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De1fy cegou121
I'm De1fy, I'm the same java developer from Ukraine who codes in Java

Owner & Developer Ukraine

@igagamer igagamer
im minecraft developer
mario mariocr4ft

Madrid Province, Spain

Boryte Boryte
Just some guy who likes to code and work with computers.

ByteCore Multiverse

Fan imfanbases
I work operate and work on projects... Discord: @imfanbases

@pinkcloudstudios Australia

zld zlddev

@UnityGroupRBX Portsmouth, United Kingdom

UnderratedCrih itzCrih
Working on EchoMC Practice

EchoMC Italy

Bunny ! shyybi
French Developper ! Working with @liltea-bio @y2-Corp

Au Chomage, pitie aidez moi France

Kars Kars1996
🎆Web Developer. 💪Working on creating the next big thing Contact me on discord Kars1996

@ResyncedDesign London/Dubai

Yuri Yurinann
issly isslypa

@NeptuneCommunity Any place.

Andy AndyReckt
Andy - A stupid coder from France Too lazy to actually code something

@ School In my bed

Racist towards bad code and skidders/script kiddies
Drizzy DevDrizzy
Java Developer | Owner at Refine Development

@RefineDevelopment Mars