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Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.


// TODO: Add a bio # TODO: Add a bio
Larry PhilChina
Bachelor degree in computer science and technology. cv nlp......

Student ShangHai

Henry SmithHZZ
No Pains No Gains
Daejung Kim daejungkim
Software Engineer

LG Electronics Inc.

ivan deism
Ai & imaging engineer
Pan C.A Ziarant

Huanghua Experimental Primary School in Hebei Province

TemetNosce 0TemetNosce0
控制自己 认识自己 改变自己


Robinson Muñoz robicox

MercadoLibre Bogotá-Colombia

Zhiqiang DING softempire
丁志强 Ding from Shanghai, China I love Linux, C++


David Molizane Molizanee
Always learning something new!

Bravion Leme, São Paulo, Brazil

C++ / Qt / QML / Qt Quick / PySide / IIoT / OCCT / CTK/VTK / DDS / CEF / BULLSH*T

Guangdong, China

wan habit01
Who am I ? Where am I ? What am I gonna do ?
Ryan Zurrin RyanZurrin
Computer Science major with experience in Python, C++, Java, C, and web design. Machine Psychology fellow, UMass. Bioinformatician I, Brigham and Women's.

@pnlbwh Boston, MA