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Kenny Jia Kenny-Jia
Physics PhD student at Stanford/SLAC HEP, FastML, ATLAS, FCC, Muon Collider, C^3, ex-CMS

Stanford University / SLAC Stanford, CA

Farouk Mokhtar farakiko
particle physics, statistics and machine learning @CERN

UC San Diego Geneva, CH

Lorenzo Pezzotti lopezzot
CERN Ph.D. physicist. Member of the Geant4 and ATLAS Collaborations.

CERN Geneva

Bastien Voirin bastienvoirin
High-Energy Physics • Free and Open-Source Software • Science Communication and Outreach

LLR, École Polytechnique, France • CERN, Switzerland

Peter Wittich pwittich

Cornell University

Braulio Rivas Abad brauliorivas
Software developer

Guayaquil, Ecuador

Gregor Kržmanc gregorkrz
Physics student at ETH Zürich

ETH Zürich Zürich / Geneva

Maryam Huck mahu21



Brookhaven National Lab

Marco Delmastro marcodelmastro
Particle physicist working in the ATLAS experiment at CERN LHC.
Jakob Beyer beyerja
Particle physics doctoral researcher working on physics analysis for future electron-positron colliders.

DESY Hamburg