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Gaël Reyrol gaelreyrol
Fullstack & Ops, @42school 2013 alumni, looking for a new job

Lille, France

Aurélien Tournayre atournayre
Back End Developer, @symfony ❤️, @rectorphp ❤️, 🐛 fixer (creator sometimes 🤫), 📷, member of @afup, godfather of 15 🐝

Montpellier, France


@EditionsTissot @StreeTPreZ @Iteatime Annecy

will code for food

France, near Lyon

Pablo Largo Mohedano devnix
Trying to do things

@avaibooksports @idealista Spain

Teddy Sommavilla wazazaby
In the back

@BatchLabs Lyon, France

Damien Fayol shezard


Léo Paillard jsadaa
Back-end developer

Efalia Lyon