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Andrea andiigonzalez
BSc. Business Economics - UCSD
Jakub Szulc Palamabron
Selective State Spaces Are All You Need
Anilcan KARA anilcan-kara

Ministry of Justice Sydney

chee chee
if you look at my code i will be so mad

@Financial-Times internet

Lazarus ylevch
Economics Student at KSE
Gabriela GabrielaMacedo
Matemática com o pézinho em humanas, mas que não larga a estatística!

São Paulo

Sean Greaves ribenamaplesyrup

The Autonomy Institute London

Martin Stabe martinstabe
Data journalist based in London. Data editor at the @Financial-Times.

Financial Times London

Lan Ha lha308
digital communication + data science

Sydney, NSW, Aus

Joel Suss jhsuss
Data journalist, Financial Times

Financial Times London

Jack Robertson JackCrawfordRobertson
Hi, I'm Jack, an information designer who explores how storytelling and narrative can examine complex systems!


Amanda Evelyn Cohen amandaeco
I turn data into newsworthy insights with research, code, and design // @ledeprogram 2023

Miami, FL

Eva xiaoeva
Data reporter playing around with R, Python, and QGIS
Jakub LemurPwned
I was a normal guy once. Don't take Clojure kiddos.


Fraser Crichton frasercrichton

Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Aotearoa New Zealand

Wayne Shih wayne-shih
Designer at MATTR. Researcher at Manaaki Pae Maunga. WCAD alum. Experimenter at WCYS & Co.

@wcys-co @mattrglobal Aotearoa New Zealand

Jonathan Mair JonathanMair
Social anthropologist

Sensible Martian Sevilla, España

Peter Andringa pandringa
Usually found writing, coding, or reading the news. Currently @FinancialTimes. Previously @WashPost + @guardian.

The Financial Times London, UK

Laura Porta lauraporta
Research Software Engineer

Sainsbury Wellcome Centre London

Sorami Hisamoto sorami
Interested in tools for thought.

@MIERUNE Sapporo, Japan

Rahmadita Listianingrum ListianingrumR
Spatial Data Science and Visualisation

London, UK

Ali Abbas usr110
Data Scientist and Transport Modeller

MRC-Epidemiology Unit, University of Cambridge Cambridge, UK

Yi Zhe Ang yizhe-ang
@scmp-graphics AI, Interfaces, Data Visualization, Visual Storytelling 🖲️

South China Morning Post Singapore

Yannis Galanakis ygalanak

King's College London

Christopher Soto Vallejos christmasv
Business Intelligence | Data Science | Data Evangelist | Data Storyteller


James Kerr jamkerr
A web developer with a soft spot for interactive, data-driven communication.


Dennis Fundi fundid

Infowise Systems Ltd. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Jiawei Li iewaij
Economics, Data and Computational Science student.

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Federica Cocco federicacocco
Visual and data journalism @Financial-Times

Financial Times

Ajmal Afif ajmalafif
Lead Product Designer at @grab

@grab Singapore

Kristy kristy-hu
Curious wanderer on the Internet.
Susan Merriam semerriam
Data and Graphics Journalist, McClatchy
