end_src + +** python with return header argument + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-11-27 + :END: + +#+begin_src python :return y + x = 8 + y = 98 + 2 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 98 + +** safe lists for Haskell + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-11-23 + :END: + +#+tblname: mixed-table +| 1 | first | +| 2 | second | +| 3 | third | +| 4 | fourth | + +#+name: rec-string-wrap +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=mixed-table + (defun rec-string-wrap (in) + (if (listp in) (mapcar #'rec-string-wrap in) (format "%S" in))) + (rec-string-wrap data) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src haskell :var tbl=rec-string-wrap(data=mixed-table) + map head tbl +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | + +** add column to table with awk + :PROPERTIES: + :question_author: Sébastien Vauban + :DATE: 2010-11-23 + :END: +I want to *add a column* to the following table. + +#+name: table-message +| This is line 1 of the message. | +| This is line 2 of the message. | +| This is the last line of the message. | + +Its value should be dependant on a *regexp matching* the *current row* +(for example, if 1 is detected in the original column, then write "A" +in the new one, "B" if 2 is read, "C" if 3 is read, etc.). + +Hence, I'm thinking using AWK as an easy solution. + + #+begin_src note + I'm open to other ideas on how I could do this as easily. Just throw me + ideas, if you have some. + #+end_src + +the easiest (for me) would be with the elisp =mapcar= function +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var tbl=table-message + (mapcar (lambda (row) (cons "New col" row)) tbl) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| New col | This is line 1 of the message. | +| New col | This is line 2 of the message. | +| New col | This is the last line of the message. | + +*First* trial: add a column whose cell contents will be *fixed* (here, +equal to =New col=). + +#+name: add-col +#+begin_src sh :var data=table-message :results output raw :exports both +echo "$data" | awk '// {print "| New col | " $0 " |";}' +#+end_src + +#+name: add-col +| New col | This is line 1 of the message. | +| New col | This is line 2 of the message. | +| New col | This is the last line of the message. | + +** reading from single-quote-delim languages + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-11-23 + :END: +#+BEGIN_SRC python +return [['607', 'Show license short, name on the deed'], + ['255', "'(message (concat 'hello ' 'world))"]] +#+END_SRC + +#+name: +| 607 | Show license short, name on the deed | +| 255 | '(message (concat 'hello ' 'world)) | + +#+begin_src ruby + [['607', 'Show license, short name on the deed'], + ['255', "))'(message (concat 'hello ' 'world"]] +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 607 | Show license, short name on the deed | +| 255 | ))'(message (concat 'hello ' 'world | + +#+begin_src haskell + [["'single quotes'", "b"], ["\"double quotes\"", "d"]] +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 'single quotes' | b | +| "double quotes" | d | + +** un-named R code blocks + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-11-23 + :END: +#+begin_src R + 8 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 8 + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eric +8 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 8 + +#+BEGIN_SRC R :session :results output + xyz +#+END_SRC + +#+BEGIN_SRC R :session *R-2* :results output | xyz +9 +#+END_SRC + +#+name: +: [1] 9 + +** introducing =wrap= header argument + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-11-19 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results wrap :exports both + (mapcar (lambda (el) (list el (+ 1 (* el el)))) (number-sequence 0 10)) +#+end_src + +#+name: +#+BEGIN_RESULT +| 0 | 1 | +| 1 | 2 | +| 2 | 5 | +| 3 | 10 | +| 4 | 17 | +| 5 | 26 | +| 6 | 37 | +| 7 | 50 | +| 8 | 65 | +| 9 | 82 | +| 10 | 101 | +#+END_RESULT + +now indented +- first +- second + #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results wrap :exports both + "something else" + #+end_src + + #+name: + #+BEGIN_RESULT + : something else + #+END_RESULT + +** lists as data types + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-11-19 + :END: + +#+name: a-list +- org-mode +- and +- babel + +#+name: a-list +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var lst=a-list :results list + (reverse lst) +#+end_src + +also for a block inside of a list +1. First element +2. Second element -- has a block + #+begin_src emacs-lisp + (+ 1 1 1 1) + #+end_src + + #+name: + : 4 + +3. third element + +** sqlite + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-11-10 + :END: +#+begin_src sqlite :db paper/climate.sqlite + select count(*) from temps; +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 422689 + +** lob calls with header argument pass through + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-11-08 + :END: + +#+name: lob-header +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var n=20 + n +#+end_src + +#+call: lob-header[:results vector](n=15) + +#+name: lob-header[:results vector](n=15) +| 15 | + +#+call: lob-header(n=10) :results vector + +#+name: lob-header(n=10) +| 10 | + +need ob-ref.el to pass through the header arguments in "[]"s +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var n=lob-header[:results vector](n=8) + n +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 8 | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var n=lob-header[:results vector](n=8)[0,0] + n +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 8 + +** clojure code blocks and the lazies + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-11-06 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (defun org-babel-execute:clojure (body params) + (with-temp-buffer + (insert body) + (read + (slime-eval + `(swank:interactive-eval-region + ,(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))))) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src clojure + (map (fn [el] (list el (* el el)))(range 10)) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 0 | 0 | +| 1 | 1 | +| 2 | 4 | +| 3 | 9 | +| 4 | 16 | +| 5 | 25 | +| 6 | 36 | +| 7 | 49 | +| 8 | 64 | +| 9 | 81 | + +** playing with calc support + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-11-03 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (require 'ob-calc) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src calc :var some=8 + some + some + '* + 8+8 + '+ +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 80 + +#+begin_src calc + 2*(8+8) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 32 + +#+begin_src calc + 2*e +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 5.43656365692 + +#+begin_src calc :var something=9 + 2*something +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 18 + +** shell blocks returning a file name + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-11-03 + :END: +#+begin_src sh :file quick.txt :results output + date +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:quick.txt]] + +** passing arguments through call lines + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-10-29 + :END: + +#+name: test +#+begin_src R :session :file test.pdf :var myarg="bla" + plot(1:10, main=myarg) +#+end_src + +#+name: test +[[file:test.pdf]] + +#+call: test(myarg="hiho") + +#+name: test(myarg="hiho") +: test.pdf + +** simple gnuplot tests + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-10-26 + :END: +#+name: some-more-gnuplot +| 1 | 1 | +| 2 | 4 | +| 3 | 9 | +| 4 | 16 | +| 5 | 25 | +| 6 | 36 | +| 7 | 49 | +| 8 | 64 | +#+TBLFM: $2=$1*$1 + +#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=some-more-gnuplot + plot "$data" +#+end_src + +#+name: + +Plotting data points from a table could look like this: +#+tblname: basic-plot +| x | y1 | y2 | +|-----+------------+------------| +| 0.1 | 0.425 | 0.375 | +| 0.2 | 0.3125 | 0.3375 | +| 0.3 | 0.24999993 | 0.28333338 | +| 0.4 | 0.275 | 0.28125 | +| 0.5 | 0.26 | 0.27 | +| 0.6 | 0.25833338 | 0.24999993 | +| 0.7 | 0.24642845 | 0.23928553 | +| 0.8 | 0.23125 | 0.2375 | +| 0.9 | 0.23333323 | 0.2333332 | +| 1 | 0.2225 | 0.22 | + +#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=basic-plot :exports code :file basic-plot.png +set title "Putting it All Together" + +set xlabel "X" +set xrange [0:1] +set xtics 0,0.1,1 + +set ylabel "Y" +set yrange [0.2:0.5] +set ytics 0.2,0.05,0.5 + +plot data u 1:2 w p lw 2 title 'x vs. y1', \ + data u 1:3 w lp lw 1 title 'x vx. y2' +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:basic-plot.png]] + +** latex headers in latex code blocks + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-10-26 + :END: + +#+begin_src latex :headers \usepackage{lmodern} :file name1.pdf + Eric Schulte +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:name1.pdf]] + +#+begin_src latex :headers '("\\usepackage{mathpazo}" "\\usepackage{fullpage}") :file name2.pdf + Eric Schulte +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:name2.pdf]] + +** export-specific header arguments + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-10-26 + :END: + +#+headers: :var out=(if (and (boundp 'latexp) latexp) "latex" "not latex") +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + out +#+end_src + +#+name: +: not latex + +** security problem with elisp in header arguments + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-10-14 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil) :results silent + (+ 1 1) +#+end_src + +** preceding blank lines on tangle + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-10-13 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (setq org-babel-tangle-pad-newline nil) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src sh :tangle something.reg + # something + echo "else" +#+end_src + +** very very large numbers + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-10-13 + :END: +#+tblname: numbers +| 1 | +| 2 | +| 12 | +| 45 | +| 166 | +| 12567890 | +| 231231282371983279389999999 | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var numbers=numbers + (mapcar + (lambda (line) + (let ((number (car line))) + (list number (type-of number)))) + numbers) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | integer | +| 2 | integer | +| 12 | integer | +| 45 | integer | +| 166 | integer | +| 12567890 | integer | +| 2.3123128237198328e+26 | float | + +** weaving with noweb links + :PROPERTIES: + :tangle: yes + :DATE: 2010-10-13 + :END: + +#+name: name +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "eric") +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb tangle + ;; name + <> +#+end_src + +** index into a scalar + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-10-13 + :END: +#+tblname: short-list +| a | +| b | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var scalar=short-list[0,0] + scalar +#+end_src + +#+name: +: a + +** cycle -- the input is the output + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-09-29 + :END: +and the rhythm is the base and the base is the treble + +#+name: cycle +| one | +| two | +| three | + +#+name: cycle +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=cycle + (append (last table) (butlast table)) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results + (+ 1 1 1) +#+end_src + +** Letter + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-09-21 + :END: + +#+name: body +#+begin_src org :results latex + ,My body includes a list: + + ,- one + ,- two + + ,and a small table: + + ,| first | second | + ,| other | last | + + ,Not more. +#+end_src + +#+begin_src latex :noweb yes :tangle yes +\documentclass[11pt]{isodoc} +\usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} +\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} + +\setupdocument{ + to = {Eric}, + subject = {Tough to understand what to do...}, + opening = {Hi}, + closing = {Best} +} + +\begin{document} +\letter{% +<> +} +\end{document} +#+end_src + +** splitting code blocks + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-09-19 + :END: +- with indentation + #+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;;;###autoload + (defun org-babel-previous-src-block (&optional arg) + "Jump to the previous source block. + With optional prefix argument ARG, jump backward ARG many source blocks." + (interactive "P") + (condition-case nil + (re-search-backward org-babel-src-block-regexp nil nil (or arg 1)) + (error (error "No previous code blocks"))) + (goto-char (match-beginning 0)) (org-show-context)) + #+end_src + + #+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;;;###autoload + (defun org-babel-split-block-maybe (&optional arg) + "Split the current source code block on the cursor." + (interactive "p") + ((lambda (info) + (if info + (let ((lang (nth 0 info)) + (indent (nth 6 info)) + (stars (make-string (org-current-level) ?*))) + (insert (concat (if (looking-at "^") "" "\n") + (make-string indent ? ) "#+end_src\n" + (if arg stars (make-string indent ? )) "\n" + (make-string indent ? ) "#+begin_src " lang + (if (looking-at "[\n\r]") "" "\n ")))) + (message "Not in src block."))) + (org-babel-get-src-block-info))) + + ;; other stuff + #+end_src + +** header arguments on call line + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-09-09 + :END: +#+name: eight +#+begin_src R + 8 +#+end_src + +#+call: eight() :results vector + +#+name: eight() +| 8 | + +maybe the following with the new proposed header arguments + +#+call: eight[:session *R*]() :results vector + +** empty-string results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-09-08 + :END: +test me one two 3 + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp +#+end_src + +More test + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (mapcar + (lambda (pair) + (list (car pair) (cdr pair))) + params) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| :cache | no | +| :colnames | no | +| :comments | | +| :exports | code | +| :hlines | yes | +| :noweb | no | +| :results | replace | +| :session | none | +| :shebang | | +| :tangle | no | + +** tangle org-mode block + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-09-07 + :END: +#+name: org-list +#+begin_src org :results latex + - one + - two + - three +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle example.tangled :noweb yes + " + <> + " +#+end_src + +** remove results when nil is returned + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-09-07 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (progn (+ 1 1) nil) +#+end_src + +#+name: + +** comparative speed of python evaluation + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-09-07 + :END: +#+begin_src python :session test + 2+2 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 4 + +#+begin_src python + return 2+2 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 4 + +#+begin_src python :session test +def add(a,b): + return a+b +def sub(a,b): + return a-b +add(sub(10,1),sub(10,2)) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: org_babel_python_eoe + +** customizable comment formats + :PROPERTIES: + :tangle: yes + :comments: yes + :DATE: 2010-09-05 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (setq org-babel-tangle-comment-format-beg "{-# LINE %start-line \"%file\" #-}" + org-babel-tangle-comment-format-end "" + org-babel-tangle-pad-newline) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src haskell :tangle Main.hs + test = length + main = print $ test [1,2,3] +#+end_src + +I would like the following output in the tangled file Main.hs: + +: {-# LINE 4 "Haskell.org" #-} +: test = length +: main = print $ test [1,2,3] + +** tangling with full comments + :PROPERTIES: + :comments: org + :tangle: full-comments.el + :DATE: 2010-09-04 + :END: +The top block +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "first block") +#+end_src + +here's some text which won't be tangled + +*** subheading + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-09-04 + :END: +another block +| 1 | first | +| 2 | second | +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "second") +#+end_src + +and finally a block with a =:noweb= header argument +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb yes + (progn + <>) +#+end_src + +** quoting header args (e.g. :cmdline) + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-09-03 + :END: +#+begin_src C :cmdline 1 2 3 4 5 :includes + int main(int argc, char **argv){ + printf("argv[1] %s\n", argv[1]); + return 0; + } +#+end_src + +#+name: +: argv[1] 1 + +** :var (buffer-file-name) + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-09-03 + :END: +during export (buffer-file-name) will return nil because the temporary +export buffer is not visiting any file. + +/file=(vc-working-revision (buffer-file-name))/ +#+begin_src sh :var file=(vc-working-revision (or (buffer-file-name) "")) :exports results + echo $file Revision +#+end_src + +/file=(vc-working-revision (or (buffer-file-name) org-current-export-file))/ +#+begin_src sh :var file=(vc-working-revision (or (buffer-file-name) org-current-export-file)) :exports results + echo $file Revision +#+end_src + +** :session evaluation on export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-09-01 + :END: +This first block is evaluated but /doesn't/ appear in export. + +/:session *R* :exports none/ +#+begin_src R :session *R* :exports none + x <- 8 +#+end_src + +This second block /does/ appear in export. + +#+begin_src R :session *R* :exports results + x +#+end_src + +** ditaa with tilda in path + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-09-01 + :END: +#+begin_src ditaa :file example.png + +--------------+ + | | + | | + | | + | | + | | + +--------------+ +#+end_src + +** conditional tangling + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-31 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (setq tangle-tag "right") +#+end_src + +*** first subheading :left: + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-31 + :END: +#+begin_src R :tangle (and (equal (car (org-get-tags-at (point))) tangle-tag) "yes") + "first" +#+end_src + +*** second subheading :right: + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-31 + :END: +#+begin_src R :tangle (and (equal (car (org-get-tags-at (point))) tangle-tag) "yes") + "second" +#+end_src + +** scheme sessions + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-31 + :END: +#+begin_src scheme :var number=9 :session *scheme* :scheme guile + (+ number 0) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 9 + +#+begin_src scheme :var number=9 :session *scheme* :scheme racket + (+ number 1) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 10 + +** pulling information from tags :blue: + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-30 + :END: + +#+begin_src R :var color=(car (org-get-tags-at (point))) :tangle example.R + color +#+end_src + +#+name: +: blue + +** initial scheme support + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-27 + :END: +#+name: numbers +#+begin_src scheme + (map (lambda (el) (+ el 1)) '(1 2 3)) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 2 | 3 | 4 | + +#+begin_src scheme :var numbers=numbers + (map (lambda (el) (- el 1)) numbers) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | 2 | 3 | + +** initial javascript support + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-27 + :END: +using node.js + +#+begin_src js + var n = 0; + n = n+1; + return n +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 1 + +#+name: cars +#+begin_src js + var cars = ["Saab","Volvo","BMW"]; + return cars; +#+end_src + +#+name: cars +| Saab | Volvo | BMW | + +#+begin_src js :var cars=cars + return cars[0][0]; +#+end_src + +#+name: +: Saab + +#+begin_src js :var cars=cars + return cars[0].length; +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 3 + +** duplicate results on execute subtree + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-26 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results org :exports results + "- first +- second +- third +" +#+end_src + +#+name: +#+BEGIN_SRC org +- first +- second +- third +#+END_SRC + +** eval for side effect on export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-26 + :END: +- one plus one + #+name: one-plus-one + #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none :results silent + (+ 1 1) + #+end_src +- plus one is + #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var two=one-plus-one :exports both + (+ 1 two) + #+end_src + +** trying out plantuml + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-26 + :END: +setup +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (require 'ob-plantuml) + (setq org-plantuml-jar-path "~/src/org/contrib/scripts/plantuml.jar") +#+end_src + +usage -- sequence diagram +#+begin_src plantuml :file tryout.png + Alice -> Bob: synchronous call + Alice ->> Bob: asynchronous call +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:tryout.png]] + +** wrapping up raw/org results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-26 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results org :exports results + "- first + - second + - third + " +#+end_src + +#+name: +#+BEGIN_SRC org +- first +- second +- third +#+END_SRC + +** not caching + :PROPERTIES: + :session: *R* + :results: output + :exports: both + :cache: yes + :DATE: 2010-08-25 + :END: + +#+begin_src R :noeval + cat("random result:", runif(1), "\n") + Sys.sleep(2) + alarm() +#+end_src + +#+begin_src R :noeval + cat("random result:", runif(1), "\n") + Sys.sleep(2) + alarm() +#+end_src + +*** cache on export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-25 + :END: +do we export cached blocks + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :cache yes :exports results + (random) +#+end_src + +#+name[46632b4fe2e3a23e847953c95adcba58c270b381]: +: 490528137 + +*** looks like this is a problem with info collection + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-25 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (format "%S" info) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results scalar :exports results :tangle yes :comments yes + (mapcar (lambda (el) (list (car el) (cdr el))) (nth 2 info)) +#+end_src + +#+name[4184710f118ac768ea0d90632508792d695efd7a]: +| :cache | yes | +| :colnames | no | +| :comments | yes | +| :exports | results | +| :hlines | yes | +| :noweb | no | +| :results | output replace scalar | +| :session | *R* | +| :shebang | | +| :tangle | yes | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results + (message "calculating info") + (org-babel-sha1-hash info) +#+end_src + +#+name[0427db66afdc95462d1c8514b662829987d71ff5]: +: 0427db66afdc95462d1c8514b662829987d71ff5 + +** eval and noeval + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-26 + :END: +date, should export both, but won't output results because of presence +of the =:noeval= header argument. +#+begin_src sh :noeval :exports both + date +#+end_src + +should export code, so no need to do anything +#+begin_src sh + date +#+end_src + +should export nothing, and should not query +#+name: this-is-ls +#+begin_src sh :eval query :exports code + date +#+end_src + +should export results, and should trigger query above +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var ls=this-is-ls :exports results + ls +#+end_src + +** issues with shell evaluation + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-25 + :END: +#+begin_src sh :results silent + cd ~/src/org/ + make +#+end_src + +** org results and replace + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-18 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results org + "| 1 | 2 | +| 2 | 3 |" +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | 2 | +| 2 | 3 | + +#+begin_src R + rnorm(1) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src R + numbers <- matrix(c(51,43,22,92,28,21,68,22,9),ncol=3,byrow=TRUE) + numbers +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 51 | 43 | 22 | +| 92 | 28 | 21 | +| 68 | 22 | 9 | + +#+begin_src R :colnames yes + numbers <- matrix(c(51,43,22,92,28,21,68,22,9),ncol=3,byrow=TRUE) + numbers +#+end_src + +#+name: +| V1 | V2 | V3 | +|----+----+----| +| 51 | 43 | 22 | +| 92 | 28 | 21 | +| 68 | 22 | 9 | + +** ledger example output text + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-13 + :END: +#+name: ledger-stuff +#+begin_example +09-Aug-21 CHEQUE : 9953055 Expenses:Unknown 166.70 EUR 166.70 EUR +09-Sep-17 CHEQUE : 7691785 Expenses:Unknown 100.00 EUR 266.70 EUR +09-Oct-16 REMISE CHEQUE N 8686318 001 105 Expenses:Unknown -525.00 EUR -258.30 EUR +#+end_example + +#+begin_src sh :var stuff=ledger-stuff + echo "$stuff" +#+end_src + +** importing the output of ledger + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-12 + :END: +#+name: ledger-output +#+begin_example + 09-Aug-21 CHEQUE : 9953055 Expenses:Unknown 166.70 EUR 166.70 EUR + 09-Sep-17 CHEQUE : 7691785 Expenses:Unknown 100.00 EUR 266.70 EUR + 09-Oct-16 REMISE CHEQUE N 8686318 001 105 Expenses:Unknown -525.00 EUR -258.30 EUR +#+end_example + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var ledger=ledger-output + (with-temp-buffer + (insert ledger) + (message ledger) + (org-table-convert-region (point-min) (point-max) 2) + (org-table-to-lisp)) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 09-Aug-21 CHEQUE : 9953055 | Expenses:Unknown | 166.70 EUR | 166.70 EUR | +| 09-Sep-17 CHEQUE : 7691785 | Expenses:Unknown | 100.00 EUR | 266.70 EUR | +| 09-Oct-16 REMISE CHEQUE N 8686318 001 105 | Expenses:Unknown | -525.00 EUR | -258.30 EUR | + +** lob -- writing results out to files + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-12 + :END: +#+name: table +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (mapcar + (lambda (el) (number-sequence el (+ el 3))) + (number-sequence 0 4)) +#+end_src + +writes the results out as csv file +#+call: write(data=table, file="~/Desktop/example.csv") :results silent + +writes the results out as tab separated file +#+call: write(data=table, file="~/Desktop/example.tsv") :results silent + +write the results out as a normal org-mode file +#+call: write(data=table, file="~/Desktop/example.org") :results silent + +** lisp + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-12 + :END: + +#+begin_src lisp :var n=5 + (mapcar (lambda (el) (* el el)) (append '(1 7 3 4) (list n))) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | 49 | 9 | 16 | 25 | + +#+name: short-list +| 1 | +| 2 | +| 3 | + +#+begin_src lisp :var lst=short-list :session t + (+ 1 (length lst)) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 4 + +** comments in R blocks + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-08-12 + :END: + +#+begin_src R :session *R* :results output + # this is a comment + x <- rnorm(1) + # this is another comment + x +#+end_src + +#+name: +: +: [1] 1.320853 + +** tangle R and load + :PROPERTIES: + :tangle: to-load.r + :DATE: 2010-08-12 + :END: + +evaluate this +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent :tangle no + (setq org-babel-post-tangle-hook nil) + (add-hook 'org-babel-post-tangle-hook + (lambda () (ess-load-file (buffer-file-name)))) +#+end_src + +then tangle + +#+begin_src R :comments yes +x <- 10 +#+end_src + +#+begin_src R + y <- 9 +#+end_src + +#+begin_src R :tangle file2.R + y <- 9 +#+end_src + +** colnames to specific variables + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-22 + :END: + +#+tblname: spec-colnames +| one | two | thee | +|-----+-----+------| +| 1 | 2 | 3 | + +#+tblname: nospec-colnames +| three | two | one | +|-------+-----+-----| +| 3 | 2 | 1 | + +#+begin_src python :var nospec=nospec-colnames :var spec=spec-colnames :colnames '(spec) + return nospec +#+end_src + +#+name: +| one | two | thee | +|-------+-----+------| +| three | two | one | +| 3 | 2 | 1 | + +** caption on code block + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-22 + :END: + +#+caption: Examples of variable declaration. +#+label: sql-block +#+begin_src sql +SELECT 6*9; +#+end_src + +** palendromic primes + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-20 + :END: +Note that because Haskell is funny about what can be typed into the +interpreter, the following should be loaded with +=org-babel-load-in-session=. +#+begin_src haskell + palendromic_primes = [x | x <- [1..], prime x, palendrome x] + where + factors n = [x | x <- [1..floor(sqrt(fromIntegral(n)))], n `mod` x == 0] + prime n = factors n == [1] + primes = [x | x <- [2..], prime x] + palendrome n = show(n) == reverse(show(n)) + + palendromic_prime_distances = map (\(x,y)-> y-x) neighbors + where + neighbors = (zip palendromic_primes (tail palendromic_primes)) +#+end_src + +#+name: palendromic_prime_distances +#+begin_src haskell + take 180 (zip [1..] palendromic_prime_distances) +#+end_src + +For high-quality png output from gnuplot, the following sequence of +graphing to a =.eps= file, and then converting to a =.png= can be +useful. +#+name: dist-graph +#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=palendromic_prime_distances :file pps.eps + set term postscript landscape color enhanced + set log y + set title "distance between consecutive palendromic primes" + plot "$data" with fs notitle +#+end_src + +The =convert= command is part of the [[http://www.imagemagick.org/script/index.php][imagemagick]] suite. +#+begin_src sh :var input=dist-graph :results file + convert -depth 300 -rotate 90 $input pps.png + echo "pps.png" +#+end_src + +** input from an example block + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-13 + :END: +#+name: lorem +#+begin_example + Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do + eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut + enimad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi + ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in + reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla + pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in + culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. +#+end_example + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var lorem=lorem + (message "%d words in Lorem" (length (split-string lorem))) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 68 words in Lorem + +#+name: 1D +| 1 | +| 2 | +| 3 | +| 4 | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var lst=1D[:,0] + lst +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 1 + +** fixing result insertion + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-12 + :END: +needs to replace the results when there is a new hash + +*** normal results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-12 + :END: +#+begin_src sh + date +#+end_src + +#+name: +: Mon Jul 12 22:18:16 PDT 2010 + +*** unnamed source block results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-12 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :cache yes + (+ 1 2 3 4) +#+end_src + +#+name[16a776d6d139e1d39e99d736536a546df115c2dc]: +: 10 + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :cache yes + (list '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)) +#+end_src + +#+name[53f489ed6977857b9945d79d06e575b2cbbebf11]: +| 1 | 2 | 3 | +| 4 | 5 | 6 | + +*** named source block results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-12 + :END: + +#+name: something-w-table +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (sleep-for 2) + (list '(1 2 3) '(4 5 8)) +#+end_src + +#+name: something +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :cache yes + (+ 1 2 3 4 8) +#+end_src + +Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do +eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enimad +minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut +aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in +reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla +pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in +culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. + +# something else +#+name[d053f6643d9dc52a0e804c15f2a762da73a00a07]: something +: 18 + +#+attr_latex: width=0.4\textwidth +#+name[5fac69648ab749ef9ee88ea65b3d49d93f3f6cc8]: something-w-table +| 1 | 2 | 3 | +| 4 | 5 | 8 | + +** example w/o source name + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-12 + :END: + +delete emacs-lisp below for errors +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (* (+ 1 1 1) (+ 1 1 1) (+ 1 1 1) (+ 1 1 1) (+ 1 1 1) (+ 1 1 1) (+ 1 1 1)) +#+end_src + +** limited precision + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-12 + :END: + +#+name: anova-example +| Effect | DFn | DFd | SSn | SSd | F | p | p<.05 | pes | +|--------+-----+-----+-----------------+------------------+------------------+----------------------+-------+------------------| +| Days | 9 | 153 | 166235.12250176 | 151101.038615303 | 18.7026979326383 | 8.99534541600196e-21 | * | 0.52384550792003 | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var tab=anova-example :colnames yes :cache yes + (mapcar + (lambda (row) + (mapcar + (lambda (cell) (if (numberp cell) (format "%.4f" cell) cell)) + row)) + tab) +#+end_src + +#+name[16ac354f1e7a65594bb59e252ab221e6a4b10f80]: +| Effect | DFn | DFd | SSn | SSd | F | p | p<.05 | pes | +|--------+--------+----------+-------------+-------------+---------+----------------------+-------+--------| +| Days | 9.0000 | 153.0000 | 166235.1225 | 151101.0386 | 18.7027 | 8.99534541600196e-21 | * | 0.5238 | + +** export blocks w/o languages + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-09 + :END: +should raise an error + +source +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + ;; this is a comment + (+ 1 1 1) +#+end_src + +broken source +#+begin_src + (+ 2 2 2) +#+end_src + +example +#+begin_example + this is exampled +#+end_example + +#+begin_src ruby + # this is the first + [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map{|r| r+1} +#+end_src + +** scratch + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-08 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results + (+ 1 1 1 1) + (setq org-export-babel-evaluate t) +#+end_src + +and now for src_emacs-lisp{87} an inline block + +looking at paths +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (buffer-file-name) +#+end_src + +** dot + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-06 + :END: +#+begin_src dot :file models.png :cmdline -Tpng + digraph data_relationships { + "data_requirement" [shape=Mrecord, label="{DataRequirement|description\lformat\l}"] + "data_product" [shape=Mrecord, label="{DataProduct|name\lversion\lpoc\lformat\l}"] + "data_requirement" -> "data_product" + } +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:models.png]] + +** Tom found a bug + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-06 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle something.el + (list 1 (+ 2 3)) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | 5 | + +** python errors + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-07-04 + :END: +#+begin_src python :session :results value + [1, [2], 3, 4] +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | (2) | 3 | 4 | + +#+begin_src ruby :results output :session + [1, 2, 3, 4, 6].map{|n| puts n} +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 1 +: 2 +: 3 +: 4 +: 6 + +#+begin_src python :session :results output + print 9 +#+end_src + +#+name: R-with-colnames +| one | +|-----| +| 1 | + +#+begin_src R :results output + "something" +#+end_src + +#+name: +: [1] "something" + +#+begin_src R :session *R* :results output + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: [1] 1 +: [1] 2 +: [1] 3 +: [1] 4 + +#+begin_src perl :results output + print "8\n"; + print "9\n"; +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 8 +: 9 + +#+begin_src clojure + (+ 8 7) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 15 + +#+begin_src clojure :session *clj* + (println "eric") +#+end_src + +#+name: +: nil + +#+begin_src perl :results value + 8 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 8 + +#+begin_src c++ :includes '( ) + printf("eric schulte\n"); +#+end_src + +#+name: +: eric schulte + +#+begin_src sh + echo 78 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 78 + +** tangle R and load + :PROPERTIES: + :tangle: with-comments.r + :comments: yes + :DATE: 2010-07-09 + :END: + +#+begin_src R :tangle no + z <- 0 +#+end_src + +#+begin_src R + x <- 8 +#+end_src + +#+begin_src R + y <- 9 +#+end_src + +#+name: i-have-a-name +#+begin_src R + x+y+z +#+end_src + +** table comment issue + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-30 + :END: +#+BEGIN_changemargin {-4.2cm}{0cm} + #+TBLNAME: AutresFPNVE + #+ATTR_LaTeX: align=lrrrrr + | | | Montant total (\EUR) | Taux amort (\%) | Part pro. (\%) | Déduc (\%) | NVE (\EUR) | + |---+------------------------------------------+----------------------+-----------------+----------------+------------+------------| + | | Documentation et formation | 51.05 | | | | 0.00 | + | | Communications GSM | 831.16 | 100 | 25 | 100 | 207.79 | + | | Internet (Dommel) | 167.88 | 100 | 33 | 100 | 55.40 | + | | Fournitures à amortir (ordinateur + GSM) | 762.51 | 33 | 80 | 100 | 201.30 | + | | Restaurant | 304.70 | 100 | 100 | 69 | 210.24 | + |---+------------------------------------------+----------------------+-----------------+----------------+------------+------------| + | | Total | | | | | 1062.02 | + | ^ | | | | | | Total | + #+tblfm: $7=$3*$4*$5*$6/1000000;%.2f::@2$3=51.05::@3$3=9.00+184.88+51.22+201.82+45.67+69.03+62.93+54.16+38.87+39.77+36.35+37.46::@4$3=12*13.99::@6$3=146.50+158.20;%.2f::@7$7=vsum(@-I..@-II);%.2f +#+END_changemargin + +save me! + +#+begin_src org + , #+TBLNAME: AutresFPNVE + , #+ATTR_LaTeX: align=lrrrrr + , | | | Montant total (\EUR) | Taux amort (\%) | Part pro. (\%) | Déduc (\%) | NVE (\EUR) | + , |---+------------------------------------------+----------------------+-----------------+----------------+------------+------------| + , | | Documentation et formation | 51.05 | | | | 0.00 | + , | | Communications GSM | 831.16 | 100 | 25 | 100 | 207.79 | + , | | Internet (Dommel) | 167.88 | 100 | 33 | 100 | 55.40 | + , | | Fournitures à amortir (ordinateur + GSM) | 762.51 | 33 | 80 | 100 | 201.30 | + , | | Restaurant | 304.70 | 100 | 100 | 69 | 210.24 | + , |---+------------------------------------------+----------------------+-----------------+----------------+------------+------------| + , | | Total | | | | | 1062.02 | + , | ^ | | | | | | Total | + , #+TBLFM: $7=$3*$4*$5*$6/1000000;%.2f::@2$3=51.05::@3$3=9.00+184.88+51.22+201.82+45.67+69.03+62.93+54.16+38.87+39.77+36.35+37.46::@4$3=12*13.99::@6$3=146.50+158.20;%.2f::@7$7=vsum(@-I..@-II);%.2f +#+end_src + +#+begin_example +#+tblname: example +| 1 | 2 | +#+end_example + +** latex literals in export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-30 + :END: + + #+ATTR_LaTeX: width=\textwidth + [[./composite-pattern.png]] + +** captions + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-29 + :END: + +#+caption: I'm not removed from export +#+label: also-not-removed +| A | B | +| 1 | 2 | + +** booktabs + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-29 + :END: +#+tblname: months +| num | Abbrev. | +|-----+---------| +| 1 | Jan. | +| 2 | Feb. | +| 3 | Mar. | + +#+call: booktabs(table=months, align="r|l") :results latex :exports results + +** complex + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-28 + :END: +#+name: raw-data +#+begin_src sh :results scalar + wget --quiet -qO- "http://ogdi.cloudapp.net/v1/dc/RecreationParks?format=json" +#+end_src + +#+name: dc-parks +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var keys='(ward area) :var data=raw-data + (mapcar + (lambda (lis) (mapcar (lambda (key) (cdr (assoc key lis))) keys)) + (cdr (car (with-temp-buffer + (insert data) (goto-char (point-min)) + (json-read))))) +#+end_src + +#+name: dc-parks-metric +#+begin_src ruby :var data=dc-parks + data.map{|f| [f[0], 2.59 * f[1]]} +#+end_src + +#+begin_src R :var parkData=dc-parks-metric :file parks.png :session *R* + plot(parkData) + title(main="Park size by Ward") +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:parks.png]] + +** table-label + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-28 + :END: +#+label: bam +| 1 | +| 2 | +| 3 | + +** haskell issues + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-28 + :END: + +#+begin_src haskell + length [1, 2] +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 2 + +#+tblname: example-4-haskell +| 1 | +| 2 | +| 3 | +| 4 | +| 5 | +| 6 | +| 7 | + +#+begin_src haskell :var this=example-4-haskell + length this +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 7 + +** possible prefixes + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-26 + :END: + +| prefix | remaining characters | +|----------+----------------------| +| ob- | 5 | +| org-b- | 2 | +| orgb- | 3 | +| org-bbl- | 0 | +| bbl- | 4 | +| babel- | 2 | +#+TBLFM: $2='(sbe leftover (prefix $$1)) + +#+name: leftover +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var prefix="" + (- + ;; length w/o .el + (- 13 (length ".el")) + ;; length of prefix + (length prefix)) +#+end_src + +** hlines in python + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-26 + :END: + +#+tblname: many-cols +| a | b | c | +|---+---+---| +| d | e | f | +|---+---+---| +| g | h | i | + +#+name: echo-table +#+begin_src python :var tab=many-cols :hlines yes :exports both :session + return tab +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var table=echo-table :exports none + (butlast (apply #'append (mapcar (lambda (el) (list el 'hline)) table))) +#+end_src + +#+call: echo-table(tab=many-cols) + +#+begin_src python :exports results + return [['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], ["a", "b", "None of the above"], ['1', 2, 3]] +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results + (message "Exist") +#+end_src + +** protecting block bodies + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-25 + :END: +neither of these work as expected + +#+begin_src org + ,#+TITLE: stuff + + ,#+begin_src emacs-lisp + , (message "something") + ,#+end_src + + ,more stuffs + + ,#+resname: something + ,: value + + ,# and a comment +#+end_src + +#+begin_src org + ,* example org + + ,# this is a comment + ,this is not a comment +#+end_src + + +#+begin_src org + ,* escaped org-mode markup + + ,this should be exported as is + ,#+results: escaping-example + ,: 24 +#+end_src + + +#+begin_html +
+#+end_html +final + +** multiple evals for refs + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-25 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (setq counter 0) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 0 + +#+name: counter +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (setq counter (+ 1 counter)) + counter +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var counter_val=counter + counter_val +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 3 + +** tangling + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-17 + :END: + +#+begin_src sh :shebang #!/bin/sh :tangle yes + date +#+end_src + +#+begin_src sh :shebang #!/bin/bash :tangle whoisme :exports both + echo $USER +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes :comments yes + (message "BAM") +#+end_src + +#+begin_src fortran :exports both + 1+8 +#+end_src + +** cache on export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-17 + :END: +do we export cached blocks + +#+begin_src sh :cache yes :exports results + date +#+end_src + +#+name[06ed73c6d8d022cf9c323d92af885952865add17]: +: Thu Jun 17 07:35:19 PDT 2010 + +** foo org + :PROPERTIES: + :session: *R* + :DATE: 2010-06-16 + :END: +Figure \ref{fig:one} (p. \pageref{fig:one}) is produced by the following code +#+BEGIN_SRC R +plot(x, y) +abline(out1) +#+END_SRC +Note that =x=, =y=, and =out1= are remembered from the preceding code +chunk. We don't have to regenerate them. All code chunks are part of +one R "session". +and more stuff here and then the results +#+attr_latex: width=0.8\textwidth,placement=[p] +#+label: fig:one +#+caption: Scatter Plot with Regression Line +[[file:fig1.pdf]] + +** comments not commented + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-16 + :END: + +# $some stuff +# some more stuff$ -- I should be a comment line + +1) a source block inside of an =enumerate= + #+name: plotxy + #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results + (message "I think so") + #+end_src + #+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "don't eat me") + #+end_src + + + can cause problems + +2) how about this one... +** don't eat me! + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-15 + :END: +1) a source block inside of an =enumerate= + #+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports results + (list (list "I'm hungry" "I'm hungry") + (list "I'm hungry" "I'm hungry") + (list "I'm hungry" "I'm hungry")) + #+end_src + + #+name: + | I'm hungry | I'm hungry | + | I'm hungry | I'm hungry | + | I'm hungry | I'm hungry | + + #+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "don't eat me") + #+end_src + + can cause problems + +2) source blocks should be able to be on adjacent lines + +** simple reference + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-13 + :END: +#+tblname: table-the-first +| 1 | 2 | 3 | +| 4 | 5 | 6 | +| 7 | 8 | 9 | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=table-the-first[1,1] + data +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 5 + +** exporting with call lines + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-11 + :END: +#+name: rpn-to-alg(alg) +#+begin_src clojure :results output :var alg="00+" + (def binary-operators '(\+ \- \* \/)) + (def unary-operators '(\s)) + (defn rpn-to-alg [chars stack] + (if (> (.size chars) 0) + (let [el (first chars)] + (if (some #{el} binary-operators) + (rpn-to-alg (rest chars) + (cons + (apply str "(" (or (second stack) 1) " " el " " (or (first stack) 1) ")") + (rest (rest stack)))) + (if (some #{el} unary-operators) + (rpn-to-alg (rest chars) + (cons + (apply str "(" el " " (or (first stack) 1) ")") + (rest (rest stack)))) + (rpn-to-alg (rest chars) (cons el stack))))) + (first stack))) + (println (apply str (rpn-to-alg (seq alg) '()))) +#+end_src + +#+name: distributed-best +: 73*x11/+4/++51xxx13*y/++6y5*6/6-+xx+* + +#+call: rpn-to-alg(alg=distributed-best) + +** can't open indented results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-11 + :END: + + #+begin_src latex :packages '(("" "tikz") ("active,tightpage" "preview")) :file recursion.pdf + \begin{preview} + \ovalbox{ + \begin{tikzpicture} + \node{$n$} + child { + node{$\left(\frac{n}{2}\right)^2$} + child{ + node{$\left(\frac{n}{4}\right)^2$} + node{$\left(\frac{n}{4}\right)^2$} + } + } + child{ + node{$\left(\frac{n}{2}\right)^2$} + child{ + node{$\left(\frac{n}{4}\right)^2$} + node{$\left(\frac{n}{4}\right)^2$} + } + }; + \end{tikzpicture} + } + \end{preview} + #+end_src + + #+name: + [[file:recursion.pdf]] + +** indented source-code blocks and indented results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-10 + :END: + + #+name: time + #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results append + ;; (list (list (current-time-string))) + (current-time-string) + #+end_src + + #+name: time + | 1 | 2 | 3 | + + + #+call: time() :results prepend + + #+name: time() + | 1 | 2 | 3 | + : Thu Jun 10 14:13:21 2010 + : Thu Jun 10 14:13:21 2010 + : : Thu Jun 10 14:13:21 2010 + : : Thu Jun 10 14:13:21 2010 + : : Thu Jun 10 14:13:21 2010 + : nil + : nil + : Thu Jun 10 14:11:22 2010 + : Thu Jun 10 14:11:20 2010 + : nil + : nil + : Thu Jun 10 14:06:04 2010 + : Thu Jun 10 14:06:03 2010 + : Thu Jun 10 14:05:51 2010 + : Thu Jun 10 14:05:57 2010 + : Thu Jun 10 14:06:00 2010 + +** not expand inlines in examples + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-08 + :END: + +: src_emacs-lisp{(+ 1 2 3)} + +#+begin_example + src_emacs-lisp{(+ 1 2 3)} +#+end_example + +src_emacs-lisp{(+ 1 2 3)} + +#+begin_example + src_emacs-lisp{(+ 1 2 3)} +#+end_example + +** indented source names + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-07 + :END: + + #+name: i-am-indented + #+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "i am indented") + #+end_src + +#+name: i-am-indented +: i am indented + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var output=i-am-indented + (length output) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 13 + + #+name: + : eric + +** updating results "in-situ" + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-07 + :END: + +#+name: in-situ +: update me in place please -- Mon Jun 7 16:44:44 2010 +: update me in place please -- Mon Jun 7 16:44:43 2010 +: update me in place please -- Mon Jun 7 16:44:42 2010 +: update me in place please -- Mon Jun 7 16:44:37 2010 +: update me in place please -- Mon Jun 7 16:42:14 2010 +: update me in place please (at the bottom) -- Mon Jun 7 16:44:59 2010 +: update me in place please (at the bottom) -- Mon Jun 7 16:45:00 2010 +: update me in place please (at the bottom) -- Mon Jun 7 16:45:02 2010 + +the results should be *above* the block + +#+name: in-situ +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results prepend + (format "update me in place please -- %s" + (current-time-string)) +#+end_src + +#+name: in-situ +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results append + (format "update me in place please (at the bottom) -- %s" + (current-time-string)) +#+end_src + +** inhibiting evaluation on export + :PROPERTIES: + :noeval: don't do it + :DATE: 2010-06-07 + :END: + +#+begin_src clojure :session eric :exports none + (+ 1 1 1 1) + (error) +#+end_src + +** executing emacs-lisp on export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-07 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (error "eric") +#+end_src + +** stripping existing results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-07 + :END: +#+name: trickily-located-somehwere-else +: I shouldn't be exported + +Neither of the result strings for the following two code blocks should +be included in the export. And only one of the bodies should be +included... + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports code + (+ 1 1 1 1) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: don't include me in the export!!!!!!! + +#+name: trickily-located-somehwere-else +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none + (message "I shouldn't be exported") +#+end_src + +** export with existing results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-07 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :exports none :results silent + '((1 2) (3 4)) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | 2 | +| 3 | 4 | + +#+begin_src ditaa :file /tmp/eric.png :exports none :results silent + +---------------+ + | | + | | + | | +-----------------+ + | Eric | | | + | | | Schulte | + | | | | + | | +-----------------+ + +---------------+ +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:/tmp/eric.png]] + +** non-empty comint prompt + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-07 + :END: + +#+begin_src ruby :session eric + 8 + 9 +#+end_src + +** unwind-protect with narrowing + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-07 + :END: + +I'm not in the subtree + +*** I'm in the subtree + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-07 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (+ 6 "I'm not a number!!") +#+end_src + +** commas on tangling test + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-07 + :END: +test comma protection on tangling + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (org-babel-add-interpreter "org") + (add-to-list 'org-babel-tangle-langs '("org" "org")) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src org :tangle commas.org + ,* org-mode + , :PROPERTIES: + , :CUSTOM_ID: comma-protect + , :END: + + ,#+begin_src emacs-lisp + , protected? + ,#+end_src +#+end_src + +#+begin_example + ,* this should be + # commented out + + and maybe not this... +#+end_example + +** simple table + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-06 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 900)) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | 2 | 3 | +| 4 | 5 | 6 | +| 7 | 8 | 900 | + +** inline expressions + :PROPERTIES: + :session: 'default + :DATE: 2010-06-06 + :END: + +#+begin_src R :exports code :results silent + x<-4 +#+end_src + +the sum of 1 and x is equal to src_R{x+1}, now I'll sneakily reset +this value in a hidden inline block src_R[:exports none]{x<-2}, so +it's value is now src_R{x}. + +** adding file names to literal values on export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-06-01 + :END: + +#+name: three +: 9 + +#+begin_src R :var num=three :exports results +runif(n=num, min=0, max=1) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src R :var num=3 :exports results +runif(n=num, min=0, max=1) +#+end_src + +** appending tangle + :PROPERTIES: + :tangle: appended.el + :DATE: 2010-05-28 + :END: +append all these block + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "block %d" 1) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "block %d" 2) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "block %d" 3) +#+end_src + +** visibility affecting execution + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-05-27 + :END: + +*** folding + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-05-27 + :END: +lets test folding + +**** folded + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-05-27 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "folded1") +#+end_src + +#+name: +: folded1 + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "folded2") +#+end_src + +#+name: +: folded2 +**** unfolded + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-05-27 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "unfolded1") +#+end_src + +#+name: +: unfolded1 +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "unfolded2") +#+end_src + +#+name: +: unfolded2 + +** empty code blocks -- and latex vs. LaTeX + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-05-26 + :END: +eric +#+begin_src latex + +#+end_src + +michael +#+begin_src LaTeX + +#+end_src + +schulte +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "error") +#+end_src + +** colnames + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-05-04 + :END: + +#+tblname: A +| a | b | c | +|---+---+---| +| d | e | f | +| g | h | i | + +#+begin_src python :var tab=A :colnames yes +return [[val + '*' for val in row] for row in tab] +#+end_src + +#+name: +| a | b | c | +|----+----+----| +| d* | e* | f* | +| g* | h* | i* | + +#+tblname: A +| a | b | c | +| d | e | f | +| g | h | i | + +#+begin_src ruby :var tab=A :colnames yes +tab.map{|r| r.map{|e| e+"*"} } +#+end_src + +#+name: +| a | b | c | +|----+----+----| +| d* | e* | f* | +| g* | h* | i* | + +** lisps not fully eval'd + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-04-30 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "one") + (message "two") +#+end_src + +#+name: +: two + +#+begin_src clojure :session :default + (println "one") + (println "two") + (+ 1 2) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 3 + +** tangling org + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-04-27 + :END: + +#+begin_src org :tangle ~/Desktop/test.org + ,* first + ,| eric | me | + ,| patton | my dog | + + ,* second + + ,some more stuff... + + ,#+HTML: I bet this is quoted +#+end_src + +#+begin_src ruby :tangle ~/Desktop/test.rb + # this is a comment + eric.map{|l| puts l} +#+end_src + +** colnames mismatched sizes + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-04-23 + :END: +#+tblname: mismatch-colnames +| a | b | +|---+----| +| 1 | 8 | +| 2 | 9 | +| 3 | 10 | +| 4 | 11 | + +#+begin_src python :var tab=mismatch-colnames + return [[1, 2, 3]] +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | 2 | 3 | + +#+begin_src python :var tab=mismatch-colnames + return [[1, 2]] +#+end_src + +#+name: +| a | b | +|---+---| +| 1 | 2 | + +#+begin_src python :var tab=mismatch-colnames :colnames yes + return [1,2] +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | 2 | + +** variable indexing + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-04-23 + :END: +#+TBLNAME: MyTable + | X | Y | + |-----+----| + | 0 | 0 | + | 1 | 1 | + | 2 | 4 | + | 3 | 9 | + | 4 | 16 | + | 5 | 25 | + |-----+----| + | Sum | 55 | + #+TBLFM: $2=$1*$1::@8$2=vsum(@2..@-1) + +#+begin_src python :var sum=MyTable[2:7,1] :exports none + return sum +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 0 | 1 | 4 | 9 | 16 | 25 | + +#+begin_src python :var sum=MyTable[9,1] :exports none + return sum +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 55 + +#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=MyTable[1:-2] :var sum=MyTable[7,1] +:results silent :exports none + reset + set label "Sum: %.0f",sum at graph 0.03, graph 0.93 + plot data with linespoints +#+end_src + +** hline processing + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-04-12 + :END: +#+tblname: many-cols +| a | b | c | +|---+---+---| +| d | e | f | +|---+---+---| +| g | h | i | + +#+tblname: less-cols +| 1 | +|---| +| 2 | +| 3 | + +#+tblname: less-cols2 +| 1 | 2 | 3 | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var tab=many-cols + (message "%S" tab) + ;; (remove 'hline tab) + ;; (flet ((rem-hline (el) + ;; (if (listp el) + ;; (remove nil (mapcar #'rem-hline el)) + ;; (if (equal 'hline el) nil el)))) + ;; (rem-hline tab)) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src ruby :var tab=less-cols + tab +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | +|---| +| 2 | +| 3 | + +#+begin_src ruby :var one=2 + 1 + 2 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 3 + +#+begin_src python :var tab=less-cols + return tab +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | +|---| +| 2 | +| 3 | + +#+begin_src ruby :var tab=less-cols :colnames no + tab +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | +| 2 | +| 3 | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var tab=row-and-col-names + (message "%S" tab) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: (("" "c1" "c2" "c3") hline ("r1" 1 4 7) ("r2" 2 5 8) ("r3" 3 6 9)) + +#+tblname: row-and-col-names +| | c1 | c2 | c3 | +|----+----+----+----| +| r1 | 1 | 4 | 7 | +| r2 | 2 | 5 | 8 | +| r3 | 3 | 6 | 9 | + +functions +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (defun org-babel-del-hlines (table) + "Remove all 'hlines from TABLE." + (remove 'hline table)) + + (defun org-babel-get-colnames (table) + "Return a cons cell, the `car' of which contains the TABLE + less colnames, and the `cdr' of which contains a list of the + column names" + (if (equal 'hline (second table)) + (cons (cddr table) (car table)) + table)) + + (defun org-babel-get-rownames (table) + "Return a cons cell, the `car' of which contains the TABLE less + colnames, and the `cdr' of which contains a list of the column + names. Note: this function removes any hlines in TABLE" + (flet ((trans (table) (apply #'mapcar* #'list table))) + (let ((table (trans (remove 'hline table)))) + (cons (cdr table) (car table))))) + + (defun org-babel-put-colnames (table colnames) + "Add COLNAMES to TABLE if they exist." + (if colnames (apply 'list colnames 'hline table) table)) + + (defun org-babel-put-rownames (table rownames) + "Add ROWNAMES to TABLE if they exist." + (if rownames + (mapcar (lambda (row) + (if (listp row) + (cons (or (pop rownames) "") row) + row)) table) + table)) +#+end_src + +** test gnuplot + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-04-17 + :END: + +#+begin_src gnuplot + plot sin(x), x+5 +#+end_src + +** evaluate references + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-04-09 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var var=`(+ 9 ,(- 19 7)) :tangle yes + (message "var is %S" var) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (+ 1 2) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 3 + +#+begin_src ruby + + 1 2 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: nil + +** tangling and variable resolution + :PROPERTIES: + :ID: 18b4f1be-bb1d-49bc-a651-c97406a35bdd + :tangle: yes + :DATE: 2010-03-31 + :END: + +#+name: A +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :eval no :expand yes :var id=(org-entry-get nil "ID" t) :var two=2 + (concat "This is the entry ID: " id) +#+end_src + +#+name: A +: This is the entry ID: 18b4f1be-bb1d-49bc-a651-c97406a35bdd + +** latex attributes + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-03-23 + :END: + +#+ATTR_LaTeX: width=0.38\textwidth wrap placement={r}{0.4\textwidth} +#+begin_src ditaa :file=scrap.png + +---------------------------+ + | | + | latex | + | | + | +------------+ | + | | | | + | | | | + | | cBLU | | + | +------------+ | + | cPNK | + +---------------------------+ +#+end_src + +** access to variables set in property drawers + :PROPERTIES: + :special: 89 + :text: schulte + :DATE: 2010-03-22 + :END: + +: "(org-entry-get nil "special" t)" + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var special=(string-to-number (org-entry-get nil "special" t)) + (+ special 1) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 90 + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var special=(org-entry-get nil "text" t) + special +#+end_src + +#+name: +: schulte + +** variables into shell scripts + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-02-23 + :END: +#+name: into-shell-scripts +| username | guest | +| password | nothing | + +#+begin_src sh :var username=into-shell-scripts[0,0] :var password=into-shell-scripts[1,1] :results output + echo "$username -p $password" +#+end_src + +#+name: +: username -p nothing + +#+name: number-into-shell +: 9 + +#+begin_src sh :var num=number-into-shell + for i in `seq $num`; do + echo $i + done +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | +| 2 | +| 3 | +| 4 | +| 5 | +| 6 | +| 7 | +| 8 | +| 9 | + +** results lines for function calls + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-02-15 + :END: + +#+call: fibonacci(input=5) :resname eric + +#+name: +: 8 + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var fib=fibonacci(input=5) + (message "fib(5)=%d" fib) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: fib(5)=8 + +** haskell variables + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-02-15 + :END: + +playing with Haskell + +#+name: haskell-stuff +: 9 + +#+begin_src haskell :var num=haskell-stuff + num + 1 +#+end_src + +#+begin_src ruby :var num=haskell-stuff + num + 1 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 10 + +** list index w/function style name + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-02-14 + :END: + +#+name: function-style-index +| 0 | +| 1 | +| 2 | +| 3 | +| 4 | +| 5 | +| 6 | +| 7 | +| 8 | +| 9 | + +#+name: function-style-indexing(data=function-style-index[1:4,0]) +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "%S" data) +#+end_src + +#+name: function-style-indexing +: ((1) (2) (3) (4)) + +** looking at source name exports + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-02-09 + :END: + +#+name: fibonacci +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var input=0 + (defun fib (n) + (if (> n 1) + (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2))) + 1)) + (fib input) +#+end_src + +#+name: fibonacci +: 1 + +now applying our Fibonacci function + +#+call: fibonacci(input=5) + +** short shell test + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-02-07 + :END: + +#+begin_src sh + date +#+end_src + +#+name: +: Sun Feb 7 10:17:44 MST 2010 + +#+tblname: fibs +| 1 | 1 | +| 2 | 1 | +| 3 | 2 | +| 4 | 3 | +| 5 | 5 | +| 6 | 8 | + +#+begin_src sh :var table=fibs + echo "$table" |wc +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 6 12 24 + +#+begin_src sh :var table=fibs + echo "$table" +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 1 | 1 | +| 2 | 1 | +| 3 | 2 | +| 4 | 3 | +| 5 | 5 | +| 6 | 8 | + +#+begin_src sh :var table=fibs :separator -- + echo "$table" | head -1 +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 1--1 + +** tables to shell scripts ideas + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-02-06 + :END: + +#+tblname: sec +| Hello | World | + + +1) allowing the user to specify a separator with a header argument as + follows + #+begin_src sh :var table=sec :separator , + cat <> if not then we would probably need to +wrap source-code blocks in figures to make them referable. + +how about a link back to [[keystone]] + +The above appears to work in LaTeX, but not in HTML. + +** fancier export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2010-01-05 + :END: + +#+name: square +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var input=1 + (* input input) +#+end_src + +** exporting org-source + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-12-23 + :END: + +#+begin_src org + ,lets see how this org-mode code exports to html + + ,is this [[link]] blue? + + ,#+begin_src emacs-lisp + , (+ 1 2) + ,#+end_src +#+end_src + +** exporting and caching + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-12-23 + :END: +#+begin_src ditaa :file data/example.png :exports none + +------------------+ + | ditaa example | + | | + | | + +------------------+ +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:data/example.png]] + +** no noweb by default + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-12-18 + :END: + +#+name: sample +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "sample") +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :noweb no + <> +#+end_src + +#+name: +: sample + +** looking at double quotes + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-12-18 + :END: + +#+tblname: double-quote-test-input +| test | this | 8 | 9 | + +#+name: double-quote-test-output +#+begin_src python :var data=double-quote-test-input + return data +#+end_src + +#+name: double-quote-test-output +| test | this | 8 | 9 | + +** quoted session name + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-12-04 + :END: + +#+begin_src sh :session "eric" + echo 'name-me' +#+end_src + +#+name: +: name-me + +** eval-buffer + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-12-04 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (+ 1 2) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 3 + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (+ 3 4) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 7 + +** gnuplot variable expansion + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-30 + :END: + +#+name: simple-function +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + "sin(x)" +#+end_src + +#+begin_src gnuplot :var fun=simple-function + plot $fun +#+end_src + +** debug hints + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-30 + :END: +from mailing list + +- edebug-defun: (in emacs-lisp mode, C-u C-M-x) will mark the function + so that when it is called, the interpreter stops and you can then + single-step through it with . At each point, you can press + "e" and evaluate variables (actually arbitrary expressions). +- Insert a strategically placed (debug) call and then call the + function. If/when the debug call is executed, you are dropped into + the debugger and you can then evaluate arbitrary expressions. + +** sql exports to latex + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-30 + :END: +example from email list +*** ECM + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-30 + :END: + + - faire un script Bash (et =isql=) envoyant un /listing/ de stagiaires; + +#+name: envoi-stg + #+begin_src sql + DECLARE @dateFmtStyleIn int; SET @dateFmtStyleIn = 120 -- ODBC canonical + DECLARE @dateFmtStyleOut int; SET @dateFmtStyleOut = 103 -- French dd/mm/yyyy + + DECLARE @firstDayOfThisMonth smalldatetime + SET @firstDayOfThisMonth = CONVERT(smalldatetime, + CAST(YEAR(GETDATE()) AS char(4)) + '-' + + CAST(MONTH(GETDATE()) AS char(2)) + '-' + + '01' + ' 00:00:00', + @dateFmtStyleIn) + + DECLARE @now smalldatetime + SET @now = CONVERT(smalldatetime, + CAST(YEAR(GETDATE()) AS char(4)) + '-' + + CAST(MONTH(GETDATE()) AS char(2)) + '-' + + CAST(DAY(GETDATE()) AS char(2)) + ' ' + + CAST(DATEPART(hh, GETDATE()) AS char(2)) + ':' + + CAST(DATEPART(mi, GETDATE()) AS char(2)) + ':' + + '00', + @dateFmtStyleIn) + + SELECT pfiID + FROM dossier +#+end_src + +** whitespace/newline results issues + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-27 + :END: + +#+begin_src sh + echo output +#+end_src + +This +#+begin_src sh + echo output +#+end_src +text here + +results in + +t#+results: +: output +ext here + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (+ 1 1) +#+end_src + +#+name: +: 2 +** sh with sessions + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-27 + :END: + +#+begin_src sh :session eric + cd ~/Desktop +#+end_src + +#+begin_src sh :session eric + cd ~/Desktop/clj/ + ls *.clj +#+end_src + +#+name: +| "ants.clj" | "" | "concurrent.clj" | "" | "hello.clj" | "" | "spell-checker.clj" | + +** testing srcname aliases + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+name: two +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + 2 +#+end_src + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var input=two + (+ input 1) +#+end_src + +#+name[1ec6c8d3de6aaeac7b2720f1d801402e762875ea]: +: 3 + +** hiding results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (mapcar (lambda (el) (list el)) (number-sequence 0 20)) +#+end_src + +#+name: +| 0 | +| 1 | +| 2 | +| 3 | +| 4 | +| 5 | +| 6 | +| 7 | +| 8 | +| 9 | +| 10 | +| 11 | +| 12 | +| 13 | +| 14 | +| 15 | +| 16 | +| 17 | +| 18 | +| 19 | +| 20 | + +** elisp references + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (setq first 10) +#+end_src + +#+name: resolve(name=nil) +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (eval (intern name)) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src python :var a=resolve(name="first") + return a + 10 +#+end_src + +** elisp variables + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src ditaa :file (format "%d.png" 45) + +-----------+ + | | + | | + | | + | | + +-----------+ +#+end_src + +#+name: +[[file:45.png]] +** haskell and tables + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+begin_src haskell + sumListCond :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int + sumListCond l n xs + | foldl (+) 0 (take l xs) <= n = sumListCond (l + 1) n xs + | otherwise = foldl (+) 0 (take (l - 1) xs) +#+end_src +#+begin_src oz + +#+end_src + +** latex pngs + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +$x \mapsto y$ + +*** Theorem + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +$|consts(t)| \leq sizes(t)$ + +- by induction on the structure of t +- base cases are $t \in [true, false, 0]$: + - $|consts(t)| = |[t]| = 1 = size(t)$ +- inductive size + - $t \in [succ(t_1), pred(t_1), iszero(t_1)]$: + - $|consts(t)| = |consts(t_1)| = |[t]| \leq size(t_1) < size(t)$ + - $t = if\, t_1 \, then \, t_2 \, else t_3$ + - $|consts(t)| = |consts(t_1) \cup consts(t_1) \cup consts(t_1)|$ + - $\leq |consts(t_1)| + |consts(t_1)| + |consts(t_1)|$ + - $\leq size(t_1) + size(t_1) + size(t_1)$ + - $< size(t)$ + +** indexing into gnuplot + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+tblname: squares +| 1 | 1 | +| 2 | 4 | +| 3 | 9 | +| 4 | 16 | +| 5 | 25 | +| 6 | 36 | + +#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=squares :results silent +plot data using 1:2 with lines +#+end_src + +#+tblname: squares-with-sum +| 1 | 1 | +| 2 | 4 | +| 3 | 9 | +| 4 | 16 | +| 5 | 25 | +| 6 | 36 | +|----+----| +| 21 | 91 | + +#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=squares-with-sum[0:-3] :results silent + plot data using 1:2 with lines +#+end_src + +** multiple arguments + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var first=9 :var second=10 + (+ first second) +#+end_src + +#+resname: +: 19 + +** indexing into results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+name: indexable-table +| eric | +| michael | +| schulte | +| is | +| my | +| name | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=indexable-table[2:4] + data +#+end_src + +#+name: +| schulte | +| is | +| my | + +#+tblname: multidimensional-indexing +| 1 | 2 | +| 3 | 4 | +| 5 | 6 | +| 7 | 8 | +| 9 | 10 | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=multidimensional-indexing[0:-2] + data +#+end_src + +#+resname: +| 1 | 2 | +| 3 | 4 | +| 5 | 6 | +| 7 | 8 | + +** cached results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :cache yes + (setq org-babel-default-header-args '((:session . "none") + (:results . "replace") + (:exports . "code")(:cache))) +#+end_src + +#+name[937269632ae5b5eee5c93f9eb50e0bc55e34520d]: +| (:session . none) | (:results . replace) | (:exports . code) | (:cache) | + +#+name: eric-schulte +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :cache yes + (+ 5 7 1) +#+end_src + +#+name[005b04829608b3d22b61686e90309af3a9a6fe7c]: eric-schulte +: 13 + +#+begin_src ditaa :file caching-example.png + +--------------------+ + | | +-----------+ + | | | | + | | | | + | +----+ | | | + | | | | +-----------+ + | +----+ | + | | + +--------------------+ +#+end_src + +#+name[fd11ddbfd00f6038e6e37db71ddaf43d65b0e200]: +[[file:caching-example.png]] + +** switches and references + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src ruby -n -r -l "(ref:%s)" :results output + class Schulte + def self.eric + puts :imp # (ref:imp) + end + end + Schulte.eric +#+end_src + +#+resname[bb4cebabe38a5d3d43835acebdbe17aa3314cef6]: +: imp + +Line no. [[(imp)]] is important! + +#+begin_src ruby -n -r -l "(ref:%s)" :results output + class Schulte + def self.eric + puts :imp # (ref:imp) + end + end + Schulte.eric # (ref:output) +#+end_src + +#+resname: eric +: imp + +** unresolved noweb references + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (setq org-babel-noweb-error-langs '("ruby")) +#+end_src + +#+name: i-have-a-name +#+begin_src ruby + 1 + 2 +#+end_src + + +#+begin_src ruby :noweb + <> + 3 +#+end_src + +#+resname: +: 6 + +** clojure + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+begin_src clojure :results silent + (list 8 9) +#+end_src + +** reference parts of tables + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+TBLNAME: squares +| 1 | 1 | +| 2 | 4 | +| 3 | 9 | +| 4 | 16 | +| 5 | 25 | +| 6 | 36 | +| 7 | 49 | +| 8 | 64 | +| 9 | 81 | +| 10 | 100 | +| 11 | 121 | +| 12 | 144 | +| 13 | 169 | +| 14 | 196 | +| 15 | 225 | +| 16 | 256 | +| 17 | 289 | +| 18 | 324 | +#+TBLFM: $2=$1*$1 + +#+begin_src gnuplot :var data=squares +set title "Implementing Gnuplot" +plot data using 1:2 with lines +#+end_src + +** results switches + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+begin_src ruby :results output :results_switches -n + 10.times do |n| + puts "-"*n + end +#+end_src + +#+resname: +#+begin_example -n + +- +-- +--- +---- +----- +------ +------- +-------- +--------- +#+end_example + +#+begin_src ruby :results output + 10.times do |n| + puts "-"*n + end +#+end_src + +#+resname: +#+begin_example + - + -- + --- + ---- + ----- + ------ + ------- + -------- + --------- +#+end_example + +** xml and n3 + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +introduce org-babel to =xml= and =n3= +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (add-to-list 'org-babel-interpreters "xml") + (add-to-list 'org-babel-interpreters "n3") +#+end_src + +inform org-babel-tangle of their existence and file extensions +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (add-to-list 'org-babel-tangle-langs '("xml" "xml")) + (add-to-list 'org-babel-tangle-langs '("n3" "n3")) +#+end_src + +#+begin_src xml :tangle example + + +#+end_src + +#+begin_src n3 :tangle example + n3 stuff +#+end_src + +** noweb referernces + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+name: noweb-example +#+begin_src ruby + a = 28 +#+end_src + +#+begin_src ruby :noweb + # <> + a + 4 +#+end_src + +#+resname: +: 32 + +** =pp= results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +*** python + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+begin_src python :results pp :session + ['one', 'two', 'three', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'one', 'two', 'three'] +#+end_src + +#+resname: +: ['one', 'two', 'three', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'one', 'two', 'three'] + +*** ruby + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+begin_src ruby :results pp + class Schulte + attr_accessor :name, :age + end + + eric = Schulte.new + eric.name = "eric" + eric.age = 27 + + eric +#+end_src + +#+resname: + + +#+begin_src ruby :results pp + a = [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3] + a +#+end_src + +#+resname: +#+begin_example +[1, + 2, + 3, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 1, + 2, + 3, + 1, + 2, + 3] +#+end_example + +** empty =output= results for emacs-lisp + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results output + 8 +#+end_src + +#+resname: + +** =:table= results param + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results table + 8 +#+end_src + +#+resname: +| 8 | + +** code results + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +*** emacs lisp + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results code + (mapcar (lambda (el) (lambda (item) (+ item el))) '(1 2 3 4 5)) +#+end_src + +#+resname: +#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +((lambda + (item) + (+ item el)) + (lambda + (item) + (+ item el)) + (lambda + (item) + (+ item el)) + (lambda + (item) + (+ item el)) + (lambda + (item) + (+ item el))) +#+END_SRC + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results code + (mapcar (lambda (el) (* el el)) '(1 2 3 89)) +#+end_src + +#+resname: +#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp +(1 4 9 7921) +#+END_SRC + +*** ruby + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src ruby :results code + [1, 2, 33, 4].map{|n| "the number #{n}"} +#+end_src + +#+resname: +#+BEGIN_SRC ruby + ["the number 1", "the number 2", "the number 33", "the number 4"] +#+END_SRC + +#+begin_src ruby :session :results code + [1, 2, 33, 4].map{|n| n + 10 } +#+end_src + +#+resname: +#+BEGIN_SRC ruby +[11, 12, 43, 14] +#+END_SRC + +*** python + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src python :results code + ['one', 'two', 'three'] +#+end_src + +#+resname: +#+BEGIN_SRC python +['one', 'two', 'three'] +#+END_SRC + +#+begin_src python :results code + [1, 2, 33, 4] +#+end_src + +#+resname: +#+BEGIN_SRC python +[1, 2, 33, 4] +#+END_SRC + +#+begin_src python :session :results code + [1, 2, 33, 4] +#+end_src + +#+resname: +#+BEGIN_SRC python +[1, 2, 33, 4] +#+END_SRC + +** indentation + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src python + 9 +#+end_src + +** persistent python + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+begin_src python :session :results silent + import types +#+end_src + +#+begin_src python :session + types.FunctionType +#+end_src + +#+resname: +: function + +*** more persistent python + :PROPERTIES: + :session: default + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src python :results silent + import types +#+end_src + +#+begin_src python + types.FunctionType +#+end_src + +#+resname: +: function + +** quoted latex + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +The following latex isn't exported correctly + +#+begin_latex + \begin{code} + data BTree = Leaf a + | Node Tree Tree + \end{code} +#+end_latex + +#+begin_src haskell + data BTree = Leaf a + | Node Tree Tree +#+end_src + +** pretty print + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results scalar + '(1 2 3 4) +#+end_src + +** simple scalar + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (+ 1 3) +#+end_src + +#+resname: +: 4 + +** lua export + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+name: determine the neighbors of the segments that the bisector hits +#+begin_src lua :tangle no :exports code + local s1, s2 = intersecting_segs[1], intersecting_segs[2] + local n1 = table_find_segment(cell.neighbors, s1) + local n2 = table_find_segment(cell.neighbors, s2) +#+end_src + +I got: +#+begin_example +\lstset{language=lua} +\begin{lstlisting} +local s1, s2 = intersecting_segs[1], intersecting_segs[2] +local n1 = table_find_segment(cell.neighbors, s1) +local n2 = table_find_segment(cell.neighbors, s2) +\end{lstlisting} +#+end_example + +Emacs -Q got: +#+begin_example +\begin{verbatim} +local s1, s2 = intersecting_segs[1], intersecting_segs[2] +local n1 = table_find_segment(cell.neighbors, s1) +local n2 = table_find_segment(cell.neighbors, s2) +\end{verbatim} +#+end_example + +Emacs -Q + Org-babel got: +#+begin_example +\begin{verbatim} +local s1, s2 = intersecting_segs[1], intersecting_segs[2] +local n1 = table_find_segment(cell.neighbors, s1) +local n2 = table_find_segment(cell.neighbors, s2) +\end{verbatim} +#+end_example + +** simple R + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src R :session R +8 +#+end_src + +#+resname: +: 8 + +** changing source name + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+name: emacs-nine +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + 8 +#+end_src + +#+resname: emacs-nine +: 8 + +#+resname: emacs-eight +: 8 + +** advanced table + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + | DATA | WHAT | WHERE | HOW MUCH | + |------------------+------------+-------------+----------| + | [2009-09-25 Fri] | | | 28.95 | + |------------------+------------+-------------+----------| + | | food | supermarket | 7.85 | + | | ticket bus | | 2.3 | + | | tea + ice | ice uno | 4.4 | + | | ticket | | 14.4 | + |------------------+------------+-------------+----------| + | [2009-09-26 Sat] | | | 41 | + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (let ((total 0) (responding t) purchases) + (while responding + (setq purchases + (cons + (list "" + (read-from-minibuffer "What: ") + (read-from-minibuffer "Where: ") + (read-minibuffer "How Much: ")) + purchases)) + (setq responding (y-or-n-p "more? "))) + (append + purchases + (list + (list + (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d" (current-time)) + "" "" (progn + (mapc (lambda (purchase) + (setq total (+ total (fourth purchase)))) + purchases) + total))))) +#+end_src + +#+resname: +| "" | "fish and chips" | "diner" | 9.78 | +| "" | "food" | "subway" | 5.45 | +| "2009-09-29" | "" | "" | 15.23 | + +** haskell + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+begin_src haskell + powerSet :: [a] -> [[a]] + powerSet = foldr (\ x ps -> map (\ y -> x : y) ps ++ ps ) [[]] +#+end_src + +#+begin_src haskell + powerSet [1, 2, 3] +#+end_src + +** indented + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + #+begin_src emacs-lisp + (message "I ran!!") + #+end_src + +#+resname: +: I ran!! + +** dynamic table + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+TBLNAME: todays-clock +#+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 2 :block today :scope tree1 :link t +Clock summary at [2009-09-15 Tue 08:51], for Tuesday, September 15, 2009. + +| L | Headline | Time | | +|---+--------------+--------+------| +| | *Total time* | *1:10* | | +|---+--------------+--------+------| +| 1 | [[file:/Users/eschulte/Desktop/test.org::top][top]] | 1:10 | 1 | +| 2 | [[file:/Users/eschulte/Desktop/test.org::show%20all][show all]] | | 1:00 | +| 2 | [[file:/Users/eschulte/Desktop/test.org::later][later]] | | 0:10 | +#+END: clocktable + +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var data=todays-clock(1,1) +(message "table is %S" data) +#+end_src + +#+resname: +: table is (("L" "Headline" "Time" "") hline ("" "*Total time*" "*1:10*" "") hline (1 "[[file:/Users/eschulte/Desktop/test.org::top][top]]" "1:10" 1) (2 "[[file:/Users/eschulte/Desktop/test.org::show%20all][show all]]" "" "1:00") (2 "[[file:/Users/eschulte/Desktop/test.org::later][later]]" "" "0:10")) + +#+begin_src R :session R-pie-example :var times=todays-clock :results silent +pie(times[2:length(times),4], labels = times[2:length(times),2]) +#+end_src + +** show all + CLOCK: [2009-09-15 Tue 07:51]--[2009-09-15 Tue 08:51] => 1:00 + :PROPERTIES: + :exports: both + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src ditaa :file blue.png + +----------------------+ + | | + | | + | +-----------+ + | | | + | | | + | | | + | +-----------+ + | | + +----------------------+ +#+end_src +** later + CLOCK: [2009-09-15 Tue 09:41]--[2009-09-15 Tue 09:51] => 0:10 + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +stuff here + +** and then more + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +and more stuffs here +** asymptote + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: + +#+begin_src asymptote :file asymptote-test.png :exports code + import graph; + + size(0,4cm); + + real f(real t) {return 1+cos(t);} + + path g=polargraph(f,0,2pi,operator ..)--cycle; + filldraw(g,pink); + + xaxis("$x$",above=true); + yaxis("$y$",above=true); + + dot("$(a,0)$",(1,0),N); + dot("$(2a,0)$",(2,0),N+E); +#+end_src + +#+resname: +[[file:asymptote-test.png]] + +** asymptote cosine + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+begin_src asymptote :exports code + import graph; + + size(0,4cm); + + real f(real t) {return cos(t);} + + path g=polargraph(f,0,2pi,operator ..)--cycle; + filldraw(g,pink); + + for(int i=0; i < 8; ++i) { + real j = 0.125 + 0.125*i; + real h(real t) {return j;}; + path k=polargraph(h, -(acos(j)), acos(j), operator ..); + draw(k,blue); + } + + xaxis("$x$",above=true); + yaxis("$y$",above=true); + + dot("$(pi,0)$",(1,0),N); +#+end_src + +** gnuplot + :PROPERTIES: + :DATE: 2009-11-20 + :END: +#+begin_src gnuplot +plot cosx +#+end_src + + +#+end_src + + +* tools +Map over all scraps and export each to a separate file. Note that this +relies on the fontification in the original Org-mode buffer, so before +exporting expand the entire buffer, and scroll through from top to +bottom so that everything will be fontified. +#+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent + (defun dump-subtree-to-file () + (let* ((replacements '((" " . "-") + ("w/o" . "without") + ("w/" . "with-") + ("/" . "-") + ("\"" . "") + ("=" . "") + ("'" . ""))) + (full-title (nth 4 (org-heading-components))) + (title ((lambda (title) + (dolist (rep replacements) + (setq title (replace-regexp-in-string + (car rep) (cdr rep) title))) + (downcase title)) + full-title)) + (date (org-entry-get (point) "DATE")) + (path (expand-file-name (concat date "-" title ".html") "scraps")) + buf) + (unless (file-exists-p path) + (call-interactively #'org-copy-subtree) + (with-temp-buffer + (call-interactively #'yank) (setq buf (htmlize-buffer))) + (set-buffer buf) + (goto-char (point-min)) + (write-file path) + (kill-buffer)))) + + (org-id-goto "96eaa17f-f1b6-4958-acb1-e271045fdfa2") + (org-map-entries #'dump-subtree-to-file "+LEVEL=2") +#+end_src + +add date properties to all subheadings using the git log +#+begin_src emacs-lisp + (defun set-date-from-git-log () + (org-entry-put (point) "DATE" + (org-babel-trim + (shell-command-to-string + (format + "git log --date=short --summary -1 %s|grep Date|awk '{print $2}'" + (git-blame-current-commit)))))) + + (defun do-date-tree () + (org-map-entries #'set-date-from-git-log nil 'tree)) +#+end_src diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/txtuOZdEbvIxk.org b/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/txtuOZdEbvIxk.org new file mode 100644 index 000000000..88482f940 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/assets/org/txtuOZdEbvIxk.org @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +#+TITLE: Tags FIXME +#+AUTHOR: Seb Vauban +#+EMAIL: address@hidden +#+DATE: 2011-05-13 +#+DESCRIPTION: +#+KEYWORDS: +#+LANGUAGE: en_US + +#+STYLE: + +This page is useless for you. It's only for me, for testing some code. + +Ce texte est en français. +This is in English. + +* Environments + +The following are different environments, from the best to the less good... +The worse are not even shown ;-) + +See http://orgmode.org/manual/Literal-examples.html#Literal-examples. + +** Src with highlighting + + #+BEGIN_SRC sh + #!/bin/sh + #!/bin/sh 123456789 223456789 333456789 444456789 555556789 666666789 777777789 888888889 999999999 000000000 000000000 + # script -- What it does + # Exits with zero if no error. Looooooonnnng comment... 0123 4567 8901 2345 6789 0123 abcd efgh ijkl mnop qrst uvwx yz01 2345 6789 0abc + + tempfile="/tmp/$(basename $0).tmp" + + # 80 chars exactly ============================================================= + + trap "/bin/rm -f $tempfile" EXIT HUP INT QUIT TERM + + function usage() + { + cat << EOF >&2 + Usage: $(basename $0) flags... + Where... + EOF + exit 1 + } + + if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then + usage + fi + #+END_SRC + +** Example + + #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE + #!/bin/sh + #!/bin/sh 123456789 223456789 333456789 444456789 555556789 666666789 777777789 888888889 999999999 000000000 000000000 + # script -- What it does + # Exits with zero if no error. Looooooonnnng comment... 0123 4567 8901 2345 6789 0123 abcd efgh ijkl mnop qrst uvwx yz01 2345 6789 0abc + + tempfile="/tmp/$(basename $0).tmp" + + # 80 chars exactly ============================================================= + + trap "/bin/rm -f $tempfile" EXIT HUP INT QUIT TERM + + function usage() + { + cat << EOF >&2 + Usage: $(basename $0) flags... + Where... + EOF + exit 1 + } + + if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then + usage + fi + #+END_EXAMPLE diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/LipsumBookGenerator.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/LipsumBookGenerator.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f56e556a --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/LipsumBookGenerator.java @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +import com.orgzly.org.OrgHead; +import com.orgzly.org.parser.OrgParserWriter; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.FileNotFoundException; +import java.io.PrintWriter; + +import de.svenjacobs.loremipsum.LoremIpsum; + +/** + * Org files generator + * + * TODO: Move to a separate project, might be useful to some + */ +public class LipsumBookGenerator { + private static final int CHARS_PER_WORD = 6; + + public static String generateOrgString(int content, int[] notesAndContent) { + StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); + + LoremIpsum loremIpsum = new LoremIpsum(); + + OrgParserWriter parserWriter = new OrgParserWriter(); + + result.append(parserWriter.whiteSpacedFilePreface(loremIpsum.getWords(content / CHARS_PER_WORD))); + + if (notesAndContent != null) { + for (int i = 0; i < notesAndContent.length; i += 2) { + OrgHead head = new OrgHead(); + head.setTitle(loremIpsum.getWords(notesAndContent[i] / CHARS_PER_WORD)); + head.setContent(loremIpsum.getWords(notesAndContent[i + 1] / CHARS_PER_WORD)); + + result.append(parserWriter.whiteSpacedHead(head, 1, false)); + } + } + + return result.toString(); + } + + private static void generateOrgFile(int content, int[] notesAndContent, File file) throws FileNotFoundException { + String str = generateOrgString(content, notesAndContent); + + PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(file); + try { + out.write(str); + } finally { + out.close(); + } + } + + public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException { + LipsumBookGenerator.generateOrgFile(5, new int[] { 100, 2, 3, 3 }, new File("/tmp/lipsum_generated.org")); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/OrgzlyTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/OrgzlyTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5822a1e07 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/OrgzlyTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,116 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.pm.PackageManager; +import android.support.test.InstrumentationRegistry; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferencesValues; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.DbClient; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Repo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.RepoFactory; + +import org.junit.After; +import org.junit.Before; + +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.UUID; + +/** + * Sets up the environment for tests, such as shelf, preferences and contexts. + * + * Inherited by all tests. + */ +public class OrgzlyTest { + protected Context context; + protected Shelf shelf; + protected ShelfTestUtils shelfTestUtils; + + private AppPreferencesValues prefValues; + + @Before + public void setUp() throws Exception { + context = InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext(); + + shelf = new Shelf(context); + shelfTestUtils = new ShelfTestUtils(context, shelf); + + // new LocalFileStorage(context).cleanup(); + + /* Request from content provider's to change context to use test database.*/ + DbClient.toTest(context); + + /* Recreate all tables. */ + DbClient.recreateTables(context); + + /* + * Using Handler due to: + * android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #26: Error inflating class java.lang.reflect.Constructor + * at android.preference.GenericInflater.createItem(GenericInflater.java:397) + * on HTC One V API 15. + */ +// new Handler(context.getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() { +// @Override +// public void run() { + setupPreferences(); +// } +// }); + } + + @After + public void tearDown() throws Exception { +// new Handler(InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext().getMainLooper()).post(new Runnable() { +// @Override +// public void run() { + restorePreferences(); +// } +// }); + } + + private void setupPreferences() { + /* Save preferences' values so they can be restored later. */ + prefValues = AppPreferences.getAllValues(context); + + /* Set all preferences to their default values. */ + AppPreferences.setToDefaults(context); + + /* Modify preferences for tests. */ + setPreferencesForTests(); + } + + /** + * Change some preferences for tests. + */ + private void setPreferencesForTests() { + /* Last used version. */ + try { + int versionCode = context.getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(context.getPackageName(), 0).versionCode; + AppPreferences.lastUsedVersionCode(context, versionCode); + } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + } + + /* Manual notebook already loaded. */ + AppPreferences.isGettingStartedNotebookLoaded(context, true); + + /* Click to open notes. */ + AppPreferences.isReverseNoteClickAction(context, false); + + /* Display *all* notebook info. */ + AppPreferences.displayedBookDetails(context, + Arrays.asList(context.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.displayed_book_details_values))); + } + + /** + * Restore preferences. + */ + private void restorePreferences() { + AppPreferences.setAllFromValues(context, prefValues); + } + + protected static Repo randomDropboxRepo(Context context) { + String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); + return RepoFactory.getFromUri(context, "dropbox:/orgzly/tests/" + uuid); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/ShelfTestUtils.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/ShelfTestUtils.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7a8ae01b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/ShelfTestUtils.java @@ -0,0 +1,113 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.net.Uri; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.BooksClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.LocalDbRepoClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.ReposClient; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Repo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.RepoFactory; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.VersionedRook; + +import java.io.IOException; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.fail; + +/** + * Utility methods used by tests. + * Creating and checking books, rooks, encodings etc. + */ +public class ShelfTestUtils { + private Context context; + private Shelf shelf; + + public ShelfTestUtils(Context context, Shelf shelf) { + this.context = context; + + this.shelf = shelf; + } + + public Repo setupRepo(String url) { + ReposClient.insert(context, url); + + return RepoFactory.getFromUri(context, url); + } + + public void deleteRepo(String url) { + long id = ReposClient.getId(context, url); + ReposClient.delete(context, id); + } + + public void renameRepo(String fromUrl, String toUrl) { + long id = ReposClient.getId(context, fromUrl); + if (id > 0) { + ReposClient.updateUrl(context, id, toUrl); + } else { + throw new IllegalStateException("Repo " + fromUrl + " does not exist"); + } + } + + public Book setupBook(String name, String content) { + Book book = null; + + try { + book = shelf.loadBookFromContent(name, BookName.Format.ORG, content, null); + } catch (IOException e) { + fail(e.toString()); + } + + return book; + } + + public Book setupBook(String name, String content, String linkRepoUrl) { + Book book = null; + + try { + book = shelf.loadBookFromContent(name, BookName.Format.ORG, content, null); + } catch (IOException e) { + fail(e.toString()); + } + + String fileName = BookName.fileName(book.getName(), BookName.Format.ORG); + Uri rookUri = Uri.parse(linkRepoUrl).buildUpon().appendPath(fileName).build(); + + BooksClient.setLink(context, book.getId(), linkRepoUrl, rookUri.toString()); + + return book; + } + + public void setBookLink(long bookId, String repoUrl, String rookUrl) { + BooksClient.setLink(context, bookId, repoUrl, rookUrl); + } + + /** + * Overwrites existing repoUrl / url combinations (due to table definition). + */ + public void setupRook(String repoUrl, String url, String content, String rev, long mtime) { + try { + VersionedRook vrook = new VersionedRook(Uri.parse(repoUrl), Uri.parse(url), rev, mtime); + LocalDbRepoClient.insert(context, vrook, content); + } catch (IOException e) { + fail(e.toString()); + } + + // RemoteBookRevision remoteBookRevision = new RemoteBookRevision(repoUrl, url, rev, mtime); + // RemoteBooksHelper.updateOrInsert(testContext, remoteBookRevision); + } + + public void assertBook(String name, String expectedContent) { + assertEquals(expectedContent, getBookContent(name)); + } + + private String getBookContent(String name) { + try { + return shelf.getBookContent(name, BookName.Format.ORG); + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + } + return null; + } + +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/ActionModeTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/ActionModeTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..aaf8f6fd6 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/ActionModeTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,156 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.espresso; + +import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.MainActivity; + +import org.junit.Before; +import org.junit.Rule; +import org.junit.Test; + +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.pressBack; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.click; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.longClick; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.DrawerActions.open; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onActionItemClick; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onListItem; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.toLandscape; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.toPortrait; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not; + +public class ActionModeTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Rule + public ActivityTestRule activityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, true, false); + + @Before + public void setUp() throws Exception { + super.setUp(); + + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", + "First book used for testing\n" + + "* Note A.\n" + + "** Note B.\n" + + "* TODO Note C.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-01-01>\n" + + "** Note D.\n" + + "*** TODO Note E.\n" + + ""); + + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-two", + "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "** TODO Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** DONE Note #5.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-06-03 Tue 13:34]\n" + + "**** Note #6.\n" + + "** Note #7.\n" + + "* DONE Note #8.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-06-03 Tue 3:34]\n" + + "**** Note #9.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-05-26 Mon>\n" + + "** Note #10.\n" + + ""); + + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testQueryFragmentCabShouldBeOpenedOnNoteLongClick() { + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText("Scheduled")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).perform(longClick()); + + onView(withId(R.id.query_cab_edit)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testCabStaysOpenOnRotation() { + toPortrait(); + + onListItem(3).perform(longClick()); + + toLandscape(); + + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_new)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + // TODO: Check *the expected* note is selected. + } + + @Test + public void testCabStaysOpenOnRotationInQueryFragment() { + toPortrait(); + + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText("Scheduled")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).perform(longClick()); + + toLandscape(); + + // TODO: Check *the expected* note is selected. + + toPortrait(); + + onView(withId(R.id.query_cab_edit)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testCabShouldCloseOnQuickBooksOpen() { + onListItem(3).perform(longClick()); + + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText("Notebooks")).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_new)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testCabShouldCloseOnQueryOpen() { + onListItem(3).perform(longClick()); + + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText("Scheduled")).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_new)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + } + + /* This is for when note click action is reversed - notes can be selected and + * while selected a note can be opened. + */ + @Test + public void testSelectingNoteThenOpeningNoteAndGoingBack() { + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_REVERSED_NOTE_CLICK_ACTION).perform(click()); + pressBack(); + onListItem(3).perform(click()); // Selects + onListItem(3).perform(longClick()); // Opens note + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_new)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + pressBack(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_book_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_new)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testBackPressClosesDrawer() { + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + pressBack(); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_container)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/BookTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/BookTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c9448360b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/BookTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,401 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.espresso; + +import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; +import android.widget.DatePicker; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.MainActivity; + +import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers; +import org.junit.Before; +import org.junit.Rule; +import org.junit.Test; + +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onData; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.openContextualActionModeOverflowMenu; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.pressBack; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.click; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.longClick; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.replaceText; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.scrollTo; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.doesNotExist; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.DrawerActions.open; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.PickerActions.setDate; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withClassName; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onActionItemClick; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onListItem; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.toLandscape; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.toPortrait; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.anyOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.endsWith; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasToString; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith; + +public class BookTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Rule + public ActivityTestRule activityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, true, false); + + @Before + public void setUp() throws Exception { + super.setUp(); + + /* Create book with enough notes to get a scrollable list on every device. */ + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-name", + "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "** TODO Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** DONE Note #5.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-06-03 Tue 13:34]\n" + + "**** Note #6.\n" + + "** Note #7.\n" + + "* DONE Note #8.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-06-03 Tue 3:34]\n" + + "**** Note #9.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-05-26 Mon>\n" + + "** Note #10.\n" + + "** Note #11.\n" + + "** Note #12.\n" + + "** Note #13.\n" + + "** Note #14.\n" + + "** Note #15.\n" + + "** Note #16.\n" + + "** Note #17.\n" + + "** Note #18.\n" + + "** Note #19.\n" + + "** Note #20.\n" + + "** Note #21.\n" + + "** Note #22.\n" + + "** Note #23.\n" + + "** Note #24.\n" + + "** Note #25.\n" + + "** Note #26.\n" + + "** Note #27.\n" + + "** Note #28.\n" + + "** Note #29.\n" + + "** Note #30.\n" + + "** Note #31.\n" + + "** Note #32.\n" + + "** Note #33.\n" + + "** Note #34.\n" + + "** Note #35.\n" + + "** Note #36.\n" + + "** Note #37.\n" + + "** Note #38.\n" + + "** Note #39.\n" + + "** Note #40.\n" + + ""); + + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-name"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testNoteExists() { + onListItem(7).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #7.")))); + } + + @Test + public void testBookHasNewNoteIconDisplayed() { + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testOpensBookDescription() { + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_editor_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testOpensNoteFromBook() { + onListItem(2).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testScheduledNoteTimeStaysTheSameAfterSetting() { + onListItem(9).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(allOf(withText("2014-05-26 Mon"), isDisplayed()))); + + onListItem(9).perform(longClick()); + + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_edit)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Schedule")).perform(click()); + onView(anyOf(withText("OK"), withText("Set"), withText("Done"))).perform(click()); + + onListItem(9).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(allOf(withText("2014-05-26 Mon"), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testRemovingScheduledTimeFromMultipleNotes() { + onListItem(8).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(9).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + onListItem(8).perform(longClick()); + onListItem(9).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_edit)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Schedule")).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Clear")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(8).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(9).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testRemovingDoneState() { + onListItem(5).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(startsWith("DONE")))); + onListItem(8).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(startsWith("DONE")))); + + onListItem(5).perform(longClick()); + onListItem(8).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_edit)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("State")).perform(click()); + onView(withText("TODO")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(5).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(startsWith("TODO")))); + onListItem(8).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(startsWith("TODO")))); + } + + @Test + public void testUpdatingBookPreface() { + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_editor_container_edit)).perform(replaceText("New content")); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_editor_container_edit)).check(matches(withText("New content"))); + } + + @Test + public void testScrollPositionKeptOnRotation() { + toLandscape(); + onListItem(40).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("Note #40."))); // Scroll + toPortrait(); + onView(withText("Note #40.")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testCreateNewNoteUsingFabWhenBookIsEmpty() { + // Create new empty notebook + pressBack(); + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_input)).perform(replaceText("book-created-from-scratch")); + onView(withText("Create")).perform(click()); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-created-from-scratch"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testBackFromSettingsShouldReturnToPreviousFragment() { + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + pressBack(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_book_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testCutThenOpenNoteAtThePosition() { + onListItem(2).perform(longClick()); + + openContextualActionModeOverflowMenu(); + onView(withText("Cut")).perform(click()); + + /* Open note at the same position as the cut one. */ + onListItem(2).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testCabForMovingNotesDisplayed() { + onListItem(1).perform(longClick()); + openContextualActionModeOverflowMenu(); + onView(withText("Move")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.notes_action_move_down)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testOrderOfMovedNote() { + onListItem(3).perform(longClick()); + + openContextualActionModeOverflowMenu(); + onView(withText("Move")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.notes_action_move_down)).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #1.")))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #2.")))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #4.")))); + onListItem(4).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #5.")))); + onListItem(5).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #6.")))); + onListItem(6).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #3.")))); + } + + @Test + public void testActionModeMovingStaysOpenAfterRotation() { + toPortrait(); + + onView(withId(R.id.notes_action_move_down)).check(doesNotExist()); + + onListItem(2).perform(longClick()); + + openContextualActionModeOverflowMenu(); + onView(withText("Move")).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.notes_action_move_down)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + toLandscape(); + + onView(withId(R.id.notes_action_move_down)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testPromoting() { + onListItem(2).perform(longClick()); + + openContextualActionModeOverflowMenu(); + onView(withText("Move")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.notes_action_move_left)).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testPasteAbove() { + onListItem(2).perform(longClick()); + + openContextualActionModeOverflowMenu(); + onView(withText("Cut")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #1.")))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #8.")))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #9.")))); + + onListItem(1).perform(longClick()); + openContextualActionModeOverflowMenu(); + onView(withText("Paste")).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Paste above")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #2.")))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #3.")))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #4.")))); + onListItem(4).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #5.")))); + onListItem(5).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #6.")))); + onListItem(6).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #7.")))); + onListItem(7).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #1.")))); + onListItem(8).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #8.")))); + onListItem(9).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #9.")))); + } + + @Test + public void testPastUnder() { + onListItem(2).perform(longClick()); + + openContextualActionModeOverflowMenu(); + onView(withText("Cut")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #1.")))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #8.")))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #9.")))); + + onListItem(2).perform(longClick()); + openContextualActionModeOverflowMenu(); + onView(withText("Paste")).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Paste under")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #1.")))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #8.")))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #9.")))); + onListItem(4).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #10.")))); + onListItem(35).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #2.")))); + onListItem(36).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #3.")))); + } + + @Test + public void testFoldNotes() { + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_fold_button)).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #1.")))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #2.")))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #8.")))); + } + + @Test + public void testCreateNewNoteUnderFolded() { + /* Fold. */ + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_fold_button)).perform(click()); + + /* Create new note under folded. */ + onListItem(2).perform(longClick()); + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_new)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("New under")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).perform(replaceText("Created")); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + + /* New note should not be visible. */ + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #1.")))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #2.")))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(endsWith("Note #8.")))); + } + + @Test + public void testNewNoteWithCreatedTimestamp() { + /* Enable "Created at" in settings. */ + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_CREATED_AT).perform(click()); + pressBack(); + + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).perform(replaceText("Title")); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + + onListItem(41).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.name)).check(matches(allOf(isDisplayed(), withText(CoreMatchers.startsWith("CREATED"))))); + } + + @Test + public void testReturnToNonExistentNoteByPressingBack() { + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText("Notebooks")).perform(click()); + onView(allOf(withText("book-name"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onData(hasToString(containsString("Delete"))).perform(click()); + onView(withText("OK")).perform(click()); + pressBack(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withText("This note does not exist any more.")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).check(doesNotExist()); + onView(withId(R.id.close)).check(doesNotExist()); + pressBack(); // Leave the note + } + + @Test + public void testScrollPositionKeptInBackStack() { + onListItem(40).check(matches(isDisplayed())); // Scroll to note + onView(withText("Note #40.")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); // Check it's displayed + onView(withText("Note #40.")).perform(click()); + pressBack(); + onView(withText("Note #40.")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); // Check it's displayed + } + + @Test + public void testSetDeadlineTimeForNewNote() { + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).perform(closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay(), scrollTo(), click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_timestamp_date_picker)).perform(click()); + onView(withClassName(equalTo(DatePicker.class.getName()))).perform(setDate(2014, 4, 1)); + onView(anyOf(withText("OK"), withText("Set"), withText("Done"))).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Set")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).check(matches(withText("2014-04-01 Tue"))); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/BooksTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/BooksTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..93f80279c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/BooksTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,228 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.espresso; + +import android.os.Environment; +import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.MainActivity; + +import org.junit.Before; +import org.junit.Rule; +import org.junit.Test; + +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onData; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.openContextualActionModeOverflowMenu; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.pressBack; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.click; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.closeSoftKeyboard; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.longClick; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.replaceText; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.doesNotExist; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.DrawerActions.open; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onActionItemClick; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onListItem; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onSnackbar; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.endsWith; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasToString; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith; + +public class BooksTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Rule + public ActivityTestRule activityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, true, false); + + @Before + public void setUp() throws Exception { + super.setUp(); + + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", + "First book used for testing\n" + + "* Note A.\n" + + "** Note B.\n" + + "* TODO Note C.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-01-01>\n" + + "** Note D.\n" + + "*** TODO Note E.\n" + + "" + ); + + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-two", + "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "** TODO Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** DONE Note #5.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-06-03 Tue 13:34]\n" + + "**** Note #6.\n" + + "** Note #7.\n" + + "* DONE Note #8.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-06-03 Tue 3:34]\n" + + "**** Note #9.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-05-26 Mon>\n" + + "** Note #10.\n" + + "" + ); + + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + } + + @Test + public void testOpenSettings() { + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + onView(withText("Interface")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testReturnToNonExistentBookByPressingBack() { + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText("Notebooks")).perform(click()); + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onData(hasToString(containsString("Delete"))).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.ok)).perform(click()); + pressBack(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_book_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withText("This notebook does not exist any more.")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + pressBack(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_books_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withText("book-two"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(allOf(withText("This notebook does not exist any more."), isDisplayed())).check(doesNotExist()); + } + + @Test + public void testExport() { + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onData(hasToString(containsString("Export"))).perform(click()); + + /* + * Depending on whether external storage is available or not, + * export should either succeed or fail. + */ + if (Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getExternalStorageState())) { + onSnackbar().check(matches(withText(startsWith("Book exported to")))); + } else { + onSnackbar().check(matches(withText(startsWith("Failed exporting book:")))); + } + } + + @Test + public void testCreateNewBookWithoutExtension() { + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_input)).perform(replaceText("book-created-from-scratch"), closeSoftKeyboard()); + onView(withText("Create")).perform(click()); + onView(allOf(withText("book-created-from-scratch"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_book_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testCreateNewBookWithExtension() { + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_input)).perform(replaceText("book-created-from-scratch.org")); + onView(withText("Create")).perform(click()); + onView(allOf(withText("book-created-from-scratch.org"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_book_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testCreateAndDeleteBook() { + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_input)).perform(replaceText("book-created-from-scratch"), closeSoftKeyboard()); + onView(withText("Create")).perform(click()); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-created-from-scratch"), isDisplayed())).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + onListItem(0).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText("Delete")).perform(click()); + onView(withText("OK")).perform(click()); + + onView(withText("book-created-from-scratch")).check(doesNotExist()); + } + + @Test + public void testDifferentBookLoading() { + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("Note A."))); + pressBack(); + onView(allOf(withText("book-two"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("Note #1."))); + } + + @Test + public void testLoadingBookOnlyIfFragmentHasViewCreated() { + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText("Notebooks")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText("Delete")).perform(click()); + onView(withText("OK")).perform(click()); + } + + + @Test + public void testDeletingFilterThenGoingBackToIt() { + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText(R.string.searches)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_filters_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_filter_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText(R.string.searches)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_filters_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + onListItem(0).perform(longClick()); + openContextualActionModeOverflowMenu(); + onView(withText("Delete")).perform(click()); + + pressBack(); + + onView(withText(R.string.fragment_filter_does_not_exist)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testCreateNewBookWithExistingName() { + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_input)).perform(replaceText("new-book"), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withText("Create")).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_input)).perform(replaceText("new-book"), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withText("Create")).perform(click()); + + onSnackbar().check(matches(withText("Can't insert notebook with the same name: new-book"))); + } + + @Test + public void testCreateNewBookWithWhiteSpace() { + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_input)).perform(replaceText(" new-book "), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withText("Create")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_title)).check(matches(withText("new-book"))); + } + + @Test + public void testRenameBookToExistingName() { + onListItem(0).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText("Rename")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.name)).perform(replaceText("book-two"), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withText("Rename")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_last_action)) + .check(matches(withText(endsWith("Notebook with that name already exists")))); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/EspressoUtils.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/EspressoUtils.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6246e04bf --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/EspressoUtils.java @@ -0,0 +1,320 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.espresso; + +import android.app.Activity; +import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo; +import android.os.Build; +import android.support.test.InstrumentationRegistry; +import android.support.test.espresso.DataInteraction; +import android.support.test.espresso.UiController; +import android.support.test.espresso.ViewAction; +import android.support.test.espresso.ViewInteraction; +import android.support.test.espresso.action.CloseKeyboardAction; +import android.support.test.runner.lifecycle.ActivityLifecycleMonitorRegistry; +import android.view.View; +import android.widget.ListView; +import android.widget.Spinner; + +import com.orgzly.R; + +import org.hamcrest.Description; +import org.hamcrest.Matcher; +import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeMatcher; + +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.regex.Pattern; + +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onData; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.openActionBarOverflowOrOptionsMenu; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.pressBack; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.click; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.pressKey; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.replaceText; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.RootMatchers.isDialog; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isRoot; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withHint; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText; +import static android.support.test.internal.util.Checks.checkNotNull; +import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.allOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.anything; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.instanceOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not; + +/* + * Few espresso-related notes: + * + * - closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay() is often used, as on some devices keyboard will cover the view + * which is supposed to be clicked next, causing java.lang.SecurityException to get thrown. + * + * - replaceText() is preferred over typeText() as it is much faster. + */ +class EspressoUtils { + static final int SETTINGS_REVERSED_NOTE_CLICK_ACTION = 1; + + static final int SETTINGS_STATE_KEYWORDS = 17; + static final int SETTINGS_DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 18; + static final int SETTINGS_LOWEST_PRIORITY = 19; + + static final int SETTINGS_NEW_NOTE_STATE = 21; + static final int SETTINGS_CREATED_AT = 23; + + static final int SETTINGS_REPOS = 29; + + static final int IMPORT_GETTING_STARTED = 31; + static final int SETTINGS_CLEAR_DATABASE = 32; + + /** + */ + @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") + public static DataInteraction onListItem(int pos) { + return onData(anything()) + .inAdapterView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())) + .atPosition(pos); + } + + static ViewInteraction onSnackbar() { + return onView(withId(android.support.design.R.id.snackbar_text)); + } + + /** + * Regular expression matching. + * https://github.com/hamcrest/JavaHamcrest/issues/65 + */ + static TypeSafeMatcher withPattern(final String pattern) { + checkNotNull(pattern); + + return new TypeSafeMatcher() { + @Override + public boolean matchesSafely(String s) { + return Pattern.compile(pattern).matcher(s).matches(); + } + + @Override + public void describeTo(Description description) { + description.appendText("a string matching the pattern '" + pattern + "'"); + } + }; + } + + /** + * Item could either be on the action bar (visible) or in the overflow menu. + */ + static void onActionItemClick(int id, String text) { + try { + onView(withId(id)).perform(click()); + + } catch (Exception e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + + // Open the overflow menu OR open the options menu, + // depending on if the device has a hardware or software overflow menu button. + openActionBarOverflowOrOptionsMenu(InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext()); + onView(withText(text)).perform(click()); + } + } + + /** + */ + static void toLandscape() { + onView(isRoot()).perform( + new ViewAction() { + @Override + public Matcher getConstraints() { + return isRoot(); + } + + @Override + public String getDescription() { + return " rotate screen to landscape"; + } + + @Override + public void perform(UiController uiController, View view) { + uiController.loopMainThreadUntilIdle(); + + final Activity activity = getCurrentActivity(); + + if (activity != null) { + activity.setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); + } + + // ActivityUtils.closeSoftKeyboard(activity); + + // closeKeyboardAndSleep(activity); + +// while (activity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation != ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { +// uiController.loopMainThreadForAtLeast(50); +// } + } + }); + } + + /** + */ + static void toPortrait() { + onView(isRoot()).perform( + new ViewAction() { + @Override + public Matcher getConstraints() { + return isRoot(); + } + + @Override + public String getDescription() { + return " rotate screen to portrait"; + } + + @Override + public void perform(UiController uiController, View view) { + uiController.loopMainThreadUntilIdle(); + + final Activity activity = getCurrentActivity(); + + if (activity != null) { + activity.setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); + } + + // ActivityUtils.closeSoftKeyboard(activity); + + // closeKeyboardAndSleep(activity); + +// while (activity.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation != ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) { +// uiController.loopMainThreadForAtLeast(50); +// } + } + }); + } + + static Activity getCurrentActivity() { + Collection resumedActivities = ActivityLifecycleMonitorRegistry.getInstance().getActivitiesInStage(android.support.test.runner.lifecycle.Stage.RESUMED); + if (resumedActivities.iterator().hasNext()){ + return (Activity) resumedActivities.iterator().next(); + } + + return null; + } + + static DataInteraction onSpinnerString(String value) { + if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD_MR1) { + return onData(allOf(instanceOf(String.class), is(value))).inRoot(not(isDialog())); + } else { + return onData(allOf(instanceOf(String.class), is(value))); + } + } + + static void settingsSetTodoKeywords(String keywords) { + settingsSetKeywords(R.id.todo_states, keywords); + } + + static void settingsSetDoneKeywords(String keywords) { + settingsSetKeywords(R.id.done_states, keywords); + } + + private static void settingsSetKeywords(int viewId, String keywords) { + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + + onListItem(SETTINGS_STATE_KEYWORDS).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(viewId)).perform(replaceText(keywords), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withText(R.string.ok)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.yes)).perform(click()); + + pressBack(); + } + + static void searchForText(String str) { + onView(withHint(R.string.search_hint)).perform(replaceText(str), pressKey(66)); + + /* TODO: Ugh. */ + try { Thread.sleep(300); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } + } + + /** + * Give keyboard time to close, to avoid java.lang.SecurityException + * if hidden button is clicked next. + */ + static ViewAction closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay() { + return new ViewAction() { + /** + * The delay time to allow the soft keyboard to dismiss. + */ + private static final long KEYBOARD_DISMISSAL_DELAY_MILLIS = 1000L; + + /** + * The real {@link CloseKeyboardAction} instance. + */ + private final ViewAction mCloseSoftKeyboard = new CloseKeyboardAction(); + + @Override + public Matcher getConstraints() { + return mCloseSoftKeyboard.getConstraints(); + } + + @Override + public String getDescription() { + return mCloseSoftKeyboard.getDescription(); + } + + @Override + public void perform(final UiController uiController, final View view) { + mCloseSoftKeyboard.perform(uiController, view); + uiController.loopMainThreadForAtLeast(KEYBOARD_DISMISSAL_DELAY_MILLIS); + } + }; + } + + /** + * Matcher for ListView with exactly specified number of items. + */ + static TypeSafeMatcher listViewItemCount(final int count) { + return new TypeSafeMatcher() { + @Override + public boolean matchesSafely(View view) { + return count == ((ListView) view).getCount(); + } + + @Override + public void describeTo(Description description) { + description.appendText("a ListView which contains " + count + " item(s)"); + } + }; + } + + /** + * Matcher for Spinner with exactly specified number of items. + */ + static TypeSafeMatcher spinnerItemCount(final int count) { + return new TypeSafeMatcher() { + @Override + public boolean matchesSafely(View view) { + return count == ((Spinner) view).getCount(); + } + + @Override + public void describeTo(Description description) { + description.appendText("a Spinner which contains " + count + " item(s)"); + } + }; + } + + /** + * Checks if view has a background set. + * Used for checking if note is selected. + */ + static Matcher isHighlighted() { + return new TypeSafeMatcher() { + @Override + public boolean matchesSafely(View view) { + return view.getBackground() != null; + } + + @Override + public void describeTo(Description description) { + description.appendText("a View which is highlighted"); + } + }; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/FiltersFragmentTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/FiltersFragmentTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..87447174e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/FiltersFragmentTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.espresso; + +import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.MainActivity; + +import org.junit.Before; +import org.junit.Rule; +import org.junit.Test; + +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.click; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.replaceText; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.typeText; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.DrawerActions.open; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onListItem; + +public class FiltersFragmentTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Rule + public ActivityTestRule activityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, true, false); + + @Before + public void setUp() throws Exception { + super.setUp(); + + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText("Searches")).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testNewSameNameFilter() { + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_filter_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_filter_name)).perform(replaceText("Scheduled")); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_filter_query)).perform(replaceText("s.done")); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.filter_name_already_exists)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_filter_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_filter_name)).perform(replaceText("SCHEDULED")); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_filter_query)).perform(replaceText("s.done")); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.filter_name_already_exists)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_filter_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testUpdateSameNameFilter() { + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_filters_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_filter_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_filter_query)).perform(typeText(" edited")); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_filters_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/MiscTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/MiscTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e08b87691 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/MiscTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,690 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.espresso; + +import android.support.test.InstrumentationRegistry; +import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; +import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; +import android.text.format.DateFormat; +import android.view.View; +import android.widget.DatePicker; +import android.widget.TimePicker; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.NotePosition; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.MainActivity; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.BooksFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.DrawerFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.SyncFragment; + +import org.hamcrest.Matcher; +import org.junit.Ignore; +import org.junit.Rule; +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.util.Calendar; +import java.util.GregorianCalendar; + +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onData; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.pressBack; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.click; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.longClick; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.replaceText; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.scrollTo; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.doesNotExist; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.DrawerActions.close; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.DrawerActions.open; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.PickerActions.setDate; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.PickerActions.setTime; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDescendantOfA; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withClassName; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withContentDescription; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.isHighlighted; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onActionItemClick; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onListItem; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.settingsSetDoneKeywords; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.settingsSetTodoKeywords; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.toLandscape; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.toPortrait; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.anyOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.anything; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.instanceOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.is; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith; +import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; + + +@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") +public class MiscTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Rule + public ActivityTestRule activityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, true, false); + + @Test + public void testBooksFragmentExists() { + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + Fragment f = ((MainActivity) activityRule.getActivity()).getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(BooksFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + assertTrue(f instanceof BooksFragment); + } + + @Test + public void testDrawerFragmentExists() { + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + Fragment f = ((MainActivity) activityRule.getActivity()).getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(DrawerFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + assertTrue(f instanceof DrawerFragment); + } + + @Test + public void testSyncFragmentExists() { + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + Fragment f = ((MainActivity) activityRule.getActivity()).getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(SyncFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + assertTrue(f instanceof SyncFragment); + } + + @Test + public void testLftRgt() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "Preface\n* Note 1\n** Note 2\n* Note 3\n"); + + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + NotePosition n1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n2 = shelf.getNote("Note 2").getPosition(); + NotePosition n3 = shelf.getNote("Note 3").getPosition(); + + assertTrue(n1.getLft() < n2.getLft()); + assertTrue(n2.getLft() < n2.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n2.getRgt() < n1.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n1.getRgt() < n3.getLft()); + assertTrue(n3.getLft() < n3.getRgt()); + } + + // FIXME: Started falling after switching from android_support_version 25.0.1 to 25.1.0 + // 'with id: com.orgzly:id/fragment_books_container' matches multiple views in the hierarchy + @Test + public void testClearDatabaseWithFragmentsInBackStack() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook( + "book-one", + "First book used for testing\n" + + "* Note A.\n" + + "** Note B.\n" + + "* TODO Note C.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-01-01>\n" + + "** Note D.\n" + + "*** TODO Note E.\n" + + "" + ); + + shelfTestUtils.setupBook( + "book-two", + "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "** TODO Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** DONE Note #5.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-06-03 Tue 13:34]\n" + + "**** Note #6.\n" + + "** Note #7.\n" + + "* DONE Note #8.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-06-03 Tue 3:34]\n" + + "**** Note #9.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-05-26 Mon>\n" + + "** Note #10.\n" + + "" + ); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_books_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Note B.")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onData(anything()) + .inAdapterView(withContentDescription(activityRule.getActivity().getString(R.string.fragment_left_drawer_list_view_content_description))) + .atPosition(5) + .perform(click()); + onView(withText("Note #2.")).perform(click()); + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_CLEAR_DATABASE).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.ok)).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_books_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_books_no_notebooks)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testClickOnListViewItemOutOfView() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", "Sample book used for tests\n* 1\n* 2\n* 3\n* 4\n* 5\n* 6\n* 7\n* 8\n* 9\n* 10\n* 11\n* 12\n* 13\n* 14\n* 15\n"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_book_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(15).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText("15"), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testChangingNoteStatesToDone() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-name", + "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "** TODO Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** DONE Note #5.