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Kátia Barros katiabarros
Hi, I'm Kátia, a Brazilian Data Scientist based in Germany. You can see some of my codes here and contact me by e-mail or LinkedIn.

Leipzig, Germany

Johann Hipp t3nsed

Deloitte Berlin, Germany

Awais Mirza awaismirza92
Data Science | Astrophysics

getML Bonn, Germany

Esteban Freyre freyreeste
Entrepreneur. Founder at ERF Capital group.

ERF Capital group Buenos Aires, Argentina

Jean-Michel Daignan jeanmidevacc
Data scientist and R&D engineer who like to test, build and destroy stuff. My opinion are my own and I have always an opinion because I am French.

Montreal, Canada

DanielMao DanielMao1

CSE of Sustech Shenzhen

爱可可-爱生活 fly51fly
BUPT prof | Sharing latest AI papers & insights | Join me in embracing the AI revolution! #MachineLearning #AI #Innovation

PRIS BeiJing

FreeBSD<$>Haskell<*>Emacs >>= Fire
Jonas Van Der Donckt jonasvdd
Toying around with not-so-small datasets.

Ugent Belgium

hipotures hipotures

Armum Kraków

musticodes mustifiz
Data science,ML,Al💻🐍


Ivan Bondarenko ivan-bond
B.Sc. Business Information Systems student at Leipzig University

Leipzig University Leipzig

Niklas Martin niklasmartin
Freelance Software Engineer. Python, Typescript, Next.js, PHP, Go, AWS, GCP Big UX enthusiast.

Leipzig, Germany