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Falk Schneider Faldalf
Postdoc with Scott Fraser at the University of Southern California. Starting to get coding to analyse microscopy and spectroscopy data.

University of Southern California Los Angeles

Eugene Katrukha ekatrukha

Utrecht University Utrecht, NL

ken martin fengmushu

土木工程师 ShenZhen

Peter_H longqianh
B.Eng degree (with honor) in Optics from ZJU. Incoming EE Ph.D. at Caltech.

Zhejiang University Hangzhou

Pent Cheng PVenRT
I am a specialized researcher in biomedicine, with a focus on cardiovascular research and neuroscience. My academic and practical experience has equipped me wit
Keyi Han hky0125
Graduate Research Assistant in @ShuJiaLab

Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA

Marijonas Tutkus marijonasT

Vilnius University; FTMC; Vilnius

Kevin M. Dean AdvancedImagingUTSW
Innovating at the nexus of high-resolution bioimaging and computer vision at UT Southwestern.

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas, TX. USA.


California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA