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Muneeb Ahmad muneebsa
Microservices Solutions Architect, IBM

IBM Dallas, Texas, USA

Old School Gen-X Programmer DCodius
Started programming with BASICA on a 90s IBM-XT PC. Mastering old school programming Zilog Z80, Intel x86, Atmel, Turbo Pascal. Batagor & Martabak Lover

Here and There Bandung

kk kevin197011
Gary VanHorn garyvanhorn
Tech, AI nerd, graphics guy... Louisville, KY

Hieu Nguyen ultimateBroK

Hanoi, Vietnam

perestoronin perestoronin

perestoroniny France

Enterdie enterdie
Veni - VIdi - Vici

unknown Jayapura

Rhuwell Samano rhuwellsamano
⚡ Software Engineer (AI/ML)

Taskbot Factory New York City

Doug Keiller dougkeiller
Telehealth and edtech founder and investor. No-coder who, regardless, loves to build.

Birdwing Health San Diego

Donovan Shook donovan-shook

Strategic Systems and Technology 3325 Paddocks Pkwy, Suite 250, Suwannee, GA 30024

vaishnavi jadhav Sush088

shardabai pawar collage

Fulin Zhao Holidayrabbit
Focus on ML algorithm & android SWE. Interested in LLM agent.


Rodrigo Matos Rudigus
I solve problems and I try to make games

Somewhere in Brazil

Yuri Mutti yurimutti
Software Engineer and Open Source (OSS) enthusiast.

Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Front-End !! Back-End

Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Yogesh Tanwar Yogeshwowz
I am FullStack Software Engineer
Multi-Disciplinary & Anti-Disciplinary both can make a better world 🌎.


Felipe Venturino venturion
Full Stack Web Developer, Musician, Entrepreneur, Composer and Tech Philosopher. Give me a problem and i'll solve it ;)

Fri Pixel Nova Friburgo, RJ

Sunny Jhunjhunwala sunnyuff

Dreamtek / The Virtual Forge Dubai

Julio Cesar Lopes cod3rkane
Senior Software Engineer
André Carvalho andreunix
Software Engineer 💻🌐