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Salaheddin AbuEin sabuein
A human, father, husband, digital creative and web developer @RapidInfoSys

Seeking new opportunities London, UK

Koala KoalaServers
KoalaServers - The One-Stop Australian Server!

KoalaServers Sydney

Paul Tavitian themuzzleflare

Central Coast, New South Wales

Gabriel Dumitru iGabyTM
Discord: gabytm

@HelpChat @PlaceholderAPI Bucharest, Romania

Marishell Castillo Marishell
Restlessly curious mind. Career switcher. Taking the self-taught approach towards becoming a quantum computing engineer. Let's build & create projects together

Chicago, IL

Matthew Malone outsider69
I’m a Proud, Patriotic American Veteran and a Unapologetic, God-fearing, Cis White Male —everything you love to hate.

Eau Claire Wisconsin 54703

lZiMUl lZiMUl
Workers who strive for the future life of the existing technology

lZiMUl Santa Monica, California, Los Angeles

Enderwahn Enderwahn
Hey, my name is Noel! I am working on several projects for Boocord.

@Boocord Germany

Jodex Jodexx
Only victory makes you alive
Fear FearMyShotz
Owner and Developer at @Cirellium Maybe you have already seen me somewhere else on the internet…

@Cirellium Germany

Frosty01GM Frosty01GM

Jakarta, Indonesia

Zach Refrac
Monkey Quest expert and Minecraft Plugin developer

@RefracDevelopment Milky Way Galaxy

Bud82jp Bud82jp


Oz ozmiumGIT
lawful neutral corvid astrologist, author of glorious scifi erotica, quantum war sociology minecrafter, borderline gunk transmuter. I DESPISE CODING. he/they


mohammed ham1255

United Arab Emirates

AliveGames alivegame
Jung Gamyeon NhanOfficial
Phung Trung Nhan

Estella Viet Nam

I am French. I have worked as a computer hardware technician for 20 years. I am passionate about computer technology, gaming, Minecraft.

VocalSoft SAS France