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Lutfia Naorin Nijhum Lutfia23

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Ondřej Vaculík vaculiko

ISI Brno Czech Republic

Janez Lapajne janezlapajne
PhD Student working in the field of remote sensing, computer vision, machine learning and data analytics. Mechanical engineer by profession.

Agricultural Institute of Slovenia Slovenia, Ljubljana

Sharad Kumar Gupta sharadgupta27

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ Leipzig, Germany

Yu-Peng Chen ypchen520
I am a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science. I am passionate about Human-Centered AI (HCAI).

University of Florida Gainesville

Xin Zhang zxdawn
MS/Ph.D.(2019 - 2023) in Atmospheric Physics & Atmospheric Environment; Postdoc (2023 -) in Methane Emissions; Coding and writing

SRON Leiden, Netherlands

Ozlem OzPol
🐊 CS Student @ University of Florida
SEMYALO DENNIS semyalodennis
Researcher, technologist, developer, innovator, & entrepreneur. Spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging, embedded systems, computer vision, applied edge AI & ML

Chungnam National University South Korea


Inner Mongolia University

Nitin Goyal nitingoyal0996

University of Florida Gainesville, FL

RoboPI uf-robopi
RoboPI (Robot Perception and Intelligence) group at ECE, UF.

University of Florida Gainesville, Florida, USA.

Nooshin Noshiri N-NSH
Researcher who is passionate about bettering the world one line of code at a time


Ritesh Chowdhry Ritesh313
PhD student in Electrical Engineering: Machine Learning and Computer Vision.

Doctoral student at UF Gainesville, Florida

Tiecheng Song stc-cqupt
Chongqing, China

Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China 黄桷垭, 南山

Ayub Amini jobe1366
Computer vision & image processing & remote sensing

Iran University of Science and Technology Iran,Tehran,Narmak

Matt W. mgwein
Sr. Avionics, Software Engineer @ Piper Aircraft | PhD Student Cybernetics & AI @ UF | MS Electrical, Computer @ UF | BS Civil & Coastal @ UF

Offshore Concepts Ft. Pierce

Robin Cole robmarkcole
Tackling the worlds toughest challenges with AI & ML applied to satellite imagery

@earthdaily London, UK

Alina Zare alinazare
educator of humans and machines

University of Florida Gainesville, FL