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-06-03 Tue 13:34]\n" + + ""); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-name"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("Note #1."), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("Note #2."), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("TODO Note #3."), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(4).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("Note #4."), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(5).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("DONE Note #5."), isDisplayed()))); + + onListItem(1).perform(longClick()); + onListItem(2).perform(click()); + onListItem(3).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_edit)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("State")).perform(click()); + onView(withText("DONE")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("DONE Note #1."), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_closed)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(1).check(matches(isHighlighted())); + + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("DONE Note #2."), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_closed)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(2).check(matches(isHighlighted())); + + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("DONE Note #3."), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_closed)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(3).check(matches(isHighlighted())); + + onListItem(4).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("Note #4."), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(4).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_closed)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(4).check(matches(not(isHighlighted()))); + + onListItem(5).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("DONE Note #5."), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(5).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_closed)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(5).check(matches(not(isHighlighted()))); + } + + @Test + public void testSchedulingMultipleNotes() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-name", + "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "** TODO Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** DONE Note #5.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-06-03 Tue 13:34]\n" + + ""); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-name"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(4).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(5).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + + onListItem(1).perform(longClick()); + onListItem(2).perform(click()); + onListItem(3).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_edit)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Schedule")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_timestamp_date_picker)).perform(click()); + onView(withClassName(equalTo(DatePicker.class.getName()))).perform(setDate(2014, 4, 1)); + onView(anyOf(withText("OK"), withText("Set"), withText("Done"))).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_timestamp_time_picker)).perform(scrollTo(), click()); + onView(withClassName(equalTo(TimePicker.class.getName()))).perform(setTime(9, 15)); + onView(anyOf(withText("OK"), withText("Set"), withText("Done"))).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Set")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(allOf(isDisplayed(), withText("2014-04-01 Tue 09:15")))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(allOf(isDisplayed(), withText("2014-04-01 Tue 09:15")))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(allOf(isDisplayed(), withText("2014-04-01 Tue 09:15")))); + onListItem(4).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(5).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testTrimmingTitleInNoteFragment() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", "Sample book used for tests\n* 1\n* 2\n* 3\n"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + /* Change state to NOTE to avoid having 1 or more spaces before title after keyword in book fragment. */ + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_state)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onData(allOf(instanceOf(String.class), is("NOTE"))).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)) + .perform(replaceText(" Title with empty spaces all around "), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + onListItem(4).check(matches(isDisplayed())); // Scroll to. + onView(withText("Title with empty spaces all around")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).check(matches(withText("Title with empty spaces all around"))); + } + + @Test + public void testNewBookDialogShouldSurviveScreenRotation() { + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + toLandscape(); + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); // Failing here + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_new_book_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + toPortrait(); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_new_book_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_input)).perform(replaceText("notebook"), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withText("Create")).perform(click()); + + /* FIXME: This can fail from time to time on some devices. */ + onView(allOf(withText("notebook"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_book_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + /** + * There was a race condition. Old title is displayed if drawer + * is closed after book has been loaded. + */ + @Test + public void testBookTitleMustBeDisplayedWhenOpeningBookFromDrawer() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", "Sample book used for tests\n* 1\n* 2\n* 3\n"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + onView(allOf(isDescendantOfA(withClassName(containsString("ActionBarContainer"))), withText("Notebooks"))).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(allOf(isDescendantOfA(withId(R.id.fragment_left_drawer_container)), withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(allOf(isDescendantOfA(withClassName(containsString("ActionBarContainer"))), withText("book-one"))).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testTimestampDialogTimeButtonValueWhenToggling() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-name", "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* TODO Note #1.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2015-01-18 04:05 +6d>\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + ""); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-name"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + + Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(2015, 0, 18, 4, 5); + String s = DateFormat.getTimeFormat(InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext()).format(cal.getTime()); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_timestamp_time_picker)).check(matches(withText(containsString(s)))); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_timestamp_time)).perform(scrollTo(), click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_timestamp_time_picker)).check(matches(withText(containsString(s)))); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_timestamp_time)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_timestamp_time_picker)).check(matches(withText(containsString(s)))); + } + + @Test + public void testTimestampComplicated() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-name", + "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2015-01-18 04:05 .+6d>\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + ""); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-name"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(allOf(isDisplayed(), withText("2015-01-18 Sun 04:05 .+6d")))); + } + + @Test + public void testScheduledWithRepeaterToDoneFromBook() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-name", "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* TODO Note #1.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2015-01-18 04:05 +6d>\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + ""); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + settingsSetDoneKeywords("DONE OLD"); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-name"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).perform(longClick()); + + /* TO DO -> DONE */ + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_edit)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("State")).perform(click()); + onView(withText("DONE")).perform(click()); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(startsWith("TODO")))); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_closed)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(withText("2015-01-24 Sat 04:05 +6d"))); + + /* DONE -> NOTE */ + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_edit)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("State")).perform(click()); + onView(withText("NOTE")).perform(click()); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(startsWith("Note")))); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_closed)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(withText("2015-01-24 Sat 04:05 +6d"))); + + /* NOTE -> DONE */ + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_edit)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("State")).perform(click()); + onView(withText("DONE")).perform(click()); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(startsWith("DONE")))); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_closed)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(withText("2015-01-24 Sat 04:05 +6d"))); + + /* DONE -> OLD */ + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_edit)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("State")).perform(click()); + onView(withText("OLD")).perform(click()); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText(startsWith("OLD")))); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_closed)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text)).check(matches(withText("2015-01-24 Sat 04:05 +6d"))); + } + + @Test + public void testScheduledWithRepeaterToDoneFromNoteFragment() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-name", + "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* TODO Note #1.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2015-01-18 04:05 +6d>\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + ""); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + settingsSetDoneKeywords("DONE OLD"); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-name"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + + /* TO DO -> DONE */ + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_state)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onData(allOf(instanceOf(String.class), is("DONE"))).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_closed_button)).check(matches(withText(not(containsString("-"))))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(withText("2015-01-24 Sat 04:05 +6d"))); + + /* DONE -> NOTE */ + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_state)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onData(allOf(instanceOf(String.class), is("NOTE"))).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_closed_button)).check(matches(withText(not(containsString("-"))))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(withText("2015-01-24 Sat 04:05 +6d"))); + + /* NOTE -> DONE */ + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_state)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onData(allOf(instanceOf(String.class), is("DONE"))).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_closed_button)).check(matches(withText(containsString("-")))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(withText("2015-01-24 Sat 04:05 +6d"))); + + /* DONE -> OLD */ + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_state)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onData(allOf(instanceOf(String.class), is("OLD"))).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_closed_button)).check(matches(withText(containsString("-")))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(withText("2015-01-24 Sat 04:05 +6d"))); + + // onListItem().atPosition(1).perform(click(), click()); // failing with one click + // onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_content_edit)).check(matches(withText(withPattern("\\- State \"DONE\" from \"TODO\" [2015-01-24 Sat 19:05]\n")))); + } + + @Test + public void testSettingStateToTodo() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "* TODO Note 1\n* Note 2\n* Note 3\n* Note 4\n* TODO Note 5"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("TODO Note 1"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("Note 2"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("Note 3"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(4).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("Note 4"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(5).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("TODO Note 5"), isDisplayed()))); + + onListItem(1).perform(longClick()); + onListItem(2).perform(click()); + onListItem(3).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_edit)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("State")).perform(click()); + onView(withText("TODO")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("TODO Note 1"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("TODO Note 2"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("TODO Note 3"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(4).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("Note 4"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(5).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("TODO Note 5"), isDisplayed()))); + } + + /** + * Visits every fragment used in the app and calls {@link #fragmentTest} on it. + * + * FIXME: Fails randomly + */ + @Test + public void testFragments() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", "* Note"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("file:/"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("dropbox:/orgzly"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + fragmentTest(true, withId(R.id.fragment_books_container)); + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + fragmentTest(true, withId(R.id.fragment_book_view_flipper)); + onView(withText("Note")).perform(click()); + fragmentTest(false, withId(R.id.fragment_note_container)); + pressBack(); + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + fragmentTest(false, withId(R.id.fragment_editor_container)); + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + fragmentTest(false, withText("Interface")); + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_REPOS).perform(click()); + fragmentTest(false, withId(R.id.fragment_repos_flipper)); + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + fragmentTest(false, withId(R.id.fragment_repo_directory_container)); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repo_directory_browse_button)).perform(click()); + fragmentTest(false, withId(R.id.browser_container)); + pressBack(); + pressBack(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repos_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + fragmentTest(false, withId(R.id.fragment_repo_dropbox_container)); + pressBack(); + pressBack(); + pressBack(); + pressBack(); // In Settings after this + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + fragmentTest(false, withText(R.string.searches)); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(close()); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText("Scheduled")).perform(click()); + fragmentTest(true, withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText(R.string.searches)).perform(click()); + fragmentTest(true, withId(R.id.fragment_filters_flipper)); + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + fragmentTest(false, withId(R.id.fragment_filter_flipper)); + } + + private void fragmentTest(boolean hasSearchMenuItem, Matcher matcher) { + onView(matcher).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + toPortrait(); + onView(matcher).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + toLandscape(); + onView(matcher).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + toPortrait(); + onView(matcher).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + toLandscape(); + onView(matcher).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + toPortrait(); + + if (hasSearchMenuItem) { + onView(withId(R.id.activity_action_search)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } else { + onView(withId(R.id.activity_action_search)).check(doesNotExist()); + } + } + + @Test + public void testBookTitleFromInBufferSettingsDisplayed() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-name", "#+TITLE: Notebook Title\n* TODO Note #1.\n"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + /* Books fragment. */ + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_title)).check(matches(withText("Notebook Title"))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_subtitle)).check(matches(withText("book-name"))); + + /* Books in drawer. */ + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(allOf(isDescendantOfA(withId(R.id.fragment_left_drawer_container)), withId(R.id.item_drawer_text), withText("Notebook Title"))) + .check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testBookTitleSettingIsPartOfPreface() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-name", "#+TITLE: Notebook Title\n* TODO Note #1.\n"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("Notebook Title"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.fragment_book_header_text)) + .check(matches(withText(containsString("#+TITLE: Notebook Title")))); + } + + @Test + public void testBookTitleChangeOnPrefaceEdit() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-name", "* TODO Note #1.\n"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_title)).check(matches(withText("book-name"))); + + /* Set #+TITLE */ + onView(allOf(withText("book-name"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_editor_container_edit)) + .perform(replaceText("#+TITLE: Notebook Title"), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + pressBack(); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_title)).check(matches(withText("Notebook Title"))); + } + + @Test + public void testBookTitleRemoving() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-name", "#+TITLE: Notebook Title\n* TODO Note #1.\n"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_title)).check(matches(withText("Notebook Title"))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_subtitle)).check(matches(withText("book-name"))); + + onView(allOf(withText("Notebook Title"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_editor_container_edit)).perform(replaceText("#+TTL: Notebook Title"), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.fragment_book_header_text)) + .check(matches(withText(containsString("#+TTL: Notebook Title")))); + pressBack(); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_title)).check(matches(withText("book-name"))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_subtitle)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testBookReparseOnStateConfigChange() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-name", + "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-05-22 Thu> DEADLINE: <2014-05-22 Thu>\n" + + "** TODO Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** DONE Note #5.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-01-01 Tue 20:07]\n" + + "**** Note #6.\n" + + "** Note #7.\n" + + "* ANTIVIVISECTIONISTS Note #8.\n" + + "**** Note #9.\n" + + "** Note #10.\n" + + ""); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-name"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onListItem(8).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)) + .check(matches(withText(startsWith("ANTIVIVISECTIONISTS ")))) + .perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).check(matches(withText("ANTIVIVISECTIONISTS Note #8."))); + settingsSetTodoKeywords("TODO ANTIVIVISECTIONISTS"); + /* Must go to books and back, or the click below will not work for some reason. */ + pressBack(); // Leave book + onView(allOf(withText("book-name"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onListItem(8).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).check(matches(withText("Note #8."))); + } + + @Test + public void testCabStaysOpenWhenSelectingTheSameBookFromDrawer() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "* TODO Note 1\n* Note 2\n* Note 3\n* Note 4\n* TODO Note 5"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onListItem(3).perform(longClick()); + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_edit)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(allOf(isDescendantOfA(withId(R.id.fragment_left_drawer_container)), withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_edit)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testNewlyCreatedBookShouldNotHaveEncodingsDisplayed() { + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_input)).perform(replaceText("booky"), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withText("Create")).perform(click()); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_used_container)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_detected_container)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_selected_container)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testSelectingNoteThenOpeningAnotherBook() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky-one", "* TODO Note 1\n* Note 2\n* Note 3\n* Note 4\n* TODO Note 5"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky-two", "* TODO Note A\n* Note B\n* Note C"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onListItem(3).perform(longClick()); + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_edit)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onData(anything()) + .inAdapterView(withContentDescription(activityRule.getActivity().getString(R.string.fragment_left_drawer_list_view_content_description))) + .atPosition(5) + .perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_book_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_edit)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testOpenBookAlreadyInBackStack() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky-one", "* TODO Note 1\n* Note 2\n* Note 3\n* Note 4\n* TODO Note 5"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky-two", "* TODO Note A\n* Note B\n* Note C"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_book_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(allOf(isDescendantOfA(withId(R.id.fragment_left_drawer_container)), withText("booky-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_book_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/NewNoteTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/NewNoteTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7a1b69254 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/NewNoteTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.espresso; + +import android.support.test.espresso.action.GeneralLocation; +import android.support.test.espresso.action.GeneralSwipeAction; +import android.support.test.espresso.action.Press; +import android.support.test.espresso.action.Swipe; +import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.MainActivity; + +import org.junit.Rule; +import org.junit.Test; + +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.pressBack; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.click; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.longClick; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.replaceText; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onActionItemClick; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onListItem; +import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.not; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf; + +/** + * + */ +@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") +public class NewNoteTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Rule + public ActivityTestRule activityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, true, false); + + @Test + public void testNewNoteInEmptyNotebook() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", ""); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("notebook"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)) + .perform(replaceText("new note created by test"), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + + onListItem(1) + .onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText("new note created by test"), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testNewNote() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "Booky Preface\n* 1\n** 2\n*** 3\n*** 4\n** 5\n* 6"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + /* Enable "Created at" in settings. */ + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_CREATED_AT).perform(click()); + pressBack(); + + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)) + .perform(replaceText("new note created by test"), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + onListItem(7).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText("new note created by test"), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testNewNoteUnder() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "description\n* 1\n** 2\n*** 3\n*** 4\n** 5\n* 6"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + onView(allOf(withText("notebook"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onListItem(2).perform(longClick()); + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_new)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("New under")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).perform(replaceText("A"), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("2"))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("3"))); + onListItem(4).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("4"))); + onListItem(5).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("A"))); + shelfTestUtils.assertBook("notebook", "description\n\n* 1\n** 2\n*** 3\n*** 4\n*** A\n** 5\n* 6\n"); + } + + @Test + public void testNewNoteAbove() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "description\n* 1\n** 2\n*** 3\n*** 4\n** 5\n* 6"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + onView(allOf(withText("notebook"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onListItem(2).perform(longClick()); + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_new)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("New above")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).perform(replaceText("A"), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("1"))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("A"))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("2"))); + shelfTestUtils.assertBook("notebook", "description\n\n* 1\n** A\n** 2\n*** 3\n*** 4\n** 5\n* 6\n"); + } + + @Test + public void testNewNoteBelow() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "Booky Preface\n" + + "* 1\n" + + "** 2\n" + + "*** 3\n" + + "*** 4\n" + + "** 5\n" + + "* 6"); + + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onListItem(2).perform(longClick()); + onView(withId(R.id.book_cab_new)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("New below")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).perform(replaceText("A"), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("2"))); + onListItem(3).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("3"))); + onListItem(4).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("4"))); + onListItem(5).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("A"))); + onListItem(6).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("5"))); + + shelfTestUtils.assertBook("booky", "Booky Preface\n" + + "\n" + + "* 1\n" + + "** 2\n" + + "*** 3\n" + + "*** 4\n" + + "** A\n" + + "** 5\n" + + "* 6\n"); + } + + @Test + public void testNewNoteFromQuickMenuWhenCabIsDisplayed() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "Booky Preface\n* 1\n** 2\n*** 3\n*** 4\n** 5\n* 6"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.action_context_bar)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(2).perform(longClick()); + /* Swipe left. */ + onListItem(2).perform(new GeneralSwipeAction(Swipe.FAST, GeneralLocation.CENTER, GeneralLocation.CENTER_LEFT, Press.FINGER)); + onView(withId(R.id.action_context_bar)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_menu_new_under_btn)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.action_context_bar)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/NoteFragmentTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/NoteFragmentTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c8706a7bb --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/NoteFragmentTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,302 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.espresso; + +import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; +import android.widget.DatePicker; +import android.widget.TimePicker; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.MainActivity; + +import org.junit.Before; +import org.junit.Rule; +import org.junit.Test; + +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onData; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.pressBack; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.click; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.replaceText; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.scrollTo; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.PickerActions.setDate; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.PickerActions.setTime; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withClassName; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onActionItemClick; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onListItem; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onSpinnerString; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.settingsSetTodoKeywords; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.spinnerItemCount; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.toLandscape; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.toPortrait; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.withPattern; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.anyOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasToString; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not; + + +@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") +public class NoteFragmentTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Rule + public ActivityTestRule activityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, true, false); + + @Before + public void setUp() throws Exception { + super.setUp(); + + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-name", + "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-05-22 Thu> DEADLINE: <2014-05-22 Thu>\n" + + "** TODO Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2015-01-11 Sun .+1d/2d>\n" + + "*** DONE Note #5.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-01-01 Wed 20:07]\n" + + "**** Note #6.\n" + + "** Note #7.\n" + + "* ANTIVIVISECTIONISTS Note #8.\n" + + "**** Note #9.\n" + + "** Note #10.\n" + + ""); + + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-name"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testSettingScheduleTime() { + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(withText(R.string.schedule_button_hint))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Set")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText(withPattern("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} .*")), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testAbortingOfSettingScheduledTime() { + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(withText(R.string.schedule_button_hint))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).perform(click()); + pressBack(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(withText(R.string.schedule_button_hint))); + } + + @Test + public void testRemovingScheduledTime() { + onListItem(2).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText(withPattern("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} .*")), isDisplayed()))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Clear")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(withText(R.string.schedule_button_hint))); + } + + @Test + public void testSettingDeadlineTime() { + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).check(matches(withText(R.string.deadline_button_hint))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Set")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText(withPattern("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} .*")), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testAbortingOfSettingDeadlineTime() { + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).check(matches(withText(R.string.deadline_button_hint))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).perform(click()); + pressBack(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).check(matches(withText(R.string.deadline_button_hint))); + } + + @Test + public void testRemovingDeadlineTime() { + onListItem(2).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText(withPattern("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} .*")), isDisplayed()))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Clear")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).check(matches(withText(R.string.deadline_button_hint))); + } + + @Test + public void testStateToDoneShouldAddClosedTime() { + onListItem(2).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_closed_button)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_state)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("DONE")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_closed_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText(withPattern("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} .*")), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testChangingStateSettingsFromNoteFragment() { + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + settingsSetTodoKeywords(""); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_state)).check(matches(spinnerItemCount(2))); // NOTE and others + settingsSetTodoKeywords("TODO"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_state)).check(matches(spinnerItemCount(3))); // NOTE and others + } + + @Test + public void testTitleCanNotBeEmptyForNewNote() { + onView(withId(R.id.fab)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.can_not_be_empty)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testTitleCanNotBeEmptyForExistingNote() { + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).perform(replaceText("")); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.can_not_be_empty)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testSavingNoteWithRepeater() { + onListItem(4).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testClosedTimeInNoteFragmentIsSameAsInList() { + onListItem(5).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_closed_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText(withPattern("^2014-01-01 (Wed|WED) 20:07$")), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testSettingStateRemainsSetAfterRotation() { + toPortrait(); + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_state)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onSpinnerString("TODO").perform(click()); + onView(withText("TODO")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + toLandscape(); + onView(withText("TODO")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testSettingPriorityRemainsSetAfterRotation() { + toPortrait(); + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_priority)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onSpinnerString("B").perform(click()); + onView(withText("B")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + toLandscape(); + onView(withText("B")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testSettingScheduledTimeRemainsSetAfterRotation() { + toPortrait(); + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(withText(not(containsString("-"))))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).perform(click()); + onView(anyOf(withText("OK"), withText("Set"), withText("Done"))).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText(withPattern("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} .*")), isDisplayed()))); + toLandscape(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText(withPattern("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} .*")), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testSetScheduledTimeAfterRotation() { + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + toPortrait(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(withText(not(containsString("-"))))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).perform(click()); + toLandscape(); + onView(withText("Set")).perform(closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay(), click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText(withPattern("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} .*")), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testRemovingDoneStateRemovesClosedTime() { + onListItem(5).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_closed_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText(withPattern("^2014-01-01 (Wed|WED) 20:07$")), isDisplayed()))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_state)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onSpinnerString("NOTE").perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_closed_button)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testSettingPmTimeDisplays24HourTime() { + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText(R.string.deadline_button_hint), isDisplayed()))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).perform(click()); + + /* Set date. */ + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_timestamp_date_picker)).perform(click()); + onView(withClassName(equalTo(DatePicker.class.getName()))).perform(setDate(2014, 4, 1)); + onView(anyOf(withText("OK"), withText("Set"), withText("Done"))).perform(click()); + + /* Set time. */ + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_timestamp_time_picker)).perform(scrollTo(), click()); + onView(withClassName(equalTo(TimePicker.class.getName()))).perform(setTime(15, 15)); + onView(anyOf(withText("OK"), withText("Set"), withText("Done"))).perform(click()); + + onView(withText("Set")).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText("2014-04-01 Tue 15:15"), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testDateTimePickerKeepsValuesAfterRotation() { + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText(R.string.deadline_button_hint), isDisplayed()))); + + toPortrait(); + + onView(withText("Deadline time")).perform(click()); + + /* Set date. */ + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_timestamp_date_picker)).perform(click()); + onView(withClassName(equalTo(DatePicker.class.getName()))).perform(setDate(2014, 4, 1)); + onView(anyOf(withText("OK"), withText("Set"), withText("Done"))).perform(click()); + + /* Set time. */ + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_timestamp_time_picker)).perform(scrollTo(), click()); + onView(withClassName(equalTo(TimePicker.class.getName()))).perform(setTime(9, 15)); + onView(anyOf(withText("OK"), withText("Set"), withText("Done"))).perform(click()); + + /* Rotate screen. */ + toLandscape(); + + /* Set time. */ + onView(withText("Set")).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText("2014-04-01 Tue 09:15"), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testChangingPrioritySettingsFromNoteFragment() { + /* Open note which has no priority set. */ + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + + /* Change lowest priority to A. */ + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_LOWEST_PRIORITY).perform(click()); + onData(hasToString(containsString("A"))).perform(click()); + pressBack(); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_priority)).check(matches(spinnerItemCount(2))); + + /* Change lowest priority to C. */ + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_LOWEST_PRIORITY).perform(click()); + onData(hasToString(containsString("C"))).perform(click()); + pressBack(); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_priority)).check(matches(spinnerItemCount(4))); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/QueryFragmentTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/QueryFragmentTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0ca29fc49 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/QueryFragmentTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,340 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.espresso; + +import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; +import android.widget.DatePicker; +import android.widget.TimePicker; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.MainActivity; + +import org.junit.Rule; +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.io.IOException; + +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.click; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.longClick; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.scrollTo; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.DrawerActions.open; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.PickerActions.setDate; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.PickerActions.setTime; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withClassName; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.listViewItemCount; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onListItem; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.searchForText; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.anyOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.endsWith; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo; + +/** + * + */ +@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") +public class QueryFragmentTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Rule + public ActivityTestRule activityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, true, false); + + private void defaultSetUp() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", + "First book used for testing\n" + + "* Note A.\n" + + "** [#A] Note B.\n" + + "* TODO Note C.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-01-01>\n" + + "** Note D.\n" + + "*** TODO Note E.\n" + + "*** Same title in different notebooks.\n" + + "*** Another note.\n" + + ""); + + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-two", + "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "** TODO Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** DONE Note #5.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-06-03 Tue 13:34]\n" + + "**** Note #6.\n" + + "** Note #7.\n" + + "* DONE Note #8.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-06-03 Tue 3:34]\n" + + "**** Note #9.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-05-26 Mon>\n" + + "** Note #10.\n" + + "** Same title in different notebooks.\n" + + "** Note #11.\n" + + "** Note #12.\n" + + "** Note #13.\n" + + "DEADLINE: <2014-05-26 Mon>\n" + + "** Note #14.\n" + + "** [#A] Note #15.\n" + + "** [#A] Note #16.\n" + + "** [#B] Note #17.\n" + + "** [#C] Note #18.\n" + + "** Note #19.\n" + + "** Note #20.\n" + + "** Note #21.\n" + + "** Note #22.\n" + + "** Note #23.\n" + + "** Note #24.\n" + + "** Note #25.\n" + + "** Note #26.\n" + + "** Note #27.\n" + + "** Note #28.\n" + + ""); + + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + } + + @Test + public void testSearchFromBookOneResult() { + defaultSetUp(); + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText("b.book-one another note"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(1))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("Another note."), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testSearchFromBookMultipleResults() { + defaultSetUp(); + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText("b.book-one note"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(7))); + } + + @Test + public void testSearchTwice() { + defaultSetUp(); + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText("different"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(2))); + + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText("another"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(1))); + } + + @Test + public void testSearchExpressionTodo() { + defaultSetUp(); + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText("i.todo"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(3))); + } + + @Test + public void testSearchExpressionsToday() { + defaultSetUp(); + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText("s.today"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(2))); + } + + @Test + public void testSearchExpressionsPriority() { + defaultSetUp(); + + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText("p.a"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(3))); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("#A Note B."), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("#A Note #15."), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("#A Note #16."), isDisplayed()))); + } + + + @Test + public void testSearchInBook() { + defaultSetUp(); + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText("b.book-one note"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(7))); + } + + /** + * Starting with 3 displayed to-do notes, removing state from one, expecting 2 to-do notes left. + */ + @Test + public void testEditChangeState() { + defaultSetUp(); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText("To Do")).perform(click()); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(3))); + onView(allOf(withText(endsWith("Note C.")), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withId(R.id.query_cab_edit)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("State")).perform(click()); + onView(withText("NOTE")).perform(click()); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(2))); + } + + /** + * Clicks on the last note and expects it opened. + */ + @Test + public void testClickingNote() { + defaultSetUp(); + onView(allOf(withText("book-two"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText("b.book-two Note"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(29))); + onListItem(27).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withText("Note #28.")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testSchedulingNote() { + defaultSetUp(); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText("Scheduled")).perform(click()); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(2))); + + onView(allOf(withText(endsWith("Note C.")), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withId(R.id.query_cab_edit)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Schedule")).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_timestamp_date_picker)).perform(click()); + onView(withClassName(equalTo(DatePicker.class.getName()))).perform(setDate(2014, 4, 1)); + onView(anyOf(withText("OK"), withText("Set"), withText("Done"))).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_timestamp_time_picker)).perform(scrollTo(), click()); + onView(withClassName(equalTo(TimePicker.class.getName()))).perform(setTime(9, 15)); + onView(anyOf(withText("OK"), withText("Set"), withText("Done"))).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Set")).perform(click()); + + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(2))); + onView(withText("2014-04-01 Tue 09:15")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testSearchExpressionsDefaultPriority() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", + "* Note A.\n" + + "** [#A] Note B.\n" + + "* TODO [#B] Note C.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-01-01>\n" + + "** [#C] Note D.\n" + + "*** TODO Note E."); + + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-two", "* Note #1.\n"); + + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText("p.b"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(4))); + } + + @Test + public void testMultipleNotState() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook-1", + "* Note A.\n" + + "** [#A] Note B.\n" + + "* TODO Note C.\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-01-01>\n" + + "** Note D.\n" + + ""); + + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook-2", + "* Note #1.\n" + + "** TODO Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** DONE Note #5.\n" + + "CLOSED: [2014-06-03 Tue 13:34]\n" + + ""); + + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText(".i.todo .i.done"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(5))); + } + + /** + * Added after a bug when using insertWithOnConflict for timestamps, + * due to https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=13045 + */ + @Test + public void testNotesWithSameScheduledTimeString() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook-1", "* Note A\nSCHEDULED: <2014-01-01>"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook-2", "* Note B\nSCHEDULED: <2014-01-01>"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText("s.today"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(2))); + } + @Test + public void testNotesWithSameDeadlineTimeString() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook-1", "* Note A\nDEADLINE: <2014-01-01>"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook-2", "* Note B\nDEADLINE: <2014-01-01>"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText("d.today"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(2))); + } + + @Test + public void testInheritedTagSearchWhenMultipleAncestorsMatch() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook-1", + "* Note A :tagtag:\n" + + "** Note B :tag:\n" + + "*** Note C\n" + + "*** Note D\n" + + ""); + + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + onView(allOf(withText("notebook-1"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText("t.tag"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withId(android.R.id.list), isDisplayed())).check(matches(listViewItemCount(4))); + } + + @Test + public void testSearchOrderScheduled() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook-1", + "* Note A\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-02-01>\n" + + "** Note B\n" + + "SCHEDULED: <2014-01-01>\n" + + "*** Note C\n" + + "*** Note D\n" + + ""); + + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + onView(allOf(withText("notebook-1"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_action_search), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + searchForText("note o.scheduled"); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("Note B"))); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_head_title)).check(matches(withText("Note A"))); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/ReposActivityTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/ReposActivityTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2c536754f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/ReposActivityTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.espresso; + +import android.content.Intent; +import android.os.Environment; +import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.ReposActivity; + +import org.junit.Rule; +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.io.File; + +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onData; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.click; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.replaceText; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onActionItemClick; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onListItem; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasToString; + +/** + * + */ +public class ReposActivityTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Rule + public ActivityTestRule activityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(ReposActivity.class, true, false); + + private void startActivityWithIntent(String action, String type, String extraText) { + Intent intent = new Intent(); + + if (action != null) { + intent.setAction(action); + } + + if (type != null) { + intent.setType(type); + } + + if (extraText != null) { + intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, extraText); + } + + activityRule.launchActivity(intent); + } + + @Test + public void testBrowserDirectorySelection() { + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, null, null); + + String d = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath(); + String repoUri = "file:" + d; + + onActionItemClick(R.id.repos_options_menu_item_new, "New Repository"); + onView(withText(R.string.directory)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repo_directory_browse_button)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.browser_title)).check(matches(withText(d))); + onData(hasToString(containsString("Download"))).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.browser_button_use)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repo_directory)).check(matches(withText(repoUri + "/Download"))); + } + + @Test + public void testDirectoryRepoSelectingDifferentDirectoryThenStarting() { + String repoUri = "file:" + Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath(); + + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo(repoUri); + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, null, null); + + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repo_directory_browse_button)).perform(click()); + onData(hasToString(containsString("Download"))).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.browser_button_use)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repo_directory)).check(matches(withText(repoUri + "/Download"))); + } + + @Test + public void testDirectoryRepoBrowsingStartsWithInvalidDirectory() { + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, null, null); + + onActionItemClick(R.id.repos_options_menu_item_new, "New Repository"); + onView(withText(R.string.directory)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repo_directory)).perform(replaceText("non-existent-directory")); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repo_directory_browse_button)).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testDirectoryRepoWithPercentCharacter() { + String localBaseDir = context.getExternalCacheDir().getAbsolutePath(); + String localDir = localBaseDir + "/nextcloud/user@host%2Fdir"; + String repoUri = "file:" + localBaseDir + "/nextcloud/user@host%252Fdir"; + + new File(localDir).mkdirs(); + + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, null, null); + + onActionItemClick(R.id.repos_options_menu_item_new, "New Repository"); + onView(withText(R.string.directory)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repo_directory)).perform(replaceText(repoUri)); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repos_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_repo_url)).check(matches(withText("file:" + localDir))); + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repo_directory)).check(matches(withText(repoUri))); + } + + @Test + public void testDropboxRepoWithPercentCharacter() { + String localDir = "/Documents/user@host%2Fdir"; + + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, null, null); + + onActionItemClick(R.id.repos_options_menu_item_new, "New Repository"); + onView(withText(R.string.dropbox)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repo_dropbox_directory)).perform(replaceText(localDir)); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repos_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_repo_url)).check(matches(withText("dropbox:" + localDir))); + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repo_dropbox_directory)).check(matches(withText(localDir))); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/SettingsFragmentTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/SettingsFragmentTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2bbb56d0a --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/SettingsFragmentTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.espresso; + +import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.MainActivity; + +import org.junit.Before; +import org.junit.Rule; +import org.junit.Test; + +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onData; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.pressBack; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.click; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.replaceText; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.hasSibling; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onActionItemClick; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onListItem; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasToString; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith; + + +@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") +public class SettingsFragmentTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Rule + public ActivityTestRule activityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, true, false); + + @Before + public void setUp() throws Exception { + super.setUp(); + + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + } + + @Test + public void testImportingGettingStartedFromGettingStartedNotebook() { + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + + onListItem(EspressoUtils.IMPORT_GETTING_STARTED).perform(click()); + pressBack(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_books_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withText("Getting Started with Orgzly"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_book_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + onListItem(EspressoUtils.IMPORT_GETTING_STARTED).perform(click()); + pressBack(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_book_view_flipper)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withText(startsWith("Welcome to Orgzly!"))).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).check(matches(withText("Notes"))); + } + + @Test + public void testAddingNewTodoKeywordInSettingsAndChangingStateToItForNewNote() { + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_STATE_KEYWORDS).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.todo_states)).perform(replaceText("TODO XXX YYY ZZZ")); + + onView(withText(R.string.ok)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.not_now)).perform(click()); + + /* Not scrolling up I5500 */ + pressBack(); + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_NEW_NOTE_STATE).perform(click()); + + onData(hasToString(containsString("ZZZ"))).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testAddingNewTodoKeywordInSettingsNewNoteShouldHaveDefaultState() { + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_STATE_KEYWORDS).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.todo_states)).perform(replaceText("TODO ZZZ"), closeSoftKeyboardWithDelay()); + onView(withText(R.string.ok)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.not_now)).perform(click()); + + /* Not scrolling up I5500 */ + pressBack(); + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_NEW_NOTE_STATE).perform(click()); + + onData(hasToString(containsString("NOTE"))).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testStateSummaryAfterNoStates() { + AppPreferences.states(context, "|"); + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_STATE_KEYWORDS).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.todo_states)).perform(replaceText("TODO")); + onView(withText(R.string.ok)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.not_now)).perform(click()); + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_STATE_KEYWORDS).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withText("States"), hasSibling(withText("TODO |")))).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testNewNoteDefaultStateIsInitiallyVisibleInSummary() { + AppPreferences.states(context, "XXX YYY ZZZ | DONE"); + AppPreferences.newNoteState(context, "YYY"); + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_NEW_NOTE_STATE).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(withText("YYY")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testNewNoteDefaultStateIsSetInitially() { + AppPreferences.states(context, "XXX YYY ZZZ | DONE"); + AppPreferences.newNoteState(context, "YYY"); + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_NEW_NOTE_STATE).perform(click()); + onData(hasToString(containsString("YYY"))).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testDefaultPriorityUpdateOnLowestPriorityChange() { + AppPreferences.defaultPriority(context, "C"); + AppPreferences.minPriority(context, "E"); + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_LOWEST_PRIORITY).perform(click()); + onData(hasToString(containsString("B"))).perform(click()); + + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_DEFAULT_PRIORITY).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withText(R.string.default_priority), hasSibling(withText("B")))).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testLowestPriorityUpdateOnDefaultPriorityChange() { + AppPreferences.defaultPriority(context, "C"); + AppPreferences.minPriority(context, "E"); + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_DEFAULT_PRIORITY).perform(click()); + onData(hasToString(containsString("X"))).perform(click()); + + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_LOWEST_PRIORITY).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withText(R.string.lowest_priority), hasSibling(withText("X")))).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/ShareActivityTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/ShareActivityTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d292adb81 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/ShareActivityTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.espresso; + +import android.content.Intent; +import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.NotePosition; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.ShareActivity; + +import org.junit.Rule; +import org.junit.Test; + +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onData; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.click; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.scrollTo; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onSpinnerString; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.toLandscape; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.toPortrait; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.withPattern; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.anyOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.anything; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not; + +/** + * + */ +@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") +public class ShareActivityTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Rule + public ActivityTestRule activityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(ShareActivity.class, true, false); + + private void startActivityWithIntent(String action, String type, String extraText) { + Intent intent = new Intent(); + + if (action != null) { + intent.setAction(action); + } + + if (type != null) { + intent.setType(type); + } + + if (extraText != null) { + intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, extraText); + } + + activityRule.launchActivity(intent); + } + + @Test + public void testDefaultBookRemainsSetAfterRotation() { + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_SEND, "text/plain", "This is some shared text"); + toPortrait(); + onData(anything()) + .inAdapterView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_share_books_spinner), isDisplayed())) + .atPosition(0) + .check(matches(withText("Share"))); + toLandscape(); + onData(anything()) + .inAdapterView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_share_books_spinner), isDisplayed())) + .atPosition(0) + .check(matches(withText("Share"))); + } + + @Test + public void testBookRemainsSetAfterRotation() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", ""); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-two", ""); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-three", ""); + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_SEND, "text/plain", "This is some shared text"); + toPortrait(); + onView(withId(R.id.activity_share_books_spinner)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onView(withText("book-two")).perform(click()); + onView(withText("book-two")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + toLandscape(); + onView(withText("book-two")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testDefaultBookName() { + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_SEND, "text/plain", "This is some shared text"); + + onData(anything()) + .inAdapterView(allOf(withId(R.id.activity_share_books_spinner), isDisplayed())) + .atPosition(0) + .check(matches(withText("Share"))); + } + + @Test + public void testTextSimple() { + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_SEND, "text/plain", "This is some shared text"); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testSaveAfterRotation() { + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_SEND, "text/plain", "This is some shared text"); + toLandscape(); + toPortrait(); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testTextEmpty() { + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_SEND, "text/plain", ""); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testTextNull() { + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_SEND, "text/plain", null); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + } + + @Test + public void testNoMatchingType() { + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_SEND, "image/png", null); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)) + .check(matches(withText("Share type image/png is not supported"))); + } + + @Test + public void testNoActionSend() { + startActivityWithIntent(null, null, null); + + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).check(matches(withText("Share action not set"))); + } + + + // TODO: Failing from time to time due to: + // android.view.WindowLeaked: Activity com.orgzly.android.ui.ShareActivity has leaked window android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView + @Test + public void testSettingStateRemainsSetAfterRotation() { + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_SEND, "text/plain", "This is some shared text"); + toPortrait(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_state)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onSpinnerString("TODO").perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_state)).perform(scrollTo()); + onView(withText("TODO")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + toLandscape(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_state)).perform(scrollTo()); + onView(withText("TODO")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testSettingPriorityRemainsSetAfterRotation() { + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_SEND, "text/plain", "This is some shared text"); + toPortrait(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_priority)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onSpinnerString("B").perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_priority)).perform(scrollTo()); + onView(withText("B")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + toLandscape(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_priority)).perform(scrollTo()); + onView(withText("B")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testSettingScheduledTimeRemainsSetAfterRotation() { + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_SEND, "text/plain", "This is some shared text"); + toPortrait(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(withText(not(containsString("-"))))); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).perform(click()); + onView(anyOf(withText("OK"), withText("Set"), withText("Done"))).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText(withPattern("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} .*")), isDisplayed()))); + toLandscape(); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button)).check(matches(allOf(withText(withPattern("^\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2} .*")), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testNoteInsertedLast() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", "* Note 1\n** Note 2"); + startActivityWithIntent(Intent.ACTION_SEND, "text/plain", "Note 3"); + + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + + NotePosition n1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n2 = shelf.getNote("Note 2").getPosition(); + NotePosition n3 = shelf.getNote("Note 3").getPosition(); + + assertTrue(n1.getLft() < n2.getLft()); + assertTrue(n2.getLft() < n2.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n2.getRgt() < n1.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n1.getRgt() < n3.getLft()); + assertTrue(n3.getLft() < n3.getRgt()); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/SyncingTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/SyncingTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9db3013c9 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/espresso/SyncingTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,593 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.espresso; + +import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.sync.BookSyncStatus; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.MainActivity; + +import org.junit.Rule; +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.io.IOException; + +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onData; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.onView; +import static android.support.test.espresso.Espresso.pressBack; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.click; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.closeSoftKeyboard; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.longClick; +import static android.support.test.espresso.action.ViewActions.replaceText; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.doesNotExist; +import static android.support.test.espresso.assertion.ViewAssertions.matches; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.DrawerActions.close; +import static android.support.test.espresso.contrib.DrawerActions.open; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.isDisplayed; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withId; +import static android.support.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers.withText; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onActionItemClick; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onListItem; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.onSpinnerString; +import static com.orgzly.android.espresso.EspressoUtils.settingsSetTodoKeywords; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.allOf; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.endsWith; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasToString; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.not; +import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith; + +@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") +public class SyncingTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Rule + public ActivityTestRule activityRule = new ActivityTestRule<>(MainActivity.class, true, false); + + /** + * Utility method for starting sync using drawer button. + */ + private void sync() { + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withId(R.id.sync_button_container)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.sync_button_text)).check(matches(withText(startsWith("Last sync:")))); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(close()); + } + + @Test + public void testForceLoadingBookWithLink() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "First book used for testing\n* Note A"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/booky.org", "New content", "abc", 1234567890000L); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText(R.string.books_context_menu_item_set_link)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.no_link)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); // Current value + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_spinner)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onSpinnerString("mock://repo-a").perform(click()); + onView(withText("Set")).perform(click()); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText("Force Load")).perform(click()); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_last_action)) + .check(matches((withText(containsString("Force-loaded from mock://repo-a/booky.org"))))); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(withText("New content")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testForceLoadingBookWithNoLinkNoRepos() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "First book used for testing\n* Note A"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-two", "Second book used for testing\n* Note 1\n* Note 2"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText("Force Load")).perform(click()); + onView(withText(endsWith("No link."))).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testForceLoadingBookWithNoLinkSingleRepo() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "First book used for testing\n* Note A"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-two", "Second book used for testing\n* Note 1\n* Note 2"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText("Force Load")).perform(click()); + onView(withText(endsWith("No link."))).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + /* Books view was returning multiple entries for the same book, due to duplicates in encodings + * table. The last statement in this method will fail if there are multiple books matching. + */ + @Test + public void testForceLoadingMultipleTimes() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", "First book used for testing\n* Note A"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-two", "Second book used for testing\n* Note 1\n* Note 2"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/book-one.org", "New content", "abc", 1234567890000L); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText(R.string.books_context_menu_item_set_link)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.no_link)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); // Current value + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_spinner)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onSpinnerString("mock://repo-a").perform(click()); + onView(withText("Set")).perform(click()); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText("Force Load")).perform(click()); + onView(withText(containsString("Force-loaded from mock://repo-a/book-one.org"))).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText("Force Load")).perform(click()); + onView(withText(containsString("Force-loaded from mock://repo-a/book-one.org"))).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testForceSavingBookWithNoLinkAndMultipleRepos() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", "First book used for testing\n* Note A"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-two", "Second book used for testing\n* Note 1\n* Note 2"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-b"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText("Force Save")).perform(click()); + onView(withText(endsWith("Force-saving failed: Multiple repositories exist."))).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testForceSavingBookWithNoLinkNoRepos() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", "First book used for testing\n* Note A"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-two", "Second book used for testing\n* Note 1\n* Note 2"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText("Force Save")).perform(click()); + onView(withText(endsWith("Force-saving failed: No repositories configured"))).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testForceSavingBookWithNoLinkSingleRepo() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", "First book used for testing\n* Note A"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-two", "Second book used for testing\n* Note 1\n* Note 2"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("book-one"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText("Force Save")).perform(click()); + onView(withText(containsString("Force-saved to mock://repo-a/book-one.org"))).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testForceSavingBookWithLink() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "First book used for testing\n* Note A", "mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText("Force Save")).perform(click()); + onView(withText(containsString("Force-saved to mock://repo-a/booky.org"))).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testSyncButton() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-one", "First book used for testing\n* Note A"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-two", "Second book used for testing\n* Note 1\n* Note 2"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + sync(); + } + + @Test + public void testSavingAndLoadingBookBySyncing() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", + "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "** TODO Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** DONE Note #5.\n" + + "**** Note #6.\n" + + "** Note #7.\n" + + "* Note #8.\n" + + "**** Note #9.\n" + + "** ANTIVIVISECTIONISTS Note #10.\n" + + "** Note #11. DIE PERSER (Ü: Andreas Röhler) Schauspiel 1 D 3 H Stand:\n" + + ""); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + sync(); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(allOf(withText("Notebooks"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_books_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(0).perform(longClick()); + onData(hasToString(containsString("Delete"))).perform(click()); + onView(withText("OK")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.item_book_card_view)).check(doesNotExist()); + + sync(); + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText("Notebooks")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_books_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onListItem(11).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Note #11. DIE PERSER (Ü: Andreas Röhler) Schauspiel 1 D 3 H Stand:")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testBackToModifiedBookAfterSyncing() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", + "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "** TODO Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** DONE Note #5.\n" + + "**** Note #6.\n" + + "** Note #7.\n" + + "* Note #8.\n" + + "**** Note #9.\n" + + "** ANTIVIVISECTIONISTS Note #10.\n" + + "** Note #11. DIE PERSER (Ü: Andreas Röhler) Schauspiel 1 D 3 H Stand:\n" + + ""); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + sync(); + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(allOf(withText("Notebooks"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + /* Make sure book has been uploaded to repo and is linked now. */ + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_link_url)).check(matches(allOf(withText("mock://repo-a/booky.org"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_synced_url)).check(matches(allOf(withText("mock://repo-a/booky.org"), isDisplayed()))); + + /* Modify remote book directly. */ + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/booky.org", "NEW CONTENT", "abc", 1234567890000L); + + sync(); + + /* Go back to book. */ + pressBack(); + onView(withText("NEW CONTENT")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void testBookParsingAfterKeywordsSettingChange() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", + "Sample book used for tests\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "** TODO Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** DONE Note #5.\n" + + "**** Note #6.\n" + + "** Note #7.\n" + + "* Note #8.\n" + + "**** Note #9.\n" + + "** ANTIVIVISECTIONISTS Note #10.\n" + + "** Note #11. DIE PERSER (Ü: Andreas Röhler) Schauspiel 1 D 3 H Stand:\n" + + ""); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + sync(); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + /* Open note "ANTIVIVISECTIONISTS Note #10." and check title. */ + onListItem(10).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("ANTIVIVISECTIONISTS Note #10."), isDisplayed()))); + + settingsSetTodoKeywords("ANTIVIVISECTIONISTS"); + + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(allOf(withText("Notebooks"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_books_container)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + /* Delete book */ + onListItem(0).perform(longClick()); + onData(hasToString(containsString("Delete"))).perform(click()); + onView(withText("OK")).perform(click()); + + sync(); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(click()); + + /* Open note "ANTIVIVISECTIONISTS Note #10." and check title. */ + onListItem(10).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).check(matches(allOf(withText("Note #10."), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testChangeBookLink() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/book-1.org", "Remote content for book in repo a", "abc", 1234567890); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-b"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-b", "mock://repo-b/book-1.org", "Remote content for book in repo b", "def", 1234567891); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + sync(); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_last_action)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText(containsString(BookSyncStatus.DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_ROOKS.msg())), isDisplayed()))); + + /* Set link to repo-b. */ + onView(allOf(withText("book-1"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText(R.string.books_context_menu_item_set_link)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.no_link)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); // Current value + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_spinner)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onSpinnerString("mock://repo-b").perform(click()); + onView(withText("Set")).perform(click()); + + onView(withText("mock://repo-b/book-1.org")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + sync(); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_last_action)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText(containsString(BookSyncStatus.DUMMY_WITH_LINK.msg())), isDisplayed()))); + + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Remote content for book in repo b")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + pressBack(); + + /* Set link to repo-a. */ + onView(allOf(withText("book-1"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText(R.string.books_context_menu_item_set_link)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("mock://repo-b")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); // Current value + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_spinner)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onSpinnerString("mock://repo-a").perform(click()); + onView(withText("Set")).perform(click()); + + onView(withText("mock://repo-a/book-1.org")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + + sync(); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_last_action)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText(containsString(BookSyncStatus.CONFLICT_LAST_SYNCED_ROOK_AND_LATEST_ROOK_ARE_DIFFERENT.msg())), isDisplayed()))); + + /* Still the same content due to conflict. */ + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Remote content for book in repo b")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + } + + @Test + public void test1() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-b"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-b", "mock://repo-b/book-2.org", "Remote content for book 2", "abc", 1234567890000L); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-b", "mock://repo-b/book-3.org", "Remote content for book 3", "def", 1234567891000L); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-1", "Local content for book 1"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-2", "Local content for book 2", "mock://repo-b"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + sync(); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_last_action)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText(containsString(BookSyncStatus.ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_REPOS.msg())), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_last_action)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText(containsString(BookSyncStatus.CONFLICT_BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_BUT_NEVER_SYNCED_BEFORE.msg())), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_last_action)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText(containsString(BookSyncStatus.DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_ROOK.msg())), isDisplayed()))); + + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Local content for book 1")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + pressBack(); + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Local content for book 2")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + pressBack(); + /* Whole notebook view is too big to fit on small devices' screen, so we get + * "at least 90 percent of the view's area is displayed to the user" + * when trying to click on it. Clicking on specific view inside (book name) instead. + */ + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_title)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Remote content for book 3")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + pressBack(); + + sync(); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_last_action)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText(containsString(BookSyncStatus.ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_REPOS.msg())), isDisplayed()))); + + onListItem(1).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_last_action)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText(containsString(BookSyncStatus.CONFLICT_BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_BUT_NEVER_SYNCED_BEFORE.msg())), isDisplayed()))); + + onListItem(2).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_last_action)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText(containsString(BookSyncStatus.NO_CHANGE.msg())), isDisplayed()))); + + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Local content for book 1")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + pressBack(); + onListItem(1).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Local content for book 2")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + pressBack(); + onListItem(2).perform(click()); + onView(withText("Remote content for book 3")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); + pressBack(); + } + + @Test + public void testEncodingAfterSyncSaving() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/book-one.org", "Täht", "1abcde", 1400067156000L); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + sync(); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_used)).check(matches((withText("UTF-8 used")))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_detected)).check(matches((withText("UTF-8 detected")))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_selected)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + + sync(); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_used)).check(matches((withText("UTF-8 used")))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_detected)).check(matches((withText("UTF-8 detected")))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_selected)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testSettingLinkToRenamedRepo() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/booky.org", "Täht", "1abcde", 1400067156000L); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + sync(); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_link_url)).check(matches(allOf(withText("mock://repo-a/booky.org"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_synced_url)).check(matches(allOf(withText("mock://repo-a/booky.org"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_used)).check(matches((withText("UTF-8 used")))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_detected)).check(matches((withText("UTF-8 detected")))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_selected)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + + /* Rename repository. */ + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_REPOS).perform(click()); + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repo_dropbox_directory)).perform(replaceText("repo-b")); + onActionItemClick(R.id.done, "Save"); + pressBack(); + pressBack(); + + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText("Notebooks")).perform(click()); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText(R.string.books_context_menu_item_set_link)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.no_link)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); // Current value + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_spinner)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onSpinnerString("dropbox:/repo-b").perform(click()); + onView(withText("Set")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_link_url)).check(matches(allOf(withText("dropbox:/repo-b/booky.org"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_synced_url)).check(matches(allOf(withText("mock://repo-a/booky.org"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_used)).check(matches((withText("UTF-8 used")))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_detected)).check(matches((withText("UTF-8 detected")))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_encoding_selected)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText(R.string.books_context_menu_item_set_link)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("dropbox:/repo-b")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); // Current value + } + + @Test + public void testRenamingReposRemovesLinksWhatUsedThem() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-b"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", ""); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText(R.string.books_context_menu_item_set_link)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.no_link)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); // Current value + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_spinner)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onSpinnerString("mock://repo-a").perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.set)).perform(click()); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText(R.string.books_context_menu_item_set_link)).perform(click()); + onView(withText("mock://repo-a")).check(matches(isDisplayed())); // Current value + + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_spinner)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onSpinnerString("mock://repo-a").perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.cancel)).perform(click()); + + /* Rename all repositories. */ + onActionItemClick(R.id.activity_action_settings, "Settings"); + onListItem(EspressoUtils.SETTINGS_REPOS).perform(click()); + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repo_dropbox_directory)).perform(replaceText("repo-1")); + onActionItemClick(R.id.done, "Save"); + onListItem(0).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_repo_dropbox_directory)).perform(replaceText("repo-2")); + onActionItemClick(R.id.done, "Save"); + pressBack(); + pressBack(); + + onView(withId(R.id.drawer_layout)).perform(open()); + onView(withText("Notebooks")).perform(click()); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText(R.string.books_context_menu_item_set_link)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.no_link)).check(matches(isDisplayed())); // Current value + } + + @Test + public void testRemovingLinkFromBook() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "", "mock://repo-a"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_link_url)).check(matches(allOf(withText("mock://repo-a/booky.org"), isDisplayed()))); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText(R.string.books_context_menu_item_set_link)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_spinner)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onSpinnerString(activityRule.getActivity().getString(R.string.no_link)).perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.set)).perform(click()); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_link_container)).check(matches(not(isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testSettingLinkForLoadedOrgTxtBook() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/booky.org.txt", "", "1abcdef", 1400067155); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + sync(); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_last_action)).check(matches(withText(containsString("Loaded from mock://repo-a/booky.org.txt")))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_link_url)).check(matches(allOf(withText("mock://repo-a/booky.org.txt"), isDisplayed()))); + + onView(allOf(withText("booky"), isDisplayed())).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText(R.string.books_context_menu_item_set_link)).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.dialog_spinner)).perform(click()); // Open spinner + onSpinnerString("mock://repo-a").perform(click()); + onView(withText(R.string.set)).perform(click()); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_link_url)).check(matches(allOf(withText("mock://repo-a/booky.org.txt"), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testSpaceSeparatedBookName() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/Book%20Name.org", "", "1abcdef", 1400067155); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + sync(); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_link_url)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText("mock://repo-a/Book Name.org"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_synced_url)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText("mock://repo-a/Book Name.org"), isDisplayed()))); + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_last_action)) + .check(matches(allOf(withText(endsWith("Loaded from mock://repo-a/Book Name.org")), isDisplayed()))); + } + + @Test + public void testRenameModifiedBook() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "* Note"); + activityRule.launchActivity(null); + + sync(); + + onListItem(0).perform(click()); // Open notebook + onListItem(1).perform(click()); // Open note + onView(withId(R.id.fragment_note_title)).perform(replaceText("New title")); + onView(withId(R.id.done)).perform(click()); + + pressBack(); // Back to the list of notebooks + + onListItem(0).perform(longClick()); + onView(withText("Rename")).perform(click()); + onView(withId(R.id.name)).perform(replaceText("book-two"), closeSoftKeyboard()); + onView(withText("Rename")).perform(click()); + + onListItem(0).onChildView(withId(R.id.item_book_last_action)) + .check(matches(withText(endsWith("Renaming failed: Notebook is not synced")))); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/BookNameTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/BookNameTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..571777722 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/BookNameTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.misc; + +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; + +import junit.framework.Assert; + +import org.junit.Test; +import org.junit.runner.RunWith; +import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; + +import java.util.Arrays; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; + +@RunWith(value = Parameterized.class) +public class BookNameTest { + + private String name; + private boolean isSupported; + + public BookNameTest(String name, boolean isSupported) { + this.name = name; + this.isSupported = isSupported; + } + + @Parameterized.Parameters(name= "{index}: Filename {0} supported: #{1}") + public static Iterable data() { + return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { + { "filename.org", true }, + { "filename.txt", false }, + { "filename.org.txt", true }, + { ".#filename.org", false }, + }); + } + + @Test + public void testIsSupportedFormatFileName() throws Exception { + assertEquals(BookName.isSupportedFormatFileName(name), isSupported); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/BookParsingTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/BookParsingTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0681ee3e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/BookParsingTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,476 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.misc; + +import android.util.Log; + +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; +import com.orgzly.android.LipsumBookGenerator; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; + +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.InputStream; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.fail; + +public class BookParsingTest extends OrgzlyTest { + private static final String TAG = BookParsingTest.class.getName(); + + private boolean runResourcesDemandingTest() { + if (true) return false; + + Log.d(TAG, "Deciding whether to run test for" + + " MODEL:" + android.os.Build.MODEL + + " FINGERPRINT:" + android.os.Build.FINGERPRINT + + " BRAND:" + android.os.Build.BRAND + + " DEVICE:" + android.os.Build.DEVICE + + " HARDWARE:" + android.os.Build.HARDWARE + ); + + switch (android.os.Build.MODEL) { + /* Do not run test for these. */ + case "Full Android on x86 Emulator": + case "Android SDK built for x86_64": + case "GT-I5500": + case "GT-I9300": + case "HTC One V": + return false; + } + + return true; + } + + @Test + public void testBookContent1() throws IOException { + onBook("Sample book used for tests\n\n\n* Note") + .onLoad() + .isContent("Sample book used for tests") + .isNoteTitle(1, "Note") + .isNoteLevel(1, 1) + .isWhenSaved("Sample book used for tests\n\n* Note\n"); + } + + @Test + public void testBookContentPrefixedWithSpaces() { + onBook(" Sample book used for tests\n\n\n* Note") + .onLoad() + .isContent(" Sample book used for tests") + .isNoteTitle(1, "Note") + .isNoteLevel(1, 1) + .isWhenSaved(" Sample book used for tests\n\n* Note\n"); + } + + @Test + public void testBookContent2() throws IOException { + onBook("\nSample book used for tests\n\n\n* Note") + .onLoad() + .isContent("Sample book used for tests") + .isNoteTitle(1, "Note") + .isNoteLevel(1, 1) + .isWhenSaved("Sample book used for tests\n\n* Note\n"); + } + + @Test + public void testSavingWithPriorities() throws IOException { + onBook("\nSample book used for tests\n\n\n* Note 1\n* [#B] Note 2\n* [#A] Note 3") + .onLoad() + .isContent("Sample book used for tests") + .isWhenSaved("Sample book used for tests\n\n* Note 1\n* [#B] Note 2\n* [#A] Note 3\n"); + } + + @Test + public void testNotIndented1() throws IOException { + onBook("* Note 1\nSCHEDULED: <2015-02-11 Wed +1d>").onLoad() + .isWhenSaved("* Note 1\nSCHEDULED: <2015-02-11 Wed +1d>\n\n"); + } + + @Test + public void testNotIndented2() throws IOException { + onBook("* Note 1\n:LOGBOOK:\n:END:").onLoad() + .isWhenSaved("* Note 1\n:LOGBOOK:\n:END:\n\n"); + } + + @Test + public void testIndented1() throws IOException { + onBook("* Note 1\n SCHEDULED: <2015-02-11 Wed +1d>").onLoad() + .isWhenSaved("* Note 1\n SCHEDULED: <2015-02-11 Wed +1d>\n\n"); + } + + @Test + public void testIndented2() throws IOException { + onBook("* Note 1\n :LOGBOOK:\n :END:").onLoad() + .isWhenSaved("* Note 1\n :LOGBOOK:\n :END:\n\n"); + } + + @Test + public void testEmptyProperties() throws IOException { + onBook("* Note 1\n :PROPERTIES:\n :END:").onLoad() + .isWhenSaved("* Note 1\n"); + + } + + @Test + public void testProperties() throws IOException { + onBook("* Note 1\n" + + " :PROPERTIES:\n" + + " :name: value\n" + + " :END:").onLoad() + .isWhenSaved("* Note 1\n" + + " :PROPERTIES:\n" + + " :name: value\n" + + " :END:\n\n"); + } + + @Test + public void testPropertiesMultiple() throws IOException { + onBook("* Note 1\n" + + " :PROPERTIES:\n" + + " :name2: value2\n" + + " :name1: value1\n" + + " :END:").onLoad() + .isWhenSaved("* Note 1\n" + + " :PROPERTIES:\n" + + " :name2: value2\n" + + " :name1: value1\n" + + " :END:\n\n"); + } + + @Test + public void testPropertiesEmpty() throws IOException { + onBook("* Note 1\n" + + " :PROPERTIES:\n" + + " :END:").onLoad() + .isWhenSaved("* Note 1\n"); + } + + @Test + public void testParsingClockTimesOutsideLogbook() { + onBook("* STARTED Test times\n" + + " CLOCK: [2016-10-27 Thu 18:40]--[2016-10-27 Thu 18:51] => 0:11\n" + + " CLOCK: [2016-10-27 Thu 18:10]--[2016-10-27 Thu 18:25] => 0:15\n" + + " CLOCK: [2016-10-27 Thu 17:50]--[2016-10-27 Thu 18:05] => 0:15\n") + .onLoad() + .isWhenSaved("* STARTED Test times\n" + + " CLOCK: [2016-10-27 Thu 18:40]--[2016-10-27 Thu 18:51] => 0:11\n" + + " CLOCK: [2016-10-27 Thu 18:10]--[2016-10-27 Thu 18:25] => 0:15\n" + + " CLOCK: [2016-10-27 Thu 17:50]--[2016-10-27 Thu 18:05] => 0:15\n\n"); + } + + /* + * Books in different languages, different sizes and formats ... + */ + + @Test + public void testLoadingTextDv() throws IOException { + onBookFile("html/dv.org").onLoad().onGet(); + } + + @Test + public void testLoadingTextZh() throws IOException { + onBookFile("html/zh.org").onLoad().onGet(); + } + + @Test + public void testLoadingHuge() throws IOException { + if (runResourcesDemandingTest()) { + onBookFile("org/org-issues.10x.org").onLoad(); + } + } + + /* + * Files generated using http://generator.lorem-ipsum.info/ ... + */ + + @Test + public void testLoadingArabicLipsum() throws IOException { + onBookFile("lipsum/Arabic-Lipsum.org").onLoad().onGet(); + } + + @Test + public void testLoadingChineseLipsum() throws IOException { + onBookFile("lipsum/Chinese-Lipsum.org").onLoad().onGet(); + } + + @Test + public void testLoadingGreekLipsum() throws IOException { + onBookFile("lipsum/Greek-Lipsum.org").onLoad().onGet(); + } + + @Test + public void testLoadingHebrewLipsum() throws IOException { + onBookFile("lipsum/Hebrew-Lipsum.org").onLoad().onGet(); + } + + @Test + public void testLoadingHindiLipsum() throws IOException { + onBookFile("lipsum/Hindi-Lipsum.org").onLoad().onGet(); + } + + @Test + public void testLoadingJapaneseLipsum() throws IOException { + onBookFile("lipsum/Japanese-Lipsum.org").onLoad().onGet(); + } + + @Test + public void testLoadingL33TspeakLipsum() throws IOException { + onBookFile("lipsum/L33tspeak-Lipsum.org").onLoad().onGet(); + } + + @Test + public void testLoadingRussianLipsum() throws IOException { + onBookFile("lipsum/Russian-Lipsum.org").onLoad().onGet(); + } + + /* + * Loading images as books ... + */ + + @Test + public void testLoadingLargerJpg() { + if (runResourcesDemandingTest()) { + onBookFile("images/IMG_2932.org").onLoadFailed(); + } + } + + @Test + public void testLoadingSmallPng() { + onBookFile("images/logo11w.org").onLoad(); + } + + @Test + public void testLion() { + if (runResourcesDemandingTest()) { + onBookFile("images/lion-wide.org").onLoad(); + } + } + + /* + * Generated lipsum ... + */ + + @Test + public void testLoadingLatinLipsumHugeBookContentWithTitleTitleAndNoteContent() { + if (runResourcesDemandingTest()) { + String data = LipsumBookGenerator.generateOrgString(1000000, new int[]{1000000, 1000000}); + onBook(data).onLoadFailed(); + } + } + + @Test + public void testLoadingLatinLipsumHugeNoteTitle() { + if (runResourcesDemandingTest()) { + String data = LipsumBookGenerator.generateOrgString(0, new int[]{2000000, 0}); + onBook(data).onLoadFailed(); + } + } + + @Test + public void testLoadingLatinLipsumLargeNoteTitles() { + if (runResourcesDemandingTest()) { + String data = LipsumBookGenerator.generateOrgString(0, new int[]{1000000, 0, 1500000, 1}); + onBook(data).onLoad(); + } + } + + @Test + public void testLoadingLatinLipsumHugeNoteTitleWithContent() { + if (runResourcesDemandingTest()) { + String data = LipsumBookGenerator.generateOrgString(0, new int[]{1000000, 1000000}); + onBook(data).onLoadFailed(); + } + } + + @Test + public void testBookContentTooBig() { + if (runResourcesDemandingTest()) { + String data = LipsumBookGenerator.generateOrgString(2000000, null); + onBook(data).onLoadFailed(); + } + } + + public TestedBook onBookFile(String resourceName) { + return new TestedBook(new TestedBookSourceFromResource(resourceName)); + } + + public TestedBook onBook(String content) { + return new TestedBook(new TestedBookSourceFromContent(content)); + } + + class TestedBook { + private final TestedBookSource bookSource; + + private Book book; + + public TestedBook(TestedBookSource bookSource) { + this.bookSource = bookSource; + } + + public TestedBook onLoad() { + shelf.clearDatabase(); + + File tmpFile = bookSource.getTmpFile(); + try { + /* Load from file. */ + shelf.loadBookFromFile("Notebook", BookName.Format.ORG, tmpFile); + + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + fail(e.toString()); + + } finally { + tmpFile.delete(); + } + + book = shelf.getBooks().get(0); + + return this; + } + + public TestedBook onGet() { + try { + book = shelf.getBooks().get(0); + + } catch (Exception e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + fail(e.toString()); + } + + return this; + } + + public TestedBook onGetFailed() { + try { + book = shelf.getBooks().get(0); + fail("Book should fail to load"); + + } catch (Exception e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + } + + return this; + } + + public TestedBook onLoadFailed() { + shelf.clearDatabase(); + + File tmpFile = bookSource.getTmpFile(); + try { + /* Load from file. */ + shelf.loadBookFromFile("Notebook", BookName.Format.ORG, tmpFile); + fail("Book should fail to load"); + + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + + } finally { + tmpFile.delete(); + } + + return this; + } + + public TestedBook isContent(String str) { + if (book == null) fail("Notebook not loaded. Call onLoad()."); + + Book book = shelf.getBooks().get(0); + assertEquals("Content", str, book.getPreface()); + return this; + } + + public TestedBook isNoteTitle(int note, String str) { + if (book == null) fail("Notebook not loaded. Call onLoad()"); + + assertEquals("Title", str, shelf.getNote(note).getHead().getTitle()); + return this; + } + + public TestedBook isNoteLevel(int note, int level) { + if (book == null) fail("Notebook not loaded. Call onLoad()"); + + assertEquals("Note level", level, shelf.getNote(note).getPosition().getLevel()); + return this; + } + + public TestedBook isWhenSaved(String expacted) { + if (book == null) fail("Notebook not loaded. Call onLoad()"); + + try { + /* Write from db -> temp file. */ + File file = shelf.getTempBookFile(); + try { + shelf.writeBookToFile(book, BookName.Format.ORG, file); + assertEquals("Notebook", expacted, MiscUtils.readStringFromFile(file)); + } finally { + file.delete(); + } + + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + fail(e.toString()); + } + + return this; + } + } + + private interface TestedBookSource { + File getTmpFile(); + } + + private class TestedBookSourceFromContent implements TestedBookSource { + private String content; + + public TestedBookSourceFromContent(String content) { + this.content = content; + } + + @Override + public File getTmpFile() { + File file = null; + + try { + file = shelf.getTempBookFile(); + MiscUtils.writeStringToFile(content, file); + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + fail(e.toString()); + } + + return file; + } + } + + private class TestedBookSourceFromResource implements TestedBookSource { + private String resourceName; + + public TestedBookSourceFromResource(String resourceName) { + this.resourceName = resourceName; + } + + @Override + public File getTmpFile() { + InputStream stream = BookParsingTest.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("assets/" + resourceName); + + if (stream == null) { + fail("Resource " + resourceName + " not found inside assets/"); + } + + File file = null; + + try { + file = shelf.getTempBookFile(); + MiscUtils.writeStreamToFile(stream, file); + stream.close(); + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + fail(e.toString()); + } + + return file; + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/ProviderTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/ProviderTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..35d472530 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/ProviderTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,194 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.misc; + +import android.database.Cursor; + +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; +import com.orgzly.android.Note; +import com.orgzly.android.NotePosition; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.NotesClient; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.VersionedRook; + +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.io.IOException; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; + +public class ProviderTest extends OrgzlyTest { + /** + * Used in {@link com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.BooksFragment} to get all available local books. + */ + @Test + public void testQueryBooks() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-1", "* Note 1"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-2", "* Note 1\n** Note 2"); + + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), null, null, null, null); + + assertEquals(2, cursor.getCount()); + + cursor.close(); + } + + /** + * Used in {@link com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.BookFragment} to get specific book. + */ + @Test + public void testQueryBook() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-1", "* Note 1\n** Note 2"); + + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.booksId(1), null, null, null, null); + + assertEquals(1, cursor.getCount()); + + cursor.close(); + } + + /** + * Used in {@link com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.BookFragment} to get notes for specific book. + */ + @Test + public void testNotesForBook() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-1", "* Note 1\n** Note 2"); + + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.booksIdNotes(1), null, null, null, null); + + assertEquals(2, cursor.getCount()); + + cursor.close(); + } + + /** + * Saving book to repo. + */ + @Test + public void testSaveBook() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-1", "* Note 1\n** Note 2"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo"); + + long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); + + Book savedBook = shelf.saveBookToRepo("mock://repo", "book-1.org", shelf.getBook(1), BookName.Format.ORG); + VersionedRook vrook = savedBook.getLastSyncedToRook(); + + assertEquals("book-1", BookName.getInstance(context, vrook).getName()); + assertEquals("mock://repo", vrook.getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo/book-1.org", vrook.getUri().toString()); + assertTrue(vrook.getMtime() >= now); + + Book book = shelf.getBook(1); + vrook = book.getLastSyncedToRook(); + + assertEquals("book-1", BookName.getInstance(context, vrook).getName()); + assertEquals("mock://repo", vrook.getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo/book-1.org", vrook.getUri().toString()); + assertTrue(vrook.getMtime() >= now); + } + + @Test + public void testLinkingBook() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-1", "Local content for book 1"); + shelfTestUtils.setBookLink(1, "mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/book-1.org"); + + Book book = shelf.getBook(1); + + assertNotNull(book.getLink()); + assertNull(book.getLastSyncedToRook()); + } + +// @Test +// public void testPositionOfFirstAndLastNote() throws IOException { +// setup.setupBook("book-name", ""); +// Book book = shelf.getBook(1); +// +// for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { +// NotesHelper.insert(testContext, new Note(new OrgHead(1), book.getId()), null); +// } +// +// assertEquals("Number of inserted notes should be 10", 10, NotesHelper.getCount(testContext, book.getId())); +// +// Note firstNote = NotesHelper.getNote(testContext, 1); +// Note lastNote = NotesHelper.getNote(testContext, 10); +// +// assertEquals("Position of first note should be 1", 1, firstNote.getPosition()); +// assertEquals("Position of last note should be 10", 10, lastNote.getPosition()); +// } +// +// public void testNoBooksFromScratch1() { +// assertEquals("There should be no books", 0, shelf.getBooks().size()); +// } + + @Test + public void testNoBooksFromScratch2() { + assertEquals("There should be no books", 0, shelf.getBooks().size()); + } + + @Test + public void testCreatingFirstEmptyBook() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", ""); + Book book = shelf.getBook(1); + + assertEquals("There should be one book", 1, shelf.getBooks().size()); + assertEquals("Book should have id 1", 1, book.getId()); + assertEquals("Book should not contain any notes", 0, NotesClient.getCount(context, book.getId())); + } + + @Test + public void testCreatingNotes() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "* Note"); + + NotePosition root, note1, note2; + + note1 = NotesClient.getNote(context, 1).getPosition(); + root = NotesClient.getNote(context, 2).getPosition(); + + assertEquals(1, NotesClient.getCount(context, book.getId())); + assertNotNull(root); + + assertEquals(1, root.getLft()); + assertEquals(6, note1.getLft()); + assertEquals(11, note1.getRgt()); + assertEquals(16, root.getRgt()); + + Note note = new Note(); + note.getPosition().setBookId(book.getId()); + NotesClient.create(context, note, null); + + note1 = NotesClient.getNote(context, 1).getPosition(); + root = NotesClient.getNote(context, 2).getPosition(); + note2 = NotesClient.getNote(context, 3).getPosition(); + + assertEquals(2, NotesClient.getCount(context, book.getId())); + assertNotNull(note2); + + assertTrue(root.getLft() < note1.getLft()); + assertTrue(note1.getLft() < note1.getRgt()); + assertTrue(note1.getRgt() < note2.getLft()); + assertTrue(note2.getLft() < note2.getRgt()); + assertTrue(note2.getRgt() < root.getRgt()); + } + + @Test + public void testGetFirstNoteIdForBook() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "* Note 1\n* Note 2\n* Note 3"); + Book book = shelf.getBook(1); + + assertEquals(1, NotesClient.getFirstNoteId(context, book.getId())); + + /* Delete the first note. */ + NotesClient.delete(context, new long[]{1L}); + + assertEquals(2, NotesClient.getFirstNoteId(context, book.getId())); + + /* Delete all other notes. */ + NotesClient.delete(context, new long[]{2L, 3L}); + + assertEquals(0, NotesClient.getFirstNoteId(context, book.getId())); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/SearchQueryTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/SearchQueryTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ab75c42e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/SearchQueryTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,310 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.misc; + +import com.orgzly.android.SearchQuery; +import com.orgzly.android.util.QuotedStringTokenizer; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgInterval; + +import org.junit.Test; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; + +public class SearchQueryTest { + @Test + public void test1() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("search string"); + + assertEquals(2, query.getTextSearch().size()); + assertTrue(query.getTextSearch().contains("search")); + assertTrue(query.getTextSearch().contains("string")); + } + + @Test + public void test2() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("b.name"); + + assertEquals("name", query.getBookName()); + } + + @Test + public void test4() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("s.today any b.name1 t.tag .tag2. i.todo tn.notetag string b.\"name 2\""); + + assertEquals("b.\"name 2\" i.todo tn.notetag t.tag s.today any .tag2. string", query.toString()); + + /* Free text. */ + assertTrue(query.hasTextSearch()); + assertEquals(3, query.getTextSearch().size()); + assertTrue(query.getTextSearch().contains("any")); + assertTrue(query.getTextSearch().contains("string")); + assertTrue(query.getTextSearch().contains(".tag2.")); + + /* Book. */ + assertEquals("name 2", query.getBookName()); + + /* State. */ + assertEquals("TODO", query.getState()); + + /* Note tags. */ + assertEquals(1, query.getNoteTags().size()); + assertTrue(query.getNoteTags().contains("notetag")); + + /* Tags. */ + assertEquals(1, query.getTags().size()); + assertTrue(query.getTags().contains("tag")); + + /* Scheduled time. */ + assertTrue(query.hasScheduled()); + assertEquals(0, query.getScheduled().getValue()); + assertEquals(OrgInterval.Unit.DAY, query.getScheduled().getUnit()); + } + + @Test + public void test5() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("s.2w b.n1 t.tag .tag2. i.todo b.n2"); + + assertEquals("b.n2 i.todo t.tag s.2w .tag2.", query.toString()); + + /* Free text. */ + assertTrue(query.hasTextSearch()); + assertEquals(1, query.getTextSearch().size()); + assertTrue(query.getTextSearch().contains(".tag2.")); + + /* Book. */ + assertEquals("n2", query.getBookName()); + + /* State. */ + assertEquals("TODO", query.getState()); + + /* Tags. */ + assertEquals(1, query.getTags().size()); + assertTrue(query.getTags().contains("tag")); + + /* Scheduled time. */ + assertTrue(query.hasScheduled()); + assertEquals(2, query.getScheduled().getValue()); + assertEquals(OrgInterval.Unit.WEEK, query.getScheduled().getUnit()); + } + + @Test + public void testBookName1() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("b.\"Org Manual\""); + + assertEquals("b.\"Org Manual\"", query.toString()); + + /* Free text. */ + assertFalse(query.hasTextSearch()); + + /* Book. */ + assertEquals("Org Manual", query.getBookName()); + } + + @Test + public void testBookName2() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery(); + query.setBookName("Book \"Quote\" Book"); + // Book "Quote" Book + + assertEquals("b.\"Book \\\"Quote\\\" Book\"", query.toString()); + // b."Book \"Quote\" Book" + + /* Free text. */ + assertFalse(query.hasTextSearch()); + + /* Book. */ + assertEquals("Book \"Quote\" Book", query.getBookName()); + } + + @Test + public void testBookName3() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery(); + query.setBookName("Book \\\"Quote\" Book"); + // Book \"Quote" Book + + assertEquals("b.\"Book \\\\\\\"Quote\\\" Book\"", query.toString()); + // b."Book \\\"Quote\" Book" + + /* Free text. */ + assertFalse(query.hasTextSearch()); + + /* Book. */ + assertEquals("Book \\\"Quote\" Book", query.getBookName()); + } + + @Test + public void testBookName4() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery(); + query.setBookName("Book Book"); + + assertEquals("b.\"Book Book\"", query.toString()); + + /* Free text. */ + assertFalse(query.hasTextSearch()); + + /* Book. */ + assertEquals("Book Book", query.getBookName()); + } + + @Test + public void testBookName5() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery(); + query.setBookName("Book\"Book"); + // Book"Book + + assertEquals("b.\"Book\\\"Book\"", query.toString()); + // b."Book\"Book" + + /* Free text. */ + assertFalse(query.hasTextSearch()); + + /* Book. */ + assertEquals("Book\"Book", query.getBookName()); + } + + @Test + public void testNotBookName() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("t.tag1 .b.\"Book Name\" t.tag2 .b.bookname"); + + assertTrue(query.hasNotBookName()); + assertEquals(2, query.getNotBookName().size()); + assertTrue(query.getNotBookName().contains("bookname")); + assertTrue(query.getNotBookName().contains("Book Name")); + + assertEquals(".b.\"Book Name\" .b.bookname t.tag1 t.tag2", query.toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testTokenizer() { + assertTokens("i.done b.Word .t.tag", + new String[]{"i.done", "b.Word", ".t.tag"}); + + assertTokens("i.done b.\"Some Words\" .t.tag", + new String[]{"i.done", "b.\"Some Words\"", ".t.tag"}); + + assertTokens("i.done b.\"Some Words\" .t.tag", + new String[]{"i.done", "b.\"Some Words\"", ".t.tag"}); + + assertTokens("i.done b.\"Some \\\"Quoted\\\" Words\" .t.tag", + new String[]{"i.done", "b.\"Some \\\"Quoted\\\" Words\"", ".t.tag"}); + + assertTokens("i.done b.\\Some\\Quoted\\Words t.\"tag\"", + new String[] {"i.done", "b.\\Some\\Quoted\\Words", "t.\"tag\""}); + + assertTokens("( i.done OR b.\"Some \\\"Quoted\\\" Words\" ) AND .t.tag", + new String[] {"(", "i.done", "OR", "b.\"Some \\\"Quoted\\\" Words\"", ")", "AND", ".t.tag"}); + } + + private void assertTokens(String str, String[] expectedTokens) { + QuotedStringTokenizer tokenizer = new QuotedStringTokenizer(str, " ", false, true); + + int i = 0; + while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { + assertEquals(expectedTokens[i++], tokenizer.nextToken()); + } + + assertEquals(expectedTokens.length, i); + } + + @Test + public void testEmptyQueryString() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery(""); + + assertEquals("", query.toString()); + assertFalse(query.hasTextSearch()); + assertFalse(query.hasBookName()); + assertFalse(query.hasTags()); + assertFalse(query.hasNotState()); + assertFalse(query.hasState()); + assertFalse(query.hasScheduled()); + } + + @Test + public void testPriority() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("p.A"); + assertEquals("a", query.getPriority()); + } + + @Test + public void testScheduledTomorrow() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("s.tom"); + + assertEquals("s.tomorrow", query.toString()); + + assertTrue(query.hasScheduled()); + assertEquals(1, query.getScheduled().getValue()); + assertEquals(OrgInterval.Unit.DAY, query.getScheduled().getUnit()); + } + + @Test + public void testScheduledDays() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("s.5d"); + + assertEquals("s.5d", query.toString()); + + assertTrue(query.hasScheduled()); + assertEquals(5, query.getScheduled().getValue()); + assertEquals(OrgInterval.Unit.DAY, query.getScheduled().getUnit()); + } + + @Test + public void testDeadline() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("s.1w d.2d"); + + assertEquals("s.1w d.2d", query.toString()); + + assertTrue(query.hasDeadline()); + assertEquals(2, query.getDeadline().getValue()); + assertEquals(OrgInterval.Unit.DAY, query.getDeadline().getUnit()); + } + + @Test + public void testScheduledInvalid() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("s.5z"); + assertEquals("", query.toString()); + assertFalse(query.hasScheduled()); + } + + @Test + public void testMultipleNotState() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery(".i.done .i.cancel i.today"); + assertEquals("i.today .i.cancel .i.done", query.toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testSortOrderScheduled() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("note o.scheduled"); + + assertEquals(1, query.getSortOrder().size()); + + SearchQuery.SortOrder sortOrder = query.getSortOrder().get(0); + assertEquals(SearchQuery.SortOrder.Type.SCHEDULED, sortOrder.getType()); + assertTrue(sortOrder.isAscending()); + + assertEquals("note o.scheduled", query.toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testSortOrderScheduledDesc() { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery("note .o.scheduled"); + + assertEquals(1, query.getSortOrder().size()); + + SearchQuery.SortOrder sortOrder = query.getSortOrder().get(0); + assertEquals(SearchQuery.SortOrder.Type.SCHEDULED, sortOrder.getType()); + assertTrue(sortOrder.isDescending()); + + assertEquals("note .o.scheduled", query.toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testDotAsBookName() { + assertNotNull(new SearchQuery("b..")); + } + + @Test + public void testSingleQuoteInBookName() { + assertEquals("Book'Name", new SearchQuery("b.Book'Name").getBookName()); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/SettingsTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/SettingsTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8892f4f97 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/SettingsTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.misc; + +import com.orgzly.android.Note; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; + +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.io.IOException; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull; + +/** + * + */ +public class SettingsTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Test + public void testStateChangeAndNotesReparse() throws IOException { + Note note; + + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "* TODO [#A] Title"); + + AppPreferences.states(context, "TODO|DONE"); + shelf.reParseNotesStateAndTitles(null); + + note = shelf.getNote(1); + assertEquals("TODO", note.getHead().getState()); + assertEquals("A", note.getHead().getPriority()); + assertEquals("Title", note.getHead().getTitle()); + + AppPreferences.states(context, ""); + shelf.reParseNotesStateAndTitles(null); + + note = shelf.getNote(1); + assertNull(note.getHead().getState()); + assertNull(note.getHead().getPriority()); + assertEquals("TODO [#A] Title", note.getHead().getTitle()); + + AppPreferences.states(context, "TODO|DONE"); + shelf.reParseNotesStateAndTitles(null); + + note = shelf.getNote(1); + assertEquals("TODO", note.getHead().getState()); + assertEquals("A", note.getHead().getPriority()); + assertEquals("Title", note.getHead().getTitle()); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/StructureTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/StructureTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2050f32eb --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/StructureTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,923 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.misc; + +import android.database.Cursor; + +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; +import com.orgzly.android.Note; +import com.orgzly.android.NotePosition; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.NotesClient; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.NotePlacement; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Placement; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgHead; + +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.HashSet; +import java.util.Set; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotSame; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; + +public class StructureTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Test + public void testNewNote() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n"); + + Note newNote = new Note(); + newNote.getPosition().setBookId(book.getId()); + newNote.getHead().setTitle("Note 2"); + + shelf.createNote(newNote, null); + + assertEquals("description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "* Note 2\n" + , + shelf.getBookContent("notebook", BookName.Format.ORG)); + + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("").getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 2").getPosition().getParentId()); + + } + + @Test + public void testBookSetupTitles() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "** Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** Note #5.\n" + + "**** Note #6.\n" + + "** Note #7.\n" + + "* Note #8.\n" + + "**** Note #9.\n" + + "** Note #10.\n" + + ""); + + assertEquals("Note #1.", NotesClient.getNote(context, 1).getHead().getTitle()); + assertEquals("Note #2.", NotesClient.getNote(context, 7).getHead().getTitle()); + assertEquals("Note #3.", NotesClient.getNote(context, 2).getHead().getTitle()); + assertEquals("Note #4.", NotesClient.getNote(context, 5).getHead().getTitle()); + assertEquals("Note #5.", NotesClient.getNote(context, 4).getHead().getTitle()); + assertEquals("Note #6.", NotesClient.getNote(context, 3).getHead().getTitle()); + assertEquals("Note #7.", NotesClient.getNote(context, 6).getHead().getTitle()); + assertEquals("Note #8.", NotesClient.getNote(context, 10).getHead().getTitle()); + assertEquals("Note #9.", NotesClient.getNote(context, 8).getHead().getTitle()); + assertEquals("Note #10.", NotesClient.getNote(context, 9).getHead().getTitle()); + } + + @Test + public void testBookSetupLevels() { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "** Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** Note #5.\n" + + "**** Note #6.\n" + + "** Note #7.\n" + + "* Note #8.\n" + + "**** Note #9.\n" + + "** Note #10.\n" + + ""); + + assertEquals(0, NotesClient.getNote(context, 11).getPosition().getLevel()); + assertEquals(1, NotesClient.getNote(context, 1).getPosition().getLevel()); + assertEquals(1, NotesClient.getNote(context, 7).getPosition().getLevel()); + assertEquals(2, NotesClient.getNote(context, 2).getPosition().getLevel()); + assertEquals(2, NotesClient.getNote(context, 5).getPosition().getLevel()); + assertEquals(3, NotesClient.getNote(context, 4).getPosition().getLevel()); + assertEquals(4, NotesClient.getNote(context, 3).getPosition().getLevel()); + assertEquals(2, NotesClient.getNote(context, 6).getPosition().getLevel()); + assertEquals(1, NotesClient.getNote(context, 10).getPosition().getLevel()); + assertEquals(4, NotesClient.getNote(context, 8).getPosition().getLevel()); + assertEquals(2, NotesClient.getNote(context, 9).getPosition().getLevel()); + } + + @Test + public void testCut() { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "* Note #1.\n" + + "* Note #2.\n" + + "** Note #3.\n" + + "** Note #4.\n" + + "*** Note #5.\n" + + "**** Note #6.\n" + + "** Note #7.\n" + + "* Note #8.\n" + + "**** Note #9.\n" + + "** Note #10.\n" + + ""); + + Set ids = new HashSet<>(); + ids.add(1L); + ids.add(2L); + + shelf.cut(book.getId(), ids); + + assertEquals("There should be less notes in the book", 8, NotesClient.getCount(context, book.getId())); + + Cursor cursor = NotesClient.getCursorForBook(context, book.getName()); + try { + Note note; + OrgHead head; + + cursor.moveToFirst(); + note = NotesClient.fromCursor(cursor); + head = note.getHead(); + assertEquals("Title for book should match", "Note #2.", head.getTitle()); + assertEquals("Level for book should match", 1, note.getPosition().getLevel()); + + cursor.moveToNext(); + note = NotesClient.fromCursor(cursor); + head = note.getHead(); + assertEquals("Title for book should match", "Note #4.", head.getTitle()); + assertEquals("Level for book should match", 2, note.getPosition().getLevel()); + + cursor.moveToNext(); + note = NotesClient.fromCursor(cursor); + head = note.getHead(); + assertEquals("Title for book should match", "Note #5.", head.getTitle()); + assertEquals("Level for book should match", 3, note.getPosition().getLevel()); + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + @Test + public void testPasteToDifferentBook() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook-1", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.1\n"); + + Book book2 = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook-2", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note A\n" + + "** Note A.A\n" + + "*** Note A.A.A\n"); + + shelf.cut(book2.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note A.A").getId()); + + Note n = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1"); + shelf.paste(n.getPosition().getBookId(), n.getId(), Placement.UNDER); + + assertEquals("description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.1\n" + + "**** Note A.A\n" + + "***** Note A.A.A\n", + shelf.getBookContent("notebook-1", BookName.Format.ORG)); + + assertEquals("description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note A\n", + shelf.getBookContent("notebook-2", BookName.Format.ORG)); + } + + @Test + public void testPasteUnder() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.1\n" + + "** Note 1.2\n" + + "*** Note 1.2.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.2.2\n" + + "* Note 2\n"); + + /* Cut & paste 1.1 under 1.2. */ + shelf.cut(book.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getId()); + Note n = shelf.getNote("Note 1.2"); + shelf.paste(n.getPosition().getBookId(), n.getId(), Placement.UNDER); + + assertEquals("description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.2\n" + + "*** Note 1.2.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.2.2\n" + + "*** Note 1.1\n" + + "**** Note 1.1.1\n" + + "* Note 2\n", + shelf.getBookContent("notebook", BookName.Format.ORG)); + + NotePosition n1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n12 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.2").getPosition(); + NotePosition n121 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.2.1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n122 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.2.2").getPosition(); + NotePosition n11 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n111 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n2 = shelf.getNote("Note 2").getPosition(); + + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("Note 1.2").getId(), n11.getParentId()); + + assertEquals(1, n1.getLevel()); + assertEquals(2, n12.getLevel()); + assertEquals(3, n121.getLevel()); + assertEquals(3, n122.getLevel()); + assertEquals(3, n11.getLevel()); + assertEquals(4, n111.getLevel()); + assertEquals(1, n2.getLevel()); + + assertTrue(n1.getLft() < n12.getLft()); + assertTrue(n12.getLft() < n121.getLft()); + assertTrue(n121.getLft() < n121.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n121.getRgt() < n122.getLft()); + assertTrue(n122.getLft() < n122.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n122.getRgt() < n11.getLft()); + assertTrue(n11.getLft() < n111.getLft()); + assertTrue(n111.getLft() < n111.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n111.getRgt() < n11.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n11.getRgt() < n12.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n12.getRgt() < n1.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n1.getRgt() < n2.getLft()); + assertTrue(n2.getLft() < n2.getRgt()); + + assertEquals(5, n1.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(4, n12.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n121.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n122.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(1, n11.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n111.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n2.getDescendantsCount()); + } + + @Test + public void testPasteUnderFolded() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.2\n" + + "** Note 1.2\n" + + "* Note 2\n"); + + /* Cut & paste 2 under folded 1.1. */ + shelf.cut(book.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 2").getId()); + shelf.toggleFoldedState(shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getId()); + Note n = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1"); + shelf.paste(n.getPosition().getBookId(), n.getId(), Placement.UNDER); + + assertEquals("description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.2\n" + + "*** Note 2\n" + + "** Note 1.2\n" + , + shelf.getBookContent("notebook", BookName.Format.ORG)); + + + NotePosition n1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n11 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n111 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n112 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.2").getPosition(); + NotePosition n2 = shelf.getNote("Note 2").getPosition(); + NotePosition n12 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.2").getPosition(); + + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getId(), n2.getParentId()); + + assertEquals(1, n1.getLevel()); + assertEquals(2, n11.getLevel()); + assertEquals(3, n111.getLevel()); + assertEquals(3, n112.getLevel()); + assertEquals(3, n2.getLevel()); + assertEquals(2, n12.getLevel()); + + assertTrue(n1.getLft() < n11.getLft()); + assertTrue(n11.getLft() < n111.getLft()); + assertTrue(n111.getLft() < n111.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n111.getLft() < n111.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n111.getRgt() < n112.getLft()); + assertTrue(n112.getLft() < n112.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n112.getRgt() < n2.getLft()); + assertTrue(n2.getLft() < n2.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n2.getRgt() < n11.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n11.getRgt() < n12.getLft()); + assertTrue(n12.getLft() < n12.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n12.getRgt() < n1.getRgt()); + + assertEquals(5, n1.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(3, n11.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n111.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n112.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n2.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n12.getDescendantsCount()); + + assertEquals(0, n1.getFoldedUnderId()); + assertEquals(0, n11.getFoldedUnderId()); + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getId(), n111.getFoldedUnderId()); + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getId(), n112.getFoldedUnderId()); + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getId(), n2.getFoldedUnderId()); + assertEquals(0, n12.getFoldedUnderId()); + } + + @Test + public void testCutNoteUnderFoldedThenPaste() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.1\n"); + + /* Cut & paste hidden 1.1.1 */ + shelf.toggleFoldedState(shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getId()); + shelf.cut(book.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1").getId()); + Note n = shelf.getNote("Note 1"); + shelf.paste(n.getPosition().getBookId(), n.getId(), Placement.UNDER); + + assertEquals("description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "** Note 1.1.1\n" + , + shelf.getBookContent("notebook", BookName.Format.ORG)); + + NotePosition n1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n11 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n111 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1").getPosition(); + + assertEquals(0, n1.getFoldedUnderId()); + assertEquals(0, n11.getFoldedUnderId()); + assertEquals(0, n111.getFoldedUnderId()); + } + + @Test + public void testPromote() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "* Note 2\n"); + + Note note = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1"); + + /* TODO: Assert 0 if trying to promote level 1 note. */ + assertEquals(1, shelf.promoteNotes(book.getId(), note.getId())); + + assertEquals("description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "* Note 1.1\n" + + "* Note 2\n", + shelf.getBookContent("notebook", BookName.Format.ORG)); + + NotePosition n1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n11 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n2 = shelf.getNote("Note 2").getPosition(); + + assertEquals(0, n1.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n11.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n2.getDescendantsCount()); + + assertEquals(1, n1.getLevel()); + assertEquals(1, n11.getLevel()); + assertEquals(1, n2.getLevel()); + + assertTrue(n1.getLft() < n1.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n1.getRgt() < n11.getLft()); + assertTrue(n11.getLft() < n11.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n11.getRgt() < n2.getLft()); + assertTrue(n2.getLft() < n2.getRgt()); + } + + @Test + public void testPromote2() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.1\n" + + "** Note 1.2\n" + + "* Note 2\n"); + + Note note = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1"); + + /* Promote 1.1.1 twice. */ + assertEquals(1, shelf.promoteNotes(book.getId(), note.getId())); + assertEquals(1, shelf.promoteNotes(book.getId(), note.getId())); + + assertEquals("description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "** Note 1.2\n" + + "* Note 1.1.1\n" + + "* Note 2\n", + shelf.getBookContent("notebook", BookName.Format.ORG)); + + NotePosition n1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n11 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n12 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.2").getPosition(); + NotePosition n111 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n2 = shelf.getNote("Note 2").getPosition(); + + assertEquals(2, n1.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n11.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n12.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n111.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n2.getDescendantsCount()); + + assertEquals(1, n1.getLevel()); + assertEquals(2, n11.getLevel()); + assertEquals(2, n12.getLevel()); + assertEquals(1, n111.getLevel()); + assertEquals(1, n2.getLevel()); + + assertTrue(n1.getLft() < n11.getLft()); + assertTrue(n11.getLft() < n11.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n11.getRgt() < n12.getLft()); + assertTrue(n12.getLft() < n12.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n12.getRgt() < n1.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n1.getRgt() < n111.getLft()); + assertTrue(n111.getLft() < n111.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n111.getRgt() < n2.getLft()); + assertTrue(n2.getLft() < n2.getRgt()); + } + + @Test + public void testPromoteFolded() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.1\n" + + "** Note 1.2\n" + + "* Note 2\n"); + + Note note = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1"); + + /* Promote folded 1.1 */ + shelf.toggleFoldedState(note.getId()); + assertEquals(1, shelf.promoteNotes(book.getId(), note.getId())); + + assertEquals("description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.2\n" + + "* Note 1.1\n" + + "** Note 1.1.1\n" + + "* Note 2\n", + shelf.getBookContent("notebook", BookName.Format.ORG)); + + NotePosition n1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n12 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.2").getPosition(); + NotePosition n11 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n111 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n2 = shelf.getNote("Note 2").getPosition(); + + assertEquals(1, n1.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n12.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(1, n11.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n111.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n2.getDescendantsCount()); + + assertEquals(1, n1.getLevel()); + assertEquals(2, n12.getLevel()); + assertEquals(1, n11.getLevel()); + assertEquals(2, n111.getLevel()); + assertEquals(1, n2.getLevel()); + + assertEquals(0, n1.getFoldedUnderId()); + assertEquals(0, n12.getFoldedUnderId()); + assertEquals(0, n11.getFoldedUnderId()); + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getId(), n111.getFoldedUnderId()); + assertEquals(0, n2.getFoldedUnderId()); + + assertFalse(n1.isFolded()); + assertFalse(n12.isFolded()); + assertTrue(n11.isFolded()); + assertFalse(n111.isFolded()); + assertFalse(n2.isFolded()); + + assertTrue(n1.getLft() < n12.getLft()); + assertTrue(n12.getLft() < n12.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n12.getRgt() < n11.