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Zachary Sexton zasexton
Bioengineer and computational scientist focused on multi-physics simulations for organ-scale tissue fabrication.

Stanford University Clark Center, Stanford, CA

Leaf badwolfdemon
anything n everything is hackable. taste the KAOS

Roughneck Demolitions bfe

Ben Bartlett bencbartlett
Researcher at @openai • physics PhD @Stanford • photonics, quantum stuff, math animations, led art projects, cats

@openai San Francisco, CA

Chris Mountford christo
Follows you

fp, ai, ml, creative code, modular synthesis, retrocoding, blockchain Sydney, Australia

Christian Williams xian
computer jerk, bicyclista, godless communist gay baby seal. shepherd @baaahs, creator @robolectric; former @google, @square, @pivotal, and PlanetOut/

San Francisco, CA

Robin Newhouse robinnewhouse
Particle physicist turned software engineer. Working on relational databases at AWS. Formerly searching for sterile neutrinos with the Large Hadron Collider.

Amazon Web Services Vancouver, Canada