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Davide Fiorina fiorotto8
Just a physicist

Gran Sasso Science Institute L'Aquila, Italy

Alessandro Lega LennySurf1
PhD student at University of Trento and Fondazione Bruno Kessler FBK

Fondazione Bruno Kessler Trento, Italy

Soroush Bagheri soroush-ui
Nuclear medicine technologist MSc of Medical physics Researcher at AI & Radiomics
आदित्य देव dev-aditya
Research Fellow @ IIT Roorkee. Interested in modeling open quantum systems for technological applications and exploring thermodynamics in quantum regimes.

@IISERM Roorkee

Yogendra Kumar k-yogendra
Studying BS-MS Physics at IISER, Mohali.

@IISERM Mohali, Punjab

Jafar mehr32
Do not speak of the day that has passed away, Do not cry for tomorrow. Build no foundation on future or past, Be joyous now—let life not waste away -Khayyam
Sijan Regmi regmi-sijan
PhD student at Department of Physics and Astronomy, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, USA

@ohio_university 1 Ohio University, Athens, OH, 45701

Raj Bhattacherjee AstroQuanta
Undergraduate Researcher in the Department of Physics in BITS Pilani, Pilani

BITS Pilani, Pilani

Ronit Dutta @ VECC ronitinvecc
Hey there! Welcome to my digital world.
Ajax AjaxICE
a confused physicist


Samdarshi, Shashi Kumar ShashiSamdarshi
Graduate Researcher, WordPress Writer, Educator


Francis Black Lee FrancisBlackLee
PhD student at Physics Department of Fudan University. Coder and developer of electron microscopy simulation and analysis software.
H.Huang IMP-HHuang

IMP LanZhou, China

Zayad sada ZayadSada
I am a physicist, but programming 👩‍💻 is my favorite ❤️

Nigeria Sokoto North

Uwe Hernandez Acosta szabo137

CASUS - Center for Advanced Systems Understanding Dresden | Görlitz

Aatos Heikkinen czanalytics
🧙🏻‍♂️🪄 AI Consultant • Data Scientist • R&D leader • Computational physics, PhD

CZAnalytics Uppsala, SE and Helsinki, FI