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n1.getRgt() < n11.getLft()); + assertTrue(n11.getLft() < n111.getLft()); + assertTrue(n111.getLft() < n111.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n111.getRgt() < n11.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n11.getRgt() < n2.getLft()); + assertTrue(n2.getLft() < n2.getRgt()); + } + + @Test + public void testDemote() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "* Note 2\n"); + + /* Demote 2. */ + assertEquals(1, shelf.demoteNotes(book.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 2").getId())); + + assertEquals("description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "** Note 2\n", + shelf.getBookContent("notebook", BookName.Format.ORG)); + + NotePosition n1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n11 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n2 = shelf.getNote("Note 2").getPosition(); + + assertEquals(2, n1.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n11.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, n2.getDescendantsCount()); + + assertEquals(1, n1.getLevel()); + assertEquals(2, n11.getLevel()); + assertEquals(2, n2.getLevel()); + + assertTrue(n1.getLft() < n11.getLft()); + assertTrue(n11.getLft() < n11.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n11.getRgt() < n2.getLft()); + assertTrue(n2.getLft() < n2.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n2.getRgt() < n1.getRgt()); + } + + @Test + public void testNewBelowFoldable() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n"); + + Note newNote = new Note(); + newNote.getPosition().setBookId(book.getId()); + newNote.getHead().setTitle("Note 2"); + + shelf.createNote( + newNote, + new NotePlacement(book.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1").getId(), Placement.BELOW) + ); + + assertEquals("description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "* Note 2\n", + shelf.getBookContent("notebook", BookName.Format.ORG)); + + NotePosition n1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n11 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition(); + NotePosition n2 = shelf.getNote("Note 2").getPosition(); + + assertTrue(n1.getLft() < n11.getLft()); + assertTrue(n11.getLft() < n11.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n11.getRgt() < n1.getRgt()); + assertTrue(n1.getRgt() < n2.getLft()); + assertTrue(n2.getLft() < n2.getRgt()); + + assertEquals(0, n2.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("").getId(), n2.getParentId()); + } + + @Test + public void testPasteFolded() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "* Note 2\n"); + + shelf.toggleFoldedState(shelf.getNote("Note 1").getId()); + shelf.cut(book.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1").getId()); + Note n = shelf.getNote("Note 2"); + shelf.paste(n.getPosition().getBookId(), n.getId(), Placement.ABOVE); + + /* Remains folded. */ + assertTrue(shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition().isFolded()); + assertNotSame(0, shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition().getFoldedUnderId()); + } + + @Test + public void testPasteUnderHidden() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "* Note 2\n"); + + shelf.toggleFoldedState(shelf.getNote("Note 1").getId()); + shelf.cut(book.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 2").getId()); + Note n = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1"); + shelf.paste(n.getPosition().getBookId(), n.getId(), Placement.UNDER); + + assertEquals("description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "*** Note 2\n", + shelf.getBookContent("notebook", BookName.Format.ORG)); + + assertTrue(shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition().isFolded()); + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("Note 1").getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition().getFoldedUnderId()); + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("Note 1").getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 2").getPosition().getFoldedUnderId()); + } + + @Test + public void testDemoteNoChanges() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.1\n" + + "* Note 2\n" + + "** Note 2.1\n" + + "*** Note 2.1.1\n"); + + /* Demote 2.1. */ + assertEquals(0, shelf.demoteNotes(book.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 2.1").getId())); + + assertEquals("description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.1\n" + + "* Note 2\n" + + "** Note 2.1\n" + + "*** Note 2.1.1\n", + shelf.getBookContent("notebook", BookName.Format.ORG)); + } + + + @Test + public void testNewNoteUnder() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "description\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.1\n" + + "** Note 1.2\n"); + + NotePosition note1, note11, note111, note12, note112; + + note1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition(); + note11 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition(); + note111 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1").getPosition(); + note12 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.2").getPosition(); + + assertTrue(note1.getLft() < note11.getLft()); + assertTrue(note11.getLft() < note111.getLft()); + assertTrue(note111.getLft() < note111.getRgt()); + assertTrue(note111.getRgt() < note11.getRgt()); + assertTrue(note11.getRgt() < note12.getLft()); + assertTrue(note12.getLft() < note12.getRgt()); + assertTrue(note12.getRgt() < note1.getRgt()); + + assertEquals(3, note1.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(1, note11.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, note111.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, note12.getDescendantsCount()); + + /* Create new note under Note 1.1. */ + Note n = new Note(); + n.getPosition().setBookId(book.getId()); + n.getHead().setTitle("Note 1.1.2"); + NotePlacement target = new NotePlacement(book.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getId(), Placement.UNDER); + shelf.createNote(n, target); + + + note1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition(); + note11 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition(); + note111 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1").getPosition(); + note112 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.2").getPosition(); + note12 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.2").getPosition(); + + assertTrue(note1.getLft() < note11.getLft()); + assertTrue(note11.getLft() < note111.getLft()); + assertTrue(note111.getLft() < note111.getRgt()); + assertTrue(note111.getRgt() < note112.getLft()); + assertTrue(note112.getLft() < note112.getRgt()); + assertTrue(note112.getRgt() < note11.getRgt()); + assertTrue(note11.getRgt() < note12.getLft()); + assertTrue(note12.getLft() < note12.getRgt()); + assertTrue(note12.getRgt() < note1.getRgt()); + + assertEquals(4, note1.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(2, note11.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, note111.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, note112.getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(0, note12.getDescendantsCount()); + } + + @Test + public void testNewNoteAbove() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "description\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + // ** Note 1.0 + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.1\n" + + "** Note 1.2\n"); + + NotePosition note1, note11, note111, note12, note10; + + /* Create new note above Note 1.1. */ + Note n = new Note(); + n.getPosition().setBookId(book.getId()); + n.getHead().setTitle("Note 1.0"); + NotePlacement target = new NotePlacement(book.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getId(), Placement.ABOVE); + shelf.createNote(n, target); + + note1 = shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition(); + note10 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.0").getPosition(); + note11 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition(); + note111 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1").getPosition(); + note12 = shelf.getNote("Note 1.2").getPosition(); + + assertTrue(note1.getLft() < note10.getLft()); + assertTrue(note10.getLft() < note10.getRgt()); + assertTrue(note10.getRgt() < note11.getLft()); + assertTrue(note11.getLft() < note111.getLft()); + assertTrue(note111.getLft() < note111.getRgt()); + assertTrue(note111.getRgt() < note11.getRgt()); + assertTrue(note11.getRgt() < note12.getLft()); + assertTrue(note12.getLft() < note12.getRgt()); + assertTrue(note12.getRgt() < note1.getRgt()); + } + + @Test + public void testCyclingFreshlyImportedNotebook() { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "Notebook\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 2\n" + + "*** Note 3\n" + + "** Note 4\n" + + "* Note 5"); + + /* Fold all. */ + shelf.cycleVisibility(book); + + assertTrue(shelf.getNote("Note 1").isFolded()); + assertTrue(shelf.getNote("Note 2").isFolded()); + assertTrue(shelf.getNote("Note 3").isFolded()); + assertTrue(shelf.getNote("Note 4").isFolded()); + assertTrue(shelf.getNote("Note 5").isFolded()); + + /* Unfold all. */ + shelf.cycleVisibility(book); + + assertFalse(shelf.getNote("Note 1").isFolded()); + assertFalse(shelf.getNote("Note 2").isFolded()); + assertFalse(shelf.getNote("Note 3").isFolded()); + assertFalse(shelf.getNote("Note 4").isFolded()); + assertFalse(shelf.getNote("Note 5").isFolded()); + } + + @Test + public void testCyclingFoldedState() { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", "" + + "Notebook\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 2\n" + + "*** Note 3\n" + + "** Note 4\n" + + "* Note 5\n" + + "** Note 6"); + + /* Fold all. */ + shelf.cycleVisibility(book); + + /* Unfold Note 1. */ + shelf.toggleFoldedState(shelf.getNote("Note 1").getId()); + + assertEquals(0, shelf.getNote("Note 2").getPosition().getFoldedUnderId()); + assertEquals(0, shelf.getNote("Note 4").getPosition().getFoldedUnderId()); + + /* Fold all. */ + shelf.cycleVisibility(book); + + /* Unfold all. */ + shelf.cycleVisibility(book); + + /* Fold Note 1. */ + shelf.toggleFoldedState(shelf.getNote("Note 1").getId()); + + /* Fold all. */ + shelf.cycleVisibility(book); + + /* Unfold Note 1. */ + shelf.toggleFoldedState(shelf.getNote("Note 1").getId()); + + assertFalse(shelf.getNote("Note 1").isFolded()); + assertTrue(shelf.getNote("Note 2").isFolded()); + } + + @Test + public void testCutChildCutParentThenPaste() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "* Note 2\n"); + + shelf.cut(book.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getId()); + shelf.cut(book.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1").getId()); + Note n = shelf.getNote("Note 2"); + shelf.paste(n.getPosition().getBookId(), n.getId(), Placement.UNDER); + + assertEquals("description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 2\n" + + "** Note 1\n", + shelf.getBookContent("notebook", BookName.Format.ORG)); + } + + @Test + public void testParentIds() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "description\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 1.1\n" + + "*** Note 1.1.1\n" + + "** Note 1.2\n"); + + assertEquals(0, shelf.getNote("").getPosition().getParentId()); + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("").getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition().getParentId()); + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("Note 1").getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition().getParentId()); + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1.1.1").getPosition().getParentId()); + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("Note 1").getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1.2").getPosition().getParentId()); + } + + @Test + public void testParentIdForCreatedNote() throws IOException { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "\n" + + "* Note 1\n"); + + Note newNote = new Note(); + newNote.getPosition().setBookId(book.getId()); + newNote.getHead().setTitle("Note 1.1"); + + shelf.createNote( + newNote, + new NotePlacement(book.getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1").getId(), Placement.UNDER) + ); + + assertEquals(1, shelf.getNote("Note 1").getPosition().getDescendantsCount()); + assertEquals(shelf.getNote("Note 1").getId(), shelf.getNote("Note 1.1").getPosition().getParentId()); + } + + @Test + public void testFoldingAllWhenContentOnlyIsFolded() { + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("notebook", "" + + "description\n" + + "* Note 1\n" + + "** Note 2\n" + + "* Note 3\n" + + "Content"); + + /* Fold all. */ + shelf.cycleVisibility(book); + + /* Unfold Note 3's content. */ + shelf.toggleFoldedState(shelf.getNote("Note 3").getId()); + + /* Fold all. */ + shelf.cycleVisibility(book); + + assertTrue(shelf.getNote("Note 1").isFolded()); + assertTrue(shelf.getNote("Note 2").isFolded()); + assertTrue(shelf.getNote("Note 3").isFolded()); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/UriTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/UriTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..39cf7c0c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/misc/UriTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,214 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.misc; + +import android.net.Uri; + +import org.junit.Ignore; +import org.junit.Test; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull; + +public class UriTest { + @Test @Ignore + public void testUriParseDropbox1() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("dropbox:1/2/3.org"); + + assertEquals("URI", "dropbox:/1/2/3.org", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "dropbox", uri.getScheme()); + assertNull("Authority", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1/2/3.org", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "3.org", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test + public void testUriParseDropbox2() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("dropbox:/1/2/3.org"); + + assertEquals("URI", "dropbox:/1/2/3.org", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "dropbox", uri.getScheme()); + assertNull("Authority", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1/2/3.org", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "3.org", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test @Ignore + public void testUriParseDropbox3() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("dropbox:1"); + + assertEquals("URI", "dropbox:/1", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "dropbox", uri.getScheme()); + assertNull("Authority", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "1", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test + public void testUriParseDropbox4() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("dropbox:/1"); + + assertEquals("URI", "dropbox:/1", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "dropbox", uri.getScheme()); + assertNull("Authority", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "1", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test + public void testUriParseDropbox5() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("dropbox:"); + + assertEquals("URI", "dropbox:", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "dropbox", uri.getScheme()); + assertNull("Authority", uri.getAuthority()); + assertNull("Path", uri.getPath()); + assertNull("Filename", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test + public void testUriParse2() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("db://dbname/1/2/3.org"); + + assertEquals("URI", "db://dbname/1/2/3.org", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "db", uri.getScheme()); + assertEquals("Authority", "dbname", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1/2/3.org", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "3.org", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test + public void testUriParse3() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("file://dirname/1/2/3.org"); + + assertEquals("URI", "file://dirname/1/2/3.org", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "file", uri.getScheme()); + assertEquals("Authority", "dirname", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1/2/3.org", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "3.org", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test + public void testUriParse4() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("file://dirname"); + + assertEquals("URI", "file://dirname", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "file", uri.getScheme()); + assertEquals("Authority", "dirname", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "", uri.getPath()); + assertNull("Filename", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test + public void testUriParse5() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("ssh://user:pass@hostname/1/2/3.org"); + + assertEquals("URI", "ssh://user:pass@hostname/1/2/3.org", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "ssh", uri.getScheme()); + assertEquals("Authority", "user:pass@hostname", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1/2/3.org", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "3.org", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test + public void testAppendPath1() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("ssh://user:pass@hostname/1").buildUpon().appendPath("2").appendPath("3.org").build(); + + assertEquals("URI", "ssh://user:pass@hostname/1/2/3.org", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "ssh", uri.getScheme()); + assertEquals("Authority", "user:pass@hostname", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1/2/3.org", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "3.org", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test + public void testAppendPath12() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("ssh://user:pass@hostname").buildUpon().appendPath("1").appendPath("2").appendPath("3.org").build(); + + assertEquals("URI", "ssh://user:pass@hostname/1/2/3.org", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "ssh", uri.getScheme()); + assertEquals("Authority", "user:pass@hostname", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1/2/3.org", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "3.org", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test + public void testAppendPath2() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("ssh://user:pass@hostname/1").buildUpon().appendPath("").appendPath("2").appendPath("3.org").build(); + + assertEquals("URI", "ssh://user:pass@hostname/1/2/3.org", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "ssh", uri.getScheme()); + assertEquals("Authority", "user:pass@hostname", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1/2/3.org", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "3.org", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test @Ignore + public void testAppendPath3() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("dropbox:1").buildUpon().appendPath("2").appendPath("3.org").build(); + + assertEquals("URI", "dropbox:/1/2/3.org", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "dropbox", uri.getScheme()); + assertNull("Authority", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1/2/3.org", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "3.org", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test @Ignore + public void testAppendPath4() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("dropbox:1").buildUpon().appendPath("2.org").build(); + + assertEquals("URI", "dropbox:/1/2.org", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "dropbox", uri.getScheme()); + assertNull("Authority", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1/2.org", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "2.org", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test @Ignore + public void testAppendPath5() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("dropbox:1/").buildUpon().appendPath("2.org").build(); + + assertEquals("URI", "dropbox:/1/2.org", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "dropbox", uri.getScheme()); + assertNull("Authority", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1/2.org", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "2.org", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test + public void testAppendPath6() { + Uri uri = Uri.parse("file://dirname").buildUpon().appendPath("1").appendPath("2.org").build(); + + assertEquals("URI", "file://dirname/1/2.org", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "file", uri.getScheme()); + assertEquals("Authority", "dirname", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1/2.org", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "2.org", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test + public void testScheme1() { + Uri uri = new Uri.Builder().scheme("dropbox").appendPath("1").appendPath("2.org").build(); + + assertEquals("URI", "dropbox:/1/2.org", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "dropbox", uri.getScheme()); + assertNull("Authority", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1/2.org", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "2.org", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + + @Test + public void testScheme2() { + Uri uri = new Uri.Builder().scheme("dropbox").appendPath("").appendPath("1").appendPath("2.org").build(); + + assertEquals("URI", "dropbox:/1/2.org", uri.toString()); + assertEquals("Scheme", "dropbox", uri.getScheme()); + assertNull("Authority", uri.getAuthority()); + assertEquals("Path", "/1/2.org", uri.getPath()); + assertEquals("Filename", "2.org", uri.getLastPathSegment()); + } + +// @Test +// public void testFileOwncloud() { +// Uri.parse("file:/storage/emulated/0/owncloud/rene@renans.eu%2Fowncloud\nNotes"); +// } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/DatabaseMigrationTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/DatabaseMigrationTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b1c50af87 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/DatabaseMigrationTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbProperty; + +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.util.List; + +import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; + +public class DatabaseMigrationTest { + @Test + public void testParsePropertiesInNote1() { + StringBuilder newContent = new StringBuilder(); + + List properties = DatabaseMigration.getPropertiesFromContent( + " :PROPERTIES:\n" + + " :CREATED: [2016-05-23 Mon 11:31]\n" + + " :VOTES: 1\n" + + " :END: \n" + + " Whatever", + newContent); + + assertEquals(2, properties.size()); + assertEquals("CREATED", properties.get(0).name.name); + assertEquals("[2016-05-23 Mon 11:31]", properties.get(0).value.value); + assertEquals("VOTES", properties.get(1).name.name); + assertEquals("1", properties.get(1).value.value); + assertEquals(" Whatever", newContent.toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testParsePropertiesInNote2() { + StringBuilder newContent = new StringBuilder(); + + List properties = DatabaseMigration.getPropertiesFromContent( + "Blah\n" + + ":PROPERTIES:\n" + + ":CREATED: [2016-05-23 Mon 11:31]\n" + + ":VOTES: 1\n" + + ":END:\n\n", + newContent); + + assertEquals(0, properties.size()); + assertEquals("", newContent.toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testParsePropertiesInNote3() { + StringBuilder newContent = new StringBuilder(); + + List properties = DatabaseMigration.getPropertiesFromContent( + ":PROPERTIES:\n" + + ":CREATED: [2016-05-23 Mon 11:31]\n" + + ":END:\n" + + "Whatever\n", + newContent); + + assertEquals(1, properties.size()); + assertEquals("Whatever\n", newContent.toString()); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/BooksClientTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/BooksClientTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..25d086918 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/BooksClientTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.clients; + +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; + +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.io.IOException; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull; +import static junit.framework.Assert.fail; + +public class BooksClientTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Test + public void testInsertBookWithExistingName() throws Exception { + Book book = new Book("booky"); + + assertNotNull(book); + + BooksClient.insert(context, book); + + try { + BooksClient.insert(context, book); + fail("Second insert of the book should fail"); + + } catch (IOException e) { + assertEquals("Can't insert notebook with the same name: booky", e.getMessage()); + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DirectoryRepoTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DirectoryRepoTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3f908b2e7 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DirectoryRepoTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,136 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import android.os.Environment; + +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; +import com.orgzly.android.LocalStorage; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; + +import org.junit.After; +import org.junit.Before; +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.FileNotFoundException; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.List; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull; + +public class DirectoryRepoTest extends OrgzlyTest { + private static final String TAG = DirectoryRepoTest.class.getName(); + + private File dirFile; + private String repoUriString; + + @Before + public void setUp() throws Exception { + super.setUp(); + + dirFile = new LocalStorage(context).getLocalRepoDirectory("orgzly-local-dir-repo-test"); + repoUriString = "file:" + dirFile.getAbsolutePath(); + + LocalStorage.deleteRecursive(dirFile); + } + + @After + public void tearDown() throws Exception { + super.tearDown(); + + LocalStorage.deleteRecursive(dirFile); + } + + @Test + public void testStoringFile() throws IOException { + Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(context, repoUriString); + + File tmpFile = shelf.getTempBookFile(); + try { + MiscUtils.writeStringToFile("...", tmpFile); + repo.storeBook(tmpFile, "booky.org"); + } finally { + tmpFile.delete(); + } + + List books = repo.getBooks(); + + assertEquals(1, books.size()); + assertEquals("booky", BookName.getInstance(context, books.get(0)).getName()); + assertEquals("booky.org", BookName.getInstance(context, books.get(0)).getFileName()); + assertEquals(repoUriString, books.get(0).getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals(repoUriString + "/booky.org", books.get(0).getUri().toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testExtension() throws IOException { + DirectoryRepo repo = new DirectoryRepo(repoUriString, true); + MiscUtils.writeStringToFile("Notebook content 1", new File(dirFile, "01.txt")); + MiscUtils.writeStringToFile("Notebook content 2", new File(dirFile, "02.o")); + MiscUtils.writeStringToFile("Notebook content 3", new File(dirFile, "03.org")); + + List books = repo.getBooks(); + + assertEquals(1, books.size()); + assertEquals("03", BookName.getInstance(context, books.get(0)).getName()); + assertEquals("03.org", BookName.getInstance(context, books.get(0)).getFileName()); + assertEquals(repoUriString, books.get(0).getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals(repoUriString + "/03.org", books.get(0).getUri().toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testListDownloadsDirectory() throws IOException { + File dir = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS); + String path = DirectoryRepo.SCHEME + ":" + dir.getAbsolutePath(); + + DirectoryRepo repo = new DirectoryRepo(path, false); + + assertNotNull(repo.getBooks()); + } + + // TODO: Do the same for dropbox repo + @Test + public void testRenameBook() throws IOException { + Book book; + + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo(repoUriString); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", ""); + + shelf.sync(); + book = shelf.getBook("booky"); + + assertEquals(repoUriString, book.getLastSyncedToRook().getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals(repoUriString + "/booky.org", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + assertEquals(repoUriString + "/booky.org", book.getLink().getUri().toString()); + + shelf.renameBook(book, "booky-renamed"); + book = shelf.getBook("booky-renamed"); + + assertEquals(repoUriString, book.getLastSyncedToRook().getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals(repoUriString + "/booky-renamed.org", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + assertEquals(repoUriString + "/booky-renamed.org", book.getLink().getUri().toString()); + } + + + @Test + public void testSyncWithDirectoryContainingPercent() throws FileNotFoundException { + String localBaseDir = context.getExternalCacheDir().getAbsolutePath(); + String localDir = localBaseDir + "/nextcloud/user@host%2Fdir/space separated"; + String localDirEnc = localBaseDir + "/nextcloud/user%40host%252Fdir/space%20separated"; + new File(localDir).mkdirs(); + + MiscUtils.writeStringToFile("Notebook content 1", new File(localDir, "notebook.org")); + + DirectoryRepo repo = (DirectoryRepo) shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("file:" + localDirEnc); + + shelf.sync(); + + assertEquals("file:" + localDirEnc, repo.getUri().toString()); + assertEquals(localDir, repo.getDirectory().toString()); + assertEquals(1, shelf.getBooks().size()); + } + + // TODO: Test saving and loading +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DropboxRepoTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DropboxRepoTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..50a929eac --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DropboxRepoTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; + +import org.junit.Before; +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.io.IOException; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull; + +public class DropboxRepoTest extends OrgzlyTest { + + @Before + public void setUp() throws Exception { + super.setUp(); + + AppPreferences.dropboxToken(context, BuildConfig.DROPBOX_TOKEN); + } + + @Test + public void testUrl() { + assertEquals("dropbox:/dir", RepoFactory.getFromUri(context, "dropbox:/dir").getUri().toString()); + } + + /** + * Dropbox repo url should not have authority. + */ + @Test + public void testAuthority() { + assertNull(RepoFactory.getFromUri(context, "dropbox://authority")); + } + + @Test + public void testRenameBook() throws IOException { + Book book; + String repoUriString = randomDropboxRepo(context).getUri().toString(); + + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo(repoUriString); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("booky", ""); + + shelf.sync(); + book = shelf.getBook("booky"); + + assertEquals(repoUriString, book.getLastSyncedToRook().getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals(repoUriString + "/booky.org", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + assertEquals(repoUriString + "/booky.org", book.getLink().getUri().toString()); + + shelf.renameBook(book, "booky-renamed"); + book = shelf.getBook("booky-renamed"); + + assertEquals(repoUriString, book.getLastSyncedToRook().getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals(repoUriString + "/booky-renamed.org", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + assertEquals(repoUriString + "/booky-renamed.org", book.getLink().getUri().toString()); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/LocalDbRepoTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/LocalDbRepoTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7f8bb30a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/LocalDbRepoTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,89 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.Shelf; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; + +import org.junit.Before; +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.List; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; + +public class LocalDbRepoTest extends OrgzlyTest { + @Before + public void setUp() throws Exception { + super.setUp(); + + shelf.loadBookFromContent("local-book-1", BookName.Format.ORG, "Content\n\n* Note", null); + } + + @Test + public void testGetBooksFromAllRepos() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/mock-book.org", "book content\n\n* First note\n** Second note", "rev1", 1234567890000L); + + List books = new Shelf(context).getBooksFromAllRepos(null); + + assertEquals(1, books.size()); + + VersionedRook vrook = books.get(0); + + assertEquals("mock-book", BookName.getInstance(context, vrook).getName()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a", vrook.getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a/mock-book.org", vrook.getUri().toString()); + assertEquals("rev1", vrook.getRevision()); + assertEquals(1234567890000L, vrook.getMtime()); + } + + @Test + public void testStoringBook() throws IOException { + Repo repo; + + long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); + + /* Write local book's content to a temporary file. */ + Book book = shelf.getBook(1); // by bookId + File tmpFile = shelf.getTempBookFile(); + + try { + shelf.writeBookToFile(book, BookName.Format.ORG, tmpFile); + repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(context, "mock://repo-a"); + repo.storeBook(tmpFile, BookName.fileName(book.getName(), BookName.Format.ORG)); + } finally { + tmpFile.delete(); + } + + List books = repo.getBooks(); + assertEquals(1, books.size()); + + VersionedRook vrook = books.get(0); + assertEquals("local-book-1", BookName.getInstance(context, vrook).getName()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a", vrook.getRepoUri().toString()); + assertTrue(vrook.getMtime() >= now); + } + + @Test + public void testRetrievingBook() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/mock-book.org", "book content\n\n* First note\n** Second note", "rev1", 1234567890000L); + + Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(context, "mock://repo-a"); + VersionedRook vrook = shelf.getBooksFromAllRepos(null).get(0); + + File tmpFile = shelf.getTempBookFile(); + try { + repo.retrieveBook(vrook, tmpFile); + String content = MiscUtils.readStringFromFile(tmpFile); + assertEquals("book content\n" + "\n" + "* First note\n" + "** Second note", content); + } finally { + tmpFile.delete(); + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/RepoFactoryTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/RepoFactoryTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..115f334ea --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/RepoFactoryTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; + +import org.junit.Test; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; +import static junit.framework.Assert.fail; + +public class RepoFactoryTest extends OrgzlyTest { + + @Test + public void testCreateRepoFromUrl1() { + Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(context, "dropbox:"); + assertTrue(repo instanceof DropboxRepo); + assertEquals("dropbox:", repo.getUri().toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testCreateRepoFromUrl2() { + Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(context, "dropbox:/path"); + assertTrue(repo instanceof DropboxRepo); + assertEquals("dropbox:/path", repo.getUri().toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testCreateRepoFromUrl10() { + Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(context, "mock://authority/path"); + assertTrue(repo instanceof MockRepo); + assertEquals("mock://authority/path", repo.getUri().toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testCreateRepoFromUrl100() { + try { + RepoFactory.getFromUri(context, "I am not a valid URL"); + fail("URL should be invalid"); + + } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/ShelfTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/ShelfTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..563e3fc7d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/ShelfTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; +import com.orgzly.android.Note; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.sync.BookNamesake; + +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.Map; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; +import static junit.framework.Assert.fail; + +public class ShelfTest extends OrgzlyTest { + private static final String TAG = ShelfTest.class.getName(); + + @Test + public void testNewBook() throws IOException { + shelf.createBook("booky"); + + /* Make sure root node is created. */ + Note note = shelf.getNote(1); + assertEquals(1, note.getPosition().getLft()); + assertEquals(2, note.getPosition().getRgt()); + assertEquals(0, note.getPosition().getLevel()); + assertNotNull(note.getHead()); + assertEquals("", note.getHead().getTitle()); + } + + @Test + public void testInsertDeletedRepo() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.deleteRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + } + + @Test + public void testRepoAndShelfSetup() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/remote-book-1.org", "", "0abcdef", 1400067156000L); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/remote-book-2.org", "", "1abcdef", 1300067156000L); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/remote-book-3.org", "", "2abcdef", 1200067156000L); + + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("local-book-1", ""); + + assertEquals("Local books", 1, shelf.getBooks().size()); + assertEquals("Remote books", 3, shelf.getBooksFromAllRepos(null).size()); + } + + @Test + public void testLoadRook() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/remote-book-1.org", "", "0abcdef", 1400067156000L); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/remote-book-2.org", "", "1abcdef", 1300067156000L); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/remote-book-3.org", "", "2abcdef", 1200067156000L); + + VersionedRook vrook = shelf.getBooksFromAllRepos(null).get(0); + + shelf.loadBookFromRepo(vrook); + + assertEquals(1, shelf.getBooks().size()); + Book book = shelf.getBooks().get(0); + + assertEquals("remote-book-1", book.getName()); + assertEquals("/remote-book-1.org", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().getPath()); + assertEquals("remote-book-1", BookName.getInstance(context, book.getLastSyncedToRook()).getName()); + assertEquals("0abcdef", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getRevision()); + assertEquals(1400067156000L, book.getLastSyncedToRook().getMtime()); + } + + @Test + public void testCompareWithEmptyRepo() throws IOException { + assertEquals("Starting with empty shelf", 0, shelf.getBooks().size()); + + Map nameGroups = shelf.groupAllNotebooksByName(); + + assertEquals(0, nameGroups.size()); + } + + @Test + public void testCompareWithRepo() throws IOException { + assertEquals("Starting with empty shelf", 0, shelf.getBooks().size()); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/remote-book-1.org", "", "0abcdef", 1400067156); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/remote-book-2.org", "", "1abcdef", 1400412756); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/remote-book-3.org", "", "2abcdef", 1400671956); + + Map groups = shelf.groupAllNotebooksByName(); + + assertEquals(3, groups.size()); + + for (BookNamesake group : groups.values()) { + String name = group.getName(); + + assertTrue("Book name " + name + " not expected", + name.equals("remote-book-1") || name.equals("remote-book-2") || name.equals("remote-book-3")); + + assertTrue(group.getBook().isDummy()); + assertEquals(1, group.getRooks().size()); + } + } + + @Test + public void testShelfAndRepo() throws IOException { + assertEquals("Starting with empty shelf", 0, shelf.getBooks().size()); + + Book book; + + book = shelf.createBook("local-book-1"); + assertEquals("local-book-1", book.getName()); + assertNull(book.getLastSyncedToRook()); + + book = shelf.createBook("common-book-1"); + assertEquals("common-book-1", book.getName()); + assertNull(book.getLastSyncedToRook()); + + book = shelf.createBook("common-book-2"); + assertEquals("common-book-2", book.getName()); + assertNull(book.getLastSyncedToRook()); + + /* Setup mock repo. */ + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/remote-book-2.org", "", "1abcdef", 1400412756000L); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/common-book-1.org", "", "2abcdef", 1400671956000L); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/common-book-2.org", "", "3abcdef", 1400671956000L); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/remote-book-1.org", "", "0abcdef", 1400067156000L); + + Map groups = shelf.groupAllNotebooksByName(); + + assertEquals(5, groups.size()); + + for (BookNamesake group : groups.values()) { + String name = group.getName(); + + if (name.equals("local-book-1")) { + assertFalse(group.getBook().isDummy()); + assertEquals(0, group.getRooks().size()); + + } else if (name.equals("common-book-1")) { + assertFalse(group.getBook().isDummy()); + assertEquals(1, group.getRooks().size()); + + } else if (name.equals("common-book-2")) { + assertFalse(group.getBook().isDummy()); + assertEquals(1, group.getRooks().size()); + + } else if (name.equals("remote-book-1")) { + assertTrue(group.getBook().isDummy()); + assertEquals(1, group.getRooks().size()); + + } else if (name.equals("remote-book-2")) { + assertTrue(group.getBook().isDummy()); + assertEquals(1, group.getRooks().size()); + + } else { + fail("unexpected name " + name); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/SyncTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/SyncTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..117fbc31f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/SyncTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,491 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import android.net.Uri; +import android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; +import com.orgzly.android.Note; +import com.orgzly.android.OrgzlyTest; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.BooksClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.CurrentRooksClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.LocalDbRepoClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.ReposClient; +import com.orgzly.android.sync.BookNamesake; +import com.orgzly.android.sync.BookSyncStatus; +import com.orgzly.android.util.EncodingDetect; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgRange; + +import org.junit.Before; +import org.junit.Test; +import org.junit.runner.RunWith; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.UUID; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotNull; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNotSame; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertNull; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; + +@RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) +public class SyncTest extends OrgzlyTest { + private static final String TAG = SyncTest.class.getName(); + + private Repo randomDirectoryRepo() { + String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); + return RepoFactory.getFromUri(context, "file:" + context.getCacheDir() + "/" + uuid); + } + + @Before + public void setUp() throws Exception { + super.setUp(); + + AppPreferences.dropboxToken(context, BuildConfig.DROPBOX_TOKEN); + } + + @Test + public void testOrgRange() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook( + "mock://repo-a", + "mock://repo-a/remote-book-1.org", + "* Note\nSCHEDULED: <2015-01-13 уто 13:00-14:14>--<2015-01-14 сре 14:10-15:20>", + "0abcdef", + 1400067156); + + shelf.sync(); + + Note note = shelf.getNote(2); /* ID 1 was a root from dummy which was deleted. */ + OrgRange range = note.getHead().getScheduled(); + assertEquals("<2015-01-13 уто 13:00-14:14>--<2015-01-14 сре 14:10-15:20>", range.toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testSync1() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("todo", "hum hum"); + + assertEquals(1, ReposClient.getAll(context).size()); + assertEquals(1, shelf.getBooks().size()); + assertEquals(0, CurrentRooksClient.getAll(context).size()); + assertNull(shelf.getBooks().get(0).getLastSyncedToRook()); + + shelf.sync(); + + assertEquals(1, ReposClient.getAll(context).size()); + assertEquals(1, shelf.getBooks().size()); + assertEquals(1, CurrentRooksClient.getAll(context).size()); + assertNotNull(shelf.getBooks().get(0).getLastSyncedToRook()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a/todo.org", shelf.getBooks().get(0).getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testSync2() { + /* Add remote books. */ + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/remote-book-1.org", "", "1abcdef", 1400067156); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/remote-book-2.org", "", "2abcdef", 1400067156); + + assertEquals(1, ReposClient.getAll(context).size()); + assertEquals(2, LocalDbRepoClient.getAll(context, Uri.parse("mock://repo-a")).size()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a", LocalDbRepoClient.getAll(context, Uri.parse("mock://repo-a")).get(0).getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals(0, CurrentRooksClient.getAll(context).size()); + assertEquals(0, shelf.getBooks().size()); + + /* Sync. */ + Map g1 = shelf.sync(); + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_ROOK, g1.get("remote-book-1").getStatus()); + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_ROOK, g1.get("remote-book-2").getStatus()); + + assertEquals(1, ReposClient.getAll(context).size()); + assertEquals(2, LocalDbRepoClient.getAll(context, Uri.parse("mock://repo-a")).size()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a", LocalDbRepoClient.getAll(context, Uri.parse("mock://repo-a")).get(0).getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals(2, CurrentRooksClient.getAll(context).size()); + assertEquals(2, shelf.getBooks().size()); + + /* Sync. */ + Map g2 = shelf.sync(); + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.NO_CHANGE, g2.get("remote-book-1").getStatus()); + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.NO_CHANGE, g2.get("remote-book-2").getStatus()); + + assertEquals(1, ReposClient.getAll(context).size()); + assertEquals(2, LocalDbRepoClient.getAll(context, Uri.parse("mock://repo-a")).size()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a", LocalDbRepoClient.getAll(context, Uri.parse("mock://repo-a")).get(0).getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals(2, CurrentRooksClient.getAll(context).size()); + assertEquals(2, shelf.getBooks().size()); + } + + @Test + public void testRenameUsedRepo() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/book.org", "Content A", "1abcde", 1400067156000L); + + Book book; + + shelf.sync(); + + shelfTestUtils.renameRepo("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-b"); + + book = shelf.getBook("book"); + assertNull(book.getLink()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a/book.org", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getRepoUri().toString()); + + shelf.sync(); + + book = shelf.getBook("book"); + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_REPO, book.getSyncStatus()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-b/book.org", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-b", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-b/book.org", book.getLink().getUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-b", book.getLink().getRepoUri().toString()); + + shelfTestUtils.renameRepo("mock://repo-b", "mock://repo-a"); + shelf.sync(); + + book = shelf.getBook("book"); + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_OR_MORE_ROOKS_EXIST, book.getSyncStatus()); + assertNull(book.getLink()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-b/book.org", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-b", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getRepoUri().toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testDeletingUsedRepo() { + Book book; + + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/book.org", "Content A", "1abcde", 1400067156000L); + shelf.sync(); + + shelfTestUtils.deleteRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-b"); + shelf.sync(); + + book = shelf.getBook("book"); + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_REPO, book.getSyncStatus()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-b/book.org", book.getLink().getUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-b", book.getLink().getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-b/book.org", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + + shelfTestUtils.deleteRepo("mock://repo-b"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelf.sync(); + + book = shelf.getBook("book"); + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_OR_MORE_ROOKS_EXIST, book.getSyncStatus()); + assertNull(book.getLink()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-b/book.org", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testEncodingStaysTheSameAfterSecondSync() { + Book book; + + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/book.org", "Content A", "1abcde", 1400067156000L); + + shelf.sync(); + + book = shelf.getBooks().get(0); + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_ROOK, book.getSyncStatus()); + + switch (EncodingDetect.USED_METHOD) { +// case JCHARDET: +// assertEquals("ASCII", versionedRook.getDetectedEncoding()); +// assertEquals("ASCII", versionedRook.getUsedEncoding()); + case JUNIVERSALCHARDET: + assertNull(book.getDetectedEncoding()); + assertEquals("UTF-8", book.getUsedEncoding()); + break; + } + assertNull(book.getSelectedEncoding()); + + shelf.sync(); + + book = shelf.getBooks().get(0); + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.NO_CHANGE, book.getSyncStatus()); + + switch (EncodingDetect.USED_METHOD) { +// case JCHARDET: +// assertEquals("ASCII", versionedRook.getDetectedEncoding()); +// assertEquals("ASCII", versionedRook.getUsedEncoding()); +// break; + case JUNIVERSALCHARDET: + assertNull(book.getDetectedEncoding()); + assertEquals("UTF-8", book.getUsedEncoding()); + break; + } + assertNull(book.getSelectedEncoding()); + } + + @Test + public void testOnlyBookWithLink() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("book-1", "Content"); + shelfTestUtils.setBookLink(1, "mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/book-1.org"); + + shelf.sync(); + + Book book = shelf.getBooks().get(0); + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.ONLY_BOOK_WITH_LINK, book.getSyncStatus()); + } + + @Test + public void testMultipleRooks() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/book.org", "Content A", "revA", 1234567890000L); + + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-b"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-b", "mock://repo-b/book.org", "Content B", "revB", 1234567890000L); + + shelf.sync(); + + Book book = shelf.getBooks().get(0); + + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_ROOKS, book.getSyncStatus()); + assertTrue(book.isDummy()); + + shelfTestUtils.setBookLink(book.getId(), "mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/book.org"); + + shelf.sync(); + + book = shelf.getBooks().get(0); + + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.DUMMY_WITH_LINK, book.getSyncStatus()); + assertTrue(!book.isDummy()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a/book.org", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testMtimeOfLoadedBook() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/book.org", "Content", "rev", 1234567890000L); + + shelf.sync(); + + Book book = shelf.getBooks().get(0); + + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_ROOK, book.getSyncStatus()); + assertEquals(0, book.getMtime()); + } + + @Test + public void testDummyShouldNotBeSavedWhenHavingOneRepo() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-b"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/booky.org", "", "1abcdef", 1400067155); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-b", "mock://repo-b/booky.org", "", "2abcdef", 1400067156); + + Book book; + Map namesakes; + + namesakes = shelf.sync(); + book = shelf.getBook("booky"); + + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_ROOKS, namesakes.get("booky").getStatus()); + assertTrue(book.isDummy()); + + shelfTestUtils.deleteRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.deleteRepo("mock://repo-b"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-c"); + + namesakes = shelf.sync(); + book = shelf.getBook("booky"); + + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.ONLY_DUMMY, namesakes.get("booky").getStatus()); // TODO: We should delete it, no point of having a dummy and no remote book + assertTrue(book.isDummy()); + + } + + @Test + public void testDeletedRepoShouldStayAsBookLink() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-b"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/booky.org", "", "1abcdef", 1400067155); + + Book book; + Map namesakes; + + namesakes = shelf.sync(); + book = shelf.getBook("booky"); + + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_ROOK, namesakes.get("booky").getStatus()); + + assertFalse(book.isDummy()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a", book.getLink().getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getRepoUri().toString()); + + shelfTestUtils.deleteRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.deleteRepo("mock://repo-b"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-c"); + + namesakes = shelf.sync(); // TODO: Don't use namesakes, be consistent and use book.status like in some methods + book = shelf.getBook("booky"); + + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_REPO, namesakes.get("booky").getStatus()); + + assertFalse(book.isDummy()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-c", book.getLink().getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-c", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getRepoUri().toString()); + } + +// public void testEncodingOnSyncSavingStaysTheSame() { +// setup.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); +// setup.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/book.org", "Content A", "1abcde", 1400067156000L); +// sync(); +// setup.renameRepo("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-b"); +// sync(); +// VersionedRook vrook = CurrentRooksHelper.get(testContext, "mock://repo-b/book.org"); +// assertNull(vrook.getDetectedEncoding()); +// assertEquals("UTF-8", vrook.getUsedEncoding()); +// +// } + + @Test + public void testSyncingOrgTxt() { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupRook("mock://repo-a", "mock://repo-a/booky.org.txt", "", "1abcdef", 1400067155); + + shelf.sync(); + + Book book = shelf.getBook("booky"); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a", book.getLink().getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a/booky.org.txt", book.getLink().getUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getRepoUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a/booky.org.txt", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testMockFileRename() throws IOException { + List vrooks; + + Repo repo = shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + Book book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("Booky", "1 2 3"); + + shelf.sync(); + + vrooks = repo.getBooks(); + + assertEquals(1, vrooks.size()); + assertEquals("Booky", BookName.getInstance(context, vrooks.get(0)).getName()); + + long mtime = vrooks.get(0).getMtime(); + String rev = vrooks.get(0).getRevision(); + + // Rename local notebook + shelf.renameBook(book, "BookyRenamed"); + + // Rename rook + repo.moveBook(Uri.parse("mock://repo-a/Booky.org"), Uri.parse("mock://repo-a/BookyRenamed.org")); + + vrooks = repo.getBooks(); + + assertEquals(1, vrooks.size()); + assertEquals("BookyRenamed", BookName.getInstance(context, vrooks.get(0)).getName()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a/BookyRenamed.org", vrooks.get(0).getUri().toString()); + assertTrue(mtime < vrooks.get(0).getMtime()); + assertNotSame(rev, vrooks.get(0).getRevision()); + } + + @Test + public void testDropboxFileRename() throws IOException { + Repo repo = DropboxRepoTest.randomDropboxRepo(context); + + assertNotNull(repo); + assertEquals(0, repo.getBooks().size()); + + File file = File.createTempFile("notebook.", ".org"); + MiscUtils.writeStringToFile("1 2 3", file); + + VersionedRook vrook = repo.storeBook(file, file.getName()); + + assertEquals(1, repo.getBooks().size()); + + repo.moveBook(vrook.getUri(), repo.getUri().buildUpon().appendPath("notebook-renamed.org").build()); + + assertEquals(1, repo.getBooks().size()); + assertEquals(repo.getUri() + "/notebook-renamed.org", repo.getBooks().get(0).getUri().toString()); + assertEquals("notebook-renamed.org", BookName.getInstance(context, repo.getBooks().get(0)).getFileName()); + } + + @Test + public void testDirectoryFileRename() throws IOException { + Repo repo = randomDirectoryRepo(); + + assertNotNull(repo); + assertEquals(0, repo.getBooks().size()); + + File file = File.createTempFile("notebook.", ".org"); + MiscUtils.writeStringToFile("1 2 3", file); + + VersionedRook vrook = repo.storeBook(file, file.getName()); + + assertEquals(1, repo.getBooks().size()); + + repo.moveBook(vrook.getUri(), repo.getUri().buildUpon().appendPath("notebook-renamed.org").build()); + + assertEquals(1, repo.getBooks().size()); + assertEquals(repo.getUri() + "/notebook-renamed.org", repo.getBooks().get(0).getUri().toString()); + assertEquals("notebook-renamed.org", BookName.getInstance(context, repo.getBooks().get(0)).getFileName()); + } + + @Test + public void testRenameSyncedBook() throws IOException { + shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + shelfTestUtils.setupBook("Booky", "1 2 3"); + + shelf.sync(); + + Book book = BooksClient.get(context, "Booky"); + + assertEquals("mock://repo-a/Booky.org", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + + shelf.renameBook(book, "BookyRenamed"); + + Book renamedBook = BooksClient.get(context, "BookyRenamed"); + + assertEquals("mock://repo-a/BookyRenamed.org", renamedBook.getLink().getUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a/BookyRenamed.org", renamedBook.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + } + + @Test + public void testRenameSyncedBookWithDifferentLink() throws IOException { + Book book; + + Repo repoA = shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-a"); + Repo repoB = shelfTestUtils.setupRepo("mock://repo-b"); + book = shelfTestUtils.setupBook("Booky", "1 2 3"); + + shelf.setLink(book, "mock://repo-a"); + shelf.sync(); + book = BooksClient.getAll(context).get(0); + + assertEquals(1, repoA.getBooks().size()); + assertEquals(0, repoB.getBooks().size()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a/Booky.org", book.getLink().getUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a/Booky.org", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + + shelf.setLink(book, "mock://repo-b"); + + book = BooksClient.getAll(context).get(0); + + shelf.renameBook(book, "BookyRenamed"); + book = BooksClient.getAll(context).get(0); + + assertEquals("Booky", book.getName()); + assertEquals(BookSyncStatus.ROOK_AND_VROOK_HAVE_DIFFERENT_REPOS, book.getSyncStatus()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-b/Booky.org", book.getLink().getUri().toString()); + assertEquals("mock://repo-a/Booky.org", book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().toString()); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/util/EncodingDetectTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/util/EncodingDetectTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5579f6812 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/util/EncodingDetectTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,146 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.util; + +import org.junit.Test; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.FileNotFoundException; +import java.io.InputStream; +import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; + +/** + * chardet * + * ascii.org: ascii (confidence: 1.00) + * Chinese-Lipsum.org: utf-8 (confidence: 0.99) + * few_chinese_characters.org: utf-8 (confidence: 0.99) + * org-blog-articles.org: ISO-8859-2 (confidence: 0.79) + * org-issues.org: utf-8 (confidence: 0.99) + * org-people.org: ISO-8859-2 (confidence: 0.85) + */ +public class EncodingDetectTest { + private static final String PATH = "assets/encoding"; + + private InputStream getFromResource(String name) { + String resourcePath = new File(PATH, name).getPath(); + + InputStream is = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(resourcePath); + + if (is == null) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Resource " + resourcePath + " could not be loaded"); + } + + return is; + } + + @Test + public void testOrgBlogArticles() throws FileNotFoundException { + EncodingDetect detect = EncodingDetect.getInstance(getFromResource("org-blog-articles.org")); + + switch (EncodingDetect.USED_METHOD) { +// case ICU: +// assertTrue(detect.isDetected()); +// assertEquals("ISO-8859-1", detect.getEncoding()); +// break; +// case JCHARDET: +// /* This is not detected and UTF-8 is being used by default, which produces weird chars. */ +// assertTrue(detect.isDetected()); +// assertEquals("windows-1252", detect.getEncoding()); +// break; + case JUNIVERSALCHARDET: + assertTrue(detect.isDetected()); + assertEquals("WINDOWS-1252", detect.getEncoding()); + break; + } + } + + @Test + public void testPeople() throws FileNotFoundException { + EncodingDetect detect = EncodingDetect.getInstance(getFromResource("org-people.org")); + + switch (EncodingDetect.USED_METHOD) { +// case ICU: +// assertTrue(detect.isDetected()); +// assertEquals("ISO-8859-1", detect.getEncoding()); +// break; +// case JCHARDET: +// assertTrue(detect.isDetected()); +// assertEquals("windows-1252", detect.getEncoding()); +// break; + case JUNIVERSALCHARDET: + assertTrue(detect.isDetected()); + assertEquals("WINDOWS-1252", detect.getEncoding()); + break; + } + } + + @Test + public void testIssues() throws FileNotFoundException { + EncodingDetect detect = EncodingDetect.getInstance(getFromResource("org-issues.org")); + + switch (EncodingDetect.USED_METHOD) { +// case ICU: +// assertTrue(detect.isDetected()); +// assertEquals("ISO-8859-1", detect.getEncoding()); +// break; +// case JCHARDET: +// assertFalse(detect.isDetected()); +// break; + case JUNIVERSALCHARDET: + assertTrue(detect.isDetected()); + assertEquals("UTF-8", detect.getEncoding()); + break; + } + } + + @Test + public void testAscii() throws FileNotFoundException { + EncodingDetect detect = EncodingDetect.getInstance(getFromResource("ascii.org")); + + switch (EncodingDetect.USED_METHOD) { +// case ICU: +// assertTrue(detect.isDetected()); +// assertEquals("ISO-8859-1", detect.getEncoding()); +// break; +// case JCHARDET: +// assertTrue(detect.isDetected()); +// assertEquals("ASCII", detect.getEncoding()); +// break; + case JUNIVERSALCHARDET: + assertFalse(detect.isDetected()); + break; + } + } + + @Test + public void testChinese() throws FileNotFoundException { + EncodingDetect detect = EncodingDetect.getInstance(getFromResource("few_chinese_characters.org")); + + assertTrue(detect.isDetected()); + assertEquals("UTF-8", detect.getEncoding()); + } + + @Test + public void testChineseLipsum() throws FileNotFoundException { + EncodingDetect detect = EncodingDetect.getInstance(getFromResource("Chinese-Lipsum.org")); + + assertTrue(detect.isDetected()); + assertEquals("UTF-8", detect.getEncoding()); + } + +// public void testAll() { +// for (String s: EncodingDetect.getAll()) { +// System.out.println(s); +// } +// } + + @Test + public void ISO_8859_15_dos() throws UnsupportedEncodingException { + EncodingDetect detect = EncodingDetect.getInstance(getFromResource("iso-8859-15-dos.org")); + + assertTrue(detect.isDetected()); + assertEquals("WINDOWS-1252", detect.getEncoding()); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/util/MiscUtilsTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/util/MiscUtilsTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3919c1530 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/util/MiscUtilsTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,97 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.util; + +import org.junit.Assert; +import org.junit.Test; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertFalse; +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertTrue; + +public class MiscUtilsTest { + @Test + public void testLineCount1() { + assertEquals(0, MiscUtils.lineCount(null)); + } + + @Test + public void testLineCount2() { + assertEquals(1, MiscUtils.lineCount("")); + } + + @Test + public void testLineCount3() { + assertEquals(2, MiscUtils.lineCount("\n")); + } + + @Test + public void testLineCount4() { + assertEquals(2, MiscUtils.lineCount("Lorem ipsum\ndolor sit amet.")); + } + + @Test + public void testLineCount5() { + assertEquals(3, MiscUtils.lineCount("Lorem ipsum\ndolor sit amet.\n")); + } + + @Test + public void testLineCount6() { + assertEquals(3, MiscUtils.lineCount("\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet.\n")); + } + + @Test + public void testLineCount7() { + assertEquals(4, MiscUtils.lineCount("\n\nLorem ipsum dolor sit amet.\n")); + } + + @Test + public void testLineCount8() { + assertEquals(3, MiscUtils.lineCount("\n\n")); + } + + + @Test + public void testEncodeUri() { + Assert.assertEquals( + "file:/storage/emulated/0/org/file%20%231%20is%20%3Athis%3As.org", + MiscUtils.encodeUri("file:/storage/emulated/0/org/file #1 is :this:s.org")); + + Assert.assertEquals( + "file:/storage/emulated/0/org/file%20%231%20is%20this.org", + MiscUtils.encodeUri("file:/storage/emulated/0/org/file #1 is this.org")); + + Assert.assertEquals( + "file:/storage/emulated/0/org/dir%23dir/file%20name.org", + MiscUtils.encodeUri("file:/storage/emulated/0/org/dir#dir/file name.org")); + + Assert.assertEquals( + "file:/storage/emulated/0/org/dir%25dir/file%20%25%20name.org", + MiscUtils.encodeUri("file:/storage/emulated/0/org/dir%dir/file % name.org")); + + Assert.assertEquals( + "file:/storage/emulated/0/org/dir/file%25name.org", + MiscUtils.encodeUri("file:/storage/emulated/0/org/dir/file%name.org")); + + Assert.assertEquals( + "file:/storage/emulated/0/org/dir/%25.org", + MiscUtils.encodeUri("file:/storage/emulated/0/org/dir/%.org")); + + Assert.assertEquals( + "file:/storage/emulated/0/org-enc/name%20with%20percent%20%25%20in%20it.org", + MiscUtils.encodeUri("file:/storage/emulated/0/org-enc/name%20with%20percent%20%25%20in%20it.org")); + } + + @Test + public void testUriNeedsEncoding() { + assertFalse(MiscUtils.uriPathNeedsEncoding("/dir")); + assertFalse(MiscUtils.uriPathNeedsEncoding("/dir/%200")); + + assertTrue(MiscUtils.uriPathNeedsEncoding("/dir/%")); + assertTrue(MiscUtils.uriPathNeedsEncoding("/dir/%%")); + assertTrue(MiscUtils.uriPathNeedsEncoding("/dir/%%%")); + assertTrue(MiscUtils.uriPathNeedsEncoding("/dir/+")); + assertTrue(MiscUtils.uriPathNeedsEncoding("/dir/%l0")); + assertTrue(MiscUtils.uriPathNeedsEncoding("/dir/%0l")); + assertTrue(MiscUtils.uriPathNeedsEncoding("/dir/%0 0")); + assertTrue(MiscUtils.uriPathNeedsEncoding("/dir/file name")); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/util/OrgNoteContentFormatParserTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/util/OrgNoteContentFormatParserTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..732cb70b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/util/OrgNoteContentFormatParserTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.util; + +import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; +import android.text.style.URLSpan; + +import org.junit.Test; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; + +public class OrgNoteContentFormatParserTest { + @Test + public void testLinksMultiLine() throws Exception { + OrgSpannable spannable = new OrgSpannable( + "[[http://www.orgzly.com]]\n" + + "[[http://www.orgzly.com]]"); + + assertEquals("http://www.orgzly.com\n" + + "http://www.orgzly.com", spannable.string); + + assertEquals(2, spannable.spans.length); + + assertEquals(0, spannable.spans[0].start); + assertEquals(21, spannable.spans[0].end); + assertEquals("URLSpan", spannable.spans[0].className); + assertEquals("http://www.orgzly.com", spannable.spans[0].url); + + assertEquals(22, spannable.spans[1].start); + assertEquals(43, spannable.spans[1].end); + assertEquals("URLSpan", spannable.spans[1].className); + assertEquals("http://www.orgzly.com", spannable.spans[1].url); + } + + @Test + public void testLinksNamed() throws Exception { + OrgSpannable spannable = new OrgSpannable( + "[[http://www.orgzly.com][Orgzly]]"); + + assertEquals("Orgzly", spannable.string); + + assertEquals(1, spannable.spans.length); + + assertEquals(0, spannable.spans[0].start); + assertEquals(6, spannable.spans[0].end); + assertEquals("URLSpan", spannable.spans[0].className); + assertEquals("http://www.orgzly.com", spannable.spans[0].url); + } + + @Test + public void testAllLinkTypes() throws Exception { + OrgSpannable spannable = new OrgSpannable( + "AAA http://www.x.com BBB [[http://www.y.com]]CCC [[http://www.z.com][Z]]DDD"); + + assertEquals("AAA http://www.x.com BBB http://www.y.comCCC ZDDD", spannable.string); + + assertEquals(3, spannable.spans.length); + + assertEquals(4, spannable.spans[2].start); + assertEquals(20, spannable.spans[2].end); + assertEquals("URLSpan", spannable.spans[2].className); + assertEquals("http://www.x.com", spannable.spans[2].url); + + assertEquals(25, spannable.spans[1].start); + assertEquals(41, spannable.spans[1].end); + assertEquals("URLSpan", spannable.spans[1].className); + assertEquals("http://www.y.com", spannable.spans[1].url); + + assertEquals(45, spannable.spans[0].start); + assertEquals(46, spannable.spans[0].end); + assertEquals("URLSpan", spannable.spans[0].className); + assertEquals("http://www.z.com", spannable.spans[0].url); + } + + @Test + public void testMailto() throws Exception { + OrgSpannable spannable = new OrgSpannable( + "AAA mailto:x@x.com BBB [[mailto:y@y.com]]CCC [[mailto:z@z.com][Z]]DDD"); + + assertEquals("AAA mailto:x@x.com BBB mailto:y@y.comCCC ZDDD", spannable.string); + + assertEquals(3, spannable.spans.length); + + assertEquals(4, spannable.spans[2].start); + assertEquals(18, spannable.spans[2].end); + assertEquals("URLSpan", spannable.spans[2].className); + assertEquals("mailto:x@x.com", spannable.spans[2].url); + + assertEquals(23, spannable.spans[1].start); + assertEquals(37, spannable.spans[1].end); + assertEquals("URLSpan", spannable.spans[1].className); + assertEquals("mailto:y@y.com", spannable.spans[1].url); + + assertEquals(41, spannable.spans[0].start); + assertEquals(42, spannable.spans[0].end); + assertEquals("URLSpan", spannable.spans[0].className); + assertEquals("mailto:z@z.com", spannable.spans[0].url); + } + + private class OrgSpan { + int start; + int end; + String className; + String url; + } + + private class OrgSpannable { + String string; + OrgSpan[] spans; + + public OrgSpannable(String str) { + SpannableStringBuilder ssb = OrgNoteContentFormatParser.fromOrg(str, true); + + string = ssb.toString(); + + Object[] allSpans = ssb.getSpans(0, ssb.length() - 1, Object.class); + + spans = new OrgSpan[allSpans.length]; + + for (int i = 0; i < allSpans.length; i++) { + spans[i] = new OrgSpan(); + + spans[i].start = ssb.getSpanStart(allSpans[i]); + spans[i].end = ssb.getSpanEnd(allSpans[i]); + spans[i].className = allSpans[i].getClass().getSimpleName(); + + if (allSpans[i] instanceof URLSpan) { + spans[i].url = ((URLSpan)allSpans[i]).getURL(); + } + } + } + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/util/UriUtilsTest.java b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/util/UriUtilsTest.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c634bb45c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/androidTest/java/com/orgzly/android/util/UriUtilsTest.java @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.util; + +import android.net.Uri; + +import org.junit.Test; +import org.junit.runner.RunWith; +import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; + +import java.util.Arrays; + +import static junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals; + +@RunWith(value = Parameterized.class) +public class UriUtilsTest { + private String uriString; + private String dirString; + + public UriUtilsTest(String uriString, String dirString) { + this.uriString = uriString; + this.dirString = dirString; + } + + @Parameterized.Parameters(name= "{index}: #{0} is inside #{1}") + public static Iterable data() { + return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { + { "dropbox:/dir1/dir2/file.org", "dropbox:/dir1/dir2" }, + { "dropbox:/dir/file.org", "dropbox:/dir" }, + { "dropbox:/dir", "dropbox:" }, + { "dropbox:/dir/", "dropbox:" }, + { "dropbox:/", "dropbox:" } + }); + } + + @Test + public void testDirUri() throws Exception { + assertEquals(dirString, UriUtils.dirUri(Uri.parse(uriString)).toString()); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ca2eb97f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Book.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Book.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..96a9061b6 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Book.java @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Rook; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.VersionedRook; +import com.orgzly.android.sync.BookSyncStatus; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgFileSettings; + +/** + * + */ +public class Book { + private long id; + + /** + * Dummy book added while syncing, if there's no local book with the name and remotes exist. + */ + private boolean isDummy; + + /** + * Name of the book. + * Currently unique. Does not include extension, + * as format is only relevant when importing, exporting, syncing etc. + */ + private String name; + + /** Last modified time. */ + private long modificationTime; + + /** Link to remote book. */ + private Rook rook; + + /** Remote book that this book has been synced to last. */ + private VersionedRook lastSyncedToRook; + + private String detectedEncoding; + private String selectedEncoding; + private String usedEncoding; + + /** Book preface - any text before the first heading. */ + private String preface; + + private BookSyncStatus syncStatus; + + private BookAction lastAction; + + private OrgFileSettings orgFileSettings = new OrgFileSettings(); + + /** + * Returns either notebook's #+TITLE or file name. + */ + public static String getFragmentTitleForBook(Book book) { + String str = null; + + if (book != null) { + if (book.getOrgFileSettings().getTitle() != null) { + str = book.getOrgFileSettings().getTitle(); + } else { + str = book.getName(); + } + } + + return str; + } + + /** + * Returns book's file name if #+TITLE is set, null otherwise. + */ + public static String getFragmentSubtitleForBook(Book book) { + String str = null; + + if (book != null) { + if (book.getOrgFileSettings().getTitle() != null) { + str = book.getName(); + } + } + + return str; + } + + public Book(String name) { + this(name, "", System.currentTimeMillis(), false); + } + + public Book(String name, String preface, long modificationTime, boolean isDummy) { + this.name = name; + this.preface = preface; + this.modificationTime = modificationTime; + this.isDummy = isDummy; + } + + public void setId(long id) { + this.id = id; + } + + public long getId() { + return id; + } + + public String getPreface() { + return preface; + } + + public void setPreface(String preface) { + this.preface = preface; + } + + public String getName() { + return name; + } + + public boolean isModifiedAfterLastSync() { + return lastSyncedToRook != null && modificationTime > lastSyncedToRook.getMtime(); + } + + public long getMtime() { + return modificationTime; + } + + public VersionedRook getLastSyncedToRook() { + return lastSyncedToRook; + } + + public void setLastSyncedToRook(VersionedRook vrook) { + this.lastSyncedToRook = vrook; + } + + public void setLink(Rook rook) { + this.rook = rook; + } + + public Rook getLink() { + return rook; + } + + public boolean isDummy() { + return isDummy; + } + + public BookSyncStatus getSyncStatus() { + return syncStatus; + } + + public void setSyncStatus(String syncStatus) { + this.syncStatus = null; + + if (syncStatus != null) { + try { + this.syncStatus = BookSyncStatus.valueOf(syncStatus); + + } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { + /* This status is not known. + * There was an issue when BOOK_WITH_LINK_BUT_NO_ROOK was renamed -- users + * who had it in DB would get a crash. + */ + e.printStackTrace(); + } + } + } + + public void setLastAction(BookAction lastAction) { + this.lastAction = lastAction; + } + + public BookAction getLastAction() { + return lastAction; + } + + public OrgFileSettings getOrgFileSettings() { + return orgFileSettings; + } + + public void setDetectedEncoding(String detectedEncoding) { + this.detectedEncoding = detectedEncoding; + } + + public void setSelectedEncoding(String selectedEncoding) { + this.selectedEncoding = selectedEncoding; + } + + public String getSelectedEncoding() { + return selectedEncoding; + } + + public String getDetectedEncoding() { + return detectedEncoding; + } + + public void setUsedEncoding(String usedEncoding) { + this.usedEncoding = usedEncoding; + } + + public String getUsedEncoding() { + return usedEncoding; + } + + public String toString() { + /* Used by spinner in share activity. */ + return getFragmentTitleForBook(this); + } + +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/BookAction.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/BookAction.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4b38d64d8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/BookAction.java @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +/** + * Last action performed on a notebook. + * + * Action can be a result of renaming, syncing (loading, saving, ...), importing, etc. + */ +public class BookAction { + private final Type type; + private final String message; + private final long timestamp; + + public BookAction(Type type, String message) { + this(type, message, System.currentTimeMillis()); + } + + public BookAction(Type type, String message, long timestamp) { + this.type = type; + this.message = message; + this.timestamp = timestamp; + } + + public Type getType() { + return type; + } + + public String getMessage() { + return message; + } + + public long getTimestamp() { + return timestamp; + } + + public String toString() { + return "[" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + type + + " | " + message + " | " + timestamp + "]"; + } + + public enum Type { + INFO, + ERROR, + PROGRESS + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/BookName.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/BookName.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f2bfbfbfa --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/BookName.java @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.provider.DocumentsContract; +import android.provider.DocumentsProvider; +import android.support.v4.provider.DocumentFile; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Rook; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +import java.util.regex.Matcher; +import java.util.regex.Pattern; + +/** + * Given a filename determines book's format based on extension. + * Given a book name and a format - constructs a filename. + */ +public class BookName { + private static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(.*)\\.(org)(\\.txt)?$"); + private static final Pattern SKIP_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^\\.#.*"); + + public static String getFileName(Context context, Uri uri) { + String fileName; + + DocumentFile documentFile = DocumentFile.fromSingleUri(context, uri); + + if ("content".equals(uri.getScheme()) && documentFile != null) { + // Try using DocumentFile first (KitKat and above) + fileName = documentFile.getName(); + + } else { // Just get the last path segment + fileName = uri.getLastPathSegment(); + } + + return fileName; + } + + public static BookName getInstance(Context context, Rook rook) { + return fromFileName(getFileName(context, rook.getUri())); + } + + public enum Format { + ORG + } + + private final String mFileName; + private final String mName; + private final Format mFormat; + + + public static boolean isSupportedFormatFileName(String fileName) { + return PATTERN.matcher(fileName).matches() && !SKIP_PATTERN.matcher(fileName).matches(); + } + + public static String fileName(String name, Format format) { + if (format == Format.ORG) { + return name + ".org"; + + } else { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported format " + format); + } + } + + public static BookName fromFileName(String fileName) { + if (fileName != null) { + Matcher m = PATTERN.matcher(fileName); + + if (m.find()) { + String name = m.group(1); + String extension = m.group(2); + + if (extension.equals("org")) { + return new BookName(fileName, name, Format.ORG); + } + } + } + + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported book file name " + fileName); + } + + private BookName(String fileName, String name, Format format) { + mFileName = fileName; + mName = name; + mFormat = format; + } + + public String getName() { + return mName; + } + + public Format getFormat() { + return mFormat; + } + + public String getFileName() { + return mFileName; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/BootCompletedReceiver.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/BootCompletedReceiver.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9bd2fc06e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/BootCompletedReceiver.java @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.Intent; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +public class BootCompletedReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { + public static final String TAG = BootCompletedReceiver.class.getName(); + + @Override + public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, context, intent); + + if (AppPreferences.newNoteNotification(context)) { + Notifications.createNewNoteNotification(context); + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Broadcasts.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Broadcasts.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b0fa6d0d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Broadcasts.java @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +public class Broadcasts { + public static final String DATABASE_UPGRADE_STARTED = "com.orgzly.broadcast.db.upgrade.started"; + public static final String DATABASE_UPGRADE_ENDED = "com.orgzly.broadcast.db.upgrade.ended"; + + public static final String SYNC = "com.orgzly.broadcast.sync"; +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Filter.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Filter.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe6c65448 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Filter.java @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +public class Filter { + private String name; + private String query; + + public Filter(String name, String query) { + this.name = name; + this.query = query; + } + + public String getName() { + return name; + } + + public void setName(String name) { + this.name = name; + } + + public String getQuery() { + return query; + } + + public void setQuery(String query) { + this.query = query; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/LocalStorage.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/LocalStorage.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a4c936970 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/LocalStorage.java @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.os.Build; +import android.os.Environment; +import android.support.v4.provider.DocumentFile; +import android.util.Log; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; + + +/** + * Provides directories for various different types of files that needs to be stored locally. + * Prefers cache directories for temporary files, external storage for large files etc. + */ +public class LocalStorage { + private static final String TAG = LocalStorage.class.getName(); + + private Context mContext; + + public LocalStorage(Context context) { + mContext = context; + } + + /** + * Get file to which {@link Book} will be exported. + * @param format book's format + * @throws IOException if external directory is not available + */ + public File getExportFile(Book book, BookName.Format format) throws IOException { + return new File(exportedBookDirectory(), BookName.fileName(book.getName(), format)); + } + + /** + * Get temporary {@code File} for storing {@link Book}'s content. + * @throws IOException + */ + public File getTempBookFile() throws IOException { + File baseDir; + if (isExternalStorageWritable()) { + baseDir = externalCacheDir("tmp"); + } else { + baseDir = internalCacheDir("tmp"); + } + + try { + return File.createTempFile("notebook.", ".tmp", baseDir); + } catch (IOException e) { + throw new IOException("Failed creating temporary file in " + baseDir + ": " + e.getMessage()); + } + } + + public File getLocalRepoDirectory(String dir) throws IOException { + File baseDir; + if (isExternalStorageWritable()) { + baseDir = externalCacheDir(dir); + } else { + baseDir = internalCacheDir(dir); + } + + return baseDir; + } + + /** + * Export directory. + */ + private File exportedBookDirectory() throws IOException { + if (!isExternalStorageWritable()) { + throw new IOException("External storage directory not available for writing"); + } + + File file = Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS); + // File file = new File(Environment.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS), APP_NAME); + + if (! file.isDirectory()) { + if (! file.mkdirs()) { + throw new IOException("Failed creating directory " + file); + } + } + + return file; + } + + private File externalCacheDir(String dir) throws IOException { + File file = new File(mContext.getExternalCacheDir(), dir); + + if (! file.isDirectory()) { + if (! file.mkdirs()) { + throw new IOException("Failed creating directory " + file); + } + } + + return file; + } + + private File internalCacheDir(String dir) throws IOException { + File file = new File(mContext.getCacheDir(), dir); + + if (! file.isDirectory()) { + if (! file.mkdirs()) { + throw new IOException("Failed creating directory " + file); + } + } + + return file; + } + + /* Checks if external storage is available for read and write */ + // TODO: What is there is no external storage? + // Must use internal but remember that by saving to + // preferences or something when initializing for the first time? + private boolean isExternalStorageWritable() { + String state = Environment.getExternalStorageState(); + return Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(state); + } + + /** + * Removes all temporary and cache files. + */ + public void cleanup() { + deleteRecursive(mContext.getCacheDir()); + + if (isExternalStorageWritable()) { + deleteRecursive(mContext.getExternalCacheDir()); + } + } + + public static void deleteRecursive(File file) { + if (file.isDirectory()) { + String[] children = file.list(); + for (String aChildren : children) { + deleteRecursive(new File(file, aChildren)); + } + } + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Deleting " + file + " ..."); + + if (! file.delete()) { + Log.e(TAG, "Failed deleting " + file); + } + } + + public static boolean hasSecondaryStorage(Context context) { + return Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT && + context.getExternalCacheDirs().length > 1; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Note.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Note.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0c7fbe005 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Note.java @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +import com.orgzly.org.OrgHead; + +/** + * Note with {@link OrgHead} and {@link NotePosition} in the notebook. + */ +public class Note { + private long id; + + private OrgHead head; + + private NotePosition position; + + /** Number of lines in content. */ + private int mContentLines; + + /** Is the note folded (collapsed) or unfolded (expanded). */ + private boolean isFolded; // FIXME: Already in NotePosition + + + public Note() { + this.head = new OrgHead(); + this.position = new NotePosition(); + } + + public static Note newRootNote(long bookId) { + Note note = new Note(); + + NotePosition position = note.getPosition(); + + position.setBookId(bookId); + position.setLevel(0); + position.setLft(1); + position.setRgt(2); + + return note; + } + + public NotePosition getPosition() { + return position; + } + + public void setPosition(NotePosition position) { + this.position = position; + } + + public OrgHead getHead() { + return head; + } + + public void setHead(OrgHead head) { + this.head = head; + } + + public long getId() { + return id; + } + + public void setId(long id) { + this.id = id; + } + + public int getContentLines() { + return mContentLines; + } + + public void setContentLines(int mContentLines) { + this.mContentLines = mContentLines; + } + + + public boolean isFolded() { + return isFolded; + } + + public void setFolded(boolean folded) { + isFolded = folded; + } + + public String toString() { + return String.format( + "[%d-%d] L:%d Desc:%d Folded:%s FoldedUnder:%d Id: %d", + position.getLft(), + position.getRgt(), + position.getLevel(), + position.getDescendantsCount(), + this.isFolded(), + position.getFoldedUnderId(), + id); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/NotePosition.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/NotePosition.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dd1820ed4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/NotePosition.java @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +/** + * Note's position in the notebook. + */ +public class NotePosition { + /** Book ID. */ + private long bookId; + + /** Nested set model's left and right values. */ + private long lft; + private long rgt; + + /** Level (depth) of a note. */ + private int level; + + /** Number of descendants. */ + private int descendantsCount; + + /** Note ID which hides this note by being folded. */ + private long foldedUnderId; + + private long parentId; + + /** Folded or not. */ + private boolean isFolded; + + public long getFoldedUnderId() { + return foldedUnderId; + } + + public void setFoldedUnderId(long foldedUnderId) { + this.foldedUnderId = foldedUnderId; + } + + public long getParentId() { + return parentId; + } + + public void setParentId(long parentId) { + this.parentId = parentId; + } + + public boolean isFolded() { + return isFolded; + } + + public void setIsFolded(boolean v) { + isFolded = v; + } + + public int getDescendantsCount() { + return descendantsCount; + } + + public void setDescendantsCount(int descendantsCount) { + this.descendantsCount = descendantsCount; + } + + public boolean hasDescendants() { + return getDescendantsCount() > 0; + } + + public int getLevel() { + return level; + } + + public void setLevel(int level) { + this.level = level; + } + + public void setBookId(long id) { + bookId = id; + } + + public long getBookId() { + return bookId; + } + + public long getLft() { + return lft; + } + + public void setLft(long lft) { + this.lft = lft; + } + + public long getRgt() { + return rgt; + } + + public void setRgt(long rgt) { + this.rgt = rgt; + } + + public boolean doesContain(NotePosition note) { + return this.lft < note.lft && note.rgt < this.rgt; + } + + public String toString() { + return String.format("[%d-%d Lvl:%d Desc:%d Under:%d]", lft, rgt, level, descendantsCount, foldedUnderId); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/NotesBatch.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/NotesBatch.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7650d96d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/NotesBatch.java @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +import java.util.Set; + +/** + * Group of notes, used when cutting or deleting. + */ +public class NotesBatch { + private long id; + private int count; + private Set noteIds; + + public NotesBatch(long id, Set noteIds) { + this.id = id; + this.count = noteIds.size(); + this.noteIds = noteIds; + } + + public int getCount() { + return count; + } + + public long getId() { + return id; + } + + public Set getNoteIds() { + return noteIds; + } + + public String toString() { + return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + id + " with " + count + " notes]"; + } +} + diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Notifications.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Notifications.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f576db0bd --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Notifications.java @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +import android.app.Notification; +import android.app.NotificationManager; +import android.app.PendingIntent; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.Intent; +import android.graphics.drawable.Icon; +import android.os.Build; +import android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat; +import android.support.v4.app.TaskStackBuilder; +import android.support.v4.content.ContextCompat; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.ShareActivity; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +public class Notifications { + public static final String TAG = Notifications.class.getName(); + + private final static int NEW_NOTE_NOTIFICATION_ID = 1; + + public static void createNewNoteNotification(Context context) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, context); + + Intent resultIntent = new Intent(context, ShareActivity.class); + resultIntent.setAction(Intent.ACTION_SEND); + resultIntent.setType("text/plain"); + resultIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, ""); + + // The stack builder object will contain an artificial back stack for the + // started Activity. + // This ensures that navigating backward from the Activity leads out of + // your application to the Home screen. + TaskStackBuilder stackBuilder = TaskStackBuilder.create(context); + // Adds the back stack for the Intent (but not the Intent itself) + stackBuilder.addParentStack(ShareActivity.class); + // Adds the Intent that starts the Activity to the top of the stack + stackBuilder.addNextIntent(resultIntent); + PendingIntent resultPendingIntent = + stackBuilder.getPendingIntent(0, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT); + + /* Build notification */ + Notification notification = + new NotificationCompat.Builder(context) + .setOngoing(true) + .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.cic_orgzly_notification) + .setContentTitle(context.getString(R.string.new_note)) + .setContentIntent(resultPendingIntent) + .setPriority(NotificationCompat.PRIORITY_MIN) // Don't show icon on status bar + .build(); + + NotificationManager notificationManager = + (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); + + notificationManager.notify(NEW_NOTE_NOTIFICATION_ID, notification); + } + + public static void cancelNewNoteNotification(Context context) { + NotificationManager notificationManager = + (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); + + notificationManager.cancel(NEW_NOTE_NOTIFICATION_ID); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/SearchQuery.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/SearchQuery.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..45da1fab3 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/SearchQuery.java @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +import android.util.Log; + +import com.orgzly.android.util.QuotedStringTokenizer; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgInterval; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.LinkedHashSet; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Set; +import java.util.TreeSet; +import java.util.regex.Matcher; +import java.util.regex.Pattern; + + +/** + * Inspired by: + * + * Advanced searching (org-mode) + * http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/advanced-searching.html + * + * Advanced search (GMail) + * https://support.google.com/mail/answer/7190?hl=en + * + * Using . as a separator as it's available without + * using a modifier key on most keyboards. + * + */ +public class SearchQuery { + private SearchQueryInterval scheduled; + private SearchQueryInterval deadline; + private Set textSearch = new LinkedHashSet<>(); + private String bookName; + private Set notBookName = new TreeSet<>(); + private Set noteTags = new TreeSet<>(); + private Set tags = new TreeSet<>(); + private String priority; + private String state; + private Set notState = new TreeSet<>(); + + private List sortOrder = new ArrayList<>(); + + public SearchQuery() { + } + + public SearchQuery(String str) { + if (str == null) { + str = ""; + } + + QuotedStringTokenizer tokenizer = new QuotedStringTokenizer(str, " ", false, true); + + while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { + String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); + + if (token.startsWith("s.")) { // scheduled + if (token.length() > 2) { + scheduled = SearchQueryInterval.getInstance(token.substring(2).toLowerCase()); + } + + } else if (token.startsWith("d.")) { // deadline + if (token.length() > 2) { + deadline = SearchQueryInterval.getInstance(token.substring(2).toLowerCase()); + } + + } else if (token.startsWith("p.")) { // priority + if (token.length() > 2) { + priority = token.substring(2).toLowerCase(); + } + + } else if (token.startsWith("i.")) { // is (state) + if (token.length() > 2) { + state = token.substring(2).toUpperCase(); + } + + } else if (token.startsWith(".i.")) { // is not (state) + if (token.length() > 3) { + notState.add(token.substring(3).toUpperCase()); + } + + } else if (token.startsWith("b.")) { // book name + if (token.length() > 2) { + bookName = QuotedStringTokenizer.unquote(token.substring(2)); + } + + } else if (token.startsWith(".b.")) { // book name + if (token.length() > 3) { + notBookName.add(QuotedStringTokenizer.unquote(token.substring(3))); + } + + } else if (token.startsWith("tn.")) { // note tag + if (token.length() > 3) { + noteTags.add(token.substring(3)); + } + + } else if (token.startsWith("t.")) { // tag + if (token.length() > 2) { + tags.add(token.substring(2)); + } + + } else if (token.startsWith(".o.")) { // sort order + if (token.length() > 3) { + String sortOrderName = token.substring(3); + sortOrder.add(new SortOrder(sortOrderName, false)); + } + + } else if (token.startsWith("o.")) { // sort order + if (token.length() > 2) { + String sortOrderName = token.substring(2); + sortOrder.add(new SortOrder(sortOrderName, true)); + } + + } else { + textSearch.add(token); + } + } + } + + public boolean hasScheduled() { + return scheduled != null; + } + + public SearchQueryInterval getScheduled() { + return scheduled; + } + + public boolean hasDeadline() { + return deadline != null; + } + + public SearchQueryInterval getDeadline() { + return deadline; + } + + public Set getTextSearch() { + return textSearch; + } + + public boolean hasTextSearch() { + return !textSearch.isEmpty(); + } + + public Set getNoteTags() { + return noteTags; + } + + public boolean hasNoteTags() { + return !noteTags.isEmpty(); + } + + public Set getTags() { + return tags; + } + + public boolean hasTags() { + return !tags.isEmpty(); + } + + public String getPriority() { + return priority; + } + + /** + * Lowercase priority. + */ + public boolean hasPriority() { + return priority != null; + } + + public String getState() { + return state; + } + + public boolean hasState() { + return state != null; + } + + public void setState(String value) { + state = value; + } + + public Set getNotState() { + return notState; + } + + public boolean hasNotState() { + return ! notState.isEmpty(); + } + + public String getBookName() { + return bookName; + } + + public void setBookName(String bookName) { + this.bookName = bookName; + } + + public boolean hasBookName() { + return bookName != null; + } + + public Set getNotBookName() { + return notBookName; + } + + public boolean hasNotBookName() { + return ! notBookName.isEmpty(); + } + + + public boolean hasSortOrder() { + return sortOrder.size() > 0; + } + + public List getSortOrder() { + return sortOrder; + } + + public String toString() { + StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); + + if (hasBookName()) { + s.append("b.").append(QuotedStringTokenizer.quote(bookName, " ")); + } + + if (hasNotBookName()) { + for (String name : notBookName) { + s.append(" .b.").append(QuotedStringTokenizer.quote(name, " ")); + } + } + + if (state != null) { + s.append(" i.").append(state.toLowerCase()); + } + + if (! notState.isEmpty()) { + for (String state : notState) { + s.append(" .i.").append(state.toLowerCase()); + } + } + + if (priority != null) { + s.append(" p.").append(priority.toLowerCase()); + } + + if (! noteTags.isEmpty()) { + for (String tag: noteTags) { + s.append(" tn.").append(tag); + } + } + + if (! tags.isEmpty()) { + for (String tag: tags) { + s.append(" t.").append(tag); + } + } + + if (hasScheduled()) { + s.append(" s.").append(scheduled.toString()); + } + + if (hasDeadline()) { + s.append(" d.").append(deadline.toString()); + } + + for (String ts: textSearch) { + s.append(" ").append(ts); + } + + for (SortOrder order: sortOrder) { + s.append(" "); + + if (! order.isAscending) { + s.append("."); + } + + s.append("o.").append(order.name); + } + + return s.toString().trim(); + } + + public static class SortOrder { + public enum Type { + SCHEDULED, + DEADLINE, + NOTEBOOK, + PRIORITY + } + + private String name; + private boolean isAscending; + + SortOrder(String name, boolean isAscending) { + this.name = name; + this.isAscending = isAscending; + } + + public boolean isAscending() { + return isAscending; + } + + public boolean isDescending() { + return !isAscending; + } + + public Type getType() { + if ("scheduled".equals(name) || "sched".equals(name) || "s".equals(name)) { + return Type.SCHEDULED; + } else if ("deadline".equals(name) || "dead".equals(name) || "d".equals(name)) { + return Type.DEADLINE; + } else if ("priority".equals(name) || "prio".equals(name) || "pri".equals(name) || "p".equals(name)) { + return Type.PRIORITY; + } else if ("notebook".equals(name) || "book".equals(name) || "b".equals(name)) { + return Type.NOTEBOOK; + } else { + return null; + } + } + } + + /** + * {@link OrgInterval} with support for today (0d) and tomorrow (1d). + * + * TODO: Cleanup. For example tomorrow, tmws, tom should be constants (set) etc. + */ + public static class SearchQueryInterval extends OrgInterval { + public static final Pattern PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^(\\d+)(h|d|w|m|y)$"); + + public static SearchQueryInterval getInstance(String str) { + SearchQueryInterval interval = null; + + if (str != null) { + str = str.toLowerCase(); + + if ("today".equals(str) || "tod".equals(str)) { + interval = new SearchQueryInterval(); + interval.setValue(0); + interval.setUnit(Unit.DAY); + + } else if ("tomorrow".equals(str) || "tmrw".equals(str) || "tom".equals(str)) { + interval = new SearchQueryInterval(); + interval.setValue(1); + interval.setUnit(Unit.DAY); + + } else { + Matcher m = PATTERN.matcher(str); + + if (m.find()) { + interval = new SearchQueryInterval(); + interval.setValue(m.group(1)); + interval.setUnit(m.group(2)); + + } else { + return null; + } + } + } + + return interval; + } + + public String toString() { + if (unit == Unit.DAY && value == 0) { + return "today"; + + } else if (unit == Unit.DAY && value == 1) { + return "tomorrow"; + } + + return super.toString(); + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Shelf.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Shelf.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9b81f8b1e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/Shelf.java @@ -0,0 +1,850 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; +import android.content.ContentUris; +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.OperationApplicationException; +import android.content.res.Resources; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.os.RemoteException; +import android.text.TextUtils; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.BooksClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.CurrentRooksClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.DbClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.FiltersClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.NotesClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.ReposClient; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Repo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.RepoFactory; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Rook; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.VersionedRook; +import com.orgzly.android.sync.BookNamesake; +import com.orgzly.android.sync.BookSyncStatus; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.NotePlacement; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Placement; +import com.orgzly.android.util.CircularArrayList; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.UriUtils; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgHead; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgProperty; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; +import com.orgzly.org.parser.OrgParsedFile; +import com.orgzly.org.parser.OrgParser; +import com.orgzly.org.parser.OrgParserSettings; +import com.orgzly.org.parser.OrgParserWriter; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.InputStream; +import java.io.PrintWriter; +import java.nio.charset.Charset; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.HashSet; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.Set; +import java.util.TreeSet; + +/** + * Local books storage + * + * FIXME: Turned into much more over time. + */ +public class Shelf { + private static final String TAG = Shelf.class.getName(); + + private Context mContext; + private LocalStorage mLocalStorage; + + public Shelf(Context context) { + mContext = context; + mLocalStorage = new LocalStorage(context); + } + + public List getBooks() { + return BooksClient.getAll(mContext); + } + + public Book getBook(long id) { + return BooksClient.get(mContext, id); + } + + public Book getBook(String name) { + return BooksClient.get(mContext, name); + } + + /** + * Creates a new empty book. + * + * @param name name of the book + */ + public Book createBook(String name) throws IOException { + return BooksClient.insert(mContext, new Book(name)); + } + + /** + * Creates new dummy book - temporary incomplete book + * (before remote book has been downloaded, or linked etc.) + */ + private Book createDummyBook(String name) throws IOException { + return BooksClient.insert(mContext, new Book(name, "", 0, true)); + } + + /** + * Loads book from resource. + */ + public Book loadBookFromResource(String name, BookName.Format format, Resources resources, int resId) throws IOException { + InputStream is = resources.openRawResource(resId); + try { + return loadBookFromStream(name, format, is); + } finally { + is.close(); + } + } + + public Book loadBookFromStream(String name, BookName.Format format, InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { + /* Save content to temporary file. */ + File tmpFile = getTempBookFile(); + + try { + MiscUtils.writeStreamToFile(inputStream, tmpFile); + return loadBookFromFile(name, format, tmpFile); + + } finally { + tmpFile.delete(); + } + } + + /** + * Imports book to database. + * Overwrites existing book with the same name. + * Used only by tests. + * @param name Notebook name + * @param content Notebook's content + */ + public Book loadBookFromContent(String name, BookName.Format format, String content, VersionedRook vrook) throws IOException { + /* Save content to temporary file. */ + File tmpFile = getTempBookFile(); + MiscUtils.writeStringToFile(content, tmpFile); + + try { + return loadBookFromFile(name, format, tmpFile, vrook); + + } finally { + /* Delete temporary file. */ + tmpFile.delete(); + } + } + + /** + * Imports {@code File} to database under specified book name. + * Overwrites existing book with the same name. + */ + // TODO: Separately update book here - we don't want to update its mtime if loaded from resource for example. + public Book loadBookFromFile(String name, BookName.Format format, File file) throws IOException { + return loadBookFromFile(name, format, file, null, null); + } + + public Book loadBookFromFile(String name, BookName.Format format, File file, VersionedRook vrook) throws IOException { + return loadBookFromFile(name, format, file, vrook, null); + } + + public Book loadBookFromFile(String name, BookName.Format format, File file, VersionedRook vrook, String selectedEncoding) throws IOException { + Uri uri = BooksClient.loadFromFile(mContext, name, format, file, vrook, selectedEncoding); + + return BooksClient.get(mContext, ContentUris.parseId(uri)); + } + + public void setBookStatus(Book book, String status, BookAction action) { + BooksClient.updateStatus(mContext, book.getId(), status, action); + } + + // TODO: Do in Provider under transaction + public void deleteBook(Book book, boolean deleteLinked) throws IOException { + if (deleteLinked) { + Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(mContext, book.getLink().getRepoUri()); + if (repo != null) { + repo.delete(book.getLink().getUri().getPath()); + } + } + + NotesClient.deleteFromBook(mContext, book.getId()); + + BooksClient.delete(mContext, book.getId()); + } + + // TODO: This is used in tests, check if we are even deleting these books. + public File getTempBookFile() throws IOException { + return mLocalStorage.getTempBookFile(); + } + + /** + * Returns full string content of the book in format specified. Used by tests. + */ + public String getBookContent(String name, BookName.Format format) throws IOException { + Book book = getBook(name); + + if (book != null) { + File file = getTempBookFile(); + try { + writeBookToFile(book, format, file); + return MiscUtils.readStringFromFile(file); + } finally { + file.delete(); + } + } + + return null; + } + + public File exportBook(long bookId, BookName.Format format) throws IOException { + /* Get book from database. */ + Book book = getBook(bookId); + + /* Get file to write book to. */ + File file = mLocalStorage.getExportFile(book, format); + + /* Write book. */ + writeBookToFile(book, format, file); + + return file; + } + + /** + * Writes content of book from database to specified file. + * TODO: Do in Provider under transaction + */ + public void writeBookToFile(final Book book, BookName.Format format, File file) throws IOException { + + /* Use the same encoding. */ + String encoding = book.getUsedEncoding(); + if (encoding == null) { + encoding = Charset.defaultCharset().name(); + } + + final PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(file, encoding); + + try { + String prefValue = AppPreferences.separateNotesWithNewLine(mContext); + + OrgParserSettings parserSettings = OrgParserSettings.getBasic(); + + if (mContext.getString(R.string.separate_notes_with_new_line_always).equals(prefValue)) { + parserSettings.separateNotesWithNewLine = OrgParserSettings.SeparateNotesWithNewLine.ALWAYS; + } else if (mContext.getString(R.string.separate_notes_with_new_line_multi_line_notes_only).equals(prefValue)) { + parserSettings.separateNotesWithNewLine = OrgParserSettings.SeparateNotesWithNewLine.MULTI_LINE_NOTES_ONLY; + } else if (mContext.getString(R.string.separate_notes_with_new_line_never).equals(prefValue)) { + parserSettings.separateNotesWithNewLine = OrgParserSettings.SeparateNotesWithNewLine.NEVER; + } + + final OrgParserWriter parserWriter = new OrgParserWriter(parserSettings); + + out.write(parserWriter.whiteSpacedFilePreface(book.getPreface())); + + NotesClient.forEachBookNote(mContext, book.getName(), new NotesClient.NotesClientInterface() { + @Override + public void onNote(Note note) { + out.write(parserWriter.whiteSpacedHead( + note.getHead(), + note.getPosition().getLevel(), + book.getOrgFileSettings().isIndented())); + } + }); + + } finally { + out.close(); + } + } + + public void setNotesScheduledTime(Set noteIds, OrgDateTime time) { + NotesClient.updateScheduledTime(mContext, noteIds, time); + } + + public void setNotesState(Set noteIds, String state) { + NotesClient.setState(mContext, noteIds, state); + } + + public Note getNote(long id) { + return NotesClient.getNote(mContext, id); + } + + public List getNoteProperties(long id) { + return NotesClient.getNoteProperties(mContext, id); + } + + public Note getNote(String title) { + return NotesClient.getNote(mContext, title); + } + + public int updateNote(Note note) { + return NotesClient.update(mContext, note); + } + + public Note createNote(Note note, NotePlacement target) { + /* Create new note. */ + Note insertedNote = NotesClient.create(mContext, note, target); + + BooksClient.setModifiedTime(mContext, note.getPosition().getBookId(), System.currentTimeMillis()); + + return insertedNote; + } + + public String[] getAllTags(long bookId) { + return NotesClient.getAllTags(mContext, bookId); + } + + public void toggleFoldedState(long noteId) { + NotesClient.toggleFoldedState(mContext, noteId); + } + + public void promoteNotes(long bookId, Set noteIds) { + BooksClient.promote(mContext, bookId, noteIds); + } + + public int promoteNotes(long bookId, long noteId) { + Set noteIds = new HashSet<>(); + noteIds.add(noteId); + + return BooksClient.promote(mContext, bookId, noteIds); + } + + public void demoteNotes(long bookId, Set noteIds) { + BooksClient.demote(mContext, bookId, noteIds); + } + + public int demoteNotes(long bookId, long noteId) { + Set noteIds = new HashSet<>(); + noteIds.add(noteId); + + return BooksClient.demote(mContext, bookId, noteIds); + } + + public int cut(long bookId, long noteId) { + Set noteIds = new HashSet<>(); + noteIds.add(noteId); + + return NotesClient.cut(mContext, bookId, noteIds); + } + + public int cut(long bookId, Set noteIds) { + return NotesClient.cut(mContext, bookId, noteIds); + } + + public NotesBatch paste(long bookId, long noteId, Placement placement) { + return NotesClient.paste(mContext, bookId, noteId, placement); + } + + public int delete(long bookId, Set noteIds) { + return NotesClient.delete(mContext, bookId, noteIds); + } + + /** + * Recreate all tables. + */ + public void clearDatabase() { + DbClient.recreateTables(mContext); + + /* Clear last sync time. */ + AppPreferences.lastSuccessfulSyncTime(mContext, 0L); + } + + /** + * Compares every local book with every remote one and calculates the status for each link. + * + * @return number of links (unique book names) + * @throws IOException + */ + public Map groupAllNotebooksByName() throws IOException { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Collecting all local and remote books ..."); + + Map repos = ReposClient.getAll(mContext); + + List localBooks = getBooks(); + List versionedRooks = getBooksFromAllRepos(repos); + + /* Group local and remote books by name. */ + Map namesakes = BookNamesake.getAll(mContext, localBooks, versionedRooks); + + /* If there is no local book, create empty "dummy" one. */ + for (BookNamesake namesake : namesakes.values()) { + if (namesake.getBook() == null) { + Book book = createDummyBook(namesake.getName()); + namesake.setBook(book); + } + + namesake.updateStatus(repos.size()); + } + + return namesakes; + + } + + + public Map getAllRepos() { + return ReposClient.getAll(mContext); + } + + /** + * Goes through each repository and collects all books from each one. + */ + public List getBooksFromAllRepos(Map repos) throws IOException { + List result = new ArrayList<>(); + + if (repos == null) { + repos = getAllRepos(); + } + + for (Repo repo: repos.values()) { /* Each repository. */ + List libBooks = repo.getBooks(); + + for (VersionedRook vrook : libBooks) { /* Each book in repository. */ + result.add(vrook); + } + } + + CurrentRooksClient.set(mContext, result); + + return result; + } + + /** + * Passed {@link com.orgzly.android.sync.BookNamesake} is NOT updated after load or save. + * + * FIXME: Hardcoded BookName.Format.ORG below + */ + public BookAction syncNamesake(final BookNamesake namesake) throws IOException { + String repoUrl; + String fileName; + BookAction bookAction = null; + + switch (namesake.getStatus()) { + case NO_CHANGE: + bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, namesake.getStatus().msg()); + break; + + case BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_OR_MORE_ROOKS_EXIST: + case DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_ROOKS: + case NO_BOOK_MULTIPLE_ROOKS: + case ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_REPOS: + case BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_EXISTS_BUT_LINK_POINTING_TO_DIFFERENT_ROOK: + case CONFLICT_BOTH_BOOK_AND_ROOK_MODIFIED: + case CONFLICT_BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_BUT_NEVER_SYNCED_BEFORE: + case CONFLICT_LAST_SYNCED_ROOK_AND_LATEST_ROOK_ARE_DIFFERENT: + case ONLY_DUMMY: + bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.ERROR, namesake.getStatus().msg()); + break; + + /* Load remote book. */ + + case NO_BOOK_ONE_ROOK: + case DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_ROOK: + loadBookFromRepo(namesake.getRooks().get(0)); + bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, + namesake.getStatus().msg(UriUtils.friendlyUri(namesake.getRooks().get(0).getUri()))); + break; + + case BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_MODIFIED: + loadBookFromRepo(namesake.getLatestLinkedRook()); + bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, + namesake.getStatus().msg(UriUtils.friendlyUri(namesake.getLatestLinkedRook().getUri()))); + break; + + case DUMMY_WITH_LINK: + loadBookFromRepo(namesake.getLatestLinkedRook()); + bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, + namesake.getStatus().msg(UriUtils.friendlyUri(namesake.getLatestLinkedRook().getUri()))); + break; + + /* Save local book to repository. */ + + case ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_REPO: + /* Save local book to the one and only repository. */ + repoUrl = getAllRepos().entrySet().iterator().next().getValue().getUri().toString(); + fileName = BookName.fileName(namesake.getBook().getName(), BookName.Format.ORG); + saveBookToRepo(repoUrl, fileName, namesake.getBook(), BookName.Format.ORG); + bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, namesake.getStatus().msg(UriUtils.friendlyUri(repoUrl))); + break; + + case BOOK_WITH_LINK_LOCAL_MODIFIED: + repoUrl = namesake.getBook().getLastSyncedToRook().getRepoUri().toString(); + fileName = BookName.getFileName(mContext, namesake.getBook().getLastSyncedToRook().getUri()); + saveBookToRepo(repoUrl, fileName, namesake.getBook(), BookName.Format.ORG); + bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, namesake.getStatus().msg(UriUtils.friendlyUri(repoUrl))); + break; + + case ONLY_BOOK_WITH_LINK: + repoUrl = namesake.getBook().getLink().getRepoUri().toString(); + fileName = BookName.getFileName(mContext, namesake.getBook().getLink().getUri()); + saveBookToRepo(repoUrl, fileName, namesake.getBook(), BookName.Format.ORG); + bookAction = new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, namesake.getStatus().msg(UriUtils.friendlyUri(repoUrl))); + break; + } + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Syncing " + namesake + ": " + bookAction); + + return bookAction; + } + + /** + * Downloads remote book, parses it and stores it to {@link Shelf}. + * @return book now linked to remote one + * @throws IOException + */ + public Book loadBookFromRepo(Rook rook) throws IOException { + Book book; + + Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(mContext, rook.getRepoUri()); + if (repo == null) { + throw new IOException("Unsupported repository URL \"" + rook.getRepoUri() + "\""); + } + + File tmpFile = getTempBookFile(); + + try { + /* Download from repo. */ + VersionedRook vrook = repo.retrieveBook(rook, tmpFile); + + String fileName = BookName.getFileName(mContext, vrook.getUri()); + BookName bookName = BookName.fromFileName(fileName); + + /* Store from file to Shelf. */ + book = loadBookFromFile(bookName.getName(), bookName.getFormat(), tmpFile, vrook); + + } finally { + tmpFile.delete(); + } + + return book; + } + + /** + * Exports {@code Book}, uploads it to repo and link it to newly created + * {@link com.orgzly.android.repos.VersionedRook}. + * + * @return {@link Book} + * @throws IOException + */ + public Book saveBookToRepo(String repoUrl, String fileName, Book book, BookName.Format format) throws IOException { + Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(mContext, repoUrl); + + if (repo == null) { + throw new IOException("Unsupported repository URL \"" + repoUrl + "\""); + } + + VersionedRook uploadedBook; + + File tmpFile = getTempBookFile(); + try { + /* Write to temporary file. */ + writeBookToFile(book, format, tmpFile); + + /* Upload to repo. */ + uploadedBook = repo.storeBook(tmpFile, fileName); + + } finally { + /* Delete temporary file. */ + tmpFile.delete(); + } + + book.setLastSyncedToRook(uploadedBook); + + BooksClient.saved(mContext, book.getId(), uploadedBook); + + return book; + } + + public int updateBookSettings(Book book) { + return BooksClient.updateSettings(mContext, book); + } + + public void renameBook(Book book, String name) throws IOException { + String oldName = book.getName(); + + /* Make sure there is no notebook with this name. */ + if (getBook(name) != null) { + throw new IOException("Notebook with that name already exists"); + } + + /* Make sure link's repo is the same as sync book repo. */ + if (book.getLink() != null && book.getLastSyncedToRook() != null) { + if (! book.getLink().getUri().equals(book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri())) { + String s = BookSyncStatus.ROOK_AND_VROOK_HAVE_DIFFERENT_REPOS.toString(); + setBookStatus(book, s, new BookAction(BookAction.Type.ERROR, s)); + return; + } + } + + /* Do not rename if there are local changes. */ + if (book.getLastSyncedToRook() != null) { + if (book.isModifiedAfterLastSync()) { + throw new IOException("Notebook is not synced"); + } + } + + /* Prefer link. */ + if (book.getLastSyncedToRook() != null) { + VersionedRook vrook = book.getLastSyncedToRook(); + Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(mContext, vrook.getRepoUri()); + + String fileName = BookName.getFileName(mContext, vrook.getUri()); + BookName bookName = BookName.fromFileName(fileName); + String newFilename = BookName.fileName(name, bookName.getFormat()); + + Uri newUri = UriUtils.dirUri(vrook.getUri()) // Old URI without file name + .buildUpon() + .appendPath(newFilename) // New file name + .build(); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Moving book from " + vrook.getUri() + " to " + newUri); + + VersionedRook movedVrook = repo.moveBook(vrook.getUri(), newUri); + + book.setLastSyncedToRook(movedVrook); + + BooksClient.saved(mContext, book.getId(), movedVrook); + } + + if (BooksClient.updateName(mContext, book.getId(), name) != 1) { + String msg = mContext.getString(R.string.failed_renaming_book); + setBookStatus(book, null, new BookAction(BookAction.Type.ERROR, msg)); + throw new IOException(msg); + } + + setBookStatus(book, null, new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, mContext.getString(R.string.renamed_book_from, oldName))); + } + + public Uri addRepoUrl(String url) { + return ReposClient.insert(mContext, url); + } + + public int updateRepoUrl(long id, String url) { + return ReposClient.updateUrl(mContext, id, url); + } + + public int deleteRepo(long id) { + return ReposClient.delete(mContext, id); + } + + public void shiftState(long id, int direction) { + Note note = NotesClient.getNote(mContext, id); + shiftState(note, direction); + } + + public void shiftState(Note note, int direction) { + String currentState = note.getHead().getState(); + + ArrayList array = new ArrayList<>(); + array.add(null); + array.addAll(AppPreferences.todoKeywordsSet(mContext)); + array.addAll(AppPreferences.doneKeywordsSet(mContext)); + CircularArrayList allStates = new CircularArrayList<>(array.toArray(new String[array.size()])); + + int currentIndex = allStates.indexOf(currentState); + int nextIndex = currentIndex + direction; + + String nextState = allStates.get(nextIndex); + + Set noteIds = new HashSet<>(); + noteIds.add(note.getId()); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Setting state for " + note.getHead().getTitle() + " to " + nextState + + ": " + currentIndex + " -> " + nextIndex + " (" + allStates.size() + " total states)"); + + + setNotesState(noteIds, nextState); + } + + public void deleteFilters(Set ids) { + // TODO: Send a single request. */ + for (long id: ids) { + FiltersClient.delete(mContext, id); + } + } + + public void createFilter(Filter filter) { + FiltersClient.create(mContext, filter); + } + + public void updateFilter(long id, Filter filter) { + FiltersClient.update(mContext, id, filter); + } + + public void moveFilterUp(long id) { + FiltersClient.moveUp(mContext, id); + } + + public void moveFilterDown(long id) { + FiltersClient.moveDown(mContext, id); + } + + public void cycleVisibility(Book book) { + BooksClient.cycleVisibility(mContext, book); + } + + public void setLink(Book book, String repoUrl) { + if (repoUrl == null) { + BooksClient.removeLink(mContext, book.getId()); + + } else { + String fileName; + + /* Use file name used in last sync, if last sync exists. */ + if (book.getLastSyncedToRook() != null) { + fileName = BookName.getFileName(mContext, book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri()); + } else { + fileName = BookName.fileName(book.getName(), BookName.Format.ORG); + } + + Uri rookUri = Uri.parse(repoUrl).buildUpon().appendPath(fileName).build(); + + BooksClient.setLink(mContext, book.getId(), repoUrl, rookUri.toString()); + } + } + + public void setStateToDone(long noteId) { + Set doneStates = AppPreferences.doneKeywordsSet(mContext); + + String firstState = doneStates.iterator().hasNext() ? doneStates.iterator().next() : null; + + if (firstState != null) { + Set ids = new TreeSet<>(); + ids.add(noteId); + setNotesState(ids, firstState); + } + } + + public interface ReParsingNotesListener { + void noteParsed(int current, int total, String msg); + } + + /** + * Using current states configuration, update states and titles for all notes. + * Keywords that were part of the title can become states and vice versa. + * Affected books' mtime will *not* be updated. + * + * @return Number of modified notes. + */ + public int reParseNotesStateAndTitles(ReParsingNotesListener listener) throws IOException { + int modifiedNotesCount = 0; + + ArrayList ops = new ArrayList<>(); + + /* Get all notes. */ + Cursor cursor = mContext.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), null, null, null, null); + + try { + int current = 0; + int total = 0; + + OrgParser.Builder parserBuilder = new OrgParser.Builder() + .setTodoKeywords(AppPreferences.todoKeywordsSet(mContext)) + .setDoneKeywords(AppPreferences.doneKeywordsSet(mContext)); + + OrgParserWriter parserWriter = new OrgParserWriter(); + + /* Get total number of notes for displaying the stats. */ + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + total = cursor.getCount(); + } + + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + current++; + + /* Get current heading string. */ + Note note = NotesClient.fromCursor(cursor); + + /* Skip root node. */ + if (note.getPosition().getLevel() == 0) { + continue; + } + + OrgHead head = note.getHead(); + String headString = parserWriter.whiteSpacedHead(head, note.getPosition().getLevel(), false); + + /* Re-parse heading using current setting of keywords. */ + OrgParsedFile file = parserBuilder + .setInput(headString) + .build() + .parse(); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Note " + note + " parsed has " + file.getHeadsInList().size() + " notes"); + + if (file.getHeadsInList().size() != 1) { + throw new IOException("Got " + file.getHeadsInList().size() + " notes after parsing \"" + headString + "\""); + } + + OrgHead newHead = file.getHeadsInList().get(0).getHead(); + + /* Update if state, title or priority are different. */ + if (! TextUtils.equals(newHead.getState(), head.getState()) || + ! TextUtils.equals(newHead.getTitle(), head.getTitle()) || + ! TextUtils.equals(newHead.getPriority(), head.getPriority())) { + + modifiedNotesCount++; + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.TITLE, newHead.getTitle()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.STATE, newHead.getState()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.PRIORITY, newHead.getPriority()); + + ops.add(ContentProviderOperation + .newUpdate(ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), cursor.getLong(0))) + .withValues(values) + .build() + ); + } + + if (listener != null) { + listener.noteParsed(current, total, "Updating notes..."); + } + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + if (listener != null) { + listener.noteParsed(0, 0, "Updating database..."); + } + + /* + * Apply batch. + */ + try { + mContext.getContentResolver().applyBatch(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, ops); + } catch (RemoteException | OperationApplicationException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + + return modifiedNotesCount; + } + + // TODO: Used by tests only for now + public Map sync() { + try { + Map nameGroups = groupAllNotebooksByName(); + + for (BookNamesake group : nameGroups.values()) { + BookAction action = syncNamesake(group); + setBookStatus(group.getBook(), group.getStatus().toString(), action); + } + + return nameGroups; + + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + } + + return null; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/StateChangeLogic.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/StateChangeLogic.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4fe0a043f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/StateChangeLogic.java @@ -0,0 +1,87 @@ +package com.orgzly.android; + +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgRange; + +import java.util.Set; + +/** + * State setting logic. + */ +public class StateChangeLogic { + final private Set todoKeywords; + final private Set doneKeywords; + + private String state; + + private OrgRange scheduled; + private OrgRange deadline; + private OrgRange closed; + + public StateChangeLogic(Set todoKeywords, Set doneKeywords) { + this.todoKeywords = todoKeywords; + this.doneKeywords = doneKeywords; + } + + public void setState(String targetState, String originalState, OrgRange scheduledTime, OrgRange deadlineTime) { + if (targetState == null) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target state cannot be null"); + } + + this.scheduled = scheduledTime; + this.deadline = deadlineTime; + + if (doneKeywords.contains(targetState)) { /* Target state is a done state. */ + if (todoKeywords.contains(originalState)) { + boolean shifted = false; + + if (scheduled != null) { + if (scheduled.shift()) { + shifted = true; + } + } + if (deadline != null) { + if (deadline.shift()) { + shifted = true; + } + } + + if (shifted) { + /* Keep the original state and remove the closed time */ + state = originalState; + closed = null; + } else { + /* Set state and closed time. */ + state = targetState; + closed = OrgRange.getInstance(OrgDateTime.getInstance(false)); + } + + } else { + /* Set state and update closed time. */ + state = targetState; + closed = OrgRange.getInstance(OrgDateTime.getInstance(false)); + } + + } else { /* Target keyword is a to-do state. + /* Set state and remove closed time. */ + state = targetState; + closed = null; + } + } + + public String getState() { + return state; + } + + public OrgRange getScheduled() { + return scheduled; + } + + public OrgRange getDeadline() { + return deadline; + } + + public OrgRange getClosed() { + return closed; + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/AppPreferences.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/AppPreferences.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6fecaef92 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/AppPreferences.java @@ -0,0 +1,394 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.prefs; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.SharedPreferences; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgStatesWorkflow; + +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.HashSet; +import java.util.LinkedHashSet; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.Set; + +import static android.preference.PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences; +import static android.preference.PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues; + + +/** + * Shared preferences utility class. + */ +public class AppPreferences { + /* Static members for quick access. */ + private static Set todoKeywords; + private static Set doneKeywords; + + /* Shared Preferences for states. */ + private static SharedPreferences getStateSharedPreferences(Context context) { + return context.getSharedPreferences("state", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); + } + + public static boolean isDoneKeyword(Context context, String state) { + return state != null && AppPreferences.doneKeywordsSet(context).contains(state); + } + + public static AppPreferencesValues getAllValues(Context context) { + AppPreferencesValues values = new AppPreferencesValues(); + + values.defaultPrefsValues = getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getAll(); + values.statePrefsValues = getStateSharedPreferences(context).getAll(); + + return values; + } + + public static void setAllFromValues(Context context, AppPreferencesValues values) { + AppPreferences.clearAllSharedPreferences(context); + + setPrefsFromValues(getDefaultSharedPreferences(context), values.defaultPrefsValues); + setPrefsFromValues(getStateSharedPreferences(context), values.statePrefsValues); + } + + private static void setPrefsFromValues(SharedPreferences prefs, Map values) { + SharedPreferences.Editor edit = prefs.edit(); + + for (String key: values.keySet()) { + Object value = values.get(key); + + if (value instanceof Boolean) { + edit.putBoolean(key, (boolean) value); + + } else if (value instanceof Float) { + edit.putFloat(key, (float) value); + + } else if (value instanceof Integer) { + edit.putInt(key, (int) value); + + } else if (value instanceof Long) { + edit.putLong(key, (long) value); + + } else if (value instanceof String) { + edit.putString(key, (String) value); + + } else if (value instanceof Set) { + edit.putStringSet(key, (Set) value); + } + } + + edit.apply(); + } + + /** + * Clears all preferences and sets them to default values. + */ + public static void setToDefaults(Context context) { + clearAllSharedPreferences(context); + + setDefaultValues(context, R.xml.preferences, true); + } + + private static void clearAllSharedPreferences(Context context) { + /* Clear default preferences. */ + getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).edit().clear().apply(); + + /* Clear state preferences. */ + getStateSharedPreferences(context).edit().clear().apply(); + } + + public static boolean refreshOnSharedPreferenceChanged(Context context, String key) { + boolean isReparsingNotesRequired = false; + + if (context.getString(R.string.pref_key_states).equals(key)) { + updateStaticKeywords(context); + isReparsingNotesRequired = true; + } + + return isReparsingNotesRequired; + } + + /* + * User preferences. + * Default values are taken from string resources (also used by preferences.xml) + */ + + public static boolean isNotesContentDisplayedInList(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getBoolean( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_is_notes_content_displayed_in_list), + context.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.pref_default_is_notes_content_displayed_in_list)); + } + + public static boolean isNotesContentDisplayedInSearch(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getBoolean( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_is_notes_content_displayed_in_search), + context.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.pref_default_is_notes_content_displayed_in_search)); + } + + public static boolean isNotesContentFoldable(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getBoolean( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_is_notes_content_foldable), + context.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.pref_default_is_notes_content_foldable)); + } + + public static boolean isFontMonospaced(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getBoolean( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_is_font_monospaced), + context.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.pref_default_is_font_monospaced)); + } + + public static String notebooksSortOrder(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_notebooks_sort_order), + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_default_notebooks_sort_order)); + } + + public static String notesListDensity(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_notes_list_density), + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_default_notes_list_density)); + } + + public static boolean displayPlanning(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getBoolean( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_display_planning), + context.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.pref_default_display_planning)); + } + + public static boolean createdAt(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getBoolean( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_is_created_at_added), + context.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.pref_default_value_is_created_at_added)); + } + + public static String createdAtProperty(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_created_at_property), + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_default_created_at_property)); + } + + public static boolean newNoteNotification(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getBoolean( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_new_note_notification), + context.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.pref_default_value_new_note_notification)); + } + public static String colorScheme(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_color_scheme), + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_default_value_color_scheme)); + } + + public static String bookNameInSearchResults(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_book_name_in_search), + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_default_value_book_name_in_search)); + } + + public static String fontSize(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_font_size), + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_default_value_font_size)); + } + + public static Set displayedBookDetails(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getStringSet( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_displayed_book_details), + new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(context.getResources().getStringArray(R.array.displayed_book_details_default)))); + } + + public static void displayedBookDetails(Context context, List value) { + String key = context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_displayed_book_details); + getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).edit().putStringSet(key, new HashSet<>(value)).apply(); + } + + public static String separateNotesWithNewLine(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_separate_notes_with_new_line), + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_default_separate_notes_with_new_line)); + } + + /* + * Click action. + */ + + public static boolean isReverseNoteClickAction(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getBoolean( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_is_reverse_click_action), + context.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.pref_default_is_reverse_click_action)); + } + + public static void isReverseNoteClickAction(Context context, boolean value) { + String key = context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_is_reverse_click_action); + getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).edit().putBoolean(key, value).apply(); + } + + /* + * Schedule new note. + */ + + public static boolean isNewNoteScheduled(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getBoolean( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_is_new_note_scheduled), + context.getResources().getBoolean(R.bool.pref_default_value_is_new_note_scheduled)); + } + + /* + * Set to-do for new note. + */ + + public static String newNoteState(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_new_note_state), + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_default_value_new_note_state)); + } + + public static void newNoteState(Context context, String value) { + String key = context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_new_note_state); + getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).edit().putString(key, value).apply(); + } + + /* + * State keywords + */ + + public static String states(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_states), + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_default_states)); + } + + public static void states(Context context, String value) { + String key = context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_states); + getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).edit().putString(key, value).apply(); + updateStaticKeywords(context); + } + + /* + * TO-DO keywords + */ + + public static Set todoKeywordsSet(Context context) { + synchronized (AppPreferences.class) { + if (todoKeywords == null) { + updateStaticKeywords(context); + } + + return todoKeywords; + } + } + + public static void updateStaticKeywords(Context context) { + synchronized (AppPreferences.class) { + todoKeywords = new LinkedHashSet<>(); + doneKeywords = new LinkedHashSet<>(); + + for (OrgStatesWorkflow workflow: new StateWorkflows(states(context))) { + todoKeywords.addAll(workflow.getTodoKeywords()); + doneKeywords.addAll(workflow.getDoneKeywords()); + } + } + } + + /* + * DONE keywords + */ + + public static Set doneKeywordsSet(Context context) { + synchronized (AppPreferences.class) { + if (doneKeywords == null) { + updateStaticKeywords(context); + } + return doneKeywords; + } + } + + /* + * Lowest priority. + */ + + public static String minPriority(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_min_priority), + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_default_min_priority)); + } + + public static void minPriority(Context context, String value) { + String key = context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_min_priority); + getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).edit().putString(key, value).apply(); + } + + /* + * Default priority. + */ + + public static String defaultPriority(Context context) { + return getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_default_priority), + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_default_default_priority)); + } + + public static void defaultPriority(Context context, String value) { + String key = context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_default_priority); + getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).edit().putString(key, value).apply(); + } + + /* + * State flags and values. + * They have no default values, they are not set by user. + */ + + /* + * Dropbox token. + */ + + public static String dropboxToken(Context context) { + String key = context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_dropbox_token); + return getStateSharedPreferences(context).getString(key, null); + } + + public static void dropboxToken(Context context, String value) { + String key = context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_dropbox_token); + getStateSharedPreferences(context).edit().putString(key, value).apply(); + } + + /* + * Last used version. + */ + + public static int lastUsedVersionCode(Context context) { + String key = context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_last_used_version_code); + return getStateSharedPreferences(context).getInt(key, 0); + } + + public static void lastUsedVersionCode(Context context, int value) { + String key = context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_last_used_version_code); + getStateSharedPreferences(context).edit().putInt(key, value).apply(); + } + + /* + * Getting started notebook loaded. + */ + + public static boolean isGettingStartedNotebookLoaded(Context context) { + String key = context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_is_getting_started_notebook_loaded); + return getStateSharedPreferences(context).getBoolean(key, false); + } + + public static void isGettingStartedNotebookLoaded(Context context, boolean value) { + String key = context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_is_getting_started_notebook_loaded); + getStateSharedPreferences(context).edit().putBoolean(key, value).apply(); + } + + /* + * Last sync. + */ + + public static void lastSuccessfulSyncTime(Context context, Long value) { + String key = context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_last_successful_sync_time); + getStateSharedPreferences(context).edit().putLong(key, value).apply(); + } + + public static long lastSuccessfulSyncTime(Context context) { + String key = context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_last_successful_sync_time); + return getStateSharedPreferences(context).getLong(key, 0L); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/AppPreferencesValues.