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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


RoZel-RoSel allahisgirl
im a @IBM @amd @intel @NVIDIA fanatic.

allah-is-girl MKE

RoZeʟ-RoṨeʟ ekstuhsee1


Lumpi iflumpi
Interested in embedded systems, simulation, low-level programming, OS, interactive fiction, space, retrocomputing. GNU supporter and dedicated Vim user.
Alex Karim El Adl alex-karim-eladl
Yale University Computer Science & Electrical Engineering
Berthenchel Tech Berthenchel
Maker | Mech. and AeroAstro Eng. Student | Science Lover

Berthenchel Tech

Ivan Kokić kokicivan

Institut Mihajlo Pupin Belgrade, Serbia

Стив karchx
Computer science student.

@gothew /dev/null

Jorge Luis Serna Velasquez jorgelserve
Computer science student in EAFIT university. Control Engineering student in National university of Colombia lover of open software/hardware.

Medellín, Colombia

Diana Nerd diananerd
Software and Hardware Enthusiast

Platzi México

Kevin Mugarura B mkb2001

AIBOS Africa | MkbServices Kampala Uganda

Christopher Arranz CA-Arranz
interests: programming, AI, full stack Web Development,Web accessibility, engineering, mechanics, Biochemistry, science. Qualified Boilermaker by Trade.

Arranz Welding Australia,Victoria



R C N oriapp
LL Developer & Web

Merlingo Planet Earth

Stelios Tzelepis steltze


Ingmars Melkis zingmars
Software Developer

SWD Factory Riga, Latvia

Prayash Shrestha Mr-Techtron
Embedded Enthusiastic, Tinkerer, Thinker
Giovanni Cirigliano shokk47
Computer Science Student Java | C | C++ | Arduino | Esp32

Uniba - Computer Science Italy

Outhan Chazima outhanchazima
Lover of Code | Mobile Web Dev

JamboPay | Webtrbe Kenya

Mamadou Diallomm
Young developer C and Python, User full arduino ,raspberry pi, I love make and electronic

@BLOCTECHNO Sénégal,Dakar

Jackdon Wang j717273419
A Programmer. Use C#, Js, Sql, Java, Python, Go etc. Looking for a Canada or Usa job.

Shen Zhen

Hyung-Taik Choi htcrefactor
Research Engineer at Hyundai Motor Group's Robotics LAB

Hyundai Motor Company Seoul, South Korea

Amit Karamchandani Batra FaintWhisper
Doctoral researcher and teaching assistant in the Mathematical Modeling and Biocomputing research group at UPM. Software Engineering graduate.

Univesidad Politécnica de Madrid Madrid, España

Mateusz Sadowski msadowski
Robotics/Drones software developer. Maintainer of

Independent Consultant Prague, Czech Republic

Iván Higuera Mendieta ivanhigueram
PhD Student @ Stanford

Stanford, CA

Walter Vides wvides

Berlin, Germany

Anukul Anand anukul1392001
I'm a passionate embedded systems enthusiast with a deep interest in both firmware and hardware development.
