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Rui Covelo ruicovelo

@OutSystems Portugal

Inyat INYAT-gif

Västra Götaland

Tiago David Silva TiagoDavidSilva
I am a Functional QA with interest in automation testing

Outsystems Digital

Felix Strauß Felix-CodingClimber

Robert Bosch GmbH Ansbach, Germany

Nelson Lopes da Silva nflsilva
I like building stuff. Obsessed with whatever I'm obsessing at that particular point in time.

Lisbon, Portugal

Mia hmilena
I'm a Front-end UI from Recife - Brazil, current living in Lisbon. I'll probably create an app to read minds someday. Probably.

Lisbon, Portugal

Tegar tegvr
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

Medan, Indonesia



Aaron Mehrabi mehrabix
Dev Evangelist

@litpack Istanbul

DevXuan DingX2
(SooHyeon Lee) Programmer



Dongtan, South Korea

Fernando Mestre mestrefernando
IT Consultant.

Lisbon, Portugal

Carlo Cesar Bezerra Diniz investidorglobal
Profissional de TI com +20 anos de experiência, Desenvolvedor Full Stack ( Html, CSS, JavaScripts, Java, Phayton , Delphi, Mql4, Docker, GitHub, SQL)

Manaus-AM - Brasil

Bruno Carvalho OS-brunomcarvalho

@OutSystems Sesimbra, Portugal



Paulo Ribeiro PauloACRibeiro

OutSystems, SA Linda-a-Velha

Ronald Hove ronald-hove
Full-time technology hobbyist :p

R. O. N ™ Media Group Building in Africa 🏗️

Fabrício Rebouças FReboucas
Estudante de Programação

Home Salvador Bahia

dgo2dance dgo2dance
code && art && product && business