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/AppPreferencesValues.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a8dcdd93e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/AppPreferencesValues.java @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.prefs; + +import java.util.Map; + +/** + * Values of all shared preferences. + * + * Used by {@code OrgzlyTest} for restoring the preferences. + */ +public class AppPreferencesValues { + Map defaultPrefsValues; + Map statePrefsValues; +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/EditTextPreferenceWithValueAsSummary.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/EditTextPreferenceWithValueAsSummary.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9de1023af --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/EditTextPreferenceWithValueAsSummary.java @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.prefs; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.preference.EditTextPreference; +import android.util.AttributeSet; + +/** + * {@link EditTextPreference} with summary set to its current value. + */ +public class EditTextPreferenceWithValueAsSummary extends EditTextPreference { + public EditTextPreferenceWithValueAsSummary(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { + super(context, attrs, defStyle); + } + + public EditTextPreferenceWithValueAsSummary(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { + super(context, attrs); + } + + @Override + public void setText(String text) { + super.setText(text); + + setSummary(text); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/ListPreferenceWithValueAsSummary.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/ListPreferenceWithValueAsSummary.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..431c8f2f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/ListPreferenceWithValueAsSummary.java @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.prefs; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.preference.ListPreference; +import android.util.AttributeSet; + +/** + * {@link ListPreference} with summary set to its current value. + */ +public class ListPreferenceWithValueAsSummary extends ListPreference { + public ListPreferenceWithValueAsSummary(Context context) { + super(context); + } + + public ListPreferenceWithValueAsSummary(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { + super(context, attrs); + } + + @Override + public void setValue(String text) { + super.setValue(text); + + setSummary(getEntry()); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/StateWorkflows.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/StateWorkflows.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f42ef4e0b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/StateWorkflows.java @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.prefs; + +import com.orgzly.org.OrgStatesWorkflow; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgStringUtils; + +import java.util.ArrayList; + +/** + * List of {@link OrgStatesWorkflow}s + */ +public class StateWorkflows extends ArrayList { + public StateWorkflows(String s) { + if (s == null) { + return; + } + + String st = s.trim(); + + if (st.length() == 0) { + return; + } + + for (String line: st.split("\n+")) { + add(new OrgStatesWorkflow(line)); + } + } + + public String toString() { + return OrgStringUtils.join(this, "\n"); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/StatesPreference.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/StatesPreference.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b0068798e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/prefs/StatesPreference.java @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.prefs; + + +import android.annotation.TargetApi; +import android.app.AlertDialog; +import android.content.Context; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.preference.DialogPreference; +import android.support.design.widget.TextInputLayout; +import android.text.Editable; +import android.text.TextWatcher; +import android.util.AttributeSet; +import android.view.View; +import android.widget.Button; +import android.widget.EditText; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgStatesWorkflow; +import com.orgzly.org.utils.ArrayListSpaceSeparated; + +import java.util.HashSet; +import java.util.Set; + +public class StatesPreference extends DialogPreference { + private TextInputLayout todoLayout; + private EditText todoStates; + + private TextInputLayout doneLayout; + private EditText doneStates; + + + @TargetApi(21) + public StatesPreference(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) { + super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes); + setDialogLayoutResource(R.layout.pref_dialog_states); + } + + public StatesPreference(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { + super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); + setDialogLayoutResource(R.layout.pref_dialog_states); + } + + public StatesPreference(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { + super(context, attrs); + setDialogLayoutResource(R.layout.pref_dialog_states); + } + + @TargetApi(21) + public StatesPreference(Context context) { + super(context); + setDialogLayoutResource(R.layout.pref_dialog_states); + } + + @Override + protected void onBindDialogView(View view) { + super.onBindDialogView(view); + + todoStates = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.todo_states); + todoLayout = (TextInputLayout) view.findViewById(R.id.todo_states_layout); + + doneStates = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.done_states); + doneLayout = (TextInputLayout) view.findViewById(R.id.done_states_layout); + + TextWatcher watcher = new TextWatcher() { + @Override + public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) { + } + + @Override + public void onTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) { + } + + @Override + public void afterTextChanged(Editable editable) { + validateAndUpdateButton(); + } + }; + + todoStates.addTextChangedListener(watcher); + doneStates.addTextChangedListener(watcher); + + StateWorkflows value = new StateWorkflows(AppPreferences.states(getContext())); + + if (value.size() > 0) { + todoStates.setText(value.get(0).getTodoKeywords().toString()); + doneStates.setText(value.get(0).getDoneKeywords().toString()); + } + } + + @Override + protected void showDialog(Bundle state) { + super.showDialog(state); + + /* Validate states when dialog is displayed for the first time. */ + validateAndUpdateButton(); + } + + private void validateAndUpdateButton() { + AlertDialog d = (AlertDialog) getDialog(); + + if (d != null) { + Button button = d.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE); + + if (button != null) { + button.setEnabled(isValid()); + } + } + } + + /** + * Check for duplicate state keywords. + */ + private boolean isValid() { + todoLayout.setError(null); + doneLayout.setError(null); + + Set keywords = new HashSet<>(); + + for (String k: new ArrayListSpaceSeparated(todoStates.getText().toString())) { + if (keywords.contains(k)) { + todoLayout.setError(getContext().getString(R.string.duplicate_keywords_not_allowed, k)); + return false; + } + keywords.add(k); + } + + for (String k: new ArrayListSpaceSeparated(doneStates.getText().toString())) { + if (keywords.contains(k)) { + doneLayout.setError(getContext().getString(R.string.duplicate_keywords_not_allowed, k)); + return false; + } + keywords.add(k); + } + + return true; + } + + @Override + protected void onDialogClosed(boolean positiveResult) { + super.onDialogClosed(positiveResult); + + if (positiveResult) { + OrgStatesWorkflow workflow = new OrgStatesWorkflow( + new ArrayListSpaceSeparated(todoStates.getText().toString()), + new ArrayListSpaceSeparated(doneStates.getText().toString()) + ); + + String value = workflow.toString(); + AppPreferences.states(getContext(), value); + setSummary(value); + } + } + + @Override + public CharSequence getSummary() { + String s = AppPreferences.states(getContext()).trim(); + + if ("|".equals(s)) { + s = getContext().getString(R.string.no_states_defined); + } + + return s; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/Database.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/Database.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..369cb8423 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/Database.java @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.Intent; + +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper; +import android.support.v4.content.LocalBroadcastManager; +import android.util.Log; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.Broadcasts; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.*; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.views.BooksView; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.views.NotesView; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +/** + * Helper class that actually creates and manages the provider's underlying data repository. + */ +public class Database extends SQLiteOpenHelper { + private static final String TAG = Database.class.getName(); + + private static final String NAME = "orgzly.db"; + + /** Context kept for broadcasts. */ + private Context context; + + /** + * Instantiates an open helper for the provider's SQLite data repository. + */ + public Database(Context context) { + super(context, NAME, null, DatabaseMigration.DB_VER_CURRENT); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, ""); + + this.context = context; + } + + /** + * Called when the database is created for the first time. + */ + @Override + public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) { + Log.i(TAG, "Creating database for version " + DatabaseMigration.DB_VER_CURRENT); + + createAllTables(db); + createAllViews(db); + } + + @Override + public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) { + Log.i(TAG, "Upgrading database from " + oldVersion + " to " + newVersion); + + /* Simply drop all views and create them after the upgrade. */ + dropAllViews(db); + + DatabaseMigration.upgrade(db, oldVersion, new Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(context) + .sendBroadcast(new Intent(Broadcasts.DATABASE_UPGRADE_STARTED)); + } + }); + + createAllViews(db); + + LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(context) + .sendBroadcast(new Intent(Broadcasts.DATABASE_UPGRADE_ENDED)); + } + + /** + * User-requested recreate of all tables. + */ + public void reCreateTables(SQLiteDatabase db) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, db.getPath()); + + db.beginTransaction(); + + try { + dropAllViews(db); + dropAllTables(db); + + onCreate(db); + + db.setTransactionSuccessful(); + + } finally { + db.endTransaction(); + } + } + + private void createAllTables(SQLiteDatabase db) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, db.getPath()); + + /* CREATE tables */ + for (String sql : DbRepo.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbBook.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbNote.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbOrgTimestamp.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbOrgRange.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbSearch.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbBookLink.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbBookSync.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbRookUrl.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbRook.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbVersionedRook.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbCurrentVersionedRook.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbDbRepo.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbNoteProperty.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbPropertyName.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbPropertyValue.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbProperty.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + } + + private void dropAllTables(SQLiteDatabase db) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, db.getPath()); + + /* DROP tables */ + db.execSQL(DbRepo.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbBook.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbNote.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbOrgTimestamp.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbOrgRange.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbSearch.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbBookLink.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbBookSync.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbRookUrl.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbRook.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbVersionedRook.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbCurrentVersionedRook.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbDbRepo.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbNoteProperty.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbPropertyName.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbPropertyValue.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(DbProperty.DROP_SQL); + } + + /** DROP views */ + private void dropAllViews(SQLiteDatabase db) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, db.getPath()); + + db.execSQL(NotesView.DROP_SQL); + db.execSQL(BooksView.DROP_SQL); + } + + /** CREATE views */ + private void createAllViews(SQLiteDatabase db) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, db.getPath()); + + db.execSQL(NotesView.CREATE_SQL); + db.execSQL(BooksView.CREATE_SQL); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/DatabaseMigration.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/DatabaseMigration.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3fe1a7da0 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/DatabaseMigration.java @@ -0,0 +1,384 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; +import android.text.TextUtils; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.NotePosition; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNoteProperty; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbProperty; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbPropertyName; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbPropertyValue; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; +import com.orgzly.org.parser.OrgNestedSetParser; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Stack; +import java.util.regex.Matcher; +import java.util.regex.Pattern; + +/** + * Database migration. + * + * All database schema updates and ugly fixes in one place. + * + * All names are hardcoded on purpose in case they are changed, so that values of constants + * such as TITLE or LFT can simply be updated. It makes DatabaseSchema clean and always current. + * + * Eventually we can start removing these updates. If user didn't update the app for a long + * time, it should be safe to assume he doesn't need the data and can just re-install the app. + * So this mess can be removed over time. + */ +public class DatabaseMigration { + private static final String TAG = DatabaseMigration.class.getName(); + + private static final int DB_VER_1 = 130; + private static final int DB_VER_2 = 131; + private static final int DB_VER_3 = 132; + private static final int DB_VER_4 = 133; + private static final int DB_VER_5 = 134; + private static final int DB_VER_6 = 135; + private static final int DB_VER_7 = 136; + private static final int DB_VER_8 = 137; + + static final int DB_VER_CURRENT = DB_VER_8; + + /** + * Start from the old version and go through all changes. No breaks. + */ + public static void upgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, Runnable notifyUserIfSlow) { + + /* Simulate slow upgrade. */ + // notifyUserIfSlow.run(); + // try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } + + switch (oldVersion) { + case DB_VER_1: + db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN title"); // TITLE + + case DB_VER_2: + db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN is_indented INTEGER DEFAULT 0"); // IS_INDENTED + db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN used_encoding TEXT"); // USED_ENCODING + db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN detected_encoding TEXT"); // DETECTED_ENCODING + db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE books ADD COLUMN selected_encoding TEXT"); // SELECTED_ENCODING + + case DB_VER_3: + /* Views-only updates */ + + case DB_VER_4: + /* Folding notes implemented. */ + + if (notifyUserIfSlow != null) { + notifyUserIfSlow.run(); + notifyUserIfSlow = null; + } + + db.execSQL("ALTER TABLE notes ADD COLUMN parent_id"); // PARENT_ID + db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_notes_is_visible ON notes(is_visible)"); // LFT + db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_notes_parent_position ON notes(parent_position)"); // RGT + db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_notes_is_collapsed ON notes(is_collapsed)"); // IS_FOLDED + db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_notes_is_under_collapsed ON notes(is_under_collapsed)"); // FOLDED_UNDER_ID + db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_notes_parent_id ON notes(parent_id)"); // PARENT_ID + db.execSQL("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_notes_has_children ON notes(has_children)"); // DESCENDANTS_COUNT + + convertNotebooksFromPositionToNestedSet(db); + + case DB_VER_5: + fixOrgRanges(db); + + case DB_VER_6: + /* Properties moved from content. */ + + if (notifyUserIfSlow != null) { + notifyUserIfSlow.run(); + notifyUserIfSlow = null; + } + + for (String sql : DbNoteProperty.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbPropertyName.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbPropertyValue.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + for (String sql : DbProperty.CREATE_SQL) db.execSQL(sql); + + movePropertiesFromBody(db); + + case DB_VER_7: + encodeRookUris(db); + } + } + + private static void movePropertiesFromBody(SQLiteDatabase db) { + Cursor cursor = db.query("notes", new String[] { "_id", "content" }, null, null, null, null, null); + + try { + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + long noteId = cursor.getLong(0); + String content = cursor.getString(1); + + if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(content)) { + StringBuilder newContent = new StringBuilder(); + List properties = getPropertiesFromContent(content, newContent); + + if (properties.size() > 0) { + int pos = 0; + for (DbProperty property : properties) { + DbNoteProperty np = new DbNoteProperty(noteId, pos, property); + np.save(db); + } + + /* Update content and its line count */ + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put("content", newContent.toString()); + values.put("content_line_count", MiscUtils.lineCount(newContent.toString())); + db.update("notes", values, "_id = " + noteId, null); + } + } + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + public static List getPropertiesFromContent(String content, StringBuilder newContent) { + List properties = new ArrayList<>(); + + final Pattern propertiesPattern = Pattern.compile("^\\s*:PROPERTIES:(.*?):END: *\n*(.*)", Pattern.DOTALL); + final Pattern propertyPattern = Pattern.compile("^:([^:\\s]+):\\s+(.*)\\s*$"); + + Matcher m = propertiesPattern.matcher(content); + + if (m.find()) { + for (String propertyLine: m.group(1).split("\n")) { + Matcher pm = propertyPattern.matcher(propertyLine.trim()); + + if (pm.find()) { + properties.add(new DbProperty( + new DbPropertyName(pm.group(1)), new DbPropertyValue(pm.group(2)))); + } + } + + newContent.append(m.group(2)); + } + + return properties; + } + + private static void convertNotebooksFromPositionToNestedSet(SQLiteDatabase db) { + Cursor cursor = db.query("books", new String[] { "_id" }, null, null, null, null, null); + + try { + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + long bookId = cursor.getLong(0); + convertNotebookFromPositionToNestedSet(db, bookId); + DatabaseUtils.updateParentIds(db, bookId); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + private static void convertNotebookFromPositionToNestedSet(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { + /* Insert root note. */ + ContentValues rootNoteValues = new ContentValues(); + rootNoteValues.put("level", 0); + rootNoteValues.put("book_id", bookId); + rootNoteValues.put("position", 0); // TODO: Remove + db.insertOrThrow("notes", null, rootNoteValues); + + Cursor cursor = db.query( + "notes", + null, + "book_id = " + bookId, + null, + null, + null, + "position"); + + try { + updateNotesPositionsFromLevel(db, cursor); + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + private static void updateNotesPositionsFromLevel(SQLiteDatabase db, Cursor cursor) { + Stack stack = new Stack<>(); + int prevLevel = -1; + long sequence = OrgNestedSetParser.STARTING_VALUE - 1; + + + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + NotePositionWithId note = new NotePositionWithId(); + note.id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(DbNote.Column._ID)); + note.position = DbNote.positionFromCursor(cursor); + + if (prevLevel < note.position.getLevel()) { + /* + * This is a descendant of previous thisNode. + */ + + /* Put the current thisNode on the stack. */ + sequence += 1; + note.position.setLft(sequence); + stack.push(note); + + } else if (prevLevel == note.position.getLevel()) { + /* + * This is a sibling, which means that the last thisNode visited can be completed. + * Take it off the stack, update its rgt value and announce it. + */ + NotePositionWithId nodeFromStack = stack.pop(); + sequence += 1; + nodeFromStack.position.setRgt(sequence); + calculateAndSetDescendantsCount(nodeFromStack.position, 1); + updateNotePositionValues(db, nodeFromStack); + + /* Put the current thisNode on the stack. */ + sequence += 1; + note.position.setLft(sequence); + stack.push(note); + + } else { + /* + * Note has lower level then the previous one - we're out of the set. + * Start popping the stack, up to and including the thisNode with the same level. + */ + while (!stack.empty()) { + NotePositionWithId nodeFromStack = stack.peek(); + + if (nodeFromStack.position.getLevel() >= note.position.getLevel()) { + stack.pop(); + + sequence += 1; + nodeFromStack.position.setRgt(sequence); + calculateAndSetDescendantsCount(nodeFromStack.position, 1); + updateNotePositionValues(db, nodeFromStack); + + } else { + break; + } + } + + /* Put the current thisNode on the stack. */ + sequence += 1; + note.position.setLft(sequence); + stack.push(note); + } + + prevLevel = note.position.getLevel(); + } + + /* Pop remaining nodes. */ + while (! stack.empty()) { + NotePositionWithId nodeFromStack = stack.pop(); + sequence += 1; + nodeFromStack.position.setRgt(sequence); + calculateAndSetDescendantsCount(nodeFromStack.position, 1); + updateNotePositionValues(db, nodeFromStack); + } + } + + + private static class NotePositionWithId { + long id; + NotePosition position; + } + + private static int updateNotePositionValues(SQLiteDatabase db, NotePositionWithId note) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Updating " + note.id + " with: " + note.position); + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + DbNote.toContentValues(values, note.position); + + return db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, DbNote.Column._ID + " = " + note.id, null); + } + + private static void calculateAndSetDescendantsCount(NotePosition node, int gap) { + int n = (int) (node.getRgt() - node.getLft() - gap) / ( 2 * gap ); + + node.setDescendantsCount(n); + } + + /** + * 1.4-beta.1 misused insertWithOnConflict due to + * https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=13045. + * + * org_ranges ended up with duplicates having -1 for + * start_timestamp_id and end_timestamp_id. + * + * Delete those, update notes tables and add a unique constraint to the org_ranges. + */ + private static void fixOrgRanges(SQLiteDatabase db) { + String[] notesFields = new String[] { + "scheduled_range_id", + "deadline_range_id", + "closed_range_id", + "clock_range_id" + }; + + Cursor cursor = db.query( + "org_ranges", + new String[] { "_id", "string" }, + "start_timestamp_id = -1 OR end_timestamp_id = -1", + null, null, null, null); + + try { + /* Go through all invalid entries. */ + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + long id = cursor.getLong(0); + String string = cursor.getString(1); + + String validTimestampId = "(start_timestamp_id IS NULL OR start_timestamp_id != -1) AND (end_timestamp_id IS NULL OR end_timestamp_id != -1)"; + String validEntry = "(SELECT _id FROM org_ranges WHERE string = " + android.database.DatabaseUtils.sqlEscapeString(string) + " and " + validTimestampId + ")"; + + for (String field: notesFields) { + db.execSQL("UPDATE notes SET " + field + " = " + validEntry + " WHERE " + field + " = " + id); + } + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + db.execSQL("DELETE FROM org_ranges WHERE start_timestamp_id = -1 OR end_timestamp_id = -1"); + db.execSQL("CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_org_ranges_string ON org_ranges(string)"); + } + + /** + * file:/dir/file name.org + * file:/dir/file%20name.org + */ + private static void encodeRookUris(SQLiteDatabase db) { + Cursor cursor = db.query("rook_urls", new String[]{"_id", "rook_url"}, null, null, null, null, null); + + try { + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + long id = cursor.getLong(0); + String uri = cursor.getString(1); + + String encodedUri = MiscUtils.encodeUri(uri); + + if (! uri.equals(encodedUri)) { + /* Update unless same URL already exists. */ + Cursor c = db.query("rook_urls", new String[] {"_id"}, + "rook_url = ?", new String[] { encodedUri }, null, null, null); + try { + if (!c.moveToFirst()) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put("rook_url", encodedUri); + db.update("rook_urls", values, "_id = " + id, null); + } + } finally { + c.close(); + } + } + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/DatabaseUtils.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/DatabaseUtils.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d3297031 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/DatabaseUtils.java @@ -0,0 +1,264 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.NotePosition; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbBook; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Placement; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +/** + * Orgzly-specific {@link GenericDatabaseUtils}. + */ +public class DatabaseUtils { + private static final String TAG = DatabaseUtils.class.getName(); + + public static final String[] PROJECTION_FOR_ID = new String[] { "_id" }; + public static final String[] PROJECTION_FOR_COUNT = new String[] { "count(*)" }; + + public static final String WHERE_EXISTING_NOTES = "(" + + DbNote.Column.IS_CUT + " = 0" + " AND " + + DbNote.Column.LEVEL + " > 0" + ")"; // Root note is a dummy note with level 0 + + + public static final String WHERE_VISIBLE_NOTES = "(" + + WHERE_EXISTING_NOTES + " AND " + + GenericDatabaseUtils.whereNullOrZero(DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID) + ")"; + + public static String whereUncutBookNotes(long bookId) { + return "(" + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId + " AND " + WHERE_EXISTING_NOTES + ")"; + } + + public static String whereAncestors(long bookId, long lft, long rgt) { + return "(" + whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + " AND " + + DbNote.Column.LFT + "< " + lft + " AND " + rgt + " < " + DbNote.Column.RGT + ")"; + } + + public static String whereAncestors(long bookId, String ids) { + String sql = "(" + DbNote.Column._ID + " IN (SELECT DISTINCT b." + DbNote.Column._ID + " FROM " + + DbNote.TABLE + " a, " + DbNote.TABLE + " b WHERE " + + "a." + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId + " AND " + + "b." + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId + " AND " + + "a." + DbNote.Column._ID + " IN (" + ids + ") AND " + + "b." + DbNote.Column.LFT + " < a." + DbNote.Column.LFT + " AND a." + DbNote.Column.RGT + " < b." + DbNote.Column.RGT + "))"; + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "whereAncestors: " + sql); + + return sql; + } + + public static String ancestorsIds(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId, long noteId) { + Cursor cursor = db.query( + DbNote.TABLE, + new String[] {"group_concat(" + DbNote.Column._ID + ", ',')" }, + DatabaseUtils.whereAncestors(bookId, String.valueOf(noteId)), + null, null, null, null); + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return cursor.getString(0); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return null; + } + + public static String whereDescendants(long bookId, long lft, long rgt) { + return "(" + whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + " AND " + + lft + " < " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " AND " + DbNote.Column.RGT + " < " + rgt + ")"; + } + + public static String whereDescendantsAndNote(long bookId, long lft, long rgt) { + return "(" + whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + " AND " + + lft + " <= " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " AND " + DbNote.Column.RGT + " <= " + rgt + ")"; + } + + public static String whereDescendantsAndNotes(long bookId, String ids) { + return DbNote.Column._ID + " IN (SELECT DISTINCT a." + DbNote.Column._ID + " FROM " + + DbNote.TABLE + " b, " + DbNote.TABLE + " a WHERE " + + "a." + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId + " AND " + + "b." + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId + " AND " + + "b." + DbNote.Column._ID + " IN (" + ids + ") AND " + + "a." + DbNote.Column.IS_CUT + " = 0 AND " + + "b." + DbNote.Column.LFT + " <= a." + DbNote.Column.LFT + " AND a." + DbNote.Column.RGT + " <= b." + DbNote.Column.RGT + ")"; + } + + public static long getId(SQLiteDatabase db, String table, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { + Cursor cursor = db.query(table, DatabaseUtils.PROJECTION_FOR_ID, selection, selectionArgs, null, null, null); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return cursor.getLong(0); + } else { + return 0; + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + /** + * Sets modification time for notebook to now. + */ + public static int updateBookMtime(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { + return DatabaseUtils.updateBookMtime(db, DbBook.Column._ID + "=" + bookId, null); + } + + /** + * Sets modification time for selected notebooks to now. + */ + public static int updateBookMtime(SQLiteDatabase db, String where, String[] whereArgs) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put(DbBook.Column.MTIME, System.currentTimeMillis()); + + return db.update(DbBook.TABLE, values, where, whereArgs); + } + + /** + * Increments note's lft and rgt to make space for new notes. + * + * @return available lft and rgt which can be occupied by new notes. + */ + public static long[] makeSpaceForNewNotes(SQLiteDatabase db, int numberOfNotes, NotePosition targetNotePosition, Placement placement) { // TODO: Book ID not checked + long lft; + int level; + + int spaceRequired = numberOfNotes * 2; + + String selection; + + String bookSelection = whereUncutBookNotes(targetNotePosition.getBookId()); + + switch (placement) { + + case ABOVE: + selection = bookSelection + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " >= " + targetNotePosition.getLft(); + + GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, selection, + spaceRequired, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.LFT); + + selection = bookSelection + " AND " + DbNote.Column.RGT + " > " + targetNotePosition.getLft(); + + GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, selection, + spaceRequired, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.RGT); + + lft = targetNotePosition.getLft(); + level = targetNotePosition.getLevel(); + + break; + + case UNDER: + selection = bookSelection + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " > " + targetNotePosition.getRgt(); + + GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, selection, + spaceRequired, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.LFT); + + selection = bookSelection + " AND " + DbNote.Column.RGT + " >= " + targetNotePosition.getRgt(); + + GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, selection, + spaceRequired, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.RGT); + + lft = targetNotePosition.getRgt(); + level = targetNotePosition.getLevel() + 1; + + break; + + case BELOW: + selection = bookSelection + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " > " + targetNotePosition.getRgt(); + + GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, selection, + spaceRequired, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.LFT); + + // Container notes - update their RGT. + selection = bookSelection + " AND " + DbNote.Column.RGT + " > " + targetNotePosition.getRgt(); + + GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, selection, + spaceRequired, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.RGT); + + lft = targetNotePosition.getRgt() + 1; + level = targetNotePosition.getLevel(); + + break; + + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported paste relative position " + placement); + } + + return new long[] { lft, level }; + } + + public static void updateDescendantsCount(SQLiteDatabase db, String where) { + Cursor cursor = db.query( + DbNote.TABLE, + new String[] { DbNote.Column._ID, DbNote.Column.LFT, DbNote.Column.RGT, DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID }, + where, + null, null, null, null); + try { + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + long id = cursor.getLong(0); + long lft = cursor.getLong(1); + long rgt = cursor.getLong(2); + long bookId = cursor.getLong(3); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Updating descendants for note #" + id + " (" + lft + "-" + rgt + ")"); + + String descendantsCount = "(SELECT count(*) FROM " + DbNote.TABLE + + " WHERE " + whereDescendants(bookId, lft, rgt) + ")"; + + String sql = "UPDATE " + DbNote.TABLE + + " SET " + DbNote.Column.DESCENDANTS_COUNT + " = " + descendantsCount + + " WHERE " + DbNote.Column._ID + " = " + id; + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, sql); + + db.execSQL(sql); + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + public static long getPreviousSiblingId(SQLiteDatabase db, NotePosition n) { + Cursor cursor = db.query( + DbNote.TABLE, + PROJECTION_FOR_ID, + DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(n.getBookId()) + " AND " + + DbNote.Column.LFT + " < " + n.getLft() + " AND " + + DbNote.Column.PARENT_ID + " = " + n.getParentId(), + null, + null, + null, + DbNote.Column.LFT + " DESC"); + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return cursor.getLong(0); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return 0; + } + + public static void updateParentIds(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { + long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); + + String parentId = "(SELECT " + DbNote.Column._ID + " FROM " + DbNote.TABLE + " AS n WHERE " + + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId + " AND " + + "n." + DbNote.Column.LFT + " < " + DbNote.TABLE + "." + DbNote.Column.LFT + " AND " + + DbNote.TABLE + "." + DbNote.Column.RGT + " < n." + DbNote.Column.RGT + " ORDER BY n." + DbNote.Column.LFT + " DESC LIMIT 1)"; + + db.execSQL("UPDATE " + DbNote.TABLE + " SET " + DbNote.Column.PARENT_ID + " = " + parentId + " WHERE " + whereUncutBookNotes(bookId)); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + "ms"); + + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/GenericDatabaseUtils.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/GenericDatabaseUtils.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..262eaf47e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/GenericDatabaseUtils.java @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider; + + +import android.content.Context; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.text.TextUtils; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; + +/** + * Generic database utilities, not specific to Orgzly database schema. + */ +public class GenericDatabaseUtils { + public static void incrementFields(SQLiteDatabase db, String table, String selection, int count, String... fields) { + if (fields.length == 0) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("No fields passed to incrementFields"); + } + + List updates = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (String field: fields) { + updates.add(field + " = " + field + " + (" + count + ")"); + } + + String sql = "UPDATE " + table + " SET " + TextUtils.join(", ", updates) + " WHERE " + selection; + + db.execSQL(sql); + } + + public static String whereNullOrZero(String field) { + return "(" + field + " IS NULL OR " + field + " = 0 )"; + } + + public static String join(String table, String alias, String field, String onTable, String onField) { + return " LEFT OUTER JOIN " + table + " " + alias + " ON " + alias + "." + field + " = " + onTable + "." + onField + " "; + } + + public static int getCount(Context context, Uri uri, String selection) { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + uri, new String[] {"COUNT(*) AS count"}, selection, null, null); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return cursor.getInt(0); + } else { + return 0; + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/Provider.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/Provider.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4e20474f2 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/Provider.java @@ -0,0 +1,1636 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider; + +import android.content.ContentProvider; +import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; +import android.content.ContentProviderResult; +import android.content.ContentUris; +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.OperationApplicationException; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.test.RenamingDelegatingContext; +import android.text.TextUtils; +import android.util.Log; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.Note; +import com.orgzly.android.NotePosition; +import com.orgzly.android.SearchQuery; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.actions.Action; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.actions.ActionRunner; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.actions.CutNotesAction; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.actions.CycleVisibilityAction; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.actions.DeleteNotesAction; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.actions.DemoteNotesAction; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.actions.MoveNotesAction; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.actions.PasteNotesAction; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.actions.PromoteNotesAction; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.actions.SparseTreeAction; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.actions.ToggleFoldedStateAction; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.BooksClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.NotesClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbBook; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbBookLink; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbBookSync; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbCurrentVersionedRook; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbDbRepo; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbOrgRange; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNoteProperty; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbOrgTimestamp; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbRepo; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbRook; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbRookUrl; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbSearch; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbVersionedRook; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbProperty; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbPropertyName; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbPropertyValue; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.views.BooksView; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.views.NotesView; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Placement; +import com.orgzly.android.util.EncodingDetect; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgProperty; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgRange; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgFile; +import com.orgzly.android.StateChangeLogic; +import com.orgzly.org.parser.OrgNestedSetParserListener; +import com.orgzly.org.parser.OrgNode; +import com.orgzly.org.parser.OrgNodeInSet; +import com.orgzly.org.parser.OrgParser; +import com.orgzly.org.parser.OrgParserWriter; + +import java.io.BufferedReader; +import java.io.File; +import java.io.FileInputStream; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.InputStreamReader; +import java.io.Reader; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Calendar; +import java.util.GregorianCalendar; +import java.util.List; + +public class Provider extends ContentProvider { + private static final String TAG = Provider.class.getName(); + + protected Database mOpenHelper; + + private static final ProviderUris uris = new ProviderUris(); + + @Override + public boolean onCreate() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + + /* + * Creates a new helper object. This method always returns quickly. + * Notice that the database itself isn't created or opened + * until SQLiteOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase is called + */ + mOpenHelper = new Database(getContext()); + + return true; + } + + @Override + public String getType(Uri uri) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, uri.toString()); + return null; + } + + /** + * Apply operations under single transaction. + */ + @Override + public ContentProviderResult[] applyBatch(ArrayList operations) throws OperationApplicationException { + SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); + + db.beginTransaction(); + try { + ContentProviderResult[] results = super.applyBatch(operations); + db.setTransactionSuccessful(); + return results; + + } finally { + db.endTransaction(); + } + } + + @Override + public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String sortOrder) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, uri.toString(), projection, selection, selectionArgs, sortOrder); + + /* Gets a readable database. This will trigger its creation if it doesn't already exist. */ + SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getReadableDatabase(); + + long id; + String table; + + switch (uris.matcher.match(uri)) { + case ProviderUris.LOCAL_DB_REPO: + table = DbDbRepo.TABLE; + break; + + case ProviderUris.REPOS: + table = DbRepo.TABLE; + selection = DbRepo.Column.IS_REPO_ACTIVE + "= 1"; + selectionArgs = null; + break; + + case ProviderUris.REPOS_ID: + table = DbRepo.TABLE; + selection = DbRepo.Column._ID + "=?"; + selectionArgs = new String[] { uri.getLastPathSegment() }; + break; + + case ProviderUris.NOTES: + table = NotesView.VIEW_NAME; + break; + + case ProviderUris.NOTES_SEARCH_QUERIED: + Cursor cursor = queryNotesSearchQueried(db, uri.getQuery(), sortOrder); + cursor.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri); + return cursor; + + case ProviderUris.BOOKS_ID_NOTES: + table = NotesView.VIEW_NAME; + + id = Long.parseLong(uri.getPathSegments().get(1)); + + selection = NotesView.Columns.BOOK_ID + "=" + id + " AND " + DatabaseUtils.WHERE_VISIBLE_NOTES; + selectionArgs = null; + + uri = ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(); + break; + + case ProviderUris.NOTES_ID_PROPERTIES: + id = Long.parseLong(uri.getPathSegments().get(1)); + + selection = DbNoteProperty.TABLE + "." + DbNoteProperty.Column.NOTE_ID + "=" + id; + selectionArgs = null; + + sortOrder = DbNoteProperty.Column.POSITION; + + + table = DbNoteProperty.TABLE + " " + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbProperty.TABLE, "tproperties", DbProperty._ID, DbNoteProperty.TABLE, DbNoteProperty.Column.PROPERTY_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbPropertyName.TABLE, "tpropertyname", DbPropertyName._ID, "tproperties", DbProperty.Column.NAME_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbPropertyValue.TABLE, "tpropertyvalue", DbPropertyValue._ID, "tproperties", DbProperty.Column.VALUE_ID); + + projection = new String[] { + "tpropertyname." + DbPropertyName.Column.NAME, + "tpropertyvalue." + DbPropertyValue.Column.VALUE, + }; + + break; + + case ProviderUris.BOOKS: + table = BooksView.VIEW_NAME; + break; + + case ProviderUris.BOOKS_ID: + table = BooksView.VIEW_NAME; + selection = DbBook.Column._ID + "=?"; + selectionArgs = new String[]{ uri.getLastPathSegment() }; + break; + + case ProviderUris.FILTERS: + table = DbSearch.TABLE; + break; + + case ProviderUris.FILTERS_ID: + table = DbSearch.TABLE; + selection = DbSearch.Column._ID + "=?"; + selectionArgs = new String[]{ uri.getLastPathSegment() }; + break; + + case ProviderUris.CURRENT_ROOKS: + projection = new String[] { + DbRepo.TABLE + "." + DbRepo.Column.REPO_URL, + DbRookUrl.TABLE + "." + DbRookUrl.Column.ROOK_URL, + DbVersionedRook.TABLE + "." + DbVersionedRook.Column.ROOK_REVISION, + DbVersionedRook.TABLE + "." + DbVersionedRook.Column.ROOK_MTIME, + }; + + table = DbCurrentVersionedRook.TABLE + + " LEFT JOIN " + DbVersionedRook.TABLE + " ON (" + DbVersionedRook.TABLE + "." + DbVersionedRook.Column._ID + "=" + DbCurrentVersionedRook.TABLE + "." + DbCurrentVersionedRook.Column.VERSIONED_ROOK_ID + ")" + + " LEFT JOIN " + DbRook.TABLE + " ON (" + DbRook.TABLE + "." + DbRook.Column._ID + "=" + DbVersionedRook.TABLE + "." + DbVersionedRook.Column.ROOK_ID + ")" + + " LEFT JOIN " + DbRookUrl.TABLE + " ON (" + DbRookUrl.TABLE + "." + DbRookUrl.Column._ID + "=" + DbRook.TABLE + "." + DbRook.Column.ROOK_URL_ID + ")" + + " LEFT JOIN " + DbRepo.TABLE + " ON (" + DbRepo.TABLE + "." + DbRepo.Column._ID + "=" + DbRook.TABLE + "." + DbRook.Column.REPO_ID + ")" + + ""; + break; + + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI is not recognized: " + uri); + } + + Cursor cursor = db.query(table, projection, selection, selectionArgs, null, null, sortOrder); + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Cursor count: " + cursor.getCount() + " for " + table + " " + selection + " " + selectionArgs); + + cursor.setNotificationUri(getContext().getContentResolver(), uri); + + return cursor; + } + + /** + * Builds query parameters from {@link SearchQuery}. + */ + private Cursor queryNotesSearchQueried(SQLiteDatabase db, String query, String sortOrder) { + SearchQuery searchQuery = new SearchQuery(query); + + String table; + StringBuilder selection = new StringBuilder(); + List selectionArgs = new ArrayList<>(); + + table = NotesView.VIEW_NAME; + + if (searchQuery.hasTags()) { + List whereTags = new ArrayList<>(); + + /* + * We are only searching for a tag within a string of tags. + * "tag" will be found in "few tagy ones" + */ + for (String tag: searchQuery.getTags()) { + whereTags.add("n1." + DbNote.Column.TAGS + " LIKE ?"); + selectionArgs.add("%" + tag + "%"); + } + + table = "(select n2.* from " + NotesView.VIEW_NAME + + " n1 LEFT OUTER JOIN " + NotesView.VIEW_NAME + + " n2 WHERE " + TextUtils.join(" AND ", whereTags) + " AND " + + " n1." + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = n2." + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " AND " + + " n1." + DbNote.Column.IS_CUT + " = 0 AND n2." + DbNote.Column.IS_CUT + " = 0 AND " + + "(n1." + DbNote.Column.LFT + " <= n2." + DbNote.Column.LFT + + " and n2." + DbNote.Column.RGT + " <= n1." + DbNote.Column.RGT + ") GROUP BY n2._id) n"; + } + + /* Skip cut notes. */ + selection.append(DatabaseUtils.WHERE_EXISTING_NOTES); + + if (searchQuery.hasBookName()) { + selection.append(" AND ").append(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.BOOK_NAME).append(" = ?"); + selectionArgs.add(searchQuery.getBookName()); + } + + if (searchQuery.hasNotBookName()) { + for (String name: searchQuery.getNotBookName()) { + selection.append(" AND ").append(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.BOOK_NAME).append(" != ?"); + selectionArgs.add(name); + } + } + + if (searchQuery.hasState()) { + selection.append(" AND COALESCE(" + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.STATE + ", '') = ?"); + selectionArgs.add(searchQuery.getState()); + } + + if (searchQuery.hasNotState()) { + for (String state: searchQuery.getNotState()) { + selection.append(" AND COALESCE(" + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.STATE + ", '') != ?"); + selectionArgs.add(state); + } + } + + for (String token: searchQuery.getTextSearch()) { + selection.append(" AND (" + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.TITLE + " LIKE ?"); + selectionArgs.add("%" + token + "%"); + selection.append(" OR " + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.CONTENT + " LIKE ?"); + selectionArgs.add("%" + token + "%"); + selection.append(" OR " + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.TAGS + " LIKE ?"); + selectionArgs.add("%" + token + "%"); + selection.append(")"); + } + + if (searchQuery.hasScheduled()) { + appendBeforeInterval(selection, ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.SCHEDULED_TIME_TIMESTAMP, searchQuery.getScheduled()); + } + + if (searchQuery.hasDeadline()) { + appendBeforeInterval(selection, ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.DEADLINE_TIME_TIMESTAMP, searchQuery.getDeadline()); + } + + /* + * Handle empty string and NULL - use default priority in those cases. + * lower( coalesce( nullif(PRIORITY, ''), DEFAULT) ) + */ + if (searchQuery.hasPriority()) { + String defaultPriority = AppPreferences.defaultPriority(getContext()); + selection.append(" AND lower(coalesce(nullif(" + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.PRIORITY + ", ''), ?)) = ?"); + selectionArgs.add(defaultPriority); + selectionArgs.add(searchQuery.getPriority()); + } + + if (searchQuery.hasNoteTags()) { + /* + * We are only searching for a tag within a string of tags. + * "tag" will be found in "few tagy ones" + * Tags must be kept separately so we can match them exactly. + */ + for (String tag: searchQuery.getNoteTags()) { + selection.append(" AND " + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.TAGS + " LIKE ?"); + selectionArgs.add("%" + tag + "%"); + } + } + + String sql = "SELECT * FROM " + table + " WHERE " + selection.toString() + " ORDER BY " + sortOrder; + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, sql, selectionArgs); + return db.rawQuery(sql, selectionArgs.toArray(new String[selectionArgs.size()])); + } + + private static void appendBeforeInterval(StringBuilder selection, String column, SearchQuery.SearchQueryInterval interval) { + Calendar before = new GregorianCalendar(); + + switch (interval.getUnit()) { + case DAY: + before.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, interval.getValue()); + break; + case WEEK: + before.add(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR, interval.getValue()); + break; + case MONTH: + before.add(Calendar.MONTH, interval.getValue()); + break; + case YEAR: + before.add(Calendar.YEAR, interval.getValue()); + break; + } + + /* Add one more day, as we use less-then operator. */ + before.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); + + /* 00:00 */ + before.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); + before.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); + before.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); + before.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); + + selection + .append(" AND ").append(column).append(" != 0") + .append(" AND ").append(column).append(" < ").append(before.getTimeInMillis()); + } + + @Override + public int bulkInsert(Uri uri, ContentValues[] values) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, uri.toString(), values); + + /* Gets a writable database. This will trigger its creation if it doesn't already exist. */ + SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); + + db.beginTransaction(); + try { + for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { + insertUnderTransaction(db, uri, values[i], false); + } + db.setTransactionSuccessful(); + } finally { + db.endTransaction(); + } + + notifyChange(getContext(), uri); + + return values.length; + } + + @Override + public Uri insert(Uri uri, ContentValues contentValues) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, uri.toString(), contentValues); + + /* Gets a writable database. This will trigger its creation if it doesn't already exist. */ + SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); + + Uri resultUri; + + db.beginTransaction(); + try { + resultUri = insertUnderTransaction(db, uri, contentValues, false); + db.setTransactionSuccessful(); + } finally { + db.endTransaction(); + } + + // FIXME: This notifies for urls such as content://com.orgzly/load-from-file + notifyChange(getContext(), uri); + + return resultUri; + } + + private Uri insertUnderTransaction(SQLiteDatabase db, Uri uri, ContentValues contentValues, boolean notify) { + long id, noteId; + String table; + Uri resultUri; + + switch (uris.matcher.match(uri)) { + case ProviderUris.LOCAL_DB_REPO: + table = DbDbRepo.TABLE; + break; + + case ProviderUris.REPOS: + id = DbRepo.insert(getContext(), db, contentValues.getAsString(ProviderContract.Repos.Param.REPO_URL)); + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(uri, id); + + case ProviderUris.BOOKS: + table = DbBook.TABLE; + long bid = db.insertOrThrow(table, null, contentValues); + insertRootNote(db, bid); + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(uri, bid); + + case ProviderUris.FILTERS: + table = DbSearch.TABLE; + ProviderFilters.updateWithNextPosition(db, contentValues); + break; + + case ProviderUris.NOTES: + return insertNote(db, uri, contentValues, Placement.UNDEFINED); + + case ProviderUris.NOTE_ABOVE: + return insertNote(db, uri, contentValues, Placement.ABOVE); + + case ProviderUris.NOTE_UNDER: + return insertNote(db, uri, contentValues, Placement.UNDER); + + case ProviderUris.NOTE_BELOW: + return insertNote(db, uri, contentValues, Placement.BELOW); + + case ProviderUris.NOTES_PROPERTIES: + noteId = contentValues.getAsLong(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.Param.NOTE_ID); + String name = contentValues.getAsString(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.Param.NAME); + String value = contentValues.getAsString(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.Param.VALUE); + int position = contentValues.getAsInteger(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.Param.POSITION); + + id = new DbNoteProperty( + noteId, + position, + new DbProperty(new DbPropertyName(name), new DbPropertyValue(value)) + ).save(db); + + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(uri, id); + + case ProviderUris.LOAD_BOOK_FROM_FILE: + resultUri = loadBookFromFile(contentValues); + + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); + + return resultUri; + + case ProviderUris.CURRENT_ROOKS: + resultUri = insertCurrentRook(db, uri, contentValues); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); + return resultUri; + + case ProviderUris.BOOKS_ID_SAVED: + resultUri = bookSavedToRepo(db, uri, contentValues); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); + return resultUri; + + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI is not recognized: " + uri); + } + + id = db.insertOrThrow(table, null, contentValues); + + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(uri, id); + } + + private long insertRootNote(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { + Note rootNote = Note.newRootNote(bookId); + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + NotesClient.toContentValues(values, rootNote); + replaceTimestampRangeStringsWithIds(db, values); + + return db.insertOrThrow(DbNote.TABLE, null, values); + } + + private Uri insertNote(SQLiteDatabase db, Uri uri, ContentValues values, Placement placement) { + NotePosition notePos = new NotePosition(); + + long bookId = values.getAsLong(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.BOOK_ID); + + /* If new note is inserted relative to some other note, get info about that target note. */ + long refNoteId = 0; + NotePosition refNotePos = null; + if (placement != Placement.UNDEFINED) { + refNoteId = Long.valueOf(uri.getPathSegments().get(1)); + refNotePos = DbNote.getPosition(db, refNoteId); + } + + switch (placement) { + case ABOVE: + notePos.setLevel(refNotePos.getLevel()); + notePos.setLft(refNotePos.getLft()); + notePos.setRgt(refNotePos.getLft() + 1); + notePos.setParentId(refNotePos.getParentId()); + + break; + + case UNDER: + notePos.setLevel(refNotePos.getLevel() + 1); + notePos.setLft(refNotePos.getRgt()); + notePos.setRgt(refNotePos.getRgt() + 1); + notePos.setParentId(refNoteId); + + /* + * If note is being created under already folded note, mark it as such + * so it doesn't show up. + */ + if (refNotePos.isFolded()) { + notePos.setFoldedUnderId(refNoteId); + } + + break; + + case BELOW: + notePos.setLevel(refNotePos.getLevel()); + notePos.setLft(refNotePos.getRgt() + 1); + notePos.setRgt(refNotePos.getRgt() + 2); + notePos.setParentId(refNotePos.getParentId()); + + break; + + case UNDEFINED: + /* If target note is not used, add note at the end with level 1. */ + long rootRgt = getMaxRgt(db, bookId); + long rootId = getRootId(db, bookId); + + notePos.setLevel(1); + notePos.setLft(rootRgt); + notePos.setRgt(rootRgt + 1); + notePos.setParentId(rootId); + + break; + + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported placement for new note: " + placement); + } + + switch (placement) { + case ABOVE: + case UNDER: + case BELOW: + /* Make space for new note - increment notes' LFT and RGT. */ + DatabaseUtils.makeSpaceForNewNotes(db, 1, refNotePos, placement); + + /* Update number of descendants. */ + updateDescendantsCountOfAncestors(db, bookId, notePos.getLft(), notePos.getRgt()); + + case UNDEFINED: + /* Make space for new note - increment root's RGT. */ + String selection = DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " = 1"; + GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, selection, 2, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.RGT); + } + + notePos.setBookId(bookId); + + DbNote.toContentValues(values, notePos); + + replaceTimestampRangeStringsWithIds(db, values); + + long id = db.insertOrThrow(DbNote.TABLE, null, values); + + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(uri, id); + } + + private void updateDescendantsCountOfAncestors(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId, long lft, long rgt) { + db.execSQL("UPDATE " + DbNote.TABLE + + " SET " + ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.DESCENDANTS_COUNT + " = " + ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.DESCENDANTS_COUNT + " + 1 " + + "WHERE " + DatabaseUtils.whereAncestors(bookId, lft, rgt)); + } + + private int getMaxRgt(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { + Cursor cursor = db.query( + DbNote.TABLE, + new String[] { "MAX(" + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.RGT + ")" }, + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.BOOK_ID + "= " + bookId + " AND " + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.IS_CUT + " = 0", + null, + null, + null, + null + ); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return cursor.getInt(0); + } else { + return 0; + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + private long getRootId(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { + Cursor cursor = db.query( + DbNote.TABLE, + DatabaseUtils.PROJECTION_FOR_ID, + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.BOOK_ID + "= " + bookId + " AND " + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.LEVEL + " = 0", + null, + null, + null, + null + ); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return cursor.getInt(0); + } else { + return 0; + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + private Uri bookSavedToRepo(SQLiteDatabase db, Uri uri, ContentValues values) { + long bookId = Long.parseLong(uri.getPathSegments().get(1)); + String repoUrl = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.BooksIdSaved.Param.REPO_URL); + String rookUrl = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.BooksIdSaved.Param.ROOK_URL); + String rookRevision = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.BooksIdSaved.Param.ROOK_REVISION); + long rookMtime = values.getAsLong(ProviderContract.BooksIdSaved.Param.ROOK_MTIME); + + long repoId = getOrInsertRepoUrl(db, repoUrl); + long rookUrlId = DbRookUrl.getOrInsert(db, rookUrl); + long rookId = getOrInsertRook(db, rookUrlId, repoId); + long versionedRookId = getOrInsertVersionedRook(db, rookId, rookRevision, rookMtime); + + updateOrInsertBookLink(db, bookId, repoUrl, rookUrl); + updateOrInsertBookSync(db, bookId, repoUrl, rookUrl, rookRevision, rookMtime); + + db.rawQuery(DELETE_CURRENT_VERSIONED_ROOKS_FOR_ROOK_ID, new String[] { String.valueOf(rookId) }); + + ContentValues v = new ContentValues(); + v.put(DbCurrentVersionedRook.Column.VERSIONED_ROOK_ID, versionedRookId); + db.insert(DbCurrentVersionedRook.TABLE, null, v); + + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), bookId); + } + + private static final String VERSIONED_ROOK_IDS_FOR_ROOK_ID = + "SELECT _id FROM " + DbVersionedRook.TABLE + " WHERE " + DbVersionedRook.Column.ROOK_ID + "=?"; + + private static final String DELETE_CURRENT_VERSIONED_ROOKS_FOR_ROOK_ID = + "DELETE FROM " + DbCurrentVersionedRook.TABLE + + " WHERE " + DbCurrentVersionedRook.Column.VERSIONED_ROOK_ID + " IN (" + VERSIONED_ROOK_IDS_FOR_ROOK_ID + ")"; + + private Uri insertCurrentRook(SQLiteDatabase db, Uri uri, ContentValues contentValues) { + String repoUrl = contentValues.getAsString(ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.Param.REPO_URL); + String rookUrl = contentValues.getAsString(ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.Param.ROOK_URL); + String revision = contentValues.getAsString(ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.Param.ROOK_REVISION); + long mtime = contentValues.getAsLong(ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.Param.ROOK_MTIME); + + long repoUrlId = getOrInsertRepoUrl(db, repoUrl); + long rookUrlId = DbRookUrl.getOrInsert(db, rookUrl); + long rookId = getOrInsertRook(db, rookUrlId, repoUrlId); + long versionedRookId = getOrInsertVersionedRook(db, rookId, revision, mtime); + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbCurrentVersionedRook.Column.VERSIONED_ROOK_ID, versionedRookId); + long id = db.insert(DbCurrentVersionedRook.TABLE, null, values); + + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(uri, id); + } + + private long getOrInsertVersionedRook(SQLiteDatabase db, long rookId, String revision, long mtime) { + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId( + db, + DbVersionedRook.TABLE, + DbVersionedRook.Column.ROOK_ID + "=? AND " + DbVersionedRook.Column.ROOK_REVISION + "=? AND " + DbVersionedRook.Column.ROOK_MTIME + "=?", + new String[]{String.valueOf(rookId), revision, String.valueOf(mtime)}); + + if (id == 0) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbVersionedRook.Column.ROOK_ID, rookId); + values.put(DbVersionedRook.Column.ROOK_REVISION, revision); + values.put(DbVersionedRook.Column.ROOK_MTIME, mtime); + + id = db.insertOrThrow(DbVersionedRook.TABLE, null, values); + } + + return id; + } + + private long getOrInsertRook(SQLiteDatabase db, long rookUrlId, long repoId) { + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId( + db, + DbRook.TABLE, + DbRook.Column.ROOK_URL_ID + "=? AND " + DbRook.Column.REPO_ID + "=?", + new String[]{String.valueOf(rookUrlId), String.valueOf(repoId)}); + + if (id == 0) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbRook.Column.ROOK_URL_ID, rookUrlId); + values.put(DbRook.Column.REPO_ID, repoId); + + id = db.insertOrThrow(DbRook.TABLE, null, values); + } + + return id; + } + + private long getOrInsertRepoUrl(SQLiteDatabase db, String repoUrl) { + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId( + db, + DbRepo.TABLE, + DbRepo.Column.REPO_URL + "=?", + new String[]{repoUrl}); + + if (id == 0) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbRepo.Column.REPO_URL, repoUrl); + values.put(DbRepo.Column.IS_REPO_ACTIVE, 0); + + id = db.insertOrThrow(DbRepo.TABLE, null, values); + } + + return id; + } + + @Override + public int delete(Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, uri.toString(), selection, selectionArgs); + + /* Gets a writable database. This will trigger its creation if it doesn't already exist. */ + SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); + + return delete(db, uri, selection, selectionArgs); + } + + private int delete(SQLiteDatabase db, Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { + int result; + long noteId; + String table; + + switch (uris.matcher.match(uri)) { + case ProviderUris.LOCAL_DB_REPO: + table = DbDbRepo.TABLE; + break; + + case ProviderUris.REPOS: + result = DbRepo.delete(getContext(), db, selection, selectionArgs); + return result; + + /* Delete repo by just marking it as such. */ + case ProviderUris.REPOS_ID: + selection = DbRepo.Column._ID + " = " + uri.getLastPathSegment(); + selectionArgs = null; + + /* Remove books' links which are using this repo. */ + removeBooksLinksForRepo(db, uri.getLastPathSegment()); + + /* Delete repo itself. */ + result = DbRepo.delete(getContext(), db, selection, selectionArgs); + + return result; + + case ProviderUris.FILTERS: + table = DbSearch.TABLE; + break; + + case ProviderUris.FILTERS_ID: + table = DbSearch.TABLE; + selection = DbSearch.Column._ID + " = " + uri.getLastPathSegment(); + selectionArgs = null; + break; + + case ProviderUris.BOOKS: + table = DbBook.TABLE; + break; + + case ProviderUris.BOOKS_ID: + table = DbBook.TABLE; + selection = DbBook.Column._ID + " = " + uri.getLastPathSegment(); + selectionArgs = null; + break; + + case ProviderUris.NOTES: + table = DbNote.TABLE; + break; + + case ProviderUris.CURRENT_ROOKS: + table = DbCurrentVersionedRook.TABLE; + break; + + case ProviderUris.LINKS_FOR_BOOK: + table = DbBookLink.TABLE; + selection = DbBookLink.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + Long.parseLong(uri.getPathSegments().get(1)); + selectionArgs = null; + result = db.delete(table, selection, selectionArgs); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); + return result; + + case ProviderUris.NOTES_ID_PROPERTIES: + noteId = Long.parseLong(uri.getPathSegments().get(1)); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, uri.getQuery()); + + table = DbNoteProperty.TABLE; + + selection = DbNoteProperty.Column.NOTE_ID + " = " + noteId; + selectionArgs = null; + + break; + + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI is not recognized: " + uri); + } + + result = db.delete(table, selection, selectionArgs); + + notifyChange(getContext(), uri); + + return result; + } + + private int removeBooksLinksForRepo(SQLiteDatabase db, String repoId) { + /* Rooks which use passed repo. */ + String rookIds = "SELECT DISTINCT " + DbRook.Column._ID + + " FROM " + DbRook.TABLE + + " WHERE " + DbRook.Column.REPO_ID + " = " + repoId; + + return db.delete(DbBookLink.TABLE, DbBookLink.Column.ROOK_ID + " IN (" + rookIds + ")", null); + } + + @Override + public int update(Uri uri, ContentValues contentValues, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, uri.toString(), contentValues, selection, selectionArgs); + + /* Gets a writable database. This will trigger its creation if it doesn't already exist. */ + SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); + + return updateUnderTransaction(db, uri, contentValues, selection, selectionArgs); + } + + // TODO: Make sure everything is done under transaction. Careful not to close db + private int updateUnderTransaction(SQLiteDatabase db, Uri uri, ContentValues contentValues, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { + int result; + long noteId; + int match = uris.matcher.match(uri); + + String table; + + switch (match) { + case ProviderUris.LOCAL_DB_REPO: + table = DbDbRepo.TABLE; + break; + + case ProviderUris.REPOS: + result = DbRepo.update(getContext(), db, contentValues, selection, selectionArgs); + return result; + + case ProviderUris.REPOS_ID: + selection = DbRepo.Column._ID + " = " + uri.getLastPathSegment(); + selectionArgs = null; + result = DbRepo.update(getContext(), db, contentValues, selection, selectionArgs); + return result; + + case ProviderUris.FILTERS: + table = DbSearch.TABLE; + break; + + case ProviderUris.FILTERS_ID: + table = DbSearch.TABLE; + selection = DbSearch.Column._ID + " = " + uri.getLastPathSegment(); + selectionArgs = null; + break; + + case ProviderUris.FILTER_UP: + result = ProviderFilters.moveFilterUp(db, Long.parseLong(uri.getPathSegments().get(1))); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Filters.ContentUri.filters()); + return result; + + case ProviderUris.FILTER_DOWN: + result = ProviderFilters.moveFilterDown(db, Long.parseLong(uri.getPathSegments().get(1))); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Filters.ContentUri.filters()); + return result; + + case ProviderUris.BOOKS: + table = DbBook.TABLE; + break; + + case ProviderUris.BOOKS_ID: + table = DbBook.TABLE; + selection = DbBook.Column._ID + " = " + uri.getLastPathSegment(); + selectionArgs = null; + break; + + case ProviderUris.NOTES: + table = DbNote.TABLE; + replaceTimestampRangeStringsWithIds(db, contentValues); + break; + + case ProviderUris.NOTE: + selection = DbNote.Column._ID + " = " + uri.getLastPathSegment(); + selectionArgs = null; + + replaceTimestampRangeStringsWithIds(db, contentValues); + + result = db.update(DbNote.TABLE, contentValues, selection, selectionArgs); + + // TODO: Ugh: Use /books/1/notes/23/ or just move to constant + if (uri.getQueryParameter("book-id") != null) { + DatabaseUtils.updateBookMtime(db, Long.parseLong(uri.getQueryParameter("book-id"))); + } + + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); + + return result; + + case ProviderUris.NOTES_STATE: + String ids = contentValues.getAsString(ProviderContract.NotesState.Param.NOTE_IDS); + String state = contentValues.getAsString(ProviderContract.NotesState.Param.STATE); + + result = setStateForNotes(db, ids, state); + + if (result > 0) { + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); /* mtime updated. */ + } + + return result; + + case ProviderUris.CUT: + try { + Action action = new CutNotesAction(contentValues); + return ActionRunner.run(db, action); + + } finally { + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); + } + + case ProviderUris.PASTE: + try { + Action action = new PasteNotesAction(contentValues); + return ActionRunner.run(db, action); + + } finally { + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); + } + + case ProviderUris.DELETE: + try { + Action action = new DeleteNotesAction(contentValues); + return ActionRunner.run(db, action); + + } finally { + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); + } + + case ProviderUris.PROMOTE: + try { + Action action = new PromoteNotesAction(contentValues); + return ActionRunner.run(db, action); + + } finally { + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); + } + + case ProviderUris.DEMOTE: + try { + Action action = new DemoteNotesAction(contentValues); + return ActionRunner.run(db, action); + + } finally { + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); + } + + case ProviderUris.MOVE: + try { + Action action = new MoveNotesAction(contentValues); + return ActionRunner.run(db, action); + + } finally { + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); + } + + case ProviderUris.NOTE_TOGGLE_FOLDED_STATE: + try { + noteId = Long.valueOf(uri.getPathSegments().get(1)); + + Action action = new ToggleFoldedStateAction(noteId); + return ActionRunner.run(db, action); + + } finally { + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + } + + case ProviderUris.BOOKS_ID_CYCLE_VISIBILITY: + try { + long bookId = Long.valueOf(uri.getPathSegments().get(1)); + + Action action = new CycleVisibilityAction(bookId); + return ActionRunner.run(db, action); + + } finally { + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + } + + case ProviderUris.BOOKS_ID_SPARSE_TREE: + try { + long bookId = Long.valueOf(uri.getPathSegments().get(1)); + + Action action = new SparseTreeAction(bookId, contentValues); + return ActionRunner.run(db, action); + + } finally { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Notifying change after sparse tree"); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + } + + case ProviderUris.LINKS_FOR_BOOK: + result = updateLinkForBook(db, uri, contentValues); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); + return result; + + case ProviderUris.DB_RECREATE: + mOpenHelper.reCreateTables(db); + + // TODO: Forgetting to update this code after new table is added - move to Database at least + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Repos.ContentUri.repos()); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.Filters.ContentUri.filters()); + notifyChange(getContext(), ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.ContentUri.dbRepos()); + + return 0; + + case ProviderUris.DB_SWITCH: + Context testContext = new RenamingDelegatingContext(getContext(), "test_"); + + mOpenHelper.close(); + mOpenHelper = new Database(testContext); + + return 0; + + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI is not recognized: " + uri); + } + + // FIXME: Hard to read - some cases above return, some are reaching this + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, table, contentValues, selection, selectionArgs); + result = db.update(table, contentValues, selection, selectionArgs); + + notifyChange(getContext(), uri); + + return result; + } + + + /** + * @param ids Note ids separated with comma + * @param targetState keyword + * @return Number of notes that have been updated + */ + private int setStateForNotes(SQLiteDatabase db, String ids, String targetState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, db, ids, targetState); + + int notesUpdated; + + db.beginTransaction(); + try { + /* Select only notes which don't already have the target state. */ + String notesSelection = DbNote.Column._ID + " IN (" + ids + ") AND (" + + NotesView.Columns.STATE + " IS NULL OR " + NotesView.Columns.STATE + " != ?)"; + + String[] selectionArgs = new String[] { targetState }; + + /* Select notebooks which will be affected. */ + String booksSelection = DbBook.Column._ID + " IN (SELECT DISTINCT " + + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " FROM " + DbNote.TABLE + " WHERE " + notesSelection + ")"; + + /* Notebooks must be updated before notes, because selection checks + * for notes what will be affected. + */ + DatabaseUtils.updateBookMtime(db, booksSelection, selectionArgs); + + /* Update notes. */ + if (AppPreferences.isDoneKeyword(getContext(), targetState)) { + notesUpdated = setDoneStateForNotes(db, targetState, notesSelection, selectionArgs); + } else { + notesUpdated = setOtherStateForNotes(db, targetState, notesSelection, selectionArgs); + } + + db.setTransactionSuccessful(); + + } finally { + db.endTransaction(); + } + + return notesUpdated; + } + + /** + * Removes CLOSED timestamp and simply sets the state. + */ + private int setOtherStateForNotes(SQLiteDatabase db, String targetState, String notesSelection, String[] selectionArgs) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbNote.Column.STATE, targetState); + values.putNull(DbNote.Column.CLOSED_RANGE_ID); + + return db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, notesSelection, selectionArgs); + } + + /** + * If original state is to-do and repeater exists + * keep the state intact and shift timestamp. + * + * If current state is to-do and there is no repeater + * set the state and keep the timestamp intact. + */ + private int setDoneStateForNotes(SQLiteDatabase db, String state, String notesSelection, String[] selectionArgs) { + int notesUpdated = 0; + + /* Get all notes that don't already have the same state. */ + Cursor cursor = db.query( + NotesView.VIEW_NAME, + new String[]{ + NotesView.Columns._ID, + NotesView.Columns.SCHEDULED_RANGE_STRING, + NotesView.Columns.DEADLINE_RANGE_STRING, + NotesView.Columns.STATE, + }, + notesSelection, + selectionArgs, + null, + null, + null); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Found notes: " + cursor.getCount()); + + try { + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + StateChangeLogic stateSetOp = new StateChangeLogic( + AppPreferences.todoKeywordsSet(getContext()), + AppPreferences.doneKeywordsSet(getContext()) + ); + + stateSetOp.setState(state, + cursor.getString(3), + OrgRange.getInstanceOrNull(cursor.getString(1)), + OrgRange.getInstanceOrNull(cursor.getString(2))); + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + if (stateSetOp.getState() != null) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.STATE, stateSetOp.getState()); + } else { + values.putNull(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.STATE); + } + + if (stateSetOp.getScheduled() != null) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.SCHEDULED_STRING, stateSetOp.getScheduled().toString()); + } else { + values.putNull(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.SCHEDULED_STRING); + } + + if (stateSetOp.getDeadline() != null) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.DEADLINE_STRING, stateSetOp.getDeadline().toString()); + } else { + values.putNull(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.DEADLINE_STRING); + } + + if (stateSetOp.getClosed() != null) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CLOSED_STRING, stateSetOp.getClosed().toString()); + } else { + values.putNull(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CLOSED_STRING); + } + + replaceTimestampRangeStringsWithIds(db, values); + + notesUpdated += db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, DbNote.Column._ID + "=" + cursor.getString(0), null); + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return notesUpdated; + } + + private int updateLinkForBook(SQLiteDatabase db, Uri uri, ContentValues contentValues) { + long bookId = Long.parseLong(uri.getPathSegments().get(1)); + String repoUrl = contentValues.getAsString(ProviderContract.BookLinks.Param.REPO_URL); + String rookUrl = contentValues.getAsString(ProviderContract.BookLinks.Param.ROOK_URL); + + if (repoUrl == null || rookUrl == null) { + /* Remove link for book. */ + db.delete(DbBookLink.TABLE, DbBookLink.Column.BOOK_ID + "=" + bookId, null); + } else { + updateOrInsertBookLink(db, bookId, repoUrl, rookUrl); + } + + return 1; + } + + private int updateOrInsertBookLink(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId, String repoUrl, String rookUrl) { + long repoUrlId = getOrInsertRepoUrl(db, repoUrl); + long rookUrlId = DbRookUrl.getOrInsert(db, rookUrl); + long rookId = getOrInsertRook(db, rookUrlId, repoUrlId); + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbBookLink.Column.BOOK_ID, bookId); + values.put(DbBookLink.Column.ROOK_ID, rookId); + + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId(db, DbBookLink.TABLE, DbBookLink.Column.BOOK_ID + "=" + bookId, null); + if (id != 0) { + db.update(DbBookLink.TABLE, values, DbBookLink.Column._ID + "=" + id, null); + } else { + db.insertOrThrow(DbBookLink.TABLE, null, values); + } + + return 1; + } + + private int updateOrInsertBookSync( + SQLiteDatabase db, + long bookId, + String repoUrl, + String rookUrl, + String revision, + long mtime) { + + long repoUrlId = getOrInsertRepoUrl(db, repoUrl); + long rookUrlId = DbRookUrl.getOrInsert(db, rookUrl); + long rookId = getOrInsertRook(db, rookUrlId, repoUrlId); + long rookRevisionId = getOrInsertVersionedRook(db, rookId, revision, mtime); + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbBookSync.Column.BOOK_VERSIONED_ROOK_ID, rookRevisionId); + values.put(DbBookSync.Column.BOOK_ID, bookId); + + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId(db, DbBookSync.TABLE, DbBookSync.Column.BOOK_ID + "=" + bookId, null); + if (id != 0) { + db.update(DbBookSync.TABLE, values, DbBookSync.Column._ID + "=" + id, null); + } else { + db.insertOrThrow(DbBookSync.TABLE, null, values); + } + + return 1; + } + + + private Uri getOrInsertBook(SQLiteDatabase db, String name) { + Cursor cursor = db.query( + DbBook.TABLE, + new String[]{DbBook.Column._ID}, + DbBook.Column.NAME + "=?", + new String[]{name}, + null, + null, + null); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), cursor.getLong(0)); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + /* No such book, create it. */ + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbBook.Column.NAME, name); + + long id = db.insertOrThrow(DbBook.TABLE, null, values); + + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), id); + } + + private Uri loadBookFromFile(ContentValues values) { + String bookName = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.BOOK_NAME); + String format = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.FORMAT); + String filePath = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.FILE_PATH); + String repoUrl = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.ROOK_REPO_URL); + String rookUrl = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.ROOK_URL); + String rookRevision = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.ROOK_REVISION); + long rookMtime = values.containsKey(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.ROOK_MTIME) ? values.getAsLong(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.ROOK_MTIME) : 0; + String selectedEncoding = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.SELECTED_ENCODING); + + try { + /* + * Determine encoding to use -- detect of force it. + */ + String usedEncoding; + String detectedEncoding = null; + + if (selectedEncoding == null) { + usedEncoding = detectedEncoding = EncodingDetect.getInstance(new FileInputStream(new File(filePath))).getEncoding(); + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Detected encoding: " + detectedEncoding); + + /* Can't detect encoding - use default. */ + if (detectedEncoding == null) { + usedEncoding = "UTF-8"; + Log.w(TAG, "Encoding for " + bookName + " could not be detected, using UTF-8"); + } + + } else { + usedEncoding = selectedEncoding; + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Using selected encoding: " + usedEncoding); + } + + return loadBookFromReader( + bookName, + repoUrl, + rookUrl, + rookRevision, + rookMtime, + format, + new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(new File(filePath)), usedEncoding), + usedEncoding, + detectedEncoding, + selectedEncoding + ); + + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + + /* Remember that the Android system must be able to communicate the Exception + * across process boundaries. This is one of those. + */ + throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); + } + } + + private Uri loadBookFromReader( + final String bookName, + final String repoUrl, + final String rookUrl, + final String rookRevision, + final long rookMtime, + final String format, + final Reader inReader, + final String usedEncoding, + final String detectedEncoding, + final String selectedEncoding) throws IOException { + + long startedAt = System.currentTimeMillis(); + + Uri uri; + + /* Gets a writable database. This will trigger its creation if it doesn't already exist. */ + final SQLiteDatabase db = mOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase(); + + db.beginTransaction(); + try { + + /* Create book if it doesn't already exist. */ + uri = getOrInsertBook(db, bookName); + + final long bookId = ContentUris.parseId(uri); + + /* Delete all notes from book. TODO: Delete all other references to this book ID */ + db.delete(DbNote.TABLE, DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + "=" + bookId, null); + + /* Open reader. */ + Reader reader = new BufferedReader(inReader); + try { + /* + * Create and run parser. + * When multiple formats are supported, decide which parser to use here. + */ + new OrgParser.Builder() + .setInput(reader) + .setTodoKeywords(AppPreferences.todoKeywordsSet(getContext())) + .setDoneKeywords(AppPreferences.doneKeywordsSet(getContext())) + .setListener(new OrgNestedSetParserListener() { + @Override + public void onNode(OrgNodeInSet node) throws IOException { + BookSizeValidator.validate(node); + + /* Insert note with book id at specific position. */ + + NotePosition position = new NotePosition(); + position.setBookId(bookId); + position.setLft(node.getLft()); + position.setRgt(node.getRgt()); + position.setLevel(node.getLevel()); + position.setDescendantsCount(node.getDescendantsCount()); + position.setFoldedUnderId(0); + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + DbNote.toContentValues(values, position); + DbNote.toContentValues(db, values, node.getHead()); + // NotesClient.toContentValues(values, node.getHead()); + + long noteId = db.insertOrThrow(DbNote.TABLE, null, values); + + // replaceTimestampRangeStringsWithIds(db, values); + // replacePropertiesWithIds(db, noteId, values); + + /* Insert properties for newly created note. */ + int i = 0; + for (OrgProperty property: node.getHead().getProperties()) { + new DbNoteProperty( + noteId, + i++, + new DbProperty( + new DbPropertyName(property.getName()), + new DbPropertyValue(property.getValue())) + ).save(db); + } + } + + @Override + public void onFile(OrgFile file) throws IOException { + BookSizeValidator.validate(file); + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + BooksClient.toContentValues(values, file.getSettings()); + + /* Set preface. TODO: Move to and rename OrgFileSettings */ + values.put(DbBook.Column.PREFACE, file.getPreface()); + + values.put(DbBook.Column.USED_ENCODING, usedEncoding); + values.put(DbBook.Column.DETECTED_ENCODING, detectedEncoding); + values.put(DbBook.Column.SELECTED_ENCODING, selectedEncoding); + + db.update(DbBook.TABLE, values, DbBook.Column._ID + "=" + bookId, null); + } + + }) + .build() + .parse(); + + } finally { + reader.close(); + } + + if (rookUrl != null) { + updateOrInsertBookLink(db, bookId, repoUrl, rookUrl); + updateOrInsertBookSync(db, bookId, repoUrl, rookUrl, rookRevision, rookMtime); + } + + DatabaseUtils.updateParentIds(db, bookId); + + /* Update book with modification time and mark it as complete. */ + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbBook.Column.IS_DUMMY, 0); + + db.update(DbBook.TABLE, values, DbBook.Column._ID + "=" + bookId, null); + + db.setTransactionSuccessful(); + } finally { + db.endTransaction(); + } + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, bookName + ": " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startedAt) + "ms"); + + return uri; + } + + private void replaceTimestampRangeStringsWithIds(SQLiteDatabase db, ContentValues values) { + + if (values.containsKey(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.SCHEDULED_STRING)) { + String str = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.SCHEDULED_STRING); + if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) { + values.put(DbNote.Column.SCHEDULED_RANGE_ID, getOrInsertOrgRange(db, OrgRange.getInstance(str))); + } else { + values.putNull(DbNote.Column.SCHEDULED_RANGE_ID); + } + + values.remove(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.SCHEDULED_STRING); + } + + if (values.containsKey(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.DEADLINE_STRING)) { + String str = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.DEADLINE_STRING); + if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) { + values.put(DbNote.Column.DEADLINE_RANGE_ID, getOrInsertOrgRange(db, OrgRange.getInstance(str))); + } else { + values.putNull(DbNote.Column.DEADLINE_RANGE_ID); + } + + values.remove(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.DEADLINE_STRING); + } + + if (values.containsKey(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CLOSED_STRING)) { + String str = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CLOSED_STRING); + if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) { + values.put(DbNote.Column.CLOSED_RANGE_ID, getOrInsertOrgRange(db, OrgRange.getInstance(str))); + } else { + values.putNull(DbNote.Column.CLOSED_RANGE_ID); + } + + values.remove(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CLOSED_STRING); + } + + if (values.containsKey(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CLOCK_STRING)) { + String str = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CLOCK_STRING); + if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) { + values.put(DbNote.Column.CLOCK_RANGE_ID, getOrInsertOrgRange(db, OrgRange.getInstance(str))); + } else { + values.putNull(DbNote.Column.CLOCK_RANGE_ID); + } + + values.remove(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CLOCK_STRING); + } + } + + /** + * Gets {@link OrgDateTime} from database or inserts a new record if it doesn't exist. + * @return {@link OrgDateTime} database ID + */ + private long getOrInsertOrgRange(SQLiteDatabase db, OrgRange range) { + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId( + db, + DbOrgRange.TABLE, + DbOrgRange.Column.STRING + "=?", + new String[]{range.toString()}); + + if (id == 0) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + long startTimestampId = getOrInsertOrgTime(db, range.getStartTime()); + + long endTimestampId = 0; + if (range.getEndTime() != null) { + endTimestampId = getOrInsertOrgTime(db, range.getEndTime()); + } + + DbOrgRange.toContentValues(values, range, startTimestampId, endTimestampId); + + id = db.insertOrThrow(DbOrgRange.TABLE, null, values); + } + + return id; + } + + private long getOrInsertOrgTime(SQLiteDatabase db, OrgDateTime orgDateTime) { + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId( + db, + DbOrgTimestamp.TABLE, + DbOrgTimestamp.Column.STRING + "= ?", + new String[]{orgDateTime.toString()}); + + if (id == 0) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + DbOrgTimestamp.toContentValues(values, orgDateTime); + + id = db.insertOrThrow(DbOrgTimestamp.TABLE, null, values); + } + + return id; + } + + /** + * Notify observers (such as {@link android.widget.CursorAdapter}) that the data changed. + */ + public static void notifyChange(Context context, Uri uri) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, uri.toString()); + context.getContentResolver().notifyChange(uri, null); + } + + + /** + * Don't allow books which have huge fields. Storing is fine, but Cursor has limits: + * Couldn't read row 0, col 0 from CursorWindow. Make sure the Cursor is initialized correctly before accessing data from it. + * See config_cursorWindowSize. + * + * TODO: Also validate before every write to database, not just when parsing fields. + * User can paste huge content to a note directly. + */ + public static class BookSizeValidator { + // TODO: This now works with lion-wide.org (test asset) - how to decide which size to use? + private static final int BOOK_PREFACE_LIMIT = 1000000; + private static final int NOTE_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT = 1500000; + + public static void validate(OrgFile agenda) throws IOException { + if (agenda.getPreface().length() > BOOK_PREFACE_LIMIT) { + throw new IOException("Notebook content is too big (" + agenda.getPreface().length() + " chars " + BOOK_PREFACE_LIMIT + " max)"); + } + } + + public static void validate(OrgNode node) throws IOException { + /* + * Assume indent (more space occupied). + * This probably slows down the import a lot. + */ + OrgParserWriter parserWriter = new OrgParserWriter(); + int totalSize = parserWriter.whiteSpacedHead(node, true).length(); + + if (totalSize > NOTE_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT) { + throw new IOException("Note total size is too big (" + totalSize + " chars " + NOTE_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT + " max)"); + } + } + } + +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/ProviderContract.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/ProviderContract.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bf87f7f09 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/ProviderContract.java @@ -0,0 +1,439 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider; + +import android.content.ContentUris; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +import com.orgzly.android.SearchQuery; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbBook; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbDbRepo; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbRepo; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbSearch; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.views.BooksView; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.views.NotesView; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.NotePlacement; + +/** + * Content provider's contract. + */ +public class ProviderContract { + public static final String AUTHORITY = "com.orgzly"; + + public static final Uri AUTHORITY_URI = Uri.parse("content://" + AUTHORITY); + + public interface Books { + class Param extends BooksView.Columns implements DbBook.Columns, BaseColumns { + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String BOOKS = "books"; + String BOOKS_ID = BOOKS + "/#"; + String BOOKS_ID_NOTES = BOOKS + "/#/notes"; + String BOOKS_ID_CYCLE_VISIBILITY = BOOKS + "/#/cycle-visibility"; + String BOOKS_ID_SPARSE_TREE = BOOKS + "/#/sparse-tree"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri books() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, MatcherUri.BOOKS); + } + + public static Uri booksId(long bookId) { + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(books(), bookId); + } + + public static Uri booksIdNotes(long bookId) { + return booksId(bookId).buildUpon().appendPath("notes").build(); + } + + + public static Uri booksIdCycleVisibility(long id) { + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(books(), id).buildUpon() + .appendPath("cycle-visibility").build(); + } + + public static Uri booksIdSparseTree(long bookId) { + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(books(), bookId).buildUpon() + .appendPath("sparse-tree").build(); + } + } + } + + public interface Filters { + class Param implements DbSearch.Columns, BaseColumns { + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String FILTERS = "filters"; + String FILTERS_ID = FILTERS + "/#"; + String FILTERS_ID_UP = FILTERS + "/#/up"; + String FILTERS_ID_DOWN = FILTERS + "/#/down"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri filters() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, MatcherUri.FILTERS); + } + + public static Uri filtersIdUp(long id) { + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(filters(), id).buildUpon() + .appendPath("up").build(); + } + + public static Uri filtersIdDown(long id) { + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(filters(), id).buildUpon() + .appendPath("down").build(); + } + } + } + + public interface Repos { + class Param implements DbRepo.Columns, BaseColumns { + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String REPOS = "repos"; + String REPOS_ID = REPOS + "/#"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri repos() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, MatcherUri.REPOS); + } + } + } + + public interface NoteProperties { + class Param { + public static final String NOTE_ID = "note_id"; + public static final String NAME = "name"; + public static final String VALUE = "value"; + public static final String POSITION = "position"; + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String NOTES_PROPERTIES = "notes/properties"; + String NOTES_ID_PROPERTIES = "notes/#/properties"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri notesProperties() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, MatcherUri.NOTES_PROPERTIES); + } + + public static Uri notesIdProperties(long id) { + Uri.Builder builder = AUTHORITY_URI.buildUpon(); + builder = builder.appendPath("notes"); + builder = ContentUris.appendId(builder, id); + builder = builder.appendPath("properties"); + return builder.build(); + } + } + } + + public interface Notes { + class QueryParam extends NotesView.Columns implements DbNote.Columns, BaseColumns { + } + + class UpdateParam implements DbNote.Columns, BaseColumns { + public static final String SCHEDULED_STRING = "scheduled_string"; // TODO: This is range, rename. + public static final String DEADLINE_STRING = "deadline_string"; + public static final String CLOSED_STRING = "closed_string"; + public static final String CLOCK_STRING = "clock_string"; + } + + + interface MatcherUri { + String NOTES = "notes"; + String NOTES_SEARCH_QUERIED = NOTES + "/queried"; + String NOTES_STATE = NOTES + "/state"; + String NOTES_ID = NOTES + "/#"; + String NOTES_ID_ABOVE = NOTES + "/#/above"; + String NOTES_ID_BELOW = NOTES + "/#/below"; + String NOTES_ID_UNDER = NOTES + "/#/under"; + String NOTES_ID_TOGGLE_FOLDED_STATE = NOTES + "/#/toggle-folded-state"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri notes() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, MatcherUri.NOTES); + } + + public static Uri notesId(long id) { + return ContentUris.withAppendedId(notes(), id); + } + + + public static Uri notesIdTarget(NotePlacement target) { + Uri.Builder builder = notesId(target.getNoteId()).buildUpon(); + + switch (target.getPlacement()) { + case ABOVE: + builder.appendPath("above"); + break; + case UNDER: + builder.appendPath("under"); + break; + case BELOW: + builder.appendPath("below"); + break; + } + + return builder.build(); + } + + public static Uri notesIdToggleFoldedState(long id) { + return notesId(id).buildUpon().appendPath("toggle-folded-state").build(); + } + + public static Uri notesSearchQueried(SearchQuery searchQuery) { + return notes().buildUpon().appendPath("queried").query(searchQuery.toString()).build(); + } + } + } + + public interface CurrentRooks { + class Param { + public static final String REPO_URL = "repo_url"; + public static final String ROOK_URL = "rook_url"; + public static final String ROOK_REVISION = "rook_revision"; + public static final String ROOK_MTIME = "rook_mtime"; + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String CURRENT_ROOKS = "current-rooks"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri currentRooks() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "current-rooks"); + } + } + } + + public interface BookLinks { + class Param { + public static final String REPO_URL = "repo_url"; + public static final String ROOK_URL = "rook_url"; + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String BOOKS_ID_LINKS = "books/#/links"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri booksIdLinks(long id) { + Uri.Builder builder = AUTHORITY_URI.buildUpon(); + builder = builder.appendPath("books"); + builder = ContentUris.appendId(builder, id); + builder = builder.appendPath("links"); + return builder.build(); + } + } + } + + public interface Paste { + class Param { + public static final String BOOK_ID = "book_id"; + public static final String NOTE_ID = "note_id"; + public static final String BATCH_ID = "batch_id"; + public static final String SPOT = "spot"; + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String PASTE = "paste"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri paste() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "paste"); + } + } + } + + public interface Cut { + class Param { + public static final String BOOK_ID = "book_id"; + public static final String IDS = "ids"; + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String CUT = "cut"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri cut() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "cut"); + } + } + } + + public interface Delete { + class Param { + public static final String BOOK_ID = "book_id"; + public static final String IDS = "ids"; + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String DELETE = "delete"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri delete() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "delete"); + } + } + } + + public interface NotesState { + class Param { + public static final String NOTE_IDS = "note_ids"; + public static final String STATE = "state"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri notesState() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "notes/state"); + } + } + } + + public interface Promote { + class Param { + public static final String BOOK_ID = "book_id"; + public static final String IDS = "ids"; + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String PROMOTE = "promote"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri promote() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "promote"); + } + } + } + + public interface Demote { + class Param { + public static final String BOOK_ID = "book_id"; + public static final String IDS = "ids"; + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String DEMOTE = "demote"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri demote() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "demote"); + } + } + } + + public interface Move { + class Param { + public static final String BOOK_ID = "book_id"; + public static final String IDS = "ids"; + public static final String DIRECTION = "direction"; /* up or down */ + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String MOVE = "move"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri move() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "move"); + } + } + } + + public interface LoadBookFromFile { + class Param { + public static final String BOOK_NAME = "book_name"; + public static final String FILE_PATH = "file_path"; + public static final String FORMAT = "format"; + public static final String ROOK_URL = "rook_url"; + public static final String ROOK_REPO_URL = "rook_repo_url"; + public static final String ROOK_REVISION = "rook_revision"; + public static final String ROOK_MTIME = "rook_mtime"; + public static final String SELECTED_ENCODING = "selected_encoding"; + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String LOAD_FROM_FILE = "load-from-file"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri loadBookFromFile() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "load-from-file"); + } + } + } + + public interface LocalDbRepo { + class Param implements DbDbRepo.Columns { + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String DB_REPOS = "db-repos"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri dbRepos() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "db-repos"); + } + } + } + + public interface DbTest { + interface MatcherUri { + String DB_TEST = "db/test"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri dbTest() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "db/test"); + } + } + } + + public interface DbRecreate { + interface MatcherUri { + String DB_RECREATE = "db/recreate"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri dbRecreate() { + return Uri.withAppendedPath(AUTHORITY_URI, "db/recreate"); + } + } + } + + public interface BooksIdSaved { + class Param { + public static final String REPO_URL = "repo_url"; + public static final String ROOK_URL = "rook_url"; + public static final String ROOK_REVISION = "rook_revision"; + public static final String ROOK_MTIME = "rook_mtime"; + } + + interface MatcherUri { + String BOOKS_ID_SAVED = "books/#/saved"; + } + + class ContentUri { + public static Uri booksIdSaved(long id) { + Uri.Builder builder = AUTHORITY_URI.buildUpon(); + builder = builder.appendPath("books"); + builder = ContentUris.appendId(builder, id); + builder = builder.appendPath("saved"); + return builder.build(); + + } + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/ProviderFilters.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/ProviderFilters.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e064ad740 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/ProviderFilters.java @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider; + + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.FiltersClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbSearch; + +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.Map; + +class ProviderFilters { + /** + * Updates ContentValues with the position. Sets it to maximum existing + 1. + */ + static void updateWithNextPosition(SQLiteDatabase db, ContentValues values) { + Cursor cursor = db.query( + DbSearch.TABLE, + new String[] {"MAX(" + DbSearch.Column.POSITION + ")"}, + null, + null, + null, + null, + null); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + int maxPosition = cursor.getInt(0); + values.put(DbSearch.Column.POSITION, maxPosition + 1); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + static int moveFilterUp(SQLiteDatabase db, long id) { + return moveFilter(db, id, true); + } + + static int moveFilterDown(SQLiteDatabase db, long id) { + return moveFilter(db, id, false); + } + + /** + * Swaps position of target filter and the one above or below it. + * Also fixes all positions which is required as default filters were both added with position 1. + * + * FIXME: Slow and horrible. + */ + static int moveFilter(SQLiteDatabase db, long id, boolean up) { + db.beginTransaction(); + try { + Map originalPositions = new HashMap<>(); + Map newPositions = new HashMap<>(); + + Cursor cursor = queryAll(db); + + try { + int i = 1; + long lastId = 0; + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + long thisId = cursor.getLong(0); + int thisPos = cursor.getInt(1); + + originalPositions.put(thisId, thisPos); + newPositions.put(thisId, i); + + if (up) { + if (thisId == id && lastId != 0) { + newPositions.put(thisId, i - 1); + newPositions.put(lastId, i); + } + + lastId = thisId; + i++; + + } else { + if (lastId != 0) { + newPositions.put(thisId, i - 1); + newPositions.put(lastId, i); + lastId = 0; + } + + if (thisId == id) { + lastId = thisId; + } + + i++; + } + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + updateChangedPositions(db, originalPositions, newPositions); + + db.setTransactionSuccessful(); + + } finally { + db.endTransaction(); + } + + return 1; + } + + private static Cursor queryAll(SQLiteDatabase db) { + return db.query( + DbSearch.TABLE, + new String[] { + DbSearch.Column._ID, + DbSearch.Column.POSITION + }, + null, + null, + null, + null, + FiltersClient.SORT_ORDER); + } + + private static void updateChangedPositions(SQLiteDatabase db, Map originalPositions, Map newPositions) { + for (long thisId: newPositions.keySet()) { + if (originalPositions.get(thisId).intValue() != newPositions.get(thisId).intValue()) { + db.execSQL("UPDATE " + DbSearch.TABLE + " SET " + + DbSearch.Column.POSITION + " = " + newPositions.get(thisId) + + " WHERE " + DbSearch.Column._ID + " = " + thisId); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/ProviderUris.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/ProviderUris.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8b1ea5206 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/ProviderUris.java @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider; + +import android.content.UriMatcher; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract.*; + +class ProviderUris { + final UriMatcher matcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH); + + ProviderUris() { + /* Filters (saved searches). */ + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Filters.MatcherUri.FILTERS_ID_UP, FILTER_UP); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Filters.MatcherUri.FILTERS_ID_DOWN, FILTER_DOWN); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Filters.MatcherUri.FILTERS_ID, FILTERS_ID); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Filters.MatcherUri.FILTERS, FILTERS); + + /* Repositories. */ + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Repos.MatcherUri.REPOS_ID, REPOS_ID); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Repos.MatcherUri.REPOS, REPOS); + + /* Notebooks. */ + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Books.MatcherUri.BOOKS_ID_NOTES, BOOKS_ID_NOTES); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, BooksIdSaved.MatcherUri.BOOKS_ID_SAVED, BOOKS_ID_SAVED); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Books.MatcherUri.BOOKS_ID_CYCLE_VISIBILITY, BOOKS_ID_CYCLE_VISIBILITY); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Books.MatcherUri.BOOKS_ID_SPARSE_TREE, BOOKS_ID_SPARSE_TREE); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Books.MatcherUri.BOOKS_ID, BOOKS_ID); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Books.MatcherUri.BOOKS, BOOKS); + + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, BookLinks.MatcherUri.BOOKS_ID_LINKS, LINKS_FOR_BOOK); + + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, CurrentRooks.MatcherUri.CURRENT_ROOKS, CURRENT_ROOKS); + + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Notes.MatcherUri.NOTES_SEARCH_QUERIED, NOTES_SEARCH_QUERIED); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Notes.MatcherUri.NOTES_ID_ABOVE, NOTE_ABOVE); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Notes.MatcherUri.NOTES_ID_UNDER, NOTE_UNDER); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Notes.MatcherUri.NOTES_ID_BELOW, NOTE_BELOW); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Notes.MatcherUri.NOTES_STATE, NOTES_STATE); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Notes.MatcherUri.NOTES_ID_TOGGLE_FOLDED_STATE, NOTE_TOGGLE_FOLDED_STATE); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Notes.MatcherUri.NOTES_ID, NOTE); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Notes.MatcherUri.NOTES, NOTES); + + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, NoteProperties.MatcherUri.NOTES_PROPERTIES, NOTES_PROPERTIES); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, NoteProperties.MatcherUri.NOTES_ID_PROPERTIES, NOTES_ID_PROPERTIES); + + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, LocalDbRepo.MatcherUri.DB_REPOS, LOCAL_DB_REPO); + + /* Actions */ + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, DbRecreate.MatcherUri.DB_RECREATE, DB_RECREATE); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, DbTest.MatcherUri.DB_TEST, DB_SWITCH); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Cut.MatcherUri.CUT, CUT); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Paste.MatcherUri.PASTE, PASTE); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Delete.MatcherUri.DELETE, DELETE); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Promote.MatcherUri.PROMOTE, PROMOTE); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Demote.MatcherUri.DEMOTE, DEMOTE); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, Move.MatcherUri.MOVE, MOVE); + matcher.addURI(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, LoadBookFromFile.MatcherUri.LOAD_FROM_FILE, LOAD_BOOK_FROM_FILE); + } + + static final int REPOS = 1; + static final int REPOS_ID = 2; + static final int BOOKS = 3; + static final int BOOKS_ID = 4; + static final int NOTES = 5; + static final int NOTES_SEARCH_QUERIED = 6; + static final int NOTES_STATE = 7; + static final int NOTE_ABOVE = 8; + static final int NOTE_UNDER = 9; + static final int NOTE_BELOW = 10; + static final int NOTES_ID_PROPERTIES = 11; + static final int NOTE = 12; + static final int CUT = 13; + static final int PASTE = 14; + static final int PROMOTE = 15; + static final int MOVE = 16; + static final int LOCAL_DB_REPO = 17; + static final int DB_RECREATE = 18; + static final int DB_SWITCH = 19; + static final int LOAD_BOOK_FROM_FILE = 20; + static final int FILTERS = 21; + static final int FILTERS_ID = 22; + static final int FILTER_UP = 23; + static final int FILTER_DOWN = 24; + static final int BOOKS_ID_NOTES = 25; + static final int LINKS_FOR_BOOK = 26; + static final int CURRENT_ROOKS = 27; + static final int BOOKS_ID_SAVED = 28; + static final int NOTES_PROPERTIES = 29; + static final int BOOKS_ID_CYCLE_VISIBILITY = 30; + static final int NOTE_TOGGLE_FOLDED_STATE = 31; + static final int DEMOTE = 32; + static final int DELETE = 33; + static final int BOOKS_ID_SPARSE_TREE = 34; +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/Action.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/Action.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..73b33200e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/Action.java @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.actions; + +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; + +public interface Action { + int run(SQLiteDatabase db); + + void undo(); +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/ActionRunner.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/ActionRunner.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..62d18856b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/ActionRunner.java @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.actions; + +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +/** + * TODO: Encode action and save it to support undo. + */ +public class ActionRunner { + private static final String TAG = ActionRunner.class.getName(); + + public static int run(SQLiteDatabase db, Action action) { + int result = -1; + + long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); + + db.beginTransaction(); + + try { + result = action.run(db); + + db.setTransactionSuccessful(); + + } finally { + db.endTransaction(); + } + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) + LogUtils.d(TAG, action.getClass() + ": " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + "ms"); + + return result; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/CutNotesAction.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/CutNotesAction.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..dafb2f67f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/CutNotesAction.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.actions; + + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; + +/** + * Marks notes as cut and returns their number. + * Notes are cut by setting the flag to the current time in ms. + */ +public class CutNotesAction implements Action { + private long bookId; + private String ids; + + public CutNotesAction(ContentValues values) { + bookId = values.getAsLong(ProviderContract.Cut.Param.BOOK_ID); + ids = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.Cut.Param.IDS); + } + + @Override + public int run(SQLiteDatabase db) { + int result; + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbNote.Column.IS_CUT, System.currentTimeMillis()); + + /* Mark as cut. */ + result = db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, DatabaseUtils.whereDescendantsAndNotes(bookId, ids), null); + + /* Update number of descendants. */ + String whereAncestors = DatabaseUtils.whereAncestors(bookId, ids); + DatabaseUtils.updateDescendantsCount(db, whereAncestors); + + DatabaseUtils.updateBookMtime(db, bookId); + + return result; + } + + @Override + public void undo() { + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/CycleVisibilityAction.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/CycleVisibilityAction.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..189aae56e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/CycleVisibilityAction.java @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.actions; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.GenericDatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; + +public class CycleVisibilityAction implements Action { + private static final String TAG = CycleVisibilityAction.class.getName(); + + private long bookId; + + public CycleVisibilityAction(long bookId) { + this.bookId = bookId; + } + + @Override + public int run(SQLiteDatabase db) { + boolean unfoldedNotesExist = unfoldedNotesExist(db, bookId); + + if (unfoldedNotesExist) { + foldAllNotes(db, bookId); + } else { + unFoldAllNotes(db, bookId); + } + + return 0; + } + + /** Check if unfolded notes exist. */ + private boolean unfoldedNotesExist(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { + String selection = DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + " AND " + + GenericDatabaseUtils.whereNullOrZero(DbNote.Column.IS_FOLDED); + + Cursor cursor = db.query(DbNote.TABLE, DatabaseUtils.PROJECTION_FOR_COUNT, selection, null, null, null, null); + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + if (cursor.getLong(0) > 0) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + private static void unFoldAllNotes(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbNote.Column.IS_FOLDED, 0); + values.put(DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID, 0); + + String selection = DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId; + db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, selection, null); + } + + public static void foldAllNotes(SQLiteDatabase db, long bookId) { + String minLevel = "(SELECT min(" + DbNote.Column.LEVEL + ") FROM " + DbNote.TABLE + " WHERE " + DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + ")"; + + /* Fold under parent all except for top level notes. */ + db.execSQL("UPDATE " + DbNote.TABLE + " SET " + DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID + " = " + DbNote.Column.PARENT_ID + + " WHERE " + DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LEVEL + " > " + minLevel); + + /* Set folded flag. */ + db.execSQL("UPDATE " + DbNote.TABLE + " SET " + DbNote.Column.IS_FOLDED + " = 1" + + " WHERE " + DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(bookId)); + } + + @Override + public void undo() { + + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/DeleteNotesAction.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/DeleteNotesAction.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..82282e120 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/DeleteNotesAction.java @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.actions; + + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; + +/** + * Same as Cut, but deletes the marked batch afterwords + */ +public class DeleteNotesAction implements Action { + private long bookId; + private String ids; + + public DeleteNotesAction(ContentValues values) { + bookId = values.getAsLong(ProviderContract.Delete.Param.BOOK_ID); + ids = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.Delete.Param.IDS); + } + + @Override + public int run(SQLiteDatabase db) { + int result; + + long batchId = System.currentTimeMillis(); + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbNote.Column.IS_CUT, batchId); + + String where = DatabaseUtils.whereDescendantsAndNotes(bookId, ids); + result = db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, where, null); + + String whereAncestors = DatabaseUtils.whereAncestors(bookId, ids); + DatabaseUtils.updateDescendantsCount(db, whereAncestors); + + DatabaseUtils.updateBookMtime(db, bookId); + + db.execSQL("DELETE FROM notes WHERE is_cut = " + batchId); + + return result; + } + + @Override + public void undo() { + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/DemoteNotesAction.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/DemoteNotesAction.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ccaee93b5 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/DemoteNotesAction.java @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.actions; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; + +import com.orgzly.android.NotePosition; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Placement; + +public class DemoteNotesAction implements Action { + private long bookId; + private String ids; + + public DemoteNotesAction(ContentValues values) { + bookId = values.getAsLong(ProviderContract.Demote.Param.BOOK_ID); + ids = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.Demote.Param.IDS); + } + + @Override + public int run(SQLiteDatabase db) { + int result = demote(db); + + DatabaseUtils.updateBookMtime(db, bookId); + + return result; + } + + private int demote(SQLiteDatabase db) { + Cursor cursor; + NotePosition note; + long previousSiblingId; + ContentValues values; + + + /* Get note info. */ + cursor = db.query(DbNote.TABLE, null, DbNote.Column._ID + " IN (" + ids + ")", null, null, null, null); + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + note = DbNote.positionFromCursor(cursor); + } else { + return 0; + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + previousSiblingId = DatabaseUtils.getPreviousSiblingId(db, note); + + if (previousSiblingId <= 0) { + return 0; + } + + /* Cut note and all its descendants. */ + long batchId = System.currentTimeMillis(); + values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbNote.Column.IS_CUT, batchId); + db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, DatabaseUtils.whereDescendantsAndNote(bookId, note.getLft(), note.getRgt()), null); + + /* Paste under previous sibling. */ + values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.BATCH_ID, batchId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.BOOK_ID, bookId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.NOTE_ID, previousSiblingId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.SPOT, Placement.UNDER.toString()); + new PasteNotesAction(values).run(db); + + DatabaseUtils.updateBookMtime(db, bookId); + + return 1; + } + + @Override + public void undo() { + + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/MoveNotesAction.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/MoveNotesAction.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e16848fb9 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/MoveNotesAction.java @@ -0,0 +1,117 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.actions; + + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.NotePosition; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Placement; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +public class MoveNotesAction implements Action { + private static final String TAG = MoveNotesAction.class.getName(); + + private long bookId; + private Long id; + private int direction; + + public MoveNotesAction(ContentValues values) { + bookId = values.getAsLong(ProviderContract.Move.Param.BOOK_ID); + id = values.getAsLong(ProviderContract.Move.Param.IDS); + direction = values.getAsInteger(ProviderContract.Move.Param.DIRECTION); + } + + @Override + public int run(SQLiteDatabase db) { + NotePosition selectedNotePosition = DbNote.getPosition(db, id); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Moving note " + id + " (" + selectedNotePosition + ") from book " + bookId + " in direction " + direction); + + + long targetNoteId = 0; + Placement placement = null; + + if (direction == -1) { /* Moving up. */ + Cursor cursor = db.query( + DbNote.TABLE, + new String[]{DbNote.Column._ID, DbNote.Column.LFT, DbNote.Column.LEVEL}, + DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + " AND " + DbNote.Column.RGT + " < " + selectedNotePosition.getLft(), + null, null, null, + DbNote.Column.RGT + " DESC"); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + + long prevId = cursor.getLong(0); + long prevLevel = cursor.getLong(2); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Moving note " + id + " up: prevId: " + prevId + " prevLevel: " + prevLevel); + + if (prevLevel == selectedNotePosition.getLevel()) { + targetNoteId = prevId; + placement = Placement.ABOVE; + } + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + + } else { /* Moving down. */ + Cursor cursor = db.query( + DbNote.TABLE, + new String[]{DbNote.Column._ID, DbNote.Column.LFT, DbNote.Column.LEVEL}, + DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(bookId) + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " > " + selectedNotePosition.getRgt(), + null, null, null, + DbNote.Column.LFT); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + long prevId = cursor.getLong(0); + long prevLevel = cursor.getLong(2); + + if (prevLevel == selectedNotePosition.getLevel()) { + targetNoteId = prevId; + placement = Placement.BELOW; + } + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + if (targetNoteId != 0) { + ContentValues values; + + /* Cut note and all its descendants. */ + long batchId = System.currentTimeMillis(); + values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbNote.Column.IS_CUT, batchId); + db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, DatabaseUtils.whereDescendantsAndNote(bookId, selectedNotePosition.getLft(), selectedNotePosition.getRgt()), null); + + /* Paste. */ + values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.BATCH_ID, batchId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.BOOK_ID, bookId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.NOTE_ID, targetNoteId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.SPOT, placement.toString()); + new PasteNotesAction(values).run(db); + + DatabaseUtils.updateBookMtime(db, bookId); + } + + return 0; + } + + @Override + public void undo() { + + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/PasteNotesAction.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/PasteNotesAction.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..58afcada4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/PasteNotesAction.java @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.actions; + + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; + +import com.orgzly.android.NotePosition; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.GenericDatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Placement; + + +public class PasteNotesAction implements Action { + private static final String TAG = PasteNotesAction.class.getName(); + + private Placement placement; + private long bookId; + private long targetNoteId; + private long batchId; + + public PasteNotesAction(ContentValues values) { + placement = Placement.valueOf(values.getAsString(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.SPOT)); + bookId = values.getAsLong(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.BOOK_ID); + targetNoteId = values.getAsLong(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.NOTE_ID); + batchId = values.getAsLong(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.BATCH_ID); + } + + @Override + public int run(SQLiteDatabase db) { + long batchMinLft; + long batchMaxRgt; + long batchMinLevel; + long foldedUnder = 0; + + Cursor cursor = db.query( + DbNote.TABLE, + new String[]{"min(" + DbNote.Column.LFT + ")", "max(" + DbNote.Column.RGT + ")", "min(" + DbNote.Column.LEVEL + ")" }, + DbNote.Column.IS_CUT + " = " + batchId, + null, null, null, null); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + batchMinLft = cursor.getLong(0); + batchMaxRgt = cursor.getLong(1); + batchMinLevel = cursor.getLong(2); + } else { + return 0; + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + NotePosition targetNotePosition = DbNote.getPosition(db, targetNoteId); + + long pastedLft, pastedLevel, pastedParentId; + + /* If target note is hidden, hide pasted under the same note. */ + if (targetNotePosition.getFoldedUnderId() != 0) { + foldedUnder = targetNotePosition.getFoldedUnderId(); + } + + switch (placement) { + case ABOVE: + pastedLft = targetNotePosition.getLft(); + pastedLevel = targetNotePosition.getLevel(); + pastedParentId = targetNotePosition.getParentId(); + break; + + case UNDER: + NotePosition firstHighestLevelDescendant = getLastHighestLevelDescendant(db, targetNotePosition); + + if (firstHighestLevelDescendant != null) { + /* Insert batch after last descendant with highest level. */ + pastedLft = firstHighestLevelDescendant.getRgt() + 1; + pastedLevel = firstHighestLevelDescendant.getLevel(); + + } else { + /* Insert batch just under the target note. */ + pastedLft = targetNotePosition.getLft() + 1; + pastedLevel = targetNotePosition.getLevel() + 1; + } + + if (targetNotePosition.isFolded()) { + foldedUnder = targetNoteId; + } + + pastedParentId = targetNoteId; + + break; + + case BELOW: + pastedLft = targetNotePosition.getRgt() + 1; + pastedLevel = targetNotePosition.getLevel(); + pastedParentId = targetNotePosition.getParentId(); + break; + + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported placement for paste: " + placement); + } + + int positionsRequired = (int) (batchMaxRgt - batchMinLft + 1); + long positionOffset = pastedLft - batchMinLft; + long levelOffset = pastedLevel - batchMinLevel; + + + String bookSelection = DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(targetNotePosition.getBookId()); + + /* + * Make space for new notes incrementing lft and rgt. + * FIXME: This could be slow. + */ + + GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, + bookSelection + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " >= " + pastedLft, + positionsRequired, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.LFT); + + GenericDatabaseUtils.incrementFields(db, DbNote.TABLE, + bookSelection + " AND " + DbNote.Column.RGT + " >= " + pastedLft, + positionsRequired, ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.RGT); + + /* Make sure batch has no no FOLDED_UNDER_ID IDs which do not belong to the batch itself. */ + db.execSQL("UPDATE " + DbNote.TABLE + " SET " + DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID + " = 0 WHERE " + + DbNote.Column.IS_CUT + " = " + batchId + " AND " + + DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID + + " NOT IN (SELECT " + DbNote.Column._ID + + " FROM " + DbNote.TABLE + + " WHERE " + DbNote.Column.IS_CUT + " = " + batchId + ")"); + + /* Mark batch as folded. */ + if (foldedUnder != 0) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID, foldedUnder); + String where = DbNote.Column.IS_CUT + " = " + batchId + " AND " + DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID + " = 0"; + db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, where, null); + } + + /* Update parent of the first note. */ + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbNote.Column.PARENT_ID, pastedParentId); + db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, DbNote.Column.IS_CUT + " = " + batchId + " AND " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " = " + batchMinLft, null); + + + /* Move batch to the new position and make it visible. */ + String set = DbNote.Column.LFT + " = " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " + " + positionOffset + ", " + + DbNote.Column.RGT + " = " + DbNote.Column.RGT + " + " + positionOffset + ", " + + DbNote.Column.LEVEL + " = " + DbNote.Column.LEVEL + " + " + levelOffset + ", " + + DbNote.Column.IS_CUT + "= 0, " + + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + "= " + targetNotePosition.getBookId(); + String sql = "UPDATE " + DbNote.TABLE + " SET " + set + " WHERE " + DbNote.Column.IS_CUT + " = " + batchId; + db.execSQL(sql); + + /* Update number of descendants for ancestors and the note itself. */ + String where = DatabaseUtils.whereAncestors(targetNotePosition.getBookId(), "" + targetNoteId) + " OR (" + DbNote.Column._ID + " = " + targetNoteId + ")"; + DatabaseUtils.updateDescendantsCount(db, where); + + /* Delete all other cut batches. */ + db.execSQL("DELETE FROM " + DbNote.TABLE + " WHERE " + DbNote.Column.IS_CUT + " != 0"); + + DatabaseUtils.updateBookMtime(db, targetNotePosition.getBookId()); + + return 0; + } + + private NotePosition getLastHighestLevelDescendant(SQLiteDatabase db, NotePosition note) { + NotePosition position = null; + + Cursor cursor = db.query( + DbNote.TABLE, + DbNote.POSITION_PROJECTION, + DatabaseUtils.whereDescendants(note.getBookId(), note.getLft(), note.getRgt()), + null, null, null, DbNote.Column.LEVEL + ", " + DbNote.Column.LFT + " DESC"); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + position = DbNote.positionFromCursor(cursor); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return position; + } + + @Override + public void undo() { + + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/PromoteNotesAction.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/PromoteNotesAction.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e3cdaeb35 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/PromoteNotesAction.java @@ -0,0 +1,78 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.actions; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; + +import com.orgzly.android.NotePosition; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Placement; + +public class PromoteNotesAction implements Action { + private long bookId; + private String ids; + + public PromoteNotesAction(ContentValues values) { + bookId = values.getAsLong(ProviderContract.Promote.Param.BOOK_ID); + ids = values.getAsString(ProviderContract.Promote.Param.IDS); + } + + @Override + public int run(SQLiteDatabase db) { + int result = promote(db); + + DatabaseUtils.updateBookMtime(db, bookId); + + return result; + } + + private int promote(SQLiteDatabase db) { + Cursor cursor; + NotePosition note; + long parent; + ContentValues values; + + + /* Get note info. */ + cursor = db.query(DbNote.TABLE, null, DbNote.Column._ID + " IN (" + ids + ")", null, null, null, null); + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + note = DbNote.positionFromCursor(cursor); + } else { + return 0; + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + /* Can't promote top level note. */ + if (note.getLevel() <= 1 || note.getParentId() <= 0) { + return 0; + } + + /* Cut note and all its descendants. */ + long batchId = System.currentTimeMillis(); + values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbNote.Column.IS_CUT, batchId); + db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, DatabaseUtils.whereDescendantsAndNote(bookId, note.getLft(), note.getRgt()), null); + + /* Paste below parent. */ + values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.BATCH_ID, batchId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.BOOK_ID, bookId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.NOTE_ID, note.getParentId()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.SPOT, Placement.BELOW.toString()); + new PasteNotesAction(values).run(db); + + DatabaseUtils.updateBookMtime(db, bookId); + + return 1; + } + + @Override + public void undo() { + + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/SparseTreeAction.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/SparseTreeAction.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..739828690 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/SparseTreeAction.java @@ -0,0 +1,53 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.actions; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; + +public class SparseTreeAction implements Action { + private static final String TAG = SparseTreeAction.class.getName(); + + public static final String ID = "id"; + + private long bookId; + private ContentValues values; + + public SparseTreeAction(long bookId, ContentValues values) { + this.bookId = bookId; + this.values = values; + } + + @Override + public int run(SQLiteDatabase db) { + int result = 0; + + CycleVisibilityAction.foldAllNotes(db, bookId); + + if (values.containsKey(ID)) { + long noteId = values.getAsLong(ID); + + String ancestorsIds = DatabaseUtils.ancestorsIds(db, bookId, noteId); + + if (ancestorsIds != null) { + ContentValues v; + + v = new ContentValues(); + v.put(DbNote.Column.IS_FOLDED, 0); + result = db.update(DbNote.TABLE, v, DbNote.Column._ID + " IN (" + ancestorsIds + ")", null); + + v = new ContentValues(); + v.put(DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID, 0); + db.update(DbNote.TABLE, v, DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID + " IN (" + ancestorsIds + ")", null); + } + } + + return result; + } + + @Override + public void undo() { + + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/ToggleFoldedStateAction.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/ToggleFoldedStateAction.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f67d60a54 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/actions/ToggleFoldedStateAction.java @@ -0,0 +1,106 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.actions; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; +import android.util.Log; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.GenericDatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; + + +/** + * Toggle folded state of the note. + */ +public class ToggleFoldedStateAction implements Action { + private static final String TAG = ToggleFoldedStateAction.class.getName(); + + private long noteId; + + public ToggleFoldedStateAction(long noteId) { + this.noteId = noteId; + } + + @Override + public int run(SQLiteDatabase db) { + boolean isFolded; + long lft; + long rgt; + long bookId; + + Cursor cursor = db.query( + DbNote.TABLE, + new String[] { + DbNote.Column.IS_FOLDED, + DbNote.Column.LFT, + DbNote.Column.RGT, + DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID + }, + DbNote.Column._ID + " = " + noteId, + null, + null, + null, + null); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + isFolded = cursor.getInt(0) == 1; + lft = cursor.getLong(1); + rgt = cursor.getLong(2); + bookId = cursor.getLong(3); + + } else { + Log.e(TAG, "Failed getting note " + noteId); + return 0; + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + ContentValues values; + String selection; + + /* Toggle folded flag for the note. */ + values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbNote.Column.IS_FOLDED, isFolded ? 0 : 1); + selection = DbNote.Column._ID + " = " + noteId; + db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, selection, null); + + /* Toggle visibility of descendants. */ + + if (isFolded) { + /* Unfold. */ + values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID, 0); + + /* + * All descendants which are hidden because of this note being folded. + */ + selection = + DatabaseUtils.whereDescendants(bookId, lft, rgt) + " AND " + + DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID + " = " + noteId; + + } else { + /* Fold. */ + values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID, noteId); + + /* + * All descendants which are not already hidden + * (because one of the ancestors being folded). + */ + selection = + DatabaseUtils.whereDescendants(bookId, lft, rgt) + " AND " + + GenericDatabaseUtils.whereNullOrZero(DbNote.Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID); + } + + return db.update(DbNote.TABLE, values, selection, null); + } + + @Override + public void undo() { + + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/BooksClient.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/BooksClient.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be37b200e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/BooksClient.java @@ -0,0 +1,375 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.clients; + +import android.content.ContentUris; +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.content.Context; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader; +import android.support.v4.content.Loader; +import android.text.TextUtils; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.BookAction; +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.actions.SparseTreeAction; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Rook; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.VersionedRook; +import com.orgzly.android.util.ExceptionUtils; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgFileSettings; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Set; + +public class BooksClient { + /** Sort by modification times. */ + private static final String ORDER_BY_MTIME = + ProviderContract.Books.Param.IS_DUMMY + "," + + "MAX(COALESCE("+ ProviderContract.Books.Param.MTIME+", 0), COALESCE("+ ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNCED_ROOK_MTIME+", 0)) DESC, " + + ProviderContract.Books.Param.NAME; + + /** Sort by title or filename. */ + private static final String ORDER_BY_NAME = + ProviderContract.Books.Param.IS_DUMMY + "," + + "LOWER(COALESCE(" + ProviderContract.Books.Param.TITLE + ", " + ProviderContract.Books.Param.NAME + "))"; + + private static void toContentValues(ContentValues values, Book book) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.NAME, book.getName()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.PREFACE, book.getPreface()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.MTIME, book.getMtime()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.IS_DUMMY, book.isDummy() ? 1 : 0); + + if (book.getSyncStatus() != null) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNC_STATUS, book.getSyncStatus().toString()); + } else { + values.putNull(ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNC_STATUS); + } + + toContentValues(values, book.getOrgFileSettings()); + } + + public static void toContentValues(ContentValues values, OrgFileSettings settings) { + /* Set title. */ + if (settings.getTitle() != null) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.TITLE, settings.getTitle()); + } else { + values.putNull(ProviderContract.Books.Param.TITLE); + } + + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.IS_INDENTED, settings.isIndented() ? 