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Adilhan Çetin adilhancetin
METU-Computer Engineering Student


Hakan Uca hakanuca
👋 Hi, I’m Hakan Uca, a passionate Game Developer and Software Engineer focused on creating innovative gaming experiences.
Orhun Ege Çelik oegecelik
Hello! I am a junior student at Bilkent, studying CS.
Mehmet Burak Ünal burkiistkn
Computer Engineering Student #4


Serhat Taştan serhattastan

Ostim OSB Teknik Koleji Turkey

Şenol Şentürk senolsenturk
Social Network ID

Social Network ID Turkey

Deniz Polat DenizzPolatt
Part-time CS student, part-time game developer.

Bilkent Ankara

Ekin ekinkanbur
Jr. Growth Specialist


Ulan Sametov usametov
IT Consultant based in Toronto area

Asta Nova Enterprise Solutions

Berkay Çetin berkaybc
developer and full time learner
Lyubomir velchev

Softopia ( Hove, UK