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Tim Narr timnarr
Freelance Frontend Developer and UI Engineer, focused on performant and responsive web interfaces.

Freelancer Germany, Lüneburg

fabian wohlgemuth wohfab
Berater für digitale Barrierefreiheit bei @gehirngerecht.

Digitale Barrierefreiheit @gehirngerecht Germany

Jason Davis jasondavis
Web Developer since 2000 using PHP, JavaScript , NodeJS, and related technologies. Currently Really enjoying building desktop GUI software/tools w/ ElectronJS Central FL

Samir Alibabic samiralibabic
I build software. Started with Basic on C64, now in JavaScript/TypeScript/Java ecosystem. Interested in Python, Go, Rust.

Indie Munich

Michael Gnessner Epoche-Napoleon
This is not a professional Github profile. I'm the owner of the website and I presennt some files to develop for this site.


Sophie Brunner sophiebrunner
Frontend and music nerd with -13 diopters

tollwerk GmbH Nuremberg

Cynthia Ebert Cinzya
Software Engineer for live broadcasts and games

Let's Talk Breda, Netherlands