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Renann Prado renannprado
If you don't know where you want to go, then it doesn't matter which path you take.


Luiz F. A. de Prá luizdepra
🦀 Rustacean, 🐍 Pythonista and a 🤡 clown.

Magalu Cloud Curitiba, Brazil

Luiz Carlos Cavalcanti luizcavalcanti
Programmer. Former ML, image processing and computer vision proletary. Will never be a gamedev.

@MagaluCloud São Paulo, Brazil

Beatriz Gomes biangomes
Working as Software Developer focused on Java.

Luizalabs Florianópolis, SC

Paulo Bof paulobof
Desenvolvedor BackEnd. Apaixonado por tecnologia e inovação!

São Bernardo do Campo, SP - Brasil

Igor Fernandes Igor097

Minas Gerais, Brazil

SprinG GuszM
Sempre tive um interesse em programação, mas comecei um pouco tarde, e finalmente tive a oportunidade de aprender.
Stepan Samutichev samutich
«𝓘𝓽 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤™» 🍫

Fuco Worldwide

Python Developer

São Paulo, Brazil

pveiga drykxs

@RedHatOfficial /home

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Pedro Ricardo phricardo
Software Developer at Luizalabs

Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Hugo Aguiar hugodeaguiar
DevOps Engineer

Monsoon Consulting Londrina, PR

Monica Hillman MonicaHillman
26y, tech community manager at @MagaluCloud and instructor at @alura-cursos

MagaluCloud, Alura and TripleTen São Paulo - SP, Brazil

Henrique Rocha henriqelol
MSc. of Science in Computation.

@luizalabs São Carlos/SP

Michael Marques momarques
I'm a Platform Engineer. I have interest in Go, Rust, Helm, Kubernetes, CI/CD, CLIs and TUIs.

Pipo Saude Sao Paulo

Ana Carolyne anadevti
SRE at @stone-payments. Back-End Developer. Volunteer at @codaqui. Organizer of @DeveloperParana, Leader of @AWS-UG-Maringa

@stone-payments Maringá

Pedro Henrique PedroHenriqueDevBR
Student of Systems Analysis and Development - Instituto Federal do Piauí.

Defensoria Pública do Estado do Piauí Teresina - PI

Cristiano Raffi Cunha CristianoRC
.NET | Azure | AppSec | Instructor | Software Architect

@Akad-Seguros Brasil - Pelotas - RS

Marlon MarlonHenq
Ahh eu codo umas coisas ai

UFSCar | MagaluCloud | Von Braun Labs São Carlos, SP

Miguel Kauã de Pietro MiguelKauadePietro
Computer Engineering Student in Universidade Federal de São Carlos(UFSCar)
sugaya sugayaa
imagine all the people living life in peace
Daniel Lombardi LombardiDaniel
Computer Engineering - UFSCar, Brazil

@Google São Paulo, Brazil

Josenilto L Silva josenilto
🚀 Especialista | DevOps | SRE | SysAdmin

@usuporte @josenilto Rio de Janeiro

Arthur Grillo Grillo-0
I like to type on the computer

São Carlos, SP

Pedro Lara Campos PedroHLC
Founder of @chaotic-aur / @chaotic-cx. λ-appreciator

@timeline-holdings São Paulo - Brazil

Felipe Lima Felipeex
Software Engineer

Tarabai, São Paulo, Brasil

Thadeu thdblinux

Rio de Janeiro

Luís Simas luissimas

Magalu Cloud São Paulo

Eric Moreira eon-em
I look at binaries for an unhealthy amount of time

@luizalabs São Paulo, Brazil

Fábio D. Batista fabiob
You don't need to see his identification. This isn't the developer you are looking for. He can go about his business. Move along.

Ateliê Dev Ijuí, RS, Brazil

Isaac Junio isaacjunio
Cloud Network Engineer
Rob Caman camanducci
Full-Time Tech Lead and Enginner. We're here to help each other Wants more empathy & kindness in open source. Focuses on DevOps. Likes sports <3 Camanducci

Camanducci Brasil

Epitacio Neto epitacioneto
Data Scientist at dhauz. Post-graduate student at PUC Minas and UNIESP. Computer Engineering bachelor at UFPB. Former Director @TailUFPB


Lucas de Farias Teixeira fariaass
DevOps | Python | Go | AWS

@magalucloud Brazil, Santa Catarina