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Monesh Venkul Vommi moneshvenkul
🚀 Senior Full Stack Developer | Vue.js 🎨 React ⚛️ Angular 🅰️ Node.js 🌐 Python 🐍 Django | Java Spring Boot ☕ TypeScript 📜 SQL & NoSQL 💾 | Microservices

Capital One New Haven, Connecticut

Srikanth Vemparala ggsrikanth88
Enthusiastic problem solver currently engaged in backend engineering.
HUAN CAPITAL nguyenvanhuan243
Zalo: 0963.926.643

Viet Nam

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Mike Stankiewicz mik3stank
product manager | ad tech | digital media


Wesley Scholl konjoinfinity
Front End Engineer | Mobile Engineer | Full Stack Developer | Crypto & Blockchain Consultant | IT Solutions Expert

Washington, DC

Filip Kula fkula5
Computer Science student at Rzeszów University of Technology. Passionate about web development. In love with Laravel

Rzeszów University of Technology Poland