1 : 0); + } + + public static Book fromCursor(Cursor cursor) { + Book book = new Book( + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.NAME)), + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.PREFACE)), + cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.MTIME)), + cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.IS_DUMMY)) == 1 + ); + + book.getOrgFileSettings().setTitle(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.TITLE))); + book.getOrgFileSettings().setIndented(cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.IS_INDENTED)) == 1); + + book.setId(cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param._ID))); + book.setSyncStatus(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNC_STATUS))); + + book.setDetectedEncoding(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.DETECTED_ENCODING))); + book.setSelectedEncoding(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.SELECTED_ENCODING))); + book.setUsedEncoding(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.USED_ENCODING))); + + /* Set link. */ + if (! cursor.isNull(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.LINK_ROOK_URL))) { + Uri linkRepoUri = Uri.parse(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.LINK_REPO_URL))); + Uri linkRookUri = Uri.parse(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.LINK_ROOK_URL))); + book.setLink(new Rook(linkRepoUri, linkRookUri)); + } + + /* Set versioned rook. */ + if (! cursor.isNull(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNCED_ROOK_URL))) { + Uri syncRookUri = Uri.parse(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNCED_ROOK_URL))); + Uri syncRepoUri = Uri.parse(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNCED_REPO_URL))); + String rev = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNCED_ROOK_REVISION)); + long mtime = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNCED_ROOK_MTIME)); + + VersionedRook vrook = new VersionedRook(syncRepoUri, syncRookUri, rev, mtime); + + book.setLastSyncedToRook(vrook); + } + + /* Set last action. */ + String lastActionMessage = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.LAST_ACTION)); + if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(lastActionMessage)) { + BookAction.Type lastActionType = BookAction.Type.valueOf(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.LAST_ACTION_TYPE))); + long lastActionTimestamp = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.Books.Param.LAST_ACTION_TIMESTAMP)); + + BookAction lastAction = new BookAction(lastActionType, lastActionMessage, lastActionTimestamp); + + book.setLastAction(lastAction); + } + + return book; + } + + /** + * @throws IOException if notebook with the same name already exists or some other failure. + */ + public static Book insert(Context context, Book book) throws IOException { + if (doesExist(context, book.getName())) { + throw new IOException("Can't insert notebook with the same name: " + book.getName()); + } + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + BooksClient.toContentValues(values, book); + Uri uri; + try { + uri = context.getContentResolver().insert(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), values); + } catch (Exception e) { + throw ExceptionUtils.IOException(e, "Failed inserting book " + book.getName()); + } + book.setId(ContentUris.parseId(uri)); + + return book; + } + + /** + * Update book's modified time. + */ + public static int setModifiedTime(Context context, long bookId, long time) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.MTIME, time); + + return context.getContentResolver().update(ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), bookId), values, null, null); + } + + /** + * Update book's link URL. + */ + public static int setLink(Context context, long bookId, String repoUrl, String rookUrl) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.BookLinks.Param.REPO_URL, repoUrl); + values.put(ProviderContract.BookLinks.Param.ROOK_URL, rookUrl); + + return context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.BookLinks.ContentUri.booksIdLinks(bookId), values, null, null); + } + + public static int removeLink(Context context, long bookId) { + return context.getContentResolver().delete(ProviderContract.BookLinks.ContentUri.booksIdLinks(bookId), null, null); + } + + /** + * Deletes a single book. + * + * @param id row ID of the book to delete + */ + public static void delete(Context context, long id) { + context.getContentResolver().delete(ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), id), null, null); + } + + public static List getAll(Context context) { + List books = new ArrayList<>(); + + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), null, null, null, getSortOrder(context)); + + try { + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + books.add(fromCursor(cursor)); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return books; + } + + + /** + * Get book from database by its ID. + * + * @param bookId ID for the {@link Book} + * @return {@link Book} or {@code null} if the book with specified ID doesn't exist + */ + public static Book get(Context context, long bookId) { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.booksId(bookId), null, null, null, null); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return fromCursor(cursor); + } else { + return null; + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + /** + * Get book from database by its name. + * + * @param name Name of the book + * @return {@link Book} or {@code null} if the book with specified name doesn't exist + */ + public static Book get(Context context, String name) { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), + null, + ProviderContract.Books.Param.NAME + "=?", + new String[] { name }, + null); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return fromCursor(cursor); + } else { + return null; + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + /** Checks if notebook with the same name already exists in database. */ + public static boolean doesExist(Context context, String name) { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), null, ProviderContract.Books.Param.NAME + " = ?", new String[] { name }, null); + try { + return cursor.getCount() > 0; + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + /** + * Stores synchronization message to database, prepended with current time. + */ + public static int updateStatus(Context context, long bookId, String status, BookAction action) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + // TODO: Do we even need status in DB? Is it used except for tests? + if (status != null) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNC_STATUS, status); + } else { + values.putNull(ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNC_STATUS); + } + + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.LAST_ACTION, action.getMessage()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.LAST_ACTION_TIMESTAMP, action.getTimestamp()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.LAST_ACTION_TYPE, action.getType().toString()); + + return context.getContentResolver().update(ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), bookId), values, null, null); + } + + public static int updateSettings(Context context, Book book) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.PREFACE, book.getPreface()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.TITLE, book.getOrgFileSettings().getTitle()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.MTIME, System.currentTimeMillis()); + + return context.getContentResolver().update( + ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), book.getId()), values, null, null); + } + + public static int updateName(Context context, long id, String name) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.NAME, name); + return context.getContentResolver().update(ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), id), values, null, null); + } + + public static int promote(Context context, long bookId, Set noteIds) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.Promote.Param.BOOK_ID, bookId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Promote.Param.IDS, TextUtils.join(",", noteIds)); + + return context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.Promote.ContentUri.promote(), values, null, null); + } + + public static int demote(Context context, long bookId, Set noteIds) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.Demote.Param.BOOK_ID, bookId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Demote.Param.IDS, TextUtils.join(",", noteIds)); + + return context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.Demote.ContentUri.demote(), values, null, null); + } + + public static void cycleVisibility(Context context, Book book) { + context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.booksIdCycleVisibility(book.getId()), null, null, null); + } + + public static int moveNotes(Context context, long bookId, Long noteId, int direction) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.Move.Param.BOOK_ID, bookId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Move.Param.IDS, noteId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Move.Param.DIRECTION, direction); + + return context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.Move.ContentUri.move(), values, null, null); + } + + public static Uri loadFromFile(Context context, String name, BookName.Format format, File file, VersionedRook vrook, String selectedEncoding) throws IOException { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.BOOK_NAME, name); + values.put(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.FORMAT, format.toString()); + values.put(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.FILE_PATH, file.getAbsolutePath()); + + if (vrook != null) { + values.put(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.ROOK_REPO_URL, vrook.getRepoUri().toString()); + values.put(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.ROOK_URL, vrook.getUri().toString()); + values.put(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.ROOK_REVISION, vrook.getRevision()); + values.put(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.ROOK_MTIME, vrook.getMtime()); + } + + if (selectedEncoding != null) { + values.put(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.Param.SELECTED_ENCODING, selectedEncoding); + } + + try { + return context.getContentResolver().insert(ProviderContract.LoadBookFromFile.ContentUri.loadBookFromFile(), values); + } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { + throw ExceptionUtils.IOException(e, "Failed loading book " + name); + // FIXME: We sometimes catch these exceptions from content provider, sometimes not + } + } + + public static void saved(Context context, long id, VersionedRook uploadedBook) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.BooksIdSaved.Param.REPO_URL, uploadedBook.getRepoUri().toString()); + values.put(ProviderContract.BooksIdSaved.Param.ROOK_URL, uploadedBook.getUri().toString()); + values.put(ProviderContract.BooksIdSaved.Param.ROOK_REVISION, uploadedBook.getRevision()); + values.put(ProviderContract.BooksIdSaved.Param.ROOK_MTIME, uploadedBook.getMtime()); + + context.getContentResolver().insert(ProviderContract.BooksIdSaved.ContentUri.booksIdSaved(id), values); + } + + public static Loader getCursorLoader(Context context) { + return new CursorLoader( + context, + ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books(), + null, + null, + null, + getSortOrder(context)); + } + + private static String getSortOrder(Context context) { + String sortOrder = ORDER_BY_NAME; + + if (context.getString(R.string.pref_value_notebooks_sort_order_modification_time).equals(AppPreferences.notebooksSortOrder(context))) { + sortOrder = ORDER_BY_MTIME; + } + + return sortOrder; + } + + public static void sparseTree(Context context, long bookId, long noteId) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(SparseTreeAction.ID, noteId); + + context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.booksIdSparseTree(bookId), values, null, null); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/CurrentRooksClient.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/CurrentRooksClient.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d87b13553 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/CurrentRooksClient.java @@ -0,0 +1,101 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.clients; + +import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.OperationApplicationException; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.os.RemoteException; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Rook; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.VersionedRook; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +/** + * + */ +public class CurrentRooksClient { + private static void toContentValues(ContentValues values, VersionedRook vrook) { + values.put(ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.Param.REPO_URL, vrook.getRepoUri().toString()); + values.put(ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.Param.ROOK_URL, vrook.getUri().toString()); + values.put(ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.Param.ROOK_REVISION, vrook.getRevision()); + values.put(ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.Param.ROOK_MTIME, vrook.getMtime()); + } + + private static VersionedRook fromCursor(Cursor cursor) { + return new VersionedRook( + Uri.parse(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.Param.REPO_URL))), + Uri.parse(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.Param.ROOK_URL))), + cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.Param.ROOK_REVISION)), + cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.Param.ROOK_MTIME))); + } + + public static void set(Context context, List books) { + ArrayList ops = new ArrayList<>(); + + /* Delete all previous. */ + ops.add(ContentProviderOperation + .newDelete(ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.ContentUri.currentRooks()) + .build()); + + /* Insert each one. */ + for (VersionedRook book: books) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + CurrentRooksClient.toContentValues(values, book); + + ops.add(ContentProviderOperation + .newInsert(ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.ContentUri.currentRooks()) + .withValues(values) + .build()); + } + + try { + context.getContentResolver().applyBatch(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, ops); + } catch (RemoteException | OperationApplicationException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + } + } + + public static Map getAll(Context context) { + Map result = new HashMap<>(); + + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.ContentUri.currentRooks(), null, null, null, null); + + try { + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + VersionedRook vrook = CurrentRooksClient.fromCursor(cursor); + result.put(vrook.getUri().toString(), vrook); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return result; + } + + public static VersionedRook get(Context context, String url) { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.ContentUri.currentRooks(), + null, + ProviderContract.CurrentRooks.Param.ROOK_URL + "=?", + new String[] { url }, + null); + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return CurrentRooksClient.fromCursor(cursor); + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return null; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/DbClient.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/DbClient.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ba56b7c0d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/DbClient.java @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.clients; + +import android.content.Context; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; + +public class DbClient { + public static void recreateTables(Context context) { + context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.DbRecreate.ContentUri.dbRecreate(), null, null, null); + } + + public static void toTest(Context context) { + context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.DbTest.ContentUri.dbTest(), null, null, null); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/FiltersClient.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/FiltersClient.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0c8ae099b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/FiltersClient.java @@ -0,0 +1,119 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.clients; + +import android.content.ContentUris; +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.content.Context; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader; +import android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray; + +import com.orgzly.android.Filter; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; + +public class FiltersClient { + public static String SORT_ORDER = ProviderContract.Filters.Param.POSITION + ", " + ProviderContract.Filters.Param._ID; + + public static CursorLoader getCursorLoader(Context context) { + return new CursorLoader(context, ProviderContract.Filters.ContentUri.filters(), null, null, null, SORT_ORDER); + } + + public static Filter get(Context context, long id) { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Filters.ContentUri.filters(), id), + new String[] { + ProviderContract.Filters.Param.NAME, + ProviderContract.Filters.Param.QUERY + }, + null, + null, + null); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + String name = cursor.getString(0); + String query = cursor.getString(1); + return new Filter(name, query); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return null; + } + + /** + * Get {@link Filter} by name (case insensitive). + * + * For some time, when updating or creating a new filter, app didn't check if there are filters + * with the same name. So it's possible they exist. It's not defined which one is returned here. + * + * @return First filter that matches the name (case insensitive) + */ + public static LongSparseArray getByNameIgnoreCase(Context context, String name) { + LongSparseArray result = new LongSparseArray<>(); + + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.Filters.ContentUri.filters(), + new String[] { + ProviderContract.Filters.Param._ID, + ProviderContract.Filters.Param.NAME, + ProviderContract.Filters.Param.QUERY + }, + ProviderContract.Filters.Param.NAME + " LIKE ?", + new String[] { name }, + null); + + if (cursor != null) { + try { + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + long id = cursor.getLong(0); + + Filter filter = new Filter( + cursor.getString(1), + cursor.getString(2)); + + result.put(id, filter); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + return result; + } + + /** + * Deletes filter. + * + * @param id + */ + public static void delete(Context context, long id) { + context.getContentResolver().delete(ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Filters.ContentUri.filters(), id), null, null); + } + + public static void update(Context context, long id, Filter filter) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put(ProviderContract.Filters.Param.NAME, filter.getName()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Filters.Param.QUERY, filter.getQuery()); + + context.getContentResolver().update(ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Filters.ContentUri.filters(), id), values, null, null); + } + + public static void create(Context context, Filter filter) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put(ProviderContract.Filters.Param.NAME, filter.getName()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Filters.Param.QUERY, filter.getQuery()); + + context.getContentResolver().insert(ProviderContract.Filters.ContentUri.filters(), values); + } + + public static void moveUp(Context context, long id) { + context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.Filters.ContentUri.filtersIdUp(id), null, null, null); + } + + public static void moveDown(Context context, long id) { + context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.Filters.ContentUri.filtersIdDown(id), null, null, null); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/LocalDbRepoClient.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/LocalDbRepoClient.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6d0641d3e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/LocalDbRepoClient.java @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.clients; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.content.Context; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.net.Uri; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.MockRepo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Rook; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.VersionedRook; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.UriUtils; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; + +/** + * Used by tests. + * + * TODO: Remove, see {@link MockRepo}. + */ +public class LocalDbRepoClient { + public static VersionedRook fromCursor(Cursor cursor) { + Uri repoUri = Uri.parse(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.REPO_URL))); + Uri uri = Uri.parse(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.URL))); + String revision = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.REVISION)); + long mtime = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.MTIME)); + + return new VersionedRook(repoUri, uri, revision, mtime); + } + + public static void delete(Context context) { + context.getContentResolver().delete(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.ContentUri.dbRepos(), null, null); + } + + public static VersionedRook retrieveBook(Context context, Rook rook, File file) throws IOException { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.ContentUri.dbRepos(), + null, + ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.URL + "=?", + new String[] { rook.getUri().toString() }, + null); + + try { + + if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { + throw new IOException("Book " + rook.getUri() + " not found in repo"); + } + + if (cursor.getCount() != 1) { + throw new IOException("Found " + cursor.getCount() + " books matching name " + rook.getUri()); + } + + /* Get data from Cursor. */ + String content = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.CONTENT)); + String revision = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.REVISION)); + long mtime = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.MTIME)); + + /* Write content to file. */ + MiscUtils.writeStringToFile(content, file); + + /* Return book. */ + return new VersionedRook(rook, revision, mtime); + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + /** + * Select only those belonging to this repo's name. + */ + public static List getAll(Context context, Uri repoUri) { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.ContentUri.dbRepos(), + null, + ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.REPO_URL + "=?", + new String[] { repoUri.toString() }, + null); + + List result = new ArrayList<>(); + + try { + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + Uri uri = Uri.parse(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.URL))); + String revision = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.REVISION)); + long mtime = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.MTIME)); + + result.add(new VersionedRook(repoUri, uri, revision, mtime)); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return result; + } + + private static VersionedRook get(Context context, Uri uri) { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.ContentUri.dbRepos(), + null, + ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.URL + " = ?", + new String[] { uri.toString() }, + null); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return fromCursor(cursor); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return null; + } + + public static VersionedRook insert(Context context, VersionedRook vrook, String content) throws IOException { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.REPO_URL, vrook.getRepoUri().toString()); + values.put(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.URL, vrook.getUri().toString()); + values.put(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.CONTENT, content); + values.put(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.REVISION, vrook.getRevision()); + values.put(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.MTIME, vrook.getMtime()); + values.put(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.CREATED_AT, System.currentTimeMillis()); + + Uri uri = context.getContentResolver().insert(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.ContentUri.dbRepos(), values); + + if (uri == null) { + throw new IOException("Inserting repo book to db failed"); + } + + return vrook; + } + + public static VersionedRook renameBook(Context context, Uri from, Uri to) throws IOException { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.URL, to.toString()); + values.put(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.MTIME, System.currentTimeMillis()); + values.put(ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.REVISION, "MockedRenamedRevision-" + System.currentTimeMillis()); + + int updated = context.getContentResolver().update( + ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.ContentUri.dbRepos(), + values, + ProviderContract.LocalDbRepo.Param.URL + " = ?", + new String[] { from.toString() } + ); + + if (updated != 1) { + throw new IOException("Failed moving notebook from " + + UriUtils.friendlyUri(from) + " to " + + UriUtils.friendlyUri(to)); + } + + return get(context, to); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/NotesClient.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/NotesClient.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d59bc896b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/NotesClient.java @@ -0,0 +1,785 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.clients; + +import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; +import android.content.ContentProviderResult; +import android.content.ContentUris; +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.OperationApplicationException; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.database.SQLException; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.os.RemoteException; +import android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader; +import android.text.TextUtils; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.NotePosition; +import com.orgzly.android.NotesBatch; +import com.orgzly.android.Note; +import com.orgzly.android.SearchQuery; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.GenericDatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Placement; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.NoteStateSpinner; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.NotePlacement; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgProperty; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgRange; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgHead; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.HashSet; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.NoSuchElementException; +import java.util.Set; + +public class NotesClient { + private static final String TAG = NotesClient.class.getName(); + + public interface NotesClientInterface { + void onNote(Note note); + } + + public static void forEachBookNote(Context context, String bookName, NotesClientInterface notesClientInterface) { + Cursor cursor = NotesClient.getCursorForBook(context, bookName); + + try { + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + Note note = NotesClient.fromCursor(cursor); + + List propertiesFromCursor = getNoteProperties(context, note.getId()); + + note.getHead().setProperties(propertiesFromCursor); + + notesClientInterface.onNote(note); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + public static List getNoteProperties(Context context, long noteId) { + List properties = new ArrayList<>(); + + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.NoteProperties.ContentUri.notesIdProperties(noteId), null, null, null, null); + + try { + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + properties.add(new OrgProperty( + cursor.getString(0), + cursor.getString(1) + )); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return properties; + } + + public static void toContentValues(ContentValues values, Note note) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.BOOK_ID, note.getPosition().getBookId()); + + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.LFT, note.getPosition().getLft()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.RGT, note.getPosition().getRgt()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.LEVEL, note.getPosition().getLevel()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.IS_FOLDED, note.isFolded()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.DESCENDANTS_COUNT, note.getPosition().getDescendantsCount()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.FOLDED_UNDER_ID, note.getPosition().getFoldedUnderId()); + + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.POSITION, 0); // TODO: Remove + + toContentValues(values, note.getHead()); + } + + private static void toContentValues(ContentValues values, OrgHead head) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.TITLE, head.getTitle()); + + if (head.hasScheduled()) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.SCHEDULED_STRING, head.getScheduled().toString()); + } else { + values.putNull(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.SCHEDULED_STRING); + } + + if (head.hasClosed()) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CLOSED_STRING, head.getClosed().toString()); + } else { + values.putNull(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CLOSED_STRING); + } + + if (head.hasClock()) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CLOCK_STRING, head.getClock().toString()); + } else { + values.putNull(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CLOCK_STRING); + } + + if (head.hasDeadline()) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.DEADLINE_STRING, head.getDeadline().toString()); + } else { + values.putNull(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.DEADLINE_STRING); + } + + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.PRIORITY, head.getPriority()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.STATE, head.getState()); + + if (head.hasTags()) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.TAGS, DbNote.dbSerializeTags(head.getTags())); + } else { + values.putNull(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.TAGS); + } + + if (head.hasContent()) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CONTENT, head.getContent()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CONTENT_LINE_COUNT, MiscUtils.lineCount(head.getContent())); + } else { + values.putNull(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CONTENT); + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.CONTENT_LINE_COUNT, 0); + } + } + + public static Note fromCursor(Cursor cursor) { + long id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam._ID)); + + boolean isFolded = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.IS_FOLDED)) != 0; + + int contentLines = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.CONTENT_LINE_COUNT)); + + OrgHead head = headFromCursor(cursor); + + NotePosition position = DbNote.positionFromCursor(cursor); + + Note note = new Note(); + + note.setHead(head); + note.setId(id); + note.setPosition(position); + note.setContentLines(contentLines); + note.setFolded(isFolded); + + return note; + } + + public static OrgHead headFromCursor(Cursor cursor) { + OrgHead head = new OrgHead(); + + String state = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.STATE)); + if (NoteStateSpinner.isSet(state)) { + head.setState(state); + } else { + head.setState(null); + } + + String priority = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.PRIORITY)); + if (priority != null) { + head.setPriority(priority); + } + + head.setTitle(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.TITLE))); + + head.setContent(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.CONTENT))); + + if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.SCHEDULED_RANGE_STRING)))) + head.setScheduled(OrgRange.getInstance(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.SCHEDULED_RANGE_STRING)))); + if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.DEADLINE_RANGE_STRING)))) + head.setDeadline(OrgRange.getInstance(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.DEADLINE_RANGE_STRING)))); + if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.CLOSED_RANGE_STRING)))) + head.setClosed(OrgRange.getInstance(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.CLOSED_RANGE_STRING)))); + if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.CLOCK_RANGE_STRING)))) + head.setClock(OrgRange.getInstance(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.CLOCK_RANGE_STRING)))); + + // TODO: This is probably slowing UI down when scrolling fast, use strings from db directly? + String tags = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.TAGS)); + if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(tags)) { + head.setTags(DbNote.dbDeSerializeTags(tags)); + } + + return head; + } + + /** + * Updates note by its ID. + */ + public static int update(Context context, Note note) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + toContentValues(values, note.getHead()); + + Uri noteUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), note.getId()); + Uri uri = noteUri.buildUpon().appendQueryParameter("book-id", String.valueOf(note.getPosition().getBookId())).build(); + + ArrayList ops = new ArrayList<>(); + + /* Update note. */ + ops.add(ContentProviderOperation + .newUpdate(uri) + .withValues(values) + .build() + ); + + /* Delete all note's properties. */ + ops.add(ContentProviderOperation + .newDelete(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.ContentUri.notesIdProperties(note.getId())) + .build() + ); + + /* Add each of the note's property. */ + int i = 0; + for (OrgProperty property: note.getHead().getProperties()) { + values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.Param.NOTE_ID, note.getId()); + values.put(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.Param.NAME, property.getName()); + values.put(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.Param.VALUE, property.getValue()); + values.put(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.Param.POSITION, i++); + + ops.add(ContentProviderOperation + .newInsert(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.ContentUri.notesProperties()) + .withValues(values) + .build() + ); + } + + + ContentProviderResult[] result; + + try { + result = context.getContentResolver().applyBatch(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, ops); + } catch (RemoteException | OperationApplicationException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + + return result[0].count; + } + + /** + * Insert as last note if position is not specified. + */ + public static Note create(Context context, Note note, NotePlacement target) { + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + toContentValues(values, note); + + Uri insertUri; + + if (target != null) { + /* Create note relative to an existing note. */ + insertUri = ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notesIdTarget(target); + } else { + /* Create as last note. */ + insertUri = ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(); + } + + ArrayList ops = new ArrayList<>(); + + /* Insert note. */ + ops.add(ContentProviderOperation + .newInsert(insertUri) + .withValues(values) + .build() + ); + + /* Add each of the note's property. */ + int i = 0; + for (OrgProperty property: note.getHead().getProperties()) { + values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.Param.NAME, property.getName()); + values.put(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.Param.VALUE, property.getValue()); + values.put(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.Param.POSITION, i++); + + ops.add(ContentProviderOperation + .newInsert(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.ContentUri.notesProperties()) + .withValues(values) + .withValueBackReference(ProviderContract.NoteProperties.Param.NOTE_ID, 0) + .build() + ); + } + + + ContentProviderResult[] result; + + try { + result = context.getContentResolver().applyBatch(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, ops); + } catch (RemoteException | OperationApplicationException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + + long noteId = ContentUris.parseId(result[0].uri); + + /* Update ID of newly inserted note. */ + note.setId(noteId); + + return note; + } + + /** + * Deletes all notes belonging to specified book. + */ + public static void deleteFromBook(Context context, long bookId) { + int deleted = context.getContentResolver().delete(ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.BOOK_ID + "=" + bookId, null); + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Deleted all (" + deleted + ") notes from book " + bookId); + } + + public static int delete(Context context, long[] noteIds) { + int deleted = 0; + + ArrayList ops = new ArrayList<>(); + + for (long noteId: noteIds) { + ops.add(ContentProviderOperation + .newDelete(ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()) + .withSelection(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam._ID + "=" + noteId, null) + .build() + ); + } + + try { + context.getContentResolver().applyBatch(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, ops); + } catch (RemoteException | OperationApplicationException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Deleted " + deleted + " notes"); + + return deleted; + } + + /** + * Pastes back the latest cut batch. + * @return number of notes restored + * + * Restores all notes cut with specified batch (see cut()) + * @return number of notes restored + */ +// public int undoCut() { +// NotesBatch batch = getLatestNotesBatch(); +// +// if (batch == null) { // No cut notes. +// return 0; +// } +// +// if (batch.getId() <= 0) { +// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Paste batch id (" + batch + ") must be greater then 0"); +// } +// +// if (batch.getId() > System.currentTimeMillis()) { +// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Paste batch id (" + batch + ") must be less then current time"); +// } +// +// int pasted = 0; +// +// ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); +// values.put(Contract.Notes.Column.IS_CUT, 0); +// +// pasted += context.getContentResolver().update(Contract.Notes.CONTENT_URI, values, Contract.Notes.Column.IS_CUT + "=" + batch.getId(), null); +// +// if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) Dlog.d(TAG, "Pasted " + pasted + " notes with " + batch); +// +// +// return pasted; +// } + + // TODO: Don't throw Exception, return null? + public static Note getNote(Context context, long noteId) { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), null, ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam._ID + "=" + noteId, null, null); + // TODO: Do not select all columns, especially not content if not required. + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return fromCursor(cursor); + } else { + throw new NoSuchElementException("Note with id " + noteId + " was not found in " + ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + /** + * Returns first note that matches the title. + * Currently used only by tests -- title is not unique and notebook ID is not even specified. + */ + public static Note getNote(Context context, String title) { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), null, ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.TITLE + "= ?", new String[] { title }, null); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return fromCursor(cursor); + } else { + throw new NoSuchElementException("Note with title " + title + " was not found in " + ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + public static Cursor getCursorForBook(Context context, String bookName) throws SQLException { + SearchQuery searchQuery = new SearchQuery(); + if (bookName != null) { + searchQuery.setBookName(bookName); + } + + return context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notesSearchQueried(searchQuery), + null, // TODO: Do not fetch content if it is not required, for speed. + null, + null, + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.LFT); /* For book, simply order by position. */ + } + + public static CursorLoader getLoaderForQuery(Context context, SearchQuery searchQuery) throws SQLException { + return new CursorLoader( + context, + ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notesSearchQueried(searchQuery), + null, // TODO: Do not fetch content if it is not required, for speed. + null, + null, + getOrderForQuery(context, searchQuery)); + } + + /** + * Determines order of notes depending on {@link SearchQuery}. + */ + private static String getOrderForQuery(Context context, SearchQuery searchQuery) { + /* Get default priority from user settings. */ + String defaultPriority = android.preference.PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(context).getString( + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_key_default_priority), + context.getResources().getString(R.string.pref_default_default_priority)); + + ArrayList orderByColumns = new ArrayList<>(); + + /* If user-specified sort order exists, use only that. */ + if (searchQuery.hasSortOrder()) { + for (SearchQuery.SortOrder so: searchQuery.getSortOrder()) { + if (so.getType() == SearchQuery.SortOrder.Type.NOTEBOOK) { + orderByColumns.add(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.BOOK_NAME + (so.isAscending() ? "" : " DESC")); + + } else if (so.getType() == SearchQuery.SortOrder.Type.SCHEDULED) { + orderByColumns.add(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.SCHEDULED_TIME_TIMESTAMP + " IS NULL"); + orderByColumns.add(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.SCHEDULED_TIME_TIMESTAMP + (so.isAscending()? "" : " DESC")); + + } else if (so.getType() == SearchQuery.SortOrder.Type.DEADLINE) { + orderByColumns.add(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.DEADLINE_TIME_TIMESTAMP + " IS NULL"); + orderByColumns.add(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.DEADLINE_TIME_TIMESTAMP + (so.isAscending() ? "" : " DESC")); + + } else if (so.getType() == SearchQuery.SortOrder.Type.PRIORITY) { + orderByColumns.add("COALESCE(" + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.PRIORITY + ", '" + defaultPriority + "')" + (so.isAscending() ? "" : " DESC")); + } + } + } else { + orderByColumns.add(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.BOOK_NAME); + + /* Priority or default priority. */ + orderByColumns.add("COALESCE(" + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.PRIORITY + ", '" + defaultPriority + "')"); + + if (searchQuery.hasDeadline()) { + orderByColumns.add(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.DEADLINE_TIME_TIMESTAMP); + } + + if (searchQuery.hasScheduled()) { + orderByColumns.add(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.SCHEDULED_TIME_TIMESTAMP); + } + } + + /* Always sort by position last. */ + orderByColumns.add(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.LFT); + + return TextUtils.join(", ", orderByColumns); + } + + public static int getCount(Context context, Long bookId) { + String selection; + + if (bookId != null) { + selection = DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(bookId); + } else { + selection = DatabaseUtils.WHERE_EXISTING_NOTES; + } + + return GenericDatabaseUtils.getCount(context, ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), selection); + } + + /** + * Collects all known tags from database. + * @return Array of all known tags + */ + public static String[] getAllTags(Context context, long bookId) { + Set result = new HashSet<>(); + + /* If book id is specified, return only tags from that book. */ + String selection = null; + if (bookId > 0) { + selection = ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.BOOK_ID + " = " + bookId; + } + + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), new String[] { "DISTINCT " + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.TAGS }, selection, null, null); + try { + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + String tags = cursor.getString(0); + if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(tags)) { + result.addAll(Arrays.asList(DbNote.dbDeSerializeTags(tags))); + } + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return result.toArray(new String[result.size()]); + } + + /** + * Get the id of the first note in book. + * + * Used only by tests. + * + * @return note id or 0 if none found + */ + public static long getFirstNoteId(Context context, long bookId) { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), + DatabaseUtils.PROJECTION_FOR_ID, + DatabaseUtils.whereUncutBookNotes(bookId), + null, + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.LFT + ); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return cursor.getLong(0); + } else { // No records found. + return 0; + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + public static int cut(Context context, long bookId, Set noteIds) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put(ProviderContract.Cut.Param.BOOK_ID, bookId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Cut.Param.IDS, TextUtils.join(",", noteIds)); + + return context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.Cut.ContentUri.cut(), values, null, null); + } + + public static NotesBatch paste(Context context, long bookId, long noteId, Placement placement) { + NotesBatch batch = getLatestNotesBatch(context); + + if (batch != null) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.SPOT, placement.toString()); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.BOOK_ID, bookId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.NOTE_ID, noteId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Paste.Param.BATCH_ID, batch.getId()); + + context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.Paste.ContentUri.paste(), values, null, null); + } + + return batch; + } + + public static int delete(Context context, long bookId, Set noteIds) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put(ProviderContract.Delete.Param.BOOK_ID, bookId); + values.put(ProviderContract.Delete.Param.IDS, TextUtils.join(",", noteIds)); + + return context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.Delete.ContentUri.delete(), values, null, null); + } + + + /** + * Collect all notes with latest (newest, largest) batch id. + * @return Latest {@link NotesBatch} + */ + public static NotesBatch getLatestNotesBatch(Context context) { + /* Get latest batch ID. */ + long batchId; + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), + new String[]{"MAX(" + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.IS_CUT + ")"}, + null, + null, + null); + try { + if (!cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return null; + } + batchId = cursor.getLong(0); + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + if (batchId == 0) { + return null; + } + + cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), + DatabaseUtils.PROJECTION_FOR_ID, + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.IS_CUT + " = " + batchId, + null, + null); + try { + int count = cursor.getCount(); + + if (count == 0) { + return null; + } + + Set ids = new HashSet<>(); + + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + ids.add(cursor.getLong(0)); + } + + NotesBatch batch = new NotesBatch(batchId, ids); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Latest cut batch: " + batch); + + return batch; + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + public static void updateScheduledTime(Context context, Set noteIds, OrgDateTime time) { + ArrayList ops = new ArrayList<>(); + + String noteIdsCommaSeparated = TextUtils.join(",", noteIds); + + /* Update notes. */ + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + if (time != null) { + values.put(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.SCHEDULED_STRING, OrgRange.getInstance(time).toString()); + } else { + values.putNull(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam.SCHEDULED_STRING); + } + + ops.add(ContentProviderOperation + .newUpdate(ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes()) + .withValues(values) + .withSelection(ProviderContract.Notes.UpdateParam._ID + " IN (" + noteIdsCommaSeparated + ")", null) + .build()); + + updateBooksMtimeForNotes(context, noteIdsCommaSeparated, ops); + + /* + * Apply batch. + */ + try { + context.getContentResolver().applyBatch(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, ops); + } catch (RemoteException | OperationApplicationException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + } + + /** + * Update state of specified notes. + */ + public static void setState(Context context, Set noteIds, String state) { + String noteIdsCommaSeparated = TextUtils.join(",", noteIds); + + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.NotesState.Param.NOTE_IDS, noteIdsCommaSeparated); + + /** + * TODO: Do not update state in DB with NO_STATE_KEYWORD - that should be UI-only thing + * Then stop checking for it in NoteStateSpinner.isSet + */ + values.put(ProviderContract.NotesState.Param.STATE, + state != null ? state : NoteStateSpinner.NO_STATE_KEYWORD); + + context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.NotesState.ContentUri.notesState(), values, null, null); + + /* Affected books' mtime will be modified in content provider. */ + } + + /** + * TODO: Add operation for updating books' mtime. + * Make sure this is called after updating book's notes, as it will trigger book loader + * which could load old notes if they were not already updated. + */ + private static void updateBooksMtimeForNotes(Context context, String noteIdsCommaSeparated, ArrayList ops) { + String bookIdsCommaSeparated = getBooksForNotes(context, noteIdsCommaSeparated); + + if (bookIdsCommaSeparated != null) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.Books.Param.MTIME, System.currentTimeMillis()); + + ops.add(ContentProviderOperation + .newUpdate(ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()) + .withValues(values) + .withSelection(ProviderContract.Books.Param._ID + " IN (" + bookIdsCommaSeparated + ")", null) + .build()); + } + } + + /** + * Get comma-separated list of distinct book ids for specified notes. + */ + private static String getBooksForNotes(Context context, String noteIdsCommaSeparated) { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), + new String[]{"GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT " + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.BOOK_ID + ")"}, + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam._ID + " IN (" + noteIdsCommaSeparated + ")", + null, + null); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return cursor.getString(0); + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return null; + } + + public static List getDescendantsIds(Context context, Note note) { + List ids = new ArrayList<>(); + + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notes(), + new String[] { ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam._ID }, + DatabaseUtils.whereDescendants( + note.getPosition().getBookId(), + note.getPosition().getLft(), + note.getPosition().getRgt()), + null, + null); + + try { + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + long id = cursor.getLong(0); + + ids.add(id); + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return ids; + } + + public static void toggleFoldedState(Context context, long noteId) { + context.getContentResolver().update(ProviderContract.Notes.ContentUri.notesIdToggleFoldedState(noteId), null, null, null); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/ReposClient.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/ReposClient.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..39ebdc7b7 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/clients/ReposClient.java @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.clients; + +import android.content.ContentProviderOperation; +import android.content.ContentUris; +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.OperationApplicationException; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.os.RemoteException; +import android.util.Log; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Repo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.RepoFactory; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.Map; + +public class ReposClient { + private static final String TAG = ReposClient.class.getName(); + + public static Uri insert(Context context, String url) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(ProviderContract.Repos.Param.REPO_URL, url); + + return context.getContentResolver().insert(ProviderContract.Repos.ContentUri.repos(), values); + } + + public static int delete(Context context, long id) { + return context.getContentResolver().delete( + ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Repos.ContentUri.repos(), id), null, null); + } + + public static Map getAll(Context context) { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.Repos.ContentUri.repos(), + new String[] { ProviderContract.Repos.Param.REPO_URL }, + null, + null, + null); + + return getAll(context, cursor); + } + + private static Map getAll(Context context, Cursor cursor) { + Map result = new HashMap<>(); + + try { + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + String repoUrl = cursor.getString(0); + + Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(context, repoUrl); + + if (repo != null) { + result.put(repoUrl, repo); + } else { + Log.e(TAG, "Unsupported repository URL\"" + repoUrl + "\""); + } + } + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + return result; + } + + public static long getId(Context context, String url) { + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query( + ProviderContract.Repos.ContentUri.repos(), + new String[] { ProviderContract.Repos.Param._ID }, + ProviderContract.Repos.Param.REPO_URL + "=?", + new String[] { url }, + null); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return cursor.getLong(0); + } else { + return 0; + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + + } + + public static String getUrl(Context context, long id) { + Uri uri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Repos.ContentUri.repos(), id); + Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, new String[] { ProviderContract.Repos.Param.REPO_URL }, null, null, null); + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return cursor.getString(0); + } else { + return null; + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + /** + * Since old repository URL could be used, do not actually update the existing record, + * but create a new one. + */ + public static int updateUrl(Context mContext, long id, String url) { + ArrayList ops = new ArrayList<>(); + + ops.add(ContentProviderOperation + .newDelete(ContentUris.withAppendedId(ProviderContract.Repos.ContentUri.repos(), id)) + .build()); + + ops.add(ContentProviderOperation + .newInsert(ProviderContract.Repos.ContentUri.repos()) + .withValue(ProviderContract.Repos.Param.REPO_URL, url) + .build()); + + try { + mContext.getContentResolver().applyBatch(ProviderContract.AUTHORITY, ops); + } catch (RemoteException | OperationApplicationException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + throw new RuntimeException(e); + } + + return 1; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbBook.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbBook.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8fa42d4fa --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbBook.java @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +/** + * Local books. + */ +public class DbBook { + public static final String TABLE = "books"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + BaseColumns._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + + Columns.NAME + " UNIQUE," + + Columns.TITLE + " TEXT," + + Columns.MTIME + " INTEGER," + + Columns.IS_DUMMY + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + + Columns.IS_DELETED + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + + Columns.PREFACE + " TEXT," + + Columns.IS_INDENTED + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0," + + Columns.USED_ENCODING + " TEXT," + + Columns.DETECTED_ENCODING + " TEXT," + + Columns.SELECTED_ENCODING + " TEXT," + + Columns.SYNC_STATUS + " TEXT," + + Columns.LAST_ACTION_TIMESTAMP + " INTEGER," + + Columns.LAST_ACTION_TYPE + " INTEGER," + + Columns.LAST_ACTION + " TEXT)", + + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + Columns.NAME + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + Columns.NAME + ")" + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + public interface Columns { + String NAME = "name"; + String TITLE = "title"; + String IS_INDENTED = "is_indented"; + String MTIME = "mtime"; + String IS_DUMMY = "is_dummy"; + String IS_DELETED = "is_deleted"; + String SYNC_STATUS = "sync_status"; + String LAST_ACTION = "last_action"; + String LAST_ACTION_TIMESTAMP = "last_action_timestamp"; + String LAST_ACTION_TYPE = "last_action_type"; + String PREFACE = "preface"; + String DETECTED_ENCODING = "detected_encoding"; + String USED_ENCODING = "used_encoding"; + String SELECTED_ENCODING = "selected_encoding"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbBookLink.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbBookLink.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0bafbc187 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbBookLink.java @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +/** + * + */ +public class DbBookLink { + public static final String TABLE = "book_links"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + BaseColumns._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + + Columns.BOOK_ID + " INTEGER," + + Columns.ROOK_ID + " INTEGER," + + "UNIQUE(" + Columns.BOOK_ID + "))" + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + public interface Columns { + String BOOK_ID = "book_id"; + String ROOK_ID = "rook_id"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbBookSync.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbBookSync.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4d55b3cb --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbBookSync.java @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +/** + * + */ +public class DbBookSync { + public static final String TABLE = "book_syncs"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + BaseColumns._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + + Columns.BOOK_ID + " INTEGER," + + Columns.BOOK_VERSIONED_ROOK_ID + " INTEGER," + + "UNIQUE(" + Columns.BOOK_ID + "))" + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + public interface Columns { + String BOOK_ID = "book_id"; + String BOOK_VERSIONED_ROOK_ID = "book_versioned_rook_id"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbCurrentVersionedRook.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbCurrentVersionedRook.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b99d74b27 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbCurrentVersionedRook.java @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +/** + * + */ +public class DbCurrentVersionedRook { + public static final String TABLE = "current_versioned_rooks"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + BaseColumns._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + + Columns.VERSIONED_ROOK_ID + " INTEGER)" + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + public interface Columns { + String VERSIONED_ROOK_ID = "versioned_rook_id"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbDbRepo.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbDbRepo.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..05f79cffa --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbDbRepo.java @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + + +/** + * + */ +public class DbDbRepo { + public static final String TABLE = "db_repos"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + BaseColumns._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + + Columns.REPO_URL + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + + Columns.URL + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + + Columns.REVISION + " TEXT, " + + Columns.MTIME + " INTEGER, " + + Columns.CONTENT + " TEXT, " + + Columns.CREATED_AT + " INTEGER, " + + "UNIQUE (" + Columns.REPO_URL + ", " + Columns.URL + ") ON CONFLICT REPLACE)" + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + public interface Columns { + String REPO_URL = "repo_url"; + String URL = "url"; + String CONTENT = "content"; + String REVISION = "revision"; + String MTIME = "mtime"; + String CREATED_AT = "created_at"; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbNote.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbNote.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c7d65c331 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbNote.java @@ -0,0 +1,259 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; +import android.provider.BaseColumns; +import android.text.TextUtils; + +import com.orgzly.android.NotePosition; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgHead; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgRange; + +import java.util.List; + +/** + * Notes. + */ +public class DbNote { + public static final String TABLE = "notes"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + BaseColumns._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + + + /* Position/structure */ + Columns.BOOK_ID + " INTEGER NOT NULL," + + Columns.POSITION + " INTEGER NOT NULL," + + Columns.LFT + " INTEGER," + + Columns.RGT + " INTEGER," + + Columns.LEVEL + " INTEGER NOT NULL," + + Columns.PARENT_ID + " INTEGER," + + Columns.DESCENDANTS_COUNT + " INTEGER," + + Columns.IS_FOLDED + " INTEGER," + + Columns.FOLDED_UNDER_ID + " INTEGER," + + Columns.IS_CUT + " INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0," + + + /* Payload */ + Columns.TITLE + " TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT ''," + + Columns.TAGS + " TEXT," + + Columns.STATE + " TEXT," + + Columns.PRIORITY + " TEXT," + + Columns.CONTENT + " TEXT," + + Columns.CONTENT_LINE_COUNT + " INTEGER," + + + /* Times */ + Columns.SCHEDULED_RANGE_ID + " INTEGER," + + Columns.DEADLINE_RANGE_ID + " INTEGER," + + Columns.CLOSED_RANGE_ID + " INTEGER," + + Columns.CLOCK_RANGE_ID + " INTEGER)", + + /* For search. */ + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + Columns.TITLE + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + Columns.TITLE + ")", + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + Columns.TAGS + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + Columns.TAGS + ")", + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + Columns.CONTENT + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + Columns.CONTENT + ")", + + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + Columns.BOOK_ID + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + Columns.BOOK_ID + ")", + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + Columns.IS_CUT + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + Columns.IS_CUT + ")", + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + Columns.LFT + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + Columns.LFT + ")", + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + Columns.RGT + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + Columns.RGT + ")", + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + Columns.IS_FOLDED + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + Columns.IS_FOLDED + ")", + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + Columns.FOLDED_UNDER_ID + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + Columns.FOLDED_UNDER_ID + ")", + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + Columns.PARENT_ID + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + Columns.PARENT_ID + ")", + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + Columns.DESCENDANTS_COUNT + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + Columns.DESCENDANTS_COUNT + ")" + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + public static String[] POSITION_PROJECTION = new String[] { + Column.BOOK_ID, + Column.LEVEL, + Column.LFT, + Column.RGT, + Column.DESCENDANTS_COUNT, + Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID, + Column.PARENT_ID, + Column.IS_FOLDED + }; + + public static void toContentValues(SQLiteDatabase db, ContentValues values, OrgHead head) { + values.put(Column.TITLE, head.getTitle()); + + values.put(Column.PRIORITY, head.getPriority()); + + values.put(Column.STATE, head.getState()); + + if (head.hasTags()) { + values.put(Column.TAGS, dbSerializeTags(head.getTags())); + } + + if (head.hasScheduled()) { + values.put(Column.SCHEDULED_RANGE_ID, getOrInsertOrgRange(db, head.getScheduled())); + } + + if (head.hasClosed()) { + values.put(Column.CLOSED_RANGE_ID, getOrInsertOrgRange(db, head.getClosed())); + } + + if (head.hasClock()) { + values.put(Column.CLOCK_RANGE_ID, getOrInsertOrgRange(db, head.getClock())); + } + + if (head.hasDeadline()) { + values.put(Column.DEADLINE_RANGE_ID, getOrInsertOrgRange(db, head.getDeadline())); + } + + if (head.hasContent()) { + values.put(Column.CONTENT, head.getContent()); + values.put(Column.CONTENT_LINE_COUNT, MiscUtils.lineCount(head.getContent())); + } + } + + /** + * Convert to string that will be stored to database. + */ + public static String dbSerializeTags(List tags) { + return TextUtils.join(" ", tags); + } + + /** + * Parse string stored in database. + */ + public static String[] dbDeSerializeTags(String str) { + return str.split(" "); + } + + /** + * Gets {@link OrgDateTime} from database or inserts a new record if it doesn't exist. + * @return {@link OrgDateTime} database ID + */ + private static long getOrInsertOrgRange(SQLiteDatabase db, OrgRange range) { + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId( + db, + DbOrgRange.TABLE, + DbOrgRange.Column.STRING + "=?", + new String[]{range.toString()}); + + if (id == 0) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + long startTimestampId = getOrInsertOrgTime(db, range.getStartTime()); + + long endTimestampId = 0; + if (range.getEndTime() != null) { + endTimestampId = getOrInsertOrgTime(db, range.getEndTime()); + } + + DbOrgRange.toContentValues(values, range, startTimestampId, endTimestampId); + + id = db.insertOrThrow(DbOrgRange.TABLE, null, values); + } + + return id; + } + + private static long getOrInsertOrgTime(SQLiteDatabase db, OrgDateTime orgDateTime) { + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId( + db, + DbOrgTimestamp.TABLE, + DbOrgTimestamp.Column.STRING + "= ?", + new String[]{orgDateTime.toString()}); + + if (id == 0) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + DbOrgTimestamp.toContentValues(values, orgDateTime); + + id = db.insertOrThrow(DbOrgTimestamp.TABLE, null, values); + } + + return id; + } + + public static void toContentValues(ContentValues values, NotePosition position) { + values.put(Column.BOOK_ID, position.getBookId()); + values.put(Column.LEVEL, position.getLevel()); + values.put(Column.LFT, position.getLft()); + values.put(Column.RGT, position.getRgt()); + values.put(Column.DESCENDANTS_COUNT, position.getDescendantsCount()); + values.put(Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID, position.getFoldedUnderId()); + values.put(Column.PARENT_ID, position.getParentId()); + values.put(Column.IS_FOLDED, position.isFolded() ? 1 : 0); + values.put(Column.POSITION, 0); // TODO: Remove + } + + public static NotePosition positionFromCursor(Cursor cursor) { + long bookId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(Column.BOOK_ID)); + int level = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Column.LEVEL)); + long lft = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(Column.LFT)); + long rgt = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(Column.RGT)); + int descendantsCount = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Column.DESCENDANTS_COUNT)); + long foldedUnderId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(Column.FOLDED_UNDER_ID)); + long parentId = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(Column.PARENT_ID)); + int isFolded = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(Column.IS_FOLDED)); + + NotePosition position = new NotePosition(); + + position.setLevel(level); + position.setBookId(bookId); + position.setLft(lft); + position.setRgt(rgt); + position.setDescendantsCount(descendantsCount); + position.setFoldedUnderId(foldedUnderId); + position.setParentId(parentId); + position.setIsFolded(isFolded != 0); + + return position; + } + + public static NotePosition getPosition(SQLiteDatabase db, long noteId) { + Cursor cursor = db.query( + TABLE, + POSITION_PROJECTION, + Column._ID + " = " + noteId, + null, null, null, null); + + try { + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + return positionFromCursor(cursor); + + } else { + throw new IllegalStateException("Failed getting note for id " + noteId); + } + + } finally { + cursor.close(); + } + } + + public interface Columns { + String BOOK_ID = "book_id"; + String POSITION = "position"; + + String LEVEL = "level"; + String TITLE = "title"; + String TAGS = "tags"; + String STATE = "state"; + String PRIORITY = "priority"; + + String SCHEDULED_RANGE_ID = "scheduled_range_id"; + String DEADLINE_RANGE_ID = "deadline_range_id"; + String CLOSED_RANGE_ID = "closed_range_id"; + String CLOCK_RANGE_ID = "clock_range_id"; + + String LFT = "is_visible"; + String RGT = "parent_position"; + String IS_FOLDED = "is_collapsed"; /** Toggleable flag. */ + String FOLDED_UNDER_ID = "is_under_collapsed"; /** Hidden due to ancestor being folded. */ + String PARENT_ID = "parent_id"; + String DESCENDANTS_COUNT = "has_children"; + + String IS_CUT = "is_cut"; + + String CONTENT = "content"; + String CONTENT_LINE_COUNT = "content_line_count"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbNoteProperty.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbNoteProperty.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9be41500d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbNoteProperty.java @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; + +public class DbNoteProperty extends Model { + public static final String TABLE = "note_properties"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + + + "note_id INTEGER," + + "position INTEGER," + + "property_id INTEGER," + + + "UNIQUE(note_id, position, property_id))", + + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + "note_id" + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + "note_id" + ")", // TODO: Create util method to construct this kind of string + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + "position" + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + "position" + ")", + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + "property_id" + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + "property_id" + ")", + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + public interface Columns { + String POSITION = "position"; + String NOTE_ID = "note_id"; + String PROPERTY_ID = "property_id"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} + + public Long noteId; + public Integer position; + public DbProperty property; + + /** + * + * @param noteId + * @param position Starts from 0 + * @param property + */ + public DbNoteProperty(Long noteId, Integer position, DbProperty property) { + this.noteId = noteId; + this.position = position; + this.property = property; + } + + public long save(SQLiteDatabase db) { + long propertyId = property.save(db); + + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId( + db, + TABLE, + "note_id = " + noteId + " AND position = " + position + " AND property_id = " + propertyId, null); + + + if (id == 0) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put("note_id", noteId); + values.put("position", position); + values.put("property_id", propertyId); + + id = db.insertOrThrow(TABLE, null, values); + } + + return id; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbOrgRange.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbOrgRange.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8106da93c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbOrgRange.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +public class DbOrgRange { + public static final String TABLE = "org_ranges"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + Column._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + + + Column.STRING + " TEXT UNIQUE," + + Column.STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS + " TEXT," + + + Column.START_TIMESTAMP_ID + " INTEGER," + + Column.END_TIMESTAMP_ID + " INTEGER," + + + Column.DIFFERENCE + " INTEGER)", + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + interface Columns { + String DIFFERENCE = "difference"; + String END_TIMESTAMP_ID = "end_timestamp_id"; + String START_TIMESTAMP_ID = "start_timestamp_id"; + String STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS = "string_without_brackets"; + String STRING = "string"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} + + public static void toContentValues(ContentValues values, com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgRange range, long startId, long endId) { + values.put(Column.START_TIMESTAMP_ID, startId); + + values.put(Column.STRING, range.toString()); + values.put(Column.STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS, range.toStringWithoutBrackets()); + + if (endId != 0) { + values.put(Column.END_TIMESTAMP_ID, endId); + } else { + values.putNull(Column.END_TIMESTAMP_ID); + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbOrgTimestamp.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbOrgTimestamp.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4cfcfee34 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbOrgTimestamp.java @@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; + +/** + * + */ +public class DbOrgTimestamp { + public static final String TABLE = "org_timestamps"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + BaseColumns._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + + + Columns.STRING + " TEXT UNIQUE," + + Columns.STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS + " TEXT," + + + Columns.IS_ACTIVE + " INTEGER," + + + Columns.REPEATER_TYPE + " TEXT," + + Columns.REPEATER_VALUE + " INTEGER," + + Columns.REPEATER_UNIT + " TEXT," + + + Columns.REPEATER_HABIT_DEADLINE_VALUE + " INTEGER," + + Columns.REPEATER_HABIT_DEADLINE_UNIT + " TEXT," + + + Columns.DELAY_TYPE + " TEXT," + + Columns.DELAY_VALUE + " INTEGER," + + Columns.DELAY_UNIT + " TEXT," + + + Columns.TIMESTAMP + " INTEGER," + + Columns.TIMESTAMP_END + " INTEGER)", + + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + Columns.TIMESTAMP + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + Columns.TIMESTAMP + ")", + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + Columns.TIMESTAMP_END + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + Columns.TIMESTAMP_END + ")", + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + public interface Columns { + String STRING = "string"; + String STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS = "string_without_brackets"; + + String IS_ACTIVE = "is_active"; + + String REPEATER_TYPE = "repeater_type"; + String REPEATER_VALUE = "repeater_value"; + String REPEATER_UNIT = "repeater_unit"; + + String REPEATER_HABIT_DEADLINE_VALUE = "repeater_at_least_value"; + String REPEATER_HABIT_DEADLINE_UNIT = "repeater_at_least_unit"; + + String DELAY_TYPE = "delay_type"; + String DELAY_VALUE = "delay_value"; + String DELAY_UNIT = "delay_unit"; + + /* Unix timestamp, when string value is used as if it were in the local time zone. */ + String TIMESTAMP = "timestamp"; + String TIMESTAMP_END = "timestamp_end"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} + + public static void toContentValues(ContentValues values, OrgDateTime orgDateTime) { + values.put(Column.STRING, orgDateTime.toString()); + + values.put(Column.STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS, orgDateTime.toStringWithoutBrackets()); + values.put(Column.IS_ACTIVE, orgDateTime.isActive() ? 1 : 0); + + values.put(Column.TIMESTAMP, orgDateTime.getCalendar().getTimeInMillis()); + + if (orgDateTime.hasEndTime()) { + values.put(Column.TIMESTAMP_END, orgDateTime.getEndCalendar().getTimeInMillis()); + } else { + values.putNull(Column.TIMESTAMP_END); + } + + if (orgDateTime.hasRepeater()) { + values.put(Column.REPEATER_TYPE, orgDateTime.getRepeater().getType().toString()); + values.put(Column.REPEATER_VALUE, orgDateTime.getRepeater().getValue()); + values.put(Column.REPEATER_UNIT, orgDateTime.getRepeater().getUnit().toString()); + + if (orgDateTime.getRepeater().hasHabitDeadline()) { + values.put(Column.REPEATER_HABIT_DEADLINE_VALUE, orgDateTime.getRepeater().getHabitDeadline().getValue()); + values.put(Column.REPEATER_HABIT_DEADLINE_UNIT, orgDateTime.getRepeater().getHabitDeadline().getUnit().toString()); + } else { + values.putNull(Column.REPEATER_HABIT_DEADLINE_VALUE); + values.putNull(Column.REPEATER_HABIT_DEADLINE_UNIT); + } + + } else { + values.putNull(Column.REPEATER_TYPE); + values.putNull(Column.REPEATER_VALUE); + values.putNull(Column.REPEATER_UNIT); + values.putNull(Column.REPEATER_HABIT_DEADLINE_VALUE); + values.putNull(Column.REPEATER_HABIT_DEADLINE_UNIT); + } + + if (orgDateTime.hasDelay()) { + values.put(Column.DELAY_TYPE, orgDateTime.getDelay().getType().toString()); + values.put(Column.DELAY_VALUE, orgDateTime.getDelay().getValue()); + values.put(Column.DELAY_UNIT, orgDateTime.getDelay().getUnit().toString()); + } else { + values.putNull(Column.DELAY_TYPE); + values.putNull(Column.DELAY_VALUE); + values.putNull(Column.DELAY_UNIT); + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbProperty.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbProperty.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a1a4344c7 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbProperty.java @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; + +public class DbProperty extends Model { + public static final String TABLE = "properties"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + + + "name_id INTEGER," + + "value_id INTEGER," + + + "UNIQUE(name_id, value_id))", + + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + "name_id" + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + "name_id" + ")", + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + "value_id" + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + "value_id" + ")", + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + public interface Columns { + String NAME_ID = "name_id"; + String VALUE_ID = "value_id"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} + + public DbPropertyName name; + public DbPropertyValue value; + + public DbProperty(DbPropertyName name, DbPropertyValue value) { + this.name = name; + this.value = value; + } + + public long save(SQLiteDatabase db) { + long nameId = name.save(db); + long valueId = value.save(db); + + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId( + db, + TABLE, + "name_id = " + nameId + " AND value_id = " + valueId, null); + + if (id == 0) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put("name_id", nameId); + values.put("value_id", valueId); + + id = db.insertOrThrow(TABLE, null, values); + } + + return id; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbPropertyName.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbPropertyName.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9cd6a695d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbPropertyName.java @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; + +public class DbPropertyName extends Model { + public static final String TABLE = "property_names"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + + + "name TEXT UNIQUE)", + + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + "name" + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + "name" + ")", + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + public interface Columns { + String NAME = "name"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} + + public String name; + + public DbPropertyName(String name) { + this.name = name; + } + + public long save(SQLiteDatabase db) { + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId( + db, + TABLE, + "name = ?", + new String[] { name }); + + if (id == 0) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put("name", name); + + id = db.insertOrThrow(TABLE, null, values); + } + + return id; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbPropertyValue.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbPropertyValue.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9d58c9805 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbPropertyValue.java @@ -0,0 +1,52 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; + +public class DbPropertyValue extends Model { + public static final String TABLE = "property_values"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + + + "value TEXT UNIQUE)", + + "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS i_" + TABLE + "_" + "value" + " ON " + TABLE + "(" + "value" + ")", + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + public interface Columns { + String VALUE = "value"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} + + public String value; + + public DbPropertyValue(String value) { + this.value = value; + } + + public long save(SQLiteDatabase db) { + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId( + db, + TABLE, + "value = ?", + new String[] { value }); + + if (id == 0) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + + values.put("value", value); + + id = db.insertOrThrow(TABLE, null, values); + } + + return id; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbRepo.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbRepo.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d2e6dea19 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbRepo.java @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.content.Context; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.Provider; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; + +/** + * User-configured repositories. + */ +public class DbRepo { + public static final String TABLE = "repos"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[]{ + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + BaseColumns._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + + Columns.REPO_URL + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + + Columns.IS_REPO_ACTIVE + " INTEGER DEFAULT 1, " + + "UNIQUE (" + Columns.REPO_URL + "))" + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + /** + * Inserts new URL or updates existing marking it as active. + */ + public static long insert(Context context, SQLiteDatabase db, String url) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(Column.REPO_URL, url); + values.put(Column.IS_REPO_ACTIVE, 1); + + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId( + db, + TABLE, + Column.REPO_URL + "=?", + new String[]{url}); + + if (id > 0) { + db.update(TABLE, values, Column._ID + "=" + id, null); + } else { + id = db.insertOrThrow(TABLE, null, values); + } + + notify(context); + + return id; + } + + /** + * Delete repos by marking them as inactive. + */ + public static int delete(Context context, SQLiteDatabase db, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(Column.IS_REPO_ACTIVE, 0); + + int result = db.update(TABLE, values, selection, selectionArgs); + + notify(context); + + return result; + } + + public static int update(Context context, SQLiteDatabase db, ContentValues contentValues, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) { + int result = db.update(TABLE, contentValues, selection, selectionArgs); + notify(context); + return result; + } + + /* + * TODO: Try doing notifyChange in all models, instead of Provider + * It's easy to search for it and find all table uses and notifications are at one place. + */ + private static void notify(Context context) { + Provider.notifyChange(context, ProviderContract.Repos.ContentUri.repos()); + + /* Books view is using repo table. */ + Provider.notifyChange(context, ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.books()); + } + + public interface Columns { + String REPO_URL = "repo_url"; + String IS_REPO_ACTIVE = "is_repo_active"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbRook.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbRook.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..41c87d57d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbRook.java @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +/** + * + */ +public class DbRook { + public static final String TABLE = "rooks"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + BaseColumns._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + + Columns.REPO_ID + " INTEGER," + + Columns.ROOK_URL_ID + " INTEGER," + + "UNIQUE (" + Columns.REPO_ID + "," + Columns.ROOK_URL_ID + "))" + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + public interface Columns { + String ROOK_URL_ID = "rook_url_id"; + String REPO_ID = "repo_id"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbRookUrl.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbRookUrl.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..90cdc2e09 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbRookUrl.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.content.ContentValues; +import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.DatabaseUtils; + +/** + * URLs of remote books + */ +public class DbRookUrl { + public static final String TABLE = "rook_urls"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + BaseColumns._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + + Columns.ROOK_URL + " TEXT, " + + "UNIQUE (" + Columns.ROOK_URL + "))" + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + public static long getOrInsert(SQLiteDatabase db, String rookUrl) { + long id = DatabaseUtils.getId( + db, + TABLE, + Column.ROOK_URL + "=?", + new String[] { rookUrl }); + + if (id == 0) { + ContentValues values = new ContentValues(); + values.put(Column.ROOK_URL, rookUrl); + + id = db.insertOrThrow(TABLE, null, values); + } + + return id; + } + + public interface Columns { + String ROOK_URL = "rook_url"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbSearch.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbSearch.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..549576f14 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbSearch.java @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +/** + * + */ +public class DbSearch { + public static final String TABLE = "searches"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[]{ + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + BaseColumns._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + + Columns.NAME + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + + Columns.QUERY + " TEXT NOT NULL, " + + Columns.ICON + " INTEGER, " + + Columns.GROUP + " TEXT, " + + Columns.POSITION + " INTEGER DEFAULT 1, " + + Columns.IS_SAVED + " INTEGER DEFAULT 0)", + + "INSERT INTO " + TABLE + " (" + Columns.NAME + ", " + Columns.QUERY + ") VALUES " + + "(\"Scheduled\", \"s.today .i.done\")", + + "INSERT INTO " + TABLE + " (" + Columns.NAME + ", " + Columns.QUERY + ") VALUES " + + "(\"To Do\", \"i.todo\")" + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + public interface Columns { + String NAME = "name"; + String QUERY = "search"; + String ICON = "icon"; + String GROUP = "group_name"; + String POSITION = "position"; + String IS_SAVED = "is_saved"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbVersionedRook.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbVersionedRook.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..82321882a --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/DbVersionedRook.java @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +/** + * + */ +public class DbVersionedRook { + public static final String TABLE = "versioned_rooks"; + + public static final String[] CREATE_SQL = new String[] { + "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + TABLE + " (" + + BaseColumns._ID + " INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT," + + Columns.ROOK_ID + " INTEGER," + + Columns.ROOK_MTIME + " INTEGER," + + Columns.ROOK_REVISION + ")" + }; + + public static final String DROP_SQL = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + TABLE; + + public interface Columns { + String ROOK_ID = "rook_id"; + String ROOK_REVISION = "rook_revision"; + String ROOK_MTIME = "rook_mtime"; + } + + public static class Column implements Columns, BaseColumns {} +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/Model.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/Model.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b925cee3b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/models/Model.java @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.models; + +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +public abstract class Model implements BaseColumns { + public long _id; +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/views/BooksView.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/views/BooksView.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d2d65d1f4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/views/BooksView.java @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.views; + +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.GenericDatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbBook; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbBookLink; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbBookSync; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbRepo; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbRook; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbRookUrl; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbVersionedRook; + +/** + * Books with link's data. + */ +public class BooksView { + static public final String VIEW_NAME = "books_view"; + + static public final String DROP_SQL = "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS " + VIEW_NAME; + + static public final String CREATE_SQL = + "CREATE VIEW " + VIEW_NAME + " AS " + + "SELECT " + DbBook.TABLE + ".*, " + + + "t_link_rook_repos.repo_url AS " + Columns.LINK_REPO_URL + ", " + + "t_link_rook_urls.rook_url AS " + Columns.LINK_ROOK_URL + ", " + + + "t_sync_revision_rook_repos.repo_url AS " + Columns.SYNCED_REPO_URL + ", " + + "t_sync_revision_rook_urls.rook_url AS " + Columns.SYNCED_ROOK_URL + ", " + + "t_sync_revisions.rook_revision AS " + Columns.SYNCED_ROOK_REVISION + ", " + + "t_sync_revisions.rook_mtime AS " + Columns.SYNCED_ROOK_MTIME + " " + + + "FROM " + DbBook.TABLE + " " + + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbBookLink.TABLE, "t_links", DbBookLink.Column.BOOK_ID, DbBook.TABLE, DbBook.Column._ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbRook.TABLE, "t_link_rooks", DbRook.Column._ID, "t_links", DbBookLink.Column.ROOK_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbRepo.TABLE, "t_link_rook_repos", DbRepo.Column._ID, "t_link_rooks", DbRook.Column.REPO_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbRookUrl.TABLE, "t_link_rook_urls", DbRookUrl.Column._ID, "t_link_rooks", DbRook.Column.ROOK_URL_ID) + + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbBookSync.TABLE, "t_syncs", DbBookSync.Column.BOOK_ID, DbBook.TABLE, DbBook.Column._ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbVersionedRook.TABLE, "t_sync_revisions", DbVersionedRook.Column._ID, "t_syncs", DbBookSync.Column.BOOK_VERSIONED_ROOK_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbRook.TABLE, "t_sync_revision_rooks", DbRook.Column._ID, "t_sync_revisions", DbVersionedRook.Column.ROOK_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbRepo.TABLE, "t_sync_revision_rook_repos", DbRepo.Column._ID, "t_sync_revision_rooks", DbRook.Column.REPO_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbRookUrl.TABLE, "t_sync_revision_rook_urls", DbRookUrl.Column._ID, "t_sync_revision_rooks", DbRook.Column.ROOK_URL_ID) + + + ""; + + public static class Columns implements DbBook.Columns, BaseColumns { + public static String LINK_REPO_URL = "link_repo_url"; + public static String LINK_ROOK_URL = "link_rook_url"; + + public static String SYNCED_REPO_URL = "sync_repo_url"; + public static String SYNCED_ROOK_URL = "sync_rook_url"; + public static String SYNCED_ROOK_REVISION = "sync_rook_revision"; + public static String SYNCED_ROOK_MTIME = "sync_rook_mtime"; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/views/NotesView.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/views/NotesView.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cbe164b14 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/provider/views/NotesView.java @@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.provider.views; + +import android.provider.BaseColumns; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.GenericDatabaseUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbBook; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbNote; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbOrgRange; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.models.DbOrgTimestamp; + +/** + * Notes with book name and times. + */ +public class NotesView { + public static final String VIEW_NAME = "notes_view"; + + static public final String DROP_SQL = "DROP VIEW IF EXISTS " + VIEW_NAME; + + static public final String CREATE_SQL = + "CREATE VIEW " + VIEW_NAME + " AS " + + "SELECT " + DbNote.TABLE + ".*, " + + + "t_scheduled_range." + DbOrgRange.Column.STRING + " AS " + Columns.SCHEDULED_RANGE_STRING + ", " + + "t_scheduled_range." + DbOrgRange.Column.STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS + " AS " + Columns.SCHEDULED_RANGE_STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS + ", " + + "t_scheduled_timestamps_start." + DbOrgTimestamp.Column.STRING + " AS " + Columns.SCHEDULED_TIME_STRING + ", " + + "t_scheduled_timestamps_end." + DbOrgTimestamp.Column.STRING + " AS " + Columns.SCHEDULED_TIME_END_STRING + ", " + + "t_scheduled_timestamps_start." + DbOrgTimestamp.Column.TIMESTAMP + " AS " + Columns.SCHEDULED_TIME_TIMESTAMP + ", " + + + "t_deadline_range." + DbOrgRange.Column.STRING + " AS " + Columns.DEADLINE_RANGE_STRING + ", " + + "t_deadline_range." + DbOrgRange.Column.STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS + " AS " + Columns.DEADLINE_RANGE_STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS + ", " + + "t_deadline_timestamps_start." + DbOrgTimestamp.Column.STRING + " AS " + Columns.DEADLINE_TIME_STRING + ", " + + "t_deadline_timestamps_end." + DbOrgTimestamp.Column.STRING + " AS " + Columns.DEADLINE_TIME_END_STRING + ", " + + "t_deadline_timestamps_start." + DbOrgTimestamp.Column.TIMESTAMP + " AS " + Columns.DEADLINE_TIME_TIMESTAMP + ", " + + + "t_closed_range." + DbOrgRange.Column.STRING + " AS " + Columns.CLOSED_RANGE_STRING + ", " + + "t_closed_range." + DbOrgRange.Column.STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS + " AS " + Columns.CLOSED_RANGE_STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS + ", " + + "t_closed_timestamps_start." + DbOrgTimestamp.Column.STRING + " AS " + Columns.CLOSED_TIME_STRING + ", " + + "t_closed_timestamps_end." + DbOrgTimestamp.Column.STRING + " AS " + Columns.CLOSED_TIME_END_STRING + ", " + + + "t_clock_range." + DbOrgRange.Column.STRING + " AS " + Columns.CLOCK_RANGE_STRING + ", " + + "t_clock_range." + DbOrgRange.Column.STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS + " AS " + Columns.CLOCK_RANGE_STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS + ", " + + "t_clock_timestamps_start." + DbOrgTimestamp.Column.STRING + " AS " + Columns.CLOCK_TIME_STRING + ", " + + "t_clock_timestamps_end." + DbOrgTimestamp.Column.STRING + " AS " + Columns.CLOCK_TIME_END_STRING + ", " + + + "t_books." + DbBook.Column.NAME + " AS " + Columns.BOOK_NAME + " " + + + "FROM " + DbNote.TABLE + " " + + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbOrgRange.TABLE, "t_scheduled_range", DbOrgRange.Column._ID, DbNote.TABLE, DbNote.Column.SCHEDULED_RANGE_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbOrgTimestamp.TABLE, "t_scheduled_timestamps_start", DbOrgTimestamp.Column._ID, "t_scheduled_range", DbOrgRange.Column.START_TIMESTAMP_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbOrgTimestamp.TABLE, "t_scheduled_timestamps_end", DbOrgTimestamp.Column._ID, "t_scheduled_range", DbOrgRange.Column.END_TIMESTAMP_ID) + + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbOrgRange.TABLE, "t_deadline_range", DbOrgRange.Column._ID, DbNote.TABLE, DbNote.Column.DEADLINE_RANGE_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbOrgTimestamp.TABLE, "t_deadline_timestamps_start", DbOrgTimestamp.Column._ID, "t_deadline_range", DbOrgRange.Column.START_TIMESTAMP_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbOrgTimestamp.TABLE, "t_deadline_timestamps_end", DbOrgTimestamp.Column._ID, "t_deadline_range", DbOrgRange.Column.END_TIMESTAMP_ID) + + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbOrgRange.TABLE, "t_closed_range", DbOrgRange.Column._ID, DbNote.TABLE, DbNote.Column.CLOSED_RANGE_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbOrgTimestamp.TABLE, "t_closed_timestamps_start", DbOrgTimestamp.Column._ID, "t_closed_range", DbOrgRange.Column.START_TIMESTAMP_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbOrgTimestamp.TABLE, "t_closed_timestamps_end", DbOrgTimestamp.Column._ID, "t_closed_range", DbOrgRange.Column.END_TIMESTAMP_ID) + + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbOrgRange.TABLE, "t_clock_range", DbOrgRange.Column._ID, DbNote.TABLE, DbNote.Column.CLOCK_RANGE_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbOrgTimestamp.TABLE, "t_clock_timestamps_start", DbOrgTimestamp.Column._ID, "t_clock_range", DbOrgRange.Column.START_TIMESTAMP_ID) + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbOrgTimestamp.TABLE, "t_clock_timestamps_end", DbOrgTimestamp.Column._ID, "t_clock_range", DbOrgRange.Column.END_TIMESTAMP_ID) + + + GenericDatabaseUtils.join(DbBook.TABLE, "t_books", DbBook.Column._ID, DbNote.TABLE, DbNote.Column.BOOK_ID) + + + ""; + + public static class Columns implements DbNote.Columns, BaseColumns { + public static String BOOK_NAME = "book_name"; + + public static String SCHEDULED_RANGE_STRING = "scheduled_range_string"; // rename to just scheduled string + public static String SCHEDULED_RANGE_STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS = "scheduled_range_string_without_brackets"; + public static String SCHEDULED_TIME_STRING = "scheduled_time_string"; + public static String SCHEDULED_TIME_END_STRING = "scheduled_time_string"; + public static String SCHEDULED_TIME_TIMESTAMP = "scheduled_time_timestamp"; + + public static String DEADLINE_RANGE_STRING = "deadline_range_string"; + public static String DEADLINE_RANGE_STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS = "deadline_range_string_without_brackets"; + public static String DEADLINE_TIME_STRING = "deadline_time_string"; + public static String DEADLINE_TIME_END_STRING = "deadline_time_end_string"; + public static String DEADLINE_TIME_TIMESTAMP = "deadline_time_timestamp"; + + public static String CLOSED_RANGE_STRING = "closed_range_string"; + public static String CLOSED_RANGE_STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS = "closed_range_string_without_brackets"; + public static String CLOSED_TIME_STRING = "closed_time_string"; + public static String CLOSED_TIME_END_STRING = "closed_time_end_string"; + + public static String CLOCK_RANGE_STRING = "clock_range_string"; + public static String CLOCK_RANGE_STRING_WITHOUT_BRACKETS = "clock_range_string_without_brackets"; + public static String CLOCK_TIME_STRING = "clock_time_string"; + public static String CLOCK_TIME_END_STRING = "clock_time_end_string"; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/ContentRepo.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/ContentRepo.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2fb20772a --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/ContentRepo.java @@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.support.v4.provider.DocumentFile; +import android.util.Log; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.FileNotFoundException; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.InputStream; +import java.io.OutputStream; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; + +/** + * Using DocumentFile, for devices running Lollipop or later. + */ +public class ContentRepo implements Repo { + private static final String TAG = ContentRepo.class.getName(); + + public static final String SCHEME = "content"; + + private final Context context; + private final Uri repoUri; + + private final DocumentFile repoDocumentFile; + + public ContentRepo(Context context, Uri uri) throws IOException { + this.context = context; + this.repoUri = uri; + + this.repoDocumentFile = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(context, uri); + } + + @Override + public boolean requiresConnection() { + return false; + } + + @Override + public Uri getUri() { + return repoUri; + } + + @Override + public List getBooks() throws IOException { + List result = new ArrayList<>(); + + DocumentFile[] files = repoDocumentFile.listFiles(); + + if (files != null) { + // Can't compare TreeDocumentFile + // Arrays.sort(files); + + for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { + DocumentFile file = files[i]; + + if (BookName.isSupportedFormatFileName(file.getName())) { + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) { + LogUtils.d(TAG, + "file.getName()", file.getName(), + "getUri()", getUri(), + "repoDocumentFile.getUri()", repoDocumentFile.getUri(), + "file", file, + "file.getUri()", file.getUri(), + "file.getParentFile()", file.getParentFile().getUri()); + } + + result.add(new VersionedRook( + getUri(), + file.getUri(), + String.valueOf(file.lastModified()), + file.lastModified() + )); + } + } + + } else { + Log.e(TAG, "Listing files in " + getUri() + " returned null."); + } + + return result; + } + + @Override + public VersionedRook retrieveBook(Rook rook, File destinationFile) throws IOException { + DocumentFile sourceFile = DocumentFile.fromSingleUri(context, rook.getUri()); + + /* "Download" the file. */ + InputStream is = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(rook.getUri()); + try { + MiscUtils.writeStreamToFile(is, destinationFile); + } finally { + is.close(); + } + + String rev = String.valueOf(sourceFile.lastModified()); + long mtime = sourceFile.lastModified(); + + return new VersionedRook(rook, rev, mtime); + } + + /** + * + * @param path Full path where to store the file, including the file name + */ + @Override + public VersionedRook storeBook(File file, String path) throws IOException { + if (!file.exists()) { + throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + file + " does not exist"); + } + +// /* Create directory. */ +// createDir(destinationFile.getParentFile()); + + DocumentFile destinationFile = repoDocumentFile.createFile("text/*", path); + Uri uri = destinationFile.getUri(); + + /* Write file to uri. */ + OutputStream out = context.getContentResolver().openOutputStream(uri); + try { + MiscUtils.writeFileToStream(file, out); + } finally { + if (out != null) { + out.close(); + } + } + + String rev = String.valueOf(destinationFile.lastModified()); + long mtime = destinationFile.lastModified(); + + return new VersionedRook(getUri(), uri, rev, mtime); + } + + @Override + public VersionedRook moveBook(Uri from, Uri to) throws IOException { + File fromFile = new File(from.getPath()); + File toFile = new File(to.getPath()); + + if (toFile.exists()) { + throw new IOException("File " + toFile + " already exists"); + } + + if (! fromFile.renameTo(toFile)) { + throw new IOException("Failed renaming " + fromFile + " to " + toFile); + } + + String rev = String.valueOf(toFile.lastModified()); + long mtime = toFile.lastModified(); + + return new VersionedRook(getUri(), to, rev, mtime); + } + + @Override + public void delete(String path) throws IOException { + DocumentFile file = repoDocumentFile.findFile(path); + + if (file.exists()) { + if (! file.delete()) { + throw new IOException("Failed deleting file " + path); + } + } + } + + @Override + public String toString() { + return getUri().toString(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DirectoryRepo.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DirectoryRepo.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d16184861 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DirectoryRepo.java @@ -0,0 +1,172 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import android.net.Uri; +import android.util.Log; + +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; +import com.orgzly.android.LocalStorage; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.FileNotFoundException; +import java.io.FilenameFilter; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.List; + +public class DirectoryRepo implements Repo { + private static final String TAG = DirectoryRepo.class.getName(); + + public static final String SCHEME = "file"; + + private File mDirectory; + + private final Uri repoUri; + + /** + * + * @param url repo url, in the format (file:/a/b/c) + * @param wipe should files be deleted first from directory + */ + public DirectoryRepo(String url, boolean wipe) throws IOException { + repoUri = Uri.parse(url); + + mDirectory = new File(repoUri.getPath()); + + /* Delete entire contents of directory. */ + if (wipe) { + LocalStorage.deleteRecursive(mDirectory); + } + + createDir(mDirectory); + } + + private void createDir(File dir) throws IOException { + if (! dir.isDirectory()) { + if (! dir.mkdirs()) { + throw new IOException("Failed creating directory " + dir); + } + } + } + + @Override + public boolean requiresConnection() { + return false; + } + + @Override + public Uri getUri() { + return repoUri; + } + + @Override + public List getBooks() throws IOException { + List result = new ArrayList<>(); + + File[] files = mDirectory.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { + @Override + public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) { + return BookName.isSupportedFormatFileName(filename); + } + }); + + if (files != null) { + Arrays.sort(files); + + for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { + Uri uri = repoUri.buildUpon().appendPath(files[i].getName()).build(); + + result.add(new VersionedRook( + repoUri, + uri, + String.valueOf(files[i].lastModified()), + files[i].lastModified() + )); + } + + } else { + Log.e(TAG, "Listing files in " + mDirectory + " returned null. No storage permission?"); + } + + return result; + } + + @Override + public VersionedRook retrieveBook(Rook rook, File destinationFile) throws IOException { + File sourceFile = new File(rook.getUri().getPath()); + + /* "Download" the file. */ + MiscUtils.copyFile(sourceFile, destinationFile); + + String rev = String.valueOf(sourceFile.lastModified()); + long mtime = sourceFile.lastModified(); + + return new VersionedRook(rook, rev, mtime); + } + + /** + * + * @param path Full path where to store the file, including the file name + */ + @Override + public VersionedRook storeBook(File file, String path) throws IOException { + if (!file.exists()) { + throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + file + " does not exist"); + } + + File destinationFile = new File(mDirectory, path); + + /* Create directory. */ + createDir(destinationFile.getParentFile()); + + String content = MiscUtils.readStringFromFile(file); + MiscUtils.writeStringToFile(content, destinationFile); + + String rev = String.valueOf(destinationFile.lastModified()); + long mtime = destinationFile.lastModified(); + + Uri uri = repoUri.buildUpon().appendPath(path).build(); + + return new VersionedRook(repoUri, uri, rev, mtime); + } + + @Override + public VersionedRook moveBook(Uri from, Uri to) throws IOException { + File fromFile = new File(from.getPath()); + File toFile = new File(to.getPath()); + + if (toFile.exists()) { + throw new IOException("File " + toFile + " already exists"); + } + + if (! fromFile.renameTo(toFile)) { + throw new IOException("Failed renaming " + fromFile + " to " + toFile); + } + + String rev = String.valueOf(toFile.lastModified()); + long mtime = toFile.lastModified(); + + return new VersionedRook(repoUri, to, rev, mtime); + } + + @Override + public void delete(String path) throws IOException { + File file = new File(path); + + if (file.exists()) { + if (! file.delete()) { + throw new IOException("Failed deleting file " + path); + } + } + } + + public File getDirectory() { + return mDirectory; + } + + @Override + public String toString() { + return repoUri.toString(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DropboxClient.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DropboxClient.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..cc9d475d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DropboxClient.java @@ -0,0 +1,294 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import android.app.Activity; +import android.content.Context; +import android.net.Uri; + +import com.dropbox.core.DbxException; +import com.dropbox.core.DbxRequestConfig; +import com.dropbox.core.android.Auth; +import com.dropbox.core.v2.DbxClientV2; +import com.dropbox.core.v2.files.FileMetadata; +import com.dropbox.core.v2.files.FolderMetadata; +import com.dropbox.core.v2.files.GetMetadataErrorException; +import com.dropbox.core.v2.files.ListFolderResult; +import com.dropbox.core.v2.files.LookupError; +import com.dropbox.core.v2.files.Metadata; +import com.dropbox.core.v2.files.WriteMode; +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +import java.io.BufferedOutputStream; +import java.io.File; +import java.io.FileInputStream; +import java.io.FileOutputStream; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.InputStream; +import java.io.OutputStream; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Locale; + +public class DropboxClient { + private static final String TAG = DropboxClient.class.getName(); + + private static final long UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT = 150; // MB + + // TODO: Throw DropboxNotLinked etc. instead and let the client get message from resources + private static final String NOT_LINKED = "Not linked to Dropbox"; + private static final String LARGE_FILE = "File larger then " + UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT + " MB"; + + private Context mContext; + private DbxClientV2 dbxClient; + private boolean tryLinking = false; + + public DropboxClient(Context context) { + mContext = context; + + String accessToken = loadToken(); + + if (accessToken != null) { + dbxClient = getDbxClient(accessToken); + } + } + + public boolean isLinked() { + return dbxClient != null; + } + + public void unlink() { + dbxClient = null; + deleteToken(); + tryLinking = false; + } + + public void beginAuthentication(Activity activity) { + tryLinking = true; + Auth.startOAuth2Authentication(activity, BuildConfig.DROPBOX_APP_KEY); + } + + public boolean finishAuthentication() { + if (dbxClient == null && tryLinking) { + String accessToken = loadToken(); + + if (accessToken == null) { + accessToken = Auth.getOAuth2Token(); + + if (accessToken != null) { + saveToken(accessToken); + } + } + + if (accessToken != null) { + dbxClient = getDbxClient(accessToken); + return true; + } + } + + return false; + } + + private DbxClientV2 getDbxClient(String accessToken) { + String userLocale = Locale.getDefault().toString(); + + String clientId = String.format("%s/%s", + BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID, BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME); + + DbxRequestConfig requestConfig = DbxRequestConfig + .newBuilder(clientId) + .withUserLocale(userLocale) + .build(); + + return new DbxClientV2(requestConfig, accessToken); + } + + private void saveToken(String token) { + AppPreferences.dropboxToken(mContext, token); + } + + private String loadToken() { + return AppPreferences.dropboxToken(mContext); + } + + private void deleteToken() { + AppPreferences.dropboxToken(mContext, null); + } + + public List getBooks(Uri repoUri) throws IOException { + if (! isLinked()) { + throw new IOException(NOT_LINKED); + } + + List list = new ArrayList<>(); + + try { + String path = repoUri.getPath(); + if (path == null) { + path = "/"; + } + + Metadata pathMeta = dbxClient.files().getMetadata(path); + + if (pathMeta instanceof FolderMetadata) { + /* Get folder content. */ + ListFolderResult result = dbxClient.files().listFolder(path); + while (true) { + for (Metadata metadata : result.getEntries()) { + if (metadata instanceof FileMetadata) { + FileMetadata file = (FileMetadata) metadata; + + if (BookName.isSupportedFormatFileName(file.getName())) { + Uri uri = repoUri.buildUpon().appendPath(file.getName()).build(); + VersionedRook book = new VersionedRook( + repoUri, + uri, + file.getRev(), + file.getServerModified().getTime()); + + list.add(book); + } + } + } + + if (!result.getHasMore()) { + break; + } + + result = dbxClient.files().listFolderContinue(result.getCursor()); + } + + } else { + throw new IOException("Not a directory: " + repoUri); + } + + } catch (DbxException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + + if (e instanceof GetMetadataErrorException) { + if (((GetMetadataErrorException) e).errorValue.getPathValue() == LookupError.NOT_FOUND) { + return list; + } + + } + if (e.getMessage() != null) { + throw new IOException("Failed getting the list of Dropbox files: " + e.getMessage()); + } else { + throw new IOException("Failed getting the list of Dropbox files: " + e.toString()); + } + } + + return list; + } + + /** + * Download file from Dropbox and store it to a local file. + */ + public VersionedRook download(Rook rook, File localFile) throws IOException { + if (! isLinked()) { + throw new IOException(NOT_LINKED); + } + OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(localFile)); + + try { + Metadata pathMetadata = dbxClient.files().getMetadata(rook.getUri().getPath()); + + if (pathMetadata instanceof FileMetadata) { + FileMetadata metadata = (FileMetadata) pathMetadata; + + String rev = metadata.getRev(); + long mtime = metadata.getServerModified().getTime(); + + dbxClient.files().download(metadata.getPathLower(), rev).download(out); + + return new VersionedRook(rook, rev, mtime); + + } else { + throw new IOException("Failed downloading Dropbox file " + rook + ": Not a file"); + } + + } catch (DbxException e) { + if (e.getMessage() != null) { + throw new IOException("Failed downloading Dropbox file " + rook + ": " + e.getMessage()); + } else { + throw new IOException("Failed downloading Dropbox file " + rook + ": " + e.toString()); + } + } finally { + out.close(); + } + } + + + /** Upload file to Dropbox. */ + public VersionedRook upload(File file, Uri repoUri, String path) throws IOException { + Uri bookUri = repoUri.buildUpon().appendPath(path).build(); + + if (! isLinked()) { + throw new IOException(NOT_LINKED); + } + + if (file.length() > UPLOAD_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT * 1024 * 1024) { + throw new IOException(LARGE_FILE); + } + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Saving " + path + " to Dropbox (overwriting) ..."); + + FileMetadata metadata; + InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); + + try { + metadata = dbxClient.files() + .uploadBuilder(bookUri.getPath()) + .withMode(WriteMode.OVERWRITE) + .uploadAndFinish(in); + + } catch (DbxException e) { + if (e.getMessage() != null) { + throw new IOException("Failed overwriting " + bookUri.getPath() + " on Dropbox: " + e.getMessage()); + } else { + throw new IOException("Failed overwriting " + bookUri.getPath() + " on Dropbox: " + e.toString()); + } + } + + String rev = metadata.getRev(); + long mtime = metadata.getServerModified().getTime(); + + return new VersionedRook(repoUri, bookUri, rev, mtime); + } + + public void delete(String path) throws IOException { + try { + dbxClient.files().delete(path); + + } catch (DbxException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + + if (e.getMessage() != null) { + throw new IOException("Failed deleting " + path + " on Dropbox: " + e.getMessage()); + } else { + throw new IOException("Failed deleting " + path + " on Dropbox: " + e.toString()); + } + } + } + + public VersionedRook move(Uri repoUri, Uri from, Uri to) throws IOException { + try { + FileMetadata metadata = (FileMetadata) dbxClient.files().move(from.getPath(), to.getPath()); + + String rev = metadata.getRev(); + long mtime = metadata.getServerModified().getTime(); + + return new VersionedRook(new Rook(repoUri, to), rev, mtime); + + } catch (Exception e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + + if (e.getMessage() != null) { // TODO: Move this throwing to utils + throw new IOException("Failed moving " + from + " to " + to + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); + } else { + throw new IOException("Failed moving " + from + " to " + to + ": " + e.toString(), e); + } + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DropboxRepo.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DropboxRepo.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6c264c1de --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/DropboxRepo.java @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.net.Uri; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; + +import java.util.List; + +public class DropboxRepo implements Repo { + public static final String SCHEME = "dropbox"; + + private final Uri repoUri; + private final DropboxClient client; + + public DropboxRepo(Context context, Uri uri) { + this.repoUri = uri; + this.client = new DropboxClient(context); + } + + @Override + public boolean requiresConnection() { + return true; + } + + @Override + public Uri getUri() { + return repoUri; + } + + @Override + public List getBooks() throws IOException { + return client.getBooks(repoUri); + } + + @Override + public VersionedRook retrieveBook(Rook rook, File file) throws IOException { + return client.download(rook, file); + } + + @Override + public VersionedRook storeBook(File file, String path) throws IOException { + return client.upload(file, repoUri, path); + } + + @Override + public VersionedRook moveBook(Uri from, Uri to) throws IOException { + return client.move(repoUri, from, to); + } + + @Override + public void delete(String uriString) throws IOException { + String path = Uri.parse(uriString).getPath(); + + client.delete(path); + } + + @Override + public String toString() { + return repoUri.toString(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/LocalDbRepo.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/LocalDbRepo.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..57d88dd33 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/LocalDbRepo.java @@ -0,0 +1,75 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.net.Uri; + +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.LocalDbRepoClient; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.List; + +/** + * Repo which stores all its files in a local database. + * Used for testing by {@link com.orgzly.android.repos.MockRepo}. + */ +public class LocalDbRepo implements Repo { + private final Uri repoUri; + + private Context mContext; + + public LocalDbRepo(Context context, String url) { + mContext = context; + repoUri = Uri.parse(url); + } + + @Override + public boolean requiresConnection() { + return false; + } + + @Override + public Uri getUri() { + return repoUri; + } + + @Override + public List getBooks() throws IOException { + return LocalDbRepoClient.getAll(mContext, repoUri); + } + + @Override + public VersionedRook retrieveBook(Rook rook, File file) throws IOException { + return LocalDbRepoClient.retrieveBook(mContext, rook, file); + } + + @Override + public VersionedRook storeBook(File file, String path) throws IOException { + String content = MiscUtils.readStringFromFile(file); + + String rev = "MockedRevision-" + System.currentTimeMillis(); + long mtime = System.currentTimeMillis(); + + Uri uri = repoUri.buildUpon().appendPath(path).build(); + + VersionedRook vrook = new VersionedRook(repoUri, uri, rev, mtime); + + return LocalDbRepoClient.insert(mContext, vrook, content); + } + + @Override + public VersionedRook moveBook(Uri from, Uri to) throws IOException { + return LocalDbRepoClient.renameBook(mContext, from, to); + } + + @Override + public void delete(String url) throws IOException { + + } + + @Override + public String toString() { + return repoUri.toString(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/MockRepo.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/MockRepo.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a06189a67 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/MockRepo.java @@ -0,0 +1,80 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.net.Uri; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.List; + +/** + * Wrapper around {@link com.orgzly.android.repos.LocalDbRepo}. + * + * Simulates slow network. + * + * TODO: Use LocalDirRepo instead, remove LocalDbRepo. + */ +public class MockRepo implements Repo { + public static final String SCHEME = "mock"; + + private static final long SLEEP_FOR_GET_BOOKS = 100; + private static final long SLEEP_FOR_RETRIEVE_BOOK = 200; + private static final long SLEEP_FOR_STORE_BOOK = 200; + + private LocalDbRepo localDbRepo; + + public MockRepo(Context context, String url) { + localDbRepo = new LocalDbRepo(context, url); + } + + @Override + public boolean requiresConnection() { + return false; + } + + @Override + public Uri getUri() { + return localDbRepo.getUri(); + } + + @Override + public List getBooks() throws IOException { + try { + Thread.sleep(SLEEP_FOR_GET_BOOKS); + } catch (InterruptedException e) { } + + return localDbRepo.getBooks(); + } + + @Override + public VersionedRook retrieveBook(Rook rook, File file) throws IOException { + try { + Thread.sleep(SLEEP_FOR_RETRIEVE_BOOK); + } catch (InterruptedException e) { } + + return localDbRepo.retrieveBook(rook, file); + } + + @Override + public VersionedRook storeBook(File file, String path) throws IOException { + try { + Thread.sleep(SLEEP_FOR_STORE_BOOK); + } catch (InterruptedException e) { } + + return localDbRepo.storeBook(file, path); + } + + @Override + public VersionedRook moveBook(Uri from, Uri to) throws IOException { + try { + Thread.sleep(SLEEP_FOR_STORE_BOOK); + } catch (InterruptedException e) { } + + return localDbRepo.moveBook(from, to); + } + + @Override + public void delete(String url) throws IOException { + + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/Repo.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/Repo.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..356f900c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/Repo.java @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import android.net.Uri; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.List; + +/** + * Remote source of books (such as Dropbox directory, SSH directory, etc.) + */ +public interface Repo { + boolean requiresConnection(); + + /** + * Unique URL. + */ + Uri getUri(); + + /** + * Retrieve the list of all available books. + * + * @return array of all available books + * @throws IOException + */ + List getBooks() throws IOException; + + /** + * Download latest available revision of the book and store its content to {@code File}. + */ + VersionedRook retrieveBook(Rook rook, File file) throws IOException; + + /** + * Uploads book storing it under given filename under repo's url. + */ + VersionedRook storeBook(File file, String path) throws IOException; + + // TODO: Use Rooks to know uri's repo for creating VersionedRook + VersionedRook moveBook(Uri from, Uri to) throws IOException; + + void delete(String path) throws IOException; + + String toString(); +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/RepoFactory.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/RepoFactory.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..413de20cf --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/RepoFactory.java @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.net.Uri; + +import java.io.IOException; + +public class RepoFactory { + public static Repo getFromUri(Context context, Uri uri) { + return getFromUri(context, uri.toString()); + } + + // TODO: Better throw exception, not return null? + public static Repo getFromUri(Context context, String uriString) { + Uri uri = Uri.parse(uriString); + + if (uri == null || uri.getScheme() == null) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("URI not valid: " + uriString); + } + + try { + switch (uri.getScheme()) { + case ContentRepo.SCHEME: + return new ContentRepo(context, uri); + + case DropboxRepo.SCHEME: + /* There should be no authority. */ + if (uri.getAuthority() != null) { + return null; + } + + return new DropboxRepo(context, uri); + + case DirectoryRepo.SCHEME: + return new DirectoryRepo(uriString, false); + + case MockRepo.SCHEME: + return new MockRepo(context, uriString); + } + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + } + + return null; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/Rook.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/Rook.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..501a8ada4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/Rook.java @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import android.net.Uri; + +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; + +/** + * Remote notebook. + * + * Defined by repository URI and URI of the notebook itself. + * + * Both are necessary -- for example, if notebook is file:/Downloads/org/notes.org + * its repository could be either file:/Downloads or file:/Downloads/org + */ +public class Rook { + protected Uri repoUri; + protected Uri uri; + + public Rook(Uri repoUri, Uri uri) { + this.repoUri = repoUri; + this.uri = uri; + } + + public Uri getRepoUri() { + return repoUri; + } + + public Uri getUri() { + return uri; + } + + public String toString() { + return uri.toString(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/VersionedRook.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/VersionedRook.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..39a108073 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/repos/VersionedRook.java @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.repos; + +import android.net.Uri; + +/** + * Versioned {@link Rook}. + * + * A specific version of {@link Rook} with revision and modification time. + */ +public class VersionedRook extends Rook { + private String revision; + private long mtime; + + public VersionedRook(Rook rook, String revision, long mtime) { + this(rook.getRepoUri(), rook.getUri(), revision, mtime); + } + + public VersionedRook(Uri repoUri, Uri uri, String revision, long mtime) { + super(repoUri, uri); + + this.revision = revision; + this.mtime = mtime; + } + + public String getRevision() { + return revision; + } + + public long getMtime() { + return mtime; + } + + public String toString() { + return uri.buildUpon() + .appendQueryParameter("revision", revision) + .appendQueryParameter("mtime", String.valueOf(mtime)) + .build().toString(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/sync/BookNamesake.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/sync/BookNamesake.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8fb34730a --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/sync/BookNamesake.java @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.sync; + +import android.content.Context; + +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.VersionedRook; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; + +/** + * Container for local and all remote books that share the same name. + */ +public class BookNamesake { + private String name; + + /** Local book. */ + private Book book; + + /** Remote versioned books. TODO: Is this even used? We don't want to support 1->many links, it would be too confusing. */ + private List versionedRooks = new ArrayList<>(); + + /** Current remote book that the local one is linking to. */ + private VersionedRook latestLinkedRook; + + private BookSyncStatus status; + + public BookNamesake(String name) { + this.name = name; + } + + /** + * Create links between each local book and each remote book with the same name. + */ + public static Map getAll(Context context, List books, List versionedRooks) { + Map namesakes = new HashMap<>(); + + /* Create links from all local books first. */ + for (Book book: books) { + BookNamesake pair = new BookNamesake(book.getName()); + namesakes.put(book.getName(), pair); + pair.setBook(book); + } + + /* Set repo books. */ + for (VersionedRook book: versionedRooks) { + String fileName = BookName.getFileName(context, book.getUri()); + String name = BookName.fromFileName(fileName).getName(); + + BookNamesake pair = namesakes.get(name); + if (pair == null) { + /* Local file doesn't exists, create new pair. */ + pair = new BookNamesake(name); + namesakes.put(name, pair); + } + + /* Add remote book. */ + pair.addRook(book); + } + + return namesakes; + } + + public String getName() { + return name; + } + + public Book getBook() { + return book; + } + + public void setBook(Book book) { + this.book = book; + } + + // TODO: We are always using only the first element of this list + public List getRooks() { + return versionedRooks; + } + + public void addRook(VersionedRook vrook) { + this.versionedRooks.add(vrook); + } + + public BookSyncStatus getStatus() { + return status; + } + + public VersionedRook getLatestLinkedRook() { + return latestLinkedRook; + } + + public void setLatestLinkedRook(VersionedRook linkedVersionedRook) { + this.latestLinkedRook = linkedVersionedRook; + } + + public String toString() { + return "[" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + name + + " | " + status + + " | Local:" + (book != null ? book : "N/A") + + " | Remotes:" + versionedRooks.size() + "]"; + } + + + /** + * States to consider: + * + * - Book exists + * - Book is dummy + * - Book has a link + * - Linked remote book exists + * - Book has a last-synced-with remote book + * - Remote book exists + */ + /* TODO: Case: Remote book deleted? */ + public void updateStatus(int reposCount) { + /* Sanity check. Group's name must come from somewhere - local or remote books. */ + if (book == null && versionedRooks.size() == 0) { + throw new IllegalStateException("BookNameGroup does not contain any books"); + } + + if (book == null) { + /* Remote books only */ + + if (versionedRooks.size() == 1) { + status = BookSyncStatus.NO_BOOK_ONE_ROOK; + } else { + status = BookSyncStatus.NO_BOOK_MULTIPLE_ROOKS; + } + + return; + + } else if (versionedRooks.size() == 0) { + /* Local book only */ + + if (book.isDummy()) { /* Only dummy exists. */ + status = BookSyncStatus.ONLY_DUMMY; + + } else { + if (book.getLink() != null) { /* Only local book with a link. */ + status = BookSyncStatus.ONLY_BOOK_WITH_LINK; + + } else { /* Only local book without link. */ + if (reposCount > 1) { + status = BookSyncStatus.ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_REPOS; + } else { + status = BookSyncStatus.ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_REPO; + } // TODO: What about no repos? + } + } + + return; + } + + /* Both local book and one or more remote books exist at this point ... */ + + if (book.getLink() != null) { // Book has link set. + + VersionedRook latestLinkedRook = getLatestLinkedRookVersion(book, versionedRooks); + + if (latestLinkedRook == null) { + /* Both local and remote book exist with the same name. + * Book has a link, however that link is not pointing to an existing remote book. + */ + status = BookSyncStatus.BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_EXISTS_BUT_LINK_POINTING_TO_DIFFERENT_ROOK; + // TODO: So what's the problem? Just save it then? But can we just overwrite whatever is link pointing too? + return; + } + setLatestLinkedRook(latestLinkedRook); + + + if (book.isDummy()) { + status = BookSyncStatus.DUMMY_WITH_LINK; + return; + } + + if (book.getLastSyncedToRook() == null) { + status = BookSyncStatus.CONFLICT_BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_BUT_NEVER_SYNCED_BEFORE; + return; + } + + if (! book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri().equals(latestLinkedRook.getUri())) { + status = BookSyncStatus.CONFLICT_LAST_SYNCED_ROOK_AND_LATEST_ROOK_ARE_DIFFERENT; + return; + } + + /* Same revision, there was no remote change. */ + // TODO: We get difference even if the file content is identical - if mtimes (revisions) are different - do compare content too in that case. Size first for speed. + if (book.getLastSyncedToRook().getRevision().equals(latestLinkedRook.getRevision())) { + /* Revision did not change. */ + + if (book.isModifiedAfterLastSync()) { // Local change. + status = BookSyncStatus.BOOK_WITH_LINK_LOCAL_MODIFIED; + } else { + status = BookSyncStatus.NO_CHANGE; + } + + } else { /* Remote book has been modified. */ + if (book.isModifiedAfterLastSync()) { + /* Uh oh. Both local and remote modified. */ + status = BookSyncStatus.CONFLICT_BOTH_BOOK_AND_ROOK_MODIFIED; + } else { + status = BookSyncStatus.BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_MODIFIED; + } + } + + } else { /* Local book without link. */ + + if (! book.isDummy()) { + status = BookSyncStatus.BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_OR_MORE_ROOKS_EXIST; + + } else { + if (versionedRooks.size() == 1) { + status = BookSyncStatus.DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_ROOK; + } else { + status = BookSyncStatus.DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_ROOKS; + } + } + } + } + + /** Find latest (current) remote book that local one links to. */ + private VersionedRook getLatestLinkedRookVersion(Book book, List vrooks) { + for (VersionedRook vrook : vrooks) { + if (book.getLink().getUri().equals(vrook.getUri())) { + return vrook; + } + } + + return null; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/sync/BookSyncStatus.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/sync/BookSyncStatus.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e3d1e7c76 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/sync/BookSyncStatus.java @@ -0,0 +1,85 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.sync; + +// TODO: Write tests for *all* cases. +public enum BookSyncStatus { + NO_CHANGE, + + BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_OR_MORE_ROOKS_EXIST, + DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_ROOKS, + NO_BOOK_MULTIPLE_ROOKS, // TODO: This should never be the case, as we already add dummy (dummy = there was no book) + ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_REPOS, + BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_EXISTS_BUT_LINK_POINTING_TO_DIFFERENT_ROOK, + ONLY_DUMMY, + ROOK_AND_VROOK_HAVE_DIFFERENT_REPOS, + + /* Conflict. */ + CONFLICT_BOTH_BOOK_AND_ROOK_MODIFIED, + CONFLICT_BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_BUT_NEVER_SYNCED_BEFORE, + CONFLICT_LAST_SYNCED_ROOK_AND_LATEST_ROOK_ARE_DIFFERENT, + + /* Book can be loaded. */ + NO_BOOK_ONE_ROOK, // TODO: Can this happen? We always load dummy. + DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_ROOK, + BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_MODIFIED, + DUMMY_WITH_LINK, + + /* Book can be saved. */ + ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_REPO, + BOOK_WITH_LINK_LOCAL_MODIFIED, + ONLY_BOOK_WITH_LINK; + + public String msg() { + return msg(""); + } + + public String msg(Object arg) { + switch (this) { + case NO_CHANGE: + return "No change"; + + case BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_OR_MORE_ROOKS_EXIST: + return "Notebook has no link and one or more remote notebooks with the same name exist"; + + case DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_ROOKS: + return "Notebook has no link and multiple remote notebooks with the same name exist"; + + case NO_BOOK_MULTIPLE_ROOKS: + return "No notebook and multiple remote notebooks with the same name exist"; + + case ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_MULTIPLE_REPOS: + return "Notebook has no link and multiple repositories exist"; + + case BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_EXISTS_BUT_LINK_POINTING_TO_DIFFERENT_ROOK: + return "Notebook has link and remote notebook with the same name exists, but link is pointing to a different remote notebook which does not exist"; + + case ONLY_DUMMY: + return "Only local dummy exists"; + + case ROOK_AND_VROOK_HAVE_DIFFERENT_REPOS: + return "Linked and synced notebooks have different repositories"; + + case CONFLICT_BOTH_BOOK_AND_ROOK_MODIFIED: + return "Both local and remote notebook have been modified"; + + case CONFLICT_BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_BUT_NEVER_SYNCED_BEFORE: + return "Link and remote notebook exist but notebook hasn't been synced before"; + + case CONFLICT_LAST_SYNCED_ROOK_AND_LATEST_ROOK_ARE_DIFFERENT: + return "Last synced notebook and latest remote notebook differ"; + + case NO_BOOK_ONE_ROOK: + case DUMMY_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_ROOK: + case BOOK_WITH_LINK_AND_ROOK_MODIFIED: + case DUMMY_WITH_LINK: + return "Loaded from " + arg; + + case ONLY_BOOK_WITHOUT_LINK_AND_ONE_REPO: + case BOOK_WITH_LINK_LOCAL_MODIFIED: + case ONLY_BOOK_WITH_LINK: + return "Saved to " + arg; + + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown sync status " + this); + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/sync/SyncService.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/sync/SyncService.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a2c3cba51 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/sync/SyncService.java @@ -0,0 +1,298 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.sync; + + +import android.app.Service; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.Intent; +import android.net.ConnectivityManager; +import android.net.NetworkInfo; +import android.os.AsyncTask; +import android.os.Binder; +import android.os.IBinder; +import android.support.annotation.Nullable; +import android.support.v4.content.LocalBroadcastManager; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.BookAction; +import com.orgzly.android.Broadcasts; +import com.orgzly.android.Shelf; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.DirectoryRepo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Repo; +import com.orgzly.android.util.AppPermissions; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.Collection; +import java.util.Map; + +public class SyncService extends Service { + public static final String TAG = SyncService.class.getName(); + + + private SyncStatus status = new SyncStatus(); + + private Shelf shelf; + + private SyncTask syncTask; + + // private NotificationManager notificationManager; + + private final IBinder binder = new LocalBinder(); + + + @Override + public void onCreate() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + + shelf = new Shelf(this); + + // notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); + + // startForeground(); + } + +// private void startForeground() { +// startForeground(NOTIFICATION_ID, createNotification(getString(R.string.syncing_in_progress))); +// } + + @Override + public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + + + /* If syncing is already in progress, cancel it. */ + if (syncTask != null) { + status.set(SyncStatus.Type.CANCELING, null, status.currentBook, status.totalBooks); + broadcastCurrentSyncStatus(); + + syncTask.cancel(false); + + return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId); + } + + Map repos = shelf.getAllRepos(); + + /* There are no repositories configured. */ + if (repos.size() == 0) { + status.set(SyncStatus.Type.FAILED, getString(R.string.no_repos_configured), 0, 0); + broadcastCurrentSyncStatus(); + stopSelf(); + return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId); + } + + /* If one of the repositories requires internet connection, check for it. */ + if (reposRequireConnection(repos.values()) && !haveNetworkConnection()) { + status.set(SyncStatus.Type.FAILED, getString(R.string.no_connection), 0, 0); + broadcastCurrentSyncStatus(); + stopSelf(); + return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId); + } + + /* Make sure we have permission to access local storage, + * if there are repositories that would use it. + */ + if (reposRequireStoragePermission(repos.values())) { + if (AppPermissions.isNotGranted(this, AppPermissions.FOR_SYNC_START)) { + status.set(SyncStatus.Type.NO_STORAGE_PERMISSION, null, 0, 0); + broadcastCurrentSyncStatus(); + stopSelf(); + return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId); + } + } + + syncTask = new SyncTask(); + syncTask.execute(); + + return super.onStartCommand(intent, flags, startId); + } + + + private boolean reposRequireConnection(Collection repos) { + for (Repo repo: repos) { + if (repo.requiresConnection()) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + private boolean reposRequireStoragePermission(Collection repos) { + for (Repo repo: repos) { + if (DirectoryRepo.SCHEME.equals(repo.getUri().getScheme())) { + return true; + } + } + return false; + } + + /** + * Determines if there is internet connection available. + */ + private boolean haveNetworkConnection() { + ConnectivityManager cm = (ConnectivityManager) getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); + + NetworkInfo networkInfo = cm.getActiveNetworkInfo(); + + if (networkInfo != null) { + int type = networkInfo.getType(); + + if (type == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI || type == ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE) { + return true; + } + } + + return false; + } + + @Nullable + @Override + public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + return binder; + } + + @Override + public boolean onUnbind(Intent intent) { + return super.onUnbind(intent); + } + + @Override + public void onDestroy() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + + /* Kill the on-going notification (might not exist). */ + // notificationManager.cancel(NOTIFICATION_ID); + + super.onDestroy(); + } + + /** + * Announce current sync status. + */ + public void broadcastCurrentSyncStatus() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) + LogUtils.d(TAG, status.type, status.message, status.currentBook, status.totalBooks); + + Intent intent = new Intent(Broadcasts.SYNC) + .putExtra(SyncStatus.EXTRA_TYPE, status.type.name()) + .putExtra(SyncStatus.EXTRA_MESSAGE, status.message) + .putExtra(SyncStatus.EXTRA_TOTAL_BOOKS, status.totalBooks) + .putExtra(SyncStatus.EXTRA_CURRENT_BOOK, status.currentBook); + + /* Broadcast the intent. */ + LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).sendBroadcast(intent); + } + + /** + * Main sync task. + */ + private class SyncTask extends AsyncTask { + @Override + protected void onPreExecute() { + status.set(SyncStatus.Type.STARTING, null, 0, 0); + broadcastCurrentSyncStatus(); + } + + @Override + protected IOException doInBackground(Void... params) { /* Executing on a different thread. */ + + /* Get the list of local and remote books from all repositories. + * Group them by name. + * Inserts dummy books if they don't exist in database. + */ + Map namesakes; + try { + namesakes = shelf.groupAllNotebooksByName(); + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + return e; + } + + if (namesakes.size() == 0) { + return new IOException("No notebooks found"); + } + + status.set(SyncStatus.Type.BOOKS_COLLECTED, null, 0, namesakes.size()); + broadcastCurrentSyncStatus(); + + /* + * Update books' statuses, before starting to sync them. + */ + for (BookNamesake namesake : namesakes.values()) { + shelf.setBookStatus(namesake.getBook(), null, new BookAction(BookAction.Type.PROGRESS, getString(R.string.syncing_in_progress))); + } + + /* + * Start syncing name by name. + */ + int curr = 0; + for (BookNamesake namesake : namesakes.values()) { + /* If task has been canceled, just mark the remaining books as such. */ + if (isCancelled()) { + shelf.setBookStatus(namesake.getBook(), null, + new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, getString(R.string.canceled))); + + } else { + status.set(SyncStatus.Type.BOOK_STARTED, namesake.getName(), curr, namesakes.size()); + broadcastCurrentSyncStatus(); + + try { + BookAction action = shelf.syncNamesake(namesake); + shelf.setBookStatus(namesake.getBook(), namesake.getStatus().toString(), action); + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + shelf.setBookStatus(namesake.getBook(), null, new BookAction(BookAction.Type.ERROR, e.getMessage())); + } + + status.set(SyncStatus.Type.BOOK_ENDED, namesake.getName(), curr + 1, namesakes.size()); + broadcastCurrentSyncStatus(); + } + + curr++; + } + + return null; /* Success. */ + } + + @Override + protected void onCancelled(IOException e) { + status.set(SyncStatus.Type.CANCELED, getString(R.string.canceled), 0, 0); + broadcastCurrentSyncStatus(); + + syncTask = null; + + stopSelf(); + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(IOException exception) { + if (exception != null) { + String msg = (exception.getMessage() != null ? + exception.getMessage() : exception.toString()); + + status.set(SyncStatus.Type.FAILED, msg, 0, 0); + + } else { + status.set(SyncStatus.Type.FINISHED, null, 0, 0); + + /** Save last successful sync time to preferences. */ + long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); + AppPreferences.lastSuccessfulSyncTime(getApplicationContext(), time); + } + + broadcastCurrentSyncStatus(); + + syncTask = null; + + stopSelf(); + } + } + + public class LocalBinder extends Binder { + public SyncService getService() { + return SyncService.this; + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/sync/SyncStatus.