James R T
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke
The edge of knowing
Hammad Ali Khan
I am a passionate AI/ML enthusiast with a background in electrical engineering. I enjoy applying my skills to solve real-world problems and learn new things.
Karachi, Pakistan
Anders u Persson
Tjänsteansvarig Utvecklingsvertyg RISE /
Teknisk ansvarig Intergrationer och Informationsystem RISE
RISE Borås
Vince Belanger
Network Engineer @mcity.
Personal acct: @vincebel7
Mcity, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
Brian Simons
Mechanical Engineering Student with an interest in Computer Science
Magnus Johansson, PhD
I'm a psychologist and scientist at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. My work is primarily in psychometrics, measurement, prevention and public health.
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Uppsala, Sweden