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Aaron Bergman AaronBergman
I have no idea what I'm doing
upx3 (CFA) AFg6K7h4fhy2
Remember to drink some water.
Sloane Ortel srvo
Mostly lurk. Chief Investment Officer at Ethical Capital.

Ethical Capital Utah

Yash Sharma ysharma1126
PhD Candidate at IMPRS-IS
Agustín Covarrubias agucova
I do a bit of everything, but nothing especially well.

Santiago, Chile

Quinn McHugh quinn-p-mchugh

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

James Hu y-james-hu
Associate Researcher @rethinkpriorities

@rethinkpriorities London, United Kingdom

Megawattz zakwatts
Using my energy to work on energy!

Open Climate Fix London