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/sync/SyncStatus.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6d970ca0c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/sync/SyncStatus.java @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.sync; + +public class SyncStatus { + public static final String EXTRA_TYPE = "type"; + public static final String EXTRA_MESSAGE = "message"; + public static final String EXTRA_TOTAL_BOOKS = "total_books"; + public static final String EXTRA_CURRENT_BOOK = "current_book"; + + public enum Type { + NOT_RUNNING, + STARTING, + CANCELING, + BOOKS_COLLECTED, + BOOK_STARTED, + BOOK_ENDED, + NO_STORAGE_PERMISSION, + CANCELED, + FINISHED, + FAILED + } + + public Type type = Type.NOT_RUNNING; + + public String message = null; + + public int totalBooks = 0; + public int currentBook = 0; + + + public void set(Type type, String message, int currentBook, int totalBooks) { + this.type = type; + this.message = message; + this.currentBook = currentBook; + this.totalBooks = totalBooks; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/ActionModeListener.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/ActionModeListener.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..36fdda929 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/ActionModeListener.java @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +import android.support.v7.view.ActionMode; + +public interface ActionModeListener { + void updateActionModeForSelection(Selection selection, ActionMode.Callback actionMode); + + ActionMode getActionMode(); + + void actionModeDestroyed(); +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/CommonActivity.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/CommonActivity.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..942b21bdb --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/CommonActivity.java @@ -0,0 +1,141 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +import android.content.pm.PackageManager; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.design.widget.Snackbar; +import android.support.v4.view.GravityCompat; +import android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout; +import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity; +import android.view.MotionEvent; +import android.view.View; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ActivityUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.AppPermissions; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +/** + * Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, + * ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul. + * + * ("Extended by all activities.") + */ +public class CommonActivity extends AppCompatActivity { + private static final String TAG = CommonActivity.class.getName(); + + protected Snackbar snackbar; + + private void dismissSnackbar() { + if (snackbar != null) { + snackbar.dismiss(); + snackbar = null; + } + } + + public void showSimpleSnackbarLong(int resId) { + showSimpleSnackbarLong(getString(resId)); + } + + public void showSimpleSnackbarLong(String message) { + View view = findViewById(R.id.main_content); + if (view != null) { + showSnackbar(Snackbar.make(view, message, Snackbar.LENGTH_LONG)); + } + } + + public void showSnackbar(Snackbar s) { + dismissSnackbar(); + + /* Close drawer before displaying snackbar. */ + DrawerLayout drawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) findViewById(R.id.drawer_layout); + if (drawerLayout != null) { + drawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.START); + } + + snackbar = s; + snackbar.show(); + } + + @Override + public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { + boolean consumed = super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev); + + if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { + dismissSnackbar(); + } + + return consumed; + } + + /** + * Set theme and styles. + */ + @Override + protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + + setupTheme(); + + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + } + + private void setupTheme() { + /* + * Set theme - color scheme. + */ + String colorScheme = AppPreferences.colorScheme(this); + + if (getString(R.string.pref_value_color_scheme_dark).equals(colorScheme)) { + setTheme(R.style.AppDarkTheme_Dark); + } else { + setTheme(R.style.AppLightTheme_Light); + } + + /* + * Apply font style based on preferences. + */ + String fontSizePref = AppPreferences.fontSize(this); + + if (getString(R.string.pref_value_font_size_large).equals(fontSizePref)) { + getTheme().applyStyle(R.style.FontSize_Large, true); + } else if (getString(R.string.pref_value_font_size_small).equals(fontSizePref)) { + getTheme().applyStyle(R.style.FontSize_Small, true); + } + } + + @Override + protected void onDestroy() { + super.onDestroy(); + } + + protected Runnable actionAfterPermissionGrant; + + @Override + public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, String permissions[], int[] grantResults) { + switch (requestCode) { + case AppPermissions.FOR_BOOK_EXPORT: { + // If request is cancelled, the result arrays are empty. + if (grantResults.length > 0 && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { + + if (actionAfterPermissionGrant != null) { + actionAfterPermissionGrant.run(); + actionAfterPermissionGrant = null; + } + } + } + } + } + + @Override + protected void onResume() { + super.onResume(); + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, ""); + } + + public void popBackStackAndCloseKeyboard() { + getSupportFragmentManager().popBackStack(); + ActivityUtils.closeSoftKeyboard(this); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/DisplayManager.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/DisplayManager.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0542b8d18 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/DisplayManager.java @@ -0,0 +1,361 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.os.Handler; +import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; +import android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager; +import android.support.v4.app.FragmentTransaction; +import android.support.v4.view.GravityCompat; +import android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout; +import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity; +import android.util.Log; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.SearchQuery; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.BookEditorFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.BookFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.BooksFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.FilterFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.FiltersFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.NoteFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.QueryFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.SettingsFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +public class DisplayManager { + private static final String TAG = DisplayManager.class.getName(); + + // private static final int FRAGMENT_TRANSITION = FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_OPEN; + // private static final int FRAGMENT_TRANSITION = FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_NONE; + private static final int FRAGMENT_TRANSITION = FragmentTransaction.TRANSIT_FRAGMENT_FADE; + + /* To avoid jerky drawer close. + * Previous title might be displayed if loading of the new fragment takes too long and it + * might look ugly, showing for only a fraction of a second before being replaced with new one. + * FIXME: Maybe move drawer handling here and add a flag for *not* changing the title. + */ + private static final int DELAY_FRAGMENT_TRANSACTION_AFTER_DRAWER_CLOSE = 300; + + private final FragmentManager mFragmentManager; + private final DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout; + + public DisplayManager(AppCompatActivity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState, DrawerLayout drawerLayout) { + mFragmentManager = activity.getSupportFragmentManager(); + mDrawerLayout = drawerLayout; + + /* Display books if not a configuration change - starting for the first time. */ + if (savedInstanceState == null) { + displayBooks(false); + } + } + + public void viewNoteRequest(long bookId, long noteId) { + displayNote(false, bookId, noteId, Placement.UNDEFINED); + } + + public void newNoteRequest(NotePlacement target) { + displayNote(true, target.getBookId(), target.getNoteId(), target.getPlacement()); + } + + public void bookPrefaceRequest(Book book) { + displayEditor(book); + } + +// public void reposSettingsRequest() { +// displayReposSettings(); +// } + + public void drawerFiltersRequest() { + /* Close drawer. */ + if (mDrawerLayout != null) { + mDrawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.START); + } + + new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + displayFilters(); + } + }, DELAY_FRAGMENT_TRANSACTION_AFTER_DRAWER_CLOSE); + } + + public void drawerBooksRequest() { + /* Close drawer. */ + if (mDrawerLayout != null) { + mDrawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.START); + } + + new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + displayBooks(true); + } + }, DELAY_FRAGMENT_TRANSACTION_AFTER_DRAWER_CLOSE); + } + + public void drawerBookRequest(final long bookId) { + /* Close drawer. */ + if (mDrawerLayout != null) { + mDrawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.START); + } + + new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + displayBook(bookId, 0); + } + }, DELAY_FRAGMENT_TRANSACTION_AFTER_DRAWER_CLOSE); + } + + public void drawerSearchRequest(final String query) { + /* Close drawer. */ + if (mDrawerLayout != null) { + mDrawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.START); + } + + new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + displayQuery(query); + } + }, DELAY_FRAGMENT_TRANSACTION_AFTER_DRAWER_CLOSE); + } + + public void settingsRequest() { + /* Close drawer. */ + if (mDrawerLayout != null) { + mDrawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.START); + } + + displaySettings(); + } + + public void bookRequest(long bookId, long noteId) { + displayBook(bookId, noteId); + } + + /** + * Displays fragment for a new filter. + */ + public void onFilterNewRequest() { + /* Create fragment. */ + Fragment fragment = FilterFragment.getInstance(); + + /* Add fragment. */ + mFragmentManager + .beginTransaction() + .setTransition(FRAGMENT_TRANSITION) + .addToBackStack(null) + .replace(R.id.single_pane_container, fragment, FilterFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) + .commit(); + } + + /** + * Displays fragment for existing filter. + */ + public void onFilterEditRequest(long id) { + /* Create fragment. */ + Fragment fragment = FilterFragment.getInstance(id); + + /* Add fragment. */ + mFragmentManager + .beginTransaction() + .setTransition(FRAGMENT_TRANSITION) + .addToBackStack(null) + .replace(R.id.single_pane_container, fragment, FilterFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) + .commit(); + } + + /** + * Return to original state. + * Removes all fragments and then adds BooksFragment. + */ + public void reset() { + /* Clear the back stack. */ + mFragmentManager.popBackStack(null, FragmentManager.POP_BACK_STACK_INCLUSIVE); + + /* Display starting fragment. */ + displayBooks(false); + } + + private void displayFilters() { + if (isFragmentDisplayed(FiltersFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) != null) { + return; + } + + Fragment fragment = FiltersFragment.getInstance(); + + FragmentTransaction t = mFragmentManager + .beginTransaction() + .setTransition(FRAGMENT_TRANSITION) + .addToBackStack(null) + .replace(R.id.single_pane_container, fragment, FiltersFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + + + t.commit(); + } + + /** + * Show fragments listing books. + * @param addToBackStack add to back stack or not + */ + private void displayBooks(boolean addToBackStack) { + if (isFragmentDisplayed(BooksFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) != null) { + return; + } + + Fragment fragment = BooksFragment.getInstance(); + + FragmentTransaction t = mFragmentManager + .beginTransaction() + .setTransition(FRAGMENT_TRANSITION) + .replace(R.id.single_pane_container, fragment, BooksFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + + if (addToBackStack) { + t.addToBackStack(null); + } + + t.commit(); + } + + /** + * Add fragment for book, unless the same book is already being displayed. + */ + private void displayBook(long bookId, long noteId) { + BookFragment f = getFragmentDisplayingBook(bookId); + + if (f == null) { + /* Create fragment. */ + Fragment fragment = BookFragment.getInstance(bookId, noteId); + + /* Add fragment. */ + mFragmentManager + .beginTransaction() + .setTransition(FRAGMENT_TRANSITION) + .addToBackStack(null) + .replace(R.id.single_pane_container, fragment, BookFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) + .commit(); + } else { + Log.w(TAG, "Fragment displaying book " + bookId + " already exists"); + } + } + + private void displayNote(boolean isNew, long bookId, long noteId, Placement placement) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, bookId, noteId); + + if (bookId <= 0) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid book id (" + bookId + ")"); + } + + /* Create fragment. */ + Fragment fragment = NoteFragment.getInstance(isNew, bookId, noteId, placement, null, null); + + /* Add fragment. */ + mFragmentManager + .beginTransaction() + .setTransition(FRAGMENT_TRANSITION) + // .setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_from_right, R.anim.slide_out_to_left) + .addToBackStack(null) + .replace(R.id.single_pane_container, fragment, NoteFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) + .commit(); + + // .setCustomAnimations(R.anim.slide_in_from_right, R.anim.slide_out_to_left, R.anim.slide_in_from_left, R.anim.slide_out_to_right) + // .setCustomAnimations(R.anim.fade_in, R.anim.fade_out, R.anim.fade_in, R.anim.fade_out) + } + + private void displayQuery(String query) { + /* If the same query is already displayed, don't do anything. */ + SearchQuery displayedQuery = getDisplayedQuery(); + if (displayedQuery != null && displayedQuery.toString().equals(query)) { + return; + } + + /* Create fragment. */ + Fragment fragment = QueryFragment.getInstance(query); + + /* Add fragment. */ + mFragmentManager + .beginTransaction() + .setTransition(FRAGMENT_TRANSITION) + .addToBackStack(null) + .replace(R.id.single_pane_container, fragment, QueryFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) + .commit(); + } + +// private void displayReposSettings() { +// Fragment fragment = ReposFragment.getInstance(); +// +// mFragmentManager +// .beginTransaction() +// .setTransition(FRAGMENT_TRANSITION) +// .addToBackStack(null) +// .replace(R.id.single_pane_container, fragment, ReposFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) +// .commit(); +// } + + private void displaySettings() { + if (isFragmentDisplayed(SettingsFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) != null) { + return; + } + + Fragment fragment = SettingsFragment.getInstance(); + + mFragmentManager + .beginTransaction() + .setTransition(FRAGMENT_TRANSITION) + .addToBackStack(null) + .replace(R.id.single_pane_container, fragment, SettingsFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) + .commit(); + } + + private void displayEditor(Book book) { + /* Create fragment. */ + Fragment fragment = BookEditorFragment.getInstance(book.getId(), book.getPreface()); + + /* Add fragment. */ + mFragmentManager + .beginTransaction() + .setTransition(FRAGMENT_TRANSITION) + .addToBackStack(null) + .replace(R.id.single_pane_container, fragment, BookEditorFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) + .commit(); + } + + private BookFragment getFragmentDisplayingBook(long bookId) { + Fragment f = mFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(BookFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + + if (f != null && f.isVisible()) { + BookFragment bookFragment = (BookFragment) f; + + if (bookFragment.getBook() != null && bookFragment.getBook().getId() == bookId) { + return bookFragment; + } + } + + return null; + } + + private Fragment isFragmentDisplayed(String tag) { + Fragment f = mFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(tag); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "tag:" + tag + " fragment:" + f + " isVisible:" + (f != null ? f.isVisible() : "no")); + + if (f != null && f.isVisible()) { + return f; + } else { + return null; + } + } + + public SearchQuery getDisplayedQuery() { + Fragment f = mFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(QueryFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + + if (f != null && f.isVisible()) { + return ((QueryFragment) f).getQuery(); + } + + return null; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/Fab.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/Fab.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e3e7a75fa --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/Fab.java @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +/** + * Implemented by fragments that are using floating action button. + */ +public interface Fab { + Runnable getFabAction(); +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/FragmentListener.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/FragmentListener.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0f83f368c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/FragmentListener.java @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +/** + * Common interface for most fragments' listeners. + */ +public interface FragmentListener { + void announceChanges( + String fragmentTag, + CharSequence title, + CharSequence subTitle, + int selectionCount); +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/HeadsListViewAdapter.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/HeadsListViewAdapter.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..49838cb40 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/HeadsListViewAdapter.java @@ -0,0 +1,419 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.res.TypedArray; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.graphics.Typeface; +import android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter; +import android.text.SpannableString; +import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; +import android.text.Spanned; +import android.text.TextUtils; +import android.text.style.AbsoluteSizeSpan; +import android.text.style.ForegroundColorSpan; +import android.text.style.StyleSpan; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.LinearLayout; +import android.widget.RelativeLayout; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Note; +import com.orgzly.android.Shelf; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.NotesClient; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.views.GesturedListViewItemMenus; +import com.orgzly.android.util.OrgNoteContentFormatParser; +import com.orgzly.android.util.OrgTimeUserFormatter; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgHead; + +public class HeadsListViewAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter { + private static final String TAG = HeadsListViewAdapter.class.getName(); + + /* Separator for heading parts (state, priority, title, tags). */ + private final static String TITLE_SEPARATOR = " "; + + /* Separator for individual tags. */ + private final static String TAGS_SEPARATOR = " "; + + private final Selection selection; + private final GesturedListViewItemMenus quickMenu; + + /** Can be in book or search results. */ + private final boolean inBook; + + private final OrgTimeUserFormatter orgTimeUserFormatter; + private final TypedArrayAttributeSpans attributes; + + + private class TypedArrayAttributeSpans { + ForegroundColorSpan colorTodo; + ForegroundColorSpan colorDone; + ForegroundColorSpan colorUnknown; + AbsoluteSizeSpan postTitleTextSize; + ForegroundColorSpan postTitleTextColor; + + public TypedArrayAttributeSpans() { + TypedArray typedArray = mContext.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { + R.attr.item_head_state_todo_color, + R.attr.item_head_state_done_color, + R.attr.item_head_state_unknown_color, + R.attr.item_head_post_title_text_size, + R.attr.item_head_post_title_text_color + }); + + colorTodo = new ForegroundColorSpan(typedArray.getColor(0, 0)); + colorDone = new ForegroundColorSpan(typedArray.getColor(1, 0)); + colorUnknown = new ForegroundColorSpan(typedArray.getColor(2, 0)); + + postTitleTextSize = new AbsoluteSizeSpan(typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(3, 0)); + postTitleTextColor = new ForegroundColorSpan(typedArray.getColor(4, 0)); + + typedArray.recycle(); + } + } + + + public HeadsListViewAdapter(Context context, Selection selection, GesturedListViewItemMenus toolbars, boolean inBook) { + super(context, R.layout.item_head, null, new String[0], new int[0], 0); + + this.selection = selection; + this.quickMenu = toolbars; + this.inBook = inBook; + + this.orgTimeUserFormatter = new OrgTimeUserFormatter(context); + + this.attributes = new TypedArrayAttributeSpans(); + } + + @Override + public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { + return super.getView(position, convertView, parent); + } + + @Override + public View newView(Context context, final Cursor cursor, ViewGroup parent) { + View view = super.newView(context, cursor, parent); + + /* Get or create new view holder. */ + ViewHolder holder = (ViewHolder) view.getTag(); + if (holder == null) { + holder = new ViewHolder(view); + view.setTag(holder); + } + + /* + * Setup margins and padding for different list density options. + */ + + int itemMargins; + int belowTitleMargins; + + String density = AppPreferences.notesListDensity(context); + + if (context.getString(R.string.pref_value_list_density_comfortable).equals(density)) { // Comfortable + itemMargins = (int) context.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.item_head_padding_comfortable); + belowTitleMargins = (int) context.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.item_head_below_title_padding_comfortable); + + } else if (context.getString(R.string.pref_value_list_density_compact).equals(density)) { // Compact + itemMargins = (int) context.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.item_head_padding_compact); + belowTitleMargins = (int) context.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.item_head_below_title_padding_compact); + + } else { // Cozy + itemMargins = (int) context.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.item_head_padding_cozy); + belowTitleMargins = (int) context.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.item_head_below_title_padding_cozy); + } + + RelativeLayout.LayoutParams payloadParams = (RelativeLayout.LayoutParams) holder.payload.getLayoutParams(); + payloadParams.setMargins(payloadParams.leftMargin, itemMargins, payloadParams.rightMargin, 0); + + LinearLayout.LayoutParams[] params = new LinearLayout.LayoutParams[] { + (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) holder.scheduled.getLayoutParams(), + (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) holder.deadline.getLayoutParams(), + (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) holder.closed.getLayoutParams(), + (LinearLayout.LayoutParams) holder.content.getLayoutParams() + }; + for (LinearLayout.LayoutParams p: params) { + p.setMargins(0, belowTitleMargins, 0, 0); + } + + return view; + } + + @Override + public void bindView(final View view, final Context context, Cursor cursor) { + final Note note = NotesClient.fromCursor(cursor); + final OrgHead head = note.getHead(); + final ViewHolder holder = (ViewHolder) view.getTag(); + + if (inBook) { + if (note.getPosition().getFoldedUnderId() == 0) { + view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } else { + view.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + } + + setupIndentContainer(context, holder.indentContainer, inBook ? note.getPosition().getLevel() - 1 : 0); + + if (inBook) { + /* Set folding button. */ + if (note.getPosition().getDescendantsCount() > 0 || (note.getHead().hasContent() && AppPreferences.isNotesContentFoldable(context) && AppPreferences.isNotesContentDisplayedInList(context))) { + holder.foldButton.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + holder.foldButtonText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + + /* Type of the fold button. */ + if (note.isFolded()) { + holder.foldButtonText.setText(R.string.unfold_button_character); + } else { + holder.foldButtonText.setText(R.string.fold_button_character); + } + } else { + holder.foldButton.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); + holder.foldButtonText.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); + } + + /* Different type of bullet, depending on folding state. */ + if (note.getPosition().getDescendantsCount() > 0) { // Has descendants + if (note.isFolded()) { // + holder.bullet.setText(R.string.bullet_with_children_folded); + } else { // + holder.bullet.setText(R.string.bullet_with_children_unfolded); + } + +// holder.bullet.setScaleX(1f); +// holder.bullet.setScaleY(1f); + + } else { // No descendants + holder.bullet.setText(R.string.bullet); +// holder.bullet.setScaleX(1.2f); +// holder.bullet.setScaleY(1.2f); + } + + } else { /* No indentation (in search results). */ + holder.foldButton.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); + holder.foldButtonText.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); +// holder.bullet.setScaleX(1.2f); +// holder.bullet.setScaleY(1.2f); + } + + /* Book name. */ + if (inBook) { + holder.bookNameUnderNote.setVisibility(View.GONE); + holder.bookNameLeftFromNoteText.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } else { + switch (Integer.valueOf(AppPreferences.bookNameInSearchResults(context))) { + case 0: + holder.bookNameLeftFromNoteText.setVisibility(View.GONE); + holder.bookNameUnderNote.setVisibility(View.GONE); + break; + case 1: + holder.bookNameLeftFromNoteText.setText(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.BOOK_NAME))); + holder.bookNameLeftFromNoteText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + holder.bookNameUnderNote.setVisibility(View.GONE); + break; + case 2: + holder.bookNameUnderNoteText.setText(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.BOOK_NAME))); + holder.bookNameLeftFromNoteText.setVisibility(View.GONE); + holder.bookNameUnderNote.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + break; + } + } + + /* Title. */ + holder.title.setText(generateTitle(note, head)); + + /* Content. */ + if (head.hasContent() && AppPreferences.isNotesContentDisplayedInList(context) && (!note.isFolded() || !AppPreferences.isNotesContentFoldable(context)) && (inBook || AppPreferences.isNotesContentDisplayedInSearch(context))) { + if (AppPreferences.isFontMonospaced(context)) { + holder.content.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE); + } + + holder.content.setText(OrgNoteContentFormatParser.fromOrg(head.getContent(), true)); + + holder.content.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + + } else { + holder.content.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + /* Closed time. */ + if (head.hasClosed() && AppPreferences.displayPlanning(context)) { + holder.closedText.setText(orgTimeUserFormatter.format(head.getClosed())); + holder.closed.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + + } else { + holder.closed.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + /* Deadline time. */ + if (head.hasDeadline() && AppPreferences.displayPlanning(context)) { + holder.deadlineText.setText(orgTimeUserFormatter.format(head.getDeadline())); + holder.deadline.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + + } else { + holder.deadline.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + /* Scheduled time. */ + if (head.hasScheduled() && AppPreferences.displayPlanning(context)) { + holder.scheduledText.setText(orgTimeUserFormatter.format(head.getScheduled())); + holder.scheduled.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + + } else { + holder.scheduled.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + /* Set alpha for done items. */ + if (head.getState() != null && AppPreferences.doneKeywordsSet(context).contains(head.getState())) { + holder.payload.setAlpha(0.45f); + } else { + holder.payload.setAlpha(1.0f); + } + + quickMenu.updateView(view, note.getId(), holder.menuContainer, holder.menuFlipper); + + selection.updateView(view, note.getId()); + + /* Toggle folded state. */ + holder.foldButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + // TODO: Do it async though MainActivity. + new Shelf(context).toggleFoldedState(note.getId()); + } + }); + } + + /** + * Set indentation views, depending on note level. + */ + private void setupIndentContainer(Context context, ViewGroup container, int level) { + if (container.getChildCount() < level) { + /* We need more lines. */ + + /* Make all existing visible. */ + for (int i = 1; i <= container.getChildCount(); i++) { + container.getChildAt(i - 1).setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } + + /* Inflate the rest. */ + for (int i = container.getChildCount() + 1; i <= level; i++) { + View.inflate(context, R.layout.indent, container); + } + + } else if (level < container.getChildCount()) { + /* Has more lines then needed. */ + + /* Make required lines visible. */ + for (int i = 1; i <= level; i++) { + container.getChildAt(i - 1).setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } + + /* Hide the rest. */ + for (int i = level + 1; i <= container.getChildCount(); i++) { + container.getChildAt(i - 1).setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + } else { + /* Make all visible. */ + for (int i = 1; i <= container.getChildCount(); i++) { + container.getChildAt(i - 1).setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } + } + } + + private CharSequence generateTitle(Note note, OrgHead head) { + SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder(); + + /* State. */ + if (head.getState() != null) { + builder.append(generateState(head)); + } + + /* Priority. */ + if (head.getPriority() != null) { + if (builder.length() > 0) { + builder.append(TITLE_SEPARATOR); + } + builder.append(generatePriority(head)); + } + + /* Bold everything up until now. */ + if (builder.length() > 0) { + builder.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), 0, builder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); + } + + + /* Space before title, unless there's nothing added. */ + if (builder.length() > 0) { + builder.append(TITLE_SEPARATOR); + } + + /* Title. */ + builder.append(OrgNoteContentFormatParser.fromOrg(head.getTitle(), true)); + +// /* Bold everything up until now. */ +// if (builder.length() > 0) { +// builder.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), 0, builder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); +// } + + int mark = builder.length(); + + boolean hasPostTitleText = false; + + /* Tags. */ + if (head.hasTags()) { + builder.append(TITLE_SEPARATOR).append(generateTags(head)); + hasPostTitleText = true; + } + + /* Content length. */ + if (head.hasContent() && (!AppPreferences.isNotesContentDisplayedInList(mContext) || (note.isFolded() && AppPreferences.isNotesContentFoldable(mContext)))) { + builder.append(TITLE_SEPARATOR).append(String.valueOf(note.getContentLines())); + hasPostTitleText = true; + } + + /* Debug folding. */ + if (false) { + builder.append(" ").append(note.toString()); + hasPostTitleText = true; + } + + /* Change font style of text after title. */ + if (hasPostTitleText) { + builder.setSpan(attributes.postTitleTextSize, mark, builder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); + builder.setSpan(attributes.postTitleTextColor, mark, builder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); + } + + return builder; + } + + private CharSequence generateTags(OrgHead head) { + return new SpannableString(TextUtils.join(TAGS_SEPARATOR, head.getTags())); + } + + private CharSequence generateState(OrgHead head) { + SpannableString str = new SpannableString(head.getState()); + + ForegroundColorSpan color; + + if (AppPreferences.todoKeywordsSet(mContext).contains(head.getState())) { + color = attributes.colorTodo; + } else if (AppPreferences.doneKeywordsSet(mContext).contains(head.getState())) { + color = attributes.colorDone; + } else { + color = attributes.colorUnknown; + } + + str.setSpan(color, 0, str.length(), 0); + + return str; + } + + private CharSequence generatePriority(OrgHead head) { + return "#" + head.getPriority(); + } +} + diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/Loaders.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/Loaders.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4dd340445 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/Loaders.java @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +import android.util.SparseArray; + +import java.util.HashMap; + +public class Loaders { + public static final int BOOK_FRAGMENT_BOOK = 0; + public static final int BOOK_FRAGMENT_NOTES = 1; + public static final int BOOKS_FRAGMENT = 2; + public static final int QUERY_FRAGMENT = 3; + public static final int REPOS_FRAGMENT = 4; + public static final int FILTERS_FRAGMENT = 5; + + public static final int DRAWER_FILTERS = 6; + public static final int DRAWER_BOOKS = 7; + + private static int nextAvailableId = 8; + + private static SparseArray> ids = new SparseArray<>(5); + + public static int generateLoaderId(int fragmentLoaderId, String arg) { + Integer id; + + HashMap map = ids.get(fragmentLoaderId); + if (map == null) { + map = new HashMap<>(); + ids.put(fragmentLoaderId, map); + } + + id = map.get(arg); + if (id == null) { + map.put(arg, nextAvailableId); + id = nextAvailableId++; + } + + return id; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/MainActivity.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/MainActivity.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..38cc2f751 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/MainActivity.java @@ -0,0 +1,1599 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +import android.app.Activity; +import android.app.AlertDialog; +import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.DialogInterface; +import android.content.Intent; +import android.content.IntentFilter; +import android.content.res.Configuration; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.design.widget.Snackbar; +import android.support.design.widget.TextInputLayout; +import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; +import android.support.v4.content.LocalBroadcastManager; +import android.support.v4.view.GravityCompat; +import android.support.v4.view.MenuItemCompat; +import android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout; +import android.support.v7.app.ActionBarDrawerToggle; +import android.support.v7.view.ActionMode; +import android.support.v7.widget.SearchView; +import android.text.Editable; +import android.text.TextUtils; +import android.text.TextWatcher; +import android.view.KeyEvent; +import android.view.Menu; +import android.view.MenuItem; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; +import android.widget.CheckBox; +import android.widget.EditText; +import android.widget.Spinner; +import android.widget.TextView; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; +import com.orgzly.android.Broadcasts; +import com.orgzly.android.Filter; +import com.orgzly.android.Note; +import com.orgzly.android.NotesBatch; +import com.orgzly.android.Notifications; +import com.orgzly.android.SearchQuery; +import com.orgzly.android.Shelf; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.BooksClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.ReposClient; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Repo; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.dialogs.SimpleOneLinerDialog; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.dialogs.WhatsNewDialog; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.BookEditorFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.BookFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.BooksFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.FilterFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.FiltersFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.DrawerFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.NoteFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.NoteListFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.SettingsFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.SyncFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ActivityUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.AppPermissions; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.UriUtils; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Collections; +import java.util.LinkedHashMap; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.Set; +import java.util.TreeSet; + +public class MainActivity extends CommonActivity + implements + ActionModeListener, + FilterFragment.FilterFragmentListener, + FiltersFragment.FiltersFragmentListener, + BooksFragment.BooksFragmentListener, + BookFragment.BookFragmentListener, + NoteFragment.NoteFragmentListener, + SyncFragment.SyncFragmentListener, + SimpleOneLinerDialog.SimpleOneLinerDialogListener, + BookEditorFragment.EditorListener, + NoteListFragment.NoteListFragmentListener, + SettingsFragment.SettingsFragmentListener, + DrawerFragment.DrawerFragmentListener { + + public static final String TAG = MainActivity.class.getName(); + + public static final int ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE_FOR_FILE_CHOOSER = 0; + + private static final String GETTING_STARTED_NOTEBOOK_NAME = "Getting Started with Orgzly"; + private static final int GETTING_STARTED_NOTEBOOK_RESOURCE_ID = R.raw.orgzly_getting_started; + + private static final int DIALOG_NEW_BOOK = 1; + private static final int DIALOG_IMPORT_BOOK = 5; + + public SyncFragment mSyncFragment; + + private DrawerLayout mDrawerLayout; + private ActionBarDrawerToggle mDrawerToggle; + + /** isDrawerOpen() is not reliable - there was a race condition - closing drawer VS fragment resume. */ + private boolean mIsDrawerOpen = false; + + + private CharSequence mSavedTitle; + private CharSequence mSavedSubtitle; + + /** Original title used when book is not being displayed. */ + private CharSequence mDefaultTitle; + + private DisplayManager mDisplayManager; + private ActionMode mActionMode; + + // private Dialog mTooltip; + private AlertDialog mWhatsNewDialog; + + private BroadcastReceiver dbUpgradeStartedReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { + @Override + public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { + if (mWhatsNewDialog != null) { + mWhatsNewDialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE).setText(R.string.running_database_update); + mWhatsNewDialog.getButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE).setEnabled(false); + mWhatsNewDialog.setCancelable(false); + } + } + }; + + private BroadcastReceiver dbUpgradeEndedReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { + @Override + public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { + if (mWhatsNewDialog != null) { + mWhatsNewDialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE).setText(R.string.ok); + mWhatsNewDialog.getButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE).setEnabled(true); + mWhatsNewDialog.setCancelable(true); + } + } + }; + + private Bundle mImportChosenBook = null; + + + @Override + protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this) + .registerReceiver(dbUpgradeStartedReceiver, new IntentFilter(Broadcasts.DATABASE_UPGRADE_STARTED)); + LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this) + .registerReceiver(dbUpgradeEndedReceiver, new IntentFilter(Broadcasts.DATABASE_UPGRADE_ENDED)); + + /* + * Set defaults. + * Attempting to set defaults every time (true parameter below), in case some preference's + * key has been changed. If false is used, opening Settings fragment can trigger preference + * change listener, even though nothing has been changed by user. + */ + android.preference.PreferenceManager.setDefaultValues(this, R.xml.preferences, true); + + setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); + + mSavedTitle = mDefaultTitle = getTitle(); + mSavedSubtitle = null; + + setupDrawer(); + + mDisplayManager = new DisplayManager(this, savedInstanceState, mDrawerLayout); + + if (AppPreferences.newNoteNotification(this)) { + Notifications.createNewNoteNotification(this); + } + } + + @Override + protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { + super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); + } + + private void setupDrawer() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + + mDrawerLayout = (DrawerLayout) findViewById(R.id.drawer_layout); + + if (mDrawerLayout != null) { + // Set the drawer toggle as the DrawerListener + mDrawerToggle = new ActionBarDrawerToggle(this, mDrawerLayout, R.string.drawer_open, R.string.drawer_close) { + private int state = -1; + + /* + * onDrawerOpened and onDrawerClosed are not called fast enough. + * So state is determined using onDrawerSlide callback and checking the slide offset. + */ + @Override + public void onDrawerSlide(View drawerView, float slideOffset) { + super.onDrawerSlide(drawerView, slideOffset); + + switch (state) { + case -1: // Unknown + if (slideOffset == 0) { + state = 0; + drawerClosed(); + + } else if (slideOffset > 0) { + state = 1; + drawerOpened(); + } + break; + + case 0: // Closed + if (slideOffset > 0) { + state = 1; + drawerOpened(); + } + break; + + case 1: // Opened + if (slideOffset == 0) { + state = 0; + drawerClosed(); + } + break; + } + } + }; + + mDrawerLayout.setDrawerListener(mDrawerToggle); + } + + getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); + getSupportActionBar().setHomeButtonEnabled(true); + + mSyncFragment = addSyncFragment(); + + addDrawerFragment(); + } + + private void drawerOpened() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + + /* Causes onPrepareOptionsMenu to be called. */ + supportInvalidateOptionsMenu(); + + getSupportActionBar().setTitle(mDefaultTitle); + getSupportActionBar().setSubtitle(null); + + mIsDrawerOpen = true; + + ActivityUtils.closeSoftKeyboard(this); + } + + private void drawerClosed() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + + /* Causes onPrepareOptionsMenu to be called. */ + supportInvalidateOptionsMenu(); + + getSupportActionBar().setTitle(mSavedTitle); + getSupportActionBar().setSubtitle(mSavedSubtitle); + + mIsDrawerOpen = false; + } + + private SyncFragment addSyncFragment() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + + SyncFragment fragment = (SyncFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(SyncFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + + /* If the Fragment is non-null, then it is currently being + * retained across a configuration change. + */ + if (fragment == null) { + fragment = SyncFragment.getInstance(); + + getSupportFragmentManager() + .beginTransaction() + .replace(R.id.drawer_sync_container, fragment, SyncFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) + .commit(); + } + + return fragment; + } + + private void addDrawerFragment() { + if (getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(DrawerFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) == null) { + getSupportFragmentManager() + .beginTransaction() + .replace(R.id.drawer_list_container, DrawerFragment.getInstance(), DrawerFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) + .commit(); + } + } + + @Override + protected void onPostCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onPostCreate(savedInstanceState); + + // Sync the toggle state after onRestoreInstanceState has occurred. + if (mDrawerToggle != null) { + mDrawerToggle.syncState(); + } + } + + @Override + public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, newConfig); + super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); + + if (mDrawerToggle != null) { + mDrawerToggle.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig); + } + } + + @Override + protected void onResume() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onResume(); + + performIntros(); + } + + private void performIntros() { + int currentVersion = AppPreferences.lastUsedVersionCode(this); + boolean isNewVersion = checkIfNewAndUpdateVersion(); + + if (isNewVersion) { + /* Import Getting Started notebook. */ + if (! AppPreferences.isGettingStartedNotebookLoaded(this)) { + importGettingStartedNotebook(); + /* This will be marked as done after book has been loaded in onBookLoaded(). */ + } + + /* Open drawer for the first time user. */ + if (currentVersion == 0 && mDrawerLayout != null) { + mDrawerLayout.openDrawer(GravityCompat.START); + mIsDrawerOpen = true; + } + + onWhatsNewDisplayRequest(); + } + } + + private void importGettingStartedNotebook() { + mSyncFragment.loadBook(GETTING_STARTED_NOTEBOOK_NAME, getResources(), GETTING_STARTED_NOTEBOOK_RESOURCE_ID); + } + + private boolean checkIfNewAndUpdateVersion() { + boolean isNewVersion = false; + + + if (BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE > AppPreferences.lastUsedVersionCode(this)) { + isNewVersion = true; + } + + AppPreferences.lastUsedVersionCode(this, BuildConfig.VERSION_CODE); + + return isNewVersion; + } + + @Override + protected void onPause() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onPause(); + + /* Dismiss What's new dialog. */ + if (mWhatsNewDialog != null) { + mWhatsNewDialog.dismiss(); + mWhatsNewDialog = null; + } + } + + @Override + protected void onDestroy() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDestroy(); + + LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).unregisterReceiver(dbUpgradeStartedReceiver); + LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).unregisterReceiver(dbUpgradeEndedReceiver); + } + + @Override + public void onBackPressed() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.fragments(TAG, this); + + /* Close drawer if opened. */ + if (mDrawerLayout != null) { + if (mDrawerLayout.isDrawerOpen(GravityCompat.START)) { + mDrawerLayout.closeDrawer(GravityCompat.START); + mIsDrawerOpen = false; + return; + } + } + + /* Handle back press when editing note - check for changes */ + Fragment fragment = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(NoteFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + if (fragment != null && fragment instanceof NoteFragment && fragment.isVisible()) { + final NoteFragment noteFragment = (NoteFragment) fragment; + if (noteFragment.askForConfirmationIfNoteModified()) { + return; + } + } + + + super.onBackPressed(); + } + + @Override + public void onAttachFragment(Fragment fragment) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, fragment); + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.fragments(TAG, this); + + super.onAttachFragment(fragment); + } + + @Override + protected void onResumeFragments() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onResumeFragments(); + + /* Showing dialog in onResume() fails with: + * Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState + */ + if (mImportChosenBook != null) { + importChosenBook(mImportChosenBook); + mImportChosenBook = null; + } + } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + */ + @Override + public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, menu); + super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu); + + // Inflate the menu; this adds items to the action bar if it is present. + getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_actions, menu); + + setupSearchView(menu); + +// new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { +// @Override +// public void run() { +// tryDisplayingTooltip(); +// } +// }, 200); + + return true; + } + + /** + * SearchView setup and query text listeners. + * TODO: http://developer.android.com/training/search/setup.html + */ + private void setupSearchView(Menu menu) { + final MenuItem searchItem = menu.findItem(R.id.activity_action_search); + + final SearchView searchView = (SearchView) MenuItemCompat.getActionView(searchItem); + + searchView.setQueryHint(getString(R.string.search_hint)); + + /* When user starts the search, fill the search box with text depending on current fragment. */ + searchView.setOnSearchClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + /* Make search as wide as possible. */ + ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = searchView.getLayoutParams(); + layoutParams.width = ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT; + + /* For Query fragment, fill the box with full query. */ + SearchQuery q = mDisplayManager.getDisplayedQuery(); + if (q != null) { + searchView.setQuery(q.toString() + " ", false); + + } else { + /* If searching from book, add book name to query. */ + Book book = getActiveFragmentBook(); + if (book != null) { + SearchQuery query = new SearchQuery(); + query.setBookName(book.getName()); + searchView.setQuery(query.toString() + " ", false); + } + } + } + }); + + searchView.setOnQueryTextListener(new SearchView.OnQueryTextListener() { + @Override + public boolean onQueryTextChange(String str) { + return false; + } + + @Override + public boolean onQueryTextSubmit(String str) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, str); + + /* Close search. */ + MenuItemCompat.collapseActionView(searchItem); + + mDisplayManager.drawerSearchRequest(str); + + return true; + } + }); + } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + * Called after each invalidateOptionsMenu(). + */ + @Override + public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { + /* Hide all menu items if drawer is visible. */ + if (mDrawerLayout != null) { + menuItemsSetVisible(menu, !mDrawerLayout.isDrawerVisible(GravityCompat.START)); + } + + return true; + } + + private void menuItemsSetVisible(Menu menu, boolean visible) { + for(int i = 0; i < menu.size(); i++){ + menu.getItem(i).setVisible(visible); + } + } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + */ + @Override + public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { + // Pass the event to ActionBarDrawerToggle, if it returns + // true, then it has handled the app icon touch event + if (mDrawerToggle != null && mDrawerToggle.onOptionsItemSelected(item)) { + return true; + } + + switch (item.getItemId()) { + case R.id.activity_action_sync: + mSyncFragment.onSyncButton(); + return true; + + case R.id.activity_action_settings: + mDisplayManager.settingsRequest(); + return true; + + default: + return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); + } + } + + @Override + protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { + switch (requestCode) { + /* Open selected file. */ + case ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE_FOR_FILE_CHOOSER: + if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { + Uri uri = data.getData(); + + Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); + bundle.putString("uri", uri.toString()); + + /* This will get picked up in onResume(). */ + mImportChosenBook = bundle; + } + break; + } + } + + /** + * Display a dialog for user to enter notebook's name. + */ + private void importChosenBook(final Bundle bundle) { + Uri uri = Uri.parse(bundle.getString("uri")); + String guessedBookName = guessBookNameFromUri(uri); + + SimpleOneLinerDialog + .getInstance(DIALOG_IMPORT_BOOK, "Notebook Name", null, guessedBookName, null, "Import", "Cancel", bundle) + .show(getSupportFragmentManager(), SimpleOneLinerDialog.FRAGMENT_TAG); + } + + /** + * @return Guessed book name or {@code null} if it couldn't be guessed + */ + private String guessBookNameFromUri(Uri uri) { + String fileName = BookName.getFileName(this, uri); + + if (BookName.isSupportedFormatFileName(fileName)) { + BookName bookName = BookName.fromFileName(fileName); + return bookName.getName(); + } else { + return null; + } + } + + /** + * Import notebook from URI saving it under specified name. + */ + private void importBookFromUri(Uri uri, String bookName, BookName.Format format) { + /* Check if book name already exists in database. */ + if (BooksClient.doesExist(this, bookName)) { + showSimpleSnackbarLong(getString(R.string.book_name_already_exists, bookName)); + return; + } + + mSyncFragment.importBookFromUri(bookName, format, uri); + } + + /** + * Note has been clicked in list view. + * + * @param fragment Fragment from which the action came. + * @param view view + * @param position note position in list + * @param noteId note ID + */ + @Override + public void onNoteClick(NoteListFragment fragment, View view, int position, long noteId) { + if (AppPreferences.isReverseNoteClickAction(this)) { + toggleNoteSelection(fragment, view, noteId); + + } else { + /* If there are already selected note, toggle the selection of this one. + * If there are no notes selected, open note + */ + if (fragment.getSelection().getCount() > 0) { + toggleNoteSelection(fragment, view, noteId); + } else { + openNote(fragment.getFragmentTag(), noteId); + } + } + } + + /** + * Note has been long-clicked in list view. + * + * @param fragment Fragment from which the action came. + * @param view view + * @param position note position in list + * @param noteId note ID + */ + @Override + public void onNoteLongClick(NoteListFragment fragment, View view, int position, long noteId) { + if (AppPreferences.isReverseNoteClickAction(this)) { + openNote(fragment.getFragmentTag(), noteId); + } else { + toggleNoteSelection(fragment, view, noteId); + } + } + + private void openNote(String fragmentTag, long noteId) { + finishActionMode(); + + /* Get book ID from note ID. */ + // TODO: Avoid using Shelf from activity directly + Shelf shelf = new Shelf(this); + Note note = shelf.getNote(noteId); + long bookId = note.getPosition().getBookId(); + + mDisplayManager.viewNoteRequest(bookId, noteId); + } + + @Override + public void onNoteScrollToRequest(long noteId) { + /* Get book ID from note ID. */ + // TODO: Avoid using Shelf from activity directly + Shelf shelf = new Shelf(this); + Note note = shelf.getNote(noteId); + long bookId = note.getPosition().getBookId(); + + mSyncFragment.sparseTree(bookId, noteId); + mDisplayManager.bookRequest(bookId, noteId); + } + + /** + * Toggle selection of a note (or notes, if selected note is folded). + */ + private void toggleNoteSelection(NoteListFragment fragment, View view, long noteId) { + Selection selection = fragment.getSelection(); + + selection.toggle(view, noteId); + + updateActionModeForSelection(fragment.getSelection(), fragment.getNewActionMode()); + } + + /* Open note fragment to create a new note. */ + @Override + public void onNoteNewRequest(NotePlacement target) { + finishActionMode(); + + mDisplayManager.newNoteRequest(target); + } + + /* Save note. */ + @Override + public void onNoteCreateRequest(Note note, NotePlacement notePlacement) { + finishActionMode(); + + popBackStackAndCloseKeyboard(); + + mSyncFragment.createNote(note, notePlacement); + } + + @Override + public void onNoteCreated(final Note note, final NotePlacement notePlacement) { + /* + * Display Snackbar with an action - create new note below just created one. + */ + View view = findViewById(R.id.main_content); + if (view != null) { + showSnackbar(Snackbar + .make(view, R.string.message_note_created, MiscUtils.SNACKBAR_WITH_ACTION_DURATION) + .setAction(R.string.new_below, new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View view) { + NotePlacement placement = new NotePlacement( + note.getPosition().getBookId(), + note.getId(), + Placement.BELOW); + + mDisplayManager.newNoteRequest(placement); + } + })); + } + + + /* Animate updated note. */ +// Set set = new HashSet<>(); +// set.add(note.getId()); +// animateNotesAfterEdit(set); + } + + @Override + public void onNoteCreatingFailed() { + showSimpleSnackbarLong(R.string.message_failed_creating_note); + } + + @Override + public void onNoteUpdateRequest(Note note) { + popBackStackAndCloseKeyboard(); + mSyncFragment.updateNote(note); + } + + @Override + public void onNoteUpdated(Note note) { + } + + @Override + public void onNoteUpdatingFailed(Note note) { + showSimpleSnackbarLong(R.string.message_failed_updating_note); + } + + @Override + public void onNoteCancelRequest(Note note) { + popBackStackAndCloseKeyboard(); + } + + @Override + public void onNoteDeleteRequest(Note note) { + popBackStackAndCloseKeyboard(); + mSyncFragment.deleteNotes(note.getPosition().getBookId(), note.getId()); + } + + @Override + public void onStateChangeRequest(Set noteIds, String state) { + mSyncFragment.updateNoteState(noteIds, state); + } + + @Override + public void onStateCycleRequest(long id, int direction) { + mSyncFragment.shiftNoteState(id, direction); + } + + @Override + public void onStateToDoneRequest(long noteId) { + mSyncFragment.setStateToDone(noteId); + } + + @Override + public void onStateChanged(Set noteIds, String state) { + // animateNotesAfterEdit(noteIds); + } + + @Override + public void onScheduledTimeUpdateRequest(Set noteIds, OrgDateTime time) { + mSyncFragment.updateScheduledTime(noteIds, time); + } + + @Override + public void onCycleVisibilityRequest(Book book) { + mSyncFragment.cycleVisibility(book); + } + + @Override + public void onScheduledTimeUpdated(Set noteIds, OrgDateTime time) { + // animateNotesAfterEdit(noteIds); + } + + @Override /* BookFragment */ + public void onBookPrefaceEditRequest(Book book) { + finishActionMode(); + + mDisplayManager.bookPrefaceRequest(book); + } + + @Override + public void onNotesDeleteRequest(final long bookId, final TreeSet noteIds) { + mSyncFragment.deleteNotes(bookId, noteIds); + +// DialogInterface.OnClickListener dialogClickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { +// @Override +// public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { +// if (which == DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE) { +// mSyncFragment.deleteNotes(bookId, noteIds); +// } +// } +// }; +// +// new AlertDialog.Builder(this) +// .setTitle(R.string.notes) +// .setMessage(getResources().getQuantityString(R.plurals.delete_notes_question, noteIds.size(), noteIds.size())) +// .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, dialogClickListener) +// .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, dialogClickListener) +// .show(); + } + + @Override + public void onNotesDeleted(int count) { + String message; + + if (count == 0) { + message = getResources().getString(R.string.no_notes_deleted); + } else { + message = getResources().getQuantityString(R.plurals.notes_deleted, count, count); + } + + showSimpleSnackbarLong(message); + } + + @Override + public void onNotesCutRequest(long bookId, TreeSet noteIds) { + mSyncFragment.cutNotes(bookId, noteIds); + } + + @Override + public void onNotesCut(int count) { + String message; + + if (count == 0) { + message = getResources().getString(R.string.no_notes_cut); + } else { + message = getResources().getQuantityString(R.plurals.notes_cut, count, count); + } + + showSimpleSnackbarLong(message); + } + + @Override + public void onStateKeywordsPreferenceChanged() { + new AlertDialog.Builder(this) + .setTitle(R.string.todo_keywords_configuration_changed_dialog_title) + .setMessage(R.string.todo_keywords_configuration_changed_dialog_message) + .setPositiveButton(R.string.yes, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { + mSyncFragment.reParseNotes(); + } + }) + .setNegativeButton(R.string.not_now, null) + .show(); + } + + /** + * Ask user to confirm, then delete book. + */ + @Override + public void onBookDeleteRequest(final long bookId) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Get name for the book " + bookId + "..."); + + final Book book = BooksClient.get(this, bookId); + + View checkBoxView = View.inflate(this, R.layout.checkbox, null); + final CheckBox checkBox = (CheckBox) checkBoxView.findViewById(R.id.checkbox); + checkBox.setText(R.string.also_delete_linked_book); + + + DialogInterface.OnClickListener dialogClickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { + switch (which){ + case DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE: + boolean deleteLinked = checkBox.isChecked(); + + /* Delete book. */ + mSyncFragment.deleteBook(book, deleteLinked); + break; + + case DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE: + break; + } + } + }; + + AlertDialog.Builder builder = + new AlertDialog.Builder(this) + .setTitle("Delete " + MiscUtils.quotedString(book.getName())) + .setMessage("Delete this notebook?") + .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, dialogClickListener) + .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, dialogClickListener); + + if (book.getLink() != null) { + builder.setView(checkBoxView); + } + + builder.show(); + + } + + @Override + public void onBookRenameRequest(final long bookId) { + final Book book = BooksClient.get(this, bookId); + + if (book == null) { + return; + } + + final View dialogView = View.inflate(this, R.layout.dialog_book_rename, null); + final TextInputLayout nameInputLayout = (TextInputLayout) dialogView.findViewById(R.id.name_input_layout); + final EditText name = (EditText) dialogView.findViewById(R.id.name); + final TextInputLayout linkInputLayout = (TextInputLayout) dialogView.findViewById(R.id.link_input_layout); + final TextView linkUriText = (TextView) dialogView.findViewById(R.id.link); + + Uri originalLinkUri = book.getLink() != null ? book.getLink().getUri() : null; + + DialogInterface.OnClickListener dialogClickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { + switch (which) { + case DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE: + doRenameBook(book, name.getText().toString(), nameInputLayout); + break; + + case DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE: + break; + } + } + }; + + AlertDialog.Builder builder = + new AlertDialog.Builder(this) + .setTitle(getString(R.string.rename_book, MiscUtils.quotedString(book.getName()))) + .setPositiveButton(R.string.rename, dialogClickListener) + .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, dialogClickListener) + .setView(dialogView); + + name.setText(book.getName()); + + if (originalLinkUri != null) { + linkInputLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + linkUriText.setText(UriUtils.friendlyUri(originalLinkUri)); + // builder.setMessage(originalLinkUri.toString()); + + } else { + linkInputLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + final AlertDialog dialog = builder.create(); + + /* Finish on keyboard action press. */ + name.setOnEditorActionListener(new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() { + @Override + public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) { + dialog.getButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE).performClick(); + return true; + } + }); + + + final Activity activity = this; + + dialog.setOnShowListener(new DialogInterface.OnShowListener() { + @Override + public void onShow(DialogInterface dialog) { + ActivityUtils.openSoftKeyboard(activity, name); + } + }); + + dialog.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() { + @Override + public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) { + ActivityUtils.closeSoftKeyboard(activity); + } + }); + + if (originalLinkUri != null) { + // Get notebook format from the original link uri + String fileName = BookName.getFileName(this, originalLinkUri); + BookName bookName = BookName.fromFileName(fileName); + final BookName.Format fileFormat = bookName.getFormat(); + + List pathSegments = originalLinkUri.getPathSegments(); + Uri.Builder uriBuilder = originalLinkUri.buildUpon().path(null); + for (int i = 0; i < pathSegments.size() - 1; i++) { + uriBuilder.appendPath(pathSegments.get(i)); + } + final Uri newUriBase = uriBuilder.build(); + + name.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { + @Override + public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { + } + + @Override + public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { + } + + @Override + public void afterTextChanged(Editable str) { + /* Update link URI. */ + String fileName = BookName.fileName(str.toString(), fileFormat); + Uri newUri = newUriBase.buildUpon().appendPath(fileName).build(); + + if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(str)) { + linkUriText.setText(UriUtils.friendlyUri(newUri)); + linkInputLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + dialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE).setEnabled(true); + + } else { /* Name empty. */ + linkInputLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE); + dialog.getButton(AlertDialog.BUTTON_POSITIVE).setEnabled(false); + } + } + }); + } + + dialog.show(); + } + + private void doRenameBook(Book book, String name, TextInputLayout inputLayout) { + if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { + inputLayout.setError(null); + mSyncFragment.renameBook(book, name); + + } else { + inputLayout.setError(getString(R.string.can_not_be_empty)); + } + } + + @Override + public void onBookLinkSetRequest(final long bookId) { + final Book book = BooksClient.get(this, bookId); + + Map repos = ReposClient.getAll(this); + + if (repos.size() == 0) { + showSnackbarWithReposLink(getString(R.string.no_repos)); + return; + } + + /* Get all possible values for spinner. */ + List repoList = new ArrayList<>(repos.keySet()); + Collections.sort(repoList); + LinkedHashMap items = new LinkedHashMap<>(); + items.put(getString(R.string.no_link), 0); + for (int i = 0; i < repoList.size(); i++) { + items.put(repoList.get(i), i + 1); + } + + View view = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.dialog_spinner, null, false); + final Spinner spinner = (Spinner) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_spinner); + + ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(spinner.getContext(), R.layout.spinner_item, new ArrayList<>(items.keySet())); + adapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.dropdown_item); + spinner.setAdapter(adapter); + + /* Set spinner to current book's link. */ + if (book.getLink() != null) { + Integer pos = items.get(book.getLink().getRepoUri().toString()); + if (pos != null) { + spinner.setSelection(pos); + } + } + + DialogInterface.OnClickListener dialogClickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { + switch (which) { + case DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE: + Shelf shelf = new Shelf(MainActivity.this); + String repoUrl = (String) spinner.getSelectedItem(); + + if (getString(R.string.no_link).equals(repoUrl)) { + shelf.setLink(book, null); + } else { + shelf.setLink(book, repoUrl); + } + + break; + + case DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE: + break; + } + } + }; + + new AlertDialog.Builder(this) + .setTitle("Link " + MiscUtils.quotedString(book.getName()) + " to repository") + .setView(view) + .setPositiveButton(R.string.set, dialogClickListener) + .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, dialogClickListener) + .show(); + } + + @Override + public void onForceSaveRequest(long bookId) { + mSyncFragment.forceSaveBook(bookId); + } + + @Override + public void onBookSaved(Book book) { + } + + @Override + public void onBookForceSavingFailed(IOException exception) { + } + + @Override + public void onForceLoadRequest(long bookId) { + mSyncFragment.loadBook(bookId); + } + + /** + * Callback from {@link com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.BooksFragment}. + */ + @Override + public void onBookExportRequest(final long bookId) { + actionAfterPermissionGrant = new Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + mSyncFragment.exportBook(bookId); + } + }; + + /* Check for permissions. */ + boolean isGranted = AppPermissions.isGrantedOrRequest(this, AppPermissions.FOR_BOOK_EXPORT); + + if (isGranted) { + actionAfterPermissionGrant.run(); + actionAfterPermissionGrant = null; + } + } + + @Override + public void onBookLoadRequest() { + Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT); + intent.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_OPENABLE); + intent.setType("*/*"); + + /* Allow choosing multiple files. */ + // intent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_ALLOW_MULTIPLE, true); + + startActivityForResult( + Intent.createChooser(intent, getString(R.string.import_org_file)), + ACTIVITY_REQUEST_CODE_FOR_FILE_CHOOSER); + } + + /** + * Clears few preferences' flags. + */ + @Override + public void onGettingStartedNotebookReload() { + importGettingStartedNotebook(); + +// mAppPrefs.setLastUsedVersionCode(0); +// mAppPrefs.setIsGettingStartedNotebookLoaded(false); +// performIntros(); + } + + @Override + public void onWhatsNewDisplayRequest() { + if (mWhatsNewDialog != null) { + mWhatsNewDialog.dismiss(); + } + + mWhatsNewDialog = WhatsNewDialog.create(this); + + mWhatsNewDialog.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() { + @Override + public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) { + mWhatsNewDialog = null; + } + }); + + mWhatsNewDialog.show(); + } + + /** + * Wipe database, after prompting user to confirm. + */ + @Override + public void onDatabaseClearRequest() { + DialogInterface.OnClickListener dialogClickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { + switch (which){ + case DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE: + mDisplayManager.reset(); + mSyncFragment.clearDatabase(); + break; + + case DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE: + break; + } + } + }; + + new AlertDialog.Builder(this) + .setTitle("Database") + .setMessage(R.string.clear_database_dialog_message) + .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, dialogClickListener) + .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, dialogClickListener) + .show(); + } + +// @Override +// public void onRepoSettingsRequest() { +// mDisplayManager.reposSettingsRequest(); +// } + + /** + * Prompt user for book name and then create it. + */ + @Override + public void onBookCreateRequest() { + SimpleOneLinerDialog + .getInstance(DIALOG_NEW_BOOK, "New Notebook", "Name", null, null, "Create", "Cancel", null) + .show(getSupportFragmentManager(), SimpleOneLinerDialog.FRAGMENT_TAG); + } + + @Override /* SyncFragment */ + public void onBookCreated(Book book) { + } + + @Override /* SyncFragment */ + public void onBookCreationFailed(Exception exception) { + showSimpleSnackbarLong(exception.getMessage()); + } + + @Override /* SyncFragment */ + public void onBookLoaded(Book book) { + /* If it's Getting Started notebook, mark that it has been loaded in preferences, + * so we don't try to load it again. + */ + if (book.getName().equals(GETTING_STARTED_NOTEBOOK_NAME)) { + /* If notebook was already previously loaded, user probably requested reload. + * Display a message in that case. + */ + if (AppPreferences.isGettingStartedNotebookLoaded(this)) { + showSimpleSnackbarLong(R.string.getting_started_loaded); + } else { + AppPreferences.isGettingStartedNotebookLoaded(this, true); + } + } + } + + @Override + public void onBookLoadFailed(Exception exception) { + } + + /** + * Sync finished. + * + * Display snackbar with a message. If it makes sense also set action to open a repository.. + * + * @param msg Error message if syncing failed, null if it was successful + */ + @Override + public void onSyncFinished(String msg) { + if (msg != null) { + showSnackbarWithReposLink(getString(R.string.syncing_failed, msg)); + } + } + + @Override /* SyncFragment */ + public void onBookExported(File file) { + showSimpleSnackbarLong("Book exported to " + file.getAbsolutePath()); + } + + /** + * Display snackbar and include link to repositories. + */ + private void showSnackbarWithReposLink(String msg) { + View view = findViewById(R.id.main_content); + + if (view != null) { + showSnackbar(Snackbar.make(view, msg, MiscUtils.SNACKBAR_WITH_ACTION_DURATION) + .setAction(R.string.repositories, new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View view) { + Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); + intent.setClass(MainActivity.this, ReposActivity.class); + startActivity(intent); + } + })); + } + } + + @Override /* SyncFragment */ + public void onBookExportFailed(Exception e) { + showSimpleSnackbarLong("Failed exporting book: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); + } + + @Override + public void onNotesPasteRequest(long bookId, long noteId, Placement placement) { + mSyncFragment.pasteNotes(bookId, noteId, placement); + } + + @Override + public void onNotesPromoteRequest(long bookId, Set noteIds) { + mSyncFragment.promoteNotes(bookId, noteIds); + } + + @Override + public void onNotesDemoteRequest(long bookId, Set noteIds) { + mSyncFragment.demoteNotes(bookId, noteIds); + } + + @Override + public void onNotesPasted(NotesBatch batch) { + String message = getResources().getQuantityString( + R.plurals.notes_pasted, + batch.getCount(), + batch.getCount()); + + showSimpleSnackbarLong(message); + } + + @Override + public void onNotesNotPasted() { + showSimpleSnackbarLong(getResources().getString(R.string.no_notes_pasted)); + } + + @Override /* SyncFragment */ + public void onBookDeleted(Book book) { + showSimpleSnackbarLong(R.string.message_book_deleted); + } + + @Override + public void onBookDeletingFailed(Book book, IOException exception) { + String message = getResources().getString( + R.string.message_deleting_book_failed, + exception.toString()); + + showSimpleSnackbarLong(message); + } + + @Override /* SyncFragment */ + public void onDatabaseCleared() { + } + + @Override + public void onBookClicked(long bookId) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, bookId); + + mDisplayManager.bookRequest(bookId, 0); + } + +// private void animateNotesAfterEdit(Set noteIds) { +// Fragment f; +// +// f = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(BookFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); +// if (f != null && f.isVisible()) { +// BookFragment heads = (BookFragment) f; +// heads.animateNotes(noteIds, HeadAnimator.ANIMATE_FOR_HEAD_MODIFIED); +// } +// +// f = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(QueryFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); +// if (f != null && f.isVisible()) { +// QueryFragment heads = (QueryFragment) f; +// heads.animateNotes(noteIds, HeadAnimator.ANIMATE_FOR_HEAD_MODIFIED); +// } +// } + + @Override /* EditorFragment */ + public void onBookPrefaceEditSaveRequest(Book book) { + popBackStackAndCloseKeyboard(); + mSyncFragment.updateBookSettings(book); + } + + @Override + public void onBookPrefaceEditCancelRequest() { + popBackStackAndCloseKeyboard(); + } + + // TODO: Implement handlers when dialog is created + @Override + public void onSimpleOneLinerDialogValue(int id, String value, Bundle userData) { + switch (id) { + case DIALOG_NEW_BOOK: + mSyncFragment.createNewBook(value); + break; + + case DIALOG_IMPORT_BOOK: + /* We are assuming it's an Org file. */ + Uri uri = Uri.parse(userData.getString("uri")); + importBookFromUri(uri, value, BookName.Format.ORG); + + break; + } + } + + private Book getActiveFragmentBook() { + Fragment f = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(BookFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + + if (f != null && f.isVisible()) { + BookFragment bookFragment = (BookFragment) f; + return bookFragment.getBook(); + } + + return null; + } + + /* + * Action mode + */ + + @Override + public void updateActionModeForSelection(Selection selection, ActionMode.Callback actionMode) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, selection, actionMode); + + if (mActionMode != null) { /* Action menu is already activated. */ + /* Finish action mode if there are no more selected items. */ + if (selection.getCount() == 0) { + mActionMode.finish(); + } else { + mActionMode.invalidate(); + } + + } else { /* No action menu activated - started it. */ + if (selection.getCount() > 0) { + /* Start new action mode. */ + mActionMode = startSupportActionMode(actionMode); + + /* onPrepareActionMode is not being called (any more?) when action mode + * is first created. This causes title to be left empty. This forces + * onPrepareActionMode to be called and title updated. + * + * TODO: Update: Might not be the case any more + * We now get two calls to onPrepareActionMode when action mode is first created. + */ + mActionMode.invalidate(); + } + } + } + + @Override + public ActionMode getActionMode() { + return mActionMode; + } + + @Override + public void actionModeDestroyed() { + mActionMode = null; + } + + private void finishActionMode() { + if (mActionMode != null) { + mActionMode.finish(); + } + } + + /** + * Updates colors, FAB, title and subtitle, all depending on displayed fragment. + */ + @Override + public void announceChanges(String fragmentTag, CharSequence title, CharSequence subTitle, int selectionCount) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, fragmentTag, title, subTitle, selectionCount); + + /* Save titles so they can be restored after drawer open/close. */ + mSavedTitle = title != null ? title : mDefaultTitle; + mSavedSubtitle = subTitle; + + /* Do not set titles if drawer is opened. + * This check is only needed for when drawer is opened for the first time + * programmatically, before fragment got to its onResume(). + */ + if (! mIsDrawerOpen) { + /* Change titles. */ + getSupportActionBar().setTitle(mSavedTitle); + getSupportActionBar().setSubtitle(mSavedSubtitle); + } + + /* Set status and action bar colors depending on the fragment. */ + ActivityUtils.setColorsForFragment(this, fragmentTag); + + /* Notify drawer about currently active fragment. */ + Fragment drawerFragment = getSupportFragmentManager() + .findFragmentByTag(DrawerFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + if (drawerFragment != null) { + ((DrawerFragment) drawerFragment).setActiveFragment(fragmentTag); + } + + /* Update floating action button. */ + MainFab.updateFab(this, fragmentTag, selectionCount); + } + + @Override + public void onFilterNewRequest() { + mDisplayManager.onFilterNewRequest(); + } + + @Override + public void onFilterDeleteRequest(Set ids) { + mSyncFragment.deleteFilters(ids); + } + + @Override + public void onFilterEditRequest(long id) { + mDisplayManager.onFilterEditRequest(id); + } + + @Override + public void onFilterMoveUpRequest(long id) { + mSyncFragment.moveFilterUp(id); + } + + @Override + public void onFilterMoveDownRequest(long id) { + mSyncFragment.moveFilterDown(id); + } + + @Override + public void onFilterCreateRequest(Filter filter) { + popBackStackAndCloseKeyboard(); + mSyncFragment.createFilter(filter); + } + + @Override + public void onFilterUpdateRequest(long id, Filter filter) { + popBackStackAndCloseKeyboard(); + mSyncFragment.updateFilter(id, filter); + } + + @Override + public void onFilterCancelRequest() { + popBackStackAndCloseKeyboard(); + } + +// private void tryDisplayingTooltip() { +// if (mTooltip == null) { +// mTooltip = Tooltips.display(this, mIsDrawerOpen); +// +// if (mTooltip != null) { +// mTooltip.setOnDismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() { +// @Override +// public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) { +// mTooltip = null; +// } +// }); +// } +// } +// } + + @Override + public void onDrawerItemClicked(DrawerFragment.DrawerItem item) { + if (item instanceof DrawerFragment.BooksItem) { + finishActionMode(); + + mDisplayManager.drawerBooksRequest(); + + } else if (item instanceof DrawerFragment.FiltersItem) { + finishActionMode(); + + mDisplayManager.drawerFiltersRequest(); + + } else if (item instanceof DrawerFragment.SettingsItem) { + finishActionMode(); + + mDisplayManager.settingsRequest(); + + } else if (item instanceof DrawerFragment.BookItem) { + mDisplayManager.drawerBookRequest(((DrawerFragment.BookItem) item).id); + + } else if (item instanceof DrawerFragment.FilterItem) { + mDisplayManager.drawerSearchRequest(((DrawerFragment.FilterItem) item).query); + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/MainFab.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/MainFab.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fe70b9d94 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/MainFab.java @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.res.ColorStateList; +import android.support.design.widget.FloatingActionButton; +import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; +import android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity; +import android.view.View; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ActivityUtils; + +public class MainFab { + + /** + * Update FAB's look and action + */ + public static void updateFab(FragmentActivity activity, String fragmentTag, int selectionCount) { + FloatingActionButton fab = (FloatingActionButton) activity.findViewById(R.id.fab); + + if (fab == null) { + return; + } + + Fragment fragment = activity.getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(fragmentTag); + + if (fragment == null) { + fab.hide(); + return; + } + + /* Hide FAB if there are selected notes. */ + if (selectionCount > 0) { + fab.hide(); + return; + } + + + if (fragment instanceof Fab) { + final Runnable fabAction = ((Fab) fragment).getFabAction(); + ActivityUtils.FragmentResources resources = new ActivityUtils.FragmentResources(activity, fragmentTag); + + if (resources.fabDrawable != null && fabAction != null) { + fab.show(); + + fab.setBackgroundTintList(ColorStateList.valueOf(resources.actionColor)); + fab.setImageDrawable(resources.fabDrawable); + + fab.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + fabAction.run(); + } + }); + + } else { + fab.hide(); + } + } else { + fab.hide(); + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/NotePlacement.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/NotePlacement.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b51f60cf2 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/NotePlacement.java @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +/** + * Selected target note. + * Used when pasting or creating new notes. + */ +public class NotePlacement { + private long bookId; + private long noteId; + private Placement placement; + + public NotePlacement(long bookId) { + this.bookId = bookId; + placement = Placement.UNDEFINED; + } + + public NotePlacement(long bookId, long noteId, Placement placement) { + this.bookId = bookId; + this.noteId = noteId; + this.placement = placement; + } + + public long getBookId() { + return bookId; + } + + public long getNoteId() { + return noteId; + } + + public Placement getPlacement() { + return placement; + } + + public String toString() { + return "Book#" + bookId + " Note#" + noteId + " Placement#" + placement; + } +} + diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/NotePrioritySpinner.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/NotePrioritySpinner.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce8b7cd92 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/NotePrioritySpinner.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.widget.Spinner; + +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; + +public class NotePrioritySpinner extends SpinnerValues { + private static final String NO_VALUE_STRING = "—"; + + public NotePrioritySpinner(Context context, Spinner spinner) { + super(context, spinner); + } + + @Override + protected void initValues(Context context) { + mValues.clear(); + + String lastPriority = AppPreferences.minPriority(context); + + if (lastPriority == null || lastPriority.length() != 1) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Last priority must be a character, not " + lastPriority); + } + + /* Add no-priority string. */ + mValues.add(NO_VALUE_STRING); + + /* Add every priority starting from A. */ + for (char alphabet = 'A'; alphabet <= lastPriority.charAt(0); alphabet++) { + mValues.add(String.valueOf(alphabet)); + } + } + + /* + * Update known values, in case they have been changed in Settings. + */ + public void updatePossibleValues(Context context) { + super.updatePossibleValues(context, NO_VALUE_STRING); + } + + public String getCurrentValue() { + return super.getCurrentValue(NO_VALUE_STRING); + } + + @Override + public void setCurrentValue(String val) { + super.setCurrentValue(val != null ? val : NO_VALUE_STRING); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/NoteStateSpinner.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/NoteStateSpinner.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f57cfd4ff --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/NoteStateSpinner.java @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.widget.Spinner; + +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; + +public class NoteStateSpinner extends SpinnerValues { + public static final String NO_STATE_KEYWORD = "NOTE"; + + public NoteStateSpinner(Context context, Spinner spinner) { + super(context, spinner); + } + + @Override + protected void initValues(Context context) { + mValues.clear(); + + mValues.add(NO_STATE_KEYWORD); + + for (String state: AppPreferences.todoKeywordsSet(context)) { + mValues.add(state); + } + + for (String state: AppPreferences.doneKeywordsSet(context)) { + mValues.add(state); + } + } + + /* + * Update known values, in case they have been changed in Settings. + */ + public void updatePossibleValues(Context context) { + super.updatePossibleValues(context, NO_STATE_KEYWORD); + } + + public String getCurrentValue() { + return super.getCurrentValue(NO_STATE_KEYWORD); + } + + @Override + public void setCurrentValue(String val) { + super.setCurrentValue(val != null ? val : NO_STATE_KEYWORD); + } + + public static boolean isSet(String val) { + return val != null && !val.equals(NO_STATE_KEYWORD); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/Placement.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/Placement.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c4590fc55 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/Placement.java @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +/** + * Various actions can be performed relative to the specific item. + * E.g., new note can be created *under* another, pasted *below*, etc. + */ +public enum Placement { + ABOVE, + UNDER, + BELOW, + UNDEFINED +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/ReposActivity.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/ReposActivity.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b5c02afb --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/ReposActivity.java @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +import android.content.Intent; +import android.content.UriMatcher; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.os.AsyncTask; +import android.os.Build; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; +import android.support.v4.provider.DocumentFile; +import android.view.MenuItem; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Shelf; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.ReposClient; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.ContentRepo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.DropboxClient; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.DropboxRepo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.DirectoryRepo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.MockRepo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Repo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.RepoFactory; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.dialogs.SimpleOneLinerDialog; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.FileBrowserFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.DropboxRepoFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.DirectoryRepoFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.ReposFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ActivityUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.UriUtils; + +import java.io.File; + +/** + * Configuring repositories. + */ +public class ReposActivity extends CommonActivity + implements + SimpleOneLinerDialog.SimpleOneLinerDialogListener, + DropboxRepoFragment.DropboxRepoFragmentListener, + DirectoryRepoFragment.DirectoryRepoFragmentListener, + FileBrowserFragment.BrowserFragmentListener, + ReposFragment.ReposFragmentListener { + + public static final String TAG = ReposActivity.class.getName(); + + public static final int ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE_REQUEST_CODE = 0; + + private static final int DIALOG_CREATE_DIRECTORY_ID = 1; + private static final String DIALOG_CREATE_DIRECTORY_ARG_DIRECTORY = "directory"; + + + private Shelf mShelf; + + private DropboxClient mDropboxClient; + + @Override + protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + setContentView(R.layout.activity_repos); + + mShelf = new Shelf(getApplicationContext()); + mDropboxClient = new DropboxClient(getApplicationContext()); + + + /* onOptionsItemSelected() (android.R.id.home) gets called on press. */ + getSupportActionBar().setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); + + // getSupportActionBar().setHomeButtonEnabled(true); + + getSupportActionBar().setTitle(R.string.repositories); + + if (savedInstanceState == null) { + Fragment fragment = ReposFragment.getInstance(); + + getSupportFragmentManager() + .beginTransaction() + .replace(R.id.activity_repos_frame, fragment, ReposFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) + .commit(); + } + } + + @Override + protected void onResume() { + super.onResume(); + + dropboxCompleteAuthentication(); + + ActivityUtils.setColorsForFragment(this, ReposFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + } + + @Override + public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { + switch (item.getItemId()) { + case android.R.id.home: + ActivityUtils.closeSoftKeyboard(this); + super.onBackPressed(); + return true; + + default: + return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); + } + } + + @Override + public void onRepoCreateRequest(Repo repo) { + addRepoUrl(repo.getUri().toString()); + + popBackStackAndCloseKeyboard(); + } + + private void addRepoUrl(final String url) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.addRepoUrl(url); + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + @Override + public void onRepoUpdateRequest(long id, Repo repo) { + updateRepoUrl(id, repo.getUri().toString()); + popBackStackAndCloseKeyboard(); + } + + private void updateRepoUrl(final long id, final String url) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.updateRepoUrl(id, url); + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + @Override + public void onRepoCancelRequest() { + popBackStackAndCloseKeyboard(); + } + + @Override + public void onRepoNewRequest(int id) { + if (id == R.id.repos_options_menu_item_new_dropbox) { + displayRepoFragment(DropboxRepoFragment.getInstance(), DropboxRepoFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + + } else if (id == R.id.repos_options_menu_item_new_external_storage_directory) { + displayRepoFragment(DirectoryRepoFragment.getInstance(), DirectoryRepoFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + + } else { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown repo menu item clicked: " + id); + } + } + + @Override + public void onRepoDeleteRequest(long id) { + deleteRepo(id); + } + + private void deleteRepo(final long id) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.deleteRepo(id); + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + @Override + public void onRepoEditRequest(long id) { + String url = ReposClient.getUrl(this, id); + + Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(this, url); + + if (repo instanceof DropboxRepo || repo instanceof MockRepo) { // TODO: Remove Mock from here + displayRepoFragment(DropboxRepoFragment.getInstance(id), DropboxRepoFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + + } else if (repo instanceof DirectoryRepo || repo instanceof ContentRepo) { + displayRepoFragment(DirectoryRepoFragment.getInstance(id), DirectoryRepoFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + + } else { + showSimpleSnackbarLong(R.string.message_unsupported_repository_type); + } + } + + private void displayRepoFragment(Fragment fragment, String tag) { + getSupportFragmentManager() + .beginTransaction() + .addToBackStack(null) + .replace(R.id.activity_repos_frame, fragment, tag) + .commit(); + } + + /** + * Toggle Dropbox link. Link to Dropbox or unlink from it, depending on current state. + * @return true if there was a change (Dropbox has been unlinked). + */ + @Override + public boolean onDropboxLinkToggleRequest() { + if (mDropboxClient.isLinked()) { + mDropboxClient.unlink(); + showSimpleSnackbarLong(R.string.message_dropbox_unlinked); + return true; + + } else { + mDropboxClient.beginAuthentication(this); + return false; + } + } + + /** + * Complete Dropbox linking. + * After starting Dropbox authentication, user will return to activity. + * We need to finish the process of authentication. + */ + private void dropboxCompleteAuthentication() { + if (! mDropboxClient.isLinked()) { + if (mDropboxClient.finishAuthentication()) { + showSimpleSnackbarLong(R.string.message_dropbox_linked); + } + } + } + @Override + public boolean isDropboxLinked() { + return mDropboxClient.isLinked(); + } + + @Override + public void onBrowseDirectories(String dir) { + if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { + Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE); + startActivityForResult(intent, ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE_REQUEST_CODE); + + } else { + getSupportFragmentManager() + .beginTransaction() + .addToBackStack(null) + .replace(R.id.activity_repos_frame, FileBrowserFragment.getInstance(dir), FileBrowserFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) + .commit(); + } + } + + @Override + public void browserCancelRequest() { + getSupportFragmentManager().popBackStack(); + } + + @Override + public void browserCreateRequest(String currentItem) { + Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); + bundle.putString(DIALOG_CREATE_DIRECTORY_ARG_DIRECTORY, currentItem); + + SimpleOneLinerDialog + .getInstance(DIALOG_CREATE_DIRECTORY_ID, "Name", null, null, null, "Create", "Cancel", bundle) + .show(getSupportFragmentManager(), SimpleOneLinerDialog.FRAGMENT_TAG); + } + + @Override + public void browserUseRequest(String item) { + DirectoryRepoFragment fragment = + (DirectoryRepoFragment) getSupportFragmentManager() + .findFragmentByTag(DirectoryRepoFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + + Uri uri = UriUtils.uriFromPath(DirectoryRepo.SCHEME, item); + + fragment.updateUri(uri); + + getSupportFragmentManager().popBackStack(); + } + + @Override + public void onSimpleOneLinerDialogValue(int id, String value, Bundle bundle) { + String currentDir = bundle.getString(DIALOG_CREATE_DIRECTORY_ARG_DIRECTORY); + + File file = new File(currentDir, value); + + if (file.mkdir()) { + Fragment f = getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(FileBrowserFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + + if (f != null) { + FileBrowserFragment fragment = (FileBrowserFragment) f; + fragment.refresh(); + } + + } else { + String message = getResources().getString( + R.string.failed_creating_directory, + file.toString()); + + showSimpleSnackbarLong(message); + } + } + + @Override + protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, requestCode, resultCode, data); + + switch (requestCode) { + case ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE_REQUEST_CODE: + if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) { + Uri treeUri = data.getData(); + DocumentFile docFile = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(this, treeUri); + + DirectoryRepoFragment fragment = + (DirectoryRepoFragment) getSupportFragmentManager() + .findFragmentByTag(DirectoryRepoFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + + fragment.updateUri(treeUri); + } + + break; + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/Selection.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/Selection.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2910ef0a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/Selection.java @@ -0,0 +1,93 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.view.View; + +import com.orgzly.R; + +import java.util.TreeSet; + +public class Selection { + private static final String SAVED_BUNDLE_KEY = "list_of_selected_ids"; + + /** IDs of selected notes. */ + private TreeSet mSelectedIds = new TreeSet<>(); + + public void updateView(View view, long noteId) { + if (mSelectedIds.contains(noteId)) { + view.setBackgroundResource(R.color.item_head_selected_bg); + } else { + view.setBackgroundResource(0); + } + } + + public int getCount() { + return mSelectedIds.size(); + } + + public TreeSet getIds() { + return mSelectedIds; + } + + public boolean contains(long noteId) { + return mSelectedIds.contains(noteId); + } + + public void select(long noteId) { + mSelectedIds.add(noteId); + } + + public void deselect(long noteId) { + mSelectedIds.remove(noteId); + } + + public void toggle(View view, long noteId) { + if (contains(noteId)) { + deselect(noteId); + } else { + select(noteId); + } + + if (view != null) { + updateView(view, noteId); + } + } + + public void clearSelection() { + mSelectedIds.clear(); + } + + /** + * Save selected items. + * Restored with {@link Selection#restoreIds(android.os.Bundle)}. + */ + public void saveIds(Bundle bundle) { + if (getCount() > 0) { + long[] idsArray = new long[mSelectedIds.size()]; + int i = 0; + for (long id: mSelectedIds) { + idsArray[i++] = id; + } + bundle.putLongArray(SAVED_BUNDLE_KEY, idsArray); + } else { + bundle.remove(SAVED_BUNDLE_KEY); + } + } + + /** + * Restore selected items. + * Saved with {@link Selection#saveIds(android.os.Bundle)}. + */ + public void restoreIds(Bundle bundle) { + mSelectedIds.clear(); + + if (bundle != null && bundle.containsKey(SAVED_BUNDLE_KEY)) { + long[] ids = bundle.getLongArray(SAVED_BUNDLE_KEY); + if (ids != null) { + for (long id : ids) { + mSelectedIds.add(id); + } + } + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/ShareActivity.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/ShareActivity.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c3001dca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/ShareActivity.java @@ -0,0 +1,376 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +import android.content.Intent; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.os.AsyncTask; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.view.View; +import android.widget.AdapterView; +import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; +import android.widget.Spinner; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.NotesBatch; +import com.orgzly.android.Note; +import com.orgzly.android.Shelf; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.NoteFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.SyncFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ActivityUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.util.List; +import java.util.Set; + +/** + * Activity started when shared to Orgzly. + * + * TODO: Resuming - intent will stay the same. + * If activity is not finished (by save, cancel or pressing back), next share will resume the + * activity and the intent will stay the same. Other apps seem to have the same problem and + * it's not a common scenario, but it should be fixed. + */ +public class ShareActivity extends CommonActivity + implements + NoteFragment.NoteFragmentListener, + SyncFragment.SyncFragmentListener { + + public static final String TAG = ShareActivity.class.getName(); + + /** + * This book is created if none exist. Probably a temporary solution, + * until implementing the ability to create a book. + */ + private static final String CREATED_BOOK_NAME_IF_NONE_EXIST = "Share"; + + /** Shared text files are read and their content is stored as note content. */ + private static final long MAX_TEXT_FILE_LENGTH_FOR_CONTENT = 1024 * 1024 * 2; // 2 MB + + private static final String SPINNER_POSITION_KEY = "position"; + + private SyncFragment mSyncFragment; + private NoteFragment mNoteFragment; + + private Spinner mBooksSpinner; + + @Override + protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + + setContentView(R.layout.activity_share); + + getSupportActionBar().setTitle(R.string.new_note); + + /* Set status and action bar colors depending on the fragment. */ + ActivityUtils.setColorsForFragment(this, null); + + + Data data = getDataFromIntent(getIntent()); + + setupFragments(savedInstanceState, data); + + setupBooksSpinner(savedInstanceState); + + setupBooksSpinnerAdapter(savedInstanceState); + } + + public Data getDataFromIntent(Intent intent) { + Data data = new Data(); + + String action = intent.getAction(); + String type = intent.getType(); + + if (action == null) { + data.title = getString(R.string.share_action_not_set); + + } else if (type == null) { + data.title = getString(R.string.share_type_not_set); + + } else if (action.equals(Intent.ACTION_SEND)) { + if (type.startsWith("text/")) { + + if (intent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT)) { + data.title = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT); + + } else if (intent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM)) { + Uri uri = intent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM); + + data.title = uri.getLastPathSegment(); + + /* + * Store file's content as note content. + */ + try { + File file = new File(uri.getPath()); + + /* Don't read large files. */ + if (file.length() > MAX_TEXT_FILE_LENGTH_FOR_CONTENT) { + data.content = "File has " + file.length() + + " bytes (refusing to read files larger then " + + MAX_TEXT_FILE_LENGTH_FOR_CONTENT + " bytes)"; + + } else { + data.content = MiscUtils.readStringFromFile(file); + } + + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + data.content = "Failed reading the content of " + uri.toString() + ": " + e.toString(); + } + } + + if (data.title != null && data.content == null && intent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT)) { + data.content = data.title; + data.title = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT); + } + + } else { + data.title = getString(R.string.share_type_not_supported, type); + } + + } else if (action.equals("com.google.android.gm.action.AUTO_SEND")) { + if (type.startsWith("text/") && intent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT)) { + data.title = intent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT); + } + + } else { + data.title = getString(R.string.share_action_not_supported, action); + } + + /* Make sure that title is never empty. */ + if (data.title == null) { + data.title = "No text (type " + type + " action " + action + ")"; + } + + return data; + } + + private void setupBooksSpinnerAdapter(final Bundle savedInstanceState) { + new AsyncTask>() { + @Override + protected List doInBackground(Void... params) { + return getBooksList(); + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(List books) { + ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(ShareActivity.this, R.layout.spinner_item, books); + + adapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.dropdown_item); + + mBooksSpinner.setAdapter(adapter); + + if (savedInstanceState != null && savedInstanceState.containsKey(SPINNER_POSITION_KEY)) { + mBooksSpinner.setSelection(savedInstanceState.getInt(SPINNER_POSITION_KEY, 0)); + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + private void setupFragments(Bundle savedInstanceState, Data data) { + /* Setup fragments. */ + if (savedInstanceState == null) { /* Create and add fragments. */ + + mSyncFragment = SyncFragment.getInstance(); + getSupportFragmentManager() + .beginTransaction() + .add(mSyncFragment, SyncFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) + .commit(); + + mNoteFragment = NoteFragment.getInstance(true, 0, 0, Placement.UNDEFINED, data.title, data.content); + getSupportFragmentManager() + .beginTransaction() + .replace(R.id.activity_share_main, mNoteFragment, NoteFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG) + .commit(); + + } else { /* Get existing fragments. */ + mSyncFragment = (SyncFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(SyncFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + mNoteFragment = (NoteFragment) getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(NoteFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + } + } + + private void setupBooksSpinner(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + + mBooksSpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.activity_share_books_spinner); + + /* On spinner book select - update note's book. */ + mBooksSpinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() { + @Override + public void onItemSelected(AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, mBooksSpinner.getSelectedItem(), mNoteFragment); + + if (mBooksSpinner.getSelectedItem() != null) { + Book book = (Book) mBooksSpinner.getSelectedItem(); + + if (book != null && mNoteFragment != null) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Setting book for fragment", book); + + mNoteFragment.setBook(book); + } + } + } + + @Override + public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView parent) { + } + }); + } + + @Override + protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { + super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); + + if (mBooksSpinner != null && mBooksSpinner.getSelectedItem() != null) { + outState.putInt(SPINNER_POSITION_KEY, mBooksSpinner.getSelectedItemPosition()); + } + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, outState); + } + + /** + * Collects list of books from database. + * If there are no books available, create one. + */ + private List getBooksList() { + Shelf shelf = new Shelf(this); + + List books = shelf.getBooks(); + + if (books.size() == 0) { + try { + Book book = shelf.createBook(CREATED_BOOK_NAME_IF_NONE_EXIST); + books.add(book); + } catch (IOException e) { + // TODO: Test and handle better. + e.printStackTrace(); + finish(); + } + } + + return books; + } + + @Override + public void announceChanges(String fragmentTag, CharSequence title, CharSequence subTitle, int selectionCount) { + } + + @Override + public void onNoteCreateRequest(Note note, NotePlacement notePlacement) { + mSyncFragment.createNote(note, notePlacement); + } + + @Override + public void onNoteUpdateRequest(Note note) { + } + + @Override + public void onNoteCancelRequest(Note note) { + finish(); + } + + @Override + public void onNoteDeleteRequest(Note note) { + } + + @Override + public void onBookCreated(Book book) { + } + + @Override + public void onBookCreationFailed(Exception exception) { + } + + @Override + public void onBookLoaded(Book book) { + } + + @Override + public void onBookLoadFailed(Exception exception) { + } + + @Override + public void onBookSaved(Book book) { + } + + @Override + public void onBookForceSavingFailed(IOException exception) { + } + + @Override + public void onSyncFinished(String msg) { + } + + @Override + public void onBookExported(File file) { + } + + @Override + public void onBookExportFailed(Exception exception) { + } + + @Override + public void onNotesPasted(NotesBatch batch) { + } + + @Override + public void onNotesNotPasted() { + } + + @Override + public void onDatabaseCleared() { + } + + @Override + public void onBookDeleted(Book book) { + } + + @Override + public void onBookDeletingFailed(Book book, IOException exception) { + } + + @Override + public void onScheduledTimeUpdated(Set noteIds, OrgDateTime time) { + } + + @Override + public void onStateChanged(Set noteIds, String state) { + } + + @Override + public void onNoteCreated(Note note, NotePlacement notePlacement) { + finish(); + } + + @Override + public void onNoteCreatingFailed() { + } + + @Override + public void onNoteUpdated(Note note) { + } + + @Override + public void onNoteUpdatingFailed(Note note) { + } + + @Override + public void onNotesDeleted(int count) { + } + + @Override + public void onNotesCut(int count) { + } + + private class Data { + String title; + String content; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/SpinnerValues.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/SpinnerValues.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27ae5c033 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/SpinnerValues.java @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.support.v7.widget.AppCompatSpinner; +import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; +import android.widget.Spinner; + +import com.orgzly.R; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; + +public abstract class SpinnerValues { + protected Spinner mSpinner; + + protected List mValues; + + /** + * @param spinner {@link Spinner} {@code View} to use. If {@code null}, one will be created + */ + public SpinnerValues(Context context, Spinner spinner) { + /* Create Spinner View, if one is not provided. */ + if (spinner != null) { + mSpinner = spinner; + } else { + mSpinner = new AppCompatSpinner(context); + } + + mValues = new ArrayList<>(); + + initValues(context); + + setAdapter(); + } + + abstract protected void initValues(Context context); + + protected void setAdapter() { + if (mSpinner.getContext() == null) { + throw new IllegalStateException("Spinner's Context is null"); + } + + /* Create adapter. */ + ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter<>( + mSpinner.getContext(), + R.layout.spinner_item, + mValues); + + adapter.setDropDownViewResource(R.layout.dropdown_item); + + /* Set adapter for Spinner. */ + mSpinner.setAdapter(adapter); + } + + public Spinner getSpinner() { + return mSpinner; + } + + public List getValues() { + return mValues; + } + + /** + * @return current selected state or {@code null} + */ + protected String getCurrentValue(String noValueString) { + String spinnerVal = (String) getSpinner().getSelectedItem(); + + if (spinnerVal == null || noValueString.equals(spinnerVal)) { + return null; + } else { + return spinnerVal; + } + } + + protected void setCurrentValue(String val) { + int pos = mValues.indexOf(val); + + /* If value is missing from current adapter, create a new adapter and update the Spinner. */ + if (pos == -1) { + /* Re-initialize values. */ + initValues(mSpinner.getContext()); + + /* Add missing value. */ + mValues.add(val); + + setAdapter(); + } + + /* Try again. */ + pos = mValues.indexOf(val); + + mSpinner.setSelection(pos); + } + + /** + * Update with known values, in case they have been changed in Settings. + */ + public void updatePossibleValues(Context context, String noValueString) { + /* Get the current value. */ + String currentValue = getCurrentValue(noValueString); + + initValues(context); + + setAdapter(); + + /* Restore the current value. */ + setCurrentValue(currentValue); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/ViewHolder.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/ViewHolder.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8d4078a4b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/ViewHolder.java @@ -0,0 +1,82 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui; + +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.TextView; +import android.widget.ViewFlipper; + +import com.orgzly.R; + +/** + * + */ +public class ViewHolder /* extends RecyclerView.ViewHolder */ { + private static final String TAG = ViewHolder.class.getName(); + + public View container; + + public TextView bookNameLeftFromNoteText; + public View bookNameUnderNote; + public TextView bookNameUnderNoteText; + + public ViewGroup indentContainer; + + public TextView bullet; + + public TextView title; + public View payload; + + public View scheduled; + public TextView scheduledText; + + public View deadline; + public TextView deadlineText; + + public View closed; + public TextView closedText; + + public TextView content; + + public ViewGroup menuContainer; + public ViewFlipper menuFlipper; + + public View foldButton; + public TextView foldButtonText; + + /** + * Find all views from passed container. + */ + public ViewHolder(View itemView) { + // super(itemView); + + container = itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_container); + + bookNameLeftFromNoteText = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_book_name_before_note_text); + bookNameUnderNote = itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_book_name); + bookNameUnderNoteText = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_book_name_text); + + indentContainer = (ViewGroup) itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_indent_container); + bullet = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_bullet); + + payload = itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_payload); + + title = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_title); + + scheduled = itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_scheduled); + scheduledText = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_scheduled_text); + + deadline = itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_deadline); + deadlineText = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_deadline_text); + + closed = itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_closed); + closedText = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_closed_text); + + content = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_content); + + menuContainer = (ViewGroup) itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_menu_container); + menuFlipper = (ViewFlipper) itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_menu_flipper); + + foldButton = itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_fold_button); + foldButtonText = (TextView) itemView.findViewById(R.id.item_head_fold_button_text); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/dialogs/RepeaterPickerDialog.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/dialogs/RepeaterPickerDialog.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..7505965c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/dialogs/RepeaterPickerDialog.java @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.dialogs; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.DialogInterface; +import android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.v7.app.AlertDialog; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.View; +import android.widget.NumberPicker; +import android.widget.TextView; +import android.widget.TimePicker; +import android.widget.TimePicker.OnTimeChangedListener; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgInterval; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgRepeater; + + +/** + * A dialog that prompts the user for the repeater. + */ +public class RepeaterPickerDialog extends AlertDialog + implements OnClickListener, OnTimeChangedListener { + + private static final String TYPE = "type"; + private static final String UNIT = "unit"; + private static final String VALUE = "value"; + + private final NumberPicker mRepeaterType; + private final NumberPicker mRepeaterValue; + private final NumberPicker mRepeaterUnit; + private final TextView mRepeaterDesc; + + private final OnRepeaterSetListener mRepeaterSetCallback; + + /** + * The callback interface used to indicate the user is done filling in + * the time (they clicked on the 'Done' button). + */ + public interface OnRepeaterSetListener { + + /** + * @param repeater + */ + void onRepeaterSet(OrgRepeater repeater); + } + + /** + * @param context Parent. + * @param callBack How parent is notified. + + */ + public RepeaterPickerDialog(Context context, OnRepeaterSetListener callBack, String repeaterStr) { + this(context, 0, callBack, repeaterStr); + } + + /** + * @param context Parent. + * @param theme the theme to apply to this dialog + * @param callBack How parent is notified. + */ + public RepeaterPickerDialog(Context context, int theme, OnRepeaterSetListener callBack, String repeaterStr) { + super(context); + + mRepeaterSetCallback = callBack; + + final Context themeContext = getContext(); + final LayoutInflater inflater = LayoutInflater.from(themeContext); + final View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.dialog_repeater, null); + setView(view); + setButton(BUTTON_POSITIVE, themeContext.getString(R.string.ok), this); + setButton(BUTTON_NEGATIVE, themeContext.getString(R.string.cancel), this); + + + String[] types = getContext().getResources().getStringArray(R.array.repeater_types); + String[] units = getContext().getResources().getStringArray(R.array.time_units); + + mRepeaterType = (NumberPicker) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_repeater_type); + mRepeaterType.setMinValue(0); + mRepeaterType.setMaxValue(types.length - 1); + mRepeaterType.setDisplayedValues(types); + + mRepeaterType.setOnValueChangedListener(new NumberPicker.OnValueChangeListener() { + @Override + public void onValueChange(NumberPicker picker, int oldVal, int newVal) { + updateRepeaterDescription(newVal); + } + }); + + mRepeaterValue = (NumberPicker) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_repeater_value); + mRepeaterValue.setMinValue(1); + mRepeaterValue.setMaxValue(100); + mRepeaterValue.setWrapSelectorWheel(false); + + mRepeaterUnit = (NumberPicker) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_repeater_unit); + mRepeaterUnit.setMinValue(0); + mRepeaterUnit.setMaxValue(units.length - 1); + mRepeaterUnit.setDisplayedValues(units); + mRepeaterUnit.setWrapSelectorWheel(false); + + mRepeaterDesc = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_repeater_description); + + setViewsFromString(repeaterStr); + + setTitle(R.string.repeat_dialog_title); + } + + + private void updateRepeaterDescription(int newVal) { + mRepeaterDesc.setText(getContext().getResources().getStringArray(R.array.repeater_types_desc)[newVal]); + } + + @Override + public void onTimeChanged(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute) { + /* do nothing */ + } + + @Override + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { + switch (which) { + case BUTTON_POSITIVE: + if (mRepeaterSetCallback != null) { + OrgRepeater repeater = getRepeaterFromViews(); + + mRepeaterSetCallback.onRepeaterSet(repeater); + } + break; + + case BUTTON_NEGATIVE: + cancel(); + break; + } + } + + private void setViewsFromString(String repeaterValue) { + OrgRepeater repeater = OrgRepeater.getInstance(repeaterValue); + + mRepeaterType.setValue(repeater.getType().ordinal()); + + /* Increase the maximum if needed. */ + if (mRepeaterValue.getMaxValue() < repeater.getValue()) { + mRepeaterValue.setMaxValue(repeater.getValue()); + + /* Has to be called after setting minimum and maximum values, + * per http://stackoverflow.com/a/21065844 + */ + mRepeaterValue.setWrapSelectorWheel(false); + } + + mRepeaterValue.setValue(repeater.getValue()); + + mRepeaterUnit.setValue(repeater.getUnit().ordinal()); + + updateRepeaterDescription(mRepeaterType.getValue()); + } + + private OrgRepeater getRepeaterFromViews() { + OrgRepeater.Type type; + int value; + OrgInterval.Unit unit; + + switch (mRepeaterType.getValue()) { + case 0: + type = OrgRepeater.Type.CUMULATE; + break; + case 1: + type = OrgRepeater.Type.CATCH_UP; + break; + case 2: + type = OrgRepeater.Type.RESTART; + break; + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected spinner position for current repeater type: " + mRepeaterType.getValue()); + } + + value = mRepeaterValue.getValue(); + + switch (mRepeaterUnit.getValue()) { + case 0: + unit = OrgInterval.Unit.HOUR; + break; + case 1: + unit = OrgInterval.Unit.DAY; + break; + case 2: + unit = OrgInterval.Unit.WEEK; + break; + case 3: + unit = OrgInterval.Unit.MONTH; + break; + case 4: + unit = OrgInterval.Unit.YEAR; + break; + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unexpected spinner position for current repeater unit: " + mRepeaterType.getValue()); + } + + return OrgRepeater.getInstance(type, value, unit); + } + + /** + * Sets the current time. + + */ +// public void updateTime(int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour) { +// mTimePicker.setCurrentHour(hourOfDay); +// mTimePicker.setCurrentMinute(minuteOfHour); +// } + + @Override + public Bundle onSaveInstanceState() { + final Bundle state = super.onSaveInstanceState(); + + state.putInt(TYPE, mRepeaterType.getValue()); + state.putInt(VALUE, mRepeaterValue.getValue()); + state.putInt(UNIT, mRepeaterUnit.getValue()); + + return state; + } + + @Override + public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + super.onRestoreInstanceState(savedInstanceState); + + mRepeaterType.setValue(savedInstanceState.getInt(TYPE)); + mRepeaterValue.setValue(savedInstanceState.getInt(VALUE)); + mRepeaterUnit.setValue(savedInstanceState.getInt(UNIT)); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/dialogs/SimpleOneLinerDialog.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/dialogs/SimpleOneLinerDialog.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..42027b697 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/dialogs/SimpleOneLinerDialog.java @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.dialogs; + +import android.annotation.SuppressLint; +import android.app.Activity; +import android.app.AlertDialog; +import android.app.Dialog; +import android.content.DialogInterface; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment; +import android.text.TextUtils; +import android.view.KeyEvent; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.WindowManager; +import android.widget.EditText; +import android.widget.TextView; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ActivityUtils; + +public class SimpleOneLinerDialog extends DialogFragment { + private static final String ARG_ID = "id"; + private static final String ARG_TITLE = "title"; + private static final String ARG_HINT = "hint"; + private static final String ARG_VALUE = "value"; + private static final String ARG_DESCRIPTION = "description"; + private static final String ARG_POSITIVE_BUTTON_TEXT = "pos"; + private static final String ARG_NEGATIVE_BUTTON_TEXT = "neg"; + private static final String ARG_USER_DATA = "bundle"; + + /** Name used for {@link android.app.FragmentManager}. */ + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = SimpleOneLinerDialog.class.getName(); + + private SimpleOneLinerDialogListener mListener; + + private int mId; + private String mTitle; + private String mHint; + private String mValue; + private String mDescription; + private String mPositiveButtonText; + private String mNegativeButtonText; + private Bundle mUserData; + + public static SimpleOneLinerDialog getInstance(int id, String title, String hint, String value, String description, String positiveButtonText, String negativeButtonText, Bundle userData) { + SimpleOneLinerDialog dialog = new SimpleOneLinerDialog(); + + Bundle args = new Bundle(); + + if (title != null) { + args.putString(ARG_TITLE, title); + } + + if (hint != null) { + args.putString(ARG_HINT, hint); + } + + if (value != null) { + args.putString(ARG_VALUE, value); + } + + if (description != null) { + args.putString(ARG_DESCRIPTION, description); + } + + args.putInt(ARG_ID, id); + + if (userData != null) { + args.putBundle(ARG_USER_DATA, userData); + } + + args.putString(ARG_POSITIVE_BUTTON_TEXT, positiveButtonText); + args.putString(ARG_NEGATIVE_BUTTON_TEXT, negativeButtonText); + + dialog.setArguments(args); + + return dialog; + } + + @Override + public void onAttach(Activity activity) { + super.onAttach(activity); + + /* This makes sure that the container activity has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + try { + mListener = (SimpleOneLinerDialogListener) activity; + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(activity.toString() + " must implement " + SimpleOneLinerDialogListener.class); + } + + + if (getArguments() == null || !getArguments().containsKey(ARG_TITLE)) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException(SimpleOneLinerDialog.class.getSimpleName() + + " must have title passed as an argument"); + } + + mId = getArguments().getInt(ARG_ID); + mTitle = getArguments().getString(ARG_TITLE); + mHint = getArguments().getString(ARG_HINT); + mValue = getArguments().getString(ARG_VALUE); + mDescription = getArguments().getString(ARG_DESCRIPTION); + mUserData = getArguments().getBundle(ARG_USER_DATA); + + mPositiveButtonText = getArguments().getString(ARG_POSITIVE_BUTTON_TEXT); + mNegativeButtonText = getArguments().getString(ARG_NEGATIVE_BUTTON_TEXT); + } + + @Override + public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + LayoutInflater inflater = getActivity().getLayoutInflater(); + + @SuppressLint("InflateParams") final View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.dialog_simple_one_liner, null, false); + + final EditText input = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_input); + + if (mHint != null) { + input.setHint(mHint); + } + + if (mValue != null) { + input.setText(mValue); + } + + + TextView description = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_description); + if (mDescription != null) { + description.setText(mDescription); + description.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } else { + description.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + final AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()) + .setTitle(mTitle) + .setView(view) + .setPositiveButton(mPositiveButtonText, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { + if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(input.getText())) { + mListener.onSimpleOneLinerDialogValue(mId, input.getText().toString().trim(), mUserData); + } + + /* Closing due to used android:windowSoftInputMode="stateUnchanged" */ + ActivityUtils.closeSoftKeyboard(getActivity()); + } + }) + .setNegativeButton(mNegativeButtonText, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) { + /* Closing due to used android:windowSoftInputMode="stateUnchanged" */ + ActivityUtils.closeSoftKeyboard(getActivity()); + } + }) + .create(); + + /* Perform positive button click on keyboard action press. */ + input.setOnEditorActionListener(new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() { + @Override + public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) { + dialog.getButton(DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE).performClick(); + return true; + } + }); + + ActivityUtils.openSoftKeyboard(getActivity(), input); + + return dialog; + } + + public interface SimpleOneLinerDialogListener { + void onSimpleOneLinerDialogValue(int id, String value, Bundle bundle); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/dialogs/TimestampDialogFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/dialogs/TimestampDialogFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..576d3be54 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/dialogs/TimestampDialogFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,586 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.dialogs; + +import android.annotation.SuppressLint; +import android.app.AlertDialog; +import android.app.DatePickerDialog; +import android.app.Dialog; +import android.app.TimePickerDialog; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.DialogInterface; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.View; +import android.widget.Button; +import android.widget.CompoundButton; +import android.widget.DatePicker; +import android.widget.TimePicker; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.OrgTimeUserFormatter; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgRepeater; + +import java.util.Calendar; +import java.util.TreeSet; + +public class TimestampDialogFragment extends DialogFragment { + private static final String TAG = TimestampDialogFragment.class.getName(); + + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = TimestampDialogFragment.class.getName(); + + private static final String ARG_DIALOG_ID = "id"; + private static final String ARG_TITLE = "title"; + private static final String ARG_NOTE_IDS = "note_ids"; + private static final String ARG_TIME = "time"; + + private static final String ARG_YEAR = "year"; + private static final String ARG_MONTH = "month"; + private static final String ARG_DAY = "day"; + + private static final String ARG_USE_TIME = "use_time"; + private static final String ARG_HOUR = "hour"; + private static final String ARG_MINUTE = "minute"; + + private static final String ARG_USE_REPEAT = "use_repeat"; + private static final String ARG_IS_ACTIVE = "is_active"; + + private static final String ARG_USE_END_TIME = "use_end_time"; + private static final String ARG_END_TIME_HOUR = "end_time_hour"; + private static final String ARG_END_TIME_MINUTE = "end_time_minute"; + + private AlertDialog mDialog; + + /** Use by caller to know what's the timestamp for (scheduled, deadline, etc.). */ + private int mId; + + private TreeSet mNoteIds; + + private OnDateTimeSetListener mActivityListener; + private Context mContext; + private OrgTimeUserFormatter mOrgTimeUserFormatter; + + + /* + * Buttons. + */ + + private CompoundButton mIsActive; + + private Button mDate; + + private Button mTimePicker; + private CompoundButton mIsTimeUsed; + + private Button mRepeaterPicker; + private CompoundButton mIsRepeaterUsed; + + private Button mEndTimePicker; + private CompoundButton mEndTime; + + /* + * + */ + + private int mCurrentYear; + private int mCurrentMonth; + private int mCurrentDay; + + private int mCurrentHour; + private int mCurrentMinute; + // private EditText mRepeatValue; +// private Spinner mRepeatUnit; + private int mCurrentEndTimeHour; + private int mCurrentEndTimeMinute; + + + /* Without these, if creating local variables, getting: + * + * 11-05 19:44:20.080 E/WindowManager( 4250): android.view.WindowLeaked: + * Activity com.orgzly.android.ui.MainActivity has leaked window + * com.android.internal.policy.impl.PhoneWindow$DecorView{2a02b17e V.E..... R.....I. 0,0-800,442} + * that was originally added here + */ + private DatePickerDialog mDatePickerDialog; + private TimePickerDialog mTimePickerDialog; + private RepeaterPickerDialog mRepeaterPickerDialog; + private TimePickerDialog mEndTimePickerDialog; + + /** + * @param id unique ID passed to every callback method. Useful for identifying dialog's invoker + * @param time + * @return + */ + public static TimestampDialogFragment getInstance(int id, int title, long noteId, OrgDateTime time) { + TreeSet noteIds = new TreeSet<>(); + noteIds.add(noteId); + + return TimestampDialogFragment.getInstance(id, title, noteIds, time); + } + + public static TimestampDialogFragment getInstance(int id, int title, TreeSet noteIds, OrgDateTime time) { + TimestampDialogFragment fragment = new TimestampDialogFragment(); + + /* Set arguments for fragment. */ + Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); + + bundle.putInt(ARG_DIALOG_ID, id); + bundle.putInt(ARG_TITLE, title); + bundle.putLongArray(ARG_NOTE_IDS, toArray(noteIds)); + + if (time != null) { + bundle.putString(ARG_TIME, time.toString()); + } + + fragment.setArguments(bundle); + + return fragment; + } + + private static long[] toArray(TreeSet set) { + int i = 0; + long[] result = new long[set.size()]; + + for (long e : set) { + result[i++] = e; + } + + return result; + } + + @Override + public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle state) { + super.onSaveInstanceState(state); + + state.putInt(ARG_YEAR, mCurrentYear); + state.putInt(ARG_MONTH, mCurrentMonth); + state.putInt(ARG_DAY, mCurrentDay); + + state.putBoolean(ARG_USE_TIME, mIsTimeUsed.isChecked()); + state.putInt(ARG_HOUR, mCurrentHour); + state.putInt(ARG_MINUTE, mCurrentMinute); + + state.putBoolean(ARG_USE_REPEAT, mIsRepeaterUsed.isChecked()); + state.putBoolean(ARG_IS_ACTIVE, mIsActive.isChecked()); + + state.putBoolean(ARG_USE_END_TIME, mEndTime.isChecked()); + state.putInt(ARG_END_TIME_HOUR, mCurrentEndTimeHour); + state.putInt(ARG_END_TIME_MINUTE, mCurrentEndTimeMinute); + } + + @Override + public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + } + + /** + * Create a new instance of a dialog. + */ + @Override + public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + + + mOrgTimeUserFormatter = new OrgTimeUserFormatter(getActivity()); + + /* This makes sure that the fragment has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + if (!(getTargetFragment() instanceof OnDateTimeSetListener)) { + throw new IllegalStateException("Fragment " + getTargetFragment() + " must implement " + OnDateTimeSetListener.class); + } + mActivityListener = (OnDateTimeSetListener) getTargetFragment(); + + + mContext = getActivity(); + mId = getArguments().getInt(ARG_DIALOG_ID); + + mNoteIds = new TreeSet<>(); + for (long e : getArguments().getLongArray(ARG_NOTE_IDS)) { + mNoteIds.add(e); + } + + LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getActivity().getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); + @SuppressLint("InflateParams") View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.dialog_timestamp, null, false); + + + mIsActive = (CompoundButton) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_is_active); + + mDate = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_date_picker); + + mTimePicker = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_time_picker); + mIsTimeUsed = (CompoundButton) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_time); + + mRepeaterPicker = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_repeater); + mIsRepeaterUsed = (CompoundButton) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_repeat); + + mEndTimePicker = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_end_time_picker); + mEndTime = (CompoundButton) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_end_time); + + /* + * Also make labels toggle the compound buttons. + */ + + view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_is_active_label).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + mIsActive.toggle(); + } + }); + +// view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_time_label).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { +// @Override +// public void onClick(View v) { +// mIsTimeUsed.toggle(); +// } +// }); +// +// view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_repeat_label).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { +// @Override +// public void onClick(View v) { +// mIsRepeaterUsed.toggle(); +// } +// }); +// +// view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_end_time_label).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { +// @Override +// public void onClick(View v) { +// mEndTime.toggle(); +// } +// }); + + +// mRepeatValue = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_repeat_value); +// mRepeatUnit = (Spinner) view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_repeat_unit); + + + /* Set before toggle buttons are setup, as they trigger dialog title update .*/ + setValues(OrgDateTime.getInstanceOrNull(getArguments().getString(ARG_TIME))); + +// mDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(new ContextThemeWrapper(mContext, R.style.TimestampDialog)) + mDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(mContext) + .setTitle(getArguments().getInt(ARG_TITLE)) + .setView(view) + .setPositiveButton("Set", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { + if (mActivityListener != null) { + OrgDateTime time = getCurrentOrgTime(); + mActivityListener.onDateTimeSet(mId, mNoteIds, time); + } + } + }) + .setNeutralButton("Clear", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { + if (mActivityListener != null) { + mActivityListener.onDateTimeCleared(mId, mNoteIds); + } + } + }) + .setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { + if (mActivityListener != null) { + mActivityListener.onDateTimeAborted(mId, mNoteIds); + } + } + }) + .create(); + + setupDateShortcutsButtons(view); + setupPickerButtons(); + setupToggleButtons(); + + restoreState(savedInstanceState); + + setViewsFromCurrentValues(); + + return mDialog; + } + + private void restoreState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (savedInstanceState != null) { + mCurrentYear = savedInstanceState.getInt(ARG_YEAR); + mCurrentMonth = savedInstanceState.getInt(ARG_MONTH); + mCurrentDay = savedInstanceState.getInt(ARG_DAY); + + mIsTimeUsed.setChecked(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(ARG_USE_TIME)); + mCurrentHour = savedInstanceState.getInt(ARG_HOUR); + mCurrentMinute = savedInstanceState.getInt(ARG_MINUTE); + + mIsRepeaterUsed.setChecked(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(ARG_USE_REPEAT)); + mIsActive.setChecked(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(ARG_IS_ACTIVE)); + + mEndTime.setChecked(savedInstanceState.getBoolean(ARG_USE_END_TIME)); + mCurrentEndTimeHour = savedInstanceState.getInt(ARG_END_TIME_HOUR); + mCurrentEndTimeMinute = savedInstanceState.getInt(ARG_END_TIME_MINUTE); + } + } + + /** + * Sets values from {@link OrgDateTime}. + * Uses *now* if time is not provided. + */ + private void setValues(OrgDateTime time) { + Calendar cal; + + if (time != null) { + cal = time.getCalendar(); + } else { + cal = Calendar.getInstance(); + } + + mIsActive.setChecked(time == null || time.isActive()); + + mCurrentYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); + mCurrentMonth = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); + mCurrentDay = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); + + mIsTimeUsed.setChecked(time != null && time.hasTime()); + mCurrentHour = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); + mCurrentMinute = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); + + mEndTime.setChecked(false); + mCurrentEndTimeHour = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); + mCurrentEndTimeMinute = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); + + if (time != null) { + mIsRepeaterUsed.setChecked(time.hasRepeater()); + + if (time.hasRepeater()) { + mRepeaterPicker.setText(time.getRepeater().toString()); + } + } + } + + private void setupDateShortcutsButtons(View view) { + /* Button - today. */ + view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_today_shortcut).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); + + mCurrentYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); + mCurrentMonth = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); + mCurrentDay = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); + + setViewsFromCurrentValues(); + } + }); + + /* Button - tomorrow. */ + view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_tomorrow_shortcut).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); + cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1); + + mCurrentYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); + mCurrentMonth = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); + mCurrentDay = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); + + setViewsFromCurrentValues(); + } + }); + + /* Button - next week. */ + view.findViewById(R.id.dialog_timestamp_next_week_shortcut).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); + cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, cal.getFirstDayOfWeek()); + cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 7); + + mCurrentYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR); + mCurrentMonth = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); + mCurrentDay = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); + + setViewsFromCurrentValues(); + } + }); + } + + private void setupPickerButtons() { + mDate.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + mDatePickerDialog = new DatePickerDialog(mContext, new DatePickerDialog.OnDateSetListener() { + @Override + public void onDateSet(DatePicker view, int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth) { + mCurrentYear = year; + mCurrentMonth = monthOfYear; + mCurrentDay = dayOfMonth; + + setViewsFromCurrentValues(); + } + }, mCurrentYear, mCurrentMonth, mCurrentDay); + + mDatePickerDialog.show(); + } + }); + + mTimePicker.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + mTimePickerDialog = new TimePickerDialog(mContext, new TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener() { + @Override + public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute) { + mCurrentHour = hourOfDay; + mCurrentMinute = minute; + + mIsTimeUsed.setChecked(true); + + setViewsFromCurrentValues(); + } + }, mCurrentHour, mCurrentMinute, true); + + mTimePickerDialog.show(); + } + }); + + mRepeaterPicker.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + mRepeaterPickerDialog = new RepeaterPickerDialog(mContext, new RepeaterPickerDialog.OnRepeaterSetListener() { + @Override + public void onRepeaterSet(OrgRepeater repeater) { + mRepeaterPicker.setText(repeater.toString()); + mIsRepeaterUsed.setChecked(true); + + setViewsFromCurrentValues(); + + } + }, mRepeaterPicker.getText().toString()); + + mRepeaterPickerDialog.show(); + + } + }); + + + mEndTimePicker.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + mEndTimePickerDialog = new TimePickerDialog(mContext, new TimePickerDialog.OnTimeSetListener() { + @Override + public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute) { + mCurrentEndTimeHour = hourOfDay; + mCurrentEndTimeMinute = minute; + + mEndTime.setChecked(true); + + setViewsFromCurrentValues(); + } + }, mCurrentEndTimeHour, mCurrentEndTimeMinute, true); + + mEndTimePickerDialog.show(); + } + }); + } + + /** + * NOTE: These callbacks are called not only on user press, but during initialization as well. + * Because of that, it's important that this method is called after dialog has been created. + */ + private void setupToggleButtons() { + mIsActive.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() { + @Override + public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) { + setViewsFromCurrentValues(); + } + }); + + mIsTimeUsed.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() { + @Override + public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) { + setViewsFromCurrentValues(); + } + }); + + mEndTime.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() { + @Override + public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) { + setViewsFromCurrentValues(); + } + }); + + mIsRepeaterUsed.