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Daria Romanovskaia dariarom94
Computational biology. PhD student at @epigen lab, CeMM

CeMM Vienna, Austria

Rebecca Weiss rebeccaweiss2

@pfizer-rd Cambridge, MA

Rudra Joshi rudrajoshi2481
I am a Pharmacy Graduate & MS in Bioinformatics Student at Rowan University.

Glassboro, New Jersey, USA

Soufiane Mourragui saroudant
Machine Learning @ Ensocell | Single Cell | Python | Computational Biology

Ensocell Cambridge

Neil Hardy neilrhardy9
Eclectic engineer focused on combatting age-related diseases and building novel diagnostics.

Hardy Technologies Santa Cruz, CA

Nitesh Nagpal nagpalnitesh
Full Stack Developer

@pix-x-mo India

Shaun Regenbaum Shaun-Regenbaum
Bioinformatics, Data Science, Embedded Systems, Web Dev, Talmud, and more. JS, Julia, and other J languages. Python too.

@402s Atlanta

Wanwan Feng fengwanwan

CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology China

mnarayan mnarayan
ML & Statistical Science | Causal Inference | Metascience | Protein Design @neuroquant. Maker of @skggm.

Pasteur's Quadrant

Bennett BGebken
Technologist focused on CivicTech and building government services that meet people's needs

@presidential-innovation-fellows Washington, DC

Mark Keller keller-mark
PhD student in bioinformatics

United States

Harshavardhan harshbisle

Remote (Karnataka, India)

Sricharan Reddy Varra srivarra
Research Software Engineer developing multiplexed single cell analysis frameworks. Dabbling in Houdini FX in my free time.

@karadavis-lab @angelolab San Francisco, CA

Ryan M Harrison rmharrison
Health IT | Architecture | Interoperability


Hengshi Yu hengshiyu
Graduate Student in Machine Learning, Computational Biology

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA

Martin Proks matq007
PostDoc Scientist @UCPH_reNEW · Bioinformatics · Stem Cell and Developmental Biology
Fernando Cruz cruz-f
Data Scientist @ Cegid


Diogo Macedo DiogoM1
Bioinformatics @omniumai


Matthias Zepper MatthiasZepper
Computational biologist experienced in analyzing massive parallel sequencing data. Leveraging software for life science @NationalGenomicsInfrastructure

@SciLifeLab Stockholm

Carol amatoc

Colorado, USA

Lukas Heumos Zethson
Research software engineer @laminlabs | Co-founder @scverse | Postdoc at @theislab.

@scverse @laminlabs @theislab Europe

Alex Wolf falexwolf
Open-source data infra for biology. Created Scanpy & led build up of Cellarity's compute platform.

Lamin Munich

Hanqing Liu lhqing
Junior Fellow @ Harvard

Harvard University Boston, MA

Nick Raziborsky werkamsus
Hey there 👋

Sonoma San Francisco

William Hart wshart
CTO @ Glass Health

@Glass-Health London, UK

Uri Laserson laserson

Patch Bio New York, NY

Qian Qin qinqian
Bioinformatics scientist


Len Boyette kevlened

cto @with-edge San Francisco, CA

Alex Trapp alex-trapp
Staff Scientist @ Retro Biosciences

Retro Biosciences Redwood City, CA

Cameron Smith cameronraysmith

Harvard Medical School Boston, MA, USA

Ragy ragyhaddad
Lead ML Engineer, Chem, Cellarity Inc.

Cellarity Inc Boston, MA

Famke Bäuerle famosab
Bioinformatician in Tuebingen.

University of Tuebingen Germany

Sunny Sun sunnyosun

Lamin Labs Shanghai