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Mikhail Reznichenko JustMarfix
17 y.o. Information Security researcher and CTF player

Russia, Moscow

Kryspin Ziemski kziemski

QCOMPUTE United States

Bastien Voirin bastienvoirin
High-Energy Physics • Free and Open-Source Software • Science Communication and Outreach

LLR, École Polytechnique, France • CERN, Switzerland

Benno Bielmeier bbenno
Research, Linux, RoR


wzy2687 wzy2687
c go python cpp rust
Kristoffer Plagborg Bak Sørensen kpbaks
MSc in Computer Engineering. Data Engineer. Passionate about Linux, Open Source and programming language design.

Aarhus, Denmark

i have no mouth and i must beatbox
Andrew Allen Bruce andrewallenbruce
Healthcare Data Analyst


Grant Generaux ggeneraux
Ph.D student in Systems Science

New Hope, Pennsylvania

Stepan Samutichev samutich
«𝓘𝓽 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜™» 🍫

Fuco Worldwide

Andreas Kröpelin andreasKroepelin
PhD student doing computational structural biology. B.Sc. in Bioinformatics and M.Sc. in Computational and Data Science from Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena


Khalil Charfi khalilcharfi
I've been loving coding since I was a kid, and still do it today.
_ivaquero_ ivaquero
Minimalism Follower & Fan of Command Lines
Jack fenjalien
Do you like my duck? It goes quack...