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Basahr Shaeb Basharshaeb
Flutter Developer Full Stack Developer

Yemen Sana'a

John Conley jfrconley

Camping World Portland, OR

Ozmar Escobar ZantetsukenGT
Full-stack developer, I like to my spend time into whatever catches my attention.


Akeeb Ismail akeebismail
Software developer

Lagos, Nigeria

hustjieke hustjieke
Hi~I'm now working on next generation HTAP database: ...

Hangzhou, China

Cương Nguyễn cuong0993
Self-taught engineer

Optimizely Ha Noi

Harald Lapp aurora
coder and computer enthusiast • electronic musician • vintage computing geek • addicted to UNIX

Image Professionals GmbH Munich, Germany


Siegerland | NRW | Germany | Eurasia | Terra

Mohammad Lahlouh mlahlouh

@SteerCampaign Jordan

shuchen seishuchen
I am shuchen, a linux crazy fan, and also a developer that focus on SOA. Be an eager beaver, not an eager-beaver. Keep moving!!! #Linux #SOA #Java #Erlang
Hatter Jiang jht5945
Senior Technical Specialist from Alibaba Cloud, I love programming ...

Alibaba Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China

Euraxluo Euraxluo
[email protected] Shanghai,China

Cristian Hernandez clystian
Freelancer/Contractor Senior Full Stack Developer

Medellín, Colombia

Rene Casaña reatcas
App Developer - UI-UX Designer Appsheet - Flutter - Dart - Figma - Google Cloud

@optal Honduras

bboradoli bboradoli
Seize the day.

- Seoul

Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Oliver Eilhard olivere

Alt F4 Munich, Germany

Camilo Andres Rodríguez Zelada carodriguezzelada
Ingeniero Civil Informático, Amante de la naturaleza y el deporte.
Ian beanbee
Database Engineer

Beijing, China

Andreas Heissenberger aheissenberger
Fast-track professional successful in the design, development and deployment of technology strategies and policy. Experienced leading Internet and IS operations

Andreas Heissenberger Vienna

Miguel A. Morales mormig35
An entrepreneur was passionate about technology, innovation, new business ventures, and crypto. 🚀💼🧑🏼‍💼📈🪙

@subngrill Orlando, Florida USA

Jesus Reyes reyesjd
Computer and systems engineering student at Universidad del Norte.


Ricardo Pereira ricardoper
IoT, PHP, Infrastructure & Cloud Architect, SysAdmin & Electronics


Reysmer Valle reysmerwvr
Computer Engineer - Full Stack Developer | iOS Developer 💻📱

Wallapop Barcelona, Spain

Yoseph Araúz Calcifer1331
Soy un estudiante apasionado por el desarrollo de software, siempre en busca de nuevos retos y oportunidades para aprender y crecer profesionalmente.

Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Bocas del Toro, Panamá

Jordi Rivero jrivero

Leadtech Barcelona

Zander Hill zph
Pragmatic polyglot, solving problems and loving it. Interested in hiring me?


Alexander J. Rodriguez D. AlexR1712
Geek by day, coder by night. I love tinkering with systems, building cool stuff, and occasionally breaking things (oops!).

@blockshiftnetwork Barquisimeto, Lara, Venezuela

Luis Felipe Sanchez lfelipe1501
Full-fledged Systems Engineer Faithful follower of ArchLinux and Lover of the terminal, bash scripts and free software. Cali, CO

Simiraj simirajsp

Manjila And Singh Innotech Private Limited Cochin, Kerala, India

ihms rolandihms
Human, weekend Yeti from Namibia with a crazy passion for code, tech and digital. I ❤️ code, life and respect...

@ihms-co Swakopmund, Namibia

Salah Alkhwlani salkhwlani
CTO at SallaApp. I love to automate things and to look for the most effective technical solutions

Salla Limited Riyadh, Ar Riyāḑ, Saudi Arabia
