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Friso FreesoSaiFared
Organize humanity, within the constraint of active guaranteed equality and physical safety as well as the right to time, by voluntary association.

Voluntaria Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Dirk Baker dhelmrich
Researcher for Virtual Worlds and Machine Learning at University of Iceland and Research Software Engineer at UFZ

Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig

Cameron Brunner cameronbrunner

@AltairEngineering Chicago, IL

Tilo Mathes tilorspace
Product Manager and Open Source Lead at Research Space

Research Space Berlin

Leonardo L. ll4strw
ICT Research and Security Advisor @ Faculty of Science, Leiden University

Faculty of Science, Leiden University Leiden, The Netherlands

Erik B Knudsen ebknudsen

United Neux Copenhagen, Denmark

Zitzeronion Zitzeronion
Researcher in computational fluid dynamics. Having fun with droplets, thin films and puzzles.

Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering Graz, Austria

A.s. adRn-s
Bioinformatics, Data Science, and everything around GNU/Linux!


Mattis Knulst chaetognatha
Bioinformatics MSc. Has been wrangling data from Infection medicine, Neurobiology and Immunotherapeutic targets in cancer.

@CTG-Lund Malmö

Jesper Lauridsen jesperdlau
AI Engineering student at Technical University of Denmark Student assistant at Lundbeck Research
Moritz Siegel imrahilias
physics + coding <3 linux

TU Wien Vienna

Peter Steinbach psteinb Dresden, Germany

Sameer Haroon shirgho
Lazy shirgho trying to be less lazy.
Felix Hernandez Nohr felixheno

Norwegian University of Life Sciences Ås, Norway

Emily Moffat Sadeghi moffatsadeghi
Developer Relations Program Manager for Open OnDemand
Thomas Langford tlangfor
Yale Center for Research Computing

Yale University New Haven, CT

Works at as technician skills: easybuilder, oneliners and bioinformatics
richard randria
CNRS Research Engineer @ Nantes

CNRS Nantes, FR

Georgios Kafanas gkaf89
Member of @greeklug and @ULHPC

University of Luxembourg

Pierre Talbot ptal
I <3 lattice theory

University of Luxembourg Luxembourg

Johannes Wasmer Irratzo
Electronic structure learning, atomistic machine learning, AI4Science, open science, research software engineering

Forschungszentrum Jülich Jülich, Germany

Silvio Traversaro traversaro
If you mentioned me and I did not reply in the last 72h, probably I lost the message somehow, so please ping me, thanks!

Italian Institute of Technology Genoa

Cintia Willemyns WilleBell

Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Brussels

Jan Patrick Lehr jplehr
Software Development Engineer. Previous: Research Associate at Institute for Scientific Computing

AMD Germany

Kenneth Hoste boegel
HPC system administrator @ Ghent University, lead developer and release manager of EasyBuild

@ugent Belgium

Pedro Santos Neves Neves-P
HPC user support and development at University of Groningen and @EESSI / @multixscale

HPC team-CIT; University of Groningen Groningen, Netherlands

Trained as Computational Physicist, I love to solve scientific and engineering problems via computational methods. Modern Fortran, Linux, Parallel computing…
Jack Morrison jack-morrison
Supporting big computers


Steffen Bollmann stebo85
Developing computational methods to extract insights from MRI data & making our neuroimaging tools Findable, Accessible, Interoperable & Reusable => NeuroDesk

The University of Queensland Brisbane

P. Sinha pnsinha
HPC Computational Scientist

University of Chicago