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() { + @Override + public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) { + setViewsFromCurrentValues(); + } + }); + } + + private OrgDateTime getCurrentOrgTime() { + OrgDateTime.Builder builder = new OrgDateTime.Builder() + .setIsActive(mIsActive.isChecked()) + + .setYear(mCurrentYear) + .setMonth(mCurrentMonth) + + .setHasTime(mIsTimeUsed.isChecked()) + .setDay(mCurrentDay) + .setHour(mCurrentHour) + .setMinute(mCurrentMinute); + + if (mIsRepeaterUsed.isChecked()) { + OrgRepeater repeater = OrgRepeater.getInstance(mRepeaterPicker.getText().toString()); + builder.setHasRepeater(true); + builder.setRepeater(repeater); + } + + return builder.build(); +// +// +// return OrgDateTime.getInstance( +// mIsActive.isChecked(), +// mIsTimeUsed.isChecked(), +// mCurrentYear, +// mCurrentMonth, +// mCurrentDay, +// mCurrentHour, +// mCurrentMinute); + } + + private void setViewsFromCurrentValues() { + /* + * Check if dialog has been created. + * Toggle buttons get fired on initialization, calling this method. + * Should not happen before with the current ordering of setup methods, but just in case. + */ + if (mDialog != null) { + OrgDateTime time = getCurrentOrgTime(); + + mDate.setText(mOrgTimeUserFormatter.formatDate(time)); + mTimePicker.setText(mOrgTimeUserFormatter.formatTime(time)); + + if (time.hasRepeater()) { + mRepeaterPicker.setText(mOrgTimeUserFormatter.formatRepeater(time)); + } + + // mEndTimePicker.setText(mOrgTimeFormatter.formatEndTime(time)); + + mDialog.setTitle(mOrgTimeUserFormatter.format(time)); + } + } + + @Override + public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialog) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, dialog); + super.onDismiss(dialog); + } + + /** + * The callback used to indicate the user is done filling in the date. + */ + public interface OnDateTimeSetListener { + void onDateTimeSet(int id, TreeSet noteIds, OrgDateTime time); + void onDateTimeCleared(int id, TreeSet noteIds); + void onDateTimeAborted(int id, TreeSet noteIds); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/dialogs/WhatsNewDialog.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/dialogs/WhatsNewDialog.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a5493db0b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/dialogs/WhatsNewDialog.java @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.dialogs; + +import android.annotation.SuppressLint; +import android.app.Activity; +import android.app.AlertDialog; +import android.text.Html; +import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod; +import android.view.View; +import android.widget.TextView; + +import com.orgzly.R; + +public class WhatsNewDialog { + /** + * Display dialog with changes. + */ + public static AlertDialog create(Activity activity) { + @SuppressLint("InflateParams") final View layoutView = + activity.getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.dialog_whats_new, null, false); + + TextView view; + + view = ((TextView) layoutView.findViewById(R.id.dialog_whats_new_info)); + view.setText(Html.fromHtml(activity.getString(R.string.whats_new_info))); + view.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); + + view = ((TextView) layoutView.findViewById(R.id.dialog_whats_new_follow)); + view.setText(Html.fromHtml(activity.getString(R.string.whats_new_follow))); + view.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); + + return new AlertDialog.Builder(activity) + .setTitle(R.string.whats_new_title) + .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, null) + .setView(layoutView) + .create(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/BookEditorFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/BookEditorFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..27d1f45ca --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/BookEditorFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,219 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.graphics.Typeface; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.Menu; +import android.view.MenuInflater; +import android.view.MenuItem; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.EditText; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.BooksClient; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.FragmentListener; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +import java.io.BufferedReader; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.StringReader; + +/** + * Book's preface and settings. + */ +public class BookEditorFragment extends Fragment { + private static final String TAG = BookEditorFragment.class.getName(); + + /** Name used for {@link android.app.FragmentManager}. */ + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = BookEditorFragment.class.getName(); + + private static final String ARG_BOOK_ID = "book_id"; + private static final String ARG_BOOK_PREFACE = "book_preface"; + + private long bookId; + private Book book; + private EditText contentView; + + private EditorListener listener; + + public static BookEditorFragment getInstance(long bookId, String bookPreface) { + BookEditorFragment fragment = new BookEditorFragment(); + + /* Set arguments for a fragment. */ + Bundle args = new Bundle(); + args.putLong(BookEditorFragment.ARG_BOOK_ID, bookId); + args.putString(BookEditorFragment.ARG_BOOK_PREFACE, bookPreface); + fragment.setArguments(args); + + return fragment; + } + + /** + * Mandatory empty constructor for the fragment manager to instantiate the + * fragment (e.g. upon screen orientation changes). + */ + public BookEditorFragment() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + } + + @Override + public void onAttach(Context context) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, getActivity()); + super.onAttach(context); + + /* This makes sure that the container activity has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + try { + listener = (EditorListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + EditorListener.class); + } + } + + @Override + public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + /* Would like to add items to the Options Menu. + * Required (for fragments only) to receive onCreateOptionsMenu() call. + */ + setHasOptionsMenu(true); + } + + @Override + public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, inflater, container, savedInstanceState); + + View top = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_book_editor, container, false); + + contentView = (EditText) top.findViewById(R.id.fragment_editor_container_edit); + + if (getActivity() != null && AppPreferences.isFontMonospaced(getContext())) { + contentView.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE); + } + + /* Parse arguments - set content. */ + if (getArguments() == null) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException(BookEditorFragment.class.getSimpleName() + " has no arguments passed"); + } + + if (!getArguments().containsKey(ARG_BOOK_ID)) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException(BookEditorFragment.class.getSimpleName() + " has no book id passed"); + } + + if (!getArguments().containsKey(ARG_BOOK_PREFACE)) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException(BookEditorFragment.class.getSimpleName() + " has no book preface passed"); + } + + bookId = getArguments().getLong(ARG_BOOK_ID); + book = BooksClient.get(getActivity(), bookId); + contentView.setText(getArguments().getString(ARG_BOOK_PREFACE)); + + return top; + } + + @Override + public void onResume() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onResume(); + + announceChangesToActivity(); + } + + private void announceChangesToActivity() { + if (listener != null) { + listener.announceChanges( + BookEditorFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG, + Book.getFragmentTitleForBook(book), + Book.getFragmentSubtitleForBook(book), + 0); + } + } + + @Override + public void onDetach() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDetach(); + + listener = null; + } + + /* + * Options Menu. + */ + + @Override + public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, menu, inflater); + + inflater.inflate(R.menu.done_or_close, menu); + + /* Remove search item. */ + menu.removeItem(R.id.activity_action_search); + } + + @Override + public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, item); + + switch (item.getItemId()) { + case R.id.close: + listener.onBookPrefaceEditCancelRequest(); + return true; + + case R.id.done: + save(); + return true; + } + + return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); + } + + private void save() { + updateBookFromViews(book); + listener.onBookPrefaceEditSaveRequest(book); + } + + private void updateBookFromViews(Book book) { + book.setPreface(contentView.getText().toString()); + + parsePrefaceForInBufferSettings(book, contentView.getText().toString()); + } + + private void parsePrefaceForInBufferSettings(Book book, String preface) { + /* Set default values for settings that could be overwritten. */ + book.getOrgFileSettings().setTitle(null); + + BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(preface)); + + try { + String line; + while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { + book.getOrgFileSettings().parseLine(line); + } + + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + + } finally { + try { + reader.close(); + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + } + } + } + + public interface EditorListener extends FragmentListener { + void onBookPrefaceEditSaveRequest(Book book); + void onBookPrefaceEditCancelRequest(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/BookFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/BookFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..618db4eb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/BookFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,872 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.graphics.Typeface; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.os.SystemClock; +import android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity; +import android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager; +import android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader; +import android.support.v4.content.Loader; +import android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter; +import android.support.v7.view.ActionMode; +import android.util.Log; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.Menu; +import android.view.MenuInflater; +import android.view.MenuItem; +import android.view.MotionEvent; +import android.view.SubMenu; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.AdapterView; +import android.widget.ListView; +import android.widget.TextView; +import android.widget.ViewFlipper; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.Shelf; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.BooksClient; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.ActionModeListener; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Fab; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.HeadsListViewAdapter; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Loaders; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.NotePlacement; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.NoteStateSpinner; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Placement; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Selection; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.dialogs.TimestampDialogFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.views.GesturedListView; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; + +import java.util.Set; +import java.util.TreeSet; + +/** + * Displays all notes from the notebook. + * Allows moving, cutting, pasting etc. + */ +public class BookFragment extends NoteListFragment + implements + Fab, + TimestampDialogFragment.OnDateTimeSetListener, + LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks { + + private static final String TAG = BookFragment.class.getName(); + + /** Name used for {@link android.app.FragmentManager}. */ + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = BookFragment.class.getName(); + + /* Arguments. */ + private static final String ARG_BOOK_ID = "bookId"; + private static final String ARG_NOTE_ID = "noteId"; + + private static final int STATE_ITEM_GROUP = 1; + + private static final int[] ITEMS_HIDDEN_ON_MULTIPLE_SELECTED_NOTES = new int[] { + R.id.book_cab_new, + R.id.book_cab_cut, + R.id.book_cab_paste, + R.id.book_cab_move + }; + + private BookFragmentListener listener; + private boolean mIsViewCreated = false; + + + private Book mBook; + private Long mBookId; + private static long mLastBookId; + + private View mHeader; + private TextView mPrefaceText; + private View mNoNotesText; + + private SimpleCursorAdapter mListAdapter; + + private String mActionModeTag; + + /** Used to switch to book-does-not-exist view, if the book has been deleted. */ + private ViewFlipper mViewFlipper; + + + /** + * @param bookId Book ID + * @param noteId Set position (scroll to) this note, if greater then zero + */ + public static BookFragment getInstance(long bookId, long noteId) { + BookFragment fragment = new BookFragment(); + + Bundle args = new Bundle(); + args.putLong(BookFragment.ARG_BOOK_ID, bookId); + args.putLong(BookFragment.ARG_NOTE_ID, noteId); + + fragment.setArguments(args); + + return fragment; + } + + /** + * Mandatory empty constructor for the fragment manager to instantiate the + * fragment (e.g. upon screen orientation changes). + */ + public BookFragment() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + } + + + @Override + public void onAttach(Context context) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, context); + super.onAttach(context); + + /* This makes sure that the container activity has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + try { + listener = (BookFragmentListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + BookFragmentListener.class); + } + try { + mActionModeListener = (ActionModeListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + ActionModeListener.class); + } + } + + @Override + public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + /* Would like to add items to the Options Menu. + * Required (for fragments only) to receive onCreateOptionsMenu() call. + */ + setHasOptionsMenu(true); + + parseArguments(); + + if (savedInstanceState != null && savedInstanceState.getBoolean("actionModeMove", false)) { + mActionModeTag = "M"; + } + } + + @Override + public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, inflater, container, savedInstanceState); + + View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_book, container, false); + + final ListView listView = (ListView) view.findViewById(android.R.id.list); + // setupGestureDetector(listView); + mHeader = inflater.inflate(R.layout.item_head_book_preface, listView, false); + + mPrefaceText = (TextView) mHeader.findViewById(R.id.fragment_book_header_text); + if (getActivity() != null && AppPreferences.isFontMonospaced(getContext())) { + mPrefaceText.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE); + } + + mViewFlipper = (ViewFlipper) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_book_view_flipper); + + /* Big new note button when there are no notes. */ + mNoNotesText = view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_book_no_notes); + + return view; + } + + @Override + public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, view, savedInstanceState); + super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); + + mIsViewCreated = true; + + /* Long click listener. */ + getListView().setOnItemLongClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemLongClickListener() { + @Override + public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id) { + if (position > getListView().getHeaderViewsCount() - 1) { /* Not a header. */ + listener.onNoteLongClick(BookFragment.this, view, position, id); + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + }); + + /* Item toolbar listener. */ + getListView().setOnItemMenuButtonClickListener( + new GesturedListView.OnItemMenuButtonClickListener() { + @Override + public boolean onMenuButtonClick(int buttonId, long noteId) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, buttonId, noteId); + + switch (buttonId) { + case R.id.item_menu_schedule_btn: + displayScheduleTimestampDialog(R.id.item_menu_schedule_btn, noteId); + break; + + case R.id.item_menu_prev_state_btn: + listener.onStateCycleRequest(noteId, -1); + break; + + case R.id.item_menu_next_state_btn: + listener.onStateCycleRequest(noteId, 1); + break; + + case R.id.item_menu_done_state_btn: + listener.onStateToDoneRequest(noteId); + break; + + case R.id.item_menu_delete_btn: + TreeSet ids = new TreeSet<>(); + ids.add(noteId); + listener.onNotesDeleteRequest(mBookId, ids); + + /* Remove selection. */ + mSelection.clearSelection(); + + break; + + case R.id.item_menu_new_above_btn: + listener.onNoteNewRequest(new NotePlacement(mBookId, noteId, Placement.ABOVE)); + break; + + case R.id.item_menu_new_under_btn: + listener.onNoteNewRequest(new NotePlacement(mBookId, noteId, Placement.UNDER)); + break; + + case R.id.item_menu_new_below_btn: + listener.onNoteNewRequest(new NotePlacement(mBookId, noteId, Placement.BELOW)); + break; + } + + return false; + } + }); + + /* If it's not set to null, we get java.lang.IllegalStateException: + * Cannot add header view to list -- setAdapter has already been called. + * This happens when trying to set header for list, when getting fragment from back stack. + */ + setListAdapter(null); + + /* Add selectable header to the list view. */ + getListView().addHeaderView(mHeader, null, true); + + /* Create a selection. Must be aware of number of headers. */ + mSelection = new Selection(); + + mListAdapter = new HeadsListViewAdapter(getActivity(), mSelection, getListView().getItemMenus(), true); + + setListAdapter(mListAdapter); + + mSelection.restoreIds(savedInstanceState); + /* Reset from ids will be performed after loading the data. */ + } + + @Override + public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); + + /* Activity created - context available. Create Shelf and populate list with data. */ + mShelf = new Shelf(getActivity().getApplicationContext()); + + /* + * If loader is for last loaded book, just init, do not restart. + * Trying not to reset the loader and null the adapter, to keep the scroll position. + * + * NOTE: Opening a new book fragment for the same book will not restore the previous + * fragment's list view, even though book ID is the same. This is because callbacks + * will be different (they are two separate fragments displaying the same book). + */ + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Book Loader: Last book " + mLastBookId + ", new book " + mBookId); + + if (mLastBookId == mBookId) { + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(Loaders.BOOK_FRAGMENT_BOOK, null, this); + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(Loaders.BOOK_FRAGMENT_NOTES, null, this); + } else { + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().restartLoader(Loaders.BOOK_FRAGMENT_BOOK, null, this); + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().restartLoader(Loaders.BOOK_FRAGMENT_NOTES, null, this); + } + } + + @Override + public void onPause() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onPause(); + + /* + * Stop list from scrolling. + * + * Workaround to avoid: + * + * "java.lang.IllegalStateException: attempt to re-open an already-closed object". + * + * This happens after fling, when opening a different book from the drawer while the list + * is still scrolling. This can also be avoided by destroying loaders here, but then we + * would lose book's scrolling position. + */ + getListView().dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent.obtain(SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), SystemClock.uptimeMillis(), MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL, 0, 0, 0)); + } + + @Override + public void onDestroyView() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDestroyView(); + + mIsViewCreated = false; + } + + @Override + public void onDetach() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDetach(); + + listener = null; + mActionModeListener = null; + } + + private void parseArguments() { + if (getArguments() == null) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("No arguments found to " + BookFragment.class.getSimpleName()); + } + + /* Book ID. */ + if (!getArguments().containsKey(ARG_BOOK_ID)) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException(BookFragment.class.getSimpleName() + " requires "+ ARG_BOOK_ID + " argument passed"); + } + mBookId = getArguments().getLong(ARG_BOOK_ID); + if (mBookId <= 0) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Passed argument book id is not valid (" + mBookId + ")"); + } + } + + @Override + public void onListItemClick(ListView listView, View view, int position, long id) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, listView, view, position, id); + + if ((position+1) > listView.getHeaderViewsCount()) { /* Not a header. */ + listener.onNoteClick(this, view, position, id); + } else { + listener.onBookPrefaceEditRequest(mBook); + } + } + + /* + * Options menu. + */ + + @Override + public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, menu, inflater); + + inflater.inflate(R.menu.book_actions, menu); + } + + @Override + public void onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { + super.onPrepareOptionsMenu(menu); + + MenuItem item; + + /* Hide cycle-visibility item if book does not exist. */ + item = menu.findItem(R.id.books_options_menu_item_cycle_visibility); + if (item != null && mBook == null) { + item.setVisible(false); + } + +// /* Toggle paste item visibility. */ +// item = menu.findItem(R.id.books_options_menu_item_paste); +// if (item != null && mShelf != null) { +// item.setVisible(mShelf.haveCutNotes()); +// } + } + + @Override + public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, item); + + switch (item.getItemId()) { + case R.id.books_options_menu_item_cycle_visibility: + listener.onCycleVisibilityRequest(mBook); + return true; + +// case R.id.books_options_menu_item_paste: +// mListener.onNotesPasteRequest(mBookId, 0, null); +// return true; + + default: + return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); + } + } + + @Override + public void onDateTimeSet(int id, TreeSet noteIds, OrgDateTime time) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, id, time); + + switch (id) { + case R.id.book_cab_schedule: + case R.id.item_menu_schedule_btn: + listener.onScheduledTimeUpdateRequest(noteIds, time); + break; + } + } + + @Override + public void onDateTimeCleared(int id, TreeSet noteIds) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, id); + + switch (id) { + case R.id.book_cab_schedule: + case R.id.item_menu_schedule_btn: + listener.onScheduledTimeUpdateRequest(noteIds, null); + break; + } + } + + @Override + public void onDateTimeAborted(int id, TreeSet noteIds) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, id); + } + + /* + * Actions + */ + + private void newNoteRelativeToSelection(Placement placement) { + long targetNoteId = getTargetNoteIdFromSelection(placement); + listener.onNoteNewRequest(new NotePlacement(mBookId, targetNoteId, placement)); + } + + // TODO: Go through main activity and do it in background. + private int moveNotes(int offset) { + /* Sanity check. Should not ever happen. */ + if (getSelection().getCount() == 0) { + Log.e(TAG, "Trying to move notes up while there are no notes selected"); + return 0; + } + + return BooksClient.moveNotes(getContext(), mBookId, getSelection().getIds().first(), offset); + } + + /** + * Paste notes. + * @param placement {@link Placement} + */ + private void pasteNotes(Placement placement) { + long noteId = getTargetNoteIdFromSelection(placement); + + /* Remove selection. */ + mSelection.clearSelection(); + + listener.onNotesPasteRequest(mBookId, noteId, placement); + } + + private void scrollToNoteIfSet() { + long noteId = getArguments().getLong(ARG_NOTE_ID, 0); + + if (noteId > 0) { + long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); + + for (int i = 0; i < getListAdapter().getCount(); i++) { + long id = getListAdapter().getItemId(i); + + if (id == noteId) { + scrollToCursorPosition(i); + + /* Make sure we don't scroll again (for example after configuration change). */ + getArguments().remove(ARG_NOTE_ID); + + break; + } + } + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, + "Scrolling to note " + noteId + + " took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + "ms"); + } + } + + /** + * @param cursorPosition note to scroll to. 0 for first note, 1 for second etc. + */ + private void scrollToCursorPosition(final int cursorPosition) { + getListView().post(new Runnable() { + public void run() { +// getListView().scrollTo(0, getListView().getBottom()); +// getListView().smoothScrollToPosition(cursorPosition + getListView().getHeaderViewsCount()); + getListView().setSelection(cursorPosition + getListView().getHeaderViewsCount()); + } + }); + } + + public Book getBook() { + return mBook; + } + + @Override + public String getFragmentTag() { + return FRAGMENT_TAG; + } + + @Override + public ActionMode.Callback getNewActionMode() { + return new MyActionMode(); + } + + /* + * Loading ... + */ + + @Override + public Loader onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle bundle) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, id, bundle); + + switch (id) { + case Loaders.BOOK_FRAGMENT_BOOK: + return new CursorLoader( + getActivity().getApplicationContext(), + ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.booksId(mBookId), + null, + null, + null, + null + ); + + case Loaders.BOOK_FRAGMENT_NOTES: + /* Get all non-cut notes for book id. Order by position. */ + return new CursorLoader( + getActivity().getApplicationContext(), + ProviderContract.Books.ContentUri.booksIdNotes(mBookId), + null, + null, + null, + ProviderContract.Notes.QueryParam.LFT); + + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown loader id " + id); + } + } + + @Override + public void onLoadFinished(Loader cursorLoader, Cursor cursor) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, cursorLoader, cursor); + + if (mIsViewCreated) { + if (cursorLoader.getId() == Loaders.BOOK_FRAGMENT_BOOK) { + Book book = null; + if (cursor.moveToFirst()) { + book = BooksClient.fromCursor(cursor); + } + bookLoaded(book); + mLastBookId = mBookId; + + } else if (cursorLoader.getId() == Loaders.BOOK_FRAGMENT_NOTES) { + notesLoaded(cursor); + } + } + } + + @Override + public void onLoaderReset(Loader cursorLoader) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, cursorLoader); + + if (mIsViewCreated) { + if (cursorLoader.getId() == Loaders.BOOK_FRAGMENT_NOTES) { + mListAdapter.changeCursor(null); + + } else if (cursorLoader.getId() == Loaders.BOOK_FRAGMENT_BOOK) { + /* Nothing holds the cursor. */ + } + } + } + + private void bookLoaded(Book book) { + /* Set the current book. + * Book cab be null. That can happen when this fragment is in back stack and its book + * gets deleted. When fragment is popped from the back stack it will try to fetch the + * non-existent book id. + */ + mBook = book; + + FragmentActivity activity = getActivity(); + + /* Refresh action bar items (hide or display, depending on if the book has been loaded. */ + if (activity != null) { + activity.supportInvalidateOptionsMenu(); + } + + if (mBook != null) { + updatePreface(); + } + + mViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild(book != null ? 0 : 1); + + announceChangesToActivity(); + } + + private void announceChangesToActivity() { + if (listener != null) { + listener.announceChanges( + BookFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG, + Book.getFragmentTitleForBook(mBook), + Book.getFragmentSubtitleForBook(mBook), + mSelection.getCount()); + } + } + + /** + * Update book's preface. + */ + private void updatePreface() { + mPrefaceText.setText(mBook.getPreface()); + + /* Its visibility is set to GONE by default (in XML). + * There is a moment while the book is loaded which looks ugly if this view is displayed. + */ + mPrefaceText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } + + private void notesLoaded(Cursor cursor) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, cursor); + + /** + * Swapping instead of changing Cursor here, to keep the old one open. + * Loader should release the old Cursor - see note in + * {@link LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks#onLoadFinished). + */ + mListAdapter.swapCursor(cursor); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "after swap: cursor/adapter count: " + cursor.getCount() + "/" + mListAdapter.getCount()); + + if (mListAdapter.getCount() > 0) { + mNoNotesText.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } else { + mNoNotesText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } + + if (mActionModeListener != null) { + mActionModeListener.updateActionModeForSelection(mSelection, new MyActionMode()); + + ActionMode actionMode = mActionModeListener.getActionMode(); + if (mActionModeTag != null) { + actionMode.setTag("M"); // TODO: Ugh. + actionMode.invalidate(); + mActionModeTag = null; + } + } + + /* Scroll to note if note id argument is set. */ + scrollToNoteIfSet(); + } + + @Override + public Runnable getFabAction() { + return mBook != null ? new Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + listener.onNoteNewRequest(new NotePlacement(mBookId)); + } + } : null; + } + + public class MyActionMode implements ActionMode.Callback { + @Override + public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode actionMode, Menu menu) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, actionMode, menu); + + /* Inflate a menu resource providing context menu items. */ + MenuInflater inflater = actionMode.getMenuInflater(); + inflater.inflate(R.menu.book_cab, menu); + + return true; + } + + /** + * Called each time the action mode is shown. Always called after onCreateActionMode, + * but may be called multiple times if the mode is invalidated. + */ + @Override + public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode actionMode, Menu menu) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, actionMode, menu); + + /* Update action mode with number of selected items. */ + actionMode.setTitle(String.valueOf(mSelection.getCount())); + + /* Movement menu. */ + if ("M".equals(actionMode.getTag())) { /* Tag could be null, which is fine here. */ + menu.clear(); + MenuInflater inflater = actionMode.getMenuInflater(); + inflater.inflate(R.menu.book_cab_moving, menu); + } + + /* Hide some items if multiple notes are selected. */ + for (int id: ITEMS_HIDDEN_ON_MULTIPLE_SELECTED_NOTES) { + MenuItem item = menu.findItem(id); + if (item != null) { + item.setVisible(mSelection.getCount() == 1); + } + } + + if (actionMode.getTag() != null && mSelection.getCount() > 1) { + menu.clear(); + MenuInflater inflater = actionMode.getMenuInflater(); + inflater.inflate(R.menu.book_cab, menu); + actionMode.setTag(null); + } + + announceChangesToActivity(); + + return true; + } + + @Override + public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode actionMode, MenuItem menuItem) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, actionMode, menuItem); + + switch (menuItem.getItemId()) { + case R.id.book_cab_new_above: + newNoteRelativeToSelection(Placement.ABOVE); + actionMode.finish(); /* Close action mode. */ + break; + + case R.id.book_cab_new_under: + newNoteRelativeToSelection(Placement.UNDER); + actionMode.finish(); /* Close action mode. */ + break; + + case R.id.book_cab_new_below: + newNoteRelativeToSelection(Placement.BELOW); + actionMode.finish(); /* Close action mode. */ + break; + + case R.id.book_cab_move: + /* TODO Select all descendants of selected notes. */ + + /* Request different menu for this action mode. */ + actionMode.setTag("M"); + actionMode.invalidate(); + break; + + case R.id.book_cab_schedule: + displayScheduleTimestampDialog(R.id.book_cab_schedule, mSelection.getIds()); + break; + + case R.id.book_cab_cut: + case R.id.book_cab_delete_note: + /* Get currently selected notes' IDs. */ + TreeSet ids = new TreeSet<>(); + ids.addAll(mSelection.getIds()); + + if (menuItem.getItemId() == R.id.book_cab_cut) { + listener.onNotesCutRequest(mBookId, ids); + } else { + listener.onNotesDeleteRequest(mBookId, ids); + } + + /* Remove selection. */ + mSelection.clearSelection(); + + actionMode.finish(); /* Close action mode. */ + + break; + +// case R.id.book_cab_undo: +// undoCut(); +// actionMode.finish(); /* Close action mode. */ +// break; + + case R.id.book_cab_paste_above: + pasteNotes(Placement.ABOVE); + actionMode.finish(); /* Close action mode. */ + break; + + case R.id.book_cab_paste_under: + pasteNotes(Placement.UNDER); + actionMode.finish(); /* Close action mode. */ + break; + + case R.id.book_cab_paste_below: + pasteNotes(Placement.BELOW); + actionMode.finish(); /* Close action mode. */ + break; + + case R.id.notes_action_move_up: + moveNotes(-1); + break; + + case R.id.notes_action_move_down: + moveNotes(1); + break; + + case R.id.notes_action_move_left: + listener.onNotesPromoteRequest(mBookId, mSelection.getIds()); + break; + + case R.id.notes_action_move_right: + listener.onNotesDemoteRequest(mBookId, mSelection.getIds()); + break; + + case R.id.book_cab_state: + /* Add all known states to menu. */ + SubMenu subMenu = menuItem.getSubMenu(); + if (subMenu != null) { + subMenu.clear(); + for (String str: new NoteStateSpinner(getActivity(), null).getValues()) { + subMenu.add(STATE_ITEM_GROUP, Menu.NONE, Menu.NONE, str); + } + } + break; + + default: + /* State. */ + if (menuItem.getGroupId() == STATE_ITEM_GROUP) { + listener.onStateChangeRequest(mSelection.getIds(), menuItem.getTitle().toString()); + return true; + } + + return false; // Not handled. + } + + return true; // Handled. + } + + @Override + public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode actionMode) { + mSelection.clearSelection(); + + /* List adapter could be null, as we could be destroying the action mode of a fragment + * which is in back stack. That fragment had its onDestroyView called, where list + * adapter is set to null. + */ + if (getListAdapter() != null) { + getListAdapter().notifyDataSetChanged(); + } + + mActionModeListener.actionModeDestroyed(); + + announceChangesToActivity(); + } + } + + public interface BookFragmentListener extends NoteListFragmentListener { + void onBookPrefaceEditRequest(Book book); + + void onNotesDeleteRequest(long bookId, TreeSet noteIds); + void onNotesCutRequest(long bookId, TreeSet noteIds); + void onNotesPasteRequest(long bookId, long noteId, Placement placement); + void onNotesPromoteRequest(long bookId, Set noteIds); + void onNotesDemoteRequest(long bookId, Set noteIds); + + void onCycleVisibilityRequest(Book book); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/BooksFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/BooksFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6db7adcb1 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/BooksFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,649 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + + +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.res.TypedArray; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.graphics.Typeface; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.v4.app.ListFragment; +import android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager; +import android.support.v4.content.Loader; +import android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter; +import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; +import android.text.Spanned; +import android.text.style.ForegroundColorSpan; +import android.text.style.StyleSpan; +import android.view.ContextMenu; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.Menu; +import android.view.MenuInflater; +import android.view.MenuItem; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.AdapterView; +import android.widget.ListView; +import android.widget.TextView; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.BookAction; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.BooksClient; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.FragmentListener; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Fab; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Loaders; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.UriUtils; + +import java.text.DateFormat; +import java.util.Date; + +/** + * Displays all notebooks. + * Allows creating new, deleting, renaming, setting links etc. + */ +public class BooksFragment extends ListFragment + implements + Fab, + LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks { + + private static final String TAG = BooksFragment.class.getName(); + + /** Name used for {@link android.app.FragmentManager}. */ + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = BooksFragment.class.getName(); + + private BooksFragmentListener mListener; + private SimpleCursorAdapter mListAdapter; + private View mNoNotebookText; + private boolean mIsViewCreated = false; + + + public static BooksFragment getInstance() { + return new BooksFragment(); + } + + /** + * Mandatory empty constructor for the fragment manager to instantiate the + * fragment (e.g. upon screen orientation changes). + */ + public BooksFragment() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + } + + @Override + public void onAttach(Context context) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, getActivity()); + super.onAttach(context); + + /* This makes sure that the container activity has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + try { + mListener = (BooksFragmentListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + BooksFragmentListener.class); + } + } + + @Override + public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + /* Would like to add items to the Options Menu. + * Required (for fragments only) to receive onCreateOptionsMenu() call. + */ + setHasOptionsMenu(true); + + mListAdapter = createAdapter(); + } + + @Override + public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, inflater, container, savedInstanceState); + + View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_books, container, false); + + mNoNotebookText = view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_books_no_notebooks); + + return view; + } + + @Override + public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, view, savedInstanceState); + super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); + + mIsViewCreated = true; + + /* Request callbacks for Context menu. */ + registerForContextMenu(getListView()); + + setListAdapter(mListAdapter); + } + + @Override + public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); + + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(Loaders.BOOKS_FRAGMENT, null, this); + } + + @Override + public void onViewStateRestored(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onViewStateRestored(savedInstanceState); + } + + @Override + public void onResume() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onResume(); + + /* In case books sort order preference has been changed. */ + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().restartLoader(Loaders.BOOKS_FRAGMENT, null, this); + + announceChangesToActivity(); + } + + @Override + public void onDestroyView() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDestroyView(); + mIsViewCreated = false; + } + + @Override + public void onDetach() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDetach(); + + mListener = null; + } + + private SimpleCursorAdapter createAdapter() { + SimpleCursorAdapter adapter; + + /* Column field names to be bound. */ + String[] columns = new String[] { + ProviderContract.Books.Param.NAME, + ProviderContract.Books.Param.NAME, + ProviderContract.Books.Param.MTIME, + ProviderContract.Books.Param.LAST_ACTION, + ProviderContract.Books.Param.LINK_REPO_URL, + ProviderContract.Books.Param.LINK_ROOK_URL, + ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNCED_REPO_URL, + ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNCED_ROOK_URL, + ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNCED_ROOK_REVISION, + ProviderContract.Books.Param.SYNCED_ROOK_MTIME, + ProviderContract.Books.Param.USED_ENCODING, + ProviderContract.Books.Param.DETECTED_ENCODING, + ProviderContract.Books.Param.SELECTED_ENCODING, + }; + + /* Views which the data will be bound to. */ + int[] to = new int[] { + R.id.item_book_title, + R.id.item_book_subtitle, + R.id.item_book_mtime, + R.id.item_book_last_action, + R.id.item_book_link_repo, + R.id.item_book_link_url, + R.id.item_book_synced_repo, + R.id.item_book_synced_url, + R.id.item_book_synced_revision, + R.id.item_book_synced_mtime, + R.id.item_book_encoding_used, + R.id.item_book_encoding_detected, + R.id.item_book_encoding_selected + }; + + adapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter( + getActivity(), + R.layout.item_book, + null, + columns, + to, + 0) { + + + class ViewHolder { + TextView title; + View modifiedAfterSyncIcon; + + View bookDetailsPadding; + View mtimeContainer; + View linkDetailsContainer; + View versionedRookContainer; + View versionedRookUrlContainer; + View versionedRookMtimeContainer; + View versionedRookRevisionContainer; + View lastActionContainer; + View usedEncodingContainer; + View detectedEncodingContainer; + View selectedEncodingContainer; + TextView lastAction; + TextView subTitle; + TextView mtime; + } + + @Override + public void bindView(View view, Context context, Cursor cursor) { + super.bindView(view, context, cursor); + + boolean isBookDetailDisplayed = false; + + ViewHolder holder = (ViewHolder) view.getTag(); + if (holder == null) { + holder = new ViewHolder(); + holder.title = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_title); + holder.modifiedAfterSyncIcon = view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_modified_after_sync_icon); + holder.bookDetailsPadding = view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_details_padding); + holder.subTitle = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_subtitle); + holder.mtimeContainer = view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_mtime_container); + holder.mtime = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_mtime); + holder.linkDetailsContainer = view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_link_container); + holder.versionedRookContainer = view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_synced_container); + holder.versionedRookUrlContainer = view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_synced_url_container); + holder.versionedRookMtimeContainer = view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_synced_mtime_container); + holder.versionedRookRevisionContainer = view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_synced_revision_container); + holder.lastActionContainer = view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_last_action_container); + holder.lastAction = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_last_action); + holder.usedEncodingContainer = view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_encoding_used_container); + holder.detectedEncodingContainer = view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_encoding_detected_container); + holder.selectedEncodingContainer = view.findViewById(R.id.item_book_encoding_selected_container); + + view.setTag(holder); + } + + Book book = BooksClient.fromCursor(cursor); + + /* + * If title exists - use title and set book's name as a subtitle. + * If title does no exist - use book's name hide the subtitle. + */ + if (book.getOrgFileSettings().getTitle() != null) { + holder.title.setText(book.getOrgFileSettings().getTitle()); + holder.subTitle.setText(book.getName()); + holder.subTitle.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } else { + holder.title.setText(book.getName()); + holder.subTitle.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + if (book.isModifiedAfterLastSync()) { + holder.modifiedAfterSyncIcon.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } else { + holder.modifiedAfterSyncIcon.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); + } + + /* + * Modification time. + */ + if (AppPreferences.displayedBookDetails(context).contains(getString(R.string.book_details_mtime))) { + holder.mtimeContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + isBookDetailDisplayed = true; + } else { + holder.mtimeContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + /* If book has no link - remove related rows. */ + if (book.getLink() != null && AppPreferences.displayedBookDetails(context).contains(getString(R.string.book_details_link_url))) { + holder.linkDetailsContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + isBookDetailDisplayed = true; + } else { + holder.linkDetailsContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + /* If book has no versioned rook - remove all related rows. */ + if (book.getLastSyncedToRook() != null) { + holder.versionedRookContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + + if (AppPreferences.displayedBookDetails(context).contains(getString(R.string.book_details_sync_url))) { + holder.versionedRookUrlContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + isBookDetailDisplayed = true; + } else { + holder.versionedRookUrlContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + if (AppPreferences.displayedBookDetails(context).contains(getString(R.string.book_details_sync_mtime))) { + holder.versionedRookMtimeContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + isBookDetailDisplayed = true; + } else { + holder.versionedRookMtimeContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + if (AppPreferences.displayedBookDetails(context).contains(getString(R.string.book_details_sync_revision))) { + holder.versionedRookRevisionContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + isBookDetailDisplayed = true; + } else { + holder.versionedRookRevisionContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + } else { + holder.versionedRookContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + /* Hide last action if + * - there is no last action (sync) performed + * OR + * - action is INFO but user choose not to display it + */ + if (book.getLastAction() == null || (book.getLastAction().getType() == BookAction.Type.INFO && !AppPreferences.displayedBookDetails(context).contains(getString(R.string.book_details_last_action)))) { + holder.lastActionContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); + + } else { + holder.lastActionContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + isBookDetailDisplayed = true; + + SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder(); + + builder.append(DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date(book.getLastAction().getTimestamp()))); + builder.append(": "); + int pos = builder.length(); + builder.append(book.getLastAction().getMessage()); + + if (book.getLastAction().getType() == BookAction.Type.ERROR) { + /* Get error color attribute. */ + TypedArray arr = getActivity().obtainStyledAttributes( + new int[] { R.attr.item_book_error_color }); + int color = arr.getColor(0, 0); + arr.recycle(); + + /* Set error color. */ + builder.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(color), pos, builder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); + + } else if (book.getLastAction().getType() == BookAction.Type.PROGRESS) { + builder.setSpan(new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD), pos, builder.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); + } + + holder.lastAction.setText(builder); + } + + /* If encoding is not set, removed it. */ + if (book.getUsedEncoding() != null && AppPreferences.displayedBookDetails(context).contains(getString(R.string.book_details_encoding_used))) { + holder.usedEncodingContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + isBookDetailDisplayed = true; + } else { + holder.usedEncodingContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + if (book.getDetectedEncoding() != null && AppPreferences.displayedBookDetails(context).contains(getString(R.string.book_details_encoding_detected))) { + holder.detectedEncodingContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + isBookDetailDisplayed = true; + } else { + holder.detectedEncodingContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + if (book.getSelectedEncoding() != null) { + holder.selectedEncodingContainer.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } else { + holder.selectedEncodingContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + + /* If it's a dummy book - change opacity. */ + if (book.isDummy()) { + view.setAlpha(0.4f); + } else { + view.setAlpha(1); + } + + + /* + * Add some vertical spacing if at least one of the notebook details is displayed. + */ + if (isBookDetailDisplayed) { + holder.bookDetailsPadding.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } else { + holder.bookDetailsPadding.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + } + }; + + adapter.setViewBinder(new SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder() { + @Override + public boolean setViewValue(View view, Cursor cursor, int columnIndex) { + TextView textView; + + switch (view.getId()) { + case R.id.item_book_encoding_used: + if (! cursor.isNull(columnIndex)) { + textView = (TextView) view; + textView.setText(cursor.getString(columnIndex)); + textView.append(" used"); + } + return true; + + case R.id.item_book_encoding_detected: + if (! cursor.isNull(columnIndex)) { + textView = (TextView) view; + textView.setText(cursor.getString(columnIndex)); + textView.append(" detected"); + } + return true; + + case R.id.item_book_encoding_selected: + if (! cursor.isNull(columnIndex)) { + textView = (TextView) view; + textView.setText(cursor.getString(columnIndex)); + textView.append(" selected"); + } + return true; + + /* Generic N/A-if-does-not-exist. */ + case R.id.item_book_synced_revision: + textView = (TextView) view; + if (! cursor.isNull(columnIndex)) { + textView.setText(cursor.getString(columnIndex)); + } else { + textView.setText("N/A"); + } + return true; + + case R.id.item_book_synced_mtime: + textView = (TextView) view; + if (! cursor.isNull(columnIndex) && cursor.getLong(columnIndex) > 0) { + /* Format time. */ + textView.setText(DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date(cursor.getLong(columnIndex)))); + } else { + textView.setText("N/A"); + } + return true; + + case R.id.item_book_mtime: + textView = (TextView) view; + if (! cursor.isNull(columnIndex) && cursor.getLong(columnIndex) > 0) { + /* Format time. */ + textView.setText(DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(new Date(cursor.getLong(columnIndex)))); + } else { + textView.setText("Never modified locally"); + } + return true; + + case R.id.item_book_link_url: + case R.id.item_book_synced_url: + textView = (TextView) view; + if (! cursor.isNull(columnIndex)) { + textView.setText(UriUtils.friendlyUri(cursor.getString(columnIndex))); + } + return true; + + } + + return false; + } + }); + + return adapter; + } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + */ + @Override + public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, menu, inflater); + + inflater.inflate(R.menu.books_actions, menu); + } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + * Called after each invalidateOptionsMenu(). + */ +// @Override +// public boolean onPrepareOptionsMenu(Menu menu) { +// return true; +// } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + */ + @Override + public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { + switch (item.getItemId()) { + case R.id.books_options_menu_item_import_book: + mListener.onBookLoadRequest(); + return true; + + default: + return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); + } + } + + @Override + public void onListItemClick(ListView listView, View v, int position, long id) { + super.onListItemClick(listView, v, position, id); + + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onBookClicked(id); + } + } + + @Override + public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { + getActivity().getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.books_context, menu); + } + + @Override + public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) { + /* Get ID of the item. */ + AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo) item.getMenuInfo(); + long bookId = info.id; + + switch (item.getItemId()) { + case R.id.books_context_menu_rename: /* Rename book. */ + mListener.onBookRenameRequest(bookId); + return true; + + case R.id.books_context_menu_set_link: /* Set link to remote book. */ + mListener.onBookLinkSetRequest(bookId); + return true; + + case R.id.books_context_menu_force_save: + mListener.onForceSaveRequest(bookId); + return true; + + case R.id.books_context_menu_force_load: + mListener.onForceLoadRequest(bookId); + return true; + + case R.id.books_context_menu_export: /* Export book. */ + mListener.onBookExportRequest(bookId); + return true; + + case R.id.books_context_menu_delete: /* Delete book. */ + mListener.onBookDeleteRequest(bookId); + return true; + + default: + return super.onContextItemSelected(item); + } + } + + + @Override + public Loader onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle bundle) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, id, bundle); + + return BooksClient.getCursorLoader(getActivity()); + } + + @Override + public void onLoadFinished(Loader loader, Cursor cursor) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, loader, cursor); + + if (mIsViewCreated) { + /** + * Swapping instead of changing Cursor here, to keep the old one open. + * Loader should release the old Cursor - see note in + * {@link LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks#onLoadFinished). + */ + mListAdapter.swapCursor(cursor); + + if (mListAdapter.getCount() > 0) { + mNoNotebookText.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } else { + mNoNotebookText.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } + } + } + + @Override + public void onLoaderReset(Loader loader) { + if (mIsViewCreated) { + mListAdapter.changeCursor(null); + } + } + + @Override + public Runnable getFabAction() { + return new Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + mListener.onBookCreateRequest(); + } + }; + } + + private void announceChangesToActivity() { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.announceChanges( + FRAGMENT_TAG, + getString(R.string.notebooks), + null, + 0); // No books ever selected, as we're using the old floating context menu. + } + } + + public interface BooksFragmentListener extends FragmentListener { + /** + * Request for creating new book. + */ + void onBookCreateRequest(); + + /** + * Click on a book item has been performed. + * @param bookId + */ + void onBookClicked(long bookId); + + /** + * User wants to delete the book. + * @param bookId + */ + void onBookDeleteRequest(long bookId); + + void onBookRenameRequest(long bookId); + void onBookLinkSetRequest(long bookId); + void onForceSaveRequest(long bookId); + void onForceLoadRequest(long bookId); + void onBookExportRequest(long bookId); + + void onBookLoadRequest(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/BrowserFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/BrowserFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4539baab8 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/BrowserFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,164 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.v4.app.ListFragment; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.ListView; +import android.widget.TextView; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +import java.util.ArrayList; + +/** + * Generic fragment for browser. + * File browser or notes browser (for refiling) could extend it. + */ +abstract class BrowserFragment extends ListFragment { + private static final String TAG = BrowserFragment.class.getName(); + + protected static final String ARG_ITEM = "item"; + + protected BrowserFragmentListener mListener; + + protected TextView mCurrentItemView; + protected Item[] mItemList; + protected String mCurrentItem; + protected String mNextItem; + protected ArrayList mItemHistory = new ArrayList<>(); + + protected void init(String entry) { + Bundle args = new Bundle(); + + args.putString(ARG_ITEM, entry); + + setArguments(args); + } + + @Override + public void onAttach(Context context) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, getActivity()); + + super.onAttach(context); + /* This makes sure that the container activity has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + try { + mListener = (BrowserFragmentListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + BrowserFragmentListener.class); + } + + /* Sets current item. Either uses passed argument, or default. */ + if (getArguments() != null) { + if (getArguments().containsKey(ARG_ITEM)) { + mNextItem = getArguments().getString(ARG_ITEM); + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Using passed argument: " + mNextItem); + } + } + + if (mNextItem == null) { + mNextItem = defaultPath(); + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Using browser's argument: " + mNextItem); + } + } + + abstract String defaultPath(); + + @Override + public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, inflater, container, savedInstanceState); + + View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.browser, container, false); + + mCurrentItemView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.browser_title); + + view.findViewById(R.id.browser_button_cancel).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + mListener.browserCancelRequest(); + } + }); + + view.findViewById(R.id.browser_button_create).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + mListener.browserCreateRequest(mCurrentItem); + } + }); + + view.findViewById(R.id.browser_button_use).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + mListener.browserUseRequest(mCurrentItem); + } + }); + + return view; + } + + @Override + public void onDetach() { + super.onDetach(); + mListener = null; + } + + @Override + public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, outState); + + super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); + + outState.putString(ARG_ITEM, mCurrentItem); + } + + @Override + public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { + throw new IllegalStateException("Browser implementations must implement onListItemClick"); + } + + @Override + public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); + + if (savedInstanceState != null && savedInstanceState.containsKey(ARG_ITEM)) { + mNextItem = savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_ITEM); + } + } + + protected class Item { + boolean isUp = false; + + public String name; + public int icon; + + public Item(Integer icon) { + this.icon = icon; + this.isUp = true; + this.name = "Up"; + } + + public Item(Integer icon, String name) { + this.icon = icon; + this.isUp = false; + this.name = name; + } + + @Override + public String toString() { + return name; + } + } + + public interface BrowserFragmentListener { + void browserCancelRequest(); + void browserCreateRequest(String currentItem); + void browserUseRequest(String item); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/DirectoryRepoFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/DirectoryRepoFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1b441b69b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/DirectoryRepoFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.os.Handler; +import android.support.design.widget.TextInputLayout; +import android.text.TextUtils; +import android.view.ContextMenu; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.Menu; +import android.view.MenuInflater; +import android.view.MenuItem; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.EditText; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.ReposClient; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Repo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.RepoFactory; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.CommonActivity; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ActivityUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.AppPermissions; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; + + +public class DirectoryRepoFragment extends RepoFragment { + private static final String TAG = DirectoryRepoFragment.class.getName(); + + private static final String ARG_REPO_ID = "repo_id"; + + /** Name used for {@link android.app.FragmentManager}. */ + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = DirectoryRepoFragment.class.getName(); + + private DirectoryRepoFragmentListener mListener; + + private Uri mSelectedUri; + private TextInputLayout directoryInputLayout; + private EditText mUriView; + + public static DirectoryRepoFragment getInstance() { + return new DirectoryRepoFragment(); + } + + public static DirectoryRepoFragment getInstance(long repoId) { + DirectoryRepoFragment fragment = new DirectoryRepoFragment(); + Bundle args = new Bundle(); + + args.putLong(ARG_REPO_ID, repoId); + + fragment.setArguments(args); + + return fragment; + } + + /** + * Mandatory empty constructor for the fragment manager to instantiate the + * fragment (e.g. upon screen orientation changes). + */ + public DirectoryRepoFragment() { + } + + @Override + public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + /* Would like to add items to the Options Menu. + * Required (for fragments only) to receive onCreateOptionsMenu() call. + */ + setHasOptionsMenu(true); + } + + + @Override + public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_repo_directory, container, false); + + directoryInputLayout = (TextInputLayout) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_repo_directory_input_layout); + mUriView = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_repo_directory); + MiscUtils.clearErrorOnTextChange(mUriView, directoryInputLayout); + + view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_repo_directory_browse_button).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + /* Close the keyboard before opening the browser. */ + if (getActivity() != null) { + ActivityUtils.closeSoftKeyboard(getActivity()); + } + + /* Do not open the browser unless we have the storage permission. */ + if (AppPermissions.isGrantedOrRequest((CommonActivity) getActivity(), AppPermissions.FOR_LOCAL_REPO)) { + startBrowserDelayed(); + } + } + }); + + if (savedInstanceState == null && TextUtils.isEmpty(mUriView.getText()) && mSelectedUri == null) { + setFromArgument(); + } + + return view; + } + + private void setFromArgument() { + if (getArguments() != null && getArguments().containsKey(ARG_REPO_ID)) { + long repoId = getArguments().getLong(ARG_REPO_ID); + + mSelectedUri = Uri.parse(ReposClient.getUrl(getActivity(), repoId)); + } + } + + /** + * Delay opening the browser. + * Buttons would briefly appear in the middle of the screen + * because of the opened keyboard. + */ + private void startBrowserDelayed() { + new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + startBrowser(); + } + }, 100); + } + + private void startBrowser() { + String uri = null; + + if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(mUriView.getText())) { + uri = mUriView.getText().toString(); + } + + if (uri != null) { + mListener.onBrowseDirectories(Uri.parse(uri).getPath()); + } else { + mListener.onBrowseDirectories(null); + } + } + + @Override + public void onResume() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onResume(); + + /* Set directory view's value. */ + if (mSelectedUri != null) { + mUriView.setText(mSelectedUri.toString()); + mSelectedUri = null; + } + + /* Check for permissions. */ + AppPermissions.isGrantedOrRequest((CommonActivity) getActivity(), AppPermissions.FOR_LOCAL_REPO); + } + + @Override + public void onAttach(Context context) { + super.onAttach(context); + /* This makes sure that the container activity has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + try { + mListener = (DirectoryRepoFragmentListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + DirectoryRepoFragmentListener.class); + } + } + + @Override + public void onDetach() { + super.onDetach(); + mListener = null; + } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + */ + @Override + public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, menu, inflater); + + inflater.inflate(R.menu.done_or_close, menu); + + /* Remove search item. */ + // menu.removeItem(R.id.options_menu_item_search); + } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + */ + @Override + public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { + switch (item.getItemId()) { + case R.id.close: + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onRepoCancelRequest(); + } + return true; + + case R.id.done: + save(); + return true; + + default: + return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); + } + } + + private void save() { + /* Check for storage permission. */ + if (! AppPermissions.isGrantedOrRequest((CommonActivity) getActivity(), AppPermissions.FOR_LOCAL_REPO)) { + return; + } + + String uriString = mUriView.getText().toString().trim(); + + if (TextUtils.isEmpty(uriString)) { + directoryInputLayout.setError(getString(R.string.can_not_be_empty)); + return; + } else { + directoryInputLayout.setError(null); + } + + Uri uri = Uri.parse(uriString); + + Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(getActivity(), uri); + + if (repo == null) { + directoryInputLayout.setError(getString(R.string.invalid_repo_url, uri)); + return; + } + + if (getArguments() != null && getArguments().containsKey(ARG_REPO_ID)) { // Existing repo + long repoId = getArguments().getLong(ARG_REPO_ID); + + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onRepoUpdateRequest(repoId, repo); + } + + } else { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onRepoCreateRequest(repo); + } + } + } + + @Override + public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { + getActivity().getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.repos_context, menu); + } + + public void updateUri(Uri uri) { + mSelectedUri = uri; + } + + public interface DirectoryRepoFragmentListener extends RepoFragmentListener { + void onBrowseDirectories(String dir); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/DrawerFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/DrawerFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ecfd99d55 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/DrawerFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,460 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.SharedPreferences; +import android.content.res.TypedArray; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.graphics.Typeface; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.preference.PreferenceManager; +import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; +import android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity; +import android.support.v4.app.ListFragment; +import android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager; +import android.support.v4.content.Loader; +import android.util.TypedValue; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; +import android.widget.ImageView; +import android.widget.ListView; +import android.widget.TextView; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.SearchQuery; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.BooksClient; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.FiltersClient; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Loaders; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; + +public class DrawerFragment extends ListFragment + implements + LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks, + SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { + + private static final String TAG = DrawerFragment.class.getName(); + + /** Name used for {@link android.app.FragmentManager}. */ + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = DrawerFragment.class.getName(); + + private final DrawerItem filtersHeader = new FiltersItem(); + private final List filters = new ArrayList<>(); + + private final DrawerItem booksHeader = new BooksItem(); + private final List books = new ArrayList<>(); + + private final DrawerItem settingsHeader = new SettingsItem(); + + private DrawerFragmentListener mListener; + private ArrayAdapter mListAdapter; + private String activeFragmentTag = null; + private DrawerItem selectedItem = null; + + /** + * Mandatory empty constructor for the fragment manager to instantiate the + * fragment (e.g. upon screen orientation changes). + */ + public DrawerFragment() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + } + + public static DrawerFragment getInstance() { + return new DrawerFragment(); + } + + public void setActiveFragment(String fragmentTag) { + activeFragmentTag = fragmentTag; + + updateSelectedItemFromActiveFragment(); + } + + private void updateSelectedItemFromActiveFragment() { + selectedItem = null; + + FragmentActivity activity = getActivity(); + if (activity != null) { + Fragment fragment = activity.getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(activeFragmentTag); + + if (fragment != null) { + /* Find by query string. */ + if (QueryFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG.equals(activeFragmentTag)) { + + SearchQuery query = ((QueryFragment) fragment).getQuery(); + + if (query != null) { + for (FilterItem item : filters) { + if (query.toString().equals(item.query)) { + selectedItem = item; + } + } + } + + } else if (BooksFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG.equals(activeFragmentTag)) { + selectedItem = booksHeader; + + } else if (FiltersFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG.equals(activeFragmentTag)) { + selectedItem = filtersHeader; + + } else if (SettingsFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG.equals(activeFragmentTag)) { + selectedItem = settingsHeader; + + /* Find by book ID. */ + } else if (BookFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG.equals(activeFragmentTag)) { + Book book = ((BookFragment) fragment).getBook(); + + if (book != null) { + for (BookItem item : books) { + if (book.getId() == item.id) { + selectedItem = item; + } + } + } + } + + mListAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); + } + } + } + + @Override + public void onAttach(Context context) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, getActivity()); + super.onAttach(context); + + /* This makes sure that the container activity has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + try { + mListener = (DrawerFragmentListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + DrawerFragmentListener.class); + } + } + + @Override + public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, inflater, container, savedInstanceState); + + /* Inflate layout. */ + return inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_left_drawer, container, false); + } + + @Override + public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); + + mListAdapter = createAdapter(); + setListAdapter(mListAdapter); + + if (savedInstanceState != null) { // Configuration change. + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(Loaders.DRAWER_BOOKS, null, this); + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(Loaders.DRAWER_FILTERS, null, this); + } else { + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().restartLoader(Loaders.DRAWER_BOOKS, null, this); + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().restartLoader(Loaders.DRAWER_FILTERS, null, this); + } + } + + @Override + public void onDestroyView() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDestroyView(); + + setListAdapter(null); + mListAdapter = null; + } + + @Override + public void onDetach() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDetach(); + + mListener = null; + } + + @Override + public void onResume() { + super.onResume(); + + /* In case books sort order preference has been changed. */ + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().restartLoader(Loaders.DRAWER_BOOKS, null, this); + + /* Start to listen for any preference changes. */ + PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity()).registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); + } + + @Override + public void onPause() { + super.onPause(); + + /* Stop listening for preference changed. */ + PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity()).unregisterOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); + } + + private ArrayAdapter createAdapter() { + return new ArrayAdapter(getActivity(), R.layout.item_drawer, R.id.item_drawer_text) { + @Override + public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { + View view = super.getView(position, convertView, parent); + + ViewHolder holder = (ViewHolder) view.getTag(); + + if (holder == null) { + holder = new ViewHolder(); + holder.container = (ViewGroup) view.findViewById(R.id.item_drawer_container); + holder.text = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.item_drawer_text); + holder.leftIcon = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.item_drawer_left_icon); + holder.rightIcon = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.item_drawer_right_icon); + holder.activeFlag = view.findViewById(R.id.item_drawer_active_flag); + view.setTag(holder); + } + + DrawerItem item = getItem(position); + + TypedArray typedArray = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(new int[]{ + item.textSize, item.leftIconResource}); + + /* Set text size. */ + int t = typedArray.getDimensionPixelSize(0, -1); + if (t != -1) { + holder.text.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX, t); + } + + + /* Set or hide left icon. */ + if (item.leftIconResource != 0) { + holder.leftIcon.setImageResource(typedArray.getResourceId(1, -1)); + holder.leftIcon.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } else { + holder.leftIcon.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); + } + + typedArray.recycle(); + + + /* Set or remove right icon. */ + if (item.isModified) { + holder.rightIcon.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } else { + holder.rightIcon.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); + } + + /* Set text typeface. */ + holder.text.setTypeface(null, item.typeface); + + /* Set alpha. */ + view.setAlpha(item.alpha); + + /* Mark currently displayed fragment. */ + if (item == selectedItem) { + holder.activeFlag.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } else { + holder.activeFlag.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); + } + + return view; + } + }; + } + + @Override + public Loader onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle bundle) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, id, bundle); + + switch (id) { + case Loaders.DRAWER_FILTERS: + return FiltersClient.getCursorLoader(getActivity()); + + case Loaders.DRAWER_BOOKS: + return BooksClient.getCursorLoader(getActivity()); + + default: + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Loader id " + id + " unexpected"); + } + } + + @Override + public void onLoadFinished(Loader loader, Cursor cursor) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, loader, cursor); + + if (mListAdapter == null) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "adapter is null, view is destroyed?"); + return; + } + + switch (loader.getId()) { + case Loaders.DRAWER_FILTERS: + updateFromFiltersCursor(cursor); + updateAdapter(); + break; + + case Loaders.DRAWER_BOOKS: + updateFromBooksCursor(cursor); + updateAdapter(); + break; + } + } + + private void updateAdapter() { + updateSelectedItemFromActiveFragment(); + + mListAdapter.clear(); + + filtersHeader.name = getString(R.string.searches); + mListAdapter.add(filtersHeader); + + for (DrawerItem item: filters) { + mListAdapter.add(item); + } + + booksHeader.name = getString(R.string.notebooks); + mListAdapter.add(booksHeader); + + for (DrawerItem item: books) { + mListAdapter.add(item); + } + + settingsHeader.name = getString(R.string.settings); + mListAdapter.add(settingsHeader); + } + + private void updateFromFiltersCursor(Cursor cursor) { + filters.clear(); + + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + String name = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Filters.Param.NAME)); + String query = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Filters.Param.QUERY)); + + FilterItem item = new FilterItem(name, new SearchQuery(query).toString()); + + filters.add(item); + } + } + + private void updateFromBooksCursor(Cursor cursor) { + books.clear(); + + for (cursor.moveToFirst(); !cursor.isAfterLast(); cursor.moveToNext()) { + String name = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Books.Param.NAME)); + long id = cursor.getLong(cursor.getColumnIndex(ProviderContract.Books.Param._ID)); + + Book book = BooksClient.fromCursor(cursor); + + /* Set book name from title if it exists. */ + if (book.getOrgFileSettings().getTitle() != null) { + name = book.getOrgFileSettings().getTitle(); + } + + BookItem item = new BookItem(name, id); + + item.isModified = book.isModifiedAfterLastSync(); + + /* Change opacity for dummy notebook. */ + if (book.isDummy()) { + item.alpha = 0.4f; + } + + books.add(item); + } + } + + @Override + public void onLoaderReset(Loader loader) { + if (mListAdapter == null) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "adapter is null, view is destroyed?"); + } + } + + @Override + public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { + if (mListener != null) { + DrawerItem item = (DrawerItem) l.getItemAtPosition(position); + + mListener.onDrawerItemClicked(item); + } + } + + @Override + public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) { + /* Restart loader if notebooks sort order changed. */ + if (getString(R.string.pref_key_notebooks_sort_order).equals(key)) { + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().restartLoader(Loaders.DRAWER_BOOKS, null, this); + } + } + + public interface DrawerFragmentListener { + void onDrawerItemClicked(DrawerItem item); + } + + public class DrawerItem { + public String name; + public int leftIconResource = 0; + public boolean isModified = false; + public int typeface = Typeface.NORMAL; + public float alpha = 1; + public int textSize = R.attr.item_drawer_text_size; + public int bgColor = android.R.color.transparent; + + public String toString() { + return name; + } + } + + public class BooksItem extends DrawerItem { + public BooksItem() { + this.leftIconResource = R.attr.oic_drawer_notebooks; + this.textSize = R.attr.item_drawer_title_text_size; + this.bgColor = R.color.drawer_title_bg_color; + } + } + + public class FiltersItem extends DrawerItem { + public FiltersItem() { + this.leftIconResource = R.attr.oic_drawer_filters; + this.textSize = R.attr.item_drawer_title_text_size; + this.bgColor = R.color.drawer_title_bg_color; + } + } + + public class SettingsItem extends DrawerItem { + public SettingsItem() { + this.leftIconResource = R.attr.oic_drawer_settings; + this.bgColor = R.color.drawer_title_bg_color; + this.textSize = R.attr.item_drawer_title_text_size; + } + } + + public class FilterItem extends DrawerItem { + public String query; + + public FilterItem(String name, String query) { + this.name = name; + this.query = query; + } + } + + public class BookItem extends DrawerItem { + public long id; + + public BookItem(String name, long id) { + this.name = name; + this.id = id; + } + } + + private class ViewHolder { + public ViewGroup container; + public TextView text; + public ImageView leftIcon; + public ImageView rightIcon; + public View activeFlag; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/DropboxRepoFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/DropboxRepoFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b34442a13 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/DropboxRepoFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,287 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.app.Activity; +import android.app.AlertDialog; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.DialogInterface; +import android.content.res.TypedArray; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.design.widget.TextInputLayout; +import android.text.TextUtils; +import android.view.ContextMenu; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.Menu; +import android.view.MenuInflater; +import android.view.MenuItem; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.Button; +import android.widget.EditText; +import android.widget.ImageView; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.ReposClient; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.DropboxRepo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Repo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.RepoFactory; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ActivityUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.UriUtils; + +public class DropboxRepoFragment extends RepoFragment { + private static final String TAG = DropboxRepoFragment.class.getName(); + + private static final String ARG_REPO_ID = "repo_id"; + + /** Name used for {@link android.app.FragmentManager}. */ + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = DropboxRepoFragment.class.getName(); + + private DropboxRepoFragmentListener mListener; + + private ImageView mDropboxIcon; + private Button mDropboxLinkUnlinkButton; + + private TextInputLayout directoryInputLayout; + private EditText mDirectory; + + public static DropboxRepoFragment getInstance() { + return new DropboxRepoFragment(); + } + + public static DropboxRepoFragment getInstance(long repoId) { + DropboxRepoFragment fragment = new DropboxRepoFragment(); + Bundle args = new Bundle(); + + args.putLong(ARG_REPO_ID, repoId); + + fragment.setArguments(args); + + return fragment; + } + + /** + * Mandatory empty constructor for the fragment manager to instantiate the + * fragment (e.g. upon screen orientation changes). + */ + public DropboxRepoFragment() { + } + + @Override + public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + /* Would like to add items to the Options Menu. + * Required (for fragments only) to receive onCreateOptionsMenu() call. + */ + setHasOptionsMenu(true); + } + + + @Override + public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_repo_dropbox, container, false); + + /* Dropbox link / unlink button. */ + mDropboxLinkUnlinkButton = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_repo_dropbox_link_button); + mDropboxLinkUnlinkButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + if (mListener.isDropboxLinked()) { + areYouSureYouWantToUnlink(); + } else { + toogleLink(); + } + } + }); + + mDropboxIcon = (ImageView) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_repo_dropbox_icon); + + mDirectory = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_repo_dropbox_directory); + setDirectoryFromArgument(); + directoryInputLayout = (TextInputLayout) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_repo_dropbox_directory_input_layout); + + MiscUtils.clearErrorOnTextChange(mDirectory, directoryInputLayout); + + /* Open a soft keyboard. */ + if (getActivity() != null) { + ActivityUtils.openSoftKeyboard(getActivity(), mDirectory); + } + + return view; + } + + private void areYouSureYouWantToUnlink() { + DialogInterface.OnClickListener dialogClickListener = new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { + if (which == DialogInterface.BUTTON_POSITIVE) { + toogleLink(); + } + } + }; + + new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext()) + .setTitle(R.string.confirm_unlinking_from_dropbox_title) + .setMessage(R.string.confirm_unlinking_from_dropbox_message) + .setPositiveButton(R.string.unlink, dialogClickListener) + .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, dialogClickListener) + .show(); + } + + private void toogleLink() { + if (mListener != null) { + if (mListener.onDropboxLinkToggleRequest()) { // Unlinked + updateDropboxLinkUnlinkButton(); + } // Else - Linking process started - button should stay the same. + } + } + + private void setDirectoryFromArgument() { + if (getArguments() != null && getArguments().containsKey(ARG_REPO_ID)) { + long repoId = getArguments().getLong(ARG_REPO_ID); + + Uri repoUri = Uri.parse(ReposClient.getUrl(getActivity(), repoId)); + + mDirectory.setText(repoUri.getPath()); + } + } + + @Override + public void onResume() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onResume(); + + updateDropboxLinkUnlinkButton(); + } + + @Override + public void onAttach(Context context) { + super.onAttach(context); + /* This makes sure that the container activity has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + try { + mListener = (DropboxRepoFragmentListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + DropboxRepoFragmentListener.class); + } + } + + @Override + public void onDetach() { + super.onDetach(); + mListener = null; + } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + */ + @Override + public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, menu, inflater); + + inflater.inflate(R.menu.done_or_close, menu); + + /* Remove search item. */ + // menu.removeItem(R.id.options_menu_item_search); + } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + */ + @Override + public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { + switch (item.getItemId()) { + case R.id.close: + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onRepoCancelRequest(); + } + return true; + + case R.id.done: + String directory = mDirectory.getText().toString().trim(); + save(directory); + + return true; + + default: + return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); + } + } + + private void save(String directory) { + if (TextUtils.isEmpty(directory)) { + directoryInputLayout.setError(getString(R.string.can_not_be_empty)); + return; + } else { + directoryInputLayout.setError(null); + } + + Uri uri = UriUtils.uriFromPath(DropboxRepo.SCHEME, directory); + + Repo repo = RepoFactory.getFromUri(getActivity(), uri); + + if (repo == null) { + directoryInputLayout.setError(getString(R.string.invalid_repo_url, uri)); + return; + } + + if (getArguments() != null && getArguments().containsKey(ARG_REPO_ID)) { + /* Edit existing repository. */ + long repoId = getArguments().getLong(ARG_REPO_ID); + + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onRepoUpdateRequest(repoId, repo); + } + + } else { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onRepoCreateRequest(repo); + } + } + } + + @Override + public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { + getActivity().getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.repos_context, menu); + } + + public void updateDropboxLinkUnlinkButton() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + + Activity activity = getActivity(); + + if (mListener != null && activity != null) { + TypedArray typedArray = activity.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[]{ + R.attr.oic_dropbox_linked, R.attr.oic_dropbox_not_linked}); + + String text; + int imageResource; + + if (mListener.isDropboxLinked()) { + text = getString(R.string.repo_dropbox_button_linked); + imageResource = typedArray.getResourceId(0, 0); + } else { + text = getString(R.string.repo_dropbox_button_not_linked); + imageResource = typedArray.getResourceId(1, 0); + } + + typedArray.recycle(); + + mDropboxLinkUnlinkButton.setText(text); + + if (imageResource != 0) { + mDropboxIcon.setImageResource(imageResource); + } + } + } + + + public interface DropboxRepoFragmentListener extends RepoFragmentListener { + boolean onDropboxLinkToggleRequest(); + boolean isDropboxLinked(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/FileBrowserFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/FileBrowserFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8ac3e1581 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/FileBrowserFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,252 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.content.res.TypedArray; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.os.Environment; +import android.util.Log; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; +import android.widget.ImageView; +import android.widget.ListAdapter; +import android.widget.ListView; +import android.widget.TextView; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.CommonActivity; +import com.orgzly.android.util.AppPermissions; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.FilenameFilter; +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.Collections; +import java.util.Comparator; +import java.util.List; + +/** + * + */ +public class FileBrowserFragment extends BrowserFragment { + private static final String TAG = FileBrowserFragment.class.getName(); + + /** Name used for {@link android.app.FragmentManager}. */ + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = FileBrowserFragment.class.getName(); + + private static final FilenameFilter FILENAME_FILTER = new FilenameFilter() { + @Override + public boolean accept(File dir, String filename) { + File f = new File(dir, filename); + return (f.isFile() || f.isDirectory()) && !f.isHidden(); + } + }; + + public static FileBrowserFragment getInstance(String entry) { + FileBrowserFragment fragment = new FileBrowserFragment(); + + if (entry != null) { + fragment.init(entry); + } + + return fragment; + } + + /** + * Mandatory empty constructor for the fragment manager to instantiate the + * fragment (e.g. upon screen orientation changes). + */ + public FileBrowserFragment() { + } + + public String defaultPath() { + File file = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(); + + boolean isRW = Environment.MEDIA_MOUNTED.equals(Environment.getExternalStorageState()); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Default path " + file + " is " + (isRW ? "" : "NOT ") + "MOUNTED"); + + String path = null; + + if (isRW) { + path = file.getAbsolutePath(); + } + + return path; + } + + @Override + public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); + + tryLoadFileListFromNext(true); + } + + @Override + public void onResume() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onResume(); + + /* Check for permissions. */ + AppPermissions.isGrantedOrRequest((CommonActivity) getActivity(), AppPermissions.FOR_LOCAL_REPO); + } + + @Override + public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { + Item item = (Item) l.getItemAtPosition(position); + + if (mCurrentItem != null) { + if (item.isUp) { + File path = new File(mCurrentItem); + + if (path.getParentFile() != null) { + mNextItem = path.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath(); + tryLoadFileListFromNext(false); + } + + } else { + File sel = new File(mCurrentItem, item.name); + + if (sel.isDirectory()) { + mNextItem = sel.getAbsolutePath(); + tryLoadFileListFromNext(false); + } + } + + } else { + Log.e(TAG, "Clicked on " + item.name + " but there is no current directory set"); + } + } + + private File[] fileList(String path) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Trying to get a list of files in " + path); + + if (path != null) { + File file = new File(path); + + if (file.exists()) { + return file.listFiles(FILENAME_FILTER); + } + } + + return null; + } + + /** + * Populates {@link #mItemList} with non-hidden files and directories from {@link #mNextItem}. + * Creates a new adapter and uses it for list view. + */ + private void tryLoadFileListFromNext(boolean fallbackToDefaultOrRoot) { + File[] fileList; + + fileList = fileList(mNextItem); + + if (fileList == null) { /* Try default path. */ + + /* Do not try alternative paths. + * Used when clicking from already opened browser. + * Don't do anything in that case. + */ + if (! fallbackToDefaultOrRoot) { + return; + } + + mNextItem = defaultPath(); + fileList = fileList(mNextItem); + + if (fileList == null) { /* Try root. */ + mNextItem = "/"; + fileList = fileList(mNextItem); + + if (fileList == null) { + fileList = new File[0]; + } + } + } + + doLoadFileListFromNext(fileList); + + setupAdapter(); + } + + private void doLoadFileListFromNext(File[] files) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Loading file list for " + mNextItem); + + File nextPath = new File(mNextItem); + + List list = Arrays.asList(files); + Collections.sort(list, new FileTypeComparator()); + + TypedArray typedArray = getActivity().obtainStyledAttributes(new int[]{ + R.attr.oic_browser_up, R.attr.oic_browser_file, R.attr.oic_browser_directory}); + + mItemList = new Item[list.size() + 1]; + + mItemList[0] = new Item(typedArray.getResourceId(0, 0)); + + for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { + mItemList[i+1] = new Item(typedArray.getResourceId(1, 0), list.get(i).getName()); + + /* Update icon if it's a directory. */ + File sel = new File(nextPath, list.get(i).getName()); + if (sel.isDirectory()) { + mItemList[i+1].icon = typedArray.getResourceId(2, 0); + } + } + + typedArray.recycle(); + /* Current item updated. */ + mCurrentItemView.setText(nextPath.getAbsolutePath()); + mItemHistory.add(mCurrentItem); + mCurrentItem = mNextItem; + } + + private void setupAdapter() { + // TODO: Must create every time, can we update itemList only? + ListAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter(getActivity(), R.layout.item_browser, mItemList) { + @Override + public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { + // View view = super.getView(position, convertView, parent); + + if (convertView == null) { + convertView = LayoutInflater.from(getContext()).inflate(R.layout.item_browser, parent, false); + } + + ImageView imageView = (ImageView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.browser_item_icon); + TextView textView = (TextView) convertView.findViewById(R.id.browser_item_name); + + imageView.setImageResource(mItemList[position].icon); + textView.setText(mItemList[position].name); + + return convertView; + } + }; + + getListView().setAdapter(adapter); + } + + public void refresh() { + mNextItem = mCurrentItem; + tryLoadFileListFromNext(false); + } + + class FileTypeComparator implements Comparator { + @Override + public int compare(File file1, File file2) { + + /* Same type. */ + if ((file1.isDirectory() && file2.isDirectory()) || (file1.isFile() && file2.isFile())) { + return String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.compare(file1.getName(), file2.getName()); + } + + if (file1.isDirectory() && file2.isFile()) { + return -1; + } else { + return 1; + } + } + } + +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/FilterFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/FilterFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..65a19035a --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/FilterFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,279 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.design.widget.TextInputLayout; +import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; +import android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray; +import android.text.TextUtils; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.Menu; +import android.view.MenuInflater; +import android.view.MenuItem; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.EditText; +import android.widget.ViewFlipper; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Filter; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.FiltersClient; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.FragmentListener; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ActivityUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +public class FilterFragment extends Fragment { + private static final String TAG = FilterFragment.class.getName(); + + private static final String ARG_ID = "id"; + + /** Name used for {@link android.app.FragmentManager}. */ + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = FilterFragment.class.getName(); + + private FilterFragmentListener mListener; + + private ViewFlipper mViewFlipper; + + private TextInputLayout nameInputLayout; + private EditText mName; + + private TextInputLayout queryInputLayout; + private EditText mQuery; + + public static FilterFragment getInstance() { + return new FilterFragment(); + } + + public static FilterFragment getInstance(long id) { + FilterFragment fragment = new FilterFragment(); + Bundle args = new Bundle(); + + args.putLong(ARG_ID, id); + + fragment.setArguments(args); + + return fragment; + } + + /** + * Mandatory empty constructor for the fragment manager to instantiate the + * fragment (e.g. upon screen orientation changes). + */ + public FilterFragment() { + } + + @Override + public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + /* Would like to add items to the Options Menu. + * Required (for fragments only) to receive onCreateOptionsMenu() call. + */ + setHasOptionsMenu(true); + } + + + @Override + public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_filter, container, false); + + mViewFlipper = (ViewFlipper) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_filter_flipper); + nameInputLayout = (TextInputLayout) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_filter_name_input_layout); + mName = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_filter_name); + queryInputLayout = (TextInputLayout) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_filter_query_input_layout); + mQuery = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_filter_query); + + setViewsFromArgument(); + + return view; + } + + private void setViewsFromArgument() { + View viewToFocus = null; + + if (isEditingExistingFilter()) { /* Existing filter. */ + long id = getArguments().getLong(ARG_ID); + + Filter filter = FiltersClient.get(getActivity(), id); + + if (filter != null) { + mName.setText(filter.getName()); + mQuery.setText(filter.getQuery()); + + mViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild(0); + + viewToFocus = mQuery; + + } else { + mViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild(1); + } + + } else { /* New filter. */ + viewToFocus = mName; + } + + /* + * Open a soft keyboard. + * For new filters focus on name, for existing focus on query. + */ + if (viewToFocus != null && getActivity() != null) { + ActivityUtils.openSoftKeyboard(getActivity(), viewToFocus); + } + } + + @Override + public void onResume() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onResume(); + + announceChangesToActivity(); + } + + private void announceChangesToActivity() { + if (isEditingExistingFilter()) { + mListener.announceChanges(FRAGMENT_TAG, getString(R.string.search), null, 0); + } else { + mListener.announceChanges(FRAGMENT_TAG, getString(R.string.new_search), null, 0); + } + } + + private boolean isEditingExistingFilter() { + return getArguments() != null && getArguments().containsKey(ARG_ID); + } + + @Override + public void onAttach(Context context) { + super.onAttach(context); + /* This makes sure that the container activity has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + try { + mListener = (FilterFragmentListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + FilterFragmentListener.class); + } + } + + @Override + public void onDetach() { + super.onDetach(); + mListener = null; + } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + */ + @Override + public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, menu, inflater); + + inflater.inflate(R.menu.done_or_close, menu); + + /* Remove search item. */ + menu.removeItem(R.id.activity_action_search); + } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + */ + @Override + public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { + switch (item.getItemId()) { + case R.id.close: + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onFilterCancelRequest(); + } + + return true; + + case R.id.done: + save(); + return true; + + default: + return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); + } + } + + /** + * Sends current values to listener. + */ + private void save() { + String name = mName.getText().toString(); + String query = mQuery.getText().toString(); + + boolean canSave = true; + + /* Validate name. */ + if (TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { + nameInputLayout.setError(getString(R.string.can_not_be_empty)); + canSave = false; + } else if (sameNameFilterExists(name)) { + nameInputLayout.setError(getString(R.string.filter_name_already_exists)); + canSave = false; + } else { + nameInputLayout.setError(null); + } + + /* Validate query. */ + if (TextUtils.isEmpty(query)) { + queryInputLayout.setError(getString(R.string.can_not_be_empty)); + canSave = false; + } else { + queryInputLayout.setError(null); + } + + if (! canSave) { + return; + } + + Filter filter = new Filter(name, query); + + /* Editing existing record. */ + if (isEditingExistingFilter()) { + long id = getArguments().getLong(ARG_ID); + + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onFilterUpdateRequest(id, filter); + } + + } else { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onFilterCreateRequest(filter); + } + } + } + + /** + * Checks if filter with the same name (ignoring case) already exists. + */ + private boolean sameNameFilterExists(String name) { + LongSparseArray filters = FiltersClient.getByNameIgnoreCase(getContext(), name); + + if (isEditingExistingFilter()) { + long id = getArguments().getLong(ARG_ID); + + for (int i = 0; i < filters.size(); i++) { + long filterId = filters.keyAt(i); + Filter filter = filters.get(filterId); + + // Ignore currently edited filter + if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(filter.getName()) && id != filterId) { + return true; + } + } + + return false; + + } else { // New filter + return filters.size() > 0; + } + } + + public interface FilterFragmentListener extends FragmentListener { + void onFilterCreateRequest(Filter filter); + void onFilterUpdateRequest(long id, Filter filter); + void onFilterCancelRequest(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/FiltersFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/FiltersFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..05914cc38 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/FiltersFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.v4.app.ListFragment; +import android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager; +import android.support.v4.content.Loader; +import android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter; +import android.view.ActionMode; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.Menu; +import android.view.MenuInflater; +import android.view.MenuItem; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.AbsListView; +import android.widget.ListView; +import android.widget.ViewFlipper; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.FiltersClient; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.FragmentListener; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Fab; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Loaders; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ListViewUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +import java.util.Set; + +/** + * Displays and allows modifying saved filters. + */ +public class FiltersFragment extends ListFragment implements Fab, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks { + private static final String TAG = FiltersFragment.class.getName(); + + /** Name used for {@link android.app.FragmentManager}. */ + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = FiltersFragment.class.getName(); + + private SimpleCursorAdapter mListAdapter; + + private FiltersFragmentListener mListener; + + private boolean mIsViewCreated = false; + + private ViewFlipper mViewFlipper; + + public static FiltersFragment getInstance() { + return new FiltersFragment(); + } + + /** + * Mandatory empty constructor for the fragment manager to instantiate the + * fragment (e.g. upon screen orientation changes). + */ + public FiltersFragment() { + } + + @Override + public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + setupAdapter(); + } + + @Override + public void onAttach(Context context) { + super.onAttach(context); + + /* This makes sure that the container activity has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + try { + mListener = (FiltersFragmentListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + FiltersFragmentListener.class); + } + } + + @Override + public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_filters, container, false); + + mViewFlipper = (ViewFlipper) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_filters_flipper); + + return view; + } + + @Override + public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); + + mIsViewCreated = true; + + getListView().setChoiceMode(ListView.CHOICE_MODE_MULTIPLE_MODAL); + getListView().setMultiChoiceModeListener(new MyActionMode()); + } + + @Override + public void onDestroyView() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDestroyView(); + + mIsViewCreated = false; + } + + @Override + public void onDetach() { + super.onDetach(); + + mListener = null; + } + + @Override + public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onFilterEditRequest(id); + } + } + + private void setupAdapter() { + /* Column field names to be bound. */ + String[] columns = new String[] { + ProviderContract.Filters.Param.NAME, + ProviderContract.Filters.Param.QUERY, + ProviderContract.Filters.Param.POSITION, + }; + + /* Views which the data will be bound to. */ + int[] to = new int[] { + R.id.item_filter_name, + R.id.item_filter_query, + R.id.item_filter_position, + }; + + /* Create adapter using Cursor. */ + mListAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter( + getActivity(), + R.layout.item_filter, + null, + columns, + to, + 0); + + setListAdapter(mListAdapter); + } + + @Override + public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); + + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(Loaders.FILTERS_FRAGMENT, null, this); + } + + @Override + public void onResume() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onResume(); + + announceChangesToActivity(); + } + + @Override + public Loader onCreateLoader(int i, Bundle bundle) { + return FiltersClient.getCursorLoader(getActivity()); + } + + @Override + public void onLoadFinished(Loader cursorLoader, Cursor cursor) { + if (mIsViewCreated) { + /** + * Swapping instead of changing Cursor here, to keep the old one open. + * Loader should release the old Cursor - see note in + * {@link LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks#onLoadFinished). + */ + mListAdapter.swapCursor(cursor); + + if (mListAdapter.getCount() > 0) { + mViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild(0); + } else { + mViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild(1); + } + } + } + + @Override + public void onLoaderReset(Loader cursorLoader) { + if (mIsViewCreated) { + mListAdapter.changeCursor(null); + } + } + + @Override + public Runnable getFabAction() { + return new Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + mListener.onFilterNewRequest(); + } + }; + } + + private void announceChangesToActivity() { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.announceChanges( + FRAGMENT_TAG, + getString(R.string.searches), + null, + getListView().getCheckedItemCount()); + } + } + + public class MyActionMode implements AbsListView.MultiChoiceModeListener { + @Override + public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, getListView().getCheckedItemCount()); + + MenuInflater inflater = mode.getMenuInflater(); + inflater.inflate(R.menu.filters_cab, menu); + + /* Needed for after orientation change. */ + mode.setTitle(String.valueOf(getListView().getCheckedItemCount())); + + return true; + } + + @Override + public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode mode, Menu menu) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, getListView().getCheckedItemCount()); + + if (mode.getTag() != null) { + menu.findItem(R.id.filters_cab_move_up).setVisible(false); + menu.findItem(R.id.filters_cab_move_down).setVisible(false); + + } else { + menu.findItem(R.id.filters_cab_move_up).setVisible(true); + menu.findItem(R.id.filters_cab_move_up).setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS); + + menu.findItem(R.id.filters_cab_move_down).setVisible(true); + menu.findItem(R.id.filters_cab_move_down).setShowAsAction(MenuItem.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS); + } + + return true; + } + + @Override + public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode mode, MenuItem item) { + Set ids = ListViewUtils.getCheckedIds(getListView()); + + switch (item.getItemId()) { + case R.id.filters_cab_move_up: + mListener.onFilterMoveUpRequest(ids.iterator().next()); + break; + + case R.id.filters_cab_move_down: + mListener.onFilterMoveDownRequest(ids.iterator().next()); + break; + + case R.id.filters_cab_delete: + mListener.onFilterDeleteRequest(ids); + + /* Close action mode. */ + mode.finish(); + + break; + + default: + return false; /* Not handled. */ + } + + return true; /* Handled. */ + } + + @Override + public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode mode) { + getListView().clearChoices(); + + announceChangesToActivity(); + } + + @Override + public void onItemCheckedStateChanged(ActionMode mode, int position, long id, boolean checked) { + mode.setTitle(String.valueOf(getListView().getCheckedItemCount())); + + /* + * Request onPrepareActionMode to be called if actions for + * repositioning need to be added to removed. + */ + if (getListView().getCheckedItemCount() > 1) { + if (mode.getTag() == null) { /* Filter repositioning actions exist. */ + mode.setTag(new Object()); + mode.invalidate(); + } + } else { + if (mode.getTag() != null) { /* Filter repositioning actions do not exist. */ + mode.setTag(null); + mode.invalidate(); + } + } + + announceChangesToActivity(); + } + } + + public interface FiltersFragmentListener extends FragmentListener { + void onFilterNewRequest(); + void onFilterDeleteRequest(Set ids); + void onFilterEditRequest(long id); + void onFilterMoveUpRequest(long id); + void onFilterMoveDownRequest(long id); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/NoteFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/NoteFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ac2432ced --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/NoteFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,1140 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.app.Activity; +import android.app.AlertDialog; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.DialogInterface; +import android.graphics.Typeface; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.os.Handler; +import android.support.design.widget.TextInputLayout; +import android.support.v4.app.DialogFragment; +import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; +import android.text.Editable; +import android.text.TextUtils; +import android.text.TextWatcher; +import android.text.method.LinkMovementMethod; +import android.view.KeyEvent; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.Menu; +import android.view.MenuInflater; +import android.view.MenuItem; +import android.view.MotionEvent; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.AdapterView; +import android.widget.ArrayAdapter; +import android.widget.Button; +import android.widget.CompoundButton; +import android.widget.EditText; +import android.widget.LinearLayout; +import android.widget.MultiAutoCompleteTextView; +import android.widget.ScrollView; +import android.widget.Spinner; +import android.widget.TextView; +import android.widget.ToggleButton; +import android.widget.ViewFlipper; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.Note; +import com.orgzly.android.Shelf; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.FragmentListener; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.CommonActivity; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.NotePrioritySpinner; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Placement; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.NoteStateSpinner; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.NotePlacement; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.dialogs.TimestampDialogFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ActivityUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.OrgNoteContentFormatParser; +import com.orgzly.android.util.OrgTimeUserFormatter; +import com.orgzly.android.util.SpaceTokenizer; +import com.orgzly.android.util.MiscUtils; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgProperty; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgRange; +import com.orgzly.org.OrgHead; +import com.orgzly.android.StateChangeLogic; +import com.orgzly.org.parser.OrgParserWriter; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.Calendar; +import java.util.NoSuchElementException; +import java.util.TreeSet; + +/** + * Note editor. + */ +public class NoteFragment extends Fragment + implements + View.OnClickListener, + TimestampDialogFragment.OnDateTimeSetListener { + + private static final String TAG = NoteFragment.class.getName(); + + /** Name used for {@link android.app.FragmentManager}. */ + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = NoteFragment.class.getName(); + + private static final String ARG_ORIGINAL_NOTE_HASH = "original_note_hash"; + + private static final String ARG_IS_NEW = "is_new"; + private static final String ARG_BOOK_ID = "book_id"; + private static final String ARG_NOTE_ID = "note_id"; + private static final String ARG_PLACEMENT = "placement"; + private static final String ARG_TITLE = "title"; + private static final String ARG_CONTENT = "content"; + + /* Bundle keys for saving note. */ + private static final String ARG_CURRENT_STATE = "current_state"; + private static final String ARG_CURRENT_PRIORITY = "current_priority"; + private static final String ARG_CURRENT_TITLE = "current_title"; + private static final String ARG_CURRENT_TAGS = "current_tags"; + private static final String ARG_CURRENT_SCHEDULED = "current_scheduled"; + private static final String ARG_CURRENT_DEADLINE = "current_deadline"; + private static final String ARG_CURRENT_CLOSED = "current_closed"; + private static final String ARG_CURRENT_PROPERTIES = "current_properties"; + private static final String ARG_CURRENT_CONTENT = "current_content"; + + private NoteFragmentListener mListener; + + private Shelf mShelf; + + /* Arguments. */ + private boolean mIsNew; + private long mBookId; + private long mNoteId; /* Could be null if new note is being created. */ + private Placement placement; /* Relative location, used for new notes. */ + private String mInitialTitle; /* Initial title (used for when sharing to Orgzly) */ + private String mInitialContent; /* Initial content (used when sharing to Orgzly) */ + + private Note mNote; + private Book mBook; + + + private ScrollView scrollView; + + private NoteStateSpinner mState; + private NotePrioritySpinner mPriority; + + private TextInputLayout titleInputLayout; + private EditText mTitleView; + private MultiAutoCompleteTextView mTagsView; + + private Button mScheduledButton; + private Button mDeadlineButton; + private Button mClosedButton; + + private LinearLayout propertyList; + private Button addProperty; + + private ToggleButton editSwitch; + private EditText bodyEdit; + private TextView bodyView; + + /** Used to switch to note-does-not-exist view, if the note has been deleted. */ + private ViewFlipper mViewFlipper; + + private OrgTimeUserFormatter mOrgTimeUserFormatter; + + public static NoteFragment getInstance(boolean isNew, long bookId, long noteId, Placement placement, String initialTitle, String initialContent) { + NoteFragment fragment = new NoteFragment(); + Bundle args = new Bundle(); + + args.putBoolean(ARG_IS_NEW, isNew); + + args.putLong(ARG_BOOK_ID, bookId); + if (noteId > 0) args.putLong(ARG_NOTE_ID, noteId); + args.putString(ARG_PLACEMENT, placement.toString()); + + if (initialTitle != null) args.putString(ARG_TITLE, initialTitle); + if (initialContent != null) args.putString(ARG_CONTENT, initialContent); + + fragment.setArguments(args); + + return fragment; + } + + /** + * Mandatory empty constructor for the fragment manager to instantiate the + * fragment (e.g. upon screen orientation changes). + */ + public NoteFragment() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + } + + @Override + public void onAttach(Context context) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, getActivity()); + super.onAttach(context); + + /* This makes sure that the container activity has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + try { + mListener = (NoteFragmentListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + NoteFragmentListener.class); + } + + mShelf = new Shelf(getActivity().getApplicationContext()); + + parseArguments(); + + mOrgTimeUserFormatter = new OrgTimeUserFormatter(getActivity().getApplicationContext()); + } + + @Override + public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + /* Would like to add items to the Options Menu. + * Required (for fragments only) to receive onCreateOptionsMenu() call. + */ + setHasOptionsMenu(true); + } + + private boolean mStateSpinnerReady = false; + + @Override + public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, inflater, container, savedInstanceState); + + final View top = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_note, container, false); + + + scrollView = (ScrollView) top.findViewById(R.id.fragment_note_container); + + mPriority = new NotePrioritySpinner(getActivity(), (Spinner) top.findViewById(R.id.fragment_note_priority)); + mState = new NoteStateSpinner(getActivity(), (Spinner) top.findViewById(R.id.fragment_note_state)); + + /* + * Act after state change only if there was a touch (ie user clicked on the spinner). + */ + mState.getSpinner().setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() { + @Override + public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent ev) { + if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { + mStateSpinnerReady = true; + // Load your spinner here + } + return false; + } + }); + + /* + * On state change - update state and timestamps. + * + * There could be issues with onItemSelected called on initialization, not as a result + * of user selection, which is why mStateSpinnerReady is being used. + * + * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2562248/android-how-to-keep-onitemselected-from-firing-off-on-a-newly-instantiated-spin + */ + mState.getSpinner().setOnItemSelectedListener(new AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener() { + @Override + public void onItemSelected(AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id) { + if (mStateSpinnerReady) { + String state = parent.getItemAtPosition(position).toString(); + updateNoteForStateChange(getActivity(), mNote, state); + } + + mStateSpinnerReady = false; + } + + @Override + public void onNothingSelected(AdapterView parent) { + } + }); + + titleInputLayout = (TextInputLayout) top.findViewById(R.id.fragment_note_title_input_layout); + mTitleView = (EditText) top.findViewById(R.id.fragment_note_title); + MiscUtils.clearErrorOnTextChange(mTitleView, titleInputLayout); + + /* + * Only works when set from code. + * We want imeOptions="actionDone", so we can't use textMultiLine. + */ + mTitleView.setHorizontallyScrolling(false); + mTitleView.setMaxLines(3); + + mTitleView.setOnEditorActionListener(new TextView.OnEditorActionListener() { + @Override + public boolean onEditorAction(TextView v, int actionId, KeyEvent event) { + save(); + return true; + } + }); + + mTagsView = (MultiAutoCompleteTextView) top.findViewById(R.id.fragment_note_tags); + + /* Hint causes minimum width - when tags' width is smaller then hint's, there is empty space. */ + mTagsView.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { + @Override + public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { + } + + @Override + public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { + if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mTagsView.getText().toString())) { + mTagsView.setHint(""); + } else { + mTagsView.setHint(R.string.fragment_note_tags_hint); + } + } + + @Override + public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { + } + }); + + mScheduledButton = (Button) top.findViewById(R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button); + mScheduledButton.setOnClickListener(this); + + mDeadlineButton = (Button) top.findViewById(R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button); + mDeadlineButton.setOnClickListener(this); + + mClosedButton = (Button) top.findViewById(R.id.fragment_note_closed_button); + mClosedButton.setOnClickListener(this); + + propertyList = (LinearLayout) top.findViewById(R.id.property_list); + addProperty = (Button) top.findViewById(R.id.add_property); + addProperty.setOnClickListener(this); + + bodyEdit = (EditText) top.findViewById(R.id.body_edit); + + bodyView = (TextView) top.findViewById(R.id.body_view); + bodyView.setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()); + +// bodyView.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener() { +// @Override +// public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) { +// editMode(true, true); +// return false; +// } +// }); + +// bodyView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { +// @Override +// public void onClick(View v) { +// editMode(true, true); +// } +// }); + + if (getActivity() != null && AppPreferences.isFontMonospaced(getContext())) { + bodyEdit.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE); + bodyView.setTypeface(Typeface.MONOSPACE); + } + + editSwitch = (ToggleButton) top.findViewById(R.id.edit_content_toggle); + + editSwitch.setOnCheckedChangeListener(new CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener() { + @Override + public void onCheckedChanged(CompoundButton buttonView, boolean isChecked) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, buttonView, isChecked); + + if (isChecked) { + bodyView.setVisibility(View.GONE); + + bodyEdit.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + + } else { + bodyEdit.setVisibility(View.GONE); + + bodyView.setText(OrgNoteContentFormatParser.fromOrg(bodyEdit.getText().toString(), true)); + bodyView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + + ActivityUtils.closeSoftKeyboard(getActivity()); + } + + } + }); + + editSwitch.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View view) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, editSwitch.isChecked()); + + if (editSwitch.isChecked()) { // Clicked to edit content + ActivityUtils.openSoftKeyboard(getActivity(), bodyEdit); + +// new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { +// @Override +// public void run() { +// scrollView.requestChildFocus(bodyEdit, bodyEdit); +// } +// }, 500); + + } else { // Clicked to finish editing content + scrollView.smoothScrollTo(0, 0); + } + } + }); + + + mViewFlipper = (ViewFlipper) top.findViewById(R.id.fragment_note_view_flipper); + + return top; + } + + /** + * Note -> Bundle + */ + private void updateBundleFromNote(Bundle outState) { + OrgHead head = mNote.getHead(); + + outState.putString(ARG_CURRENT_STATE, head.getState()); + outState.putString(ARG_CURRENT_PRIORITY, head.getPriority()); + + outState.putString(ARG_CURRENT_TITLE, head.getTitle()); + + outState.putString(ARG_CURRENT_TAGS, TextUtils.join(" ", head.getTags())); + + if (head.getScheduled() != null) { + outState.putString(ARG_CURRENT_SCHEDULED, head.getScheduled().toString()); + } + + if (head.getDeadline() != null) { + outState.putString(ARG_CURRENT_DEADLINE, head.getDeadline().toString()); + } + + if (head.getClosed() != null) { + outState.putString(ARG_CURRENT_CLOSED, head.getClosed().toString()); + } + + /* Store properties as an array of strings: name1 value1 name2 value2 ... */ + if (head.hasProperties()) { + ArrayList array = new ArrayList<>(); + for (OrgProperty property: head.getProperties()) { + array.add(property.getName()); + array.add(property.getValue()); + } + outState.putStringArrayList(ARG_CURRENT_PROPERTIES, array); + + } else { + outState.remove(ARG_CURRENT_PROPERTIES); + } + + outState.putString(ARG_CURRENT_CONTENT, head.getContent()); + } + + /** + * Bundle -> Note + */ + private void updateNoteFromBundle(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + OrgHead head = mNote.getHead(); + + head.setState(savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_CURRENT_STATE)); + head.setPriority(savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_CURRENT_PRIORITY)); + + head.setTitle(savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_CURRENT_TITLE)); + + if (savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_CURRENT_TAGS) != null) { + head.setTags(savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_CURRENT_TAGS).split("\\s+")); + } else { + head.setTags(new String[]{}); + } + + if (TextUtils.isEmpty(savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_CURRENT_SCHEDULED))) { + head.setScheduled(null); + } else { + head.setScheduled(OrgRange.getInstance(savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_CURRENT_SCHEDULED))); + } + + if (TextUtils.isEmpty(savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_CURRENT_DEADLINE))) { + head.setDeadline(null); + } else { + head.setDeadline(OrgRange.getInstance(savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_CURRENT_DEADLINE))); + } + + if (TextUtils.isEmpty(savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_CURRENT_CLOSED))) { + head.setClosed(null); + } else { + head.setClosed(OrgRange.getInstance(savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_CURRENT_CLOSED))); + } + + head.removeProperties(); + if (savedInstanceState.containsKey(ARG_CURRENT_PROPERTIES)) { + ArrayList array = savedInstanceState.getStringArrayList(ARG_CURRENT_PROPERTIES); + for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i += 2) { + head.addProperty(new OrgProperty(array.get(i), array.get(i + 1))); + } + } + + head.setContent(savedInstanceState.getString(ARG_CURRENT_CONTENT)); + } + + /** + * Note -> Views + */ + private void updateViewsFromNote() { + OrgHead head = mNote.getHead(); + + /* State. */ + mState.setCurrentValue(head.getState()); + + /* Priority. */ + mPriority.setCurrentValue(head.getPriority()); + + /* Title. */ + mTitleView.setText(head.getTitle()); + + /* Tags. */ + if (head.hasTags()) { + mTagsView.setText(TextUtils.join(" ", head.getTags())); + } else { + mTagsView.setText(null); + } + + /* Times. */ + updateTimestampView(TimeType.SCHEDULED, mScheduledButton, head.getScheduled()); + updateTimestampView(TimeType.DEADLINE, mDeadlineButton, head.getDeadline()); + updateTimestampView(TimeType.CLOSED, mClosedButton, head.getClosed()); + + /* Properties. */ + propertyList.removeAllViews(); + if (head.hasProperties()) { + for (OrgProperty property: head.getProperties()) { + addPropertyToList(property); + } + } + + /* Content. */ + bodyEdit.setText(head.getContent()); + bodyView.setText(OrgNoteContentFormatParser.fromOrg(head.getContent(), true)); + } + + private void addPropertyToList(OrgProperty property) { + final ViewGroup propView = (ViewGroup) View.inflate(getActivity(), R.layout.note_property, null); + + final TextView name = (TextView) propView.findViewById(R.id.name); + final TextView value = (TextView) propView.findViewById(R.id.value); + final View delete = propView.findViewById(R.id.delete); + + if (property != null) { // Existing property + name.setText(property.getName()); + value.setText(property.getValue()); + + } else { // User creating new property + Activity activity = getActivity(); + if (activity != null) { + ActivityUtils.openSoftKeyboard(activity, name); + } + } + + delete.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View view) { + propertyList.removeView(propView); + } + }); + + propertyList.addView(propView); + } + + /** + * Views -> Note (Only those fields which are not updated when views are.) + */ + private void updateNoteFromViews() { + OrgHead head = mNote.getHead(); + + head.setState(mState.getCurrentValue()); + head.setPriority(mPriority.getCurrentValue()); + + /* Replace new lines with spaces, in case multi-line text has been pasted. */ + head.setTitle(mTitleView.getText().toString().replaceAll("\n", " ").trim()); + + head.setTags(mTagsView.getText().toString().split("\\s+")); + + /* Add properties. */ + head.removeProperties(); + for (int i = 0; i < propertyList.getChildCount(); i++){ + View property = propertyList.getChildAt(i); + + CharSequence name = ((TextView) property.findViewById(R.id.name)).getText(); + CharSequence value = ((TextView) property.findViewById(R.id.value)).getText(); + + if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(name)) { // Ignore property with no name + head.addProperty(new OrgProperty(name.toString(), value.toString())); + } + } + + head.setContent(bodyEdit.getText().toString()); + } + + @Override + public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, view, savedInstanceState); + super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); + } + + @Override + public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); + + setupTagsView(); + + if (mBookId != 0) { + mBook = mShelf.getBook(mBookId); + } + + if (mIsNew) { /* Creating new note. */ + mNote = new Note(); + mNote.getPosition().setBookId(mBookId); + + updateNewNoteValues(); + + mViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild(0); + + editSwitch.setChecked(true); + + /* Open keyboard for new notes, unless fragment was given + * some initial values (for example from ShareActivity). + */ + if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mInitialTitle) && TextUtils.isEmpty(mInitialContent)) { + ActivityUtils.openSoftKeyboard(getActivity(), mTitleView); + } + + } else { /* Get existing note from database. */ + // TODO: Cleanup: getNote(id, withProperties) or such + try { + mNote = mShelf.getNote(mNoteId); + mNote.getHead().setProperties(mShelf.getNoteProperties(mNoteId)); + mViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild(0); + } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { + mNote = null; + mViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild(1); + } + } + + if (mNote != null) { + /* Get current values from saved Bundle and populate all views. */ + if (savedInstanceState != null) { + updateNoteFromBundle(savedInstanceState); + } + + /* Update views from note. */ + updateViewsFromNote(); + } + + /* Store the hash value of original note. */ + if (!getArguments().containsKey(ARG_ORIGINAL_NOTE_HASH) && mNote != null) { + getArguments().putLong(ARG_ORIGINAL_NOTE_HASH, noteHash(mNote)); + } + + /* Refresh action bar items (hide or display, depending on if book is loaded. */ + if (getActivity() != null) { + getActivity().supportInvalidateOptionsMenu(); + } + } + + /* + * Auto-complete tags using all known tags from database. + */ + private void setupTagsView() { + /* Collect all known tags. */ + String[] knownTags = mShelf.getAllTags(0); + + /* White text on light gray background, when using android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line + * See https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=5237#c8 + */ + // ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter(getActivity(), android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line, knownTags); + ArrayAdapter adapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(getActivity(), R.layout.dropdown_item, knownTags); + + mTagsView.setAdapter(adapter); + + mTagsView.setTokenizer(new SpaceTokenizer()); + } + + @Override + public void onResume() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onResume(); + + announceChangesToActivity(); + + mState.updatePossibleValues(getActivity().getApplicationContext()); + mPriority.updatePossibleValues(getActivity().getApplicationContext()); + } + + private void announceChangesToActivity() { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.announceChanges( + NoteFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG, + Book.getFragmentTitleForBook(mBook), + Book.getFragmentSubtitleForBook(mBook), + 0); + } + } + + @Override + public void onDestroyView() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDestroyView(); + + mViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild(0); + } + + @Override + public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, outState); + super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); + + if (mNote != null) { + updateNoteFromViews(); + updateBundleFromNote(outState); + } + } + + @Override + public void onDetach() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDetach(); + + mListener = null; + } + + private void parseArguments() { + if (getArguments() == null) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("No arguments found to " + NoteFragment.class.getSimpleName()); + } + + mIsNew = getArguments().getBoolean(ARG_IS_NEW); + + /* Book ID must exist. */ + if (! getArguments().containsKey(ARG_BOOK_ID)) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException(NoteFragment.class.getSimpleName() + " requires " + ARG_BOOK_ID + " argument passed"); + } + + mBookId = getArguments().getLong(ARG_BOOK_ID); + +// /* Book ID must be valid. */ +// if (mBookId <= 0) { +// throw new IllegalArgumentException("Passed argument book id is not valid (" + mBookId + ")"); +// } + + /* Note ID might or might not be passed - it depends if note is being edited or created. */ + if (getArguments().containsKey(ARG_NOTE_ID)) { + mNoteId = getArguments().getLong(ARG_NOTE_ID); + + /* Note ID must be valid if it exists. */ + if (mNoteId <= 0) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Note id is " + mNoteId); + } + } + + /* Location (used for new notes). */ + placement = Placement.valueOf(getArguments().getString(ARG_PLACEMENT)); + + mInitialTitle = getArguments().getString(ARG_TITLE); + mInitialContent = getArguments().getString(ARG_CONTENT); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Arguments parsed for " + this); + } + + public boolean askForConfirmationIfNoteModified() { + /* It's possible that note does not exist + * if it has been deleted and the user went back to it. + */ + if (mNote != null && isNoteModified()) { + new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext()) + .setTitle(R.string.note_has_been_modified) + .setMessage(R.string.discard_or_save_changes) + .setPositiveButton(R.string.save, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { + save(); + } + }) + .setNegativeButton(R.string.discard, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { + cancel(); + } + }) + .setNeutralButton(R.string.cancel, null) + .create() + .show(); + + return true; + + } else { + return false; + } + } + + public boolean isNoteModified() { + updateNoteFromViews(); + + long currentHash = noteHash(mNote); + long originalHash = getArguments().getLong(ARG_ORIGINAL_NOTE_HASH); + + return currentHash != originalHash; + } + + /** + * Hash used to detect note modifications. + */ + private long noteHash(Note note) { + OrgParserWriter parserWriter = new OrgParserWriter(); + String head = parserWriter.whiteSpacedHead(note.getHead(), note.getPosition().getLevel(), false); + + return MiscUtils.sha1(head); + } + + private enum TimeType { SCHEDULED, DEADLINE, CLOSED, CLOCKED } + + private void updateTimestampView(TimeType timeType, TextView button, OrgRange range) { + switch (timeType) { + case SCHEDULED: + if (range != null) { + button.setText(mOrgTimeUserFormatter.format(range)); + } else { + button.setText(getString(R.string.schedule_button_hint)); + } + break; + + case CLOSED: + /* + * Do not display CLOSED button if it's not set. + * It will be updated on state change. + */ + if (range != null) { + button.setText(mOrgTimeUserFormatter.format(range)); + button.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + } else { + button.setVisibility(View.GONE); + } + break; + + case DEADLINE: + if (range != null) { + button.setText(mOrgTimeUserFormatter.format(range)); + } else { + button.setText(getString(R.string.deadline_button_hint)); + } + break; + } + } + + /** + * Set new Note's initial values. + */ + private void updateNewNoteValues() { + OrgHead head = mNote.getHead(); + + /* Set scheduled time for a new note. */ + if (AppPreferences.isNewNoteScheduled(getContext())) { + Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); + + OrgDateTime timestamp = new OrgDateTime.Builder() + .setIsActive(true) + .setYear(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR)) + .setMonth(cal.get(Calendar.MONTH)) + .setDay(cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH)) + .build(); + + OrgRange time = OrgRange.getInstance(timestamp); + + head.setScheduled(time); + } + + /* Set state for a new note. */ + String stateKeyword = AppPreferences.newNoteState(getContext()); + if (NoteStateSpinner.isSet(stateKeyword)) { + head.setState(stateKeyword); + } else { + head.setState(null); + } + + /* Initial title. */ + if (mInitialTitle != null) { + head.setTitle(mInitialTitle); + } + + /* Content. */ + + StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder(); + + /* Prepend content with created-at property. */ + if (AppPreferences.createdAt(getContext())) { + String propertyName = AppPreferences.createdAtProperty(getContext()); + String time = OrgDateTime.getInstance(false).toString(); /* Inactive time. */ + + head.addProperty(new OrgProperty(propertyName, time)); + } + + /* Initial content. */ + if (mInitialContent != null) { + if (content.length() > 0) { + content.append("\n\n"); + } + content.append(mInitialContent); + } + + if (content.length() > 0) { + head.setContent(content.toString()); + } + } + + @Override + public void onClick(View view) { + DialogFragment f = null; + + switch (view.getId()) { + /* Setting scheduled time. */ + case R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button: + f = TimestampDialogFragment.getInstance( + R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button, + R.string.schedule, + mNote.getId(), + mNote.getHead().getScheduled() != null ? mNote.getHead().getScheduled().getStartTime() : null); + break; + + /* Setting deadline time. */ + case R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button: + f = TimestampDialogFragment.getInstance( + R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button, + R.string.deadline, + mNote.getId(), + mNote.getHead().getDeadline() != null ? mNote.getHead().getDeadline().getStartTime() : null); + break; + + /* Setting closed time. */ + case R.id.fragment_note_closed_button: + f = TimestampDialogFragment.getInstance( + R.id.fragment_note_closed_button, + R.string.closed, + mNote.getId(), + mNote.getHead().getClosed() != null ? mNote.getHead().getClosed().getStartTime() : null); + break; + + /* New property. */ + case R.id.add_property: + /* Add a new property with empty name and value. */ + addPropertyToList(null); + break; + } + + if (f != null) { + f.setTargetFragment(this, 0); + f.show(getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), TimestampDialogFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + } + } + + @Override /* TimestampDialog */ + public void onDateTimeSet(int id, TreeSet noteIds, OrgDateTime time) { + OrgRange range = OrgRange.getInstance(time); + + switch (id) { + case R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button: + updateTimestampView(TimeType.SCHEDULED, mScheduledButton, range); + mNote.getHead().setScheduled(range); + break; + + case R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button: + updateTimestampView(TimeType.DEADLINE, mDeadlineButton, range); + mNote.getHead().setDeadline(range); + + /* Warn about alerts not being implemented yet. */ + Activity activity = getActivity(); + if (activity != null) { + ((CommonActivity) activity).showSimpleSnackbarLong( + R.string.fragment_note_deadline_alarms_not_implemented); + } + + break; + + case R.id.fragment_note_closed_button: + updateTimestampView(TimeType.CLOSED, mClosedButton, range); + mNote.getHead().setClosed(range); + break; + } + } + + @Override /* TimestampDialog */ + public void onDateTimeCleared(int id, TreeSet noteIds) { + switch (id) { + case R.id.fragment_note_scheduled_button: + updateTimestampView(TimeType.SCHEDULED, mScheduledButton, null); + mNote.getHead().setScheduled(null); + break; + + case R.id.fragment_note_deadline_button: + updateTimestampView(TimeType.DEADLINE, mDeadlineButton, null); + mNote.getHead().setDeadline(null); + break; + + case R.id.fragment_note_closed_button: + updateTimestampView(TimeType.CLOSED, mClosedButton, null); + mNote.getHead().setClosed(null); + break; + } + } + + @Override /* TimestampDialog */ + public void onDateTimeAborted(int id, TreeSet noteIds) { + } + + /* + * Options Menu. + */ + + @Override + public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, menu, inflater); + + inflater.inflate(R.menu.note_actions, menu); + + /* Remove search item. */ + menu.removeItem(R.id.activity_action_search); + + if (mNote == null) { // Displaying non-existent note. + menu.removeItem(R.id.close); + menu.removeItem(R.id.done); + menu.removeItem(R.id.delete); + } + + /* Newly created note cannot be deleted. */ + if (mIsNew) { + menu.removeItem(R.id.delete); + } + } + + @Override + public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, item); + + switch (item.getItemId()) { + case R.id.done: + save(); + return true; + + case R.id.close: + cancel(); + return true; + + case R.id.delete: + delete(); + return true; + + default: + return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); + } + } + + private void delete() { + new AlertDialog.Builder(getContext()) + .setTitle(R.string.delete_note) + .setMessage(R.string.delete_note_and_all_subnotes) + .setPositiveButton(R.string.delete, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { + mListener.onNoteDeleteRequest(mNote); + } + }) + .