Change the repository type filter
Repositories list
26 repositories
PublicPHP library for handling strict type class variables (not yet working)composer-yarn-installer
PublicComposer plugin to install yarn in vendor/(not yet working)editor-contracts
PublicInterfaces for building PHP classes that lets to easier make web editor integrations in your content management systemssmarty-db-resource
PublicSmarty plugin that adds DB resource typeenv
PublicSmall helpers dealing with environment variables- Helper that creates queue-interop connection factory based on DSN
PublicSmarty template engine plugins collections based on ideas for plugins from @XOOPSsmarty-debug
PublicSmarty plugin to dump any variable with symfony/var-dumperextension-info-contracts
PublicInterfaces that helps to describe extensioncriteria
PublicLibrary that provides trans modifer and block smarty extensions based on Symfony Translations contracts- Interfaces for writing setup logic when installing extensions
- Interfaces for defining smarty template engine extensions in object way
PublicRewritten @smarty-php foreach variant that was invented for use in @XOOPS, but nowadays is used in some other PHP based CMS'es (like @ImpressCMS!)- Translations loader from PHP constants files
- Small decorator that extends @symfony OutputInterface delivered class with few options for easier to log data
PublicRewritten @smarty-php include variant that was invented for use in @XOOPS, but nowadays is used in some other PHP based CMS'essmarty-image
PublicSmarty plugin that adds some image related template syntax enchamentstoarray-interface
PublicPHP library that provides toArray interface, that could be used everywhere where you need to convert object into array and make sure that to that toArray function is because of same interface- Smarty extensions to use with amazing router from @sunrise-php
PublicLibrary that adds a possibility to collect errors for objectscomposer-facade
Public archivecomposer-custom-commands
Public archiveAdds possibility to define console commands as composer commands with Symfony console component syntaxpublic-assets-manager