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Emile Rolley ⏚ EmileRolley
J'essaie de faire du mieux que je peux :)

@publicodes @betagouv Toulouse

Noam V pvergain


Kempfer Hugo HugoKempfer
Rust and C++ software engineer.

Bordeaux - Seoul

Nicolas RUFF newsoft

Google Zürich, Switzerland

Jeremie Corpinot rootasjey
(Mostly) Frontend developer. I like art 🎨 video games 🕹️ and plants 🪴.

codingbox France

Sidon Amedyaz arroui
Consider everything !

Mahogania Everywhere

Max Duval mxdvl
Digital toolmaker – Web Tech Lead at @Hometrack

@Hometrack London, UK

Antoine Augusti AntoineAugusti

@betagouv @mtes-mct @etalab Dijon, France

Johan Girod johangirod

@betagouv Albi, France

Kevin Masseix MKCG
Software architect. Stack : C99, Typescript, Python, Golang, PHP, docker, terraform, ansible, tensorflow, AWS, ...

Paris, France