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Mike Zazaian zazaian

FunctionHaus, Deepwater Labs Detroit, MI; Berlin, DE

monk monk-afk

SquareOne -- Minetest []

learning and stuff | coding and stuff | hacking and stuff


Dave Jones djones369
Personal Account. Head of Digital Services and Technology Training at the Westhampton Free Library and Aspiring Web Developer, and owner of

Westhampton Free Library Westhampton Beach, NY 11978


Paris, France

Zakaria Farhati farhatizakaria
Networking and System Administration Student. Currently honing my IT skills. Passionate about improving open source projects
Osama Abdullah osama2kabdullah
Freelancer | JavaScript programmer

Shiromoni, Khulna, Bangladesh

Darryl Dias DarrylDias
3D Artist - Cloud Computing Specialist


Muna Bedan munabedan
Software developer who enjoys playing with linux


Dave Jones whamadmin
Just a nerd working in the Hamptons

Westhampton Free Library Westhampton Beach, NY

sung naturepoker
Amateur biologist

Binomica Labs NYC

Name NamesCode
I try to program
David Chaves dac

Vancouver, BC, Canada

Ben Feld rootshellz
🔐 Staff Security Engineer. Currently at 🚚 @aurora-opensource, where we are building a self-driving future. Formerly at 📤 @slackhq and 🎮 PlayStation.

#Aurora-Innovation, @aurora-tech Denver-Metro / Aurora, CO

Götz von Berlichingen gotz1480
Software Engineer

Fsociety Brazil

Robin Liu liubin18911671739
Big Data Mining, NLP, AI, Blockchain

BISU Beijing, China

roll the dice again nah

Ho Chi Minh

Kevin Alama aldriguz
Software Engineer

Trujillo, Peru

kazeabbey kazeabbey
a FOSS enthusiast. Live to learn.
Luis E. Galindo Galindo-lab
Software Eng. Student

Universidad Autónoma de Baja California México

Jun Lei Bum-Cement

Seattle, WA, USA

不钝 xushujin


Sugeng Tigefa tigefa4u

Wonosobo, Indonesia