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Edivan Ferreira edivanmultsistem

MultSistem Softwares Fortaleza - CE

Masaki NAKAYAMA luxidea

LUXOPHIA Chiba, Japan

festezuki festerzuki
hobbyist programmer passionate about knowledge
Full Stack Developer - Delphi/Pascal | C# | SQL | HTML | CSS | JavaScript | ReactJS

Americana, SP - Brazil

Roberto Della Pasqua RDP1974

Roberto Della Pasqua Italy

megat kurniawan megatkurniawan

@cupancurkasih Pontianak

Darian Miller darianmiller
Embarcadero MVP. 30+ year full stack developer still having fun building solutions using Delphi as my primary tool of choice.


Mostafa Rashwan Mostafa141175
I am working over than 15 years as Regional Support Specialist Engineer in Cash Processing Solutions "CPS" and over 20 years as Software Developer using Delphi

Cash Processing Solutions b.v. Netherlands

Rivania Gomes RivaniaGomes
📚Residência em TIC Software | Serratec

Teresópolis -RJ

Hakan Emre Kartal AIntelligent
Software Eng., Pioneer, Researcher. "Hiç bilenlerle bilmeyenler bir olur mu (Are those who know and those who don't know the same?)"

NulaSoft, OMLET

Ramon Souza RamonSouza96
Just an ordinary developer
Guillermo Rivero gjrivero


Neto~ napoleaopneto

MultiWare Tecnologia Sinop - Mato Grosso

Brooklyn bottlelin


Merci Bac mercibac
Challenges make life interesting and worthwhile !


Sara Mota sararsmota
My name is Sara Mota, have 26 years old. I'm Software Developer.

Catedral Automação Brasília

Ferruh Köroğlu ferruhkoroglu
Delphi (20 years) and .Net Core Applications.. (DevExpress Components) Last Technologies...
Marcos Nielsen marcosnielsen
Desenvolvedor na Empresa Softniels

Softniels União da vitória, Paraná, Brasil


AML Sistemas Ubá, MG, Brasil

Sven Harazim landrix

Landrix Software Dresden, Germany

landv landv
From China 技术是第一生产力; 他山之石可以攻玉。

landv beijing

dmzn dmznlin

RunSoft Studio