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Taha Majlesi tahamajs
CE student at University of Tehran

University Of Tehran Tehran

Hadi Babalou Hadi-loo
Computer Engineering student at University of Tehran
Bahareh Kavousi Nejad Bahareh0281
Computer Engineering Student at Iran University of Science and Technology

Iran University of Science and Technology Tehran, Iran

Mintony SueMarsR
First-year Ph.D. student of Michigan State University, Computer Science of Engineering

Michigan State University East Lansing, MI, US

Damien Sileo


Arshia Ilaty ArshiaIlaty
Research and Teaching Assistant at University of California, Irvine and San Diego State University Ex-SW-Intern at @teslamotors

@UniversityofCalifornia,Irvine San Diego, CA

kstranger ZurichRain

Soochow University

Luke Meyers metric-space
How does the mathematician – closer to the artist than the explorer – by turning away from nature, arrive at its most appropriate descriptions?

Toronto, Canada

Marco Z ocramz
ML + λ
