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Natalie nanometrenat

Wellington, New Zealand

Luke lukejcollins
AWS Solutions Architect Professional | AWS Developer & SysOps Administrator Associate | Cloud enthusiast | Homelab geek

OVO Energy Bristol

Martin di Martino-Marriott MartinDM
Front-end, and JavaScript Developer. Passionate about performance, standards and user-focused development. Always a student.


Alexei Schwab ioalexei

@britishredcrosssociety Cardiff

Fraser Hore fraserhore

IFRC Geneva, Switzerland

Matteo Larrode MatteoLarrode

University of Oxford Oxford

Phillip Rhodes mindcrime

Fogbeam Labs Chapel Hill, NC

Hondunauta klauswiese

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Kieran McGuire kdmcguire

@britishredcross Canterbury, UK

Ged MacDermott macdermott
Tech Lead at the British Red Cross

@britishredcrosssociety London

Aileen Grieve aileenmcd

Research Data Scotland Edinburgh