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { + } + }) + .create() + .show(); + } + + private void cancel() { + mListener.onNoteCancelRequest(mNote); + } + + private void save() { + /* Make sure notebook is set. */ + if (mNote.getPosition().getBookId() == 0) { + Activity activity = getActivity(); + if (activity != null) { + ((CommonActivity) activity).showSimpleSnackbarLong(R.string.note_book_not_set); + } + return; + } + + if (mIsNew) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Saving new note " + mNote); + + if (updateNoteFromViewsAndVerify()) { + mListener.onNoteCreateRequest(mNote, placement != Placement.UNDEFINED ? + new NotePlacement(mNote.getPosition().getBookId(), mNoteId, placement) : null); + } + + } else { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Updating note " + mNote); + + if (updateNoteFromViewsAndVerify()) { + mListener.onNoteUpdateRequest(mNote); + } + } + } + + private boolean updateNoteFromViewsAndVerify() { + updateNoteFromViews(); + + Activity activity = getActivity(); + + if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mNote.getHead().getTitle())) { + if (activity != null) { + titleInputLayout.setError(getString(R.string.can_not_be_empty)); + } + return false; + } + + return true; + } + + /** + * Updates the current book this note belongs to. Only makes sense for new notes. + * TODO: Should be setPosition and allow filing under specific note + */ + public void setBook(Book book) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, book); + + mBook = book; + mBookId = book.getId(); + + mNote.getPosition().setBookId(mBookId); + + getArguments().putLong(ARG_BOOK_ID, book.getId()); + } + + private void updateNoteForStateChange(Context context, Note note, String state) { + StateChangeLogic stateSetOp = new StateChangeLogic( + AppPreferences.todoKeywordsSet(context), + AppPreferences.doneKeywordsSet(context) + ); + + stateSetOp.setState(state, + note.getHead().getState(), + note.getHead().getScheduled(), + note.getHead().getDeadline()); + + /* Update note. */ + note.getHead().setState(stateSetOp.getState()); + note.getHead().setScheduled(stateSetOp.getScheduled()); + note.getHead().setDeadline(stateSetOp.getDeadline()); + note.getHead().setClosed(stateSetOp.getClosed()); + + /* Update views. */ + mState.setCurrentValue(stateSetOp.getState()); + updateTimestampView(TimeType.SCHEDULED, mScheduledButton, stateSetOp.getScheduled()); + updateTimestampView(TimeType.DEADLINE, mDeadlineButton, stateSetOp.getDeadline()); + updateTimestampView(TimeType.CLOSED, mClosedButton, stateSetOp.getClosed()); + } + + public interface NoteFragmentListener extends FragmentListener { + void onNoteCreateRequest(Note note, NotePlacement notePlacement); + void onNoteUpdateRequest(Note note); + void onNoteCancelRequest(Note note); + void onNoteDeleteRequest(Note note); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/NoteListFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/NoteListFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1050628d5 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/NoteListFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,126 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.v4.app.ListFragment; +import android.support.v7.view.ActionMode; +import android.view.View; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Note; +import com.orgzly.android.Shelf; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.ActionModeListener; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.FragmentListener; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.HeadsListViewAdapter; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Placement; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Selection; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.NotePlacement; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.dialogs.TimestampDialogFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.views.GesturedListView; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; + +import java.util.Set; +import java.util.TreeSet; + +/** + * Fragment which is displaying a list of notes, + * such as {@link BookFragment} and {@link QueryFragment}. + */ +public abstract class NoteListFragment extends ListFragment { + + protected Shelf mShelf; + protected Selection mSelection; + protected ActionModeListener mActionModeListener; + + public abstract String getFragmentTag(); + + public abstract ActionMode.Callback getNewActionMode(); + + + @Override + public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { + super.onSaveInstanceState(outState); + + /* Selection could be null if fragment is in back stack and there's configuration change. */ + if (mSelection != null) { + mSelection.saveIds(outState); + } + + /* Save action mode state (move mode). */ + if (mActionModeListener != null) { + outState.putBoolean( + "actionModeMove", mActionModeListener.getActionMode() != null && + "M".equals(mActionModeListener.getActionMode().getTag())); + } + } + + public Selection getSelection() { + return mSelection; + } + + public GesturedListView getListView() { + return (GesturedListView) super.getListView(); + } + + @Override + public HeadsListViewAdapter getListAdapter() { + return ((HeadsListViewAdapter) super.getListAdapter()); + } + + protected void displayScheduleTimestampDialog(int id, long noteId) { + TreeSet noteIds = new TreeSet<>(); + noteIds.add(noteId); + + displayScheduleTimestampDialog(id, noteIds); + } + + protected void displayScheduleTimestampDialog(int id, TreeSet noteIds) { + OrgDateTime time = null; + + /* If there is only one note, use its time as dialog's default. */ + if (noteIds.size() == 1) { + time = getScheduledTimeForNote(noteIds.first()); + } + + TimestampDialogFragment f = TimestampDialogFragment.getInstance( + id, + R.string.schedule, + noteIds, + time); + + f.setTargetFragment(this, 0); + + f.show(getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), TimestampDialogFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG); + } + + private OrgDateTime getScheduledTimeForNote(long id) { + Note note = mShelf.getNote(id); + + if (note.getHead().hasScheduled()) { + return note.getHead().getScheduled().getStartTime(); + } + + return null; + } + + /** + * Get target note id. + * If location is above the selected notes, use the first selected note. + * Otherwise, use the last selected note. + */ + protected long getTargetNoteIdFromSelection(Placement placement) { + return placement == Placement.ABOVE ? + mSelection.getIds().first() : mSelection.getIds().last(); + } + + public interface NoteListFragmentListener extends FragmentListener { + void onNoteScrollToRequest(long noteId); + void onNoteNewRequest(NotePlacement target); + void onNoteClick(NoteListFragment fragment, View view, int position, long noteId); + void onNoteLongClick(NoteListFragment fragment, View view, int position, long noteId); + + void onStateChangeRequest(Set noteIds, String state); + void onStateCycleRequest(long noteId, int direction); + void onStateToDoneRequest(long noteId); + void onScheduledTimeUpdateRequest(Set noteIds, OrgDateTime time); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/QueryFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/QueryFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..77f4cbe2e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/QueryFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,457 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager; +import android.support.v4.content.Loader; +import android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter; +import android.support.v7.view.ActionMode; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.Menu; +import android.view.MenuInflater; +import android.view.MenuItem; +import android.view.SubMenu; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.AdapterView; +import android.widget.ListView; +import android.widget.ViewFlipper; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.SearchQuery; +import com.orgzly.android.Shelf; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.NotesClient; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.ActionModeListener; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.HeadsListViewAdapter; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Loaders; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.NoteStateSpinner; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Selection; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.dialogs.TimestampDialogFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.views.GesturedListView; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; + +import java.util.Set; +import java.util.TreeSet; + +/** + * Displays search results. + */ +public class QueryFragment extends NoteListFragment + implements + // TODO: Do we really want OnDateTimeSetListener in fragments, maybe go through activity? + TimestampDialogFragment.OnDateTimeSetListener, + LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks { + + private static final String TAG = QueryFragment.class.getName(); + + /** Name used for {@link android.app.FragmentManager}. */ + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = QueryFragment.class.getName(); + + /* Arguments. */ + private static final String ARG_QUERY = "query"; + private static final String ARG_FRESH_INSTANCE = "fresh"; + + private static final int STATE_ITEM_GROUP = 1; + + private SimpleCursorAdapter mListAdapter; + + /* Currently active query. */ + private SearchQuery mQuery; + + private NoteListFragmentListener mListener; + + private String mActionModeTag; + + private ViewFlipper mViewFlipper; + + + public static QueryFragment getInstance(String query) { + QueryFragment fragment = new QueryFragment(); + + Bundle args = new Bundle(); + args.putString(ARG_QUERY, query); + args.putBoolean(ARG_FRESH_INSTANCE, true); + + fragment.setArguments(args); + + return fragment; + } + + /** + * Mandatory empty constructor for the fragment manager to instantiate the + * fragment (e.g. upon screen orientation changes). + */ + public QueryFragment() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + } + + @Override + public void onAttach(Context context) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, getActivity()); + super.onAttach(context); + + /* This makes sure that the container activity has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + try { + mListener = (NoteListFragmentListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + NoteListFragmentListener.class); + } + try { + mActionModeListener = (ActionModeListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + ActionModeListener.class); + } + } + + @Override + public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + parseArguments(); + + if (savedInstanceState != null && savedInstanceState.getBoolean("actionModeMove", false)) { + mActionModeTag = "M"; + } + } + + @Override + public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, inflater, container, savedInstanceState); + + View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_query, container, false); + + mViewFlipper = (ViewFlipper) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_query_view_flipper); + + return view; + } + + @Override + public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, view, savedInstanceState); + super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); + + /* On long click */ + getListView().setOnItemLongClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemLongClickListener() { + @Override + public boolean onItemLongClick(AdapterView parent, View view, int position, long id) { + mListener.onNoteLongClick(QueryFragment.this, view, position, id); + return true; + } + }); + + getListView().setOnItemMenuButtonClickListener( + new GesturedListView.OnItemMenuButtonClickListener() { + @Override + public boolean onMenuButtonClick(int buttonId, long noteId) { + switch (buttonId) { + case R.id.item_menu_schedule_btn: + displayScheduleTimestampDialog(R.id.item_menu_schedule_btn, noteId); + break; + + case R.id.item_menu_prev_state_btn: + mListener.onStateCycleRequest(noteId, -1); + break; + + case R.id.item_menu_next_state_btn: + mListener.onStateCycleRequest(noteId, 1); + break; + + case R.id.item_menu_done_state_btn: + if (AppPreferences.isDoneKeyword(getActivity(), "DONE")) { + Set set = new TreeSet<>(); + set.add(noteId); + mListener.onStateChangeRequest(set, "DONE"); + } + break; + + case R.id.item_menu_open_btn: + mListener.onNoteScrollToRequest(noteId); + break; + } + + return false; + } + }); + + /* Create a selection. */ + mSelection = new Selection(); + + mListAdapter = new HeadsListViewAdapter(getActivity(), mSelection, getListView().getItemMenus(), false); + + setListAdapter(mListAdapter); + + /** + * Restore selected items, now that adapter is set. + * Saved with {@link Selection#saveSelectedIds(android.os.Bundle, String)}. + */ + mSelection.restoreIds(savedInstanceState); + } + + @Override + public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); + + /* Activity created - context available. Create Shelf and populate list with data. */ + mShelf = new Shelf(getActivity().getApplicationContext()); + + mActionModeListener.updateActionModeForSelection(mSelection, new MyActionMode()); + + /* If query did not change - reuse loader. Otherwise - restart it. */ + String newQuery = mQuery.toString(); + int id = Loaders.generateLoaderId(Loaders.QUERY_FRAGMENT, newQuery); + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Loader #" + id + " for: " + newQuery); + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(id, null, this); + } + + @Override + public void onViewStateRestored(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onViewStateRestored(savedInstanceState); + } + + @Override + public void onResume() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onResume(); + + announceChangesToActivity(); + } + + private void announceChangesToActivity() { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.announceChanges( + QueryFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG, + getString(R.string.fragment_query_title), + mQuery.toString(), + mSelection.getCount()); + } + } + + @Override + public void onDestroyView() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDestroyView(); + + setListAdapter(null); + mListAdapter = null; + } + + @Override + public void onDetach() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDetach(); + + mListener = null; + mActionModeListener = null; + } + + private void parseArguments() { + if (getArguments() == null) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("No arguments found to " + QueryFragment.class.getSimpleName()); + } + + mQuery = new SearchQuery(getArguments().getString(ARG_QUERY)); + } + + @Override + public void onListItemClick(ListView listView, View view, int position, long id) { + mListener.onNoteClick(this, view, position, id); + } + + /** + * Request small animation for the note in the list. + */ +// public void animateNotes(Set noteIds, int type) { +// getListAdapter().animateNotes(noteIds, type); +// +// /* +// * After scheduling ids to be animated, must force bindView() to be called. +// * Can't rely on scheduling happening before data is being updated and content provider +// * notifying about the change. +// */ +// getListAdapter().notifyDataSetChanged(); +// } + + @Override + public void onDateTimeSet(int id, TreeSet noteIds, OrgDateTime time) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, id, time); + + switch (id) { + case R.id.query_cab_schedule: + case R.id.item_menu_schedule_btn: + mListener.onScheduledTimeUpdateRequest(noteIds, time); + break; + } + } + + @Override + public void onDateTimeCleared(int id, TreeSet noteIds) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, id); + + switch (id) { + case R.id.query_cab_schedule: + case R.id.item_menu_schedule_btn: + mListener.onScheduledTimeUpdateRequest(noteIds, null); + break; + } + } + + @Override + public void onDateTimeAborted(int id, TreeSet noteIds) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, id); + } + + @Override + public String getFragmentTag() { + return FRAGMENT_TAG; + } + + @Override + public ActionMode.Callback getNewActionMode() { + return new MyActionMode(); + } + + @Override + public Loader onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle bundle) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, id, bundle); + + return NotesClient.getLoaderForQuery(getActivity(), mQuery); + } + + @Override + public void onLoadFinished(Loader loader, Cursor cursor) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, loader, cursor); + + if (mListAdapter == null) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "adapter is null, view is destroyed?"); + return; + } + + /** + * Swapping instead of changing Cursor here, to keep the old one open. + * Loader should release the old Cursor - see note in + * {@link LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks#onLoadFinished). + */ + mListAdapter.swapCursor(cursor); + + mActionModeListener.updateActionModeForSelection(mSelection, new MyActionMode()); + + ActionMode actionMode = mActionModeListener.getActionMode(); + if (mActionModeTag != null) { + actionMode.setTag("M"); + actionMode.invalidate(); + mActionModeTag = null; + } + + if (mListAdapter.getCount() > 0) { + mViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild(0); + } else { + mViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild(1); + } + } + + @Override + public void onLoaderReset(Loader loader) { + /* Make sure this is visible fragment with adapter set (onDestroyVieW() not called). */ + if (mListAdapter == null) { + return; + } + + mListAdapter.changeCursor(null); + } + + public class MyActionMode implements ActionMode.Callback { + @Override + public boolean onCreateActionMode(ActionMode actionMode, Menu menu) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, actionMode, menu); + + /* Inflate a menu resource providing context menu items. */ + MenuInflater inflater = actionMode.getMenuInflater(); + inflater.inflate(R.menu.query_cab, menu); + + return true; + } + + /** + * Called each time the action mode is shown. Always called after onCreateActionMode, + * but may be called multiple times if the mode is invalidated. + */ + @Override + public boolean onPrepareActionMode(ActionMode actionMode, Menu menu) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, actionMode, menu); + + /* Update action mode with number of selected items. */ + actionMode.setTitle(String.valueOf(mSelection.getCount())); + + return true; + } + + @Override + public boolean onActionItemClicked(ActionMode actionMode, MenuItem menuItem) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, actionMode, menuItem); + + switch (menuItem.getItemId()) { +// case R.id.query_cab_new_under: +// long targetNoteId = getTargetNoteIdFromSelection(Placement.UNDER); +// mListener.onNoteNewRequest(new NotePlacement(mShelf.getNote(targetNoteId).getBookId(), targetNoteId, Placement.UNDER)); +// actionMode.finish(); /* Close action mode. */ +// break; + + case R.id.query_cab_schedule: + displayScheduleTimestampDialog(R.id.query_cab_schedule, mSelection.getIds()); + break; + + case R.id.query_cab_state: + /* Add all known states to menu. */ + SubMenu subMenu = menuItem.getSubMenu(); + if (subMenu != null) { + subMenu.clear(); + for (String str: new NoteStateSpinner(getActivity(), null).getValues()) { + subMenu.add(STATE_ITEM_GROUP, Menu.NONE, Menu.NONE, str); + } + } + break; + + default: + /* Click on one of the state keywords. */ + if (menuItem.getGroupId() == STATE_ITEM_GROUP) { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onStateChangeRequest(mSelection.getIds(), menuItem.getTitle().toString()); + } + return true; + } + + return false; // Not handled. + } + + return true; // Handled. + } + + @Override + public void onDestroyActionMode(ActionMode actionMode) { + mSelection.clearSelection(); + + /* List adapter could be null, as we could be destroying the action mode of a fragment + * which is in back stack. That fragment had its onDestroyView called, where list + * adapter is set to null. + */ + if (getListAdapter() != null) { + getListAdapter().notifyDataSetChanged(); + } + + mActionModeListener.actionModeDestroyed(); + } + } + + public SearchQuery getQuery() { + return mQuery; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/RepoFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/RepoFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..bcbbee727 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/RepoFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; + +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Repo; + +public class RepoFragment extends Fragment { + public interface RepoFragmentListener { + void onRepoCreateRequest(Repo repo); + void onRepoUpdateRequest(long id, Repo repo); + void onRepoCancelRequest(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/ReposFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/ReposFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..09374db22 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/ReposFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,280 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.database.Cursor; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.support.v4.app.ListFragment; +import android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager; +import android.support.v4.content.CursorLoader; +import android.support.v4.content.Loader; +import android.support.v4.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter; +import android.view.ContextMenu; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.Menu; +import android.view.MenuInflater; +import android.view.MenuItem; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.AdapterView; +import android.widget.ListView; +import android.widget.TextView; +import android.widget.ViewFlipper; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.ProviderContract; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.CommonActivity; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Loaders; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ActivityUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.AppPermissions; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.UriUtils; + +/** + * Displays user-configurable repositories. + */ +public class ReposFragment extends ListFragment implements LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks { + private static final String TAG = ReposFragment.class.getName(); + + /** Name used for {@link android.app.FragmentManager}. */ + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = ReposFragment.class.getName(); + + private SimpleCursorAdapter mListAdapter; + private ReposFragmentListener mListener; + + private ViewFlipper mViewFlipper; + + public static ReposFragment getInstance() { + return new ReposFragment(); + } + + /** + * Mandatory empty constructor for the fragment manager to instantiate the + * fragment (e.g. upon screen orientation changes). + */ + public ReposFragment() { + } + + @Override + public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + /* Would like to add items to the Options Menu. + * Required (for fragments only) to receive onCreateOptionsMenu() call. + */ + setHasOptionsMenu(true); + + setupAdapter(); + } + + @Override + public void onAttach(Context context) { + super.onAttach(context); + /* This makes sure that the container activity has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + try { + mListener = (ReposFragmentListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + ReposFragmentListener.class); + } + } + + @Override + public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_repos, container, false); + + mViewFlipper = (ViewFlipper) view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_repos_flipper); + + view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_repos_dropbox).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + mListener.onRepoNewRequest(R.id.repos_options_menu_item_new_dropbox); + } + }); + view.findViewById(R.id.fragment_repos_directory).setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + mListener.onRepoNewRequest(R.id.repos_options_menu_item_new_external_storage_directory); + } + }); + + return view; + } + + @Override + public void onViewCreated(View view, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState); + + /* Request callbacks for Context menu. */ + registerForContextMenu(getListView()); + } + + @Override + public void onDetach() { + super.onDetach(); + mListener = null; + } + + @Override + public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onRepoEditRequest(id); + } + } + + private void setupAdapter() { + /* Column field names to be bound. */ + String[] columns = new String[] { + ProviderContract.Repos.Param.REPO_URL + }; + + /* Views which the data will be bound to. */ + int[] to = new int[] { + R.id.item_repo_url + }; + + /* Create adapter using Cursor. */ + mListAdapter = new SimpleCursorAdapter( + getActivity(), + R.layout.item_repo, + null, + columns, + to, + 0); + + mListAdapter.setViewBinder(new SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder() { + @Override + public boolean setViewValue(View view, Cursor cursor, int columnIndex) { + TextView textView; + + switch (view.getId()) { + case R.id.item_repo_url: + if (! cursor.isNull(columnIndex)) { + textView = (TextView) view; + textView.setText(UriUtils.friendlyUri(cursor.getString(columnIndex))); + } + return true; + } + return false; + } + }); + + setListAdapter(mListAdapter); + } + + @Override + public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onActivityCreated(savedInstanceState); + + /* Delay to avoid brief displaying of no-repos view. */ + new android.os.Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + getActivity().getSupportLoaderManager().initLoader(Loaders.REPOS_FRAGMENT, null, ReposFragment.this); + + } + }, 100); + } + + @Override + public void onResume() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onResume(); + + /* Close soft keyboard. Required when coming back from one of the RepoFragment fragments. */ + ActivityUtils.closeSoftKeyboard(getActivity()); + } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + */ + @Override + public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, menu, inflater); + + inflater.inflate(R.menu.repos_actions, menu); + + /* Remove search item. */ + // menu.removeItem(R.id.options_menu_item_search); + } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + */ + @Override + public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) { + switch (item.getItemId()) { + case R.id.repos_options_menu_item_new_dropbox: + mListener.onRepoNewRequest(item.getItemId()); + return true; + + case R.id.repos_options_menu_item_new_external_storage_directory: + if (AppPermissions.isGrantedOrRequest((CommonActivity) getActivity(), AppPermissions.FOR_LOCAL_REPO)) { + mListener.onRepoNewRequest(item.getItemId()); + } + return true; + + default: + return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item); + } + } + + + /* + * Context menu. + */ + + @Override + public void onCreateContextMenu(ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) { + getActivity().getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.repos_context, menu); + } + + @Override + public boolean onContextItemSelected(MenuItem item) { + /* Get ID of the item. */ + AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo info = (AdapterView.AdapterContextMenuInfo) item.getMenuInfo(); + + switch (item.getItemId()) { + case R.id.repos_context_menu_delete: + mListener.onRepoDeleteRequest(info.id); + return true; + + default: + return super.onContextItemSelected(item); + } + } + + @Override + public Loader onCreateLoader(int i, Bundle bundle) { + return new CursorLoader(getActivity(), ProviderContract.Repos.ContentUri.repos(), null, null, null, null); + } + + @Override + public void onLoadFinished(Loader cursorLoader, Cursor cursor) { + /** + * Swapping instead of changing Cursor here, to keep the old one open. + * Loader should release the old Cursor - see note in + * {@link LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks#onLoadFinished). + */ + mListAdapter.swapCursor(cursor); + + if (mListAdapter.getCount() > 0) { + mViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild(0); + } else { + mViewFlipper.setDisplayedChild(1); + } + } + + @Override + public void onLoaderReset(Loader cursorLoader) { + mListAdapter.changeCursor(null); + } + + public interface ReposFragmentListener { + void onRepoNewRequest(int id); + void onRepoDeleteRequest(long id); + void onRepoEditRequest(long id); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/SettingsFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/SettingsFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4b30b07f7 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/SettingsFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,317 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.app.Activity; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.SharedPreferences; +import android.content.res.TypedArray; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.preference.Preference; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.Menu; +import android.view.MenuInflater; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.ListView; + +import com.github.machinarius.preferencefragment.PreferenceFragment; +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Notifications; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.ListPreferenceWithValueAsSummary; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.ReposClient; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Repo; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.FragmentListener; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.NoteStateSpinner; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ActivityUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +import java.util.LinkedHashSet; +import java.util.Map; + +/** + * Displays settings. + */ +public class SettingsFragment extends PreferenceFragment + implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { + + public static final String TAG = SettingsFragment.class.getName(); + + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = SettingsFragment.class.getName(); + + private Preference mReposPreference; + private SettingsFragmentListener mListener; + public static SettingsFragment getInstance() { + return new SettingsFragment(); + } + + public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + addPreferencesFromResource(R.xml.preferences); + + mReposPreference = findPreference(getString(R.string.pref_key_repos)); + + findPreference(getString(R.string.pref_key_clear_database)) + .setOnPreferenceClickListener(new Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener() { + @Override + public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference preference) { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onDatabaseClearRequest(); + } + return true; + } + }); + findPreference(getString(R.string.pref_key_reload_getting_started)) + .setOnPreferenceClickListener(new Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener() { + @Override + public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference preference) { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onGettingStartedNotebookReload(); + } + return true; + } + }); + + setupVersionPreference(); + + /* Receive onCreateOptionsMenu() call, to remove search menu item. */ + setHasOptionsMenu(true); + + setDefaultStateForNewNote(); + } + + @Override + public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, + Bundle savedInstanceState) { + + View view = super.onCreateView(inflater, container, savedInstanceState); + + /* + * Set fragment's background. + */ + if (view != null) { + int[] textSizeAttr = new int[] { R.attr.item_book_card_bg_color}; + TypedArray typedArray = view.getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(textSizeAttr); + int color = typedArray.getColor(0, -1); + typedArray.recycle(); + + if (color != -1) { + view.setBackgroundColor(color); + } + } + + /* + * Add some padding to list. + */ + if (view != null) { + ListView list = (ListView) view.findViewById(android.R.id.list); + if (list != null) { + int h = (int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.fragment_horizontal_padding); + int v = (int) getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.fragment_vertical_padding); + list.setPadding(h, v, h, v); + } + } + + return view; + } + + @Override + public void onAttach(Context context) { + super.onAttach(context); + + mListener = (SettingsFragmentListener) getActivity(); + } + + @Override + public void onResume() { + super.onResume(); + + updateUserReposPreferenceSummary(); + + /* Start to listen for any preference changes. */ + android.preference.PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity()) + .registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); + + + announceChangesToActivity(); + } + + private void announceChangesToActivity() { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.announceChanges( + SettingsFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG, + getString(R.string.fragment_settings_title), + null, + 0); + } + } + + @Override + public void onPause() { + super.onPause(); + + /* Stop listening for preference changed. */ + android.preference.PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(getActivity()) + .unregisterOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(this); + } + + @Override + public void onDetach() { + super.onDetach(); + + mListener = null; + } + + private void setupVersionPreference() { + Preference versionPreference = findPreference(getString(R.string.pref_key_version)); + + /* Set summary to current version string from manifest. */ + versionPreference.setSummary(BuildConfig.VERSION_NAME); + + /* Display changelog dialog when version is clicked. */ + versionPreference.setOnPreferenceClickListener(new Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener() { + @Override + public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference preference) { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onWhatsNewDisplayRequest(); + } + + return true; + } + }); + + } + + /** + * Updates preference's summary with a list of configured user repos. + */ + public void updateUserReposPreferenceSummary() { + Map repos = ReposClient.getAll(getActivity().getApplicationContext()); + + if (repos.isEmpty()) { + mReposPreference.setSummary(R.string.no_user_repos_configured_pref_summary); + + } else { + StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); + for (Repo repo : repos.values()) { + s.append(repo.toString()).append("\n"); + } + mReposPreference.setSummary(s.toString().trim()); + } + } + + /** + * Callback for options menu. + */ + @Override + public void onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu, MenuInflater inflater) { + /* Remove search item. */ + menu.removeItem(R.id.activity_action_search); + } + + /** + * Called when a shared preference is modified in any way. + * Used to update AppPreferences' static values and do any required post-settings-change work. + */ + @Override + public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, sharedPreferences, key); + + Activity activity = getActivity(); + + /* State keywords. */ + if (getString(R.string.pref_key_states).equals(key)) { + AppPreferences.updateStaticKeywords(getContext()); + + /* Re-parse notes. */ + if (activity != null) { + ActivityUtils.closeSoftKeyboard(activity); + } + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onStateKeywordsPreferenceChanged(); + } + + setDefaultStateForNewNote(); + } + + /* Preference that requires activity restart has been changed. */ + if (getString(R.string.pref_key_font_size).equals(key) || getString(R.string.pref_key_color_scheme).equals(key)) { + if (activity != null) { + activity.recreate(); + } + } + + /* Cancel or create an new-note ongoing notification. */ + if (getString(R.string.pref_key_new_note_notification).equals(key)) { + if (AppPreferences.newNoteNotification(getContext())) { + Notifications.createNewNoteNotification(getContext()); + } else { + Notifications.cancelNewNoteNotification(getContext()); + } + } + + /* Update default priority when minimum priority changes. */ + if (getString(R.string.pref_key_min_priority).equals(key)) { + + String defPri = AppPreferences.defaultPriority(getContext()); + String minPri = sharedPreferences.getString(key, null); + + // Default priority is lower then minimum + if (defPri.compareToIgnoreCase(minPri) > 0) { // minPri -> defPri + /* Must use preference directly to update the view too. */ + ListPreferenceWithValueAsSummary pref = + (ListPreferenceWithValueAsSummary) + findPreference(getString(R.string.pref_key_default_priority)); + pref.setValue(minPri); + } + } + + /* Update minimum priority when default priority changes. */ + if (getString(R.string.pref_key_default_priority).equals(key)) { + String minPri = AppPreferences.minPriority(getContext()); + String defPri = sharedPreferences.getString(key, null); + + // Default priority is lower then minimum + if (minPri.compareToIgnoreCase(defPri) < 0) { // minPri -> defPri + /* Must use preference directly to update the view too. */ + ListPreferenceWithValueAsSummary pref = + (ListPreferenceWithValueAsSummary) + findPreference(getString(R.string.pref_key_min_priority)); + pref.setValue(defPri); + } + } + } + + /** + * Update list of possible states that can be used as default for a new note. + */ + private void setDefaultStateForNewNote() { + /* NOTE followed by to-do keywords */ + LinkedHashSet entries = new LinkedHashSet<>(); + entries.add(NoteStateSpinner.NO_STATE_KEYWORD); + entries.addAll(AppPreferences.todoKeywordsSet(getContext())); + CharSequence[] entriesArray = entries.toArray(new CharSequence[entries.size()]); + + /* Set possible values. */ + ListPreferenceWithValueAsSummary pref = (ListPreferenceWithValueAsSummary) findPreference(getString(R.string.pref_key_new_note_state)); + pref.setEntries(entriesArray); + pref.setEntryValues(entriesArray); + + /* Set current value. */ + String value = AppPreferences.newNoteState(getContext()); + if (entries.contains(value)) { + pref.setValue(value); + } else { + pref.setValue(NoteStateSpinner.NO_STATE_KEYWORD); + } + } + + public interface SettingsFragmentListener extends FragmentListener { + void onStateKeywordsPreferenceChanged(); + void onDatabaseClearRequest(); + void onGettingStartedNotebookReload(); + + void onWhatsNewDisplayRequest(); + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/SyncFragment.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/SyncFragment.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..def569d20 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/fragments/SyncFragment.java @@ -0,0 +1,1178 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments; + +import android.app.Activity; +import android.app.AlertDialog; +import android.app.ProgressDialog; +import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; +import android.content.ComponentName; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.Intent; +import android.content.IntentFilter; +import android.content.ServiceConnection; +import android.content.res.Resources; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.os.AsyncTask; +import android.os.Bundle; +import android.os.IBinder; +import android.support.v4.app.Fragment; +import android.support.v4.content.LocalBroadcastManager; +import android.text.format.DateUtils; +import android.util.Log; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.view.animation.Animation; +import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils; +import android.widget.ProgressBar; +import android.widget.TextView; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.Book; +import com.orgzly.android.BookAction; +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; +import com.orgzly.android.Broadcasts; +import com.orgzly.android.Filter; +import com.orgzly.android.Note; +import com.orgzly.android.NotesBatch; +import com.orgzly.android.Shelf; +import com.orgzly.android.sync.SyncService; +import com.orgzly.android.sync.SyncStatus; +import com.orgzly.android.prefs.AppPreferences; +import com.orgzly.android.provider.clients.BooksClient; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Repo; +import com.orgzly.android.repos.Rook; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.CommonActivity; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.NotePlacement; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.Placement; +import com.orgzly.android.util.AppPermissions; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.UriUtils; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; + +import java.io.File; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.InputStream; +import java.util.Map; +import java.util.Set; +import java.util.TreeSet; + + +/** + * Retained fragment for sync button. FIXME: Cleanup + * + * Misused over time and now includes most async tasks. Move them and don't use a single listener + * (check {@link com.orgzly.android.ui.ShareActivity}, it has to implement tons of methods with no reason) + */ +public class SyncFragment extends Fragment { + private static final String TAG = SyncFragment.class.getName(); + + /** Name used for {@link android.app.FragmentManager}. */ + public static final String FRAGMENT_TAG = SyncFragment.class.getName(); + + + private boolean isServiceBound = false; + + /** Activity which has this fragment attached. Used as a target for hooks. */ + private SyncFragmentListener mListener; + + private Shelf mShelf; + + /** Progress bar and button text. */ + private SyncButton mSyncButton; + + private BroadcastReceiver syncServiceReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { + @Override + public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { + + SyncStatus status = new SyncStatus(); + status.set( + SyncStatus.Type.valueOf(intent.getStringExtra(SyncStatus.EXTRA_TYPE)), + intent.getStringExtra(SyncStatus.EXTRA_MESSAGE), + intent.getIntExtra(SyncStatus.EXTRA_CURRENT_BOOK, 0), + intent.getIntExtra(SyncStatus.EXTRA_TOTAL_BOOKS, 0) + ); + + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, intent, status); + + /* Update sync button and notification based on current sync status. */ + mSyncButton.update(status); + + switch (status.type) { + case FAILED: + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onSyncFinished(status.message); + } + break; + + case NO_STORAGE_PERMISSION: + Activity activity = getActivity(); + if (activity != null) { + AppPermissions.isGrantedOrRequest((CommonActivity) activity, AppPermissions.FOR_SYNC_START); + } + break; + + case CANCELED: + if (mListener != null) { + /* No error message when sync is canceled by the user. */ + mListener.onSyncFinished(null); + } + break; + } + } + }; + + + public static SyncFragment getInstance() { + return new SyncFragment(); + } + + /** + * Mandatory empty constructor for the fragment manager to instantiate the + * fragment (e.g. upon screen orientation changes). + */ + public SyncFragment() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + } + + /** + * Hold a reference to the parent Activity so we can report the + * task's current progress and results. The Android framework + * will pass us a reference to the newly created Activity after + * each configuration change. + */ + @Override + public void onAttach(Context context) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, getActivity()); + super.onAttach(context); + + /* This makes sure that the container activity has implemented + * the callback interface. If not, it throws an exception + */ + try { + mListener = (SyncFragmentListener) getActivity(); + } catch (ClassCastException e) { + throw new ClassCastException(getActivity().toString() + " must implement " + SyncFragmentListener.class); + } + + mShelf = new Shelf(context.getApplicationContext()); + } + + /** + * This method will only be called once when the retained + * Fragment is first created. + */ + @Override + public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, savedInstanceState); + super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); + + // Retain this fragment across configuration changes. + setRetainInstance(true); + + LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(getContext()) + .registerReceiver(syncServiceReceiver, new IntentFilter(Broadcasts.SYNC)); + } + + @Override + public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, inflater, container, savedInstanceState); + + View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_sync, container, false); + + /* Retained on configuration change. */ + mSyncButton = new SyncButton(view, mSyncButton); + + return view; + } + + @Override + public void onStart() { + super.onStart(); + + /* + * Bind to sync service to receive the sync status. + * We're doing this after button is initialized. + */ + bindToSyncService(); + } + + @Override + public void onStop() { + super.onStop(); + } + + @Override + public void onDestroy() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDestroy(); + + LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(getContext()).unregisterReceiver(syncServiceReceiver); + } + + /** + * Set the callback to null so we don't accidentally leak the Activity instance. + */ + @Override + public void onDetach() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + super.onDetach(); + mListener = null; + + } + + /** + * Load book from the Uri. + */ + public void importBookFromUri( + final String bookName, + final BookName.Format format, + final Uri uri) { + + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Object doInBackground(Void ... params) { /* Executing on a different thread. */ + try { + Book book; + InputStream inputStream = getActivity().getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri); + try { + book = mShelf.loadBookFromStream(bookName, format, inputStream); + } finally { + inputStream.close(); + } + + return book; + + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + return e; + } + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Object result) { + if (mListener != null) { + if (result instanceof Book) { + Book book = (Book) result; + mShelf.setBookStatus(book, null, new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, getString(R.string.imported))); + mListener.onBookLoaded((Book) result); + } else { + mListener.onBookLoadFailed((IOException) result); + } + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + /** + * Load book from resource. + * + * FIXME: Only supports Org format (hardcoded below) + */ + public void loadBook(final String name, final Resources resources, final int resourceId) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, name, resources, resourceId); + + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected void onPreExecute() { + } + + /* Executing on a different thread. */ + @Override + protected Object doInBackground(Void... params) { + try { + return mShelf.loadBookFromResource(name, BookName.Format.ORG, resources, resourceId); + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + return e; + } + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Object result) { + if (mListener != null) { + if (result instanceof Book) { + Book book = (Book) result; + // TODO: Do in bg + mShelf.setBookStatus(book, null, new BookAction( + BookAction.Type.INFO, + getString(R.string.loaded_from_resource, name))); + mListener.onBookLoaded(book); + } else { + // TODO: Why is status not updated here? + mListener.onBookLoadFailed((IOException) result); + } + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + /** + * Load book from repository. + */ + public void loadBook(final long bookId) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Object doInBackground(Void... params) { + Book book = BooksClient.get(getActivity(), bookId); + + try { + if (book == null) { + throw new IOException(getString(R.string.message_book_does_not_exist)); + } + + Rook rook = book.getLink(); + + if (rook == null) { + throw new IOException(getString(R.string.message_book_has_no_link)); + } + + mShelf.setBookStatus( + book, + null, + new BookAction( + BookAction.Type.PROGRESS, + getString(R.string.force_loading_from_uri, UriUtils.friendlyUri(rook.getUri())))); + + return mShelf.loadBookFromRepo(rook); + + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + + mShelf.setBookStatus( + book, + null, + new BookAction( + BookAction.Type.ERROR, + getString(R.string.force_loading_failed, e.getLocalizedMessage()))); + + return e; + } + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Object result) { + if (mListener != null) { + if (result instanceof Book) { + Book book = (Book) result; + + // TODO: Do in bg + mShelf.setBookStatus( + book, + null, + new BookAction( + BookAction.Type.INFO, + getString(R.string.force_loaded_from_uri, UriUtils.friendlyUri(book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri())))); + + mListener.onBookLoaded((Book) result); + + } else { + mListener.onBookLoadFailed((IOException) result); + } + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void deleteFilters(final Set ids) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.deleteFilters(ids); + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void createFilter(final Filter filter) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.createFilter(filter); + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void updateFilter(final long id, final Filter filter) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.updateFilter(id, filter); + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void moveFilterUp(final long id) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.moveFilterUp(id); + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void moveFilterDown(final long id) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.moveFilterDown(id); + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void cycleVisibility(final Book book) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.cycleVisibility(book); + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void sparseTree(final long bookId, final long noteId) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + BooksClient.sparseTree(getContext(), bookId, noteId); + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void setStateToDone(final long noteId) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.setStateToDone(noteId); + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void promoteNotes(final long bookId, final Set noteIds) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.promoteNotes(bookId, noteIds); + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void demoteNotes(final long bookId, final Set noteIds) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.demoteNotes(bookId, noteIds); + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + /** + * Saves book to its linked remote book, or to the one-and-only repository . + */ + public void forceSaveBook(final long bookId) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Object doInBackground(Void... params) { + Book book = BooksClient.get(getActivity(), bookId); + + if (book != null) { + try { + String repoUrl; + String fileName; + + /* Prefer link. */ + if (book.getLink() != null) { + Rook link = book.getLink(); + repoUrl = link.getRepoUri().toString(); + fileName = BookName.getFileName(getContext(), link.getUri()); + + } else { + repoUrl = repoForSavingBook(); + fileName = BookName.fileName(book.getName(), BookName.Format.ORG); + } + + mShelf.setBookStatus(book, null, + new BookAction(BookAction.Type.PROGRESS, + getString(R.string.force_saving_to_uri, repoUrl))); + + return mShelf.saveBookToRepo(repoUrl, fileName, book, BookName.Format.ORG); + + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + mShelf.setBookStatus(book, null, + new BookAction(BookAction.Type.ERROR, + getString(R.string.force_saving_failed, e.getLocalizedMessage()))); + return e; + } + + } else { + return new IOException(getString(R.string.message_book_does_not_exist)); + } + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Object result) { + if (mListener != null) { + if (result instanceof Book) { + Book book = (Book) result; + + mShelf.setBookStatus( + book, + null, + new BookAction( + BookAction.Type.INFO, + getString(R.string.force_saved_to_uri, UriUtils.friendlyUri(book.getLastSyncedToRook().getUri())))); + + mListener.onBookSaved(book); + + } else { + mListener.onBookForceSavingFailed((IOException) result); + } + } else { + Log.w(TAG, "Listener not set, not handling saveBookToRepo result"); + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + /* If there is only one repository, return its URL. + * If there are more, we don't know which one to use, so throw exception. + */ + private String repoForSavingBook() throws IOException { + + Map repos = mShelf.getAllRepos(); + + /* Use repository if there is only one. */ + + if (repos.size() == 0) { + throw new IOException(getString(R.string.no_repos)); + + } else if (repos.size() == 1) { + return repos.keySet().iterator().next(); + + } else { + throw new IOException(getString(R.string.multiple_repos)); + } + } + + /** + * Exports book. Link is not updated, book stays linked to the same remote book. + */ + public void exportBook(final long bookId) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, bookId); + + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Object doInBackground(Void... params) { + try { + return mShelf.exportBook(bookId, BookName.Format.ORG); + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + return e; + } + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Object result) { + if (mListener != null) { + if (result instanceof File) { + mListener.onBookExported((File) result); + } else { + mListener.onBookExportFailed((IOException) result); + } + } else { + Log.w(TAG, "Listener not set, not handling exportBook result"); + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void clearDatabase() { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.clearDatabase(); + return null; + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Void aVoid) { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onDatabaseCleared(); + } else { + Log.w(TAG, "Listener not set, not calling onDatabaseCleared"); + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void deleteBook(final Book book, final boolean deleteLinked) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Object doInBackground(Void... params) { + try { + mShelf.deleteBook(book, deleteLinked); + + return null; /* Success. */ + + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + return e; + } + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Object result) { + if (mListener != null) { + if (result == null) { + mListener.onBookDeleted(book); + } else { + mListener.onBookDeletingFailed(book, (IOException) result); + } + } else { + Log.w(TAG, "Listener not set, not calling onBookDeleted"); + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void createNewBook(final String name) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Object doInBackground(Void... params) { + try { + Book book = mShelf.createBook(name); + mShelf.setBookStatus(book, null, new BookAction(BookAction.Type.INFO, getString(R.string.created))); + return book; + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + return e; + } + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Object result) { + if (mListener != null) { + if (result instanceof Book) { + mListener.onBookCreated((Book) result); + } else { + mListener.onBookCreationFailed((IOException) result); + } + } else { + Log.w(TAG, "Listener not set, not handling createNewBook result"); + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void updateScheduledTime(final Set noteIds, final OrgDateTime time) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.setNotesScheduledTime(noteIds, time); + return null; + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Void aVoid) { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onScheduledTimeUpdated(noteIds, time); + } else { + Log.w(TAG, "Listener not set, not calling onScheduledTimeUpdated"); + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void updateNoteState(final Set noteIds, final String state) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.setNotesState(noteIds, state); + return null; + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Void aVoid) { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onStateChanged(noteIds, state); + } else { + Log.w(TAG, "Listener not set, not calling onStateChanged"); + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void shiftNoteState(final long id, final int direction) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.shiftState(id, direction); + return null; + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Void aVoid) { + if (mListener == null) { + Log.w(TAG, "Listener not set, not calling onStateChanged"); + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void onSyncButton() { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG); + + Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), SyncService.class); + getActivity().startService(intent); + } + + public void renameBook(final Book book, final String value) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + try { + mShelf.renameBook(book, value); + } catch (Exception e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + mShelf.setBookStatus(book, null, new BookAction( + BookAction.Type.ERROR, + getString(R.string.failed_renaming_book_with_reason, e.getLocalizedMessage()))); +// return e; + } + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + + public void updateBookSettings(final Book book) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Void doInBackground(Void... params) { + mShelf.updateBookSettings(book); + return null; + } + }.execute(); + } + + /* + * Sync button which should be updated from the main UI thread. + */ + private class SyncButton { + private final Context appContext; + + private final ProgressBar progressBar; + + private final ViewGroup buttonContainer; + private final TextView buttonText; + private final View buttonIcon; + + private final Animation rotation; + + public SyncButton(View view, SyncButton prev) { + this.appContext = getActivity().getApplicationContext(); + + rotation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(appContext, R.anim.rotate_counterclockwise); + rotation.setRepeatCount(Animation.INFINITE); + + progressBar = (ProgressBar) view.findViewById(R.id.sync_progress_bar); + + buttonContainer = (ViewGroup) view.findViewById(R.id.sync_button_container); + buttonText = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.sync_button_text); + buttonIcon = view.findViewById(R.id.sync_button_icon); + + if (prev != null) { + /* Restore old state. */ + progressBar.setIndeterminate(prev.progressBar.isIndeterminate()); + progressBar.setMax(prev.progressBar.getMax()); + progressBar.setProgress(prev.progressBar.getProgress()); + progressBar.setVisibility(prev.progressBar.getVisibility()); + + buttonText.setText(prev.buttonText.getText()); + + } else { + progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); + + setButtonTextToLastSynced(); + } + + buttonContainer.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + onSyncButton(); + } + }); + } + + private void setButtonTextToLastSynced() { + long time = AppPreferences.lastSuccessfulSyncTime(appContext); + + if (time > 0) { + buttonText.setText(getString(R.string.last_sync_prefix, formatLastSyncTime(time))); + } else { + buttonText.setText(R.string.sync); + } + } + + public void update(SyncStatus status) { + switch (status.type) { + case STARTING: + progressBar.setIndeterminate(true); + progressBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + + animate(true); + + buttonText.setText(R.string.syncing_in_progress); + + break; + + case CANCELING: + progressBar.setIndeterminate(true); + progressBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + + animate(true); + + buttonText.setText(R.string.canceling); + + break; + + case BOOKS_COLLECTED: + progressBar.setIndeterminate(false); + progressBar.setMax(status.totalBooks); + progressBar.setProgress(0); + progressBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + + animate(true); + + buttonText.setText(R.string.syncing_in_progress); + + break; + + case BOOK_STARTED: + progressBar.setIndeterminate(false); + progressBar.setMax(status.totalBooks); + progressBar.setProgress(status.currentBook); + progressBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + + animate(true); + + buttonText.setText(getString(R.string.syncing_book, status.message)); + + break; + + case BOOK_ENDED: + progressBar.setIndeterminate(false); + progressBar.setMax(status.totalBooks); + progressBar.setProgress(status.currentBook); + progressBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + + animate(true); + + buttonText.setText(R.string.syncing_in_progress); + + break; + + case NOT_RUNNING: + case FINISHED: + progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); + + animate(false); + + setButtonTextToLastSynced(); + + break; + + case CANCELED: + case FAILED: + progressBar.setVisibility(View.GONE); + + animate(false); + + buttonText.setText(getString(R.string.last_sync_prefix, status.message)); + + break; + } + } + + private void animate(boolean shouldAnimate) { + if (shouldAnimate) { + if (buttonIcon.getAnimation() == null) { + buttonIcon.startAnimation(rotation); + } + } else { + if (buttonIcon.getAnimation() != null) { + buttonIcon.clearAnimation(); + } + } + } + + private String formatLastSyncTime(long time) { + return DateUtils.formatDateTime( + appContext, + time, + DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_MONTH | DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME); + } + } + + public void updateNote(final Note note) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Integer doInBackground(Void... dummy) { + return mShelf.updateNote(note); + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Integer noOfUpdated) { + if (noOfUpdated == 1) { + mListener.onNoteUpdated(note); + } else { + mListener.onNoteUpdatingFailed(note); + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void createNote(final Note note, final NotePlacement notePlacement) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Note doInBackground(Void... dummy) { + return mShelf.createNote(note, notePlacement); + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Note createdNote) { + if (createdNote != null) { + mListener.onNoteCreated(createdNote, notePlacement); + } else { + mListener.onNoteCreatingFailed(); + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + /** + * Delete notes from the notebook asynchronously. + * Calls {@link SyncFragmentListener#onNotesDeleted(int)}. + * + * @param bookId Book ID + * @param noteIds Set of notes' IDs + */ + public void deleteNotes(final long bookId, final TreeSet noteIds) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Integer doInBackground(Void... params) { + return mShelf.delete(bookId, noteIds); + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Integer result) { + mListener.onNotesDeleted(result); + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void deleteNotes(long bookId, long noteId) { + TreeSet noteIds = new TreeSet<>(); + noteIds.add(noteId); + + deleteNotes(bookId, noteIds); + } + + /** + * Cut notes from the notebook asynchronously. + * Calls {@link SyncFragmentListener#onNotesCut(int)}. + * + * @param bookId Book ID + * @param noteIds Set of notes' IDs + */ + public void cutNotes(final long bookId, final TreeSet noteIds) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected Integer doInBackground(Void... params) { + return mShelf.cut(bookId, noteIds); + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(Integer result) { + mListener.onNotesCut(result); + } + }.execute(); + } + + public void pasteNotes(final long bookId, final long noteId, final Placement placement) { + new AsyncTask() { + @Override + protected NotesBatch doInBackground(Void... voids) { + return mShelf.paste(bookId, noteId, placement); + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(NotesBatch batch) { + if (batch != null) { + mListener.onNotesPasted(batch); + } else { + mListener.onNotesNotPasted(); + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + /** + * Re-parsing notes currently only checks for notes' title and state. + */ + public void reParseNotes() { + new AsyncTask() { + private ProgressDialog progressDialog; + + @Override + protected void onPreExecute() { + progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(getActivity()); + progressDialog.setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL); + progressDialog.setMessage(getString(R.string.updating_notes)); + progressDialog.show(); + } + + @Override + protected IOException doInBackground(Void[] params) { + try { + mShelf.reParseNotesStateAndTitles(new Shelf.ReParsingNotesListener() { + @Override + public void noteParsed(int current, int total, String msg) { + publishProgress(current, total, msg); + } + }); + } catch (IOException e) { + return e; + } + + return null; /* Success. */ + } + + @Override + protected void onPostExecute(IOException exception) { + /* + * If dialog is gone due to rotation for example, IllegalArgumentException occurs + * here on dismiss() (and isShowing() returns true). + * Catch & ignore - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2745061/java-lang-illegalargumentexception-view-not-attached-to-window-manager + */ + try { + if (progressDialog.isShowing()) { + progressDialog.dismiss(); + } + } catch (Exception e) { + + } + + /* TODO: Do this for all other errors as well? */ + if (exception != null) { + new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity()) + .setTitle(R.string.failure) + .setMessage(exception.toString()) + .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, null) + .show(); + } + } + + @Override + protected void onProgressUpdate(Object ... values) { + int current = (Integer) values[0]; + int total = (Integer) values[1]; + String msg = (String) values[2]; + + progressDialog.setMessage(msg); + + if (total == 0) { + progressDialog.setIndeterminate(true); + + } else { + progressDialog.setIndeterminate(false); + progressDialog.setProgress(current); + progressDialog.setMax(total); + } + } + }.execute(); + } + + private void bindToSyncService() { + Intent intent = new Intent(getActivity(), SyncService.class); + Activity activity = getActivity(); + if (activity != null) { + activity.bindService(intent, serviceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE); + } + } + + private void unbindFromSyncService() { + if (isServiceBound) { + Activity activity = getActivity(); + if (activity != null) { + activity.unbindService(serviceConnection); + isServiceBound = false; + } + } + } + + private ServiceConnection serviceConnection = new ServiceConnection() { + @Override + public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName className, IBinder serviceBinder) { + isServiceBound = true; + + SyncService.LocalBinder binder = (SyncService.LocalBinder) serviceBinder; + + binder.getService().broadcastCurrentSyncStatus(); + + unbindFromSyncService(); + } + + @Override + public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName arg0) { + isServiceBound = false; + } + }; + + public interface SyncFragmentListener { + void onBookCreated(Book book); + void onBookCreationFailed(Exception exception); + + void onBookLoaded(Book book); + void onBookLoadFailed(Exception exception); + + void onBookSaved(Book book); + void onBookForceSavingFailed(IOException exception); + + void onSyncFinished(String msg); + + void onBookExported(File file); + void onBookExportFailed(Exception exception); + + void onNotesPasted(NotesBatch batch); + void onNotesNotPasted(); + + void onDatabaseCleared(); + + void onBookDeleted(Book book); + void onBookDeletingFailed(Book book, IOException exception); + + void onScheduledTimeUpdated(Set noteIds, OrgDateTime time); + + void onStateChanged(Set noteIds, String state); + + void onNoteCreated(Note note, NotePlacement notePlacement); + void onNoteCreatingFailed(); + + void onNoteUpdated(Note note); + void onNoteUpdatingFailed(Note note); + + void onNotesDeleted(int count); + void onNotesCut(int count); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/util/ActivityUtils.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/util/ActivityUtils.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b31b8bfb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/util/ActivityUtils.java @@ -0,0 +1,179 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.util; + +import android.app.Activity; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.Intent; +import android.content.res.TypedArray; +import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable; +import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.os.Build; +import android.os.Handler; +import android.support.v7.app.AppCompatActivity; +import android.util.Log; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; +import android.widget.ScrollView; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.BookEditorFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.BookFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.BooksFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.FilterFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.FiltersFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.NoteFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.QueryFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.ReposFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.fragments.SettingsFragment; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +/** + * + */ +public class ActivityUtils { + private static final String TAG = ActivityUtils.class.getName(); + + public static void closeSoftKeyboard(final Activity activity) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Hiding keyboard in activity " + activity); + + View view = activity.getCurrentFocus(); + + /* If no view currently has focus, create a new one to grab a window token from it. */ + if (view == null) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "No view in focus, using activity"); + view = new View(activity); + } + + final View finalView = view; + +// new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { +// @Override +// public void run() { + InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); + imm.hideSoftInputFromWindow(finalView.getWindowToken(), 0); +// } +// }, 100); + } + + public static void openSoftKeyboard(final Activity activity, final View view) { + if (view.requestFocus()) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Showing keyboard for view " + view + " in activity " + activity); + + new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + InputMethodManager imm = (InputMethodManager) activity.getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE); + imm.showSoftInput(view, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT); + } + }, 100); + + } else { + Log.w(TAG, "Can't open keyboard because view " + view + + " failed to get focus in activity " + activity); + } + } + + /** + * Color the action bar depending on which fragment is displayed. + */ + public static void setColorsForFragment(final AppCompatActivity activity, String fragmentTag) { + FragmentResources resources = new FragmentResources(activity, fragmentTag); + + /* Color status bar. */ + if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { + activity.getWindow().setStatusBarColor(resources.statusColor); + // getWindow().setNavigationBarColor(color); + } + + /* Color action bar. */ + activity.getSupportActionBar() + .setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable(resources.actionColor)); + } + + public static class FragmentResources { + public int statusColor; + public int actionColor; + public Drawable fabDrawable; + + public FragmentResources(Context context, String fragmentTag) { + int statusBarAttr; + int actionBarAttr; + int fabAttr; + + if (SettingsFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG.equals(fragmentTag)) { + statusBarAttr = R.attr.status_bar_in_settings; + actionBarAttr = R.attr.action_bar_in_settings; + fabAttr = 0; + + } else if (ReposFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG.equals(fragmentTag)) { + statusBarAttr = R.attr.status_bar_in_settings; + actionBarAttr = R.attr.action_bar_in_settings; + fabAttr = 0; + + } else if (FiltersFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG.equals(fragmentTag)) { + statusBarAttr = R.attr.status_bar_in_query; + actionBarAttr = R.attr.action_bar_in_query; + fabAttr = R.attr.oic_new_item; + + } else if (FilterFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG.equals(fragmentTag)) { + statusBarAttr = R.attr.status_bar_in_query; + actionBarAttr = R.attr.action_bar_in_query; + fabAttr = 0; + + } else if (QueryFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG.equals(fragmentTag)) { + statusBarAttr = R.attr.status_bar_in_query; + actionBarAttr = R.attr.action_bar_in_query; + fabAttr = 0; + + } else if (BooksFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG.equals(fragmentTag)) { + statusBarAttr = R.attr.status_bar_default; + actionBarAttr = R.attr.action_bar_default; + fabAttr = R.attr.oic_new_item; + + } else if (BookFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG.equals(fragmentTag)) { + statusBarAttr = R.attr.status_bar_default; + actionBarAttr = R.attr.action_bar_default; + fabAttr = R.attr.oic_new_item; + + } else if (BookEditorFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG.equals(fragmentTag)) { + statusBarAttr = R.attr.status_bar_default; + actionBarAttr = R.attr.action_bar_default; + fabAttr = 0; + + } else if (NoteFragment.FRAGMENT_TAG.equals(fragmentTag)) { + statusBarAttr = R.attr.status_bar_default; + actionBarAttr = R.attr.action_bar_default; + fabAttr = 0; + + } else { + statusBarAttr = R.attr.status_bar_default; + actionBarAttr = R.attr.action_bar_default; + fabAttr = 0; + } + + TypedArray typedArray = context.obtainStyledAttributes(new int[] { + statusBarAttr, + actionBarAttr, + fabAttr + }); + + statusColor = typedArray.getColor(0, 0); + actionColor = typedArray.getColor(1, 0); + fabDrawable = typedArray.getDrawable(2); + + typedArray.recycle(); + } + } + + /** + * Open "App info" settings, where permissions can be granted. + */ + public static void openAppInfoSettings(Activity activity) { + Intent intent = new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS); + + intent.setData(Uri.parse("package:" + BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID)); + + activity.startActivity(intent); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/util/ListViewUtils.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/util/ListViewUtils.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e6c645a77 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/util/ListViewUtils.java @@ -0,0 +1,51 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.util; + +import android.util.SparseBooleanArray; +import android.view.View; +import android.widget.ListView; + +import java.util.TreeSet; + +public class ListViewUtils { + public static boolean isIdVisible(ListView listView, long id) { + final int firstListItemPosition = listView.getFirstVisiblePosition(); + final int lastListItemPosition = firstListItemPosition + listView.getChildCount() - 1; + + for (int pos = firstListItemPosition; pos <= lastListItemPosition; pos++) { + long posId = listView.getItemIdAtPosition(pos); + + if (posId == id) { + return true; + } + } + + return false; + } + + public static View getViewByPosition(ListView listView, int pos) { + final int firstListItemPosition = listView.getFirstVisiblePosition(); + final int lastListItemPosition = firstListItemPosition + listView.getChildCount() - 1; + + if (pos < firstListItemPosition || pos > lastListItemPosition) { + return listView.getAdapter().getView(pos, null, listView); + } else { + final int childIndex = pos - firstListItemPosition; + return listView.getChildAt(childIndex); + } + } + + public static TreeSet getCheckedIds(ListView listView) { + TreeSet ids = new TreeSet<>(); + + SparseBooleanArray checked = listView.getCheckedItemPositions(); + + for (int i = 0; i < checked.size(); i++) { + if (checked.valueAt(i)) { + long id = listView.getItemIdAtPosition(checked.keyAt(i)); + ids.add(id); + } + } + + return ids; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/util/ViewUtils.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/util/ViewUtils.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8e1145d25 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/util/ViewUtils.java @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.util; + +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; + +import java.util.ArrayList; +import java.util.List; + +public class ViewUtils { + /** + * Returns all descendants of a specified view that are instances of specified class. + * Starting view could be included. + * + * @param parent View to start the search from + * @param klass Only objects of this type will be returned + * @return + */ + public static List getAllChildren(View parent, Class klass) { + List result = new ArrayList<>(); + List queued = new ArrayList<>(); + + queued.add(parent); + + while (!queued.isEmpty()) { + View child = queued.remove(0); + + if (klass.isInstance(child)) { + result.add(child); + } + + if (! (child instanceof ViewGroup)) { + continue; + } + + ViewGroup group = (ViewGroup) child; + + for (int i=0; i < group.getChildCount(); i++) { + queued.add(group.getChildAt(i)); + } + } + + return result; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/FixedTextView.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/FixedTextView.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..83a80531b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/FixedTextView.java @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.views; + + +import android.content.Context; +import android.util.AttributeSet; +import android.view.MotionEvent; + +/** + * Workaround for https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=191430 + * (IllegalArgumentException when marking text and then clicking on the view) + */ +public class FixedTextView extends OrgTextView { + public FixedTextView(Context context) { + super(context); + } + + public FixedTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { + super(context, attrs); + } + + public FixedTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { + super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); + } + + @Override + public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { + int selectionStart = getSelectionStart(); + int selectionEnd = getSelectionEnd(); + + if (selectionStart != selectionEnd) { + if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { + CharSequence text = getText(); + setText(null); + setText(text); + } + } + + return super.dispatchTouchEvent(event); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/GesturedListView.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/GesturedListView.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..5f352841f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/GesturedListView.java @@ -0,0 +1,352 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.views; + +import android.annotation.TargetApi; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.res.TypedArray; +import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; +import android.os.Build; +import android.os.Handler; +import android.util.AttributeSet; +import android.view.GestureDetector; +import android.view.MotionEvent; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewConfiguration; +import android.widget.AdapterView; +import android.widget.ListView; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +import java.util.HashMap; + +public class GesturedListView extends ListView implements GestureDetector.OnGestureListener { + private static final String TAG = GesturedListView.class.getName(); + + private int minFlingVelocity; + private int maxFlingVelocity; + // private int touchSlop; + private GestureDetector gestureDetector; + private Drawable selector; + + private GesturedListViewItemMenus itemMenus; + + private boolean scrolledHorizontally; + private boolean scrolledVertically; + private boolean isItemToolbarActive; + private int itemPosition; + + + public GesturedListView(Context context) { + super(context); + init(null); + } + + public GesturedListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { + super(context, attrs); + init(attrs); + } + + + public GesturedListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { + super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); + init(attrs); + } + + @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) + public GesturedListView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) { + super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes); + init(attrs); + } + + private void init(AttributeSet attrs) { + maxFlingVelocity = ViewConfiguration.get(getContext()).getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity(); + minFlingVelocity = ViewConfiguration.get(getContext()).getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity(); + // touchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(getContext()).getScaledTouchSlop(); + gestureDetector = new GestureDetector(getContext(), this); + selector = getSelector(); + + int menuContainerId = 0; + HashMap gestureMenuMap = new HashMap<>(); + + /* Get attributes from XML. */ + if (attrs != null) { + TypedArray typedArray = getContext().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.GesturedListView); + + menuContainerId = typedArray.getResourceId(R.styleable.GesturedListView_menu_container, 0); + + int child; + + child = typedArray.getInt(R.styleable.GesturedListView_menu_for_fling_left, -1); + if (child != -1) { + gestureMenuMap.put(Gesture.FLING_LEFT, child); + } + + child = typedArray.getInt(R.styleable.GesturedListView_menu_for_fling_right, -1); + if (child != -1) { + gestureMenuMap.put(Gesture.FLING_RIGHT, child); + } + + typedArray.recycle(); + } + + + /* Disable selector. */ + // setSelector(android.R.color.transparent); + + itemMenus = new GesturedListViewItemMenus(this, gestureMenuMap, menuContainerId); + } + + public GesturedListViewItemMenus getItemMenus() { + return itemMenus; + } + + public void setOnItemMenuButtonClickListener(OnItemMenuButtonClickListener listener) { + itemMenus.setListener(listener); + } + + @Override + public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { + // if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) Dlog.method(TAG, friendlyMotionEvent(ev)); + + return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); + } + + @Override + public boolean performItemClick(View view, int position, long id) { + if (! isItemToolbarActive) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, position, id); + return super.performItemClick(view, position, id); + + } else { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Ignoring click as toolbar is active", position, id); + return false; + } + } + + @Override + public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, ev); + + // if (true) return super.onTouchEvent(e); + + switch (ev.getAction()) { + case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, friendlyMotionEvent(ev)); + + /* Remember item on first touch down. + * Any potential gesture will be applied to this item. + */ + itemPosition = this.pointToPosition((int) ev.getX(), (int) ev.getY()); + + /* Reset flags. */ + scrolledHorizontally = false; + scrolledVertically = false; + isItemToolbarActive = false; + + // itemMenus.closeAll(); + + // setEnabled(true); + setSelector(selector); + + break; + + case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: + case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: + break; + + case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: + break; + + case MotionEvent.ACTION_SCROLL: + break; + } + + gestureDetector.onTouchEvent(ev); + + boolean r = super.onTouchEvent(ev); + + /* Enable list only after calling super, as we don't want click feedback + * if menu has been opened by this gesture. + */ + if (ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP || ev.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, friendlyMotionEvent(ev)); + + scrolledHorizontally = false; + scrolledVertically = false; + + // setEnabled(true); + // setSelector(selector); + } + + return r; + } + + @Override + public boolean dispatchTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { + // if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, friendlyMotionEvent(ev)); + + return super.dispatchTouchEvent(ev); + } + + @Override + public boolean onDown(MotionEvent ev) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, friendlyMotionEvent(ev)); + return false; + } + + @Override + public void onShowPress(MotionEvent ev) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, friendlyMotionEvent(ev)); + // scrolledVertically = true; + } + + @Override + public boolean onSingleTapUp(MotionEvent ev) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, friendlyMotionEvent(ev)); + return false; + } + + @Override + public boolean onScroll(MotionEvent ev1, MotionEvent ev2, float distanceX, float distanceY) { + // if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) Dlog.method(TAG, distanceX, distanceY); + + if (Math.abs(distanceX) > Math.abs(distanceY)) { + if (! scrolledVertically) { + if (! scrolledHorizontally) { + scrolledHorizontally = true; + + // setEnabled(false); + setSelector(android.R.color.transparent); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) + LogUtils.d(TAG, "Horizontal scroll detected and no vertical, ListView disabled"); + + } else { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Horizontal scroll detected and no vertical, ListView was already disabled"); + } + + } else { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Horizontal scroll detected, but so was vertical"); + } + + } else if (Math.abs(distanceX) < Math.abs(distanceY)) { + scrolledVertically = true; + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Vertical scroll detected"); + } + + return false; + } + + @Override + public void onLongPress(MotionEvent ev) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, friendlyMotionEvent(ev)); + } + + @Override + public boolean onFling(MotionEvent ev1, MotionEvent ev2, float velocityX, float velocityY) { + if (isItemToolbarActive) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Quick-menu already active"); + return false; + } + + /* Only if we never scrolled vertically. */ + if (scrolledHorizontally) { + int horizontalFling = isHorizontalFling(velocityX, velocityY); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "After scrolling horizontally: " + horizontalFling); + + if (horizontalFling != 0) { + isItemToolbarActive = true; + + /* INVALID_POSITION can happen after swiping empty space below notes + * (when there are only few on the top). + */ + if (itemPosition != AdapterView.INVALID_POSITION) { + Gesture gesture = horizontalFling == 1 ? + Gesture.FLING_RIGHT : Gesture.FLING_LEFT; + + itemMenus.open(itemPosition, gesture); + + /* + * If it's the last item in the list scroll to it to make quick-menu visible. + * Wait for quick-menu opening animation to end. + */ + if (itemPosition == getCount() - 1) { + new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() { + @Override + public void run() { + setSelection(itemPosition); + } + }, getResources().getInteger(R.integer.item_menu_animation_duration)); + } + } + + return true; + } + + } else { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "After not scrolling horizontally"); + } + + return false; + } + + /** + * @return -1 for left fling, 1 for right fling, 0 if the fling is not horizontal + */ + private int isHorizontalFling(float velocityX, float velocityY) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, velocityX, velocityY, minFlingVelocity, maxFlingVelocity); + + boolean isHorizontalFLing = + Math.abs(velocityX) > Math.abs(velocityY) && // More horizontal then vertical + Math.abs(velocityX) >= minFlingVelocity && Math.abs(velocityX) <= maxFlingVelocity; + + if (isHorizontalFLing) { + return velocityX > 0 ? 1 : -1; + + } else { + return 0; + } + } + + private String friendlyMotionEvent(MotionEvent ev) { + String action; + + if (ev != null) { + switch (ev.getAction()) { + case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: + action = "ACTION_DOWN"; + break; + case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: + action = "ACTION_UP"; + break; + case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: + action = "ACTION_MOVE"; + break; + case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: + action = "ACTION_CANCEL"; + break; + case MotionEvent.ACTION_SCROLL: + action = "ACTION_SCROLL"; + break; + default: + action = String.valueOf(ev.getAction()); + + } + } else { + action = "MotionEvent is null (action cannot be taken from it)"; + } + + return action; + } + + public interface OnItemMenuButtonClickListener { + boolean onMenuButtonClick(int buttonId, long itemId); + } + + public enum Gesture { + FLING_RIGHT, + FLING_LEFT + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/GesturedListViewItemMenu.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/GesturedListViewItemMenu.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c3cde48cb --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/GesturedListViewItemMenu.java @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.views; + +import android.support.v4.view.ViewCompat; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.view.animation.Animation; +import android.view.animation.AnimationSet; +import android.view.animation.AnimationUtils; +import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator; +import android.view.animation.Interpolator; +import android.view.animation.Transformation; +import android.widget.ViewFlipper; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ListViewUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +import java.util.HashMap; + +class GesturedListViewItemMenu { + private static final String TAG = GesturedListViewItemMenu.class.getName(); + + private final static Interpolator MENU_OPEN_INTERPOLATOR = new DecelerateInterpolator(); + private final static Interpolator MENU_CLOSE_INTERPOLATOR = new DecelerateInterpolator(); + + private final static int FLING_RIGHT_OUT_ANIMATION = R.anim.slide_out_to_right; + private final static int FLING_RIGHT_IN_ANIMATION = R.anim.slide_in_from_left; + private final static int FLING_LEFT_OUT_ANIMATION = R.anim.slide_out_to_left; + private final static int FLING_LEFT_IN_ANIMATION = R.anim.slide_in_from_right; + +// private final static int FLING_RIGHT_OUT_ANIMATION = R.anim.fade_out; +// private final static int FLING_RIGHT_IN_ANIMATION = R.anim.fade_in; +// private final static int FLING_LEFT_OUT_ANIMATION = R.anim.fade_out; +// private final static int FLING_LEFT_IN_ANIMATION = R.anim.fade_in; + + private final int animationDuration; + private final float containerHeight; + + private final long itemId; + private final GesturedListView gesturedListView; + + private ViewGroup containerView; + private ViewFlipper flipperView; + private HashMap gestureMenuMap; + + private GesturedListViewItemMenuState containerState; + private int flipperDisplayedChild; + + public GesturedListViewItemMenu(long itemId, GesturedListView listView, ViewGroup container, ViewFlipper flipper, HashMap gestureMenuMap) { + this.animationDuration = listView.getResources().getInteger(R.integer.item_menu_animation_duration); + this.containerHeight = listView.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.item_menu_height); + + this.itemId = itemId; + this.gesturedListView = listView; + + this.containerView = container; + this.flipperView = flipper; + this.gestureMenuMap = gestureMenuMap; + } + + public void open(GesturedListView.Gesture gesture) { + setFlipperAnimation(gesture); + + setFlipperDisplayedChild(gesture); + + if (isContainerViewGone()) { + startOpening(); + } + } + + /** + * Menu that should be opened for this gesture is already opened. + */ + public boolean isOpenedForGesture(GesturedListView.Gesture gesture) { + if (containerView.getVisibility() == View.GONE) { + return false; + } + + Integer targetChild = gestureMenuMap.get(gesture); + + if (targetChild != null && targetChild == flipperView.getDisplayedChild()) { + return true; + } + + return false; + } + + private void setFlipperAnimation(GesturedListView.Gesture gesture) { + /* + * If container is closed, we don't want flipper animation. + * Appearance of the container itself will be animated. + */ + if (isContainerViewGone()) { + flipperView.setInAnimation(null); + flipperView.setOutAnimation(null); + + } else { + if (gesture == GesturedListView.Gesture.FLING_RIGHT) { + flipperView.setOutAnimation(gesturedListView.getContext(), FLING_RIGHT_OUT_ANIMATION); + flipperView.setInAnimation(gesturedListView.getContext(), FLING_RIGHT_IN_ANIMATION); + + } else if (gesture == GesturedListView.Gesture.FLING_LEFT) { + flipperView.setOutAnimation(gesturedListView.getContext(), FLING_LEFT_OUT_ANIMATION); + flipperView.setInAnimation(gesturedListView.getContext(), FLING_LEFT_IN_ANIMATION); + + } else { + flipperView.setInAnimation(null); + flipperView.setOutAnimation(null); + } + } + } + + private void setFlipperDisplayedChild(GesturedListView.Gesture gesture) { + flipperDisplayedChild = gestureMenuMap.get(gesture); + + flipIfNeeded(flipperDisplayedChild); + } + + private void flipIfNeeded(int child) { + if (flipperView.getDisplayedChild() != child) { + flipperView.setDisplayedChild(child); + } + } + + public boolean isContainerViewGone() { + return containerView.getVisibility() == View.GONE && containerView.getAnimation() == null; + } + + public boolean isClosed() { + return containerState == GesturedListViewItemMenuState.CLOSED; + } + + private void startOpening() { + containerState = GesturedListViewItemMenuState.OPENING; + ViewCompat.setHasTransientState(containerView, true); + + Animation animation; + AnimationSet animations = new AnimationSet(false); + + animations.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() { + @Override + public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) { + } + + @Override + public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { + containerState = GesturedListViewItemMenuState.OPENED; + ViewCompat.setHasTransientState(containerView, false); + } + + @Override + public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) { + } + }); + + /* Fade in animation. */ + animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(gesturedListView.getContext(), R.anim.fade_in); + animation.setInterpolator(MENU_OPEN_INTERPOLATOR); + animation.setDuration(animationDuration); + + animations.addAnimation(animation); + + /* Height change animation. */ + + final ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams params = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) containerView.getLayoutParams(); + + /* Initial state. */ + params.height = 0; + containerView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + + animation = new Animation() { + @Override + protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) { + super.applyTransformation(interpolatedTime, t); + + /* New margin. */ + // params.bottomMargin = - params.height + (int) ((params.height) * interpolatedTime); + params.height = (int) (containerHeight * interpolatedTime); + + /* Invalidating the layout, to see the made changes. */ + containerView.requestLayout(); + + /* + * Make sure entire item is visible while opening the menu. + * Does not work well when flinging the list, + * as the item keeps getting scrolled to. + */ + // gesturedListView.smoothScrollToPosition(itemPosition); + } + }; + animation.setInterpolator(MENU_OPEN_INTERPOLATOR); + animation.setDuration(animationDuration); + + animations.addAnimation(animation); + + containerView.startAnimation(animations); + } + + public void startClosing() { + /* Already closed or closing. */ + if (containerState == GesturedListViewItemMenuState.CLOSING || containerState == GesturedListViewItemMenuState.CLOSED) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Menu already in CLOSED or CLOSING state"); + return; + } + + containerState = GesturedListViewItemMenuState.CLOSING; + ViewCompat.setHasTransientState(containerView, true); + + final ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams params = (ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) containerView.getLayoutParams(); + + Animation animation; + AnimationSet animations = new AnimationSet(false); + + animations.setAnimationListener(new Animation.AnimationListener() { + @Override + public void onAnimationStart(Animation animation) { + } + + @Override + public void onAnimationEnd(Animation animation) { + closeContainer(params); + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Menu closed - animation ended"); + } + + @Override + public void onAnimationRepeat(Animation animation) { + } + }); + + /* Fade out animation. */ + animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(gesturedListView.getContext(), R.anim.fade_out); + animation.setInterpolator(MENU_CLOSE_INTERPOLATOR); + animation.setDuration(animationDuration); + + animations.addAnimation(animation); + + /* Margin change animation. */ + + animation = new Animation() { + @Override + protected void applyTransformation(float interpolatedTime, Transformation t) { + super.applyTransformation(interpolatedTime, t); + + /* New margin. */ + // params.bottomMargin = - (int) ((params.height) * interpolatedTime); + params.height = (int) (containerHeight - containerHeight * interpolatedTime); + + /* Invalidating the layout, to see the made changes. */ + containerView.requestLayout(); + + /* Make sure entire item is visible while opening the menu. */ + // ListView.this.smoothScrollToPosition(itemPosition); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Closing menu (" + params.height + ")"); + } + }; + animation.setInterpolator(MENU_CLOSE_INTERPOLATOR); + animation.setDuration(animationDuration); + + animations.addAnimation(animation); + + if (ListViewUtils.isIdVisible(gesturedListView, itemId)) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Menu container visible, starting close animation"); + containerView.startAnimation(animations); + + } else { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, "Menu container NOT visible, closing immediately"); + closeContainer(params); + } + } + + private void closeContainer(ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams params) { + containerState = GesturedListViewItemMenuState.CLOSED; + + containerView.setVisibility(View.GONE); + params.height = 0; + + containerView.requestLayout(); + + ViewCompat.setHasTransientState(containerView, false); + } + + public void updateView(ViewGroup menuContainer, ViewFlipper menuFlipper) { + /* Update current menu views for the item. */ + containerView = menuContainer; + flipperView = menuFlipper; + + /* Update container. */ + switch (containerState) { + case OPENED: + /* Update flipper. */ +// menu.flipperView.setInAnimation(null); +// menu.flipperView.setOutAnimation(null); + flipIfNeeded(flipperDisplayedChild); + containerView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); + break; + + case OPENING: + break; + + case CLOSED: + containerView.setVisibility(View.GONE); + break; + + case CLOSING: + break; + } + } + + + private enum GesturedListViewItemMenuState { + CLOSED, + OPENING, + OPENED, + CLOSING + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/GesturedListViewItemMenus.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/GesturedListViewItemMenus.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ed6f9b400 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/GesturedListViewItemMenus.java @@ -0,0 +1,187 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.views; + +import android.support.annotation.Nullable; +import android.support.v4.util.LongSparseArray; +import android.view.View; +import android.view.ViewGroup; +import android.widget.ImageButton; +import android.widget.ViewFlipper; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ListViewUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ViewUtils; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +import java.util.HashMap; +import java.util.List; + +public class GesturedListViewItemMenus { + private static final String TAG = GesturedListViewItemMenus.class.getName(); + + private final GesturedListView gesturedListView; + private final HashMap gestureMenuMap; + private final int menuContainerId; + + private final LongSparseArray openedMenus = new LongSparseArray<>(); + + private GesturedListView.OnItemMenuButtonClickListener mListener; + + + public GesturedListViewItemMenus(GesturedListView gesturedListView, HashMap gestureMenuMap, int containerId) { + this.gesturedListView = gesturedListView; + this.gestureMenuMap = gestureMenuMap; + this.menuContainerId = containerId; + } + + /** + * + * @param itemPosition + * @param gesture + * @return true if menu exists, false if not + */ + public boolean open(int itemPosition, GesturedListView.Gesture gesture) { + long itemId = gesturedListView.getItemIdAtPosition(itemPosition); + + /* Close all except this one. */ + closeAllExcept(itemId); + + View itemView = ListViewUtils.getViewByPosition(gesturedListView, itemPosition); + + ViewGroup menuContainer = getMenuContainer(itemView); + + /* Find ViewFlipper within container. */ + ViewFlipper menuFlipper = null; + if (menuContainer != null) { + for (int i = 0; i <= menuContainer.getChildCount(); i++) { + View view = menuContainer.getChildAt(i); + if (view instanceof ViewFlipper) { + menuFlipper = (ViewFlipper) view; + break; + } + } + } + + if (menuFlipper != null) { + Integer flipperChild = gestureMenuMap.get(gesture); + + if (flipperChild != null) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) + LogUtils.d(TAG, "GESTURE " + gesture + " @ position " + itemPosition + ": opening menu for " + itemId); + + GesturedListViewItemMenu menu = openedMenus.get(itemId); + if (menu == null) { + menu = new GesturedListViewItemMenu(itemId, gesturedListView, menuContainer, menuFlipper, gestureMenuMap); + openedMenus.put(itemId, menu); + + } else { + /* If the menu for this gesture is already opened, close it. */ + if (menu.isOpenedForGesture(gesture)) { + menu.startClosing(); + return true; + } + } + + menu.open(gesture); + + // itemView.setBackgroundResource(R.color.item_head_menu_opened); + setItemMenuButtonOnClickListeners(itemView, itemId); + + return true; + } + + } else { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) + LogUtils.d(TAG, "Menu flipper not found for item at position " + itemPosition); + } + + return false; + } + + /** + * Finds all buttons inside {@link #menuContainerId} and sets a click listener for each one. + * + * @param itemView + * @param itemId + */ + private void setItemMenuButtonOnClickListeners(View itemView, final long itemId) { + ViewGroup menuContainer = getMenuContainer(itemView); + + if (menuContainer != null) { + List buttons = ViewUtils.getAllChildren(menuContainer, ImageButton.class); + + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) + LogUtils.d(TAG, "Found " + buttons.size() + " quick-menu buttons for id " + itemId); + + for (final View button : buttons) { + button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + if (mListener != null) { + mListener.onMenuButtonClick(button.getId(), itemId); + } + } + }); + } + } + } + + /** + * Finds and returns item menu's container view. + * + * It can return null if item doesn't contain a menu (for example header view). + * + * @param itemView Item's View + * @return Menu's container view or null if item doesn't contain a menu. + */ + @Nullable + private ViewGroup getMenuContainer(View itemView) { + ViewGroup view = (ViewGroup) itemView.findViewById(menuContainerId); + + if (view == null) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) + LogUtils.d(TAG, "Menu container for " + itemView + " not found"); + } + + return view; + } + + public void closeAllExcept(long idToKeepOpened) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, idToKeepOpened); + + for (int i = 0; i < openedMenus.size(); i++) { + long id = openedMenus.keyAt(i); + + if (id != idToKeepOpened) { /* Close unless it's a specified id. */ + GesturedListViewItemMenu menu = openedMenus.get(id); + + menu.startClosing(); + } + } + } + + /** + * Called when binding views from the adapter. + */ + public void updateView(View view, long noteId, ViewGroup menuContainer, ViewFlipper menuFlipper) { + GesturedListViewItemMenu menu = openedMenus.get(noteId); + + if (menu == null) { + menuContainer.setVisibility(View.GONE); + + } else { + if (menu.isClosed()) { + openedMenus.delete(noteId); + + } else { + menu.updateView(menuContainer, menuFlipper); + + // view.setBackgroundResource(R.color.item_head_menu_opened); + setItemMenuButtonOnClickListeners(view, noteId); + } + } + } + + public void setListener(GesturedListView.OnItemMenuButtonClickListener listener) { + mListener = listener; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/OrgTextView.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/OrgTextView.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..8c2a2d509 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/OrgTextView.java @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.views; + +import android.annotation.TargetApi; +import android.content.Context; +import android.os.Build; +import android.support.annotation.NonNull; +import android.text.Layout; +import android.text.Spanned; +import android.text.style.ClickableSpan; +import android.util.AttributeSet; +import android.view.MotionEvent; +import android.widget.TextView; + +import com.orgzly.BuildConfig; +import com.orgzly.android.util.LogUtils; + +public class OrgTextView extends TextView { + public static final String TAG = OrgTextView.class.getName(); + + public OrgTextView(Context context) { + super(context); + } + + public OrgTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { + super(context, attrs); + } + + public OrgTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) { + super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr); + } + + @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) + public OrgTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) { + super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes); + } + + + @Override + public boolean onTouchEvent(@NonNull MotionEvent event) { + if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG) LogUtils.d(TAG, event); + + Layout layout = this.getLayout(); + + if (layout != null) { + int line = layout.getLineForVertical((int) event.getY()); + int offset = layout.getOffsetForHorizontal(line, event.getX()); + + if (getText() != null && getText() instanceof Spanned) { + Spanned spanned = (Spanned) getText(); + + ClickableSpan[] links = spanned.getSpans(offset, offset, ClickableSpan.class); + + if (links.length > 0) { + if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { + return true; + + } else if (event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { + links[0].onClick(this); + + } else { + return super.onTouchEvent(event); + } + } + } + } + + return super.onTouchEvent(event); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/WhatsNewChange.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/WhatsNewChange.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6a6d2839e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/ui/views/WhatsNewChange.java @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.ui.views; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.res.TypedArray; +import android.util.AttributeSet; +import android.view.LayoutInflater; +import android.view.View; +import android.widget.LinearLayout; +import android.widget.TextView; + +import com.orgzly.R; + +public class WhatsNewChange extends LinearLayout { + public WhatsNewChange(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { + super(context, attrs); + + TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.WhatsNewChange, 0, 0); + String content = a.getString(R.styleable.WhatsNewChange_text); + a.recycle(); + + LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); + View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.text_list_item, this, true); + + ((TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.content)).setText(content); + } +} + diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/AppPermissions.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/AppPermissions.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a2418002c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/AppPermissions.java @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.util; + + +import android.Manifest; +import android.content.Context; +import android.content.pm.PackageManager; +import android.support.design.widget.Snackbar; +import android.support.v4.app.ActivityCompat; +import android.support.v4.content.ContextCompat; +import android.view.View; + +import com.orgzly.R; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.CommonActivity; +import com.orgzly.android.ui.util.ActivityUtils; + +public class AppPermissions { + public static final int FOR_LOCAL_REPO = 1; + public static final int FOR_BOOK_EXPORT = 2; + public static final int FOR_SYNC_START = 3; + + public static boolean isNotGranted(Context context, int requestCode) { + String permission = permissionForRequest(requestCode); + + return ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(context, permission) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED; + } + + public static boolean isGrantedOrRequest(final CommonActivity activity, int requestCode) { + String permission = permissionForRequest(requestCode); + int rationale = rationaleForRequest(requestCode); + + if (isNotGranted(activity, requestCode)) { + /* Should we show an explanation? */ + if (ActivityCompat.shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale(activity, permission)) { + View view = activity.findViewById(R.id.main_content); + + activity.showSnackbar(Snackbar.make(view, rationale, MiscUtils.SNACKBAR_WITH_ACTION_DURATION) + .setAction(R.string.settings, new View.OnClickListener() { + @Override + public void onClick(View v) { + ActivityUtils.openAppInfoSettings(activity); + } + })); + + } else { + /* No explanation needed -- request the permission. */ + ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(activity, new String[]{ permission }, requestCode); + } + + return false; + + } else { + return true; + } + } + + + /** + * Mapping of request code to actual permissions. + */ + private static String permissionForRequest(int requestCode) { + switch (requestCode) { + case FOR_LOCAL_REPO: + return Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE; + case FOR_BOOK_EXPORT: + return Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE; + case FOR_SYNC_START: + return Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE; + } + + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown permission for request code " + requestCode); + } + + /** + * Mapping of request code to explanation. + */ + private static int rationaleForRequest(int requestCode) { + switch (requestCode) { + case FOR_LOCAL_REPO: + return R.string.permissions_rationale_for_local_repo; + case FOR_BOOK_EXPORT: + return R.string.permissions_rationale_for_book_export; + case FOR_SYNC_START: + return R.string.permissions_rationale_for_sync_start; + } + + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown rationale for request code " + requestCode); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/CircularArrayList.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/CircularArrayList.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..853b960cc --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/CircularArrayList.java @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.util; + +import java.util.AbstractList; +import java.util.Arrays; +import java.util.List; + +public class CircularArrayList extends AbstractList { + private List list; + + public CircularArrayList(T[] array) { + this.list = Arrays.asList(array); + } + + @Override + public T get(int index) { + if (list.size() == 0) { + throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Empty array"); + } + + index = convert(index); + + return list.get(index); + } + + private int convert(int index) { + /* If too small. */ + while (index < 0) { + index = index + list.size(); + } + + /* If too big. */ + index = index % list.size(); + + return index; + } + + public int indexOf(Object o) { + return list.indexOf(o); + } + + @Override + public int size() { + return list.size(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/EncodingDetect.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/EncodingDetect.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..315d65827 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/EncodingDetect.java @@ -0,0 +1,217 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.util; + +import org.mozilla.universalchardet.UniversalDetector; + +import java.io.BufferedInputStream; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.InputStream; + +public class EncodingDetect { + + public enum Method { + // ICU, + // JCHARDET, + JUNIVERSALCHARDET + } + + public static final Method USED_METHOD = Method.JUNIVERSALCHARDET; + + private InputStream fileInputStream; + + private boolean hasRan = false; + private String detectedCharset; + + + public static EncodingDetect getInstance(InputStream fileInputStream) { + EncodingDetect detect = new EncodingDetect(); + + detect.fileInputStream = fileInputStream; + + return detect; + } + + public String getEncoding() { + detect(); + return detectedCharset; + } + + public boolean isDetected() { + detect(); + return detectedCharset != null; + } + + /** + * Sets charset to detected value. + */ + private void detect() { + if (! hasRan) { + switch (USED_METHOD) { +// case ICU: +// icuDetect(); +// break; + +// case JCHARDET: +// nsDetect(); +// break; + + case JUNIVERSALCHARDET: + universalDetect(); + break; + } + } + + hasRan = true; + } + + /** + * Detect charset using ICU. + * International Components for Unicode (http://site.icu-project.org/) + * + * Source code available at + * http://source.icu-project.org/repos/icu/icu4j/trunk/ + * (it's a SVN repo - it can be checked out) + */ +// private void icuDetect() { +// BufferedInputStream imp = null; +// +// try { +// imp = new BufferedInputStream(fileInputStream); +// +// CharsetMatch match = new CharsetDetector().setText(imp).detect(); +// +// System.out.println(name + ": " + match.getLanguage() + " " + match.getName() + " " + match.getConfidence()); +// +// detectedCharset = match.getName(); +// +// } catch (Exception e) { +// e.printStackTrace(); +// +// } finally { +// if (imp != null) { +// try { +// imp.close(); +// } catch (IOException e) { +// e.printStackTrace(); +// } +// } +// } +// } + + /** + * Detect charset using Java port of Mozilla charset detector + * (http://sourceforge.net/projects/jchardet/?source=typ_redirect) + */ +// private void nsDetect() { +// detectedCharset = null; +// +// // Initialize the nsDetector() ; +// nsDetector det = new nsDetector(); +// +// // Set an observer... +// // The Notify() will be called when a matching charset is found. +// det.Init(new nsICharsetDetectionObserver() { +// public void Notify(String charset) { +// System.out.println(name + ": " + charset); +// detectedCharset = charset; +// } +// }); +// +// +// byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; +// int len; +// boolean done = false; +// boolean isAscii = true; +// BufferedInputStream imp = null; +// +// try { +// imp = new BufferedInputStream(fileInputStream); +// +// while ((len = imp.read(buf, 0, buf.length)) != -1) { +// +// // Check if the stream is only ascii. +// if (isAscii) { +// isAscii = det.isAscii(buf, len); +// } +// +// // DoIt if non-ascii and not done yet. +// if (!isAscii && !done) { +// done = det.DoIt(buf, len, false); +// } +// +// if (detectedCharset != null) { +// return; +// } +// } +// +// } catch (IOException e) { +// e.printStackTrace(); +// return; +// +// } finally { +// if (imp != null) { +// try { +// imp.close(); +// } catch (IOException e) { +// e.printStackTrace(); +// } +// } +// } +// +// det.DataEnd(); +// +// if (isAscii) { +// System.out.println(name + ": ASCII"); +// detectedCharset = "ASCII"; +// } +// } + + /** + * juniversalchardet is a Java port of 'universalchardet', + * that is the encoding detector library of Mozilla. + * (https://code.google.com/p/juniversalchardet/) + */ + private void universalDetect() { + byte[] buf = new byte[4096]; + + // (1) + UniversalDetector detector = new UniversalDetector(null); + + // (2) + int n; + BufferedInputStream imp = null; + try { + imp = new BufferedInputStream(fileInputStream); + + while ((n = imp.read(buf)) > 0 && !detector.isDone()) { + detector.handleData(buf, 0, n); + } + + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + return; + + } finally { + if (imp != null) { + try { + imp.close(); + } catch (IOException e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + } + } + } + + // (3) + detector.dataEnd(); + + // (4) + String charset = detector.getDetectedCharset(); + + if (charset != null) { + // System.out.println(name + ": " + charset); + detectedCharset = charset; + } + + // (5) + detector.reset(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/ExceptionUtils.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/ExceptionUtils.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..287f3ae3e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/ExceptionUtils.java @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.util; + +import java.io.IOException; + +public class ExceptionUtils { + // TODO: Use more where getCause is used + public static IOException IOException(Exception e, String msg) { + if (e.getCause() != null) { + return new IOException(msg + ": " + e.getCause()); + } else { + return new IOException(msg + ": " + e.toString()); + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/LogUtils.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/LogUtils.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..02faa2d5f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/LogUtils.java @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.util; + +import android.support.v4.app.FragmentActivity; +import android.support.v4.app.FragmentManager; +import android.text.TextUtils; +import android.util.Log; + +/** + * Methods for logging debugging information. + * + * They are slow and should *never* be called by production code. + * Call them under "if (BuildConfig.LOG_DEBUG)" so they are removed by ProGuard. + */ +public class LogUtils { + private static final int LOGCAT_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024; + + /** + * Logs number of fragments and fragments in back stack. + */ + public static void fragments(String tag, FragmentActivity activity) { + FragmentManager fragmentManager = activity.getSupportFragmentManager(); + + int backStackCount = fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount(); + int fragmentsCount = fragmentManager.getFragments().size(); + + /* Get all back stack entries. */ +// List backStack = new ArrayList(); +// for (int i = 0; i < fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryCount(); i++) { +// backStack.add(fragmentManager.getBackStackEntryAt(i)); +// } +// String entries = TextUtils.join(" ", backStack); + + d(tag, "Fragments: " + fragmentsCount + " Back stack: " + backStackCount); + } + + /** + * Logs caller's method name followed by specified parameters. + */ + public static void d(String tag, Object... args) { + StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); + + for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { + Object arg = args[i]; + + if (arg instanceof String[]) { + s.append(TextUtils.join("|", (String[]) arg)); + } else { + s.append(arg); + } + + if (i < args.length - 1) { + s.append(" "); + } + } + + /* Prefix with caller's method name. */ + if (s.length() > 0) { + s.insert(0, ": "); + } + s.insert(0, getCallerMethodName()); + + doLog(tag, s.toString()); + } + + /** + * Logs in chunks, due to logcat limit. + */ + private static void doLog(String tag, String s) { + int length = s.length(); + + for (int i = 0; i < length; i += LOGCAT_BUFFER_SIZE) { + if (i + LOGCAT_BUFFER_SIZE < length) { + Log.d(tag, s.substring(i, i + LOGCAT_BUFFER_SIZE)); + } else { + Log.d(tag, s.substring(i, length)); + } + } + } + + /** + * Returns the last method found in stack trace (before this class). + */ + private static String getCallerMethodName() { + String lastMethod = "UNKNOWN-METHOD"; + + StackTraceElement[] ste = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); + + for (int i = ste.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { + if (ste[i].toString().contains(LogUtils.class.getName())) { + return lastMethod; + } + + lastMethod = ste[i].getMethodName(); + } + + return lastMethod; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/MiscUtils.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/MiscUtils.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..17cdfc061 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/MiscUtils.java @@ -0,0 +1,253 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.util; + + +import android.net.Uri; +import android.support.design.widget.TextInputLayout; +import android.text.Editable; +import android.text.TextWatcher; +import android.widget.TextView; + +import java.io.BufferedReader; +import java.io.File; +import java.io.FileInputStream; +import java.io.FileNotFoundException; +import java.io.FileOutputStream; +import java.io.FileReader; +import java.io.IOException; +import java.io.InputStream; +import java.io.OutputStream; +import java.io.PrintWriter; +import java.security.MessageDigest; + +public class MiscUtils { + public static final int SNACKBAR_WITH_ACTION_DURATION = 8000; + + /** + * Counts lines in a given string. Empty string counts as one line. + * + * @param str string + * @return number of lines in a string + */ + public static int lineCount(String str) { + if (str == null) { + return 0; + } + + int lines = 1; + int pos = 0; + + while ((pos = str.indexOf("\n", pos)) != -1) { + lines++; + pos++; + } + + return lines; + } + + public static String readStringFromFile(File file) throws IOException { + StringBuffer fileData = new StringBuffer(); + BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file)); + char[] buf = new char[1024]; + int numRead; + while ((numRead = reader.read(buf)) != -1) { + String readData = String.valueOf(buf, 0, numRead); + fileData.append(readData); + } + reader.close(); + return fileData.toString(); + } + + public static void writeStringToFile(String str, File file) throws FileNotFoundException { + PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(file); + try { + out.write(str); + } finally { + out.close(); + } + } + + /** + * Compares content of two text files. + * @return null if files match, difference if they don't + */ + public static String compareFiles(File file1, File file2) throws IOException { + String result; + + BufferedReader reader1 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file1)); + BufferedReader reader2 = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file2)); + + while (true) { + String line1 = reader1.readLine(); + String line2 = reader2.readLine(); + + if (line1 == null && line2 == null) { + result = null; + break; + + } else if (line1 == null && line2 != null) { + result = "file2 has more lines then file1"; + break; + + } else if (line1 != null && line2 == null) { + result = "file1 has more lines then file2"; + break; + + } else if (! line1.equals(line2)) { + result = "Files differ:\n" + line1 + "\n" + line2 + "\n"; + break; + } + } + + reader1.close(); + reader2.close(); + + return result; + } + + public static void writeStreamToFile(InputStream in, File file) throws IOException { + OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); + try { + byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; + int len; + while ((len = in.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) != -1) { + out.write(buffer, 0, len); + } + } finally { + out.close(); + } + } + + public static void writeFileToStream(File file, OutputStream out) throws IOException { + InputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); + try { + byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; + int len; + while ((len = in.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length)) != -1) { + out.write(buffer, 0, len); + } + + } finally { + in.close(); + } + } + + /** + * Surround string with curly quotes (a.k.a. smart quotes). + */ + public static String quotedString(String str) { + return "“" + str + "”"; + } + + public static long sha1(String s) { + long l = 0L; + + try { + MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1"); + md.update(s.getBytes("UTF-8")); + byte[] digest = md.digest(); + + /* First 64 bits only */ + for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { + l <<= 8; + l |= (0xff & digest[i]); + } + + } catch (Exception e) { + e.printStackTrace(); + } + + return l; + } + + public static void copyFile(File src, File dst) throws IOException { + InputStream in = new FileInputStream(src); + OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(dst); + + byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; + int len; + while ((len = in.read(buf)) > 0) { + out.write(buf, 0, len); + } + in.close(); + out.close(); + } + + /** + * Clear {@link TextInputLayout} error after its text has been modified. + */ + public static void clearErrorOnTextChange(final TextView tv, final TextInputLayout til) { + tv.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() { + @Override + public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { + til.setError(null); + } + + @Override + public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { + } + + @Override + public void afterTextChanged(Editable s) { + } + }); + } + + private static boolean isAllowedInUrlEncoded(char c, String allow) { + return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') + || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') + || (c >= '0' && c <= '9') + || "_-!.~'()*".indexOf(c) != -1 + || (allow != null && allow.indexOf(c) != -1); + } + + private static boolean isHexChar(char c) { + return (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') || + (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || + (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); + } + + static boolean uriPathNeedsEncoding(String str) { + int percentHexCharsLeft = 0; + + for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { + char c = str.charAt(i); + + if (! isAllowedInUrlEncoded(c, "/%")) { + return true; + } + + if (percentHexCharsLeft-- > 0) { + // This char must be digit + if (! isHexChar(c)) { + return true; + } + } + + if (c == '%') { + percentHexCharsLeft = 2; + // Next two characters must be hex now + } + } + + if (percentHexCharsLeft > 0) { + return true; + } + + return false; + } + + public static String encodeUri(String str) { + /* Scheme part. */ + int i = str.indexOf(":"); + + if (i != -1) { + String rest = str.substring(i + 1); + + if (uriPathNeedsEncoding(rest)) { + return str.substring(0, i + 1) + Uri.encode(str.substring(i + 1), "/"); + } + } + + return str; + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/OrgNoteContentFormatParser.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/OrgNoteContentFormatParser.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ad8f2097c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/OrgNoteContentFormatParser.java @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.util; + +import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; +import android.text.Spanned; +import android.text.style.URLSpan; + +import java.util.regex.Matcher; +import java.util.regex.Pattern; + +/** + * + */ +public class OrgNoteContentFormatParser { + private final static String BRACKET_LINK_URL_REGEX = "https?://[^]\\s]+|mailto:[^]\\s]+"; + + public static SpannableStringBuilder fromOrg(String s, boolean createLinks) { + SpannableStringBuilder ssb = new SpannableStringBuilder(s); + + doOrgLinksWithName(ssb, createLinks); + doOrgLinks(ssb, createLinks); + doPlainLinks(ssb, createLinks); + + return ssb; + } + + /** + * [[http://link.com][Link]] + */ + private static void doOrgLinksWithName(SpannableStringBuilder ssb, boolean createLinks) { + Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\[\\[(" + BRACKET_LINK_URL_REGEX + ")\\]\\[([^]]+)\\]\\]"); + Matcher m = p.matcher(ssb); + + while (m.find()) { + String link = m.group(1); + String name = m.group(2); + + ssb.replace(m.start(), m.end(), name); + + if (createLinks) { + setUrlSpan(ssb, link, m.start(), m.start() + name.length()); + } + + /* Must re-create Matcher, as ssb size is modified. */ + m = p.matcher(ssb); + + } + } + + /** + * [[http://link.com]] + */ + private static void doOrgLinks(SpannableStringBuilder ssb, boolean createLinks) { + Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\[\\[(" + BRACKET_LINK_URL_REGEX + ")\\]\\]"); + Matcher m = p.matcher(ssb); + + while (m.find()) { + String link = m.group(1); + + ssb.replace(m.start(), m.end(), link); + + if (createLinks) { + setUrlSpan(ssb, link, m.start(), m.start() + link.length()); + } + + /* Must re-create Matcher, as ssb size is modified. */ + m = p.matcher(ssb); + } + } + + /** + * http://link.com + */ + private static void doPlainLinks(SpannableStringBuilder ssb, boolean createLinks) { + if (!createLinks) { + return; + } + + Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(https?://\\S+|mailto:\\S+)"); + Matcher m = p.matcher(ssb); + + while (m.find()) { + String link = m.group(1); + + /* Only if the first character has no URLSpan. */ + if (ssb.getSpans(m.start(), m.start() + 1, URLSpan.class).length == 0) { + setUrlSpan(ssb, link, m.start(), m.end()); + } + } + } + + private static void setUrlSpan(SpannableStringBuilder ssb, String link, int start, int end) { + ssb.setSpan(new URLSpan(link), start, end, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); + // ssb.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(0xFFCCCCCC), start, end, Spanned.SPAN_INCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/OrgTimeUserFormatter.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/OrgTimeUserFormatter.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..1560c4d47 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/OrgTimeUserFormatter.java @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.util; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.text.format.DateFormat; + +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgDateTime; +import com.orgzly.org.datetime.OrgRange; + +/** + * Formats time to be displayed to user. + */ +public class OrgTimeUserFormatter { + private Context mContext; +// private StringBuilder mStrBuilder; +// private Formatter mFormatter; + + private java.text.DateFormat mDateFormat; + private java.text.DateFormat mTimeFormat; + + public OrgTimeUserFormatter(Context context) { + mContext = context; +// mStrBuilder = new StringBuilder(50); +// mFormatter = new Formatter(mStrBuilder, Locale.getDefault()); + + mDateFormat = DateFormat.getDateFormat(mContext); + mTimeFormat = DateFormat.getTimeFormat(mContext); + } + + public String format(OrgRange time) { + /* Format without brackets for now. */ + if (time.getEndTime() != null) { + return time.getStartTime().toStringWithoutBrackets() + " — " + time.getEndTime().toStringWithoutBrackets(); + } else { + return time.getStartTime().toStringWithoutBrackets(); + } + } + + public String format(OrgDateTime time) { + return time.toStringWithoutBrackets(); + } + + public String formatDate(OrgDateTime time) { + return mDateFormat.format(time.getCalendar().getTime()); + +// long timestamp = time.getCalendar().getTimeInMillis(); +// +// int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_DATE | +// DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_MONTH | +// DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_WEEKDAY | +// DateUtils.FORMAT_ABBREV_WEEKDAY; +// +// mStrBuilder.setLength(0); +// return DateUtils.formatDateRange(mContext, mFormatter, timestamp, timestamp, flags).toString(); + } + + public String formatTime(OrgDateTime time) { + return mTimeFormat.format(time.getCalendar().getTime()); + +// long timestamp = time.getCalendar().getTimeInMillis(); +// +// int flags = DateUtils.FORMAT_SHOW_TIME; +// +// mStrBuilder.setLength(0); +// return DateUtils.formatDateRange(mContext, mFormatter, timestamp, timestamp, flags).toString(); + } + + public String formatRepeater(OrgDateTime time) { + return time.getRepeater().toString(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/QuotedStringTokenizer.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/QuotedStringTokenizer.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9b33b0e2d --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/QuotedStringTokenizer.java @@ -0,0 +1,318 @@ +/* + * Copyright 2010 Hippo. + * + * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); + * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. + * You may obtain a copy of the License at + * + * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 + * + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and + * limitations under the License. + */ + +// Taken from https://forge.onehippo.org/svn/jcr-shell/trunk/core/src/main/java/org/onehippo/forge/jcrshell/util/QuotedStringTokenizer.java + +package com.orgzly.android.util; + +import java.util.NoSuchElementException; +import java.util.StringTokenizer; + +/** StringTokenizer with Quoting support. + * + * This class is a copy of the java.util.StringTokenizer API and + * the behavior is the same, except that single and double quoted + * string values are recognized. + * Delimiters within quotes are not considered delimiters. + * Quotes can be escaped with '\'. + * + * @see java.util.StringTokenizer + * Based on the tokenizer in org.mortbay.util + */ +public class QuotedStringTokenizer extends StringTokenizer { + private static final int MAX_INIT_CAPACITY = 512; + private static final String DEFAULT_DELIMITER = "\t\n\r"; + private String str; + private String delimiter = DEFAULT_DELIMITER; + private boolean returnQuotes = false; + private boolean returnTokens = false; + private StringBuilder token; + private boolean hasToken = false; + private int pos = 0; + private int lastStart = 0; + + private enum State { + START, TOKEN, SINGLE, DOUBLE + } + + /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ + public QuotedStringTokenizer(String string, String delim, boolean returnTokens, boolean returnQuotes) { + super(""); + this.str = string; + this.returnTokens = returnTokens; + this.returnQuotes = returnQuotes; + + if (delim != null) { + delimiter = delim; + } + + if (delimiter.indexOf('\'') >= 0 || delimiter.indexOf('"') >= 0) { + throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't use quotes as delimiters: " + delimiter); + } + if (str.length() > (2 * MAX_INIT_CAPACITY) ) { + token = new StringBuilder(MAX_INIT_CAPACITY); + } else { + token = new StringBuilder(str.length() / 2); + } + } + + /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ + public QuotedStringTokenizer(String str, String delim, boolean returnTokens) { + this(str, delim, returnTokens, false); + } + + /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ + public QuotedStringTokenizer(String str, String delim) { + this(str, delim, false, false); + } + + /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ + public QuotedStringTokenizer(String str) { + this(str, null, false, false); + } + + /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ + public boolean hasMoreTokens() { + // Already found a token + if (hasToken) { + return true; + } + + lastStart = pos; + + State state = State.START; + + boolean escape = false; + while (pos < str.length()) { + char c = str.charAt(pos++); + + switch (state) { + case START: // Start + if (delimiter.indexOf(c) >= 0) { + if (returnTokens) { + token.append(c); + hasToken = true; + } + } else if (c == '\'') { + if (returnQuotes) { + token.append(c); + } + state = State.SINGLE; + } else if (c == '\"') { + if (returnQuotes) { + token.append(c); + } + state = State.DOUBLE; + } else { + token.append(c); + hasToken = true; + state = State.TOKEN; + } + continue; + + case TOKEN: // Token + hasToken = true; + if (delimiter.indexOf(c) >= 0) { + if (returnTokens) { + pos--; + } + return hasToken; + } else if (c == '\'') { + if (returnQuotes) { + token.append(c); + } + state = State.SINGLE; + } else if (c == '\"') { + if (returnQuotes) { + token.append(c); + } + state = State.DOUBLE; + } else { + token.append(c); + } + continue; + + case SINGLE: // Single Quote + hasToken = true; + if (escape) { + escape = false; + token.append(c); + } else if (c == '\'') { + if (returnQuotes) { + token.append(c); + } + state = State.TOKEN; + } else if (c == '\\') { + if (returnQuotes) { + token.append(c); + } + escape = true; + } else { + token.append(c); + } + continue; + + case DOUBLE: // Double Quote + hasToken = true; + if (escape) { + escape = false; + token.append(c); + } else if (c == '\"') { + if (returnQuotes) { + token.append(c); + } + state = State.TOKEN; + } else if (c == '\\') { + if (returnQuotes) { + token.append(c); + } + escape = true; + } else { + token.append(c); + } + continue; + } + } + + return hasToken; + } + + /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ + public String nextToken() { + if (!hasMoreTokens() || token == null) { + throw new NoSuchElementException(); + } + String t = token.toString(); + token.setLength(0); + hasToken = false; + return t; + } + + /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ + public String nextToken(String delim) { + delimiter = delim; + pos = lastStart; + token.setLength(0); + hasToken = false; + return nextToken(); + } + + /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ + public boolean hasMoreElements() { + return hasMoreTokens(); + } + + /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ + public Object nextElement() { + return nextToken(); + } + + /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ + /** Not implemented. + */ + public int countTokens() { + return -1; + } + + /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ + /** Quote a string. + * The string is quoted only if quoting is required due to + * embeded delimiters, quote characters or the + * empty string. + * @param s The string to quote. + * @return quoted string + */ + public static String quote(String s, String delim) { + if (s == null) { + return null; + } + if (s.length() == 0) { + return "\"\""; + } + + for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { + char c = s.charAt(i); + if (c == '"' || c == '\\' || c == '\'' || delim.indexOf(c) >= 0) { + StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(s.length() + 8); + quote(b, s); + return b.toString(); + } + } + + return s; + } + + /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ + /** Quote a string into a StringBuilder. + * @param buf The StringBuilder + * @param s The String to quote. + */ + public static void quote(StringBuilder buf, String s) { + synchronized (buf) { + buf.append('"'); + for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { + char c = s.charAt(i); + if (c == '"') { + buf.append("\\\""); + continue; + } + if (c == '\\') { + buf.append("\\\\"); + continue; + } + buf.append(c); + continue; + } + buf.append('"'); + } + } + + /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */ + /** Unquote a string. + * @param s The string to unquote. + * @return quoted string + */ + public static String unquote(String s) { + if (s == null) { + return null; + } + if (s.length() < 2) { + return s; + } + + char first = s.charAt(0); + char last = s.charAt(s.length() - 1); + if (first != last || (first != '"' && first != '\'')) { + return s; + } + StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(s.length() - 2); + synchronized (b) { + boolean quote = false; + for (int i = 1; i < s.length() - 1; i++) { + char c = s.charAt(i); + + if (c == '\\' && !quote) { + quote = true; + continue; + } + quote = false; + b.append(c); + } + + return b.toString(); + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/SpaceTokenizer.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/SpaceTokenizer.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..9559b6340 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/SpaceTokenizer.java @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.util; + +import android.text.SpannableString; +import android.text.Spanned; +import android.text.TextUtils; +import android.widget.MultiAutoCompleteTextView; + +/** + * + */ +public class SpaceTokenizer implements MultiAutoCompleteTextView.Tokenizer { + + /* Returns the started of the token that ends at offset cursor within text. */ + @Override + public int findTokenStart(CharSequence text, int cursor) { + int i = cursor; + + while (i > 0 && text.charAt(i - 1) != ' ') { + i--; + } + + while (i < cursor && text.charAt(i) == ' ') { + i++; + } + + return i; + } + + /* Returns the end of the token (minus trailing punctuation) that begins at offset cursor within text. */ + @Override + public int findTokenEnd(CharSequence text, int cursor) { + int i = cursor; + int len = text.length(); + + while (i < len) { + if (text.charAt(i) == ' ') { + return i; + } else { + i++; + } + } + + return len; + } + + /* Returns text, modified, if necessary, to ensure that it ends with a token terminator (for example a space or comma). */ + @Override + public CharSequence terminateToken(CharSequence text) { + int i = text.length(); + + while (i > 0 && text.charAt(i - 1) == ' ') { + i--; + } + + if (i > 0 && text.charAt(i - 1) == ' ') { + return text; + } else { + if (text instanceof Spanned) { + SpannableString sp = new SpannableString(text + " "); + TextUtils.copySpansFrom((Spanned) text, 0, text.length(), + Object.class, sp, 0); + return sp; + } else { + return text + " "; + } + } + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/UriUtils.java b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/UriUtils.java new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0f74a1d22 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/java/com/orgzly/android/util/UriUtils.java @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +package com.orgzly.android.util; + +import android.content.Context; +import android.net.Uri; +import android.support.v4.provider.DocumentFile; + +import com.orgzly.android.BookName; + +import java.util.List; + + +public class UriUtils { + /** + * Everything except the last path segment. + */ + public static Uri dirUri(Uri uri) { + List path = null; + + if (uri.getPathSegments().size() > 0) { + path = uri.getPathSegments().subList(0, uri.getPathSegments().size() - 1); + } + + Uri.Builder builder = new Uri.Builder() + .scheme(uri.getScheme()) + .authority(uri.getAuthority()); + + if (path != null) { + for (String p : path) { + builder.appendPath(p); + } + } + + return builder.build(); + } + + public static String friendlyUri(String uriString) { + return Uri.decode(uriString); + } + + public static String friendlyUri(Uri uri) { + return friendlyUri(uri.toString()); + } + + /** + * Create URI from directory. + */ + public static Uri uriFromPath(String schema, String directory) { + Uri.Builder builder = new Uri.Builder().scheme(schema); + for (String s : directory.split("/+", -1)) { + builder.appendPath(s); + } + return builder.build(); + } +} diff --git a/app/src/main/res/anim/fade_in.xml b/app/src/main/res/anim/fade_in.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..daaf51c28 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/res/anim/fade_in.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + + + diff --git a/app/src/main/res/anim/fade_out.xml b/app/src/main/res/anim/fade_out.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..0a45777b1 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/res/anim/fade_out.xml @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ + + + + + + diff --git a/app/src/main/res/anim/rotate_counterclockwise.xml b/app/src/main/res/anim/rotate_counterclockwise.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..865c07d08 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/res/anim/rotate_counterclockwise.xml @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ + + + diff --git a/app/src/main/res/anim/slide_in_from_left.xml b/app/src/main/res/anim/slide_in_from_left.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..75df9023c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/res/anim/slide_in_from_left.xml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/app/src/main/res/anim/slide_in_from_right.xml b/app/src/main/res/anim/slide_in_from_right.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..32487160c --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/res/anim/slide_in_from_right.xml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/app/src/main/res/anim/slide_out_to_left.xml b/app/src/main/res/anim/slide_out_to_left.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ca3f6eade --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/res/anim/slide_out_to_left.xml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/app/src/main/res/anim/slide_out_to_right.xml b/app/src/main/res/anim/slide_out_to_right.xml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a42968d71 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/src/main/res/anim/slide_out_to_right.xml @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_dropbox_black_48px.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_dropbox_black_48px.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..e00999e6c Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_dropbox_black_48px.png differ diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_dropbox_blue_48px.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_dropbox_blue_48px.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..b4dc83280 Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_dropbox_blue_48px.png differ diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_dropbox_white_48px.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_dropbox_white_48px.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..914e736c2 Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_dropbox_white_48px.png differ diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_new_above_black_24dp.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_new_above_black_24dp.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce7065b1a Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_new_above_black_24dp.png differ diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_new_above_white_24dp.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_new_above_white_24dp.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4c19ceb93 Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_new_above_white_24dp.png differ diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_new_below_black_24dp.png b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_new_below_black_24dp.png new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ec8a9b3c4 Binary files /dev/null and b/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_new_below_black_24dp.png differ diff --git a/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi/cic_new_below_white_24dp.png 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