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Pho Hale CommanderPho
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Shreya Jain shreyaj661
Budding Researcher| Computational Linguistics | Python | NLP | ChatBots | OCR | ML | AI | CI/CD Pipelines

Universität Tübingen Tübingen, Germany

R Ely ohrely
Yes really.

Bloomberg LP San Francisco

Edius Ferreira edius1987

Banco do Brasil SA Barra do Garças - MT

alexander erofeev aerofeev

eidox∙digital∙finance Barcelona

Jan Genoe jangenoe

KULeuven and imec Belgium

Michał Krassowski krassowski
Mike for short. @jupyterlab maintainer, @jupyter Distinguished Contributor. Previously PhD researcher in omics integration/endometriosis.

@Quansight Oxford, UK

John Gunstone jgunstone
Engineering Software Development Leader @maxfordham. Writing code to help Engineers who design buildings make better, more transparent decisions; faster.

@maxfordham London