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NeverEngineLabs cristianvogel
Cristián Vogel

NeverEngine Labs Copenhagen

Marco Kuhn marcokuhn
I´m working as a freelance intermedia artist and software developer and as a professor for sound synthesis and music informatics.

SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences Berlin

beetroop beetroop
Typescript/node developer


Fadi Shawki FadiShawki
The Universalis' afoot @orbitmines

@orbitmines The Netherlands

Julien Meunier ayalavalva
Spending my time doing audio research, audio synthesis, algorythmic composition, and building compact audio performance systems.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

zeyu yang zeyuyang42
Audio Communication and Technology (M. Sc.) || TU Berlin


rcxlvlc recxa

chicago, illinois

Federico Visi federicoVisi

@Intelligent-Instruments-Lab @wearablecomputing @NIME-conference Berlin

Brian Roach itsbrex
Managing Director @ Savills US ♥️ #TeamRoach

Savills San Diego

Aleksandr visualex
I write code, music & real-time signal processing applications

Tresorg Basque Country

Alexandre Enkerli Enkerli
Bilingual (French/English) technopedagogue, ethnographer, homeroaster, anthropologist, musicker, coffee enthusiast, Maker/dabbler.

Montreal, Qc

Rael B. Gimenes rbgtoffolo

State University of Maringá Paraná - Brazil


Vienna, Austria

Yyyyaaaannnnoooo Yyyyaaaannnnoooo
Deeeebbbbugger | Researcher @critical Media Lab / IXDM / Academy of Art and Design


| || | | arno-arno
Modality, media, music.

Katowice, Poland

Reilly Spitzfaden (they/them) reillypascal
Composer, electronic musician, and educator // Music tech lecturer at SUNY Geneseo // I like noise, code, electronics, and nostalgia

Rochester, NY

Elowyn Fearne fearn-e
Researcher and audio programmer, working on ACorEx.


Andreia Matos andreianmatos

Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) Lisboa

Unpil Baek unpilbaek
An avid UC Berkeley PhD student interested in quantum computing and its intersections with condensed matter physics, quantum chemistry, and machine learning.

University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA

Balandino Di Donato balandinodidonato
Lecturer in Interactive Audio

Edinburgh Napier University Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Indra Perkasa indraperkasa

Gadgadasvara Tangerang, Indonesia.