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Gustav Maskowitz gustavmaskowitz
Ex-developer advocate at Google Cloud -> solutions arch. Love security, clean & green tech.

Focus on customer experience, ai and security Oxfordshire

Maximilian Shawak
Discord: shawak


Timo von Hartz th0rex
Rust <3

@zystem-io Switzerland

Israel Ogbole iogbole
Co-founder and CEO @zystem-io Read all about me at United Kingdom

Javier Honduvilla Coto javierhonduco
Software Engineer interested in scalability, performance, developer tools, UX, etc

London / Madrid

Florian Bernd flobernd
Performance focused software engineer. Creator of Zydis.

@elastic Germany

birb b-irb
Occasionally I'll build something.
Can Bölük can1357
Security researcher and reverse engineer. Interested in Windows kernel development, low-level programming, static program analysis and cryptography.

The Netherlands

Joel Höner athre0z
I build stuff that makes other stuff faster. Co-founder at @zystem-io, co-creator of Zydis.

@zystem-io Germany