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Razzi Abuissa razzius
If I'm looking for my latest code it's here

Iowa City, IA

Lappies lappiesja
I am a Computer and Electronic Engineer with a passion for firmware development. I enjoy being active and that keeps me going no matter what life throws at me.

Alberta, Canada

Pascal Schmitt PaezRice
juggling bits and bytes


Emily emwalpole

Ottawa, Ontario

Anonoei Anonoei
I make stuff

@QuverusLLC United States

Alice Kile elevenpassin

@deliveryhero Berlin, Germany / Hyderabad, India

Thomas Coratger tcoratger
PhD in applied mathematics. Blockchain developer/researcher.

Kakarot Labs France

FTTTechFreak2425 NewATP
Newbie to this awesome friendly freaky world of tech and code
Przemysław Pająk fearless-spider
I'm Przemek. A web and mobile developer making the web a better place.

@fearlessspider Poland

Telegram User TelegramUsername
A Proud User of TELEGRAM

Telegram Org. London, United Kingdom

José Renato JoseRenatoS

Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Darío Pérez darioperez

Puerto Ordaz, Edo. Bolivar, Venezuela

Liam l14mthexpl0rer

Lower Saxony, Germany

Suraqa Jafrani suraqa
Web Artisan 💻 🎧

RFTech Karachi, Pakistan

Ian kingsbury Ikingsbury1
I'm the best that ever was like no other..

Crypto 149 Porter St NE

Marco - Anarion AnarionBe

Flowchase Liège, Belgium

Mohamed Asif Iqbal Asif-GD
I aspire to be a competitive coder and a software developer specializing in AI and applying it to Blockchain & Cryptography or Computer Graphics.

Chennai, India

Mr-CherryLicker Mr-CherryLicker
I am learning as I go along and I hope to improve this skill.


Davide Calzà davidecalza
Data Science Student 💻 University of Trento 🎓 Junior Research Assistant at Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Data Science for Industry and Physics (DSIP) 🤖

Fondazione Bruno Kessler Mori, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy

Ville-Pekka Alavuotunki alavuvi
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Student at Oulu University of Applied Sciences


Anay Sahu hunterterms
C++ and Python


Adam KeyZox71
❄️ Currently, nixing my life...

42 Angoulême Angoulême

Ronan DESHAYS ronan-deshays
Founder of @1n-conseil

1n conseil Nord, France

NE4 Ne4ec
- Network technology - Cyber Security as hobby - Python, Java and C#
