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Anish Anish-1101-lab
Student researcher @Dash Lab CSE @ BITS PILANI GOA
Atharva Pandit atharvap2505
Student @ BITS Pilani, Goa


Utkarsh Sharma Utkarsharma7
Undergrad researcher at Dash Lab Bits pilani Goa
Harsh Poddar harshpoddar03
I am a python developer and I am currently trying to expand my knowledge and explore more things like ML, AR & VR and blockchain.


Prakhar Pradhan prakhar-pradhan
Math+CS at BITS Pilani(Goa Campus)
Arnav Malhotra sn34kyp3t3
B.E. Computer Science @ BITS Pilani


Vimarsh vimarsh244
A maker and a learner :D Currently studying phy + compsci @ BITS Goa

Goa, India

Siddharth Mishra e-iotapi
Lying on the Complex Plane :)
Prakhar Bhandari Darelife
CSE Student, currently in BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus. CGPA lite, just code

BITS Pilani, Goa Campus

Somanshu Rath somanshurath
when life gives you lemons, eat them raw

Mumbai, India

Shivam Pachchigar ShivamHP
Learning something everyday

Bindbee Goa, India

Crypto Enthusiast ₿ Blockchain Analyst Bot Developer
Kunal Mishra kunalm2345
engg at buttondown, electronics at BITS Goa, built, previously at BioCompute

Goa, India

Amey Patil AmeyPPatil
Computer Science UG @ BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus.
Ameya Deshmukh ameya-deshmukh
Doing what I love @SeismicSystems. BITS Pilani CS Class of '24. Interested in all things ZK, distributed systems and blockchains. Remilio.

@SeismicSystems India

Arihant Bansal arihantbansal
i like to build things.

@arcium-hq Mumbai, India

Manank Patel manank20
Student and a tech enthusiast.

BITS Pilani KK Birla Goa Campus India

Aniket anstormx
cse undergrad at bits goa

BITS Pilani, Goa Mumbai

Advaith Krishna Advaith04
Final Year at Bits Pilani Goa Campus B.E Computer Science '25

Student Goa

Druva Ceres445
I like making things.

BITS Goa India

Joel Tony jay-tau

Bangalore, India

Sarang S eigengravy
undergrad, bits goa | research @DaSH-Lab-CSIS
