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Rafael Elter rafaelelter
Computer Engineering @ UFRGS

MBOCHIP Porto Alegre, Brazil

Jacky Yu jackyyu0918
Road to be a goose farmer

Hong Kong

Drishti Rani rishsans
CSE Sophomore at IGDTUW || Passionate about Tech and Geopolitics


Dario Alves Junior darioajr
Do not worry about what everyone else is going to do, the best way to predict the future is to invent it.

B3 (BRQ) Brasil, Santa Catariana, Blumenau

Paulo Martins martinstuga

BAO Systems Portugal

Stanislaw Alam stan-alam
The power of C++ compels you.

New York

Federico federico0123
Regulatory reporting | Financial markets | Banking | Data analysis


Pedro Serrano Faria pedrosfaria2
Data Science student at UNIVESP, pursuing a master’s degree in Computer Science at the University of Colorado Boulder, and technology enthusiast.

Nova Futura Asset São Paulo,SP,Brazil

Alberto Cavalcante albertocavalcante
here, starting an unfinished project at a time. At @jpmorganchase having some fun work to do :)

@jpmorganchase Palo Alto, California

Khody Azmoon KhodyAzmoon
Work in capital markets & e-trading. Opinions expressed solely my own and do not express the views of my employer. Contributions and stars not endorsements.

New York City Metropolitan Area

Marcos Sicat atlasifs88

IQ Management Enterprises Inc New York

[email protected] fitchdev3
I'm on GCP

HSBC Guangzhou

Jackie Feng JackFung1

阿里巴巴 深圳

Christoph John chrjohn

MACD Aachen, Germany

Do Trinh dotrinh-DM
Senior Mobile Delivery Manager (love building)

Universal Software Engineering Inc. Global, Vietnam, Japan

rupweb rupweb2
FIX messaging developer

Axe London

Petar Denev petardenev
previously @bazaarvoice

@rulematch @portofinotechnologies @omgnetwork @enyalabs Cham, Switzerland

Bhupendra Bhudia bhupendra-bhudia
Accomplished Engineer and Architect with core skills in Python, Java, C/C++, micro-services and distributed systems. Interests in procedural generation & WebGL.

@quedexco United Kingdom

Stuart Masterton-Smith stuart-i-m-smith
Senior Java Engineer with a keen interest in highly scalable, highly distributed and low latency software solutions.


In search of mastery of coding skills and knowledge

Hong Kong

Cam Scott camsnz

Wellington, NZ