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Vitor Hugo Scobin Scobin049
- Foco no desenvolvimento Javascript 👨‍💻

Lemon Energia São Paulo/SP - Brasil

Marcus Guidoti mguidoti

@Plazi Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil

Marco Ollivier marcopollivier
Tech Lead | Staff Engineer | ex @nubank , @olxbr e @flash-tecnologia | Professor | Mentor de carreira | Palestrante | Criador de conteúdo

@lemonenergy @educacionalAda São Paulo - SP - Brasil

Pietro Barcarollo Schiavinato pietrobs

Lemon Energy Presidente Prudente - SP - Brasil

Lorenza Quinzi lorenzaquinzi
I design digital products 🚀 — Senior Product Designer at Circuit

Circuit Brazil

Paulo Ricardo Xavier Giusti prxg22
tech lead @lemonenergy 🍋

@lemonenergy Brazil

Gabriel Markyan markyangit
React & Node.js Developer

Lemon Energia Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil

Roberval Filho rslfilho
Fullstack Developer

Back-end Developer at Lemon Energia Teresina, Piauí, Brazil

Gabriel Camurça gabriel-camurca
Software Engineer and Certified Epic Fantasy Geek

Lemon Energy Ceará, Fortaleza

Gustavo Caruso H Almeida gusttavocaruso
21st century is going to be transformed by people through Softwares!

[email protected] Brazil - São Paulo - Sorocaba