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Dirk Arnez dirkarnez
Freelance Software Engineer | Composer | Mixer | Multi-instrumentalist

Freelance Hong Kong

Le Quang Duy lqduy

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Doan Thi Ngoc Lan NgoclanDoan Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Mohammad Aminul Islam aminbiography
Master of Science (MSc), Jahangirnagar University.


Thai Hoang hoangvan8424
kind and honest

Hanoi, Vietnam

Son Hoang sonht1109
Hi there 🤪🤪🤪
Akshay Alenchery akshay8033
I build cool things for the internet 🚀

Team lead @nighthack Bangalore, India

Hoang Duc (Duke) htrDuc
Software Engineer @ FSOFT | Ex-SmartOSC

FPT Software - AI Center Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Thành cothvbdnnn
I'm a passionate front-end engineer. I have honed my skills in various frontend frameworks such as Vue and React


Hao Pham haopham1705

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Asim Ali imasimali
“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” ― Steve Jobs


Long Nguyen 8bu
my code stinks


Duy Nguyn nqduy1999
I'm a learner, I'm currently interested in Go go ranger :>

GSM - XanhSM Ho Chi Minh City

Nhân Phan nhanph94
Work as a digital storyteller and love to bring experiences to the world and solve problems in the process. Good isn't enough for me but must be efficient.

Ho Chi Minh, VietNam

Ghin bopexe
Maybe something do that
Phil MyHart haminhhai
Northside coder 🥇

Ha Noi

Cường Buôi cuongbuoi
Front-end Developer

Larasoft Vietnam

Nguyễn Công Dũng DungGramer
❝ I am a highly motivated software engineer interested in front-end with a passion to learn and develop projects using modern tech ❞

@vinbigdata-medical HaNoi, VietNam

Tiến Đạt ntdat104
Có tiền làm chuyện tốt, không tiền làm người tốt. Hoan hỷ 🌺

Hanoi University Of Science And Technology Hà Nội