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Garett PHG gphg
I do code. I use this account main purpose is mostly to host my private codes and collaboration. I really messy at code; please no bulli. 😩


Chris crse
Indonesian FOSS translator | freelance illustrator | portfolio on the link below


Kolesov Arseny masajinobe-ef
Coding... or something like this🌌

Priscilla FX Russian Federation

rivel hydrocaeris
minor (16) | FE Web Designer | ID/ENG | more at my carrd


Thomas Perrot tprrt
Embedded Linux and kernel engineer @bootlin

@bootlin Toulouse Area, France

Tibrella Pinghigh
Wash away the anger


Henrique Marques henrique-marques-vsoft
I don't touch much grass

@hexis-hub World Wide Web

RodrigoGabriel PipoLucido
Developer />

Buenos Aires

Nicolas Rodrigues AoiToga
🌱☀🌈 @TohakyLaw in some networks!
Alice D. StarWitch
Check GitLab for my projects.

StarWitch Productions Toronto, Canada

Sarah Weaver LWFlouisa
I'm a 2D ( Isometric ) Survival Horror Tactical RPG composer, though it's taken a while to evolve in this direction. I'm also a fan of both Horror Romance Manga
Amneesh natto1784
hi 0x5FCC86A8

Some semiconductor company in Bengaluru Delhi, India

Oreli Orelii
i don't know how to code


Zeck zZeck
Analyzing systems to preserve or extend them. Always looking for better concepts to achieve this more quickly and maintainably for more people.
Mark Jia mosaicthej
study cs, making bs

University of Saskatchewan, Department of Computer Science Gensokyo